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Invitation Package

Veracruz, Mexico. December 2017

Welcome to Veracruz.......3 Sessions......................16
Message from the Chair..8 Lodging......................19
Organizing Committee.....9 Social program..........20
Climate............................12 Workshops................22
Partners..........................13 Registration..............28
How to come?..................14 Fees..........................29
Transportation..............16 Payment info...........30
Meals............................16 Visa requirements...31
Welcome to Veracruz.
Welcome to Veracruz.
Welcome to Veracruz.
The state of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, was found on
december 22, 1823.
Veracruz involves a large land of irregular borders, delimited
by the sea and mountains. The natural beauty of the state,
biodiversity, archealogical sites, colonial cities and specially,
the happiness and kindness of the Jarochos, are their better
Veracruz is well known because its big diversity of beaches
located to all the state converging in a total of 24, some of
them are: Tuxpan, Costa Esmeralda; San Antoln and Boca del
Ro. Besides the beaches, the state offers beatiful waterfalls,
like Texolo, located in Teocelo and El Salto de Eyipantla,
located close to San Andrs Tuxtla.
Xalapa, Veracruz.
Located on the limit of the Macuiltpetl volcano, at 350 km from Mexico
City and sorrounded by The Fog Forest, the capital of Veracruz is a
unforgetable place, Xalapa de Enriquez (official name) is covered by a
perpetual breeze, that makes a magical and mystic environment that had
inspired a lot of legends between the local people, they experience
everyday the unique charm of Xalapa meanwhile you explore the tricky
alleys and historical monuments.
Xalapa is well known in Mexico as the Atenas Veracruzana, it is clearly a
college city. On the Heart of its cultural life you found the Universidad
A trip along the vibrant and tight alleys of the city it is a pleasure no only to
the sight, but the smell of high quality coffee produced here can be
percibed all day on The City of Flowers, along with the sweet melodies of
urban musicians.

Xalapa Veracruz, Mexico.

Message from the Chair.
Stephanie Denisse Garca Segura
I want to thank all the IFMSA Mexico for opening me the
chances to new oportunities, ideas and perspectives that
helped me to have a better vision about the career that I
live on daily bases, because being a physician goes beyond
our knowledge and abilities that can be provided to us.
Being a physician, implies and takes a personal and
subjective aspect that schools and facultries of medicine do
not teach us, that is why I want to contribute to this
initiative of building young entrepenours and leaders on
health, hoping that this will be a grateful event and that will
be helpful to everybodys developement.

You can count with AMEXA whenever

you need. Here in Xalapa, Veracruz you
have a home whenever you want it.
Be all very Welcome!
Organizing Committee.
Stephanie Denisse Garca Segura.
+52 1 2281719037

Joselinda Ruiz Castillo.
+52 1 2461397911

Logistics Director
Manuel Alejandro Oceguera Lucero.
+52 1 2871536280
Organizing Committee.
Registry Director
Carlos Alberto Dauzon Huesca.
+52 1 2281786500

Lodging Director
Diego Quevedo Colorado.
+52 1 2283006572

Sessions Director
Saydi Esmeralda Pacab May.
+52 1 9838386618
Organizing Committee.
Meals Director
Luis Daniel Hrnandez Romn.
+52 1 9671344331

Transportation Director
Ulises Garca Garca.
+52 1 2291535078

Social Program Director

Jose Roberto Mendoza Amaro.
+52 1 2282358246
Xalapa is very well known for its cold weather during
the month of December altough it is not an exception
to experience a variety of climate changes as the day
passes. Having said that, you should give it a priority to
your warming clothes, but it would be a clever idea to
make room for other type of clothes.

The average temperature during this season is between

13-23C (55-68F).

Facultad de medicina de la
Universidad Veracruzana campus
How to Come by plane?
The General Heriberto Jara airport is located in Veracruz city, 2hrs. From Xalapa by bus.

The most important international airports in Mexico are these, in the table you can find
the distance by plane to Veracruz City.

Airport Distance Time

International airport from Mexico city 398km(250miles) 1hr.
International airport from Guadalajara 913km(570miles) 1:30hrs.
International airport from Monterrey 1010km(630miles) 1:50hrs.
International airport from Cancun 1330km(830miles) 1:50hrs.
How to Come by bus?
Xalapa Counts with the bus station ADO CAXA (Central de
Autobuses de Xalapa) where arrive busses from:

Ciudad de Mxico. Chiapas.

Veracruz. Guerrero.
Oaxaca. Tlaxcala.
Puebla. Morelos.
Yucatn. Hidalgo.
Tabasco. Tamaulipas.
Campeche. Quintana Roo.
The hotel counts with its own
transportation to the sessions and
We count with busses for come
back to the venue.
Alimentos: Sessions .
The OC will provide to The Universidad
the attendats a buffet- Veracruzana will
like breakfast on 16th, provide its classrooms
17th, 18th and 19th . from the facultry of
And a lunch on 16th, medicine.
17th and 18th.
The attendigs of the event
will be placed in
comfortable four-people
rooms at a 4 stars City
Express- Xalapa hotel.
Social Program.
Saturday 16th:
Concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of
Xalapa (OSX) chorus.

Friday 15th:
Sightseeing at the Pueblo Mgico Xico,
When the assistants will visit the
waterfalls of La Monja and Texolo.
Social Program.
Monday 18th
National Food and Drinking Party at the
events hall of the hotel.

Sunday 17th:
Christmass night with dinner at the
events hall of the hotel.
Workshops - TNT
A Training New Trainers (TNT) is focused for IFMSA members
with the interest of knowing the how of a process. Most
people with and idea of a project for example know what they
want to do and; they might even know why exactly thay want
to do it. Through non-formal education, the idea is reach the
tolos of how to do it. In the case of Trainers, at the end of a
TNT not only should they have a cast knowledge on the
how, but, most importantly, they should know how to
retransmit thet knowledge to participants in a training session.
Workshops - TET
Training Experienced Trainers (TET), once achieved the TNT
level, a TET is the next step for trainers who want to have
better and more developed skills, unlike the TNT, its
purpose, is not to form new trainers, but to make the ones
we have, even better.

A TET is focused in one topic in specific, which can be

chosen according to the NMO or regins needs.
Workshops - PHLT
A Public Health Leadership Training (PHLT) is recognized as an
official workshop of the IFMSA. A good intervention in Public
Health is greatly dependent on a good community-based
general knowledge about the issues that it tackles, alongside
solid technical skills in the domains of leadership and activity
management. This is why IFMSA-SCOPH is promoting and
certifying this high quality standard workshop. The PHLT
enhances the theoretical and practical knowledge of medical
students in order to encourage and help them improve their
community actions. A PHLT is meant to provide the necessary
skills to strengthen the confidence and ability of the
participants to have impact in their community, committing
them in this mission.
Workshops - TNHRT
The Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT) aims to
crate ambassadors for human rights and humanitarian value
within healthcare and broad community. This training will
give you knowledge and tools to advocate for human right,
Soft Skills for trainings, inspiring and empowering others. The
training is based on a peer to peer approach and interactive
exercises. During the sessions basic pinciples of human
rights are discussed. In addition, the Sessions include the
right to Health, vulnerable groups, peace and conflict, medical
ethics, etc.
Workshops - TMET
Training Medical Education Trainers (TMET) is one
of IFMSA's international workshops which aims to educate
enthusiastic medical students about all the basics of
medical education and students' meaningful participation in
faculty decision making. This workshop is considered to
be the first step of a series of workshops directed
towards flourishing the needs within Medical Education
and Student Representation among medical students.
Workshops - PRET
Professional and Research Exchanges Training (PRET) is an
international meeting of the IFMSA, which main objectives are
motivating Participants, making them feel part of the IFMSA
and part of the SCOPE/SCORE team; sharing experiences,
preojects, and problem Solving techniques; Working together to
solve problems that officers might encounter through SWGs,
finding out ways of collaboration with the rest of the NMOs in
the region, providing the LEOs/LOREs with further information
about the IFMSA and the participating NMOs.
From October 14 to October 22.
Please enter to our oficial site and there youll find a link to our
registration form from the established date:

Subtitutions / Cancelations
100% Refund until November 10th
Not Refund after November 10th
Early fee: October 23 - November 2th

Late fee: November 3- 10th

The t-shirt and social program are

incluide in the fee.
Payment Info.
Once you made the payment, please send the
ticket to along with your
full name and local comittee, we recomind you to
made the asistants payment in one fee, in order
to avoid the international transfer tax.

Santander Serfin
Name: Joselinda Ruiz Castillo
Acount 60594898058
Interbank Clabe 014840605948980587
The countries in Latin america that requires
visa are Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cuba,
Dominican Rupulic, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Hait,
Nicaragua, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent,
Grenadines and St. Lucia.
The other ones do not requires visa.
There is a For more information you can visit

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