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Distributed Systems

Data Representation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torben Weis

Universitt Duisburg-Essen

Data transmitted over a network is just bytes

It can represent:
Simple data types
byte, int, long, double, float, decimal,
Objects in the sense of OO-languages Data
A *.class file, a DLL, or a Python module Code
Office Open XML, OpenDocument, PDF,
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Data representation can be different from

machine to machine
Byte order (Little Endian vs. Big Endian)
Text encoding (US-ASCII vs. ISO 8859-1 vs )
Integers or pointers may have different length on
different CPUs
FischerTechnik, Lego Mindstorm: 8 bit
Intel 8086: 16 bit
x86: 32 bit
x86-64: 64 bit

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A transformation is necessary
From one data format to another
Simple in theory
but usually with impact on performance
Two transformation principles:
1. Pair-wise transformation for every representation
2. Transform to canonical representation

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1. Pair-wise Transformation

More code (n transformations)

Better performance (runs 1 transformation)
Usually sender transmits indication of
representation and receiver makes it right
Drawback: Receiver must understand all formats
R1 R1

R2 R2

R3 R3
. .
. .
. .
Rn Rn
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2. Transform to Canonical Representation

Less to code (2n transformations)

Lower performance (runs 2 transformations)
External representation given by protocol
specification or negotiated by communication
R1 R1

R2 R2

R3 RC R3
. .
. .
. .
Rn Rn
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Byte order
Text encoding
Data serialization formats
Java object serialization

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Byte Order

How to crack an egg?

If you crack it here, you are a big ender

If you crack it here, you are a little ender

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Byte Order (2)

How to store a number as 4-byte integer?

2004 decimal = 0x000007D4 hexadecimal

If you start here, its big endian Big-endian

0 1 2 3
Most significant byte first
00 00 07 D4

0x 00 00 07 D4
0 1 2 3
If you start here, its little endian D4 07 00 00
Least significant byte first
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Byte Order (3)

Identical number, different sequence of bytes

But what if sender and receiver use different orders?

Most computer systems use little endian

Intel x86, x86-64,

Some use big endian

Motorola 68x, PowerPC,

Most network protocols use big endian

Network Byte Order
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Text Encoding

Characters and symbols are encoded as bytes

E.g. A = 0x41, B = 0x42
Number of available characters (character set)
depends on size of encoded character
E.g. one character = one byte maximum of 256
What about Chinese, Japanese, Greek, characters?
Multiple common encodings (character sets)
US-ASCII, ISO 8859, Unicode,

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128 characters
Carriage return
Newline (LF)

Latin alphabet
Some symbols

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Unicode assigns a code point for each character

1.1 million code points in Universal Coded Character
Set (UCS, defined in ISO 10646)
First 128 code points identical with ASCII
Multiple encoding formats available
UTF-8: variable length 14 bytes
UTF-16: variable length 2 or 4 bytes
UCS-2: fixed length 2 bytes
Cannot represent all possible unicode characters
UTF-32: fixed length 4 bytes
You can use Unicode e.g. in Java: \u2260
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Variable length 14 bytes per characters

Single byte for code points U+0000 to U+007F
ASCII characters encoded as single byte 0x00 to 0x7F
Backward compatible with ASCII

Multiple bytes for code points U+80

U-00000000 - U-0000007F 0xxxxxxx

U-00000080 - U-000007FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx

U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

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UTF-8 by Example

The Unicode character U+00A9 = 1010 1001

() is encoded in UTF-8 as
11000010 10101001 = 0xC2 0xA9

The character U+2260 = 0010 0010 0110 0000

() is encoded as:
11100010 10001001 10100000 = 0xE2 0x89 0xA0

UTF-8 wastes bits on non-ASCII characters

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UTF-8 Decoding Algorithm

First bit 0?
process 1 byte and return character
Second bit 0? (when in the middle of a character)
skip 1 byte and goto start
Third bit 0?
process 2 bytes and return character

U-00000000 - U-0000007F 0xxxxxxx

U-00000080 - U-000007FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx

U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

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2 bytes per character U+0000 to U+FFFF

4 bytes per character >U+FFFF
Encoded as two 16-bit words called surrogate pairs

UTF-16: byte order of 16-bit words unspecified

Explicitly negotiate UTF-16 LE or BE (Little/Big Endian)
Use Byte Order Mark (BOM) before the first character
U+FEFF = Byte Order Mark (invisible character)
U+FFFE = reserved, not used
BOM sometimes used in UTF-8 to recognize UTF-8 text

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Basic Multilingual 16 supplementary

Plane (BMP) planes
216 code points 216 additional code
points per plane
Surrogate code
points refer to
another plane
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Uses fixed-length encoding

All characters require 32 bit

In contrast: UTF-8 & UTF-16 use

variable-length encoding
UTF-32 only rarely used as external format
Wastes too much space on average characters

Sometimes used as internal format

Efficient addressing of single characters
Access 100th character: data[4*100]

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Serialization: transform data into a byte stream

Purpose: store or transfer data object
External representation of data

Deserialization: load serialized data

Mostly synonymous to serialization/deserialization
Context: Moving data between boundaries

Synonymous to serialization/deserialization
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Schema: External Specification

How to indicate the schema of data structures?

E.g. <String, int>

External definition in protocol specification

Protocol defines syntax and semantics
Syntax: server must send string, then number
Semantics: string is text message, number is user id

What if the protocol changes?

Server sends <int, String, int>
Old implementation will interpret int as a String!

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Schema: In-band Signaling

In-band signaling of schema

<<Type, Length, String>, <Type, Length, int>>

Client can detect and handle unexpected data

Unknown Type? Skip and continue

But: schema does not define semantics

What is the meaning of the String or the int?
Still relying on external protocol specification

Send version field in your protocol to recognize

changes in semantics
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Common Data Representation (CDR)

Used in CORBA middleware since version 2.0

Principle: Receiver makes it right
Simple types (short, long, float, char, )
Complex types (sequence, string, union,
struct, )
Alignment of types according to size
Multiple of size
Byte order of sender
Sender declares its architecture in header
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CDR Example

struct <string, unsigned long>

Hello, 2004

Senders byte order: little endian

5 H E L L O 2 0 0 4
Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Value 05 00 00 00 48 45 4C 4C 4F 00 00 00 D4 07 00 00

String length Alignment

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Abstract Syntax
Describes the structure of data independent of any
programming language

Concrete Syntax
Describes the structure of data for the selected
programming language

Transfer Syntax
Structure of data used for transfer
(e.g. <Type, Length, Value>)

Encoding Rules, e.g. Basic Encoding Rules (BER)

Describe the transformation from concrete to transfer
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Language-independent definition of data types

Based on predefined data types
Concrete definition derived from the abstract

INTEGER ASN.1 abstract syntax

int Concrete syntax

Java syntax

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ASN.1 Example

Example type definition:

BookType ::= INTEGER {
Example value definition:
hardcover BookType ::= hardcover(1)

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Transfer Syntax: Basic Encoding Rules

Data is transferred in TLV coding (tag, length,


Tag Length Value

class p/c number

Tag class
Primitive or Tag number
(2 bit)
complex type (variable
(1 bit) length)

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BER Example

Example definition:
BookType ::= INTEGER {
hardcover BookType ::= hardcover(1)

hardcover is transferred as:

Tag Length Value

01 0 00100 00000001 00000001

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ASN.1 / BER Summary

Many more features, quite complex standard

ASN.1/BER very powerful

Coding is not time efficient
(e.g. accessing single bits)
Many applications know type information, no need to
transfer tag and length

Still in use, for example UMTS or X.509

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ASN.1 Example Application: X.509 Certificates

X.509 certificates are ASN.1 encoded

Used for HTTPS or other TLS-secured connection

Can include extension fields

Ignored by applications that dont know them

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BER versus CDR

BER encodes data as Tag & Value

Any BER-encoded sequence of bytes can be decomposed
into its values
However, the semantics of these values is not encoded
Disadvantage: Tags consume space

CDR encodes values only

A CDR-encoded sequence of bytes cannot be decoded
without the corresponding structure definition
However, the receiver most likely knows what to expect and
how to interpret it
Advantage: No data wasted on tags

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Data interchange format

Extensible Markup Language
Text-based, self describing data presentation
Meta language (i.e. use this language to define your
own data structure)
Platform independent
Widely supported
Specified by W3C for the World Wide Web

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XML Basics I

XML is based on markup

Opening and closing tags
A tag has
a name
optional content between opening and closing tag
an optional namespace
optional attributes
<tag key=value></tag>

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XML Example

<book bookid="1234">
<title>XML in 5 minutes</title>

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XML Basics II

XML documents must be well-formed

Begin with the XML declaration
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Have one unique root element
All start tags must match end tags (case sensitive)
All elements must be closed
All elements must be properly nested
All attribute values must be quoted
XML entities must be used for special characters
e.g. &lt; for <

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XML Structure

XML document: elements in a hierarchical

XML is good at encoding tree structures

Structure somewhat evident for humans

Only syntax, semantics left for guessing
Verbose text representation

How to encode arbitrary graphs in XML?

E.g. a graph with circular references?

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XML Validation

XML documents can be validated

Predefine structure of a document
Check if document matches structure
1. DTDs (Document Type Definitions)
Extended context-free grammar
Part of XML specification not covered here
2. XML schema
Define structure of a document in XML
Support for data types (built-in and user-defined)
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XML Schema Example
<element name="book">
<attribute name="bookid" type="decimal"/>
<element name="title" type="string"/>
<element name="author" type="string"/>
<element name="price" type="string"/>
<element name="availability" type="string"/>
<element name="bookoftheyear" minOccurs="0"

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APIs for Using XML

How to read data from an XML document?

Document Object Model (DOM)
Parses XML as tree into memory
Easy traversal via API (e.g. go to child element)

Simple API for XML (SAX)

Throws events for each XML element (e.g. here comes
a tag, here comes an attribute, etc.)
Not simple to use at all

XPath & XPointer: address elements in document

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XPath / XPointer

XPath: Language for accessing XML elements

The Root element: /*
The fifth child element under an element named
The element FOOB whose BAZ attribute is equal to
FOOB[ @BAZ = hello" ]

XPointer: another language, e.g.

<foobar id="foo"><bar/><baz><bom/></baz></foobar>

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XML Summary

Meta language for defining other languages

i.e. data structure in your application

Data interchange format

Breaks documents into hierarchical parts
Gives the parts names
Lets you write rules for how parts form a document

Expensive conversion from binary data to text
Text format uses lot of space

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XML Myths

XML is simple
XML is human-readable
Proof: MS Word Save Unpack XML

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JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

Data interchange format

Originates from JavaScript for Web usage
But has been also implemented for other
programming languages

Text format like XML

But no query languages unlike XML

Convert data object to JSON & send

Receive & parse JSON to data object

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JSON Example

"bookid": 1234,
"title": "JSON in 5 minutes",
"author": "T.Knowsitall",
"price": 0.50,
"availability": 1,
"bookoftheyear": true,

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JSON Data Types

Numbers: (un)signed integer, float/double

"someArray": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Object (key/value map)

{ "foo": "bar", "moep": { "nested": "structure" } }


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JSON is simpler and easier than XML

XML has more features
Query languages
Document transformation via XSLT
Validation via XML Schema

Both are text formats

JSON slightly less verbose

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Java Object Serialization

Binary serializer
ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream);

XML serializer
JAXB Marshaller/Unmarshaller
Object-to-XML mapping customizable
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Node.class);
Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
m.marshal(nodes[0], outputStream);

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Binary Serializer

Serializable interface indicates that object can

be serialized
Default serializer:
Retrieve type/value of all fields via reflection
transient keyword indicates that field should be
skipped from serialization

public class Object implements Serializable {

public int foo;
public transient int bar;

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Binary Serializer (2)

Custom writeObject() / readObject() methods

Control interchange format
Necessary when generic serializer fails because
special processing required

private void readObject( stream)

throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
private void writeObject( stream)
throws IOException;

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Binary Serializer (3)

Example output

Hex Text

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How Serialization works internally

The serializer traverses the object graph

This takes time
Has to detect circles
The serializer serializes all objects found during
the graph traversal
Every object is stored as a name/value pair
Type information is stored to recreate the object
during deserialization
What happens if the deserializing process
misses the implementation of a serialized type?
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XML Serializer

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)

Alternative frameworks also available

Map Java objects to XML documents

Mapping controlled via annotations

public class Object {
public int foo;
public int bar;

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XML Serializer (2)

Example output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"


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Dealing with data representation is necessary

for interoperability
Use standards in open heterogeneous
environments (Internet)
Interoperable but slow, e.g. XML, JSON
Binary formats more efficient than text

Use specialized format in closed environments

Fast but less interoperable, e.g. Java Object

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