The Effects and Toxicity of Cathinones From The Users' Perspectives - A Qualitative Study

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Received: 1 December 2016 Revised: 29 April 2017 Accepted: 2 May 2017

DOI: 10.1002/hup.2610


The effects and toxicity of cathinones from the users'

perspectives: A qualitative study
Sulaf Assi | Nargilya Gulyamova | Paul Kneller | David Osselton

Department of Archaeology, Anthropology

and Forensic Science, Bournemouth Abstract
University, Poole, UK
Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the users' perspectives regarding the
Correspondence effects and toxicity of cathinones.
Dr. Sulaf Assi, Department of Archaeology,
Anthropology and Forensic Science, Methods: A systematic search of Internet discussion forums yielded 303 threads relevant to
Bournemouth University, Christchurch House, the research objectives. The threads were analysed by conventional content analysis where con-
Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB, UK.
cepts were developed from codes and themes.

Results: The study identified 3 main themes in relation to cathinone use, effects, and toxicity.
The first theme considered the modalities of intake of cathinones in relation to the derivative
taken (mainly mephedrone, 3methylmethcathinone, and methylenedioxypyrovalerone), route
of administration (eyeballing, insufflation, smoking, intravenous, oral, rectal, and sublingual),
multidrug use, and purity of the cathinone derivative. The second theme characterised the main
effects of cathinones, that is, increased energy, euphoria, and empathogenic. Toxic effects were
reported regarding the nervous system (anxiety, hallucinations, nervousness, and paranoia),
cardiovascular system (angina, myocardial infarction, and tachycardia), skin (discolouration,
itching, and allergy), and renal system (difficulty in urination). Drugdrug interactions were also
reported including multiple drug use between cathinones, stimulants, depressants, and

Conclusions: The Internet discussion forums provide useful sources of information regarding
the effects and toxicity of cathinones, which can be taken into account when assessing the safety
of drugs.


cathinones, content analysis, effects, novel psychoactive substances, toxicity, users' perspectives

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N two thirds of the drug market (Cottencin, Rolland, & Karila, 2013).
In 2013, 10,657 seizures of synthetic cathinones were reported
Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) have emerged over the last (EMCDDA, 2016). Among synthetic cathinones, mephedrone was
decade as legal alternatives to classical drugs of abuse (Gibbons, the most widely used derivative (Dargan, Sedefov, Gallegos, &
2012). Until 2015, the European Monitoring Centre for Drug and Drug Wood, 2011; Stevenson & Richardson, 2014). There is however
Addiction (EMCDDA) identified more than 560 NPS derivatives limited information regarding the effects and toxicity of synthetic
(EMCDDA, 2016). The Internet played a role in the spread of NPS cathinones in the scientific literature. Most of the available
through marketing, sales, and distribution (ACMD, 2011; Corazza, Assi, information is limited to emergency department and/or users'
Malekianragheba, et al., 2014); therefore, monitoring the Internet is reports (Dargan, Albert, & Wood, 2010). Epsychonauts are users
crucial in order to identify trends in the use among the NPS and their who meet over Internet forums and discuss their experience with
effects (Deluca, Davey, Corazza, et al., 2012). psychoactive drugs including NPS (Davey, Schifano, Corazza, &
Synthetic cathinones are one of top reported groups of NPS in Deluca, 2012; Hohmann, Mikus, & Czeck, 2014). The aim of this
Europe (James et al., 2011; Tsujikawa et al., 2015; UNODC, 2014). work is to determine the users' perspectives regarding the effects
Along with synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones represent and toxicity of cathinones.

Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp. 2017;32:e2610. Copyright 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 of 7
2 of 7 ASSI ET AL.

2 | METHODS Bombing (or parachuting) encompasses wrapping the NPS (powder) in

cigarette paper and swallowing it. Rectal (or plugging) administration
encompasses injecting solution of the NPS via a needleless syringe.
2.1 | Study design
Sublingual intake involves placing the NPS powder under the tongue
A qualitative study of Internet discussion forums was undertaken to for less than 5 min or until the taste becomes unbearable.
explore the knowledge regarding the effects and toxicity associated
with the use of cathinones.
2.4 | Analysis
Qualitative data relating to the use of cathinones were analysed. The
2.2 | Data collection
data included anything the participant reported in threads. The threads
Data were obtained from the Internet by searching for published were subjected to conventional content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon,
threads regarding the experiences of synthetic cathinones between 2005). Data in threads were initially coded independently by two
January and March 2015. Different combinations of keywords were investigators (SA and NG) in order to minimise bias. The threads were
used mainly in Google and included cathinone(s), report, experi- read carefully linebyline in order to identify codes and themes that
ence, use, misuse, effects, adverse reactions, and toxicity. reflected concepts. After the threads were coded, both investigators
The first 20 hits of each search were inspected carefully. After exami- met in order to discuss any discrepancies among codes, cluster codes
nation, the search yielded seven sites related to the use of cathinones into themes, and discuss potential relationships among themes that
(Table 1). These sites were further examined to explore the experi- constituted categories. Three broad themes were achieved relating to
ences described by cathinone users. Inclusion criteria were threads the uses, pharmacological effects, and toxicity described by users.
that communicated a subjective experience of users regarding the The interrater reliability of the themes was evaluated by providing
use of cathinones. Exclusion criteria were threads that discussed syn- the threads to a third researcher (DO). Threads and codes were pro-
thesis or prices of cathinones. Subsequently, 371 discussion threads vided to the research without the themes. The interrater reliability
were recovered from the seven websites. The threads were then for the final themes was 93%, which indicated the validity of the cod-
assessed in further details where 303 threads (of 2,854 posts) were ing methodology.
found relevant to the objectives of the study (Table 1). When the
thread was considered as relevant, all information relating to user
2.5 | Ethical considerations
names and complete URLs were deleted in order to protect the iden-
tity of authors. The study has been performed in accordance with the ethical stan-
dards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later
amendments or comparable ethical standards. Ethical approval was
2.3 | List of definitions
sought from BU Internal ethics committee. The study involved
An adverse drug reaction is defined as any noxious, undesired and collecting information that was already available in the public domain.
unintended drug effect that occurs at doses used in human for therapy, However, anonymity was applied to participant data. All participants'
diagnosis or prophylaxis (WHO, 1972). A drugdrug interaction is data that could indicate identities/nicknames were removed from the
defined as an action of a drug on the effectiveness or toxicity of threads, and each thread was given a number. No posts or contribution
another drug (Vervloet & Durham, 1998). Eyeballing is defined as to the discussion forum were made, and no data were shared outside
the direct pouring of the NPS solution on the ocular surface epithelium the remits of the study.
(BurilloPutze, Hernndez, Climent, & Pinillos, 2012). Smoking is done
by using either a joint or a pipe and could involve the intake of a single
drug or a mixture. Intravenous intake involves the direct injection of
the NPS solution into the vein. Nasal insufflation comprises the
The analysis of the discussions relating to cathinones from Internet
snorting of the NPS powder. Oral intake involves the swallowing of
sources yielded 303 threads with 2,854 posts. These were
the tablet and/or liquid (mixture of drug in alcohol or juice) or bombing.
combined into three main themes: (a) uses, (b) pharmacological
effects, and (c) toxicity.
TABLE 1 Sites that were considered in this study

Website Threads found Threads excluded 3.1 | Uses 106 17 Three main subthemes emerged under uses: the route of administra- 10 6 tion, multidrug use, and purity. 47 7 142 6 3.1.1 | Route of administration 19 5
This subtheme uncovered information relating to the modality of intake 15 8
of cathinones in relation to the (a) derivative taken, (b) route of intake, 21 8
(c) matrix, (d) frequency, and (e) purity. Twentyseven cathinones were
Total 360 57
reported in the discussion threads and included alkyl (n = 12), halogen
ASSI ET AL. 3 of 7

(n = 4), methlenedioxy (n = 6), and pyrrolidinyl (n = 5) substituted 6 months. Users felt direct swallowing was slow, ineffective, but safe.
derivatives (Table 2). The main derivatives among these cathinones They stated that by direct swallowing, they had nothing noticed,
were methylone, mephedrone, 3methylmethcathinone (3MMC), and zero effects, is usually fine, much more mellow, less speedy,
methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and were reported by 286, and never had a problem.
240, 199, and 173 users, respectively. Smoking route was less popular among users (n = 20) due to the
Where reported, the intake of the aforementioned cathinones unwanted effects reported such as most insane panic/delirium
was deployed via single route of administration or combination of attack, harsh, burns the throat, does not appear to get any
two routes of administration at a time. The majority of the users heavier, lungs felt weird, disgusting smell, high anxiety, and with
(n = 220) reported the use of a single route of administration. Sin- little effect. Only three users reported getting the desired effects
gle routes reported were eyeballing (n = 2), smoking (n = 21), intra- using the smoking routes and described the effects as melts right on
venous (n = 19), nasal insufflation (n = 90), oral by juicing or direct vaping, stimulation, and rushing. The dose of cathinones used for
swallowing (n = 58), oral by bombing (n = 12), rectal (n = 13), and this route was only reported by five users who smoked 10, 25, 60,
sublingual (n = 4). Nasal insufflation was the most popular route 400, and 500 mg.
among the users (n = 90). The doses of cathinones insufflated var- Though only 19 users reported the IV route, it was the preferred
ied massively between 2 mg and 1.5 g. Users had mixed feelings route of administration. Users enjoyed the IV route as it was pretty
about nasal insufflation. Users in favour of nasal insufflation intense, pretty godly, gave a noticeable rush, and induced imme-
described it as quick, intense, works well, produced more love diate visual and auditory hallucinations. Only three users reported
or empathy, very productive, active, and focused. Users who did the doses of cathinones taken by IV route, which were 80210 mg,
not like nasal insufflation stated it was highly addictive, 150 mg, and 34 g.
completely changes the drug effects to coke line, dirty high, The rectal route was also popular among users (n = 13) and
produces nose aches, burns like hell, stung like hell, waste described as quiet pleasant, amazing, of quick onset and long dura-
of drug, and the longest lasting route. One user reported tion but dose dependent. The ideal dose was specified by one of the
regarding nasal insufflation: users as 5075 mg. Other reported doses were 140 mg, 150 mg,
500600 mg, and 10 g.
Mostly nasal routedespite the nasty sting, there's
something about sticking drugs up the nose that makes
3.1.2 | Multidrug use
it more moreish and compulsive, fun even (Im sure we
Cathinones were often taken in combination with other drugs (n = 60)
all know that)(Thread, 114)
that included both classical drugs of abuse and NPS. The multidrug
The second major route by users was direct swallowing of the abuse was either a binary or ternary mixtures. Classical drugs reported
cathinone derivative (n = 58). This was carried out either by swallowing were stimulants (amphetamine derivatives, cannabis, cocaine, coffee,
the drug itself or by mixing it with a juice/energy drink. Dosage taken lidocaine, and tobacco); depressants (alcohol, herbal sleep aids, and
of cathinone varied between 10 mg and 2.5 g over different time inter- benzodiazepines); hallucinogens (lysergic acid diethylamide, magic
vals and frequencies. Intervals ranged between 2 hr (assumed as dura- mushrooms, and ketamine); vitamins and supplements; and stimulant/
tion of action of cathinones) and up to 4 hr. The frequency also had depressant mixtures (mephedronecannabisalcohol, mephedrone
wide differences between users from once a week once every cocaineketamine, and mephedronecannabiscaffeine). NPS used in

TABLE 2 Cathinone derivatives reported by the users in discussion forums


Alkyl (n = 254) Halogen (n = 153) Methylenedioxy (n = 300) Pyrrolidinyl (n = 115)

2MMC 3FMC 3,4MDPV alphaPBP
3MMC 4BMC 5ME alphaPHP
3,4DMMC 4FaphaPVP butylone alphaPVP
4MBP 4FMC ethylone NRG1
4EMC methylone alphaPHPP
4MEC pentylone

Note. 2MMC = 2methylmethcathinone; 3MMC = 3methylmethcathinone; 3,4DMMC = 3,4dimethylmethcathinone; 4EMC = 4ethylmethcathinone;

4MEC = 4methylethcathinone; 3FMC = 3fluoromethcathinone; 4BMC = 4bromomethcathinone; 4FalphaPVP = 4fluoro2(1pyrrolidinyl)
valerophenone; 4FMC = 4fluoromethcathinone; 3,4MDPV = 3,4methylenedioxypyrovalerone; 5ME = 5methylethylone; alphaPBP = alpha
pyrrolidinobutiophenone; alphaPHP = alphapyrrolidinohexiophenone; alphaPVP = alphapyrrolidinopentiophenone; NRG1 = naphyrone; alphaPHpP = 1
4 of 7 ASSI ET AL.

mixtures were mainly 3FA, 3FMC, ethylphenidate, mephedrone, The antidepressant effects were immediate and Ive
methylone, MDPV, and methoxetamine. woken up feeling like completely changed person. Ive
been on SSRIs and other meds for years I feel like the

3.1.3 | Purity of cathinones real me is finally back.

The purity of cathinone products was reported from 40 threads and Stimulation and increased energy were also reported for (n = 50)
varied between derivatives. For all derivatives, indicators of purity where users felt alert and were able to stay awake and productive
were the effects of the NPS (gross, nausea, and potent); smell for longer hours (up to 34 hr). They were very attentive, smart, crea-
(chemical odour, flowery aroma, pungent, root beer/liquorice odour, tive, highly motivated, organised, and able to complete their work on
semen smell, sharp sour, speedy smell, and sweet smell); taste time. One user reported regarding MDPV:
(bitter, chalky, disgusting, slightly bitter, synthetic bitter, and
While less giddy and chatty, I was still working like a
unpleasant); colour (beige, browny grey, pure bright white powder,
freaking machine.
snowwhite, urinesmell, white, and yellow); and physical properties
(big snowflakes, clumpy, crumbly, crystal rock batches, finepowder, The aforementioned characteristics increased sociability among
pastelike, sticky, and wet clay). One user compared 3MMC to users who felt talkative, with a sense of selfsatisfaction, low anx-
impure cocaine: iety, and having intense conversations. Nonetheless, the stimula-
tion/alertness was high where five users reported an overactive
Methcathinone is a stimulant all right, but it feels like bad
mind with 2001,000 thoughts per second. Users (n = 37) also expe-
coke cut hard with speed.
rienced increased sexual activity associated with the use of cathinones.
Another user adopted colour as indicator and described alphaPVP They described mephedrone and MDPV as stronger aphrodisiac than
as impure despite its white colour: 3MMC and methylone.

was the white one but it definitely contains some

3.3 | Toxicity
3.3.1 | Adverse drug reactions
3.2 | Pharmacological effects
Symptoms of adverse drug reactions and drugdrug interactions
Users sought effects that increased mood or mental performance were encountered among users. Adverse drug reactions were reported
when using cathinones. The main psychological effect (n = 53) for nervous, cardiovascular, renal, skin, and respiratory systems. The
reported by users was euphoria. Users took euphoria as a basis for nervous system had the highest reports among users (n = 270) where
choosing the cathinone derivative and reported effects relating to cathinones were described as highly addictive with desire to redose,
euphoria as blissfulness, body warmth, emotional, confidence, having irritable on coming down, dehydrating, and causing selfharm. Specific
happy thoughts, and mood lifting. The three derivatives 4MEC, MDPV, adverse effects associated with the use of cathinones were anxiety,
and mephedrone were encountered as strong euphoric agents. 3MMC, nervousness, irritability, restlessness, headache, insomnia, paranoia,
alphaPHP, alphaPVP, ethcathinone, and methylone were experi- feeling of regret, disturbed sleep, bruxism, extreme mydriasis, cognitive
enced as mild euphoric agents. 3MMC was described as the mildest impairment, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, auditory hallucina-
of the cathinone derivatives: tions, disorientation, difficulty of speech, numbness of face and
extremeties, sweating, and involuntary body movement. Cardiovascu-
3MMC is borderline intense roll but still mellow just like
lar adverse effects were the second most reported (n = 246) and
MDMA let's put it this way if I was given 3mmc and
included angina, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, damaged veins, heart
told it was MDMA, I would of believed it completely. You
attack, heartache, hypertension, myocardial infarction, palpitations,
can't tell the difference, or at least I can't.
tachycardia, and vasoconstriction. Often cardiovascular effects were
Effects of 3MMC were below expectations: seen dependent on the derivative, dose, and duration of intake (acute
vs. chronic). Cardiovascular adverse effects were less pronounced with
Pretty good rush, but real euphoria never seems to come.
3MMC than other cathinone derivatives:
Users were also interested in the empathogenic effects (n = 78)
Good thing is that side effects seem to be very acceptable,
associated with cathinones, being active listening, affectionate,
almost no increase in heartbeat whatsoever and no
appreciation for music, emotional intimacy, feeling drunk, feeling
happy and grateful, and loving everyone:
Respiratory problems were reported by 13 users who experienced
Methylone found it my hold grail! I felt at peace with
shortness of breath upon intake of 3MMC, alphaPVP, MDPV,
the world and loved everything all the way down to very
mephedrone, and methylone. A chesty cough was reported by one of
small object!
the users who took mephedrone. Several skin adverse effects were
Hence, 16 users took cathinones as an alternative to antidepres- seen (n = 21) including discolouration of skin, dryness/itchiness,
sants and reported them as more effective than antidepressants. One allergy, and rash. Discolouration of the knees and joints were reported
user reported the following: by eight users who experienced yellow or brown patches. Nine users
ASSI ET AL. 5 of 7

TABLE 3 Drugdrug interactions reported by the users

NPS derivative Drug Effect

Stimulants mixtures
2MMC 2MA Myocarditis
AlphaPHP Synthetic cannabinoid Intense panic/delirium
MDPV Tobacco Painful urination
MDPV Cocaine Tachycardia
Mephedrone MDMA Weird lightheaded mini waves of energy/rush, overpowering
3MMC Coffee Irregular heart beat
Mephedrone Coffee Increased mood
Mephedrone Coffee Chest and arm pain
Mepherone Cannabis Memory blacked out
Methylone 2CB 2CB lengthens methylone effect
Methylone 2 CE Erotic thoughts
Methylone 2CI
Methylone MDMA Overpowering
Hallucinogen mixtures
MDPV LSD Auditory hallucinations
MDPV Magic mushrooms Wandering, feeling lost
Depressant mixtures
3MMC Alcohol Increased sociability
3MMC Alcohol Increased sociability
MDPV Alcohol Easier come down
MDPV Phenazepam Induce sleep
MDPV Etizolam Beats insomnia
Mephedrone Alcohol Improving experience but counteract is slow
Mephedrone Alcohol Induce sleep
Mephedrone Alprazolam Sleep aid
Mephedrone GBL Discolouration of the knees
Mephedrone Milk thistle Induce sleep
Methylone Alcohol Induce sleep
Methylone Aniracetam, piracetam Strong palpitations
Novel psychoactive substances mixtures
3MMC 3FA Feeling down and depressed
3MMC Methylone Smooth and silk
AlphaPHP Ethylphenidate Enhanced sexual activity
MDPV MXE Auditory hallucinations
Mephedrone Methylone Stronger stimulant effect, panic attack
Methylone MDAI Nausea and chalky taste in the mouth
Methylone MDPV Very strong effects
Methylone 2 CE Increased erotic thoughts
Vitamins/supplements mixtures
Methylone Magnesium Magnesium combats tooth grinding
Methylone Calcium Better experience
Mephedrone Multivitamins Blushing, minor circulatory changes
3MMC Melatonin Induce sleep
MDPV Diphenhydramine Facilitate come down

Note. 2MMC = 2methylmethcathinone; 2CB = 4bromo2,5dimethoxyphenethylamine; 2 CE = 4ethyl2,5dimethoxyphenethylamine; 2CI = 4iodo2,5

dimethoxyphenethylamine; 2MA = 2methylamphetamine; 3FA = 3fluoroamphetamine; 3MMC = 3methylmethcathinone; alphaPVP = alpha
pyrrolidinopentiophenone; GBl = gammabutyrolactone; LSD = lysergic acid diethylamide; MDAI = methylenedioxy2aminoindan;
MDMA = methylenedioxymethamphetamine; MDPV = methylenedioxypyrovalerone; MXE = methoxetamine.
6 of 7 ASSI ET AL.

described bladder pain and difficulty in urination following the intake cathinone derivative. They described cathinone derivatives as a social
of 3MMC, methylone, and mephedrone. lubricants, which is a similar characteristic of some classical drugs (e.g.,
MDMA; Phillips, Epstein, & Preston, 2014). The socialising effect justi-
3.3.2 | Drugdrug interactions fied the users' intentions behind taking cathinones despite their short
duration of action and potential negative effects. Additional reported
Drugdrug interactions of cathinones were encountered with combi-
positive effects were desire for alertness, improved concentration,
nations of stimulants, depressants, stimulants/depressant mixtures,
and cognitive enhancement (Coppola & Mondola, 2012; Karila & Rey-
vitamins/nutrition supplements, and hallucinogens. Stimulant mixtures
naud, 2011). Nonetheless, many adverse effects associated with the
induced euphoria and increased energy as desired effects and caused
use of cathinones were reported including psychiatric, cardiovascular,
nervous system and cardiovascular toxicities (Table 3). Depressants
and neurological complications (Karila et al., 2015; MasMorey, Visser,
(e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepines, and herbal sleep aids) were used in
Winkelmolen, & Touw, 2013; Prosser & Nelson, 2012). Cardiovascular
order to counteract the effect of cathinones in relation to inducing
adverse effects included hypertension, hyperthermia, and tachycardia.
sleep and making the come down easier. Vitamins and nutrition sup-
Neurological and psychotic problems reported were cognitive degra-
plements were used to combat various side effects such as tooth
dation, increased anxiety, hallucinations, insomnia, paranoia, depres-
grinding. Fewer adverse effects were reported upon the mixing of
sion, psychosis, and memory problems. Psychotic problems
cathinones with hallucinogen and were limited to psychological
associated with the use of cathinones could be more severe than psy-
chosis encountered with amphetamine (Borek & Holstege, 2012;
Loeffler, Penn, & Ledden, 2012). Other effects included appetite sup-
4 | DISCUSSION pression, breathing difficulties, muscle tension, and hyperthermia (Phil-
lips et al., 2014).
The study explored discussion threads regarding cathinones' use from The findings of the study uncovered new information in relation to
Internet forums. Three main themes emerged from the discussion the use and safety of cathinones, which has not been described in the
threads in relation to cathinones: (a) use, (b) pharmacological effects, scientific literature. Internet discussion forums supported the scientific
and (c) toxicity. literature in providing useful information regarding the dangers associ-
Users on discussion threads supported each other in sharing expe- ated with the use of NPS (Deluca et al., 2012). This information should
riences and knowledge regarding cathinone use. Many users appeared be taken into account when monitoring NPS and assessing their safety.
to be knowledgeable regarding NPS and cathinones in relation to dose, Several limitations were encountered in this study. The study
duration of action, effects, and toxicity. The information extracted could not explore the motivation of the users for cathinones' over
from the forums contributes to the greater body of knowledge sur- other NPS derivatives. This can be an important aspect in relation to
rounding NPS (Corazza et al., 2014). Users related doses, frequency drug prevention. Because of the nature of the discussion forums, it
of intake, and route of intake to the effectiveness of the drug. Newer was not possible to access the sociodemographic data of the users.
routes for intake of drugs emerged, which were not repeated in previ- The information accessed from discussion forums was limited for the
ous studies including sublingual and eyeballing. Sublingual and data available. Missing information in relation to dosage and frequency
eyeballing routes were described as giving faster effects (Karila, in some threads could influence the results. There was no method for
Megarbane, Cottencin, & Lejoyeux, 2015) but with more adverse verifying the subjective experience of the users regarding effects and
effects. An interesting finding in this study was usercomments regard- toxicities. Nonetheless, this information could serve as preliminary
ing the purity of the drugs and its implications on the effects. Previous data for further research where no other sources are available. The
studies have reported low and variable purity of NPS products (Assi, varying effects and toxicities reported among users in this study urges
Fergus, Stair, Corazza, & Schifano, 2011; Assi, Wallis, & Osselton, the need for further research into NPS. With limited resources in the
2016; Brandt, Sumnall, Measham, & Cole, 2010). Users interpreted literature, assessment of data obtained from emergency department
physical changes of the powder (colour change and water absorption) admissions (alongside discussion forums) can be beneficial.
as an indication of ineffectiveness. This change could be attributed to In conclusion, this study uncovered much information regarding
degradation of the drug. the uses, effects, and toxicity of cathinones, which were lacking in
Not only the general effects were reported to cathinone deriva- the scientific literature. Users shared their experiences associated with
tives but also the strength of the effects associated with specific single and multidrug use. Information provided via Internet discussion
cathinone derivatives (such as mild, moderate, or severe euphoria). forums could be used as an early warning system for NPS.
Effects of drugs were discussed in relation to single and multidrug
intake. The main positive effects reported by users were increased CONFLIC T OF IN TE RE ST
energy, confidence, euphoria, increased empathy, intimacy, and desire
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
to socialise. These findings were found to be consistent with results
from key quantitative studies in the literature that reported improved
mood and increased socialising ability associated with the use of RE FE RE NC ES
cathinone derivatives (Karila & Reynaud, 2011; Schifano et al., 2011;
Advisory Committee for Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). (2011). Consideration of
Spiller, Ryan, Weston, & Jansen, 2011; Winstock et al., 2011). Users the novel psychoactive substances (legal highs) [online]. London: Advi-
reported that it was easier to start a conversation after taking a sory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
ASSI ET AL. 7 of 7

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