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This chapter presents the research design, research procedure, the subject of the study, research
instrument and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design
The researchers used a descriptive quantitative study to determine and develop a more detailed
study about the coping mechanisms of HUMSS 12 2 female students who experienced catcalling.
Through this study, different coping mechanism methods were identified and by conducting this study,
how these coping mechanisms influence a victims life were further studied and proved.

This study focused on the knowledge of students about the students coping mechanisms after
experiencing catcalling. This is to gather information through survey to know how female students of
HUMSS 2 cope after being catcalled. The answered survey showed how different coping mechanisms
affect a victims daily routine and activities. One of its advantages is for the respondents to access
themselves if they used the different coping mechanisms presented in the research instrument and if the
victims used other mechanism in coping up in the incident.

In this case, the respondents may also learn about other coping mechanism they might have used
unintentionally after being cat called. Also, the questions presented may also serve as an outlet of
learning for the respondents to know some coping act they used.

This study served as an instrument to inform about the different coping mechanisms used after
being cat called and how these methods affect the victims daily living and activities.

Sampling Design and Sample

The respondents of this study are composed of female students from the block of HUMSS 12-2
at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. The chosen subjects then falls under the age group of 16- 18
years old, enough age for the researchers to institute such serious topic to discuss. Also, according to the
website named The Telegraph, a survey that was conducted by an anti-street harassment group
Hollaback!, they found out that among 16,000 women, mostly experienced catcalling for the first time in
between their ages of 11 to 17. Hence, the females age has a special relation into the researchers
discussion on cat-calling since this is the age bracket where people often experience such.

Research Instrument
The main instrument of this study is a survey-questionnaire made by the researchers based from
the female students coping mechanism upon the experience of being cat-called. This is also to see their
strategies and the effectiveness of each, when they have faced this certain situation. This survey-
questionnaire was also validated with three experts, a psychology doctor, a teacher and a counselor. This
was also pilot-tested to HUMSS 12 1.

The research instrument was divided into three parts that were answerable by a yes or no type of
checklist. From here, the respondents are then given three choices to check from:

Part 1 of the questionnaire- This is to see who among the women of HUMSS 12-2 students have
experienced being cat-called. This is answerable by a yes or no only.
Part 2 of the questionnaire - This is to see who among the students who said yes to the first
question chooses certain type of coping mechanism. This is answerable by yes, no, and
Part 3 of the questionnaire- This is to see how the given coping mechanisms helped them in
going through their daily activities.


Name (Optional):_______________________________________
Strand / Track: __________________

Catcalling is a loud or shrill whistle of disapproval, or is a loud whistle or sexual comment made by a man
to a passing woman.

Have you experienced being catcalled? Yes ___ No ___

If Yes, kindly put a check on the tables below.

After being catcalled
did you share it to your
parents / family
Did you share it to your
Did you share it in
social media?
Did you isolate yourself
from others?
Do you still think about
what happened?
Did you already forget
about what happened?
Are you still trying to
forget what happened?

Guided by your previous answers, how those coping mechanisms help you in doing your daily / normal activities?

It helped me feel better
through the sympathy of
It boosts my confidence
through others constant
It made me feel that Im
not alone and others felt
/ experienced the same
It helped me feel safe
and secured.
It helped me to be
responsible every time.
It makes my mind to be
alert in the street.

Research Procedure

The researchers first created a possible topic that is in-line to catcalling and presented it
to their adviser. After the topic was approved, they gathered different data about the coping mechanisms
of women on catcalling. Through their data, they created a survey-questionnaire and validated with three
experts and pilot-tested to HUMSS 12 1. Next was, they conducted they find a suitable respondents for
their survey-questionnaire and fortunately, HUMSS 12 2 is an appropriate respondent for their study
because of their time availability and number of respondents. The researchers used the said block
because of the dominant number of female students in the whole population of HUMSS 12 2.
After allotting a significant amount of time for their respondents to answer the survey-
questionnaire, they gathered the data and later explained the results gathered through tables. The
researchers first identified the percentage of the female students who answered yes to the question
asking them if they had experienced catcalling. Then the results of the second part of the questionnaire
were examined wherein it indicates the percentage of the most used coping mechanism of catcalling
victim. Lastly, the results of the third part of the questionnaire were reflected in the tables of results
wherein the respondents were asked on how these coping mechanisms helped them in their daily life

Because of the results and data gathered, the researchers were able to make their
discussion and conclusion supported with their data based on the answers from their respondents. The
researchers came up with a conclusions and recommendations following all the information they
gathered in conducting this research.

Statistical Treatment

The respondents answer will derive using the formula below: where:

%= Percent

F= frequency %=

N= number of cases

Using the formula above, we identified the percentage of respondents who already
experienced being catcalled, their coping mechanisms and how these mechanisms help them to continue
in their daily routine.

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