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ve * Ds eaKp an) TT Published by Express Publishing betty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RGI9 GHW Tol: (0044) 1636 817 363 Fox: (0044) 1635 817 463, ‘e-mail: hitp:// © Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans. 2007 Colour llustrations: © Express Publishing, 2007 Fist published 2007 Third impression 2008, ustiated by Simon Andrews, Alexandra Lewis, Alan Shephard, Stone © Express Publishing. 2007 Made in EU All rights ‘eserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in @ retrieval system, or angmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior whtten permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way, ISBN: 978-1-84679-386-8 Acknowledgements We would like to thank all tne staf ot Express Publishing who have contibuted their ss to producing this book ‘Tonks for thelr support and patience are due in pasticuler to: Meryl Philips (Editor in Chief) Jule Rich (senior ‘eciton) Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team; and Emily Newton, Kevin Haris, Daniel Parker, Bice Thompson cnd Timothy Forster. We would aso lke te thank those institutions and ‘teachers who piloted the menuscript, ond whose comments and feedback were Invaluable in the production of the book. Speciol thanks to Bridget, Chis, Georgina, Anna, Dennis, George and Jackie whe took port in the: recording. ‘While every etfor hos been made to trace ail the copyright holders. Hany have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers wil be pleased fo make the necessary crrangements at the frst opportunity, Activity Book Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans As Express Publishing Module 1 Unit 1 ....... Unit 2 7 Modular Revision and Assessment 1 Madule 2 Unit 3 Unit 4... . Modular Revision and Assessment 2 Module 3 Unit 5 Unit 6 .... . Modular Revision and Assessment 3 ........ Module 4 Unit 7 ...... Unit 8 ...... . Modular Revision and Assessment 4 DD ntents 18 24 30 32 38 46 52 . 58 Module 5 Unit 9 p. 60 Unit 10 .. p. 66 Modular Revision and Assessment 5 soos Pe 72 Module 6 Unit 11 p. 74 Unit 12 .. p. 80 Modular Revision Gnd AssessMENt 6 vaccine Pe BO Board Games p. 88 Picture Dictionary .... sess Ps 100 School Plays p.12 CUPOUTS vasicnnnntneennns Ps 124 Circland match. ¥r Read and find the stickers! ne syou (Hell, Harry! ) C é z | ¢ Hello, I’m D2 Write. * How old are you? (rmeeven) Cerseven (Fm rn aad Listen and write a name. TV Anvscsesinie 2 Ressessnisnene B Lies vr Join the dots. Then write. 5 — . 6 6 7 3 a 4 AY 9 7 ee ( EZ 10 a 3° S ” 3 { g ww \, 2 2 “t 1 “10 A: Who's that? A: Who's that? Br TAAH'S occ Bz That's vosscscnscen« Viodul aa S 2d Read and colour. ared ball a blue robot agreen yo-yo a purple kite lz « Gicutt + + Rhyme time! Read and €irclé. == a ~*~ “ ) con & ea Hi! My name is 5) .. VT 6) vcecssssneseesreeeees YEOFS Old. This is my 7) .. It’s 8). te Read and colour. A EZ tsp 1 ared rubber 2 agreen schoolbag 3 apurple pencil ccse A 4 ayellow pencil 5 ablue book 6 an orange desk br Circle) and match. ‘the for school! EY Look, ask and answer. Then write. (Wea) C ——> |schoolbag. | (What's 2) 2 2 K ab & (| if ? 1 lis a) “UY Find the stickers! Es It’s a magic pen! e “ghiy_ Look at the pictures. Read the letters. Write the words. 0 three pencils 3 five . 2 FOU... Bee Brocseessceesersee FB a ssssiesssssrieestsennsiene 0 Look at Emma's hat. I's so funny! 1 Look at 2 Look at . 3 Look at stone SCROOIDA, kites. so funny! so funny! . pencils. so funny! a wy Find and write, | Modular Revision aiid Assessment Vocabulary te Look, read and Gircle>. (15 marks) ees iT ayellow/luebook — agreen/red desk. apink/redpencil a pink/black chair 15 Grammar | yr Count and write. (20 marks) i 0 rf two chairs ) Units 1-2° PY took ond wite. 1S mans) “enn , re Listen and write a name ora number. (18 marks) What's the girl’s name? How old is she? What is Kim's friend's name? Which class are they in at school? N=0 o Communication 18 vr Read and choose. (12 marks) Reading & Wriling Look and read. Then write. 0 Harry: Look at Mona’s pencils 20 marks Lee: @) They're so funny! b) I'mnine 1 Tina: Hello! Lee: 2 ew! quiet, please! - 2 Lee: Who's this? Emma: 4) This is Erlinal! b) Hello, Erling 0); Sit down and > your books and » om 3 Harry: What's your name? the story, Now, 4) Lee: a) I'm Lee. b) Ths Is Lee. the story in your notebook 4 Tina: How old are you? Lee: a) Nice to meet you Ne b) I'mnine. ee Total . Is \. My family! 1 Chin is Lee’s dad. yes 2 Kim is Lee’s sister. 3 Wen is Lee’s brother. 4 Lan is Lee’s mum. ¥ Memory Game. A: Who's Chin? B: Lee's dad. wv Look and match. Then write. 1 lam asinger, 2 You are funny. 3 Heismy brother. 4 She is a teacher. I'm a singer. a. fouatgt * tr Read and choose. 1 Are you Emma's brother? 3 Isit aruler? a) Yes, | am not. a) Yes, lam. b) Yes, lam. b) Yes, itis. 2 Isshe a singer? 4 Ishe Alvin? a) No, she isn’t. a) No, you aren't. b) No, she is. b) No, he isn’t. wy Write, then draw lines. id . Grandma’s here! 1 Ben is Joe’s grandpa. 2 Mim is Joe’s sister. 3 Ann is Joe’s grandma, 4 Liz is Joe’s mum. 5 Rob is Joe’s dad. tr Read and write. 1 3 Once f= 2 GQz==Z i= sd Read and answer. 1 Are they happy? 4 Are they flowers? YOS. vices tesstesnniennn Yes, soccer 2 Are we brothers? PO No. ws 5 Are you sisters? Yes, 4 6 [sit an orange? 3 Isshe sad? Ye, sone I'm happy today. I'm sad today. Module: ia i s. It’s my job! “fr Frine stickers! walk drive tide run. 5 2d What are they? Follow the lines and write. ‘Mat 1 Sam is a policeman. 3 Mat .... 2D ROY vesssnsnneeennen sss B POET vvrsesststsntstsesete wr Rhyme time! Read andéircle) = oh, | es) To Yes He J = H No J yvra Listen and draw lines. Nick This is Tony’s 1) family. HiS 2)...’ S NAME Is. Anna and his 3)... “s name is Nick. Kelly and Sam are his 4) .. 2» CHAS). sssnsecnraneveersseese + And Pat is his 6) ....... . She Is very cute. 4 camera 5 doll 6 bike Alvin: What are these? Emma: They're... seen Alvin: They're really nico! Alvin: Emma: Alvin: .... Sal Af the loyshop! 5 3d Read and underline. (Cookat these those _— — ‘sl (ithis/that bike is great! ] (presents! wa (Thisthat doll) is my sister's. J These/Those ) = y ) rolerskates are cook} [Look at this/ Als N (kg Re Look at nee (those ny pes \ Open it and seef “Fesenceem j Sge fy Read, draw and colour. =) two purple lorries three red watches Ll | four blue boxes five yellow cars ? yra Listen and colour. 1 Happy Birthday Tom! This aeroplane is for you! IN 2 Wow! A doll! Thanks, everyone! A 3 Open it and see! A 4 Oh, that’s a nice lorry! A i ooo oD qga000 990900 i fs \. Happy Birthday! Find the stickers! These are Janet's birthday presents: al teddy bear, a 2) a3) camera and a 4) Happy Birthday, Janet! le 5 li 6 Ge ot dm These are my presents. Look! A bus, a train and a plane. - 1 Hayy Blas! Py_Rhyme times Rea me time! Read dandGircle). plane ® guitor 1, =J ce J | wire LY Read, then fin the card. f, Kenny's birthday, He’s eleven foday 0 This card is from rica Dear «0 You are .. today! | Happy Birthday! Love from ’ — * Modular Revision sid Assessment 2 Vocabulary re Look, read andGircle). (15 marks) - <= & Quita?y/doll ball/helicopter robot/car teddy bear/roller-skates bus/camera bike/lorry 15 Grammar PY Look, read and write: These or Those. (15 marks) 0 These are rings. +. OF6 flowers. .. are helicopters. are presents. 4 | | | ¥r Read and choose. (28 marks) 0 He..... @is 1 Look at those... ! glass b glasses aking b are 2 They aren't buses. They're ....... a lorries b lorry 3 Isit a toyshop? Yes, . ahe bit ist Communication +r Read and match. (12 marks) 0 Who's this? They're bikes. 1 How old is she? It’s a vase. 2 What's that? You're welcome. 3 Thank you, Bill! This is my mum. 4 What are these? She's fifteen, Ce Listening (@ Who are the presents from? Listen and draw lines. (12 marks) . Units 3-4" 4 Are they big........ * aiboxes b box 5 She sss. G: teacher. She’s a singer. aaren’t b isn’t 6 Are you friends? Yes, we ... aaren't bare 7 These ........ are old. a watch b watches 28 | Reading & Writing Look and read. Then, write their names. names. (18marks) 8 marks) GG [cco fort 7 Toure] [ES “ag” ~< Hello, my name’s 0) Laura. This is my grandpa 1) and my grandma 2) .. My mum's name is 3) .. and my dad's 4) B) siesnnianiam i my big brother ANd 6) veces Is my litte sister. Jove my family! i Total 100] Modu a

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