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August 6, 2010
2:39 o'clock p.m.
had in the above-entitled cause held at the
Thompson Center, 100 West Randolph Street, Room
14-100, Chicago, Illinois, MR. BRYAN A. SCHNEIDER,
MS. WANDA L. REDNOUR, Vice Chairman,
via telephone conference
MR. JOHN R. KEITH, Springfield
MR. JESSE R. SMART, Springfield
via telephone conference
Reported By: Anna M. Morales, CSR, RMR
License No.: 084-002854

McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc.

Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 (Whereupon, the following
2 proceedings commenced at
3 2:41 o'clock p.m.)
4 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: I'll now convene the State
5 Officers Electoral Board and ask the clerk to take
6 the roll call for attendance.
8 MEMBER BRADY: Present.
10 MEMBER KEITH: Present.
12 Mr. Porter?
13 MEMBER PORTER: Present.
15 MEMBER SMART: Present.
19 Chairman Rednour?
22 Schneider?

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 (Whereupon, there were proceedings
2 had not herein transcribed.)
3 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Next item is Consideration
4 of Objections to New Party and Independent
5 Candidate Petitions, and there are a number of
6 items here that we will take together as they raise
7 the same questions of law, not that you all wish
8 not -- I'm sure it would be a treat for all of you
9 to hear to my dulcet tones and read every case. Is
10 there a way that we could simply -- Steve, would it
11 be appropriate to simply reference the agenda for
12 the record?
13 MR. SANDVOSS: Yes. That would be fine.
14 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay. So we'll be
15 considering now Agenda Items 5a through 5cc. The
16 objector in each of those matters is Ms. Meroni
17 against all of the candidates as identified on the
18 agenda.
19 So, Mr. Sandvoss, would you like to
20 present these matters to us consolidated as I
21 discussed?
22 MR. SANDVOSS: Yes, Mr. Chairman. These were a
23 series of objections totaling 29 that are before
24 the Board. They all raise the same issue, and the

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1 basis of the objection is that, and I quote, "The
2 candidates' nomination papers are insufficient
3 because they failed to demonstrate and/or provide

4 documentation that the candidate meets the

5 constitutional requirements or laws."
6 That is really the sum and substance of
7 the objection. In some cases, the candidates
8 either themselves or through counsel has filed
9 motions to strike and dismiss or motions for
10 summary judgment. In other cases, no motions were
11 made.
12 The hearing officer in this case,
13 Ken Menzel, recommended that as to the cases where
14 there were motions to strike and dismiss filed that
15 the Board grant those motions on the basis that the
16 petition does not allege any deficiencies that
17 would invalidate any of the candidates' nominating
18 papers. They simply make a claim that the
19 candidate has failed to prove that they meet the
20 constitutional requirements. It does not comply or
21 comport with the requirements of the 10-8 which
22 states that the objection must specifically state
23 the objection in writing.
24 Also, as to the group of candidates that

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1 did not file any motions, Mr. Menzel recommended
2 that the Board invoke Rule 4 of the Rules of
3 Procedure which gives the Board the authority to
4 strike any objection that the Board feels does not
5 comply with Section 10-8 and they can do so on
6 their own motion, and the hearing officer
7 recommends that the Board exercise that power and
8 invoke Rule 4 to strike the objections in their
9 entirety.
10 I concur with the recommendation of the
11 hearing officer on all 29 cases.
12 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: All right. Are there any
13 questions for Mr. Sandvoss? All right, hearing
14 none, we'll turn to the objector, Ms. Meroni. You
15 have seen our process, if you would like to briefly
16 address the Board concerning your cases, please
17 feel free to do so.
18 MS. MERONI: Thank you very much. And I have a
19 motion to start with that is -- you know, I was
20 originally scheduled for this hearing on
21 August 17th. Actually, originally, I was scheduled
22 for July 26th, and then they scheduled me for
23 July 17th -- or August 17th. And then, all of a
24 sudden, Tuesday afternoon, I get this, we're going

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1 to do it on Friday.
2 Well, my father turned 80 today. So we
3 got a lot of family in town. My nephew just came
4 back from Iraq. So we have a lot of family in
5 town. In addition, I have an appointment with my
6 attorney on Monday. So I can't make that

7 appointment. And also I had other plans to contact

8 some of the candidates and I'm now not able to do
9 that. So I do have a brief motion if I can bring
10 it to you.
11 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: You may. If you have a
12 copy, you can hand it to Mr. White, and he will
13 give it to me.
14 MR. WHITE: Thank you.
15 MS. MERONI: I do have a copy for you guys, if
16 you want. They're just handwritten because I
17 didn't have enough time to get it all done.
18 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Let's see what the

19 substance of it is.
20 MS. MERONI: And if you just give me until
21 Monday, Tuesday, any day. Today I just cannot
22 possibly get it all done.
23 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: You're asking what?
24 You're asking for a continuance to another date?

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1 MS. MERONI: Just for another day.
2 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: You understand that these
3 processes by their very nature move extraordinarily
4 quickly. In many instances, it's advisable to both

5 parties to get the matters disposed of before us as

6 quickly as possible in case either party wishes to
7 seek judicial relief from our decision. So that's
8 why we move so quickly. It's a very, very
9 expedited process that we have to deal with.
10 So, Mr. Sandvoss, is the matter properly
11 before us today?
12 MR. SANDVOSS: Yes, Mr. Chairman, the matter is
13 properly before the Board. The parties have been
14 notified of the Board meeting. Three days where
15 notice was given to both the objector and the
16 candidates. The notice of the meeting was also
17 made public, posted on the Web site in conformance
18 with the Open Meetings Act and all procedures
19 adopted that are contained in the Rules of
20 Procedure have been complied with.
21 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay. So at this point in
22 time, it would be my ruling that we proceed to the
23 cases. They have been properly brought before us.
24 The matters move very quickly. And, again, it can

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 often be a courtesy to the parties for us to take
2 care of our work as quickly as possible so if
3 anyone feels that our decision was improper, they
4 can seek whatever remedies are available.
5 So it would be the ruling of the Chair
6 then that we proceed to these cases. Mr. Sandvoss?
7 MR. SANDVOSS: I just wanted to add for the
8 record that the recommendation of the hearing
9 officer came in two parts. One was issued on the
10 16th and one was issued on the 20th of July, and
11 the candidates and objector received copies of
12 those on those dates. So this has been known for
13 quite some time is my point.
14 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay. Thank you. It
15 helps clarify the records.
16 MS. MERONI: I want to respond to that. Am I
17 allowed?
18 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: No, ma'am. I have made a
19 ruling. I'm the Chairman. I have made a ruling
20 that we're going to proceed pursuant to the agenda.
21 If a Board member objects to my ruling, they may
22 make a motion to overrule me.
23 MS. MERONI: Okay.
24 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: So is there -- right now I

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1 have made my ruling. Are we -- if a Board member
2 objects and wishes to make a motion to overrule my
3 position, now would be the time to do so. Okay.
4 So no Board member seems prepared to overrule my
5 ruling. I ruled that we'll proceed according to
6 the agenda.
7 So now if you have -- if you have a
8 discussion on what a lawyer would call the merits
9 of your case, why we should grant your objection,
10 if you would like to -- if you would like to
11 address us on those topics, please feel free to do
12 so.
13 MS. MERONI: Okay. Thank you. I have two
14 documents here that are exceptions to the --
15 exceptions to the hearing officer's recommendations

16 to invoke Rule 4 and also exceptions to the hearing

17 officer's counsel. May I give that to you?
18 MR. WHITE: Sure.
19 MS. MERONI: Thank you. May I offer you guys
20 copies?
21 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: They can be included in
22 the record. We'll accept the paper, ma'am, but
23 there's processes and time lines for this. So now
24 is your chance, if you have a statement to make to

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1 us, if you have -- if you would like to argue, if
2 you would like to make a presentation about it.
3 It's not a time to submit paper to us and expect us
4 to have read it because, obviously, we're here to

5 consider the case.

6 We'll allow Mr. White to accept it and

7 place it in the record, but it is not necessarily

8 timely filed according to our rules.
9 MS. MERONI: Could you clarify to me which rule
10 that is because I actually, you know, couldn't find

11 anywhere in the rules on what the time frame was

12 for exceptions. I did see the other three-day
13 rules which I followed.
14 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Ma'am, I have made my I

15 think my position is quite clear. You saw how we

16 handle these cases. Now is your time, if you would
17 like, to address the Board. We're giving you every
18 courtesy. If you would like to address the Board
19 on the merits of your objections, please feel free
20 to do so. We're here. If you have some statements
21 to make, that's fine, and arguments. You see

22 sometimes Board members have questions. Now is the

23 time to do that, and we're happy to hear those
24 arguments.

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1 MS. MERONI: And am I arguing the merits of my
2 objection or am I arguing against the
3 recommendations by the officers?
5 MS. MERONI: Okay. Which would you like to
6 hear first?
7 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: They seem to go together.
8 You have presented objections to people's
9 candidacies.
10 MS. MERONI: Yes, I have.
11 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: If you would like to make
12 arguments why we should grant those objections,
13 please feel free to do so now.
14 MS. MERONI: Great. Okay. So, you know, I
15 appreciate the courtesy there because I'm trying to

16 make sure that I understand your processes because

17 it's fairly hard to find evidence when you are not
18 accustomed with the processes.
19 First of all, we have the issue of the
20 merits, and then I guess I will go into the
21 exceptions. The objections that I made are based
22 on the fact that the State of Illinois fails to
23 provide any documentation. They do not ask for or
24 produce or allow to be posted any proof that

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1 candidates are constitutionally eligible to be on
2 the ballot.
3 Now as I understand it, the Board has two
4 different roles. One is to advise the General
5 Assembly, and one is also to run the elections and
6 the processes. And in my objection, I was very
7 clear that I stated the reason that I oppose the
8 candidates, and I presented these objections, is
9 because there is no evidence provided that they're

10 constitutionally eligible other than the fact that

11 some of them signed the statement of candidacy.
12 And so then that would allow people to
13 say, as some of the objections have, that I did not
14 impugn their signature. But that's asking me to do
15 the impossible. You see, how can I impugn
16 somebody's signature if there's no record provided

17 in the process for which I can rely on to say,

18 well, maybe this person is eligible or not? If I
19 want to find out if they're registered to vote, I

20 can go down to the state and I can look it up. If

21 I want to find out where they live, I have
22 recourse. If I want to find out if they obeyed the
23 campaign finance and reporting laws, I have
24 recourse.

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1 There's no recourse for finding out if

2 somebody is constitutionally eligible to be on the

3 ballot. And it's kind of interesting because the

4 Constitution requires this in terms of must and

5 shall. It doesn't say, well, you know, you
6 probably should be. And what we have as a process
7 here is a system that puts it to the luck of the
8 draw.
9 Now when I came -- and so here I have five
10 days. Oh, my gosh. In my whole life, I get five
11 days to take a look at the candidate slate and find
12 out if I should object. And you want me to have
13 grounds to object. But if there's no evidence to
14 present it in the public records, you're asking me
15 to do something that's a due process issue.
16 Furthermore, I'm alleging that this is a

17 civil rights violation. And when we get a little

18 bit deeper into these two reports here, I will
19 discuss that even further, but --
20 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: You may wish to discuss
21 that. Like I say, everything kind of goes
22 together. So please make your arguments.
23 MS. MERONI: I'm trying to be logical as much
24 as I can because it's kind of a big topic and it

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1 took me a long time for me to research it and to
2 study it --
4 MS. MERONI: -- and to come to an understanding
5 that Illinois --
6 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Few more minutes, please.
7 Continue.
8 MEMBER SMART: Can I ask her, the
9 qualifications for candidates, that's not up to us.

10 Our role is to follow the laws and the Constitution

11 of the United States, not to add to them or take
12 away from them. And you're implying that we should
13 set qualifications. If you're a citizen of the

14 State of Illinois and over a certain age, my

15 understanding is you're qualified to run for
16 anything you want to. It's up to the voters to

17 choose that.
18 Why are you wanting to change that
19 procedure? And if you are, you should do that with
20 the legislation and not with us.
21 MS. MERONI: May I respond?
22 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Yes, please do.
23 MS. MERONI: The answer to that question is you
24 left out one requirement in the Constitution and

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1 that is that they have to be a U.S. citizen. And
2 there is no document -- if you are asking me to
3 prove that these candidates are qualified or not,
4 the basis of these objections are that I didn't
5 prove it, but I can't prove something that doesn't
6 exist, can I?
7 And so I'm not asking for a change in the

8 law. The law states what it states. But the

9 Constitution states that everyone that is on my
10 ballot needs to be a U.S. citizen.
11 And I'm shocked, shocked to find out that
12 nobody checks in the process. And I'm even more

13 astounded to find out that a candidate that failed

14 to sign the statement of candidacy would be deemed
15 to be allowed on the ballot unless objection
16 thereof. And I made objection thereof, and it was
17 stated that my objection wasn't solid enough.
18 But the objection stated clearly that he
19 had failed to establish himself as being
20 constitutionally eligible. And if he didn't sign
21 the statement of candidacy, he didn't establish it.
22 And the other thing that I've come to
23 understand is that the Illinois Board doesn't
24 implement any standards of apparent conformity.

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 And this is the second time this has happened where
2 candidates have been available to be on the ballot
3 without being in apparent conformity to the
4 Illinois law. So I'm a little bit confused as to

5 whether or not the law is being practiced

6 discriminately.
7 And I want to get back to the point about
8 my civil rights. You see, if I have to make a
9 choice -- because I'm afforded the absolute right

10 to object to candidates. Nobody contested my

11 timeliness and nobody contested my interest; and my
12 interest was specifically stated to protect and to
13 cause for the Illinois and U.S. Constitution to be
14 upheld. And nobody contested my right or my
15 standing to do that. You only contested that I
16 didn't present specific enough information.

17 And my answer to you is how can I do that?

18 When I got the first 32 -- when I got the names, by
19 the way, and we have I have withdrawn the
20 objection on three. So there's only 26 that are in
21 the record currently. When I got those names, I
22 didn't know if some of them were male or female,

23 let alone what record do I have to establish if

24 they're qualified to be on my ballot. And, yet,

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 I'm given this time to object, but I'm not given

2 the information for which that I can get the

3 information to do so.
4 I would ask the Board, what would you like
5 me to state and do to prove that my ballot is
6 constitutional or that my candidates are eligible?
7 So we have a civil rights issue because I
8 have to look at people and say, Do they have an
9 accent? Do they have a funny name? What is their
10 ethnicity? At the time that I had the five-day
11 challenge, many of the candidates didn't even have
12 a Web site up yet. So where do I go to get that
13 information? I have no answer to that. So there's
14 no Web site up. If I don't know them personally, I
15 have to either make a blind objection or I have to
16 make one based on profiling.
17 And that is a civil rights violation
18 against me because I don't want to profile. I want

19 to know through must and shall terms if the

20 candidates on my ballot are eligible.
21 Now we have basically two different types
22 of responses. And the first one I will go through
23 is Mr. Menzel's hearing recommendation to grant the
24 motions to strike and dismiss. Before I do that, I

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1 want to state that any candidate --
2 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Couple more minutes,
3 ma'am, on your presentation. That would bring you
4 up a little over ten minutes. So you see how we've
5 handled the other cases. So just keep that in mind
6 as you are thinking through how you want to use the
7 rest of your argument time with us.
8 MS. MERONI: Well, I felt that earlier you had
9 said I would have time to present my case and now
10 I'm feeling you're cutting me short.
11 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: I'm not cutting you short.
12 MS. MERONI: I'm objecting to that.
13 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Objection is noted and
14 overruled and we'll proceed.
15 MS. MERONI: I'm feeling, you know, kind of a
16 hostility from you, sir.
17 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Oh, there's absolutely no
18 hostilities. I'm trying to help you keep your --
19 MS. MERONI: Every time I do something, it's
20 just like you want to shut me up.
21 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: No. We've heard your
22 presentation. You mentioned you wanted to turn to
23 the examiner's report. So that's fine. Please do
24 so.

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1 MS. MERONI: I will do so. One of the options
2 that I made for all -- because I recognize the
3 difficulty of this problem. The Illinois General
4 Assembly has not done their job. The Illinois
5 State Board of Elections has not done their job.
6 You have not recommended that we have a security
7 issue related to our ballots that anybody basically
8 -- right now, Mickey Mouse could sign up and get on
9 there as long as nobody objects to it.
10 Nobody has done their job in that regard.
11 And I recognize that. I'm sympathetic to it. But
12 what I don't understand is what we're going to do

13 about my ballot in November. Because when you guys

14 turn down -- and I fully understand that my options
15 of winning here, my chances of winning in this
16 Board is very small. Okay. But when you turn it
17 down, the consequences are going to be that I'm
18 going into court.
19 And I'm here to say our country right now

20 is in a huge problem. Chicago is, too. Is there a

21 way that we can avoid court? I would like to try
22 to do that as part of our conversation today.
23 And I also want to talk to some of these
24 candidates and say, if you -- if the Board makes

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1 this decision today and you decide that, yes, you
2 are going to -- you are going to hold these
3 objections up, then you've now got all of these

4 candidates that all they had to do was show me a

5 birth certificate and I would withdraw my objection
6 to them and they would not have to go on to the
7 next leave of civil court.
8 And I know you may not be able to forcibly
9 say present your certificates, but you could
10 recommend it. There's nothing in your policies and

11 procedures that would prohibit that.

12 Now going specifically to the two
13 recommendations. The first one related to
14 Mr. Mendel. He does a couple of things in here
15 that are really bizarre. First of all, Mr. Moore,
16 Mr. Officer, Mr. Estill did not file any motions to
17 strike and dismiss. So he's just kind of clumped
18 everybody together and said that they're going to

19 recommend that they grant the motions to strike and

20 dismiss when there was no motion made.
21 So either he didn't read my case or he
22 made a mistake. I don't know. But how can he

23 recommend for a motion to be accepted that was

24 never presented. That's one issue.

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1 Another issue is that -- they keep saying
2 that I didn't raise reference or cite any
3 requirement under the Code. Well, the Board and
4 hearing officers and everybody involved takes the
5 oath to follow the Constitution. The Constitution
6 requires must and shall be a U.S. citizen. And
7 when you go to do your job, if you are verifying
8 ballots that you know are not constitutionally
9 verified, then you haven't really taken care of
10 that process. And I think that that's a very valid

11 point.
12 The hearing officer has refused to hold
13 hearings to allow me the opportunity to meet with
14 the candidates to potentially decide whether or not
15 I should object. Again, I would have to do it
16 based on profiling if they don't bring in their

17 birth certificate or their naturalization papers,

18 which are perfectly acceptable of course.
19 And the arguments don't say that I'm not

20 entitled to the information. They just say

21 procedurally that there's no process. But if you
22 don't provide me the process, how can I be in

23 conformity under my five-day objection period?

24 I know you guys are a ministerial body. I

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1 know you don't set laws. I know you're not going
2 to address constitutional issues. That's not
3 really your role potentially. But this is an issue
4 of process. I want to have a ballot that I know is
5 valid. I can't do that going to the General
6 Assembly.
7 You want me to go to the next one?
8 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Couple more minutes.
9 Couple more minutes.
10 MS. MERONI: All right. Another thing they
11 say, and it's just another one of his bizarre
12 statements. Whenever my remedy is not stated.
13 So I don't get that. If my remedy is that if
14 they're not presented, they will be declared
15 insufficient and not in compliance with the State
16 of Illinois. What is the remedy? If your remedy
17 papers -- if your candidate papers are found to be
18 insufficient, what's the remedy? You're not put on

19 the ballot.
20 So him saying I didn't write the words
21 "put on the ballot" to me is just absurd because
22 obviously you're not put on the ballot.

23 Another thing that I take great exception

24 with, and I want addressed in this court -- in this

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1 hearing is he complains -- he juxtapositions and
2 says that my appeal is rambling. He says that it's
3 frivolous and unwarranted. He did not address the
4 issue that I have stated in here that for whatever
5 reason we don't know, nobody in this room here can
6 verify that a single candidate running in Illinois
7 is constitutionally eligible except the four that
8 gave me birth certificates. That's it.
9 Now if we want to go to the second
10 objection, the Rule 4 issue, oh, boy, here the
11 state argues against itself. It says to me and the
12 other one that, oh, my gosh, you know, these guys
13 signed the statement of candidacy and since they
14 signed the statement of candidacy, you haven't
15 impinged their signature, which of course I can't
16 because there's no evidence to present because
17 there's none available, so how do I?
18 So then he says to me, well -- sorry, I
19 lost my train of thought. And the candidacy said
20 that if I don't present it -- oh, gosh, sorry. He
21 says that we should accept the Rule 4 because my
22 motion was, for whatever the crazy reasons that
23 they were, but the fact is that they're arguing
24 against themselves because Mr. Patterson didn't

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1 sign the statement of candidacy. So he is not
2 legally qualified. But because you guys don't
3 enforce any apparent conformity standards, he could
4 still get on the ballot very much like Alan Keyes
5 got on the ballot in the last election.
6 I'm furious with Mr. Menzel for making

7 racial overtones in my answer here, and I wish to

8 take profound and deep exception to that. I am
9 saying that my civil rights are violated, and
10 Mr. Menzel somehow puts his story in and claims
11 that it's frivolous without a single statement of
12 what was frivolous about my -- as a citizen, taking
13 my personal time and life to investigate 32
14 candidates to find out if they're eligible to be on
15 my ballot, to find out I can't get one bit of

16 information, and how is that frivolous.

17 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: All right. Okay. I think
18 we understand your objections. I think I'd maybe

19 now think about a conclusion kind of, if you have a

20 conclusion on your position. A couple minutes for
21 that maybe, at the most, and then we'll see if
22 there's any questions for you.
23 MS. MERONI: The part of the claim is I don't
24 allege a deficiency and, again, I think you have

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1 heard my point that you can't allege a deficiency
2 when there's no evidence that is available to know.
3 And the fact that there's a lack of
4 processes is a due process issue against me. It's

5 not an issue related to whether or not just the

6 candidates have rights. I have rights here, too.
7 And my right is to have an objection period. And
8 that objection period has been truncated because
9 there is no evidence available and it's virtually

10 impossible.
11 Now what happens when you try to go
12 backwards and confirm that the candidate is
13 eligible? You can't. Why? Because I lack

14 standing. I took all of you to court, you know. I

15 took you to court in March, and I asked for a TRO
16 against certification of the election results; and,
17 at that hearing, your representatives said I had to
18 go through your processes.
19 So here I go. I get up. I do all the
20 hard work that it takes to go through your
21 processes, and then I'm told that there is no

22 process within your process to verify whether or

23 not my ballot is constitutionally eligible. That's
24 a big issue.

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1 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: So for those reasons you
2 would like us to grant your objections, correct?
3 MS. MERONI: I would like you to set aside and
4 deny the recommendation of the hearing officer. I
5 would like to have hearings conducted and/or a
6 reach-out to the candidates because I really am not
7 litigious. I don't want to go to court. I will.

8 I promise you. No matter what it takes.

9 Someone died for me today. And someone
10 died for you and you and you. And when they die,
11 they gave their life for our Constitution. And
12 every day when I want to quit, I wake up in the
13 morning and I realize that not one person today,
14 but several died for us.
15 And we have a constitutional crisis in
16 this state, and it's going to come back. Do you
17 know why? Because you also don't define legally
18 qualified.
19 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay, ma'am. Thank you.

20 So you would like us to not abide by the

21 recommendations and you would like us to grant your
22 petitions for objections; is that correct?
23 MS. MERONI: I would like to have a hearing.
24 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay. You have restated

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 that. I was trying to help you clarify. I think
2 that that's your position.
3 So are there any questions then for
4 Ms. Meroni on her objections and her arguments?
5 Okay. There's no questions.
6 At this point in time, if there's any

7 representatives here for any of the candidates to

8 whom Ms. Meroni has objected who wish to address
9 the Board, you may do so at this time. There's a
10 large number of candidates. So we'll have to again

11 ask you to be brief, just like we did Ms. Meroni.

12 So okay, sir, in Springfield, i f you could
13 please stand up, sort of come closer, a little bit
14 closer and state your name for the record, please.
15 MR. ESTILL: My name is Steven Estill,
16 E-s-t-i-l-l.
17 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: And you are a candidate?
18 MR. ESTILL: Yes.
19 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: You are in 10 SOEB GE 550.
20 MR. ESTILL: Well, it seems to me that
21 Ms. Meroni objected primarily, said I was running
22 for governor and lieutenant governor, but being new
23 at this, I didn't know that I couldn't just run for
24 governor. And they say as a write-in candidate,

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 you can. So I got on for lieutenant governor.
2 And she made a statement at one point I
3 believe it was in the Springfield paper July 1st
4 that she would not stoop so low as to take
5 objections to the 25,000 signatures an independent
6 needs. Well, it seems to me like that's the only
7 thing that they're objecting to.

8 And I'm a legal citizen. I wasn't dropped

9 off by some space ship. I got a driver's license.

10 I got a birth certificate. If anybody wanted my

11 birth certificate, they could have it. I would
12 give them a copy of it. I was never asked.
13 And all I want to do is I want a chance to
14 go before the judge and state my case. I feel like
15 I got a better chance with one person than a whole
16 bunch of people. I can't afford a lawyer. I'm
17 running -- it's an experiment in progress. I feel
18 the system is so flawed that we need somebody to
19 emphasize something more than money because people
20 that get in, they get in because of money.
21 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Sir, sir, okay. The
22 recommendation of our hearing officer was that
23 Ms. Meroni 's objection be overruled. So it sounds
24 from your argument that you would be in agreement

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 with that?
2 MR. ESTILL: Yes.
3 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Are there any questions
4 for Mr. Estill?
5 MS. MERONI: Yes, I have one.
6 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: No, ma'am. We do the
7 questioning.
8 MS. MERONI: I thought I get to respond.
9 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: This isn't a debate.
10 MS. MERONI: The other guys got to talk to each
11 other.
12 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: No, that was okay. Okay.
13 MS. MERONI: I just want to make one statement
14 to Mr. Estill.
15 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: In rebuttal, you have
16 20 seconds.
17 MS. MERONI: Mr. Estill, if you want to just
18 send me a copy of your birth certificate, I will
19 remove my objection and then you don't have to go
20 to court.
21 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Thank you. Thank you.
22 Thank you. Thank you. Sir, I am in charge of the
23 meeting. So she's got to speak.
24 So we're now going to see if there's any

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 other candidates that wish to address the Board.
2 Okay. Sir, do you wish to address us?
3 MR. CRUMPTON: Mr. Chairman, just for the
4 record, Attorney Randy Crumpton on behalf of
5 Willie Boyd. I stand on my motion.
6 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay. Thank you. So
7 Mr. Sandvoss, has your -- are there any questions
8 for this gentleman?
9 Hearing none, Mr. Sandvoss, has your
10 recommendation changed?
11 MR. SANDVOSS: No, Mr. Chairman. My
12 recommendation has not changed.
13 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Okay. At this point in
14 time then, it would be appropriate for any
15 discussion on the Board or motions?
16 MEMBER BRADY: I move that we accept the
17 recommendation of the hearing officer to grant the
18 motions to strike in those cases where the motions
19 were filed and the concurrence of the General
20 Counsel in those cases; and where there were no
21 motions granted -- pardon me, filed, I move that we
22 accept the recommendation of the hearing officer
23 and the General Counsel that the Board act on its
24 own authority to strike those objections.

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Is there a second?
3 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Moved by Mr. Brady,
4 seconded by Mr. Porter. Is there any discussion on
5 the motion?
6 Hearing none, the clerk will call the
7 roll.
13 MEMBER McGUFFAGE: (Member Porter) Aye.
21 Chairman Rednour?
24 Schneider?

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
2 The motion is adopted and the objections
3 are stricken.
4 MS. MERONI: That leaves three candidates that
5 are still remaining and I would continue with them.
6 Thank you. Because there are three candidates that
7 didn't file motions.
8 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Ma'am, our disposition,
9 just to help you, so you understand is the cases on
10 our agenda have been addressed by our motion and
11 our decision today. And you may take -- that's why
12 sometimes it's good for us to take our actions

13 soon. You can now go consult with your advisors

14 and see -- if you don't agree with us and see if
15 you have any remedies that you would like to
16 pursue.
17 MS. MERONI: I just want to state that
18 Mr. Brady's motion was very clear. He said that --
19 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: It was very clear. Ma'am,
20 ma'am, ma'am, ma'am. See, this is my meeting right
21 now, okay, and we're going to proceed orderly. You

22 have heard our decision and you have heard the

23 action of the Board, and you have the advantage of
24 having taken -- been taken today. So you have time

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 to go consult with your advisors, legal and
2 otherwise, to determine if there's any further
3 action that you would like to take.
4 MS. MERONI: Point of clarity, please.
5 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: So we've disposed of the
6 matter. I appreciate you -- I appreciate you being
7 here with us today and the courtesies I hope you
8 appreciate that we've extended to you, and we're
9 going to move on to our other business at this
10 point.
11 MS. MERONI: I need a point of clarity, please.
12 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: No, ma'am. There's no

13 point of clarity. The Board has heard your

14 arguments--
15 MS. MERONI: I can't walk out of here without

16 understanding your motion, what transpired.

17 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: You may consult with your
18 advisors, legal and otherwise, if you need to
19 understand what actions and rights you have from
20 this point.
21 MS. MERONI: I can't ask Mr. Brady a question

22 about his motion?

23 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: I'm absolutely saying
24 that. That's what I'm saying.

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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
1 MS. MERONI: Can I ask you the question?
2 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: No, actually not. We've
3 taken our action. We've taken our action. The

4 Board has now acted and you can consult with your
5 consultants.
6 MS. MERONI: Did your action exclude the three?
7 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: Ma'am, okay. Our action,

8 as I have tried to explain to you actually, the

9 cases that we acted on today are identified on our
10 agenda. Okay?
11 So we're now going to proceed to our other
12 business, and I will ask you to please go back into
13 the audience. All right.
14 MS. MERONI: I object to your decision because
15 I did not receive clarity.
16 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: I'm going to ask you to go

17 back to the audience so that we can proceed to our

18 other business.
19 MS. MERONI: Is my objection acknowledged and
20 noted, please?
21 CHAIRMAN SCHNEIDER: I'm going to ask you to go

22 back to your seat. Thank you very much. Okay.

23 (Whereupon, there were proceedings
24 had not herein transcribed.)

McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc.

Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
2 ) SS:

5 ANNA M. MORALES, as an Officer of the

6 Court, says that she is a shorthand reporter doing
7 business in the State of Illinois; that she
8 reported in shorthand the excerpt of proceedings of
9 said meeting, and that the foregoing is a true and
10 correct transcript of her shorthand notes so taken
11 as aforesaid, and contains the excerpt of
12 proceedings given at said meeting.
13 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF: I have hereunto set
14 my verified digital signature this 17th day of
15 August, 2010.

18 Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporter




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Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052

A agreement 6:4 16 : 7 26:16 C 261,19,24 24: 19 , 20

abide 28: 24 34:12,17,22
call 27 17,19 concur
26:20 Alan backwards 2:69:831:6 2821 29:3 , 6 5: 10
able 24:4 25: 12
CALVIN 299,12,15 concurrence
6:8 20:8 ALBERT ballot 2:7,9,11,14,16 2921 30 : 3,6 30: 19
above-entitled 1 :17 12: 2 13: 3 2:18,2131 : 8 30 11,13 conducted
1: 7 allege 15:10 , 15 31: 10,12 , 14 31:1,3 , 21 , 22 26:5
ABSENT 4:1624:24 16:2,24 17:5 31:16,18,20 31:2332:1,8 conference
1: 21 25: 1 17:20 19:13 31: 23 32:1933:5 1:14,20
absolute al leging 22:4,19,21
call1pai gn 33:12,17 , 23 confi rill
16:9 13:16 22:22 24:4 , 5 12:23 34:2,7 , 16,21 25: 12
absolutely allow 24:1525:23 candidacies challenge conforlllance
18:1733:23 10: 6 11: 24 ballots 11:9 17: 11 7: 17
absurd 12: 12 21: 13 19: 7 21: 8
candidacy chance conformity
22: 21 allowed based 12: 11 15: 14,21 9:2428:13,15 15:24 16:3
8:17 15:15 11: 21 17: 16 chances 21:2324:3
accent 23:13,14 , 19
17:9 andlor 21:16 24: 1 19:15 confused
accept 4:3 26:5 basically candidate change 16:4
9 : 22 10:6 Anna 17: 21 19: 7 3:54:4,19 14 : 18 15: 7 consequences
23:2130:16 1 : 23 35: 5 basis 13:11 15:13 changed 19: 17
30: 22 answer 4: 1 ,15 15: 4
18: 1 22: 17 30: 1 0,12 consider
acceptable 14:23 16 : 17 bshalf 23:625:12 charge 10:5
21: 18 17:1324:7 30:4 27: 17 , 24 29 : 22 Consideration
accepted anybody bsl ins candidates checks 3:3
20:23 19:7 28:10 28:3 3:174:2 , 7,17 15 : 12 considering
accustomed apparent better 4:24 6:8 Chicago 3: 15
11: 18 15:24 16 . 3 28: 15
7: 16 8: 11 1: 9 19: 20 consolidated
acknowledged 24:3 big 12: 1,8 14: 9 choice 3:20
34: 19 appeal 13:24 25:24 15:316:2 , 10 16:9 Constitution
act 23:2 birth 17: 6,11,20 choose 13:414:10,24
7:1830.23 appointment 20:521:17 19:24 20:4 14 : 17 15: 9 16: 13
acted 6: 5,7 23:828:10 21:1424:14 cite 21:5,526:11
appreciate 28:11 29:18
25:626:6 21: 2 constitutional
action 11:1533:6,6,8 bit 27:7,1030:1 citizen 4:5,20 17:6
32:23 33:3 appropriate 13: 18 16: 4 32:4,6 14 : 1315:1,10 22:226:15
34:3,3,6,7 3: 11 30: 14 24:1527:13 care 21:624:12 constitutio .. .
actions argue bizarre 8: 2 21: 9 28:8 12: 1,10 13: 2
10: 1 20: 15 22: 11 civi 1 15:2021:8
32:1233:19 ca.e
argues blind 3:94:127:6 13: 17 16: 8 23:7 25:23
8: 7 14: 11
23: 11 17: 15 9:9 10:5 17:7,1720 . 7 consult
addition arguing Board 18:920:21 24:9 32: 13 33: 1 , 17
6:5 11:1 , 223:23 1: 1 , 11 2: 5 28: 14 claim 34:4
address argument 3:244:15 4:1824.23 consultants
18:7 28:24 5 : 2 , 3,4,7,16 claims 34:5
5: 16 9: 11 4:7,10,135:11
arguments 7 : 13,148:21 5:167:23 24 : 1 0 contact
10:21 , 2411:12 9 : 1,4 10:17 8: 6 10: 16 clarify 6:7
27:830:1 , 2 13:2221:19 10: 18,22 18:530:18 8:1510:927:1 contained
addrused 27:433:14 12:3 15:23 30:20 32:9 clarity 7: 19
22:2432:10 aside 17:419:5,16 34:9 33 : 4 , 11,13 contains
26:3 19:2421:3 34: 15 35: 11
2:7,9,11 , 14,16 asked 27:930:1 , 15 1: 7 16: 13 clear contested
2:18,2131:8 25:1528:12 30:2332:23 Center 10: 15 12: 7 16: 10,11,14,15
31: 10,12,14 asking 33:1334:4 1: 8 32: 18,19 continuance
31:16 , 18,20 6:23,24 12:14 body certain clearly 6:24
31: 23 13:1415:2,7 21: 24 14: 14 15 : 18 continue
adopted Assembly boy certificate clerk 14:7 32:5
12:5 19:4 22:6 23: 1 0 20:521:17 2: 5 31: 6 convene
advantage astounded Boyd 28:10,11 closer 2:4
32:23 15:13 30:5 29: 18 27 : 13,14 conversation
advisable attendance Brady certi fi cates clulllped 19:22
7:4 2:6 1: 15 2 : 7,8
20:9 23:8 20: 17 copies
advise attorney 30:1631:3,8 certification Code 8: 11 9: 20
6:6 30:4 31:933:21 25 : 16 21: 3 copy
advisors audience Brady's Certified come 6:12,1528:12
32:1333:1,18 34: 13,17 32: 18 35: 18 14:4 15:22 29: 18
afford August brief Chair 26: 16 27 : 13 correct
1:35:21 , 23 6: 9 27 : 11 cOlllllenced 26:2,2235:10
28: 16 8:5
afforded 35: 15 briefly Chai rman 2:2 counsel
authority 5: 15 1:12 , 132:4 , 19 complains 4: 8 9: 17 30:20 5:330 : 24 bring 2:20,21,23 23: 1 30: 23
35: 11 available 6:918 : 321:16 3:3 , 14,22 compliance country
afternoon 8:416:223.17 brought 5: 12 6: 11,18 22 : 15 19: 19
25:2,9 7:23
6:237:2 , 12 complied COUNTY
ago avoid BRYAN 7:218:14,18 7:20 35:3
14: 14 19: 21 1: 9,12 8:19,249:21 comply couple
Aye bunch 10: 14 11: 4 , 7 4:20 5:5 18:220:14
3: 11 , 15,18 31: 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 28: 16 11: 11 13: 20 compo rt 22:8 , 9 24:20
8:20 9:6 31:17,19,22 business 14:3,6,22 4: 21 course
32:1034:10 33:934:12,18 18: 2,11,13
concerning 21:1823:15
agree B 35:7 18: 17,21
5: 16 court
32: 14 back 22:824:17 conclusion 19:18,21 20:7

McCorkle Court Reporters , Inc.

Chlcago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
22: 24 25 14 20: 17 ,20 expedit.d 23:7 11: 20 illlprop.r
25: 15 26 7 disposed 7:9 frame guys 8:3
29:20 35 6 7:5 33:5 exp.rim.nt 10: 11 6: 15 9: 19 illlPugn
courtesie. disposition 28: 17 free 19:1321:24 12:14,15
33:7 32:8 explain 5: 17 9: 11 23:1224:2 includ.d
courtesy document 34:8 10: 19 11: 13 29: 10 9:21
8:1 10:18 15:2 extended Friday independent
11: 15 documentation 33:8 6: 1 H 3:4 28:5
crazy 4: 4 11: 23 extraordina . .. frivolous hand information
23:22 documents 7:3 23:324:11,12 6: 12 16:16 17:2,3
crisis 9: 14 E-s-t-i-l-l 24: 16 handle 17:1321:20
26: 15 doing 27: 16 fully 10:16 24: 16
Crumpton 35:6 19: 14 handl.d instances
30:3,4 draw E funny 18:5 7:4
CSR 13:8 fact 17:9 handwritten insufficient
1: 23 driver's 11: 22 12: 1 0 furious 6: 16 4:222:15,18
currently 28:9 23:2325:3 24:6 happ.n.d interest
16: 21 dropped failed further 16: 1 16: 11 , 12
cutting 28:8 4:3,1915:13 13:1933:2 happ.ns interesting
18: 10,11 duo 15:19 Furthermore 25: 11 13:3
13:1525:4 fails 13: 16 happy invalidate
D dulcet 11: 22 10: 23 4: 17
date 3:9 fairly G hard inv.stigate
6:24 11: 17 GE 11:1725:20 24: 13
dates E fami 1y 27: 19 invoke
8: 12 earlier 6:3,4 General 3: 9 10: 23 11: 6 5:2,89:16
day 18:8 father 12:4 19:3 22:5 heard involved
6:217:126:12 either 6:2 30: 19 , 23 18: 21 25: 1 21: 4
35: 14 4:87:6 17:15 f •• l gentleman 32:22,22 Iraq
day. 20:21 5: 17 9: 11 30:8 33: 13 6:4
7: 14 13: 1 0,11 .l.ction 10: 19 11: 13 give heari ng issue
3: 24 11: 19
d.. l 24:5 25:16 28: 14,17 6:13,209:17 4:125:6,11,13
7:9 elections feeling 28: 12 5:20 8:8 13: 15 17: 7
debate 12: 5 19: 5 18:10,15 given 9:15,16 19:7 20:24
29:9 Electoral f.els 7:1517:1,1 17:2321:4 21: 1 22: 3
decide 1: 1 2: 5 5: 4 8: 3 35: 12 21: 12 23: 1 23:4,1025:4
.ligibl. gives 25:5,24
20: 1 21: 14 felt 25:1726:4
decision 12:1,10,18 18:8 5:3 26:2328:22 issued
7:7 8:3 20:1 13:2 15:20 female giving 30:9,17,22 8: 9,10
32: 11 ,22 17:6,20 23:7 16:22 10: 17 31: 6 i saues
34: 14 24: 14 25: 13 file go hurings 22:2
declared 25: 23 5:120:1632:7 11:7,2012:20 21:1326:5 item
.lIIphasize 3:3
22: 14 filed 17: 12,22 held
deemed 28: 19 4:8,1410:8 20:621:7 1: 7 items
15: 14 enforce 30: 19,21 22:723:9 help 3: 6,15
deep 24:3 financ. 25: 11 , 18,19 18: 18 27: 1
24:8 .ntirety 12:23 25:20 26:7 32:9 J
deeper 5:9 find 28:1429:19 helps J
13: 18 entitled 10: 1 0 11: 17 32: 13 33: 1 8: 15 1:19
deficiencies 21: 20 12:19,21,22 34:12,16,21 hereunto JESSE
4: 16 establ i sh 13: 11 15: 11 goes 35: 13 1:18
deficiency 15:19,21 16:23 15:13 24:14 13: 21 hold job
24:2425:1 Esti 11 24: 15 going 20:221:12 19:4,5,1021:7
define 20:1627:15,15 finding 5:248:20 hope JOHN
26: 17 27:18,20 13: 1 19:12,17,18 33:7 1:16
demonstrate 29:2,4,14,17 fine 20: 2,2,12,18 hostilities judge
4:3 ethnicity 3: 13 10: 21 22:1,526:16 18:18 28: 14
deny 17:10 18: 23 29: 24 32: 21 hostility j udglllent
26:4 ev.rybody first 33:934:11 18:16 4: 10
determine 20:1821:4 11: 6,19 16: 18 34: 16,21 huge judicial
33:2 evidence 17:2220:13 good 19: 20 7:7
dis 11: 17 12: 9 20: 15 32: 12 July
26: 10 13: 13 23: 16 five gosh 5:22,238:10
died 25:2,9 13: 9,10 13:1023:12,20 identified 28:3
26:9,10,14 .x .... in.r's fiv.-day governor 3:1734:9 juxtapositions
different 18: 23 17:1021:23 27:22,22,24 Illinois 23: 1
12: 4 17: 21 exc.ption flawed 28: 1 1 : 9 11: 22 14: 5
difficulty 22:2324:8 28: 18 grant 14:1415:23 K
19:3 exceptions follow 4:159:911:12 16:4,1319:3 keep
digital 9:14,15,16 14: 1 0 21: 5 17:2320:19 19:422:16 18: 5,18 21: 1
35: 14 10: 12 11: 21 followed 26:2,21 23:635:1,7 Keith
discriminately exc.rpt 10: 13 30: 17 35: 18 1: 16 2: 9,10
16:6 1: 6 35: 8,11 following granted impinged 31: 1 0,11
discuss exclude 2: 1 30: 21 23: 15 Kon
13: 19,20 34:6 forcibly great illlplement 4: 13
discussed .x.rcis. 20:8 11:1422:23 15: 24 Keye.
3:21 5:7 foregoing grounds illlplying 24:4
discussion exist 35:9 13: 13 14:12 kind
9:830:1531:4 15:6 found group impossible 13:3,21,24
dismiss expect 22: 17 4:24 12:15 25:10 18:15 20:17
4:9,1417:24 10:3 four gu .. s

McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc.

Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
24: 19 male Monday 27:8,21 4:2,1821:17 2:23 3:20
know 16: 22 6:6,21 objecting 22: 17,17 13:14 16:16
5:19 10:10 "arch money 18:1228:7 pardon 18:9 20:9
11: 14 13: 5 25: 15 28: 19 , 20 objection 30:21 23:16,20
16:22 17:14 matter Moore 4:1,7,22,23 part presentation
17: 19 18: 15 7:10,1226:8 20: 15 5:49:911:2 19:2224:23 10:2 18:3,22
20:8,2221:8 33:6 Morales 12: 6 15: 15 parties presented
21: 24 22: 1,1 matters 1:2335:5 15:16,17,18 7: 5,13 8: 1 11: 8 12: 8
22:423:5,12 3:16,207:5,24 morning 16:20 17:15 parts 20:2422:14
25: 2,14 ma'am 26: 13 18:1320:5 8:9 presiding
26: 17 27: 23 8:189:22 motion 21:2323:10 party 1:10
known 10: 14 18: 3 5:6,196:9 25:7,828:23 3: 4 7: 6 primarily
8: 12 26:1929:6 8:22 9:2 29:1934:19 PATRICK 27:21
32:8,19,20 20:20,23 objections 1 :15 probably
L 32:20,20 23:2230:5 3:4,23 5:8 Patterson 13:6
L 33:1234:7 31:532:2,10 10: 19 11: 8 23: 24 problem
1:1335:3,3 McGUFFAGE 32:1833:16 11: 12,21 people 19: 3,20
lack 1: 22 2: 11 33: 22 12:8,1315:4 12: 12 17: 8 procedurally
25: 3,13 31: 12,13 motions 20:324:18 28: 16,19 21: 21
large meet 4:9,9,10,14,15 26:2,2227:4 people's procedure
27: 10 4: 19 21: 13 5: 1 17: 24 28:5 30:24 11: 8 5:37:20 14:19
law meeti ng 20: 16,19 32:2 perfectly procedures
3:7 15:8,8 1:27:14,16 30:15,18,18 objector 21:18 7: 18 20: 11
16:4,5 29:2332:20 30:21 32:7 3:165:147:15 period proceed
laws 35: 9,12 Mouse 8: 11 21:2325:7,8 7:22 8:6,20
4:5 12:23 Meetings 19:8 objects person 9: 5 18: 14
14: 10 22: 1 7: 18 move 8:21 9:2 19:9 12:18 26:13 32:21 34:11
lawyer meets 7:3,8,24 30:16 obviously 28: 15 34: 17
9:8 28:16 4:4 30:21 33:9 10:422:22 personal proceedings
leave member Moved offer 24: 13 1: 6 2: 2 3: 1
20:7 2:8,10,13,15 31: 3 9: 19 personally 34:2335:8 2: 17 8: 21 offi cer 17:14 35: 12
32:4 9: 1,4 14: 8 N 4: 12 5: 6,11 petition process
30:1631:2,9 n .... 8:920:16 4: 16 5:157:912:17
14:24 31: 11,13,13 17:927:14,15 21:1226:4 petition. 13: 6,15
legal 31: 15,17,19 names 28: 22 30: 17 3:526:22 15:1221:10
28:833:1,18 members 16: 18,21 30:22 35:5 place 21: 21,22
legally 1: 11 10: 22 naturalization officers 10:7 22:4 25:4,22
24:226:17 Mendel 21: 17 1: 1 2: 5 11: 3 plans 25: 22
legislation 20: 14 nature 21: 4 6:7 processes
14:20 mentioned 7:3
officer'. please 7:39:23 11 :16
Let'. 18: 22 necessari 1y 9:15,17 5: 16 9: 11 11: 18 12: 6
6: 18 Menzel 10:7 oh 10: 19 11: 13 25:4,18,21
1 icen .. 4:135:124:6
need 13: 10 18: 17 13:22 14:6 produce
1:2428:9 24: 10 28: 18 33: 11 , 18 23:10,12,20 14:22 18:23 11: 24
lieutenant Menzel's needs okay 27: 13,14 profile
27:2228:1 17: 23 15:10 28:6 3:147:218:14 33: 4,11 17: 18
1; fe merits nephew 8:239:3,13 34:12,20 profiling
13: 10 24: 13 9: 8 10: 19 11: 1 6:3 11: 5,14 14: 3 point 17: 16 21: 16
26: 11 11:20 never 19:1624:17 7:218:1316:7 profound
lines Meroni 20:24 28:12 26: 19 , 24 21: 11 25: 1 24:8
9:23 3:165:14,18 no. 27: 5,12 27:6 28:2 progress
litigious 6:15,207:1 3:4 27:22 28:2129:12 30:1333:4 28: 17
26:7 8:16,239:13 nominating 29:1230:2,6 33: 10,11,13 prohibit
9: 19 10: 9 30:1332:21 33: 20 20: 11
little 4: 17
13: 17 16: 4 11: 1 ,5,10,14
nomination 34:7,10,22 policies promise
18:427:13 13:23 14:4 4:2 Open 20: 1 0 26:8
1; ve 14: 21,23 noted 7: 18 Porter proof
12: 21 18: 8,12,15 18:13 34:20 opportunity 1: 17 2: 12,13 11: 24
logical 18: 19 19: 1 notes 21: 13 31:2,4,13,14 properly
13:23 22:1024:23 35: 1 0 oppose 31:15 7:10,13,23
long 26:3,23 27:4 notice 12:7 position protect
14: 1 19: 9 27: 8,11,21 7: 15,16 options 9: 3 10: 15 16: 12
look 29:5,8,10,13 notified 19: 1 ,14 24:2027:2 prove
12: 20 13: 11 29:1732:4 7: 14 orderly possible 4:1915:3,5,5
17:8 32:1733:4 November 32: 21 7: 6 8: 2 17:5
lost 33: 11,15,21 19: 13 originally possibly provide
23: 19 34:1,6,14,19 number 5:20,21 6:22 4: 3 11: 23
lot Meroni's 3:527:10 overrule posted 21: 22
6: 3,4 28: 23 8:229:2,4 7: 17 11: 24 provided
Mickey overruled potentially 12: 9,16
19:8 o 18:1428:23 21:1422:3 public
28:4 oath
luck mind overtones power 7: 17 13: 14
18:5 21: 5 24:7 5:7 pursuant
13:7 obeyed
ministerial o'clock practiced 8:20
21: 24 12:22 1: 5 2: 3 16:5 pursue
H minutes obj ect prepared 32: 16
H 14:6 18:2,4 13:12,13 16:10 P 9:4 put
1:22,2335:5 22:8,9 24:20 17: 1 21: 15 present 22:18,21,22
lIIaki ng 34: 14 paper
mistake 9:22 10:3 28:3 1: 11 2: 8,10,13 puts
24:6 20: 22 objected 2:15,17,20 13:724:10

McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc.

Chicago, Illinois (312) 263-0052
p .• 27:1430:4 roll 18:424:21 31: 23 T
1: 5 2: 3 records 2: 6 31: 7 29: 24 32: 14 specific take
8:15 13:14 room 32: 14 , 20 16:16 2:53:68:1
Q recourse 1: 8 23: 5 seek specifically 13: 11 14: 11
qualifications 12:22,24 13:1 rule 7: 7 8: 4 4:22 16:12 22:2324:8
14: 9,13 Rednour 5:2,89:16 s •• n 20: 12 28:432:11
qualifisd 1:132:19,20 10:923:10 5: 15 Springfield 32:1233:3
14: 15 15: 3 31: 21,22 23:21 send 1:16,1827:12 taken
16:24 24:2 referance ruled 29: 18 28:3 21:932:24,24
26: 18 3: 11 21: 2 9:5 series SS 34:3,335:10
question refused rules 3:23 35:2 takes
14:23 33:21 21:12 5:27:1910:8 oot stand 21:425:20
34: 1 regard 10: 11,13 14: 13 22: 1 27:1330:5 26:8
questi oni ng 19:10 ruling 26:335:13 standards talk
29:7 registered 7:228:5,19,19 ship 15:2424:3 19:23 29:10
questions 12:19 8: 21 9: 1 ,5 28:9 standing telephone
3:75:1310:22 r.lated run shocked 16:15 25:14 1:14,20
24:22 27:3,5 19:7 20:13 12: 5 14: 15 15: 11 , 11 start ten
29:330:7 25:5 27: 23 short 5: 19 18:4
quickly relief running 18: 10,11 state terms
7:4,6,8,248:2 7:7 23:6 27:21 shorthand 1:12:44:22 13: 4 17: 19
quit rely 28: 17 35:6,8,10,18 11:2212:20 TESTIMONY
26: 12 12:17 show 14: 14 17: 5 35: 13
quite remaining S 20:4 18: 1 19: 5 Thank
8:13 10:15 32:5 S shut 22:1523:11 5:186:148:14
quote remedies 1:17 18:20 26: 16 27: 14 9:13,19
4: 1 8:432:15 Sandvoss sign 28: 14 32: 17 26:1929:21
remedy 3:13,19,22 15:14,2019:8 35: 1 ,7 29:21,22,22
22:12,13,16,16 5:137:10,12 24: 1 stated 30:6 32:6
R 22: 18 signature 12:715:17,18
R 8:6,730:7,9 34: 22
remove 30: 11 12:14,1623:15 16: 12 22: 12 ther.of
1:16,18 29: 19 35: 14 23:4
raci al
report •••
10: 15 signatures statement
1: 6 18: 23 saying 28:5 9: 24 12: 11 15:22 22:10,23
raise reported signed 15: 14,21
3:6,2421:2 21:122:20 28:7
1 : 23 35: 8 12:11 23:13,14 23: 13,14
ralllbling 24:9 33:23 things
reporter 33: 24 silllply 24:1,1128:2 20: 14
23:2 35: 6,18 3: 1 0,11 4: 18 29: 13
Randolph says think
reporting 23: 2 , 2 , 11 ,18 single statements 10: 15 21: 1 0
1: 8 12: 23 23:624:11 10:2022:12
Randy 23:21 35:6 24:17,18,19
reports scheduled sir states 24:2427:1
30:4 13:18 18: 16 27: 12 4: 22 14: 11
reach-out 5:20,21,22 thinking
representat ... Schneider 28: 21,21 15:8,8,9 18:6
26:6 25:1727:7 29:22 30:2 STENOGRAPHIC
read 1:9,122:4,22 Thompson
requirement 2:233:3,14 site 1: 6 1: 8
3:9 10:4 20:21 14:2421:3 7:17 17:12,14 Steve
realize 5: 12 6: 11,18 thought
requirements 6:23 7:2,21 slate 3: 10 23:19 29:8
26: 13 4:5,20,21 13: 11 Steven
really 8:14,18,24 three
requires 9:21 10:14 small 27: 15 7:1416:20
4:620:1521:9 13: 4 21: 6 19: 16 stoop
22:326:6 11: 4,7,11 32:4,634:6
research 13:20 14:3,6 Smart 28:4 three-day
reason 14: 1 1: 18 2: 14,15 story
12:7 23:5 14:22 18:2 10: 12
respond 14:831:16 24: 1 0
reasons 18: 11,13,17 time
8: 16 14: 21 18:21 22:8 31: 17 6:177:228:13
23:2226:1 29:8 SOEB 1: 8
rebuttal 24:1726:1 9:3,23 10:3
responses 26:19,24 27: 19 stricken 10: 11,16,23
29: 15 17: 22 solid 32:3
receive 27: 17,19 14: 1 16: 1
rest 28:21 29:3,6 15: 17 strike 17:1,1018:7
34: 15 18:7 sOllie body 4:9,145:4,8
received 29:9,12,15 18: 9,19
restated 29:21 30:6 13:228:18 17:2420:17 24:1327:6,9
8: 11 26: 24 sOlllebody's 20: 19 30: 18
recognize 30:1331:1,3 30:1432:24
results 31:2432:1,8 12: 16 30: 24 timeliness
19: 2,11 25: 16 soon study
recoDlllend 32:1933:5 16: 11
right 33:12,17,23 32: 13 14:2
20:10,19,23 5:12,138:24 sorry sublllit
recoll'lllendation 34:2,7,16,21 10:8
16:9,1419:8 seat 23:18,20 10:3 today
5:108:8 17:23 19: 19 22: 10 sort substance
26:4 28:22 34:22 6: 2,21 7: 11
24:1725:7 27: 13 4: 6 6: 19
30:10,12,17 second 19:2220:1
16:123:931:1 sounds sudden 26: 9,13
30: 22
recoDlllendat ...
9: 15 11: 3
13: 17 16: 8
31: 2
31: 4

32: 11,24
33:7 34:9
20:1326:21 25:6,633:19 speak sUDlllary
recoDlllended seconds 25:21
RMR 29: 16 29:23 4: 10 tones
4:135:119:6 1: 23 SPECIAL sure
recoDlllends Section 3:9
ROBERT 5:5 1: 2 3:89:1811:16
5:7 1 :19 SPECIALIST sympathetic
10: 7 12: 16
16: 21,23

12: 15 16: 8
31: 10,12,14
19: 11
13:7 28:18
9: 11

McCorkle Court Reporters. Inc.

Chicago. Illinois (312) 263-0052
town 14:16 27:24
6: 3,5 writing
train w 4:23
23: 19
transcribed 35:3 o
3:2 34:24 wake 084·002854
transcript 26: 12 1: 24
35: 10
transpired 33: 15
33: 16 Walters
treat 1.t
1: 19 2: 16,17 28:3
3:8 31: 18 , 19
tried 10
WANDA 27: 19
34:8 1 :13
TRO 10·8
want 4: 21 5: 5
25: 15 6: 16 8: 16
true 100
12:19,21,22 1: 8
35:9 13: 12 14: 16
truncated 14·100
16: 7 17: 18 1: 9
25:8 17: 18 18: 1 ,6
try 18th
18:20 19:23 8: 10
19: 21 25: 11 22:4,7,24
trying 17th
23:926:7,12 5:21,23,23
11: 15 13: 23 28: 13,13
18: 18 27: 1 35: 14
29: 13 , 17
Tuesday 32: 17
wanted 2
turn 8:7 18:22 2:39
5:14 18:22 28: 10 1: 5
19:14,16 wanting 2:41
turned 14:18 2:3
6:2 wasn't 20
two 15:1728:8 29: 16
8:99:1312:3 way 20th
13: 18 17: 21 3:10 16:19 8: 10
20: 12 19: 21 2010
types W.b 1: 3 35: 15
17: 21 7:17 17:12 , 14 25,000
West 28:5
U 1: 8 28
understand we'll 16:20
7:211:1612:3 3:145:149:5 28th
15:23 19:12 9:22 10:6 5:22
19:1424:18 18:1424:21 28
32:933:19 27: 10 3: 23 5: 11
understand; ng we're
14:4,1533:16 5:24 8:20 10:4 3
United 10:17,20,23 32
14: 11 19:1229:24 16 : 18 24 : 13
unwarranted 32:21 33:8
23:3 34: 11 4
upheld we've
16: 14 18:4,21 33:5,8 4
u.. 34:2,3 5:2,8 9: 16
18:6 WHEREOF 23: 10,21
U.S 35: 13
15: 1 ,10 16: 13 White 5
21: 6 6:12,149:18 5.
10:6 3: 15
valid 1: 22 3: 15
21:1022:5 Willie 550
verified 30:5 27: 19
21:935:14 winning
verify 19:15,15 8
23:625:22 wish 8
verifying 3:7 13:20 24:7
1 :3
21: 7 27:830:1,2
Vice wishes
7: 6 9: 2 8
withdraw 80
31 :20,22 6:2
violated 20:5
24:9 withdrawn
violation 16:19
13: 17 17: 17 words
virtually 22: 20
25:9 work
vote 8:225:20
12: 19 write
voters 22: 20

McCorkle Court Reporters. Inc.

Chicago. Illinois (312) 263-0052

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