New Democracy June-August 2017

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)

Peasant Struggles burst forth in BJP ruled states them. Electronic censorship was imposed. The state Home Minister
immediately denied reports of police firing and only when the anger spread
Peasant Or
Org ganiza tions join
anizations and he faced post mortem reports, he accepted 10 days later that those
killed were shot by the police. Still the govt. did not respond to the peasants
hands to car
carrr y fforw
orwar d str
ard ug
ugggle demands. They simply blamed the Congress for the violence on the basis
of a Congress MLAs video recorded speech made several constituencies
against Indebtedness and for away asking peasants to hit back. It is a different fact that the Congress is

MSP accor ding to Sw

according amina
Swamina than
still trying to gain entry into the area. To try and divert attention and probably
to save his chair, the CM tried the gimmick of an indefinite fast which he
Committee R ecommenda
ecommendations tions had to soon give up after facing ridicule. All leaders trying to enter Mandsaur
were stopped.
When Shivraj Singh Chauhan ordered firing on the peasants of Mandsaur, The anger of the peasants rose further, though lack of local organization
killing 6, all of them young, little did he realize the anger it would arouse prevented immediate further reaction. However, protests began in other
throughout the country. He was still under the mistaken impression that areas and states. This area, the Malwa region of MP, grows mainly several
his Govt. had made a remarkable achievement in recording the highest cash crops despite having a very low water table of up to 1200 feet. After
agricultural growth rate for three continuous years for which he had also a good rainfall following two drought years, their good harvest had left
been rewarded. He was also mistaken about the strong resentment brewing them impoverished as the prices had dropped to even as low as one eighth
amongst the peasantry, like most RSS-BJP govts have been; after they that of previous years and election promises of loan waiver and high MSP/
had made tall promises in elections and the media had showered praises doubling farmers income had not materialized.
on them. In Maharashtra, where the movement for loan waiver and MSP at
1.5 times the cost of production had begun, the RSS outfit reached a The AIKMS delegation, which went a little later on June 21, led by its
compromise with the Govt. But that was rejected outright by the peasants President, Com. V. Venkatramaiah and three other comrades, Comrades
and the RSS outfit had to take a back seat. In MP their organization, Bhartiya JV Chalapatirao, Dattar Singh and Dharampal Singh, was amongst the first
Kisan Sangh withdrew the agitation, got goons to clash with the agitators to reach the affected villages Pipliya Chonpet, Badkerapant, Piplya Mandi,
and then their govt. followed up by sending CRPF to suppress the movement. Richa, Buda, Chilo Pipliya and Tekaravad. They visited the houses of
martyrs, paid homage to them and were given a rousing welcome with
While trying to quell the peasant fire, the Mandsaur administration did several peasants accompanying them from one village to the other. Amongst
not make even a formal attempt to talk to the protestors at the Pipliya other issues the team demanded that the police should stop threatening
mandi, they took no steps to disperse the assembly and prevent disturbance the peasants, FIRs should be lodged on the police for firing and killing and
of peace, no leader was arrested nor was section 144 imposed, no tear the main issues should be solved. The State govt. during this stage was
gas or water cannons were fired, no lathicharge was done, nor did the force distributing Rs 1 crore each to families of the peasants killed, while the
fire in the air or at the feet, they simply fired to kill. Five died (Kanhaiya families were denouncing the compensation. The govt. had also announced
Dhurilal Patidar, 44 yrs, was killed the next day in the police station because, purchase of onions at Rs 8000/quintal, but after waiting for several hours
as the police said, he gave inspiring speeches) on the spot and several at purchase centres, peasants had to dispose off their crop at low prices to
were injured. The five who died in police firing were Abhishek Dinesh Patidar commission agents.
18 yrs, Poonamchand (Babloo) Jagdish Patidar 23 yrs, Chainram Ganpat
Patidar 23 yrs, Satyanarayan Mangilal Dhangar, 30 yrs and Ghanshyam It is during this period that meetings of several peasants bodies were
Salitra 30 yrs. The SSP brought in a JCB machine to crush more than 200 held in Delhi and it was announced that an All India campaign shall be
motorcycles of the peasants apart from filing several false cases against conducted on the two issues of loan waiver to all peasants and MSP as

August,, 2017 1 2 August, 2017

NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
per Swaminathan Commission recommendations made in 2006. The press of various organizations, including Comrades Chandrashekhar and
was notified that more than 130 organizations had come together to form Dharampal from AIKMS. It travelled 4000 kms over 13 days through MP,
the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee, AIKSCC and a Kisan Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, UP, Haryana, holding meetings on the
Mukti Yatra shall be undertaken in phases beginning from Mandsaur on way and reaching Jantar Mantar on 18th. During the Yatra several known
July 6, paying homage at Pipliya by organizing a Shaheed Kisan Smriti peasant leaders of the past, one on each day, were remembered.
Mahapanchayat and culminating at Champaran on Oct 2. The first phase
was to end on July 18 at Delhi. A call was also given for protests on June At Jantar Mantar a two day dharna was held, called the Kisan Sansad.
16 all over the country in which AIKMS also participated. The call was Around 4000 peasants mobilized by all organizations assembled there and
widely implemented. this included around 800 fromAIKMS. Demonstrators were also addressed
by AIKMS General Secretary Com. Ashish Mital, President Com. V.
On July 6 the Yatra began from village Buda, where a leader from MP, Venkataramaiah and CEC members Com. R. Chandrashekhar and Com.
Dr. Sunilam, was arrested on July 5 to disrupt the preparations. Yet more Dharampal Singh. The Sansad invited several MPs cutting across party
than 1500 assembled in the village at night where all the leaders addressed lines and more than 20 came to express their solidarity with the peasants.
them. Next morning the leaders led around 500 peasants with the replica of However, despite it being pointed out, none of them explained why for 11
a plough and ashes filled kalash on their shoulders. They were stopped years the implementation of Swaminathan Commission recommendations
enroute before reaching Pipilya, arrested and taken to another mandi at had not been pressed for by them. These included MPs from CPM,
Dhalod. There legal proceedings began. Meanwhile the mandi traders Congress, JD(U), Shiv Sena, TRS, BJD and others.
arranged for a mike and a massive meeting was held in the presence of the
police and press, addressed by all arrested leaders, including those from Special features of the protest included the Tamil Nadu peasants and
AIKMS. While the police released all arrested persons, the protest continued Maharashtra Children. TN peasants have been protesting at Jantar Mantar
there and then in the form of a sit in demanding Sunilams release. He was from March to press the demand for formation of a Cauvery Management
released. Thereafter the Yatra proceeded with around 150 peasant leaders Board, Rs 40,000 crores for drought relief (last year was the worst drought
TN has suffered), waiver of loans and MSP. They have been holding
different forms of protests including holding rodents in their mouths to draw
attention, but the PM has refused to meet them. Recently one widow, Rani,
drove a plough being pulled by her two sons to highlight her plight. Her
husband was questioned by the Bank Manager who entered their house
while he was eating food and abused him for not repaying the loan, asking
him where he gets the money for his food and his wifes saree? The man
felt so humiliated that he drank pesticide in front of the manager and died
on the spot.
Maharashtras Children of the victims of peasant suicides, living in an
Ashram, came in a big delegation to the Kisan Sansad. They related their
plight, appealed to the govt. to help indebted peasants, questioned the
govts policy of helping corporate and neglecting peasants and appealed to
all peasants not to commit suicide, but to stand up and fight.
At the time of the Kisan Sansad MPs staged a token protest in the
parliament forcing the govt to face a minor embarrassment. It chose to

August,, 2017 3 4 August, 2017

NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
ignore the protest, not making any official announcement at all. However
the Agricultural Minister did say that Modi never promised implementation CC Condemns Arrest of Com.
Madhu and others, Demands
of Swaminathan Commission which is a blatant lie as it is on record in
several public meetings and it is also part of BJPs election manifesto. He

Withdrawal of UAPA cases

also read out a long speech explaining data on what the previous govts.
and his govt. had done so far.
The AIKSCC is to again embark on four phases of the yatra to cover
Central Committee of Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) - New
the entire country and hold at least one protest meeting in each state.
Democracy strongly condemns the arrest of Com. Madhu, Com. K. Prasad
Meanwhile several organized struggling forces are at the state level and
and Com. Y. Shantha Rao on July 25 in Mehboobabad district of Telengana.
attempt is being made to push for rallying peasants at state level to build
CPI (ML)-New Democracy also denounces the UAPA slapped against these
vast movements on this issue. It is understood by many that the only way
comrades. Slapping of UAPA is part of the attack on the tribals and other
to force the Govt. is to build militant peasant agitations in rural areas.
forest dwellers in Telengana.
There are others who hope for massive gatherings in Delhi to make the
govt. respond positively. Attempt is also on to rally other peasants' KCR led TRS Govt. in Telengana has launched a serious criminal attack
organizations which agree with these demands to come on board. against the tribals living in forest areas of Telengana. Land which tribals
have been cultivating for generations are being occupied by the Forest
Meanwhile, sections of the BKS (RSS) which had posed as opposing
department through police and on the direction of TRS Govt. Huts in which
their govts during the initial phase of the movement, have quietly slipped
tribal families are living for decades are being demolished. Tribal women
back and have failed to come out in support. The AIKSCC itself has several
and men are being beaten, arrested and false cases foisted against them.
ruling class peasant organizations which are trying to pull the movement in
A reign of terror is being let loose on the tribal people and other poor
their direction while maintaining the joint effort. There are supporters of the
inhabitants of forest areas in Telengana.
NDA like Swabhiman Shetkari Sangathan of Raju Shetti (constitutent of
NDA) and VM Singh who supported Modi in last elections and there are Tribals are obviously resisting this blatant and cruel attack on their
those who pose to oppose the radical right wing like the Swaraj Abhiyan lands and livelihood. In this they are being supported and led by a number
and revisionist parties, Dr. Sunilam and others who wish to take the of organizations including CPI (ML) - New Democracy. In the areas of
movement in the direction of an anti NDA alliance for 2019. Under pressure erstwhile districts of Warangal and Khammam, now falling under several
of peasant anger and continuing protests, they are all together and shall districts, CPI (ML) - New Democracy has been supporting and leading tribal
remain so, so long as the movement continues to advance. Apart from resistance to save their land and means of livelihood. TRS Govt. is trying
them are forces led by communist revolutionaries and some others. It is to crush the resistance of tribals and other poor forest dwellers. TRS Govt.
the task of the revolutionaries in this front to also bring to the fore not only is targeting leaders and activists of CPI (ML)-New Democracy as part of its
the demands for waiver of private loans of landless peasants, sharecroppers attempts to dispossess the tribals. Arrest of CPI (ML)-ND leader Com.
and tenant peasants and to push for reduction in input costs to keep food Madhu and two other activists under UAPA has exposed the sinister design
prices down along with the main demands, but also to build strong joint of KCR and his Govt. against tribals of forest areas.
movements in the states where they are active in order to influence the
Com. Madhu is Secretary of the Regional Committee and a State
peasantry all over the country.
Committee leader of CPI (ML)-New Democracy. He is a popular and
recognized leader of the people of the Agency areas. He has organized
many struggles of the people and has been one of the main organizers of
the tribal resistance to TRS Govt.s drive to dispossess them of their podu

August,, 2017 5 6 August, 2017

NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
lands and destroy their livelihood. He has led a vigorous mass campaign in
defense of podu lands.
Oppose the Imposition of U AP
At the time of movement for the formation of Telengana province, TRS Sedition Act on CPI(ML)-ND
had made so many promises to the people of Telengana and that movement
had incorporated so many demands of the people, but after coming to
Regional Secr etar
etaryy & Leader of
power KCR led TRS has gone back on its promises and betrayed the spirit
of the movement for Telengana state. KCR Govt. is taking away land from
the Resistance Mo
Resistance Movvement
tribals to ultimately hand it over to foreign and domestic corporate. KCR CPI (M-L) New Democracy's Forest area Regional secretary Comrade
Govt. is patronizing land Mafia and all sorts of anti-social elements attacking Madhu was arrested along with frontal organizations' comrades, namely
the people. Prasad and Shantarao, by the Telangana police at Garla on 25.07.2017 at
CPI (ML)-New Democracy which had played an important role in the 8:30 pm. When the police caught them they tried to escape. The police
movement for separate Telengana, has opposed TRS Govt.s going back started beating Com. Madhu on the spot, but he shouted and gave slogans
on its promises, betrayal of the spirit of that movement and its anti-people to identify himself to the people in the area- I am Madhu. I belong to New
policies. This has angered KCR and his Govt. has targeted CPI (ML)-New Democracy, Condemn illegal arrest. The policemen gagged him, threw
Democracy leaders and cadres. him into their van and took him to the police station. Within five minutes
they separated Madhu from the other two comrades and shifted Madhu to
Foisting of cases against revolutionary activists under UAPA is a sinister Korvee via Dornakal. Common people who saw the entire incident informed
design of the ruling classes. UAPA cases have been foisted against anti- the party leadership. Our Telangana State Committee members came to
displacement activists in Niyamgiri (Odisha), Bhangur (West Bengal) know about Madhu's arrest and immediately met Telangana Home Minister
besides thousands of tribals in Chhatisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand and Naini Narsimha Reddy at 11 PM to demand that Madhu not be harmed but
Maharashtra and others. be produced before the court safely. The Home Minister made enquiries
from the S.P, D.S.P and other Police Officials regarding Madhu's arrest.
UAPA is a draconian law wielded by the ruling classes of country against
Yellandu and Mahaboobabadh DSPs and Yellendu Ex. DSP along with
the struggling people. Enacted in 1967, it has been made even more
Gundala, Yellandu, Mahaboobabad and Torruru Circle Inspectors interrogated
repressive after amendments in 2004, 2008 and 2012. UAPA represents a
Madhu throughout the night. They mentally tortured him with meaningless
cruel attack on the democratic rights of the people, particularly where they
questions. Within a short span of time, news of Madhu's arrest was
dare to struggle against the govts. This law must be repealed totally.
circulated in the social media and electronic media. Spontaneously, cadres
CPI(ML)-New Democracy Central Committee appeals to all revolutionary led agitations for release of their leader Madhu and other two comrades.
and democratic forces to unite in demanding repeal of this law and its use Due to mass agitations Police and Government retracted from carrying out
against peoples struggles. We also demand that all false cases against a fake encounter and produced Comrades Madhu, Prasad and Shanta Rao
leaders and activists of peoples struggles should be withdrawn immediately. before the court.

CPI(ML)-New Democracy Central Committee calls upon all revolutionary, POLICE ATTACK ON PADMA's ROOM AFTER MID NIGHT
progressive and democratic organizations to condemn the arrest of leaders
of tribal movement including Com. Madhu and demand withdrawal of UAPA Padma, the life partner of Madhu, resides at Khammam for their son's
cases against them. education. After the arrest of Com. Madhu, police went to Padma's room
and forcibly opened the doors at 2 AM and searched the room. They took
July 26, 2017 away books and bags.

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
False Cases Foisted on Madhu & Other Comrades before the magistrate.

TRS Government has been repressing mass movements in Telangana. v The same night a Procession was held at Bayyaram to demand
TRS is especially trying to annihilate revolutionary movements. Though that Com. Madhu be produced before the magistrate.
the TRS Party promised in its manifesto to give 3 acres of land to Dalits v The same night a Rally with motor vehicles was held at Yellendu.
and Tribals, but there is no implementation. Apart from that, the government
is occupying the land of the people in the name of HARITA HARAM. v Next day agitation programmes were held at Kottagudem,
Tribals are obviously resisting this blatant and cruel attack on their lands Tekulapally, Gundaala, Polaram, Komararam, Rompedu, Challasamudram,
and livelihood. In this they are being supported and led by CPI (ML) New Kamepally.
Democracy. CPI (ML) New Democracy has been supporting and leading
tribal resistance to save their land and means of livelihood. TRS Govt. is v 500 people participated in Yellendu Agitation programme. Party
trying to crush the resistance of tribals and other poor forest dwellers. TRS held mass rally and demanded that Com. Madhu's arrest be officially
Govt. is targeting leaders and activists of CPI (ML) New Democracy as announced and he be produced in court.They also demanded that
part of its attempts to dispossess the tribals. They have targeted displacing government stop police combing in agency areas.
Adivasis from their lands by demolishing Agency area's militant leadership. v 1000 people participated in the agitation at Mahabubabad and
Recently police got information about the movement of Madhu and other demanded that Government produce Com. Madhu before the court. Speakers
comrades in Mahabubabad district's Bayyaram agency area and carried asked Government to show them their leader Com. Madhu and others, and
out combing immediately. At Midnight Police surrounded and searched a questioned the government about the necessity of sending Com. Madhu to
village namely Jangalapally in Kottaguda mandal for Chandranna group's a secret place. They demanded that government produce Com. Madhu
militants. By observing the events, it clear that the Govt. wants to harm
Madhu and that is why they shifted Madhu to a secret place after his
arrest. News of Madhu's arrest spread like wildfire among the public and
consequently people held processions to demand production of the
comrades before a magistrate. Police retreated from Encounter. Actually
they had caught Madhu without arms in a public place, but to keep him in
jail for a long time, they falsely showed recovery of weapons and bullets
from Madhu and they foisted 20 false cases including UAPA and Sedition
on him. Police initially wanted to produce Madhu, Prasad and Shanta Rao
in Mahabubabad court, later in Media Meeting S.P announced production
of the 3 comrades in Yellendu court. Over 1000 people gathered at Yellendu
court to see their leader Madhu. But police sent Comrade Madhu and other
two to Khammam Court. Our Comrades followed the police vehicle and
protected Madhu and the other two.They were sent to Khammam subjail.

Spontaneous Agitations organized demanding production of

Comrade Madhu before a Magistrate
v Within hours of the arrest, at 10pm, comrades gathered and
conducted a procession at Gaarla to demand that Com. Madhu be produced Protest Meeting at Yellandu

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
unharmed before the court. aare condemned to extremely backward conditions in Telangana. He has
been mobilizing the people, organizing the people and involving the people
v Agitation programmes were held at Mukundapuram, Komararam in Resistance movements against landlords, contractors, corrupt merchants,
with 100 members, Polaram with 300members, Maanikyaaram, Marrigudem, money lenders and other oppressors. Under Madhu's leadership, the Tribals
Kachanapally, Kodavatamcha, Allapalli, karakagudem, Kottagudem with gained and began cultivating thousands of acres of land. He has led a
100members, Narsampeta. vigorous mass campaign in defense of podu lands. He has been putting in
v In Khammam town, Party organized a protest march with 100 constant effort to mobilize, organize and agitate the people against their
members demanding production of Com. Madhu before a court. loot since 35 years. Upto some extent people have fought back their
exploiters under Madhu's leadership.
v Asvaraopeta agitation programme was held for production of
Comrade Madhu before the court. Since the past two years TRS government has been trying to displace
people from their lands in Telangana's Godavari Valley especially in
v Nalgonda District party gave memorandum to Nakirekal MRO to Kottagudem, Mahabubabad, Bhopalapally, Warangal Rural. They attacked
immediately produce comrades Madhu, Prasad and Santarao. Chettupalli, Venkatapuram, Komararam, Naamaalapaadu villages to do
v In Kodad Town agitation program was conducted with 200 members sapling plantation and foisted false cases on Adivasis. Govt. is not even
to produce party state leader and leader of the Agency movement Madhu excusing the land which is under 2006 Forest Act. CPI(M-L) New Democracy
and other two comrades. Speakers demanded Government should produce has been constantly fighting against such type of activities being
3 comrades before the magistrate. implemented by the TRS Government led by KCR. Comrade Madhu guided
people to save their lands and to resist government's fascist activities.
v In Suryapet Town, Party held a procession to produce Comrade This is what has angered the State govt. The Government decided to arrest
Madhu and other two before the court. Speakers said that Madhu has been people's leaders like Madhu to repress tribals' resistance and hand over
working for agency area people since 35 years. He guided people in many the forest land to foreign and domestic corporate.
movements. TRS Government is displaying a grudge against New
Democracy and trying to demolish its leadership in Agency areas. CPI (M-L) New Democracy has announced that we are with the people.
We wont retreat from our aims and goals. We will reject and resist state
v In Aleru Town of Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri district, an agitation repression.
programme was held at the railway gate and the State govt.'s effigy burnt
against the illegal arrest of Comrade Madhu. Speakers demanded release CPI(ML) New Democracy appeals to all revolutionary, progressive and
of Comrade Madhu and other 2 comrades. democratic forces to unite in demanding repeal of UAPA against peoples
struggles. We also demand that all false cases against leaders and activists
v Telangana State Committee printed posters, leaflets and called for of peoples struggles should be withdrawn immediately.
state wide agitation.
v Repeal UAPA & Sedition cases on Com. Madhu.
v Regional Committee also printed different posters and pamphlets
and called for week long agitation from August 5th to 11th. As a part of this v Lift all false cases on Com. Madhu.
call, Conferences and processions were organized at different centres, v Immediate release of Comrades Madhu, Prasad, Shantarao.
including Yellandu, Narsampeta, Gundala, Tekulapally, Manuguru, etc.
Conferences and processions were also organized at district centres
Mahabubabad, Warangal, Bhopalpally, Kottagudem
Comrade Madhu has been working since last 35 years for Tribals who

August,, 2017 11 12 August, 2017

NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)

DIVISIVE AND DREADED and asserted as historical truth and manipulative research is planned and
implemented to make history, ahistory. False and misleading yardsticks

are used to project the intended realization of lost great glory of the past
centuries. This glory is being ascribed not to all the inhabitants of Indian
subcontinent but to Hindus only. Force is thought and taught as an

AMSEVAK inescapable means to clear all the deadweight of non-Hindu faith, traditions,
rites and customs one by one if not by a single big stroke. The force, even
instantaneous force-response, is being sought as corrective, punitive and
preventive response to check and eliminate the non-Hindu, non-conforming
D.S. Khatkar

Since Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) launched the campaign This policy and practice is fascist policy and practice, pure and simple.
to secure and extend its all-around influence and grip, particularly during Like so many third world countries, India possesses a definite socio-
the last 25 years, most abnormal, communal and disturbing issues have economic base, co-existing with perpetual and prolonged feudal, semi-feudal
been raised and violent mob frenzy has been unleashed as had not been and pre-modern value system which provides a breeding grounds for such
seen previously. Mosque-dispute was inflamed in a planned and calculated a fascist phenomenon, whether short term or long term. Indian state-structure
way and the Babri Mosque was ultimately demolished. Common toiling can be conveniently used for the furtherance of this anti-people objective.
people have been pushed into the quagmire of a serious communal divide This state and our static and stagnant society, become quite handy to
leading to more difficulties and complexities for our already suffering society. achieve this objective.
Since Sanghs political arm got a clear majority in Lok Sabha in 2014 and
The present state-structure of India was evolved and then utilized for
the same in UP assembly in 2017, such dangers and divisive incidents
the strategic needs and interests of colonial imperialist British masters.
have increased in numbers and extent. Misinformation or rumours have
Later on it was formalized and institutionalized by Govt. of India Act 1935
been utilized to suspect cooking of certain kind of cattle meat and suspected
which was legitimatized by its conversion into the Constitution of India.
persons were put to death and their houses set on fire. Dead animals have
More than 500 big and small feudal states were incorporated into various
been declared as slaughtered and suspects put to the harshest treatment.
provinces except the disputed states of J & K, Junagarh and Hyderabad.
Similarly cattle traders have been killed, beaten and insulted. A long,
In 1960s Royal privileges were abolished to polish the so-called democratic
impractical, complex and cumbersome order has been approved by Central
character of state and polity due to its tying up with then newly emerging
authorities to safeguard a specific cattle. Personalities known for their
super power, Soviet Union, which had clearly shown its character as social-
impartial, rational and objective research and discourse on history of India
imperialist i.e. socialist in words and imperialist in deeds. Though kings
have not only been disliked, denounced but done to death by yet untraced
and kingdoms were abolished, but the basic premises of feudal and semi-
culprits. Intellectuals differing on most complex issues being faced by even
feudal land-relation were not disturbed much. Agrarian scenario including
previous central governments have been declared anti-national, guilty of
land scenario was not radically changed, despite the deceitful drafting and
treason and implicated in false cases on flimsy grounds.
implementation of so-called land reforms. This still results in land being
In almost all these incidents objective history has been consigned to the mark and means of high prestige, authority, domination and oppression
the dustbin, concocted injury to certain pride has been thrust on the current and land as main and decisive form of property. Big landlords still assert
agenda, facts are being substituted by fictitious formulations, reason and themselves as decisive economic and political force and their family-lines
logic are being denied an undeniable space. History is being distorted in are a deep-rooted source of acceptability and reverence under ordinary
the name of achieving corrective justice, mythology is conveniently glorified and static conditions.

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
Families and their heads possess and exercise status and authority in revolutionary opposition to its masters, constantly and consistently showing
varying degrees according to possession of wealth in various forms. Entire compromising and subservient policy towards them. It lacks a thorough
brotherhood and clan can be won over if the family-chief and clan chief can nationalist and anti-imperialist orientation, but exhibit comprador nature in
be won over. Influence and significance of one person and one family can all walks of life, economic, political and cultural. With respect to feudal and
be effectively popularised and established on rustic minds. Such a semi-feudal forces it has not proved to be an Indian edition of its French
sociological and economic existence can easily project a single leader and counter-part. It has not displayed the anti-feudal, popular, democratic and
leader-family within this patriarchal social, economic and cultural revolutionary sweep, zeal and determination. Under the guardianship and
environment. Such a pre-modern order and strings, even under the garb of guidance of imperialist masters, it has struck a lasting compromise with
much trumpeted democratic system, can become a very useful instrument the feudal and semi-feudal forces, allowing them an ensured and almost
for the projection of a single party and single leader most suited for the undisturbed co-existence. By its character it remains uninterested and
imposition of designated motto of one leader and one party. actually evasive to real democracy, equality and liberty of the common
people. This class has a common interest and choice to keep the vast
These feudal and semi-feudal forces exhibit both centrifugal and masses under a strong baton of a unitarian and centralized authority denying
centripetal tendencies. Centrifugal vis-a-vis each other due to their inherent federal and democratic rights to the lower units of province and actual
nature and character and centripetal closeness vis-a-vis latent opposition equality, liberty and democracy to the vast and lower rungs of our society.
of peasants, workers, handicraftsmen and small and weaker bourgeois A unitarian and centralized state structure also suits this compromising
segment of our society. Due to this potential danger from the lower strata, industrial and business capitalist class in order to enjoy an undivided market
availability of nurturing and providing a protective umbrella by central throughout the country. No actual democratic rights to states and no actual
authorities becomes necessary, their centrifugal thrust remains under check rights to the commoners: quite suitable for any fascist trend. In this context
and they choose protection and security for their survival which had been a trinity comprising comprador industrialist capitalist monopolies, big feudal
granted to them by British authority and now by all the central and provincial and semi-feudal landlords and imperialists exercises its hegemony and
govts. That is why these forces remain friendly, loyal, adaptive and has imposed its dictatorship on the people by its rule. No doubt, role and
accommodative to central authority, but opposed and enimical to vast rule of imperialists remain indirect but operative and decisive. The new
masses of the people. In this context, they remain unpopular and economic policy speaks volumes of its latest version in India and the world
undemocratic in nature and character vis-a-vis people and impose inequality in general. Since 1947, nationalism and patriotism have been projected
and bondage of various degrees on them, thus denying actual and real and propagated in an abstract non-committal and non-categorical way.
equality, freedom and democracy to the people coupled with continuation Nationalism in the era of imperialism, cannot be anything other than a bold
and operation of caste-system. Equality, liberty and democracy remain and categorical opposition to and struggle against imperialist penetration,
formal in nature in this context and this force remains entrenched as an exploitation, intervention and control. Any variety of nationalism and
exploiting and ruling class. patriotism without concrete opposition to imperialism become a crippled
and misleading endeavour being degenerated into communally motivated
Historically speaking a modern industrial class correctly characterized
enemity or chauvinistic hostility towards neighbouring countries. This
as modern capitalist class or modern bourgeois class, could challenge and
pseudo-nationalism has been practiced by all the ruling class parties
change such a static, undemocratic, pre-modern and anti-people setup.
since1960s resulting in perpetual enemity with Pak and China in particular.
But India has proved to not be France. Our captains of industry, supposed
to be a modern and revolutionary class, owe not only their existence but Congress utilized this pseudo-nationalism precept against Pakistan
birth and upbringing to colonial imperialists in the main. It is the British resulting in two or three wars with it and one with China. The same was
imperialist masters which have nurtured, protected and provided impulse utilized by Indian ruling class parties, particularly Cong led by Indira Gandhi
for their growth. This class basically lacks the character of being a with a specific patting and strategic support by social-imperialist Soviet

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Union resulting in dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971 war, thus creating ones vote-bank in majority segment. Congress has openly implemented
an interminable enemity with our neighbour. No sign of real and actual such tactics during Punjab crises during '80s and early '90s of last century
nationalism is visible on the mainstream political horizon of this country. by sending army into Harmandar Complex and destroying the historic and
BJP-govt. Prime Minister Mr. Modi is running from pillar to post openly most revered building held in high esteem by the people, especially the
inviting imperialist capital for the exploitation of our cheap labour and Sikh community and later on an organized and merciless violence against
abundant natural resources at throw away prices, thus openly and nakedly that community. It was also some kind of previous emergency re-imposed
transgressing the inviolable premises of actual nationalism. To assure this in Punjab for a shorter period, but it was a fascist attack indeed.
unbridled and unscrupulous imperialist loot and plunder along with that by
But with RSSs orientation, it is a quite different story. Even the pseudo
comprador big corporate of India, a reign of terror is let loose on the opposing
or formal secularism is not its choice. The Sangh is an open, naked and
masses of tribal people of India by deploying more than one lakh paramilitary
blatant votary of Hindutva.
forces with multiform and practical support by military to crush their
resistance. Thus pseudo-nationalism and real treason is accusing and It presents itself as a guaranteed upholder, protector and developer of
suppressing the real nationalism and patriotism and sticking labels of anti- Hindu religion and commits itself for the execution of all the beliefs and
nationalist, traitors and betrayers on those opposing classes, strata and practices proclaimed to be Hindu, while attaining political power in this
personalities who are actually opposing imperialism. Janab Akbar country and otherwise too. Let us see the essence of this orientation as
Alahabadis lines aptly suites these people: Suraj pe lage dhabba, Kudrat enshrined in the oath of RSS which is the ideological fountain-head of
ke krishmain hain, Butt ham ko kahain Kafir, Allah ki marzi hai. BJP govt. Sangh affiliates including BJP. It aims to achieve all round greatness of
has surpassed all other pseudo-nationalists in its policy and practice and Bharatvarsha by fostering the growth of my sacred Hindu religion, Hindu
opting for more terror and repression against those forces to appease and society and Hindu culture. (R.S.S. Primer by Shamshul Islam page 22 p1)
please the imperialists, comprador corporate and big landlords of India. It leaves no doubt that such an assertion is nothing less than adopting
Hindutva (Hindu viewpoint as propounded by Sangh) as an ideological and
The same is the story of secularism in India. In its essence it is also a
practical guidance for the policies to be adopted by the present govts. at
pseudo-secularism and violative of actual and real secularism which openly
the Centre and in the states. It is nothing short of declaring India as a
declares delinking of religion, one or more, from state and polity. No doubt
theocratic state thus pushing it back into the lap of middle Ages. What
India has been declared constitutionally a secular state and country. Even
flows from it, is the undeclared and illegal spontaneous violence by extra-
under this constitutional declaration polity utilises all religious cards
legal groups to safeguard cow, eliminate its slaughter, spying on the basis
according to its needs and conveniences. While real and actual secularism
of even doubts, on cooking and kitchen-choices of the people, targeting,
operate as a modern concept and practices but this pseudo-secularism
uprooting and even killing people in some cases. Presently the target is
takes one decisive step back and easily enters pre-modern realm of concept
Muslim minority people. So dictates are crystal-clear: either adopt our
and practice. Though theocracy is not proclaimed and professed as a
choices or perish. This becomes the hidden and even declared motto at
principle of accepting one particular religion as a guide to statecraft, but
some places. Implicitly, it is the slogan and task of purification and cleaning
overt and covert protection, promotion and utilization of all available
of society which had been a proven policy and practice of fascism anywhere
religions, religious sects, shrines and deras, even for procuring their
and everywhere.
blessings for success in garnering more votes, is an blatant and undeniable
fact of political policy and approach in this country which suggests strong Sangh Parivar and its founder-leaders are unstoppable on the path of
strings of operating theocratic choices in practical politics. Almost all the substituting most modern and scientific concepts regarding nation and race
mainstream political parties including Congress, BJP have been utilising with glaringly unscientific, illogical, distorted, pre-modern and retrogressive
these communal cards. Sometimes minority card is utilised to safeguard concepts of the same. Presenting two courses to the outsider or foreign
ones dwindling vote-bank. At other time majority card is practiced to expand elements, meaning people who had migrated to and permanently settled in

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India, obviously Muslims and Christians, Mr.Golwalkar advised them to Manu Smriti is held in high esteem by Sangh Parivar. Now according to VD
either merge themselves in the national race and adopt its culture.or to Savarkar Manu Simriti is that scripture which is most worshipable after
live at its mercy. (Ibid page 8 Para 1 quoted from Mr.Golwalkars books Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the
titled We or Our Nationhood Defined). basis of our culture, customs, thought and practice..(Ibid page 13 p 6)
For Sangh and its affiliates the people believing in Hindu religion Not only this, Mr. Golwalkar adds more to it as .ours is an ancient
constitute a nation and a race. This is identifying a religious group, bigger and great nation with a glorious past. (From Bunch of Thoughts by Mr.
or smaller, with nation which implies religion, majority or minority, as basis Golwalkar quoted in RRS Primer by S. Islam page 12 p 3). As a matter of
of nation. This is nothing but a blatant and retrograde departure from the fact, their viewpoint is totally revivalist with proven decadent, degenerative
modern concept and practice of a nation as emerged during the process and dead weight of past backwardness. This attempt is not one of
and completion of the old bourgeois democratic revolution epitomized by renaissance which has proved itself as regenerative, vibrant and progressive
French revolution. History has travelled far beyond that old bourgeois epoch in world history. India can be no exception to this law. It is a futile attempt
and entered into the epoch of proletarian revolution after the victory of to fight outdated with older and outdated instrument. Only option for any
October Revolution in 1917 in Russia. Had religion been the basis or country and society remains to fight the old, dark and outdated concepts
inalienable component of a nation, this modern concept and practice would and practices with new, enlightened and contemporarily modern democratic
not have come into existence. Rather rejection and denial of religion as a concepts and practices i.e. new democratic concept and practice under
component of nation has been a pre-condition for the birth and flourishing the guidance of proletarian ideology.
of this concept which is generally understood as a modern historic entity.
Any other definition, presentation and implementation of this is patently Another most important point of departure is the distortion of historic
retrograde, reactionary, pre-modern and pushing the people into the dark, contexts and their presentation by driving wishful conclusions based on
blind, irrational, repressive and unscientific middle ages, and a slap in the partisan and prejudiced approaches. In this regard the entry of Muslim rulers
face of modern and progressive history of the world. and entry of Islam in India is presented as responsible for and cause of
backwardness, poverty, degradation of and discrimination against Hindu
So is the distortion of concept of race. Every scientific-minded person populace. It is propagated that Islam was the state religion preserved and
knows that races too are not determined by the yardstick of religion. A protected by the Muslim rulers and Hindus had been bullied, maltreated
race can include many religious groups. Moreover, historically races are and suppressed. Now they allege that Hindus are insecure and unsafe in
older than the religions. One can speak of races like Aryan, Dravidian, their own country and made to suffer as second class citizens. Islam entered
Negriod, Mongoloid, Proto-Austroloid and Scythean, whose presence in India long before the foreign invader came to India. Shak, Huns also entered
India is a recognised fact. To equate race with any religion is highly as invaders. Then Turk and later on Mughal invaders happened to be
unhistoric and unscientific. Muslims. This continued for a long time even after the regime of Aurangzeb.
The laws, codes of conduct, rules and regulations devised by the ruling But situation had undergone a remarkable change with the advent of rule of
classes and their ideologues are invariably meant to serve the ruling classes Akbar and till the rule of Aurangzeb. The Muslim kingships of this period
themselves and their super structures i.e. politics, philosophy, ethics, laws, established themselves as local kings, ruled the country as per capacity of
culture etc. The reactionary ruling classes and their ideologues of present the rulers, maintained amicable relations with non-Islamic populace and
times dig out all the reactionary ideas enshrined in politics, philosophy, recognized the religious feelings of non-Islamic population including Hindu
culture and code of conduct of the past reactionary classes to lend an population. Some aberrations to this approach might have occurred but
authority and legitimacy to their present reactionary views and practices. those do not represent the main component of their policy. Muslim rulers
The Manu Smriti has been generally invoked with this purpose. This Manu like Sirazudaulla, Haider Ali, Tipu Sultan staged brave and historic battles
Smriti imposes inhuman conditions on Dalits and Women, but the same against East India Company and its agents like Mir Zafar, the rulers made

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a unforgettable and undeniable contribution to various aspects of life of R.S.S ideologues. No doubt people of India have as an ancient history
including land management, water-management, armaments, commerce, and even a glorious one. They have attained historic and great achievements
music, literature, architecture. Whatever great and grand achievements in arts, literature and various schools of philosophy and natural sciences.
like Taj Mahal and Lal Quila were made, they were not taken away to other But these achievements have been attained not only by adherents of Hindu
countries by those rulers but still remain a common prestigious heritage of philosophy as explained and interpreted by RSS scholars. There have been
the people of India. remarkable contributions made by non-Hindu scholars and proponents of
Buddhism, Jainism also. Similarly non-conformist and critical streams of
If the common Hindu population was subjected to exploitation and their
thought have been created by proponents of Charvaka and Lokayta school
economic and social plight remained miserable, then it was not due to
of thought which is the ancient version of materialism in India. They had
economic exploitation and suppression by only Muslim Kings, feudal chiefs
refuted many notions contained in Dharam Shastras of Hindu orthodoxy
and feudal Jagirdars. The common Hindu people or even common Muslim
and contributed to liberation of human mind from the shackles of
toilers were also subjected to exploitation and oppression by the feudal
metaphysics, ritualism and customs of Hindu orthodoxy. In the middle ages
Hindu kings, feudal Hindu chiefs and feudal Hindu landlords. If the
many poets and thinkers of Islamic faith have left indelible marks on various
overwhelming majority of Hindu populace was kept ignorant, uneducated,
schools of faith. So greatness and grandeur does not get confined to thinkers
and less or uncultured it was also the caste system which was mainly
only of Hindu faith but does extend to the thinkers of other varieties of
responsible for a degraded life because caste system as sanctioned by
faith. Thus greatness and grandeur is inclusive and not exclusive.
Manu and his Smriti does not permit acquisition of knowledge which was
the sole prerogative of Brahmins only. The most inhuman punishments When presented and defended as exclusive, however under different
and the harshest laws were pronounced for any violation by people of lower conditions, then a serious deviation occurs leading to blind faith, unfounded
castes. The population of India was not divided, degraded and weakened and unsubstantiated pride resulting even in negation of and hostility to
by the arrival of Islam in India, but it was so even prior to the entry of Islam other faiths, races and nations. So has happened in the case of Fascism
due to prevalence of and domination by caste system. What will a military under Hitlerite regime. Hitler also spread the myth of exclusive superiority
strength of a country be if almost two third of its population, including Dalit of Aryan race to which Germans were claimed to be the inheritors, German
and other oppressed castes (Shudras and Untouchables) constituting Nation and German arts and literature. Even world famed dramatist
overwhelming majority of the population, were debarred from getting enrolled Shakespeare and C.B Shaw and others were declared lowly talented and
in the armed forces which was the sole domain of Kashatryas making 5% inferior to German thinkers and writers. To prove this point, fascist leaders
of the populace approximately. Brahmins are also almost exclusive as and govt. ordered instituting of special chairs and projects in universities
being a priestly and intellectual class. So had been the position of Vaishyas. by conducting so called new research with so called new orientation with
How could this fractured and disunited populace confront and fight any the manipulated target of dispelling existing so-called illusions regarding
outside aggressor successfully? Sangh Paivar does not want to see inward so-called reality. The hired, threatened and misled scholars did the assigned
and search its soul for this divisive and disuniting caste system sanctioned job with full fervour and matched their research conclusions with the wishful
by Manu and accepted by the Sangh. Unless basic and internal causes of and distortive drive of Fascism. The same orientation and same kind of
any historical event are assessed scientifically and objectively, no measures are being adopted by Sangh & its affiliates and ordered to be
responsibility can be fixed correctly on the concerned forces and no lasting implemented by extra legal and illegal authorities and forces. The scientific,
lessons can be derived and remedies be sought out, but the Sangh Parivar objective, untainted and independent research conclusions established by
does not listen to this correct approach and utters a patent No regarding eminent historians, political scientists and archeologists are being
this. challenged, current projects are being ordered to be abandoned and new
Mr. Gowalker has again claimed, "Ours is an ancient and great nation ones favouring and catering to view points of Sangh are being installed in
with a glorious past. (Ibid) This great nation is a Hindu nation is the claim order to affect rectification and purification of polluted thoughts and practices.

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This is an open and naked challenge to and even coercion against the experience of the state and the party, the BJP. The BJP govt. has done its
scientific pursuits of History, Philosophy, Science and other disciplines of best by all sorts of gimmickry and theatrics to prove its point.
thought. This is nothing but stifling, stagnating and retrogression of
independent thought of Indian people. If happened to be dragged over longer Now Cow protection has been raised as another major issue as if this
period of time it would tend to eliminate scientific, rational and logical thought will be the panacea for all the ills and evils in our society. An impression is
and bring forth pseudo-science and pseudo-logic and dogmatic elements created as if the curse of heaven has befallen on the people because various
in thought to the fore, thus causing a great loss to intellectual vigour and govts. and parties have neglected this issue and left the cow unprotected.
development in India. It is also being impressed on the muddled minds that this new approach
will strengthen, revitalise and raise the Hindu society to new heights of
Populism is another tool, technique and feature of fascism to earn good development. This policy has resulted in spontaneous violence against
will of common people. It uses the vast propaganda machine of state and common people specially minority Muslim people who have been suspected
purchased partisan mass media to project its decisions as pro-people, pro- of cow trade meant only for cow slaughter. This is another irrational and
poor and anti-rich. It tries to convince the people with all sorts of physical illogical approach to protect a certain animal. It is self-evident that in an
gestures and full-throated screams to show the anger of the Leader against agrarian society like ours, cattles including cow and bull are taken care of
the so-called rich elements and sympathy for the poor. The Leader, in our as they are the sources of droughtpower and milk. As far as our society
case Mr. Modi the Prime Minister who was tested for organising revengeful remains in grip of backward and old techniques, the relevance of cattle
and cruel murders of minorities in Gujarat, shouts to show that with his asserts itself and people take care of cattle including cows. Agrarian people
Demonetization act the poor enjoy a relaxed sleep and rich people have even exhibit special attachment for cattles including cows and oxen. Only
been disturbed even in their dreams. By this argument the Leader, govt. dead animals corpses are disposed off and sometimes only abandoned.
propaganda machine and Sangh Parivar attempt to prove that state keeps With entry of machinery in agriculture, cattle is rendered surplus and even
equidistance from the corrupt persons of both rich and poor sections of superfluous and gradually gets irrelevant. No permanent solution is sought
society and behaves in a neutral way and stands above rich and poor to tackle the problems arising from stray cattle. But under these fascist
considerations. Thus it projects the neutrality of the State while acting, in measures humans are rendered insecure and unsafe to ensure the security
essence and in fact, in the favour of rich sections of society and favouring of cattles.
those to whom it wants to favour. In case of demonetization, it is very well
known how his favourite rich tycoons like Ambanis, Adanis etc. turned Implementation of RSS Agenda and its Consequences
huge amounts of black money into white money while common people
suffered a lot during that Notebandi period. The same technique was applied By now, the hidden agenda is no more hidden; rather it has become
by Hitler in Germany when he showered his anger against industrialists widely open, urgent and calling for immediate implementation. This juncture
and businessmen by announcing that they were unscrupulous and unbridled is being grandly found quite suitable by RSS. Eyes are fixed on an imagined
vis-a-vis workers and other toiling people, making an impression of anti- electoral sweep in 2019 and even 2024. Now or never is an unmistakable
rich and pro-workers approach. But Hitler and his fascist clique at the same motto.
time, spit displeasure and disapproval on workers for their strikes and other At present, some long-cherished projects required to 'restore' lost glory,
trade union activities. In the end, as all enlightened people know, Fascism honour and greatness of Hindus, have already been singled out for
proved itself as rabidly anti-worker, anti-trade unions and anti-democracy implementation. To count a few, namely:
which was available in capitalist world at that time.
Construction of Ram Temple at Ayodhya.
The so-called 'surgical strikes' have been utilised to convince the gullible
and rustic opinion of the might, courage, determination, expertise and Assured and endurable cow-protection.

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Abrogation of Article 370. educational departments. The news item clearly suggests the same regarding
nationalism which were propounded by Mr. Golwalkar. This spokesperson
Control on all institutions, Censor board and education, culture etc. admits that Golwalkars views rest on religion which should be a guiding
Projection and legitimization of a Dharam Shastra and outlook of spirit in many spheres of life. More clarifications and explanations will
RSS. logically result in justification of religious scriptures as a guiding force in
all walks of life. This will be nothing other than leading towards theocracy
To carry out these projects the entire Sangh Parivar is being mobilized clothed in some modern phraseology.
while outward connections too are being strongly operated. The integrals
will be all-pervasive and differentials will be kept apart. Sometime govt. The misendeavour is not easy to be realised. Where-ever it is being
will be covert operative. Abrogation of Article 370 can be put on hold while effected as even in some Middle East Countries, the result is denial of
waiting for more suitable situation, but all efforts can be applied to evolve even formal democracy. Moreover world history had long ago entered into
a consensus and put down the flames of Azadi struggle in Jammu and an enlightened epoch particularly linked to French revolution and the
Kashmir to prove the futility of any armed intervention by the people of Renaissance preceding it. Even concepts enshrined in it can still offer
concerned nationality or region. noticeable resistance to pre-modern backwardness and reaction. But a new
epoch already ushered in by victory of proletarian revolution in October
Hence more repression on the Kashmiri people and tribal people specially 1917 in Russia, offers the most revolutionary vision to initiate and sustain
those of central India including tribals of Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, a decisive struggle against this fascist onslaught. A remarkable segment
Madhya Pardesh, Maharashatra, Telangana and Andhra Pardesh. of intelligentsia holds firm and logical positions opposed to such type of
restoration. It will not let it go unopposed and unchallenged. The toiling
While implementing its agenda, the political arm of RSS, the BJP and
people of all faiths, groaning under unbearable suppression and exploitation
its govt., will face some legal and constitutional hurdles. In order to overcome
will oppose it ultimately even if they get misled temporarily. A tough fight
those all executive posts from President to panches (members of village
will be on the cards at all India-level and world-level.
Panchayat) need to be filled by their men and all efforts including
campaigning for Presidential election, are underway to achieve this target. The common people in India are groaning under the back breaking burden
With this, BJP govt. will be attempting to prove the legality and of poverty, stagnation, unemployment, deprivation, malnutritioun,
constitutionality of each particular measure. indebtedness, suicides, narcotics, and ill-health. Coupled with discrimination
and oppression on caste-basis and religious-basis, this burden proves to
Another obvious task seems to be to instal their trusted, committed
be unbearable. These people cannot attain sustainable relief with restoration
and tested persons on various posts of institutions of higher learning like
of any religious honour, pride and prestige. Instantaneous and spontaneous
Universities and Boards like Film Censor Board, Chairs, departments and
religious frenzy and fanaticism does not last long and ultimately is compelled
to retreat and suffer defeat.
One of its ardent disciples has declared that the educational syllabi
This implementation of a misplaced agenda is bound to result in a
have been drafted by left-wing and minority utilitarian intellectuals to
suffocating environment in which our common toiling people, including
prepare activists for their line of thinking. They will redesign the syllabi to
Hindus and particularly minorities will have to confront great difficulties
educate the students. What Sangh Parivar will designate its position is
leading towards a serious situation. The logic of hardline and hawkish
evident from the news of holding a seminar in August 2017 in New Delhi to
thought depending on more and more on force and ferocity will push the
explain the views of Mr. Golwalker on nationalism. The statement of the
situation towards an irretrievable phase.
organizers or propagandists of this seminar suggests the involvement of
Ministry of Human Resources Development and some experts in But such a divisive situation is bound to help the imperialist agenda

August,, 2017 25 26 August, 2017

NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
already underway in the form of globalization, liberalization, and privatization
as it is being implemented with rapid speed and full strength by comprador CC Sta tement on R
Statement ecent
Political Developments
big corporates and big feudal and semi-feudal landlords at the cost of any
sustainable relief to the people. With this, Sangh Parivar as representative
of comprador big bourgeois, big land-lords subservient to imperialism, will
continue as a conveyer and protector of bloody imperialism, despite its
pious and misleading slogans of nationalism, regeneration and revitalisation ( August 14, 2017)
of our society and country. All the forces opposed to this cruel and communal
fascism should first comprehend its manifestations and come together for International Situation
necessary and united efforts against it. In the present multipolar world, major contradictions of imperialist system
The obvious degree of opposition to this fascist onslaught is quite visible i.e. contradiction between imperialist powers and oppressed nations and
and now becomes more defined. All the forces opposed to this onslaught people, contradiction between imperialist powers and contradiction between
can be viewed in the spectrum of theory and practice. Who are sustainable labour and capital in the developed capitalist countries, are intensifying to
and who are half-sustainable or quasi-sustainable can be ascertained from unprecedented level. Wars are breaking out in new areas as the contention
the experience gained so far. Depending on the united efforts opposed to among imperialist powers for natural resources and markets gets intensified.
it, these forces can be ascertained and measures for common goals can The decline of US imperialism has resulted in deep fissures in the
be and should be decided and pursued. establishment in that country. US Congress has blocked President Trumps
attempts to reach compromise with Russia, imposing further sanctions
against Russia, Iran and North Korea while noose of investigation into Trump
campaigns links with Russian Govt. tightens. Middle-East continues to be
one of the main grounds of the present conflicts between imperialist powers
and their regional allies.
Read and Subscribe
Economic crisis of US imperialism has spilled over into deep political
Orggans crisis. Trump Admn.s attempts to repeal Affordable Health Care started
during Obama period have failed. Trumps campaign promise of building a
New Democracy English wall on Mexican border has also not advanced. Though there is some growth
Pratirodh Ka Swar Hindi in employment, it is a low wage growth mostly contributed by hospitality
sector. Trump Admn. has withdrawn from Paris Climate Pact in the name
Voice of New Democracy Telugu of increasing mining and manufacture and this has resulted in isolating US
(Telengana) from its European allies. This action of Trump Admn. flew in the face of
New Democracy Bulletin Telugu growing awareness in the world about impending environmental crisis for
which imperialist countries are responsible. This act has isolated Trump
Admn. throughout the world. Trump Admn.'s recourse to protectionism to
Biplabi Ganaline Bengali spur manufacturing growth in US has encountered resistance from the
business elite. This threatens to derail the juggernaut of globalization which
Inquilabi Sada Rah Punjabi
is also being opposed by workers and toiling people the world over. There
Sangrami Ekta Odia are growing attacks against immigrants and coloured people in US by white
supremacists since Trump's coming to power and there is a growing

August,, 2017 27 28 August, 2017

NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
resistance to anti-people policies of Trump Admn. There is growth in working class resistance to neoliberal policies in a
number of European countries. Though large demonstrations are taking
Anger against Neoliberal Policies place in working class centres, the anger is being channelized into
Disillusionment with neoliberal policies has continued to grow in the parliamentary channels. However, this resistance is mostly on economic
developed capitalist countries with resultant anger of the working class issues but the issues related to anti-immigrant right agenda are also in
and educated youth and students. This anger is shaping the discourse in focus.
most of the countries. At many places it has led to emergence of anti- Qatar Blockaded by Saudi led Gulf Monarchies
neoliberal leadership in social-democratic / bourgeois labour parties, and
at other places it is being used by the rightist forces. This anger was very In the Middle-East, the decline of US imperialism and rise in the
much evident in the elections in two of the main developed capitalist disaffection and anger among the Arab masses continue to shape
countries. In Great Britain, contrary to the media campaign and projections, developments in the region, giving scope to other imperialist powers,
Corbyn led Labour Party did much better and ruling Conservative Party particularly Russia, to increase its role. Arab peoples struggles had led to
lost its majority. Labour Party did well in England particularly in working strengthening of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in a number of countries (Muslim
class areas. The decline of Conservatives would have been sharper had countries with Sunni Majority). MB had come to power in Egypt and Tunisia
they not got some seats in Scotland at the expense of Scottish National where long serving dictators had been overthrown. This had alarmed Gulf
Party (SNP). This signaled the end of Blairite New Labour amidst growth of monarchies and they supported military coup in Egypt overthrowing MB
disillusionment in the working people. Campaign in the corporate media President. MB has the largest support base in Arab world and Turkey and
about Corbyn not being electable showed the fear among the big capitalists is opposed to monarchies. Thousands of its supporters are in jail in Gulf
that workers anger may actually propel him to power. With the question of monarchies mainly in Saudi Arabia and UAE. Rise of MB divided the Middle-
his lack of electability settled and verdict of hung parliament, Britain has East with Turkey, Qatar supporting MB and Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain
entered a period of uncertainty which will impact their negotiation with and Egypt opposing it. Pro-US camp in the Middle-East was thus divided
European Union on terms of Brexit. between these two forces.
Ongoing civil war in Syria had divided the Middle-East, with Sunni
In France Macron, a former Minister in the Govt. of Socialist Party of
dictatorships ranged against Iran, Syrian Govt. and Hezbollah. Russia
Hollande, who had resigned and set up his own Party, Macron won the
militarily intervened to save Assad Govt. which changed the ground
Presidential election. He projected a neoliberal agenda. He was supported
situation. On the other hand, anger of Iraqi people, particularly Sunnis in
by important leaders of ruling Socialist Party in preference to their own
Iraq, had led to the emergence of Islamic State which also drew support
candidate. However, in the French electoral system, the second round was
from other Sunni militants in Syria. Emergence of IS and its military sweep
between Macron and Le Pen which he won easily due to strong opposition
in 2014 had introduced a new element in the already boiling cauldron of
of French electorate to fascist Le Pen. But the most important feature of
Arab world. In this complex situation, Turkey and Qatar opened channels
the French election was a strong surge by Melenchon who emerged as one
with Russia. It involved normalizing relations with Iran and abandoning the
of the main candidates though he could not make it to the second round.
drive to oust Assad. Turkey had the main agenda of containing advance of
Melenchon's platform was against neoliberal economic policies and got
Kurds in Syria. Turkey did not want Kurds to control territory on the border
support from sections of workers and youth. In the parliamentary elections
of Turkey. US on the other hand, having failed in its bid to build fighting
which followed, though Macrons Party secured a majority, Melenchons
force from among Syrian jihadis, sided with Kurd forces in its bid to gain
Party also put up a strong show. Though Macron did win elections, peoples
influence in Syria. US also moved against IS as it threatened US interests
anger against neoliberal policies has resulted in a very sharp decline in his
in Iraq and was becoming increasing threat to Gulf monarchies.
popularity in a very short period of time, reflecting growing disillusionment
of the French people with these policies. Rise of MB not only alarmed Gulf monarchies and Egyptian Army, it

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also alarmed Israel which had since long been facing resistance from Hamas coverage pertaining to these countries. This is justifiably termed as an
in Gaza and West Bank. It sought to eliminate the Palestinian resistance attack on Qatari sovereignty. The list of terrorist identities supplied by
and grab more and more land in the West Bank. these countries to Qatar include MB ideologue Qaradwi based in Doha
along with others. While Trump has voiced support for Saudi led move,
With advent of Trump and his unqualified support to Zionist rulers of
parts of his Admn. have favoured dialogue between Qatar and blockading
Israel and Gulf monarchies, Saudi led Gulf monarchies moved to crush the
countries. Trump Admn. has managed sale of $110 billion of arms to Saudi
MB influence. With support of Trump and Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain
Arabia, $40 billion of their investment in US and further $12 billion arms
and Egypt announced blockade of Qatar to force it to submit to US-Saudi-
sales to Qatar. Qatar has land route only from Saudi Arabia where from
Israel dictates. They accused Qatar of supporting terrorism in Arab
nearly 40% of its food supplies come.
countries. Qatar has not only been a supporter of MB, it also had relations
with Iran with whom it shares the largest gas field. Moreover, Qatar had This dramatic blockade as all dramatic events tended to bring the
reached an agreement with Turkey to maintain a military base in Qatar and contradictions sharply into focus. It has been denounced by Iran and Turkey.
station its troops there. Qatar is also the largest military base of Central While Turkey has augmented its military base, Iran has sent food supplies
Command of the USA. Al-Jazeera, in Arabic and English, is the news outlet across Persian Gulf. Qatar has obviously rejected the demands of the
controlled by ruling family of Qatar. Since US aggression against Iraq in quartet. On the other hand Russia has been very guarded in its response.
1991, there has been widespread anger among Arab masses which has
While it has favoured dialogue, it has not denounced Saudi move. In fact,
been articulated by Al Jazeera as the western media became embedded
Russia would like support from Qatar to Jihadi groups including those in
with western imperialist military campaign. As the outlet is controlled by
Chechnya to be stopped. Russia is also cooperating with Egypts military
Qatari royal family it has been articulating their views. In the case of Syria
govt. and UAE in Libya where these are supporting Hiftar against Islamist
and Libya, it supported the Islamic militants opposing Govts. there as part
of regime change policy. forces some of which are backed by Qatar. However, blockade of Qatar
and subsequent developments have exposed deepening fissures in US led
Before the blockade, UAE and Saudis officials ran a campaign against camp as well as its increasing isolation and the belligerence of Saudi rulers.
Qatar in league with pro-Israel lobby in USA. Involvement of UAE In fact, in Saudi Arabia and UAE, West backed crown princes are wielding
Ambassador to USA, Al-Otaiba, was exposed by a number of news channels. power in their own countries. Crown Prince Salman has been the architect
Since emergence of MB as a popular force, IS as a military force and of this blockade as well as of war on Yemen where Saudi Arabia, UAE and
unwillingness of US to deploy forces to Arab world, Saudi led Gulf others are bogged down. While this is allowing US imperialism to drain
monarchies have struck close partnership with Israel. Recent transfer of resources, it also shows its declining power in the region.
two uninhabited islands in Red Sea by Egypt to Saudi Arabia (these islands
are under occupation of Egypt as a part of Camp David Accord) is a case Israel is also an important player in this blockade as it tries to totally
in point. Trump and the most powerful voice in his Admn., his son-in-law suppress the national aspirations of Palestinians. Egypt, Jordan and Saudi
Kushner, are staunch supporters of Israel and there is investment of Gulf rulers are forcing Palestinians to accept agreement on Israeli terms while
money in their business enterprises. people in these countries are totally opposed to such surrender. Hamas,
This blockade is an offensive of Trump Admn., Saudi Arabia led Gulf which has emerged as the main resistance force in the recent years, has
monarchies and Israel to force Qatar to toe their strategic vision for the been forced to come to terms with figures who have been close to Zionists.
Arab world, particularly to abandon MB. The demands placed on Qatar Because of this open alliance between these Arab monarchies and the
include shutting off support to terrorist groups meaning MB, end of support military dictatorship in Egypt, Palestinians are facing unprecedented
to Hamas, shutting of Turkish military base in Qatar and snapping ties with pressure. This has however increased the appeal of Iran and Hezbollah
Iran and to top it all, shutting down Al Jazeera meaning end to anti-regime among Palestinians which had gone down during Syrian civil war.

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Syrian Civil War to Partition of Syria US is to prevent Syrian Govt.s road link with Iraq which will give Iran a
continuous area of operation. US has bombed Al Tanf crossing to prevent
Russia has emerged as the most important arbiter of the situation in control of Syrian Govt. over Damascus-Baghdad Road. This offensive is
Syria. With abandoning of 'Oust Assad' agenda by Turkey and USA, the being launched from Southern region bordering Jordan where CIA has been
struggle has erupted for the control of different parts of Syria, particularly training Jihadi groups. But Syrian forces, backed by Iran and Russia, are
of its eastern and north-eastern regions which have been under the control too powerful to be stopped from establishing this link. While US supported
of Islamic State. While IS is putting up a determined fight in its strongholds, Kurdish forces have made gains in the north, position of pro-US forces is
it is being attacked by US and Kurdish alliance as well as Russia, Iran and not so strong in the South. Contention among imperialist powers has entered
Govt. of Syria. While civil war in the western and southern part of Syria is into a new phase in Syria. China is also concerned about the outcome of
winding down, war in the east is flaring. Russia is also balancing the interests this war as Damascus-Baghdad Road will give it a continuous link in its
of Turkey and USA. It has also recognized that Assad Govt. will not be Belt and Road Initiative.
able to control whole of Syria and Russia is unwilling to commit its military
to such a venture. Hence, as a part of Astana peace process guaranteed Belt & Road Initiative of China: Rise of Chinese power
by Russia, Iran and Turkey, ceasefire is in place between pro-Turkey militant
groups and Syrian Govt. These three countries have also agreed for four With Trump Admn. withdrawing America from free trade agreements,
de-escalation zones in different parts of Syria mostly in Idlib province where China is posing itself as the main champion of free trade. Chinese President
Jihadi forces would not be attacked by Govt. forces. This has led to moving Xis speech in Davos was in the similar vein. China senses in this an
of Jihadis from Ghouta, Homa and Homs to these enclaves. It has resulted opportunity to increase its trade and economic interests worldwide.
in consolidation of Govt. control in Central and Southern Syria along the Moreover, faced with slowing growth, Chinese want greater areas for their
coast. USA, which has been kept out of Astana process (though invited), capital for profitable investment. China has accumulated huge surplus and
along with Jordan has reached its own de-escalation zone in South West its domestic investment is leading to creation of bubbles. Hence China is
Syria with Russia and Syrian Govt. keen to undertake a huge investments abroad. Belt and Road initiative
(also called One Belt One Road) is basically huge investment in
Russia has permitted Turkey to send its Army into northern Syria and communications linking China with Eurasian land mass. In this respect, it
allowed it to control the border region upto Al Bab. But it has not permitted complements Russian initiative of Eurasian Economic Union providing it
Turkey to attack Kurdish forces in the west. In the east, Kurdish forces led much needed cash. This initiative was launched in Beijing in a ceremony
SDF has given the territory to the east of Al Bab to Syrian Govt. thereby attended by 28 heads of states. China declared its plans to invest 800
blocking the progress of Turkish Army. Turkey has only succeeded in billion $ to 1 trillion $, of this 150 billion immediately. This initiative consists
preventing merger between western and eastern Kurdish enclaves but its of interwoven sea and land routes interspersed with industrial zones and
Operation Euphrates Shield has been confined to the small territory facing service centres. It also has agricultural zones in its ambit. It seeks to link
Russian and US forces and hence unable to advance. the whole of Asian land mass and that of Europe. It is an announcement of
worldwide economic power of China.
The real race for domination is speeding up in the Eastern part. While
US supported Kurdish forces along with their SDF allies are controlling A showpiece of this B&R is China Pakistan Economic Cooperation
areas east of Euphrates and small pocket around Manbij to the west, they (CPEC) with nearly $ 64 billion investment from China. Blueprint of this
have reached IS capital Raqaa and also control some areas of the city. plan was prepared by Central Bank of China. The documents of this plans
Syrian Govt., now less engaged in war in the Central Syria, is also attacking draft, revealed in Pakistani Newspaper Dawn, show that it is a plan to
IS territory from the West and has taken over some area. They too have make Pakistan a neo-colony of China. It involves development of Gwadar
reached near Raqaa. The race between US and Russia is to control more port on Arabian Sea and roads linking it through Pakistan and Pakistan
and more of the territory from under IS control. Another important focus of administered Kashmir to Sinkiang province and its capital, Kashghar. Its

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main focus is not on setting up of industrial plants in Pakistan as was powers. It has already deployed its forces in several countries in Africa,
originally propagated. Its main areas include domination over agriculture of ostensibly to safeguard its business interests.
Pakistan, its services including communications and setting up of security
agencies guaranteeing security to this investment. Pakistan has a big Venezuela & Latin America going through turmoil
agricultural base which will be controlled by Chinese companies. Besides,
With decline in the commodity prices of natural resources, several Latin
there will be Chinese control over social and cultural life, with internet
American countries are facing deep economic crisis as they find it
services going under the control of Chinese companies. While Pakistani
increasingly difficult to maintain the social welfare schemes which were
ruling class politicians are supporting CPEC, much concern has been
the hallmark of Chavez led socialism. With economic conditions
expressed in Pakistani media about the plan and its impact on the future of
deteriorating, big business and elite are demanding winding up of these
Pakistan. The recent developments in Pakistan where Nawaz Sharief has
measures in the name of addressing economic crisis. They are also raising
been removed as PM and MP by the Supreme Court, may be related to the
the issue of corruption while they themselves too are thoroughly corrupt.
rising contradiction among imperialist powers in the context of increasing
These elite sections are pro-US and capitalists of these countries are closely
hold of China and it will also have important bearing on the course of CPEC.
linked to US imperialism and its companies. This drive by pro-US elite
China has been the moving spirit behind RECP (Regional Economic sections has created deep crisis in a number of Latin American countries.
Cooperation Partnership), whose first meeting was recently held in These developments show the hollowness of the claims of socialism of
Hyderabad. It is a regional free trade agreement (after the collapse of TPP) the rulers of these countries. These developments also demonstrate how
in which 18 countries are participating. These include ASEAN countries, US imperialism and its allies are trying to use economic crisis to change
China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and India. This agreement is not the power structure in these countries. Recently Maduro Govt. in Venezuela
restricted to trade but includes national treatment to the companies from conducted elections of Constituent Assembly against which pro-US
participating countries in manufacture, services and importantly in opposition organized violent protests. Over a hundred people have died in
agriculture. This agreement, though the need of the corporate from these these protests. Such conspiracies are on in other Latin American countries
countries, is against the interests of Indian people, its manufacture, its as well.
peasants and its businesses generally. RCEP entails easier imports of
agricultural produce including dairy products and increasing control of MNCs North Korea Stands against US Bullying
on seeds, fertilizers and pesticides besides pharmaceuticals. Many aspects Since Armstice in 1953, USA has maintained military presence in Korean
of RECP are being worked out, whatever has come out is against the people peninsula. After coming of Trump to power, US admn. has escalated tension
and must be resisted. Modi Govt. which had boycotted R&B summit saying with North Korea particularly in view of US crony being eased out of
that it involved the issue of Indian sovereignty with reference to Kashmir, Presidency in South Korea on corruption charges and the main candidate
is participating in RECP as Indian big business and MNCs also eye their favouring dialogue with North Korea. US Admn. deployed THAAD missiles
market share. in South Korea. North Korea has refused to be cowed down by these threats.
Along with seeking avenues for its investments i.e. export of its capital, It had already developed nuclear weapons. It has now demonstrated its
China has set up its first military base abroad. It has established such a ability to strike targets throughout USA by developing ICBM. It is the right
base in Djibouti on the horn of Africa at the Red Sea. China is also developing of every country to defend itself against aggression and bullying by foreign
ports in Indian ocean through which lies its maritime trade route like powers. North Korea has been subjected to continuous threats, subversion
Hanbantota (Sri Lanka). This, along with modernization and development and economic war through sanctions. US imperialism is a threat to peace
of its military forces, shows the expansion of imperialist power of China. in the Korean peninsula. It has stationed nuclear weapons on the peninsula
Social-imperialist China is extending its tentacles and is coming out of the and its submarines and bombers armed with nuclear weapons continuously
period of its peaceful rise where it is willing to confront other imperialist target North Korea. The real threat to peace in Korean peninsula comes

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from US imperialism's aggressive designs against North Korea. US BJP Govt. of India played up this visit as historic. It was indeed one in a
imperialism is trying to divert attention of the world people by pointing negative sense. Though Indian Govt. had been cooperating with Zionist
fingers at nuclear weapon and missile programmes of North Korea but Govt. of Israel from earlier periods, RSS-BJP Govt. has taken it to a new
refuses to have discussions with North Korea on de-escalation of tensions height. While Indian Govt. had established diplomatic relations with Israel
in the Korean peninsula. in 1992 in the wake of US led unipolar world, first NDA Govt. led by Vajpayee
had invited Israeli PM to India for the first time. Modi Govt. has taken this
North Korea was against developing nuclear weapons and had signed
to a newer height. Bilateral trade, which was only $ 200 million in 1992, has
NPT. But with escalation of threats by US imperialism, North Korea withdrew
reached $ 5 billion last year. Over the past decade India had bought more
from NPT in 1993 and developed nuclear weapons. US aggression against
than $ 10 billion worth of weaponry from Israel. Modi did not visit Palestinian
Iraq and collusion of world powers in the First Gulf War also played their
territory which visiting foreign dignitaries normally do. Moreover, during
role in the course taken by North Korean leadership. Development of
Modi Govt.'s time, India abstained from condemning Israeli violence against
capitalism in China and its hobnobbing with US imperialism alarmed North
Gaza in the Human Rights Council. RSS-BJP flaunt their admiration of
Korean leadership and they sought to take their defense into their own
Zionist rulers as it fits into their anti-Muslim agenda at home. This has
hands. In particular they embarked on building nuclear weapons and delivery
been the most significant foreign visit of Modi over last three months.
systems to deter US imperialism from attacking. China is no longer a
dependable ally, but China cannot afford to let US imperialism come to its Doklam Military Standoff
own land border.
Since last two months there is a standoff between armies of India and
While nuclear weapons must be destroyed by all the countries, the
China near Doklam area where Chinese territory butts between Sikkim and
primary responsibility of their proliferation is with imperialist powers that
Bhutan. Indian Govt. has accepted and it is corroborated by numerous
have vast arsenals of nuclear weapons and also use these to threaten
media reports that Indian troops crossed line of control but claims that
third world countries. US imperialism must withdraw from Korean peninsula
they did so to prevent China from building a road in Doklam area which
which is necessary to normalize situation in Korea and is a necessary
poses a threat to the security in the region and in particular to chicken
condition to accomplish peaceful unification of Korea.
neck or Siliguri corridor which links Indian mainland with north-eastern
National Situation states. Chinese Govt. is claiming that Indian troop obstructed its activities
in Chinese territory and hence must withdraw immediately.
Modi led RSS-BJP Govt. is pursuing the agenda of serving the interests
of foreign and domestic corporate, deepening communal division by Doklam is an area which is a disputed territory between China and
organizing attacks against Muslims and unleashing jingoism by heightening Bhutan. Indian Govt. claims to be acting in support of Bhutan. There is no
tensions with neighbouring countries. Modi Govt. is utilizing the serious diplomatic mission of China in Thimpu. In fact despite being a member of
situation in Kashmir for its communal agenda. Modi Govt. has openly aligned UNO, embassies of even permanent members of the Security Council have
itself with US imperialism and its Zionist ally Israel, has joined US led not been allowed to be opened in Bhutan. China and Bhutan have not been
efforts directed against China in order to emerge as a major power with the able to settle their borders as Bhutan has been guided by India in its external
help of US imperialism. This open alliance of Modi Govt. with US imperialism relations by a treaty. Though the language has been changed somewhat in
has made South Asia an arena of sharpening inter-imperialist rivalry and is 2007 treaty but the reality has not changed much.
a source of disturbance to peace in the region.
While Indian Army, media particularly electronic media and the RSS-
Modi became the first Prime Minister of the country to have visited BJP have adopted jingoist tone, MEA has adopted the line that standoff
Israel and that too at a time when the Zionist Govt. there is unleashing needs to be diplomatically resolved. However, China has taken the stand
sharp attacks against the people. Both Zionist Govt. of Israel and RSS- that no meaningful dialogue can be held till India withdraws its troops, MEA

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has asked for mutual withdrawal. Chinese media is repeatedly warning India machinery. Behind every incident of such attack, there have been RSS
against any miscalculation. elements though they are left out by the police in the FIRs. Such was the
case in Dadri. Even in Asaoti case there were initial reports that somebody
There appears to be calculation on the part of present rulers of India was egging on the others to kill this youth but the police case does not
that China would not go for escalation as it would divert from its B&R refer to this. It is important that opposition sections of ruling classes do
initiative as well as free trade agreement RCEP. Moreover this would give not join issue with RSS nor do they try to cleanse the police and
China an image of a bully which it would not like particularly at a time administration of communal elements when they are in power.
when disputes are flaring up in relation to its claims over South China Sea.
There is also the US factor in this situation with whom the present RSS- Similarly Dalits have been targeted in many places. Modi Govt. remains
BJP Govt. shares a very close relationship. silent while police and administration goes all out to support and aid the
vigilante groups. Atrocities on Dalits are on the rise. Recently there have
It is clear that there is no military solution to the border disputes India been three incidents of attacks on Dalits in different districts in Andhra
has inherited from the colonial masters. Nor is such a course in the interest Pradesh. After coming to power of BJP in UP, on May 5 this year, upper
of the people of India and China. Whatever the rhetoric from both the sides caste Rajputs attacked Dalits in Shabbirpur village burning over 50 Dalit
relating to the 1962 India-China war, there is no way by which the boundary houses and injuring several Dalits. Protests against this attack were not
disputes can be settled militarily. Both China and India are big military permitted. On May 9, police beat up demonstrators in the city of Saharanpur,
powers armed with nuclear weapons and such rhetoric with an eye on short the District headquarter, in which several Dalit youth were injured. A reign
term gains must be avoided. India and China must settle their boundary of terror has been unleashed against Dalits and scores of them including
disputes peacefully through bilateral dialogue. There should be no military the leaders of Bheem Army have been framed in false cases. Anger swept
incursion into territory under others control and no change in the status through Dalits in Western UP, particularly Saharanpur. On May 21, over
quo through military means. People of the country should also demand 20,000 people assembed at Jantar Mantar on the call of Bheem Army
that peace on the border should not be disturbed and should not fall prey to despite blockade of all entry points into Delhi from UP. After this massive
jingoism. India should also not put any hindrance in the path of Bhutan mobilization, Ms. Mayawati, announced her visit to the area on May 23.
resolving its border disputes with China through bilateral dialogue. While returning from her rally, Dalits were again attacked by Rajputs. In
these attacks a Dalit youth was killed while several others sustained serious
Continuing Attacks against Muslims and Dalits injuries. Saharanpur incident has again highlighted the growing attacks on
Dalits as well as determination of Dalits, particularly educated Dalit youth,
Incidents of attacks in the name of cow protection and against
to lead resistance against caste oppression and such attacks.
possession of beef have been going on in the country. At a railway station,
Asaoti in Haryana, a Muslim youth coming after shopping for Eid from There have been attempts by RSS-BJP Govt. to utilize the situation in
Delhi was brutally beaten to death in front of a crowd. This killing was Kashmir for deepening communal division in the country. Though all the
widely condemned and a huge procession with the slogan, Not in my name ruling class parties oppose right of Kashmiri people to self-determination
was taken out in Delhi. Processions were held in other cities as well. This and hence are not able to contribute to solving the Kashmir problem, RSS-
attack shocked the people. However, this is not an isolated incident but BJP want to aggravate this problem. There is now an attack on Article 370
part of a pattern being weaved by RSS-BJP. After change of the Govt. in (provisions regarding special status of J&K) and Article 35A (regulating
Bihar, there has been an incident of beating of Muslims for the alleged right to purchase property in J&K). RSS-BJP are orchestrating these attacks
transport of cattle. This incident soon after BJP forming govt. with JD(U) by approaching for judicial intervention. There is an attempt to challenge
has proved that it is not a case of religious intolerance but of political the very basis of these Articles, describing them as temporary and saying
conspiracy by the ruling Party to use the issue for communal polarization. that Indian Parliament is fully authorized to change each and every aspect
In this they are helped by communalization of police and administrative of these provisions without approval of J&K assembly, thereby negating

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these Articles. There is widespread and false propaganda about attacks advance. Nitish Kumar had been sitting on the sidelines for many months.
on minorities in Kashmir while it is the struggle of Kashmiri people against His support to demonetization, to BJPs candidate for President were clear
Army oppression and for their right to self-determination. RSS-BJP are hell pointers to the impending break-up. Nitish Kumar has justified his switching
bent on further spoiling the atmosphere in Kashmir and crushing the peoples sides in the name of corruption citing the example of the registration of a
struggles through brute force of the military. CBI case against Lalu's son and Deputy CM, Tejaswi Yadav. Nitish Kumar
has gone back on almost everything he had said about Modi and BJP
As RSS-BJP intensify their attacks against minorites, Dalits and earlier at the time of his break-up with BJP in 2013. He is also silent on the
revolutionary movement, there has been an increasing trend of mobilization fact that while he may have liked Tejaswi Yadav to resign why has he
of people, particularly middle classes. Such mobilization was seen recently aligned with BJP against whom the alliance had won the last elections.
against killing of Junaid. Such mobilizations on progressive issues are Moreover, BJP leaders too are mired in corruption as well as leaders of his
taking place without any party banner. Progressive intellectuals along with own JD(U). Now he is singing praises of Modi saying that there will be no
activists of revolutionary organizations and parliamentary left parties are challenge to him in 2019. Nitishs change has once again proved that these
taking part in these demonstrations. Such demonstrations are mobilizing ruling class parties have no principled stand on secularism. It is the slogan
middle class sections against RSS hoodlums' attacks and are a welcome they raise when they need the votes of minorities in their quest for power.
development. These show wide opposition to Hindtuva agenda among the
middle class intellectuals. Social media is playing an important role in such However, Nitish will be much weaker now as compared to the alliance
mobilizations. Social media has also become an important battle ground before 2013. Now BJP will dominate the alliance irrespective of the numbers
between various forces and on various issues and is playing an important of legislators as it commands the larger base and JD(U) is left with no
role in shaping the opinions of at least a section of intelligentsia and even other option. There will be increase in the attacks against Muslims in Bihar
common people. with a view to communally polarize the people. However, there is growing
anger among oppressed castes and Dalits against RSS-BJP. There is also
Advance towards Fascism much dissent in JD(U) against Nitishs decision and also among the people.
Since its sweeping victory in UP assembly elections, RSS-BJP have Senior JD(U) leader Sharad Yadav has come out in open opposition to
been able to get their nominees elected as President and Vice-President. Nitish breaking the alliance with RJD and Congress. Nitish Govt. will increase
RSS-BJP have been trying to project, with ample support from the corporate repression on peoples movements in the name of good governance.
media, BJP's electoral invincibility in near future though there is growing RSS-BJP are using all means to suppress the Opposition. They are
and palpable mood of the people against RSS-BJP particularly in BJP ruled blatantly using state agencies like CBI against their political opponents.
states. This campaign is aimed at demoralizing the opponents of their From Congress free India to Opposition free India to dissent free India,
Hindutva. This has led to other wings of the state caving in to Hindutva RSS-BJP are marching towards total suppression of all opposition and
framework. Some of the pronouncements of higher judiciary also point in imposing an artificial uniformity on the people.
this direction like making singing of Vande Mataram compulsory in the
schools. Earlier a SC bench had ordered singing of national anthem before Worsening Economic Situation and Rising Struggles of People
every movie in a Hall.
Despite Make in India slogan, manufacturing is in stagnation while growth
UP victory and the subsequent propaganda have led to a number of in services has considerably slowed down. Construction industry, which
regional parties coming closer to BJP. AIADMK factions are drawing close had registered good growth in earlier years, is also slowing down. There
to BJP. Of particular importance is the somersault made by Nitish Kumar has been good agricultural production thanks to good rainfall, but the agrarian
in Bihar, who broke the alliance with RJD and Congress and immediately crisis has plunged the vast masses of peasantry further into debt and
formed the Govt. with BJP. All the negotiations had been completed in despair. There is increase in unemployment as there is hardly any job

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creation in the industrial or services sector. All promises about job creation This recommendation was made during UPA period but UPA did not
have fallen flat. While Indian govt. is giving all benefits and facilities to implement it. BJP included this in its election manifesto and Modi promised
foreign capital, there is hardly any new enterprise in the country. it in a number of public meetings. But after coming to power, RSS-BJP
Govt. has refused to implement it. RSS-BJP Govt. has told the Supreme
There are renewed attacks on the working class. RSS-BJP Govt. is Court that implementing this recommendation is not feasible. Agriculture
planning to introduce the labour codes which were prepared some time supplies food and raw material. Prices of food articles affect the wage
back. These take away the hard won rights of the workers. Further the rates and thereby the profits while prices of raw materials also have effect
Govt. is planning to amend Contract Labour (Abolition and Regulation) Act on profits of big companies. Hence, the govt. has no intention of
doing away with restrictions on employment of contract labour, though these implementing this recommendation as it is committed to safeguarding and
hardly prevented prevalence of contract labour in the industries. There is increasing profits of MNCs and corporate.
also a plan to annul the effect of the Supreme Court verdict on Equal work
equal pay for temporary and contract workers. All these attacks are meant While peasants are demanding higher MSP, Govt. is in the process of
to make organizing workers difficult and thereby undermine their resistance dismantling the very Govt. purchases. There has been systematic attempt
to the attacks by the employers of lowering wages and reducing benefits. to finish off PDS thereby ending the Govt. need to procure. Even for the
There is urgent need to organize workers against these attacks. Particular crops for which Govt. declares MSP, there are inadequate arrangements
attention should be given to organizing contract labourers as well as for purchase from peasants and payments are also delayed for long. The
construction workers. Workers should be organized in new industrial areas Govt. talks about helping peasants but in fact attacks them. Many times
where industries have been shifted and which have become new centres of more money is collected as premium for crop insurance than the money
working class movement. given to peasants as compensation.

Increasing agrarian distress is leading to increasing indebtedness of Agrarian distress is also manifesting itself in the form of demands from
the peasantry and deteriorating conditions of peasant masses. Peasant landowning peasant communities for reservation in jobs and educational
masses are suffering from reduction in their income from agriculture as institutions. This is an attempt by the ruling class parties to misdirect
inputs costs rise and prices of produce do not keep pace. Peasant masses peasant anger into narrow sectarian channels and not permit them to
also suffer from lack of employment round the year. Agriculture hides a lot challenge the very policy framework which serves the interests of
of underemployment. Continuing semifeudal relations contribute to lack of imperialism and ruling classes. Demonetization had also severely affected
development and hence of employment in agriculture. There has been peasantry though this aspect was brushed under the carpet by corporate
increase in tenancy in agricultural sector in several parts of the country. media. But this anger has now burst forth in a number of states, particularly
The current unrest gripping the peasant masses relates to land owning in BJP ruled states. Some govts. have announced partial loan waivers
peasants, of them poor and middle peasants are worst affected. Inputs which, though necessary, are not a solution to the problem of growing agrarian
like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, diesel, irrigation etc. for agriculture are distress and increasing indebtedness of peasantry. There is urgent need
provided by the big companies or the Govt. Govt. has no inclination to to buttress the income of peasants by providing them productive
reduce the costs of inputs as this would affect the profits of MNCs and employment round the year through agro-based industries as well as starting
corporate. Govt. also has no intention to reduce taxes levied by it on petrol of enterprises in the rural areas which can supplement the income from
and diesel which are very high on these products and which have a cascading agriculture.
effect. On the other hand, prices of produce do not take into account all There have been increasing attacks on education, scientific research
the input costs particularly they do not make proper provision for family and health care. Education is being increasingly privatized and so is health
labour. Swaminathan Commission had recommended that prices of care. There have been reductions in the seats in premier institutions while
agricultural produce should be 50% over and above the cost of production. funds for research are being cut. There is a plan to close down several of

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these institutes through merger/amalgamation and outright closure. been brought under the tax net by decreasing the limit of exemption. Not
only will they have to submit their papers three times a month, many of the
GST : Increasing burden of Indirect Taxes, Attack on Fiscal Rights items produced mostly by small and medium enterprises have been brought
of States under the higher tax slabs. It is pertinent to note that it is these enterprises
which employ most of the industrial workers in the country. GST thus
To increase the tax burden on the people, to favour corporate big capital represents a cruel blow to employment generation. Higher tax rates would
over the small entrepreneurs and to undermine whatever fiscal rights are devastate many of these industries while paper work would endanger most
granted to the states in the Indian Constitution, RSS-BJP Govt. has of the small enterprises. GST is being touted as avoiding tax on tax
launched Good & Services Tax (GST) from July 1, 2017. GST has long something that was propagated about VAT which has now been assimilated
been demanded by imperialist capital and has been on the wish list of into the new GST regime. This avoidance entails large amount of account
Indian corporate. It represents one of the most cruel attacks on the people keeping, sale and purchase through select channels and this makes products
and the rights of the states. of the large production chains taking their inputs from other sources
Touted as the reform of indirect taxation in the country, GST has three relatively cheaper. Large number of small enterprises get their inputs from
types and several slabs. Besides several items like petroleum products informal sector and hence would end up paying higher taxes on their
and alcohol have been kept out of the purview of GST so that high taxes products. GST thus favours the large enterprises over small but the large
on them do not figure in the GST tax rates. Moreover some of the indirect enterprises are not generating much employment. In fact it is the second
taxes will still continue to be levied by different authorities. devastating attacks on small businesses in less than a year, demonetization
in Novermber 2016 being the earlier one.
GST would greatly increase the burden of indirect taxes which are paid
by the common people. Already Indian Govt. receives two third of its tax Proposed tax reforms with even revenue neutral rates favour the large
revenue through indirect taxes while indirect taxes constitute only a third scale enterprises, while GST proposes increase in indirect taxes to higher
of tax revenues of the Govts. of developed capitalist countries. Tax GDP level. Govt. has abandoned even pretense of lowering the taxes.
ratio in India compares favourably with these countries largely due to
A number of industries which employ a large number of workers are
expenditure on social sectors in those countries while this is almost nominal
facing closure due to high tax burden being proposed under the GST.
in India. Expenditure on education, health and other social sectors is almost
Obviously along with small entrepreneurs, workers too would suffer being
a pittance in comparison.
rendered unemployed and unable to find alternate employment. Workers of
Despite already heavy burden of indirect taxes on the people, GST these enterprises would face more hardships as the owners would transfer
would mean further addition to this burden. Experience of the countries the entire new burden of GST onto the shoulders of workers through further
that have implemented GST points to sharp rise in prices of goods and depressing their wages and depriving them of other benefits. Govt. too
services in those countries. Tax rates have been hiked on services and wants to push the owners towards that course by further diluting the labour
most of the goods. Even the items which have been exempted from taxes laws. Owners of these sectors are already agitating against GST. Similar
or have been kept in lower tax slabs will suffer due to the increase in prices is the case of shopkeepers and traders whose burden would increase and
due to higher taxes on different services and items which are involved in they too are in struggle against imposition of GST.
their production, transport and sale. Lives of the people, particularly common
Though food grains have been kept out of tax net, but this is deceptive
people would suffer enormously due to rise in prices of goods and services,
as their inputs e.g. diesel are heavily taxed as well as is transportation.
particularly items of daily use.
Exempting taxes at one level without exemption at all levels has little bearing
GST represents a very sharp attack on small businesses. These have on the tax burden on a given produce.

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GST also represents a very serious and crude blow on the federal one such step which has proved in practice to have burdened the common
structure, even to the extent it is embodied in the Indian Constitution. Under people and hampered growth. This impediment to growth has now been
the slogan of One nation, one market, one tax GST denies the state demonstrated by slackening of economic growth since demonetization
govts. right to levy taxes even for expenditure on social sectors. While the which only proves that the measure was taken not in the interest of the
state Govts. led by ruling class parties also increase the burden on the people or economy but in the interest of corporate. GST is yet another
people, GST would keep the monopoly of deciding tax rates with the Central example of such measure.
Govt. which would wield enormous power in deciding the tax rates. It would
In fact this increasing of Central Govt. revenues at the expense of the
reduce state govts. to municipalities. In fact Indian ruling classes have
people says much about the fiscal situation. The Govt. wants to augment
been striving for GST to undo the federal structure which they were forced
its revenues to increase expenditure on the weapons of repression, on
to concede due to aspirations of the people during struggle against British
security forces to crush the peoples movements and to strengthen the
colonial rule. But the Indian ruling classes to whom the power was
bureaucratic apparatus which is parasitic on the people, which sucks and
transferred, have systematically sought to render federalism ineffective
squeezes the blood of the very people in whose name it rules.
and to undo it when opportunities arose. Ruling classes' striving is for a
strong unitary state wedded to protecting the interests of imperialists, big Gorkhaland Agitation Flares up Again
capitalists and big landlords. Foreign companies have long been demanding
that Indian Govt. abolish different tax rates and all enterprises should be While Mamata Bannerjees step of enforcing Bengali in Darjeeling Hills
brought under the same tax regime for providing level playing field. Indian was the precipitating factor for the present upsurge in the agitation for
Govt. has taken this step also to attract further FDI which the Govt. is separate state of Gorkhaland, it is disillusionment of the Gorkha people
projecting as the panacea for all the ills plaguing the economy and hampering with powers conferred on the GTA which has provided the main base for
economic growth. this upsurge. Nearly two months of continuous shutdown has paralyzed
life in the hills but the people are determined to carry on the struggle. Over
It is being claimed by apologists of corporate that GST would favour
a dozen people have died in firings by security forces.
poorer states as these are mostly consumers as compared to states where
industrial production is located. But higher tax rates would mean no real Gorkha people constitute a separate nationality with different language,
benefit, rather the consumers i.e. people of these states would suffer due history, cultural and economic life. Major part of this hilly region was taken
to higher tax rates. by British imperialists from Nepal under the Sugauli Treaty of 1815 while
Doars were annexed from Bhutan after British-Bhutan war in 1865. The
Indirect taxes constitute a very significant part of the prices paid by the
demand of Gorkha people for a separate state is a just and democratic
people, making over a third of the prices. While taxes must come only
demand. This is also one of the oldest regional demands as Hillmen's
from the surplus value/product added by the workers/producers, indirect
Association had submitted a memorandum to British colonial authorities
taxes act on the wages and other incomes of the labouring masses who
in 1909 for a separate administration. CPI(ML)-New Democracy had
ultimately pay the bulk of all the indirect taxes. While there is a strong
supported this demand when the agitation on this issue first flared up in
case for abolition of indirect taxes to lower the prices of the goods and
1986 and reiterated this support in the second phase of the agitation in
services, Indian Govt. is increasing them in the name of GST.
2011-12. While Gorkha people have braved all hardships and offered
GST is yet another example of how the ruling classes are attacking the supreme sacrifices, their leadership has repeatedly vacillated and
people. Though they chant the mantra of growth, but their essential quest compromised, first for DGHC under the leadership of Subhash Gheising
is for increasing profits of corporate and for this they do not hesitate to and then for GTA under the leadership of Bimal Gurung. The leadership
take measures which hamper economic growth. Demonetization was also has relied on the main ruling class parties, first Congress and then BJP.

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This tied them to the ruling classes but has not fulfilled the aspirations of
the people. This compromising approach of the leadership of the Gorkhaland Str ug
ugggle of Peasants ffor
Peasants or
Rem uner
tivve Prices
movement has resulted in sacrifices of the people of Gorkhaland not
resulting in securing their cherished demand for a separate state.
Though Bimal Gurung led GJM continues to be the organization with
maximum support, there is a lot of spontaneous upsurge and there is a Ashish Mital
large section in the movement for a separate state outside its fold. It is
due to this popular upsurge that GJM has been forced to accept a joint There has been a sharp and welcome rise in peasant struggles in several
action committee to spearhead the movement. These divisions are apparent states beginning with Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in June 2017 and
in the movement and there are reports to that effect. This has given picking up in Rajasthan, Karnataka, Punjab and other states. This follows
opportunity to progressive forces to increase their influence in the movement the emergence in several states of movements for caste based reservation
through being the most steadfast contingent in this struggle. Main ruling rights, the Gujars in Rajasthan, Jats in Haryana, Patidars in Gujarat, Kappus
class parties in West Bengal, particularly TMC, is trying to whip up Bengali in AP, Marathas in Maharashtra and others, which were analysed to be
chauvinism. Main ruling class parties like Congress and BJP would also mainly a result of agrarian distress being diverted by ruling class parties
not support this demand as it pertains to the border region. BJP, which has towards caste based reservation movements. Those did not yield fruit and
been winning from this area due to support from GJM due to its pretension the real issues are coming to the fore.
of supporting Gorkhaland, is now washing its hands off the issue. BJP The current movement has burst forth after the RSS BJP actively
Govt. is now saying that it is TMC Govt. in West Bengal which is mainly campaigned to woo dis-satisfied sections of society, peasants and lower
responsible for fulfillment of this demand. But under the Indian Constituion, castes, variously mobilized by regional and caste based parties to gain
Parliament alone can form a new state and the state assembly's approval power. During 2014 Lok Sabha and in UP during 2017, the RSS BJP
is not necessary. This ploy of BJP should open the eyes of Gorkha people addressed some of the issues and made promises they never intended to
to the real attitude of BJP towards their demand for a separate state. keep. It helped to wean away important sections from other ruling class
Revisionist parties like CPM had opposed this demand earlier and even outfits which only relied on their caste alliances for being in power. While in
now are only confining themselves to opposing repression by TMC Govt. power they never ever addressed the real issues. Modi made promises to
In fact the major part of CPM in the region had revolted on this issue and generate jobs, revive agriculture and double peasants' income by 2022,
had set up the CPRM. Revolutionary and democratic forces should support increase MSP of crops to 1.5 times the cost of production as per
this just and demoratic demand. These forces should oppose the attempts Swaminathan Commission, waive off all loans of all peasants and not allow
by TMC and other ruling class parties to whip up Bengali chauvinism to peasants to die as Congress had done for 60 years. Three years of Modi
oppose this demand and forge unity among the toiling people and struggling rule have gone by without any result. Meanwhile prices of several crops
forces both in West Bengal and Gorkhaland. Democratic rights organizations and milk crashed while input costs and debt burden rose continuously. In
should investigate and condemn the brutalities against the people by the 26 years since NEP, i.e. since 1991, more than 3 lakh (between 12,000 to
security forces. 16,000 each year for 22 years) indebted peasants committed suicide after
While the demand of the people of hills is a democratic demand, the facing severe humiliation. The present movement began from various mandis
question related to Doar regions should be democratically decided and with peasants going on strike, assembling in large numbers to prevent
aspirations of tribal people living there should also be taken into supply of food items to cities, spilling milk and vegetables on the roads.
consideration. 'Arguments' against loan waiver
It is being vociferously argued by those in power that loan waiver of

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peasants are not the solution to the problem, that there is severe paucity Cooperative Banks, a large section of which is again controlled by the
of funds, that the Centre will not reimburse the state govts for loan waiver, landlords. The rest Rs 9.57 lakh crores are from commercial banks.
that the states are under heavy debts which are over and above their fiscal
deficits, that they have a heavy burden of debt servicing, etc. At the outset, DebtSuicide Cycle : Loan Waiver, MSP, Cheap Agricultural
the loan waiver should not be given and if it is, it can only be a one-time Inputs
measure which too has to be recovered. In short, there are no funds for
The question is why are the Indian peasants entangled in this all pervading
relief to peasants.
debt repayment suicide cycle? Though the sarkari mantra is of a free
This logic paints peasants as villains of the economy, asking for market, the fact is that the sale of high value commodities above the
unwarranted help. It refuses to accept their misery which apart from other purchasing capacity of consumers is distorted in favour of companies by
factors is accentuated by this usurious logic of bankers, landlords and lending to the consumers at the cost of mortgaging their assets. Thus high
private lenders that their loans and its interest are sacrosanct and have to priced seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, farm machinery like tractors and
be honoured. It is driven by the logic of Finance Capital which reigns supreme harvesters, pumps, drip irrigation equipment and even diesel are purchased
and subordinates all sectors to serve its needs, making them pay for saving by the peasantry through loans procured by mortgaging their land. And this
its financial interest. It is driven by foreign and Indian corporate interests, is part of the Govt. policy which neither pressurizes the companies to bring
by international financial and trade institutions and is implemented by Indias down prices, nor guarantees remunerative prices and nor does it promote
comprador ruling classes who have nothing in common with national interest other crops which need less investments. It makes the peasantry pay
of the patriotic peasantry. It also finds harmony with feudal holdings and unaffordable monopolistic prices for inputs sold by companies and also
culture. They are all in collusion and serve the aims and objectives of pay interest on that amount to the banks. They end up spending more than
imperialist capital which is seeking high profits from cheap industrial inputs, the market price.
cheap resources, cheap labour and market monopoly in third world countries.
Earlier loan waivers granted by the Govt. have gone largely to repay
Their entire policy framework is decided by these considerations.
loans to banks and to clean their books, with suicide afflicted families
Farm Credit and Govt. waivers continuing to suffer. The Indian Shylocks have thus not only extracted
their pound of flesh from common peasants, they have also drawn blood
It is worth keeping in mind that while decrying farm loan waiver the from those who committed suicide. This unholy nexus between the banks
Govt is considering waiver of around 6.7 lakh crores NPAs not paid up by and corporate industry is maintained and supported by Govt. policy. It is
big companies apart from hiding the names of bank loan defaulters. In pertinent to note that in determining the high price of one of these inputs,
addition to this the Govt. has been waiving taxes due from big corporate diesel, the GOI is directly involved. In India diesel sells for Rs 58 per litre
worth more than Rs 6 lakh crore each year (it was 6.11 lakh crore rupees in based on high govt. taxes, while it is sold cheaper in all other countries of
2015-16), marked as taxes foregone. This tax waiver accounts for much of the Indian subcontinent. In Indian rupee terms it is Rs 46 in Nepal, Rs 49 in
the Govts revenue shortfall, which is its main excuse for denying farm Pakistan, Rs 38 in Afghanistan, Rs 40 in Srilanka and Rs 51 in Bangladesh.
loan waiver.
The question of MSP also needs to be addressed in respect to
It is reported that farm loans have in fact gone up 55% in the first 30 continuous rise in other expenditures on basic needs e.g. education,
months of Modi govt from Rs 8.11 lakh crore in March 2014 to Rs 12.6 transport, health care and now essential electronic gadgets. During the
lakh crores. (IE 13/6) Of these too Rs 7.75 lakh crores are crop loans given last 26 years, on the one hand the Govt. has been withdrawing from these
to the peasantry while the remaining Rs 4.85 lakh crores are term loans services and on the other it has been promoting private profiteers who
given mostly to large land holders. Also of these total loans Rs 1.45 lakh charge at will and cheat, while the peasant has only his/her land and labour
crores are from Regional Rural Banks and Rs 1.57 lakh crores from to earn from.

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It is neither surprising then that peasants are committing suicide nor is state Govt. has been forced from this year to pay a grant of Rs 4000 per
their demand for loan waiver and MSP in any way unjustified. Given the acre, per crop to each peasant, which subsidizes their inputs.
policy framework, this loan waiver is obviously not a long term solution and
it underlines the importance of the demand for Minimum Support Price at Debts of Rural Poor
50% above the actual cost of production inclusive of the labour time spent These peasant issues came to the fore due to the continuing peasant
and the land rent. Included in this is the demand of MSP for all crops and suicides, promises made by Modi and BJP and the recent rise in peasant
a complete ban on purchase of crops below the MSP. Currently the Govt. movements. They have mainly taken place in areas of irrigation crises and
only notifies MSP for 24 crops and does not even purchase many of them. drought, where commercial crop sowing is high and has mostly affected
It does not also provide full procurement security for any single crop. the land owning peasantry, part of which is from OBC background. But
Moreover if the entire needs of peasants are to be effectively met other there are those at the bottom rung of agriculture in India, the landless and
solutions too have to be found. poor peasants, who constitute 70% of the peasant masses in India, who
Govt. Stand on MSP are very much part of these rising movements, but whose main questions
have not been given a voice so far. They are the share croppers, tenant
While the RSS BJP Govt. led by Modi had made concrete election peasants, agricultural labourers and rural unorganized labour. They are the
promises of granting an MSP of 50 % over the cost of production in 2014, worst sufferers of unemployment, forced labour at abysmally low wages
in February 2015 it filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court that implementing and indebtedness both at the hands of the local money lenders and landlords
Swaminathan report will not be feasible. The bigger problem is that the and by govt. permitted private micro financers. Govt. loans to them, given
Shanta Kumar Commission on procurement of crops says that only 6% during the 1970s and 1980s for animal husbandry, for small enterprises,
farmers benefit from Govt. procurement, hence even this should be wound shops, education, etc. have been totally withdrawn with the advent of
up. Procurement has also been under attack from the Govt. by withdrawing liberalization. Now the only loans that are given to the poor peasants are
PDS supply of food grains and converting PDS into cash transfer schemes. measly KCC loans against their small agricultural holdings. Recent figures
So under Govt. policy procurement and assured MSP is out. It is also in show that of the 40% bank credit earmarked for priority sector, 18% goes
line with WTO dictates, which in 2014 gave India only a 4 year long lease for agriculture and of this, less than half, only 8%, is given to small and
to procure and supply food grains under PDS. marginal peasants. Welfare measures, MNREGA, rations, pensions, have
already run dry with both the Govt. undermining them and they being
Input Prices and Infrastructure
subjected to corrupt officials and village rich. The attenuation of these
Intimately related to keeping food prices in the market down is the demand poor is very high. Their misery is stark and unattended. Their apprehensions
to keep input prices low and this not by ruining the peasants as the Govt. are visible and their anger with their traditional political organizations is
is doing, but by subsidizing the inputs. The sharpest rise in input costs rising. Their debt issues and other demands too need to be addressed.
during this period has been due to prices of HYV seeds, insecticides, some There were several reports highlighting rising suicides amongst them and
fertilizers like Potash, micronutrients, diesel and in addition the cost burden current data is showing that suicides amongst them is as high if not higher
due to excessive use of these inputs and water. Related to this are the than the land owning peasantry.
demands for laying down proper infrastructure of irrigation, soil preservation,
free electricity supply, supply of good quality seeds and other inputs, Recently announced Loan Waivers and State Debts
technical support, etc. Peasants in Punjab have fought long for free
electricity for agriculture. In fact due to the sustained struggles of the A justification is being raised that states are themselves in debt and
peasantry, electricity supply is regular and free in Punjab, Telangana, AP they cannot be expected to foot the bill of the loan waivers. Some facts of
and Tamil Nadu. Not only this, due to peasant struggles in Telangana, the various states are as under:

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State Waiver (Rs. Cr) Fiscal Deficit (Rs. Cr) complete cycle of crop management from inputs to sale and processing
and granting effective utilisation, control and benefit to the peasantry has
Madhya Pradesh 30,000 25,000 to be worked out. For that the Govt. has to be willing. It cannot promote
Punjab 9,845 13,087 MNCs and compradors in the name of efficiency and privatization. That
Haryana 23,000 25,115 will further impoverish peasants, while continuously increasing their cost
of living. The Govt. has to provide all the necessary infrastructure and
Rajasthan 30,000 23,014
knowhow for such development. Another suggestion was to develop
Uttar Pradesh 36,500 49,960 Minimum Alternate Income proposed by Chidambaram, Yogendra Yadav
Maharashtra 30,000 38,789 and others. That is a monthly grant per family which can only be a pittance
((HT, June 13, 2017)) and is only meant to placate the rising anger of people.

Total loan on Maharashtra govt. is Rs 3.56 lakh crores, on UP it is just Major ruling class parties, BJP and Congress, have been arguing for
under 4 lakh crores with debt servicing higher than the loan waiver. Most of decades that since agriculture is not viable, the new generation does not
these loans have been taken and spent on serving private interests and want to do it, to draw attention away from the demands of the peasantry.
those of big industrial houses, MNCs and corrupt politicians and officials. The World Bank too has asked GOI to target changing at least 40%
None of it has been spent to help peasants and other needy sections. agricultural land into SEZs, Smart Cities, Industrial and Coastal Corridors,
etc. Their main alternate is to make peasants give up their land. However
The loan waivers have been announced, but the relief is yet to reach if these present movements are any indication, it is the new generation
the peasants as there are several riders attached. which has been actively fighting most of these battles.
Other Solutions on Offer
Crop Prices, Drought and Demonetization
Several other such measures have been suggested as a solution to the
crises in agriculture. These may be helpful to placate the peasant anger for The entire Vidarbha region and Central India faced a severe drought in
some time and at some places, but none can save the situation. Nearly 2014 and 2015, adversely affecting crop production and leaving the peasants
69% people live in rural areas and more than 50 % of Indias population is indebted. In 2016 they received a good rainfall and had a good crop, but the
directly engaged in agriculture for its livelihood. sale of these was adversely affected by over supply, no govt. purchase
security and monopoly of big traders who brought down the prices. On top
Pradhan Mantri Bima Yojana: Only a miniscule section of peasants,
of this came Demonetization and promotion of cashless transactions which
3.8%, have access to insurance. Though the Yojna has been propagated
markedly reduced cash flow in rural markets. Peasants generally sold their
with fanfare, even in the face of massive peasant mobilization against
crops at 30% lower prices or on promises of deferred payments, but in
Govt. policy not one BJP leader has dared to assure this as a security for
some states like Maharashtra prices crashed to less than half. Even Govt.
peasant distress. Data for 2016-17 shows that while insurance companies
procuring agencies provided cheques cashable only after 20 days. This
had collected a premium of Rs 22,345 crores, they had only paid Rs 5876
distress further enabled private traders to seize the opportunity to bring
crores as compensation to peasants out of the total estimated claims of
down prices.
Rs 112,946 crores.
Non Farm Income/ MAI: There is a suggestion to increase Non In this background we may view some of the developments
Farm Employment and Income. But this can be meaningful only if rural and some reactions of peasantry in different parts of the country.
people benefit from the value creation in agro industry, commerce, services. We may keep in mind that the WTO stipulations were supposed to
Developing agro industrial and commercial complexes in rural areas for the provide good export market and high income to Indian peasants.

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In Mandsaur (Malwa region of MP) for e.g. the price of Ajwain which In Kolar Karnataka, in early May peasants sold tomatoes for Rs 300/
peaked at Rs 17,500 per quintal last year fell to Rs 5600 - 7500 this year. quintal down from Rs 1600/quintal. Here Arhar sold for Rs 3700/quintal
Garlic prices fell from over Rs 10,000/quintal to less than Rs 1500/quintal while its MSP is Rs 5050/quintal and the cost of production is as high as
and that of Methi from Rs 4800 /quintal to Rs 3100/quintal. In Indore, Rs 6000/quintal. (IE, 11/6)
Soyabean prices fell to less than Rs 2400/quintal while the cost of production
Garlic prices fell from Rs 60 - 90 per kg in 2015-16 to Rs 23 - 27 per kg
comes to Rs 2850/quintal. However the Govt. estimates the cost of
this year. Peasants sold Moong Dal at Rs 3600 /quintal even though its
production to be only Rs 1727/quintal. The market price is set by three
MSP is 5225 /quintal and Chana Dal for Rs 4150/quintal while its MSP is
denominators the Bursa Malaysia, the Spot Price in Indore and the Chicago
Rs 4700/quintal.
Board of Trade. Retail prices of Soya have not fallen as much and it is
these three boards which have made the prices crash. If peasants have In AP and Telangana peasants protested the fall in chilli prices from Rs
control of the entire value chain, from seed production to agro processing 10,000 / quintal to Rs 4,000 / quintal and they burnt chilli on the highway. In
to selling of final product, only then can their crop become valuable. Fall in Khammam peasants were arrested and taken in handcuffs for protesting
prices does not necessarily translate into cheaper retail sales. Depending against these low prices.
on the holding capacity, the bigger traders are able to sell the crops at
In Farukhabad, UP potatoes fetched below Rs 350/quintal this February,
more or less the same price that it normally fetches. For example a variety
compared to Rs 600/quintal or more last year while in May last year they
of Basmati rice which normally sells at Rs 100 / kg, the traders have been
had crossed Rs 1100/quintal. The cost of production comes out to be almost
able to buy in bulk for as low as Rs 15/kg.
Rs 600/quintal including cold storage charges.
The MSP for wheat was Rs 1625/quintal, but the commission agents In Gujarat more than 500 peasants clashed with the police on Feb 14,
gave only Rs 1200 to 1400/quintal. Incidentally the govt. had reduced import 2017, when it lathicharged them for protesting against diversion of their
duty on wheat from 25% last year to zero this year just before harvest of irrigation water of Narmada canal for Sanand industries. Another group led
wheat began. Imports from Ukraine at around Rs 1400/quintal then further by Khedut Samaj Gujarat led a 450 km yatra demanding loan waiver. In
created a glut. Prices of coriander came down from Rs 7000 to 3000/quintal Rajasthan peasants protested against delayed cheque payments.
from last year, while that of methi (fenugreek) from Rs. 7000 to Rs. 2200
and chicken pea (chana) from Rs 10,000 to 4,000. Similarly the MSP for The unrest continues to simmer, suicides continue unabated and the
mustard was Rs 3700/quintal but it sold at Rs 3200 while MSP for Bajra Govts refuse to offer any real hope. Their refrain is that they have done
was Rs. 1260/quintal while it sold at Rs 1100. Also in crisis was sunflower more than enough. For most sections leading the struggles it is clear that
which the peasants had to sell for Rs 2700/quintal while its MSP is Rs this Govt. will not relent. Some sections are searching for hope from anti
3950 and maize for Rs 800/quintal while its MSP is Rs 1240. Other major BJP, anti NDA ruling parties, but even they have not offered any real promise,
crops whose prices crashed in this region are Tur, Arhar, Moong, Mustard, except saying they are with the peasants. The protests continue on the
Tomatoes, Potatoes and Onions. rhetoric that two thirds of the country is up in protest, if the Govt. does not
relent, then peasants shall form their own govt. Even proponents of this
In Nasik mandi onion prices fell from Rs 800/quintal to Rs 450 this slogan do not explain what this means. As the situation lies, the peasantry
year. Two years back they fetched up to Rs 1200 /quintal. Peasants who will have to build strong regional or state level movements on these issues
sold directly in retail suffered price loss from Rs 60/kg in 2015 to Rs 3/kg by rallying larger numbers of peasants and by highlighting the issues more
this year. Prices of grapes were already low at Rs 35 per kilo in January, clearly. Ruling classes have shown their willingness to unleash repression,
but when the main crop came it did not fetch even Rs 20, which meant a even kill the protestors. The movement has to deal with this situation.
total loss. In Maharashtra cost of animal feeds has risen continuously There is no peaceful or electoral alternative.
while milk prices remain low and constant.

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MARCH via Super bazaar and Bus stand on to the Collector Office. Dharna was
held at 2pm and later public meeting started. It was presided over by Party's
PRO District leader Mukti Satyam. Party's speaker, Balachandra Shadhangi from
Odisha, addressed the gathering and declared full support to the adivasis
STA on behalf of CPI (ML) New Democracy. He said that theTRS government is
implementing policies against its own manifesto and doing plantation in
In Telangana Agency area, the TRS Government is occupying the 'podu' podu lands. TRS Government is working for the sake of corporate forces
lands of adivasis which are used for shifting cultivation and also Dalits' and is looting Adivasis' wealth. Adivasi lives are sustaining on Forest Lands
lands. This is being done in the name of Haritaharam (GO GREEN). Due only. Finally he concluded his speech with the inspiring words that we will
to this the people are losing their lives. According to the 2006 Forest Rights all unite together, resist Government's conspiracy and protect shifting
Act, Government has to give land pattas but here the Government is doing cultivation. Arunodaya's songs attracted the public.
the reverse. It is digging trenches, carrying out sapling plantations in podu
lands.KCR led TRS party promised in its manifesto to give 3 acre land Cultural activists arrested: Arunodaya activists showed excellent and
for Dalits,Adivasis. But today it is working against its manifesto and attractive performances and were led by Kampati Prasad. Police couldn't
displacing Dalits and Adivasis from the lands they are cultivating and is tolerate the reality depicted by Arunodaya. Activists have shown the cruelty
making their lives very complicated. From the beginning New Democracy and atrocities of police. Police stopped Arunodaya's procession and arrested
opposed Government's undemocratic activities and 500 members have been the activists. They were sent to Laxmidevipalli police station and tortured
booked under different cases. Opposing the state repression and for the the entire day.
protection of podu lands, CPI(M-L) New Democracy held a series of
Earlier, in order to make this march successful so that the struggle
programmes in the area.
advances, Party conducted mobilization campaigns in different areas and
GRAND PROCESSION AND DHARNA IN FRONT OF met the masses. Party's Division committee conducted a divisional level
gathering on 6.6.2017. It decided to oppose Tree Plantation and Trenching
COLLECTOR OFFICE IN KOThAGUDEM in podu lands and to unite to protect adivasi lands and resist like the people
On 20.06.2017, over 5000 people came from different areas and gathered of Chettupalli village had done earlier (See New Democracy May 2017
at Kothagudem Market Yard. Market Yard Officials refused permission to issue). Division committee asked activists to mobilize people and
allow people into the market yard. They showed a copy of the denial of implement party's decision to save podu lands.
permission. But at same time CITU was conducting a conference with 500
members in the same place. The public argued with market yard officials A Jeep campaign was held for a week in the division. It started at
and they called the police who issued a warning, but the people didnt Kottagudem on 10.6.2017. It was held in Chandrugomda mandal in 10
back down. Finally the procession started from Market Yard at 1pm. Party's villages,in Yellendu mandal in 20villages, in Tekulapally mandal in 25
main speaker in this programme- Com Bhala Chandra Shadangi from Odisha, villages, in Gundala mandal in 26 villages, in Allapally mandal in17 villages,
AIKMS and POW Telangana state presidents V. Koteswara Rao and G. in Kottagudem madal in 15 villages,in Asvapuram mandal in10 villages,in
Jhansi, Party Regional Committee leaders Gouni Ilaiah, J. Sitaramaiah Annapureddy mandal in 5 villages and in Julurpad mandal in 3 villages.
and others, led the procession.
Motor Cycle Rally & Procession was held in Kothagudem mandal in
The procession was enlivened by Arunodaya cultural troupe's Bangaru chelaka area with 40 motor cycles in 10 villages, in Gundala mandal
performances. People were inspired by the slogans which were , Withdraw with 80 motor cycles in 5 villages, in Polaram mandal with 40 motor cycles,
from occupying adivasi land, Give registrations to podu lands, Lift illegal Chettupalli panchayat with 40 motor cycles, in Kachanapally with 30 motor
cases on people. The procession started from the Market Yard and went cycles. In Yellendu mandal also such rallies were held.In Kothagudem,

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
division level meetings were also conducted in 54 villages. wealth of the adivasi, but Modi and KCR governments are trying to mortgage
adivasi wealth to Coporates. It is a conspiracy of World Bankand MNCs.
BHADRACHALAM DIVISION Kurukshetram, Rama-Ravana war were for land and adivasi people are
In Badrachalam division centre, New Democracy's Badrachalam fighting with spirit in a do or die struggle for land.
Palvancha division committees conducted a public meeting. Adivasis, Ex- MLA Gummadi Narasiah addressed the gathering. He said KCR
women, youth, shift cultivators attended in huge numbers. At the forefront doesnt have interests of adivasis in view, he only wants plantations.
of the procession were Arunodaya cultural activists, enriching the Adivasis stand for the right to their land and will fight against displacement.
programme with different performances. This mass procession started from
Godavari river bank and reached ITDA office via Bus stand and Konaram MAHABUBABAD DISTRICT
road. Thousands of people sat in front of ITDA office and held a dharna for
2 hours. Adivasi women attended the programme with their small children Village to District level mobilization programs were conducted in
and lunch boxes in tow. The procession attracted the town people. 5000 Mahabubabad District to make the planned mass rally a success.The Mass
people attended this dharna. It was presided over by AIKMS State rally and Public meeting was held on 28th June 2017 in Mahabubabad
Secretary K.Rangaiah. District centre on behalf of party's District committee. Cadre took up a
campaign for 10 days. On this occasion 13 pamplets, 4 thousand posters
CPI (M-L) New Democracy Central Committee leader Com. Darshan were printed and big campaign made.Though it was cultivation season,
Singh Khatkar (Punjab) addressed the gathering. He said Modi and KCR people attended in massive numbers from all corners of the district.
govts are working as pro-corporate, pro imperialist forces. Their rule is Mahabubabad public meeting became a symbol of opposition to Haritaharam
entirely against Adivasis, Dailts and other downtrodden classes. They are and podu land occupation by Govt. of KCR.
trying to displace people from their lands. Modi and KCR both are provoking
in the name of Patriotism, Nationalism. But in reality these two are pseudo Arunodaya cultural troupe led the procession, holding different
patriots and anti-nationals. Advasis are the real nationalists and are performances. The procession moved from NTR Ground to Gandhi park
patriotic. On behalf of the people of Punjab, he strongly supported the via Underground bridge and vegetables market. Later public meeting was
adivasi movement. conducted, presided over by District Spokesperson Chinna Chandranna.
Jada Satya Narayana invited delegates on to the dias.
AIKMS All India President, Vemulapally Venkatramaiah, addressed
the gathering. He said that it was due to many adivasi struggles led by Party Central Committee member Com. Sushanta Jha, AIKMS All India
revolutionaries that people managed to ensure implementation of Forest President Vemulapally Venkatramaiah, AIKMS National committee Vice
Rights Act. But KCR govt. is misusing power and violating the Act of 2006. president J. V. Chalapati Rao, Regional committee leaders Chinna
According to 2006 Forest Rights Act, Government has to give 10 acres of Chandranna, Gouni Illaiah, Ravi, Jaggana, Narsakka, J.S, Padma led the
prescribed land per family to Adivasi people. Comrade V.V called on the procession.
adivasis that they should fight for justice till their last breath. Com. Sushanta Jha addressed the gathering and explained the Central
CPI(M-L) New Democracy Telangana State Joint Secretary P. Ranga and state governments' fascist actions on people. Both are trying to impose
Rao addressed the gathering. He said History shows that figures like pro-imperialist polices on people. Both are trying to displace Adivasis from
Komaram Bheem, Dvara Bamdhaala Chandraiah, Soyam Gangulu, Alluri their lands. KCR is executing policies dead against his promises. He
fought for the protection of Adviasi lives. Naxalbari, Srikakulam, Godavari demanded that KCR government give 3 acres of land to eligibles. He said
Valley, Telangana Struggles came into existence for Land and Food. These Govt. is violating 2006 Forest Rights act and moving far way from its
struggles won rights for adivsi over the forest lands. Forest land is the manifesto. People must unite and resist government policies. New

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
Democracy Party is always with adivasis in their struggle. Raabamdham village and damaged agricultural implements. They beat a 9
month pregnant woman and she had to stay in hospital for 15 days. They
Comrade V.V. addressed the gathering. He asked TRS government removed 100 huts at Royyuru village, Chintalamori village was burnt,
about its promises in elections. According to 2006 Forest Rights Act, cultivation of Chinnaboinaplly peasants was disturbed, plantation on podu
government has to give 10 acres of land to all Tribals. For the protection of lands was done in Kondai and on Malyala adivasi lands. In Govindarao
podu lands we have to conduct mass movements, he said. peta mandal's Devunigutta village they attacked and fractured both hands
Comrade J.V. addressed the gathering and explained the government's of two peasants. In Mondelutogu village they destroyed 4 houses with a
draconian policies. He demanded Government to lift all false cases against bulldozer. 30 houses were burnt in Venkatapuram mandal's Bandlapadu
the public and remove police force from podu lands. village. Electricity poles were broken down in Mulugu mandal's
Kodshalakunta village. Bore wells were filled with stones. In Bhupalapally
To prepare for this programme a District level general meeting was held mandal's Dudekulapally village, they dug trenches in the peasants' lands.
on 21.6.2017 in Bayyaram. Group meetings were also held in villages in Errarm village was forcibly vacated. Azamnagar, Pegadapalli, Gollapally,
Bayyaram mandal (over 17 villages), in Garla mandal (5 villages), in Kataram, Mahadevpur, Palimera, etc. villages lands were occupied and
Gangaram Mandal (5 villages), in Kottagudem mandal (2 villages) and in plantation done by Forest department. They tore the land books. Minimum
Guduru mandal (8villages). General meetings were held in Bayaram and democracy is lost in Bhupalapally and Mulugu areas. KCR's rule seems to
Gangaram mandal centres. A 10 day long Jeep campaign was held in be a rajakar sarkar or Emergency.
Mahabubabad and Bayyaram mandal centres and several other centres.
In this situation CPI (M-L) New Democracy announced its support to
NARSAMPETA : On 3.7.2017 a massive rally was organized at adivasis and called for district wide agitations to oppose stare repression
Narsampeta madal centre. To prepare for this, village level group meetings on agency areas and the misuse of powers. TRS government is trying to
were held in 10 villages. The procession in Narsampeta town started from demolish traditions, culture and customs of advasis, wishes to uproot adivasi
Pakhala road and went to to RDO office via Ambedkar centre, Angadi from their land and wants to assign natural resources to MNCs. With respect
centre, Bus stand centre. POW State President Com. Jhansi, AIKMS State to LPG policies. Central and State governments are doing plantations on
Joint secretary Chinna Chandranna and Regional committee leaders podu lands, intentionally governments are constantly torturing the tribal
addressed the gathering. Arunodaya troupe led the procession. Speakers people, spoiling adivasi lives by allocating their lands to SEZs, Industrial
detailed the atrocities by Forest dept. and police on tribals and demanded Corridors, Power Plants, Chemical plants etc. All these things are happening
a stop to pro corporate steps,demanded that government withdraw false for the welfare of coporates not for the sake of Tribals. Abolishing the
cases against tribals, issue pass books to dwellers, stop plantation and Adivasi rights on the forest, forcibly vacating them from their lands and
trenching of podu lands. Later a memorandum was given to the RDO with allocating the natural resources to the Corprate companies is on. Who ever
several demands. refutes and resists these cruel activities of the government is being tortured
and constantly facing attacks. Revolutionaries are being killed in fake
BHUPALAPALLI DISTRICT: In this district, the TRS Govt. got huts of encounter for leading people's struggles.
adivasis in Tadvai Mandal Kondedru village burnt and foisted false cases
on 9 members. It forced vacation of Kondaparthi village and 14 huts were CPI(M-L) New Democracy called for District wide agitations and held
burnt. Huts were destroyed at Lavvala, huts were burnt twice at group meetings in 10 villages. District Spokesperson Kodi Somanna started
Jalagalamchampu, Neeladripeta, Yapalgadda, Sanbai gudem and Adivasi Jeep campaign. On 10.7.2017 a mass gathered in huge number, collected
gudem. Forest officials attempted rape of a tribal woman at Bayakkapeta from all corners of the district and a successful meeting for defending
base office. podu lands was held. Speakers demanded that government stop attacks
on the tribals, issue land books for dwellers and called on the people to
Forest officials and Police attacked Yeturunaagaram mandal's resist government atrocities.

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