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5, SEPTEMBER 1998 969

New Integration Algorithms for Estimating

Motor Flux over a Wide Speed Range
Jun Hu and Bin Wu, Member, IEEE

Abstract Three new integration algorithms for motor flux

estimation are proposed in this paper. These algorithms are
developed for use in high-performance sensorless ac motor drives.
The first algorithm is used to elaborate the basic operating
principle. The second one is designed for the drives that require
a constant air-gap flux during operation. The third algorithm, in
which an adaptive controller is used, can have wide industrial
applications. The proposed algorithms can effectively solve the
problems associated with pure integrators. These algorithms
can be used to accurately measure the motor flux including its
magnitude and phase angle over a wide speed range (1 : 100). Fig. 1. Algorithm 1: modified integrator with a saturable feedback.
The performance of the algorithms is investigated, compared,
and verified experimentally.
However, implementation of an integrator for motor flux
Index Terms Adaptive control, flux estimation, integrator,
sensorless drive.
estimation is no easy task. A pure integrator has dc drift and
initial value problems [3], [5]. A dc component in measured
motor back emf is inevitable in practice. This dc component,
I. INTRODUCTION no matter how small it is, can finally drive the pure integrator
into saturation. The initial value problem associated with
F LUX ESTIMATION is an important task in implementing
high-performance motor drives [1][6]. There are, in
general, two methods for flux estimation: one is based on
the pure integrator can be explained as follows. When a
sine signal is applied to the integrator, a cosine wave is
measured motor currents, and the other is based on measured expected at its output. This is true only when the input sine
voltages [1], [2], [5]. In the current-based method, the motor wave is applied at its positive or negative peak. Otherwise,
air-gap flux is identified by solving a set of equations in which a constant dc offset will appear at the output. This offset,
motor parameters are required as well as measured motor representing a constant dc flux in a motor, does not exist
currents, speed, or position [1]. One of the problems associated during motor normal operation. The dc offset can also be
with this method is that the parameters change with motor generated when there is a rapid change in the input signal.
operating conditions, e.g., variations in rotor temperature and A common solution to these problems is to replace the pure
magnetic saturation level. In order to overcome this problem, integrator with a first-order low-pass (LP) filter. Obviously,
an on-line motor parameter identification scheme should be the LP filter will produce errors in magnitude and phase angle,
implemented, which increases the complexity of the drive especially when the motor runs at a frequency lower than the
system. Furthermore, the motor speed or position has to be filter cutoff frequency. Therefore, motor drives using LP filters
detected, an undesirable practice in most industrial applications as a flux estimator usually have a limited speed range, typically
since the use of tachometer will deteriorate the reliability 1 : 10 (660 Hz) [1]. In this paper, three modified integrators
of the drive. In the voltage-based method, the motor flux using proposed algorithms are developed to solve the above
can be obtained by integrating its back electromotive force mentioned problems. The performance of these integrators is
(emf). The only motor parameter required is the stator winding studied and verified through simulation and experiment.
resistance, which can be easily obtained and in most cases
can be considered constant. Taking into account the fact that II. NEW INTEGRATION ALGORITHMS
the motor speed signal is not required, this method is much As discussed in the previous section, both pure integrator
preferred [3], [4]. and LP filter have application problems when they are used for
motor flux estimation. To solve these problems, three modified
integrators are proposed. The output of these integrators can
Manuscript received June 3, 1997; revised February 24, 1998. This work be generally expressed as
was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada and Rockwell Automation-Allen Bradley, Inc. Recommended by
Associate Editor, D. Torrey. (1)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Ont., M5B 2K3, Canada
(e-mail:; where is the input of the integrator and is a compensation
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(98)06489-8. signal. Assuming that the compensation signal is set to zero,
08858993/98$10.00 1998 IEEE

Fig. 2. Algorithm 2: modified integrator with an amplitude limiter.

Fig. 3. Algorithm 3: modified integrator with an adaptive compensation.

the modified integrator essentially serves as a first-order LP a pure integrator function is obtained. If the limiting level is
filter which is usually adopted to replace the pure integrator in reached, the integrator output becomes
practice. If, on the other hand, the compensation is taken from
the integrators output (i.e., ), the modified integrator (2)
performs the same function as a pure integrator [ ].
It can be seen from the above analysis that with a properly where is the output of the saturation block, whose
designed compensation, the modified integrator may achieve amplitude is limited to . It is interesting to note that the
a better performance than the LP filter while the problems level of nonlinear distortion produced by the saturation block
associated with the pure integrator may be avoided. The can be reduced at the output of the feedback block since this
detailed discussions on the modified integrators are as follows. block is essentially an LP filter. Now, let us assume that a
pure dc signal is applied to the input. The maximum output
of the integrator is
A. Algorithm 1: Modified Integrator with
a Saturable Feedback (3)
The block diagram of a modified integrator with a saturable
feedback is shown in Fig. 1. The output of the integrator is which implies that the modified integrator will not be driven
composed of two components: a feedforward component into saturation provided that the limiting level is properly
and feedback component . If the frequency of the input set.
signal is much higher than the cutoff frequency of the The main difficulty associated with this algorithm is to
modified integrator, the gain of the feedback block is close determine the limiting level . In order to eliminate dc
to zero. As a result, the feedback component is trivial component at the output, the limiting level should be set at
and the integrator output is essentially composed of the a value equal to the actual flux amplitude. When the limiting
feedforward component only. At low frequencies, however, level is greater than the flux amplitude, the flux waveform
the functional blocks in the feedback loop play an important may be shifted up or down due to the dc bias at the input
role in eliminating dc drift or saturation. Assuming that the until its amplitude reaches either positive or negative limiting
limiting level in the saturation block is not exceeded, the level. Hence, the output waveform is composed of an ac flux
compensation signal is equal to the integrator output , and signal and a dc offset. The larger the difference between the

Fig. 6. Flux waveforms produced by Algorithms 1 and 2 when the limiting

Fig. 4. Vector diagram showing relationship between ~ and emf.
~ level is not correctly set show that Algorithm 2 does not produce distorted flux.

Fig. 7. Response of the pure integrator and Algorithm 2 to a sine input with
a dc offset.
Fig. 5. Comparison of flux waveforms estimated by different integration
algorithm (the motor is running under steady conditions when the LP filter
and integrators are put into operation).

actual flux amplitude and the limiting level, the larger the dc
drift will be. If the limiting level is set below the actual flux
amplitude, the output flux waveform will not contain any dc
component, but will be distorted. More discussions will be
given in Section III.

B. Algorithm 2: Modified Integrator with an Amplitude Limiter
To avoid the possible waveform distortion discussed above,
a new integration algorithm is developed. This algorithm,
shown in Fig. 2, is specially designed for ac motor flux
estimation. In ac motor drives, it is a common practice to
transform a set of three-phase variables in a-b-c frame into
two-phase variables in frame for various purposes. The
motor fluxes and in the frame can be obtained (b)
by integrating motor back emfs in the frame, which Fig. 8. Response of modified integrator using Algorithm 3, where the motor
can be obtained through abc to transform. The flux is running under steady-state conditions when the modified integrator is put
into operation: (a) estimated flux waveforms and (b) compensation level.
amplitude, defined as , is a dc signal and so
is the limiter output. The flux magnitude and angle can be
transformed back to its form through a Polar to Cartesian C. Algorithm 3: Modified Integrator with
transform block, whose outputs are sinusoidal waveforms an Adaptive Compensation
with a limited amplitude. The nonlinear distortion caused by
the saturation block in Fig. 1 is eliminated, resulting in an Algorithm 3 is designed for motor drives with variable flux
improved performance of this modified integrator. However, operations. Fig. 3 shows a block diagram of this algorithm in
the accuracy of the estimated flux still depends on how the which an adaptive controller is used. This scheme is developed
limiting level is set. If the motor operates at various flux levels, based on the fact that the motor flux is orthogonal to its
the limiting level should be adjusted accordingly. Therefore, back emf. A quadrature detector is proposed to detect the
this algorithm is suitable for applications where the motor flux orthogonality between the estimated flux and back emf. A
is not required to vary during operation. proportionalintegral (PI) regulator is used to generate an

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Response of modified integrator using Algorithm 3 to a step change in magnitude of emf : (a) input signal emf , (b) compensation level emf ,
(c) estimated flux showing no dc offset flux after the step changes in emf , and (d) estimated flux using pure integrator showing that the flux contains
a dc offset due to step changes in emf .

appropriate compensation level, which is given by

emf emf

where and are the constants of the PI regulator. The

magnitude of , which corresponds to the limiter output in
Fig. 2, is no longer fixed. It is now governed by (4).
The operating principle of the adaptive scheme can be
explained by using a vector diagram shown in Fig. 4. The
estimated flux vector is a sum of two vectors, a feedforward
vector which is the output of the LP filters ( and )
and a feedback vector which is composed of and .
Ideally, the flux vector should be orthogonal to the back
emf vector, and the output of the quadrature detector is zero.
When an initial value or dc drift is introduced to the integrator,
the above orthogonal relation is lost, and the phase angle
between the flux and emf vectors is no longer 90 , which
yields an error signal defined by
Fig. 10. Experimental setup for verifying the proposed integration algo-
emf emf emf rithms.

emf (5)
Assuming that the magnitude of the feedback vector is The performance of the proposed integration algorithms
increased to as shown in Fig. 4 due to a dc offset or initial is investigated by Matlab/Simulink. It is assumed in the
value problem, the phase angle will be greater that 90 . following simulations that the motor is already running in
The quadrature detector will generate a negative error signal. steady state with a stator frequency of 10 rad/s when the
The output of the PI regulator is reduced and so is the LP filter or integrators are put into operation. The cutoff
feedback vector. As a result, the flux vector moves toward frequency ( ) used in the LP filter and proposed algorithms
the original position of 90 until the orthogonal relationship is 20 rad/s. The magnitude of motor back emf is adjusted such
between and emf is reestablished. If is less than 90 for that the actual flux amplitude is equal to one per unit for the
some reason, an opposite process will occur, which brings convenience of discussion.
back to 90 Therefore, the modified integrator with the Fig. 5 shows the waveforms estimated by the LP filter,
adaptive control can adjust the flux compensation level pure integrator, and Algorithm 1. The component of the
automatically to an optimal value such that the initial value flux, , is shown in the figure. It can be observed that
and dc drift problems are essentially eliminated. the LP filter produces a large error both in phase angle and


Fig. 11. Results of Algorithm 3 when the motor runs at 60 Hz: (a) measured voltage, current, and estimated fluxes and (b) measured position  sd
and estimated flux angle 'est .


Fig. 12. Results of Algorithm 3 when the motor runs at 0.5 Hz: (a) measured voltage, current, and estimated fluxes and (b) measured rotor position
msd and estimated flux angle 'est .

in magnitude, the pure integrator holds a dc offset due to amplitude of actual flux which is one per unit in this case). The
the initial value problem since the sinusoidal back emf is flux waveform estimated by Algorithm 1 is distorted while that
applied to the integrator at its zero crossing, and the output by Algorithm 2 is not. However, Algorithm 2 still produces
of Algorithm 1 converges to the actual motor flux within one some errors due to the improper limiting level. It should be
and a half cycles. noted that the errors have been substantially reduced compared
Fig. 6 shows the results of Algorithms 1 and 2 with a to the output of the LP filter in Fig. 5. For motor drives which
limiting level of 0.5 per unit which is improperly set on require a constant flux operation, the limiting level can be set
purpose (the ideal limiting level should be equal to the at a value equal to the flux reference of the drive.


Fig. 13. Results of the LP filter when the motor runs at 1 Hz, showing unacceptable errors between  sd and 'est : (a) measured voltage, current, and
estimated fluxes and (b) measured rotor position msd and estimated flux angle 'est .


Fig. 14. Estimation results of Algorithm 3 during the motor startup: (a) measured voltage, current, measured position msd , and estimated flux angle
'est and (b) estimated fluxes.

To investigate the dc drift problem, a dc bias with an Fig. 5. The transient waveform of , which represents the
amplitude of 0.5 per unit is superimposed to sinusoidal emf adaptive compensation level, is illustrated in Fig. 8(b). As
inputs. Fig. 7 shows the responses of the pure integrator and shown in the figure, the output of this modified integrator
Algorithm 2 to such input signals. It can be observed that the quickly converges to the actual flux. The initial transient dies
output of the pure integrator diverges while the flux estimated away in about a half cycle.
by Algorithm 2 is a stable sine wave with a negligible dc offset. Fig. 9 shows the behavior of Algorithm 3 to a step change
Fig. 8 shows the response of the modified integrator using in emf magnitude. The transient waveforms of and
Algorithm 3 to the same operation conditions as those in are illustrated in Fig. 9(b) and (c), respectively. The


Fig. 15. Estimation results of Algorithm 3 when the motor speed reverses (10 to 010 Hz): m
(a) measured voltage, current, measured position  sd ,
and estimated flux angle 'est and (b) estimated fluxes.

Fig. 16. Estimation results of the LP filter when the motor speed reverses (10 to 010 Hz), where substantial differences between `msd and 'est
can be observed.

response of the pure integrator is also presented in Fig. 9(d) for thyristor (GTO)-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) current
comparison. Obviously, there is no dc offset in the flux wave- source inverter. The rotor speed and position are detected by
form produced by Algorithm 3, whereas the pure integrator a shaft encoder (2500 pulses per revolution) for field-oriented
generates an undesired positive dc offset after a step increase control. The measured rotor position is also used for
in emf and then a negative dc offset after a step decrease. verification purposes. To evaluate the performance of the
It can be concluded that Algorithm 2 can be used in a drive proposed algorithms, two flux estimators shown in the dotted
with a constant flux control while Algorithm 3 is most suitable block were built and tested. A TMS320C31 DSP board is used
for the motor flux estimation under variable flux control. for real-time control. The sampling time is set at 1 ms due to
a relative low-switching frequency required by GTO devices.
IV. EXPERIMENTS Since the synchronous motor does not have a built-in flux
To verify the proposed integration algorithms, a syn- sensor, comparison between the estimated flux and the actual
chronous motor drive was constructed. Fig. 10 shows the flux in the motor may be difficult to make. However, the
block diagram of the drive system where a conventional field- proposed integration algorithms can be verified based on a
oriented control is implemented. The front-end converter of phenomenon that the rotor axis is coincident with the air-gap
the drive system is a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), and flux axis when the motor operates under no-load conditions.
the synchronous motor (6 hp, 6 poles) is fed by a gate turn-off Therefore, a comparison between the estimated flux angle


Fig. 17. Estimation results of Algorithm 3 when the motor flux varies: (a) measured voltage, current, and estimated flux and (b) compensation level cmp .

and measured rotor position can be used to evaluate If an LP filter is employed as a flux estimator, the accuracy
the performance of the proposed integrators provided that the of the estimated flux is expected to reduce, especially when the
motor is unloaded. motor runs at a vicinity of zero speed. Fig. 16 demonstrates
such a case where a substantial discrepancy between the
A. Steady-State Performance estimated flux angle and measured rotor position
occurs when the motor reverses its speed.
Fig. 11(a) shows the measured stator voltage, current, and
Fig. 17(a) shows the measured flux when the actual
estimated fluxes using Algorithm 3 ( rad/s) when the
motor flux is increased by 50%. Fig. 17(b) shows the adaptive
motor runs at 60 Hz. Fig. 11(b) gives a comparison between
compensation level ( ) at the output of the PI regulator,
the measured rotor position and estimated flux angle
which is automatically adjusted such that the potential dc offset
which is calculated by . It can be observed
in is eliminated.
that the estimated angle and measured position are
well matched except at and . These discrepancies are
simply display errors due to the fact that the ratio of sampling V. CONCLUSIONS
frequency (1 kHz) to stator frequency (60 Hz) is low, and Three integration algorithms for motor flux estimation are
also these frequencies are not synchronized. Therefore, the proposed, investigated, and compared in this paper. These
discrepancies do not reflect the accuracy of the algorithm. algorithms are developed to solve practical problems asso-
Fig. 12 shows the estimated motor fluxes when the motor ciated with pure integrators for motor flux estimation. The
runs at 0.5 Hz at which most other flux estimation algorithms basic operating principle is elaborated through Algorithm 1.
fail to work. The estimated and measured angles are in good Using reference frame theory, Algorithm 2 is developed to
agreement. Clearly, Algorithm 3 can be used to accurately eliminate the nonlinear distortion produced by Algorithm 1.
estimate fluxes at both high- and low-motor speeds. The This algorithm is suitable for applications where the motor
estimation results using the LP filter ( rad/s) when flux should be kept constant during operation. Algorithm 3,
the motor runs at 1.0 Hz are given in Fig. 13 for comparison. evolved from the above two, uses an adaptive controller,
The LP filter produces large errors in both flux angle and resulting in a superior dynamic and steady-state performance.
magnitude ( Wb is expected). This algorithm is particularly suitable for high-performance
sensorless motor drivers where motor flux may vary during
B. Dynamic Performance operation. The performance of the proposed algorithms is
The dynamic performance of the modified integrator using verified by simulation and experiment.
Algorithm 3 is illustrated in Figs. 14 and 15. The estimated
flux angle in Fig. 14 follows the detected rotor position REFERENCES
very well during the motor startup. The same phenome-
[1] W. A. Hill, R. A. Turton, R. J. Dungan, and C. L. Schwalm, A vector-
non can be observed when the motor changes its speed from controlled cycloconverter drive for an icebreaker, IEEE Trans. Ind.
200 (10 Hz) to 200 rpm ( 10 Hz) as shown in Fig. 15. Applicat., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 10361042, 1987.

[2] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, A new quick response and high efficiency Bin Wu (S89M91) received the M.A.Sc. and
control strategy of an induction motor, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
22, no. 5, pp. 820827, 1986. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada, in
[3] R. Wu and G. R. Slemon, A permanent magnet motor drive without a 1989 and 1993, respectively.
shaft sensors, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 10051011, After being with Rockwell Automation/Allen-
1991. Bradley, Inc., Cambridge, Ont., as a Senior De-
[4] X. Xu, R. Doncker, and D. W. Novotny, A stator flux oriented induction velopment Engineer, he joined Ryerson Polytechnic
machine drive, in IEEE PESC Conf. Rec., 1988, pp. 870876. University, Toronto, Ont., where he is currently an
[5] H. Tajima and Y. Hori, Speed sensorless field oriented control of the Associate Professor. His research interests include
induction machine, in IEEE IAS Conf. Rec., 1991, pp. 385391. power converter topologies, motor drives, computer
[6] C. Schauder, Adaptive speed identification for vector control of induc- simulation, and DSP applications in power engineer-
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vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 10541061, 1992. Dr. Wu was awarded the Gold Medal of the Governor General of Canada
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Jun Hu was born in Zhejiang, China, in 1966. He

received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1988, 1991,
and 1995, respectively, all in electrical engineering.
He was appointed as a Lecturer in Electrical
Engineering at Tsinghua University in April 1994.
From 1995 to 1997, he worked as a Post-Doctoral
Fellow at Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto,
Ont., Canada. He joined Rockwell Science Center
(RSC), Thousand Oaks, CA, in October 1997, where
he is currently a Member of Technical Staff in
information technology. His research interests include power electronics, ac
drives, and motion control.

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