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Electromagnetic Radiation Quantitative Relationships

Light is known to have the wave-like properties of frequency () and

wavelength (). In Electromagnetic radiation (light) these 2 properties are related
by the equation:

where c = the speed of light, 3.0 x 108 m/s, = wavelength (m) and
= frequency (s-1 or Hz).

Planck recognized that energy is quantized and related the energy of radiation
(emitted or absorbed) to its frequency.
E= h

where h = Planck's constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J s.

Solve the following problems.

1. What is the frequency in hertz of blue light having a wavelength of 425 nm?

2. A certain substance strongly absorbs infrared light having a wavelength of 6.50m.

What is the frequency in hertz of this light?

3. Ozone protects the earths inhabitants from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light arriving
from the sun. This shielding is a maximum for UV light having a wavelength of 295 nm.
What is the frequency of this light?

4. Radar signals are electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region of the spectrum.
Typical radar has a wavelength of 3.19 cm. What is the energy associated with a photon
of this wavelength?

5. AM radio signals are calibrated in frequencies. A Triangle AM radio station broadcasts at

1610 kHz. What is the wavelength of this signal in meters?

6. Sodium vapor lamps are often used in residential street lighting. They give off a yellow
light having a frequency of 5.09 x 1014Hz. How many photons of this radiation are
required to produce 8.4 x 1016 J?

7. A classical radio station broadcasts at 93.5 MHz. Find the

wavelength of this radiation, in meters, and the energy of one of these
photons, in J. What type of radiation is this?

8. What is the energy of a photon with:

a) a wavelength of 827 nm? What type of radiation is it?

b) a wavelength of 1 nm? What type of radiation is it?

9. Microwaves are used to heat food in microwave ovens. The microwave radiation is
absorbed by moisture in the food. This heats the water, and as the water becomes hot,
so does the food. How many photons having a wavelength of 3.00 mm would have to be
absorbed by 1.55 g of water to raise its temperature by 1.00 C?
(It takes 4.184 J of energy to raise the temperature of 1.0 g of H20 1oC)

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