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Questions: 1 to 4. B.

How the boy does his work

In this part of the test, you will hear several C. what the boy is punctual
dialogues and questions spoken in English. The
dialogues and the questions will be spoken D. Why the boy is punctual
twice. They will not be printed in your test book
book, so you must listen carefully to understand E. Why the boy is smart
what the speakers are saying.
4. A. Hes offering a lift
After you listen to the dialogue and the
B. Hes asking for help
questions about it, read the five possible answer
and decide which one would ve the best answer C. Hes receiving a call
to the questions you have heard. Now listen to a
sample questions. D. Hes waiting for a bus
You will hear: E. Hes accepting an offer
Man: I highly appreciate you for helping me
choose the right loan I need.

Woman: my pleasure, sir. I hope you can use

the money to buy dream house.

Narrator : what is the topic of the conversation? Part 2

a. Asking for help

b. Giving an opinion
c. Expressing pleasure QUESTIONS: 5 TO 7
d. Expressing gratitude
The best answer to the question what is the
topic of the conversation? is expressing In this part of the test, you will hear several
gratitude. Therefore, you should choose incomplete dialogues spoken English. Followed
answer(E) by four responses, also spoken in English. The
dialogues and the responses will be spoken
Now lets begin with number 1. twice. They will not be printed in your test book,
so you must listen carefully to understand what
1 . A. he studies hard every day the speakers are saying. You have to choose
the best response to each questions.
B. he received bad marks

C. he received good scores

Now listen to a simple question.
D. he will have a test
Girl : I really made a
E. he needs the girls help.
Boy : What about ?
2. A. showing sympathy.

B. giving suggestions Girl : I have broken your pen

C. expressing feeling Boy : That pen? Oh no

D. expressing pride. Girl : ...
E. complimenting a person

3. A. How the boy prepares himself

NARRATOR : What does the girl probably Questions : 8 to 11
A : Im sorry to hear that.
In this part of the test, you will hear saveral
B : I really aprecciate it. monologues spoken twice. They will not be
printedin your test book, so you must listen
C : I do apologise. carefully to understand what the speaker is
D : I love that pen saying.

The best answer to the question What does

the girl probably respond? is Therefore, you
After you listen to the monologue, look at the
should choose answer (C) five pictures provided in your test book and
5. Mark your answer on your sheet decide which one would be the most suitable
for the monologue you have just heard
6. Mark your answer on your sheet

7. Mark your answer on your sheet

Part 3
Questions: 12 to 15.
8. A. B.
C. Directions
In this part of the test, you will hear
several monologues. Each monologue
will be spoken twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the
speaker is saying.
After you listen carefully to the
monologue and the question about it,
read the five possible answer and decide
which one would be the best answer to
the question you have just heard.

Questions 12 and 13 are based on the

following monologue.

12. A. Soekarno
B. Mohammad Hatta
C. Mohammad Roem 1. See how dirty this air is.
D. Roem Van Roijen 2. Compare and measure the amounts
E. Jan Herman van Roijen. of dirt in the air.
You will need:
Thick, stiff white paper
13. A. Both delegations carried out the
A hole punch
Round Table Conference decree String
B. The Dutch government supported Petroleum jelly
the Indonesian Independence. A magnifying glass

C. Soekarno and Hatta

declared Indonesian Steps:
Independence. 1. Punch a hole at the edge of the paper
using the hole punch.
D. Indonesian capital city was 2. Cut a length of string and thread it
moved to Yogyakarta. through the hole in the paper.
3. Tie a double knot on the string to secure it to
E. Soekarno and Mohammad the paper. Smear the paper with a thin layer
Hatta were released. of petroleum jelly using your finger.
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the 4. Place the paper outside in the open
following monologue. air, near a road. Attach it firmly to a
fence post as a permanent object by
14. A. An observer. its string, or using a thumbtack.
B. An astronomer. Leave it overnight.
5. The next morning inspect the paper
C. A passer-by.
with your naked eyes and with the
D. An astronaut. magnifying glass. How much dirt has
E. A researcher. collected on the piece of paper?
15. A. He lost his note. Adopted from: John Basset, Science
B. He fell into a ditch. Activities Our Environment Volume 7,
C. He greeted his friend. Connecticut, Grolier Educational
Sherman Turnpike, 2002.
D. He slipped on the road.
E. He looked up the sky.

This is the end of the listening section

16. What is the topic of the text?
READING A. The way to inhale fresh air.
B. To see if the air is dirty.
C. Tips to get fresh air.
The following text is for questions 16
D. Tips to live healthy.
to 18. E. The way to avoid dirty air.
Lets do this simple experiment.
17. When should you smear the paper
Goals: with petroleum jelly?
A. Before placing the paper near 18. Attach it firmly to a fence post a
a road. permanent object (Step 4).
B. While observing the paper The underlined word is closest in
at the fence. meaning to
C. After attaching the paper to a A. Fasten
fence. B. Read
C. Hold
D. After cutting the edge to the paper. D. Stick
E. Before tying string to the E. Notice

The following text is for questions 19 and 20.

19. After reading the e-mail, Mrs. Saras probably will

A. Place an order for different products
B. Meet Mr. Darma and Mr. Soni personally
C. Receive the products she has ordered soon
D. Immediately contact Mr. Soni personally
E. Check and complete the product shipment
20. From the text we can conclude that..
A. Mr.Darma said that the products would be shipped soon
B. Mr. Soni asks Mr. Darma to track the product shipment
C. Mrs. Saras is expected to contact Mr. Soni if theres a problem
D. Order number dc120BI2017 will be received on 18th April 2017
E. Mr. Darma cannot ensure the products will be arriving on time

The following text is for questions 21 to 23.

Patricia Era Bath was born in Harlem, New York,on 4th November 1942, to Rupert
Bath and Gladys Bath. Her father , a former merchant marine and an occasional
newspaper columnist, taught Bath about the wonders of travel and the value of exploring
new cultures. Her mother piqued the young girls interest in science by buying her a
chemistry set.
As a result, Bath worked hard on her intellectual pursuit and, at the age of 16,became
one of only a few students to attend a cancer research workshop sponsored by the
National Science Foundation. The programme head, Dr. Robert Bernard, was so
impressed with Baths discoveries during the project that he incorporated her findings in a
scientific paper he presented at a conference. The publicity surrounding her discoveries
earned Bath the Mademoiselle magazines Merit Award in 1960.
Baths achievements continued and in 1976, she co-founded the American Institut for
the Prevention of Blindness, which established that eyesight is a basic human right. By
1983, Bath had helped create the Ophthalmology Residency Training programme at
UCLA-Drew, which she also chaired-becoming, in addition to her other firsts woman in
the nation to hold such a position.
In 1981, Bath began working on her most well known invention: the Laserphaco Probe
(1986). Harnessing laser technology, the device created a less painful and more precise
treatment of cataracts. She received a patent for the device in 1988,becoming the first
African-American female doctor to receive a patent for a medical purpose. She also holds
patents in Japan, Canada and Europe. With her Laserphaco Probe, Bath was able to help
restore the sight of individuals who had been blind for more than 30 years.
Adopted from:
opthalmology (17th October 2016)

21. The main idea of the paragraph is

A. Baths patents
B. Baths work hard
C. Baths first invention
D. Baths best device
E. Baths popular invention

22. What did Baths parents hope for?

A. Bath would be good at history.
B. They could afford Baths school fee.
C. Their doughter would have a bright life.
D. Bath would work with a reputable doctor.
E. Bath would receive awards and honour.

23. We known from the text that..

A. Laserphaco Probe is spectacular invention
B. Bath founded the UCLA Drew Training programme
C. Rupert Bath was a newspaper reporter
D. Mademoiselle was Baths first invention
E. Bath receive patents only in the USA

24. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a correct and meaningful text.
1) Both were washed away in a river.
2) Luckily, earthen pot reached the bank.
3) Then, it began to swim towards the bank.
4) It asked the earthen pot to come closer as it would save it.
5) There were a copper pot and an earthen pot in one of those houses.
6) The copper pot called the earthen pot which looked so weak.
7) Long ago during a wet season, flood stroke a village and drowned many houses.
8) As the copper pot tried to swim, water got filled into the pot and it drowned.
9) The earthen pot thanked for the offer and explained that it would swim to the bank
by itself.
Adopted from: (19th October
The correct arrangement of the sentences is
A. 7-2-5-1-6-3-4-9-8
B. 7-5-1-8-6-4-3-2-9
C. 7-6-2-4-1-8-5-9-3
D. 7-5-1-6-4-9-3-8-2
E. 7-6-2-5-1-4-3-8-9

25. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a correct and meaningful text.
1) Each foot has three toes.
2) They eat grass and other plants.
3) They huge body of a rhinoceros rests on four short legs.
4) However, if they are cornered, they can become very fierce and dangerous.
5) They have heavy bodies and move very slowly.
6) Rhinoceros are huge creatures which are normally very quiet and unassuring.
7) Rhinoceros pay little attention to their surroundings and do not hunt other animals
for food.
The correct arrangement of the sentences is
A. 6-2-5-1-7-3-4
B. 7-4-6-3-1-5-2
C. 6-4-7-2-5-3-1
D. 7-4-6-1-5-3-2
E. 6-4-7-5-3-2-1

The following text is for question 26 and 27.

The national emblem of the Republic Indonesia, Garuda Indonesia, Is emblazoned
with the words Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Meaning Unity in Diversity or we are of many
kinds, but we are are one. This motto is a founding principle of the modern Indonesian
nation, which declares the essential unity of its members despite ethnic, regional, social
or religious differences.
The concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is not new to Indonesian history. it can be
traced back to the time of the construction of Borobudur when the Sailendra Dynasty
ruled the plains of Central Java between the eighth and ninth centuries. Two hundred
years later, in the Brantas Valley in East Java, King Airlangga built a united kingdom
based on this same principle.
It was, however, the 14th century poet sage of Majapahit, Mpu Tantular, who was
said to have committed the phrase to writing for the first time. In his religious poem
Sutasoma, composed during reign of King Rajasanagara (Hayam Wuruk), Mpu Tantular
expounded a doctrine reconciliation between the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. Such a spirit
of religious tolerance was an essential element in the foundation and security of the newly
emerging State of Majapahit, which reached the height of its power and influence under
the guiding hand of the Prime Minister Gajah Mada.
The words of Mpu Tantular were an inspiration to the founders of the first
independent government of the Republic Indonesia and today they are found
immortalized on the national emblem.
Adopted from: http://www. (5 th January

26. The purpose of the text is

A. To relate the birth of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
B. To amuse readers with the history of Majapahit
C. To describe Garuda Pancasila and its application
D. To describe ancient kingdoms in Indonesia
E. To explain the meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

27. From the text we can conclude that

A. The Sailendra Dynasty ruled for the three centuries
B. Mpu Tantular lived in the fourteenth century
C. Mpu Tantular wrote the Sutasoma during the reign of King Airlangga
D. King Airlangga built Borobudur Temple in the fourteenth century
E. The Sailendra Dynasty built united Kingdom based on the Sutasoma

The Following text is for question 28 to 30. Eating fast food has now become a lifestyle, not only in urban areas
but also in suburbs, even countrysides. Not only children but also teens and adults love
this commonly called junk food.
Fast food is very low in fiber and vitamins, but high in sodium which is not healthy
when consumed continuously. A 14-year-old boy named Cian Moore lost one of his
visions as he loved eating fast food. How did it happen?
Perth Kerry Moore, Cians Moore mother, was very shocked when a doctor told
her son should live with rooted eyeball. It happened when he often complained of dry
and sandy eyes. He just tried to alleviate the symptoms by giving eye drops. Finally, it
found out that he started to lose his visions from both eyes and even one of them
Perth Kerry Moore had brought her son to many ophthalmologist and
pediatricians.They told her that his right optic nerve was damaged and could not be
cured. Then, she brought him to Professor Watson and he immediately diagnosed that
Cian was lack of Vitamin A. Perth Kerry Moore revealed that her son was picky about
food and consequently, she often gave him fried chicken, potatoes, dry bread and soft
drinks for about five years. This made Cian suffer from malnutrition, especially Vitamin
A. Vitamin A a deficiency is the most common cause of blindness.
Cian is now taking heavy doses of Vitamin A and his right eye almost completely
recovered, but not the left eye. It is be permanently damaged.
Translated from: (18th October 2016)

28. What is text about?

A. The effects of fast food.
B. The description of junk food.
C. How to choose healthy food.
D. Why people eat junk food.
E. What junk food contains.

29. It is stated in the text that

A. Cian would eat any kinds of food
B. Perth Kerry Moore knew the symptoms
C. Cians mother is responsible for his suffering.
D. Ophthalmologist finally cured Cians left eye.
E. Cian suffered from excessive Vitamin A and C.

30. The underlined word in They told her that his right optic nerve was damaged and
could not be cured
Is most closely associated to.
A. Wasted
B. Tightened
C. Decreased
D. Destroyed
E. Avoided

The following text is for questions 31 to 33.

Studying abroad offers student many advantages. First of all, students have
opportunities to learn a new language by interacting with native speakers every day.
Secondly students live in new culture, so they can learn both in and out of the
classroom. Besides, studying abroad teaches student that there are other ways of
looking at the world. This is a very important part education. Next, students learn to be
flexible because they have to adapt to different ways of living. They experience another
culture in a much more significant way than if they simply took a vacation to another
country. Foreign students are far from home. Therefore, they have to become
responsible and self-reliant. When they study abroad, students have an experience they
will remember all their lives. These are the reasons why I think studying abroad is
Adopted from: Cheryl Pavlik, Margaret Keenan Sengal, Interactions 2: Paragraph
Development and Introduction to the Essay writing, Singapore, Mcgraw-Hill, 2007.

31. Students who study abroad need to make contact with natives because
A. They need places to stay
B. They need to make many friends
C. They will remember their family
D. They can improve their speaking skills
E. They need the people fos assistance

32. What we can conclude from the text?

A. Students who study abroad wiil feel ignored.
B. Students who study abroad will be independent.
C. English is significant for students who study abroad.
D. Students who study abroad will be homesick.
E. Having local culture skills are important for students.

33. The underlined word in First of all, students have opportunities to learn a new
language by interacting with native speakers every day. Can be replaced by
A. Attentive
B. Main
C. Real
D. Smart
E. Excellent
The following text is for questions 34 to 36

The commercial spice product turmeric is obtained from a perennial herb (Curcuma
longa) belonging to the same family with ginger. The plant is a native of Cochin China,
but is now propagated everywhere in tropical Asia.
Turmeric reaches two or three feet high and bears long lanceolate leaves in tufts of six
to ten. The white or yellow flowers are borne in scaly, conical spikes. The rootstocks are
thick, scaly and ringed, and of a bright orange colour.
Turmeric is propagated by division of the rhizomes, or roots, much as in the case of
ginger. The plants are commonly cultivated in ridges or raised beds and the yield is
about 2,000 pounds per acre.
In harvesting this crop the roots are washed, heated in earthenware pots and then
dried in the sun for a week or more. Turmeric roots are used fresh in the preparation of
curry. Dried turmeric is used in curry powder and for colouring pickled preparations and
sweets meats. Turmeric is also employed to few extent as a dyestuff.

34. the topic of the text is

A. various products of turmeric
B. how to benefit turmeric
C. the general facts of turmeric
D. how to grow turmeric
E. the benefits of turmeric
35. which of the following statements is related to the text?
A. turmeric is only found in china
B. dried turmeric is used as a dyestuff
C. turmeric bears sharp lanceolate leaves
D. the rootstocks are thin and scaly
E. turmeric is heated in bronze pots.

36. the plants are commonly cultivated in ridges or raised beds and the yield is about
2,000 pounds per acre. (paragraph 3)
The underlined words is synonymous with.
A. highlands
B. seas
C. ponds
D. fields
E. mountains
The following text is for questions 37 to 39.
I love music, so I join a music club at school. One instrument which I like to play is
the kolintang. My school has kolintang, which is furnished and ornamented with the
embroidery of our schools name at the front. These make the instrument look elegant.
Because of this kolintang, my seniors have won many musical competitions and
received many trophies. Their achievements really motivate my team to pass along
their performances. Besides, we would like to preserve our heritage.
Kolintang is originated from Minahasa, north Sulawesi. Its made from many kids of
wood, such as telur, bandaran, wenang and kakinik. My schools kolintang is made
from light but solid local wood called bandaran which its fibre construction appears in
paralles lines. Bandaran wood can produce a long sound which can reach high pitch
notes as well as low ones when we hit it.
37. the purpose of the text is.
A. to tell readers about kolintang
B. to tell readers about the writer`s hobby
C. to explain how to play kolintang
D. to describe how to make kolintang
E. to describe the writers schools kolintang

38. we play kolintang by.

A. pressing it
B. blowing it
C. hitting it
D. picking it
E. shaking it
39. we can conclude from the text that
A. the writer can only play a kolintang instrument
B. the writers musical team has achieve many award
C. the writers school is popular for its music achievements
D. kolintang is an Indonesian musical instrument that must be preserved
E. kolintang is made from hard wood that produces high pitch notes

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.

Mynah or myna birds are species in the family Sturnidae, which also includes many
species of starlings. The distinction between starlings and mynahs is not always clear,
and these common names are occasionally used interchangeably. Howefer, as
considered here, the mynahs are tropical, Asian species, the most prominent of which
are in the genus Acridotheres and Gracula.
Species of mynahs occur in forests, shrubby woodlands, and in urban and
suburban habitats. Mynahs are medium-sized, stocky, robust birds with a stout beak,
strong legs and a short tail. Their songs are innovative, raucous chatters made up of
whistles, squeaks and diserve, imitated sounds. Mynahs feed on a wide range of
invertabrates and fruits. They nest in cavities in trees and both sexes cooperate in
feeding and raising the young birds.
On of the worlds rarest birds is the Bali or Rothschild`s mynah (Leucopsar
rotschildi) of Bali. This species is a lovely, white-coloured bird, with a black-coloured
mask, outer wing feathers, and base of tail. The Bali Mynah is a species of tropical
forests and it has become critically endangered because of the destruction of its habitat
to extract valuable lumber, followed by conversion of the land into agricultural uses. A
survey in march 2005 found only 24 of these beautiful birds in bali barat national park, a
small national park created largely to serve as habitat for their remnant population and
currently their only known location in the wild. About 1,000 Bali mynahs exist in

40. we hardly differentiate mynahs from starlings since.

A. they live in tropical forests
B. their chirpings sound equals
C. they have similar body shapes
D. their distinctions are not clear
E. they have similar feather colours

41. it can be said that the Bali mynahs are

A. protected
B. distinctive
C. colourful
D. playful
E. dull

42. the Bali mynahs are rare because.

A. Sentra
PT. Indo they live
shrubby woodlands
B. people
Phone: 89912345 love to watch them
C. they are white-coloured
E-mail: birds
D. their
Website: habitats are destructed
E. teir habitats are captivated
We, PT Indo Bhakti Pratama, is pleased to announce that we have entered into a definitive merger
agreement with PT Sentra Craft Com, a leading antique craft producer, we will stand in a new
market brand named PT Indo Sentra Craft (ISC). This new brand will be complete in 2018. Howefer,
during this transition time, PT Indo Bhakti Pratama will solely serve customers and partners nation

This merger based in Yogyakarta and Palangkaraya will certainly strengthen our position in the
antique craft supplier and seller through the nation wide. This partnership is also expented tp result
in greater efficiencies and significantly increase our selling and market share

For your information, our customers will continue to receive the same high quality products which
they have some to expect. Please contact our new contact number, e-mail addres and website. We
The this mergertext
following willis
improve our cooperation.
for questions 43 to 45


Stefany Hamid
president director
43. Who is the text addressed to?
A. PT Indo Bhakti Pratama`s director
B. PT Indo Bhakti Pratama`s customers
C. PT Indo Bhakti Pratama`s employees
D. PT Sentra Craft Com`s customers
E. PT Sentra Craft Com`s staffs

44. The text is about

A. a new business opportunity
B. a business marger invitation
C. the release of new product prices
D. the change of a business address
E. a businessmarger announcement
45. the main idea of paragraph three is
A. the guarantee from PT indo sentra craft
B. the wish of the merged company
C. the company`s contract number
D. the new company name
E. a new business contract.

The following text is for questions 43 to 45

Dear Aris Setyabudi

I`m Novita, manager of HRD of PT Indah
Makmur Abadi, a multinational company,
invites you to join my company which now
opens many vacant jobs that may suit you.
Please come to PT Indah Makmur abadi, Jl.
Rawa Bening no. 10 Surabaya to submit your
application letter and attend a walk-in
interview. This is an exclusive opportunity
only for you as my company needs you due to
your educational background. Besides, you
have excellent marks and have involved in
many social activities. It proves that you will
become a good leader and my company needs
a person who is capable to be both a leader
and motivator.
You need to know that you will receive a
good salary, bonus, helath and safety
insurance, and also a flat to live in. you will
also get a car personally. I guarantee you will
have a bright future here.
Please reply this invitation by contacting
my number 08567890123456 immediately.
You will never regret by joining PT indah
makmur abadi.


Novita Darmawan
HRD what is the text about?
A. the description of PT indah makmur abadi
B. the requirements to attend an interview
C. vacant jobs in PT indah makmur abadi
D. Mr. aris educational background and personality
E. the proposal to work for PT indah makmur abadi

47. what can we infer from the text?

A. aris will graduate soon
B. aris is a bright student
C. aris is novita`s colleague
D. novita will attend a job interview
E. the vacancy offered is for one position

Questions 48 to 50, complete the following text with the correct words provided.
Mr. jimmy went into a store, bought his needs and asked(48)to use the phone.
Mr. Richi, the store owner, let him use the phones as he was one of the loyal
customers. Then, mr. jimmy oushed in six digits.
Since Mr. Richi was idie, he heard the conversation. Mr. Jimmy was pleading a job
to a woman. He(49)cut the lawn, sweep the curb and the sidewalk for half the price.
Unfortunately, the woman rejected him as she had a person who did his job very well.
Finally, Mr. Jimmy replaced the receiver, thanked the store owner and was ready to
Immediately , Mr. richi, who was hearing to all the conversation, approached him.
He offered mr. Jimmy a job, but he refused it. He tild Mr richi that he was just (50)his
performance at the job he`d already done.

48. A. condition
B. admittance
C. acceptance
D. submission
E. permission

49. A. will
B. would
C. had to
D. must
E. can

50. A. checked
B. checking
C. checks
D. check
E. to check

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