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Instructional Design Plan

Academic Advisor Online Training Course

for Newly Hired Advisors of
The University of West Georgia

Nakita Hogans
Project 2: Instructional Design Plan
MEDT 7472
Table of Contents
Program Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Instructional Design Model ....................................................................................................................... 3
Step 1: Goals and Objectives ................................................................................................................ 4
Step 2: Assessment Overview ............................................................................................................... 5
Step 3: Activities Overview ................................................................................................................... 5
Interactivity and Collaboration ................................................................................................................. 7
Technology Overview................................................................................................................................ 7
Learner Support ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Design Plan.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Start Here Module .................................................................................................................................... 8
Module I .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Module II ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Module III ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Module IV ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Wrap-Up Module .................................................................................................................................... 13
References .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Appendix A: Evaluation Instruments.......................................................................................................... 15

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Program Overview

Instructional Design Model

The instructional design model used to design this Academic Advisor training course is the Backward
Design model. Backward Design is a three stage process based in the Understanding by Design
framework, developed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins. It is an instructional design model that
concentrates on the end goal as the basis for designing the learning and assessment plan. A staple of
backward design is to think about assessment at the beginning of the design process, rather than as
something you do at the end of the design process.

backward design calls for us to operationalize our goals or standards in terms of

assessment evidence as we begin to plan a unit or course. It reminds us to begin with
the question, What would we accept as evidence that students have attained the
desired understanding and proficiencies before proceeding to plan teaching and
learning experiences? (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998).

This design document will follow the stages of Backward Design as detailed by the explanation of each
stage below.

The Stages of Backward Design are:

Stage One Identify the desired result. Its in this stage that one considers what you want the advisors
in the training program to know and be able to do. In stage one, clear learning objectives need to be
formulated to answer the question; what do advisors need to know to do their job effectively and

Stage Two Determine acceptable evidence. While contemplating what the desired results are in
stage one, you must keep in mind how the advisors, in this online training course, will show their
learning. That is the main idea of stage 2, to develop assessments that align with stage one objectives.
The question to be answered in this stage is; what performance-based or criterion referenced-based
assessments will reveal evidence that learning occurred?

Stage Three Plan the learning experiences and instruction. With clearly defined objectives and
assessments that can show evidence of learning, the last stage of Backwards Design is to actually put the
middle in place. In this stage the design will answer the question, what activity or experiences will
generate the desired results?

(Wiggins & McTighe, 1998).

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Step 1: Goals and Objectives
As detailed in stage one of the Backward Design Model, goals and objectives should begin the process of
design. Below are the goals and objectives, based on standards from the International Society for
Technology in Education (ISTE). ISTE publishes standards for several groups in education, such as
teachers, administrators and coaches. This online training class will be based on the ISTE Standards for

Standard 3d - Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems,
developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Standard 5c - Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop
descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.

Standard 6c - Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety
of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

Standard 6d - Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their
intended audiences.

The goals of this training program are:

1. To equip newly hired Academic Advisors with general knowledge of student services and
resources that assists them in directing students based on their need.
2. To provide expert knowledge of college specific academic policies and procedures to
guide student to a successful completion of their program.

The objectives for this program are:

1. To differentiate between services and resources, that are provided by the college to
students, for the purpose of directing students in need. (ISTE 3d)
2. To demonstrate the proper use of advising tools in the completion of a Course Sequence
Form for each of the three types of students; new, transfer and returning. (ISTE 5c)
3. To demonstrate the ability to assist students with registration by using the BanWeb
student registration portal. (ISTE 6c)
4. To organize a resource for referencing academic policies and procedures. (ISTE 6d)

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Step 2: Assessment Overview
Stage two of the Backward Design Model indicate the importance of aligning assessments to the
objectives. It is here the evidence that learning occurred is to be displayed. To effectively assess the
objectives, the following assessment instruments will be used:

Instrument 1: Multiple Choice Scenario Quiz Training course participants will be presented with 4
short videos detailing 4 different scenarios with advisee questions and issues. Participants will need to
determine which department or campus resource the advisee should be directed to by indicating the
appropriate answer on the multiple choice quiz. This quiz will be timed and can be attempted twice.
The highest graded attempt will be accepted. The assessment will be evaluated by an answer key. (Goal
1, Obj 1)

Instrument 2: Worksheet Participants will review sample transcripts of 3 advisees as the basis for
completing a Course Sequence Form (one for each advisee sample transcript), simulating an advising
session. This assessment will not be timed, but only one attempt is allowed. See Appendix A for grading
checklist by which participant work will be evaluated. (Goal 2, Obj 2)

Instrument 3: BanWeb Student Registration Portal Virtual Scavenger Hunt Participants will complete
a web-based scavenger hunt, in which they must use the BanWeb Student Registration Portal effectively
to answer the virtual scavenger hunt questions. This assessment will be timed and only one attempt will
be allowed. The assessment will be evaluated by an answer key. (Goal 2, Obj 3)

Instrument 4: Create online knowledge base with Google Sites Participants will work in groups of 2-3
to create a webpage, using the free webpage builder, Google Sites. The webpage should be a knowledge
base for advisors of student services and campus resources as well as advising policies and procedures.
The web page will be assessed using a rubric provided to participants ahead of the assessment. See
Appendix A for the rubric by which participant work will be evaluated. (Goals 1 & 2, Obj 4)

Step 3: Activities Overview

In the final stage, stage three, of the Backward Design Model, learning activities support objectives by
giving the learners what they need to gain new knowledge. The following activities will provide the
content to support learning and practice.

An introduction session will be conducted via video conference. Participants will be invited to
join and introduce themselves, however, it will be an optional event.

Module 1 Activities (Goal 1, Obj 1):

Participants will watch an overview video of advisee services and resources offered by the
Participants will review the campus website for detailed information on advisee services and
campus resources (links to specific website will be provided).

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Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum, where they will discuss
the answers to the following questions:
Tell the class about a time when you assisted an advisee in distress? What did you do
immediately and how did you follow-up.
How did the experience make you feel?
Explain your role at the time; where you an Academic Advisor, Instructor, Staff Member,
or something else?

Module 2 Activities (Goal 2, Obj 2):

Participants will watch a PowerPoint slide presentation of core curriculum requirements.
Participants will review the campus website for detailed information on various program
curriculum maps (links to specific website will be provided).
Participants will review an accurately completed Course Sequence Form (form #1) and an
inaccurately completed Course Sequence Form (form #2).
Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum, where they will discuss
the answers to the following questions:
Discuss your thoughts on the schedule suggested by the Academic Advisor on Course
Sequence Form #1. What about the schedule do you like? Is there anything you dislike?
Discuss your thoughts on the schedule suggested by Course Sequence Form #2. What
about the form is inaccurate? How can it be corrected?

Module 3 Activities (Goal 2, Obj 3):

Participants will watch a video tutorial of how to use the BanWeb Student Registration Portal.
Participants will be given an opportunity to use their own logins to explore the portal
Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum, where they will discuss
the answers to the following questions:
Did you find the BanWeb tool intuitive and/or easy to use?
Do you feel like you could walk a student through how to register using BanWeb?
What about the portal do you see as a challenge?

Module 4 Activities (Goals 1 & 2, Obj 4):

Participants will watch a PowerPoint slide presentation of various policies and procedures
related to advisement.
Participants will review the campus website for detailed information on various policies and
procedures related to advisement (links to specific website will be provided).
Participants will be given a tutorial of how to create a Google Sites webpage and sample
knowledge bases.
Participants will be given a group project instructions and tips for conducting successful
online group projects.
Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum, where they will be
asked to discuss their impressions the other groups knowledge base websites.

Wrap Up Session:
At the conclusion of the course, a wrap-up session will be conducted via video conference.
Participants will be invited to join to share their final reflections, however, it will be an optional

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Interactivity and Collaboration
Participant to participant interaction. Participants will have ample opportunity to interact with each
other during the optional discussion forums and during the final group project. The optional discussion
forums provide the participants with an opportunity to share their own experiences solving real world
problems. Participants will also converse about how the content shapes their opinions on real world
examples. The final project is a group project requiring collaboration between 2-3 group members.
Each group will need to create a knowledge base of the content covered in the course, then review the
work of their peer groups.

Participant to content interaction. Participants will interact with the content by viewing videos, reading
assignments and reviewing presentation slides. Not only will the participants view, read or review
provided content, they will need to assimilate the information in order to successfully complete the
assignments and assessments.

Participant to instructor interaction. There will be several opportunities for the participants to both
interact and collaborate with the instructor. First, participants will be invited to post questions to the
ask your instructor discussion board, where the instructor will answer questions pertaining to the
entire class. For questions or comments not beneficial for the entire class, the participants will be
invited to email the instructor directly. Additionally, the instructor is expected to provide timely and
meaningful feedback to the assessments and participate in the optional discussions. Finally, an
introduction and wrap-up session will be offered to those that want to participate via video conference.

Technology Overview
Various forms of technology will be used throughout the course. Below is a list of technologies used in
the course development and those needed by participants:

Canvas Learning Management System

YouTube Videos
o Module 1 activities - Overview of advisee services and resources offered by the campus
(original content to be created in Screencast-O-matic)
o Module 1 assessment Students in distress scenarios (original content to be created in
o Module 2 activities- PowerPoint of core curriculum requirements
o Module 4 activities- PowerPoint of various policies and procedures related to advisement
Vimeo Video
o Module 3 activities - BanWeb Registration Instructions
Google Sites (free Google account required)

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Learner Support
Participants will be supported in a number of ways:
A Start Here Module will include how to get technical help for Canvas, links to Google Sites
tutorial resources, and Instructor contact information.
A ask your instructor discussion forum will allow participants to converse with the instructor.
Participants will receive feedback in optional discussion forums available in each module and
individual feedback provided for each assessment instrument.

Design Plan

Start Here Module

To include the following links:
Canvas 101: An introduction to Canvas the learning management system (LMS)
Canvas Community Help Guides
Google Sites Help Center
G Suite Learning Center: Getting started with Sites
Link to internal Canvas content page Instructor Contact Information

Module I
Objectives The goal of this module is:
1. To equip newly hired Academic Advisors with general knowledge of
student services and resources that assists them in directing students
based on their need.
The objective for this module is:
1. To differentiate between services and resources, that are provided by
the college to students, for the purpose of directing students in need.
(ISTE 3d)

Technology Canvas Learning Management System

YouTube Videos
o Module 1 activities - Overview of advisee services and resources offered
by the campus (original content to be created in Screencast-O-matic)
o Module 1 assessment Students in distress scenarios (original content
to be created in PowToon)

Activities Module 1 Activities (Goal 1, Obj 1):

Participants will watch an overview video of advisee services and resources
offered by the campus.
Participants will review the campus website for detailed information on
advisee services and campus resources (links to specific website will be

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Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum,
where they will discuss the answers to the following questions:
Tell the class about a time when you assisted an advisee in distress?
What did you do immediately and how did you follow-up.
How did the experience make you feel?
Explain your role at the time; where you an Academic Advisor,
Instructor, Staff Member, or something else?

Assessment Instrument 1: Multiple Choice Scenario Quiz Training course participants will be
presented with 4 short videos detailing 4 different scenarios with advisee questions
and issues. Participants will need to determine which department or campus
resource the advisee should be directed to by indicating the appropriate answer on
the multiple choice quiz. This quiz will be timed and can be attempted twice. The
highest graded attempt will be accepted. The assessment will be evaluated by an
answer key.

Life time Application
Required Documents
Provisional Status
Transfer Credits must have a grade of a C or better, be an accredited institution
Re-Evaluation Process fill out form
Enrollment Verifications
Transcript Requests
Financial Aid
Federal Aid
State Aid
HOPE Scholarship Degrees Only. Available to Georgia residents who graduate from high
school as a designated HOPE Scholar with a 3.0 GPA. Students become ineligible for the
HOPE Scholarship seven years after the date they graduated high school or equivalent.
Second Chance HOPE Degrees Only. Student must earn a 3.0 GPA after attempting 30,
60, or 90 semesters hours, regardless of high school graduation status.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 2.0 GPA and successful completion of at least 67% of
all classes attempted (failures and withdrawals are considered attempts).
Students are allowed to test twice. The first time is covered by the application fee; the
second time is $15 per section.
Students must sign up for their test online
EXIT Testing required for student who took 98 or 99 level learning support classes before
Fall 2011. No EXIT exam is required for learning support classes after Fall 2011.

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Student Success Center
Live tutors
Computerized tutoring
ESL Assistance
Study Skills/test taking skills
Career Services
Work Study job placement
Job search
Georgia Career Information System (GCIS)
Student Activities
Student Organizations
Student ID
Cap & Gown
Special Services
Lisa Peters International Student Advisor
Paula Greenwood Special Needs/Student with Disabilities
Roz Bogle Equity/Special Populations Coordinator
Betty Tilley Counseling Services
Other Resources
Tech Support
Library/Computer Labs

Module II
Objectives The goal of this module is:
2. To provide expert knowledge of college specific academic policies and
procedures to guide student to a successful completion of their
The objective for this module is:
2. To demonstrate the proper use of advising tools in the completion of a
Course Sequence Form for each of the three types of students; new,
transfer and returning. (ISTE 5c)

Technology Canvas Learning Management System

YouTube Videos
o Module 2 activities- PowerPoint of core curriculum requirements

Activities Module 2 Activities (Goal 2, Obj 2):

Participants will watch a PowerPoint slide presentation of core curriculum
Participants will review the campus website for detailed information on
various program curriculum maps (links to specific website will be provided).
Participants will review an accurately completed Course Sequence Form
(form #1) and an inaccurately completed Course Sequence Form (form #2).

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Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum,
where they will discuss the answers to the following questions:
Discuss your thoughts on the schedule suggested by the Academic
Advisor on Course Sequence Form #1. What about the schedule do
you like? Is there anything you dislike?
Discuss your thoughts on the schedule suggested by Course
Sequence Form #2. What about the form is inaccurate? How can it
be corrected?
Assessment Instrument 2: Worksheet Participants will review sample transcripts of 3 advisees
as the basis for completing a Course Sequence Form (one for each advisee sample
transcript), simulating an advising session. This assessment will not be timed, but
only one attempt is allowed. See Appendix C for grading checklist by which
participant work will be evaluated.

Academic Advising Tools:
Core Curriculum
Springboard classes
General Studies - provisional Placement (Math 1111 only)
Cut Scores for SAT and ACT
Course Sequence Form
Transferrable Credit
First Semester Advisement
Using Advising tools with:
New Students COMPASS scores
Returning Students Expired COMPASS Scores, Exit Exams, Previously taken courses
Transfer Students awaiting transcript evaluation versus taking COMPASS just to register

Module III
Objectives The goal of this module is:
2. To provide expert knowledge of college specific academic policies and
procedures to guide student to a successful completion of their
The objective for this module is:
3. To demonstrate the ability to assist students with registration by using
the BanWeb student registration portal. (ISTE 6c)

Technology Canvas Learning Management System

Vimeo Video
o Module 3 activities - BanWeb Registration Instructions

Activities Module 3 Activities (Goal 2, Obj 3):

Participants will watch a video tutorial of how to use the BanWeb Student
Registration Portal.

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Participants will be given an opportunity to use their own logins to explore the
portal individually.
Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum,
where they will discuss the answers to the following questions:
Did you find the BanWeb tool intuitive and/or easy to use?
Do you feel like you could walk a student through how to register using
What about the portal do you see as a challenge?

Assessment Instrument 3: BanWeb Student Registration Portal Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Participants will complete a web-based scavenger hunt, in which they must use the
BanWeb Student Registration Portal effectively to answer the virtual scavenger hunt
questions. This assessment will be timed and only one attempt will be allowed. The
assessment will be evaluated by an answer key.

Overrides can be requested by Program Advisors for program classes and by advisors for
general studies classes
Prerequisite override we only request in the event it is an error in Banner and only after
verifying that the student does indeed meet the requirement to take the class.
Seat count override we do not usually request, except in extenuating circumstances and even then
only usually with General Studies classes.

Module IV
Objectives The goals of this module are:
1. To equip newly hired Academic Advisors with general knowledge of
student services and resources that assists them in directing students
based on their need.
2. To provide expert knowledge of college specific academic policies and
procedures to guide student to a successful completion of their
The objective for this module is:
4. To organize a resource for referencing academic policies and
procedures. (ISTE 6d)

Technology Canvas Learning Management System

YouTube Videos
o Module 4 activities- PowerPoint of various policies and procedures related
to advisement
Google Sites (free google account required)

Activities Module 4 Activities (Goals 1 & 2, Obj 4):

Participants will watch a PowerPoint slide presentation of various policies and
procedures related to advisement.

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Participants will review the campus website for detailed information on
various policies and procedures related to advisement (links to specific website
will be provided).
Participants will be given a tutorial of how to create a Google Sites webpage
and sample knowledge bases.
Participants will be given a group project instructions and tips for conducting
successful online group projects.
Participants will be invited to participate in an optional discussion forum,
where they will be asked to discuss their impressions the other groups
knowledge base websites.

Assessment Instrument 4: Create online knowledge base with Google Sites Participants will work
in groups of 2-3 to create a webpage, using the free webpage builder, Google Sites.
The webpage should be a knowledge base for advisors of student services and campus
resources as well as advising policies and procedures. The web page will be assessed
using a rubric provided to participants ahead of the assessment. See Appendix C for
rubric by which participant work will be evaluated.
Academic Policies
Transient status letter giving a student permission to take a course at an alternate school.
o Outgoing student must be in good standing, met course prerequisites, and the course
must be part of their program. They must get transient form from Registrars office and
get it signed by their program advisor.
o Incoming Student must turn in transient letter to admissions department. They will
process and give to registrar to process overrides into the class. Overrides have to be
completed first before the student can register.
Attendance students cannot miss more than 10% of class time, and online students must log in
at least twice a week on Angel.
Expired Courses
o COMP 1000 - 5 years
o ALHS 5 years
o Technical/Program courses 10 years
o General Studies no expiration
Two and done rule in Healthcare programs student may only attempt a prerequisite class
twice. After that they are ineligible to continue in the program.
Exemption Exams/CLEP
Typing test administered in Advising, prerequisite for BUSN 1440
Title IX

Wrap-Up Module
Final reflections video conference using

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Advising Center. (2014). UWG guide to registration. [Vimeo Video]. Retrieved from

Freeman, E. (2015). Advising1101 core curriculum. [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from

Freeman, E. (2015). Advising1102 academic policies. [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from

Wiggins, G., & McTighe , J. (1998). What is backward design? In Understanding by Design. Retrieved

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Appendix A: Evaluation Instruments
Assessment #2 Checklist:
All require sections are completely filled out
o Student name
o Student ID Number
o Student Major Program
o Term
o Course recommendations
Appropriate course recommendations were detailed based on the sample student transcript
Appropriate Alternative course recommendations were offered based on the sample student transcript

Assessment #4 Rubric:

Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Fair Attempted Unacceptable

The work that was

The work that was assigned The work that was
The work that was assigned
is complete, with obvious assigned is complete at
Successful assigned is complete is partially complete The work that was
additional effort made. All the level required and all
Completion with only some aspects and an attempt was assigned is
aspects of the question(s) aspects of the
of the question(s) made to answer some incomplete.
were answered in a full and question(s) were
being answered. aspects of the
expanded way. answered adequately.
question(s) asked.
The student clearly took the
assignment seriously, The student took the The student took the The student took the
showing engagement with assignment seriously and assignment seriously assignment seriously
The student did not
Thoughtful the assignment and applied adequate critical but applied minimal but did not apply
take the assignment
Consideration thoroughly applied critical thinking and logical critical thinking and critical thinking and
thinking and logical reasoning to the logical reasoning to the logical reasoning to
reasoning to the assignment. assignment. the assignment.
Work was proofread, Work was proofread, with Work Work was handed in
Work was not handed
Professionalism without mistake and few mistakes and handed was proofread, but on time but not
in on time
handed in on time. in on time. not handed in on time. proofread.

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