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the great challenge of a human life in 21 classes.

It is the potential of every person to grow into a whole human

being. The great challenge of a human life is to discover all

that is "hiden" within themselves.

My work bridges personal therapy and inner work with

spiritual growth.

Personal exploration is qualitatively different from spiritual

development: the former (personal exploration) requires

self-absorption, the latter (spiritual development) requires

self surrender. In the first we discover ourselves, in the

second we liberate ourselves.

The difference has confused many seekers. To my knowledge

no one has clearly explained how these two processes are

really one- single connected process.

We can pass from one to the other through the bridge of

authenticity, a bridge that we cross when we experience

personal transformation.

In personal work we change, but authenticity is only reached

through transformation. This is the ultimate goal of personal

inner work. On the spiritual level our attainment is

surrendered in service to our divine nature.

Today the secrets are known, so there is no mystery about the

modern mystic path. But merely knowing the secret does not

reflect our need to live it and to follow the path. The essential

secret is that we are consciousness and consciousness is

eternal. Freedom from separation and attachments involves

living into this secret until it becomes our central reality

beyond fear and desire.

My life-long search has been to realize this freedom. My

enduring work with others has been to share what I have

found openly and accessibly, to guide others on the inner

journey, and to enable and empower them to awaken to

consciousness and realize their true nature.

There are three levels of awakeningpersonal, authentic and

spiritual. I call these three levels:

1. The Process of Self-Discovery

2. The Transformation into Authenticity

3. The Source of Consciousness

They form the foundation of my work.

Our small sense of self, which we experience as character, is a

reflection of our deeper self. But when we become attached to

the small self we deny ourselves freedom. We partly do this

through clinging to the small sense of self and living in a prison

of emotional and behavioral patterns which effectively have

us going round in circles without any memory that we have

repeated life experiences which are dictated by our

conditioning. its like a life of a dog trying to catch its own tail.

To conceal this from ourselves we use our character as a

defense. Our character has to be brought consistently to

awareness until it becomes transparent to us and we

understand it for what it is, live with it in a positive way and

become empowered to make new choices. This is the work of

personal therapy and the aim is to resolve the unfinished

business of our early life experiences.

When we have recognized and shed our attachment to our

small sense of self, we are faced with the fact that, since we

are not our character, we dont really know who we are. There

follows a great adventure in authenticity. We confront our

fears and desires in a radical way and ask, If I am not willing

to be who I really am, then what is the meaning of my life?

Thus we cross a threshold of truth and sincerity to

fundamental change. No longer are we driven by the

compulsions of our habitual emotional and behavioral drives

and living in a prison of our own making. We become genuine,

real and our relationships to life and to others are transformed

by this new understanding. This is the work of depth

psychotherapy and the aim is to become self-responsible and


The true Self is the state of perfect freedom in which we

transcend the human conditions of fear and desire. We reach

a deep understanding of the body-mind and soul as incarnate

spirit and practice living out of emptiness and not-knowing.

This is how we learn to truly be, beyond separation and

attachment. It is the state of non-ordinary ordinariness,

wisdom and unity. It is experienced by many temporarily but

it requires great courage and determination to remain in it.

The ultimate aim is to live beyond our acquired false self which

is full of fears, worries, feeling of lack, uncontrolled emotions,

broken relationships, life without adeuate money and

streessful life.

But this is not what life was meant to be isnt it? The aim of

everyone is to live a financially free life, full of love, happiness,

peace and calmness. All this is possible if we are centered in

the spiritual realms beyond the personal, being entirely

natural and living from our true nature.

This series of 21 classses aims at providing everyone one class

each week with excercises, homework in every class and

covers to transcend from our daily issues to a fullfilling life as

WE WANT TO LIVE and not as others want us to live. Is it

possible? Yes it is possible, only if you want it to become a


I am a living axample of this kind of life. I am financially free

before 40 years of age, and so can you be too. You have

nothng to loose in life. The only thing you need to do is open

your mind for new things all the time.

i have gathered 21 techniques which will open your true self in

front of you and when practiced over a period of 21 weeks,

you will beocme a new powerful person who can face any

challenges of life. Just jump in keeping all your old belief

systems out and be open to these series of techniques of self


the areas covered in these classes are :

1. reducing Stress in 1 minute

2. connecting with inner source in 1 minute

3. Boost sekf confidence technique

4. increase sekf esteem

5. make friends quickly and instantly

6. finding love in your life and have lasting relationhsips

7. Overcome greef and depression.

8. mastering emotions

9. Overcome fear and phobias

10. Control thoughts

11. Become financially free

12. Master the change process

13. Connect with higher self.

14. connect with higher consciousness.

15. Finding life purpose.

16. Be in enlightenment.

17. learn to be lucky.

18. activate happiness

19. how to become who you are.

20. Astral travel.

21.Making your dreams come true.

As you can see, the 21 days course covers all aspects of a

human life.

The 21 days spiritual course program contains training that takes place at both the

conscious and subconscious levels.

For example, lets say you were trying to learn about the Law of Attraction. When

watching a movie like The Secret or reading a book on the subject, or listening to a

lectureyou are learning at a conscious level.

But there are problems with learning at just the conscious levelyou do not remember the

info as well, it does not sink in deep, and it does not change you rapidly.

Sumeet takes learning to a whole new level, by including special subconscious learning

modules in the 21 days course.

The course has been developed according to ancient techniques from Spiritual practices

in India. These classes have to be taken when youre sitting in a conformable way and

ready to meditate. Sumeet will guide you into a relaxed meditative level of mind. And while

at these deep levelshe will guide you to do special exercises or mantras that help you

absorb and internalize the material at up to 10 times the usual speed.

Now you dont just hear or read about the Law of Attraction Sumeet actually works with

your subconscious mind to get you to internalize the material. Without even trying, you

automatically find yourself harnessing the law. It becomes part of YOUand is not just a

bunch of facts and techniques youre trying to remember or will forget.

You emerge from each sessionas a new youTotally in control, and with full mastery

and understanding of each powerful concept.

Sumeet converts his profound understanding of metaphysics and how the mind works into

simple, effective techniques for improving the quality of your life.

"Every drop of knowledge that Sumeet learnt in a lifetime of learning at the feet of the

most unattainable gurus of all time Every secret I used, to be happy even in this
screwed-up world and overcome every single challenge and personal tragedy in my

life Every technique unveiled to me by the masters, explained to you step-by-step the

lazy persons way to achieve enlightenmentis covered in the course and is now ready

to begin to take your life to the next level!

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