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1) Choose the correct option.

1. The Day After Tomorrow is a ................................................ film.

a) science-fiction b) romantic c) horror

2. It shows catastrophic effects of .......................................

a) Pollution b) global warming c) animal hunt

3. Global warming destabilises the climate causing a massive.....................system.

a) Super storm b) tornadoes c) tsunamis

4. In some weeks it results in an for the northern

a) Snow b) rain c) ice age

2) Put these events in the correct order.

Jack tells the President to evacuate the southern half of the country to Mexico.
Large hailstones fall on Tokyo, causing damage and fatalities.
In the North Atlantic, three buoys show changes in water temperature. 3
The President agrees to forgive all Latin American debt.
In Los Angeles, numerous tornadoes devastate the city.
The storm over North America raises the water level in the Atlantic Ocean, which
then floods Manhattan.
Jack arrives at New York and finds that his son and the rest of their group have
Jack is in the Antartida, with two colleagues, Frank & Jason.
Mexico closes the border.
Jack gives a conference about global warming in New Delhi.
A new ice age starts.

3) Questions

1. Is Jack Hall a scientist, a professor or a climatologist ?

2. Where is Jack when the film starts?
3. Who is Sam? ( Jacks friend or Jacks son)
4. What happens to Laura when she is going to the library? Does she cut her arm
or her leg?
5. What does Jack tell his son when he phones him? (to stay in the library and burn
anything to stay warm or to go out and ask for help)
6. Who is Lucy? ( Jacks wife or Laura s mother)
7. What does she do? Whats her job?

4) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Jack and the library group - Jack's wife, Lucy - Sam and
Brian -
a tornado - Sam - the global climate - Sam, Laura, Brian,
a) ................................. go to the Russian ship to get Penicillin for Laura's leg.
b) .......................... convinces the group to burn books in order to survive.
c) ........................... stays in the hospital to care for a boy with cancer that she
is treating until an ambulance arrives.
d) ................................... are rescued by a helicopter.
e) The only people left in the library are ........................................the librarian,
a man named Jeremy, a woman named Elsa, and homeless man Luther with
his dog Buddha.

f) ...................................... changes in 6-8 weeks.

g) ...................................... devastates the Hollywood sign.

5) Answer about yourself.

a) Did you enjoy the film? Yes or no? Why?

b) What do you think about it?
c) Write 3 things that we can do to avoid global warming.

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