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Electrostatic force between three non-colinear point charges

Question: Suppose that three point charges, , , and , are arranged at the
vertices of a right-angled triangle, as shown in the diagram. What is the magnitude

and direction of the electrostatic force acting on the third charge if

, , , m, and m?

Solution: The magnitude of the force exerted by charge on charge is

given by

where use has been made of the Pythagorean theorem. The force is attractive (since

charges and are of opposite sign). Hence, the force is directed from charge

towards charge , as shown in the diagram. The magnitude of the force

exerted by charge on charge is given by

The force is repulsive (since charges and are of the same sign). Hence, the

force is directed from charge towards charge , as shown in the diagram. Now,

the net force acting on charge is the sum of and . Unfortunately, since

and are vectors pointing in different directions, they cannot be added together

algebraically. Fortunately, however, their components along the - and -

axes can be added algebraically. Now, it is clear, from the diagram, that is

directed along the -axis. If follows that

It is also clear, from the diagram, that subtends an angle

with the -axis, and an angle with the -axis. It follows from the
conventional laws of vector projection that

The - and -components of the resultant force acting on charge are given by
Thus, from the Pythagorean theorem, the magnitude of the resultant force is

Furthermore, the resultant force subtends an angle

with the -axis, and an angle with the -axis.

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