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Warning: We will be going fast!!!

History Telescopes Planets

Stars Galaxies Cosmology

It doesnt matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesnt
matter how smart you are. If it doesnt agree with experiment,
its wrong.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you
are the easiest person to fool.

Richard Feymann, Nobel prize winner in physics.

It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains

fall out.

Carl Sagan, astronomer, creator of the Cosmos TV series.

Science starts
with curiosity
that is born in
all of us

The starting
point is to find
patterns in the
natural world
The medieval view
- Aristotle

The natural view

- Leonardo
Sketches of the Moon
The Sounds of Space

Keplers Harmony
The Sounds of Space

Big Bang Acoustics

Mark Whittle, UVa
Patterns in Nature


Numerical Sequence Alternating Red/Black


Match Color or Number Red on Even, Black on Odd

The Periodic Table

Mendeleev and the Material World

Science Made Stupid (1985) Tom Weller

Invention or discovery?

Imagining the Impossible

Nancarrow Study
#21 (1960)
Imagining other worlds

Imagining orbits
Imagining Worm Holes

Contact (1997)
Imagining Worm Holes

Contact (1997)
Failures of Logic
Deduction combines DEDUCTION
statements or premises
and combines them to
reach a conclusion.

The conclusion is valid

only if the premises are
justified and the logical
construction is correct.

Deduction preserves
truth but doesnt
always expand

i.e. symbolic logic,

arithmetic, algebra
Induction involves a DEDUCTION
generalization from a
limited amount of
data to a broad

Induction cannot yield

certainty, but backed
by a lot of data, gives
reliable conclusions.

Induction can expand

knowledge so is a
basic tool of science.

i.e. data is always finite

so theories are always
subject to verification.
Astronomers often use estimation or order of magnitude
calculations in their work. Often it is not possible, or even
necessary, to derive very accurate numbers. And this is
particularly true in astronomy where the objects under
consideration are usually extremely faint and very remote.

X 10 Accuracy For most exploratory

X 2 Accuracy For most numbers in
10% Accuracy For the best-measured
Science Limitations

Uncertainty, imprecision, and error arise three different ways:

CONCEPTUAL Making a false premise, confusing

correlation with causation, inferring a
pattern where none is present

MACROSCOPIC There is no such thing as perfect data.

Every data set is limited and every
instrument has limitations

MICROSCOPIC Heisenbergs uncertainty principle sets

a fundamental limit to precision for
measurement of particle position and
velocity, or energy and time
Quantum Universe
Quantum Universe
Cause and Effect
It would be difficult to make sense of the world if we did not believe
in cause and effect, that things do not happen without a reason.
On the other hand, the universe does not work like a machine or like
clockwork, where everything is perfectly and completely predictable.

No correlation?
Linear correlation?
Non-linear correlation?


Correlation need not imply causation; underlying variable is time


Heads Both Tails

Some events are individually unpredictable, but
the statistical average is still very well determined

The roll of a single die It is impossible to predict

is unpredictable; each when any single atom will
outcome has 1/6 odds undergo radioactive decay
of occurring each time
Gathering a large number of random events, the
average properties of the system become clear

A pair of dice rolled many With a large number of

times will give a smooth radioactive atoms, half
distribution of outcomes of them will decay in a
particular time interval

Evidence is:

based on data



not subjective

never perfect
The Importance of Evidence
There is no science without evidence
All assertions must be supported by data
Every claim in science is subject to verification

Science is data-driven, so progress is made by:

1. Gathering more data GOOD!

2. Repeating the experiment BETTER!!

3. Someone else repeating the experiment BEST!!!

Here are observations
of Saturn made in the
first 50 years after the
telescopes invention
(from 1610 to 1660).

Which one shows

the way Saturn
really looks?

Science progresses at
the limit of observation.
Scientists always want
more and better data.
All observations are
uncertain at some level,
due to limitations in the
measuring apparatus.
This is not really like an
error, as in a mistake.

Where is the star

really on the sky?

Multiple measurements
are needed to define
the uncertainty. Taking
more data gives a more
reliable estimate and a
measure of uncertainty.
For 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the universe,
including all stars and all galaxies, the evidence is indirect.
Scientific Method
Good Science
Science seeks robust explanations for observed
phenomena that rely solely on natural causes.
Science progresses by creating and testing models
of nature that explain the observations as simply
or as efficiently as possible.
Occams Razor (there may be more than one
explanation for set of data, choose the simplest)
A scientific model must make testable predictions
that may force us to revise or abandon the model.
Plus, the role of luck and persistence: Science is a
very human (so sometimes flawed) enterprise!

Theory : a model which survives repeated testing


Theory of Too Much


Current Theory

Theory of Everything

The Truth is Out There

X-Files Pilot (1997)

The Truth is Out There

X-Files Pilot (1997)

A Major Problem:

Science literacy is
low, around 10%,
and pop culture is
awash in all kinds
of pseudoscience,
magical thinking,
superstition, and
supernatural or
irrational belief
Bits of Information
Suppose you have a
piece of paper and
you want know
where the dot is.

With factors of two, No fold, 1 piece, dot could be

anywhere on the paper.
One fold, 2 pieces, dot is in
top half of the paper.
Two folds, 4 pieces, dot is
in top right quadrant.
folding the paper
over and over, or
dividing into areas
two times smaller,
you will home in on
the dots location.
Three folds, 8 pieces, dot is in Four folds, 16 pieces, dot is Five folds, 32 pieces, dot is 1
the top right corner. left of top right corner. down, 1 left of the corner.


Digital Information
A binary digit, or bit of information is the
simplest division to make: on/off, loud/soft,
black/white, hot/cold, or done in math, 1/0.

As the number of division increases,

more bits, the information improves.

The math uses a

base 2, or binary
counting system.

Why do we do this? The basis of modern

electronics is the rapid switching on and
off of current, a billion times per second.
Measuring Information

KB = 103 bytes
MB = 106 bytes
GB = 109 bytes (1 byte = 8 bits)
TB = 1012 bytes
PB = 1015 bytes
EB = 1018 bytes

1 kilobyte (KB) One type-written page

1 megabyte (MB) A short novel
1 gigabyte (GB) Pickup truck of books
1 terabyte (TB) 50,000 trees to paper
10 terabytes U.S Library of Congress
1 petabyte (PB) All research libraries
100 petabytes All printed material
1 exabyte (EB) All the new info in 2010
10 exabytes All words ever spoken
How Much Information?
1 bit (21) 50% precision 2 items
2 bits (22) 25% precision 4 items
3 bits (23) 13% precision 8 items
4 bit (24) 6% precision 16 items

10 bits (210) 0.1% precision 1024 items

20 bits (220) 0.0001% precision 1,000,000 items

60 bits (260) 10-18% precision 1021 items

A factor of 10 in scale is 1/log2 = 3.3 bits of information. Just 60

bits of information or yes/no decisions can specify the position
of the dot on the paper down to the level of a single cellulose
molecule or count the stars in 60 billion galaxies in the cosmos.
The History of Information
1018 Early life:
0.01 bits/yr
1 bit/yr
106 1013 bits/yr

1019 bits/yr

4.6 billion 3.5 billion 5000 yrs Now

Moores law and its network bandwidth equivalent are at

about 1 Gigabit (109) per second, but project to 1 Petabit
(1015) per second in 2030, the capacity of the human brain.




Ancient Astronomy

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

publishing as Addison-Wesley
The Role of Astronomy

What did ancient civilizations use astronomy for?

daily timekeeping
tracking the seasons and calendar
monitoring lunar cycles
monitoring planets and stars
predicting eclipses
and much more

The sky was a map, a clock , a

calendar, and a book of stories
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Gibbon bone, Central Africa, 35,000 B.C.

We are anatomically and

developmentally modern
since ~38,000 years ago.
The very oldest human
artifacts are devices for
keeping a lunar calendar.
Cave paintings, Lascaux, 15,000 B.C.
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Sky Observations in a Year

1 Patterns in the Sky

Motions in the Sky
2 The Circling Sky day
> the rotation of the Earth about its axis
3 The Reason for Seasons year
> the Earths orbit around the Sun
4 Precession of the Earths Axis
> the wobbling of Earths axis
5 The Moon, Our Constant Companion month
> the Moons orbit around the Earth
6 The Ancient Mystery of the Planets week
> the various planets orbits
2005 around
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Education Sun
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2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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France: Cave paintings from 18,000 B.C. may suggest
knowledge of lunar phases, helpful in hunting (29 dots)

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Ancient people of central Africa (6500 B.C.)
could predict the seasons from the orientation
of the crescent moon near the western horizon

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Egyptian obelisk: shadows tell time of day/year.

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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England: Stonehenge (completed around 1550 B.C.)

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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England: Stonehenge (completed around 1550 B.C.)

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Germany: Nebra sky disk, high status object (1600 B.C.)
Yucatan, Mexico: Mayan Observatory at Chichen Itza (~800 A.D.)

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The serpent at Chichen Itza

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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United States: Sun Dagger marks solstice/equinox (~1000 A.D.)

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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South Pacific: Polynesians were skilled in art of celestial navigation

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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"On the Jisi
day, the 7th day
of the month, a
big new star
appeared in the
company of the
Ho star."

"On the Xinwei day the

new star dwindled."

Bone or tortoise shell inscription from the 14th century BC.

China: Earliest known records of supernova explosions (1400 B.C.)

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
publishing as Addison-Wesley
The Antikythera Mechanism

Found in a shipwreck off the coast of Greece in 1900, this has

been labeled the Mona Lisa of mechanical artifacts. It dates
back 2100 years and is an early version of an analog computer.
The device is made of brass,
had 76 gears, predicted Sun,
Moon and planet positions,
and eclipses, and could track
non-linear sky motion. It was
probably inspired by a design
handed down by Archimedes.
Engineering in 100 B.C.
Engineering in 100 B.C.
Can you answer all these questions about
timekeeping and features of the calendar?
Why does the year begin on January 1?
Why are there 7 days in a week?
Where do the names of the days come from?
Why are there 24 hours in a day?
Why are there 60 minutes in an hour?
Why is February the only short month?
Why do analog clocks go clockwise?
Why do Arab flags include a crescent Moon?
What is the origin of Halloween and April Fools?
Why are month lengths hard to remember?
Where do the last four month
2005 Pearson names come from?
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Days of week were named for Sun, Moon, and visible planets

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Our Modern Calendar

Time Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Frame Days
Janus Februa Martius Aprilus Maius Junius Quintils Sextilus Septum Octo Nove Decem
(doors) (purify) (war) (beauty (spring) (women (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
& #s
Romulus 31 30 31 30 31 30 30 31 30 30 304
(7th BC)
Pompilus 25 25 354
(6th BC)
Priscus 29 28 31 29 31 29 31 29 29 31 29 29 355
(6th BC)
Caesar 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 365
(44 BC) Leap year

Augustus 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 365
(8 BC) Leap year

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Greek Science
Differing views on life in the universe:

There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world
of ours we must believe that in all worlds there are living
creatures and plants and other things we see in this world.

Epicurus (341-270 B.C.) Letter to Herodotus

The world must be unique There cannot be several worlds.

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) de Caelo

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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The Birth of Science
The Birth of Science
The Ancient Greeks, with a strong civic
society yet no technology, came up with:
Philosophy, logic, the scientific method

Systems of government, law, the city state

New ideas in theater, music, and medicine

Geometry, algebra, infinity, irrational numbers

Ideas of the round Earth, heliocentric universe

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Our mathematical and scientific heritage originated with
the civilizations of the Middle East

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Why does modern science trace its roots to
the ancient Greeks?
Greeks were the first
people known to make
models of nature.
They tried to explain the
patterns in nature without
resorting to myth or the
They applied math and
logic to explanations of
natural phenomena
Greek geocentric model (c. 400 B.C.)
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Special Topic: Eratosthenes measures the Earth (~240 B.C.)

Syene to Alexandria
distance 5000 stadia
angle = 7

Calculate circumference of Earth:

7/360 (circum. Earth) = 5000 stadia
circum. Earth = 5000 360/7 stadia 250,000 stadia

Compare to modern value ( 40,100 km):

Greek stadium 1/6 km 250,000 stadia 42,000 km

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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How did the Greeks explain planetary motion?
Underpinnings of the Earth at the center of the universe
Greek geocentric model: Heavens must be perfect : objects
moving on perfect spheres or along
perfect circles (cf. Pythagoras)

Plato Aristotle
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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But this made it difficult to explain the
apparent retrograde motion of planets

For example: Over a period of 10 weeks in 2003, Mars appeared

to stop, back up, then go forward again relative to the fixed stars.
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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The most sophisticated
geocentric model was
that of Ptolemy (A.D.
100-170) called the
Ptolemaic model:
Sufficiently accurate to
remain in use for 1,500
years. But needed up to
47 offset spheres just to
explain motions of only
7 celestial objects!
Arabic translation of
Ptolemys work named
Ptolemy Almagest (the greatest
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Copernican Revolution
Proposed the Sun-centered model
(published on his death in 1543)
Copernicus (1473-1543)
Used model to determine layout of
solar system (planetary distances
in Earth-Sun units, or A.U.)

But . . .

The model was no more accurate

than Ptolemaic model in predicting
planetary positions, because it still
used perfect circles.
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Copernicus Heliocentric Model
Sun is at the center
Earth orbits like any
other planet
Inferior planet orbits
are smaller
Retrograde motion
occurs when we lap
Mars and all the other
superior or outer
planets But, the stars must be very far away to see no
stellar parallax, plus, we feel no rapid motion!
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Why was replacing this ...with this so revolutionary?

In part, because moving the Earth from the center of

creation challenged culture, religion, and our self-image.
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Why was the appearance of stars (brightness and parallax) such a key
distinction between the geocentric and heliocentric models?

In the geocentric model the distance to all stars is constant, so they never
change their brightness or relative positions (parallax), but in the heliocentric
model this is only true if thestars are much
2005 Pearson further
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2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)

Compiled the most accurate (one

arcminute) naked eye measurements
ever made of planetary positions.
Still could not detect stellar parallax,
and thus still thought Earth must be at
center of solar system (but recognized
that other planets go around Sun)
Hired Kepler, who used his cumulative
observations to discover the truth about
planetary motion (orbits are elliptical).

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Kepler first tried to match Tychos
observations with circular orbits
But an 8 arcminute (1/4 of the Moons
apparent size on the sky) discrepancy
led him eventually to ellipses

If I had believed that we could have

ignored these eight minutes [of arc],
I would have patched up my
hypothesis accordingly. But, since it
was not permissible to ignore, those
Johannes Kepler
eight minutes pointed the road to a
2005 reformation
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Keplers First Law
Keplers Second Law
Keplers Third Law
Revolving and Attracting
Revolving and Attracting
Galileo (1564-1642) is considered the
first modern experimental scientist. He
overcame several major objections to
the Copernican view. Three objections
rooted in the Aristotelian view were:

1. Earth could not be moving because

objects in air would be left behind.
2. Non-circular orbits are not perfect
as the heavens should be.
3. If Earth were really orbiting Sun,
wed detect stellar parallax, or the
seasonal shift in star positions.
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Overcoming the first objection (nature of motion):

Galileos experiments showed that objects in air would

stay with a moving Earth, the concept of inertia.

Aristotle thought that all objects naturally come to rest.

Galileo showed that objects will stay in motion unless a force
acts to slow them down (Newtons first law of motion).

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Gravitational Acceleration
Gravitational Acceleration
Overcoming the second objection (heavenly perfection):

Tychos observations of comet and

supernova already challenged this idea.
Using his telescope, Galileo saw:
sunspots on Sun (imperfections.)
mountains and valleys on the
Moon (proving it is not a perfect
sphere, but is geological).
removing the celestial/terrestrial
distinction motives the concept of
many worlds.
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Galileo also saw four
moons orbiting Jupiter,
proving that not every
object orbits the Earth

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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Overcoming the third objection (parallax):

Tycho thought he had measured stellar distances, so

lack of parallax seemed to rule out an orbiting Earth.
Galileo showed stars must be much farther than
Tycho thought in part by using his telescope to see
the Milky Way is made of countless individual stars.
If stars were much farther away, then the lack of
detectable parallax was no longer so troubling.

2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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The Catholic Church ordered
Galileo to recant his claim
that the Earth orbits the Sun
in 1633. He died under house
arrest just outside Florence.
His book on the subject was
removed from the Churchs
index of banned books in
1824. By then astronomy had
shifted to northern Europe.
Galileo Galilei was formally
vindicated by the Church in
1992. A bit, ahem, late.
Galileo Galilei
2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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2005 Pearson Education Inc.,

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2005 Pearson Education Inc.,
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Imagining space travel

Imagining life on other worlds

Newton (1661)

Keplers Somnium (1630)

Shoulders of Giants
Shoulders of Giants
The Copernican Revolution

The history of astronomy displaces us from cosmic importance

People and Progress
People and Progress
Awareness of the Universe
Awareness of the Universe
Powers of Ten

Cosmic Voyage (1996)

Powers of Ten

Cosmic Voyage (1996)

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