B. Lifestyle Modification Program

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Lifestyle Modification Program

The program aim was to help hypertensive clients in Upper Calarian, Zamboanga
City to control or improve their lifestyle. The optimal management was modification
lifestyle such that it contributes to the overall wellbeing of hypertensive clients. This
program focuses on the importance of lifestyle changes and how this change can control

The lifestyle modifications were as follows (1) An increase in physical activity (any
aerobic exercises for 30-45 minutes) for three to four times a week (2) Eating a healthy diet
(mostly of fruits and vegetables, high fiber, low fat, low sodium, reduction of caffeine
intake and red meats) (3) Reduction of vices by completely quitting smoking or limiting to
at least two-three sticks of cigarette per day and completely quitting or limiting alcohol
consumption to at least 30 ml per day (4) Reduction of stress (5) Poor health practices (self-
medication and not complying to maintenance) (6) Disturbed Sleep-Rest Pattern.

Before the participants were engaged into the Lifestyle Modification Program, a
lecture forum was conducted by the researchers and their research adviser. It focused on
concepts about hypertension and important of taking antihypertensive maintenance
medication of the clients. Cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol were also discussed
were disadvantages of this vices were pointed out. A demo was performed by the researcher
regarding physical activity by doing simple aerobic exercises. Healthy lifestyle was
prominently elaborated. It included modifications such as eating high fiber, low salt, low
fat foods, importance of getting enough sleep and management of stress.

An open forum was also conducted were in client voiced out their concerns about
hypertension. Some of the clients had queries on the purpose of maintenance of
antihypertensive medications, the importance of consulting a physician rather than self-
medicating, the dangers in eating fatty foods and appropriate time for exercise in a day.
Overall the clients showed health-seeking behaviors for the control of hypertension.

The lifestyle modification program incorporates other approaches to improve

lifestyle. In exercise, the participants were encouraged to do simple aerobic exercises
which some of those were demonstrated by the researchers such as dancing/zumba,
walking and jogging, they were also advised to exercise in most days of the week as
possible. In the diet, strategies to make food healthier were employed such as steaming or
boiling foods rather than frying them which reduced the oil content, when eating fried
meat, the skin or any fatty part was removed, clients were also taught and advised to avoid
foods in a pyramid form, which include the red meat and oily foods in the highest rank,
that should be taken in at least once or twice a month, while the salty foods or high sodium
foods in the second rank that should be minimized and on the third rank were the fruits and
vegetable that should be taken every day. Also, tips for quitting smoking and drinking, the
client was also encouraged to find their own type of recreational activity that suited them
that will help them relax and reduced stress.

The clients on the lifestyle modification program proper were encouraged and
monitored to perform the said lifestyle modifications, the clients were monitored and was
given a journal were their weekly progress and blood pressure are recorded. At the end of
a four-week period, the clients were evaluated with the same components with their current
lifestyle. It was determined whether change in lifestyle was an effective means in the
control of hypertension.

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