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ISOGEN Option Switches

Reference Guide

Version 2010 R1

November 2010

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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Option Switches ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Option Switch 1: Plotfile Length ............................................................................................................ 12
Option Switch 2: Cut Piece Numbering/List Type ................................................................................. 13
Option Switch 3: Drawing Trim Marks .................................................................................................. 16
Option Switch 4: Drawing Text Size...................................................................................................... 17
Option Switch 5: Coordinates (Connection/Connectivity) ..................................................................... 19
Option Switch 6: Date Output ............................................................................................................... 20
Option Switch 7: Pipeline Splitting (User Control) ................................................................................ 21
Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout .......................................................................................... 22
Option Switch 9: Dimension Form ........................................................................................................ 24
Option Switch 10: Drawing Margin (Left) .............................................................................................. 27
Option Switch 11: Drawing Margin (Right) ............................................................................................ 28
Option Switch 12: Drawing Margin (Top) .............................................................................................. 29
Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom) ......................................................................................... 30
Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard Postscript Plotter Size) ..................................................... 31
Option Switch 15: Drawing Size (Height) .............................................................................................. 33
Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width) ............................................................................................... 34
Option Switch 17: Flow Arrows/Gaskets (Components) ....................................................................... 35
Option Switch 18: Drawing Frame (Program Standard) ....................................................................... 36
Option Switch 19: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Method) ....................................................................... 37
Option Switch 20: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Limit) ........................................................................... 39
Option Switch 21: Isometric Type ......................................................................................................... 40
Option Switch 22: Cut Piece Add-On Allowances ................................................................................ 42
Option Switch 23: Material List (Controls/File Type)............................................................................. 43
Option Switch 24: Material List (Pipeline/Drawing/Pipe Length Units) ................................................. 45
Option Switch 25: Material List Position/Title Block Position ................................................................ 47
Option Switch 26: Material List (Descriptions) ...................................................................................... 48
Option Switch 27: Material List (Text Size) ........................................................................................... 49
Option Switch 28: Material List (Item Code Length) ............................................................................. 50
Option Switch 29: Material List (Line Spacing) ..................................................................................... 51
Option Switch 30: Material List (Continuation Method)......................................................................... 52
Option Switch 31: Drawing Output (File/Screen) .................................................................................. 54
Option Switch 32: Drawing Output (Scaling) ........................................................................................ 56
Option Switch 33: Revision/Detailed Marker ........................................................................................ 57
Option Switch 34: Drawing Output (Picture Scale) ............................................................................... 58
Option Switch 35: Drawing (Reserved Areas) ...................................................................................... 59
Option Switch 36: Drawing Output (Stacking Value) ............................................................................ 60
Option Switch 37: Drawing Output (Stacking Orientation) .................................................................... 61
Option Switch 38: Pipeline Splitting (Automatic) ................................................................................... 62
Option Switch 39: Spool Piece Identifiers ............................................................................................. 64
Option Switch 40: Pipe Supports .......................................................................................................... 67
Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control .............................................................................. 69
Option Switch 42: Drawing Viewpoint ................................................................................................... 72
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) ................................................................................. 74
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) ................................................................................. 75
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) ................................................................................. 76

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 5


Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) ................................................................................. 77

Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) ................................................................................. 78
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) ................................................................................. 79
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) ................................................................................. 80
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) ................................................................................. 81
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) ................................................................................. 82
Option Switch 52: Equipment Trim Drawings ....................................................................................... 83
Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering ...................................................................................................... 85
Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting............................................................................................................ 88
Option Switch 55: Program Messages (Run Information) .................................................................... 91
Option Switch 56: Program Messages (ISODAT) ................................................................................. 93
Option Switch 57: Program Messages (ISOPLOT) .............................................................................. 94
Option Switch 58: Clear Screen ............................................................................................................ 95
Option Switch 59: Instrument Identification .......................................................................................... 96
Option Switch 60: Component Tagging ................................................................................................ 97
Option Switch 61: Insulation Indication ................................................................................................. 98
Option Switch 62: Tracing Indication .................................................................................................... 99
Option Switch 63: Printed Output (Page Length)................................................................................ 100
Option Switch 64: Pipe Support Identification..................................................................................... 101
Option Switch 65: Bolting Units ........................................................................................................... 103
Option Switch 66: Coordinates (Supplementary) ................................................................................ 104
Option Switch 67: Sloping Pipeline (3D Skew Depiction) ................................................................... 107
Option Switch 68: Sloping Pipeline (Vertical Branches) ..................................................................... 109
Option Switch 69: Terminal Type Identification .................................................................................. 110
Option Switch 70: Skew Indication (Branches) ................................................................................... 112
Option Switch 71: Plotfile Format........................................................................................................ 113
Option Switch 72: Leading Zeros ........................................................................................................ 115
Option Switch 73: Material Part Number Enclosure Style .................................................................. 116
Option Switch 74: Material List Accumulation Control ........................................................................ 118
Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Number/Weld Number - Prefix) .......................... 121
Option Switch 76: Material Part Number Enclosure Shape ................................................................ 124
Option Switch 77: Weld Number Allocation at Slip-On Flanges and RPads ...................................... 126
Option Switch 78: Support Weld Number Prefix and Enclosures ....................................................... 128
Option Switch 79: Site Assembly Identification ................................................................................... 131
Option Switch 80: Dimensions (To Valve Centers) ............................................................................. 134
Option Switch 81: Dimensions (Branches) ......................................................................................... 136
Option Switch 82: Center of Gravity/Weight Output ........................................................................... 138
Option Switch 83: Site Welds Associated with Spools ....................................................................... 140
Option Switch 84: Curved Pipe ........................................................................................................... 141
Option Switch 85: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 142
Option Switch 86: Spare Switch.......................................................................................................... 143
Option Switch 87: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 144
Option Switch 88: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 145
Option Switch 89: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 146
Option Switch 90: Material Control (COMDACE File Contents) ......................................................... 147
Option Switch 91: Material Control (COMDACE File Controls) .......................................................... 148
Option Switch 92: DXF File Units ........................................................................................................ 149
Option Switch 93: Spare Switch.......................................................................................................... 150
Option Switch 94: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 151
Option Switch 95: Component Leg Length ......................................................................................... 152
Option Switch 96: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 154
Option Switch 97: Skew Depiction (Individual and Overall) ................................................................ 155
Option Switch 98: Spare Switch .......................................................................................................... 156
Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style) .......................................................................................... 157

6 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide


Option Switch 100: Skew Depiction (Dimension Line Standout) ........................................................ 159
Option Switch 101: Skew Depiction (Triangle Hatching) .................................................................... 160
Option Switch 102: Skew Depiction (Hatching Clearance) ................................................................. 161
Option Switch 103: Spare ................................................................................................................... 162
Option Switch 104: Spare Switch ........................................................................................................ 163
Option Switch 105: Spare Switch ........................................................................................................ 164
Option Switch 106: Spare Switch ........................................................................................................ 165
Option Switch 107: Spare Switch ........................................................................................................ 166
Option Switch 108: Pipeline Splitting (in Pipe) .................................................................................... 167
Option Switch 109: Repeatability Content .......................................................................................... 168
Option Switch 110: Ghost Gaps .......................................................................................................... 170
Option Switch 111: Nozzles (Dotted) .................................................................................................. 171
Option Switch 112: Flow Arrows (Pipeline) ......................................................................................... 172
Option Switch 113: Material Control (Pipeline Identification) .............................................................. 173
Option Switch 114: Specification Break Indication ............................................................................. 174
Option Switch 115: Tolerance (Angle Offset) ..................................................................................... 175
Option Switch 116: Tolerance (Dimension Offset).............................................................................. 176
Option Switch 117: Dimension Round Off .......................................................................................... 177
Option Switch 118: Dimensions (Overall) ........................................................................................... 178
Option Switch 119: Dimensions/Elevations (Vertical) ......................................................................... 179
Option Switch 120: Tapping (Branch Scale) ....................................................................................... 181
Option Switch 121: Tapping (Branch Dimensions) ............................................................................. 183
Option Switch 122: Tapping (Branch Coordinates) ............................................................................ 185
Option Switch 123: Instrument ID Enclosure ...................................................................................... 186
Option Switch 124: Flange Rotation Angles ....................................................................................... 188
Option Switch 125: Reserved ............................................................................................................. 189
Option Switch 126: Reserved ............................................................................................................. 190
Option Switch 127: ISOGEN Version/Run Data ................................................................................. 191
Option Switch 128: Spare Switch ........................................................................................................ 192
Option Switch 129: Spare Switch ........................................................................................................ 193
Option Switch 130: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 194
Option Switch 131: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 195
Option Switch 132: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 196
Option Switch 133: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 197
Option Switch 134: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 198
Option Switch 135: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 199
Option Switch 136: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 200
Option Switch 137: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 201
Option Switch 138: Plotfile (DGN Link and Plotfile - ASCII Text) ....................................................... 202
Option Switch 139: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 203
Option Switch 140: Development Testing ........................................................................................... 204

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 353

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 7


8 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

This document comprehensively covers all current ISOGEN option switches that can be used to
define isometric drawing output
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ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 9


10 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide


Option Switches
ISOGEN contains a large number of variable features, such as isometric type and drawing size,
dimensional units, line weight, BOM position on the isometric drawing, and so forth. These and
other features are controlled by user-defined option switch settings. A total of 140 option
switches are available, many of which have several positions or settings.
Option switches give you a high level of configuration that allows you to tailor both drawings and
material lists to your exact needs, including control of:
Isometric type Fabrication and construction; fabrication only; construction only; individual
spool isometrics; multi-pipeline system isometrics
Graphic output options DXF, DWG
Drawing size Metric A series, American ANSI sizes, or special sizes
Viewpoint orientation Indicated by a north arrow
Dimensions Standard string, overall, pipe supports, and to valve centers
Drawing frame User-designed or standard
Text Large, medium, and small
For many option switches, a switch detail sheet is available in the Appendix of this document.
The switch detail sheet provides additional information regarding how a specific option switch
setting impacts isometric drawing output. If a detail sheet is available, it is listed under Option
Switch Detail the end of the option switch topic:

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 11

Option Switches

Option Switch 1: Plotfile Length

Controls the physical length of the plotfile that is generated by ISOGEN. This switch is
necessary only when you use the Multiple Isometrics In Each Plotfile option (OS 31= 0), and
the required plotfile length is different from the default value of 3275 millimeters (mm).

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 1:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2, 3 and 4

0 Set the plotfile length to 3275mm. This is the default setting.

Value Set the required plotfile length in whole millimeters. The maximum length is limited to

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Used Internally by ISOGEN

0 Generate a single byte format data file.

1 Generate a multiple byte format data file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Plotfile Length (OS 1) (on page 207)

12 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 2: Cut Piece Numbering/List Type

Controls the generation of the cut piece list and corresponding cut piece identifiers (numbers or
letters) at appropriate positions along the plotted pipeline. An option to have cut piece identifiers
(numbers or letters) starting at 1 or A on each isometric drawing as opposed to each pipeline is
also controlled with this option switch.
Cut piece numbers can be output on the isometric drawing in a variety of alternative enclosure
types which are controlled by switch positions 7 and 8.
There are two types of cut piece lists: the old style, which has limited information, and the new
style, which has full information.
Finally, when using imperial units you have an option to list the cut lengths on the new style cut
piece list in a decimal inches format. This option is in addition to the regular value in the
LENGTH column.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 2:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Cut Piece Numbering and Cut Piece List On / Off Control

0 Suppress the generation of the cut piece list and cut piece identification
numbers/letters. This is the default setting.
1 Generate the cut piece list and cut piece identifiers.
2 Generate cut piece identifiers that start at 1 or A on each isometric drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Cut Piece List Style

0 Use the old style cut piece list and cut piece identifiers.
1 Use the new style cut piece list.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Alphabetic Cut Piece Identifiers

0 Generate numeric cut piece identifiers. This is the default setting.

1 Generate alphabetic cut piece identifiers.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Supplementary Output of Cut Length in Decimal Inches

0 Output standard cut lengths only. This is the default setting.

1 Output supplementary cut lengths in decimal inches format in the REMARKS column
of the new style cut piece list. This option only applies when you are using imperial

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Calculation of Branch Cut Length to Center Profile

0 Calculate to the actual branch connection point. This is the default setting.
1 Calculate to the center of the main pipeline in all situations.
2 Use the coordinate position.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 13

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 2: Cut Piece Numbering / List Type

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Pipe Bending File
0 Output pipe fabrication information, including details of each cut piece, listing the
length, diameter, end preparation, material part number, and other related details to
assist manufacturing. In addition, bending information that provides distances
to/between bends, angle and radius details is also output.
1 Output pipe fabrication information as described for the 0 setting. Also includes
details to enable profiling the shaped ends or pipe and the cutting of holes for tees,
olets, crosses, and so on.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Cut Piece Enclosure Types

0 Output pointed brackets.
1 Output a diamond-ended enclosure.
2 Output a round-ended enclosure.
3 Output a triangular-ended enclosure.
4 Output a diamond enclosure.
5 Output a square-ended enclosure.
6 Output a circular enclosure.
7 Output an elliptical enclosure.
8 Output a hexagonal-shaped enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 8- Single / Double Line Enclosure

0 Output a standard single-line enclosure.
1 Output a double-line enclosure (circular and elliptical enclosures only).

SWITCH POSITION 9- Additional Material to be Included on the Cut Pipe List / Report
0 Suppress additional material entries to the cut list.
1 Add entries to the cut piece list for additional material (PIPE).
2 Add entries to the cut piece list for additional material (MISC).
3 Add entries to the cut piece list for additional material (PIPE and MISC).

(continued on the following page)

14 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 2: Cut Piece Numbering / List Type

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 48 - Isometric Repeatability 5.9.3 JUN 1990
Dev. No. 56 - User-Defined BOM 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Cut Piece Numbering/List Type (OS 2) (on page 209)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 15

Option Switches

Option Switch 3: Drawing Trim Marks

Controls the generation of trim marks for the plotted isometric drawing. Trim marks indicate the
extremities of the nominated drawing size, as defined by either Option Switch 14 or Option
Switches 15 and 16, and are used as a guide when trimming the plots produced on a continuous
type of plotter.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 3:

0 Suppress the generation of trim marks. This is the default setting.

1 Generate plotted trim marks to indicate the extremities of each plotted isometric

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 2003
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Trim Marks (OS 3) (on page 210)

16 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 4: Drawing Text Size

Controls the physical size of the characters that are used in the output of dimensions,
coordinates, and message text in the picture section of the isometric drawing.
This option switch also controls text attributes, which allows height, width, thickness, and font to
be user-defined.

Title block text, which is always output using large characters (2.8mm), and material list text,
which is controlled by either Option Switch 27 or the Material List Definition file, are not
affected by the setting of this switch.
Text height can be set in 0.1mm increments in a range between 1.0mm and 9.9mm.
Text width can be set on 10th mm to allow the height/width ratio to be varied.
Text thickness can be set.
Text font can be varied; this is achieved by selecting a font from the font information file

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 4:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1 and 2 - Character Height

0 Output characters that are 2.4mm high. This is the default setting.
1 Output characters that are 2.1mm high.
2 Output characters that are 2.8mm high.
3 Output characters that are 3.5mm high.
4 Output characters that are 4.2mm high.
5 Output characters that are 4.9mm high.
Value Set the output character height in 1/10mm. Type a value in range 10-99.

SWITCH POSITION 3 and 4 - Character Width

This switch position is not currently available.

Value Set the output character width in millimeters. Type a value in the range of 10 to 99.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Character Thickness (Weight)

This switch position is not currently available.

Value Set the output character thickness in millimeters. Type a value in the range of 1 to 9.



Value Set the number that corresponds to the entry in the appropriate Font Information file.
Type 0, or leave blank to use the default font.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 17

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 4: Drawing Text Size

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
7.4 DEC 1985
8.6.0 APR 2001
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Text Size (OS 4) (on page 211)

18 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 5: Coordinates

Controls the selective suppression from the isometric drawing of the coordinate information that
is associated with each of the seven pipeline end connection/termination identifiers in -30 and -
36 type records, and at any break-in point (BIP) identifier position in -47 type records. Each type
is controlled by a separate position in the option switch as indicated by the layout graphic in the
Switch Layout section.
The following table lists the coordinate identifiers:

Purpose ISO Text IDF Record Number

Continuation on another pipeline CONT. ON -30
Connected to equipment nozzle CONN. TO -31
Identify any open end of pipe work User-defined text -32
Identify any closed end of pipe work User-defined text -33
Identify a vent position VENT -34
Identify a drain position DRAIN -35
Identify any miscellaneous position User-defined text -36
Identify a break-in point -- -47

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 5:

0 Display ISO text (as shown in the previous table) and associated coordinate
information on the isometric drawing.
1 Suppress the display of ISO text and associated coordinate information on the
isometrics drawing.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Dev. No. 29 - End Coords Suppression 5.4 APR 1987
Dev. No. 47 - Ghost Gap Facility 5.9 MAR 1990
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sketch
Coordinates - Connection/Connectivity (OS 5) (on page 212)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 19

Option Switches

Option Switch 6: Date Output

Controls the date format that is output on the isometric drawing and printed listings in a 2- or 4-
digit year format. By default, the actual date that the software outputs is taken from either the
PDF (pipeline data file) that is created by the host 3D design software or the computer system at
the time the drawing is generated.
There are three format options plus an option switch setting to suppress any date output,
even though a date exists in the IDF.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 6:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1 and 2 - Date Output and Format

0 Output the date using British format (14 APR 09). This is the default setting.
1 Output the date using European format (14/04/09).
2 Output the date using American format (04/14/09).
3 Suppress the output of a plotted date.
10 Output the system date in British format.
11 Output the system date in European format.
12 Output the system date in American format.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Two- or Four-Digit Year Output

0 Output the year using a two-digit format. You can also leave the setting blank to
generate the same output.
1 Output the year using a four-digit format.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
7.0 Release Notes 7.1 JUN 1994
Dev. No. 74B - Four Digit Year 7.16.0 MAY 1999
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Date Output (OS 6) (on page 219)

20 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 7: Pipeline Splitting (User Control)

Identifies the method used when splitting two pipelines into multiple isometric drawings. Two
methods are available:
Automatic: This method automatically calculates the number of pipeline graphics that can
be displayed on the selected drawing size, and then generates the exact number of
isometric drawings that are required to contain the completed pipeline.
Fixed: This method requires that you specify the number of isometric drawings that are
necessary to display the completed pipeline.

The setting in Position 1 is ignored if manual pipeline split points are present in the piping
data file (PDF).
Since any option switch setting applies to all the pipelines in a run, it is recommended that
you only use the fixed method in special cases for single pipeline runs.
An added option permits any drawing split points input in the 3D model by the user and
present in the PDF to be ignored.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 7:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1 and 2 - Various Controls

0 Use automatic splitting to control the number of isometric drawings that are required.
Value Set the number of isometric drawings that are required.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Ignore Drawing Split Points

1 Ignore user-defined drawing split points present in the PDF.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
7.7 AUG 1986
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 38: Pipeline Splitting (Automatic) (on page 62)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipeline Splitting - User Control (OS 7) (on page 220)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 21

Option Switches

Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout

Controls dimension line standout distances for the following:
String and composite dimensions that are normally plotted as the middle layer of multi-layer
Dimensioned messages, support messages, and reference dimensions on the inner layer,
but only when a standout distance in Option Switch 40 is not set.
Overall dimensions on the outer layer, but only when a standout distance in Option Switch
118 is not set.

Values that are less than or equal to 11mm are ignored by the software and substituted by
the appropriate standard dimension line standout distance. When the option switch value is
greater than 11mm, the software uses that value to set the dimension line standout distance
for string and composite dimensions on the middle layer. The inner dimensioned layer for
dimensioned messages, support messages, and reference dimensions are then set to be
0.5 times this distance, while the outer layer overall dimensions are set to 1.5 times this
Dimension text and messages are placed along a section of pipe in isometric projection
(oblique angle or slanted text).
This feature is only available for DXF format output styles generated using the piping object
data (POD) interface.
Text oblique angle is adjusted to be parallel to the dimension standout direction.
When it is practical to do so, ISOGEN attempts to set a vertical dimension standout for
horizontal sections of pipeline

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 8:

0 Plot standard dimension line standouts. This is the default setting.

Value Set the required standout distance (in whole millimeters), for string and composite
dimensions on the middle layer.
The standard dimension line standout distances for the various drawing sizes are as
Small-sized drawing text (Option Switch 4, Position 1)
String/composite dimension standout - 12mm.
Messages, support and reference dimension standout - 6mm.
Overall dimension standout - 18mm.
Medium-sized drawing text (Option Switch 4, Position 0)
String/composite dimension standout - 14mm.
Message, support and reference dimension standout - 7mm.
Overall dimension standout - 21mm
Large-sized drawing text (Option Switch 4, Position 2)
String/composite dimension standout - 16mm.
Message, support and reference dimension standout - 8mm.
Overall dimension standout - 24mm.
(continued on the following page)

22 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout

Extra large-sized drawing text (Option Switch 4, Position 4)
String/composite dimension standout - 18mm.
Message, support and reference dimension standout - 9mm.
Overall dimension standout - 27mm.
Extra large-sized drawing text (Option Switch 4, Position 3)
String/composite dimension standout - 20mm.
Message, support and reference dimension standout - 10mm.
Overall dimension standout - 30mm.
Extra large-sized drawing text (Option Switch 4, Position 5)
String/composite dimension standout - 22mm.
Message, support and reference dimension standout - 11mm.
Overall dimension standout - 33mm.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Isometric Text

0 Use standard text.

1 Use isometric text.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Vertical Dimension Standout

0 Use normal selection criteria to determine directional standout.

1 Use vertical dimension standout whenever possible.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 53 - ISOPLOT Program Update 6.0 MAR 1991
8.0 Release Notes 7.4 DEC 1995
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 4: Drawing Text Size (on page 17)
Option Switch 118: Dimensions (Overall) (on page 178)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Dimension Line Standout (OS 8) (on page 221)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 23

Option Switches

Option Switch 9: Dimension Form

Controls the following dimensioning requirements on the isometric drawing:
Dimension type, such as string/composite, support/comment, reference location and full
Component dimensions to include or exclude gaskets
USA style dimensions, positioned on top of the dimension line
Additional allowances for pipe dimensions
Double dimensioning - imperial or metric
Dimensioning multi-way valves and instruments
Dimensioning of only pipe components, with fitting components remaining undimensioned

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 9:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Various Controls

0 Plot ordinary string dimensions, support or message dimensions, and reference

dimensions on the isometric drawing. This is the default setting.
1 Plot only reference dimensions on the isometric drawing. All other dimensions are
2 Plot only support/message and reference location dimensions on the isometric
3 Plot composited dimensions together with support/message dimensions and
reference dimensions on the isometric drawing.
4 Plot full string dimensions, support/message dimensions, and reference dimensions
on the isometric drawing. All components are individually dimensioned.
5 Plot ordinary string dimensions but do not dimension separately erection pipe fittings-
-such as bends, elbows, tees, and so forth--support/message dimensions, and
reference dimensions on the isometric drawing.
6 Plot composite dimensions but do not dimension separately erection pipe fittings--
such as bends, elbows, tees, and so forth--support/message dimensions, and
reference dimensions on the isometric drawing.
7 Plot pipe dimensions, support/message dimensions and reference dimensions on the
isometric drawing. Suppress dimensioning of all fittings.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Dimensioning of Gaskets

0 Exclude gaskets in component dimensions.

1 Include gaskets in component dimensions.
2 Dimension gaskets separately.

(continued on the following page)

24 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 9: Dimension Form

SWITCH POSITION 3 - USA Style Dimensions

Blank Use the regular dimensioning style, whereby dimensions are inserted into the
1 dimension line.
Use the USA dimensioning style, whereby dimensions are positioned on top of the
dimension line.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Dimensions at 90-Degrees

0 Turn dimensions 90-degrees rather than being arrowed out.

1 Arrow out dimensions.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Show Additional Allowances with Dimension Output

0 Output normal component dimensions on the isometric drawing.

1 Display additional allowances with component dimension output.
2 Include additional allowances with component dimension output.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Bend Dimensioning

0 Combine pipe and bend dimensions on the isometric drawing.

1 Separate pipe and bend dimensions on the isometric drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Double Dimensioning (Imperial and Metric)

0 Use single dimensioning.

1 Use double dimensioning.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Dimensioning of Angle, 3-Way, 4-Way Valves and Instruments

0 Dimension angle valves, 3-way valves, 4-way valves and instruments using
1 messages.
Dimension angle valves, 3-way valves, 4-way valves and instruments as usual.

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Jacket Dimension Control

0 Allow full jacket dimensioning.

1 Suppress full jacket dimensioning.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 25

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 9: Dimension Form

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 19 - Improved Dimensioning 5.0 OCT 1986
Dev. No. 59 - Dimensioning Upgrade 7.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 83F - Dimensioning Enhancements 8.5.4 DEC 2000
Dev. No. 89D - Jacket Piping Systems 8.6.0 FEB 2001
Dev. No. 86E - Dimensioning of Pulled Bends 8.7.0 APR 2001
9.0.0 Release Notes 9.0 MAY 2008
10.1.0 Release Notes 10.1.0 NOV 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 40: Pipe Supports (on page 67)
Option Switch 118: Dimensions (Overall) (on page 178)
Option Switch 119: Dimensions/Elevations (Vertical) (on page 179)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Dimension Form (OS 9) (on page 222)

26 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 10: Drawing Margin (Left)

Controls the left-hand side of the drawing margin. The drawing margin is the distance between
the outer edge of the drawing sheet and the outer line of the drawing frame that is being used.

Switch Settings
The following switch settings are available for Option Switch 10:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2 and 3 - Drawing Margin (Left-Side)

0 Use a setting of 5mm for the left margin. This is the default setting.
Value Set the left-margin in whole millimeters.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 11: Drawing Margin (Right) (on page 28)
Option Switch 12: Drawing Margin (Top) (on page 29)
Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom) (on page 30)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Margins (OS 10, 11, 12, & 13) (on page 227)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 27

Option Switches

Option Switch 11: Drawing Margin (Right)

Controls the right-hand side drawing margin. The drawing margin is the distance between the
outer edge of the drawing sheet and the outer line of the drawing frame that is being used.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 11:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2 and 3 - Drawing Margin (Right-Side)

0 Use a setting of 5mm for the right margin. This is the default setting.
Value Set the right-margin in whole millimeters.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 10: Drawing Margin (Left) (on page 27)
Option Switch 12: Drawing Margin (Top) (on page 29)
Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom) (on page 30)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Margins (OS 10, 11, 12, & 13) (on page 227)

28 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 12: Drawing Margin (Top)

Controls the drawing margin at the top of the drawing. The drawing margin is the distance
between the outer edge of the drawing sheet and the outer line of the drawing frame that is
being used.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 12:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2 and 3 - Drawing Margin (Top)

0 Use a setting of 5mm for the top margin. This is the default setting.
Value Set the top margin in whole millimeters.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 10: Drawing Margin (Left) (on page 27)
Option Switch 11: Drawing Margin (Right) (on page 28)
Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom) (on page 30)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Margins (OS 10, 11, 12, & 13) (on page 227)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 29

Option Switches

Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom)

Controls the drawing margin at the bottom of the drawing. The drawing margin is the distance
between the outer edge of the drawing sheet and the outer line of the drawing frame that is
being used.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 13:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2 and 3 - Drawing Margin (Bottom)

0 Use a setting of 5mm for the bottom margin. This is the default setting.
Value Set the bottom margin in whole millimeters.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 10: Drawing Margin (Left) (on page 27)
Option Switch 11: Drawing Margin (Right) (on page 28)
Option Switch 12: Drawing Margin (Top) (on page 29)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Margins (OS 10, 11, 12, & 13) (on page 227)

30 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard Postscript

Plotter Size)
Controls the drawing size when a standard drawing conforming to the European Metric A series
or an inch-based American ANSI paper sizes A to E is required. A secondary function controlled
by this option switch is the setting of the postscript output device size for both standard and
nonstandard drawing sizes.
Nonstandard drawing sizes are controlled by Option Switches 15 and 16. If set, these
override any setting in Option Switch 14.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 14:

SWITCH POSITION 1 and 2 - Drawing Sheet Size

0 Set European A2 paper size (420 x 594 mm) as the default size.

1 Use European A1 paper size (594 x 841 mm).

2 Use European A2 paper size (420 x 594 mm).
3 Use European A3 paper size (297 x 420 mm).
4 Use European A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm).
10 Use European A0 paper size (841 x 1189 mm).
5 Use ANSI D paper size (22" x 34").
6 Use ANSI C paper size (17" x 22").
7 Use ANSI B paper size (11" x 17").
8 Use ANSI A paper size (8 1/2" x 11").
9 Use ANSI E paper size (34" x 44").

SWITCH POSITION 3 and 4 - Postscript Plotter Size

0 or blank Set the default paper size as European A (297 x 420 mm).
1 Use European A1 paper size (594 x 841 mm).
2 Use European A2 paper size (420 x 594 mm).
3 Use European A3 paper size (297 x 420 mm).
4 Use European A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm).
10 Use European A0 paper size (841 x 1189 mm).
5 Use ANSI D paper size (22" x 34").
6 Use ANSI C paper size (17" x 22").
7 Use ANSI B paper size (11" x 17").
8 Use ANSI A paper size (8 1/2" x 11").
9 Use ANSI E paper size (34" x 44").

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 31

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard PostScript Plotter

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
6.0 Release Notes 6.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 15: Drawing Size (Height) (on page 33)
Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width) (on page 34)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Size - Standard and PostScript Plotter Size (OS 14) (on page 228)

32 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 15: Drawing Size (Height)

Defines isometric drawing height for nonstandard paper sizes. That is, sizes that do not conform
to either the European A series or the inch-based American ANSI sizes.

Where the plotted output is to a postscript output device, the device size must be set in
Option Switch 14, unless European A3 size is being used.
Standard drawing sizes are controlled by Option Switch 14.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 15:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Drawing Size - Height

0 Set as the default for no nonstandard height.

Value Set the value for the overall drawing height in whole millimeters.
This option switch MUST be used in conjunction with Option Switch 16 - Drawing Size

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard PostScript Plotter Size) (on page 31)
Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width) (on page 34)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Size - Height and Width (OS 15 & 16) (on page 229)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 33

Option Switches

Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width)

Defines isometric drawing width for nonstandard paper sizes. That is, sizes that do not conform
to either the European A series or the inch-based American ANSI sizes.

Where the plotted output is to a postscript output device, the device size must be set in
Option Switch 14, unless European A3 size is being used.
Standard drawing sizes are controlled by Option Switch 14.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 16:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Drawing Size - Width

0 Set as the default for no nonstandard drawing width.

Value Set the value for the overall drawing width in whole millimeters.
This option switch must be used in conjunction with Option Switch 15 - Drawing Size
(Height) (on page 33).

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard Postscript Plotter Size) (on page 31)
Option Switch 15: Drawing Size (Height) (on page 33)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Size - Height and Width (OS 15 & 16) (on page 229)

34 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 17: Flow Arrows/Gaskets

Controls the use of flow arrows that are plotted alongside certain types of in-line components.
Their purpose is to show a pipeline's fluid or gas flow direction.
A different type of user-positioned flow arrow which is plotted directly on the pipe may
also be used either as well as or instead of the component flow arrow. For details of this
alternative type, see Option Switch 112: Flow Arrows (Pipeline) (on page 172).

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 17:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Flow Arrows - Components

0 Plot flow arrows alongside certain types of in-line components. This is the default
1 Suppress the plotting of component flow arrows.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Gaskets - Components

0 Suppress output of gasket fitting shape on isometric drawing.

1 Output gasket fitting shape on isometric drawing.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR1983
8.11.0 Release Notes 10.0.0 APR 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 112: Flow Arrows (Pipeline) (on page 172)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Flow Arrows - On Components (OS 17) (on page 230)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 35

Option Switches

Option Switch 18: Drawing Frame (Program Standard)

Controls whether the standard ISOGEN drawing frame is plotted. It is likely that users who either
plot their own design backing frame or plot to frame on preprinted forms will want to suppress
the plotting of the standard ISOGEN drawing frame.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 18:

SWITCH POSITION 0, 1 - Drawing Frame - Program Standard

0 Obtain the standard ISOGEN drawing frame. This is the default.

1 Suppress the plotting of the ISOGEN drawing frame.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Frame - Program Standard (OS 18) (on page 231)

36 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 19: Sloping Pipeline (Indication

Controls how sections of falling pipelines, that is, downward slopes, are indicated on the
isometric drawing. The switch determines the method of how the fall value is numerically
indicated on the isometric drawing from one of the following options. A further option
suppresses fall type slope indication.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 19:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Fall Depiction

0 Show falls as an angle, for example, Fall 1.5 . This is the default.
1 Show falls as a ratio, for example, Fall 1:38.
2 Show falls as a percentage, for example, Fall 2.6%.
3 Show falls as a gradient, for example, Fall 1.6 GRAD.
4 Show falls as an Imperial incline, for example, 5/16" per foot.
5 Show falls as metric incline, for example, Fall 26 mm per m.
6 Suppress falling line indication.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Accuracy of Sloping Pipeline Indication

Fall shown as an Angle

0 Output angle to nearest 10th degree.
1 Output angle to nearest degree.
2 Output angle to nearest 100th degree.
3 Output angle to nearest degree and minutes.
Fall shown as an Ratio
0 Output ratio to nearest 5 when greater than 1:30.
1 Output ratio to nearest 5 when greater than 1:100.
2 Output ratio to nearest 1.
Fall shown as an Percentage
0 Output percentage to nearest whole value.
1 Output percentage to nearest 1 decimal place.
2 Output percentage to nearest 2 decimal places.
Fall shown as an Gradient
0 Output gradient to nearest 10th grad.
1 Output gradient to nearest grad.
2 Output gradient to nearest 100th grad.
Fall shown as an Imperial Incline (only when dimensions in decimal inches)
0 Output incline to nearest 16th of an inch per foot.
1 Output Incline to nearest 100th of an inch per foot.
(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 37

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 19: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Method)

Fall shown as an Metric Incline
0 Output incline to nearest 5mms per meter.
1 Output incline to nearest mm per meter.
2 Output incline to nearest 10mms per meter.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Sloping Pipeline Indication Method (OS 19) (on page 232)

38 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 20: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Limit)

Controls the cut-off value used for determining what steepness of slope should be treated as a
fall and what should not.
Slopes steeper than the cut-off value are shown with a 2D or 3D box or triangle skew
indication, as appropriate.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 20:

SWITCH POSITION 0 - Sloping Pipeline Indication Limit

0 Set to 5 angle cut-off, or its equivalent, depending on the type of indication selected
in Option Switch 19. This is the default.
Value Set to a cut-off number to suit the type of indication selected in Option Switch 19. For
For 5 cut-off, enter 5 or 0.
For 1:11 ratio cut-off, enter 11.
For 9% cut-off, enter 9.
For 5 Grads cut-off, enter 5.
For 1" per foot cut-off, enter 1.
For 88 mm per meter cut-off, enter 88.
When sloping pipeline indications has been suppressed by setting OS 19 = 6,
this OS 20 should always be set to 0.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 19: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Method) (on page 37)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Sloping Pipeline Indication Limit (OS 20) (on page 233)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 39

Option Switches

Option Switch 21: Isometric Type

Controls the required isometric type.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 21:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1 and 2 - Isometric Type

0 Generate a combined isometric drawing, which contains a combination of fabrication,

erection, and offshore information as appropriate. This is the default setting.
1 Generate an erection/offshore isometric drawing.
2 Generate a fabrication only isometric drawing.
4 Generate individual flat spool isometric drawings (maximum legs flat).
5 Generate individual flat spool isometric drawings (maximum legs parallel).
6 Generate individual spool isometric drawings (as-built orientation).
7 Suppress isometric drawing generation.
10 Generate a combined material list without pipeline graphics.
11 Generate an erection material list without pipeline graphics.
12 Generate a fabrication material list without pipeline graphics.
16 Generate a spool material list without spool graphics.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Test Isometric

0 Generate a normal isometric drawing.

1 Generate a test isometric drawing with all dimensions and material list quantities
output as Xs. Do not decrement the hardware lock count.
8 Increase tolerance to join disconnected components. Set to 8 mm.
9 Produce separate drawings for disconnected pipeline when increased tolerance is
used and Option Switch 55 Position 3 is set to 0.
Values 8 and 9 are set internally and do not require you to take any action. When a minor
break occurs at the bypass closure point, IDFGEN sets switch position 3 to 8 so that ISOGEN
will still recognize the bypass situation that has been created. IDFGEN sets switch position 3 to
a value of 9 when certain conditions of Option Switch 55 are met. In these situations, ISOGEN
outputs a disconnected pipeline message when necessary.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Isometric Style

0 Generate a piping isometric drawing.

1 Generate a tracing isometric drawing.

(continued on the following page)

40 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 21: Isometric Type

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 63 - Flat Spools Facility 7.1.0 JUN 1994
Dev. No. 63A - Isometric Test Facility 7.4.2 JAN 1996
Dev. No. 74A - Disconnected Pipelines 7..16.0 MAY 1999
Dev. No. 91L - Heat Tracing 8.12.0 FEB 2005
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Isometric Type (OS 21) (on page 234)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 41

Option Switches

Option Switch 22: Cut Piece Add-On Allowances

Controls the amount of extra pipe that is added under the following circumstances:
At loose flange and field fit weld (FFW) positions. Extra pipe is added to cut pipe length
dimensions and pipe quantities on the material list. There are separate settings to control
on-shore and off-shore values.
For shop test purposes when certain welds are cut off together with a short length of pipe
after testing.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 22:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2, and 3 - FFW / Loose Flange Allowance (On-Shore)

0 Set the allowance to 0 mm. This is the default setting.

Value Set an alternative allowance in whole millimeters.

SWITCH POSITIONS 4, 5, and 6 - FFW / Loose Flange Allowance (Off-Shore)

0 Set the allowance to 0 mm. This is the default setting.

Value Set an alternative allowance in whole millimeters.

SWITCH POSITIONS 7, 8, and 9 - Shop Test Weld Allowance

0 Set the allowance to 0 mm. This is the default setting.

Value Set an alternative allowance in whole millimeters. This setting is only applied to shop
test welds.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 57 - Welding Facilities Upgrade 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 63 - Flat Spool Facility 7.1.0 JUN 1994
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Cut Piece Add-On Allowances (OS 22) (on page 241)

42 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 23: Material List (Controls/File Type)

Controls the following integral material list functions on the isometric drawing:
Material list on/off
Special type of list
Material list style
Material control file type
Continuous or sectionalized material list
If you do not require a material list or obtain the material list by alternative means, such as
by printing it, you can suppress its output.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 23:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Material List On/Off

0 Plot the material list integrally with the isometric drawing.

1 Suppress plotting of the material list.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Special Type Material Lists

0 Suppress special type of material list. This is the default setting.

1 Use special type of material list. Every item is given a separate entry, except gaskets
and bolts which are accumulated. Pulled bends have a "U" prefix, and welds have a
"W" or "B" prefix.
2 Suppress special type of material list. Use an alpha system of material list pointers
(A, B, C, and so on) instead of the default numeric system.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Material List Style

0 or 1 Use Style 1 material list. This is the default setting.

2 Use Style 2 material list.
3 Use Style 3 material list.
4 Use Style 4 material list.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Type of Material Control File

0 Use the standard material control file. This is the default setting.
1 Use the user-defined material control file.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 43

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 23: Material List (Controls/File Type)

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Style 2 Material List Layout Pattern
This position is similar to setting OS 23 Pos 2=1.

Blank Use the standard sectionalized layout. This type of list has group headings and
component sub-group headings.
1 Use the continuous style layout without headings and sub-headings. This type of list
is partitioned between the logical groups, such as PIPE, FLANGES, FITTINGS, and
so on.
2 Use the standard sectionalized layout without dividing lines.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 - User Defined Material List 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 65N Alphabetic Material List Identifiers 7.4.0 DEC 1995
Dev. No. 67A Style 4 Material List 7.6.0 MAY 1996
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23) (on page 242)

44 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 24: Material List (Pipeline/Drawing/Pipe

Length Units)
Controls the following two aspects of the material list:
Output is on a per drawing or per pipeline basis.
This difference only comes into effect when a pipeline is split onto two or more
Linear quantity output style.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 24:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Material List per Drawing or per Pipeline

0 Output a material list on a per drawing basis. This is the default setting.
1 Output a material list on a per pipeline basis.
2 Output spool isometric material part numbers to match full isometric part numbers
when using material list per drawing facility.
3 Output spool isometric material part numbers to match full isometric part numbers
when using material list per pipeline facility.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Linear Quantity Output Style

Blank Output pipe length in the format n.n M (10.4 M) or n.n Feet (10.4'). This is the default
1 Output pipe length in the format n MM (1040 MM) or n Feet n Inches (10' 5").
2 Output pipe length in the format n.nnn M (1.045 MM) or n.nnn Feet (10.375').
3 Output pipe length to match the format specified in Option Switch 41. The selected
pipe length style is applied on the material list and the cut list length summary for pipe
material entries and miscellaneous components
Metric or imperial unit output is controlled by Option Switch 42.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Material by Spool

0 Group spool materials within Fabrication category.

1 Group spool materials separately, part numbering per spool.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Calculation of Bend/Elbow Lengths

0 Determine centerline lengths of bends/elbows by calculating distance around curve.

1 Determine centerline lengths of bends/elbows by calculating distance to intersection.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 45

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 24: Material List (Pipeline/Drawing/Pipe Length

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 - User Defined Material List 7.0.0 OCT 1993
7.6.2 MAY 1996
8.10.0 Release Notes 8.10.5 NOV 2002
Dev. No. 97 - Material - Grouping Fabrication Items 9.0.0 MAY 2008
by Spool
9.3.0 Release Notes 9.3.0 JUN 2009
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 23: Material List (Controls/File Type) (on page 43)
Option Switch 25: Material List Position/Title Block Position (on page 47)
Option Switch 26: Material List (Descriptions) (on page 48)
Option Switch 27: Material List (Text Size) (on page 49)
Option Switch 28: Material List (Item Code Length) (on page 50)
Option Switch 29: Material List (Line Spacing) (on page 51)
Option Switch 30: Material List (Continuation Method) (on page 52)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Pipeline/Drawing (OS 24) (on page 251)

46 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 25: Material List Position/Title Block

Controls the following aspects of the material list:
Position of the material list on the isometric drawing.
Position of the title block on the isometric drawing.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 25:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Material List Position

0 Print the material list on the left-side of the isometric drawing. This is the default
1 Print the material list on the right-side of the isometric drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Title Block Position

0 Print the title block in the default position (bottom right-corner of the pipeline drawing
1 Print the title block at the bottom of the material list.
2 Suppress output of the title block.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Default Weld Box Position

1 Print weld box at bottom right corner of drawing.

2 Print weld box at bottom left corner of drawing

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 - User Defined Material List 7.0 OCT 1993
8.8.0 JUN 2001
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Position (OS 25) (on page 254)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 47

Option Switches

Option Switch 26: Material List (Descriptions)

Controls whether item descriptions are printed on the material list and in the bulk materials file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 26:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Item Descriptions On/Off

0 Print item descriptions. This is the default setting.

1 Suppress output of item descriptions.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Insertion of Blank Lines Following Single Line Material List Entries

0 or Insert blank lines. This is the default setting.

1 Suppress insertion of blank lines following single line entries. This setting makes the
material list shorter.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Output of Descriptions in Bulk Material File

Blank Suppress output of descriptions. This is the default setting.

1 Output no repeat descriptions.
2 Output all descriptions.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
7.0 Release Notes 7.1.0 JUN 1994
7.14.4 JUL 1998
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Descriptions (OS 26) (on page 257)

48 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 27: Material List (Text Size)

Controls the text size of the plotted material list.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 27:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1 & 2 - Character Height

0 Plot characters 2.4 mm high. This is the default setting.

1 Plot characters 2.1mm high.
2 Plot characters 2.8 mm high.
3 Plot characters 3.5 mm high.
4 Plot characters 4.2 mm high.
5 Plot characters 4.9 mm high.
10-99 Plot characters in 1/10 mms.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
7.2.0 DEC 1995
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Text Size (OS 27) (on page 258)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 49

Option Switches

Option Switch 28: Material List (Item Code Length)

Controls the number of characters ISOGEN uses for the material list item code.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 28:

0 Use 8 characters in the item code. This is the default setting.

8 Set the number of characters used in the item code in whole numbers.

The maximum number of characters allowed is 29.

A value of 0 provides 8 characters. It does not suppress the item code on the Style 1
material list.
Changes in this field cause the material list to be correspondingly wider or narrower.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sketch
Material List - Item Code Length (OS 28) (on page 259)

50 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 29: Material List (Line Spacing)

Controls the line spacing distance on the plotted material list.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 29:

0 or 100 Set the line spacing value to 0 or 100. This is the default setting
Value Increase or decrease the line spacing distance in the ration of Value/100. For
example, setting the value to 90 reduces the line spacing, while setting the value to
110 increases it.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Line Spacing (OS 29) (on page 260)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 51

Option Switches

Option Switch 30: Material List (Continuation Method)

Controls how a material list overflow situation is handled and how any overflow drawing is
identified. A secondary option controls which method is used to identify single isometric
pipelines on the drawing sheet.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 30:


0 Gives automatic overflow onto a second material list plotted alongside the first, which
creates a wider, non-standard drawing size. This is the default setting.
1 Gives a second dummy isometric drawing that contains the overflow material list but
no pipeline graphics. The isometric drawing is assigned the next drawing sheet
identifier in the sequence.
2 Gives a second dummy isometric drawing that contains the overflow material list but
no pipeline graphics. The isometric drawing is assigned the same drawing sheet
identifier as the previous (master) isometric drawing but suffixed with the letter "A".
Additional overflow drawings for the master isometric drawing are suffixed with "B",
"C", and so on.
10 Gives the same value as the setting 0, except that DRG 1 OF 1 is added to any
single sheet isometric drawings for identification.
11 Gives the same value as the setting 1, except that DRG 1 OF 1 is added to any
single sheet isometric drawings for identification.
12 Gives the same value as the setting 2, except that DRG 1 OF 1 is added to any
single sheet isometric drawings for identification.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Sheet Numbering: Leading Zeroes

0 Output no leading characters before cut piece number.

x Output the specified number of characters in cut piece number.

(continued on the following page)

52 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 30: Material List (Continuation Method)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 48 - Repeatability (Phase 1) 5.9.0 MAR 1990
9.0 Release Notes 9.0.0 MAY 2008
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List - Continuation Method (OS 30) (on page 261)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 53

Option Switches

Option Switch 31: Drawing Output (File/Screen)

Controls the following:
How and where any isometric drawing is to be output
Whether plot files previously created can be overwritten if their names match those currently
being created
Drawing sheet numbering

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 31:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - General Plotfile Control

0 Output isometric drawings generated during a run to either a single plot file or a
series of plot files, depending upon the PLOTFILE LENGTH value set in Option
Switch 1.
1 Generate an individual plot file for each isometric drawing.
2 Output the generated drawing(s) to the workstation screen. The terminal type to use
is set in Option Switch 69.
3 Output multiple isometric drawings on separate sheets. This setting is valid only for
SmartSketch (.igr) and Shape 2D (.sha) file formats.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Plotfile Overwrite Control

0 Allocate next available plot file. Generate name using selected sequence method.
1 Allocate plot file name using selected sequence method after deleting previously
generated files.

SWITCH POSITIONS 3 through 5 - Drawing Sheet Numbering

0 Commence first sheet at drawing number 1.

x Commence first sheet at drawing number x+1.

(continued on the following page)

54 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 31: Drawing Output (File/Screen)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev.No. 87F Plotfile Overwriting 8.7.0 APR 2001
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 SEP 2006
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 1: Plotfile Length (on page 12)
Option Switch 36: Drawing Output (Stacking Value) (on page 60)
Option Switch 37: Drawing Output (Stacking Orientation) (on page 61)
Option Switch 69: Terminal Type Identification (on page 110)
Option Switch 71: Plotfile Format (on page 113)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Output - File/Screen (OS 31) (on page 263)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 55

Option Switches

Option Switch 32: Drawing Output (Scaling)

Allows the increase or decrease of the final plotted isometric size, and thus changes it from what
is defined by Option Switches 14, 15, and 16.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 32:

0 to 100 Allows no change in scaling and generates an isometric drawing at the size defined
either by Option Switch 14 or by a combination of Option Switches 15 and 16.
Value Increases or decreases the final isometric size in the ratio of Value/100. For example,
a value of 71 generates a drawing at 71% of the original size; a value of 120
generates a drawing at 120% of the original size.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
6.0 Release Notes 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard Postscript Plotter Size) (on page 31)
Option Switch 15: Drawing Size (Height) (on page 33)
Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width) (on page 34)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Output - Scaling (OS 32) (on page 264)

56 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 33: Revision/Detailed Marker

Used by some 3D design systems to control how the Pipe Detailed/ Pipe Revision database
attribute fields are updated after ISOGEN successfully generates a pipeline isometric drawing.
This option switch has no effect on any output generated by ISOGEN.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 33:

0 Suppress updating both the Pipe Detailed and Pipe Revision attribute fields.
1 Update both the Pipe Detailed and Pipe Revision attribute fields.
2 Update only the Pipe Revision attribute field.
3 Update only the Pipe Revision attribute field.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 57

Option Switches

Option Switch 34: Drawing Output (Picture Scale)

Increases or decreases the scale of the pipeline picture part of the isometric drawing, while
leaving the other parts, such as the drawing frame, material list, title block, and line summary
areas, unaltered.
When you use this option switch, the whole of the pipeline picture and all text pointing to
it may be re-scaled to make it larger or smaller.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 34:

0 or 100 Use normal picture scaling (100%). This is the default setting.
Value Increases or decreases the scaling effect by the amount specified. For example, a
value of 71 reduces the size of the drawing 71% of its original size.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Output - Picture Scale (OS 34) (on page 265)

58 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 35: Drawing (Reserved Areas)

Creates two reserved areas across the bottom of the isometric drawing. One area stretches
across the bottom part of the drawing region, while the other area stretches across the bottom of
the material list. Once set, both areas are reserved on the drawing frame for related
project/pipeline information, and ISOGEN does not automatically plot any information in either
You can use the frame text positioning facility to add information that is included in the
pipeline input data file in these areas.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 35:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2, & 3 - Reserved Area within the Drawing Region

0 Allow no reserved area. This is the default setting.

Value Reserve an area equal to the depth of the required area along the bottom of the
isometric drawing as specified, measured in whole millimeters up from the outer line
of the drawing frame.

SWITCH POSITIONS 4, 5, & 6 - Reserved Area at the Bottom of the Material List

Blank Allow no reserved area. This is the default setting.

Value Reserve an area equal to the depth of the required area along the bottom of the
material list as specified, measured in whole millimeters up from the outer line of the
drawing frame.

SWITCH POSITION 7, 8, & 9 - Reserved Area in Millimeters

X Reserve an area in millimeters as specified.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 7.0.0. OCT 1984
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom) (on page 30)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing - Reserved Areas (OS 35) (on page 266)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 59

Option Switches

Option Switch 36: Drawing Output (Stacking Value)

Controls the number of drawing stacking rows within a plot file that contains multiple drawings.
Depending upon the drawing size, orientation, and width of the plotter paper, drawing stacking
may be one, two, three or more rows high.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 36:

0 or 1 Output one drawing stacking row. All drawings are plotted side-by-side within the plot
file. This is the default setting.
Value Output an alternative number of drawing stacking rows as specified. For example, is
the value specified is 2, output 2 frame high stacking.
This option switch must be set to 0 or 1 when using the output graphics screen facility.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 31: Drawing Output (File/Screen) (on page 54)
Option Switch 37: Drawing Output (Stacking Orientation) (on page 61)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Output - Stacking Value (OS 36) (on page 267)

60 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 37: Drawing Output (Stacking

Controls the orientation of the drawings within the plot file. If required, to make the most
economical use of plotter paper, drawings can be set to run along or across the paper
Along is defined as running the length of the roll of the plotter paper.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 37:

0 Plot along the roll of paper. This is the default setting.

1 Plot across the roll of paper.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 36: Drawing Output (Stacking Value) (on page 60)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Output - Stacking Value (OS 36) (on page 267)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 61

Option Switches

Option Switch 38: Pipeline Splitting (Automatic)

Controls the following:
Automatic pipe splitting.
The amount of piping information that a single drawing can accommodate is limited.
Once the limit is exceeded, then pipeline splitting automatically occurs. By using this option
switch, you can either increase or decrease the information content on each drawing.
Format of drawing continuation messages.
Continuation graphics at the ends of spool isometric drawings.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 38:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2, and 3 - Drawing Information Content Limit

0 to 100 Use the default for what ISOGEN considers to be the limit for drawing information
content. The limit is set within the software and varies for each size of drawing. This
is the default setting.
Value Increase or decrease the drawing information content by the specified amount in the
ratio Value/100.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Drawing Continuation Message

0 Use standard drawing continuation message.

1 Include the pipeline name in the drawing continuation message.
2 Use PIPELINE-DRAWING-SEQUENCE-NUMBER (-90) in the drawing continuation
3 Use CLIENT-DRAWING-IDENTIFIER (-92) in the drawing continuation message.
4 Use SPOOL-DRAWING-SEQUENCE-NUMBER (-91) on the drawing continuation
message. This setting applies only to spool isometric drawings.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Continuation at the Ends of Spool Drawings

0 Display continuation graphics on spool isometric drawings.

Value Suppress display of continuation graphics on spool isometric drawings.

(continued on the following page)

62 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 38: Pipeline Splitting (Automatic)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 APR 2003
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 SEP 2006
9.0.0 Release Notes 9.0.0 MAY 2008
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipelline Splitting - Automatic (OS 38) (on page 269)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 63

Option Switches

Option Switch 39: Spool Piece Identifiers

Permits the unique identification of each pipe spool on the isometric drawing. An additional
control allows various box enclosures for the spool identifier. There are several different formats
available, as listed below.
The presence of a record in a pipeline .dat file to denote a user-defined spool identifier
causes the value in Position 1 and Position 2 of this option switch to be ignored.
This option switch also controls whether unions should be a spool split point.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 39:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Basic Control

0 Switch spool identifiers on, using a numeric system. This is the default setting.
1 Suppress the output of spool identifiers.
2 Switch spool identifiers on, using an alphabetic system.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Spool Identifier Sequence

0 Continue the current spool identifier sequence onto each new drawing. This is the
default setting.
1 Re-commence spool identifiers at 1 on each new drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Box Enclosure Style

0 Enclose spool identifiers within the standard square brackets or a double-box

enclosure. This is the default setting.
1 Enclose spool identifiers in a diamond-ended box.
2 Enclose spool identifiers in a round-ended box.
3 Enclose spool identifiers in a triangle-shaped box.
4 Enclose spool identifiers in a diamond-shaped box.
5 Enclose spool identifiers in a square-shaped box.
6 Enclose spool identifiers in a circle.
7 Use no enclosure.
9 Use an elliptical spool number enclosure.
Because the type of enclosure that is output for settings 3 and 4 cannot be elongated,
there is a limit to the number of characters that can be accommodated by each.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Spool Drawing Identifier (User)

0 Prefix the pipeline reference to the spool identifier. This is the default setting.
1 Output fthe pipeline reference as the spool drawing identifier. Use the user spool
identifier in any user-defined spool identifiers found in the input pipeline data file.

(continued on the following page)

64 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 39: Spool Piece Identifiers

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Spool Drawing Identifier (Automatic)

0 Use the spool drawing identifier as the spool ID.

1 Output the spool drawing identifier as the pipeline reference. Use automatic spool ID
if no user-defined spool IDs are found in the input pipeline data file.
2 Generate the spool identifier from the pipeline file name (automatic spool ID).

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Spool Identifiers (Fabrication)

0 Suppress allocation of spool identifiers for lone fabrication components.

1 Allocate spool identifiers for lone fabrication components.
2 Use user-controlled pipe spools only. No automatically generated spools.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Spool Break Points at Union

0 Allow a fabrication union connecting fabrication components to create spools.

1 Suppress creating separate spools from a fabrication union connecting fabrication

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Single/Double Line Circular Spool Number Enclosures

0 Use single line spool number enclosure.

1 Use double line spool number enclosure. Use with circular enclosure to get double

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Circular and Elliptical Spool Number Enclosure Size

0 Use a fixed two-character circular or elliptical enclosure.

1 to 8 Limit the size of spool number circular or elliptical enclosures to the specified size.
9 Allow spool number circular or elliptical enclosures to be variable in size.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 65

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 39: Spool Piece Identifiers

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 48 - Isometric Repeatability 7.1.0 JUN 1984
7.0 Release Notes 7.12.0 DEC 1995
7.4.0 Release Notes 7.4.0 JAN 1998
7.14.5 Release Notes 7.14.5 JUL 1998
8.5.1 Release Notes 8.5.1 SEP 2000
8.8.0 Release Notes 8.8.0 JUL 2001
Dev. No. 89H - Message Enclosures, Ellipses & 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Double Circles
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Spool Piece Identifiers (OS 39) (on page 271)

66 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 40: Pipe Supports

Controls the following pipe support functions:
Support dimension type: String, Overall, Included dimensions
Display of pipe supports on the isometric drawing.
Support dimension stand-out position.
The support dimension may be on the same side of the pipe as the normal pipe
dimensions or on the opposite side.
Support dimension line stand-out distance.
Category of supports to be dimensioned.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 40:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Pipe Support Dimension Type and Support Suppression

0 Draw pipe supports on the isometric drawing and dimension in string form. This is the
default setting.
1 Draw pipe supports on the isometric drawing and dimension in overall form.
2 Suppress pipe supports on the isometric drawing and on the material list.
3 Draw pipe supports as undimensioned on the isometric drawing.
6 Draw pipe supports on the isometric drawing. Include support dimensions with
pipeline dimensions.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Support Dimension Position

0 Draw support dimensions on the same side of the pipe as the normal dimensions.
This is the default setting.
1 Draw support dimensions on the opposite side of the pipeline to the normal
dimensions. This causes any dimension line stand-out distance set in switch
positions 3 and 4 to be ignored.

SWITCH POSITIONS 3 & 4 - Support Dimension Line Stand-Out Distance

0 Use software default for all support dimensions.

Value Use specified value for the dimension line stand-out distance. Type a value in whole

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Selective Support Dimensioning

0 Dimension all supports.

1 Dimension Fabrication type supports only.
2 Dimension Erection type supports only.
3 Dimension Offshore type supports only.
4 Dimension Erection and Offshore type supports only.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 67

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 40: Pipe Supports

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Associated Additional Materials on Supports Weights

0 Use weight of associated additional materials on supports in calculations.

1 Ignore weight of associated additional materials on supports in calculations.

SWITCH POSITIONS 7 - Centerline Support Dimensioning

0 Support dimensions obey normal string/overall rules.

1 Support dimensions obey same rules as centerline pipe dimensioning.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 53 - ISOPlot Program Update 6.0.0 MAR 1991
7.4.0 Release Notes 7.4.0 DEC 1995
Dev. No. 71H Selective Dimensioning of Supports 7.14.2 MAR 1998
Dev. No. 93G - Pipe Dimensions Including Supports 8.13.1 MAY 2007
10.0.0 Release Notes 10.0.0 MAR 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout (on page 22)
Option Switch 9: Dimension Form (on page 24)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Supports (OS 40) (on page 274)

68 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control

Controls output of bore, dimensional units, and dimension styles, including stacked fractions.
This option switch is also used to determine how the numeric part of a metric coordinate is
formatted. Finally, you can use this option switch to control component weight output. You can
specify weight per unit length in units different from those used on the isometric drawing.

Units for bore and weight data included in the input pipeline data file are set by Option
Switch 65.
Bolt length and bolt diameter units defined by Option Switch 41 can be modified by using
Option Switch 65.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 41:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Dimensional Units Type

0 Output pipeline bores in inches and linear dimensions in millimeters (Mixed or SI

units). This is the default setting.
1 Output pipeline bores in inches and linear dimensions in feet and inches (Imperial
2 Output pipeline bores and linear dimensions in millimeters (Metric units).
3 Output pipeline bores in millimeters and linear dimensions in millimeters (Mixed

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Coordinate Output Format (Metric Coordinates Only)

0 Output metric dimensions and coordinates in millimeters.

1 Output metric dimensions in millimeters and coordinates in meters (M.mmm)
2 Output metric dimensions in meters (M.mmm) and coordinates in millimeters.
3 Output metric dimensions and coordinates in meters (M.mmm).
4 Output metric dimensions in millimeters and coordinates in 10th millimeters.
5 Output metric dimensions in 10th millimeters and coordinates in millimeters.
6 Output metric dimensions and coordinates in 10th millimeters.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Feet/Inch Output and Stacked Fractions

0 Output standard FT/IN dimensions, as in 6' 10.3/8".

1 Output standard FT/IN dimensions and include a dash, as in 6' - 10.3/8".
2 Output standard FT/IN dimensions using a blank space instead of a period (.)
between inches and fractions of an inch, as in 6' - 10 3/8".
3 Output stack fractions with a dash (-), as in 6' - 10 3/8"
4 Output stacked fractions without a dash (-), as in 6' 10 3/8".
5 Output decimal inches to 1 decimal place.
6 Output decimal inches to 2 decimal places.
7 Output decimal inches to 3 decimal places.
8 Output decimal inches to 4 decimal places.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 69

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Weight Information Output / Weight Units

0 Suppress output of weight information. This applies to all outputs, including material
lists, weight output on drawing frame, material control files and so forth. This is the
default setting.
1 Input/output all weights in kilograms (kgs).
2 Input/output all weights in pounds (lbs).
3 Input/output all weights in kilograms/meter (kgs/m).
4 Input/output all weights in pounds/meter (lbs/m).
5 Input/output all weights in kilograms/foot (kgs/ft).
6 Input/output all weights in pounds/foot (lbs/ft).

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Component Weight Output

0 or Suppress output of component weight on the material list. This is the default setting.
1 Output any component weight as a total weight (quantity x unit weight).
2 Output any component weight as the individual weight of each component type (no
multiplication x quantity).

SWITCH POSITIONS 6 & 7 - Imperial Dimension Output Format (Inches or Feet-Inches)

0 Change dimension output format from inches to feet-inches at 24". For example, 28"
is output as 2' 4".
1 Output dimensions in inches.
Value Change dimension output format as specified. Set the value to a number of whole
inches. Acceptable values are 12 or greater.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Suppression of Bore (Nominal Size) Output at Branch

(Tee/Olet/Cross) and Reducer Locations

0 Output nominal size information at branches and reducers.

1 Suppress output of nominal size information at branches and reducers.

(continued on the following page)

70 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Nominal Size Output Separately on Pipe Section for Set-on Tees
and Crosses

Blank Output nominal size on set-on tees and crosses combined.

1 Output nominal size on set-on tees and crosses separately.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 61 - Weight Output Facility 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 64 - External Weight / C of G 7.2.0 APR 19995
7.4.0 Release Notes 7.4.0 DEC 1995
7.17.7 Release Notes 7.17.7 MAY 1999
Dev. No. 83F - Dimensioning Enhancements 8.5.4 DEC 2000
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 APR 2003
Dev. No. 91D - Unit Conversion 8.13.0 SEP 2006
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 65: Bolting Units (on page 103)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (OS 41) (on page 277)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 71

Option Switches

Option Switch 42: Drawing Viewpoint

Controls the viewing direction, or isometric orientation. You can choose from four different
orientation options. The one you select is indicated on the isometric drawing by the direction in
which the North arrow is pointing..
You can also use this option switch to enclose the North arrow within a box.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 42:

SWITCH POSITION 1 Viewpoint Direction / North Arrow Enclosure

0 Position the North arrow to point towards the top-left of the isometric drawing.
1 Position the North arrow to point towards the bottom-right of the isometric drawing.
2 Position the North arrow to point towards the top-right of the isometric drawing.
3 Position the North arrow to point towards the top-left of the isometric drawing.
4 Position the North arrow to point towards the bottom-left of the isometric drawing.
5 Enclose the North arrow within a box and position it to point towards the bottom-right
of the isometric drawing.
6 Enclose the North arrow within a box and position it to point towards the top-right of
the isometric drawing.
7 Enclose the North arrow within a box and position it to point towards the top-left of the
isometric drawing.
8 Enclose the North arrow within a box and position it to point towards the bottom-left of
the isometric drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 2 Viewpoint Direction Arrow

0 Display North arrow. This is the default setting.

SWITCH POSITION 3 Flat Spool Orientation

0 Position the North arrow to point towards the top-left of the isometric drawing.
1 Display maximum legs in horizontal plane as laid flat.
2 Display maximum legs in parallel plane as laid flat.
3 Display longest leg in horizontal plane (bottom-left to top-right) and second longest
leg in horizontal plane (bottom-right to top-left).

(continued on the following page)

72 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 42: Drawing Viewpoint

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
9.3.0 Release Notes 9.3.0 JUN 2010
10.0.0 Release Notes 10.0.0 APR 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Drawing Viewpoint (OS 42) (on page 281)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 73

Option Switches

Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 43:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

74 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 44:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 75

Option Switches

Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 45:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

76 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 46:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 77

Option Switches

Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 47:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

78 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 48:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 79

Option Switches

Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 49:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

80 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the material list to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area that can be identified in the pipeline input date file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 50:

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 0. This setting allows you to obtain no

increase in pipe material quantity even though a value may have been included in the
pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
waste percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline input data file.
Value Use the specified value as an additional factor that is multiplied by the basic wastage
factor (input on appropriate records in the pipeline input data file) to obtain the final
wastage factor percentage. For example, a value of 2 results in a final percentage of
twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 81

Option Switches

Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9)

Controls any additional pipe quantity that needs to be added to the Material List to allow for
wastage during fabrication. This option switch is one of nine that holds a percentage factor that
is used to calculate pipe wastage allowances. Each of the nine option switches is applicable to a
particular plant area which can be identified in the Pipeline Input Data File.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 51:

SWITCH POSITION - Pipe Wastage in Plant Area 9

0 Use a percentage multiplication factor of zero. NO increase in pipe material quantity

even though a value may been included in the pipeline data input file.
1 Use a percentage multiplication factor of 1. This value does not increase the basic
wastage percentage that may be set in applicable records in the pipeline data input
file. This is the default value.
Value Use an additional factor (value) that is multiplied by the basic wastage factor (input on
appropriate records in the pipeline data input file) to arrive at a final wastage factor
percentage. For example, a value of 2 in this Option Switch would give a final
percentage of twice the value of any figure included in the pipeline data input file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51) (on page 284)

82 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 52: Equipment Trim Drawings

Controls the various functions related to the generation of equipment trim (vessel trim) drawings
and associated material control files.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 52:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Part Number Sequencing on the Material List

0 Start sequentially numbering part numbers at 1 for each nozzle.

1 Start sequentially numbering part numbers at 1 for the whole material list.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Material Control File Content for Equipment Trim Entries

0 Use all components related to a single equipment item accumulated and written to
the material control file under a single pipeline entry. Equipment trim reference is
used as the pipeline reference for identification purposes.
1 Separate components for each nozzle and writes them to the material control file
using the individual pipeline reference associated with each nozzle.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Style of Input Data File

0 Indicate a single pipeline type file, where there is only one set of header records.
1 Indicate multiple pipeline type file, where there are multiple sets of Header records.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Equipment Drawings

0 Output material list information only.

1 Output isometric drawing and material list information.


SWITCH POSITION 6 - Equipment Nozzle Identifiers

0 Assign an alphabetic identifier to equipment nozzles.

1 Assign a numeric identifier to equipment nozzles.
2 Suppress assignment of identifiers to equipment nozzles.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 83

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 52: Equipment Trim Drawings

SWITCH POSITION 7- Equipment Nozzle Identifier Enclosure Shape

0 Output an enclosure with rectangular ends.

1 Output an enclosure with diamond-shaped ends.
2 Output an enclosure with round ends.
3 Output a triangle-shaped enclosure.
4 Output a diamond-shaped enclosure.
5 Output a hexagonal-shaped enclosure.
6 Output a circular enclosure.
7 Suppress output of an enclosure.
8 Output a double-circular enclosure.
9 Output an elliptical-shaped enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Equipment Nominal Size Message

0 Suppress output of nominal size data at nozzle connections.

1 Output nominal size of nozzle connections.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 34 - Equipment Trim Facility 5.8.0 MAY 1989
Dev. No. 89B - Equipment Isometrics 10.0.0 APR 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Equipment Trim Drawings (OS 52) (on page 285)

84 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering

Controls aspects related to the weld numbering function, including the following:
Text size
Type of welds that are to be numbered on the isometric drawing
Decision to plot or not plot a weld box / operations box
Weld numbering sequence where multi-drawings for a pipeline are produced
Individual weld numbering by category
Support weld numbering sequence

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 53:
SWITCH POSITION 1 - Weld Number Text Size and Weld Type to be Numbered

0 Use no weld numbers. This is the default option.

1 Use small size weld numbers, 1.5mm high.
2 Use medium size weld numbers, 1.8mm high.
3 Use large size weld numbers, 2.1mm high.
4 Number only fabrication type welds - small size.
5 Number only fabrication type welds - medium size.
6 Number only fabrication type welds - large size.
7 Number only erection type welds - small size.
8 Number only erection type welds - medium size.
9 Number only erection type welds - large size.

These size values are only valid when weld numbers are being plotted in the
original circular style enclosures.
Switch Position 1 should be set to value 0, 1, 2 or 3, if Switch Position 4 is set to
value 0 or 1.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Weld Box / Operations Box Generation

0 Set no weld / operations box. Nothing is plotted or printed. This is the default option.
1 Plot weld box summary.
2 Plot or print operations box summary.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Weld Number Sequence Control

0 Continue the weld number sequence on each new drawing. This is the default.
1 Begin weld numbers at start of each new drawing.
2 Match spool isometric weld numbers to full isometric weld numbers when using
continuous weld numbers across drawings.
3 Match spool isometric weld numbers to full isometric weld numbers when using the
weld number sequence commencing on each drawing.
4 Suppress the generation of weld numbers.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 85

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Offshore Weld Number Control

0 Generate offshore weld numbers. This is the default.

1 Number offshore welds only.
2 Do not number offshore welds.
This switch position should be set to value 2 when Position 1 is set to value 4,
5, 6, 7, 8 or 9.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Individual Weld Numbering Sequences

0 Use a single sequence for all welds.

1 Use an individual sequence for each weld category.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Support Weld Sequences

0 Use the same sequence as that used for standard welds.

1 Use a single sequence for all support welds.
2 Use an individual sequence for each support weld category.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Support Weld Numbering Sequences

0 Continue the support weld sequence on each new drawing.

1 Start support weld numbers at 1 on each new drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Alphabetic Weld Identifiers Generated

0 Use numeric weld identifiers.

1 Use alphabetic weld identifiers.

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Number of Characters in the Weld Identifier

0 Exclude leading characters before output of weld identifier.

Value Use the minimum number of characters in a weld number, and adds leading zeros to
attain Value set.
Switch Positions 8 and 9 cannot be used in conjunction with fixed size weld enclosures. If
requested, they automatically change to variable size circular enclosure type.

(continued on the following page)

86 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 57 - Welding Upgrade 7.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 58 - ISO Repeatability Stage II 7.4 DEC 1995
Dev. No. 74D - Support Weld Prefix and Numbering 7.16.0 MAY 1999
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 APR 2003
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Weld Numbering (OS 53) (on page 286)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 87

Option Switches

Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting

Controls the types of welds that are plotted on the isometric drawing. The various switch settings
permit different types of welds to be plotted, or not, to suit the particular type of isometric
drawing being generated. A further specialized option causes all program-generated site welds
to be changed into fabrication welds.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 54:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Weld Types and Plotting Options

0 Plot all types of welds. This is the default.

1 Suppress plotting of all welds.
2 Plot only site welds.
3 Plot only fabrication welds.
4 Change site welds generated by the program into fabrication welds. This action does
not change user-inserted site welds.

Whenever Option Switch 54, Position 1 is set to 1, 2 or 3, Option Switch 53, which controls
weld numbering, should be set to the same value.
Whenever Option Switch 54, Position 1 is set to 4, to change site welds into fabrication
welds, the software also changes the type of weld numbers generated.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Weld Numbering - Circular or Elliptical Enclosures for Fabrication


0 Fix to two characters, the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.
1 to 8 Fix the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures to the value set.
9 Use variable sizes for the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Weld Numbering Circular or Elliptical Enclosures for Erection


0 Fix to two characters, the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.
1 to 8 Fix the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures to the value set.
9 Use variable sizes for the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Weld Numbering Circular or Elliptical Enclosures for Offshore


0 Fix to two characters, the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.
1 to 8 Fix the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures to the value set.
9 Use variable sizes for the weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.

(continued on the following page)

88 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Support Weld Numbering - Circular or Elliptical Enclosures for
Fabrication Welds

0 Fix to two characters, the support weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.
1 to 8 Fix the support weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures to the value set.
9 Use variable sizes for the support weld number circular or elliptical enclosures.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Support Weld Numbering Circular or Elliptical Enclosures for

Erection Welds

0 Fix to two characters, the support weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.
1 to 8 Fix the support weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures to the value set.
9 Use variable sizes for the support weld number circular or elliptical enclosures.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Support Weld Numbering Circular or Elliptical Enclosures for

Offshore Welds

0 Fix to two characters, the support weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures.
1 to 8 Fix the support weld number for circular or elliptical enclosures to the value set.
9 Use variable sizes for the support weld number circular or elliptical enclosures.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Suppress Generation of Implied Welds

0 Generate welds at appropriate implied locations.

1 Suppress the generation of implied welds.

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Arrowheads on Weld Messages

0 Output arrowheads on all weld messages.

1 Suppress arrowheads on all weld messages.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 89

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev No. 89h -Message Enclosures Elliptical And 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Double Circles
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 SEP 2006
Dev No. 92E Welding Enhancement 2
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering (on page 85)
Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Number/Weld Number - Prefix) (on page
Option Switch 77: Weld Number Allocation at Slip-On Flanges and Reinforcement Pads (on
page 126)
Option Switch 78: Support Weld Number Prefix and Enclosures (on page 128)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Weld Plotting (OS 54) (on page 290)

90 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 55: Program Messages (Run

Controls the volume of data that is written to the message file and to the screen during
interactive processing regarding program running and plotfile generation information.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 55:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Running Information

0 Use minimum running information to output ISOGEN program version identification

and plot file generation messages.
1 Use minimum running information to output ISOGEN program version identification
and plot file generation messages. Includes ISODAT and ISOPLOT module running
2 Use minimum running information to output ISOGEN program version identification
and plot file generation messages. Includes ISODAT and ISOPLOT module running
messages, as well as information related to the progress of the isometric drawing
through the ISOPLOT module.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - 'Disconnection' Message

0 Output a disconnection message local to a pipeline break where increased tolerance

is used to connect a pipeline.
1 Suppress output of a local disconnection message where increased tolerance is used
to connect a pipeline.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Disconnected Pipeline

0 Set a pipeline to disconnected when increased tolerance is used to connect a

pipeline, and outputs a disconnected pipeline message at the top of the drawing.
1 Suppress output of the disconnected pipeline message at the top of the drawing if a
pipeline has connected using the increased tolerance. The message is always output
if a pipeline does not connect using increased tolerance.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 91

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 55: Program Messages (Run Information)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 74 - Disconnected Equipment Isometrics 7.16.0 MAY 1999
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 21: Isometric Type (on page 40)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Program Messages - Run Information (OS 55) (on page 291)

92 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 56: Program Messages (ISODAT)

Controls the output of program diagnostic information to the message file by the ISODAT
program during processing.
Only Alias System Support Personnel should use this switch.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 56:

0 Return no diagnostic messages from ISODAT.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 93

Option Switches

Option Switch 57: Program Messages (ISOPLOT)

Controls the output of program diagnostic information to the message file by the ISOPLOT
program during processing.
Only Alias System Support Personnel should use this switch.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 57:

0 Return no diagnostic messages from ISOPLOT.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

94 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 58: Clear Screen

Controls the clearing of the graphics screen when isometric drawings are sent to the screen
rather than to a plot file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 58:

0 Do not automatically clear the screen. This is the default setting.

1 Provide automatic clearing of the screen before showing the first isometric drawing.
With the introduction of modern screen drivers, it is possible that a clear screen operation
will be performed automatically. The setting of this option switch will have no effect in these

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 95

Option Switches

Option Switch 59: Instrument Identification

Controls which particular 3D design system parameter is used by ISOGEN for Instrument
identification on the material list or any material control file that is generated. Typically, 3D
design systems have parameters for both the instrument name (tag) and the specification
reference (item code), but only one of these may be selected for output.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 59:

0 Output the instrument name, or tag. This is the default setting.

1 Output the instrument's specification reference (item code).

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Instrument Identification (OS 59) (on page 292)

96 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 60: Component Tagging

Controls the plotting of names/tags on most pipeline components. Tagging of pipe (tube) and
pipeline elements made from pipe (tube) is not supported. Tagging of instruments is controlled
by Option Switch 123. Names/ tags may be switched on or off to suit the your requirements. A
secondary option when plotting names/tags is to have the text boxed-in with a surrounding

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 60:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Plotting of Component Names/Tags

0 Suppresses the plotting of names/tags. This is the default setting.

1 Plots and boxes in names/tags.
2 Plots, but does not box in, names/tags.
SWITCH POSITION 3 - Component Names / Tags Enclosures

0 Enclose component names/tags in a square-ended box.

1 Enclose component names/tags in a diamond-ended box.
2 Enclose component names/tags in a round-ended box.
3 Enclose component names/tags in a triangular shape.
4 Enclose component names/tags in a diamond shape.
5 Enclose component names/tags in a square-ended box.
6 Enclose component names/tags in a circular shape.
7 Enclose component names/tags in an elliptical shape.
8 Enclose component names/tags in a hexagonal shape.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 32 - Extension of Component Naming Facility 5.5.0 FEB 1988
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 SEP 2006
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 64: Pipe Support Identification (on page 101)
Option Switch 123: Instrument ID Enclosure (on page 186)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Component Tagging (OS 60) (on page 293)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 97

Option Switches

Option Switch 61: Insulation Indication

Controls how insulation indicators are plotted on the isometric drawing. This feature can be
turned on or off depending on your requirements. When insulation is turned on, ISOGEN plots a
dashed line on each side of the pipe and, optionally, around pipeline components.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 61:

0 Plot dashed lines (with a gap of 1mm) alongside pipe only. This is the default setting.
1 Suppress insulation indicators.
2 Plot dashed lines (with a gap of 1mm) alongside pipe and all components.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 13 - Insulation Indication on Fittings 4.0.0 JUN 1986
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 62: Tracing Indication (on page 99)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Insulation Indication (OS 61) (on page 294)

98 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 62: Tracing Indication

Controls how tracing indicators are plotted on the isometric drawing. This feature can be turned
on or off depending on your requirements. When tracing is turned on, ISOGEN plots a chain-
dotted line on one side of the pipe and, optionally, alongside pipeline components.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 62:

0 Plot chain-dotted tracing lines (with a gap of 1mm) alongside pipe only. This is the
default setting.
1 Suppress tracing indicators.
2 Plot chain-dotted tracing lines (with a gap of 1mm) alongside pipe and components.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 12 - Tracing Indication on Fittings 4.0.0 JUN 1986
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 61: Insulation Indication (on page 98)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Tracing Indication (OS 62) (on page 295)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 99

Option Switches

Option Switch 63: Printed Output (Page Length)

Controls the number of lines ISOGEN allows per page on any printed output (reports).

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 63:

0 Allow 55 lines per page. This is the default setting.

Value Limit lines per page to the Value set.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Printed Output - Page Length (OS 63) (on page 296)

100 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 64: Pipe Support Identification

Controls the identification information that is output for pipe supports on the isometric drawing
and parts list. For identification purposes, either the support name (tag) or the specification
reference (item code) may be used.
An additional option allows certain support information to be passed to the COMDACE
Material Control system.
COMDACE is s registered trademark of John Brown Systems, Ltd.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 64:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Output of Support Names (Tags)

0 Output item codes in the Item Code field of the material list, but suppress output of
tags on the isometric drawing.
1 Output tags as unboxed on the isometric drawing, and output item codes in the Item
Code field of the material list.
2 Output tags as boxed on the isometric drawing, and output item codes in the Item
Code field of the material list.
3 Output tags as unboxed on the isometric drawing, and output item codes in the Item
Code field of the material list. Exclude supports from the material list.
4 Output tags as boxed on the isometric drawing, and output item codes in the Item
Code field of the material list. Exclude supports from the material list.
5 Output item codes in the Item Code field of the material list. Suppress output of tags
on the isometric drawing, and exclude supports from the material list.
10 Suppress output of tags on the isometric drawing, but output item codes in the Item
Code field of the material list; exclude supports from the material list.
Pass support names to the COMDACE Material Control system (PASCE System
Users only).

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Support Name Enclosures

0 Enclose tags in square-ended box.

1 Enclose tags in diamond-ended box.
2 Enclose tags in round-ended box.
3 Enclose tags in triangle.
4 Enclose tags in diamond.
5 Enclose tags in square-ended box.
6 Enclose tags in a circle.
7 Enclose tags in an ellipse.
8 Enclose tags in a hexagonal-shaped box.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 101

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 64: Pipe Support Identification

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Support Names Accumulation

0 Suppress accumulation of supports with matching names (tags).

1 Accumulate supports with matching names.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 50A - ISOGEN to COMPIPE Link 6.0.0 MAR 1991
7.7.0 Release Notes 7.0.0 MAR 1991
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 SEP 2006
9.0.0 Release Notes 9.0.0 MAY 2008
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 60: Component Tagging (on page 97)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipe Support Identification (OS 64) (on page 297)

102 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 65: Bolting Units

Determines how bolts are reported on the material list and in the material control file in terms of
diameter and length. This option switch also determines whether bolts are included in the
material control file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 65:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Bolt Length Units and Material Control File Options

0 Follow the setting defined by Option Switch 41. This is the default setting.
1 Report bolt length in inches.
2 Report bolt length in millimeters.
3 Exclude bolts from the material control file. Normally, bolts are included.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Bolt Diameter Units

0 Follow the setting defined by Option Switch 41. This is the default setting.
1 Report bolt diameter in inches.
2 Report bolt diameter in millimeters.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Allow Bolts to be Excluded from the Material Control File

0 Output bolts to the material control file.

1 Exclude bolts from the material control file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 - User-Defined Material List 7.0.0 OCT 1993
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 APR 2003
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (on page 69)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Bolting Units (OS 65) (on page 298)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 103

Option Switches

Option Switch 66: Coordinates (Supplementary)

Controls the output combinations that are available for plotting the N/S and E/W coordinates and
elevations at bend and tee intersection points and at isometric split points. This option switch
also controls the output of coordinates and elevations along witness lines instead of the usual
arrowed-out message lines. You can output coordinates at reference items and at pipe supports
and location points. You can also output world coordinates information or relative coordinates
information from the nearest reference plane.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 66:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Coordinates and Elevations Output as Arrowed-Out Messages or

on Witness Lines at Bend and Tee intersection Points

0 Output coordinate and elevation data as arrowed-out message type. This is the
default setting.
1 Output coordinate and elevation data along witness lines.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Coordinates and Elevations Output at Bends and Elbows

0 Output elevation data only when changed. This is the default setting.
1 Suppress output of elevation and coordinate data.
2 Output elevation and coordinate data that have changed.
3 Output a full set of coordinate data.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Coordinate & Elevation Output at Branch Intersection Points

0 Output elevation data only when changed. This is the default setting.
1 Suppress output of elevation and coordinate data.
2 Output elevation and coordinate data that have changed.
3 Output a full set of coordinate data.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - - Coordinate Output at Isometric Split Points

0 Suppress output of coordinate data. Message points to end of continuation

1 Output full set of coordinate data. Message points to drawing split points.
2 Suppress output of coordinate data. Message points to drawing split points.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Coordinate Output at Reference Items

0 Suppress output of coordinate data at reference items.

1 Output coordinate data at reference items.

(continued on the following page)

104 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 66: Coordinates (Supplementary)

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Coordinate Output at Pipe Supports

0 Suppress output of coordinate data at pipe supports.

1 Output coordinate data only at Fabrication pipe supports.
2 Output coordinate data only at Erection pipe supports.
3 Output coordinate data only at Offshore pipe supports.
4 Output coordinate data at all pipe supports.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Coordinate Output at Location Points

0 Suppress output of coordinate data at location points.

1 Output world coordinate information at location points.
2 Output relative coordinate data from nearest reference plane at location points.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Coordinate Output on Isometric Drawing

0 Suppress output of coordinate data on tracing controllers.

1 Output relative coordinate data from nearest reference plane.

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Coordinate Output on Tracing Controllers

0 Output world coordinate data.

1 Output coordinate data at tracing controllers from nearest reference plane.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 105

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 66: Coordinates (Supplementary)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 59 - Dimensioning and Coordinate Upgrade 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 83D - Reference Items: Coordinates, 8.3.0 JUL 2000
Thickness, & Layer
Dev. No. 83E - Pipe Supports: Coordinates
Dev. No. 91L - Heat Tracing 8.13.0 SEP 2006
8.13.0 Release Notes
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Coordinates - Supplementary (OS 66) (on page 299)

106 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 67: Sloping Pipeline (3D Skew

Controls the method used to depict sloping, or falling, sections of a pipeline that are skewed in
the horizontal plane, as well as the display of angle information on the isometric drawing.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 67:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Skew depiction (Box or Triangle) + Fall indicator

0 Depict full 3D skew (box or triangle).

1 Depict 2D skew (box or triangle) with Fall indicator.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Angle Information

0 Output angle information on the isometric drawing, except within 0.5 of 90 and
1 180.
2 Suppress angle information on the isometric drawing.
3 Output angle information on the isometric drawing, including exactly 90 and 180.
Output angle information unless if when rounded they are within 0.1 of a degree of
90 or 180.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Angle Format

0 Output deflected angle.

1 Output included angle.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Angle Accuracy

0 Output angles to the nearest 0.5.

1 Output angles to the nearest degree.
2 Output angles to the nearest 10th degree (1 decimal place).
3 Output angles to the nearest 100th degree (2 decimal places).

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 107

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 67: Sloping Pipeline (3D Skew Depiction)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 11D - 3D Sloping Pipeline Output as 2D + 5.4.0 APR 1987
Fall Indicator
8.12.0 Release Notes 8.12.0 JAN 2005
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 JAN 2005
9.2.0 Release Notes 9.2.0 MAR 2009
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 19: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Method)
Option Switch 20: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Limit) (on page 39)
Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style) (on page 156)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Sloping Pipeline - 3D Skew Depiction (OS 67) (on page 304)

108 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 68: Sloping Pipeline (Vertical

Controls the drawing depiction method used when a vertical branch connection is to be made to
a sloping (falling) pipeline using a special zero length bend component. This special bend, which
has no length, is used to carry the angle between the vertical branch and the sloping pipeline.
Two drawing methods are available. One method displays a small 2D skew box section between
the branch and the main pipe, while the other method does not. In cases where olets are used,
a text message indicates the orientation direction if the branch is not developed.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 68:

0 Display the short tee branch leg section of skewed pipe, display olets with an
orientation message instead of a skewed section, and dimension both separately to
the connecting pipe. This is the default setting.
1 Suppress display of a separate skew section, connect the vertical branch straight into
the main pipe, display no orientation message for olets, and include both in a single,
inclusive dimension.
In both instances, the angle between the vertical branch and the sloping (falling) pipeline
are indicated on the isometric drawing.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 2 - Zero Length Bends 5.4.0 APR 1987
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Sloping Pipeline - Vertical Branches (OS 68) (on page 305)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 109

Option Switches

Option Switch 69: Terminal Type Identification

Identifies the type of graphics terminal. You use switch positions 1, 2, and 3 to define the
terminal type, and then use switch position 4 to denote single or dual screen use.
Option Switch 69 is only relevant when the graphics output is sent to the terminal screen
rather than to an output file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 69:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2, and 3 - Terminal Type

0 Use the default setting. The default varies with the computer type. For example, a
setting of 0 gives a value of 3 on VAX 7, a value of 7 on Apollo, and a value of 12 on
HP Starbase.
3 Use Tektronix 410X / 420X terminal.
4 Use Westward 2000 and 2015 monochrome terminal.
5 Use Westward C2015 color terminal.
6 Use IBM GDDM terminal.
7 Use Apollo terminal.
8 Use Tektronix 4111.
9 Use IBM PC emulating Tektronix410X/420X terminal.
10 Use Westward 3220/2320 terminal.
11 Use VAX VWS terminal.
12 Use HP Starbase terminal.
13 Use HP Starbase with X Windows terminal.
14 Use DEC Windows terminal.
15 Use Workstation/PC (Packet driver) terminal.
16 Use Silicon Graphics terminal.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Dual Screen Use

Blank Use single screen operation. This is the default setting.

1 Use dual screen operation.

(continued on the following page)

110 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 69: Terminal Type Identification

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
6.0 Release Notes 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Terminal Type Identification (OS 69) (on page 306)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 111

Option Switches

Option Switch 70: Skew Indication (Branches)

Permits simple skewed branch legs to display the normal skew box/triangle enclosure
suppressed and replaced by a single pipe length dimension and a text message giving the
branch orientation. When used to suppress the normal box enclosure, the value set represents
the maximum number of fittings permitted in the branch. Branches found to contain more fittings
than this are drawn with the normal skew box/triangle enclosure.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 70:

SWITCH POSITION 1 & 2 - Suppress Skew Box on Branches

0 Draw all branches with normal skew box/triangle depiction.

Value Suppress skew box or triangle depiction on branch legs whose number of
components is less than or equal to the Value set, and outputs an orientation

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Skew Rotation Depiction

0 Output orientation message relative to previous position.

1 Output orientation message relative to primary direction.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Olet Direction Messages for Primary Directions

0 Omit orientation message if undeveloped olet is in a primary direction.

1 Output orientation message if undeveloped olet is in a primary direction.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 35 - Suppression of Skew Boxes/Triangles 5.4.1 FEB 1988
on Branch Legs
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 APR 2003
9.2.0 Release Notes 9.2.0 MAR 2009
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Skew Indication - Branches (OS 70) (on page 307)

112 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 71: Plotfile Format

Controls the plotfile output format. The smart format of graphics relates to a plotfile that has
vectors associated with a pipeline component grouped together to form a single object in the
drawing file, or has some non-graphical attributes associated with the symbol (tags/attributes).
This switch also controls the file format of any nominated backing frame and detail sketch files,
and the generation of any I01 type file name extension.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 71:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2 & 3 - Plotfile Output Format

0 Use the default ISOGEN plotfile format (ISO).

3 Use the Postscript (PSC) format. Backing frame is unavailable.
4 Use the AutoCAD V12 DXF format. Backing frame is optional.
8 Use the MicroStation DGN V7 (and earlier) format. Backing frame is mandatory.
11 Use the Alias internal Smart format (POD). Backing frame is optional.
16 Use the AutoCAD DXF Smart format. Backing frame is optional. The AutoCAD DXF
Plotfile version will be the same as the DXF backing frame.
17 Use the AutoCAD DWG Smart format. Backing frame is mandatory. The AutoCAD
DWG Plotfile version will be the same as the DWG Backing Frame.
18 Use the MicroStation DGN V7 (and earlier) Smart format. Backing frame is
19 mandatory.
20 Use the SmartSketch IGR Smart format. Backing frame is mandatory.
21 Use the SmartPlant Shape2D SHA Smart format. Backing frame is mandatory.
Use the MicroStation DGN V8 (and later) Smart format. Backing frame is mandatory.

SWITCH POSITION 4, 5 & 6 - Backing Frame and Detail Sketch File Format
Format must match that specified for the plotfile output as set in Positions 1, 2, and 3 and
must be of the same CAD system version as the requested plotfile output format.

4 Use the AutoCAD V12 DXF format.

8 Use the MicroStation DGN V7 (and earlier) format.
11 Use the Alias internal Smart format (POD).
16 Use the AutoCAD DXF format. The generated plotfile will be the same AutoCAD DXF
version as this backing frame.
17 Use the AutoCAD DWG format. Backing frame is mandatory. The generated plotfile
will be the same AutoCAD DWG version as the backing frame.
18 Use the MicroStation DGN V7 (and earlier) format.
19 Use the SmartSketch IGR Smart format.
20 Use the SmartPlant Shape2D SHA format.
21 Use the Smart MicroStation DGN V8 (and later) format.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 113

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 71: Plotfile Format

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Generation of I01 Type File Name Extension

0 Generate normal file names or extensions.

1 Generate I01 type file name extensions on all plotfiles that do not use a user-defined
plotfile prefix.
2 Output the plotfile format extension appended to the I01 type filename extension on
all plotfiles generated that do not use a user-defined plotfile prefix.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
6.0.0 Release Notes 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Dev. No. 62 - Detail Sketches Facility 7.0.0 OCT 1994
7.14.4 Release Notes 7.14.4 JUL 1998
8.10.0 Release Notes 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 92: DXF File Units (on page 149)
Option Switch 138: Plotfile (DGN Link and Plotfile--ASCII Text) (on page 202)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

114 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 72: Leading Zeros

Controls the number of characters output in either a cut piece identifier, or spool number.
This option does not operate when alphabetical spool identifiers are chosen or when user-
defined spool identifiers are used. If a spool prefix is present, leading zeros are output
immediately before the individual spool value.
If a cut piece identifier or spool identifier is output, leading zeros are inserted when

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 72:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Character Output - Spool Identifiers

0 Output no leading characters before the spool identifier.

X Output x number of characters in the spool identifier.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Character Output - Cut Piece Identifiers

0 Output no leading characters before the cut piece identifier.

X Output x number of characters in the cut piece identifier.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 72.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

8.10.0 Release Notes 8.12.0 MAY 2005
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 115

Option Switches

Option Switch 73: Material Part Number Enclosure

Controls the style, shape, and size of the three alternative blank enclosure styles in conjunction
with Option Switches 23 and 76. All three styles provide a space for the manual addition of
supplementary information to the isometric.
Style 1 enclosure is a blank box of variable size and shape displayed below the standard
material part number.
Style 2 enclosure is an extended standard material part number box with a blank section.
Style 3 enclosure outputs weld part numbers for welds that have been included on the
material list, and similar to Style 2, will have a blank section.
This is a special function type enclosure that is only available when Option Switch 23
- Position 2 is set to a value of 1.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 73:

SWITCH POSITION 1 & 2 - Style 1 Enclosure Box Size

0 Use the standard part number box enclosure with no additional Style 1 enclosure box.
Value Use the Style 1 enclosure box, where Value equals the number of blank characters that
dynamically determine the size of the enclosure box.

SWITCH POSITION 3 & 4 - Style 2 Enclosure Box Setting

0 Use the standard enclosure box.

Value Use the Style 2 enclosure box, where Value equals the number of blank characters
that dynamically determine the size of the enclosure box.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Style 1 Enclosure Box Shape

0 Use an enclosure box with square ends.

1 Use an enclosure box with diamond ends.
2 Use an enclosure box with round ends.

SWITCH POSITION 6 & 7 - Style 3 Enclosure Box Setting (For Welds on the Material List)

Blank Use the default enclosure box.

Value Use the Style 3 enclosure box, where Value equals the number of blank characters
that dynamically determine the size of the enclosure box.
The Style 3 enclosure box is customer-specific and only incorporates their particular
requirements. It is not used otherwise.

(continued on the following page)

116 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 73: Material Part Number Enclosure Style

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 - User Defined Material List 7.0.0 OCT 1994
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 23: Material List (Controls/File Type) (on page 43)
Option Switch 76: Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (on page 124)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 117

Option Switches

Option Switch 74: Material List Accumulation Control

Determines how components are included or excluded from the material list through extensive
options. Materials may be processed by category. Fabrications, erection, offshore, gasket, bolt,
and weld groups may be controlled separately. Non-accumulation means that each occurrence
of an item results in an individual entry on the material list with a quantity of 1. In the case of
pipe, each individual length is listed separately. There is also an option to have nominated
material categories suppressed completely.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 74:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Fabrication Materials

0 Use for all fabrication items accumulated. This is the default.

1 Use for non-accumulation of all fabrication items (excluding pipe).
2 Use for all fabrication items that are suppressed.
3 Use for non-accumulation of fabrication items (including pipe).
4 Use only for non-accumulation of pipe.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Erection Materials

0 Use for all erection items accumulated. This is the default.

1 Use for non-accumulation of all erection items (excluding pipe).
2 Use for all erection items that are suppressed.
3 Use for non-accumulation of erection items (including pipe).
4 Use only for non-accumulation of pipe.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Offshore Materials

0 Use for all offshore materials accumulated normally. This is the default.
1 Use for non-accumulation of all offshore items (excluding pipe).
2 Use for all offshore items that are suppressed.
3 Use for non-accumulation of offshore items (including pipe).
4 Use only for non-accumulation of pipe.

(continued on the following page)

118 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 74: Material List Accumulation Control


0 Use for all gaskets accumulated normally. This is the default.

1 Use for non-accumulation of gaskets.
2 Use for all gaskets to be suppressed.


0 Use for all bolts accumulated normally. This is the default.

1 Use for non-accumulation of bolts.
2 Use to suppress all bolts.


0 Use for all welds accumulated normally. This is the default.

1 Use fo non-accumulation of welds.
2 Use to suppress all welds.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Accumulation of Fixed Pipe Materials for Output to Material List or
Material Control Files

0 Accumulate fixed pipe material by quantity.

1 Accumulate fixed pipe material by length.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - IDFGEN Output of Components with No Item Code

0 Set components with no item code to Not On Material List. This is the default
1 setting.
Suppress setting of components with no item code to Not On Material List.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 119

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 74: Material List Accumulation Control

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 56 - User Defined Material List 7.4.0 DEC 1994
8.11.0 Release Notes 8.11.0 FEB 2004
10.0.0 Release Notes 10.0.0 APR 2009
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material List Accumulation Control (OS 74) (on page 309)

120 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld

Number/Weld Number - Prefix)
Controls the weld number enclosure type and weld number prefix. Weld numbers can optionally
have a weld prefix character(s) and a variety of enclosure types. Both the weld number
enclosure type and the weld prefix may be separately controlled for shop, site or field and
offshore welds.
When the weld number enclosure style is not the original circular type, the weld number
size is controlled by Option Switch 4 instead of Option Switch 5.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 75:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Weld Number Enclosure Style for Shop Welds

0 Use for weld numbers in a fixed size circle. This is the default.
1 Use for a diamond-ended box.
2 Use for a round-ended box.
3 Use for a small-triangular shaped enclosure.
4 Use for a small-diamond shaped enclosure.
5 Use for a square-ended box.
6 Use for a dynamically sized circle.
7 Use for no weld number enclosure.
8 Use for no shop weld numbers to be displayed on the plotted isometric.
9 Use for elliptical weld enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Weld Prefix on Shop Welds

0 Suppress weld prefix. This is the default.

1 Add a weld prefix to a weld number.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Weld Number Enclosure Style for Site/Field Welds

0 Use for weld numbers in a fixed size circle. This is the default.
1 Use for a diamond-ended box.
2 Use for a round-ended box.
3 Use for a small-triangular shaped enclosure.
4 Use for a small-diamond shaped enclosure.
5 Use for a square-ended box.
6 Use for a dynamically sized circle.
7 Use for no weld number enclosure.
8 Use for no site/field weld numbers to be displayed on the plotted isometric.
9 Use for elliptical weld enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Weld Prefix on Site/Field Welds

0 Suppress weld prefix. This is the default.

1 Add a weld prefix to a weld number.
(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 121

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Number/Weld

Number - Prefix)
SWITCH POSITION 5 - Weld Number Enclosure Style for Offshore Welds

0 Use for weld numbers in a fixed size circle. This is the default.
1 Use for a diamond-ended box.
2 Use for a round-ended box.
3 Use for a small-triangular shaped enclosure.
4 Use for a small-diamond shaped enclosure.
5 Use for a square-ended box.
6 Use for a dynamically sized circle.
7 Use for no weld number enclosure.
8 Use for no offshore weld numbers to be displayed on the plotted isometric.
9 Use for elliptical weld enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Weld Prefix on Offshore Welds

0 Suppress weld prefix. This is the default.

1 Add a weld prefix to a weld number.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Double Line Weld Number Enclosure Style for Shop Welds

0 Use for a single-line circle enclosure.

1 Use for a double-line weld number enclosure. (Use with circular enclosure to get
double circles.)

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Double Line Weld Number Enclosure Style for Field/Site Welds

0 Use for single-line circle enclosure.

1 Use for a double-line weld number enclosure. (Use with circular enclosure to get
double circles.)

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Double Line Weld Number Enclosure Style for Offshore Welds

0 or Use for single-line circle enclosure.

1 Use for a double-line weld number enclosure. (Use with circular enclosure to get
double circles.)

(continued on the following page)

122 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Number/Weld

Number - Prefix)
Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 57 - Welding Facilities 7.6.0 MAY 1996
Dev. No. 89H - Message Enclosures 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 4: Drawing Text Size (on page 17)
Option Switch 5: Coordinates (Connection/Connectivity) (on page 19)
Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering (on page 85)
Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting (on page 88)
Option Switch 77: Weld Number Allocation at Slip-On Flanges and Reinforcement Pads (on
page 126)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Weld Number - Enclosure/Prefix (OS 75) (on page 311)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 123

Option Switches

Option Switch 76: Material Part Number Enclosure

Controls the shape of the box enclosure used to surround the standard type of material list part
numbers on the isometric. For details on an alternative material list part number box enclosure
style, see Option Switch 73: Material Part Number Enclosure Style (on page 116).

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 76:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Material Part Number Enclosures

0 Use for standard enclosure box shape with rectangular ends. This is the default.
1 Use for enclosure box shape with diamond ends.
2 Use for enclosure box shape with round ends.
6 Use for circular enclosure.
7 Use for part number text plotted with no enclosure box.
8 Use for no part numbers or enclosure box plotted.
9 Use for elliptical enclosure.
When set, values 1, 2 and 7 are also applied to the shape of the alternative Style 2
material list part number enclosure box as controlled by Option Switch 73.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Single/Double Line Circular Material Part Number Enclosures

0 Use the single-line part number enclosure.

1 Use the double-line part number enclosure. Use with circular enclosure to get double

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Material Part Number Circular or Elliptical Enclosure Size

0 Fix size to two characters with the part number circular or elliptical enclosures.
1-8 Fix size to the value set with the part number circular or elliptical enclosures.
9 Use a variable size for the part number circular or elliptical enclosures.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Material Part Numbering - Leading Zeros

0 Output no leading characters before the material part number.

X Determines the number of characters output in material part number.

(continued on the following page)

124 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 76: Material Part Number Enclosure Shape

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 89H - Message Enclosures - Ellipses and 7.3.0 SEP 1995
Double Circles
8.10.0 Release Notes 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 73: Material Part Number Enclosure Style (on page 116)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (OS 76) (on page 313)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 125

Option Switches

Option Switch 77: Weld Number Allocation at Slip-On

Flanges and Reinforcement Pads
Controls the quantity of weld numbers generated by the program at slip-on flange and
reinforcement pad positions. Reinforcement pads can also control the optional generation of an
item code or material description on the material list and the plotting of the pad shape.
Switch Position 3 controls the automatic generation of an item code and material description on
the material list and a plotted shape for the pad on the isometric.
Reinforcement pads may optionally exist on set-on tees or crosses and on trunnion-type
pipe supports.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 77:
SWITCH POSITION 1 - Quantity of Weld Numbers Generated at Slip-On Flanges

0 Use two weld numbers. This is the default.

1 Use one weld number.
2 Use two weld numbers.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Quantity of Extra Weld Numbers Generated at Reinforcement Pads

0 or Display no extra weld numbers.

1 Display one extra weld number.
2 Display two extra weld numbers.
These are extra weld numbers because they are created in addition to the normal single
and double-branch connection weld numbers that are generated at set-on tee and cross

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Reinforcement Pads

0 Generate no item code, material description, or plotted pad shape.

1 Generate an item code, material description, and plotted pad shape automatically.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Allocation of Weld Numbers on Fabricated "Y" Types

0 or Display one extra weld number.

1 Display one extra weld number.
2 Display two extra weld numbers.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Allocation of Weld Numbers on Tack Welds

0 or Display no extra weld numbers.

1 Display one extra weld number.
2 Display two extra weld numbers.
(continued on the following page)

126 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 77: Weld Number Allocation at Slip-On Flanges

and Reinforcement Pads
SWITCH POSITION 6 - Allocated for Future Use

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Allocation of Weld Number to Victaulic Welded/Forged Ring Type

Clamps (CLVR)

0 Allocate two numbers to the Victaulic Clamp.

1 to 9 Allocate specified numbers to the Victaulic Clamp.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 65G - Weld Numbers at Reinforcement 7.4.0 DEC 1995
Dev. No. 70 - New Style Mutli-way Fittings 7.13.0 FEB 1998
Dev. No. 89E - Connection Enhancements 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering (on page 85)
Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting (on page 88)
Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Number/Weld Number - Prefix) (on page
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Weld Number Allocation at Slip-on Flanges and Reinforcement Pads (OS 77) (on page 316)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 127

Option Switches

Option Switch 78: Support Weld Number Prefix and

Controls the support weld enclosure style and weld prefix. Both can be controlled separately for
shop, site, and offshore categories.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 78:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Weld Number Enclosure Style for Fabrication Support Welds

0 Use a fixed-size circle.

1 Use a diamond-ended box.
2 Use a round-ended box.
3 Use a small, triangular shape.
4 Use a small, diamond shape
5 Use a square-ended box.
6 Use a dynamically sized circle.
7 Use no enclosure.
8 Suppress the weld number.
9 Use an elliptical weld number enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Weld Prefix on Fabrication Support Weld

0 Use no weld prefix.

1 Add a support weld prefix to the weld number.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Weld Number Enclosure Style for Erection Support Welds

0 Use a fixed-size circle.

1 Use a diamond-ended box.
2 Use a round-ended box.
3 Use a small, triangular shape.
4 Use a small, diamond shape
5 Use a square-ended box.
6 Use a dynamically sized circle.
7 Use no enclosure.
8 Suppress the weld number.
9 Use an elliptical weld number enclosure.

(continued on the following page)

128 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 78: Support Weld Number Prefix and Enclosures

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Weld Prefix on Erection Support Welds

0 Use no weld prefix.

1 Add a support weld prefix to the weld number.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Weld Number Enclosure Style for Offshore Support Welds

0 Use a fixed-size circle.

1 Use a diamond-ended box.
2 Use a round-ended box.
3 Use a small, triangular shape.
4 Use a small, diamond shape
5 Use a square-ended box.
6 Use a dynamically sized circle.
7 Use no enclosure.
8 Suppress the weld number.
9 Use an elliptical weld number enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Weld Prefix on Offshore Support Welds

0 Use no weld prefix.

1 Add a support weld prefix to the weld number.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Double Line Weld Number Enclosure Style for Fabrication Support

0 Use a single-line circle weld number enclosure.

1 Use a double-line weld number enclosure. (Use with circular enclosure to get double

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Double Line Weld Number Enclosure Style for Erection Support

0 Use a single-line circle weld number enclosure.

1 Use a double-line weld number enclosure. (Use with circular enclosure to get double

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 129

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 78: Support Weld Number Prefix and Enclosures

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Double Line Weld Number Enclosure Style for Offshore Support

0 Use a single-line circle weld number enclosure.

1 Use a double-line weld number enclosure. Use with circular enclosure to get double

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 57 Welding Facilities Upgrade 7.16.0 MAY 1999
Dev. No. 74D - Support Weld Prefix and Numbering 8.10.0 MAY 2000
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering (on page 85)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

130 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 79: Site Assembly Identification

Identifies flanged and other end connection assemblies on the isometric drawing using different
enclosure types.
This option switch permits a table of assembly information to be positioned on the drawing frame
on either a per-drawing or per-pipeline basis.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 79:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Output of Assembly Identification

0 Output no assembly identification.

1 Output a numerical assembly identification.
2 Output an alphabetical assembly identification.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Assembly Identification Per Drawing or Per Pipeline

0 Output an assembly identification per drawing.

1 Output an assembly identification per pipeline.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Enclosure Type for Erection Assembly Connections

0 Use no enclosure.
1 Use a diamond-ended box enclosure.
2 Use a round-ended box enclosure.
3 Use a triangular enclosure.
4 Use a diamond enclosure.
5 Use a square-ended box enclosure.
6 Use a circular enclosure.
8 Use a double-circle assembly enclosure.
9 Use an elliptical assembly enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Output of Assembly Table

0 Output no assembly table on drawing.

1 Output an assembly table on drawing.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 131

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 79: Site Assembly Identification

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Enclosure Type for Fabrication Assembly Connections

0 Use no enclosure.
1 Use a diamond-ended box enclosure.
2 Use a round-ended box enclosure.
3 Use a triangular enclosure.
4 Use a diamond enclosure.
5 Use a square-ended box enclosure.
6 Use a circular enclosure.
8 Use a double-circle assembly enclosure.
9 Use an elliptical assembly enclosure.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Enclosure Type for Offshore Assembly Connections

0 Use no enclosure.
1 Use a diamond-ended box enclosure.
2 Use a round-ended box enclosure.
3 Use a triangular enclosure.
4 Use a diamond enclosure.
5 Use a square-ended box enclosure.
6 Use a circular enclosure.
8 Use a double-circle assembly enclosure.
9 Use an elliptical assembly enclosure

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Assembly Identification Sequence

0 Sequential Assembly Identification independent of category.

1 Sequential Assembly Identification for each category.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Assembly Identification Assignment

0 Use all categories.

1 Use fabrication only.
2 Use erection only.
3 Use offshore only.
4 Use erection and offshore only.

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Circular or Elliptical Weld Number Enclosures

0 Use a weld number circular or elliptical enclosure fixed to two characters.

1 to 8 Use a weld number circular or elliptical enclosure fixed to a value set.
9 Use a weld number circular or elliptical enclosure fixed to variable sizes.

(continued on the following page)

132 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 79: Site Assembly Identification

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 85 - Site Assembly Identification 8.4.0 JUL 2000
Dev. No. 89H - Message Enclosures 8.10.0 MAY 2002
Dev. No. 91B - End Connection Identification 10.0.0 APR 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 133

Option Switches

Option Switch 80: Dimensions (To Valve Centers)

Controls valves and straight-through instruments that have a spindle, which can optionally be
dimensioned to their center points rather than to their ends using either string or composite
dimensions. These controls permit the function to operate selectively based upon the type of
end connection (for example, socket weld, screwed, compression, and so on). This Option
Switch can operate in conjunction with Option Switch 81, which adds bore selectivity.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 80:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Butt Weld End Valves and Instruments

0 Use to dimension components with butt-weld ends across their length. This is the
default setting.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with butt-weld ends.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Compression End Valves and Instruments

0 Use to dimension components with compression ends across their length. This is the
default setting.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with compression ends.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Screwed End Valves and Instruments

0 Use to dimension components with screwed ends across their length. This is the
default setting.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with screwed ends.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Socket Weld End Valves and Instruments

0 Use to dimension components with socket-weld ends across their length. This is the
default setting.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with socket-weld ends.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Flanged End Valves and Instruments

0 Use to dimension components with flanged ends across their length. This is the
default setting.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with flanged ends.

(continued on the following page)

134 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 80: Dimensions (To Valve Centers)

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Plain End Valves and Instruments

0 Use as default to dimension components with plain ends across their length.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with plain ends.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Hygienic End Valves and Instruments

Blank Use to dimension components with hygienic ends across their length. This is the
default setting.
1 Place centerline dimensions on components with hygienic ends.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 59 - Dimensioning Upgrade 7.0.0 OCT 1994
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 81: Dimensions (Branches) (on page 136)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Dimensions - To Valve Centers (OS 80) (on page 318)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 135

Option Switches

Option Switch 81: Dimensions (Branches)

Controls the following functions:
Dimensions to the center point of valves and straight through instruments, selectively based
upon bore. Works in conjunction with Option Switch 80, which operates on end type.
Undimensioned branch legs, selectively based upon bore and/or on the number of
components in the branch.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 81:

SWITCH POSITIONS 1, 2, and 3 - Dimensions to the Center Point of Valves and Straight
Through Instruments

0 Dimension valves and instruments whose end points set by Option Switch 80 to their
center point. This is the default setting.
Value Dimension valves and instruments whose end points are set by Option Switch 80 and
that have a bore less than or equal to the specified value to their center point. You
must specify a Value in 1/16 inches or millimeters, depending upon the bore units.

SWITCH POSITION 4, 5, and 6 - Branches within Specified Bore Range to be


0 Dimension all branches. This is the default setting.

Value Suppress dimensions for all branches that have a bore less than or equal to the
specified value. You must specify a Value in 1/16 inches or millimeters, depending
upon the bore units.

SWITCH POSITION 7 and 8 - Branches with a Specified Number of Components to be


Blank Dimension all branches. This is the default setting.

Value Suppress dimensions for branches that have a number of components less than or
equal to the specified Value. Gasket and bolt entries are counted as components.

SWITCH POSITION 9 - Tee and Tapped Branch Dimensioning Method

0 Dimension tee and tap branches as normal.

1 Output AText EOP with associated dimension for tap branch dimensions. This is
typically used when you define the start of the tap branch that is not at the
intersection point.
2 Output AText EOP and associated dimension for tee and tap branch dimensions. All
set-on type branches and tap points have been designed where the branch start
points are not at the intersection points.

(continued on the following page)

136 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 81: Dimensions (Branches)

Any branch containing pipe (100 record), fixed length pipe (101 record), or pipe block (103
record) will not have branch dimension suppression applied to it.
Branch dimension suppression using this option switch does not apply to tapped branches.
Switch positions 4, 5, & 6 and 7 & 8 can work either independently of or in conjunction with
each other, depending on your specific requirements.
Switch position 9, setting 2 does not include olet type branches.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 59 - Dimensioning Upgrade 7.0.0 OCT 1994
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 80: Dimensions (To Valve Centers) (on page 134)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Dimensions - Branches (OS 81) (on page 319)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 137

Option Switches

Option Switch 82: Center of Gravity/Weight Output

Controls the generation and output of additional weight information not covered by Option
Switch 42, plus a full range of center of gravity (CoG) positions. You can also use this option
switch to control outputs for either single isometrics or the complete pipeline.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 82:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Outputs Suppressed by Single Isometric or by Complete Pipeline

0 None of the outputs controlled by this option switch are required.

1 All nominated outputs are required per drawing or per spool drawing.
2 All nominated outputs are required per complete pipeline.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Output of Wet (Full) Weight

0 or Suppress output of wet weight.

1 Output wet weight.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Output of Insulation Weight

0 or Suppress output of insulation weight.

1 Output insulation weight.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Output of Dry (Empty) CoG Positions

0 or Suppress output of dry (empty) CoG positions.

1 Output dry (empty) CoG positions.
2 Output dry (empty) + insulation CoG positions.
3 Output dry (empty) CoG and dry (empty) + insulation CoG positions.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Output of Wet (Full) CoG Positions

0 or Suppress output of insulation weight.

1 Output wet (full) CoG positions.
2 Output wet (full) + insulation CoG positions.
3 Output wet (full) CoG and wet (full) + insulation CoG positions.

(continued on the following page)

138 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 82: Center of Gravity/Weight Output

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 64 - Weight / C of G Facility 7.2.0 FEB 1995
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (on page 69)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Center of Gravity/Weight Output (OS 82) (on page 322)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 139

Option Switches

Option Switch 83: Site Welds Associated with Spools

Controls the assignment of site welds to spools. By default, ISOGEN assigns site welds to a
spool if they are adjoining.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 83

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Assignment to Site Welds to Spools

0 Assign site welds to adjoining spools.

1 Suppress assignment of site welds to adjoining spools.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Assignment of Weld Numbers to Special Status Pipework

0 Suppress assignment of weld numbers to special status pipework.

1 Assign weld numbers to special status pipework.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.1 MAY 2007
10.0.0 Release Notes 10.0.0 APR 2010
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

140 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 84: Curved Pipe

Allows for additional control when outputting curved pipe on the isometric drawing. Using Option
Switch 84, you can control the following:
Dimensioning of curved pipe
Output of curved pipe angle
Output of curved pipe radius

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 84:
SWITCH POSITION 1 - Dimensioning of Curved Pipe

0 Output curved pipe dimensions as a message.

1 Output curved pipe dimensions as a standard dimension.
2 Suppress curved pipe dimensions.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Curved Pipe Angle

0 Output curved pipe angle as a message.

1 Output curved pipe angle as a standard dimension.
2 Suppress curved pipe angle.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Curved Pipe Radius

0 Output curved pipe radius as a message.

1 Suppress curved pipe angle.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
9.0.0 Release Notes 9.0.0 MAY 2008
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 141

Option Switches

Option Switch 85: Spare Switch

142 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 86: Spare Switch

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 143

Option Switches

Option Switch 87: Spare Switch

144 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 88: Spare Switch

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 145

Option Switches

Option Switch 89: Spare Switch

146 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 90: Material Control (COMDACE File

Controls whether information written to the COMPIPE material control file is per isometric
drawing (COMPIPE section) or per complete pipeline.
COMDACE is a registered trademark of John Brown Systems Ltd.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 90:


0 Write entries in the MTO (material take-off) file per isometric drawing (COMPIPE
section). This is the default setting.
1 Write entries in the MTO file per complete pipeline.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 50 - ISOGEN to COMPIPE Link 5.1.0 APR 1990
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 91: Material Control (COMDACE File Controls) (on page 148)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 147

Option Switches

Option Switch 91: Material Control (COMDACE File

Controls the following COMPIPE options:
Whether user or client item codes are used.
Whether short or long component descriptions are generated on all COMPIPE reports.
Whether pipe supports are included in the COMPIPE.MTO (Material Take-Off) file.
COMDACE is a registered trademark of John Brown Systems Ltd.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 91:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - User or Client Item Codes

0 Use the user item codes. This is the default setting.

1 Use the client item codes.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Long or Short Descriptions

0 or Use a short component description. This is the default setting.

1 Use a long component description.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Pipe Supports in the .MTO file

0 or Include pipe supports in the COMPIPE.MTO file. This is the default setting.
1 Do not include pipe supports in the COMPIPE.MTO file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0 APR 1983
Dev No. 50 - ISOGEN to COMPIPE Link 5.10 APR 1990
6.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 90: Material Control (COMDACE File Contents) (on page 146)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

148 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 92: DXF File Units

Specifies the unit settings for all DXF format files handled by the ISOGEN system. The actual
files may be based upon either imperial (inches) or metric (mm) units. The unit value applies to
the following:
Drawing underlay (drawing frame) DXF files.
Detail sketch DXF files.
Output (plot) files generated in DXF format.
All input files used in any run must be generated using the same units, as specified in this
Option Switch. Any mismatch in units between the DXF files generated will result in incorrectly
sized drawings.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 92:


0 Use metric units (mm). This is the default setting.

1 Use imperial units (inches).

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Dev. No. 62 - Detail sketches Location Facility 7.0.0 OCT 1994
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 71: Plotfile Format (on page 113)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
DXF File Units (OS 92) (on page 323)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 149

Option Switches

Option Switch 93: Spare Switch

150 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 94: Spare Switch

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 151

Option Switches

Option Switch 95: Component Leg Length

Controls the plotted leg lengths of elbows and fitting tees and crosses, and keeps the pipe
length scaling proportional to the true length. This leg length control facility does not apply to
fabricated (pulled) bends or set-on (stub-in) tees or crosses. Different connection leg depictions
are allowed with multi-port components. You can display valve and instrument spindles in either
flat or isometric projection.
Use the plotted leg length control with care. Long leg lengths take up more space on
the drawing and can sometimes have an adverse effect on the finished isometric. The maximum
value allowed is 18 mm, and the minimum value allowed is 6 mm.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 95:


0 Set the standard leg length of 9 mm. This is the default setting.


Value Set the required leg length in whole mm. For example, enter 12 for a leg length of 12


0 Use normal pipe scaling to determine pipe lengths.

Scale pipe lengths proportionally to actual true lengths.


0 Reserved


0 Use dotted connection lines on all multi-port fittings.

1 Generate dotted connection lines only when necessary for picture clarification, for
example, where two or more ports are positioned on the same side with attached
pipework running parallel to each other.
2 Do not show dotted connection lines.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Orientation of Valve and Instrument Spindles

0 Show valve and instrument spindles as flat.

1 Show valve and instrument spindles in isometric projection.

(continued on the following page)

152 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 95: Component Leg Length

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Dev. No. 53 - ISOPLOT Program Update 8.5.0 DEC 2000
Dev. No. 91H - Spindle Enhancement 8.11.0 APR 2003
8.13.0 Release Notes 8.13.0 SEP 2006
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Component Leg Length (OS 95) (on page 324)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 153

Option Switches

Option Switch 96: Spare Switch

154 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 97: Skew Depiction (Individual and

Controls the way in which skew pipe sections containing branch connections are depicted in
terms of the skew indication on the isometric drawing. Such skews may be shown as either a
single, overall enclosure or a series of separate box or triangle enclosures, one per branch.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 97:


0 Use a a single, overall box or triangle enclosure around the complete skew section.
This is the default setting.
1 Use an individual box or triangle enclosure for each branch.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 53 - ISOPLOT Program Update 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style) (on page 156)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Skew Depiction - Individual/Overall (OS 97) (on page 325)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 155

Option Switches

Option Switch 98: Spare Switch

156 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style)

Controls whether skewed pipe sections are drawn with box or triangle skew depiction on the
isometric drawing, and defines the form of skew dimensioning. A secondary option allows the
selection of a mixture of 2D skew triangles and 3D skew boxes. Skew dimensioning offers the
following options:
Normal dimensioning format with witness lines and so forth.
Simplified form when using skew triangle format; that is, the actual dimensions are
positioned along the triangle sides with no witness lines.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 99:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2 & 3 - Skew Depiction Style Plus Dimension Style

0 Depict skew box with normal dimensioning. The dimension line standout is as per
Option Switch 8. This is the default setting.
1 Depict skew triangle with normal dimensioning. The dimension line position is as per
Option Switch 8.
2 Depict skew triangle with normal dimensioning. The dimension line position is as per
Option Switch 100.
3 Depict skew triangle with alternative dimensioning. Actual dimensions are positioned
close to the sides of the triangle with no witness lines. Dimensions are positioned in
relation to the triangle as set in Option Switch 100.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Mixture of 3D Boxes and 2D Triangles

0 Set all skew indications as set in Switch Position 1.

1 Set a mixture of skew indication types: 3D skews indicated with boxes, and 2D skews
indicated with triangles.


0 Do not show skew angles.

1 Show skew angles with arrowheads on the arc radius.
2 Show skew angles without arrowheads on the arc radius.
To use this facility, select triangle depiction of the skewed section. That is, set
position 1 of Option Switch 99 to 1, 2, or 3. If skew box depiction is selected, then no
skew angles will be output.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Skew Angles - Right Angle Indication

0 Do not show right angle indicators on skew triangles.

1 Output right angle indicators on skew triangles.
This switch position does not apply if the skew box depiction is used.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 157

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 11 - Skewed (Offset) and Falling Pipeline 5.4.0 APR 1987
8.11.0 APR 2003
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout (on page 22)
Option Switch 67: Sloping Pipeline (3D Skew Depiction) (on page 107)
Option Switch 70: Skew Indication (Branches) (on page 112)
Option Switch 97: Skew Depiction (Individual and Overall) (on page 154)
Option Switch 100: Skew Depiction (Dimension Line Standout) (on page 159)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Skew Depiction - Style (OS 99) (on page 326)

158 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 100: Skew Depiction (Dimension Line

Allows the dimension line standout distance used on box or triangle skew dimensions to be
varied from the value set in Option Switch 8.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 100:


0 Use the dimension line standout setting defined in Option Switch 8 if OS 99=0, 1, 2,
10, 11, or 12 as the default setting. If OS 99=3 or OS 99=13, set the default
dimension position to 4mm.
Value Define an alternative value for the dimension line standout in 1/10 mm. For example,
for 120, type 12mm.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 11 -Skewed (Offset) and Falling Line 5.4.0 APR 1987
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout (on page 22)
Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style) (on page 156)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Skew Depiction - Dimension Line Standout (OS 100) (on page 328)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 159

Option Switches

Option Switch 101: Skew Depiction (Triangle

Controls the features of the skew triangle hatching facility:
Turn on or off hatching
Set the hatch link pitch
Set the maximum length of the hatching lines to be plotted

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 101:

SWITCH POSITION 1 & 2 - Hatching On/Off + Hatch Spacing

0 Turn off skew hatching. This is the default setting.

1 Turn on skew hatching with a default hatch line pitch of 1mm.
Value Turn on skew hatching with a user-defined hatch line pitch, where Value represents
the user-defined value in 1/10 mm. For example, for 2mm hatch line pitch, enter 20.

SWITCH POSITION 3 & 4 - Hatch Line Cut-off Length

Blank Set no hatch line cut-off value. This is the default setting.
Value Set a hatching line cut-off value in whole mm, where Value represents a user-defined
value. For example, for 25mm cut-off value, enter 25; in this case, hatch lines
exceeding 25mm in length are not plotted, which gives a partial hatched effect.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 11 - Skewed (Offset) and Falling Pipeline 5.4.0 APR 1987
Dev. No. 53 - ISOPLOT Program Update 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style) (on page 156)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Skew Depiction - Triangle Hatching (OS 101) (on page 329)

160 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 102: Skew Depiction (Hatching

Controls the physical size of the unhatched gaps (white areas) to be left local to the pipeline,
pipeline in-line components and any dimensions or text elements that fall within any skew
triangle hatching.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 102:

SWITCH POSITION 1 & 2 - Gap Local to Pipeline

0 Use 2.5mm for the gap local to pipeline. This is the default setting.
Value Set an alternative gap in 1/10th mm, where Value represents a user-defined gap.

SWITCH POSITION 3 & 4 - Gap Local to In-line Components

0 or Use 2.5mm for the gap local to in-line components. This is the default setting.
Value Set an alternative gap in 1/10 mm, where Value represents a user-defined gap.

SWITCH POSITION 5 & 6 - Gap Local to Dimensions and Text

Blank Use 1.5mm for the gap local to dimensions and text. This is the default setting.
Value Set an alternative gap in 1/10th mm, where Value represents a user-defined gap.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 53 - ISOPLOT Program Update 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 101: Skew Depiction (Triangle Hatching) (on page 160)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Skew Depiction - Hatching Clearance (OS 102) (on page 330)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 161

Option Switches

Option Switch 103: Spare

162 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 104: Spare Switch

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 163

Option Switches

Option Switch 105: Spare Switch

164 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 106: Spare Switch

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 165

Option Switches

Option Switch 107: Spare Switch

166 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 108: Pipeline Splitting (in Pipe)

Controls the actions to be taken by the software whenever the ISOGEN automatic pipeline split
facility selects a split point that is located in a straight length of pipe.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 108:

0 Make pipeline splitting function as normal when the split point occurs along a section
of pipe. The relevant split point information will be passed back to the 3D design
system through the isometric repeatability file, if the file is used.
1 Write the warning message Unacceptable split point to the message file if a
pipeline split occurs along a section of pipe. No plots are produced and no
information is written to the isometric repeatability file for the pipeline.
2 Write the warning message Unacceptable split point to the message file if a
pipeline split occurs along a section of pipe. Plots are produced with the warning
message Unacceptable Split plotted at the top of each affected drawing. No
information is written to the isometric repeatability file for the pipeline.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 48 - Isometric Repeatability 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 109: Repeatability Content (on page 168)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Pipeline Splitting - In Pipe (OS 108) (on page 331)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 167

Option Switches

Option Switch 109: Repeatability Content

Controls the type of repeatability information that is passed back to the host 3D design system in
the isometric return file.
Also controls the actual type of return file that is required. The following file type options are
1. An old style system data file that contains only successful plot information. The file identifier
is FOR052.
2. A new style return file that is generated as a system data file. The file identifier is FOR052.
3. A new style return file that has a user-defined file name.
4. A new style return file that has additional spool information.
5. Option for ASCII output.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 109:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Return File Type

0 Use the standard return file type (FOR052) containing just a list of successfully
processed pipelines. This is the default setting.
1 Use the original repeatability file.
2 Use a revised repeatability file.
3 Use the ASCII old style.
4 Use the ASCII new style.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Data Extraction Start Point

0 Do not write the data extraction start point to the return file. This is the default setting.
1 Write the data extraction start point to the return file

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Pipeline Split Point Information

0 Do not write the split point information to the return file. This is the default setting.
1 Write the split point information to the return file.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Spool Number Identifier Information

0 Do not write the spool number identifier information to the return file. This is the
default setting.
1 Write the spool number identifiers to the return file.
2 Write the full alphanumeric spool identifiers to the return file. A maximum of four
characters is supported.

(continued on the following page)

168 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 109: Repeatability Content

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Component Information

0 Do not write the component information to the return file. This is the default setting.
1 Write the component information to the return file.
Write the full alphanumeric component information to the return file. A maximum of
2 four characters is supported.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - By-pass Component Re-ordering

0 Re-order components at by-pass closure points.

1 Do not re-order components at by-pass closure points.

SWITCH POSITION 7 - Weld Number Information

0 Do not write the weld number information to the return file. This is the default setting.
1 Write the weld number information to the return file.

SWITCH POSITION 8 - Material List Part Number Information

0 Do not write the material list part number information to the return file. This is the
default setting.
1 Write the material list part number information to the return file.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 48 - ISO Repeatability Phase I 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Dev. No. 58 - ISO Repeatability Phase II 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Dev. No. 86H - Repeatability File Upgrade 8.5.4 DEC 2000
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Repeatability File Content (OS 109) (on page 332)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 169

Option Switches

Option Switch 110: Ghost Gaps

Controls the plotted length of a ghost gap element. A ghost gap element is a physical gap on the
plotted isometric drawing that can be used when generating individual pipeline isometric
drawings, or used as a link between related but unconnected pipelines on a system-type
isometric drawing.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 110:

0 Use the normal minimum gap as controlled by ISOGEN. This is the default setting.
Value Use the user-defined minimum gap dimension, where Value represents the user-
defined value in whole mm. The range of value allowed is 18-66.
The software will use the appropriate maximum value if a value outside the
limits is detected.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 47 - Ghost Gap Facility 5.9.0 MAR 1990
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Ghost Gaps (OS 110) (on page 333)

170 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 111: Nozzles (Dotted)

Controls whether equipment nozzle indicators are plotted (in dotted line style) on the isometric
drawing. Also controls the calculation of nozzle axis directions and insertion of this information
into the Piping Component File (PCF) when using PCFGEN.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 111:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Dotted Nozzle Indication

0 Suppress dotted nozzles. This is the default setting.

1 Enable dotted nozzles to be plotted on the isometric drawing.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Nozzle Axis Direction Calculation

0 Disable calculation of the nozzle axis direction.

1 Calculate the nozzle axis direction and insert the information into the PCF.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 4 - Dotted Nozzle Facility 1.0.0 JUL 1995
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Nozzles (OS 111) (on page 334)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 171

Option Switches

Option Switch 112: Flow Arrows (Pipeline)

Controls the use of flow arrows that are plotted directly on the pipe. These flow arrows show the
direction of the fluid or gas flow in the pipeline.

You can also use flow arrows that are plotted alongside in-line fittings, together with or
instead of this flow arrow type, on pipe.
You must include the relevant switch settings information in the pipeline input data file for
this flow arrow type to be generated.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 112:

0 Enable pipeline flow arrows to be plotted at the default scale factor of 8. This is the
default setting.
1 Suppress pipeline flow arrows.
Value Enable pipeline flow arrows to be plotted at a user-defined scale factor, Where Value
represents the user-defined value. The value range is 5-15; the larger the number the
greater, the scale factor.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 7 - User Positioned Flow Arrows 3.0.0 APR 1986
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 17: Flow Arrows/Gaskets (Components) (on page 35)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Flow Arrows - Pipeline (OS 112) (on page 335)

172 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 113: Material Control (Pipeline

Controls the format of the pipeline reference (that is, the name) that is passed to the ISOGEN
Material Control Transfer (MATC) file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 113:

0 Pass the full pipeline reference as contained in the pipeline reference record. For
example, pipeline reference 6-LNG-6412A-CT5 in the design database remains the
same in the MATC file. This is the default setting.
1 Formulate a revised pipeline reference by stripping off the characters outside the first
and last delimiting character (-) of the pipeline reference, removing the central
delimiter (-), and then passing the remaining character string. For example, pipeline
reference 6-LNG-6412A-CT5 is changed to LNG6412A in the MATC file.
This is a specific facility. It will not function if the pipeline reference in the
pipeline input data file is not in the exact form as described above.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 173

Option Switches

Option Switch 114: Specification Break Indication

Controls the method used for indication of specification breaks (specification changes) on the
isometric drawing.
The following optional methods are available:
Single specification indication - One boxed message consisting of the new specification
reference pointing to the position on the pipeline where the change occurs.
Dual specification indication - Two boxed messages containing the current and new
specification references respectively, positioned at the point on the pipeline where the
change occurs.
You can also specify the enclosure type of specification break.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 114:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Specification Break Style

0 Obtain the single specification break indication box.

1 Obtain the dual specification break indication boxes.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Specification Break Enclosure

0 Use a square-ended box enclosure. This is the default setting.

1 Use no enclosure.
2 Use diamond-ended box enclosure.
3 Use round-ended box enclosure.
4 Use hexagonal-ended box enclosure.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 15 - Spec. Break Indication 5.0.0 OCT 1986
9.2.0 MAR 2009
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Specification Break Indication (OS 114) (on page 336)

174 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 115: Tolerance (Angle Offset)

Controls how minor angular deviations detected in the pipeline input data file are interpreted and
acted upon. These deviations can cause unwanted skews to be generated on the isometric
You can define an angular cut-off value with this switch whereby any skew that is found to have
an angular deviation below this value is ignored by the software, and hence not treated as a

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 115:

0 Set no angular offset tolerance. This is the default setting.

Value Set angular offset tolerance, where Value represents the user-defined offset in the
1/100th degree. For example, for 0.5 degree cut-off, enter 50.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 21 - Skew Box Cut-off Tolerance 4.2.0 JUL 1986
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Tolearnce - Offset Angle (OS 115) (on page 337)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 175

Option Switches

Option Switch 116: Tolerance (Dimension Offset)

Controls how minor dimensional deviations detected in the pipeline input data file are interpreted
and acted upon. These deviations can cause unwanted skews to be generated on the isometric
drawing. You can define a dimension cut-off value with this switch whereby any offset
coordinate numerically below this value is ignored by the software, and hence will not generate
a skew at this point.
Controls tolerance applied to connecting components.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 116:

SWITCH POSITION 1-3 - Small Dimensional Deviations

0 Set no dimensional offset tolerance. This is the default setting.

Value Set dimensional offset tolerance, where Value represents the user-defined cut-off
value in the 1/100th millimeter. For example, for 1.0mm cut-off, enter 100.

SWITCH POSITION 4-6 - IDFGEN Connection Tolerance

0 Set no connection tolerance. This is the default setting.

Value Set connection tolerance, where Value represents the user-defined value in the
1/100th millimeter. For example, for 1.0mm cut-off, enter 100.
If this control is set as a single value, that is, no tolerance is set in Position 4-6, IDFGEN
continues to use Position 1-3 to determine the connection tolerance.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 21 - Skew Box Cut-off Tolerance 9.0.0 9.0.0 MAY 2008
Release Notes
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Tolerance - Dimension Offset (OS 116) (on page 338)

176 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 117: Dimension Round Off

Controls the dimension round off carry-over function, which is used to determine how
remainders are handled when dimensions are being calculated and output on the isometric
At branch locations, this option switch permits the remainder part of a dimension to be either
carried over and added to the next dimension, or discarded.
An override carry-over option beyond the current component is also available.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 117:

0 Round off dimensions to + or - 1mm or 1/16th inch and carry over any remainder to
the next dimension. This is the default setting.
1 Round off dimensions to + or - 1mm or 1/16th inch with no carry-over of the
remainder beyond a branch intersection.
2 Round off dimensions to + or - 1mm or 1/16th inch with no carry-over of the
remainder beyond the current component.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 23 - Suppression Of Dimension Round Off 8.11.0 APR 2003
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 177

Option Switches

Option Switch 118: Dimensions (Overall)

Controls the use of overall dimensions:
Set whether overall dimensions are to be plotted, and if they are which type is plotted.
Set the dimension line stand-out distance.
Overall dimensions to valve centers are available only to valves that have a spindle.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 118:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Overall Dimensions On/Off and Type

0 Set no overall dimensions. This is the default setting.

1 Turn on overall dimensions--going across branches, such as tees, olets, and crosses.
2 Turn on overall dimensions--stopping at branches, such as tees, olets, and crosses.
3 Turn on overall dimensions--going to valve centers and going across branches, such
as tees, olets, and crosses.
4 Turn on overall dimensions--going to valve centers but stopping at branches, such as
tees, olets, and crosses.

SWITCH POSITION 2 & 3 - Overall Dimension Standout

0 Set no overall dimension standout. This is the default setting. The software is used
for all overall dimensions.
Value Set the overall dimension standout distance, where Value represents the user-
defined overall dimension standout distance in whole mm. For example, for 22mm,
set 22.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 36 - Overall Dimensions to Center-line of 5.9.0 Mar 1990
Dev. No. 53 - Isoplot Program Update 7.0.0 OCT 1993
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Dimensions - Overall (OS 118) (on page 339)

178 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 119: Dimensions/Elevations (Vertical)

Controls how vertical pipe positions are indicated on the isometric drawing.
Vertical pipe positions can be indicated either with normal pipe dimensions, in the form of
vertical coordinate elevation (EL.) values, or with a combination of both the dimension of tee
bend/elbows to connection type and the intersection points type.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 119:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Vertical Dimensions and Elevations

0 Use normal vertical pipe dimensions. This is the default setting. Elevations are also
indicated at intersection points when the level changes.
1 Suppress all vertical pipe dimensions and replace them with elevations in the form of
text messages at all positions where dimensions are normally output.
2 Output vertical dimensions and elevations at normal dimensioning positions.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Tee Bend/Elbow Dimensioning

0 Dimension tee bend/elbow branches from the connection point.

1 Dimension tee bend/elbow branches from the centerline intersection point.

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Suppression of Reference Dimensions

0 Output reference dimensions.

1 Suppress reference dimensions.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Fabrication Weld Between Pipe

0 Suppress dimension to fabrication welds between sections of pipe.

1 Dimension to fabrication welds between sections of pipe.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 179

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 119: Dimension/Elevations (Vertical)

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Gasket Dimensioning to Nearest 10th mm.

0 Output gasket dimensions to nearest mm.

1 Output gasket dimensions to the nearest 10th mm.

SWITCH POSITION 6 - Penetration Plate Dimensioning

0 Dimension pipes passing through penetration plates from the adjacent plat face.
1 Dimension pipes passing through penetration plates from the same plate face.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
8.13.1 Release Notes 8.13.1 May 2007
9.0.0 Release Notes 9.0.0 May 2008
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Dimensions/Elevation - Vertical (OS 119) (on page 342)

180 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 120: Tapping (Branch Scale)

Controls the plotted size of tapped branches. A tapped branch is a collection of components
attached to a connection tapping point.
This switch contains two sections:
1. Tapped branches on actual fitting components, such as valves, flanges, and so on
2. Tapped branches on pipe-type components, such as elbows, tees, pipe, and so on
The components in a tapped branch can be scaled up or down from the size used for the main

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 120:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2 & 3 - Tapped Branches on Fitting Components

0 Disable tapped branch scaling, that is, tapped branches are shown at the same size
as the main pipeline (100%). This is the default setting.
Value Set an alternative tapped branch scaling factor, where Value represents a user-
defined scaling factor. For example, enter 110 to increase scaling, or 90 to decrease
50% is the minimum recommended value.

SWITCH POSITION 4 & 5 - Tapped Branches on Pipe Type Components

0 Use tapped branch scaling at 65% of the main pipeline size. This is the default
Value setting.
Set an alternative tapped branch scaling factor, where Value represents a user-
defined scaling factor. For example, enter 80 to increase scaling, or 45 to decrease

Switch Layout

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 181

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 120: Tapping (Branch Scale)

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date
Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 9 - Fitting Tap Facility 5.0.0 MAR 1987
Dev. No. 70A - Taps on Pipe Components 7.14.0 MAR 1998
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 121: Tapping (Branch Dimensions) (on page 183)
Option Switch 122: Tapping (Branch Coordinates) (on page 185)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Tapping - Branch Scale (OS 120)/Branch Dimensions (OS 121) (on page 344)

182 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 121: Tapping (Branch Dimensions)

Controls how tapped branches are dimensioned.
Dimension tapped branches on actual fitting components, such as valves, flanges, and so
Dimension tapped branches on pipe-type components, such as elbows, tees, pipe, and so

A tapped branch is a collection of components attached to a connection tapping point.

You can output tapped branches on the isometric drawing in either dimensioned,
undimensioned, or partially dimensioned form.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 121:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Tapped Branches on Fitting Components

0 Turn on tapped branch dimensions for the main pipeline. This is the default setting.
1 Turn off tapped branch dimensions.
2 Turn off tapped branch dimensions except for those on pipe and pipe-type

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Tapped Branches on Pipe Components

Blank Turn off tapped branch dimensions. This is the default setting.
1 Turn on tapped branch dimensions.
2 Turn off tapped branch dimensions, except for those on pipe and pipe-type

SWITCH POSITION 3 - Tapped Branches on Pipe Fittings

0 Suppress dimensioning of tapped branches on pipe fittings.

1 Dimension tapped branches on pipe fittings.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 183

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 121: Tapping (Branch Dimensions)

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 9 - Fitting Tap Facility 5.2.0 MAR 1987
Dev. No. 70A - Taps on Pipe Components 7.14.0 MAR 1998
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 120: Tapping (Branch Scale) (on page 181)
Option Switch 122: Tapping (Branch Coordinates) (on page 185)
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Tapping - Branch Scale (OS 20)/Branch Dimensions (OS 121) (on page 344)

184 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 122: Tapping (Branch Coordinates)

Controls the output of coordinates at tapped branch connection points.
A connection point is the location on the host component where the tapped branch is

Switch Settings

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Tapping Branch Coordinates

0 Plot tapping point connection coordinates. This is the default setting.

1 Suppress plotting of tapping point connection coordinates.
2 Plot tapping point connection coordinate relative to the component origin.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Equipment Nozzle Coordinates

0 Suppress output of equipment nozzles on isometric drawing.

1 Output equipment nozzle coordinates.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 9 - Fitting Tap Facility 5.2.0 MAR 1987
Dev. No. 73B - Tangential Branch Connections 8.8.0 JUN 2001
Dev. No. 89B - Equipment Isometrics 10.0.0 DEC 2009
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 120: Tapping (Branch Scale) (on page 181)
Option Switch 121: Tapping (Branch Dimensions) (on page 183)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 185

Option Switches

Option Switch 123: Instrument ID Enclosure

Controls how instrument name enclosures are plotted on the isometric drawing.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 123:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Balloon Type Enclosures

0 Plot no balloon enclosure around the instrument name.

1 Plot a balloon enclosure with 1 character maximum on each line.
2 Plot a balloon enclosure with 2 characters maximum on each line.
3 Plot a balloon enclosure with 3 characters maximum on each line
4 Plot a balloon enclosures with 4 characters maximum on each line.
5 Plot a balloon enclosure with 5 characters maximum on each line.

The diameter of the balloon enclosure is always generated at a size that will enclose the
maximum number of characters set in Switch Position 5.
A maximum of two lines is allowed for balloon enclosures.
For a two-line name output, type the $ character in the name at the point where a new line is


SWITCH POSITION 3 - Instrument Enclosures

0 Use no enclosure.
1 Use a diamond-ended box enclosure.
2 Use a round-ended box enclosure.
3 Use a triangular-shaped enclosure (2 characters maximum).
4 Use a diamond-shaped enclosure (3 characters maximum).
5 Use a square-ended box enclosure.
6 Use a circular-shaped enclosure.
7 Use an elliptical-shaped enclosure.
8 Use a hexagonal-shaped enclosure.

Because triangular- and diamond-shaped enclosures (settings 3 and 4) cannot be

elongated, there is a limit to the number of characters that can be accommodated.
If you use any of the box-type enclosures (settings 1, 2, and 5), you must set Switch
Position 1 to 0.
For a two-line name output, type the $ character in the name at the point where a new line is

(continued on the following page)

186 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

(continued from the previous page)

Option Switch 123: Instrument ID Enclosure

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Location Point (Message Enclosures)

0 Output the location point message preceded by a special text symbol.

1 Output the location point message in a square-ended box.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Reference Names (Circular Enclosures)

0 Output reference names along steelwork reference lines.

1 Output one-character circular enclosure.
2 Output two-character circular enclosure.
3 Output three-character circular enclosure.
4 Output four-character circular enclosure.
5 Output five-character circular enclosure.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 10 - Instrument Balloon Facility 5.2.0 MAR 1987
7.0 Release Notes 7.0.0 Oct 1993
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Instrument ID Enclosure (OS 123) (on page 345)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 187

Option Switches

Option Switch 124: Flange Rotation Angles

Controls the output of flange rotation angles that are used by the fabricator when welding on
flanges that have to be rotated away from the normal off-center axes. Although you can use
option switch on all types of isometric drawings, it is particularly beneficial with spool isometric

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 124:

SWITCH POSITION 1 - Flange Rotation Angles Plotted or Not

0 Suppress plotting of flange rotation angles. This is the default setting.

1 Plot flange rotation angles.

SWITCH POSITION 2 - Enclosure Box Type

Blank Use un-boxed angle output. This is the default setting.

1 Use a diamond-ended enclosure box.
2 Use a round-ended enclosure box.
3 Use a square-ended enclosure box.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Dev. No. 63B - Flange Rotation Angles 7.1.0 JUN 1994
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
Flange Rotation Angles (OS 124) (on page 347)

188 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 125: Reserved

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 189

Option Switches

Option Switch 126: Reserved

190 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 127: ISOGEN Version/Run Data

Controls the original plotting of the ISOGEN version banner, which also includes the run date
and drawing generation time, on the isometric drawing. When this option switch is enabled, the
banner is plotted on a single line located at the bottom left-hand corner of the isometric drawing,
but inside any cut marks that may be present.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 127:

0 Plot no banner on the isometric drawing.

1 Plot the banner.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet
ISOGEN Version/Run Data (OS 127) (on page 349)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 191

Option Switches

Option Switch 128: Spare Switch

192 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 129: Spare Switch

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 193

Option Switches

Option Switch 130: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 130.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 130.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

194 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 131: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 131.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 131.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 195

Option Switches

Option Switch 132: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 132.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 132.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail SketSheetch

196 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 133: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 133.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 133.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 197

Option Switches

Option Switch 134: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 134.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 134.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

198 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 135: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 135.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 135.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 199

Option Switches

Option Switch 136: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 136.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 136.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

200 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 137: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 137.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 137.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 201

Option Switches

Option Switch 138: Plotfile (DGN Link and Plotfile -

Controls two functions related to the generation of DGN-format isometric output files.
On platforms that support the generation of DGN files, the Option Switch controls the creation of
a link file between the ISOGEN system and the DGN software.
An additional option lets you select ASCII text characters (as an alternative to Vector text) for
use within the DGN file.

Switch Settings
The following settings are available for Option Switch 138:

SWITCH POSITION 1, 2, and 3 - Currently Unused

0 This switch position must always be set to 0.

SWITCH POSITION 4 - Generation of ASCII characters in the DGN file.

0 or Vector Text characters. This is the default setting.

1 ASCII characters.

SWITCH POSITION 5 - Generation of DGN format output files

0 or Generates normal plotfiles as nominated in Option Switch 71

1 Generates DGN format output files. Option Switch 71 must be set to a value of 6.

Switch Layout

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 6.0.0 MAR 1991
Related Option Switches
Option Switch 71: Plotfile Format (on page 113)
Option Switch Detail Sheet

202 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

Option Switch 139: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 139.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 139.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 203

Option Switches

Option Switch 140: Development Testing

Reserved for use by the ISOGEN Administration Team for development and testing purposes.
You must leave the setting at the default value of zero (0).

Switch Settings
There are no settings available for Option Switch 140.

Switch Layout
There is no switch layout for Option Switch 140.

Related Program Development Specifications Version Date

Introduced 1.0.0 APR 1983
Related Option Switches
Option Switch Detail Sheet

204 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Option Switches

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 205


Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 207

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Plotfile Length (OS 1)

Option Switch 1 only operates on plotters that use a plot roll rather than single sheets, and when
OS 31 is set at 0 to obtain multiple isometrics in each plotfile such as that shown in the following

OS 1 is not effective if OS 31 is set to 1 so that each plotfile contains only a single

isometric. As a result, it is not used when single DXF or DGN plotfiles are produced for importing
into a 2D graphics system, such as AutoCAD or MicroStation, where isometric drawings are
usually sent to a laser printer for plotting.
Some older plotters, such as Benson Electrostatic, have a maximum plotfile length of 3275mm,
which is the default setting for OS 1. Other similar plotters use a different maximum length
value. Under these settings, the software considers the physical drawing size and stacking
arrangement and will output the maximum number of isometrics it can into each plotfile
produced. For example, if 20 isometrics are produced, you can get three plotfiles--two
containing three isometric drawings each and one containing four isometric drawings.
See Also
Option Switch 1: Plotfile Length (on page 12)

208 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Cut Piece Numbering/List Type (OS 2)

In the following example, cut piece identifiers are depicted as numbers enclosed within brackets
(<1>). This is the default setting of OS 2 Position 3. Also shown is an example of the "new style"
Cut Piece List, which results from OS 2 Position 2 = 1.

See Also
Option Switch 2: Cut Piece Numbering/List Type (on page 13)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 209

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Trim Marks (OS 3)

As with OS 1, the facility provided by OS 3 is beneficial only on plotters that use a plot roll rather
than single sheets. Drawing trim marks are plotted at the extremities of each isometric drawing,
or the distance away from the frame being the margin settings. Trimming to the marks provides
the exact drawing size.

See Also
Option Switch 3: Drawing Trim Marks (on page 16)

210 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Text Size (OS 4)

See Also
Option Switch 4: Drawing Text Size (on page 17)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 211

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Coordinates - Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

The following sketches illustrate how the available settings for OS 5 impact isometric drawing
OS5 Pos 1 = 0

OS 5 Pos 1 = 1

OS 5 Pos 2 = 0

(continued on the following page)

212 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

OS 5 Pos 2 = 1

OS 5 Pos 3 = 0
The text OPEN END that is output is the drawing samples for OS 5 Pos 3 is on
ATEXT -240.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 213

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

OS 5 Pos 3 = 1

OS 5 Pos 4 = 0

(continued on the following page)

214 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

OS 5 Pos 4 = 1

OS 5 Pos 5 = 0

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 215

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

OS 5 Pos 5 = 1

OS 5 Pos 6 = 0

OS 5 Pos 6 = 1

(continued on the following page)

216 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

OS 5 Pos 7 = 0

OS 5 Pos 7 = 1

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 217

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates Connection/Connectivity (OS 5)

OS 5 Posn 8 = 0
The text BIP that is output on the OS 5 Position 8 drawing samples is from the -47
record in the Intermediate Data File (IDF).

OS 5 Pos 8 = 1

See Also
Option Switch 5: Coordinates (Connection/Connectivity) (on page 19)

218 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Date Output (OS 6)

The following switch settings use the DATE entry in the piping data file (intermediate data file or
piping component file):

These switch settings retrieve the date entry from your computer on the day of processing:

The word DATE is in AText -250.

Month names are in ATexts -258 and -269.
Use the ISOGEN -14 record to position the date with text positioning (TEXTPOS).
See Also
Option Switch 6: Date Output (on page 20)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 219

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Pipeline Splitting - User Control (OS 7)

Use the default setting, OS 7 = 0, for automatic drawing splitting.

Although the amount of information on each drawing is controlled by the software, it can
be increased or decreased by using Option Switch 38 (see "Option Switch 38: Pipeline Splitting
(Automatic)" on page 62).
Alternatively, you can override automatic splitting by setting the switch value to the required
number of drawings. For example, for two drawings use OS 7 = 2.

See Also
Option Switch 7: Pipeline Splitting (User Control) (on page 21)

220 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Dimension Line Standout (OS 8)

The dimension standout distance varies with the character text size.
Switch Setting Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

Small Text OS 4 = 1 6mm 12mm 18mm

Medium OS 4 = 0 7mm 14mm 21mm

Large Text OS 4 = 2 8mm 16mm 24mm

See Also
Option Switch 8: Dimension Line Standout (on page 23)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 221

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Dimension Form (OS 9)

Set OS 9 Pos 1 = 0 to output string dimensions.

(continued on the following page)

222 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimension Form (OS 9)

Set OS 9 Pos 1 = 3 to output composite dimensions.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 223

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimension Form (OS 9)

Set OS 9 Pos 1 = 0 to turn on all string, support, message, and reference dimensions.

Set OS 9 Pos 1 = 1 to turn on reference dimensions and suppress display of all string,
support, and message dimensions.

(continued on the following page)

224 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimension Form (OS 9)

Set OS 9 Pos 1 = 2 to turn on string dimensions and suppressed support/message and
reference dimensions.

Set OS 9 Pos 1 = 4 to display full string dimensions.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 225

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimension Form (OS 9)

Gasket Dimensioning
In each of the following illustrations, gasket are 2mm thick.
Set OS 9 Pos 2 = 0 to exclude gasket thickness.

Set OS 9 Pos 2 = 1 to include gasket thickness.

Set OS 9 Pos 3 = 1 to display American style dimensions (dimensions display on top of


See Also
Option Switch 9: Dimension Form (on page 24)

226 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Margins (OS 10, 11, 12, & 13)

These margins must be set when using either of the following:
The standard ISOGEN drawing frame
A user-defined drawing frame
You must set the right- or left-side margin to suit the width of a Style 3 or Style 4 BOM.

See Also
Option Switch 10: Drawing Margin (Left) (on page 27)
Option Switch 11: Drawing Margin (Right) (on page 28)
Option Switch 12: Drawing Margin (Top) (on page 29)
Option Switch 13: Drawing Margin (Bottom) (on page 30)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 227

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Size - Standard and PostScript Plotter Size

(OS 14)
OS 14 sets standard drawing sizes, which includes all the European 'A' series paper sizes and
the American ANSI sizes ('A' to 'E').

For non-standard drawing sizes, use Option Switch 15 (see "Option Switch 15: Drawing
Size (Height)" on page 33) and Option Switch 16 (see "Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width)"
on page 34).
Switch positions 3 and 4 permit direct PostScript files to be plotted at a reduced scale, as shown
in the following illustration:

You can also achieve this effect by plotting out of a 2D graphics system, such as
AutoCAD or MicroStation.
See Also
Option Switch 14: Drawing Size (Standard Postscript Plotter Size) (on page 31)

228 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Size - Height and Width (OS 15 & 16)

These option switches are used to set non-standard drawing sizes. For example, for a drawing
that is 300mm x 400mm , set OS 15 = 300 and OS 16 = 400.

Any settings in OS 15 and OS 16 will cause the settings in OS 14 Positions 1 and 2 to be

ignored. However, settings in OS 14 Positions 3 and 4 are not ignored. This means that "direct'
PostScript files of a non-standard drawing size can be produced at a reduced scale in the same
way that standard drawings can be.
See Also
Option Switch 15: Drawing Size (Height) (on page 33)
Option Switch 16: Drawing Size (Width) (on page 34)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 229

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Flow Arrows - On Components (OS 17)

The arrow direction, as well as the fluid flow or gas flow direction, is controlled by the 3D design
system. When you set OS 17 = 0, most normal in-line components will have the flow arrow
plotted alongside.

An alternative type of flow arrow that is plotted directly on the pipe is available. For more
information, see Option Switch 112: Flow Arrows (Pipeline) (on page 172).
See Also
Option Switch 17: Flow Arrows/Gaskets (Components) (on page 35)

230 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Frame - Program Standard (OS 18)

Option Switch 18 allows you to turn on and off the standard ISOGEN drawing frame. In example
A, the drawing frame is turned on (OS 18 = 0). This is the default setting. In example B, the
drawing frame is turned off (OS 18 = 1).

The standard drawing frame is always turned off when you are using a user-defined
backing frame.
See Also
Option Switch 18: Drawing Frame (Program Standard) (on page 36)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 231

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Sloping Pipeline Indication Method (OS 19)

The following example shows how a falling pipeline is indicated on the isometric drawing. The
default setting of 0 shows the fall angle in degrees.

You can use setting values 1 through 5 to display the fall in alternative ways. A value of 6,
however, suppresses the fall indication altogether, as shown in the following example:

See Also
Option Switch 19: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Method) (on page 37)

232 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Sloping Pipeline Indication Limit (OS 20)

Option Switch 20 works in conjunction with Option Switch 19 to set the cut-off value that
determines the steepness of slope that should be shown as a fall.In the following example, the
cut-off value for the pipeline is set to 5-degrees.

In the next illustration, the cut-off value for the same pipeline is set to 4-degrees. Because the
actual slope is now steeper than the cut-off value, the slope is shown as follows:

See Also
Option Switch 20: Sloping Pipeline (Indication Limit) (on page 39)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 233

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Isometric Type (OS 21)

Combined Isometric (OS 21 = 0)
Outputs a full-size isometric drawing containing Erection and Fabrication information.

(continued on the following page)

234 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Isometric Type (OS 21)

Erection / Offshore Isometric (OS 21 = 1)
Outputs a full-size isometric drawing containing only Erector information.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 235

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Isometric Type (OS 21)

Fabrication Isometric (OS 21 = 2)
Outputs a full-size isometric drawing containing only Fabrication information.

(continued on the following page)

236 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Isometric Type (OS 21)

Spool Isometrics (OS 21 = 6)
Outputs a smaller-sized isometric drawing that contains only single pipe spools with as-built

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 237

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Isometric Type (OS 21)

Spool Isometric (OS 21 = 4)
Outputs a smaller-sized isometric drawing that contains only single pipe spools with flat

(continued on the following page)

238 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Isometric Type (OS 21)

No Pipeline Graphics Isometric (OS 21 = 10)
Outputs a special type of isometric drawing that has no pipeline graphics. The drawing region is
left blank for the pipeline isometric to be added later, either manually or with a 2D drafting

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 239

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Isometric Type (OS 21)

Test Isometric (OS 21 = 100)
Outputs a special type of isometric drawing in which all numeric values are substituted with a
string of XXX characters, as shown in the following illustration:

See Also
Option Switch 21: Isometric Type (on page 40)

240 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Cut Piece Add-On Allowances (OS 22)

See Also
Option Switch 22: Cut Piece Add-On Allowances (on page 42)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 241

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Style 1 Material List (OS 23 = 100)
This is the standard style of BOM. It has fixed content and layout. It does not require an MLD
control file.

(continued on the following page)

242 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Special Type Material List (OS 23 = 110)
Used by Siemens. This is a variation on Style 1, and does not require an MLD control file.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 243

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Style 2 Material List (OS 23 = 200)
Although it has the overall appearance of a Style 1 material list, this style of BOM has user-
defined content and layout. It requires an MLD file.

(continued on the following page)

244 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Style 2 Material List (OS 23 = 220)
Uses alphabetic pointers. Requires an MLD control file.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 245

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Style 3 Material List (OS 23 = 300)
Uses a completely different concept to Style 1 or Style 2. This type of material list is plotted onto
a user-defined backing sheet where each BOM entry is positioned at a specific X-Y coordinate
position. Requires an MLD control file containing basic X-Y coordinate details.

(continued on the following page)

246 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Style 4 Material List (OS 23 = 400)
Same concept as Style 3 but this material list also shows material usage for each spool. Like
Style 3, this style of material list requires an MLD control file containing basic X-Y coordinate

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 247

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Style 2 Material List (OS 23 = 10200)
In this style of material list, there are no sub-headings and the BOM is partitioned into groups.
Requires an MLD control file.

(continued on the following page)

248 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

Standard Material Control File Output (OS 23 Position 4 = 0)
This output can be loaded into the material control system. This is the older, original style, which
contains fixed, non-user-defined information

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 249

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Controls & M/C File Type (OS 23)

User-Defined Material Control File Output (OS 23 Position 4 = 1)
This type permits variable content and layout, but it requires an MLD file. This output can also
be loaded into the your material control system.

See Also
Option Switch 23: Material List (Controls/File Type) (on page 43)

250 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Pipeline/Drawing (OS 24)

Option Switch 24 Position 1
Controls whether material lists are produced by the following:
OS 24 Pos 1 = 0 - Drawing
OS 24 Pos 1 = 1 - Drawing
OS 24 Pos 1 = 2 - Drawing (spool isometric material part numbers match full isometric
material part numbers)
OS 24 Pos 1 = 3 - Pipeline (spool isometric material list numbers match full isometric
material list numbers)
However, this is only relevant on split isometrics that have more than one drawing as illustrated
by the following examples.
Example 1
OS 24 Pos 1 = 0 - Produces the material list by drawing
OS 24 Pos 1 = 3 - Produces the material list by drawing. Appears in this form on both full
and spool isometrics; all part numbers match.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 251

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Pipeline/Drawing (OS 24)

Example 2:
OS 24 Pos 1 = 1 - Produces material list by pipeline.
OS 24 Pos 1 = 3 - Produces the material list by pipeline, which appears in this form on both
full and spool isometrics; all part numbers match.

(continued on the following page)

252 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Pipeline/Drawing (OS 24)

Option Switch 24 Position 2
Controls the way pipe lengths are reported on the BOM. There are three styles each for metric
and imperial length.

See Also
Option Switch 24: Material List (Pipeline/Drawing/Pipe Length Units) (on page 45)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 253

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Position (OS 25)

Option Switch 25 Position 1
Controls the location of where the BOM is plotted, either on the left-hand (A) or right-hand (B)
side of the isometric drawing.

This option switch setting affects only Style 1 and Style 2 material lists, not Style 3 and
Style 4.

(continued on the following page)

254 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Position (OS 25)

Option Switch 25 Position 2
Controls where the title block is printed relative to the BOM on the isometric drawing. Any of the
following is possible:
Positioned in the bottom right-hand corner. This is the default position. (OS 25 Pos 2 =

Printed at the bottom of the BOM. (OS 25 Pos 2 = 1)

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 255

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Position (OS 25)

Suppressed completely. (OS 25 Pos 2 = 2)

See Also
Option Switch 25: Material List Position/Title Block Position (on page 47)

256 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Descriptions (OS 26)

Set to OS 26 = 0 to suppress item descriptions only applies to style 1 BOM because this
function is controlled from the MLD for all other styles (2, 3 and 4).

Set OS 26 = 11 with Style 1 BOM for the following:

See Also
Option Switch 26: Material List (Descriptions) (on page 48)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 257

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Text Size (OS 27)

Controls the text size for all generated characters in the region of the isometric highlighted with
the red box.

See Also
Option Switch 27: Material List (Text Size) (on page 49)

258 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Item Code Length (OS 28)

Option Switch 28 controls the number of characters ISOGEN uses for the material list item code.
In the following example, since the longest item code is 13 characters, OS 28 = 13.

See Also
Option Switch 28: Material List (Item Code Length) (on page 50)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 259

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Line Spacing (OS 29)

You can use Option Switch 29 to control the line spacing distance on the plotted material list,
thereby making the BOM listing look shorter or longer. The option switch setting represents the
percentage of the original, or default, size. Example A depicts the full length BOM list, which is
100% of its default size (OS 29=100). Example B, however, depicts the same BOM list at 90%
of its default size (OS 29=90).

See Also
Option Switch 29: Material List (Line Spacing) (on page 51)

260 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List - Continuation Method (OS 30)

Set OS 30 = 0 to cause the BOM to overflow onto a second material list plotted alongside the
first, creating a wider, non-standard drawing size:

Set OS 30 = 1 to cause the BOM to overflow onto a second dummy isometric drawing that
contains the overflow material list, but not the pipeline graphics. The isometric drawing is
assigned the next drawing sheet identifier in the sequence, as shown in example B of the
following sets of illustrations.

Setting OS 30 = 2 produces the same BOM overflow output as Position 1. However, the
isometric drawing identifier of the overflow sheet is suffixed with the letter A, as shown in the
following example:

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 261

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Continuation Method (OS 30)

Set OS 30 = 10 to cause any single sheet isometric to be called 1/1:

See Also
Option Switch 30: Material List (Continuation Method) (on page 52)

262 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Output - File/Screen (OS 31)

Set OS 31 = 0 (and OS 1 = 3275) to place multiple isometrics all in one plot file. This is the most
economical method when the plot files are going to a paper roll type plotter.

Set OS 31 = 1 to place each isometric in a separate plot file. Use this option when plot files are
in DXF or DGN format for loading into a 2D graphics system or when plot files are going to a
laser printer.

Set OS 31 = 2 to send the isometric directly to the screen.

This option does not work on a PC.

See Also
Option Switch 31: Drawing Output (File/Screen) (on page 54)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 263

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Output - Scaling (OS 32)

Set OS 32 = 0 or OS 32=100 to generate full-sized isometric drawings. This is the default

The following example shows the isometric drawing generated in the previous illustration at 71%
of its original size. To produce this result, set OS 32=71.

Similarly, to generate an isometric drawing at 50% of its original size, set OS 32=50.

When you use this option switch, the entire isometric (frame and inner contents) is rescaled.
If you are using a 2D graphics system, such as AutoCAD, and you want to produce scaled
down isometrics (for example, effectively A2 size - but scaled down to A3 on the output),
then that reduction should be done in the graphics system, not with this option switch.
See Also
Option Switch 32: Drawing Output (Scaling) (on page 56)

264 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Output - Picture Scale (OS 34)

Set to OS 34 = 0 or OS 34=100 to produce normal picture scale, which is the default setting.

Set to OS 34 = 150 for 150% of the nominated drawing size.

Unlike OS 32, this option switch only changes the drawing part of the isometric.
Everything else remains the same size.
See Also
Option Switch 34: Drawing Output (Picture Scale) (on page 58)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 265

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing - Reserved Areas (OS 35)

The reserved area is a distance setting which must always be in millimeters, even if you typically
use Imperial units. The following example shows the reserved area distance for the drawing
region (A) and the reserved area distance for the material list (B).

See Also
Option Switch 35: Drawing (Reserved Areas) (on page 59)

266 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Output - Stacking Value (OS 36)

Set OS 36 = 0 or OS 36=1 for single stacking.

Set OS 36 = 2 for double stacking.

Like Option Switch 1 (see "Plotfile Length (OS 1)" on page 207), this option switch only
operates on plotters that use a plot roll rather than single sheets and where OS 31 = 0 to obtain
multiple isometrics in each plot file as shown above.
See Also
Option Switch 36: Drawing Output (Stacking Value) (on page 60)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 267

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Output - Stacking Orientation (OS 37)

Set OS 37 = 0 to orient the drawings along the plot roll.

Set OS 37 = 1 to orient the drawings across the plot roll.

As with Option Switch 1 (see "Plotfile Length (OS 1)" on page 207), this option switch only
operates on plotters that use a plot roll rather than single sheets and where OS 31 = 0 to obtain
multiple isometrics in each plot file as shown above.
See Also
Option Switch 37: Drawing Output (Stacking Orientation) (on page 61)

268 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Pipeline Splitting - Automatic (OS 38)

Set OS 38 = 0 or OS 38=100 (the default value) to generate drawings that have the software
designated optimum amount of information. The result is two drawings, each with approximately
equal amounts of information.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 269

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Pipeline Splitting Automatic (OS 38)

Set OS 38 = 120 to force more information onto each drawing. The result is a single drawing, as
shown in the following example:

Specifying values greater than 100 may produce drawings that contain too much
information to be easily read. You take full responsibility for the output that results when using
large values.
See Also
Option Switch 38: Pipeline Splitting (Automatic) (on page 62)

270 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Spool Piece Identifiers (OS 39)

Set OS 39 = 0 for a numeric type automatic spool piece identifier.

Set OS 39 = 2 for an alphabetic type automatic spool piece identifier.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 271

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Spool Piece Identifiers (OS 39)

User-defined spool identifiers can be entered in the model by the 3D designer, or they can be
probed in using SPOOLGEN.
Set OS 39 = 0 to output the following spool identifier:

The alternative enclosed types listed in the following table are controlled by Option Switch 39
Position 3. These are all obtainable with either automatic or user-defined spool identifiers.

OS 39 Pos 3=1

OS 39 Pos 3=2

OS 39 Pos 3=3

OS 39 Pos 3=4

OS 39 Pos 3=5

OS 39 Pos 3=6

OS 39 Pos 3=7 10 SPL A

OS 39 Pos 3=9

(continued on the following page)

272 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Spool Piece Identifiers (OS 39)

Option Switch 39 Position 4 controls how spool drawings are identified. Set OS 39 Pos 4 = 0 to
prefix the pipeline reference to the spool identifier.

Set OS 39 Pos 4=1 to output the pipeline reference as the spool identifier.

See Also
Option Switch 39: Spool Piece Identifiers (on page 64)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 273

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Pipe Supports (OS 40)

Set OS 40 = 0 for string dimensions for pipe supports.

Set OS 40 = 1 for overall dimensions for pipe supports.

(continued on the following page)

274 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Pipe Supports (OS 40)

Set OS 40 = 2 to suppress pipe supports.

Set OS 40 = 3 for pipe supports drawn but not dimensioned.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 275

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Pipe Supports (OS 40)

Set OS 40 = 10 for pipe support dimensions on the opposite side.

Set OS 40 = 2500 for pipe support standout distance to equal 25mm. This forces the standout
outside the normal dimension.

See Also
Option Switch 40: Pipe Supports (on page 67)

276 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (OS 41)

Set OS 41 = 0 for mixed units.

Set OS 41 = 1 for imperial units.

Set OS 41 = 2 for metric units.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 277

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (OS 41)

Set OS 41 Pos 2 = 1 for metric coordinates output in M.mmm format.

Set OS 41 Pos 3 for feet and inch output format, including stacked fractions.
Stacked fractions only apply to Imperial dimensions and currently only operate on
MicroStation DGN drawings using a special font.

Set OS 41 Pos 4 = 1 for weights output in KGS format. Set OS 41 Pos 5 = 1 for component
weights listed as total weights.

(continued on the following page)

278 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (OS 41)

Set OS 41 Pos 4 = 1 for weights output in KGS format. Set OS 41 Pos 5 = 2 for component
weights listed as individual weights.

This option switch controls the output of basic component weights. More extensive weight
functionality, including pipe fill, weights of insulation, and center of gravity calculations, are
controlled by Option Switch 82 (see "Option Switch 82: Center of Gravity/Weight Output" on
page 138).

Set OS 41 Pos 6 & 7 = 0 or leave blank for imperial dimensions output format. Dimension output
format changes from inches to feet at 24-inches. For example, 28" is output as 2' 4". This is the
default setting

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 279

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (OS 41)

Set OS 41 Pos 6 & 7 = 12 for imperial dimension output format to change from inches to feet
and inches at 12-inches.

Set OS 41 Pos 8 = 0 or blank for plotted bore information at branches and reducers.

Set OS 41 Pos 8 = 1 for bore information not plotted at branches and reducers.

See Also
Option Switch 41: Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (on page 69)

280 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Drawing Viewpoint (OS 42)

Set OS 42 = 0 or OS 42 = 3 to output the North arrow as follows:

Set OS 42 = 1 to output the North arrow as follows:

Set OS 42 = 2 to output the North arrow as follows:

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 281

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Drawing Viewpoint (OS 42)

Set OS 42 = 4 to output the North arrow as follows:

Set OS 42 = 5 to output the North arrow as follows:

(continued on the following page)

282 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Drawing Viewpoint (OS 42)

Set OS 42 = 6 to output the North arrow as follows:

Set OS 42 = 7 to output the North arrow as follows:

Set OS 42 = 8 to output the North arrow as follows:

See Also
Option Switch 42: Drawing Viewpoint (on page 72)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 283

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 - 51)

The ISOGEN pipe wastage facility allows extra tube material to provide for wastage during spool
fabrication. When the facility is used, you can manually increase the pipe length entries on the
material list.
1. The basic pipe wastage allowance is set by the user in the piping model on a plant area
number basis. This value is expressed in terms of a percentage wastage factor, such as
10%, and is extracted and held at the pipe component level in the piping data file.

The basic pipe wastage allowance operates independently of any settings in option
switches 43 - 51. For example. a nominal tube length entry of 1,000 mm that has a 10%
wastage factor set in the piping model means the actual material list entry would be
1,100 (1,000 + 10%).
If the pipe wastage allowance value in the piping data file is set to zero, then option
switches 43 - 51 will have no effect.
2. Any such basic pipe wastage factor set in the piping model may then be overridden and
increased (never decreased) by the user with option switches 43 - 51. For example, if the
pipe was in PlantArea 2 and the wastage allowance needed to be increased to 20%, then
Option Switch 44 would be set to 2.
See Also
Option Switch 43: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) (on page 74)
Option Switch 44: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) (on page 75)
Option Switch 45: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) (on page 76)
Option Switch 46: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) (on page 77)
Option Switch 47: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) (on page 78)
Option Switch 48: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) (on page 79)
Option Switch 49: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) (on page 80)
Option Switch 50: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) (on page 81)
Option Switch 51: Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) (on page 82)

284 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Equipment Trim Drawings (OS 52)

Equipment trim isometrics are special types of drawings where ISOGEN produces a document
having a BOM, an outline frame and a large empty area.
In this example, the materials connected to each nozzle are grouped and listed separately, as
shown below. This type of listing is produced by setting OS 52 Position 1 = 0.

The drawing (shown in green) is produced in a 2D drawing system, such as AutoCAD or

MicroStation, and inserted into the empty area of the ISOGEN isometric.
See Also
Option Switch 52: Equipment Trim Drawings (on page 83)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 285

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Weld Numbering (OS 53)

Set OS 53 = 1 for small-sized weld numbers.

Set OS 53 = 2 for medium-sized weld numbers.

Set OS 53 = 3 for large-sized weld numbers.

(continued on the following page)

286 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Weld Numbering (OS 53)

Set OS 53 = 6 for medium-sized fabrication welds.

Set OS 53 = 8 for medium-sized erection welds.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 287

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Weld Numbering (OS 53)

Set OS 53 Pos 2 = 1 for user-defined weld summary box. You must also use a Weld Definition
File (WDF) for this box to work correctly. For details on the WDF, see the separate welding
There is an alternative weld summary box that does not require a WDF, but it is not user-
defined. It uses a fixed layout and the content cannot be changed. Setting OS 53 Position 2 = 1
uses the alternative weld summary box.

(continued on the following page)

288 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Weld Numbering (OS 53)

Set OS 53 Pos 5 = Blank to use the same weld numbering sequence between fabrication and
erection welds.

Set OS 53 Pos 5 = 1 to use separate weld numbering sequences between fabrication and
erection welds.
Individual enclosures and weld number prefixes are recommended in this case.

See Also
Option Switch 53: Weld Numbering (on page 85)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 289

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Weld Plotting (OS 54)

Set OS 54 = 1 to suppress all welds.

Set OS 54 = 2 to only plot site welds.

Set OS 54 = 3 to only plot fabrication welds.

Set OS 54 = 0 to make all welds appear as erection welds.

Set OS 54 = 4 to make all welds appear as fabrication welds.

This option switch also changes the type of weld numbers generated.
See Also
Option Switch 54: Weld Plotting (on page 88)

290 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Program Messages - Run Information (OS 55)

Set OS 55 = 0 for the following amount of information.


DRG. 1 /6"-ASC-6900

Set OS 55 = 1 for the following amount of information.




DRG. 1 /6"-ASC-6900

Set OS 55 = 2 for the following amount of information.




DRG. 1 /6"-ASC-6900
See Also
Option Switch 55: Program Messages (Run Information) (on page 91)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 291

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Instrument Identification (OS 59)

Set OS 59 = 0 to output the instrument name on the material list.

The text in red indicates the instrument name in this illustration.

Set OS 59 = 1 to output the instrument item code on the material list.

The text in red indicates the instrument item code in this illustration.
This option switch only controls what parameter is output (instrument name or item code) on the
material list or material control file. On the drawing, the instrument name is always displayed
regardless of the option switch setting.

See Also
Option Switch 59: Instrument Identification (on page 96)

292 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Component Tagging (OS 60)

Set OS 60 = 0 for no component tagging.

Set OS 60 = 1 for boxed in component tagging.

Set OS 60 = 2 for component tagging with no boxes.

See Also
Option Switch 60: Component Tagging (on page 97)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 293

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Insulaton Indication (OS 61)

Set OS 61 = 0 for insulation indication alongside pipe only.

Set OS 61 = 1 to suppress insulation indication.

Set OS 61 = 2 for insulation indication alongside pipe and components.

See Also
Option Switch 61: Insulation Indication (on page 98)

294 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Tracing Indication (OS 62)

Set OS 62 = 0 for tracing indication alongside piping only.

Set OS 62 = 2 for tracing indication alongside piping and components.

Set OS 61 = 0 and OS 62 = 0 to trace and insulate piping.

See Also
Option Switch 62: Tracing Indication (on page 99)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 295

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Printed Output - Page Length (OS 63)

Set OS 63 = 0 for 55 lines of output.

Set OS 63 = 66 for 66 lines of output.

See Also
Option Switch 63: Printed Output (Page Length) (on page 100)

296 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Pipe Support Identification (OS 64)

Set OS 64 = 0 for no support name on the isometric, and an item code output on the material

Set OS 64 = 1 for support name on the isometric with no box, and support name output on the
material list.

Set OS 64 = 2 for boxed support name on the isometric, and item code output on the material

See Also
Option Switch 64: Pipe Support Identification (on page 101)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 297

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Bolting Units (OS 65)

Bolts on the isometric material list and in the material control file can be reported in any
combination of diameter and length units.
For example:
5/8" Dia x 4" Long
5/8" Dia x 100mm Long
16mm Dia x 100mm Long
16mm DiaxX 4" Long
The purpose of this option switch is to enable the bolt diameter and length values held in the
piping data file to be correctly interpreted by the software. Regardless of what units are being
used, all bolt diameter and length values are stored in the piping data file as integer type
numbers. For example, inch units are stored in 1/16's of an inch, while millimeter units are
stored as millimeters.
Therefore, every unit is converted to either 1/16's of an inch or millimeters. For example:
5/8" diameter is stored as 10/16
4" long is stored as 64/16
16mm diameter is stored as 16
100mm long is stored as 100
The option switch setting must match the bolt unit values in the piping data file in
order to produce correct results.
See Also
Option Switch 65: Bolting Units (on page 103)

298 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Coordinates - Supplementary (OS 66)

Set OS 66 = 0 for only elevation changes to be displayed. North, South, East, and West
coordinate changes are not output. This is the default setting.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 299

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates -- Supplementary (OS 66)

Set OS 66 = 1 for all supplementary coordinates and elevation to be output along witness lines
instead of leader messages.

(continued on the following page)

300 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates -- Supplementary (OS 66)

Set OS 66 = 221 to output supplementary elevations and coordinates at bends, elbows, and
branch intersections in all cases were the elevation level North, South, East, or West
coordinates have changed.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 301

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates -- Supplementary (OS 66)

Set OS 66 = 330 or set OS 66 = 331 for a full set of all three coordinates output.

Set OS 66 Pos 4 = Blank to omit split point coordinates.

(continued on the following page)

302 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Coordinates -- Supplementary (OS 66)

Set OS 66 Pos 4 = 1 to output split point coordinates.

See Also
Option Switch 66: Coordinates (Supplementary) (on page 104)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 303

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Sloping Pipeline - 3D Skew Depiction (OS 67)

Set OS 67 = 0 for a 3D box depiction.

Set OS 67 = 1 for a 2D triangle and fall indicator.

See Also
Option Switch 67: Sloping Pipeline (3D Skew Depiction) (on page 107)

304 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Sloping Pipeline - Vertical Branches (OS 68)

Set OS 68 = 0 for a skewed short tee branch. This is the default setting.

Set OS 68 = 1 for a straight short tee branch.

See Also
Option Switch 68: Sloping Pipeline (Vertical Branches) (on page 109)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 305

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Terminal Type Identification (OS 69)

This option switch displays the isometric drawings directly to the monitor instead of sending
them to a file and plotting them.
You cannot send isometric drawings directly to the monitor if you are using the PC
version of ISOGEN or SPOOLGEN. All isometric output must first be output to a file.

See Also
Option Switch 69: Terminal Type Identification (on page 110)

306 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Skew Indication - Branches (OS 70)

Set OS 70 = 0 to display a normal skew box with triangle depiction.

Set OS 70 to a user-defined value to display a skew box with a suppressed triangle. In the
following example, OS 70 = 4 was used.

See Also
Option Switch 70: Skew Indication (Branches) (on page 112)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 307

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material Part Number - Enclosure Style (OS 73)

Set OS 73 = 0 for a standard part number box with no special blank style enclosure box.

For square-ended Style 1 blank enclosure boxes with 12 blank character spaces, set OS 73 =

The blank boxes are for manually added information.

The end type of a Style 1 enclosure box is controlled by Option Switch 73 Position 5.

For diamond-ended Style 2 enclosure box with 12 blank character spaces, set OS 73 = 1200.

The end type of a Style 2 enclosure box is controlled by Option Switch 76 (see "Option
Switch 76: Material Part Number Enclosure Shape" on page 124).
See Also
Option Switch 73: Material Part Number Enclosure Style (on page 116)

308 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material List Accumulation Control (OS 74)

Set OS 74 = 0 for normal accumulation of erection and offshore materials. This is the default

Set OS 74 = 3 for non-accumulation of fabrication materials (including pipe).

Non-accumulation means that each occurrence of an item results in a quantity of 1 off
being listed. Each individual pipe length is listed separately.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 309

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material List Accumulation Control (OS 74)

Set OS 74 = 13 for non-accumulation of erect materials. Gaskets and bolts are accumulated
normally with this setting.

Set OS 74 = 11113 for non-accumulation of all erect materials. Gaskets and bolts are also non-
accumulated with this setting.
Bolts are included as sets.

See Also
Option Switch 74: Material List Accumulation Control (on page 118)

310 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Weld Number - Enclosure/ Prefix (OS 75)

Set OS 75 = 201 to display round-ended enclosures for erection welds (A) and diamond-ended
enclosures for fabrication welds (B).

The following illustration shows the resulting output on the isometric drawing:

Fabrication and erection welds use their own weld numbering sequence.
Weld number prefixes are not shown.

Set OS 75 = 1211 to display round-ended enclosures for erection welds and diamond-ended
enclosures for fabrication welds, all with weld number prefixes. The relationship between the
switch settings and the isometric output are as follows:

A - Display erection weld prefix.

B - Output round-ended enclosures for erection welds.
C - Display fabrication weld prefix.
D - Output diamond-ended enclosures for fabrication welds.

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 311

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

The following illustration shows the resulting output on the isometric drawing (SH refers to
fabrication welds, while ER refers to erection welds):

OS 75 controls only the weld number prefix option; it does not define the prefix character(s).
In the ISOGEN and SPOOLGEN systems, the prefix characters are defined using the -130, -
131, -132, and -133 records.
In the IDFGEN system, the prefix characters are defined using the following pipe header
See Also
Option Switch 75: Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Number; Weld Number Prefix) (on page

312 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (OS 76)

Set OS 76 = 0 for rectangular enclosure. This is the default setting.

Set OS 76 = 1 for diamond-ended enclosures.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 313

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (OS 76)

Set OS 76 = 2 for round-ended enclosures.

Set OS 76 = 7 for no enclosure boxes.

(continued on the following page)

314 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (OS 76)

Set OS 76 = 8 so that no part numbers nor enclosure boxes are shown.

See Also
Option Switch 76: Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (on page 124)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 315

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Weld Number Allocation at Slip-on Flanges and

Reinforcement Pads (OS 77)
Option Switch 77 Position 1 controls the quantity of weld numbers generated at slip-on flanges.
Set OS 77 = 0 or OS 77 = 2 for two weld numbers.

Set OS 77 = 1 for one weld number.

Option Switch 77 Position 2 controls the quantity of weld numbers generated at reinforcement
pads. Set OS 77 Pos 2 = 0 or blank for no extra weld numbers.

(continued on the following page)

316 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Weld Number Allocation at Slip-on Flanges and Reinforcement

Pads (OS 77)
Option Switch 77 Position 3 enables the automatic generation of a plotted shape for the
reinforcement pad together with an item code and a description entry on the material list. For
one extra pad weld number and the generation of a plotted pad shape and material entry, set

For two extra pad weld numbers, set .

See Also
Option Switch 77: Weld Number Allocation at Slip-on Flanges and Reinforcement Pads (on
page 126)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 317

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Dimensions - To Valve Centers (OS 80)

Set OS 80 = 0 for ordinary dimensioning to the valve ends. This is the default setting.

Set OS 80 = 1000 for dimensioning to the valve center on socket weld valves and instruments.

This example is for a socket weld valve. The dimensioning method for it is controlled by
Option Switch 80 Position 4.
Further control by bore for this function is available in OS 81 Position 1 (see "Option Switch
81: Dimensions (Branches)" on page 136).
See Also
Option Switch 80: Dimensions (To Valve Centers) (on page 134)

318 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Dimensions - Branches (OS 81)

OS 81 Positions 1-3: Extension of OS 80
Positions 1-3 of this option switch are not for branches; they are an extension of Option Switch
80 (see "Option Switch 80: Dimensions (To Valve Centers)" on page 134), whereby
dimensioning to the centers of valves and instruments can also be done by bore range. Option
Switch 80 controls dimensioning to the centers of valves and instruments by end type.
In the following example, OS 81 Pos 1-3 = 24 and OS 80 Pos 4 = 1, which gives dimensions to
the socket weld valve and instrument centerline for all bores up to and including 1-1/2 inches.

In the next example, OS 81 Pos 1-3 = 24 and OS 80 Pos 4 = 1, which gives dimensions to
valve ends for 2-inch bore. That is, the valve is outside the bore range set in OS 81, so it does
not get center-dimensioned.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 319

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimensions - Branches (OS 81)

OS 81 Positions 4-6 and Positions 7-8: Branch Dimension Function
Branch dimensioning functions are controlled by Option Switch 81 Positions 4, 5 and 6 and
Positions 7 and -8. In the following example, OS 81 Pos 4, 5, 6 = Blank and OS 81 Pos 7, 8 =
Blank, which gives full branch dimensioning regardless of the branch bore and the number of
components in the branch.

In the next example. OS 81 = 48 000, which suppresses branch dimensioning on branch bores
of 3-inches or less regardless of the number of components in the branch.

(continued on the following page)

320 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimensions - Branches (OS 81)

The following example sets OS 81 = 2 048 000, which puts branch dimensioning back on again
because the branch has more than two components.

See Also
Option Switch 81: Dimensions (Branches) (on page 136)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 321

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Center of Gravity/Weight Output (OS 82)

Option Switch 82 provides further weight functionality to that in Option Switch 41 Positions 4 and
5. The latter is for basic component weights only. Option Switch 82 provides controls for the
Full (wet) pipeline weight
Weight of insulation
Center of gravity of pipeline, empty or full, with or without insulation
OS 82 Pos 1 switches on the CoG / weights facility and controls whether the output values are
per pipeline or per drawing. For weight outputs, set .

The weight outputs show the following values:

Dry weight (pipeline empty)
Wet weight (pipeline full)
Insulation weight

In the previous example, weights are per drawing (Pos 1 = 1) and are output in this style on
the drawing frame using the ISOGEN TextPos facility.
The pipe empty weight is derived solely from the weight of components.
For center of gravity outputs, set .

The center of gravity outputs show the following values:

Dry (empty) center of gravity
Dry (empty) plus insulation center of gravity position
Wet (full) pipe plus insulation center of gravity position
See Also
Option Switch 82: Center of Gravity/Weight Output (on page 138)

322 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

DXF File Units (OS 92)

Drawing Underlay:

Detail Sketches:

Where used, the drawing underlay and detail sketches must be consistent in the units
with which they are constructed. ISOGEN generates the resulting output drawing (as shown in
the following example) in the same units.
Isometric Output Drawings:

See Also
Option Switch 92: DXF File Units (on page 149)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 323

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Component Leg Length (OS 95)

Set OS 95 = 0 for leg length of 9mm. This is the default setting.

Set OS 95 = 12 to use increased leg length of 12mm.

See Also
Option Switch 95: Component Leg Length (on page 151)

324 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Skew Depiction - Individual/Overall (OS 97)

Set OS 97 = 0 for single overall box or triangle enclosure around the skew section. This is the
default setting. The following example shows a triangle enclosure.

Set OS 97 = 1 for individual box or triangle enclosure around each skew section.

See Also
Option Switch 97: Skew Depiction (Individual and Overall) (on page 154)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 325

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Skew Depiction - Style (OS 99)

Set OS 99 = 0 for skew box depiction with normal dimensioning style. This is the default setting.

Set OS 99 = 1 for skew triangle depiction with normal dimensioning style.

Set OS 99 = 3 for skew triangle depiction with alternative dimensioning style.

3D skew sections normally follow the value in Position 1 that are set for 2D skews, unless the
value is set in Pos 2.

(continued on the following page)

326 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Skew Depiction - Style (OS 99)

In the following 3D skew example, OS 99 Pos 2 = blank, that is, it is not set. Consequently, the
skew type follows what is set in Position 1, in this case, value 3, which gives triangle depiction
with alternative dimensioning style.

Changing the setting so that OS 99 Pos 2 = 1, results in the 3D skews shown in the box style.

See Also
Option Switch 99: Skew Depiction (Style) (on page 156)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 327

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Skew Depiction - Dimension Line Standout (OS 100)

This option switch is used to move the triangle dimension further out.
Set OS 100 = 0 for standard dimension distance plotted alongside the triangle line (A). This is
the default setting. If you set OS 100 = 120, the result is an increased standout distance of
12mm (B).

See Also
Option Switch 100: Skew Depiction (Line Standout Dimension (on page 159)

328 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Skew Depiction - Triangle Hatching (OS 101)

Option Switch 101 enables skew triangles to be optionally filled in with hatching lines. The
various switch settings allow you to:
Vary the distance between the hatch lines.
Have full or partial hatching. With partial hatching only a section of the triangle is hatched.
Vary the amount of hatching when using partial hatching.
Set OS 101 = 1 to turn on triangle hatching. The result is full hatching with a hatch line pitch of
1mm. This is the default setting.

Set OS 101 = 40 to give full hatching with an increased hatch line pitch of 4mm.

Set OS 101 = 3540 to give partial hatching with a hatch line pitch of 4 mm and a maximum line
length of 35mm.

See Also
Option Switch 101: Skew Depiction (Triangle Hatching) (on page 160)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 329

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Skew Depiction - Hatching Clearance (OS 102)

Option Switch 102 controls the size of the clearance gaps that occur in and around hatching.
There are three of these gaps:
Local to the pipeline
Local to in-line components
Around dimensions and text that appear in the hatching region
Set OS 102 = 0 to define gaps at all three regions. This is the default setting.

Set OS 102 = 404040 to increase gaps at all three positions to 4mm.

See Also
Option Switch 102: Skew Depiction (Hatching Clearance) (on page 161)

330 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Pipeline Splitting - In Pipe (OS 108)

Option Switch 108 controls what action ISOGEN must take when it encounters a situation where
it wants to split the pipeline into two drawings (in tube) at the point shown in the following

See Also
Option Switch 108: Pipeline Splitting (In Pipe) (on page 166)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 331

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Repeatability File Content (OS 109)

The Repeatability, or Return, File System is used when it is necessary to pass ISOGEN-
generated data back to the 3D design software.

Not all 3D design software supports this system.

Option Switch 109 also contains a non-repeatability function. Position 6 controls the action
of component re-ordering in by-passes. This re-ordering function is performed by default
when you set OS 109 Pos 6 = Blank.
To correctly generate spools in a by-pass, such as the one in the following illustration, ISOGEN
requires that the closure point be at either one of the two locations (A).

However, the Intermediate Data File (IDF) extraction software of some 3D design products sets
the closure point at location B.
Set OS 109 Pos 6 = 0 or OS 109 Pos 6 = Blank to cause ISOGEN to also set the by-
pass closure point at the preferred location. If this setting proves problematic, set OS 109 Pos 6
= 1.
See Also
Option Switch 109: Repeatability Content (on page 168)

332 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Ghost Gaps (OS 110)

Ghost gaps are created in the 3D design system and are used to link related, but unconnected,
components such as:
One pipeline to another to form a system isometric
One part of a pipeline to another part of the same pipeline where the middle section may
remain incomplete and unfinished.
The following example shows part of a system isometric that consists of two pipelines. Set OS
110 = 0 to give a standard-sized gap (A). Set OS 110 = 50 to increase the gap size (B).

Gaps may be dimensioned or un-dimensioned, which is controlled from within the 3D

design system by defining the appropriate settings in the extracted piping data file. In the
previous example, the gaps are un-dimensioned.
See Also
Option Switch 110: Ghost Gaps (on page 170)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 333

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Nozzles (OS 111)

Set OS 111 = 0 to suppress the plotting of nozzles. This is the default setting.

Set OS 111 = 0 to plot nozzles.

See Also
Option Switch 111: Nozzles (Dotted) (on page 171)

334 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Flow Arrows - Pipeline (OS 112)

Set OS 112 = 0 to give the following output:

Set OS 112 = 0 or OS 112 = 8 to give the following output:

Set OS 112 = 15 to give the following output:

See Also
Option Switch 112: Flow Arrows (Pipeline) (on page 172)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 335

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Specification Break Indication (OS 114)

Set OS 114 = 0 to output a single spec break indication box. This is the default setting.

The single spec break indication box is considered redundant and is not recommended.
As shown in the previous example, it is unclear as to which side of the division line the spec
break is referring.
Set OS 114 = 1 to output a two box indication. This is the recommended method since this style
is more informative. In the following illustration, the spec for both sides of the division line is
clearly indicated.

See Also
Option Switch 114: Specification Break Indication (on page 174)

336 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Tolerance - Offset Angle (OS 115)

Option Switch 115 enables you to prevent the generation of unwanted skews. The piping data
file extraction utility of some 3D design systems can contain small dimension inaccuracies that
lead to small movements at some pipe ends. When ISOGEN detects these small movements, it
generates a skew section.
Example 1: OS 115 = 0
In the following illustration, a 3 mm movement in the N/S plane results in a skew angle of 0.08-
degrees (A).

Example 2: OS 115 = 25
In the following illustration, setting a 0.25-degree cut-off angle suppresses the generation of the
unwanted skew.

Option Switch 116 uses a dimensional tolerance to control skew generation. Of the two
option switches, using Option Switch 116 is the preferred method; however, if both are set,
Option Switch 115 takes precedence.
See Also
Option Switch 115: Tolerance (Angle Offset) (on page 175)
Option Switch 116: Tolerance (Dimension Offset) (on page 176)
Tolerance - Dimension Offset (OS 116) (on page 338)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 337

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Tolerance - Dimension Offset (OS 116)

Option Switch 116 also enables the prevention of unwanted skews, but uses a dimension
tolerance rather than an angle tolerance.
Example 1: OS 116 = 0
In the following illustration, a 1mm movement in the N/S plane causes a skew to be generated

Example 2: OS 116 = 250

In the following illustration, setting a 2mm cut-off value suppresses the generation of the
unwanted skew.

Option Switch 115 uses an angular tolerance to control skew generation. Of the two
option switches, using Option Switch 116 is the preferred method; however, if both are set,
Option Switch 115 takes precedence.
See also
Option Switch 115: Tolerance (Angle Offset) (on page 175)
Option Switch 116: Tolerance (Dimension Offset) (on page 176)
Tolerance - Offset Angle (OS 115) (on page 337)

338 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Dimensions - Overall (OS 118)

Set OS 118 = 1 to output overall dimensions that extend across branches.

Set OS 118 = 2 to output overall dimensions that stop at branches.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 339

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimensions Overall (OS 118)

Set OS 118 = 3 to output overall dimensions to valve centers and across branches.

Set OS 118 = 4 to output overall dimensions to valve centers but stopping at branches.

(continued on the following page)

340 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimensions Overall (OS 118)

When you set OS 118 = 344, the 34 in Pos 3 and 4 causes the standout distance for the overall
dimensions to be moved out from the standard distance to 34mm. This setting, as shown in the
following example, causes the standard dimension layer to move to the inner position (A).

If you define values in OS 118 Pos 2 and 3, you must also define a value for OS 8 to
control the normal dimension standout distance and keep it in the standard position.

See also
Option Switch 118: Dimensions (Overall) (on page 178)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 341

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Dimensions/Elevation - Vertical (OS 119)

Set OS 119 = 0 to plot normal vertical pipe dimensions and elevations at intersection points
when the level changes. This is the default setting.

Set OS 119 = 1 to suppress vertical dimensions and replace them with elevation messages.

(continued on the following page)

342 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Dimensions/Elevation Vertical (OS 119)

Set OS 119 = 2 to output vertical dimensions and elevations at all normal dimensioning

See Also
Option Switch 119: Dimensions/Elevations (Vertical) (on page 179)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 343

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Tapping - Branch Scale (OS 120)/Branch Dimensions

(OS 121)/Branch Coordinates (OS 122)
Set OS 120 = 0 to output a full-size branch.
Set OS 121 = 0 to turn on branch dimension.
Set OS 122 = 0 to suppress output of tapping point coordinates.

Set OS 120 = 60 to output reduced branch scaling.

Set OS 121 = 1 to turn off branch dimensions.
Set OS 121 = 1 to plot tapping coordinates.

See Also
Option Switch 120: Tapping (Branch Scale) (on page 181)
Option Switch 121: Tapping (Branch Dimensions) (on page 183)
Option Switch 122: Tapping (Branch Coordinates) (on page 185)

344 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Instrument ID Enclosure (OS 123)

Set OS 123 = 0 to suppress output of a balloon enclosure around the instrument name. This is
the default setting.

Set OS 123 = 5 to plot the instrument name inside a five-character sized balloon.

Set OS 123 = 4 to plot the instrument name over two lines. In the following example, the
instrument name is inside a four-character balloon.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 345

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Instrument ID Enclosures (OS 123)

Set OS 123 = 100 to plot the instrument name inside a diamond-ended box enclosure.

OS 123 Position 3 controls the following alternative enclosure box shapes:

Position 3 Setting Enclosure Shape

See Also
Option Switch 123: Instrument ID Enclosure (on page 186)

346 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

Flange Rotation Angles (OS 124)

Set OS 124 = 0 to suppress the indication of flange rotation angles. This is the default setting.

Set OS 124 = 1 to indicate flange rotation angles.

(continued on the following page)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 347

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

(continued from the previous page)

Flange Rotation Angles (OS 124)

Set OS 124 = 11 to indicate flange rotation angles in a diamond-ended box.

OS 124 Position 2 also controls the following box shapes:

Position 2 Shape

See Also
Option Switch 124: Flange Rotation Angles (on page 188)

348 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

ISOGEN Version/Run Data (OS 127)

Set OS 127 = 0 to suppress plotting of the banner. This is the default setting.

Set OS 127 = 1 to plot the banner.

See Also
Option Switch 127: ISOGEN Version/Run Data (on page 190)

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 349

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

350 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide

Appendix: Option Switch Detail Sheets

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 351

Drawing Text Size (OS 4) 211
A Drawing Trim Marks (OS 3) 210
Drawing Viewpoint (OS 42) 281
Appendix DXF File Units (OS 92) 323
Option Switch Detail Sheets 207
Equipment Trim Drawings (OS 52) 285
Bolting Units (OS 65) 298
Bore/Dimension/Weight Control (OS 41)
277 F
Flange Rotation Angles (OS 124) 347
C Flow Arrows - On Components (OS 17) 230
Flow Arrows - Pipeline (OS 112) 335
Center of Gravity/Weight Output (OS 82)
Component Leg Length (OS 95) 324 G
Component Tagging (OS 60) 293 Ghost Gaps (OS 110) 333
Coordinates - Connection/Connectivity (OS
5) 212 I
Coordinates - Supplementary (OS 66) 299
Cut Piece Add-On Allowances (OS 22) 241 Instrument ID Enclosure (OS 123) 345
Cut Piece Numbering/List Type (OS 2) 209 Instrument Identification (OS 59) 292
Insulaton Indication (OS 61) 294
ISOGEN Version/Run Data (OS 127) 349
D Isometric Type (OS 21) 234
Date Output (OS 6) 219
Dimension Form (OS 9) 222 M
Dimension Line Standout (OS 8) 221
Dimensions - Branches (OS 81) 319 Material List - Continuation Method (OS 30)
Dimensions - Overall (OS 118) 339 261
Dimensions - To Valve Centers (OS 80) Material List - Controls & M/C File Type (OS
318 23) 242
Dimensions/Elevation - Vertical (OS 119) Material List - Descriptions (OS 26) 257
342 Material List - Item Code Length (OS 28)
Drawing - Reserved Areas (OS 35) 266 259
Drawing Frame - Program Standard OS 18) Material List - Line Spacing (OS 29) 260
231 Material List - Pipeline/Drawing (OS 24)
Drawing Margins (OS 10, 11, 12, & 13) 227 251
Drawing Output - File/Screen (OS 31) 263 Material List - Position (OS 25) 254
Drawing Output - Picture Scale (OS 34) Material List - Text Size (OS 27) 258
265 Material List Accumulation Control (OS 74)
Drawing Output - Scaling (OS 32) 264 309
Drawing Output - Stacking Orientation (OS Material Part Number - Enclosure Style (OS
37) 268 73) 308
Drawing Output - Stacking Value (OS 36) Material Part Number Enclosure Shape (OS
267 76) 313
Drawing Size - Height and Width (OS 15 &
16) 229 N
Drawing Size - Standard and PostScript Nozzles (OS 111) 334
Plotter Size (OS 14) 228

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 353


O Tapping (Branch Scale) 181

Option Switch 121
Option Switch 1
Tapping (Branch Dimensions) 183
Plotfile Length 12
Option Switch 122
Option Switch 10
Tapping (Branch Coordinates) 185
Drawing Margin (Left) 27
Option Switch 123
Option Switch 100
Instrument ID Enclosure 186
Skew Depiction (Dimension Line
Option Switch 124
Standout) 159
Flange Rotation Angles 188
Option Switch 101
Option Switch 125
Skew Depiction (Triangle Hatching) 160
Reserved 189
Option Switch 102
Option Switch 126
Skew Depiction (Hatching Clearance)
Reserved 190
Option Switch 127
Option Switch 103
ISOGEN Version/Run Data 191
Spare 162
Option Switch 128
Option Switch 104
Spare Switch 192
Spare Switch 163
Option Switch 129
Option Switch 105
Spare Switch 193
Spare Switch 164
Option Switch 13
Option Switch 106
Drawing Margin (Bottom) 30
Spare Switch 165
Option Switch 130
Option Switch 107
Development Testing 194
Spare Switch 166
Option Switch 131
Option Switch 108
Development Testing 195
Pipeline Splitting (in Pipe) 167
Option Switch 132
Option Switch 109
Development Testing 196
Repeatability Content 168
Option Switch 133
Option Switch 11
Development Testing 197
Drawing Margin (Right) 28
Option Switch 134
Option Switch 110
Development Testing 198
Ghost Gaps 170
Option Switch 135
Option Switch 111
Development Testing 199
Nozzles (Dotted) 171
Option Switch 136
Option Switch 112
Development Testing 200
Flow Arrows (Pipeline) 172
Option Switch 137
Option Switch 113
Development Testing 201
Material Control (Pipeline Identification)
Option Switch 138
Plotfile (DGN Link and Plotfile - ASCII
Option Switch 114
Text) 202
Specification Break Indication 174
Option Switch 139
Option Switch 115
Development Testing 203
Tolerance (Angle Offset) 175
Option Switch 14
Option Switch 116
Drawing Size (Standard Postscript Plotter
Tolerance (Dimension Offset) 176
Size) 31
Option Switch 117
Option Switch 140
Dimension Round Off 177
Development Testing 204
Option Switch 118
Option Switch 15
Dimensions (Overall) 178
Drawing Size (Height) 33
Option Switch 119
Option Switch 16
Dimensions/Elevations (Vertical) 179
Drawing Size (Width) 34
Option Switch 12
Option Switch 17
Drawing Margin (Top) 29
Flow Arrows/Gaskets (Components) 35
Option Switch 120
Option Switch 18

354 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide


Drawing Frame (Program Standard) 36 Bore/Dimension/Weight Control 69

Option Switch 19 Option Switch 42
Sloping Pipeline (Indication Method) 37 Drawing Viewpoint 72
Option Switch 2 Option Switch 43
Cut Piece Numbering/List Type 13 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 1) 74
Option Switch 20 Option Switch 44
Sloping Pipeline (Indication Limit) 39 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 2) 75
Option Switch 21 Option Switch 45
Isometric Type 40 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 3) 76
Option Switch 22 Option Switch 46
Cut Piece Add-On Allowances 42 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 4) 77
Option Switch 23 Option Switch 47
Material List (Controls/File Type) 43 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 5) 78
Option Switch 24 Option Switch 48
Material List (Pipeline/Drawing/Pipe Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 6) 79
Length Units) 45 Option Switch 49
Option Switch 25 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 7) 80
Material List Position/Title Block Position Option Switch 5
47 Coordinates (Connection/Connectivity)
Option Switch 26 19
Material List (Descriptions) 48 Option Switch 50
Option Switch 27 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 8) 81
Material List (Text Size) 49 Option Switch 51
Option Switch 28 Pipe Wastage Factor (Area 9) 82
Material List (Item Code Length) 50 Option Switch 52
Option Switch 29 Equipment Trim Drawings 83
Material List (Line Spacing) 51 Option Switch 53
Option Switch 3 Weld Numbering 85
Drawing Trim Marks 16 Option Switch 54
Option Switch 30 Weld Plotting 88
Material List (Continuation Method) 52 Option Switch 55
Option Switch 31 Program Messages (Run Information) 91
Drawing Output (File/Screen) 54 Option Switch 56
Option Switch 32 Program Messages (ISODAT) 93
Drawing Output (Scaling) 56 Option Switch 57
Option Switch 33 Program Messages (ISOPLOT) 94
Revision/Detailed Marker 57 Option Switch 58
Option Switch 34 Clear Screen 95
Drawing Output (Picture Scale) 58 Option Switch 59
Option Switch 35 Instrument Identification 96
Drawing (Reserved Areas) 59 Option Switch 6
Option Switch 36 Date Output 20
Drawing Output (Stacking Value) 60 Option Switch 60
Option Switch 37 Component Tagging 97
Drawing Output (Stacking Orientation) 61 Option Switch 61
Option Switch 38 Insulation Indication 98
Pipeline Splitting (Automatic) 62 Option Switch 62
Option Switch 39 Tracing Indication 99
Spool Piece Identifiers 64 Option Switch 63
Option Switch 4 Printed Output (Page Length) 100
Drawing Text Size 17 Option Switch 64
Option Switch 40 Pipe Support Identification 101
Pipe Supports 67 Option Switch 65
Option Switch 41 Bolting Units 103

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 355


Option Switch 66 Option Switch 88

Coordinates (Supplementary) 104 Spare Switch 145
Option Switch 67 Option Switch 89
Sloping Pipeline (3D Skew Depiction) Spare Switch 146
107 Option Switch 9
Option Switch 68 Dimension Form 24
Sloping Pipeline (Vertical Branches) 109 Option Switch 90
Option Switch 69 Material Control (COMDACE File
Terminal Type Identification 110 Contents) 147
Option Switch 7 Option Switch 91
Pipeline Splitting (User Control) 21 Material Control (COMDACE File
Option Switch 70 Controls) 148
Skew Indication (Branches) 112 Option Switch 92
Option Switch 71 DXF File Units 149
Plotfile Format 113 Option Switch 93
Option Switch 72 Spare Switch 150
Leading Zeros 115 Option Switch 94
Option Switch 73 Spare Switch 151
Material Part Number Enclosure Style Option Switch 95
116 Component Leg Length 152
Option Switch 74 Option Switch 96
Material List Accumulation Control 118 Spare Switch 154
Option Switch 75 Option Switch 97
Weld Number (Enclosure Weld Skew Depiction (Individual and Overall)
Number/Weld Number - Prefix) 121 155
Option Switch 76 Option Switch 98
Material Part Number Enclosure Shape Spare Switch 156
124 Option Switch 99
Option Switch 77 Skew Depiction (Style) 157
Weld Number Allocation at Slip-On Option Switches 11
Flanges and Reinforcement Pads 126
Option Switch 78 P
Support Weld Number Prefix and
Enclosures 128 Pipe Support Identification (OS 64) 297
Option Switch 79 Pipe Supports (OS 40) 274
Site Assembly Identification 131 Pipe Wastage Factor - Areas 1 to 9 (OS 43 -
Option Switch 8 51) 284
Dimension Line Standout 22 Pipeline Splitting - Automatic (OS 38) 269
Option Switch 80 Pipeline Splitting - In Pipe (OS 108) 331
Dimensions (To Valve Centers) 134 Pipeline Splitting - User Control (OS 7) 220
Option Switch 81 Plotfile Length (OS 1) 208
Dimensions (Branches) 136 Preface 9
Option Switch 82 Printed Output - Page Length (OS 63) 296
Center of Gravity/Weight Output 138 Program Messages - Run Information (OS
Option Switch 83 55) 291
Site Welds Associated with Spools 140
Option Switch 84 R
Curved Pipe 141 Repeatability File Content (OS 109) 332
Option Switch 85
Spare Switch 142
Option Switch 86
Spare Switch 143 Skew Depiction - Dimension Line Standout
Option Switch 87 (OS 100) 328
Spare Switch 144

356 ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide


Skew Depiction - Hatching Clearance (OS

102) 330
Skew Depiction - Individual/Overall (OS 97)
Skew Depiction - Style (OS 99) 326
Skew Depiction - Triangle Hatching (OS 101)
Skew Indication - Branches (OS 70) 307
Sloping Pipeline - 3D Skew Depiction (OS
67) 304
Sloping Pipeline - Vertical Branches (OS 68)
Sloping Pipeline Indication Limit (OS 20)
Sloping Pipeline Indication Method (OS 19)
Specification Break Indication (OS 114) 336
Spool Piece Identifiers (OS 39) 271

Tapping - Branch Scale (OS 120)/Branch
Dimensions (OS 121)/Branch Coordinates
(OS 122) 344
Terminal Type Identification (OS 69) 306
Tolerance - Dimension Offset (OS 116) 338
Tolerance - Offset Angle (OS 115) 337
Tracing Indication (OS 62) 295

Weld Number - Enclosure/ Prefix (OS 75)
Weld Number Allocation at Slip-on Flanges
and Reinforcement Pads (OS 77) 316
Weld Numbering (OS 53) 286
Weld Plotting (OS 54) 290

ISOGEN Option Switches Reference Guide 357

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