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Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA)

2 Jake Garzio Drive

Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Minutes: May 4, 2010

Submitted by:
Tyrone Garrett, Executive Director

Public Notice and Attendees

a. The Meeting of the Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA) convened

at 7:00 PM in the Agenda Room and officially opened by Chairperson Robert

b. Attendees: Commissioners: Iman AQuddus, Hilary Hyser, Jennifer Keyes-

Maloney, Robert Kull, David Schroth, Terrance Stokes, Michael O’Donnell, Esq.


Public attendees: Frank Falcone; Robert Ridolfi, Esq.


Senior Star Adult Day Care revised sited plan was presented to the Board by
Robert Ridolfi, Esq. and Frank Falcone; and in consultation with Charles Latini,
ETRA’s Planning Consultant and John Reymann representing the Township
Planning Board the plan was discussed at length and approved based on the
following findings:

Motion: Commissioner
Second: Commissioner

Commissioners voting: AQuddus, Hyser, Keyes- Maloney, Kull, Schroth & Stokes
Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 0
* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

Approval of Minutes of April 6, 2010

Motion: Commissioner Keyes-Maloney

Second: Commissioner Hyser

Commissioners voting: Kull, Hyser, Keyes- Maloney, Kull, Schroth & Stokes
Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 0

* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

Legal Update

Both contracts for Markowitz and Gravelle and Executive Director Tyrone Garret expire
June 2010. The Board approvals that both contracts should be renewed at the same rate
for the next year. The Board will look to develop performance measures for the
Executive Director’s position moving forward.

Resolution 5-03-10
Approval of the Legal Services contract to Markowitz & Gravelle and Executive
Director’s Contract for fiscal year 2010-2011

Motion: Commissioner AQuddus

Second: Commissioner Stokes

Commissioners voting: Kull, Hyser, Keyes- Maloney, Kull, Schroth & Stokes
Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 0

* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

CWL Planning proposal is modified to only extend until June 30, 2010 at a rate not to
exceed $2,000. The Board will revisit at the end of fiscal year to determine what
protocols can be put in place to identify which projects would require professional review
by CWL. In addition, there is a meeting on May 12, 2010 with the Administration to
discuss combining professional services when projects are within a OARP sub area
through an escrow account. This may defray the cost of review.

Resolution 5-04-10
Approval of the CWL Continued OARP Planning Services until June 30, 2010 not
to exceed $2000.

Motion: Commissioner AQuddus

Second: Commissioner Keyes-Maloney

Commissioners voting: Kull, Hyser, Keyes- Maloney, Kull, Schroth & Stokes
Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 0

* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

Resolution 5-01-10
Approval of the List of Bills for the Month of March 2010

These bills included November invoices from Markowitz Gravelle and Tyrone Garrett,
totaling $ 7,925.75

Motion: Commissioner Hyser

Second: Commissioner Keyes-Maloney

Commissioners voting: AQuddus, Hyser, Keyes- Maloney, Kull Schroth & Stokes
Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstain Absent 0

With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners able to vote.

Resolution 5-02-10
Approval of the ETRA NJDCA 2010 Budget


Other Business / Correspondence / Code Enforcement / Site Review Updates

Tara Developers / Maestro CDC of Long Branch have expressed an interest in the Ewing Golf at
Prospect Street to construct homeownership units. Executive Director, Tyrone Garrett has fully
disclosed to the Board that Maestro CDC is a subsidiary of the Long Branch Housing Authority.
All legal counsels have been advised of this fact from each entity as ETRA would seek to enter
into a Redeveloper’s Agreement/and or the partnership itself. Currently Tara Developers /
Maestro are surveying the parcel for density. Tyrone Garrett will continue to offer updates on the
process and will forward Michael O’Donnell a copy of the joint venture agreement.

Tyrone Garrett request support of the Board to initiate the Ewing Township façade program ,as a
pilot. Matt Palmer of the MAACO Shop has expressed in interest in participating in a façade and
landscaping improvement plan. The Board feels that offering the program in a pilot form will
maintain momentum. The design standards will be created by CWL to accompany the completed
Ewing Façade Improvement Program.

Having no further business, the Board unanimously supported the motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:15 PM.

ETRA Meeting
April 6, 2010
Roll Call

Robert A. Kull Present

Iman AQuddus Present
Hilary Hyser Present
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney Present
Terrance Stokes Present
David Schroth Present

Approval of the Minutes for March 17, 2010

Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Hilary Hyser X X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth

Resolution 5-01-10
List of Bills
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Hilary Hyser X X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth X

Resolution 5-02-10
ETRA NJDCA Budget 2010
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull
Iman AQuddus
Hilary Hyser TABLED

Jennifer Keyes-Maloney
Terrance Stokes
David Schroth

Resolution 5-03-10
Markowitz Gravelle Legal Services / Executive Director (Tyrone Garret) Contracts
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X X
Hilary Hyser X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X
Terrance Stokes X X
David Schroth X

Adjournment @ 9:15 PM
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Hilary Hyser X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth X

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