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Terapi Golongan Proton Pump Inhibitor Pada Pengobatan Gastropati OAINS

Nidia Putri Cintami, 2Suzannna Ndraha
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas kedokteran, Universitas Kedokteran Trisakti.
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, RSUD Koja, Jakarta Indonesia.



NSAIDs are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs. These drugs are considered as
first line therapy for arthriris and is widely used in cases of trauma, post-surgical pain and other
pain. Most of the side effects of NSAIDs on the gastrointestinal tract are mild and reversible.
Only a small part of a weight that peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation. The
most important risk factors are advanced age, history of experienced side effects of NSAIDs,
high dose or a combination of more than one kind of OAINS.

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