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Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !


About This Guide: This guide was created, researched and put together by Solvi & Heirs LTD -
9697233 (Trading Name - Solvid Digital) and solely belongs to the company. Solvid Digital
gives no right to republish, resell, copy or modify unless permission is given.

Entire contents of this guide are protected by Copyright and belong to Solvi & Heirs LTD. No
part of any chapter/part of this guide/book may be transmitted in any form by any means
or reproduced for any other purpose, without the prior written permission except as permitted
in this licence agreement or under applicable law.

If you have any questions, problems, concerns or suggestions, please email us at

Disclosure: We did our best to provide you with the most accurate information, including
metrics, links and website names. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy as we have
no control over 3rd party website.

This list in no way guarantees that all or any of the websites listed below will accept your
content, guest post or contribution. This post/list shall only be treated as a go-to resource for
those who are looking to contribute their work to various media publications. The vast
majority of these sites would require you to show some expertise & have some experience
before allowing you to submit guest posts/contributions. So, take your time and ensure that
your content is of top-notch quality before reaching out to any of these websites/blogs.

Also, its worth noting that by the time you reading this post, some websites may have
changed the rules and guidelines for guest blogging, have completely closed external
submissions, decreased or increased in Domain Authority and/or Alexa Rank. That being said,
well try our best to keep this list updated and provide you with the most accurate,
comprehensive and reliable source.

This guide will be updated with new websites, metrics and links once every 3 months for the
next 2 years. We will automatically send an updated version to the email youve used to
purchase this guide. The next update will be sent out on 09/08/2017.

If you have any suggestion or you spotted a mistake, please email us at
Well really appreciate your help!

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !2

What is Guest Posting?

For those of you who are not quite familiar with content marketing, blogging and SEO, Guest
Posting is an act of writing and publishing a blog post or an article on someone elses blog or
website. Your work may or may not be compensated nancially. This purely depends on
whether the website/blog offers a nancial incentive for your contributions.

There is a little difference between guest posting & being a contributor. Guest posting is more
for those who are looking to contribute a one-off post, whereas being a contributor may
require some degree of commitment (e.g. producing 2-3 posts per month).

Whatever you prefer to call this process, ensuring that your posts are published only on
reliable, quality and reputable websites is an absolute necessity if you wish to reap the
rewards of guest blogging.

Wait a minute, didnt Matt Cutts declare the death of guest blogging?

Youre right, he did. But theres a little twist to his statement.

There is a huge distinction between low-quality guest blogging and quality contributions of
your original, well-written and comprehensive content to authoritative, trusted and reputable

Thats where we should draw the line.

Well explain what Matt meant.

Overtime, guest posting (also known as guest blogging) has gained somewhat a negative
reputation due to it being abused by black hat SEOs. Instead of focusing on long-term
commitment and long-lasting relationship with the blogger, so called SEOs used guest
posting only for building backlinks (most times on low-quality websites), usually spinning
articles all over again and republishing them on different blogs.

Sure, most of us know that guest blogging has been hit by spammers, publishing low-quality
articles on shitty blogs. But, does that really mean guest blogging is totally dead? No, not at

In his original post he said:

So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; its just gotten too spammy.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !3

But after being swept away by over 650 comments (presumably from quality guest
bloggers), he added the following:

Im not talking about multi-author blogs. High-quality multi-author blogs like Boing
Boing have been around since the beginning of the web, and they can be compelling,
wonderful, and useful.

So, whats the takeaway?

Simple! Dont be spammy, dont post low-quality content on spammy websites, dont accept
low-quality content (if you are the one receiving guest posts), dont spin articles, dont use
guest blogging as your only SEO strategy, dont automate the process, dont post on
irrelevant websites and dont post the same article on multiple blogs.

Instead, be authentic, credible, write high-quality stuff and focus on long-term benets of
contributing your work to 3rd party websites.

We can draw a line here. We hope you have an understanding of how low-quality guest
blogging is different from high-quality contributions.

What are the Benets of Guest Posting/Contributing?

It would have been a crime to write this guide and not to mention the main benets of guest
blogging. At the end of the day, you arent writing articles for 3rd party websites just because
you have the time to do so. Although you may want to sound like a philanthropist when
pitching articles, deep down in your soul, you are expecting something in return, whether its
some nice referral trafc or a boost in your brands exposure.

Here are 11 main benets of guest blogging for other websites:

Reach a wider audience: Contributing your work to external websites would mean that more
people will see your work. Imagine this, if you get your article published on Forbes, 10s or even
100s of thousands of people would read your article, and if the subject is directly correlated
with what you do, people will come back for more (often directly to your website).

Generate quality referral trafc: Quality posts that get seen and read by 1000s of people are
likely to generate a ton of quality, targeted referral trafc. You know where this can lead to.
Yes, more exposure and more sales.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !4

Build long-lasting relationship: If youre not one of those people who guest post just for
links, you are likely to publish multiple articles on a single blog. This, in return, will tighten up
the relationship with the owner of the blog and may lead to further partnerships.

Become an inuencer: Being featured in authoritative websites and blogs would make you
an inuencer in the eyes of your potential audience. People would look up to you as an expert
in your niche, and will often cite your words as the words of The Almighty.

Build up your social media presence: Wondering how to build up your social following
without posting cat pics? Guest posting is the way to go. For instance, when someone shares
your article, you would often get tagged and mentioned. This, in return, builds up your social

Increase an authority of your website: People are more likely to trust and buy from the
brand that has a powerful web presence. If your product gets a decent review from The Next
Web, would people have more condence in purchasing that product from you? Sure thing.

Become more condent: Imagine getting featured in Forbes, Wired, Inc and Entrepreneur?
That would denitely tell you something about the quality of your writing and your expertise.

Increase exposure & brand awareness: Similarly to increasing an authority of your website,
guest blogging can expose your brand to a much broader audience.

Inbound links (backlinks): This point should come as a no brainer. You can also get a
quality, powerful backlink from your prole bio. The vast majority of sites will allow you to add
a link or two in your byline, which usually appears at the bottom of every post.

Build an email list: An inux of referral trafc to your website can lead to a growth of your
mailing list. If, and only if you can convert that trafc to your regular subscribers.

Money, money, money: Some people manage to build an entire business from contributing
articles. Solvid is a good example. Weve gotten several monthly paying clients just from
publishing quality articles on The Next Web, Sitepoint and Lifehack. Yes, weve worked our
socks off to get there, but it all pays off.

The Dos and Donts of guest blogging

Although there are numerous benets of contributing content and being a guest blogger, you
should plan your journey carefully when deciding to utilise this strategy. All great things come
with pitfalls.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !5

Let us go over the dos and donts of guest blogging.


Do read the guidelines: Different blogs have different requirements for contributors and
guest bloggers. Some may only accept posts that are less than 600 words; others may only
accept articles if you are a known individual in your niche. Hence, always check the
guidelines on a case-by-case basis.

Do create exceptional content: No reputable blog would accept a poorly written post,
especially from a guest blogger. Do your background work, support your claims, provide
arguments, check your grammar and spelling mistakes. No one is perfect, but if your article is
terrible, it will not get featured. Simple as that.

Do show your expertise & experience: Ideally, you would only want to blog on subjects that
you have and in-depth knowledge of. So, if you know your niche well enough and have
sufcient knowledge of the topic show it!

Do write for the audience: Dont go wild with SEO jargons if you are writing for a small
business blog. The audience would not understand a word. Instead, tailor your content for the
audience of that blog.

Do create original content: Only write unique content that has never been published on
other websites/blogs (even your own). If your post is accepted, you should still avoid
republishing that piece.

Do nd out what works best: Identify what type of content does best on that blog. Is it top-10
lists or in-depth guides? You can evaluate that by the number of shares and comments a
post has gained.

Do craft a perfect byline: In order to present yourself in an appealing way, you need to write
a decent prole bio. Do include your notable achievements and previous contributions.


Dont be spammy: Dont send mass emails to 100s of blogs at the same time asking for
guest posting opportunities.

Dont spin articles: Spinned articles are so damn easy to spot. They are terrible and dont
read well.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !6

Dont use the same article: Avoid posting the same article over and over again. If you are
serious about quality guest blogging, you should only post a single piece on a single website.

Dont make guest blogging your only link-building strategy: The primary reason why Matt
Cutts has declared a death of guest blogging is due to it being treated as a go-to place for
easy links.

Dont post on spammy and low-quality websites: You would want to avoid spammy
websites at all cost. Not only they can damage your reputation as a writer, but also get your
website in trouble with Google.

Dont stuff your article with links: Editors are picky. It will take them no more than a minute
to identify a self-promotional link. Unless its necessary to include a link (perhaps you are
citing someone), dont stuff them in. If you wish to have a link back to your website use the

Dont accept poor guest posts (for blog owners): If you dont want to look sketchy dont
be sketchy! Only accept quality guest articles that can potentially bring value to your

How to be the perfect guest blogger?

By the time you read this part, youve probably realised that guest posting/contributing isnt
an easy way to gain backlinks. You should be prepared to work your socks off to get
published in an authoritative publication.

But, how do you go about creating that perfect guest post?

Step 1: Get to know the blogs content and audience

Identify which content performs best on a particular blog and what type of content gets the
most traction. Identify the style of other posts, how well they are written and how detailed the
posts are.

Step 2: Read the guidelines

How long should the piece be? There is no point writing a 2,000-word article just to nd out
that the limit is 1,000 words.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !7

Step 3: Pitch your post

Before you proceed with writing the actual article, its worthwhile pitching an idea rst to see
whether this would be something they would publish.

When pitching, try to keep your email short (300 words or less), provide multiple headline
variations, give a brief description of the article, a quick bio of yourself (what you do, where
else have you been published, achievements, etc.) and a few links to example posts.

Here is an email sample we use to pitch a specic article:


Hope you're doing well!

My name is Dmytro Spilka, and I would love to contribute an article on TOPIC + DESCRIPTION to WEBSITE

A bit about myself:

I'm a Head Wizard (Director) at Solvid, a creative inbound marketing agency in London, UK. My work has been
featured and mentioned by The Next Web, Sitepoint, Specky Boy, The Hufngton Post, SEMRush, Lifehack,
Backlinko, Fit Small Business and more. My team and I are currently working on the most advanced and user-
friendly Q&A platform for inbound marketers and web developers.

Here are some headline ideas:


If you wish to take a look at some of my previous articles, here are some links:


Please let me know whether this would be something you'd like to see on your blog

Best Wishes,


Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !8

If you dont hear from them within 5-7 days, send a follow-up email.

Its worth noting that the vast majority of high-end publications have a designated
contributor application page or an email. In this case, we can add a bit more details and
provide multiple topic ideas. We use the following email template:


Hope you're doing well!

My name is Dmytro Spilka, and I would love to take the opportunity to contribute to WEBSITE.

A bit about myself:

I'm a Head Wizard (Director) at Solvid, a creative inbound marketing & software development agency in
London, UK. My work has been featured and mentioned in a wide range of publication, including The Next
Web, Business2Community, The Hufngton Post, Tweak Your Biz, Sitepoint, Specky Boy, SEMRush, Lifehack,
Backlinko, Fit Small Business and more.

Here are some samples of my work:


I would love to cover the following topics:

1. TOPIC 1 (~1,000 words) - DESCRIPTION

2. TOPIC 2 (~1,500 words) - DESCRIPTION
3. TOPIC 3 (~800 words) - DESCRIPTION

P.S. It goes without saying that all of my articles are 100% original, havent and will not be republished

Please let me know whether youd like to see any of these on WEBSITE, and Ill get the rst draft ready within a
couple of days.

Best Wishes,

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !9

As you can see, weve also added an approximate word count. Editors love it. They what to be
reassured that the pitched article is within the boundaries.

Step 4: Draft an article

Make sure your post is formatted according to the style of the blog, including any relevant
images (everyone loves images). Usually, blogs would ask you to submit the article in HTML
or Markdown format, in which case you should host images on your own website and input
the source links.

Step 5: Craft a perfect byline (bio)

If you wish your guest blogging to be successful, the way you present yourself may be the
determinant factor. Illustrate your expertise and knowledge of the subject, add a link or two
back to your website and add any relevant social networks.

Step 6: Revise

Double or even triple check your article, read it out loud and give it to a friend or a family
member to read. Does it ow well, is it coherent, can an ordinary person understand what
youre trying to say?

Step 7: Submit

At this stage, your input is not over yet. An editor may ask you to carry out any necessary

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !10


As you will notice below, we use some fancy terms and phrases like DA (Domain Authority) &
Alexa Rank, which may seem senseless to some of you.

If you ever get overwhelmed by the terms weve used in this guide, specically in the tables
below, refer to this part.

Website: No need to explain that. Thats just the name of the website with a direct link to the

DA (Domain Authority): A metric introduced by Moz that calculates the strength of the
website on a scale from 1-100 (100 being the strongest). The metric is calculated upon the
number and quality of inbound links, linking domains, MozRank and MozTrust. This metric is
updated once a month. So, if you purchased this guide in June, metrics are likely to be
slightly different. As weve mentioned above, you will receive an updated version of this guide
on 09/08/2017 (Updated every 3 months for the next 2 years).

Alexa Rank: The algorithm that is based on the amount of estimated trafc that a particular
website gets. The lower the rank is, the more trafc a website gets (i.e. 1 being the most
popular website). This metric is updated every single day, so its very likely that the data
youre seeing now may differ from the data youll see tomorrow. However, as ranks dont
change dramatically, the data is likely to stay in a similar region. Once again, you will receive
an updated version of this guide on 09/08/2017 (Updated every 3 months for the next 2

Difculty: This algorithm is based on our own experience and determines how hard it is to
get published on a particular website. Its based on the number of guest posts that we see
featured on that website, the level of difculty to get your article featured on that site, quality
standards and the actual review process. Please use this metric as an indication only, as
difculty varies on a case-by-case basis.

Link: Direct link to a submission page.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !11

1) Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media & PPC

Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
GoDaddy Garage 96 187 Hard Contribute
Moz 92 1342 Extreme Submit
Adweek 91 3541 Extreme Contact Editors
Hootsuite 90 734 Hard Write For Them
Shopify 90 413 Hard Write For Them
Search Engine Land 89 6227 Extreme Contribute
Advertising Age 89 8616 Extreme Contact Editors
HubSpot 88 572 Hard Guest Post
Copy Blogger 87 23628 Hard Guest Post
Content Markteting Institute 85 26994 Extreme Write For Them
Search Engine Watch 84 13870 Hard Contact
Social Media Examiner 84 6966 Hard Write For Them
BigCommerce 84 5184 Hard Guest Post
KissMetrics 83 5066 Hard Guest Post
Social Media Today 82 16993 Hard Register & Apply
Marketing Land 82 19316 Extreme Contribute
Crazy Egg 82 18656 Hard Contribute
Search Engine Journal 82 12097 Hard Write For Them
ClickZ 81 46113 Hard Contact
Econsultancy 81 17847 Hard Write for Them
Get Response 81 2608 Hard Write For Us
Media Post 80 28625 Hard Contact Editors
SEMRush 80 1499 Moderate Register & Submit
Envato Blog 80 1395 Hard Contribute
Campaign Live 80 22137 Hard Contact Editors
Smart Insights 79 15368 Hard Write For Them
Marketing Profs 79 26668 Hard Write For Them
ECWID 79 11786 Hard Get Published
CoSchedule 78 14754 Hard Write For Them
Wordstream 78 6231 Extreme Contact
Optimizely 78 14987 Hard Contribute

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !12

The Drum 78 18035 Hard Contact Editors
Convince & Converter 76 53733 Extreme Guest Post
BenchMark Email 76 17,731 Hard Write For Them
Outbrain 75 232 Hard Contribute
PSFK 75 59379 Moderate Contact
DM News 75 103193 Hard Contact
Social Media Week 74 64319 Hard Contribute
Practical Ecommerce 74 29338 Hard Become An Expert
CMS Wire 74 61237 Hard Submit
Search Engine Roundtable 73 23000 Extreme Submit Story
iMedia Connection 73 174635 Hard Contribute
Contently 72 32265 Hard Contact Editors
Social Media Explorer 72 218240 Hard Contact
Pole Position Marketing 72 894128 Moderate Contribute
Cognizant Blog 72 5853 Moderate Write For Them
CMO 72 100453 Hard Contribute
Duct Tape Marketing 70 104101 Hard Apply
PR Daily 70 80741 Moderate Submit News
Feedster 69 439787 Hard Contact
Conversion XL 67 43956 Moderate Guest Post
Sumome 66 23954 Hard Write For Them
Woorank 66 8745 Hard Contact
Advanced Web Ranking 65 111685 Hard Become An Author
Elearning Industry 65 20787 Moderate Post
SEO Chat 64 32258 Moderate Write For Them
EcontentMag 64 294240 Moderate Write For Them
Dlvrit 64 18814 Moderate Write For Them
B2B Marketing 64 119,048 Moderate Contact Editors
Social Nomics 63 286471 Moderate Contact
Mobile Marketer 63 179922 Moderate Submit A Tip
Search Engine People 62 110951 Moderate Guest Post
Spin Sucks 62 254677 Moderate Guest Blog
Street Fight Mag 61 178560 Moderate Contact
SemPo 61 432916 Moderate Join & Submit
Fresh Mail 61 60527 Moderate Write For Them
Mail Jet 61 16,996 Moderate Contribute
Mobile Marketing Watch 60 310973 Moderate Contact
Post Planner 60 16,228 Moderate Guest Post
The SEM Post 59 91481 Moderate Write For Them

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !13

Target Marketing Mag 59 96892 Moderate Suggest
Retail Dive 59 91925 Moderate Submit A Tip
PPC Hero 58 71773 Moderate Guest Post
Demand Gen Report 58 345426 Moderate Contact
Fizzle 58 68324 Moderate Contact
Marketing Donut 57 99904 Moderate Become An Expert
Copy Hackers 56 103054 Moderate Guest Post
Smart Data Collective 56 214060 Hard Post
CPC Strategy 56 47749 Moderate Contact
Marketing Tech News 54 188431 Moderate Write For Them
Single Grain 53 104640 Moderate Guest Post
Income Diary 52 45771 Moderate Submit An Article
Brand 24 52 91678 Moderate Write For Them
Reve News 52 939721 Moderate Contribute
Monitor Backlinks 52 42658 Moderate Write For Them
Cognitive SEO 51 80507 Moderate Contact
Maximize Social Business 51 131380 Moderate Contact
Ninja Outreach 51 80210 Hard Write For Them
Socedo 51 280027 Moderate Write For Them
Mobile Marketing Magazine 51 196709 Moderate Contact
Hinge Marketing 51 178,693 Moderate Write
Content Mart 50 59146 Moderate Contact
Visibility Magazine 50 808784 Moderate Contribute
Schedu Gram 50 49978 Moderate Write For Them
Sociable Blog 49 971664 Moderate Submit News
Traffic Generation Cafe 49 268988 Moderate Contact
Pagewiz 49 195619 Moderate Write For Them
Grow Map 48 263037 Moderate Guest Post
Digital Information World 48 185526 Moderate Submit An Article
Inbound Now 47 126152 Moderate Guest Post
Page One Power 47 288772 Moderate Guest Post
Lemon Stand 47 101249 Moderate Write For Them
Kuno Creative 47 269330 Moderate Guest Post
Digital Marketing Magazine 46 228536 Moderate Post An Article
Web Analytics World 46 445104 Moderate Write For Them
Twelve Skip 45 45929 Moderate Write For Them
DIY Marketers 45 415350 Moderate Submit
ClickFire 44 1106318 Moderate Write For Them
Social News Daily 44 311010 Moderate Contact

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !14

Agency Analytics 44 96205 Moderate Write For Them
Euro VPS 44 281607 Moderate Write For Them
Native Advertising Institute 43 333035 Moderate Write For Them
SEO-Hacker 42 119339 Moderate Guest Post
Weidert 42 250266 Moderate Guest Post
Code Condo 41 90204 Moderate Write For Them
Perception System 41 339062 Moderate Write For Them
Fortune Lords 40 200673 Moderate Write For Them 39 618256 Moderate Write For Them
Mondovo 39 257236 Moderate Write For Them
Brand Driven Digital 39 729,901 Moderate Write For Them
Linkody 38 81475 Moderate Write For Them
Web Traffic ROI 38 477802 Moderate Guest Post
Social Media Sun 37 560824 Moderate Contribute
Tomorrow People 37 1361200 Moderate Write For Them
Dealer Marketing 37 646,434 Moderate Write For Us
Daily SEO Blog 36 1417133 Moderate Write For Them
*SEO For Growth 36 735389 Moderate Apply
A Better Lemonade Stand 35 109323 Moderate Guest Post
Social Media Impact 34 1028722 Moderate Write For Them
App Master 34 431028 Moderate Write For Them
Yocale 34 798020 Moderate Write For Them
Rank Pay 33 221781 Moderate Write For Them
Web Granth 33 246416 Moderate Become An Author
Ecommerce IQ 32 336490 Moderate Send A Tip
SEO Blog 31 213287 Moderate Write For Them
Techniblogic 31 155911 Moderate Write & Submit
Shivar Web 31 84656 Moderate Write For Them
Tricky Enough 30 325633 Easy Contact
Solvid 30 507266 Hard Contribute
Marketing AU 30 1361895 Moderate Write For Them
The Next Scoop 30 352285 Moderate Write For Them
Sixty Marketing 30 1743560 Moderate Write For Them
Tech Patio 30 962,596 Easy Guest Post
Digital Branding Institute 29 483173 Moderate Write For Them
Media Leaders 29 698718 Moderate Contribute
Ajnabii 28 1552875 Moderate Write For Them
Social H 27 2115380 Moderate Write For Them
Level Ten Solutions 27 392661 Moderate Write For Them

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !15

Paper Form 25 237566 Easy Contribute
99 Signals 24 605757 Easy Write For Them

*Moz - Currently closed submissions for YouMoz. Contact editors for possible inclusion.
*SEO For Growth - Is the part of Duct Tape Marketing network. Contact DTM to get published.

2) Business, Entrepreneurship, Startups and General Marketing Guest

Blogging Websites
Website DA Alexa Difculty Submission Link
Forbes 96 262 Extreme Contribute
Survey Monkey Blog 93 593 Hard Contribute
Business Insider 92 315 Extreme Contribute
Fast Company 91 3,459 Extreme Contact
Entrepreneur 90 1,408 Extreme Contribute
Inc. 90 1,921 Extreme Contact
Harvard Business Review 90 2,747 Extreme Contact
AMEX Open Forum 90 438 Extreme Contact
Venture Beat 89 4,368 Hard Guest Post
Emerald Insight 83 6265 Hard Write
Small Biz Trends 80 16,595 Hard Become an Author
Seeking Alpha 80 1,850 Hard Contribute 80 28,161 Hard Contribute
Business 2 Community 80 11,525 Hard Contribute
All Business 76 40,885 Moderate Guest Post
Benzinga 76 23,982 Moderate Contribute
I Will Teach You To Be Rich 69 32176 Hard Contact
Money Crashers 69 19824 Hard Write For Them
BPlans 68 12,991 Hard Write For Them
Success 68 19271 Hard Contact
Silicon Republic 68 74550 Hard Contact Editors
Business-Opportunities 66 257,416 Moderate Contact
EO Network 66 128465 Hard Contibute
SiteProNews 65 84,607 Moderate Guest Post
Money Saving Mom 65 63,018 Moderate Guest Post
BizSugar 64 79,823 Easy Submit
Grass Hopper 64 32089 Hard Contribute
Wise Bread 63 26,680 Moderate Contribute

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !16

Customer Think 63 80,621 Moderate Contribute
Startup Grind 62 69,686 Hard Become a Writer
Startup Nation 62 141,567 Moderate Contribute
Real Business 61 123962 Hard Contact
My Customer 60 116,042 Easy Register & Post
Biz Community 60 29302 Moderate Submit News
Killer Startups 59 168,026 Moderate Guest Post
Small Business BC 59 212929 Mderate Write For Them
Training Zone 58 208,249 Easy Register & Post
My Corporation 58 210,044 Moderate Become an Author
Business Zone 58 131,179 Easy Register & Post
Alley Watch 57 162258 Moderate Contribute
Due 56 125918 Moderate Guest Post
Blog Paws 55 297451 Moderate Write For Them
Time Doctor 55 32810 Moderate Write For Them
Milk Round 54 66985 Moderate Write For Them
Tweak Your Biz 53 117,132 Moderate Contribute
Booker 53 70399 Moderate Write For Them
Go To Meeting 53 1064767 Hard Contribute
Fearless Flyer 53 699400 Moderate Contribute
CEO World 52 247530 Moderate Contribute
FYA 52 495946 Moderate Write For Them
Addicted 2 Success 52 53960 Moderate Write For Them
Women on Business 51 593,517 Moderate Write For Them
BDaily 51 135735 Easy Register & Post
The Pie News 51 294203 Moderate Write For Them
Small Biz Daily 51 457410 Hard Contact
Youth Specialties 51 382212 Moderate Write For Them
Mirasee 50 101,464 Moderate Guest Post
Smart Hustle 50 553672 Moderate Write For Them
Ecopreneurist 49 800,821 Moderate Write For Them
Home Business Mag 49 344704 Moderate Contact
Inc 42 48 38,291 Moderate Guest Post
Grow Map 48 263037 Moderate Contact
Success As Your Own Boss 48 355114 Moderate Write For Them
Virgin Startup 48 282790 Hard Contact & Contribute 47 349,525 Moderate Contribute
Noobpreneur 47 341,464 Moderate Contact
Retire At 21 45 458694 Moderate Guest Post

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !17

Az Big Media 45 387162 Moderate Write
SMBCEO 44 625,169 Moderate Contact
Youngupstars 44 474,528 Moderate Guest Post
My Venture Pad 44 328666 Moderate Guest Post
YFS Magazine 44 250630 Moderate Contribute
All Top Startups 43 332455 Moderate Guest Post
Small Business Can 43 413977 Moderate Writing Guide
Nav 43 92027 Moderate Share A Story
Hyper Grid Business 43 133174 Moderate Write For Them
Talk Markets 42 222044 Moderate Register & Post
Start Us 42 94777 Moderate Contribute
GEB 41 580123 Moderate Contribute
DIY Genius 41 156023 Moderate Write For Them
Small Biz Club 38 474820 Moderate Write For Them
Small Business Bonfire 38 753464 Moderate Write For Them
One Cent At A Time 38 502458 Moderate Guest Post
She Owns It 36 554595 Moderate Guest Post
Ambitionally 36 136417 Moderate Write For Them
Asian Fortune News 35 1314313 Moderate Write For Them
Hire Frederick 35 161694 Moderate Write For Them
Business First Family 34 658835 Moderate Write For Them
Career Metis 32 314737 Easy Guest Post
The Startup Mag 32 918312 Moderate Contribute
425 Business 32 1257276 Moderate Write For Them
E Secret 30 385,744 Easy Guest Post
Future Startup 30 485519 Moderate Submit A Post
Entrepreneurship Life 30 864384 Moderate Write For Them
Pakwired 30 262041 Moderate Write For Them
My Career Topia 30 791384 Moderate Write For Them
UpStart 30 2112086 Moderate Write For Them
Small Businesses Do It Better 29 1500828 Easy Guest Post
Pestle Analysis 27 75190 Easy Write For Them
Rabid Office Monkey 26 813441 Easy Write For Them
Geek Business 25 2981668 Easy Guest Post
Entrepreneur Boy 23 606055 Easy Guest Post
247 Business News 22 1798385 Easy Contribute

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !18

3) Finance, Investment, Money Saving & HR Guest Blogging Websites
Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
The Street 86 5204 Extreme Send A Tip
Investopedia 86 647 Extreme Contribute
The Balance 77 953 Hard Contact
Oil Price 75 26,037 Hard Write For Them
City AM 74 33974 Extreme Contribute 73 799 Hard Contribute
Get Rich Slowly 70 87587 Hard Submit A Story
Vault 66 32350 Hard Write For Them
Bigger Pockets 63 11527 Hard Write For Them
Guru Focus 61 20397 Easy Create A Portfolio
Homeless 61 478099 Hard Write For Them
Accounting Web 60 58964 Easy Register & Post
Finances Online 59 20681 Moderate Write For Them
Bond 57 261250 Moderate Write For Them
Modest Money 55 197708 Hard Guest Post
Citi Scope 55 296507 Moderate Write For Them
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Right About Money 24 5856901 Easy Write For Them
Mortgages 24 5574100 Moderate Write For Them
SMT Magazine 23 6249598 Easy Write For Them

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Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
She Knows 81 5104 Easy Register & Post
Problogger 77 27649 Extreme Contact
Daily Blog Tips 71 137996 Moderate Contact
The Sits Girls 68 121307 Hard Submit
The Blog Herald 62 326471 Moderate Contact
Tech Wyse 59 128544 Moderate Write For Them
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Write To Done 58 165115 Moderate Write For Them
Freelance Writing Gigs 56 147760 Moderate Write For Them
The Write Life 55 55800 Moderate Contribute
The Write Life 55 55800 Hard Write For Them
Shout Me Loud 54 5021 Moderate Contribute
Kikolani 53 249196 Moderate Guest Post
Matthew Woodward 53 56508 Hard Write For Them
Make A Living Writing 53 113978 Moderate Guest Post
Men With Pens 53 385166 Moderate Guest Post
Specky Geek 52 512500 Moderate Write For Them
Freelance Writing 51 132877 Moderate Write For Them
Live Write Thrive 50 396336 Moderate Guest Blog
Basic Blog Tips 50 278933 Moderate Contact
Blog Elina 50 425368 Moderate Join
Famous Bloggers 49 289192 Moderate Submit
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Blog Dash 42 261046 Moderate Guest Post
We Bloggerz 42 755526 Moderate Write For Them
Birds On The Blog 42 1091102 Moderate Guest Post
iBlog Zone 41 497683 Moderate Contribute
All Indie Writers 41 295013 Moderate Contribute
We Blog Better 40 862020 Moderate Guest Post
Hellbound Bloggers 40 78274 Moderate Guest Post
Bloggers Passion 40 85295 Moderate Contact
Edusson 40 237366 Moderate Contribute
Be A Freelance Blogger 39 329831 Moderate Guest Blog
Beyond Your Blog 39 430463 Moderate Work With Them
All Blogging Tips 38 85325 Moderate Guest Post
Intense Blog 38 611112 Moderate Write For Them
Grad Money Matters 37 1871163 Moderate Guest Post
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Modern Life Blogs 34 837678 Moderate Write For Them
Resumonk 34 151069 Moderate Guest Post
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eMoney Indeed 32 1210250 Moderate Write For Them
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Wired 96 1075 Extreme Contact
Mashable 94 702 Extreme Submit
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Engadget 92 634 Hard Send a Tip
ZDNet 92 3061 Extreme Send a Tip
The Verge 91 551 Extreme Write For Them
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Tech Republic 86 3138 Hard Contribute
Read Write 84 33171 Hard Guest Post
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The Inquirer 81 28176 Extreme Contact Editors
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iMore 74 4703 Hard Contact
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Opensource 73 19685 Moderate Submit Article
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CBR Online 69 47590 Hard Contact
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Tech Node 57 55962 Moderate Write For Them
Technology Tell 57 265096 Moderate Write For Them
Cloud Computing News 56 245187 Moderate Write For Them
Foxnomad 53 268792 Moderate Guest Post
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Layer Bag 23 2723857 Moderate Write For Them
Teckrr 15 2004530 Easy Write For Them
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Theme Grill 94 19422 Hard Write For Them
Template Monster 84 2637 Hard Become An Author
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Theme Isle 75 14275 Hard Write For Them
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Design Rope 19 2339737 Easy Write For Them
WP Blog 15 672720 Easy Write For Them

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How To Plugin 14 624531 Easy Write For Them

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Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
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A List Apart 85 43982 Extreme Contribute
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*Sitepoint 84 1525 Hard Contribute
CSS Tricks 81 1998 Hard Guest Post
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Dzone 76 4225 Hard Register & Submit
Creative Market 76 2118 Hard Contribute
Theme Isle 75 14275 Hard Write For Them
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Android Central 75 1812 Hard Send a Tip
Design Modo 75 15800 Hard Contribute
Tympanus 75 5197 Hard Contact
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Android Authority 72 2360 Hard Contribute
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The Ultra Linx 70 36503 Hard Contact
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UX Matters 65 109647 Hard Write For Them
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Design Your Way 53 44865 Moderate Write For Them
Spyre Studios 52 93064 Moderate Write For Them
Naldz Graphics 52 46710 Moderate Write For Them
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Web Designer Hub 26 348212 Easy Write For Them
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*Sitepoint - You get paid for writing
*Web Designer Depot - You get paid for writing

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Info World 88 11937 Extreme Contact Editors
Java World 77 18015 Extreme Contact Editors
Programmable Web 73 19368 Hard Contribute
Apress 73 62746 Hard Write For Them
Ionic Framework 68 5423 Hard Contribute
Linux Magazine 66 157223 Hard Write For Them
Raywenderlich 61 12825 Hard Write For Them
Simple Talk 58 30150 Moderate Write For Them
Premium Coding 57 81482 Moderate Write For Them
Open Source For U 52 76288 Moderate Write For Them
Code Mentor 52 14113 Easy Write
Scotch 51 7136 Moderate Write
CSS Winner 51 66379 Moderate Contribute
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Perception System 41 342247 Moderate Write For Them
Eduonix 36 61787 Moderate Write For Them
Software Suggest 34 90776 Moderate Write For Them
SQL Shack 32 119310 Moderate Write For Them
Kids Codecs 29 276289 Moderate Write For Them

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Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
New York Times 99 120 Extreme Submit an Article
Politico 92 820 Extreme Write For Them
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Washington Times 89 5094 Extreme Contact
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Daily Dot 82 4549 Extreme Send a Tip
WN 81 2749 Easy Create an Article
Christianity Today 81 13359 Hard Write For Us
Open Democracy 80 58415 Hard Write For Us
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The Diplomat 77 21040 Extreme Write For Them
A Times 76 49727 Extreme Write For Them
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Activist Post 68 42609 Hard Contact
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IVN 58 251864 Moderate Publish
Ground Report 54 129943 Easy Register & Submit
Your Middle East 51 394072 Moderate Contribute
Jing Daily 51 212270 Moderate Submit News
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In The News 45 3767118 Moderate Write For Them
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The Humanist 42 240375 Hard Write For Them
Liberal America 42 86409 Moderate Write For Them
Civil Service World 41 765930 Moderate Write For Them
Intpolicy Digest 35 295841 Moderate Write For Them
Affinity Magazine 33 103881 Moderate Write For Them
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247ureports 32 771474 Moderate Contact
CPW 30 3705800 Moderate Write For Them
Evolve Politics 27 189857 Easy Write For Them
Economic Journal 26 13083260 Easy Write For Them
Jason Poblete 24 - Easy Write For Them
Vessel News 23 59965 Easy Write For Them

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Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Digital Photography School 74 10270 Hard Write For Them
Peach Pit 74 29666 Hard Write For Them
Design Taxi 71 21690 Moderate Submit a Tip
Commarts 69 143707 Hard Write For Them
Explore Asheville 67 171873 Hard Write For Them
Steve's Digicams 66 76984 Hard Write For Them
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This Blog Rules 42 693021 Moderate Write For Them
Motion Elements 42 31747 Moderate Write For Them
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DC Mag 40 4438261 Moderate Write For Them
London Calling 39 990376 Moderate Write For Them
Curator Magazine 38 1157889 Moderate Write For Them
Expert Photography 38 86938 Moderate Write For Them
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Pretty Forum 34 958054 Moderate Write For Them
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Backdrop Express 29 346921 Moderate Write For Them
Learn My Shot 28 683552 Easy Guest Post
Photo Traces 27 415822 Easy Write For Them

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Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
The Atlantic 94 971 Extreme Pitch
PC Gamer 84 1167 Hard Write For Them
Cracked 81 1377 Hard Write For Them
Paste Magazine 80 4729 Hard Write For Them
Polygon 80 1189 Extreme Write an Article
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Queen Mobs 39 1282279 Moderate Write For Them
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Eclipse Magazine 37 789437 Moderate Write For Them
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Gamingshogun 34 617519 Moderate Write For Them
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Game Spew 27 177574 Easy Write For Them
Read Music 27 - Easy Write
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Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Health Line 87 1628 Extreme Contact
Psych Central 82 6768 Hard Submit
Great List 75 6605 Extreme Pitch
Cross Fit 75 7868 Hard Submission Guidelines
Mindbody Green 75 8513 Hard Contribute
Kevin MD 72 48763 Hard Send
Fitness Magazine 69 13705 Hard Write For Them
My Protein 55 6714 Moderate Write For Them
Summer Tomato 53 257190 Moderate Guest Post
RCNI 50 120208 Moderate Write For Them
Blinkist 50 41688 Moderate Write For Them
Purpose Fairy 48 209872 Moderate Write For Them
The Change Blog 47 287244 Moderate Contribute
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Women's Health Mag 46 144045 Moderate Contact
The Master Cleanse 43 401035 Moderate Write For Them
Natural Health 365 43 81404 Moderate Write For Them
The Alternative Daily 43 46224 Moderate Write For Them
Health Able 41 279041 Moderate Write For Them
Healthy Moms Magazine 40 1030069 Moderate Write For Them
Fitness Republic 39 340039 Moderate Write For Them
Daily Health Post 39 49802 Moderate Write For Them
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Austin Fit Magazine 36 1146016 Moderate Write For Them
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Writing & Wellness 35 359559 Moderate Write For Them
Fit Athletic 34 1107610 Moderate Write For Them
A Lust For Life 34 817280 Moderate Write For Them
Health Resource 4 U 33 443587 Moderate Write For Them
Consolidated Label 33 375856 Moderate Write For Them
The Health Journals 31 1372571 Moderate Write For Them
HBC Magazine 31 1385446 Moderate Write For Them
Healthiack 30 485174 Moderate Write For Them
Smith & Burrows 30 2392564 Moderate Write For Them
Healthy One 30 1431628 Moderate Guest Post
Healthy Leaders 29 3421118 Moderate Contact
Selene River Press 29 776384 Moderate Write For Them
Fitness and Power 27 58942 Easy Write For Them
Yeg Fitness 27 1747787 Easy Write For Them
Spot Me Girl 27 208796 Easy Write For Them
Foodie Fitness 26 2802881 Easy Write For Them
Zigverve 24 490579 Easy Write For Them
Life Time Daily 22 2064037 Easy Write For Them

13) Self-Development, Motivation & Productivity Guest Blogging

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Greater Good (Berkeley) 92 999 Extreme Write For Them
Psychology Today 87 1,994 Hard Guidelines
Self Growth 73 39,282 Moderate Register & Post
Pick The Brain 60 72,885 Moderate Write For Them
Addicted 2 Success 52 54,806 Hard Write For Them
Delivering Happiness 52 542,008 Moderate Write For Them
Brain Blogger 51 206,163 Moderate Contribute
Blinkist 50 41,688 Hard Write For Them
Purpose Fairy 48 209,872 Moderate Write For Them
Good Life Zen 48 309,816 Moderate Write For Them
Asian Efficiency 46 123,537 Moderate Guest Post
Fed Smith 44 156,326 Moderate Write For Them
Partially Examined Life 41 230,972 Moderate Write For Them

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Ministry Today Mag 41 442,146 Moderate Write For Them
CLS Mag 40 136,322 Moderate Write For Them
Productive Muslim 38 188,324 Moderate Write For Them
Migoals 38 1,037,276 Moderate Guest Post
Social Work Helper 37 431,818 Moderate Write For Them
Money Mini Blog 37 280,728 Moderate Write For Them
Goal Setting Guide 37 1,628,697 Moderate Write
Everyday Power Blog 36 123,682 Moderate Write For Them
Iuemag 36 816,292 Moderate Write For Them
Motivation Grid 35 151,841 Moderate Write For Them
Introvert Dear 35 91,729 Moderate Write For Them
Complete Wellbeing 35 438,437 Moderate Contribute
Productive Writers 34 2,091,794 Moderate Write For Them
Grace Table 32 4,646,666 Moderate Write For Them
Fulfillment Daily 32 736,747 Moderate Write For Them
Wealthy Gorilla 32 127,032 Moderate Write For Them
Eaveryday Mindfulness 29 1,033,196 Moderate Write For Them
Healthy Leaders 29 3,421,118 Easy Contact
About Leaders 25 471,828 Easy Write For Them
Stunning Motivation 24 754,395 Easy Write For Them
Goal Cast 19 95,251 Easy Write For Them
Zenlama 19 898,896 Easy Write For Them

14) Travel Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
AirCanada 83 6,458 Hard Pitch
Viator 75 5,010 Hard Write For Them
Matador Network 74 11,021 Hard Contribute
Hello BC 72 109,241 Hard Write For Them
Hostel Bookers 69 33,563 Hard Write For Them
Tnooz 67 55,364 Hard Contact
Boardingarea 62 7,175 Hard Become a Blogger
Travel Supermarket 59 31,292 Hard Write For Them
International Living 58 56,808 Moderate Write For Them
Opodo 57 38,728 Moderate Write For Them
The Planet D 57 87,299 Moderate Write For Them
Only In Your State 56 6,951 Hard Contribute
Escape Artist 56 255,366 Moderate Write For Them
eDreams 55 12,550 Moderate Write For Them

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World Hum 51 951,764 Moderate Submit
Happy Trips 51 83,616 Moderate Write For Them
Just Luxe 51 86,524 Moderate Contribute
Dangerous Business 50 234,654 Moderate Work With Them
Indie Travel Podcast 49 809,449 Moderate Write For Them
Global Grass Hopper 46 192,509 Moderate Write For Them
Luxury Launches 46 197,295 Moderate Write For Them
Heather On Her Travels 44 701,885 Moderate Guest Post
Fund My Travel 44 389,123 Moderate Write For Them
West Jet Magazine 43 728,444 Moderate Write For Them
Stop Having A Boring Life 43 1,214,645 Moderate Write For Them
Travel Belles 40 925,748 Moderate Contribute
She's Wanderful 40 412,391 Moderate Write
Indy's Child 39 214,266 Moderate Write For Them
Ocean City 39 910,438 Moderate Write For Them
Trip & Travel Blog 39 781,864 Moderate Write For Them
The Lost Girls 37 1,298,621 Moderate Contribute
Trav Monkey 37 1,624,904 Moderate Submission Guidelines
Verge Magazine 37 345,286 Moderate Write For Them
Push Living 37 3,414,519 Moderate Write For Them
We Swap 37 154,503 Moderate Guest Post
Six Suit Case Travel 37 1,185,139 Moderate Write For Them
The Travel Manuel 36 640,288 Moderate Write For Them
We Are Holidays 36 222,043 Moderate Write For Them
In The Know Traveler 34 3,918,108 Moderate Submission Guidelines
Tour My India 33 50,741 Moderate Write For Them
Simply Holiday Deals 31 1,675,663 Moderate Write For Them
Diwyy 29 2,139,415 Moderate Write For Them
Travels With Darley 29 2,613,317 Moderate Write For Them
Story V 28 415,991 Moderate Write For Them
Travioor 21 922,648 Easy Write For Them
BPT Magazine 13 11,965,434 Easy Write For Them

15) Food & Recipes Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
The Kitchn 82 616 Extreme Submit
Eater 81 3,684 Extreme Submit a Tip
Serious Seats 81 3,339 Hard Pitch an Article
SBS 81 5,399 Extreme Pitch an Article

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Gimme Some Oven 69 30,399 Hard Work With Them
Food Tank 63 194,794 Hard Write For Them
Hungry House 54 18,564 Moderate Write For Them
Food Matters 54 80,439 Moderate Contribute
Celebrations 53 385,867 Moderate Write For Them
Natasha's Kitchen 52 42,959 Moderate Work With Them
Keeper Of The Home 51 189,004 Moderate Share a Story
Naturally Savvy 50 201,258 Moderate Write For Them
Disney Food Blog 50 104,811 Moderate Guest Post
Today's Mama 50 241,497 Moderate Write For Them
Aggie's Kitchen 49 510,158 Hard Contact
Typeaparent 49 538,507 Moderate Submit a Post
Menuism 48 65,507 Moderate Write For Them
Fluster Buster 48 636,356 Moderate Guest Post
Paleo Hacks 47 31,956 Moderate Write For Them
Eat Boutique 47 1,760,062 Moderate Write For Them
Houstoniamag 47 128,339 Moderate Write For Them
Food Sense 46 804,719 Moderate Contribute
So Good Blog 46 456,343 Moderate Write
The Alternative Daily 43 46,224 Moderate Write For Them
Life As A Plate 37 2,079,128 Moderate Write For Them
Carb Smart 35 744,569 Moderate Write For Them
Sweat Pants & Coffee 34 569,263 Moderate Write For Them
Live Love Fruit 33 115,884 Moderate Write For Them
New Food Economy 32 706,049 Moderate Pitch an Article
Edible Vancouver 31 7,763,065 Moderate Write For Them
Cooking Detective 29 663,622 Moderate Write For Them
Dinner Planner 29 6,107,183 Easy Write For Them
Yummy 28 1,305,579 Moderate Write For Them
Tucson Foodie 27 630,067 Moderate Write For Them
The Flaming Vegan 27 334,845 Moderate Write
Read Food 27 9,638,758 Easy Write
Beyond The Tent 26 1,021,600 Easy Write For Them
Nutrition Rocks 26 4,002,403 Easy Write For Them
The Minimalist Vegan 26 713,218 Easy Write For Them
Good Food Fun 21 9,426,283 Easy Write For Them

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16) Weddings & Parties Guest Blogging Websites
Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Elizabeth Anne Designs 54 433,844 Moderate Submit
Apractical Wedding 53 46,610 Moderate Submit
Celebrations 53 385,867 Moderate Write For Them
Party Pieces 49 209,712 Moderate Write For Them
Love & Lavender 49 546,905 Moderate Contribute
Love My Dress 48 305,606 Moderate Submit
Wedding Lovely 42 229,804 Moderate Write For Them
English Wedding 42 1,076,131 Moderate Submit
Marriage 41 330,474 Moderate Contribute
Tianzhenqab 40 4,659,229 Moderate Write For Them
Honey Moons 39 554,847 Moderate Write For Them
Polestars 37 3,339,210 Moderate Write For Them
Smashing The Glass 36 773,345 Moderate Submit
True Agape 35 2,872,437 Moderate Guest Post
Henit 32 3,073,394 Moderate Write For Them
Book More Brides 31 488,327 Moderate Guidelines
Allure Events India 30 917,462 Moderate Guest Post
Bride & Groom 25 3,458,708 Easy Write For Them
Original Wedding Expo 23 12,342,383 Easy Write For Them
Weddings Abroad 28 7,016,936 Easy Guest Post

17) How-to, DIY & Life-hacking Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Lifehacker 92 638 Extreme Contribute
WikiHow 89 165 Easy Write
Makezine 89 11,607 Moderate Submit
EHow 87 3,106 Hard Write For Them
Instructables 87 696 Moderate Publish
How Stuff Works 86 2,214 Hard Write For Them
A List Apart 85 44,294 Hard Contribute
Lifehack 80 3,034 Moderate Contribute
Hack A Day 77 7,886 Hard Send a Tip
Howcast 65 80,588 Hard Contact
Wonder How To 61 4,626 Moderate Contribute
Addictive Tips 61 13,014 Hard Send a Tip
Dumb Little Man 60 98,341 Moderate Contribute

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Geek Girl Con 57 1,158,082 Moderate Write For Them
Craft Gossip 56 136,569 Moderate Write For Them
Curbly 55 116,159 Moderate Write For Them
Craft Bits 51 484,283 Moderate Write For Them
And Then We Saved 44 265,899 Moderate Submit
How To Clean Stuff 41 59,760 Moderate Guest Post
Lifehacks 37 118,484 Moderate Contribute
Technobezz 33 36,961 Moderate Write For Them
The Things 30 20,852 Moderate Contribute

18) Beauty & Fashion Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Refinery 29 85 2,281 Extreme Write For Them
More 69 42,122 Hard Write
Your Tango 68 11,515 Hard Write For Them
Offbeat Bride 62 67,370 Hard Guest Post
Madamenoire 61 31,273 Hard Write For Them
The Loop 56 55,376 Hard Write For Them
Look Fantastic 55 20,987 Hard Write For Them
Heart IFB 53 240,148 Moderate Contribute
College Fashion 53 80,188 Hard Write For Them
Budget Fashionista 52 359,103 Moderate Guest Post
Love My Dress 48 300,552 Moderate Submit
Makeup & Beauty Blog 47 172,151 Moderate Contact
Houstonia 47 128,717 Moderate Write For Them
Yoga Nonymous 46 175,176 Moderate Write For Them
Tips Clear 45 353,805 Moderate Write For Them
Organic Spa Magazine 45 899,688 Moderate Contribute
Carryology 43 90,576 Moderate Write For Them
Beauty & Fashion Tech 42 1,221,667 Moderate Guest Post
PR Couture 42 322,701 Moderate Write For Them
Mooky Chick 40 406,543 Moderate Submit
View The Vibe 37 380,114 Moderate Write For Them
S & PM 36 870,312 Moderate Write For Them
Talented Ladies Club 33 374,081 Moderate Write For Them
Eco Warrior Princess 32 692,578 Moderate Write For Them
Beauty & Grooming Tips 31 983,396 Moderate Guest Post
Ayiba Magazine 31 1,719,375 Moderate Contribute
Sweet Style Blog 30 2,626,297 Moderate Write

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Simply Sassy Style 30 681,656 Moderate Write For Them
Tips For Natural Beauty 29 672,777 Moderate Write For Them
Fashion Week 29 725,187 Moderate Write For Them
Meets Obsession 29 2,670,802 Easy Write For Them
Vote Pad 28 3,870,964 Easy Write For Them
Beauty & Ruin 28 5,633,967 Easy Write For Them
Icon Shots 28 1,578,523 Easy Write For Them
Cutsncloths 27 1,383,219 Easy Write For Them
Read Fashion 27 11,577,492 Easy Write
Celebricious 21 2,796,685 Easy Write For Them

19) Religion & Atheism Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Christianity Today 81 13,456 Hard Write For Them
Patheos 79 1,529 Hard Submit
Beliefnet 74 12,213 Hard Contact Editors
Sojo 71 114,682 Hard Write For Them
Relevant Magazine 65 33,708 Hard Write For Them
Upper Room 61 102,979 Hard Write For Them
Busted Halo 56 199,678 Hard Write For Them
Charisma Mag 55 61,251 Moderate Write For Them
Harper Collins Christian 52 206,149 Moderate Write For Them
WJK Books 47 1,117,893 Hard Write For Them
Seedbed 46 281,101 Moderate Write For Them
CBE International 45 508,664 Moderate Write For Them
EFSA 43 1,268,515 Moderate Write For Them
BRF 43 3,654,356 Moderate Write For Them
Bible Way Mag 43 1,805,694 Moderate Write For Them
The Humanist 42 240,256 Moderate Write For Them
Mud Room Blog 35 2,262,306 Moderate Write For Them
RAA Network 34 776,566 Moderate Write For Them
Godless Mom 30 1,092,316 Moderate Guest Blog
Lookout Mag 29 1,830,454 Moderate Write For Them
New Sacred 23 1,948,103 Easy Write For Them

20) Gardening & Home Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
KCRE 53 2,625,315 Moderate Write For Them
Nifty Homestead 46 207,718 Moderate Write For Them

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Tips Clear 45 353,805 Moderate Write For Them
Organic Lifestyle Magazine 43 280,719 Moderate Write For Them
Mooky Chick 40 406,543 Moderate Submit
Your Wild Home 38 3,026,170 Moderate Write
Living Direct 35 363,901 Moderate Write For Them
Home Stratosphere 35 109,877 Moderate Write For Them
Bustmold 34 2,968,623 Easy Write For Them
Survival At Home 34 711,770 Moderate Write For Them
Vector Central 34 1,857,542 Moderate Write For Them
Maximum Yield 33 211,074 Moderate Contribute
Allself Sustained 32 1,488,848 Moderate Write For Them
Ground To Ground 32 1,799,348 Moderate Guest Blog
Sebring Services 31 849,444 Moderate Write For Them
Gardener Corner 30 6,223,350 Easy Write For Them
Luxury Home Stuff 29 663,631 Moderate Write For Them
Nyde 26 738,777 Easy Write For Them
Gardening Flowers 101 26 5,656,725 Easy Write For Them
Morning Chores 25 84,230 Moderate Write For Them
Igarden Planting 24 2,228,235 Easy Write For Them
Sumo Gardener 23 1,868,094 Easy Write For Them

21) Sports Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
SB Nation 87 1,844 Extreme Send a Tip
Sport Witness 87 4,063,765 Hard Write For Them
NFL Spin Zone 53 130,259 Hard Write For Them
One Football 50 66,435 Moderate Write For Them
Hoops Habit 49 121,630 Moderate Write For Them
Rant Sports 49 142,737 Moderate Write For Them
Football Fancast 49 81,689 Moderate Write For Them
Work In Sports 47 115,600 Moderate Guest Post
Hidden Remote 45 117,525 Moderate Write For Them
Fanatix 43 735,694 Moderate Write For Them
Muscle & Strength 43 19,572 Moderate Write For Them
Off The Post 41 355,718 Moderate Write For Them
Last Word On Sports 41 629,887 Moderate Write For Them
Backpage Football 40 985,992 Moderate Write For Them
Simply Swim 40 405,688 Moderate Guest Post
Total Sportek 40 3,462 Moderate Write For Them

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Cage Pages 38 978,811 Moderate Write For Them
Adelaide 36ers 37 2,917,107 Moderate Write For Them
Sports Then & Now 37 918,170 Moderate Write For Them
Read Liverpool FC 37 826,647 Moderate Write For Them
Inside The Pylon 36 561,579 Moderate Write For Them
Sportz Wiki 35 1,194 Moderate Write For Them
Read Motor Sport 35 1,248,515 Moderate Write For Them
Read Celtic 35 895,032 Moderate Write For Them
Read Chelsea 35 536,885 Moderate Write For Them
Read West Ham 35 508,606 Moderate Write For Them
Talk Chelsea 34 522,718 Moderate Write For Them
Digital Sport 34 627,020 Moderate Write For Them
Ring Side News 34 102,924 Moderate Write For Them
Bronx Pinstripes 34 531,838 Moderate Write For Them
Oxygen 34 1,036,135 Moderate Write For Them
Sporteology 34 82,417 Moderate Write For Them
Read Aston Villa 34 1,401,893 Moderate Write For Them
Football Transfer Tavern 33 85,898 Moderate Write For Them
Outside Of The Boot 33 117,975 Moderate Contact
Read Everton 33 1,168,201 Moderate Write For Them
Read Bundesliga 33 1,215,223 Moderate Write For Them
Read Man UTD 33 1,309,516 Moderate Write For Them
Read PL 32 3,266,304 Moderate Write For Them
Read Arsenal 32 1,030,059 Moderate Write For Them
Read Man City 32 3,409,592 Moderate Write For Them
Read Sport 31 4,067,035 Moderate Write For Them
Read American Football 31 5,084,271 Moderate Write For Them
Perfect Tennis 30 793,330 Moderate Write For Them
Read Basketball 30 5,866,904 Moderate Write For Them
Read Boxing 30 3,527,944 Moderate Write For Them
Read US Soccer 29 8,166,924 Moderate Write For Them
Read MMA 29 9,577,315 Moderate Write For Them
Read Laliga 29 7,294,774 Moderate Write For Them
Read Golf 28 9,654,125 Moderate Write For Them
Read Horse Racing 28 10,842,430 Moderate Write For Them
Read Olympics 28 - Moderate Write For Them
Read Championship 28 - Moderate Write For Them
Read International Football 28 15,600,836 Moderate Write For Them
Read Seria A 28 - Moderate Write For Them

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Read WSL 28 - Moderate Write For Them
Scotzine 27 1,052,390 Moderate Write For Them
Read Cricket 27 14,442,951 Moderate Write For Them
Read Rugby Union 27 11,805,909 Moderate Write For Them
World In Sport 25 4,208,347 Moderate Write For Them

22) Fun, Gossip & Celebrities Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
BuzzFeed 92 155 Easy Register & Post
Deadline 88 3,666 Hard Tip
Giphy 85 290 Easy Upload
Popsugar 84 1,706 Hard Write For Them
College Humor 83 3,621 Hard Write For Them
Funny Or Die 82 6,917 Easy Upload
Cheezburger 80 3,430 Easy Submit
Bored Panda 79 501 Easy Add Post
The Mary Sue 77 19,717 Hard Contact
Broadway World 74 16,313 Moderate Submit
9GAG 72 181 Easy Upload
Oddee 65 22,306 Hard Contact
Hello Beautiful 62 49,542 Hard Pitch
Damn You Autocorrect 62 209,315 Moderate Submit
Incredible Things 57 140,964 Moderate Contact
The Celebrity Cafe 55 81,264 Moderate Write For Them
Tellymix 49 148,646 Moderate Contribute
Broadway Baby 48 1,003,372 Moderate Apply
College News 43 1,511,173 Moderate Write For Them
Maximum Pop 38 120,950 Moderate Write For Them
Ghana Celebrities 37 52,752 Moderate Write For Them
Parhlo 36 26,098 Moderate Write For Them
The Shovel 35 294,812 Moderate Write For Them
Celeb Cafe 35 1,588,565 Moderate Write For Them
Iharare 33 59,612 Moderate Write For Them
South Dreamz 33 50,032 Moderate Write For Them
Celeb Mix 32 153,505 Moderate Write For Them
Ginger Parrot 31 726,951 Moderate Write For Them
Gossip & Gab 29 359,823 Moderate Write For Them
Daily Squat 27 333,923 Moderate Write For Them
Superfame 27 110,110 Moderate Write For Them

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Markmeets 25 1,593,578 Easy Write For Them

23) Lifestyle, Parenting & Relationship Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Martha Stewart 86 6,506 Extreme Contact
Baby Center 77 1,722 Extreme Contact Editors
Elite Daily 75 4,372 Extreme Contact
Working Mother 72 83,424 Hard Write For Them
Cafemom 71 5,395 Hard Contribute
Good Men Project 69 33,536 Hard Submit
Scary Mommy 67 11,316 Hard Write For Them
Additude Mag 65 25,247 Hard Contribute
Living Rich With Coupons 50 74,965 Moderate Guest Post
Boundless 50 177,271 Moderate Write For Them
Family Share 47 34,342 Moderate Write For Them
Living Well Mom 47 258,574 Moderate Guest Post
Metro Parent 45 277,758 Moderate Write For Them
Open To Hope 44 689,484 Moderate Write For Them
Extraordinary Mommy 44 1,538,878 Moderate Contact
Hello Bee 44 167,060 Moderate Guest Post
The Green Parent 42 1,048,731 Moderate Write For Them
Everything Mom 42 267,206 Moderate Guest Post
On Mogul 41 88,201 Easy Post
Brisbane Kids 41 257,903 Moderate Write For Them
Mom Fuse 40 906,399 Moderate Contribute
Parenting Squad 40 890,110 Moderate Write For Them
Autis Parenting Magazine 40 653,964 Moderate Write For Them
Everyday Family 39 96,612 Moderate Write For Them
Her View From Home 37 164,021 Moderate Write For Them
New Life Outlook 36 308,605 Moderate Write For Them
Chambana Moms 36 671,460 Moderate Write For Them
Atlanta Parent 35 1,164,004 Moderate Write For Them
Nurse Loves Farmer 32 1,300,380 Moderate Guest Post
Better Parenting 29 3,011,462 Moderate Write For Them
Values Diary 27 728,566 Easy Write For Them
Whole Magazine 23 2,263,254 Easy Write For Them

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24) Science & Environment Guest Blogging Websites
Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Science Mag 95 2,808 Extreme Become a Reviewer
New Scientist 93 7,341 Extreme Pitch
Natural News 81 9,575 Extreme Write For Them
Triple Pundit 77 72,779 Hard Guest Post
Before It's News 73 9,925 Moderate Submit
Science Based Medicine 69 61,182 Hard Submission Guidelines
Aiche 69 63,641 Hard Contribute
Futurism 68 4,397 Hard Write For Them
One Green Planet 67 15,181 Hard Write For Them
Food Tank 63 195,791 Hard Write For Them
Scitech Daily 59 165,202 Hard Contact
Zme Science 56 58,379 Hard Write For Them
Renewable Energy Focus 54 547,143 Moderate Write For Them
Dogo News 53 36,318 Hard Write For Them
Sustainable Food Trust 53 824,184 Moderate Write For Them
Asian Scientist 52 262,871 Moderate Contribute
Blue & Green Tomorrow 52 598,456 Moderate Write For Them
American Laboratory 41 460,872 Moderate Write For Them
Cosmo BC 38 798,508 Moderate Write For Them
Electrical Engineering Portal 38 35,258 Moderate Write For Them
SBTK 34 551,389 Moderate Contribute
The Wellness Universe 33 621,710 Moderate Become a Changer
We Are Wildness 33 418,604 Moderate Write For Them
Travindy 33 1,831,990 Moderate Write For Them
Gizmocrazed 30 1,433,852 Moderate Contact
Astronaut 29 1,648,614 Easy Write For Them
Iscience Mag 26 1,779,226 Easy Write For Them
Green Clean Guide 25 699,270 Easy Write For Them
Yaabot 24 478,809 Easy Write For Them
Environmental Watch 21 2,167,922 Easy Write For Them

25) Education & Languages Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
UCL 93 3,888 Extreme Write For Them
eLearn Mag 92 3,339 Extreme Write For Them
BMJ 89 6,216 Extreme Write For Them

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LSE 86 7,244 Extreme Write For Them
Times Higher Education 84 9,686 Extreme Write For Them
Edutopia 83 8,205 Extreme Write For Them
Informit 82 13,640 Extreme Write For Them
UVIC 80 8,697 Hard Write For Them
ASCD 79 14,379 Hard Write For Them
BCU 71 32,367 Extreme Write For Them
The College Fix 67 47,547 Hard Write For Them
Open Colleges 67 47,801 Hard Contribute
*Tutorials Point 67 442 Extreme Write a Tutorial
iCould 52 241,091 Moderate Write For Them
The Pie News 51 304,955 Moderate Write For Them
Universities 48 175,065 Moderate Write For Them
AAA 48 793,203 Moderate Write For Them
Grown & Flown 46 196,044 Moderate Contact
Ioee 45 2,324,945 Moderate Write For Them
MF 44 709,262 Moderate Write For Them
Life Education 44 1,262,788 Moderate Write For Them
DIY Genius 41 156,911 Moderate Write For Them
Ed Tech Review 39 136,884 Moderate Write For Them
The Rosetta Foundation 39 4,435,381 Moderate Write For Them
Child In The City 38 2,318,946 Moderate Write For Them
Folens 38 553,708 Moderate Write For Them
Rising Stars UK 38 263,101 Moderate Publish
The Edvocate 37 193,303 Moderate Write For Them
Innovate My School 37 1,122,744 Moderate Write For Them
Student Life Network 36 313,557 Moderate Write For Them
Continyou 36 5,784,058 Moderate Write For Them
Whooos Reading 35 105,216 Moderate Write For Them
The Daily Touch 35 254,774 Moderate Become a Writer
Modeling Languages 34 322,640 Moderate Write For Them
Next Scientist 33 228,890 Moderate Guest Post
Edu Staff 31 533,470 Moderate Write For Them
Honest College 28 2,533,873 Easy Write For Them
Real Life Global 28 88,052 Easy Write For Them
Fair Languages 28 1,348,548 Easy Write For Them
Bilingua 18 691,705 Easy Write For Them

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26) Architecture & Home Design Guest Blogging Websites
Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
Apartment Therapy 84 1,217 Hard Submit
Dezeen 83 6,383 Hard Submit
Inhabitat 82 12,458 Hard Submit
Archdaily 79 2,741 Hard Contact
Design Sponge 79 42,730 Hard Contact
Curbed 78 5,824 Hard Contact Editors
Core 77 75 33,788 Moderate Register & Submit
Design Milk 73 30,523 Hard Submit
This Is Colossal 72 15,263 Hard Submit
Contemporist 64 40,392 Hard Submit
The Design Files 63 177,917 Hard Contact
Archi Lovers 60 46,900 Easy Register & Post
Amara 60 52,605 Hard Contribute
Home Designing 56 28,886 Hard Write For Them
Curbly 55 116,159 Moderate Write For Them
Selvedge 50 956,591 Moderate Write For Them
Home DSGN 47 58,256 Moderate Submit
The Interiors Addict 47 538,639 Moderate Submit
Ronen Bekerman 44 60,202 Moderate Write For Them
Landmark Trust 42 3,476,718 Moderate Write For Them
Your Wild Home 38 3,026,170 Moderate Write For Them
Chicago Architecture 33 768,535 Moderate Write For Them
Residence Style 25 588,041 Moderate Guest Post
Fuzzi Day 22 5,042,850 Easy Write For Them
Interior Designing Trends 22 1,917,913 Easy Write For Them

27) Diversied Guest Blogging Websites

Website DA Alexa Difficulty Submission Link
The Conversation 90 7,512 Extreme Pitch an Article
The Huffington Post 86 4,586 Extreme Pitch a Blog
Yanko Design 76 34,664 Hard Send a Tip
Articles Base 74 103,495 Easy Create News
Racked 74 18,082 Hard Pitch
Faking News 74 2,072 Moderate Contribute
The Rumpus 74 165,637 Hard Write For Them
Uncrate 69 7,165 Hard Contact

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Oddity Central 62 59,730 Hard Send a Tip
Lost At E Minor 62 64,202 Hard Contribute
Eco Salon 56 212,681 Moderate Contact
Escape Artist 56 251,043 Moderate Write For Them
The F Word 56 632,941 Moderate Write For Them
Sport Techie 55 118,986 Moderate Write For Them
Odihpn 54 556,382 Moderate Submit
Hi Consumption 53 21,906 Moderate Contact
Preloved 52 16,645 Moderate Write For Them
Sabotage Times 47 160,824 Moderate Write For Them
Travolution 45 372,224 Moderate Contact Editors
8 Asians 45 363,273 Moderate Write For Them
Starts At 60 43 91,027 Moderate Write For Them
Geek Girl Pen Pals 39 1,387,164 Moderate Write For Them
LA Parent 39 778,231 Moderate Write For Them
Medical Tourism Mag 37 705,025 Moderate Write For Them
The Big Smoke 37 1,551,278 Moderate Write For Them
Parhlo 36 26,154 Moderate Write For Them
Cult Box 36 187,454 Moderate Write For Them
Mars Hill Online 34 3,052,206 Moderate Write For Them
Life Daily 34 3,439 Moderate Write For Them
OP India 33 53,071 Moderate Contribute
Life In Quebec 32 2,546,987 Moderate Write For Them
The Writers Bloc 31 1,711,339 Moderate Write For Them
Clover Letter 30 1,903,363 Moderate Write For Them

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !49

What are the other methods to nd guest posting opportunities?

1. Google Search

Google Search persists to be the most popular way to nd anything on the web. Same
applies to nding blogs to contribute to.

So, begin the process with using advanced query strings. For example, to nd out digital
marketing websites that are on a lookout for contributors, well use the following string: digital
marketing contribute

To make the job easier for you, weve prepared the list of 10 popular strings:

Your Keyword contribute

Your Keyword guest post
Your Keyword write for us
Your Keyword become an author
Your Keyword guest posting
Your Keyword submit post
Your Keyword submit article
Your Keyword submit an article
Your Keyword tip us
Your Keyword submit a tip

All you need to do is to place your keyword.

2. Competitor Backlinks

This strategy can be so powerful if you have the right tools under your belt.

First and foremost, you would either need access to Open Site Explorer, Ahrefs or BuzzSumo.
These are one of the best backlink analysis tools available on the market. You can simply
input any URL, and the tool will give you the list of backlinks a particular site has.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !50

Not only you can sneak behind the link building scene of any website, but you can also nd
some great guest posting opportunities. All you need to do is to go through the links and
identify the sites that accept guest posts and contributions.

3. Twitter

Similarly to Google Search, you can use pretty much the same strings to nd guest post
opportunities on Twitter. When someone is featured on a reputable blog or publication, they
will often share the post with their followers. Thats where you can sneak behind. For example,
do a Twitter search for a query digital marketing guest post, and it will show you the latest
tweets that include your keywords.

All you need to do is scan through results by clicking on the links and evaluate which
websites accept guest posts.


When starting out, its important to realise that all things start small. And this is key to guest
blogging. Its very unlikely that youll be able to get published in some of the most
authoritative publications like The Next Web, Inc, Forbes and B2C when you just started a
company or recently started blogging.

You need to have some experience in writing, you need to know the ins and outs of the topic
youre willing to write about, and, most importantly - be patient and start small.

This is how we approached guest blogging (and still use this approach till this day).

When we started our company (and blog), we realised the need to drive referral trafc, earn
exposure and build backlinks. But, we did a huge mistake - we jumped too high. We thought
it was a piece of cake getting featured in publications like Inc, Forbes, The Next Web & B2C.
But, that wasnt the reality. We applied multiple times but were rejected every single time.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !51

After realising that we werent getting anywhere with our guest blogging, we took a step back
and decided to build up content on our own website before even trying to approach other

So, heres what weve done step-by-step:

Step 1: We published around 20 high-quality, advanced posts (1,000 words+) on our own
website. This gave us the opportunity to showcase our work, our writing style and knowledge
of the subject. This step took us about 2 months.

Step 2: We approached websites that come under the Easy category, including Business
Zone, My Customer, HR Zone & BuzzFeed. Some of these websites had no moderation at all
while others had a low entry bar. We published around 10-15 guest posts on these websites.
This step took us about 1 month.
This allowed us to build up a portfolio of guest posts. So, when we were approaching more
authoritative websites, we had something to showcase.

Step 3: After getting published on sites like Business Zone & My Customer, we decided to take
a step further and applied to contribute to Lifehack, Specky Boy, Tweak Your Biz and SEMRush,
showcasing our previous guest posts. In fact, SEMRush was a big one. Anyone can submit a
post which then goes through moderation and editing. Its relatively easy to get published as
long as your topic is about SEO, Content Marketing & Social Media, and is not very generic. So,
a post like How SEO helps your business would denitely get rejected. Its important to avoid
in-content backlinks to your site when sending drafts, as these often push editors away.
Instead, add a link in your bio. We published around 10-15 guest posts on these websites
before moving on to the next stage. This step took us about 1 month.

Step 4: After being published in some well-known marketing websites like SEMRush and
Lifehack, we decided to take our chance and try to get featured in some of the best-known
publications like The Next Web, Sitepoint, The Hufngton Post, B2C, Crazy Egg and Get
Response. And guess what? It worked! We got featured in all of them. This step took us
approximately 2 month.

So, whats the secret to successful guest blogging?

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !52

Its simple. Start small, be patient and you will get there.

To recap:

1. Publish 10-20 high-quality posts on your own website before even starting to guest blog.
2. Start your guest blogging with Easy websites. These are usually under the domain
authority of 50. Then, move your way up by building a portfolio of high-quality guest
3. Use our email outreach templates on pages 8 and 9 when pitching posts.
4. When you get published on some Moderate websites, try your luck and apply to some of
the Hard websites. As you move up, your content has to become better and better.
5. Avoid in-content backlinks when sending drafts as these often push the editors away.


Its now time to get to our second-best link building strategy we use to build links in a matter
of 10 minutes per day.

The strategy may sound pretty simple, but it usually takes a lot of hard work when it comes
to creating link-worthy content.

In essence, the strategy is based on nding content that ranks really well, then making
something even better and then carrying out a massive email outreach campaign. Isnt this a
skyscraper technique introduced by Brian Dean you may ask. Its similar, but with a twist. We
call this a Beat The Baby approach (dont take the name seriously :)).

We used this approach for our post on 180+ Quality Guest Blogging Websites and were able
to increase its rankings from page 2 to position 4 for keywords related to guest blogging
websites and websites that accept guest posts.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !53

Step 1: Find content that already ranks and has a tonne of links pointing at it
Step 2: Create something better, longer, up-to-date and more informative
Step 3: Find websites that link to the same but inferior content
Step 4: Conduct a massive email outreach to the sites that link to that inferior content and
ask them to replace that link with the link to your post

Step 1: Find content that already ranks and has a tonne of links pointing at it

We already knew that guest blogging is a big subject in the industry of SEO, Content
Marketing, Blogging & Link Building, so we already had a topic in mind.

However, for those of you who havent decided with the topic yet, we recommend using
Ahrefs and/or BuzzSumo to nd the best performing content.

For instance, if youre willing to write something about SEO - nd a popular website in that
particular industry. In this case, well be using

First, go to Ahrefs (you can get a 14-day Free trial) and input a URL of a chosen website.

Then, sort pages by Best By Links

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !54

Look for content that generated the most links. In this case, it is a post on 11 Most Common
On-Site SEO Issues.

So, our primary keyword becomes common SEO issues and common On-Site SEO issues.

Then, go to BuzzSumo (you can do this without even registering) and input common SEO
issues. This will give you the list of the most shared posts around common SEO issues. Make
sure you select Past Year in the left sidebar.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !55

Go through the content and copy all links to a spreadsheet document.

And the nal step would be to go to the old-school Google and do a basic search around
common SEO issues.

Copy 10-15 top URLs (in terms of rankings, shares and backlinks) around your keyword to a
spreadsheet document. This will provide you with a decent foundation for an email outreach

Step 2: Create something better, longer, up-to-date and more informative

Next step is to go and create something better, longer and up-to-date. But before you do
that, its important to go through the content that already ranks to see whether there is room
for improvement.

In our case, we realised that the vast majority of sites that published lists of guest blogging
websites were either outdated, incomplete or very user-unfriendly.

So, weve decided to take it a step further and created a beautiful list of 180+ Guest Blogging
Websites with mobile users in mind.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !56

We organised everything into handy tables and sorted all websites by Domain Authority.
Every site had a direct link to a submission page. From a user point of view, we believe it was
pretty good. But we couldnt forget about the search engines, so weve decided to add a
pretty long introduction and explain what guest blogging is, what are the benets, best
practices, etc. It turned out quite useful for the users as well.

So, at this stage, you should analyse the content that already ranks and see whether it could
be improvement further.

If we take at look at SERPs for a key phrase common SEO mistakes, well see that none of
these sites go beyond 14 SEO mistake - its clearly not the case with SEO. There are just too
many issues. So, why not take 30-40 hours and write a thorough post on 50 Common SEO

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !57

Step 3: Find websites that link to the same but inferior content

Now that you have your amazing piece of content published, its time to promote the hell out
of it. But rst, we need to nd websites that already link to that inferior content. In this case,
well use SEMRushs post on 11 Most Common SEO Issues (no offence to SEMRush - great

Go back to Ahrefs and input a full URL of your target website (you can also use Open Site
Explorer for this).
Then, click on referring domains tab.

You will then see a list of websites that link to that particular post.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !58

You may want to sort the list by Domain Rating and choose to display dofollow links only.

Now that you have a list in front of you, its time to export the list or create a new spreadsheet
document to track your email outreach progress.

Here is a template we use:

As you can see above, weve managed to get mentioned in some of the most authoritative
SEO & Marketing blogs like Backlinko and Smart Blogger. Well show you how we approached
them in a second.

If you wish to see where the link is coming from exactly, click the backlinks drop-down and
check the anchor text.

We recommend excluding directories, forums and websites below Domain Rating of 40 or

Domain Authority of 20.

Hopefully that by the time we move on to our nal step, you already have a list of 100-200
websites to outreach to.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !59

Step 4: Conduct a massive email outreach to the sites that link to that inferior content and
ask them to replace that link with the link to your post

Now that we have a massive spreadsheet with prospect linkers, we can go ahead and
contact them on a one-by-one basis.

Please Remember: Its always better to have a personal approach to every outreach email
you send. Although it takes more time, your chances for getting a link are much higher than
sending a very generic email without even including the name of the author. Also, never ask
for a link directly.

Although its best to contact the author of an article directly, there are times when you wont
be able to nd the information on the site. If this is the case, we suggest using tools like Email
Hunter or Voila Norbert. These tools are capable of nding an email address of the person
youre looking for.

If you nd that the post was published by a guest poster, youll be better of contacting the
owner or the editor of the site. Simply because guest posters will not be able to edit the
article after it gets published.

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !60

So, now that you have everything ready to promote your post, its time to go all-in with email

Here is an email pitch template we use:

Subject: Typical Email Outreach


Hope you're doing well!

I recently stumbled upon your article on ARTICE TITLE (ARTICLE LINK), and found it incredibly useful!

In the post (point 28, to be precise), you've mentioned THE NAME OF THE WEBSITE THEY MENTIONED guide to
guest blogging (LINK TO THE WEBSITE THEY MENTIONED), which I think is a great resource! However, I think it
might be slightly outdated and incomplete, to some extent.


I would really appreciate if you could take a second to scan the post and see whether it could be of any help
to you and your audience as an additional reading resource.

Apologies for eating up your time!

Best Wishes,


As you can see, we were fairly honest with our intentions. Thats why we used somewhat a
controversial subject Typical Outreach Email. And you know what, it worked. In total, weve
sent about 120 emails and got 13 high quality links, including links from websites like Smart
Blogger, Backlinko and Successful Blogging. And now, were seeing some great results in
terms of referral trafc these websites send us and organic rankings.

We hope you enjoyed reading this guide and we wish you the very best in your blogging!

Copyright 2017 Solvid Digital !61

Additional Reading Resources:

1. Guide To Guest Blogging By Backlinko -

2. Skyscraper Technique By Backlinko -
3. 180+ Guest Blogging Websites By Solvid -
4. Guide To Guest Blogging By KissMetrics -

Copyright 2017 Solvid (Solvi & Heirs LTD)

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Queens House
United Kingdom

Phone: 0844 995 9500

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