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We first make our habits,

and then our habits make us.
Describing habits

past habits present habits

Describing habits
Present habits
We use will to describe present habits and
behaviour whether it is good or bad.
Shell tell you everything shes done during the
day, even if youre not interested.
Hell always bring me owers.
Will may be stressed to emphasise the annoyance
at a habit.
He will turn up late every =me we have a mee=ng.
Describing habits
Present habits
To express our annoyance about someones
habits we can use the following structures:
the present con=nuous + always
to keep + ing
will keep + ing
Hes always telling me what to do.
She keeps tex=ng me.
They will keep nagging me to go and visit them.
Describing habits
Past habits
We use would to describe past habits and
behaviour whether it is good or bad. Would can
only be used to describe habits, NOT states.
My parent wouldnt drive me to par=es on
Saturday nights.
They would make me stay at home.
Would may be stressed to emphasise the
annoyance at a habit.
They would never listen to me.
Describing habits
Past habits
To express our annoyance about someones habits in
the past we can use the following structures:
the past con=nuous + always
kept + ing
would keep + ing
They were always complaining.
We kept asking for a refund but we were ignored.
He would keep going on about his brother. It drove
me mad.
Describing habits
Repeated Ac3ons

We use keep on to emphasise that an ac=on is

repeated frequently.

Sorry, I keep on forgeEng your name!

Describing habits
Typical States

We use tend to to describe typical states.

She tends to shout a lot.

My parents tended to be very laid-back.
Describing habits
Other Expressions

Im inclined to
I have an inclina=on to
I tend to
I have a tendency to
Im prone to
Ill spend hours / Id spend hours
As a rule, I .
Nine =mes out of ten, I.

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