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Department of Sociology

Faculty of Social Sciences

South Asian University
Sociology Seminar Series
Monsoon 2017-18

The voices of writing: Petitioning by

terrorists in Delhis courts
by Mayur Suresh
This presentation is an ethnographic account of practices of writing in by
terror-accused in Delhi courts. He begins with three questions: Why did
the terror-accused write? Why in the form of a petition? Why did they
continue to write in the face of epistolary silence?
He suggests three overlapping readings of these letters and the
practices of writing them, the relationship between the forms and
practices of writing, voice and the idea of signature.
Mayur Suresh is a lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London. His doctoral research was an ethnography of
terrorism trials in Delhi. He is the co-editor of "The Shifting Scales of
Justice: The Supreme Court in Neo-Liberal India" published in 2014.

Date: 30 August, 2017 / Wednesday

Time: 2:30 pm
Venue: FSI Hall, Akbar Bhawan

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