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SNES ES NAS &) oo. NS s ADVENTURES OF THE DRAGON CRAG Writing and Design: William Simoni Additional Material: Robert F. Schwalb Development: Robert J. Schwalb Editing: Evan Sass Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Mark Gibbons Interior Art: Alex Boyd, Tony Parker, and Adrian Smith Cartography: Robert Lazzaretti WERP Development Manager: Kate Flack Project Manager: Ewan Lamont Head of Black Industries: Simon Butler ate Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, Black Industrie, the A Black Industries Publication Black Industries logo, BL es The BL Publishing First published in 2005 by Black Industries, an ‘Logo and all sociared races and race insignia marks imprint of BL Publishing names, charaters,illsration, and image from the i Warhammer universe are either®, ™, andior © Games aaeWe Workshop Ltd 2000-2005, variably registered in : ‘he UK and other countries around the word Nilor Hoe All rights reserved. Nottingham id NG? 2WS Green Ronin and the Green Ronin logo are UK Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC, «and are used with permission. Product Code: 60040283010 ISBN 13: 978-1-84416-267-3 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system ‘or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording i or otherwise without the prior permission of the BREN 10 nl 16-2572 publishers. Permission is given to copy the handout on Black Industries World Wide Web site: page 95 for personal use only www: © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2005. All Green Ronin World Wide Web site: Rights Reserved. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop ogo, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay the ‘www. greenronin,com (Ghuaeren I Tit Gry oF Kaa AZGAL ching the Cty 1 LA nr,» ‘The Temple O uarier. 1.The Great Temple Of the AnceS 0S - = pete Sats ced Gorlax the Golder ennmnmnm _4 6 The Silver Fountain wom 7.Statue of Skalf Dragonslayer 16 8. Norgunton Clan Hold nat 9.Durgarson Clan Holdin 10, Rorganson Clan Hold. 12, Domirson Clan Hold... 13, Miners Boung. Te ‘The Foreign Quarter 8 14, Zambor’s Well 15. Tod Muelter’s as “Totem Emporia 19 16.The Golden Mug Garting Helm 17.Grondaa’s EEE 1 Blck erke Wersoue ase 19. The Babling Fountain -————20 The Gold Ouarcer. 3o 120. Stone Square 121. Stonecuters’ Guild 20 22, Jewdlemith? Guild smn at 23. Mining Gull oem 2k 24. Dragon's Eye Pabcemnm2t 25. Karak Azgel Barracks 2 ‘Cuarrsn Il: Deane. Kotani plato =3 tata TS ti gle Town “Tie Mle Bow % LTekre Spt Spy ital fac Sif Maen = oTieGutey Resa 9.6 Sida Tears FSejnat need rare pe Cone 10. The Polace of the Dead. 1. The Wall of Heroes. (Ghueren IV: Runs oF Karate AZGAt. Designing Adventure Sites Enoironments ‘The Map of Karak Az gel. ‘Mapping Adventure Sites. Encounter Tables. STE [tain FST ‘Adventurer/ Adventuring Party Brotherhood of the Forked Beerd.43 Clan Stree Clon Vechiare 48 The Perl of Werptone —————— 8 ‘Wandering Skaven. 8 Servans ef the Horned Ra ° ‘Chan Vechiare Warren Level 30 A The Shaft amt B Granite Block————————-3t C. Shrine to Grangni mann st D.Underground River ‘st 1. Skaven Guard Cav anmnnmnnm$t 2. Skaven Wizard Cavern 2 14, Underground River 15, Seer Gard men 16 Chamber of the Grey 17. Sacrificial Pens. 18. Treasure Room 19. Lair of the Ret Daemon am-m ‘A. Lave Chamber B. False Shrine ike Chanter of Fee 4. Grot’s Lair. 5 Skirmisher’ Barracks. {4 The Infernal Machine 2. The Family Patriarch... 3. Burial Chamber m-- 4. The Ghost of Doralina. A.The Bridge of Sorrows B. Supply Lift Hell of Bones Level One. 1 Seppy Row. Sitter Bearer 4 Bnained Pri Chambers S$ Pretion Room —ep ining Chen aap 2.Temg of Grangnt ep E Necromancer kab ep 0. Necromaners Quarera eo Baaas 12. Chapel of Grungri.. © 11. Antechamber for the Lower Tomb neon 12. The Tombs of the Workers 70 18. Verified Corpse sup ts, Halls of the Spectres, 16, Merchant Hellman 7 17,The Crypt of Heroes women 18. he Great Sei The Hell of Bones Leod Two. The Chamber of Sorrow 5. Apprentice Shaman ‘and Bodyguard OQ uerters...80 4 Guard’s Quarters. $. BU Rheem ‘& Warpstone Cave p-Armoury. Goblin Seroanss.. ‘9. Reservoir Access 10 Squig, Penn 11. The Great Hall mnonmmem 12 Frozen Pantry. 1. Kitchens 14-13. Ore Warrior Barracks. 16. Gorgal’s Owarters.ennnvmmnnnS 17. Tribe Treasure Room nvonoooe 84 2.Shotling Slaves. 1: Night Godin Lar — 4. Squig Pens an 5: Fungus Garden. ‘6 Bonk’s Lair 7. Sereee’s Lair ‘Cuarran VIML: Beast OF Gin Beast of Chaos Placing the Beas’ Lai. Altar of Slaanesh 1. Ruined Tunnel my =e 38 a) JOVERODUCTION oreo Kam Anal asourchok fr the Wena enn olga yc. Gare Manes wl i ering thy mc in thee pao blp hi player eck fru and lyin the ep of the angus Dag Cg The books ben pint two main sons. ‘The World Above covers the Daf ety built on the rans known as Sal's Hold aswell as che shantown chat sprang up next oie known as Deadgate. These areas serve a the bas of operations forthe players as they seck to discover the chs buried beneath the mountain inthe ‘old Dwarf mines. Is a rough place where the Deaf tenaciously try t0 ‘monitor al the riches coming up from the ruins, wis ease seekers ty wo smuggle out what they can under their watchfl eye, Anything «an be had in Karak Azgal, for pice, and the inhabitants ate always thinking up new and intresting ways to separate ease seekers fom their gol crowns “The Wotld Below describes what the players can experience when they delve into the caverns, mines, and passages beneath the iy. Great wealth Is therefor the aking, but there i also grea dang. Ores, Goblins, Undead, Skaven, and other hidcous creatures infest the ruins and they are not about ro give up thie tease lightly. Specific aca wl be denaled in chis section, complete with maps and keyed descriptions ‘Guidelines will abo be provided so that the Game Master can ctete his ‘own areas to make the Dragon Crag come alive for his group, — History oF THe Draco Crag — hen the wor was young, Dwarf holds stitched along the ‘Worl’ Edge Mountains from Karak Vlag in the fr nocth near Kislev tothe fabled Karak Zor i the fir south. The Dwarfs delved deep ino the mountains, carving stronghold in the stone and uncovering riches of gems and ore, especially the most precious metal of al: gromil (Orcs, Goblin, and other invaders were deal with swifly and trade Aourshed throughout the Dwar kingdoms this time, the Dragon Crag was known as Kara io Jewels So great were the veins of gems found in the mines thatthe riches ‘were sid to val the great Dwar city of Karak a-Kara itself. These were the days of Dwarf ‘ride, but chey would soon come to an end. The fall of Karak Bight eas inthe north ax the hands of the Ore and Goblins was coal the begining. Using the Dwar wads and ade routes, dhe pen horde descended ‘upon che southers hod with great ean Takes of the ches of Karak el ha ben ard hroughoue the Old Weald, and even the Grenskins knew great reas wa thee fr the taking, In thee arrogance, the Dai had only lighly defended the pases othe north, chinking Karak Fight Peaks would never il The Ors ook suvantage ofthis and stormed inc the hold A thesame dime, che cunning Skaven decked his ‘woul be che opportune moment ostrke, They had ten burrowing unde the Dv mines for yas, ‘bing thei time and lusting afer the Daf iches. ‘When they lared of the Ore and Goblin asl they launched an atack of thee om Fad wih bate on two fons, the Dwarfs ali they were doomed. Reaeaing int the depths, the Dvrafs made a valiant last stand to defend their hold The carcasses of Ores, Goblins, and Skaven were piled high atthe Ft ofthe doomed Dwarfs as they fought dhe bitter end. As the last Da skilled, che invaders sea he for che Dwarf reaure bus found none, The warriors had given thee lives to protect eeirweasure. Whilst they were fighting and dying, the runelrd Srormbeard and his engincers took the ueasues and hid them in a secre waule deep within che mountain, Using Runes of Hiding, he concealed the door to che vault only a wa would be abe to find it Vowing to return, the Runeord led away ‘what remained ofthe Dwarfs of Karak lai. Preparing his entry ino dhe Book of Grudges he renamed the hold Karak Azgl, or Hoard Peak The Dwarfs did noe return quickly enough to recover their reasures buried bythe clever eunclord, War with the Ores and Goblins had depleted their resources and the glory ofthe Dwatf kingdoms was at an «end. Soon ater the fl of Karak Azgal, the Dragon Graug the Terble made his ome in the hold. Using his race’ ably to sniff out precious stones and god, Graug quickly found the hidden vault and made his nes there ro attact a mate. I was chen that Karak Azgal came to be known as the Dragon Crag. For many years, weasureseckers and adventurers came to the crag 10 chllenge the Dragon and loc the ruins. The Dwarfs sent countless «expeditions sponsored by the Jewesmiths' Guild to regain the gems hoaeded by Geaug. All of hem filed unl the Dwar hero Skalf enced the eis. He found the biden vault and confronted Grau. fier an epic bat, Ska slew che Dragon by chopping of his had, claiming the weasures ‘of Karke Aga for himsel ‘Ska the Dragonslayer used the riches he found inthe Dragon’ ait wo re-build a city fon the ruins ofthe old. Although a farcry from the beauty of Kara ll the new Karak ‘Azali strong and well built, Sil ruled by descendants of Ska the city has become 3 haven for adventurers ecg to journey io the depths in search of eeasure, The Dwar have ‘ed to keep tight control over what i removed feom the ruins, scaling up unauthorized entry points, exacting roll for anyone entering the rains, And levying a taxon whats brought up The influx of immigrants soon became too much for the Dwarf hold to support. A shantytown grew ‘outside che gates of the city led with curtheoats and adventures looking to make their fortune in the Dragon Crag, Over time, the Dwarfs encouraged the development ofthis town in an effort o ep some of the rif raf ofthe Old World out of Skal+ Hold, The result was the formation of Deadgate, 2 rough and tumble place atthe foot of he ill leading up tothe hold. Consisting of wooden buildings, ‘most poorly constructed and hastily built ii the fst stop for those arriving in Karak Arg, Today, the Dwarf sill have not reclaimed their glory days. Brave promises of renun othe greamess ofthe pas have gone unfilled They ate few in number, an even the successful hol ike Karak Azgal do noc have the strength to clear our the encroaching Ores and Skaven, Like ens on an egg the Dwarfs ofthe Dragon Crag si on the mines of theis ancestor, content ole others delve into the depts to bring up tweasures and other arefacts—all fora price, of course. Usinc Karak AZGAL Kanak Aegal 2 heat, i roolbox, Whether you want co run gumes in which bold adventurers brave che depths ofthe cath to wage war against the Greenskins and Slaven and Undead, o youll prefer a game ‘where the characet ere ou the corruption thae rot away the core of Karak Azgal this sourcebook gives you the tols to deve just about any kind of advencue. Unlike other WERP adventures, this vo designed to be run straight off the shelf Instead, it gives yo personalize ico your tastes and interests. Whatever you like, Kanth Aagal reflec all the gritiest aspects ofthe Old World, Tue Lure or Karak AZGAL “The fis step co running Karak Azali to get de characters there. Why. do adventurers come o Karak Avgal, anyway? You may have already answered this question for your group, bu not, here are some ides on how and why your players might come co the Dragon Crag. Fortune and Glory The wos obvious reason for adventures to come ro Karle Aral is for the fabled riche stil waiting tobe found within the ruins. Even afer the fill ofthe Dragon store of the wealth of the Dwats shoud throughout the Old World Ska may have found the trcasure chamber, but there are many roves yet undiscovered. Many come with the hope of striking it ich inthe euis. Others come eo make names for themslves by fighting the creatures infesting the crag Few return, but those who do beep the lite of Karak Aga live with ales of heir explo City of Pleasures DDeadgate is home to many vices. Teavellers come o Karak Azgal just to indulge chemselves inthe city’s many diversions. Given the ‘constant influx of immigrants and che wealth recovered from the ruins, ‘opportunist have devised many ways fr adventures to spend theie hard-earned coin. Gambling, nary is everywhere, from cand and dice ames, 1 bes on pt fighting and dead pools—bees place on groups of adventures to see who wil de fs. Alcohol flows fel, fom stout, ‘Dwrarfen ales to the finest Elf wines (hough these are ened), and many academics and wizards come to this place to sample lice potions and draughts that promise o expand their minds. For chose of a sinister bent, the most dangerous poisons canbe found in the shadowy alleys and in the back rooms of taverns and even temples, But Karak Axgal oes finery aswell. Excellent apparel, jewellery, weapons, and armour are availabe to those who can meet their high prices. Karle Arg has ‘everything a harden adventurer could want, and far move. ‘Safe Haven Karak Arga is located far tothe south ofthe civilize land of the Empite and Bretonna, father south even than the Border Princes. The hws of TABLE O—1: HAVE YOU HEARD OF Karak AZGAL? ‘Stal Difficulyy Modifier ‘Common Knowledge (Dwar) ‘Average No Modifier ‘Common Knowledge (The Badlands) Hard 20% ‘Academic Knowledge (Hscory) ‘Common Knowledge (The Border Princes) Gonip ‘cher lands do not apply in Karak Avgal and the Dwatf authorities are ‘mostly concerned with making sre ll manner of taxes and tll are ‘oleted from adventures journeying into the ruins. This, combined with the seedy nature of Dealt, makes the cry a good place vo he and keep ‘one sep ahead ofa persistent bounty hunter ora dae with the hangman Thieves’ World Perhaps your group is composed of, shall we sy, es than savou characte. What beter place for achulaan o rogue to ply thee trade than in Karak Azgal? Plenty of room here fo another racketer or thie ‘0 sup shop and rob blind the adventure seeking fools, For those particularly ambitious sets, fertile ground alo exists fora new crime boss vo move in. Reparess ofthe method, chere ae plenty of sheep 10 be leecd in Karak Angal without ever setting fot in the ruins, For the Ancestors The Dwafs ae proud people with long memories they hold grudges for cenries. What beter place than Karak Azgal for a Dwar to come and szke a blow agains the enemies of his people? OF course, no Dwarf would turn down the chance to earn litle treasure, but doing ic while cleansing an old Dwarf hold of Skaven, Ores, and the lke i powerful incentive. The ancestors would be proud indeed of such a Dwarf ‘Caravan Guards ‘As word has spread throughout the Old World ofthe rebirth of Karle ‘Azgal,isk-aking merchants have begun to take notice, Although the wip from dhe Empie is long and arduous one, che jewellery and gemstones from Karak Azgal ae well worth ie fr those who can make it through sucesflly Caravan masters ae always looking for able-bodied guards to protect thei goods on the long joutney staple for hard-luck, adventures, being hired on as caravan guards is a tried and true way for ‘your group to make ie eo Karak Azgal-—and even get pid ort Tue JouRNEY TO Karak AZGAL Unless you plan on stating your group in Karak Azle begin your ‘campaign they will eed wo tavel there fom somewhere elie in the Old ‘Word. The tip wil nor be an easy one. Karle Aga i located in the Wows Edge Mountains south of che great Dwat hold of Karak Eight Peas. To reach from the Empire, tavelles mus follow the Ol Dwarf Read south through the treacherous Blck Fie Pass and on through the Badlands south ‘ofthe Border Princes. The last leg the wip i the more dangerous, 38 n ‘order o reach Karak Auge is noesary to leave the rod and sire the ‘mountains for many miles to avoid the Or for of Black Crag, All manner of dangers wae those who journey this route, Oc and Goblin eribes infest the Black Fire Pass and wander the Badlands at ‘will wreaking havoc. Outlaws fom the Border Princes et up ambushes along che Skall River, waiting for fa caravans to prey upon. Even Tells and Ogres can be found inthe Black Fite Pass, and especially in the Badlands, where eumours of an Ogre army have been spreading Rather than simply giving away the location of Karak Avg, you may prefer ro have your players us some of thet skills to determine where it {sand how they might gee there. Table O-1 lists ive skill players may ‘se to ty and find ouc more about che Dragon Cr, The amount of information tha player can learn from using his skills, Ishased om the depee of succes achieved on he rol. Table 0-2 lis the information players can lean based on the degree of success. The {information is cumulative s thee or more degres of success means the player knows allo che information ‘SEEDS OF ADVENTURE While much of Karak Arg is lef for you vo describe, fear not, chere are plenty of hooks and adventure site alteady fleshed out in this oe who come to Karak Azgal intending wo journey inc che runs 10 find fortune never ge the chance, Opportaniti for adventure ‘hound in the sets and alleys of he city above the euins. Indeed, some ‘would say eis almose as dangerous inthe cry ase within the alls and ‘avers ofthe Dragoris Crag. Tempeations are everywhere and is easy 10 lose ones in the hedonincculute that pervades the city. Adventucts eed to lear the rules of Kara Aga if they are ging w prspet APPROACHING THE CITY The mountains on either side ofthe pases eaing co Karak Ang are dlficule o averse even on fos. sures and cliffs block the way and Tandsides are common, The Dura know this and to lock both the cast and west pases they caeflly constructed a gatehouse flanked with 3M-foot high towers a mile away fom the cy. Twenty Dwarf watiors and one segeuntgutison each gatehouse. The towers ar equipped with Cannon and el for defensive purpotes.Ifatacked, the Dwarfs alo havea rune bearer teady to wara che hod The secondary function of thew gates into collect the entry tll of 5 «per pers and 10. per wagon required to emer the cy: All those refs cxceptions. (Sethe Table co pay are tamed away. Tete ae no don on page 10 for more details) Warriors Career Soldier Race: Daf s [ot | ag | toe | wr | ret 50% | 3490 | 34% | 44% [ 20% | 31% [ 3000 | 29% Carman Js fila Cory culeeene ee, 1] dd Baas) SOcafL.0%. [nt ‘Skills Common Knowledge (Dwarf), Dodge Blow, Drive, Gamble, Heal, Intimate, Percepdon, Speak Language (Khacald, Reikspe), Tade (Miner, Smith, or Sconeworker) Talents: Disarm, Dwrarfcrafe, Grudge-born Pury Night Vision, Specialist ‘Weapon Group (Gunpowder), Stourhearted,Scike Mighty Blow, Strike ro Sun, Seay ‘Armour: Medium Armoue (Full Mail Armous) ‘Armour Points: Head 3, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 3 ‘Weapons: Hand weapon, Pistol, snd Shield Teappings: Ammunition for 10 shots, 2410 + Sergeant (Careers Sergeant (ex oldies) Race: Dwatf ‘Skills: Academic Knowledge rategy/Tactics), Command, Common Knowledge (Dwarf) +1085, Dodge Blow +10%, Drive, Gamble Heal, Inimidate #1096, Perception +1096, Speak Lang, THe Wor. ABOVE The city of Karak Argal rexts on a plateau inthe Work’ Edge Mouncains 4,540 feet above sea level I is very diferent fom the glory it once knew when the Dwar kingdoms were strong and their holds stretched the ene lengh ofthe mountains from the north tothe south. Tel, the Dats have rebuil the easter pas leading co Karak Arul and renamed ic the Dragon Head Pas, There is now much coming and going berween the two Dwarf holds and the route is heavily patrolled. The Dragoa Tal Pas wo the west leads o the plains of che Badlands and iis from there that most. vistors to Kata Avgal ative. This section details whac players can expect when adventuring in the city above the ruins. The ist chapter coves the approaches tothe city and the legal sytem, pois, religion, and cultures that operate inthe cry. The next chapter deals Skalfs Hold, the city bil by the Dragonslayer on the ‘ins. Finally dhe last chapter in this section focuses on Deadgat, aa seulement. (Bate Tongue, Khazlid, Reikspe), Trade (Miner, Smith, or Stoneworker) ‘Talents: Disarm, Dwarferafi, Grudge-born Fury, Menacing, Night Vision, Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder), Stour-hearted, Sacet Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Sun, Sturdy Armour: Heavy Armout (Full Plate Armour) ‘Armour Points: Head 5, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 5 ‘Weapons: Hand weapon, 2 Pistol, and Shiela Teappings: Ammunition fr 10 shots, 1410 ge Tue Law The law in Karak Avgal is both simple and complex, The simple partis tha the Dwarfs are in control and everyone else in Karak Azgl is here ‘only with ther permission. As long as you pay to get ino the ruins, pay to get out, give che Dae any tems you have found they deem a cultural artefact.” and pay a taxon anything left ver, the Dwarfs are happy. The complicated parts trying co understand the myriad of cross referenced and ccumstance-ridled statutes in che Dwarf legal text, known asthe Great Book ofthe Lawgives The most respected and bate tested Dwarfs, known as Longheards, are handpicked by the Lord of the hold to enforce the laws in Karak Argal Longbeards ae experienced veterans of many bats and they get their ‘ame fom thei eat beads that often reach tothe floor. They are given the te of Lawbringers and are che judge, jury, and executioner when it comes co the law inthe city. Teieinterpetation ofthe lw i final and very few appeals tothe Lord ofthe hold are successful The slang erm for them is “Three-beards." because they always travel in groups of thee. Lawbringers wield two-handed battenses and carry two loaded pistols. They wear expertly crafted fll plate armour inscribed with the Dragon symbol of Ska’ clan, Their primary duty isto make certain che legal entrance eo the ruins are patrolled and all applicable taxes and fees ate collected, They are alo constantly on the lookout for illegal entrances tothe runs and any contraband they can find that has not been reported and taxed. Anyone found with valuables fiom the ruins that cannot produce a taxation receipt issubjct wo immediate imprisonment, Ie is not uncommon for Lawbringers wo stop people inthe streets and search them for such contraband. Finally the Lawbringers are charged with maintaining ‘order in the srets. They are far more diligent at patrolling within the walls of Slalf’s Hold than they ate in Deadgate, where they are mostly concerned with catching smugglers, There are no formal cousin Karak Azgal asthe Lawbringes dispense justice quickly and on che spot. When major ctimes are committed like murder a special session ofthe High Council is convened hear the ‘ase with the Lord of the hold as presiding judge. These caes are most, ‘lien concerned with the death of a Dwart or crimes against powerfal ‘ikizen and hei families. The Commande of che Lawbringers is responsible for deciding what eases reach this level hackle and roughshod town cha has grown up atthe fect of the main Dwarf Prisoners ate carcerted in the dungeons beneath Skall’s Keep. Most serve ou their sentence tothe end, as any appeals normally take longer tobe heard than the sentence being served. Request to expedite the process normally result only in the appeal taking longer 10 reach the eats Fhe Lond the ol Dwarf Lawbringer Career Veteran (ex Soldier) ‘Skills: Academic Knowledge (Law of Karak Arg), Common Knowledge (Dwarfs, Karak Azal)+10%, Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Gamble, Gossip, Hea, limite, Perception +109, Quick Draw, Secret Language (Bale Tamgue), Speak Language (Khazalid, Reikspil), Suike Mighty Blow, Strike to Tnjure,Seike to Stun, Tiade (Miner or Smith or Stonework) Talents: Disarm, Dwarferaft, Grudge-Born Fury, Night Vision, Resistance vo Magic, Speciale Weapon Group (Gunpowder, “Tworhanded), Sout Hearted, Strike o Stun, Sturdy, Very Resilient ‘Armour: Heavy Armour (Full Pate Armout) ead 5, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 5 ‘Weapons: Great Weapon (Two-Handed Butea), 2 Pistols ‘Trappings: Ammunition for 10 shots, 1d10 ge Thane Furagrum Kazorson, Commander of the Lawbringers (Careers Champion (ex-Soldier, ex-Veteran) Race: Dwarf nowledge (Law) +209, Common Knowledg (Dwar) 120%, Consume Alohal +2096, Dodge Blow, Gamble imidate +20%, Perception 20%, Secret Language (Batde Tongue), Speak Language (Kharalid, Reiki!) Trade (Stoneworker) ‘Talent: Disarm, Dwarfraft, Grudge Dra, Resistance ro Magi, Speci n (Two-handed), Stout Hearted, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Inj, Strike ro n,Scurdy, Very Resilient, Very Strong levy Armour (Sleeved Mail Coat, Gromril Runic Breastplate Inscribed with rune of protection giving the armour a total +3 ‘bonus to normal breastplate) Armour Pointe: Head 0, Arms 2, Body 5, Legs 2 Weapons “The Judge” Runchammer: This magaiicen gromsil great weapon (eachammer is inscribed with intecaesrollwork with gold 1 Fury, Night Vision, Quick ‘Armour lige. This weapon gain the Purameling quality. The weapon suo deals +1 Danage on a succes hi 1 has seen any winees here in Karak Azga. Although his butte scarred hea is ald, his beard iso Tong he has to fold it up in singles 30 edocs not drag on the oor. Ove asi of mal he wear breaspate of gromril armour with a golden dragon inscribed upon i. His weapon is @ mighty rane-inscrbed warhammer known as “The judg.” He spends ‘most of his time presiding over the main entrance tothe ruins in Ska’ Hold known as Zambors Wel, making cern axes are collected. When hei off dy, he retro drink ale atthe Dragons Eye Pub, where he ie known for his capacity ro drink prodigious amounts ofthe lf without sting drunk. If proached there and offered a drink, he gladly ells ‘ores of his many exploits asa soldier and a Lawbringer Furagrum is dedicated to his job, and is ar bur utely rules in his imerprecation of the law. IFa Lawbringer is slain, he hunts down the perpetator personally wo bring them to justice. He serves on the thee rember ruling counel of Karak Azgal, making him one ofthe mest powecful Dwarfs inthe cry. Any who think he can be bribed lean to (quickly regres thar thought in dhe prisons ofthe hold The commander does havea weakness, however, and thats gambling His favourite pastime is wo bet on che pit fighting in Deadgate, but he lays money on almost anything to fed his addiction, Like all Dwar hae i loath to give up his tease, and paying his debts does not come ‘easy to Furagrum. Toon between enforcing the law and making good on ‘what he owes, the commander has recently started to lok the other way wth some of the goings-on in Deadgate. Dmitri Marko, the Kslevian crimelord there, has a special lationship with Furagrum, He forgives the commander of his debs, and in return Markov operates a secret entrance tothe ruins out ofthe lee Maiden, ven if this eationship is discovered, i wl be dficul For players to take advantage of ie. Furagrum ie the lw in Karak Azgal and his position on the council gives him cha much more power. Clever players ‘may attempt o blackmail che commander or perhaps offer vo climinate the crime lord for him in exchange for special access ro the ruins. RELIGION The Dwarf of Skalfs Hold worship inthe Grea Temple ofthe Ancestors. (Seepage 12 for more onthe Great Temple.) All dhree of the major Dwarf deities are represented: Grungni (God of Mines and Artisans), Grimnir (the Fearless God of Warrior), and Valaya (the _grcatest Dwarf Goddess, and protector of all Dwarf clans). The High Prcres of Valays, Balika Faradotr, serves on che High Council ane leads dhe Ech among the Dwarf. Numerous shrines alo edocs the hold, asic is nor uncommon to find satus of Grangni erected by « Dwarf homes arcsans or images of Valaya The Dvearfs celebrate four major religious holidays dung the year. Each Isdescribed in the WFRP rulebook on pages 173 and 174."hey ae Fist (Qui, Saga, Second Bresch, and Keg End. The Dwarfs of Karak Azgal ‘observe these traditional festivals, but they use each of them in theit ‘own way as a eminder of whar happened here. During est Qua hey T= tell ales about Karak Irland dhe greatnes ofthe Dwarf kingdoms of ‘ld, Saga also called Name Day, i filled with stories of woe as the fal ofthe hold is remembered and homage is pad to those who gave tit lives that fateful day. contest is held om chis day to real the glory of che Dwarf weasur saved by Runclord Stormbeard, Dwarf atsans submic thei creations to the Lord ofthe Hold, hoping tobe awarded the Medallion of Grungni, the greatest honour tha can be bestowed upon a Dwar crafsman. Second Breech isa day of rejoicing a the Dwarfs recall the heroism of Skalf the Deagonsayer. Inthe evening, a fiteworks display ‘over the keep ends the celebration. Keg’ End ia day of hope, As the barrels of ast year ale are finished of, the Dwarfs make plans forthe fucure, often making resoluions about things they want to accomplish in the year ahead. The Dwarfs are tolerant of other religions as long as they donor interfere with the busines ofthe hold and are notin opposition to the Dart tds. They have allowed the construction of wo temples in Ska’ Hold. (One isto the warior Goddess Myrmidia and the other sto Shaly, Goddess of Healing and Mere. There is smal shrine o Sigmar there as well but tis litle more than a single oom with a taue of the founder ofthe Empire and only one Anointed Priest to tend to it. Deadgate is another matte entirely: Ther is only one temple there, and that isto Mors, the God of Death, Hidden behind the scenes however, isa very strong and active cult of Rana. (See page 28 in Chapter “The: Deadgate for details about the cult) The Dwarfs are not happy ahour ths cult, but all of their efforts stop it have fale. Even the insidious powers of Chaos have not left Karak Azgal untouched. The “Dwatf” priest Elgrom Dragonsayer has recently established the Galt of Gotta che temple quarer A descendant of Ska himself his followers believe Gora isthe lost Dwarf Gad of Wealth, Tey seek to recover at much gold, gems, and oder tease fom the rns as they ean to honour hs ame. In realy, cei use fr gold has twisted thet minds and Gora is imply another mame forthe Chaos God Slaanesh, (Se the Gale of Gola on page 1 for more deals) TRADE AND COMMERCE Karak Azgal isa remote mouncain city that requires tade imports for ‘many ofits needs, The mountains offer abundant game for fod, but very lite inthe way of fis and vegetables, Grane and other staples are available from feds inthe Badlands, but dhse ar difficult to maintain and ae often subject to raids by the One and other creatures that live {here The growth ofthe city and its reputation for producing fine gems, jewellery, and che precious metal gromtil have begun to attract trade ‘aravans from merchants inthe clized world The long trip and the «hangers thac mus be Faced getting chere make it dificult for these goods to rach the hod, so the goods thar do make it command a premium price vo compensate for the rks faced on the journey. For all these reasons, Karak Anglia very expensive place to liv Trade does flourish with the Dwarf hold of Karak Azul othe east and this makes some items in Karak Azgal more abundant. Karak Azul has large deposits of ion or, sulphur, and gold and they trade this with Karak Azgal fr gems and gromil. Asa result, mote than enough metal and gunpowder i available for the many armourets, weaponsmiths, and tunsmits in the city The natre ofthe city makes this important, 8 $0 much depends on the sue seekers who need equipment ro strikeout into the ruins. Although the merchants still charge a premium for these ted ic is not as high a what is charged for the scarer resource. To reflect this, is mecesary to increase the cost of tems listed in ‘he WFRP rulebook and the Olé Weld Armoury accordingly. Table 1-1: Scareity shows suggested percentage increase in cach category that shouldbe applied tothe purchase price ofthe items listed in the aforementioned books, The Dwarfs have also established powerful guilds chat oersce the ‘commerce conducted in thelr particular area of expertise. For the mose Tue Great Book OF THE LAWGIVERS “This convoluted lexicon boasts ove 1,000 pages of text writen in the tighaly packed and pecise Dwart syle. Dificule enough for Dwarf to understand, even those experienced wih the law of other lands can rarely decipher the tue meaning ofthe Dwarf satues. The book is always available for review in kal's Keep. (Sce page 16 for deals about the Keep.) Scholar interested in trying to understand a particular statute ‘an pay the fee ofl ge per hour to sud the text under the watchful eye ‘of the Dwarfs, Research conducted in this manner requites a succsful ‘ery Hard (-30%) Academic Knowledge (Law) Test every hour to learn anything useful The exact nature and duals ofthe laws ae lfc up to the GM to decide fr his campaign, but a simple entry From the book is provided here to give you an idea of what sin store forthe players, Section XI-Paragraps 1-22-Lines 1-100 on the rues and regulations pertaining tothe Dwarf right of eaniscation of gems, or, artefacts and, ‘other valuables fom the vaults, cavers ot mines ofthe great Dwar underground realm of Karak APgal Pr Removal of Valuables from the Ruins |The removal of any item, object, ore, gematane or anything else determined to be of value by the Lawbringers must immediately be reported to che authorities stationed at the exits from the ruins, 2, ‘Complete authority is given to the Lawringers to determine what ‘must be reported and the value of sid items. 3 Failure to comply will result in immediate confiscation of said items and/or objects and a term of imprisonment of noc less than thice days. 4. Lawbringers are authorized w use deadly force to obtain said objects at cheir complete discretion. 5:Those with a special wre of removal signed and sealed by the council ae exempt fom this aw ales sa wri is determined to be fougery bythe Lawbringers in which case PI Lines 13 apply ia Fall force. 6. Forgers will be subjected 1010 lashes inthe Stone Square and up to 3 days imprisonment. 7. Artefacts of Dwatf construction ‘must be immediately surrendered to the Lawbringers under penalty ‘of imprisonment of not les than 5 days. 8. Faire to surrenders artefacts will be mec by deadly force. 9. Dwarfs recovering family artefacts that can show proof of thir lineage as pr the guidelines in Section V, Paragraphs 1-5 shall be allowed to retain said artefact. P2 Taxation of Valuables Removed from the Ruins 10 The value of anything removed from the ruins shall be determined, by the appraisal ofthe Lawgiver on duty atthe time as per the juldelins set out in Section Tl Paragraph 3 lines 1-20. 11, Gems, ‘re, jewellery, coins and other valuables wll be taxed ata race of 10% payable immediacely. 11. Charges are increased 0 12% on Tuesdays Inhhonout of the day Skalf lew the Dragon. 12. At che discretion of the Lawbringers, charges may also be increased if subjects are difficule and complain about sid taxes. 13. Lawbringers may ako apply special taxes and surcharges according to the guidelines set out i lines 14-75 as follows: 14. Hes must pay an additional fee of 3% over and above all other charges as they cannot be trusted and must he made to pay for the transgressions of cheir ancestor as detailed inthe Great Book ‘of Grudges in Karaz-a-Karak. 15. Cut gemstones determined by the Lawbringers to be of exceptional quality will incur an additional 5% charge. 16. On the occasion of Dwarf holidays as specified in Section 1, Paragraph 2, lines 1-10 all charges are increased by 2% to honour the Dwarf gos. 17. Ore determined to be of che purest quality wil incur a surcharge of 3% ofthe appraised value. 18. An additional charge of 5% applies to i [FR\= K=S Equipment Category Percentage Increase = a ‘Note: Round al fractions up. Name Fee Enuy Toll 105 Description Anyone entering the city through the ease ‘or west ollgats must pay this fe. Elves are charged 1 geand Dwarf pay only 2. Wagons ane charged 10 4 | Bakes» 5 6 Ae geste mo he lcs, ee | Licence ‘must obtain a licence. Upon leaving the ruin ‘he licence is void and another ane must be purchased to re-entet Ghabing Sa GRteaapis males Ae in NotpeicentimentaesDrater | Re ce erm ae Selene “Treanare Vics Anything a all of vale that removed from "Tex the runs is axed by the Dwarf Lawbringers As ‘mentioned previously, the amount of the ax ‘an be almost anything due othe convoluted and cross-referenced Dwarf lawson the subj. (Use your discretion and charge what you fel ‘sappropriate, though 10 to 20% i good suldeline Death Tax 20% Upon death che law levis a tax agaist anything tha remains of a non-Dwarts estate, Yearly Tithe 158% Each yea, chose owning property in Karak ‘Azgal muse pay thi tithe tothe lard ofthe hold pare, only Dwarfs are accepted as members, bc excepcions have boon de for members of other races who show extraordinary skills in «| particular craft. The thre most influential gulds in the cty are che Jewelsmihs Guild, the Smithing Gull, and the Runesmich Guid. All (of them are located in Skal’s Hild in the merchan quater, For more ‘ets sce Chapter Two: Skall’s Hold. CurrENCY The lord ofthe hold mints the currency used in Karak Arg denominations follow those used in the Empire: | gold coin = 20 silver coins = 240 brass coins. The gold coin is embossed withthe symbol of Sal's clan, a tearing dragon, and is called a gold ora gold dragon. The ‘design onthe silver coin changes Requerly bu adtionlly shows scenes ‘of key builngs in the city. Is hnown simply asa se. The bras coin is always embossed with a portat of Skalf on one side and his rane axe ‘om the other Ii known a bras. To kee from confusing things all references to currency in this sourcebook use the terms god crowns (2), slvr shilings and bras pennies (p) a8 pe the WRP rulebook Ifyou prefer abit of economic realism i your game, when player ative you can use the exchange rate carton page 9 of the Old World Armoury to conver tothe lca eurency. Coinage removed from the ruins is mossy ‘of old Dvarf manufacere and wl be in the same gold, silver, and bss denominations. These coin ae worth 10% ro 209% more than the current ‘coinage because ofthe craftsmanship and dhe higher percentage of precious ‘metals contained within them. Regards, she Dua trade them a par because they contol the aces tothe ruins and refs to pay more for their own reasure! If players can manage to get the coins ou ofthe runs, secretly they can get more for them on the black marke. TAXATION Although most Od Worlders areal soo familiar withthe concept of taxation, even they are in fora big surprise when they arrive in Kara ‘Azgal. The Dwarfs have setup a dizying array of taxes, ols tices, surcharges, and fs to malce certain they can exploit every posible way to make money off the populace. Table 1-2: Taxation lis the major fees that players have to pay if they want to work and play in Karak Azgal. The lists by no means complete, and so shouldbe used asa guideline by the 5M to.come up with his own unique ways to flee his adventures \\ to appear from afr as che winding ail of Dragon, replete with spikes, and sales, while the gate itself resembles a Dragon's mouth, the Ranking towers serving as its wings. Though an amazing feat of achivctue in its own right, beyond the decorative figade, the gates ad steps are very practical. The Dwarf cate litle for the inbabitans of Deadgae ad if attacked would completely abandon it The switchback sta is the ony ‘way to etc the hold providing the Dwarfs with plenty of opportunisy to shower the besegers with misses. A masive reservoir of oli sored in the Dragon Gate at wll, ready to be unleashed upon ineroper, POPULATION ‘Skalf’s Hold houses a total population fluctuating beeween 5,000 and 6,000 at any given time, Those calling the hold their home are about 180% Dwarfs, 159% Humans, and 5% Halfings. During dhe day che coral ‘number of people increase, as many com into the hold from Deadgate to conduct business journey inc the runs, or simply to havea good — Cary QuaRTEms — hat follows sa description ofthe various discs and layout of Ska’ Hold. As mentioned previously, the city is divided into 4 questers: the Temple Quarter, the Holdfst, the Gold Quarter and the Foreign Quarter THE TEMPLE QUARTER “The temple quarer i one ofthe oldest sections ofthe hold, built shor after the holdfst. Is located just south of the western gate “The numbered descriptions below detail the most important lation in this quarter. The othe buildings contain minor shrines ro other gods and some shops sling healing hebs and other medicinal products. The remainder of the building are homes Fr the wealthier residents who are not of noble descent and hence cannot lve in the Holdfast quart Soon after the keeps construction was completed, Ska 1o show his reverence fr his culture and people, commissioned a mighty temple He wanted igo honour all aspects of Dwarfen cular, from thie sods o those who died defending their homes, Skalf employed Roran CGundortn,a famous architect from Karak Eighe Peaks, noted for his, ‘towering structures and atention fr deal and the final product exceed all of SkalFs expectations The exterior is impresive, consisting ofan enormous round building a the centre wih eight smaller round tower situated around the perimeter Stained las windows sct into the face ofthe building tell the ory of the Karak Iris fill So impressed was Skalf, tha he named this building the Temple of the Ancestors, to honoue all the Dwarfs who have come before igh carved stone doors lad into the temple, one sti each ofthe walls berween cach pair of rowers. The interior i completly open, the roof supported by expertly crafted arches. Eight aisles lead through ows ‘of sone pews up toa circular dai where chee evenly spaced ouward- facing stone seatues of the gods surround an anvi-shaped ala in the mile ofthe temple, Mostics cover the ceiling, each illustrating various facets of Dwar lie: mining, brewing, gem cuting, blacksmithing stone cating, and fighting being the moet prominent. The temple is open every day From dawn until dusk, except on Dvr holidays when iti open 24 hour. Thee services ar held dally with diferent deity honoured dusing each, and all three gods being honoured in each service on the seventh day ofeach week. The High Piexess Blikina Fuslsdoe lives below the temple with her five priests and ten incites. The High Priestess presides over te services on while her priests handle the other services in her stead. There isan entrance to the runs in che basement ofthe temple known conly tothe High Priestess herelf lia 100-yardep shaft covered by 2 500-pound capstone. Only Balikina knowa the runic password to lif the stone. She wis the entrance rarely—only when a specific quest needs doing to benef the hold or che temple vel, such a the recovery of an artefact or weasure from the eulns, bue use ofthe entrance could involve rexce mission a well High Priestess Balikina Furlisdotr Career: High Priestess (ex-Anointed Priest, ex Initiate, ex Priest) Races Dat 53%) 2°] sae | ae 0]. Skills: Academic Knowledge (Astronomy), Academie Knowledge (History) +20%, Academic Knowledge (Runes) +20%, Academic Knowledge (Theology) +20%, Channeling +20%, Charm 420%, Common Knowledge (The Badlands, The Empire), ‘Common Knowledge (Dwarfs) +209%, Gossip +209, Heal 420%, Inimidace, Magical Sense +209, Perception +1036, Read/Write, Ride +20%, Speak Arcane Language (Magick) ‘Speak Language (Breton, Classical Elthain, Esai, Halling. Khazld, Kislevian, Norse, Reilapicl,Tilean), Tiade (Seoneworker) ‘Talents Aethyric Attunement, Armoured Casting, Divine Lote (Lote of Dwarferaf, squete, Fast Hands, Grudge-born Fury, Lesser Magic (Blesed Weapon, Dispel, Silence, Skywall), Master ‘Orator, Meditation, Night Vision, Petty Magic (Divine), Public Speaking, Rsiance to Magic, Seasoned Traveller, Stour-hearted Strike ro Stun, Serong-minded, Sturdy, Suave, Very Seong Armour: Hey Armour (Gromril Breastplate) ‘Armour Points: Head 0, Ams 0, Body 3, Legs O ‘Weapons: Hand Wexpon (Hammer) ‘Trappings 2 Healing Draught, a sver necklace with mall diamond worth 180 Balikna isa matronly dwarf dedicated tothe worship of Valaya Despite her advanced age, her hai sil a serking black and she looks fi and strong. She is a member of the High Council of Karak Agal and one of the most influential Dwarfs in the city. Balikina believes Dwarfs should make plans to retake che ruins beneath the city rather than simply eying to get ech ofthe hard work of others She monitors the actions ofthe Brothechood ofthe Forked Beard, but Is nor sure she should suppore them as of ye. (For mote about the Brotherhood, see page 21.) 2. TEMPLE OF MYRMIDIA Due to he nature of Karak Azgal and ies proximity tothe southland, itis no surprise thar dhe Humans ofthe cty have bil a temple ro the wattor Goddess Myrmidi. Iisa squat ewo-storey structure builtin the shape of an “L”. Shields adorn che outside walls ofthe building bearing SKATERS OED)

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