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One Mark Each on following

Q3. What is the phase angle of total current for a parallel RLC ( R in parallel with L in parallel with C ) circuit
when IL = 15.3 A, IC = 0.43 A, and IR = 3.5 A?
a) 76.7 degrees b) 4.25 degrees c) -76.7 degrees d) 88.8 degrees

Q4. At resonant frequency, what is correct out of the following ?

a) Applied voltage is more than voltage across resistor
b) Applied voltage is less than voltage across resistor
c) Applied voltage is equal to voltage across resistor
d) None of the above

Q5. Ideal value of relative magnetic permeability is

a) Zero b) Infinity c) High d) Low

Q6. Which reactance is dominant in a series RLC circuit at low frequency?

a) capacitive reactance is dominant b) inductive reactance is dominant
c) resistance is always dominant d) the larger of the two reactance is dominant

Q7. What would be the power factor for an RLC circuit that acts as highly inductive ?
a) 90 degrees leading b) nearly one c) nearly zero d) 90 degrees lagging

Q8. Voltage lags current in an RLC circuit when overall nature of circuit is?
a) capacitive b) inductive c) resistive d) resonant condition

Q9. For AC circuit KCL and KVL is applicable for

a) algebraic values b) phasor values c) vector values d) None

Q10. The ability of a material to remain magnetized after removal of the magnetizing force is known as
a) Permeability b) reluctance c) permittivity d) retentivity

Q16. The induced voltage across a stationary conductor in a stationary magnetic field is
a) increased b) decreased c) reversed polarity d) zero

Q11. Which two values are plotted on a B-H curve graph?

a) reluctance and flux density b) Permeability and reluctance
b) Magnetizing force and permeability d) Flux density and magnetizing force

Q12. In a series RC circuit, 12 V(rms) is measured across the resistor and 15 V(rms) is measured across the capacitor.
The rms source voltage is
a) 1.92V b) 19.2 V c) 12V d) 3V

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