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Prophet Kofi Danso Uses Demons At The Pulpit And Moving The Church

Into A Cult

Here is the story that Prophet Kofi Danso did not want the congregation or the
world to know why they expelled us from the church on July 30, 2017. Prophet
Kofi, the Holy Spirit, said no more demons are to dance at the altar of God. When
Prophet Kofi kneels at the pulpit is to worship the demon as a supreme God; it is
not about the Trinity the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our job is not to prove that
which the Holy Spirit gives us to speak He will reveal the evidence. Miracle Arena
For All Nations Canada is slowly moving into establishing a cult organization.
Simon, the sorcerer, wanted to buy the power of God, because he knew that
power was more powerful than his dark world power Acts 8:9-25. God is the all-
knowing power and no power greater than His power. I watch people going to
satan kingdom to look power which is a quick fix of a temporal solution and
leading them into hell. All I have to do is spend time in the word of God and
surrender to the Holy Spirit fully, and I have all the power of Jesus.
He came to Canada with the notion that we in the western society do not have
great prophetic abilities. He never thought that anyone would found him out
especially two women who carry not a big title. If God did not bring us onsite to
shut it down a lot of wives and husbands relationships would destroy first begin
with their dreams and then control the husbands with demons to the point they
will have to surrender their wives physically for him to have sex with them. Rev
Joan Danso does not know about his deep dark world connection, but she is fully
aware of some of his sexual activities and continue to allow him to desecrate God
altar. The church he claims he is building for God, it was for his financial gains, and
it would become a cult compound. This information is released for all of us to
learn from this situation whether youre a man or woman of God, Christians or
Non-Christians that we need to build a real authentic relationship with the Holy
Spirit so He can give us insight into reality so not to be a fool or deceive by
anyone. Most people come into the church looking a quick fix prophecy without
testing the spirit. The same demons he uses to control his wife, the sons, the
workers and congregations now take full control of him. The man without the
demons could do great works for God. He chooses to disobey God for his love of
money and remain in the dark kingdom.The truth of the matter the people are
too scared of him to hold him accountable for the wrong doctrine he preaches

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and teaches lots of them will not study the word of God for them self. That is how
satan works keep people out of the word of God to prevent them from coming to
the knowledge of the truth. God mandate was for Miracle Arena For All Nations
to take the word of God to the nations of the world but that all collapse now.

There was a private note sent to Prophet Kofi by us on July 4, 2017, as lead by the
Holy Spirit. Here was the message sent to Prophet Kofi Danso. Prophet God has
pulled your grace card He loves you, but you have abused it, trying to take His
children into darkness. Several attempts made to give you the messages of the
Holy Spirit with no success the demons tell you are a big prophet, and we are too
small. 2012 the Holy Spirit sent someone to you about the spirit you are working
with other than the Holy Spirit you remain in disobedience. Now you are fighting
people to pay homage to that demon on the altar because some of us will not
bow to it recently beating you in the back. Now the dark world has rejected you
their goal is just to put you in public disgrace. God cannot do anything for you
because you have chosen darkness over Him. We have removed the demon from
the altar. You have used darkness to lock people marriages and businesses when
you are doing the direction to draw their money to you. When God send people
to work with you as soon as you get a glimpse of their gifts fear set in, and you
frustrate them to leave, but God will not allow you to run any more of His people.
The church belongs to God, and Jesus is the head not you, and we were sent to
reclaim it back for God. It is your last opportunity to surrender back to God and
bring back the church to holiness. We know you are trying to fight us using the
dark kingdom, Satan himself knows he cannot touch us it is for your open
disgrace. We did not want to disgrace you openly but if that what it takes to get
back God church it will be done. In Canada, there are laws that protect people
you cannot abuse them in the name of God, shouting at people is called verbal
abuse. Hell is real, and the Holy Spirit show you in a dream about a year ago you
are leading God people into hell, and you continue to do so like you have no fear
of God. You know of God, but you do not know Him some of the things you try of
recently you would never try it. It is the most dangerous assignment God ever
sent us out on but it is easiest. You are bread for me as Caleb would say. Do you
think God would give us such an assignment and not protect us? The Bible said

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wisdom is too high for a fool you need to figure out where do you fit in. I know
God already visit you and told you are but a dead man if you try to touch us. If you
want to live to see your children grow up then step away from the dark world and
walk back to God and ask Him for forgiveness, His arms are open waiting to
receive you back. Step away from the church for a month or more call Prophet B
to come and help you with the church and tell him the truth because you will
need a few people to stand with you and not judge you. You make a mistake and
a wrong turn at the same time trying to impress your wife and other people. As
the Holy Spirit show me you can turn around and get back on God assignment,
Saul who names change to Paul did a lot of wrong things to the Christians, and
God turn him around, and he wrote two-thirds of the New Testament. If you
decide to come back to God, we will stand with you, to help you through the
transition process. If you remain in darkness we only speak God language we have
to walk away from you and allow God to do His job. My people are destroyed
because of lack of knowledge. We know your earthly father rejected you, but your
heavenly Father accepted you, and you turn your back on Him just as your earthly
father did. You have a big decision to make. God bless.

Prophet Kofi Danso told his congregation and the world that he is a false prophet
on July 9, 2017. Thinks he was embarrassing us as per the information sent, so he
stands on the altar and lies to the people by telling them that we said we know he
is a false prophet. We cannot speak that which the Holy Spirit did not give us to
speak. On June 4, 2017, the Holy Spirit reveals him to another man of God. The
depths of information we know the person in 2012 did not have, and our prayers
are blocking him, so he is angry we have to leave the church. On July 30 we went
to church and block from entering the church and given letters. The letters that
they gave to us had demons attach to it. One morning was about to leave for
work when the Holy Spirit told me to leave angels with the letter, so I did before
by nightfall that same day someone showed up for the letter but had to leave it
because of the angels. They go around expecting witchcraft to continue to work
for them to fight people when they try to hold them accountable. The letter state
we were speaking against the church, now releasing the Holy Spirit messages
constituted we are speaking against the church. As Paul would say you foolish

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Galatians, who has to bewitch you. Here is how deceitful there are as a leaders
Minister Dagma Goliath sister who thinks she can intimidate everyone with her
size and Issac Appong who claim he is head of security he is known as the outlaw.
Issac when his mother told him that an assistance Pastor from Ghana said if they
do not pray for him he will die and his attitude was very disgraceful. Make the
statement do they know who is my spiritual father, the pastor was correct there
was a spirit of death following him he was too pompous and proud, so I would not
tell him. I had got the message before he would die and left his wife and children
very poor. He is bragging about a spiritual father who God have severely reduce
his anointing because of disobedience. For two years I supported one of his
outreach ministries sometimes using my car to transport ministers and others to
the service every Saturday 90% of the time at my expense even when Prophet
Kofi was fighting my finances. I also did prayer line until a prophetic word came
for me what God is going to have me do in the prayer line they took me off
because of jealousy that God is using me in a might way. The Holy Spirit told me
to give Prophet Kofi a copy of Bill Wiese and Mary Baster CD 23 Minutes in Hell
they talk about a pastor who was in hell and how God loves him and keep sending
people to him with the message of repentance but refused just as he is doing
now. This church has a fast turnover rate two books given to the Prophet Kofi
Leading Multicultural Teams as led by the Holy Spirit because he was failing in
communicating with people properly, his skills are screaming, controlling and
bullying people so that they can be scared of him. The types of members he likes
is the undocumented or the illegal, unintelligent and the poor, so they are afraid
to challenge him when he is doing the wrong things. Him running the ministry is
not about the souls it is about his financial gains. He runs the church like his
private business, once in a while he will call up some people and give them some
money for food or rent, but it is a show to bring people in the church to increase
cash flow.

He wants to say that we have a familiar spirit, then a lot of his pastors and
prophets friends have familiar spirit too because some of the things Holy Spirit
lets us release first then He sends another man of God to come and give the same
revelation that they are so respected. On April 13, 2017, the Holy Spirit ask me to

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release the fact that some people in the church marriages and business are locks
up and he needs to unlock them as per the Holy Spirit. On April 16, 2017, an
Apostle from Nigeria came to preach and was unlocking the businesses and
marriages in the church. He told Prophet Kofi Danso to love God. His love for
vanity has disconnected him from God. Another Pastor from Ghana May 28, 2017,
preach about his finances is low we had that revelation over two years ago.
Another worker who handles the finance for the church is working with empty
envelopes in the demonic realm to empty out the finances of the church for over
two years. Feb 2017 another prophet came and preached that the pulpit could
not be rich and the pew poor that was downloaded to us about six months
before. We watch the demon at the pulpit on June 4, 2017, that Sunday afternoon
service tries to muffle one of the sons words who was preaching he said turns to
the book of James and a lot of people thought he said the book of Judges. The
Holy Spirit gives us instruction on how to remove the demon from the pulpit, and
we did and asked for a lot of angels to release upon the altar. The 25 of June
2017, Rev Joan Danso preach that Sunday afternoon she was free she even tries
to sing in three and a half years in the ministry she has never done that because
there was no demons restriction. On June 29, 2017, evening program the visiting
pastor told the congregation if they could see the large numbers of angels on the
altar they would run out of the church. It blows Prophet Kofi mind that we are
two little women with no title where did we get such power and authority from
because he blocks all of his prophets and pastors friends so they could not see the
demons much less to remove it off the pulpit and we did. The guy who was dress
in black on June 11, 2017, walk up to Prophet Kofi and ask him to pray for him the
Sunday afternoon after they return from Isreal and he quickly pretends he got
delivered which was not true. He was telling the ushers to hold the man, so the
demons do not hit him at that time demons was beating him. He knew there was
a spirit in that man that would have exposed him.

Most people who affiliated with this ministry will not grow and achieve their God-
given predestined life because there is the severe spirit of jealousy, envy,
covetousness, greed that runs from the leaders down to some of the workers into
the some of the members. Over a year and a half ago the Holy Spirit told me to

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take my book I am writing and go to Rev Joan Danso for help, it is supposed to be
private and confidential she gave it to Prophet Kofi Danso to preach out of it and
plagiarise my material in his book. He has the nerve to come to a workers
meeting and read that section of his book the plot was to get me angry to leave
the church it fails. God did not need them to help with my book, but He needed it
to use to show us their true character that they try to hide behind dressing. She
never came back to about the book, but I did not want them to be apart of it in
the first place, but because the Holy Spirit redirect me back to them, I had to go.
Late last year the Holy Spirit open the spirit realm for me to hear both of then
discussing my book and Rev Joan ask Prophet Kofi what is in it for them, that is
such a bad behaviour for leaders of a church. Everything that God gave me to
succeed while I was in their ministry Prophet Kofi Danso fought it. He fought the
marriage God gave to me, the new car God ordain for me because one I now have
is getting old I honour Him by using it to do his work always, my living
accommodations for me not to have any place to live, my business not to grow,
my book for it not to publish, split up friendships so if I need some help there is
no one to help me and my finances for me not to have anything to come and beg
from him to get my bills paid. There were times he would make this statement he
is testing them to see if they can be trusted I know that conversation directed to
me. That was not a smart decision because he did not know who I am, so how can
he test me. His idea for me to come and beg from him so I would have to leave
him in his darkness to continue deceiving the people of God. One of his famous
saying he does not do something for nothing. I got in some deep financial
issues, but I do not beg when I come into Christ born into an inheritance. One day
I heard the Holy Spirit said we do not beg, was reassured that I was on the right
track. The Holy Spirit told me He was watching if I would conform to get my bills
paid and the book published. The marriage he is trying to block for me God is
destroying him, the man who went to him about marrying me make a big mistake
because as a married man and a prophet of God he has interest in me, I was
aware of it for over two years. Even if he were not married, I would not be
interested in him, a man like him because he is a prophet everyone should want
him. He is having extramarital affairs, and his wife is covering it up, her
conversation do not tell anyone we have to cover Papa sin. A lot of women in
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the church see him astral project his spirit at night and go to their bed to have sex
with them, and there is also physical sex is happening too with some of the young
ladies in the church and give them money. It's not everything he said he look,
watch and see or true; he astral project his spirit to monitor people to get some of
the information. The man who went to him about marriage for me he uses his
image two times astral project his spirit to have sex with me, but to each time the
Holy Spirit unveil him to me. The first encounter I told him no sex before
marriage, then he replies Kofi can tell you when to have sex and the second time
he said if not now then when the Holy Spirit told me he is trying to put stuff inside
of me to destroy internal organs. Someone who was having an intimate
relationship with him when he tried to have sex with her, and she refused he
make the same statement if not now then when. Here two different person
one receive the statement from the spirit realm and the other from the physical
but they are identical. There is no sanctification, and holiness is going on in
Miracle Arena for All Nations. Some of the male guest speakers Prophet Kofi
Danso select young ladies to go their hotel rooms for personal pleasure.

Prophet Kofi Danso is deep in the dark kingdom. He can change into a fly, bat and
bird etc. He works a lot of witchcraft. One of the reasons why the demons were
beating him there is a human blood sacrifice he needs to produce already, and he
has not it have to be a close family member. That sacrifice would make him very
rich he would pay a tithe of two point five millions thirty-three dollars and
twenty-five cents to a church in Ghana. A month before he blocked us from going
into the church the Holy Spirit gave me this revelation and told me not to release
it yet until after the Catch the Fire Conference. The last Friday of the conference
August 25, 2017, the Holy Spirit told me to watch the program. You see the
importance of waiting on the Holy Spirit timing because if I had released it before
he would say see she do not know what she is talking about only the people in my
close circle knew ahead of time.Then I heard Bishop telling him God is going to
make him very rich. The riches is not from God it is from the dark kingdom. He so
proudly talks about he kill his grandmother she was a sacrifice, and now his wife
supposed to be the next human sacrifice to make him very rich. If Rev Joan Danso
died eventually, her four children would end up in foster care and separated in
different caregivers home. He asks her before if she would die for him she did not
know that conversation was real. We shut it down and will continue to do so. We

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are the women she fought against who is keeping her alive. The Holy Spirit talks
to me about Rev Joan Danso that ladies like her look the other way or put their
head in the sand and allow their husband to get away with a lot of wrong things.
After a while heard they are dead found out their husband sacrifice them that
message revealed to her but lack of discernment she could not understand the
message. The Holy Spirit told me Prophet Kofi Danso now does not want to make
the sacrifice, but the person who interduces him to the kingdom of darkness is
pushing him to do it. Demons are running around the church putting sickness in a
lot of people, some of them did not come to the ministry with demons and now
full up of demons. Over a year ago one Sunday afternoon as the service was over I
felt a spirit push something in my throat and the Holy Spirit show it to me that it
was a large wooden wall plug. I went to Prophet Kofi to pray for me to remove
the object when I told him what it was he sat down looking at me with a shocked
look on his face. About two weeks later the Holy Spirit send me to one of the
sons to pray for me the same night got home just cough hear it hit the floor. He is
using people tithes, offering and seed sowing to initiate them to the dark
kingdom. The fire that was at the church on Friday, Sept 15, 2017, they are
blaming the devil that was the wrath of God. We are out of that church now, and
they still do not have a clue who we were. We were the two women who sat on
his shame and disgrace interceeding for him to turn around. After his continued
defiance of God, He allows Prophet Kofi to throw us out of the church so He can
unleash His wrath upon him, his wife and all who took part in it. When he does
something for a person is to lock them into him, and then he initiates them to
Satan kingdom. He releases his spirit into other people to communicate to others
without their knowledge and then exit. He uses that spirit with his armour bearer
very frequently to even communicate with us to get information. When you find a
visiting man or woman of God come and preach in the church, and after you see
Prophet Kofi take the microphone to start another sermon. It is because that
person had clear the atmosphere, and he goes back to contaminate it again so
people would not have the ability to see who he is. Prophet Kofi demon told me
he hates me I see too much, hallelujah I am on the right path for God. He tried to
lay hands on us, hit us on the head and ears about five to six months ago in a
Sunday afternoon service instantly the Holy Spirit told me he is was trying to block
us from hearing.

When you read this story, share it not as a gossip but as a teachable moment to
see how we can easily get deceived. To the men and women of God who preach
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from his pulpit and could not locate that demon or get block by Prophet Kofi
check in with the Holy Spirit. I love the Holy Spirit when He sends the men first
they got frustrated by Prophet Kofi and leave, He laughed and said I would send
him two fearless daughters that he cannot touch when they get there I will cover
them and make them look weak and frail until the time is right. The devil knew
that we were the two women that were sent by God to help him turn things
around and we would have been effective. The person who brought him into the
dark world knew he could get bigger than them and they did not want that and
Prophet Kofi carries the same spirit. Some of his sons who think he is paying their
rent its to keep you back from excelling above him because he must be on top all
the time. For sons that are waiting on their immigration documents, they will be
waiting for a long time or get deported because he blocked them from receiving
it. For workers who have great prophetic gifts and should get it develop it will
never happen under their leadership. Right now the sons who prophecy is by
association; he controls what they see. To all the other men and women of God
who are genuinely serving God do not run away from him but fight him back to
God side do not let satan win. Now the body of Christ needs to stand up stronger
as a united front and claim him back for Christ. We would love to see him turn
around and make it into the kingdom of heaven but he cannot continue to
desecrate God altar. We cannot do anything more for them because they think it
was us they were fighting it was God, and no man fights God and win. A lot of
people do not know the real Jacob story behind I will not let you go until you
bless me, he was trying out his strength on God Genesis 32:22-31. Hosea gives a
different account of the same story than Genesis he was not blessed that same
day as most of us think.
Hosea 12:2-6 (AMP) 2 The LORD also has a dispute [a legal complaint and an
indictment] with Judah, And He will punish Jacob in accordance with his ways;
He will repay him in accordance with his deeds.
In their mothers womb he took his brother by the heel, And in his maturity he
contended with God.
He wrestled with the angel and prevailed; He wept [in repentance] and sought
His favor. He met Him at Bethel And there God spoke with [him and through him
with] us
Even the LORD, the God of hosts,The name of Him [who spoke with Jacob] is
the LORD.
Therefore, return [in repentance] to your God, Observe and highly regard
kindness and justice, And wait [expectantly] for your God continually.

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As the Holy Spirit said, a lot of people waiting for God to use them but God could
not because they do not have the patience to wait on God to be processed.
Moses processing took forty years. It took me three and a half years and the other
sister two and a half years of our lives for God to use us to unveil the darkness in
Prophet Kofi ministry. When he lied in church that day to the congregation about
the information, we sent him. That day we could stand up in church, reveal the
information but the timing was wrong. The Holy Spirit was using all of these
incidents to prove that which He gave us to speak was true. If that which we
speak was not true why are we thrown out of the church and go to the length of
put men at the door to block us from entering? God wants us as His children to
come up higher and know His ways instead of just His acts, to achieve more from
Him. Psalm 103:7 (KJV) 7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the
children of Israel. God is making a shift to a wave of fearless children to the
natural eyes they carry no title, but in the spirit, they demonstrate the power that
will baffle leaders on the pulpit. Prophet Kofi deceived by some of his prophets or
pastors friends that told him a lot of people hates him especially men of God,
some of those people wish they could have reached out to him and help him
become acculturated to this society, and some try but his harsh response turns
them away.
Do not allow this story to let you run from God but let it push you into a closer
relationship with God and pursue Him even more. The Bible tells us in the last
days what men will be like, e.g. shall be lovers of their selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy etc. 2 Timothy 3.
God blessed you, see you at the top.

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