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Title 49

Parts 178 to 199

Revised as of October 1, 2014

Containing a codification of documents

of general applicability and future effect

As of October 1, 2014

Published by the Office of the Federal Register

National Archives and Records Administration
as a Special Edition of the Federal Register
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Legal Status and Use of Seals and Logos

The seal of the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) authenticates the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as
the official codification of Federal regulations established under
the Federal Register Act. Under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. 1507, the
contents of the CFR, a special edition of the Federal Register, shall
be judicially noticed. The CFR is prima facie evidence of the origi-
nal documents published in the Federal Register (44 U.S.C. 1510).
It is prohibited to use NARAs official seal and the stylized Code
of Federal Regulations logo on any republication of this material
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provisions of 36 CFR part 1200 is subject to the penalties specified
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Use of ISBN Prefix

This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this publication
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Table of Contents
Explanation ................................................................................................ v

Title 49:



Chapter IPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administra-

tion, Department of Transportation (Continued) ........................ 5

Finding Aids:

Table of CFR Titles and Chapters ....................................................... 637

Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR ......................... 657

List of CFR Sections Affected ............................................................. 667

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Cite this Code: CFR

To cite the regulations in

this volume use title,
part and section num-
ber. Thus, 49 CFR 178.1
refers to title 49, part
178, section 1.
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The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent
rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agen-
cies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent
broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters
which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further sub-
divided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued
on a quarterly basis approximately as follows:
Title 1 through Title of January 1
Title 17 through Title 27 of April 1
Title 28 through Title 41 of July 1
Title 42 through Title 50 of October 1
The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume.
The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44
U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text
of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510).
The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues
of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to deter-
mine the latest version of any given rule.
To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date
(in this case, October 1, 2014), consult the List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA),
which is issued monthly, and the Cumulative List of Parts Affected, which
appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists
will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any
given rule.
Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Reg-
ister since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for
the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal
Register and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usu-
ally not the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the
actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-
off date for the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective
date. In those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register
states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following
the text.
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The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96511) requires Federal agencies
to display an OMB control number with their information collection request.

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Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amend-
ments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as
close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
Provisions of the Code that are no longer in force and effect as of the revision
date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. Code users may find
the text of provisions in effect on any given date in the past by using the appro-
priate List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). For the convenience of the reader,
a List of CFR Sections Affected is published at the end of each CFR volume.
For changes to the Code prior to the LSA listings at the end of the volume,
consult previous annual editions of the LSA. For changes to the Code prior to
2001, consult the List of CFR Sections Affected compilations, published for 1949-
1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000.
The term [Reserved] is used as a place holder within the Code of Federal
Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a [Reserved] loca-
tion at any time. Occasionally [Reserved] is used editorially to indicate that
a portion of the CFR was left vacant and not accidentally dropped due to a print-
ing or computer error.
What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was established
by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the requirement to publish regu-
lations in the Federal Register by referring to materials already published else-
where. For an incorporation to be valid, the Director of the Federal Register
must approve it. The legal effect of incorporation by reference is that the mate-
rial is treated as if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C.
552(a)). This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force
of law.
What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the Federal Register
will approve an incorporation by reference only when the requirements of 1 CFR
part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which approval is based are:
(a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of material pub-
lished in the Federal Register.
(b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to
afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process.
(c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in
accordance with 1 CFR part 51.
What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If you have any
problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as an approved incorpora-
tion by reference, please contact the agency that issued the regulation containing
that incorporation. If, after contacting the agency, you find the material is not
available, please notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives
and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or
call 202-741-6010.
A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS.
This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules. A list of CFR
titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies pub-
lishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.


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An index to the text of Title 3The President is carried within that volume.
The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index
is based on a consolidation of the Contents entries in the daily Federal Reg-
A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the
revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.
There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the
Code of Federal Regulations.
For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume,
contact the issuing agency. The issuing agencys name appears at the top of
odd-numbered pages.
For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 2027416000 or write
to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 or e-mail
The Government Printing Office (GPO) processes all sales and distribution of
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a day. For payment by check, write to: US Government Printing Office New
Orders, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.
The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of CFR Sections
Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public
Laws, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Compilation of Presi-
dential Documents and the Privacy Act Compilation are available in electronic
format via For more information, contact the GPO Customer Con-
tact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800
(toll-free). E-mail,
The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National
Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) World Wide Web site for public
law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect
to NARAs web site at
The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR ma-
terial and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office of the Federal
Register and the Government Printing Office. It is available at

Office of the Federal Register.
October 1, 2014.
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Title 49TRANSPORTATION is composed of nine volumes. The parts in these vol-

umes are arranged in the following order: Parts 199, parts 100177, parts 178
199, parts 200299, parts 300399, parts 400571, parts 572999, parts 10001199, and
part 1200 to end. The first volume (parts 199) contains current regulations issued
under subtitle AOffice of the Secretary of Transportation; the second volume
(parts 100177) and the third volume (parts 178199) contain the current regula-
tions issued under chapter IPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis-
tration (DOT); the fourth volume (parts 200299) contains the current regulations
issued under chapter IIFederal Railroad Administration (DOT); the fifth volume
(parts 300399) contains the current regulations issued under chapter IIIFederal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration (DOT); the sixth volume (parts 400571) con-
tains the current regulations issued under chapter IVCoast Guard (DHS), and
some of chapter VNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (DOT); the
seventh volume (parts 572999) contains the rest of the regulations issued under
chapter IV, and the current regulations issued under chapter VIFederal Transit
Administration (DOT), chapter VIINational Railroad Passenger Corporation
(AMTRAK), and chapter VIIINational Transportation Safety Board; the eighth
volume (parts 10001199) contains the current regulations issued under chapter
XSurface Transportation Board and the ninth volume (part 1200 to end) con-
tains the current regulations issued under chapter XSurface Transportation
Board, chapter XIResearch and Innovative Technology Administration, and
chapter XIITransportation Security Administration, Department of Transpor-
tation. The contents of these volumes represent all current regulations codified
under this title of the CFR as of October 1, 2014.

In the volume containing parts 100177, see 172.101 for the Hazardous Materials
Table. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards appear in part 571.

Redesignation tables for chapter IIIFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administra-

tion, Department of Transportation and chapter XIITransportation Security
Administration, Department of Transportation appear in the Finding Aids sec-
tion of the fifth and ninth volumes.

For this volume, Susannah C. Hurley was Chief Editor. The Code of Federal
Regulations publication program is under the direction of John Hyrum Martinez,
assisted by Jim Hemphill.
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Title 49Transportation
(This book contains parts 178 to 199)

EDITORIAL NOTE: Other regulations issued by the Department of Transportation appear in

14 CFR chapters I and II, 23 CFR, 33 CFR chapters I and IV, 44 CFR chapter IV, 46 CFR chap-
ters I through III, 48 CFR chapter 12, and 49 CFR chapters I through VI.



CHAPTER IPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad-

ministration, Department of Transportation, DOT ........... 178
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Subtitle BOther Regulations
Relating to Transportation
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Part Page
178 Specifications for packagings ................................. 7
179 Specifications for tank cars .................................... 254
180 Continuing qualification and maintenance of pack-
agings ................................................................... 313
181185 [Reserved]

186189 [Reserved]
190 Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory proce-
dures ..................................................................... 375
191 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipe-
line; annual reports, incident reports, and safety-
related condition reports ..................................... 398
192 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipe-
line: Minimum Federal safety standards ............. 404
193 Liquefied natural gas facilities: Federal safety
standards .............................................................. 518
194 Response plans for onshore oil pipelines ................. 537
195 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline ..... 548
196197 [Reserved]
198 Regulations for grants to aid State pipeline safety
programs .............................................................. 616
199 Drug and alcohol testing ......................................... 619
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PART 178SPECIFICATIONS FOR 178.47 Specification 4DS welded stainless
steel cylinders for aircraft use.
PACKAGINGS 178.50 Specification 4B welded or brazed
steel cylinders.
Sec. 178.51 Specification 4BA welded or brazed
178.1 Purpose and scope. steel cylinders.
178.2 Applicability and responsibility. 178.53 Specification 4D welded steel cyl-
178.3 Marking of packagings. inders for aircraft use.
178.55 Specification 4B240ET welded or
Subpart A [Reserved] brazed cylinders.
178.56 Specification 4AA480 welded steel cyl-
Subpart BSpecifications for Inside inders.
Containers, and Linings 178.57 Specification 4L welded insulated cyl-
178.33 Specification 2P; inner nonrefillable inders.
metal receptacles. 178.58 Specification 4DA welded steel cyl-
178.331 Compliance. inders for aircraft use.
178.332 Type and size. 178.59 Specification 8 steel cylinders with
178.333 Inspection. porous fillings for acetylene.
178.334 Duties of inspector. 178.60 Specification 8AL steel cylinders
178.335 Material. with porous fillings for acetylene.
178.336 Manufacture. 178.61 Specification 4BW welded steel cyl-
178.337 Wall thickness. inders with electric-arc welded longitu-
178.338 Tests. dinal seam.
178.339 Marking. 178.65 Specification 39 non-reusable (non-re-
178.33a Specification 2Q; inner nonrefillable fillable) cylinders.
metal receptacles. 178.68 Specification 4E welded aluminum
178.33a1 Compliance. cylinders.
178.33a2 Type and size. 178.69 Responsibilities and requirements for
178.33a3 Inspection. manufacturers of UN pressure recep-
178.33a4 Duties of inspector. tacles.
178.33a5 Material. 178.70 Approval of UN pressure receptacles.
178.33a6 Manufacture. 178.71 Specifications for UN pressure recep-
178.33a7 Wall thickness. tacles.
178.33a8 Tests.
178.74 Approval of MEGCs.
178.33a9 Marking.
178.33b Specification 2S; inner nonrefillable 178.75 Specifications for MEGCs.
plastic receptacles APPENDIX A TO SUBPART C OF PART 178IL-
178.33b2 Type and size.
178.33b3 Inspection. Subparts DG [Reserved]
178.33b4 Duties of inspector.
178.33b5 Material. Subpart HSpecifications for Portable
178.33b6 Manufacture. Tanks
178.33b7 Design qualification test.
178.33b8 Production tests. 178.251178.2535 [Reserved]
178.33b9 Marking. 178.255 Specification 60; steel portable
Subpart CSpecifications for Cylinders 178.2551 General requirements.
178.2552 Material.
178.35 General requirements for specifica-
178.2553 Expansion domes.
tion cylinders.
178.2554 Closures for manholes and domes.
178.36 Specification 3A and 3AX seamless
178.2555 Bottom discharge outlets.
steel cylinders.
178.37 Specification 3AA and 3AAX seamless 178.2556 Loading and unloading accessories.
steel cylinders. 178.2557 Protection of valves and acces-
178.38 Specification 3B seamless steel cyl- sories.
inders. 178.2558 Safety devices.
178.39 Specification 3BN seamless nickel 178.2559 Compartments.
cylinders. 178.25510 Lining.
178.42 Specification 3E seamless steel cyl- 178.25511 Tank mountings.
inders. 178.25512 Pressure test.
178.44 Specification 3HT seamless steel cyl- 178.25513 Repair of tanks.
178.25514 Marking.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

inders for aircraft use.

178.45 Specification 3T seamless steel cyl- 178.25515 Report.
inders. 178.273 Approval of Specification UN port-
178.46 Specification 3AL seamless alu- able tanks.
minum cylinders. 178.274 Specification for UN portable tanks.

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Pt. 178 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
178.275 Specification for UN Portable Tanks 178.33815 Cleanliness.
intended for the transportation of liquid 178.33816 Inspection and testing.
and solid hazardous materials. 178.33817 Pumps and compressors.
178.276 Requirements for the design, con- 178.33818 Marking.
struction, inspection and testing of port- 178.33819 Certification.
able tanks intended for the transpor- 178.340178.343 [Reserved]
tation of non-refrigerated liquefied com- 178.345 General design and construction re-
pressed gases. quirements applicable to Specification
178.277 Requirements for the design, con- DOT 406 ( 178.346), DOT 407 ( 178.347), and
struction, inspection and testing of port- DOT 412 ( 178.348) cargo tank motor vehi-
able tanks intended for the transpor- cles.
tation of refrigerated liquefied gases. 178.3451 General requirements.
178.3452 Material and material thickness.
Subpart I [Reserved] 178.3453 Structural integrity.
178.3454 Joints.
Subpart JSpecifications for Containers for 178.3455 Manhole assemblies.
Motor Vehicle Transportation 178.3456 Supports and anchoring.
178.3457 Circumferential reinforcements.
178.318 Specification MC 201; container for 178.3458 Accident damage protection.
detonators and percussion caps. 178.3459 Pumps, piping, hoses and connec-
178.3181 Scope. tions.
178.3182 Container. 178.34510 Pressure relief.
178.3183 Marking. 178.34511 Tank outlets.
178.320 General requirements applicable to 178.34512 Gauging devices.
all DOT specification cargo tank motor 178.34513 Pressure and leakage tests.
vehicles. 178.34514 Marking.
178.337 Specification MC 331; cargo tank 178.34515 Certification.
motor vehicle primarily for transpor- 178.346 Specification DOT 406; cargo tank
tation of compressed gases as defined in motor vehicle.
subpart G of part 173 of this subchapter. 178.3461 General requirements.
178.3371 General requirements. 178.3462 Material and thickness of mate-
178.3372 Material. rial.
178.3373 Structural integrity. 178.3463 Pressure relief.
178.3374 Joints. 178.3464 Outlets.
178.3375 Bulkheads, baffles and ring stiff- 178.3465 Pressure and leakage tests.
eners. 178.347 Specification DOT 407; cargo tank
178.3376 Closure for manhole. motor vehicle.
178.3377 Overturn protection. 178.3471 General requirements.
178.3378 Openings, inlets and outlets. 178.3472 Material and thickness of mate-
178.3379 Pressure relief devices, piping, rial.
valves, hoses, and fittings. 178.3473 Manhole assemblies.
178.33710 Accident damage protection. 178.3474 Pressure relief.
178.33711 Emergency discharge control. 178.3475 Pressure and leakage test.
178.33712 [Reserved] 178.348 Specification DOT 412; cargo tank
178.33713 Supporting and anchoring. motor vehicle.
178.33714 Gauging devices. 178.3481 General requirements.
178.33715 Pumps and compressors. 178.3482 Material and thickness of mate-
178.33716 Testing. rial.
178.33717 Marking. 178.3483 Pumps, piping, hoses and connec-
178.33718 Certification. tions.
178.338 Specification MC338; insulated 178.3484 Pressure relief.
cargo tank motor vehicle. 178.3485 Pressure and leakage test.
178.3381 General requirements.
178.3382 Material. Subpart KSpecifications for Packagings
178.3383 Structural integrity. for Class 7 (Radioactive) Materials
178.3384 Joints.
178.3385 Stiffening rings. 178.350 Specification 7A; general packaging,
178.3386 Manholes. Type A.
178.3387 Openings.
178.3388 Pressure relief devices, piping, Subpart LNon-bulk Performance-
valves, and fittings. Oriented Packaging Standards
178.3389 Holding time.
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178.33810 Accident damage protection. 178.500 Purpose, scope and definitions.

178.33811 Discharge control devices. 178.502 Identification codes for packagings.
178.33812 Shear section. 178.503 Marking of packagings.
178.33813 Supporting and anchoring. 178.504 Standards for steel drums.
178.33814 Gauging devices. 178.505 Standards for aluminum drums.

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 178
178.506 Standards for metal drums other 178.811 Bottom lift test.
than steel or aluminum. 178.812 Top lift test.
178.507 Standards for plywood drums. 178.813 Leakproofness test.
178.508 Standards for fiber drums. 178.814 Hydrostatic pressure test.
178.509 Standards for plastic drums and 178.815 Stacking test.
jerricans. 178.816 Topple test.
178.510 Standards for wooden barrels. 178.817 Righting test.
178.511 Standards for aluminum and steel 178.818 Tear test.
jerricans. 178.819 Vibration test.
178.512 Standards for steel, aluminum or
other metal boxes. Subpart PLarge Packagings Standards
178.513 Standards for boxes of natural wood.
178.514 Standards for plywood boxes. 178.900 Purpose and scope.
178.515 Standards for reconstituted wood 178.905 Large Packaging identification
boxes. codes.
178.516 Standards for fiberboard boxes. 178.910 Marking of Large Packagings.
178.517 Standards for plastic boxes. 178.915 General Large Packaging standards.
178.518 Standards for woven plastic bags. 178.920 Standards for metal Large Pack-
178.519 Standards for plastic film bags. agings.
178.520 Standards for textile bags. 178.925 Standards for rigid plastic Large
178.521 Standards for paper bags. Packagings.
178.522 Standards for composite packagings 178.930 Standards for fiberboard Large
with inner plastic receptacles. Packagings.
178.523 Standards for composite packagings 178.935 Standards for wooden Large Pack-
with inner glass, porcelain, or stoneware agings.
receptacles. 178.940 Standards for flexible Large Pack-
Subpart MTesting of Non-bulk
Packagings and Packages Subpart QTesting of Large Packagings
178.600 Purpose and scope. 178.950 Purpose and scope.
178.601 General requirements. 178.955 General requirements.
178.602 Preparation of packagings and pack- 178.960 Preparation of Large Packagings for
ages for testing. testing.
178.603 Drop test. 178.965 Drop test.
178.604 Leakproofness test. 178.970 Bottom lift test.
178.605 Hydrostatic pressure test. 178.975 Top lift test.
178.606 Stacking test. 178.980 Stacking test.
178.607 Cooperage test for bung-type wooden 178.985 Vibration test.
178.608 Vibration standard. Subpart RFlexible Bulk Container
178.609 Test requirements for packagings for Standards
infectious substances.
178.1000 Purpose and scope.
Subpart NIBC Performance-Oriented 178.1005 Flexible Bulk Container identifica-
Standards tion code.
178.1010 Marking of Flexible Bulk Con-
178.700 Purpose, scope and definitions. tainers.
178.702 IBC codes. 178.1015 General Flexible Bulk Container
178.703 Marking of IBCs. standards.
178.704 General IBC standards. 178.1020 Period of use for transportation of
178.705 Standards for metal IBCs. hazardous materials in Flexible Bulk
178.706 Standards for rigid plastic IBCs. Containers.
178.707 Standards for composite IBCs.
178.708 Standards for fiberboard IBCs. Subpart STesting of Flexible Bulk
178.709 Standards for wooden IBCs. Containers
178.710 Standards for flexible intermediate
bulk containers. 178.1030 Purpose and scope.
178.1035 General requirements.
Subpart OTesting of IBCs 178.1040 Preparation of Flexible Bulk Con-
tainers for testing.
178.800 Purpose and scope. 178.1045 Drop test.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

178.801 General requirements. 178.1050 Top lift test.

178.802 Preparation of fiberboard IBCs for 178.1055 Stacking test.
testing. 178.1060 Topple test.
178.803 Testing and certification of IBCs. 178.1065 Righting test.
178.810 Drop test. 178.1070 Tear test.

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178.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
APPENDIX A TO PART 178SPECIFICATIONS FOR symbol appears as part of the marking
STEEL conform to requirements specified in
(c) Notification. (1) Except as specifi-
IMUM THICKNESSES OF STEEL DRUMS AND cally provided in 178.33718, 178.33819,
JERRICANS and 178.34515 of this part, the manufac-
APPENDIX D TO PART 178THERMAL RESIST- turer or other person certifying com-
ANCE TEST pliance with the requirements of this
APPENDIX E TO PART 178FLAME PENETRA- part, and each subsequent distributor
TION RESISTANCE TEST of that packaging must:
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 51015128; 49 CFR 1.81 (i) Notify each person to whom that
and 1.97. packaging is transferred
(A) Of all requirements in this part
178.1 Purpose and scope. not met at the time of transfer, and
This part prescribes the manufac- (B) With information specifying the
turing and testing specifications for type(s) and dimensions of the closures,
packaging and containers used for the including gaskets and any other com-
transportation of hazardous materials ponents needed to ensure that the
in commerce. packaging is capable of successfully
[Amdt. 17840, 42 FR 2689, Jan. 13, 1977. Redes- passing the applicable performance
ignated by Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52715, Dec. 21, tests. This information must include
1990] any procedures to be followed, includ-
ing closure instructions for inner pack-
178.2 Applicability and responsi- agings and receptacles, to effectively
bility. assemble and close the packaging for
(a) Applicability. (1) The requirements the purpose of preventing leakage in
of this part apply to packagings manu- transportation. Closure instructions
factured must provide for a consistent and re-
(i) To a DOT specification, regardless peatable means of closure that is suffi-
of country of manufacture; or cient to ensure the packaging is closed
(ii) To a UN standard, for packagings in the same manner as it was tested.
manufactured within the United For packagings sold or represented as
States. For UN standard packagings being in conformance with the require-
manufactured outside the United ments of this subchapter applicable to
States, see 173.24(d)(2) of this sub- transportation by aircraft, this infor-
chapter. For UN standard packagings mation must include relevant guidance
for which standards are not prescribed to ensure that the packaging, as pre-
in this part, see 178.3(b). pared for transportation, will with-
(2) A manufacturer of a packaging stand the pressure differential require-
subject to the requirements of this part ments in 173.27 of this subchapter.
is primarily responsible for compliance (ii) Retain copies of each written no-
with the requirements of this part. tification for at least one year from
However, any person who performs a date of issuance; and
function prescribed in this part shall (iii) Make copies of all written notifi-
perform that function in accordance cations available for inspection by a
with this part. representative of the Department.
(b) Specification markings. When this (2) The notification required in ac-
part requires that a packaging be cordance with this paragraph (c) may
marked with a DOT specification or UN be in writing or by electronic means,
standard marking, marking of the including e-mailed transmission or
packaging with the appropriate DOT or transmission on a CD or similar device.
UN markings is the certification that If a manufacturer or subsequent dis-
(1) Except as otherwise provided in tributor of the packaging utilizes elec-
this section, all requirements of the tronic means to make the required no-
DOT specification or UN standard, in- tifications, the notification must be
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cluding performance tests, are met; specific to the packaging in question

and and must be in a form that can be
(2) All functions performed by, or on printed in hard copy by the person re-
behalf of, the person whose name or ceiving the notification.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3

(d) Except as provided in paragraph facturer or the approval agency respon-

(c) of this section, a packaging not con- sible for providing the most recent cer-
forming to the applicable specifica- tification for the packaging through
tions or standards in this part may not design certification testing or periodic
be marked to indicate such conform- retesting, as applicable. Duplicative
ance. symbols are not authorized.
(e) Definitions. For the purpose of this (3) The markings must be stamped,
part embossed, burned, printed or otherwise
Manufacturer means the person whose marked on the packaging to provide
name and address or symbol appears as adequate accessibility, permanency,
part of the specification markings re- contrast, and legibility so as to be
quired by this part or, for a packaging readily apparent and understood.
marked with the symbol of an approval (4) Unless otherwise specified, letters
agency, the person on whose behalf the and numerals must be at least 12.0 mm
approval agency certifies the pack- (0.47 inches) in height except that for
aging. packagings of less than or equal to 30 L
Specification markings mean the pack- (7.9 gallons) capacity for liquids or 30
aging identification markings required kg (66 pounds) capacity for solids the
by this part including, where applica- height must be at least 6.0 mm (0.2
ble, the name and address or symbol of inches). For packagings having a ca-
the packaging manufacturer or ap- pacity of 5 L (1 gallon) or 5 kg (11
proval agency. pounds) or less, letters and numerals
(f) No packaging may be manufac- must be of an appropriate size.
tured or marked to a packaging speci- (5) For packages with a gross mass of
fication that was in effect on Sep- more than 30 kg (66 pounds), the mark-
tember 30, 1991, and that was removed ings or a duplicate thereof must appear
from this part 178 by a rule published on the top or on a side of the pack-
in the FEDERAL REGISTER on December aging.
21, 1990 and effective October 1, 1991. (b) A UN standard packaging for
which the UN standard is set forth in
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52715, Dec. 21, 1990; 56 FR
this part may be marked with the
66284, Dec. 20, 1991, as amended by Amdt. No.
178106, 59 FR 67519, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 178 United Nations symbol and other speci-
117, 62 FR 14338, Mar. 26, 1997; 68 FR 45041, fication markings only if it fully con-
July 31, 2003; 69 FR 34612, June 22, 2004; 75 FR forms to the requirements of this part.
5395, Feb. 2, 2010; 75 FR 60339, Sept. 30, 2010; A UN standard packaging for which the
78 FR 1118, Jan. 7, 2013; 78 FR 15328, Mar. 11, UN standard is not set forth in this
2013] part may be marked with the United
Nations symbol and other specification
178.3 Marking of packagings. markings for that standard as provided
(a) Each packaging represented as in the ICAO Technical Instructions or
manufactured to a DOT specification the IMDG Code subject to the following
or a UN standard must be marked on a conditions:
non-removable component of the pack- (1) The U.S. manufacturer must es-
aging with specification markings con- tablish that the packaging conforms to
forming to the applicable specification, the applicable provisions of the ICAO
and with the following: Technical Instructions (IBR, see 171.7
(1) In an unobstructed area, with let- of this subchapter) or the IMDG Code
ters, and numerals identifying the (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), re-
standards or specification (e.g. UN 1A1, spectively.
DOT 4B240ET, etc.). (2) If an indication of the name of the
(2) Unless otherwise specified in this manufacturer or other identification of
part, the name and address or symbol the packaging as specified by the com-
of the packaging manufacturer or the petent authority is required, the name
person certifying compliance with a and address or symbol of the manufac-
UN standard. Symbols, if used, must be turer or the approval agency certifying
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

registered with the Associate Adminis- compliance with the UN standard must
trator. Unless authorized in writing by be entered. Symbols, if used, must be
the holder of the symbol, symbols must registered with the Associate Adminis-
represent either the packaging manu- trator.


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178.33 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) The letters USA must be used imum inside diameter shall not exceed
to indicate the State authorizing the 3 inches.
allocation of the specification marks if [29 FR 18813, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended by
the packaging is manufactured in the Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
United States. nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended
(c) Where a packaging conforms to by Amdt. 178101, 58 FR 50237, Sept. 24, 1993;
more than one UN standard or DOT 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
specification, the packaging may bear 178.333 Inspection.
more than one marking, provided the
packaging meets all the requirements (a) By competent inspector.
of each standard or specification. (b) [Reserved]
Where more than one marking appears 178.334 Duties of inspector.
on a packaging, each marking must ap-
(a) To inspect material and com-
pear in its entirety.
pleted containers and witness tests,
(d) No person may mark or otherwise and to reject defective materials or
certify a packaging or container as containers.
meeting the requirements of a manu- (b) [Reserved]
facturing special permit unless that
person is the holder of or a party to 178.335 Material.
that special permit, an agent of the (a) Uniform quality steel plate such
holder or party for the purpose of as black plate, electro-tin plate, hot
marking or certification, or a third dipped tin plate, tern plate or other
party tester. commercially accepted can making
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52716, Dec. 21, 1990; 56 FR plate; or nonferrous metal of uniform
66284, Dec. 20, 1991, as amended by Amdt. No. drawing quality.
178106, 59 FR 67519, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 178 (b) Material with seams, cracks, lam-
113, 61 FR 21102, May 9, 1996; 65 FR 50462, Aug. inations or other injurious defects not
18, 2000; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 61015, authorized.
Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003; 70 FR
73166, Dec. 9, 2005; 78 FR 14714, Mar. 7, 2013] 178.336 Manufacture.
(a) By appliances and methods that
Subpart A [Reserved] will assure uniformity of completed
containers; dirt and scale to be re-
moved as necessary; no defect accept-
Subpart BSpecifications for able that is likely to weaken the fin-
Inside Containers, and Linings ished container appreciably; reason-
ably smooth and uniform surface finish
SOURCE: 29 FR 18823, Dec. 29, 1964, unless required.
otherwise noted. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606, (b) Seams when used must be as fol-
Apr. 5, 1967. lows:
(1) Circumferential seams: By weld-
178.33 Specification 2P; inner non- ing, swedging, brazing, soldering, or
refillable metal receptacles. double seaming.
(2) Side seams: By welding, brazing,
178.331 Compliance.
or soldering.
(a) Required in all details. (c) Ends: The ends shall be of pres-
(b) [Reserved] sure design.
[29 FR 18823, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended by
178.332 Type and size.
Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
(a) Single-trip inside containers. nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
Must be seamless, or with seams, weld-
ed, soldered, brazed, double seamed, or 178.337 Wall thickness.
swedged. (a) The minimum wall thickness for
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) The maximum capacity of con- any container shall be 0.007 inch.
tainers in this class shall not exceed (b) [Reserved]
one liter (61.0 cubic inches). The max- [Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.33a6

178.338 Tests. L (61.0 cubic inches). The maximum in-

(a) One out of each lot of 25,000 con- side diameter shall not exceed 3 inches.
tainers or less, successively produced [Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
per day shall be pressure tested to de- nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended
struction and must not burst below 240 by Amdt. 17843, 42 FR 42208, Aug. 22, 1977;
psig gauge pressure. The container Amdt. 178101, 58 FR 50237, Sept. 24, 1993; 66
tested shall be complete with end as- FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001]
178.33a3 Inspection.
(b) Each such 25,000 containers or
less, successively produced per day, (a) By competent inspector.
shall constitute a lot and if the test (b) [Reserved]
container shall fail, the lot shall be re-
[Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
jected or ten additional containers may nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
be selected at random and subjected to
the test under which failure occurred. 178.33a4 Duties of inspector.
These containers shall be complete
with ends assembled. Should any of the (a) To inspect material and com-
ten containers thus tested fail, the en- pleted containers and witness tests,
tire lot must be rejected. All con- and to reject defective materials or
tainers constituting a lot shall be of containers.
like material, size, design construc- (b) [Reserved]
tion, finish, and quality. [Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
[Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig- nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, as amended
by 66 FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001] 178.33a5 Material.
(a) Uniform quality steel plate such
178.339 Marking. as black plate, electrotin plate, hot
(a) By means of printing, dipped tinplate, ternplate or other
lithographing, embossing, or stamping, commercially accepted can making
each container must be marked to plate; or nonferrous metal of uniform
show: drawing quality.
(1) DOT-2P. (b) Material with seams, cracks, lam-
(2) Name or symbol of person making inations or other injurious defects not
the mark specified in paragraph (a)(1) authorized.
of this section. Symbol, if used, must
[Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
be registered with the Associate Ad-
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
(b) [Reserved] 178.33a6 Manufacture.
[Amdt. 17840, 41 FR 38181, Sept. 9, 1976, as (a) By appliances and methods that
amended by Amdt. 17897, 56 FR 66287, Dec.
will assure uniformity of completed
20, 1991; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
containers; dirt and scale to be re-
178.33a Specification 2Q; inner non- moved as necessary; no defect accept-
refillable metal receptacles. able that is likely to weaken the fin-
ished container appreciably; reason-
178.33a1 Compliance. ably smooth and uniform surface finish
(a) Required in all details. required.
(b) [Reserved] (b) Seams when used must be as fol-
[Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
(1) Circumferential seams. By weld-
ing, swedging, brazing, soldering, or
178.33a2 Type and size. double seaming.
(2) Side seams. By welding, brazing or
(a) Single-trip inside containers.
Must be seamless, or with seams weld-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ed, soldered, brazed, double seamed, or (c) Ends. The ends shall be of pres-
swedged. sure design.
(b) The maximum capacity of con- [Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
tainers in this class shall not exceed 1 nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]


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178.33a7 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.33a7 Wall thickness. 178.33b2 Type and size.

(a) The minimum wall thickness for (a) Single-trip inside containers.
any container shall be 0.008 inch. (b) The maximum capacity of con-
(b) [Reserved] tainers in this class shall not exceed
one liter (61.0 cubic inches). The max-
[Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig- imum inside diameter shall not exceed
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
3 inches.
178.33a8 Tests. [74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009]
(a) One out of each lot of 25,000 con- 178.33b3 Inspection.
tainers or less, successively produced
per day, shall be pressure tested to de- (a) By competent inspector.
struction and must not burst below 270 (b) [Reserved]
psig gauge pressure. The container [74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009]
tested shall be complete with end as-
sembled. 178.33b4 Duties of inspector.
(b) Each such 25,000 containers or (a) To inspect material and com-
less, successively produced per day, pleted containers and witness tests,
shall constitute a lot and if the test and to reject defective materials or
container shall fail, the lot shall be re- containers.
jected or ten additional containers may (b) [Reserved]
be selected at random and subjected to
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009]
the test under which failure occurred.
These containers shall be complete 178.33b5 Material.
with ends assembled. Should any of the
ten containers thus tested fail, the en- (a) The receptacles must be con-
tire lot must be rejected. All con- structed of polyethylene terephthalate
tainers constituting a lot shall be of (PET), polyethylene napthalate (PEN),
like material, size, design, construc- polyamide (Nylon) or a blend of PET,
tion, finish and quality. PEN, ethyl vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and/
or Nylon.
[Order 71, 31 FR 9074, July 1, 1966. Redesig- (b) Material with seams, cracks, lam-
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, as amended inations or other injurious defects are
by 66 FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001] forbidden.
178.33a9 Marking. [74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009]
(a) By means of printing, 178.33b6 Manufacture.
lithographing, embossing, or stamping,
(a) Each container must be manufac-
each container must be marked to
tured by thermoplastic processes that
will assure uniformity of the com-
(1) DOT-2Q.
pleted container. No used material
(2) Name or symbol of person making other than production residues or
the mark specified in paragraph (a)(1) regrind from the same manufacturing
of this section. Symbol, if used, must process may be used. The packaging
be registered with the Associate Ad- must be adequately resistant to aging
ministrator. and to degradation caused either by
(b) [Reserved] the substance contained or by ultra-
[Amdt. 17840, 41 FR 38181, Sept. 9, 1976, as violet radiation.
amended by Amdt. 17897, 56 FR 66287, Dec. (b) [Reserved]
20, 1991; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009]
178.33b Specification 2S; inner non- 178.33b7 Design qualification test.
refillable plastic receptacles.
(a) Drop testing. (1) To ensure that
178.33b1 Compliance. creep does not affect the ability of the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Required in all details. container to retain the contents, each

new design must be drop tested as fol-
(b) [Reserved]
lows: Three groups of twenty-five filled
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009] containers must be dropped from 1.8 m


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.35

(5.9 ft) on to a rigid, non-resilient, flat (b) [Reserved]

and horizontal surface. One group must
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009]
be conditioned at 38 C (100 F) for 26
weeks, the second group for 100 hours
at 50 C (122 F) and the third group for Subpart CSpecifications for
18 hours at 55 C (131 F), prior to per- Cylinders
forming the drop test. The closure, or
sealing component of the container, 178.35 General requirements for
specification cylinders.
must not be protected during the test.
The orientation of the test container (a) Compliance. Compliance with the
at drop must be statistically random, requirements of this subpart is re-
but direct impact on the valve or valve quired in all details.
closure must be avoided. (b) Inspections and analyses. Chemical
(2) Criteria for passing the drop test: analyses and tests required by this sub-
The containers must not break or leak. chapter must be made within the
(b) Design qualification testing must United States, unless otherwise ap-
be completed if the design is manufac- proved in writing by the Associate Ad-
tured with a new mold or if there is ministrator, in accordance with sub-
any change in the properties of the ma- part I of part 107 of this chapter. In-
terial of construction. spections and verification must be per-
formed by
[75 FR 73, Jan. 4, 2010] (1) An independent inspection agency
approved in writing by the Associate
178.33b8 Production tests. Administrator, in accordance with sub-
(a) Burst Testing. (1) One out of each part I of part 107 of this chapter; or
lot of 5,000 containers or less, succes- (2) For DOT Specifications 3B, 3BN,
sively produced per day must be pres- 3E, 4B, 4BA, 4D (water capacity less
sure tested to destruction and must not than 1,100 cubic inches), 4B240ET,
burst below 240 psig. The container 4AA480, 4L, 8, 8AL, 4BW, 39 (marked
tested must be complete as intended service pressure 900 p.s.i.g. or lower)
for transportation. and 4E manufactured in the United
(2) Each such 5,000 containers or less, States, a competent inspector of the
successively produced per day, shall manufacturer.
constitute a lot and if the test con- (c) Duties of inspector. The inspector
tainer shall fail, the lot shall be re- shall determine that each cylinder
jected or ten additional containers may made is in conformance with the appli-
be selected at random and subjected to cable specification. Except as other-
the test under which failure occurred. wise specified in the applicable speci-
These containers shall be complete as fication, the inspector shall perform
intended for transportation. Should the following:
any of the ten containers thus tested (1) Inspect all material and reject
fail, the entire lot must be rejected. All any not meeting applicable require-
containers constituting a lot shall be ments. For cylinders made by the bil-
of like material, size, design construc- let-piercing process, billets must be in-
tion, finish, and quality. spected and shown to be free from pipe,
(b) [Reserved] cracks, excessive segregation and other
injurious defects after parting or, when
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009, as amended at 75 applicable, after nick and cold break.
FR 74, Jan. 4, 2010] (2) Verify the material of construc-
tion meets the requirements of the ap-
178.33b9 Marking.
plicable specification by
(a) Each container must be clearly (i) Making a chemical analysis of
and permanently marked to show: each heat of material;
(1) DOT2S. (ii) Obtaining a certified chemical
(2) Name or symbol of person making analysis from the material manufac-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the mark specified in paragraph (a)(1) turer for each heat of material (a ladle
of this section. Symbol, if used, must analysis is acceptable); or
be registered with the Associate Ad- (iii) If an analysis is not provided for
ministrator. each heat of material by the material


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178.35 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

manufacturer, by making a check anal- (e) Safety devices. Pressure relief de-
ysis of a sample from each coil, sheet, vices and protection for valves, safety
or tube. devices, and other connections, if ap-
(3) Verify compliance of cylinders plied, must be as required or author-
with the applicable specification by ized by the appropriate specification,
(i) Verifying identification of mate- and as required in 173.301 of this sub-
rial is proper; chapter.
(ii) Inspecting the inside of the cyl- (f) Markings. Markings on a DOT
inder before closing in ends; Specification cylinder must conform to
(iii) Verifying that the heat treat- applicable requirements.
ment is proper; (1) Each cylinder must be marked
(iv) Obtaining samples for all tests with the following information:
and check chemical analyses (NOTE: (i) The DOT specification marking
Recommended locations for test speci- must appear first, followed imme-
mens taken from welded cylinders are diately by the service pressure. For ex-
depicted in Figures 1 through 5 in Ap- ample, DOT-3A1800.
pendix C to this subpart for the specific (ii) The serial number must be placed
construction design.); just below or immediately following
(v) Witnessing all tests; the DOT specification marking.
(vi) Verify threads by gauge; (iii) A symbol (letters) must be
(vii) Reporting volumetric capacity placed just below, immediately before
and tare weight (see report form) and or following the serial number. Other
minimum thickness of wall noted; and variations in sequence of markings are
(viii) Verifying that each cylinder is authorized only when necessitated by a
marked in accordance with the applica- lack of space. The symbol and numbers
ble specification. must be those of the manufacturer.
(4) Inspectors report. Prepare a report The symbol must be registered with
containing, at a minimum, the applica- the Associate Administrator; duplica-
ble information listed in CGA C11 tions are not authorized.
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). (iv) The inspectors official mark and
Any additional information or mark- date of test (such as 595 for May 1995)
ings that are required by the applicable must be placed near the serial number.
specification must be shown on the test This information must be placed so
report. The signature of the inspector that dates of subsequent tests can be
on the reports certifies that the proc- easily added. An example of the mark-
esses of manufacture and heat treat- ings prescribed in this paragraph (f)(1)
ment of cylinders were observed and is as follows:
found satisfactory. The inspector must DOT-3A1800
furnish the completed test reports re- 1234
quired by this subpart to the maker of XY
the cylinder and, upon request, to the AB 595
purchaser. The test report must be re- Or;
tained by the inspector for fifteen DOT-3A18001234XY
years from the original test date of the AB 595
cylinder. Where:
(d) Defects and attachments. Cylinders DOT-3A = specification number
must conform to the following: 1800 = service pressure
(1) A cylinder may not be constructed 1234 = serial number
of material with seams, cracks or lam- XY = symbol of manufacturer
inations, or other injurious defects. AB = inspectors mark
595 = date of test
(2) Metal attachments to cylinders
must have rounded or chamfered cor- (2) Additional required marking must
ners or must be protected in such a be applied to the cylinder as follows:
manner as to prevent the likelihood of (i) The word spun or plug must
causing puncture or damage to other be placed near the DOT specification
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

hazardous materials packages. This re- marking when an end closure in the
quirement applies to anything tempo- finished cylinder has been welded by
rarily or permanently attached to the the spinning process, or effected by
cylinder, such as metal skids. plugging.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.36

(ii) As prescribed in specification 3HT hydrostatic test may not exceed 80 per-
( 178.44) or 3T ( 178.45), if applicable. cent of the minimum yield strength of
(3) Marking exceptions. A DOT 3E cyl- the steel at such maximum stress. Wall
inder is not required to be marked with thickness must be increased when nec-
an inspectors mark or a serial number. essary to meet the requirement.
(4) Unless otherwise specified in the (ii) To calculate the maximum longi-
applicable specification, the markings tudinal tensile stress due to bending,
on each cylinder must be stamped the following formula must be used:
plainly and permanently on the shoul- S=Mc/I
der, top head, or neck.
(5) The size of each marking must be (iii) To calculate the maximum lon-
at least 0.25 inch or as space permits. gitudinal tensile stress due to hydro-
(6) Other markings are authorized static test pressure, the following for-
provided they are made in low stress mula must be used:
areas other than the side wall and are S = A1 P/A2
not of a size and depth that will create
harmful stress concentrations. Such
marks may not conflict with any DOT S = tensile stressp.s.i.;
M = bending moment-inch pounds(wl2)/8;
required markings. w = weight per inch of cylinder filled with
(g) Manufacturers reports. At or be- water;
fore the time of delivery to the pur- l = length of cylinder-inches;
chaser, the cylinder manufacturer c = radius (D)/(2) of cylinder-inches;
must have all completed certification I = moment of inertia0.04909 (D4d4) inches
documents listed in CGA C11. The fourth;
manufacturer of the cylinders must re- D = outside diameter-inches;
d = inside diameter-inches;
tain the reports required by this sub- A1 = internal area in cross section of cyl-
part for 15 years from the original test inder-square inches;
date of the cylinder. A2 = area of metal in cross section of cyl-
inder-square inches;
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
P=hydrostatic test pressure-psig.
amended at 66 FR 45185, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR
51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003; (b) Steel. Open-hearth or electric steel
76 FR 43531, July 20, 2011] of uniform quality must be used. Con-
tent percent may not exceed the fol-
178.36 Specification 3A and 3AX lowing: Carbon, 0.55; phosphorous, 0.045;
seamless steel cylinders.
sulphur, 0.050.
(a) Type size and service pressure. In (c) Identification of material. Material
addition to the requirements of 178.35, must be identified by any suitable
cylinders must conform to the fol- method, except that plates and billets
lowing: for hot-drawn cylinders must be
(1) A DOT-3A cylinder is a seamless marked with the heat number.
steel cylinder with a water capacity (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
(nominal) not over 1,000 pounds and a manufactured using equipment and
service pressure of at least 150 psig. processes adequate to ensure that each
(2) A DOT3AX is a seamless steel cylinder produced conforms to the re-
cylinder with a water capacity not less quirements of this subpart. No fissure
than 1,000 pounds and a service pres- or other defect is permitted that is
sure of at least 500 psig, conforming to likely to weaken the finished cylinder
the following requirements: appreciably. A reasonably smooth and
(i) Assuming the cylinder is to be uniform surface finish is required. If
supported horizontally at its two ends not originally free from such defects,
only and to be uniformly loaded over the surface may be machined or other-
its entire length consisting of the wise treated to eliminate these defects.
weight per unit of length of the The thickness of the bottoms of cyl-
straight cylindrical portion filled with inders welded or formed by spinning is,
water and compressed to the specified under no condition, to be less than two
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

test pressure; the sum of two times the times the minimum wall thickness of
maximum tensile stress in the bottom the cylindrical shell; such bottom
fibers due to bending, plus that in the thicknesses must be measured within
same fibers (longitudinal stress), due to an area bounded by a line representing


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178.36 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the points of contact between the cyl- (i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
inder and floor when the cylinder is in must successfully withstand a hydro-
a vertical position. static test, as follows:
(e) Welding or brazing. Welding or (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
brazing for any purpose whatsoever is or other suitable methods, operated so
prohibited except as follows: as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
(1) Welding or brazing is authorized sure gauge must permit reading to an
for the attachment of neckrings and accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
footrings which are non-pressure parts gauge must permit reading of total ex-
and only to the tops and bottoms of pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per-
cylinders having a service pressure of cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
500 psig or less. Cylinders, neckrings, (2) Pressure must be maintained for
and footrings must be made of weldable at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
steel, the carbon content of which may longer to ensure complete expansion.
not exceed 0.25 percent except in the Any internal pressure applied after
case of 4130X steel which may be used heat-treatment and previous to the of-
with proper welding procedures. ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
(2) As permitted in paragraph (d) of the test pressure. If, due to failure of
this section. the test apparatus the test pressure
(3) Cylinders used solely in anhy- cannot be maintained the test may be
drous ammonia service may have a 12 repeated at a pressure increased by 10
inch diameter bar welded within their percent or 100 psig, whichever is the
concave bottoms. lower.
(f) Wall thickness. For cylinders with (3) Permanent, volumetric expansion
service pressure less than 900 psig, the may not exceed 10 percent of the total
wall stress may not exceed 24,000 psig. volumetric expansion at test pressure.
A minimum wall thickness of 0.100 inch (4) Each cylinder must be tested to at
is required for any cylinder over 5 least 53 times service pressure.
inches outside diameter. Wall stress (j) Flattening test. A flattening test
calculation must be made by using the must be performed on one cylinder
following formula: taken at random out of each lot of 200
or less, by placing the cylinder between
S = [P(1.3D2+0.4d2)]/(D2d2)
wedge shaped knife edges having a 60
Where: included angle, rounded to 12-inch ra-
S = wall stress in psi; dius. The longitudinal axis of the cyl-
P = minimum test pressure prescribed for inder must be at a 90-degree angle to
water jacket test or 450 psig whichever is knife edges during the test. For lots of
the greater; 30 or less, flattening tests are author-
D = outside diameter in inches; ized to be made on a ring at least 8
d = inside diameter in inches.
inches long cut from each cylinder and
(g) Heat treatment. The completed cyl- subjected to same heat treatment as
inder must be uniformly and properly the finished cylinder.
heat-treated prior to tests. (k) Physical test. A physical test must
(h) Openings in cylinders and connec- be conducted to determine yield
tions (valves, fuse plugs, etc.) for those strength, tensile strength, elongation,
openings. Threads are required on open- and reduction of area of material as
ings. follows:
(1) Threads must be clean cut, even, (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
without checks, and to gauge. mens cut from 1 cylinder taken at ran-
(2) Taper threads, when used, must be dom out of each lot of 200 or less. For
of length not less than as specified for lots of 30 or less, physical tests are au-
American Standard taper pipe threads. thorized to be made on a ring at least
(3) Straight threads having at least 6 8 inches long cut from each cylinder
engaged threads are authorized. and subjected to same heat treatment
Straight threads must have a tight fit as the finished cylinder.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

and calculated shear strength of at (2) Specimens must conform to the

least 10 times the test pressure of the following:
cylinder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent (i) Gauge length of 8 inches with a
leakage, are required. width of not over 112 inches, a gauge


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.36

length of 2 inches with a width of not (l) Acceptable results for physical and
over 112 inches, or a gauge length of at flattening tests. Either of the following
least 24 times thickness with width not is an acceptable result:
over 6 times thickness is authorized (1) An elongation at least 40 percent
when cylinder wall is not over 316 inch for a 2-inch gauge length or at least 20
thick. percent in other cases and yield
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip strength not over 73 percent of tensile
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends strength. In this instance, the flat-
may be flattened to within 1 inch of tening test is not required.
each end of the reduced section. (2) An elongation at least 20 percent
(iii) When size of cylinder does not
for a 2-inch gauge length or 10 percent
permit securing straight specimens,
in other cases and a yield strength not
the specimens may be taken in any lo-
over 73 percent of tensile strength. In
cation or direction and may be
this instance, the flattening test is re-
straightened or flattened cold, by pres-
sure only, not by blows. When speci- quired, without cracking, to 6 times
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- the wall thickness.
spectors report must show in connec- (m) Leakage test. All spun cylinders
tion with record of physical tests de- and plugged cylinders must be tested
tailed information in regard to such for leakage by gas or air pressure after
specimens. the bottom has been cleaned and is free
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any from all moisture subject to the fol-
purpose is not authorized. lowing conditions and limitations:
(3) The yield strength in tension (1) Pressure, approximately the same
must be the stress corresponding to a as but no less than service pressure,
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the must be applied to one side of the fin-
gauge length. The following conditions ished bottom over an area of at least
apply: 116 of the total area of the bottom but

(i) The yield strength must be deter- not less than 34 inch in diameter, in-
mined by either the offset method or cluding the closure, for at least 1
the extension under load method as minute, during which time the other
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 side of the bottom exposed to pressure
of this subchapter). must be covered with water and closely
(ii) In using the extension under examined for indications of leakage.
load method, the total strain (or ex- Except as provided in paragraph (n) of
tension under load) corresponding to this section, a cylinder that is leaking
the stress at which the 0.2-percent per- must be rejected.
manent strain occurs may be deter- (2) A spun cylinder is one in which an
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- end closure in the finished cylinder has
culating the elastic extension of the been welded by the spinning process.
gauge length under appropriate load
(3) A plugged cylinder is one in which
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the
a permanent closure in the bottom of a
gauge length. Elastic extension cal-
finished cylinder has been effected by a
culations must be based on an elastic
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of
controversy the entire stress-strain (4) As a safety precaution, if the
diagram must be plotted and the yield manufacturer elects to make this test
strength determined from the 0.2 per- before the hydrostatic test, the manu-
cent offset. facturer should design the test appa-
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- ratus so that the pressure is applied to
urement, the initial strain must be set the smallest area practicable, around
while the specimen is under a stress of the point of closure, and so as to use
12,000 psig and the strain indicator the smallest possible volume of air or
reading must be set at the calculated gas.
corresponding strain. (n) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing ment is authorized for rejected cyl-
machine may not exceed 18 inch per inders. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
minute during yield strength deter- must pass all prescribed tests to be ac-
mination. ceptable. Repair by welding or spinning


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178.37 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

is not authorized. Spun cylinders re- S = Mc/I

jected under the provisions of para-
(iii) To calculate the maximum lon-
graph (m) of this section may be re-
moved from the spun cylinder category gitudinal tensile stress due to hydro-
by drilling to remove defective mate- static test pressure, the following for-
rial, tapping and plugging. mula must be used:
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as S = A1P/A2
amended at 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 66 FR
45185, 4538645387, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51652,
Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003; 73 FR S = tensile stress-p.s.i.;
57006, Oct. 1, 2008] M = bending moment-inch pounds (wl2)/8;
w = weight per inch of cylinder filled with
178.37 Specification 3AA and 3AAX water;
seamless steel cylinders. l = length of cylinder-inches;
(a) Type, size and service pressure. In c = radius (D)/(2) of cylinder-inches;
addition to the requirements of 178.35, I = moment of inertia-0.04909 (D4d4) inches
cylinders must conform to the fol- fourth;
lowing: D = outside diameter-inches;
(1) A DOT-3AA cylinder is a seamless d = inside diameter-inches;
steel cylinder with a water capacity A1 = internal area in cross section of cyl-
(nominal) of not over 1,000 pounds and inder-square inches;
a service pressure of at least 150 psig. A2 = area of metal in cross section of cyl-
(2) A DOT-3AAX cylinder is a seam- inder-square inches;
less steel cylinder with a water capac- P = hydrostatic test pressure-psig.
ity of not less than 1,000 pounds and a (b) Authorized steel. Open-hearth,
service pressure of at least 500 psig, basic oxygen, or electric steel of uni-
conforming to the following require- form quality must be used. A heat of
ments: steel made under the specifications in
(i) Assuming the cylinder is to be table 1 of this paragraph (b), check
supported horizontally at its two ends
chemical analysis of which is slightly
only and to be uniformly loaded over
out of the specified range, is accept-
its entire length consisting of the
able, if satisfactory in all other re-
weight per unit of length of the
straight cylindrical portion filled with spects, provided the tolerances shown
water and compressed to the specified in table 2 of this paragraph (b) are not
test pressure; the sum of two times the exceeded. When a carbon-boron steel is
maximum tensile stress in the bottom used, a hardenability test must be per-
fibers due to bending, plus that in the formed on the first and last ingot of
same fibers (longitudinal stress), due to each heat of steel. The results of this
hydrostatic test pressure may not ex- test must be recorded on the Record of
ceed 80 percent of the minimum yield Chemical Analysis of Material for Cyl-
strength of the steel at such maximum inders required by 178.35. This hard-
stress. Wall thickness must be in- ness test must be made 516-inch from
creased when necessary to meet the re- the quenched end of the Jominy quench
quirement. bar and the hardness must be at least
(ii) To calculate the maximum ten- Rc 33 and no more than Rc 53. The fol-
sile stress due to bending, the following lowing chemical analyses are author-
formula must be used: ized:
4130X (per- NE8630 (per- Inter- mediate
9115 (percent) 9125 (percent) Carbon-boron
Designation cent) (see Note cent) (see Note manganese
(see Note 1) (see Note 1) (percent)
1) 1) (percent)

Carbon ................... 0.25/0.35 ......... 0.28/0.33 ......... 0.10/0.20 ......... 0.20/0.30 ......... 0.270.37 ........ 0.40 max.
Manganese ............ 0.40/0.90 ......... 0.70/0.90 ......... 0.50/0.75 ......... 0.50/0.75 ......... 0.801.40 ........ 1.35/1.65.
Phosphorus ........... 0.04 max ......... 0.04 max ......... 0.04 max ......... 0.04 max ......... 0.035 max ....... 0.04 max.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Sulfur ..................... 0.05 max ......... 0.04 max ......... 0.04 max ......... 0.04 max ......... 0.045 max ....... 0.05 max.
Silicon .................... 0.15/0.35 ......... 0.20/0.35 ......... 0.60/0.90 ......... 0.60/0.90 ......... 0.3 max. .......... 0.10/0.30.
Chromium .............. 0.80/1.10 ......... 0.40/0.60 ......... 0.50/0.65 ......... 0.50/0.65.
Molybdenum .......... 0.15/0.25 ......... 0.15/0.25
Zirconium ............... ......................... ......................... 0.05/0.15 ......... 0.05/0.15


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.37


4130X (per- NE8630 (per- Inter- mediate
9115 (percent) 9125 (percent) Carbon-boron
Designation cent) (see Note cent) (see Note manganese
(see Note 1) (see Note 1) (percent)
1) 1) (percent)

Nickel ..................... ......................... 0.40/0.70.

Boron ..................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 0.0005/0.003.
NOTE 1: This designation may not be restrictive and the commercial steel is limited in analysis as shown in this table.


Tolerance (percent) over
the maximum limit or
Limit or maximum specified under the minimum limit
Element (percent)
Under min- Over max-
imum limit imum limit

Carbon ...................................................... To 0.15 incl .................................................................... 0.02 0.03

Over 0.15 to 0.40 incl .................................................... .03 .04
Manganese ............................................... To 0.60 incl .................................................................... .03 .03
Over 0.60 to 1.15 incl .................................................... 0.04 0.04
Over 1.15 to 2.50 incl .................................................... 0.05 0.05
Phosphorus1 ............................................. All ranges ....................................................................... .................... .01
Sulphur ..................................................... All ranges ....................................................................... .................... .01
Silicon ....................................................... To 0.30 incl .................................................................... .02 .03
Over 0.30 to 1.00 incl .................................................... .05 .05
Nickel ........................................................ To 1.00 incl .................................................................... .03 .03
Chromium ................................................. To 0.90 incl .................................................................... .03 .03
0.90 to 2.90 incl ............................................................. .05 .05
Molybdenum ............................................. To 0.20 incl .................................................................... .01 .01
Over 0.20 to 0.40 ........................................................... .02 .02
Zirconium .................................................. All ranges ....................................................................... .01 .05
1 Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for phosphorus.

(c) Identification of material. Material (e) Welding or brazing. Welding or

must be identified by any suitable brazing for any purpose whatsoever is
method except that plates and billets prohibited except as follows:
for hot-drawn cylinders must be (1) Welding or brazing is authorized
marked with the heat number. for the attachment of neckrings and
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be footrings which are non-pressure parts,
manufactured using equipment and and only to the tops and bottoms of
processes adequate to ensure that each cylinders having a service pressure of
cylinder produced conforms to the re- 500 psig or less. Cylinders, neckrings,
quirements of this subpart. No fissure and footrings must be made of weldable
or other defects is permitted that is steel, the carbon content of which may
not exceed 0.25 percent except in the
likely to weaken the finished cylinder
case of 4130X steel which may be used
appreciably. A reasonably smooth and
with proper welding procedure.
uniform surface finish is required. If
(2) As permitted in paragraph (d) of
not originally free from such defects,
this section.
the surface may be machined or other-
(f) Wall thickness. The thickness of
wise treated to eliminate these defects.
each cylinder must conform to the fol-
The thickness of the bottoms of cyl- lowing:
inders welded or formed by spinning is,
(1) For cylinders with a service pres-
under no condition, to be less than two sure of less than 900 psig, the wall
times the minimum wall thickness of stress may not exceed 24,000 psi. A min-
the cylindrical shell; such bottom imum wall thickness of 0.100 inch is re-
thicknesses must be measured within quired for any cylinder with an outside
an area bounded by a line representing diameter of over 5 inches.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the points of contact between the cyl- (2) For cylinders with service pres-
inder and floor when the cylinder is in sure of 900 psig or more the minimum
a vertical position. wall must be such that the wall stress
at the minimum specified test pressure


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178.37 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

may not exceed 67 percent of the min- may not be requalified. Cylinders de-
imum tensile strength of the steel as signed to the requirements for speci-
determined from the physical tests re- fication 3AAX and found to have
quired in paragraphs (k) and (l) of this cracks must have cracks removed to
section and must be not over 70,000 psi. sound metal by mechanical means.
(3) Calculation must be made by the Such specification 3AAX cylinders will
formula: be acceptable if the repaired area is
subsequently examined to assure no de-
S = [P(1.3D2+0.4d2)]/(D2d2)
fect, and it is determined that design
Where: thickness requirements are met.
S = wall stress in psi; (h) Openings in cylinders and connec-
P = minimum test pressure prescribed for tions (valves, fuse plugs, etc.) for those
water jacket test or 450 psig whichever is openings. Threads are required on open-
the greater; ings.
D = outside diameter in inches; (1) Threads must be clean cut, even,
d = inside diameter in inches.
without checks, and to gauge.
(g) Heat treatment. The completed cyl- (2) Taper threads, when used, must be
inders must be uniformly and properly of a length not less than as specified
heat treated prior to tests. Heat treat- for American Standard taper pipe
ment of cylinders of the authorized threads.
analyses must be as follows: (3) Straight threads having at least 6
(1) All cylinders must be quenched by engaged threads are authorized.
oil, or other suitable medium except as Straight threads must have a tight fit
provided in paragraph (g)(5) of this sec- and a calculated shear strength of at
tion. least 10 times the test pressure of the
(2) The steel temperature on quench- cylinder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent
ing must be that recommended for the leakage, are required.
steel analysis, but may not exceed 1750 (i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
F. must successfully withstand a hydro-
(3) All steels must be tempered at a static test as follows:
temperature most suitable for that (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
steel. or other suitable method, operated so
(4) The minimum tempering tempera- as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
ture may not be less than 1000 F ex- sure gauge must permit reading to an
cept as noted in paragraph (g)(6) of this accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
section. gauge must permit reading of total ex-
(5) Steel 4130X may be normalized at pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per-
a temperature of 1650 F instead of cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
being quenched and cylinders so nor- (2) Pressure must be maintained for
malized need not be tempered. at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
(6) Intermediate manganese steels longer to ensure complete expansion.
may be tempered at temperatures not Any internal pressure applied after
less than 1150 F., and after heat treat- heat-treatment and previous to the of-
ing each cylinder must be submitted to ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
a magnetic test to detect the presence the test pressure. If, due to failure of
of quenching cracks. Cracked cylinders the test apparatus, the test pressure
must be rejected and destroyed. cannot be maintained, the test may be
(7) Except as otherwise provided in repeated at a pressure increased by 10
paragraph (g)(6) of this section, all cyl- percent or 100 psig, whichever is the
inders, if water quenched or quenched lower.
with a liquid producing a cooling rate (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
in excess of 80 percent of the cooling may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
rate of water, must be inspected by the umetric expansion at test pressure.
magnetic particle, dye penetrant or ul- (4) Each cylinder must be tested to at
trasonic method to detect the presence least 53 times the service pressure.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

of quenching cracks. Any cylinder de- (j) Flattening test. A flattening test
signed to the requirements for speci- must be performed on one cylinder
fication 3AA and found to have a taken at random out of each lot of 200
quenching crack must be rejected and or less, by placing the cylinder between


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.37

wedge shaped knife edges having a 60 permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
included angle, rounded to 12-inch ra- gauge length. The following conditions
dius. The longitudinal axis of the cyl- apply:
inder must be at a 90-degree angle to (i) The yield strength must be deter-
knife edges during the test. For lots of mined by either the offset method or
30 or less, flattening tests are author- the extension under load method as
ized to be made on a ring at least 8 prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
inches long cut from each cylinder and of this subchapter).
subjected to the same heat treatment (ii) In using the extension under
as the finished cylinder. Cylinders may load method, the total strain (or ex-
be subjected to a bend test in lieu of tension under load) corresponding to
the flattening test. Two bend test the stress at which the 0.2 percent per-
specimens must be taken in accordance manent strain occurs may be deter-
with ISO 98091 or ASTM E 290 (IBR, see mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
171.7 of this subchapter), and must be culating the elastic extension of the
subjected to the bend test specified gauge length under appropriate load
therein. and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the
(k) Physical test. A physical test must gauge length. Elastic extension cal-
be conducted to determine yield culations must be based on an elastic
strength, tensile strength, elongation, modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of
and reduction of area of material as controversy, the entire stress-strain
follows: diagram must be plotted and the yield
(1) The test is required on 2 speci- strength determined from the 0.2 per-
mens cut from 1 cylinder taken at ran- cent offset.
dom out of each lot of 200 or less. For (iii) For the purpose of strain meas-
lots of 30 or less, physical tests are au- urement, the initial strain must be set
thorized to be made on a ring at least while the specimen is under a stress of
8 inches long cut from each cylinder 12,000 psi, the strain indicator reading
and subjected to the same heat treat- being set at the calculated cor-
ment as the finished cylinder. responding strain.
(2) Specimens must conform to the (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
following: machine may not exceed 18 inch per
(i) Gauge length of 8 inches with a minute during yield strength deter-
width of not over 112 inches, a gauge mination.
length of 2 inches with a width of not (l) Acceptable results for physical, flat-
over 112 inches, or a gauge length of at tening and bend tests. An acceptable re-
least 24 times the thickness with width sult for physical and flattening tests is
not over 6 times thickness when the elongation of at least 20 percent for 2
thickness of the cylinder wall is not inches of gauge length or at least 10
over 316 inch. percent in other cases. Flattening is re-
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip quired, without cracking, to 6 times
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends the wall thickness of the cylinder. An
may be flattened to within 1 inch of acceptable result for the alternative
each end of the reduced section. bend test is no crack when the cylinder
(iii) When size of cylinder does not is bent inward around the mandrel
permit securing straight specimens, until the interior edges are not further
the specimens may be taken in any lo- apart than the diameter of the man-
cation or direction and may be drel.
straightened or flattened cold, by pres- (m) Leakage test. All spun cylinders
sure only, not by blows. When speci- and plugged cylinders must be tested
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- for leakage by gas or air pressure after
spectors report must show in connec- the bottom has been cleaned and is free
tion with record of physical tests de- from all moisture. Pressure, approxi-
tailed information in regard to such mately the same as but no less than
specimens. the service pressure, must be applied to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iv) Heating of a specimen for any one side of the finished bottom over an
purpose is not authorized. area of at least 116 of the total area of
(3) The yield strength in tension the bottom but not less than 34 inch in
must be the stress corresponding to a diameter, including the closure, for at


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178.38 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

least one minute, during which time (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
the other side of the bottom exposed to manufactured using equipment and
pressure must be covered with water processes adequate to ensure that each
and closely examined for indications of cylinder produced conforms to the re-
leakage. Except as provided in para- quirements of this subpart. No fissure
graph (n) of this section, a cylinder or other defect is permitted that is
must be rejected if there is any leak- likely to weaken the finished cylinder
ing. appreciably. A reasonably smooth and
(1) A spun cylinder is one in which an uniform surface finish is required. If
end closure in the finished cylinder has not originally free from such defects,
been welded by the spinning process. the surface may be machined or other-
(2) A plugged cylinder is one in which wise treated to eliminate these defects.
a permanent closure in the bottom of a The thickness of the bottoms of cyl-
finished cylinder has been effected by a inders welded or formed by spinning is,
plug. under no condition, to be less than two
(3) As a safety precaution, if the times the minimum wall thickness of
manufacturer elects to make this test the cylindrical shell; such bottom
before the hydrostatic test, the manu- thicknesses to be measured within an
facturer should design the test appa- area bounded by a line representing the
ratus so that the pressure is applied to points of contact between the cylinder
the smallest area practicable, around and floor when the cylinder is in a
the point of closure, and so as to use vertical position.
the smallest possible volume of air or (e) Welding or brazing. Welding or
gas. brazing for any purpose whatsoever is
(n) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat- prohibited except as follows:
ment is authorized for rejected cyl- (1) Welding or brazing is authorized
inders. Subsequent thereto, cylinders for the attachment of neckrings and
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- footrings which are non-pressure parts,
ceptable. Repair by welding or spinning and only to the tops and bottoms of
is not authorized. Spun cylinders re- cylinders having a service pressure of
jected under the provision of paragraph 500 psig or less. Cylinders, neckrings,
(m) of this section may be removed and footrings must be made of weldable
from the spun cylinder category by steel, carbon content of which may not
drilling to remove defective material, exceed 0.25 percent except in the case
tapping and plugging. of 4130X steel which may be used with
proper welding procedure.
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
amended at 65 FR 58631, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR (2) As permitted in paragraph (d) of
4538645387, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51652, Aug. 8, this section.
2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003; 76 FR 43531, (f) Wall thickness. The wall stress may
July 20, 2011] not exceed 24,000 psi. The minimum
wall thickness is 0.090 inch for any cyl-
178.38 Specification 3B seamless inder with an outside diameter of 6
steel cylinders. inches. Calculation must be made by
(a) Type, size, and service pressure. A the following formula:
DOT 3B cylinder is seamless steel cyl- S = [P(1.3D2+0.4d2)]/(D2d2)
inder with a water capacity (nominal)
of not over 1,000 pounds and a service Where:
pressure of at least 150 to not over 500 S = wall stress in psi;
psig. P = at least two times service pressure or 450
(b) Steel. Open-hearth or electric steel psig, whichever is the greater;
of uniform quality must be used. Con- D = outside diameter in inches;
d = inside diameter in inches.
tent percent may not exceed the fol-
lowing: carbon, 0.55; phosphorus, 0.045; (g) Heat treatment. The completed cyl-
sulphur, 0.050. inders must be uniformly and properly
(c) Identification of material. Material heat-treated prior to tests.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be identified by any suitable (h) Openings in cylinders and connec-

method except that plates and billets tions (valves, fuse plugs, etc.) for those
for hot-drawn cylinders must be openings. Threads, conforming to the
marked with the heat number. following, are required on all openings:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.38

(1) Threads must be clean cut, even, inches long cut from each cylinder and
without checks, and to gauge. subjected to same heat treatment as
(2) Taper threads when used, must be the finished cylinder.
of a length not less than as specified (k) Physical test. A physical test must
for American Standard taper pipe be conducted to determine yield
threads. strength, tensile strength, elongation,
(3) Straight threads having at least 4 and reduction of area of material, as
engaged threads are authorized. follows:
Straight threads must have a tight fit, (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
and calculated shear strength at least
mens cut from 1 cylinder taken at ran-
10 times the test pressure of the cyl-
dom out of each lot of 200 or less. For
inder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent
leakage, are required. lots of 30 or less, physical tests are au-
(i) Hydrostatic test. Cylinders must thorized to be made on a ring at least
successfully withstand a hydrostatic 8 inches long cut from each cylinder
test, as follows: and subjected to same heat treatment
(1) The test must be by water-jacket, as the finished cylinder.
or other suitable method, operated so (2) Specimens must conform to the
as to obtain accurate data. The pres- following:
sure gauge must permit reading to an (i) Gauge length of 8 inches with a
accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion width of not over 112 inches; or a gauge
gauge must permit reading of total ex- length of 2 inches with a width of not
pansion to an accuracy either of 1 per- over 112 inches; or a gauge length at
cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter. least 24 times the thickness with a
(2) Pressure must be maintained for width not over 6 times thickness is au-
at least 30 seconds and sufficiently thorized when a cylinder wall is not
longer to insure complete expansion. over 316 inch thick.
Any internal pressure applied after (ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip
heat-treatment and previous to the of- ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends
ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
may be flattened to within one inch of
the test pressure. If, due to failure of
each end of the reduced section.
the test apparatus, the test pressure
cannot be maintained, the test may be (iii) When size of cylinder does not
repeated at a pressure increased by 10 permit securing straight specimens,
percent or 100 psig, whichever is the the specimens may be taken in any lo-
lower. cation or direction and may be
(3) Permanent volumetric expansion straightened or flattened cold, by pres-
may not exceed 10 percent of total vol- sure only, not by blows. When speci-
umetric expansion at test pressure. mens are so taken and prepared, the in-
(4) Cylinders must be tested as fol- spectors report must show in connec-
lows: tion with record of physical tests de-
(i) Each cylinder; to at least 2 times tailed information in regard to such
service pressure; or specimens.
(ii) 1 cylinder out of each lot of 200 or (iv) Heating of a specimen for any
less; to at least 3 times service pres- purpose is not authorized.
sure. Others must be examined under (3) The yield strength in tension
pressure of 2 times service pressure and must be the stress corresponding to a
show no defect. permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
(j) Flattening test. A flattening test gauge length. The following conditions
must be performed on one cylinder apply:
taken at random out of each lot of 200
(i) The yield strength must be deter-
or less, by placing the cylinder between
wedge shaped knife edges having a 60 mined by either the offset method or
included angle, rounded to 12-inch ra- the extension under load method as
dius. The longitudinal axis of the cyl- prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

inder must be at a 90-degree angle to of this subchapter).

knife edges during the test. For lots of (ii) In using the extension under
30 or less, flattening tests are author- load method, the total strain (or ex-
ized to be made on a ring at least 8 tension under load) corresponding to


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178.39 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- (2) A spun cylinder is one in which an
manent strain occurs may be deter- end closure in the finished cylinder has
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- been welded by the spinning process.
culating the elastic extension of the (3) A plugged cylinder is one in which
gauge length under appropriate load a permanent closure in the bottom of a
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the finished cylinder has been effected by a
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- plug.
culations must be based on an elastic (4) As a safety precaution, if the
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of manufacturer elects to make this test
controversy, the entire stress-strain before the hydrostatic test, he should
diagram must be plotted and the yield design his apparatus so that the pres-
strength determined from the 0.2 per- sure is applied to the smallest area
cent offset. practicable, around the point of clo-
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- sure, and so as to use the smallest pos-
urement, the initial strain must be set sible volume of air or gas.
while the specimen is under a stress of (n) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
12,000 psi, and the strain indicator ment of rejected cylinders is author-
reading being set at the calculated cor- ized. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
responding strain. must pass all prescribed tests to be ac-
(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing ceptable. Repair by welding or spinning
machine may not exceed 18 inch per is not authorized. Spun cylinders re-
minute during yield strength deter- jected under the provisions of para-
mination. graph (m) of this section may be re-
(l) Acceptable results for physical and moved from the spun cylinder category
flattening tests. Either of the following by drilling to remove defective mate-
is an acceptable result: rial, tapping and plugging.
(1) An elongation of at least 40 per- (o) Marking. Markings may be
cent for a 2-inch gauge length or at stamped into the sidewalls of cylinders
least 20 percent in other cases and having a service pressure of 150 psig if
yield strength not over 73 percent of all of the following conditions are met:
tensile strength. In this instance, the (1) Wall stress at test pressure may
flattening test is not required. not exceed 24,000 psi.
(2) An elongation of at least 20 per- (2) Minimum wall thickness must be
cent for a 2-inch gauge length or 10 per- not less than 0.090 inch.
cent in other cases and yield strength (3) Depth of stamping must be no
not over 73 percent of tensile strength. greater than 15 percent of the min-
Flattening is required, without crack- imum wall thickness, but may not ex-
ing, to 6 times the wall thickness. ceed 0.015 inch.
(m) Leakage test. All spun cylinders (4) Maximum outside diameter of cyl-
and plugged cylinders must be tested inder may not exceed 5 inches.
for leakage by gas or air pressure after (5) Carbon content of cylinder may
the bottom has been cleaned and is free not exceed 0.25 percent. If the carbon
from all moisture, subject to the fol- content exceeds 0.25 percent, the com-
lowing conditions and limitations: plete cylinder must be normalized after
(1) Pressure, approximately the same stamping.
as but no less than service pressure, (6) Stamping must be adjacent to the
must be applied to one side of the fin- top head.
ished bottom over an area of at least [Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
116 of the total area of the bottom but
amended by 66 FR 45185, 4538645388, Aug. 28,
not less than 34 inch in diameter, in- 2001; 67 FR 51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748,
cluding the closure, for at least one Dec. 31, 2003]
minute, during which time the other
side of the bottom exposed to pressure 178.39 Specification 3BN seamless
must be covered with water and closely nickel cylinders.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

examined for indications of leakage. (a) Type, size and service pressure. A
Except as provided in paragraph (n) of DOT 3BN cylinder is a seamless nickel
this section, a cylinder must be re- cylinder with a water capacity (nomi-
jected if there is any leaking. nal) not over 125 pounds water capacity


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.39

(nominal) and a service pressure at (3) Straight threads having at least 6

least 150 to not over 500 psig. engaged threads are authorized.
(b) Nickel. The percentage of nickel Straight threads must have a tight fit
plus cobalt must be at least 99.0 per- and a calculated shear strength of at
cent. least 10 times the test pressure of the
(c) Identification of material. The ma- cylinder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent
terial must be identified by any suit- leakage, are required.
able method except that plates and bil- (i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
lets for hot-drawn cylinders must be must successfully withstand a hydro-
marked with the heat number. static test, as follows:
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
manufactured using equipment and or other suitable method, operated so
processes adequate to ensure that each as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
cylinder produced conforms to the re- sure gauge must permit reading to an
quirements of this subpart. No defect is accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
permitted that is likely to weaken the gauge must permit reading of total ex-
finished cylinder appreciably. A rea- pansion to an accuracy either of 1 per-
sonably smooth and uniform surface cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
finish is required. Cylinders closed in (2) Pressure must be maintained for
by spinning process are not authorized. at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
(e) Welding or brazing. Welding or longer to ensure complete expansion.
brazing for any purpose whatsoever is Any internal pressure applied after
prohibited except that welding is au- heat-treatment and previous to the of-
thorized for the attachment of ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
neckrings and footrings which are non- the test pressure. If, due to failure of
pressure parts, and only to the tops and the test apparatus, the test pressure
bottoms of cylinders. Neckrings and cannot be maintained, the test may be
footrings must be of weldable material, repeated at a pressure increased by 10
the carbon content of which may not percent or 100 psig, whichever is the
exceed 0.25 percent. Nickel welding rod lower.
must be used. (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
(f) Wall thickness. The wall stress may may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
not exceed 15,000 psi. A minimum wall umetric expansion at test pressure.
thickness of 0.100 inch is required for (4) Each cylinder must be tested to at
any cylinder over 5 inches in outside least 2 times service pressure.
diameter. Wall stress calculation must (j) Flattening test. A flattening test
be made by using the following for- must be performed on one cylinder
mula: taken at random out of each lot of 200
or less, by placing the cylinder between
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
wedge shaped knife edges having a 60
Where: included angle, rounded to 12-inch ra-
S = wall stress in psi; dius. The longitudinal axis of the cyl-
P = minimum test pressure prescribed for inder must be at a 90-degree angle to
water jacket test or 450 psig whichever is knife edges during the test. For lots of
the greater; 30 or less, flattening tests are author-
D = outside diameter in inches; ized to be made on a ring at least 8
d = inside diameter in inches.
inches long cut from each cylinder and
(g) Heat treatment. The completed cyl- subjected to same heat treatment as
inders must be uniformly and properly the finished cylinder.
heat-treated prior to tests. (k) Physical test. A physical test must
(h) Openings in cylinders and connec- be conducted to determine yield
tions (valves, fuse plugs, etc.) for those strength, tensile strength, elongation,
openings. Threads conforming to the and reduction of area of material, as
following are required on openings: follows:
(1) Threads must be clean cut, even, (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

without checks, and to gauge. mens cut from 1 cylinder taken at ran-
(2) Taper threads, when used, to be of dom out of each lot of 200 or less. For
length not less than as specified for lots of 30 or less, physical tests are au-
American Standard taper pipe threads. thorized to be made on a ring at least


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178.42 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

8 inches long cut from each cylinder 12,000 psi, and the strain indicator
and subjected to same heat treatment reading must be set at the calculated
as the finished cylinder. corresponding strain.
(2) Specimens must conform to the (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
following: machine may not exceed 18 inch per
(i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a minute during yield strength deter-
width of not over 112 inches, a gauge mination.
length of 2 inches with a width of not (l) Acceptable results for physical and
over 112 inches, or a gauge length of at flattening tests. Either of the following
least 24 times the thickness with a is an acceptable result:
width not over 6 times thickness is au- (1) An elongation of at least 40 per-
thorized when a cylinder wall is not cent for a 2 inch gauge length or at
over 316 inch thick. least 20 percent in other cases and
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip yield point not over 50 percent of ten-
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends sile strength. In this instance, the flat-
may be flattened to within one inch of tening test is not required.
each end of the reduced section. (2) An elongation of at least 20 per-
(iii) When size of cylinder does not cent for a 2 inch gauge length or 10 per-
permit securing straight specimens, cent in other cases and a yield point
the specimens may be taken in any lo- not over 50 percent of tensile strength.
cation or direction and may be Flattening is required, without crack-
straightened or flattened cold, by pres- ing, to 6 times the wall thickness.
sure only, not by blows. When speci- (m) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- ment is authorized for rejected cyl-
spectors report must show in connec- inders. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
tion with record of physical tests de- must pass all prescribed tests to be ac-
tailed information in regard to such ceptable. Repair by welding is not au-
specimens. thorized.
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any [Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
purpose is not authorized. amended by 66 FR 45185, 45386, 45388, Aug. 28,
(3) The yield strength in tension 2001; 67 FR 51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748,
must be the stress corresponding to a Dec. 31, 2003]
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
gauge length. The following conditions 178.42 Specification 3E seamless steel
apply: cylinders.
(i) The yield strength must be deter- (a) Type, size, and service pressure. A
mined by either the offset method or DOT 3E cylinder is a seamless steel
the extension under load method as cylinder with an outside diameter not
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 greater than 2 inches nominal, a length
of this subchapter). less than 2 feet and a service pressure
(ii) In using the extension under of 1,800 psig.
load method, the total strain (or ex- (b) Steel. Open-hearth or electric steel
tension under load) corresponding to of uniform quality must be used. Con-
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- tent percent may not exceed the fol-
manent strain occurs may be deter- lowing: Carbon, 0.55; phosphorus, 0.045;
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- sulphur, 0.050.
culating the elastic extension of the (c) Identification of steel. Materials
gauge length under appropriate load must be identified by any suitable
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the method.
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
culations must be based on an elastic manufactured by best appliances and
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of methods. No defect is permitted that is
controversy, the entire stress-strain likely to weaken the finished cylinder
diagram must be plotted and the yield appreciably. A reasonably smooth and
strength determined from the 0.2 per- uniform surface finish is required. The
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cent offset. thickness of the spun bottom is, under

(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- no condition, to be less than two times
urement, the initial strain must be set the minimum wall thickness of the cy-
while the specimen is under a stress of lindrical shell; such bottom thickness


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.44

must be measured within an area (1) A pressure, approximately the

bounded by a line representing the same as but not less than the service
points of contact between the cylinder pressure, must be applied to one side of
and floor when the cylinder is in a the finished bottom over an area of at
vertical position. least 116 of the total area of the bottom
(e) Openings in cylinders and connec- but not less than 34 inch in diameter,
tions (valves, fuse plugs, etc.) for those including the closure, for at least one
openings. Threads conforming to the minute, during which time the other
following are required on openings. side of the bottom exposed to pressure
(1) Threads must be clean cut, even, must be covered with water and closely
without checks, and to gauge. examined for indications of leakage.
(2) Taper threads, when used, must be Accept as provided in paragraph (h) of
of length not less than as specified for this section, a cylinder must be re-
American Standard taper pipe threads. jected if there is any leakage.
(3) Straight threads having at least 4 (2) A spun cylinder is one in which an
engaged threads are authorized. end closure in the finished cylinder has
Straight threads must have a tight fit been welded by the spinning process.
and a calculated shear strength of at (3) A plugged cylinder is one in which
least 10 times the test pressure of the a permanent closure in the bottom of a
cylinder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent finished cylinder has been effected by a
leakage, are required. plug.
(f) Hydrostatic test. Cylinders must be (4) As a safety precaution, if the
tested as follows: manufacturer elects to make this test
before the hydrostatic test, the manu-
(1) One cylinder out of each lot of 500
facturer shall design the test apparatus
or less must be subjected to a hydro-
so that the pressure is applied to the
static pressure of 6,000 psig or higher.
smallest area practicable, around the
(2) The cylinder referred to in para- point of closure, and so as to use the
graph (f)(1) of this section must burst smallest possible volume of air or gas.
at a pressure higher than 6,000 psig
(h) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
without fragmenting or otherwise
ment is authorized for rejected cyl-
showing lack of ductility, or must hold
inders. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
a pressure of 12,000 psig for 30 seconds
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac-
without bursting. In which case, it
ceptable. Repair by welding or spinning
must be subjected to a flattening test
is not authorized. Spun cylinders re-
without cracking to six times wall
jected under the provisions of para-
thickness between knife edges, wedge
graph (g) of this section may be re-
shaped 60 degree angle, rounded out to
moved from the spun cylinder category
a 12 inch radius. The inspectors report
by drilling to remove defective mate-
must be suitably changed to show re-
rial, tapping and plugging.
sults of latter alternate and flattening
test. (i) Marking. Markings required by
178.35 must be stamped plainly and
(3) Other cylinders must be examined
permanently on the shoulder, top head,
under pressure of at least 3,000 psig and
neck or sidewall of each cylinder.
not to exceed 4,500 psig and show no de-
fect. Cylinders tested at a pressure in [Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
excess of 3,600 psig must burst at a amended by 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
pressure higher than 7,500 psig when
tested as specified in paragraph (f)(2) of 178.44 Specification 3HT seamless
this section. The pressure must be steel cylinders for aircraft use.
maintained for at least 30 seconds and (a) Type, size and service pressure. A
sufficiently longer to ensure complete DOT 3HT cylinder is a seamless steel
examination. cylinder with a water capacity (nomi-
(g) Leakage test. All spun cylinders nal) of not over 150 pounds and a serv-
and plugged cylinders must be tested ice pressure of at least 900 psig.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

for leakage by gas or air pressure after (b) Authorized steel. Open hearth or
the bottom has been cleaned and is free electric furnace steel of uniform qual-
from all moisture subject to the fol- ity must be used. A heat of steel made
lowing conditions and limitations: under the specifications listed in Table


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178.44 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

1 in this paragraph (b), a check chem- appreciably. The general surface finish
ical analysis that is slightly out of the may not exceed a roughness of 250
specified range is acceptable, if satis- RMS. Individual irregularities such as
factory in all other respects, provided draw marks, scratches, pits, etc.,
the tolerances shown in Table 2 in this should be held to a minimum con-
paragraph (b) are not exceeded. The sistent with good high stress pressure
maximum grain size shall be 6 or finer. vessel manufacturing practices. If the
The grain size must be determined in cylinder is not originally free of such
accordance with ASTM E 11288 (IBR, defects or does not meet the finish re-
see 171.7 of this subchapter). Steel of quirements, the surface may be ma-
the following chemical analysis is au- chined or otherwise treated to elimi-
thorized: nate these defects. The point of closure
of cylinders closed by spinning may not
TABLE 1AUTHORIZED MATERIALS be less than two times the prescribed
AISI 4130
wall thickness of the cylindrical shell.
Designation The cylinder end contour must be hem-
ispherical or ellipsoidal with a ratio of
Carbon ............................................... 0.28/0.33
Manganese ........................................ 0.40/0.60 major-to-minor axis not exceeding two
Phosphorus ........................................ 0.040 maximum to one and with the concave side to
Sulfur ................................................. 0.040 maximum pressure.
Silicon ................................................ 0.15/0.35
Chromium .......................................... 0.80/1.10
(e) Welding or brazing. Welding or
Molybdenum ...................................... 0.15/0.25 brazing for any purpose whatsoever is
prohibited, except that welding by
TABLE 2CHECK ANALYSIS TOLERANCES spinning is permitted to close the bot-
tom of spun cylinders. Machining or
Tolerance grinding to produce proper surface fin-
(percent) over the
maximum limit or ish at point of closure is required.
under the (f) Wall thickness. (1) Minimum wall
Limit or maximum minimum limit
Element specified (percent) thickness for any cylinder must be
Under Over 0.050 inch. The minimum wall thick-
min- max-
imum imum ness must be such that the wall stress
limit limit at the minimum specified test pressure
Carbon ........... Over 0.15 to 0.40 incl .03 .04
may not exceed 75 percent of the min-
Manganese .... To 0.60 incl ................ .03 .03 imum tensile strength of the steel as
Phosphorus1 .. All ranges .................. .............. .01 determined from the physical tests re-
Sulphur .......... All ranges .................. .............. .01 quired in paragraph (m) of this section
Silicon ............ To 0.30 incl ................ .02 .03
Over 0.30 to 1.00 incl .05 .05 and may not be over 105,000 psi.
Chromium ...... To 0.90 incl ................ .03 .03 (2) Calculations must be made by the
Over 0.90 to 2.10 incl .05 .05 formula:
Molybdenum .. To 0.20 incl ................ .01 .01
Over 0.20 to 0.40 incl .02 .02 S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
1 Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for
phosphorus. Where:

(c) Identification of material. Material S = Wall stress in psi;

P = Minimum test pressure prescribed for
must be identified by any suitable
water jacket test;
method. Steel stamping of heat identi-
D = Outside diameter in inches;
fications may not be made in any area d = Inside diameter in inches.
which will eventually become the side
wall of the cylinder. Depth of stamping (3) Wall thickness of hemispherical
may not encroach upon the minimum bottoms only permitted to 90 percent
prescribed wall thickness of the cyl- of minimum wall thickness of cylinder
inder. sidewall but may not be less than 0.050
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be inch. In all other cases, thickness to be
manufactured using equipment and no less than prescribed minimum wall.
processes adequate to ensure that each (g) Heat treatment. The completed cyl-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cylinder produced conforms to the re- inders must be uniformly and properly
quirements of this subpart. No fissure heated prior to tests. Heat treatment
or other defect is permitted that is of the cylinders of the authorized anal-
likely to weaken the finished container ysis must be as follows:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.44

(1) All cylinders must be quenched by (3) Permanent volumetric expansion

oil, or other suitable medium. may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
(2) The steel temperature on quench- umetric expansion at test pressure.
ing must be that recommended for the (4) Each cylinder must be tested to at
steel analysis, but may not exceed 1750 least 53 times service pressure.
F. (j) Cycling tests. Prior to the initial
(3) The steel must be tempered at a shipment of any specific cylinder de-
temperature most suitable for the par- sign, cyclic pressurization tests must
ticular steel analysis but not less than have been performed on at least three
850 F. representative samples without failure
(4) All cylinders must be inspected by as follows:
the magnetic particle or dye penetrant (1) Pressurization must be performed
method to detect the presence of hydrostatically between approximately
quenching cracks. Any cylinder found zero psig and the service pressure at a
to have a quenching crack must be re- rate not in excess of 10 cycles per
jected and may not be requalified. minute. Adequate recording instrumen-
(h) Openings in cylinders and connec- tation must be provided if equipment is
tions (valves, fuse plugs, etc.) for those to be left unattended for periods of
openings. Threads conforming to the time.
following are required on openings: (2) Tests prescribed in paragraph
(1) Threads must be clean cut, even, (j)(1) of this section must be repeated
without cracks, and to gauge. on one random sample out of each lot
(2) Taper threads, when used, must be of cylinders. The cylinder may then be
of length not less than as specified for subjected to a burst test.
National Gas Tapered Thread (NGT) as (3) A lot is defined as a group of cyl-
required by American Standard Com- inders fabricated from the same heat of
pressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and steel, manufactured by the same proc-
Inlet Connections. ess and heat treated in the same equip-
(3) Straight threads having at least 6 ment under the same conditions of
engaged threads are authorized. time, temperature, and atmosphere,
Straight threads must have a tight fit and may not exceed a quantity of 200
and a calculated shear stress of at least cylinders.
10 times the test pressure of the cyl-
(4) All cylinders used in cycling tests
inder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent
must be destroyed.
leakage, are required.
(k) Burst test. One cylinder taken at
(i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
must withstand a hydrostatic test, as random out of each lot of cylinders
follows: must be hydrostatically tested to de-
(1) The test must be by water-jacket,
or other suitable method, operated so (l) Flattening test. A flattening test
as to obtain accurate data. Pressure must be performed on one cylinder
gauge must permit reading to an accu- taken at random out of each lot of 200
racy of 1 percent. The expansion gauge or less, by placing the cylinder between
must permit reading of total expansion wedge shaped knife edges having a 60
to an accuracy either of 1 percent of 0.1 included angle, rounded to 12-inch ra-
cubic centimeter. dius. The longitudinal axis of the cyl-
(2) Pressure must be maintained for inder must be at a 90-degree angle to
at least 30 seconds and sufficiently knife edges during the test. For lots of
longer to ensure complete expansion. 30 or less, flattening tests are author-
Any internal pressure applied after ized to be made on a ring at least 8
heat treatment and previous to the of- inches long cut from each cylinder and
ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of subjected to same heat treatment as
the test pressure. If, due to failure of the finished cylinder.
the test apparatus, the test pressure (m) Physical tests. A physical test
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cannot be maintained, the test may be must be conducted to determine yield

repeated at a pressure increased by 10 strength, tensile strength, elongation,
percent or 100 psig, which ever is the and reduction of area of material, as
lower. follows:


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178.44 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(1) Test is required on 2 specimens (n) Magnetic particle inspection. In-

cut from 1 cylinder taken at random spection must be performed on the in-
out of each lot of cylinders. side of each container before closing
(2) Specimens must conform to the and externally on each finished con-
following: tainer after heat treatment. Evidence
(i) A gauge length of at least 24 times of discontinuities, which in the opinion
the thickness with a width not over six of a qualified inspector may appre-
times the thickness. The specimen, ex- ciably weaken or decrease the dura-
clusive of grip ends, may not be flat- bility of the cylinder, must be cause for
tened. Grip ends may be flattened to rejection.
within one inch of each end of the re- (o) Leakage test. All spun cylinders
duced section. When size of cylinder and plugged cylinders must be tested
does not permit securing straight for leakage by dry gas or dry air pres-
specimens, the specimens may be sure after the bottom has been cleaned
taken in any location or direction and and is free from all moisture, subject
may be straightened or flattened cold to the following conditions and limita-
by pressure only, not by blows. When tions:
specimens are so taken and prepared, (1) Pressure, approximately the same
the inspectors report must show in as but not less than service pressure,
connection with the record of physical must be applied to one side of the fin-
tests detailed information in regard to ished bottom over an area of at least
such specimens. 116 of the total area of the bottom but
(ii) Heating of a specimen for any not less than 34 inch in diameter, in-
purpose is not authorized. cluding the closure, for at least one
(3) The yield strength in tension minute, during which time the other
must be the stress corresponding to a side of the bottom exposed to pressure
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the must be covered with water and closely
gauge length. examined for indications of leakage.
(i) The yield strength must be deter- Except as provided in paragraph (q) of
mined by either the offset method or this section, a cylinder must be re-
the extension under load method as jected if there is leakage.
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
(2) A spun cylinder is one in which an
of this subchapter).
end closure in the finished cylinder has
(ii) In using the extension under
been welded by the spinning process.
load method, the total strain (or ex-
(3) A plugged cylinder is one in which
tension under load) corresponding to
a permanent closure in the bottom of a
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per-
finished cylinder has been effected by a
manent strain occurs may be deter-
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
culating the elastic extension of the (4) As a safety precaution, if the
gauge length under appropriate load manufacturer elects to make this test
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the before the hydrostatic test, the manu-
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- facturer should design the test appa-
culations must be based on an elastic ratus so that the pressure is applied to
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of the smallest area practicable, around
controversy, the entire stress-strain the point of closure, and so as to use
diagram must be plotted and the yield the smallest possible volume of air or
strength determined from the 0.2 per- gas.
cent offset. (p) Acceptable results of tests. Results
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- of the flattening test, physical tests,
urement, the initial strain must be set burst test, and cycling test must con-
while the specimen is under a stress of form to the following:
12,000 psi, the strain indicator reading (1) Flattening required without
being set at the calculated cor- cracking to ten times the wall thick-
responding strain. ness of the cylinder.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing (2) Physical tests:

machine may not exceed 18 inch per (i) An elongation of at least 6 percent
minute during yield strength deter- for a gauge length of 24 times the wall
mination. thickness.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.45

(ii) The tensile strength may not ex- heads concave to pressure at both ends.
ceed 165,000 p.s.i. The inside head shape must be hemi-
(3) The burst pressure must be at spherical, ellipsoidal in which the
least 43 times the test pressure. major axis is two times the minor axis,
(4) Cycling-at least 10,000 pressuriza- or a dished shape falling within these
tions. two limits. Permanent closures formed
(q) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat- by spinning are prohibited.
ment is authorized for rejected cyl- (b) Material, steel. Only open hearth,
inders. Subsequent thereto, cylinders basic oxygen, or electric furnace proc-
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- ess steel of uniform quality is author-
ceptable. Repair by welding or spinning ized. The steel analysis must conform
is not authorized. For each cylinder to the following:
subjected to reheat treatment during
original manufacture, sidewall meas- ANALYSIS TOLERANCES
urements must be made to verify that Check Analysis
the minimum sidewall thickness meets Element Ladle analysis
Under Over
specification requirements after the
final heat treatment. Carbon ........................ 0.35 to 0.50 ...... 0.03 0.04
(r) Marking. (1) Cylinders must be Manganese ................. 0.75 to 1.05 ...... 0.04 0.04
Phosphorus (max) ...... 0.035 ................. ............ 0.01
marked by low stress type steel stamp- Sulphur (max) ............. 0.04 ................... ............ 0.01
ing in an area and to a depth which Silicon ......................... 0.15 to 0.35 ...... 0.02 0.03
will insure that the wall thickness Chromium ................... 0.80 to 1.15 ...... 0.05 0.05
Molybdenum ............... 0.15 to 0.25 ...... 0.02 0.02
measured from the root of the stamp-
ing to the interior surface is equal to (1) A heat of steel made under the
or greater than the minimum pre- specifications in the table in this para-
scribed wall thickness. Stamping must graph (b), the ladle analysis of which is
be permanent and legible. Stamping on slightly out of the specified range, is
side wall not authorized. acceptable if satisfactory in all other
(2) The rejection elastic expansion aspects. However, the check analysis
(REE), in cubic cm (cc), must be tolerances shown in the table in this
marked on the cylinder near the date paragraph (b) may not be exceeded ex-
of test. The REE for a cylinder is 1.05 cept as approved by the Department.
times its original elastic expansion. (2) Material with seams, cracks, lam-
(3) Name plates are authorized, pro- inations, or other injurious defects is
vided that they can be permanently not permitted.
and securely attached to the cylinder. (3) Material used must be identified
Attachment by either brazing or weld- by any suitable method.
ing is not permitted. Attachment by (c) Manufacture. General manufac-
soldering is permitted provided steel turing requirements are as follows:
temperature does not exceed 500 F. (1) Surface finish must be uniform
(s) Inspectors report. In addition to and reasonably smooth.
the requirements of 178.35, the inspec- (2) Inside surfaces must be clean, dry,
tors report must indicate the rejection and free of loose particles.
elastic expansion (REE), in cubic cm (3) No defect of any kind is permitted
(cc). if it is likely to weaken a finished cyl-
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as inder.
amended at 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 65 FR (4) If the cylinder surface is not origi-
58631, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45385, Aug. 28, 2001; nally free from the defects, the surface
67 FR 51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, 75749, may be machined or otherwise treated
Dec. 31, 2003] to eliminate these defects provided the
minimum wall thickness is main-
178.45 Specification 3T seamless steel tained.
cylinder. (5) Welding or brazing on a cylinder
(a) Type, size, and service pressure. A is not permitted.
DOT 3T cylinder is a seamless steel (d) Wall thickness. The minimum wall
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cylinder with a minimum water capac- thickness must be such that the wall
ity of 1,000 pounds and a minimum stress at the minimum specified test
service pressure of 1,800 psig. Each cyl- pressure does not exceed 67 percent of
inder must have integrally formed the minimum tensile strength of the


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178.45 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

steel as determined by the physical S = A1 P / A2

tests required in paragraphs (j) and (k)
of this section. A wall stress of more
than 90,500 p.s.i. is not permitted. The S = Tensile stress in psi;
minimum wall thickness for any cyl- A1 = Internal area in cross section of cyl-
inder may not be less than 0.225 inch. inder in square inches;
P = Hydrostatic test pressure-psig;
(1) Calculation of the stress for cyl- A2 = Area of metal in cross section of cyl-
inders must be made by the following inder in square inches.
(e) Heat treatment. Each completed
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2) cylinder must be uniformly and prop-
Where: erly heat treated prior to testing, as
S = Wall stress in psi; follows:
P = Minimum test pressure, at least 53 serv- (1) Each cylinder must be heated and
ice pressure; held at the proper temperature for at
D = Outside diameter in inches; least one hour per inch of thickness
d = Inside diameter in inches. based on the maximum thickness of
(2) Each cylinder must meet the fol- the cylinder and then quenched in a
lowing additional requirement which suitable liquid medium having a cool-
assumes a cylinder horizontally sup- ing rate not in excess of 80 percent of
ported at its two ends and uniformly water. The steel temperature on
loaded over its entire length. This load quenching must be that recommended
consists of the weight per inch of for the steel analysis, but it must
length of the straight cylindrical por- never exceed 1750 F.
tion filled with water compressed to (2) After quenching, each cylinder
the specified test pressure. The wall must be reheated to a temperature
thickness must be increased when nec- below the transformation range but
essary to meet this additional require- not less than 1050 F., and must be held
ment: at this temperature for at least one
(i) The sum of two times the max- hour per inch of thickness based on the
imum tensile stress in the bottom fi- maximum thickness of the cylinder.
bers due to bending (see paragraph Each cylinder must then be cooled
(d)(2)(ii) of this section), plus the max- under conditions recommended for the
imum tensile stress in the same fibers steel.
due to hydrostatic testing (see para- (f) Openings. Openings in cylinders
graph (d)(2)(iii) of this section) may must comply with the following:
not exceed 80 percent of the minimum (1) Openings are permitted on heads
yield strength of the steel at this max- only.
imum stress. (2) The size of any centered opening
(ii) The following formula must be in a head may not exceed one half the
used to calculate the maximum tensile outside diameter of the cylinder.
stress due to bending: (3) Openings in a head must have lig-
aments between openings of at least
S = Mc / I three times the average of their hole
Where: diameter. No off-center opening may
S = Tensile stress in psi;
exceed 2.625 inches in diameter.
M = Bending moment in inch-pounds (wl2/8); (4) All openings must be circular.
I = Moment of inertia0.04909 (D4d4) in (5) All openings must be threaded.
inches fourth; Threads must be in compliance with
c = Radius (D/2) of cylinder in inches; the following:
w = Weight per inch of cylinder filled with (i) Each thread must be clean cut,
water; even, without any checks, and to
l = Length of cylinder in inches; gauge.
D = Outside diameter in inches; (ii) Taper threads, when used, must
d = Inside diameter in inches.
be the American Standard Pipe thread
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iii) The following formula must be (NPT) type and must be in compliance
used to calculate the maximum longi- with the requirements of NBS Hand-
tudinal tensile stress due to hydro- book H28 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
static test pressure: chapter).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.45

(iii) Taper threads conforming to Na- subjected to a tension and Charpy im-
tional Gas Taper thread (NGT) stand- pact as follows:
ards must be in compliance with the (1) When the cylinders are heat treat-
requirements of NBS Handbook H28. ed in a batch furnace, two tension
(iv) Straight threads conforming specimens and three Charpy impact
with National Gas Straight thread specimens must be tested from one of
(NGS) standards are authorized. These the cylinders or a test ring from each
threads must be in compliance with the batch. The lot size represented by these
requirements of NBS Handbook H28. tests may not exceed 200 cylinders.
(g) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder (2) When the cylinders are heat treat-
must be tested at an internal pressure ed in a continuous furnace, two tension
by the water jacket method or other specimens and three Charpy impact
suitable method, conforming to the fol- specimens must be tested from one of
lowing requirements: the cylinders or a test ring from each
(1) The testing apparatus must be op- four hours or less of production. How-
erated in a manner that will obtain ac- ever, in no case may a test lot based on
curate data. Any pressure gauge used this production period exceed 200 cyl-
must permit reading to an accuracy of inders.
one percent. Any expansion gauge used (3) Each specimen for the tension and
must permit reading of the total ex- Charpy impact tests must be taken
pansion to an accuracy of one percent. from the side wall of a cylinder or from
(2) Any internal pressure applied to a ring which has been heat treated
the cylinder after heat treatment and with the finished cylinders of which
before the official test may not exceed the specimens must be representative.
90 percent of the test pressure. The axis of the specimens must be par-
(3) The pressure must be maintained allel to the axis of the cylinder. Each
sufficiently long to assure complete ex- cylinder or ring specimen for test must
pansion of the cylinder. In no case may be of the same diameter, thickness, and
the pressure be held less than 30 sec- metal as the finished cylinders they
onds. represent. A test ring must be at least
(4) If, due to failure of the test appa- 24 inches long with ends covered during
ratus, the required test pressure can- the heat treatment process so as to
not be maintained, the test must be re- simulate the heat treatment process of
peated at a pressure increased by 10 the finished cylinders it represents.
percent or 100 psig, whichever is lower (4) A test cylinder or test ring need
or, the cylinder must be reheat treated. represent only one of the heats in a
(5) Permanent volumetric expansion furnace batch provided the other heats
of the cylinder may not exceed 10 per- in the batch have previously been test-
cent of its total volumetric expansion ed and have passed the tests and that
at the required test pressure. such tests do not represent more than
(6) Each cylinder must be tested to at 200 cylinders from any one heat.
least 53 times its service pressure. (5) The test results must conform to
(h) Ultrasonic examination. After the the requirements specified in para-
hydrostatic test, the cylindrical sec- graphs (j) and (k) of this section.
tion of each vessel must be examined in (6) When the test results do not con-
accordance with ASTM E 213 for shear form to the requirements specified, the
wave and E 114 for straight beam (IBR, cylinders represented by the tests may
Standard see 171.7 of this subchapter). be reheat treated and the tests re-
The equipment used must be calibrated peated. Paragraph (i)(5) of this section
to detect a notch equal to five percent applies to any retesting.
of the design minimum wall thickness. (j) Basic conditions for acceptable phys-
Any discontinuity indication greater ical testing. The following criteria must
than that produced by the five percent be followed to obtain acceptable phys-
notch must be cause for rejection of ical test results:
the cylinder, unless the discontinuity (1) Each tension specimen must have
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

is repaired within the requirements of a gauge length of two inches with a

this specification. width not exceeding one and one-half
(i) Basic requirements for tension and inches. Except for the grip ends, the
Charpy impact tests. Cylinders must be specimen may not be flattened. The


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178.46 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

grip ends may be flattened to within be less than the values shown as fol-
one inch of each end of the reduced sec- lows:
Average value Minimum value
(2) A specimen may not be heated Size of specimen for acceptance (1 specimen only
after heat treatment specified in para- (3 specimens) of the 3)
graph (d) of this section. 10.010.0 .............. 25.0 ft. lbs. ........... 20.0 ft. lbs.
(3) The yield strength in tension 10.07.5 ................ 21.0 ft. lbs. ........... 17.0 ft. lbs.
must be the stress corresponding to a 10.05.0 ................ 17.0 ft. lbs. ........... 14.0 ft. lbs.
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
gage length. (4) After the final heat treatment,
(i) This yield strength must be deter- each vessel must be hardness tested on
mined by the offset method or the the cylindrical section. The tensile
extension under load method de- strength equivalent of the hardness
scribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 of number obtained may not be more than
this subchapter). 165,000 p.s.i. (Rc 36). When the result of
a hardness test exceeds the maximum
(ii) For the extension under load
permitted, two or more retests may be
method, the total strain (or extension
made; however, the hardness number
under load) corresponding to the stress
obtained in each retest may not exceed
at which the 0.2 percent permanent
the maximum permitted.
strain occurs may be determined with
(l) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
sufficient accuracy by calculating the
ment is authorized for rejected cyl-
elastic extension of the gage length
inders. However, each reheat treated
under appropriate load and adding
cylinder must subsequently pass all the
thereto 0.2 percent of the gage length.
prescribed tests. Repair by welding is
Elastic extension calculations must be
not authorized.
based on an elastic modulus of
(m) Markings. Marking must be done
30,000,000. However, when the degree of
by stamping into the metal of the cyl-
accuracy of this method is question-
inder. All markings must be legible and
able the entire stress-strain diagram
located on a shoulder.
must be plotted and the yield strength
(n) Inspectors report. In addition to
determined from the 0.2 percent offset.
the requirements of 178.35, the inspec-
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- tors report for the physical test re-
urement, the initial strain must be set port, must indicate the average value
with the specimen under a stress of for three specimens and the minimum
12,000 p.s.i. and the strain indicator value for one specimen for each lot
reading set at the calculated cor- number.
responding strain.
(iv) The cross-head speed of the test- [Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
ing machine may not exceed 18 inch per amended at 66 FR 45385, 43588, Aug. 28, 2001;
67 FR 51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14,
minute during the determination of 2003; 68 FR 75748, 75749, Dec. 31, 2003]
yield strength.
(4) Each impact specimen must be 178.46 Specification 3AL seamless
Charpy V-notch type size 10 mm 10 aluminum cylinders.
mm taken in accordance with para- (a) Size and service pressure. A DOT
graph 11 of ASTM A 333 (IBR, see 171.7 3AL cylinder is a seamless aluminum
of this subchapter). When a reduced cylinder with a maximum water capac-
size specimen is used, it must be the ity of 1000 pounds and minimum service
largest size obtainable. pressure of 150 psig.
(k) Acceptable physical test results. Re- (b) Authorized material and identifica-
sults of physical tests must conform to tion of material. The material of con-
the following: struction must meet the following con-
(1) The tensile strength may not ex- ditions:
ceed 155,000 p.s.i. (1) Starting stock must be cast stock
(2) The elongation must be at least 16 or traceable to cast stock.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

percent for a two-inch gage length. (2) Material with seams, cracks, lam-
(3) The Charpy V-notch impact prop- inations, or other defects likely to
erties for the three impact specimens weaken the finished cylinder may not
which must be tested at 0 F may not be used.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.46

(3) Material must be identified by a (4) The material must be of uniform

suitable method that will identify the quality. Only the following heat treat-
alloy, the aluminum producers cast able aluminum alloys in table 1 and 2
number, the solution heat treat batch are permitted as follows:
number and the lot number.

Si Mg
Fe Cu Mn Cr Zn Ti Pb Bi
min/ min/ A1
max min/max max min/max max max max max each total
max max max max

0.4/0.8 0.7 0.15/0.4 0.15 0.8/1.2 0.04/0.35 0.25 0.15 0.005 0.005 0.05 0.15 Bal.
1 TheAluminum Association refers to Aluminum Standards and Data 1993, published by the Aluminum Association Inc.
2 Except for Pb and Bi, the chemical composition corresponds with that of Table 1 of ASTM B 221 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
subchapter) for Aluminum Association alloy 6061.


Tensile strengthPSI Elongationpercent
Alloy and temper minimum for 2 or
Ultimateminimum Yieldminimum 4D 1 size specimen

6061T6 .................................................................................. 38,000 35,000 214

1 D
represents specimen diameters. When the cylinder wall is greater than 316 inch thick, a retest without reheat treatment
using the 4D size specimen is authorized if the test using the 2 inch size specimen fails to meet elongation requirements.
2 When cylinder wall is not over 316-inch thick, 10 percent elongation is authorized when using a 24t6t size test specimen.

(5) All starting stock must be 100 per- wise conditioned to eliminate these de-
cent ultrasonically inspected, along fects.
the length at right angles to the cen- (2) Thickness of the cylinder base
tral axis from two positions at 90 to may not be less than the prescribed
one another. The equipment and con- minimum wall thickness of the cylin-
tinuous scanning procedure must be ca- drical shell. The cylinder base must
pable of detecting and rejecting inter- have a basic torispherical, hemi-
nal defects such as cracks which have spherical, or ellipsoidal interior base
an ultrasonic response greater than configuration where the dish radius is
that of a calibration block with a 564- no greater than 1.2 times the inside di-
inch diameter flat bottomed hole. ameter of the shell. The knuckle radius
(6) Cast stock must have uniform may not be less than 12 percent of the
equiaxed grain structure not to exceed inside diameter of the shell. The inte-
500 microns maximum. rior base contour may deviate from the
(7) Any starting stock not complying true torispherical, hemispherical or el-
with the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1) lipsoidal configuration provided that
through (b)(6) of this section must be (i) Any areas of deviation are accom-
rejected. panied by an increase in base thick-
(c) Manufacture. Cylinders must be ness;
manufactured in accordance with the (ii) All radii of merging surfaces are
following requirements: equal to or greater than the knuckle
(1) Cylinder shells must be manufac- radius;
tured by the backward extrusion meth- (iii) Each design has been qualified
od and have a cleanliness level ade- by successfully passing the cycling
quate to ensure proper inspection. No tests in this paragraph (c); and
fissure or other defect is acceptable (iv) Detailed specifications of the
that is likely to weaken the finished base design are available to the inspec-
cylinder below the design strength re- tor.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

quirements. A reasonably smooth and (3) For free standing cylinders, the
uniform surface finish is required. If base thickness must be at least two
not originally free from such defects, times the minimum wall thickness
the surface may be machined or other- along the line of contact between the


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178.46 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

cylinder base and the floor when the (2) The size of any centered opening
cylinders are in the vertical position. in a head may not exceed one-half the
(4) Welding or brazing is prohibited. outside diameter of the cylinder.
(5) Each new design and any signifi- (3) Other openings are permitted in
cant change to any acceptable design the head of a cylinder if:
must be qualified for production by (i) Each opening does not exceed 2.625
testing prototype samples as follows: inches in diameter, or one-half the out-
(i) Three samples must be subjected side diameter of the cylinder; which-
to 100,000 pressure reversal cycles be- ever is less;
tween zero and service pressure or (ii) Each opening is separated from
10,000 pressure reversal cycles between each other by a ligament; and
zero and test pressure, at a rate not in (iii) Each ligament which separates
excess of 10 cycles per minute without two openings must be at least three
failure. times the average of the diameters of
(ii) Three samples must be pressur- the two openings.
ized to destruction and failure may not (4) All openings must be circular.
occur at less than 2.5 times the marked (5) All openings must be threaded.
cylinder service pressure. Each cyl- Threads must comply with the fol-
inder must remain in one piece. Fail- lowing:
ure must initiate in the cylinder side- (i) Each thread must be clean cut,
wall in a longitudinal direction. Rate even, without checks, and to gauge.
of pressurization may not exceed 200 (ii) Taper threads, when used, must
psig per second. conform to one of the following:
(6) In this specification significant (A) American Standard Pipe Thread
change means a 10 percent or greater (NPT) type, conforming to the require-
change in cylinder wall thickness, serv- ments of NBS Handbook H28 (IBR, see
ice pressure, or diameter; a 30 percent 171.7 of this subchapter);
or greater change in water capacity or (B) National Gas Taper Thread (NGT)
base thickness; any change in material; type, conforming to the requirements
over 100 percent increase in size of of NBS Handbook H28; or
openings; or any change in the number (C) Other taper threads conforming
of openings. to other standards may be used pro-
vided the length is not less than that
(d) Wall thickness. The minimum wall
specified for NPT threads.
thickness must be such that the wall
stress at the minimum specified test (iii) Straight threads, when used,
pressure will not exceed 80 percent of must conform to one of the following:
the minimum yield strength nor exceed (A) National Gas Straight Thread
67 percent of the minimum ultimate (NGS) type, conforming to the require-
tensile strength as verified by physical ments of NBS Handbook H28;
tests in paragraph (i) of this section. (B) Unified Thread (UN) type, con-
The minimum wall thickness for any forming to the requirements of NBS
cylinder with an outside diameter Handbook H28;
greater than 5 inches must be 0.125 (C) Controlled Radius Root Thread
inch. Calculations must be made by the (UN) type, conforming to the require-
following formula: ments of NBS Handbook H28; or
(D) Other straight threads con-
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2) forming to other recognized standards
Where: may be used provided that the require-
ments in paragraph (e)(5)(iv) of this
S = Wall stress in psi;
section are met.
P = Prescribed minimum test pressure in
psig (see paragraph (g) of this section);
(iv) All straight threads must have at
D = Outside diameter in inches; and least 6 engaged threads, a tight fit, and
d = Inside diameter in inches. a factor of safety in shear of at least 10
at the test pressure of the cylinder.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(e) Openings. Openings must comply Shear stress must be calculated by

with the following requirements: using the appropriate thread shear area
(1) Openings are permitted in heads in accordance with NBS Handbook H
only. 28.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.46

(f) Heat treatment. Prior to any test, TABLE 3FLATTENING TEST TABLE
all cylinders must be subjected to a so-
lution heat treatment and aging treat- Cylinder wall thickness in inches in
ment appropriate for the aluminum inches
alloy used. Under .150 ............................................................... .500
(g) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder .150 to .249 ............................................................. .875
must be subjected to an internal test .250 to .349 ............................................................. 1.500
pressure using the water jacket equip- .350 to .449 ............................................................. 2.125
.450 to .549 ............................................................. 2.750
ment and method or other suitable .550 to .649 ............................................................. 3.500
equipment and method and comply .650 to .749 ............................................................. 4.125
with the following requirements:
(1) The testing apparatus must be op- (2) An alternate bend test in accord-
erated in a manner so as to obtain ac- ance with ASTM E 290 using a mandrel
curate data. The pressure gauge used diameter not more than 6 times the
must permit reading to an accuracy of wall thickness is authorized to qualify
one percent. The expansion gauge must lots that fail the flattening test of this
permit reading the total expansion to section without reheat treatment. If
an accuracy of either one percent or 0.1 used, this test must be performed on
cubic centimeter. two samples from one cylinder taken
(2) The test pressure must be main- at random out of each lot of 200 cyl-
tained for a sufficient period of time to inders or less.
assure complete expansion of the cyl- (3) Each test cylinder must withstand
inder. In no case may the pressure be flattening to nine times the wall thick-
held less than 30 seconds. If, due to fail- ness without cracking. When the alter-
ure of the test apparatus, the required nate bend test is used, the test speci-
test pressure cannot be maintained, mens must remain uncracked when
the test may be repeated at a pressure bent inward around a mandrel in the
increased by 10 percent or 100 psig, direction of curvature of the cylinder
whichever is lower. If the test appa- wall until the interior edges are at a
ratus again fails to maintain the test distance apart not greater than the di-
pressure, the cylinder being tested ameter of the mandrel.
must be rejected. Any internal pressure (i) Mechanical properties test. Two test
applied to the cylinder before any offi- specimens cut from one cylinder rep-
cial test may not exceed 90 percent of resenting each lot of 200 cylinders or
the test pressure. less must be subjected to the mechan-
(3) The minimum test pressure is the ical properties test, as follows:
greatest of the following: (1) The results of the test must con-
(i) 450 psig regardless of service pres- form to at least the minimum accept-
sure; able mechanical property limits for
(ii) Two times the service pressure aluminum alloys as specified in para-
for cylinders having service pressure graph (b) of this section.
less than 500 psig; or (2) Specimens must be 4D bar or
(iii) Five-thirds times the service gauge length 2 inches with width not
pressure for cylinders having a service over 112 inch taken in the direction of
pressure of at least 500 psig. extrusion approximately 180 from each
(4) Permanent volumetric expansion other; provided that gauge length at
may not exceed 10 percent of total vol- least 24 times thickness with width not
umetric expansion at test pressure. over 6 times thickness is authorized,
(h) Flattening test. One cylinder taken when cylinder wall is not over 316 inch
at random out of each lot must be sub- thick. The specimen, exclusive of grip
jected to a flattening test as follows: ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends
(1) The test must be between knife may be flattened to within one inch of
edges, wedge shaped, having a 60 in- each end of the reduced section. When
cluded angle, and rounded in accord- the size of the cylinder does not permit
ance with the following table. The lon- securing straight specimens, the speci-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

gitudinal axis of the cylinder must be mens may be taken in any location or
at an angle 90 to the knife edges dur- direction and may be straightened or
ing the test. The flattening test table flattened cold by pressure only, not by
is as follows: blows. When such specimens are used,


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178.46 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the inspectors report must show that (iii) Obtaining a certified check anal-
the specimens were so taken and pre- ysis on one cylinder out of each lot of
pared. Heating of specimens for any 200 cylinders or less, if a certificate
purpose is forbidden. containing data to indicate compliance
(3) The yield strength in tension with the material specification is ob-
must be the stress corresponding to a tained.
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the (2) The inspector must verify ultra-
gauge length. sonic inspection of all material by in-
(i) The yield strength must be deter- spection or by obtaining the material
mined by either the offset method or producers certificate of ultrasonic in-
the extension under load method as spection. Ultrasonic inspection must be
prescribed in ASTM B 557 (IBR, see performed or verified as having been
171.7 of this subchapter). performed in accordance with para-
(ii) In using the extension under graph (b)(5) of this section.
load method, the total strain (or ex- (3) The inspector must also deter-
tension under load) corresponding to mine that each cylinder complies with
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- this specification by:
manent strain occurs may be deter-
(i) Selecting the samples for check
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
analyses performed by other than the
culating the elastic extension of the
gauge length under appropriate load material producer;
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the (ii) Verifying that the prescribed
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- minimum thickness was met by meas-
culations must be based on an elastic uring or witnessing the measurement
modulus of 10,000,000 psi. In the event of the wall thickness; and
of controversy, the entire stress-strain (iii) Verifying that the identification
diagram must be plotted and the yield of material is proper.
strength determined from the 0.2 per- (4) Prior to initial production of any
cent offset. design or design change, verify that the
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- design qualification tests prescribed in
urement, the initial strain must be set paragraph (c)(6) of this section have
while the specimen is under a stress of been performed with acceptable re-
6,000 psi, the strain indicator reading sults.
being set at the calculated cor- (l) Definitions. (1) In this specifica-
responding strain. tion, a lot means a group of cyl-
(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing inders successively produced having
machine may not exceed 18 inch per the same:
minute during yield strength deter- (i) Size and configuration;
(ii) Specified material of construc-
(j) Rejected cylinder. Reheat treat- tion;
ment of rejected cylinders is author-
(iii) Process of manufacture and heat
ized one time. Subsequent thereto, cyl-
inders must pass all prescribed tests to treatment;
be acceptable. (iv) Equipment of manufacture and
(k) Duties of inspector. In addition to heat treatment; and
the requirements of 178.35, the inspec- (v) Conditions of time, temperature
tor shall: and atmosphere during heat treatment.
(1) Verify compliance with the provi- (2) In no case may the lot size exceed
sions of paragraph (b) of this section 200 cylinders, but any cylinder proc-
by: essed for use in the required destruc-
(i) Performing or witnessing the per- tive physical testing need not be count-
formance of the chemical analyses on ed as being one of the 200.
each melt or cast lot or other unit of (m) Inspectors report. In addition to
starting material; or the information required by 178.35, the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(ii) Obtaining a certified chemical record of chemical analyses must also

analysis from the material or cylinder include the alloy designation, and ap-
manufacturer for each melt, or cast of plicable information on iron, titanium,
material; or


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.47

zinc, magnesium and any other appli- pacity of not over 100 pounds and a
cable element used in the construction service pressure of at least 500 but not
of the cylinder. over 900 psig.
(b) Steel. Types 304, 321 and 347 stain-
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
amended at 66 FR 4538645388, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 less steel are authorized with proper
FR 51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75749, Dec. 31, welding procedure. A heat of steel
2003; 77 FR 60943, Oct. 5, 2012] made under the specifications in table
1 in this paragraph (b), check chemical
178.47 Specification 4DS welded analysis of which is slightly out of the
stainless steel cylinders for aircraft specified range, is acceptable, if satis-
use. factory in all other respects, provided
(a) Type, size, and service pressure. A the tolerances shown in table 2 in this
DOT 4DS cylinder is either a welded paragraph (b) are not exceeded, except
stainless steel sphere (two seamless as approved by Associate Adminis-
hemispheres) or circumferentially trator. The following chemical anal-
welded cylinder both with a water ca- yses are authorized:
Stainless steels

304 (percent) 321 (percent) 347 (percent)

Carbon (max) ....................................................... 0.08 0.08 0.08

Manganese (max) ................................................ 2.00 2.00 2.00
Phosphorus (max) ............................................... .030 .030 .030
Sulphur (max) ...................................................... .030 .030 .030
Silicon (max) ........................................................ .75 .75 .75
Nickel ................................................................... 8.0/11.0 9.0/13.0 9.0/13.0
Chromium ............................................................ 18.0/20.0 17.0/20.0 17.0/20.0
Titanium ............................................................... (1)
Columbium ........................................................... (2)
1 Titaniummay not be more than 5C and not more than 0.60%.
2 Columbium may not be less than 10C and not more than 1.0%.


Tolerance (percent) over
the maximum limit or
under the minimum limit
Element Limit or maximum specified (percent)
Under min- Over max-
imum limit imum limit

Carbon ..................................................... To 0.15 incl ...................................................................... 0.01 0.01

Manganese .............................................. Over 1.15 to 2.50 incl ..................................................... 0.05 0.05
Phosphorus1 ............................................ All ranges ........................................................................ .................... .01
Sulphur .................................................... All ranges ........................................................................ .................... .01
Silicon ...................................................... Over 0.30 to 1.00 incl ..................................................... .05 .05
Nickel ....................................................... Over 5.30 to 10.00 incl .................................................... .10 .10
Over 10.00 to 14.00 incl .................................................. .15 .15
Chromium ................................................ Over 15.00 to 20.00 incl .................................................. .20 .20
Titanium ................................................... All ranges ........................................................................ .05 .05
Columbium .............................................. All ranges ........................................................................ .05 .05
1Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for phosphorus.

(c) Identification of material. Materials finished cylinder appreciably, a reason-

must be identified by any suitable ably smooth and uniform surface finish
method. is required. No abrupt change in wall
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be thickness is permitted. Welding proce-
manufactured using equipment and dures and operators must be qualified
processes adequate to ensure that each in accordance with CGA Pamphlet C3
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cylinder produced conforms to the re- (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). All
quirements of this subpart. No defect is seams of the sphere or cylinder must be
permitted that is likely to weaken the fusion welded. Seams must be of the


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178.47 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

butt type and means must be provided (2) Attachments to a fitting, boss, or
for accomplishing complete penetra- pad must be adequate to prevent leak-
tion of the joint. age. Threads must comply with the fol-
(e) Attachments. Attachments to the lowing:
container are authorized by fusion (i) Threads must be clean cut, even,
welding provided that such attach- without checks, and tapped to gauge.
ments are made of weldable stainless (ii) Taper threads to be of length not
steel in accordance with paragraph (b) less than as specified for American
of this section. Standard taper pipe threads.
(f) Wall thickness. The minimum wall (iii) Straight threads having at least
thickness must be such that the wall 4 engaged threads, to have tight fit and
stress at the minimum specified test calculated shear strength at least 10
pressure may not be over 60,000 psig. A times the test pressure of the con-
minimum wall thickness of 0.040 inch is tainer; gaskets required, adequate to
required for any diameter container. prevent leakage.
Calculations must be made by the fol-
(i) Process treatment. Each container
lowing formulas:
must be hydraulically pressurized in a
(1) Calculation for sphere must be
water jacket to at least 100 percent,
made by the formula:
but not more than 110 percent, of the
S = PD / 4tE test pressure and maintained at this
pressure for a minimum of 3 minutes.
Total and permanent expansion must
S = Wall stress in psi;
be recorded and included in the inspec-
P = Test pressure prescribed for water jacket
test, i.e., at least two times service pres-
tors report.
sure, in psig; (j) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
D = Outside diameter in inches; must successfully withstand a hydro-
t = Minimum wall thickness in inches; static test as follows:
E = 0.85 (provides 85 percent weld efficiency (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
factor which must be applied in the girth operated so as to obtain accurate data.
weld area and heat zones which zone
The pressure gauge must permit read-
must extend a distance of 6 times wall
thickness from center of weld); ing to an accuracy of 1 percent. The ex-
E = 1.0 (for all other areas). pansion gauge must permit reading of
total expansion to an accuracy either
(2) Calculation for a cylinder must be of 1 percent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
made by the formula: (2) Pressure must be maintained for
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2) at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
longer to ensure complete expansion.
If, due to failure of the test apparatus,
S = Wall stress in psi;
the test pressure cannot be main-
P = Test pressure prescribed for water jacket
test, i.e., at least two times service pres- tained, the test may be repeated at a
sure, in psig; pressure increased by 10 percent or 100
D = Outside diameter in inches; psig, whichever is the lower.
d = Inside diameter in inches. (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
(g) Heat treatment. The seamless may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
hemispheres and cylinders may be umetric expansion at test pressure.
stress relieved or annealed for forming. (4) Each container must be tested to
Welded container must be stress re- at least 2 times service pressure.
lieved at a temperature of 775 F 25 (5) Container must then be inspected.
after process treatment and before hy- Any wall thickness lower than that re-
drostatic test. quired by paragraph (f) of this section
(h) Openings in container. Openings must be cause for rejection. Bulges and
must comply with the following: cracks must be cause for rejection.
(1) Each opening in the container Welded joint defects exceeding require-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be provided with a fitting, boss or ments of paragraph (k) of this section
pad of weldable stainless steel securely must be cause for rejection.
attached to the container by fusion (k) Radiographic inspection. Radio-
welding. graphic inspection is required on all


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.50

welded joints which are subjected to in- container by means other than soft sol-
ternal pressure, except that at the dis- der.
cretion of the disinterested inspector,
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
openings less than 25 percent of the amended at 66 FR 45386, 45388, Aug. 28, 2001;
container diameter need not be sub- 67 FR 51653, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31,
jected to radiographic inspection. Evi- 2003]
dence of any defects likely to seriously
weaken the container is cause for re- 178.50 Specification 4B welded or
jection. Radiographic inspection must brazed steel cylinders.
be performed subsequent to the hydro- (a) Type, size, and service pressure. A
static test. DOT 4B is a welded or brazed steel cyl-
(l) Burst test. One container taken at inder with longitudinal seams that are
random out of 200 or less must be forged lap-welded or brazed and with
hydrostatically tested to destruction. water capacity (nominal) not over 1,000
Rupture pressure must be included as pounds and a service pressure of at
part of the inspectors report. least 150 but not over 500 psig. Cyl-
(m) Flattening test. A flattening test inders closed in by spinning process are
must be performed as follows: not authorized.
(1) For spheres the test must be at (b) Steel. Open-hearth, electric or
the weld between parallel steel plates basic oxygen process steel of uniform
on a press with welded seam at right quality must be used. Content percent
angles to the plates. Test one sphere may not exceed the following: Carbon,
0.25; phosphorus, 0.045; sulphur, 0.050.
taken at random out of each lot of 200
or less after the hydrostatic test. Any (c) Identification of material. Material
must be identified by any suitable
projecting appurtenances may be cut
method except that plates and billets
off (by mechanical means only) prior to
for hotdrawn cylinders must be marked
crushing. with the heat number.
(2) For cylinders the test must be be- (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
tween knife edges, wedge shaped, 60 manufactured using equipment and
angle, rounded to 12-inch radius. Test processes adequate to ensure that each
one cylinder taken at random out of cylinder produced conforms to the re-
each lot of 200 or less, after the hydro- quirements of this subpart. No defect is
static test. permitted that is likely to weaken the
(n) Acceptable results for flattening and finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
burst tests. Acceptable results for flat- sonably smooth and uniform surface
tening and burst tests are as follows: finish is required. Exposed bottom
(1) Flattening required to 50 percent welds on cylinders over 18 inches long
of the original outside diameter with- must be protected by footrings. Weld-
out cracking. ing procedures and operators must be
(2) Burst pressure must be at least 3 qualified in accordance with CGA Pam-
times the service pressure. phlet C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(o) Rejected containers. Repair of weld- chapter). Seams must be made as fol-
ed seams by welding prior to process lows:
treatment is authorized. Subsequent (1) Welded or brazed circumferential
thereto, containers must be heat treat- seams. Heads attached by brazing must
have a driving fit with the shell, unless
ed and pass all prescribed tests.
the shell is crimped, swedged, or curled
(p) Duties of inspector. In addition to
over the skirt or flange of the head,
the requirements of 178.35, the inspec- and be thoroughly brazed until com-
tor must verify that all tests are con- plete penetration by the brazing mate-
ducted at temperatures between 60 F rial of the brazed joint is secured.
and 90 F. Depth of brazing from end of shell must
(q) Marking. Markings must be be at least four times the thickness of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

stamped plainly and permanently on a shell metal.

permanent attachment or on a metal (2) Longitudinal seams in shells. Longi-
nameplate permanently secured to the tudinal seams must be forged lap weld-
ed, by copper brazing, by copper alloy


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178.50 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

brazing, or by silver alloy brazing. Cop- (g) Heat treatment. Cylinder body and
per alloy composition must be: Copper, heads, formed by drawing or pressing,
95 percent minimum; Silicon, 1.5 per- must be uniformly and properly heat
cent to 3.85 percent; Manganese, 0.25 treated prior to tests.
percent to 1.10 percent. The melting (h) Opening in cylinders. Openings in
point of the silver alloy brazing mate- cylinders must conform to the fol-
rial must be in excess of 1000 F. When lowing:
brazed, the plate edge must be lapped (1) Each opening in cylinders, except
at least eight times the thickness of those for safety devices, must be pro-
plate, laps being held in position, sub- vided with a fitting, boss, or pad, se-
stantially metal to metal, by riveting curely attached to cylinder by brazing
or electric spot-welding; brazing must or by welding or by threads. Fitting,
be done by using a suitable flux and by boss, or pad must be of steel suitable
placing brazing material on one side of for the method of attachment em-
seam and applying heat until this ma- ployed, and which need not be identi-
terial shows uniformly along the seam fied or verified as to analysis except
of the other side. that if attachment is by welding, car-
(e) Welding or brazing. Only the at- bon content may not exceed 0.25 per-
tachment of neckrings, footrings, han- cent. If threads are used, they must
dles, bosses, pads, and valve protection comply with the following:
rings to the tops and bottoms of cyl- (i) Threads must be clean cut, even
inders by welding or brazing is author- without checks, and tapped to gauge.
ized. Such attachments and the portion (ii) Taper threads to be of length not
of the container to which they are at- less than as specified for American
tached must be made of weldable steel, Standard taper pipe threads.
the carbon content of which may not
(iii) Straight threads, having at least
exceed 0.25 percent except in the case
4 engaged threads, to have tight fit and
of 4130X steel which may be used with
calculated shear strength at least 10
proper welding procedure.
times the test pressure of the cylinder;
(f) Wall thickness. The wall thickness
gaskets required, adequate to prevent
of the cylinder must comply with the
following requirements:
(iv) A brass fitting may be brazed to
(1) For cylinders with outside diame-
the steel boss or flange on cylinders
ters over 6 inches the minimum wall
used as component parts of hand fire
thickness must be 0.090 inch. In any
case, the minimum wall thickness
must be such that calculated wall (2) The closure of a fitting, boss, or
stress at minimum test pressure (para- pad must be adequate to prevent leak-
graph (i)(4) of this section) may not ex- age.
ceed the following values: (i) Hydrostatic test. Cylinders must
(i) 24,000 psi for cylinders without withstand a hydrostatic test as follows:
longitudinal seam. (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
(ii) 22,800 psig for cylinders having or other suitable method, operated so
copper brazed or silver alloy brazed as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
longitudinal seam. sure gauge must permit reading to an
(iii) 18,000 psi for cylinders having accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
forged lapped welded longitudinal gauge must permit reading of total ex-
seam. pansion to an accuracy either of 1 per-
(2) Calculation must be made by the cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
formula: (2) Pressure must be maintained for
at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2) longer to ensure complete expansion.
Where: Any internal pressure applied after
S = wall stress in psi;
heat-treatment and previous to the of-
P = minimum test pressure prescribed for ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

water jacket test or 450 psig whichever is the test pressure. If, due to failure of
the greater; the test apparatus, the test pressure
D = outside diameter in inches; cannot be maintained, the test may be
d = inside diameter in inches. repeated at a pressure increased by 10


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.50

percent or 100 psig, whichever is the may be flattened to within one inch of
lower. each end of the reduced section.
(3) Permanent volumetric expansion (iii) When size of cylinder does not
may not exceed 10 percent of total vol- permit securing straight specimens,
umetric expansion at test pressure. the specimens may be taken in any lo-
(4) Cylinders must be tested as fol- cation or direction and may be
lows: straightened or flattened cold, by pres-
(i) At least one cylinder selected at sure only, not by blows. When speci-
random out of each lot of 200 or less mens are so taken and prepared, the in-
must be tested as outlined in para- spectors report must show in connec-
graphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this sec- tion with record of physical tests de-
tion to at least two times service pres- tailed information in regard to such
sure. specimens.
(ii) All cylinders not tested as out- (iv) Heating of a specimen for any
lined in paragraph (i)(4)(i) of this sec- purpose is not authorized.
tion must be examined under pressure (3) The yield strength in tension
of at least two times service pressure must be the stress corresponding to a
and show no defect. permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
(j) Flattening test. After the hydro- gauge length. The following conditions
static test, a flattening test must be
performed on one cylinder taken at
(i) The yield strength must be deter-
random out or each lot of 200 or less, by
mined by either the offset method or
placing the cylinder between wedge
shaped knife edges having a 60 in- the extension under load method as
cluded angle, rounded to 12-inch radius. prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
The longitudinal axis of the cylinder of this subchapter).
must be at a 90-degree angle to knife (ii) In using the extension under
edges during the test. For lots of 30 or load method, the total strain (or ex-
less, flattening tests are authorized to tension under load) corresponding to
be made on a ring at least 8 inches long the stress at which the 0.2 percent per-
cut from each cylinder and subjected to manent strain occurs may be deter-
same heat treatment as the finished mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
cylinder. culating the elastic extension of the
(k) Physical test. A physical test must gauge length under appropriate load
be conducted to determine yield and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the
strength, tensile strength, elongation, gauge length. Elastic extension cal-
and reduction of area of material as culations must be based on an elastic
follows: modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of
(1) The test is required on 2 speci- controversy, the entire stress-strain
mens cut from 1 cylinder, or part diagram must be plotted and the yield
thereof heat-treated as required, taken strength determined from the 0.2 per-
at random out of each lot of 200 or less. cent offset.
For lots of 30 or less, physical tests are (iii) For the purpose of strain meas-
authorized to be made on a ring at urement, the initial strain must be set
least 8 inches long cut from each cyl- while the specimen is under a stress of
inder and subjected to same heat treat- 12,000 psi, and strain indicator reading
ment as the finished cylinder. must be set at the calculated cor-
(2) Specimens must conform to the responding strain.
following: (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
(i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a machine may not exceed 18 inch per
width of not over 112 inches, a gauge minute during yield strength deter-
length of 2 inches with a width of not mination.
over 112 inches, or a gauge length at (l) Acceptable results for physical and
least 24 times the thickness with a flattening tests. Either of the following
width not over 6 times the thickness is is an acceptable result:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

authorized when a cylinder wall is not (1) An elongation of at least 40 per-

over 316 inch thick. cent for a 2-inch gauge length or at
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip least 20 percent in other cases and
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends yield strength not over 73 percent of


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178.51 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

tensile strength. In this instance, a 178.51 Specification 4BA welded or

flattening test is not required. brazed steel cylinders.
(2) When cylinders are constructed of (a) Type, size, and service pressure. A
lap welded pipe, flattening test is re- DOT 4BA cylinder is a cylinder, either
quired, without cracking, to 6 times spherical or cylindrical in shape, with
the wall thickness. In such case, the a water capacity of 1,000 pounds or less
rings (crop ends) cut from each end of and a service pressure of at least 225
pipe, must be tested with the weld 45 and not over 500 psig. Closures made by
or less from the point of greatest the spinning process are not author-
stress. If a ring fails, another from the ized.
same end of pipe may be tested. (1) Spherical type cylinders must be
(m) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat- made from two seamless hemispheres
joined by the welding of one circum-
ment is authorized for rejected cyl-
ferential seam.
inder. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
(2) Cylindrical type cylinders must be
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- of circumferentially welded or brazed
ceptable. Repair of brazed seams by construction.
brazing and welded seams by welding is (b) Steel. The steel used in the con-
authorized. struction of the cylinder must be as
(n) Markings. Markings must be specified in table 1 of appendix A to
stamped plainly and permanently in this part.
any of the following locations on the (c) Identification of material. Material
cylinder: must be identified by any suitable
(1) On shoulders and top heads when method except that plates and billets
they are not less than 0.087-inch thick. for hotdrawn cylinders must be marked
(2) On side wall adjacent to top head with the heat number.
for side walls which are not less than (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
0.090 inch thick. manufactured using equipment and
(3) On a cylindrical portion of the processes adequate to ensure that each
shell which extends beyond the re- cylinder produced conforms to the re-
quirements of this subpart. No defect is
cessed bottom of the cylinder, consti-
permitted that is likely to weaken the
tuting an integral and non-pressure
finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
part of the cylinder.
sonably smooth and uniform surface
(4) On a metal plate attached to the finish is required. Exposed bottom
top of the cylinder or permanent part welds on cylinders over 18 inches long
thereof; sufficient space must be left on must be protected by footrings.
the plate to provide for stamping at (1) Seams must be made as follows:
least six retest dates; the plate must be (i) Minimum thickness of heads and
at least 116-inch thick and must be at- bottoms must be not less than 90 per-
tached by welding, or by brazing. The cent of the required thickness of the
brazing rod must melt at a tempera- side wall.
ture of 1100 F. Welding or brazing (ii) Circumferential seams must be
must be along all the edges of the made by welding or by brazing. Heads
plate. must be attached by brazing and must
(5) On the neck, neckring, valve boss, have a driving fit with the shell, unless
valve protection sleeve, or similar part the shell is crimped, swedged or curled
permanently attached to the top of the over the skirt or flange of the head and
cylinder. must be thoroughly brazed until com-
plete penetration by the brazing mate-
(6) On the footring permanently at-
rial of the brazed joint is secured.
tached to the cylinder, provided the
Depth of brazing from end of the shell
water capacity of the cylinder does not
must be at least four times the thick-
exceed 25 pounds. ness of shell metal.
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as (iii) Longitudinal seams in shells
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

amended at 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 66 FR must be made by copper brazing, cop-

45385, 45388, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51653, Aug. 8, per alloy brazing, or by silver alloy
2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003] brazing. Copper alloy composition
must be: Copper 95 percent minimum,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.51

Silicon 1.5 percent to 3.85 percent, Man- galvanizing or other protective coat-
ganese 0.25 percent to 1.10 percent. The ing.
melting point of the silver alloy braz- (2) Cylinders that are cylindrical in
ing material must be in excess of 1,000 shape must have the wall stress cal-
F. The plate edge must be lapped at culated by the formula:
least eight times the thickness of
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
plate, laps being held in position, sub-
stantially metal to metal, by riveting Where:
or by electric spot-welding. Brazing S = wall stress in psi;
must be done by using a suitable flux P = minimum test pressure prescribed for
and by placing brazing material on one water jacket test;
side of seam and applying heat until D = outside diameter in inches;
this material shows uniformly along d = inside diameter in inches.
the seam of the other side. Strength of
(3) Cylinders that are spherical in
longitudinal seam: Copper brazed lon-
shape must have the wall stress cal-
gitudinal seam must have strength at
culated by the formula:
least 32 times the strength of the steel
wall. S = PD / 4tE
(2) Welding procedures and operators
must be qualified in accordance with
CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of S = wall stress in psi;
this subchapter). P = minimum test pressure prescribed for
water jacket test;
(e) Welding and brazing. Only the D = outside diameter in inches;
welding or brazing of neckrings, t = minimum wall thickness in inches;
footrings, handles, bosses, pads, and E = 0.85 (provides 85 percent weld efficiency
valve protection rings to the tops and factor which must be applied in the girth
bottoms of cylinders is authorized. weld area and heat affected zones which
Provided that such attachments and zone must extend a distance of 6 times
the portion of the container to which wall thickness from center line of weld);
they are attached are made of weldable E = 1.0 (for all other areas).
steel, the carbon content of which may (4) For a cylinder with a wall thick-
not exceed 0.25 percent except in the ness less than 0.100 inch, the ratio of
case of 4130 steel which may be used tangential length to outside diameter
with proper welding procedure. may not exceed 4.1.
(f) Wall thickness. The minimum wall (g) Heat treatment. Cylinders must be
thickness of the cylinder must meet heat treated in accordance with the
the following conditions: following requirements:
(1) For any cylinder with an outside (1) Each cylinder must be uniformly
diameter of greater than 6 inches, the and properly heat treated prior to test
minimum wall thickness is 0.078 inch. by the applicable method shown in
In any case the minimum wall thick- table 1 of appendix A to this part. Heat
ness must be such that the calculated treatment must be accomplished after
wall stress at the minimum test pres- all forming and welding operations, ex-
sure may not exceed the lesser value of cept that when brazed joints are used,
any of the following: heat treatment must follow any form-
(i) The value shown in table 1 of ap- ing and welding operations, but may be
pendix A to this part, for the particular done before, during or after the brazing
material under consideration; operations.
(ii) One-half of the minimum tensile (2) Heat treatment is not required
strength of the material determined as after the welding or brazing of weldable
required in paragraph (j) of this sec- low carbon parts to attachments of
tion; similar material which have been pre-
(iii) 35,000 psi; or viously welded or brazed to the top or
(iv) Further provided that wall stress bottom of cylinders and properly heat
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

for cylinders having copper brazed lon- treated, provided such subsequent
gitudinal seams may not exceed 95 per- welding or brazing does not produce a
cent of any of the above values. Meas- temperature in excess of 400 F in any
ured wall thickness may not include part of the top or bottom material.


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178.51 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(h) Openings in cylinders. Openings in of at least two times service pressure

cylinders must comply with the fol- and show no defect.
lowing requirements: (j) Physical test. A physical test must
(1) Any opening must be placed on be conducted to determine yield
other than a cylindrical surface. strength, tensile strength, elongation,
(2) Each opening in a spherical type and reduction of area of material, as
cylinder must be provided with a fit- follows:
ting, boss, or pad of weldable steel se- (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
curely attached to the container by fu- mens cut from one cylinder or part
sion welding. thereof having passed the hydrostatic
(3) Each opening in a cylindrical type test and heat-treated as required,
cylinder must be provided with a fit- taken at random out of each lot of 200
ting, boss, or pad, securely attached to or less. Physical tests for spheres are
container by brazing or by welding. required on 2 specimens cut from flat
(4) If threads are used, they must representative sample plates of the
comply with the following: same heat taken at random from the
(i) Threads must be clean-cut, even, steel used to produce the spheres. This
without checks and tapped to gauge. flat steel from which 2 specimens are
(ii) Taper threads must be of a length to be cut must receive the same heat
not less than that specified for Amer- treatment as the spheres themselves.
ican Standard taper pipe threads. Sample plates must be taken from each
(iii) Straight threads, having at least lot of 200 or less spheres.
4 engaged threads, must have a tight (2) Specimens must conform to the
fit and a calculated shear strength of following:
at least 10 times the test pressure of (i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a
the cylinder. Gaskets, adequate to pre- width not over 112 inches, or a gauge
vent leakage, are required. length of 2 inches with a width not
(i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder over 112 inches, or a gauge length at
must successfully withstand a hydro- least 24 times the thickness with a
static test, as follows: width not over 6 times the thickness is
(1) The test must be by water jacket, authorized when a cylinder wall is not
or other suitable method, operated so over 316 inch thick.
as to obtain accurate data. A pressure (ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip
gauge must permit reading to an accu- ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends
racy of 1 percent. An expansion gauge may be flattened to within one inch of
must permit reading of total expansion each end of the reduced section.
to an accuracy of either 1 percent or 0.1 (iii) When size of the cylinder does
cubic centimeter. not permit securing straight speci-
(2) Pressure must be maintained for mens, the specimens may be taken in
at least 30 seconds and sufficiently any location or direction and may be
longer to ensure complete expansion. straightened or flattened cold, by pres-
Any internal pressure applied after sure only, not by blows. When speci-
heat treatment and previous to the of- mens are so taken and prepared, the in-
ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of spectors report must show in connec-
the test pressure. tion with record of physical tests de-
(3) Permanent volumetric expansion tailed information in regard to such
may not exceed 10 percent of the total specimens.
volumetric expansion at test pressure. (iv) Heating of a specimen for any
(4) Cylinders must be tested as fol- purpose is not authorized.
lows: (3) The yield strength in tension
(i) At least one cylinder selected at must be the stress corresponding to a
random out of each lot of 200 or less permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
must be tested as outlined in para- gauge length. The following conditions
graphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this sec- apply:
tion to at least two times service pres- (i) The yield strength must be deter-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

sure. mined by either the offset method or

(ii) All cylinders not tested as out- the extension under load method as
lined in paragraph (i)(4)(i) of this sec- prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
tion must be examined under pressure of this subchapter).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.51

(ii) In using the extension under may be taken from two additional cyl-
load method, the total strain (or ex- inders or welded test plates from the
tension under load), corresponding to same lot and tested. If either of the lat-
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- ter specimens fail to meet the require-
manent strain occurs may be deter- ments, the entire lot represented must
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- be rejected.
culating the elastic extension of the (2) Guided bend test. A root bend test
gauge length under appropriate load specimen must be cut from the cyl-
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the inder or welded test plate, used for the
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- tensile test specified in paragraph (l)(1)
culations must be based on an elastic of this section. Specimens must be
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of taken from across the major seam and
controversy, the entire stress-strain must be prepared and tested in accord-
diagram must be plotted and the yield ance with and must meet the require-
strength determined from the 0.2 per- ments of CGA Pamphlet C3.
cent offset. (3) Alternate guided-bend test. This
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- test may be used and must be as re-
urement, the initial strain reference quired by CGA Pamphlet C3. The spec-
must be set while the specimen is imen must be bent until the elongation
under a stress of 12,000 psi, and the at the outer surface, adjacent to the
strain indicator reading must be set at root of the weld, between the lightly
the calculated corresponding strain. scribed gage lines a to b, must be at
(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing least 20 percent, except that this per-
machine may not exceed 18 inch per centage may be reduced for steels hav-
minute during yield strength deter- ing a tensile strength in excess of 50,000
mination. psig, as provided in paragraph (k) of
(k) Elongation. Physical test speci- this section.
mens must show at least a 40 percent (m) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
elongation for a 2-inch gauge length or ment is authorized for rejected cyl-
at least 20 percent in other cases. Ex- inders. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
cept that these elongation percentages must pass all prescribed tests to be ac-
may be reduced numerically by 2 for 2- ceptable. Repair of brazed seams by
inch specimens, and by 1 in other cases, brazing and welded seams by welding is
for each 7,500 psi increment of tensile authorized.
strength above 50,000 psi to a maximum (n) Markings. Markings must be
of four such increments. stamped plainly and permanently in
(l) Tests of welds. Except for brazed one of the following locations on the
seams, welds must be tested as follows: cylinder:
(1) Tensile test. A specimen must be (1) On shoulders and top heads not
cut from one cylinder of each lot of 200 less than 0.087 inch thick.
or less, or welded test plate. The weld- (2) On side wall adjacent to top head
ed test plate must be of one of the for side walls not less than 0.090 inch
heats in the lot of 200 or less which it thick.
represents, in the same condition and (3) On a cylindrical portion of the
approximately the same thickness as shell which extends beyond the re-
the cylinder wall except that in no case cessed bottom of the cylinder consti-
must it be of a lesser thickness than tuting an integral and non-pressure
that required for a quarter size Charpy part of the cylinder.
impact specimen. The weld must be (4) On a plate attached to the top of
made by the same procedures and sub- the cylinder or permanent part thereof;
jected to the same heat treatment as sufficient space must be left on the
the major weld on the cylinder. The plate to provide for stamping at least
specimen must be taken from across six retest dates; the plate must be at
the major seam and must be prepared least 116 inch thick and must be at-
and tested in accordance with and tached by welding, or by brazing at a
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must meet the requirements of CGA temperature of at least 1100 F.,

Pamphlet C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of this throughout all edges of the plate.
subchapter). Should this specimen fail (5) On the neck, neckring, valve boss,
to meet the requirements, specimens valve protection sleeve, or similar part


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178.53 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

permanently attached to the top of the 0.045; sulphur, 0.050, except that the fol-
cylinder. lowing steels commercially known as
(6) On the footring permanently at- 4130X and Type 304, 316, 321, and 347
tached to the cylinder, provided the stainless steels may be used with prop-
water capacity of the cylinder does not er welding procedure. A heat of steel
exceed 25 pounds. made under table 1 in this paragraph
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as (b), check chemical analysis of which is
amended at 66 FR 4535, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR slightly out of the specified range, is
16015, Sept. 27, 2002; 67 FR 51653, Aug. 8, 2002; acceptable, if satisfactory in all other
68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003] respects, provided the tolerances shown
in table 2 in this paragraph (b) are not
178.53 Specification 4D welded steel exceeded, except as approved by the As-
cylinders for aircraft use. sociate Administrator. The following
(a) Type, size, and service pressure. A chemical analyses are authorized:
DOT 4D cylinder is a welded steel
sphere (two seamless hemispheres) or TABLE 14130X STEEL
circumferentially welded cylinder (two
4130X Percent
seamless drawn shells) with a water ca-
pacity not over 100 pounds and a serv- Carbon ........................................................... 0.25/0.35.
ice pressure of at least 300 but not over Manganese .................................................... 0.40/0.60.
Phosphorus .................................................... 0.04 max.
500 psig. Cylinders closed in by spin-
Sulphur .......................................................... 0.05 max
ning process are not authorized. Silicon ............................................................ 0.15/0.35.
(b) Steel. Open-hearth or electric steel Chromium ...................................................... 0.80/1.10.
of uniform and weldable quality must Molybdenum .................................................. 0.15/0.25.
be used. Content may not exceed the Zirconium ....................................................... None.
Nickel ............................................................. None.
following: Carbon, 0.25; phosphorus,
Stainless steels

304 316 321 347

(percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

Carbon (max) ........................................................................ 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

Manganese (max) ................................................................. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Phosphorus (max) ................................................................. .030 .045 .030 .030
Sulphur (max) ........................................................................ .030 .030 .030 .030
Silicon (max) ......................................................................... .75 1.00 .75 .75
Nickel ..................................................................................... 8.0/11.0 10.0/14.0 9.0/13.0 9.0/13.0
Chromium .............................................................................. 18.0/20.0 16.0/18.0 17.0/20.0 17.0/20.0
Molybdenum .......................................................................... ........................ 2.0/3.0 ........................ ........................
Titanium ................................................................................. ........................ ........................ (1) ........................
Columbium ............................................................................ ........................ ........................ ........................ (2)
1 Titanium may not be less than 5C and not more than 0.60%.
2 Columbium may not be less than 10C and not more than 1.0%.


Tolerance (percent) over
the maximum limit or
Limit or maximum specified under the minimum limit
Element (percent)
Under min- Over max-
imum limit imum limit

Carbon ..................................................... To 0.15 incl ...................................................................... 0.01 0.01

Over 0.15 to 0.40 incl ...................................................... .03 .04
Manganese .............................................. To 0.60 incl ...................................................................... .03 .03
Over 1.15 to 2.50 incl ...................................................... .05 .05
Phosphorus 1 ........................................... All ranges ........................................................................ .................... .01
Sulphur .................................................... All ranges ........................................................................ .................... .01
Silicon ...................................................... To 0.30 incl ...................................................................... .02 .03
Over 0.30 to 1.00 incl ...................................................... .05 .05
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Nickel ....................................................... Over 5.30 to 10.00 incl .................................................... .10 .10

Over 10.00 to 14.00 incl .................................................. .15 .15
Chromium ................................................ To 0.90 incl ...................................................................... .03 .03
Over 0.90 to 2.10 incl ...................................................... .05 .05
Over 15.00 to 20.00 incl .................................................. .20 .20


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.53


Tolerance (percent) over
the maximum limit or
Limit or maximum specified under the minimum limit
Element (percent)
Under min- Over max-
imum limit imum limit

Molybdenum ............................................ To 0.20 incl ...................................................................... .01 .01

Over 0.20 to 0.40 incl ...................................................... .02 .02
Over 1.75 to 3.0 incl ........................................................ .10 .10
Titanium ................................................... All ranges ........................................................................ .05 .05
Columbium .............................................. All ranges ........................................................................ .05 .05
1 Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for phosphorus.

(c) Identification of material. Material E = 1.0 (for all other areas).

must be identified by any suitable (2) Calculation for a cylinder must be
method except that plates and billets made by the formula:
for hotdrawn cylinders must be marked
with the heat number. S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 dT12)
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be Where:
manufactured using equipment and S = wall stress in psi;
processes adequate to ensure that each P = test pressure prescribed for water jacket
cylinder produced conforms to the re- test, i.e., at least two times service pres-
quirements of this subpart. No defect is sure, in psig;
permitted that is likely to weaken the D = outside diameter in inches;
finished container appreciably. A rea- d = inside diameter in inches.
sonably smooth and uniform surface (f) Heat treatment. The completed cyl-
finish is required. Welding procedures inders must be uniformly and properly
and operators must be qualified in ac- heat-treated prior to tests.
cordance with CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR, (g) Openings in container. Openings in
see 171.7 of this subchapter). cylinders must comply with the fol-
(e) Wall thickness. The wall stress at lowing:
the minimum test pressure may not ex- (1) Each opening in the container, ex-
ceed 24,000 psi, except where steels cept those for safety devices, must be
commercially known as 4130X, types provided with a fitting, boss, or pad, se-
304, 316, 321, and 347 stainless steels are curely attached to the container by
used, stress at the test pressures may brazing or by welding or by threads. If
not exceed 37,000 psi. The minimum threads are used, they must comply
wall thickness for any container hav- with the following:
ing a capacity of 1,100 cubic inches or (i) Threads must be clean cut, even,
less is 0.04 inch. The minimum wall without checks, and tapped to gauge.
thickness for any container having a (ii) Taper threads must be of a length
capacity in excess of 1,100 cubic inches not less than that specified for Amer-
is 0.095 inch. Calculations must be done ican Standard taper pipe threads.
by the following: (iii) Straight threads, having at least
(1) Calculation for a sphere must 4 engaged threads, must have a tight
be made by the formula: fit and calculated shear strength of at
least 10 times the test pressure of the
S = PD / 4tE container. Gaskets, adequate to pre-
Where: vent leakage, are required.
S = wall stress in psi; (2) Closure of a fitting, boss, or pad
P = test pressure prescribed for water jacket must be adequate to prevent leakage.
test, i.e., at least two times service pres- (h) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
sure, in psig; must successfully withstand a hydro-
D = outside diameter in inches; static test, as follows:
t = minimum wall thickness in inches;
(1) The test must be by water-jacket,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

E = 0.85 (provides 85 percent weld efficiency

factor which must be applied in the girth or other suitable method, operated so
weld area and heat affected zones which as to obtain accurate data. A pressure
zone must extend a distance of 6 times gauge must permit a reading to an ac-
wall thickness from center line of weld); curacy of 1 percent. An expansion


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178.53 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

gauge must permit reading of total ex- (1) Physical test for spheres are re-
pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per- quired on 2 specimens cut from a flat
cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter. representative sample plate of the
(2) Pressure must be maintained for same heat taken at random from the
at least 30 seconds and sufficiently steel used to produce the sphere. This
longer to ensure complete expansion. flat steel from which the 2 specimens
Any internal pressure applied after are to be cut must receive the same
heat-treatment and previous to the of- heat-treatment as the spheres them-
ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of selves. Sample plates must be taken for
the test pressure. If, due to failure of each lot of 200 or less spheres.
the test apparatus, the test pressure (2) Specimens for spheres must have
cannot be maintained, the test may be a gauge length 2 inches with a width
repeated at a pressure increased by 10 not over 112 inches, or a gauge length
percent or 100 psig, whichever is the at least 24 times the thickness with a
lower. width not over 6 times the thickness is
(3) Permanent volumetric expansion authorized when a wall is not over 316
may not exceed 10 percent of the total inch thick.
volumetric expansion at test pressure. (3) Physical test for cylinders is re-
(4) Containers must be tested as fol- quired on 2 specimens cut from 1 cyl-
lows: inder taken at random out of each lot
(i) Each container to at least 2 times of 200 or less. For lots of 30 or less,
service pressure; or physical tests are authorized to be
(ii) One container out of each lot of made on a ring at least 8 inches long
200 or less to at least 3 times service cut from each cylinder and subjected to
pressure. Others must be examined the same heat treatment as the fin-
under pressure of 2 times service pres- ished cylinder.
sure and show no defects. (4) Specimens for cylinders must con-
(i) Flattening test for spheres and cyl- form to the following:
inders. Spheres and cylinders must be (i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a
subjected to a flattening test as fol- width not over 112 inches, or a gauge
lows: length of 2 inches with a width not
(1) One sphere taken at random out over 112 inches, or a gauge length at
of each lot of 200 or less must be sub- least 24 times the thickness with a
jected to a flattening test as follows: width not over 6 times the thickness is
(i) The test must be performed after authorized when a cylinder wall is not
the hydrostatic test. over 316 inch thick.
(ii) The test must be between parallel (ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip
steel plates on a press with a welded ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends
seam at right angles to the plates. Any may be flattened to within 1 inch of
projecting appurtenances may be cut each end of the reduced section. Heat-
off (by mechanical means only) prior to ing of the specimen for any purpose is
crushing. not authorized.
(2) One cylinder taken at random out (5) The yield strength in tension
of each lot of 200 or less must be sub- must be the stress corresponding to a
jected to a flattening test, as follows: permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
(i) The test must be performed after gauge length. The following conditions
the hydrostatic test. apply:
(ii) The test must be between knife (i) The yield strength must be deter-
edges, wedge shaped, 60 angle, rounded mined by either the offset method or
to 12 inch radius. For lots of 30 or less, the extension under load method as
physical tests are authorized to be prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
made on a ring at least 8 inches long of this subchapter).
cut from each cylinder and subjected to (ii) In using the extension under
the same heat treatment as the fin- load method, the total strain (or ex-
ished cylinder. tension under load) corresponding to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(j) Physical test and specimens for the stress at which the 0.2 percent per-
spheres and cylinders. Spheres and cyl- manent strain occurs may be deter-
inders must be subjected to a physical mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
test as follows: culating the elastic extension of the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.55

gauge length under appropriate load The maximum water capacity of this
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the cylinder is 12 pounds or 333 cubic
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- inches and the service must be 240 psig.
culations must be based on an elastic The maximum outside diameter of the
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of shell must be five inches and maximum
controversy, the entire stress-strain length of the shell is 21 inches. Cyl-
diagram must be plotted and the yield inders closed in by a spinning process
strength determined from the 0.2 per- are authorized.
cent offset. (b) Steel. Open-hearth, basic oxygen,
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- or electric steel of uniform quality
urement, the initial strain must be set must be used. Plain carbon steel con-
while the specimen is under a stress of tent may not exceed the following: Car-
12,000 psi and the strain indicator read- bon, 0.25; phosphorus, 0.045; sulfur,
ing being set at the calculated cor- 0.050. The addition of other elements
responding strain. for alloying effect is prohibited.
(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing (c) Identification of material. Material
machine may not exceed 18 inch per must be identified by any suitable
minute during yield strength deter- method.
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
(k) Acceptable results for physical and
manufactured using equipment and
flattening tests. Either of the following
processes adequate to ensure that each
is an acceptable result:
cylinder produced conforms to the re-
(1) An elongation of at least 40 per-
quirements of this subpart. No defect is
cent for a 2 inch gauge length or at
permitted that is likely to weaken the
least 20 percent in other cases and
finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
yield strength not over 73 percent of
tensile strength. In this instance, the sonably smooth and uniform surface
flattening test is not required. finish is required. Heads may be at-
(2) An elongation of at least 20 per- tached to shells by lap brazing or may
cent for a 2 inch gauge length or 10 per- be formed integrally. The thickness of
cent in other cases. Flattening is re- the bottom of cylinders welded or
quired to 50 percent of the original out- formed by spinning is, under no condi-
side diameter without cracking. tion, to be less than two times the min-
(l) Rejected cylinders. Reheat-treat- imum wall thickness of the cylindrical
ment is authorized for rejected cyl- shell. Such bottom thicknesses must be
inders. Subsequent thereto, containers measured within an area bounded by a
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- line representing the points of contact
ceptable. Repair of welded seams by between the cylinder and the floor
welding prior to reheat-treatment is when the cylinder is in a vertical posi-
authorized. tion. Seams must conform to the fol-
(m) Marking. Marking on each con- lowing:
tainer by stamping plainly and perma- (1) Circumferential seams must be by
nently are only authorized where the brazing only. Heads must be attached
metal is at least 0.09 inch thick, or on to shells by the lap brazing method and
a metal nameplate permanently se- must overlap not less than four times
cured to the container by means other the wall thickness. Brazing material
than soft solder, or by means that must have a melting point of not less
would not reduce the wall thickness. than 1000 F. Heads must have a driving
fit with the shell unless the shell is
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
amended at 66 FR 45386, 45388, Aug. 28, 2001;
crimped, swedged, or curled over the
67 FR 51653, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, skirt or flange of the head and be thor-
2003] oughly brazed until complete penetra-
tion of the joint by the brazing mate-
178.55 Specification 4B240ET welded rial is secured. Brazed joints may be re-
or brazed cylinders. paired by brazing.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Type, spinning process, size and (2) Longitudinal seams in shell must
service pressure. A DOT 4B240ET cyl- be by electric resistance welded joints
inder is a brazed type cylinder made only. No repairs to longitudinal joints
from electric resistance welded tubing. is permitted.


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178.55 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) Welding procedures and operators (iii) Straight threads, having at least
must be qualified in accordance with 4 engaged threads, to have tight fit and
CGA C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- calculated shear strength at least 10
chapter). times the test pressure of the cylinder;
(e) Welding or brazing. Only the at- gaskets required, adequate to prevent
tachment, by welding or brazing, to the leakage.
tops and bottoms of cylinders of (2) Closure of a fitting, boss, or pad
neckrings, footrings, handles, bosses, must be adequate to prevent leakage.
pads, and valve protection rings is au- (i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
thorized. Provided that such attach- must successfully withstand a hydro-
ments and the portion of the container static test as follows:
to which they are attached are made of (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
weldable steel, the carbon content of or other suitable method, operated so
which may not exceed 0.25 percent. as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
(f) Wall thickness. The wall stress sure gauge must permit reading to an
must be at least two times the service accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
pressure and may not exceed 18,000 psi. gauge must permit reading of total ex-
The minimum wall thickness is 0.044 pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per-
inch. Calculation must be made by the cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
following formula: (2) Pressure must be maintained for
at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2) longer to ensure complete expansion.
Where: Any internal pressure applied after
heat-treatment and previous to the of-
S = wall stress in psig;
P = 2 times service pressure;
ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
D = outside diameter in inches;
the test pressure. If, due to failure of
d = inside diameter in inches. the test apparatus, the test pressure
cannot be maintained, the test may be
(g) Heat treatment. Heads formed by repeated at a pressure increased by 10
drawing or pressing must be uniformly percent or 100 psig, whichever is the
and properly heat treated prior to lower.
tests. Cylinders with integral formed (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
heads or bases must be subjected to a may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
normalizing operation. Normalizing umetric expansion at test pressure.
and brazing operations may be com- (4) Cylinders must be tested as fol-
bined, provided the operation is carried lows:
out at a temperature in excess of the (i) At least one cylinder selected at
upper critical temperature of the steel. random out of each lot of 200 or less
(h) Openings in cylinders. Openings in must be tested as outlined in para-
cylinders must comply with the fol- graphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this sec-
lowing: tion to at least two times service pres-
(1) Each opening in cylinders, except sure.
those for safety devices, must be pro- (ii) All cylinders not tested as out-
vided with a fitting, boss, or pad, se- lined in paragraph (i)(4)(i) of this sec-
curely attached to the cylinder by tion must be examined under pressure
brazing or by welding or by threads. A of at least two times service pressure
fitting, boss, or pad must be of steel and show no defect.
suitable for the method of attachment (5) Each 1000 cylinders or less succes-
employed, and which need not be iden- sively produced each day must con-
tified or verified as to analysis, except stitute a lot. One cylinder must be se-
that if attachment is by welding, car- lected from each lot and
bon content may not exceed 0.25 per- hydrostatically tested to destruction.
cent. If threads are used, they must If this cylinder bursts below five times
comply with the following: the service pressure, then two addi-
(i) Threads must be clean cut, even tional cylinders must be selected and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

without checks, and tapped to gauge. subjected to this test. If either of these
(ii) Taper threads to be of length not cylinders fails by bursting below five
less than as specified for American times the service pressure then the en-
Standard taper pipe threads. tire lot must be rejected. All cylinders


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.55

constituting a lot must be of identical prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7

size, construction heat-treatment, fin- of this subchapter).
ish, and quality. (ii) In using the extension under
(j) Flattening test. Following the hy- load method, the total strain (or ex-
drostatic test, one cylinder taken at tension under load) corresponding to
random out of each lot of 200 or less, the stress at which the 0.2 percent per-
must be subjected to a flattening test manent strain occurs may be deter-
that is between knife edges, wedge mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
shaped, 60 angle, rounded to 12 inch ra- culating the elastic extension of the
dius. gauge length under appropriate load
(k) Physical test. A physical test must and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the
be conducted to determine yield gauge length. Elastic extension cal-
strength, tensile strength, elongation, culations must be based on an elastic
and reduction of area of material, as modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of
follows: controversy, the entire stress-strain
(1) The test is required on 2 speci- diagram must be plotted and the yield
mens cut from 1 cylinder, or part strength determined from the 0.2 per-
thereof heat-treated as required, taken cent offset.
at random out of each lot of 200 or less (iii) For the purpose of strain meas-
in the case of cylinders of capacity urement, the initial strain must be set
greater than 86 cubic inches and out of while the specimen is under a stress of
each lot of 500 or less for cylinders hav- 12,000 psi and the strain indicator read-
ing a capacity of 86 cubic inches or ing being set at the calculated cor-
less. responding strain.
(2) Specimens must conform to the (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
following: machine may not exceed 18 inch per
(i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a minute during yield strength deter-
width not over 112 inches, a gauge mination.
length of 2 inches with a width not (l) Acceptable results for physical and
over 112 inches, or a gauge length at flattening tests. Acceptable results for
least 24 times the thickness with a the physical and flattening tests are an
width not over 6 times the thickness is elongation of at least 40 percent for a 2
authorized when a cylinder wall is not inch gauge length or at least 20 percent
over 316 inch thick. in other cases and a yield strength not
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip over 73 percent of tensile strength. In
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends this instance the flattening test is re-
may be flattened to within one inch of quired, without cracking, to six times
each end of the reduced section. the wall thickness with a weld 90 from
(iii) When size of cylinder does not the direction of the applied load. Two
permit securing straight specimens, rings cut from the ends of length of
the specimens may be taken in any lo- pipe used in production of a lot may be
cation or direction and may be used for the flattening test provided
straightened or flattened cold by pres- the rings accompany the lot which
sure only, not by blows. When speci- they represent in all thermal proc-
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- essing operations. At least one of the
spectors report must show in connec- rings must pass the flattening test.
tion with record of physical tests de- (m) Leakage test. All spun cylinders
tailed information in regard to such and plugged cylinders must be tested
specimens. for leakage by gas or air pressure after
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any the bottom has been cleaned and is free
purpose is not authorized. from all moisture, subject to the fol-
(3) The yield strength in tension lowing conditions:
must be the stress corresponding to a (1) Pressure, approximately the same
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the as but no less than service pressure,
gauge length. The following conditions must be applied to one side of the fin-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

apply: ished bottom over an area of at least

(i) The yield strength must be deter- 116 of the total area of the bottom but

mined by either the offset method or not less than 34 inch in diameter, in-
the extension under load method as cluding the closure, for at least 1


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178.56 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

minute, during which time the other psig. Closures welded by spinning proc-
side of the bottom exposed to pressure ess not permitted.
must be covered with water and closely (b) Steel. The limiting chemical com-
examined for indications of leakage. position of steel authorized by this
Except as provided in paragraph (n) of specification must be as shown in table
this section, cylinders which are leak- I of appendix A to this part.
ing must be rejected. (c) Identification of material. Material
(2) A spun cylinder is one in which an must be identified by any suitable
end closure in the finished cylinder has method except that plates and billets
been welded by the spinning process. for hotdrawn cylinders must be marked
(3) A plugged cylinder is one in which with the heat number.
a permanent closure in the bottom of a (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
finished cylinder has been effected by a manufactured using equipment and
plug. processes adequate to ensure that each
(4) As a safety precaution, if the cylinder produced conforms to the re-
manufacturer elects to make this test quirements of this subpart. No defect is
before the hydrostatic test, he should permitted that is likely to weaken the
design his apparatus so that the pres- finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
sure is applied to the smallest area sonably smooth and uniform surface
practicable, around the point of clo- finish is required. Exposed bottom
sure, and so as to use the smallest pos- welds on cylinders over 18 inches long
sible volume of air or gas. must be protected by footrings. Min-
(n) Rejected cylinders. Repairs of re- imum thickness of heads and bottoms
jected cylinders is authorized. Cyl- may not be less than 90 percent of the
inders that are leaking must be re- required thickness of the side wall.
jected, except that: Seams must be made as follows:
(1) Spun cylinders rejected under the (1) Circumferential seams must be
provisions of paragraph (m) of this sec- welded. Brazing is not authorized.
tion may be removed from the spun (2) Longitudinal seams are not per-
cylinder category by drilling to remove mitted.
defective material, tapping, and plug- (3) Welding procedures and operators
ging. must be qualified in accordance with
(2) Brazed joints may be rebrazed. CGA C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(3) Subsequent to the operations chapter).
noted in paragraphs (n)(1) and (n)(2) of (e) Welding. Only the welding of
this section, acceptable cylinders must neckrings, footrings, bosses, pads, and
pass all prescribed tests. valve protection rings to the tops and
(o) Marking. Markings on each cyl- bottoms of cylinders is authorized.
inder must be by stamping plainly and Provided that such attachments are
permanently on shoulder, top head, made of weldable steel, the carbon con-
neck or valve protection collar which tent of which does not exceed 0.25 per-
is permanently attached to the cyl- cent.
inders and forming an integral part (f) Wall thickness. The wall thickness
thereof, provided that cylinders not of the cylinder must conform to the
less than 0.090 inch thick may be following:
stamped on the side wall adjacent to (1) For cylinders with an outside di-
top head. ameter over 5 inches, the minimum
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as wall thickness is 0.078 inch. In any
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR case, the minimum wall thickness
51653, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, 75749, Dec. 31, must be such that the calculated wall
2003] stress at the minimum test pressure (in
paragraph (i) of this section) may not
178.56 Specification 4AA480 welded exceed the lesser value of either of the
steel cylinders. following:
(a) Type, size, and service pressure. A (i) One-half of the minimum tensile
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

DOT 4AA480 cylinder is a welded steel strength of the material determined as

cylinder having a water capacity required in paragraph (j) of this sec-
(nominal) not over 1,000 pounds water tion; or
capacity and a service pressure of 480 (ii) 35,000 psi.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.56

(2) Calculation must be made by the (1) The test must be by water jacket,
formula: or other suitable method, operated so
as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
sure gauge must permit reading to an
Where: accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
S = wall stress in psi; gauge must permit reading of total ex-
P = minimum test pressure prescribed for pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per-
water jacket test; cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
D = outside diameter in inches; (2) Pressure must be maintained for
d = inside diameter in inches.
at least 30 seconds or sufficiently
(3) The ratio of tangential length to longer to assure complete expansion.
outside diameter may not exceed 4.0 for Any internal pressure applied after
cylinders with a wall thickness less heat-treatment and before the official
than 0.100 inch. test may not exceed 90 percent of the
(g) Heat treatment. Each cylinder test pressure. If, due to failure of test
must be uniformly and properly heat apparatus, the test pressure cannot be
treated prior to tests. Any suitable maintained, the test may be repeated
heat treatment in excess of 1100 F is at a pressure increased by 10 percent or
authorized except that liquid quench- 100 psig, whichever is lower.
ing is not permitted. Heat treatment (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
must be accomplished after all forming may not exceed 10 percent of the total
and welding operations. Heat treat- volumetric expansion at test pressure.
ment is not required after welding (4) Cylinders must be tested as fol-
weldable low carbon parts to attach- lows:
ments of similar material which have (i) At least one cylinder selected at
been previously welded to the top or random out of each lot of 200 or less
bottom of cylinders and properly heat must be tested as described in para-
treated, provided such subsequent graphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this sec-
welding does not produce a tempera- tion, to at least two times service pres-
ture in excess of 400 F., in any part of sure. If a selected cylinder fails, then
the top or bottom material. two additional specimens must be se-
(h) Openings in cylinders. Openings in lected at random from the same lot and
cylinders must conform to the fol- subjected to the prescribed test. If ei-
lowing: ther of these fails the test, then each
(1) All openings must be in the heads cylinder in that lot must be so tested;
or bases. and
(2) Each opening in the cylinder, ex- (ii) Each cylinder not tested as pre-
cept those for safety devices, must be scribed in paragraph (i)(4)(i) of this sec-
provided with a fitting boss, or pad, se- tion must be examined under pressure
curely attached to the cylinder by of at least two times service pressure
welding or by threads. If threads are and must show no defect. A cylinder
used they must comply with the fol- showing a defect must be rejected un-
lowing: less it may be requalified under para-
(i) Threads must be clean-cut, even graph (m) of this section.
without checks and cut to gauge. (j) Physical test. A physical test must
(ii) Taper threads to be of length not be conducted to determine yield
less than as specified for American strength, tensile strength, elongation,
Standard taper pipe threads. and reduction of area of material, as
(iii) Straight threads having at least follows:
6 engaged threads, must have a tight (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
fit and a calculated shear strength at mens cut from one cylinder having
least 10 times the test pressure of the passed the hydrostatic test, or part
cylinder. Gaskets, adequate to prevent thereof heat-treated as required, taken
leakage, are required. at random out of each lot of 200 or less.
(3) Closure of a fitting, boss or pad (2) Specimens must conform to the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be adequate to prevent leakage. following:

(i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder (i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a
must successfully withstand a hydro- width not over 112 inches, a gauge
static test as follows: length of 2 inches with a width not


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178.56 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

over 112 inches, or a gauge length at (k) Elongation. Physical test speci-
least 24 times the thickness with a mens must show at least a 40 percent
width not over 6 times thickness is au- elongation for 2-inch gauge lengths or
thorized when the cylinder wall is not at least a 20 percent elongation in
over 316 inch thick. other cases. Except that these elon-
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip gation percentages may be reduced nu-
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends merically by 2 for 2-inch specimens and
may be flattened to within one inch of by 1 in other cases for each 7,500 psi in-
each end of the reduced section. crement of tensile strength above 50,000
(iii) When size of cylinder does not psi to a maximum of four such incre-
permit securing straight specimens, ments.
the specimens may be taken in any lo- (l) Tests of welds. Welds must be test-
cation or direction and may be ed as follows:
straightened or flattened cold, by pres- (1) Tensile test. A specimen must be
sure only, not by blows. When speci- cut from one cylinder of each lot of 200
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- or less, or a welded test plate. The
spectors report must show in connec- welded test plate must be of one of the
tion with record of physical tests de- heats in the lot of 200 or less which it
tailed information in regard to such represents, in the same condition and
specimens. approximately the same thickness as
the cylinder wall except that it may
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any
not be of a lesser thickness than that
purpose is not authorized.
required for a quarter size Charpy im-
(3) The yield strength in tension pact specimen. The weld must be made
must be the stress corresponding to a by the same procedures and subjected
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the to the same heat treatment as the
gauge length. The following conditions major weld on the cylinder. The speci-
apply: mens must be taken across the major
(i) The yield strength must be deter- seam and must be prepared and tested
mined by either the offset method or in accordance with and must meet the
the extension under load method as requirements of CGA Pamphlet C3.
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 Should this specimen fail to meet the
of this subchapter). requirements, specimens may be taken
(ii) In using the extension under from two additional cylinders or weld-
load method, the total strain (or ex- ed test plates from the same lot and
tension under load), corresponding to tested. If either of the latter specimens
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- fail to meet the requirements, the en-
manent strain occurs may be deter- tire lot represented must be rejected.
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- (2) Guided bend test. A root bend test
culating the elastic extension of the specimen must be cut from the cyl-
gauge length under appropriate load inder or a welded test plate, used for
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the the tensile test specified in paragraph
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- (l)(1) of this section. Specimens must
culations must be based on an elastic be taken from across the major seam
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of and must be prepared and tested in ac-
controversy, the entire stress-strain cordance with and must meet the re-
diagram must be plotted and the yield quirements of CGA Pamphlet C3.
strength determined from the 0.2 per- (3) Alternate guided-bend test. This
cent offset. test may be used and must be as re-
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- quired by CGA Pamphlet C3. The spec-
urement, the initial strain reference imen must be bent until the elongation
must be set while the specimen is at the outer surface, adjacent to the
under a stress of 12,000 psi and the root of the weld, between the lightly
strain indicator reading being set at scribed gage lines-a to b, is at least 20
the calculated corresponding strain. percent, except that this percentage
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing may be reduced for steels having a ten-
machine may not exceed 18 inch per sile strength in excess of 50,000 psi, as
minute during yield strength deter- provided in paragraph (k) of this sec-
mination. tion.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.57

(m) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat- (b) Material. Material use in the con-
ment of rejected cylinders is author- struction of this specification must
ized. Subsequent thereto, cylinders conform to the following:
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- (1) Inner containment vessel (cylinder).
ceptable. Repair of welded seams by Designations and limiting chemical
welding is authorized. compositions of steel authorized by
(n) Markings. Markings must be this specification must be as shown in
stamped plainly and permanently in table 1 in paragraph (o) of this section.
one of the following locations on the (2) Outer jacket. Steel or aluminum
cylinder: may be used subject to the require-
(1) On shoulders and top heads not ments of paragraph (o)(2) of this sec-
less than 0.087 inch thick. tion.
(2) On neck, valve boss, valve protec- (c) Identification of material. Material
tion sleeve, or similar part perma- must be identified by any suitable
nently attached to top end of cylinder. method.
(3) On a plate attached to the top of (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
the cylinder or permanent part thereof: manufactured using equipment and
sufficient space must be left on the processes adequate to ensure that each
plate to provide for stamping at least cylinder produced conforms to the re-
six retest dates: the plate must be at quirements of this subpart and to the
least 116 inch thick and must be at- following requirements:
tached by welding or by brazing at a (1) No defect is permitted that is
temperature of at least 1100 F, likely to weaken the finished cylinder
throughout all edges of the plate. appreciably. A reasonably smooth and
(4) Variations in location of mark- uniform surface finish is required. The
ings authorized only when necessitated shell portion must be a reasonably true
by lack of space. cylinder.
(2) The heads must be seamless, con-
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as cave side to the pressure, hemi-
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR
51653, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, 75749, Dec. 31,
spherical or ellipsoidal in shape with
2003] the major diameter not more than
twice the minor diameter. Minimum
178.57 Specification 4L welded insu- thickness of heads may not be less
lated cylinders. than 90 percent of the required thick-
(a) Type, size, service pressure, and de- ness of the sidewall. The heads must be
sign service temperature. A DOT 4L cyl- reasonably true to shape, have no ab-
inder is a fusion welded insulated cyl- rupt shape changes, and the skirts
inder with a water capacity (nominal) must be reasonably true to round.
not over 1,000 pounds water capacity (3) The surface of the cylinder must
and a service pressure of at least 40 but be insulated. The insulating material
not greater than 500 psig conforming to must be fire resistant. The insulation
the following requirements: on non-evacuated jackets must be cov-
(1) For liquefied hydrogen service, ered with a steel jacket not less than
the cylinders must be designed to stand 0.060-inch thick or an aluminum jacket
on end, with the axis of the cylindrical not less than 0.070 inch thick, so con-
portion vertical. structed that moisture cannot come in
(2) The design service temperature is contact with the insulating material. If
the coldest temperature for which a a vacuum is maintained in the insula-
cylinder is suitable. The required de- tion space, the evacuated jacket must
sign service temperatures for each be designed for a minimum collapsing
cryogenic liquid is as follows: pressure of 30 psig differential whether
made of steel or aluminum. The con-
Cryogenic liquid Design service temperature struction must be such that the total
heat transfer, from the atmosphere at
Argon ...................... Minus 320 F or colder.
Helium .................... Minus 452 F or colder. ambient temperature to the contents
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Hydrogen ................ Minus 42 3 F or colder. of the cylinder, will not exceed 0.0005
Neon ....................... Minus 411 F or colder. Btu per hour, per Fahrenheit degree
Nitrogen .................. Minus 320 F or colder. differential in temperature, per pound
Oxygen ................... Minus 320 F or colder.
of water capacity of the cylinder. For


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178.57 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

hydrogen, cryogenic liquid service, the (3) One-half of the minimum tensile
total heat transfer, with a temperature strength of the base metal determined
differential of 520 Fahrenheit degrees, as required in paragraph (j) of this sec-
may not exceed that required to vent tion.
30 SCF of hydrogen gas per hour. (4) The yield strength of the base
(4) For a cylinder having a design metal determined as required in para-
service temperature colder than minus graph (l) of this section.
320 F, a calculation of the maximum (5) Further provided that wall stress
weight of contents must be made and for cylinders having longitudinal
that weight must be marked on the seams may not exceed 85 percent of the
cylinder as prescribed in 178.35. above value, whichever applies.
(5) Welding procedures and oper- (6) Calculation must be made by the
ations must be qualified in accordance following formula:
with CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR, see
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
171.7 of this subchapter). In addition,
an impact test of the weld must be per- where:
formed in accordance with paragraph S = wall stress in pounds psi;
(l) of this section as part of the quali- P = minimum test pressure prescribed for
fication of each welding procedure and pressure test in psig;
operator. D = outside diameter in inches;
(e) Welding. Welding of the cylinder d = inside diameter in inches.
must be as follows: (g) Heat treatment. Heat treatment is
(1) All seams of the cylinder must be not permitted.
fusion welded. A means must be pro- (h) Openings in cylinder. Openings in
vided for accomplishing complete pene- cylinders must conform to the fol-
tration of the joint. Only butt or joggle lowing:
butt joints for the cylinder seams are (1) Openings are permitted in heads
authorized. All joints in the cylinder only. They must be circular and may
must have reasonably true alignment. not exceed 3 inches in diameter or one
(2) All attachments to the sidewalls third of the cylinder diameter, which-
and heads of the cylinder must be by ever is less. Each opening in the cyl-
fusion welding and must be of a inder must be provided with a fitting,
weldable material complying with the boss or pad, either integral with, or se-
impact requirements of paragraph (l) of curely attached to, the cylinder body
this section. by fusion welding. Attachments to a
(3) For welding the cylinder, each fitting, boss or pad may be made by
procedure and operator must be quali- welding, brazing, mechanical attach-
fied in accordance with the sections of ment, or threading.
CGA Pamphlet C3 that apply. In addi- (2) Threads must comply with the fol-
tion, impact tests of the weld must be lowing:
performed in accordance with para- (i) Threads must be clean-cut, even,
graph (l) of this section as part of the without checks and cut to gauge.
qualification of each welding procedure (ii) Taper threads to be of a length
and operator. not less than that specified for NPT.
(4) Brazing, soldering and threading (iii) Straight threads must have at
are permitted only for joints not made least 4 engaged threads, tight fit and
directly to the cylinder body. Threads calculated shear strength at least 10
must comply with the requirements of times the test pressure of the cylinder.
paragraph (h) of this section. Gaskets, which prevent leakage and
(f) Wall thickness. The minimum wall are inert to the hazardous material,
thickness of the cylinder must be such are required.
that the calculated wall stress at the (i) Pressure test. Each cylinder, before
minimum required test pressure may insulating and jacketing, must be ex-
not exceed the least value of the fol- amined under a pressure of at least 2
lowing: times the service pressure maintained
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(1) 45,000 psi. for at least 30 seconds without evidence

(2) One-half of the minimum tensile of leakage, visible distortion or other
strength across the welded seam deter- defect. The pressure gauge must permit
mined in paragraph (l) of this section. reading to an accuracy of 1 percent.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.57

(j) Physical test. A physical test must yield strength determined from the 0.2
be conducted to determine yield percent offset.
strength, tensile strength, and elon- (iii) For the purpose of strain meas-
gation as follows: urement, the initial strain reference
(1) The test is required on 2 speci- must be set while the specimen is
mens selected from material of each under a stress of 12,000 psi and the
heat and in the same condition as that strain indicator reading being set at
in the completed cylinder. the calculated corresponding strain.
(2) Specimens must conform to the (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
following: machine may not exceed 18 inch per
(i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a minute during yield strength deter-
width not over 112 inches, a gauge mination.
length of 2 inches with width not over (k) Acceptable results for physical tests.
112 inches, or a gauge length at least 24 Physical properties must meet the lim-
times thickness with a width not over its specified in paragraph (o)(1), table 1,
6 times thickness (authorized when cyl- of this section, for the particular steel
inder wall is not over 116 inch thick). in the annealed condition. The speci-
mens must show at least a 20 percent
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip
elongation for a 2-inch gage length. Ex-
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends
cept that the percentage may be re-
may be flattened to within one inch of
duced numerically by 2 for each 7,500
each end of the reduced section.
psi increment of tensile strength above
(iii) When size of the cylinder does 100,000 psi to a maximum of 5 such in-
not permit securing straight speci- crements. Yield strength and tensile
mens, the specimens may be taken in strength must meet the requirements
any location or direction and may be of paragraph (o)(1), table 1, of this sec-
straightened or flattened cold by pres- tion.
sure only, not by blows. When speci- (l) Tests of welds. Welds must be test-
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- ed as follows:
spectors report must show in connec- (1) Tensile test. A specimen must be
tion with record of physical tests de- cut from one cylinder of each lot of 200
tailed information in regard to such or less, or welded test plate. The weld-
specimens. ed test plate must be of one of the
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any heats in the lot of 200 or less which it
purpose is not authorized. represents, in the same condition and
(3) The yield strength in tension approximately the same thickness as
must be the stress corresponding to a the cylinder wall except that it may
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the not be of a lesser thickness than that
gauge length. The following conditions required for a quarter size Charpy im-
apply: pact specimen. The weld must be made
(i) The yield strength must be deter- by the same procedures and subjected
mined by either the offset method or to the same heat treatment as the
the extension under load method as major weld on the cylinder. The speci-
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 men must be taken across the major
of this subchapter). seam and must be prepared in accord-
(ii) In using the extension under ance with and must meet the require-
load method, the total strain (or ex- ments of CGA Pamphlet C3. Should
tension under load), corresponding to this specimen fail to meet the require-
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- ments, specimens may be taken from
manent strain occurs may be deter- two additional cylinders or welded test
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- plates from the same lot and tested. If
culating the elastic expansion of the either of the latter specimens fails to
gauge length under appropriate load meet the requirements, the entire lot
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the represented must be rejected.
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- (2) Guided bend test. A root bend
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

culations must be based on the elastic test specimen must be cut from the
modulus of the material used. In the cylinder or welded test plate, used for
event of controversy, the entire stress- the tensile test specified in paragraph
strain diagram must be plotted and the (l)(1) of this section and from any other


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178.57 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

seam or equivalent welded test plate if imum, but not necessarily from one of
the seam is welded by a procedure dif- the heats used in the lot of cylinders.
ferent from that used for the major The test piece must be welded by the
seam. Specimens must be taken across same welding procedure as used on the
the particular seam being tested and particular cylinder seam being quali-
must be prepared and tested in accord- fied and must be subjected to the same
ance with and must meet the require- heat treatment.
ments of CGA Pamphlet C3. (vi) Impact test specimens must be
(3) Alternate guided-bend test. This cooled to the design service tempera-
test may be used and must be as speci- ture. The apparatus for testing the
fied in CGA Pamphlet C3. The speci-
specimens must conform to require-
men must be bent until the elongation
ments of ASTM Standard E 23. The test
at the outer surface, adjacent to the
root of the weld, between the lightly piece, as well as the handling tongs,
scribed gage lines a to b, is at least 20 must be cooled for a length of time suf-
percent, except that this percentage ficient to reach the service tempera-
may be reduced for steels having a ten- ture. The temperature of the cooling
sile strength in excess of 100,000 psig, as device must be maintained within a
provided in paragraph (c) of this sec- range of plus or minus 3 F. The speci-
tion. men must be quickly transferred from
(4) Impact tests. One set of three im- the cooling device to the anvil of the
pact test specimens (for each test) testing machine and broken within a
must be prepared and tested for deter- time lapse of not more than six sec-
mining the impact properties of the de- onds.
posited weld metal (vii) The impact properties of each
(i) As part of the qualification of the set of impact specimens may not be
welding procedure. less than the values in the following
(ii) As part of the qualification of the table:
(iii) For each heat of welding rodor Minimum Minimum
impact value
wire used. required for impact value
permitted on
(iv) For each 1,000 feet of weld made Size of specimen avg. of each one only of a
set of three
with the same heat of welding rod or specimens set of three
wire. (ft.-lb.)
(v) All impact test specimens must be
10 mm10 mm ...................... 15 10
of the charpy type, keyhole or milled 10 mm7.5 mm ..................... 12.5 8.5
U-notch, and must conform in all re- 10 mm5 mm ........................ 10 7.0
spects to ASTM E 23 (IBR, see 171.7 of 10 mm2.5 mm ..................... 5 3.5
this subchapter). Each set of impact
specimens must be taken across the (viii) When the average value of the
weld and have the notch located in the three specimens equals or exceeds the
weld metal. When the cylinder mate- minimum value permitted for a single
rial thickness is 2.5 mm or thicker, im- specimen and the value for more than
pact specimens must be cut from a cyl- one specimen is below the required av-
inder or welded test plate used for the erage value, or when the value for one
tensile or bend test specimens. The di- specimen is below the minimum value
mension along the axis of the notch permitted for a single specimen, a
must be reduced to the largest possible retest of three additional specimens
of 10 mm, 7.5 mm, 5 mm or 2.5 mm, de-
must be made. The value of each of
pending upon cylinder thickness. When
these retest specimens must equal or
the material in the cylinder or welded
test plate is not of sufficient thickness exceed the required average value.
to prepare 2.5 mm impact test speci- When an erratic result is caused by a
mens, 2.5 mm specimens must be pre- defective specimen, or there is uncer-
pared from a welded test plate made tainty in test procedure, a retest is au-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

from 18 inch thick material meeting thorized.

the requirements specified in para- (m) Radiographic examination. Cyl-
graph (o)(1), table 1, of this section and inders must be subject to a radio-
having a carbon analysis of .05 min- graphic examination as follows:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.57

(1) The techniques and acceptability TABLE 2PHYSICAL PROPERTIES

of radiographic inspection must con-
form to the standards set forth in CGA properties
Pamphlet C3. (annealed)
(2) One finished longitudinal seam Tensile strength, p.s.i. (minimum) ....................... 75,000
must be selected at random from each Yield strength, p.s.i. (minimum) ........................... 30,000
lot of 100 or less successively produced Elongation in 2 inches (minimum) percent .......... 30.0
and be radiographed throughout its en- Elongation other permissible gauge lengths
(minimum) percent ........................................... 15.0
tire length. Should the radiographic
examination fail to meet the require-
ments of paragraph (m)(1) of this sec- TABLE 3CHECK ANALYSIS TOLERANCES
tion, two additional seams of the same Tolerance
lot must be examined, and if either of over the
these fail to meet the requirements of Limit or specified range maximum
Elements (percent) limit or under
(m)(1) of this section, only those pass- the minimum
ing are acceptable. limit

(n) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat- Carbon ............... To 0.030, incl ................... 0.005
ment of rejected cylinders is author- Over 0.30 to 0.20, incl ..... 0.01
ized. Subsequent thereto, cylinders Manganese ........ To 1.00 incl ...................... .03
Over 1.00 to 3.00, incl ..... 0.04
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- Phosphorus 1 ..... To 0.040, incl ................... 0.005
ceptable. Welds may be repaired by Over 0.040 to 0.020 incl .. 0.010
suitable methods of fusion welding. Sulphur .............. To .40 incl ........................ 0.005
(o) Authorized materials of construc- Silicon ................ To 1.00, incl ..................... 0.05
Nickel ................. Over 5.00 to 10.00, incl ... 0.10
tion. Authorized materials of construc- Over 10.00 to 20.00, incl 0.15
tion are as follows: Chromium .......... Over 15.00 to 20.00, incl 0.20
(1) Inner containment vessel (cylinder). 1 Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for

Electric furnace steel of uniform qual- phosphorus.

ity must be used. Chemical analysis (2) Outer jacket. (i) Nonflammable
must conform to ASTM A 240/A 240M cryogenic liquids. Cylinders intended
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), for use in the transportation of non-
Type 304 stainless steel. Chemical anal- flammable cryogenic liquid must have
ysis must conform to ASTM A240, Type an outer jacket made of steel or alu-
304 Stainless Steel. A heat of steel minum.
made under table 1 and table 2 in this (ii) Flammable cryogenic liquids.
paragraph (o)(1) is acceptable, even Cylinders intended for use in the trans-
though its check chemical analysis is portation of flammable cryogenic liq-
slightly out of the specified range, if it uid must have an outer jacket made of
is satisfactory in all other respects, steel.
provided the tolerances shown in table (p) Markings. (1) Markings must be
3 in this paragraph (o)(1) are not ex- stamped plainly and permanently on
ceeded. The following chemical anal- shoulder or top head of jacket or on a
yses and physical properties are au- permanently attached plate or head
thorized: protective ring.
TABLE 1AUTHORIZED MATERIALS (2) The letters ST, followed by the
design service temperature (for exam-
Designation Chemical analysis, ple, ST423F), must be marked on cyl-
limits in percent inders having a design service tempera-
Carbon 1 ............................................. 0.08 max. ture of colder than minus 320 F only.
Manganese ........................................ 2.00 max. Location to be just below the DOT
Phosphorus ........................................ 0.045 max. mark.
Sulphur .............................................. 0.030 max. (3) The maximum weight of contents,
Silicon ................................................ 1.00 max. in pounds (for example, Max. Content
Nickel ................................................. 8.0010.50.
51 #), must be marked on cylinders
Chromium .......................................... 18.0020.00.
Molybdenum ...................................... None.
having a design service temperature
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Titanium ............................................. None. colder than minus 320 F only. Loca-

Columbium ......................................... None. tion to be near symbol.
1 The carbon analysis must be reported to the nearest hun- (4) Special orientation instructions
dredth of one percent. must be marked on the cylinder (for


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178.58 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

example, THIS END UP), if the cyl- TABLE 1AUTHORIZED MATERIALSContinued

inder is used in an orientation other
4130 Percent
than vertical with openings at the top
of the cylinder. Chromium ................................................... 0.80/1.10.
(5) If the jacket of the cylinder is Molybdenum ............................................... 0.15/0.25.
constructed of aluminum, the letters
AL must be marked after the service TABLE 2CHECK ANALYSIS TOLERANCES
pressure marking. Example: DOT-4L150
Tolerance (per-
AL. cent) over the
(6) Except for serial number and jack- maximum limit or
under the min-
et material designation, each marking Limit or maximum imum limit
prescribed in this paragraph (p) must specified (percent)
Under Over
be duplicated on each cylinder by any min- max-
suitable means. imum imum
limit limit
(q) Inspectors report. In addition to
the information required by 178.35, the Carbon ............ Over 0.15 to 0.40 incl .03 ....... .04
inspectors reports must contain infor- Manganese ..... To 0.60 incl ................. .03 ....... .03
Phosphorus1 ... All ranges .................... .............. .01
mation on: Sulphur ........... All ranges .................... .............. .01
(1) The jacket material and insula- Silicon ............. To 0.30 incl ................. .02 ....... .03
tion type; Over 0.30 to 1.00 incl .05 ....... .05
Chromium ....... To 0.90 incl ................. .03 ....... .03
(2) The design service temperature Over 0.90 to 2.10 incl .05 ....... .05
(F); and Molybdenum ... To 0.20 incl ................. .01 ....... .01
(3) The impact test results, on a lot Over 0.20 to 0.40, incl .02 ....... .02
basis. 1 Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
amended at 66 FR 4538645388, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 (c) Identification of material. Materials
FR 51653, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, must be identified by any suitable
2003] method except that plates and billets
for hot-drawn containers must be
178.58 Specification 4DA welded steel marked with the heat number.
cylinders for aircraft use. (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
(a) Type, size, and service pressure. A manufactured in accordance with the
DOT 4DA is a welded steel sphere (two following requirements:
seamless hemispheres) or a circum- (1) By best appliances and methods.
ferentially welded cylinder (two seam- No defect is acceptable that is likely to
less drawn shells) with a water capac- weaken the finished container appre-
ity not over 100 pounds and a service ciably. A reasonably smooth and uni-
pressure of at least 500 but not over 900 form surface finish is required. No ab-
psig. rupt change in wall thickness is per-
(b) Steel. Open-hearth or electric steel mitted. Welding procedures and opera-
of uniform quality must be used. A tors must be qualified in accordance
heat of steel made under table 1 in this with CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR, see
paragraph (b), check chemical analysis 171.7 of this subchapter).
of which is slightly out of the specified (2) All seams of the sphere or cyl-
range, is acceptable, if satisfactory in inders must be fusion welded. Seams
all other respects, provided the toler- must be of the butt or joggle butt type
ances shown in table 2 in this para- and means must be provided for accom-
graph (b) are not exceeded except as ap- plishing complete penetration of the
proved by the Associate Administrator. joint.
The following chemical analyses are (e) Welding. Attachments to the con-
authorized: tainer are authorized by fusion welding
provided that such attachments are
TABLE 1AUTHORIZED MATERIALS made of weldable steel, the carbon con-
tent of which may not exceed 0.25 per-
4130 Percent
cent except in the case of 4130 steel.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Carbon ........................................................ 0.28/0.33. (f) Wall thickness. The minimum wall

Manganese ................................................. 0.40/0.60. thickness must be such that the wall
Phosphorus ................................................ 0.040 max.
Sulfur .......................................................... 0.040 max. stress at the minimum specified test
Silicon ......................................................... 0.15/0.35. pressure may not exceed 67 percent of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.58

the minimum tensile strength of the cooling rate in excess of 80 percent of

steel as determined from the physical the cooling rate of water, must be in-
and burst tests required and may not spected by the magnetic particle or dye
be over 70,000 p.s.i. For any diameter penetrant method to detect the pres-
container, the minimum wall thickness ence of quenching cracks. Any cylinder
is 0.040 inch. Calculations must be found to have a quench crack must be
made by the formulas in (f)(1) or (f)(2) rejected and may not be requalified.
of this section: (h) Openings in container. Openings in
(1) Calculation for a sphere must be the container must comply with the
made by the following formula: following requirements:
S = PD / 4tE (1) Each opening in the container
must be provided with a fitting, boss,
Where: or pad of weldable steel securely at-
S = wall stress in pounds psi; tached to the container by fusion weld-
P = test pressure prescribed for water jacket ing.
test, i.e., at least 2 times service pres-
sure, in psig; (2) Attachments to a fitting, boss, or
D = outside diameter in inches; pad must be adequate to prevent leak-
t = minimum wall thickness in inches; age. Threads must comply with the fol-
E = 0.85 (provides 85 percent weld efficiency lowing:
factor which must be applied in the girth (i) Threads must be clean cut, even,
weld area and heat affected zones which without checks, and tapped to gauge.
zone must extend a distance of 6 times
wall thickness from center line of weld); (ii) Taper threads to be of length not
E = 1.0 (for all other areas). less than as specified for American
Standard taper pipe threads.
(2) Calculation for a cylinder must be
(iii) Straight threads, having at least
made by the following formula:
4 engaged threads, to have tight fit and
S = [P(1.3D 2 + 0.4d 2)] / (D 2 d 2) calculated shear strength at least 10
times the test pressure of the con-
tainer; gaskets required, adequate to
S = wall stress in pounds psi;
prevent leakage.
P = test pressure prescribed for water jacket
test, i.e., at least 2 times service pres- (i) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
sure, in psig; must successfully withstand a hydro-
D = outside diameter in inches; static test as follows:
d = inside diameter in inches. (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
(g) Heat treatment. The completed or other suitable method, operated so
containers must be uniformly and as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
properly heat-treated prior to tests. sure gauge must permit reading to an
Heat-treatment of containers of the au- accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
thorized analysis must be as follows: gauge must permit reading of total ex-
(1) All containers must be quenched pansion to accuracy either of 1 percent
by oil, or other suitable medium except or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
as provided in paragraph (g)(4) of this (2) Pressure must be maintained for
section. at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
(2) The steel temperature on quench- longer to ensure complete expansion.
ing must be that recommended for the Any internal pressure applied after
steel analysis, but may not exceed 1,750 heat-treatment and previous to the of-
F. ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
(3) The steel must be tempered at the the test pressure. If, due to failure of
temperature most suitable for the the test apparatus, the test pressure
analysis except that in no case shall cannot be maintained, the test may be
the tempering temperature be less than repeated at a pressure increased by 10
1,000 F. percent or 100 psig, whichever is the
(4) The steel may be normalized at a lower.
temperature of 1,650 F instead of being (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

quenched, and containers so normal- may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
ized need not be tempered. umetric expansion at test pressure.
(5) All cylinders, if water quenched or (4) Each container must be tested to
quenched with a liquid producing a at least 2 times service pressure.


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178.58 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(j) Burst test. One container taken at width not over 6 times thickness is au-
random out of 200 or less must be thorized when wall of sphere is not
hydrostatically tested to destruction. over 316 inch thick.
The rupture pressure must be included (3) A physical test for cylinders is re-
as part of the inspectors report. quired on 2 specimens cut from 1 cyl-
(k) Flattening test. Spheres and cyl- inder taken at random out of each lot
inders must be subjected to a flat- of 200 or less.
tening test as follows: (4) Specimens for cylinder must con-
(1) Flattening test for spheres. One form to the following:
sphere taken at random out of each lot (i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a
of 200 or less must be subjected to a width not over 112 inches, a gauge
flattening test as follows: length of 2 inches with a width not
(i) The test must be performed after over 112 inches, a gauge length at least
the hydrostatic test. 24 times thickness with a width not
(ii) The test must be at the weld be- over 6 times thickness is authorized
tween the parallel steel plates on a when a cylinder wall is not over 316
press with a welded seam, at right an- inch thick.
gles to the plates. Any projecting ap- (ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip
purtenances may be cut off (by me- ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends
chanical means only) prior to crushing. may be flattened to within 1 inch of
(2) Flattening test for cylinders. One each end of the reduced section.
cylinder taken at random out of each (iii) Heating of a specimen for any
lot of 200 or less, must be subjected to purpose is not authorized.
a flattening test as follows: (5) The yield strength in tension
(i) The test must be performed after must be the stress corresponding to a
the hydrostatic test. permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
(ii) The test cylinder must be placed gauge length. The following conditions
between wedge-shaped knife edges hav- apply:
ing a 60 angle, rounded to a 12-inch ra- (i) The yield strength must be deter-
dius. mined by either the offset method or
(l) Radiographic inspection. Radio- the extension under load method as
graphic examinations is required on all prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7
welded joints which are subjected to in- of this subchapter).
ternal pressure, except that at the dis- (ii) In using the extension under
cretion of the disinterested inspector, load method, the total strain (or ex-
openings less than 25 percent of the tension under load) corresponding to
sphere diameter need not be subjected the stress at which the 0.2 percent per-
to radiographic inspection. Evidence of manent strain occurs may be deter-
any defects likely to seriously weaken mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
the container must be cause for rejec- culating the elastic extension of the
tion. gauge length under appropriate load
(m) Physical test and specimens for and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the
spheres and cylinders. Spheres and cyl- gauge length. Elastic extension cal-
inders must be subjected to a physical culations must be based on an elastic
test as follows: modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of
(1) A physical test for a sphere is re- controversy, the entire stress-strain
quired on 2 specimens cut from a flat diagram must be plotted and the yield
representative sample plate of the strength determined from the 0.2 per-
same heat taken at random from the cent offset.
steel used to produce the sphere. This (iii) For the purpose of strain meas-
flat steel from which the 2 specimens urement, the initial strain must be set
are to be cut must receive the same while the specimen is under a stress of
heat-treatment as the spheres them- 12,000 psi and the strain indicator read-
selves. Sample plates to be taken for ing being set at the calculated cor-
each lot of 200 or less spheres. responding strain.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) Specimens for spheres have a (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
gauge length of 2 inches with a width machine may not exceed 18 inch per
not over 112 inches, or a gauge length minute during yield strength deter-
at least 24 times thickness with a mination.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.59

(n) Acceptable results for physical, flat- finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
tening, and burst tests. The following are sonably smooth and uniform surface
acceptable results of the physical, flat- finish is required. Welding procedures
tening and burst test: and operators must be qualified in ac-
(1) Elongation must be at least 20 cordance with CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR,
percent for a 2-inch gauge length or 10 see 171.7 of this subchapter).
percent in other cases. (e) Exposed bottom welds. Exposed bot-
(2) Flattening is required to 50 per- tom welds on cylinders over 18 inches
cent of the original outside diameter long must be protected by footrings.
without cracking. (f) Heat treatment. Body and heads
(3) Burst pressure must be at least 3 formed by drawing or pressing must be
times service pressure. uniformly and properly heat treated
(o) Rejected containers. Reheat-treat- prior to tests.
ment of rejected cylinders is author- (g) Openings. Openings in the cyl-
ized. Subsequent thereto, containers inders must comply with the following:
must pass all prescribed tests to be ac- (1) Standard taper pipe threads are
ceptable. Repair of welded seams by required;
welding prior to reheat-treatment is (2) Length may not be less than as
authorized. specified for American Standard pipe
(p) Marking. Markings on each con- threads; tapped to gauge; clean cut,
tainer must be stamped plainly and even, and without checks.
permanently on a permanent attach- (h) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
ment or on a metal nameplate perma- must successfully withstand a hydro-
nently secured to the container by static test as follows:
means other than soft solder. (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as or other suitable method, operated so
amended at 66 FR 45386, 45388, Aug. 28, 2001; as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
67 FR 51654, Aug. 8, 2002; 67 FR 61015, Sept. 27, sure gauge must permit reading to an
2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003] accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
gauge must permit reading of total ex-
178.59 Specification 8 steel cylinders pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per-
with porous fillings for acetylene. cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
(a) Type and service pressure. A DOT 8 (2) Pressure must be maintained for
cylinder is a seamless cylinder with a at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
service pressure of 250 psig. The fol- longer to ensure complete expansion.
lowing steel is authorized: Any internal pressure applied after
(1) A longitudinal seam if forge lap heat-treatment and previous to the of-
welded; ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
(2) Attachment of heads by welding the test pressure.
or by brazing by dipping process; or (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
(3) A welded circumferential body may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
seam if the cylinder has no longitu- umetric expansion at test pressure.
dinal seam. (4) One cylinder out of each lot of 200
(b) Steel. Open-hearth, electric or or less must be hydrostatically tested
basic oxygen process steel of uniform to at least 750 psig. Cylinders not so
quality must be used. Content percent tested must be examined under pres-
may not exceed the following: Carbon, sure of between 500 and 600 psig and
0.25; phosphorus, 0.045; sulphur, 0.050. show no defect. If hydrostatically test-
(c) Identification of steel. Materials ed cylinder fails, each cylinder in the
must be identified by any suitable lot may be hydrostatically tested and
method except that plates and billets those passing are acceptable.
for hot-drawn cylinders must be (i) Leakage test. Cylinders with bot-
marked with the heat number. toms closed in by spinning must be
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be subjected to a leakage test by setting
manufactured using equipment and the interior air or gas pressure to not
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

processes adequate to ensure that each less than the service pressure. Cyl-
cylinder produced conforms to the re- inders which leak must be rejected.
quirements of this subpart. No defect is (j) Physical test. A physical test must
acceptable that is likely to weaken the be conducted as follows:


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178.59 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(1) The test is required on 2 speci- (l) Porous filling. (1) Cylinders must
mens cut longitudinally from 1 cyl- be filled with a porous material in ac-
inder or part thereof taken at random cordance with the following:
out of each lot of 200 or less, after heat (i) The porous material may not dis-
treatment. integrate or sag when wet with solvent
(2) Specimens must conform to a or when subjected to normal service;
gauge length of 8 inches with a width (ii) The porous filling material must
not over 112 inches, a gauge length of 2 be uniform in quality and free of voids,
inches with width not over 112, or a except that a well drilled into the fill-
gauge length at least 24 times thick- ing material beneath the valve is au-
ness with a width not over 6 times thorized if the well is filled with a ma-
thickness is authorized when a cylinder terial of such type that the functions
wall is not over 316 inch thick. of the filling material are not im-
(3) The yield strength in tension
(iii) Overall shrinkage of the filling
must be the stress corresponding to a
material is authorized if the total
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
clearance between the cylinder shell
gauge length. The following conditions
and filling material, after solvent has
apply: been added, does not exceed 12 of 1 per-
(i) The yield strength must be deter- cent of the respective diameter or
mined by either the offset method or length, but not to exceed 18 inch, meas-
the extension under load method as ured diametrically and longitudinally;
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 (iv) The clearance may not impair
of this subchapter). the functions of the filling material;
(ii) In using the extension under (v) The installed filling material
load method, the total strain (or ex- must meet the requirements of CGA C
tension under load) corresponding to 12 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter);
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- and
manent strain occurs may be deter- (vi) Porosity of filling material may
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- not exceed 80 percent except that fill-
culating the elastic extension of the ing material with a porosity of up to 92
gauge length under appropriate load percent may be used when tested with
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the satisfactory results in accordance with
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- CGA Pamphlet C12.
culations must be based on an elastic (2) When the porosity of each cyl-
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of inder is not known, a cylinder taken at
controversy, the entire stress-strain random from a lot of 200 or less must
diagram must be plotted and the yield be tested for porosity. If the test cyl-
strength determined from the 0.2 off- inder fails, each cylinder in the lot
set. may be tested individually and those
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- cylinders that pass the test are accept-
urement, the initial strain must be set able.
while the specimen is under a stress of (3) For filling that is molded and
12,000 psi and the strain indicator read- dried before insertion in cylinders, po-
ing being set at the calculated cor- rosity test may be made on a sample
responding strain. block taken at random from material
(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing to be used.
machine may not exceed 18 inch per (4) The porosity of the filling mate-
minute during yield strength deter- rial must be determined. The amount
mination. of solvent at 70 F for a cylinder:
(4) Yield strength may not exceed 73 (i) Having shell volumetric capacity
percent of tensile strength. Elongation above 20 pounds water capacity (nomi-
must be at least 40 percent in 2 inch or nal) may not exceed the following:
20 percent in other cases. Maximum
(k) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat- acetone sol-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

vent percent
ment of rejected cylinder is authorized. Percent porosity of filler shell capac-
Subsequent thereto, cylinders must ity by vol-
pass all prescribed tests to be accept-
able. Repair by welding is authorized. 90 to 92 ............................................................. 43.4


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.60

Maximum facture of the cylinders and, upon re-

acetone sol-
vent percent quest, to the purchaser. The test re-
Percent porosity of filler shell capac- ports must be retained by the inspector
ity by vol-
ume for fifteen years from the original test
date of the cylinder.
87 to 90 ............................................................. 42.0
83 to 87 ............................................................. 40.0
(o) Marking. (1) Marking on each cyl-
80 to 83 ............................................................. 38.6 inder must be stamped plainly and per-
75 to 80 ............................................................. 36.2 manently on or near the shoulder, top
70 to 75 ............................................................. 33.8
head, neck or valve protection collar
65 to 70 ............................................................. 31.4
which is permanently attached to the
(ii) Having volumetric capacity of 20 cylinder and forming integral part
pounds or less water capacity (nomi- thereof.
nal), may not exceed the following: (2) Tare weight of cylinder, in pounds
and ounces, must be marked on the
Maximum cylinder.
acetone sol-
Percent porosity of filler vent percent (3) Cylinders, not completed, when
shell capac-
ity by vol- delivered must each be marked for
ume identification of each lot of 200 or less.
90 to 92 ............................................................. 41.8 [Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
83 to 90 ............................................................. 38.5 amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR
80 to 83 ............................................................. 37.1
61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 67 FR 51654, Aug. 8, 2002;
75 to 80 ............................................................. 34.8
70 to 75 ............................................................. 32.5 68 FR 75748, 75749, Dec. 31, 2003]
65 to 70 ............................................................. 30.2
178.60 Specification 8AL steel cyl-
(m) Tare weight. The tare weight is inders with porous fillings for acet-
the combined weight of the cylinder ylene.
proper, porous filling, valve, and sol- (a) Type and service pressure. A DOT
vent, without removable cap. 8AL cylinder is a seamless steel cyl-
(n) Duties of inspector. In addition to inder with a service pressure of 250
the requirements of 178.35, the inspec- psig. However, the attachment of heads
tor is required to by welding or by brazing by dipping
(1) Certify chemical analyses of steel process and a welded circumferential
used, signed by manufacturer thereof; body seam is authorized. Longitudinal
also verify by, check analyses of sam- seams are not authorized.
ples taken from each heat or from 1 out (b) Authorized steel. The authorized
of each lot of 200 or less, plates, shells, steel is as specified in table I of appen-
or tubes used. dix A to this part.
(2) Verify compliance of cylinder
(c) Identification of steel. Material
shells with all shell requirements; in-
must be identified by any suitable
spect inside before closing in both ends;
method except that plates and billets
verify heat treatment as proper; obtain
all samples for all tests and for check for hot-drawn cylinders must be
analyses; witness all tests; verify marked with heat number.
threads by gauge; report volumetric ca- (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
pacity and minimum thickness of wall manufactured using equipment and
noted. processes adequate to ensure that each
(3) Prepare report on manufacture of cylinder produced conforms to the re-
steel shells in form prescribed in quirements of this subpart. No defect is
178.35. Furnish one copy to manufac- permitted that is likely to weaken the
turer and three copies to the company finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
that is to complete the cylinders. sonably smooth and uniform surface
(4) Determine porosity of filling and finish is required. Welding procedures
tare weights; verify compliance of and operators must be qualified in ac-
marking with prescribed requirements; cordance with CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

obtain necessary copies of steel shell see 171.7 of this subchapter).

reports; and furnish complete reports (e) Footrings. Exposed bottom welds
required by this specification to the on cylinders over 18 inches long must
person who has completed the manu- be protected by footrings.


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178.60 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(f) Welding or brazing. Welding or that when brazed joints are used, heat
brazing for any purpose whatsoever is treatment must follow any forming
prohibited except as follows: and welding operations but may be
(1) The attachment to the tops or done before, during, or after the braz-
bottoms of cylinders of neckrings, ing operations. Liquid quenching is not
footrings, handlers, bosses, pads, and authorized.
valve protecting rings is authorized (i) Openings. Standard taper pipe
provided that such attachments and threads required in all openings. The
the portion of the container to which length of the opening may not be less
they are attached are made of weldable than as specified for American Stand-
steel, the carbon content of which may ard pipe threads; tapped to gauge;
not exceed 0.25 percent. clean cut, even, and without checks.
(2) Heat treatment is not required (j) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder
after welding or brazing weldable low must successfully withstand a hydro-
carbon parts to attachments, specified static test as follows:
in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, of (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
similar material which have been pre- or other suitable method, operated so
viously welded or brazed to the top or as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
bottom of cylinders and properly heat sure gauge must permit reading to an
treated, provided such subsequent accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
welding or brazing does not produce a gauge must permit reading of total ex-
temperature in excess of 400 F in any pansion to an accuracy of either 1 per-
part of the top or bottom material. cent or 0.1 cubic centimeter.
(g) Wall thickness; wall stress. The wall (2) Pressure must be maintained for
thickness/wall stress of the cylinder at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
must conform to the following: longer to ensure complete expansion.
(1) The calculated wall stress at 750 Any internal pressure applied after
psi may not exceed 35,000 psi, or one- heat-treatment and previous to the of-
half of the minimum ultimate strength ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
of the steel as determined in paragraph the test pressure.
(l) of this section, whichever value is (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
the smaller. The measured wall thick- may not exceed 10 percent of total vol-
ness may not include galvanizing or umetric expansion at test pressure.
other protective coating. (4) One cylinder out of each lot of 200
(i) Calculation of wall stress must be or less must be hydrostatically tested
made by the formula: to at least 750 psig. Cylinders not so
S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2) tested must be examined under pres-
sure of between 500 and 600 psig and
Where: show no defect. If a hydrostatically
S = wall stress in pounds psi; tested cylinder fails, each cylinder in
P = 750 psig (minimum test pressure); the lot may be hydrostatically tested
D = outside diameter in inches; and those passing are acceptable.
d = inside diameter in inches.
(k) Leakage test. Cylinders with bot-
(ii) Either D or d must be calculated toms closed in by spinning must be
from the relation D = d + 2t, where t = leakage tested by setting the interior
minimum wall thickness. air or gas pressure at not less than the
(2) Cylinders with a wall thickness service pressure. Any cylinder that
less than 0.100 inch, the ratio of leaks must be rejected.
straight side wall length to outside di- (l) Physical test. A physical test must
ameter may not exceed 3.5. be conducted as follows;
(3) For cylinders having outside di- (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
ameter over 5 inches, the minimum mens cut longitudinally from 1 cyl-
wall thickness must be 0.087 inch. inder or part thereof taken at random
(h) Heat treatment. Each cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less, after heat
must be uniformly and properly heat treatment.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

treated, prior to tests, by any suitable (2) Specimens must conform to a

method in excess of 1100 F. Heat treat- gauge length of 8 inches with a width
ment must be accomplished after all not over 112 inches, a gauge length 2
forming and welding operations, except inches with a width not over 112 inches,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.60

or a gauge length at least 24 times (1) Tensile test. A specimen must be

thickness with a width not over 6 times cut from one cylinder of each lot of 200
thickness is authorized when a cylinder or less, or welded test plate. The speci-
wall is not over 316 inch thick. men must be taken from across the
(3) The yield strength in tension major seam and must be prepared and
must be the stress corresponding to a tested in accordance with and must
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the meet the requirements of CGA Pam-
gauge length. The following conditions phlet C3. Should this specimen fail to
apply: meet the requirements, specimens may
(i) The yield strength must be deter- be taken from two additional cylinders
mined by either the offset method or or welded test plates from the same lot
the extension under load method as and tested. If either of the latter speci-
prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 mens fail to meet the requirements,
of this subchapter). the entire lot represented must be re-
(ii) In using the extension under jected.
load method, the total strain (or ex- (2) Guided bend test. A root bend test
tension under load) corresponding to specimen must be cut from the cyl-
the stress at which the 0.2 percent per- inder or welded test plate, used for the
manent strain occurs may be deter- tensile test specified in paragraph
mined with sufficient accuracy by cal- (n)(1) of this section. Specimens must
culating the elastic extension of the be prepared and tested in accordance
gauge length under appropriate load with and must meet the requirements
and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the of CGA Pamphlet C3.
gauge length. Elastic extension cal- (3) Alternate guided-bend test. This
culations must be based on an elastic test may be used and must be as re-
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of quired by CGA Pamphlet C3. The spec-
controversy, the entire stress-strain imen must be bent until the elongation
diagram must be plotted and the yield at the outer surface, adjacent to the
strength determined from the 0.2 off- root of the weld, between the lightly
set. scribed gage lines-a to b, must be at
(iii) For the purpose of strain meas- least 20 percent, except that this per-
urement, the initial strain must be set centage may be reduced for steels hav-
while the specimen is under a stress of ing a tensile strength in excess of 50,000
12,000 psi, the strain indicator reading psi, as provided in paragraph (m) of
being set at the calculated cor- this section.
responding strain. (o) Rejected cylinders. Reheat treat-
(iv) Cross-head speed of the testing ment of rejected cylinders is author-
machine may not exceed 18 inch per ized. Subsequent thereto, cylinders
minute during yield strength deter- must pass all prescribed tests to be ac-
mination. ceptable. Repair by welding is author-
(m) Elongation. Physical test speci- ized.
mens must show at least a 40 percent (p) Porous filling. (1) Cylinders must
elongation for a 2 inch gauge length or be filled with a porous material in ac-
at least a 20 percent elongation in cordance with the following:
other cases. Except that these elon- (i) The porous material may not dis-
gation percentages may be reduced nu- integrate or sag when wet with solvent
merically by 2 for 2 inch specimens and or when subjected to normal service;
1 in other cases for each 7,500 psi incre- (ii) The filling material must be uni-
ment of tensile strength above 50,000 form in quality and free of voids, ex-
psi to a maximum of four such incre- cept that a well drilled into the filling
ments. material beneath the valve is author-
(n) Weld tests. Specimens taken ized if the well is filled with a material
across the circumferentially welded of such type that the functions of the
seam must be cut from one cylinder filling material are not impaired;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

taken at random from each lot of 200 or (iii) Overall shrinkage of the filling
less cylinders after heat treatment and material is authorized if the total
must pass satisfactorily the following clearance between the cylinder shell
tests: and filling material, after solvent has


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178.60 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

been added, does not exceed 12 of 1 per- proper, porous filling, valve, and sol-
cent of the respective diameter or vent, but without removable cap.
length but not to exceed 18 inch, meas- (r) Duties of inspector. In addition to
ured diametrically and longitudinally; the requirements of 178.35, the inspec-
(iv) The clearance may not impair tor shall
the functions of the filling material; (1) Certify chemical analyses of steel
(v) The installed filling material used, signed by manufacturer thereof;
must meet the requirements of CGA C also verify by check analyses, of sam-
12 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter); ples taken from each heat or from 1 out
and of each lot of 200 or less plates, shells,
(vi) Porosity of filling material may or tubes used.
not exceed 80 percent except that fill- (2) Verify compliance of cylinder
ing material with a porosity of up to 92 shells with all shell requirements, in-
percent may be used when tested with spect inside before closing in both ends,
satisfactory results in accordance with verify heat treatment as proper; obtain
CGA Pamphlet C12. all samples for all tests and for check
(2) When the porosity of each cyl- analyses, witness all tests; verify
inder is not known, a cylinder taken at threads by gauge, report volumetric ca-
random from a lot of 200 or less must pacity and minimum thickness of wall
be tested for porosity. If the test cyl- noted.
inder fails, each cylinder in the lot (3) Report percentage of each speci-
may be tested individually and those fied alloying element in the steel. Pre-
cylinders that pass the test are accept- pare report on manufacture of steel
able. shells in form prescribed in 178.35.
(3) For filling that is molded and Furnish one copy to manufacturer and
dried before insertion in cylinders, po- three copies to the company that is to
rosity test may be made on sample complete the cylinders.
block taken at random from material (4) Determine porosity of filling and
to be used. tare weights; verify compliance of
(4) The porosity of the filling mate- marking with prescribed requirements;
rial must be determined; the amount of obtain necessary copies of steel shell
solvent at 70 F for a cylinder: reports prescribed in paragraph (b) of
(i) Having shell volumetric capacity this section; and furnish complete test
above 20 pounds water capacity (nomi- reports required by this specification
nal) may not exceed the following: to the person who has completed the
manufacturer of the cylinders and,
Maximum acetone
Percent porosity of filler solvent percent shell upon request, to the purchaser. The
capacity by volume test reports must be retained by the in-
90 to 92 ......................................... 43.4 spector for fifteen years from the origi-
87 to 90 ......................................... 42.0 nal test date of the cylinder.
83 to 87 ......................................... 40.0 (s) Marking. (1) Tare weight of cyl-
80 to 83 ......................................... 38.6
75 to 80 ......................................... 36.2
inder, in pounds and ounces, must be
70 to 75 ......................................... 33.8 marked on the cylinder.
65 to 70 ......................................... 31.4 (2) Cylinders, not completed, when
delivered must each be marked for
(ii) Having volumetric capacity of 20 identification of each lot of 200 or less.
pounds or less water capacity (nomi- (3) Markings must be stamped plainly
nal), may not exceed the following: and permanently in locations in ac-
Maximum acetone
cordance with the following:
Percent porosity of filler solvent percent shell (i) On shoulders and top heads not
capacity by volume less than 0.087 inch thick; or
90 to 92 ......................................... 41.8 (ii) On neck, valve boss, valve protec-
83 to 90 ......................................... 38.5 tion sleeve, or similar part perma-
80 to 83 ......................................... 37.1 nently attached to the top end of cyl-
75 to 80 ......................................... 34.8
70 to 75 ......................................... 32.5 inder; or
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

65 to 70 ......................................... 30.2 (iii) On a plate of ferrous material at-

tached to the top of the cylinder or
(q) Tare weight. The tare weight is permanent part thereof; the plate must
the combined weight of the cylinder be at least 116 inch thick, and must be


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.61

attached by welding, or by brazing at a footrings. Minimum thickness of heads

temperature of at least 1,100 F may not be less than 90 percent of the
throughout all edges of the plate. Suffi- required thickness of the sidewall.
cient space must be left on the plate to Heads must be concave to pressure.
provide for stamping at least four (4) (2) Circumferential seams must be by
retest dates. electric-arc welding. Joints must be
butt with one member offset (joggle
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
amended at 66 FR 45386, 45388, Aug. 28, 2001; butt) or lap with minimum overlap of
67 FR 51654, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, 75749, at least four times nominal sheet
Dec. 31, 2003] thickness.
(3) Longitudinal seams in shells must
178.61 Specification 4BW welded conform to the following:
steel cylinders with electric-arc (i) Longitudinal electric-arc welded
welded longitudinal seam. seams must be of the butt welded type.
(a) Type, size and service pressure. A Welds must be made by a machine
DOT 4BW cylinder is a welded type process including automatic feed and
steel cylinder with a longitudinal elec- welding guidance mechanisms. Longi-
tric-arc welded seam, a water capacity tudinal seams must have complete
(nominal) not over 1,000 pounds and a joint penetration, and must be free
service pressure at least 225 and not from undercuts, overlaps or abrupt
over 500 psig gauge. Cylinders closed in ridges or valleys. Misalignment of mat-
by spinning process are not authorized. ing butt edges may not exceed 16 of
(b) Authorized steel. Steel used in the nominal sheet thickness or 132 inch
construction of the cylinder must con- whichever is less. All joints with nomi-
form to the following: nal sheet thickness up to and including
(1) The body of the cylinder must be 18 inch must be tightly butted. When

constructed of steel conforming to the nominal sheet thickness is greater

limits specified in table 1 of appendix A than 18 inch, the joint must be gapped
to this part. with maximum distance equal to one-
(2) Material for heads must meet the half the nominal sheet thickness or 132
requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this inch whichever is less. Joint design,
section or be open hearth, electric or preparation and fit-up must be such
basic oxygen carbon steel of uniform that requirements of this paragraph (d)
quality. Content percent may not ex- are satisfied.
ceed the following: Carbon 0.25, Man- (ii) Maximum joint efficiency must
ganese 0.60, Phosphorus 0.045, Sulfur be 1.0 when each seam is radiographed
0.050. Heads must be hemispherical or completely. Maximum joint efficiency
ellipsoidal in shape with a maximum must be 0.90 when one cylinder from
ratio of 2.1. If low carbon steel is used, each lot of 50 consecutively welded cyl-
the thickness of such heads must be de- inders is spot radiographed. In addi-
termined by using a maximum wall tion, one out of the first five cylinders
stress of 24,000 p.s.i. in the formula de- welded following a shut down of weld-
scribed in paragraph (f)(4) of this sec- ing operations exceeding four hours
tion. must be spot radiographed. Spot
(c) Identification of material. Material radiographs, when required, must be
must be identified by any suitable made of a finished welded cylinder and
method. must include the girth weld for 2
(d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be inches in both directions from the
manufactured using equipment and intersection of the longitudinal and
processes adequate to ensure that each girth welds and include at least 6
cylinder produced conforms to the re- inches of the longitudinal weld. Max-
quirements of this subpart and the fol- imum joint efficacy of 0.75 must be per-
lowing: missible without radiography.
(1) No defect is permitted that is (4) Welding procedures and operators
likely to weaken the finished cylinder must be qualified in accordance with
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

appreciably. A reasonably smooth and CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of

uniform surface is required. Exposed this subchapter).
bottom welds on cylinders over 18 (e) Welding of attachments. The at-
inches long must be protected by tachment to the tops and bottoms only


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178.61 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

of cylinders by welding of neckrings, (1) All openings must be in the heads

footrings, handles, bosses, pads and or bases.
valve protection rings is authorized (2) Openings in cylinders must be pro-
provided that such attachments and vided with adequate fittings, bosses, or
the portion of the container to which pads, integral with or securely at-
they are attached are made of weldable tached to the cylinder by welding.
steel, the carbon content of which may (3) Threads must comply with the fol-
not exceed 0.25 percent. lowing:
(f) Wall thickness. For outside diame- (i) Threads must be clean cut and to
ters over 6 inches the minimum wall gauge.
thickness must be 0.078 inch. For a cyl- (ii) Taper threads must be of length
inder with a wall thickness less than not less than as specified for American
0.100 inch, the ratio of tangential Standard Taper Pipe threads.
length to outside diameter may not ex- (iii) Straight threads, having at least
ceed 4 to1 (4:1). In any case the min- 4 engaged threads, to have tight fit and
imum wall thickness must be such that calculated shear strength at least 10
the wall stress calculated by the for- times the test pressure of the cylinder;
mula listed in paragraph (f)(4) of this gaskets required, adequate to prevent
section may not exceed the lesser value leakage.
of any of the following: (4) Closure of fittings, boss or pads
(1) The value referenced in paragraph must be adequate to prevent leakage.
(b) of this section for the particular (i) Hydrostatic test. Cylinders must
material under consideration. withstand a hydrostatic test, as fol-
(2) One-half of the minimum tensile lows:
strength of the material determined as (1) The test must be by water-jacket,
required in paragraph (j) of this sec- or other suitable method, operated so
tion. as to obtain accurate data. The pres-
(3) 35,000 psi. sure gauge must permit readings to an
(4) Stress must be calculated by the accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion
following formula: gauge must permit readings of total
S = [2P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / [E(D2 d2)] volumetric expansion to an accuracy
either of 1 percent or 0.1 cubic centi-
where: meter.
S = wall stress, psi; (2) Pressure must be maintained for
P = service pressure, psig; at least 30 seconds and sufficiently
D = outside diameter, inches; longer to ensure complete expansion.
d = inside diameter, inches; Any internal pressure applied after
E = joint efficiency of the longitudinal seam heat treatment and previous to the of-
(from paragraph (d) of this section). ficial test may not exceed 90 percent of
(g) Heat treatment. Each cylinder the test pressure.
must be uniformly and properly heat (3) Permanent volumetric expansion
treated prior to test by the applicable may not exceed 10 percent of the total
method referenced in Table 1 of appen- volumetric expansion at test pressure.
dix A to this part. Heat treatment (4) Cylinders must be tested as fol-
must be accomplished after all forming lows:
and welding operations. Heat treat- (i) At least 1 cylinder selected at ran-
ment is not required after welding or dom out of each lot of 200 or less must
brazing of weldable low carbon parts to be tested as outlined in paragraphs
attachments of similar material which (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this section to
have been previously welded to the top at least two times service pressure.
or bottom of cylinders and properly (ii) All cylinders not tested as out-
heat treated, provided such subsequent lined in paragraph (i)(4)(i) of this sec-
welding or brazing does not produce a tion must be examined under pressure
temperature in excess of 400 F in any of at least two times service pressure
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

part of the top or bottom material. and show no defect.

(h) Openings in cylinders. Openings in (5) One finished cylinder selected at
the cylinder must conform to the fol- random out of each lot of 500 or less
lowing: successively produced must be


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.61

hydrostatically tested to 4 times serv- or the extension under load method

ice pressure without bursting. as prescribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see
(j) Physical tests. Cylinders must be 171.7 of this subchapter).
subjected to a physical test as follows: (ii) In using the extension under
(1) Specimens must be taken from load method, the total strain (or ex-
one cylinder after heat treatment and tension under load), corresponding to
chosen at random from each lot of 200 the stress at which the 0.2-percent per-
or less, as follows: manent strain occurs may be deter-
(i) Body specimen. One specimen mined with sufficient accuracy by cal-
must be taken longitudinally from the culating the elastic extension of the
body section at least 90 degrees away gauge length under appropriate load
from the weld. and adding thereto 0.2 percent of the
(ii) Head specimen. One specimen
gauge length. Elastic extension cal-
must be taken from either head on a
culations must be based on an elastic
cylinder when both heads are made of
modulus of 30,000,000. In the event of
the same material. However, if the two
heads are made of differing materials, controversy, the entire stress-strain
a specimen must be taken from each diagram must be plotted and the yield
head. strength determined from the 0.2-per-
(iii) If due to welded attachments on cent offset.
the top head there is insufficient sur- (iii) For the purpose of strain meas-
face from which to take a specimen, it urement, the initial strain reference
may be taken from a representative must be set while the specimen is
head of the same heat treatment as the under a stress of 12,000 psi and the
test cylinder. strain indicator reading being set at
(2) Specimens must conform to the the calculated corresponding strain.
following: (iv) Cross-head speed of the testing
(i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a machine may not exceed 18 inch per
width not over 112 inches, a gauge minute during yield strength deter-
length of 2 inches with a width not mination.
over 112 inches, or a gauge length at (k) Elongation. Physical test speci-
least 24 times thickness with a width mens must show at least a 40 percent
not over 6 times thickness is author- elongation for a 2-inch gauge length or
ized when a cylinder wall is not over 316 at least a 20 percent elongation in
inch thick. other cases. Except that these elon-
(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip gation percentages may be reduced nu-
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends merically by 2 for 2-inch specimens and
may be flattened to within 1 inch of by 1 in other cases for each 7,500 psi in-
each end of the reduced section. crement of tensile strength above 50,000
(iii) When size of the cylinder does psi to a maximum of four increments.
not permit securing straight speci-
(l) Tests of welds. Welds must be sub-
mens, the specimens may be taken in
jected to the following tests:
any location or direction and may be
straightened or flattened cold, by pres- (1) Tensile test. A specimen must be
sure only, not by blows when speci- cut from one cylinder of each lot of 200
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- or less. The specimen must be taken
spectors report must show in connec- from across the longitudinal seam and
tion with record of physical tests de- must be prepared and tested in accord-
tailed information in regard to such ance with and must meet the require-
specimens. ments of CGA Pamphlet C3.
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any (2) Guided bend test. A root test speci-
purpose is not authorized. men must be cut from the cylinder
(3) The yield strength in tension used for the tensile test specified in
must be the stress corresponding to a paragraph (l)(1) of this section. Speci-
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the mens must be taken from across the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

gauge length. The following conditions longitudinal seam and must be pre-
apply: pared and tested in accordance with
(i) The yield strength must be deter- and must meet the requirements of
mined by either the off-set method CGA Pamphlet C3.


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178.65 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) Alternate guided bend test. This tached by welding, or by brazing. The
test may be used and must be as re- brazing rod is to melt at a temperature
quired by CGA Pamphlet C3. The spec- of 1100 F Welding or brazing must be
imen must be bent until the elongation along all the edges of the plate.
at the outer surface, adjacent to the (3) On the neck, valve boss, valve pro-
root of the weld, between the lightly tection sleeve, or similar part perma-
scribed gauge lines a to b, must be at nently attached to the top of the cyl-
least 20 percent, except that this per- inder.
centage may be reduced for steels hav- (4) On the footring permanently at-
ing a tensile strength in excess of 50,000 tached to the cylinder, provided the
psi, as provided in paragraph (k) of this water capacity of the cylinder does not
section. exceed 25 pounds.
(m) Radiographic examination. Welds (p) Inspectors report. In addition to
of the cylinders must be subjected to a the information required by 178.35, the
radiographic examination as follows: inspectors report must indicate the
(1) Radiographic inspection must type and amount of radiography.
conform to the techniques and accept- [Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
ability criteria set forth in CGA Pam- amended at 64 FR 51919, Sept. 27, 1999; 66 FR
phlet C3. When fluoroscopic inspection 45386, 45388, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51654, Aug. 6,
is used, permanent film records need 2002; 67 FR 61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 57633,
not be retained. Oct. 6, 2003; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003; 78 FR
(2) Should spot radiographic exam- 60754, Oct. 2, 2013]
ination fail to meet the requirements 178.65 Specification 39 non-reusable
of paragraph (m)(1) of this section, two (non-refillable) cylinders.
additional welds from the same lot of
(a) Type, size, service pressure, and test
50 cylinders or less must be examined,
pressure. A DOT 39 cylinder is a seam-
and if either of these fail to meet the
less, welded, or brazed cylinder with a
requirements, each cylinder must be
service pressure not to exceed 80 per-
examined as previously outlined; only
cent of the test pressure. Spherical
those passing are acceptable.
pressure vessels are authorized and
(n) Rejected cylinders. (1) Unless oth-
covered by references to cylinders in
erwise stated, if a sample cylinder or
this specification.
specimen taken from a lot of cylinders
(1) Size limitation. Maximum water ca-
fails the prescribed test, then two addi- pacity may not exceed: (i) 55 pounds
tional specimens must be selected from (1,526 cubic inches) for a service pres-
the same lot and subjected to the pre- sure of 500 p.s.i.g. or less, and (ii) 10
scribed test. If either of these fails the pounds (277 cubic inches) for a service
test, then the entire lot must be re- pressure in excess of 500 p.s.i.g.
jected. (2) Test pressure. The minimum test
(2) Reheat treatment of rejected cyl- pressure is the maximum pressure of
inders is authorized. Subsequent there- contents at 130 F or 180 p.s.i.g. which-
to, cylinders must pass all prescribed ever is greater.
tests to be acceptable. Repair of welded (3) Pressure of contents. The term
seams by welding is authorized pro- pressure of contents as used in this
vided that all defective metal is cut specification means the total pressure
away and the joint is rewelded as pre- of all the materials to be shipped in the
scribed for original welded joints. cylinder.
(o) Markings. Markings must be (b) Material; steel or aluminum. The
stamped plainly and permanently in cylinder must be constructed of either
any of the following locations on the steel or aluminum conforming to the
cylinder: following requirements:
(1) On shoulders and top heads when (1) Steel. (i) The steel analysis must
they are not less than 0.087-inch thick. conform to the following:
(2) On a metal plate attached to the
top of the cylinder or permanent part Ladle Check
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

analysis analysis
thereof; sufficient space must be left on
the plate to provide for stamping at Carbon, maximum percent .................... 0.12 0.15
least six retest dates; the plate must be Phosphorus, maximum percent ............. .04 .05
Sulfur, maximum percent ...................... .05 .06
at least 116-inch thick and must be at-


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.65

(ii) For a cylinder made of seamless minimum strength of the shell mate-
steel tubing with integrally formed rial in the finished cylinder.
ends, hot drawn, and finished, content (3) Attachments to the cylinder are
percent for the following may not ex- permitted by any means which will not
ceed: Carbon, 0.55; phosphorous, 0.045; be detrimental to the integrity of the
sulfur, 0.050. cylinder. Welding or brazing of attach-
(iii) For non-heat treated welded ments to the cylinder must be com-
steel cylinders, adequately killed deep pleted prior to all pressure tests.
drawing quality steel is required. (4) Welding procedures and operators
(iv) Longitudinal or helical welded must be qualified in accordance with
cylinders are not authorized for service CGA Pamphlet C3 (IBR, see 171.7 of
pressures in excess of 500 p.s.i.g. this subchapter).
(2) Aluminum. Aluminum is not au- (d) Wall thickness. The minimum wall
thorized for service pressures in excess thickness must be such that the wall
of 500 psig. The analysis of the alu- stress at test pressure does not exceed
minum must conform to the Aluminum the yield strength of the material of
Association standard for alloys 1060, the finished cylinder wall. Calculations
1100, 1170, 3003, 5052, 5086, 5154, 6061, and must be made by the following for-
6063, as specified in its publication en- mulas:
titled Aluminum Standards and (1) Calculation of the stress for cyl-
Data (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- inders must be made by the following
chapter). formula:
(3) Material with seams, cracks, lam- S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
inations, or other injurious defects not
permitted. Where:
(4) Material used must be identified S = Wall stress, in psi;
by any suitable method. P = Test pressure in psig;
(c) Manufacture. (1) General manufac- D = Outside diameter, in inches;
d = Inside diameter, in inches.
turing requirements are as follows:
(i) The surface finish must be uni- (2) Calculation of the stress for
form and reasonably smooth. spheres must be made by the following
(ii) Inside surfaces must be clean, formula:
dry, and free of loose particles. S = PD / 4t
(iii) No defect of any kind is per-
mitted if it is likely to weaken a fin- Where:
ished cylinder. S = Wall stress, in psi;
(2) Requirements for seams: P = Test pressure i psig;
(i) Brazing is not authorized on alu- D = Outside diameter, in inches;
t = Minimum wall thickness, in inches.
minum cylinders.
(ii) Brazing material must have a (e) Openings and attachments. Open-
melting point of not lower than 1,000 ings and attachments must conform to
F. the following:
(iii) Brazed seams must be assembled (1) Openings and attachments are
with proper fit to ensure complete pen- permitted on heads only.
etration of the brazing material (2) All openings and their reinforce-
throughout the brazed joint. ments must be within an imaginary
(iv) Minimum width of brazed joints circle, concentric to the axis of the cyl-
must be at least four times the thick- inder. The diameter of the circle may
ness of the shell wall. not exceed 80 percent of the outside di-
(v) Brazed seams must have design ameter of the cylinder. The plane of
strength equal to or greater than 1.5 the circle must be parallel to the plane
times the minimum strength of the of a circumferential weld and normal
shell wall. to the long axis of the cylinder.
(vi) Welded seams must be properly (3) Unless a head has adequate thick-
aligned and welded by a method that ness, each opening must be reinforced
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

provides clean, uniform joints with by a securely attached fitting, boss,

adequate penetration. pad, collar, or other suitable means.
(vii) Welded joints must have a (4) Material used for welded openings
strength equal to or greater than the and attachments must be of weldable


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178.65 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

quality and compatible with the mate- (4) Cylinders and test rings may not
rial of the cylinder. crack when flattened so that their
(f) Pressure tests. (1) Each cylinder outer surfaces are not more than six
must be tested at an internal pressure times wall thickness apart when made
of at least the test pressure and must of steel or not more than ten times
be held at that pressure for at least 30 wall thickness apart when made of alu-
seconds. minum.
(i) The leakage test must be con- (5) If any cylinder or ring cracks
ducted by submersion under water or when subjected to the specified flat-
by some other method that will be tening test, the lot of cylinders rep-
equally sensitive. resented by the test must be rejected
(ii) If the cylinder leaks, evidences (see paragraph (h) of this section).
visible distortion, or any other defect, (h) Rejected cylinders. Rejected cyl-
while under test, it must be rejected inders must conform to the following
(see paragraph (h) of this section). requirements:
(2) One cylinder taken from the be- (1) If the cause for rejection of a lot
ginning of each lot, and one from each is determinable, and if by test or in-
1,000 or less successively produced spection defective cylinders are elimi-
within the lot thereafter, must be nated from the lot, the remaining cyl-
hydrostatically tested to destruction. inders must be qualified as a new lot
The entire lot must be rejected (see under paragraphs (f) and (g) of this sec-
paragraph (h) of this section) if: tion.
(i) A failure occurs at a gage pressure (2) Repairs to welds are permitted.
less than 2.0 times the test pressure; Following repair, a cylinder must pass
(ii) A failure initiates in a braze or a the pressure test specified in paragraph
weld or the heat affected zone thereof; (f) of this section.
(iii) A failure is other than in the (3) If a cylinder made from seamless
sidewall of a cylinder longitudinal with steel tubing fails the flattening test de-
its long axis; or scribed in paragraph (g) of this section,
(iv) In a sphere, a failure occurs in suitable uniform heat treatment must
any opening, reinforcement, or at a be used on each cylinder in the lot. All
point of attachment. prescribed tests must be performed
(3) A lot is defined as the quantity subsequent to this heat treatment.
of cylinders successively produced per (i) Markings. (1) The markings re-
production shift (not exceeding 10 quired by this section must be durable
hours) having identical size, design, and waterproof. The requirements of
construction, material, heat treat- 178.35(h) do not apply to this section.
ment, finish, and quality. (2) Required markings are as follows:
(g) Flattening test. One cylinder must (i) DOT-39.
be taken from the beginning of produc- (ii) NRC.
tion of each lot (as defined in para- (iii) The service pressure.
graph (f)(3) of this section) and sub- (iv) The test pressure.
jected to a flattening test as follows: (v) The registration number (M****)
(1) The flattening test must be made of the manufacturer.
on a cylinder that has been tested at (vi) The lot number.
test pressure. (vii) The date of manufacture if the
(2) A ring taken from a cylinder may lot number does not establish the date
be flattened as an alternative to a test of manufacture.
on a complete cylinder. The test ring (viii) With one of the following state-
may not include the heat affected zone ments:
or any weld. However, for a sphere, the (A) For cylinders manufactured prior
test ring may include the circumferen- to October 1, 1996: Federal law forbids
tial weld if it is located at a 45 degree transportation if refilled-penalty up to
angle to the ring, 5 degrees. $25,000 fine and 5 years imprisonment
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) The flattening must be between 60 (49 U.S.C. 1809) or Federal law for-
degrees included-angle, wedge shaped bids transportation if refilled-penalty
knife edges, rounded to a 0.5 inch ra- up to $500,000 fine and 5 years imprison-
dius. ment (49 U.S.C. 5124).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.68

(B) For cylinders manufactured on or TABLE 1AUTHORIZED MATERIALSContinued

after October 1, 1996: Federal law for-
Chemical analysislimits in
bids transportation if refilled-penalty Designation percent 5154 1
up to $500,000 fine and 5 years imprison-
ment (49 U.S.C. 5124). Aluminum .............................. remainder.
(3) The markings required by para- 1 Analysis must regularly be made only for the elements
graphs (i)(2)(i) through (i)(2)(v) of this specifically mentioned in this table. If, however, the presence
of other elements is indicated in the course of routine anal-
section must be in numbers and letters ysis, further analysis should be made to determine conform-
at least 18 inch high and displayed se- ance with the limits specified for other elements.
quentially. For example: (c) Identification. Material must be
DOT-39 NRC 250/500 M1001. identified by any suitable method that
will identify the alloy and manufactur-
(4) No person may mark any cylinder ers lot number.
with the specification identification (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
DOT-39 unless it was manufactured
manufactured using equipment and
in compliance with the requirements of
processes adequate to ensure that each
this section and its manufacturer has a
cylinder produced conforms to the re-
registration number (M****) from the
Associate Administrator. quirements of this subpart. No defect is
permitted that is likely to weaken the
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as finished cylinder appreciably. A rea-
amended at 65 FR 58631, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR sonably smooth and uniform surface
45389, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51654, Aug. 8, 2002;
68 FR 75748, 75749, Dec. 31, 2003]
finish is required. All welding must be
by the gas shielded arc process.
178.68 Specification 4E welded alu- (e) Welding. The attachment to the
minum cylinders. tops and bottoms only of cylinders by
(a) Type, size and service pressure. A welding of neckrings or flanges,
DOT 4E cylinder is a welded aluminum footrings, handles, bosses and pads and
cylinder with a water capacity (nomi- valve protection rings is authorized.
nal) of not over 1,000 pounds and a serv- However, such attachments and the
ice pressure of at least 225 to not over portion of the cylinder to which it is
500 psig. The cylinder must be con- attached must be made of weldable alu-
structed of not more than two seamless minum alloys.
drawn shells with no more than one (f) Wall thickness. The wall thickness
circumferential weld. The circumferen- of the cylinder must conform to the
tial weld may not be closer to the point following:
of tangency of the cylindrical portion (1) The minimum wall thickness of
with the shoulder than 20 times the the cylinder must be 0.140 inch. In any
cylinder wall thickness. Cylinders or case, the minimum wall thickness
shells closed in by spinning process and must be such that calculated wall
cylinders with longitudinal seams are stress at twice service pressure may
not authorized. not exceed the lesser value of either of
(b) Authorized material. The cylinder the following:
must be constructed of aluminum of
(i) 20,000 psi.
uniform quality. The following chem-
ical analyses are authorized: (ii) One-half of the minimum tensile
strength of the material as required in
TABLE 1AUTHORIZED MATERIALS paragraph (j) of this section.
(2) Calculation must be made by the
Chemical analysislimits in following formula:
Designation percent 5154 1

Iron plus silicon .................... 0.45 maximum.

S = [P(1.3D2 + 0.4d2)] / (D2 d2)
Copper .................................. 0.10 maximum. Where:
Manganese ........................... 0.10 maximum.
Magnesium ........................... 3.10/3.90. S = wall stress in psi;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Chromium ............................. 0.15/0.35. P = minimum test pressure prescribed for

Zinc ....................................... 0.20 maximum. water jacket test;
Titanium ................................ 0.20 maximum. D = outside diameter in inches;
Others, each ......................... 0.05 maximum. d = inside diameter in inches.
Others, total .......................... 0.15 maximum.


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178.68 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) Minimum thickness of heads and (i) At least one cylinder selected at
bottoms may not be less than the min- random out of each lot of 200 or less
imum required thickness of the side must be tested in accordance with
wall. paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), and (h)(3) of
(g) Opening in cylinder. Openings in this section.
cylinders must conform to the fol- (ii) All cylinders not tested as pro-
lowing: vided in paragraph (h)(4)(i) of this sec-
(1) All openings must be in the heads tion must be examined under pressure
or bases. of at least 2 times service pressure and
(2) Each opening in cylinders, except show no defect.
those for safety devices, must be pro- (5) One finished cylinder selected at
vided with a fitting, boss, or pad, se- random out of each lot of 1,000 or less
curely attached to cylinder by welding must be hydrostatically tested to 4
by inert gas shielded arc process or by times the service pressure without
threads. If threads are used, they must bursting. Inability to meet this re-
comply with the following: quirement must result in rejection of
(i) Threads must be clean-cut, even, the lot.
without checks and cut to gauge. (i) Flattening test. After hydrostatic
(ii) Taper threads to be of length not testing, a flattening test is required on
less than as specified for American one section of a cylinder, taken at ran-
Standard taper pipe threads. dom out of each lot of 200 or less as fol-
(iii) Straight threads, having at least lows:
4 engaged threads, to have tight fit and (1) If the weld is not at midlength of
calculated shear strength at least 10 the cylinder, the test section must be
times the test pressure of the cylinder; no less in width than 30 times the cyl-
gaskets required, adequate to prevent inder wall thickness. The weld must be
leakage. in the center of the section. Weld rein-
(3) Closure of a fitting, boss, or pad forcement must be removed by machin-
must be adequate to prevent leakage. ing or grinding so that the weld is flush
(h) Hydrostatic test. Each cylinder with the exterior of the parent metal.
must successfully withstand a hydro- There must be no evidence of cracking
static test, as follows: in the sample when it is flattened be-
(1) The test must be by water jacket, tween flat plates to no more than 6
or other suitable method, operated so times the wall thickness.
as to obtain accurate data. The pres- (2) If the weld is at midlength of the
sure gauge must permit reading to an cylinder, the test may be made as spec-
accuracy of 1 percent. The expansion ified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section
gauge must permit a reading of the or must be made between wedge shaped
total expansion to an accuracy either knife edges (60 angle) rounded to a 12
of 1 percent or 0.1 cubic centimeter. inch radius. There must be no evidence
(2) Pressure of 2 times service pres- of cracking in the sample when it is
sure must be maintained for at least 30 flattened to no more than 6 times the
seconds and sufficiently longer to in- wall thickness.
sure complete expansion. Any internal (j) Physical test. A physical test must
pressure applied previous to the official be conducted to determine yield
test may not exceed 90 percent of the strength, tensile strength, elongation,
test pressure. If, due to failure of the and reduction of area of material as
test apparatus, the test pressure can- follows:
not be maintained, the test may be re- (1) The test is required on 2 speci-
peated at a pressure increased by 10 mens cut from one cylinder or part
percent over the pressure otherwise thereof taken at random out of each
specified. lot of 200 or less.
(3) Permanent volumetric expansion (2) Specimens must conform to the
may not exceed 12 percent of total vol- following:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

umetric expansion at test pressure. (i) A gauge length of 8 inches with a

(4) Cylinders having a calculated wall width not over 112 inches, a gauge
stress of 18,000 psi or less at test pres- length of 2 inches with a width not
sure may be tested as follows: over 112 inches.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.68

(ii) The specimen, exclusive of grip ments, the entire lot represented must
ends, may not be flattened. Grip ends be rejected.
may be flattened to within 1 inch of (2) Guided bend test. A bend test speci-
each end of the reduced section. men must be cut from the cylinder
(iii) When size of cylinder does not used for the physical test specified in
permit securing straight specimens, paragraph (j) of this section. Specimen
the specimens may be taken in any lo- must be taken across the seam, must
cation or direction and may be be a minimum of 112 inches wide, edges
straightened or flattened cold, by pres- must be parallel and rounded with a
sure only, not by blows; when speci- file, and back-up strip, if used, must be
mens are so taken and prepared, the in- removed by machining. The specimen
spectors report must show in connec- shall be tested as follows:
tion with record of physical test de- (i) The specimen must be bent to re-
tailed information in regard to such
fusal in the guided bend test jig as il-
lustrated in paragraph 6.10 of CGA C3
(iv) Heating of a specimen for any (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). The
purpose is not authorized.
root of the weld (inside surface of the
(3) The yield strength in tension cylinder) must be located away from
must be the stress corresponding to a
the ram of the jig. The specimen must
permanent strain of 0.2 percent of the
not show a crack or other open defect
gauge length. The following conditions
exceeding 18 inch in any direction upon
completion of the test. Should this
(i) The yield strength must be deter-
specimen fail to meet the require-
mined by the offset method as pre-
ments, specimens may be taken from
scribed in ASTM E 8 (IBR, see 171.7 of
this subchapter). each of 2 additional cylinders from the
same lot and tested. If either of the lat-
(ii) Cross-head speed of the testing
machine may not exceed 18 inch per ter specimens fails to meet require-
minute during yield strength deter- ments, the entire lot represented must
mination. be rejected.
(k) Acceptable results for physical tests. (ii) Alternatively, the specimen may
An acceptable result of the physical be tested in a guided bend test jig as il-
test requires an elongation to at least lustrated in Figure 12.1 of The Alu-
7 percent and yield strength not over 80 minum Associations 2002 publication,
percent of tensile strength. Welding Aluminum: Theory and Prac-
(l) Weld tests. Welds of the cylinder tice. The root of the weld (inside sur-
are required to successfully pass the face of the cylinder) must be located
following tests: away from the mandrel of the jig. No
(1) Reduced section tensile test. A speci- specimen must show a crack or other
men must be cut from the cylinder open defect exceeding 18 inch in any di-
used for the physical tests specified in rection upon completion of the test.
paragraph (j) of this section. The speci- Should this specimen fail to meet the
men must be taken from across the requirements, specimens may be taken
seam, edges must be parallel for a dis- from each of 2 additional cylinders
tance of approximately 2 inches on ei- from the same lot and tested. If either
ther side of the weld. The specimen of the latter specimens fails to meet
must be fractured in tension. The ap- requirements, the entire lot rep-
parent breaking stress calculated on resented must be rejected.
the minimum wall thickness must be (m) Rejected cylinders. Repair of weld-
at least equal to 2 times the stress cal- ed seams is authorized. Acceptable cyl-
culated under paragraph (f)(2) of this inders must pass all prescribed tests.
section, and in addition must have an (n) Inspectors report. In addition to
actual breaking stress of at least 30,000
the information required by 178.35, the
psi. Should this specimen fail to meet
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

record of chemical analyses must also

the requirements, specimens may be
taken from 2 additional cylinders from include applicable information on iron,
the same lot and tested. If either of the
latter specimens fails to meet require-


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178.69 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

titanium, zinc, and magnesium used in (iii) The relevant procedures for pres-
the construction of the cylinder. sure receptacle manufacturing, quality
[Amdt. 178114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as
control, quality assurance, and process
amended at 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 66 FR operation instructions;
45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51654, Aug. 8, 2002; (iv) Inspection and testing meth-
68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003; 69 FR 54046, Sept. odologies, measuring and testing equip-
7, 2004; 74 FR 16143, Apr. 9, 2009] ment, and calibration data;
(v) The process for meeting customer
178.69 Responsibilities and require- requirements;
ments for manufacturers of UN
pressure receptacles. (vi) The process for document control
and document revision;
(a) Each manufacturer of a UN pres-
(vii) The system for controlling non-
sure receptacle marked with USA as
conforming material and records, in-
a country of approval must comply
cluding procedures for identification,
with the requirements in this section.
segregation, and disposition;
The manufacturer must maintain a
quality system, obtain an approval for (viii) Production, processing and fab-
each initial pressure receptacle design rication, including purchased compo-
type, and ensure that all production of nents, in-process and final materials;
UN pressure receptacles meets the ap- and
plicable requirements. (ix) Training programs for relevant
(1) Quality system. The manufacturer personnel.
of a UN pressure receptacle must have (3) Maintenance of quality system. The
its quality system approved by the As- manufacturer must maintain the qual-
sociate Administrator. The quality sys- ity system as approved by the Asso-
tem will initially be assessed through ciate Administrator. The manufacturer
an audit by the Associate Adminis- shall notify the Associate Adminis-
trator or his or her representative to trator of any intended changes to the
determine whether it meets the re- approved quality system prior to mak-
quirements of this section. The Asso- ing the change. The Associate Adminis-
ciate Administrator will notify the trator will evaluate the proposed
manufacturer in writing of the results change to determine whether the
of the audit. The notification will con- amended quality system will satisfy
tain the conclusions of the audit and the requirements. The Associate Ad-
any corrective action required. The As- ministrator will notify the manufac-
sociate Administrator may perform turer of the findings.
periodic audits to ensure that the man- (b) Design type approvals. The manu-
ufacturer operates in accordance with facturer must have each pressure re-
the quality system. Reports of periodic ceptacle design type reviewed by an IIA
audits will be provided to the manufac- and approved by the Associate Admin-
turer. The manufacturer must bear the istrator in accordance with 178.70. A
cost of audits. cylinder is considered to be of a new
(2) Quality system documentation. The design, compared with an existing ap-
manufacturer must be able to dem- proved design, as stated in the applica-
onstrate a documented quality system. ble ISO design, construction and test-
Management must review the adequacy ing standard.
of the quality system to assure that it (c) Production inspection and certifi-
is effective and conforms to the re- cation. The manufacturer must ensure
quirements in 178.70. The quality sys- that each UN pressure receptacle is in-
tem records must be in English and spected and certified in accordance
must include detailed descriptions of with 178.71.
the following:
(i) The organizational structure and [71 FR 33885, June 12, 2006]
responsibilities of personnel with re-
gard to design and product quality; 178.70 Approval of UN pressure re-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(ii) The design control and design
verification techniques, processes, and (a) Initial design-type approval. The
procedures used when designing the manufacturer of a UN pressure recep-
pressure receptacles; tacle must obtain an initial design


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.70

type approval from the Associate Ad- factory by the IIA, the manufacturer
ministrator. The initial design type ap- will submit the letter of recommenda-
proval must be of the pressure recep- tion from the IIA and an application
tacle design as it is intended to be pro- for design type approval to the Asso-
duced. The manufacturer must arrange ciate Administrator. An application for
for an IIA, approved by the Associate initial design type approval must be
Administrator in accordance with sub- submitted for each manufacturing fa-
part I of part 107 of this chapter, to cility. The application must be in
perform a pre-audit of its pressure re- English and, at a minimum, contain
ceptacle manufacturing operation prior the following information:
to having an audit conducted by the (1) The name and address of the man-
Associate Administrator or his des- ufacturing facility. If the application is
ignee. submitted by an authorized representa-
(b) IIA pre-audit. The manufacturer tive on behalf of the manufacturer, the
must submit an application for initial application must include the represent-
design type approval to the IIA for re- atives name and address.
view. The IIA will examine the manu- (2) The name and title of the indi-
facturers application for initial design vidual responsible for the manufactur-
type approval for completeness. An in- ers quality system, as required by
complete application will be returned 178.69.
to the manufacturer with an expla- (3) The designation of the pressure
nation. If an application is complete, receptacle and the relevant pressure re-
the IIA will review all technical docu- ceptacle standard.
mentation, including drawings and cal-
(4) Details of any refusal of approval
culations, to verify that the design
of a similar application by a designated
meets all requirements of the applica-
approval agency of another country.
ble UN pressure receptacle standard
(5) The name and address of the pro-
and specification requirements. If the
duction IIA that will perform the func-
technical documentation shows that
tions prescribed in paragraph (e) of this
the pressure receptacle prototype de-
section. The IIA must be approved in
sign conforms to the applicable stand-
writing by the Associate Administrator
ards and requirements in 178.70, the
in accordance with subpart I of part 107
manufacturer will fabricate a proto-
of this chapter.
type lot of pressure receptacles in con-
formance with the technical docu- (6) Documentation on the manufac-
mentation representative of the design. turing facility as specified in 178.69.
The IIA will verify that the prototype (7) Design specifications and manu-
lot conforms to the applicable require- facturing drawings, showing compo-
ments by selecting pressure receptacles nents and subassemblies if relevant, de-
and witnessing their testing. After pro- sign calculations, and material speci-
totype testing has been satisfactorily fications necessary to verify compli-
completed, showing the pressure recep- ance with the applicable pressure re-
tacles fully conform to all applicable ceptacle design standard.
specification requirements, the certi- (8) Manufacturing procedures and
fying IIA must prepare a letter of rec- any applicable standards that describe
ommendation and a design type ap- in detail the manufacturing processes
proval certificate. The design type ap- and control.
proval certificate must contain the (9) Design type approval test reports
name and address of the manufacturer detailing the results of examinations
and the IIA certifying the design type, and tests conducted in accordance with
the test results, chemical analyses, lot the relevant pressure receptacle stand-
identification, and all other supporting ard, to include any additional data,
data specified in the applicable ISO de- such as suitability for underwater ap-
sign, construction and testing stand- plications or compatibility with hydro-
ard. The IIA must provide the certifi- gen embrittlement gases.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cate and documentation to the manu- (d) Modification of approved pressure

facturer. receptacle design type. Modification of
(c) Application for initial design type an approved UN pressure receptacle de-
approval. If the pre-audit is found satis- sign type is not authorized without the


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178.70 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

approval of the Associate Adminis- be different from the IIA who per-
trator. A manufacturer seeking modi- formed the design type approval
fication of an approved UN pressure re- verifications.
ceptacle design type may be required (4) If the procedures and controls are
to submit design qualification test deemed acceptable, test sample pres-
data to the Associate Administrator sure receptacles will be selected at ran-
before production. An audit may be re- dom from the production lot and sent
quired as part of the process to modify to a laboratory designated by the Asso-
an approval. ciate Administrator for verification
(e) Responsibilities of the production testing.
IIA. The production IIA is responsible (5) If the pressure receptacle test
for ensuring that each pressure recep- samples are found to conform to all the
tacle conforms to the design type ap- applicable requirements, the Associate
proval. The production IIA must per- Administrator will issue approvals to
form the following functions: the manufacturer and the production
(1) Witness all inspections and tests IIA to authorize the manufacture of
specified in the UN pressure receptacle the pressure receptacles. The approved
standard to ensure compliance with the design type approval certificate will be
standard and that the procedures returned to the manufacturer.
adopted by the manufacturer meet the (6) Upon the receipt of the approved
requirements of the standard; design type approval certificate from
(2) Verify that the production inspec- the Associate Administrator, the pres-
tions were performed in accordance sure receptacle manufacturer must
with this section; sign the certificate.
(3) Select UN pressure receptacles (g) Recordkeeping. The production IIA
from a prototype production lot and and the manufacturer must retain a
witness testing as required for the de- copy of the design type approval cer-
sign type approval; tificate and certificate of compliance
(4) Ensure that the various design records for at least 20 years.
type approval examinations and tests (h) Denial of design type application. If
are performed accurately; the design type application is denied,
(5) Verify that each pressure recep- the Associate Administrator will no-
tacle is marked in accordance with the tify the applicant in writing and pro-
applicable requirements in 178.71; and vide the reason for the denial. The
(6) Furnish complete test reports to manufacturer may request that the As-
the manufacturer and upon request to sociate Administrator reconsider the
the purchaser. The test reports and decision. The application request
certificate of compliance must be re- must
tained by the IIA for at least 20 years
(1) Be written in English and filed
from the original test date of the pres-
within 60 days of receipt of the deci-
sure receptacles.
(f) Production inspection audit and cer-
tification. (1) If the application, design (2) State in detail any alleged errors
drawing and quality control documents of fact and law; and
are found satisfactory, PHMSA will (3) Enclose any additional informa-
schedule an on-site audit of the pres- tion needed to support the request to
sure receptacle manufacturers quality reconsider.
system, manufacturing processes, in- (i) Appeal. (1) A manufacturer whose
spections, and test procedures. reconsideration request is denied may
(2) During the audit, the manufac- appeal to the PHMSA Administrator.
turer will be required to produce pres- The appeal must
sure receptacles to the technical stand- (i) Be written in English and filed
ards for which approval is sought. within 60 days of receipt of the Asso-
(3) The production IIA must witness ciate Administrators decision on re-
the required inspections and consideration;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

verifications on the pressure recep- (ii) State in detail any alleged errors
tacles during the production run. The of fact and law;
IIA selected by the manufacturer for (iii) Enclose any additional informa-
production inspection and testing may tion needed to support the appeal; and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.71

(iv) State in detail the modification Alternative arrangement means an ap-

of the final decision sought. proval granted by the Associate Ad-
(2) The PHMSA Administrator will ministrator for a MEGC that has been
grant or deny the relief and inform the designed, constructed or tested to the
appellant in writing of the decision. technical requirements or testing
PHMSA Administrators decision is the methods other than those specified for
final administrative action. UN pressure receptacles in part 178 or
(j) Termination of a design type ap- part 180 of this subchapter.
proval certificate. (1) The Associate Ad- Bundle of cylinders. See 171.8 of this
ministrator may terminate an approval subchapter.
certificate issue under this section if it Design type means a pressure recep-
is determined that, because of a change tacle design as specified by a particular
in circumstances, the approval no pressure receptacle standard.
longer is needed or no longer would be Design type approval means an overall
granted if applied for; information approval of the manufacturers quality
upon which the approval was based is system and design type of each pres-
fraudulent or substantially erroneous; sure receptacle to be produced within
or termination of the approval is nec- the manufacturers facility.
essary to adequately protect against UN tube. See 171.8 of this subchapter.
risks to life and property. (c) Following the final heat treat-
(2) Before an approval is terminated, ment, all cylinders, except those se-
the Associate Administrator will pro- lected for batch testing must be sub-
vide the manufacturer and the ap- jected to a proof pressure or a hydrau-
proval agency lic volumetric expansion test.
(i) Written notice of the facts or con- (d) Service equipment. (1) Except for
duct believed to warrant the with- pressure relief devices, UN pressure re-
drawal; ceptacle equipment, including valves,
(ii) Opportunity to submit oral and piping, fittings, and other equipment
written evidence, and subjected to pressure must be designed
and constructed to withstand at least
(iii) Opportunity to demonstrate or
1.5 times the test pressure of the pres-
achieve compliance with the applica-
sure receptacle.
tion requirement.
(2) Service equipment must be config-
(3) If the Associate Administrator de-
ured or designed to prevent damage
termines that a certificate of approval
that could result in the release of the
must be withdrawn to preclude a sig-
pressure receptacle contents during
nificant and imminent adverse affect
normal conditions of handling and
on public safety, the procedures in
transport. Manifold piping leading to
paragraph (j)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this sec-
shut-off valves must be sufficiently
tion need not be provided prior to with-
flexible to protect the valves and the
drawal of the approval, but shall be
piping from shearing or releasing the
provided as soon as practicable there-
pressure receptacle contents. The fill-
ing and discharge valves and any pro-
[71 FR 33886, June 12, 2006, as amended at 71 tective caps must be secured against
FR 54397, Sept. 14, 2006; 77 FR 60943, Oct. 5, unintended opening. The valves must
2012] conform to ISO 10297 (IBR, see 171.7 of
this subchapter), or ISO 13340 (IBR, see
178.71 Specifications for UN pressure 171.7 of this subchapter) for non-refill-
able pressure receptacles, and be pro-
(a) General. Each UN pressure recep- tected as specified in 173.301b(f) of this
tacle must meet the requirements of subchapter.
this section. Requirements for ap- (3) UN pressure receptacles that can-
proval, qualification, maintenance, and not be handled manually or rolled,
testing are contained in 178.70, and must be equipped with devices (e.g.,
subpart C of part 180 of this subchapter. skids, rings, straps) ensuring that they
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) Definitions. The following defini- can be safely handled by mechanical

tions apply for the purposes of design means and so arranged as not to impair
and construction of UN pressure recep- the strength of, nor cause undue
tacles under this subpart: stresses, in the pressure receptacle.


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178.71 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(4) Pressure receptacles filled by vol- (5) The frame design must prevent
ume must be equipped with a level in- collection of water or other debris that
dicator. would increase the tare weight of bun-
(e) Bundles of cylinders. UN pressure dles filled by weight.
receptacles assembled in bundles must (6) The floor of the bundle frame
be structurally supported and held to- must not buckle during normal oper-
gether as a unit and secured in a man- ating conditions and must allow for the
ner that prevents movement in rela- drainage of water and debris from
tion to the structural assembly and around the base of the cylinders.
movement that would result in the (7) If the frame design includes mov-
concentration of harmful local able doors or covers, they must be ca-
stresses. The frame design must ensure pable of being secured with latches or
stability under normal operating con- other means that will not become dis-
ditions. lodged by operational impact loads.
(1) The frame must securely retain Valves that need to be operated in nor-
all the components of the bundle and mal service or in an emergency must
must protect them from damage during be accessible.
conditions normally incident to trans- (8) For bundles of cylinders, pressure
portation. The method of cylinder re- receptacle marking requirements only
straint must prevent any vertical or apply to the individual cylinders of a
horizontal movement or rotation of the bundle and not to any assembly struc-
cylinder that could cause undue strain ture.
on the manifold. The total assembly (f) Design and construction require-
must be able to withstand rough han- ments for UN refillable welded cylinders.
dling, including being dropped or over- In addition to the general requirements
turned. of this section, UN refillable welded
(2) The frame must include features cylinders must conform to the fol-
designed for the handling and transpor- lowing ISO standards, as applicable:
tation of the bundle. The lifting rings (1) ISO 4706: Gas cylindersRefillable
must be designed to withstand a design welded steel cylindersTest pressure
load of 2 times the maximum gross 60 bar and below (IBR, see 171.7 of this
weight. Bundles with more than one subchapter).
lifting ring must be designed such that (2) ISO 181721: Gas cylindersRefill-
a minimum sling angle of 45 degrees to able welded stainless steel cylinders
the horizontal can be achieved during Part 1: Test pressure 6 MPa and below
lifting using the lifting rings. If four (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
lifting rings are used, their design (3) ISO 20703: Gas cylindersRefill-
must be strong enough to allow the able welded aluminum-alloy cyl-
bundle to be lifted by two rings. Where indersDesign, construction and test-
two or four lifting rings are used, dia- ing (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
metrically opposite lifting rings must (g) Design and construction require-
be aligned with each other to allow for ments for UN refillable seamless steel cyl-
correct lifting using shackle pins. If inders. In addition to the general re-
the bundle is filled with forklift pock- quirements of this section, UN refill-
ets, it must contain two forklift pock- able seamless steel cylinders must con-
ets on each side from which it is to be form to the following ISO standards, as
lifted. The forklift pockets must be po- applicable:
sitioned symmetrically consistent with (1) ISO 98091: Gas cylindersRefill-
the bundle center of gravity. able seamless steel gas cylindersDe-
(3) The frame structural members sign, construction and testingPart 1:
must be designed for a vertical load of Quenched and tempered steel cylinders
2 times the maximum gross weight of with tensile strength less than 1100
the bundle. Design stress levels may MPa. (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
not exceed 0.9 times the yield strength chapter).
of the material. (2) ISO 98092: Gas cylindersRefill-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(4) The frame must not contain any able seamless steel gas cylindersDe-
protrusions from the exterior frame sign, construction and testingPart 2:
structure that could cause a hazardous Quenched and tempered steel cylinders
condition. with tensile strength greater than or


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.71

equal to 1100 MPa. (IBR, see 171.7 of plugs. (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
this subchapter). chapter).
(3) ISO 98093: Gas cylindersRefill- (l) Design and construction require-
able seamless steel gas cylindersDe- ments for UN composite cylinders. (1) In
sign, construction and testingPart 3: addition to the general requirements of
Normalized steel cylinders. (IBR, see this section, UN composite cylinders
171.7 of this subchapter). must be designed for unlimited service
(h) Design and construction require- life and conform to the following ISO
ments for UN refillable seamless aluminum standards, as applicable:
alloy cylinders. In addition to the gen- (i) ISO 111191: Gas cylinders of com-
eral requirements of this section, UN posite constructionSpecification and
refillable seamless aluminum cylinders test methodsPart 1: Hoop-wrapped
must conform to ISO 7866: Gas cyl- composite gas cylinders. (IBR, see
indersRefillable seamless aluminum 171.7 of this subchapter).
alloy gas cylindersDesign, construc- (ii) ISO 111192: Gas cylinders of com-
tion and testing. (IBR, see 171.7 of this posite constructionSpecification and
subchapter). The use of Aluminum test methodsPart 2: Fully-wrapped
alloy 6351T6 or equivalent is prohib- fibre reinforced composite gas cyl-
ited. inders with load-sharing metal liners.
(i) Design and construction require- (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
ments for UN non-refillable metal cyl- (iii) ISO 111193: Gas cylinders of
inders. In addition to the general re- composite constructionSpecification
quirements of this section, UN non-re- and test methodsPart 3: Fully
fillable metal cylinders must conform wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas
to ISO 11118: Gas cylindersNon-refill- cylinders with non-load sharing metal-
able metallic gas cylindersSpecifica- lic or non-metallic liners. (IBR, see
tion and test methods. (IBR, see 171.7 171.7 of this subchapter).
of this subchapter.) (2) ISO 111192 and ISO 111193 gas
(j) Design and construction require- cylinders of composite construction
ments for UN refillable seamless steel manufactured in accordance with the
tubes. In addition to the general re- requirements for underwater use must
quirements of this section, UN refill- bear the UW mark.
able seamless steel tubes must conform (m) Design and construction require-
to ISO 11120: Gas cylindersRefillable ments for UN metal hydride storage sys-
seamless steel tubes of water capacity tems. In addition to the general require-
between 150 L and 3000 LDesign, con- ments of this section, metal hydride
struction and testing. (IBR, see 171.7 storage systems must conform to the
of this subchapter). following ISO standards, as applicable:
(k) Design and construction require- ISO 16111: Transportable gas storage
ments for UN acetylene cylinders. In ad- devicesHydrogen absorbed in revers-
dition to the general requirements of ible metal hydride (IBR, see 171.7 of
this section, UN acetylene cylinders this subchapter).
must conform to the following ISO (n) Material compatibility. In addition
standards, as applicable: to the material requirements specified
(1) For the cylinder shell: in the UN pressure receptacle design
(i) ISO 98091: Gas cylindersRefill- and construction ISO standards, and
able seamless steel gas cylindersDe- any restrictions specified in part 173
sign, construction and testingPart 1: for the gases to be transported, the re-
Quenched and tempered steel cylinders quirements of the following standards
with tensile strength less than 1100 must be applied with respect to mate-
MPa. rial compatibility:
(ii) ISO 98093: Gas cylindersRefill- (1) ISO 111141: Transportable gas cyl-
able seamless steel gas cylindersDe- indersCompatibility of cylinder and
sign, construction and testingPart 3: valve materials with gas contents
Normalized steel cylinders. Part 1: Metallic materials. (IBR, see
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) The porous mass in an acetylene 171.7 of this subchapter).

cylinder must conform to ISO 38072: (2) ISO 111142: Transportable gas cyl-
Cylinders for acetyleneBasic require- indersCompatibility of cylinder and
mentsPart 2: Cylinders with fusible valve materials with gas contents


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178.71 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Part 2: Non-metallic materials. (IBR, minimum size of the marks must be 5

see 171.7 of this subchapter). mm for pressure receptacles with a di-
(o) Protection of closures. Closures and ameter greater than or equal to 140
their protection must conform to the mm, and 2.5 mm for pressure recep-
requirements in 173.301(f) of this sub- tacles with a diameter less than 140
chapter. mm. The minimum size of the UN
(p) Marking of UN refillable pressure re- mark must be 5 mm for pressure recep-
ceptacles. UN refillable pressure recep- tacles with a diameter less than 140
tacles must be marked clearly and leg-
mm, and 10 mm for pressure recep-
ibly. The required markings must be
tacles with a diameter of greater than
permanently affixed by stamping, en-
or equal to 140 mm. The depth of the
graving, or other equivalent method,
on the shoulder, top end or neck of the markings must not create harmful
pressure receptacle or on a perma- stress concentrations. A refillable pres-
nently affixed component of the pres- sure receptacle conforming to the UN
sure receptacle, such as a welded col- standard must be marked as follows:
lar. Except for the UN mark, the (1) The UN packaging symbol.

(2) The ISO standard, for example (6) The test pressure in bar, preceded
ISO 98091, used for design, construc- by the letters PH and followed by
tion and testing. Acetylene cylinders the letters BAR.
must be marked to indicate the porous (7) The rated charging pressure of the
mass and the steel shell, for example: metal hydride storage system in bar,
ISO 38072/ISO 98091. preceded by the letters RCP and fol-
(3) The mark of the country where lowed by the letters BAR.
the approval is granted. The letters (8) The empty or tare weight. Except
USA must be marked on UN pressure for acetylene cylinders, empty weight
receptacles approved by the United is the mass of the pressure receptacle
States. The manufacturer must obtain in kilograms, including all integral
an approval number from the Associate parts (e.g., collar, neck ring, foot ring,
Administrator. The manufacturer ap- etc.), followed by the letters KG. The
proval number must follow the country empty weight does not include the
of approval mark, separated by a slash mass of the valve, valve cap or valve
(for example, USA/MXXXX). Pressure guard or any coating. The empty
receptacles approved by more than one weight must be expressed to three sig-
national authority may contain the nificant figures rounded up to the last
mark of each country of approval, sep- digit. For cylinders of less than 1 kg,
arated by a comma. the empty weight must be expressed to
(4) The identity mark or stamp of the two significant figures rounded down
IIA. to the last digit. For acetylene cyl-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(5) The date of the initial inspection, inders, the tare weight must be marked
the year (four digits) followed by the on the cylinders in kilograms. The tare
month (two digits) separated by a weight is the sum of the empty weight,
slash, for example 2006/04. mass of the valve, any coating and all


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.71

permanently attached parts (e.g., fit- (14) The serial number assigned by
tings and accessories) that are not re- the manufacturer.
moved during filling. The tare weight (15) For steel pressure receptacles,
must be expressed to two significant the letter H showing compatibility
figures rounded down to the last digit. of the steel, as specified in 1SO 111141.
The tare weight does not include the (16) Identification of aluminum alloy,
cylinder cap or any outlet cap or plug if applicable.
not permanently attached to the cyl- (17) Stamp for nondestructive test-
inder. ing, if applicable.
(9) The minimum wall thickness of (18) Stamp for underwater use of
the pressure receptacle in millimeters composite cylinders, if applicable.
followed by the letters MM. This (19) For metal hydride storage sys-
mark is not required for pressure re- tems having a limited life, the date of
ceptacles with a water capacity less expiration indicated by the word
than or equal to 1.0 L or for composite FINAL, followed by the year (four
cylinders. digits), the month (two digits) and sep-
(10) For pressure receptacles intended arated by a slash.
for the transport of compressed gases (q) Marking sequence. The marking re-
and UN 1001 acetylene, dissolved, the quired by paragraph (p) of this section
working pressure in bar, proceeded by must be placed in three groups as
the letters PW. shown in the example below:
(11) For liquefied gases, the water ca- (1) The top grouping contains manu-
pacity in liters expressed to three sig- facturing marks and must appear con-
nificant digits rounded down to the secutively in the sequence given in
last digit, followed by the letter L. If paragraphs (p)(13) through (19) of this
the value of the minimum or nominal section.
water capacity is an integer, the digits (2) The middle grouping contains
after the decimal point may be omit- operational marks described in para-
ted. graphs (p)(6) through (11) of this sec-
(12) Identification of the cylinder tion.
thread type (e.g., 25E). (3) The bottom grouping contains
(13) The country of manufacture. The certification marks and must appear
letters USA must be marked on cyl- consecutively in the sequence given in
inders manufactured in the United paragraphs (p)(1) through (5) of this
States. section.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(r) Other markings. Other markings depth that will create harmful stress
are allowed in areas other than the side concentrations. Such marks must not
wall, provided they are made in low conflict with required marks.
stress areas and are not of a size and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.74

(s) Marking of UN non-refillable pres- change in the design, the certificate is

sure receptacles. Unless otherwise speci- valid for the entire series. The design
fied in this paragraph, each UN non-re- approval certificate must refer to the
fillable pressure receptacle must be prototype test report, the materials of
clearly and legibly marked as pre- construction of the manifold, the
scribed in paragraph (p) of this section. standards to which the pressure recep-
In addition, permanent stenciling is tacles are made and an approval num-
authorized. Except when stenciled, the ber. The compliance requirements or
marks must be on the shoulder, top end test methods applicable to MEGCs as
or neck of the pressure receptacle or on specified in this subpart may be varied
a permanently affixed component of when the level of safety is determined
the pressure receptacle (e.g., a welded to be equivalent to or exceed the re-
collar). quirements of this subchapter and is
(1) The marking requirements and se- approved in writing by the Associate
quence listed in paragraphs (p)(1) Administrator. A design approval may
through (19) of this section are re- serve for the approval of smaller
quired, except the markings in para- MEGCs made of materials of the same
graphs (p)(8), (9), (12) and (18) are not type and thickness, by the same fab-
applicable. The required serial number rication techniques and with identical
marking in paragraph (p)(14) may be supports, equivalent closures and other
replaced by the batch number. appurtenances.
(2) Each receptacle must be marked (2) Each application for design ap-
with the words DO NOT REFILL in proval must be in English and contain
letters of at least 5 mm in height. the following information:
(3) A non-refillable pressure recep- (i) Two complete copies of all engi-
tacle, because of its size, may sub- neering drawings, calculations, and
stitute the marking required by this test data necessary to ensure that the
paragraph with a label. Reduction in design meets the relevant specifica-
marking size is authorized only as pre- tion.
scribed in ISO 7225, Gas cylindersPre- (ii) The manufacturers serial number
cautionary labels. (IBR, see 171.7 of that will be assigned to each MEGC.
this subchapter). (iii) A statement as to whether the
(4) Each non-refillable pressure re- design type has been examined by any
ceptacle must also be legibly marked approval agency previously and judged
by stenciling the following statement: unacceptable. Affirmative statements
Federal law forbids transportation if must be documented with the name of
refilled-penalty up to $500,000 fine and 5 the approval agency, reason for non-ac-
years in imprisonment (49 U.S.C. ceptance, and the nature of modifica-
5124). tions made to the design type.
(5) No person may mark a non-refill- (b) Actions by the approval agency. The
able pressure receptacle as meeting the approval agency must review the appli-
requirements of this section unless it cation for design type approval, includ-
was manufactured in conformance with ing all drawings and calculations, to
this section. ensure that the design of the MEGC
[76 FR 3385, Jan. 19, 2011, as amended at 76 meets all requirements of the relevant
FR 43532, July 20, 2011; 77 FR 60943, Oct. 5, specification and to determine whether
2012; 78 FR 1096, Jan. 7, 2013] it is complete and conforms to the re-
quirements of this section. An incom-
178.74 Approval of MEGCs. plete application will be returned to
(a) Application for design type ap- the applicant with the reasons why the
proval. (1) Each new MEGC design type application was returned. If the appli-
must have a design approval certifi- cation is complete and all applicable
cate. An owner or manufacturer must requirements of this section are met,
apply to an approval agency that is ap- the approval agency must prepare a
proved by the Associate Administrator MEGC design approval certificate con-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

in accordance with subpart E of part taining the manufacturers name and

107 of this chapter +to obtain approval address, results and conclusions of the
of a new design. When a series of examination and necessary data for
MEGCs is manufactured without identification of the design type. If the


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178.74 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Associate Administrator approves the (vi) A statement that the approval

Design Type Approval Certificate ap- agency certifies the MEGC in accord-
plication, the approval agency and the ance with the procedures in this sec-
manufacturer must each maintain a tion and that the MEGC is suitable for
copy of the approved drawings, calcula- its intended purpose and meets the re-
tions, and test data for at least 20 quirements of this subchapter. When a
years. series of MEGCs is manufactured with-
(c) Approval agencys responsibilities. out change in the design type, the cer-
The approval agency is responsible for tificate may be valid for the entire se-
ensuring that the MEGC conforms to ries of MEGCs representing a single de-
the design type approval. The approval sign type. The approval number must
agency must: consist of the distinguishing sign or
(1) Witness all tests required for the mark of the country (USA for the
approval of the MEGC specified in this United States of America) where the
section and 178.75. approval was granted and a registra-
(2) Ensure, through appropriate in- tion number.
spection, that each MEGC is fabricated (6) Retain on file a copy of each ap-
in all respects in conformance with the proval certificate for at least 20 years.
approved drawings, calculations, and (d) Manufacturers responsibilities. The
test data. manufacturer is responsible for compli-
(3) Determine and ensure that the ance with the applicable specifications
MEGC is suitable for its intended use for the design and construction of
and that it conforms to the require- MEGCs. The manufacturer of a MEGC
ments of this subchapter. must:
(4) Apply its name, identifying mark (1) Comply with all the requirements
or identifying number, and the date the of the applicable ISO standard specified
approval was issued, to the metal iden- in 178.71;
tification marking plate attached to (2) Obtain and use an approval agen-
the MEGC upon successful completion cy to review the design, construction
of all requirements of this subpart. and certification of the MEGC;
Any approvals by the Associate Admin- (3) Provide a statement in the manu-
istrator authorizing design or con- facturers data report certifying that
struction alternatives (Alternate Ar- each MEGC manufactured complies
rangements) of the MEGC (see para- with the relevant specification and all
graph (a) of this section) must be indi- the applicable requirements of this
cated on the metal identification plate subchapter; and
as specified in 178.75(j). (4) Retain records for the MEGCs for
(5) Prepare an approval certificate at least 20 years. When required by the
for each MEGC or, in the case of a se- specification, the manufacturer must
ries of identical MEGCs manufactured provide copies of the records to the ap-
to a single design type, for each series proval agency, the owner or lessee of
of MEGCs. The approval certificate the MEGC, and to a representative of
must include all of the following infor- DOT, upon request.
mation: (e) Denial of application for approval.
(i) The information displayed on the If the Associate Administrator finds
metal identification plate required by that the MEGC will not be approved for
178.75(j); any reason, the Associate Adminis-
(ii) The results of the applicable trator will notify the applicant in writ-
framework test specified in ISO 14963 ing and provide the reason for the de-
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter); nial. The manufacturer may request
(iii) The results of the initial inspec- that the Associate Administrator re-
tion and test specified in paragraph (h) consider the decision. The application
of this section; request must
(iv) The results of the impact test (1) Be written in English and filed
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

specified in 178.75(i)(4); within 90 days of receipt of the deci-

(v) Certification documents verifying sion;
that the cylinders and tubes conform (2) State in detail any alleged errors
to the applicable standards; and of fact and law; and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.74

(3) Enclose any additional informa- fication to an approved MEGC alters

tion needed to support the request to any information on the approval cer-
reconsider. tificate, the approval agency must pre-
(f) Appeal. (1) A manufacturer whose pare a new approval certificate for the
reconsideration request is denied may modified MEGC and submit the certifi-
appeal to the PHMSA Administrator. cate to the Associate Administrator for
The appeal must approval. After receiving approval
(i) Be in writing and filed within 90 from the Associate Administrator, the
days of receipt of the Associate Admin- approval agency must ensure that any
istrator s decision on reconsideration; necessary changes are made to the
(ii) State in detail any alleged errors metal identification plate. A copy of
of fact and law; each newly issued approval certificate
(iii) Enclose any additional informa- must be retained by the approval agen-
tion needed to support the appeal; and cy and the MEGCs owner for at least
(iv) State in detail the modification 20 years. The approval agency must
of the final decision sought. perform the following activities:
(2) The Administrator will grant or (i) Retain a set of the approved re-
deny the relief and inform the appel- vised drawings, calculations, and data
lant in writing of the decision. The Ad- as specified in 178.69(b)(4) for at least
ministrators decision is the final ad- 20 years;
ministrative action. (ii) Ensure through appropriate in-
(g) Modifications to approved MEGCs. spection that all modifications con-
(1) Prior to modification of any ap- form to the revised drawings, calcula-
proved MEGC that may affect conform- tions, and test data; and
ance and safe use, and that may in- (iii) Determine the extent to which
volve a change to the design type or af- retesting of the modified MEGC is nec-
fect its ability to retain the hazardous essary based on the nature of the pro-
material in transportation, the posed modification, and ensure that all
MEGCs owner must inform the ap- required retests are satisfactorily per-
proval agency that prepared the initial formed.
approval certificate for the MEGC or, if (h) Termination of Approval Certificate.
the initial approval agency is unavail- (1) The Associate Administrator may
able, another approval agency, of the terminate an approval issued under
nature of the modification and request this section if he or she determines
certification of the modification. The that
owner must supply the approval agency
(i) Because of a change in cir-
with all revised drawings, calculations, cumstances, the approval no longer is
and test data relative to the intended needed or no longer would be granted if
modification. The MEGCs owner must applied for;
also provide a statement as to whether
(ii) Information upon which the ap-
the intended modification has been ex-
proval was based is fraudulent or sub-
amined and determined to be unaccept-
stantially erroneous;
able by any approval agency. The writ-
ten statement must include the name (iii) Termination of the approval is
of the approval agency, the reason for necessary to adequately protect
non-acceptance, and the nature of against risks to life and property; or
changes made to the modification since (iv) The MEGC does not meet the
its original rejection. specification.
(2) The approval agency must review (2) Before an approval is terminated,
the request for modification. If the ap- the Associate Administrator will pro-
proval agency determines that the pro- vide the person
posed modification does not conform to (i) Written notice of the facts or con-
the relevant specification, the approval duct believed to warrant the termi-
agency must reject the request in ac- nation;
cordance with paragraph (d) of this sec- (ii) An opportunity to submit oral
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion. If the approval agency determines and written evidence; and

that the proposed modification con- (3) An opportunity to demonstrate or
forms fully with the relevant specifica- achieve compliance with the applicable
tion, the request is accepted. If modi- requirements.


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178.75 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(i) Imminent Danger. If the Associate lizing members external to the pres-
Administrator determines that a cer- sure receptacles.
tificate of approval must be terminated (d) General design and construction re-
to preclude a significant and imminent quirements. (1) The MEGC must be capa-
adverse effect on public safety, the As- ble of being loaded and discharged
sociate Administrator may terminate without the removal of its structural
the certificate immediately. In such equipment. It must possess stabilizing
circumstances, the opportunities of members external to the pressure re-
paragraphs (h)(2) and (3) of this section ceptacles to provide structural integ-
need not be provided prior to termi-
rity for handling and transport. MEGCs
nation of the approval, but must be
must be designed and constructed with
provided as soon as practicable there-
supports to provide a secure base dur-
ing transport and with lifting and tie-
[71 FR 33890, June 12, 2006] down attachments that are adequate
for lifting the MEGC including when
178.75 Specifications for MEGCs.
loaded to its maximum permissible
(a) General. Each MEGC must meet gross mass. The MEGC must be de-
the requirements of this section. In a signed to be loaded onto a transport ve-
MEGC that meets the definition of a hicle or vessel and equipped with skids,
container within the terms of the mountings or accessories to facilitate
International Convention for Safe Con- mechanical handling.
tainers (CSC) must meet the require-
(2) MEGCs must be designed, manu-
ments of the CSC as amended and 49
CFR parts 450 through 453, and must factured and equipped to withstand,
have a CSC approval plate. without loss of contents, all normal
(b) Alternate Arrangements. The tech- handling and transportation condi-
nical requirements applicable to tions. The design must take into ac-
MEGCs may be varied when the level of count the effects of dynamic loading
safety is determined to be equivalent and fatigue.
to or exceed the requirements of this (3) Each pressure receptacle of a
subchapter. Such an alternate arrange- MEGC must be of the same design type,
ment must be approved in writing by seamless steel, and constructed and
the Associate Administrator. MEGCs tested according to one of the following
approved to an Alternate Arrangement ISO standards:
must be marked as required by para- (i) ISO 98091: Gas cylindersRefill-
graph (j) of this section. able seamless steel gas cylindersDe-
(c) Definitions. The following defini- sign, construction and testingPart 1:
tions apply: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders
Leakproofness test means a test using with tensile strength less than 1100
gas subjecting the pressure receptacles MPa. (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
and the service equipment of the MEGC chapter);
to an effective internal pressure of not (ii) ISO 98092: Gas cylindersRefill-
less than 20% of the test pressure. able seamless steel gas cylindersDe-
Manifold means an assembly of piping
sign, construction and testingPart 2:
and valves connecting the filling and/or
Quenched and tempered steel cylinders
discharge openings of the pressure re-
with tensile strength greater than or
equal to 1100 MPa. (IBR, see 171.7 of
Maximum permissible gross mass or
MPGM means the heaviest load author- this subchapter);
ized for transport (sum of the tare (iii) ISO 98093: Gas cylindersRefill-
mass of the MEGC, service equipment able seamless steel gas cylindersDe-
and pressure receptacle). sign, construction and testingPart 3:
Service equipment means manifold sys- Normalized steel cylinders. (IBR, see
tem (measuring instruments, piping 171.7 of this subchapter); or
and safety devices). (iv) ISO 11120: Gas cylindersRefill-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Shut-off valve means a valve that able seamless steel tubes of water ca-
stops the flow of gas. pacity between 150 L and 3000 LDe-
Structural equipment means the rein- sign, construction and testing. (IBR,
forcing, fastening, protective and stabi- see 171.7 of this subchapter).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.75

(4) Pressure receptacles of MEGCs, (i) For steels having a clearly defined
fittings, and pipework must be con- yield point, a safety factor of 1.5 in re-
structed of a material that is compat- lation to the guaranteed yield
ible with the hazardous materials in- strength; or
tended to be transported, as specified (ii) For steels with no clearly defined
in this subchapter. yield point, a safety factor of 1.5 in re-
(5) Contact between dissimilar met- lation to the guaranteed 0.2 percent
als that could result in damage by gal- proof strength and, for austenitic
vanic action must be prevented by ap- steels, the 1 percent proof strength.
propriate means. (11) MEGCs must be capable of being
(6) The materials of the MEGC, in- electrically grounded to prevent elec-
cluding any devices, gaskets, and ac- trostatic discharge when intended for
cessories, must have no adverse effect flammable gases.
on the gases intended for transport in (12) The pressure receptacles of a
the MEGC. MEGC must be secured in a manner to
(7) MEGCs must be designed to with- prevent movement that could result in
stand, without loss of contents, at damage to the structure and con-
least the internal pressure due to the centration of harmful localized
contents, and the static, dynamic and stresses.
thermal loads during normal condi- (e) Service equipment. (1) Service
tions of handling and transport. The equipment must be arranged so that it
design must take into account the ef- is protected from mechanical damage
fects of fatigue, caused by repeated ap- by external forces during handling and
plication of these loads through the ex- transportation. When the connections
pected life of the MEGC. between the frame and the pressure re-
ceptacles allow relative movement be-
(8) MEGCs and their fastenings must,
tween the subassemblies, the equip-
under the maximum permissible load,
ment must be fastened to allow move-
be capable of withstanding the fol-
ment to prevent damage to any work-
lowing separately applied static forces
ing part. The manifolds, discharge fit-
(for calculation purposes, acceleration
tings (pipe sockets, shut-off devices),
due to gravity (g) = 9.81 m/s2):
and shut-off valves must be protected
(i) In the direction of travel: 2g from damage by external forces. Mani-
(twice the MPGM multiplied by the ac- fold piping leading to shut-off valves
celeration due to gravity); must be sufficiently flexible to protect
(ii) Horizontally at right angles to the valves and the piping from shear-
the direction of travel: 1g (the MPGM ing, or releasing the pressure recep-
multiplied by the acceleration due to tacle contents. The filling and dis-
gravity. When the direction of travel is charge devices, including flanges or
not clearly determined, the forces must threaded plugs, and any protective caps
be equal to twice the MPGM); must be capable of being secured
(iii) Vertically upwards: 1g (the against unintended opening.
MPGM multiplied by the acceleration (2) Each pressure receptacle intended
due to gravity); and for the transport of Division 2.3 gases
(iv) Vertically downwards: 2g (twice must be equipped with an individual
the MPGM (total loading including the shut-off valve. The manifold for Divi-
effect of gravity) multiplied by the ac- sion 2.3 liquefied gases must be de-
celeration due to gravity. signed so that each pressure receptacle
(9) Under each of the forces specified can be filled separately and be kept
in paragraph (d)(8) of this section, the isolated by a valve capable of being
stress at the most severely stressed closed during transit. For Division 2.1
point of the pressure receptacles must gases, the pressure receptacles must be
not exceed the values given in the ap- isolated by an individual shut-off valve
plicable design specifications (e.g., ISO into assemblies of not more than 3,000
11120). L.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(10) Under each of the forces specified (3) For MEGC filling and discharge
in paragraph (d)(8) of this section, the openings:
safety factor for the framework and (i) Two valves in series must be
fastenings must be as follows: placed in an accessible position on each


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178.75 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

discharge and filling pipe. One of the (1) The size of the pressure relief de-
valves may be a backflow prevention vices: CGA S1.1 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
valve. (ii) The filling and discharge de- subchapter) must be used to determine
vices may be equipped to a manifold. the relief capacity of individual pres-
(iii) For sections of piping which can sure receptacles.
be closed at both ends and where a liq- (2) Connections to pressure-relief de-
uid product can be trapped, a pressure- vices: Connections to pressure relief
relief valve must be provided to pre- devices must be of sufficient size to en-
vent excessive pressure build-up. able the required discharge to pass un-
(iv) The main isolation valves on a restricted to the pressure relief device.
MEGC must be clearly marked to indi- A shut-off valve installed between the
cate their directions of closure. All pressure receptacle and the pressure re-
shutoff valves must close by a clock- lief device is prohibited, except where
wise motion of the handwheel. duplicate devices are provided for
(v) Each shut-off valve or other maintenance or other reasons, and the
means of closure must be designed and shut-off valves serving the devices ac-
constructed to withstand a pressure tually in use are locked open, or the
equal to or greater than 1.5 times the shut-off valves are interlocked so that
test pressure of the MEGC.
at least one of the duplicate devices is
(vi) All shut-off valves with screwed
always operable and capable of meeting
spindles must close by a clockwise mo-
the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of
tion of the handwheel. For other shut-
this section. No obstruction is per-
off valves, the open and closed posi-
mitted in an opening leading to or
tions and the direction of closure must
leaving from a vent or pressure-relief
be clearly shown.
device that might restrict or cut-off
(vii) All shut-off valves must be de-
signed and positioned to prevent unin- the flow from the pressure receptacle
tentional opening. to that device. The opening through all
(viii) Ductile metals must be used in piping and fittings must have at least
the construction of valves or acces- the same flow area as the inlet of the
sories. pressure relief device to which it is
(4) The piping must be designed, con- connected. The nominal size of the dis-
structed and installed to avoid damage charge piping must be at least as large
due to expansion and contraction, me- as that of the pressure relief device.
chanical shock and vibration. Joints in (3) Location of pressure-relief de-
tubing must be brazed or have an vices: For liquefied gases, each pres-
equally strong metal union. The melt- sure relief device must, under max-
ing point of brazing materials must be imum filling conditions, be in commu-
no lower than 525 C (977 F). The rated nication with the vapor space of the
pressure of the service equipment and pressure receptacles. The devices, when
of the manifold must be not less than installed, must be arranged to ensure
two-thirds of the test pressure of the the escaping vapor is discharged up-
pressure receptacles. wards and unrestrictedly to prevent
(f) Pressure relief devices. Each pres- impingement of escaping gas or liquid
sure receptacle must be equipped with upon the MEGC, its pressure recep-
one or more pressure relief devices as tacles or personnel. For flammable,
specified in 173.301(f) of this sub- pyrophoric and oxidizing gases, the es-
chapter. When pressure relief devices caping gas must be directed away from
are installed, each pressure receptacle the pressure receptacle in such a man-
or group of pressure receptacles of a ner that it cannot impinge upon the
MEGC that can be isolated must be other pressure receptacles. Heat resist-
equipped with one or more pressure re- ant protective devices that deflect the
lief devices. Pressure relief devices flow of gas are permissible provided the
must be of a type that will resist dy- required pressure relief device capacity
namic forces including liquid surge and is not reduced. Arrangements must be
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be designed to prevent the entry made to prevent access to the pressure
of foreign matter, the leakage of gas relief devices by unauthorized persons
and the development of any dangerous and to protect the devices from damage
excess pressure. caused by rollover.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.75

(g) Gauging devices. When a MEGC is (iii) Protection against rear impact,
intended to be filled by mass, it must which may consist of a bumper or
be equipped with one or more gauging frame;
devices. Glass level-gauges and gauges (iv) Protection of the pressure recep-
made of other fragile material are pro- tacles and service equipment against
hibited. damage from impact or overturning by
(h) MEGC supports, frameworks, lifting use of an ISO frame according to the
and tie-down attachments. (1) MEGCs relevant provisions of ISO 14963. (IBR,
must be designed and constructed with see 171.7 of this subchapter).
a support structure to provide a secure (i) Initial inspection and test. The pres-
base during transport. MEGCs must be sure receptacles and items of equip-
protected against damage to the pres- ment of each MEGC must be inspected
sure receptacles and service equipment and tested before being put into service
resulting from lateral and longitudinal
for the first time (initial inspection
impact and overturning. The forces
and test). This initial inspection and
specified in paragraph (d)(8) of this sec-
test of an MEGC must include the fol-
tion, and the safety factor specified in
paragraph (d)(10) of this section must
be considered in this aspect of the de- (1) A check of the design characteris-
sign. Skids, frameworks, cradles or tics.
other similar structures are accept- (2) An external examination of the
able. If the pressure receptacles and MEGC and its fittings, taking into ac-
service equipment are so constructed count the hazardous materials to be
as to withstand impact and over- transported.
turning, additional protective support (3) A pressure test performed at the
structure is not required (see para- test pressures specified in
graph (h)(4) of this section). 173.304b(b)(1) and (2) of this sub-
(2) The combined stresses caused by chapter. The pressure test of the mani-
pressure receptacle mountings (e.g. fold may be performed as a hydraulic
cradles, frameworks, etc.) and MEGC test or by using another liquid or gas.
lifting and tie-down attachments must A leakproofness test and a test of the
not cause excessive stress in any pres- satisfactory operation of all service
sure receptacle. Permanent lifting and equipment must also be performed be-
tie-down attachments must be fore the MEGC is placed into service.
equipped to all MEGCs. Any welding of When the pressure receptacles and
mountings or attachments onto the their fittings have been pressure-tested
pressure receptacles is prohibited. separately, they must be subjected to a
(3) The effects of environmental cor- leakproof test after assembly.
rosion must be taken into account in (4) An MEGC that meets the defini-
the design of supports and frameworks. tion of container in the CSC (see 49
(4) When MEGCs are not protected CFR 450.3(a)(2)) must be subjected to an
during transport as specified in para- impact test using a prototype rep-
graph (h)(1) of this section, the pres- resenting each design type. The proto-
sure receptacles and service equipment type MEGC must be shown to be capa-
must be protected against damage re- ble of absorbing the forces resulting
sulting from lateral or longitudinal im- from an impact not less than 4 times (4
pact or overturning. External fittings g) the MPGM of the fully loaded
must be protected against release of
MEGC, at a duration typical of the me-
the pressure receptacles contents upon
chanical shocks experienced in rail
impact or overturning of the MEGC on
its fittings. Particular attention must transport. A listing of acceptable
be paid to the protection of the mani- methods for performing the impact test
fold. Examples of protection include: is provided in the UN Recommenda-
(i) Protection against lateral impact, tions (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

which may consist of longitudinal bars; chapter).

(ii) Protection against overturning, (j) Marking. (1) Each MEGC must be
which may consist of reinforcement equipped with a corrosion resistant
rings or bars fixed across the frame; metal plate permanently attached to


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Pt. 178, Subpt. C, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the MEGC in a conspicuous place read- Year of manufacture

ily accessible for inspection. The pres- Test pressure: lll bar gauge
sure receptacles must be marked ac- Design temperature range lll C to
cording to this section. Affixing the lll C
metal plate to a pressure receptacle is
prohibited. At a minimum, the fol- Number of pressure receptacles lll
lowing information must be marked on Total water capacity lll liters
the plate by stamping or by any other Initial pressure test date and identi-
equivalent method: fication of the Approval Agency
Country of manufacture Date and type of most recent periodic
UN Year lll Monthlll Type lll
(e.g. 200405, AE/UE, where AE rep-
resents acoustic emission and UE
represents ultrasonic examination)
Stamp of the approval agency who
performed or witnessed the most recent
(2) The following information must
be marked on a metal plate firmly se-
cured to the MEGC:
Name of the operator
Maximum permissible load mass lll
Approval Country Working pressure at 15 C: lll bar
Approval Number gauge
Maximum permissible gross mass
Alternate Arrangements (see 178.75(b))
(MPGM) lll kg
MEGC Manufacturers name or mark
Unladen (tare) mass lll kg
MEGCs serial number
[71 FR 33892, June 12, 2006, as amended at 73
Approval agency (Authorized body for FR 4719, Jan. 28, 2008; 77 FR 60943, Oct. 5,
the design approval) 2012]


The following figures illustrate the recommended locations for test specimens taken from
welded cylinders:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration,Pt.DOT
178, Subpt. C, App. A

[67 FR 51654, Aug. 8, 2002]

wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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178.251178.2535 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Subparts DG [Reserved] 178.2553 Expansion domes.

(a) Expansion domes, if applied, must
Subpart HSpecifications for have a minimum capacity of one per-
Portable Tanks cent of the combined capacity of the
tank and dome.
SOURCE: 29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964, unless (b) [Reserved]
otherwise noted. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606,
Apr. 5, 1967. 178.2554 Closures for manholes and
178.251178.2535 [Reserved] (a) The manhole cover shall be de-
178.255 Specification 60; steel port- signed to provide a secure closure of
able tanks. the manhole. All covers, not hinged to
the tanks, shall be attached to the out-
178.2551 General requirements. side of the dome by at least 18 inch
chain or its equivalent. Closures shall
(a) Tanks must be of fusion welded
be made tight against leakage of vapor
construction, cylindrical in shape with
and liquid by use of gaskets of suitable
seamless heads concave to the pres-
sure. Tank shells may be of seamless
construction. (b) [Reserved]
(b) Tanks must be designed, con-
178.2555 Bottom discharge outlets.
structed, certified, and stamped in ac-
cordance with Section VIII of the (a) Bottom discharge outlets prohib-
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- ited, except on tanks used for ship-
chapter). ments of sludge acid and alkaline cor-
(c) Tanks including all permanent at- rosive liquids.
tachments must be postweld heat (b) If installed, bottom outlets or
treated as a unit. bottom washout chambers shall be of
(d) Requirements concerning types of metal not subject to rapid deteriora-
valves, retesting, and qualification of tion by the lading, and each shall be
portable tanks contained in 173.32 provided with a valve or plug at its
and 173.315 of this chapter must be ob- upper end and liquid-tight closure at it
served. lower end. Each valve or plug shall be
designed to insure against unseating
[29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
due to stresses or shocks incident to
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
1787, 34 FR 18250, Nov. 14, 1969; 68 FR 75750, transportation. Bottom outlets shall be
Dec. 31, 2003] adequately protected against handling
damage and outlet equipment must not
178.2552 Material. extend to within less than one inch of
the bottom bearing surface of the skids
(a) Material used in the tank must be
or tank mounting.
steel of good weldable quality and con-
form with the requirements in Sections [29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
V, VIII, and IX of the ASME Code (IBR, FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, as amended by Amdt.
see 171.7 of this subchapter). 178104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994]
(b) The minimum thickness of metal,
exclusive of lining material, for shell 178.2556 Loading and unloading ac-
and heads of tanks shall be as follows: cessories.
(a) When installed, gauging, loading
Tank capacity thickness and air inlet devices, including their
(inch) valves, shall be provided with adequate
means for their secure closure; and
Not more than 1,200 gallons ............................... 14
Over 1,200 to 1,800 gallons ................................
5 16 means shall also be provided for the
Over 1,800 gallons .............................................. 38 closing of pipe connections of valves.
(b) Interior heater coils, if installed,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 must be of extra heavy pipe and so con-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. structed that breaking off of exterior
1787, 34 FR 18250, Nov. 14, 1969; 68 FR 75750, connections will not cause leakage of
Dec. 31, 2003] tanks.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.25513

178.2557 Protection of valves and devices shall be deemed to comply with

accessories. this requirement.
(a) All valves, fittings, accessories, (b) All tank mountings such as skids,
safety devices, gauging devices, and the fastenings, brackets, cradles, lifting
like shall be adequately protected lugs, etc., intended to carry loadings
against mechanical damage by a hous- shall be permanently secured to tanks
ing closed with a cover plate. in accordance with the requirements
(b) Protective housing shall comply under which the tanks are fabricated,
with the requirements under which the and shall be designed with a factor of
tanks are fabricated with respect to de- safety of four, and built to withstand
sign and construction, and shall be de- loadings in any direction equal to two
signed with a minimum factor of safety times the weight of the tanks and at-
of four to withstand loadings in any di- tachments when filled to the maximum
rection equal to two times the weight permissible loaded weight.
of the tank and attachments when (c) Lifting lugs or side hold-down
filled with water. lugs shall be provided on the tank
mountings in a manner suitable for at-
178.2558 Safety devices. taching lifting gear and hold-down de-
(a) See 173.315(i) of this subchapter. vices. Lifting lugs and hold-down lugs
(b) [Reserved] welded directly to the tank shall be of
the pad-eye type. Doubling plates weld-
[Amdt. 17883, 50 FR 11066, Mar. 19, 1985] ed to the tank and located at the
178.2559 Compartments. points of support shall be deemed to
comply with this requirement.
(a) When the interior of the tank is (d) All tank mountings shall be so de-
divided into compartments, each com- signed as to prevent the concentration
partment shall be designed, con- of excessive loads on the tank shell.
structed and tested as a separate tank.
Thickness of shell and compartment 178.25512 Pressure test.
heads shall be determined on the basis
(a) Each completed portable tank
of total tank capacity.
prior to application of lining shall be
(b) [Reserved]
tested before being put into transpor-
178.25510 Lining. tation service by completely filling the
tank with water or other liquid having
(a) If a lining is required, the mate-
a similar viscosity, the temperature of
rial used for lining the tank shall be
which shall not exceed 100 F during
homogeneous, nonporous, imperforate
the test, and applying a pressure of 60
when applied, not less elastic than the
psig. The tank shall be capable of hold-
metal of the tank proper. It shall be of
ing the prescribed pressure for at least
substantially uniform thickness, not
10 minutes without leakage, evidence
less than 132 inch thick if metallic, and
of impending failure, or failure. All clo-
not less than 116 inch thick if non-
sures shall be in place while the test is
metallic, and shall be directly bonded
made and the pressure shall be gauged
or attached by other equally satisfac-
at the top of the tank. Safety devices
tory means. Rubber lining shall be not
and/or vents shall be plugged during
less than 316 inch thick. Joints and
this test.
seams in the lining shall be made by
(b) [Reserved]
fusing the material together or by
other equally satisfactory means. The [29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
interior of the tank shall be free from FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, as amended by Amdt.
scale, oxidation, moisture and all for- 178104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994]
eign matter during the lining oper-
ation. 178.25513 Repair of tanks.
(b) [Reserved] (a) Tanks failing to meet the test
may be repaired and retested, provided
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

178.25511 Tank mountings. that repairs are made in complete com-

(a) Tanks shall be designed and fab- pliance with the requirements of this
ricated with mountings to provide a se- specification.
cure base in transit. Skids or similar (b) [Reserved]


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178.25514 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.25514 Marking. 178.273 Approval of Specification UN

portable tanks.
(a) In addition to markings required
by Section VIII of the ASME Code (a) Application for approval. (1) An
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), owner or manufacturer of a portable
every tank shall bear permanent marks tank shall apply for approval to a des-
at least 1/8-inch high stamped into the ignated approval agency authorized to
metal near the center of one of the approve the portable tank in accord-
tank heads or stamped into a plate per- ance with the procedures in subpart E,
manently attached to the tank by part 107 of this subchapter.
means of brazing or welding or other (2) Each application for approval
suitable means as follows: must contain the following informa-
Manufacturers name lllllll Serial (i) Two complete copies of all engi-
No. llllllllllllllllllll
neering drawings, calculations, and
DOT specification llllllllllllll
Nominal capacity lllllll (gallons) test data necessary to ensure that the
Tare weight lllllll (pounds) design meets the relevant specifica-
Date of manufacture llllllllllll tion.
(ii) The manufacturers serial number
(b) [Reserved] that will be assigned to each portable
[29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 tank.
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. (iii) A statement as to whether the
17867, 46 FR 49906, Oct. 8, 1981; 68 FR 75750, design type has been examined by any
Dec. 31, 2003] approval agency previously and judged
unacceptable. Affirmative statements
178.25515 Report.
must be documented with the name of
(a) A copy of the manufacturers data the approval agency, reason for non-
report required by Section VIII of the acceptance, and the nature of modifica-
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- tions made to the design type.
chapter) under which the tank is fab- (b) Action by approval agency. The ap-
ricated must be furnished to the owner proval agency must perform the fol-
for each new tank. lowing activities:
Place (1) Review the application for ap-
Date proval to determine whether it is com-
Portable tank plete and conforms with the require-
Manufactured for lllllll Company ments of paragraph (a) of this section.
Location llllllllllllllllll If an application is incomplete, it will
Manufactured by lllllll Company be returned to the applicant with an
Location llllllllllllllllll
Consigned to lllllllll Company
explanation as to why the application
Location llllllllllllllllll is incomplete.
Size lll feet outside diameter by lll (2) Review all drawings and calcula-
long. tions to ensure that the design is in
Marks on tank as prescribed by 178.25514 of compliance with all requirements of
this specification are as follows: the relevant specification. If the appli-
Manufacturers name llllllllllll cation is approved, one set of the ap-
Serial number llllllllllllllll proved drawings, calculations, and test
Owners serial number lllllllllll
DOT specification llllllllllllll data shall be returned to the applicant.
ASME Code Symbol (par U201) lllllll The second (inspectors copy) set of ap-
Date of manufacture llllllllllll proved drawings, calculations, and test
Nominal capacity lllllll gallons. data shall be retained by the approval
It is hereby certified that this tank is in agency. Maintain drawings and ap-
complete compliance with the requirements proval records for as long as the port-
of DOT specification No. 60. able tank remains in service. The draw-
Manufacturer or owner
ings and records must be provided to
the Department of Transportation
(b) [Reserved] (DOT) upon request.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[29 FR 18972, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 (3) Witness all tests required for the
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. approval of the portable tank specified
17883, 50 FR 11066, Mar. 19, 1985; 68 FR 75750, in this section and part 180, subpart G
Dec. 31, 2003] of this subchapter.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.273

(4) Ensure, through appropriate in- series of identical portable tanks man-
spection that each portable tank is fab- ufactured to a single design type, for
ricated in all respects in conformance each series of portable tanks. The ap-
with the approved drawings, calcula- proval certificate must include all the
tions, and test data. information required to be displayed on
(5) Determine and ensure that the the metal identification plate required
portable tank is suitable for its in- by 178.274(i). The approval certificate
tended use and that it conforms to the must certify that the approval agency
requirements of this subchapter. designated to approve the portable
(6) For UN portable tanks intended tank has approved the portable tank in
for non-refrigerated and refrigerated accordance with the procedures in sub-
liquefied gases and Division 6.1 liquids part E of part 107 of this subchapter
which meet the inhalation toxicity cri- and that the portable tank is suitable
teria (Zone A or B) as defined in for its intended purpose and meets the
173.132 of this subchapter, or that are requirements of this subchapter. When
designated as toxic by inhalation mate- a series of portable tanks is manufac-
rials in the 172.101 Table of this sub- tured without change in the design
chapter, the approval agency must en- type, the certificate may be valid for
sure that: the entire series of portable tanks rep-
(i) The portable tank has been de- resenting a single design type. For UN
signed, constructed, certified, and portable tanks, the certificate must
stamped in accordance with the re- refer to the prototype test report, the
quirements in Division 1 of Section hazardous material or group of haz-
VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 ardous materials allowed to be trans-
of this subchapter). Other design codes ported, the materials of construction of
may be used if approved by the Asso- the shell and lining (when applicable)
ciate Administrator (see 178.274(b)(1)); and an approval number. The approval
(ii) All applicable provisions of the number must consist of the distin-
design and construction have been met guishing sign or mark of the country
to the satisfaction of the designated (USA for the United States of Amer-
approval agency in accordance with the ica) where the approval was granted
rules established in the ASME Code and a registration number.
and that the portable tank meets the (iii) Retain a copy of each approval
requirements of the ASME Code and all certificate.
the applicable requirements specified (8) For UN portable tanks, the ap-
in this subchapter; proval certificate must also include the
(iii) The inspector has carried out all following:
the inspections specified by the rules (i) The results of the applicable
established in the ASME Code; and framework and rail impact test speci-
(iv) The portable tank is marked fied in part 180, subpart G, of this sub-
with a U stamp code symbol under the chapter; and
authority of the authorized inde- (ii) The results of the initial inspec-
pendent inspector. tion and test in 178.274(j).
(7) Upon successful completion of all (9) The approval agency shall be inde-
requirements of this subpart, the ap- pendent from the manufacturer. The
proval agency must: approval agency and the authorized in-
(i) Apply its name, identifying mark spector may be the same entity.
or identifying number, and the date (c) Manufacturers responsibilities. The
upon which the approval was issued, to manufacturer is responsible for compli-
the metal identification marking plate ance with the applicable specifications
attached to the portable tank. Any ap- for the design and construction of port-
provals for UN portable tanks author- able tanks. In addition to responsi-
izing design or construction alter- bility for compliance, manufacturers
natives (Alternate Arrangements) ap- are responsible for ensuring that the
proved by the Associate Administrator contracted approval agency and au-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(see 178.274(a)(2)) must be indicated on thorized inspector, if applicable, are

the plate as specified in 178.274(i). qualified, reputable and competent.
(ii) Issue an approval certificate for The manufacturer of a portable tank
each portable tank or, in the case of a shall


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178.273 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(1) Comply with all the applicable re- (2) A statement as to whether the in-
quirements of the ASME Code and of tended modification has been examined
this subpart including, but not limited and determined to be unacceptable by
to, ensuring that the quality control, any approval agency. The written
design calculations and required tests statement must include the name of
are performed and that all aspects of the approving agency, the reason for
the portable tank meet the applicable nonacceptance, and the nature of
requirements. changes made to the modification since
(2) Obtain and use a designated ap- its original rejection.
proval agency, if applicable, and obtain (3) The approval agency shall review
and use a DOT-designated approval the request for modification, and if it
agency to approve the design, construc- is determined that the proposed modi-
tion and certification of the portable fication is in full compliance with the
tank. relevant DOT specification, including a
(3) Provide a statement in the manu- UN portable tank, the request shall be
facturers data report certifying that approved and the approval agency shall
each portable tank that is manufac- perform the following activities:
tured complies with the relevant speci- (i) Return one set of the approved re-
fication and all the applicable require- vised drawings, calculations, and test
ments of this subchapter. data to the applicant. The second and
(4) Maintain records of the qualifica- third sets of the approved revised draw-
tion of portable tanks for at least 5 ings, calculations, and data shall be re-
years and provide copies to the ap- tained by the approval agency as re-
proval agency, the owner or lessee of quired in 107.404(a)(3) of this sub-
the tank. Upon request, provide these chapter.
records to a representative of DOT.
(ii) Ensure through appropriate in-
(d) Denial of application for approval.
spection that all modifications con-
If an approval agency finds that a port-
form to the revised drawings, calcula-
able tank cannot be approved for any
tions, and test data.
reason, it shall notify the applicant in
writing and shall provide the applicant (iii) Determine the extent to which
with the reasons for which the ap- retesting of the modified tank is nec-
proval is denied. A copy of the notifica- essary based on the nature of the pro-
tion letter shall be provided to the As- posed modification, and ensure that all
sociate Administrator. An applicant required retests are satisfactorily per-
aggrieved by a decision of an approval formed.
agency may appeal the decision in (iv) If modification to an approved
writing, within 90 days of receipt, to tank alters any information on the ap-
the Associate Administrator. proval certificate, issue a new approval
(e) Modifications to approved portable certificate for the modified tank and
tanks. (1) Prior to modification of any ensure that any necessary changes are
UN portable tank which may affect made to the metal identification plate.
conformance and the safe use of the A copy of each newly issued approval
portable tank, which may involve a certificate shall be retained by the ap-
change to the design type or which proval agency and by the owner of each
may affect its ability to retain haz- portable tank.
ardous material in transportation, the (4) If the approval agency determines
person desiring to make such modifica- that the proposed modification is not
tion shall inform the approval agency in compliance with the relevant DOT
that issued the initial approval of the specification, the approval agency
portable tank (or if unavailable, an- shall deny the request in accordance
other approval agency) of the nature of with paragraph (d) of this section.
the modification and request approval (f) Termination of Approval Certificate.
of the modification. The person desir- (1) The Associate Administrator may
ing to modify the tank must supply the terminate an approval issued under
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

approval agency with three sets of all this section if he determines that
revised drawings, calculations, and test (i) Information upon which the ap-
data relative to the intended modifica- proval was based is fraudulent or sub-
tion. stantially erroneous; or


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(ii) Termination of the approval is tanks may be varied if approved by the

necessary to adequately protect Associate Administrator and the port-
against risks to life and property; or able tank is shown to provide a level of
(iii) The approval was not issued by safety equal to or exceeding the re-
the approval agency in good faith; or quirements of this subchapter. Port-
(iv) The portable tank does not meet able tanks approved to alternative
the specification. technical requirements must be
(2) Before an approval is terminated, marked Alternative Arrangement as
the Associate Administrator gives the specified in paragraph (i) of this sec-
interested party(ies): tion.
(i) Written notice of the facts or con- (3) Definitions. The following defini-
duct believed to warrant the termi- tions apply for the purposes of design
nation; and construction of UN portable tanks
(ii) Opportunity to submit oral and under this subpart:
written evidence; and Alternate Arrangement portable tank
(iii) Opportunity to demonstrate or
means a UN portable tank that has
achieve compliance with the applicable
been approved to alternative technical
requirements or testing methods other
(3) If the Associate Administrator de-
than those specified for UN portable
termines that a certificate of approval
tanks in part 178 or part 180 of this sub-
must be terminated to preclude a sig-
nificant and imminent adverse affect
on public safety, he may terminate the Approval agency means the des-
certificate immediately. In such cir- ignated approval agency authorized to
cumstances, the opportunities of para- approve the portable tank in accord-
graphs (f)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this section ance with the procedures in subpart E
need not be provided prior to termi- of part 107 of this subchapter.
nation of the approval, but shall be Design pressure is defined according
provided as soon as practicable there- to the hazardous materials intended to
after. be transported in the portable tank.
See 178.275, 178.276 and 178.277, as ap-
[66 FR 33439, June 21, 2001, as amended at 67 plicable.
FR 61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 75748, 75751,
Dec. 31, 2003; 72 FR 55695, Oct. 1, 2007]
Design type means a portable tank or
series of portable tanks made of mate-
178.274 Specifications for UN port- rials of the same material specifica-
able tanks. tions and thicknesses, manufactured
(a) General. (1) Each UN portable by a single manufacturer, using the
tank must meet the requirements of same fabrication techniques (for exam-
this section. In addition to the require- ple, welding procedures) and made with
ments of this section, requirements equivalent structural equipment, clo-
specific to UN portable tanks used for sures, and service equipment.
liquid and solid hazardous materials, Fine grain steel means steel that has a
non-refrigerated liquefied gases and re- ferritic grain size of 6 or finer when de-
frigerated liquefied gases are provided termined in accordance with ASTM E
in 178.275, 178.276 and 178.277, respec- 11296 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
tively. Requirements for approval, chapter).
maintenance, inspection, testing and Fusible element means a non-reclosing
use are provided in 178.273 and part pressure relief device that is thermally
180, subpart G, of this subchapter. Any activated and that provides protection
portable tank which meets the defini- against excessive pressure buildup in
tion of a container within the terms the portable tank developed by expo-
of the International Convention for sure to heat, such as from a fire (see
Safe Containers (CSC) must meet the 178.275(g)).
requirements of the CSC as amended Jacket means the outer insulation
and 49 CFR parts 450 through 453 and cover or cladding which may be part of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must have a CSC safety approval plate. the insulation system.

(2) In recognition of scientific and Leakage test means a test using gas to
technological advances, the technical subject the shell and its service equip-
requirements applicable to UN portable ment to an internal pressure.


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178.274 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Maximum allowable working pressure (b) General design and construction re-
(MAWP) is defined according to the quirements. (1) The design temperature
hazardous materials intended to be range for the shell must be 40 C to 50
transported in the portable tank. See C (40 F to 122 F) for hazardous ma-
178.275, 178.276 and 178.277, as applica- terials transported under normal con-
ble. ditions of transportation, except for
Maximum permissible gross mass portable tanks used for refrigerated
(MPGM) means the sum of the tare liquefied gases where the minimum de-
mass of the portable tank and the sign temperature must not be higher
heaviest hazardous material authorized than the lowest (coldest) temperature
for transportation. (for example, service temperature) of
Mild steel means a steel with a guar- the contents during filling, discharge
anteed minimum tensile strength of 360 or transportation. For hazardous mate-
N/mm2 to 440 N/mm2 and a guaranteed rials handled under elevated tempera-
minimum elongation at fracture as ture conditions, the design tempera-
specified in paragraph (c)(10) of this ture must not be less than the max-
section. imum temperature of the hazardous
Offshore portable tank means a port- material during filling, discharge or
able tank specially designed for re- transportation. More severe design
peated use in the transportation of haz- temperatures must be considered for
ardous materials to, from and between portable tanks subjected to severe cli-
offshore facilities. An offshore portable matic conditions (for example, portable
tank is designed and constructed in ac- tanks transported in arctic regions).
cordance with the Guidelines for the Shells must be designed and con-
Approval of Containers Handled in structed in accordance with the re-
Open Seas specified in the IMDG Code quirements in Section VIII of the
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
Reference steel means a steel with a chapter), except as limited or modified
tensile strength of 370 N/mm2 and an in this subchapter. For portable tanks
elongation at fracture of 27%. used for liquid or solid hazardous mate-
Service equipment means measuring rials, a design code other than the
instruments and filling, discharge, ASME Code may be used if approved by
venting, safety, heating, cooling and the Associate Administrator. Portable
insulating devices. tanks must have an ASME certifi-
Shell means the part of the portable cation and U stamp when used for Haz-
tank which retains the hazardous ma- ard Zone A or B toxic by inhalation liq-
terials intended for transportation, in- uids, or when used for non-refrigerated
cluding openings and closures, but does or refrigerated liquefied compressed
not include service equipment or exter- gases. Shells must be made of metallic
nal structural equipment. materials suitable for forming. Non-
Structural equipment means the rein- metallic materials may be used for the
forcing, fastening, protective and stabi- attachments and supports between the
lizing members external to the shell. shell and jacket, provided their mate-
Test pressure means the maximum rial properties at the minimum and
gauge pressure at the top of the shell maximum design temperatures are
during the hydraulic pressure test proven to be sufficient. For welded
equal to not less than 1.5 times the de- shells, only a material whose
sign pressure for liquids and 1.3 for liq- weldability has been fully dem-
uefied compressed gases and refrig- onstrated may be used. Welds must be
erated liquefied gases. In some in- of high quality and conform to a level
stances a pneumatic test is authorized of integrity at least equivalent to the
as an alternative to the hydraulic test. welding requirements specified in Sec-
The minimum test pressures for port- tion VIII of the ASME Code for the
able tanks intended for specific liquid welding of pressure vessels. When the
and solid hazardous materials are spec- manufacturing process or the materials
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ified in the applicable portable tank T make it necessary, the shells must be
codes (such as T1T23) assigned to suitably heat-treated to guarantee ade-
these hazardous materials in the quate toughness in the weld and in the
172.101 Table of this subchapter. heat-affected zones. In choosing the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.274

material, the design temperature range perforations, sufficiently elastic and

must be taken into account with re- compatible with the thermal expansion
spect to risk of brittle fracture, stress characteristics of the shell. The lining
corrosion cracking, resistance to im- of every shell, shell fittings and piping
pact, and suitability for the hazardous must be continuous and must extend
materials intended for transportation around the face of any flange. Where
in the portable tank. When fine grain external fittings are welded to the
steel is used, the guaranteed value of tank, the lining must be continuous
the yield strength must be not more through the fitting and around the face
than 460 N/mm2 and the guaranteed of external flanges. Joints and seams in
value of the upper limit of the tensile the lining must be made by fusing the
strength must be not more than 725 N/ material together or by other equally
mm2 according to the material speci- effective means.
fication. Aluminum may not be used as (5) Contact between dissimilar met-
a construction material for the shells als which could result in damage by
of portable tanks intended for the galvanic action must be prevented by
transport of non-refrigerated liquefied appropriate measures.
gases. For portable tanks intended for (6) The construction materials of the
the transport of liquid or solid haz- portable tank, including any devices,
ardous materials, aluminum may only gaskets, linings and accessories, must
be used as a construction material for not adversely affect or react with the
portable tank shells if approved by the hazardous materials intended to be
Associate Administrator. Portable transported in the portable tank.
tank materials must be suitable for the (7) Portable tanks must be designed
external environment where they will and constructed with supports that
be transported, taking into account the provide a secure base during transpor-
determined design temperature range. tation and with suitable lifting and tie-
Portable tanks shall be designed to down attachments.
withstand, without loss of contents, at (c) Design criteria. (1) Portable tanks
least the internal pressure due to the and their fastenings must, under the
contents and the static, dynamic and maximum permissible loads and max-
thermal loads during normal condi- imum permissible working pressures,
tions of handling and transportation. be capable of absorbing the following
The design must take into account the separately applied static forces (for
effects of fatigue, caused by repeated calculation purposes, acceleration due
application of these loads through the to gravity (g) =9.81m/s2):
expected life of the portable tank. (i) In the direction of travel: 2g
(2) Portable tank shells, fittings, and (twice the MPGM multiplied by the ac-
pipework shall be constructed from celeration due to gravity);
materials that are: (ii) Horizontally at right angles to
(i) Compatible with the hazardous the direction of travel: 1g (the MPGM
materials intended to be transported; multiplied by the acceleration due to
or gravity);
(ii) Properly passivated or neutral- (iii) Vertically upwards: 1g (the
ized by chemical reaction, if applica- MPGM multiplied by the acceleration
ble; or due to gravity); and
(iii) For portable tanks used for liq- (iv) Vertically downwards: 2g (twice
uid and solid materials, lined with cor- the MPGM multiplied by the accelera-
rosion-resistant material directly tion due to gravity).
bonded to the shell or attached by (2) Under each of the forces specified
equivalent means. in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the
(3) Gaskets and seals shall be made of safety factor must be as follows:
materials that are compatible with the (i) For metals having a clearly de-
hazardous materials intended to be fined yield point, a design margin of 1.5
transported. in relation to the guaranteed yield
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(4) When shells are lined, the lining strength; or

must be compatible with the hazardous (ii) For metals with no clearly de-
materials intended to be transported, fined yield point, a design margin of 1.5
homogeneous, non-porous, free from in relation to the guaranteed 0.2%


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178.274 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

proof strength and, for austenitic Re = yield strength in N/mm2, or 0.2%

steels, the 1% proof strength. proof strength or, for austenitic
(3) The values of yield strength or steels, 1% proof strength;
proof strength must be the values ac- Rm = minimum tensile strength in N/
cording to recognized material stand- mm2.
ards. When austenitic steels are used, (8) The values of Re and Rm to be
the specified minimum values of yield used must be the specified minimum
strength or proof strength according to values according to recognized mate-
the material standards may be in- rial standards. When austenitic steels
creased by up to 15% for portable tanks are used, the specified minimum values
used for liquid and solid hazardous ma- for Re and Rm according to the mate-
terials, other than toxic by inhalation rial standards may be increased by up
liquids meeting the criteria of Hazard to 15% when greater values are at-
Zone A or Hazard Zone B (see 173.133 tested in the material inspection cer-
of this subchapter), when these greater tificate.
values are attested in the material in- (9) Steels which have a Re/Rm ratio
spection certificate. of more than 0.85 are not allowed for
(4) Portable tanks must be capable of the construction of welded shells. The
being electrically grounded to prevent values of Re and Rm to be used in de-
dangerous electrostatic discharge when termining this ratio must be the values
they are used for Class 2 flammable specified in the material inspection
gases or Class 3 flammable liquids, in- certificate.
cluding elevated temperature mate- (10) Steels used in the construction of
rials transported at or above their shells must have an elongation at frac-
flash point. ture, in percentage, of not less than
(5) For shells of portable tanks used 10,000/Rm with an absolute minimum of
for liquefied compressed gases, the 16% for fine grain steels and 20% for
shell must consist of a circular cross other steels.
section. Shells must be of a design ca- (11) For the purpose of determining
pable of being stress-analyzed mathe- actual values for materials for sheet
metal, the axis of the tensile test speci-
matically or experimentally by resist-
men must be at right angles (trans-
ance strain gauges as specified in UG
versely) to the direction of rolling. The
101 of Section VIII of the ASME Code,
permanent elongation at fracture must
or other methods approved by the As-
be measured on test specimens of rec-
sociate Administrator.
tangular cross sections in accordance
(6) Shells must be designed and con- with ISO 6892 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
structed to withstand a hydraulic test subchapter), using a 50 mm gauge
pressure of not less than 1.5 times the length.
design pressure for portable tanks used (d) Minimum shell thickness. (1) The
for liquids and 1.3 times the design minimum shell thickness must be the
pressure for portable tanks used for liq- greatest thickness of the following:
uefied compressed gases. Specific re- (i) the minimum thickness deter-
quirements are provided for each haz- mined in accordance with the require-
ardous material in the applicable T ments of paragraphs (d)(2) through
Code or portable tank special provision (d)(7) of this section;
specified in the 172.101 Table of this (ii) the minimum thickness deter-
subchapter. The minimum shell thick- mined in accordance with Section VIII
ness requirements must also be taken of the ASME Code or other approved
into account. pressure vessel code; or
(7) For metals exhibiting a clearly (iii) the minimum thickness specified
defined yield point or characterized by in the applicable T code or portable
a guaranteed proof strength (0.2% proof tank special provision indicated for
strength, generally, or 1% proof each hazardous material in the 172.101
strength for austenitic steels), the pri- Table of this subchapter.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

mary membrane stress s (sigma) in the (2) Shells (cylindrical portions, heads
shell must not exceed 0.75 Re or 0.50 and manhole covers) not more than 1.80
Rm, whichever is lower, at the test m in diameter may not be less than 5
pressure, where: mm thick in the reference steel or of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.274

equivalent thickness in the metal to be d1 = 1.8m, unless the formula is used to de-
used. Shells more than 1.80 m in diame- termine the equivalent minimum thick-
ter may not be less than 6 mm (0.2 ness for a portable tank shell that is re-
quired to have a minimum thickness of
inches) thick in the reference steel or 8mm or 10mm according to the applica-
of equivalent thickness in the metal to ble T code indicated in the 172.101 Table
be used. For portable tanks used only of this subchapter. When reference steel
for the transportation of powdered or thicknesses of 8mm or 10mm are speci-
granular solid hazardous materials of fied, d1 is equal to the actual diameter of
Packing Group II or III, the minimum the shell but not less than 1.8m;
thickness requirement may be reduced Rm1 = guaranteed minimum tensile strength
to 5 mm in the reference steel or of (in N/mm 2) of the metal to be used;
A1 = guaranteed minimum elongation at
equivalent thickness in the metal to be fracture (in %) of the metal to be used
used regardless of the shell diameter. according to recognized material stand-
For vacuum-insulated tanks, the ag- ards.
gregate thickness of the jacket and the
shell must correspond to the minimum (6) The wall and all parts of the shell
thickness prescribed in this paragraph, may not have a thickness less than
with the thickness of the shell itself that prescribed in paragraphs (d)(2),
not less than the minimum thickness (d)(3) and (d)(4) of this section. This
prescribed in paragraph (d)(3) of this thickness must be exclusive of any cor-
section. rosion allowance.
(3) When additional protection (7) There must be no sudden change
against shell damage is provided in the of plate thickness at the attachment of
case of portable tanks used for liquid the heads to the cylindrical portion of
and solid hazardous materials requir- the shell.
ing test pressures less than 2.65 bar (e) Service equipment. (1) Service
(265.0 kPa), subject to certain limita- equipment must be arranged so that it
tions specified in the UN Recommenda- is protected against the risk of me-
tions (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- chanical damage by external forces
chapter), the Associate Administrator during handling and transportation.
may approve a reduced minimum shell When the connections between the
thickness. frame and the shell allow relative
(4) The cylindrical portions, heads movement between the sub-assemblies,
and manhole covers of all shells must the equipment must be fastened to
not be less than 3 mm (0.1 inch) thick allow such movement without risk of
regardless of the material of construc- damage to any working part. The ex-
ternal discharge fittings (pipe sockets,
tion, except for portable tanks used for
shut-off devices) and the internal stop-
liquefied compressed gases where the
valve and its seating must be protected
cylindrical portions, ends (heads) and
against mechanical damage by exter-
manhole covers of all shells must not
nal forces (for example, by using shear
be less than 4 mm (0.2 inch) thick re-
sections). Each internal self-closing
gardless of the material of construc-
stop-valve must be protected by a
shear section or sacrificial device lo-
(5) When steel is used, that has char-
cated outboard of the valve. The shear
acteristics other than that of reference
section or sacrificial device must break
steel, the equivalent thickness of the
at no more than 70% of the load that
shell and heads must be determined ac-
would cause failure of the internal self-
cording to the following formula: closing stop valve. The filling and dis-
charge devices (including flanges or
21.4e 0 d1
e1 = threaded plugs) and any protective
1.8m 3 Rm1 A1 caps must be capable of being secured
against unintended opening.
(2) Each filling or discharge opening
e1 = required equivalent thickness (in mm) of of a portable tank must be clearly
the metal to be used;
marked to indicate its function.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

e0 = minimum thickness (in mm) of the ref-

erence steel specified in the applicable T (3) Each stop-valve or other means of
code or portable tank special provision closure must be designed and con-
indicated for each material in the structed to a rated pressure not less
172.101 Table of this subchapter; than the MAWP of the shell taking


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178.274 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

into account the temperatures ex- and ISO 41267 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
pected during transport. All stop- subchapter); and
valves with screwed spindles must (vi) The cross sectional flow areas of
close by a clockwise motion of the the spring loaded pressure relief de-
handwheel. For other stop-valves, the vices, frangible discs, and fusible ele-
position (open and closed) and direc- ments in mm2; and
tion of closure must be clearly indi- (vii) When practicable, the device
cated. All stop-valves must be designed must show the manufacturers name
to prevent unintentional opening. and product number.
(4) Piping must be designed, con- (2) Connections to pressure relief de-
structed and installed to avoid the risk vices. Connections to pressure relief de-
of damage due to thermal expansion vices must be of sufficient size to en-
and contraction, mechanical shock and able the required discharge to pass un-
vibration. All piping must be of a suit- restricted to the safety device. No stop-
able metallic material. Welded pipe valve may be installed between the
joints must be used wherever possible. shell and the pressure relief devices ex-
(5) Joints in copper tubing must be cept where duplicate devices are pro-
brazed or have an equally strong metal vided for maintenance or other reasons
union. The melting point of brazing and the stop-valves serving the devices
materials must be no lower than 525 C actually in use are locked open or the
(977 F). The joints must not decrease stop-valves are interlocked so that at
the strength of the tubing, such as may least one of the devices is always in
happen when cutting threads. Brazed use. There must be no obstruction in
joints are not authorized for portable an opening leading to a vent or pres-
tanks intended for refrigerated lique- sure relief device which might restrict
fied gases. or cut-off the flow from the shell to
(6) The burst pressure of all piping that device. Vents or pipes from the
and pipe fittings must be greater than pressure relief device outlets, when
the highest of four times the MAWP of used, must deliver the relieved vapor or
the shell or four times the pressure to liquid to the atmosphere in conditions
which it may be subjected in service by of minimum back-pressure on the re-
the action of a pump or other device lieving devices.
(except pressure relief devices). (3) Location of pressure relief devices.
(7) Ductile metals must be used in (i) Each pressure relief device inlet
the construction of valves and acces- must be situated on top of the shell in
sories. a position as near the longitudinal and
(f) Pressure relief devices(1) Marking transverse center of the shell as rea-
of pressure relief devices. Every pressure sonably practicable. All pressure relief
relief device must be clearly and per- device inlets must, under maximum
manently marked with the following: filling conditions, be situated in the
(i) the pressure (in bar or kPa) or vapor space of the shell and the devices
temperature for fusible elements (in must be so arranged as to ensure that
C) at which it is set to discharge; any escaping vapor is not restricted in
(ii) the allowable tolerance at the any manner. For flammable hazardous
discharge pressure for reclosing de- materials, the escaping vapor must be
vices; directed away from the shell in such a
(iii) the reference temperature cor- manner that it cannot impinge upon
responding to the rated pressure for the shell. For refrigerated liquefied
frangible discs; gases, the escaping vapor must be di-
(iv) the allowable temperature toler- rected away from the tank and in such
ance for fusible elements; a manner that it cannot impinge upon
(v) The rated flow capacity of the the tank. Protective devices which de-
spring loaded pressure relief devices, flect the flow of vapor are permissible
frangible disc or fusible elements in provided the required relief-device ca-
standard cubic meters of air per second pacity is not reduced.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(m3/s). For spring loaded pressure relief (ii) Provisions must be implemented
devices, the rated flow capacity must to prevent unauthorized persons from
be determined according to ISO 41261 access to the pressure relief devices
(including Technical Corrigendum 1) and to protect the devices from damage


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.274

caused by the portable tank over- (ii) The distance between forklift
turning. pockets (measured from the center of
(g) Gauging devices. Unless a portable each pocket) is at least half of the
tank is intended to be filled by weight, maximum length of the portable tank.
it must be equipped with one or more (5) During transport, portable tanks
gauging devices. Glass level-gauges and must be adequately protected against
gauges made of other fragile material, damage to the shell, and service equip-
which are in direct communication ment resulting from lateral and longi-
with the contents of the tank are pro- tudinal impact and overturning, or the
hibited. A connection for a vacuum shell and service equipment must be
gauge must be provided in the jacket of constructed to withstand the forces re-
a vacuum-insulated portable tank. sulting from impact or overturning.
(h) Portable tank supports, frameworks, External fittings must be protected so
lifting and tie-down attachments. (1) as to preclude the release of the shell
Portable tanks must be designed and contents upon impact or overturning of
the portable tank on its fittings. Ex-
constructed with a support structure to
amples of protection include:
provide a secure base during transport.
(i) Protection against lateral impact
The forces and safety factors specified
which may consist of longitudinal bars
in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
protecting the shell on both sides at
section, respectively, must be taken
the level of the median line;
into account in this aspect of the de-
(ii) Protection of the portable tank
sign. Skids, frameworks, cradles or against overturning which may consist
other similar structures are accept- of reinforcement rings or bars fixed
able. across the frame;
(2) The combined stresses caused by (iii) Protection against rear impact
portable tank mountings (for example, which may consist of a bumper or
cradles, framework, etc.) and portable frame;
tank lifting and tie-down attachments (iv) Protection of the shell against
must not cause stress that would dam- damage from impact or overturning by
age the shell in a manner that would use of an ISO frame in accordance with
compromise its lading retention capa- ISO 14963 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
bility. Permanent lifting and tie-down chapter); and
attachments must be fitted to all port- (v) Protection of the portable tank
able tanks. Preferably they should be from impact or damage that may re-
fitted to the portable tank supports sult from overturning by an insulation
but may be secured to reinforcing jacket.
plates located on the shell at the (i) Marking. (1) Every portable tank
points of support. Each portable tank must be fitted with a corrosion resist-
must be designed so that the center of ant metal plate permanently attached
gravity of the filled tank is approxi- to the portable tank in a conspicuous
mately centered within the points of place and readily accessible for inspec-
attachment for lifting devices. tion. When the plate cannot be perma-
(3) In the design of supports and nently attached to the shell, the shell
frameworks, the effects of environ- must be marked with at least the infor-
mental corrosion must be taken into mation required by Section VIII of the
account. ASME Code. At a minimum, the fol-
(4) Forklift pockets must be capable lowing information must be marked on
of being closed off. The means of clos- the plate by stamping or by any other
ing forklift pockets must be a perma- equivalent method:
nent part of the framework or perma- Country of manufacture
nently attached to the framework. Sin- UN
gle compartment portable tanks with a Approval Country
length less than 3.65 m (12 ft.) need not Approval Number
have forklift pockets that are capable Alternative Arrangements (see 178.274(a)(2))
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

of being closed off provided that:
Manufacturers name or mark
(i) The shell, including all the fit- Manufacturers serial number
tings, are well protected from being hit Approval Agency (Authorized body for the
by the forklift blades; and design approval)


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178.274 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
Owners registration number OFFSHORE PORTABLE TANK must
Year of manufacture be marked on the identification plate.
Pressure vessel code to which the shell is de-
(j) Initial inspection and test. The ini-
Test pressurellllbar gauge. tial inspection and test of a portable
MAWPllllbar gauge. tank must include the following:
External design pressure (not required for (1) A check of the design characteris-
portable tanks used for refrigerated lique- tics.
fied gases)llllbar gauge. (2) An internal and external examina-
Design temperature rangellll C
tollll C. (For portable tanks used for
tion of the portable tank and its fit-
refrigerated liquefied gases, the minimum tings, taking into account the haz-
design temperature must be marked.) ardous materials to be transported. For
Water capacity at 20 C/llllliters. UN portable tanks used for refrigerated
Water capacity of each compartment at 20 liquefied gases, a pressure test using an
Cllllliters. inert gas may be conducted instead of
Initial pressure test date and witness identi- a hydrostatic test. An internal inspec-
MAWP for heating/cooling systemllllbar tion is not required for a portable tank
gauge. used for the dedicated transportation
Shell material(s) and material standard ref- of refrigerated liquefied gases that are
erence(s). not filled with an inspection opening.
Equivalent thickness in reference (3) A pressure test as specified in
steelllllmm. paragraph (i) of this section.
Lining material (when applicable).
Date and type of most recent periodic test(s). (4) A leakage test.
MonthllllYearllll Test (5) A test of the satisfactory oper-
pressurellllbar gauge. ation of all service equipment includ-
Stamp of approval agency that performed or ing pressure relief devices must also be
witnessed the most recent test. performed. When the shell and its fit-
For portable tanks used for refrigerated tings have been pressure-tested sepa-
liquefied gases: rately, they must be subjected to a
Either thermally insulated or vacuum in- leakage test after reassembly. All
sulatedllll. welds, subject to full stress level in the
Effectiveness of the insulation system (heat
influx)llllWatts (W).
shell, must be inspected during the ini-
Reference holding timelllldays or hours tial test by radiographic, ultrasonic, or
and initial pressurellllbar/kPa gauge another suitable non-destructive test
and degree of fillingllllin kg for each method. This does not apply to the
refrigerated liquefied gas permitted for jacket.
transportation. (6) Effective January 1, 2008, each
(2) The following information must new UN portable tank design type
be marked either on the portable tank meeting the definition of container
itself or on a metal plate firmly se- in the Convention for Safe Containers
cured to the portable tank: (CSC) (see 49 CFR 450.3(a)(2)) must be
subjected to the dynamic longitudinal
Name of the operator.
impact test prescribed in Part IV, Sec-
Name of hazardous materials being trans-
ported and maximum mean bulk tempera- tion 40 of the UN Manual of Tests and
ture (except for refrigerated liquefied Criteria (see IBR, 171.7 of this sub-
gases, the name and temperature are only chapter). A UN portable tank design
required when the maximum mean bulk type impact-tested prior to January 1,
temperature is higher than 50 C). 2008, in accordance with the require-
Maximum permissible gross mass ments of this section in effect on Octo-
(MPGM)llllkg. ber 1, 2005, need not be retested. UN
Unladen (tare) massllllkg.
portable tanks used for the dedicated
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (i)(2): For the identi- transportation of Helium, refrigerated
fication of the hazardous materials being liquid, UN1963, and Hydrogen, refrig-
transported refer to part 172 of this sub- erated liquid, UN1966, that are
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) If a portable tank is designed and PORT in letters of a minimum height

approved for open seas operations, such of 10 cm (4 inches) on at least two sides
as offshore oil exploration, in accord- of the portable tank are excepted from
ance with the IMDG Code, the words the dynamic longitudinal impact test.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.275

(7) The following tests must be com- (ii) The sum of

pleted on a portable tank or a series of (A) The absolute vapor pressure (in
portable tanks designed and con- bar) of the hazardous material at 65 C,
structed to a single design type that is minus 1 bar (149 F, minus 100 kPa);
also a CSC container without leakage (B) The partial pressure (in bar) of
or deformation that would render the air or other gases in the ullage space,
portable tank unsafe for transportation resulting from their compression dur-
and use: ing filling without pressure relief by a
(i) Longitudinal inertia. The portable maximum ullage temperature of 65 C
tank loaded to its maximum gross (149 F) and a liquid expansion due to
weight must be positioned with its lon- an increase in mean bulk temperature
gitudinal axis vertical. It shall be held of 35 C (95 F); and
in this position for five minutes by sup- (C) A head pressure determined on
port at the lower end of the base struc- the basis of the forces specified in
ture providing vertical and lateral re- 178.274(c) of this subchapter, but not
straint and by support at the upper end less than 0.35 bar (35 kPa).
of the base structure providing lateral (2) Maximum allowable working pres-
restraint only. sure (MAWP) means a pressure that
(ii) Lateral inertia. The portable tank must not be less than the highest of
loaded to its maximum gross weight the following pressures measured at
must be positioned for five minutes the top of the shell while in operating
with its transverse axis vertical. It position:
shall be held in this position for five (i) The maximum effective gauge
minutes by support at the lower side of pressure allowed in the shell during
the base structure providing vertical filling or discharge; or
and lateral restraint and by support at (ii) The maximum effective gauge
the upper side of the base structure pressure to which the shell is designed
providing lateral restraint only. which must be not less than the design
[66 FR 33440, June 21, 2001, as amended at 67 pressure.
FR 15744, Apr. 3, 2002; 68 FR 45041, July 31, (c) Service equipment. (1) In addition
2003; 68 FR 57633, Oct. 6, 2003; 68 FR 75751, to the requirements specified in
Dec. 31, 2003; 69 FR 76185, Dec. 20, 2004; 70 FR 178.274, for service equipment, all
34399, June 14, 2005; 71 FR 78634, Dec. 29, 2006; openings in the shell, intended for fill-
72 FR 55696, Oct. 1, 2007; 73 FR 4719, Jan. 28,
ing or discharging the portable tank
2008; 78 FR 1096, Jan. 7, 2013]
must be fitted with a manually oper-
EDITORIAL NOTE: At 68 FR 57633, Oct. 6, ated stop-valve located as close to the
2003, 178.274 was amended in paragraph shell as reasonably practicable. Other
(b)(1); however, the amendment could not be
incorporated due to inaccurate amendatory
openings, except for openings leading
instruction. to venting or pressure relief devices,
must be equipped with either a stop-
178.275 Specification for UN Portable valve or another suitable means of clo-
Tanks intended for the transpor- sure located as close to the shell as
tation of liquid and solid hazardous reasonably practicable.
materials. (2) All portable tanks must be fitted
(a) In addition to the requirements of with a manhole or other inspection
178.274, this section sets forth defini- openings of a suitable size to allow for
tions and requirements that apply to internal inspection and adequate ac-
UN portable tanks intended for the cess for maintenance and repair of the
transportation of liquid and solid haz- interior. Compartmented portable
ardous materials. tanks must have a manhole or other
(b) Definitions and requirements(1) inspection openings for each compart-
Design pressure means the pressure to ment.
be used in calculations required by the (3) For insulated portable tanks, top
recognized pressure vessel code. The fittings must be surrounded by a spill
design pressure must not be less than collection reservoir with suitable
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the highest of the following pressures: drains.

(i) The maximum effective gauge (4) Piping must be designed, con-
pressure allowed in the shell during structed and installed to avoid the risk
filling or discharge; or of damage due to thermal expansion


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178.275 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

and contraction, mechanical shock and (D) Except for portable tanks having
vibration. All piping must be of a suit- a capacity less than 1,000 liters (264.2
able metallic material. Welded pipe gallons), it must be possible to close
joints must be used wherever possible. the valve from an accessible position
(d) Bottom openings. (1) Certain haz- on the portable tank that is remote
ardous materials may not be trans- from the valve itself within 30 seconds
ported in portable tanks with bottom of actuation; and
openings. When the applicable T code (E) The valve must continue to be ef-
or portable tank special provision, as fective in the event of damage to the
referenced for materials in the 172.101 external device for controlling the op-
Table of this subchapter, specifies that eration of the valve;
bottom openings are prohibited, there (ii) An external stop-valve fitted as
must be no openings below the liquid close to the shell as reasonably prac-
level of the shell when it is filled to its ticable;
maximum permissible filling limit. (iii) A liquid tight closure at the end
When an existing opening is closed, it of the discharge pipe, which may be a
must be accomplished by internally bolted blank flange or a screw cap; and
and externally welding one plate to the (iv) For UN portable tanks, with bot-
shell. tom outlets, used for the transpor-
(2) Bottom discharge outlets for port- tation of liquid hazardous materials
able tanks carrying certain solid, crys- that are Class 3, PG I or II, or PG III
tallizable or highly viscous hazardous with a flash point of less than 100 F (38
materials must be equipped with at C); Division 5.1, PG I or II; or Division
least two serially fitted and mutually 6.1, PG I or II, the remote means of clo-
independent shut-off devices. Use of sure must be capable of thermal acti-
only two shut-off devices is only au- vation. The thermal means of activa-
thorized when this paragraph is ref- tion must activate at a temperature of
erenced in the applicable T Code indi- not more than 250 F (121 C).
cated for each hazardous material in (e) Pressure relief devices. All portable
the 172.101 Table of this subchapter. tanks must be fitted with at least one
The design of the equipment must be to pressure relief device. All relief devices
the satisfaction of the approval agency must be designed, constructed and
and must include: marked in accordance with the require-
(i) An external stop-valve fitted as ments of this subchapter.
close to the shell as reasonably prac- (f) Vacuum-relief devices. (1) A shell
ticable; and which is to be equipped with a vacuum-
(ii) A liquid tight closure at the end relief device must be designed to with-
of the discharge pipe, which may be a stand, without permanent deformation,
bolted blank flange or a screw cap. an external pressure of not less than
(3) Except as provided in paragraph 0.21 bar (21.0 kPa). The vacuum-relief
(d)(2) of this section, every bottom dis- device must be set to relieve at a vacu-
charge outlet must be equipped with um setting not greater than 0.21 bar (
three serially fitted and mutually inde- 21.0 kPa) unless the shell is designed
pendent shut-off devices. The design of for a higher external over pressure, in
the equipment must include: which case the vacuum-relief pressure
(i) A self-closing internal stop-valve, of the device to be fitted must not be
which is a stop-valve within the shell greater than the tank design vacuum
or within a welded flange or its com- pressure. A shell that is not fitted with
panion flange, such that: a vacuum-relief device must be de-
(A) The control devices for the oper- signed to withstand, without perma-
ation of the valve are designed to pre- nent deformation, an external pressure
vent any unintended opening through of not less than 0.4 bar (40.0 kPa).
impact or other inadvertent act; (2) Vacuum-relief devices used on
(B) The valve is operable from above portable tanks intended for the trans-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

or below; portation of hazardous materials meet-

(C) If possible, the setting of the ing the criteria of Class 3, including
valve (open or closed) must be capable elevated temperature hazardous mate-
of being verified from the ground; rials transported at or above their


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.275

flash point, must prevent the imme- pressure 10% above the start-to-dis-
diate passage of flame into the shell or charge pressure of the reclosable pres-
the portable tank must have a shell ca- sure relief device.
pable of withstanding, without leak- (4) Every portable tank with a capac-
age, an internal explosion resulting ity less than 1,900 liters (501.9 gallons)
from the passage of flame into the must be fitted with a pressure relief de-
shell. vice which, except as provided in para-
(g) Pressure relief devices. (1) Each graph (g)(3) of this section, may be a
portable tank with a capacity not less frangible disc when this disc is set to
than 1,900 liters (501.9 gallons) and rupture at a nominal pressure equal to
every independent compartment of a the test pressure at any temperature
portable tank with a similar capacity, within the design temperature range.
must be provided with one or more
(5) When the shell is fitted for pres-
pressure relief devices of the reclosing
sure discharge, a suitable pressure re-
type. Such portable tanks may, in ad-
dition, have a frangible disc or fusible lief device must provide the inlet line
element in parallel with the reclosing to the portable tank and set to operate
devices, except when the applicable T at a pressure not higher than the
code assigned to a hazardous material MAWP of the shell, and a stop-valve
requires that the frangible disc precede must be fitted as close to the shell as
the pressure relief device, according to practicable to minimize the potential
paragraph (g)(3) of this section, or for damage.
when no bottom openings are allowed. (6) Setting of pressure relief devices. (i)
The pressure relief devices must have Pressure relief devices must operate
sufficient capacity to prevent rupture only in conditions of excessive rise in
of the shell due to over pressurization temperature. The shell must not be
or vacuum resulting from filling, dis- subject to undue fluctuations of pres-
charging, heating of the contents or sure during normal conditions of trans-
fire. portation.
(2) Pressure relief devices must be de- (ii) The required pressure relief de-
signed to prevent the entry of foreign vice must be set to start to discharge
matter, the leakage of liquid and the at a nominal pressure of five-sixths of
development of any dangerous excess the test pressure for shells having a
pressure. test pressure of not more than 4.5 bar
(3) When required for certain haz- (450 kPa) and 110% of two-thirds of the
ardous materials by the applicable T test pressure for shells having a test
code or portable tank special provision pressure of more than 4.5 bar (450 kPa).
specified for a hazardous material in A self-closing relief device must close
the 172.101 Table of this subchapter,
at a pressure not more than 10% below
portable tanks must have a pressure
the pressure at which the discharge
relief device consistent with the re-
starts. The device must remain closed
quirements of this subchapter. Except
for a portable tank in dedicated service at all lower pressures. This require-
that is fitted with an approved relief ment does not prevent the use of vacu-
device constructed of materials com- um-relief or combination pressure re-
patible with the hazardous material, lief and vacuum-relief devices.
the relief device system must include a (h) Fusible elements. Fusible elements
frangible disc preceding (such as, be- must operate at a temperature between
tween the lading and the reclosing 110 C (230 F) and 149 C (300.2 F), pro-
pressure relief device) a reclosing pres- vided that the pressure in the shell at
sure relief device. A pressure gauge or the fusing temperature will not exceed
suitable tell-tale indicator for the de- the test pressure. They must be placed
tection of disc rupture, pin-holing or at the top of the shell with their inlets
leakage must be provided in the space in the vapor space and in no case may
between the frangible disc and the they be shielded from external heat.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

pressure relief device to allow the port- Fusible elements must not be utilized
able tank operator to check to deter- on portable tanks with a test pressure
mine if the disc is leak free. The fran- which exceeds 2.65 bar (265.0 kPa); how-
gible disc must rupture at a nominal ever, fusible elements are authorized


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178.275 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

on portable tanks for the transpor- U = thermal conductance of the insulation,

tation of certain organometallic mate- in kW m2K1, at 38 C (100 F); and t =
rials in accordance with 172.102, spe- actual temperature of the hazardous ma-
terial during filling (in C) or when this
cial provision TP36 of this subchapter. temperature is unknown, let t = 15 C (59
Fusible elements used on portable F). The value of F given in this para-
tanks intended for the transport of ele- graph (i)(2)(i)(A) for insulated shells may
vated temperature hazardous materials only be used if the insulation is in con-
must be designed to operate at a tem- formance with paragraph (i)(2)(iv) of this
perature higher than the maximum section;
temperature that will be experienced A = total external surface area of shell in
square meters;
during transport and must be designed Z = the gas compressibility factor in the ac-
to the satisfaction of the approval cumulating condition (when this factor
agency. is unknown, let Z equal 1.0);
(i) Capacity of pressure relief devices. T = absolute temperature in Kelvin (C+273)
(1) The reclosing pressure relief device above the pressure relief devices in the
required by paragraph (g)(1) of this sec- accumulating condition;
L = the latent heat of vaporization of the liq-
tion must have a minimum cross sec-
uid, in kJ/kg, in the accumulating condi-
tional flow area equivalent to an ori- tion;
fice of 31.75 mm (1.3 inches) diameter. M = molecular weight of the hazardous mate-
Vacuum-relief devices, when used, rial.
must have a cross sectional flow area
(B) The constant C, as shown in the
not less than 284 mm 2 (11.2 inches 2).
formula in paragraph (i)(2)(i)(A) of this
(2) The combined delivery capacity of
section, is derived from one of the fol-
the pressure relief system (taking into
lowing formulas as a function of the
account the reduction of the flow when
ratio k of specific heats:
the portable tank is fitted with fran-
gible-discs preceding spring-loaded
pressure-relief devices or when the cp
spring-loaded pressure-relief devices
are provided with a device to prevent
the passage of the flame), in condition Where:
of complete fire engulfment of the cp is the specific heat at constant pressure;
portable tank must be sufficient to and
limit the pressure in the shell to 20% cv is the specific heat at constant volume.
above the start to discharge pressure (C) When k >1:
limiting device (pressure relief device).
The total required capacity of the re- k +1
lief devices may be determined using 2 k 1
the formula in paragraph (i)(2)(i)(A) of C = k
this section or the table in paragraph k +1
(i)(2)(iii) of this section. (D) When k = 1 or k is unknown, a
(i)(A) To determine the total re- value of 0.607 may be used for the con-
quired capacity of the relief devices, stant C. C may also be taken from the
which must be regarded as being the following table:
sum of the individual capacities of all
the contributing devices, the following C CONSTANT VALUE TABLE
formula must be used:
k C

0.82 1.00 0.607

Q = 12.4 1.02

1.06 0.620
Where: 1.08 0.624
1.10 0.628
Q = minimum required rate of discharge in 1.12 0.633
cubic meters of air per second (m3/s) at 1.14 0.637
conditions: 1 bar and 0 C (273 K); 1.16 0.641
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

1.18 0.645
F = for uninsulated shells: 1; for insulated

1.20 0.649
shells: U(649t)/13.6 but in no case is less 1.22 0.652
than 0.25 1.24 0.656
Where: 1.26 0.660


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.276


k C
[Q Values]
1.28 0.664
1.30 0.667 A Q A Q
1.32 0.671 Exposed area (Cubic me- Exposed area (Cubic me-
(square me- ters of air (square me- ters of air
1.34 0.674 ters) per second) ters) per second)
1.36 0.678
1.38 0.681 22.5 1.670 75 4.483
1.40 0.685 25 1.821 80 4.726
1.42 0.688
27.5 1.969 85 4.967
1.44 0.691
30 2.115 90 5.206
1.46 0.695
1.48 0.698 32.5 2.258 95 5.442
1.50 0.701 35 2.400 100 5.676
1.52 0.704
1.54 0.707 (iv) Insulation systems, used for the
1.56 0.710
1.58 0.713
purpose of reducing venting capacity,
1.60 0.716 must be specifically approved by the
1.62 0.719 approval agency. In all cases, insula-
1.64 0.722
1.66 0.725
tion systems approved for this purpose
1.68 0.728 must
1.70 0.731 (A) Remain effective at all tempera-
2.00 0.770 tures up to 649 C (1200 F); and
2.20 0.793
(B) Be jacketed with a material hav-
ing a melting point of 700 C (1292 F) or
(ii) As an alternative to the formula greater.
in paragraph (i)(2)(i)(A) of this section, (j) Approval, inspection and testing.
relief devices for shells used for trans- Approval procedures for UN portable
porting liquids may be sized in accord- tanks are specified in 178.273. Inspec-
ance with the table in paragraph tion and testing requirements are spec-
(i)(2)(iii) of this section. The table in ified in 180.605 of this subchapter.
paragraph (i)(2)(iii) of this section as- [66 FR 33445, June 21, 2001, as amended at 68
sumes an insulation value of F = 1 and FR 32414, May 30, 2003; 69 FR 76185, Dec. 20,
must be adjusted accordingly when the 2004; 73 FR 57006, Oct. 1, 2008; 76 FR 3388, Jan.
shell is insulated. Other values used in 19, 2011]
determining the table in paragraph
(i)(2)(iii) of this section are: L = 334.94 178.276 Requirements for the design,
kJ/kg; M = 86.7; T = 394 K; Z = 1; and construction, inspection and testing
C = 0.607. of portable tanks intended for the
transportation of non-refrigerated
(iii) Minimum emergency vent capac- liquefied compressed gases.
ity, Q, in cubic meters of air per second
at 1 bar and 0 C (273 K) shown in the (a) In addition to the requirements of
following table: 178.274 applicable to UN portable
tanks, the following requirements
MINIMUM EMERGENCY VENT CAPACITY apply to UN portable tanks used for
[Q Values] non-refrigerated liquefied compressed
gases. In addition to the definitions in
Exposed area (Cubic me- Exposed area (Cubic me- 178.274, the following definitions
(square me- ters of air (square me- ters of air apply:
ters) per second) ters) per second)
(1) Design pressure means the pressure
2 0.230 37.5 2.539 to be used in calculations required by
3 0.320 40 2.677 the ASME Code, Section VIII (IBR, see
4 0.405 42.5 2.814
5 0.487 45 2.949 171.7 of this subchapter). The design
6 0.565 47.5 3.082 pressure must be not less than the
7 0.641 50 3.215 highest of the following pressures:
8 0.715 52.5 3.346
9 0.788 55 3.476
(i) The maximum effective gauge
10 0.859 57.5 3.605 pressure allowed in the shell during
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

12 0.998 60 3.733 filling or discharge; or

14 1.132 62.5 3.860 (ii) The sum of:
16 1.263 65 3.987
18 1.391 67.5 4.112 (A) The maximum effective gauge
20 1.517 70 4.236 pressure to which the shell is designed


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178.276 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

as defined in this paragraph under capacity greater than 450 liters (118.9
MAWP; and gallons). Shells must be designed, con-
(B) A head pressure determined on structed, certified and stamped in ac-
the basis of the dynamic forces speci- cordance with the ASME Code, Section
fied in paragraph (h) of this section, VIII.
but not less than 0.35 bar (35 kPa). (2) Portable tanks must be postweld
(2) Design reference temperature means heat-treated and radiographed as pre-
the temperature at which the vapor scribed in Section VIII of the ASME
pressure of the contents is determined Code, except that each portable tank
for the purpose of calculating the constructed in accordance with part
MAWP. The value for each portable UHT of the ASME Code must be
tank type is as follows: postweld heat-treated. Where postweld
(i) Shell with a diameter of 1.5 meters heat treatment is required, the port-
(4.9 ft.) or less: 65 C (149 F); or able tank must be treated as a unit
(ii) Shell with a diameter of more after completion of all the welds in
than 1.5 meters (4.9 ft.): and/or to the shell and heads. The
(A) Without insulation or sun shield: method must be as prescribed in the
60 C (140 F); ASME Code. Welded attachments to
(B) With sun shield: 55 C (131 F); and pads may be made after postweld heat
(C) With insulation: 50 C (122 F). treatment is made. A portable tank
(3) Filling density means the average used for anhydrous ammonia must be
mass of liquefied compressed gas per
postweld heat-treated. The postweld
liter of shell capacity (kg/l).
heat treatment must be as prescribed
(4) Maximum allowable working pres-
in the ASME Code, but in no event at
sure (MAWP) means a pressure that
less than 1050 F tank metal tempera-
must be not less than the highest of
ture. Additionally, portable tanks con-
the following pressures measured at
structed in accordance with part UHT
the top of the shell while in operating
of the ASME Code must conform to the
position, but in no case less than 7 bar
following requirements:
(700 kPa):
(i) The maximum effective gauge (i) Welding procedure and welder per-
pressure allowed in the shell during formance tests must be made annually
filling or discharge; or in accordance with Section IX of the
(ii) The maximum effective gauge ASME Code. In addition to the essen-
pressure to which the shell is designed, tial variables named therein, the fol-
which must be: lowing must be considered to be essen-
(A) Not less than the pressure speci- tial variables: number of passes, thick-
fied for each liquefied compressed gas ness of plate, heat input per pass, and
listed in the UN Portable Tank Table manufacturers identification of rod
for Liquefied Compressed Gases in and flux. The number of passes, thick-
173.313; and ness of plate and heat input per pass
(B) Not less than the sum of: may not vary more than 25 percent
(1) The absolute vapor pressure (in from the qualified procedure. Records
bar) of the liquefied compressed gas at of the qualification must be retained
the design reference temperature for at least 5 years by the portable
minus 1 bar; and tank manufacturer or his designated
(2) The partial pressure (in bar) of air agent and, upon request, made avail-
or other gases in the ullage space able to a representative of the Depart-
which is determined by the design ref- ment of Transportation or the owner of
erence temperature and the liquid the tank.
phase expansion due to the increase of (ii) Impact tests must be made on a
the mean bulk temperature of trtf (tf lot basis. A lot is defined as 100 tons or
= filling temperature, usually 15 C, tr = less of the same heat and having a
50 C maximum mean bulk tempera- thickness variation no greater than
ture). plus or minus 25 percent. The minimum
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) General design and construction re- impact required for full-sized speci-
quirements. (1) Shells must be of seam- mens shall be 20 foot-pounds (or 10
less or welded steel construction, or foot-pounds for half-sized specimens) at
combination of both, and have a water 0 F (17.8 F) Charpy V-Notch in both


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.276

the longitudinal and transverse direc- flow, specified by the manufacturer, is

tion. If the lot test does not pass this reached. Connections and accessories
requirement, individual plates may be leading to or from such a valve must
accepted if they individually meet this have a capacity for a flow more than
impact requirement. the excess flow valves rated flow.
(3) When the shells intended for the (3) For filling and discharge openings
transportation of non-refrigerated liq- that are located below the liquid level,
uefied compressed gases are equipped the first shut-off device must be an in-
with thermal insulation, a device must ternal stop-valve and the second must
be provided to prevent any dangerous be a stop-valve placed in an accessible
pressure from developing in the insu- position on each discharge and filling
lating layer in the event of a leak, pipe.
when the protective covering is closed (4) For filling and discharge openings
it must be gas tight. The thermal insu- located below the liquid level of port-
lation must not inhibit access to the able tanks intended for the transpor-
fittings and discharge devices. In addi- tation of flammable and/or toxic lique-
tion, the thermal insulation systems fied compressed gases, the internal
must satisfy the following require- stop-valve must be a self-closing safety
ments: device that fully closes automatically
(i) consist of a shield covering not during filling or discharge in the event
less than the upper third, but not more of fire engulfment. The device shall
than the upper half of the surface of fully close within 30 seconds of actu-
the shell, and separated from the shell ation and the thermal means of closure
by an air space of approximately 40 mm must actuate at a temperature of not
(1.7 inches) across; or more than 121 C (250 F). Except for
(ii) consist of a complete cladding of portable tanks having a capacity less
insulating materials. The insulation than 1,000 liters (264.2 gallons), this de-
must be of adequate thickness and con-
vice must be operable by remote con-
structed to prevent the ingress of mois-
ture and damage to the insulation. The
(5) In addition to filling, discharge
insulation and cladding must have a
thermal conductance of not more than and gas pressure equalizing orifices,
0.67 (Wm2K1) under normal condi- shells may have openings in which
tions of transportation. gauges, thermometers and manometers
(c) Service equipment. (1) Each opening can be fitted. Connections for such in-
with a diameter of more than 1.5 mm struments must be made by suitable
(0.1 inch) in the shell of a portable welded nozzles or pockets and may not
tank, except openings for pressure-re- be connected by screwed connections
lief devices, inspection openings and through the shell.
closed bleed holes, must be fitted with (6) All portable tanks must be fitted
at least three mutually independent with manholes or other inspection
shut-off devices in series: the first openings of suitable size to allow for
being an internal stop-valve, excess internal inspection and adequate ac-
flow valve, integral excess flow valve, cess for maintenance and repair of the
or excess flow feature (see 178.337 interior.
1(g)), the second being an external (7) Inlets and discharge outlets on chlo-
stop-valve and the third being a blank rine portable tanks. The inlet and dis-
flange, thread cap, plug or equivalent charge outlets on portable tanks used
tight liquid closure device. to transport chlorine must meet the re-
(2) When a portable tank is fitted quirements of 178.3371(c)(2) and must
with an excess flow valve, the excess be fitted with an internal excess flow
flow valve must be so fitted that its valve. In addition to the internal ex-
seating is inside the shell or inside a cess flow valve, the inlet and discharge
welded flange or, when fitted exter- outlets must be equipped with an ex-
nally, its mountings must be designed ternal stop valve (angle valve). Excess
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

so that in the event of impact it main- flow valves must conform to the stand-
tains its effectiveness. The excess flow ards of The Chlorine Institute, Inc.
valves must be selected and fitted so as (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) as
to close automatically when the rated follows:


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178.276 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(i) A valve conforming to Drawing than the MAWP and be fully open at a
1017, dated July 1993, must be installed pressure equal to 110% of the MAWP.
under each liquid angle valve. These devices must, after discharge,
(ii) A valve conforming to Drawing close at a pressure not less than 10%
1066, dated July 1993, must be installed below the pressure at which discharge
under each gas angle valve. For port- starts and must remain closed at all
able tanks used to transport non-re- lower pressures. The pressure relief de-
frigerated liquefied gases. vices must be of a type that will resist
(8) External fittings must be grouped dynamic forces including liquid surge.
together as close as reasonably prac- A frangible disc may only be used in se-
ticable. The following openings may be ries with a reclosing pressure relief de-
installed at locations other than on the vice.
top or end of the tank: (2) Pressure relief devices must be de-
(i) The openings for liquid level gaug- signed to prevent the entry of foreign
ing devices, pressure gauges, or for matter, the leakage of gas and the de-
safety devices, may be installed sepa- velopment of any dangerous excess
rately at the other location or in the pressure.
side of the shell; (3) A portable tank intended for the
(ii) One plugged opening of 2-inch Na- transportation of certain liquefied
tional Pipe Thread or less provided for compressed gases identified in the UN
maintenance purposes may be located Portable Tank Table for Liquefied
elsewhere; Compressed Gases in 173.313 of this
(iii) An opening of 3-inch National subchapter must have a pressure relief
Pipe Size or less may be provided at device which conforms to the require-
another location, when necessary, to ments of this subchapter. Unless a
facilitate installation of condensing portable tank, in dedicated service, is
coils. fitted with a relief device constructed
(9) Filling and discharge connections of materials compatible with the haz-
are not required to be grouped and may ardous material, the relief device must
be installed below the normal liquid be comprised of a frangible disc pre-
level of the tank if: ceded by a reclosing device. The space
(i) The portable tank is permanently between the frangible disc and the de-
mounted in a full framework for con- vice must be provided with a pressure
tainerized transport; gauge or a suitable tell-tale indicator.
(ii) For each portable tank design, a This arrangement must facilitate the
prototype portable tank, meets the re- detection of disc rupture, pinholing or
quirements of parts 450 through 453 of leakage which could cause a malfunc-
this title for compliance with the re- tion of the pressure relief device. The
quirements of Annex II of the Inter- frangible disc must rupture at a nomi-
national Convention for Safe Con- nal pressure 10% above the start-to-dis-
tainers; and charge pressure of the relief device.
(iii) Each filling and discharge outlet (4) In the case of portable tanks used
meets the requirements of paragraph for more than one gas, the pressure re-
(c)(4) of this section. lief devices must open at a pressure in-
(d) Bottom openings. Bottom openings dicated in paragraph (e)(1) of this sec-
are prohibited on portable tanks when tion for the gas having the highest
the UN Portable Tank Table for Lique- maximum allowable pressure of the
fied Compressed Gases in 173.313 of gases allowed to be transported in the
this subchapter indicates that bottom portable tank.
openings are not allowed. In this case, (f) Capacity of relief devices. The com-
there may be no openings located bined delivery capacity of the relief de-
below the liquid level of the shell when vices must be sufficient so that, in the
it is filled to its maximum permissible event of total fire engulfment, the
filling limit. pressure inside the shell cannot exceed
(e) Pressure relief devices. (1) Portable 120% of the MAWP. Reclosing relief de-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tanks must be provided with one or vices must be used to achieve the full
more reclosing pressure relief devices. relief capacity prescribed. In the case
The pressure relief devices must open of portable tanks used for more than
automatically at a pressure not less gas, the combined delivery capacity of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.277

the pressure relief devices must be design and construction of the shell
taken for the liquefied compressed gas not higher than the lowest (coldest)
which requires the highest delivery ca- service temperature of the contents
pacity of the liquefied compressed during normal conditions of filling, dis-
gases allowed to be transported in the charge and transportation.
portable tank. The total required ca- Shell means the part of the portable
pacity of the relief devices must be de- tank which retains the refrigerated liq-
termined according to the require- uefied gas intended for transport, in-
ments in 178.275(i). These require- cluding openings and their closures,
ments apply only to liquefied com- but does not include service equipment
pressed gases which have critical tem- or external structural equipment.
peratures well above the temperature Tank means a construction which
at the accumulating condition. For normally consists of either:
gases that have critical temperatures (1) A jacket and one or more inner
near or below the temperature at the shells where the space between the
accumulating condition, the calcula- shell(s) and the jacket is exhausted of
tion of the pressure relief device deliv- air (vacuum insulation) and may incor-
ery capacity must consider the addi- porate a thermal insulation system; or
tional thermodynamic properties of the (2) A jacket and an inner shell with
gas, for example see CGA S1.2 (IBR, an intermediate layer of solid ther-
see 171.7 of this subchapter). mally insulating material (for exam-
ple, solid foam).
[66 FR 33448, June 21, 2001, as amended at 68
FR 75748, 75752, Dec. 31, 2003; 69 FR 54046, (b) General design and construction re-
Sept. 7, 2004; 69 FR 76185, Dec. 20, 2004] quirements. (1) Portable tanks must be
of seamless or welded steel construc-
178.277 Requirements for the design, tion and have a water capacity of more
construction, inspection and testing than 450 liters (118.9 gallons). Portable
of portable tanks intended for the tanks must be designed, constructed,
transportation of refrigerated lique- certified and stamped in accordance
fied gases. with Section VIII of the ASME Code.
(a) In addition to the requirements of (2) Portable tanks must be postweld
178.274 applicable to UN portable heat treated and radiographed as pre-
tanks, the following requirements and scribed in Sections V and VIII of the
definitions apply to UN portable tanks ASME Code except that each tank con-
used for refrigerated liquefied gases: structed in accordance with part UHT
Design pressure For the purpose of in Section VIII of the ASME Code must
this section the term design pressure be postweld heat treated. Where
is consistent with the definition for de- postweld heat treatment is required,
sign pressure in the ASME Code, Sec- the tank must be treated as a unit
tion VIII (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- after completion of all the welds to the
chapter). shell and heads. The method must be as
Holding time is the time, as deter- prescribed in the ASME Code. Welded
mined by testing, that will elapse from attachments to pads may be made after
loading until the pressure of the con- postweld heat treatment is made. The
tents, under equilibrium conditions, postweld heat treatment must be as
reaches the lowest set pressure of the prescribed in Section VIII of the ASME
pressure limiting device(s) (for exam- Code, but in no event at less than 1,050
ple, pressure control valve or pressure F tank metal temperature.
relief device). Holding time must be de- (3) Welding procedure and welder per-
termined as specified in 178.3389. formance tests must be made annually
Maximum allowable working pressure in accordance with Section IX of the
(MAWP) means the maximum effective ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
gauge pressure permissible at the top chapter). In addition to the essential
of the shell of a loaded portable tank in variables named in the ASME Code, the
its operating position including the following must be considered as essen-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

highest effective pressure during filling tial variables: number of passes, thick-
and discharge; ness of plate, heat input per pass, and
Minimum design temperature means the specified rod and flux. The number
the temperature which is used for the of passes, thickness of plate and heat


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178.277 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

input per pass may not vary more than (10) A reference holding time must be
25% from the procedure qualification. determined for each refrigerated lique-
Records of the qualification must be fied gas intended for transport in a
retained for at least 5 years by the portable tank. The reference holding
portable tank manufacturer and made time must be determined by testing in
available to the approval agency and accordance with the requirements of
the owner of the portable tank as spec- 178.3389, considering the following
ified in 178.273. factors:
(4) Shells and jackets must be made (i) The effectiveness of the insulation
of metallic materials suitable for form- system, determined in accordance with
ing. Jackets must be made of steel. paragraph (b)(11) of this section;
Non-metallic materials may be used (ii) The lowest set pressure of the
for the attachments and supports be- pressure limiting device;
tween the shell and jacket, provided (iii) The initial filling conditions;
their material properties at the min- (iv) An assumed ambient tempera-
imum design temperature are proven ture of 30 C (86 F);
to be sufficient. In choosing the mate- (v) The physical properties of the in-
rial, the minimum design temperature dividual refrigerated liquefied gas in-
must be taken into account with re- tended to be transported.
spect to risk of brittle fracture, to hy- (11) The effectiveness of the insula-
drogen embrittlement, to stress corro- tion system (heat influx in watts) may
sion cracking and to resistance to im- be determined by type testing the port-
pact. able tank in accordance with a proce-
(5) Any part of a portable tank, in- dure specified in 178.3389(c) or by
cluding fittings, gaskets and pipe- using the holding time test in 178.338
work, which can be expected normally 9(b). This test must consist of either:
to come into contact with the refrig- (i) A constant pressure test (for ex-
erated liquefied gas transported must ample, at atmospheric pressure) when
be compatible with that refrigerated the loss of refrigerated liquefied gas is
liquefied gas. measured over a period of time; or
(6) The thermal insulation system (ii) A closed system test when the
must include a complete covering of rise in pressure in the shell is measured
the shell with effective insulating ma- over a period of time.
terials. External insulation must be (12) When performing the constant
protected by a jacket so as to prevent pressure test, variations in atmos-
the ingress of moisture and other dam- pheric pressure must be taken into ac-
age under normal transport conditions. count. When performing either test,
(7) When a jacket is so closed as to be corrections must be made for any vari-
gas-tight, a device must be provided to ation of the ambient temperature from
prevent any dangerous pressure from the assumed ambient temperature ref-
developing in the insulation space. erence value of 30 C (86 F).
(8) Materials which may react with (13) The jacket of a vacuum-insulated
oxygen or oxygen enriched double-wall tank must have either an
atmospheres in a dangerous manner external design pressure not less than
may not be used in portable tanks in- 100 kPa (1 bar) gauge pressure cal-
tended for the transport of refrigerated culated in accordance with Section
liquefied gases having a boiling point VIII of the ASME Code or a calculated
below minus 182 C at atmospheric critical collapsing pressure of not less
pressure in locations with the thermal than 200 kPa (2 bar) gauge pressure. In-
insulation where there is a risk of con- ternal and external reinforcements
tact with oxygen or with oxygen en- may be included in calculating the
riched fluid. ability of the jacket to resist the exter-
(9) Insulating materials must not de- nal pressure.
teriorate to an extent that the effec-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): For the deter-

tiveness of the insulation system, as mination of the actual holding time, as indi-
determined in accordance with para- cated by paragraphs (b)(10), (11), (12), and
graph (b)(11) of this section, would be (13), before each journey, refer to 178.338
reduced in service. 9(b).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.277

(c) Design criteria. For shells with (7) Vacuum insulated portable tanks
vacuum insulation, the test pressure are not required to have an inspection
must not be less than 1.3 times the sum opening.
of the MAWP and 100 kPa (1 bar). In no (e) Pressure relief devices. (1) Every
case may the test pressure be less than shell must be provided with not less
300 kPa (3 bar) gauge pressure. than two independent reclosing pres-
(d) Service equipment. (1) Each filling sure relief devices. The pressure relief
and discharge opening in portable devices must open automatically at a
tanks used for the transport of flam- pressure not less than the MAWP and
mable refrigerated liquefied gases must be fully open at a pressure equal to
be fitted with at least three mutually 110% of the MAWP. These devices
independent shut-off devices in series: must, after discharge, close at a pres-
the first being a stop-valve situated as
sure not lower than 10% below the pres-
close as reasonably practicable to the
sure at which discharge starts and
jacket, the second being a stop-valve
must remain closed at all lower pres-
and the third being a blank flange or
sures. The pressure relief devices must
equivalent device. The shut-off device
closest to the jacket must be a self- be of the type that will resist dynamic
closing device, which is capable of forces including surge.
being closed from an accessible posi- (2) Except for portable tanks used for
tion on the portable tank that is re- oxygen, portable tanks for non-flam-
mote from the valve within 30 seconds mable refrigerated liquefied gases (ex-
of actuation. This device must actuate cept oxygen) and hydrogen may in ad-
at a temperature of not more than 121 dition have frangible discs in parallel
C (250 F). with the reclosing devices as specified
(2) Each filling and discharge opening in paragraphs (e)(4)(ii) and (e)(4)(iii) of
in portable tanks used for the trans- this section.
port of non-flammable refrigerated liq- (3) Pressure relief devices must be de-
uefied gases must be fitted with at signed to prevent the entry of foreign
least two mutually independent shut- matter, the leakage of gas and the de-
off devices in series: the first being a velopment of any dangerous excess
stop-valve situated as close as reason- pressure.
ably practicable to the jacket and the (4) Capacity and setting of pressure re-
second a blank flange or equivalent de- lief devices. (i) In the case of the loss of
vice. vacuum in a vacuum-insulated tank or
(3) For sections of piping which can of loss of 20% of the insulation of a
be closed at both ends and where liquid portable tank insulated with solid ma-
product can be trapped, a method of terials, the combined capacity of all
automatic pressure relief must be pro-
pressure relief devices installed must
vided to prevent excess pressure build-
be sufficient so that the pressure (in-
up within the piping.
cluding accumulation) inside the shell
(4) Each filling and discharge opening
does not exceed 120% of the MAWP.
on a portable tank must be clearly
marked to indicate its function. (ii) For non-flammable refrigerated
(5) When pressure-building units are liquefied gases (except oxygen) and hy-
used, the liquid and vapor connections drogen, this capacity may be achieved
to that unit must be provided with a by the use of frangible discs in parallel
valve as close to the jacket as reason- with the required safety-relief devices.
ably practicable to prevent the loss of Frangible discs must rupture at nomi-
contents in case of damage to the pres- nal pressure equal to the test pressure
sure-building unit. A check valve may of the shell.
be used for this purpose if it is located (iii) Under the circumstances de-
on the vapor side of the pressure build- scribed in paragraphs (e)(4)(i) and
up coil. (e)(4)(ii) of this section, together with
(6) The materials of construction of complete fire engulfment, the com-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

valves and accessories must have satis- bined capacity of all pressure relief de-
factory properties at the lowest oper- vices installed must be sufficient to
ating temperature of the portable limit the pressure in the shell to the
tank. test pressure.


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178.318 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(iv) The required capacity of the re- event to come in contact with any of
lief devices must be calculated in ac- the caps. Space shall be provided so
cordance with CGA Pamphlet S1.2 that each detonator of whatever nature
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). may be inserted in an individual cell in
[66 FR 33450, June 21, 2001, as amended at 68 the body of the container, into which
FR 75748, 75752, Dec. 31, 2003] each such cap shall snugly fit. There
shall be provided no more than twenty
Subpart I [Reserved] (20) such cellular spaces. Space may be
provided into which a plurality of per-
cussion caps may be carried, provided
Subpart JSpecifications for Con- that such space may be closed with a
tainers for Motor Vehicle screw cap, and further provided that
Transportation each or any such space is entirely sepa-
rate from any space provided for any
SOURCE: 29 FR 18975, Dec. 29, 1964, unless detonator. Each cellular space into
otherwise noted. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606, which a detonator is to be inserted and
Apr. 5, 1967. carried shall be capable of being cov-
178.318 Specification MC 201; con- ered by a rotary cover so arranged as
tainer for detonators and percus- to expose not more than one cell at any
sion caps. time, and capable of rotation to such a
place that all cells will be covered at
178.3181 Scope. the same time, at which place means
(a) This specification pertains to a shall be provided to lock the cover in
container to be used for the transpor- place. Means shall be provided to lock
tation of detonators and percussion in place the cover for the cells provided
caps in connection with the transpor- for the carrying of detonators. The re-
tation of liquid nitroglycerin, desen- quirement that not more than one cell
sitized liquid nitroglycerin or be exposed at one time need not apply
diethylene glycol dinitrate, where any in the case of detonators, although
or all of such types of caps may be used spaces for such caps and detonators
for the detonation of liquid nitroglyc- shall be separate. Sufficient annular
erin, desentitized liquid nitroglycerin space shall be provided inside the cover
or diethylene glycol dinitrate in blast- for such detonators that, when the
ing operations. This specification is cover is closed, there will be sufficient
not intended to take the place of any space to accommodate the wires cus-
shipping or packing requirements of tomarily attached to such caps. If the
this Department where the caps in material is of such a nature as to re-
question are themselves articles of quire treatment to prevent the absorp-
commerce. tion of moisture, such treatment shall
(b) [Reserved] be applied as shall be necessary in
[29 FR 18975, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 order to provide against the penetra-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. tion of water by permeation. A suitable
17860, 44 FR 70733, Dec. 10, 1979] carrying handle shall be provided, ex-
cept for which handle no part of the
178.3182 Container. container may project beyond the exte-
(a) Every container for detonators rior of the body.
and percussion caps coming within the (b) Exhibited in plates I and II are
scope of this specification shall be con- line drawings of a container for deto-
structed entirely of hard rubber, nators and percussion caps, illustrative
phenolresinous or other resinous mate- of the requirements set forth in
rial, or other nonmetallic, nonsparking 178.3182(a). These plates shall not be
material, except that metal parts may construed as a part of this specifica-
be used in such locations as not in any tion.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.320

178.3183 Marking. tention or containment function and

provides no structural support to the
Each container must be marked as
cargo tank.
prescribed in 178.2(b).
Baffle means a non-liquid-tight trans-
[Amdt. 17840, 41 FR 38181, Sept. 9, 1976, as verse partition device that deflects,
amended at 66 FR 45185, Aug. 28, 2001] checks or regulates fluid motion in a
178.320 General requirements appli- Bulkhead means a liquid-tight trans-
cable to all DOT specification cargo verse closure at the ends of or between
tank motor vehicles.
cargo tanks.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Definitions. For the purpose of this Cargo tank means a bulk packaging
subchapter: that:
Appurtenance means any attachment (1) Is a tank intended primarily for
to a cargo tank that has no lading re- the carriage of liquids, gases, solids, or


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178.320 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

semi-solids and includes appur- (3) To the same engineering drawings

tenances, reinforcements, fittings, and and calculations, except for minor
closures (for tank, see 178.3371, variations in piping that do not affect
178.3381, or 178.3451, as applicable); the lading retention capability of the
(2) Is permanently attached to or cargo tank;
forms a part of a motor vehicle, or is (4) Of the same materials of construc-
not permanently attached to a motor tion;
vehicle but that, by reason of its size, (5) To the same cross-sectional di-
construction, or attachment to a mensions;
motor vehicle, is loaded or unloaded (6) To a length varying by no more
without being removed from the motor than 5 percent;
vehicle; and (7) With the volume varying by no
(3) Is not fabricated under a speci- more than 5 percent (due to a change in
fication for cylinders, intermediate length only); and
bulk containers, multi-unit tank car (8) For the purposes of 178.338 only,
tanks, portable tanks, or tank cars. with the same insulation system.
Cargo tank motor vehicle means a External self-closing stop valve means a
motor vehicle with one or more cargo self-closing stop valve designed so that
tanks permanently attached to or the self-stored energy source is located
forming an integral part of the motor outside the cargo tank and the welded
vehicle. flange.
Cargo tank wall means those parts of Extreme dynamic loading means the
the cargo tank that make up the pri- maximum loading a cargo tank motor
mary lading retention structure, in- vehicle may experience during its ex-
cluding shell, bulkheads, and fittings pected life, excluding accident loadings
and, when closed, yield the minimum resulting from an accident, such as
volume of a completed cargo tank overturn or collision.
motor vehicle. Flange means the structural ring for
Charging line means a hose, tube, guiding or attachment of a pipe or fit-
pipe, or a similar device used to pres- ting with another flange (companion
surize a tank with material other than flange), pipe, fitting or other attach-
the lading. ment.
Companion flange means one of two Inspection pressure means the pres-
mating flanges where the flange faces sure used to determine leak tightness
are in contact or separated only by a of the cargo tank when testing with
thin leak-sealing gasket and are se- pneumatic pressure.
cured to one another by bolts or Internal self-closing stop valve means a
clamps. self-closing stop valve designed so that
Connecting structure means the struc- the self-stored energy source is located
ture joining two cargo tanks. inside the cargo tank or cargo tank
Constructed and certified in accordance sump, or within the welded flange, and
with the ASME Code means a cargo the valve seat is located within the
tank is constructed and stamped in ac- cargo tank or within one inch of the
cordance with Section VIII of the external face of the welded flange or
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- sump of the cargo tank.
chapter), and is inspected and certified Lading means the hazardous material
by an Authorized Inspector. contained in a cargo tank.
Constructed in accordance with the Loading/unloading connection means
ASME Code means a cargo tank is con- the fitting in the loading/unloading
structed in accordance with Section line farthest from the loading/unload-
VIII of the ASME Code with authorized ing outlet to which the loading/unload-
exceptions (see 178.346 through ing hose, pipe, or device is attached.
178.348) and is inspected and certified Loading/unloading outlet means a
by a Registered Inspector. cargo tank outlet used for normal load-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Design type means one or more cargo ing/unloading operations.

tanks that are made Loading/unloading stop valve means
(1) To the same specification; the stop valve farthest from the cargo
(2) By the same manufacturer; tank loading/unloading outlet to which


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.320

the loading/unloading connection is at- Multi-specification cargo tank motor ve-

tached. hicle means a cargo tank motor vehicle
Manufacturer means any person en- equipped with two or more cargo tanks
gaged in the manufacture of a DOT fabricated to more than one cargo tank
specification cargo tank, cargo tank specification.
motor vehicle, or cargo tank equip- Normal operating loading means the
ment that forms part of the cargo tank loading a cargo tank motor vehicle
wall. This term includes attaching a may be expected to experience rou-
cargo tank to a motor vehicle or to a tinely in operation.
motor vehicle suspension component Nozzle means a subassembly con-
that involves welding on the cargo sisting of a pipe or tubular section with
tank wall. A manufacturer must reg- or without a welded or forged flange on
ister with the Department in accord- one end.
ance with subpart F of part 107 in sub- Outlet means any opening in the shell
part A of this chapter. or head of a cargo tank, (including the
Maximum allowable working pressure means for attaching a closure), except
or MAWP means the maximum pres- that the following are not outlets: a
sure allowed at the top of the tank in threaded opening securely closed dur-
its normal operating position. The ing transportation with a threaded
MAWP must be calculated as pre- plug or a threaded cap, a flanged open-
scribed in Section VIII of the ASME ing securely closed during transpor-
Code. In use, the MAWP must be great- tation with a bolted or welded blank
er than or equal to the maximum lad- flange, a manhole, a gauging device, a
ing pressure conditions prescribed in thermometer well, or a pressure relief
173.33 of this subchapter for each ma- device.
terial transported. Outlet stop valve means the stop valve
at a cargo tank loading or unloading
Maximum lading pressure. See
Pipe coupling means a fitting with in-
Minimum thickness means the min- ternal threads on both ends.
imum required shell and head (and baf- Rear bumper means the structure de-
fle and bulkhead when used as tank re- signed to prevent a vehicle or object
inforcement) thickness needed to meet from under-riding the rear of another
the specification. The minimum thick- motor vehicle. See 393.86 of this title.
ness is the greatest of the following val- Rear-end tank protection device means
ues: (1)(i) For MC 330, MC 331, and MC the structure designed to protect a
338 cargo tanks, the specified minimum cargo tank and any lading retention
thickness found the applicable speci- piping or devices in case of a rear end
fication(s); or collision.
(ii) For DOT 406, DOT 407 and DOT Self-closing stop valve means a stop
412 cargo tanks, the specified minimum valve held in the closed position by
thickness found in Tables I and II of means of self-stored energy, that opens
the applicable specification(s); or only by application of an external force
(iii) For MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC and that closes when the external force
303, MC 304, MC 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC is removed.
310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks, Shell means the circumferential por-
the in-service minimum thickness pre- tion of a cargo tank defined by the
scribed in Tables I and II of basic design radius or radii excluding
180.407(i)(5) of this subchapter, for the the bulkheads.
minimum thickness specified by Tables Stop valve means a valve that stops
I and II of the applicable specifica- the flow of lading.
tion(s); or Sump means a protrusion from the
(2) The thickness necessary to meet bottom of a cargo tank shell designed
with the structural integrity and acci- to facilitate complete loading and un-
dent damage requirements of the appli- loading of lading.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cable specification(s); or Tank means a container, consisting

(3) The thickness as computed per of a shell and heads, that forms a pres-
the ASME Code requirements (if appli- sure tight vessel having openings de-
cable). signed to accept pressure tight fittings


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178.337 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

or closures, but excludes any appur- (c) Exceptions to the ASME Code. Un-
tenances, reinforcements, fittings, or less otherwise specified, when excep-
closures. tions are provided in this subpart from
Test pressure means the pressure to compliance with certain paragraphs of
which a tank is subjected to determine the ASME Code, compliance with those
structural integrity. paragraphs is not prohibited.
Toughness of material means the capa- [Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37055, Sept. 7, 1990, as
bility of a material to absorb energy amended by Amdt. 17898, 58 FR 33306, June
represented by the area under a stress 16, 1993; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51339, Oct. 1,
strain curve (indicating the energy ab- 1996; 68 FR 19277, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 52370,
sorbed per unit volume of the material) Sept. 3, 2003; 68 FR 75752, Dec. 31, 2003; 76 FR
up to the point of rupture. 43532, July 20, 2011]
Vacuum cargo tank means a cargo
tank that is loaded by reducing the 178.337 Specification MC 331; cargo
tank motor vehicle primarily for
pressure in the cargo tank to below at- transportation of compressed gases
mospheric pressure. as defined in subpart G of part 173
Variable specification cargo tank of this subchapter.
means a cargo tank that is constructed
in accordance with one specification, 178.3371 General requirements.
but that may be altered to meet an- (a) ASME Code construction. Tanks
other specification by changing relief must be
device, closures, lading discharge de- (1) Seamless or welded construction,
vices, and other lading retention de- or a combination of both;
vices. (2) Designed, constructed, certified,
Void means the space between tank and stamped in accordance with Sec-
heads or bulkheads and a connecting tion VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see
structure. 171.7 of this subchapter);
Welded flange means a flange at- (3) Made of steel or aluminum; how-
tached to the tank by a weld joining ever, if aluminum is used, the cargo
the tank shell to the cylindrical outer tank must be insulated and the haz-
surface of the flange, or by a fillet weld ardous material to be transported must
joining the tank shell to a flange be compatible with the aluminum (see
shaped to fit the shell contour. 178.3371(e)(2), 173.315(a) table, and
(b) Design certification. (1) Each cargo 178.3372(a)(1) of this subchapter); and
tank or cargo tank motor vehicle de- (4) Covered with a steel jacket if the
sign type, including its required acci- cargo tank is insulated and used to
dent damage protection device, must transport a flammable gas (see
be certified to conform to the specifica- 173.315(a) table Note 11 of this sub-
tion requirements by a Design Certi- chapter).
fying Engineer who is registered in ac- (b) Design pressure. The design pres-
cordance with subpart F of part 107 of sure of a cargo tank authorized under
this title. An accident damage protec- this specification shall be not less than
tion device is a rear-end protection, the vapor pressure of the commodity
overturn protection, or piping protec- contained therein at 115 F. or as pre-
tion device. scribed for a particular commodity in
(2) The Design Certifying Engineer 173.315(a) of this subchapter, except
shall furnish to the manufacturer a that in no case shall the design pres-
certificate to indicate compliance with sure of any cargo tank be less than 100
the specification requirements. The p.s.i.g. nor more than 500 p.s.i.g.
certificate must include the sketches,
drawings, and calculations used for cer- NOTE 1: The term design pressure as used in
tification. Each certificate, including this specification, is identical to the term
MAWP as used in the ASME Code.
sketches, drawings, and calculations,
shall be signed by the Design Certi- (c) Openings. (1) Excess pressure relief
fying Engineer. valves shall be located in the top of the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) The manufacturer shall retain the cargo tank or heads.

design certificate at his principal place (2) A chlorine cargo tank shall have
of business for as long as he manufac- only one opening. That opening shall
tures DOT specification cargo tanks. be in the top of the cargo tank and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3371

shall be fitted with a nozzle that meets provisions in Section VIII of the ASME
the following requirements: Code under which it is constructed.
(i) On a cargo tank manufactured on Where postweld heat treatment is re-
or before December 31, 1974, the nozzle quired, the cargo tank must be treated
shall be protected by a dome cover as a unit after completion of all the
plate which conforms to either the welds in and/or to the shells and heads.
standard of The Chlorine Institute, The method must be as prescribed in
Inc., Dwg. 1033, dated January 23, 1958, Section VIII of the ASME Code. Welded
or to the standard specified in para- attachments to pads may be made after
graph (c) (2) (ii) of this section. postweld heat treatment. A cargo tank
(ii) On a cargo tank manufactured on used for anhydrous ammonia must be
or after January 1, 1975, the nozzle postweld heat treated. The postweld
shall be protected by a manway cover heat treatment must be as prescribed
which conforms to the standard of The in Section VIII of the ASME Code, but
Chlorine Institute, Inc., Dwg. 1034, in no event at less than 1,050 F cargo
dated September 1, 1971. tank metal temperature.
(d) Reflective design. Every (g) Definitions. The following defini-
uninsulated cargo tank permanently tions apply to 178.3371 through
attached to a cargo tank motor vehicle 178.33718:
shall, unless covered with a jacket Emergency discharge control means the
made of aluminum, stainless steel, or ability to stop a cargo tank unloading
other bright nontarnishing metal, be operation in the event of an uninten-
painted a white, aluminum or similar tional release. Emergency discharge
reflecting color on the upper two-thirds control can utilize passive or off-truck
of area of the cargo tank. remote means to stop the unloading
(e) Insulation. (1) Each cargo tank re- operation. A passive means of emer-
quired to be insulated must conform gency discharge control automatically
with the use and performance require- shuts off the flow of product without
ments contained in 173.315(a) table the need for human intervention with-
and 178.3371 (a)(3) and (e)(2) of this in 20 seconds of an unintentional re-
subchapter. lease caused by a complete separation
(2) Each cargo tank intended for of the liquid delivery hose. An off-
chlorine; carbon dioxide, refrigerated truck remote means of emergency dis-
liquid; or nitrous oxide, refrigerated charge control permits a qualified per-
liquid service must have suitable insu- son attending the unloading operation
lation of such thickness that the over- to close the cargo tanks internal self-
all thermal conductance is not more closing stop valve and shut off all mo-
than 0.08 Btu per square foot per F dif- tive and auxiliary power equipment at
ferential per hour. The conductance a distance from the cargo tank motor
must be determined at 60 F. Insulation vehicle.
material used on cargo tanks for ni- Excess flow valve, integral excess flow
trous oxide, refrigerated liquid must be valve, or excess flow feature means a
noncombustible. Insulating material component that will close automati-
used on cargo tanks for chlorine must cally if the flow rate of a gas or liquid
be corkboard or polyurethane foam, through the component reaches or ex-
with a minimum thickness of 4 inches, ceeds the rated flow of gas or liquid
or 2 inches minimum thickness of ce- specified by the original valve manu-
ramic fiber/fiberglass of 4 pounds per facturer when piping mounted directly
cubic foot minimum density covered by on the valve is sheared off before the
2 inches minimum thickness of fiber. first valve, pump, or fitting down-
(f) Postweld heat treatment. Postweld stream from the valve.
heat treatment must be as prescribed Internal self-closing stop valve means a
in the ASME Code except that each primary shut off valve installed in a
cargo tank constructed in accordance product discharge outlet of a cargo
with Part UHT of Section VIII of the tank and designed to be kept closed by
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ASME Code must be postweld heat self-stored energy.

treated. Each chlorine cargo tank must Primary discharge control system
be fully radiographed and postweld means a primary shut-off installed at a
heat treated in accordance with the product discharge outlet of a cargo


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178.3372 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

tank consisting of an internal self-clos- identified representatives of the De-

ing stop valve that may include an in- partment of Transportation.
tegral excess flow valve or an excess (4) The direction of final rolling of
flow feature, together with linkages the shell material shall be the circum-
that must be installed between the ferential orientation of the cargo tank
valve and remote actuator to provide shell.
manual and thermal on-truck remote (b) For a chlorine cargo tank. Plates,
means of closure. the manway nozzle, and anchorage
[Order 59B, 30 FR 579, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig- shall be made of carbon steel which
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967] meets the following requirements:
(1) For a cargo tank manufactured on
or before December 31, 1974
tations affecting 178.3371, see the List of
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the (i) Material shall conform to ASTM A
Finding Aids section of the printed volume 300, Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels
and at for Service at Low Temperatures
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter);
178.3372 Material. (ii) Material shall be Class 1, Grade
(a) General. (1) All material used for A, flange or firebox quality;
construction of the cargo tank and ap- (iii) Plate impact test specimens, as
purtenances must be suitable for use required under paragraph (a) of this
with the commodities to be trans- section, shall be of the Charpy keyhole
ported therein and must conform to notch type; and
the requirements in Section II of the (iv) Plate impact test specimens
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- shall meet the impact test require-
chapter) and/or requirements of the ments in paragraph (a) of this section
American Society for Testing and Ma- in both the longitudinal and transverse
terials in all respects. directions of rolling at a temperature
(2) Impact tests are required on steel of minus 45.5 C. (50 F.).
used in the fabrication of each cargo (2) For a cargo tank manufactured on
tank constructed in accordance with or after January 1, 1975
part UHT in Section VIII of the ASME (i) Material shall conform to ASTM A
Code. The tests must be made on a lot 612 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter),
basis. A lot is defined as 100 tons or less Grade B or A 516/A 516M (IBR, see 171.7
of the same heat treatment processing of this subchapter), Grade 65 or 70;
lot having a thickness variation no (ii) Material shall meet the Charpy
greater than plus or minus 25 percent. V-notch test requirements of ASTM A
The minimum impact required for full 20/A 20M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
size specimens must be 20 foot-pounds chapter); and
in the longitudinal direction at 30 (iii) Plate impact test specimens
F., Charpy V-Notch and 15 foot-pounds shall meet the impact test require-
in the transverse direction at 30 F., ments in paragraph (a) of this section
Charpy V-Notch. The required values in both the longitudinal and transverse
for subsize specimens must be reduced directions of rolling at a temperature
in direct proportion to the cross-sec- of minus 40 C. (40 F.).
tional area of the specimen beneath the (c) A cargo tank in anhydrous ammo-
notch. If a lot does not meet this re- nia service must be constructed of
quirement, individual plates may be steel. The use of copper, silver, zinc or
accepted if they individually meet this their alloys is prohibited. Baffles made
requirement. from aluminum may be used only if
(3) The fabricator shall record the joined to the cargo tank by a process
heat, and slab numbers, and the cer- not requiring postweld heat treatment
tified Charpy impact values, where re- of the cargo tank.
quired, of each plate used in each cargo [Order 59B, 30 FR 579, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
tank on a sketch showing the location nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
of each plate in the shell and heads of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


the cargo tank. Copies of each sketch tations affecting 178.3372, see the List of
shall be provided to the owner and re- CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the
tained for at least five years by the Finding Aids section of the printed volume
fabricator and made available to duly and at


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3373

178.3373 Structural integrity. (c) Shell design. Shell stresses result-

(a) General requirements and accept- ing from static or dynamic loadings, or
ance criteria. (1) Except as provided in combinations thereof, are not uniform
paragraph (d) of this section, the max- throughout the cargo tank motor vehi-
imum calculated design stress at any cle. The vertical, longitudinal, and lat-
point in the cargo tank may not exceed eral normal operating loadings can
the maximum allowable stress value occur simultaneously and must be
prescribed in Section VIII of the ASME combined. The vertical, longitudinal
Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- and lateral extreme dynamic loadings
chapter), or 25 percent of the tensile occur separately and need not be com-
strength of the material used. bined.
(2) The relevant physical properties (1) Normal operating loadings. The fol-
of the materials used in each cargo lowing procedure addresses stress in
tank may be established either by a the tank shell resulting from normal
certified test report from the material operating loadings. The effective stress
manufacturer or by testing in conform- (the maximum principal stress at any
ance with a recognized national stand- point) must be determined by the fol-
ard. In either case, the ultimate tensile lowing formula:
strength of the material used in the de- S = 0.5(Sy + Sx) [0.25(Sy Sx)2 + Ss2]0.5
sign may not exceed 120 percent of the
ultimate tensile strength specified in Where:
either the ASME Code or the ASTM (i) S = effective stress at any given
standard to which the material is man- point under the combination of static
ufactured. and normal operating loadings that can
(3) The maximum design stress at occur at the same time, in psi.
any point in the cargo tank must be (ii) Sy = circumferential stress gen-
calculated separately for the loading erated by the MAWP and external pres-
conditions described in paragraphs (b), sure, when applicable, plus static head,
(c), and (d) of this section. Alternate in psi.
test or analytical methods, or a com- (iii) Sx = The following net longitu-
bination thereof, may be used in place dinal stress generated by the following
of the procedures described in para- static and normal operating loading
graphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, if conditions, in psi:
the methods are accurate and (A) The longitudinal stresses result-
verifiable. ing from the MAWP and external pres-
(4) Corrosion allowance material may sure, when applicable, plus static head,
not be included to satisfy any of the in combination with the bending stress
design calculation requirements of this generated by the static weight of the
section. fully loaded cargo tank motor vehicle,
(b) Static design and construction. (1) all structural elements, equipment and
The static design and construction of appurtenances supported by the cargo
each cargo tank must be in accordance tank wall;
with Section VIII of the ASME Code. (B) The tensile or compressive stress
The cargo tank design must include resulting from normal operating longi-
calculation of stresses generated by de- tudinal acceleration or deceleration. In
sign pressure, the weight of lading, the each case, the forces applied must be
weight of structure supported by the 0.35 times the vertical reaction at the
cargo tank wall, and the effect of tem- suspension assembly, applied at the
perature gradients resulting from lad- road surface, and as transmitted to the
ing and ambient temperature extremes. cargo tank wall through the suspension
When dissimilar materials are used, assembly of a trailer during decelera-
their thermal coefficients must be used tion; or the horizontal pivot of the
in calculation of thermal stresses. truck tractor or converter dolly fifth
(2) Stress concentrations in tension, wheel, or the drawbar hinge on the
bending and torsion which occur at fixed dolly during acceleration; or an-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

pads, cradles, or other supports must choring and support members of a

be considered in accordance with ap- truck during acceleration and decelera-
pendix G in Section VIII of the ASME tion, as applicable. The vertical reac-
Code. tion must be calculated based on the


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178.3373 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

static weight of the fully loaded cargo (C) The lateral shear stress generated
tank motor vehicle, all structural ele- by a normal operating lateral accelera-
ments, equipment and appurtenances tive force equal to 0.2 times the
supported by the cargo tank wall. The vertical reaction at each suspension as-
following loadings must be included: sembly of a trailer, applied at the road
(1) The axial load generated by a surface, and as transmitted to the
decelerative force; cargo tank wall through the suspension
(2) The bending moment generated by assembly of a trailer, and the hori-
a decelerative force; zontal pivot of the upper coupler (fifth
(3) The axial load generated by an ac- wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and
support members of a truck, as applica-
celerative force; and
ble. The vertical reaction must be cal-
(4) The bending moment generated by culated based on the static weight of
an accelerative force; and the fully loaded cargo tank motor vehi-
(C) The tensile or compressive stress cle, all structural elements, equipment
generated by the bending moment re- and appurtenances supported by the
sulting from normal operating vertical cargo tank wall; and
accelerative force equal to 0.35 times (D) The torsional shear stress gen-
the vertical reaction at the suspension erated by the same lateral forces as de-
assembly of a trailer; or the horizontal scribed in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(C) of this
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) section.
or turntable; or anchoring and support (2) Extreme dynamic loadings. The fol-
members of a truck, as applicable. The lowing procedure addresses stress in
vertical reaction must be calculated the tank shell resulting from extreme
based on the static weight of the fully dynamic loadings. The effective stress
loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all (the maximum principal stress at any
structural elements, equipment and ap- point) must be determined by the fol-
purtenances supported by the cargo lowing formula:
tank wall.
S = 0.5(Sy + Sx) [0.25(Sy Sx)2 + Ss2]0.5
(iv) Ss = The following shear stresses
generated by the following static and Where:
normal operating loading conditions, (i) S = effective stress at any given
in psi: point under a combination of static
(A) The static shear stress resulting and extreme dynamic loadings that can
from the vertical reaction at the sus- occur at the same time, in psi.
pension assembly of a trailer, and the (ii) Sy = circumferential stress gen-
horizontal pivot of the upper coupler erated by MAWP and external pressure,
(fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring when applicable, plus static head, in
and support members of a truck, as ap- psi.
plicable. The vertical reaction must be (iii) Sx = the following net longitu-
calculated based on the static weight dinal stress generated by the following
of the fully loaded cargo tank motor static and extreme dynamic loading
vehicle, all structural elements, equip- conditions, in psi:
ment and appurtenances supported by (A) The longitudinal stresses result-
the cargo tank wall; ing from the MAWP and external pres-
(B) The vertical shear stress gen- sure, when applicable, plus static head,
erated by a normal operating accelera- in combination with the bending stress
tive force equal to 0.35 times the generated by the static weight of the
vertical reaction at the suspension as- fully loaded cargo tank motor vehicle,
sembly of a trailer; or the horizontal all structural elements, equipment and
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) appurtenances supported by the tank
or turntable; or anchoring and support wall;
members of a truck, as applicable. The (B) The tensile or compressive stress
vertical reaction must be calculated resulting from extreme longitudinal
based on the static weight of the fully acceleration or deceleration. In each
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all case the forces applied must be 0.7
structural elements, equipment and ap- times the vertical reaction at the sus-
purtenances supported by the cargo pension assembly, applied at the road
tank wall; surface, and as transmitted to the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3373

cargo tank wall through the suspension or turntable; or anchoring and support
assembly of a trailer during decelera- members of a truck, as applicable. The
tion; or the horizontal pivot of the vertical reaction must be calculated
truck tractor or converter dolly fifth based on the static weight of the fully
wheel, or the drawbar hinge on the loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all
fixed dolly during acceleration; or the structural elements, equipment and ap-
anchoring and support members of a purtenances supported by the cargo
truck during acceleration and decelera- tank wall;
tion, as applicable. The vertical reac- (C) The lateral shear stress generated
tion must be calculated based on the by an extreme lateral accelerative
static weight of the fully loaded cargo force equal to 0.4 times the vertical re-
tank motor vehicle, all structural ele- action at the suspension assembly of a
ments, equipment and appurtenances trailer, applied at the road surface, and
supported by the cargo tank wall. The as transmitted to the cargo tank wall
following loadings must be included: through the suspension assembly of a
(1) The axial load generated by a trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the
decelerative force; upper coupler (fifth wheel) or turn-
(2) The bending moment generated by table; or anchoring and support mem-
a decelerative force; bers of a truck, as applicable. The
(3) The axial load generated by an ac- vertical reaction must be calculated
celerative force; and based on the static weight of the fully
(4) The bending moment generated by loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all
an accelerative force; and structural elements, equipment and ap-
(C) The tensile or compressive stress purtenances supported by the cargo
generated by the bending moment re- tank wall; and
sulting from an extreme vertical accel-
(D) The torsional shear stress gen-
erative force equal to 0.7 times the
erated by the same lateral forces as de-
vertical reaction at the suspension as-
scribed in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(C) of this
sembly of a trailer, and the horizontal
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel)
or turntable; or the anchoring and sup- (d) In order to account for stresses
port members of a truck, as applicable. due to impact in an accident, the de-
The vertical reaction must be cal- sign calculations for the cargo tank
culated based on the static weight of shell and heads must include the load
the fully loaded cargo tank motor vehi- resulting from the design pressure in
cle, all structural elements, equipment combination with the dynamic pres-
and appurtenances supported by the sure resulting from a longitudinal de-
cargo tank wall. celeration of 2g. For this loading
(iv) Ss = The following shear stresses condition the stress value used may
generated by static and extreme dy- not exceed the lesser of the yield
namic loading conditions, in psi: strength or 75 percent of the ultimate
(A) The static shear stress resulting tensile strength of the material of con-
from the vertical reaction at the sus- struction. For cargo tanks constructed
pension assembly of a trailer, and the of stainless steel the maximum design
horizontal pivot of the upper coupler stress may not exceed 75 percent of the
(fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring ultimate tensile strength of the type
and support members of a truck, as ap- steel used.
plicable. The vertical reaction must be (e) The minimum metal thickness for
calculated based on the static weight the shell and heads on tanks with a de-
of the fully loaded cargo tank motor sign pressure of 100 psig or more must
vehicle, all structural elements, equip- be 4.75 mm (0.187 inch) for steel and 6.86
ment and appurtenances supported by mm (0.270 inch) for aluminum, except
the cargo tank wall; for chlorine and sulfur dioxide tanks.
(B) The vertical shear stress gen- In all cases, the minimum thickness of
erated by an extreme vertical accelera- the tank shell and head shall be deter-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tive force equal to 0.7 times the mined using structural design require-
vertical reaction at the suspension as- ments in Section VIII of the ASME
sembly of a trailer, and the horizontal Code or 25% of the tensile strength of
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) the material used. For a cargo tank


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178.3373 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

used in chlorine or sulfur dioxide serv- there will be no adverse effect upon the
ice, the cargo tank must be made of lading retention integrity of the cargo
steel. A corrosion allowance of 20 per- tank if any force less than that pre-
cent or 2.54 mm (0.10 inch), whichever scribed in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
is less, must be added to the thickness tion is applied from any direction. The
otherwise required for sulfur dioxide thickness of the mounting pad may not
and chlorine tank material. In chlorine be less than that of the shell wall or
cargo tanks, the wall thickness must head wall to which it is attached, and
be at least 1.59 cm (0.625 inch), includ- not more than 1.5 times the shell or
ing corrosion allowance. head thickness. However, a pad with a
(f) Where a cargo tank support is at- minimum thickness of 0.25 inch may be
tached to any part of the cargo tank
used when the shell or head thickness
wall, the stresses imposed on the cargo
is over 0.25 inch. If weep holes or tell-
tank wall must meet the requirements
in paragraph (a) of this section. tale holes are used, the pad must be
(g) The design, construction, and in- drilled or punched at the lowest point
stallation of an attachment, appur- before it is welded to the tank. Each
tenance to the cargo tank, structural pad must
support member between the cargo (i) Be fabricated from material deter-
tank and the vehicle or suspension mined to be suitable for welding to
component, or accident protection de- both the cargo tank material and the
vice must conform to the following re- material of the appurtenance or struc-
quirements: tural support member; a Design Certi-
(1) Structural members, the suspen- fying Engineer must make this deter-
sion sub-frame, accident protection mination considering chemical and
structures, and external circumferen- physical properties of the materials
tial reinforcement devices must be and must specify filler material con-
used as sites for attachment of appur- forming to the requirements in Section
tenances and other accessories to the VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7
cargo tank, when practicable. of this subchapter).
(2) A lightweight attachment to the (ii) Be preformed to an inside radius
cargo tank wall such as a conduit clip, no greater than the outside radius of
brake line clip, skirting structure,
the cargo tank at the attachment loca-
lamp mounting bracket, or placard
holder must be of a construction hav-
ing lesser strength than the cargo tank (iii) Extend at least 2 inches in each
wall materials and may not be more direction from any point of attachment
than 72 percent of the thickness of the of an appurtenance or structural sup-
material to which it is attached. The port member. This dimension may be
lightweight attachment may be se- measured from the center of the at-
cured directly to the cargo tank wall if tached structural member.
the device is designed and installed in (iv) Have rounded corners, or other-
such a manner that, if damaged, it will wise be shaped in a manner to mini-
not affect the lading retention integ- mize stress concentrations on the shell
rity of the tank. A lightweight attach- or head.
ment must be secured to the cargo (v) Be attached by continuous fillet
tank shell or head by a continuous welding. Any fillet weld discontinuity
weld or in such a manner as to preclude may only be for the purpose of pre-
formation of pockets which may be- venting an intersection between the fil-
come sites for corrosion. Attachments let weld and a tank or jacket seam
meeting the requirements of this para- weld.
graph are not authorized for cargo
tanks constructed under part UHT in [Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37056, Sept. 7, 1990, as
Section VIII of the ASME Code. amended by Amdt. 178104, 59 FR 49135, Sept.
(3) Except as prescribed in para- 26, 1994; Amdt. 178105, 60 FR 17401, Apr. 5,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

graphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this section, 1995; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51340, Oct. 1, 1996;
the welding of any appurtenance to the 65 FR 58631, Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 19279, Apr.
18, 2003; 68 FR 52370, Sept. 3, 2003; 68 FR 75753,
cargo tank wall must be made by at-
Dec. 31, 2003]
tachment of a mounting pad so that


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3378

178.3374 Joints. 178.3375 Bulkheads, baffles and ring

(a) Joints shall be as required in Sec-
tion VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see (a) Not a specification requirement.
171.7 of this subchapter), with all un- (b) [Reserved]
dercutting in shell and head material [Order 59B, 30 FR 580, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
repaired as specified therein. nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
(b) Welding procedure and welder per-
formance must be in accordance with 178.3376 Closure for manhole.
Section IX of the ASME Code. In addi- (a) Each cargo tank marked or cer-
tion to the essential variables named tified after April 21, 1994, must be pro-
therein, the following must be consid- vided with a manhole conforming to
ered as essential variables: Number of paragraph UG46(g)(1) and other appli-
passes; thickness of plate; heat input cable requirements in Section VIII of
per pass; and manufacturers identi- the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this
fication of rod and flux. When fabrica- subchapter), except that a cargo tank
tion is done in accordance with part constructed of NQT steel having a ca-
UHT in Section VIII of the ASME Code, pacity of 3,500 water gallons or less
filler material containing more than may be provided with an inspection
0.08 percent vanadium must not be opening conforming to paragraph UG
used. The number of passes, thickness 46 and other applicable requirements of
of plate, and heat input per pass may the ASME Code instead of a manhole.
not vary more than 25 percent from the (b) The manhole assembly of cargo
procedure or welder qualifications. tanks constructed after June 30, 1979,
Records of the qualifications must be may not be located on the front head of
retained for at least 5 years by the the cargo tank.
cargo tank manufacturer and must be
made available to duly identified rep- [Amdt. 1787, 34 FR 18250, Nov. 14, 1969, as
amended by Amdt. 17852, 43 FR 58820, Dec.
resentatives of the Department and the
18, 1978; Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25017, June 12,
owner of the cargo tank. 1989; 55 FR 21038, May 22, 1990; 56 FR 27876,
(c) All longitudinal shell welds shall June 17, 1991; 58 FR 12905, Mar. 8, 1993; Amdt.
be located in the upper half of the 178118, 61 FR 51340, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 75753,
cargo tank. Dec. 31, 2003]
(d) Edge preparation of shell and
head components may be by machine 178.3377 Overturn protection.
heat processes, provided such surfaces (a) See 178.33710.
are remelted in the subsequent welding (b) [Reserved]
process. Where there will be no subse-
[Order 59B, 30 FR 580, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
quent remelting of the prepared surface
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
as in a tapered section, the final 0.050
inch of material shall be removed by 178.3378 Openings, inlets, and out-
mechanical means. lets.
(e) The maximum tolerance for mis-
(a) General. The requirements in this
alignment and butting up shall be in
paragraph (a) apply to MC 331 cargo
accordance with the requirement in
tanks except for those used to trans-
Section VIII of the ASME Code.
port chlorine. The requirements for in-
(f) Substructures shall be properly lets and outlets on chlorine cargo
fitted before attachment, and the weld- tanks are in paragraph (b) of this sec-
ing sequence shall be such as to mini- tion.
mize stresses due to shrinkage of (1) An opening must be provided on
welds. each cargo tank used for the transpor-
[Order 59B, 30 FR 580, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig- tation of liquefied materials to permit
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967] complete drainage.
(2) Except for gauging devices, ther-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tations affecting 178.3374, see the List of mometer wells, pressure relief valves,
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the manhole openings, product inlet open-
Finding Aids section of the printed volume ings, and product discharge openings,
and at each opening in a cargo tank must be


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178.3378 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

closed with a plug, cap, or bolted ing connection area. The loading/un-
flange. loading connection area is where hoses
(3) Except as provided in paragraph or hose reels are connected to the per-
(b) of this section, each product inlet manent metal piping. Linkages be-
opening, including vapor return lines, tween closures and remote operators
must be fitted with a back flow check must be corrosion resistant and effec-
valve or an internal self-closing stop tive in all types of environmental con-
valve located inside the cargo tank or ditions incident to discharge of prod-
inside a welded nozzle that is an inte- uct.
gral part of the cargo tank. The valve (iii) All parts of a valve inside a
seat must be located inside the cargo cargo tank or within a welded flange
tank or within 2.54 cm (one inch) of the must be made of material that will not
external face of the welded flange.
corrode or deteriorate in the presence
Damage to parts exterior to the cargo
of the lading.
tank or mating flange must not pre-
vent effective seating of the valve. All (iv) An excess flow valve, integral ex-
parts of a valve inside a cargo tank or cess flow valve, or excess flow feature
welded flange must be made of mate- must close if the flow reaches the rated
rial that will not corrode or deteriorate flow of a gas or liquid specified by the
in the presence of the lading. original valve manufacturer when pip-
(4) Except as provided in paragraphs ing mounted directly on the valve is
(a)(5), (b), and (c) of this section, each sheared off before the first valve,
liquid or vapor discharge outlet must pump, or fitting downstream from the
be fitted with a primary discharge con- excess flow valve, integral excess flow
trol system as defined in 178.3371(g). valve, or excess flow feature.
Thermal remote operators must acti- (v) An integral excess flow valve or
vate at a temperature of 121.11 C (250 the excess flow feature of an internal
F) or less. Linkages between closures self-closing stop valve may be designed
and remote operators must be corro- with a bypass, not to exceed 0.1016 cm
sion resistant and effective in all types (0.040 inch) diameter opening, to allow
of environmental conditions incident equalization of pressure.
to discharging of product. (vi) The internal self-closing stop
(i) On a cargo tank over 13,247.5 L valve must be designed so that the self-
(3,500 gallons) water capacity, thermal stored energy source and the valve seat
and mechanical means of remote clo- are located inside the cargo tank or
sure must be installed at the ends of within 2.54 cm (one inch) of the exter-
the cargo tank in at least two diago- nal face of the welded flange. Damage
nally opposite locations. If the loading/ to parts exterior to the cargo tank or
unloading connection at the cargo tank mating flange must not prevent effec-
is not in the general vicinity of one of tive seating of the valve.
the two locations specified in the first (5) A primary discharge control sys-
sentence of this paragraph (a)(4)(i), ad- tem is not required on the following:
ditional means of thermal remote clo-
(i) A vapor or liquid discharge open-
sure must be installed so that heat
ing of less than 114 NPT equipped with
from a fire in the loading/unloading
connection area or the discharge pump an excess flow valve together with a
will activate the primary discharge manually operated external stop valve
control system. The loading/unloading in place of an internal self-closing stop
connection area is where hoses or hose valve.
reels are connected to the permanent (ii) An engine fuel line on a truck-
metal piping. mounted cargo tank of not more than
34 NPT equipped with a valve having an
(ii) On a cargo tank of 13,247.5 L (3,500
gallons) water capacity or less, a ther- integral excess flow valve or excess
mal means of remote closure must be flow feature.
installed at or near the internal self- (iii) A cargo tank motor vehicle used
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

closing stop valve. A mechanical to transport refrigerated liquids such

means of remote closure must be in- as argon, carbon dioxide, helium, kryp-
stalled on the end of the cargo tank ton, neon, nitrogen, and xenon, or mix-
furthest away from the loading/unload- tures thereof.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3379

(6) In addition to the internal self- lief devices, must be at least 4 times
closing stop valve, each filling and dis- the design pressure of the cargo tank.
charge line must be fitted with a stop Additionally, the burst pressure may
valve located in the line between the not be less than 4 times any higher
internal self-closing stop valve and the pressure to which each pipe, pipe fit-
hose connection. A back flow check ting, hose or other pressure part may
valve or excess flow valve may not be be subjected to in service. For chlorine
used to satisfy this requirement. service, see paragraph (b)(7) of this sec-
(7) An excess flow valve may be de- tion.
signed with a bypass, not to exceed a (2) Pipe joints must be threaded,
0.1016 centimeter (0.040 inch) diameter welded, or flanged. If threaded pipe is
opening, to allow equalization of pres-
used, the pipe and fittings must be
Schedule 80 weight or heavier, except
(b) Inlets and discharge outlets on chlo-
for sacrificial devices. Malleable metal,
rine tanks. The inlet and discharge out-
lets on a cargo tank used to transport stainless steel, or ductile iron must be
chlorine must meet the requirements used in the construction of primary
of 178.3371(c)(2) and must be fitted valve body parts and fittings used in
with an internal excess flow valve. In liquid filling or vapor equalization.
addition to the internal excess flow Stainless steel may be used for internal
valve, the inlet and discharge outlets components such as shutoff discs and
must be equipped with an external stop springs except where incompatible with
valve (angle valve). Excess flow valves the lading to be transported. Where
must conform to the standards of The copper tubing is permitted, joints must
Chlorine Institute, Inc., as follows: be brazed or be of equally strong metal
(1) A valve conforming to The Chlo- union type. The melting point of the
rine Institute, Inc., Dwg. 1017 (IBR, brazing material may not be lower
see 171.7 of this subchapter), must be than 538 C (1,000 F). The method of
installed under each liquid angle valve. joining tubing may not reduce the
(2) A valve conforming to The Chlo- strength of the tubing.
rine Institute, Inc., Dwg. 1066 (IBR, (3) Each hose coupling must be de-
see 171.7 of this subchapter), must be signed for a pressure of at least 120 per-
installed under each gas angle valve. cent of the hose design pressure and so
(c) Discharge outlets on carbon dioxide, that there will be no leakage when con-
refrigerated liquid, cargo tanks. A dis- nected.
charge outlet on a cargo tank used to (4) Piping must be protected from
transport carbon dioxide, refrigerated damage due to thermal expansion and
liquid is not required to be fitted with contraction, jarring, and vibration.
an internal self-closing stop valve. Slip joints are not authorized for this
[64 FR 28049, May 24, 1999, as amended at 66 purpose.
FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 19279, Apr. 18, (5) [Reserved]
2003; 68 FR 75753, Dec. 31, 2003] (6) Cargo tank manufacturers and
178.3379 Pressure relief devices, fabricators must demonstrate that all
piping, valves, hoses, and fittings. piping, valves, and fittings on a cargo
tank are free from leaks. To meet this
(a) Pressure relief devices. (1) See
requirement, the piping, valves, and
173.315(i) of this subchapter.
fittings must be tested after installa-
(2) On cargo tanks for carbon dioxide
or nitrous oxide see 173.315 (i) (9) and tion at not less than 80 percent of the
(10) of this subchapter. design pressure marked on the cargo
(3) Each valve must be designed, con- tank.
structed, and marked for a rated pres- (7) A hose assembler must:
sure not less than the cargo tank de- (i) Permanently mark each hose as-
sign pressure at the temperature ex- sembly with a unique identification
pected to be encountered. number.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) Piping, valves, hose, and fittings. (1) (ii) Demonstrate that each hose as-
The burst pressure of all piping, pipe sembly is free from leaks by per-
fittings, hose and other pressure parts, forming the tests and inspections in
except for pump seals and pressure re- 180.416(f) of this subchapter.


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178.33710 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(iii) Mark each hose assembly with 178.33710 Accident damage protec-
the month and year of its original pres- tion.
sure test. (a) All valves, fittings, pressure relief
(8) Chlorine cargo tanks. Angle valves devices, and other accessories to the
on cargo tanks intended for chlorine tank proper shall be protected in ac-
service must conform to the standards cordance with paragraph (b) of this sec-
of the Chlorine Institute, Inc., Dwg. tion against such damage as could be
1048 or Section 3, Pamphlet 166, caused by collision with other vehicles
Angle Valve Guidelines for Chlorine or objects, jack-knifing and over-
Bulk Transportation. (IBR, see 171.7 turning. In addition, pressure relief
of this subchapter). Before installation, valves shall be so protected that in the
each angle valve must be tested for event of overturn of the vehicle onto a
leakage at not less than 225 psig using hard surface, their opening will not be
dry air or inert gas. prevented and their discharge will not
(c) Marking inlets and outlets. Except be restricted.
for gauging devices, thermometer (b) The protective devices or housing
wells, and pressure relief valves, each must be designed to withstand static
cargo tank inlet and outlet must be loading in any direction equal to twice
marked liquid or vapor to des- the weight of the tank and attach-
ignate whether it communicates with ments when filled with the lading,
liquid or vapor when the cargo tank is using a safety factor of not less than
filled to the maximum permitted fill- four, based on the ultimate strength of
ing density. A filling line that commu- the material to be used, without dam-
nicates with vapor may be marked age to the fittings protected, and must
spray-fill instead of vapor. be made of metal at least 316-inch
(d) Refrigeration and heating coils. (1) thick.
Refrigeration and heating coils must (c) Rear-end tank protection. Rear-end
be securely anchored with provisions tank protection devices must:
for thermal expansion. The coils must (1) Consist of at least one rear bump-
be pressure tested externally to at er designed to protect the cargo tank
least the cargo tank test pressure, and and all valves, piping and fittings lo-
internally to either the tank test pres- cated at the rear of the cargo tank
sure or twice the working pressure of from damage that could result in loss
the heating/refrigeration system, of lading in the event of a rear end col-
whichever is higher. A cargo tank may lision. The bumper design must trans-
not be placed in service if any leakage mit the force of the collision directly
occurs or other evidence of damage is to the chassis of the vehicle. The rear
found. The refrigerant or heating me- bumper and its attachments to the
dium to be circulated through the coils chassis must be designed to withstand
must not be capable of causing any ad- a load equal to twice the weight of the
verse chemical reaction with the cargo loaded cargo tank motor vehicle and
tank lading in the event of leakage. attachments, using a safety factor of
The unit furnishing refrigeration may four based on the tensile strength of
the materials used, with such load
be mounted on the motor vehicle.
being applied horizontally and parallel
(2) Where any liquid susceptible to
to the major axis of the cargo tank.
freezing, or the vapor of any such liq- The rear bumper dimensions must also
uid, is used for heating or refrigera- meet the requirements of 393.86 of this
tion, the heating or refrigeration sys- title; or
tem shall be arranged to permit com-
(2) Conform to the requirements of
plete drainage. 178.3458(d).
[Order 59B, 30 FR 580, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig- (d) Chlorine tanks. A chlorine tank
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967] must be equipped with a protective
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- housing and a manway cover to permit
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tations affecting 178.3379, see the List of the use of standard emergency kits for
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the controlling leaks in fittings on the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume dome cover plate. For tanks manufac-
and at tured on or after October 1, 2009, the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.33714

housing and manway cover must con- 178.33712 [Reserved]

form to the Chlorine Institute, Inc.,
Dwg. 1375 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- 178.33713 Supporting and anchor-
chapter). ing.
(e) Piping and fittings. Piping and fit- (a) A cargo tank that is not perma-
tings must be grouped in the smallest nently attached to or integral with a
practicable space and protected from
vehicle chassis must be secured by the
damage as required in this section.
(f) Shear section. A shear section or use of restraining devices designed to
sacrificial device is required for the prevent relative motion between the
valves specified in the following loca- cargo tank and the vehicle chassis
tions: when the vehicle is in operation. Such
(1) A section that will break under restraining devices must be readily ac-
strain must be provided adjacent to or cessible for inspection and mainte-
outboard of each valve specified in nance.
178.3378(a)(3) and (4). (b) On a cargo tank motor vehicle de-
(2) Each internal self-closing stop signed and constructed so that the
valve, excess flow valve, and check cargo tank constitutes in whole or in
valve must be protected by a shear sec- part the structural member used in
tion or other sacrificial device. The place of a motor vehicle frame, the
sacrificial device must be located in cargo tank must be supported by exter-
the piping system outboard of the stop nal cradles. A cargo tank mounted on a
valve and within the accident damage motor vehicle frame must be supported
protection to prevent any accidental
by external cradles or longitudinal
loss of lading. The failure of the sac-
members. Where used, the cradles must
rificial device must leave the protected
lading protection device and its attach- subtend at least 120 degrees of the shell
ment to the cargo tank wall intact and circumference.
capable of retaining product. (c) The design calculations of the
support elements must satisfy the re-
[Order 59B, 30 FR 581, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
quirements of 178.3373, (a), (b), (c),
nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
and (d).
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- (d) Where any cargo tank support is
tations affecting 178.33710, see the List of
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the attached to any part of a cargo tank
Finding Aids section of the printed volume head, the stresses imposed upon the
and at head must be provided for as required
in paragraph (c) of this section.
178.33711 Emergency discharge con-
trol. [68 FR 19280, Apr. 18, 2003]
(a) Emergency discharge control equip-
178.33714 Gauging devices.
ment. Emergency discharge control
equipment must be installed in a liquid (a) Liquid level gauging devices. See
discharge line as specified by product 173.315(h) of this subchapter.
and service in 173.315(n) of this sub- (b) Pressure gauges. (1) See 173.315(h)
chapter. The performance and certifi- of this subchapter.
cation requirements for emergency dis- (2) Each cargo tank used in carbon
charge control equipment are specified dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous
in 173.315(n) of this subchapter and are oxide, refrigerated liquid service must
not a part of the cargo tank motor ve- be provided with a suitable pressure
hicle certification made under this
gauge. A shut-off valve must be in-
stalled between the pressure gauge and
(b) Engine fuel lines. On a truck-
mounted cargo tank, emergency dis- the cargo tank.
charge control equipment is not re- (c) Orifices. See 173.315(h) (3) and (4)
quired on an engine fuel line of not of this subchapter.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

more than 34 NPT equipped with a [Amdt. 17829, 38 FR 27599, Oct. 5, 1973, as
valve having an integral excess flow amended by Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25018, June
valve or excess flow feature. 12, 1989; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51340, Oct. 1,
[64 FR 28050, May 24, 1999] 1996]


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178.33715 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.33715 Pumps and compressors. method, or ultrasonic testing in ac-

cordance with appendix 12 in Section
(a) Liquid pumps or gas compressors,
VIII of the ASME Code. Permanent
if used, must be of suitable design, ade-
magnets must not be used to perform
quately protected against breakage by
collision, and kept in good condition. the magnetic particle inspection.
They may be driven by motor vehicle (c) All defects found shall be re-
power take-off or other mechanical, paired, the cargo tanks shall then
electrical, or hydraulic means. Unless again be postweld heat treated, if such
they are of the centrifugal type, they heat treatment was previously per-
shall be equipped with suitable pres- formed, and the repaired areas shall
sure actuated by-pass valves permit- again be tested.
ting flow from discharge to suction or [Order 59B, 30 FR 582, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
to the cargo tank. nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended
(b) A liquid chlorine pump may not by Amdt. 1787, 34 FR 18250, Nov. 14, 1969;
be installed on a cargo tank intended Amdt. 17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt.
for the transportation of chlorine. 178118, 61 FR 51340, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 75753,
Dec. 31, 2003]
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25018, June 12, 1989, as
amended by Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51340, Oct. 178.33717 Marking.
1, 1996]
(a) General. Each cargo tank certified
178.33716 Testing. after October 1, 2004 must have a corro-
(a) Inspection and tests. Inspection of sion-resistant metal name plate
materials of construction of the cargo (ASME Plate) and specification plate
tank and its appurtenances and origi- permanently attached to the cargo
nal test and inspection of the finished tank by brazing, welding, or other suit-
cargo tank and its appurtenances must able means on the left side near the
be as required by Section VIII of the front, in a place accessible for inspec-
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- tion. If the specification plate is at-
chapter) and as further required by this tached directly to the cargo tank wall
specification, except that for cargo by welding, it must be welded to the
tanks constructed in accordance with tank before the cargo tank is postweld
part UHT in Section VIII of the ASME heat treated.
Code the original test pressure must be (1) The plates must be legibly marked
at least twice the cargo tank design by stamping, embossing, or other
pressure. means of forming letters into the
(b) Weld testing and inspection. (1) metal of the plate, with the informa-
Each cargo tank constructed in accord- tion required in paragraphs (b) and (c)
ance with part UHT in Section VIII of of this section, in addition to that re-
the ASME Code must be subjected, quired by the ASME Code, in char-
after postweld heat treatment and hy- acters at least 316 inch high (parenthet-
drostatic tests, to a wet fluorescent ical abbreviations may be used). All
magnetic particle inspection to be plates must be maintained in a legible
made on all welds in or on the cargo condition.
tank shell and heads both inside and (2) Each insulated cargo tank must
out. The method of inspection must have additional plates, as described, at-
conform to appendix 6 in Section VIII tached to the jacket in the location
of the ASME Code except that perma- specified unless the specification plate
nent magnets shall not be used. is attached to the chassis and has the
(2) On cargo tanks of over 3,500 gal- information required in paragraphs (b)
lons water capacity other than those and (c) of this section.
described in paragraph (b)(1) of this (3) The information required for both
section unless fully radiographed, a the name and specification plate may
test must be made of all welds in or on be displayed on a single plate. If the in-
the shell and heads both inside and formation required by this section is
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

outside by either the wet fluorescent displayed on a plate required by the

magnetic particle method conforming ASME, the information need not be re-
to appendix U in Section VIII of the peated on the name and specification
ASME Code, liquid dye penetrant plates.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.33718

(4) The specification plate may be at- specification plate in accordance with
tached to the cargo tank motor vehicle this section:
chassis rail by brazing, welding, or (1) Cargo tank motor vehicle manu-
other suitable means on the left side facturer (CTMV mfr.).
near the front head, in a place acces- (2) Cargo tank motor vehicle certifi-
sible for inspection. If the specification cation date (CTMV cert. date).
plate is attached to the chassis rail, (3) Cargo tank manufacturer (CT
then the cargo tank serial number as- mfr.).
signed by the cargo tank manufacturer (4) Cargo tank date of manufacture
must be included on the plate. (CT date of mfr.), month and year.
(b) Name plate. The following infor- (5) Maximum weight of lading (Max.
mation must be marked on the name Payload), in pounds
plate in accordance with this section:
(6) Lining materials (Lining), if ap-
(1) DOT-specification number MC 331
(DOT MC 331).
(7) Heating system design pressure
(2) Original test date (Orig. Test
(Heating sys. press.), in psig, if applica-
(3) MAWP in psig.
(8) Heating system design tempera-
(4) Cargo tank design temperature
ture (Heating sys. temp.), in F, if ap-
(Design Temp. Range) lll F to
lll F.
(5) Nominal capacity (Water Cap.), in (9) Cargo tank serial number, as-
pounds. signed by cargo tank manufacturer (CT
(6) Maximum design density of lading serial), if applicable.
(Max. Lading density), in pounds per NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c): See 173.315(a) of
gallon. this chapter regarding water capacity.
(7) Material specification number NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c): When the shell
shell (Shell matl, yyy***), where yyy and head materials are the same thickness,
is replaced by the alloy designation they may be combined (Shell & head matl,
and *** is replaced by the alloy type.
(8) Material specification number (d) The design weight of lading used
heads (Head matl. yyy***), where in determining the loading in 178.337
yyy is replaced by the alloy designa- 3(b), 178.33710(b) and (c), and 178.337
tion and *** by the alloy type. 13(a) and (b), must be shown as the
(9) Minimum Thicknessshell (Min. maximum weight of lading marking re-
Shell-thick), in inches. When minimum quired by paragraph (c) of this section.
shell thicknesses are not the same for
different areas, show (topll, sidell, [68 FR 19280, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 52370, Sept.
3, 2003, as amended at 68 FR 57633, Oct. 6,
bottomll, in inches). 2003]
(10) Minimum thicknessheads (Min.
heads thick.), in inches. 178.33718 Certification.
(11) Manufactured thicknessshell
(Mfd. Shell thick.), topll, sidell, (a) At or before the time of delivery,
bottomll, in inches. (Required when the cargo tank motor vehicle manufac-
additional thickness is provided for turer must supply and the owner must
corrosion allowance.) obtain, a cargo tank motor vehicle
(12) Manufactured thicknessheads manufacturers data report as required
(Mfd. Heads thick.), in inches. (Re- by Section VIII of the ASME Code
quired when additional thickness is (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and
provided for corrosion allowance.) a certificate stating that the com-
(13) Exposed surface area, in square pleted cargo tank motor vehicle con-
feet. forms in all respects to Specification
MC 331 and the ASME Code. The reg-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): When the shell and istration numbers of the manufacturer,
head materials are the same thickness, they the Design Certifying Engineer, and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

may be combined, (Shell&head matl, the Registered Inspector, as appro-

priate, must appear on the certificates
(c) Specification plate. The following (see subpart F, part 107 in subchapter A
information must be marked on the of this chapter).


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178.338 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(1) For each design type, the certifi- certificate, or certificates, will include
cate must be signed by a responsible of- sufficient sketches, drawings, and
ficial of the manufacturer and a Design other information to indicate the loca-
Certifying Engineer; and tion, make, model, and size of each
(2) For each cargo tank motor vehi- valve and the arrangement of all piping
cle, the certificate must be signed by a associated with the cargo tank.
responsible official of the manufac- (6) The certificate must contain a
turer and a Registered Inspector. statement indicating whether or not
(3) When a cargo tank motor vehicle the cargo tank was postweld heat
is manufactured in two or more stages, treated for anhydrous ammonia as
each manufacturer who performs a specified in 178.3371(f).
manufacturing function or portion (b) The owner shall retain the copy of
thereof on the incomplete cargo tank the data report and certificates and re-
motor vehicle must provide to the suc- lated papers in his files throughout his
ceeding manufacturer, at or before the ownership of the cargo tank motor ve-
time of delivery, a certificate that hicle and for at least one year there-
states the function performed by the after; and in the event of change in
manufacturer, including any certifi- ownership, retention by the prior
cates received from previous manufac- owner of nonfading photographically
turers, Registered Inspectors, and De- reproduced copies will be deemed to
sign Certifying Engineers. satisfy this requirement. Each motor
(4) Specification shortages. When a carrier using the cargo tank motor ve-
cargo tank motor vehicle is manufac- hicle, if not the owner thereof, shall
tured in two or more stages, the manu- obtain a copy of the data report and
facturer of the cargo tank must attach certificate and retain them in his files
the name plate and specification plate during the time he uses the cargo tank
as required by 178.33717(a) and (b) motor vehicle and for at least one year
without the original date of certifi- thereafter.
cation stamped on the specification [Order 59B, 30 FR 583, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
plate. Prior manufacturers must list nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
the specification requirements that are
not completed on the Certificate of EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
tations affecting 178.33718, see the List of
Compliance. When the cargo tank
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the
motor vehicle is brought into full com- Finding Aids section of the printed volume
pliance with the applicable specifica- and at
tion, the cargo tank motor vehicle
manufacturer must have a Registered 178.338 Specification MC338; insu-
Inspector stamp the date of certifi- lated cargo tank motor vehicle.
cation on the specification plate and
issue a Certificate of Compliance to the 178.3381 General requirements.
owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle. (a) For the purposes of this section
The Certificate of Compliance must (1) Design pressure means the
list the actions taken to bring the MAWP as used in Section VIII of the
cargo tank motor vehicle into full ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
compliance. In addition, the certificate chapter), and is the gauge pressure at
must include the date of certification the top of the tank.
and the person (manufacturer, carrier (2) Design service temperature means
or repair organization) accomplishing the coldest temperature for which the
compliance. tank is suitable (see 173.318 (a)(1) and
(5) The certificate must state wheth- (f) of this subchapter).
er or not it includes certification that (b) Each cargo tank must consist of a
all valves, piping, and protective de- suitably supported welded inner vessel
vices conform to the requirements of enclosed within an outer shell or jack-
the specification. If it does not so cer- et, with insulation between the inner
tify, the installer of any such valve, vessel and outer shell or jacket, and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

piping, or device shall supply and the having piping, valves, supports and
owner shall obtain a certificate assert- other appurtenances as specified in this
ing complete compliance with these subchapter. For the purpose of this
specifications for such devices. The specification, tank means inner vessel


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3382

and jacket means either the outer shell 178.3383(b), may not exceed 25 percent
or insulation cover. of the minimum specified tensile
(c) Each tank must be designed, con- strength.
structed, certified, and stamped in ac- [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27703, June 16, 1983, as
cordance with Section VIII of the amended at 49 FR 24316, June 12, 1984; Amdt.
ASME Code. 178104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994; 66 FR
(d) The exterior surface of the tank 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75754, Dec. 31, 2003]
must be insulated with a material com-
patible with the lading. 178.3382 Material.
(1) Each cargo tank must have an in- (a) All material used in the construc-
sulation system that will prevent the tion of a tank and its appurtenances
tank pressure from exceeding the pres- that may come in contact with the lad-
sure relief valve set pressure within the ing must be compatible with the lading
specified holding time when the tank is to be transported. All material used for
loaded with the specific cryogenic liq- tank pressure parts must conform to
uid at the design conditions of the requirements in Section II of the
(i) The specified temperature and ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
pressure of the cryogenic liquid, and chapter). All material used for evacu-
(ii) The exposure of the filled cargo ated jacket pressure parts must con-
tank to an average ambient tempera- form to the chemistry and steelmaking
ture of 85 F. practices of one of the material speci-
(2) For a cargo tank used to transport fications of Section II of the ASME
oxygen, the insulation may not sustain Code or the following ASTM Specifica-
combustion in a 99.5 percent oxygen at- tions (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
mosphere at atmospheric pressure chapter): A 242, A 441, A 514, A 572, A
when contacted with a continuously
588, A 606, A 633, A 715, A 1008/A 1008M,
heated glowing platinum wire. The
A 1011/A 1011M.
cargo tank must be marked in accord- (b) All tie-rods, mountings, and other
ance with 178.33818(b)(7). appurtenances within the jacket and
(3) Each vacuum-insulated cargo
all piping, fittings and valves must be
tank must be provided with a connec-
of material suitable for use at the low-
tion for a vacuum gauge to indicate the
est temperature to be encountered.
absolute pressure within the insulation (c) Impact tests are required on all
space. tank materials, except materials that
(e) The insulation must be com-
are excepted from impact testing by
pletely covered by a metal jacket. The
the ASME Code, and must be per-
jacket or the insulation must be so
formed using the procedure prescribed
constructed and sealed as to prevent
in Section VIII of the ASME Code.
moisture from coming into contact (d) The direction of final rolling of
with the insulation (see 173.318(a)(3) of the shell material must be the circum-
this subchapter). Minimum metal ferential orientation of the tank shell.
thicknesses are as follows: (e) Each tank constructed in accord-
Jacket evacu- Jacket not ance with part UHT in Section VIII of
ated evacuated the ASME Code must be postweld heat
Type metal
Gauge Inches Gauge Inches treated as a unit after completion of
all welds to the shell and heads. Other
Stainless steel .............. 18 0.0428 22 0.0269
Low carbon mild steel .. 12 0.0946 14 0.0677 tanks must be postweld heat treated as
Aluminum ..................... ........... 0.125 ........... 0.1000 required in Section VIII of the ASME
Code. For all tanks the method must
(f) An evacuated jacket must be in be as prescribed in the ASME Code.
compliance with the following require- Welded attachments to pads may be
ments: made after postweld heat treatment.
(1) The jacket must be designed to (f) The fabricator shall record the
sustain a minimum critical collapsing heat and slab numbers and the certified
pressure of 30 psig. Charpy impact values of each plate
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) If the jacket also supports addi- used in the tank on a sketch showing
tional loads, such as the weight of the the location of each plate in the shell
tank and lading, the combined stress, and heads of the tank. A copy of the
computed according to the formula in sketch must be provided to the owner


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178.3383 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

of the cargo tank and a copy must be ture gradients resulting from lading
retained by the fabricator for at least and ambient temperature extremes.
five years and made available, upon re- When dissimilar materials are used,
quest, to any duly identified represent- their thermal coefficients must be used
ative of the Department. in calculation of the thermal stresses.
(Approved by the Office of Management and (2) Stress concentrations in tension,
Budget under control number 21370017) bending, and torsion which occur at
pads, cradles, or other supports must
[Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27703 and 27713, June 16,
1983, as amended at 49 FR 24316, June 12, 1984; be considered in accordance with ap-
68 FR 19281, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 75754, Dec. 31, pendix G in Section VIII of the ASME
2003; 70 FR 34076, June 13, 2005] Code.
(c) Stresses resulting from static and
178.3383 Structural integrity. dynamic loadings, or a combination
(a) General requirements and accept- thereof, are not uniform throughout
ance criteria. (1) Except as permitted in the cargo tank motor vehicle. The fol-
paragraph (d) of this section, the max- lowing is a simplified procedure for cal-
imum calculated design stress at any culating the effective stress in the
point in the tank may not exceed the tank resulting from static and dynamic
lesser of the maximum allowable stress loadings. The effective stress (the max-
value prescribed in section VIII of the imum principal stress at any point)
ASME Code, or 25 percent of the tensile must be determined by the following
strength of the material used. formula:
(2) The relevant physical properties
S = 0.5 (Sy + Sx) (0.25(Sy Sx)2 + Ss2) 0.5
of the materials used in each tank may
be established either by a certified test Where:
report from the material manufacturer
or by testing in conformance with a (1) S = effective stress at any given
recognized national standard. In either point under the most severe combina-
case, the ultimate tensile strength of tion of static and dynamic loadings
the material used in the design may that can occur at the same time, in psi.
not exceed 120 percent of the minimum (2) Sy = circumferential stress gen-
ultimate tensile strength specified in erated by internal and external pres-
either the ASME Code or the ASTM sure when applicable, in psi.
standard to which the material is man- (3) Sx = the net longitudinal stress, in
ufactured. psi, generated by the following loading
(3) The maximum design stress at conditions:
any point in the tank must be cal- (i) The longitudinal tensile stress
culated separately for the loading con- generated by internal pressure;
ditions described in paragraphs (b), (c), (ii) The tensile or compressive stress
and (d) of this section. Alternate test generated by the axial load resulting
or analytical methods, or a combina- from a decelerative force applied inde-
tion thereof, may be used in lieu of the pendently to each suspension assembly
procedures described in paragraphs (b), at the road surface using applicable
(c), and (d) of this section, if the meth- static loadings specified in 178.33813
ods are accurate and verifiable. (b);
(4) Corrosion allowance material may (iii) The tensile or compressive stress
not be included to satisfy any of the generated by the bending moment re-
design calculation requirements of this sulting from a decelerative force ap-
section. plied independently to each suspension
(b) Static design and construction. (1) assembly at the road surface using ap-
The static design and construction of plicable static loadings specified in
each tank must be in accordance with 178.33813 (b);
appendix G in Section VIII of the (iv) The tensile or compressive stress
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- generated by the axial load resulting
chapter). The tank design must include from an accelerative force applied to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

calculation of stress due to the design the horizontal pivot of the fifth wheel
pressure, the weight of lading, the supporting the vehicle using applicable
weight of structures supported by the static loadings specified in 178.33813
tank wall, and the effect of tempera- (b);


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3383

(v) The tensile or compressive stress component or accident protection de-

generated by the bending moment re- vice must conform to the following re-
sulting from an accelerative force ap- quirements:
plied to the horizontal pivot of the (1) Structural members, the suspen-
fifth wheel supporting the vehicle sion subframe, accident protection
using applicable static loadings speci- structures and external circumferen-
fied in 178.33813 (b); and tial reinforcement devices must be
(vi) The tensile or compressive stress used as sites for attachment of appur-
generated by a bending moment pro- tenances and other accessories to the
duced by a vertical force using applica- cargo tank, when practicable.
ble static loadings specified in 178.338 (2) A lightweight attachment to the
13 (b). cargo tank wall such as a conduit clip,
(4) Ss = The following shear stresses brakeline clip, skirting structure, lamp
that apply, in psi,: The vectorial sum mounting bracket, or placard holder
of the applicable shear stresses in the must be of a construction having lesser
plane under consideration, including strength than the cargo tank wall ma-
direct shear generated by the static terials and may not be more than 72
vertical loading; direct lateral and tor- percent of the thickness of the mate-
sional shear generated by a lateral ac- rial to which it is attached. The light-
celerative force applied at the road sur- weight attachment may be secured di-
face, using applicable static loads spec- rectly to the cargo tank wall if the de-
ified in 178.33813 (b) vice is designed and installed in such a
(d) In order to account for stresses manner that, if damaged, it will not af-
due to impact in an accident, the de- fect the lading retention integrity of
sign calculations for the tank shell and the tank. A lightweight attachment
heads must include the load resulting must be secured to the cargo tank shell
from the design pressure in combina- or head by a continuous weld or in such
tion with the dynamic pressure result- a manner as to preclude formation of
ing from a longitudinal deceleration of pockets that may become sites for cor-
2g. For this loading condition the rosion. Attachments meeting the re-
stress value used may not exceed the quirements of this paragraph are not
lesser of the yield strength or 75 per- authorized for cargo tanks constructed
cent of the ultimate tensile strength of under part UHT in Section VIII of the
the material of construction. For a ASME Code.
cargo tank constructed of stainless (3) Except as prescribed in para-
steel, the maximum design stress may graphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this section,
not exceed 75 percent of the ultimate the welding of any appurtenance the
tensile strength of the type steel used. cargo tank wall must be made by at-
(e) The minimum thickness of the tachment of a mounting pad so that
shell or heads of the tank must be 0.187 there will be no adverse effect upon the
inch for steel and 0.270 inch for alu- lading retention integrity of the cargo
minum. However, the minimum thick- tank if any force less than that pre-
ness for steel may be 0.110 inches pro- scribed in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
vided the cargo tank is: tion is applied from any direction. The
(1) Vacuum insulated, or thickness of the mounting pad may not
(2) Double walled with a load bearing be less than that of the shell or head to
jacket designed to carry a propor- which it is attached, and not more
tionate amount of structural loads pre- than 1.5 times the shell or head thick-
scribed in this section. ness. However, a pad with a minimum
(f) Where a tank support is attached thickness of 0.187 inch may be used
to any part of the tank wall, the when the shell or head thickness is
stresses imposed on the tank wall must over 0.187 inch. If weep holes or tell-
meet the requirements in paragraph (a) tale holes are used, the pad must be
of this section. drilled or punched at the lowest point
(g) The design, construction and in- before it is welded to the tank. Each
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

stallation of an attachment, appur- pad must:

tenance to the cargo tank or structural (i) Be fabricated from material deter-
support member between the cargo mined to be suitable for welding to
tank and the vehicle or suspension both the cargo tank material and the


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178.3384 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

material of the appurtenance or struc- ing sequence must minimize stresses

tural support member; a Design Certi- due to shrinkage of welds.
fying Engineer must make this deter- (e) Filler material containing more
mination considering chemical and than 0.05 percent vanadium may not be
physical properties of the materials used with quenched and tempered steel.
and must specify filler material con- (f) All tank nozzle-to-shell and noz-
forming to the requirements in Section zle-to-head welds must be full penetra-
IX of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of tion welds.
this subchapter).
(ii) Be preformed to an inside radius (Approved by the Office of Management and
no greater than the outside radius of Budget under control number 21370017)
the cargo tank at the attachment loca- [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27704 and 27713, June 16,
tion. 1983, as amended at 49 FR 24316, June 12, 1984;
(iii) Extend at least 2 inches in each 68 FR 75754, Dec. 31, 2003]
direction from any point of attachment
of an appurtenance or structural sup- 178.3385 Stiffening rings.
port member. This dimension may be (a) A tank is not required to be pro-
measured from the center of the at- vided with stiffening rings, except as
tached structural member. prescribed in Section VIII of the ASME
(iv) Have rounded corners, or other- Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
wise be shaped in a manner to mini- chapter).
mize stress concentrations on the shell (b) If a jacket is evacuated, it must
or head. be constructed in compliance with
(v) Be attached by continuous fillet 178.3381(f). Stiffening rings may be
welding. Any fillet weld discontinuity used to meet these requirements.
may only be for the purpose of pre-
venting an intersection between the fil- [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27704, June 16, 1983, as
let weld and a tank or jacket seam amended at 68 FR 75754, Dec. 31, 2003]
178.3386 Manholes.
[Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37057, Sept. 7, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 17889, 56 FR 27876, June (a) Each tank in oxygen service must
17, 1991; 56 FR 46354, Sept. 11, 1991; 68 FR be provided with a manhole as pre-
19281, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 57633, Oct. 6, 2003; 68 scribed in Section VIII of the ASME
FR 75754, Dec. 31, 2003] Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
178.3384 Joints.
(b) Each tank having a manhole must
(a) All joints in the tank, and in the be provided with a means of entrance
jacket if evacuated, must be as pre- and exit through the jacket, or the
scribed in Section VIII of the ASME jacket must be marked to indicate the
Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- manway location on the tank.
chapter), except that a butt weld with (c) A manhole with a bolted closure
one plate edge offset is not authorized. may not be located on the front head of
(b) Welding procedure and welder per- the tank.
formance tests must be made in ac-
cordance with Section IX of the ASME [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27704, June 16, 1983, as
Code. Records of the qualification must amended at 49 FR 24316, June 12, 1984; 68 FR
75754, Dec. 31, 2003]
be retained by the tank manufacturer
for at least five years and must be
178.3387 Openings.
made available, upon request, to any
duly identified representative of the (a) The inlet to the liquid product
Department, or the owner of the cargo discharge opening of each tank in-
tank. tended for flammable ladings must be
(c) All longitudinal welds in tanks at the bottom centerline of the tank.
and load bearing jackets must be lo- (b) If the leakage of a single valve,
cated so as not to intersect nozzles or except a pressure relief valve, pressure
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

supports other than load rings and control valve, full trycock or gas phase
stiffening rings. manual vent valve, would permit loss
(d) Substructures must be properly of flammable material, an additional
fitted before attachment and the weld- closure that is leak tight at the tank


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3389

design pressure must be provided out- (7) All fittings must be rated for the
board of such valve. maximum tank pressure and suitable
[Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27704, June 16, 1983]
for the coldest temperature to which
they will be subjected in actual serv-
178.3388 Pressure relief devices, ice.
piping, valves, and fittings. (8) All piping, valves, and fittings
(a) Pressure relief devices. Each tank must be grouped in the smallest prac-
pressure relief device must be designed, ticable space and protected from dam-
constructed, and marked in accordance age as required by 178.33810.
with 173.318(b) of this subchapter. (9) When a pressure-building coil is
(b) Piping, valves, and fittings. (1) The used on a tank designed to handle oxy-
burst pressure of all piping, pipe fit- gen or flammable ladings, the vapor
tings, hoses and other pressure parts, connection to that coil must be pro-
except for pump seals and pressure re- vided with a valve or check valve as
lief devices, must be at least 4 times close to the tank shell as practicable to
the design pressure of the tank. Addi- prevent the loss of vapor from the tank
tionally, the burst pressure may not be in case of damage to the coil. The liq-
less than 4 times any higher pressure uid connection to that coil must also
to which each pipe, pipe fitting, hose or be provided with a valve.
other pressure part may be subjected [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27704, June 16, 1983, as
to in service. amended by Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25019, June
(2) Pipe joints must be threaded, 12, 1989]
welded or flanged. If threaded pipe is
used, the pipe and fittings must be 178.3389 Holding time.
Schedule 80 weight or heavier. Malle- (a) Holding time is the time, as de-
able metals must be used in the con- termined by testing, that will elapse
struction of valves and fittings. Where from loading until the pressure of the
copper tubing is permitted, joints shall contents, under equilibrium conditions,
be brazed or be of equally strong metal reaches the level of the lowest pressure
union type. The melting point of the control valve or pressure relief valve
brazing materials may not be lower setting.
than 1000 F. The method of joining (b) Holding time test. (1) The test to
tubing may not reduce the strength of determine holding time must be per-
the tubing, such as by the cutting of formed by charging the tank with a
threads. cryogenic liquid having a boiling point,
(3) Each hose coupling must be de- at a pressure of one atmosphere, abso-
signed for a pressure of at least 120 per- lute, no lower than the design service
cent of the hose design pressure and so temperature of the tank. The tank
that there will be no leakage when con- must be charged to its maximum per-
nected. mitted filling density with that liquid
(4) Piping must be protected from and stabilized to the lowest practical
damage due to thermal expansion and pressure, which must be equal to or
contraction, jarring, and vibration. less than the pressure to be used for
Slip joints are not authorized for this loading. The cargo tank together with
purpose. its contents must then be exposed to
(5) All piping, valves and fittings on a ambient temperature.
cargo tank must be proved free from (2) The tank pressure and ambient
leaks. This requirement is met when temperature must be recorded at 3-
such piping, valves, and fittings have hour intervals until the pressure level
been tested after installation with gas of the contents reaches the set-to-dis-
or air and proved leak tight at not less charge pressure of the pressure control
than the design pressure marked on the valve or pressure relief valve with the
cargo tank. This requirement is appli- lowest setting. This total time lapse in
cable to all hoses used in a cargo tank, hours represents the measured holding
except that hose may be tested before time at the actual average ambient
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

or after installation on the tank. temperature. This measured holding

(6) Each valve must be suitable for time for the test cryogenic liquid must
the tank design pressure at the tank be adjusted to an equivalent holding
design service temperature. time for each cryogenic liquid that is


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178.33810 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

to be identified on or adjacent to the tf = equilibrium temperature of test fluid at

specification plate, at an average ambi- one atmosphere, F.
ent temperature of 85 F. This is the (ii) The rated holding time (RHT)
rated holding time (RHT). The marked must be calculated as follows:
rated holding time (MRHT) displayed
on or adjacent to the specification RHT = [(U2 U1) W] / q
plate (see 178.33818(c)(10)) may not ex- Where:
ceed this RHT. RHT = rated holding time, in hours
(c) Optional test regimen. (1) If more U1 and U2 = internal energy for the combined
than one cargo tank is made to the liquid and vapor lading at the pressure
same design, only one cargo tank must offered for transportation, and the set
pressure of the applicable pressure con-
be subjected to the full holding time
trol valve or pressure relief valve, respec-
test at the time of manufacture. How- tively, Btu/lb.
ever, each subsequent cargo tank made W = total weight of the combined liquid and
to the same design must be perform- vapor lading in the cargo tank, pounds.
ance tested during its first trip. The q = calculated heat transfer rate to cargo
holding time determined in this test tank with lading, Btu/hr.
may not be less than 90 percent of the (iii) The MRHT (see 178.33818(b)(9)
marked rated holding time. This test of this subchapter) may not exceed the
must be performed in accordance with RHT.
173.318(g)(3) and 177.840(h) of this sub-
chapter, regardless of the classification [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27704, June 16, 1983; 48
FR 50442, Nov. 1, 1983, as amended at 49 FR
of the cryogenic liquid. 24316, June 12, 1984; 49 FR 43965, Nov. 1, 1984;
(2) Same design. The term same de- 59 FR 55173, Nov. 3, 1994; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR
sign as used in this section means 51340, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 57634, Oct. 6, 2003; 71
cargo tanks made to the same design FR 54397, Sept. 14, 2006]
type. See 178.320(a) for definition of
design type. 178.33810 Accident damage protec-
(3) For a cargo tank used in nonflam- tion.
mable cryogenic liquid service, in place (a) All valves, fittings, pressure relief
of the holding time tests prescribed in devices and other accessories to the
paragraph (b) of this section, the tank proper, which are not isolated
marked rated holding time (MRHT) from the tank by closed intervening
may be determined as follows: shut-off valves or check valves, must
(i) While the cargo tank is sta- be installed within the motor vehicle
tionary, the heat transfer rate must be framework or within a suitable colli-
determined by measuring the normal sion resistant guard or housing, and
evaporation rate (NER) of the test appropriate ventilation must be pro-
cryogenic liquid (preferably the lading, vided. Each pressure relief device must
where feasible) maintained at approxi- be protected so that in the event of the
mately one atmosphere. The calculated upset of the vehicle onto a hard sur-
heat transfer rate must be determined face, the devices opening will not be
from: prevented and its discharge will not be
q = [n(D h)(85t1)] / [ts tf] (b) Each protective device or housing,
Where: and its attachment to the vehicle
q = calculated heat transfer rate to cargo structure, must be designed to with-
tank with lading, Btu/hr. stand static loading in any direction
n = normal evaporation rate (NER), which is that it may be loaded as a result of
the rate of evaporation, determined by front, rear, side, or sideswipe collision,
the test of a test cryogenic liquid in a or the overturn of the vehicle. The
cargo tank maintained at a pressure of static loading shall equal twice the
approximately one atmosphere, absolute, loaded weight of the tank and attach-
ments. A safety factor of four, based on
D h = latent heat of vaporization of test fluid
at test pressure, Btu/lb. the tensile strength of the material,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ts = average temperature of outer shell dur- shall be used. The protective device or
ing test, F. the housing must be made of steel at
t1 = equilibrium temperature of lading at least 316-inch thick, or other material
maximum loading pressure, F. of equivalent strength.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.33811

(c) Rear-end tank protection. Rear-end control must be of fail-safe design and
tank protections devices must: spring-biased to stop the admission of
(1) Consist of at least one rear bump- such pressure into the cargo tank. If
er designed to protect the cargo tank the jacket is not evacuated, the seat of
and piping in the event of a rear-end the valve must be inside the tank, in
collision. The rear-end tank protection the opening nozzle or flange, or in a
device design must transmit the force companion flange bolted to the nozzle.
of the collision directly to the chassis If the jacket is evacuated, the re-
of the vehicle. The rear-end tank pro- motely controlled valve must be lo-
tection device and its attachments to cated as close to the tank as prac-
the chassis must be designed to with- ticable.
stand a load equal to twice the weight
(2) Each remotely controlled shut off
of the loaded cargo tank and attach-
valve must be provided with on-vehicle
ments, using a safety factor of four
remote means of automatic closure,
based on the tensile strength of the
materials used, with such load being both mechanical and thermal. One
applied horizontally and parallel to the means may be used to close more than
major axis of the cargo tank. The rear- one remotely controlled valve. Cable
end tank protection device dimensions linkage between closures and remote
must meet the requirements of 393.86 operators must be corrosion resistant
of this title and extend vertically to a and effective in all types of environ-
height adequate to protect all valves ment and weather. The thermal means
and fittings located at the rear of the must consist of fusible elements actu-
cargo tank from damage that could re- ated at a temperature not exceeding
sult in loss of lading; or 121 C (250 F), or equivalent devices.
(2) Conform to the requirements of The loading/unloading connection area
178.3458(b). is where hoses are connected to the
(d) Every part of the loaded cargo permanent metal piping. The number
tank, and any associated valve, pipe, and location of remote operators and
enclosure, or protective device or thermal devices shall be as follows:
structure (exclusive of wheel assem- (i) On a cargo tank motor vehicle
blies), must be at least 14 inches above over 3,500 gallons water capacity, re-
level ground. mote means of automatic closure must
[Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27705, June 16, 1983, as be installed at the ends of the cargo
amended at 49 FR 24316, June 12, 1984; Amdt. tank in at least two diagonally oppo-
17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1, 1993; 68 FR 19282, site locations. If the loading/unloading
Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 52371, Sept. 3, 2003] connection at the cargo tank is not in
178.33811 Discharge control devices. the general vicinity of one of these lo-
cations, at least one additional ther-
(a) Excess-flow valves are not re- mal device must be installed so that
quired. heat from a fire in the loading/unload-
(b) Each liquid filling and liquid dis- ing connection area will activate the
charge line must be provided with a emergency control system.
shut-off valve located as close to the
(ii) On a cargo tank motor vehicle of
tank as practicable. Unless this valve
3,500 gallons water capacity or less, at
is manually operable at the valve, the
least one remote means of automatic
line must also have a manual shut-off
closure must be installed on the end of
(c) Except for a cargo tank that is the cargo tank farthest away from the
used to transport argon, carbon diox- loading/unloading connection area. At
ide, helium, krypton, neon, nitrogen, least one thermal device must be in-
xenon, or mixtures thereof, each liquid stalled so that heat from a fire in the
filling and liquid discharge line must loading/unloading connection area will
be provided with an on-vehicle re- activate the emergency control sys-
motely controlled self-closing shutoff tem.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

valve. [Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27705, June 16, 1983, as

(1) If pressure from a reservoir or amended by Amdt. 178105, 59 FR 55173, Nov.
from an engine-driven pump or com- 3, 1994; 60 FR 17402, Apr. 5, 1995; 68 FR 19282,
pressor is used to open this valve, the Apr. 18, 2003]


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178.33812 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.33812 Shear section. (2) For any other insulated cargo

Unless the valve is located in a rear (i) Vertically downward of 3;
cabinet forward of and protected by the (ii) Vertically upward of 2;
bumper (see 178.33810(c)), the design (iii) Longitudinally of 2; and
and installation of each valve, damage (iv) Laterally of 2.
to which could result in loss of liquid (b) When a loaded tank is supported
or vapor, must incorporate a shear sec- within the vacuum jacket by struc-
tion or breakage groove adjacent to, tural members, the design calculations
and outboard of, the valve. The shear for the tank and its structural mem-
section or breakage groove must yield bers must be based on a safety factor of
or break under strain without damage four and the tensile strength of the ma-
to the valve that would allow the loss terial at ambient temperature. The en-
of liquid or vapor. The protection spec- hanced tensile strength of the material
ified in 178.33810 is not a substitute at actual operating temperature may
for a shear section or breakage groove. be substituted for the tensile strength
[Amdt. 17877, 49 FR 24316, June 12, 1984]
at ambient temperature to the extent
recognized in the ASME Code for static
178.33813 Supporting and anchor- loadings. Static loadings must take
ing. into consideration the weight of the
tank and the structural members when
(a) On a cargo tank motor vehicle de- the tank is filled to the design weight
signed and constructed so that the of lading (see Appendix G of Section
cargo tank constitutes in whole or in VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code),
part the structural member used in multiplied by the following factors.
place of a motor vehicle frame, the Static loadings must take into consid-
cargo tank or the jacket must be sup- eration the weight of the tank and the
ported by external cradles or by load structural members when the tank is
rings. For a cargo tank mounted on a filled to the design weight of lading
motor vehicle frame, the tank or jack- (see appendix G in Section VIII of the
et must be supported by external cra- ASME Code), multiplied by the fol-
dles, load rings, or longitudinal mem- lowing factors. When load rings in the
bers. If cradles are used, they must jacket are used for supporting the
subtend at least 120 degrees of the tank, they must be designed to carry
cargo tank circumference. The design the fully loaded tank at the specified
calculations for the supports and load- static loadings, plus external pressure.
bearing tank or jacket, and the support Minimum static loadings must be as
attachments must include beam stress, follows:
shear stress, torsion stress, bending (1) Vertically downward of 2;
moment, and acceleration stress for (2) Vertically upward of 112;
the loaded vehicle as a unit, using a (3) Longitudinally of 112; and, (4) Lat-
safety factor of four, based on the ten- erally of 112.
sile strength of the material, and static
[68 FR 19282, Apr. 18, 2003, as amended at 68
loading that uses the weight of the FR 75754, Dec. 31, 2003]
cargo tank and its attachments when
filled to the design weight of the lading 178.33814 Gauging devices.
(see appendix G in Section VIII of the (a) Liquid level gauging devices. (1) Un-
ASME Code) (IBR, see 171.7 of this less a cargo tank is intended to be
subchapter), multiplied by the fol- filled by weight, it must be equipped
lowing factors. The effects of fatigue with one or more gauging devices,
must also be considered in the calcula- which accurately indicate the max-
tions. Minimum static loadings must imum permitted liquid level at the
be as follows: loading pressure, in order to provide a
(1) For a vacuum-insulated cargo minimum of two percent outage below
tank the inlet of the pressure control valve
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(i) Vertically downward of 2; or pressure relief valve at the condition

(ii) Vertically upward of 2; of incipient opening of that valve. A
(iii) Longitudinally of 2; and fixed-length dip tube, a fixed trycock
(iv) Laterally of 2. line, or a differential pressure liquid


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.33816

level gauge must be used as the pri- remove any contaminants likely to
mary control for filling. Other gauging react with the lading.
devices, except gauge glasses, may be [68 FR 75755, Dec. 31, 2003]
used, but not as the primary control
for filling. 178.33816 Inspection and testing.
(2) The design pressure of each liquid
(a) General. The material of construc-
level gauging device must be at least
tion of a tank and its appurtenances
that of the tank.
(3) If a fixed length dip tube or must be inspected for conformance to
trycock line gauging device is used, it Section VIII of the ASME Code (IBR,
must consist of a pipe or tube of small see 171.7 of this subchapter). The tank
diameter equipped with a valve at or must be subjected to either a hydro-
near the jacket and extending into the static or pneumatic test. The test pres-
cargo tank to a specified filling height. sure must be one and one-half times
The fixed height at which the tube ends the sum of the design pressure, plus
in the cargo tank must be such that static head of lading, plus 101.3 kPa
the device will function when the liq- (14.7 psi) if subjected to external vacu-
uid reaches the maximum level per- um, except that for tanks constructed
mitted in loading. in accordance with Part UHT in Sec-
(4) The liquid level gauging device tion VIII of the ASME Code the test
used as a primary control for filling pressure must be twice the design pres-
must be designed and installed to accu- sure.
rately indicate the maximum filling (b) Additional requirements for pneu-
level at the point midway of the tank matic test. A pneumatic test may be
both longitudinally and laterally. used in place of the hydrostatic test.
(b) Pressure gauges. Each cargo tank Due regard for protection of all per-
must be provided with a suitable pres- sonnel should be taken because of the
sure gauge indicating the lading pres- potential hazard involved in a pneu-
sure and located on the front of the matic test. The pneumatic test pres-
jacket so it can be read by the driver in sure in the tank must be reached by
gradually increasing the pressure to
the rear view mirror. Each gauge must
one-half of the test pressure. There-
have a reference mark at the cargo
after, the test pressure must be in-
tank design pressure or the set pres-
creased in steps of approximately one-
sure of the pressure relief valve or pres-
tenth of the test pressure until the re-
sure control valve, whichever is lowest.
quired test pressure has been reached.
(c) Orifices. All openings for dip tube
Then the pressure must be reduced to a
gauging devices and pressure gauges in
value equal to four-fifths of the test
flammable cryogenic liquid service
pressure and held for a sufficient time
must be restricted at or inside the
to permit inspection of the cargo tank
jacket by orifices no larger than 0.060-
for leaks.
inch diameter. Trycock lines, if pro- (c) Weld inspection. All tank shell or
vided, may not be greater than 12-inch head welds subject to pressure shall be
nominal pipe size. radiographed in accordance with Sec-
[Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27706, June 16, 1983, as tion VIII of the ASME Code. A tank
amended at 49 FR 24317, June 12, 1984] which has been subjected to inspection
by the magnetic particle method, the
178.33815 Cleanliness. liquid penetrant method, or any meth-
A cargo tank constructed for oxygen od involving a material deposit on the
service must be thoroughly cleaned to interior tank surface, must be cleaned
remove all foreign material in accord- to remove any such residue by scrub-
ance with CGA G4.1 (IBR, see 171.7 of bing or equally effective means, and all
this subchapter). All loose particles such residue and cleaning solution
from fabrication, such as weld beads, must be removed from the tank prior
dirt, grinding wheel debris, and other to final closure of the tank.
loose materials, must be removed prior (d) Defect repair. All cracks and other
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

to the final closure of the manhole of defects must be repaired as prescribed

the tank. Chemical or solvent cleaning in Section VIII of the ASME Code. The
with a material compatible with the welder and the welding procedure must
intending lading must be performed to be qualified in accordance with Section


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178.33817 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

IX of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of means of forming letters into the
this subchapter). After repair, the tank metal of the plate, with the informa-
must again be postweld heat-treated, if tion required in paragraphs (b) and (c)
such heat treatment was previously of this section, in addition to that re-
performed, and the repaired areas must quired by Section VIII of the ASME
be retested. Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(e) Verification must be made of the chapter), in characters at least 316 inch
interior cleanliness of a tank con- high (parenthetical abbreviations may
structed for oxygen service by means be used). All plates must be maintained
that assure that all contaminants that in a legible condition.
are likely to react with the lading have (2) Each insulated cargo tank must
been removed as required by 178.338 have additional plates, as described, at-
15. tached to the jacket in the location
[Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27706, June 16, 1983, as specified unless the specification plate
amended at 49 FR 24317, June 12, 1984; 49 FR is attached to the chassis and has the
42736, Oct. 24, 1984; 68 FR 75755, Dec. 31, 2003] information required in paragraphs (b)
and (c) of this section.
178.33817 Pumps and compressors. (3) The information required for both
(a) Liquid pumps and gas compressors, the name and specification plate may
if used, must be of suitable design, ade- be displayed on a single plate. If the in-
quately protected against breakage by formation required by this section is
collision, and kept in good condition. displayed on a plate required by Sec-
They may be driven by motor vehicle tion VIII of the ASME Code, the infor-
power take-off or other mechanical, mation need not be repeated on the
electrical, or hydraulic means. Unless name and specification plates.
they are of the centrifugal type, they (4) The specification plate may be at-
shall be equipped with suitable pres- tached to the cargo tank motor vehicle
sure actuated by-pass valves permit- chassis rail by brazing, welding, or
ting flow from discharge to suction to other suitable means on the left side
the tank. near the front head, in a place acces-
(b) A valve or fitting made of alu- sible for inspection. If the specification
minum with internal rubbing or abrad- plate is attached to the chassis rail,
ing aluminum parts that may come in then the cargo tank serial number as-
contact with oxygen (cryogenic liquid) signed by the cargo tank manufacturer
may not be installed on any cargo tank must be included on the plate.
used to transport oxygen (cryogenic
(b) Name plate. The following infor-
liquid) unless the parts are anodized in
mation must be marked on the name
accordance with ASTM B 580 (IBR, see
plate in accordance with this section:
171.7 of this subchapter).
(1) DOT-specification number MC 338
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25020, June 12, 1989, as (DOT MC 338).
amended at 55 FR 37058, Sept. 7, 1990; 67 FR (2) Original test date (Orig, Test
61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 75755, Dec. 31, 2003]
178.33818 Marking. (3) MAWP in psig.
(a) General. Each cargo tank certified (4) Cargo tank test pressure (Test P),
after October 1, 2004 must have a corro- in psig.
sion-resistant metal name plate (5) Cargo tank design temperature
(ASME Plate) and specification plate (Design Temp. Range) ll F to ll
permanently attached to the cargo F.
tank by brazing, welding, or other suit- (6) Nominal capacity (Water Cap.), in
able means on the left side near the pounds.
front, in a place accessible for inspec- (7) Maximum design density of lading
tion. If the specification plate is at- (Max. Lading density), in pounds per
tached directly to the cargo tank wall gallon.
by welding, it must be welded to the (8) Material specification number
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tank before the cargo tank is postweld shell (Shell matl, yyy * * *), where
heat treated. yyy is replaced by the alloy designa-
(1) The plates must be legibly marked tion and * * * is replaced by the
by stamping, embossing, or other alloy type.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.33819

(9) Material specification number (11) Cargo tank serial number (CT se-
heads (Head matl. yyy * * *), where rial), as assigned by cargo tank manu-
yyy is replaced by the alloy designa- facturer, if applicable.
tion and * * * by the alloy type. NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c): See 173.315(a) of
NOTE: When the shell and heads materials this chapter regarding water capacity.
are the same thickness, they may be com- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c): When the shell
bined, (Shell & head matl, yyy * * *). and head materials are the same thickness,
they may be combined (Shell & head matl,
(10) Weld material (Weld matl.). yyy***).
(11) Minimum Thickness-shell (Min. (d) The design weight of lading used
Shell-thick), in inches. When minimum in determining the loading in 178.338
shell thicknesses are not the same for 3 (b), 178.33810 (b) and (c), and 178.338
different areas, show (top ll, side 13 (b), must be shown as the maximum
ll, bottom ll, in inches). weight of lading marking required by
(12) Minimum thickness-heads (Min paragraph (c) of this section.
heads thick.), in inches.
[68 FR 19283, Apr. 18, 2003, as amended at 68
(13) Manufactured thickness-shell FR 57634, Oct. 6, 2003; 68 FR 75755, Dec. 31,
(Mfd. Shell thick.), top ll, side ll, 2003]
bottom ll, in inches. (Required when
additional thickness is provided for 178.33819 Certification.
corrosion allowance.) (a) At or before the time of delivery,
(14) Manufactured thickness-heads the manufacturer of a cargo tank
(Mfd. Heads thick.), in inches. (Re- motor vehicle shall furnish to the
quired when additional thickness is owner of the completed vehicle the fol-
provided for corrosion allowance.) lowing:
(15) Exposed surface area, in square (1) The tank manufacturers data re-
feet. port as required by the ASME Code
(c) Specification plate. The following (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and
information must be marked on the a certificate bearing the manufactur-
specification plate in accordance with ers vehicle serial number stating that
this section: the completed cargo tank motor vehi-
(1) Cargo tank motor vehicle manu- cle conforms to all applicable require-
facturer (CTMV mfr.). ments of Specification MC 338, includ-
(2) Cargo tank motor vehicle certifi- ing Section VIII of the ASME Code
cation date (CTMV cert. date). (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) in
(3) Cargo tank manufacturer (CT effect on the date (month, year) of cer-
mfr.). tification. The registration numbers of
(4) Cargo tank date of manufacture the manufacturer, the Design Certi-
(CT date of mfr.), month and year. fying Engineer, and the Registered In-
spector, as appropriate, must appear on
(5) Maximum weight of lading (Max.
the certificates (see subpart F, part 107
Payload), in pounds.
in subchapter B of this chapter).
(6) Maximum loading rate in gallons (2) A photograph, pencil rub, or other
per minute (Max. Load rate, GPM). facsimile of the plates required by
(7) Maximum unloading rate in gal- paragraphs (a) and (b) of 178.338-18.
lons per minute (Max Unload rate). (b) In the case of a cargo tank vehicle
(8) Lining materials (Lining), if ap- manufactured in two or more stages,
plicable. each manufacturer who performs a
(9) Insulated for oxygen service or manufacturing operation on the incom-
Not insulated for oxygen service as plete vehicle or portion thereof shall
appropriate. furnish to the succeeding manufac-
(10) Marked rated holding time for at turer, at or before the time of delivery,
least one cryogenic liquid, in hours, a certificate covering the particular
and the name of that cryogenic liquid operation performed by that manufac-
(MRHT ll hrs, name of cryogenic liq- turer, and any certificates received
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

uid). Marked rated holding marking for from previous manufacturers, Reg-
additional cryogenic liquids may be istered Inspectors, and Design Certi-
displayed on or adjacent to the speci- fying Engineers. The certificates must
fication plate. include sufficient sketches, drawings,


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178.340178.343 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

and other information to indicate the Appurtenance means any cargo tank
location, make, model and size of each accessory attachment that has no lad-
valve and the arrangement of all piping ing retention or containment function
associated with the tank. Each certifi- and provides no structural support to
cate must be signed by an official of the cargo tank.
the manufacturing firm responsible for Baffle means a non-liquid-tight trans-
the portion of the complete cargo tank verse partition device that deflects,
vehicle represented thereby, such as checks or regulates fluid motion in a
basic tank fabrication, insulation, tank.
jacket, or piping. The final manufac- Bulkhead means a liquid-tight trans-
turer shall furnish the owner with all verse closure at the ends of or between
certificates, as well as the documents cargo tanks.
required by paragraph (a) of this sec- Charging line means a hose, tube,
tion. pipe, or similar device used to pres-
(c) The owner shall retain the data surize a tank with material other than
report, certificates, and related papers the lading.
throughout his ownership of the cargo Companion flange means one of two
tank. In the event of change of owner- mating flanges where the flange faces
ship, the prior owner shall retain non- are in contact or separated only by a
fading photographically reproduced thin leak sealing gasket and are se-
copies of these documents for at least cured to one another by bolts or
one year. Each operator using the clamps.
cargo tank vehicle, if not the owner Connecting structure means the struc-
thereof, shall obtain a copy of the data ture joining two cargo tanks.
report and the certificate or certifi- Constructed and certified in conform-
cates and retain them during the time ance with the ASME Code means the
he uses the cargo tank and for at least cargo tank is constructed and stamped
one year thereafter. in accordance with the ASME Code,
(Approved by the Office of Management and and is inspected and certified by an Au-
Budget under control number 21370017) thorized Inspector.
Constructed in accordance with the
[Amdt. 17877, 48 FR 27707 and 27713, June 16,
1983, as amended by Amdt. 17889, 55 FR ASME Code means the cargo tank is
37058, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 17899, 58 FR 51534, constructed in accordance with the
Oct. 1, 1993; 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 68 FR ASME Code with the authorized excep-
75755, Dec. 31, 2003] tions (see 178.346, 178.347, and 178.348)
and is inspected and certified by a Reg-
178.340178.343 [Reserved] istered Inspector.
External self-closing stop-valve means
178.345 General design and construc-
tion requirements applicable to a self-closing stop-valve designed so
Specification DOT 406 ( 178.346), that the self-stored energy source is lo-
DOT 407 ( 178.347), and DOT 412 cated outside the cargo tank and the
( 178.348) cargo tank motor vehi- welded flange.
cles. Extreme dynamic loading means the
maximum single-acting loading a cargo
178.3451 General requirements. tank motor vehicle may experience
(a) Specification DOT 406, DOT 407 during its expected life, excluding acci-
and DOT 412 cargo tank motor vehicles dent loadings.
must conform to the requirements of Flange means the structural ring for
this section in addition to the require- guiding or attachment of a pipe or fit-
ments of the applicable specification ting with another flange (companion
contained in 178.346, 178.347 or 178.348. flange), pipe, fitting or other attach-
(b) All specification requirements are ment.
minimum requirements. Inspection pressure means the pres-
(c) Definitions. See 178.320(a) for the sure used to determine leak tightness
definition of certain terms used in of the cargo tank when testing with
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

178.345, 178.346, 178.347, and 178.348. In pneumatic pressure.

addition, the following definitions Internal self-closing stop-valve means a
apply to 178.345, 178.346, 178.347, and self-closing stop-valve designed so that
178.348: the self-stored energy source is located


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3451

inside the cargo tank or cargo tank piping or devices in case of a rear end
sump, or within the welded flange, and collision.
the valve seat is located within the Sacrificial device means an element,
cargo tank or within one inch of the such as a shear section, designed to fail
external face of the welded flange or under a load in order to prevent dam-
sump of the cargo tank. age to any lading retention part or de-
Lading means the hazardous material vice. The device must break under
contained in a cargo tank. strain at no more than 70 percent of
Loading/unloading connection means the strength of the weakest piping ele-
the fitting in the loading/unloading ment between the cargo tank and the
line farthest from the loading/unload- sacrificial device. Operation of the sac-
ing outlet to which the loading/unload- rificial device must leave the remaining
ing hose or device is attached. piping and its attachment to the cargo
Loading/unloading outlet means the tank intact and capable of retaining
cargo tank outlet used for normal load- lading.
ing/unloading operations. Self-closing stop-valve means a stop-
Loading/unloading stop-valve means valve held in the closed position by
the stop valve farthest from the cargo means of self-stored energy, which
tank loading/unloading outlet to which opens only by application of an exter-
the loading/unloading connection is at- nal force and which closes when the ex-
tached. ternal force is removed.
MAWP. See 178.320(a). Shear section means a sacrificial de-
Multi-specification cargo tank motor ve- vice fabricated in such a manner as to
hicle means a cargo tank motor vehicle abruptly reduce the wall thickness of
equipped with two or more cargo tanks the adjacent piping or valve material
fabricated to more than one cargo tank by at least 30 percent.
specification. Shell means the circumferential por-
Normal operating loading means the tion of a cargo tank defined by the
loading a cargo tank motor vehicle basic design radius or radii excluding
may be expected to experience rou- the closing heads.
tinely in operation. Stop-valve means a valve that stops
Nozzle means the subassembly con- the flow of lading.
sisting of a pipe or tubular section with Sump means a protrusion from the
or without a welded or forged flange on bottom of a cargo tank shell designed
one end. to facilitate complete loading and un-
Outlet means any opening in the shell loading of lading.
or head of a cargo tank, (including the Tank means a container, consisting
means for attaching a closure), except of a shell and heads, that forms a pres-
that the following are not outlets: A sure tight vessel having openings de-
threaded opening securely closed dur- signed to accept pressure tight fittings
ing transportation with a threaded or closures, but excludes any appur-
plug or a threaded cap, a flanged open- tenances, reinforcements, fittings, or
ing securely closed during transpor- closures.
tation with a bolted or welded blank Test pressure means the pressure to
flange, a manhole, or gauging devices, which a tank is subjected to determine
thermometer wells, and safety relief pressure integrity.
devices. Toughness of material means the capa-
Outlet stop-valve means the stop-valve bility of a material to absorb the en-
at the cargo tank loading/unloading ergy represented by the area under the
outlet. stress strain curve (indicating the en-
Pipe coupling means a fitting with in- ergy absorbed per unit volume of the
ternal threads on both ends. material) up to the point of rupture.
Rear bumper means the structure de- Vacuum cargo tank means a cargo
signed to prevent a vehicle or object tank that is loaded by reducing the
from under-riding the rear of a motor pressure in the cargo tank to below at-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

vehicle. See 393.86 of this title. mospheric pressure.

Rear-end tank protection device means Variable specification cargo tank
the structure designed to protect a means a cargo tank that is constructed
cargo tank and any lading retention in accordance with one specification,


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178.3452 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

but which may be altered to meet an- in all respects with the specification
other specification by changing relief for which it is certified.
device, closures, lading discharge de- (2) The strength of the connecting
vices, and other lading retention de- structure joining multiple cargo tanks
vices. in a cargo tank motor vehicle must
Void means the space between tank meet the structural design require-
heads or bulkheads and a connecting ments in 178.3453. Any void within
structure. the connecting structure must be
Welded flange means a flange at- equipped with a drain located on the
tached to the tank by a weld joining bottom centerline that is accessible
the tank shell to the cylindrical outer and kept open at all times. For carbon
surface of the flange, or by a fillet weld steel, self-supporting cargo tanks, the
joining the tank shell to a flange drain configuration may consist of a
shaped to fit the shell contour. single drain of at least 1.0 inch diame-
(d) A manufacturer of a cargo tank ter, or two or more drains of at least
must hold a current ASME certificate 0.5 inch diameter, 6.0 inches apart, one
of authorization and must be registered of which is located as close to the bot-
with the Department in accordance tom centerline as practicable. Vapors
with part 107, subpart F of this chapter. trapped in a void within the connecting
(e) All construction must be certified structure must be allowed to escape to
by an Authorized Inspector or by a the atmosphere either through the
Registered Inspector as applicable to drain or a separate vent.
the cargo tank. (j) Variable specification cargo tank. A
(f) Each cargo tank must be designed cargo tank that may be physically al-
and constructed in conformance with tered to conform to another cargo tank
the requirements of the applicable specification must have the required
cargo tank specification. Each DOT 412 physical alterations to convert from
cargo tank with a MAWP greater one specification to another clearly in-
than 15 psig, and each DOT 407 cargo dicated on the variable specification
tank with a maximum allowable work- plate.
ing pressure greater than 35 psig must
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25020, June 12, 1989, as
be constructed and certified in con- amended at 55 FR 37058, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
formance with Section VIII of the 178105, 59 FR 55173, Nov. 3, 1994; Amdt. 178
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this 118, 61 FR 51340, Oct. 1, 1996; 66 FR 45387,
subchapter) except as limited or modi- 45389, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 19283, Apr. 18, 2003;
fied by the applicable cargo tank speci- 68 FR 52371, Sept. 3, 2003; 68 FR 75755, Dec. 31,
fication. Other cargo tanks must be 2003; 70 FR 56099, Sept. 23, 2005; 76 FR 43532,
constructed in accordance with Sec- July 20, 2011]
tion VIII of the ASME Code, except as
178.3452 Material and material
limited or modified by the applicable thickness.
cargo tank specification.
(g) Requirements relating to parts (a) All material for shell, heads,
and accessories on motor vehicles, bulkheads, and baffles must conform to
which are contained in part 393 of the Section II of the ASME Code (IBR, see
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regula- 171.7 of this subchapter) except as fol-
tions of this title, are incorporated lows:
into these specifications. (1) The following steels are also au-
(h) Any additional requirements pre- thorized for cargo tanks constructed
scribed in part 173 of this subchapter in accordance with the ASME Code,
that pertain to the transportation of a Section VIII.
specific lading are incorporated into ASTM A 569
these specifications. ASTM A 570
(i) Cargo tank motor vehicle composed ASTM A 572
of multiple cargo tanks. (1) A cargo tank ASTM A 622
motor vehicle composed of more than ASTM A 656
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

one cargo tank may be constructed ASTM A 715

ASTM A 1008/ A 1008M, ASTM A 1011/A 1011M
with the cargo tanks made to the same
specification or to different specifica- (2) Aluminum alloys suitable for fu-
tions. Each cargo tank must conform sion welding and conforming with the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3453

0, H32 or H34 tempers of one of the fol- together, or by other satisfactory

lowing ASTM specifications may be means.
used for cargo tanks constructed in [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25021, June 12, 1989, as
accordance with the ASME Code: amended at 55 FR 37059, Sept. 7, 1990; 56 FR
27876, June 17, 1991; Amdt. 17897, 57 FR 45465,
ASTM B209 Alloy 5052
Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51341, Oct.
ASTM B209 Alloy 5086 1, 1996; 68 FR 19283, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 75755,
ASTM B209 Alloy 5154 Dec. 31, 2003; 70 FR 34076, June 13, 2005]
ASTM B209 Alloy 5254
ASTM B209 Alloy 5454 178.3453 Structural integrity.
ASTM B209 Alloy 5652
(a) General requirements and accept-
All heads, bulkheads and baffles must ance criteria. (1) The maximum cal-
be of 0 temper (annealed) or stronger culated design stress at any point in
tempers. All shell materials shall be of the cargo tank wall may not exceed the
maximum allowable stress value pre-
H 32 or H 34 tempers except that the
scribed in Section VIII of the ASME
lower ultimate strength tempers may
Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
be used if the minimum shell
chapter), or 25 percent of the tensile
thicknesses in the tables are increased strength of the material used at design
in inverse proportion to the lesser ulti- conditions.
mate strength. (2) The relevant physical properties
(b) Minimum thickness. The minimum of the materials used in each cargo
thickness for the shell and heads (or tank may be established either by a
baffles and bulkheads when used as certified test report from the material
tank reinforcement) must be no less manufacturer or by testing in conform-
than that determined under criteria for ance with a recognized national stand-
minimum thickness specified in ard. In either case, the ultimate tensile
178.320(a). strength of the material used in the de-
(c) Corrosion or abrasion protection. sign may not exceed 120 percent of the
When required by 49 CFR part 173 for a minimum ultimate tensile strength
particular lading, a cargo tank or a specified in either the ASME Code or
part thereof, subject to thinning by the ASTM standard to which the mate-
corrosion or mechanical abrasion due rial is manufactured.
to the lading, must be protected by (3) The maximum design stress at
providing the tank or part of the tank any point in the cargo tank must be
with a suitable increase in thickness of calculated separately for the loading
conditions described in paragraphs (b)
material, a lining or some other suit-
and (c) of this section. Alternate test
able method of protection.
or analytical methods, or a combina-
(1) Corrosion allowance. Material tion thereof, may be used in place of
added for corrosion allowance need not the procedures described in paragraphs
be of uniform thickness if different (b) and (c) of this section, if the meth-
rates of attack can reasonably be ex- ods are accurate and verifiable. TTMA
pected for various areas of the cargo RP 9601, Structural Integrity of DOT
tank. 406, DOT 407, and DOT 412 Cylindrical
(2) Lining. Lining material must con- Cargo Tanks, may be used as guidance
sist of a nonporous, homogeneous ma- in performing the calculations.
terial not less elastic than the parent (4) Corrosion allowance material may
metal and substantially immune to at- not be included to satisfy any of the
tack by the lading. The lining material design calculation requirements of this
must be bonded or attached by other section.
appropriate means to the cargo tank (b) ASME Code design and construc-
wall and must be imperforate when ap- tion. The static design and construc-
plied. Any joint or seam in the lining tion of each cargo tank must be in ac-
must be made by fusing the materials cordance with Section VIII of the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ASME Code. The cargo tank design

must include calculation of stresses
generated by the MAWP, the weight of
the lading, the weight of structures


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178.3453 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

supported by the cargo tank wall and and normal operating loadings that can
the effect of temperature gradients re- occur at the same time, in psi.
sulting from lading and ambient tem- (ii) Sy = circumferential stress gen-
perature extremes. When dissimilar erated by the MAWP and external pres-
materials are used, their thermal coef- sure, when applicable, plus static head,
ficients must be used in the calculation in psi.
of thermal stresses. (iii) Sx = The following net longitu-
(1) Stress concentrations in tension, dinal stress generated by the following
bending and torsion which occur at static and normal operating loading
pads, cradles, or other supports must conditions, in psi:
be considered in accordance with ap- (A) The longitudinal stresses result-
pendix G in Section VIII of the ASME ing from the MAWP and external pres-
Code. sure, when applicable, plus static head,
(2) Longitudinal compressive buck- in combination with the bending stress
ling stress for ASME certified vessels generated by the static weight of the
must be calculated using paragraph fully loaded cargo tank motor vehicle,
UG23(b) in Section VIII of the ASME all structural elements, equipment and
Code. For cargo tanks not required to appurtenances supported by the cargo
be certified in accordance with the tank wall;
ASME Code, compressive buckling (B) The tensile or compressive stress
stress may be calculated using alter- resulting from normal operating longi-
native analysis methods which are ac- tudinal acceleration or deceleration. In
curate and verifiable. When alternative each case, the forces applied must be
methods are used, calculations must 0.35 times the vertical reaction at the
include both the static loads described suspension assembly, applied at the
in this paragraph and the dynamic road surface, and as transmitted to the
loads described in paragraph (c) of this cargo tank wall through the suspension
section. assembly of a trailer during decelera-
(3) Cargo tank designers and manu- tion; or the horizontal pivot of the
facturers must consider all of the con- truck tractor or converter dolly fifth
ditions specified in 173.33(c) of this wheel, or the drawbar hinge on the
subchapter when matching a cargo fixed dolly during acceleration; or an-
tanks performance characteristic to choring and support members of a
the characteristic of each lading trans- truck during acceleration and decelera-
ported. tion, as applicable. The vertical reac-
(c) Shell design. Shell stresses result- tion must be calculated based on the
ing from static or dynamic loadings, or static weight of the fully loaded cargo
combinations thereof, are not uniform tank motor vehicle, all structural ele-
throughout the cargo tank motor vehi- ments, equipment and appurtenances
cle. The vertical, longitudinal, and lat- supported by the cargo tank wall. The
eral normal operating loadings can following loadings must be included:
occur simultaneously and must be (1) The axial load generated by a
combined. The vertical, longitudinal decelerative force;
and lateral extreme dynamic loadings (2) The bending moment generated by
occur separately and need not be com- a decelerative force;
bined. (3) The axial load generated by an ac-
(1) Normal operating loadings. The fol- celerative force; and
lowing procedure addresses stress in (4) The bending moment generated by
the cargo tank shell resulting from an accelerative force; and
normal operating loadings. The effec- (C) The tensile or compressive stress
tive stress (the maximum principal generated by the bending moment re-
stress at any point) must be deter- sulting from normal operating vertical
mined by the following formula: accelerative force equal to 0.35 times
the vertical reaction at the suspension
S = 0.5(Sy + SX) [0.25(Sy SX)2 + assembly of a trailer; or the horizontal
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

SS2]0.5 pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel)

Where: or turntable; or anchoring and support
(i) S = effective stress at any given members of a truck, as applicable. The
point under the combination of static vertical reaction must be calculated


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3453

based on the static weight of the fully treme dynamic loadings. The effective
loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all stress (the maximum principal stress
structural elements, equipment and ap- at any point) must be determined by
purtenances supported by the cargo the following formula:
tank wall.
S = 0.5(Sy + Sx) [0.25(Sy Sx)2 + SS2]0.5
(iv) SS = The following shear stresses
generated by the following static and Where:
normal operating loading conditions,
(i) S = effective stress at any given
in psi:
point under a combination of static
(A) The static shear stress resulting
and extreme dynamic loadings that can
from the vertical reaction at the sus-
occur at the same time, in psi.
pension assembly of a trailer, and the
horizontal pivot of the upper coupler (ii) Sy = circumferential stress gen-
(fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring erated by MAWP and external pressure,
and support members of a truck, as ap- when applicable, plus static head, in
plicable. The vertical reaction must be psi.
calculated based on the static weight (iii) Sx = the following net longitu-
of the fully loaded cargo tank motor dinal stress generated by the following
vehicle, all structural elements, equip- static and extreme dynamic loading
ment and appurtenances supported by conditions, in psi:
the cargo tank wall; (A) The longitudinal stresses result-
(B) The vertical shear stress gen- ing from the MAWP and external pres-
erated by a normal operating accelera- sure, when applicable, plus static head,
tive force equal to 0.35 times the in combination with the bending stress
vertical reaction at the suspension as- generated by the static weight of the
sembly of a trailer; or the horizontal fully loaded cargo tank motor vehicle,
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) all structural elements, equipment and
or turntable; or anchoring and support appurtenances supported by the tank
members of a truck, as applicable. The wall;
vertical reaction must be calculated (B) The tensile or compressive stress
based on the static weight of the fully resulting from extreme longitudinal
loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all acceleration or deceleration. In each
structural elements, equipment and ap- case the forces applied must be 0.7
purtenances supported by the cargo times the vertical reaction at the sus-
tank wall; pension assembly, applied at the road
(C) The lateral shear stress generated surface, and as transmitted to the
by a normal operating lateral accelera- cargo tank wall through the suspension
tive force equal to 0.2 times the assembly of a trailer during decelera-
vertical reaction at each suspension as- tion; or the horizontal pivot of the
sembly of a trailer, applied at the road truck tractor or converter dolly fifth
surface, and as transmitted to the wheel, or the drawbar hinge on the
cargo tank wall through the suspension fixed dolly during acceleration; or the
assembly of a trailer, and the hori- anchoring and support members of a
zontal pivot of the upper coupler (fifth truck during acceleration and decelera-
wheel) or turntable; or anchoring and tion, as applicable. The vertical reac-
support members of a truck, as applica- tion must be calculated based on the
ble. The vertical reaction must be cal- static weight of the fully loaded cargo
culated based on the static weight of tank motor vehicle, all structural ele-
the fully loaded cargo tank motor vehi- ments, equipment and appurtenances
cle, all structural elements, equipment supported by the cargo tank wall. The
and appurtenances supported by the following loadings must be included:
cargo tank wall; and (1) The axial load generated by a
(D) The torsional shear stress gen- decelerative force;
erated by the same lateral forces as de- (2) The bending moment generated by
scribed in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(C) of this a decelerative force;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

section. (3) The axial load generated by an ac-

(2) Extreme dynamic loadings. The fol- celerative force; and
lowing procedure addresses stress in (4) The bending moment generated by
the cargo tank shell resulting from ex- an accelerative force; and


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178.3453 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(C) The tensile or compressive stress purtenances supported by the cargo

generated by the bending moment re- tank wall; and
sulting from an extreme vertical accel- (D) The torsional shear stress gen-
erative force equal to 0.7 times the erated by the same lateral forces as de-
vertical reaction at the suspension as- scribed in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(C) of this
sembly of a trailer, and the horizontal section.
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) (d) In no case may the minimum
or turntable; or the anchoring and sup- thickness of the cargo tank shells and
port members of a truck, as applicable. heads be less than that prescribed in
The vertical reaction must be cal- 178.3462, 178.3472, or 178.3482, as
culated based on the static weight of applicable.
the fully loaded cargo tank motor vehi- (e) For a cargo tank mounted on a
cle, all structural elements, equipment frame or built with integral structural
and appurtenances supported by the supports, the calculation of effective
cargo tank wall. stresses for the loading conditions in
(iv) SS = The following shear stresses paragraph (c) of this section may in-
generated by static and extreme dy- clude the structural contribution of
namic loading conditions, in psi: the frame or the integral structural
(A) The static shear stress resulting supports.
from the vertical reaction at the sus- (f) The design, construction, and in-
pension assembly of a trailer, and the stallation of an attachment, appur-
horizontal pivot of the upper coupler tenance to a cargo tank, structural
(fifth wheel) or turntable; or anchoring support member between the cargo
and support members of a truck, as ap- tank and the vehicle or suspension
plicable. The vertical reaction must be component must conform to the fol-
calculated based on the static weight lowing requirements:
of the fully loaded cargo tank motor (1) Structural members, the suspen-
vehicle, all structural elements, equip- sion sub-frame, accident protection
ment and appurtenances supported by structures and external circumferen-
the cargo tank wall; tial reinforcement devices must be
(B) The vertical shear stress gen- used as sites for attachment of appur-
erated by an extreme vertical accelera- tenances and other accessories to the
tive force equal to 0.7 times the cargo tank, when practicable.
vertical reaction at the suspension as- (2) A lightweight attachment to a
sembly of a trailer, and the horizontal cargo tank wall such as a conduit clip,
pivot of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) brake line clip, skirting structure,
or turntable; or anchoring and support lamp mounting bracket, or placard
members of a truck, as applicable. The holder must be of a construction hav-
vertical reaction must be calculated ing lesser strength than the cargo tank
based on the static weight of the fully wall materials and may not be more
loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all than 72 percent of the thickness of the
structural elements, equipment and ap- material to which it is attached. The
purtenances supported by the cargo lightweight attachment may be se-
tank wall; cured directly to the cargo tank wall if
(C) The lateral shear stress generated the device is designed and installed in
by an extreme lateral accelerative such a manner that, if damaged, it will
force equal to 0.4 times the vertical re- not affect the lading retention integ-
action at the suspension assembly of a rity of the tank. A lightweight attach-
trailer, applied at the road surface, and ment must be secured to the cargo
as transmitted to the cargo tank wall tank shell or head by continuous weld
through the suspension assembly of a or in such a manner as to preclude for-
trailer, and the horizontal pivot of the mation of pockets which may become
upper coupler (fifth wheel) or turn- sites for corrosion.
table; or anchoring and support mem- (3) Except as prescribed in para-
bers of a truck, as applicable. The graphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

vertical reaction must be calculated the welding of any appurtenance to the

based on the static weight of the fully cargo tank wall must be made by at-
loaded cargo tank motor vehicle, all tachment of a mounting pad so that
structural elements, equipment and ap- there will be no adverse effect upon the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3455

lading retention integrity of the cargo 178.3454 Joints.

tank if any force less than that pre-
(a) All joints between the cargo tank
scribed in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
shell, heads, baffles, baffle attaching
tion is applied from any direction. The rings, and bulkheads must be welded in
thickness of the mounting pad may not conformance with Section VIII of the
be less than that of the shell or head to ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
which it is attached, and not more chapter).
than 1.5 times the shell or head thick- (b) Where practical all welds must be
ness. However, a pad with a minimum easily accessible for inspection.
thickness of 0.187 inch may be used
when the shell or head thickness is [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25022, June 12, 1989, as
over 0.187 inch. If weep holes or tell- amended by Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51341, Oct.
1, 1996; 68 FR 75756, Dec. 31, 2003]
tale holes are used, the pad must be
drilled or punched at the lowest point 178.3455 Manhole assemblies.
before it is welded to the tank. Each
pad must: (a) Each cargo tank with capacity
(i) Be fabricated from material deter- greater than 400 gallons must be acces-
sible through a manhole at least 15
mined to be suitable for welding to
inches in diameter.
both the cargo tank material and the
(b) Each manhole, fill opening and
material of the appurtenance or struc-
washout assembly must be structurally
tural support member; a Design Certi-
capable of withstanding, without leak-
fying Engineer must make this deter-
age or permanent deformation that
mination considering chemical and
would affect its structural integrity, a
physical properties of the materials static internal fluid pressure of at least
and must specify filler material con- 36 psig, or cargo tank test pressure,
forming to the requirements of the whichever is greater. The manhole as-
ASME Code (incorporated by reference; sembly manufacturer shall verify com-
see 171.7 of this subchapter). pliance with this requirement by
(ii) Be preformed to an inside radius hydrostatically testing at least one
no greater than the outside radius of percent (or one manhole closure,
the cargo tank at the attachment loca- whichever is greater) of all manhole
tion. closures of each type produced each 3
(iii) Extend at least 2 inches in each months, as follows:
direction from any point of attachment (1) The manhole, fill opening, or
of an appurtenance or structural sup- washout assembly must be tested with
port member. This dimension may be the venting devices blocked. Any leak-
measured from the center of the struc- age or deformation that would affect
tural member attached. the product retention capability of the
(iv) Have rounded corners, or other- assembly shall constitute a failure.
wise be shaped in a manner to mini- (2) If the manhole, fill opening, or
mize stress concentrations on the shell washout assembly tested fails, then
or head. five more covers from the same lot
(v) Be attached by continuous fillet must be tested. If one of these five cov-
welding. Any fillet weld discontinuity ers fails, then all covers in the lot from
may only be for the purpose of pre- which the tested covers were selected
venting an intersection between the fil- are to be 100% tested or rejected for
let weld and the tank or jacket seam service.
weld. (c) Each manhole, filler and washout
cover must be fitted with a safety de-
[Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37059, Sept. 7, 1990, as vice that prevents the cover from open-
amended by Amdt. 17889, 56 FR 27876, June ing fully when internal pressure is
17, 1991; Amdt. 178104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26,
1994; Amdt. 178105, 59 FR 55173, 55174, 55175,
Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 17402, Apr. 5, 1995; Amdt. (d) Each manhole and fill cover must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

178118, 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1, 1996; 65 FR 58631, be secured with fastenings that will
Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 19283, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR prevent opening of the covers as a re-
75755, Dec. 31, 2003; 74 FR 16143, Apr. 9, 2009; sult of vibration under normal trans-
78 FR 60755, Oct. 2, 2013] portation conditions or shock impact


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178.3456 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

due to a rollover accident on the road- as generated by the loads described in

way or shoulder where the fill cover is 178.3453(c).
not struck by a substantial obstacle. [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25023, June 12, 1989, as
(e) On cargo tank motor vehicles amended by Amdt. 178105, 59 FR 55175, Nov.
manufactured after October 1, 2004, 3, 1994; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1,
each manhole assembly must be per- 1996]
manently marked on the outside by
stamping or other means in a location 178.3457 Circumferential reinforce-
visible without opening the manhole
assembly or fill opening, with: (a) A cargo tank with a shell thick-
(1) Manufacturers name; ness of less than 38 inch must be cir-
(2) Test pressure ll psig; cumferentially reinforced with bulk-
heads, baffles, ring stiffeners, or any
(3) A statement certifying that the
combination thereof, in addition to the
manhole cover meets the requirements
cargo tank heads.
in 178.3455.
(1) Circumferential reinforcement
(f) All components mounted on a must be located so that the thickness
manhole cover that form part of the and tensile strength of the shell mate-
lading retention structure of the cargo rial in combination with the frame and
tank wall must withstand the same reinforcement produces structural in-
static internal fluid pressure as that tegrity at least equal to that pre-
required for the manhole cover. The scribed in 178.3453 and in such a man-
component manufacturer shall verify ner that the maximum unreinforced
compliance using the same test proce- portion of the shell does not exceed 60
dure and frequency of testing as speci- inches. For cargo tanks designed to be
fied in 178.3455(b). loaded by vacuum, spacing of circum-
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25022, June 12, 1989, as ferential reinforcement may exceed 60
amended by Amdt. 178105, 59 FR 55175, Nov. inches provided the maximum
3, 1994; 68 FR 19284, Apr. 18, 2003; 74 FR 16144, unreinforced portion of the shell con-
Apr. 9, 2009] forms with the requirements in Section
VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7
178.3456 Supports and anchoring. of this subchapter).
(a) A cargo tank with a frame not in- (2) Where circumferential joints are
tegral to the cargo tank must have the made between conical shell sections, or
tank secured by restraining devices to between conical and cylindrical shell
sections, and the angle between adja-
eliminate any motion between the
cent sections is less than 160 degrees,
tank and frame that may abrade the
circumferential reinforcement must be
tank shell due to the stopping, start-
located within one inch of the shell
ing, or turning of the cargo tank motor
joint, unless otherwise reinforced with
vehicle. The design calculations of the
structural members capable of main-
support elements must include the taining shell stress levels authorized in
stresses indicated in 178.3453(b) and 178.3453. When the joint is formed by
as generated by the loads described in the large ends of adjacent conical shell
178.3453(c). Such restraining devices sections, or by the large end of a con-
must be readily accessible for inspec- ical shell and a cylindrical shell sec-
tion and maintenance, except that in- tion, this angle is measured inside the
sulation and jacketing are permitted to shell; when the joint is formed by the
cover the restraining devices. small end of a conical shell section and
(b) A cargo tank designed and con- a cylindrical shell section, it is meas-
structed so that it constitutes, in ured outside the shell.
whole or in part, the structural mem- (b) Except for doubler plates and
ber used in lieu of a frame must be sup- knuckle pads, no reinforcement may
ported in such a manner that the re- cover any circumferential joint.
sulting stress levels in the cargo tank (c) When a baffle or baffle attach-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

do not exceed those specified in ment ring is used as a circumferential

178.3453(a). The design calculations of reinforcement member, it must
the support elements must include the produce structural integrity at least
stresses indicated in 178.3453(b) and equal to that prescribed in 178.3453


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3458

and must be circumferentially welded (4) If configuration of internal or ex-

to the cargo tank shell. The welded ternal ring stiffener encloses an air
portion may not be less than 50 percent space, this air space must be arranged
of the total circumference of the cargo for venting and be equipped with drain-
tank and the length of any unwelded age facilities which must be kept oper-
space on the joint may not exceed 40 ative at all times.
times the shell thickness unless rein- (5) Hat shaped or open channel ring
forced external to the cargo tank. stiffeners which prevent visual inspec-
(d) When a ring stiffener is used as a tion of the cargo tank shell are prohib-
circumferential reinforcement mem- ited on cargo tank motor vehicles con-
ber, whether internal or external, rein- structed of carbon steel.
forcement must be continuous around
[Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37060, Sept. 7, 1990, as
the circumference of the cargo tank amended by Amdt. 17889, 56 FR 27876, June
shell and must be in accordance with 17, 1991; 56 FR 46354, Sept. 11, 1991; Amdt. 178
the following: 104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 178118,
(1) The section modulus about the 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 75756, Dec. 31,
neutral axis of the ring section parallel 2003]
to the shell must be at least equal to
that derived from the applicable for- 178.3458 Accident damage protec-
mula: tion.

I/C = 0.00027WL, for MS, HSLA and SS; (a) General. Each cargo tank motor
or vehicle must be designed and con-
I/C = 0.000467WL, for aluminum alloys; structed in accordance with the re-
quirements of this section and the ap-
Where: plicable individual specification to
I/C = Section modulus in inches 3 minimize the potential for the loss of
W = Tank width, or diameter, inches lading due to an accident.
L = Spacing of ring stiffener, inches; i.e., the (1) Any dome, sump, or washout
maximum longitudinal distance from the
midpoint of the unsupported shell on one
cover plate projecting from the cargo
side of the ring stiffener to the midpoint tank wall that retains lading in any
of the unsupported shell on the opposite tank orientation, must be as strong
side of the ring stiffener. and tough as the cargo tank wall and
have a thickness at least equal to that
(2) If a ring stiffener is welded to the
specified by the appropriate cargo tank
cargo tank shell, a portion of the shell
specification. Any such projection lo-
may be considered as part of the ring
cated in the lower 13 of the tank cir-
section for purposes of computing the
cumference (or cross section perimeter
ring section modulus. This portion of
for non-circular cargo tanks) that ex-
the shell may be used provided at least
tends more than half its diameter at
50 percent of the total circumference of
the point of attachment to the tank or
the cargo tank is welded and the length
more than 4 inches from the cargo tank
of any unwelded space on the joint does
wall, or located in the upper 23 of the
not exceed 40 times the shell thickness.
tank circumference (or cross section
The maximum portion of the shell to
perimeter for non-circular cargo tanks)
be used in these calculations is as fol-
that extends more than 14 its diameter
or more than 2 inches from the point of
Number of circum- Shell sec-
attachment to the tank must have ac-
ferential ring stiffener- J1 cident damage protection devices that
to-shell welds
1 .................................. ..................................... 20t (i) As specified in this section;
2 .................................. Less than 20t ............. 20t+J
2 .................................. 20t or more ................. 40t
(ii) 125 percent as strong as the other-
1 where:
wise required accident damage protec-
t=Shell thickness, inches; tion device; or
J=Longitudinal distance between parallel circumferential (iii) Attached to the cargo tank in
ring stiffener-to-shell welds.
accordance with the requirements of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) When used to meet the vacuum re- paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
quirements of this section, ring stiff- (2) Outlets, valves, closures, piping,
eners must be as prescribed in Section or any devices that if damaged in an
VIII of the ASME Code. accident could result in a loss of lading


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178.3458 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

from the cargo tank must be protected be calculated at the gross vehicle
by accident damage protection devices weight rating of the cargo tank motor
as specified in this section. vehicle.
(3) Accident damage protection de- (b) Each outlet, projection or piping
vices attached to the wall of a cargo located in the lower 13 of the cargo
tank must be able to withstand or de- tank circumference (or cross section
flect away from the cargo tank the perimeter for non-circular cargo tanks)
loads specified in this section. They that could be damaged in an accident
must be designed, constructed and in- that may result in the loss of lading
stalled so as to maximize the distribu- must be protected by a bottom damage
tion of loads to the cargo tank wall and protection device, except as provided
to minimize the possibility of ad- by paragraph (a)(1) of this section and
versely affecting the lading retention 173.33(e) of this subchapter. Outlets,
integrity of the cargo tank. Accident projections and piping may be grouped
induced stresses resulting from the ap- or clustered together and protected by
propriate accident damage protection a single protection device.
device requirements in combination (1) Any bottom damage protection
with the stresses from the cargo tank device must be able to withstand a
operating at the MAWP may not result force of 155,000 pounds (based on the ul-
in a cargo tank wall stress greater timate strength of the material) from
than the ultimate strength of the ma- the front, side, or rear, uniformly dis-
terial of construction using a safety tributed over each surface of the de-
factor of 1.3. Deformation of the pro- vice, over an area not to exceed 6
tection device is acceptable provided square feet, and a width not to exceed
the devices being protected are not 6 feet. Suspension components and
damaged when loads specified in this structural mounting members may be
section are applied. used to provide all, or part, of this pro-
(4) Any piping that extends beyond tection. The device must extend no less
an accident damage protection device than 6 inches beyond any component
must be equipped with a stop-valve and that may contain lading in transit.
a sacrificial device such as a shear sec- (2) A lading discharge opening
tion. The sacrificial device must be lo- equipped with an internal self-closing
cated in the piping system outboard of stop-valve need not conform to para-
the stop-valve and within the accident graph (b)(1) of this section provided it
damage protection device to prevent is protected so as to reasonably assure
any accidental loss of lading. The de- against the accidental loss of lading.
vice must break at no more than 70 This protection must be provided by a
percent of the load that would be re- sacrificial device located outboard of
quired to cause the failure of the pro- each internal self-closing stop-valve
tected lading retention device, part or and within 4 inches of the major radius
cargo tank wall. The failure of the sac- of the cargo tank shell or within 4
rificial device must leave the protected inches of a sump, but in no case more
lading retention device and its attach- than 8 inches from the major radius of
ment to the cargo tank wall intact and the tank shell. The device must break
capable of retaining product. at no more than 70 percent of the load
(5) Minimum road clearance. The min- that would be required to cause the
imum road clearance of any cargo tank failure of the protected lading reten-
motor vehicle component or protection tion device, part or cargo tank wall.
device located between any two adja- The failure of the sacrificial device
cent axles on a vehicle or vehicle com- must leave the protected lading reten-
bination must be at least one-half inch tion device or part and its attachment
for each foot separating the component to the cargo tank wall intact and capa-
or device from the nearest axle of the ble of retaining product.
adjacent pair, but in no case less than (c) Each closure for openings, includ-
twelve (12) inches, except that the min- ing but not limited to the manhole,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

imum road clearance for landing gear filling or inspection openings, and each
or other attachments within ten (10) valve, fitting, pressure relief device,
feet of an axle must be no less than ten vapor recovery stop valve or lading re-
(10) inches. These measurements must taining fitting located in the upper 23


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3458

of a cargo tank circumference (or cross during transit and with any part of the
section perimeter for non-circular rear-end protection device, or with a
tanks) must be protected by being lo- vertical plane passing through the out-
cated within or between adjacent roll- board surface of the protection device.
over damage protection devices, or by (2) The dimensions of the rear-end
being 125 percent of the strength that cargo tank protection device shall con-
would be provided by the otherwise re- form to the following:
quired damage protection device. (i) The bottom surface of the rear-end
(1) A rollover damage protection de- protection device must be at least 4
vice on a cargo tank motor vehicle inches below the lower surface of any
must be designed and installed to with- part at the rear of the cargo tank
stand loads equal to twice the weight motor vehicle which contains lading
of the loaded cargo tank motor vehicle during transit and not more than 60
applied as follows: normal to the cargo inches from the ground when the vehi-
tank shell (perpendicular to the cargo cle is empty.
tank surface); and tangential (perpen- (ii) The maximum width of a notch,
dicular to the normal load) from any indentation, or separation between sec-
direction. The stresses shall not exceed tions of a rear-end cargo tank protec-
the ultimate strength of the material tion device may not exceed 24 inches. A
of construction. These design loads notched, indented, or separated rear-
may be considered to be uniformly dis- end protection device may be used only
tributed and independently applied. If when the piping at the rear of the
more than one rollover protection de- cargo tank is equipped with a sacrifi-
vice is used, each device must be capa- cial device outboard of a shut-off valve.
ble of carrying its proportionate share (iii) The widest part of the motor ve-
of the required loads and in each case hicle at the rear may not extend more
at least one-fourth the total tangential than 18 inches beyond the outermost
load. The design must be proven capa- ends of the device or (if separated) de-
ble of carrying the required loads by vices on either side of the vehicle.
calculations, tests or a combination of (3) The structure of the rear-end pro-
tests and calculations. tection device and its attachment to
(2) A rollover damage protection de- the vehicle must be designed to satisfy
vice that would otherwise allow the ac- the conditions specified in paragraph
cumulation of liquid on the top of the (d)(1) of this section when subjected to
cargo tank, must be provided with a an impact of the cargo tank motor ve-
drain that directs the liquid to a safe hicle at rated payload, at a decelera-
point of discharge away from any tion of 2 g. Such impact must be
structural component of the cargo considered as being uniformly applied
tank motor vehicle. in the horizontal plane at an angle of
(d) Rear-end tank protection. Each 10 degrees or less to the longitudinal
cargo tank motor vehicle must be pro- axis of the vehicle.
vided with a rear-end tank protection (e) Longitudinal deceleration protec-
device to protect the cargo tank and tion. In order to account for stresses
piping in the event of a rear-end colli- due to longitudinal impact in an acci-
sion and reduce the likelihood of dam- dent, the cargo tank shell and heads
age that could result in the loss of lad- must be able to withstand the load re-
ing. Nothing in this paragraph relieves sulting from the design pressure in
the manufacturer of responsibility for combination with the dynamic pres-
complying with the requirements of sure resulting from a longitudinal de-
393.86 of this title and, if applicable, celeration of 2 g. For this loading
paragraph (b) of this section. The rear- condition, the allowable stress value
end tank protection device must con- used may not exceed the ultimate
form to the following requirements: strength of the material of construc-
(1) The rear-end cargo tank protec- tion using a safety factor of 1.3. Per-
tion device must be designed so that it formance testing, analytical methods,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

can deflect at least 6 inches hori- or a combination thereof, may be used

zontally forward with no contact be- to prove this capability provided the
tween any part of the cargo tank methods are accurate and verifiable.
motor vehicle which contains lading For cargo tanks with internal baffles,


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178.3459 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the decelerative force may be reduced ment is located outboard of the lading
by 0.25 g for each baffle assembly, retention system.
but in no case may the total reduction
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25025, June 12, 1989, as
in decelerative force exceed 1.0 g. amended at 55 FR 37061, Sept. 7, 1990, Amdt.
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25023, June 12, 1989, as 17889, 56 FR 27877, June 17, 1991; Amdt. 178
amended at 55 FR 37061, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 118, 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1, 1996]
178105, 59 FR 55175, Nov. 3, 1994; Amdt. 178
118, 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 19284, Apr. 178.34510 Pressure relief.
18, 2003] (a) Each cargo tank must be equipped
to relieve pressure and vacuum condi-
178.3459 Pumps, piping, hoses and tions in conformance with this section
and the applicable individual specifica-
(a) Suitable means must be provided tion. The pressure and vacuum relief
during loading or unloading operations system must be designed to operate
to ensure that pressure within a cargo and have sufficient capacity to prevent
tank does not exceed test pressure. cargo tank rupture or collapse due to
(b) Each hose, piping, stop-valve, lad- over-pressurization or vacuum result-
ing retention fitting and closure must ing from loading, unloading, or from
be designed for a bursting pressure of heating and cooling of lading. Pressure
the greater of 100 psig or four times the relief systems are not required to con-
MAWP. form to the ASME Code.
(c) Each hose coupling must be de- (b) Type and construction of relief sys-
signed for a bursting pressure of the tems and devices. (1) Each cargo tank
greater of 120 psig or 4.8 times the must be provided with a primary pres-
MAWP of the cargo tank, and must be sure relief system consisting of one or
designed so that there will be no leak- more reclosing pressure relief valves. A
age when connected. secondary pressure relief system con-
(d) Suitable provision must be made sisting of another pressure relief valve
to allow for and prevent damage due to in parallel with the primary pressure
expansion, contraction, jarring, and vi- relief system may be used to augment
bration. Slip joints may not be used for the total venting capacity of the cargo
this purpose in the lading retention tank. Non-reclosing pressure relief de-
system. vices are not authorized in any cargo
tank except when in series with a re-
(e) Any heating device, when in-
closing pressure relief device. Gravity
stalled, must be so constructed that
actuated reclosing valves are not au-
the breaking of its external connec-
thorized on any cargo tank.
tions will not cause leakage of the
(2) When provided by 173.33(c)(1)(iii)
cargo tank lading.
of this subchapter, cargo tanks may be
(f) Any gauging, loading or charging
equipped with a normal vent. Such
device, including associated valves,
vents must be set to open at not less
must be provided with an adequate than 1 psig and must be designed to
means of secure closure to prevent prevent loss of lading through the de-
leakage. vice in case of vehicle overturn.
(g) The attachment and construction (3) Each pressure relief system must
of each loading/unloading or charging be designed to withstand dynamic pres-
line must be of sufficient strength, or sure surges in excess of the design set
be protected by a sacrificial device, pressure as specified in paragraphs
such that any load applied by loading/ (b)(3) (i) and (ii) of this section. Set
unloading or charging lines connected pressure is a function of MAWP as set
to the cargo tank cannot cause damage forth in paragraph (d) of this section.
resulting in loss of lading from the (i) Each pressure relief device must
cargo tank. be able to withstand dynamic pressure
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(h) Use of a nonmetallic pipe, valve surge reaching 30 psig above the design
or connection that is not as strong and set pressure and sustained above the
heat resistant as the cargo tank mate- set pressure for at least 60 milliseconds
rial is authorized only if such attach- with a total volume of liquid released


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.34510

not exceeding one gallon before the re- the required vent capacity is main-
lief device recloses to a leak-tight con- tained.
dition. This requirement must be met (d) Settings of pressure relief system.
regardless of vehicle orientation. This The set pressure of the pressure relief
capability must be demonstrated by system is the pressure at which it
testing. An acceptable method is out- starts to open, allowing discharge.
lined in TTMA RP No. 8197 Perform- (1) Primary pressure relief system. The
ance of Spring Loaded Pressure Relief set pressure of each primary relief
Valves on MC 306, MC 307, MC 312, DOT valve must be no less than 120 percent
406, DOT 407, and DOT 412 Tanks (in- of the MAWP, and no more than 132
corporated by reference; see 171.7 of percent of the MAWP. The valve must
this subchapter). reclose at not less than 108 percent of
(ii) After August 31, 1995, each pres- the MAWP and remain closed at lower
sure relief device must be able to with- pressures.
stand a dynamic pressure surge reach- (2) Secondary pressure relief system.
ing 30 psig above the design set pres- The set pressure of each pressure relief
sure and sustained above the design set valve used as a secondary relief device
pressure for at least 60 milliseconds must be not less than 120 percent of the
with a total volume of liquid released MAWP.
not exceeding 1 L before the relief (e) Venting capacity of pressure relief
valve recloses to a leak-tight condi- systems. The pressure relief system (pri-
tion. This requirement must be met re- mary and secondary, including piping)
gardless of vehicle orientation. This must have sufficient venting capacity
capability must be demonstrated by to limit the cargo tank internal pres-
testing. TTMA RP No. 81, cited in para- sure to not more than the cargo tank
graph (b)(3)(i) of this section, is an ac- test pressure. The total venting capac-
ity, rated at not more than the cargo
ceptable test procedure.
tank test pressure, must be at least
(4) Each reclosing pressure relief
that specified in table I, except as pro-
valve must be constructed and in-
vided in 178.3484.
stalled in such a manner as to prevent
unauthorized adjustment of the relief TABLE IMINIMUM EMERGENCY VENT CAPACITY
valve setting. [In cubic feet free air/hour at 60 F and 1 atm.]
(5) No shut-off valve or other device
Cubic feet
that could prevent venting through the Exposed area in square feet free air per
pressure relief system may be installed hour
in a pressure relief system. 20 ....................................................................... 15,800
(6) The pressure relief system must 30 ....................................................................... 23,700
be mounted, shielded and drainable so 40 ....................................................................... 31,600
50 ....................................................................... 39,500
as to minimize the accumulation of 60 ....................................................................... 47,400
material that could impair the oper- 70 ....................................................................... 55,300
ation or discharge capability of the 80 ....................................................................... 63,300
90 ....................................................................... 71,200
system by freezing, corrosion or block- 100 ..................................................................... 79,100
age. 120 ..................................................................... 94,900
(c) Location of relief devices. Each 140 ..................................................................... 110,700
160 ..................................................................... 126,500
pressure relief device must commu- 180 ..................................................................... 142,300
nicate with the vapor space above the 200 ..................................................................... 158,100
lading as near as practicable to the 225 ..................................................................... 191,300
250 ..................................................................... 203,100
center of the vapor space. For example, 275 ..................................................................... 214,300
on a cargo tank designed to operate in 300 ..................................................................... 225,100
350 ..................................................................... 245,700
a level attitude, the device should be 400 ..................................................................... 265,000
positioned at the horizontal and trans- 450 ..................................................................... 283,200
verse center of the cargo tank; on 500 ..................................................................... 300,600
550 ..................................................................... 317,300
cargo tanks sloped to the rear, the de- 600 ..................................................................... 333,300
vice should be located in the forward 650 ..................................................................... 348,800
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

half of the cargo tank. The discharge 700 ..................................................................... 363,700

from any device must be unrestricted. 750 ..................................................................... 378,200
800 ..................................................................... 392,200
Protective devices which deflect the 850 ..................................................................... 405,900
flow of vapor are permissible provided 900 ..................................................................... 419,300


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178.34511 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

TABLE IMINIMUM EMERGENCY VENT percent of the average value for the de-
CAPACITYContinued vices tested.
[In cubic feet free air/hour at 60 F and 1 atm.] (3) The rated flow capacity derived
for each device model must be certified
Cubic feet
Exposed area in square feet free air per by a responsible official of the device
hour manufacturer.
950 ..................................................................... 432,300 (h) Marking of pressure relief devices.
1,000 .................................................................. 445,000 Each pressure relief device must be
NOTE 1: Interpolate for intermediate sizes. permanently marked with the fol-
(1) Primary pressure relief system. Un- (1) Manufacturers name;
less otherwise specified in the applica-
(2) Model number;
ble individual specification, the pri-
(3) Set pressure, in psig; and
mary relief system must have a min-
imum venting capacity of 12,000 SCFH (4) Rated flow capacity, in SCFH at
per 350 square feet of exposed cargo the rating pressure, in psig.
tank area, but in any case at least one [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25025, June 12, 1989, as
fourth the required total venting ca- amended at 55 FR 21038, May 22, 1990; 55 FR
pacity for the cargo tank. 37062, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 17889, 56 FR 27877,
(2) Secondary pressure relief system. If June 17, 1991; Amdt. 178105, 59 FR 55175, Nov.
the primary pressure relief system does 3, 1994; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1,
not provide the required total venting 1996; 65 FR 58631, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45389,
capacity, additional capacity must be Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 19284, Apr. 18, 2003]
provided by a secondary pressure relief
178.34511 Tank outlets.
(f) Certification of pressure relief de- (a) General. As used in this section,
vices. The manufacturer of any pressure loading/unloading outlet means any
relief device, including valves, fran- opening in the cargo tank wall used for
gible (rupture) disks, vacuum vents and loading or unloading of lading, as dis-
combination devices must certify that tinguished from outlets such as man-
the device model was designed and hole covers, vents, vapor recovery de-
tested in accordance with this section vices, and similar closures. Cargo tank
and the appropriate cargo tank speci- outlets, closures and associated piping
fication. The certificate must contain must be protected in accordance with
sufficient information to describe the 178.3458.
device and its performance. The certifi- (b) Each cargo tank loading/unload-
cate must be signed by a responsible of- ing outlet must be equipped with an in-
ficial of the manufacturer who ap- ternal self-closing stop-valve, or alter-
proved the flow capacity certification. natively, with an external stop-valve
(g) Rated flow capacity certification located as close as practicable to the
test. Each pressure relief device model cargo tank wall. Each cargo tank load-
must be successfully flow capacity cer- ing/unloading outlet must be in accord-
tification tested prior to first use. De- ance with the following provisions:
vices having one design, size and set (1) Each loading/unloading outlet
pressure are considered to be one
must be fitted with a self-closing sys-
model. The testing requirements are as
tem capable of closing all such outlets
in an emergency within 30 seconds of
(1) At least 3 devices of each specific
actuation. During normal operations
model must be tested for flow capacity
the outlets may be closed manually.
at a pressure not greater than the test
pressure of the cargo tank. For a de- The self-closing system must be de-
vice model to be certified, the capac- signed according to the following:
ities of the devices tested must fall (i) Each self-closing system must in-
within a range of plus or minus 5 per- clude a remotely actuated means of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cent of the average for the devices test- closure located more than 10 feet from
ed. the loading/unloading outlet where ve-
(2) The rated flow capacity of a de- hicle length allows, or on the end of
vice model may not be greater than 90 the cargo tank farthest away from the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.34513

loading/unloading outlet. The actu- liquid level. Gauge glasses are not per-
ating mechanism must be corrosion-re- mitted.
sistant and effective in all types of en- [Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37062, Sept. 7, 1990, as
vironment and weather. amended by Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51342, Oct.
(ii) If the actuating system is acci- 1, 1996]
dentally damaged or sheared off during
transportation, each loading/unloading 178.34513 Pressure and leakage
outlet must remain securely closed and tests.
capable of retaining lading. (a) Each cargo tank must be pressure
(iii) When required by part 173 of this and leakage tested in accordance with
subchapter for materials which are this section and 178.3465, 178.3475, or
flammable, pyrophoric, oxidizing, or 178.3485.
Division 6.1 (poisonous liquid) mate- (b) Pressure test. Each cargo tank or
rials, the remote means of closure cargo tank compartment must be test-
must be capable of thermal activation. ed hydrostatically or pneumatically.
The means by which the self-closing Each cargo tank of a multi-cargo tank
motor vehicle must be tested with the
system is thermally activated must be
adjacent cargo tanks empty and at at-
located as close as practicable to the
mospheric pressure. Each closure, ex-
primary loading/unloading connection
cept pressure relief devices and load-
and must actuate the system at a tem-
ing/unloading venting devices rated at
perature not over 250 F. In addition,
less than the prescribed test pressure,
outlets on these cargo tanks must be
must be in place during the test. If the
capable of being remotely closed manu- venting device is not removed during
ally or mechanically. the test, such device must be rendered
(2) Bottom loading outlets which dis- inoperative by a clamp, plug or other
charge lading into the cargo tank equally effective restraining device,
through fixed internal piping above the which may not prevent the detection of
maximum liquid level of the cargo leaks, or damage the device. Restrain-
tank need not be equipped with a self- ing devices must be removed imme-
closing system. diately after the test is completed.
(c) Any loading/unloading outlet ex- (1) Hydrostatic method. Each cargo
tending beyond an internal self-closing tank, including its domes, must be
stop-valve, or beyond the innermost ex- filled with water or other liquid having
ternal stop-valve which is part of a similar viscosity, the temperature of
self-closing system, must be fitted with which may not exceed 100 F. The cargo
another stop-valve or other leak-tight tank must then be pressurized as pre-
closure at the end of such connection. scribed in the applicable specification.
(d) Each cargo tank outlet that is not The pressure must be gauged at the top
a loading/unloading outlet must be of the cargo tank. The prescribed test
equipped with a stop-valve or other pressure must be maintained for at
leak-tight closure located as close as least 10 minutes during which time the
practicable to the cargo tank outlet. cargo tank must be inspected for leak-
Any connection extending beyond this age, bulging, or other defect.
closure must be fitted with another (2) Pneumatic method. A pneumatic
stop-valve or other leak-tight closure test may be used in place of the hydro-
at the end of such connection. static test. However, pneumatic pres-
sure testing may involve higher risk
[Amdt. 17889, 56 FR 27877, June 17, 1991, as than hydrostatic testing. Therefore,
amended by Amdt. 17897, 57 FR 45465, Oct. 1, suitable safeguards must be provided to
1992; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51341, Oct. 1, 1996] protect personnel and facilities should
failure occur during the test. The cargo
178.34512 Gauging devices.
tank must be pressurized with air or an
Each cargo tank, except a cargo tank inert gas. Test pressure must be
intended to be filled by weight, must be reached gradually by increasing the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

equipped with a gauging device that in- pressure to one half of test pressure.
dicates the maximum permitted liquid Thereafter, the pressure must be in-
level to within 0.5 percent of the nomi- creased in steps of approximately one
nal capacity as measured by volume or tenth of the test pressure until test


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178.34514 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

pressure is reached. Test pressure must ing, embossing or other means in char-
be held for at least 5 minutes. The pres- acters at least 316 inch high. The infor-
sure must then be reduced to the in- mation required by paragraphs (b) and
spection pressure which must be main- (c) of this section may be combined on
tained while the entire cargo tank sur- one specification plate.
face is inspected for leakage and other (b) Nameplate. Each cargo tank must
sign of defects. The inspection method have a corrosion resistant nameplate
must consist of coating all joints and permanently attached to it. The fol-
fittings with a solution of soap and lowing information, in addition to any
water or other equally sensitive meth- applicable information required by the
od. ASME Code, must be marked on the
(c) Leakage test. The cargo tank with tank nameplate (parenthetical abbre-
all its accessories in place and operable viations may be used):
must be leak tested at not less than 80 (1) DOT-specification number DOT
percent of tanks MAWP with the pres- XXX (DOT XXX) where XXX is re-
sure maintained for at least 5 minutes. placed with the applicable specification
(d) Any cargo tank that leaks, bulges number. For cargo tanks having a vari-
or shows any other sign of defect must able specification plate, the DOT-speci-
be rejected. Rejected cargo tanks must fication number is replaced with the
be suitably repaired and retested suc- words See variable specification
cessfully prior to being returned to plate.
service. The retest after any repair (2) Original test date, month and
must use the same method of test year (Orig. Test Date).
under which the cargo tank was origi- (3) Tank MAWP in psig.
nally rejected. (4) Cargo tank test pressure (Test P),
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25026, June 12, 1989, as in psig.
amended at 55 FR 37063, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. (5) Cargo tank design temperature
178105, 59 FR 55176, Nov. 3, 1994; Amdt. 178 range (Design temp. range),l F to l
118, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996; 65 FR 58631, F.
Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 19284, Apr. 18, 2003] (6) Nominal capacity (Water cap.), in
178.34514 Marking.
(7) Maximum design density of lading
(a) General. The manufacturer shall (Max. lading density), in pounds per
certify that each cargo tank motor ve- gallon.
hicle has been designed, constructed (8) Material specification number
and tested in accordance with the ap- shell (Shell matl, yyy***), where yyy
plicable Specification DOT 406, DOT 407 is replaced by the alloy designation
or DOT 412 ( 178.345, 178.346, 178.347, and *** by the alloy type.
178.348) cargo tank requirements and, (9) Material specification number
when applicable, with Section VIII of heads (Head matl, yyy***), where
the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this yyy is replaced by the alloy designa-
subchapter). The certification shall be tion and *** by the alloy type.
accomplished by marking the cargo
tank as prescribed in paragraphs (b) NOTE: When the shell and heads materials
are the same thickness, they may be com-
and (c) of this section, and by pre-
bined, (Shell&head matl, yyy***).
paring the certificate prescribed in
178.34515. Metal plates prescribed by (10) Weld material (Weld matl.).
paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this (11) Minimum thicknessshell (Min.
section, must be permanently attached shell-thick), in inches. When minimum
to the cargo tank or its integral sup- shell thicknesses are not the same for
porting structure, by brazing, welding different areas, show (top l, side l,
or other suitable means. These plates bottom l, in inches).
must be affixed on the left side of the (12) Minimum thicknessheads (Min.
vehicle near the front of the cargo tank heads thick.), in inches.
(or the frontmost cargo tank of a (13) Manufactured thicknessshell
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

multi-cargo tank motor vehicle), in a (Mfd. shell thick.), top l, side l, bot-
place readily accessible for inspection. tom l, in inches. (Required when addi-
The plates must be permanently and tional thickness is provided for corro-
plainly marked in English by stamp- sion allowance.)


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.34514

(14) Manufactured thicknessheads (e) Variable specification cargo tank.

(Mfd. heads thick.), in inches. (Re- Each variable specification cargo tank
quired when additional thickness is must have a corrosion resistant metal
provided for corrosion allowance.) variable specification plate attached to
(15) Exposed surface area, in square it. The mounting of this variable speci-
feet. fication plate must be such that only
(c) Specification plate. Each cargo the plate identifying the applicable
tank motor vehicle must have an addi- specification under which the tank is
tional corrosion resistant metal speci- being operated is legible.
fication plate attached to it. The speci- (1) The following information must
fication plate must contain the fol- be included (parenthetical abbrevia-
lowing information (parenthetical ab- tions are authorized):
breviations may be used):
Specification DOT XXX (DOT XXX), where
(1) Cargo tank motor vehicle manu-
XXX is replaced with the applicable speci-
facturer (CTMV mfr.). fication number.
(2) Cargo tank motor vehicle certifi-
cation date (CTMV cert. date), if dif- Required
Equipment required
ferent from the cargo tank certifi- rating 1
cation date.
(3) Cargo tank manufacturer (CT Pressure relief devices:
mfr.). Pressure actuated llllll
(4) Cargo tank date of manufacture
Frangible type ........... llllll
(CT date of mfr.), month and year.
Lading discharge de- llllll
(5) Maximum weight of lading (Max. vices.
Payload), in pounds. Top ............................. llllll
(6) Maximum loading rate in gallons Bottom ....................... llllll
per minute (Max. Load rate, GPM). Pressure unloading llllll
(7) Maximum unloading rate in gal- fitting.
lons per minute (Max. Unload rate). Closures:
(8) Lining material (Lining), if appli- Manhole ..................... llllll
cable. Fill openings .............. llllll
(9) Heating system design pressure Discharge openings .... llllll
(Heating sys. press.), in psig, if applica- 1 Required ratingto meet the applicable

ble. specification.
(10) Heating system design tempera- (2) If no change of information in the
ture (Heating sys. temp.), in F, if ap- specification plate is required, the let-
plicable. ters NC must follow the rating re-
(d) Multi-cargo tank motor vehicle. For quired. If the cargo tank is not so
a multi-cargo tank motor vehicle hav- equipped, the word None must be in-
ing all its cargo tanks not separated by serted.
any void, the information required by (3) Those parts to be changed or
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section added must be stamped with the appro-
may be combined on one specification priate MC or DOT Specification mark-
plate. When separated by a void, each ings.
cargo tank must have an individual (4) The alterations that must be
nameplate as required in paragraph (b) made in order for the tank to be modi-
of this section, unless all cargo tanks fied from one specification to another
are made by the same manufacturer must be clearly indicated on the manu-
with the same materials, manufactured facturers certificate and on the vari-
thickness, minimum thickness and to able specification plate.
the same specification. The cargo tank
motor vehicle may have a combined [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25027, June 12, 1989, as
nameplate and specification plate. amended at 55 FR 37063, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
When only one plate is used, the plate 17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 178104,
59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 178105, 59
must be visible and not covered by in-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

FR 55176, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 17402, Apr. 5,

sulation. The required information 1995; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996;
must be listed on the plate from front 66 FR 45389, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 19284, Apr. 18,
to rear in the order of the cor- 2003; 68 FR 52371, Sept. 3, 2003; 68 FR 75756,
responding cargo tank location. Dec. 31, 2003]


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178.34515 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.34515 Certification. manufacturer, at or before the time of

(a) At or before the time of delivery, delivery, a certificate covering the par-
the manufacturer of a cargo tank ticular operation performed by that
motor vehicle must provide certifi- manufacturer, including any certifi-
cation documents to the owner of the cates received from previous manufac-
cargo tank motor vehicle. The registra- turers, Registered Inspectors, and De-
tion numbers of the manufacturer, the sign Certifying Engineers. Each certifi-
Design Certifying Engineer, and the cate must indicate the portion of the
Registered Inspector, as appropriate, complete cargo tank motor vehicle rep-
must appear on the certificates (see resented thereby, such as basic cargo
subpart F, part 107 in subchapter A of tank fabrication, insulation, jacket,
this chapter). lining, or piping. The final manufac-
(b) The manufacturer of a cargo tank turer shall provide all applicable cer-
motor vehicle made to any of these tificates to the owner.
specifications must provide: (e) Specification shortages. If a cargo
(1) For each design type, a certificate
tank is manufactured which does not
signed by a responsible official of the
meet all applicable specification re-
manufacturer and a Design Certifying
Engineer certifying that the cargo quirements, thereby requiring subse-
tank motor vehicle design meets the quent manufacturing involving the in-
applicable specification; and stallation of additional components,
(2) For each ASME cargo tank, a parts, appurtenances or accessories,
cargo tank manufacturers data report the cargo tank manufacturer may affix
as required by Section VIII of the the name plate and specification plate,
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- as required by 178.34514 (b) and (c),
chapter). For each cargo tank motor without the original date of certifi-
vehicle, a certificate signed by a re- cation stamped on the specification
sponsible official of the manufacturer plate. The manufacturer shall state the
and a Registered Inspector certifying specification requirements not com-
that the cargo tank motor vehicle is plied with on the manufacturers Cer-
constructed, tested and completed in tificate of Compliance. When the cargo
conformance with the applicable speci- tank is brought into full compliance
fication. with the applicable specification, the
(c) The manufacturer of a variable Registered Inspector shall stamp the
specification cargo tank motor vehicle date of compliance on the specification
must provide: plate. The Registered Inspector shall
(1) For each design type, a certificate issue a Certificate of Compliance stat-
signed by a responsible official of the ing details of the particular operations
manufacturer and a Design Certifying performed on the cargo tank, and the
Engineer certifying that the cargo date and person (manufacturer, carrier,
tank motor vehicle design meets the
or repair organization) accomplishing
applicable specifications; and
the compliance.
(2) For each variable specification
cargo tank motor vehicle, a certificate [Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37063, Sept. 7, 1990, as
signed by a responsible official of the amended by Amdt. 17898, 58 FR 33306, June
manufacturer and a Registered Inspec- 16, 1993; Amdt. 178105, 59 FR 55176, Nov. 3,
tor certifying that the cargo tank 1994; Amdt. 178118, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996;
motor vehicle is constructed, tested 68 FR 75756, Dec. 31, 2003]
and completed in conformance with the
applicable specifications. The certifi- 178.346 Specification DOT 406; cargo
tank motor vehicle.
cate must include all the information
required and marked on the variable 178.3461 General requirements.
specification plate.
(d) In the case of a cargo tank motor (a) Each Specification DOT 406 cargo
vehicle manufactured in two or more tank motor vehicle must meet the gen-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

stages, each manufacturer who per- eral design and construction require-
forms a manufacturing operation on ments in 178.345, in addition to the
the incomplete vehicle or portion specific requirements contained in this
thereof shall provide to the succeeding section.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3462

(b) MAWP: The MAWP of each cargo cated farther from the top and bottom
tank must be no lower than 2.65 psig centerline than 16 percent of the shells
and no higher than 4 psig. circumference.
(c) Vacuum loaded cargo tanks must (ii) For a self-supporting cargo tank,
not be constructed to this specifica- no more than two such joints may be
tion. used on the top of the tank. They may
(d) Each cargo tank must be con- not be located farther from the top
structed in accordance with Section centerline than 12.5 percent of the
VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see shells circumference.
171.7 of this subchapter) except as (iii) Compliance test. Two test speci-
modified herein: mens of the material to be used in the
(1) The record-keeping requirements manufacture of a cargo tank must be
contained in the ASME Code Section tested to failure in tension. The test
VIII do not apply. Parts UG90 through specimens must be of the same
94 in Section VIII do not apply. Inspec- thicknesses and joint configuration as
tion and certification must be made by the cargo tank, and joined by the same
an inspector registered in accordance welding procedures. The test specimens
with subpart F of part 107. may represent all the tanks that are
(2) Loadings must be as prescribed in made of the same materials and weld-
178.3453. ing procedures, have the same joint
(3) The knuckle radius of flanged configuration, and are made in the
heads must be at least three times the same facility within 6 months after the
material thickness, and in no case less tests are completed. Before welding,
than 0.5 inch. Stuffed (inserted) heads the fit-up of the joints on the test
may be attached to the shell by a fillet specimens must represent production
weld. The knuckle radius and dish ra- conditions that would result in the
dius versus diameter limitations of least joint strength. Evidence of joint
UG32 do not apply. Shell sections of
fit-up and test results must be retained
cargo tanks designed with a non-cir-
at the manufacturers facility.
cular cross section need not be given a
(iv) Weld joint efficiency. The lower
preliminary curvature, as prescribed in
UG79(b). value of stress at failure attained in
(4) Marking, certification, data re- the two tensile test specimens shall be
ports, and nameplates must be as pre- used to compute the efficiency of the
scribed in 178.34514 and 178.34515. joint as follows: Determine the failure
(5) Manhole closure assemblies must ratio by dividing the stress at failure
conform to 178.3455 and 178.3465. by the mechanical properties of the ad-
(6) Pressure relief devices must be as jacent metal; this value, when multi-
prescribed in 178.3463. plied by 0.75, is the design weld joint ef-
(7) The hydrostatic or pneumatic test ficiency.
must be as prescribed in 178.3465. (10) The requirements of paragraph
(8) The following paragraphs in parts UW9(d) in Section VIII of the ASME
UG and UW in Section VIII of the Code do not apply.
ASME Code do not apply: UG11, UG [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25028, June 12, 1989, as
12, UG22(g), UG32(e), UG34, UG35, amended at 55 FR 37063, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
UG44, UG76, UG77, UG80, UG81, 17889, 56 FR 27877, June 17, 1991; Amdt. 178
UG96, UG97, UW13(b)(2), UW13.1(f) 105, 59 FR 55176, Nov. 3, 1994; 65 FR 58631,
and the dimensional requirements Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
found in Figure UW13.1. 19285, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 75756, Dec. 31, 2003]
(9) Single full fillet lap joints with-
out plug welds may be used for arc or 178.3462 Material and thickness of
gas welded longitudinal seams without material.
radiographic examination under the The type and thickness of material
following conditions: for DOT 406 specification cargo tanks
(i) For a truck-mounted cargo tank, must conform to 178.3452, but in no
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

no more than two such joints may be case may the thickness be less than
used on the top half of the tank and no that determined by the minimum
more than two joints may be used on thickness requirements in 178.320(a).
the bottom half. They may not be lo- The following Tables I and II identify


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178.3463 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the specified minimum thickness val-

ues to be employed in that determina-
Volume capacity in gallons per inch of length

14 or less Over 14 to 23 Over 23


Thickness .............................................. .100 .100 .160 .115 .115 .173 .129 .129 .187

Cargo tank motor vehicle rated capacity (gallons) MS SS/HSLA AL

More than 0 to at least 4,500 ........................................................................................................ 0.100 0.100 0.151

More than 4,500 to at least 8,000 ................................................................................................. 0.115 0.100 0.160
More than 8,000 to at least 14,000 ............................................................................................... 0.129 0.129 0.173
More than 14,000 .......................................................................................................................... 0.143 0.143 0.187
1 Maximum distance between bulkheads, baffles, or ring stiffeners shall not exceed 60 inches.

[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25028, June 12, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 37064, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 178
105, 59 FR 55176, Nov. 3, 1994; 68 FR 19285, Apr. 18, 2003]

178.3463 Pressure relief. tion. This requirement must be met re-

(a) Each cargo tank must be equipped gardless of vehicle orientation. This
with a pressure relief system in accord- capability must be demonstrated by
ance with 178.34510 and this section. testing. TTMA RP No. 81 (IBR, see
(b) Type and construction. In addition 171.7 of this subchapter), cited at
to the pressure relief devices required 178.34510(b)(3)(i), is an acceptable test
in 178.34510: procedure.
(1) Each cargo tank must be equipped (c) Pressure settings of relief valves. (1)
with one or more vacuum relief de- Notwithstanding the requirements in
vices; 178.34510(d), the set pressure of each
(2) When intended for use only for primary relief valve must be not less
lading meeting the requirements of than 110 percent of the MAWP or 3.3
173.33(c)(1)(iii) of this subchapter, the psig, whichever is greater, and not
cargo tank may be equipped with a more than 138 percent of the MAWP.
normal vent. Such vents must be set to The valve must close at not less than
open at not less than 1 psig and must the MAWP and remain closed at lower
be designed to prevent loss of lading pressures.
through the device in case of vehicle (2) Each vacuum relief device must
upset; and be set to open at no more than 6 ounces
(3) Notwithstanding the requirements vacuum.
in 178.34510(b), after August 31, 1996,
(d) Venting capacities. (1) Notwith-
each pressure relief valve must be able
standing the requirements in 178.345
to withstand a dynamic pressure surge
10 (e) and (g), the primary pressure re-
reaching 30 psig above the design set
pressure and sustained above the set lief valve must have a venting capacity
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

pressure for at least 60 milliseconds of at least 6,000 SCFH, rated at not

with a total volume of liquid released greater than 125 percent of the tank
not exceeding 1 L before the relief test pressure and not greater than 3
valve recloses to a leak-tight condi-


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3471

psig above the MAWP. The venting ca- mination of Vapor Tightness of Gaso-
pacity required in 178.34510(e) may be line Delivery Tank Using Pressure-
rated at these same pressures. Vacuum Test) may not be used to sat-
(2) Each vacuum relief system must isfy the leakage test requirements of
have sufficient capacity to limit the this paragraph. A cargo tank tested in
vacuum to 1 psig. accordance with 40 CFR 63.425(e) may
(3) If pressure loading or unloading be marked as specified in 180.415 of
devices are provided, the relief system this subchapter.
must have adequate vapor and liquid
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25029, June 12, 1989, as
capacity to limit the tank pressure to
amended at 55 FR 37064, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
the cargo tank test pressure at max- 178105, 59 FR 55176, Nov. 3, 1994. Redesig-
imum loading or unloading rate. The nated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, Apr. 29,
maximum loading and unloading rates 1996; 68 FR 19285, Apr. 18, 2003]
must be included on the metal speci-
fication plate. 178.347 Specification DOT 407; cargo
tank motor vehicle.
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25029, June 12, 1989, as
amended at 55 FR 37064, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 178.3471 General requirements.
178105, 59 FR 55176, Nov. 3, 1994. Redesig-
nated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, Apr. 29, (a) Each specification DOT 407 cargo
1996; 66 FR 45389, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75756, tank motor vehicle must conform to
Dec. 31, 2003] the general design and construction re-
quirements in 178.345 in addition to
178.3464 Outlets. the specific requirements contained in
(a) All outlets on each tank must this section.
conform to 178.34511 and this section. (b) Each tank must be of a circular
(b) External self-closing stop-valves cross-section and have an MAWP of at
are not authorized as an alternative to least 25 psig.
internal self-closing stop-valves on (c) Any cargo tank motor vehicle
loading/unloading outlets. built to this specification with a
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25029, June 12, 1989. Re- MAWP greater than 35 psig or any
designated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, cargo tank motor vehicle built to this
Apr. 29, 1996] specification designed to be loaded by
vacuum must be constructed and cer-
178.3465 Pressure and leakage tests. tified in accordance with Section VIII
(a) Each cargo tank must be tested in of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of
accordance with 178.34513 and this this subchapter). The external design
section. pressure for a cargo tank loaded by
(b) Pressure test. Test pressure must vacuum must be at least 15 psi.
be as follows: (d) Any cargo tank motor vehicle
(1) Using the hydrostatic test meth- built to this specification with a
od, the test pressure must be the great- MAWP of 35 psig or less or any cargo
er of 5.0 psig or 1.5 times the cargo tank motor vehicle built to this speci-
tank MAWP. fication designed to withstand full vac-
(2) Using the pneumatic test method, uum but not equipped to be loaded by
the test pressure must be the greater of vacuum must be constructed in accord-
5.0 psig or 1.5 times the cargo tank ance with Section VIII of the ASME
MAWP, and the inspection pressure Code.
must be the cargo tank MAWP. (1) The record-keeping requirements
(c) Leakage test. A cargo tank used to contained in Section VIII of the ASME
transport a petroleum distillate fuel Code do not apply. The inspection re-
that is equipped with vapor recovery quirements of parts UG90 through 94
equipment may be leakage tested in do not apply. Inspection and certifi-
accordance with 40 CFR 63.425(e). To cation must be made by an inspector
satisfy the leakage test requirements registered in accordance with subpart
of this paragraph, the test specified in F of part 107.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

40 CFR 63.425(e)(1) must be conducted (2) Loadings must be as prescribed in

using air. The hydrostatic test alter- 178.3453.
native permitted under Appendix A to (3) The knuckle radius of flanged
40 CFR Part 60 (Method 27Deter- heads must be at least three times the


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178.3472 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

material thickness, and in no case less those to be used in the manufacture of

than 0.5 inch. Stuffed (inserted) heads a cargo tank bulkhead must be tested
may be attached to the shell by a fillet to failure in tension. The test specimen
weld. The knuckle radius and dish ra- must be of the same thickness and
dius versus diameter limitations of joined by the same welding procedure.
UG32 do not apply for cargo tank The test specimens may represent all
motor vehicles with a MAWP of 35 psig the tanks that are made in the same
or less. facility within 6 months after the tests
(4) Marking, certification, data re-
are completed. Before welding, the fit-
ports and nameplates must be as pre-
up of the joints on the test specimens
scribed in 178.34514 and 178.34515.
(5) Manhole closure assemblies must must represent production conditions
conform to 178.3473. that would result in the least joint
(6) Pressure relief devices must be as strength. Evidence of joint fit-up and
prescribed in 178.3474. test results must be retained at the
(7) The hydrostatic or pneumatic test manufacturers facility for at least 5
must be as prescribed in 178.3475. years.
(8) The following paragraphs in parts (vi) Acceptance criteria: The ratio of
UG and UW in Section VIII the ASME the actual tensile stress at failure to
Code do not apply: UG11, UG12, UG the actual tensile strength of the adja-
22(g), UG32(e), UG34, UG35, UG44, cent material of all samples of a test
UG76, UG77, UG80, UG81, UG96, lot must be greater than 0.85.
UG97, UW12, UW13(b)(2), UW13.1(f),
and the dimensional requirements [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25029, June 12, 1989, as
found in Figure UW13.1. amended at 55 FR 37064, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
(9) UW12 in Section VIII of the 17889, 56 FR 27877, June 17, 1991; 65 FR 58632,
Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
ASME Code does not apply to a weld
19285, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 75756, Dec. 31, 2003;
seam in a bulkhead that has not been 76 FR 3388, Jan. 19, 2011; 76 FR 43532, July 20,
radiographically examined, under the 2011]
following conditions:
(i) The strength of the weld seam is 178.3472 Material and thickness of
assumed to be 0.85 of the strength of material.
the bulkhead.
(ii) The welded seam must be a full (a) The type and thickness of mate-
penetration butt weld. rial for DOT 407 specification cargo
(iii) No more than one seam may be tanks must conform to 178.3452, but
used per bulkhead. in no case may the thickness be less
(iv) The welded seam must be com- than that determined by the minimum
pleted before forming the dish radius thickness requirements in 178.320(a).
and knuckle radius. Tables I and II identify the specified
(v) Compliance test: Two test speci- minimum thickness values to be em-
mens of materials representative of ployed in that the determination:
10 or Over 10 Over 14 Over 18 Over 22 Over 26
Volume capacity in gallons per inch Over 30
less to 14 to 18 to 22 to 26 to 30

Thickness (MS) ....................................................... 0.100 0.100 0.115 0.129 0.129 0.143 0.156
Thickness (HSLA) ................................................... 0.100 0.100 0.115 0.129 0.129 0.143 0.156
Thickness (SS) ........................................................ 0.100 0.100 0.115 0.129 0.129 0.143 0.156
Thickness (AL) ........................................................ 0.160 0.160 0.173 0.187 0.194 0.216 0.237
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.3481

10 or Over 10 Over 14 Over 18 Over 22 Over 26
Volume capacity in gallons per inch Over 30
less to 14 to 18 to 22 to 26 to 30

Thickness (MS) ....................................................... 0.100 0.100 0.115 0.129 0.129 0.143 0.156
Thickness (HSLA) ................................................... 0.100 0.100 0.115 0.129 0.129 0.143 0.156
Thickness (SS) ........................................................ 0.100 0.100 0.115 0.129 0.129 0.143 0.156
Thickness (AL) ........................................................ 0.151 0.151 0.160 0.173 0.194 0.216 0.237

(b) [Reserved]

[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25030, June 12, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 37064, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 178
104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994; 68 FR 19285, Apr. 18, 2003]

178.3473 Manhole assemblies. must be included on the metal speci-

fication plate.
Each manhole assembly must con-
form to 178.3455, except that each [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25030, June 12, 1989, as
manhole assembly must be capable of amended at 55 FR 37064, Sept. 7, 1990. Redes-
withstanding internal fluid pressures of ignated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, Apr.
29, 1996; 76 FR 43532, July 20, 2011]
40 psig or test pressure of the tank,
whichever is greater. 178.3475 Pressure and leakage test.
[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25030, June 12, 1989. Re- (a) Each cargo tank must be tested in
designated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, accordance with 178.34513 and this
Apr. 29, 1996] section.
(b) Pressure test. Test pressure must
178.3474 Pressure relief.
be as follows:
(a) Each cargo tank must be equipped (1) Using the hydrostatic test meth-
with a pressure and vacuum relief sys- od, the test pressure must be at least 40
tem in accordance with 178.34510 and psig or 1.5 times tank MAWP, which-
this section. ever is greater.
(b) Type and construction. Vacuum re- (2) Using the pneumatic test method,
lief devices are not required for cargo the test pressure must be 40 psig or 1.5
tank motor vehicles that are designed times tank MAWP, whichever is great-
to be loaded by vacuum in accordance er, and the inspection pressure is tank
with 178.3471(c) or built to withstand MAWP.
full vacuum in accordance with [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25030, June 12, 1989. Re-
178.3471(d). designated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934,
(c) Pressure settings of relief valves. Apr. 29, 1996]
The setting of pressure relief valves
must be in accordance with 178.345 178.348 Specification DOT 412; cargo
tank motor vehicle.
(d) Venting capacities. (1) The vacuum 178.3481 General requirements.
relief system must limit the vacuum to
(a) Each specification DOT 412 cargo
less than 80 percent of the design vacu-
tank motor vehicle must conform to
um capability of the cargo tank.
the general design and construction re-
(2) If pressure loading or unloading quirements in 178.345 in addition to
devices are provided, the relief system the specific requirements of this sec-
must have adequate vapor and liquid tion.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

capacity to limit the tank pressure to (b) The MAWP of each cargo tank
the cargo tank test pressure at max- must be at least 5 psig.
imum loading or unloading rate. The (c) The MAWP for each cargo tank
maximum loading or unloading rate designed to be loaded by vacuum must


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178.3482 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

be at least 25 psig internal and 15 psig tion need not be given a preliminary
external. curvature, as prescribed in UG79(b).
(d) Each cargo tank having a MAWP (iv) Marking, certification, data re-
greater than 15 psig must be of circular ports, and nameplates must be as pre-
cross-section. scribed in 178.34514 and 178.34515.
(e) Each cargo tank having a (v) Manhole closure assemblies must
(1) MAWP greater than 15 psig must conform to 178.3455.
be constructed and certified in con- (vi) Pressure relief devices must be as
formance with Section VIII of the prescribed in 178.3484.
ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this (vii) The hydrostatic or pneumatic
subchapter); or test must be as prescribed in 178.3485.
(viii) The following paragraphs in
(2) MAWP of 15 psig or less must be
parts UG and UW in Section VIII of the
constructed in accordance with Sec-
ASME Code do not apply: UG11, UG
tion VIII of the ASME Code, except as
12, UG22(g), UG32(e), UG34, UG35,
modified herein:
UG44, UG76, UG77, UG80, UG81,
(i) The recordkeeping requirements UG96, UG97, UW13(b)(2), UW13.1(f),
contained in Section VIII of the ASME and the dimensional requirements
Code do not apply. Parts UG90 found in Figure UW13.1.
through 94 in Section VIII do not
apply. Inspection and certification [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25031, June 12, 1989, as
must be made by an inspector reg- amended at 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
17889, 56 FR 27877, June 17, 1991; 65 FR 58632,
istered in accordance with subpart F of Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 19285, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 fR
part 107. 75756, Dec. 31, 2003]
(ii) Loadings must be as prescribed in
178.3453. 178.3482 Material and thickness of
(iii) The knuckle radius of flanged material.
heads must be at least three times the (a) The type and thickness of mate-
material thickness, and in no case less rial for DOT 412 specification cargo
than 0.5 inch. Stuffed (inserted) heads tanks must conform to 178.3452, but
may be attached to the shell by a fillet in no case may the thickness be less
weld. The knuckle radius and dish ra- than that determined by the minimum
dius versus diameter limitations of thickness requirements in 178.320(a).
UG32 do not apply for cargo tank The following Tables I and II identify
motor vehicles with a MAWP of 15 psig the Specified Minimum Thickness
or less. Shell sections of cargo tanks values to be employed in that deter-
designed with a non-circular cross sec- mination.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

VerDate Sep<11>2014

11:31 Jan 21, 2015

Volume capacity (gallons per inch) 10 or less Over 10 to 14 Over 14 to 18 18 and over

Jkt 232221
Lading density at 60 F in pounds per gallon ..................................... 10 lbs Over Over Over 10 lbs Over Over Over 10 lbs Over Over 10 lbs Over Over
and 10 to 13 to 16 lbs and 10 to 13 to 16 lbs and 10 to 13 to and 10 to 13 to
less 13 lbs 16 lbs less 13 lbs 16 lbs less 13 lbs 16 lbs less 13 lbs 16 lbs
Thickness (inch), steel ......................................................................... .100 .129 .157 .187 .129 .157 .187 .250 .157 .250 .250 .157 .250 .312
Thickness (inch), aluminum ................................................................. .144 .187 .227 .270 .187 .227 .270 .360 .227 .360 .360 .227 .360 .450

PO 00000

Frm 00193
Volume capacity in gallons per inch 10 or less Over 10 to 14 Over 14 to 18 18 and over

Lading density at 60 F in pounds per gallon ..................................... 10 lbs Over Over Over 10 lbs Over Over Over 10 lbs Over Over 10 lbs Over Over

Fmt 8010
and 10 to 13 to 16 lbs and 10 to 13 to 16 lbs and 10 to 13 to and 10 to 13 to

less 13 lbs 16 lbs less 13 lbs 16 lbs less 13 lbs 16 lbs less 13 lbs 16 lbs
Thickness (steel):
Distances between heads (and bulkheads baffles and ring
stiffeners when used as tank reinforcement):

Sfmt 8010
36 in. or less ............................................................ .100 .129 .157 .187 .100 .129 .157 .187 .100 .129 .157 .129 .157 .187
Over 36 in. to 54 inches .......................................... .100 .129 .157 .187 .100 .129 .157 .187 .129 .157 .187 .157 .250 .250
Over 54 in. to 60 inches .......................................... .100 .129 .157 .187 .129 .157 .187 .250 .157 .250 .250 .187 .250 .312
Thickness (aluminum):
Distances between heads (and bulkheads baffles and ring
stiffeners when used as tank reinforcement):
36 in. or less ............................................................ .144 .187 .227 .270 .144 .187 .227 .270 .144 .187 .227 .187 .227 .270
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT

Over 36 in. to 54 inches .......................................... .144 .187 .227 .270 .144 .187 .227 .270 .187 .227 .270 .157 .360 .360
Over 54 in. to 60 inches .......................................... .144 .187 .227 .270 .187 .227 .270 .360 .227 .360 .360 .270 .360 .450

178.3483 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) [Reserved]

[Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25031, June 12, 1989; 54 FR 28750, July 7, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 37065,
Sept. 7, 1990; 68 FR 19285, Apr. 18, 2003]

178.3483 Pumps, piping, hoses and Formula in Nonmetric Units

Q = 37,980,000 A0.82 (ZT)0.5 / (LC)(M0.5)
Each pump and all piping, hoses and
connections on each cargo tank motor
Q = The total required venting capacity, in
vehicle must conform to 178.3459, ex- cubic meters of air per hour at standard
cept that the use of nonmetallic pipes, conditions of 15.6 C and 1 atm (cubic feet
valves, or connections are authorized of air per hour at standard conditions of
on DOT 412 cargo tanks. 60 F and 14.7 psia);
T = The absolute temperature of the vapor at
[Amdt. 17889, 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990. Re- the venting conditionsdegrees Kelvin
designated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, (C+273) [degrees Rankine (F+460)];
Apr. 29, 1996] A = The exposed surface area of tank shell
square meters (square feet);
178.3484 Pressure relief. L = The latent heat of vaporization of the
ladingcalories per gram (BTU/lb);
(a) Each cargo tank must be equipped Z = The compressibility factor for the vapor
with a pressure and vacuum relief sys- (if this factor is unknown, let Z equal
tem in accordance with 178.34510 and 1.0);
this section. M = The molecular weight of vapor;
(b) Type and construction. Vacuum re- C = A constant derived from (K), the ratio of
specific heats of the vapor. If (K) is un-
lief devices are not required for cargo known, let C = 315.
tanks designed to be loaded by vacuum
C = 520[K(2/(K+1))[(K1)/(K1)]]0.5
or built to withstand full vacuum.
(c) Pressure settings of relief valves.
K = Cp / Cv
The setting of the pressure relief de- Cp = The specific heat at constant pressure,
vices must be in accordance with in -calories per gram degree centigrade
178.34510(d), except as provided in (BTU/lb F.); and
paragraph (d)(3) of this section. Cv = The specific heat at constant volume, in
(d) Venting capacities. (1) The vacuum -calories per gram degree centigrade
relief system must limit the vacuum to (BTU/lb F.).
less than 80 percent of the design vacu- [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
um capability of the cargo tank. amended at 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt.
178104, 59 FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994. Redesig-
(2) If pressure loading or unloading
nated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934, Apr. 29,
devices are provided, the pressure relief 1996; 72 FR 55696, Oct. 1, 2007; 72 FR 59146,
system must have adequate vapor and Oct. 18, 2007]
liquid capacity to limit tank pressure
to the cargo tank test pressure at the 178.3485 Pressure and leakage test.
maximum loading or unloading rate. (a) Each cargo tank must be tested in
The maximum loading and unloading accordance with 178.34513 and this
rates must be included on the metal section.
specification plate. (b) Pressure test. Test pressure must
(3) Cargo tanks used in dedicated be as follows:
service for materials classed as corro- (1) Using the hydrostatic test meth-
sive material, with no secondary haz- od, the test pressure must be at least
ard, may have a total venting capacity 1.5 times MAWP.
which is less than required by 178.345 (2) Using the pneumatic test method,
10(e). The minimum total venting ca- the test pressure must be at least 1.5
pacity for these cargo tanks must be times tank MAWP, and the inspection
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

determined in accordance with the fol- pressure is tank MAWP.

lowing formula (use of approximate [Amdt. 17889, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989. Re-
values given for the formula is accept- designated by Amdt. 178112, 61 FR 18934,
able): Apr. 29, 1996]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.503

Subpart KSpecifications for (vii) 7 means a pressure receptacle.

Packagings for Class 7 (Ra- (2) A capital letter indicating the
material of construction, as follows:
dioactive) Materials (i) A means steel (all types and
178.350 Specification 7A; general surface treatments).
packaging, Type A. (ii) B means aluminum.
(iii) C means natural wood.
(a) Each packaging must meet all ap-
(iv) D means plywood.
plicable requirements of subpart B of
(v) F means reconstituted wood.
part 173 of this subchapter and be de- (vi) G means fiberboard.
signed and constructed so that it meets (vii) H means plastic.
the requirements of 173.403, 173.410, (viii) L means textile.
173.412, 173.415 and 173.465 of this sub- (ix) M means paper, multi-wall.
chapter for Type A packaging. (x) N means metal (other than
(b) Each Specification 7A packaging steel or aluminum).
must be marked on the outside USA (xi) P means glass, porcelain or
DOT 7A Type A. stoneware.
(c) Each Specification 7A packaging (3) A numeral indicating the category
must comply with the requirements of of packaging within the kind to which
178.2 and 178.3. In 178.3(a)(2) the term the packaging belongs. For example,
packaging manufacturer means the for steel drums (1A), 1 indicates a
person certifying that the package non-removable head drum (i.e., 1A1)
meets all requirements of this section. and 2 indicates a removable head
[Amdt. 178109, 60 FR 50336, Sept. 28, 1995; 60 drum (i.e., 1A2).
FR 54409, Oct. 23, 1995, as amended at 69 FR (b) For composite packagings, two
3696, Jan. 26, 2004; 70 FR 56099, Sept. 23, 2005; capital letters are used in sequence in
79 FR 40618, July 11, 2014] the second position of the code, the
first indicating the material of the
Subpart LNon-bulk Perform- inner receptacle and the second, that of
ance-Oriented Packaging the outer packaging. For example, a
Standards plastic receptacle in a steel drum is
designated 6HA1.
(c) For combination packagings, only
SOURCE: Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21,
1990, unless otherwise noted. the code number for the outer pack-
aging is used.
178.500 Purpose, scope and defini- (d) Identification codes are set forth
tions. in the standards for packagings in
(a) This subpart prescribes certain re- 178.504 through 178.523 of this sub-
quirements for non-bulk packagings for part.
hazardous materials. Standards for NOTE TO 178.502: Plastics materials in-
these packagings are based on the UN clude other polymeric materials such as rub-
Recommendations. ber.
(b) Terms used in this subpart are de- [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
fined in 171.8 of this subchapter. amended by Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67519, Dec.
29, 1994; 74 FR 2269, Jan. 14, 2009]
178.502 Identification codes for pack-
agings. 178.503 Marking of packagings.
(a) Identification codes for desig- (a) A manufacturer must mark every
nating kinds of packagings consist of packaging that is represented as manu-
the following: factured to meet a UN standard with
(1) A numeral indicating the kind of the marks specified in this section. The
packaging, as follows: markings must be durable, legible and
(i) 1 means a drum. placed in a location and of such a size
(ii) 2 means a wooden barrel. relative to the packaging as to be read-
(iii) 3 means a jerrican. ily visible, as specified in 178.3(a). Ex-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iv) 4 means a box. cept as otherwise provided in this sec-

(v) 5 means a bag. tion, every reusable packaging liable
(vi) 6 means a composite pack- to undergo a reconditioning process
aging. which might obliterate the packaging


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178.503 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

marks must bear the marks specified designation shall be the maximum
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) and gross mass in kilograms;
(a)(9) of this section in a permanent (5)(i) For single and composite pack-
form (e.g. embossed) able to withstand agings intended to contain liquids, the
the reconditioning process. A marking test pressure in kilopascals rounded
may be applied in a single line or in down to the nearest 10 kPa of the hy-
multiple lines provided the correct se- drostatic pressure test that the pack-
quence is used. As illustrated by the aging design type has successfully
examples in paragraph (e) of this sec- passed;
tion, the following information must (ii) For packagings intended to con-
be presented in the correct sequence. tain solids or inner packagings, the let-
Slash marks should be used to separate ter S;
this information. A packaging con- (6) The last two digits of the year of
forming to a UN standard must be manufacture. Packagings of types 1H
marked as follows: and 3H shall also be marked with the
(1) Except as provided in paragraph month of manufacture in any appro-
(e)(1)(ii) of this section, the United Na- priate manner; this may be marked on
tions symbol as illustrated in para- the packaging in a different place from
graph (e)(1)(i) of this section (for em- the remainder of the markings;
bossed metal receptacles, the letters (7) The state authorizing allocation
UN may be applied in place of the of the mark. The letters USA indicate
symbol); that the packaging is manufactured
(2) A packaging identification code and marked in the United States in
designating the type of packaging, the compliance with the provisions of this
material of construction and, when ap- subchapter;
propriate, the category of packaging (8) The name and address or symbol
under 178.504 through 178.523 of this of the manufacturer or the approval
subpart within the type to which the agency certifying compliance with sub-
packaging belongs. The letter V part L and subpart M of this part.
must follow the packaging identifica- Symbols, if used, must be registered
tion code on packagings tested in ac- with the Associate Administrator;
cordance with 178.601(g)(2); for exam- (9) For metal or plastic drums or
ple, 4GV. The letter W must fol- jerricans intended for reuse or recondi-
low the packaging identification code tioning as single packagings or the
on packagings when required by an ap- outer packagings of a composite pack-
proval under the provisions of aging, the thickness of the packaging
178.601(h) of this part; material, expressed in mm (rounded to
the nearest 0.1 mm), as follows:
(3) A letter identifying the perform-
(i) Metal drums or jerricans must be
ance standard under which the pack-
marked with the nominal thickness of
aging design type has been successfully
the metal used in the body. The
tested, as follows:
marked nominal thickness must not
(i) Xfor packagings meeting Pack- exceed the minimum thickness of the
ing Group I, II and III tests; steel used by more than the thickness
(ii) Yfor packagings meeting Pack- tolerance stated in ISO 3574 (IBR, see
ing Group II and III tests; or 171.7 of this subchapter). (See appen-
(iii) Zfor packagings only meeting dix C of this part.) The unit of measure
Packing Group III tests; is not required to be marked. When the
(4) A designation of the specific grav- nominal thickness of either head of a
ity or mass for which the packaging de- metal drum is thinner than that of the
sign type has been tested, as follows: body, the nominal thickness of the top
(i) For packagings without inner head, body, and bottom head must be
packagings intended to contain liquids, marked (e.g., or 0.91.0
the designation shall be the specific 1.0).
gravity rounded down to the first dec- (ii) Plastic drums or jerricans must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

imal but may be omitted when the spe- be marked with the minimum thick-
cific gravity does not exceed 1.2; and ness of the packaging material. Min-
(ii) For packagings intended to con- imum thicknesses of plastic must be as
tain solids or inner packagings, the determined in accordance with


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.503

173.28(b)(4). The unit of measure is not (iii) The last two digits of the year of
required to be marked; reconditioning;
(10) In addition to the markings pre- (iv) The letter R; and
scribed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (v) For every packaging successfully
(a)(9) of this section, every new metal passing a leakproofness test, the addi-
drum having a capacity greater than tional letter L.
100 L must bear the marks described in (2) When, after reconditioning, the
paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6), and markings required by paragraph (a)(1)
(a)(9)(i) of this section, in a permanent through (a)(5) of this section no longer
form, on the bottom. The markings on appear on the top head or the side of
the top head or side of these pack- the metal drum, the reconditioner
agings need not be permanent, and must apply them in a durable form fol-
need not include the thickness mark lowed by the markings in paragraph
described in paragraph (a)(9) of this (c)(1) of this section. These markings
section. This marking indicates a may identify a different performance
drums characteristics at the time it capability than that for which the
was manufactured, and the information original design type had been tested
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of and marked, but may not identify a
this section that is marked on the top greater performance capability. The
head or side must be the same as the markings applied in accordance with
information in paragraphs (a)(1) this paragraph may be different from
through (a)(6) of this section perma- those which are permanently marked
nently marked by the original manu- on the bottom of a drum in accordance
facturer on the bottom of the drum; with paragraph (a)(10) of this section.
and (d) Marking of remanufactured pack-
(11) Rated capacity of the packaging agings. For remanufactured metal
expressed in liters may be marked. drums, if there is no change to the
(b) For a packaging with a removable packaging type and no replacement or
head, the markings may not be applied removal of integral structural compo-
only to the removable head. nents, the required markings need not
(c) Marking of reconditioned pack- be permanent (e.g., embossed). Every
agings. (1) If a packaging is recondi- other remanufactured drum must bear
tioned, it shall be marked by the re- the marks required in paragraphs (a)(1)
conditioner near the marks required in through (a)(6) of this section in a per-
paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this manent form (e.g., embossed) on the
section with the following additional top head or side. If the metal thickness
information: marking required in paragraph (a)(9)(i)
(i) The name of the country in which of this section does not appear on the
the reconditioning was performed (in bottom of the drum, or if it is no
the United States, use the letters longer valid, the remanufacturer also
USA); must mark this information in perma-
(ii) The name and address or symbol nent form.
of the reconditioner. Symbols, if used, (e) The following are examples of sym-
must be registered with the Associate bols and required markings.
Administrator; (1)(i) The United Nations symbol is:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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178.503 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(ii) The circle that surrounds the let- circumference of the circle (72 degrees);
ters u and n may have small and
breaks provided the following provi- D) The letters u and n appear
sions are met: exactly as depicted in 178.503(e)(1)(i)
(A) The total gap space does not ex- with no gaps.
ceed 15 percent of the circumference of (2) Examples of markings for a new
the circle; packaging are as follows:
(B) There are no more than four gaps
(i) For a fiberboard box designed to
in the circle;
contain an inner packaging:
C) The spacing between gaps is sepa-
rated by no less than 20 percent of the

(as in 178.503 (a)(1) through (9) of this (ii) For a steel drum designed to con-
subpart). tain liquids:

(as in 178.503 (a)(1) through (10) of this (iii) For a steel drum to transport
subpart). solids or inner packagings:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR



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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.504

(as in 178.503 (a)(1) through (8) of this (3) Examples of markings for recondi-
subpart). tioned packagings are as follows:

(as in 178.503(c)(1)). quired in paragraph (f)(2) of this sec-

(f) A manufacturer must mark every tion.
UN specification package represented [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
as manufactured to meet the require- amended at 56 FR 66284, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
ments of 178.609 for packaging of in- 178102, 59 FR 28493, June 2, 1994; Amdt. 178
fectious substances with the marks 106, 59 FR 67520, 67521, Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt.
specified in this section. The markings 178107, 60 FR 26806, May 18, 1995; 62 FR 51561,
must be durable, legible, and must be Oct. 1, 1997; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR
61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 67 FR 53143, Aug. 14, 2002;
readily visible, as specified in 178.3(a). 68 FR 75757, Dec. 31, 2003; 75 FR 5395, Feb. 2,
An infectious substance packaging that 2010; 75 FR 60339, Sept. 30, 2010; 77 FR 60943,
successfully passes the tests con- Oct. 5, 2012; 78 FR 60755, Oct. 2, 2013]
forming to the UN standard must be
marked as follows: 178.504 Standards for steel drums.
(1) The United Nations symbol as il- (a) The following are identification
lustrated in paragraph (e) of this sec- codes for steel drums:
tion. (1) 1A1 for a non-removable head
(2) The code designating the type of steel drum; and
packaging and material of construc- (2) 1A2 for a removable head steel
tion according to the identification drum.
codes for packagings specified in (b) Construction requirements for
178.502. steel drums are as follows:
(3) The text CLASS 6.2. (1) Body and heads must be con-
(4) The last two digits of the year of structed of steel sheet of suitable type
manufacture of the packaging. and adequate thickness in relation to
(5) The country authorizing the allo- the capacity and intended use of the
cation of the mark. The letters USA drum. Minimum thickness and mark-
indicate the packaging is manufac- ing requirements in 173.28(b)(4) and
tured and marked in the United States 178.503(a)(9) of this subchapter apply to
in compliance with the provisions of drums intended for reuse.
this subchapter. (2) Body seams must be welded on
(6) The name and address or symbol drums designed to contain more than
of the manufacturer or the approval 40 L (11 gallons) of liquids. Body seams
must be mechanically seamed or weld-
agency certifying compliance with sub-
ed on drums intended to contain only
parts L and M of this part. Symbols, if
solids or 40 L (11 gallons) or less of liq-
used, must be registered with the Asso- uids.
ciate Administrator for Hazardous Ma-
(3) Chimes must be mechanically
terials Safety. seamed or welded. Separate reinforcing
(7) For packagings meeting the re- rings may be applied.
quirements of 178.609(i)(3), the letter (4) The body of a drum of a capacity
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

U must be inserted immediately fol- greater than 60 L (16 gallons) may have
lowing the marking designating the at least two expanded rolling hoops or
type of packaging and material re- two separate rolling hoops. If there are
separate rolling hoops, they must be


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178.505 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

fitted tightly on the body and so se- ing requirements in 173.28(b)(4) and
cured that they cannot shift. Rolling 178.503(a)(9) of this subchapter apply to
hoops may not be spot-welded. drums intended for reuse.
(5) Openings for filling, emptying and (2) All seams must be welded. Chime
venting in the bodies or heads of non- seams, if any, must be reinforced by
removable head (1A1) drums may not the application of separate reinforcing
exceed 7.0 cm (3 inches) in diameter. rings.
Drums with larger openings are consid- (3) The body of a drum of a capacity
ered to be of the removable head type greater than 60 L (16 gallons) may have
(1A2). Closures for openings in the bod- at least two expanded rolling hoops or
ies and heads of drums must be so de- two separate rolling hoops. If there are
signed and applied that they will re- separate rolling hoops, the hoops must
main secure and leakproof under nor- be fitted tightly on the body and so se-
mal conditions of transport. Closure cured that they cannot shift. Rolling
flanges may be mechanically seamed or hoops may not be spot-welded.
welded in place. Gaskets or other seal- (4) Openings for filling, emptying, or
ing elements must be used with clo- venting in the bodies or heads of non-
sures unless the closure is inherently removable head (1B1) drums may not
leakproof. exceed 7.0 cm (3 inches) in diameter.
(6) Closure devices for removable Drums with larger openings are consid-
head drums must be so designed and ered to be of the removable head type
applied that they will remain secure (1B2). Closures for openings in the bod-
and drums will remain leakproof under ies and heads of drums must be so de-
normal conditions of transport. Gas- signed and applied that they will re-
kets or other sealing elements must be main secure and leakproof under nor-
used with all removable heads. mal conditions of transport. Closure
(7) If materials used for body, heads, flanges may be welded in place so that
closures, and fittings are not in them- the weld provides a leakproof seam.
selves compatible with the contents to Gaskets or other sealing elements
be transported, suitable internal pro- must be used with closures unless the
tective coatings or treatments must be closure is inherently leakproof.
applied. These coatings or treatments (5) Closure devices for removable
must retain their protective properties head drums must be so designed and
under normal conditions of transport. applied that they remain secure and
(8) Maximum capacity of drum: 450 L drums remain leakproof under normal
(119 gallons). conditions of transport. Gaskets or
(9) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882 other sealing elements must be used
pounds). with all removable heads.
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as (6) Maximum capacity of drum: 450 L
amended at 56 FR 66284, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. (119 gallons).
178110, 60 FR 49111, Sept. 21, 1995] (7) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882
178.505 Standards for aluminum
drums. [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(a) The following are the identifica- amended at 56 FR 66284, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
tion codes for aluminum drums: 178102, 59 FR 28494, June 2, 1994]
(1) 1B1 for a non-removable head alu-
178.506 Standards for metal drums
minum drum; and other than steel or aluminum.
(2) 1B2 for a removable head alu-
minum drum. (a) The following are the identifica-
(b) Construction requirements for tion codes for metal drums other than
aluminum drums are as follows: steel or aluminum:
(1) Body and heads must be con- (1) 1N1 for a non-removable head
structed of aluminum at least 99 per- metal drum; and
cent pure or an aluminum base alloy. (2) 1N2 for a removable head metal
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Material must be of suitable type and drum.

adequate thickness in relation to the (b) Construction requirements for
capacity and the intended use of the metal drums other than steel or alu-
drum. Minimum thickness and mark- minum are as follows:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.508

(1) Body and heads must be con- (1) The wood used must be well-sea-
structed of metal (other than steel or soned, commercially dry and free from
aluminum) of suitable type and ade- any defect likely to lessen the effec-
quate thickness in relation to the ca- tiveness of the drum for the purpose in-
pacity and the intended use of the tended. A material other than plywood,
drum. Minimum thickness and mark- of at least equivalent strength and du-
ing requirements in 173.28(b)(4) and rability, may be used for the manufac-
178.503(a)(9) of this subchapter apply to ture of the heads.
drums intended for reuse. (2) At least two-ply plywood must be
(2) All seams must be welded. Chime used for the body and at least three-ply
seams, if any, must be reinforced by plywood for the heads; the plies must
the application of separate reinforcing be firmly glued together, with their
rings. grains crosswise.
(3) The body of a drum of a capacity (3) The body and heads of the drum
greater than 60 L (16 gallons) may have and their joints must be of a design ap-
at least two expanded rolling hoops or propriate to the capacity of the drum
two separate rolling hoops. If there are and its intended use.
separate rolling hoops, the hoops must (4) In order to prevent sifting of the
be fitted tightly on the body and so se- contents, lids must be lined with kraft
cured that they cannot shift. Rolling paper or some other equivalent mate-
hoops may not be spot-welded. rial which must be securely fastened to
(4) Openings for filling, emptying, or the lid and extend to the outside along
venting in the bodies or heads of non- its full circumference.
(5) Maximum capacity of drum: 250 L
removable head (1N1) drums may not
(66 gallons).
exceed 7.0 cm (3 inches) in diameter.
(6) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882
Drums with larger openings are consid-
ered to be of the removable head type
(1N2). Closures for openings in the bod- [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
ies and heads of drums must be so de- amended at 57 FR 45465, Oct. 1, 1992]
signed and applied that they will re-
main secure and leakproof under nor- 178.508 Standards for fiber drums.
mal conditions of transport. Closure (a) The identification code for a fiber
flanges may be welded in place so that drum is 1G.
the weld provides a leakproof seam. (b) Construction requirements for
Gaskets or other sealing elements fiber drums are as follows:
must be used with closures unless the (1) The body of the drum must be
closure is inherently leakproof. constructed of multiple plies of heavy
(5) Closure devices for removable paper or fiberboard (without corruga-
head drums must be so designed and tions) firmly glued or laminated to-
applied that they remain secure and gether and may include one or more
drums remain leakproof under normal protective layers of bitumen, waxed
conditions of transport. Gaskets or kraft paper, metal foil, plastic mate-
other sealing elements must be used rial, or similar materials.
with all removable heads. (2) Heads must be of natural wood, fi-
(6) Maximum capacity of drum: 450 L berboard, metal, plywood, plastics, or
(119 gallons). other suitable material and may in-
(7) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882 clude one or more protective layers of
pounds). bitumen, waxed kraft paper, metal foil,
plastic material, or similar material.
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as (3) The body and heads of the drum
amended at 56 FR 66285, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. and their joints must be of a design ap-
178102, 59 FR 28494, June 2, 1994] propriate to the capacity and intended
use of the drum.
178.507 Standards for plywood (4) The assembled packaging must be
sufficiently water-resistant so as not
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) The identification code for a ply- to delaminate under normal conditions
wood drum is 1D. of transport.
(b) Construction requirements for (5) Maximum capacity of drum: 450 L
plywood drums are as follows: (119 gallons).


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178.509 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(6) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882 (4) The wall thickness at every point
pounds). of the packaging must be appropriate
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
to its capacity and its intended use,
amended by Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67521, Dec. taking into account the stresses to
29, 1994] which each point is liable to be ex-
posed. Minimum thickness and mark-
178.509 Standards for plastic drums ing requirements in 173.28(b)(4) and
and jerricans. 178.503(a)(9) of this subchapter apply to
(a) The following are identification drums intended for reuse.
codes for plastic drums and jerricans: (5) Openings for filling, emptying and
(1) 1H1 for a non-removable head venting in the bodies or heads of non-
plastic drum; removable head (1H1) drums and
(2) 1H2 for a removable head plastic jerricans (3H1) may not exceed 7.0 cm (3
drum; inches) in diameter. Drums and
(3) 3H1 for a non-removable head jerricans with larger openings are con-
jerrican; and sidered to be of the removable head
(4) 3H2 for a removable head jerrican. type (1H2 and 3H2). Closures for open-
(b) Construction requirements for ings in the bodies or heads of drums
plastic drums and jerricans are as fol- and jerricans must be so designed and
lows: applied that they remain secure and
(1) The packaging must be manufac- leakproof under normal conditions of
tured from suitable plastic material transport. Gaskets or other sealing ele-
and be of adequate strength in relation ments must be used with closures un-
to its capacity and intended use. No less the closure is inherently leakproof.
used material other than production (6) Closure devices for removable
residues or regrind from the same man- head drums and jerricans must be so
ufacturing process may be used unless designed and applied that they remain
approved by the Associate Adminis- secure and leakproof under normal con-
trator. The packaging must be ade- ditions of transport. Gaskets must be
quately resistant to aging and to deg- used with all removable heads unless
radation caused either by the sub- the drum or jerrican design is such
stance contained or by ultra-violet ra- that when the removable head is prop-
diation. Any permeation of the sub- erly secured, the drum or jerrican is in-
stance contained may not constitute a herently leakproof.
danger under normal conditions of (7) Maximum capacity of drums and
transport. jerricans: 1H1, 1H2: 450 L (119 gallons);
(2) If protection against ultra-violet 3H1, 3H2: 60 L (16 gallons).
radiation is required, it must be pro- (8) Maximum net mass: 1H1, 1H2: 400
vided by the addition of carbon black kg (882 pounds); 3H1, 3H2: 120 kg (265
or other suitable pigments or inhibi- pounds).
tors. These additives must be compat- [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
ible with the contents and remain ef- amended by Amdt. 178102, 59 FR 28494, June
fective throughout the life of the pack- 2, 1994; 64 FR 10782, Mar. 5, 1999; 66 FR 45386,
aging. Where use is made of carbon Aug. 28, 2001]
black, pigments or inhibitors other
than those used in the manufacture of 178.510 Standards for wooden bar-
the design type, retesting may be omit- rels.
ted if the carbon black content does (a) The following are identification
not exceed 2 percent by mass or if the codes for wooden barrels:
pigment content does not exceed 3 per- (1) 2C1 for a bung type wooden barrel;
cent by mass; the content of inhibitors and
of ultra-violet radiation is not limited. (2) 2C2 for a slack type (removable
(3) Additives serving purposes other head) wooden barrel.
than protection against ultra-violet ra- (b) Construction requirements for
diation may be included in the com- wooden barrels are as follows:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

position of the plastic material pro- (1) The wood used must be of good
vided they do not adversely affect the quality, straight-grained, well-sea-
chemical and physical properties of the soned and free from knots, bark, rotten
packaging material. wood, sapwood or other defects likely


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.512

to lessen the effectiveness of the barrel jerricans intended to carry 40 L (11 gal-
for the purpose intended. lons) or less must be mechanically
(2) The body and heads must be of a seamed or welded.
design appropriate to the capacity and (4) Openings in jerricans (3A1) may
intended use of the barrel. not exceed 7.0 cm (3 inches) in diame-
(3) Staves and heads must be sawn or ter. Jerricans with larger openings are
cleft with the grain so that no annual considered to be of the removable head
ring extends over more than half the type. Closures must be so designed that
thickness of a stave or head. they remain secure and leakproof
(4) Barrel hoops must be of steel or under normal conditions of transport.
iron of good quality. The hoops of 2C2 Gaskets or other sealing elements
barrels may be of a suitable hardwood. must be used with closures, unless the
(5) For wooden barrels 2C1, the di- closure is inherently leakproof.
ameter of the bung-hole may not ex- (5) If materials used for body, heads,
ceed half the width of the stave in closures and fittings are not in them-
which it is placed.
selves compatible with the contents to
(6) For wooden barrels 2C2, heads
be transported, suitable internal pro-
must fit tightly into crozes.
tective coatings or treatments must be
(7) Maximum capacity of barrel: 250 L
applied. These coatings or treatments
(66 gallons).
must retain their protective properties
(8) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882
pounds). under normal conditions of transport.
(6) Maximum capacity of jerrican: 60
178.511 Standards for aluminum and L (16 gallons).
steel jerricans. (7) Maximum net mass: 120 kg (265
(a) The following are identification pounds).
codes for aluminum and steel jerricans: [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(1) 3A1 for a non-removable head amended by Amdt. 178102, 59 FR 28494, June
steel jerrican; 2, 1994; Amdt. 178119, 62 FR 24742, May 6,
(2) 3A2 for a removable head steel 1997]
(3) 3B1 for a non-removable head alu- 178.512 Standards for steel, alu-
minum jerrican; and minum or other metal boxes.
(4) 3B2 for a removable head alu- (a) The following are identification
minum jerrican. codes for steel, aluminum, or other
(b) Construction requirements for metal boxes:
aluminum and steel jerricans are as (1) 4A for a steel box;
follows: (2) 4B for an aluminum box; and
(1) For steel jerricans the body and
(3) 4N for an other metal box.
heads must be constructed of steel
sheet of suitable type and adequate (b) Construction requirements for
thickness in relation to the capacity of steel, aluminum or other metal boxes
the jerrican and its intended use. Min- are as follows:
imum thickness and marking require- (1) The strength of the metal and the
ments in 173.28(b)(4) and 178.503(a)(9) construction of the box must be appro-
of this subchapter apply to jerricans priate to the capacity and intended use
intended for reuse. of the box.
(2) For aluminum jerricans the body (2) Boxes must be lined with fiber-
and heads must be constructed of alu- board or felt packing pieces or must
minum at least 99% pure or of an alu- have an inner liner or coating of suit-
minum base alloy. Material must be of able material in accordance with sub-
a type and of adequate thickness in re- part C of part 173 of this subchapter. If
lation to the capacity of the jerrican a double seamed metal liner is used,
and to its intended use. steps must be taken to prevent the in-
(3) Chimes of all jerricans must be gress of materials, particularly explo-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

mechanically seamed or welded. Body sives, into the recesses of the seams.
seams of jerricans intended to carry (3) Closures may be of any suitable
more than 40 L (11 gallons) of liquid type, and must remain secure under
must be welded. Body seams of normal conditions of transport.


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178.513 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(4) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882 material used and the method of con-
pounds). struction must be appropriate to the
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
capacity and intended use of the box.
amended by Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67521, Dec. All adjacent plies must be glued with
29, 1994; 78 FR 1096, Jan. 7, 2013] water-resistant adhesive. Other suit-
able materials may be used together
178.513 Standards for boxes of nat- with plywood in the construction of
ural wood. boxes. Boxes must be nailed or secured
(a) The following are the identifica- to corner posts or ends or assembled
tion codes for boxes of natural wood: with other equally suitable devices.
(1) 4C1 for an ordinary box; and (2) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882
(2) 4C2 for a box with sift-proof walls. pounds).
(b) Construction requirements for
boxes of natural wood are as follows: 178.515 Standards for reconstituted
(1) The wood used must be well-sea- wood boxes.
soned, commercially dry and free from (a) The identification code for a re-
defects that would materially lessen constituted wood box is 4F.
the strength of any part of the box. The (b) Construction requirements for re-
strength of the material used and the constituted wood boxes are as follows:
method of construction must be appro-
(1) The walls of boxes must be made
priate to the capacity and intended use
of water-resistant, reconstituted wood
of the box. The tops and bottoms may
such as hardboard, particle board, or
be made of water-resistant reconsti-
other suitable type. The strength of
tuted wood such as hard board, particle
the material used and the method of
board or other suitable type.
(2) Fastenings must be resistant to construction must be appropriate to
vibration experienced under normal the capacity of the boxes and their in-
conditions of transportation. End grain tended use.
nailing must be avoided whenever prac- (2) Other parts of the box may be
ticable. Joints which are likely to be made of other suitable materials.
highly stressed must be made using (3) Boxes must be securely assembled
clenched or annular ring nails or equiv- by means of suitable devices.
alent fastenings. (4) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882
(3) Each part of the 4C2 box must be pounds).
one piece or equivalent. Parts are con-
sidered equivalent to one piece when 178.516 Standards for fiberboard
one of the following methods of glued boxes.
assembly is used: Linderman joint, (a) The identification code for a fi-
tongue and groove joint, ship lap or berboard box is 4G.
rabbet joint, or butt joint with at least (b) Construction requirements for fi-
two corrugated metal fasteners at each berboard boxes are as follows:
joint. (1) Strong, solid or double-faced cor-
(4) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882 rugated fiberboard (single or multi-
pounds). wall) must be used, appropriate to the
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as capacity and intended use of the box.
amended by Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67521, Dec. The water resistance of the outer sur-
29, 1994] face must be such that the increase in
mass, as determined in a test carried
178.514 Standards for plywood boxes. out over a period of 30 minutes by the
(a) The identification code for a ply- Cobb method of determining water ab-
wood box is 4D. sorption, is not greater than 155 g per
(b) Construction requirements for square meter (0.0316 pounds per square
plywood boxes are as follows: foot)see ISO 535 (IBR, see 171.7 of
(1) Plywood used must be at least 3 this subchapter). Fiberboard must have
ply. It shall be made from well-sea- proper bending qualities. Fiberboard
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

soned rotary cut, sliced or sawn veneer, must be cut, creased without cutting
commercially dry and free from defects through any thickness of fiberboard,
that would materially lessen the and slotted so as to permit assembly
strength of the box. The strength of the without cracking, surface breaks, or


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.518

undue bending. The fluting of cor- tion containing cavities for the inner
rugated fiberboard must be firmly receptacles, and a top section covering
glued to the facings. and interlocking with the bottom sec-
(2) The ends of boxes may have a tion. The top and bottom sections must
wooden frame or be entirely of wood or be so designed that the inner recep-
other suitable material. Reinforce- tacles fit snugly. The closure cap for
ments of wooden battens or other suit- any inner receptacle may not be in
able material may be used. contact with the inside of the top sec-
(3) Manufacturing joints. (i) Manu- tion of the box.
facturing joints in the bodies of boxes (3) For transportation, an expanded
must be plastic box must be closed with a self-
(A) Taped; adhesive tape having sufficient tensile
(B) Lapped and glued; or strength to prevent the box from open-
(C) Lapped and stitched with metal ing. The adhesive tape must be weath-
staples. er-resistant and its adhesive compat-
(ii) Lapped joints must have an ap- ible with the expanded plastic material
propriate overlap. of the box. Other closing devices at
(4) Where closing is effected by glu- least equally effective may be used.
ing or taping, a water resistant adhe- (4) For solid plastic boxes, protection
sive must be used. against ultra-violet radiation, if re-
(5) Boxes must be designed so as to
quired, must be provided by the addi-
provide a snug fit to the contents.
tion of carbon black or other suitable
(6) Maximum net mass: 400 kg (882
pigments or inhibitors. These additives
must be compatible with the contents
(7) Authorization to manufacture,
and remain effective throughout the
mark, and sell UN4G combination
life of the box. Where use is made of
packagings with outer fiberboard boxes
carbon black pigment or inhibitors
and with inner fiberboard components
other than those used in the manufac-
that have individual containerboard or
ture of the tested design type, re-
paper wall basis weights that vary by
testing may be waived if the carbon
not more than plus or minus 5% from
black content does not exceed 2 percent
the nominal basis weight reported in
by mass or if the pigment content does
the initial design qualification test re-
not exceed 3 percent by mass; the con-
tent of inhibitors of ultra-violet radi-
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, and ation is not limited.
amended by Amdt. 17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1, (5) Additives serving purposes other
1993; Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67521, Dec. 29, 1994; than protection against ultra-violet ra-
68 FR 75758, Dec. 31, 2003; 79 FR 15046, Mar. 18,
diation may be included in the com-
position of the plastic material if they
178.517 Standards for plastic boxes. do not adversely affect the material of
the box. Addition of these additives
(a) The following are identification
does not change the design type.
codes for plastic boxes:
(1) 4H1 for an expanded plastic box; (6) Solid plastic boxes must have clo-
and sure devices made of a suitable mate-
(2) 4H2 for a solid plastic box. rial of adequate strength and so de-
(b) Construction requirements for signed as to prevent the box from unin-
plastic boxes are as follows: tentionally opening.
(1) The box must be manufactured (7) Maximum net mass 4H1: 60 kg (132
from suitable plastic material and be pounds); 4H2: 400 kg (882 pounds).
of adequate strength in relation to its
178.518 Standards for woven plastic
capacity and intended use. The box bags.
must be adequately resistant to aging
and to degradation caused either by (a) The following are identification
the substance contained or by ultra- codes for woven plastic bags:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

violet radiation. (1) 5H1 for an unlined or non-coated

(2) An expanded plastic box must con- woven plastic bag;
sist of two parts made of a molded ex- (2) 5H2 for a sift-proof woven plastic
panded plastic material: a bottom sec- bag; and


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178.519 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) 5H3 for a water-resistant woven 178.520 Standards for textile bags.
plastic bag.
(a) The following are identification
(b) Construction requirements for codes for textile bags:
woven plastic fabric bags are as fol-
(1) 5L1 for an unlined or non-coated
lows: textile bag;
(1) Bags must be made from stretched (2) 5L2 for a sift-proof textile bag;
tapes or monofilaments of a suitable and
plastic material. The strength of the
(3) 5L3 for a water-resistant textile
material used and the construction of bag.
the bag must be appropriate to the ca-
(b) Construction requirements for
pacity and intended use of the bag.
textile bags are as follows:
(2) If the fabric is woven flat, the (1) The textiles used must be of good
bags must be made by sewing or some quality. The strength of the fabric and
other method ensuring closure of the the construction of the bag must be ap-
bottom and one side. If the fabric is tu- propriate to the capacity and intended
bular, the bag must be closed by sew- use of the bag.
ing, weaving, or some other equally (2) Bags, sift-proof, 5L2: The bag
strong method of closure. must be made sift-proof, by appropriate
(3) Bags, sift-proof, 5H2 must be made means, such as by the use of paper
sift-proof by appropriate means such as bonded to the inner surface of the bag
use of paper or a plastic film bonded to by a water-resistant adhesive such as
the inner surface of the bag or one or bitumen, plastic film bonded to the
more separate inner liners made of inner surface of the bag, or one or more
paper or plastic material. inner liners made of paper or plastic
(4) Bags, water-resistant, 5H3: To pre- material.
vent the entry of moisture, the bag (3) Bags, water-resistant, 5L3: To pre-
must be made waterproof by appro- vent entry of moisture, the bag must
priate means, such as separate inner be made waterproof by appropriate
liners of water-resistant paper (e.g., means, such as by the use of separate
waxed kraft paper, double-tarred kraft inner liners of water-resistant paper
paper or plastic-coated kraft paper), or (e.g., waxed kraft paper, tarred paper,
plastic film bonded to the inner or or plastic-coated kraft paper), or plas-
outer surface of the bag, or one or more tic film bonded to the inner surface of
inner plastic liners. the bag, or one or more inner liners
(5) Maximum net mass: 50 kg (110 made of plastic material or metalized
pounds). film or foil.
(4) Maximum net mass: 50 kg (110
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, and
amended by Amdt. 17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1,
1993] [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66285, Dec. 20, 1991]
178.519 Standards for plastic film
bags. 178.521 Standards for paper bags.
(a) The identification code for a plas- (a) The following are identification
tic film bag is 5H4. codes for paper bags:
(b) Construction requirements for (1) 5M1 for a multi-wall paper bag;
plastic film bags are as follows: and
(1) Bags must be made of a suitable (2) 5M2 for a multi-wall water-resist-
plastic material. The strength of the ant paper bag.
material used and the construction of (b) Construction requirements for
the bag must be appropriate to the ca- paper bags are as follows:
pacity and the intended use of the bag. (1) Bags must be made of a suitable
Joints and closures must be capable of kraft paper, or of an equivalent paper
withstanding pressures and impacts with at least three plies. The strength
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

liable to occur under normal conditions of the paper and the construction of
of transportation. the bag must be appropriate to the ca-
(2) Maximum net mass: 50 kg (110 pacity and intended use of the bag.
pounds). Seams and closures must be sift-proof.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.522

(2) Paper bags 5M2: To prevent the (11) 6HH2 for a plastic receptacle
entry of moisture, a bag of four plies or within a protective plastic box.
more must be made waterproof by the (b) Construction requirements for
use of either a water-resistant ply as composite packagings with inner re-
one of the two outermost plies or a ceptacles of plastic are as follows:
water-resistant barrier made of a suit- (1) Inner receptacles must be con-
able protective material between the structed under the applicable construc-
two outermost plies. A 5M2 bag of tion requirements prescribed in
three plies must be made waterproof by 178.509(b) (1) through (7) of this sub-
the use of a water-resistant ply as the part.
outermost ply. When there is danger of (2) The inner plastic receptacle must
the lading reacting with moisture, or fit snugly inside the outer packaging,
when it is packed damp, a waterproof
which must be free of any projections
ply or barrier, such as double-tarred
which may abrade the plastic material.
kraft paper, plastics-coated kraft
paper, plastics film bonded to the inner (3) Outer packagings must be con-
surface of the bag, or one or more inner structed as follows:
plastics liners, must also be placed (i) 6HA1 or 6HB1: Protective pack-
next to the substance. Seams and clo- aging must conform to the require-
sures must be waterproof. ments for steel drums in 178.504(b) of
(3) Maximum net mass: 50 kg (110 this subpart, or aluminum drums in
pounds). 178.505(b) of this subpart.
(4) UN5M1 and UN5M2 multi wall (ii) 6HA2 or 6HB2: Protective pack-
paper bags that have paper wall basis agings with steel or aluminum crate
weights that vary by not more than must conform to the requirements for
plus or minus 5% from the nominal steel or aluminum boxes found in
basis weight reported in the initial de- 178.512(b) of this subpart.
sign qualification test report. (iii) 6HC protective packaging must
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
conform to the requirements for wood-
amended at 56 FR 66285, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. en boxes in 178.513(b) of this subpart.
178106, 59 FR 67521, Dec. 29, 1994; 79 FR 15046, (iv) 6HD1: Protective packaging must
Mar. 18, 2014] conform to the requirements for ply-
wood drums, in 178.507(b) of this sub-
178.522 Standards for composite part.
packagings with inner plastic re-
ceptacles. (v) 6HD2: Protective packaging must
conform to the requirements of ply-
(a) The following are the identifica- wood boxes, in 178.514(b) of this sub-
tion codes for composite packagings part.
with inner plastic receptacles: (vi) 6HG1: Protective packaging must
(1) 6HA1 for a plastic receptacle with- conform to the requirements for fiber
in a protective steel drum; drums, in 178.508(b) of this subpart.
(2) 6HA2 for a plastic receptacle with-
(vii) 6HG2: protective packaging
in a protective steel crate or box;
must conform to the requirements for
(3) 6HB1 for a plastic receptacle with-
fiberboard boxes, in 178.516(b) of this
in a protective aluminum drum.
(4) 6HB2 for a plastic receptacle with-
in a protective aluminum crate or box. (viii) 6HH1: Protective packaging
(5) 6HC for a plastic receptacle within must conform to the requirements for
a protective wooden box. plastic drums, in 178.509(b).
(6) 6HD1 for a plastic receptacle with- (ix) 6HH2: Protective packaging must
in a protective plywood drum; conform to the requirements for plastic
(7) 6HD2 for a plastic receptacle with- boxes, in 178.517(b).
in a protective plywood box; (4) Maximum capacity of inner recep-
(8) 6HG1 for a plastic receptacle with- tacles is as follows: 6HA1, 6HB1, 6HD1,
in a protective fiber drum; 6HG1, 6HH1250 L (66 gallons); 6HA2,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(9) 6HG2 for a plastic receptacle with- 6HB2, 6HC, 6HD2, 6HG2, 6HH260 L (16
in a protective fiberboard box; gallons).
(10) 6HH1 for a plastic receptacle (5) Maximum net mass is as follows:
within a protective plastic drum; and 6HA1, 6HB1, 6HD1, 6HG1, 6HH1400kg


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178.523 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(882 pounds); 6HB2, 6HC, 6HD2, 6HG2, (ii) Any part of a closure likely to
6HH275 kg (165 pounds). come into contact with the contents of
the receptacle must be resistant to
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67521, Dec.
those contents. Closures must be fitted
29, 1994] so as to be leakproof and secured to
prevent any loosening during transpor-
178.523 Standards for composite tation. Vented closures must conform
packagings with inner glass, por- to 173.24(f) of this subchapter.
celain, or stoneware receptacles. (2) Protective packagings must con-
(a) The following are identification form to the following requirements:
codes for composite packagings with (i) For receptacles with protective
inner receptacles of glass, porcelain, or steel drum 6PAl, the drum must com-
stoneware: ply with 178.504(b) of this subpart.
(1) 6PA1 for glass, porcelain, or stone- However, the removable lid required
ware receptacles within a protective for this type of packaging may be in
steel drum; the form of a cap.
(2) 6PA2 for glass, porcelain, or stone- (ii) For receptacles with protective
ware receptacles within a protective packaging of steel crate or steel box
steel crate or box; 6PA2, the protective packaging must
conform to the following:
(3) 6PB1 for glass, porcelain, or stone-
(A) Section 178.512(b) of this subpart.
ware receptacles within a protective
(B) In the case of cylindrical recep-
aluminum drum;
tacles, the protective packaging must,
(4) 6PB2 for glass, porcelain, or stone-
when upright, rise above the receptacle
ware receptacles within a protective
and its closure; and
aluminum crate or box;
(C) If the protective crate surrounds
(5) 6PC for glass, porcelain, or stone- a pear-shaped receptacle and is of
ware receptacles within a protective matching shape, the protective pack-
wooden box; aging must be fitted with a protective
(6) 6PD1 for glass, porcelain, or stone- cover (cap).
ware receptacles within a protective (iii) For receptacles with protective
plywood drum; aluminum drum 6PB1, the require-
(7) 6PD2 for glass, porcelain, or stone- ments of 178.505(b) of this subpart
ware receptacles within a protective apply to the protective packaging.
wickerwork hamper; (iv) For receptacles with protective
(8) 6PG1 for glass, porcelain, or stone- aluminum box or crate 6PB2, the re-
ware receptacles within a protective quirements of 178.512(b) of this sub-
fiber drum; part apply to the protective packaging.
(9) 6PG2 for glass, porcelain, or stone- (v) For receptacles with protective
ware receptacles within a protective fi- wooden box 6PC, the requirements of
berboard box; 178.513(b) of this subpart apply to the
(10) 6PH1 for glass, porcelain, or protective packaging.
stoneware receptacles within a protec- (vi) For receptacles with protective
tive expanded plastic packaging; and plywood drum 6PD1, the requirements
(11) 6PH2 for glass, porcelain, or of 178.507(b) of this subpart apply to
stoneware receptacles within a protec- the protective packaging.
tive solid plastic packaging. (vii) For receptacles with protective
(b) Construction requirements for wickerwork hamper 6PD2, the
composite packagings with inner re- wickerwork hamper must be properly
ceptacles of glass, porcelain, or stone- made with material of good quality.
ware are as follows: The hamper must be fitted with a pro-
(1) Inner receptacles must conform to tective cover (cap) so as to prevent
the following requirements: damage to the receptacle.
(i) Receptacles must be of suitable (viii) For receptacles with protective
form (cylindrical or pear-shaped), be fiber drum 6PG1, the drum must con-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

made of good quality materials free form to the requirements of 178.508(b)

from any defect that could impair their of this subpart.
strength, and be firmly secured in the (ix) For receptacles with protective
outer packaging. fiberboard box 6PG2, the requirements


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.601

of 178.516(b) of this subpart apply to with 173.22 and 178.2 of this sub-
the protective packaging. chapter.
(x) For receptacles with protective (c) Definitions. For the purpose of this
solid plastic or expanded plastic pack- subpart:
aging 6PH1 or 6PH2, the requirements (1) Design qualification testing is the
of 178.517(b) of this subpart apply to performance of the tests prescribed in
the protective packaging. Solid protec- 178.603, 178.604, 178.605, 178.606,
tive plastic packaging must be manu- 178.607, 178.608, or 178.609, as applica-
factured from high-density poly- ble, for each new or different pack-
ethylene from some other comparable aging, at the start of production of
plastic material. The removable lid re- that packaging.
quired for this type of packaging may (2) Periodic retesting is the perform-
be a cap. ance of the drop, leakproofness, hydro-
(3) Quantity limitations are as fol- static pressure, and stacking tests, as
lows: applicable, as prescribed in 178.603,
(i) Maximum net capacity for pack- 178.604, 178.605, or 178.606, respec-
aging for liquids: 60 L (16 gallons). tively, at the frequency specified in
(ii) Maximum net mass for pack- paragraph (e) of this section. For infec-
agings for solids: 75 kg (165 pounds). tious substances packagings required
to meet the requirements of 178.609,
Subpart MTesting of Non-bulk periodic retesting is the performance of
Packagings and Packages the tests specified in 178.609 at the fre-
quency specified in paragraph (e) of
SOURCE: Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, this section.
1990, unless otherwise noted. (3) Production testing is the perform-
ance of the leakproofness test pre-
178.600 Purpose and scope. scribed in 178.604 of this subpart on
This subpart prescribes certain test- each single or composite packaging in-
ing requirements for performance-ori- tended to contain a liquid.
ented packagings identified in subpart (4) A different packaging is one that
L of this part. differs (i.e. is not identical) from a pre-
viously produced packaging in struc-
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52717, Dec. 21, 1990, and tural design, size, material of construc-
amended by Amdt. 17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1,
tion, wall thickness or manner of con-
struction but does not include:
178.601 General requirements. (i) A packaging which differs only in
surface treatment;
(a) General. The test procedures pre-
scribed in this subpart are intended to (ii) A combination packaging which
ensure that packages containing haz- differs only in that the outer pack-
ardous materials can withstand normal aging has been successfully tested with
conditions of transportation and are different inner packagings. A variety of
considered minimum requirements. such inner packagings may be assem-
Each packaging must be manufactured bled in this outer packaging without
and assembled so as to be capable of further testing;
successfully passing the prescribed (iii) A plastic packaging which differs
tests and of conforming to the require- only with regard to additives which
ments of 173.24 of this subchapter at conform to 178.509(b)(3) or 178.517(b)
all times while in transportation. (4) or (5) of this part;
(b) Responsibility. It is the responsi- (iv) A combination packaging with
bility of the packaging manufacturer inner packagings conforming to the
to assure that each package is capable provisions of paragraph (g) of this sec-
of passing the prescribed tests. To the tion;
extent that a package assembly func- (v) Packagings which differ from the
tion, including final closure, is per- design type only in their lesser design
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

formed by the person who offers a haz- height; or

ardous material for transportation, (vi) For a steel drum, variations in
that person is responsible for per- design elements which do not con-
forming the function in accordance stitute a different design type under


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178.601 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the provisions of paragraph (g)(8) of mented in writing by the person certi-

this section. fying compliance with this paragraph
(d) Design qualification testing. The and retained in accordance with para-
packaging manufacturer shall achieve graph (l) of this section. Permitted
successful test results for the design variations are as follows:
qualification testing at the start of (i) Inner packagings of equivalent or
production of each new or different smaller size may be used provided
packaging. (A) The inner packagings are of simi-
(e) Periodic retesting. The packaging lar design to the tested inner pack-
manufacturer must achieve successful
agings (i.e. shaperound, rectangular,
test results for the periodic retesting
at intervals established by the manu-
facturer of sufficient frequency to en- (B) The material of construction of
sure that each packaging produced by the inner packagings (glass, plastic,
the manufacturer is capable of passing metal, etc.) offers resistance to impact
the design qualification tests. Changes and stacking forces equal to or greater
in retest frequency are subject to the than that of the originally tested inner
approval of the Associate Adminis- packaging;
trator for Hazardous Materials Safety. (C) The inner packagings have the
For single or composite packagings, same or smaller openings and the clo-
the periodic retests must be conducted sure is of similar design (e.g., screw
at least once every 12 months. For cap, friction lid, etc.);
combination packagings, the periodic (D) Sufficient additional cushioning
retests must be conducted at least once material is used to take up void spaces
every 24 months. For infectious sub- and to prevent significant moving of
stances packagings, the periodic the inner packagings;
retests must be conducted at least once (E) Inner packagings are oriented
every 24 months. within the outer packaging in the same
(f) Test samples. The manufacturer
manner as in the tested package; and,
shall conduct the design qualification
and periodic tests prescribed in this (F) The gross mass of the package
subpart using random samples of pack- does not exceed that originally tested.
agings, in the numbers specified in the (ii) A lesser number of the tested
appropriate test section. In addition, inner packagings, or of the alternative
the leakproofness test, when required, types of inner packagings identified in
shall be performed on each packaging paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section, may
produced by the manufacturer, and be used provided sufficient cushioning
each packaging prior to reuse under is added to fill void space(s) and to pre-
173.28 of this subchapter, by the re- vent significant moving of the inner
conditioner. packagings.
(g) Selective testing. The selective (2) Selective testing of combination
testing of packagings that differ only packagings. Variation 2. Articles or
in minor respects from a tested type is inner packagings of any type, for solids
permitted as described in this section. or liquids, may be assembled and trans-
For air transport, packagings must ported without testing in an outer
comply with 173.27(c)(1) and (c)(2) of packaging under the following condi-
this subchapter. tions:
(1) Selective testing of combination (i) The outer packaging must have
packagings. Variation 1. Variations are
been successfully tested in accordance
permitted in inner packagings of a
with 178.603 with fragile (e.g. glass)
tested combination package, without
further testing of the package, pro- inner packagings containing liquids at
vided an equivalent level of perform- the Packing Group I drop height;
ance is maintained and, when a pack- (ii) The total combined gross mass of
age is altered under Variation 1 after inner packagings may not exceed one-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

October 1, 2010, the methodology used half the gross mass of inner packagings
to determine that the inner packaging, used for the drop test;
including closure, maintains an equiva- (iii) The thickness of cushioning ma-
lent level of performance is docu- terial between inner packagings and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.601

between inner packagings and the out- duced with reductions in external di-
side of the packaging may not be re- mensions (i.e., length, width or diame-
duced below the corresponding thick- ter) of up to 25 percent of the dimen-
ness in the originally tested packaging; sions of a tested packaging may be
and when a single inner packaging was used without further testing provided
used in the original test, the thickness an equivalent level of performance is
of cushioning between inner pack- maintained. The packagings must, in
agings may not be less than the thick- all other respects (including wall
ness of cushioning between the outside thicknesses), be identical to the tested
of the packaging and the inner pack- design-type. The marked gross mass
aging in the original test. When either (when required) must be reduced in
fewer or smaller inner packagings are proportion to the reduction in volume.
used (as compared to the inner pack- (4) Variation 4. Variations are per-
agings used in the drop test), sufficient mitted in outer packagings of a tested
additional cushioning material must be design-type combination packaging,
used to take up void spaces. without further testing, provided an
(iv) The outer packaging must have equivalent level of performance is
successfully passed the stacking test maintained, as follows:
set forth in 178.606 of this subpart (i) Each external dimension (length,
when empty, i.e., without either inner width and height) is less than or equal
packagings or cushioning materials. to the corresponding dimension of the
The total mass of identical packages tested design-type;
must be based on the combined mass of (ii) The structural design of the test-
inner packagings used for the drop ed outer packaging (i.e. methods of
test; construction, materials of construc-
(v) Inner packagings containing liq- tion, strength characteristics of mate-
uids must be completely surrounded rials of construction, method of closure
with a sufficient quantity of absorbent and material thicknesses) is main-
material to absorb the entire liquid tained;
contents of the inner packagings; (iii) The inner packagings are iden-
(vi) When the outer packaging is in- tical to the inner packagings used in
tended to contain inner packagings for the tested design type except that their
liquids and is not leakproof, or is in- size and mass may be less; and they are
tended to contain inner packagings for oriented within the outer packaging in
solids and is not siftproof, a means of the same manner as in the tested pack-
containing any liquid or solid contents aging;
in the event of leakage must be pro- (iv) The same type or design of ab-
vided in the form of a leakproof liner, sorbent materials, cushioning mate-
plastic bag, or other equally efficient rials and any other components nec-
means of containment. For packagings essary to contain and protect inner
containing liquids, the absorbent mate- packagings, as used in the tested de-
rial required in paragraph (g)(2)(v) of sign type, are maintained. The thick-
this section must be placed inside the ness of cushioning material between
means of containing liquid contents; inner packagings and between inner
and packagings and the outside of the
(vii) Packagings must be marked in packaging may not be less than the
accordance with 178.503 of this part as thicknesses in the tested design type
having been tested to Packing Group I packaging; and
performance for combination pack- (v) Sufficient additional cushioning
agings. The marked maximum gross material is used to take up void spaces
mass may not exceed the sum of the and to prevent significant moving of
mass of the outer packaging plus one the inner packagings.
half the mass of the filled inner pack- An outer packaging qualifying for use
agings of the tested combination pack- in transport in accordance with all of
aging. In addition, the marking re- the above conditions may also be used
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

quired by 178.503(a)(2) of this part without testing to transport inner

must include the letter V. packagings substituted for the origi-
(3) Variation 3. Packagings other than nally tested inner packagings in ac-
combination packagings which are pro- cordance with the conditions set out in


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178.601 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Variation 1 in paragraph (g)(1) of this the specific gravity of the liquid used
section. in the design type tests of the pack-
(5) Variation 5. Single packagings aging with replacement closure devices
(i.e., non-bulk packagings other than or gasketing.)
combination packagings), that differ (6) The provisions in Variations 1, 2,
from a tested design type only to the and 4 in paragraphs (g)(1), (2) and (4) of
extent that the closure device or this section for combination pack-
gasketing differs from that used in the agings may be applied to packagings
originally tested design type, may be containing articles, where the provi-
used without further testing, provided sions for inner packagings are applied
an equivalent level of performance is analogously to the articles. In this
maintained, subject to the following case, inner packagings need not comply
conditions (the qualifying tests): with 173.27(c)(1) and (c)(2) of this sub-
(i) A packaging with the replacement chapter.
closure devices or gasketing must suc-
(7) Approval of selective testing. In ad-
cessfully pass the drop test specified in
dition to the provisions of 178.601(g)(1)
178.603 in the orientation which most
through (g)(6) of this subpart, the Asso-
severely tests the integrity of the clo-
ciate Administrator may approve the
sure or gasket;
selective testing of packagings that
(ii) When intended to contain liquids,
a packaging with the replacement clo- differ only in minor respects from a
sure devices or gasketing must success- tested type.
fully pass the leakproofness test speci- (8) For a steel drum with a capacity
fied in 178.604, the hydrostatic pres- greater than 12 L (3 gallons) manufac-
sure test specified in 178.605, and the tured from low carbon, cold-rolled
stacking test specified in 178.606. sheet steel meeting ASTM designations
A 366/A 366M or A 568/A 568M, vari-
Replacement closures and gasketings
ations in elements other than the fol-
qualified under the above test require-
lowing design elements are considered
ments are authorized without addi-
minor and do not constitute a different
tional testing for packagings described
drum design type, or different pack-
in paragraph (g)(3) of this section. Re-
aging as defined in paragraph (c) of
placement closures and gasketings
this section for which design qualifica-
qualified under the above test require-
tion testing and periodic retesting are
ments also are authorized without ad-
required. Minor variations authorized
ditional testing for different tested de-
without further testing include
sign types packagings of the same type
changes in the identity of the supplier
as the originally tested packaging, pro-
of component material made to the
vided the original design type tests are
same specifications, or the original
more severe or comparable to tests
manufacturer of a DOT specification or
which would otherwise be conducted on
UN standard drum to be remanufac-
the packaging with the replacement
tured. A change in any one or more of
closures or gasketings. (For example:
the following design elements con-
The packaging used in the qualifying
stitutes a different drum design type:
tests has a lesser packaging wall thick-
ness than the packaging with replace- (i) The packaging type and category
ment closure devices or gasketing; the of the original drum and the remanu-
gross mass of the packaging used in the factured drum, i.e., 1A1 or 1A2;
qualifying drop test equals or exceeds (ii) The style, (i.e., straight-sided or
the mass for which the packaging with tapered);
replacement closure devices or (iii) Except as provided in paragraph
gasketing was tested; the packaging (g)(3) of this section, the rated
used in the qualifying drop test was (marked) capacity and outside dimen-
dropped from the same or greater sions;
height than the height from which the (iv) The physical state for which the
packaging with replacement closure packaging was originally approved
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

devices or gasketing was dropped in de- (e.g., tested for solids or liquids);
sign type tests; and the specific gravity (v) An increase in the marked level of
of the substance used in the qualifying performance of the original drum (i.e.,
drop test was the same or greater than to a higher packing group, hydrostatic


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.601

test pressure, or specific gravity to pendent testing facility, in accordance

which the packaging has been tested); with this subpart; or
(vi) Type of side seam welding; (2) Supply packagings, in quantities
(vii) Type of steel; sufficient to conduct tests in accord-
(viii) An increase greater than 10% or ance with this subpart, to the Asso-
any decrease in the steel thickness of ciate Administrator or a designated
the head, body, or bottom; representative of the Associate Admin-
(ix) End seam type, (e.g., triple or istrator.
double seam); (j) Coatings. If an inner treatment or
(x) A reduction in the number of roll- coating of a packaging is required for
ing hoops (beads) which equal or exceed safety reasons, the manufacturer shall
the diameter over the chimes; design the packaging so that the treat-
(xi) The location, type or size, and ment or coating retains its protective
material of closures (other than the properties even after withstanding the
cover of UN 1A2 drums); tests prescribed by this subpart.
(xii) The location (e.g., from the head (k) Number of test samples. Except as
to the body), type (e.g., mechanically provided in this section, one test sam-
seamed or welded flange), and mate- ple must be used for each test per-
rials of closure (other than the cover of formed under this subpart.
UN 1A2 drums); and (1) Stainless steel drums. Provided the
(xiii) For UN 1A2 drums: validity of the test results is not af-
(A) Gasket material (e.g., plastic), or fected, a person may perform the de-
properties affecting the performance of sign qualification testing of stainless
the gasket; steel drums using three (3) samples
(B) Configuration or dimensions of rather than the specified eighteen (18)
the gasket; samples under the following provisions:
(C) Closure ring style including bolt (i) The packaging must be tested in
size (e.g., square or round back, 0.625 accordance with this subpart by sub-
inches bolt); and jecting each of the three containers to
(D) Closure ring thickness, the following sequence of tests:
(E) Width of lugs or extensions in (A) The stacking test in 178.606,
crimp/lug cover. (B) The leakproofness test in 178.604,
(h) Approval of equivalent packagings. (C) The hydrostatic pressure test in
A packaging having specifications dif- 178.608, and
ferent from those in 178.504178.523 of (D) Diagonal top chime and flat on
this part, or which is tested using the side drop tests in 178.603. Both
methods or test intervals, other than drop tests may be conducted on the
those specified in subpart M of this same sample.
part, may be used if approved by the (ii) For periodic retesting of stainless
Associate Administrator. Such pack- steel drums, a reduced sample size of
agings must be shown to be equally ef- one container is authorized.
fective, and testing methods used must (2) Packagings other than stainless steel
be equivalent. drums. Provided the validity of the test
(i) Proof of compliance. Notwith- results is not affected, several tests
standing the periodic retest intervals may be performed on one sample with
specified in paragraph (e) of this sec- the approval of the Associate Adminis-
tion, the Associate Administrator may trator.
at any time require demonstration of (l) Record retention. Following each
compliance by a manufacturer, design qualification test and each peri-
through testing in accordance with odic retest on a packaging, a test re-
this subpart, that packagings meet the port must be prepared.
requirements of this subpart. As re- (1) The test report must be main-
quired by the Associate Administrator, tained at each location where the pack-
the manufacturer shall either aging is manufactured, certified, and a
(1) Conduct performance tests, or design qualification test or periodic
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

have tests conducted by an inde- retest is conducted as follows:


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178.602 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Responsible party Duration

Person manufacturing the packaging .......................................... As long as manufactured and two years thereafter.
Person performing design testing ............................................... Design test maintained for a single or composite packaging for
six years after the test is successfully performed and for a
combination packaging or packaging intended for infectious
substances for seven years after the test is successfully per-
Person performing periodic retesting .......................................... Performance test maintained for a single or composite pack-
aging for one year after the test is successfully performed
and for a combination packaging or packaging intended for
infectious substances for two years after the test is success-
fully performed.

(2) The test report must be made packagings in the case of combination
available to a user of a packaging or a packagings.
representative of the Department upon (b) For the drop and stacking test,
request. The test report, at a min- inner and single-unit receptacles other
imum, must contain the following in- than bags must be filled to not less
formation: than 95% of maximum capacity (see
(i) Name and address of test facility; 171.8 of this subchapter) in the case of
(ii) Name and address of applicant solids and not less than 98% of max-
(where appropriate); imum in the case of liquids. Bags con-
(iii) A unique test report identifica- taining solids shall be filled to the
tion; maximum mass at which they may be
(iv) Date of the test report; used. The material to be transported in
(v) Manufacturer of the packaging; the packagings may be replaced by a
(vi) Description of the packaging de- non-hazardous material, except for
sign type (e.g., dimensions, materials, chemical compatibility testing or
closures, thickness, etc.), including where this would invalidate the results
methods of manufacture (e.g., blow of the tests.
molding) and which may include draw- (c) If the material to be transported
ing(s) and/or photograph(s); is replaced for test purposes by a non-
(vii) Maximum capacity; hazardous material, the material used
must be of the same or higher specific
(viii) Characteristics of test contents,
gravity as the material to be carried,
e.g., viscosity and relative density for
and its other physical properties
liquids and particle size for solids;
(grain, size, viscosity) which might in-
(ix) Test descriptions and results; and
fluence the results of the required tests
(x) Signed with the name and title of must correspond as closely as possible
signatory. to those of the hazardous material to
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as be transported. Water may also be used
amended at 56 FR 66285, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR for the liquid drop test under the con-
45465, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 178102, 59 FR 28494, ditions specified in 178.603(e) of this
June 2, 1994; Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67521, 67522, subpart. It is permissible to use addi-
Dec. 29, 1994; Amdt. 178117, 61 FR 50628, Sept. tives, such as bags of lead shot, to
26, 1996; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 53143,
achieve the requisite total package
Aug. 14, 2002; 68 FR 75758, Dec. 31, 2003; 68 FR
61942, Oct. 30, 2003; 75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010; 75 mass, so long as they are placed so that
FR 60339, Sept. 30, 2010; 77 FR 60944, Oct. 5, the test results are not affected.
2012; 78 FR 1118, Jan. 7, 2013; 78 FR 14715, Mar. (d) Paper or fiberboard packagings
7, 2013; 78 FR 65487, Oct. 31, 2013] must be conditioned for at least 24
hours immediately prior to testing in
178.602 Preparation of packagings an atmosphere maintained
and packages for testing. (1) At 50 percent 2 percent relative
(a) Except as otherwise provided in humidity, and at a temperature of 23
this subchapter, each packaging and C2 C (73 F4 F). Average values
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

package must be closed in preparation should fall within these limits. Short-
for testing and tests must be carried term fluctuations and measurement
out in the same manner as if prepared limitations may cause individual meas-
for transportation, including inner urements to vary by up to 5 percent


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.603

relative humidity without significant (f) Bung-type barrels made of natural

impairment of test reproducibility; wood must be left filled with water for
(2) At 65 percent 2 percent relative at least 24 hours before the tests.
humidity, and at a temperature of 20 [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as
C2 C (68 F4 F), or 27 C2 C (81 amended at 56 FR 66286, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
F4 F). Average values should fall 178106, 59 FR 67522, Dec. 29, 1994; 69 FR 76186,
within these limits. Short-term fluc- Dec. 20, 2004; 71 FR 78635, Dec. 29, 2006]
tuations and measurement limitations
may cause individual measurements to 178.603 Drop test.
vary by up to 5 percent relative hu- (a) General. The drop test must be
midity without significant impairment conducted for the qualification of all
of test reproducibility; or packaging design types and performed
(3) For testing at periodic intervals periodically as specified in 178.601(e).
only (i.e., other than initial design For other than flat drops, the center of
qualification testing), at ambient con- gravity of the test packaging must be
ditions. vertically over the point of impact.
(e) Except as otherwise provided, Where more than one orientation is
each packaging must be closed in prep- possible for a given drop test, the ori-
aration for testing in the same manner entation most likely to result in fail-
as if prepared for actual shipment. All ure of the packaging must be used. The
closures must be installed using proper number of drops required and the pack-
techniques and torques. ages orientations are as follows:
Packaging No. of tests (samples) Drop orientation of samples

Steel drums, Aluminum drums, Metal Six(three for each First drop (using three samples): The package must strike the
drums (other than steel or alu- drop). target diagonally on the chime or, if the packaging has no
minum), Steel Jerricans, Plywood chime, on a circumferential seam or an edge. Second drop
drums, Wooden barrels, Fiber (using the other three samples): The package must strike
drums, Plastic drums and Jerricans, the target on the weakest part not tested by the first drop,
Composite packagings which are in for example a closure or, for some 7 cylindrical drums, the
the shape of a drum. welded longitudinal seam of the drum body.
Boxes of natural wood, Plywood Five(one for each First drop: Flat on the bottom (using the first sample). Second
boxes, Reconstituted wood boxes, drop). drop: Flat on the top (using the second sample). Third drop:
Fiberboard boxes, Plastic boxes, Flat on the long side (using the third sample). Fourth drop:
Steel, aluminum or other metal Flat on the short side (using the fourth sample). Fifth drop:
boxes, Composite packagings that On a corner (using the fifth sample).
are in the shape of a box.
Bagssingle-ply with a side seam ..... Three(three drops First drop: Flat on a wide face (using all three samples). Sec-
per bag). ond drop: Flat on a narrow face (using all three samples).
Third drop: On an end of the bag (using all three samples).
Bagssingle-ply without a side seam, Three(two drops per First drop: Flat on a wide face (using all three samples). Sec-
or multi-ply. bag). ond drop: On an end of the bag (using all three samples).

(b) Exceptions. For testing of single or other than expanded polystyrene boxes,
composite packagings constructed of composite packagings (plastic mate-
stainless steel, nickel, or monel at rial), and combination packagings with
periodic intervals only (i.e., other than plastic inner packagings other than
design qualification testing), the drop plastic bags intended to contain solids
test may be conducted with two sam- or articles must be carried out when
ples, one sample each for the two drop the temperature of the test sample and
orientations. These samples may have its contents has been reduced to 18 C
been previously used for the hydro- (0 F) or lower. Test liquids must be
static pressure or stacking test. Excep- kept in the liquid state, if necessary,
tions for the number of steel, alu- by the addition of anti-freeze. Water/
minum and other metal packaging anti-freeze solutions with a minimum
samples used for conducting the drop specific gravity of 0.95 for testing at
test are subject to the approval of the 18 C (0 F) or lower are considered
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Associate Administrator. acceptable test liquids. Test samples

(c) Special preparation of test samples prepared in this way are not required
for the drop test. (1) Testing of plastic to be conditioned in accordance with
drums, plastic jerricans, plastic boxes 178.602(d).


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178.604 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(d) Target. The target must be a rigid, (3) For a bag, neither the outermost
non-resilient, flat and horizontal sur- ply nor an outer packaging exhibits
face. any damage likely to adversely affect
(e) Drop height. Drop heights, meas- safety during transport;
ured as the vertical distance from the (4) The packaging or outer packaging
target to the lowest point on the pack- of a composite or combination pack-
age, must be equal to or greater than aging must not exhibit any damage
the drop height determined as follows: likely to affect safety during transport.
(1) For solids and liquids, if the test Inner receptacles, inner packagings, or
is performed with the solid or liquid to articles must remain completely with-
be transported or with a non-hazardous in the outer packaging and there must
material having essentially the same be no leakage of the filling substance
physical characteristic, the drop height from the inner receptacles or inner
must be determined according to pack- packagings;
ing group, as follows: (5) Any discharge from a closure is
(i) Packing Group I: 1.8 m (5.9 feet). slight and ceases immediately after
(ii) Packing Group II: 1.2 m (3.9 feet). impact with no further leakage; and
(iii) Packing Group III: 0.8 m (2.6 (6) No rupture is permitted in pack-
feet). agings for materials in Class 1 which
(2) For liquids in single packagings would permit spillage of loose explo-
and for inner packagings of combina- sive substances or articles from the
tion packagings, if the test is per- outer packaging.
formed with water: [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(i) Where the materials to be carried amended at 56 FR 66286, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
have a specific gravity not exceeding 45465, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 17899, 58 FR 51534,
1.2, drop height must be determined ac- Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67522, Dec.
cording to packing group, as follows: 29, 1994; 65 FR 50462, Aug. 18, 2000; 66 FR 45386,
Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 69 FR
(A) Packing Group I: 1.8 m (5.9 feet). 76186, Dec. 20, 2004; 76 FR 3389, Jan. 19, 2011;
(B) Packing Group II: 1.2 m (3.9 feet). 78 FR 1097, Jan. 7, 2013]
(C) Packing Group III: 0.8 m (2.6 feet).
(ii) Where the materials to be trans- 178.604 Leakproofness test.
ported have a specific gravity exceed- (a) General. The leakproofness test
ing 1.2, the drop height must be cal- must be performed with compressed air
culated on the basis of the specific or other suitable gases on all pack-
gravity (SG) of the material to be car- agings intended to contain liquids, ex-
ried, rounded up to the first decimal, as cept that:
follows: (1) The inner receptacle of a com-
(A) Packing Group I: SG 1.5 m (4.9 posite packaging may be tested with-
feet). out the outer packaging provided the
(B) Packing Group II: SG 1.0 m (3.3 test results are not affected; and
feet). (2) This test is not required for inner
(C) Packing Group III: SG 0.67 m packagings of combination packagings.
(2.2 feet). (b) Number of packagings to be tested
(f) Criteria for passing the test. A pack- (1) Production testing. All packagings
age is considered to successfully pass subject to the provisions of this section
the drop tests if for each sample test- must be tested and must pass the
ed leakproofness test:
(1) For packagings containing liquid, (i) Before they are first used in trans-
each packaging does not leak when portation; and
equilibrium has been reached between (ii) Prior to reuse, when authorized
the internal and external pressures, ex- for reuse by 173.28 of this subchapter.
cept for inner packagings of combina- (2) Design qualification and periodic
tion packagings when it is not nec- testing. Three samples of each different
essary that the pressures be equalized; packaging must be tested and must
(2) For removable head drums for sol- pass the leakproofness test. Exceptions
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ids, the entire contents are retained by for the number of samples used in con-
an inner packaging (e.g., a plastic bag) ducting the leakproofness test are sub-
even if the closure on the top head of ject to the approval of the Associate
the drum is no longer sift-proof; Administrator.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.605

(c) Special preparation(1) For design retesting of packagings. Exceptions for

qualification and periodic testing, the number of aluminum and steel
packagings must be tested with clo- sample packagings used in conducting
sures in place. For production testing, the hydrostatic pressure test are sub-
packagings need not have their clo- ject to the approval of the Associate
sures in place. Removable heads need Administrator.
not be installed during production test- (c) Special preparation of receptacles
ing. for testings. Vented closures must ei-
(2) For testing with closures in place, ther be replaced by similar non-vented
vented closures must either be replaced closures or the vent must be sealed.
by similar non-vented closures or the (d) Test method and pressure to be ap-
vent must be sealed. plied. Metal packagings and composite
(d) Test method. The packaging must packagings other than plastic (e.g.,
be restrained under water while an in- glass, porcelain or stoneware), includ-
ternal air pressure is applied; the ing their closures, must be subjected to
method of restraint must not affect the the test pressure for 5 minutes. Plastic
results of the test. The test must be packagings and composite packagings
conducted, for other than production (plastic material), including their clo-
testing, for a minimum time of five sures, must be subjected to the test
minutes. Other methods, at least pressure for 30 minutes. This pressure
equally effective, may be used in ac- is the one to be marked as required in
cordance with appendix B of this part. 178.503(a)(5). The receptacles must be
(e) Pressure applied. An internal air supported in a manner that does not
pressure (gauge) must be applied to the invalidate the test. The test pressure
packaging as indicated for the fol- must be applied continuously and even-
lowing packing groups: ly, and it must be kept constant
(1) Packing Group I: Not less than 30 throughout the test period. In addition,
kPa (4 psi). packagings intended to contain haz-
(2) Packing Group II: Not less than 20 ardous materials of Packing Group I
kPa (3 psi). must be tested to a minimum test pres-
(3) Packing Group III: Not less than sure of 250 kPa (36 psig). The hydraulic
20 kPa (3 psi). pressure (gauge) applied, taken at the
(f) Criteria for passing the test. A pack- top of the receptacle, and determined
aging passes the test if there is no by any one of the following methods
leakage of air from the packaging. must be:
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as
(1) Not less than the total gauge pres-
amended at 56 FR 66286, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. sure measured in the packaging (i.e.,
178106, 59 FR 67522, Dec. 29, 1994; 66 FR 45386, the vapor pressure of the filling mate-
Aug. 28, 2001] rial and the partial pressure of the air
or other inert gas minus 100 kPa (15
178.605 Hydrostatic pressure test. psi)) at 55 C (131 F), multiplied by a
(a) General. The hydrostatic pressure safety factor of 1.5. This total gauge
test must be conducted for the quali- pressure must be determined on the
fication of all metal, plastic, and com- basis of a maximum degree of filling in
posite packaging design types intended accordance with 173.24a(d) of this sub-
to contain liquids and be performed pe- chapter and a filling temperature of 15
riodically as specified in 178.601(e). C (59 F);
This test is not required for inner (2) Not less than 1.75 times the vapor
packagings of combination packagings. pressure at 50 C (122 F) of the mate-
For internal pressure requirements for rial to be transported minus 100 kPa (15
inner packagings of combination pack- psi), but with a minimum test pressure
agings intended for transportation by of 100 kPa (15 psig); or
aircraft, see 173.27(c) of this sub- (3) Not less than 1.5 times the vapor
chapter. pressure at 55 C (131 F) of the mate-
(b) Number of test samples. Three test rial to be transported minus 100 kPa (15
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

samples are required for each different psi), but with a minimum test pressure
packaging. For packagings constructed of 100 kPa (15 psig).
of stainless steel, monel, or nickel, Packagings intended to contain haz-
only one sample is required for periodic ardous materials of Packing Group I


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178.606 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

must be tested to a minimum test pres- the test by placing two filled pack-
sure of 250 kPa (36 psig). agings of the same type on the test
(e) Criteria for passing the test. A pack- sample. The stacked packages must
age passes the hydrostatic test if, for maintain their position for one hour.
each test sample, there is no leakage of Plastic packagings must be cooled to
liquid from the package. ambient temperature before this stack-
ing stability assessment.
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66286, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. (2) Periodic retesting. The test sample
17899, 58 FR 51534, Oct. 1, 1993; Amdt. 178102, must be tested in accordance with:
59 FR 28494, June 2, 1994; 65 FR 50462, Aug. 18, (i) Section 178.606(c)(1) of this sub-
2000; 66 FR 45386, 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 73 FR part; or
57007, Oct. 1, 2008; 78 FR 60755, Oct. 2, 2013] (ii) The packaging may be tested
using a dynamic compression testing
178.606 Stacking test. machine. The test must be conducted
(a) General. All packaging design at room temperature on an empty, un-
types other than bags must be sub- sealed packaging. The test sample
jected to a stacking test. must be centered on the bottom platen
(b) Number of test samples. Three test of the testing machine. The top platen
samples are required for each different must be lowered until it comes in con-
packaging. For periodic retesting of tact with the test sample. Compression
packagings constructed of stainless must be applied end to end. The speed
steel, monel, or nickel, only one test of the compression tester must be one-
sample is required. Exceptions for the half inch plus or minus one-fourth inch
number of aluminum and steel sample per minute. An initial preload of 50
packagings used in conducting the pounds must be applied to ensure a
stacking test are subject to the ap- definite contact between the test sam-
proval of the Associate Administrator. ple and the platens. The distance be-
Notwithstanding the provisions of tween the platens at this time must be
178.602(a) of this subpart, combination recorded as zero deformation. The force
packagings may be subjected to the A to then be applied must be calculated
stacking test without their inner pack- using the formula:
agings, except where this would invali- Liquids: A = (n1) [w + (s v 8.3
date the results of the test. .98)] 1.5;
(c) Test method(1) Design qualifica- Solids: A = (n1) (m 2.2 1.5)
tion testing. The test sample must be
subjected to a force applied to the top Where:
surface of the test sample equivalent to A = applied load in pounds
the total weight of identical packages m = the certified maximum gross mass for
which might be stacked on it during the container in kilograms.
n = minimum number of containers that,
transport; where the contents of the
when stacked, reach a height of 3 meters.
test sample are non-hazardous liquids s = specific gravity of lading.
with specific gravities different from w = maximum weight of one empty container
that of the liquid to be transported, the in pounds.
force must be calculated based on the v = actual capacity of container (rated ca-
specific gravity that will be marked on pacity + outage) in gallons.
the packaging. The minimum height of And:
the stack, including the test sample, 8.3 corresponds to the weight in pounds of 1.0
must be 3.0 m (10 feet). The duration of gallon of water.
the test must be 24 hours, except that .98 corresponds to the minimum filling per-
plastic drums, jerricans, and composite centage of the maximum capacity for liq-
packagings 6HH intended for liquids uids.
1.5 is a compensation factor that converts
shall be subjected to the stacking test
the static load of the stacking test into
for a period of 28 days at a temperature a load suitable for dynamic compression
of not less than 40 C (104 F). Alter- testing.
native test methods which yield equiv- 2.2 is the conversion factor for kilograms to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

alent results may be used if approved pounds.

by the Associate Administrator. In (d) Criteria for passing the test. No test
guided load tests, stacking stability sample may leak. In composite pack-
must be assessed after completion of agings or combination packagings,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.609

there must be no leakage of the filling (0.063 inch) thickness (such as steel
substance from the inner receptacle, or strapping or paperboard) can be passed
inner packaging. No test sample may between the bottom of any package
show any deterioration which could ad- and the platform.
versely affect transportation safety or (4) Immediately following the period
any distortion likely to reduce its of vibration, each package must be re-
strength, cause instability in stacks of moved from the platform, turned on its
packages, or cause damage to inner side and observed for any evidence of
packagings likely to reduce safety in leakage.
transportation. For the dynamic com- (5) Other methods, at least equally
pression test, a container passes the effective, may be used, if approved by
test if, after application of the required the Associate Administrator.
load, there is no buckling of the side- (c) Criteria for passing the test. A pack-
walls sufficient to cause damage to its aging passes the vibration test if there
expected contents; in no case may the is no rupture or leakage from any of
maximum deflection exceed one inch. the packages. No test sample should
show any deterioration which could ad-
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as
versely affect transportation safety or
amended at 56 FR 66286, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
45465, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 178102, 59 FR 28494, any distortion liable to reduce pack-
June 2, 1994; Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67522, Dec. aging strength.
29, 1994; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR [Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as
45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 34076, June 13, 2005; amended at 56 FR 66286, Dec. 20, 1991; 66 FR
72 FR 55696, Oct. 1, 2007] 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
178.607 Cooperage test for bung-type 178.609 Test requirements for pack-
wooden barrels. agings for infectious substances.
(a) Number of samples. One barrel is (a) Samples of each packaging must
required for each different packaging. be prepared for testing as described in
(b) Method of testing. Remove all paragraph (b) of this section and then
hoops above the bilge of an empty bar- subjected to the tests in paragraphs (d)
rel at least two days old. through (i) of this section.
(c) Criteria for passing the test. A pack- (b) Samples of each packaging must
aging passes the cooperage test only if be prepared as for transport except
the diameter of the cross-section of the that a liquid or solid infectious sub-
upper part of the barrel does not in- stance should be replaced by water or,
crease by more than 10 percent. where conditioning at 18 C (0 F) is
specified, by water/antifreeze. Each pri-
178.608 Vibration standard. mary receptacle must be filled to 98
(a) Each packaging must be capable percent capacity. Packagings for live
of withstanding, without rupture or animals should be tested with the live
leakage, the vibration test procedure animal being replaced by an appro-
outlined in this section. priate dummy of similar mass.
(b) Test method. (1) Three sample (c) Packagings prepared as for trans-
packagings, selected at random, must port must be subjected to the tests in
be filled and closed as for shipment. Table I of this paragraph (c), which, for
(2) The three samples must be placed test purposes, categorizes packagings
on a vibrating platform that has a according to their material character-
vertical or rotary double-amplitude istics. For outer packagings, the head-
(peak-to-peak displacement) of one ings in Table I relate to fiberboard or
inch. The packages should be con- similar materials whose performance
strained horizontally to prevent them may be rapidly affected by moisture;
from falling off the platform, but must plastics that may embrittle at low
be left free to move vertically, bounce temperature; and other materials, such
and rotate. as metal, for which performance is not
(3) The test must be performed for significantly affected by moisture or
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

one hour at a frequency that causes the temperature. Where a primary recep-
package to be raised from the vibrating tacle and a secondary packaging of an
platform to such a degree that a piece inner packaging are made of different
of material of approximately 1.6 mm materials, the material of the primary


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178.609 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

receptacle determines the appropriate terial, the material most likely to be

test. In instances where a primary re- damaged determines the appropriate
ceptacle is made of more than one ma- test.
Material of Tests required

Outer packaging Inner packaging Refer to para. (d) Refer to

para. (h)
Fiberboard Plastics Other Plastics Other (d) (e) (f) (g)

X X X X When dry ice X

is used

(d) Samples must be subjected to (f) The sample must be conditioned in

free-fall drops onto a rigid, nonresil- an atmosphere of 18 C (0 F) or less
ient, flat, horizontal surface from a for a period of at least 24 hours and
height of 9 m (30 feet). within 15 minutes of removal from that
The drops must be performed as fol- atmosphere be subjected to the test de-
lows: scribed in paragraph (d) of this section.
(1) Where the samples are in the Where the sample contains dry ice, the
shape of a box, five samples must be conditioning period may be reduced to
dropped, one in each of the following 4 hours.
(g) Where packaging is intended to
(i) Flat on the base;
(ii) Flat on the top; contain dry ice, a test additional to
(iii) Flat on the longest side; that specified in paragraph (d) or (e) or
(iv) Flat on the shortest side; and (f) of this section must be carried out.
(v) On a corner. One sample must be stored so that all
(2) Where the samples are in the the dry ice dissipates and then be sub-
shape of a drum, three samples must be jected to the test described in para-
dropped, one in each of the following graph (d) of this section.
orientations: (h) Packagings with a gross mass of 7
(i) Diagonally on the top chime, with kg (15 pounds) or less should be sub-
the center of gravity directly above the jected to the tests described in para-
point of impact; graph (h)(1) of this section and pack-
(ii) Diagonally on the base chime; agings with a gross mass exceeding 7
and kg (15 pounds) to the tests in paragraph
(iii) Flat on the side. (h)(2) of this section.
(3) While the sample should be re-
(1) Samples must be placed on a
leased in the required orientation, it is
level, hard surface. A cylindrical steel
accepted that for aerodynamic reasons
rod with a mass of at least 7 kg (15
the impact may not take place in that
orientation. pounds), a diameter not exceeding 38
(4) Following the appropriate drop se- mm (1.5 inches), and, at the impact end
quence, there must be no leakage from edges, a radius not exceeding 6 mm (0.2
the primary receptacle(s) which should inches), must be dropped in a vertical
remain protected by absorbent mate- free fall from a height of 1 m (3 feet),
rial in the secondary packaging. measured from the impact end of the
(e) The samples must be subjected to samples impact surface. One sample
a water spray to simulate exposure to must be placed on its base. A second
rainfall of approximately 50 mm (2 sample must be placed in an orienta-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

inches) per hour for at least one hour. tion perpendicular to that used for the
They must then be subjected to the first. In each instance, the steel rod
test described in paragraph (d) of this must be aimed to impact the primary
section. receptacle(s). For a successful test,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.609

there must be no leakage from the pri- the same manner as in the tested pack-
mary receptacle(s) following each im- age.
pact. (2) Variation 2. A lesser number of the
(2) Samples must be dropped onto the tested primary receptacles, or of the
end of a cylindrical steel rod. The rod alternative types of primary recep-
must be set vertically in a level, hard tacles identified in paragraph (i)(1) of
surface. It must have a diameter of 38 this section, may be used provided suf-
mm (1.5 inches) and a radius not ex- ficient cushioning is added to fill the
ceeding 6 mm (0.2 inches) at the edges void space(s) and to prevent significant
of the upper end. The rod must pro- movement of the primary receptacles.
trude from the surface a distance at (3) Variation 3. Primary receptacles of
least equal to that between the pri- any type may be placed within a sec-
mary receptacle(s) and the outer sur- ondary packaging and shipped without
face of the outer packaging with a min- testing in the outer packaging provided
imum of 200 mm (7.9 inches). One sam- all of the following conditions are met:
ple must be dropped in a vertical free (i) The secondary and outer pack-
fall from a height of 1 m (3 feet), meas- aging combination must be success-
ured from the top of the steel rod. A fully tested in accordance with para-
second sample must be dropped from graphs (a) through (h) of this section
the same height in an orientation per- with fragile (e.g., glass) inner recep-
pendicular to that used for the first. In tacles.
each instance, the packaging must be (ii) The total combined gross weight
oriented so the steel rod will impact of inner receptacles may not exceed
the primary receptacle(s). For a suc- one-half the gross weight of inner re-
cessful test, there must be no leakage ceptacles used for the drop test in para-
from the primary receptacle(s) fol- graph (d) of this section.
lowing each impact. (iii) The thickness of cushioning ma-
(i) Variations. The following vari- terial between inner receptacles and
ations in the primary receptacles between inner receptacles and the out-
placed within the secondary packaging side of the secondary packaging may
are allowed without additional testing not be reduced below the corresponding
of the completed package. An equiva- thicknesses in the originally tested
lent level of performance must be packaging. If a single inner receptacle
maintained. was used in the original test, the thick-
(1) Variation 1. Primary receptacles of ness of cushioning between the inner
equivalent or smaller size as compared receptacles must be no less than the
to the tested primary receptacles may thickness of cushioning between the
be used provided they meet all of the outside of the secondary packaging and
following conditions: the inner receptacle in the original
(i) The primary receptacles are of test. When either fewer or smaller
similar design to the tested primary re- inner receptacles are used (as com-
ceptacle (e.g., shape: round, rectan- pared to the inner receptacles used in
gular, etc.). the drop test), sufficient additional
(ii) The material of construction of cushioning material must be used to
the primary receptacle (glass, plastics, fill the void.
metal, etc.) offers resistance to impact (iv) The outer packaging must pass
and a stacking force equal to or greater the stacking test in 178.606 while
than that of the originally tested pri- empty. The total weight of identical
mary receptacle. packages must be based on the com-
(iii) The primary receptacles have bined mass of inner receptacles used in
the same or smaller openings and the the drop test in paragraph (d) of this
closure is of similar design (e.g., screw section.
cap, friction lid, etc.). (v) For inner receptacles containing
(iv) Sufficient additional cushioning liquids, an adequate quantity of ab-
material is used to fill void spaces and sorbent material must be present to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

to prevent significant movement of the absorb the entire liquid contents of the
primary receptacles. inner receptacles.
(v) Primary receptacles are oriented (vi) If the outer packaging is in-
within the intermediate packaging in tended to contain inner receptacles for


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178.700 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

liquids and is not leakproof, or is in- specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
tended to contain inner receptacles for tion; followed by the capital letter(s)
solids and is not sift proof, a means of specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
containing any liquid or solid contents tion; followed, when specified in an in-
in the event of leakage must be pro- dividual section, by a numeral indi-
vided. This can be a leakproof liner, cating the category of intermediate
plastic bag, or other equally effective bulk container.
means of containment. (1) IBC code number designations are
(vii) In addition, the marking re- as follows:
quired in 178.503(f) of this subchapter
must be followed by the letter U. For solids, discharged

[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52723, Dec. 21, 1990, as Under pres-

Type sure of For liquids
amended by Amdt. 178111, 60 FR 48787, Sept. by gravity more than
20, 1995; 67 FR 53143, Aug. 14, 2002; 69 FR 54046, 10 kPa
Sept. 7, 2004] (1.45 psig)

Rigid .................. 11 21 31
Subpart NIBC Performance- Flexible .............. 13
Oriented Standards
(2) Intermediate bulk container code
178.700 Purpose, scope and defini- letter designations are as follows:
A means steel (all types and surface treat-
(a) This subpart prescribes require- ments).
ments applying to IBCs intended for B means aluminum.
the transportation of hazardous mate- C means natural wood.
rials. Standards for these packagings D means plywood.
are based on the UN Recommendations. F means reconstituted wood.
(b) Terms used in this subpart are de- G means fiberboard.
fined in 171.8 of this subchapter and in H means plastic.
paragraph (c) of this section. L means textile.
(c) The following definitions pertain M means paper, multiwall.
to the IBC standards in this subpart. N means metal (other than steel or alu-
(1) Body means the receptacle proper minum).
(including openings and their closures, (b) For composite IBCs, two capital
but not including service equipment) letters are used in sequence following
that has a volumetric capacity of not the numeral indicating IBC design
more than 3 cubic meters (3,000 L, 793 type. The first letter indicates the ma-
gallons, or 106 cubic feet). terial of the IBC inner receptacle. The
(2) Service equipment means filling and second letter indicates the material of
discharge, pressure relief, safety, heat- the outer IBC. For example, 31HA1 is a
ing and heat-insulating devices and composite IBC with a plastic inner re-
measuring instruments. ceptacle and a steel outer packaging.
(3) Structural equipment means the re-
inforcing, fastening, handling, protec- [Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as
tive or stabilizing members of the body amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
or stacking load bearing structural
members (such as metal cages). 178.703 Marking of IBCs.
(4) Maximum permissible gross mass (a) The manufacturer shall:
means the mass of the body, its service (1) Mark every IBC in a durable and
equipment, structural equipment and clearly visible manner. The marking
the maximum net mass (see 171.8 of may be applied in a single line or in
this subchapter). multiple lines provided the correct se-
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as quence is followed with the informa-
amended by Amdt. 178108, 60 FR 40038, Aug. tion required by this section in letters,
4, 1995; 66 FR 45386, 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 73 FR numerals and symbols of at least 12
57008, Oct. 1, 2008; 75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010] mm in height. This minimum marking
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

size applies only to IBCs manufactured

178.702 IBC codes. after October 1, 2001). The following in-
(a) Intermediate bulk container code formation is required in the sequence
designations consist of: two numerals presented:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.703

(i) Except as provided in (C) Zfor IBCs meeting only Packing

178.503(e)(1)(ii), the United Nations Group III tests.
symbol as illustrated in (iv) The month (designated numeri-
178.503(e)(1)(i). For metal IBCs on cally) and year (last two digits) of
which the marking is stamped or em- manufacture.
bossed, the capital letters UN may (v) The country authorizing the allo-
be applied instead of the symbol. cation of the mark. The letters USA
(ii) The code number designating IBC indicate that the IBC is manufactured
design type according to 178.702(a). and marked in the United States in
The letter W must follow the IBC de- compliance with the provisions of this
sign type identification code on an IBC subchapter.
when the IBC differs from the require- (vi) The name and address or symbol
of the manufacturer or the approval
ments in subpart N of this part, or is
agency certifying compliance with sub-
tested using methods other than those
parts N and O of this part. Symbols, if
specified in this subpart, and is ap-
used, must be registered with the Asso-
proved by the Associate Administrator ciate Administrator.
in accordance with the provisions in (vii) The stacking test load in kilo-
178.801(i). grams (kg). For IBCs not designed for
(iii) A capital letter identifying the stacking, the figure 0 must be
performance standard under which the shown.
design type has been successfully test- (viii) The maximum permissible
ed, as follows: gross mass in kg.
(A) Xfor IBCs meeting Packing (2) The following are examples of
Group I, II and III tests; symbols and required markings:
(B) Yfor IBCs meeting Packing (i) For a metal IBC containing solids
Group II and III tests; and discharged by gravity made from steel:

(ii) For a flexible IBC containing sol-

ids discharged by gravity and made
from woven plastic with a liner:

(iii) For a rigid plastic IBC con- stack load and with a manufacturers
taining liquids, made from plastic with symbol in place of the manufacturers
structural equipment withstanding the name and address:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR



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178.703 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(iv) For a composite IBC containing with the symbol of a DOT approved
liquids, with a rigid plastic inner re- third-party test laboratory:
ceptacle and an outer steel body and

(b) Additional marking. In addition to (3) Markings required by paragraph

markings required in paragraph (a) of (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section may be
this section, each IBC must be marked preceded by the narrative description
as follows in a place near the markings of the marking, e.g. Tare Mass: * * *
required in paragraph (a) of this sec- where the * * * are replaced with the
tion that is readily accessible for in- tare mass in kilograms of the IBC.
spection. Where units of measure are (4) For each fiberboard and wooden
used, the metric unit indicated (e.g., IBC, the tare mass in kg must be
450 L) must also appear. shown.
(1) For each rigid plastic and com-
(5) Each flexible IBC may be marked
posite IBC, the following markings
with a pictogram displaying rec-
must be included:
ommended lifting methods.
(i) Rated capacity in L of water at 20
C (68 F); (6) For each composite IBC, the inner
(ii) Tare mass in kilograms; receptacle must be marked with at
least the following information:
(iii) Gauge test pressure in kPa;
(iv) Date of last leakproofness test, if (i) The code number designating the
applicable (month and year); and IBC design type, the name and address
(v) Date of last inspection (month or symbol of the manufacturer, the
and year). date of manufacture and the country
(2) For each metal IBC, the following authorizing the allocation of the mark
markings must be included on a metal as specified in paragraph (a) of this sec-
corrosion-resistant plate: tion;
(i) Rated capacity in L of water at 20 (ii) When a composite IBC is designed
C (68 F); in such a manner that the outer casing
(ii) Tare mass in kilograms; is intended to be dismantled for trans-
(iii) Date of last leakproofness test, if port when empty (such as, for the re-
applicable (month and year); turn of the IBC for reuse to the origi-
(iv) Date of last inspection (month nal consignor), each of the parts in-
and year); tended to be detached when so disman-
(v) Maximum loading/discharge pres- tled must be marked with the month
sure, in kPa, if applicable; and year of manufacture and the name
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(vi) Body material and its minimum or symbol of the manufacturer.

thickness in mm; and (7) The symbol applicable to an IBC

(vii) Serial number assigned by the designed for stacking or not designed
manufacturer. for stacking, as appropriate, must be


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.704

marked on all IBCs manufactured, re- (i)

paired or remanufactured after Janu-
ary 1, 2011 as follows:

(ii) Display the symbol in a durable port. An IBC intended for stacking
and visible manner. must be designed for stacking. Any
(iii) The symbol must not be less lifting or securing features of an IBC
than 100 mm (3.9 inches) by 100 mm (3.9 must be of sufficient strength to with-
inches). stand the normal conditions of han-
(iv) For IBCs designed for stacking, dling and transportation without gross
the maximum permitted stacking load distortion or failure and must be posi-
applicable when the IBC is in use must tioned so as to cause no undue stress in
be displayed with the symbol. The
any part of the IBC.
mass in kilograms (kg) marked above
the symbol must not exceed the load (d) An IBC consisting of a packaging
imposed during the design test, as indi- within a framework must be so con-
cated by the marking in paragraph structed that:
(a)(1)(vii) of this section, divided by 1.8. (1) The body is not damaged by the
The letters and numbers indicating the framework;
mass must be at least 12 mm (0.48 (2) The body is retained within the
inches). framework at all times; and
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as (3) The service and structural equip-
amended by Amdt. 178119, 62 FR 24743, May ment are fixed in such a way that they
6, 1997; 64 FR 10782, Mar. 5, 1999; 65 FR 50462, cannot be damaged if the connections
Aug. 18, 2000; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR between body and frame allow relative
33451, June 21, 2001; 66 FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; expansion or motion.
74 FR 2269, Jan. 14, 2009; 75 FR 74, Jan. 4, 2010;
75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010; 76 FR 3389, Jan. 19, (e) Bottom discharge valves must be
2011] secured in the closed position and the
discharge system suitably protected
178.704 General IBC standards. from damage. Valves having lever clo-
(a) Each IBC must be resistant to, or sures must be secured against acci-
protected from, deterioration due to dental opening. The open or closed po-
exposure to the external environment. sition of each valve must be readily ap-
IBCs intended for solid hazardous ma- parent. For each IBC containing a liq-
terials must be sift-proof and water-re- uid, a secondary means of sealing the
sistant. discharge aperture must also be pro-
(b) All service equipment must be so vided, e.g., by a blank flange or equiva-
positioned or protected as to minimize lent device.
potential loss of contents resulting (f) IBC design types must be con-
from damage during IBC handling and structed in such a way as to be bottom-
lifted or top-lifted as specified in
(c) Each IBC, including attachments,
178.811 and 178.812.
and service and structural equipment,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be designed to withstand, without [Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as
loss of hazardous materials, the inter- amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
nal pressure of the contents and the 61942, Oct. 30, 2003]
stresses of normal handling and trans-


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178.705 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.705 Standards for metal IBCs. (A) For steel, the percentage elon-
(a) The provisions in this section gation at fracture must not be less
apply to metal IBCs intended to con- than 10,000/Rm with a minimum of 20
tain liquids and solids. Metal IBC types percent; where Rm = minimum tensile
are designated: strength of the steel to be used, in N/
(1) 11A, 11B, 11N for solids that are mm2; if U.S. Standard units of psi are
loaded or discharged by gravity. used for tensile strength then the ratio
(2) 21A, 21B, 21N for solids that are becomes 10,000 (145/Rm).
loaded or discharged at a gauge pres- (B) For aluminum, the percentage
sure greater than 10 kPa (1.45 psig). elongation at fracture must not be less
(3) 31A, 31B, 31N for liquids. than 10,000/(6Rm) with an absolute min-
(b) Definitions for metal IBCs: imum of eight percent; if U.S. Standard
(1) Metal IBC means an IBC with a units of psi are used for tensile
metal body, together with appropriate strength then the ratio becomes 10,000
service and structural equipment. 145 / (6Rm).
(2) Protected means providing the IBC
body with additional external protec- (C) Specimens used to determine the
tion against impact and abrasion. For elongation at fracture must be taken
example, a multi-layer (sandwich) or transversely to the direction of rolling
double wall construction or a frame and be so secured that:
with a metal lattice-work casing. Lo = 5d
(c) Construction requirements for
metal IBCs are as follows: or
(1) Body. The body must be made of
ductile metal materials. Welds must be Lo = 5.65 A
made so as to maintain design type in- where:
tegrity of the receptacle under condi- Lo = gauge length of the specimen before the
tions normally incident to transpor- test
tation. d = diameter
(i) The use of dissimilar metals must A = cross-sectional area of test specimen.
not result in deterioration that could
affect the integrity of the body. (iv) Minimum wall thickness:
(ii) Aluminum IBCs intended to con- (A) For a reference steel having a
tain flammable liquids must have no product of Rm Ao = 10,000, where Ao
movable parts, such as covers and clo- is the minimum elongation (as a per-
sures, made of unprotected steel liable centage) of the reference steel to be
to rust, which might cause a dangerous used on fracture under tensile stress
reaction from friction or percussive (Rm Ao = 10,000 145; if tensile
contact with the aluminum. strength is in U.S. Standard units of
(iii) Metals used in fabricating the pounds per square inch), the wall
body of a metal IBC must meet the fol- thickness must not be less than:
lowing requirements:
Wall thickness (T) in mm

Capacity (C) in liters 1 Types 11A, 11B, 11N Types 21A, 21B, 21N, 31A, 31B, 31N

Unprotected Protected Unprotected Protected

C1000 .......................................................... 2.0 ........................ 1.5 ........................ 2.5 ........................ 2.0

1000<C2000 ................................................ T=C/2000 + 1.5 ... T=C/2000 + 1.0 ... T=C/2000 + 2.0 ... T=C/2000 + 1.5
2000<C3000 ................................................ T=C/2000 + 1.5 ... T=C/2000 + 1.0 ... T=C/1000 + 1.0 ... T=C/2000 + 1.5

(B) For metals other than the ref- FORMULA FOR METRIC UNITS
erence steel described in paragraph
(c)(1)(iii)(A) of this section, the min- 21.4 e 0
e1 =
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

imum wall thickness is the greater of

1.5 mm (0.059 inches) or as determined Rm1 A1
by use of the following equivalence for-


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.706

FORMULA FOR U.S. STANDARD devices are the only source of pressure
UNITS relief for the IBC. Pressure relief de-
vices must be fitted in the vapor space.
21.4 e 0 (d) Metal IBCs may not have a volu-
e1 = metric capacity greater than 3,000 L
( Rm1 A1 )/145 (793 gallons) or less than 450 L (119 gal-
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as
e1 = required equivalent wall thickness of the amended by Amdt. 178108, 60 FR 40038, Aug.
metal to be used (in mm or if eo is in 4, 1995; Amdt. 178117, 61 FR 50629, Sept. 26,
inches, use formula for U.S. Standard 1996; 66 FR 33452, June 21, 2001; 66 FR 45386,
units). 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45041, July 31, 2003;
eo = required minimum wall thickness for 75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010; 78 FR 1097, Jan. 7,
the reference steel (in mm or if eo is in 2013]
inches, use formula for U.S. Standard
units). 178.706 Standards for rigid plastic
Rm1 = guaranteed minimum tensile strength IBCs.
of the metal to be used (in N/mm2 or for
U.S. Standard units, use psi).
(a) The provisions in this section
A1 = minimum elongation (as a percentage) apply to rigid plastic IBCs intended to
of the metal to be used on fracture under contain solids or liquids. Rigid plastic
tensile stress (see paragraph (c)(1) of this IBC types are designated:
section). (1) 11H1 fitted with structural equip-
ment designed to withstand the whole
(C) For purposes of the calculation
load when IBCs are stacked, for solids
described in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(B) of
which are loaded or discharged by grav-
this section, the guaranteed minimum
tensile strength of the metal to be used
(2) 11H2 freestanding, for solids which
(Rm1) must be the minimum value ac-
are loaded or discharged by gravity.
cording to material standards. How- (3) 21H1 fitted with structural equip-
ever, for austenitic (stainless) steels, ment designed to withstand the whole
the specified minimum value for Rm, load when IBCs are stacked, for solids
according to the material standards, which are loaded or discharged under
may be increased by up to 15% when a pressure.
greater value is provided in the mate- (4) 21H2 freestanding, for solids which
rial inspection certificate. When no are loaded or discharged under pres-
material standard exists for the mate- sure.
rial in question, the value of Rm must (5) 31H1 fitted with structural equip-
be the minimum value indicated in the ment designed to withstand the whole
material inspection certificate. load when IBCs are stacked, for liquids.
(2) Pressure relief. The following pres- (6) 31H2 freestanding, for liquids.
sure relief requirements apply to IBCs (b) Rigid plastic IBCs consist of a
intended for liquids: rigid plastic body, which may have
(i) IBCs must be capable of releasing structural equipment, together with
a sufficient amount of vapor in the appropriate service equipment.
event of fire engulfment to ensure that (c) Rigid plastic IBCs must be manu-
no rupture of the body will occur due factured from plastic material of
to pressure build-up. This can be known specifications and be of a
achieved by spring-loaded or non-re- strength relative to its capacity and to
closing pressure relief devices or by the service it is required to perform. In
other means of construction. addition to conformance to 173.24 of
(ii) The start-to-discharge pressure this subchapter, plastic materials must
may not be higher than 65 kPa (9 psig) be resistant to aging and to degrada-
and no lower than the vapor pressure of tion caused by ultraviolet radiation.
the hazardous material plus the partial (1) If protection against ultraviolet
pressure of the air or other inert gases, radiation is necessary, it must be pro-
measured in the IBC at 55 C (131 F), vided by the addition of a pigment or
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

determined on the basis of a maximum inhibiter such as carbon black. These

degree of filling as specified in additives must be compatible with the
173.35(d) of this subchapter. This does contents and remain effective through-
not apply to fusible devices unless such out the life of the IBC body. Where use


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178.707 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

is made of carbon black, pigments or (4) 21HZ2 Composite IBCs with a

inhibitors, other than those used in the flexible plastic inner receptacle for sol-
manufacture of the tested design type, ids loaded or discharged under pres-
retesting may be omitted if changes in sure.
the carbon black content, the pigment (5) 31HZ1 Composite IBCs with a rigid
content or the inhibitor content do not plastic inner receptacle for liquids.
adversely affect the physical properties (6) 31HZ2 Composite IBCs with a
of the material of construction. flexible plastic inner receptacle for liq-
(2) Additives may be included in the uids.
composition of the plastic material to (b) Definitions for composite IBC
improve the resistance to aging or to types:
serve other purposes, provided they do
(1) A composite IBC is an IBC which
not adversely affect the physical or
consists of a rigid outer packaging en-
chemical properties of the material of
construction. closing a plastic inner receptacle to-
gether with any service or other struc-
(3) No used material other than pro-
tural equipment. The outer packaging
duction residues or regrind from the
same manufacturing process may be of a composite IBC is designed to bear
used in the manufacture of rigid plastic the entire stacking load. The inner re-
IBCs. ceptacle and outer packaging form an
integral packaging and are filled,
(4) Rigid plastic IBCs intended for the
transportation of liquids must be capa- stored, transported, and emptied as a
ble of releasing a sufficient amount of unit.
vapor to prevent the body of the IBC (2) The term plastic means polymeric
from rupturing if it is subjected to an materials (i.e., plastic or rubber).
internal pressure in excess of that for (3) A rigid inner receptacle is an
which it was hydraulically tested. This inner receptacle which retains its gen-
may be achieved by spring-loaded or eral shape when empty without clo-
non-reclosing pressure relief devices or sures in place and without benefit of
by other means of construction. the outer casing. Any inner receptacle
(d) Rigid plastic IBCs may not have a that is not rigid is considered to be
volumetric capacity greater than 3,000 flexible.
L (793 gallons) or less than 450 L (119 (c) Construction requirements for
gallons). composite IBCs with plastic inner re-
ceptacles are as follows:
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as
amended at 66 FR 45386, 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; (1) The outer packaging must consist
75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010] of rigid material formed so as to pro-
tect the inner receptacle from physical
178.707 Standards for composite damage during handling and transpor-
IBCs. tation, but is not required to perform
(a) The provisions in this section the secondary containment function. It
apply to composite IBCs intended to includes the base pallet where appro-
contain solids and liquids. To complete priate. The inner receptacle is not in-
the marking codes listed below, the tended to perform a containment func-
letter Z must be replaced by a cap- tion without the outer packaging.
ital letter in accordance with (2) A composite IBC with a fully en-
178.702(a)(2) to indicate the material closing outer packaging must be de-
used for the outer packaging. Com- signed to permit assessment of the in-
posite IBC types are designated: tegrity of the inner container following
(1) 11HZ1 Composite IBCs with a rigid the leakproofness and hydraulic tests.
plastic inner receptacle for solids load- The outer packaging of 31HZ2 com-
ed or discharged by gravity. posite IBCs must enclose the inner re-
(2) 11HZ2 Composite IBCs with a ceptacles on all sides.
flexible plastic inner receptacle for sol- (3) The inner receptacle must be
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ids loaded or discharged by gravity. manufactured from plastic material of

(3) 21HZ1 Composite IBCs with a rigid known specifications and be of a
plastic inner receptacle for solids load- strength relative to its capacity and to
ed or discharged under pressure. the service it is required to perform. In


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.707

addition to conformance with the re- particle board. Materials other than
quirements of 173.24 of this sub- natural wood may be used for construc-
chapter, the material must be resistant tion of structural equipment of the
to aging and to degradation caused by outer packaging.
ultraviolet radiation. The inner recep- (ii) Outer packagings of plywood
tacle of 31HZ2 composite IBCs must must be made of well-seasoned, rotary
consist of at least three plies of film. cut, sliced, or sawn veneer, commer-
(i) If necessary, protection against cially dry and free from defects that
ultraviolet radiation must be provided would materially lessen the strength of
by the addition of pigments or inhibi- the casing. All adjacent plies must be
tors such as carbon black. These addi- glued with water-resistant adhesive.
tives must be compatible with the con- Materials other than plywood may be
tents and remain effective throughout used for construction of structural
the life of the inner receptacle. Where equipment of the outer packaging.
use is made of carbon black, pigments, Outer packagings must be firmly
or inhibitors, other than those used in nailed or secured to corner posts or
the manufacture of the tested design ends or be assembled by equally suit-
type, retesting may be omitted if the able devices.
carbon black content, the pigment con- (iii) Outer packagings of reconsti-
tent, or the inhibitor content do not tuted wood must be constructed of
adversely affect the physical properties water-resistant reconstituted wood
of the material of construction. such as hardboard or particle board.
(ii) Additives may be included in the Materials other than reconstituted
composition of the plastic material of wood may be used for the construction
the inner receptacle to improve resist- of structural equipment of reconsti-
ance to aging, provided they do not ad- tuted wood outer packaging.
versely affect the physical or chemical
(iv) Fiberboard outer packagings
properties of the material.
must be constructed of strong, solid, or
(iii) No used material other than pro-
double-faced corrugated fiberboard
duction residues or regrind from the
(single or multiwall).
same manufacturing process may be
used in the manufacture of inner recep- (A) Water resistance of the outer sur-
tacles. face must be such that the increase in
(iv) Composite IBCs intended for the mass, as determined in a test carried
transportation of liquids must be capa- out over a period of 30 minutes by the
ble of releasing a sufficient amount of Cobb method of determining water ab-
vapor to prevent the body of the IBC sorption, is not greater than 155 grams
from rupturing if it is subjected to an per square meter (0.0316 pounds per
internal pressure in excess of that for square foot)see ISO 535 (E) (IBR, see
which it was hydraulically tested. This 171.7 of this subchapter). Fiberboard
may be achieved by spring-loaded or must have proper bending qualities. Fi-
non-reclosing pressure relief devices or berboard must be cut, creased without
by other means of construction. cutting through any thickness of fiber-
(4) The strength of the construction board, and slotted so as to permit as-
material comprising the outer pack- sembly without cracking, surface
aging and the manner of construction breaks, or undue bending. The fluting
must be appropriate to the capacity of of corrugated fiberboard must be firm-
the composite IBC and its intended use. ly glued to the facings.
The outer packaging must be free of (B) The ends of fiberboard outer
any projection that might damage the packagings may have a wooden frame
inner receptacle. or be constructed entirely of wood.
(i) Outer packagings of natural wood Wooden battens may be used for rein-
must be constructed of well seasoned forcements.
wood that is commercially dry and free (C) Manufacturers joints in the bod-
from defects that would materially ies of outer packagings must be taped,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

lessen the strength of any part of the lapped and glued, or lapped and
outer packaging. The tops and bottoms stitched with metal staples.
may be made of water-resistant recon- (D) Lapped joints must have an ap-
stituted wood such as hardboard or propriate overlap.


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178.708 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(E) Where closing is effected by glu- ice and structural equipment, and if
ing or taping, a water-resistant adhe- necessary an inner liner (but no inner
sive must be used. packaging).
(F) All closures must be sift-proof. (2) Liner means a separate tube or
(v) Outer packagings of plastic mate- bag, including the closures of its open-
rials must be constructed in accord- ings, inserted in the body but not form-
ance with the relevant provisions of ing an integral part of it.
paragraph (c)(3) of this section. (c) Construction requirements for fi-
(5) Any integral pallet base forming berboard IBCs are as follows:
part of an IBC, or any detachable pal- (1) Top lifting devices are prohibited
let, must be suitable for the mechan- in fiberboard IBCs.
ical handling of an IBC filled to its (2) Fiberboard IBCs must be con-
maximum permissible gross mass.
structed of strong, solid or double-
(i) The pallet or integral base must
faced corrugated fiberboard (single or
be designed to avoid protrusions that
multiwall) that is appropriate to the
may cause damage to the IBC in han-
capacity of the outer packaging and its
intended use. Water resistance of the
(ii) The outer packaging must be se-
outer surface must be such that the in-
cured to any detachable pallet to en-
crease in mass, as determined in a test
sure stability in handling and transpor-
carried out over a period of 30 minutes
tation. Where a detachable pallet is
by the Cobb method of determining
used, its top surface must be free from
water absorption, is not greater than
sharp protrusions that might damage
the IBC. 155 grams per square meter (0.0316
(iii) Strengthening devices, such as pounds per square foot)see ISO 535 (E)
timber supports to increase stacking (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Fi-
performance, may be used but must be berboard must have proper bending
external to the inner receptacle. qualities. Fiberboard must be cut,
(iv) The load-bearing surfaces of IBCs creased without cutting through any
intended for stacking must be designed thickness of fiberboard, and slotted so
to distribute loads in a stable manner. as to permit assembly without crack-
An IBC intended for stacking must be ing, surface breaks, or undue bending.
designed so that loads are not sup- The fluting of corrugated fiberboard
ported by the inner receptacle. must be firmly glued to the facings.
(6) Intermediate IBCs of type 31HZ2 (i) The walls, including top and bot-
must be limited to a capacity of not tom, must have a minimum puncture
more than 1,250 L. resistance of 15 Joules (11 foot-pounds
(d) Composite IBCs may not have a of energy) measured according to ISO
volumetric capacity greater than 3,000 3036 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
L (793 gallons) or less than 450 L (119 (ii) Manufacturers joints in the bod-
gallons). ies of IBCs must be made with an ap-
propriate overlap and be taped, glued,
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as
amended by Amdt. 178119, 62 FR 24743, May
stitched with metal staples or fastened
6, 1997; 66 FR 45387, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 61016, by other means at least equally effec-
Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 75758, Dec. 31, 2003; 69 FR tive. Where joints are made by gluing
54046, Sept. 7, 2004; 75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010] or taping, a water-resistant adhesive
must be used. Metal staples must pass
178.708 Standards for fiberboard completely through all pieces to be fas-
IBCs. tened and be formed or protected so
(a) The provisions of this section that any inner liner cannot be abraded
apply to fiberboard IBCs intended to or punctured by them.
contain solids that are loaded or dis- (3) The strength of the material used
charged by gravity. Fiberboard IBCs and the construction of the liner must
are designated: 11G. be appropriate to the capacity of the
(b) Definitions for fiberboard IBC IBC and the intended use. Joints and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

types: closures must be sift-proof and capable

(1) Fiberboard IBCs consist of a fiber- of withstanding pressures and impacts
board body with or without separate liable to occur under normal conditions
top and bottom caps, appropriate serv- of handling and transport.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.709

(4) Any integral pallet base forming (i) Natural wood used in the con-
part of an IBC, or any detachable pal- struction of an IBC must be well-sea-
let, must be suitable for the mechan- soned, commercially dry, and free from
ical handling of an IBC filled to its defects that would materially lessen
maximum permissible gross mass. the strength of any part of the IBC.
(i) The pallet or integral base must Each IBC part must consist of uncut
be designed to avoid protrusions that wood or a piece equivalent in strength
may cause damage to the IBC in han- and integrity. IBC parts are equivalent
dling. to one piece when a suitable method of
(ii) The outer packaging must be se- glued assembly is used (i.e., a
cured to any detachable pallet to en- Lindermann joint, tongue and groove
sure stability in handling and trans- joint, ship lap or rabbet joint, or butt
port. Where a detachable pallet is used, joint with at least two corrugated
its top surface must be free from sharp metal fasteners at each joint, or when
protrusions that might damage the other methods at least equally effec-
IBC. tive are used). Materials other than
(iii) Strengthening devices, such as natural wood may be used for the con-
timber supports to increase stacking struction of structural equipment of
performance, may be used but must be the outer packaging.
external to the inner liner. (ii) Plywood used in construction of
(iv) The load-bearing surfaces of IBCs bodies must be at least 3-ply. Plywood
intended for stacking must be designed must be made of well-seasoned, rotary-
to distribute loads in a stable manner. cut, sliced or sawn veneer, commer-
(d) Fiberboard IBCs may not have a cially dry, and free from defects that
volumetric capacity greater than 3,000
would materially lessen the strength of
L (793 gallons) or less than 450 L (119
the body. All adjacent plies must be
glued with water-resistant adhesive.
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as Materials other than plywood may be
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR used for the construction of structural
75758, Dec. 31, 2003; 75 FR 5396, Feb. 2, 2010] equipment of the outer packaging.
178.709 Standards for wooden IBCs. (iii) Reconstituted wood used in con-
struction of bodies must be water re-
(a) The provisions in this section sistant reconstituted wood such as
apply to wooden IBCs intended to con- hardboard or particle board. Materials
tain solids that are loaded or dis- other than reconstituted wood may be
charged by gravity. Wooden IBC types used for the construction of structural
are designated: equipment of the outer packaging.
(1) 11C Natural wood with inner liner.
(iv) Wooden IBCs must be firmly
(2) 11D Plywood with inner liner.
(3) 11F Reconstituted wood with nailed or secured to corner posts or
inner liner. ends or be assembled by similar de-
(b) Definitions for wooden IBCs: vices.
(1) Wooden IBCs consist of a rigid or (3) The strength of the material used
collapsible wooden body together with and the construction of the liner must
an inner liner (but no inner packaging) be appropriate to the capacity of the
and appropriate service and structural IBC and its intended use. Joints and
equipment. closures must be sift-proof and capable
(2) Liner means a separate tube or of withstanding pressures and impacts
bag, including the closures of its open- liable to occur under normal conditions
ings, inserted in the body but not form- of handling and transportation.
ing an integral part of it. (4) Any integral pallet base forming
(c) Construction requirements for part of an IBC, or any detachable pal-
wooden IBCs are as follows: let, must be suitable for the mechan-
(1) Top lifting devices are prohibited ical handling of an IBC filled to its
in wooden IBCs. maximum permissible gross mass.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) The strength of the materials used (i) The pallet or integral base must
and the method of construction must be designed to avoid protrusions that
be appropriate to the capacity and in- may cause damage to the IBC in han-
tended use of the IBC. dling.


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178.710 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(ii) The outer packaging must be se- (1) The strength of the material and
cured to any detachable pallet to en- the construction of the flexible IBC
sure stability in handling and transpor- must be appropriate to its capacity and
tation. Where a detachable pallet is its intended use.
used, its top surface must be free from (2) All materials used in the con-
sharp protrusions that might damage struction of flexible IBCs of types 13M1
the IBC. and 13M2 must, after complete immer-
(iii) Strengthening devices, such as sion in water for not less than 24 hours,
timber supports to increase stacking retain at least 85 percent of the tensile
performance, may be used but must be strength as measured originally on the
external to the inner liner. material conditioned to equilibrium at
(iv) The load-bearing surfaces of IBCs 67 percent relative humidity or less.
intended for stacking must be designed (3) Seams must be stitched or formed
to distribute loads in a stable manner. by heat sealing, gluing or any equiva-
(d) Wooden IBCs may not have a vol- lent method. All stitched seam-ends
umetric capacity greater than 3,000 L must be secured.
(793 gallons) or less than 450 L (119 gal-
(4) In addition to conformance with
the requirements of 173.24 of this sub-
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as chapter, flexible IBCs must be resistant
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 75 FR to aging and degradation caused by ul-
5397, Feb. 2, 2010] traviolet radiation.
178.710 Standards for flexible IBCs. (5) For plastic flexible IBCs, if nec-
essary, protection against ultraviolet
(a) The provisions of this section radiation must be provided by the addi-
apply to flexible IBCs intended to con- tion of pigments or inhibitors such as
tain solid hazardous materials. Flexi- carbon black. These additives must be
ble IBC types are designated: compatible with the contents and re-
(1) 13H1 woven plastic without coat- main effective throughout the life of
ing or liner. the container. Where use is made of
(2) 13H2 woven plastic, coated.
carbon black, pigments, or inhibitors,
(3) 13H3 woven plastic with liner.
other than those used in the manufac-
(4) 13H4 woven plastic, coated and
ture of the tested design type, re-
with liner.
testing may be omitted if the carbon
(5) 13H5 plastic film.
(6) 13L1 textile without coating or black content, the pigment content or
liner. the inhibitor content does not ad-
(7) 13L2 textile, coated. versely affect the physical properties
(8) 13L3 textile with liner. of the material of construction. Addi-
(9) 13L4 textile, coated and with tives may be included in the composi-
liner. tion of the plastic material to improve
(10) 13M1 paper, multiwall. resistance to aging, provided they do
(11) 13M2 paper, multiwall, water re- not adversely affect the physical or
sistant. chemical properties of the material.
(b) Definitions for flexible IBCs: (6) No used material other than pro-
(1) Flexible IBCs consist of a body con- duction residues or regrind from the
structed of film, woven plastic, woven same manufacturing process may be
fabric, paper, or combination thereof, used in the manufacture of plastic
together with any appropriate service flexible IBCs. This does not preclude
equipment and handling devices, and if the re-use of component parts such as
necessary, an inner coating or liner. fittings and pallet bases, provided such
(2) Woven plastic means a material components have not in any way been
made from stretched tapes or damaged in previous use.
monofilaments. (7) When flexible IBCs are filled, the
(3) Handling device means any sling, ratio of height to width may not be
loop, eye, or frame attached to the more than 2:1.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

body of the IBC or formed from a con- (d) Flexible IBCs: (1) May not have a
tinuation of the IBC body material. volumetric capacity greater than 3,000
(c) Construction requirements for L (793 gallons) or less than 56 L (15 gal-
flexible IBCs are as follows: lons); and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.801

(2) Must be designed and tested to a specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
capacity of no less than 50 kg (110 tion on an IBC design type, in order to
pounds). requalify the design for continued pro-
duction at the frequency specified in
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38068, July 26, 1994, as
amended by Amdt. 178108, 60 FR 40038, Aug. paragraph (e) of this section.
4, 1995; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 75 FR 5397, (4) Production inspection is the inspec-
Feb. 2, 2010] tion that must initially be conducted
on each newly manufactured IBC.
Subpart OTesting of IBCs (5) Production testing is the perform-
ance of the leakproofness test in ac-
178.800 Purpose and scope. cordance with paragraph (f) of this sec-
tion on each IBC intended to contain
This subpart prescribes certain test-
solids discharged by pressure or in-
ing requirements for IBCs identified in
tended to contain liquids.
subpart N of this part.
(6) Periodic retest and inspection is per-
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as formance of the applicable test and in-
amended by 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001] spections on each IBC at the frequency
specified in 180.352 of this subchapter.
178.801 General requirements. (7) Different IBC design type is one
(a) General. The test procedures pre- that differs from a previously qualified
scribed in this subpart are intended to IBC design type in structural design,
ensure that IBCs containing hazardous size, material of construction, wall
materials can withstand normal condi- thickness, or manner of construction,
tions of transportation and are consid- but does not include:
ered minimum requirements. Each (i) A packaging which differs in sur-
packaging must be manufactured and face treatment;
assembled so as to be capable of suc- (ii) A rigid plastic IBC or composite
cessfully passing the prescribed tests IBC which differs with regard to addi-
and of conforming to the requirements tives used to comply with 178.706(c),
of 173.24 of this subchapter at all 178.707(c) or 178.710(c);
times while in transportation. (iii) A packaging which differs only
(b) Responsibility. It is the responsi- in its lesser external dimensions (i.e.,
bility of the IBC manufacturer to as- height, width, length) provided mate-
sure that each IBC is capable of passing rials of construction and material
the prescribed tests. To the extent that thicknesses or fabric weight remain
an IBC assembly function, including the same;
final closure, is performed by the per- (iv) A packaging which differs in
son who offers a hazardous material for service equipment.
transportation, that person is respon- (d) Design qualification testing. The
sible for performing the function in ac- packaging manufacturer shall achieve
cordance with 173.22 and 178.2 of this successful test results for the design
subchapter. qualification testing at the start of
(c) Definitions. For the purpose of this production of each new or different IBC
subpart: design type. The service equipment se-
(1) IBC design type refers to an IBC lected for this design qualification
that does not differ in structural de- testing shall be representative of the
sign, size, material of construction, type of service equipment that will be
wall thickness, manner of construction fitted to any finished IBC body under
and representative service equipment. the design. Application of the certifi-
(2) Design qualification testing is the cation mark by the manufacturer shall
performance of the drop, leakproofness, constitute certification that the IBC
hydrostatic pressure, stacking, bot- design type passed the prescribed tests
tom-lift or top-lift, tear, topple, right- in this subpart.
ing and vibration tests, as applicable, (e) Periodic design requalification test-
prescribed in this subpart, for each dif- ing. (1) Periodic design requalification
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ferent IBC design type, at the start of must be conducted on each qualified
production of that packaging. IBC design type if the manufacturer is
(3) Periodic design requalification test is to maintain authorization for contin-
the performance of the applicable tests ued production. The IBC manufacturer


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178.801 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

shall achieve successful test results for tive testing demonstrates an equiva-
the periodic design requalification at lent or greater level of safety than the
sufficient frequency to ensure each design type tested and which has been
packaging produced by the manufac- approved by the Associate Adminis-
turer is capable of passing the design trator.
qualification tests. Design requalifica- (i) Approval of equivalent packagings.
tion tests must be conducted at least An IBC differing from the standards in
once every 12 months. subpart N of this part, or tested using
(2) Changes in the frequency of design methods other than those specified in
requalification testing specified in this subpart, may be used if approved
paragraph (e)(1) of this section are au- by the Associate Administrator. Such
thorized if approved by the Associate IBCs must be shown to be equally effec-
Administrator. These requests must be tive, and testing methods used must be
based on: equivalent.
(i) Detailed quality assurance pro- (j) Proof of compliance. Notwith-
grams that assure that proposed de- standing the periodic design requali-
creases in test frequency maintain the fication testing intervals specified in
integrity of originally tested IBC de- paragraph (e) of this section, the Asso-
sign types; and ciate Administrator, or a designated
(ii) Demonstrations that each IBC representative, may at any time re-
produced is capable of withstanding quire demonstration of compliance by
higher standards (e.g., increased drop a manufacturer, through testing in ac-
height, hydrostatic pressure, wall cordance with this subpart, that pack-
thickness, fabric weight). agings meet the requirements of this
(f) Production testing and inspection. subpart. As required by the Associate
(1) Production testing consists of the Administrator, or a designated rep-
leakproofness test prescribed in resentative, the manufacturer shall ei-
178.813 of this subpart and must be ther:
performed on each IBC intended to con- (1) Conduct performance tests or
tain solids discharged by pressure or have tests conducted by an inde-
intended to contain liquids. For this pendent testing facility, in accordance
test: with this subpart; or
(i) The IBC need not have its closures (2) Make a sample IBC available to
fitted, except that the IBC must be the Associate Administrator, or a des-
fitted with its primary bottom closure. ignated representative, for testing in
(ii) The inner receptacle of a com- accordance with this subpart.
posite IBC may be tested without the (k) Coatings. If an inner treatment or
outer IBC body, provided the test re- coating of an IBC is required for safety
sults are not affected. reasons, the manufacturer shall design
(2) Applicable inspection require- the IBC so that the treatment or coat-
ments in 180.352 of this subchapter ing retains its protective properties
must be performed on each IBC ini- even after withstanding the tests pre-
tially after production. scribed by this subpart.
(g) Test samples. The IBC manufac- (l) Record retention. Following each
turer shall conduct the design quali- design qualification test and each peri-
fication and periodic design requali- odic retest on an IBC, a test report
fication tests prescribed in this subpart must be prepared.
using random samples of IBCs, accord- (1) The test report must be main-
ing to the appropriate test section. tained at each location where the pack-
(h) Selective testing of IBCs. Variation aging is manufactured, certified, and a
of a tested IBC design type is permitted design qualification test or periodic
without further testing, provided selec- retest is conducted as follows:
Responsible party Duration

Person manufacturing the packaging .......................................... As long as manufactured and two years thereafter.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Person performing design testing ............................................... Design test maintained for a single or composite packaging for
six years after the test is successfully performed and for a
combination packaging or packaging intended for infectious
substances for seven years after the test is successfully per-


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.803

Responsible party Duration

Person performing periodic retesting .......................................... Performance test maintained for a single or composite pack-
aging for one year after the test is successfully performed
and for a combination packaging or packaging intended for
infectious substances for two years after the test is success-
fully performed.

(2) The test report must be made must be conditioned for at least 24
available to a user of a packaging or a hours in an atmosphere maintained:
representative of the Department upon (1) At 50 percent 2 percent relative
request. The test report, at a min- humidity, and at a temperature of 23
imum, must contain the following in- 2 C (73 F 4 F); or
formation: (2) At 65 percent 2 percent relative
(i) Name and address of test facility; humidity, and at a temperature of 20
(ii) Name and address of the person
2 C (68 F 4 F), or 27 C 2 C (81 F
certifying the IBC;
(iii) A unique test report identifica- 4 F).
tion; (b) Average values for temperature
(iv) Date of test report; and humidity must fall within the lim-
(v) Manufacturer of the IBC; its in paragraph (a) of this section.
(vi) Description of the IBC design Short-term fluctuations and measure-
type (e.g., dimensions, materials, clo- ment limitations may cause individual
sures, thickness, representative service measurements to vary by up to 5 per-
equipment, etc.); cent relative humidity without signifi-
(viii) Maximum IBC capacity; cant impairment of test reproduc-
(ix) Characteristics of test contents; ibility.
(x) Test descriptions and results (in- (c) For purposes of periodic design re-
cluding drop heights, hydrostatic pres- qualification only, fiberboard IBCs or
sures, tear propagation length, etc.); composite IBCs with fiberboard outer
packagings may be at ambient condi-
(xi) The signature of the person con-
ducting the test, and name of the per-
son responsible for testing. [Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
amended by Amdt. 178108, 60 FR 40038, Aug.
4, 1995; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 66 FR 33452, 178.803 Testing and certification of
June 21, 2001; 68 FR 75758, Dec. 31, 2003; 73 FR IBCs.
57008, Oct. 1, 2008; 74 FR 2269, Jan. 14, 2009; 75 Tests required for the certification of
FR 5397, Feb. 2, 2010; 78 FR 14715, Mar. 7, 2013;
each IBC design type are specified in
78 FR 65487, Oct. 31, 2013]
the following table. The letter X indi-
178.802 Preparation of fiberboard cates that one IBC (except where
IBCs for testing. noted) of each design type must be sub-
(a) Fiberboard IBCs and composite jected to the tests in the order pre-
IBCs with fiberboard outer packagings sented:

IBC type
Performance test Rigid plastic Composite Fiber-board
Metal IBCs Wooden IBCs Flexible IBCs

Vibration ........................ 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6X 1.5 X

Bottom lift ...................... 2 X X X X X
Top lift ........................... 2 X 2 X 2 X 25 X
Stacking ......................... 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 5 X
Leakproofness ............... 3 X 3 X 3 X

Hydrostatic .................... 3 X 3 X 3 X

Drop ............................... 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 X 5 X
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Topple ........................... 5 X
Righting ......................... 25 X
Tear ............................... 5 X
1 Flexible IBCs must be capable of withstanding the vibration test.


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178.810 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
2 This test must be performed only if IBCs are designed to be handled this way. For metal IBCs, at least one of the bottom lift
or top lift tests must be performed.
3 The leakproofness and hydrostatic pressure tests are required only for IBCs intended to contain liquids or intended to contain
solids loaded or discharged under pressure.
4 Another IBC of the same design type may be used for the drop test set forth in 178.810 of this subchapter.
5 Another different flexible IBC of the same design type may be used for each test.
6 The vibration test may be performed in another order for IBCs manufactured and tested under provisions of an exemption be-
fore October 1, 1994 and for non-DOT specification portable tanks tested before October 1, 1994, intended for export.
7 This test must be performed only if the IBC is designed to be stacked.

[Amdt. 178108, 60 FR 40039, Aug. 4, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 51919, Sept. 27, 1999; 66 FR 45386,
45390, Aug. 28, 2001]

178.810 Drop test. stored to the upright position for ob-

(a) General. The drop test must be (2) IBC design types with a capacity
conducted for the qualification of all of 0.45 cubic meters (15.9 cubic feet) or
IBC design types and performed peri- less must be subject to an additional
odically as specified in 178.801(e) of drop test.
this subpart. (d) Drop height. (1) For all IBCs, drop
(b) Special preparation for the drop test. heights are specified as follows:
(1) Metal, rigid plastic, and composite (i) Packing Group I: 1.8 m (5.9 feet).
IBCs intended to contain solids must (ii) Packing Group II: 1.2 m (3.9 feet).
be filled to not less than 95 percent of (iii) Packing Group III: 0.8 m (2.6
their maximum capacity, or if intended feet).
to contain liquids, to not less than 98 (2) Drop tests are to be performed
percent of their maximum capacity. with the solid or liquid to be trans-
Pressure relief devices must be re- ported or with a non-hazardous mate-
moved and their apertures plugged or rial having essentially the same phys-
rendered inoperative. ical characteristics.
(2) Fiberboard and wooden IBCs must (3) The specific gravity and viscosity
be filled with a solid material to not of a substituted non-hazardous mate-
less than 95 percent of their maximum rial used in the drop test for liquids
capacity; the contents must be evenly must be similar to the hazardous mate-
distributed. rial intended for transportation. Water
(3) Flexible IBCs must be filled to the also may be used for the liquid drop
maximum permissible gross mass; the test under the following conditions:
contents must be evenly distributed. (i) Where the substances to be carried
have a specific gravity not exceeding
(4) Rigid plastic IBCs and composite
1.2, the drop heights must be those
IBCs with plastic inner receptacles
specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this sec-
must be conditioned for testing by re-
tion for each IBC design type; and
ducing the temperature of the pack-
(ii) Where the substances to be car-
aging and its contents to 18 C (0 F) ried have a specific gravity exceeding
or lower. Test liquids must be kept in 1.2, the drop heights must be as fol-
the liquid state, if necessary, by the lows:
addition of anti-freeze. Water/anti- (A) Packing Group I: SG 1.5 m (4.9
freeze solutions with a minimum spe- feet).
cific gravity of 0.95 for testing at 18 (B) Packing Group II: SG 1.0 m (3.3
C (0 F) or lower are considered ac- feet).
ceptable test liquids, and may be con- (C) Packing Group III: SG 0.67 m
sidered equivalent to water for test (2.2 feet).
purposes. IBCs conditioned in this way (e) Criteria for passing the test. For all
are not required to be conditioned in IBC design types, there may be no dam-
accordance with 178.802. age which renders the IBC unsafe to be
(c) Test method. (1) Samples of all IBC transported for salvage or for dispos-
design types must be dropped onto a able, and no loss of contents. The IBC
rigid, non-resilient, smooth, flat and shall be capable of being lifted by an
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

horizontal surface. The point of impact appropriate means until clear of the
must be the most vulnerable part of floor for five minutes. A slight dis-
the base of the IBC being tested. Fol- charge from a closure upon impact is
lowing the drop, the IBC must be re- not considered to be a failure of the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.813

IBC provided that no further leakage (c) Test method. (1) A metal or flexible
occurs. A slight discharge (e.g., from IBC must be lifted in the manner for
closures or stitch holes) upon impact is which it is designed until clear of the
not considered a failure of the flexible floor and maintained in that position
IBC provided that no further leakage for a period of five minutes.
occurs after the IBC has been raised (2) Rigid plastic and composite IBC
clear of the ground. design types must be:
(i) Lifted by each pair of diagonally
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
opposite lifting devices, so that the
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 69 FR
76186, Dec. 20, 2004; 71 FR 78635, Dec. 29, 2006; hoisting forces are applied vertically,
74 FR 2269, Jan. 14, 2009; 75 FR 5397, Feb. 2, for a period of five minutes; and
2010] (ii) Lifted by each pair of diagonally
opposite lifting devices, so that the
178.811 Bottom lift test. hoisting forces are applied towards the
(a) General. The bottom lift test must center at 45 to the vertical, for a pe-
be conducted for the qualification of riod of five minutes.
all IBC design types designed to be lift- (3) If not tested as indicated in para-
ed from the base. graph (c)(1) of this section, a flexible
(b) Special preparation for the bottom IBC design type must be tested as fol-
lift test. The IBC must be loaded to 1.25 lows:
(i) Fill the flexible IBC to 95% full
times its maximum permissible gross
with a material representative of the
mass, the load being evenly distrib-
product to be shipped.
(ii) Suspend the flexible IBC by its
(c) Test method. All IBC design types
lifting devices.
must be raised and lowered twice by a
(iii) Apply a constant downward force
lift truck with the forks centrally posi-
through a specially designed platen.
tioned and spaced at three quarters of
The platen will be a minimum of 60%
the dimension of the side of entry (un-
and a maximum of 80% of the cross sec-
less the points of entry are fixed). The
tional surface area of the flexible IBC.
forks must penetrate to three quarters (iv) The combination of the mass of
of the direction of entry. The test must the filled flexible IBC and the force ap-
be repeated from each possible direc- plied through the platen must be a
tion of entry. minimum of six times the maximum
(d) Criteria for passing the test. For all net mass of the flexible IBC. The test
IBC design types designed to be lifted must be conducted for a period of five
from the base, there may be no perma- minutes.
nent deformation which renders the (v) Other equally effective methods
IBC unsafe for transportation and no of top lift testing and preparation may
loss of contents. be used with approval of the Associate
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as Administrator.
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001] (d) Criteria for passing the test. For all
IBC design types designed to be lifted
178.812 Top lift test. from the top, there may be no perma-
(a) General. The top lift test must be nent deformation which renders the
conducted for the qualification of all IBC, including the base pallets when
IBC design types designed to be lifted applicable, unsafe for transportation,
from the top or, for flexible IBCs, from and no loss of contents.
the side. [Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
(b) Special preparation for the top lift amended at 66 FR 33452, June 21, 2001; 66 FR
test. (1) Metal, rigid plastic, and com- 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45042, July 31, 2003]
posite IBC design types must be loaded
to twice the maximum permissible 178.813 Leakproofness test.
gross mass with the load being evenly (a) General. The leakproofness test
distributed. must be conducted for the qualification
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) Flexible IBC design types must be of all IBC design types and on all pro-
filled to six times the maximum net duction units intended to contain sol-
mass, the load being evenly distrib- ids that are loaded or discharged under
uted. pressure or intended to contain liquids.


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178.814 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) Special preparation for the not be mechanically restrained during

leakproofness test. Vented closures must the test.
either be replaced by similar non-vent- (d) Hydrostatic gauge pressure applied.
ed closures or the vent must be sealed. (1) For metal IBC design types, 31A,
For metal IBC design types, the initial 31B, 31N: 65 kPa gauge pressure (9.4
test must be carried out before the fit- psig).
ting of any thermal insulation equip- (2) For metal IBC design types 21A,
ment. The inner receptacle of a com- 21B, 21N, 31A, 31B, 31N: 200 kPa (29
posite IBC may be tested without the psig). For metal IBC design types 31A,
outer packaging provided the test re- 31B and 31N, the tests in paragraphs
sults are not affected. (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section must be
(c) Test method and pressure applied. conducted consecutively.
The leakproofness test must be carried (3) For metal IBCs design types 21A,
out for a suitable length of time using 21B, and 21N, for Packing Group I sol-
air at a gauge pressure of not less than
ids: 250 kPa (36 psig) gauge pressure.
20 kPa (2.9 psig). Leakproofness of IBC
design types must be determined by (4) For rigid plastic IBC design types
coating the seams and joints with a 21H1 and 21H2 and composite IBC de-
heavy oil, a soap solution and water, or sign types 21HZ1 and 21HZ2: 75 kPa (11
other methods suitable for the purpose psig).
of detecting leaks. Other methods, if at (5) For rigid plastic IBC design types
least equally effective, may be used in 31H1 and 31H2 and composite IBC de-
accordance with appendix B of this sign types 31HZ1 and 31HZ2: whichever
part, or if approved by the Associate is the greater of:
Administrator, as provided in (i) The pressure determined by any
178.801(i)). one of the following methods:
(d) Criterion for passing the test. For (A) The gauge pressure (pressure in
all IBC design types intended to con- the IBC above ambient atmospheric
tain solids that are loaded or dis- pressure) measured in the IBC at 55 C
charged under pressure or intended to (131 F) multiplied by a safety factor of
contain liquids, there may be no leak- 1.5. This pressure must be determined
age of air from the IBC. on the basis of the IBC being filled and
closed to no more than 98 percent ca-
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
pacity at 15 C (60 F);
amended at 64 FR 10782, Mar. 5, 1999; 66 FR
45185, 45386, Aug. 28, 2001] (B) If absolute pressure (vapor pres-
sure of the hazardous material plus at-
178.814 Hydrostatic pressure test. mospheric pressure) is used, 1.5 multi-
(a) General. The hydrostatic pressure plied by the vapor pressure of the haz-
test must be conducted for the quali- ardous material at 55 C (131 F) minus
fication of all metal, rigid plastic, and 100 kPa (14.5 psi). If this method is cho-
composite IBC design types intended to sen, the hydrostatic test pressure ap-
contain solids that are loaded or dis- plied must be at least 100 kPa gauge
charged under pressure or intended to pressure (14.5 psig); or
contain liquids. (C) If absolute pressure (vapor pres-
(b) Special preparation for the hydro- sure of the hazardous material plus at-
static pressure test. For metal IBCs, the mospheric pressure) is used, 1.75 multi-
test must be carried out before the fit- plied by the vapor pressure of the haz-
ting of any thermal insulation equip- ardous material at 50 C (122 F) minus
ment. For all IBCs, pressure relief de- 100 kPa (14.5 psi). If this method is cho-
vices and vented closures must be re- sen, the hydrostatic test pressure ap-
moved and their apertures plugged or plied must be at least 100 kPa gauge
rendered inoperative. pressure (14.5 psig); or
(c) Test method. Hydrostatic gauge (ii) Twice the greater of: (A) The
pressure must be measured at the top static pressure of the hazardous mate-
of the IBC. The test must be carried rial on the bottom of the IBC filled to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

out for a period of at least 10 minutes 98 percent capacity; or

applying a hydrostatic gauge pressure (B) The static pressure of water on
not less than that indicated in para- the bottom of the IBC filled to 98 per-
graph (d) of this section. The IBCs may cent capacity.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.815

(e) Criteria for passing the test(s). (1) (ii) The calculated superimposed test
For metal IBCs, subjected to the 65 load weight loaded on either a flat
kPa (9.4 psig) test pressure specified in plate or a reproduction of the base of
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, there the IBC, which is stacked on the test
may be no leakage or permanent defor- IBC.
mation that would make the IBC un- (5) Calculation of superimposed test
safe for transportation. load. For all IBCs, the load to be placed
(2) For metal IBCs intended to con- on the IBC must be 1.8 times the com-
tain liquids, when subjected to the 200 bined maximum permissible gross mass
kPa (29 psig) and the 250 kPa (36 psig) of the number of similar IBCs that may
test pressures specified in paragraphs be stacked on top of the IBC during
(d)(2) and (d)(3) of this section, respec- transportation.
tively, there may be no leakage. (d) Periodic Retest. (1) The package
(3) For rigid plastic IBC types 21H1, must be tested in accordance with
21H2, 31H1, and 31H2, and composite paragraph (c) of this section; or
IBC types 21HZ1, 21HZ2, 31HZ1, and (2) The packaging may be tested
31HZ2, there may be no leakage and no using a dynamic compression testing
permanent deformation which renders machine. The test must be conducted
the IBC unsafe for transportation. at room temperature on an empty, un-
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as sealed packaging. The test sample
amended at 66 FR 45185, 45386, Aug. 28, 2001] must be centered on the bottom platen
of the testing machine. The top platen
178.815 Stacking test. must be lowered until it comes in con-
(a) General. The stacking test must tact with the test sample. Compression
be conducted for the qualification of must be applied end to end. The speed
all IBC design types intended to be of the compression tester must be one-
stacked. half inch plus or minus one-fourth inch
(b) Special preparation for the stacking per minute. An initial preload of 50
test. (1) All IBCs except flexible IBC de- pounds must be applied to ensure a
sign types must be loaded to their max- definite contact between the test sam-
imum permissible gross mass. ple and the platens. The distance be-
(2) The flexible IBC must be filled to tween the platens at this time must be
not less than 95 percent of its capacity recorded as zero deformation. The force
and to its maximum net mass, with the A then to be applied must be cal-
load being evenly distributed. culated using the applicable formula:
(c) Test method. (1) Design Qualifica-
Liquids: A = (1.8)(n 1) [w + (s v 8.3
tion Testing. All IBCs must be placed on
.98)] 1.5;
their base on level, hard ground and
subjected to a uniformly distributed or
superimposed test load for a period of Solids: A = (1.8)(n 1) [w + (s v 8.3
at least five minutes (see paragraph .95)] 1.5
(c)(5) of this section).
(2) Fiberboard, wooden and composite Where:
IBCs with outer packagings con- A = applied load in pounds.
structed of other than plastic mate- n = maximum number of IBCs being stacked
rials must be subject to the test for 24 during transportation.
w = maximum weight of one empty container
in pounds.
(3) Rigid plastic IBC types and com- s = specific gravity (liquids) or density (sol-
posite IBC types with plastic outer ids) of the lading.
packagings (11HH1, 11HH2, 21HH1, v = actual capacity of container (rated ca-
21HH2, 31HH1 and 31HH2) which bear pacity + outage) in gallons.
the stacking load must be subjected to and:
the test for 28 days at 40 C (104 F). 8.3 corresponds to the weight in pounds of 1.0
(4) For all IBCs, the load must be ap- gallon of water.
plied by one of the following methods: 1.5 is a compensation factor converting the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(i) One or more IBCs of the same type static load of the stacking test into a load
suitable for dynamic compression testing.
loaded to their maximum permissible
gross mass and stacked on the test (e) Criteria for passing the test. (1) For
IBC; metal, rigid plastic, and composite


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178.816 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

IBCs, there may be no permanent de- not less than 95 percent of its capacity
formation, which renders the IBC un- and to its maximum net mass, with the
safe for transportation, and no loss of load being evenly distributed.
contents. (c) Test method. The flexible IBC,
(2) For fiberboard and wooden IBCs, lying on its side, must be lifted at a
there may be no loss of contents and no speed of at least 0.1 m/second (0.33 ft/s)
permanent deformation, which renders to an upright position, clear of the
the whole IBC, including the base pal- floor, by one lifting device, or by two
let, unsafe for transportation. lifting devices when four are provided.
(3) For flexible IBCs, there may be no (d) Criterion for passing the test. For
deterioration, which renders the IBC all flexible IBCs, there may be no dam-
unsafe for transportation, and no loss age to the IBC or its lifting devices
of contents. which renders the IBC unsafe for trans-
(4) For the dynamic compression portation or handling.
test, a container passes the test if,
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
after application of the required load, amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
there is no permanent deformation to
the IBC, which renders the whole IBC, 178.818 Tear test.
including the base pallet, unsafe for
(a) General. The tear test must be
transportation; in no case may the
conducted for the qualification of all
maximum deflection exceed one inch.
flexible IBC design types.
[75 FR 5397, Feb. 2, 2010] (b) Special preparation for the tear test.
The flexible IBC must be filled to not
178.816 Topple test. less than 95 percent of its capacity and
(a) General. The topple test must be to its maximum net mass, the load
conducted for the qualification of all being evenly distributed.
flexible IBC design types. (c) Test method. Once the IBC is
(b) Special preparation for the topple placed on the ground, a 100-mm (4-inch)
test. The flexible IBC must be filled to knife score, completely penetrating the
not less than 95 percent of its capacity wall of a wide face, is made at a 45
and to its maximum net mass, with the angle to the principal axis of the IBC,
load being evenly distributed. halfway between the bottom surface
(c) Test method. A flexible IBC must and the top level of the contents. The
be toppled onto any part of its top IBC must then be subjected to a uni-
upon a rigid, non-resilient, smooth, formly distributed superimposed load
flat, and horizontal surface. equivalent to twice the maximum net
(d) Topple height. For all flexible mass. The load must be applied for at
IBCs, the topple height is specified as least five minutes. An IBC which is de-
follows: signed to be lifted from the top or the
(1) Packing Group I: 1.8 m (5.9 feet). side must, after removal of the super-
(2) Packing Group II: 1.2 m (3.9 feet). imposed load, be lifted clear of the
(3) Packing Group III: 0.8 m (2.6 feet). floor and maintained in that position
(e) Criteria for passing the test. For all for a period of five minutes.
flexible IBCs, there may be no loss of (d) Criterion for passing the test. The
contents. A slight discharge (e.g., from IBC passes the tear test if the cut does
closures or stitch holes) upon impact is not propagate more than 25 percent of
not considered to be a failure, provided its original length.
no further leakage occurs. [Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
amended at 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001]
178.819 Vibration test.
178.817 Righting test. (a) General. The vibration test must
(a) General. The righting test must be be conducted for the qualification of
conducted for the qualification of all all rigid IBC design types. Flexible IBC
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

flexible IBCs designed to be lifted from design types must be capable of with-
the top or side. standing the vibration test.
(b) Special preparation for the righting (b) Test method. (1) A sample IBC, se-
test. The flexible IBC must be filled to lected at random, must be filled and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.910

closed as for shipment. IBCs intended (b) Large Packagings code letter des-
for liquids may be tested using water ignations are as follows:
as the filling material for the vibration (1) A means steel (all types and
test. surface treatments).
(2) The sample IBC must be placed on (2) B means aluminum.
a vibrating platform with a vertical or (3) C means natural wood.
rotary double-amplitude (peak-to-peak (4) D means plywood.
displacement) of one inch. The IBC (5) F means reconstituted wood.
must be constrained horizontally to
(6) G means fiberboard.
prevent it from falling off the plat-
form, but must be left free to move (7) H means plastic.
vertically and bounce. (8) M means paper, multiwall.
(3) The test must be performed for (9) N means metal (other than
one hour at a frequency that causes the steel or aluminum).
package to be raised from the vibrating
platform to such a degree that a piece 178.910 Marking of Large Pack-
of material of approximately 1.6-mm
(0.063-inch) thickness (such as steel (a) The manufacturer must:
strapping or paperboard) can be passed (1) Mark every Large Packaging in a
between the bottom of the IBC and the durable and clearly visible manner.
platform. Other methods at least The marking may be applied in a single
equally effective may be used (see line or in multiple lines provided the
178.801(i)). correct sequence is followed with the
(c) Criteria for passing the test. An IBC information required by this section, in
passes the vibration test if there is no letters, numerals, and symbols of at
rupture or leakage. least 12 mm in height. This minimum
[Amdt. 178103, 59 FR 38074, July 26, 1994, as marking size requirement applies only
amended by Amdt. 178108, 60 FR 40038, Aug. to large packages manufactured after
4, 1995; Amdt. 178110, 60 FR 49111, Sept. 21, January 1, 2014. The following informa-
1995; 66 FR 45386, Aug. 28, 2001; 75 FR 5397, tion is required in the sequence pre-
Feb. 2, 2010] sented:
(i) Except as provided in
Subpart PLarge Packagings 178.503(e)(1)(ii), the United Nations
Standards packaging symbol as illustrated in
178.503(e)(1)(i). For metal Large Pack-
SOURCE: 75 FR 5397, Feb. 2, 2010, unless oth- agings on which the marking is
erwise noted. stamped or embossed, the capital let-
ters UN may be applied instead of
178.900 Purpose and scope. the symbol;
(a) This subpart prescribes require- (ii) The code number designating the
ments for Large Packaging intended Large Packaging design type according to
for the transportation of hazardous 178.905. The letter W must follow
materials. Standards for these pack- the Large Packaging design type iden-
agings are based on the UN Rec- tification code on a Large Packaging
ommendations. when the Large Packaging differs from
(b) Terms used in this subpart are de- the requirements in subpart P of this
fined in 171.8 of this subchapter. part, or is tested using methods other
than those specified in this subpart,
178.905 Large Packaging identifica- and is approved by the Associate Ad-
tion codes. ministrator in accordance with the
Large packaging code designations provisions in 178.955;
consist of: two numerals specified in (iii) A capital letter identifying the
paragraph (a) of this section; followed performance standard under which the
by the capital letter(s) specified in design type has been successfully test-
paragraph (b) of this section. ed, as follows:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Large packaging code number (A) Xfor Large Packagings meeting
designations are as follows: 50 for rigid Packing Groups I, II and III tests;
Large Packagings; or 51 for flexible (B) Yfor Large Packagings meeting
Large Packagings. Packing Groups II and III tests; and


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178.910 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(C) Zfor Large Packagings meeting bols, if used, must be registered with
Packing Group III test. the Associate Administrator.
(iv) The month (designated numeri- (vii) The stacking test load in kilo-
cally) and year (last two digits) of grams (kg). For Large Packagings not
manufacture; designed for stacking the figure 0
(v) The country authorizing the allo- must be shown.
cation of the mark. The letters USA (viii) The maximum permissible
indicate that the Large Packaging is
gross mass or for flexible Large Pack-
manufactured and marked in the
agings, the maximum net mass, in kg.
United States in compliance with the
provisions of this subchapter. (2) The following are examples of
(vi) The name and address or symbol symbols and required markings:
of the manufacturer or the approval (i) For a steel Large Packaging suit-
agency certifying compliance with sub- able for stacking; stacking load: 2,500
part P and subpart Q of this part. Sym- kg; maximum gross mass: 1,000 kg.

(ii) For a plastic Large Packaging

not suitable for stacking; maximum
gross mass: 800 kg.

(iii) For a Flexible Large Packaging

not suitable for stacking; maximum
gross mass: 500 kg.

(b) All Large Packages manufac- age designed for stacking or not de-

tured, repaired or remanufactured after signed for stacking, as appropriate.

January 1, 2015 must be marked with The symbol must be not less than 100
the symbol applicable to a Large Pack- mm by 100 mm as follows:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR



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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.925

[75 FR 5397, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 178.920 Standards for metal Large
60339, Sept. 30, 2010; 78 FR 1097, Jan. 7, 2013] Packagings.
178.915 General Large Packaging (a) The provisions in this section
standards. apply to metal Large Packagings in-
tended to contain liquids and solids.
(a) Each Large Packaging must be re- Metal Large Packaging types are des-
sistant to, or protected from, deterio- ignated:
ration due to exposure to the external (1) 50A steel
environment. Large Packagings in- (2) 50B aluminum
tended for solid hazardous materials (3) 50N metal (other than steel or alu-
must be sift-proof and water-resistant. minum)
(b) All service equipment must be po- (b) Each Large Packaging must be
sitioned or protected to minimize po- made of suitable ductile metal mate-
tential loss of contents resulting from rials. Welds must be made so as to
damage during Large Packaging han- maintain design type integrity of the
dling and transportation. receptacle under conditions normally
(c) Each Large Packaging, including incident to transportation. Low-tem-
attachments and service and structural perature performance must be taken
equipment, must be designed to with- into account when appropriate.
stand, without loss of hazardous mate- (c) The use of dissimilar metals must
rials, the internal pressure of the con- not result in deterioration that could
tents and the stresses of normal han- affect the integrity of the Large Pack-
dling and transport. A Large Pack- aging.
aging intended for stacking must be de- (d) Metal Large Packagings may not
signed for stacking. Any lifting or se- have a volumetric capacity greater
curing features of a Large Packaging than 3,000 L (793 gallons) and not less
must be sufficient strength to with- than 450 L (119 gallons).
stand the normal conditions of han-
178.925 Standards for rigid plastic
dling and transportation without gross Large Packagings.
distortion or failure and must be posi-
tioned so as to cause no undue stress in (a) The provisions in this section
any part of the Large Packaging. apply to rigid plastic Large Packagings
(d) A Large Packaging consisting of intended to contain liquids and solids.
packagings within a framework must Rigid plastic Large Packaging types
be so constructed that the packaging is are designated:
not damaged by the framework and is (1) 50H rigid plastics.
retained within the framework at all (2) [Reserved]
times. (b) A rigid plastic Large Packaging
must be manufactured from plastic
(e) Large Packaging design types
material of known specifications and
must be constructed in such a way as
be of a strength relative to its capacity
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

to be bottom-lifted or top-lifted as and to the service it is required to per-

specified in 178.970 and 178.975. form. In addition to conformance to
[75 FR 5397, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 173.24 of this subchapter, plastic mate-
60339, Sept. 30, 2010] rials must be resistant to aging and to


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178.930 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

degradation caused by ultraviolet radi- mining water absorption, is not greater

ation. than 155 grams per square meter (0.0316
(1) If protection against ultraviolet pounds per square foot)see ISO 535 (E)
radiation is necessary, it must be pro- (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Fi-
vided by the addition of a pigment or berboard must have proper bending
inhibiter such as carbon black to plas- qualities. Fiberboard must be cut,
tic materials. These additives must be creased without cutting through any
compatible with the contents and re- thickness of fiberboard, and slotted so
main effective throughout the life of as to permit assembly without crack-
the plastic Large Packaging body. ing, surface breaks or undue bending.
Where use is made of carbon black, pig- The fluting or corrugated fiberboard
ments or inhibitors, other than those must be firmly glued to the facings.
used in the manufacture of the tested
(i) The walls, including top and bot-
design type, retesting may be omitted
tom, must have a minimum puncture
if changes in the carbon black content,
resistance of 15 Joules (11 foot-pounds
the pigment content or the inhibitor
of energy) measured according to ISO
content do not adversely affect the
physical properties of the material of 3036 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
construction. (ii) Manufacturers joints in the
(2) Additives may be included in the outer packaging of Large Packagings
composition of the plastic material to must be made with an appropriate
improve the resistance to aging or to overlap and be taped, glued, stitched
serve other purposes, provided they do with metal staples or fastened by other
not adversely affect the physical or means at least equally effective. Where
chemical properties of the material of joints are made by gluing or taping, a
construction. water resistant adhesive must be used.
(3) No used material other than pro- Metal staples must pass completely
duction residues or regrind from the through all pieces to be fastened and be
same manufacturing process may be formed or protected so that any inner
used in the manufacture of rigid plastic liner cannot be abraded or punctured
Large Packagings. by them.
(c) Rigid plastic Large Packagings: (2) Integral and detachable pallets. (i)
(1) May not have a volumetric capac- Any integral pallet base forming part
ity greater than 3,000 L (793 gallons); of a Large Packaging or any detach-
and able pallet must be suitable for me-
(2) May not have a volumetric capac- chanical handling with the Large
ity less than 450 L (119 gallons). Packaging filled to its maximum per-
missible gross mass.
178.930 Standards for fiberboard
Large Packagings. (ii) The pallet or integral base must
be designed to avoid protrusions caus-
(a) The provisions in this section ing damage to the fiberboard Large
apply to fiberboard Large Packagings Packagings in handling.
intended to contain solids. Rigid fiber-
(iii) The body must be secured to any
board Large Packaging types are des-
detached pallet to ensure stability in
handling and transport. Where a de-
(1) 50G fiberboard
tachable pallet is used, its top surface
(2) [Reserved]
must be free from protrusions that
(b) Construction requirements for fiber-
board Large Packagings. (1) Fiberboard might damage the Large Packaging.
Large Packagings must be constructed (3) Strengthening devices, such as
of strong, solid or double-faced cor- timber supports to increase stacking
rugated fiberboard (single or performance may be used but must be
multiwall) that is appropriate to the external to the liner.
capacity of the Large Packagings and (4) The load-bearing surfaces of Large
to their intended use. Water resistance Packagings intended for stacking must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

of the outer surface must be such that be designed to distribute the load in a
the increase in mass, as determined in stable manner.
a test carried out over a period of 30 (c) Fiberboard Large Packagings may
minutes by the Cobb method of deter- not have a volumetric capacity greater


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.940

than 3,000 L (793 gallons) and not less (2) Integral and detachable pallets. (i)
than 450 L (119 gallons). Any integral pallet base forming part
[75 FR 5397, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR
of a Large Packaging, or any detach-
60339, Sept. 30, 2010] able pallet must be suitable for me-
chanical handling of a Large Pack-
178.935 Standards for wooden Large aging filled to its maximum permis-
Packagings. sible gross mass.
(a) The provisions in this section (ii) The pallet or integral base must
apply to wooden Large Packagings in- be designed to avoid protrusion that
tended to contain solids. Wooden Large may cause damage to the Large Pack-
Packaging types are designated: aging in handling.
(1) 50C natural wood. (iii) The body must be secured to any
(2) 50D plywood. detachable pallet to ensure stability in
(3) 50F reconstituted wood. handling and transportation. Where a
(b) Construction requirements for detachable pallet is used, its top sur-
wooden Large Packagings are as fol- face must be free from protrusions that
lows: might damage the Large Packaging.
(1) The strength of the materials used (3) Strengthening devices, such as
and the method of construction must timber supports to increase stacking
be appropriate to the capacity and in- performance, may be used but must be
tended use of the Large Packagings. external to the liner.
(i) Natural wood used in the con- (4) The load bearing surfaces of the
struction of Large Packagings must be Large Packaging must be designed to
well-seasoned, commercially dry and distribute loads in a stable manner.
free from defects that would materially
(c) Wooden Large Packagings:
lessen the strength of any part of the
(1) May not have a volumetric capac-
Large Packagings. Each Large Pack-
aging part must consist of uncut wood ity greater than 3,000 L (793 gallons);
or a piece equivalent in strength and and
integrity. Large Packagings parts are (2) May not have a volumetric capac-
equivalent to one piece when a suitable ity less than 450 L (119 gallons).
method of glued assembly is used (i.e.,
a Lindermann joint, tongue and groove 178.940 Standards for flexible Large
joint, ship, lap or babbet joint; or butt Packagings.
joint with at least two corrugated (a) The provisions in this section
metal fasteners at each joint, or when apply to flexible Large Packagings in-
other methods at least equally effec- tended to contain liquids and solids.
tive are used). Flexible Large Packagings types are
(ii) Plywood used in construction designated:
must be at least 3-ply. Plywood must (1) 51H flexible plastics.
be made of well-seasoned rotary cut, (2) 51M flexible paper.
sliced or sawn veneer, commercially (b) Construction requirements for
dry and free from defects that would flexible Large Packagings are as fol-
materially lessen the strength of the
Large Packagings. All adjacent piles
(1) The strength of the material and
must be glued with water resistant ad-
hesive. Materials other than plywood the construction of the flexible Large
may be used for the construction of the Packagings must be appropriate to its
Large Packaging. capacity and its intended use.
(iii) Reconstituted wood used in the (2) All materials used in the con-
construction of Large Packagings must struction of flexible Large Packagings
be water resistant reconstituted wood of types 51M must, after complete im-
such as hardboard, particle board or mersion in water for not less than 24
other suitable type. hours, retain at least 85 percent of the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iv) Wooden Large Packagings must tensile strength as measured originally

be firmly nailed or secured to corner on the material conditioned to equi-
posts or ends or be assembled by simi- librium at 67 percent relative humidity
lar devices. or less.


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178.950 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) Seams must be stitched or formed taining hazardous materials can with-
by heat sealing, gluing or any equiva- stand normal conditions of transpor-
lent method. All stitched seam-ends tation. These test procedures are con-
must be secured. sidered minimum requirements. Each
(4) In addition to conformance with packaging must be manufactured and
the requirements of 173.24 of this sub- assembled so as to be capable of suc-
chapter, flexible Large Packaging must cessfully passing the prescribed tests
be resistant to aging and degradation and to conform to the requirements of
caused by ultraviolet radiation. 173.24 of this subchapter while in
(5) For plastic flexible Large Pack- transportation.
agings, if necessary, protection against (b) Responsibility. The Large Pack-
ultraviolet radiation must be provided aging manufacturer is responsible for
by the addition of pigments or inhibi- ensuring each Large Packaging is capa-
tors such as carbon black. These addi- ble of passing the prescribed tests. To
tives must be compatible with the con- the extent a Large Packagings assem-
tents and remain effective throughout bly function, including final closure, is
the life of the Large Packaging. Where performed by the person who offers a
use is made of carbon black, pigments hazardous material for transportation,
or inhibitors other than those used in that person is responsible for per-
the manufacture of the tested design forming the function in accordance
type, retesting may be omitted if the with 173.22 and 178.2 of this sub-
carbon black content, the pigment con- chapter.
tent or the inhibitor content do not ad- (c) Definitions. For the purpose of this
versely affect the physical properties subpart:
of the material of construction. (1) Large packaging design type refers
(6) Additives may be included in the to a Large Packaging which does not
composition of the material of the differ in structural design, size, mate-
Large Packaging to improve the resist- rial of construction and packing.
ance to aging, provided they do not ad- (2) Design qualification testing is the
versely affect the physical or chemical performance of the drop, stacking, and
properties of the material. bottom-lift or top-lift tests, as applica-
(7) When flexible material Large ble, prescribed in this subpart, for each
Packagings are filled, the ratio of different Large Packaging design type,
height to width must be no more than at the start of production of that pack-
2:1. aging.
(c) Flexible Large Packagings: (3) Periodic design requalification test is
(1) May not have a volumetric capac-
the performance of the applicable tests
ity greater than 3,000 L (793 gallons);
specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
(2) May not have a volumetric capac-
tion on a Large Packaging design type,
ity less than 56 L (15 gallons); and
to requalify the design for continued
(3) Must be designed and tested to a
production at the frequency specified
capacity of not less than 50 kg (110
in paragraph (e) of this section.
(4) Production inspection is the inspec-
tion, which must initially be conducted
Subpart QTesting of Large on each newly manufactured Large
Packagings Packaging.
(5) Different Large Packaging design
SOURCE: 75 FR 5400, Feb. 2, 2010, unless oth- type is one which differs from a pre-
erwise noted. viously qualified Large Packaging de-
sign type in structural design, size, ma-
178.950 Purpose and scope. terial of construction, wall thickness,
This subpart prescribes certain test- or manner of construction, but does
ing requirements for Large Packagings not include:
identified in subpart P of this part. (i) A packaging which differs in sur-
face treatment;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

178.955 General requirements. (ii) A rigid plastic Large Packaging,

(a) General. The test procedures pre- which differs with regard to additives
scribed in this subpart are intended to used to comply with 178.925(b) or
ensure that Large Packagings con- 178.940(b);


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.955

(iii) A packaging which differs only (g) Selective testing. The selective
in its lesser external dimensions (i.e., testing of Large Packagings, which dif-
height, width, length) provided mate- fer only in minor respects from a test-
rials of construction and material ed type is permitted as described in
thickness or fabric weight remain the this section. For air transport, Large
same; Packagings must comply with
(6) Remanufactured Large Packaging is 173.27(c)(1) and (c)(2) of this sub-
a metal or rigid Large Packaging that chapter. Variations are permitted in
is produced as a UN type from a non- inner packagings of a tested Large
UN type or is converted from one UN Packaging, without further testing of
design type to another UN design type. the package, provided an equivalent
Remanufactured Large Packagings are level of performance is maintained and
subject to the same requirements of the methodology used to determine
this subchapter that apply to new that the inner packaging, including
Large Packagings of the same type. closure, maintains an equivalent level
(7) Reused Large Packaging is a Large of performance is documented in writ-
Packaging intended to be refilled and ing by the person certifying compli-
has been examined and found free of de- ance with this paragraph and retained
fects affecting its ability to withstand in accordance with paragraph (l) of this
the performance tests. See also section. Permitted variations are as
173.36(c) of this subchapter. follows:
(d) Design qualification testing. The (1) Inner packagings of equivalent or
packaging manufacturer must achieve smaller size may be used provided
successful test results for the design (i) The inner packagings are of simi-
qualification testing at the start of lar design to the tested inner pack-
production of each new or different agings (i.e., shaperound, rectangular,
Large Packaging design type. Applica- etc.);
tion of the certification mark by the (ii) The material of construction of
manufacturer constitutes certification the inner packagings (glass, plastic,
that the Large Packaging design type
metal, etc.) offers resistance to impact
passed the prescribed tests in this sub-
and stacking forces equal to or greater
than that of the originally tested inner
(e) Periodic design requalification test- packaging;
ing. (1) Periodic design requalification
(iii) The inner packagings have the
must be conducted on each qualified
same or smaller openings and the clo-
Large Packaging design type if the
sure is of similar design (e.g., screw
manufacturer is to maintain authoriza-
cap, friction lid, etc.);
tion for continued production. The
Large Packaging manufacturer must (iv) Sufficient additional cushioning
achieve successful test results for the material is used to take up void spaces
periodic design requalification at suffi- and to prevent significant movement of
cient frequency to ensure each pack- the inner packagings;
aging produced by the manufacturer is (v) Inner packagings are oriented
capable of passing the design qualifica- within the outer packaging in the same
tion tests. Design requalification tests manner as in the tested package; and
must be conducted at least once every (vi) The gross mass of the package
24 months. does not exceed that originally tested.
(2) Changes in the frequency of design (2) A lesser number of the tested
requalification testing specified in inner packagings, or of the alternative
paragraph (e)(1) of this section are au- types of inner packagings identified in
thorized if approved by the Associate paragraph (g)(1) of this section, may be
Administrator. used provided sufficient cushioning is
(f) Test samples. The manufacturer added to fill void space(s) and to pre-
must conduct the design qualification vent significant movement of the inner
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

and periodic tests prescribed in this packagings.

subpart using random samples of pack- (h) Proof of compliance. In addition to
agings, in the numbers specified in the the periodic design requalification
appropriate test section. testing intervals specified in paragraph


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178.960 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(e) of this section, the Associate Ad- (2) Make a sample Large Packaging
ministrator, or a designated represent- available to the Associate Adminis-
ative, may at any time require dem- trator, or a designated representative,
onstration of compliance by a manu- for testing in accordance with this sub-
facturer, through testing in accordance part.
with this subpart, to ensure packagings (i) Record retention. Following each
meet the requirements of this subpart. design qualification test and each peri-
As required by the Associate Adminis- odic retest on a Large Packaging, a
trator, or a designated representative, test report must be prepared.
the manufacturer must either: (1) The test report must be main-
(1) Conduct performance tests or tained at each location where the pack-
have tests conducted by an inde- aging is manufactured, certified, and a
pendent testing facility, in accordance design qualification test or periodic
with this subpart; or retest is conducted as follows:
Responsible party Duration

Person manufacturing the packaging .......................................... As long as manufactured and two years thereafter.
Person performing design testing ............................................... Design test maintained for a single or composite packaging for
six years after the test is successfully performed and for a
combination packaging or packaging intended for infectious
substances for seven years after the test is successfully per-
Person performing periodic retesting .......................................... Performance test maintained for a single or composite pack-
aging for one year after the test is successfully performed
and for a combination packaging or packaging intended for
infectious substances for two years after the test is success-
fully performed.

(2) The test report must be made (xi) Signature with the name and
available to a user of a Large Pack- title of signatory.
aging or a representative of the De- [75 FR 5400, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR
partment of Transportation upon re- 60339, Sept. 30, 2010; 76 FR 3389, Jan. 19, 2011;
quest. The test report, at a minimum, 78 FR 14715, Mar. 7, 2013; 78 FR 65487, Oct. 31,
must contain the following informa- 2013]
178.960 Preparation of Large Pack-
(i) Name and address of test facility; agings for testing.
(ii) Name and address of applicant
(a) Except as otherwise provided in
(where appropriate);
this subchapter, each Large Packaging
(iii) A unique test report identifica- and package must be closed in prepara-
tion; tion for testing and tests must be car-
(iv) Date of the test report; ried out in the same manner as if pre-
(v) Manufacturer of the packaging; pared for transportation, including
(vi) Description of the packaging de- inner packagings. All closures must be
sign type (e.g., dimensions, materials, installed using proper techniques and
closures, thickness, etc.), including torques.
methods of manufacture (e.g., blow (b) For the drop and stacking test,
molding) and which may include draw- inner receptacles must be filled to not
ing(s) and/or photograph(s); less than 95 percent of maximum ca-
(vii) Maximum capacity; pacity (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in
the case of solids and not less than 98
(viii) Characteristics of test contents,
percent of maximum in the case of liq-
e.g., viscosity and relative density for
uids. Bags must be filled to the max-
liquids and particle size for solids; imum mass at which they may be used.
(ix) Mathematical calculations per- For Large Packagings where the inner
formed to conduct and document test- packagings are designed to carry liq-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ing (for example, drop height, test ca- uids and solids, separate testing is re-
pacity, outage requirements, etc.); quired for both liquid and solid con-
(x) Test descriptions and results; and tents. The material to be transported
in the packagings may be replaced by a


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.965

non-hazardous material, except for ditioned for testing by reducing the

chemical compatibility testing or temperature of the packaging and its
where this would invalidate the results contents to 18 C (0 F) or lower. Test
of the tests. liquids must be kept in the liquid
(c) If the material to be transported state, if necessary, by the addition of
is replaced for test purposes by a non- anti-freeze. Water/anti-freeze solutions
hazardous material, the material used with a minimum specific gravity of 0.95
must be of the same or higher specific for testing at 18 C (0 F) or lower are
gravity as the material to be carried, considered acceptable test liquids, and
and its other physical properties may be considered equivalent to water
(grain, size, viscosity) which might in- for test purposes. Large Packagings
fluence the results of the required tests conditioned in this way are not re-
must correspond as closely as possible quired to be conditioned in accordance
to those of the hazardous material to with 178.960(d).
be transported. It is permissible to use (d) Test method. (1) Samples of all
additives, such as bags of lead shot, to Large Packaging design types must be
achieve the requisite total package dropped onto a rigid, non-resilient,
mass, so long as they do not affect the smooth, flat and horizontal surface.
test results. The point of impact must be the most
(d) Paper or fiberboard Large Pack- vulnerable part of the base of the Large
agings must be conditioned for at least Packaging being tested. Following the
24 hours immediately prior to testing drop, the Large Packaging must be re-
in an atmosphere maintained stored to the upright position for ob-
(1) At 50 percent 2 percent relative servation.
humidity, and at a temperature of 23 C (2) Large Packaging design types
2 C (73 F 4 F). Average values with a capacity of 0.45 cubic meters
should fall within these limits. Short- (15.9 cubic feet) or less must be subject
term fluctuations and measurement to an additional drop test.
limitations may cause individual meas- (e) Drop height. (1) For all Large
urements to vary by up to 5 percent Packagings, drop heights are specified
relative humidity without significant as follows:
impairment of test reproducibility; (i) Packing group I: 1.8 m (5.9 feet)
(2) At 65 percent 2 percent relative
(ii) Packing group II: 1.2 m (3.9 feet)
humidity, and at a temperature of 20 C
2 C (68 F 4 F), or 27 C 2 C (81 F (iii) Packing group III: 0.8 m (2.6 feet)
4 F). Average values should fall with- (2) Drop tests are to be performed
in these limits. Short-term fluctua- with the solid or liquid to be trans-
tions and measurement limitations ported or with a non-hazardous mate-
may cause individual measurements to rial having essentially the same phys-
vary by up to 5 percent relative hu- ical characteristics.
midity without significant impairment (3) The specific gravity and viscosity
of test reproducibility; or of a substituted non-hazardous mate-
(3) For testing at periodic intervals rial used in the drop test for liquids
only (i.e., other than initial design must be similar to the hazardous mate-
qualification testing), at ambient con- rial intended for transportation. Water
ditions. also may be used for the liquid drop
test under the following conditions:
178.965 Drop test. (i) Where the substances to be carried
(a) General. The drop test must be have a specific gravity not exceeding
conducted for the qualification of all 1.2, the drop heights must be those
Large Packaging design types and per- specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this sec-
formed periodically as specified in tion for each Large Packaging design
178.955(e) of this subpart. type; and
(b) Special preparation for the drop test. (ii) Where the substances to be car-
Large Packagings must be filled in ac- ried have a specific gravity exceeding
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cordance with 178.960. 1.2, the drop heights must be as fol-

(c) Conditioning. Rigid plastic Large lows:
Packagings and Large Packagings with (A) Packing Group I: SG 1.5 m (4.9
plastic inner receptacles must be con- feet).


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178.970 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(B) Packing Group II: SG 1.0 m (3.3 (2) Flexible Large Packaging design
feet). types must be filled to six times the
(C) Packing Group III: SG 0.67 m maximum permissible gross mass, the
(2.2 feet). load being evenly distributed.
(f) Criteria for passing the test. For all (c) Test method. (1) A Large Pack-
Large Packaging design types there aging must be lifted in the manner for
may be no loss of the filling substance which it is designed until clear of the
from inner packaging(s) or article(s). floor and maintained in that position
Ruptures are not permitted in Large for a period of five minutes.
Packaging for articles of Class 1 which (2) Rigid plastic Large Packaging de-
permit the spillage of loose explosive sign types must be:
substances or articles from the Large (i) Lifted by each pair of diagonally
Packaging. Where a Large Packaging opposite lifting devices, so that the
undergoes a drop test, the sample hoisting forces are applied vertically
passes the test if the entire contents for a period of five minutes; and
are retained even if the closure is no (ii) Lifted by each pair of diagonally
longer sift-proof. opposite lifting devices so that the
hoisting forces are applied towards the
[75 FR 5400, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR center at 45 to the vertical, for a pe-
60339, Sept. 30, 2010]
riod of five minutes.
178.970 Bottom lift test. (3) If not tested as indicated in para-
graph (c)(1) of this section, a flexible
(a) General. The bottom lift test must Large Packaging design type must be
be conducted for the qualification of tested as follows:
all Large Packagings design types de- (i) Fill the flexible Large Packaging
signed to be lifted from the base. to 95% full with a material representa-
(b) Special preparation for the bottom tive of the product to be shipped.
lift test. The Large Packaging must be (ii) Suspend the flexible Large Pack-
loaded to 1.25 times its maximum per- aging by its lifting devices.
missible gross mass, the load being (iii) Apply a constant downward force
evenly distributed. through a specially designed platen.
(c) Test method. All Large Packaging The platen will be a minimum of 60
design types must be raised and low- percent and a maximum of 80 percent
ered twice by a lift truck with the of the cross sectional surface area of
forks centrally positioned and spaced the flexible Large Packaging.
at three quarters of the dimension of (iv) The combination of the mass of
the side of entry (unless the points of the filled flexible Large Packaging and
entry are fixed). The forks must pene- the force applied through the platen
trate to three quarters of the direction must be a minimum of six times the
of entry. maximum net mass of the flexible
(d) Criteria for passing the test. For all Large Packaging. The test must be
Large Packagings design types de- conducted for a period of five minutes.
signed to be lifted from the base, there (v) Other equally effective methods
may be no permanent deformation of top lift testing and preparation may
which renders the Large Packaging un- be used with approval of the Associate
safe for transport and there must be no Administrator.
loss of contents. (d) Criterion for passing the test. For
all Large Packagings design types de-
178.975 Top lift test. signed to be lifted from the top, there
(a) General. The top lift test must be may be no permanent deformation
conducted for the qualification of all of which renders the Large Packagings
Large Packagings design types to be unsafe for transport and no loss of con-
lifted from the top or, for flexible tents.
Large Packagings, from the side.
(b) Special preparation for the top lift 178.980 Stacking test.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

test. (1) Metal and rigid plastic Large (a) General. The stacking test must
Packagings design types must be load- be conducted for the qualification of
ed to twice its maximum permissible all Large Packagings design types in-
gross mass. tended to be stacked.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.980

(b) Special preparation for the stacking half inch plus or minus one-fourth inch
test. (1) All Large Packagings except per minute. An initial preload of 50
flexible Large Packaging design types pounds must be applied to ensure a
must be loaded to their maximum per- definite contact between the test sam-
missible gross mass. ple and the platens. The distance be-
(2) Flexible Large Packagings must tween the platens at this time must be
be filled to not less than 95 percent of recorded as zero deformation. The force
their capacity and to their maximum A to then be applied must be cal-
net mass, with the load being evenly culated using the applicable formula:
(c) Test method. (1) All Large Pack- Liquids: A = (1.8)(n1) [w + (s v 8.3
agings must be placed on their base on .98)] 1.5;
level, hard ground and subjected to a
uniformly distributed superimposed or
test load for a period of at least five Solids: A = (1.8)(n1) [w + (s v 8.3
minutes (see paragraph (c)(5) of this .95)] 1.5
(2) Fiberboard and wooden Large Where:
Packagings must be subjected to the A = applied load in pounds.
test for 24 hours. n = maximum number of Large Packagings
(3) Rigid plastic Large Packagings that may be stacked during transpor-
which bear the stacking load must be tation.
subjected to the test for 28 days at 40 w = maximum weight of one empty container
C (104 F). in pounds.
(4) For all Large Packagings, the s = specific gravity (liquids) or density (sol-
load must be applied by one of the fol- ids) of the lading.
lowing methods: v = actual capacity of container (rated ca-
pacity + outage) in gallons.
(i) One or more Large Packagings of
the same type loaded to their max-
8.3 corresponds to the weight in pounds of 1.0
imum permissible gross mass and
gallon of water.
stacked on the test Large Packaging; 1.5 is a compensation factor that converts
(ii) The calculated superimposed test the static load of the stacking test into
load weight loaded on either a flat a load suitable for dynamic compression
plate or a reproduction of the base of testing.
the Large Packaging, which is stacked
on the test Large Packaging; or (e) Criterion for passing the test. (1) For
(5) Calculation of superimposed test metal or rigid plastic Large Pack-
load. For all Large Packagings, the agings, there may be no permanent de-
load to be placed on the Large Pack- formation which renders the Large
aging must be 1.8 times the combined Packaging unsafe for transportation
maximum permissible gross mass of and no loss of contents.
the number of similar Large Packaging (2) For fiberboard or wooden Large
that may be stacked on top of the Packagings, there may be no loss of
Large Packaging during transpor- contents and no permanent deforma-
tation. tion that renders the whole Large
(d) Periodic Retest. (1) The package Packaging, including the base pallet,
must be tested in accordance with unsafe for transportation.
178.980(c) of this subpart; or (3) For flexible Large Packagings,
(2) The packaging may be tested there may be no deterioration which
using a dynamic compression testing
renders the Large Packaging unsafe for
machine. The test must be conducted
transportation and no loss of contents.
at room temperature on an empty, un-
sealed packaging. The test sample (4) For the dynamic compression
must be centered on the bottom platen test, a container passes the test if,
of the testing machine. The top platen after application of the required load,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be lowered until it comes in con- there is no permanent deformation to

tact with the test sample. Compression the Large Packaging which renders the
must be applied end to end. The speed whole Large Packaging; including the
of the compression tester must be one- base pallet, unsafe for transportation;


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178.985 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

in no case may the maximum deflec- 178.1000 Purpose and scope.

tion exceed one inch. (a) This subpart prescribes require-
[75 FR 5400, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR ments for Flexible Bulk Containers
60339, Sept. 30, 2010; 78 FR 1097, Jan. 7, 2013] (FBCs) intended for the transportation
of hazardous materials. FBC standards
178.985 Vibration test. in this subpart are based on the UN
(a) General. All rigid Large Pack- Model Regulations.
(b) Terms used in this subpart are de-
aging and flexible Large Packaging de-
fined in 171.8 of this subchapter.
sign types must be capable of with-
standing the vibration test. 178.1005 Flexible Bulk Container
(b) Test method. (1) A sample Large identification code.
Packaging, selected at random, must The Flexible Bulk Container code
be filled and closed as for shipment. designation is BK3.
Large Packagings intended for liquids
may be tested using water as the filling 178.1010 Marking of Flexible Bulk
material for the vibration test. Containers.
(2) The sample Large Packaging must (a) The manufacturer must:
be placed on a vibrating platform that (1) Mark every Flexible Bulk Con-
has a vertical or rotary double-ampli- tainer in a durable and clearly visible
tude (peak-to-peak displacement) of manner. The marking may be applied
one inch. The Large Packaging must be in a single line or in multiple lines pro-
constrained horizontally to prevent it vided the correct sequence is followed
with the information required by this
from falling off the platform, but must
section. The following information is
be left free to move vertically and
required in the sequence presented:
bounce. (i) Except as provided in
(3) The sample Large Packaging must 178.503(e)(1)(ii), the United Nations
be placed on a vibrating platform that packaging symbol as illustrated in
has a vertical double-amplitude (peak- 178.503(e)(1)(i).
to-peak displacement) of one inch. The (ii) The code number designating the
Large Packaging must be constrained Flexible Bulk Container design type
horizontally to prevent it from falling according to 178.1005. The letter W
off the platform, but must be left free must follow the Flexible Bulk Con-
to move vertically and bounce. tainer design type identification code
(4) The test must be performed for on a Flexible Bulk Container when the
one hour at a frequency that causes the Flexible Bulk Container differs from
package to be raised from the vibrating the requirements in subpart R of this
platform to such a degree that a piece part, or is tested using methods other
of material of approximately 1.6-mm than those specified in this subpart,
(0.063-inch) in thickness (such as steel and is approved by the Associate Ad-
strapping or paperboard) can be passed ministrator in accordance with
between the bottom of the Large Pack- 178.1035;
(iii) The capital letter Z identifying
aging and the platform. Other methods
that the Flexible Bulk Container meets
at least equally effective may be used
Packing Group III performance stand-
(see 178.801(i)).
ard under which the design type has
(c) Criterion for passing the test. A been successfully tested.
Large Packaging passes the vibration (iv) The month (designated numeri-
test if there is no rupture or leakage. cally) and year (last two digits) of
[75 FR 5400, Feb. 2, 2010, as amended at 75 FR manufacture;
60339, Sept. 30, 2010] (v) The country authorizing the allo-
cation of the mark. The letters USA
indicate that the Flexible Bulk Con-
Subpart RFlexible Bulk Container tainer is manufactured and marked in
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Standards the United States in compliance with

the provisions of this subchapter.
SOURCE: 78 FR 1097, Jan. 7, 2013, unless oth- (vi) The name and address or symbol
erwise noted. of the manufacturer or the approval


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.1035

agency certifying compliance with sub- (viii) The maximum permissible

part R and subpart S of this part. Sym- gross mass in kg.
bols, if used, must be registered with (2) The following is an example of
the Associate Administrator. symbols and required markings for a
(vii) The stacking test load in kilo- Flexible Bulk container suitable for
grams (kg). For Flexible Bulk Con- stacking; stacking load: 1,000 kg; max-
tainers not designed for stacking the imum gross mass: 2,500 kg.
figure 0 must be shown.

(b) [Reserved] tainer. Any venting device must be de-

signed so that external foreign sub-
178.1015 General Flexible Bulk Con- stances are prevented from entering
tainer standards. the Flexible Bulk Container through
(a) Each Flexible Bulk Containers the venting device under conditions
must be sift-proof and completely normally incident to transportation.
closed during transport to prevent the
release of contents and waterproof. 178.1020 Period of use for transpor-
(b) Parts of the Flexible Bulk Con- tation of hazardous materials in
tainer that are in direct contact with Flexible Bulk Containers.
hazardous materials: The use of Flexible Bulk Containers
(1) Must not be affected or signifi- for the transport of hazardous mate-
cantly weakened by those hazardous rials is permitted for a period of time
materials. not to exceed two years from the date
(2) Must not cause a dangerous effect of manufacture of the Flexible Bulk
with the dangerous goods (e.g., cata- Container.
lyzing a reaction or reacting with the
hazardous materials). Subpart STesting of Flexible Bulk
(3) Must not allow permeation of the Containers
hazardous materials that could con-
stitute a danger under conditions nor-
mally incident to transportation. SOURCE: 78 FR 1098, Jan. 7, 2013, unless oth-
erwise noted.
(c) Filling and discharge devices
must be so constructed as to be pro- 178.1030 Purpose and scope.
tected against damage during trans-
port and handling. The filling and dis- This subpart prescribes certain test-
charge devices must be capable of ing requirements for Flexible Bulk
being secured against unintended open- Containers identified in subpart R of
ing. this part.
(d) Slings of the Flexible Bulk Con-
tainer, if fitted with such, must with- 178.1035 General requirements.
stand pressure and dynamic forces (a) General. The test procedures pre-
which can be expected under conditions scribed in this subpart are intended to
normally incident to transportation. ensure that Flexible Bulk Containers
(e) Handling devices must be strong containing hazardous materials can
enough to withstand repeated use. withstand normal conditions of trans-
(f) A venting device must be fitted to portation. These test procedures are
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Flexible Bulk Containers intended to considered minimum requirements.

transport hazardous materials that Each packaging must be manufactured
may develop dangerous accumulation and assembled so as to be capable of
of gases within the Flexible Bulk Con- successfully passing the prescribed


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178.1035 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

tests and to conform to the require- qualification testing at the start of

ments of 173.24 of this subchapter production of each new or different
while in transportation. Flexible Bulk Container design type.
(b) Responsibility. The Flexible Bulk Application of the certification mark
Container manufacturer is responsible by the manufacturer constitutes cer-
for ensuring each Flexible Bulk Con- tification that the Flexible Bulk Con-
tainers is capable of passing the pre- tainer design type passed the pre-
scribed tests. To the extent a Flexible scribed tests in this subpart.
Bulk Containers assembly function, (e) Periodic design requalification test-
including final closure, is performed by ing. (1) Periodic design requalification
the person who offers a hazardous ma-
must be conducted on each qualified
terial for transportation, that person is
Flexible Bulk Container design type if
responsible for performing the function
in accordance with 173.22 and 178.2 of the manufacturer is to maintain au-
this subchapter. thorization for continued production.
(c) Definitions. For the purpose of this The Flexible Bulk Container manufac-
subpart: turer must achieve successful test re-
(1) Flexible Bulk Container design type sults for the periodic design requali-
refers to a Flexible Bulk Container fication at sufficient frequency to en-
that does not differ in structural de- sure each packaging produced by the
sign, size, material of construction and manufacturer is capable of passing the
packing. design qualification tests. Design re-
(2) Design qualification testing is the qualification tests must be conducted
performance of the drop, topple, right- at least once every 24 months.
ing, tear, stacking, and top-lift tests (2) Changes in the frequency of design
prescribed in this subpart, for each dif- requalification testing specified in
ferent Flexible Bulk Container design paragraph (e)(1) of this section are au-
type, at the start of production of that thorized if approved by the Associate
packaging. Administrator.
(3) Periodic design requalification test is (f) Test samples. The manufacturer
the performance of the applicable tests must conduct the design qualification
specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
and periodic tests prescribed in this
tion on a Flexible Bulk Container de-
subpart using random samples of pack-
sign type, to requalify the design for
agings, in the numbers specified in the
continued production at the frequency
specified in paragraph (e) of this sec- appropriate test section.
tion. (g) Proof of compliance. In addition to
(4) Production inspection is the inspec- the periodic design requalification
tion that must initially be conducted testing intervals specified in paragraph
on each newly manufactured Flexible (e) of this section, the Associate Ad-
Bulk Container. ministrator, or a designated represent-
(5) Different Flexible Bulk Container ative, may at any time require dem-
design type is one that differs from a onstration of compliance by a manu-
previously qualified Flexible Bulk Con- facturer, through testing in accordance
tainer design type in structural design, with this subpart, to ensure packagings
size, material of construction, wall meet the requirements of this subpart.
thickness, or manner of construction, As required by the Associate Adminis-
but does not include: trator, or a designated representative,
(i) A packaging that differs in surface the manufacturer must either:
treatment; (1) Conduct performance tests or
(ii) A packaging that differs only in have tests conducted by an inde-
its lesser external dimensions (i.e., pendent testing facility, in accordance
height, width, length) provided mate- with this subpart; or
rials of construction and material
(2) Make a sample Flexible Bulk Con-
thickness or fabric weight remain the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

same; tainer available to the Associate Ad-

(d) Design qualification testing. The ministrator, or a designated represent-
packaging manufacturer must achieve ative, for testing in accordance with
successful test results for the design this subpart.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 178.1045

(h) Record retention. Following each hazardous material, the physical prop-
design qualification test and each peri- erties (grain, size, viscosity) of the re-
odic retest on a Flexible Bulk Con- placement material used that might
tainer, a test report must be prepared. influence the results of the required
The test report must be maintained at tests must correspond as closely as
each location where the Flexible Bulk possible to those of the hazardous ma-
Container is manufactured and each lo- terial to be transported. It is permis-
cation where the design qualification sible to use additives, such as bags of
tests are conducted, for as long as the lead shot, to achieve the requisite total
Flexible Bulk Container is produced package mass, so long as they do not
and for at least two years thereafter, affect the test results.
and at each location where the periodic
retests are conducted until such tests 178.1045 Drop test.
are successfully performed again and a
new test report produced. In addition, a (a) General. The drop test must be
copy of the test report must be main- conducted for the qualification of all
tained by a person certifying compli- Flexible Bulk Container design types
ance with this part. The test report and performed periodically as specified
must be made available to a user of a in 178.1035(e) of this subpart.
Flexible Bulk Container or a represent- (b) Special preparation for the drop test.
ative of the Department upon request. Flexible Bulk Containers must be filled
The test report, at a minimum, must to their maximum permissible gross
contain the following information: mass.
(1) Name and address of test facility; (c) Test method. (1) A sample of all
(2) Name and address of applicant Flexible Bulk Container design types
(where appropriate); must be dropped onto a rigid, non-resil-
(3) A unique test report identifica- ient, smooth, flat and horizontal sur-
tion; face. This test surface must be large
(4) Date of the test report;
enough to be immovable during testing
(5) Manufacturer of the packaging;
and sufficiently large enough to ensure
(6) Description of the flexible bulk
that the test Flexible Bulk Container
container design type (e.g., dimensions
materials, closures, thickness, etc.), in- falls entirely upon the surface. The
cluding methods of manufacture (e.g., test surface must be kept free from
blow molding) and which may include local defects capable of influencing the
drawing(s) and/or photograph(s); test results.
(7) Maximum capacity; (2) Following the drop, the Flexible
(8) Characteristics of test contents Bulk Container must be restored to the
(e.g., particle size for solids); upright position for observation.
(9) Mathematical calculations per- (d) Drop height. (1) For all Flexible
formed to conduct and document test- Bulk Containers, drop heights are spec-
ing (e.g., drop height, test capacity, ified as follows: Packing group III: 0.8
outage requirements, etc.); m (2.6 feet)
(10) Test descriptions and results; and (2) Drop tests are to be performed
(11) Signature with the name and with the solid to be transported or with
title of signatory. a non-hazardous material having essen-
tially the same physical characteris-
178.1040 Preparation of Flexible Bulk
Containers for testing. tics.
(e) Criteria for passing the test. For all
(a) Except as otherwise provided in
Flexible Bulk Container design types
this subchapter, each Flexible Bulk
there may be no loss of the filling sub-
Container must be closed in prepara-
tion for testing and tests must be car- stance. However a slight discharge
ried out in the same manner as if pre- (e.g., from closures or stitch holes)
pared for transportation. All closures upon impact is not considered a failure
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be installed using proper tech- of the Flexible Bulk Container pro-
niques and torques. vided that no further leakage occurs
(b) If the material to be transported after the container has been restored
is replaced for test purposes by a non- to the upright position.


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178.1050 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

178.1050 Top lift test. (c) Test method. (1) All Flexible Bulk
(a) General. The top lift test must be Containers must be placed on their
conducted for the qualification of all of base on level, hard ground and sub-
Flexible Bulk Containers design types jected to a uniformly distributed super-
to be lifted from the top. imposed test load that is four times the
(b) Special preparation for the top lift design type maximum gross weight for
test. Flexible Bulk Container design a period of at least twenty-four hours.
types must be filled to six times the (2) For all Flexible Bulk Containers,
maximum permissible gross mass, the the load must be applied by one of the
load being evenly distributed. following methods:
(c) Test method. (1) A Flexible Bulk (i) Four Flexible Bulk Containers of
Container must be lifted in the manner the same type loaded to their max-
for which it is designed until clear of imum permissible gross mass and
the floor and maintained in that posi- stacked on the test Flexible Bulk Con-
tion for a period of five minutes. tainer;
(2) If not tested as indicated in para- (ii) The calculated superimposed test
graph (c)(1) of this section, a Flexible load weight loaded on either a flat
Bulk Container design type must be plate or a reproduction of the base of
tested as follows: the Flexible Bulk Container, which is
(i) Fill the Flexible Bulk Container
stacked on the test Flexible Bulk Con-
to 95% full with a material representa-
tive of the product to be shipped.
(ii) Suspend the Flexible Bulk Con- (d) Criteria for passing the test. There
tainer by its lifting devices. may be no deterioration that renders
(iii) Apply a constant downward force the Flexible Bulk Container unsafe for
through a specially designed platen. transportation and no loss of contents
The platen will be a minimum of 60 during the test or after removal of the
percent and a maximum of 80 percent test load.
of the cross sectional surface area of
the Flexible Bulk Container. 178.1060 Topple test.
(iv) The combination of the mass of (a) General. The topple test must be
the filled Flexible Bulk Container and conducted for the qualification of all
the force applied through the platen Flexible Bulk Containers design types.
must be a minimum of six times the (b) Special preparation for the topple
maximum net mass of the Flexible test. Flexible Bulk Container design
Bulk Container. The test must be con- types must be filled to their maximum
ducted for a period of five minutes. permissible gross mass, the load being
(v) Other equally effective methods evenly distributed.
of top lift testing and preparation may
(c) Test method. Samples of all Flexi-
be used with approval of the Associate
ble Bulk Container design types must
be toppled onto any part of its top by
(d) Criteria for passing the test. For all
lifting the side furthest from the drop
Flexible Bulk Containers design types
designed to be lifted from the top, edge upon a rigid, non-resilient,
there may be no damage to the Flexi- smooth, flat and horizontal surface.
ble Bulk Container or its lifting de- This test surface must be large enough
vices that renders the Flexible Bulk to be immovable during testing and
Container unsafe for transport, and no sufficiently large enough to ensure
loss of contents. that the test Flexible Bulk Container
falls entirely upon the surface. The
178.1055 Stacking test. test surface must be kept free from
(a) General. The stacking test must local defects capable of influencing the
be conducted for the qualification of test results.
all Flexible Bulk Containers design (d) Topple height. (1) For all Flexible
types. Bulk Containers, topple heights are
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) Special preparation for the stacking specified as follows: Packing group III:
test. All Flexible Bulk Containers de- 0.8 m (2.6 feet).
sign types must be loaded to their max- (e) Criterion for passing the test. For
imum permissible gross mass. all Flexible Bulk Container design


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 178, App. A

types there may be no loss of the fill- (b) Special preparation for the tear test.
ing substance. However a slight dis- Flexible Bulk Container design types
charge (e.g., from closures or stitch must be filled its maximum permis-
holes) upon impact is not considered a sible gross mass, the load being evenly
failure of the Flexible Bulk Container. distributed.
(c) Test method. (1) A Flexible Bulk
178.1065 Righting test. Container design type must be placed
(a) General. The righting test must be on the ground and a 300 mm (11.9 in)
conducted for the qualification of all cut shall be made. This 300 mm (11.9 in)
Flexible Bulk Containers design types cut must:
designed to be lifted from the top or (i) Completely penetrate all layers of
side. the Flexible Bulk Container on a wall
(b) Special preparation for the righting with a wide face.
test. Flexible Bulk Container design (ii) Be made at a 45 angle to the
types must be filled to not less than principal axis of the Flexible Bulk Con-
95% of their capacity and to their max- tainer, halfway between the bottom
imum permissible gross mass, the load surface and the top level of the con-
being evenly distributed. tents.
(c) Test method. A sample Flexible (2) The Flexible Bulk Container after
Bulk Container design type must be being cut according to the provisions of
tested; the Flexible Bulk Container 178.1070(c)(1), must be subjected to a
should start lying on its side and then uniformly distributed superimposed
must be lifted at a speed of at least load equivalent to twice the maximum
0.1m/s (0.328 ft/s) to an upright position gross mass of the package. This load
clear of the floor, by no more than half must be applied for at least fifteen
of the lifting devices. minutes. Flexible Bulk Containers that
(d) Criterion for passing the test. For are designed to be lifted from the top
all Flexible Bulk Container design or the side must, after removal of the
types there must be no damage that superimposed load, be lifted clear of
renders the Flexible Bulk Container the floor and maintained in that posi-
unsafe for transport or handling. tion for a period of fifteen minutes.
(d) Criterion for passing the test. For
178.1070 Tear test. all Flexible Bulk Container design
(a) General. The tear test must be types, the cut must not spread more
conducted for the qualification of all of than an additional 25% of its original
Flexible Bulk Containers design types. length.


[Open-hearth, basic oxygen, or electric steel of uniform quality. The following chemical composition limits are based on ladle

Chemical composition, percent-ladle analysis

Grade 1 1 Grade 2 1 2 Grade 3 2 4 5

Carbon .......................................... 0.10/0.20 ............................... 0.24 maximum ...................... 0.22 maximum.

Manganese ................................... 1.10/1.60 ............................... 0.50/1.00 ............................... 1.25 maximum.
Phosphorus, maximum ................. 0.04 ....................................... 0.04 ....................................... 0.045.6
Sulfur, maximum .......................... 0.05 ....................................... 0.05 ....................................... 0.05.
Silicon ........................................... 0.15/0.30 ............................... 0.30 maximum ......................
Copper, maximum ........................ 0.40 ....................................... ...............................................
Columbium ................................... ............................................... 0.01/0.04 ...............................
Heat treatment authorized ............ (3) .......................................... (3) .......................................... (3).
Maximum stress (p.s.i.) ................ 35,000 ................................... 35,000 ................................... 35,000.
1 Additionof other elements to obtain alloying effect is not authorized.
2 Ferritic
grain size 6 or finer according to ASTM E 11296 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

3 Anysuitable heat treatment in excess of 1,100 F., except that liquid quenching is not permitted.
4 Other alloying elements may be added and shall be reported.
5 For compositions with a maximum carbon content of 0.15 percent of ladle analysis, the maximum limit for manganese on
ladle analysis may be 1.40 percent.
6 Rephosphorized Grade 3 steels containing no more than 0.15 percent phosphorus are permitted if carbon content does not
exceed 0.15 percent and manganese does not exceed 1 percent.


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Pt. 178, App. B 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)


[A heat of steel made under any of the above grades, the ladle analysis of which is slightly out of the specified range is
acceptable if the check analysis is within the following variations:]

Tolerance (percent) over

the maximum limit or
under the minimum limit
Element Limit or maximum specified (percent)
Under min- Over max-
imum limit imum limit

Carbon ...................................................................... To 0.15 inclusive .............................................. 0.02 0.03

Over 0.15 to 0.40 inclusive .............................. 0.03 0.04
Manganese ............................................................... To 0.60 inclusive .............................................. 0.03 0.03
Over 0.60 to 1.15 inclusive .............................. 0.04 0.04
Over 1.15 to 2.50 inclusive .............................. 0.05 0.05
Phosphorus 7 ............................................................. All ranges ......................................................... .................... 0.01
Sulfur ......................................................................... All ranges ......................................................... .................... 0.01
Silicon ........................................................................ To 0.30 inclusive .............................................. 0.02 0.03
Over 0.30 to 1.00 inclusive .............................. 0.05 0.05
Copper ...................................................................... To 1.00 inclusive .............................................. 0.03 0.03
Over 1.00 to 2.00 inclusive .............................. 0.05 0.05
Nickel ........................................................................ To 1.00 inclusive .............................................. 0.03 0.03
Over 1.00 to 2.00 inclusive .............................. 0.05 0.05
Chromium .................................................................. To 0.90 inclusive .............................................. 0.03 0.03
Over 0.90 to 2.10 inclusive .............................. 0.05 0.05
Molybdenum .............................................................. To 0.20 inclusive .............................................. 0.01 0.01
Over 0.20 to 0.40 inclusive .............................. 0.02 0.02
Zirconium .................................................................. All ranges ......................................................... 0.01 0.05
Columbium ................................................................ To 0.04 inclusive .............................................. 0.005 0.01
Aluminum .................................................................. Over 0.10 to 0.20 inclusive .............................. 0.04 0.04
Over 0.20 to 0.30 inclusive .............................. 0.05 0.05
7 Rephosphorized steels not subject to check analysis for phosphorus.

[Amdt. 1783, 34 FR 12283, July 25, 1969; 34 FR 12593, Aug. 1, 1969, as amended by Amdt. 178
64, 45 FR 81573, Dec. 11, 1980; Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52728, Dec. 21, 1990; 68 FR 75758, Dec. 31, 2003]

APPENDIX B TO PART 178ALTERNATIVE test. The test must be conducted for a period
LEAKPROOFNESS TEST METHODS of time sufficient to appropriately pressurize
or evacuate the interior of the packaging
In addition to the method prescribed in and to determine if there is leakage into or
178.604 of this subchapter, the following out of the packaging. A packaging passes the
leakproofness test methods are authorized: pressure differential test if there is no
(1) Helium test. The packaging must be change in measured internal pressure.
filled with at least 1 L inert helium gas, air (3) Solution over seams. The packaging must
tight closed, and placed in a testing cham- be restrained while an internal air pressure
ber. The testing chamber must be evacuated is applied; the method of restraint may not
down to a pressure of 5 kPa which equals an affect the results of the test. The exterior
over-pressure inside the packaging of 95 kPa. surface of all seams and welds must be coat-
The air in the testing chamber must be ana- ed with a solution of soap suds or a water
lyzed for traces of helium gas by means of a and oil mixture. The test must be conducted
mass spectrograph. The test must be con- for a period of time sufficient to pressurize
ducted for a period of time sufficient to evac- the interior of the packaging to the specified
uate the chamber and to determine if there air pressure and to determine if there is
is leakage into or out of the packaging. If he- leakage of air from the packaging. A pack-
lium gas is detected, the leaking packaging aging passes the test if there is no leakage of
must be automatically separated from non- air from the packaging.
leaking drums and the leaking area deter- (4) Solution over partial seams test. For other
mined according to the method prescribed in than design qualification testing, the fol-
178.604(d) of this subchapter. A packaging lowing test may be used for metal drums:
passes the test if there is no leakage of he- The packaging must be restrained while an
lium. internal air pressure of 48 kPa (7.0 psig) is
(2) Pressure differential test. The packaging applied; the method of restraint may not af-
shall be restrained while either pressure or a fect the results of the test. The packaging
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

vacuum is applied internally. The packaging must be coated with a soap solution over the
must be pressurized to the pressure required entire side seam and a distance of not less
by 178.604(e) of this subchapter for the ap- than eight inches on each side of the side
propriate packing group. The method of re- seam along the chime seam(s). The test must
straint must not affect the results of the be conducted for a period of time sufficient


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 178, App. D
to pressurize the interior of the packaging to tional three thermocouples must be used to
the specified air pressure and to determine if monitor the temperature of the cylinder.
there is leakage of air from the packaging. A The thermocouples must be 116 inch, ceramic
packaging passes the test if there is no leak- packed, metal sheathed, type K (Chromel-
age of air from the packaging. Chime cuts Alumel), grounded junction with a nominal
must be made on the initial drum at the be- 30 American wire gauge (AWG) size con-
ginning of each production run and on the ductor. The thermocouples measuring the
initial drum after any adjustment to the temperature inside the oven must be placed
chime seamer. Chime cuts must be main- at varying heights to ensure even tempera-
tained on file in date order for not less than ture and proper heat-soak conditions. For
six months and be made available to a rep- the thermocouples measuring the tempera-
resentative of the Department of Transpor- ture of the cylinder: (1) Two of them must be
tation on request. placed on the outer cylinder side wall at ap-
proximately 2 inches (5 cm) from the top and
[Amdt. 17897, 55 FR 52728, Dec. 21, 1990, as
bottom shoulders of the cylinder; and (2) one
amended at 56 FR 66287, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
must be placed on the cylinder valve body
45466, Oct. 1, 1992]
near the pressure relief device. Alter-
natively, the thermocouples may be replaced
with other devices such as a remote tempera-
MINIMUM THICKNESSES OF STEEL ture sensor, metal fuse on the valve, or coat-
DRUMS AND JERRICANS ed wax, provided the device is tested and the
For each listed packaging capacity, the test report is retained for verification. Under
following table compares the ISO 3574 (IBR, this alternative, it is permissible to record
see 171.7 of this subchapter) nominal thick- the highest temperature to which the cyl-
ness with the corresponding ISO 3574 min- inder is subjected instead of temperature
imum thickness. measurements in intervals of not more than
five (5) minutes.
Cor- 2.3 Instrumentation. A calibrated recording
responding device or a computerized data acquisition
ISO nomi-
Maximum capacity (L) ISO min- system with an appropriate range should be
nal (mm) imum
(mm) provided to measure and record the outputs
of the thermocouples.
20 ................................................... 0.7 0.63 3. Test Specimen.
30 ................................................... 0.8 0.73
40 ................................................... 0.8 0.73
3.1 Specimen Configuration. Each outer
60 ................................................... 1.0 0.92 package material type and design must be
120 ................................................. 1.0 0.92 tested, including any features such as han-
220 ................................................. 1.0 0.92 dles, latches, fastening systems, etc., that
450 ................................................. 1.9 1.77 may compromise the ability of the outer
package to provide thermal protection.
[Amdt. 178106, 59 FR 67522, Dec. 29, 1994, as 3.2 Test Specimen Mounting. The tested
amended at 68 FR 75758, Dec. 31, 2003] outer package must be supported at the four
corners using fire brick or other suitable
APPENDIX D TO PART 178THERMAL means. The bottom surface of the outer
package must be exposed to allow exposure
to heat.
1. Scope. This test method evaluates the 4. Preparation for Testing.
thermal resistance capabilities of a com- 4.1 It is recommended that the cylinder be
pressed oxygen generator and the outer closed at ambient temperature and config-
packaging for a cylinder of compressed oxy- ured as when filled with a valve and pressure
gen or other oxidizing gas and an oxygen relief device. The oxygen generator must be
generator. When exposed to a temperature of filled with an oxidizing agent and may be
205 C (400 F) for a period of not less than tested with or without packaging.
three hours, the outer surface of the cylinder 4.2 Place the package or generator onto
may not exceed a temperature of 93 C (199 supporting bricks or a stand inside the test
F) and the oxygen generator must not actu- oven in such a manner to ensure even tem-
ate. perature flow.
2. Apparatus. 5. Test Procedure.
2.1 Test Oven. The oven must be large 5.1 Close oven door and check for proper
enough in size to fully house the test outer reading on thermocouples.
package without clearance problems. The 5.2 Raise the temperature of the oven to a
test oven must be capable of maintaining a minimum temperature of 205 C 2 C (400 F
minimum steady state temperature of 205 C 5 F). Maintain a minimum oven tempera-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(400 F). ture of 205 C 2 C (400 F 5 F) for at least

2.2 Thermocouples. At least three three hours. Exposure time begins when the
thermocouples must be used to monitor the oven steady state temperature reaches a
temperature inside the oven and an addi- minimum of 205 C 2 C (400 F 5 F).


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Pt. 178, App. E 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
5.3 At the conclusion of the three-hour pe- (c) Test Specimens. (1) The specimen to be
riod, the outer package may be removed tested must measure 16 18 inches (406 3
from the oven and allowed to cool naturally. mm) by 24+18 inches (610 3 mm).
6. Recordkeeping. (2) The specimens must be conditioned at
6.1 Record a complete description of the 70 F. 5 F. (21 C. 2 C.) and 55% 5% hu-
material being tested, including the manu- midity for at least 24 hours before testing.
facturer, size of cylinder, etc. (d) Test Apparatus. The arrangement of the
6.2 Record any observations regarding the test apparatus must include the components
behavior of the test specimen during expo- described in this section. Minor details of the
sure, such as smoke production, apparatus may vary, depending on the model
delamination, resin ignition, and time of oc- of the burner used.
currence of each event. (1) Specimen Mounting Stand. The mounting
6.3 Record the temperature and time his- stand for the test specimens consists of steel
tory of the cylinder temperature during the angles.
entire test for each thermocouple location. (2) Test Burner. The burner to be used in
Temperature measurements must be re- tesing must
corded at intervals of not more than five (5) (i) Be a modified gun type.
minutes. Record the maximum temperatures (ii) Use a suitable nozzle and maintain fuel
achieved at all three thermocouple locations pressure to yield a 2 GPH fuel flow. For ex-
and the corresponding time. ample: An 80 degree nozzle nominally rated
7. Requirements. at 2.25 GPH and operated at 85 pounds per
7.1 For a cylinder, the outer package square inch (PSI) gauge to deliver 2.03 GPH.
must provide adequate protection such that (iii) Have a 12 inch (305 mm) burner exten-
the outer surface of the cylinder and valve sion installed at the end of the draft tube
does not exceed a temperature of 93 C (199 with an opening 6 inches (152 mm) high and
F) at any of the three points where the 11 inches (280 mm) wide.
thermocouples are located. (iv) Have a burner fuel pressure regulator
7.2 For an oxygen generator, the gener- that is adjusted to deliver a nominal 2.0 GPH
ator must not actuate. of #2 Grade kerosene or equivalent.
Burner models which have been used suc-
[72 FR 4457, Jan. 31, 2008, as amended at 72 cessfully in testing are the Lenox Model OB
FR 55099, Sept. 28, 2007] 32, Carlin Model 200 CRD and Park Model
APPENDIX E TO PART 178FLAME (3) Calorimeter. (i) The calorimeter to be
PENETRATION RESISTANCE TEST used in testing must be a total heat flux Foil
Type Gardon Gage of an appropriate range
(a) Criteria for Acceptance. (1) At least three (approximately 0 to 15.0 British thermal unit
specimens of the outer packaging materials (BTU) per ft.2 sec., 017.0 watts/cm2). The cal-
must be tested; orimeter must be mounted in a 6 inch by 12
(2) Each test must be conducted on a flat 16 inch (152 by 305 mm) by 34 inch (19 mm) thick
inch 24 inch test specimen mounted in the insulating block which is attached to a steel
horizontal ceiling position of the test appa- angle bracket for placement in the test stand
ratus to represent the outer packaging de- during burner calibration as shown in Figure
sign; 2 of this part of this appendix.
(3) Testing must be conducted on all design (ii) The insulating block must be mon-
features (latches, seams, hinges, etc.) affect- itored for deterioration and the mounting
ing the ability of the outer packaging to shimmed as necessary to ensure that the cal-
safely prevent the passage of fire in the hori- orimeter face is parallel to the exit plane of
zontal ceiling position; and the test burner cone.
(4) There must be no flame penetration of (4) Thermocouples. The seven thermocouples
any specimen within 5 minutes after applica- to be used for testing must be 116 inch ce-
tion of the flame source and the maximum ramic sheathed, type K, grounded
allowable temperature at a point 4 inches thermocouples with a nominal 30 American
above the test specimen, centered over the wire gage (AWG) size conductor. The seven
burner cone, must not exceed 205 C (400 F). thermocouples must be attached to a steel
(b) Summary of Method. This method pro- angle bracket to form a thermocouple rake
vides a laboratory test procedure for meas- for placement in the test stand during burn-
uring the capability of cargo compartment er calibration.
lining materials to resist flame penetration (5) Apparatus Arrangement. The test burner
with a 2 gallon per hour (GPH) #2 Grade ker- must be mounted on a suitable stand to posi-
osene or equivalent burner fire source. Ceil- tion the exit of the burner cone a distance of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ing and sidewall liner panels may be tested 8 inches from the ceiling liner panel and 2
individually provided a baffle is used to sim- inches from the sidewall liner panel. The
ulate the missing panel. Any specimen that burner stand should have the capability of
passes the test as a ceiling liner panel may allowing the burner to be swung away from
be used as a sidewall liner panel. the test specimen during warm-up periods.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 178, App. E
(6) Instrumentation. A recording potentiom- temperature is out of this range, repeat steps
eter or other suitable instrument with an ap- 2 through 5 until proper readings are ob-
propriate range must be used to measure and tained.
record the outputs of the calorimeter and (6) Turn off the burner and remove the
the thermocouples. thermocouple rake.
(7) Timing Device. A stopwatch or other de- (7) Repeat (1) to ensure that the burner is
vice must be used to measure the time of in the correct range.
flame application and the time of flame pen- (g) Test Procedure. (1) Mount a thermo-
etration, if it occurs. couple of the same type as that used for cali-
(e) Preparation of Apparatus. Before calibra- bration at a distance of 4 inches (102 mm)
tion, all equipment must be turned on and above the horizontal (ceiling) test specimen.
allowed to stabilize, and the burner fuel flow The thermocouple should be centered over
must be adjusted as specified in paragraph the burner cone.
(d)(2). (2) Mount the test specimen on the test
(f) Calibration. To ensure the proper ther- stand shown in Figure 1 in either the hori-
mal output of the burner the following test zontal or vertical position. Mount the insu-
must be made: lating material in the other position.
(1) Remove the burner extension from the (3) Position the burner so that flames will
end of the draft tube. Turn on the blower not impinge on the specimen, turn the burn-
portion of the burner without turning the er on, and allow it to run for 2 minutes. Ro-
fuel or igniters on. Measure the air velocity tate the burner to apply the flame to the
using a hot wire anemometer in the center of specimen and simultaneously start the tim-
the draft tube across the face of the opening. ing device.
Adjust the damper such that the air velocity (4) Expose the test specimen to the flame
is in the range of 1550 to 1800 ft./min. If tabs for 5 minutes and then turn off the burner.
are being used at the exit of the draft tube, The test may be terminated earlier if flame
they must be removed prior to this measure- penetration is observed.
ment. Reinstall the draft tube extension (5) When testing ceiling liner panels,
cone. record the peak temperature measured 4
(2) Place the calorimeter on the test stand inches above the sample.
as shown in Figure 2 at a distance of 8 inches (6) Record the time at which flame pene-
(203 mm) from the exit of the burner cone to tration occurs if applicable.
simulate the position of the horizontal test (h) Test Report. The test report must in-
specimen. clude the following:
(3) Turn on the burner, allow it to run for (1) A complete description of the materials
2 minutes for warm-up, and adjust the damp- tested including type, manufacturer, thick-
er to produce a calorimeter reading of 8.0 0.5 ness, and other appropriate data.
BTU per ft.2 sec. (9.1 0.6 Watts/cm2). (2) Observations of the behavior of the test
(4) Replace the calorimeter with the ther- specimens during flame exposure such as
mocouple rake. delamination, resin ignition, smoke, etc., in-
(5) Turn on the burner and ensure that cluding the time of such occurrence.
each of the seven thermocouples reads 1700 (3) The time at which flame penetration
F. 100 F. (927 C. 38 C.) to ensure steady occurs, if applicable, for each of the three
state conditions have been achieved. If the specimens tested.
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Pt. 179 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
[72 FR 55099, Sept. 28, 2007, as amended at 78 179.101 Individual specification require-
FR 15328, Mar. 11, 2013] ments applicable to pressure tank car
179.1011 Individual specification require-
TANK CARS 179.102 Special commodity requirements for
pressure tank car tanks.
Subpart AIntroduction, Approvals and 179.1021 Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid.
Reports 179.1022 Chlorine.
179.1023 Materials poisonous by inhalation.
Sec. 179.1024 Vinyl fluoride, stabilized.
179.1 General. 179.10217 Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated
179.2 Definitions and abbreviations. liquid.
179.3 Procedure for securing approval. 179.103 Special requirements for class 114A
179.4 Changes in specifications for tank * * * tank car tanks.
cars. 179.1031 Type.
179.5 Certificate of construction. 179.1032 Manway cover.
179.6 Repairs and alterations. 179.1033 Venting, loading and unloading
179.7 Quality assurance program. valves, measuring and sampling devices.
179.8 Limitation on actions by states, local 179.1034 Safety relief devices and pressure
governments, and Indian tribes. regulators.
179.1035 Bottom outlets.
Subpart BGeneral Design Requirements
Subpart DSpecifications for Nonpressure
179.10 Tank mounting. Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW
179.11 Welding certification. and 115AW)
179.12 Interior heater systems.
179.13 Tank car capacity and gross weight 179.200 General specifications applicable to
limitation. non-pressure tank car tanks (Class DOT
179.14 Coupler vertical restraint system. 111).
179.15 Pressure relief devices. 179.2001 Tank built under these specifica-
179.16 Tank-head puncture-resistance sys- tions must meet the requirements of
tems. 179.200, and 179.201.
179.2003 Type.
179.18 Thermal protection systems.
179.2004 Insulation.
179.20 Service equipment; protection sys-
179.2006 Thickness of plates.
179.2007 Materials.
179.22 Marking.
179.2008 Tank heads.
179.24 Stamping.
179.2009 Compartment tanks.
179.20010 Welding.
Subpart CSpecifications for Pressure 179.20011 Postweld heat treatment.
Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-105, 109, 179.20013 Manway ring or flange, pressure
112, 114, and 120) relief device flange, bottom outlet nozzle
flange, bottom washout nozzle flange and
179.100 General specifications applicable to other attachments and openings.
pressure tank car tanks. 179.20014 Expansion capacity.
179.1001 Tanks built under these specifica- 179.20015 Closures for manways.
tions shall comply with the requirements 179.20016 Gauging devices, top loading and
of 179.100, 179.101 and when applicable, unloading devices, venting and air inlet
179.102 and 179.103. devices.
179.1003 Type. 179.20017 Bottom outlets.
179.1004 Insulation. 179.20019 Reinforcements, when used, and
179.1006 Thickness of plates. appurtenances not otherwise specified.
179.1007 Materials. 179.20021 Closures for openings.
179.1008 Tank heads. 179.20022 Test of tanks.
179.1009 Welding. 179.20023 Tests of pressure relief valves.
179.10010 Postweld heat treatment. 179.20024 Stamping.
179.10012 Manway nozzle, cover and protec- 179.201 Individual specification require-
tive housing. ments applicable to non-pressure tank
179.10013 Venting, loading and unloading car tanks.
valves, measuring and sampling devices. 179.2011 Individual specification require-
179.10014 Bottom outlets. ments.
179.10016 Attachments.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

179.2012 [Reserved]
179.10017 Closures for openings. 179.2013 Lined tanks.
179.10018 Tests of tanks. 179.2014 Material.
179.10019 Tests of safety relief valves. 179.2015 Postweld heat treatment and cor-
179.10020 Stamping. rosion resistance.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 179
179.2016 Manways and manway closures. 179.30013 Venting, loading and unloading
179.2018 Sampling device and thermometer valves.
well. 179.30014 Attachments not otherwise speci-
179.2019 Gauging device. fied.
179.20110 Water capacity marking. 179.30015 Pressure relief devices.
179.20111 Insulation. 179.30016 Tests of tanks.
179.202179.20222 [Reserved] 179.30017 Tests of pressure relief devices.
179.220 General specifications applicable to 179.30018 Stamping.
nonpressure tank car tanks consisting of 179.30019 Inspection.
an inner container supported within an 179.30020 Reports.
outer shell (class DOT-115). 179.301 Individual specification require-
179.2201 Tanks built under these specifica- ments for multi-unit tank car tanks.
tions must meet the requirements of 179.302 [Reserved]
179.220 and 179.221.
179.2203 Type. Subpart FSpecification for Cryogenic Liq-
179.2204 Insulation. uid Tank Car Tanks and Seamless Steel
179.2206 Thickness of plates. Tanks (Classes DOT-113 and 107A)
179.2207 Materials.
179.2208 Tank heads. 179.400 General specification applicable to
179.2209 Compartment tanks. cryogenic liquid tank car tanks.
179.22010 Welding. 179.4001 General.
179.22011 Postweld heat treatment. 179.4003 Type.
179.22013 Inner container manway nozzle 179.4004 Insulation system and perform-
and cover. ance standard.
179.22014 Openings in the tanks. 179.4005 Materials.
179.22015 Support system for inner con- 179.4006 Bursting and buckling pressure.
tainer. 179.4007 Tank heads.
179.4008 Thickness of plates.
179.22016 Expansion capacity.
179.4009 Stiffening rings.
179.22017 Gauging devices, top loading and
179.40010 Sump or siphon bowl.
unloading devices, venting and air inlet
179.40011 Welding.
179.40012 Postweld heat treatment.
179.22018 Bottom outlets.
179.40013 Support system for inner tank.
179.22020 Reinforcements, when used, and 179.40014 Cleaning of inner tank.
appurtenances not otherwise specified. 179.40015 Radioscopy.
179.22022 Closure for openings. 179.40016 Access to inner tank.
179.22023 Test of tanks. 179.40017 Inner tank piping.
179.22024 Tests of pressure relief valves. 179.40018 Test of inner tank.
179.22025 Stamping. 179.40019 Valves and gages.
179.22026 Stenciling. 179.40020 Pressure relief devices.
179.221 Individual specification require- 179.40021 Test of pressure relief valves.
ments applicable to tank car tanks con- 179.40022 Protective housings.
sisting of an inner container supported 179.40023 Operating instructions.
within an outer shell. 179.40024 Stamping.
179.2211 Individual specification require- 179.40025 Stenciling.
ments. 179.401 Individual specification require-
ments applicable to inner tanks for cryo-
Subpart ESpecifications for Multi-Unit genic liquid tank car tanks.
Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-106A 179.4011 Individual specification require-
and 110AW) ments.
179.500 Specification DOT-107A * * * *,
179.300 General specifications applicable to seamless steel tank car tanks.
multi-unit tank car tanks designed to be 179.5001 Tanks built under these specifica-
removed from car structure for filling tions shall meet the requirements of
and emptying (Classes DOT-106A and 179.500.
110AW). 179.5003 Type and general requirements.
179.3001 Tanks built under these specifica- 179.5004 Thickness of wall.
tions shall meet the requirements of 179.5005 Material.
179.300 and 179.301. 179.5006 Heat treatment.
179.3003 Type and general requirements. 179.5007 Physical tests.
179.3004 Insulation. 179.5008 Openings in tanks.
179.3006 Thickness of plates. 179.50010 Protective housing.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

179.3007 Materials. 179.50011 Loading and unloading valves.

179.3008 Tank heads. 179.50012 Pressure relief devices.
179.3009 Welding. 179.50013 Fixtures.
179.30010 Postweld heat treatment. 179.50014 Test of tanks.
179.30012 Protection of fittings. 179.50015 Handling of tanks failing in tests.


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179.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
179.50016 Tests of pressure relief devices. (2) Approved means approval by the
179.50017 Marking. AAR Tank Car Committee.
179.50018 Inspection and reports.
(3) ASTM means American Society
APPENDIX A TO PART 179PROCEDURES FOR for Testing and Materials.
(4) [Reserved]
SIMULATED POOL AND TORCH-FIRE TEST- (5) Definitions in part 173 of this
ING chapter also apply.
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 51015128; 49 CFR 1.81
(6) F means degrees Fahrenheit.
and 1.97. (7) NGT means National Gas Taper
SOURCE: 29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, unless
(8) NPT means an American Standard
otherwise noted. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606,
Apr. 5, 1967. Taper Pipe Thread conforming to the
requirements of NBS Handbook H28
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
Subpart AIntroduction, (9) [Reserved]
Approvals and Reports (10) Tank car facility means an entity
179.1 General. that manufactures, repairs, inspects,
tests, qualifies, or maintains a tank
(a) This part prescribes the specifica- car to ensure that the tank car con-
tions for tanks that are to be mounted forms to this part and subpart F of part
on or form part of a tank car and which 180 of this subchapter, that alters the
are to be marked with a DOT specifica- certificate of construction of the tank
tion. car, that ensures the continuing quali-
(b) Except as provided in paragraph fication of a tank car by performing a
(c) of this section, tanks to which this function prescribed in parts 179 or 180
part is applicable, must be built to the of this subchapter, or that makes any
specifications prescribed in this part. representation indicating compliance
(c) Tanks built to specifications pre- with one or more of the requirements
dating those in this part may continue of parts 179 or 180 of this subchapter.
in use as provided in 180.507 of this (11) Tanks means tank car tanks.
subchapter. (b) [Reserved]
(d) Any person who performs a func-
tion prescribed in this part, shall per- [29 FR 18995, Dec. 20, 1964. Redesignated at 32
form that function in accordance with FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
this part. 17910, 36 FR 21344, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17950,
60 FR 49076, Sept. 21, 1995; Amdt. 17950, 61
(e) When this part requires a tank to FR 33255, June 26, 1996; 63 FR 52850, Oct. 1,
be marked with a DOT specification 1998; 66 FR 45186, 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 fR
(for example, DOT-105A100W), compli- 75759, Dec. 31, 2003]
ance with that requirement is the re-
sponsibility of the tank builder. Mark- 179.3 Procedure for securing ap-
ing the tank with the DOT specifica- proval.
tion shall be understood to certify (a) Application for approval of de-
compliance by the builder that the signs, materials and construction, con-
functions performed by the builder, as version or alteration of tank car tanks
prescribed in this part, have been per- under these specifications, complete
formed in compliance with this part. with detailed prints, must be sub-
(f) The tank builder should inform mitted in prescribed form to the Exec-
each person to whom that tank is utive DirectorTank Car Safety, AAR,
transferred of any specification re- for consideration by its Tank Car Com-
quirements which have not been met at mittee and other appropriate commit-
time of transfer. tees. Approval or rejections of applica-
[Amdt. 17917, 41 FR 38183, Sept. 9, 1976, as tions based on appropriate committee
amended by Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49076, Sept. action will be issued by the executive
21, 1995; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003] director.
(b) When, in the opinion of the Com-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

179.2 Definitions and abbreviations. mittee, such tanks or equipment are in

(a) The following apply in part 179: compliance with the requirements of
(1) AAR means Association of Amer- this subchapter, the application will be
ican Railroads. approved.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.7

(c) When such tanks or equipment details are built in series, one certifi-
are not in compliance with the require- cate will suffice for each series when
ments of this subchapter, the Com- submitted to the Executive Director
mittee may recommend service trials Tank Car Safety, AAR.
to determine the merits of a change in (c) If the owner elects to furnish serv-
specifications. Such service trials may ice equipment, the owner shall furnish
be conducted only if the builder or the Executive DirectorTank Car
shipper applies for and obtains a spe- Safety, AAR, a report in prescribed
cial permit. form, certifying that the service equip-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 ment complies with all the require-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967 and amended by Amdt. ments of the specifications.
17941, 52 FR 36672, Sept. 30, 1987; 63 FR 52850, (d) When cars or tanks which are cov-
Oct. 1, 1998; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003; 70 FR
ered on one application and are iden-
73166, Dec. 9, 2005]
tical in all details are built in series,
179.4 Changes in specifications for one certificate shall suffice for each se-
tank cars. ries when submitted to the Executive
(a) Proposed changes in or additions DirectorTank Car Safety, AAR. One
to specifications for tanks must be sub- copy of the Certificate of Construction
mitted to the Executive Director must be furnished to the Executive Di-
Tank Car Safety, AAR, for consider- rectorTank Car Safety, AAR for each
ation by its Tank Car Committee. An car number of consecutively numbered
application for construction of tanks group or groups covered by the original
to any new specification may be sub- application.
mitted with proposed specification. [Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21344, Nov. 6, 1971, as
Construction should not be started amended at 63 FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998; 68 FR
until the specification has been ap- 48571, Aug. 14, 2003]
proved or a special permit has been
issued. When proposing a new specifica- 179.6 Repairs and alterations.
tion, the applicant shall furnish infor- For procedure to be followed in mak-
mation to justify a new specification.
ing repairs or alterations, see appendix
This data should include the properties
R of the AAR Specifications for Tank
of the lading and the method of loading
Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
and unloading.
(b) The Tank Car Committee will re-
view the proposed specifications at its [68 FR 75759, Dec. 31, 2003]
earliest convenience and report its rec-
ommendations through the Executive 179.7 Quality assurance program.
DirectorTank Car Safety to the De- (a) At a minimum, each tank car fa-
partment. The recommendation will be cility shall have a quality assurance
considered by the Department in deter- program, approved by AAR, that
mining appropriate action.
(1) Ensures the finished product con-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 forms to the requirements of the appli-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967 and amended by Amdt. cable specification and regulations of
17941, 52 FR 36672, Sept. 30, 1987; 63 FR 52850, this subchapter;
Oct. 1, 1998; 70 FR 73166, Dec. 9, 2005]
(2) Has the means to detect any non-
179.5 Certificate of construction. conformity in the manufacturing, re-
pair, inspection, testing, and qualifica-
(a) Before a tank car is placed in
service, the party assembling the com- tion or maintenance program of the
pleted car shall furnish a Certificate of tank car; and
Construction, Form AAR 42 to the (3) Prevents non-conformities from
owner and the Executive Director recurring.
Tank Car Safety, AAR, certifying that (b) At a minimum, the quality assur-
the tank, equipment, and car fully con- ance program must have the following
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

forms to all requirements of the speci- elements

fication. (1) Statement of authority and re-
(b) When cars or tanks are covered in sponsibility for those persons in charge
one application and are identical in all of the quality assurance program.


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179.8 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(2) An organizational chart showing part H of part 172 of this subchapter on

the interrelationship between man- the program and procedures specified
agers, engineers, purchasing, construc- in paragraph (b) of this section to en-
tion, inspection, testing, and quality sure quality.
control personnel. (f) No tank car facility may manufac-
(3) Procedures to ensure that the lat- ture, repair, inspect, test, qualify or
est applicable drawings, design calcula- maintain tank cars subject to require-
tions, specifications, and instructions ments of this subchapter, unless it is
are used in manufacture, inspection, operating in conformance with a qual-
testing, and repair. ity assurance program and written pro-
(4) Procedures to ensure that the fab- cedures required by paragraphs (a) and
rication and construction materials re- (b) of this section.
ceived are properly identified and docu-
[Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49076, Sept. 21, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33255, June
(5) A description of the manufac- 26, 1996; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003; 68 FR 75759,
turing, repair, inspection, testing, and Dec. 31, 2003]
qualification or maintenance program,
including the acceptance criteria, so 179.8 Limitation on actions by states,
that an inspector can identify the char- local governments, and Indian
acteristics of the tank car and the ele- tribes.
ments to inspect, examine, and test at Sections 5125 and 20106 of Title 49,
each point. United States Code, limit the author-
(6) Monitoring and control of proc- ity of states, political subdivisions of
esses and product characteristics dur- states, and Indian tribes to impose re-
ing production. quirements on the transportation of
(7) Procedures for correction of hazardous materials in commerce. A
nonconformities. state, local, or Indian tribe require-
(8) Provisions indicating that the re- ment on the transportation of haz-
quirements of the AAR Specifications ardous materials by rail may be pre-
for Tank Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this empted under either 49 U.S.C. 5125 or
subchapter), apply. 20106, or both.
(9) Qualification requirements of per- (a) Section 171.1(f) of this subchapter
sonnel performing non-destructive in- describes the circumstances under
spections and tests. which 49 U.S.C. 5125 preempts a re-
(10) Procedures for evaluating the in- quirement of a state, political subdivi-
spection and test technique employed, sion of a state, or Indian tribe.
including the accessibility of the area
(b) Under the Federal Railroad Safe-
and the sensitivity and reliability of
ty Act (49 U.S.C. 20106), administered
the inspection and test technique and
by the Federal Railroad Administra-
minimum detectable crack length.
tion (see 49 CFR parts 200244), laws,
(11) Procedures for the periodic cali-
regulations and orders related to rail-
bration and measurement of inspection
road safety, including security, shall be
and test equipment.
nationally uniform to the extent prac-
(12) A system for the maintenance of
ticable. A state may adopt, or continue
records, inspections, tests, and the in-
in force, a law, regulation, or order
terpretation of inspection and test re-
covering the same subject matter as a
DOT regulation or order applicable to
(c) Each tank car facility shall en-
railroad safety and security (including
sure that only personnel qualified for
the requirements in this subpart) only
each non-destructive inspection and
when an additional or more stringent
test perform that particular operation.
state law, regulation, or order is nec-
(d) Each tank car facility shall pro-
essary to eliminate or reduce an essen-
vide written procedures to its employ-
tially local safety or security hazard; is
ees to ensure that the work on the
not incompatible with a law, regula-
tank car conforms to the specification,
tion, or order of the United States Gov-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

AAR approval, and owners acceptance

ernment; and does not unreasonably
burden interstate commerce.
(e) Each tank car facility shall train
its employees in accordance with sub- [74 FR 1801, Jan. 13, 2009]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.14

Subpart BGeneral Design up to 286,000 pounds gross weight on

Requirements rail must meet the requirements of
AAR Standard S286, Free/Unrestricted
179.10 Tank mounting. Interchange for 286,000 lb Gross Rail
Load Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(a) The manner in which tanks are
chapter). Any increase in weight above
attached to the car structure shall be
263,000 pounds may not be used to in-
approved. The use of rivets to secure
crease the quantity of the contents of
anchors to tanks prohibited.
the tank car.
(b) [Reserved]
[74 FR 1802, Jan. 13, 2009, as amended at 75
179.11 Welding certification. FR 27216, May 14, 2010; 77 FR 37985, June 25,
(a) Welding procedures, welders and 2012]
fabricators shall be approved.
(b) [Reserved] 179.14 Coupler vertical restraint sys-
179.12 Interior heater systems. (a) Performance standard. Each tank
(a) Interior heater systems shall be of car shall be equipped with couplers ca-
approved design and materials. If a pable of sustaining, without disengage-
tank is divided into compartments, a ment or material failure, vertical loads
separate system shall be provided for of at least 200,000 pounds (90,718.5 kg)
each compartment. applied in upward and downward direc-
(b) Each interior heater system shall tions in combination with buff loads of
be hydrostatically tested at not less 2,000 pounds (907.2 kg), when coupled to
than 13.79 bar (200 psig) and shall hold cars which may or may not be equipped
the pressure for 10 minutes without with couplers having this vertical re-
leakage or evidence of distress. straint capability.
(b) Test verification. Except as pro-
[Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28678, June 5, 1996, as
amended by 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001]
vided in paragraph (d) of this section,
compliance with the requirements of
179.13 Tank car capacity and gross paragraph (a) of this section shall be
weight limitation. achieved by verification testing of the
Except as provided in this section, coupler vertical restraint system in ac-
tank cars, built after November 30, cordance with paragraph (c) of this sec-
1970, or any existing tank cars that are tion.
converted, may not exceed 34,500 gal- (c) Coupler vertical restraint tests. A
lons (130,597 L) capacity or 263,000 coupler vertical restraint system shall
pounds (119,295 kg) gross weight on rail. be tested under the following condi-
(a) For other than tank cars con- tions:
taining poisonous-by-inhalation mate- (1) The test coupler shall be tested
rial, a tank car may be loaded to a with a mating coupler (or simulated
gross weight on rail of up to 286,000 coupler) having only frictional vertical
pounds (129,727 kg) upon approval by force resistance at the mating inter-
the Associate Administrator for Safe- face; or a mating coupler (or simulated
ty, Federal Railroad Administration coupler) having the capabilities de-
(FRA). Tank cars must conform to the scribed in paragraph (a) of this section;
conditions of the approval and must be (2) The testing apparatus shall simu-
operated only under controlled inter- late the vertical coupler performance
change conditions agreed to by partici- at the mating interface and may not
pating railroads. interfere with coupler failure or other-
(b) Tank cars containing poisonous- wise inhibit failure due to force appli-
by-inhalation material meeting the ap- cations and reactions; and
plicable authorized tank car specifica- (3) The test shall be conducted as fol-
tions listed in 173.244(a)(2) or (3), or lows:
173.314(c) or (d) may have a gross (i) A minimum of 200,000 pounds
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

weight on rail of up to 286,000 pounds (90,718.5 kg) vertical downward load

upon approval by the Associate Admin- shall be applied continuously for at
istrator for Railroad Safety, FRA. least 5 minutes to the test coupler head
Tank cars exceeding 263,000 pounds and simultaneously with the application of


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179.15 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

a nominal 2,000 pounds (907.2 kg) buff padding pressure and the lading vapor
load; pressure at the following reference
(ii) The procedures prescribed in temperatures:
paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, shall (i) 46 C (115 F) for noninsulated
be repeated with a minimum vertical tanks;
upward load of 200,000 pounds (90,718.5 (ii) 43 C (110 F) for tanks having a
kg); and thermal protection system incor-
(iii) A minimum of three consecutive porating a metal jacket that provides
successful tests shall be performed for
an overall thermal conductance at 15.5
each load combination prescribed in
C (60 F) of no more than 10.22
paragraphs (c)(3) (i) and (ii) of this sec-
tion. A test is successful when a kilojoules per hour per square meter
vertical disengagement or material per degree Celsius (0.5 Btu per hour/per
failure does not occur during the appli- square foot/per degree F) temperature
cation of any of the loads prescribed in differential; and
this paragraph. (iii) 41 C (105 F) for insulated tanks.
(d) Authorized couplers. As an alter- (2)(i) The start-to-discharge pressure
native to the test verifications in para- of a pressure relief device may not be
graph (c) of this section, the following lower than 5.17 Bar (75 psig) or exceed
couplers are authorized: 33 percent of the minimum tank burst
(1) E double shelf couplers designated pressure.
by the Association of American Rail- (ii) Tanks built prior to October 1,
roads Catalog Nos., SE60CHT, SE60CC, 1997 having a minimum tank burst
SE60CHTE, SE60CE, SE60DC, SE60DE, pressure of 34.47 Bar (500 psig) or less
SE67CC, SE67CE, SE67BHT, SE67BC, may be equipped with a reclosing pres-
SE67BHTE, SE67BE, SE68BHT, SE68BC, sure relief valve having a start-to-dis-
SE68BHTE, SE68BE, SE69AHTE, and charge pressure of not less than 14.5
SE69AE. percent of the minimum tank burst
(2) F double shelf couplers designated pressure but no more than 33 percent of
by the Association of American Rail- the minimum tank burst pressure.
roads Catalog Nos., SF70CHT, SF70CC,
(3) The vapor tight pressure of a re-
SF73AHT, SF73AHTE, SF79CHT, closing pressure relief valve must be at
SF79CC, SF79CHTE, and SF79CE. least 80 percent of the start-to-dis-
charge pressure.
[Amdt. 17942, 54 FR 38797, Sept. 20, 1989] (4) The flow rating pressure must be
179.15 Pressure relief devices. 110 percent of the start-to-discharge
pressure for tanks having a minimum
Except for DOT Class 106, 107, 110, and tank burst pressure greater than 34.47
113 tank cars, tanks must have a pres- Bar (500 psig) and from 110 percent to
sure relief device, made of material 130 percent for tanks having a min-
compatible with the lading, that con- imum tank burst pressure less than or
forms to the following requirements: equal to 34.47 Bar (500 psig).
(a) Performance standard. Each tank
(5) The tolerance for a reclosing pres-
must have a pressure relief device,
sure relief valve is 3 psi for valves
made of materials compatible with the
lading, having sufficient flow capacity with a start-to-discharge pressure of
to prevent pressure build-up in the 6.89 Bar (100 psig) or less and 3 percent
tank to no more than the flow rating for valves with a start-to-discharge
pressure of the pressure relief device in pressure greater than 6.89 Bar (100
fire conditions as defined in appendix A psig).
of the AAR Specifications for Tank (c) Flow capacity of pressure relief de-
Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- vices. The total flow capacity of each
chapter). reclosing and nonreclosing pressure re-
(b) Settings for reclosing pressure relief lief device must conform to appendix A
devices. (1) Except as provided in para- of the AAR Specifications for Tank
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

graph (b)(2) of this section, a reclosing Cars.

pressure relief valve must have a min- (d) Flow capacity tests. The manufac-
imum start-to-discharge pressure equal turer of any reclosing or nonreclosing
to the sum of the static head and gas pressure relief device must design and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.16

test the device in accordance with ap- structure that encloses and clamps the
pendix A of the AAR Specifications for rupture disc in position (preventing
Tank Cars. any distortion or damage to the rup-
(e) Combination pressure relief systems. ture disc when properly applied), and
A non-reclosing pressure relief device must have a cover, with suitable means
may be used in series with a reclosing of preventing misplacement, designed
pressure relief valve. The pressure re- to direct any discharge of the lading
lief valve must be located outboard of downward.
the non-reclosing pressure relief de- (4) The non-reclosing pressure relief
vice. device must be closed with a rupture
(1) When a breaking pin device is disc that is compatible with the lading
used in combination with a reclosing and manufactured in accordance with
pressure relief valve, the breaking pin Appendix A of the AAR Specifications
must be designed to fail at the start-to-
for Tank Cars. The tolerance for a rup-
discharge pressure specified in para-
ture disc is +0 to 15 percent of the
graph (b) of this section, and the re-
burst pressure marked on the disc.
closing pressure relief valve must be
designed to discharge at not greater (g) Location of relief devices. Each
than 95 percent of the start-to-dis- pressure relief device must commu-
charge pressure. nicate with the vapor space above the
(2) When a rupture disc is used in lading as near as practicable on the
combination with a reclosing pressure longitudinal center line and center of
relief valve, the rupture disc must be the tank.
designed to burst at the pressure speci- (h) Marking of pressure relief devices.
fied in paragraph (b) of this section, Each pressure relief device and rupture
and the reclosing pressure relief valve disc must be permanently marked in
must be designed to discharge at not accordance with the appendix A of the
greater than 95 percent of the pressure. AAR Specifications for Tank Cars.
A device must be installed to detect [Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28678, June 5, 1996, as
any accumulation of pressure between amended by Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 50255, Sept.
the rupture disc and the reclosing pres- 25, 1996; 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 64 FR 51919,
sure relief valve. The detection device Sept. 27, 1999; 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
must be a needle valve, trycock, or 75759, Dec. 31, 2003]
tell-tale indicator. The detection de-
vice must be closed during transpor- 179.16 Tank-head puncture-resist-
tation. ance systems.
(3) The vapor tight pressure and the (a) Performance standard. When the
start-to-discharge tolerance is based on regulations in this subchapter require
the discharge setting of the reclosing a tank-head puncture-resistance sys-
pressure relief device. tem, the system shall be capable of sus-
(f) Nonreclosing pressure relief device. taining, without any loss of lading,
In addition to paragraphs (a), (b)(4), (c), coupler-to-tank-head impacts at rel-
and (d) of this section, a nonreclosing ative car speeds of 29 km/hour (18 mph)
pressure relief device must conform to when:
the following requirements:
(1) The weight of the impact car is at
(1) A non-reclosing pressure relief de-
least 119,295 kg (263,000 pounds);
vice must incorporate a rupture disc
designed to burst at a pressure equal to (2) The impacted tank car is coupled
the greater of 100% of the tank test to one or more backup cars that have a
pressure, or 33% of the tank burst pres- total weight of at least 217,724 kg
sure. (480,000 pounds) and the hand brake is
(2) The approach channel and the dis- applied on the last backup car; and
charge channel may not reduce the re- (3) The impacted tank car is pressur-
quired minimum flow capacity of the ized to at least 6.9 Bar (100 psig).
pressure relief device. (b) Verification by testing. Compliance
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) The non-reclosing pressure relief with the requirements of paragraph (a)
device must be designed to prevent of this section shall be verified by full-
interchange with other fittings in- scale testing according to appendix A
stalled on the tank car, must have a of this part.


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179.18 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(c) Alternative compliance by other Pressures, and Liquid Levels of Tank

than testing. As an alternative to re- Cars Engulfed in Fires, DOT/FRA/
quirements prescribed in paragraph (b) OR&D84/08.11, (1984), Federal Railroad
of this section, compliance with the re- Administration, Washington, DC
quirements of paragraph (a) of this sec- (available from the National Technical
tion may be met by installing full-head Information Service, Springfield, VA)
protection (shields) or full tank-head shall be deemed acceptable for ana-
jackets on each end of the tank car lyzing the fire effects on the entire sur-
conforming to the following: face of the tank car.
(1) The full-head protection (shields) (2) When the analysis shows the ther-
or full tank-head jackets must be at mal resistance of the tank car does not
least 1.27 cm (0.5 inch) thick, shaped to conform to paragraph (a) of this sec-
the contour of the tank head and made tion, the thermal resistance of the
from steel having a tensile strength tank car must be increased by using a
greater than 379.21 N/mm2 (55,000 psi). system listed by the Department under
(2) The design and test requirements paragraph (c) of this section or by test-
of the full-head protection (shields) or ing a new or untried system and
full tank-head jackets must meet the verifying it according to appendix B of
impact test requirements in Section 5.3 this part.
of the AAR Specifications for Tank (c) Systems that no longer require test
Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- verification. The Department maintains
chapter). a list of thermal protection systems
(3) The workmanship must meet the that comply with the requirements of
requirements in Section C, Part II, appendix B of this part and that no
Chapter 5, of the AAR Specifications longer require test verification. Infor-
for Design, Fabrication, and Construc- mation necessary to equip tank cars
tion of Freight Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of with one of these systems is available
this subchapter). in the PHMSA Records Center, Pipe-
line and Hazardous Materials Safety
[Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995, as Administration, East Building, 1200
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33255, June
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
26, 1996; 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75759,
Dec. 31, 2003] DC 205900001.
[Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995, as
179.18 Thermal protection systems. amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June
(a) Performance standard. When the 26, 1996; 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 56099,
regulations in this subchapter require Sept. 23, 2005; 72 FR 55696, Oct. 1, 2007]
thermal protection on a tank car, the 179.20 Service equipment; protection
tank car must have sufficient thermal systems.
resistance so that there will be no re-
lease of any lading within the tank car, If an applicable tank car specifica-
tion authorizes location of filling or
except release through the pressure re-
discharge connections in the bottom
lease device, when subjected to:
shell, the connections must be de-
(1) A pool fire for 100 minutes; and
(2) A torch fire for 30 minutes. signed, constructed, and protected ac-
(b) Thermal analysis. (1) Compliance cording to paragraphs E9.00 and E10.00
with the requirements of paragraph (a) of the AAR Specifications for Tank
Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
of this section shall be verified by ana-
lyzing the fire effects on the entire sur-
face of the tank car. The analysis must [68 FR 75759, Dec. 31, 2003]
consider the fire effects on and heat
flux through tank discontinuities, pro- 179.22 Marking.
tective housings, underframes, metal In addition to any other marking re-
jackets, insulation, and thermal pro- quirement in this subchapter, the fol-
tection. A complete record of each lowing marking requirements apply:
analysis shall be made, retained, and (a) Each tank car must be marked ac-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

upon request, made available for in- cording to the requirements in appen-
spection and copying by an authorized dix C of the AAR Specifications for
representative of the Department. The Tank Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
procedures outlined in Temperatures, chapter).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.24

(b) Each tank car that requires a to the applicable provisions of the AAR
tank-head puncture-resistance system Specifications for Tank Cars, Decem-
must have the letter S substituted ber 2000 edition (IBR, see 171.7 of this
for the letter A in the specification subchapter)):
marking. (i) Tank Manufacturer (Tank MFG):
(c) Each tank car that requires a Full name of the car builder as shown
tank-head puncture-resistance system, on the certificate of construction (AAR
a thermal protection system, and a form 42).
metal jacket must have the letter J (ii) Tank Manufacturers Serial Number
substituted for the letter A or S in (SERIAL NO): For the specific car.
the specification marking. (iii) AAR Number (AAR NO): The AAR
(d) Each tank car that requires a number from line 3 of AAR Form 42.
tank-head puncture-resistance system,
(iv) Tank Specification (SPECIFICA-
a thermal protection system, and no
TION): The specification to which the
metal jacket must have the letter T
tank was built from line 7 of AAR form
substituted for the letter A or S in
the specification marking.
(e) Each tank car manufactured after (v) Tank Shell Material/Head Material
March 16, 2009 to meet the require- (SHELL MATL/HEAD MATL): ASTM or
ments of 173.244(a)(2) or (3) or AAR specification of the material used
173.314(c) or (d) shall be marked with in the construction of the tank shell
the letter I following the test pres- and heads from lines 15 and 16 of AAR
sure instead of the letter W. (Exam- Form 42. For Class DOT113W, DOT
ple: DOT 105J600I). 115W, AAR204W, and AAR206W, the
materials used in the construction of
[Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995, as the outer tank shell and heads must be
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June listed. Only list the alloy (e.g., 5154) for
26, 1996; 68 FR 75759, Dec. 31, 2003; 74 FR 1802, aluminum tanks and the type (e.g.,
Jan. 13, 2009]
304L or 316L) for stainless steel tanks.
179.24 Stamping. (vi) Insulation Material (INSULATION
MATL): Generic names of the first and
(a)(1) After July 25, 2012, to certify
second layer of any thermal protection/
compliance with federal requirements,
insulation material applied.
the tank manufacturer must install
two identical permanent identification (vii) Insulation Thickness (INSULA-
plates, one located on both inboard sur- TION THICKNESS): In inches.
faces of the body bolsters of the tank (viii) Underframe/Stub Sill Type (UF/SS
car. One identification plate must be DESIGN): The design from Line 32 of
installed on the right side (AR) of the AAR Form 42.
tank car, and the other must be in- (ix) Date of Manufacture (DATE OF
stalled on the back end left side (BL) MFR): The month and year of tank
body bolster webs so that each plate is manufacture. If the underframe has a
readily accessible for inspection. The different built date than the tank,
plates must be at least 332 inch thick show both dates.
and manufactured from corrosion re- (3) When a modification to the tank
sistant metal. When the tank jacket changes any of the information shown
(flashing) covers the body bolster web in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the
and identification plates, additional car owner or the tank car facility mak-
identical plates must be installed on ing the modification must install an
the AR and BL corners of the tank in additional variable identification plate
a visible location. Tank cars built be- on the tank in accordance with para-
fore July 25, 2012, may have the plate graph (a)(1) of this section showing the
instead of or in addition to the stamp- following information:
ing. (i) AAR Number (AAR NO): The AAR
(2) Each plate must be stamped, em- number from line 3 of AAR Form 42
bossed, or otherwise marked by an for the alteration or conversion.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

equally durable method in letters 316 (ii) All items of paragraph (a)(2) of
inch high with the following informa- this section that were modified, fol-
tion (parenthetical abbreviations may lowed by the month and year of modi-
be used, and the AAR form reference is fication.


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179.100 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) [Reserved]. ance at 60 F is not more than 0.075 Btu

[77 FR 37985, June 25, 2012]
per hour, per square foot, per degree F
temperature differential. If exterior
heaters are attached to tank, the
Subpart CSpecifications for thickness of the insulation over each
Pressure Tank Car Tanks heater element may be reduced to one-
(Classes DOT-105, 109, 112, half that required for the shell.
114 and 120)
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
179.100 General specifications appli- FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
cable to pressure tank car tanks. 17910, 36 FR 21344, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17950,
60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995]
179.1001 Tanks built under these
specifications shall comply with the 179.1006 Thickness of plates.
requirements of 179.100, 179.101
and when applicable, 179.102 and (a) The wall thickness after forming
179.103. of the tank shell and heads must not be
less than that specified in 179.101, nor
179.1003 Type. that calculated by the following for-
(a) Tanks built under this specifica- mula:
tion shall be fusion-welded with heads t = Pd / 2SE
designed convex outward. Except as
provided in 179.103 they shall be cir- Where:
cular in cross section, shall be provided d = Inside diameter in inches;
with a manway nozzle on top of the E = 1.0 welded joint efficiency; except for
tank of sufficient size to permit access heads with seams=0.9;
to the interior, a manway cover to pro- P = Minimum required bursting pressure in
vide for the mounting of all valves, p.s.i.;
measuring and sampling devices, and a S = Minimum tensile strength of plate mate-
protective housing. Other openings in rial in p.s.i., as prescribed in 179.1007;
the tank are prohibited, except as pro- t = Minimum thickness of plate in inches
vided in part 173 of this chapter, after forming.
179.10014, 179.1011, 179.102 or 179.103. (b) If plates are clad with material
(b) Head shields and shells of tanks having tensile strength properties at
built under this specification must be least equal to the base plate, the clad-
normalized. Tank car heads must be ding may be considered a part of the
normalized after forming unless spe- base plate when determining thickness.
cific approval is granted for a facilitys If cladding material does not have ten-
equipment and controls. sile strength at least equal to the base
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 plate, the base plate alone shall meet
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. the thickness requirement.
17910, 36 FR 21344, Nov. 6, 1971; 65 FR 58632, (c) When aluminum plate is used, the
Sept. 29, 2000; 74 FR 1802, Jan. 13, 2009] minimum width of bottom sheet of
179.1004 Insulation. tank shall be 60 inches, measured on
the arc, but in all cases the width shall
(a) If insulation is applied, the tank be sufficient to bring the entire width
shell and manway nozzle must be insu- of the longitudinal welded joint, in-
lated with an approved material. The cluding welds, above the bolster.
entire insulation must be covered with
a metal jacket of a thickness not less [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
than 11 gauge (0.1196 inch) nominal FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
(Manufacturers Standard Gauge) and 17910, 36 FR 21344, Nov. 6, 1971]
flashed around all openings so as to be
179.1007 Materials.
weather-tight. The exterior surface of a
carbon steel tank, and the inside sur- (a) Steel plate: Steel plate materials
face of a carbon steel jacket must be used to fabricate tank shell and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

given a protective coating. manway nozzle must comply with one

(b) If insulation is a specification re- of the following specifications with the
quirement, it shall be of sufficient indicated minimum tensile strength
thickness so that the thermal conduct- and elongation in the welded condition.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.1008

The maximum allowable carbon con- Minimum tensile Minimum elon-

gation in 2
tent must be 0.31 percent when the in- Specifications strength (p.s.i.) inches (percent)
welded condi-
dividual specification allows carbon tion1 weld metal (lon-
greater than this amount. The plates
may be clad with other approved mate- ASTM A 240/A 240M
rials. (incorporated by ref-
erence; see 171.7 of
this subchapter), Type
Minimum elon-
Minimum tensile gation in 2 316L ........................... 70,000 30
strength (p.s.i.) inches (percent) 1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.
Specifications welded condi- welded condi-
tion1 tion (longitu-
dinal) (2)(i) High alloy steels used to fab-
ricate tank must be tested in accord-
AAR TC 128, Gr. B ....... 81,000 19 ance with the following procedures in
ASTM A 302 2, Gr. B ..... 80,000 20 ASTM A 262, Standard Practices for
ASTM A 516 2 ................ 70,000 20
Detecting Susceptibility to Inter-
ASTM A 537 2, Class 1 70,000 23
granular Attack in Austenitic Stain-
1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations. less Steel (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
2 These specifications are incorporated by reference (IBR,
see 171.7 of this subchapter). chapter), and must exhibit corrosion
rates not exceeding the following: * * *
(b) Aluminum alloy plate: Aluminum
alloy plate material used to fabricate Corrosion
Test procedures Material rate i.p.m.
tank shell and manway nozzle must be
suitable for fusion welding and must Practice B ............... Types 304L and 316L .. 0.0040
Practice C ............... Type 304L ..................... 0.0020
comply with one of the following speci-
fications (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- (ii) Type 304L and 316L test speci-
chapter) with its indicated minimum mens must be given a sensitizing treat-
tensile strength and elongation in the ment prior to testing.
welded condition. * * * (d) All attachments welded to tank
shell must be of approved material
Minimum elon-
Minimum ten- gation in 2 which is suitable for welding to the
sile strength inches (per- tank.
Specifications (p.s.i.) 0 tem- cent) 0 tem-
per, welded per, welded [Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21344, Nov. 6, 1971, as
condition 3 4 condition (lon-
gitudinal) amended by Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27707, June
16, 1983; Amdt. 17947, 58 FR 50237, Sept. 24,
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5052 1 25,000 18 1993; Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28679, June 5, 1996;
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5083 2 38,000 16 Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 50255, Sept. 25, 1996; 66
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5086 1 35,000 14 FR 45186, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8,
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5154 1 30,000 18 2002; 68 FR 75759, Dec. 31, 2003]
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5254 1 30,000 18
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5454 1 31,000 18 179.1008 Tank heads.
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5652 1 25,000 18
(a) The tank head shape shall be an
1 For fabrication, the parent plate material may be 0, H112,
ellipsoid of revolution in which the
or H32 temper, but design calculations must be based on
minimum tensile strength shown. major axis shall equal the diameter of
2 0 temper only.
the shell adjacent to the head and the
3 Weld filler metal 5556 must not be used.
4 Maximum stress to be used in calculations.
minor axis shall be one-half the major
(c) High alloy steel plate. (1) High alloy (b) Each tank head made from steel
steel plate must conform to the fol- which is required to be fine grain by
lowing specifications: the material specification, which is hot
formed at a temperature exceeding 1700
Minimum tensile Minimum elon-
gation in 2
F., must be normalized after forming
strength (p.s.i.) by heating to a temperature between
Specifications inches (percent)
welded condi-
tion1 weld metal (lon-
1550 and 1700 F., by holding at that
temperature for at least 1 hour per
ASTM A 240/A 240M inch of thickness (30-minute min-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(incorporated by ref- imum), and then by cooling in air. If

erence; see 171.7 of
this subchapter), Type the material specification requires
304L ........................... 70,000 30 quenching and tempering, the treat-
ment specified in that specification


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179.1009 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

must be used instead of the one speci- forged or rolled carbon or alloy steel,
fied above. rolled aluminum alloy or nickel when
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated, 32
required by the lading. Minimum
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967 and amended by Amdt. thickness is listed in 179.101. Manway
17912, 39 FR 15038, Apr. 30, 1974] cover shall be attached to manway noz-
zle by through or stud bolts not enter-
179.1009 Welding. ing tank, except as provided in
(a) All joints shall be fusion-welded 179.1032(a).
in compliance with the requirements of (c) Except as provided in 179.103,
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- protective housing of cast, forged or
pendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- fabricated approved materials must be
chapter). Welding procedures, welders bolted to manway cover with not less
and fabricators shall be approved. than twenty 34-inch studs. The shear-
(b) [Reserved] ing value of the bolts attaching protec-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended at 65 tive housing to manway cover must
FR 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR 75759, Dec. 31, not exceed 70 percent of the shearing
2003] value of bolts attaching manway cover
to manway nozzle. Housing must have
179.10010 Postweld heat treatment. steel sidewalls not less than three-
(a) After welding is complete, steel fourths inch in thickness and must be
tanks and all attachments welded equipped with a metal cover not less
thereto must be postweld heat treated than one-fourth inch in thickness that
as a unit in compliance with the re- can be securely closed. Housing cover
quirements of AAR Specifications for must have suitable stop to prevent
Tank Cars, appendix W (IBR, see 171.7 cover striking loading and unloading
of this subchapter). connections and be hinged on one side
(b) For aluminum tanks, postweld only with approved riveted pin or rod
heat treatment is prohibited. with nuts and cotters. Openings in wall
(c) Tank and welded attachments, of housing must be equipped with screw
fabricated from ASTM A 240/A 240M plugs or other closures.
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter),
Type 304L or Type 316L materials do [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
not require postweld heat treatment,
17910, 36 FR 21345, Nov. 6, 1971; 68 FR 75760,
but these materials do require a corro- Dec. 31, 2003]
sion resistance test as specified in
179.1007(c)(2). 179.10013 Venting, loading and un-
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21345, Nov. 6, 1971, as loading valves, measuring and sam-
amended by Amdt. 17947, 58 FR 50238, Sept. pling devices.
24, 1993; Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28679, June 5, (a) Venting, loading and unloading
1996; 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75758 and
75759, Dec. 31, 2003]
valves must be of approved design,
made of metal not subject to rapid de-
179.10012 Manway nozzle, cover and terioration by the lading, and must
protective housing. withstand the tank test pressure with-
(a) Manway nozzles must be of ap- out leakage. The valves shall be bolted
proved design of forged or rolled steel to seatings on the manway cover, ex-
for steel tanks or of fabricated alu- cept as provided in 179.103. Valve out-
minum alloy for aluminum tanks, with lets shall be closed with approved
an access opening of at least 18 inches screw plugs or other closures fastened
inside diameter, or at least 14 inches by to prevent misplacement.
18 inches around or oval. Each nozzle (b) The interior pipes of the loading
must be welded to the tank and the and unloading valves shall be anchored
opening reinforced in an approved man- and, except as prescribed in 173.314(j),
ner in compliance with the require- 179.102 or 179.103, may be equipped with
ments of AAR Specifications for Tank excess flow valves of approved design.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Cars, appendix E, Figure E10 (IBR, see (c) Gauging device, sampling valve
171.7 of this subchapter). and thermometer well are not speci-
(b) Manway cover shall be machined fication requirements. When used, they
to approved dimensions and be of shall be of approved design, made of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.10014

metal not subject to rapid deteriora- shall the wall thickness be less than
tion by the lading, and shall withstand that specified in 179.1011.
the tank test pressure without leakage.
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
Interior pipes of the gauging device and FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
sampling valve, except as prescribed in 17910, 36 FR 21345, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17940,
173.314(j), 179.102 or 179.103, may be 52 FR 13046, Apr. 20, 1987; Amdt. 17942, 54 FR
equipped with excess flow valves of ap- 38798, Sept. 20, 1989; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29,
proved design. Interior pipe of the ther- 2000; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003; 68 FR 75760,
mometer well shall be anchored in an Dec. 31, 2003]
approved manner to prevent breakage
due to vibration. The thermometer 179.10014 Bottom outlets.
well shall be closed by an approved (a) Bottom outlets for discharge of
valve attached close to the manway lading is prohibited, except as provided
cover, or other approved location, and in 179.1033. If indicated in 179.101,
closed by a screw plug. Other approved tank may be equipped with a bottom
arrangements that permit testing ther- washout of approved construction. If
mometer well for leaks without com- applied, bottom washout shall be in ac-
plete removal of the closure may be cordance with the following require-
used. ments;
(d) An excess flow valve as referred to (1) The extreme projection of the bot-
in this specification, is a device which tom washout equipment may not be
closes automatically against the out- more than that allowed by appendix E
ward flow of the contents of the tank of the AAR Specifications for Tank
in case the external closure valve is Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
broken off or removed during transit.
Excess flow valves may be designed
(2) Bottom washout shall be of cast,
with a by-pass to allow the equali-
forged or fabricated metal and shall be
zation of pressures.
(e) Bottom of tank shell may be fusion-welded to the tank. It shall be of
equipped with a sump or siphon bowl, good weldable quality in conjunction
or both, welded or pressed into the with metal of tank.
shell. Such sumps or siphon bowls, if (3) If the bottom washout nozzle ex-
applied, are not limited in size and tends 6 inches or more from shell of
must be made of cast, forged or fab- tank, a V-shaped breakage groove shall
ricated metal. Each sump or siphon be cut (not cast) in the upper part of
bowl must be of good welding quality the outlet nozzle at a point imme-
in conjunction with the metal of the diately below the lowest part of the in-
tank shell. When the sump or siphon side closure seat or plug. In no case
bowl is pressed in the bottom of the may the nozzle wall thickness at the
tank shell, the wall thickness of the root of the V be more than 14-inch.
pressed section must not be less than Where the nozzle is not a single piece,
that specified for the shell. The section provision shall be made for the equiva-
of a circular cross section tank to lent of the breakage groove. The nozzle
which a sump or siphon bowl is at- must be of a thickness to insure that
tached need not comply with the out- accidental breakage will occur at or
of-roundness requirement specified in below the V groove or its equivalent.
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- On cars without continuous center
pendix W, W14.06 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sills, the breakage groove or its equiva-
subchapter). Any portion of a sump or lent may not be more than 15 inches
siphon bowl not forming a part of cyl- below the tank shell. On cars with con-
inder of revolution must have walls of tinuous center sills, the breakage
such thickness and be so reinforced groove or its equivalent must be above
that the stresses in the walls caused by the bottom of the center sill construc-
a given internal pressure are no greater tion.
than the circumferential stress that (4) The closure plug and seat shall be
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

would exist under the same internal readily accessible or removable for re-
pressure in the wall of a tank of cir- pairs.
cular cross section designed in accord- (5) The closure of the washout nozzle
ance with 179.1006(a), but in no case must be equipped with a 34-inch solid


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179.10016 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

screw plug. Plug must be attached by (c) Caulking of welded joints to stop
at least a 14-inch chain. leaks developed during the foregoing
(6) Joints between closures and their test is prohibited. Repairs in welded
seats may be gasketed with suitable joints shall be made as prescribed in
material. AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
(b) [Reserved] pendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. (d) Testing of exterior heaters is not
17910, 36 FR 21345, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17940, a specification requirement.
52 FR 13046, Apr. 20, 1987; 66 FR 45186, Aug. 28,
2001; 68 FR 75760, Dec. 31, 2003] [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967; 66 FR 45186, Aug. 28,
179.10016 Attachments. 2001; 68 FR 75760, Dec. 31, 2003]

(a) Reinforcing pads must be used be- 179.10019 Tests of safety relief
tween external brackets and shells if valves.
the attachment welds exceed 6 linear
(a) Each valve shall be tested by air
inches of 14-inch fillet or equivalent
or gas for compliance with 179.15 be-
weld per bracket or bracket leg. When
fore being put into service.
reinforcing pads are used, they must
not be less than one-fourth inch in (b) [Reserved]
thickness, have each corner rounded to [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
a 1-inch minimum radius, and be at- FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, as amended at 62 FR
tached to the tank by continuous fillet 51561, Oct. 1, 1997]
welds except for venting provisions.
The ultimate shear strength of the 179.10020 Stamping.
bracket-to-reinforcing pad weld must (a) To certify that the tank complies
not exceed 85 percent of the ultimate with all specification requirements,
shear strength of the reinforcing pad- each tank shall be plainly and perma-
to-tank weld. nently stamped in letters and figures
(b) Attachments not otherwise speci- at least 38 inch high into the metal
fied shall be applied by approved near the center of both outside heads
means. as follows:
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. Example of required
17910, 36 FR 21346, Nov. 6, 1971]
Specification ................................. DOT-105A100W
179.10017 Closures for openings. Material ......................................... ASTM A 516
Cladding material (if any) ............. ASTM A240304
(a) Closures shall be of approved de- Tank builders initials .................... Clad
sign and made of metal not subject to Date of original test ...................... ABC
rapid deterioration by the lading. Car assembler (if other than tank- 000000
Plugs, if used, shall be solid, with NPT er builder). DEF
threads, and shall be of a length which
will screw at least six threads inside (b) After July 25, 2012, newly con-
the face of fitting or tank. structed DOT tank cars must have
(b) [Reserved] their DOT specification and other re-
quired information stamped plainly
179.10018 Tests of tanks. and permanently on stainless steel
(a) Each tank shall be tested by com- identification plates in conformance
pletely filling tank and manway nozzle with the applicable requirements pre-
with water or other liquid having simi- scribed in 179.24(a). Tank cars built
lar viscosity, at a temperature which before July 25, 2012, may have the iden-
shall not exceed 100 F during the test; tification plates instead of or in addi-
and applying the pressure prescribed in tion to the head stamping.
179.101. The tank shall hold the pre- [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

scribed pressure for at least 10 minutes FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
without leakage or evidence of distress. 17910, 36 FR 21346, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17952,
(b) Insulated tanks shall be tested be- 61 FR 28679, June 5, 1996; 65 FR 50463, Aug. 18,
fore insulation is applied. 2000; 77 FR 37985, June 25, 2012]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.1021

179.101 Individual specification re- table in 179.101. No text or table appears in

quirements applicable to pressure 179.101.
tank car tanks.

EDITORIAL NOTE: At 66 FR 45186, Aug. 28,

2001, an amendment published amending a

179.1011 Individual specification requirements.

In addition to 179.100, the individual specification requirements are as follows:
Bursting Test Manway
DOT specifica- plate Bottom out- Bottom Reference
Insulation pressure pressure cover
tion thickness let washout (179.***)
(psig) (psig) thickness

105A100ALW Yes ............. 500 5/8 100 22 1/2 No ............... No.

105A200ALW Yes ............. 500 5/8 200 22 1/2 No ............... No.
105A300ALW Yes ............. 750 5/8 300 22 5/8 No ............... No.
105A100W ..... Yes ............. 500 3 9/16 100 2 1/4 No ............... No.
105A200W ..... Yes ............. 500 3 9/16 200 2 1/4 No ............... No.
105A300W ..... Yes ............. 750 1 11/16 300 72 1/4 No ............... No.
105A400W ..... Yes ............. 1,000 1 11/16 400 72 1/4 No ............... No.
105A500W ..... Yes ............. 1,250 1 11/16 500 2 1/4 No ............... No ............ 1021, 1022
105A600W ..... Yes ............. 1,500 1 11/16 600 2 1/4 No ............... No ............ 1024, 10217
109A100ALW Optional ...... 500 5/8 100 22 1/2 No ............... Optional.
109A200ALW Optional ...... 500 5/8 200 22 1/2 No ............... Optional.
109A300ALW Optional ...... 750 5/8 300 22 5/8 No ............... Optional.
109A300W ..... Optional ...... 500 1 11/16 300 2 1/4 No ............... Optional.
112A200W ..... Optional 4 .... 500 3 5 9/16 200 2 1/4 No ............... No.
112A340W ..... Optional 4 .... 850 1 11/16 340 2 1/4 No ............... No.
112A400W ..... Optional 4 .... 1,000 1 11/16 400 2 1/4 No ............... No.
112A500W ..... Optional 4 .... 1,250 1 11/16 500 2 1/4 No ............... No.
114A340W ..... Optional 4 .... 850 1 11/16 340 6 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
114A400W ..... Optional 4 .... 1,000 1 11/16 400 6 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
120A200ALW Yes ............. 500 5/8 200 22 1/2 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
120A100W ..... Yes ............. 500 3 9/16 100 2 1/4 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
120A200W ..... Yes ............. 500 3 9/16 200 2 1/4 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
120A300W ..... Yes ............. 750 1 11/16 300 2 1/4 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
120A400W ..... Yes ............. 1,000 1 11/16 400 2 1/4 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
120A500W ..... Yes ............. 1,250 1 11/16 500 2 1/4 Optional ...... Optional ... 103
1 When steel of 65,000 to 81,000 p.s.i. minimum tensile strength is used, the thickness of plates shall be not less than 58 inch,
and when steel of 81,000 p.s.i. minimum tensile strength is used, the minimum thickness of plate shall be not less than 916 inch.
2 When approved material other than aluminum alloys are used, the thickness shall be not less than 214 inches.
3 When steel of 65,000 p.s.i. minimum tensile strength is used, minimum thickness of plates shall be not less than 12 inch.
4 Tank cars not equipped with a thermal protection or an insulation system used for the transportation of a Class 2 (com-
pressed gas) material must have at least the upper two-thirds of the exterior of the tank, including manway nozzle and all appur-
tenances in contact with this area, finished with a reflective coat of white paint.
5 For inside diameter of 87 inches or less, the thickness of plates shall be not less than 12 inch.
6 See AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix E, E4.01 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and 179.1032.
7 When the use of nickel is required by the lading, the thickness shall not be less than two inches.

[Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28679, June 5, 1996 as amended at 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75760,
Dec. 31, 2003]

179.102 Special commodity require- (1) All plates for tank, manway noz-
ments for pressure tank car tanks. zle and anchorage of tanks must be
(a) In addition to 179.100 and 179.101 made of carbon steel conforming to
the following requirements are applica- ASTM A 516/A 516M (IBR, see 171.7 of
ble: this subchapter), Grades 55, 60, 65, or 70,
(b) [Reserved] or AAR Specification TC 12878, Grade
B. The ASTM A 516/A 516M plate must
179.1021 Carbon dioxide, refrig- also meet the Charpy V-Notch test re-
erated liquid. quirements of ASTM A 20/A 20M (see
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Tank cars used to transport car- table 16) (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
bon dioxide, refrigerated liquid must chapter) in the longitudinal direction
comply with the following special re- of rolling. The TC 128 plate must also


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179.1022 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

meet the Charpy V-Notch energy ab- protective housing strikes a stationary
sorption requirements of 15 ft.-lb. min- surface assumed to be flat, level and
imum average for 3 specimens, and 10 rigid and the speed is determined as a
ft.-lb. minimum for one specimen, at linear velocity, measured at the geo-
minus 50 F in the longitudinal direc- metric center of the loaded tank car as
tion of rolling in accord with ASTM A a transverse vector. Failure is deemed
370 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). to occur when the deformed protective
Production-welded test plates prepared housing contacts any of the service
as required by W4.00 of AAR Specifica- equipment or when the tank retention
tions for Tank Cars, appendix W (IBR, capability is compromised.
see 171.7 of this subchapter), must in- (2) As an alternative to the tank car
clude impact test specimens of weld top fitting protection system require-
metal and heat-affected zone. As an al- ments in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
ternate, anchor legs may be fabricated tion, the tank car may be equipped
of stainless steel, ASTM A 240/A 240M with a system that prevents the release
Types 304, 304L, 316 or 316L, for which of product from any top fitting in the
impact tests are not required. case of an accident where any top fit-
(2)(6) [Reserved] ting would be sheared off. The tank
(b) [Reserved] nozzle must meet the performance
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964] standard in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
tion and only mechanically operated
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- excess flow devices are authorized.
tations affecting 179.1021, see the List of
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the (b) An application for approval of a
Finding Aids section of the printed volume tank car built in accordance with
and at 173.244(a)(3) or 173.314(d) must include
a demonstration, through engineering
179.1022 Chlorine. analysis, that the tank jacket and sup-
(a) Each tank car used to transport port structure system, including any
chlorine must comply with all of the anchors and support devices, is capable
following: of withstanding a 6 mile per hour cou-
(1) Tanks must be fabricated from pling without jacket shift such that re-
carbon steel complying with ASTM sults in damage to the nozzle.
Specification A 516 (IBR, see 171.7 of [74 FR 1802, Jan. 13, 2009]
this subchapter), Grade 70, or AAR
Specification TC 128, Grade A or B. 179.1024 Vinyl fluoride, stabilized.
(2)(3) [Reserved]
Each tank used to transport vinyl
(b) [Reserved]
fluoride, stabilized, must comply with
[Amdt. 1797, 36 FR 14697, Aug. 10, 1971; Amdt. the following special requirements:
17910, 36 FR 21346, Nov. 6, 1971, as amended (a) All plates for the tank must be
by Amdt. 17925, 44 FR 20433, Apr. 5, 1979; fabricated of material listed in para-
Amdt. 17940, 52 FR 13046, Apr. 20, 1987; Amdt.
17945, 55 FR 52728, Dec. 21, 1990; Amdt. 17952,
graph (a)(2) of this section, and appur-
61 FR 28680, June 5, 1996; 68 FR 75760, Dec. 31, tenances must be fabricated of mate-
2003] rial listed in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2)
of this section.
179.1023 Materials poisonous by in- (1) Stainless steel, ASTM A 240/A
halation. 240M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(a) Each tank car built after March chapter), Type 304, 304L, 316 or 316L, in
16, 2009 for the transportation of a ma- which case impact tests are not re-
terial poisonous by inhalation must, in quired; or
addition to the requirements pre- (2) Steel complying with ASTM Spec-
scribed in 179.10012(c), enclose the ification A 516 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
service equipment within a protective subchapter); Grade 70; ASTM Specifica-
housing and cover. tion A 537 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(1) Tank cars must be equipped with chapter), Class 1; or AAR Specification
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

a top fitting protection system and TC 128, Grade B, in which case impact
nozzle capable of sustaining, without tests must be performed as follows:
failure, a rollover accident at a speed (i) ASTM A 516/A 516M and A 537/A
of 9 miles per hour, in which the rolling 537M material must meet the Charpy


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.10217

V-Notch test requirements, in longitu- valve within 30 days, at an ambient

dinal direction of rolling, of ASTM A temperature of 90 F.
20/A 20M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27707, June 16, 1983, as
chapter). amended at 49 FR 24317, June 12, 1984; 49 FR
(ii) AAR Specification TC 128 mate- 42736, Oct. 24, 1984; Amdt. 17945, 55 FR 52728,
rial must meet the Charpy V-Notch Dec. 21, 1990; Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28680, June
test requirements, in longitudinal di- 5, 1996; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 33452,
June 21, 2001; 66 FR 45186, 45390, Aug. 28, 2001;
rection of rolling, of 15 ft.-lb. minimum 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75758, 75760
average for 3 specimens, with a 10 ft.- Dec. 31, 2003]
lb. minimum for any one specimen, at
minus 50 F or colder, in accordance 179.10217 Hydrogen chloride, refrig-
with ASTM A 370 (IBR, see 171.7 of erated liquid.
this subchapter). Each tank car used to transport hy-
(iii) Production welded test plates drogen chloride, refrigerated liquid
must must comply with the following special
(A) Be prepared in accordance with requirements:
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- (a) The tank car must comply with
Specification DOT-105J600W and be de-
pendix W, W4.00 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
signed for loading at minus 50 F. or
(B) Include impact specimens of weld (b) All plates for the tank must be
metal and heat affected zone prepared fabricated of material listed in para-
and tested in accordance with AAR graph (b)(2) of this section, and appur-
Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix tenances must be fabricated of mate-
W, W9.00; and rial listed in paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2)
(C) Meet the same impact require- of this section.
ments as the plate material. (1) Stainless steel, ASTM A 240/A
(b) Insulation must be of approved 240M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
material. chapter), Type 304, 304L, 316, or 316L, in
(c) Excess flow valves must be in- which case impact tests are not re-
stalled under all liquid and vapor quired; or
valves, except safety relief valves. (2) Steel conforming to ASTM A 516/
A 516M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(d) A thermometer well may be in-
chapter), Grade 70; ASTM A 537/A 537M,
stalled. (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter)
(e) Only an approved gaging device Class 1; or AAR Specification TC 128,
may be installed. Grade B in which case impact tests
(f) A pressure gage may be installed. must be performed as follows:
(g) Aluminum, copper, silver, zinc, or (i) ASTM A 516/A 516M and A 537/A
an alloy containing any of these metals 537M material must meet the Charpy
may not be used in the tank construc- V-notch test requirements, in longitu-
tion, or in fittings in contact with the dinal direction of rolling, of ASTM A
lading. 20/A 20M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(h) The jacket must be stenciled, ad- chapter).
jacent to the water capacity stencil, (ii) AAR Specification TC 128 mate-
rial must meet the Charpy V-notch
MINIMUM OPERATING TEMPERA- test requirements, in longitudinal di-
TURE l F. rection of rolling of 15 ft.-lb. minimum
average for 3 specimens, with a 10 ft.-
(i) The tank car and insulation must
lb. minimum for any one specimen, at
be designed to prevent the vapor pres-
minus 50 F or colder, in accordance
sure of the lading from increasing from with ASTM A 370 (IBR, see 171.7 of
the pressure at the maximum allowable this subchapter).
filling density to the start-to-discharge (iii) Production welded test plates
pressure of the reclosing pressure relief must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(A) Be prepared in accordance with

AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
pendix W, W4.00 (IBR, see 171.7 of this


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179.103 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(B) include impact test specimens of tank car specification listed in

weld metal and heat affected zone pre- 173.314(c).
pared and tested in accordance with
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
amended at 48 FR 50441, Nov. 1, 1983; 49 FR
pendix W, W9.00; and 24317, June 12, 1984; 49 FR 42736, Oct. 24, 1984;
(C) meet the same impact require- Amdt. 17945, 55 FR 52728, Dec. 21, 1990; 66 FR
ments as the plate material. 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002;
(c) Insulation must be of approved 68 FR 75758, 75760, Dec. 31, 2003; 74 FR 1802,
material. Jan. 13, 2009]
(d) Pressure relief valves must be
trimmed with monel or other approved 179.103 Special requirements for
material and equipped with a rupture class 114A * * * tank car tanks.
disc of silver, polytetrafluoroethylene (a) In addition to the applicable re-
coated monel, or tantalum. Each pres- quirements of 179.100 and 179.101 the
sure relief device shall have the space following requirements shall be com-
between the rupture disc and the valve plied with:
vented with a suitable auxiliary valve. (b) [Reserved]
The discharge from each pressure relief
valve must be directed outside the pro- 179.1031 Type.
tective housing.
(a) Tanks built under this section
(e) Loading and unloading valves
may be of any approved cross section.
must be trimmed with Hastelloy B or
C, monel, or other approved material, (b) Any portion of the tank shell not
and identified as Vapor or Liquid. circular in cross section shall have
Excess flow valves must be installed walls of such thickness and be so rein-
under all liquid and vapor valves, ex- forced that the stresses in the walls
cept safety relief valves. caused by a given internal pressure are
(f) A thermometer well may be in- no greater than the circumferential
stalled. stresses which would exist under the
(g) Only an approved gaging device same internal pressure in the wall of a
may be installed. tank of circular cross section designed
(h) A sump must be installed in the in accordance with paragraphs 179.100
bottom of the tank under the liquid 6 (a) and (b), but in no case shall the
pipes. wall thickness be less than that speci-
(i) All gaskets must be made of, or fied in 179.101.
coated with, polytetrafluoroethylene (c) [Reserved]
or other approved material. (d) Valves and fittings need not be
(j) The tank car tank may be mounted on the manway cover.
equipped with exterior cooling coils on (e) One opening may be provided in
top of the tank car shell. each head for use in purging the tank
(k) The jacket must be stenciled, ad- interior.
jacent to the water capacity stencil,
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
MINIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE l FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
F. 17950, 60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995]
(l) The tank car and insulation must 179.1032 Manway cover.
be designed to prevent the pressure of
the lading from increasing from the (a) The manway cover must be an ap-
pressure at the maximum allowable proved design.
filling density to the start-to-discharge (b) If no valves or measuring and
pressure of the pressure relief valve sampling devices are mounted on
within 30 days, at an ambient tempera- manway cover, no protective housing is
ture of 90 F. required.
(m) Except as provided in 173.314(d),
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32

tank cars built on or after March 16, FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
2009 used for the transportation of hy- 17950, 60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995]
drogen chloride, refrigerated liquid,
must meet the applicable authorized


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.1035

179.1033 Venting, loading and un- 179.1035 Bottom outlets.

loading valves, measuring and sam- (a) In addition to or in place of the
pling devices.
venting, loading and unloading valves,
(a) Venting, loading and unloading measuring and sampling devices as pre-
valves, measuring and sampling de- scribed in 179.1033, tanks may be
vices, when used, shall be attached to a equipped with approved bottom outlet
nozzle or nozzles on the tank shell or valves. If applied, bottom outlet valves
heads. must meet the following requirements:
(b) These valves and appurtenances (1) On cars with center sills, a ball
must be grouped in one location and, valve may be welded to the outside bot-
except as provided in 179.1035, must tom of the tank or mounted on a pad or
be equipped with a protective housing nozzle with a tongue and groove or
with cover, or may be recessed into male and female flange attachment,
tank shell with cover. An additional but in no case shall the breakage
set grouped in another location may be groove or equivalent extend below the
provided. Protective housing with bottom flange of the center sill. On
cover, when used, must have steel side- cars without continuous center sills, a
walls not less than three-fourths inch ball valve may be welded to the outside
in thickness and a metal cover not less bottom of the tank or mounted with a
than one-fourth inch in thickness that tongue and groove or male and female
can be securely closed. Underframe flange attachment on a pad attached to
sills are an acceptable alternate to the the outside bottom of the tank. The
protective housing cover, provided the mounting pad must have a maximum
arrangement is of approved design. For thickness of 212 inches measured on the
fittings recessed into tank shell, pro- longitudinal centerline of the tank.
tective cover must be metal and not The valve operating mechanism must
less than one-fourth inch in thickness. be provided with a suitable locking ar-
(c) When tank car is used to trans- rangement to insure positive closure
port liquefied flammable gases, the in- during transit.
terior pipes of the loading, unloading, (2) When internal bottom outlet
and sampling valves must be equipped valve is used in liquefied flammable
with excess flow valves of approved de- gas service, the outlet of the valve
sign except when quick closing internal must be equipped with an excess flow
valves of approved design are used. valve of approved design, except when a
When the interior pipe of the gaging quick-closing internal valve of ap-
device provides a means for the passage proved design is used. Protective hous-
of lading from the interior to the exte- ing is not required.
rior of the tank, it must be equipped (3) Bottom outlet must be equipped
with an excess flow valve of approved with a liquid tight closure at its lower
design or with an orifice not exceeding end.
0.060 inch. (b) Bottom outlet equipment must be
of approved design and must meet the
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 following requirements:
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. (1) The extreme projection of the bot-
17910, 36 FR 21348, Nov. 6, 1971]
tom outlet equipment may not be more
179.1034 Safety relief devices and than allowed by appendix E of the AAR
pressure regulators. Specifications for Tank Cars (IBR, see
171.7 of this subchapter). All bottom
(a) Safety relief devices and pressure
outlet reducers and closures and their
regulators must be located on top of
attachments shall be secured to the car
the tank near the center of the car on
by at least 38 inch chain, or its equiva-
a nozzle, mounting plate or recess in
lent, except that bottom outlet closure
the shell. Through or stud bolts, if
plugs may be attached by 14 inch chain.
used, must not enter the tank.
When the bottom outlet closure is of
(b) Metal guard of approved design
the combination cap and valve type,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be provided to protect safety re-

the pipe connection to the valve shall
lief devices and pressure regulators
be closed by a plug, cap, or approved
from damage.
quick coupling device. The bottom out-
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21348, Nov. 6, 1971] let equipment should include only the


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179.200 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

valve, reducers and closures that are let nozzle at a point immediately below
necessary for the attachment of un- the lowest part of value closest to the
loading fixtures. The permanent at- tank. In no case may the nozzle wall
tachment of supplementary exterior thickness at the roof of the V be
fittings must be approved by the AAR more than 14-inch. On cars without
Committee on Tank Cars. continuous center sills, the breakage
(2) To provide for the attachment of groove or its equivalent may not be
unloading connections, the discharge more than 15 inches below the tank
end of the bottom outlet nozzle or re- shell. On cars with continuous center
ducer, the valve body of the exterior sills, the breakage groove or its equiva-
valve, or some fixed attachment there- lent must be above the bottom of the
to, shall be provided with one of the center sill construction.
following arrangements or an approved (5) The valve body must be of a thick-
modification thereof. (See appendix E. ness which will insure that accidental
Fig. E17 of the AAR Specifications for breakage of the outlet nozzle will occur
Tank Cars for illustrations of some of at or below the V groove, or its
the possible arrangements.) equivalent, and will not cause distor-
(i) A bolted flange closure arrange- tion of the valve seat or valve.
ment including a minimum 1-inch NPT [Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21348, Nov. 6, 1971, as
pipe plug (see Fig. E17.1) or including amended by Amdt. 17940, 52 FR 13046, Apr.
an auxiliary valve with a threaded clo- 20, 1987; Amdt. 17941, 52 FR 36672, Sept. 30,
sure. 1987; Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49077, Sept. 21, 1995;
(ii) A threaded cap closure arrange- Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28680, June 5, 1996; Amdt.
ment including a minimum 1-inch NPT 17953, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996; 66 FR 45186,
pipe plug (see Fig. E17.2) or including Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75761, Dec. 31, 2003]
an auxiliary valve with a threaded clo-
sure. Subpart DSpecifications for Non-
(iii) A quick-coupling device using a Pressure Tank Car Tanks
threaded plug closure of at least 1-inch (Classes DOT-111AW and
NPT or having a threaded cap closure 115AW)
with a minimum 1-inch NPT pipe plug
(see Fig. E17.3 through E17.5). A min- 179.200 General specifications appli-
imum 1-inch auxiliary test valve with a cable to non-pressure tank car
threaded closure may be substituted tanks (Class DOT-111).
for the 1-inch pipe plug (see Fig E17.6).
If the threaded cap closure does not 179.2001 Tank built under these
specifications must meet the re-
have a pipe plug or integral auxiliary quirements of 179.200, and
test valve, a minimum 1-inch NPT pipe 179.201.
plug shall be installed in the outlet
nozzle above the closure (see Fig. 179.2003 Type.
E17.7). Tank built under these specifications
(iv) A two-piece quick-coupling de- must be circular in cross section, with
vice using a clamped dust cap must in- formed heads designed convex outward.
clude an in-line auxiliary valve, either When specified in 179.2011, the tank
integral with the quick-coupling device must have at least one manway or one
or located between the primary bottom expansion dome with manway, and
outlet valve and the quick-coupling de- such other external projections as are
vice. The quick-coupling device closure prescribed herein. When the tank is di-
dust cap or outlet nozzle shall be fitted vided into compartments, each com-
with a minimum 1-inch NPT closure partment must be treated as a separate
(see Fig. E17.8 and E17.9). tank.
(3) The valve operating mechanism
must be provided with a suitable lock- [Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21348, Nov. 6, 1971]
ing arrangement to insure positive clo-
sure during transit. 179.2004 Insulation.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(4) If the outlet nozzle extends 6 (a) If insulation is applied, the tank
inches or more from shell of tank, a V- shell and expansion dome when used
shaped breakage groove shall be cut must be insulated with an approved
(not cast) in the upper part to the out- material. The entire insulation must


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.2007

be covered with a metal jacket of a S = Minimum tensile strength of plate mate-

thickness not less than 11 gauge (0.1196 rial in p.s.i. as prescribed in 179.2007;
inch) nominal (Manufacturers Stand- t = Minimum thickness of plate in inches
after forming.
ard Gauge) and flashed around all open-
ings so as to be weather tight. The ex- (c) The wall thickness after forming
terior surface of a carbon steel tank of a flanged and dished head must be
and the inside surface of a carbon steel not less than specified in 179.2011, nor
jacket must be given a protection coat- that calculated by the following for-
ing. mula:
(b) If insulation is a specification re-
quirement, it shall be of sufficient 5 PL
thickness so that the thermal conduct- t=
ance at 60 F is not more than 0.225 Btu 6 SE
per hour, per square foot, per degree F Where:
temperature differential, unless other- E = 0.9 Welded joint efficiency; except E=1.0
wise provided in 179.2011. If exterior for seamless heads;
heaters are attached to tank, the L = Main inside radius to which head is
thickness of the insulation over each dished, measured on concave side in
heater element may be reduced to one- P = Minimum required bursting pressure in
half that required for the shell. psig;
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 S = Minimum tensile strength of plate mate-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. rial in p.s.i. as prescribed in 179.2007;
17910, 36 FR 21349, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17950, t = Minimum thickness of plate in inches
60 FR 49078, Sept. 21, 1995] after forming.
(d) If plates are clad with material
179.2006 Thickness of plates. having tensile strength properties at
(a) The wall thickness after forming least equal to the base plate, the clad-
of the tank shell, dome shell, and of 2:1 ding may be considered a part of the
ellipsoidal heads must be not less than base plate when determining thickness.
specified in 179.2011, nor that cal- If cladding material does not have ten-
culated by the following formula: sile strength at least equal to the base
plate, the base plate alone must meet
Pd the thickness requirements.
t= (e) For a tank constructed of longitu-
2 SE dinal sections, the minimum width of
Where: bottom sheet of the tank must be 60
d = Inside diameter in inches; inches measured on the arc, but in all
E = 0.9 Welded joint efficiency; except E=1.0 cases the width must be sufficient to
for seamless heads; bring the entire width of the longitu-
P = Minimum required bursting pressure in dinal welded joint, including welds,
psig; above the bolster.
S = Minimum tensile strength of plate mate-
(f) For a tank built of one piece cy-
rial in p.s.i. as prescribed in 179.2007;
t = Minimum thickness of plate in inches
lindrical sections, the thickness speci-
after forming. fied for bottom sheet must apply to the
entire cylindrical section.
(b) The wall thickness after forming (g) See 179.2009 for thickness re-
of 3:1 ellipsoidal heads must be not less quirements for a compartmented tank.
than specified in 179.2011, nor that
calculated by the following formula: [Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21349, Nov. 6, 1971, as
amended at 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001]

t= 1.83 179.2007 Materials.

2 SE (a) Plate material used to fabricate
Where: the tank and, when used, expansion
d = Inside diameter in inches; dome or manway nozzle material, must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

E = 0.9 Welded joint efficiency; except E=1.0 meet one of the following specifica-

for seamless heads; tions with the indicated minimum ten-

P = Minimum required bursting pressure in sile strength and elongation in the
psig; welded condition.


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179.2007 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) Carbon steel plate: The maximum Minimum

Minimum ten- elongation in
allowable carbon content must be 0.31 sile strength 2 inches
percent when the individual specifica- (p.s.i.) weld- (percent)
ed condition 1 weld metal
tion allows carbon content greater (longitudinal)
than this amount. The plates may be
ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor-
clad with other approved materials: porated by reference; see
171.7 of this subchapter),
Minimum elon- Type 316L .......................... 70,000 30
Minimum ten- gation in 2
sile strength inches (per- 1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.
Specifications (p.s.i.) welded cent) weld 2 High alloy steel materials used to fabricate tank and ex-
condition 1 metal (longitu- pansion dome, when used, must be tested in accordance with
dinal) Practice A of ASTM Specification A 262 titled, Standard
Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in
AAR TC 128, Gr. B ........... 81,000 19 Austenitic Stainless Steels (IBR; see 171.7 of this sub-
ASTM A 516 2 .................... 70,000 20 chapter). If the specimen does not pass Practice A, Practice B
or C must be used and the corrosion rates may not exceed
1 Minimum stresses to be used in calculations. the following:
2 This specification is incorporated by reference (IBR, see
171.7 of this subchapter). Corrosion
Test procedure Material rate i.p.m.
(c) Aluminum alloy plate: Aluminum
Practice B ................... Types 304, 304L, 316, 0.0040
alloy plate must be suitable for weld- and 316L.
ing and comply with one of the fol- Practice C ................... Type 304L .................. .0020
lowing specifications (IBR, see 171.7 of Type 304L and Type 316L test specimens must be given a
this subchapter): sensitizing treatment prior to testing. (A typical sensitizing
treatment is 1 hour at 1250 F.)
Minimum ten- elongation in (e) Nickel plate: Nickel plate must
sile strength 2 inches comply with the following specifica-
Specifications (p.s.i.) weld- (percent) 0
ed condi- temper weld tion (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
tion 3 4 metal (longi- chapter):
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5052 1 ..... 25,000 18 Minimum elongation
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5083 2 ..... 38,000 16 in 2 inches
Specifications (percent)
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5086 1 ..... 35,000 14 (psi) weld- weld metal
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5154 1 ..... 30,000 18 ed condi- (longitu-
tion 1
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5254 1 ..... 30,000 18 dinal)
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5454 1 ..... 31,000 18
ASTM B 162 2 ................................ 40,000 20
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5652 1 ..... 25,000 18
1 For fabrication, the parent plate material may be 0, H112,
or H32 temper, but design calculations must be based on
(f) Manganese-molybdenum steel plate:
minimum tensile strength shown. Manganese-molybdenum steel plate
2 0 temper only.
3 Weld filler metal 5556 must not be used.
must be suitable for fusion welding and
4 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations. comply with the following specifica-
tion (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(d) High alloy steel plate: High alloy chapter):
steel plate must comply with one of
the following specifications: Minimum elongation
tensile in 2 inches
Minimum Specifications (percent)
Minimum ten- elongation in weld metal
sile strength 2 inches (longitu-
Specifications condition 1
(p.s.i.) weld- (percent) dinal)
ed condition 1 weld metal
(longitudinal) ASTM A 302, Gr. B ....................... 80,000 20
1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.
ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor-
porated by reference; see
171.7 of this subchapter), (g) All parts and items of construc-
Type 304 ............................ 75,000 30 tion in contact with the lading must be
ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor- made of material compatible with
porated by reference; see plate material and not subject to rapid
171.7 of this subchapter),
Type 304L .......................... 70,000 30 deterioration by the lading, or be coat-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor- ed or lined with suitable corrosion re-

porated by reference; see sistant material.
171.7 of this subchapter), (h) All external projections that may
Type 316 ............................ 75,000 30
be in contact with the lading and all


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.20013

castings, forgings, or fabrications used of tank head flanges. The cylinder shall
for fittings or attachments to tank and fit the straight flange portion of the
expansion dome, when used, in contact compartment tank head tightly. The
with lading must be made of material cylinder shall contact the head flange
to an approved specification. See AAR for a distance of at least two times the
Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix plate thickness, or a minimum of 1
M, M4.05 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- inch, whichever is greater. The cyl-
chapter) for approved material speci- inder shall be joined to the head flange
fications for castings for fittings. by a full fillet weld. Distance from
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21349, Nov. 9, 1971; 36 FR
head seam to cylinder shall not be less
21893, Nov. 17, 1971, as amended by Amdt.179 than 112 inches or three times the plate
28, 46 FR 49906, Oct. 8, 1981; Amdt. 17940, 52 thickness, whichever is greater. Voids
FR 13046, Apr. 20, 1987; Amdt. 17952, 61 FR created by the space between heads of
28680, June 5, 1996; 66 FR 45186, Aug. 28, 2001; tanks joined together to form a com-
67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75761, Dec. 31, partment tank shall be provided with a
2003; 70 FR 34076, June 13, 2005] tapped drain hole at their lowest point
and a tapped hole at top of tank. The
179.2008 Tank heads.
top hole shall be closed and the bottom
(a) All external tank heads must be hole may be closed with solid pipe
an ellipsoid of revolution in which the plugs not less than 34 inch nor more
major axis must equal the diameter of than 112 inches having NPT threads.
the shell and the minor axis must be
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
one-half the major axis.
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
(b) Internal compartment tank heads 17910, 36 FR 21350, Nov. 6, 1971; 66 FR 45186,
may be 2:1 ellipsoidal, 3:1 ellipsoidal, or Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75761, Dec. 31, 2003]
flanged and dished to thicknesses as
specified in 179.2006. Flanged and 179.20010 Welding.
dished heads must have main inside ra- (a) All joints shall be fusion-welded
dius not exceeding 10 feet, and inside in compliance with the requirements of
knuckle radius must not be less than AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
334 inches for steel, alloy steel, or nick- pendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
el tanks, and not less than 5 inches for chapter). Welding procedures, welders
aluminum alloy tanks. and fabricators shall be approved.
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21350, Nov. 6, 1971] (b) Welding is not permitted on or to
ductile iron or malleable iron fittings.
179.2009 Compartment tanks.
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
(a) When a tank is divided into com- FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
partments, by inserting interior heads, 17910, 36 FR 21350, Nov. 6, 1971; 68 FR 75761,
interior heads must be inserted in ac- Dec. 31, 2003]
cordance with AAR Specifications for
Tank Cars, appendix E, E7.00 (IBR, see 179.20011 Postweld heat treatment.
171.7 of this subchapter), and must When specified in 179.2011, after
comply with the requirements specified welding is complete, postweld heat
in 179.2011. Voids between compart- treatment must be in compliance with
ment heads must be provided with at the requirements of AAR Specifica-
least one tapped drain hole at their tions for Tank Cars, appendix W (IBR,
lowest point, and a tapped hole at the see 171.7 of this subchapter).
top of the tank. The top hole must be [68 FR 75761, Dec. 31, 2003]
closed, and the bottom hole may be
closed, with not less than three-fourths 179.20013 Manway ring or flange,
inch and not more than 112-inch solid pressure relief device flange, bot-
pipe plugs having NPT threads. tom outlet nozzle flange, bottom
(b) When the tank is divided into washout nozzle flange and other at-
compartments by constructing each tachments and openings.
compartment as a separate tank, these (a) These attachments shall be fusion
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tanks shall be joined together by a cyl- welded to the tank and reinforced in an
inder made of plate, having a thickness approved manner in compliance with
not less than that required for the tank the requirements of appendix E, figure
shell and applied to the outside surface 10, of the AAR Specifications for Tank


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179.20014 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- shell with nipples projecting inside the
chapter). tank at least 1 inch.
(b) The opening in the manway ring (d) The dome head shall be of ap-
must be at least 16 inches in diameter proved contour and shall be designed
except that acid resistant lined for pressure on concave side.
manways must be at least 18 inches in (e) Aluminum alloy domes: (1) The
diameter before lining. dome shell thickness shall be cal-
(c) The manway ring or flange, shall culated by the formula in 179.2006(a).
be made of cast, forged or fabricated (2) The dome head may be an ellip-
metal. The metal of the dome, tank, or soid of revolution in which the major
nozzle must be compatible with the axis shall be equal to the diameter of
manway ring or flange, so that they the dome shell and the minor axis shall
may be welded together. be one-half the major axis. The thick-
(d) The openings for the manway or ness in this case shall be determined by
other fittings shall be reinforced in an using formula in 179.2006(a).
approved manner. (3) The dome head, if dished, must be
dished to a radius not exceeding 96
[Amdt. 17940, 52 FR 13047, Apr. 20, 1987, as inches. Thickness of dished dome head
amended at 68 FR 75761, Dec. 31, 2003] must be calculated by the formula in
179.20014 Expansion capacity.
(4) Tank shell shall be reinforced by
(a) Tanks shall have expansion capac- the addition of a plate equal to or
ity as prescribed in this subchapter. greater than shell in thickness and the
This capacity shall be provided in the cross sectional area shall exceed metal
tank for Class DOT-111A cars, or in a removed for dome opening, or tank
dome for Class DOT-103 and 104 type shell shall be reinforced by a seamless
cars. saddle plate equal to or greater than
(b) For tank cars having an expan- shell in thickness and butt welded to
sion dome, the expansion capacity is tank shell. The reinforcing saddle plate
the total capacity of the tank and shall be provided with a fluid opening
dome combined. The capacity of the having a vertical flange of the diame-
dome shall be measured from the inside ter of the dome for butt welding shell
top of shell of tank to the inside top of of dome to the flange. The reinforcing
dome or bottom of any vent pipe pro- saddle plate shall extend about the
jecting inside of dome, except that dome a distance measured along shell
when a pressure relief device is applied of tank at least equal to the extension
to side of dome, the effective capacity at top of tank. Other approved designs
of the dome shall be measured from top may be used.
of the pressure relief device opening in-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
side of dome to inside top of shell of FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
tank. 17910, 36 FR 21350, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17928,
(c) The opening in the tank shell 46 FR 49906, Oct. 8, 1981; Amdt. 17952, 61 FR
within the dome shall be at least 29 28680, June 5, 1996; 66 FR 45186, 45390, Aug. 28,
inches in diameter. When the opening 2001; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003]
in the tank shell exceeds 30 inches in
diameter, the opening shall be rein- 179.20015 Closures for manways.
forced in an approved manner. This ad- (a) Manway covers must be of ap-
ditional reinforcement may be accom- proved type.
plished by the use of a dome opening of (b) Manway covers shall be designed
the flued-type as shown in appendix E, to provide a secure closure of the
Figure E 10C of the AAR Specifications manway.
for Tank Cars or by the use of rein- (c) Manway covers must be of ap-
forcing as outlined in Appendix E, E3.04 proved cast, forged, or fabricated met-
and Figures E10K and E10L. When the als. Malleable iron, if used, must com-
opening in the tank shell is less than ply with ASTM A 47 (IBR, see 171.7 of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the inside diameter of the dome, and this subchapter), Grade 35018. Cast iron
the dome pocket is not closed off in an manway covers must not be used.
approved manner, dome pocket drain (d) All joints between manway covers
holes shall be provided in the tank and their seats shall be made tight


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.20017

against leakage of vapor and liquid by in conjunction with the metal of the
use of gaskets of suitable material. tank shell. When sump or siphon bowl
(e) For other manway cover require- is pressed in the bottom of the tank
ments see 179.2011. shell, the wall thickness of the pressed
section must not be less than that
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. specified for the shell. The section of a
17910, 36 FR 21350, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17937, circular cross section tank to which a
50 FR 11066, Mar. 19, 1985; 68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, sump or siphon bowl is attached need
2003] not comply with the out-of-roundness
requirement specified in appendix W,
179.20016 Gauging devices, top load- W14.06, of the AAR Specifications for
ing and unloading devices, venting Tank Cars. Any portion of a sump or si-
and air inlet devices. phon bowl not forming a part of a cyl-
(a) When installed, these devices inder of revolution must have walls of
shall be of an approved design which such thickness and be so reinforced
will prevent interchange with any that the stresses in the walls caused by
other fixture, and be tightly closed. a given internal pressure are not great-
Unloading pipes shall be securely an- er than the circumferential stress
chored within the tank. Each tank or which would exist under the same in-
compartment may be equipped with ternal pressure in the wall of a tank of
one separate air connection. circular cross section designed in ac-
(b) When the characteristics of the cordance with 179.2006 (a) and (d). In
commodity for which the car is author- no case shall the wall thickness be less
ized are such that these devices must than that specified in 179.2011.
be equipped with valves or fittings to (f) When top loading and discharge
permit the loading and unloading of devices, or venting and air inlet de-
the contents, these devices, including vices are installed with exposed piping
valves, shall be of an approved design, to a removed location, shutoff valves
and be provided with a protective hous- must be applied directly to reinforcing
ing except when plug or ball type pads or nozzles at their communication
valves with operating handles removed through the tank shell, and must be
are used. Provision shall be made for enclosed in a protective housing with
closing pipe connections of valves. provision for a seal. The piping must
(c) A tank may be equipped with a include breakage grooves, and suitable
vacuum relief valve of an approved de- bracing. Relief valves must be applied
sign. Protective housing is not re- to liquid lines for protection in case
quired. lading is trapped. Provision must be
(d) When using a visual gauging de- made to insure closure of the valves
vice on a car with a hinged manway while the car is in transit.
cover, an outage scale visible through (g) Protective housing, when re-
the manway opening shall be provided. quired, must be fabricated of approved
If loading devices are applied to permit material and have cover and sidewalls
tank loading with cover closed, a tell- not less than 0.119 inch in thickness.
tale pipe may be provided. Telltale pipe [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
shall be capable of determining that re- FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
quired outage is provided. Pipe shall be 17910, 36 FR 21350, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17952,
equipped with 14 inch minimum NPT 61 FR 28680, June 5, 1996; 69 FR 54047, Sept. 7,
control valve mounted outside tank 2004]
and enclosed within a housing. Other
approved devices may be used in lieu of 179.20017 Bottom outlets.
outage scale or telltale pipe. (a) If indicated in 179.2011, tank
(e) Bottom of tank shell may be may be equipped with bottom outlet.
equipped with a sump or siphon bowl, Bottom outlet, if applied, must comply
or both, welded or pressed into the with the following requirements:
shell. Such sumps or siphon bowls, if (1) The extreme projection of the bot-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

applied are not limited in size and tom outlet equipment may not be more
must be made of cast, forged, or fab- than that allowed by appendix E of the
ricated metal. Each sump or siphon AAR Specifications for Tank Cars
bowl must be of good welding quality (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). All


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179.20017 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

bottom outlet reducers and closures following arrangements or an approved

and their attachments shall be secured modification thereof. (See appendix E.
to the car by at least 38-inch chain, or Fig. E17 of the AAR Specifications for
its equivalent, except that the bottom Tank Cars for illustrations of some of
outlet closure plugs may be attached the possible arrangements.)
by 14-inch chain. When the bottom out- (i) A bolted flange closure arrange-
let closure is of the combination cap ment including a minimum 1-inch NPT
and valve type, the pipe connection to pipe plug (see Fig. E17.1) or including
the valve shall be closed by a plug, cap, an auxiliary valve with a threaded clo-
or approved quick coupling device. The sure.
bottom outlet equipment should in- (ii) A threaded cap closure arrange-
clude only the valve, reducers and clo- ment including a minimum 1-inch NPT
sures that are necessary for the attach- pipe plug (see Fig. E17.2) or including
ment of unloading fixtures. The perma- an auxiliary valve with a threaded clo-
nent attachment of supplementary ex- sure.
terior fittings shall be approved by the (iii) A quick-coupling device using a
AAR Committee on Tank Cars. threaded plug closure of at least 1-inch
(2) Bottom outlet must be of ap- NPT or having a threaded cap closure
proved construction, and be provided with a minimum 1-inch NPT pipe plug
with a liquid-tight closure at its lower (see Fig. E17.3 through E17.5). A min-
end. imum 1-inch auxiliary test valve with a
(3) On cars with center sills, a ball threaded closure may be substituted
valve may be welded to the outside bot- for the 1-inch pipe plug (see Fig. E17.6).
tom of the tank or mounted on a pad or If the threaded cap closure does not
nozzle with a tongue and groove or have a pipe plug or integral auxiliary
male and female flange attachment. In test valve, a minimum 1-inch NPT pipe
no case shall the breakage groove or plug shall be installed in the outlet
equivalent extend below the bottom nozzle above the closure (see Fig.
flange of the center sill. On cars with- E17.7).
out continuous center sills, a ball valve (iv) A two-piece quick-coupling de-
may be welded to the outside bottom of vice using a clamped dust cap must in-
the tank or mounted with a tongue and clude an in-line auxiliary valve, either
groove or male and female flange at- integral with the quick-coupling device
tachment on a pad attached to the out- or located between the primary bottom
side bottom of the tank. The mounting outlet valve and the quick-coupling de-
pad must have a maximum thickness of vice. The quick-coupling device closure
212 inches measured on the longitu- dust cap or outlet nozzle shall be fitted
dinal centerline of the tank. The valve with a minimum 1-inch NPT closure
operating mechanism must be provided (see Fig. E17.8 and E17.9).
with a suitable locking arrangement to (7) If the outlet nozzle extends 6
insure positive closure during transit. inches or more from the shell of the
(4) The valve operating mechanism tank, a V-shaped breakage groove shall
for valves applied to the interior of the be cut (not cast) in the upper part of
tank, and outlet nozzle construction, the outlet nozzle at a point imme-
must insure against the unseating of diately below the lowest part of valve
the valve due to stresses or shocks in- closest to the tank. In no case may the
cident to transportation. nozzle wall thickness at the root of the
(5) Bottom outlet nozzle of interior V be more than 14 inch. The outlet
valves and the valve body of exterior nozzle on interior valves or the valve
valves, must be of cast, fabricated, or body on exterior valves may be steam
forged metal. If welded to tank, they jacketed, in which case the breakage
must be of good weldable quality in groove or its equivalent must be below
conjunction with metal of tank. the steam chamber but above the bot-
(6) To provide for the attachment of tom of center sill construction. If the
unloading connections, the discharge outlet nozzle is not a single piece, or if
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

end of the bottom outlet nozzle or re- exterior valves are applied, provisions
ducer, the valve body of the exterior shall be made for the equivalent of the
valve, or some fixed attachment there- breakage groove. On cars without con-
to, shall be provided with one of the tinuous center sills, the breakage


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.20021

groove or its equivalent must be no a thickness to insure that accidental

more than 15 inches below the tank breakage will occur at or below the
shell. On cars with continuous center V groove or its equivalent. On cars
sills, the breakage groove or its equiva- without continuous center sills, the
lent must be above the bottom of the breakage groove or its equivalent may
center sill construction. not be more than 15 inches below the
(8) The flange on the outlet nozzle or outer shell. On cars with continuous
the valve body of exterior valves must center sills, the breakage groove or its
be of a thickness which will prevent equivalent must be above the bottom
distortion of the valve seat or valve by of the center sill construction.
any change in contour of the shell re- (4) The closure plug and seat must be
sulting from expansion of lading, or readily accessible or removable for re-
other causes, and which will insure pairs, including grinding.
that accidental breakage of the outlet (5) The closure of the washout nozzle
nozzle will occur at or below the V must be equipped with a 34-inch solid
groove, or its equivalent. screw plug. Plug must be attached by
(9) The valve must have no wings or at least a 14-inch chain.
stem projecting below the V groove (6) Joints between closures and their
or its equivalent. The valve and seat seats may be gasketed with suitable
must be readily accessible or remov- material.
able for repairs, including grinding. [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
(10) The valve operating mechanism FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
on interior valves must have means for 17910, 36 FR 21351, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17940,
compensating for variation in the 52 FR 13047, Apr. 20, 1987; 68 FR 75762, Dec. 31,
vertical diameter of the tank produced 2003]
by expansion, weight of the liquid con-
tents, or other causes, and may operate 179.20019 Reinforcements, when
used, and appurtenances not other-
from the interior of the tank, but in wise specified.
the event the rod is carried through
the dome, or tank shell, leakage must (a) All attachments to tank and
be prevented by packing in stuffing box dome shall be applied by approved
or other suitable seals and a cap. means. Rivets if used shall be caulked
(b) If indicated in 179.2011, tank inside and outside.
may be equipped with bottom washout (b) Reinforcing pads must be used be-
of approved construction. If applied, tween external brackets and shells if
bottom washout shall be in accordance the attachment welds exceed 6 lineal
with the following requirements: inches of 14-inch fillet or equivalent
(1) The extreme projection of the bot- weld per bracket or bracket leg. When
tom washout equipment may not be reinforcing pads are used, they must
more than that allowed by appendix E not be less than one-fourth inch in
of the AAR Specifications for Tank thickness, have each corner rounded to
Cars. a 1 inch minimum radius, and be at-
(2) Bottom washout shall be of cast, tached to the tank by continuous fillet
forged or fabricated metal. If welded to welds except for venting provisions.
tank, they shall be of good weldable The ultimate shear strength of the
quality in conjunction with metal of bracket to reinforcing pad weld must
tank. not exceed 85 percent of the ultimate
(3) If the washout nozzle extends 6 shear strength of the reinforcing pad to
inches or more from the shell of the tank weld.
tank, a V-shaped breakage groove shall [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
be cut (not cast) in the upper part of FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
the nozzle at a point immediately 17910, 36 FR 21351, Nov. 6, 1971]
below the lowest part of the inside clo-
sure seat or plug. In no case may the 179.20021 Closures for openings.
nozzle wall thickness at the root of the (a) All plugs shall be solid, with NPT
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

V be more than 14 inch. Where the threads, and shall be of a length which
nozzle is not a single piece, provisions will screw at least 6 threads inside the
shall be made for the equivalent of the face of fitting or tank. Plugs, when in-
breakage groove. The nozzle must be of serted from the outside of tank heads,


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179.20022 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

shall have the letter S at least 38 179.20024 Stamping.

inch in size stamped with steel stamp
(a) To certify that the tank complies
or cast on the outside surface to indi-
with all specification requirements,
cate the plug is solid.
each tank shall be plainly and perma-
(b) [Reserved]
nently stamped in letters and figures
179.20022 Test of tanks. at least 38 inch high into the metal
near the center of both outside heads
(a) Each tank shall be tested by com-
as follows:
pletely filling the tank and dome or
nozzles with water, or other liquid hav- Example of required
ing similar viscosity, of a temperature stamping
which shall not exceed 100 F. during Specification ................................. DOT-111A
the test; and applying the pressure pre- Material ......................................... ASTM A 516GR 70
scribed in 179.2011. Tank shall hold Cladding material (if any) ............. ASTM A240304 Clad
the prescribed pressure for at least 10 Tank builders initials .................... ABC
minutes without leakage or evidence of Date of original test ...................... 000000
distress. All rivets and closures, except Car assembler (if other than tank DEF
safety relief valves or safety vents,
shall be in place when test is made.
(b) On Class DOT-111 tank cars, the
(b) Insulated tanks shall be tested be-
last numeral of the specification num-
fore insulation is applied.
ber may be omitted from the stamping;
(c) Rubber-lined tanks shall be tested
for example, DOT-111A100W.
before rubber lining is applied.
(d) Caulking of welded joints to stop (c) After July 25, 2012, newly con-
leaks developed during the foregoing structed DOT tank cars must have
tests is prohibited. Repairs in welded their DOT specification and other re-
joints shall be made as prescribed in quired information stamped plainly
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- and permanently on stainless steel
pendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- identification plates in conformance
chapter). with the applicable requirements pre-
scribed in 179.24(a). Tank cars built
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended at 68 before July 25, 2012, may have the iden-
FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003] tification plates instead of or in addi-
179.20023 Tests of pressure relief tion to the head stamping.
valves. [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
(a) Each valve shall be tested by air FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
or gas for compliance with 179.15 be- 17910, 36 FR 21351, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17952,
fore being put into service. 61 FR 28680, June 5, 1996; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14,
2003; 77 FR 37985, June 25, 2012]
(b) [Reserved]
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 179.201 Individual specification re-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, as amended at 62 FR quirements applicable to non-pres-
51561, Oct. 1, 1997] sure tank car tanks.

179.2011 Individual specification requirements.

In addition to 179.200, the individual specification requirements are as follows:
Bursting Test
DOT Specifica- plate Bottom Bottom References
Insulation pressure pressure
tion 1 thickness outlet washout (179.201 - ***)
(psig) (psig)

111A60ALW1 ... Optional .......... 240

12 60 Optional .......... Optional .......... 6(a).
111A60ALW2 ... Optional .......... 240
12 60 No ................... Optional.
111A60W1 ....... Optional .......... 240
7 16 60 Optional .......... Optional .......... 6(a).
111A60W2 ....... Optional .......... 240
7 16 60 No ................... Optional.
111A60W5 ....... Optional .......... 240
7 16 60 No ................... No ................... 3, 6(b).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

111A60W6 ....... Optional .......... 240 716 60 Optional .......... Optional .......... 4, 5, 6(a), 6(c).
111A60W7 ....... Optional .......... 240 716 60 No ................... No ................... 4, 5, 6(a).
111A100ALW1 Optional .......... 500 58 100 Optional .......... Optional .......... 6(a).
111A100ALW2 Optional .......... 500 58 100 No ................... Optional.
111A100W1 ..... Optional .......... 500 716 100 Optional .......... Optional .......... 6(a).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.2013

Bursting Test
DOT Specifica- plate Bottom Bottom References
Insulation pressure pressure
tion 1 thickness outlet washout (179.201 - ***)
(psig) (psig)

111A100W2 ..... Optional .......... 500

7 16 100 No ................... Optional.
111A100W3 ..... Yes ................. 500
7 16 100 Optional .......... Optional .......... 6(a).
111A100W4 ..... Yes (see 500
7 16 100 No ................... No ................... 6(a), 8, 10.
111A100W5 ..... Optional .......... 500
7 16 100 No ................... No ................... 3.
111A100W6 ..... Optional .......... 500
7 16 100 Optional .......... Optional .......... 4, 5, 6(a) and 6(c).
111A100W7 ..... Optional .......... 500
7 16 100 No ................... No ................... 4, 5, 6(c).
1 Tanks marked ALW are constructed from aluminum alloy plate; AN nickel plate; CW, DW, EW, W6, and W7
high alloy steel or manganese-molybdenum steel plate; and those marked BW or W5 must have an interior lining that con-
forms to 179.2013.

[Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28680, June 5, 1996, as amended by 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 48571,
Aug. 14, 2003]

179.2012 [Reserved] phase and is suitable for the service

179.2013 Lined tanks. (b) Before a tank car tank is lined
(a) Rubber-lined tanks. (1) Each tank with rubber, or other rubber compound,
or each compartment thereof must be a report certifying that the tank and
lined with acid-resistant rubber or its equipment have been brought into
other approved rubber compound vul- compliance with spec. DOT-111A60W5
canized or bonded directly to the metal or 111A100W5 must be furnished by car
tank, to provide a nonporous laminated owner to the party who is to apply the
lining, at least 532-inch thick, except lining. A copy of this report in ap-
proved form, certifying that tank has
overall rivets and seams formed by riv-
been lined in compliance with all re-
eted attachments in the lining must be
quirements of one of the above speci-
double thickness. The rubber lining
fications, must be furnished by party
must overlap at least 112 inches at all
lining tank to car owner. Reports of
edges which must be straight and be
the latest lining application must be
beveled to an angle of approximately
retained by the car owner until the
45, or butted edges of lining must be next relining has been accomplished
sealed with a 3-inch minimum strip of and recorded.
lining having 45 beveled edges.
(c) All rivet heads on inside of tank
(2) As an alternate method, the lining must be buttonhead, or similar shape,
may be joined with a skived butt seam and of uniform size. The under surface
then capped with a separate strip of of heads must be driven tight against
lining 3 inches wide having 45 beveled the plate. All plates, castings and rivet
edges. An additional rubber reinforcing heads on the inside of the tank must be
pad at least 412 feet square and at least calked. All projecting edges of plates,
12-inch thick must be applied by vul-
castings and rivet heads on the inside
canizing to the lining on bottom of of the tank must be rounded and free
tank directly under the manway open- from fins and other irregular projec-
ing. The edges of the rubber pad must tions. Castings must be free from po-
be beveled to an angle of approxi- rosity.
mately 45. An opening in this pad for (d) All surfaces of attachments or fit-
sump is permitted. No lining must be tings and their closures exposed to the
under tension when applied except due lading must be covered with at least 18-
to conformation over rivet heads. Inte- inch acid resistant material. Attach-
rior of tank must be free from scale, ments made of metal not affected by
oxidation, moisture, and all foreign the lading need not be covered with
matter during the lining operation. rubber or other acid resistant material.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) Other approved lining materials (e) Hard rubber or polyvinyl chloride
may be used provided the material is may be used for pressure retaining
resistant to the corrosive or solvent ac- parts of safety vents provided the ma-
tion of the lading in the liquid or gas terial is resistant to the corrosive or


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179.2014 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

solvent action of the lading in the liq- 179.2016 Manways and manway clo-
uid or gas phase and is suitable for the sures.
service temperatures.
(a) The manway cover for spec. DOT
(f) Polyvinyl chloride lined tanks. 104W, 111A60ALW1, 111A60W1,
Tank car tanks or each compartment
111A100ALW1, 111A100W1, 111A100W3,
thereof may be lined with elastomeric
or 111A100W6 must be designed to make
polyvinyl chloride having a minimum
lining thickness of three thirty-seconds it impossible to remove the cover while
inch. the interior of the tank is subjected to
(g) Polyurethane lined tanks. Tank pressure.
car tanks or each compartment thereof (b) The manway cover for spec. DOT
may be lined with elastomeric poly- 11A60W5, or 111A100W5 must be made of
urethane having a minimum lining a suitable metal. The top, bottom and
thickness of one-sixteenth inch. edge of manway cover must be acid re-
sistant material covered as prescribed
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21352, Nov. 6, 1971, as in 179.2013. Through-bolt holes must
amended at 66 FR 45186, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
48571, Aug. 14, 2003] be lined with acid resistant material at
least one-eighth inch in thickness.
179.2014 Material. Cover made of metal not affected by
the lading need not be acid resistant
All fittings, tubes, and castings and
material covered.
all projections and their closures, ex-
cept for protective housing, must also (c) The manway ring and cover for
meet the requirements specified in specifications DOT-103CW, 103DW,
ASTM A 262 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- 103EW, 111360W7, or 11A100W6 must be
chapter), except that when preparing made of the metal and have the same
the specimen for testing the carburized inspection procedures specified in AAR
surface may be finished by grinding or Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix
machining. M, M3.03 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
[68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003]
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21353, Nov. 6, 1971; 66 FR
179.2015 Postweld heat treatment 45186, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 48571, Aug. 14, 2003;
and corrosion resistance. 68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003]
(a) Tanks and attachments welded di-
179.2018 Sampling device and ther-
rectly thereto must be postweld heat
mometer well.
treated as a unit at the proper tem-
perature except as indicated below. (a) Sampling valve and thermometer
Tanks and attachments welded directly well are not specification require-
thereto fabricated from ASTM A 240/A ments. When used, they must be of ap-
240M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- proved design, made of metal not sub-
chapter) Type 430A, Type 304 and Type ject to rapid deterioration by lading,
316 materials must be postweld heat and must withstand a pressure of 100
treated as a unit and must be tested to psig without leakage. Interior pipes of
demonstrate that they possess the cor- the sampling valve must be equipped
rosion resistance specified in 179.200 with excess flow valves of an approved
7(d), Footnote 2. Tanks and attach- design. Interior pipe of thermometer
ments welded directly thereto, fab- well must be closed by an approved
ricated from ASTM A 240/A 240M Type valve attached close to fitting where it
304L or Type 316L materials are not re- passes through the tank and closed by
quired to be postweld heat treated.
a screw plug. Other approved arrange-
(b) Tanks and attachments welded di- ments that permit testing thermom-
rectly thereto, fabricated from ASTM
eter well for leaks without complete
A 240/A 240M Type 304L and Type 316
removal of the closure may be used.
materials must be tested to dem-
onstrate that they possess the corro- (b) [Reserved]
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

sion resistance specified in 179.200 [Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21348, Nov. 6, 1971, as

7(d), Footnote 2. amended at 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001]
[68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.2206

179.2019 Gauging device. 179.20111 Insulation.

A gauging device of an approved de- (a) Insulation shall be of sufficient
sign must be applied to permit deter- thickness so that the thermal conduct-
mining the liquid level of the lading. ance at 60 F. is not more than 0.075
The gauging device must be made of Btu per hour, per square foot, per de-
materials not subject to rapid deterio- gree F. temperature differential.
ration by the lading. When the interior (b) [Reserved]
pipe of the gauging device provides a
179.202179.20222 [Reserved]
means for passage of the lading from
the interior to the exterior of the tank, 179.220 General specifications appli-
it must be equipped with an excess flow cable to nonpressure tank car tanks
valve of an approved design. If the consisting of an inner container
opening for passage of lading through supported within an outer shell
the gauging device is not more than (class DOT-115).
0.060 inch diameter an excess flow valve 179.2201 Tanks built under these
is not required. The gauging device specifications must meet the re-
must be provided with a protective quirements of 179.220 and
housing. 179.221.
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21353, Nov. 6, 1971] 179.2203 Type.
179.20110 Water capacity marking. (a) Tanks built under these specifica-
tions must consist of an inner con-
(a) Water capacity of the tank in tainer, a support system for the inner
pounds stamped plainly and perma- container, and an outer shell.
nently in letters and figures at least 38 (b) The inner container must be a fu-
inch high into the metal of the tank sion welded tank of circular cross sec-
immediately below the stamped marks tion with formed heads designed con-
specified in 179.20024(a). This mark vex outward and must have a manway
shall also be stenciled on the jacket on top of the tank as prescribed herein.
immediately below the dome platform When the inner container is divided
and directly behind or within 3 feet of into compartments, each compartment
the right or left side of the ladder, or must be considered a separate con-
ladders, if there is a ladder on each side tainer.
of the tank, in letters and figures at (c) The outer shell must be a fusion
least 112 inches high as follows: welded tank with formed heads de-
signed convex outward.
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21340, Nov. 6, 1971]
000000 Pounds
179.2204 Insulation.
(b) After July 25, 2012, authorized The annular space between the inner
DOT non-pressure tank cars that com- container and the outer shell must con-
ply with this section and are equipped tain an approved insulation material.
with stainless steel identification
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21340, Nov. 6, 1971]
plates may have the water capacity of
the tank in pounds prescribed in the 179.2206 Thickness of plates.
first sentence of paragraph (a) of this
(a) The wall thickness, after forming
section stamped plainly and perma-
of the inner container shell and 2:1 el-
nently on their identification plate in
lipsoidal heads must be not less than
conformance with the applicable mark-
specified in 179.2211, or not less than
ing requirements prescribed in that calculated by the following for-
179.24(a) instead of into the metal of mula:
the tank or immediately below the
stamped marks specified in 179.200 Pd
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

24(a). t=
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 2 SE
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967. Amended at 77 FR 37985, Where:
June 25, 2012] d = Inside diameter in inches;


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179.2207 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
E = 0.9 welded joint efficiency; except E=1.0 Minimum
for seamless heads; elongation
tensile in 2 inches
P = Minimum required bursting pressure in strength
Specifications (percent)
psig; welded weld metal
S = Minimum tensile strength of plate mate- condition 1 dinal)
rial in p.s.i. as prescribed in AAR Speci-
fications for Tank Cars, appendix M, AAR TC 128, Gr. B ....................... 81,000 19
Table M1; ASTM A 516 2, Gr. 70 ................... 70,000 20
t = Minimum thickness of plate in inches 1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.
2 This specification is incorporated by reference (IBR, see
after forming.
171.7 of this subchapter).
(b) The wall thickness after forming
(c) Aluminum alloy plate: Aluminum
of the inner container heads, if flanged
alloy plate must be suitable for weld-
and dished, must be not less than speci- ing and comply with one of the fol-
fied in 179.2211, or not less than that lowing specifications (IBR, see 171.7 of
calculated by the following formula: this subchapter): * * *
5 PL Minimum Minimum
t= tensile elongation
in 2 inches
6 SE Specifications strength
(p.s.i.) (percent)
Where: weld metal
welded (longitu-
condition3 4
E = 0.9 welded joint efficiency; except E=1.0 dinal)
for seamless heads;
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5052 1 ............. 25,000 18
L = Main inside radius to which head is ASTM B 209, Alloy 5083 2 ............. 38,000 16
dished, measured on concave side in ASTM B 209, Alloy 5086 1 ............. 35,000 14
inches; ASTM B 209, Alloy 5154 1 ............. 30,000 18
P = Minimum required bursting pressure in ASTM B 209, Alloy 5254 1 ............. 30,000 18
psig; ASTM B 209, Alloy 5454 1 ............. 31,000 18
ASTM B 209, Alloy 5652 1 ............. 25,000 18
S = Minimum tensile strength of plate mate-
1 For fabrication, the parent plate material may be 0 H112,
rial in psi as prescribed in AAR Speci-
or H32 temper, but design calculations must be based on the
fications for Tank Cars, appendix M, minimum tensile strength shown.
Table M1 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- 2 0 temper only.
3 Weld filler metal 5556 must not be used.
chapter); 4 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.
t = Minimum thickness of plate in inches
after forming. (d) High alloy steel plate: High alloy
(c) The wall thickness after forming steel plate must comply with one of
the following specifications (IBR, see
of the cylindrical section and heads of
171.7 of this subchapter):
the outer shell must be not less than
seven-sixteenths of an inch. Minimum Minimum
(d) See 179.2209 for plate thickness tensile in 2 inches
requirements for inner container when Specifications (p.s.i.) (percent)
weld metal
divided into compartments. welded (longitu-
condition1 dinal)
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21340, Nov. 6, 1971, as
amended at 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor-
75762, Dec. 31, 2003] porated by reference; see
171.7 of this subchapter),
Type 304 .................................... 75,000 30
179.2207 Materials. ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor-
(a) The plate material used to fab- porated by reference; see
171.7 of this subchapter),
ricate the inner container and nozzles Type 304L .................................. 70,000 30
must meet one of the following speci- ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor-
fications and with the indicated min- porated by reference; see
171.7 of this subchapter),
imum tensile strength and elongation Type 316 .................................... 74,000 30
in the welded condition. ASTM A 240/A 240M (incor-
(b) Carbon steel plate: The maximum porated by reference; see
171.7 of this subchapter),
allowable carbon content must be 0.31 Type 316L .................................. 70,000 30
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

percent when the individual specifica- 1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.

tion allows carbon content greater
than this amount. The plates may be (e) Manganese-molybdenum steel
clad with other approved materials. plate: Manganese-molybdenum steel


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.22011

plate must be suitable for fusion weld- shell and the minor axis must be one-
ing and must comply with the fol- half the major axis.
lowing specification (IBR, see 171.7 of [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971]
this subchapter):
179.2209 Compartment tanks.
Minimum elongation (a) The inner container may be di-
tensile in 2 inches
strength vided into compartments by inserting
Specifications (percent)
(p.s.i.) weld metal interior heads, or by fabricating each
welded (longitu-
condition 1 compartment as a separate container
and joining with a cylinder, or by fabri-
ASTM A 302, Gr. B ....................... 80,000 20 cating each compartment as a separate
1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations. tank without a joining cylinder. Each
compartment must be capable of with-
(f) Plate materials used to fabricate
standing, without evidence of yielding
the outer shell and heads must be those or leakage, the required test pressure
listed in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), or (e) applied in each compartment sepa-
of this section. The maximum allow- rately, or in any combination of com-
able carbon content must be 0.31 per- partments.
cent when the individual specification (b) When the inner container is di-
allows carbon content greater than vided into compartments by fabri-
this amount. The plates may be clad cating each compartment as a separate
with other approved materials. container and joining with a cylinder,
(g) All appurtenances on the inner the cylinder must have a plate thick-
container in contact with the lading ness not less than that required for the
must be made of approved material inner container shell and must be ap-
compatible with the plate material of plied to the outside surface of the
the inner container. These appur- straight flange portion of the container
tenances must not be subject to rapid head. The cylinder must fit the
deterioration by the lading, or must be straight flange tightly for a distance of
coated or lined with suitable corrosion at least two times the plate thickness,
resistant material. See AAR Specifica- or 1 inch, whichever is greater and
tions for Tank Cars, appendix M, M4.05 must be joined to the straight flange
for approved material specifications for by a full fillet weld. Distance from fil-
castings for fittings. let weld seam to container head seam
must be not less than 112 inches or
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21340, Nov. 6, 1971, as three times the plate thickness, which-
amended by Amdt. 17928, 46 FR 49906, Oct. 8, ever is greater.
1981; Amdt. 17940, 52 FR 13048, Apr. 20, 1987;
Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28681, June 5, 1996; 66 FR [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971]
45186, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002;
68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003] 179.22010 Welding.
(a) All joints must be fusion welded
179.2208 Tank heads. in compliance with AAR Specifications
(a) Tank heads of the inner con- for Tank Cars, appendix W (IBR, see
tainer, inner container compartments 171.7 of this subchapter). Welding pro-
and outer shell must be of approved cedures, welders, and fabricators shall
contour, and may be flanged and dished be approved.
or ellipsoidal for pressure on concave (b) Radioscopy of the outer shell is
side. not a specification requirement.
(b) Flanged and dished heads must (c) Welding is not permitted on or to
have main inside radius not exceeding ductile iron or malleable iron fittings.
10 feet and inside knuckle radius must [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971, as
be not less than 334 inches for steel and amended at 68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003]
alloy steel tanks nor less than 5 inches
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

for aluminum alloy tanks. 179.22011 Postweld heat treatment.

(c) Ellipsoidal heads must be an ellip- (a) Postweld heat treatment of the
soid of revolution in which the major inner container is not a specification
axis must equal the diameter of the requirement.


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179.22013 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) Postweld heat treatment of the filled with liquid lading to any level.
cylindrical portions of the outer shell The support system must be designed
to which the anchorage or draft sills to support, without yielding, impact
are attached must comply with AAR loads producing accelerations of the
Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix following magnitudes and directions
W (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). when the inner container is loaded so
(c) When cold formed heads are used that the car is at its rail load limit,
on the outer shell they must be heat and the car is equipped with a conven-
treated before welding to shell if tional AAR Specification M901 draft
postweld heat treatment is not prac- gear.
ticable due to assembly procedures. Longitudinal...............................................7G
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971, as Transverse ..................................................3G
amended at 68 FR 75762, Dec. 31, 2003] Vertical ......................................................3G
(b) The longitudinal acceleration
179.22013 Inner container manway may be reduced to 3G where a cush-
nozzle and cover. ioning device of approved design, which
(a) Inner container manway nozzle has been tested to demonstrate its abil-
must be of approved design with access ity to limit body forces to 400,000
opening at least 18 inches inside diame- pounds maximum at a 10 miles per
ter, or at least 14 inches by 18 inches hour impact, is used between the cou-
obround or oval. pler and the tank structure. The sup-
(b) Manway covers must be of ap- port system must be of approved design
proved type. Design must provide a se- and the inner container must be ther-
cure closure of the manway and must mally isolated from the outer shell to
make it impossible to remove the cover the best practical extent. The inner
while the tank interior is under pres- container and outer shell must be per-
sure. manently bonded to each other elec-
(c) All joints between manway covers trically either by the support system
and their seats must be made tight used, piping, or by a separate electrical
against leakage of vapor and liquid by connection of approved design.
use of suitable gaskets. [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971, as
(d) Manway covers must be cast, amended by Amdt. 17928, 46 FR 49906, Oct. 8,
forged, or fabricated metal complying 1981]
with subsection 179.2207(g) of this
section. 179.22016 Expansion capacity.
(e) A seal must be provided between Expansion capacity must be provided
the inner container manway nozzle and in the shell of the inner container as
the opening in the outer shell. prescribed in 179.2211.
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971]
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971]
179.22014 Openings in the tanks.
179.22017 Gauging devices, top load-
Openings in the inner container and ing and unloading devices, venting
the outer shell must be reinforced in and air inlet devices.
compliance with AAR Specifications (a) When installed, each device must
for Tank Cars, appendix E (IBR, see be of approved design which will pre-
171.7 of this subchapter). In deter- vent interchange with any other fix-
mining the required reinforcement ture and must be tightly closed. Each
area for openings in the outer shell, t unloading pipe must be securely an-
shall be one-fourth inch. chored within the inner container.
[68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003] Each inner container or compartment
thereof may be equipped with one sepa-
179.22015 Support system for inner rate air connection.
container. (b) When the characteristics of the
(a) The inner container must be sup- commodity for which the car is author-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ported within the outer shell by a sup- ized require these devices to be
port system of adequate strength and equipped with valves or fittings to per-
ductility at its operating temperature mit the loading and unloading of the
to support the inner container when contents, these devices including


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.22018

valves, shall be provided with a protec- and must have cover and sidewalls not
tive housing except when plug or ball- less than 0.119 inch in thickness.
type valves with operating handles re- [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21341, Nov. 6, 1971, as
moved are used. Provision must be amended at 69 FR 54047, Sept. 7, 2004]
made for closing pipe connections of
valves. 179.22018 Bottom outlets.
(c) Inner container may be equipped (a) The inner container may be
with a vacuum relief valve of approved equipped with a bottom outlet of ap-
design. Protective housing is not re- proved design and an opening provided
quired. in the outer shell of its access. If ap-
(d) When a gauging device is required plied, the bottom outlet must comply
in 179.2211, an outage scale visible with the following requirements:
through the manway opening must be (1) The extreme projection of the bot-
provided. If loading devices are applied tom outlet equipment may not be more
to permit tank loading with cover than that allowed by appendix E of the
closed, a telltale pipe may be provided. AAR Specifications for Tank Cars
The telltail pipe must be capable of de- (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). All
termining that required outage is pro- bottom outlet reducers and closures
vided. The pipe must be equipped with and their attachments shall be secured
14-inch maximum, NPT control valve
to car by at at least 38-inch chain, or
mounted outside tank and enclosed its equivalent, except that bottom out-
within a protective housing. Other ap- let closure plugs may be attached by
proved devices may be used in place of 14-inch chain. When the bottom outlet

an outage scale or a telltale pipe. closure is of the combination cap and

(e) The bottom of the tank shell may valve type, the pipe connection to the
be equipped with a sump or siphon valve shall be closed by a plug, or cap.
bowl, or both, welded or pressed into The bottom outlet equipment should
the shell. These sumps or siphon bowls, include only the valve, reducers and
if applied, are not limited in size and closures that are necessary for the at-
must be made of cast, forged, or fab- tachment of unloading fixtures. The
ricated metal. Each sump or siphon permanent attachment of supple-
bowl must be of good welding quality mentary exterior fittings shall be ap-
in conjunction with the metal of the proved by the AAR Committee on Tank
tank shell. When the sump or siphon Cars.
bowl is pressed in the bottom of the (2) Each bottom outlet must be pro-
tank shell, the wall thickness of the vided with a liquid tight closure at its
pressed section must not be less than lower end.
that specified for the shell. The section (3) The valve and its operating mech-
of a circular cross section tank to anism must be applied to the outside
which a sump or siphon bowl is at- bottom of the inner container. The
tached need not comply with the out- valve operating mechanism must be
of-roundness requirement specified in provided with a suitable locking ar-
appendix W, W14.06 of the AAR Speci- rangement to insure positive closure
fications for Tank Cars. Any portion of during transportation.
a sump or siphon bowl not forming a (4) Valve outlet nozzle and valve body
part of a cylinder of revolution must must be of cast, fabricated or forged
have walls of such thickness and must metal. If welded to inner container,
be so reinforced that the stresses in the they must be of good weldable quality
walls caused by a given internal pres- in conjunction with metal of tank.
sure are not greater than the circum- (5) To provide for the attachment of
ferential stress which would exist unloading connections, the bottom of
under the same internal pressure in the the main portion of the outlet nozzle or
wall of a tank of circular cross section valve body, or some fixed attachment
designed in accordance with 179.220 thereto, must be provided with thread-
6(a) and 179.2209. In no case shall the ed cap closure arrangement or bolted
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

wall thickness be less than that speci- flange closure arrangement having
fied in 179.2211. minimum 1-inch threaded pipe plug.
(f) Protective housing, when re- (6) If outlet nozzle and its closure ex-
quired, must be of approved material tends below the bottom of the outer


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179.22020 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

shell, a V-shaped breakage groove shall thickness at the root of the V be

be cut (not cast) in the upper part of more than 14-inch. Where the nozzle is
the outlet nozzle at a point imme- not a single piece, provisions shall be
diately below the lowest part of the made for the equivalent of the break-
valve closest to the tank. In no case age groove. The nozzle must be of a
may the nozzle wall thickness at the thickness to insure that accidental
root of the V be more than 14-inch. breakage will occur at or below the
The outlet nozzle or the valve body V groove or its equivalent. On cars
may be steam jacketed, in which case without a continuous center sill, the
the breakage groove or its equivalent breakage groove or its equivalent may
must be below the steam chamber but not be more than 15 inches below the
above the bottom of the center sill con- outer shell. On cars with continuous
struction. If the outlet nozzle is not a center sills, the breakage groove or its
single piece or its exterior valves are equivalent must be above the bottom
applied, provision shall be made for the of the center sill construction.
equivalent of the breakage groove. On (4) The closure plug and seat must be
cars without continuous center sills, readily accessible or removable for re-
the breakage groove or its equivalent pairs.
may not be more than 15 inches below (5) The closure of the washout nozzle
the outer shell. On cars with contin- must be equipped with a 34-inch solid
uous center sills, the breakage groove screw plug. Plug must be attached by
or its equivalent must be above the at least a 14-inch chain.
bottom of the center sill construction. (6) Joints between closures and their
(7) The valve body must be of a thick- seats may be gasketed with suitable
ness which will prevent distortion of material.
the valve seat or valve by any change
in contour of the shell resulting from [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21342, Nov. 6, 1971, as
amended by Amdt. 17940, 52 FR 13048, Apr.
expansion of lading, or other causes,
20, 1987; 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
and which will insure that accidental
breakage of the outlet nozzle will occur 179.22020 Reinforcements, when
at or below the V groove, or its used, and appurtenances not other-
equivalent. wise specified.
(8) The valve must have no wings or
All attachments to inner container
stem projection below the V groove
and outer shell must be applied by ap-
or its equivalent. The valve and seat
proved means.
must be readily accessible or remov-
able for repairs, including grinding. [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21342, Nov. 6, 1971]
(b) Inner container may be equipped
with bottom washout of approved de- 179.22022 Closure for openings.
sign. If applied, bottom washout must (a) All plugs must be solid, with NPT
comply with the following require- threads, and must be of a length which
ments: will screw at least six threads inside
(1) The extreme projection of the bot- the face of fitting or tank. Plugs, when
tom washout equipment may not be inserted from the outside of the outer
more than that allowed by appendix E shell tank heads, must have the letter
of the AAR Specifications for Tank S at least three-eighths inch in size
Cars. stamped with steel stamp or cast on
(2) Bottom washout must be of cast, the outside surface to indicate the plug
forged or fabricated metals. If it is is solid.
welded to the inner container, it must (b) Openings in the outer shell used
be of good weldable quality in conjunc- during construction for installation
tion with metal of tank. must be closed in an approved manner.
(3) If washout nozzle extends below
the bottom of the outer shell, a V- [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21343, Nov. 6, 1971]
shaped breakage groove shall be cut
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(not cast) in the upper part of the noz- 179.22023 Test of tanks.
zle at a point immediately below the (a) Each inner container or compart-
lowest part of the inside closure seat or ment must be tested hydrostatically to
plug. In no case may the nozzle wall the pressure specified in 179.2211. The


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.2211

temperature of the pressurizing me- Examples of required

dium must not exceed 100 F. during stamping
the test. The container must hold the Date of original test ............... 000000.
prescribed pressure for at least 10 min- Outer shell:
utes without leakage or evidence of Material .................................. ASTM A285C.
Tank builders initials .............. WYZ.
distress. Safety relief devices must not Car assembler (if other than inner DEF.
be in place when the test is made. container or outer shell build-
(b) The inner container must be pres- ers).
sure tested before installation within
the outer shell. Items which, because of (b) After July 25, 2012, newly con-
assembly sequence, must be welded to structed DOT tank cars must have
inner container after its installation their DOT specification and other re-
within outer shell must have their at- quired information stamped plainly
tachment welds thoroughly inspected and permanently on stainless steel
by a nondestructive dye penetrant identification plates in conformance
method or its equivalent. with the applicable requirements pre-
(c) Pressure testing of outer shell is scribed in 179.24(a). Tank cars built
not a specification requirement. before July 25, 2012, may have the iden-
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21343, Nov. 6, 1971]
tification plates instead of or in addi-
tion to the head stamping.
179.22024 Tests of pressure relief [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21343, Nov. 6, 1971, as
valves. amended at 77 FR 37986, June 25, 2012]
Each safety relief valve must be test-
ed by air or gas for compliance with 179.22026 Stenciling.
179.15 before being put into service. (a) The outer shell, or the jacket if
[Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21343, Nov. 6, 1971, as the outer shell is insulated, must be
amended at 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997] stenciled in compliance with AAR
Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix
179.22025 Stamping. C (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
(a) To certify that the tank complies (b) Stenciling must be applied on
with all specification requirements, both sides of the outer shell or jacket
each outer shell must be plainly and near the center in letters and figures at
permanently stamped in letters and least 112 inches high to indicate the
figures at least 38-inch high into the safe upper temperature limit, if appli-
metal near the center of both outside cable, for the inner tank, insulation,
heads as follows: and the support system.
Examples of required [Amdt. 1799, 36 FR 21343, Nov. 6, 1971, as
stamping amended at 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
Specifications ................................ DOT-115A60W6. 179.221 Individual specification re-
Inner container:
Material .................................. ASTM A240316L.
quirements applicable to tank car
Shell thickness ...................... Shell 0.167 in. tanks consisting of an inner con-
Head thickness ...................... Head 0.150 in. tainer supported within an outer
Tank builders initials .............. ABC. shell.

179.2211 Individual specification requirements.

In addition to 179.220, the individual specification requirements are as follows:
Bursting Test
plate Bottom Bottom Reference
DOT specification Insulation pressure pressure
thickness outlet washout (179.221***)
(psig) (psig)

115A60ALW ............ Yes ................. 240 3 16 60 Optional. Optional.

115A60W1 .............. Yes ................. 240 18 60 Optional .......... Optional .......... 1
115A60W6 .............. Yes ................. 240 18 60 Optional .......... Optional .......... 1
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[Amdt. 17052, 61 FR 28681, June 5, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 66 FR 45390,
Aug. 28, 2001]


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179.300 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Subpart ESpecifications for that specified in 179.301 and shall be

Multi-Unit Tank Car Tanks such that at the tank test pressure the
maximum fiber stress in the wall of the
(Classes DOT-106A and tank will not exceed 15,750 p.s.i. as cal-
110AW) culated by the following formula:
179.300 General specifications appli- s=[p(1.3D2 + 0.4d2] / (D2d2)
cable to multi-unit tank car tanks
designed to be removed from car where:
structure for filling and emptying d = inside diameter in inches;
(Classes DOT-106A and 110AW). D = outside diameter in inches;
p = tank test pressure in psig;
179.3001 Tanks built under these s = wall stress in psig
specifications shall meet the re-
quirements of 179.300 and (c) If plates are clad with material
179.301. having tensile strength at least equal
to the base plate, the cladding may be
179.3003 Type and general require- considered a part of the base plate
ments. when determining the thickness. If
(a) Tanks built under this specifica- cladding material does not have tensile
tion shall be cylindrical, circular in strength at least equal to the base
cross section, and shall have heads of plate, the base plate alone shall meet
approved design. All openings shall be the thickness requirements.
located in the heads.
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended by
(b) Each tank shall have a water ca-
Order 71, 31 FR 9083, July 1, 1966. Redesig-
pacity of at least 1500 pounds and not nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967; 66 FR 45186,
more than 2600 pounds. 45390, Aug. 28, 2001]
(c) For tanks made in foreign coun-
tries, a chemical analysis of materials 179.3007 Materials.
and all tests as specified shall be car- (a) Steel plate material used to fab-
ried out within the limits of the United ricate tanks must conform with the
States under the supervision of a com- following specifications with the indi-
petent and impartial inspector. cated minimum tensile strength and
179.3004 Insulation. elongation in the welded condition.
However, the maximum allowable car-
(a) Tanks shall not be insulated. bon content for carbon steel must not
(b) [Reserved] exceed 0.31 percent, although the indi-
179.3006 Thickness of plates. vidual ASTM specification may allow
for a greater amount of carbon. The
(a) For class DOT-110A tanks, the plates may be clad with other approved
wall thickness after forming of the cy- materials:
lindrical portion of the tank must not
be less than that specified in 179.301 Elongation
Tensile in 2 inches
nor that calculated by the following strength (percent)
formula: Specifications 2 (psi) welded welded con-
condition 1 dition 1 (lon-
(minimum) gitudinal)
Pd (minimum)
ASTM A 240/A 240M type 304 75,000 25
2 SE ASTM A 240/A 240M type 304L 70,000 25
Where: ASTM A 240/A 240M type 316 75,000 25
d = inside diameter in inches; ASTM A 240/A 240M type 316L 70,000 25
E = 1.0 welded joint efficiency; ASTM A 240/A 240M type 321 75,000 25
P = minimum required bursting pressure in ASTM A 285 Gr. A .................... 45,000 29
ASTM A 285 Gr. B .................... 50,000 20
ASTM A 285 Gr. C .................... 55,000 20
S = minimum tensile strength of plate mate- ASTM A 515/A 515M Gr. 65 ..... 65,000 20
rial in p.s.i. as prescribed in 179.3007; ASTM A 515/A 515M Gr. 70 ..... 70,000 20
t = minimum thickness of plate material in ASTM A 516/A 516M Gr. 70 ..... 70,000 20
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

inches after forming.

1 Maximum stresses to be used in calculations.
2 These specifications are incorporated by reference (IBR,
(b) For class DOT-106A tanks, the
see 171.7 of this subchapter.)
wall thickness of the cylindrical por-
tion of the tank shall not be less than (b) [Reserved]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.30013

(c) All plates must have their heat pendix W, except that circumferential
number and the name or brand of the welds in tanks less than 36 inches in-
manufacturer legibly stamped on them side diameter need not be radiotaped.
at the rolling mill. (c) Forge-welded joints shall be thor-
oughly hammered or rolled to insure
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971, as
amended by Amdt. 17942, 54 FR 38798, Sept. sound welds. The flanges of the heads
20, 1989; Amdt. 17943, 55 FR 27642, July 5, shall be forge lapwelded to the shell
1990; Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28682, June 5, 1996; and then crimped inwardly toward the
Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 50255, Sept. 25, 1996; center line at least one inch on the ra-
Amdt. 17953, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR dius. Welding and crimping must be ac-
75763, Dec. 31, 2003] complished in one heat.
179.3008 Tank heads. [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and as amended by
(a) Class DOT-110A tanks shall have Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971; 68 FR
fusion-welded heads formed concave to 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
pressure. Heads for fusion welding shall
be an ellipsoid of revolution 2:1 ratio of 179.30010 Postweld heat treatment.
major to minor axis. They shall be one After welding is complete, steel
piece, hot formed in one heat so as to tanks and all attachments welded
provide a straight flange at least 112 thereto, must be postweld heat treated
inches long. The thickness shall not be as a unit in compliance with the re-
less than that calculated by the fol- quirements of AAR Specifications for
lowing formula: Tank Cars, appendix W (IBR, see 171.7
of this subchapter).
t= [68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
2 SE
where symbols are as defined in 179.3006(a). 179.30012 Protection of fittings.
(b) Class DOT-106A tanks must have (a) Tanks shall be of such design as
forged-welded heads, formed convex to will afford maximum protection to any
pressure. Heads for forge welding must fittings or attachment to the head in-
be torispherical with an inside radius cluding the housing referred to in
not greater than the inside diameter of 179.30012(b). Tank ends shall slope or
the shell. They must be one piece, hot curve inward toward the axis so that
formed in one heat so as to provide a the diameter at each end is at least 2
straight flange at least 4 inches long. inches less than the maximum diame-
They must have snug drive fit into the ter.
shell for forge welding. The wall thick- (b) Loading and unloading valves
ness after forming must be sufficient to shall be protected by a detachable pro-
meet the test requirements of 179.300 tective housing of approved design
16 and to provide for adequate thread- which shall not project beyond the end
ing of openings. of the tank and shall be securely fas-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
tened to the tank head. Pressure relief
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. devices shall not be covered by the
17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971] housing.
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended at 68
179.3009 Welding. FR 57634, Oct. 6, 2003]
(a) Longitudinal joints must be fu-
sion welded. Head-to-shell joints must 179.30013 Venting, loading and un-
be forge welded on class DOT-106A loading valves.
tanks and fusion welded on class DOT- (a) Valves shall be of approved type,
110A tanks. Welding procedures, weld- made of metal not subject to rapid de-
ers and fabricators must be approved in terioration by lading, and shall with-
accordance with AAR Specifications stand tank test pressure without leak-
for Tank Cars, appendix W (IBR, see age. The valves shall be screwed di-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

171.7 of this subchapter). rectly into or attached by other ap-

(b) Fusion-welded joints must be in proved methods to one tank head. Pro-
compliance with the requirements of vision shall be made for closing outlet
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- connections of the valves.


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179.30014 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) Threads for openings must be Na- shall burst at a pressure not exceeding
tional Gas Taper Threads (NGT) tapped that specified in 179.301.
to gauge, clean cut, even and without (d) Fusible plugs shall function at a
checks. Taper threads must comply temperature not exceeding 175 F. and
with 178.61(h)(3)(i) and (h)(3)(ii). shall be vapor-tight at a temperature
Threads for the clean-out/inspection of not less than 130 F.
ports of DOT Specification 110A multi- [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended at 64
unit tank car tanks may be straight FR 51920, Sept. 27, 1999; 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28,
threads instead of taper threads. The 2001; 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
straight threads must meet the re-
quirements of 178.61(h)(3)(i) and 179.30016 Tests of tanks.
(h)(3)(iii). Hex plugs may be secured to (a) After postweld heat treatment,
threaded boss ports using stainless tanks shall be subjected to hydrostatic
steel safety wire that must not fail expansion test in a water jacket, or by
during its intended use. other approved methods. No tank shall
have been subjected previously to in-
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
ternal pressure within 100 pounds of
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967. Amended at 77 FR 37986,
June 25, 2012] the test pressure. Each tank shall be
tested to the pressure prescribed in
179.30014 Attachments not other- 179.301. Pressure shall be maintained
wise specified. for 30 seconds and sufficiently longer to
insure complete expansion of tank.
Siphon pipes and their couplings on Pressure gage shall permit reading to
the inside of the tank head and lugs on accuracy of one percent. Expansion
the outside of the tank head for attach- gage shall permit reading of total ex-
ing the valve protective housing must pansion to accuracy of one percent. Ex-
be fusion-welded in place prior to pansion shall be recorded in cubic cm.
postweld heat treatment. All other fix- (1) No leaks shall appear and perma-
tures and appurtenances, except as spe- nent volumetric expansion shall not
cifically provided for, are prohibited. exceed 10 percent of total volumetric
[Amdt. 17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971] expansion at test pressure.
(2) [Reserved]
179.30015 Pressure relief devices. (b) After all fittings have been in-
stalled, each tank shall be subjected to
(a) Unless prohibited in part 173 of interior air pressure test of at least 100
this subchapter, tanks shall be psig under conditions favorable to de-
equipped with one or more relief de- tection of any leakage. No leaks shall
vices of approved type, made of metal appear.
not subject to rapid deterioration by (c) Repairs of leaks detected in man-
the lading and screwed directly into ufacture or in foregoing tests shall be
tank heads or attached to tank heads made by the same process as employed
by other approved methods. The total in manufacture of tank. Caulking, sol-
discharge capacity shall be sufficient dering, or similar repairing is prohib-
to prevent building up pressure in tank ited.
in excess of 82.5 percent of the tank
test pressure. When relief devices of [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
the fusible plug type are used, the re-
17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971; 66 FR 45390,
quired discharge capacity shall be Aug. 28, 2001]
available in each head. See AAR Speci-
fications for Tank Cars, appendix A 179.30017 Tests of pressure relief de-
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), for vices.
the formula for calculating discharge (a) Each valve shall be tested by air
capacity. or gas before being put into service.
(b) Threads for openings shall be Na- The valve shall open and be vapor-tight
tional Gas Taper Threads (NGT) tapped at the pressure prescribed in 179.301.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

to gage, clean cut, even and without (b) Rupture disks of non-reclosing
checks. pressure relief devices must be tested
(c) Pressure relief devices shall be set and qualified as prescribed in appendix
for start-to-discharge and rupture discs A, Paragraph 5, of the AAR Manual of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.301

Standards and Recommended Prac- 179.30019 Inspection.

tices, Section CPart III, AAR Speci-
(a) Tank shall be inspected within
fications for Tank Cars (IBR, see 171.7
of this subchapter). the United States and Canada by a
(c) For pressure relief devices of the competent and impartial inspector as
fusible plug type, a sample of the plug approved by the Associate Adminis-
used shall function at the temperatures trator of Safety, FRA. For tanks made
prescribed in 179.30015. outside the United States or Canada,
(d) The start-to-discharge and vapor- the specified inspection shall be made
tight pressures shall not be affected by within the United States.
any auxiliary closure or other com- (b) The inspector shall carefully in-
bination. spect all plates from which tanks are
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 to be made and secure records certi-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt. fying that plates comply with the spec-
17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971; 66 FR 45390, ification. Plates which do not comply
Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 48572, Aug. 14, 2003; 68 FR with 179.3007 shall be rejected.
75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
(c) The inspector shall make such in-
179.30018 Stamping. spection as may be necessary to see
that all the requirements of this speci-
(a) To certify that the tank complies
fication, including markings, are fully
with all specification requirements,
each tank shall be plainly and perma- complied with; shall see that the fin-
nently stamped in letters and figures 38 ished tanks are properly stress relieved
inch high into the metal of valve end and tested.
chime as follows: (d) The inspector shall stamp his offi-
(1) DOT Specification number. cial mark on each accepted tank as re-
(2) Material and cladding material if quired in 179.30018, and render the re-
any (immediately below the specifica- port required in 179.30020.
tion number).
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended at 72
(3) Owners or builders identifying
FR 55696, Oct. 1, 2007]
symbol and serial number (imme-
diately below the material identifica- 179.30020 Reports.
tion). The symbol shall be registered
with the Bureau of Explosives, duplica- (a) Before a tank is placed in service,
tions are not authorized. the inspector shall furnish to the build-
(4) Inspectors official mark (imme- er, tank owner, Bureau of Explosives
diately below the owners or builders and the Secretary, Mechanical Divi-
symbol). sion, Association of American Rail-
(5) Date of original tank test (month roads, a report in approved form certi-
and year, such as 164 for January fying that the tank and its equipment
1964). This should be so placed that comply with all the requirements of
dates of subsequent tests may easily be this specification.
added thereto. (b) For builders Certificate of Con-
(6) Water capacity0000 pounds.
struction, see 179.5 (b), (c), and (d).
(b) A copy of the above stamping in
letters and figures of the prescribed [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
size stamped on a brass plate secured FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
to one of the tank heads is authorized. 17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 5, 1971]

179.301 Individual specification requirements for multi-unit tank car tanks.

(a) In addition to 179.300 the individual specification requirements are as fol-
DOT specification 106A500X 106A800X 110A500W 110A600W 110A800W 110A1000W
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Minimum required bursting pressure,

psig ................................................ (1) (1) 1250 1500 2000 2500
Minimum thickness shell, inches ......
13 32
11 16 1132 38 1532 1932

Test pressure, psig (see 179.300

16) ................................................. 500 800 500 600 800 1000


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179.302 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

DOT specification 106A500X 106A800X 110A500W 110A600W 110A800W 110A1000W

Safety relief devices, psig (see

179.30015) ................................ .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ........................
Start-to-discharge, or burst max-
imum, p.s.i. .................................... 375 600 375 450 600 700
Vapor-tight, minimum psig ................ 300 480 300 360 480 650
1 None specified.

(b) [Reserved]

[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
17910, 36 FR 21355, Nov. 6, 1971; Amdt. 17940, 52 FR 13049, Apr. 20, 1987; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29,
2000; 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001]

179.302 [Reserved] relief devices, controls, gages and

valves, as prescribed herein.
Subpart FSpecification for Cryo- [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
genic Liquid Tank Car Tanks amended at 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
and Seamless Steel Tanks 179.4004 Insulation system and per-
(Classes DOT-113 and 107A) formance standard.
(a) For the purposes of this specifica-
SOURCE: Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, tion
1983, unless otherwise noted. (1) Standard Heat Transfer Rate
(SHTR), expressed in Btu/day/lb of
179.400 General specification appli- water capacity, means the rate of heat
cable to cryogenic liquid tank car transfer used for determining the satis-
factory performance of the insulation
179.4001 General. system of a cryogenic tank car tank in
cryogenic liquid service (see 179.4011
A tank built to this specification table).
must comply with 179.400 and 179.401. (2) Test cryogenic liquid means the
cryogenic liquid, which may be dif-
179.4003 Type. ferent from the lading intended to be
(a) A tank built to this specification shipped in the tank, being used during
must the performance tests of the insulation
(1) Consist of an inner tank of cir- system.
cular cross section supported essen- (3) Normal evaporation rate (NER), ex-
tially concentric within an outer jack- pressed in lbs. (of the cryogenic liquid)/
et of circular cross section, with the day, means the rate of evaporation, de-
out of roundness of both the inner tank termined by test of a test cryogenic
liquid in a tank maintained at a pres-
and outer jacket limited in accordance
sure of approximately one atmosphere,
with Paragraph UG80 in Section VIII
absolute. This determination of the
of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of NER is the NER test.
this subchapter); (4) Stabilization period means the
(2) Have the annular space evacuated elapsed time after a tank car tank is
after filling the annular space with an filled with the test cryogenic liquid
approved insulating material; until the NER has stabilized, or 24
(3) Have the inner tank heads de- hours has passed, whichever is greater.
signed concave to pressure; and (5) Calculated heat transfer rate. The
(4) Have the outer jacket heads de- calculated heat transfer rate (CHTR) is
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

signed convex to pressure. determined by the use of test data ob-

(b) The tank must be equipped with tained during the NER test in the for-
piping systems for vapor venting and mula:
transfer of lading, and with pressure q = [N(D h)(90-tl)] / [V(8.32828)(ts-tf)]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.4005
Where: (f) The outer jacket must be provided
q = CHTR, in Btu/day/lb., of water capacity; with fittings to permit effective evacu-
N = NER, determined by NER test, in lbs./ ation of the annular space between the
day; outer jacket and the inner tank.
Dh = latent heat of vaporization of the test
cryogenic liquid at the NER test pressure
(g) A device to measure the absolute
of approximately one atmosphere, abso- pressure in the annular space must be
lute, in Btu/lb.; provided. The device must be portable
90 = ambient temperature at 90 F.; with an easily accessible connection or
V = gross water volume at 60 F. of the inner permanently positioned where it is
tank, in gallons; readily visible to the operator.
tl = equilibrium temperature of intended lad-
ing at maximum shipping pressure, in [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
F.; amended at 49 FR 24318, June 12, 1984; 66 FR
8.32828 = constant for converting gallons of 45186, Aug. 28, 2001]
water at 60 F. to lbs. of water at 60 F.,
in lbs./gallon; 179.4005 Materials.
ts = average temperature of outer jacket, de-
termined by averaging jacket tempera- (a) Stainless steel of ASTM A 240/A
tures at various locations on the jacket 240M (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
at regular intervals during the NER test, chapter), Type 304 or 304L must be used
in F.; for the inner tank and its appur-
tf = equilibrium temperature of the test tenances, as specified in AAR Speci-
cryogenic liquid at the NER test pressure
of approximately, one atmosphere, abso-
fications for Tank Cars, appendix M
lute, in F. (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and
must be
(b) DOT-113A60W tank cars must (1) In the annealed condition prior to
(1) Be filled with hydrogen, cryogenic
fabrication, forming and fusion weld-
liquid to the maximum permitted fill
density specified in 173.319(d)(2) table
of this subchapter prior to performing (2) Suitable for use at the tempera-
the NER test; and ture of the lading; and
(2) Have a CHTR equal to or less than (3) Compatible with the lading.
the SHTR specified in 179.4011 table (b) Any steel casting, steel forging,
for a DOT-113A60W tank car. steel structural shape or carbon steel
(c) DOT-113C120W tank cars must plate used to fabricate the outer jacket
(1) Be filled with ethylene, cryogenic or heads must be as specified in AAR
liquid to the maximum permitted fill Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix
density specified in 173.319(d)(2) table M.
of this subchapter prior to performing (c) Impact tests must be
the NER test, or be filled with nitro- (1) Conducted in accordance with
gen, cryogenic liquid to 90 percent of AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
the volumetric capacity of the inner pendix W, W9.01;
tank prior to performing the NER test; (2) Performed on longitudinal speci-
and mens of the material;
(2) Have a CHTR equal to or less than (3) Conducted at the tank design
75 percent of the SHTR specified in service temperature or colder; and
179.4011 table for a DOT-113C120W (4) Performed on test plate welds and
tank car. materials used for inner tanks and ap-
(d) Insulating materials must be ap- purtenances and which will be sub-
jected to cryogenic temperatures.
(e) If the insulation consists of a pow-
(d) Impact test values must be equal
der having a tendency to settle, the en-
tire top of the cylindrical portion of to or greater than those specified in
the inner tank must be insulated with AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
a layer of glass fiber insulation at least pendix W. The report of impact tests
one-inch nominal thickness, or equiva- must include the test values and lat-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

lent, suitably held in position and cov- eral expansion data.

ering an area extending 25 degrees to [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
each side of the top center line of the amended at 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR
inner tank. 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]


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179.4006 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

179.4006 Bursting and buckling specified in 179.4011, or that cal-

pressure. culated by the following formula,
(a) [Reserved] whichever is greater:
(b) The outer jacket of the required t = 1.83 Pd / 2SE
evacuated insulation system must be
designed in accordance with 179.400 Where:
8(d) and in addition must comply with t = minimum thickness of plate, after form-
the design loads specified in Section 6.2 ing, in inches;
of the AAR Specifications for Tank P = minimum required bursting pressure in
Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- psig;
d = inside diameter, in inches;
chapter). The designs and calculations
S = minimum tensile strength of the plate
must provide for the loadings trans- material, as prescribed in AAR Specifica-
ferred to the outer jacket through the tions for Tank Cars, Appendix M, Table
support system. M1, in psi;
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as E = 0.9, a factor representing the efficiency
amended by Amdt. 17951, 61 FR 18934, Apr. of welded joints, except that for seamless
29, 1996; 65 FR 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 68 FR heads, E=1.0.
75763, Dec. 31, 2003] (c) The minimum wall thickness,
179.4007 Tank heads. after forming, of a flanged and dished
head for the inner tank must be that
(a) Tank heads of the inner tank and specified in 179.4011, or that cal-
outer jacket must be flanged and culated by the following formula,
dished, or ellipsoidal. whichever is greater:
(b) Flanged and dished heads must
have t = [PL(3 + (L/r))] / (8SE)
(1) A main inside dish radius not Where:
greater than the outside diameter of
t = minimum thickness of plate, after form-
the straight flange; ing, in inches;
(2) An inside knuckle radius of not P = minimum required bursting pressure in
less than 6 percent of the outside di- psig;
ameter of the straight flange; and L = main inside radius of dished head, in
(3) An inside knuckle radius of at inches;
least three times the head thickness. r = inside knuckle radius, in inches;
S = minimum tensile strength of plate mate-
179.4008 Thickness of plates. rial, as prescribed in AAR Specifications
(a) The minimum wall thickness, for Tank Cars, appendix M, table M1, in
after forming, of the inner shell and psi;
E = 0.9, a factor representing the efficiency
any 2:1 ellipsoidal head for the inner
of welded joints, except that for seamless
tank must be that specified in 179.401 heads, E = 1.0.
1, or that calculated by the following
formula, whichever is greater: (d) The minimum wall thickness,
after forming, of the outer jacket shell
t = Pd / 2SE may not be less than 716 inch. The min-
Where: imum wall thickness, after forming, of
t = minimum thickness of plate, after form- the outer jacket heads may not be less
ing, in inches; than 12 inch and they must be made
P = minimum required bursting pressure in from steel specified in 179.16(c). The
psig; annular space is to be evacuated, and
d = inside diameter, in inches;
S = minimum tensile strength of the plate
the cylindrical portion of the outer
material, as prescribed in AAR Specifica- jacket between heads, or between stiff-
tions for Tank Cars, appendix M, Table ening rings if used, must be designed to
M1 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), in withstand an external pressure of 37.5
psi; psig (critical collapsing pressure), as
E = 0.9, a factor representing the efficiency determined by the following formula:
of welded joints, except that for seamless
Pc = [2.6E(t/D)2.5] / [(L/D) 0.45(t/D)0.5]
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

heads, E = 1.0.
(b) The minimum wall thickness, Where:
after forming, of any 3:1 ellipsoidal Pc = Critical collapsing pressure (37.5 psig
head for the inner tank must be that minimum) in psig;


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.40010
E = modulus of elasticity of jacket material, plate which may be considered effec-
in psi; tive is 4W.) The closed section between
t = minimum thickness of jacket material, an external ring and the outer jacket
after forming, in inches;
must be provided with a drain opening.
D = outside diameter of jacket, in inches;
L = distance between stiffening ring centers
(d) The stiffening ring must have a
in inches. (The heads may be considered moment of inertia large enough to sup-
as stiffening rings located 13 of the head port the critical collapsing pressure, as
depth from the head tangent line.) determined by either of the following
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983; 49
FR 42736, Oct. 24, 1984; 64 FR 51920, Sept. 27, I = [0.035D3 LPc] / E,
1999, as amended at 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001;
68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003] or

179.4009 Stiffening rings. I = [0.046D3 LPc] / E

(a) If stiffening rings are used in de- Where:
signing the cylindrical portion of the I = required moment of inertia of stiffening
outer jacket for external pressure, they ring about the centroidal axis parallel to
the vessel axis, in inches to the fourth
must be attached to the jacket by power;
means of fillet welds. Outside stiff- I = required moment of inertia of combined
ening ring attachment welds must be section of stiffening ring and effective
continuous on each side of the ring. In- width of jacket plate about the cen-
side stiffening ring attachment welds troidal axis parallel to the vessel axis, in
may be intermittent welds on each side inches to the fourth power;
of the ring with the total length of D = outside diameter of the outer jacket, in
weld on each side not less than one- L = one-half of the distance from the center-
third of the circumference of the tank. line of the stiffening ring to the next line
The maximum space between welds of support on one side, plus one-half of
may not exceed eight times the outer the distance from the centerline to the
jacket wall thickness. next line of support on the other side of
(b) A portion of the outer jacket may stiffening ring. Both distances are meas-
be included when calculating the mo- ured parallel to the axis of the vessel, in
inches. (A line of support is:
ment of inertia of the ring. The effec-
tive width of jacket plate on each side (1) A stiffening ring which meets the re-
quirements of this paragraph, or
of the attachment of the stiffening ring (2) A circumferential line of a head at
is given by the following formula: one-third the depth of the head from
W = 0.78(Rt)0.5 the tangent line);
Pc = critical collapsing pressure (37.5 psig
Where: minimum) in psig;
W = width of jacket effective on each side of E = modulus of elasticity of stiffening ring
the stiffening ring, in inches; material, in psi.
R = outside radius of the outer jacket, in
inches; (e) Where loads are applied to the
t = plate thickness of the outer jacket, after outer jacket or to stiffening rings from
forming, in inches. the system used to support the inner
tank within the outer jacket, addi-
(c) Where a stiffening ring is used tional stiffening rings, or an increased
that consists of a closed section having moment of inertia of the stiffening
two webs attached to the outer jacket, rings designed for the external pres-
the jacket plate between the webs may sure, must be provided to carry the
be included up to the limit of twice the support loads.
value of W, as defined in paragraph
(b) of this section. The outer flange of [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
the closed section, if not a steel struc- amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001]
tural shape, is subject to the same lim-
179.40010 Sump or siphon bowl.
itations with W based on the R
and t values of the flange. Where two A sump or siphon bowl may be in the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

separate members such as two angles, bottom of the inner tank shell if
are located less than 2W apart they (a) It is formed directly into the
may be treated as a single stiffening inner tank shell, or is formed and weld-
ring member. (The maximum length of ed to the inner tank shell and is of


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179.40011 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

weldable quality metal that is compat- shell if postweld heat treatment is not
ible with the inner tank shell; practical due to assembly procedures.
(b) The stress in any orientation
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
under any condition does not exceed
amended at 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003]
the circumferential stress in the inner
tank shell; and 179.40013 Support system for inner
(c) The wall thickness is not less tank.
than that specified in 179.4011.
(a) The inner tank must be supported
179.40011 Welding. within the outer jacket by a support
system of approved design. The system
(a) Except for closure of openings and
a maximum of two circumferential and its areas of attachment to the
closing joints in the cylindrical portion outer jacket must have adequate
of the outer jacket, each joint of an strength and ductility at operating
inner tank and the outer jacket must temperatures to support the inner tank
be a fusion double welded butt joint. when filled with the lading to any level
(b) The closure for openings and the incident to transportation.
circumferential closing joints in the (b) The support system must be de-
cylindrical portion of the outer jacket, signed to support, without yielding,
including head to shell joints, may be a impact loads producing accelerations
single welded butt joint using a back- of the following magnitudes and direc-
ing strip on the inside of the joint. tions when the inner tank is fully load-
(c) Each joint must be welded in ac- ed and the car is equipped with a con-
cordance with the requirements of ventional draft gear:
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- Longitudinal ...........................................7g
pendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- Transverse ...............................................3g
chapter). Vertical ...................................................3g
(d) Each welding procedure, welder, The longitudinal acceleration may be
and fabricator must be approved. reduced to 3g where a cushioning de-
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as vice of approved design, which has been
amended at 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003] tested to demonstrate its ability to
limit body forces to 400,000 pounds
179.40012 Postweld heat treatment. maximum at 10 miles per hour, is used
(a) Postweld heat treatment of the between the coupler and the tank
inner tank is not required. structure.
(b) The cylindrical portion of the (c) The inner tank and outer jacket
outer jacket, with the exception of the must be permanently bonded to each
circumferential closing seams, must be other electrically, by either the sup-
postweld heat treated as prescribed in port system, piping, or a separate elec-
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap- trical connection of approved design.
pendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
chapter). Any item to be welded to this 179.40014 Cleaning of inner tank.
portion of the outer jacket must be at-
The interior of the inner tank and all
tached before postweld heat treatment.
connecting lines must be thoroughly
Welds securing the following need not
cleaned and dried prior to use. Proper
be postweld heat treated when it is not
practical due to final assembly proce- precautions must be taken to avoid
dures: contamination of the system after
(1) the inner tank support system to cleaning.
the outer jacket,
179.40015 Radioscopy.
(2) connections at piping penetra-
tions, Each longitudinal and circumferen-
(3) closures for access openings, and tial joint of the inner tank, and each
(4) circumferential closing joints of longitudinal and circumferential dou-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

head to shell joints. ble welded butt joint of the outer jack-
(c) When cold formed heads are used et, must be examined along its entire
on the outer jacket they must be heat length in accordance with the require-
treated before welding to the jacket ments of AAR Specifications for Tank


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.40018

Cars, appendix W (IBR, see 171.7 of tank. The vapor phase line must have a
this subchapter). manually operated shut-off valve lo-
[68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003] cated as close as practicable to the
outer jacket, plus a secondary closure
179.40016 Access to inner tank. that is liquid and gas tight. This sec-
(a) The inner tank must be provided ondary closure must permit any
with a means of access having a min- trapped pressure to bleed off before the
imum inside diameter of 16 inches. Re- closure can be removed completely.
inforcement of the access opening must (3) Vapor phase blowdown line. A blow-
be made of the same material used in down line must be provided. It must be
the inner tank. The access closure attached to the vapor phase line speci-
must be of an approved material and fied in paragraph (a)(2) of this section,
design. upstream of the shut-off valve in that
(b) If a welded closure is used, it line. A by-pass line with a manually
must be designed to allow it to be re- operated shut-off valve must be pro-
opened by grinding or chipping and to vided to permit reduction of the inner
be closed again by rewelding, pref- tank pressure when the vapor phase
erably without a need for new parts. A line is connected to a closed system.
cutting torch may not be used. The discharge from this line must be
outside the housing and must be di-
179.40017 Inner tank piping. rected upward and away from oper-
(a) Product lines. The piping system ating personnel.
for vapor and liquid phase transfer and (b) Any pressure building system pro-
venting must be made for material vided for the purpose of pressurizing
compatible with the product and hav- the vapor space of the inner tank to fa-
ing satisfactory properties at the lad- cilitate unloading the liquid lading
ing temperature. The outlets of all must be approved.
vapor phase and liquid phase lines
must be located so that accidental dis- [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
charge from these lines will not im- amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001]
pinge on any metal of the outer jacket,
car structures, trucks or safety appli- 179.40018 Test of inner tank.
ances. Suitable provison must be made (a) After all items to be welded to the
to allow for thermal expansion and inner tank have been welded in place,
contraction. the inner tank must be pressure tested
(1) Loading and unloading line. A liq- at the test pressure prescribed in
uid phase transfer line must be pro- 179.4011. The temperature of the pres-
vided and it must have a manually op- surizing medium may not exceed 38 C
erated shut-off valve located as close (100 F) during the test. The inner tank
as practicable to the outer jacket, plus must hold the prescribed pressure for a
a secondary closure that is liquid and period of not less than ten minutes
gas tight. This secondary closure must without leakage or distortion. In a
permit any trapped pressure to bleed pneumatic test, due regard for the pro-
off before the closure can be removed tection of all personnel should be taken
completely. A vapor trap must be in- because of the potential hazard in-
corporated in the line and located as volved. After a hydrostatic test the
close as practicable to the inner tank. container and piping must be emptied
On a DOT-113A60W tank car, any load- of all water and purged of all water
ing and unloading line must be vacuum vapor.
jacketed between the outer jacket and
(b) Caulking of welded joints to stop
the shut-off valve and the shut-off
valve must also be vacuum jacketed. leaks developed during the test is pro-
(2) Vapor phase line. A vapor phase hibited. Repairs to welded joints must
line must connect to the inner tank be made as prescribed in AAR Speci-
and must be of sufficient size to permit fications for Tank Cars, appendix W
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the pressure relief devices specified in (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
179.40020 and connected to this line to [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
operate at their design capacity with- amended at 68 FR 75763, Dec. 31, 2003; 73 FR
out excessive pressure build-up in the 57008, Oct. 1, 2008]


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179.40019 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

179.40019 Valves and gages. tion of the tank assembly and piping
(a) Valves. Manually operated shut- system. The discharge from these de-
off valves and control valves must be vices must be directed away from oper-
provided wherever needed for control of ating personnel, principal load bearing
vapor phase pressure, vapor phase vent- members of the outer jacket, car struc-
ing, liquid transfer and liquid flow ture, trucks and safety appliances.
rates. All valves must be made from Vent or weep holes in pressure relief
approved materials compatible with devices are prohibited. All main pres-
the lading and having satisfactory sure relief devices must discharge to
properties at the lading temperature. the outside of the protective housings
(1) Liquid control valves must be of in which they are located, except that
extended stem design. this requirement does not apply to
(2) Packing, if used, must be satisfac- pressure relief valves installed to pro-
tory for use in contact with the lading tect isolated sections of lines between
and of approved materials that will ef- the final valve and end closure.
fectively seal the valve stem without (b) Materials. Materials used in pres-
causing difficulty of operation. sure relief devices must be suitable for
(3) Each control valve and shut-off use at the temperature of the lading
valve must be readily operable. These and otherwise compatible with the lad-
valves must be mounted so that their ing in both the liquid and vapor phases.
operation will not transmit excessive (c) Inner tank. Pressure relief devices
forces to the piping system. for the inner tank must be attached to
(b) Gages. Gages, except portable vapor phase piping and mounted so as
units, must be securely mounted with- to remain at ambient temperature
in suitable protective housings. A liq- prior to operation. The inner tank
uid level gage and a vapor phase pres- must be equipped with one or more
sure gage must be provided as follows: pressure relief valves and one or more
(1) Liquid level gage. (i) A gage of ap- safety vents (except as noted in para-
proved design to indicate the quantity graph (c)(3)(iv) of this section), and in-
of liquefied lading within the inner stalled without an intervening shut-off
tank, mounted where it will be readily valve (except as noted in paragraph
visible to an operator during transfer (c)(3)(iii) of this section). Additional re-
operations or storage, or a portable quirements are as follows:
gage with a readily accessible connec- (1) Safety vent. The safety vent shall
tion, or function at the pressure specified in
(ii) A fixed length dip tube, with a 179.4011. The safety vent must be flow
manually operated shut-off valve lo- rated in accordance with the applicable
cated as close as practicable to the provisions of AAR Specifications for
outer jacket. The dip tube must indi- Tank Cars, appendix A (IBR, see 171.7
cate the maximum liquid level for the of this subchapter), and provide suffi-
allowable filling density. The inner end cient capacity to meet the require-
of the dip tube must be located on the ments of AAR Specifications for Tank
longitudinal centerline of the inner Cars, appendix A, A8.07(a).
tank and within four feet of the trans- (2) Pressure relief valve. The pressure
verse centerline of the inner tank. relief valve must:
(2) Vapor phase pressure gage. A vapor (i) be set to start-to-discharge at the
phase pressure gage of approved design, pressure specified in 179.4011, and
with a manually operated shut-off (ii) meet the requirements of AAR
valve located as close as practicable to Specifications for Tank Cars, appendix
the outer jacket. The gage must indi- A, A8.07(b).
cate the vapor pressure within the (3) Installation of safety vent and pres-
inner tank and must be mounted where sure relief valve(i) Inlet piping. (A) The
it will be readily visible to an operator. opening through all piping and fittings
An additional fitting for use of a test between the inner tank and its pres-
gage must be provided. sure relief devices must have a cross-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

sectional area at least equal to that of

179.40020 Pressure relief devices. the pressure relief device inlet, and the
(a) The tank must be provided with flow characteristics of this upstream
pressure relief devices for the protec- system must be such that the pressure


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.40020

drop will not adversely affect the re- (4) Evaporation control. The routine
lieving capacity or the proper oper- release of vaporized lading may be con-
ation of the pressure relief device. trolled with a pressure controlling and
(B) When the required relief capacity mixing device, except that a pressure
is met by the use of multiple pressure controlling and mixing device is re-
relief device placed on one connection, quired on each DOT-113A60W car. Any
the inlet internal cross-sectional area pressure controlling and mixing device
of this connection must be sufficient to must
provide the required flow capacity for (i) Be set to start-to-discharge at a
the proper operation of the pressure re- pressure not greater than that speci-
lief device system. fied in 179.4011;
(ii) Outlet piping. (A) The opening (ii) Have sufficient capacity to limit
through the discharge lines must have the pressure within the inner tank to
a cross-sectional area at least equal to that pressure specified in 179.4011,
that of the pressure relief device outlet when the discharge is equal to twice
and may not reduce the relieving ca- the normal venting rate during trans-
pacity below that required to properly
portation, with normal vacuum and the
protect the inner tank.
outer shell at 130 F; and
(B) When the required relieving ca-
(iii) Prevent the discharge of a gas
pacity is met by use of multiple pres-
mixture exceeding 50% of the lower
sure relief devices placed on a common
discharge manifold, the manifold out- flammability limit to the atmosphere
let internal cross-sectional area must under normal conditions of storage or
be at least equal to the combined out- transportation.
let areas of the pressure relief devices. (5) Safety interlock. If a safety inter-
(iii) Duplicate pressure relief devices lock is provided for the purpose of al-
may be used when an approved 3-way lowing transfer of lading at a pressure
selector valve is installed to provide higher than the pressure control valve
for relief through either duplicate pres- setting but less than the pressure relief
sure relief device. The 3-way valve valve setting, the design must be such
must be included in the mounting pre- that the safety interlock will not affect
scribed by AAR Specifications for Tank the discharge path of the pressure re-
Cars, appendix A, A6.02(g), when con- lief value or safety vent at any time.
ducting the flow capacity test on the The safety interlock must automati-
safety vent prescribed by AAR Speci- cally provide an unrestricted discharge
fications for Tank Cars, appendix A, path for the pressure control device at
A6.01. Flow capacity tests must be per- all times when the tank car is in trans-
formed with the 3-way valve at both of port service.
the extreme positions as well as at the (d) Outer jacket. The outer jacket
mid-position and the flow capacity must be provided with a suitable sys-
must be in accordance with AAR Speci- tem to prevent buildup of annular
fications for Tank Cars, appendix A, space pressure in excess of 16 psig or
A8.07(a). the external pressure for which the
(iv) An alternate pressure relief inner tank was designed, whichever is
valve, set as required in 179.4011, may less. The total relief area provided by
be used in lieu of the safety vent, pro- the system must be a minimum of 25
vided it meets the flow capacity pre-
square inches, and means must be pro-
scribed in AAR Specifications for Tank
vided to prevent clogging of any sys-
Cars, appendix A at a flow rating pres-
sure of 110 percent of its start-to-dis- tem opening, as well as to ensure ade-
charge pressure. Installation must quate communication to all areas of
(A) Prevent moisture accumulation the insulation space. If a safety vent is
at the seat by providing drainage away a part of the system, it must be de-
from that area, signed to prevent distortion of the rup-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(B) Permit periodic drainage of the ture disc when the annular space is
vent piping, and evacuated.
(C) Prevent accumulation of foreign (e) Piping system. Where a piping cir-
material in the vent system. cuit can be isolated by closing a valve,


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179.40021 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

means for pressure relief must be pro- 179.40024 Stamping.

vided. (a) A tank that complies with all
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as specification requirements must have
amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR the following information plainly and
75763, Dec. 31, 2003] permanently stamped into the metal
near the center of the head of the outer
179.40021 Test of pressure relief jacket at the B end of the car, in let-
valves. ters and figures at least 38-inch high, in
Each valve must be tested with air or the following order:
gas for compliance with 179.4011 be- Example of re-
fore being put into service. quired stamping

Specification ............................................ DOT-113A60W.

179.40022 Protective housings. Design service temperature .................... Minus 423 F.
Inner tank ................................................. Inner Tank.
Each valve, gage, closure and pres- Material ............................................. ASTM A240304.
sure relief device, with the exception of Shell thickness ................................. Shell 316 inch.
secondary relief valves for the protec- Head thickness ................................. Head 316 inch.
Inside diameter ................................. ID 107 inch.
tion of isolated piping, must be en- Inner tank builders initials ................ ABC.
closed within a protective housing. The Date of original test (month and 000000GHK.
protective housing must be adequate to year) and initials of person con-
ducting original test.
protect the enclosed components from Water capacity .................................. 00000 lbs.
direct solar radiation, mud, sand, ad- Outer jacket ............................................. Outer jacket.
verse environmental exposure and me- Material ............................................. ASTM A51570.
Outer jacket builders initials ............ DEF.
chanical damage incident to normal Car assemblers initials (if other than XYZ.
operation of the tank car. It must be inner tank or outer jacket builder).
designed to provide reasonable access
to the enclosed components for oper- (b) Any stamping on the shell or
ation, inspection and maintenance and heads of the inner tank is prohibited.
so that vapor concentrations cannot (c) In lieu of the stamping required
build up to a dangerous level inside the by paragraph (a) of this section, the
housing in the event of valve leakage specified markings may be incor-
or pressure relief valve operation. All porated on a data plate of corrosion-re-
equipment within the protective hous- sistant metal, fillet welded in place on
ing must be operable by personnel the head of the outer jacket at the B
wearing heavy gloves and must incor- end of the car.
porate provisions for locks or seals. A 179.40025 Stenciling.
protective housing and its cover must
be constructed of metal not less than Each tank car must be stenciled in
0.119 inch thick. compliance with the provisions of the
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars, ap-
179.40023 Operating instructions. pendix C (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
chapter). The stenciling must also in-
All valves and gages must be clearly clude the following:
identified with corrosion-resistant (a) The date on which the rupture
nameplates. A plate of corrosion-resist- disc was last replaced and the initials
ant material bearing precautionary in- of the person making the replacement,
structions for the safe operation of the on the outer jacket in letters and fig-
equipment during storage and transfer ures at least 112 inches high.
operations must be securely mounted (b) The design service temperature
so as to be readily visible to an oper- and maximum lading weight, in letters
ator. The instruction plate must be and figures at least 112 inches high ad-
mounted in each housing containing jacent to the hazardous material sten-
operating equipment and controls for cil.
product handling. These instructions (c) The water capacity, in pounds net
must include a diagram of the tank and at 60 F., with the tank at its coldest
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

its piping system with the various operating temperature, after deduction
gages, control valves and pressure re- for the volume above the inlet to the
lief devices clearly identified and lo- pressure relief device or pressure con-
cated. trol valve, structural members, baffles,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.5003

piping, and other appurtenances inside DOT specification 113A60W 113C120W

the tank, in letters and figures at least
Alternate pressure re- ........................... 72.
112 inches high. lief valve vapor tight
(d) Both sides of the tank car, in let- pressure, min. psig.
ters at least 112 inches high, with the Alternate pressure re- ........................... 100.
lief valve flow rating
statement Do Not Hump or Cut Off pressure, max. psig.
While in Motion. Pressure control valve 17 ...................... Not required.
(e) The outer jacket, below the tank Start-to-vent, max.
classification stencil, in letters at least psig (see 179.400
112 inches high, with the statement, Relief device dis- 179.40020 ..... 179.40020.
vacuum jacketed. charge restrictions.
Transfer line insulation 179.40017 ..... Not required.
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
75763, Dec. 31, 2003] [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
amended at 49 FR 24318, June 12, 1984; 65 FR
179.401 Individual specification re- 58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45390, Aug. 28, 2001]
quirements applicable to inner
tanks for cryogenic liquid tank car 179.500 Specification DOT-107A * * *
tanks. * seamless steel tank car tanks.
179.4011 Individual specification re- 179.5001 Tanks built under these
quirements. specifications shall meet the re-
In addition to 179.400, the individual quirements of 179.500.
specification requirements for the
179.5003 Type and general require-
inner tank and its appurtenances are ments.
as follows:
(a) Tanks built under this specifica-
DOT specification 113A60W 113C120W tion shall be hollow forged or drawn in
Design service tem- 423 ................. 260. one piece. Forged tanks shall be ma-
perature, F. chined inside and outside before ends
Material ....................... 179.4005 ....... 179.4005. are necked-down and, after necking-
Impact test (weld and 179.4005(c) .. 179.4005(c). down, the ends shall be machined to
plate material).
Impact test values ...... 179.4005(d) .. 179.4005(d). size on the ends and outside diameter.
Standard heat transfer Machining not necessary on inside or
rate. outside of seamless steel tubing, but
(Btu per day per lb. 0.097 ................. 0.4121. required on ends after necking-down.
of water capacity,
max.) (see (b) For tanks made in foreign coun-
179.4004). tries, chemical analysis of material
Bursting pressure, 240 .................... 300. and all tests as specified must be car-
min. psig.
Minimum plate thick-
3 16 ..................... .
3 16 ried out within the limits of the United
ness shell, inches States under supervision of a com-
(see 179.4007(a)). petent and disinterested inspector; in
Minimum head thick-
3 16 ..................... .
3 16
addition to which, provisions in
ness, inches (see
179.4008 (a), (b), 179.50018 (b) and (c) shall be carried
and (c)). out at the point of manufacture by a
Test pressure, psig 60 ...................... 120. recognized inspection bureau with prin-
(see 179.40016).
Safety vent bursting 60 ...................... 120.
cipal office in the United States.
pressure, max. psig. (c) The term marked end and
Pressure relief valve 30 ...................... 75. marked test pressure used through-
start-to-discharge out this specification are defined as
pressure, psig (3
psi). follows:
Pressure relief valve 24 ...................... 60. (1) Marked end is that end of the
vapor tight pressure, tank on which marks prescribed in
min. psig.
Pressure relief valve 40 ...................... 85.
179.50017 are stamped.
flow rating pressure, (2) Marked test pressure is that
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

max. psig. pressure in psig which is indicated by

Alternate pressure re- ........................... 90. the figures substituted for the **** in
lief valve start to-dis-
charge pressure, the marking DOT-107A **** stamped on
psig (3 psi). the marked end of tank.


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179.5004 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(d) The gas pressure at 130 F in the tions prescribed in paragraph (b) of this
tank shall not exceed 710 of the marked section.
test pressure of the tank. [29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended by Amdt.
amended at 66 FR 45186, 45391, Aug. 28, 2001] 17931, 47 FR 43067, Sept. 30, 1982; 66 FR 45391,
Aug. 28, 2001]
179.5004 Thickness of wall. 179.5005 Material.
(a) Minimum thickness of wall of (a) Tanks shall be made from open-
each finished tank shall be such that at hearth or electric steel of uniform
a pressure equal to 710 of the marked quality. Material shall be free from
test pressure of the tank, the cal- seams, cracks, laminations, or other
culated fiber stress in psi at inner wall defects injurious to finished tank. If
of tank multiplied by 3.0 will not ex- not free from such defects, the surface
ceed the tensile strength of any speci- may be machined or ground to elimi-
men taken from the tank and tested as nate these defects. Forgings and seam-
prescribed in 179.5007(b). Minimum less tubing for bodies of tanks shall be
wall thickness shall be 14 inch. stamped with heat numbers.
(b) Calculations to determine the (b) Steel (see Note 1) must conform
maximum marked test pressure per- to the following requirements as to
mitted to be marked on the tank shall chemical composition:
be made by the formula: Class I Class II Class III
Designation (percent) (percent) (percent)
P = [10S(D2 d2)] / [7(D2+d2)]
Carbon, maximum ......... 0.50 0.50 0.53
Where: Manganese, maximum .. 1.65 1.65 1.85
Phosphorus, maximum .. .05 .05 .05
P = Maximum marked test pressure per- Sulphur, maximum ........ .06 .05 .05
mitted; Silicon, maximum .......... .35 .30 .37
Molybdenum, maximum ................ .25 .30
S = U / 3.0 Chromium, maximum .... ................ .30 .30
Sum of manganese and
Where: carbon not over .......... 2.10 2.10 ................
U = Tensile strength of that specimen which NOTE 1: Alternate steel containing other alloying elements
shows the lower tensile strength of the may be used if approved.
two specimens taken from the tank and
(1) For instructions as to the obtain-
tested as prescribed in 179.5007(b).
ing and checking of chemical analysis,
3 = Factor of safety.
see 179.50018(b)(3).
(D2 d2/(D2 + d2) = The smaller value ob- (2) [Reserved]
tained for this factor by the operations
specified in 179.5004(c). 179.5006 Heat treatment.
(c) Measure at one end, in a plane (a) Each necked-down tank shall be
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis uniformly heat treated. Heat treat-
of the tank and at least 18 inches from ment shall consist of annealing or nor-
that end before necking-down: malizing and tempering for Class I,
Class II and Class III steel or oil
d = Maximum inside diameter (inches) for quenching and tempering for Class III
the location under consideration; to be steel. Tempering temperatures shall
determined by direct measurement to an not be less than 1000 F. Heat treat-
accuracy of 0.05 inch. ment of alternate steels shall be ap-
t = Minimum thickness of wall for the loca- proved. All scale shall be removed from
tion under consideration; to be deter-
outside of tank to an extent sufficient
mined by direct measurement to an accu-
racy of 0.001 inch. to allow proper inspection.
Take D = d + 2t. (b) To check uniformity of heat
Calculate the value of (D2d2)/(D2 + d2) treatment, Brinnel hardness tests shall
be made at 18 inch intervals on the en-
(1) Make similar measurements and tire longitudinal axis. The hardness
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

calculation for a corresponding loca- shall not vary more than 35 points in
tion at the other end of the tank. the length of the tank. No hardness
(2) Use the smaller result obtained, tests need be taken within 12 inches
from the foregoing, in making calcula- from point of head to shell tangency.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.50010

(c) A magnetic particle inspection stress (psi) /30,000,000 (psi) +0.005 (inches per
shall be performed after heat treat- inch)
ment on all tanks subjected to a
shall be recorded as the elastic limit.
quench and temper treatment to detect
the presence of quenching cracks. (1) Elongation shall be at least 18 per-
Cracks shall be removed to sound cent and reduction of area at least 35
metal by grinding and the surface ex- percent.
posed shall be blended smoothly into NOTE 1: Upon approval, the ratio of elastic
the surrounding area. A wall thickness limit to ultimate strength may be raised to
check shall then be made of the af- permit use of special alloy steels of definite
fected area by ultrasonic equipment or composition that will give equal or better
other suitable means acceptable to the physical properties than steels herein speci-
inspector and if the remaining wall fied.
thickness is less than the minimum re- (2) [Reserved]
corded thickness as determined by
179.5004(b) it shall be used for making [Amdt. 1798, 36 FR 18470, Sept. 15, 1971, as
the calculation prescribed in paragraph amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001]
(b) of this section.
179.5008 Openings in tanks.
179.5007 Physical tests. (a) Each end shall be closed by a
(a) Physical tests shall be made on cover made of forged steel. Covers shall
two test specimens 0.505 inch in diame- be secured to ends of tank by through
ter within 2-inch gauge length, taken bolts or studs not entering interior of
180 degrees apart, one from each ring tank. Covers shall be of a thickness
section cut from each end of each sufficient to meet test requirements of
forged or drawn tube before necking- 179.50012 and to compensate for the
down, or one from each prolongation at openings closed by attachments pre-
each end of each necked-down tank. scribed herein.
These test specimen ring sections or (1) It is also provided that each end
prolongations shall be heat treated, may be closed by internal threading to
with the necked-down tank which they accommodate an approved fitting. The
represent. The width of the test speci- internal threads as well as the threads
men ring section must be at least its on fittings for these openings shall be
wall thickness. Only when diameters clean cut, even, without checks, and
and wall thickness will not permit re- tapped to gauge. Taper threads are re-
moval of 0.505 by 2-inch tensile test quired and shall be of a length not less
bar, laid in the transverse direction, than as specified for American Stand-
may test bar cut in the longitudinal di- ard taper pipe threads. External
rection be substituted. When the thick- threading of an approved type shall be
ness will not permit obtaining a 0.505 permissible on the internal threaded
specimen, then the largest diameter ends.
specimen obtainable in the longitu-
(b) Joints between covers and ends
dinal direction shall be used. Speci-
and between cover and attachments
mens shall have bright surface and a
reduced section. When 0.505 specimen is shall be of approved form and made
not used the gauge length shall be a tight against vapor or liquid leakage
ratio of 4 to 1 length to diameter. by means of a confined gasket of suit-
(b) Elastic limit as determined by ex- able material.
tensometer, shall not exceed 70 percent
179.50010 Protective housing.
of tensile strength for class I steel or 85
percent of tensile strength for class II (a) Safety devices, and loading and
and class III steel. Determination shall unloading valves on tanks shall be pro-
be made at cross head speed of not tected from accidental damage by ap-
more than 0.125 inch per minute with proved metal housing, arranged so it
an extensometer reading to 0.0002 inch. may be readily opened to permit in-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

The extensometer shall be read at in- spection and adjustment of safety re-
crements of stress not exceeding 5,000 lief devices and valves, and securely
psi. The stress at which the strain first locked in closed position. Housing shall
exceeds be provided with opening having an


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179.50011 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

opening equal to twice the total dis- 179.50014 Test of tanks.

charge area of pressure relief device en-
(a) After heat-treatment, tanks shall
be subjected to hydrostatic tests in a
(b) [Reserved]
water jacket, or by other accurate
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 method, operated so as to obtain reli-
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967, and amended at 66 FR able data. No tank shall have been sub-
45390, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR 61016, Sept. 27, 2002] jected previously to internal pressure
179.50011 Loading and unloading greater than 90 percent of the marked
valves. test pressure. Each tank shall be tested
to a pressure at least equal to the
(a) Loading and unloading valve or marked test pressure of the tank. Pres-
valves shall be mounted on the cover or sure shall be maintained for 30 seconds,
threaded into the marked end of tank. and sufficiently longer to insure com-
These valves shall be of approved type, plete expansion of tank. Pressure
made of metal not subject to rapid de- gauge shall permit reading to accuracy
terioration by lading or in service, and of one percent. Expansion gauge shall
shall withstand without leakage a pres-
permit reading of total expansion to
sure equal to the marked test pressure
accuracy of one percent. Expansion
of tank. Provision shall be made for
shall be recorded in cubic cm.
closing service outlet of valves.
(b) No leaks shall appear and perma-
(b) [Reserved]
nent volumetric expansion shall not
179.50012 Pressure relief devices. exceed 10 percent of the total volu-
metric expansion at test pressure.
(a) Tank shall be equipped with one
or more pressure relief devices of ap- 179.50015 Handling of tanks failing
proved type and discharge area, mount- in tests.
ed on the cover or threaded into the
(a) Tanks rejected for failure in any
non-marked end of the tank. If fittings
of the tests prescribed may be reheat-
are mounted on a cover, they shall be
treated, and will be acceptable if subse-
of the flanged type, made of metal not
quent to reheat-treatment they are
subject to rapid deterioration by lading
or in service. Total flow capacity shall subjected to and pass all of the tests.
be such that, with tank filled with air (b) [Reserved]
at pressure equal to 70 percent of the 179.50016 Tests of pressure relief de-
marked test pressure of tank, flow ca- vices.
pacity will be sufficient to reduce air
pressure to 30 percent of the marked (a) Pressure relief valves shall be
test pressure within 3 minutes after tested by air or gas before being put
pressure relief device opens. into service. Valve shall open at pres-
(b) Pressure relief devices shall open sure not exceeding the marked test
at a pressure not exceeding the marked pressure of tank and shall be vapor-
test pressure of tank and not less than tight at 80 percent of the marked test
710 of marked test pressure. (For toler- pressure. These limiting pressures shall
ance for pressure relief valves, see not be affected by any auxiliary clo-
179.50016(a).) sure or other combination.
(c) Cars used for the transportation (b) For pressure relief devices that
of flammable gases shall have the safe- incorporate a rupture disc, samples of
ty devices equipped with an approved the discs used shall burst at a pressure
ignition device. not exceeding the marked test pressure
of tank and not less than 710 of marked
[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as test pressure.
amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
57634, Oct. 6, 2003] [Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as
amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001]
179.50013 Fixtures.
(a) Attachments, other than those 179.50017 Marking.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

mounted on tank covers or serving as (a) Each tank shall be plainly and
threaded closures for the ends of the permanently marked, thus certifying
tank, are prohibited. that tank complies with all require-
(b) [Reserved] ments of this specification. These


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 179.50018

marks shall be stamped into the metal tanks, and shall verify proper applica-
of necked-down section of tank at tion of heat number to such material
marked end, in letters and figures at by occasional inspections at steel man-
least 14 inch high, as follows: ufacturers plant.
(1) Spec. DOT-107A * * * *, the * * * * (3) Inspector shall obtain certified
to be replaced by figures indicating chemical analysis of each heat of mate-
marked test pressure of the tank. This rial.
pressure shall not exceed the cal- (4) Inspector shall make inspection of
culated maximum marked test pres- inside surface of tanks before necking-
sure permitted, as determined by the down, to insure that no seams, cracks,
formula in 179.5004(b). laminations, or other defects exist.
(2) Serial number immediately below (5) Inspector shall fully verify com-
the stamped mark specified in para- pliance with specification, verify heat
graph (a)(1) of this section. treatment of tank as proper; obtain
(3) Inspectors official mark imme- samples for all tests and check chem-
diately below the stamped mark speci- ical analyses; witness all tests; and re-
fied in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. port minimum thickness of tank wall,
(4) Name, mark (other than trade- maximum inside diameter, and cal-
mark), or initials of company or person culated value of D, for each end of each
for whose use tank is being made, tank as prescribed in 179.5004(c).
which shall be recorded with the Bu- (6) Inspector shall stamp his official
reau of Explosives. mark on each accepted tank imme-
(5) Date (such as 101, for January diately below serial number, and make
2001) of tank test, so placed that dates certified report (see paragraph (c) of
of subsequent tests may easily be this section) to builder, to company or
added. person for whose use tanks are being
(6) Date (such as 101, for January made, to builder of car structure on
2001) of latest test of pressure relief de- which tanks are to be mounted, to the
vice or of the rupture disc, required Bureau of Explosives, and to the Sec-
only when tank is used for transpor- retary, Mechanical Division, Associa-
tation of flammable gases. tion of American Railroads.
(b) [Reserved] (c) Inspectors report required herein
[29 FR 18995, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended by shall be in the following form:
Amdt. 17952, 61 FR 28682, June 5, 1996; 66 FR (Place) lllllllllllllll
45391, Aug. 28, 2001] (Date) llllllllllllllll

179.50018 Inspection and reports. STEEL TANKS

(a) Before a tank car is placed in It is hereby certified that drawings were
service, the party assembling the com- submitted for these tanks under AAR Appli-
pleted car shall furnish to car owner, cation for Approval llllll and approved
Bureau of Explosives, and the Sec- by the AAR Committee on Tank Cars under
date of llllll.
retary, Mechanical Division, Associa- Built for llllllllllll Company
tion of American Railroads, a report in Location at lllllllllllllllll
proper form certifying that tanks and Built by llllllllllll Company
their equipment comply with all the Location at lllllllllllllllll
requirements of this specification and Consigned to lllllllll Company
including information as to serial num- Location at lllllllllllllllll
bers, dates of tests, and ownership Quantity llllllllllllllllll
Length (inches) lllllllllllllll
marks on tanks mounted on car struc- Outside diameter (inches) llllllllll
ture. Marks stamped into tank as required in
(b) Purchaser of tanks shall provide 179.50017 are:
for inspection by a competent inspec-
tor as follows: DOT-107A* * * *
(1) Inspector shall carefully inspect NOTE 1: The marked test pressure sub-
all material and reject that not com- stituted for the * * * * on each tank is shown
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

plying with 179.5005. on Record of General Data on Tanks at-

(2) Inspector shall stamp his official tached hereto.
mark on each forging or seamless tube Serial numbers ll to ll inclusive
accepted by him for use in making Inspectors mark llllllllllllll


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179.50018 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
Owners mark llllllllllllllll Transportation Specification No.
Test date llllllllllllllllll 107A* * * *.
Water capacity (see Record of Hydrostatic (Signed) lllllllllllllll
Tests). (Inspector)
Tare weights (yes or no) (see Record of Hy- (Place) lllllllllllllll
drostatic Tests). (Date) llllllllllllllll
These tanks were made by process of llll
Steel used was identified as indicated by RECORD OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF STEEL FOR
the attached list showing the serial number TANKS
of each tank, followed by the heat number. Numbered llll to llll inclusive
Steel used was verified as to chemical Size l inches outside diameter by l inches
analysis and record thereof is attached here- long
to. Heat numbers were stamped into metal. Built by llllllllllll Company
All material was inspected and each tank For lllllllllllllll Company
was inspected both before and after closing
in ends; all material accepted was found free Tanks rep- Chemical analysis
from seams, cracks, laminations, and other resented
Heat No. (serial
defects which might prove injurious to Nos.) C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo
strength of tank. Processes of manufacture
and heat-treatment of tanks were witnessed
and found to be efficient and satisfactory.
Before necking-down ends, each tank was
measured at each location prescribed in These analyses were made by
179.5004(c) and minimum wall thickness in (Signed) lllllllllllll
inches at each location was recorded; max- (Place) lllllllllllll
imum inside diameter in inches at each loca- (Date) llllllllllllll
tion was recorded; value of D in inches at
each location was calculated and recorded; RECORD OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF STEEL IN
maximum fiber stress in wall at location TANKS
showing larger value for Numbered llll to llll inclusive
(D2+d2)/(D2d2) Size ll inches outside by ll inches long
was calculated for 710 the marked test pres- Built by llllllllllll Company
sure and recorded. Calculations were made For lllllllllllllll Company
by the formula: Tanks
S=[0.7P(D2d2)/(D2+d2)] rep- Elon- Reduc-
resent- Elastic Tensile gation tion of
Hydrostatic tests, tensile test of material, Heat ed by limit strength (percent area
and other tests as prescribed in this speci- test (se- (psi) (psi) in 2 (per-
rial inches) cent)
fication, were made in the presence of the in- Nos.)
spector, and all material and tanks accepted
were found to be in compliance with the re-
quirements of this specification. Records
thereof are attached hereto.
I hereby certify that all of these tanks (Signed) lllllllllllll
proved satisfactory in every way and comply (Place) lllllllllllll
with the requirements of Department of (Date) llllllllllllll


Numbered ........................................................... to ......................................................................... inclusive
Size ..................................................................... inches outside by ................................................ ................ inches long
Built by ...................................................................................................................................................................... Company
For ............................................................................................................................................................................ Company

Percent ratio of
Permanent ex- Capacity in
Serial Nos. of Actual test pres- Total expansion permanent ex- Tare weight
pansion (cubic (pounds) 2 pounds of water
tanks sure (psig) (cubic cm) pansion to total at 60 F
cm) expansion 1

1 If tests are made by method involving measurement of amount of liquid forced into tank by test pressure, then the basic data
on which calculations are made, such as pump factors, temperature of liquid, coefficient of compressibility of liquid, etc., must
also be given.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

2 Do not include protective housing, but state whether with or without valves.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 179, App. A

(Signed) llllllllllllllllll (Date) lllllllllllllllllll

(Place) llllllllllllllllll


Numbered ........................................................... to ......................................................................... inclusive
Built by ...................................................................................................................................................................... Company
For ............................................................................................................................................................................ Company

Data obtained as prescribed in 179.5004(c)

(S) Cal-
Other end of tank culated
Marked end of tank Larger Marked Minimum
(d) value of stress in test pres- tensile
(t) Min- the fac- sure in strength
(d) Max- psi at
(t) Min. imum (D) cal- tor psig of mate-
Max. in- (D) Cal- imum 710
Serial thick- side di- culated value thick- inside culated value D2+d2/ marked stamped rial in psi
No. of ness of ness of of D in D2d2 in tank recorded
ameter of D in diame- test
tank wall in wall in inches=d+2t
in inches=d+2t ter in pressure
inches inches
inches inches

(Signed) llllllllllllllllll

[Amdt. 17932, 48 FR 27708, June 16, 1983, as amended by 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001]

APPENDIX A TO PART 179PROCEDURES cm (21 inches), plus-or-minus 2.5 cm (1 inch),

FOR TANK-HEAD PUNCTURE-RESIST- above the top of the sill; the other test must
ANCE TEST be conducted with the coupler height at 79
cm (31 inches), plus-or-minus 2.5 cm (1 inch),
1. This test procedure is designed to verify above the top of the sill. If the combined
the integrity of new or untried tank-head thickness of the tank head and any addi-
puncture-resistance systems and to test for tional shielding material is less than the
system survivability after coupler-to-tank- combined thickness on the vertical center-
head impacts at relative speeds of 29 km/ line of the car, a third test must be con-
hour (18 mph). Tank-head puncture-resist- ducted with the coupler positioned so as to
ance is a function of one or more of the fol- strike the thinnest point of the tank head.
lowing: Head thickness, jacket thickness, in-
3. One of the following test conditions
sulation thickness, and material of construc-
tion. must be applied:
2. Tank-head puncture-resistance test. A
Minimum ve-
tank-head puncture-resistance system must Minimum weight of locity of impact
attached ram cars in Restrictions
be tested under the following conditions: kg (pounds) in km/hour
a. The ram car used must weigh at least (mph)
119,295 kg (263,000 pounds), be equipped with a
119,295 (263,000) ... 29 (18) ........... One ram car only.
coupler, and duplicate the condition of a con-
155,582 (343,000) ... 25.5 (16) ........ One ram car or one
ventional draft sill including the draft yoke car plus one rigidly
and draft gear. The coupler must protrude attached car.
from the end of the ram car so that it is the 311,164 (686,000) ... 22.5 (14) ........ One ram car plus
leading location of perpendicular contact one or more rigidly
with the impacted test car. attached cars.
b. The impacted test car must be loaded
with water at six percent outage with inter- 4. A test is successful if there is no visible
nal pressure of at least 6.9 Bar (100 psig) and leak from the standing tank car for at least
coupled to one or more backup cars which one hour after impact.
have a total weight of 217,724 kg (480,000
pounds) with hand brakes applied on the last [Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49078, Sept. 21, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

backup car.
c. At least two separate tests must be con- 26, 1996; 66 FR 4539045391, Aug. 28, 2001]
ducted with the coupler on the vertical cen-
terline of the ram car. One test must be con-
ducted with the coupler at a height of 53.3


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Pt. 179, App. B 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

APPENDIX B TO PART 179PROCEDURES (4) The entire surface of the thermal pro-
FOR SIMULATED POOL AND TORCH- tection system must be exposed to the simu-
FIRE TESTING lated pool fire.
(5) A pool-fire simulation test must run for
1. This test procedure is designed to meas- a minimum of 100 minutes. The thermal pro-
ure the thermal effects of new or untried tection system must retard the heat flow to
thermal protection systems and to test for the plate so that none of the thermocouples
system survivability when exposed to a 100- on the non-protected side of the plate indi-
minute pool fire and a 30-minute torch fire. cate a plate temperature in excess of 427 C
2. Simulated pool fire test. (800 F).
a. A pool-fire environment must be simu- (6) A minimum of three consecutive suc-
lated in the following manner: cessful simulation fire tests must be per-
(1) The source of the simulated pool fire formed for each thermal protection system.
must be hydrocarbon fuel with a flame tem- 3. Simulated torch fire test.
perature of 871 C plus or minus 55.6 C (1600 a. A torch-fire environment must be simu-
F plus-or-minus 100 F) throughout the du- lated in the following manner:
ration of the test. (1) The source of the simulated torch must
(2) A square bare plate with thermal prop- be a hydrocarbon fuel with a flame tempera-
erties equivalent to the material of construc- ture of 1,204 C plus-or-minus 55.6 C (2,200 F
tion of the tank car must be used. The plate plus or minus 100 F), throughout the dura-
dimensions must be not less than one foot by tion of the test. Furthermore, torch veloci-
one foot by nominal 1.6 cm (0.625 inch) thick. ties must be 64.4 km/h 16 km/h (40 mph 10
The bare plate must be instrumented with mph) throughout the duration of the test.
not less than nine thermocouples to record (2) A square bare plate with thermal prop-
the thermal response of the bare plate. The erties equivalent to the material of construc-
thermocouples must be attached to the sur- tion of the tank car must be used. The plate
face not exposed to the simulated pool fire dimensions must be at least four feet by four
and must be divided into nine equal squares feet by nominal 1.6 cm (0.625 inch) thick. The
with a thermocouple placed in the center of bare plate must be instrumented with not
each square. less than nine thermocouples to record the
(3) The pool-fire simulator must be con- thermal response of the plate. The
structed in a manner that results in total thermocouples must be attached to the sur-
flame engulfment of the front surface of the face not exposed to the simulated torch and
bare plate. The apex of the flame must be di- must be divided into nine equal squares with
rected at the center of the plate. a thermocouple placed in the center of each
(4) The bare plate holder must be con- square.
structed in such a manner that the only heat
(3) The bare plate holder must be con-
transfer to the back side of the bare plate is
structed in such a manner that the only heat
by heat conduction through the plate and
transfer to the back side of the plate is by
not by other heat paths.
heat conduction through the plate and not
(5) Before the bare plate is exposed to the
by other heat paths. The apex of the flame
simulated pool fire, none of the temperature
must be directed at the center of the plate.
recording devices may indicate a plate tem-
perature in excess of 37.8 C (100 F) nor less (4) Before exposure to the simulated torch,
than 0 C (32 F). none of the temperature recording devices
may indicate a plate temperature in excess
(6) A minimum of two thermocouple de-
of 37.8 C (100 F) or less than 0 C (32 F).
vices must indicate 427 C (800 F) after 13
minutes, plus-or-minus one minute, of simu- (5) A minimum of two thermocouples must
lated pool-fire exposure. indicate 427 C (800 F) in four minutes, plus-
b. A thermal protection system must be or-minus 30 seconds, of torch simulation ex-
tested in the simulated pool-fire environ- posure.
ment described in paragraph 2a of this ap- b. A thermal protection system must be
pendix in the following manner: tested in the simulated torch-fire environ-
(1) The thermal protection system must ment described in paragraph 3a of this ap-
cover one side of a bare plate as described in pendix in the following manner:
paragraph 2a(2) of this appendix. (1) The thermal protection system must
(2) The non-protected side of the bare plate cover one side of the bare plate identical to
must be instrumented with not less than that used to simulate a torch fire under
nine thermocouples placed as described in paragraph 3a(2) of this appendix.
paragraph 2a(2) of this appendix to record (2) The back of the bare plate must be in-
the thermal response of the plate. strumented with not less than nine
thermocouples placed as described in para-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(3) Before exposure to the pool-fire simula-

tion, none of the thermocouples on the ther- graph 3a(2) of this appendix to record the
mal protection system configuration may in- thermal response of the material.
dicate a plate temperature in excess of 37.8 (3) Before exposure to the simulated torch,
C (100 F) nor less than 0 C (32 F). none of the thermocouples on the back side


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 180
of the thermal protection system configura- Subpart EQualification and Maintenance
tion may indicate a plate temperature in ex- of Cargo Tanks
cess of 37.8 C (100 F) nor less than 0 C (32
F). 180.401 Applicability.
(4) The entire outside surface of the ther- 180.403 Definitions.
mal protection system must be exposed to 180.405 Qualification of cargo tanks.
the simulated torch-fire environment. 180.407 Requirements for test and inspection
(5) A torch-simulation test must be run for of specification cargo tanks.
a minimum of 30 minutes. The thermal pro- 180.409 Minimum qualifications for inspec-
tection system must retard the heat flow to tors and testers.
the plate so that none of the thermocouples 180.411 Acceptable results of tests and in-
on the backside of the bare plate indicate a spections.
plate temperature in excess of 427 C (800 F). 180.413 Repair, modification, stretching, re-
(6) A minimum of two consecutive success- barrelling, or mounting of specification
ful torch-simulation tests must be performed cargo tanks.
for each thermal protection system. 180.415 Test and inspection markings.
180.416 Discharge system inspection and
[Amdt. 17950, 60 FR 49078, Sept. 21, 1995, as maintenance program for cargo tanks
amended at 75 FR 53597, Sept. 1, 2010; 77 FR transporting liquefied compressed gases.
60945, Oct. 5, 2012] 180.417 Reporting and record retention re-
PART 180CONTINUING QUALI- Subpart FQualification and Maintenance
180.501 Applicability.
180.503 Definitions.
Subpart AGeneral 180.505 Quality assurance program.
Sec. 180.507 Qualification of tank cars.
180.509 Requirements for inspection and test
180.1 Purpose and scope.
of specification tank cars.
180.2 Applicability.
180.511 Acceptable results of inspections and
180.3 General requirements. tests.
180.513 Repairs, alterations, conversions,
Subpart B [Reserved] and modifications.
180.515 Markings.
Subpart CQualification, Maintenance 180.517 Reporting and record retention re-
and Use of Cylinders quirements.
180.519 Periodic retest and inspection of
180.201 Applicability. tank cars other than single-unit tank car
180.203 Definitions. tanks.
180.205 General requirements for requali-
fication of specification cylinders. Subpart GQualification and
180.207 Requirements for requalification of Maintenance of Portable Tanks
UN pressure receptacles.
180.209 Requirements for requalification of 180.601 Applicability.
specification cylinders. 180.603 Qualification of portable tanks.
180.211 Repair, rebuilding and reheat treat- 180.605 Requirements for periodic testing,
ment of DOT-4 series specification cyl- inspection and repair of portable tanks.
180.212 Repair of seamless DOT 3-series CLOSING STOP VALVE EMERGENCY CLO-
specification cylinders and seamless UN SURE TEST FOR LIQUEFIED COMPRESSED
pressure receptacles. GASES
180.213 Requalification markings. APPENDIX B TO PART 180ACCEPTABLE INTER-
180.215 Reporting and record retention re- NAL SELF-CLOSING STOP VALVE LEAKAGE
180.217 Requalification requirements for LIQUEFIED COMPRESSED GASES
Subpart DQualification and Maintenance DOT 3AL CYLINDERS MANUFACTURED OF
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

180.350 Applicability and definitions. RIALS CORROSIVE TO TANKS OR SERVICE

180.351 Qualification of IBCs. EQUIPMENT
180.352 Requirements for retest and inspec- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 51015128; 49 CFR 1.81
tion of IBCs. and 1.97.


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180.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
SOURCE: Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, (3) Test dates displayed in associa-
1989, unless otherwise noted. tion with specification, registration,
approval, or exemption markings indi-
Subpart AGeneral cating conformance to a test or retest
requirement of this subchapter, an ap-
180.1 Purpose and scope.
proval issued thereunder, or a special
This part prescribes requirements permit issued under subchapter A of
pertaining to the maintenance, recon- this chapter;
ditioning, repair, inspection and test- (4) Documents indicating conform-
ing of packagings, and any other func- ance to the testing, inspection, mainte-
tion having an effect on the continuing
nance or other continuing qualification
qualification and use of a packaging
under the requirements of this sub- requirements of this part; and
chapter. (5) Sales literature, including adver-
tising, indicating that the packaging
180.2 Applicability. or container represented therein con-
(a) Any person who performs a func- forms to requirements contained in
tion prescribed in this part shall per- subchapter A or C of this chapter.
form that function in accordance with [Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
this part. amended by Amdt. 1803, 58 FR 33306, June
(b) Any person who performs a func- 16, 1993; 70 FR 73166, Dec. 9, 2005]
tion prescribed in this part is consid-
ered subject to the regulations of this
subchapter when that person Subpart B [Reserved]
(1) Makes any representation indi-
cating compliance with one or more of Subpart CQualification, Mainte-
the requirements of this part; or nance and Use of Cylinders
(2) Reintroduces into commerce a
packaging that bears markings indi- SOURCE: 67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, unless
cating compliance with this part. otherwise noted.
[Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
amended by Amdt. 1802, 56 FR 27877, June 180.201 Applicability.
17, 1991]
This subpart prescribes require-
180.3 General requirements. ments, in addition to those contained
in parts 107, 171, 172, 173, and 178 of this
(a) No person may represent, mark,
certify, sell, or offer a packaging or chapter, for the continuing qualifica-
container as meeting the requirements tion, maintenance, or periodic requali-
of this part, or a special permit per- fication of DOT specification and ex-
taining to this part issued under sub- emption cylinders and UN pressure re-
chapter A of this chapter, whether or ceptacles.
not the packaging or container is in- [71 FR 33894, June 12, 2006]
tended to be used for the transpor-
tation of a hazardous material, unless 180.203 Definitions.
it is marked, maintained, recondi-
tioned, repaired, or retested, as appro- As used in this section, the word
priate, in accordance with this part, an cylinder includes UN pressure recep-
approval issued thereunder, or a special tacles. In addition to the definitions
permit issued under subchapter A of contained in 171.8 of this subchapter,
this chapter. the following definitions apply to this
(b) The representations, markings, subpart:
and certifications subject to the prohi- Commercially free of corrosive compo-
bitions of paragraph (a) of this section nents means a hazardous material hav-
include: ing a dew point at or below minus 46.7
(1) Identifications that include the C (minus 52 F) at 101kPa (1 atmos-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

letters DOT, MC, ICC, or UN; phere) and free of components that will
(2) Special permit, approval, and reg- adversely react with the cylinder (e.g.
istration numbers that include the let- chemical stress corrosion).
ters DOT;


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.205

Condemn means a determination that Test pressure means the pressure used
a cylinder is unserviceable for the con- for the requalification of a cylinder.
tinued transportation of hazardous ma- Total expansion means the total in-
terials in commerce and that the cyl- crease in a cylinders volume due to ap-
inder may not be restored by repair, re- plication of the test pressure.
building, requalification, or any other Visual inspection means an internal or
procedure. external visual examination, or both,
Defect means an imperfection requir- performed as part of the cylinder re-
ing removal of a cylinder from service. qualification process.
Elastic expansion means a temporary Volumetric expansion test means a
increase in a cylinders volume, due to pressure test to determine the total
application of pressure, that is lost and permanent expansion of a cylinder
when pressure is released (elastic ex- at a given pressure. The volumetric ex-
pansion = total expansion minus per- pansion test is conducted using the
manent expansion). water jacket or direct expansion meth-
Filled or charged means an introduc- ods:
tion or presence of a hazardous mate- (1) Water jacket method means a volu-
rial in a cylinder. metric expansion test to determine a
Non-corrosive service means a haz- cylinders total and permanent expan-
ardous material that, in the presence sion by measuring the difference be-
of moisture, is not corrosive to the ma- tween the volume of water the cylinder
terials of construction of a cylinder externally displaces at test pressure
(including valve, pressure relief device, and the volume of water the cylinder
etc.). externally displaces at ambient pres-
Over-heated means a condition in sure.
which the temperature of any portion (2) Direct expansion method means a
of an aluminum cylinder has reached volumetric expansion test to calculate
176 C (350 F) or higher, or in which the a cylinders total and permanent ex-
temperature of any portion of a steel pansion by measuring the amount of
or nickel cylinder has reached 343 C water forced into a cylinder at test
(650 F) or higher. pressure, adjusted for the compress-
Permanent expansion means a perma- ibility of water, as a means of deter-
nent increase in a cylinders volume mining the expansion.
after the test pressure is released. [67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 71
Proof pressure test means a pressure FR 33894, June 12, 2006]
test by interior pressurization without
the determination of a cylinders ex- 180.205 General requirements for re-
pansion. qualification of specification cyl-
Rebuild means the replacement of a inders.
pressure part (e.g. a wall, head, or pres- (a) General. Each cylinder used for
sure fitting) by welding. the transportation of hazardous mate-
Rejected cylinder means a cylinder rials must be an authorized packaging.
that cannot be used for the transpor- To qualify as an authorized packaging,
tation of a hazardous material in com- each cylinder must conform to this
merce without repair, rebuilding, and subpart, the applicable requirements
requalification. specified in part 173 of this subchapter,
Repair means a procedure for correc- and the applicable requirements of sub-
tion of a rejected cylinder that may in- part C of part 178 of this subchapter.
volve welding. (b) Persons performing requalification
Requalification means the completion functions. No person may represent
of a visual inspection and/or the test(s) that a repair or requalification of a
required to be performed on a cylinder cylinder has been performed in accord-
to determine its suitability for contin- ance with the requirements in this sub-
ued service. chapter unless that person holds a cur-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Requalification identification number or rent approval issued under the proce-

RIN means a code assigned by DOT to dural requirements prescribed in sub-
uniquely identify a cylinder requali- part I of part 107 of this chapter. No
fication, repair, or rebuilding facility. person may mark a cylinder with a


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180.205 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

RIN and a requalification date or oth- to minus 10%. An additional 5% toler-

erwise represent that a DOT specifica- ance is allowed when a combined rup-
tion or special permit cylinder has ture disc is placed inside a holder. This
been requalified unless all applicable requirement does not apply if a CG2,
requirements of this subpart have been CG3 or CG9 thermally activated relief
met. A person who requalifies cylinders device or a CG7 reclosing pressure
must maintain the records prescribed valve is used on the cylinder.
in 180.215 at each location at which it (d) Conditions requiring test and inspec-
inspects, tests, or marks cylinders. tion of cylinders. Without regard to any
(c) Periodic requalification of cylinders. other periodic requalification require-
Each cylinder bearing a DOT specifica- ments, a cylinder must be tested and
tion marking must be requalified and inspected in accordance with this sec-
marked as specified in the Requalifica- tion prior to further use if
tion Table in this subpart. Each cyl- (1) The cylinder shows evidence of
inder bearing a DOT special permit dents, corrosion, cracked or abraded
number must be requalified and
areas, leakage, thermal damage, or any
marked in conformance with this sec-
other condition that might render it
tion and the terms of the applicable
unsafe for use in transportation;
special permit. No cylinder may be
filled with a hazardous material and of- (2) The cylinder has been in an acci-
fered for transportation in commerce dent and has been damaged to an ex-
unless that cylinder has been success- tent that may adversely affect its lad-
fully requalified and marked in accord- ing retention capability;
ance with this subpart. A cylinder may (3) The cylinder shows evidence of or
be requalified at any time during or be- is known to have been over-heated; or
fore the month and year that the re- (4) The Associate Administrator de-
qualification is due. However, a cyl- termines that the cylinder may be in
inder filled before the requalification an unsafe condition.
becomes due may remain in service (e) Cylinders containing Class 8 (corro-
until it is emptied. A cylinder with a sive) liquids. A cylinder previously con-
specified service life may not be re- taining a Class 8 (corrosive) liquid may
filled and offered for transportation not be used to transport a Class 2 ma-
after its authorized service life has ex- terial in commerce unless the cylinder
pired. is
(1) Each cylinder that is requalified (1) Visually inspected, internally and
in accordance with the requirements externally, in accordance with para-
specified in this section must be graph (f) of this section and the inspec-
marked in accordance with 180.213. tion is recorded as prescribed in
(2) Each cylinder that fails requali- 180.215;
fication must be: (2) Requalified in accordance with
(i) Rejected and may be repaired or this section, regardless of the date of
rebuilt in accordance with 180.211 or the previous requalification;
180.212, as appropriate; or
(3) Marked in accordance with
(ii) Condemned in accordance with
180.213; and
paragraph (i) of this section.
(3) For DOT specification cylinders, (4) Decontaminated to remove all sig-
the marked service pressure may be nificant residue or impregnation of the
changed upon approval of the Associate Class 8 material.
Administrator and in accordance with (f) Visual inspection. Except as other-
written procedures specified in the ap- wise provided in this subpart, each
proval. time a cylinder is pressure tested, it
(4) For a specification 3, 3A, 3AA, must be given an internal and external
3AL, 3AX, 3AXX, 3B, 3BN, or 3T cyl- visual inspection.
inder filled with gases in other than Di- (1) The visual inspection must be per-
vision 2.2, from the first requalification formed in accordance with the fol-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

due on or after December 31, 2003, the lowing CGA Pamphlets: C6 for steel
burst pressure of a CG1, CG4, or CG and nickel cylinders (IBR, see 171.7 of
5 pressure relief device must be at test this subchapter); C6.1 for seamless
pressure with a tolerance of plus zero aluminum cylinders (IBR, see 171.7 of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.205

this subchapter); C6.2 for fiber rein- thorized in writing by the Associate
forced composite special permit cyl- Administrator, that:
inders (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- (i) The pressure-indicating device, as
chapter); C6.3 for low pressure alu- part of the retest apparatus, is accu-
minum cylinders (IBR, see 171.7 of rate within 1.0% of the prescribed test
this subchapter); C8 for DOT 3HT cyl- pressure of any cylinder tested that
inders (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- day. The pressure indicating device,
chapter); and C13 for DOT 8 series cyl- itself, must be certified as having an
inders (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- accuracy of 0.5%, or better, of its full
chapter). range, and must permit readings of
(2) For each cylinder with a coating pressure from 90%-110% of the min-
or attachments that would inhibit in- imum prescribed test pressure of the
spection of the cylinder, the coating or cylinder to be tested. The accuracy of
attachments must be removed before the pressure indicating device within
performing the visual inspection. the test system can be demonstrated at
(3) Each cylinder subject to visual in- any point within 500 psig of the actual
spection must be approved, rejected, or test pressure for test pressures at or
condemned according to the criteria in above 3000 psig, or 10% of the actual
the applicable CGA pamphlet. test pressure for test pressures below
3000 psig.
(4) In addition to other requirements
(ii) The expansion-indicating device,
prescribed in this paragraph (f), each
as part of the retest apparatus, gives a
specification cylinder manufactured of
stable reading of expansion and is accu-
aluminum alloy 6351T6 and used in
rate to 1.0% of the total expansion of
self-contained underwater breathing
any cylinder tested or 0.1 cc, whichever
apparatus (SCUBA), self-contained
is larger. The expansion-indicating de-
breathing apparatus (SCBA), or oxygen
vice itself must have an accuracy of
service must be inspected for sustained
0.5%, or better, of its full scale.
load cracking in accordance with Ap-
(4) The test equipment must be
pendix C of this part at the first sched-
verified to be accurate within 1.0% of
uled 5-year requalification period after the calibrated cylinders pressure and
January 1, 2007, and every five years corresponding expansion values. This
thereafter. may be accomplished by bringing the
(g) Pressure test. (1) Unless otherwise pressure to a value shown on the cali-
provided, each cylinder required to be bration certificate for the calibrated
retested under this subpart must be re- cylinder used and verifying that the re-
tested by means suitable for measuring sulting total expansion is within 1.0%
the expansion of the cylinder under of the total expansion shown on the
pressure. Bands and other removable calibration certificate. Alternatively,
attachments must be loosened or re- calibration may be demonstrated by
moved before testing so that the cyl- bringing the total expansion to a
inder is free to expand in all directions. known value on the calibration certifi-
(2) The pressure indicating device of cate for the calibrated cylinder used
the testing apparatus must permit and verifying that the resulting pres-
reading of pressures to within 1% of sure is within 1.0% of the pressure
the minimum prescribed test pressure shown on the calibration certificate.
of each cylinder tested, except that for The calibrated cylinder must show no
an analog device, interpolation to 12 of permanent expansion. The retester
the marked gauge divisions is accept- must demonstrate calibration in con-
able. The expansion-indicating device formance with this paragraph (g) to an
of the testing apparatus must also per- authorized inspector on any day that it
mit incremental reading of the cyl- retests cylinders. A retester must
inder expansion to 1% of the total ex- maintain calibrated cylinder certifi-
pansion of each cylinder tested or 0.1 cates in conformance with
cc, whichever is larger. Midpoint visual 180.215(b)(4).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

interpolation is permitted. (5) Minimum test pressure must be

(3) Each day before retesting, the re- maintained for at least 30 seconds, and
tester shall confirm, by using a cali- as long as necessary for complete ex-
brated cylinder or other method au- pansion of the cylinder. A system


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180.205 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

check may be performed at or below (iv) For a DOT specification cylinder,

90% of test pressure prior to the retest. other than a DOT 4E aluminum cyl-
In the case of a malfunction of the test inder or a special permit cylinder, per-
equipment, the test may be repeated at manent expansion exceeds 10 percent of
a pressure increased by 10% or 100 psig, total expansion.
whichever is less. This paragraph (g) (v) For a DOT 3HT cylinder
does not authorize retest of a cylinder (A) The pressure test yields an elas-
otherwise required to be condemned tic expansion exceeding the marked re-
under paragraph (i) of this section. jection elastic expansion (REE) value.
(6) Training materials may be used (B) The cylinder shows evidence of
for training persons who requalify cyl- denting or bulging.
inders using the volumetric expansion (C) The cylinder bears a manufacture
test method. or an original test date older than
(h) Cylinder rejection. A cylinder must twenty-four years or after 4380 pressur-
be rejected when, after a visual inspec- izations, whichever occurs first. If a
tion, it meets a condition for rejection cylinder is refilled, on average, more
under the visual inspection require- than once every other day, an accurate
ments of paragraph (f) of this section. record of the number of rechargings
(1) Except as provided in paragraphs must be maintained by the cylinder
(h)(3) and (h)(4) of this section, a cyl- owner or the owners agent.
inder that is rejected may not be (vi) For a DOT 4E aluminum cyl-
marked as meeting the requirements of inder, permanent expansion exceeds 12
this section. percent of total expansion.
(2) The requalifier must notify the (vii) For a DOT special permit cyl-
cylinder owner, in writing, that the inder, permanent expansion exceeds
cylinder has been rejected. the limit in the applicable special per-
(3) Unless the cylinder is requalified mit, or the cylinder meets another cri-
in conformance with requirements in terion for condemnation in the applica-
180.211, it may not be filled with a ble special permit.
hazardous material and offered for (viii) For an aluminum or an alu-
transportation in commerce where use minum-lined composite special permit
of a specification packaging is re- cylinder, the cylinder is known to have
quired. been or shows evidence of having been
(4) A rejected cylinder with a service over-heated.
pressure of less than 900 psig may be (2) When a cylinder must be con-
requalified and marked if the cylinder demned, the requalifier must
is repaired or rebuilt and subsequently (i) Stamp a series of Xs over the
inspected and tested in conformance DOT specification number and the
with marked pressure or stamp CON-
(i) The visual inspection require- DEMNED on the shoulder, top head,
ments of paragraph (f) of this section; or neck using a steel stamp;
(ii) Part 178 of this subchapter and (ii) For composite cylinders, securely
this part; affix to the cylinder a label with the
(iii) Any special permit covering the word CONDEMNED overcoated with
manufacture, requalification, and/or epoxy near, but not obscuring, the
use of that cylinder; and original cylinder manufacturers label;
(iv) Any approval required under or
180.211. (iii) As an alternative to the stamp-
(i) Cylinder condemnation. (1) A cyl- ing or labeling as described in this
inder must be condemned when paragraph (i)(2), at the direction of the
(i) The cylinder meets a condition for owner, the requalifier may render the
condemnation under the visual inspec- cylinder incapable of holding pressure.
tion requirements of paragraph (f) of (3) No person may remove or oblit-
this section. erate the CONDEMNED marking. In
(ii) The cylinder leaks through its addition, the requalifier must notify
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

wall. the cylinder owner, in writing, that the

(iii) Evidence of cracking exists to cylinder is condemned and may not be
the extent that the cylinder is likely to filled with hazardous material and of-
be weakened appreciably. fered for transportation in commerce


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.207

where use of a specification packaging (3) No person may requalify a UN

is required. composite pressure receptacle for con-
[67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 68 tinued use beyond its 15-years author-
FR 24662, May 8, 2003; 68 FR 75764, Dec. 31, ized service life. A pressure receptacle
2003; 70 FR 34077, June 13, 2005; 70 FR 73166, with a specified service life may not be
Dec. 9, 2005; 71 FR 51128, Aug. 29, 2006; 73 FR refilled and offered for transportation
4720, Jan. 28, 2008; 75 FR 53597, Sept. 1, 2010] after its authorized service life has ex-
180.207 Requirements for requalifica- pired unless approval has been obtained
tion of UN pressure receptacles. in writing from the Associate Adminis-
(a) General. (1) Each UN pressure re-
ceptacle used for the transportation of (b) Periodic requalification of UN pres-
hazardous materials must conform to sure receptacles. (1) Each pressure recep-
the requirements prescribed in para- tacle that is successfully requalified in
graphs (a), (b) and (d) in 180.205. accordance with the requirements spec-
(2) No pressure receptacle due for re- ified in this section must be marked in
qualification may be filled with a haz- accordance with 180.213. The requali-
ardous material and offered for trans- fication results must be recorded in ac-
portation in commerce unless that cordance 180.215.
pressure receptacle has been success- (2) Each pressure receptacle that fails
fully requalified and marked in accord- requalification must be rejected or
ance with this subpart. A pressure re- condemned in accordance with the ap-
ceptacle may be requalified at any plicable ISO requalification standard.
time during or before the month and (c) Requalification interval. Each UN
year that the requalification is due. pressure receptacle that becomes due
However, a pressure receptacle filled
for periodic requalification must be re-
before the requalification becomes due
qualified at the interval specified in
may remain in service until it is
emptied. the following table:


Interval (years) UN pressure receptacles/hazardous materials

10 ................... Pressure receptacles for all hazardous materials except as noted below (also for dissolved acetylene, see
paragraph (d)(3) of this section):
5 ..................... Composite pressure receptacles.
5 ..................... Metal hydride storage systems
5 ..................... Pressure receptacles used for:
All Division 2.3 materials.
UN1013, Carbon dioxide.
UN1043, Fertilizer ammoniating solution with free ammonia.
UN1051, Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized containing less than 3% water.
UN1052, Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous.
UN1745, Bromine pentafluoride.
UN1746, Bromine trifluoride.
UN2073, Ammonia solution.
UN2495, Iodine pentafluoride.
UN2983, Ethylene Oxide and Propylene oxide mixture, not more than 30% ethylene oxide.

(d) Requalification procedures. Each proof pressure test. The test equipment
UN pressure receptacle that becomes must conform to the accuracy require-
due for requalification must be requali- ments in 180.205(g). Alternative meth-
fied at the interval prescribed in para- ods (e.g., acoustic emission) or requali-
graph (c) of this section and in accord- fication procedures may be performed
ance with the procedures contained in if prior approval has been obtained in
the following standard, as applicable. writing from the Associate Adminis-
When a pressure test is performed on a trator.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

UN pressure receptacle, the test must (1) Seamless steel: Each seamless
be a water jacket volumetric expansion steel UN pressure receptacle, including
test suitable for the determination of MEGCs pressure receptacles, must be
the cylinder expansion or a hydraulic requalified in accordance with ISO 6406


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180.209 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). shell must be performed at least once
However, UN cylinders with a tensile every ten years.
strength greater than or equal to 950 (4) Composite UN cylinders: Each
MPa must be requalified by ultrasonic composite cylinder must be inspected
examination in accordance with ISO and tested in accordance with ISO 11623
6406. (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
(2) Seamless UN aluminum: Each [71 FR 33894, June 12, 2006, as amended at 71
seamless aluminum UN pressure recep- FR 54397, Sept. 14, 2006; 76 FR 3389, Jan.19,
tacle must be requalified in accordance 2011]
with ISO 10461 (IBR, see 171.7 of this
180.209 Requirements for requalifica-
subchapter). tion of specification cylinders.
(3) Dissolved acetylene UN cylinders:
Each dissolved acetylene cylinder must (a) Periodic qualification of cylinders.
Each specification cylinder that be-
be requalified in accordance with ISO
comes due for periodic requalification,
10462 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
as specified in the following table,
chapter). The porous mass and the
must be requalified and marked in con-
shell must be requalified no sooner formance with the requirements of this
than 3 years, 6 months, from the date subpart. Requalification records must
of manufacture. Thereafter, subsequent be maintained in accordance with
requalifications of the porous mass and 180.215. Table 1 follows:
Specification under which cylinder was Minimum test pressure Requalification period
made (psig) 2 (years)

DOT 3 ........................................................ 3000 psig ................................................. 5

DOT 3A, 3AA ............................................ 5/3 times service pressure, except non- 5, 10, or 12 (see 180.209(b), (f), (h),
corrosive service (see 180.209(g)). and (j)
DOT 3AL ................................................... 5/3 times service pressure ...................... 5 or 12 (see 180.209(j) and
180.209(m) 3 ).
DOT 3AX, 3AAX ........................................ 5/3 times service pressure ...................... 5
3B, 3BN ..................................................... 2 times service pressure (see 5 or 10 (see 180.209(f))
3E .............................................................. Test not required.
3HT ............................................................ 5/3 times service pressure ...................... 3 (see 180.209(k) and 180.213(c))
3T .............................................................. 5/3 times service pressure ...................... 5
4AA480 ...................................................... 2 times service pressure (see 5 or 10 (see 180.209(h))
4B, 4BA, 4BW, 4B240ET ........................ 2 times service pressure, except non- 5, 10, or 12 (see 180.209(e), (f), and
corrosive service (see 180.209(g)). (j))
4D, 4DA, 4DS ............................................ 2 times service ........................................ 5
DOT 4E ..................................................... 2 times service pressure, except non- 5
corrosive (see 180.209(g)).
4L ............................................................... Test not required.
8, 8AL ........................................................ .................................................................. 10 or 20 (see 180.209(i))
Exemption or special permit cylinder ........ See current exemption or special permit See current exemption or special permit
Foreign cylinder (see 173.301(j) of this As marked on cylinder, but not less than 5 (see 180.209(l) and 180.213(d)(2))
subchapter for restrictions on use). 53 of any service or working pressure

1 Any cylinder not exceeding 2 inches outside diameter and less than 2 feet in length is excepted from volumetric expansion
2 For cylinders not marked with a service pressure, see 173.301a(b) of this subchapter.

(b) DOT 3A or 3AA cylinders. (1) A cyl- (i) The cylinder was manufactured
inder conforming to specification DOT after December 31, 1945.
3A or 3AA with a water capacity of 56.7 (ii) The cylinder is used exclusively
kg (125 lb) or less that is removed from for air; argon; cyclopropane; ethylene;
any cluster, bank, group, rack, or vehi- helium; hydrogen; krypton; neon; ni-
cle each time it is filled, may be re- trogen; nitrous oxide; oxygen; sulfur
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

qualified every ten years instead of hexafluoride; xenon; chlorinated hydro-

every five years, provided the cylinder carbons, fluorinated hydrocarbons, liq-
conforms to all of the following condi- uefied hydrocarbons, and mixtures
tions: thereof that are commercially free


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.209

from corroding components; permitted weight must be recorded as the new

mixtures of these gases (see 173.301(d) tare weight.
of this subchapter); and permitted mix- (d) Cylinders 5.44 kg (12 lb) or less with
tures of these gases with up to 30 per- service pressures of 300 psig or less. A cyl-
cent by volume of carbon dioxide, pro- inder of 5.44 (12 lb) or less water capac-
vided the gas has a dew point at or ity authorized for service pressure of
below minus (52 F) at 1 atmosphere. 300 psig or less must be given a com-
(iii) Before each refill, the cylinder is plete external visual inspection at the
removed from any cluster, bank, group, time periodic requalification becomes
rack or vehicle and passes the hammer due. External visual inspection must be
test specified in CGA Pamphlet C6 in accordance with CGA Pamphlet C6
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). or C6.1 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
(iv) The cylinder is dried imme- chapter). The cylinder may be proof
diately after hydrostatic testing to re- pressure tested. The test is successful
move all traces of water. if the cylinder, when examined under
(v) The cylinder is not used for un- test pressure, does not display a defect
derwater breathing. described in 180.205(i)(1) (ii) or (iii).
Upon successful completion of the test
(vi) Each cylinder is stamped with a
and inspection, the cylinder must be
five-pointed star at least one-fourth of
marked in accordance with 180.213.
an inch high immediately following the
(e) Proof pressure test A cylinder made
test date.
in conformance with specifications
(2) If, since the last required requali- DOT 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4E used exclu-
fication, a cylinder has not been used sively for: liquefied petroleum gas that
exclusively for the gases specifically meets the detail requirement limits in
identified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this Table I of ASTM D 1835, Standard
section, but currently conforms with Specification for Liquefied Petroleum
all other provisions of paragraph (b)(1) (LP) Gases (IBR see 171.7 of this sub-
of this section, it may be requalified chapter) or an equivalent standard con-
every 10 years instead of every five taining the same limits; anhydrous di-
years, provided it is first requalified methylamine; anhydrous methylamine;
and examined as prescribed by anhydrous trimethylamine; methyl
173.302a(b) (2), (3) and (4) of this sub- chloride; methylacetylene-propadiene
chapter. stabilized; or dichlorodifluoromethane,
(3) Except as specified in paragraph difluoroethane, difluorochloroethane,
(b)(2) of this section, if a cylinder, chlorodifluoromethane,
marked with a star, is filled with a chlorotetrafluoroethane,
compressed gas other than as specified trifluorochloroethylene, or mixture
in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, thereof, or mixtures of one or more
the star following the most recent test with trichlorofluoromethane; and com-
date must be obliterated. The cylinder mercially free from corroding compo-
must be requalified five years from the nents and protected externally by a
marked test date, or prior to the first suitable corrosion-resistant coating
filling with a compressed gas, if the re- (such as galvanizing or painting) may
quired five-year requalification period be requalified by volumetric expansion
has passed. testing every 12 years instead of every
(c) DOT 4-series cylinders. A DOT 4-se- five years. As an alternative, the cyl-
ries cylinder, except a 4L cylinder, that inder may be subjected to a proof pres-
at any time shows evidence of a leak or sure test at least two times the marked
of internal or external corrosion, dent- service pressure, but this latter type of
ing, bulging or rough usage to the ex- test must be repeated every seven
tent that it is likely to be weakened years after expiration of the first 12-
appreciably, or that has lost five per- year period. When subjected to a proof
cent or more of its official tare weight pressure test, the cylinder must be
must be requalified before being re- carefully examined under test pressure
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

filled and offered for transportation. and removed from service if a leak or
(Refer to CGA Pamphlet C6 or C6.3, defect is found.
as applicable, regarding cylinder weak- (f) Poisonous materials. A cylinder
ening.) After testing, the actual tare conforming to specification DOT 3A,


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180.209 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

3AA, 3B, 4BA, or 4BW having a service fication becomes due. External visual
pressure of 300 psig or less and used ex- inspection must be in accordance with
clusively for methyl bromide, liquid; CGA Pamphlet C6 or C6.3, as applica-
mixtures of methyl bromide and ethyl- ble (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
ene dibromide, liquid; mixtures of When this inspection is used instead of
methyl bromide and chlorpicrin, liquid; hydrostatic pressure testing, subse-
mixtures of methyl bromide and petro- quent inspections are required at five-
leum solvents, liquid; or methyl bro- year intervals after the first inspec-
mide and nonflammable, nonliquefied tion. After May 31, 2004, inspections
compressed gas mixtures, liquid; com- must be made only by persons holding
mercially free of corroding compo- a current RIN and the results recorded
nents, and protected externally by a and maintained in accordance with
suitable corrosion resistant coating 180.215. Records must include: date of
(such as galvanizing or painting) and inspection (month and year); DOT spec-
internally by a suitable corrosion re- ification number; cylinder identifica-
sistant lining (such as galvanizing) tion (registered symbol and serial num-
may be tested every 10 years instead of ber, date of manufacture, and owner);
every five years, provided a visual in- type of cylinder protective coating (in-
ternal and external examination of the cluding statement as to need of refin-
cylinder is conducted every five years ishing or recoating); conditions
in accordance with CGA Pamphlet C6. checked (e.g., leakage, corrosion, goug-
The cylinder must be examined at each es, dents or digs in shell or heads, bro-
filling, and rejected if a dent, corroded ken or damaged footring or protective
area, leak or other condition indicates ring or fire damage); disposition of cyl-
possible weakness. inder (returned to service, returned to
(g) Visual inspections. A cylinder con- cylinder manufacturer for repairs or
forming to a specification listed in the condemned). A cylinder passing re-
table in this paragraph and used exclu- qualification by the external visual in-
sively in the service indicated may, in- spection must be marked in accordance
stead of a periodic hydrostatic test, be with 180.213. Specification cylinders
given a complete external visual in- must be in exclusive service as shown
spection at the time periodic requali- in the following table:
Cylinders conforming to Used exclusively for

DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3A480X, DOT 4AA480 ...................... Anhydrous ammonia of at least 99.95% purity.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3A480X, DOT 3B, DOT 4B, DOT Butadiene, inhibited, that is commercially free from corroding
4BA, DOT 4BW. components.
DOT 3A, DOT 3A480X, DOT 3AA, DOT 3B, DOT 4AA480, Cyclopropane that is commercially free from corroding compo-
DOT 4B, DOT 4BA, DOT 4BW. nents.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3A480X, DOT 4B, DOT 4BA, DOT Chlorinated hydrocarbons and mixtures thereof that are com-
4BW, DOT 4E. mercially free from corroding components.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3A480X, DOT 4B, DOT 4BA, DOT Fluorinated hydrocarbons and mixtures thereof that are com-
4BW, DOT 4E. mercially free from corroding components.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3A480X, DOT 3B, DOT 4B, DOT Liquefied hydrocarbon gas that is commercially free from cor-
4BA, DOT 4BW, DOT 4E. roding components.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3A480X, DOT 3B, DOT 4B, DOT Liquefied petroleum gas that meets the detail requirements lim-
4BA, DOT 4BW, DOT 4E. its in Table 1 of ASTM 1835, Standard Specification for Liq-
uefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (incorporated by reference;
see 171.7 of this subchapter) or an equivalent standard
containing the same limits.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3B, DOT 4B, DOT 4BA, DOT 4BW, Methylacetylene-propadiene, stabilized, that is commercially
DOT 4E. free from corroding components.
DOT 3A, DOT 3AA, DOT 3B, DOT 4B, DOT 4BA, DOT 4BW .. Anhydrous mono, di,trimethylamines that are commercially free
from corroding components.
DOT 4B240, DOT 4BW240 ......................................................... Ethyleneimine, stabilized.

(h) Cylinders containing anhydrous am- by a suitable corrosion-resistant coat-

monia. A cylinder conforming to speci- ing (such as paint) may be requalified
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

fication DOT 3A, 3A480X, or 4AA480 every 10 years instead of every five
used exclusively for anhydrous ammo- years.
nia, commercially free from corroding (i) Requalification of DOT-8 series cyl-
components, and protected externally inders. (1) Each owner of a DOT-8 series


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.209

cylinder used to transport acetylene 171.7 of this subchapter). Requalifica-

must have the cylinder shell and the tion must be performed in accordance
porous filler requalified in accordance with the following schedule:
with CGA Pamphlet C13 (IBR, see
Shell (visual inspection) requalification Porous filler requalification
Date of cylinder manu-
facture Initial Subsequent Intial Subsequent

Before January 1, 1991 Before January 1, 2001 10 years ....................... Before January 1, 2011 Not required.
On or after January 1, 10 years 1 ..................... 10 years ....................... 5 to 20 years 2 ............. Not required.
1 Years from the date of cylinder manufacture.
2 No sooner than 5 years, and no later than 20 years from the date of manufacture.

(2) Unless requalified and marked in pansion test using the water jacket
accordance with CGA Pamphlet C13 method. A requalification must be per-
before October 1, 1994, an acetylene cyl- formed 12 years after the original test
inder must be requalified by a person date and at 12-year intervals there-
who holds a current RIN. after.
(3) If a cylinder valve is replaced, a (k) 3HT cylinders. In addition to the
cylinder valve of the same weight must other requirements of this section, a
be used or the tare weight of the cyl- cylinder marked DOT-3HT must be re-
inder must be adjusted to compensate qualified in accordance with CGA C8
for valve weight differential. (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
(4) The person performing a visual in- (l) Requalification of foreign cylinders
spection or requalification must record filled for export. A cylinder manufac-
the results as specified in 180.215. tured outside the United States, other
(5) The person performing a visual in- than as provided in 171.12(a) and
spection or requalification must mark 171.23(a) of this subchapter, that has
the cylinder as specified in 180.213. not been manufactured, inspected, test-
(j) Cylinder used as a fire extinguisher. ed and marked in accordance with part
Only a DOT specification cylinder used 178 of this subchapter may be filled
as a fire extinguisher and meeting Spe- with compressed gas in the United
cial Provision 18 in 172.102(c)(1) of this States, and shipped solely for export if
subchapter may be requalified in ac- it meets the following requirements, in
cordance with this paragraph (j). addition to other requirements of this
(1) A DOT 4B, 4BA, 4B240ET or 4BW subchapter:
cylinder may be tested as follows: (1) It has been inspected, tested and
(i) For a cylinder with a water capac- marked (with only the month and year
ity of 5.44 kg (12 lb) or less, by volu- of test) in conformance with the proce-
metric expansion test using the water dures and requirements of this subpart
jacket method or by proof pressure or the Associate Administrator has au-
test. A requalification must be per- thorized the filling company to fill for-
formed by the end of 12 years after the eign cylinders under an alternative
original test date and at 12-year inter- method of qualification; and
vals thereafter. (2) It is offered for transportation in
(ii) For a cylinder having a water ca- conformance with the requirements of
pacity over 5.44 kg (12 lb) 171.12(a)(4) or 171.23(a)(4) of this sub-
(A) By proof pressure test. A requali- chapter.
fication must be performed by the end (m) DOT3AL cylinders manufactured
of 12 years after the original test date of 6351T6 aluminum alloy. In addition
and at 7-year intervals; or to the periodic requalification and
(B) By volumetric expansion test using marking described in 180.205, each cyl-
the water jacket method. A requalifica- inder manufactured of aluminum alloy
tion must be performed 12 years after 6351T6 used in self-contained under-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the original test date and at 12-year in- water breathing apparatus (SCUBA),
tervals thereafter. self-contained breathing apparatus
(2) A DOT 3A, 3AA, or 3AL cylinder (SCBA), or oxygen service must be re-
must be requalified by volumetric ex- qualified and inspected for sustained


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180.209, Nt. 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

load cracking in accordance with the threads must be condemned in accord-

non-destructive examination method ance with 180.205(i). This provision
described in the following table. Each does not apply to cylinders used for
cylinder with sustained load cracking carbon dioxide, fire extinguisher or
that has expanded into the neck other industrial gas service.
Sustained Load Cracking Con-
Requalification requirement Examination procedure 1 tion period
demnation Criteria 2 (years)

Eddy current examination combined Eddy currentIn accordance with Any crack in the neck or shoulder 5
with visual inspection. Appendix C of this part. of 2 thread lengths or more.
Visual inspectionIn accordance
with CGA Pamphlet C6.1 (IBR;
see 171.7 of this subchapter).
1 The requalifier performing eddy current must be familiar with the eddy current equipment and must standardize (calibrate) the
system in accordance with the requirements provided in Appendix C to this part.
2 The eddy current must be applied from the inside of the cylinders neck to detect any sustained load cracking that has ex-
panded into the neck threads.

[67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 68 amendatory instruction and text is set forth
FR 24662, May 8, 2003; 68 FR 55544, Sept. 26, as follows:
2003; 68 FR 48572, Aug. 14, 2003; 68 FR 75764, At 71 FR 54397, Sept. 14, 2006, 180.209 was
Dec. 31, 2003; 70 FR 73166, Dec. 9, 2005; 71 FR amended in paragraph (a)(1), the first and
51128, Aug. 29, 2005; 72 FR 55696, Oct. 1, 2007; third entries in Table 1 were revised to read
74 FR53189, Oct. 16, 2009] as follows:
EDITORIAL NOTE: The following amendment 180.209 Requirements for requalification
could not be incorporated into 180.209 be- of specification cylinders.
cause of the inaccurate amendatory instruc- (a) * * *
tion. For the convenience of the user the (1) * * *
Specification under which cylinder was Minimum test pressure (psig) 2 Requalification period (years)

* * * * * * *
4B, 4BA, 4BW, 4B240ET .......................... 2 times service pressure, except non- 5, 7, 10, or 12 (see 180.209(e), (f),
corrosive (see 180.209(g)). and (j)).

* * * * * * *
DOT 4E ...................................................... 2 times service pressure, except non- 5 or 7 (see 180.209(e)).
corrosive (see 180.209(g)).

180.211 Repair, rebuilding and re- paired or rebuilt must be marked in ac-
heat treatment of DOT-4 series cordance with 180.213.
specification cylinders. (b) General repair requirements. Each
(a) General requirements for repair and repair of a DOT 4-series cylinder must
rebuilding. Any repair or rebuilding of a be made in accordance with the fol-
DOT 4-series cylinder must be per- lowing conditions:
formed by a person holding an approval (1) The repair and the inspection of
as specified in 107.805 of this chapter. the work performed must be made in
A person performing a rebuild function accordance with the requirements of
is considered a manufacturer subject to the cylinder specification.
the requirements of 178.2(a)(2) and (2) The person performing the repair
subpart C of part 178 of this subchapter. must use the procedure, equipment,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

The person performing a repair, re- and filler metal or brazing material as
build, or reheat treatment must record authorized by the approval issued
the test results as specified in 180.215. under 107.805 of this chapter.
Each cylinder that is successfully re-


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.211

(3) Welding and brazing must be per- ized. The replacement material must
formed on an area free from contami- be equivalent to that used at the time
nants. of original manufacture.
(4) A weld defect, such as porosity in (iv) Other welding procedures that
a pressure retaining seam, must be are permitted by CGA Pamphlet C3
completely removed before re-welding. (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and
Puddling may be used to remove a weld not excluded by the definition of re-
defect only by the tungsten inert gas build, are authorized.
shielded arc process. (2) After repair, the cylinder must
(5) After removal of a non-pressure be
attachment and before its replacement, (i) Pressure tested in accordance with
the cylinder must be given a visual in- the specifications under which the cyl-
spection in accordance with 180.205(f). inder was originally manufactured;
(6) Reheat treatment of DOT 4B, 4BA (ii) Leak tested before and after as-
or 4BW specification cylinders after re- sembly of the insulation jacket using a
placement of non-pressure attachments mass spectrometer detection system;
is not required when the total weld ma- and
terial does not exceed 20.3 cm (8 (iii) Tested for heat conductivity re-
inches). Individual welds must be at quirements.
least 7.6 cm (3 inches) apart. (d) General rebuilding requirements. (1)
(7) After repair of a DOT 4B, 4BA or The rebuilding of a DOT 4-series cyl-
4BW cylinder, the weld area must be inder must be made in accordance with
leak tested at the service pressure of the following requirements:
the cylinder. (i) The person rebuilding the cylinder
(8) Repair of weld defects must be must use the procedures and equipment
free of cracks. as authorized by the approval issued
(9) When a non-pressure attachment under 107.805 of this chapter.
with the original cylinder specification (ii) After removal of a non-pressure
markings is replaced, all markings component and before replacement of
must be transferred to the attachment any non-pressure component, the cyl-
on the repaired cylinder. inder must be visually inspected in ac-
(10) Walls, heads or bottoms of cyl- cordance with CGA Pamphlet C6 (IBR,
inders with defects or leaks in base see 171.7 of this subchapter).
metal may not be repaired, but may be (iii) The rebuilder may rebuild a DOT
replaced as provided for in paragraph 4B, 4BA or 4BW cylinder having a
(d) of this section. water capacity of 9.07 kg (20 lb) or
(c) Additional repair requirements for greater by replacing a head of the cyl-
4L cylinders. (1) Repairs to a DOT 4L inder using a circumferential joint.
cylinder must be performed in accord- When this weld joint is located at other
ance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this than an original welded joint, a nota-
section and are limited to the fol- tion of this modification must be
lowing: shown on the Manufacturers Report of
(i) The removal of either end of the Rebuilding in 180.215(c)(2). The weld
insulation jacket to permit access to joint must be on the cylindrical section
the cylinder, piping system, or neck of the cylinder.
tube. (iv) Any welding and the inspection
(ii) The replacement of the neck of the rebuilt cylinder must be in ac-
tube. At least a 13 mm (0.51 inch) piece cordance with the requirements of the
of the original neck tube must be pro- applicable cylinder specification and
truding above the cylinders top end. the following requirements:
The original weld attaching the neck (A) Rebuilding of any cylinder in-
tube to the cylinder must be sound and volving a joint subject to internal pres-
the replacement neck tube must be sure may only be performed by fusion
welded to this remaining piece of the welding;
original neck tube. (B) Welding must be performed on an
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(iii) The replacement of material area free from contaminants; and

such as, but not limited to, the insu- (C) A weld defect, such as porosity in
lating material and the piping system a pressure retaining seam, must be
within the insulation space is author- completely removed before re-welding.


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180.212 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Puddling may be used to remove a weld (f) Reheat treatment. (1) Prior to re-
defect only by using the tungsten inert heat treatment, each cylinder must be
gas shielded arc process. given a visual inspection, internally
(2) Any rebuilt cylinder must be and externally, in accordance with
(i) Heat treated in accordance with 180.205(f).
paragraph (f) of this section; (2) Cylinders must be segregated in
(ii) Subjected to a volumetric expan- lots for reheat treatment. The reheat
sion test on each cylinder. The results treatment and visual inspection must
of the tests must conform to the appli- be performed in accordance with the
cable cylinder specification; specification for the cylinders except
(iii) Inspected and have test data re- as provided in paragraph (f)(4) of this
viewed to determine conformance with section.
the applicable cylinder specification; (3) After reheat treatment, each cyl-
and inder in the lot must be subjected to a
(iv) Made of material conforming to volumetric expansion test and meet
the specification. Determination of the acceptance criteria in the applica-
conformance shall include chemical ble specification or be scrapped.
analysis, verification, inspection and (4) After all welding and heat treat-
tensile testing of the replaced part. ment, a test of the new weld must be
Tensile tests must be performed on the performed as required by the original
replaced part after heat treatment by specification. The test results must be
lots defined in the applicable specifica- recorded in accordance with 180.215.
tion. [67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 68
(3) For each rebuilt cylinder, an in- FR 24664, May 8, 2003; 68 FR 75764, Dec. 31,
spectors report must be prepared to in- 2003; 71 FR 54398, Sept. 14, 2006]
clude the information listed in
180.212 Repair of seamless DOT 3-se-
180.215(c). ries specification cylinders and
(4) Rebuilding a cylinder with brazed seamless UN pressure receptacles.
seams is prohibited.
(a) General requirements for repair of
(5) When an end with the original cyl- DOT 3-series cylinders and UN pressure
inder specification markings is re- receptacles. (1) No person may repair a
placed, all markings must be trans- DOT 3-series cylinder or a seamless UN
ferred to the rebuilt cylinder. pressure receptacle unless
(e) Additional rebuilding requirements (i) The repair facility holds an ap-
for DOT 4L cylinders. (1) The rebuilding proval issued under the provisions in
of a DOT 4L cylinder must be per- 107.805 of this chapter; and
formed in accordance with paragraph (ii) Except as provided in paragraph
(d) of this section. Rebuilding of a DOT (b) of this section, the repair and the
4L cylinder is: inspection is performed under the pro-
(i) Substituting or adding material in visions of an approval issued under sub-
the insulation space not identical to part H of Part 107 of this chapter and
that used in the original manufacture conform to the applicable cylinder
of that cylinder; specification or ISO standard con-
(ii) Making a weld repair not to ex- tained in part 178 of this chapter.
ceed 150 mm (5.9 inches) in length on (2) The person performing the repair
the longitudinal seam of the cylinder must prepare a report containing, at a
or 300 mm (11.8 inches) in length on a minimum, the results prescribed in
circumferential weld joint of the cyl- 180.215.
inder; or (b) Repairs not requiring prior ap-
(iii) Replacing the outer jacket. proval. Approval is not required for the
(2) Reheat treatment of cylinders is following specific repairs:
prohibited. (1) The removal and replacement of a
(3) After rebuilding, each inner con- neck ring or foot ring on a DOT 3A,
tainment vessel must be proof pressure 3AA or 3B cylinder or a UN pressure re-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tested at 2 times its service pressure. ceptacle that does not affect a pressure
Each completed assembly must be part of the cylinder when the repair is
leak-tested using a mass spectrometer performed by a repair facility or a cyl-
detection system. inder manufacturer of these types of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.213

cylinders. The repair may be made by by the original specification. Requali-

welding or brazing in conformance with fication markings may be placed on
the original specification. After re- any portion of the upper end of the cyl-
moval and before replacement, the cyl- inder excluding the sidewall, as pro-
inder must be visually inspected and vided in this section. Requalification
any defective cylinder must be re- and required specification markings
jected. The heat treatment, testing and that are illegible may be reproduced on
inspection of the repair must be per- a metal plate and attached as provided
formed under the supervision of an in- by the original specification.
spector and must be performed in ac- (2) Previous requalification markings
cordance with the original specifica- may not be obliterated, except that,
tion. when the space originally provided for
(2) External re-threading of DOT requalification dates becomes filled,
3AX, 3AAX or 3T specification cyl- additional dates may be added as fol-
inders or a UN pressure receptacle lows:
mounted in a MEGC; or the internal re- (i) All preceding requalification dates
threading of a DOT3 series cylinder or may be removed by peening provided
a seamless UN pressure receptacle that
when performed by a cylinder manufac- (A) Permission is obtained from the
turer of these types of cylinders. The cylinder owner;
repair work must be performed under (B) The minimum wall thickness is
the supervision of an independent in- maintained in accordance with manu-
spection agency. Upon completion of facturing specifications for the cyl-
the re-threading, the threads must be inder; and
gauged in accordance with Federal (C) The original manufacturing test
Standard H28 or an equivalent stand- date is not removed.
ard containing the same specification (ii) When the cylinder is fitted with a
limits. The re-threaded cylinder must footring, additional dates may be
be stamped clearly and legibly with the marked on the external surface of the
words RETHREAD on the shoulder, footring.
top head, or neck. No DOT specifica- (c) Requalification marking method.
tion cylinder or UN cylinder may be re- The depth of requalification markings
threaded more than one time without may not be greater than specified in
approval of the Associate Adminis- the applicable specification. The mark-
trator. ings must be made by stamping, en-
[71 FR 33895, June 12, 2006, as amended at 71 graving, scribing or other method that
FR 54398, Sept. 14, 2006; 72 FR 55697, Oct. 1, produces a legible, durable mark.
2007] (1) A cylinder used as a fire extin-
guisher ( 180.209(j)) may be marked by
180.213 Requalification markings. using a pressure sensitive label.
(a) General. Each cylinder or UN pres- (2) For a DOT 3HT cylinder, the test
sure receptacle requalified in accord- date and RIN must be applied by low-
ance with this subpart with acceptable stress steel stamps to a depth no great-
results must be marked as specified in er than that prescribed at the time of
this section. Required specification manufacture. Stamping on the sidewall
markings may not be altered or re- is not authorized.
moved. (3) For a composite cylinder, the re-
(b) Placement of markings. Each cyl- qualification markings must be applied
inder must be plainly and permanently on a pressure sensitive label, securely
marked on the metal of the cylinder as affixed in a manner prescribed by the
permitted by the applicable specifica- cylinder manufacturer, near the origi-
tion. Unless authorized by the cylinder nal manufacturers label. Stamping of
specification, marking on the cylinder the composite surface is not author-
sidewall is prohibited. ized.
(1) Requalification and required spec- (d) Requalification markings. Each cyl-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ification markings must be legible so inder successfully passing requalifica-

as to be readily visible at all times. Il- tion must be marked with the RIN set
legible specification markings may be in a square pattern, between the month
remarked on the cylinder as provided and year of the requalification date.


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180.215 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

The first character of the RIN must ap- is as illustrated in paragraph (d) of this
pear in the upper left corner of the section, except that the X is re-
square pattern; the second in the upper placed with a five-point star.
right; the third in the lower right; and (3) For designation of special filling
the fourth in the lower left. Example: limits up to 10% in excess of the
A cylinder requalified in September marked service pressure for cylinders
2006, and approved by a person who has conforming to 173.302a(b) of this sub-
been issued RIN A123, would be chapter, the marking is as illustrated
marked plainly and permanently into in paragraph (d) of this section, except
the metal of the cylinder in accordance that the X is replaced with a plus
with location requirements of the cyl- sign +.
inder specification or on a metal plate (4) For designation of the proof pres-
permanently secured to the cylinder in sure test, the marking is as illustrated
accordance with paragraph (b) of this in paragraph (d) of this section, except
section. An example of the markings that the X is replaced with the letter
prescribed in this paragraph (d) is as S.
follows: (5) For designation of the 5-year ex-
A1 ternal visual inspection for cylinders
conforming to 180.209(g), the marking
9 06 X is as illustrated in paragraph (d) of this
section, except that the X is re-
32 placed with the letter E.
Where: (6) For designation of DOT 8 series
9 is the month of requalification cylinder shell requalification only, the
A123 is the RIN marking is as illustrated in paragraph
06 is the year of requalification, and (d) of this section, except that the X
X represents the symbols described in is replaced with the letter S.
paragraphs (f)(2) through (f)(8) of this (7) For designation of DOT 8 series
and UN cylinder shell and porous filler
(1) Upon written request, variation requalification, the marking is as illus-
from the marking requirement may be trated in paragraph (d) of this section,
approved by the Associate Adminis- except that the X is replaced with
trator. the letters FS.
(2) Exception. A cylinder subject to (8) For designation of a non-
the requirements of 171.23(a)(4) of this destructive examination combined
subchapter may not be marked with a with a visual inspection, the marking
RIN. is as illustrated in paragraph (d) of this
(e) Size of markings. The size of the section, except that the X is re-
markings must be at least 6.35 mm (14 placed with the type of test performed,
in.) high, except RIN characters must for example the letters AE for acous-
be at least 3.18 mm (18 in.) high. tic emission or UE for ultrasonic ex-
(f) Marking illustrations. Examples of amination.
required requalification markings for (9) For designation of the eddy cur-
DOT specification and special permit rent examination combined with a vis-
cylinders are illustrated as follows: ual inspection, the marking is as illus-
(1) For designation of the 5-year volu- trated in paragraph (d) of this section,
metric expansion test, 10-year volu- except the X is replaced with the let-
metric expansion test for UN cylinders ters VE.
and cylinders conforming to 180.209(f) [67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 70
and (h), or 12-year volumetric expan- FR 73166, Dec. 9, 2005; 71 FR 33896, June 12,
sion test for fire extinguishers con- 2006; 71 FR 51128, Aug. 29, 2006; 71 FR 78635,
forming to 173.309(b) of this sub- Dec. 29, 2006; 75 FR 53597, Sept. 1, 2010]
chapter and cylinders conforming to
180.209(e) and 180.209(g), the marking 180.215 Reporting and record reten-
is as illustrated in paragraph (d) of this tion requirements.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

section. (a) Facility records. A person who re-

(2) For designation of the 10-year vol- qualifies, repairs or rebuilds cylinders
umetric expansion test for cylinders must maintain the following records
conforming to 180.209(b), the marking where the requalification is performed:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.215

(1) Current RIN issuance letter; corded on the same sheets as, and with,
(2) If the RIN has expired and renewal test records for that date.
is pending, a copy of the renewal re- (2) Pressure test and visual inspection
quest; records. The date of requalification; se-
(3) Copies of notifications to Asso- rial number; DOT specification or spe-
ciate Administrator required under cial permit number; marked pressure;
107.805 of this chapter; actual dimensions; manufacturers
(4) Current copies of those portions of name or symbol; owners name or sym-
this subchapter applicable to its cyl- bol, if present; result of visual inspec-
inder requalification and marking ac- tion; actual test pressure; total, elastic
tivities at that location; and permanent expansions; percent
(5) Current copies of all special per- permanent expansion; disposition, with
mits governing exemption cylinders re- reason for any repeated test, rejection
or condemnation; and legible identi-
qualified or marked by the requalifier
fication of test operator. For each cyl-
at that location; and
inder marked pursuant to
(6) The information contained in each
173.302a(b)(5) of this subchapter, the
applicable CGA or ASTM standard in- test sheet must indicate the method by
corporated by reference in 171.7 of this which any average or maximum wall
subchapter applicable to the requali- stress was computed. Records must be
fiers activities. This information must kept for all completed, as well as un-
be the same as contained in the edition successful tests. The entry for a second
incorporated by reference in 171.7 of test after a failure to hold test pressure
this subchapter. must indicate the date of the earlier
(b) Requalification records. Daily test.
records of visual inspection, pressure (3) Wall stress. Calculations of aver-
test, and ultrasonic examination if per- age and maximum wall stress pursuant
mitted under a special permit, as appli- to 173.302a(b)(3) of this subchapter, if
cable, must be maintained by the per- performed.
son who performs the requalification (4) Calibration certificates. The most
until either the expiration of the re- recent certificate of calibration must
qualification period or until the cyl- be maintained for each calibrated cyl-
inder is again requalified, whichever inder.
occurs first. A single date may be used (c) Repair, rebuilding or reheat treat-
for each test sheet, provided each test ment records. (1) Records covering weld-
on the sheet was conducted on that ing or brazing repairs, rebuilding or re-
date. Ditto marks or a solid vertical heat treating shall be retained for a
line may be used to indicate repetition minimum of fifteen years by the ap-
of the preceding entry for the following proved facility.
entries only: date; actual dimensions; (2) A record of rebuilding, in accord-
manufacturers name or symbol, if ance with 180.211(d), must be com-
present; owners name or symbol, if pleted for each cylinder rebuilt. The
present; and test operator. Blank record must be clear, legible, and con-
spaces may not be used to indicate rep- tain the following information:
etition of a prior entry. The records (i) Name and address of test facility,
must include the following informa- date of test report, and name of origi-
tion: nal manufacturer;
(1) Calibration test records. For each (ii) Marks stamped on cylinder to in-
test to demonstrate calibration, the clude specification number, service
date; serial number of the calibrated pressure, serial number, symbol of
cylinder; calibration test pressure; manufacturer, inspectors mark, and
total, elastic and permanent expan- other marks, if any;
sions; and legible identification of test (iii) Cylinder outside diameter and
operator. The test operator must be length in inches;
able to demonstrate that the results of (iv) Rebuild process (welded, brazed,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the daily calibration verification cor- type seams, etc.);

respond to the hydrostatic tests per- (v) Description of assembly and any
formed on that day. The daily attachments replaced (e.g., neckrings,
verification of calibration(s) may be re- footrings);


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180.217 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(vi) Chemical analysis of material for sion, abrasions, dents, distortions, de-
the cylinder, including seat and Code fects in welds or any other conditions,
No., type of analysis (ladle, check), including leakage, that might render
chemical components (Carbon (C), the MEGC unsafe for transport.
Phosphorous (P), Sulfur (S), Silicon (ii) The piping, valves, and gaskets
(Si), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), are inspected for corroded areas, de-
Chromium (Cr), Molybdenum (Mo), fects, and other conditions, including
Copper (Cu), Aluminum (Al), Zinc leakage, that might render the MEGC
(Zn)), material manufacturer, name of unsafe for filling, discharge or trans-
person performing the analysis, results port.
of physical tests of material for cyl- (iii) Missing or loose bolts or nuts on
inder (yield strength (psi), tensile any flanged connection or blank flange
strength (psi), elongation percentage are replaced or tightened.
(inches), reduction in area percentage, (iv) All emergency devices and valves
weld bend, tensile bend, name of in- are free from corrosion, distortion and
spector); any damage or defect that could pre-
(vii) Results of proof pressure test on vent their normal operation. Remote
cylinder, including test method, test closure devices and self-closing stop
pressure, total expansion, permanent valves must be operated to dem-
expansion, elastic expansion, percent onstrate proper operation.
permanent expansion (permanent ex- (v) Required markings on the MEGC
pansion may not exceed ten percent are legible in accordance with the ap-
(10%) of total expansion), and volu- plicable requirements.
metric capacity (volumetric capacity (vi) The framework, the supports and
of a rebuilt cylinder must be within the arrangements for lifting the MEGC
3% of the calculated capacity); are in satisfactory condition.
(viii) Each report must include the (2) The MEGCs pressure receptacles
following certification statement: I and piping must be periodically re-
certify that this rebuilt cylinder is ac- qualified as prescribed in 180.207(c), at
curately represented by the data above the interval specified in Table 1 in
and conforms to all of the require- 180.207.
ments in Subchapter C of Chapter I of (b) Exceptional inspection and test. If a
Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regula- MEGC shows evidence of damaged or
tions.. The certification must be corroded areas, leakage, or other condi-
signed by the rebuild technician and tions that indicate a deficiency that
principal, officer, or partner of the re- could affect the integrity of the MEGC,
build facility. an exceptional inspection and test
[67 FR 51660, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 68 must be performed, regardless of the
FR 24664, May 8, 2003; 70 FR 73166, Dec. 9, last periodic inspection and test. The
2005; 71 FR 54398, Sept. 14, 2006; 72 FR 55697, extent of the exceptional inspection
Oct. 1, 2007] and test will depend on the amount of
damage or deterioration of the MEGC.
180.217 Requalification requirements As a minimum, an exceptional inspec-
for MEGCs. tion of a MEGC must include inspec-
(a) Periodic inspections. Each MEGC tion as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of
must be given an initial visual inspec- this section.
tion and test in accordance with (c) Correction of unsafe condition.
178.75(i) of this subchapter before When evidence of any unsafe condition
being put into service for the first is discovered, the MEGC may not be re-
time. After the initial inspection, a turned to service until the unsafe con-
MEGC must be inspected at least once dition has been corrected and the
every five years. MEGC has been requalified in accord-
(1) The 5-year periodic inspection ance with the applicable tests and in-
must include an external examination spection.
of the structure, the pressure recep- (d) Repairs and modifications to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tacles and the service equipment, as MEGCs. No person may perform a

follows: modification to an approved MEGC
(i) The pressure receptacles are in- that may affect conformance to the ap-
spected externally for pitting, corro- plicable ISO standard or safe use, and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.350

that involve a change to the design (a) Remanufactured IBCs are metal,
type or affect its ability to retain the rigid plastic or composite IBCs pro-
hazardous material in transportation. duced as a UN type from a non-UN
Before making any modification type, or are converted from one UN de-
changes to an approved MEGC, the sign type to another UN design type.
owner must obtain approval from the Remanufactured IBCs are subject to
Associate Administrator as prescribed the same requirements of this sub-
in 178.74 of this subchapter. The repair chapter that apply to new IBCs of the
of a MEGCs structural equipment is same type (also see 178.801(c)(1) of this
authorized provided such repairs are subchapter for design type definition).
made in accordance with the require-
(b) Repaired IBCs are metal, rigid
ments prescribed for its approved de-
plastic or composite IBCs that, as a re-
sign and construction. Any repair to
the pressure receptacles of a MEGC sult of impact or for any other cause
must meet the requirements of (such as corrosion, embrittlement or
180.212. other evidence of reduced strength as
(e) Requalification markings. Each compared to the design type), are re-
MEGC must be durably and legibly stored so as to conform to the design
marked in English, with the year and type and to be able to withstand the
month, and the type of the most recent design type tests. For the purposes of
periodic requalification performed (e.g., this subchapter, the replacement of the
200405 AE/UE, where AE represents rigid inner receptacle of a composite
acoustic emission and UE represents IBC with one from the original manu-
ultrasonic examination) followed by facturer is considered a repair. Routine
the stamp of the approval agency who maintenance of IBCs (see definition in
performed or witnessed the most recent paragraph (c) of this section) is not
test. considered repair. The bodies of rigid
(f) Records. The owner of each MEGC plastic IBCs and the inner receptacles
or the owners authorized agent must of composite IBCs are not repairable.
retain a written record of the date and (c) Routine maintenance of IBCs is
results of all repairs and required in- the routine performance on:
spections and tests. The report must (1) Metal, rigid plastic or composite
contain the name and address of the
IBCs of operations such as:
person performing the inspection or
(i) Cleaning;
test. The periodic test and inspection
records must be retained until the next (ii) Removal and reinstallation or re-
inspection or test is completed. Repair placement of body closures (including
records and the initial exceptional in- associated gaskets), or of service equip-
spection and test records must be re- ment conforming to the original manu-
tained during the period the MEGC is facturers specifications provided that
in service and for one year thereafter. the leaktightness of the IBC is verified;
These records must be made available or
for inspection by a representative of (iii) Restoration of structural equip-
the Department on request. ment not directly performing a haz-
[71 FR 33896, June 12, 2006] ardous material containment or dis-
charge pressure retention function so
as to conform to the design type (for
Subpart DQualification and example, the straightening of legs or
Maintenance of IBCs lifting attachments), provided the con-
180.350 Applicability and definitions. tainment function of the IBC is not af-
This subpart prescribes require-
(2) Plastics or textile flexible IBCs of
ments, in addition to those contained
operations, such as:
in parts 107, 171, 172, 173 and 178 of this
subchapter, applicable to any person (i) Cleaning; or
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

responsible for the continuing quali- (ii) Replacement of non-integral com-

fication, maintenance, or periodic re- ponents, such as non-integral liners
testing of an IBC. The following defini- and closure ties, with components con-
tions apply: forming to the original manufacturers


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180.351 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

specification; provided that these oper- graph (d)(1) of this section to ensure
ations do not adversely affect the con- that:
tainment function of the flexible IBC (i) The IBC is marked in accordance
or alter the design type. with requirements in 178.703 of this
subchapter. Missing or damaged mark-
[68 FR 45042, July 31, 2003, as amended at 69
FR 76186, Dec. 20, 2004; 76 FR 3389, Jan. 19, ings, or markings difficult to read
2011] must be restored or returned to origi-
nal condition.
180.351 Qualification of IBCs. (ii) Service equipment is fully func-
(a) General. Each IBC used for the tional and free from damage which
transportation of hazardous materials may cause failure. Missing, broken, or
must be an authorized packaging. damaged parts must be repaired or re-
(b) IBC specifications. To qualify as an
(iii) The IBC is capable of with-
authorized packaging, each IBC must
standing the applicable design quali-
conform to this subpart, the applicable
fication tests. The IBC must be exter-
requirements specified in part 173 of
nally inspected for cracks, warpage,
this subchapter, and the applicable re-
corrosion or any other damage which
quirements of subparts N and O of part
might render the IBC unsafe for trans-
178 of this subchapter.
portation. An IBC found with such de-
[Amdt. 1805, 59 FR 38079, July 26, 1994, as fects must be removed from service or
amended at 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001] repaired in accordance with paragraph
(d) of this section. The inner receptacle
180.352 Requirements for retest and of a composite IBC must be removed
inspection of IBCs.
from the outer IBC body for inspection
(a) General. Each IBC constructed in unless the inner receptacle is bonded to
accordance with a UN standard for the outer body or unless the outer body
which a test or inspection specified in is constructed in such a way (e.g., a
paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) and (b)(3) of welded or riveted cage) that removal of
this section is required may not be the inner receptacle is not possible
filled and offered for transportation or without impairing the integrity of the
transported until the test or inspection outer body. Defective inner receptacles
has been successfully completed. This must be replaced in accordance with
paragraph does not apply to any IBC paragraph (d) of this section or the en-
filled prior to the test or inspection tire IBC must be removed from service.
due date. The requirements in this sec- For metal IBCs, thermal insulation
tion do not apply to DOT 56 and 57 must be removed to the extent nec-
portable tanks. essary for proper examination of the
(b) Test and inspections for metal, rigid IBC body.
plastic, and composite IBCs. Each IBC is (3) Each metal, rigid plastic and com-
subject to the following test and in- posite IBC must be internally inspected
spections: at least every five years to ensure that
(1) Each IBC intended to contain sol- the IBC is free from damage and to en-
ids that are loaded or discharged under sure that the IBC is capable of with-
pressure or intended to contain liquids standing the applicable design quali-
must be tested in accordance with the fication tests.
leakproofness test prescribed in (i) The IBC must be internally in-
178.813 of this subchapter prior to its spected for cracks, warpage, and corro-
first use in transportation and every sion or any other defect that might
2.5 years thereafter, starting from the render the IBC unsafe for transpor-
date of manufacture or the date of a re- tation. An IBC found with such defects
pair conforming to paragraph (d)(1) of must be removed from hazardous mate-
this section. For this test, the IBC is rials service until restored to the origi-
not required to have its closures fitted. nal design type of the IBC.
(2) An external visual inspection (ii) Metal IBCs must be inspected to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be conducted initially after pro- ensure the minimum wall thickness re-
duction and every 2.5 years starting quirements in 178.705(c)(1)(iv) of this
from the date of manufacture or the subchapter are met. Metal IBCs not
date of a repair conforming to para- conforming to minimum wall thickness


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.352

requirements must be removed from tic and composite IBCs, damaged IBCs
hazardous materials service. may be repaired and the inner recep-
(c) Visual inspection for flexible, fiber- tacles of composite packagings may be
board, or wooden IBCs. Each IBC must replaced and returned to service pro-
be visually inspected prior to first use vided:
and permitted reuse, by the person who (i) The repaired IBC conforms to the
places hazardous materials in the IBC, original design type, is capable of with-
to ensure that: standing the applicable design quali-
(1) The IBC is marked in accordance fication tests, and is retested and in-
with requirements in 178.703 of this spected in accordance with the applica-
subchapter. Additional marking al- ble requirements of this section;
lowed for each design type may be (ii) An IBC intended to contain liq-
present. Required markings that are uids or solids that are loaded or dis-
missing, damaged or difficult to read charged under pressure is subjected to
must be restored or returned to origi- a leakproofness test as specified in
nal condition. 178.813 of this subchapter and is
(2) Proper construction and design marked with the date of the test; and
specifications have been met. (iii) The IBC is subjected to the inter-
(i) Each flexible IBC must be in- nal and external inspection require-
spected to ensure that: ments as specified in paragraph (b) of
(A) Lifting straps if used, are se- this section.
curely fastened to the IBC in accord- (iv) The person performing the tests
ance with the design type. and inspections after the repair must
(B) Seams are free from defects in durably mark the IBC near the
stitching, heat sealing or gluing which manfacturers UN design type marking
would render the IBC unsafe for trans- to show the following:
portation of hazardous materials. All (A) The country in which the tests
stitched seam-ends must be secure. and inspections were performed;
(C) Fabric used to construct the IBC
(B) The name or authorized symbol of
is free from cuts, tears and punctures.
the person performing the tests and in-
Additionally, fabric must be free from
spections; and
scoring which may render the IBC un-
(C) The date (month, year) of the
safe for transport.
tests and inspections.
(ii) Each fiberboard IBC must be in-
spected to ensure that: (v) Retests and inspections performed
(A) Fluting or corrugated fiberboard in accordance with paragraphs (d)(1)(i)
is firmly glued to facings. and (ii) of this section may be used to
(B) Seams are creased and free from satisfy the requirements for the 2.5 and
scoring, cuts, and scratches. five year periodic tests and inspections
(C) Joints are appropriately over- required by paragraph (b) of this sec-
lapped and glued, stitched, taped or tion, as applicable.
stapled as prescribed by the design. (2) Except for flexible and fiberboard
Where staples are used, the joints must IBCs, the structural equipment of an
be inspected for protruding staple-ends IBC may be repaired and returned to
which could puncture or abrade the service provided:
inner liner. All such ends must be pro- (i) The repaired IBC conforms to the
tected before the IBC is authorized for original design type and is capable of
hazardous materials service. withstanding the applicable design
(iii) Each wooden IBC must be in- qualification tests; and
spected to ensure that: (ii) The IBC is subjected to the inter-
(A) End joints are secured in the nal and external inspection require-
manner prescribed by the design. ments as specified in paragraph (b) of
(B) IBC walls are free from defects in this section.
wood. Inner protrusions which could (3) Service equipment may be re-
puncture or abrade the liner must be placed provided:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

covered. (i) The repaired IBC conforms to the

(d) Requirements applicable to repair of original design type and is capable of
IBCs. (1) Except for flexible and fiber- withstanding the applicable design
board IBCs and the bodies of rigid plas- qualification tests;


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180.401 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(ii) The IBC is subjected to the exter- Subpart EQualification and

nal visual inspection requirements as Maintenance of Cargo Tanks
specified in paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion; and 180.401 Applicability.
(iii) The proper functioning and leak This subpart prescribes require-
tightness of the service equipment, if ments, in addition to those contained
applicable, is verified. in parts 107, 171, 172, 173 and 178 of this
(e) Requirements applicable to routine subchapter, applicable to any person
maintenance of IBCs. Except for routine responsible for the continuing quali-
maintenance of metal, rigid plastics fication, maintenance or periodic test-
and composite IBCs performed by the ing of a cargo tank.
owner of the IBC, whose State and [Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
name or authorized symbol is durably amended at 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990]
marked on the IBC, the party per-
forming the routine maintenance shall 180.403 Definitions.
durably mark the IBC near the manu- In addition to the definitions con-
facturers UN design type marking to tained in 171.8, 178.320(a) and 178.345
show the following: 1 of this subchapter, the following defi-
(1) The country in which the routine nitions apply to this subpart:
maintenance was carried out; and Corroded or abraded means any visible
(2) The name or authorized symbol of reduction in the material thickness of
the party performing the routine main- the cargo tank wall or valve due to pit-
tenance. ting, flaking, gouging, or chemical re-
(f) Retest date. The date of the most action to the material surface that ef-
recent periodic retest must be marked fects the safety or serviceability of the
as provided in 178.703(b) of this sub- cargo tank. The term does not include
chapter. cosmetic or minor surface degradation
that does not effect the safety or serv-
(g) Record retention. (1) The owner or
iceability of the cargo tank
lessee of the IBC must keep records of
Corrosive to the tank or valve means
periodic retests, initial and periodic in- that the lading has been shown through
spections, and tests performed on the experience or test data to reduce the
IBC if it has been repaired or remanu- thickness of the material of construc-
factured. tion of the tank wall or valve.
(2) Records must include design types Delivery hose assembly means a liquid
and packaging specifications, test and delivery hose and its attached cou-
inspection dates, name and address of plings.
test and inspection facilities, names or Modification means any change to the
name of any persons conducting test or original design and construction of a
inspections, and test or inspection spe- cargo tank or a cargo tank motor vehi-
cifics and results. cle that affects its structural integrity
(3) Records must be kept for each or lading retention capability includ-
packaging at each location where peri- ing changes to equipment certified as
odic tests are conducted, until such part of an emergency discharge control
tests are successfully performed again system required by 173.315(n)(2) of this
or for at least 2.5 years from the date subchapter. Any modification that in-
of the last test. These records must be volves welding on the cargo tank wall
made available for inspection by a rep- must also meet all requirements for
Repair as defined in this section. Ex-
resentative of the Department on re-
cluded from this category are the fol-
[Amdt. 1805, 59 FR 38079, July 26, 1994, as (1) A change to motor vehicle equip-
amended at 64 FR 10782, Mar. 5, 1999; 65 FR ment such as lights, truck or tractor
58632, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45186, 45391, Aug. power train components, steering and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

28, 2001; 68 FR 45042, July 31, 2003; 69 FR 76186, brake systems, and suspension parts,
Dec. 20, 2004; 70 FR 34399, June 14, 2005; 70 FR and changes to appurtenances, such as
56099, Sept. 23, 2005; 71 FR 78635, Dec. 29, 2006] fender attachments, lighting brackets,
ladder brackets; and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.405

(2) Replacement of components such 180.405 Qualification of cargo tanks.

as valves, vents, and fittings with a (a) General. Unless otherwise pro-
component of a similar design and of vided in this subpart, each cargo tank
the same size. used for the transportation of haz-
Owner means the person who owns a ardous material must be an authorized
cargo tank motor vehicle used for the packaging.
transportation of hazardous materials, (b) Cargo tank specifications. (1) To
or that persons authorized agent. qualify as an authorized packaging,
Piping system means any component each cargo tank must conform to this
of a cargo tank delivery system, other subpart, the applicable requirements
than a delivery hose assembly, that specified in part 173 of this subchapter
contains product during loading or un- for the specific lading, and where a
loading. DOT specification cargo tank is re-
Rebarrelling means replacing more quired, an applicable specification in
than 50 percent of the combined shell effect on the date initial construction
and head material of a cargo tank. began: MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303,
Repair means any welding on a cargo MC 304, MC 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310,
tank wall done to return a cargo tank MC 311, MC 312, MC 330, MC 331, MC 338,
or a cargo tank motor vehicle to its DOT 406, DOT 407, or DOT 412 ( 178.337,
original design and construction speci- 178.338, 178.345, 178.346, 178.347, 178.348 of
fication, or to a condition prescribed this subchapter). However, except as
for a later equivalent specification in provided in paragraphs (b)(2), (d), (e),
effect at the time of the repair. Ex- (f)(5), and (f)(6) of this section, no cargo
cluded from this category are the fol- tank may be marked or certified after
lowing: August 31, 1995, to the applicable MC
306, MC 307, MC 312, MC 331, or MC 338
(1) A change to motor vehicle equip-
specification in effect on December 30,
ment such as lights, truck or tractor
power train components, steering and (2) Exception. A cargo tank originally
brake systems, and suspension parts, manufactured to the MC 306, MC 307, or
and changes to appurtenances, such as MC 312 specification may be recertified
fender attachments, lighting brackets, to the original specification provided:
ladder brackets; and (i) Records are available verifying
(2) Replacement of components such the cargo tank was originally manufac-
as valves, vents, and fittings with a tured to the specification;
component of a similar design and of (ii) If the cargo tank was stretched,
the same size. rebarrelled, or modified, records are
(3) Replacement of an appurtenance available verifying that the stretching,
by welding to a mounting pad. rebarrelling, or modification was per-
Replacement of a barrel means to re- formed in accordance with the Na-
place the existing tank on a motor ve- tional Board Inspection Code and this
hicle chassis with an unused (new) part;
tank. For the definition of tank, see (iii) A Design Certifying Engineer or
178.320, 178.345, or 178.3381 of this Registered Inspector verifies the cargo
subchapter, as applicable. tank conforms to all applicable re-
Stretching means any change in quirements of the original specifica-
length, width or diameter of the cargo tion and furnishes to the owner written
tank, or any change to a cargo tank documentation that verifies the tank
motor vehicles undercarriage that conforms to the original structural de-
may affect the cargo tanks structural sign requirements in effect at the time
integrity. the tank was originally constructed;
(iv) The cargo tank meets all applica-
[Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as ble tests and inspections required by
amended at 55 FR 37065, Sept. 7, 1990; Amdt. 180.407(c); and
1803, 57 FR 45466, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 1807, 59
(v) The cargo tank is recertified to
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

FR 55177, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 17402, Apr. 5,

1995; Amdt. 18010, 61 FR 51342, Oct. 1, 1996; 63 the original specification in accordance
FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 28050, May 24, with the reporting and record retention
1999; 68 FR 19286, Apr. 18, 2003; 69 FR 54047, provisions of 180.417. The certification
Sept. 7, 2004] documents required by 180.417(a)(3)


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180.405 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

must include both the date the cargo (See 178.3484 and 178.34511 of this
tank was originally certified to the subchapter).
specification and the date it was recer- (vi) A Specification MC 312 cargo
tified. The specification plate on the tank, to conform with a Specification
cargo tank or the cargo tank motor ve- DOT 412 cargo tank (See 178.3484 and
hicle must display the date the cargo 178.34511 of this subchapter).
tank was originally certified to the (vii) A Specification MC 330 cargo
specification. tank, to conform with a Specification
(c) Cargo tank specifications no longer
MC 331 cargo tank, except as specifi-
authorized for construction. (1) A cargo
cally required by 173.315 of this sub-
tank made to a specification listed in
column 1 of table 1 or table 2 of this chapter (see 178.3378 and 178.3379 of
paragraph (c)(1) may be used when au- this subchapter).
thorized in this part, provided (d) MC 338 cargo tank. The owner of a
(i) The cargo tank initial construc- cargo tank that conforms to and was
tion began on or before the date listed used under the terms of an exemption
in table 1, column 2, as follows: issued before October 1, 1984, that au-
thorizes the transportation of a cryo-
TABLE 1 genic liquid shall remove the exemp-
Column 1 Column 2 tion number stenciled on the cargo
tank and stamp the specification plate
MC 300 .......................................................... Sept. 2, 1967 (or a plate placed adjacent to the speci-
MC 301 .......................................................... June 12, 1961
MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, MC 305, MC Sept. 2, 1967 fication plate) DOT MC 338 followed
310, MC 311. by the exemption number, for example,
MC 330 .......................................................... May 15, 1967
DOT MC 338E * * * *. (Asterisks to
be replaced by the exemption number).
(ii) The cargo tank was marked or
The cargo tank must be remarked prior
certified before the date listed in table
2, column 2, as follows: to the expiration date of the exemp-
tion. During the period the cargo tank
TABLE 2 is in service, the owner of a cargo tank
that is remarked in this manner must
Column 1 Column 2
retain at its principal place of business
MC 306, MC 307, MC 312 ............................ Sept. 1, 1995 a copy of the last exemption in effect.
No new construction of cargo tanks
(2) A cargo tank of a specification pursuant to such exemption is author-
listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section ized.
may have its pressure relief devices (1) The holding time must be deter-
and outlets modified as follows: mined, as required in 178.3389 of this
(i) A Specification MC 300, MC 301, subchapter, on each cargo tank or on
MC 302, MC 303, or MC 305 cargo tank, at least one cargo tank of each design.
to conform with a Specification MC 306 Any subsequent cargo tank manufac-
or DOT 406 cargo tank (See 178.3463
tured to the same design type (see
and 178.3464 of this subchapter).
178.320), if not individually tested,
(ii) A Specification MC 306 cargo
tank to conform to a Specification must have the optional test regimen
DOT 406 cargo tank (See 178.3463 and performed during the first shipment
178.3464 of this subchapter). (see 178.3389 (b) and (c) of this sub-
(iii) A Specification MC 304 cargo chapter).
tank, to conform with a Specification (2) The holding time determined by
MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank (See test for one authorized cryogenic liquid
178.3474 and 178.34511 of this sub- may be used as the basis for estab-
chapter). lishing the holding time for other au-
(iv) A Specification MC 307 cargo thorized cryogenic liquids.
tank, to conform with a Specification (e) MC 331 cargo tanks. The owner of
DOT 407 cargo tank (See 178.3474 and a MC 331 ( 178.337 of this subchapter)
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

178.34511 of this subchapter). cargo tank that conforms to and was

(v) A Specification MC 310 or MC 311 used under an exemption issued before
cargo tank, to conform with a Speci- October 1, 1984, that authorizes the
fication MC 312 or DOT 412 cargo tank transportation of ethane, refrigerated


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.405

liquid; ethane-propane mixture, refrig- (A) For a cargo tank used in other
erated liquid; or hydrogen chloride, re- than corrosive service, the remote
frigerated liquid shall remove the ex- means of closure must be activated for
emption number stenciled on the cargo closure by manual or mechanical
tank and stamp the exemption number means and, in case of fire, by an auto-
on the specification plate (or a plate matic heat activated means.
placed adjacent to the specification (B) For a cargo tank used in corro-
plate), immediately after the DOT sive service, the remote means of clo-
Specification, for example, DOT MC sure may be actuated by manual or me-
331E * * * *. (Asterisks to be replaced chanical means only.
by the exemption number.) The cargo (iii) A cargo tank having an
tank must be remarked prior to the ex-
unreinforced portion of the shell ex-
piration date of the exemption. During
ceeding 60 inches must have the cir-
the period the cargo tank is in service,
cumferential reinforcement located so
the owner of a cargo tank that is re-
marked in this manner must retain at that the thickness and tensile strength
the owners principal place of business of shell material in combination with
a copy of the last exemption in effect. the frame and circumferential rein-
(f) MC 306, MC 307, MC 312 cargo tanks. forcement produces a structural integ-
Either a Registered Inspector or a De- rity at least equal to that prescribed in
sign Certifying Engineer and the owner 178.3453 of this subchapter or the
of a MC 306, MC 307 or MC 312 cargo specification in effect at time of manu-
tank motor vehicle constructed in ac- facture.
cordance with and used under an ex- (iv) A cargo tank having a projection
emption issued before December 31, from the tank shell or head that may
1990, that authorizes a condition speci- contain lading in any tank position is
fied in this paragraph shall examine authorized, provided such projection is
the cargo tank motor vehicle and its as strong as the tank shell or head and
design to determine if it meets the re- is located within the motor vehicles
quirements of the applicable MC 306, rear-end tank protection or other ap-
MC 307 or MC 312 specification in effect propriate accident damage protection
at the time of manufacture, except as device.
specified herein. (v) A cargo tank may be constructed
(1) A cargo tank motor vehicle con- of nickel, titanium, or other ASME
structed after August 1, 1981, or the sheet or plate materials in accordance
date specified in the applicable exemp- with an exemption.
tion, in conformance with the fol- (2) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank con-
lowing conditions that apply, may be structed after August 1, 1981, or the
remarked and certified in accordance date specified in the applicable exemp-
with paragraphs (f) (5) and (6) of this tion, in conformance with paragraph
section: (f)(1) of this section, except that an
(i) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank must outlet equipped with an external valve
have an ASME Code stamped specifica-
which is not part of a self-closing sys-
tion plate marked with a minimum in-
ternal design pressure of 25 psig, and be
designed for a minimum external de- (i) Must be equipped with a self-clos-
sign pressure of 15 psig. ing system prior to September 1, 1993.
(ii) An outlet equipped with a self- (ii) May be remarked and certified in
closing system which includes an ex- accordance with paragraphs (f)(5) and
ternal stop-valve must have the stop (6) of this section after the cargo tank
valve and associated piping protected motor vehicle has been equipped with
within the vehicles rear-end tank pro- the self-closing system.
tection device, vehicle frame or an (3) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank con-
equally adequate accident damage pro- structed prior to August 1, 1981, in con-
tection device (See 178.3458 of this formance with paragraph (f)(1) of this
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

subchapter.) The self-closing system section, except for paragraph (f)(1)(i),

(See 178.34511 of this subchapter) may be remarked and certified in ac-
must be equipped with a remotely ac- cordance with paragraphs (f) (5) and (6)
tuated means of closure as follows: of this section.


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180.405 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(4) A vacuum-loaded cargo tank con- place of business a copy of the certifi-
structed prior to August 1, 1981, in con- cate and the last exemption in effect.
formance with paragraph (f)(1) of this (g) Cargo tank manhole assemblies. (1)
section, except for paragraph (f)(1)(i) of MC 306, MC 307, and MC 312 cargo tanks
this section, and except that an outlet marked or certified after December 30,
is equipped with an external valve 1990, and DOT 406, DOT 407, and DOT
which is not part of a self-closing sys- 412 cargo tank motor vehicles must be
tem: equipped with manhole assemblies con-
(i) Must be equipped with a self-clos- forming with 178.3455 of this sub-
ing system prior to September 1, 1993. chapter.
(ii) May be remarked and certified in (2) On or before August 31, 1995, each
accordance with paragraphs (f)(5) and owner of a cargo tank marked or cer-
(6) of this section after the cargo tank tified before December 31, 1990, author-
motor vehicle has been equipped with ized for the transportation of a haz-
the self-closing system. ardous material, must have the cargo
(5) The owner of a cargo tank for tank equipped with manhole assem-
which a determination has been made blies conforming with 178.3455, except
that the cargo tank is in conformance for the dimensional requirements in
with paragraph (f) (1), (2), (3), or (4) of 178.3455(a), the hydrostatic testing
this section shall complete a written requirements in 178.3455(b), and the
certification, in English, signed by the marking requirements in 178.3455(e)
owner and containing at least the fol- of this subchapter. A manhole assem-
lowing information: bly meeting one of the following provi-
(i) A statement certifying that each sions is considered to be in compliance
cargo tank conforms to 180.405 (f) (1), with this paragraph:
(2), (3), or (4); (i) Manhole assemblies on MC 300, MC
(ii) The applicable DOT exemption 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, MC 306, MC
number, the applicable specification 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks
number and the owners and manufac- that are marked or certified in writing
turers serial number for the cargo as conforming to 178.3455 of this sub-
tank; chapter or TTMA RP No. 6198 (incor-
(iii) A statement setting forth any porated by reference; see 171.7 of this
modifications made to bring the cargo subchapter), or are tested and certified
tank into conformance with 180.405(f) in accordance with TTMA TB No. 107
(1), (2), (3), or (4), or the applicable (incorporated by reference; see 171.7 of
specification; this subchapter).
(iv) A statement identifying the per- (ii) Manhole assemblies on MC 304
son certifying the cargo tank and the and MC 307 cargo tanks.
date of certification. (iii) Manhole assemblies on MC 310,
(6) The owner of a certified cargo MC 311, and MC 312 cargo tanks with a
tank shall remove the exemption num- test pressure of 36 psig or greater.
ber stenciled on the cargo tank and (3) [Reserved]
shall durably mark the specification (h) Pressure relief system. Properly
plate (or a plate placed adjacent to the functioning reclosing pressure relief
specification plate) MC +++E valves and frangible or fusible vents
****#### (where +++ is to be re- need not be replaced. However, replace-
placed by the applicable specification ment of reclosing pressure relief valves
number, * * * * by the exemption on MC-specification cargo tanks is au-
number and # # # # by the alloy.) thorized subject to the following re-
(7) A cargo tank remarked and cer- quirements:
tified in conformance with this para- (1) Until August 31, 1998, the owner of
graph (f) is excepted from the provi- a cargo tank may replace a reclosing
sions of 180.405(c). pressure relief device with a device
(8) During the period the cargo tank which is in compliance with the re-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

is in service, and for one year there- quirements for pressure relief devices
after, the owner of a cargo tank that is in effect at the time the cargo tank
certified and remarked in this manner specification became superseded. If the
must retain on file at its principal pressure relief device is installed as an


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.405

integral part of a manhole cover as- (l) MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303,
sembly, the manhole cover must com- MC 305, MC 306 cargo tankRear acci-
ply with the requirements of paragraph dent damage protection. (1) Notwith-
(g) of this section. standing the requirements in
(2) After August 31, 1998, replacement 180.405(b), the applicable specification
for any reclosing pressure relief valve requirement for a rear bumper or rear-
must be capable of reseating to a leak- end tank protection device on MC 300,
tight condition after a pressure surge, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC
and the volume of lading released may 306 cargo tanks does not apply to a
not exceed 1 L. Specific performance cargo tank truck (power unit) until
requirements for these pressure relief July 1, 1992, if the cargo tank truck
valves are set forth in 178.34510(b)(3) (i) Was manufactured before July 1,
of this subchapter. 1989;
(3) As provided in paragraph (c)(2) of (ii) Is used to transport gasoline or
this section, the owner of a cargo tank any other petroleum distillate product;
may elect to modify reclosing pressure and
relief devices to more recent cargo (iii) Is operated in combination with
tank specifications. However, replace- a cargo tank full trailer. However, an
ment devices constructed to the re- empty cargo tank truck, without a
quirements of 178.34510 of this sub- cargo tank full trailer attached, may
chapter must provide the minimum be operated without the required rear
venting capacity required by the origi- bumper or rear-end tank protection de-
nal specification to which the cargo vice on a one-time basis while being
tank was designed and constructed. transported to a repair facility for in-
(i) Flammable cryogenic liquids. Each stallation of a rear bumper or rear-end
cargo tank used to transport a flam- protection device.
mable cryogenic liquid must be exam- (2) Each cargo tank shall be provided
ined after each shipment to determine with a rear accident damage protection
its actual holding time (See device to protect the tank and piping
173.318(g)(3) of this subchapter.) in the event of a rear-end collision and
(j) Withdrawal of certification. A speci- reduce the likelihood of damage which
fication cargo tank that for any reason could result in the loss of lading. The
no longer meets the applicable speci- rear-end protection device must be in
fication may not be used to transport the form of a rear-end tank protection
hazardous materials unless the cargo device meeting the requirements of
tank is repaired and retested in accord- 178.3458(d) or a rear bumper meeting
ance with 180.413 and 180.407 prior to the following:
being returned to hazardous materials (i) The bumper shall be located at
service. If the cargo tank is not in con- least 6 inches to the rear of any vehicle
formance with the applicable specifica- component used for loading or unload-
tion requirements, the specification ing or that may contain lading while
plate on the cargo tank must be re- the vehicle is in transit.
moved, obliterated or securely covered. (ii) The dimensions of the bumper
The details of the conditions necessi- shall conform to 393.86 of this title.
tating withdrawal of the certification (iii) The structure of the bumper
must be recorded and signed on the must be designed in accordance with
written certificate for that cargo tank. 178.3458(d)(3) of this subchapter.
The vehicle owner shall retain the cer- (m) Specification MC 330, MC 331 cargo
tificate for at least 1 year after with- tank motor vehicles, and nonspecification
drawal of the certification. cargo tank motor vehicles conforming to
(k) DOT-specification cargo tank with 173.315(k) of this subchapter, intended
no marked design pressure or a marked for use in the transportation of liquefied
design pressure of less than 3 psig. The compressed gases. (1) No later than the
owner of an MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC date of its first scheduled pressure test
303, MC 305, MC 306, or MC 312 cargo after July 1, 2001, each specification
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tank with a pressure relief system set MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tank motor
at 3 psig, must mark or remark the vehicle, and each nonspecification
cargo tank with an MAWP or design cargo tank motor vehicle conforming
pressure of not less than 3 psig. to 173.315(k) of this subchapter,


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180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

marked and certified before July 1, ternal self-closing stop valve as speci-
2001, that is used to transport a Divi- fied in 178.3378(a)(4) of this sub-
sion 2.1 material, a Division 2.2 mate- chapter.
rial with a subsidiary hazard, a Divi- (o) On-truck remote control of self-clos-
sion 2.3 material, or anhydrous ammo- ing stop valvesMC 330, MC 331, and MC
nia must have an emergency discharge 338. On or before October 2, 2006
control capability as specified in (1) Each owner of an MC 330 or MC 331
173.315(n) of this subchapter. Each cargo tank motor vehicle marked or
passive shut-off system installed prior certified before January 1, 1995, must
to July 1, 2001, must be certified by a equip the cargo tank with an on-vehi-
Design Certifying Engineer that it cle remote means of closure of the in-
meets the requirements of 173.315(n)(2) ternal self-closing stop valve in con-
of this subchapter. formance with 178.3378(a)(4) of this
(2) The requirement in paragraph subchapter. This requirement does not
(m)(1) of this section does not apply to apply to cargo tanks used only for car-
a cargo tank equal to or less than bon dioxide and marked For carbon
13,247.5 L (3,500 gallons) water capacity dioxide only or intended for use in
transporting in metered delivery serv- chlorine service only.
ice a Division 2.1 material, a Division (2) Each owner of an MC 338 cargo
2.2 material with a subsidiary hazard, tank motor vehicle marked or certified
or anhydrous ammonia equipped with before January 1, 1995, must equip each
an off-truck remote shut-off device remotely controlled shutoff valve with
that was installed prior to July 1, 2000. an on-vehicle remote means of auto-
The device must be capable of stopping matic closure in conformance with
the transfer of lading by operation of a 178.33811(c) of this subchapter. This
transmitter carried by a qualified per- requirement does not apply to cargo
son attending unloading of the cargo tanks used for the transportation of
tank. The device is subject to the re- argon, carbon dioxide, helium, kryp-
quirement in 177.840(o) of this sub- ton, neon, nitrogen, or xenon, or mix-
chapter for a daily test at 45.72 meters tures thereof.
(150 feet).
(3) Each specification MC 330 and MC [Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989]
331 cargo tank in metered delivery EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
service of greater than 13,247.5 L (3,500 tations affecting 180.405, see the List of CFR
gallons) water capacity transporting a Sections Affected, which appears in the
Division 2.1 material, a Division 2.2 Finding Aids section of the printed volume
material with a subsidiary hazard, or and at
anhydrous ammonia, marked and cer-
tified before July 1, 1999, must have an 180.407 Requirements for test and in-
spection of specification cargo
emergency discharge control capability tanks.
as specified in 173.315(n) and 177.840 of
this subchapter no later than the date (a) General. (1) A cargo tank con-
of its first scheduled pressure test after structed in accordance with a DOT
July 1, 2001, or July 1, 2003, whichever specification for which a test or inspec-
is earlier. tion specified in this section has be-
(n) Thermal activation. No later than come due, may not be filled and offered
the date of its first scheduled leakage for transportation or transported until
test after July 1, 1999, each specifica- the test or inspection has been success-
tion MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank fully completed. This paragraph does
motor vehicle and each nonspecifica- not apply to any cargo tank filled prior
tion cargo tank motor vehicle con- to the test or inspection due date.
forming to 173.315(k) of this sub- (2) Except during a pressure test, a
chapter, marked and certified before cargo tank may not be subjected to a
July 1, 1999, that is used to transport a pressure greater than its design pres-
liquefied compressed gas, other than sure or MAWP.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

carbon dioxide and chlorine, that has a (3) A person witnessing or performing
water capacity of 13,247.5 L (3,500 gal- a test or inspection specified in this
lons) or less must be equipped with a section must meet the minimum quali-
means of thermal activation for the in- fications prescribed in 180.409.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.407

(4) Each cargo tank must be evalu- of any repair affecting the structural
ated in accordance with the acceptable integrity of the cargo tank must be de-
results of tests and inspections pre- termined either by the testing required
scribed in 180.411. in the applicable manufacturing speci-
(5) Each cargo tank which has suc- fication or in paragraph (g)(1)(iv) of
cessfully passed a test or inspection this section.
specified in this section must be (2) The cargo tank has sustained
marked in accordance with 180.415. damage to an extent that may ad-
(6) A cargo tank which fails a pre- versely affect its lading retention capa-
scribed test or inspection must: bility. A damaged cargo tank must be
(i) Be repaired and retested in accord- pressure tested in accordance with the
ance with 180.413; or procedures set forth in paragraph (g) of
(ii) Be removed from hazardous mate- this section.
rials service and the specification plate (3) The cargo tank has been out of
removed, obliterated or covered in a se- hazardous materials transportation
cure manner. service for a period of one year or
(b) Conditions requiring test and inspec- more. Each cargo tank that has been
tion of cargo tanks. Without regard to out of hazardous materials transpor-
any other test or inspection require- tation service for a period of one year
ments, a specification cargo tank must or more must be pressure tested in ac-
be tested and inspected in accordance cordance with 180.407(g) prior to fur-
with this section prior to further use if: ther use.
(1) The cargo tank shows evidence of (4) [Reserved]
dents, cuts, gouges, corroded or ab- (5) The Department so requires based
raded areas, leakage, or any other con- on the existence of probable cause that
dition that might render it unsafe for the cargo tank is in an unsafe oper-
hazardous materials service. At a min- ating condition.
imum, any area of a cargo tank show- (c) Periodic test and inspection. Each
ing evidence of dents, cuts, digs, goug- specification cargo tank must be tested
es, or corroded or abraded areas must and inspected as specified in the fol-
be thickness tested in accordance with lowing table by an inspector meeting
the procedures set forth in paragraphs the qualifications in 180.409. The
(i)(2), (i)(3), (i)(5), and (i)(6) of this sec- retest date shall be determined from
tion and evaluated in accordance with the specified interval identified in the
the criteria prescribed in 180.411. Any following table from the most recent
signs of leakage must be repaired in ac- inspection or the CTMV certification
cordance with 180.413. The suitability date.
Interval pe-
Date by which first test must be
Test or inspection (cargo tank specification, configuration, and service) riod after first
completed (see note 1) test

External Visual Inspection:

All cargo tanks designed to be loaded by vacuum with full open- September 1, 1991 ........................... 6 months.
ing rear heads.
All other cargo tanks ...................................................................... September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Internal Visual Inspection:
All insulated cargo tanks, except MC 330, MC 331, MC 338 (see September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Note 4).
All cargo tanks transporting lading corrosive to the tank .............. September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
All other cargo tanks, except MC 338 ........................................... September 1, 1995 ........................... 5 years.
Lining Inspection:
All lined cargo tanks transporting lading corrosive to the tank ..... September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Leakage Test:
MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks in chlorine service ................... September 1, 1991 ........................... 2 years.
All other cargo tanks except MC 338 ............................................ September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
Pressure Test:
(Hydrostatic or pneumatic) (See Notes 2 and 3) .......................... ...........................................................
All cargo tanks which are insulated with no manhole or insulated September 1, 1991 ........................... 1 year.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

and lined, except MC 338.

All cargo tanks designed to be loaded by vacuum with full open- September 1, 1992 ........................... 2 years.
ing rear heads.
MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks in chlorine service ................... September 1, 1992 ........................... 2 years.
All other cargo tanks ...................................................................... September 1, 1995 ........................... 5 years.


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180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)


Interval pe-
Date by which first test must be
Test or inspection (cargo tank specification, configuration, and service) riod after first
completed (see note 1) test

Thickness Test:
All unlined cargo tanks transporting material corrosive to the September 1, 1992 ........................... 2 years.
tank, except MC 338.
NOTE 1: If a cargo tank is subject to an applicable inspection or test requirement under the regulations in effect on December
30, 1990, and the due date (as specified by a requirement in effect on December 30, 1990) for completing the required inspec-
tion or test occurs before the compliance date listed in table I, the earlier date applies.
NOTE 2: Pressure testing is not required for MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks in dedicated sodium metal service.
NOTE 3: Pressure testing is not required for uninsulated lined cargo tanks, with a design pressure or MAWP 15 psig or less,
which receive an external visual inspection and lining inspection at least once each year.
NOTE 4: Insulated cargo tanks equipped with manholes or inspection openings may perform either an internal visual inspection
in conjunction with the external visual inspection or a hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure-test of the cargo tank.

(d) External visual inspection and test- there must be no evidence of leakage at
ing. The following applies to the exter- manhole covers or gaskets;
nal visual inspection and testing of (iv) All emergency devices and valves
cargo tanks: including self-closing stop valves, ex-
(1) Where insulation precludes a com- cess flow valves and remote closure de-
plete external visual inspection as re- vices must be free from corrosion, dis-
quired by paragraphs (d)(2) through tortion, erosion and any external dam-
(d)(6) of this section, the cargo tank age that will prevent safe operation.
also must be given an internal visual Remote closure devices and self-closing
inspection in accordance with para- stop valves must be functioned to dem-
graph (e) of this section. If external onstrate proper operation;
visual inspection is precluded because (v) Missing bolts, nuts and fusible
any part of the cargo tank wall is ex- links or elements must be replaced,
ternally lined, coated, or designed to and loose bolts and nuts must be tight-
prevent an external visual inspection, ened;
those areas of the cargo tank must be (vi) All markings on the cargo tank
internally inspected. If internal visual required by parts 172, 178 and 180 of this
inspection is precluded because the subchapter must be legible;
cargo tank is lined, coated, or designed (vii) [Reserved]
so as to prevent access for internal in- (viii) All major appurtenances and
spection, the tank must be structural attachments on the cargo
hydrostatically or pneumatically test- tank including, but not limited to, sus-
ed in accordance with paragraph pension system attachments, con-
(g)(1)(iv) of this section. Those items necting structures, and those elements
able to be externally inspected must be of the upper coupler (fifth wheel) as-
externally inspected and noted in the sembly that can be inspected without
inspection report. dismantling the upper coupler (fifth
(2) The external visual inspection and wheel) assembly must be inspected for
testing must include as a minimum the any corrosion or damage which might
following: prevent safe operation;
(i) The tank shell and heads must be (ix) For cargo tanks transporting lad-
inspected for corroded or abraded ing corrosive to the tank, areas cov-
areas, dents, distortions, defects in ered by the upper coupler (fifth wheel)
welds and any other conditions, includ- assembly must be inspected at least
ing leakage, that might render the once in each two year period for cor-
tank unsafe for transportation service; roded and abraded areas, dents, distor-
(ii) The piping, valves, and gaskets tions, defects in welds, and any other
must be carefully inspected for cor- condition that might render the tank
roded areas, defects in welds, and other unsafe for transportation service. The
conditions, including leakage, that upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

might render the tank unsafe for trans- must be removed from the cargo tank
portation service; for this inspection.
(iii) All devices for tightening man- (3) All reclosing pressure relief valves
hole covers must be operative and must be externally inspected for any


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.407

corrosion or damage which might pre- (2) The internal visual inspection
vent safe operation. All reclosing pres- must include as a minimum the fol-
sure relief valves on cargo tanks car- lowing:
rying lading corrosive to the valve (i) The tank shell and heads must be
must be removed from the cargo tank inspected for corroded and abraded
for inspection and testing. Each re- areas, dents, distortions, defects in
closing pressure relief valve required to welds, and any other condition that
be removed and tested must open at no might render the tank unsafe for trans-
less than the required set pressure and portation service.
no more than 110 percent of the re- (ii) Tank liners must be inspected as
quired set pressure, and must reseat to specified in 180.407(f).
a leak-tight condition at no less than (3) Corroded or abraded areas of the
90 percent of the start-to-discharge cargo tank wall must be thickness
pressure or the pressure prescribed for tested in accordance with paragraphs
the applicable cargo tank specification. (i)(2), (i)(3), (i)(5) and (i)(6) of this sec-
(4) Ring stiffeners or other appur- tion.
tenances, installed on cargo tanks con- (4) The inspector must record the re-
structed of mild steel or high-strength, sults of the internal visual inspection
low-alloy steel, that create air cavities as specified in 180.417(b).
adjacent to the tank shell that do not (f) Lining inspection. The integrity of
allow for external visual inspection the lining on all lined cargo tanks,
must be thickness tested in accordance when lining is required by this sub-
with paragraphs (i)(2) and (i)(3) of this chapter, must be verified at least once
section, at least once every 2 years. At each year as follows:
least four symmetrically distributed
(1) Rubber (elastomeric) lining must
readings must be taken to establish an
be tested for holes as follows:
average thickness for the ring stiffener
(i) Equipment must consist of:
or appurtenance. If any thickness read-
ing is less than the average thickness (A) A high frequency spark tester ca-
by more than 10%, thickness testing in pable of producing sufficient voltage to
accordance with paragraphs (i)(2) and ensure proper calibration;
(i)(3) of this section must be conducted (B) A probe with an L shaped 2.4
from the inside of the cargo tank on mm (0.09 inch) diameter wire with up
the area of the tank wall covered by to a 30.5 cm (12-inch) bottom leg (end
the appurtenance or ring stiffener. bent to a 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) radius), or
(5) Corroded or abraded areas of the equally sensitive probe; and
cargo tank wall must be thickness (C) A steel calibration coupon 30.5 cm
tested in accordance with the proce- 30.5 cm (12 inches 12 inches) covered
dures set forth in paragraphs (i)(2), with the same material and thickness
(i)(3), (i)(5) and (i)(6) of this section. as that to be tested. The material on
(6) The gaskets on any full opening the coupon shall have a test hole to the
rear head must be: metal substrate made by puncturing
(i) Visually inspected for cracks or the material with a 22 gauge hypo-
splits caused by weather or wear; and dermic needle or comparable piercing
(ii) Replaced if cuts or cracks which tool.
are likely to cause leakage, or are of a (ii) The probe must be passed over
depth one-half inch or more, are found. the surface of the calibration coupon in
(7) The inspector must record the re- a constant uninterrupted manner until
sults of the external visual examina- the hole is found. The hole is detected
tion as specified in 180.417(b). by the white or light blue spark
(e) Internal visual inspection. (1) When formed. (A sound lining causes a dark
the cargo tank is not equipped with a blue or purple spark.) The voltage must
manhole or inspection opening, or the be adjusted to the lowest setting that
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cargo tank design precludes an internal will produce a minimum 12.7 mm (0.5
inspection, the tank shall be inch) spark measured from the top of
hydrostatically or pneumatically test- the lining to the probe. To assure that
ed in accordance with 180.407(c) and (g). the setting on the probe has not


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180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

changed, the spark tester must be cali- (C) Self-closing pressure relief de-
brated periodically using the test cali- vices not tested or failing the tests in
bration coupon, and the same power this paragraph (g)(1)(ii) must be re-
source, probe, and cable length. paired or replaced.
(iii) After calibration, the probe must (iii) Except for cargo tanks carrying
be passed over the lining in an uninter- lading corrosive to the tank, areas cov-
rupted stroke. ered by the upper coupler (fifth wheel)
(iv) Holes that are found must be re- assembly must be inspected for cor-
paired using equipment and procedures roded and abraded areas, dents, distor-
prescribed by the lining manufacturer tions, defects in welds, and any other
or lining installer. condition that might render the tank
(2) Linings made of other than rubber unsafe for transportation service. The
(elastomeric material) must be tested upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly
using equipment and procedures pre- must be removed from the cargo tank
scribed by the lining manufacturer or for this inspection.
lining installer. (iv) Each cargo tank must be tested
(3) Degraded or defective areas of the hydrostatically or pneumatically to
cargo tank liner must be removed and the internal pressure specified in the
the cargo tank wall below the defect following table. At no time during the
must be inspected. Corroded areas of pressure test may a cargo tank be sub-
the tank wall must be thickness tested ject to pressures that exceed those
in accordance with paragraphs (i)(2), identified in the following table:
(i)(3), (i)(5) and (i)(6) of this section. Specification Test pressure
(4) The inspector must record the re-
sults of the lining inspection as speci- MC 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 20.7 kPa (3 psig) or design
306. pressure, whichever is
fied in 180.417(b). greater.
(g) Pressure test. All components of MC 304, 307 .......................... 275.8 kPa (40 psig) or 1.5
the cargo tank wall, as defined in times the design pressure,
whichever is greater.
178.320(a) of this subchapter, must be MC 310, 311, 312 .................. 20.7 kPa (3 psig) or 1.5 times
pressure tested as prescribed by this the design pressure, which-
paragraph. ever is greater.
MC 330, 331 .......................... 1.5 times either the MAWP or
(1) Test Procedure(i) As part of the
the re-rated pressure,
pressure test, the inspector must per- whichever is applicable.
form an external and internal visual MC 338 .................................. 1.25 times either the MAWP
inspection, except that on an MC 338 or the re-rated pressure,
whichever is applicable.
cargo tank, or a cargo tank not DOT 406 ................................ 34.5 kPa (5 psig) or 1.5 times
equipped with a manhole or inspection the MAWP, whichever is
opening, an internal inspection is not greater.
required. DOT 407 ................................ 275.8 kPa (40 psig) or 1.5
times the MAWP, which-
(ii) All self-closing pressure relief ever is greater.
valves, including emergency relief DOT 412 ................................ 1.5 times the MAWP.
vents and normal vents, must be re-
moved from the cargo tank for inspec- (v) [Reserved]
tion and testing. (vi) Each cargo tank of a multi-tank
(A) Each self-closing pressure relief cargo tank motor vehicle must be test-
valve that is an emergency relief vent ed with the adjacent cargo tanks
must open at no less than the required empty and at atmospheric pressure.
set pressure and no more than 110 per- (vii) All closures except pressure re-
cent of the required set pressure, and lief devices must be in place during the
must reseat to a leak-tight condition test. All prescribed loading and unload-
at no less than 90 percent of the start- ing venting devices rated at less than
to-discharge pressure or the pressure test pressure may be removed during
prescribed for the applicable cargo the test. If retained, the devices must
tank specification. be rendered inoperative by clamps,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(B) Normal vents (1 psig vents) must plugs, or other equally effective re-
be tested according to the testing cri- straining devices. Restraining devices
teria established by the valve manufac- may not prevent detection of leaks or
turer. damage the venting devices and must


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.407

be removed immediately after the test pered steel in accordance with Part
is completed. UHT in Section VIII of the ASME Code
(viii) Hydrostatic test method. Each (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), or
cargo tank, including its domes, must constructed of other than quenched
be filled with water or other liquid hav- and tempered steel but without
ing similar viscosity, at a temperature postweld heat treatment, used for the
not exceeding 100 F. The cargo tank transportation of anhydrous ammonia
must then be pressurized to not less or any other hazardous materials that
than the pressure specified in para- may cause corrosion stress cracking,
graph (g)(1)(iv) of this section. The must be internally inspected by the
cargo tank, including its closures, wet fluorescent magnetic particle
must hold the prescribed test pressure method immediately prior to and in
for at least 10 minutes during which conjunction with the performance of
time it shall be inspected for leakage, the pressure test prescribed in this sec-
bulging or any other defect. tion. Each MC 330 and MC 331 cargo
(ix) Pneumatic test method. Pneumatic tank constructed of quenched and tem-
testing may involve higher risk than pered steel in accordance with Part
hydrostatic testing. Therefore, suitable UHT in Section VIII of the ASME Code
safeguards must be provided to protect and used for the transportation of liq-
personnel and facilities should failure uefied petroleum gas must be inter-
occur during the test. The cargo tank nally inspected by the wet fluorescent
must be pressurized with air or an magnetic particle method immediately
inert gas. The pneumatic test pressure prior to and in conjunction with the
in the cargo tank must be reached by performance of the pressure test pre-
gradually increasing the pressure to scribed in this section. The wet fluores-
one-half of the test pressure. There- cent magnetic particle inspection must
after, the pressure must be increased in be in accordance with Section V of the
steps of approximately one-tenth of the ASME Code and CGA Technical Bul-
test pressure until the required test letin TB2 (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub-
pressure has been reached. The test chapter). This paragraph does not
pressure must be held for at least 5 apply to cargo tanks that do not have
minutes. The pressure must then be re- manholes. (See 180.417(c) for reporting
duced to the MAWP, which must be requirements.)
maintained during the time the entire (4) All pressure bearing portions of a
cargo tank surface is inspected. During cargo tank heating system employing a
the inspection, a suitable method must medium such as, but not limited to,
be used for detecting the existence of steam or hot water for heating the lad-
leaks. This method must consist either ing must be hydrostatically pressure
of coating the entire surface of all tested at least once every 5 years. The
joints under pressure with a solution of test pressure must be at least the max-
soap and water, or using other equally imum system design operating pressure
sensitive methods. and must be maintained for five min-
(2) When testing an insulated cargo utes. A heating system employing flues
tank, the insulation and jacketing need for heating the lading must be tested
not be removed unless it is otherwise to ensure against lading leakage into
impossible to reach test pressure and the flues or into the atmosphere.
maintain a condition of pressure equi- (5) Exceptions. (i) Pressure testing is
librium after test pressure is reached, not required for MC 330 and MC 331
or the vacuum integrity cannot be cargo tanks in dedicated sodium metal
maintained in the insulation space. If service.
an MC 338 cargo tank used for the (ii) Pressure testing is not required
transportation of a flammable gas or for uninsulated lined cargo tanks, with
oxygen, refrigerated liquid is opened a design pressure or MAWP of 15 psig
for any reason, the cleanliness must be or less, which receive an external vis-
verified prior to closure using the pro- ual inspection and a lining inspection
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cedures contained in 178.33815 of this at least once each year.

subchapter. (6) Acceptance criteria. A cargo tank
(3) Each MC 330 and MC 331 cargo that leaks, fails to retain test pressure
tank constructed of quenched and tem- or pneumatic inspection pressure,


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180.407 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

shows distortion, excessive permanent service may be leakage tested at not

expansion, or other evidence of weak- less than 414 kPa (60 psig).
ness that might render the cargo tank (iii) An operator of a specification
unsafe for transportation service, may MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank, and a
not be returned to service, except as nonspecification cargo tank authorized
follows: A cargo tank with a heating under 173.315(k) of this subchapter,
system which does not hold pressure equipped with a meter may check leak
may remain in service as an unheated tightness of the internal self-closing
cargo tank if: stop valve by conducting a meter creep
(i) The heating system remains in test. (See appendix B to this part.)
place and is structurally sound and no (iv) An MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank
lading may leak into the heating sys- in dedicated service for anhydrous am-
tem, and monia may be leakage tested at not
(ii) The specification plate heating less than 414 kPa (60 psig).
system information is changed to indi- (v) A non-specification cargo tank re-
cate that the cargo tank has no work- quired by 173.8(d) of this subchapter to
ing heating system. be leakage tested, must be leakage
(7) The inspector must record the re- tested at not less than 16.6 kPa (2.4
sults of the pressure test as specified in psig), or as specified in paragraph (h)(2)
180.417(b). of this section.
(2) Cargo tanks used to transport pe-
(h) Leakage test. The following re-
troleum distillate fuels that are
quirements apply to cargo tanks re-
equipped with vapor collection equip-
quiring a leakage test:
ment may be leak tested in accordance
(1) Each cargo tank must be tested with the Environmental Protection
for leaks in accordance with paragraph Agencys Method 27Determination
(c) of this section. The leakage test of Vapor Tightness of Gasoline Deliv-
must include testing product piping ery Tank Using Pressure-Vacuum
with all valves and accessories in place Test, as set forth in Appendix A to 40
and operative, except that any venting CFR part 60. Test methods and proce-
devices set to discharge at less than dures and maximum allowable pressure
the leakage test pressure must be re- and vacuum changes are in 40 CFR
moved or rendered inoperative during 63.425(e). The hydrostatic test alter-
the test. All internal or external self- native, using liquid in Environmental
closing stop valves must be tested for Protection Agencys Method 27De-
leak tightness. Each cargo tank of a termination of Vapor Tightness of Gas-
multi-cargo tank motor vehicle must oline Delivery Tank Using Pressure-
be tested with adjacent cargo tanks Vacuum Test, may not be used to sat-
empty and at atmospheric pressure. isfy the leak testing requirements of
Test pressure must be maintained for this paragraph. The test must be con-
at least 5 minutes. Cargo tanks in liq- ducted using air.
uefied compressed gas service must be (3) A cargo tank that fails to retain
externally inspected for leaks during leakage test pressure may not be re-
the leakage test. Suitable safeguards turned to service as a specification
must be provided to protect personnel cargo tank, except under conditions
should a failure occur. Cargo tanks specified in 180.411(d).
may be leakage tested with hazardous (4) After July 1, 2000, Registered In-
materials contained in the cargo tank spectors of specification MC 330 and MC
during the test. Leakage test pressure 331 cargo tanks, and nonspecification
must be no less than 80% of MAWP cargo tanks authorized under
marked on the specification plate ex- 173.315(k) of this subchapter must vis-
cept as follows: ually inspect the delivery hose assem-
(i) A cargo tank with an MAWP of 690 bly and piping system while the assem-
kPa (100 psig) or more may be leakage bly is under leakage test pressure uti-
tested at its maximum normal oper- lizing the rejection criteria listed in
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ating pressure provided it is in dedi- 180.416(g). Delivery hose assemblies

cated service or services; or not permanently attached to the cargo
(ii) An MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank tank motor vehicle may be inspected
in dedicated liquified petroleum gas separately from the cargo tank motor


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.407

vehicle. In addition to a written record 312 cargo tanks are determined based
of the inspection prepared in accord- on the definition of minimum thick-
ance with 180.417(b), the Registered ness found in 178.320(a) of this sub-
Inspector conducting the test must chapter. The following Tables I and II
note the hose identification number, identify the In-Service Minimum
the date of the test, and the condition Thickness values to be used to deter-
of the hose assembly and piping system mine the minimum thickness for the
tested. referenced cargo tanks. The column
(5) The inspector must record the re- headed Minimum Manufactured
sults of the leakage test as specified in Thickness indicates the minimum
180.417(b). values required for new construction of
(i) Thickness testing. (1) The shell and DOT 400 series cargo tanks, found in
head thickness of all unlined cargo Tables I and II of 178.3462, 178.3472,
tanks used for the transportation of and 178.3482 of this subchapter. In-
materials corrosive to the tank must Service Minimum Thicknesses for MC
be measured at least once every 2 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, MC
years, except that cargo tanks meas- 305, MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, and
uring less than the sum of the min- MC 312 cargo tanks are based on 90 per-
imum prescribed thickness, plus one- cent of the manufactured thickness
fifth of the original corrosion allow- specified in the DOT specification,
ance, must be tested annually. rounded to three places.
(2) Measurements must be made
using a device capable of accurately TABLE IIN-SERVICE MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR
measuring thickness to within 0.002 of MC 300, MC 303, MC 304, MC 306, MC
an inch. 307, MC 310, MC 311, AND MC 312 SPECI-
(3) Any person performing thickness FICATION CARGO TANKS CONSTRUCTED OF
testing must be trained in the proper STEEL AND STEEL ALLOYS
use of the thickness testing device used Nominal In-service
in accordance with the manufacturers Minimum manufactured thickness decimal minimum
equiva- thickness
instruction. (US gauge or inches) lent for reference
(4) Thickness testing must be per- (inches) (inches)
formed in the following areas of the 19 ....................................................... 0.0418 0.038
cargo tank wall, as a minimum: 18 ....................................................... 0.0478 0.043
(i) Areas of the tank shell and heads 17 ....................................................... 0.0538 0.048
and shell and head area around any 16 ....................................................... 0.0598 0.054
15 ....................................................... 0.0673 0.061
piping that retains lading; 14 ....................................................... 0.0747 0.067
(ii) Areas of high shell stress such as 13 ....................................................... 0.0897 0.081
the bottom center of the tank; 12 ....................................................... 0.1046 0.094
11 ....................................................... 0.1196 0.108
(iii) Areas near openings; 10 ....................................................... 0.1345 0.121
(iv) Areas around weld joints; 9 ......................................................... 0.1495 0.135
(v) Areas around shell reinforce- 8 ......................................................... 0.1644 0.148
7 ......................................................... 0.1793 0.161
ments; 3/16 .................................................... 0.1875 0.169
(vi) Areas around appurtenance at- 1/4 ...................................................... 0.2500 0.225
tachments; 5/16 .................................................... 0.3125 0.281
3/8 ...................................................... 0.3750 0.338
(vii) Areas near upper coupler (fifth
wheel) assembly attachments;
(viii) Areas near suspension system TABLE IIIN-SERVICE MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR
attachments and connecting struc- MC 301, MC 302, MC 304, MC 305, MC
tures; 306, MC 307, MC 311, AND MC 312 SPECI-
(ix) Known thin areas in the tank FICATION CARGO TANKS CONSTRUCTED OF
shell and nominal liquid level lines; ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS
and In-service
(x) Connecting structures joining Minimum manufactured thickness minimum
multiple cargo tanks of carbon steel in thickness
a self-supporting cargo tank motor ve-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

hicle. 0.078 ...................................................................... 0.070

0.087 ...................................................................... 0.078
(5) Minimum thicknesses for MC 300, 0.096 ...................................................................... 0.086
MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 304, MC 305, 0.109 ...................................................................... 0.098
MC 306, MC 307, MC 310, MC 311, and MC 0.130 ...................................................................... 0.117


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180.409 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

TABLE IIIN-SERVICE MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR form then the thickness of the tank
MC 301, MC 302, MC 304, MC 305, MC shall be the thickness of the material
306, MC 307, MC 311, AND MC 312 SPECI- of construction indicated on the UIA
FICATION CARGO TANKS CONSTRUCTED OF form with no corrosion allowance.
ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYSContin- (10) For 400-series cargo tanks, min-
ued imum thickness is calculated accord-
ing to tables in each applicable section
In-service of this subchapter for that specifica-
Minimum manufactured thickness tion: 178.3462 for DOT 406 cargo
(inches) tanks, 178.3472 for DOT 407 cargo
0.141 ...................................................................... 0.127 tanks, and 178.3482 for DOT 412 cargo
0.151 ...................................................................... 0.136 tanks.
0.172 ...................................................................... 0.155
0.173 ...................................................................... 0.156 [Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989]
0.194 ...................................................................... 0.175
0.216 ...................................................................... 0.194
0.237 ...................................................................... 0.213
tations affecting 180.407, see the List of CFR
0.270 ...................................................................... 0.243 Sections Affected, which appears in the
0.360 ...................................................................... 0.324 Finding Aids section of the printed volume
0.450 ...................................................................... 0.405 and at
0.540 ...................................................................... 0.486
180.409 Minimum qualifications for
(6) An owner of a cargo tank that no inspectors and testers.
longer conforms to the minimum (a) Except as otherwise provided in
thickness prescribed for the design as this section, any person performing or
manufactured may use the cargo tank witnessing the inspections and tests
to transport authorized materials at specified in 180.407(c) must
reduced maximum weight of lading or (1) Be registered with the Federal
reduced maximum working pressure, or Motor Carrier Safety Administration
combinations thereof, provided the fol- in accordance with part 107, subpart F
lowing conditions are met: of this chapter,
(i) A Design Certifying Engineer (2) Be familiar with DOT-specifica-
must certify that the cargo tank de- tion cargo tanks and trained and expe-
sign and thickness are appropriate for rienced in use of the inspection and
the reduced loading conditions by testing equipment needed, and
issuance of a revised manufacturers (3) Have the training and experience
certificate, and required to meet the definition of
(ii) The cargo tank motor vehicles Registered Inspector in 171.8 of this
nameplate must reflect the revised chapter.
service limits. (b) A person who only performs an-
(7) An owner of a cargo tank that no nual external visual inspections and
longer conforms with the minimum leakage tests on a cargo tank motor
thickness prescribed for the specifica- vehicle, owned or operated by that per-
tion may not return the cargo tank to son, with a capacity of less than 13,250
hazardous materials service. The L (3,500 gallons) used exclusively for
tanks specification plate must be re- flammable liquid petroleum fuels, is
moved, obliterated or covered in a se- not required to meet the educational
cure manner. and years of experience requirements
(8) The inspector must record the re- set forth in the definition of Reg-
sults of the thickness test as specified istered Inspector in 171.8 of this sub-
in 180.417(b). chapter. Although not required to meet
(9) For MC 331 cargo tanks con- the educational and years of experience
structed before October 1, 2003, min- requirements, a person who performs
imum thickness shall be determined by visual inspections or leakage tests or
the thickness indicated on the U1A signs the inspection reports must have
form minus any corrosion allowance. the knowledge and ability to perform
For MC 331 cargo tanks constructed such inspections and tests and must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

after October 1, 2003, the minimum perform them as required by this sub-
thickness will be the value indicated chapter, and must register with the De-
on the specification plate. If no corro- partment as required by subpart F of
sion allowance is indicated on the U1A part 107 of this chapter.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.413

(c) A person who performs only an- 180.411 Acceptable results of tests
nual external visual inspections and and inspections.
leakage tests on a permanently mount- (a) Corroded or abraded areas. The
ed non-bulk tank, owned or operated minimum thickness may not be less
by that person, for petroleum products than that prescribed in the applicable
as authorized by 173.8(c) of this sub- specification.
chapter, is not required to be reg- (b) Dents, cuts, digs and gouges. For
istered in accordance with subpart F of evaluation procedures, see CGA C6
part 107 of this chapter. In addition the (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter).
person who signs the inspection report (1) For dents at welds or that include
required by 180.417(b) of this subpart a weld, the maximum allowable depth
for such non-bulk tanks is not required is 12 inch. For dents away from welds,
to be registered. Although not required the maximum allowable depth is 110 of
to register, a person who performs vis- the greatest dimension of the dent, but
in no case may the depth exceed one
ual inspections or leakage tests or
signs the inspection reports must have (2) The minimum thickness remain-
the knowledge and ability to perform ing beneath a cut, dig, or gouge may
such inspections and tests and must not be less than that prescribed in the
perform them as required by this sub- applicable specification.
chapter. (c) Weld or structural defects. Any
(d) A motor carrier or cargo tank cargo tank with a weld defect such as
owner who meets the requirements of a crack, pinhole, or incomplete fusion,
paragraph (a) of this section may use or a structural defect must be taken
an employee who is not a Registered out of hazardous materials service
Inspector to perform a portion of the until repaired.
pressure retest required by 180.407(g). (d) Leakage. All sources of leakage
External and internal visual inspec- must be properly repaired prior to re-
tions must be accomplished by a Reg- turning a tank to hazardous materials
istered Inspector, but the hydrostatic service.
or pneumatic pressure test, as set forth (e) Relief valves. Any pressure relief
valve that fails to open and reclose at
in 180.407(g)(1)(viii) and (ix), respec-
the prescribed pressure must be re-
tively, may be done by an employee
paired or replaced.
who is not a Registered Inspector pro- (f) Liner integrity. Any defect shown
vided that by the test must be properly repaired.
(1) The employee is familiar with the (g) Pressure test. Any tank that fails
cargo tank and is trained and experi- to meet the acceptance criteria found
enced in the use of the inspection and in the individual specification that ap-
testing equipment used; plies must be properly repaired.
(2) The employer submits certifi-
[Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
cation that such employee meets the amended at 68 FR 75764, Dec. 31, 2003]
qualification requirements to the Asso-
ciate Administrator, Attn: (PHH32), 180.413 Repair, modification, stretch-
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safe- ing, rebarrelling, or mounting of
ty Administration, Department of specification cargo tanks.
Transportation, East Building, 1200 (a) General. Any repair, modification,
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, stretching, rebarrelling, or mounting
DC 20590; and of a cargo tank must be performed in
(3) The employer retains a copy of conformance with the requirements of
the testers qualifications with the doc- this section.
uments required by 180.417(b). (1) Except as otherwise provided in
this section, each repair, modification,
[Amdt. 1802, 55 FR 37069, Sept. 7, 1990, as stretching, or rebarrelling of a speci-
amended by Amdt. 1803, 56 FR 66287, Dec. 20, fication cargo tank must be performed
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

1991; 57 FR 45466, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 18011, 62 by a repair facility holding a valid Na-
FR 1217, Jan. 8, 1997; 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, tional Board Certificate of Authoriza-
2001; 68 FR 19288, Apr. 18, 2003; 70 FR 56100, tion for use of the National Board R
Sept. 23, 2005; 72 FR 55697, Oct. 1, 2007]
stamp and must be made in accordance


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180.413 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

with the edition of the National Board quirements in effect at the time of re-
Inspection Code in effect at the time pair;
the work is performed. (2) MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303,
(i) Repairs, modifications, MC 305, and MC 306 cargo tanks must
stretchings, and rebarrellings per- be repaired in accordance with either
formed on non-ASME stamped speci- the most recent revision of the original
fication cargo tanks may be performed specification or with the DOT 406 speci-
by: fication in effect at the time of repair;
(A) A cargo tank manufacturer hold- (3) MC 304 and MC 307 cargo tanks
ing a valid ASME Certificate of Au- must be repaired in accordance with ei-
thorization for the use of the ASME ther the most recent revision of the
U stamp using the quality control original specification or with the DOT
procedures used to obtain the Certifi- 407 specification in effect at the time of
cate of Authorization; or repair;
(B) A repair facility holding a valid (4) MC 310, MC 311, and MC 312 cargo
National Board Certificate of Author- tanks must be repaired in accordance
ization for use of the National Board with either the most recent revision of
R stamp using the quality control the original specification or with the
procedures used to obtain the Certifi- DOT 412 specification in effect at the
cate of Authorization. time of repair;
(ii) A repair, modification, stretch- (5) MC 338 cargo tanks must be re-
ing, or rebarrelling of a non-ASME paired in accordance with the speci-
stamped cargo tank may be done with- fication requirements in effect at the
out certification by an Authorized In- time of repair; and
spector, completion of the R1 form, or (6) MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks
being stamped with the R stamp. must be repaired in accordance with
(2) Prior to each repair, modification, the repair procedures described in CGA
stretching, rebarrelling, or mounting, Technical Bulletin TB2 (IBR, see
the cargo tank motor vehicle must be 171.7 of this subchapter) and the Na-
emptied of any hazardous material lad- tional Board Inspection Code (IBR, see
ing. In addition, cargo tank motor ve- 171.7 of this subchapter). Each cargo
hicles used to transport flammable or tank having cracks or other defects re-
toxic lading must be sufficiently quiring welded repairs must meet all
cleaned of residue and purged of vapors inspection, test, and heat treatment re-
so any potential hazard is removed, in- quirements in 178.33716 of this sub-
cluding void spaces between double chapter in effect at the time of the re-
bulkheads, piping and vapor recovery pair, except that postweld heat treat-
systems. ment after minor weld repairs is not
(3) Each person performing a repair, required. When a repair is made of de-
modification, stretching, rebarrelling fects revealed by the wet fluorescent
or mounting of a DOT specification magnetic particle inspection, including
cargo tank must be registered in ac- those repaired by grinding, the affected
cordance with subpart F of part 107 of area of the cargo tank must again be
this chapter. examined by the wet fluorescent mag-
(b) Repair. The suitability of each re- netic particle method after hydrostatic
pair affecting the structural integrity testing to assure that all defects have
or lading retention capability of the been removed.
cargo tank must be determined by the (c) Maintenance or replacement of pip-
testing required either in the applica- ing, valves, hoses, or fittings. After each
ble manufacturing specification or in repair, maintenance or replacement of
180.407(g)(1)(iv). Each repair of a cargo a pipe, valve, hose, or fitting on a cargo
tank involving welding on the shell or tank, that component must be in-
head must be certified by a Registered stalled in accordance with the provi-
Inspector. The following provisions sions of the applicable specification be-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

apply to specific cargo tank repairs: fore the cargo tank is returned to serv-
(1) DOT 406, DOT 407, and DOT 412 ice.
cargo tanks must be repaired in ac- (1) After maintenance or replacement
cordance with the specification re- that does not involve welding on the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.413

cargo tank wall, the repaired or re- (iii) For specification MC 310, MC 311,
placed piping, valve, hose, or fitting and MC 312 cargo tanks, the provisions
must be tested for leaks. This require- of either specification MC 312 or DOT
ment is met when the piping, valve, 412 until August 31, 1995 and, thereafter
hose, or fitting is tested after installa- to specification DOT 412 only;
tion in accordance with 180.407(h)(1). (iv) For specification MC 330 cargo
A hose may be tested before or after in- tanks, the provisions of specification
stallation on the cargo tank. MC 331; and
(2) After repair or replacement of pip- (v) For specification MC 338 cargo
ing, valves, or fittings that involves tanks, the provisions of specification
welding on the cargo tank wall, the MC 338. However, structural modifica-
cargo tank must be pressure tested in tions to MC 338 cargo tanks authorized
accordance with the applicable manu- under 180.405(d) may conform to appli-
facturing specification or cable provisions of the ASME Code in-
180.407(g)(1)(iv). In addition, the af- stead of specification MC 338, provided
fected piping, valve, or fitting must be the structural integrity of the modified
tested in accordance with paragraph cargo tank is at least equivalent to
(c)(1) of this section. that of the original cargo tank.
(3) Hoses on cargo tanks in dedicated (3) The person performing the modi-
liquefied compressed gas, except car- fication, stretching, or rebarrelling
bon dioxide, service are excepted from must:
these testing requirements, but must (i) Have knowledge of the original de-
be tested in accordance with 180.416(f). sign concept, particularly with respect
(d) Modification, stretching, or rebarrel- to structural design analysis, material
ling. Modification, stretching or re- and welding procedures.
barrelling of a cargo tank motor vehi- (ii) Assure compliance of the rebuilt
cle must conform to the following pro- cargo tanks structural integrity, vent-
visions: ing, and accident damage protection
(1) The design of the modified, with the applicable specification re-
stretched, or rebarrelled cargo tank quirements.
motor vehicle must be certified in (iii) Assure compliance with all ap-
writing by a Design Certifying Engi- plicable Federal Motor Carrier Safety
neer as meeting the structural integ- Regulations for all newly installed
rity and accident damage protection safety equipment.
requirements of the applicable speci- (iv) Assure the suitability of each
fication. modification, stretching and rebarrel-
(2) Except as provided in paragraph ling that affects the lading retention
(d)(2)(v) of this section, all new mate- capability of the cargo tank by per-
rial and equipment affected by modi- forming the tests required in the appli-
fication, stretching, or rebarrelling cable specification or 180.407(g)(1)(iv).
must meet the requirements of the (v) Any modification that changes in-
specification in effect at the time such formation displayed on the specifica-
work is performed, and all applicable tion plate requires the installation of a
structural integrity requirements supplemental specification plate,
( 178.3373, 178.3383, or 178.3453 of nameplate, or both containing the in-
this subchapter). The work must con- formation that reflects the cargo tank
form to the requirements of the appli- as modified, stretched or rebarrelled.
cable specification as follows: The plate must include the name of the
(i) For specification MC 300, MC 301, person or facility doing the work, DOT
MC 302, MC 303, MC 305 and MC 306 registration number, date work is com-
cargo tanks, the provisions of either pleted, retest information, and any
specification MC 306 or DOT 406 until other information that differs from the
August 31, 1995 and, thereafter to speci- original plate. The supplemental plates
fication DOT 406 only; must be installed immediately adja-
(ii) For specification MC 304 and MC cent to the existing plate or plates.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

307 cargo tanks, the provisions of ei- (vi) On a variable specification cargo
ther specification MC 307 or DOT 407 tank, install a supplemental or new
until August 31, 1995 and, thereafter to variable specification plate, and re-
specification DOT 407 only; place the specification listed on the


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180.415 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

original specification plate with the quirements contained in 180.407 must

words see variable specification be marked as specified in this section.
plate. (b) Each cargo tank must be durably
(4) A Registered Inspector must cer- and legibly marked, in English, with
tify that the modified, stretched, or the date (month and year) and the type
rebarrelled cargo tank conforms to the of test or inspection performed, subject
requirements of this section and the to the following provisions:
applicable specification by issuing a
(1) The date must be readily identifi-
supplemental certificate of compliance.
able with the applicable test or inspec-
The registration number of the Reg-
istered Inspector must be entered on tion.
the certificate. (2) The markings must be in letters
(e) Mounting of cargo tanks. Mounting and numbers at least 32 mm (1.25
a cargo tank on a cargo tank motor ve- inches) high, near the specification
hicle must be: plate or anywhere on the front head.
(1) Performed as required by para- (3) The type of test or inspection may
graph (d)(2) of this section and certified be abbreviated as follows:
by a Design Certifying Engineer if the (i) V for external visual inspection
mounting of a cargo tank on a motor and test;
vehicle chassis involves welding on the (ii) I for internal visual inspection;
cargo tank head or shell or any change (iii) P for pressure test;
or modification of the methods of at- (iv) L for lining inspection;
tachment; or
(v) T for thickness test; and
(2) In accordance with the original
specification for attachment to the (vi) K for leakage test for a cargo
chassis or the specification for attach- tank tested under 180.407, except
ment to the chassis in effect at the 180.407(h)(2); and
time of the mounting, and performed (vii) K-EPA27 for a cargo tank tested
under the supervision of a Registered under 180.407(h)(2) after October 1,
Inspector if the mounting of a cargo 2004.
tank on a motor vehicle chassis does Examples to paragraph (b). The markings
not involve welding on the cargo tank 1099 P, V, L represent that in October 1999
head or shell or a change or modifica- a cargo tank passed the prescribed pressure
tion of the methods of attachment. test, external visual inspection and test, and
(f) Records. Each owner of a cargo the lining inspection. The markings 200 K-
tank motor vehicle must retain at the EPA27 represent that in February 2000 a
owners principal place of business all cargo tank passed the leakage test under
records of repair, modification, 180.407(h)(2). The markings 200 K, K-
stretching, or rebarrelling, including EPA27 represent that in February 2000 a
notation of any tests conducted to cargo tank passed the leakage test under
verify the suitability of the repair, both 180.407(h)(1) and under EPA Method 27
modification, stretching, or rebarrel- in 180.407(h)(2).
ling made to each cargo tank during (c) For a cargo tank motor vehicle
the time the cargo tank motor vehicle composed of multiple cargo tanks con-
is in service and for one year there- structed to the same specification,
after. Copies of these records must be which are tested and inspected at the
retained by a motor carrier, if not the same time, one set of test and inspec-
owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle, tion markings may be used to satisfy
at its principal place of business during the requirements of this section. For a
the period the cargo tank motor vehi-
cargo tank motor vehicle composed of
cle is in the carriers service.
multiple cargo tanks constructed to
[68 FR 19288, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 52372, Sept. different specifications, which are test-
3, 2003, as amended at 68 FR 75764, Dec. 31, ed and inspected at different intervals,
the test and inspection markings must
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

180.415 Test and inspection mark- appear in the order of the cargo tanks
(a) Each cargo tank successfully
completing the test and inspection re-


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.416

corresponding location, from front to for leakage through the valve at least
rear. once each calendar month the cargo
[Amdt. 1802, 56 FR 27879, June 17, 1991, as
tank is in service. On cargo tanks
amended by Amdt. 1803, 56 FR 66287, Dec. 20, equipped with a meter, the meter creep
1991; 57 FR 45466, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 1806, 59 test as outlined in appendix B to this
FR 49135, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 18010, 61 FR part or a test providing equivalent ac-
51343, Oct. 1, 1996; 68 FR 19290, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 curacy is acceptable. For cargo tanks
FR 52372, Sept. 3, 2003] that are not equipped with a meter, ap-
pendix B to this part outlines one ac-
180.416 Discharge system inspection
and maintenance program for cargo ceptable method that may be used to
tanks transporting liquefied com- check internal self-closing stop valves
pressed gases. for closure.
(a) Applicability. This section is appli- (5) The operator must note each in-
cable to an operator using specification spection in a record. That record must
MC 330, MC 331, and nonspecification include the inspection date, the name
cargo tanks authorized under of the person performing the inspec-
173.315(k) of this subchapter for trans- tion, the hose assembly identification
portation of liquefied compressed gases number, the manufacturer of the hose
other than carbon dioxide. Paragraphs assembly, the date the hose was assem-
(b), (c), (d)(1), (d)(5), (e), (f), and (g)(1) of bled and tested, and an indication that
this section, applicable to delivery the delivery hose assembly and piping
hose assemblies, apply only to hose as- system passed or failed the tests and
semblies installed or carried on the inspections. The operator must retain
cargo tank. a copy of each test and inspection
(b) Hose identification. By July 1, 2000, record at its principal place of business
the operator must assure that each de- or where the vehicle is housed or main-
livery hose assembly is permanently tained until the next test of the same
marked with a unique identification type is successfully completed.
number and maximum working pres- (e) Annual hose leakage test. The
sure. owner of a delivery hose assembly that
(c) Post-delivery hose check. After each is not permanently attached to a cargo
unloading, the operator must visually tank motor vehicle must ensure that
check that portion of the delivery hose the hose assembly is annually tested in
assembly deployed during the unload- accordance with 180.407(h)(4).
ing. (f) New or repaired delivery hose assem-
(d) Monthly inspections and tests. (1) blies. Each operator of a cargo tank
The operator must visually inspect must ensure each new and repaired de-
each delivery hose assembly at least
livery hose assembly is tested at a min-
once each calendar month the delivery
imum of 120 percent of the hose max-
hose assembly is in service.
imum working pressure.
(2) The operator must visually in-
spect the piping system at least once (1) The operator must visually exam-
each calendar month the cargo tank is ine the delivery hose assembly while it
in service. The inspection must include is under pressure.
fusible elements and all components of (2) Upon successful completion of the
the piping system, including bolts, con- pressure test and inspection, the oper-
nections, and seals. ator must assure that the delivery hose
(3) At least once each calendar month assembly is permanently marked with
a cargo tank is in service, the operator the month and year of the test.
must actuate all emergency discharge (3) After July 1, 2000, the operator
control devices designed to close the must complete a record documenting
internal self-closing stop valve to as- the test and inspection, including the
sure that all linkages operate as de- date, the signature of the inspector,
signed. appendix A to this part outlines the hose owner, the hose identification
acceptable procedures that may be number, the date of original delivery
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

used for this test. hose assembly and test, notes of any
(4) The operator of a cargo tank must defects observed and repairs made, and
check the internal self-closing stop an indication that the delivery hose as-
valve in the liquid discharge opening sembly passed or failed the tests and


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180.417 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

inspections. A copy of each test and in- cate, the manufacturers ASME U1A
spection record must be retained by data report, where applicable, and re-
the operator at its principal place of lated papers certifying that the speci-
business or where the vehicle is housed fication cargo tank identified in the
or maintained until the next test of the documents was manufactured and test-
same type is successfully completed. ed in accordance with the applicable
(g) Rejection criteria. (1) No operator specification. This would include any
may use a delivery hose assembly de- certification of emergency discharge
termined to have any condition identi- control systems required by 173.315(n)
fied below for unloading liquefied com- of this subchapter or 180.405(m). The
pressed gases. An operator may remove owner must retain the documents
and replace damaged sections or cor- throughout his ownership of the speci-
rect defects discovered. Repaired hose fication cargo tank and for one year
assemblies may be placed back in serv- thereafter. In the event of a change in
ice if retested successfully in accord- ownership, the prior owner must retain
ance with paragraph (f) of this section. non-fading photo copies of these docu-
(i) Damage to the hose cover that ex- ments for one year.
poses the reinforcement. (2) Each motor carrier who uses a
(ii) Wire braid reinforcement that specification cargo tank motor vehicle
has been kinked or flattened so as to must obtain a copy of the manufactur-
permanently deform the wire braid. ers certificate and related papers or
(iii) Soft spots when not under pres- the alternative report authorized by
sure, bulging under pressure, or loose paragraph (a)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section
outer covering. and retain the documents as specified
(iv) Damaged, slipping, or excessively in this paragraph (a)(2). A motor car-
worn hose couplings. rier who is not the owner of a cargo
(v) Loose or missing bolts or fas- tank motor vehicle must also retain a
tenings on bolted hose coupling assem- copy of the vehicle certification report
blies. for as long as the cargo tank motor ve-
(2) No operator may use a cargo tank hicle is used by that carrier and for one
with a piping system found to have any year thereafter. The information re-
condition identified in this paragraph quired by this section must be main-
(g)(2) for unloading liquefied com- tained at the companys principal place
pressed gases. of business or at the location where the
(i) Any external leak identifiable vehicle is housed or maintained. The
without the use of instruments. provisions of this section do not apply
(ii) Bolts that are loose, missing, or to a motor carrier who leases a cargo
severely corroded. tank for less than 30 days.
(iii) Manual stop valves that will not (3) DOT Specification cargo tanks man-
actuate. ufactured before September 1, 1995(i)
(iv) Rubber hose flexible connectors Non-ASME Code stamped cargo tanksIf
with any condition outlined in para- an owner does not have a manufactur-
graph (g)(1) of this section. ers certificate for a cargo tank and he
(v) Stainless steel flexible connectors wishes to certify it as a specification
with damaged reinforcement braid. cargo tank, the owner must perform
(vi) Internal self-closing stop valves appropriate tests and inspections,
that fail to close or that permit leak- under the direct supervision of a Reg-
age through the valve detectable with- istered Inspector, to determine if the
out the use of instruments. cargo tank conforms with the applica-
(vii) Pipes or joints that are severely ble specification. Both the owner and
corroded. the Registered Inspector must certify
[64 FR 28051, May 24, 1999, as amended at 78 that the cargo tank fully conforms to
FR 15330, Mar. 11, 2013] the applicable specification. The owner
must retain the certificate, as specified
180.417 Reporting and record reten- in this section.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion requirements. (ii) ASME Code Stamped cargo tanks. If

(a) Vehicle certification. (1) Each the owner does not have the manufac-
owner of a specification cargo tank turers certificate required by the spec-
must retain the manufacturers certifi- ification and the manufacturers data


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.417

report required by the ASME, the upper coupler assemblies, when appli-
owner may contact the National Board cable (visually examined in place, or
for a copy of the manufacturers data removed for examination); and, infor-
report, if the cargo tank was registered mation regarding leakage and pressure
with the National Board, or copy the testing, when applicable (pneumatic or
information contained on the cargo hydrostatic testing method, identifica-
tanks identification and ASME Code tion of the fluid used for the test, test
plates. Additionally, both the owner pressure, and holding time of test);
and the Registered Inspector must cer- (iv) Location of defects found and
tify that the cargo tank fully conforms method of repair;
to the specification. The owner must (v) ASME or National Board Certifi-
retain such documents, as specified in cate of Authorization number of facil-
this section. ity performing repairs, if applicable;
(b) Test or inspection reporting. Each (vi) Name and address of person per-
person performing a test or inspection forming test;
as specified in 180.407 must prepare a (vii) Registration number of the fa-
written report, in English, in accord- cility or person performing the test;
ance with this paragraph. (viii) Continued qualification state-
(1) Each test or inspection report ment, such as cargo tank meets the
must include the following informa- requirements of the DOT specification
tion: identified on this report or cargo
(i) Owners and manufacturers tank fails to meet the requirements of
unique serial number for the cargo the DOT specification identified on
tank; this report;
(ii) Name of cargo tank manufac-
(ix) DOT registration number of the
registered inspector; and
(iii) Cargo tank DOT or MC specifica-
(x) Dated signature of the registered
tion number;
inspector and the cargo tank owner.
(iv) MAWP of the cargo tank;
(v) Minimum thickness of the cargo (3) The owner and the motor carrier,
tank shell and heads when the cargo if not the owner, must each retain a
tank is thickness tested in accordance copy of the test and inspection reports
with 180.407(d)(5), 180.407(e)(3), until the next test or inspection of the
180.407(f)(3), or 180.407(i); same type is successfully completed.
(vi) Indication of whether the cargo This requirement does not apply to a
tank is lined, insulated, or both; and motor carrier leasing a cargo tank for
(vii) Indication of special service of fewer than 30 days.
the cargo tank (e.g., transports mate- (c) Additional requirements for Speci-
rial corrosive to the tank, dedicated fication MC 330 and MC 331 cargo tanks.
service, etc.) (1) After completion of the pressure
(2) Each test or inspection report test specified in 180.407(g)(3), each
must include the following specific in- motor carrier operating a Specification
formation as appropriate for each indi- MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank in anhy-
vidual type of test or inspection: drous ammonia, liquefied petroleum
(i) Type of test or inspection per- gas, or any other service that may
formed; cause stress corrosion cracking, must
(ii) Date of test or inspection (month make a written report containing the
and year); following information:
(iii) Listing of all items tested or in- (i) Carriers name, address of prin-
spected, including information about cipal place of business, and telephone
pressure relief devices that are re- number;
moved, inspected and tested or re- (ii) Complete identification plate
placed, when applicable (type of device, data required by Specification MC 330
set to discharge pressure, pressure at or MC 331, including data required by
which device opened, pressure at which ASME Code;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

device re-seated, and a statement of (iii) Carriers equipment number;

disposition of the device (e.g., re- (iv) A statement indicating whether
installed, repaired, or replaced)); infor- or not the tank was stress relieved
mation regarding the inspection of after fabrication;


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180.501 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(v) Name and address of the person most recent inspection and test reports
performing the test and the date of the made under this section. Copies of such
test; reports must be provided to the lessee
(vi) A statement of the nature and se- if the cargo tank is leased for more
verity of any defects found. In par- than 30 days.
ticular, information must be furnished
[Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
to indicate the location of defects de- amended at 55 FR 21038, May 22, 1990; 55 FR
tected, such as in weld, heat-affected 37069, Sept. 7, 1990; 56 FR 27879, June 17, 1991;
zone, the liquid phase, the vapor phase, 58 FR 12905, Mar. 8, 1993; Amdt. 1802, 59 FR
or the head-to-shell seam. If no defect 1786, Jan. 12, 1994; Amdt. 18010, 61 FR 51343,
or damage was discovered, that fact Oct. 1, 1996; 63 FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR
must be reported; 28052, May 24, 1999; 65 FR 50463, Aug. 18, 2000;
(vii) A statement indicating the 67 FR 61016, Sept. 27, 2002; 68 FR 19290, Apr.
18, 2003; 68 FR 52372, Sept. 3, 2003; 69 FR 54047,
methods employed to make repairs,
Sept. 7, 2004; 70 FR 34077, June 13, 2005; 76 FR
who made the repairs, and the date 43532, July 20, 2011]
they were completed. Also, a statement
of whether or not the tank was stress
relieved after repairs and, if so, wheth- Subpart FQualification and
er full or local stress relieving was per- Maintenance of Tank Cars
(viii) A statement of the disposition SOURCE: Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21,
of the cargo tank, such as cargo tank 1995, unless otherwise noted.
scrapped or cargo tank returned to
service; and 180.501 Applicability.
(ix) A statement of whether or not (a) This subpart prescribes require-
the cargo tank is used in anhydrous ments, in addition to those contained
ammonia, liquefied petroleum gas, or in parts 107, 171, 172, 173, 174, and 179 of
any other service that may cause this subchapter, applicable to any per-
stress corrosion cracking. Also, if the son who manufactures, fabricates,
cargo tank has been used in anhydrous marks, maintains, repairs, inspects, or
ammonia service since the last report, services tank cars to ensure continuing
a statement indicating whether each qualification.
shipment of ammonia was certified by (b) This subpart also establishes the
its shipper as containing 0.2 percent minimum acceptable framework for an
water by weight. owners qualification program for tank
(2) A copy of the report must be re- cars and components. Owners should
tained by the carrier at its principal follow this subpart in developing their
place of business during the period the written procedures (work instructions),
cargo tank is in the carriers service as required under 179.7(d), for use by
and for one year thereafter. Upon a tank car facility employees. The own-
written request to, and with the ap- ers qualification program for each
proval of, the Field Administrator, Re- tank car, or a fleet of tank cars, must
gional Service Center, Federal Motor identify where to inspect, how to in-
Carrier Safety Administration for the spect, and the acceptance criteria. Al-
region in which a motor carrier has its ternative inspection and test proce-
principal place of business, the carrier dures or intervals based on a damage-
may maintain the reports at a regional tolerance analysis or service reliability
or terminal office. assessment must be approved by the
(3) The requirement in paragraph Associate Administrator for Railroad
(c)(1) of this section does not apply to Safety in accordance with 180.509(l).
a motor carrier leasing a cargo tank Tank car facilities must incorporate
for less than 30 days. the owners qualification program in
(d) Supplying certificates and reports. their quality assurance program, as re-
Each person offering a DOT-specifica- quired under 179.7(a)(2), (b)(3), (b)(5),
tion cargo tank for sale or lease must and (d).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

provide the purchaser or lessee a copy (c) Any person who performs a func-
of the cargo tank certificate of compli- tion prescribed in this part shall per-
ance, records of repair, modification, form that function in accordance with
stretching, or rebarrelling; and the this part.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.503

(d) Where, in this subpart, a person is construction prescribed in 179.5, in-

required to make documents available cluding an alteration prescribed in
to FRA upon request, such request 179.6, or conversion.
means that credentialed FRA per- Objectively reasonable and articulable
sonnel or an authorized representative belief means a belief based on particu-
of the Department may view the docu- larized and identifiable facts that pro-
ments and make copies of them. The vide an objective basis to believe or
document owners may seek confiden- suspect that a tank car or a class or de-
tial treatment of the documents pre- sign of tank cars may be in an unsafe
sented. See 105.30. operating condition.
[Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as Qualification, as relevant to a tank
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June car, means the car and its components
26, 1996; 77 FR 37986, June 25, 2012] conforms to the specification to which
it was designed, manufactured, or
180.503 Definitions. modified to the requirements of this
The following definitions and those subpart, to the applicable requirements
contained in 171.8 and 179.2 of this of the AAR Tank Car Manual (IBR, see
subchapter apply: 171.7 of this subchapter), and to the
Coating/lining owner means the person owners acceptance criteria. Qualifica-
with the financial responsibility for tion is accomplished by careful and
purchasing and maintaining the integ- critical examination that verifies con-
rity of the interior coating or lining. formance using inspections and tests
Corrosive to the tank or service equip- based on a written program approved
ment means a material identified in Ap- by the tank car owner followed by a
pendix D of this part or a material written representation of that con-
when in contact with the inner shell of formance. A tank car that passes the
the tank or service equipment has a appropriate tests for its specification,
corrosion rate on steel greater than 2.5 has a signed test report, is marked to
milli-inch per year (mpy) (0.0025 inch denote this passage, and is considered
per year). qualified for hazardous materials
Defects mean abrasions; corrosion; transportation under this subchapter.
cracks; dents; flaws in welds; distor-
Tests and inspec-
tions; erosion; missing, damaged, leak- Qualification of tions 180.509(*)
ing or loose components and fasteners;
and other conditions or imperfections Tank .......................... Visual Inspection ...... d
Structural Integrity In- e
that may make a tank car unsafe for spection.
transportation and/or require it to be Thickness Test: Note f
removed from service. 1.
Design level of reliability and safety Safety System In- h
means the level of reliability and safe- Service Equipment ... Service Equipment ... k
ty built into the tank car and, there- Coating/lining ............ Internal Coatings and i
fore, inherent in its specification, de- Linings.
sign, and manufacture.
Inspection and test means a careful NOTE 1: Subparagraph (f)(2) may require
thickness tests at an interval different from
and critical examination of a tank car the other items for qualification of the tank.
and its appurtenances performed by
qualified personnel following the own- Railworthy, Railworthiness for a tank
ers qualified procedures. car means that the tank, service equip-
Interior heater system means a piping ment, safety systems, and all other
system located within the tank shell components covered by this subchapter
that uses a fluid medium to heat the conform to the HMR, and are otherwise
lading for the purposes of unloading. suitable for continued service and ca-
Maintenance means upkeep, or preser- pable of performing their intended
vation, including repairs necessary and function until their next qualification.
proper to ensure an in-operation tank Reactive to the tank or service equip-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cars specification until its next quali- ment means a material that, in contact
fication. with the inner shell of the tank, or
Modification means any change to a with the service equipment, may react
tank car that affects the certificate of to produce heat, gases, and/or pressure


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180.505 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

which could substantially reduce the 180.505 Quality assurance program.

effectiveness of the packaging or the
The quality assurance program re-
safety of its use.
quirements of 179.7 of this subchapter
Reinforced tank shell butt weld means apply.
the portion of a butt weld covered by a
reinforcing pad. 180.507 Qualification of tank cars.
Reinforcing pad means an attachment
(a) Each tank car marked as meeting
welded directly to the tank supporting
a DOT specification or any other
major structural components for the
tank car used for the transportation of
purpose of preventing damage to the
a hazardous material must meet the re-
tank through fatigue, overstressing,
quirements of this subchapter or the
denting, puncturing, or tearing.
applicable specification to which the
Reliability means the quantified abil- tank was constructed.
ity of an item or structure to operate
(b) Tank car specifications no longer
without failure for the specified period
authorized for construction. (1) Tank
of its design life or until its next quali-
cars prescribed in the following table
are authorized for service provided
Representation means attesting they conform to all applicable safety
through documenting, in writing or by requirements of this subchapter:
marking on the tank (or jacket), that a
tank car is qualified and railworthy. Specification pre- Other specifications per-
scribed in the current Notes
See also 180.511 and 180.517(b). regulations mitted
Safety system means one or more of
the following: Thermal protection sys- 105A200W .................. 105A100W .......................... 1
105A200ALW .............. 105A100ALW ...................... 1
tems, insulation systems, tank head 105A300W .................. ICC105, 105A300.
puncture resistance systems, coupler 105A400W .................. 105A400.
vertical restraint systems, and systems 105A500W .................. 105A500.
used to protect discontinuities (e.g., 105A600W .................. 105A600.
skid protection and protective 106A500X ................... ICC27, BE27, 106A500.
106A800X ................... 106A800.
housings) as required under this sub- 107A * * * * ............... ............................................. 2
NOTE 1: Tanks built as Specification DOT 105A100W or
Service equipment means equipment DOT 105A100ALW may be altered and converted to DOT
used for loading and unloading (includ- 105A200W and DOT 105A200ALW, respectively.
NOTE 2: The test pressures of tanks built in the United
ing an interior heating system), sam- States between January 1, 1941 and December 31, 1955,
pling, venting, vacuum relief, pressure may be increased to conform to Specification 107A. Original
and revised test pressure markings must be indicated and
relief, and measuring the amount of may be shown on the tank or on a plate attached to the bulk-
lading or the lading temperature. head of the car. Tanks built before 1941 are not authorized.
Service equipment owner means the (2) [Reserved]
party responsible for bearing the cost (3) Specification DOT-113A175W,
of the maintenance of the service DOT-113C60W, DOT-113D60W, and DOT-
equipment. 113D120W tank cars may continue in
Tank car owner means the person to use, but new construction is not au-
whom a rail cars reporting marks are thorized.
assigned, as listed in the Universal Ma- (4) Class DOT 105A and 105S tank cars
chine Language Equipment Register used to transport hydrogen chloride,
(UMLER). refrigerated liquid under the terms of
Tank car tank means the shell, heads, DOT-E 3992 may continue in service,
tank shell and head weld joints, at- but new construction is not authorized.
tachment welds, sumps, nozzles, (5) Specification DOT-103A-ALW,
flanges, and all other components weld- 103AW, 103ALW, 103ANW, 103BW,
ed thereto that are either in contact 103CW, 103DW, 103EW, and 104W tank
with the lading or contain the lading. cars may continue in use, but new con-
Train consist means a written record
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

struction is not authorized.

of the contents and location of each
rail car in a train. [Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as
amended at 68 FR 48572, Aug. 14, 2003; 77 FR
[77 FR 37986, June 25, 2012] 37987, June 25, 2012]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.509

180.509 Requirements for inspection condition that may make the tank car
and test of specification tank cars. unsafe for transportation,
(a) General. Each tank car owner (2) The tank car was in an accident
and shows evidence of damage to an ex-
must ensure that a tank car facility:
tent that may adversely affect its ca-
(1) Inspects and tests each item ac-
pability to retain its contents or to
cording to the requirements specified
otherwise remain railworthy.
in this section; (3) The tank bears evidence of dam-
(2) Evaluates each item according to age caused by fire. (4) The Associate
the acceptable results of inspections Administrator for Railroad Safety,
and tests specified in 180.511; FRA, requires it based on the existence
(3) Marks each tank car as specified of an objectively reasonable and
in 180.515 that is qualified to transport articulable belief that a tank car or a
hazardous materials; class or design of tank cars may be in
(4) Prepares the documentation as re- an unsafe operating condition.
quired by 180.517 for each item quali- (c) Frequency of inspection and tests.
fied under this section. A copy of the Each tank car shall have an inspection
documentation required by 180.517 and test according to the requirements
must be sent to the owner as appro- of this paragraph.
priate and according to the owners in- (1) For Class 107 tank cars and tank
structions. cars of riveted construction, the tank
(b) Conditions requiring qualification of car must have a hydrostatic pressure
tank cars. Without regard to the quali- test and visual inspection conforming
fication compliance date requirements to the requirements in effect prior to
of any paragraph of this section, an July 1, 1996, for the tank specification.
owner of a tank car or an internal (2) For Class DOT 113 tank cars, see
coating or lining must ensure an appro- 173.319(e) of this subchapter.
priate inspection and test according to (3) Fusion welded tank cars must be
the type of defect and the type of main- inspected and tested to be qualified and
tenance or repair performed if: maintained in accordance with the fol-
(1) The tank car shows evidence of lowing table. All qualification require-
abrasion, corrosion, cracks, dents, dis- ments need not be done at the same
tortions, defects in welds, or any other time or at the same facility.
Section 180.509(*) Description Maximum interval

D ............................. Visual inspection ................................................................................................ 10 years.

E .............................. Structural integrity inspection ............................................................................. 10 years.
F .............................. Thickness test .................................................................................................... See 180.509(f).
H ............................. Safety Systems .................................................................................................. 10 years.
I ............................... Internal coating or lining (for materials corrosive or reactive to the tank) (See See 180.509(i).
definitions at 180.503).
J .............................. Leakage pressure test ....................................................................................... After reassembly.
K .............................. Service equipment (including pressure relief device) ........................................ See 180.509(k).

(d) Visual inspection. At a minimum, for abrasion, corrosion, cracks, dents,

each tank car facility must visually in- distortions, defects in welds, or any
spect the tank externally and inter- other condition that makes the tank
nally as follows: car unsafe for transportation, and for
(1) An internal inspection of the tank DOT 115 class tank cars, an internal in-
shell and heads for abrasion, corrosion, spection of the inner container and ex-
cracks, dents, distortions, defects in ternal inspection of the outer shell and
welds, or any other condition that heads for defects in welds, or any other
makes the tank car unsafe for trans- condition that may make the tank car
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

portation, and except in the areas unsafe for transportation;

where insulation or a thermal protec- (2) When an internal coating or lin-
tion system precludes it, an external ing, head protection, insulation, or
inspection of the tank shell and heads thermal protection is removed in part


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180.509 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

or in whole, the internal and external make the data available to FRA or an
exposed surface of the tank must be authorized representative of the De-
visually inspected for defects in welds partment upon request.
or any other condition that may make (2) For DOT 115 class tanks, para-
the tank car unsafe for transportation, graphs (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this sec-
and this inspection must precede any tion apply only to the outer shell fillet
application or reapplication of a coat- welds and to the non-reinforced ex-
ing or lining; posed outer shell butt welds.
(3) An inspection of the service equip- (3) The inspection requirements of
ment, including gaskets, for indica- paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section do
tions of corrosion and other conditions not apply to reinforced tank shell butt
that may make the tank car unsafe for welds until the time of lining removal
transportation; or application for tank cars with an in-
(4) An inspection for missing or loose ternal lead, glass, or rubber lining.
bolts, nuts, or elements that may make (4) Each tank car facility must in-
the tank car unsafe for transportation; spect and test the elements identified
(5) An inspection of all closures on in paragraph (e)(1) of this section by
the tank car for conditions that may one or more of the following methods:
make the tank car unsafe for transpor- (i) Dye penetrant testing (PT);
tation, including an inspection of the (ii) Radiographic examination (RT);
protective housings for proper condi-
(iii) Magnetic particle testing (MT);
(iv) Ultrasonic testing (UT); and
(6) An inspection of excess flow
valves with threaded seats for tight- (v) Direct, remote, or enhanced vis-
ness; and ual inspection, using, for example,
(7) An inspection of the required magnifiers, fiberscopes, borescopes,
markings on the tank car for legibility. and/or machine vision technology (VT).
(e) Structural integrity inspections and (f) Thickness tests. (1) The tank car
tests. (1) Each tank car owner must en- owner must ensure that each tank car
sure the structural elements on the facility measures the thickness of the
tank car qualify with the applicable re- tank car shell, heads, sumps, protec-
quirements of this subchapter. At a tive housing (i.e., domes), and nozzles
minimum, the structural integrity in- on each tank car by using a device ca-
spection and test must include: pable of accurately measuring the
(i) All transverse fillet welds greater thickness to within 0.05 mm (0.002
than 0.64 cm (0.25 inch) within 121.92 cm inch).
(4 feet) of the bottom longitudinal cen- (2) The tank car owner must ensure
terline except body bolster pad attach- that each tank car has a thickness test
ment welds; measurement:
(ii) The termination of longitudinal (i) At the time of an internal coating
fillet welds greater than 0.64 cm (0.25 or lining application or replacement,
inch) within 121.92 cm (4 feet) of the or
bottom longitudinal centerline; and (ii) At least once every ten (10) years
(iii) The tank shell butt welds within for a tank that does not have an inter-
60.96 cm (2 feet) of the bottom longitu- nal coating or lining, or
dinal centerline, unless the tank car (iii) At least once every five (5) years
owner can determine by analysis (e.g., for a tank that does not have an inter-
finite element analysis, damage-toler- nal coating or lining when:
ance analysis, or service reliability as- (A) The tank is used to transport a
sessment) that the structure will not material that is corrosive or reactive
develop defects that reduce the design to the tank (see Appendix D of this
level of safety and reliability or fail part) or service equipment as defined
within its operational life or prior to 180.503, and
the next required inspection. The (B) The remaining shell and head
owner must maintain all documenta- thickness is tested and determined to
tion used to make such determination be at or below line C in Figure A of this
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

at its principal place of business and paragraph.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.509

Where: by measuring the shell or head in the

A. As-built tank shell or head thickness with area of the repair. The thickness test
additional thickness. applies only to the non-lined or coated
B. Required minimum tank shell or head repaired area, and is not a qualification
thickness after forming per part 179. event. Modification of the tank stencil
C. Inspection frequency adjustment point is not required.
(design minimum shell or head thick-
ness, minus 12 of the table value in para-
(4) Operation of a tank car below the
graph (g) of this section). condemning limit for general corrosion
D. Condemning limit for general corrosion or the condemning limit for localized
(required minimum shell or head thick- corrosion (as shown in Figure A of this
ness, minus the value in paragraph (g) of section) is prohibited.
this section). (5) For sumps, protective housing
E. Condemning limit for localized corrosion (i.e., domes), nozzles, and nozzle rein-
(required minimum shell or head thick- forcing pads, the tank car owner must
ness, minus the table value in paragraph
determine if any reduction in wall
(g) of this section, minus 1.58 mm (116
inch)). See Note 1 in paragraph (g) of this thickness affects the design levels of
section for diameter limitations and reliability and safety built into sump,
minimum separation distances. protective housing, nozzle, or nozzle re-
F. Allowable shell or head thickness reduc- inforcement. Each tank car owner
tion (table value in paragraph (g) of this must maintain at its principal place of
section). business documentation describing the
G. Additional thickness reduction for local- allowable thickness reductions for
ized areas in paragraph (g) of this sec- sumps, protective housings, and noz-
zles, and nozzle reinforcements. This
(3) For a localized repair of an inter- documentation must be made available
nal coating or lining where a material to FRA or an authorized representative
corrosive to the tank or service equip- of the Department upon request.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ment as defined 180.503 has contacted (6) After repairs, alterations, conver-
the tank, a qualified individual must sions, modifications, or blasting of
verify the coating or linings conform- tank car that results in a reduction of
ance with paragraph (g) of this section the tanks thickness, and anytime a


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180.509 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

tank car coating or lining is removed, of tank cars used to transport haz-
a qualified individual must measure ardous materials must ensure the lin-
the thickness of the tank in the area of ing complies with 173.24(b)(2) and
reduced thickness to ensure that the (b)(3) of this subchapter.
thickness of the tank conforms to (2) The owner of the internal coating
paragraph (g) of this section. or lining must establish and maintain
(g) Service life thickness allowance. (1) a record of the service life of the coat-
A tank car found with a thickness ing or lining and commodity combina-
below the required minimum thickness tion, that is, the specific hazardous
after forming for its specification, as materials that were loaded into a tank
stated in part 179 of this subchapter, and the coating or lining in place at
may continue in service if any reduc- the time of loading. The owner of the
tion in the required minimum thick- internal coating or lining must use its
ness is not more than that provided in knowledge of the service life of each
the following table: coating or lining and commodity com-
bination to establish an appropriate in-
ALLOWABLE SHELL THICKNESS REDUCTIONS spection interval for that coating or
Marked tank test Top shell and tank
lining and commodity combination.
Bottom shell This interval must not exceed eight (8)
pressure head
years, unless the coating or lining
60 psig <200 psig 3.17 mm ............... 1.58 mm.
18 inch .................. inch.
1 16 owner can establish, document, and
200 psig .............. 0.79 mm ............... 0.79 mm. show that the service history or sci-
132 inch ................ 132 inch.
entific analysis of the coating or lining
and commodity pairing supports a
NOTE 1. A tank car owner may add an extra longer inspection interval. The owner
1.58 mm (116 inch) to the values in the table
for local reductions. Local reductions are
must maintain at its principal place of
those that do not exceed 20.32 linear centi- business a written procedure for col-
meters (8 linear inches) measured at the lecting and documenting the perform-
longest diameter, and are separated from the ance of the coating or lining applied
other local reductions by at least 40.64 cm (16 within the tank car for its service life.
inches). The internal coating or lining owner
NOTE 2. Any reduction in the tank car shell must provide this documentation, in-
thickness may not affect the structural cluding inspection and test, repair, re-
strength of the tank car to the extent that
the tank car no longer conforms to the appli-
moval, and application procedures, to
cable provisions of Section 6.2 of the AAR the FRA or car owner upon request.
Specifications for Tank Cars (IBR, see 171.7 Further, the offeror must provide com-
of this subchapter). modity information to the car owner
NOTE 3. For DOT 115 class tank cars, shell and the owner of the internal coating
thickness reductions apply only to the outer or lining upon request.
shell of the tank car. There is no shell or (3) The owner of the internal coating
head thickness reduction authorized for the or lining must provide the test method
inner tank.
and acceptance criteria to the tank car
(2) [Reserved] owner and to the person responsible for
(h) Safety system inspections. Each qualifying the coating or lining. The
tank car owner must ensure qualifica- tank car facility inspecting and testing
tion of the tank car safety systems. the internal coating or lining must fol-
However, inspections of foam or cork low the inspection and test procedure,
insulation systems are not required. including the acceptance requirements,
(i) Internal coating and lining inspec- established by the internal coating or
tion and test. (1) At a minimum, the lining owner.
owner of an internal coating or lining (j) Leakage pressure test. Unless the
applied to protect a tank used to trans- design of the service equipment ar-
port a material that is corrosive or re- rangement precludes it (e.g., there is
active to the tank must ensure an in- no fitting to pressurize the tank), each
spection adequate enough to detect de- owner of a tank car must ensure that
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

fects or other conditions that could re- the tank, service equipment, and clo-
duce the design level of reliability and sures installed, replaced, or reinstalled
safety of the tank is performed. In ad- on the tank car are leak tested. The
dition, the owner of a coating or lining test may be conducted with the lading


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.511

in the tank. When the test pressure ex- an inspection and test conforming to
ceeds the start-to-discharge or burst this section no later than the date the
pressure of a pressure relief device, the tank car requires a periodic hydro-
device must be rendered inoperative. static pressure test (i.e., the marked
The written procedures and test meth- due date on the tank car for the hydro-
od for leak testing must ensure the static test).
sensitivity and reliability of the test (2) After July 1, 1998, each tank car
method to prevent premature failure. without a metal jacket shall have an
This section does not apply to facilities inspection and test conforming to this
that remove closures for the sole pur- section no later than the date the tank
pose of loading or unloading the lading car requires a periodic hydrostatic
(e.g., blind flanges, pipe plugs, etc.). pressure test (i.e., the marked due date
(k) Service equipment inspection and on the tank car for the hydrostatic
test. (1) Each tank car owner must en- test).
sure the qualification of tank car serv- (3) For tank cars on a 20-year peri-
ice equipment at least once every ten odic hydrostatic pressure test interval
(10) years. The tank car owner must (i.e., Class DOT 103W, 104W, 111A60W1,
analyze the service equipment inspec- 111A100W1, and 111A100W3 tank cars),
tion and test results for any given lad- the next inspection and test date is the
ing and, based on the analysis, adjust midpoint between the compliance date
the inspection and test frequency to in paragraph (l)(1) or (2) of this section
ensure that the design level of reli- and the remaining years until the tank
ability and safety of the equipment is would have had a hydrostatic pressure
met. The owner must maintain at its test.
principal place of business all sup-
[Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as
porting documentation used to make amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June
such analyses and inspection and test 26, 1996; 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997; 63 FR 52851,
frequency adjustments. The supporting Oct. 1, 1998; 66 FR 45391, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
documentation must be made available 75765, Dec. 31, 2003; 71 FR 54398, Sept. 14, 2006;
to FRA or an authorized representative 77 FR 37987, June 25, 2012]
of the Department upon request.
(2) Each tank car facility must qual- 180.511 Acceptable results of inspec-
ify service equipment, including re- tions and tests.
closing pressure relief devices and inte- Provided it conforms to other appli-
rior heater systems in accordance with cable requirements of this subchapter,
the applicable provisions of Appendix D a tank car is qualified for use if it suc-
of the AAR Specifications for Tank cessfully passes the inspections and
Cars (IBR, see 171.7 of this sub- tests set forth below conducted in ac-
chapter). cordance with this subpart. A represen-
(l) Alternative inspection and test pro- tation of that qualification must con-
cedures. When approved by the Asso- sist of marking the tank in accordance
ciate Administrator for Railroad Safe- with 180.515.
ty, FRA, a tank car owner, or a coating (a) Visual inspection. A tank car suc-
or lining owner may use an alternative cessfully passes the visual inspection
inspection and test procedure or inter- when the inspection shows no struc-
val based on a damage-tolerance anal- tural defect that may cause leakage
ysis (that must include a determina- from or failure of the tank before the
tion of the probable locations and next inspection and test interval.
modes of damage due to fatigue, corro- (b) Structural integrity inspection and
sion, and accidental damage), or based test. A tank car successfully passes the
on a service reliability assessment structural integrity inspection and test
(that must be supported by analysis of when it shows no structural defect that
systematically collected data) in lieu may initiate cracks or propagate
of the other requirements of this sec- cracks and cause failure of the tank be-
tion. fore the next inspection and test inter-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(m) Inspection and test compliance date val.

for tank cars. (1) After July 1, 2000, each (c) Service life shell thickness. A tank
tank car with a metal jacket or with a car successfully passes the service life
thermal protection system shall have shell thickness inspection when the


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180.513 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

tank shell and heads show no thickness (b) Responsibilities of Tank Car Facil-
reduction below that allowed in ity. A tank car facility must obtain the
180.509(g). permission of the equipment owner be-
(d) Safety system inspection. A tank fore performing work affecting alter-
car successfully passes the safety sys- ation, conversion, repair, or qualifica-
tem inspection when each thermal pro- tion of the owners equipment. For the
tection system, tank head puncture re- purposes of qualification and mainte-
sistance system, coupler vertical re- nance, the tank car facility must use
straint system, and system used to pro- the written instructions furnished by
tect discontinuities (e.g., breakage the owner or have written confirma-
grooves on bottom outlets and protec- tion from the owner allowing the use of
tive housings) on the tank car conform written instructions furnished by the
to this subchapter and show no indica- owner or have written confirmation
tion of a defect that may reduce reli- from the owner allowing the use of
ability before the next inspection and written instructions furnished by an-
test interval. other. A tank car facility must not use,
copy distribute, forward or provide to
(e) Lining and coating inspection. A
another person the owners confiden-
tank car successfully passes the lining
tial and proprietary written instruc-
and coating inspection and test when tions, procedures, manuals, and records
the lining or coating conforms to the without the owners permission. A
owners acceptance criteria. tank car facility must report all work
(f) Leakage pressure test. A tank car performed to the owner. The tank car
successfully passes the leakage pres- facility must also report observed dam-
sure test when all product piping, fit- age, deterioration, failed components,
tings and closures show no indication or non-compliant parts to the owner. A
of leakage. tank car facility must incorporate the
(g) Hydrostatic test. A Class 107 tank owners Quality Assurance Program
car, the inner tank of a Class 115 tank into their own Quality Assurance Pro-
car, or a riveted tank car successfully gram.
passes the hydrostatic test when it (c) Unless the exterior tank car shell
shows no leakage, distortion, excessive or interior tank car jacket has a pro-
permanent expansion, or other evi- tective coating, after a repair that re-
dence of weakness that might render quires the complete removal of the
the tank car unsafe for transportation tank car jacket, the exterior tank car
service. shell and the interior tank car jacket
(h) Service equipment. A tank car suc- must have a protective coating applied
cessfully passes the service equipment to prevent the deterioration of the
inspection and test when this equip- tank shell and tank jacket. Previously
ment conforms to this subchapter and applied coatings that still provide ef-
applicable provisions of Appendix D of fective protection need not be covered
the AAR Specifications for Tank Cars over.
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and (d) After repair, replacement, or
shows no indication of a defect that qualification of tank car service equip-
may reduce reliability during the qual- ment, the tank service equipment must
ification interval. successfully pass the leak test pre-
scribed in 180.509(j).
[Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June [77 FR 37990, June 25, 2012]
26, 1996; 66 FR 45187, Aug. 28, 2001; 77 FR 37990,
June 25, 2012] 180.515 Markings.
(a) When a tank car passes the re-
180.513 Repairs, alterations, conver- quired inspection and test with accept-
sions, and modifications. able results, the tank car facility must
(a) To work on tank cars, a tank car mark the date of the inspection and
facility must comply with the applica- test and due date of the next inspection
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ble requirements of this subpart, the and test qualified on the tank car in
AAR Specifications for Tank Cars accordance with the applicable provi-
(IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and sions of Appendix C of the AAR Speci-
the owners requirements. fications for Tank Cars (IBR, see 171.7


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.519

of this subchapter). When a tank car prescribed in Section 1.3.15 of the AAR
facility performs multiple inspections Specifications for Tank Cars (IBR, see
and tests at the same time, one date 171.7 of this subchapter) apply. The
may be used to satisfy the require- builder of the car or a facility per-
ments of this section. One date also forming work on the car may retain
may be shown when multiple inspec- copies of relevant records.
tions and tests have the same due date. (b) Inspection and test reporting. Each
Dates displayed on the consolidated tank car that is inspected and tested as
stencil (see the applicable provisions specified in 180.509 must have a writ-
of Appendix C of the AAR Specifica- ten report, in English, prepared accord-
tions for Tank Cars) take precedence ing to this paragraph. Marking the
over dates modified, and not stenciled, tank car with the specification (or re-
pursuant to interval adjustments for taining the specification marking on
service equipment, linings, and granted the tank) is the representation that all
alternative inspection intervals. of the appropriate inspections and tests
(b) Converted DOT 105, 109, 112, 114, or were performed and the results meet
120 class tank cars must have the new the tank car owners acceptance cri-
specification and conversion date per- teria to qualify the car for continued
manently marked in letters and figures use. The report may be created and re-
at least 0.95 cm (0.375 inch) high on the tained electronically, but, upon request
outside of the manway nozzle or the by FRA for a copy of the report, it
edge of the manway nozzle flange on must be made available in common
the left side of the car. The marking readable form. The owner must retain
may have the last numeral of the speci- a copy of the inspection and test re-
fication number omitted (e.g., DOT ports until successfully completing the
111A100W instead of DOT next inspection and test of the same
111A100W1). type. The inspection and test report
(c) When qualified within six months must include the following:
of installation and protected from de- (1) Type of inspection and test per-
terioration, the test date marking of a formed (a checklist is acceptable);
reclosing pressure relief device is the (2) The results of each inspection and
installation date on the tank car. test performed;
(3) Tank car reporting mark and
[Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33256, June number;
26, 1996; 63 FR 52851, Oct. 1, 1998; 66 FR 45391, (4) Tank car specification;
Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75765, Dec. 31, 2003; 77 FR (5) Inspection and test date (month
37991, June 25, 2012] and year);
(6) Location and description of de-
180.517 Reporting and record reten- fects found and method used to repair
tion requirements. each defect;
(a) Certification and representation. (7) The name and address of the tank
Each owner of a specification tank car car facility and the name and signature
must retain the certificate of construc- of inspector; and
tion (AAR Form 42) and related papers (8) The unique code (station stencil)
certifying that the manufacture of the identifying the facility.
specification tank car identified in the [Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as
documents is in accordance with the amended at 68 FR 75765, Dec. 31, 2003; 77 FR
applicable specification. The builders 37991, June 25, 2012]
signature on the certificate of con-
struction and the marking of the tank 180.519 Periodic retest and inspec-
car with the tank specification is the tion of tank cars other than single-
representation that all of the appro- unit tank car tanks.
priate inspections and tests were suc- (a) General. Unless otherwise pro-
cessfully performed to qualify the tank vided in this subpart, tanks designed to
for use. The owner must retain the doc- be removed from cars for filling and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

uments throughout the period of own- emptying and tanks built to a Class
ership of the specification tank car and DOT 107A specification and their safety
for one year thereafter. Upon a change relief devices must be retested periodi-
of ownership, the applicable provisions cally as specified in Retest Table 1 of


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180.519 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

paragraph (b)(5) of this section. Retests (2) Each tank, except tanks built to
may be made at any time during the specification DOT 107A, must also be
calendar year the retest falls due. subjected to interior air pressure test
(b) Pressure test. (1) Each tank must of at least 100 psig under conditions fa-
be subjected to the specified hydro- vorable to detection of any leakage. No
static pressure and its permanent ex- leaks may appear.
pansion determined. Pressure must be (3) Safety relief valves must be re-
maintained for 30 seconds and for as tested by air or gas, must start-to-dis-
long as necessary to secure complete charge at or below the prescribed pres-
expansion of the tank. Before testing,
sure and must be vapor tight at or
the pressure gauge must be shown to be
above the prescribed pressure.
accurate within 1 percent at test meas-
ure. The expansion gauge must be (4) Rupture discs and fusible plugs
shown to be accurate, at test pressure, must be removed from the tank and
to within 1 percent. Expansion must be visually inspected.
recorded in cubic cm. Permanent volu- (5) Tanks must be retested as speci-
metric expansion may not exceed 10 fied in Retest Table 1 of this paragraph
percent of total volumetric expansion (b)(5), and before returning to service
at test pressure and the tank must not after repairs involving welding or heat
leak or show evidence of distress. treatment:
Retest intervalyears Minimum Retest Pressure relief valve
pressurepsig pressurepsig
Specification Pressure re- Tank hydro-
Tank Start-to-
lief devices d static Tank air test Vapor tight
expansion c

DOT 27 ................................................. 5 2 500 100 375 300

106A500 ................................................ 5 2 500 100 375 300
106A500X ............................................. 5 2 500 100 375 300
106A800 ................................................ 5 2 800 100 600 480
106A800X ............................................. 5 2 800 100 600 480
106A800NCI .......................................... 5 2 800 100 600 480
107A * * * * ........................................... d5 a2 (b) None None None
110A500W .......................................... 5 2 500 100 375 300
110A600W .......................................... 5 2 600 100 500 360
110A800W .......................................... 5 2 800 100 600 480
110A1000W ........................................ 5 2 1,000 100 750 600
BE27 ................................................... 5 2 500 100 375 300
a If DOT 107A * * * * tanks are used for transportation of flammable gases, one rupture disc from each car must be burst at
the interval prescribed. The sample disc must burst at a pressure not exceeding the marked test pressure of the tank and not
less than 70 percent of the marked test pressure. If the sample disc does not burst within the prescribed limits, all discs on the
car must be replaced.
b The hydrostatic expansion test pressure must at least equal the marked test pressure.
c See 180.519(b)(1).
d Safety relief valves of the spring-loaded type on tanks used exclusively for fluorinated hydrocarbons and mixtures thereof
which are free from corroding components may be retested every 5 years.

(6) The month and year of test, fol- Dates of previous tests and all pre-
lowed by a V if visually inspected as scribed markings must be kept legible.
described in paragraph (c) of this sec- (c) Visual inspection. Tanks of Class
tion, must be plainly and permanently DOT 106A and DOT 110A-W specifica-
stamped into the metal of one head or tions ( 179.300 and 179.301 of this sub-
chime of each tank with successful test chapter) used exclusively for trans-
results; for example, 0190 for January porting fluorinated hydrocarbons and
1990. On DOT 107A**** tanks, the date mixtures thereof, and that are free
must be stamped into the metal of the from corroding components, may be
marked end, except that if all tanks given a periodic complete internal and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

mounted on a car have been tested, the external visual inspection in place of
date may be stamped into the metal of the periodic hydrostatic retest. Visual
a plate permanently applied to the
bulkhead on the A end of the car.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.605

inspections shall be made only by com- form to the requirements of this sub-
petent persons. The tank must be ac- chapter and the applicable design spec-
cepted or rejected in accordance with ification to which the portable tank
the criteria in CGA C6 (IBR, see 171.7 was constructed.
of this subchapter). (c) The following portable tanks are
(d) Written records. The results of the authorized for use provided they con-
pressure test and visual inspection form to all applicable safety require-
must be recorded on a suitable data ments of this subchapter: 51, 56, 57, 60,
sheet. Completed copies of these re- IM 101, IM 102 and UN portable tanks.
ports must be retained by the owner (d) A portable tank that also meets
and by the person performing the pres- the definition of container in 49 CFR
sure test and visual inspection as long 450.3(a)(3) must conform to the require-
as the tank is in service. The informa- ments in parts 450 through 453 of this
tion to be recorded and checked on title for compliance with Annex II of
these data sheets are: Date of test and the Convention for Safe Containers
inspection; DOT specification number; (CSC).
tank identification (registered symbol (e) Exemption portable tanks based on
and serial number, date of manufacture DOT 51 portable tanks. The owner of a
and ownership symbol); type of protec- portable tank constructed in accord-
tive coating (painted, etc., and state- ance with and used under an exemption
ment as to need for refinishing or re- issued prior to August 31, 1996, which
coating); conditions checked (leakage, was in conformance with the require-
corrosion, gouges, dents or digs, broken ments for Specification DOT 51 port-
or damaged chime or protective ring, able tanks with the exception of the lo-
fire, fire damage, internal condition); cation of fill and discharge outlets,
test pressure; results of tests; and dis- shall examine the portable tank and its
position of tank (returned to service, design to determine if it meets the out-
returned to manufacturer for repair, or let requirements in effect on October 1,
scrapped); and identification of the per- 1996. If the owner determines that the
son conducting the retest or inspec- portable tank is in compliance with all
tion. requirements of the DOT 51 specifica-
[Amdt. 1808, 60 FR 49079, Sept. 21, 1995, as tion, the exemption number stenciled
amended by Amdt. 17950, 61 FR 33257, June on the portable tank shall be removed
26, 1996; 65 FR 58633, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR and the specification plate (or a plate
45187, 45392, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 75765, Dec. 31, placed adjacent to the specification
plate) shall be durably marked DOT
51E***** (where ***** is to be re-
Subpart GQualification and placed by the exemption number). Dur-
Maintenance of Portable Tanks ing the period the portable tank is in
service, and for one year thereafter,
SOURCE: 66 FR 33453, June 21, 2001, unless the owner of the portable tank must
otherwise noted. retain on file, at its principal place of
business, a copy of the last exemption
180.601 Applicability. in effect.
This subpart prescribes require-
ments, in addition to those contained 180.605 Requirements for periodic
in parts 107, 171, 172, 173, and 178 of this testing, inspection and repair of
subchapter, applicable to any person portable tanks.
responsible for the continuing quali- (a) A portable tank constructed in
fication, maintenance or periodic re- accordance with a DOT specification
testing of a portable tank. for which a test or inspection specified
in this subpart has become due, must
180.603 Qualification of portable be tested or inspected prior to being re-
tanks. turned for transportation.
(a) Each portable tank used for the (b) Conditions requiring test and inspec-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

transportation of hazardous materials tion of portable tanks. Without regard to

must be an authorized packaging. any other test or inspection require-
(b) To qualify as an authorized pack- ments, a Specification or UN portable
aging, each portable tank must con- tank must be tested and inspected in


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180.605 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

accordance with this section prior to the portable tank and its fittings tak-
further use if any of the following con- ing into account the hazardous mate-
ditions exist: rials intended to be transported; a
(1) The portable tank shows evidence leakage test; and a test of the satisfac-
of dents, corroded or abraded areas, tory operation of all service equip-
leakage, or any other condition that ment. Sheathing, thermal insulation,
might render it unsafe for transpor- etc. need only be removed to the extent
tation service. required for reliable appraisal of the
(2) The portable tank has been in an condition of the portable tank. For
accident and has been damaged to an portable tanks intended for the trans-
extent that may adversely affect its portation of a single hazardous mate-
ability to retain the hazardous mate-
rial, the internal examination may be
waived if it is leakage tested in accord-
(3) The portable tank has been out of
hazardous materials transportation ance with the procedures in paragraph
service for a period of one year or (h) of this section prior to each filling,
more. or if approved by the Associate Admin-
(4) The portable tank has been modi- istrator. Portable tanks used for dedi-
fied from its original design specifica- cated transportation of refrigerated
tion. liquefied gases that are not fitted with
(5) The portable tank is in an unsafe inspection openings are excepted from
operating condition based on the exist- the internal inspection requirement.
ence of probable cause. (e) Periodic inspection and test. The 5
(c) Schedule for periodic inspections year periodic inspection and test must
and tests. Each Specification portable include an internal and external exam-
tank must be tested and inspected in ination and, unless excepted, a pressure
accordance with the following sched- test as specified in this section.
ule: Sheathing, thermal insulation, etc.
(1) Each IM or UN portable tank need only to be removed to the extent
must be given an initial inspection and required for reliable appraisal of the
test before being placed into service, a condition of the portable tank. Except
periodic inspection and test at least for DOT Specification 56 and 57 port-
once every 5 years, and an inter- able tanks, reclosing pressure relief de-
mediate periodic inspection and test at
vices must be removed from the tank
least every 2.5 years following the ini-
and tested separately unless they can
tial inspection and the last 5 year peri-
be tested while installed on the port-
odic inspection and test.
(2) Each Specification 51 portable able tank. For portable tanks where
tank must be given a periodic inspec- the shell and equipment have been
tion and test at least once every five pressure-tested separately, after as-
years. sembly they must be subjected to-
(3) Each Specification 56 or 57 port- gether to a leakage test and effectively
able tank must be given a periodic in- tested and inspected for corrosion.
spection and test at least once every Portable tanks used for the transpor-
2.5 years. tation of refrigerated, liquefied gases
(4) Each Specification 60 portable are excepted from the requirement for
tank must be given a periodic inspec- internal inspection and the hydraulic
tion and test at the end of the first 4- pressure test during the 5-year periodic
year period after the original test; at inspection and test, if the portable
least once every 2 years thereafter up tanks were pressure tested to a min-
to a total of 12 years of service; and at imum test pressure of 1.3 times the de-
least once annually thereafter. Re- sign pressure using an inert gas as pre-
testing is not required on a rubber- scribed in 178.33816(a) and (b) of this
lined tank except before each relining. subchapter before putting the portable
(d) Intermediate periodic inspection and tank into service initially and after
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

test. For IM and UN portable tanks the any exceptional inspections and tests
intermediate 2.5 year periodic inspec- specified in paragraph (f) of this sec-
tion and test must include at least an
internal and external examination of


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 180.605

(f) Exceptional inspection and test. The pressure (air or hydrostatic) of at least
exceptional inspection and test is nec- 2 psig or at least one and one-half
essary when a portable tank shows evi- times the design pressure (maximum
dence of damaged or corroded areas, or allowable working pressure, or re-rated
leakage, or other conditions that indi- pressure) of the tank, whichever is
cate a deficiency that could affect the greater. The leakage test for portable
integrity of the portable tank. The ex- tanks used for refrigerated liquefied
tent of the exceptional inspection and gas must be performed at 90% of
test must depend on the amount of MAWP. Leakage tests for all other
damage or deterioration of the portable portable tanks must be at a pressure of
tank. It must include at least the in- at least 25% of MAWP. During each air
spection and a pressure test according pressure test, the entire surface of all
to paragraph (e) of this section. Pres- joints under pressure must be coated
sure relief devices need not be tested or with or immersed in a solution of soap
replaced unless there is reason to be- and water, heavy oil, or other material
lieve the relief devices have been af- suitable for the purpose of detecting
fected by the damage or deterioration. leaks. The pressure must be held for a
(g) Internal and external examination. period of time sufficiently long to as-
The internal and external examina- sure detection of leaks, but in no case
tions must ensure that: less than five minutes. During the air
(1) The shell is inspected for pitting, or hydrostatic test, relief devices may
corrosion, or abrasions, dents, distor- be removed, but all the closure fittings
tions, defects in welds or any other must be in place and the relief device
conditions, including leakage, that openings plugged. Lagging need not be
might render the portable tank unsafe removed from a lagged tank if it is pos-
for transportation; sible to maintain the required test
(2) The piping, valves, and gaskets pressure at constant temperature with
are inspected for corroded areas, de- the tank disconnected from the source
fects, and other conditions, including of pressure.
leakage, that might render the port- (2) Each Specification 60 portable
able tank unsafe for filling, discharge tank must be retested by completely
or transportation; filling the tank with water or other liq-
(3) Devices for tightening manhole uid having a similar viscosity, the tem-
covers are operative and there is no perature of the liquid must not exceed
leakage at manhole covers or gaskets; 37.7 C (100 F) during the test, and ap-
(4) Missing or loose bolts or nuts on plying a pressure of 60 psig. The port-
any flanged connection or blank flange able tank must be capable of holding
are replaced or tightened; the prescribed pressure for at least 10
(5) All emergency devices and valves minutes without leakage, evidence of
are free from corrosion, distortion and impending failure, or failure. All clo-
any damage or defect that could pre- sures shall be in place while the test is
vent their normal operation. Remote made and the pressure shall be gauged
closure devices and self-closing stop- at the top of the tank. Safety devices
valves must be operated to dem- and/or vents shall be plugged during
onstrate proper operation; this test.
(6) Required markings on the port- (3) Each Specification IM or UN port-
able tank are legible and in accordance able tank, except for UN portable
with the applicable requirements; and tanks used for non-refrigerated and re-
(7) The framework, the supports and frigerated liquefied gases, and all pip-
the arrangements for lifting the port- ing, valves and accessories, except
able tank are in satisfactory condition. pressure relief devices, must be
(h) Pressure test procedures for speci- hydrostatically tested with water, or
fication 51, 56, 57, 60, IM or UN portable other liquid of similar density and vis-
tanks. (1) Each Specification 57 port- cosity, to a pressure not less than 150%
able tank must be leak tested by a of its maximum allowable working
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

minimum sustained air pressure of at pressure. UN portable tanks used for

least 3 psig applied to the entire tank. the transportation of non-refrigerated
Each Specification 51 or 56 portable liquefied gases must be hydrostatically
tank must be tested by a minimum tested with water, or other liquid of


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180.605 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

similar density and viscosity, to a pres- agency. The repaired tank must be re-
sure not less than 130% of its maximum tested to the original pressure test re-
allowable working pressure. UN port- quirements. Upon successful comple-
able tanks used for the transportation tion of the hydrostatic or pneumatic
of refrigerated liquefied gases may be test, as applicable, the witnessing ap-
tested hydrostatically or pneumati- proval agency shall apply its name,
cally using an inert gas to a pressure identifying mark or identifying num-
not less than 1.3 times the design pres- ber in accordance with paragraph (k) of
sure. For pneumatic testing, due re- this section.
gard for protection of all personnel (i) Rejection criteria. When evidence of
must be taken because of the potential any unsafe condition is discovered, the
hazard involved in such a test. The portable tank may not be returned to
pneumatic test pressure in the portable service until it has been repaired and
tank must be reached by gradually in- the pressure test is repeated and
creasing the pressure to one-half of the passed.
test pressure. Thereafter, the test pres- (j) Repair. The repair of a portable
sure must be increased in steps of ap- tank is authorized, provided such re-
proximately one-tenth of the test pres- pairs are made in accordance with the
sure until the required test pressure requirements prescribed in the speci-
has been reached. The pressure must fication for the tanks original design
then be reduced to a value equal to and construction. In addition to any
four-fifths of the test pressure and held other provisions of the specification,
for a sufficient time to permit inspec- no portable tank may be repaired so as
tion of the portable tank for leaks. The to cause leakage or cracks or so as to
minimum test pressure for a portable increase the likelihood of leakage or
tank is determined on the basis of the cracks near areas of stress concentra-
hazardous materials that are intended tion due to cooling metal shrinkage in
to be transported in the portable welding operations, sharp fillets, rever-
tanks. For liquid, solid and non-refrig- sal of stresses, or otherwise. No field
erated liquefied gases, the minimum welding may be done except to non-
test pressure for specific hazardous ma- pressure parts. Any cutting, burning or
terials are specified in the applicable T welding operations on the shell of an
Codes assigned to a particular haz- IM or UN portable tank must be done
ardous material in the 172.101 Table of with the approval of the approval agen-
this subchapter. While under pressure cy and be done in accordance with the
the tank shall be inspected for leakage, requirements of this subchapter, tak-
distortion, or any other condition ing into account the pressure vessel
which might render the tank unsafe for code used for the construction of the
service. A portable tank fails to meet shell. A pressure test to the original
the requirements of the pressure test test pressure must be performed after
if, during the test, there is permanent the work is completed.
distortion of the tank exceeding that (k) Inspection and test markings. (1)
permitted by the applicable specifica- Each IM or UN portable tank must be
tion; if there is any leakage; or if there durably and legibly marked, in
are any deficiencies that would render English, with the date (month and
the portable tank unsafe for transpor- year) of the last pressure test, the iden-
tation. Any portable tank that fails tification markings of the approval
must be rejected and may not be used agency witnessing the test, when re-
again for the transportation of a haz- quired, and the date of the last visual
ardous material unless the tank is ade- inspection. The marking must be
quately repaired, and, thereafter, a placed on or near the metal identifica-
successful test is conducted in accord- tion plate, in letters and numerals of
ance with the requirements of this not less than 3 mm (0.118 inches) high
paragraph. An approval agency shall when on the metal identification plate,
witness the hydrostatic or pneumatic and 12 mm (0.47 inches) high when on
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

test. Any damage or deficiency that the portable tank.

might render the portable tank unsafe (2) Each Specification DOT 51, 56, 57
for service shall be repaired to the sat- or 60 portable tank must be durably
isfaction of the witnessing approval and legibly marked, in English, with


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 180, App. B

the date (month and year) of the most APPENDIX B TO PART 180ACCEPTABLE
recent periodic retest. The marking INTERNAL SELF-CLOSING STOP
must be placed on or near the metal VALVE LEAKAGE TESTS FOR CARGO
certification plate and must be in ac- TANKS TRANSPORTING LIQUEFIED
cordance with 178.3 of this subchapter. COMPRESSED GASES
The letters and numerals must not be
less than 3 mm (0.118 inches) high when For internal self-closing stop valve leakage
testing, leakage is defined as any leakage
on the metal certification plate, and 12
through the internal self-closing valve or to
mm (0.47 inches) high when on the the atmosphere that is detectable when the
portable tank, except that a portable valve is in the closed position. On some
tank manufactured under a previously valves this will require the closure of the
authorized specification may continue pressure by-pass port.
to be marked with smaller markings if
originally authorized under that speci- (a) Meter Creep Test.
fication (for example, DOT Specifica- 1. An operator of a cargo tank equipped
tion 57 portable tanks). with a calibrated meter may check the inter-
(l) Record retention. The owner of each nal self-closing stop valve for leakage
portable tank or his authorized agent through the valve seat using the meter as a
shall retain a written record of the flow measurement indicator. The test is ini-
date and results of all required inspec- tiated by starting the delivery process or re-
turning product to the cargo tank through
tions and tests, including an ASME
the delivery system. This may be performed
manufacturers date report, if applica- at an idle. After the flow is established, the
ble, and the name and address of the operator closes the internal self-closing stop
person performing the inspection or valve and monitors the meter flow. The
test, in accordance with the applicable meter flow must stop within 30 seconds with
specification. The manufacturers data no meter creep within 5 seconds after the
report, including a certificate(s) signed meter stops.
by the manufacturer, and the author- 2. On pump-actuated pressure differential
ized design approval agency, as appli- internal self-closing stop valves, the valve
cable, indicating compliance with the must be closed with the remote actuator to
applicable specification of the portable assure that it is functioning. On other types
of internal self-closing stop valves, the
tank, must be retained in the files of
valve(s) may be closed using either the nor-
the owner, or his authorized agent, mal valve control or the discharge control
during the time that such portable system (e.g., remote).
tank is used for such service, except for 3. Rejection criteria: Any detectable meter
Specifications 56 and 57 portable tanks. creep within the first five seconds after ini-
[Amdt. 1802, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as tial meter stoppage.
amended at 67 FR 15744, Apr. 3, 2002; 68 FR (b) Internal Self-Closing Stop Valve Test.
45042, July 31, 2003; 74 FR 53189, Oct. 16, 2009]
An operator of a cargo tank that is not
APPENDIX A TO PART 180INTERNAL equipped with a meter may check the inter-
SELF-CLOSING STOP VALVE EMER- nal self-closing stop valve(s) for leakage as
COMPRESSED GASES 1. The internal self-closing stop valve must
be in the closed position.
1. In performing this test, all internal self- 2. All of the material in the downstream
closing stop valves must be opened. Each piping must be evacuated, and the piping
emergency discharge control remote actu- must be returned to atmospheric tempera-
ator (on-truck and off-truck) must be oper- ture and pressure.
ated to ensure that each internal self-closing 3. The outlet must be monitored for 30 sec-
stop valves lever, piston, or other valve indi- onds for detectable leakage.
cator has moved to the closed position. 4. Rejection criteria. Any detectable leak-
2. On pump-actuated pressure differential age is considered unacceptable.
internal valves, the three-way toggle valve
handle or its cable attachment must be acti- [64 FR 28052, May 24, 1999]
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

vated to verify that the toggle handle moves

to the closed position.
[64 FR 28052, May 24, 1999, as amended at 67
FR 15744, Apr. 3, 2002]


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Pt. 180, App. C 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

APPENDIX C TO PART 180EDDY CUR- symbol; owners name or symbol, if present;

RENT EXAMINATION WITH VISUAL IN- serial number; and, date of manufacture.
SPECTION FOR DOT 3AL CYLINDERS (iii) Name of test operator performing the
eddy current examination.
MANUFACTURED OF ALUMINUM (iv) Date of eddy current examination.
ALLOY 6351T6 (vi) Acceptance/condemnation results (e.g.
pass or fail).
1. Examination Procedure. Each facility per- (vii) Retester identification number.
forming eddy current examination with vis- 8. Personnel Qualification Requirements.
ual inspection must develop, update, and Each person who performs eddy current and
maintain a written examination procedure visual examinations, and evaluates and cer-
applicable to the test equipment it uses to tifies retest results must be certified by the
perform eddy current examinations. employer that he/she has been properly
2. Visual examinations. Visual examinations trained and tested in the eddy current and
of the neck and shoulder area of the cylinder visual examination procedures.
must be conducted in accordance with CGA 9. Training Records. A record of current
pamphlet C6.1 (IBR; see 171.7 of this sub- training must be maintained for each em-
chapter). ployee who performs eddy current and visual
3. Eddy Current Equipment. A reference ring examinations in accordance with 172.704(d).
and probe for each DOT3AL cylinder manu-
factured of aluminum alloy 6351T6 to be in- [71 FR 51129, Aug. 29, 2006]
spected must be available at the examina-
tion facility. Eddy current equipment must APPENDIX D TO PART 180HAZARDOUS
be capable of accurately detecting the MATERIALS CORROSIVE TO TANKS OR
notches on the standard reference ring. SERVICE EQUIPMENT
4. Eddy Current Reference Ring. The ref-
This list contains materials identified ei-
erence ring must be produced to represent
ther by proper shipping name in 49 CFR
each cylinder to be tested. The reference ring
172.101 or shipped under an n.o.s. shipping
must include artificial notches to simulate a
description that, under certain conditions,
neck crack. The size of the artificial notch
can corrode carbon steel tanks or service
(depth and length) must have a depth less
equipment at a rate that may reduce the de-
than or equal to 13 of the wall thickness of
sign level of reliability and safety of the
the neck and a length greater than or equal
tank or equipment to an unsafe level before
to two threads. The standard reference must
the next qualification. Materials identified
have a drawing that includes the diameter of
on this list are considered corrosive to the
the ring, and depth and length of each notch.
tank or service equipment.
5. Condemnation Criteria. A cylinder must While every effort was made to identify
be condemned if the eddy current examina- materials deemed corrosive to the tank or
tion combined with visual examination re- service equipment, owners and operators are
veals any crack in the neck or shoulder of 2 cautioned that this list may not be inclusive.
thread lengths or more. Tank car owners and operators are reminded
6. Examination equipment records. Records of of their duty to ensure that no in-service
eddy current inspection equipment shall con- tank will deteriorate below the specified
tain the following information: minimum thickness requirements in this
(i) Equipment manufacturer, model num- subchapter. See 180.509(f)(3). In addition,
ber and serial number. FRA states a tank car owner must designate
(ii) Probe description and unique identi- an internal coating or lining appropriately
fication (e.g., serial number, part number, based on its knowledge of the chemical and
etc.). not rely simply on this list. Regarding future
7. Eddy current examination reporting and thickness tests, this list may also be modi-
record retention requirements. Daily records of fied based on an analysis of the test results
eddy current examinations must be main- by the car owner, the Department of Trans-
tained by the person who performs the re- portation, or the Association of American
qualification until either the expiration of Railroads Tank Car Committee.
the requalification period or until the cyl-
inder is again requalified, whichever occurs Hazardous Materials Table Proper Shipping
first. These records shall be made available Names (See 172.101)
for inspection by a representative of the De- Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic acid solution
partment on request. Eddy current examina- Aluminum chloride, solution
tion records shall contain the following in- Arsenic acid, liquid
formation: Arsenic acid, solid
(i) Specification of each standard reference
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Butyric acid
ring used to perform the eddy current exam- Ferric chloride, solution
ination. Fertilizer ammoniating solution (Nitrogen
(ii) DOT specification or exemption num- fertilizer solution)
ber of the cylinder; manufacturers name or Fluoroboric acid


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 180, App. D
Fluorosilicic acid Zinc chloride, solution
Formaldehyde, solutions, flammable
Formaldehyde, solutions Materials Transported Under an N.O.S.
Hydrobromic acid Description
Hydrochloric acid Benzoic acid (Environmentally hazardous
Hydrochloric acid solution substance, liquid, n.o.s., (RQ 5,000 pounds)
Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric acid mixtures Bisulphites, aqueous solution, n.o.s. (Ammo-
Hydrofluoric acid nium bisulfide)
Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid Black liquor (Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. (con-
mixtures, stabilized tains sulfuric acid))
Hydrogen, peroxide, aqueous solutions Calcium lignosulfonate (not regulated under
Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized or Hydrogen this subchapter)
peroxide aqueous solutions, stabilized Hexanoic acid (Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. (con-
Hypochlorite solutions tains hexanoic acid))
Nitric acid Lignin liquor (not regulated under this sub-
Phenyl phosphorus dichloride chapter)
Phenyl phosphorus thiodichloride Lithium chloride (not regulated under this
Phosphoric acid solution subchapter)
Phosphoric acid, solid Sodium polyacrylate (not regulated under
Phosphorus trichloride (Phosphorus chloride) this subchapter)
Sodium chlorate Titanium sulfate solution (Corrosive liquids,
Sodium chlorate, aqueous solution n.o.s. (contains sulfuric acid))
Sodium hydrosulfide White liquor (not regulated under this sub-
Sulfur, molten chapter)
Sulfuric acid
[77 FR 37991, June 25, 2012]
Sulfuric acid, fuming
Sulfuric acid, spent
Zinc chloride, anhydrous PARTS 181185 [RESERVED]
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PARTS 186189 [RESERVED] Subpart DProcedures for Adoption of

PART 190PIPELINE SAFETY EN- 190.301 Scope.
PROCEDURES 190.305 Regulatory dockets.
190.307 Records.
Subpart AGeneral 190.309 Where to file petitions.
190.311 General.
Sec. 190.313 Initiation of rulemaking.
190.1 Purpose and scope. 190.315 Contents of notices of proposed rule-
190.3 Definitions. making.
190.5 Service. 190.317 Participation by interested persons.
190.7 Subpoenas; witness fees. 190.319 Petitions for extension of time to
190.9 Petitions for finding or approval. comment.
190.11 Availability of informal guidance and 190.321 Contents of written comments.
interpretive assistance. 190.323 Consideration of comments received.
190.325 Additional rulemaking proceedings.
Subpart BEnforcement 190.327 Hearings.
190.329 Adoption of final rules.
190.201 Purpose and scope. 190.331 Petitions for rulemaking.
190.203 Inspections and investigations. 190.333 Processing of petition.
190.205 Warnings. 190.335 Petitions for reconsideration.
190.206 Amendment of plans or procedures. 190.337 Proceedings on petitions for recon-
190.207 Notice of probable violation. sideration.
190.208 Response options. 190.338 Appeals.
190.209 Case file. 190.339 Direct final rulemaking.
190.210 Separation of functions. 190.341 Special permits.
190.211 Hearing.
190.212 Presiding official, powers, and du- AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1321(b); 49 U.S.C. 60101
ties. et seq.; 49 CFR 1.96.
190.213 Final order. SOURCE: 45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, unless
190.215 Reserved. otherwise noted.
part 190 appear at 78 FR 58908, Sept. 25, 2013.
190.217 Compliance orders generally.
190.219 Consent order.
Subpart AGeneral
190.221 Civil penalties generally. 190.1 Purpose and scope.
190.223 Maximum penalties. (a) This part prescribes procedures
190.225 Assessment considerations. used by the Pipeline and Hazardous
190.227 Payment of penalty. Materials Safety Administration in
CRIMINAL PENALTIES carrying out duties regarding pipeline
safety under 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq. (the
190.229 [Reserved]
pipeline safety laws) and 33 U.S.C. 1321
190.231 [Reserved]
(the water pollution control laws).
SPECIFIC RELIEF (b) This subpart defines certain terms
190.233 Corrective action orders.
and prescribes procedures that are ap-
190.235 Injunctive action. plicable to each proceeding described
190.237 [Reserved] in this part.
190.239 Safety orders. [45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by
190.241 Finality. Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18512, Apr. 26, 1996; 70 FR
190.243 Petitions for reconsideration. 11137, Mar. 8, 2005; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58908,
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Sept. 25, 2013]

Subpart CCriminal Enforcement
190.3 Definitions.
190.291 Criminal penalties generally.
190.293 Referral for prosecution. As used in this part:


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190.5 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Administrator means the Adminis- State means a State of the United

trator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate- States, the District of Columbia and
rials Safety Administration or his or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
her delegate. [Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, 1996, as
Associate Administrator means the As- amended at 68 FR 11749, Mar. 12, 2003; 70 FR
sociate Administrator for Pipeline 11137, Mar. 8, 2005; Amdt. 19015, 74 FR 62505,
Safety, or his or her delegate. Nov. 30, 2009; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58908, Sept.
25, 2013]
Chief Counsel means the Chief Coun-
sel of PHMSA. 190.5 Service.
Day means a 24-hour period ending at
(a) Each order, notice, or other docu-
11:59 p.m. Unless otherwise specified, a
ment required to be served under this
day refers to a calendar day.
part will be served personally, by cer-
Hearing means an informal con- tified mail, overnight courier, or elec-
ference or a proceeding for oral presen- tronic transmission by facsimile or
tation. Unless otherwise specifically other electronic means that includes
prescribed in this part, the use of reliable acknowledgement of actual re-
hearing is not intended to require a ceipt.
hearing on the record in accordance (b) Service upon a persons duly au-
with section 554 of title 5, U.S.C. thorized representative or agent con-
OPS means the Office of Pipeline stitutes service upon that person.
Safety, which is part of the Pipeline (c) Service by certified mail or over-
and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad- night courier is complete upon mail-
ministration, U.S. Department of ing. Service by electronic transmission
Transportation. is complete upon transmission and ac-
Operator means any owner or oper- knowledgement of receipt. An official
ator. receipt for the mailing from the U.S.
Person means any individual, firm, Postal Service or overnight courier, or
joint venture, partnership, corporation, a facsimile or other electronic trans-
association, State, municipality, coop- mission confirmation, constitutes
erative association, or joint stock asso- prima facie evidence of service.
ciation, and includes any trustee, re- [45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended at 73
ceiver, assignee, or personal represent- FR 16567, Mar. 28, 2008; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR
ative thereof. 58909, Sept. 25, 2013]
Presiding Official means the person
190.7 Subpoenas; witness fees.
who conducts any hearing relating to
civil penalty assessments, compliance (a) The Administrator, Chief Counsel,
orders, orders directing amendment, or the official designated by the Ad-
safety orders, or corrective action or- ministrator to preside over a hearing
ders and who has the duties and powers convened in accordance with this part,
set forth in 190.212. may sign and issue subpoenas individ-
ually on his or her own initiative at
Regional Director means the head of
any time, including pursuant to an in-
any one of the Regional Offices of the
spection or investigation, or upon re-
Office of Pipeline Safety, or a designee
quest and adequate showing by a par-
appointed by the Regional Director.
ticipant to an enforcement proceeding
Regional Offices are located in Tren-
that the information sought will mate-
ton, NJ (Eastern Region); Atlanta, rially advance the proceeding.
Georgia (Southern Region); Kansas (b) A subpoena may require the at-
City, Missouri (Central Region); Hous- tendance of a witness, or the produc-
ton, Texas (Southwest Region); and tion of documentary or other tangible
Lakewood, Colorado (Western Region). evidence in the possession or under the
Respondent means a person upon control of person served, or both.
whom OPS has served an enforcement (c) A subpoena may be served person-
action described in this part. ally by any person who is not an inter-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

PHMSA means the Pipeline and Haz- ested person and is not less than 18
ardous Materials Safety Administra- years of age, or by certified mail.
tion of the United States Department (d) Service of a subpoena upon the
of Transportation. person named in the subpoena is


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.9

achieved by delivering a copy of the rious hardship if required to pay the

subpoena to the person and by paying witness fees and mileage.
the fees for one days attendance and (i) Any person to whom a subpoena is
mileage, as specified by paragraph (g) directed may, prior to the time speci-
of this section. When a subpoena is fied therein for compliance, but in no
issued at the instance of any officer or event more than 10 days after the date
agency of the United States, fees and of service of such subpoena, apply to
mileage need not be tendered at the the official who issued the subpoena, or
time of service. Delivery of a copy of a if the person is unavailable, to the Ad-
subpoena and tender of the fees to a ministrator to quash or modify the
natural person may be made by hand- subpoena. The application shall con-
ing them to the person, leaving them tain a brief statement of the reasons
at the persons office with a person in relied upon in support of the action
charge, leaving them at the persons sought therein. The Administrator, or
residence with a person of suitable age this issuing official, as the case may
and discretion residing there, by mail- be, may:
ing them by certified mail to the per- (1) Deny the application;
son at the last known address, or by (2) Quash or modify the subpoena; or
any method whereby actual notice is (3) Condition a grant or denial of the
given to the person and the fees are application to quash or modify the sub-
made available prior to the return poena upon the satisfaction of certain
date. just and reasonable requirements. The
(e) When the person to be served is denial may be summary.
not a natural person, delivery of a copy (j) Upon refusal to obey a subpoena
of the subpoena and tender of the fees served upon any person under the pro-
may be achieved by handing them to a visions of this section, the PHMSA
designated agent or representative for may request the Attorney General to
service, or to any officer, director, or seek the aid of the U. S. District Court
agent in charge of any office of the per- for any District in which the person is
son, or by mailing them by certified found to compel that person, after no-
mail to that agent or representative tice, to appear and give testimony, or
and the fees are made available prior to to appear and produce the subpoenaed
the return date. documents before the PHMSA, or both.
(f) The original subpoena bearing a [45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by
certificate of service shall be filed with Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt.
the official having responsibility for 1907, 63 FR 7722, Feb. 17, 1998; 70 FR 11137,
Mar. 8, 2005; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58909, Sept.
the proceeding in connection with
25, 2013]
which the subpoena was issued.
(g) A subpoenaed witness shall be 190.9 Petitions for finding or ap-
paid the same fees and mileage as proval.
would be paid to a witness in a pro- (a) In circumstances where a rule
ceeding in the district courts of the contained in parts 192, 193 and 195 of
United States. The witness fees and this chapter authorizes the Adminis-
mileage shall be paid by the person at trator to make a finding or approval,
whose instance the subpoena was an operator may petition the Adminis-
issued. trator for such a finding or approval.
(h) Notwithstanding the provisions of (b) Each petition must refer to the
paragraph (g) of this section, and upon rule authorizing the action sought and
request, the witness fees and mileage contain information or arguments that
may be paid by the PHMSA if the offi- justify the action. Unless otherwise
cial who issued the subpoena deter- specified, no public proceeding is held
mines on the basis of good cause on a petition before it is granted or de-
shown, that: nied. After a petition is received, the
(1) The presence of the subpoenaed Administrator or participating state
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

witness will materially advance the agency notifies the petitioner of the
proceeding; and disposition of the petition or, if the re-
(2) The person at whose instance the quest requires more extensive consider-
subpoena was issued would suffer a se- ation or additional information or


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190.11 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

comments are requested and delay is lines are not staffed, individuals may
expected, of the date by which action leave a recorded voicemail message or
will be taken. post a message on the OPS Web site.
(1) For operators seeking a finding or The telephone number for the OPS in-
approval involving intrastate pipeline formation line is (202) 3664595 and the
transportation, petitions must be sent OPS Web site can be accessed via the
to: Internet at
(i) The State agency certified to par- (b) Availability of written interpreta-
ticipate under 49 U.S.C. 60105. tions. A written regulatory interpreta-
(ii) Where there is no state agency tion, response to a question, or an
certified to participate, the Adminis- opinion concerning a pipeline safety
trator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate-
issue may be obtained by submitting a
rials Safety Administration, 1200 New
written request to the Office of Pipe-
Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC
line Safety (PHP30), PHMSA, U.S. De-
(2) For operators seeking a finding or partment of Transportation, 1200 New
approval involving interstate pipeline Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC
transportation, petitions must be sent 205900001. The requestor must include
to the Administrator, Pipeline and his or her return address and should
Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis- also include a daytime telephone num-
tration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, ber. Written requests should be sub-
Washington, DC 20590. mitted at least 120 days before the time
(c) All petitions must be received at the requestor needs a response.
least 90 days prior to the date by which [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58909, Sept. 25, 2013]
the operator requests the finding or ap-
proval to be made.
(d) The Administrator will make all Subpart BEnforcement
findings or approvals of petitions initi-
190.201 Purpose and scope.
ated under this section. A participating
state agency receiving petitions initi- (a) This subpart describes the en-
ated under this section shall provide forcement authority and sanctions ex-
the Administrator a written rec- ercised by the Associate Administrator
ommendation as to the disposition of for achieving and maintaining pipeline
any petition received by them. Where safety and compliance under 49 U.S.C.
the Administrator does not reverse or 60101 et seq., 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), and any
modify a recommendation made by a regulation or order issued thereunder.
state agency within 10 business days of It also prescribes the procedures gov-
its receipt, the recommended disposi- erning the exercise of that authority
tion shall constitute the Administra- and the imposition of those sanctions.
tors decision on the petition. (b) A person who is the subject of ac-
[Amdt. 1905, 59 FR 17280, Apr. 12, 1994, as tion pursuant to this subpart may be
amended by Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, represented by legal counsel at all
1996; 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005; 73 FR 16566, stages of the proceeding.
Mar. 28, 2008]
[45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by
190.11 Availability of informal guid- Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt.
ance and interpretive assistance. 19016, 78 FR 58909, Sept. 25, 2013]
(a) Availability of telephonic and Inter-
190.203 Inspections and investiga-
net assistance. PHMSA has established tions.
a Web site and a telephone line to OPS
headquarters where information on and (a) Officers, employees, or agents au-
advice about compliance with the pipe- thorized by the Associate Adminis-
line safety regulations specified in 49 trator for Pipeline Safety, PHMSA,
CFR parts 190199 is available. The Web upon presenting appropriate creden-
site and telephone line are staffed by tials, are authorized to enter upon, in-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

personnel from PHMSAs OPS from 9:00 spect, and examine, at reasonable
a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, times and in a reasonable manner, the
Monday through Friday, with the ex- records and properties of persons to the
ception of Federal holidays. When the extent such records and properties are


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.206

relevant to determining the compli- (e) If a representative of the U.S. De-

ance of such persons with the require- partment of Transportation inspects or
ments of 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq., or regu- investigates an accident or incident in-
lations or orders issued thereunder. volving a pipeline facility, the operator
(b) Inspections are ordinarily con- must make available to the representa-
ducted pursuant to one of the fol- tive all records and information that
lowing: pertain to the event in any way, in-
(1) Routine scheduling by the Re- cluding integrity management plans
gional Director of the Region in which and test results. The operator must
the facility is located; provide all reasonable assistance in the
(2) A complaint received from a mem- investigation. Any person who ob-
ber of the public; structs an inspection or investigation
(3) Information obtained from a pre- by taking actions that were known or
vious inspection; reasonably should have been known to
(4) Report from a State Agency par- prevent, hinder, or impede an inves-
ticipating in the Federal Program tigation without good cause will be
under 49 U.S.C. 60105; subject to administrative civil pen-
(5) Pipeline accident or incident; or alties under this subpart.
(6) Whenever deemed appropriate by (f) When OPS determines that the in-
the Associate Administrator. formation obtained from an inspection
(c) If the Associate Administrator or or from other appropriate sources war-
Regional Director believes that further rants further action, OPS may initiate
information is needed to determine ap- one or more of the enforcement pro-
propriate action, the Associate Admin- ceedings prescribed in this subpart.
istrator or Regional Director may no- [45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by
tify the pipeline operator in writing Amdt. 1903, 56 FR 31090, July 9, 1991; Amdt.
that the operator is required to provide 1906, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt. 1907,
specific information within 30 days 61 FR 27792, June 3, 1996; Amdt. 1907, 63 FR
from the time the notification is re- 7722, Feb. 17, 1998; 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005;
ceived by the operator, unless other- Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58909, Sept. 25, 2013]
wise specified in the notification. The
notification must provide a reasonable 190.205 Warnings.
description of the specific information Upon determining that a probable
required. An operator may request an violation of 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq., 33
extension of time to respond by pro- U.S.C. 1321(j), or any regulation or
viding a written justification as to why order issued thereunder has occurred,
such an extension is necessary and pro- the Associate Administrator or a Re-
posing an alternative submission date. gional Director may issue a written
A request for an extension may ask for warning notifying the operator of the
the deadline to be stayed while the ex- probable violation and advising the op-
tension is considered. General state- erator to correct it or be subject to po-
ments of hardship are not acceptable tential enforcement action in the fu-
bases for requesting an extension. ture. The operator may submit a re-
(d) To the extent necessary to carry sponse to a warning, but is not required
out the responsibilities under 49 U.S.C. to. An adjudication under this subpart
60101 et seq., the Administrator, or the to determine whether a violation oc-
Associate Administrator, may require curred is not conducted for warnings.
testing of portions of pipeline facilities
that have been involved in, or affected [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58909, Sept. 25, 2013]
by, an accident. However, before exer-
cising this authority, the Adminis- 190.206 Amendment of plans or pro-
trator, or the Associate Administrator,
shall make every effort to negotiate a (a) A Regional Director begins a pro-
mutually acceptable plan with the ceeding to determine whether an opera-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

owner of those facilities and, where ap- tors plans or procedures required
propriate, the National Transportation under parts 192, 193, 195, and 199 of this
Safety Board for performing the test- subchapter are inadequate to assure
ing. safe operation of a pipeline facility by


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190.207 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

issuing a notice of amendment. The no- penalty for which respondent is liable
tice will specify the alleged inadequa- under law; and
cies and the proposed revisions of the (4) If a compliance order is proposed
plans or procedures and provide an op- under 190.217, a statement of the re-
portunity to respond. The notice will medial action being sought in the form
allow the operator 30 days following re- of a proposed compliance order.
ceipt of the notice to submit written (c) The Regional Director may amend
comments, revised procedures, or a re- a notice of probable violation at any
quest for a hearing under 190.211. time prior to issuance of a final order
(b) After considering all material under 190.213. If an amendment in-
presented in writing or at the hearing, cludes any new material allegations of
if applicable, the Associate Adminis- fact, proposes an increased civil pen-
trator determines whether the plans or alty amount, or proposes new or addi-
procedures are inadequate as alleged. tional remedial action under 190.217,
The Associate Administrator issues an the respondent will have the oppor-
order directing amendment of the plans tunity to respond under 190.208.
or procedures if they are inadequate, or
[45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by
withdraws the notice if they are not. In Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt.
determining the adequacy of an opera- 19016, 78 FR 58910, Sept. 25, 2013]
tors plans or procedures, the Associate
Administrator may consider: 190.208 Response options.
(1) Relevant pipeline safety data; Within 30 days of receipt of a notice
(2) Whether the plans or procedures of probable violation, the respondent
are appropriate for the particular type must answer the Regional Director
of pipeline transportation or facility,
who issued the notice in the following
and for the location of the facility;
(3) The reasonableness of the plans or
(a) When the notice contains a pro-
procedures; and
posed civil penalty
(4) The extent to which the plans or
(1) If the respondent is not contesting
procedures contribute to public safety.
an allegation of probable violation, pay
(c) An order directing amendment of
the proposed civil penalty as provided
an operators plans or procedures pre-
in 190.227 and advise the Regional Di-
scribed in this section may be in addi-
rector of the payment. The payment
tion to, or in conjunction with, other
authorizes the Associate Administrator
appropriate enforcement actions pre-
to make a finding of violation and to
scribed in this subpart.
issue a final order under 190.213;
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58910, Sept. 25, 2013] (2) If the respondent is not contesting
an allegation of probable violation but
190.207 Notice of probable violation. wishes to submit a written expla-
(a) Except as otherwise provided by nation, information, or other materials
this subpart, a Regional Director be- the respondent believes may warrant
gins an enforcement proceeding by mitigation or elimination of the pro-
serving a notice of probable violation posed civil penalty, the respondent
on a person charging that person with may submit such materials. This au-
a probable violation of 49 U.S.C. 60101 et thorizes the Associate Administrator
seq., 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), or any regulation to make a finding of violation and to
or order issued thereunder. issue a final order under 190.213;
(b) A notice of probable violation (3) If the respondent is contesting one
issued under this section shall include: or more allegations of probable viola-
(1) Statement of the provisions of the tion but is not requesting a hearing
laws, regulations or orders which the under 190.211, the respondent may sub-
respondent is alleged to have violated mit a written response in answer to the
and a statement of the evidence upon allegations; or
which the allegations are based; (4) The respondent may request a
(2) Notice of response options avail- hearing under 190.211.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

able to the respondent under 190.208; (b) When the notice contains a pro-
(3) If a civil penalty is proposed under posed compliance order
190.221, the amount of the proposed (1) If the respondent is not contesting
civil penalty and the maximum civil an allegation of probable violation,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.210

agree to the proposed compliance in all enforcement proceedings con-

order. This authorizes the Associate ducted under this subpart.
Administrator to make a finding of (b) The case file of an enforcement
violation and to issue a final order proceeding consists of the following:
under 190.213; (1) In cases commenced under
(2) Request the execution of a con- 190.206, the notice of amendment and
sent order under 190.219; the relevant procedures;
(3) If the respondent is contesting one (2) In cases commenced under
or more of the allegations of probable 190.207, the notice of probable viola-
violation or compliance terms, but is tion and the violation report;
not requesting a hearing under 190.211, (3) In cases commenced under
the respondent may object to the pro- 190.233, the corrective action order or
posed compliance order and submit notice of proposed corrective action
written explanations, information, or order and the data report, if one is pre-
other materials in answer to the alle- pared;
gations in the notice of probable viola- (4) In cases commenced under
tion; or 190.239, the notice of proposed safety
(4) The respondent may request a order;
hearing under 190.211. (5) Any documents and other mate-
rial submitted by the respondent in re-
(c) Before or after responding in ac-
sponse to the enforcement action;
cordance with paragraph (a) of this sec-
(6) In cases involving a hearing, any
tion or, when applicable paragraph (b)
material submitted during and after
of this section, the respondent may re-
the hearing as set forth in 190.211; and
quest a copy of the violation report (7) The Regional Directors written
from the Regional Director as set forth evaluation of response material sub-
in 190.209. The Regional Director will mitted by the respondent and rec-
provide the violation report to the re- ommendation for final action, if one is
spondent within five business days of prepared.
receiving a request.
(d) Failure to respond in accordance [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58910, Sept. 25, 2013]
with paragraph (a) of this section or,
190.210 Separation of functions.
when applicable paragraph (b) of this
section, constitutes a waiver of the (a) General. An agency employee who
right to contest the allegations in the assists in the investigation or prosecu-
notice of probable violation and au- tion of an enforcement case may not
thorizes the Associate Administrator, participate in the decision of that case
without further notice to the respond- or a factually related one, but may par-
ent, to find the facts as alleged in the ticipate as a witness or counsel at a
notice of probable violation and to hearing as set forth in this subpart.
issue a final order under 190.213. Likewise, an agency employee who pre-
(e) All materials submitted by opera- pares a decision in an enforcement case
tors in response to enforcement actions may not have served in an investiga-
may be placed on publicly accessible tive or prosecutorial capacity in that
Web sites. A respondent seeking con- case or a factually related one.
fidential treatment under 5 U.S.C. (b) Prohibition on ex parte communica-
552(b) for any portion of its responsive tions. A party to an enforcement pro-
materials must provide a second copy ceeding, including the respondent, its
of such materials along with the com- representative, or an agency employee
plete original document. A respondent having served in an investigative or
may redact the portions it believes prosecutorial capacity in the pro-
qualify for confidential treatment in ceeding, may not communicate pri-
the second copy but must provide a vately with the Associate Adminis-
written explanation for each redaction. trator, Presiding Official, or attorney
drafting the recommended decision
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58910, Sept. 25, 2013] concerning information that is rel-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

evant to the questions to be decided in

190.209 Case file. the proceeding. A party may commu-
(a) The case file, as defined in this nicate with the Presiding Official re-
section, is available to the respondent garding administrative or procedural


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190.211 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

issues, such as for scheduling a hear- testimony or other evidence that is rel-
ing. evant and material to the issues under
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58911, Sept. 25, 2013]
consideration. The parties may call
witnesses on their own behalf and ex-
190.211 Hearing. amine the evidence and witnesses pre-
sented by the other party. After the
(a) General. This section applies to
evidence in the case has been pre-
hearings conducted under this part re-
sented, the Presiding Official will per-
lating to civil penalty assessments,
mit reasonable discussion of the issues
compliance orders, orders directing
under consideration.
amendment, safety orders, and correc- (f) Written transcripts. If a respondent
tive action orders. The Presiding Offi- elects to transcribe a hearing, the re-
cial will convene hearings conducted spondent must make arrangements
under this section. with a court reporter at cost to the re-
(b) Hearing request and statement of
spondent and submit a complete copy
issues. A request for a hearing must be
of the transcript for the case file. The
accompanied by a statement of the
respondent must notify the Presiding
issues that the respondent intends to
Official in advance if it intends to tran-
raise at the hearing. The issues may re-
scribe a hearing.
late to the allegations in the notice, (g) Post-hearing submission. The re-
the proposed corrective action, or the spondent and OPS may request an op-
proposed civil penalty amount. A re- portunity to submit further written
spondents failure to specify an issue material after the hearing for inclusion
may result in waiver of the respond- in the record. The Presiding Official
ents right to raise that issue at the will allow a reasonable time for the
hearing. The respondents request must submission of the material and will
also indicate whether or not the re- specify the submission date. If the ma-
spondent will be represented by counsel terial is not submitted within the time
at the hearing. The respondent may prescribed, the case will proceed to
withdraw a request for a hearing in
final action without the material.
writing and provide a written response. (h) Preparation of decision. After con-
(c) Telephonic and in-person hearings.
sideration of the case file, the Pre-
A telephone hearing will be held if the
siding Official prepares a recommended
amount of the proposed civil penalty or
decision in the case, which is then for-
the cost of the proposed corrective ac-
warded to the Associate Administrator
tion is less than $25,000, unless the re-
for issuance of a final order.
spondent or OPS submits a written re-
quest for an in-person hearing. In-per- [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58911, Sept. 25, 2013]
son hearings will normally be held at
the office of the appropriate OPS Re- 190.212 Presiding official, powers,
gion. Hearings may be held by video and duties.
teleconference if the necessary equip- (a) General. The Presiding Official for
ment is available to all parties. a hearing conducted under 190.211 is
(d) Pre-hearing submissions. If OPS or an attorney on the staff of the Deputy
the respondent intends to introduce Chief Counsel who is not engaged in
material, including records, docu- any investigative or prosecutorial
ments, and other exhibits not already functions, such as the issuance of no-
in the case file, the material must be tices under this subpart. If the des-
submitted to the Presiding Official and ignated Presiding Official is unavail-
the other party at least 10 days prior to able, the Deputy Chief Counsel may
the date of the hearing, unless the Pre- delegate the powers and duties speci-
siding Official sets a different deadline fied in this section to another attorney
or waives the deadline for good cause. in the Office of Chief Counsel who is
(e) Conduct of the hearing. The hear- not engaged in any investigative or
ing is conducted informally without prosecutorial functions under this sub-
strict adherence to rules of evidence. part.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

The Presiding Official regulates the (b) Time and place of the hearing. The
course of the hearing and gives each Presiding Official will set the date,
party an opportunity to offer facts, time and location of the hearing. To
statements, explanations, documents, the extent practicable, the Presiding


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.219

Official will accommodate the parties by which such actions must be accom-
schedules when setting the hearing. plished.
Reasonable notice of the hearing will (b) In cases where a substantial delay
be provided to all parties. is expected in the issuance of a final
(c) Powers and duties of Presiding Offi- order, notice of that fact and the date
cial. The Presiding Official will conduct by which it is expected that action will
a fair and impartial hearing and take be taken is provided to the respondent
all action necessary to avoid delay in upon request and whenever practicable.
the disposition of the proceeding and [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58911, Sept. 25, 2013]
maintain order. The Presiding Official
has all powers necessary to achieve 190.215 [Reserved]
those ends, including, but not limited
to the power to: COMPLIANCE ORDERS
(1) Regulate the course of the hearing
and conduct of the parties and their 190.217 Compliance orders generally.
counsel; When a Regional Director has reason
(2) Receive evidence and inquire into to believe that a person is engaging in
the relevant and material facts; conduct that violates 49 U.S.C. 60101 et
(3) Require the submission of docu- seq., 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), or any regulation
ments and other information; or order issued thereunder, and if the
(4) Direct that documents or briefs nature of the violation and the public
relate to issues raised during the interest so warrant, the Regional Di-
course of the hearing; rector may initiate proceedings under
(5) Set the date for filing documents, 190.207 through 190.213 to determine
briefs, and other items; the nature and extent of the violations
(6) Prepare a recommended decision; and for the issuance of an order direct-
and ing compliance.
(7) Exercise the authority necessary
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58912, Sept. 25, 2013]
to carry out the responsibilities of the
Presiding Official under this subpart. 190.219 Consent order.
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58911, Sept. 25, 2013] (a) At any time prior to the issuance
of a compliance order under 190.217, a
190.213 Final order.
corrective action order under 190.233,
(a) In an enforcement proceeding or a safety order under 190.239, the Re-
commenced under 190.207, an attorney gional Director and the respondent
from the Office of Chief Counsel pre- may agree to resolve the case by execu-
pares a recommended decision after ex- tion of a consent agreement and order,
piration of the 30-day response period which may be jointly executed by the
prescribed in 190.208. If a hearing is parties and issued by the Associate Ad-
held, the Presiding Official prepares ministrator. Upon execution, the con-
the recommended decision as set forth sent order is considered a final order
in 190.211. The recommended decision under 190.213.
is forwarded to the Associate Adminis- (b) A consent order executed under
trator who considers the case file and paragraph (a) of this section shall in-
issues a final order. The final order in- clude:
cludes (1) An admission by the respondent of
(1) A statement of findings and deter- all jurisdictional facts;
minations on all material issues, in- (2) An express waiver of further pro-
cluding a determination as to whether cedural steps and of all right to seek
each alleged violation has been proved; judicial review or otherwise challenge
(2) If a civil penalty is assessed, the or contest the validity of that order;
amount of the penalty and the proce- (3) An acknowledgement that the no-
dures for payment of the penalty, pro- tice of probable violation may be used
vided that the assessed civil penalty to construe the terms of the consent
may not exceed the penalty proposed in order; and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the notice of probable violation; and (4) A statement of the actions re-
(3) If a compliance order is issued, a quired of the respondent and the time
statement of the actions required to be by which such actions shall be accom-
taken by the respondent and the time plished.


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190.221 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(c) Prior to the execution of a con- (e) Separate penalties for violating a
sent agreement and order arising out of regulation prescribed under this sub-
a corrective action order under chapter and for violating an order
190.233, the Associate Administrator issued under 190.206, 190.213, 190.233,
will notify any appropriate State offi- or 190.239 may not be imposed under
cial in accordance with 49 U.S.C. this section if both violations are based
60112(c). on the same act.
[45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58912, Sept. 25, 2013]
Amdt. 1906, 61 FR 18514, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt.
19016, 78 FR 58912, Sept. 25, 2013] 190.225 Assessment considerations.
In determining the amount of a civil
penalty under this part,
190.221 Civil penalties generally. (a) The Associate Administrator will
When a Regional Director has reason (1) The nature, circumstances and
to believe that a person has committed gravity of the violation, including ad-
an act violating 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq., verse impact on the environment;
33 U.S.C. 1321(j), or any regulation or (2) The degree of the respondents
order issued thereunder, the Regional culpability;
Director may initiate proceedings (3) The respondents history of prior
under 190.207 through 190.213 to deter- offenses;
mine the nature and extent of the vio- (4) Any good faith by the respondent
lations and appropriate civil penalty. in attempting to achieve compliance;
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58912, Sept. 25, 2013] (5) The effect on the respondents
ability to continue in business; and
190.223 Maximum penalties. (b) The Associate Administrator may
(a) Any person who is determined to
(1) The economic benefit gained from
have violated a provision of 49 U.S.C.
violation, if readily ascertainable,
60101 et seq., or any regulation or order
without any reduction because of sub-
issued thereunder is subject to an ad-
sequent damages; and
ministrative civil penalty not to ex-
(2) Such other matters as justice may
ceed $200,000 for each violation for each
day the violation continues, except
that the maximum administrative civil [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58912, Sept. 25, 2013]
penalty may not exceed $2,000,000 for
any related series of violations. 190.227 Payment of penalty.
(b) Any person who is determined to (a) Except for payments exceeding
have violated a provision of 33 U.S.C. $10,000, payment of a civil penalty pro-
1321(j) or any regulation or order issued posed or assessed under this subpart
thereunder is subject to an administra- may be made by certified check or
tive civil penalty under 33 U.S.C. money order (containing the CPF Num-
1321(b)(6), as adjusted by 40 CFR 19.4. ber for the case), payable to U.S. De-
(c) Any person who is determined to partment of Transportation, to the
have violated any standard or order Federal Aviation Administration, Mike
under 49 U.S.C. 60103 is subject to an Monroney Aeronautical Center, Finan-
administrative civil penalty not to ex- cial Operations Division (AMZ341),
ceed $50,000, which may be in addition P.O. Box 25770, Oklahoma City, OK
to other penalties to which such person 73125, or by wire transfer through the
may be subject under paragraph (a) of Federal Reserve Communications Sys-
this section. tem (Fedwire) to the account of the
(d) Any person who is determined to U.S. Treasury, or via https://
have violated any standard or order Payments exceeding
under 49 U.S.C. 60129 is subject to an $10,000 must be made by wire transfer.
administrative civil penalty not to ex- (b) Payment of a civil penalty as-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ceed $1,000, which may be in addition to sessed in a final order issued under
other penalties to which such person 190.213 or affirmed in a decision on a
may be subject under paragraph (a) of petition for reconsideration must be
this section. made within 20 days after receipt of the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.233

final order or decision. Failure to do so (1) Written notice that OPS intends
will result in the initiation of collec- to issue an order under this section
tion action, including the accrual of in- will be served upon the owner or oper-
terest and penalties, in accordance ator of an alleged hazardous facility in
with 31 U.S.C. 3717 and 49 CFR part 89. accordance with 190.5. The notice
[Amdt. 1907, 61 FR 27792, June 3, 1996, as must allege the existence of a haz-
amended at 70 FR 11138, Mar. 8, 2005; 73 FR ardous facility and state the facts and
16567, Mar. 28, 2008; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58912, circumstances supporting the issuance
Sept. 25, 2013] of a corrective action order. The notice
must provide the owner or operator
190.229 [Reserved] with an opportunity to respond within
10 days of receipt.
190.231 [Reserved]
(2) An owner or operator that elects
SPECIFIC RELIEF to exercise its opportunity for a hear-
ing under this section must notify the
190.233 Corrective action orders. Associate Administrator of that elec-
(a) Generally. Except as provided by tion in writing within 10 days of re-
paragraph (b) of this section, if the As- ceipt of the notice provided under para-
sociate Administrator finds, after rea- graph (c)(1) of this section, or the order
sonable notice and opportunity for under paragraph (b) of this section
hearing in accord with paragraph (c) of when applicable. The absence of such
this section, a particular pipeline facil- written notification waives an owner
ity is or would be hazardous to life, or operators opportunity for a hearing.
property, or the environment, the As- (3) At any time after issuance of a
sociate Administrator may issue an notice or order under this section, the
order pursuant to this section requir- respondent may request a copy of the
ing the operator of the facility to take case file as set forth in 190.209.
corrective action. Corrective action (4) A hearing under this section is
may include suspended or restricted conducted pursuant to 190.211. The
use of the facility, physical inspection, hearing should be held within 15 days
testing, repair, replacement, or other of receipt of the respondents request
appropriate action. for a hearing.
(b) Waiver of notice and expedited re- (5) After conclusion of a hearing
view. The Associate Administrator may under this section, the Presiding Offi-
waive the requirement for notice and cial submits a recommended decision
opportunity for hearing under para- to the Associate Administrator as to
graph (a) of this section before issuing whether or not the facility is or would
an order whenever the Associate Ad- be hazardous to life, property, or the
ministrator determines that the failure environment, and if necessary, requir-
to do so would result in the likelihood ing expeditious corrective action. If a
of serious harm to life, property, or the notice or order is contested in writing
environment. When an order is issued without a hearing, an attorney from
under this paragraph, a respondent the Office of Chief Counsel prepares the
that contests the order may obtain ex- recommended decision. The rec-
pedited review of the order either by ommended decision should be sub-
answering in writing to the order with- mitted to the Associate Administrator
in 10 days of receipt or requesting a within five business days after conclu-
hearing under 190.211 to be held as sion of the hearing or after receipt of
soon as practicable in accordance with the respondents written objection if no
paragraph (c)(2) of this section. For hearing is held. Upon receipt of the rec-
purposes of this section, the term ex- ommendation, the Associate Adminis-
pedited review is defined as the proc- trator will proceed in accordance with
ess for making a prompt determination paragraphs (d) through (h) of this sec-
of whether the order should remain in tion. If the Associate Administrator
effect or be amended or terminated. finds the facility is or would be haz-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

The expedited review of an order issued ardous to life, property, or the environ-
under this paragraph will be complete ment, the Associate Administrator
upon issuance of such determination. issues a corrective action order in ac-
(c) Notice and hearing: cordance with this section, or confirms


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190.235 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(or amends) the corrective action order issued in connection with any inves-
issued under paragraph (b) of this sec- tigation conducted by the Board; and
tion. If the Associate Administrator (5) Such other factors as the Asso-
does not find the facility is or would be ciate Administrator may consider ap-
hazardous to life, property, or the envi- propriate.
ronment, the Associate Administrator (f) A corrective action order shall
withdraws the notice or terminates the contain the following information:
order issued under paragraph (b) of this (1) A finding that the pipeline facility
section, and promptly notifies the op- is or would be hazardous to life, prop-
erator in writing by service as pre- erty, or the environment.
scribed in 190.5. (2) The relevant facts which form the
(d) The Associate Administrator may basis of that finding.
find a pipeline facility to be hazardous (3) The legal basis for the order.
under paragraph (a) of this section: (4) The nature and description of any
(1) If under the facts and cir- particular corrective action required of
cumstances the Associate Adminis- the respondent.
trator determines the particular facil- (5) The date by which the required
ity is hazardous to life, property, or corrective action must be taken or
the environment; or completed and, where appropriate, the
(2) If the pipeline facility or a compo- duration of the order.
nent thereof has been constructed or (6) If the opportunity for a hearing
operated with any equipment, mate- was waived pursuant to paragraph (b)
rial, or technique which the Associate of this section, a statement that an op-
Administrator determines is hazardous portunity for a hearing will be avail-
to life, property, or the environment, able at a particular time and location
unless the operator involved dem- after issuance of the order.
onstrates to the satisfaction of the As- (g) The Associate Administrator will
sociate Administrator that, under the terminate a corrective action order
particular facts and circumstances in- whenever the Associate Administrator
volved, such equipment, material, or determines that the facility is no
technique is not hazardous. longer hazardous to life, property, or
(e) In making a determination under the environment. If appropriate, how-
paragraph (d) of this section, the Asso- ever, a notice of probable violation
ciate Administrator shall consider, if may be issued under 190.207.
relevant: (h) At any time after a corrective ac-
(1) The characteristics of the pipe tion order issued under this section has
and other equipment used in the pipe- become effective, the Associate Admin-
line facility involved, including its age, istrator may request the Attorney
manufacturer, physical properties (in- General to bring an action for appro-
cluding its resistance to corrosion and priate relief in accordance with
deterioration), and the method of its 190.235.
manufacture, construction or assem- (i) Upon petition by the Attorney
bly; General, the District Courts of the
(2) The nature of the materials trans- United States shall have jurisdiction to
ported by such facility (including their enforce orders issued under this section
corrosive and deteriorative qualities), by appropriate means.
the sequence in which such materials [70 FR 11138, Mar. 8, 2005, as amended by
are transported, and the pressure re- Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58912, Sept. 25, 2013]
quired for such transportation;
(3) The characteristics of the geo- 190.235 Civil actions generally.
graphical areas in which the pipeline Whenever it appears to the Associate
facility is located, in particular the cli- Administrator that a person has en-
matic and geologic conditions (includ- gaged, is engaged, or is about to engage
ing soil characteristics) associated in any act or practice constituting a
with such areas, and the population violation of any provision of 49 U.S.C.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

density and population and growth pat- 60101 et seq., or any regulations issued
terns of such areas; thereunder, the Administrator, or the
(4) Any recommendation of the Na- person to whom the authority has been
tional Transportation Safety Board delegated, may request the Attorney


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.239

General to bring an action in the ap- safety order. Such informal consulta-
propriate U.S. District Court for such tion shall commence within 30 days,
relief as is necessary or appropriate, in- provided that PHMSA may extend this
cluding mandatory or prohibitive in- time by request or otherwise for good
junctive relief, interim equitable relief, cause. Informal consultation provides
civil penalties, and punitive damages an opportunity for the respondent to
as provided under 49 U.S.C. 60120 and 49 explain the circumstances associated
U.S.C. 5123. with the risk condition(s) identified in
[70 FR 11139, Mar. 8, 2005] the notice and, where appropriate, to
present a proposal for corrective ac-
190.237 [Reserved] tion, without prejudice to the opera-
tors position in any subsequent hear-
190.239 Safety orders. ing. If the respondent and Regional Di-
(a) When may PHMSA issue a safety rector agree within 30 days of the infor-
order? If the Associate Administrator mal consultation on a plan for the op-
finds, after notice and an opportunity erator to address each risk condition,
for hearing under paragraph (b) of this they may enter into a written consent
section, that a particular pipeline fa- agreement and the Associate Adminis-
cility has a condition or conditions trator may issue a consent order incor-
that pose a pipeline integrity risk to porating the terms of the agreement. If
public safety, property, or the environ- a consent agreement is reached, no fur-
ment, the Associate Administrator ther hearing will be provided in the
may issue an order requiring the oper- matter and any pending hearing re-
ator of the facility to take necessary quest will be considered withdrawn. If
corrective action. Such action may in- a consent agreement is not reached
clude physical inspection, testing, re- within 30 days of the informal con-
pair or other appropriate action to sultation (or if informal consultation is
remedy the identified risk condition. not requested), the Associate Adminis-
(b) How is an operator notified of the trator may proceed under paragraphs
proposed issuance of a safety order and (b)(3) through (5) of this section. If
what are its responses options? (1) Notice PHMSA subsequently determines that
of proposed safety order. PHMSA will an operator has failed to comply with
serve written notice of a proposed safe- the terms of a consent order, PHMSA
ty order under 190.5 to an operator of may obtain any administrative or judi-
the pipeline facility. The notice will al- cial remedies available under 49 U.S.C.
lege the existence of a condition that 60101 et seq. and this part. If a consent
poses a pipeline integrity risk to public agreement is not reached, any admis-
safety, property, or the environment, sions made by the operator during the
and state the facts and circumstances informal consultation shall be excluded
that support issuing a safety order for from the record in any subsequent
the specified pipeline or portion there- hearing. Nothing in this paragraph (b)
of. The notice will also specify pro- precludes PHMSA from terminating
posed testing, evaluations, integrity the informal consultation process if it
assessment, or other actions to be has reason to believe that the operator
taken by the operator and may propose is not engaging in good faith discus-
that the operator submit a work plan sions or otherwise concludes that fur-
and schedule to address the conditions ther consultation would not be produc-
identified in the notice. The notice will tive or in the public interest.
also provide the operator with its re- (3) Hearing. An operator receiving a
sponse options, including procedures notice of proposed safety order may
for requesting informal consultation contest the notice, or any portion
and a hearing. An operator receiving a thereof, by filing a written request for
notice will have 30 days to respond to a hearing within 30 days following re-
the PHMSA official who issued the no- ceipt of the notice or within 10 days
tice. following the conclusion of informal
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) Informal consultation. Upon timely consultation that did not result in a
request by the operator, PHMSA will consent agreement, as applicable. In
provide an opportunity for informal the absence of a timely request for a
consultation concerning the proposed hearing, the Associate Administrator


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190.239 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

may issue a safety order in the form of pipeline integrity risk to public safety,
the proposed order in accordance with property, or the environment.
paragraphs (c) through (g) of this sec- (c) How is the determination made that
tion. a pipeline facility has a condition that
(4) Conduct of hearing. An attorney poses an integrity risk? The Associate
from the Office of Chief Counsel, will Administrator may find a pipeline fa-
serve as the Presiding Official in a cility to have a condition that poses a
hearing under this section. The hearing pipeline integrity risk to public safety,
will be conducted informally, without property, or the environment under
strict adherence to formal rules of evi- paragraph (a) of this section:
dence in accordance with 190.211. The (1) If under the facts and cir-
respondent may submit any relevant cumstances the Associate Adminis-
information or materials, call wit- trator determines the particular facil-
nesses, and present arguments on the ity has such a condition; or
issue of whether a safety order should (2) If the pipeline facility or a compo-
be issued to address the alleged pres- nent thereof has been constructed or
ence of a condition that poses a pipe- operated with any equipment, mate-
line integrity risk to public safety, rial, or technique with a history of
property, or the environment. being susceptible to failure when used
in pipeline service, unless the operator
(5) Post-hearing action. Following a
involved demonstrates that such equip-
hearing under this section, the Pre-
ment, material, or technique is not
siding Official will submit a rec-
susceptible to failure given the manner
ommendation to the Associate Admin-
it is being used for a particular facil-
istrator concerning issuance of a final
safety order. Upon receipt of the rec-
(d) What factors must PHMSA consider
ommendation, the Associate Adminis- in making a determination that a risk
trator may proceed under paragraphs condition is present? In making a deter-
(c) through (g) of this section. If the mination under paragraph (c) of this
Associate Administrator finds the fa- section, the Associate Administrator
cility to have a condition that poses a shall consider, if relevant:
pipeline integrity risk to public safety, (1) The characteristics of the pipe
property, or the environment, the As- and other equipment used in the pipe-
sociate Administrator will issue a safe- line facility involved, including its age,
ty order under this section. If the Asso- manufacturer, physical properties (in-
ciate Administrator does not find that cluding its resistance to corrosion and
the facility has such a condition, or deterioration), and the method of its
concludes that a safety order is other- manufacture, construction or assem-
wise not warranted, the Associate Ad- bly;
ministrator will withdraw the notice (2) The nature of the materials trans-
and promptly notify the operator in ported by such facility (including their
writing by service as prescribed in corrosive and deteriorative qualities),
190.5. Nothing in this subsection pre- the sequence in which such materials
cludes PHMSA and the operator from are transported, and the pressure re-
entering into a consent agreement at quired for such transportation;
any time before a safety order is (3) The characteristics of the geo-
issued. graphical areas where the pipeline fa-
(6) Termination of safety order. Once cility is located, in particular the cli-
all remedial actions set forth in the matic and geologic conditions (includ-
safety order and associated work plans ing soil characteristics) associated
are completed, as determined by with such areas;
PHMSA, the Associate Administrator (4) For hazardous liquid pipelines, the
will notify the operator that the safety proximity of the pipeline to an unusu-
order has been lifted. The Associate ally sensitive area;
Administrator shall suspend or termi- (5) The population density and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

nate a safety order whenever the Asso- growth patterns of the area in which
ciate Administrator determines that the pipeline facility is located;
the pipeline facility no longer has a (6) Any relevant recommendation of
condition or conditions that pose a the National Transportation Safety


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.243

Board issued in connection with any ment of plans or procedures issued

investigation conducted by the Board; under 190.206, a final order issued
(7) The likelihood that the condition under 190.213, or a safety order issued
will impair the serviceability of the under 190.239. The written petition
pipeline; must be received no later than 20 days
(8) The likelihood that the condition after receipt of the order by the re-
will worsen over time; and spondent. A copy of the petition must
(9) The likelihood that the condition be provided to the Chief Counsel of the
is present or could develop on other Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safe-
areas of the pipeline. ty Administration, East Building, 2nd
(e) What information will be included in Floor, Mail Stop E26105, 1200 New Jer-
a safety order? A safety order shall con- sey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590 or
tain the following: by email to
(1) A finding that the pipeline facility Petitions received after that time will
has a condition that poses a pipeline not be considered. The petition must
integrity risk to public safety, prop- contain a brief statement of the com-
erty, or the environment; plaint and an explanation as to why
(2) The relevant facts which form the the order should be reconsidered.
basis of that finding; (b) If the respondent requests the
(3) The legal basis for the order; consideration of additional facts or ar-
(4) The nature and description of any guments, the respondent must submit
particular corrective actions to be re- the reasons why they were not pre-
quired of the operator; and sented prior to issuance of the final
(5) The date(s) by which the required order.
corrective actions must be taken or (c) The filing of a petition under this
completed and, where appropriate, the section stays the payment of any civil
duration of the order. penalty assessed. However, unless the
(f) Can PHMSA take other enforcement Associate Administrator otherwise pro-
actions on the affected facilities? Nothing vides, the order, including any required
in this section precludes PHMSA from corrective action, is not stayed.
issuing a Notice of Probable Violation
(d) The Associate Administrator may
under 190.207 or taking other enforce-
grant or deny, in whole or in part, any
ment action if noncompliance is identi-
petition for reconsideration without
fied at the facilities that are the sub-
further proceedings. If the Associate
ject of a safety order proceeding.
Administrator reconsiders an order
(g) May I petition for reconsideration of
under this section, a final decision on
a safety order? Yes, a petition for recon-
reconsideration may be issued without
sideration may be submitted in accord-
further proceedings, or, in the alter-
ance with 190.243.
native, additional information, data,
[73 FR 16567, Mar. 28, 2008, as amended at 74 and comment may be requested by the
FR 2893, Jan. 16, 2009; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR Associate Administrator, as deemed
58913, Sept. 25, 2013] appropriate.
190.241 Finality. (e) It is the policy of the Associate
Administrator to expeditiously issue
Except as otherwise provided by notice of the action taken on a petition
190.243, an order directing amendment for reconsideration. In cases where a
issued under 190.206, a final order substantial delay is expected, notice of
issued under 190.213, a corrective ac- that fact and the date by which it is
tion order issued under 190.233, or a expected that action will be taken is
safety order issued under 190.239 is provided to the respondent upon re-
considered final administrative action quest and whenever practicable.
on that enforcement proceeding.
(f) If the Associate Administrator re-
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58913, Sept. 25, 2013] considers an order under this section,
the decision on reconsideration is the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

190.243 Petitions for reconsideration. final administrative action on that en-

(a) A respondent may petition the forcement proceeding.
Associate Administrator for reconsid- (g) Any application for judicial re-
eration of an order directing amend- view must be filed no later than 89 days


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190.291 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

after the issuance of the decision in ac- ily harm, or property damage exceed-
cordance with 49 U.S.C. 60119(a). ing $50,000;
(h) Judicial review of agency action (2) Subsequently damages a pipeline
under 49 U.S.C. 60119(a) will apply the facility and knows or has reason to
standards of review established in 5 know of the damage but fails to
U.S.C. 706. promptly report the damage to the op-
erator and to the appropriate authori-
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58913, Sept. 25, 2013] ties; or
(3) Subsequently damages a haz-
Subpart CCriminal Enforcement ardous liquid pipeline facility that re-
sults in the release of more than 50 bar-
SOURCE: Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58914, Sept. 25, rels of product; will, upon conviction,
2013, unless otherwise noted. be subject to a fine under title 18,
United States Code, imprisonment for
190.291 Criminal penalties generally. a term not to exceed 5 years, or both,
for each offense.
(a) Any person who willfully and
(e) No person shall be subject to
knowingly violates a provision of 49
criminal penalties under paragraph (a)
U.S.C. 60101 et seq. or any regulation or
of this section for violation of any reg-
order issued thereunder will upon con-
ulation and the violation of any order
viction be subject to a fine under title issued under 190.217, 190.219 or 190.291
18, United States Code, and imprison- if both violations are based on the
ment for not more than five years, or same act.
both, for each offense.
(b) Any person who willfully and 190.293 Referral for prosecution.
knowingly injures or destroys, or at- If a PHMSA employee becomes aware
tempts to injure or destroy, any inter- of any actual or possible activity sub-
state transmission facility, any inter- ject to criminal penalties under
state pipeline facility, or any intra- 190.291, the employee reports it to the
state pipeline facility used in inter- Office of Chief Counsel, Pipeline and
state or foreign commerce or in any ac- Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis-
tivity affecting interstate or foreign tration, and to his or her supervisor.
commerce (as those terms are defined The Chief Counsel may refer the report
in 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.) will, upon con- to OPS for investigation. If appro-
viction, be subject to a fine under title priate, the Chief Counsel refers the re-
18, United States Code, imprisonment port to the Department of Justice for
for a term not to exceed 20 years, or criminal prosecution of the offender.
both, for each offense.
(c) Any person who willfully and Subpart DProcedures for
knowingly defaces, damages, removes,
or destroys any pipeline sign, right-of- Adoption of Rules
way marker, or marine buoy required
by 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq. or any regula- SOURCE: Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27,
tion or order issued thereunder will, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
upon conviction, be subject to a fine 190.301 Scope.
under title 18, United States Code, im-
prisonment for a term not to exceed 1 This subpart prescribes general rule-
year, or both, for each offense. making procedures for the issue,
(d) Any person who willfully and amendment, and repeal of Pipeline
knowingly engages in excavation activ- Safety Program regulations of the
ity without first using an available Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safe-
one-call notification system to estab- ty Administration of the Department
lish the location of underground facili- of Transportation.
ties in the excavation area; or without [Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996, as
considering location information or amended at 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005]
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

markings established by a pipeline fa-

cility operator; and 190.303 Delegations.
(1) Subsequently damages a pipeline For the purposes of this subpart, Ad-
facility resulting in death, serious bod- ministrator means the Administrator,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.315

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safe- retary of Transportation (part 7 of this

ty Administration, or his or her dele- title).
gate. [Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996, as
[Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996, as amended at 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005]
amended at 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005]
190.309 Where to file petitions.
190.305 Regulatory dockets. Petitions for extension of time to
(a) Information and data considered comment submitted under 190.319, pe-
relevant by the Administrator relating titions for hearings submitted under
190.327, petitions for rulemaking sub-
to rulemaking actions, including no-
mitted under 190.331, and petitions for
tices of proposed rulemaking; com-
reconsideration submitted under
ments received in response to notices;
190.335 must be submitted to: Admin-
petitions for rulemaking and reconsid- istrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate-
eration; denials of petitions for rule- rials Safety Administration, U.S. De-
making and reconsideration; records of partment of Transportation, 1200 New
additional rulemaking proceedings Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C.
under 190.325; and final regulations 205900001.
are maintained by the Pipeline and
[Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996, as
Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis-
amended at 70 FR 11137, Mar. 8, 2005; 73 FR
tration at 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, 16566, Mar. 28, 2008]
Washington, D.C. 205900001.
(b) Once a public docket is estab- 190.311 General.
lished, docketed material may be Unless the Administrator, for good
accessed at cause, finds that notice is impracti-
Public comments also may be sub- cable, unnecessary, or contrary to the
mitted at public interest, and incorporates that
Comment submissions must identify finding and a brief statement of the
the docket number. You may also ex- reasons for it in the rule, a notice of
amine public docket material at the of- proposed rulemaking is issued and in-
fices of the Docket Operations Facility terested persons are invited to partici-
(M30), U.S. Department of Transpor- pate in the rulemaking proceedings
tation, West Building, First Floor, with respect to each substantive rule.
Room W12140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue,
SE., Washington, DC 20590. You may 190.313 Initiation of rulemaking.
obtain a copy during normal business The Administrator initiates rule-
hours, excluding Federal holidays, for a making on his or her own motion; how-
fee, with the exception of material ever, in so doing, the Administrator
which the Administrator of PHMSA de- may use discretion to consider the rec-
termines should be withheld from pub- ommendations of other agencies of the
lic disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b) or United States or of other interested
any other applicable statutory provi- persons including those of any tech-
sion. nical advisory body established by
statute for that purpose.
[Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996, as
amended at 70 FR 11137 and 11139, Mar. 8, 190.315 Contents of notices of pro-
2005; 73 FR 16566, Mar. 28, 2008; 73 FR 16568, posed rulemaking.
Mar. 28, 2008] (a) Each notice of proposed rule-
making is published in the FEDERAL
190.307 Records. REGISTER, unless all persons subject to
Records of the Pipeline and Haz- it are named and are personally served
ardous Materials Safety Administra- with a copy of it.
tion relating to rulemaking pro- (b) Each notice, whether published in
ceedings are available for inspection as the FEDERAL REGISTER or personally
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

provided in section 552(b) of title 5, served, includes:

United States Code, and part 7 of the (1) A statement of the time, place,
Regulations of the Office of the Sec- and nature of the proposed rulemaking


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190.317 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(2) A reference to the authority under porated material must be identified by

which it is issued; document title and page.
(3) A description of the subjects and [Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58914, Sept. 25, 2013]
issues involved or the substance and
terms of the proposed regulation; 190.323 Consideration of comments
(4) A statement of the time within received.
which written comments must be sub- All timely comments and the rec-
mitted; and ommendations of any technical advi-
(5) A statement of how and to what sory body established by statute for
extent interested persons may partici- the purpose of reviewing the proposed
pate in the proceeding. rule concerned are considered before
final action is taken on a rulemaking
190.317 Participation by interested proposal. Late filed comments are con-
persons. sidered so far as practicable.
(a) Any interested person may par-
ticipate in rulemaking proceedings by 190.325 Additional rulemaking pro-
submitting comments in writing con- ceedings.
taining information, views or argu- The Administrator may initiate any
ments in accordance with instructions further rulemaking proceedings that
for participation in the rulemaking the Administrator finds necessary or
document. desirable. For example, interested per-
(b) The Administrator may invite sons may be invited to make oral argu-
any interested person to participate in ments, to participate in conferences
the rulemaking proceedings described between the Administrator or the Ad-
in 190.325. ministrators representative and inter-
(c) For the purposes of this subpart, ested persons, at which minutes of the
an interested person includes any Fed- conference are kept, to appear at infor-
eral or State government agency or mal hearings presided over by officials
any political subdivision of a State. designated by the Administrator at
which a transcript of minutes are kept,
190.319 Petitions for extension of or participate in any other proceeding
time to comment. to assure informed administrative ac-
A petition for extension of the time tion and to protect the public interest.
to submit comments must be sub- 190.327 Hearings.
mitted to PHMSA in accordance with
190.309 and received by PHMSA not (a) If a notice of proposed rulemaking
later than 10 days before expiration of does not provide for a hearing, any in-
the time stated in the notice. The fil- terested person may petition the Ad-
ing of the petition does not automati- ministrator for an informal hearing.
cally extend the time for petitioners The petition must be received by the
comments. A petition is granted only if Administrator not later than 20 days
the petitioner shows good cause for the before expiration of the time stated in
extension, and if the extension is con- the notice. The filing of the petition
sistent with the public interest. If an does not automatically result in the
extension is granted, it is granted to scheduling of a hearing. A petition is
all persons, and it is published in the granted only if the petitioner shows
FEDERAL REGISTER. good cause for a hearing. If a petition
for a hearing is granted, notice of the
[Amdt. 19016, 78 FR 58914, Sept. 25, 2013] hearing is published in the FEDERAL
190.321 Contents of written com- (b) Sections 556 and 557 of title 5,
ments. United States Code, do not apply to
All written comments must be in hearings held under this subpart. Un-
English. Any interested person should less otherwise specified, hearings held
submit as part of written comments all under this subpart are informal, non-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

material considered relevant to any adversarial fact-finding proceedings, at

statement of fact. Incorporation of ma- which there are no formal pleadings or
terial by reference should be avoided; adverse parties. Any regulation issued
however, where necessary, such incor- in a case in which an informal hearing


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.335

is held is not necessarily based exclu- (1) The costs and benefits to society
sively on the record of the hearing. and identifiable groups within society,
(c) The Administrator designates a quantifiable and otherwise;
representative to conduct any hearing (2) The direct effects (including pre-
held under this subpart. The Chief emption effects) of the proposed action
Counsel designates a member of his or on States, on the relationship between
her staff to serve as legal officer at the the Federal Government and the
hearing. States, and on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
[Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996. Re- various levels of government;
designated and amended by Amdt. 19016, 78
FR 58914, Sept. 25, 2013] (3) The regulatory burden on small
businesses, small organizations and
190.329 Adoption of final rules. small governmental jurisdictions;
(4) The recordkeeping and reporting
Final rules are prepared by rep- requirements and to whom they would
resentatives of the Office of Pipeline apply; and
Safety and the Office of the Chief (5) Impacts on the quality of the nat-
Counsel. The regulation is then sub- ural and social environments.
mitted to the Administrator for consid-
(d) The Associate Administrator or
eration. If the Administrator adopts
Chief Counsel may return a petition
the regulation, it is published in the
that does not comply with the require-
FEDERAL REGISTER, unless all persons
ments of this section, accompanied by
subject to it are named and are person-
a written statement indicating the de-
ally served with a copy of it. ficiencies in the petition.
190.331 Petitions for rulemaking. 190.333 Processing of petition.
(a) Any interested person may peti- (a) General. Unless the Associate Ad-
tion the Associate Administrator for ministrator or the Chief Counsel other-
Pipeline Safety to establish, amend, or wise specifies, no public hearing, argu-
repeal a substantive regulation, or may ment, or other proceeding is held di-
petition the Chief Counsel to establish, rectly on a petition before its disposi-
amend, or repeal a procedural regula- tion under this section.
tion. (b) Grants. If the Associate Adminis-
(b) Each petition filed under this sec- trator or the Chief Counsel determines
tion must that the petition contains adequate
(1) Summarize the proposed action justification, he or she initiates rule-
and explain its purpose; making action under this subpart.
(2) State the text of the proposed rule (c) Denials. If the Associate Adminis-
or amendment, or specify the rule pro- trator or the Chief Counsel determines
posed to be repealed; that the petition does not justify rule-
(3) Explain the petitioners interest making, the petition is denied.
in the proposed action and the interest (d) Notification. The Associate Admin-
of any party the petitioner represents; istrator or the Chief Counsel will no-
and tify a petitioner, in writing, of the de-
(4) Provide information and argu- cision to grant or deny a petition for
ments that support the proposed ac- rulemaking.
tion, including relevant technical, sci-
entific or other data as available to the 190.335 Petitions for reconsideration.
petitioner, and any specific known (a) Except as provided in 190.339(d),
cases that illustrate the need for the any interested person may petition the
proposed action. Associate Administrator for reconsid-
(c) If the potential impact of the pro- eration of any regulation issued under
posed action is substantial, and infor- this subpart, or may petition the Chief
mation and data related to that impact Counsel for reconsideration of any pro-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

are available to the petitioner, the As- cedural regulation issued under this
sociate Administrator or the Chief subpart and contained in this subpart.
Counsel may request the petitioner to The petition must be received not later
provide than 30 days after publication of the


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190.337 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

rule in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Peti- lation in question is published in the

tions filed after that time will be con- FEDERAL REGISTER, unless it is found
sidered as petitions filed under 190.331. impracticable to take action within
The petition must contain a brief that time. In cases where it is so found
statement of the complaint and an ex- and the delay beyond that period is ex-
planation as to why compliance with pected to be substantial, notice of that
the rule is not practicable, is unreason- fact and the date by which it is ex-
able, or is not in the public interest. pected that action will be taken is
(b) If the petitioner requests the con- issued to the petitioner and published
sideration of additional facts, the peti- in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
tioner must state the reason they were
not presented to the Associate Admin- 190.338 Appeals.
istrator or the Chief Counsel within (a) Any interested person may appeal
the prescribed time. a denial of the Associate Administrator
(c) The Associate Administrator or or the Chief Counsel, issued under
the Chief Counsel does not consider 190.333 or 190.337, to the Adminis-
repetitious petitions. trator.
(d) Unless the Associate Adminis- (b) An appeal must be received within
trator or the Chief Counsel otherwise 20 days of service of written notice to
provides, the filing of a petition under petitioner of the Associate Administra-
this section does not stay the effective- tors or the Chief Counsels decision, or
ness of the rule. within 20 days from the date of publica-
[Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996. Re-
tion of the decision in the FEDERAL
designated and amended by Amdt. 19016, 78 REGISTER, and should set forth the con-
FR 58914, Sept. 25, 2013] tested aspects of the decision as well as
any new arguments or information.
190.337 Proceedings on petitions for (c) Unless the Administrator other-
reconsideration. wise provides, the filing of an appeal
(a) The Associate Administrator or under this section does not stay the ef-
the Chief Counsel may grant or deny, fectiveness of any rule.
in whole or in part, any petition for re- [Amdt. 1908, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996. Re-
consideration without further pro- designated and amended by Amdt. 19016, 78
ceedings, except where a grant of the FR 58914, Sept. 25, 2013]
petition would result in issuance of a
new final rule. In the event that the 190.339 Direct final rulemaking.
Associate Administrator or the Chief (a) Where practicable, the Adminis-
Counsel determines to reconsider any trator will use direct final rulemaking
regulation, a final decision on recon- to issue the following types of rules:
sideration may be issued without fur- (1) Minor, substantive changes to reg-
ther proceedings, or an opportunity to ulations;
submit comment or information and (2) Incorporation by reference of the
data as deemed appropriate, may be latest edition of technical or industry
provided. Whenever the Associate Ad- standards;
ministrator or the Chief Counsel deter- (3) Extensions of compliance dates;
mines that a petition should be granted and
or denied, the Office of the Chief Coun- (4) Other noncontroversial rules
sel prepares a notice of the grant or de- where the Administrator determines
nial of a petition for reconsideration, that use of direct final rulemaking is
for issuance to the petitioner, and the in the public interest, and that a regu-
Associate Administrator or the Chief lation is unlikely to result in adverse
Counsel issues it to the petitioner. The comment.
Associate Administrator or the Chief (b) The direct final rule will state an
Counsel may consolidate petitions re- effective date. The direct final rule will
lating to the same rules. also state that unless an adverse com-
(b) It is the policy of the Associate ment or notice of intent to file an ad-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Administrator or the Chief Counsel to verse comment is received within the

issue notice of the action taken on a specified comment period, generally 60
petition for reconsideration within 90 days after publication of the direct
days after the date on which the regu- final rule in the FEDERAL REGISTER,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.341

the Administrator will issue a con- be submitted at least 120 days before
firmation document, generally within the requested effective date using any
15 days after the close of the comment of the following methods:
period, advising the public that the di- (1) Direct fax to PHMSA at: 202366
rect final rule will either become effec- 4566; or
tive on the date stated in the direct (2) Mail, express mail, or overnight
final rule or at least 30 days after the courier to the Associate Administrator
publication date of the confirmation for Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Haz-
document, whichever is later. ardous Materials Safety Administra-
(c) For purposes of this section, an tion, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., East
adverse comment is one which explains Building, Washington, DC 20590.
why the rule would be inappropriate, (c) What information must be contained
including a challenge to the rules un- in the application? Applications must
derlying premise or approach, or would contain the following information:
be ineffective or unacceptable without (1) The name, mailing address, and
a change. Comments that are frivolous telephone number of the applicant and
or insubstantial will not be considered whether the applicant is an operator;
adverse under this procedure. A com- (2) A detailed description of the pipe-
ment recommending a rule change in line facilities for which the special per-
addition to the rule will not be consid- mit is sought, including:
ered an adverse comment, unless the (i) The beginning and ending points
commenter states why the rule would of the pipeline mileage to be covered
be ineffective without the additional and the Counties and States in which it
change. is located;
(d) Only parties who filed comments (ii) Whether the pipeline is interstate
to a direct final rule issued under this or intrastate and a general description
section may petition under 190.335 for of the right-of-way including proximity
reconsideration of that direct final of the affected segments to populated
rule. areas and unusually sensitive areas;
(e) If an adverse comment or notice (iii) Relevant pipeline design and
of intent to file an adverse comment is construction information including the
received, a timely document will be year of installation, the material,
published in the FEDERAL REGISTER ad- grade, diameter, wall thickness, and
vising the public and withdrawing the coating type; and
direct final rule in whole or in part. (iv) Relevant operating information
The Administrator may then incor- including operating pressure, leak his-
porate the adverse comment into a sub- tory, and most recent testing or assess-
sequent direct final rule or may pub- ment results;
lish a notice of proposed rulemaking. A (3) A list of the specific regulation(s)
notice of proposed rulemaking will pro- from which the applicant seeks relief;
vide an opportunity for public com- (4) An explanation of the unique cir-
ment, generally a minimum of 60 days, cumstances that the applicant believes
and will be processed in accordance make the applicability of that regula-
with 190.311190.329. tion or standard (or portion thereof)
unnecessary or inappropriate for its fa-
190.341 Special permits. cility;
(a) What is a special permit? A special (5) A description of any measures or
permit is an order by which PHMSA activities the applicant proposes to un-
waives compliance with one or more of dertake as an alternative to compli-
the Federal pipeline safety regulations ance with the relevant regulation, in-
under the standards set forth in 49 cluding an explanation of how such
U.S.C. 60118(c) and subject to condi- measures will mitigate any safety or
tions set forth in the order. A special environmental risks;
permit is issued to a pipeline operator (6) A description of any positive or
(or prospective operator) for specified negative impacts on affected stake-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

facilities that are or, absent waiver, holders and a statement indicating how
would be subject to the regulation. operating the pipeline pursuant to a
(b) How do I apply for a special permit? special permit would be in the public
Applications for special permits must interest;


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190.341 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(7) A certification that operation of transportation. For purposes of this

the applicants pipeline under the re- section, an emergency event may be
quested special permit would not be in- local, regional, or national in scope and
consistent with pipeline safety; includes significant fuel supply disrup-
(8) If the application is for a renewal tions and natural or manmade disas-
of a previously granted waiver or spe- ters such as hurricanes, floods, earth-
cial permit, a copy of the original quakes, terrorist acts, biological out-
grant of the waiver or permit; and breaks, releases of dangerous radio-
(9) Any other information PHMSA logical, chemical, or biological mate-
may need to process the application in- rials, war-related activities, or other
cluding environmental analysis where similar events. PHMSA will determine
necessary. on a case-by-case basis what duration
(d) How does PHMSA handle special is necessary to address the emergency.
permit applications? (1) Public notice. However, as required by statute, no
Upon receipt of an application for a emergency special permit may be
special permit, PHMSA will provide issued for a period of more than 60
notice to the public of its intent to days. Each emergency special permit
consider the application and invite will automatically expire on the date
comment. In addition, PHMSA may specified in the permit. Emergency spe-
consult with other Federal agencies be- cial permits may be renewed upon ap-
fore granting or denying an application plication to PHMSA only after notice
on matters that PHMSA believes may and opportunity for a hearing on the
have significance for proceedings under renewal.
their areas of responsibility. (f) How do I apply for an emergency
(2) Grants and denials. If the Asso- special permit? Applications for emer-
ciate Administrator determines that gency special permits may be sub-
the application complies with the re- mitted to PHMSA using any of the fol-
quirements of this section and that the lowing methods:
waiver of the relevant regulation or (1) Direct fax to the Crisis Manage-
standard is not inconsistent with pipe- ment Center at: 2023663768;
line safety, the Associate Adminis- (2) Direct e-mail to PHMSA at:
trator may grant the application, in phmsa.pipeline-
whole or in part, on a temporary or; or
permanent basis. Conditions may be (3) Express mail/overnight courier to
imposed on the grant if the Associate the Associate Administrator for Pipe-
Administrator concludes they are nec- line Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous
essary to assure safety, environmental Materials Safety Administration, 1200
protection, or are otherwise in the pub- New Jersey Avenue, SE., East Build-
lic interest. If the Associate Adminis- ing, Washington, DC 20590.
trator determines that the application (g) What must be contained in an appli-
does not comply with the requirements cation for an emergency special permit? In
of this section or that a waiver is not addition to the information required
justified, the application will be de- under paragraph (c) of this section, ap-
nied. Whenever the Associate Adminis- plications for emergency special per-
trator grants or denies an application, mits must include:
notice of the decision will be provided (1) An explanation of the actual or
to the applicant. PHMSA will post all impending emergency and how the ap-
special permits on its Web site at http:// plicant is affected; (2) A citation of the regulations that
(e) Can a special permit be requested on are implicated and the specific reasons
an emergency basis? Yes. PHMSA may the permit is necessary to address the
grant an application for an emergency emergency (e.g., lack of accessibility,
special permit without notice and com- damaged equipment, insufficient man-
ment or hearing if the Associate Ad- power);
ministrator determines that such ac- (3) A statement indicating how oper-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion is in the public interest, is not in- ating the pipeline pursuant to an emer-
consistent with pipeline safety, and is gency special permit is in the public
necessary to address an actual or im- interest (e.g., continuity of service,
pending emergency involving pipeline service restoration);


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 190.341

(4) A description of any proposed al- (3) If necessary to avoid a risk of sig-
ternatives to compliance with the reg- nificant harm to persons, property, or
ulation (e.g., additional inspections the environment, PHMSA may in the
and tests, shortened reassessment in- notification declare the proposed ac-
tervals); and tion immediately effective.
(5) A description of any measures to (4) Unless otherwise specified, the
be taken after the emergency situation terms and conditions of a corrective
or permit expireswhichever comes action order, compliance order, or
firstto confirm long-term operational
other order applicable to a pipeline fa-
reliability of the pipeline facility.
cility covered by a special permit will
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g): If PHMSA deter- take precedence over the terms of the
mines that handling of the application on an special permit.
emergency basis is not warranted, PHMSA
will notify the applicant and process the ap- (5) A special permit holder may seek
plication under normal special permit proce- reconsideration of a decision under
dures of this section. paragraph (h) of this section as pro-
(h) In what circumstances will PHMSA vided in paragraph (i) of this section.
revoke, suspend, or modify a special per- (i) Can a denial of a request for a spe-
mit? (1) PHMSA may revoke, suspend, cial permit or a revocation of an existing
or modify a special permit on a finding special permit be appealed? Reconsider-
that: ation of the denial of an application for
(i) Intervening changes in Federal a special permit or a revocation of an
law mandate revocation, suspension, or existing special permit may be sought
modification of the special permit; by petition to the Associate Adminis-
(ii) Based on a material change in trator. Petitions for reconsideration
conditions or circumstances, continued must be received by PHMSA within 20
adherence to the terms of the special calendar days of the notice of the grant
permit would be inconsistent with safe- or denial and must contain a brief
ty; statement of the issue and an expla-
(iii) The application contained inac- nation of why the petitioner believes
curate or incomplete information, and that the decision being appealed is not
the special permit would not have been in the public interest. The Associate
granted had the application been accu- Administrator may grant or deny, in
rate and complete;
whole or in part, any petition for re-
(iv) The application contained delib-
consideration without further pro-
erately inaccurate or incomplete infor-
mation; or ceedings. The Associate Administra-
(v) The holder has failed to comply tors decision is the final administra-
with any material term or condition of tive action.
the special permit. (j) Are documents related to an applica-
(2) Except as provided in paragraph tion for a special permit available for pub-
(h)(3) of this section, before a special lic inspection? Documents related to an
permit is modified, suspended or re- application, including the application
voked, PHMSA will notify the holder itself, are available for public inspec-
in writing of the proposed action and tion on or the Docket
the reasons for it, and provide an op- Operations Facility to the extent such
portunity to show cause why the pro- documents do not include information
posed action should not be taken. exempt from public disclosure under 5
(i) The holder may file a written re- U.S.C. 552(b). Applicants may request
sponse that shows cause why the pro- confidential treatment under part 7 of
posed action should not be taken with- this title.
in 30 days of receipt of notice of the (k) Am I subject to enforcement action
proposed action. for non-compliance with the terms and
(ii) After considering the holders
conditions of a special permit? Yes.
written response, or after 30 days have
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

PHMSA inspects for compliance with

passed without response since receipt
of the notice, PHMSA will notify the the terms and conditions of special per-
holder in writing of the final decision mits and if a probable violation is iden-
with a brief statement of reasons. tified, PHMSA will initiate one or


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Pt. 191 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

more of the enforcement actions under drated, or otherwise processed, which-

subpart B of this part. ever facility is farther downstream;
[73 FR 16568, Mar. 28, 2008, as amended at 74
(2) Pipelines on the Outer Conti-
FR 2893, Jan. 16, 2009; Amdt. 19016, 78 FR nental Shelf (OCS) that are producer-
58914, Sept. 25, 2013] operated and cross into State waters
without first connecting to a trans-
PART 191TRANSPORTATION OF porting operators facility on the OCS,
upstream (generally seaward) of the
NATURAL AND OTHER GAS BY last valve on the last production facil-
PIPELINE; ANNUAL REPORTS, IN- ity on the OCS. Safety equipment pro-
CIDENT REPORTS, AND SAFETY- tecting PHMSA-regulated pipeline seg-
RELATED CONDITION REPORTS ments is not excluded. Producing oper-
ators for those pipeline segments up-
Sec. stream of the last valve of the last pro-
191.1 Scope. duction facility on the OCS may peti-
191.3 Definitions. tion the Administrator, or designee, for
191.5 Immediate notice of certain incidents.
191.7 Report submission requirements. approval to operate under PHMSA reg-
191.9 Distribution system: Incident report. ulations governing pipeline design,
191.11 Distribution system: Annual report. construction, operation, and mainte-
191.12 Distribution Systems: Mechanical nance under 49 CFR 190.9.
Fitting Failure reports (3) Pipelines on the Outer Conti-
191.13 Distribution systems reporting trans- nental Shelf upstream of the point at
mission pipelines; transmission or gath- which operating responsibility trans-
ering systems reporting distribution
fers from a producing operator to a
191.15 Transmission systems; gathering sys- transporting operator; or
tems; and liquefied natural gas facilities: (4) Onshore gathering of gas
Incident report. (i) Through a pipeline that operates
191.17 Transmission systems; gathering sys- at less than 0 psig (0 kPa);
tems; and liquefied natural gas facilities: (ii) Through a pipeline that is not a
Annual report. regulated onshore gathering line (as
191.21 OMB control number assigned to in- determined in 192.8 of this sub-
formation collection.
chapter); and
191.22 National Registry of Pipeline and
LNG operators. (iii) Within inlets of the Gulf of Mex-
191.23 Reporting safety-related conditions. ico, except for the requirements in
191.25 Filing safety-related condition re- 192.612.
[Amdt. 1915, 49 FR 18960, May 3, 1984, as
191.27 Filing offshore pipeline condition re-
amended by Amdt. 1916, 53 FR 24949, July 1,
1988; Amdt. 19111, 61 FR 27793, June 3, 1996;
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5121, 60102, 60103, Amdt. 19112, 62 FR 61695, Nov. 19, 1997;
60104, 60108, 60117, 60118, and 60124; and 49 CFR Amdt. 19115, 68 FR 46111, Aug. 5, 2003; 70 FR
1.53. 11139, Mar. 8, 2005; 75 FR 72904, Nov. 26, 2010]

191.1 Scope. 191.3 Definitions.

(a) This part prescribes requirements As used in this part and the PHMSA
for the reporting of incidents, safety- Forms referenced in this part
related conditions, and annual pipeline Administrator means the Adminis-
summary data by operators of gas pipe- trator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate-
line facilities located in the United rials Safety Administration or his or
States or Puerto Rico, including pipe- her delegate
lines within the limits of the Outer Gas means natural gas, flammable
Continental Shelf as that term is de- gas, or gas which is toxic or corrosive;
fined in the Outer Continental Shelf Incident means any of the following
Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331). events:
(b) This part does not apply to (1) An event that involves a release of
(1) Offshore gathering of gas in State gas from a pipeline, or of liquefied nat-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

waters upstream from the outlet flange ural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, re-
of each facility where hydrocarbons are frigerant gas, or gas from an LNG facil-
produced or where produced hydro- ity, and that results in one or more of
carbons are first separated, dehy- the following consequences:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 191.5

(i) A death, or personal injury neces- ceiver, assignee, or personal represent-

sitating in-patient hospitalization; ative thereof;
(ii) Estimated property damage of Pipeline or Pipeline System means all
$50,000 or more, including loss to the parts of those physical facilities
operator and others, or both, but ex- through which gas moves in transpor-
cluding cost of gas lost; tation, including, but not limited to,
(iii) Unintentional estimated gas loss pipe, valves, and other appurtenance
of three million cubic feet or more; attached to pipe, compressor units, me-
(2) An event that results in an emer- tering stations, regulator stations, de-
gency shutdown of an LNG facility. Ac- livery stations, holders, and fabricated
tivation of an emergency shutdown
system for reasons other than an ac-
tual emergency does not constitute an State includes each of the several
incident. States, the District of Columbia, and
(3) An event that is significant in the the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;
judgment of the operator, even though Transportation of gas means the gath-
it did not meet the criteria of para- ering, transmission, or distribution of
graphs (1) or (2) of this definition. gas by pipeline, or the storage of gas in
LNG facility means a liquefied natural or affecting interstate or foreign com-
gas facility as defined in 193.2007 of merce.
part 193 of this chapter;
[35 FR 320, Jan. 8, 1970, as amended by Amdt.
Master Meter System means a pipeline 1915, 49 FR 18960, May 3, 1984; Amdt. 19110,
system for distributing gas within, but 61 FR 18516, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt. 19112, 62 FR
not limited to, a definable area, such as 61695, Nov. 19, 1997; 68 FR 11749, Mar. 12, 2003;
a mobile home park, housing project, 70 FR 11139, Mar. 8, 2005; 75 FR 72905, Nov. 26,
or apartment complex, where the oper- 2010]
ator purchases metered gas from an
outside source for resale through a gas 191.5 Immediate notice of certain in-
distribution pipeline system. The gas cidents.
distribution pipeline system supplies (a) At the earliest practicable mo-
the ultimate consumer who either pur- ment following discovery, each oper-
chases the gas directly through a ator shall give notice in accordance
meter or by other means, such as by
with paragraph (b) of this section of
each incident as defined in 191.3.
Municipality means a city, county, or
any other political subdivision of a (b) Each notice required by para-
State; graph (a) of this section must be made
Offshore means beyond the line of or- to the National Response Center either
dinary low water along that portion of by telephone to 8004248802 (in Wash-
the coast of the United States that is ington, DC, 202 2672675) or electroni-
in direct contact with the open seas cally at and
and beyond the line marking the sea- must include the following informa-
ward limit of inland waters; tion:
Operator means a person who engages (1) Names of operator and person
in the transportation of gas; making report and their telephone
Outer Continental Shelf means all sub- numbers.
merged lands lying seaward and out- (2) The location of the incident.
side the area of lands beneath navi- (3) The time of the incident.
gable waters as defined in Section 2 of (4) The number of fatalities and per-
the Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C. sonal injuries, if any.
1301) and of which the subsoil and sea-
(5) All other significant facts that are
bed appertain to the United States and
are subject to its jurisdiction and con- known by the operator that are rel-
trol. evant to the cause of the incident or
Person means any individual, firm, extent of the damages.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

joint venture, partnership, corporation, [Amdt. 1914, 47 FR 32720, July 29, 1982, as
association, State, municipality, coop- amended by Amdt. 1915, 49 FR 18960, May 3,
erative association, or joint stock asso- 1984; Amdt. 1918, 54 FR 40878, Oct. 4, 1989; 75
ciation, and includes any trustee, re- FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010]


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191.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

191.7 Report submission require- mit Department of Transportation

ments. Form RSPA F 7100.1 as soon as prac-
(a) General. Except as provided in ticable but not more than 30 days after
paragraph (b) of this section, an oper- detection of an incident required to be
ator must submit each report required reported under 191.5.
by this part electronically to the Pipe- (b) When additional relevant infor-
line and Hazardous Materials Safety mation is obtained after the report is
Administration at http:// submitted under paragraph (a) of this unless an alter- section, the operator shall make sup-
native reporting method is authorized plementary reports as deemed nec-
in accordance with paragraph (d) of essary with a clear reference by date
this section. and subject to the original report.
(c) Master meter operators are not
(b) Exceptions. An operator is not re-
required to submit an incident report
quired to submit a safety-related con-
as required by this section.
dition report ( 191.25) or an offshore
pipeline condition report ( 191.27) elec- [Amdt. 1915, 49 FR 18960, May 3, 1984, as
tronically. amended at 75 FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010]
(c) Safety-related conditions. An oper-
ator must submit concurrently to the 191.11 Distribution system: Annual
applicable State agency a safety-re-
lated condition report required by (a) General. Except as provided in
191.23 for intrastate pipeline transpor- paragraph (b) of this section, each op-
tation or when the State agency acts erator of a distribution pipeline system
as an agent of the Secretary with re- must submit an annual report for that
spect to interstate transmission facili- system on DOT Form PHMSA F 7100.1
ties. 1. This report must be submitted each
(d) Alternative Reporting Method. If year, not later than March 15, for the
electronic reporting imposes an undue preceding calendar year.
burden and hardship, an operator may (b) Not required. The annual report re-
submit a written request for an alter- quirement in this section does not
native reporting method to the Infor- apply to a master meter system or to a
mation Resources Manager, Office of petroleum gas system that serves fewer
Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Haz- than 100 customers from a single
ardous Materials Safety Administra- source.
tion, PHP20, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, [75 FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010]
SE, Washington DC 20590. The request
must describe the undue burden and 191.12 Distribution Systems: Mechan-
hardship. PHMSA will review the re- ical Fitting Failure Reports
quest and may authorize, in writing, an Each mechanical fitting failure, as
alternative reporting method. An au- required by 192.1009, must be sub-
thorization will state the period for mitted on a Mechanical Fitting Failure
which it is valid, which may be indefi- Report Form PHMSA F7100.12. An op-
nite. An operator must contact erator must submit a mechanical fit-
PHMSA at 2023668075, or electroni- ting failure report for each mechanical
cally to fitting failure that occurs within a cal- or endar year not later than March 15 of
make arrangements for submitting a the following year (for example, all me-
report that is due after a request for al- chanical failure reports for calendar
ternative reporting is submitted but year 2011 must be submitted no later
before an authorization or denial is re- than March 15, 2012). Alternatively, an
ceived. operator may elect to submit its re-
[75 FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010] ports throughout the year. In addition,
an operator must also report this infor-
191.9 Distribution system: Incident mation to the State pipeline safety au-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

report. thority if a State has obtained regu-

(a) Except as provided in paragraph latory authority over the operators
(c) of this section, each operator of a pipeline.
distribution pipeline system shall sub- [76 FR 5499, Feb. 1, 2011]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 191.22

191.13 Distribution systems reporting reference by date to the original re-

transmission pipelines; trans- port.
mission or gathering systems re-
porting distribution pipelines. [75 FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010]

Each operator, primarily engaged in 191.17 Transmission systems; gath-

gas distribution, who also operates gas ering systems; and liquefied natural
transmission or gathering pipelines gas facilities: Annual report.
shall submit separate reports for these
(a) Transmission or Gathering. Each
pipelines as required by 191.15 and
operator of a transmission or a gath-
191.17. Each operator, primarily en-
ering pipeline system must submit an
gaged in gas transmission or gathering,
annual report for that system on DOT
who also operates gas distribution
Form PHMSA 7100.2.1. This report
pipelines shall submit separate reports
must be submitted each year, not later
for these pipelines as required by
than March 15, for the preceding cal-
191.9 and 191.11.
endar year, except that for the 2010 re-
[Amdt. 1915, 49 FR 18961, May 3, 1984] porting year the report must be sub-
mitted by June 15, 2011.
191.15 Transmission systems; gath- (b) LNG. Each operator of a liquefied
ering systems; and liquefied natural
gas facilities: Incident report. natural gas facility must submit an an-
nual report for that system on DOT
(a) Transmission or Gathering. Each Form PHMSA 7100.31 This report must
operator of a transmission or a gath- be submitted each year, not later than
ering pipeline system must submit March 15, for the preceding calendar
DOT Form PHMSA F 7100.2 as soon as year, except that for the 2010 reporting
practicable but not more than 30 days year the report must be submitted by
after detection of an incident required June 15, 2011.
to be reported under 191.5 of this part.
(b) LNG. Each operator of a liquefied [75 FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010]
natural gas plant or facility must sub-
mit DOT Form PHMSA F 7100.3 as soon 191.21 OMB control number assigned
as practicable but not more than 30 to information collection.
days after detection of an incident re- This section displays the control
quired to be reported under 191.5 of number assigned by the Office of Man-
this part. agement and Budget (OMB) to the in-
(c) Supplemental report. Where addi- formation collection requirements in
tional related information is obtained this part. The Paperwork Reduction
after a report is submitted under para- Act requires agencies to display a cur-
graph (a) or (b) of this section, the op- rent control number assigned by the
erator must make a supplemental re- Director of OMB for each agency infor-
port as soon as practicable with a clear mation collection requirement.
Section of 49 CFR Part 191 where identified Form No.

191.5 ...................................................................................................................................... Telephonic.

191.9 ...................................................................................................................................... PHMSA 7100.1, PHMSA 7100.3.
191.11 .................................................................................................................................... PHMSA 7100.11, PHMSA 7100.3
191.15 .................................................................................................................................... PHMSA 7100.2.
191.17 .................................................................................................................................... PHMSA 7100.21.
191.22 .................................................................................................................................... PHMSA 1000.1.

[75 FR 72905, Nov. 26, 2010] facility must obtain from PHMSA an
Operator Identification Number
191.22 National Registry of Pipeline (OPID). An OPID is assigned to an op-
and LNG operators.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

erator for the pipeline or pipeline sys-

(a) OPID Request. Effective January tem for which the operator has pri-
1, 2012, each operator of a gas pipeline, mary responsibility. To obtain on
gas pipeline facility, LNG plant or LNG OPID, an operator must complete an


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191.23 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

OPID Assignment Request DOT Form porting requirements covered under

PHMSA F 1000.1 through the National this subchapter and for submissions to
Registry of Pipeline and LNG Opera- the National Pipeline Mapping System.
tors in accordance with 191.7. [Amdt. No. 19121, 75 FR 72906, Nov. 26, 2010]
(b) OPID validation. An operator who
has already been assigned one or more 191.23 Reporting safety-related con-
OPID by January 1, 2011, must validate ditions.
the information associated with each (a) Except as provided in paragraph
OPID through the National Registry of (b) of this section, each operator shall
Pipeline and LNG Operators at http:// report in accordance with 191.25 the, and correct that existence of any of the following safe-
information as necessary, no later than ty-related conditions involving facili-
June 30, 2012. ties in service:
(c) Changes. Each operator of a gas (1) In the case of a pipeline (other
pipeline, gas pipeline facility, LNG than an LNG facility) that operates at
plant or LNG facility must notify a hoop stress of 20 percent or more of
PHMSA electronically through the Na- its specified minimum yield strength,
tional Registry of Pipeline and LNG general corrosion that has reduced the
Operators at wall thickness to less than that re-
of certain events. quired for the maximum allowable op-
(1) An operator must notify PHMSA erating pressure, and localized corro-
of any of the following events not later sion pitting to a degree where leakage
than 60 days before the event occurs: might result.
(i) Construction or any planned reha- (2) Unintended movement or abnor-
bilitation, replacement, modification, mal loading by environmental causes,
upgrade, uprate, or update of a facility, such as an earthquake, landslide, or
other than a section of line pipe, that flood, that impairs the serviceability of
costs $10 million or more. If 60 day no- a pipeline or the structural integrity or
tice is not feasible because of an emer- reliability of an LNG facility that con-
gency, an operator must notify PHMSA tains, controls, or processes gas or
as soon as practicable; LNG.
(ii) Construction of 10 or more miles (3) Any crack or other material de-
of a new pipeline; or fect that impairs the structural integ-
(iii) Construction of a new LNG plant rity or reliability of an LNG facility
or LNG facility. that contains, controls, or processes
(2) An operator must notify PHMSA gas or LNG.
of any of the following events not later (4) Any material defect or physical
than 60 days after the event occurs: damage that impairs the serviceability
(i) A change in the primary entity re- of a pipeline that operates at a hoop
sponsible (i.e., with an assigned OPID) stress of 20 percent or more of its speci-
for managing or administering a safety fied minimum yield strength.
program required by this part covering (5) Any malfunction or operating
pipeline facilities operated under mul- error that causes the pressure of a
tiple OPIDs. pipeline or LNG facility that contains
(ii) A change in the name of the oper- or processes gas or LNG to rise above
ator; its maximum allowable operating pres-
(iii) A change in the entity (e.g., com- sure (or working pressure for LNG fa-
pany, municipality) responsible for an cilities) plus the build-up allowed for
existing pipeline, pipeline segment, operation of pressure limiting or con-
pipeline facility, or LNG facility; trol devices.
(iv) The acquisition or divestiture of (6) A leak in a pipeline or LNG facil-
50 or more miles of a pipeline or pipe- ity that contains or processes gas or
line system subject to Part 192 of this LNG that constitutes an emergency.
subchapter; or (7) Inner tank leakage, ineffective in-
(v) The acquisition or divestiture of sulation, or frost heave that impairs
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

an existing LNG plant or LNG facility the structural integrity of an LNG

subject to Part 193 of this subchapter. storage tank.
(d) Reporting. An operator must use (8) Any safety-related condition that
the OPID issued by PHMSA for all re- could lead to an imminent hazard and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 191.27

causes (either directly or indirectly by (3) Name, job title, and business tele-
remedial action of the operator), for phone number of person submitting the
purposes other than abandonment, a 20 report.
percent or more reduction in operating (4) Name, job title, and business tele-
pressure or shutdown of operation of a phone number of person who deter-
pipeline or an LNG facility that con- mined that the condition exists.
tains or processes gas or LNG. (5) Date condition was discovered and
(b) A report is not required for any date condition was first determined to
safety-related condition that exist.
(1) Exists on a master meter system (6) Location of condition, with ref-
or a customer-owned service line; erence to the State (and town, city, or
(2) Is an incident or results in an in- county) or offshore site, and as appro-
cident before the deadline for filing the priate, nearest street address, offshore
safety-related condition report; platform, survey station number, mile-
(3) Exists on a pipeline (other than an post, landmark, or name of pipeline.
LNG facility) that is more than 220 (7) Description of the condition, in-
yards (200 meters) from any building cluding circumstances leading to its
intended for human occupancy or out- discovery, any significant effects of the
door place of assembly, except that re- condition on safety, and the name of
ports are required for conditions within the commodity transported or stored.
the right-of-way of an active railroad,
(8) The corrective action taken (in-
paved road, street, or highway; or
cluding reduction of pressure or shut-
(4) Is corrected by repair or replace- down) before the report is submitted
ment in accordance with applicable
and the planned follow-up or future
safety standards before the deadline for
corrective action, including the antici-
filing the safety-related condition re-
pated schedule for starting and con-
port, except that reports are required
cluding such action.
for conditions under paragraph (a)(1) of
this section other than localized corro- [Amdt. 1916, 53 FR 24949, July 1, 1988; 53 FR
sion pitting on an effectively coated 29800, Aug. 8, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 191
and cathodically protected pipeline. 7, 54 FR 32344, Aug. 7, 1989; Amdt. 1918, 54 FR
40878, Oct. 4, 1989; Amdt. 19110, 61 FR 18516,
[Amdt. 1916, 53 FR 24949, July 1, 1988, as Apr. 26, 1996]
amended by Amdt. 19114, 63 FR 37501, July
13, 1998] 191.27 Filing offshore pipeline condi-
tion reports.
191.25 Filing safety-related condition
reports. (a) Each operator shall, within 60
days after completion of the inspection
(a) Each report of a safety-related
of all its underwater pipelines subject
condition under 191.23(a) must be filed
to 192.612(a), report the following in-
(received by the Associate Adminis-
trator) in writing within five working
days (not including Saturday, Sunday, (1) Name and principal address of op-
or Federal Holidays) after the day a erator.
representative of the operator first de- (2) Date of report.
termines that the condition exists, but (3) Name, job title, and business tele-
not later than 10 working days after phone number of person submitting the
the day a representative of the oper- report.
ator discovers the condition. Separate (4) Total length of pipeline inspected.
conditions may be described in a single (5) Length and date of installation of
report if they are closely related. Re- each exposed pipeline segment, and lo-
ports may be transmitted by facsimile cation, including, if available, the loca-
at (202) 3667128. tion according to the Minerals Manage-
(b) The report must be headed Safe- ment Service or state offshore area and
ty-Related Condition Report and pro- block number tract.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

vide the following information: (6) Length and date of installation of

(1) Name and principal address of op- each pipeline segment, if different from
erator. a pipeline segment identified under
(2) Date of report. paragraph (a)(5) of this section, that is


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Pt. 192 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

a hazard to navigation, and the loca- 192.112 Additional design requirements for
tion, including, if available, the loca- steel pipe using alternative maximum al-
tion according to the Minerals Manage- lowable operating pressure.
192.113 Longitudinal joint factor (E) for
ment Service or state offshore area and steel pipe.
block number tract. 192.115 Temperature derating factor (T) for
(b) The report shall be mailed to the steel pipe.
Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and 192.117 [Reserved]
Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis- 192.119 [Reserved]
tration, Department of Transportation, 192.121 Design of plastic pipe.
Information Resources Manager, PHP 192.123 Design limitations for plastic pipe.
192.125 Design of copper pipe.
10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Wash-
ington, DC 20590-0001. Subpart DDesign of Pipeline Components
[Amdt. 1919, 56 FR 63770, Dec. 5, 1991, as 192.141 Scope.
amended by Amdt. 19114, 63 FR 37501, July 192.143 General requirements.
13, 1998; 70 FR 11139, Mar. 8, 2005; 73 FR 16570, 192.144 Qualifying metallic components.
Mar. 28, 2008; 74 FR 2894, Jan. 16, 2009] 192.145 Valves.
192.147 Flanges and flange accessories.
PART 192TRANSPORTATION OF 192.149 Standard fittings.
192.150 Passage of internal inspection de-
SAFETY STANDARDS 192.153 Components fabricated by welding.
192.155 Welded branch connections.
Subpart AGeneral 192.157 Extruded outlets.
192.159 Flexibility.
Sec. 192.161 Supports and anchors.
192.1 What is the scope of this part? 192.163 Compressor stations: Design and
192.3 Definitions. construction.
192.5 Class locations. 192.165 Compressor stations: Liquid re-
192.7 What documents are incorporated by moval.
reference partly or wholly in this part? 192.167 Compressor stations: Emergency
192.8 How are onshore gathering lines and shutdown.
regulated onshore gathering lines deter- 192.169 Compressor stations: Pressure lim-
mined? iting devices.
192.9 What requirements apply to gathering 192.171 Compressor stations: Additional
lines? safety equipment.
192.10 Outer continental shelf pipelines. 192.173 Compressor stations: Ventilation.
192.11 Petroleum gas systems. 192.175 Pipe-type and bottle-type holders.
192.13 What general requirements apply to 192.177 Additional provisions for bottle-type
pipelines regulated under this part? holders.
192.14 Conversion to service subject to this 192.179 Transmission line valves.
part. 192.181 Distribution line valves.
192.15 Rules of regulatory construction. 192.183 Vaults: Structural design require-
192.16 Customer notification. ments.
192.185 Vaults: Accessibility.
Subpart BMaterials 192.187 Vaults: Sealing, venting, and ven-
192.51 Scope. 192.189 Vaults: Drainage and waterproofing.
192.53 General. 192.191 Design pressure of plastic fittings.
192.55 Steel pipe. 192.193 Valve installation in plastic pipe.
192.57 [Reserved] 192.195 Protection against accidental over-
192.59 Plastic pipe. pressuring.
192.61 [Reserved] 192.197 Control of the pressure of gas deliv-
192.63 Marking of materials. ered from high-pressure distribution sys-
192.65 Transportation of pipe. tems.
192.199 Requirements for design of pressure
Subpart CPipe Design relief and limiting devices.
192.201 Required capacity of pressure reliev-
192.101 Scope. ing and limiting stations.
192.103 General. 192.203 Instrument, control, and sampling
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.105 Design formula for steel pipe. pipe and components.

192.107 Yield strength (S) for steel pipe.
192.109 Nominal wall thickness (t) for steel Subpart EWelding of Steel in Pipelines
192.111 Design factor (F) for steel pipe. 192.221 Scope.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT Pt. 192
192.225 Welding procedures. 192.373 Service lines: Cast iron and ductile
192.227 Qualification of welders. iron.
192.229 Limitations on welders. 192.375 Service lines: Plastic.
192.231 Protection from weather. 192.377 Service lines: Copper.
192.233 Miter joints. 192.379 New service lines not in use.
192.235 Preparation for welding. 192.381 Service lines: Excess flow valve per-
192.241 Inspection and test of welds. formance standards.
192.243 Nondestructive testing. 192.383 Excess flow valve installation.
192.245 Repair or removal of defects.
Subpart IRequirements for Corrosion
Subpart FJoining of Materials Other Than Control
by Welding
192.451 Scope.
192.271 Scope. 192.452 How does this subpart apply to con-
192.273 General. verted pipelines and regulated onshore
192.275 Cast iron pipe. gathering lines?
192.277 Ductile iron pipe. 192.453 General.
192.279 Copper pipe. 192.455 External corrosion control: Buried
192.281 Plastic pipe. or submerged pipelines installed after
192.283 Plastic pipe: Qualifying joining pro-
July 31, 1971.
192.457 External corrosion control: Buried
192.285 Plastic pipe: Qualifying persons to
or submerged pipelines installed before
make joints.
August 1, 1971.
192.287 Plastic pipe: Inspection of joints.
192.459 External corrosion control: Exam-
ination of buried pipeline when exposed.
Subpart GGeneral Construction Require-
192.461 External corrosion control: Protec-
ments for Transmission Lines and Mains tive coating.
192.301 Scope. 192.463 External corrosion control: Cathodic
192.303 Compliance with specifications or protection.
standards. 192.465 External corrosion control: Moni-
192.305 Inspection: General. toring.
192.307 Inspection of materials. 192.467 External corrosion control: Elec-
192.309 Repair of steel pipe. trical isolation.
192.311 Repair of plastic pipe. 192.469 External corrosion control: Test sta-
192.313 Bends and elbows. tions.
192.315 Wrinkle bends in steel pipe. 192.471 External corrosion control: Test
192.317 Protection from hazards. leads.
192.319 Installation of pipe in a ditch. 192.473 External corrosion control: Inter-
192.321 Installation of plastic pipe. ference currents.
192.323 Casing. 192.475 Internal corrosion control: General.
192.325 Underground clearance. 192.476 Internal corrosion control: Design
192.327 Cover. and construction of transmission line.
192.328 Additional construction require- 192.477 Internal corrosion control: Moni-
ments for steel pipe using alternative toring.
maximum allowable operating pressure. 192.479 Atmospheric corrosion control: Gen-
Subpart HCustomer Meters, Service 192.481 Atmospheric corrosion control: Mon-
Regulators, and Service Lines itoring.
192.483 Remedial measures: General.
192.351 Scope. 192.485 Remedial measures: Transmission
192.353 Customer meters and regulators: Lo- lines.
cation. 192.487 Remedial measures: Distribution
192.355 Customer meters and regulators: lines other than cast iron or ductile iron
Protection from damage. lines.
192.357 Customer meters and regulators: In- 192.489 Remedial measures: Cast iron and
stallation. ductile iron pipelines.
192.359 Customer meter installations: Oper- 192.490 Direct assessment.
ating pressure. 192.491 Corrosion control records.
192.361 Service lines: Installation.
192.363 Service lines: Valve requirements. Subpart JTest Requirements
192.365 Service lines: Location of valves.
192.501 Scope.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.367 Service lines: General requirements

for connections to main piping. 192.503 General requirements.
192.369 Service lines: Connections to cast 192.505 Strength test requirements for steel
iron or ductile iron mains. pipeline to operate at a hoop stress of 30
192.371 Service lines: Steel. percent or more of SMYS.


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Pt. 192 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)
192.507 Test requirements for pipelines to 192.707 Line markers for mains and trans-
operate at a hoop stress less than 30 per- mission lines.
cent of SMYS and at or above 100 p.s.i. 192.709 Transmission lines: Record keeping.
(689 kPa) gage. 192.711 Transmission lines: General require-
192.509 Test requirements for pipelines to ments for repair procedures.
operate below 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage. 192.713 Transmission lines: Permanent field
192.511 Test requirements for service lines. repair of imperfections and damages.
192.513 Test requirements for plastic pipe- 192.715 Transmission lines: Permanent field
lines. repair of welds.
192.515 Environmental protection and safety 192.717 Transmission lines: Permanent field
requirements. repair of leaks.
192.517 Records. 192.719 Transmission lines: Testing of re-
Subpart KUprating
192.721 Distribution systems: Patrolling.
192.551 Scope. 192.723 Distribution systems: Leakage sur-
192.553 General requirements. veys.
192.555 Uprating to a pressure that will 192.725 Test requirements for reinstating
produce a hoop stress of 30 percent or service lines.
more of SMYS in steel pipelines. 192.727 Abandonment or deactivation of fa-
192.557 Uprating: Steel pipelines to a pres- cilities.
sure that will produce a hoop stress less 192.731 Compressor stations: Inspection and
than 30 percent of SMYS; plastic, cast testing of relief devices.
iron, and ductile iron pipelines. 192.735 Compressor stations: Storage of
combustible materials.
Subpart LOperations 192.736 Compressor stations: Gas detection.
192.739 Pressure limiting and regulating
192.601 Scope.
stations: Inspection and testing.
192.603 General provisions.
192.605 Procedural manual for operations, 192.741 Pressure limiting and regulating
maintenance, and emergencies. stations: Telemetering or recording
192.607 [Reserved] gauges.
192.609 Change in class location: Required 192.743 Pressure limiting and regulating
study. stations: Capacity of relief devices.
192.611 Change in class location: Confirma- 192.745 Valve maintenance: Transmission
tion or revision of maximum allowable lines.
operating pressure. 192.747 Valve maintenance: Distribution
192.612 Underwater inspection and reburial systems.
of pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico and its 192.749 Vault maintenance.
inlets. 192.751 Prevention of accidental ignition.
192.613 Continuing surveillance. 192.753 Caulked bell and spigot joints.
192.614 Damage prevention program. 192.755 Protecting cast-iron pipelines.
192.615 Emergency plans.
192.616 Public awareness. Subpart NQualification of Pipeline
192.617 Investigation of failures. Personnel
192.619 What is the maximum allowable op-
erating pressure for steel or plastic pipe- 192.801 Scope.
lines? 192.803 Definitions.
192.620 Alternative maximum allowable op- 192.805 Qualification Program.
erating pressure for certain steel pipe- 192.807 Recordkeeping.
lines. 192.809 General.
192.621 Maximum allowable operating pres-
sure: High-pressure distribution systems. Subpart OGas Transmission Pipeline
192.623 Maximum and minimum allowable
operating pressure; Low-pressure dis- Integrity Management
tribution systems. 192.901 What do the regulations in this sub-
192.625 Odorization of gas. part cover?
192.627 Tapping pipelines under pressure.
192.903 What definitions apply to this sub-
192.629 Purging of pipelines.
192.631 Control room management.
192.905 How does an operator identify a high
Subpart MMaintenance consequence area?
192.907 What must an operator do to imple-
ment this subpart?
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.701 Scope.
192.703 General. 192.909 How can an operator change its in-
192.705 Transmission lines: Patrolling. tegrity management program?
192.706 Transmission lines: Leakage sur- 192.911 What are the elements of an integ-
veys. rity management program?


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.1
192.913 When may an operator deviate its 192.1013 When may an operator deviate from
program from certain requirements of required periodic inspections of this
this subpart? part?
192.915 What knowledge and training must 192.1015 What must a master meter or small
personnel have to carry out an integrity liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) operator
management program? do to implement this subpart?
192.917 How does an operator identify poten- APPENDIX A TO PART 192 [RESERVED]
tial threats to pipeline integrity and use APPENDIX B TO PART 192QUALIFICATION OF
the threat identification in its integrity PIPE
192.919 What must be in the baseline assess- WELDERS FOR LOW STRESS LEVEL PIPE
192.921 How is the baseline assessment to be THODIC PROTECTION AND DETERMINATION
192.923 How is direct assessment used and APPENDIX E TO PART 192GUIDANCE ON DE-
192.925 What are the requirements for using ON CARRYING OUT REQUIREMENTS IN THE
External Corrosion Direct Assessment INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT RULE
192.927 What are the requirements for using AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104,
Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment 60108, 60109, 60110, 60113, 60116, 60118, and 60137;
(ICDA)? and 49 CFR 1.53.
192.929 What are the requirements for using SOURCE: 35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, unless
Direct Assessment for Stress Corrosion otherwise noted.
Cracking (SCCDA)?
192.931 How may Confirmatory Direct As- EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
sessment (CDA) be used? part 192 appear at 71 FR 33406, June 9, 2006.
192.933 What actions must be taken to ad-
dress integrity issues? Subpart AGeneral
192.935 What additional preventive and
mitigative measures must an operator 192.1 What is the scope of this part?
192.937 What is a continual process of eval- (a) This part prescribes minimum
uation and assessment to maintain a safety requirements for pipeline facili-
pipelines integrity? ties and the transportation of gas, in-
192.939 What are the required reassessment cluding pipeline facilities and the
intervals? transportation of gas within the limits
192.941 What is a low stress reassessment? of the outer continental shelf as that
192.943 When can an operator deviate from term is defined in the Outer Conti-
these reassessment intervals?
nental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331).
192.945 What methods must an operator use
to measure program effectiveness? (b) This part does not apply to
192.947 What records must an operator (1) Offshore gathering of gas in State
keep? waters upstream from the outlet flange
192.949 How does an operator notify of each facility where hydrocarbons are
PHMSA? produced or where produced hydro-
192.951 Where does an operator file a report? carbons are first separated, dehy-
drated, or otherwise processed, which-
Subpart PGas Distribution Pipeline ever facility is farther downstream;
Integrity Management (IM) (2) Pipelines on the Outer Conti-
192.1001 What definitions apply to this sub- nental Shelf (OCS) that are producer-
part? operated and cross into State waters
192.1003 What do the regulations in this sub- without first connecting to a trans-
part cover? porting operators facility on the OCS,
192.1005 What must a gas distribution oper- upstream (generally seaward) of the
ator (other than a master meter or small last valve on the last production facil-
LPG operator) do to implement this sub- ity on the OCS. Safety equipment pro-
tecting PHMSA-regulated pipeline seg-
192.1007 What are the required elements of
an integrity management plan? ments is not excluded. Producing oper-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.1009 What must an operator report when ators for those pipeline segments up-
a mechanical fitting fails? stream of the last valve of the last pro-
192.1011 What records must an operator duction facility on the OCS may peti-
keep? tion the Administrator, or designee, for


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192.3 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

approval to operate under PHMSA reg- Controller means a qualified indi-

ulations governing pipeline design, vidual who remotely monitors and con-
construction, operation, and mainte- trols the safety-related operations of a
nance under 49 CFR 190.9; pipeline facility via a SCADA system
(3) Pipelines on the Outer Conti- from a control room, and who has oper-
nental Shelf upstream of the point at ational authority and accountability
which operating responsibility trans- for the remote operational functions of
fers from a producing operator to a the pipeline facility.
transporting operator; Customer meter means the meter that
(4) Onshore gathering of gas measures the transfer of gas from an
(i) Through a pipeline that operates operator to a consumer.
at less than 0 psig (0 kPa); Distribution line means a pipeline
(ii) Through a pipeline that is not a other than a gathering or transmission
regulated onshore gathering line (as line.
determined in 192.8); and Electrical survey means a series of
(iii) Within inlets of the Gulf of Mex- closely spaced pipe-to-soil readings
ico, except for the requirements in over pipelines which are subsequently
192.612; or analyzed to identify locations where a
(5) Any pipeline system that trans- corrosive current is leaving the pipe-
ports only petroleum gas or petroleum line.
gas/air mixtures to Exposed underwater pipeline means an
(i) Fewer than 10 customers, if no underwater pipeline where the top of
portion of the system is located in a the pipe protrudes above the under-
public place; or water natural bottom (as determined
(ii) A single customer, if the system by recognized and generally accepted
is located entirely on the customers practices) in waters less than 15 feet
premises (no matter if a portion of the (4.6 meters) deep, as measured from
system is located in a public place). mean low water.
Gas means natural gas, flammable
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
gas, or gas which is toxic or corrosive.
Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976;
Amdt. 19267, 56 FR 63771, Dec. 5, 1991; Amdt. Gathering line means a pipeline that
19278, 61 FR 28782, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19281, transports gas from a current produc-
62 FR 61695, Nov. 19, 1997; Amdt. 19292, 68 FR tion facility to a transmission line or
46112, Aug. 5, 2003; 70 FR 11139, Mar. 8, 2005; main.
Amdt. 192102, 71 FR 13301, Mar. 15, 2006; Gulf of Mexico and its inlets means the
Amdt. 192103, 72 FR 4656, Feb. 1, 2007] waters from the mean high water mark
of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and
192.3 Definitions. its inlets open to the sea (excluding
As used in this part: rivers, tidal marshes, lakes, and ca-
Abandoned means permanently re- nals) seaward to include the territorial
moved from service. sea and Outer Continental Shelf to a
Active corrosion means continuing depth of 15 feet (4.6 meters), as meas-
corrosion that, unless controlled, could ured from the mean low water.
result in a condition that is detri- Hazard to navigation means, for the
mental to public safety. purposes of this part, a pipeline where
Administrator means the Adminis- the top of the pipe is less than 12
trator, Pipeline and Hazardous Mate- inches (305 millimeters) below the un-
rials Safety Administration or his or derwater natural bottom (as deter-
her delegate. mined by recognized and generally ac-
Alarm means an audible or visible cepted practices) in waters less than 15
means of indicating to the controller feet (4.6 meters) deep, as measured
that equipment or processes are out- from the mean low water.
side operator-defined, safety-related High-pressure distribution system
parameters. means a distribution system in which
Control room means an operations the gas pressure in the main is higher
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

center staffed by personnel charged than the pressure provided to the cus-
with the responsibility for remotely tomer.
monitoring and controlling a pipeline Line section means a continuous run
facility. of transmission line between adjacent


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.3

compressor stations, between a com- Pipe means any pipe or tubing used in
pressor station and storage facilities, the transportation of gas, including
between a compressor station and a pipe-type holders.
block valve, or between adjacent block Pipeline means all parts of those
valves. physical facilities through which gas
Listed specification means a specifica- moves in transportation, including
tion listed in section I of appendix B of pipe, valves, and other appurtenance
this part. attached to pipe, compressor units, me-
Low-pressure distribution system means tering stations, regulator stations, de-
a distribution system in which the gas livery stations, holders, and fabricated
pressure in the main is substantially assemblies.
the same as the pressure provided to Pipeline environment includes soil re-
the customer. sistivity (high or low), soil moisture
Main means a distribution line that (wet or dry), soil contaminants that
serves as a common source of supply may promote corrosive activity, and
for more than one service line. other known conditions that could af-
Maximum actual operating pressure fect the probability of active corrosion.
means the maximum pressure that oc- Pipeline facility means new and exist-
curs during normal operations over a ing pipelines, rights-of-way, and any
period of 1 year. equipment, facility, or building used in
Maximum allowable operating pressure the transportation of gas or in the
(MAOP) means the maximum pressure treatment of gas during the course of
at which a pipeline or segment of a transportation.
pipeline may be operated under this Service line means a distribution line
part. that transports gas from a common
Municipality means a city, county, or source of supply to an individual cus-
any other political subdivision of a tomer, to two adjacent or adjoining
State. residential or small commercial cus-
Offshore means beyond the line of or- tomers, or to multiple residential or
dinary low water along that portion of small commercial customers served
the coast of the United States that is through a meter header or manifold. A
in direct contact with the open seas service line ends at the outlet of the
and beyond the line marking the sea- customer meter or at the connection to
ward limit of inland waters. a customers piping, whichever is fur-
Operator means a person who engages ther downstream, or at the connection
in the transportation of gas. to customer piping if there is no meter.
Outer Continental Shelf means all sub- Service regulator means the device on
merged lands lying seaward and out- a service line that controls the pres-
side the area of lands beneath navi- sure of gas delivered from a higher
gable waters as defined in Section 2 of pressure to the pressure provided to
the Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C. the customer. A service regulator may
1301) and of which the subsoil and sea- serve one customer or multiple cus-
bed appertain to the United States and tomers through a meter header or
are subject to its jurisdiction and con- manifold.
trol. SMYS means specified minimum
Person means any individual, firm, yield strength is:
joint venture, partnership, corporation, (1) For steel pipe manufactured in ac-
association, State, municipality, coop- cordance with a listed specification,
erative association, or joint stock asso- the yield strength specified as a min-
ciation, and including any trustee, re- imum in that specification; or
ceiver, assignee, or personal represent- (2) For steel pipe manufactured in ac-
ative thereof. cordance with an unknown or unlisted
Petroleum gas means propane, pro- specification, the yield strength deter-
pylene, butane, (normal butane or mined in accordance with 192.107(b).
isobutanes), and butylene (including State means each of the several
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

isomers), or mixtures composed pre- States, the District of Columbia, and

dominantly of these gases, having a the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
vapor pressure not exceeding 208 psi Supervisory Control and Data Acquisi-
(1434 kPa) gage at 100 F (38 C). tion (SCADA) system means a computer-


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192.5 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

based system or systems used by a con- (ii) Any class location unit that has
troller in a control room that collects 10 or fewer buildings intended for
and displays information about a pipe- human occupancy.
line facility and may have the ability (2) A Class 2 location is any class lo-
to send commands back to the pipeline cation unit that has more than 10 but
facility. fewer than 46 buildings intended for
Transmission line means a pipeline, human occupancy.
other than a gathering line, that: (1) (3) A Class 3 location is:
Transports gas from a gathering line or (i) Any class location unit that has 46
storage facility to a distribution cen- or more buildings intended for human
ter, storage facility, or large volume occupancy; or
customer that is not down-stream from (ii) An area where the pipeline lies
a distribution center; (2) operates at a within 100 yards (91 meters) of either a
hoop stress of 20 percent or more of building or a small, well-defined out-
SMYS; or (3) transports gas within a side area (such as a playground, recre-
storage field. ation area, outdoor theater, or other
NOTE: A large volume customer may re- place of public assembly) that is occu-
ceive similar volumes of gas as a distribu- pied by 20 or more persons on at least
tion center, and includes factories, power 5 days a week for 10 weeks in any 12-
plants, and institutional users of gas. month period. (The days and weeks
Transportation of gas means the gath- need not be consecutive.)
ering, transmission, or distribution of (4) A Class 4 location is any class lo-
gas by pipeline or the storage of gas, in cation unit where buildings with four
or affecting interstate or foreign com- or more stories above ground are prev-
merce. alent.
(c) The length of Class locations 2, 3,
[Amdt. 19213, 38 FR 9084, Apr. 10, 1973, as and 4 may be adjusted as follows:
amended by Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34605, Aug. (1) A Class 4 location ends 220 yards
16, 1976; Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21,
1988; Amdt. 19267, 56 FR 63771, Dec. 5, 1991;
(200 meters) from the nearest building
Amdt. 19272, 59 FR 17281, Apr. 12, 1994; Amdt. with four or more stories above ground.
19278, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19281, (2) When a cluster of buildings in-
62 FR 61695, Nov. 19, 1997; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR tended for human occupancy requires a
37501, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 19289, 65 FR 54443, Class 2 or 3 location, the class location
Sept. 8, 2000; 68 FR 11749, Mar. 12, 2003; Amdt. ends 220 yards (200 meters) from the
19293, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003; Amdt. 192 nearest building in the cluster.
98, 69 FR 48406, Aug. 10, 2004; Amdt. 19294, 69
FR 54592, Sept. 9, 2004; 70 FR 3148, Jan. 21, [Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996; 61 FR
2005; 70 FR 11139, Mar. 8, 2005; Amdt. 192112, 35139, July 5, 1996, as amended by Amdt. 192
74 FR 63326, Dec. 3, 2009; Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
48601, Aug. 11, 2010]
192.7 What documents are incor-
192.5 Class locations. porated by reference partly or
(a) This section classifies pipeline lo- wholly in this part?
cations for purposes of this part. The (a) Any documents or portions there-
following criteria apply to classifica- of incorporated by reference in this
tions under this section. part are included in this part as though
(1) A class location unit is an on- set out in full. When only a portion of
shore area that extends 220 yards (200 a document is referenced, the remain-
meters) on either side of the centerline der is not incorporated in this part.
of any continuous 1- mile (1.6 kilo- (b) All incorporated materials are
meters) length of pipeline. available for inspection in the Office of
(2) Each separate dwelling unit in a Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Haz-
multiple dwelling unit building is ardous Materials Safety Administra-
counted as a separate building intended tion, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
for human occupancy. Washington, DC, 205900001, 202366
(b) Except as provided in paragraph 4595, or at the National Archives and
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(c) of this section, pipeline locations Records Administration (NARA). For

are classified as follows: information on the availability of this
(1) A Class 1 location is: material at NARA, call 2027416030 or
(i) An offshore area; or go to:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.7

federallregister/ A. Pipeline Research Council Inter-

codeloflfederallregulations/ national, Inc. (PRCI), c/o Technical
ibrllocations.html. These materials Toolboxes, 3801 Kirby Drive, Suite 520,
have been approved for incorporation Houston, TX 77098.
by reference by the Director of the B. American Petroleum Institute
Federal Register in accordance with 5 (API), 1220 L Street, NW., Washington,
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. In addi- DC 20005.
tion, the incorporated materials are C. American Society for Testing and
available from the respective organiza- Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor
tions listed in paragraph (c) (1) of this Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
section. D. ASME International (ASME),
(c) The full titles of documents incor- Three Park Avenue, New York, NY
porated by reference, in whole or in 100165990.
part, are provided herein. The numbers E. Manufacturers Standardization
in parentheses indicate applicable edi- Society of the Valve and Fittings In-
tions. For each incorporated document, dustry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street,
citations of all affected sections are NE., Vienna, VA 22180.
provided. Earlier editions of currently F. National Fire Protection Associa-
listed documents or editions of docu- tion (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park,
ments listed in previous editions of 49 P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 022699101.
CFR part 192 may be used for materials G. Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI),
and components designed, manufac- 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW., Suite
tured, or installed in accordance with 680, Washington, DC 20009.
these earlier documents at the time H. NACE International (NACE), 1440
they were listed. The user must refer South Creek Drive, Houston, TX 77084.
to the appropriate previous edition of I. Gas Technology Institute (GTI),
49 CFR part 192 for a listing of the ear- 1700 South Mount Prospect Road, Des
lier listed editions or documents. Plaines, IL 60018.
(1) Incorporated by reference (IBR). (2) Documents incorporated by ref-
List of Organizations and Addresses: erence.
Source and name of referenced material 49 CFR reference

A. Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI):

(1) AGA Pipeline Research Committee, Project PR3805, A Modi- 192.485(c);.192.933(a)(1); 192.933(d)(1)(i).
fied Criterion for Evaluating the Remaining Strength of Corroded
Pipe, (December 22, 1989). The RSTRENG program may be
used for calculating remaining strength.
B. American Petroleum Institute (API):
(1) ANSI/API Specification 5L/ISO 3183 Specification for Line Pipe 192.55(e); 192.112; 192.113; Item I, Appen-
(44th edition, 2007), includes errata (January 2009) and addendum dix B to Part 192.
(February 2009).
(2) API Recommended Practice 5L1 Recommended Practice for 192.65(a)(1).
Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe, (6th Edition, July 2002).
(3) API Recommended Practice 5LW, Transportation of Line Pipe 192.65(b).
on Barges and Marine Vessels (2nd edition, December 1996, ef-
fective March 1, 1997).
(4) ANSI/API Specification 6D, Specification for Pipeline Valves 192.145(a).
(23rd edition (April 2008, effective October 1, 2008) and errata 3
(includes 1 and 2, February 2009)).
(5) API Recommended Practice 80, Guidelines for the Definition of 192.8(a); 192.8(a)(1); 192.8(a)(2);
Onshore Gas Gathering Lines, (1st edition, April 2000). 192.8(a)(3); 192.8(a)(4).
(6) API Standard 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities 192.225; 192.227(a); 192.229(c)(1);
(20th edition, October 2005, errata/addendum, (July 2007) and er- 192.241(c); Item II, Appendix B.
rata 2 (2008)).
(7) API Recommended Practice 1162, Public Awareness Programs 192.616(a); 192.616(b); 192.616(c).
for Pipeline Operators, (1st edition, December 2003).
(8) API Recommended Practice 1165 Recommended Practice 1165 192.631(c)(1).
Recommended Practice for Pipeline SCADA Displays, (API RP
1165) (First edition (January 2007)).
C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(1) ASTM A53/A53M07, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless (Sep-
tember 1, 2007).
(2) ASTM A106/A106M08, Standard Specification for Seamless 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service (July 15, 2008).


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192.7 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Source and name of referenced material 49 CFR reference

(3) ASTM A333/A333M05 (2005) Standard Specification for Seam- 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
less and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service.
(4) ASTM A372/A372M03 (reapproved 2008), Standard Specifica- 192.177(b)(1).
tion for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure
Vessels (March 1, 2008).
(5) ASTM A38196 (reapproved 2005), Standard Specification for 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
Metal-Arc Welded Steel Pipe for Use With High-Pressure Trans-
mission Systems (October 1, 2005).
(6) ASTM A578/A578M96 (re-approved 2001) Standard Specifica- 192.112(c)(2)(iii).
tion for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad
Steel Plates for Special Applications..
(7) ASTM A67106, Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion- 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures
(May 1, 2006).
(8) ASTM A67208, Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion- 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Tem-
peratures (May 1, 2008).
(9) ASTM A69198 (reapproved 2007), Standard Specification for 192.113; Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High-
Pressure Service at High Temperatures (November 1, 2007).
(10) ASTM D63803 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties 192.283(a)(3); 192.283(b)(1).
of Plastics..
(11) ASTM D251387 Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas 192.63(a)(1).
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings..
(12) ASTM D251399 Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas 192.123(e)(2); 192.191(b); 192.281(b)(2);
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings.. 192.283(a)(1)(i); Item 1, Appendix B to Part
(13) ASTM D251700 Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy 192.191(a); 192.281(d)(1); 192.283(a)(1)(ii);
Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings.. Item I, Appendix B to Part 192.
(14) ASTM F10551998, Standard Specification for Electrofusion 192.283(a)(1)(iii).
Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controller Poly-
ethylene Pipe and Tubing..
D. ASME International (ASME):
(1) ASME/ANSI B16.12005, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged 192.147(c).
Fittings: (Classes 25, 125, and 250) (August 31, 2006).
(2) ASME/ANSI B16.52003, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. 192.147(a); 192.279.
(October 2004).
(3) ASME/ANSI B31G1991 (Reaffirmed, 2004), Manual for Deter- 192.485(c); 192.933(a).
mining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines..
(4) ASME/ANSI B31.82007, Gas Transmission and Distribution 192.619(a)(1)(i).
Piping Systems (November 30, 2007).
(5) ASME/ANSI B31.8S2004, Supplement to B31.8 on Managing 192.903(c); 192.907(b); 192.911 Introductory
System Integrity of Gas Pipelines.. text; 192.911(i); 192.911(k); 192.911(l);
192.911(m); 192.913(a) Introductory text;
192.913(b)(1); 192.917(a) Introductory text;
192.917(b); 192.917(c); 192.917(e)(1);
192.917(e)(4); 192.921(a)(1); 192.923(b)(1);
192.923(b)(2); 192.923(b)(3); 192.925(b) In-
troductory text; 192.925(b)(1); 192.925(b)(2);
192.925(b)(3); 192.925(b)(4); 192.927(b);
192.927(c)(1)(i); 192.929(b)(1); 192.929(b)(2);
192.933(a); 192.933(d)(1); 192.933(d)(1)(i);
192.935(a); 192.935(b)(1)(iv); 192.937(c)(1);
192.939(a)(1)(i); 192.939(a)(1)(ii);
192.939(a)(3); 192.945(a).
(6) 2007 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for 192.153(b).
Construction of Power Boilers 2007 (2007 edition, July 1, 2007).
(7) 2007 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 192.153(a); 192.153(b); 192.153(d);
1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 2 (2007 edition, 192.165(b)(3).
July 1, 2007).
(8) 2007 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 192.153(b); 192.165(b)(3).
2, Alternative Rules, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
(2007 edition, July 1, 2007).
(9) 2007 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding 192.227(a); Item II, Appendix B to Part 192.
and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Braz-
ing Operators (2007 edition, July 1, 2007).
E. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry,
Inc. (MSS):
(1) MSS SP442006, Standard Practice, Steel Pipeline Flanges 192.147(a).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2006 edition).
(2) [Reserved].
F. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
(1) NFPA 30 (2008 edition, August 15, 2007), Flammable and Com- 192.735(b).
bustible Liquids Code (2008 edition; approved August 15, 2007).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.8

Source and name of referenced material 49 CFR reference

(2) NFPA 58 (2004), Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (LP-Gas 192.11(a); 192.11(b); 192.11(c).
(3) NFPA 59 (2004), Utility LP-Gas Plant Code. ............................... 192.11(a); 192.11(b); 192.11(c).
(4) NFPA 70 (2008), National Electrical Code (NEC 2008) (Ap- 192.163(e); 192.189(c).
proved August 15, 2007).
G. Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI):
(1) PPI TR3/2008 HDB/HDS/PDB/SDB/MRS Policies (2008), Poli- 192.121.
cies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis
(HDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis
(SDB), and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings for Ther-
moplastic Piping Materials or Pipe (May 2008).
H. NACE International (NACE):
(1) NACE Standard SP05022008, Standard Practice, Pipeline Ex- 192.923(b)(1); 192.925(b) Introductory text;
ternal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology (reaffirmed 192.925(b)(1); 192.925(b)(1)(ii); 192.925(b)(2)
March 20, 2008). Introductory text; 192.925(b)(3) Introductory
text; 192.925(b)(3)(ii); 192.925(b)(3)(iv);
192.925(b)(4) Introductory text;
192.925(b)(4)(ii); 192.931(d);
192.935(b)(1)(iv); 192.939(a)(2).
I. Gas Technology Institute (GTI):
(1) GRI 02/0057 (2002) Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of 192.927(c)(2).
Gas Transmission Pipelines Methodology..

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970] the meaning of production oper-

tations affecting 192.7, see the List of CFR (2) The endpoint of gathering, under
Sections Affected, which appears in the section 2.2(a)(1)(A) of API RP 80, may
Finding Aids section of the printed volume not extend beyond the first down-
and at stream natural gas processing plant,
unless the operator can demonstrate,
192.8 How are onshore gathering using sound engineering principles,
lines and regulated onshore gath- that gathering extends to a further
ering lines determined? downstream plant.
(a) An operator must use API RP 80 (3) If the endpoint of gathering, under
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7), section 2.2(a)(1)(C) of API RP 80, is de-
to determine if an onshore pipeline (or termined by the commingling of gas
part of a connected series of pipelines) from separate production fields, the
is an onshore gathering line. The deter- fields may not be more than 50 miles
mination is subject to the limitations from each other, unless the Adminis-
listed below. After making this deter- trator finds a longer separation dis-
mination, an operator must determine tance is justified in a particular case
if the onshore gathering line is a regu- (see 49 CFR 190.9).
(4) The endpoint of gathering, under
lated onshore gathering line under
section 2.2(a)(1)(D) of API RP 80, may
paragraph (b) of this section.
not extend beyond the furthermost
(1) The beginning of gathering, under downstream compressor used to in-
section 2.2(a)(1) of API RP 80, may not crease gathering line pressure for de-
extend beyond the furthermost down- livery to another pipeline.
stream point in a production operation (b) For purposes of 192.9, regulated
as defined in section 2.3 of API RP 80. onshore gathering line means:
This furthermost downstream point (1) Each onshore gathering line (or
does not include equipment that can be segment of onshore gathering line)
used in either production or transpor- with a feature described in the second
tation, such as separators or column that lies in an area described in
dehydrators, unless that equipment is the third column; and
involved in the processes of produc- (2) As applicable, additional lengths
tion and preparation for transportation of line described in the fourth column
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

or delivery of hydrocarbon gas within to provide a safety buffer:


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192.9 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Type Feature Area Safety buffer

A ......... Metallic and the MAOP produces a Class 2, 3, or 4 location (see 192.5) None.
hoop stress of 20 percent or more
of SMYS. If the stress level is un-
known, an operator must determine
the stress level according to the
applicable provisions in subpart C
of this part.
Non-metallic and the MAOP is
more than 125 psig (862 kPa).
B ......... Metallic and the MAOP produces a Area 1. Class 3 or 4 location ............. If the gathering line is in Area 2(b) or
hoop stress of less than 20 percent Area 2. An area within a Class 2 lo- 2(c), the additional lengths of line
of SMYS. If the stress level is un- cation the operator determines by extend upstream and downstream
known, an operator must determine using any of the following three from the area to a point where the
the stress level according to the methods: line is at least 150 feet (45.7 m)
applicable provisions in subpart C (a) A Class 2 location. ........................ from the nearest dwelling in the
of this part. (b) An area extending 150 feet (45.7 area. However, if a cluster of dwell-
Non-metallic and the MAOP is 125 m) on each side of the centerline of ings in Area 2 (b) or 2(c) qualifies a
psig (862 kPa) or less. any continuous 1 mile (1.6 km) of line as Type B, the Type B classi-
pipeline and including more than 10 fication ends 150 feet (45.7 m)
but fewer than 46 dwellings. from the nearest dwelling in the
(c) An area extending 150 feet (45.7 cluster.
m) on each side of the centerline of
any continous 1000 feet (305 m) of
pipeline and including 5 or more

[Amdt. 192102, 71 FR 13302, Mar. 15, 2006] this part applicable to transmission
192.9 What requirements apply to
gathering lines? (2) If the pipeline is metallic, control
corrosion according to requirements of
(a) Requirements. An operator of a subpart I of this part applicable to
gathering line must follow the safety transmission lines;
requirements of this part as prescribed
(3) Carry out a damage prevention
by this section.
(b) Offshore lines. An operator of an program under 192.614;
offshore gathering line must comply (4) Establish a public education pro-
with requirements of this part applica- gram under 192.616;
ble to transmission lines, except the re- (5) Establish the MAOP of the line
quirements in 192.150 and in subpart O under 192.619; and
of this part. (6) Install and maintain line markers
(c) Type A lines. An operator of a according to the requirements for
Type A regulated onshore gathering transmission lines in 192.707.
line must comply with the require- (e) Compliance deadlines. An operator
ments of this part applicable to trans- of a regulated onshore gathering line
mission lines, except the requirements must comply with the following dead-
in 192.150 and in subpart O of this lines, as applicable.
part. However, an operator of a Type A (1) An operator of a new, replaced, re-
regulated onshore gathering line in a located, or otherwise changed line
Class 2 location may demonstrate com-
must be in compliance with the appli-
pliance with subpart N by describing
cable requirements of this section by
the processes it uses to determine the
qualification of persons performing op- the date the line goes into service, un-
erations and maintenance tasks. less an exception in 192.13 applies.
(d) Type B lines. An operator of a (2) If a regulated onshore gathering
Type B regulated onshore gathering line existing on April 14, 2006 was not
line must comply with the following previously subject to this part, an op-
requirements: erator has until the date stated in the
(1) If a line is new, replaced, relo- second column to comply with the ap-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

cated, or otherwise changed, the de- plicable requirement for the line listed
sign, installation, construction, initial in the first column, unless the Admin-
inspection, and initial testing must be istrator finds a later deadline is justi-
in accordance with requirements of fied in a particular case:


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.13

Requirement Compliance deadline 192.11 Petroleum gas systems.

Control corrosion according to April 15, 2009. (a) Each plant that supplies petro-
Subpart I requirements for leum gas by pipeline to a natural gas
transmission lines.
Carry out a damage preven- October 15, 2007. distribution system must meet the re-
tion program under quirements of this part and ANSI/
192.614. NFPA 58 and 59.
Establish MAOP under October 15, 2007.
192.619. (b) Each pipeline system subject to
Install and maintain line mark- April 15, 2008. this part that transports only petro-
ers under 192.707. leum gas or petroleum gas/air mixtures
Establish a public education April 15, 2008.
program under 192.616. must meet the requirements of this
Other provisions of this part April 15, 2009. part and of ANSI/NFPA 58 and 59.
as required by paragraph (c) In the event of a conflict between
(c) of this section for Type
A lines. this part and ANSI/NFPA 58 and 59,
ANSI/NFPA 58 and 59 prevail.
(3) If, after April 14, 2006, a change in [Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996]
class location or increase in dwelling
density causes an onshore gathering 192.13 What general requirements
line to be a regulated onshore gath- apply to pipelines regulated under
ering line, the operator has 1 year for this part?
Type B lines and 2 years for Type A
(a) No person may operate a segment
lines after the line becomes a regulated
onshore gathering line to comply with of pipeline listed in the first column
this section. that is readied for service after the
date in the second column, unless:
[Amdt. 192102, 71 FR 13301, Mar. 15, 2006] (1) The pipeline has been designed, in-
stalled, constructed, initially in-
192.10 Outer continental shelf pipe-
lines. spected, and initially tested in accord-
ance with this part; or
Operators of transportation pipelines
(2) The pipeline qualifies for use
on the Outer Continental Shelf (as de-
under this part according to the re-
fined in the Outer Continental Shelf
quirements in 192.14.
Lands Act; 43 U.S.C. 1331) must identify
on all their respective pipelines the Pipeline Date
specific points at which operating re-
sponsibility transfers to a producing Offshore gathering line .......... July 31, 1977.
Regulated onshore gathering March 15 2007.
operator. For those instances in which line to which this part did
the transfer points are not identifiable not apply until April 14,
by a durable marking, each operator 2006.
will have until September 15, 1998 to All other pipelines .................. March 12, 1971.
identify the transfer points. If it is not
practicable to durably mark a transfer (b) No person may operate a segment
point and the transfer point is located of pipeline listed in the first column
above water, the operator must depict that is replaced, relocated, or other-
the transfer point on a schematic lo- wise changed after the date in the sec-
cated near the transfer point. If a ond column, unless the replacement,
transfer point is located subsea, then relocation or change has been made ac-
the operator must identify the transfer cording to the requirements in this
point on a schematic which must be part.
maintained at the nearest upstream fa-
Pipeline Date
cility and provided to PHMSA upon re-
quest. For those cases in which adjoin- Offshore gathering line .......... July 31, 1977.
ing operators have not agreed on a Regulated onshore gathering March 15, 2007.
transfer point by September 15, 1998 line to which this part did
not apply until April 14,
the Regional Director and the MMS 2006.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Regional Supervisor will make a joint All other pipelines .................. November 12, 1970.
determination of the transfer point.
[Amdt. 19281, 62 FR 61695, Nov. 19, 1997, as (c) Each operator shall maintain,
amended at 70 FR 11139, Mar. 8, 2005] modify as appropriate, and follow the


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192.14 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

plans, procedures, and programs that it (1) Words importing the singular in-
is required to establish under this part. clude the plural;
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(2) Words importing the plural in-
Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976; clude the singular; and
Amdt. 19230, 42 FR 60148, Nov. 25, 1977; (3) Words importing the masculine
Amdt. 192102, 71 FR 13303, Mar. 15, 2006] gender include the feminine.

192.14 Conversion to service subject 192.16 Customer notification.

to this part. (a) This section applies to each oper-
(a) A steel pipeline previously used in ator of a service line who does not
service not subject to this part quali- maintain the customers buried piping
fies for use under this part if the oper- up to entry of the first building down-
ator prepares and follows a written stream, or, if the customers buried
procedure to carry out the following piping does not enter a building, up to
requirements: the principal gas utilization equipment
(1) The design, construction, oper- or the first fence (or wall) that sur-
ation, and maintenance history of the rounds that equipment. For the pur-
pipeline must be reviewed and, where pose of this section, customers buried
sufficient historical records are not piping does not include branch lines
available, appropriate tests must be that serve yard lanterns, pool heaters,
performed to determine if the pipeline or other types of secondary equipment.
is in a satisfactory condition for safe Also, maintain means monitor for
operation. corrosion according to 192.465 if the
(2) The pipeline right-of-way, all customers buried piping is metallic,
aboveground segments of the pipeline, survey for leaks according to 192.723,
and appropriately selected under- and if an unsafe condition is found,
ground segments must be visually in- shut off the flow of gas, advise the cus-
spected for physical defects and oper- tomer of the need to repair the unsafe
ating conditions which reasonably condition, or repair the unsafe condi-
could be expected to impair the tion.
strength or tightness of the pipeline. (b) Each operator shall notify each
(3) All known unsafe defects and con- customer once in writing of the fol-
ditions must be corrected in accord- lowing information:
ance with this part. (1) The operator does not maintain
(4) The pipeline must be tested in ac- the customers buried piping.
cordance with subpart J of this part to (2) If the customers buried piping is
substantiate the maximum allowable not maintained, it may be subject to
operating pressure permitted by sub- the potential hazards of corrosion and
part L of this part. leakage.
(b) Each operator must keep for the (3) Buried gas piping should be
life of the pipeline a record of the in- (i) Periodically inspected for leaks;
vestigations, tests, repairs, replace- (ii) Periodically inspected for corro-
ments, and alterations made under the sion if the piping is metallic; and
requirements of paragraph (a) of this (iii) Repaired if any unsafe condition
section. is discovered.
[Amdt. 19230, 42 FR 60148, Nov. 25, 1977] (4) When excavating near buried gas
piping, the piping should be located in
192.15 Rules of regulatory construc- advance, and the excavation done by
tion. hand.
(a) As used in this part: (5) The operator (if applicable),
Includes means including but not lim- plumbing contractors, and heating con-
ited to. tractors can assist in locating, inspect-
May means is permitted to or is ing, and repairing the customers bur-
authorized to. ied piping.
May not means is not permitted to (c) Each operator shall notify each
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

or is not authorized to. customer not later than August 14,

Shall is used in the mandatory and 1996, or 90 days after the customer first
imperative sense. receives gas at a particular location,
(b) In this part: whichever is later. However, operators


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.59

of master meter systems may continu- meets the requirements of paragraph

ously post a general notice in a promi- II-C of appendix B to this part;
nent location frequented by customers. (2) It meets the requirements of:
(d) Each operator must make the fol- (i) Section II of appendix B to this
lowing records available for inspection part; or
by the Administrator or a State agency (ii) If it was manufactured before No-
participating under 49 U.S.C. 60105 or vember 12, 1970, either section II or III
60106: of appendix B to this part;
(1) A copy of the notice currently in (3) It has been used in an existing
use; and line of the same or higher pressure and
(2) Evidence that notices have been meets the requirements of paragraph
sent to customers within the previous 3 II-C of appendix B to this part; or
years. (4) It is used in accordance with para-
graph (c) of this section.
[Amdt. 19274, 60 FR 41828, Aug. 14, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 19274A, 60 FR 63451, Dec. (c) New or used steel pipe may be
11, 1995; Amdt. 19283, 63 FR 7723, Feb. 17, used at a pressure resulting in a hoop
1998] stress of less than 6,000 p.s.i. (41 MPa)
where no close coiling or close bending
Subpart BMaterials is to be done, if visual examination in-
dicates that the pipe is in good condi-
192.51 Scope. tion and that it is free of split seams
and other defects that would cause
This subpart prescribes minimum re-
leakage. If it is to be welded, steel pipe
quirements for the selection and quali-
that has not been manufactured to a
fication of pipe and components for use
listed specification must also pass the
in pipelines.
weldability tests prescribed in para-
192.53 General. graph II-B of appendix B to this part.
(d) Steel pipe that has not been pre-
Materials for pipe and components viously used may be used as replace-
must be: ment pipe in a segment of pipeline if it
(a) Able to maintain the structural has been manufactured prior to Novem-
integrity of the pipeline under tem- ber 12, 1970, in accordance with the
perature and other environmental con- same specification as the pipe used in
ditions that may be anticipated; constructing that segment of pipeline.
(b) Chemically compatible with any (e) New steel pipe that has been cold
gas that they transport and with any expanded must comply with the man-
other material in the pipeline with datory provisions of API Specification
which they are in contact; and 5L.
(c) Qualified in accordance with the
applicable requirements of this sub- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
part. Amdt. 1911, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt.
19212, 38 FR 4761, Feb. 22, 1973; Amdt. 19251,
192.55 Steel pipe. 51 FR 15335, Apr. 23, 1986; 58 FR 14521, Mar. 18,
1993; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
(a) New steel pipe is qualified for use
under this part if: 192.57 [Reserved]
(1) It was manufactured in accord-
ance with a listed specification; 192.59 Plastic pipe.
(2) It meets the requirements of (a) New plastic pipe is qualified for
(i) Section II of appendix B to this use under this part if:
part; or (1) It is manufactured in accordance
(ii) If it was manufactured before No- with a listed specification; and
vember 12, 1970, either section II or III (2) It is resistant to chemicals with
of appendix B to this part; or which contact may be anticipated.
(3) It is used in accordance with para- (b) Used plastic pipe is qualified for
graph (c) or (d) of this section. use under this part if:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) Used steel pipe is qualified for use (1) It was manufactured in accord-
under this part if: ance with a listed specification;
(1) It was manufactured in accord- (2) It is resistant to chemicals with
ance with a listed specification and it which contact may be anticipated;


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192.61 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) It has been used only in natural propriate criteria for the use of items
gas service; are readily available.
(4) Its dimensions are still within the [Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970, as
tolerances of the specification to which amended by Amdt. 19231, 43 FR 883, Apr. 3,
it was manufactured; and 1978; Amdt. 19261, 53 FR 36793, Sept. 22, 1988;
(5) It is free of visible defects. Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5627, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt.
19261A, 54 FR 32642, Aug. 9, 1989; 58 FR 14521,
(c) For the purpose of paragraphs Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 19276, 61 FR 26122, May
(a)(1) and (b)(1) of this section, where 24, 1996; 61 FR 36826, July 15, 1996; Amdt. 192
pipe of a diameter included in a listed 114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. 11, 2010]
specification is impractical to use, pipe
of a diameter between the sizes in- 192.65 Transportation of pipe.
cluded in a listed specification may be (a) Railroad. In a pipeline to be oper-
used if it: ated at a hoop stress of 20 percent or
(1) Meets the strength and design cri- more of SMYS, an operator may not
teria required of pipe included in that use pipe having an outer diameter to
listed specification; and wall thickness ratio of 70 to 1, or more,
(2) Is manufactured from plastic com- that is transported by railroad unless:
pounds which meet the criteria for ma- (1) The transportation is performed
in accordance with API Recommended
terial required of pipe included in that
Practice 5L1 (incorporated by ref-
listed specification. erence, see 192.7).
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by (2) In the case of pipe transported be-
Amdt. 19219, 40 FR 10472, Mar. 6, 1975; Amdt. fore November 12, 1970, the pipe is test-
19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988] ed in accordance with Subpart J of this
Part to at least 1.25 times the max-
192.61 [Reserved] imum allowable operating pressure if it
is to be installed in a class 1 location
192.63 Marking of materials. and to at least 1.5 times the maximum
(a) Except as provided in paragraph allowable operating pressure if it is to
(d) of this section, each valve, fitting, be installed in a class 2, 3, or 4 loca-
length of pipe, and other component tion. Notwithstanding any shorter
must be marked time period permitted under Subpart J
of this Part, the test pressure must be
(1) As prescribed in the specification
maintained for at least 8 hours.
or standard to which it was manufac-
(b) Ship or barge. In a pipeline to be
tured, except that thermoplastic fit- operated at a hoop stress of 20 percent
tings must be marked in accordance or more of SMYS, an operator may not
with ASTM D251387 (incorporated by use pipe having an outer diameter to
reference, see 192.7); wall thickness ratio of 70 to 1, or more,
(2) To indicate size, material, manu- that is transported by ship or barge on
facturer, pressure rating, and tempera- both inland and marine waterways un-
ture rating, and as appropriate, type, less the transportation is performed in
grade, and model. accordance with API Recommended
(b) Surfaces of pipe and components Practice 5LW (incorporated by ref-
that are subject to stress from internal erence, see 192.7).
pressure may not be field die stamped. [Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. 11, 2010]
(c) If any item is marked by die
stamping, the die must have blunt or Subpart CPipe Design
rounded edges that will minimize
stress concentrations. 192.101 Scope.
(d) Paragraph (a) of this section does This subpart prescribes the minimum
not apply to items manufactured be- requirements for the design of pipe.
fore November 12, 1970, that meet all of
the following: 192.103 General.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(1) The item is identifiable as to type, Pipe must be designed with sufficient
manufacturer, and model. wall thickness, or must be installed
(2) Specifications or standards giving with adequate protection, to withstand
pressure, temperature, and other ap- anticipated external pressures and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.111

loads that will be imposed on the pipe (1) If the pipe is tensile tested in ac-
after installation. cordance with section II-D of appendix
B to this part, the lower of the fol-
192.105 Design formula for steel pipe. lowing:
(a) The design pressure for steel pipe (i) 80 percent of the average yield
is determined in accordance with the strength determined by the tensile
following formula: tests.
P=(2 St/D)FET (ii) The lowest yield strength deter-
mined by the tensile tests.
P=Design pressure in pounds per square inch (2) If the pipe is not tensile tested as
(kPa) gauge.
provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
S=Yield strength in pounds per square inch
(kPa) determined in accordance with
tion, 24,000 p.s.i. (165 MPa).
192.107. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
D=Nominal outside diameter of the pipe in Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
inches (millimeters). 19283, 63 FR 7723, Feb. 17, 1998; Amdt. 19285,
t=Nominal wall thickness of the pipe in 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
inches (millimeters). If this is unknown,
it is determined in accordance with 192.109 Nominal wall thickness (t)
192.109. Additional wall thickness re- for steel pipe.
quired for concurrent external loads in
accordance with 192.103 may not be in- (a) If the nominal wall thickness for
cluded in computing design pressure. steel pipe is not known, it is deter-
F=Design factor determined in accordance mined by measuring the thickness of
with 192.111. each piece of pipe at quarter points on
E=Longitudinal joint factor determined in
accordance with 192.113.
one end.
T=Temperature derating factor determined (b) However, if the pipe is of uniform
in accordance with 192.115. grade, size, and thickness and there are
more than 10 lengths, only 10 percent
(b) If steel pipe that has been sub- of the individual lengths, but not less
jected to cold expansion to meet the than 10 lengths, need be measured. The
SMYS is subsequently heated, other
thickness of the lengths that are not
than by welding or stress relieving as a
measured must be verified by applying
part of welding, the design pressure is
a gauge set to the minimum thickness
limited to 75 percent of the pressure de-
found by the measurement. The nomi-
termined under paragraph (a) of this
nal wall thickness to be used in the de-
section if the temperature of the pipe
sign formula in 192.105 is the next wall
exceeds 900 F (482 C) at any time or is
thickness found in commercial speci-
held above 600 F (316 C) for more than
fications that is below the average of
1 hour.
all the measurements taken. However,
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by the nominal wall thickness used may
Amdt. 19247, 49 FR 7569, Mar. 1, 1984; Amdt. not be more than 1.14 times the small-
19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998] est measurement taken on pipe less
than 20 inches (508 millimeters) in out-
192.107 Yield strength (S) for steel
pipe. side diameter, nor more than 1.11 times
the smallest measurement taken on
(a) For pipe that is manufactured in pipe 20 inches (508 millimeters) or more
accordance with a specification listed in outside diameter.
in section I of appendix B of this part,
the yield strength to be used in the de- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
sign formula in 192.105 is the SMYS Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
stated in the listed specification, if
that value is known. 192.111 Design factor (F) for steel
(b) For pipe that is manufactured in
accordance with a specification not (a) Except as otherwise provided in
listed in section I of appendix B to this paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this sec-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

part or whose specification or tensile tion, the design factor to be used in the
properties are unknown, the yield design formula in 192.105 is deter-
strength to be used in the design for- mined in accordance with the following
mula in 192.105 is one of the following: table:


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192.112 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Class location Design design formula in 192.105 for uncased

factor (F) steel pipe that crosses the right-of-way
1 ........................................................................... 0.72 of a hard surfaced road, a highway, a
2 ........................................................................... 0.60 public street, or a railroad.
3 ........................................................................... 0.50
4 ........................................................................... 0.40
(d) For Class 1 and Class 2 locations,
a design factor of 0.50, or less, must be
(b) A design factor of 0.60 or less used in the design formula in 192.105
must be used in the design formula in for
192.105 for steel pipe in Class 1 loca- (1) Steel pipe in a compressor station,
tions that: regulating station, or measuring sta-
(1) Crosses the right-of-way of an un- tion; and
improved public road, without a casing; (2) Steel pipe, including a pipe riser,
(2) Crosses without a casing, or on a platform located offshore or in in-
makes a parallel encroachment on, the land navigable waters.
right-of-way of either a hard surfaced [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
road, a highway, a public street, or a Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976]
(3) Is supported by a vehicular, pedes- 192.112 Additional design require-
trian, railroad, or pipeline bridge; or ments for steel pipe using alter-
(4) Is used in a fabricated assembly, native maximum allowable oper-
(including separators, mainline valve ating pressure.
assemblies, cross-connections, and For a new or existing pipeline seg-
river crossing headers) or is used with- ment to be eligible for operation at the
in five pipe diameters in any direction alternative maximum allowable oper-
from the last fitting of a fabricated as- ating pressure (MAOP) calculated
sembly, other than a transition piece under 192.620, a segment must meet
or an elbow used in place of a pipe bend the following additional design require-
which is not associated with a fab- ments. Records for alternative MAOP
ricated assembly. must be maintained, for the useful life
(c) For Class 2 locations, a design fac- of the pipeline, demonstrating compli-
tor of 0.50, or less, must be used in the ance with these requirements:
To address this design issue: The pipeline segment must meet these additional requirements:

(a) General standards for the (1) The plate, skelp, or coil used for the pipe must be micro-alloyed, fine grain, fully killed, con-
steel pipe. tinuously cast steel with calcium treatment.
(2) The carbon equivalents of the steel used for pipe must not exceed 0.25 percent by weight,
as calculated by the Ito-Bessyo formula (Pcm formula) or 0.43 percent by weight, as cal-
culated by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) formula.
(3) The ratio of the specified outside diameter of the pipe to the specified wall thickness must
be less than 100. The wall thickness or other mitigative measures must prevent denting and
ovality anomalies during construction, strength testing and anticipated operational stresses.
(4) The pipe must be manufactured using API Specification 5L, product specification level 2
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7) for maximum operating pressures and minimum
and maximum operating temperatures and other requirements under this section.
(b) Fracture control ................... (1) The toughness properties for pipe must address the potential for initiation, propagation and
arrest of fractures in accordance with:
(i) API Specification 5L (incorporated by reference, see 192.7); or
(ii) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.8 (incorporated by reference, see
192.7); and
(iii) Any correction factors needed to address pipe grades, pressures, temperatures, or gas
compositions not expressly addressed in API Specification 5L, product specification level 2
or ASME B31.8 (incorporated by reference, see 192.7).
(2) Fracture control must:
(i) Ensure resistance to fracture initiation while addressing the full range of operating tempera-
tures, pressures, gas compositions, pipe grade and operating stress levels, including max-
imum pressures and minimum temperatures for shut-in conditions, that the pipeline is ex-
pected to experience. If these parameters change during operation of the pipeline such that
they are outside the bounds of what was considered in the design evaluation, the evaluation
must be reviewed and updated to assure continued resistance to fracture initiation over the
operating life of the pipeline;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(ii) Address adjustments to toughness of pipe for each grade used and the decompression be-
havior of the gas at operating parameters;
(iii) Ensure at least 99 percent probability of fracture arrest within eight pipe lengths with a
probability of not less than 90 percent within five pipe lengths; and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.112

To address this design issue: The pipeline segment must meet these additional requirements:

(iv) Include fracture toughness testing that is equivalent to that described in supplementary re-
quirements SR5A, SR5B, and SR6 of API Specification 5L (incorporated by reference, see
192.7) and ensures ductile fracture and arrest with the following exceptions:
(A) The results of the Charpy impact test prescribed in SR5A must indicate at least 80 percent
minimum shear area for any single test on each heat of steel; and
(B) The results of the drop weight test prescribed in SR6 must indicate 80 percent average
shear area with a minimum single test result of 60 percent shear area for any steel test
samples. The test results must ensure a ductile fracture and arrest.
(3) If it is not physically possible to achieve the pipeline toughness properties of paragraphs
(b)(1) and (2) of this section, additional design features, such as mechanical or composite
crack arrestors and/or heavier walled pipe of proper design and spacing, must be used to
ensure fracture arrest as described in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section.
(c) Plate/coil quality control ...... (1) There must be an internal quality management program at all mills involved in producing
steel, plate, coil, skelp, and/or rolling pipe to be operated at alternative MAOP. These pro-
grams must be structured to eliminate or detect defects and inclusions affecting pipe quality.
(2) A mill inspection program or internal quality management program must include (i) and ei-
ther (ii) or (iii):
(i) An ultrasonic test of the ends and at least 35 percent of the surface of the plate/coil or pipe
to identify imperfections that impair serviceability such as laminations, cracks, and inclu-
sions. At least 95 percent of the lengths of pipe manufactured must be tested. For all pipe-
lines designed after December 22, 2008, the test must be done in accordance with ASTM
A578/A578M Level B, or API 5L Paragraph 7.8.10 (incorporated by reference, see 192.7)
or equivalent method, and either
(ii) A macro etch test or other equivalent method to identify inclusions that may form centerline
segregation during the continuous casting process. Use of sulfur prints is not an equivalent
method. The test must be carried out on the first or second slab of each sequence graded
with an acceptance criteria of one or two on the Mannesmann scale or equivalent; or
(iii) A quality assurance monitoring program implemented by the operator that includes audits
of: (a) all steelmaking and casting facilities, (b) quality control plans and manufacturing pro-
cedure specifications, (c) equipment maintenance and records of conformance, (d) applica-
ble casting superheat and speeds, and (e) centerline segregation monitoring records to en-
sure mitigation of centerline segregation during the continuous casting process.
(d) Seam quality control ........... (1) There must be a quality assurance program for pipe seam welds to assure tensile strength
provided in API Specification 5L (incorporated by reference, see 192.7) for appropriate
(2) There must be a hardness test, using Vickers (Hv10) hardness test method or equivalent
test method, to assure a maximum hardness of 280 Vickers of the following:
(i) A cross section of the weld seam of one pipe from each heat plus one pipe from each
welding line per day; and
(ii) For each sample cross section, a minimum of 13 readings (three for each heat affected
zone, three in the weld metal, and two in each section of pipe base metal).
(3) All of the seams must be ultrasonically tested after cold expansion and mill hydrostatic
(e) Mill hydrostatic test ............. (1) All pipe to be used in a new pipeline segment must be hydrostatically tested at the mill at a
test pressure corresponding to a hoop stress of 95 percent SMYS for 10 seconds. The test
pressure may include a combination of internal test pressure and the allowance for end
loading stresses imposed by the pipe mill hydrostatic testing equipment as allowed by API
Specification 5L, Appendix K (incorporated by reference, see 192.7).
(2) Pipe in operation prior to December 22, 2008, must have been hydrostatically tested at the
mill at a test pressure corresponding to a hoop stress of 90 percent SMYS for 10 seconds.
(f) Coating ................................. (1) The pipe must be protected against external corrosion by a non-shielding coating.
(2) Coating on pipe used for trenchless installation must be non-shielding and resist abrasions
and other damage possible during installation.
(3) A quality assurance inspection and testing program for the coating must cover the surface
quality of the bare pipe, surface cleanliness and chlorides, blast cleaning, application tem-
perature control, adhesion, cathodic disbondment, moisture permeation, bending, coating
thickness, holiday detection, and repair.
(g) Fittings and flanges ............. (1) There must be certification records of flanges, factory induction bends and factory weld
ells. Certification must address material properties such as chemistry, minimum yield
strength and minimum wall thickness to meet design conditions.
(2) If the carbon equivalents of flanges, bends and ells are greater than 0.42 percent by
weight, the qualified welding procedures must include a pre-heat procedure.
(3) Valves, flanges and fittings must be rated based upon the required specification rating
class for the alternative MAOP.
(h) Compressor stations ........... (1) A compressor station must be designed to limit the temperature of the nearest downstream
segment operating at alternative MAOP to a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 de-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

grees Celsius) or the higher temperature allowed in paragraph (h)(2) of this section unless a
long-term coating integrity monitoring program is implemented in accordance with paragraph
(h)(3) of this section.


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192.113 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

To address this design issue: The pipeline segment must meet these additional requirements:

(2) If research, testing and field monitoring tests demonstrate that the coating type being used
will withstand a higher temperature in long-term operations, the compressor station may be
designed to limit downstream piping to that higher temperature. Test results and acceptance
criteria addressing coating adhesion, cathodic disbondment, and coating condition must be
provided to each PHMSA pipeline safety regional office where the pipeline is in service at
least 60 days prior to operating above 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius). An op-
erator must also notify a State pipeline safety authority when the pipeline is located in a
State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate pipeline is regu-
lated by that State.
(3) Pipeline segments operating at alternative MAOP may operate at temperatures above 120
degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) if the operator implements a long-term coating in-
tegrity monitoring program. The monitoring program must include examinations using direct
current voltage gradient (DCVG), alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG), or an equiva-
lent method of monitoring coating integrity. An operator must specify the periodicity at which
these examinations occur and criteria for repairing identified indications. An operator must
submit its long-term coating integrity monitoring program to each PHMSA pipeline safety re-
gional office in which the pipeline is located for review before the pipeline segments may be
operated at temperatures in excess of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius). An op-
erator must also notify a State pipeline safety authority when the pipeline is located in a
State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate pipeline is regu-
lated by that State.

[73 FR 62175, Oct. 17, 2008, as amended by Amdt. 192111, 74 FR 62505, Nov. 30, 2009]

192.113 Longitudinal joint factor (E) for steel pipe.

The longitudinal joint factor to be determined in accordance with the fol-

used in the design formula in 192.105 is lowing table:
Longitudinal joint
Specification Pipe class factor (E)

ASTM A 53/A53M ................... Seamless ....................................................................................................... 1.00

Electric resistance welded ............................................................................. 1.00
Furnace butt welded ...................................................................................... .60
ASTM A 106 ............................ Seamless ....................................................................................................... 1.00
ASTM A 333/A 333M .............. Seamless ....................................................................................................... 1.00
Electric resistance welded ............................................................................. 1.00
ASTM A 381 ............................ Double submerged arc welded ..................................................................... 1.00
ASTM A 671 ............................ Electric-fusion-welded .................................................................................... 1.00
ASTM A 672 ............................ Electric-fusion-welded .................................................................................... 1.00
ASTM A 691 ............................ Electric-fusion-welded .................................................................................... 1.00
API 5 L .................................... Seamless ....................................................................................................... 1.00
Electric resistance welded ............................................................................. 1.00
Electric flash welded ...................................................................................... 1.00
Submerged arc welded ................................................................................. 1.00
Furnace butt welded ...................................................................................... .60
Other ....................................... Pipe over 4 inches (102 millimeters) ............................................................. .80
Other ....................................... Pipe 4 inches (102 millimeters) or less ......................................................... .60

If the type of longitudinal joint cannot 192.115 Temperature derating factor

be determined, the joint factor to be (T) for steel pipe.
used must not exceed that designated The temperature derating factor to
for Other. be used in the design formula in
[Amdt. 19237, 46 FR 10159, Feb. 2, 1981, as 192.105 is determined as follows:
amended by Amdt. 19251, 51 FR 15335, Apr.
23, 1986; Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5627, Feb. 6, 1989; Gas temperature in degrees Temperature
Fahrenheit (Celsius) derating factor (T)
58 FR 14521, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR
37502, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 32894, 250 F (121 C) or less ........................... 1.000
June 14, 2004] 300 F (149 C) ....................................... 0.967
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

350 F (177 C) ....................................... 0.933

400 F (204 C) ....................................... 0.900
450 F (232 C) ....................................... 0.867


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.123

For intermediate gas temperatures, the 192.117 [Reserved]

derating factor is determined by inter-
polation. 192.119 [Reserved]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by 192.121 Design of plastic pipe.
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
Subject to the limitations of 192.123,
the design pressure for plastic pipe is
determined by either of the following

P = 2S (DF)
(D t)

P= (DF)
(SDR 1)

Where: gauge pressure of 100 psig (689 kPa) for

P = Design pressure, gauge, psig (kPa). plastic pipe used in:
S = For thermoplastic pipe, the HDB is de- (1) Distribution systems; or
termined in accordance with the listed speci- (2) Classes 3 and 4 locations.
fication at a temperature equal to 73 F (23 (b) Plastic pipe may not be used
C), 100 F (38 C), 120 F (49 C), or 140 F (60 where operating temperatures of the
C). In the absence of an HDB established at
pipe will be:
the specified temperature, the HDB of a
higher temperature may be used in deter- (1) Below 20 F (20 C), or 40 F
mining a design pressure rating at the speci- (40 C) if all pipe and pipeline compo-
fied temperature by arithmetic interpolation nents whose operating temperature
using the procedure in Part D.2 of PPI TR3/ will be below 29 C (20 F) have a
2008, HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS Policies (incor- temperature rating by the manufac-
porated by reference, see 192.7). For rein- turer consistent with that operating
forced thermosetting plastic pipe, 11,000 psig temperature; or
(75,842 kPa). [Note: Arithmetic interpolation
(2) Above the following applicable
is not allowed for PA11 pipe.]
t = Specified wall thickness, inches (mm). (i) For thermoplastic pipe, the tem-
D = Specified outside diameter, inches (mm).
perature at which the HDB used in the
SDR = Standard dimension ratio, the ratio of
the average specified outside diameter to the design formula under 192.121 is deter-
minimum specified wall thickness, cor- mined.
responding to a value from a common num- (ii) For reinforced thermosetting
bering system that was derived from the plastic pipe, 150 F (66 C).
American National Standards Institute pre- (c) The wall thickness for thermo-
ferred number series 10. plastic pipe may not be less than 0.062
D F = 0.32 or inches (1.57 millimeters).
= 0.40 for PA11 pipe produced after January (d) The wall thickness for reinforced
23, 2009 with a nominal pipe size (IPS or CTS)
4-inch or less, and a SDR of 11 or greater (i.e.
thermosetting plastic pipe may not be
thicker pipe wall). less than that listed in the following
[Amdt. 192111, 74 FR 62505, Nov. 30, 2009, as
amended by Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. Minimum
11, 2010] wall thick-
Nominal size in inches (millimeters). ness inches
192.123 Design limitations for plastic ters).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

2 (51) ................................................................. 0.060 (1.52)
(a) Except as provided in paragraph 3 (76) ................................................................. 0.060 (1.52)
(e) and paragraph (f) of this section, 4 (102) ............................................................... 0.070 (1.78)
6 (152) ............................................................... 0.100 (2.54)
the design pressure may not exceed a


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192.125 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(e) The design pressure for thermo- (d) Copper pipe that does not have an
plastic pipe produced after July 14, 2004 internal corrosion resistant lining may
may exceed a gauge pressure of 100 psig not be used to carry gas that has an av-
(689 kPa) provided that: erage hydrogen sulfide content of more
(1) The design pressure does not ex- than 0.3 grains/100 ft3 (6.9/m3) under
ceed 125 psig (862 kPa); standard conditions. Standard condi-
(2) The material is a PE2406 or a tions refers to 60 F and 14.7 psia (15.6
PE3408 as specified within ASTM C and one atmosphere) of gas.
D251399 (incorporated by reference, see [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
192.7); Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt.
(3) The pipe size is nominal pipe size 19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
(IPS) 12 or less; and
(4) The design pressure is determined Subpart DDesign of Pipeline
in accordance with the design equation Components
defined in 192.121.
(f) The design pressure for poly- 192.141 Scope.
amide-11 (PA11) pipe produced after
This subpart prescribes minimum re-
January 23, 2009 may exceed a gauge
quirements for the design and installa-
pressure of 100 psig (689 kPa) provided
tion of pipeline components and facili-
ties. In addition, it prescribes require-
(1) The design pressure does not ex-
ments relating to protection against
ceed 200 psig (1379 kPa);
accidental overpressuring.
(2) The pipe size is nominal pipe size
(IPS or CTS) 4-inch or less; and 192.143 General requirements.
(3) The pipe has a standard dimension
(a) Each component of a pipeline
ratio of SDR11 or greater (i.e., thicker
must be able to withstand operating
pipe wall).
pressures and other anticipated load-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by ings without impairment of its service-
Amdt. 19231, 43 FR 13883, Apr. 3, 1978; Amdt. ability with unit stresses equivalent to
19278, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19285, those allowed for comparable material
63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 19293, 68 FR
in pipe in the same location and kind
53900, Sept. 15, 2003; 69 FR 32894, June 14, 2004;
Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 54592, Sept. 9, 2004; Amdt. of service. However, if design based
192103, 71 FR 33407, June 9, 2006; 73 FR 79005, upon unit stresses is impractical for a
Dec. 24, 2008; Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. particular component, design may be
11, 2010] based upon a pressure rating estab-
lished by the manufacturer by pressure
192.125 Design of copper pipe. testing that component or a prototype
(a) Copper pipe used in mains must of the component.
have a minimum wall thickness of 0.065 (b) The design and installation of
inches (1.65 millimeters) and must be pipeline components and facilities
hard drawn. must meet applicable requirements for
(b) Copper pipe used in service lines corrosion control found in subpart I of
must have wall thickness not less than this part.
that indicated in the following table: [Amdt. 48, 49 FR 19824, May 10, 1984 as
amended at 72 FR 20059, Apr. 23, 2007]
Wall thickness inch (milli-
Standard Nominal meter)
size inch O.D. inch 192.144 Qualifying metallic compo-
(millimeter) (millimeter) Nominal Tolerance nents.

12 (13) .625 (16) .040 (1.06) .0035 (.0889) Notwithstanding any requirement of

58 (16) .750 (19) .042 (1.07) .0035 (.0889) this subpart which incorporates by ref-

34 (19) .875 (22) .045 (1.14) .004 (.102)
1 (25) 1.125 (29) .050 (1.27) .004 (.102)
erence an edition of a document listed
114 (32) 1.375 (35) .055 (1.40) .0045 (.1143) in 192.7 or Appendix B of this part, a
1 2
1 (38) 1.625 (41) .060 (1.52) .0045 (.1143) metallic component manufactured in
accordance with any other edition of
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(c) Copper pipe used in mains and that document is qualified for use
service lines may not be used at pres- under this part if
sures in excess of 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) (a) It can be shown through visual in-
gage. spection of the cleaned component that


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.149

no defect exists which might impair valves at their listed temperature.

the strength or tightness of the compo- However, a valve having shell compo-
nent; and nents made of ductile iron may be used
(b) The edition of the document at pressures up to 80 percent of the
under which the component was manu- pressure ratings for comparable steel
factured has equal or more stringent valves at their listed temperature, if:
requirements for the following as an (1) The temperature-adjusted service
edition of that document currently or pressure does not exceed 1,000 p.s.i. (7
previously listed in 192.7 or appendix Mpa) gage; and
B of this part: (2) Welding is not used on any ductile
(1) Pressure testing; iron component in the fabrication of
(2) Materials; and the valve shells or their assembly.
(3) Pressure and temperature ratings. (e) No valve having shell (body, bon-
net, cover, and/or end flange) compo-
[Amdt. 19245, 48 FR 30639, July 5, 1983, as
amended by Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 32894, June nents made of cast iron, malleable
14, 2004] iron, or ductile iron may be used in the
gas pipe components of compressor sta-
192.145 Valves. tions.
(a) Except for cast iron and plastic [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
valves, each valve must meet the min- Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt.
imum requirements of API 6D (incor- 19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192
porated by reference, see 192.7), or to a 94, 69 FR 32894, June 14, 2004; Amdt. 192114,
national or international standard that 75 FR 48603, Aug. 11, 2010]
provides an equivalent performance 192.147 Flanges and flange acces-
level. A valve may not be used under sories.
operating conditions that exceed the
applicable pressure-temperature rat- (a) Each flange or flange accessory
ings contained in those requirements. (other than cast iron) must meet the
(b) Each cast iron and plastic valve minimum requirements of ASME/ANSI
must comply with the following: B16.5, MSS SP44, or the equivalent.
(1) The valve must have a maximum (b) Each flange assembly must be
service pressure rating for tempera- able to withstand the maximum pres-
tures that equal or exceed the max- sure at which the pipeline is to be oper-
imum service temperature. ated and to maintain its physical and
(2) The valve must be tested as part chemical properties at any tempera-
of the manufacturing, as follows: ture to which it is anticipated that it
(i) With the valve in the fully open might be subjected in service.
position, the shell must be tested with (c) Each flange on a flanged joint in
no leakage to a pressure at least 1.5 cast iron pipe must conform in dimen-
times the maximum service rating. sions, drilling, face and gasket design
(ii) After the shell test, the seat must to ASME/ANSI B16.1 and be cast inte-
be tested to a pressure not less than 1.5 grally with the pipe, valve, or fitting.
times the maximum service pressure [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
rating. Except for swing check valves, Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; 58 FR
test pressure during the seat test must 14521, Mar. 18, 1993]
be applied successively on each side of
the closed valve with the opposite side 192.149 Standard fittings.
open. No visible leakage is permitted. (a) The minimum metal thickness of
(iii) After the last pressure test is threaded fittings may not be less than
completed, the valve must be operated specified for the pressures and tem-
through its full travel to demonstrate peratures in the applicable standards
freedom from interference. referenced in this part, or their equiva-
(c) Each valve must be able to meet lent.
the anticipated operating conditions. (b) Each steel butt-welding fitting
(d) No valve having shell (body, bon- must have pressure and temperature
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

net, cover, and/or end flange) compo- ratings based on stresses for pipe of the
nents made of ductile iron may be used same or equivalent material. The ac-
at pressures exceeding 80 percent of the tual bursting strength of the fitting
pressure ratings for comparable steel must at least equal the computed


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192.150 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

bursting strength of pipe of the des- (c) An operator encountering emer-

ignated material and wall thickness, as gencies, construction time constraints
determined by a prototype that was or other unforeseen construction prob-
tested to at least the pressure required lems need not construct a new or re-
for the pipeline to which it is being placement segment of a transmission
added. line to meet paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion, if the operator determines and
192.150 Passage of internal inspec- documents why an impracticability
tion devices. prohibits compliance with paragraph
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (a) of this section. Within 30 days after
(b) and (c) of this section, each new discovering the emergency or construc-
transmission line and each replace- tion problem the operator must peti-
ment of line pipe, valve, fitting, or tion, under 190.9 of this chapter, for
other line component in a transmission approval that design and construction
line must be designed and constructed to accommodate passage of instru-
to accommodate the passage of instru- mented internal inspection devices
mented internal inspection devices. would be impracticable. If the petition
(b) This section does not apply to: (1) is denied, within 1 year after the date
Manifolds; of the notice of the denial, the operator
(2) Station piping such as at com- must modify that segment to allow
pressor stations, meter stations, or passage of instrumented internal in-
regulator stations; spection devices.
(3) Piping associated with storage fa- [Amdt. 19272, 59 FR 17281, Apr. 12, 1994, as
cilities, other than a continuous run of amended by Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502, July
transmission line between a com- 13, 1998; Amdt. 19297, 69 FR 36029, June 28,
pressor station and storage facilities; 2004]
(4) Cross-overs;
(5) Sizes of pipe for which an instru- 192.151 Tapping.
mented internal inspection device is (a) Each mechanical fitting used to
not commercially available; make a hot tap must be designed for at
(6) Transmission lines, operated in least the operating pressure of the
conjunction with a distribution system pipeline.
which are installed in Class 4 locations; (b) Where a ductile iron pipe is
(7) Offshore transmission lines, ex- tapped, the extent of full-thread en-
cept transmission lines 1034 inches (273 gagement and the need for the use of
millimeters) or more in outside diame- outside-sealing service connections,
ter on which construction begins after tapping saddles, or other fixtures must
December 28, 2005, that run from plat- be determined by service conditions.
form to platform or platform to shore (c) Where a threaded tap is made in
unless cast iron or ductile iron pipe, the di-
(i) Platform space or configuration is ameter of the tapped hole may not be
incompatible with launching or re- more than 25 percent of the nominal di-
trieving instrumented internal inspec- ameter of the pipe unless the pipe is re-
tion devices; or inforced, except that
(ii) If the design includes taps for lat- (1) Existing taps may be used for re-
eral connections, the operator can placement service, if they are free of
demonstrate, based on investigation or cracks and have good threads; and
experience, that there is no reasonably (2) A 114-inch (32 millimeters) tap
practical alternative under the design may be made in a 4-inch (102 millime-
circumstances to the use of a tap that ters) cast iron or ductile iron pipe,
will obstruct the passage of instru- without reinforcement.
mented internal inspection devices; However, in areas where climate, soil,
and and service conditions may create un-
(8) Other piping that, under 190.9 of usual external stresses on cast iron
this chapter, the Administrator finds pipe, unreinforced taps may be used
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

in a particular case would be impracti- only on 6-inch (152 millimeters) or larg-

cable to design and construct to ac- er pipe.
commodate the passage of instru- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
mented internal inspection devices. Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.161

192.153 Components fabricated by or header, the shear stresses produced

welding. by the pressure acting on the area of
(a) Except for branch connections the branch opening, and any external
and assemblies of standard pipe and fit- loadings due to thermal movement,
tings joined by circumferential welds, weight, and vibration.
the design pressure of each component
192.157 Extruded outlets.
fabricated by welding, whose strength
cannot be determined, must be estab- Each extruded outlet must be suit-
lished in accordance with paragraph able for anticipated service conditions
UG101 of section VIII, Division 1, of and must be at least equal to the de-
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel sign strength of the pipe and other fit-
Code. tings in the pipeline to which it is at-
(b) Each prefabricated unit that uses tached.
plate and longitudinal seams must be
designed, constructed, and tested in ac- 192.159 Flexibility.
cordance with section I, section VIII, Each pipeline must be designed with
Division 1, or section VIII, Division 2 of enough flexibility to prevent thermal
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel expansion or contraction from causing
Code, except for the following: excessive stresses in the pipe or compo-
(1) Regularly manufactured butt- nents, excessive bending or unusual
welding fittings. loads at joints, or undesirable forces or
(2) Pipe that has been produced and moments at points of connection to
tested under a specification listed in equipment, or at anchorage or guide
appendix B to this part. points.
(3) Partial assemblies such as split
rings or collars. 192.161 Supports and anchors.
(4) Prefabricated units that the man- (a) Each pipeline and its associated
ufacturer certifies have been tested to equipment must have enough anchors
at least twice the maximum pressure or supports to:
to which they will be subjected under (1) Prevent undue strain on con-
the anticipated operating conditions. nected equipment;
(c) Orange-peel bull plugs and or- (2) Resist longitudinal forces caused
ange-peel swages may not be used on by a bend or offset in the pipe; and
pipelines that are to operate at a hoop (3) Prevent or damp out excessive vi-
stress of 20 percent or more of the bration.
SMYS of the pipe. (b) Each exposed pipeline must have
(d) Except for flat closures designed enough supports or anchors to protect
in accordance with section VIII of the the exposed pipe joints from the max-
ASME Boiler and Pressure Code, flat imum end force caused by internal
closures and fish tails may not be used pressure and any additional forces
on pipe that either operates at 100 p.s.i. caused by temperature expansion or
(689 kPa) gage, or more, or is more contraction or by the weight of the
than 3 inches (76 millimeters) nominal pipe and its contents.
diameter. (c) Each support or anchor on an ex-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by posed pipeline must be made of dura-
Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; 58 FR ble, noncombustible material and must
14521, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 19268, 58 FR 45268, be designed and installed as follows:
Aug. 27, 1993; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502, July (1) Free expansion and contraction of
13, 1998] the pipeline between supports or an-
chors may not be restricted.
192.155 Welded branch connections. (2) Provision must be made for the
Each welded branch connection made service conditions involved.
to pipe in the form of a single connec- (3) Movement of the pipeline may not
tion, or in a header or manifold as a se- cause disengagement of the support
ries of connections, must be designed equipment.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

to ensure that the strength of the pipe- (d) Each support on an exposed pipe-
line system is not reduced, taking into line operated at a stress level of 50 per-
account the stresses in the remaining cent or more of SMYS must comply
pipe wall due to the opening in the pipe with the following:


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192.163 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(1) A structural support may not be a type which can be readily opened
welded directly to the pipe. from the inside without a key. Each
(2) The support must be provided by a swinging door located in an exterior
member that completely encircles the wall must be mounted to swing out-
pipe. ward.
(3) If an encircling member is welded (d) Fenced areas. Each fence around a
to a pipe, the weld must be continuous compressor station must have at least
and cover the entire circumference. two gates located so as to provide a
(e) Each underground pipeline that is convenient opportunity for escape to a
connected to a relatively unyielding place of safety, or have other facilities
line or other fixed object must have affording a similarly convenient exit
enough flexibility to provide for pos- from the area. Each gate located with-
sible movement, or it must have an an- in 200 feet (61 meters) of any com-
chor that will limit the movement of pressor plant building must open out-
the pipeline. ward and, when occupied, must be
(f) Except for offshore pipelines, each openable from the inside without a
underground pipeline that is being con- key.
nected to new branches must have a (e) Electrical facilities. Electrical
firm foundation for both the header equipment and wiring installed in com-
and the branch to prevent detrimental pressor stations must conform to the
lateral and vertical movement. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by 70, so far as that code is applicable.
Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
192.163 Compressor stations: Design Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976;
and construction. Amdt. 19237, 46 FR 10159, Feb. 2, 1981; 58 FR
14521, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37502,
(a) Location of compressor building. Ex- 37503, July 13, 1998]
cept for a compressor building on a
platform located offshore or in inland 192.165 Compressor stations: Liquid
navigable waters, each main com- removal.
pressor building of a compressor sta- (a) Where entrained vapors in gas
tion must be located on property under may liquefy under the anticipated pres-
the control of the operator. It must be sure and temperature conditions, the
far enough away from adjacent prop- compressor must be protected against
erty, not under control of the operator, the introduction of those liquids in
to minimize the possibility of fire quantities that could cause damage.
being communicated to the compressor
(b) Each liquid separator used to re-
building from structures on adjacent
move entrained liquids at a compressor
property. There must be enough open
station must:
space around the main compressor
(1) Have a manually operable means
building to allow the free movement of
of removing these liquids.
fire-fighting equipment.
(b) Building construction. Each build- (2) Where slugs of liquid could be car-
ing on a compressor station site must ried into the compressors, have either
be made of noncombustible materials if automatic liquid removal facilities, an
it contains either automatic compressor shutdown de-
(1) Pipe more than 2 inches (51 milli- vice, or a high liquid level alarm; and
meters) in diameter that is carrying (3) Be manufactured in accordance
gas under pressure; or with section VIII of the ASME Boiler
(2) Gas handling equipment other and Pressure Vessel Code, except that
than gas utilization equipment used for liquid separators constructed of pipe
domestic purposes. and fittings without internal welding
(c) Exits. Each operating floor of a must be fabricated with a design factor
main compressor building must have at of 0.4, or less.
least two separated and unobstructed
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

exits located so as to provide a conven- 192.167 Compressor stations: Emer-

ient possibility of escape and an unob- gency shutdown.
structed passage to a place of safety. (a) Except for unattended field com-
Each door latch on an exit must be of pressor stations of 1,000 horsepower (746


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.171

kilowatts) or less, each compressor sta- lower explosive limit in a building

tion must have an emergency shut- which has a source of ignition.
down system that meets the following: For the purpose of paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
(1) It must be able to block gas out of of this section, an electrical facility
the station and blow down the station which conforms to Class 1, Group D, of
piping. the National Electrical Code is not a
(2) It must discharge gas from the source of ignition.
blowdown piping at a location where
the gas will not create a hazard. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(3) It must provide means for the Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976;
shutdown of gas compressing equip- Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
ment, gas fires, and electrical facilities
192.169 Compressor stations: Pres-
in the vicinity of gas headers and in sure limiting devices.
the compressor building, except that:
(i) Electrical circuits that supply (a) Each compressor station must
emergency lighting required to assist have pressure relief or other suitable
station personnel in evacuating the protective devices of sufficient capac-
compressor building and the area in ity and sensitivity to ensure that the
the vicinity of the gas headers must re- maximum allowable operating pressure
main energized; and of the station piping and equipment is
(ii) Electrical circuits needed to pro- not exceeded by more than 10 percent.
tect equipment from damage may re- (b) Each vent line that exhausts gas
main energized. from the pressure relief valves of a
(4) It must be operable from at least compressor station must extend to a
two locations, each of which is: location where the gas may be dis-
(i) Outside the gas area of the sta- charged without hazard.
(ii) Near the exit gates, if the station 192.171 Compressor stations: Addi-
is fenced, or near emergency exits, if tional safety equipment.
not fenced; and (a) Each compressor station must
(iii) Not more than 500 feet (153 me- have adequate fire protection facilities.
ters) from the limits of the station. If fire pumps are a part of these facili-
(b) If a compressor station supplies ties, their operation may not be af-
gas directly to a distribution system fected by the emergency shutdown sys-
with no other adequate source of gas tem.
available, the emergency shutdown
(b) Each compressor station prime
system must be designed so that it will
mover, other than an electrical induc-
not function at the wrong time and
tion or synchronous motor, must have
cause an unintended outage on the dis-
an automatic device to shut down the
tribution system.
(c) On a platform located offshore or unit before the speed of either the
in inland navigable waters, the emer- prime mover or the driven unit exceeds
gency shutdown system must be de- a maximum safe speed.
signed and installed to actuate auto- (c) Each compressor unit in a com-
matically by each of the following pressor station must have a shutdown
events: or alarm device that operates in the
(1) In the case of an unattended com- event of inadequate cooling or lubrica-
pressor station: tion of the unit.
(i) When the gas pressure equals the (d) Each compressor station gas en-
maximum allowable operating pressure gine that operates with pressure gas in-
plus 15 percent; or jection must be equipped so that stop-
(ii) When an uncontrolled fire occurs page of the engine automatically shuts
on the platform; and off the fuel and vents the engine dis-
(2) In the case of a compressor sta- tribution manifold.
tion in a building: (e) Each muffler for a gas engine in a
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(i) When an uncontrolled fire occurs compressor station must have vent
in the building; or slots or holes in the baffles of each
(ii) When the concentration of gas in compartment to prevent gas from
air reaches 50 percent or more of the being trapped in the muffler.


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192.173 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

192.173 Compressor stations: Ventila- tensile requirements for the various

tion. grades of steel in ASTM A 372/A 372M.
Each compressor station building (2) The actual yield-tensile ratio of
must be ventilated to ensure that em- the steel may not exceed 0.85.
ployees are not endangered by the ac- (3) Welding may not be performed on
cumulation of gas in rooms, sumps, at- the holder after it has been heat treat-
tics, pits, or other enclosed places. ed or stress relieved, except that cop-
per wires may be attached to the small
192.175 Pipe-type and bottle-type diameter portion of the bottle end clo-
holders. sure for cathodic protection if a local-
(a) Each pipe-type and bottle-type ized thermit welding process is used.
holder must be designed so as to pre- (4) The holder must be given a mill
vent the accumulation of liquids in the hydrostatic test at a pressure that pro-
holder, in connecting pipe, or in auxil- duces a hoop stress at least equal to 85
iary equipment, that might cause cor- percent of the SMYS.
rosion or interfere with the safe oper- (5) The holder, connection pipe, and
ation of the holder. components must be leak tested after
(b) Each pipe-type or bottle-type installation as required by subpart J of
holder must have minimum clearance this part.
from other holders in accordance with
the following formula: [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt.
C=(DPF)/48.33) (C=(3DPF/1,000)) 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; 58 FR 14521,
in which: Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July
13, 1998]
C=Minimum clearance between pipe con-
tainers or bottles in inches (millimeters).
192.179 Transmission line valves.
D=Outside diameter of pipe containers or
bottles in inches (millimeters). (a) Each transmission line, other
P=Maximum allowable operating pressure, than offshore segments, must have sec-
p.s.i. (kPa) gage. tionalizing block valves spaced as fol-
F=Design factor as set forth in 192.111 of lows, unless in a particular case the
this part.
Administrator finds that alternative
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by spacing would provide an equivalent
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] level of safety:
192.177 Additional provisions for bot- (1) Each point on the pipeline in a
tle-type holders. Class 4 location must be within 212
miles (4 kilometers)of a valve.
(a) Each bottle-type holder must be
(2) Each point on the pipeline in a
(1) Located on a site entirely sur-
Class 3 location must be within 4 miles
rounded by fencing that prevents ac-
(6.4 kilometers) of a valve.
cess by unauthorized persons and with
minimum clearance from the fence as (3) Each point on the pipeline in a
follows: Class 2 location must be within 712
miles (12 kilometers) of a valve.
Minimum clear- (4) Each point on the pipeline in a
Maximum allowable operating pressure ance feet (me-
ters) Class 1 location must be within 10
miles (16 kilometers) of a valve.
Less than 1,000 p.s.i. (7 MPa) gage ........... 25 (7.6)
1,000 p.s.i. (7 MPa) gage or more .............. 100 (31) (b) Each sectionalizing block valve
on a transmission line, other than off-
(2) Designed using the design factors shore segments, must comply with the
set forth in 192.111; and following:
(3) Buried with a minimum cover in (1) The valve and the operating de-
accordance with 192.327. vice to open or close the valve must be
(b) Each bottle-type holder manufac- readily accessible and protected from
tured from steel that is not weldable tampering and damage.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

under field conditions must comply (2) The valve must be supported to
with the following: prevent settling of the valve or move-
(1) A bottle-type holder made from ment of the pipe to which it is at-
alloy steel must meet the chemical and tached.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.187

(c) Each section of a transmission which may be imposed upon it, and to
line, other than offshore segments, be- protect installed equipment.
tween main line valves must have a (b) There must be enough working
blowdown valve with enough capacity space so that all of the equipment re-
to allow the transmission line to be quired in the vault or pit can be prop-
blown down as rapidly as practicable. erly installed, operated, and main-
Each blowdown discharge must be lo- tained.
cated so the gas can be blown to the at- (c) Each pipe entering, or within, a
mosphere without hazard and, if the regulator vault or pit must be steel for
transmission line is adjacent to an sizes 10 inch (254 millimeters), and less,
overhead electric line, so that the gas except that control and gage piping
is directed away from the electrical may be copper. Where pipe extends
conductors. through the vault or pit structure, pro-
(d) Offshore segments of transmission vision must be made to prevent the
lines must be equipped with valves or passage of gases or liquids through the
other components to shut off the flow opening and to avert strains in the
of gas to an offshore platform in an pipe.
emergency. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976;
192.185 Vaults: Accessibility.
Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] Each vault must be located in an ac-
cessible location and, so far as prac-
192.181 Distribution line valves. tical, away from:
(a) Each high-pressure distribution (a) Street intersections or points
system must have valves spaced so as where traffic is heavy or dense;
to reduce the time to shut down a sec- (b) Points of minimum elevation,
tion of main in an emergency. The catch basins, or places where the ac-
valve spacing is determined by the op- cess cover will be in the course of sur-
erating pressure, the size of the mains, face waters; and
and the local physical conditions. (c) Water, electric, steam, or other
(b) Each regulator station control- facilities.
ling the flow or pressure of gas in a dis- 192.187 Vaults: Sealing, venting, and
tribution system must have a valve in- ventilation.
stalled on the inlet piping at a distance
Each underground vault or closed top
from the regulator station sufficient to
pit containing either a pressure regu-
permit the operation of the valve dur-
lating or reducing station, or a pres-
ing an emergency that might preclude
sure limiting or relieving station, must
access to the station.
be sealed, vented or ventilated as fol-
(c) Each valve on a main installed for
operating or emergency purposes must (a) When the internal volume exceeds
comply with the following: 200 cubic feet (5.7 cubic meters):
(1) The valve must be placed in a (1) The vault or pit must be venti-
readily accessible location so as to fa- lated with two ducts, each having at
cilitate its operation in an emergency. least the ventilating effect of a pipe 4
(2) The operating stem or mechanism inches (102 millimeters) in diameter;
must be readily accessible. (2) The ventilation must be enough to
(3) If the valve is installed in a buried minimize the formation of combustible
box or enclosure, the box or enclosure atmosphere in the vault or pit; and
must be installed so as to avoid trans- (3) The ducts must be high enough
mitting external loads to the main. above grade to disperse any gas-air
mixtures that might be discharged.
192.183 Vaults: Structural design re- (b) When the internal volume is more
quirements. than 75 cubic feet (2.1 cubic meters) but
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Each underground vault or pit for less than 200 cubic feet (5.7 cubic me-
valves, pressure relieving, pressure ters):
limiting, or pressure regulating sta- (1) If the vault or pit is sealed, each
tions, must be able to meet the loads opening must have a tight fitting cover


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192.189 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

without open holes through which an exerted through the valve or its enclo-
explosive mixture might be ignited, sure.
and there must be a means for testing
the internal atmosphere before remov- 192.195 Protection against accidental
ing the cover; overpressuring.
(2) If the vault or pit is vented, there (a) General requirements. Except as
must be a means of preventing external provided in 192.197, each pipeline that
sources of ignition from reaching the is connected to a gas source so that the
vault atmosphere; or maximum allowable operating pressure
(3) If the vault or pit is ventilated, could be exceeded as the result of pres-
paragraph (a) or (c) of this section ap- sure control failure or of some other
plies. type of failure, must have pressure re-
(c) If a vault or pit covered by para- lieving or pressure limiting devices
graph (b) of this section is ventilated that meet the requirements of 192.199
by openings in the covers or gratings and 192.201.
and the ratio of the internal volume, in (b) Additional requirements for distribu-
cubic feet, to the effective ventilating tion systems. Each distribution system
area of the cover or grating, in square that is supplied from a source of gas
feet, is less than 20 to 1, no additional that is at a higher pressure than the
ventilation is required. maximum allowable operating pressure
for the system must
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by (1) Have pressure regulation devices
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
capable of meeting the pressure, load,
192.189 Vaults: Drainage and water- and other service conditions that will
proofing. be experienced in normal operation of
the system, and that could be activated
(a) Each vault must be designed so as in the event of failure of some portion
to minimize the entrance of water. of the system; and
(b) A vault containing gas piping (2) Be designed so as to prevent acci-
may not be connected by means of a dental overpressuring.
drain connection to any other under-
ground structure. 192.197 Control of the pressure of gas
(c) Electrical equipment in vaults delivered from high-pressure dis-
must conform to the applicable re- tribution systems.
quirements of Class 1, Group D, of the (a) If the maximum actual operating
National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA pressure of the distribution system is
70. 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, or less and a
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by service regulator having the following
Amdt. 19276, 61 FR 26122, May 24, 1996] characteristics is used, no other pres-
sure limiting device is required:
192.191 Design pressure of plastic fit- (1) A regulator capable of reducing
tings. distribution line pressure to pressures
(a) Thermosetting fittings for plastic recommended for household appliances.
pipe must conform to ASTM D 2517, (2) A single port valve with proper
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7). orifice for the maximum gas pressure
(b) Thermoplastic fittings for plastic at the regulator inlet.
pipe must conform to ASTM D 251399, (3) A valve seat made of resilient ma-
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7). terial designed to withstand abrasion
of the gas, impurities in gas, cutting by
[Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. 11, 2010] the valve, and to resist permanent de-
formation when it is pressed against
192.193 Valve installation in plastic the valve port.
pipe. (4) Pipe connections to the regulator
Each valve installed in plastic pipe not exceeding 2 inches (51 millimeters)
must be designed so as to protect the in diameter.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

plastic material against excessive tor- (5) A regulator that, under normal
sional or shearing loads when the valve operating conditions, is able to regu-
or shutoff is operated, and from any late the downstream pressure within
other secondary stresses that might be the necessary limits of accuracy and to


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.199

limit the build-up of pressure under no- combination may be used alone only in
flow conditions to prevent a pressure those cases where the inlet pressure on
that would cause the unsafe operation the service regulator does not exceed
of any connected and properly adjusted the manufacturers safe working pres-
gas utilization equipment. sure rating of the service regulator,
(6) A self-contained service regulator and may not be used where the inlet
with no external static or control lines. pressure on the service regulator ex-
(b) If the maximum actual operating ceeds 125 p.s.i. (862 kPa) gage. For high-
pressure of the distribution system is er inlet pressures, the methods in para-
60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, or less, and a graph (c) (1) or (2) of this section must
service regulator that does not have all be used.
of the characteristics listed in para- (4) A service regulator and an auto-
graph (a) of this section is used, or if matic shutoff device that closes upon a
the gas contains materials that seri- rise in pressure downstream from the
ously interfere with the operation of regulator and remains closed until
service regulators, there must be suit- manually reset.
able protective devices to prevent un- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
safe overpressuring of the customers Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 7, 1970; Amdt.
appliances if the service regulator 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192
fails. 93, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003]
(c) If the maximum actual operating
pressure of the distribution system ex- 192.199 Requirements for design of
ceeds 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, one of the pressure relief and limiting devices.
following methods must be used to reg- Except for rupture discs, each pres-
ulate and limit, to the maximum safe sure relief or pressure limiting device
value, the pressure of gas delivered to must:
the customer: (a) Be constructed of materials such
(1) A service regulator having the that the operation of the device will
characteristics listed in paragraph (a) not be impaired by corrosion;
of this section, and another regulator (b) Have valves and valve seats that
located upstream from the service reg- are designed not to stick in a position
ulator. The upstream regulator may that will make the device inoperative;
not be set to maintain a pressure high- (c) Be designed and installed so that
er than 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage. A device it can be readily operated to determine
must be installed between the up- if the valve is free, can be tested to de-
stream regulator and the service regu- termine the pressure at which it will
lator to limit the pressure on the inlet operate, and can be tested for leakage
of the service regulator to 60 p.s.i. (414 when in the closed position;
kPa) gage or less in case the upstream (d) Have support made of noncombus-
regulator fails to function properly. tible material;
This device may be either a relief valve (e) Have discharge stacks, vents, or
or an automatic shutoff that shuts, if outlet ports designed to prevent accu-
the pressure on the inlet of the service mulation of water, ice, or snow, located
regulator exceeds the set pressure (60 where gas can be discharged into the
p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage or less), and re- atmosphere without undue hazard;
mains closed until manually reset. (f) Be designed and installed so that
(2) A service regulator and a moni- the size of the openings, pipe, and fit-
toring regulator set to limit, to a max- tings located between the system to be
imum safe value, the pressure of the protected and the pressure relieving de-
gas delivered to the customer. vice, and the size of the vent line, are
(3) A service regulator with a relief adequate to prevent hammering of the
valve vented to the outside atmos- valve and to prevent impairment of re-
phere, with the relief valve set to open lief capacity;
so that the pressure of gas going to the (g) Where installed at a district regu-
customer does not exceed a maximum lator station to protect a pipeline sys-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

safe value. The relief valve may either tem from overpressuring, be designed
be built into the service regulator or it and installed to prevent any single in-
may be a separate unit installed down- cident such as an explosion in a vault
stream from the service regulator. This or damage by a vehicle from affecting


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192.201 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

the operation of both the overpressure or against which it was protected,

protective device and the district regu- whichever is lower.
lator; and (c) Relief valves or other pressure
(h) Except for a valve that will iso- limiting devices must be installed at or
late the system under protection from near each regulator station in a low-
its source of pressure, be designed to pressure distribution system, with a
prevent unauthorized operation of any capacity to limit the maximum pres-
stop valve that will make the pressure sure in the main to a pressure that will
relief valve or pressure limiting device not exceed the safe operating pressure
inoperative. for any connected and properly ad-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by justed gas utilization equipment.
Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
192.201 Required capacity of pres- Amdt. 1929, 37 FR 20827, Oct. 4, 1972; Amdt.
sure relieving and limiting stations. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]

(a) Each pressure relief station or 192.203 Instrument, control, and sam-
pressure limiting station or group of pling pipe and components.
those stations installed to protect a
(a) Applicability. This section applies
pipeline must have enough capacity,
to the design of instrument, control,
and must be set to operate, to insure
the following: and sampling pipe and components. It
(1) In a low pressure distribution sys- does not apply to permanently closed
tem, the pressure may not cause the systems, such as fluid-filled tempera-
unsafe operation of any connected and ture-responsive devices.
properly adjusted gas utilization equip- (b) Materials and design. All materials
ment. employed for pipe and components
(2) In pipelines other than a low pres- must be designed to meet the par-
sure distribution system: ticular conditions of service and the
(i) If the maximum allowable oper- following:
ating pressure is 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage (1) Each takeoff connection and at-
or more, the pressure may not exceed taching boss, fitting, or adapter must
the maximum allowable operating be made of suitable material, be able to
pressure plus 10 percent, or the pres- withstand the maximum service pres-
sure that produces a hoop stress of 75 sure and temperature of the pipe or
percent of SMYS, whichever is lower; equipment to which it is attached, and
(ii) If the maximum allowable oper- be designed to satisfactorily withstand
ating pressure is 12 p.s.i. (83 kPa) gage all stresses without failure by fatigue.
or more, but less than 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) (2) Except for takeoff lines that can
gage, the pressure may not exceed the be isolated from sources of pressure by
maximum allowable operating pressure other valving, a shutoff valve must be
plus 6 p.s.i. (41 kPa) gage; or installed in each takeoff line as near as
(iii) If the maximum allowable oper- practicable to the point of takeoff.
ating pressure is less than 12 p.s.i. (83 Blowdown valves must be installed
kPa) gage, the pressure may not exceed where necessary.
the maximum allowable operating
(3) Brass or copper material may not
pressure plus 50 percent.
be used for metal temperatures greater
(b) When more than one pressure reg-
than 400 F (204 C).
ulating or compressor station feeds
into a pipeline, relief valves or other (4) Pipe or components that may con-
protective devices must be installed at tain liquids must be protected by heat-
each station to ensure that the com- ing or other means from damage due to
plete failure of the largest capacity freezing.
regulator or compressor, or any single (5) Pipe or components in which liq-
run of lesser capacity regulators or uids may accumulate must have drains
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

compressors in that station, will not or drips.

impose pressures on any part of the (6) Pipe or components subject to
pipeline or distribution system in ex- clogging from solids or deposits must
cess of those for which it was designed, have suitable connections for cleaning.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.229

(7) The arrangement of pipe, compo- 192.227 Qualification of welders.

nents, and supports must provide safe- (a) Except as provided in paragraph
ty under anticipated operating (b) of this section, each welder must be
stresses. qualified in accordance with section 6
(8) Each joint between sections of of API 1104 (incorporated by reference,
pipe, and between pipe and valves or see 192.7) or section IX of the ASME
fittings, must be made in a manner Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incor-
suitable for the anticipated pressure porated by reference, see 192.7). How-
and temperature condition. Slip type ever, a welder qualified under an ear-
expansion joints may not be used. Ex- lier edition than listed in 192.7 of this
pansion must be allowed for by pro- part may weld but may not requalify
viding flexibility within the system under that earlier edition.
itself. (b) A welder may qualify to perform
(9) Each control line must be pro- welding on pipe to be operated at a
tected from anticipated causes of dam- pressure that produces a hoop stress of
age and must be designed and installed less than 20 percent of SMYS by per-
to prevent damage to any one control forming an acceptable test weld, for
line from making both the regulator the process to be used, under the test
and the over-pressure protective device set forth in section I of Appendix C of
inoperative. this part. Each welder who is to make
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by a welded service line connection to a
Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. main must first perform an acceptable
19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] test weld under section II of Appendix
C of this part as a requirement of the
Subpart EWelding of Steel in qualifying test.
Pipelines [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19243, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt.
192.221 Scope. 19252, 51 FR 20297, June 4, 1986; Amdt. 19278,
(a) This subpart prescribes minimum 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR
32894, June 14, 2004; Amdt. 192103, 72 FR 4656,
requirements for welding steel mate- Feb. 1, 2007]
rials in pipelines.
(b) This subpart does not apply to 192.229 Limitations on welders.
welding that occurs during the manu-
(a) No welder whose qualification is
facture of steel pipe or steel pipeline
based on nondestructive testing may
weld compressor station pipe and com-
192.225 Welding procedures. ponents.
(b) No welder may weld with a par-
(a) Welding must be performed by a ticular welding process unless, within
qualified welder in accordance with the preceding 6 calendar months, he
welding procedures qualified under sec- has engaged in welding with that proc-
tion 5 of API 1104 (incorporated by ref- ess.
erence, see 192.7) or section IX of the (c) A welder qualified under
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 192.227(a)
Welding and Brazing Qualifications (1) May not weld on pipe to be oper-
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7) ated at a pressure that produces a hoop
to produce welds meeting the require- stress of 20 percent or more of SMYS
ments of this subpart. The quality of unless within the preceding 6 calendar
the test welds used to qualify welding months the welder has had one weld
procedures shall be determined by de- tested and found acceptable under the
structive testing in accordance with sections 6 or 9 of API Standard 1104 (in-
the applicable welding standard(s). corporated by reference, see 192.7). Al-
(b) Each welding procedure must be ternatively, welders may maintain an
recorded in detail, including the results ongoing qualification status by per-
of the qualifying tests. This record forming welds tested and found accept-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

must be retained and followed when- able under the above acceptance cri-
ever the procedure is used. teria at least twice each calendar year,
[Amdt. 19252, 51 FR 20297, June 4, 1986; but at intervals not exceeding 712
Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 32894, June 14, 2004] months. A welder qualified under an


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192.231 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

earlier edition of a standard listed in SMYS may not deflect the pipe more
192.7 of this part may weld but may than 90.
not requalify under that earlier edi-
tion; and 192.235 Preparation for welding.
(2) May not weld on pipe to be oper- Before beginning any welding, the
ated at a pressure that produces a hoop welding surfaces must be clean and free
stress of less than 20 percent of SMYS of any material that may be detri-
unless the welder is tested in accord- mental to the weld, and the pipe or
ance with paragraph (c)(1) of this sec- component must be aligned to provide
tion or requalifies under paragraph the most favorable condition for depos-
(d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section. iting the root bead. This alignment
(d) A welder qualified under must be preserved while the root bead
192.227(b) may not weld unless is being deposited.
(1) Within the preceding 15 calendar
months, but at least once each cal- 192.241 Inspection and test of welds.
endar year, the welder has requalified
under 192.227(b); or (a) Visual inspection of welding must
(2) Within the preceding 712 calendar be conducted by an individual qualified
months, but at least twice each cal- by appropriate training and experience
endar year, the welder has had to ensure that:
(i) A production weld cut out, tested, (1) The welding is performed in ac-
and found acceptable in accordance cordance with the welding procedure;
with the qualifying test; or and
(ii) For welders who work only on (2) The weld is acceptable under para-
service lines 2 inches (51 millimeters) graph (c) of this section.
or smaller in diameter, two sample (b) The welds on a pipeline to be op-
welds tested and found acceptable in erated at a pressure that produces a
accordance with the test in section III hoop stress of 20 percent or more of
of Appendix C of this part. SMYS must be nondestructively tested
in accordance with 192.243, except that
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
welds that are visually inspected and
Amdt. 19237, 46 FR 10159, Feb. 2, 1981; Amdt.
19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19285, approved by a qualified welding inspec-
63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR tor need not be nondestructively tested
32895, June 14, 2004] if:
(1) The pipe has a nominal diameter
192.231 Protection from weather. of less than 6 inches (152 millimeters);
The welding operation must be pro- or
tected from weather conditions that (2) The pipeline is to be operated at a
would impair the quality of the com- pressure that produces a hoop stress of
pleted weld. less than 40 percent of SMYS and the
welds are so limited in number that
192.233 Miter joints. nondestructive testing is impractical.
(a) A miter joint on steel pipe to be (c) The acceptability of a weld that is
operated at a pressure that produces a nondestructively tested or visually in-
hoop stress of 30 percent or more of spected is determined according to the
SMYS may not deflect the pipe more standards in Section 9 of API Standard
than 3. 1104 (incorporated by reference, see
(b) A miter joint on steel pipe to be 192.7). However, if a girth weld is un-
operated at a pressure that produces a acceptable under those standards for a
hoop stress of less than 30 percent, but reason other than a crack, and if Ap-
more than 10 percent, of SMYS may pendix A to API 1104 applies to the
not deflect the pipe more than 1212 and weld, the acceptability of the weld may
must be a distance equal to one pipe di- be further determined under that ap-
ameter or more away from any other pendix.
miter joint, as measured from the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by

crotch of each joint. Amdt. 19237, 46 FR 10160, Feb. 2, 1981; Amdt.
(c) A miter joint on steel pipe to be 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19285,
operated at a pressure that produces a 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR
hoop stress of 10 percent or less of 32894, June 14, 2004]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.273

192.243 Nondestructive testing. the number rejected, and the disposi-

tion of the rejects.
(a) Nondestructive testing of welds
must be performed by any process, [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
other than trepanning, that will clear- Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976;
Amdt. 19250, 50 FR 37192, Sept. 12, 1985;
ly indicate defects that may affect the Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996]
integrity of the weld.
(b) Nondestructive testing of welds 192.245 Repair or removal of defects.
must be performed: (a) Each weld that is unacceptable
(1) In accordance with written proce- under 192.241(c) must be removed or
dures; and repaired. Except for welds on an off-
(2) By persons who have been trained shore pipeline being installed from a
and qualified in the established proce- pipeline vessel, a weld must be re-
dures and with the equipment em- moved if it has a crack that is more
ployed in testing. than 8 percent of the weld length.
(c) Procedures must be established (b) Each weld that is repaired must
for the proper interpretation of each have the defect removed down to sound
nondestructive test of a weld to ensure metal and the segment to be repaired
the acceptability of the weld under must be preheated if conditions exist
192.241(c). which would adversely affect the qual-
(d) When nondestructive testing is re- ity of the weld repair. After repair, the
segment of the weld that was repaired
quired under 192.241(b), the following
must be inspected to ensure its accept-
percentages of each days field butt
welds, selected at random by the oper- (c) Repair of a crack, or of any defect
ator, must be nondestructively tested in a previously repaired area must be
over their entire circumference: in accordance with written weld repair
(1) In Class 1 locations, except off- procedures that have been qualified
shore, at least 10 percent. under 192.225. Repair procedures must
(2) In Class 2 locations, at least 15 provide that the minimum mechanical
percent. properties specified for the welding
(3) In Class 3 and Class 4 locations, at procedure used to make the original
crossings of major or navigable rivers, weld are met upon completion of the
offshore, and within railroad or public final weld repair.
highway rights-of-way, including tun- [Amdt. 19246, 48 FR 48674, Oct. 20, 1983]
nels, bridges, and overhead road cross-
ings, 100 percent unless impracticable, Subpart FJoining of Materials
in which case at least 90 percent. Non- Other Than by Welding
destructive testing must be impracti-
cable for each girth weld not tested. 192.271 Scope.
(4) At pipeline tie-ins, including tie- (a) This subpart prescribes minimum
ins of replacement sections, 100 per- requirements for joining materials in
cent. pipelines, other than by welding.
(e) Except for a welder whose work is (b) This subpart does not apply to
isolated from the principal welding ac- joining during the manufacture of pipe
tivity, a sample of each welders work or pipeline components.
for each day must be nondestructively
tested, when nondestructive testing is 192.273 General.
required under 192.241(b). (a) The pipeline must be designed and
(f) When nondestructive testing is re- installed so that each joint will sustain
quired under 192.241(b), each operator the longitudinal pullout or thrust
must retain, for the life of the pipeline, forces caused by contraction or expan-
a record showing by milepost, engi- sion of the piping or by anticipated ex-
neering station, or by geographic fea- ternal or internal loading.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ture, the number of girth welds made, (b) Each joint must be made in ac-
the number nondestructively tested, cordance with written procedures that
have been proven by test or experience
to produce strong gastight joints.


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192.275 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(c) Each joint must be inspected to (3) The joint may not be heated to ac-
insure compliance with this subpart. celerate the setting of the cement.
(c) Heat-fusion joints. Each heat-fu-
192.275 Cast iron pipe. sion joint on plastic pipe must comply
(a) Each caulked bell and spigot joint with the following:
in cast iron pipe must be sealed with (1) A butt heat-fusion joint must be
mechanical leak clamps. joined by a device that holds the heater
(b) Each mechanical joint in cast element square to the ends of the pip-
iron pipe must have a gasket made of a ing, compresses the heated ends to-
resilient material as the sealing me- gether, and holds the pipe in proper
dium. Each gasket must be suitably alignment while the plastic hardens.
confined and retained under compres- (2) A socket heat-fusion joint must be
sion by a separate gland or follower joined by a device that heats the mat-
ring. ing surfaces of the joint uniformly and
(c) Cast iron pipe may not be joined simultaneously to essentially the same
by threaded joints.
(3) An electrofusion joint must be
(d) Cast iron pipe may not be joined
joined utilizing the equipment and
by brazing.
techniques of the fittings manufacturer
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by or equipment and techniques shown, by
Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989] testing joints to the requirements of
192.283(a)(1)(iii), to be at least equiva-
192.277 Ductile iron pipe. lent to those of the fittings manufac-
(a) Ductile iron pipe may not be turer.
joined by threaded joints. (4) Heat may not be applied with a
(b) Ductile iron pipe may not be torch or other open flame.
joined by brazing. (d) Adhesive joints. Each adhesive
joint on plastic pipe must comply with
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by the following:
Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989] (1) The adhesive must conform to
ASTM Designation D 2517.
192.279 Copper pipe.
(2) The materials and adhesive must
Copper pipe may not be threaded ex- be compatible with each other.
cept that copper pipe used for joining (e) Mechanical joints. Each compres-
screw fittings or valves may be thread- sion type mechanical joint on plastic
ed if the wall thickness is equivalent to pipe must comply with the following:
the comparable size of Schedule 40 or (1) The gasket material in the cou-
heavier wall pipe listed in Table C1 of pling must be compatible with the
ASME/ANSI B16.5. plastic.
[Amdt. 19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989, as
(2) A rigid internal tubular stiffener,
amended at 58 FR 14521, Mar. 18, 1993] other than a split tubular stiffener,
must be used in conjunction with the
192.281 Plastic pipe. coupling.
(a) General. A plastic pipe joint that [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
is joined by solvent cement, adhesive, Amdt. 19234, 44 FR 42973, July 23, 1979;
or heat fusion may not be disturbed Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt.
19261, 53 FR 36793, Sept. 22, 1988; 58 FR 14521,
until it has properly set. Plastic pipe Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June
may not be joined by a threaded joint 6, 1996; Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. 11,
or miter joint. 2010]
(b) Solvent cement joints. Each solvent
cement joint on plastic pipe must com- 192.283 Plastic pipe: Qualifying join-
ply with the following: ing procedures.
(1) The mating surfaces of the joint (a) Heat fusion, solvent cement, and ad-
must be clean, dry, and free of material hesive joints. Before any written proce-
which might be detrimental to the dure established under 192.273(b) is
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

joint. used for making plastic pipe joints by a

(2) The solvent cement must conform heat fusion, solvent cement, or adhe-
to ASTM D251399, (incorporated by sive method, the procedure must be
reference, see 192.7). qualified by subjecting specimen joints


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.285

made according to the procedure to the the stiffener does not affect the joint
following tests: strength.
(1) The burst test requirements of (3) The speed of testing is 0.20 in (5.0
(i) In the case of thermoplastic pipe, mm) per minute, plus or minus 25 per-
paragraph 6.6 (sustained pressure test) cent.
or paragraph 6.7 (Minimum Hydrostatic (4) Pipe specimens less than 4 inches
Burst Test) or paragraph 8.9 (Sustained (102 mm) in diameter are qualified if
Static pressure Test) of ASTM D251399 the pipe yields to an elongation of no
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7); less than 25 percent or failure initiates
outside the joint area.
(ii) In the case of thermosetting plas-
(5) Pipe specimens 4 inches (102 mm)
tic pipe, paragraph 8.5 (Minimum Hy-
and larger in diameter shall be pulled
drostatic Burst Pressure) or paragraph
until the pipe is subjected to a tensile
8.9 (Sustained Static Pressure Test) of
stress equal to or greater than the
ASTM D2517 (incorporated by ref- maximum thermal stress that would be
erence, see 192.7); or produced by a temperature change of
(iii) In the case of electrofusion fit- 100 F (38 C) or until the pipe is pulled
tings for polyethylene (PE) pipe and from the fitting. If the pipe pulls from
tubing, paragraph 9.1 (Minimum Hy- the fitting, the lowest value of the five
draulic Burst Pressure Test), para- test results or the manufacturers rat-
graph 9.2 (Sustained Pressure Test), ing, whichever is lower must be used in
paragraph 9.3 (Tensile Strength Test), the design calculations for stress.
or paragraph 9.4 (Joint Integrity Tests) (6) Each specimen that fails at the
of ASTM Designation F1055 (incor- grips must be retested using new pipe.
porated by reference, see 192.7). (7) Results obtained pertain only to
(2) For procedures intended for lat- the specific outside diameter, and ma-
eral pipe connections, subject a speci- terial of the pipe tested, except that
men joint made from pipe sections testing of a heavier wall pipe may be
joined at right angles according to the used to qualify pipe of the same mate-
procedure to a force on the lateral pipe rial but with a lesser wall thickness.
until failure occurs in the specimen. If (c) A copy of each written procedure
failure initiates outside the joint area, being used for joining plastic pipe must
the procedure qualifies for use; and be available to the persons making and
(3) For procedures intended for non- inspecting joints.
lateral pipe connections, follow the (d) Pipe or fittings manufactured be-
tensile test requirements of ASTM fore July 1, 1980, may be used in ac-
D638 (incorporated by reference, see cordance with procedures that the
192.7), except that the test may be manufacturer certifies will produce a
conducted at ambient temperature and joint as strong as the pipe.
humidity If the specimen elongates no [Amdt. 19234A, 45 FR 9935, Feb. 14, 1980, as
less than 25 percent or failure initiates amended by Amdt. 19234B, 46 FR 39, Jan. 2,
outside the joint area, the procedure 1981; 47 FR 32720, July 29, 1982; 47 FR 49973,
qualifies for use. Nov. 4, 1982; 58 FR 14521, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt.
(b) Mechanical joints. Before any writ- 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 19285,
63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR
ten procedure established under
32895, June 14, 2004; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 54592,
192.273(b) is used for making mechan- Sept. 9, 2004; Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug.
ical plastic pipe joints that are de- 11, 2010]
signed to withstand tensile forces, the
procedure must be qualified by sub- 192.285 Plastic pipe: Qualifying per-
jecting 5 specimen joints made accord- sons to make joints.
ing to the procedure to the following (a) No person may make a plastic
tensile test: pipe joint unless that person has been
(1) Use an apparatus for the test as qualified under the applicable joining
specified in ASTM D 638 (except for procedure by:
conditioning), (incorporated by ref- (1) Appropriate training or experi-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

erence, see 192.7). ence in the use of the procedure; and

(2) The specimen must be of such (2) Making a specimen joint from
length that the distance between the pipe sections joined according to the
grips of the apparatus and the end of procedure that passes the inspection


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192.287 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

and test set forth in paragraph (b) of Subpart GGeneral Construction

this section. Requirements for Transmission
(b) The specimen joint must be: Lines and Mains
(1) Visually examined during and
after assembly or joining and found to 192.301 Scope.
have the same appearance as a joint or This subpart prescribes minimum re-
photographs of a joint that is accept- quirements for constructing trans-
able under the procedure; and mission lines and mains.
(2) In the case of a heat fusion, sol-
vent cement, or adhesive joint: 192.303 Compliance with specifica-
(i) Tested under any one of the test tions or standards.
methods listed under 192.283(a) appli- Each transmission line or main must
cable to the type of joint and material be constructed in accordance with com-
being tested; prehensive written specifications or
(ii) Examined by ultrasonic inspec- standards that are consistent with this
tion and found not to contain flaws part.
that would cause failure; or
192.305 Inspection: General.
(iii) Cut into at least 3 longitudinal
straps, each of which is: Each transmission line or main must
(A) Visually examined and found not be inspected to ensure that it is con-
structed in accordance with this part.
to contain voids or discontinuities on
the cut surfaces of the joint area; and 192.307 Inspection of materials.
(B) Deformed by bending, torque, or
Each length of pipe and each other
impact, and if failure occurs, it must
component must be visually inspected
not initiate in the joint area. at the site of installation to ensure
(c) A person must be requalified that it has not sustained any visually
under an applicable procedure, if dur- determinable damage that could im-
ing any 12-month period that person: pair its serviceability.
(1) Does not make any joints under
that procedure; or 192.309 Repair of steel pipe.
(2) Has 3 joints or 3 percent of the (a) Each imperfection or damage that
joints made, whichever is greater, impairs the serviceability of a length
under that procedure that are found of steel pipe must be repaired or re-
unacceptable by testing under 192.513. moved. If a repair is made by grinding,
(d) Each operator shall establish a the remaining wall thickness must at
method to determine that each person least be equal to either:
making joints in plastic pipelines in (1) The minimum thickness required
the operators system is qualified in ac- by the tolerances in the specification
cordance with this section. to which the pipe was manufactured; or
(2) The nominal wall thickness re-
[Amdt. 19234A, 45 FR 9935, Feb. 14, 1980, as quired for the design pressure of the
amended by Amdt. 19234B, 46 FR 39, Jan. 2, pipeline.
1981; Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003] (b) Each of the following dents must
be removed from steel pipe to be oper-
192.287 Plastic pipe: Inspection of
joints. ated at a pressure that produces a hoop
stress of 20 percent, or more, of SMYS,
No person may carry out the inspec- unless the dent is repaired by a method
tion of joints in plastic pipes required that reliable engineering tests and
by 192.273(c) and 192.285(b) unless that analyses show can permanently restore
person has been qualified by appro- the serviceability of the pipe:
priate training or experience in evalu- (1) A dent that contains a stress con-
ating the acceptability of plastic pipe centrator such as a scratch, gouge,
joints made under the applicable join- groove, or arc burn.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ing procedure. (2) A dent that affects the longitu-

dinal weld or a circumferential weld.
[Amdt. 19234, 44 FR 42974, July 23, 1979] (3) In pipe to be operated at a pres-
sure that produces a hoop stress of 40


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.315

percent or more of SMYS, a dent that (2) Each bend must have a smooth
has a depth of: contour and be free from buckling,
(i) More than 14 inch (6.4 millimeters) cracks, or any other mechanical dam-
in pipe 1234 inches (324 millimeters) or age.
less in outer diameter; or (3) On pipe containing a longitudinal
(ii) More than 2 percent of the nomi- weld, the longitudinal weld must be as
nal pipe diameter in pipe over 1234 near as practicable to the neutral axis
inches (324 millimeters) in outer di- of the bend unless:
ameter. (i) The bend is made with an internal
For the purpose of this section a bending mandrel; or
dent is a depression that produces a (ii) The pipe is 12 inches (305 millime-
gross disturbance in the curvature of ters) or less in outside diameter or has
the pipe wall without reducing the a diameter to wall thickness ratio less
pipe-wall thickness. The depth of a than 70.
dent is measured as the gap between
(b) Each circumferential weld of steel
the lowest point of the dent and a pro-
pipe which is located where the stress
longation of the original contour of the
during bending causes a permanent de-
(c) Each arc burn on steel pipe to be formation in the pipe must be non-
operated at a pressure that produces a destructively tested either before or
hoop stress of 40 percent, or more, of after the bending process.
SMYS must be repaired or removed. If (c) Wrought-steel welding elbows and
a repair is made by grinding, the arc transverse segments of these elbows
burn must be completely removed and may not be used for changes in direc-
the remaining wall thickness must be tion on steel pipe that is 2 inches (51
at least equal to either: millimeters) or more in diameter un-
(1) The minimum wall thickness re- less the arc length, as measured along
quired by the tolerances in the speci- the crotch, is at least 1 inch (25 milli-
fication to which the pipe was manu- meters).
factured; or
[Amdt. No. 19226, 41 FR 26018, June 24, 1976,
(2) The nominal wall thickness re- as amended by Amdt. 19229, 42 FR 42866,
quired for the design pressure of the Aug. 25, 1977; Amdt. 19229, 42 FR 60148, Nov.
pipeline. 25, 1977; Amdt. 19249, 50 FR 13225, Apr. 3,
(d) A gouge, groove, arc burn, or dent 1985; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
may not be repaired by insert patching
or by pounding out. 192.315 Wrinkle bends in steel pipe.
(e) Each gouge, groove, arc burn, or
(a) A wrinkle bend may not be made
dent that is removed from a length of
on steel pipe to be operated at a pres-
pipe must be removed by cutting out
sure that produces a hoop stress of 30
the damaged portion as a cylinder.
percent, or more, of SMYS.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by (b) Each wrinkle bend on steel pipe
Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt. must comply with the following:
19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192
88, 64 FR 69664, Dec. 14, 1999] (1) The bend must not have any sharp
192.311 Repair of plastic pipe. (2) When measured along the crotch
Each imperfection or damage that of the bend, the wrinkles must be a dis-
would impair the serviceability of plas- tance of at least one pipe diameter.
tic pipe must be repaired or removed. (3) On pipe 16 inches (406 millimeters)
or larger in diameter, the bend may
[Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003]
not have a deflection of more than 112
192.313 Bends and elbows. for each wrinkle.
(4) On pipe containing a longitudinal
(a) Each field bend in steel pipe,
weld the longitudinal seam must be as
other than a wrinkle bend made in ac-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

near as practicable to the neutral axis

cordance with 192.315, must comply
with the following: of the bend.
(1) A bend must not impair the serv- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
iceability of the pipe. Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]


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192.317 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

192.317 Protection from hazards. of water must be installed so that the

(a) The operator must take all prac- top of the pipe is 36 inches (914 milli-
ticable steps to protect each trans- meters) below the seabed for normal
mission line or main from washouts, excavation or 18 inches (457 millime-
floods, unstable soil, landslides, or ters) for rock excavation.
other hazards that may cause the pipe- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
line to move or to sustain abnormal Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976;
loads. In addition, the operator must Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
take all practicable steps to protect 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
offshore pipelines from damage by mud
slides, water currents, hurricanes, ship 192.321 Installation of plastic pipe.
anchors, and fishing operations. (a) Plastic pipe must be installed
(b) Each aboveground transmission below ground level except as provided
line or main, not located offshore or in by paragraphs (g) and (h) of this sec-
inland navigable water areas, must be tion.
protected from accidental damage by (b) Plastic pipe that is installed in a
vehicular traffic or other similar vault or any other below grade enclo-
causes, either by being placed at a safe sure must be completely encased in
distance from the traffic or by install- gas-tight metal pipe and fittings that
ing barricades. are adequately protected from corro-
(c) Pipelines, including pipe risers, on sion.
each platform located offshore or in in- (c) Plastic pipe must be installed so
land navigable waters must be pro- as to minimize shear or tensile
tected from accidental damage by ves-
(d) Thermoplastic pipe that is not en-
[Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976, as cased must have a minimum wall
amended by Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June thickness of 0.090 inch (2.29 millime-
6, 1996] ters), except that pipe with an outside
192.319 Installation of pipe in a diameter of 0.875 inch (22.3 millimeters)
ditch. or less may have a minimum wall
thickness of 0.062 inch (1.58 millime-
(a) When installed in a ditch, each ters).
transmission line that is to be operated
(e) Plastic pipe that is not encased
at a pressure producing a hoop stress of
must have an electrically conducting
20 percent or more of SMYS must be
wire or other means of locating the
installed so that the pipe fits the ditch
so as to minimize stresses and protect pipe while it is underground. Tracer
the pipe coating from damage. wire may not be wrapped around the
(b) When a ditch for a transmission pipe and contact with the pipe must be
line or main is backfilled, it must be minimized but is not prohibited. Tracer
backfilled in a manner that: wire or other metallic elements in-
(1) Provides firm support under the stalled for pipe locating purposes must
pipe; and be resistant to corrosion damage, ei-
(2) Prevents damage to the pipe and ther by use of coated copper wire or by
pipe coating from equipment or from other means.
the backfill material. (f) Plastic pipe that is being encased
(c) All offshore pipe in water at least must be inserted into the casing pipe in
12 feet (3.7 meters) deep but not more a manner that will protect the plastic.
than 200 feet (61 meters) deep, as meas- The leading end of the plastic must be
ured from the mean low tide, except closed before insertion.
pipe in the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets (g) Uncased plastic pipe may be tem-
under 15 feet (4.6 meters) of water, porarily installed above ground level
must be installed so that the top of the under the following conditions:
pipe is below the natural bottom unless (1) The operator must be able to dem-
the pipe is supported by stanchions, onstrate that the cumulative above-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

held in place by anchors or heavy con- ground exposure of the pipe does not
crete coating, or protected by an equiv- exceed the manufacturers rec-
alent means. Pipe in the Gulf of Mexico ommended maximum period of expo-
and its inlets under 15 feet (4.6 meters) sure or 2 years, whichever is less.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.327

(2) The pipe either is located where damage that might result from prox-
damage by external forces is unlikely imity to other structures.
or is otherwise protected against such (c) In addition to meeting the re-
damage. quirements of paragraph (a) or (b) of
(3) The pipe adequately resists expo- this section, each plastic transmission
sure to ultraviolet light and high and line or main must be installed with suf-
low temperatures. ficient clearance, or must be insulated,
(h) Plastic pipe may be installed on from any source of heat so as to pre-
bridges provided that it is: vent the heat from impairing the serv-
(1) Installed with protection from iceability of the pipe.
mechanical damage, such as installa- (d) Each pipe-type or bottle-type
tion in a metallic casing; holder must be installed with a min-
(2) Protected from ultraviolet radi- imum clearance from any other holder
ation; and as prescribed in 192.175(b).
(3) Not allowed to exceed the pipe [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
temperature limits specified in Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
192.327 Cover.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192 (c), (e), (f), and (g) of this section, each
93, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003; Amdt. 19294, 69 buried transmission line must be in-
FR 32895, June 14, 2004] stalled with a minimum cover as fol-
192.323 Casing.
Each casing used on a transmission Location Normal soil dated rock
line or main under a railroad or high-
Inches (Millimeters).
way must comply with the following: Class 1 locations ........................... 30 (762) 18 (457)
(a) The casing must be designed to Class 2, 3, and 4 locations ........... 36 (914) 24 (610)
withstand the superimposed loads. Drainage ditches of public roads
and railroad crossings ............... 36 (914) 24 (610)
(b) If there is a possibility of water
entering the casing, the ends must be (b) Except as provided in paragraphs
sealed. (c) and (d) of this section, each buried
(c) If the ends of an unvented casing main must be installed with at least 24
are sealed and the sealing is strong inches (610 millimeters) of cover.
enough to retain the maximum allow- (c) Where an underground structure
able operating pressure of the pipe, the prevents the installation of a trans-
casing must be designed to hold this mission line or main with the min-
pressure at a stress level of not more imum cover, the transmission line or
than 72 percent of SMYS. main may be installed with less cover
(d) If vents are installed on a casing, if it is provided with additional protec-
the vents must be protected from the tion to withstand anticipated external
weather to prevent water from enter- loads.
ing the casing. (d) A main may be installed with less
than 24 inches (610 millimeters) of
192.325 Underground clearance. cover if the law of the State or munici-
(a) Each transmission line must be pality:
installed with at least 12 inches (305 (1) Establishes a minimum cover of
millimeters) of clearance from any less than 24 inches (610 millimeters);
other underground structure not asso- (2) Requires that mains be installed
ciated with the transmission line. If in a common trench with other utility
this clearance cannot be attained, the lines; and
transmission line must be protected (3) Provides adequately for preven-
from damage that might result from tion of damage to the pipe by external
the proximity of the other structure. forces.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) Each main must be installed with (e) Except as provided in paragraph
enough clearance from any other un- (c) of this section, all pipe installed in
derground structure to allow proper a navigable river, stream, or harbor
maintenance and to protect against must be installed with a minimum


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192.328 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

cover of 48 inches (1,219 millimeters) in (g) All pipelines installed under

soil or 24 inches (610 millimeters) in water in the Gulf of Mexico and its in-
consolidated rock between the top of lets, as defined in 192.3, must be in-
the pipe and the underwater natural stalled in accordance with
bottom (as determined by recognized 192.612(b)(3).
and generally accepted practices).
(f) All pipe installed offshore, except [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
in the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets, Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976;
under water not more than 200 feet (60 Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
meters) deep, as measured from the 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192
98, 69 FR 48406, Aug. 10, 2004]
mean low tide, must be installed as fol-
lows: 192.328 Additional construction re-
(1) Except as provided in paragraph quirements for steel pipe using al-
(c) of this section, pipe under water ternative maximum allowable oper-
less than 12 feet (3.66 meters) deep, ating pressure.
must be installed with a minimum
cover of 36 inches (914 millimeters) in For a new or existing pipeline seg-
soil or 18 inches (457 millimeters) in ment to be eligible for operation at the
consolidated rock between the top of alternative maximum allowable oper-
the pipe and the natural bottom. ating pressure calculated under
(2) Pipe under water at least 12 feet 192.620, a segment must meet the fol-
(3.66 meters) deep must be installed so lowing additional construction require-
that the top of the pipe is below the ments. Records must be maintained,
natural bottom, unless the pipe is sup- for the useful life of the pipeline, dem-
ported by stanchions, held in place by onstrating compliance with these re-
anchors or heavy concrete coating, or quirements:
protected by an equivalent means.
To address this construction The pipeline segment must meet this additional construction requirement:

(a) Quality assurance ............... (1) The construction of the pipeline segment must be done under a quality assurance plan ad-
dressing pipe inspection, hauling and stringing, field bending, welding, non-destructive ex-
amination of girth welds, applying and testing field applied coating, lowering of the pipeline
into the ditch, padding and backfilling, and hydrostatic testing.
(2) The quality assurance plan for applying and testing field applied coating to girth welds
must be:
(i) Equivalent to that required under 192.112(f)(3) for pipe; and
(ii) Performed by an individual with the knowledge, skills, and ability to assure effective coating
(b) Girth welds .......................... (1) All girth welds on a new pipeline segment must be non-destructively examined in accord-
ance with 192.243(b) and (c).
(c) Depth of cover ..................... (1) Notwithstanding any lesser depth of cover otherwise allowed in 192.327, there must be at
least 36 inches (914 millimeters) of cover or equivalent means to protect the pipeline from
outside force damage.
(2) In areas where deep tilling or other activities could threaten the pipeline, the top of the
pipeline must be installed at least one foot below the deepest expected penetration of the
(d) Initial strength testing .......... (1) The pipeline segment must not have experienced failures indicative of systemic material
defects during strength testing, including initial hydrostatic testing. A root cause analysis, in-
cluding metallurgical examination of the failed pipe, must be performed for any failure expe-
rienced to verify that it is not indicative of a systemic concern. The results of this root cause
analysis must be reported to each PHMSA pipeline safety regional office where the pipe is
in service at least 60 days prior to operating at the alternative MAOP. An operator must also
notify a State pipeline safety authority when the pipeline is located in a State where PHMSA
has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate pipeline is regulated by that State.
(e) Interference currents ........... (1) For a new pipeline segment, the construction must address the impacts of induced alter-
nating current from parallel electric transmission lines and other known sources of potential
interference with corrosion control.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.361
[72 FR 62176, Oct. 17, 2008] (3) Be protected from damage caused
by submergence in areas where flood-
Subpart HCustomer Meters, ing may occur.
Service Regulators, and Serv- (c) Pits and vaults. Each pit or vault
ice Lines that houses a customer meter or regu-
lator at a place where vehicular traffic
192.351 Scope. is anticipated, must be able to support
This subpart prescribes minimum re- that traffic.
quirements for installing customer me- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
ters, service regulators, service lines, Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988]
service line valves, and service line
connections to mains. 192.357 Customer meters and regu-
lators: Installation.
192.353 Customer meters and regu- (a) Each meter and each regulator
lators: Location.
must be installed so as to minimize an-
(a) Each meter and service regulator, ticipated stresses upon the connecting
whether inside or outside a building, piping and the meter.
must be installed in a readily acces- (b) When close all-thread nipples are
sible location and be protected from used, the wall thickness remaining
corrosion and other damage, including, after the threads are cut must meet
if installed outside a building, vehic- the minimum wall thickness require-
ular damage that may be anticipated. ments of this part.
However, the upstream regulator in a (c) Connections made of lead or other
series may be buried. easily damaged material may not be
(b) Each service regulator installed used in the installation of meters or
within a building must be located as regulators.
near as practical to the point of service (d) Each regulator that might release
line entrance. gas in its operation must be vented to
(c) Each meter installed within a the outside atmosphere.
building must be located in a venti-
lated place and not less than 3 feet (914 192.359 Customer meter installations:
millimeters) from any source of igni- Operating pressure.
tion or any source of heat which might
(a) A meter may not be used at a
damage the meter.
pressure that is more than 67 percent
(d) Where feasible, the upstream reg-
of the manufacturers shell test pres-
ulator in a series must be located out-
side the building, unless it is located in sure.
a separate metering or regulating (b) Each newly installed meter manu-
building. factured after November 12, 1970, must
have been tested to a minimum of 10
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage.
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; (c) A rebuilt or repaired tinned steel
Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003]
case meter may not be used at a pres-
192.355 Customer meters and regu- sure that is more than 50 percent of the
lators: Protection from damage. pressure used to test the meter after
rebuilding or repairing.
(a) Protection from vacuum or back
pressure. If the customers equipment [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
might create either a vacuum or a back Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt.
pressure, a device must be installed to 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
protect the system.
(b) Service regulator vents and relief 192.361 Service lines: Installation.
vents. Service regulator vents and re- (a) Depth. Each buried service line
lief vents must terminate outdoors, must be installed with at least 12
and the outdoor terminal must inches (305 millimeters) of cover in pri-
(1) Be rain and insect resistant; vate property and at least 18 inches
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) Be located at a place where gas (457 millimeters) of cover in streets and
from the vent can escape freely into roads. However, where an underground
the atmosphere and away from any structure prevents installation at
opening into the building; and those depths, the service line must be


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192.363 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

able to withstand any anticipated ex- means of locating the pipe that com-
ternal load. plies with 192.321(e).
(b) Support and backfill. Each service [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
line must be properly supported on un- Amdt. 19275, 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt.
disturbed or well-compacted soil, and 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192
material used for backfill must be free 93, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003]
of materials that could damage the
pipe or its coating. 192.363 Service lines: Valve require-
(c) Grading for drainage. Where con- ments.
densate in the gas might cause inter- (a) Each service line must have a
ruption in the gas supply to the cus- service-line valve that meets the appli-
tomer, the service line must be graded cable requirements of subparts B and D
so as to drain into the main or into of this part. A valve incorporated in a
drips at the low points in the service meter bar, that allows the meter to be
line. bypassed, may not be used as a service-
(d) Protection against piping strain and line valve.
external loading. Each service line must (b) A soft seat service line valve may
be installed so as to minimize antici- not be used if its ability to control the
pated piping strain and external load- flow of gas could be adversely affected
ing. by exposure to anticipated heat.
(e) Installation of service lines into (c) Each service-line valve on a high-
buildings. Each underground service pressure service line, installed above
line installed below grade through the ground or in an area where the blowing
outer foundation wall of a building of gas would be hazardous, must be de-
must: signed and constructed to minimize the
(1) In the case of a metal service line, possibility of the removal of the core of
be protected against corrosion; the valve with other than specialized
(2) In the case of a plastic service tools.
line, be protected from shearing action
192.365 Service lines: Location of
and backfill settlement; and valves.
(3) Be sealed at the foundation wall
to prevent leakage into the building. (a) Relation to regulator or meter. Each
service-line valve must be installed up-
(f) Installation of service lines under
stream of the regulator or, if there is
buildings. Where an underground serv-
no regulator, upstream of the meter.
ice line is installed under a building:
(b) Outside valves. Each service line
(1) It must be encased in a gas tight
must have a shut-off valve in a readily
accessible location that, if feasible, is
(2) The conduit and the service line outside of the building.
must, if the service line supplies the
(c) Underground valves. Each under-
building it underlies, extend into a nor-
ground service-line valve must be lo-
mally usable and accessible part of the cated in a covered durable curb box or
building; and standpipe that allows ready operation
(3) The space between the conduit of the valve and is supported independ-
and the service line must be sealed to ently of the service lines.
prevent gas leakage into the building
and, if the conduit is sealed at both 192.367 Service lines: General re-
ends, a vent line from the annular quirements for connections to main
space must extend to a point where gas piping.
would not be a hazard, and extend (a) Location. Each service line con-
above grade, terminating in a rain and nection to a main must be located at
insect resistant fitting. the top of the main or, if that is not
(g) Locating underground service lines. practical, at the side of the main, un-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Each underground nonmetallic service less a suitable protective device is in-

line that is not encased must have a stalled to minimize the possibility of
dust and moisture being carried from
the main into the service line.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.381

(b) Compression-type connection to (1) It may be installed in accordance

main. Each compression-type service with 192.321(g); and
line to main connection must: (2) It may terminate above ground
(1) Be designed and installed to effec- level and outside the building, if
tively sustain the longitudinal pull-out (i) The above ground level part of the
or thrust forces caused by contraction plastic service line is protected against
or expansion of the piping, or by antici- deterioration and external damage; and
pated external or internal loading; and (ii) The plastic service line is not
(2) If gaskets are used in connecting used to support external loads.
the service line to the main connection (b) Each plastic service line inside a
fitting, have gaskets that are compat- building must be protected against ex-
ible with the kind of gas in the system. ternal damage.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19275, 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996] Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996]

192.369 Service lines: Connections to 192.377 Service lines: Copper.

cast iron or ductile iron mains. Each copper service line installed
(a) Each service line connected to a within a building must be protected
cast iron or ductile iron main must be against external damage.
connected by a mechanical clamp, by
drilling and tapping the main, or by 192.379 New service lines not in use.
another method meeting the require- Each service line that is not placed
ments of 192.273. in service upon completion of installa-
(b) If a threaded tap is being inserted, tion must comply with one of the fol-
the requirements of 192.151 (b) and (c) lowing until the customer is supplied
must also be met. with gas:
(a) The valve that is closed to pre-
192.371 Service lines: Steel. vent the flow of gas to the customer
Each steel service line to be operated must be provided with a locking device
at less than 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage or other means designed to prevent the
must be constructed of pipe designed opening of the valve by persons other
for a minimum of 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) than those authorized by the operator.
gage. (b) A mechanical device or fitting
that will prevent the flow of gas must
[Amdt. 1921, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970, as be installed in the service line or in the
amended by Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July meter assembly.
13, 1998] (c) The customers piping must be
192.373 Service lines: Cast iron and physically disconnected from the gas
ductile iron. supply and the open pipe ends sealed.
(a) Cast or ductile iron pipe less than [Amdt. 1928, 37 FR 20694, Oct. 3, 1972]
6 inches (152 millimeters) in diameter
192.381 Service lines: Excess flow
may not be installed for service lines. valve performance standards.
(b) If cast iron pipe or ductile iron
pipe is installed for use as a service (a) Excess flow valves to be used on
line, the part of the service line which single residence service lines that oper-
extends through the building wall must ate continuously throughout the year
be of steel pipe. at a pressure not less than 10 p.s.i. (69
(c) A cast iron or ductile iron service kPa) gage must be manufactured and
line may not be installed in unstable tested by the manufacturer according
soil or under a building. to an industry specification, or the
manufacturers written specification,
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by to ensure that each valve will:
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] (1) Function properly up to the max-
imum operating pressure at which the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.375 Service lines: Plastic. valve is rated;

(a) Each plastic service line outside a (2) Function properly at all tempera-
building must be installed below tures reasonably expected in the oper-
ground level, except that ating environment of the service line;


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192.383 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(3) At 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage: service line to the main and serves
(i) Close at, or not more than 50 per- only one single-family residence.
cent above, the rated closure flow rate (b) Installation required. An excess
specified by the manufacturer; and flow valve (EFV) installation must
(ii) Upon closure, reduce gas flow comply with the performance stand-
(A) For an excess flow valve designed ards in 192.381. The operator must in-
to allow pressure to equalize across the stall an EFV on any new or replaced
valve, to no more than 5 percent of the service line serving a single-family res-
manufacturers specified closure flow idence after February 12, 2010, unless
rate, up to a maximum of 20 cubic feet one or more of the following conditions
per hour (0.57 cubic meters per hour);
is present:
(B) For an excess flow valve designed (1) The service line does not operate
to prevent equalization of pressure at a pressure of 10 psig or greater
across the valve, to no more than 0.4 throughout the year;
cubic feet per hour (.01 cubic meters (2) The operator has prior experience
per hour); and with contaminants in the gas stream
(4) Not close when the pressure is less that could interfere with the EFVs op-
than the manufacturers minimum eration or cause loss of service to a res-
specified operating pressure and the idence;
flow rate is below the manufacturers (3) An EFV could interfere with nec-
minimum specified closure flow rate. essary operation or maintenance ac-
(b) An excess flow valve must meet tivities, such as blowing liquids from
the applicable requirements of Sub- the line; or
parts B and D of this part. (4) An EFV meeting performance
(c) An operator must mark or other- standards in 192.381 is not commer-
wise identify the presence of an excess cially available to the operator.
flow valve in the service line. (c) Reporting. Each operator must re-
(d) An operator shall locate an excess port the EFV measures detailed in the
flow valve as near as practical to the annual report required by 191.11.
fitting connecting the service line to
its source of gas supply. [Amdt. 192113, 74 FR 63934, Dec. 4, 2009, as
(e) An operator should not install an amended at 75 FR 5244, Feb. 2, 2010; 76 FR
excess flow valve on a service line 5499, Feb. 1, 2011]
where the operator has prior experi-
ence with contaminants in the gas Subpart IRequirements for
stream, where these contaminants Corrosion Control
could be expected to cause the excess
flow valve to malfunction or where the SOURCE: Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30,
excess flow valve would interfere with 1971, unless otherwise noted.
necessary operation and maintenance
activities on the service, such as blow- 192.451 Scope.
ing liquids from the line.
(a) This subpart prescribes minimum
[Amdt. 19279, 61 FR 31459, June 20, 1996, as requirements for the protection of me-
amended by Amdt. 19280, 62 FR 2619, Jan. 17, tallic pipelines from external, internal,
1997; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
and atmospheric corrosion.
192.383 Excess flow valve installa- (b) [Reserved]
tion. [Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
(a) Definitions. As used in this sec- amended by Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug.
tion: 16, 1976; Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5,
Replaced service line means a gas serv- 1978]
ice line where the fitting that connects
the service line to the main is replaced 192.452 How does this subpart apply
or the piping connected to this fitting to converted pipelines and regu-
lated onshore gathering lines?
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

is replaced.
Service line serving single-family resi- (a) Converted pipelines. Notwith-
dence means a gas service line that be- standing the date the pipeline was in-
gins at the fitting that connects the stalled or any earlier deadlines for


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.455

compliance, each pipeline which quali- against external corrosion, including

fies for use under this part in accord- the following:
ance with 192.14 must meet the re- (1) It must have an external protec-
quirements of this subpart specifically tive coating meeting the requirements
applicable to pipelines installed before of 192.461.
August 1, 1971, and all other applicable (2) It must have a cathodic protec-
requirements within 1 year after the tion system designed to protect the
pipeline is readied for service. How- pipeline in accordance with this sub-
ever, the requirements of this subpart part, installed and placed in operation
specifically applicable to pipelines in- within 1 year after completion of con-
stalled after July 31, 1971, apply if the struction.
pipeline substantially meets those re- (b) An operator need not comply with
quirements before it is readied for serv- paragraph (a) of this section, if the op-
ice or it is a segment which is replaced, erator can demonstrate by tests, inves-
relocated, or substantially altered. tigation, or experience in the area of
(b) Regulated onshore gathering lines. application, including, as a minimum,
For any regulated onshore gathering soil resistivity measurements and tests
line under 192.9 existing on April 14, for corrosion accelerating bacteria,
2006, that was not previously subject to that a corrosive environment does not
this part, and for any onshore gath- exist. However, within 6 months after
ering line that becomes a regulated on- an installation made pursuant to the
shore gathering line under 192.9 after preceding sentence, the operator shall
April 14, 2006, because of a change in conduct tests, including pipe-to-soil
class location or increase in dwelling
potential measurements with respect
to either a continuous reference elec-
(1) The requirements of this subpart trode or an electrode using close spac-
specifically applicable to pipelines in- ing, not to exceed 20 feet (6 meters),
stalled before August 1, 1971, apply to
and soil resistivity measurements at
the gathering line regardless of the
potential profile peak locations, to
date the pipeline was actually in-
adequately evaluate the potential pro-
stalled; and
file along the entire pipeline. If the
(2) The requirements of this subpart tests made indicate that a corrosive
specifically applicable to pipelines in- condition exists, the pipeline must be
stalled after July 31, 1971, apply only if cathodically protected in accordance
the pipeline substantially meets those with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(c) An operator need not comply with
[Amdt. 19230, 42 FR 60148, Nov. 25, 1977, as paragraph (a) of this section, if the op-
amended by Amdt. 192102, 71 FR 13303, Mar. erator can demonstrate by tests, inves-
15, 2006] tigation, or experience that
(1) For a copper pipeline, a corrosive
192.453 General.
environment does not exist; or
The corrosion control procedures re- (2) For a temporary pipeline with an
quired by 192.605(b)(2), including those operating period of service not to ex-
for the design, installation, operation, ceed 5 years beyond installation, corro-
and maintenance of cathodic protec- sion during the 5-year period of service
tion systems, must be carried out by, of the pipeline will not be detrimental
or under the direction of, a person to public safety.
qualified in pipeline corrosion control (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of
methods. paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, if a
[Amdt. 19271, 59 FR 6584, Feb. 11, 1994] pipeline is externally coated, it must
be cathodically protected in accord-
192.455 External corrosion control: ance with paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
Buried or submerged pipelines in- tion.
stalled after July 31, 1971. (e) Aluminum may not be installed in
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs a buried or submerged pipeline if that

(b), (c), and (f) of this section, each bur- aluminum is exposed to an environ-
ied or submerged pipeline installed ment with a natural pH in excess of 8,
after July 31, 1971, must be protected unless tests or experience indicate its


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192.457 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

suitability in the particular environ- 192.459 External corrosion control:

ment involved. Examination of buried pipeline
(f) This section does not apply to when exposed.
electrically isolated, metal alloy fit- Whenever an operator has knowledge
tings in plastic pipelines, if: that any portion of a buried pipeline is
(1) For the size fitting to be used, an exposed, the exposed portion must be
operator can show by test, investiga- examined for evidence of external cor-
tion, or experience in the area of appli- rosion if the pipe is bare, or if the coat-
cation that adequate corrosion control ing is deteriorated. If external corro-
is provided by the alloy composition; sion requiring remedial action under
and 192.483 through 192.489 is found, the
(2) The fitting is designed to prevent operator shall investigate circumferen-
leakage caused by localized corrosion tially and longitudinally beyond the
pitting. exposed portion (by visual examina-
tion, indirect method, or both) to de-
[Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as termine whether additional corrosion
amended at Amdt. 19228, 42 FR 35654, July requiring remedial action exists in the
11, 1977; Amdt. 19239, 47 FR 9844, Mar. 8, 1982; vicinity of the exposed portion.
Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] [Amdt. 19287, 64 FR 56981, Oct. 22, 1999]

192.457 External corrosion control: 192.461 External corrosion control:

Buried or submerged pipelines in- Protective coating.
stalled before August 1, 1971.
(a) Each external protective coating,
(a) Except for buried piping at com- whether conductive or insulating, ap-
pressor, regulator, and measuring sta- plied for the purpose of external corro-
tions, each buried or submerged trans- sion control must
mission line installed before August 1, (1) Be applied on a properly prepared
1971, that has an effective external surface;
coating must be cathodically protected (2) Have sufficient adhesion to the
along the entire area that is effectively metal surface to effectively resist
coated, in accordance with this sub- underfilm migration of moisture;
part. For the purposes of this subpart, (3) Be sufficiently ductile to resist
a pipeline does not have an effective cracking;
external coating if its cathodic protec- (4) Have sufficient strength to resist
tion current requirements are substan- damage due to handling and soil stress;
tially the same as if it were bare. The and
operator shall make tests to determine (5) Have properties compatible with
the cathodic protection current re- any supplemental cathodic protection.
quirements. (b) Each external protective coating
(b) Except for cast iron or ductile which is an electrically insulating type
iron, each of the following buried or must also have low moisture absorp-
submerged pipelines installed before tion and high electrical resistance.
August 1, 1971, must be cathodically (c) Each external protective coating
protected in accordance with this sub- must be inspected just prior to low-
part in areas in which active corrosion ering the pipe into the ditch and back-
is found: filling, and any damage detrimental to
(1) Bare or ineffectively coated trans- effective corrosion control must be re-
mission lines.
(d) Each external protective coating
(2) Bare or coated pipes at com-
must be protected from damage result-
pressor, regulator, and measuring sta-
ing from adverse ditch conditions or
tions. damage from supporting blocks.
(3) Bare or coated distribution lines. (e) If coated pipe is installed by bor-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as ing, driving, or other similar method,
amended by Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept. precautions must be taken to minimize
5, 1978; Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, damage to the coating during installa-
2003] tion.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.467

192.463 External corrosion control: (c) Each reverse current switch, each
Cathodic protection. diode, and each interference bond
(a) Each cathodic protection system whose failure would jeopardize struc-
required by this subpart must provide a ture protection must be electrically
level of cathodic protection that com- checked for proper performance six
plies with one or more of the applicable times each calendar year, but with in-
criteria contained in appendix D of this tervals not exceeding 212 months. Each
part. If none of these criteria is appli- other interference bond must be
cable, the cathodic protection system checked at least once each calendar
must provide a level of cathodic pro- year, but with intervals not exceeding
tection at least equal to that provided 15 months.
by compliance with one or more of (d) Each operator shall take prompt
these criteria. remedial action to correct any defi-
(b) If amphoteric metals are included ciencies indicated by the monitoring.
in a buried or submerged pipeline con- (e) After the initial evaluation re-
taining a metal of different anodic po-
quired by 192.455(b) and (c) and
192.457(b), each operator must, not less
(1) The amphoteric metals must be
electrically isolated from the remain- than every 3 years at intervals not ex-
der of the pipeline and cathodically ceeding 39 months, reevaluate its un-
protected; or protected pipelines and cathodically
(2) The entire buried or submerged protect them in accordance with this
pipeline must be cathodically pro- subpart in areas in which active corro-
tected at a cathodic potential that sion is found. The operator must deter-
meets the requirements of appendix D mine the areas of active corrosion by
of this part for amphoteric metals. electrical survey. However, on distribu-
(c) The amount of cathodic protec- tion lines and where an electrical sur-
tion must be controlled so as not to vey is impractical on transmission
damage the protective coating or the lines, areas of active corrosion may be
pipe. determined by other means that in-
clude review and analysis of leak re-
192.465 External corrosion control: pair and inspection records, corrosion
Monitoring. monitoring records, exposed pipe in-
(a) Each pipeline that is under ca- spection records, and the pipeline envi-
thodic protection must be tested at ronment.
least once each calendar year, but with
intervals not exceeding 15 months, to [Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
determine whether the cathodic protec- amended by Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
5, 1978; Amdt. 19235A, 45 FR 23441, Apr. 7,
tion meets the requirements of
1980; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998;
192.463. However, if tests at those in- Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003;
tervals are impractical for separately Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48603, Aug. 11, 2010]
protected short sections of mains or
transmission lines, not in excess of 100 192.467 External corrosion control:
feet (30 meters), or separately pro- Electrical isolation.
tected service lines, these pipelines
(a) Each buried or submerged pipe-
may be surveyed on a sampling basis.
At least 10 percent of these protected line must be electrically isolated from
structures, distributed over the entire other underground metallic structures,
system must be surveyed each calendar unless the pipeline and the other struc-
year, with a different 10 percent tures are electrically interconnected
checked each subsequent year, so that and cathodically protected as a single
the entire system is tested in each 10 unit.
year period. (b) One or more insulating devices
(b) Each cathodic protection rectifier must be installed where electrical iso-
or other impressed current power lation of a portion of a pipeline is nec-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

source must be inspected six times essary to facilitate the application of

each calendar year, but with intervals corrosion control.
not exceeding 212 months, to insure (c) Except for unprotected copper in-
that it is operating. serted in ferrous pipe, each pipeline


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192.469 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

must be electrically isolated from me- have in effect a continuing program to

tallic casings that are a part of the un- minimize the detrimental effects of
derground system. However, if isola- such currents.
tion is not achieved because it is im- (b) Each impressed current type ca-
practical, other measures must be thodic protection system or galvanic
taken to minimize corrosion of the anode system must be designed and in-
pipeline inside the casing. stalled so as to minimize any adverse
(d) Inspection and electrical tests effects on existing adjacent under-
must be made to assure that electrical ground metallic structures.
isolation is adequate.
(e) An insulating device may not be [Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
installed in an area where a combus- amended by Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
5, 1978]
tible atmosphere is anticipated unless
precautions are taken to prevent arc- 192.475 Internal corrosion control:
ing. General.
(f) Where a pipeline is located in
close proximity to electrical trans- (a) Corrosive gas may not be trans-
mission tower footings, ground cables ported by pipeline, unless the corrosive
or counterpoise, or in other areas effect of the gas on the pipeline has
where fault currents or unusual risk of been investigated and steps have been
lightning may be anticipated, it must taken to minimize internal corrosion.
be provided with protection against (b) Whenever any pipe is removed
damage due to fault currents or light- from a pipeline for any reason, the in-
ning, and protective measures must ternal surface must be inspected for
also be taken at insulating devices. evidence of corrosion. If internal corro-
sion is found
[Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
amended by Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept. (1) The adjacent pipe must be inves-
5, 1978] tigated to determine the extent of in-
ternal corrosion;
192.469 External corrosion control: (2) Replacement must be made to the
Test stations. extent required by the applicable para-
Each pipeline under cathodic protec- graphs of 192.485, 192.487, or 192.489;
tion required by this subpart must and
have sufficient test stations or other (3) Steps must be taken to minimize
contact points for electrical measure- the internal corrosion.
ment to determine the adequacy of ca- (c) Gas containing more than 0.25
thodic protection. grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic
[Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976] feet (5.8 milligrams/m.3) at standard
conditions (4 parts per million) may
192.471 External corrosion control: not be stored in pipe-type or bottle-
Test leads. type holders.
(a) Each test lead wire must be con- [Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
nected to the pipeline so as to remain amended by Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
mechanically secure and electrically 5, 1978; Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996;
conductive. Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
(b) Each test lead wire must be at-
tached to the pipeline so as to mini- 192.476 Internal corrosion control:
mize stress concentration on the pipe. Design and construction of trans-
(c) Each bared test lead wire and mission line.
bared metallic area at point of connec- (a) Design and construction. Except as
tion to the pipeline must be coated provided in paragraph (b) of this sec-
with an electrical insulating material tion, each new transmission line and
compatible with the pipe coating and each replacement of line pipe, valve,
the insulation on the wire. fitting, or other line component in a
transmission line must have features
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.473 External corrosion control: incorporated into its design and con-
Interference currents. struction to reduce the risk of internal
(a) Each operator whose pipeline sys- corrosion. At a minimum, unless it is
tem is subjected to stray currents shall impracticable or unnecessary to do so,


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.483

each new transmission line or replace- 192.479 Atmospheric corrosion con-

ment of line pipe, valve, fitting, or trol: General.
other line component in a transmission (a) Each operator must clean and
line must: coat each pipeline or portion of pipe-
(1) Be configured to reduce the risk line that is exposed to the atmosphere,
that liquids will collect in the line; except pipelines under paragraph (c) of
(2) Have effective liquid removal fea- this section.
tures whenever the configuration (b) Coating material must be suitable
would allow liquids to collect; and for the prevention of atmospheric cor-
(3) Allow use of devices for moni- rosion.
toring internal corrosion at locations (c) Except portions of pipelines in off-
with significant potential for internal shore splash zones or soil-to-air inter-
corrosion. faces, the operator need not protect
(b) Exceptions to applicability. The de- from atmospheric corrosion any pipe-
sign and construction requirements of line for which the operator dem-
paragraph (a) of this section do not onstrates by test, investigation, or ex-
apply to the following: perience appropriate to the environ-
(1) Offshore pipeline; and ment of the pipeline that corrosion
(2) Pipeline installed or line pipe,
(1) Only be a light surface oxide; or
valve, fitting or other line component
(2) Not affect the safe operation of
replaced before May 23, 2007.
the pipeline before the next scheduled
(c) Change to existing transmission line.
When an operator changes the configu-
ration of a transmission line, the oper- [Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003]
ator must evaluate the impact of the
change on internal corrosion risk to 192.481 Atmospheric corrosion con-
trol: Monitoring.
the downstream portion of an existing
onshore transmission line and provide (a) Each operator must inspect each
for removal of liquids and monitoring pipeline or portion of pipeline that is
of internal corrosion as appropriate. exposed to the atmosphere for evidence
(d) Records. An operator must main- of atmospheric corrosion, as follows:
tain records demonstrating compliance If the pipeline is lo- Then the frequency of inspection is:
with this section. Provided the records cated:
show why incorporating design fea- Onshore ................. At least once every 3 calendar years,
tures addressing paragraph (a)(1), but with intervals not exceeding 39
(a)(2), or (a)(3) of this section is im- months
Offshore ................. At least once each calendar year, but
practicable or unnecessary, an operator with intervals not exceeding 15
may fulfill this requirement through months
written procedures supported by as-
built drawings or other construction (b) During inspections the operator
records. must give particular attention to pipe
at soil-to-air interfaces, under thermal
[72 FR 20059, Apr. 23, 2007]
insulation, under disbonded coatings,
192.477 Internal corrosion control: at pipe supports, in splash zones, at
Monitoring. deck penetrations, and in spans over
If corrosive gas is being transported, (c) If atmospheric corrosion is found
coupons or other suitable means must during an inspection, the operator
be used to determine the effectiveness must provide protection against the
of the steps taken to minimize internal corrosion as required by 192.479.
corrosion. Each coupon or other means
of monitoring internal corrosion must [Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003]
be checked two times each calendar
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.483 Remedial measures: General.

year, but with intervals not exceeding
712 months. (a) Each segment of metallic pipe
that replaces pipe removed from a bur-
[Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept. 5, 1978] ied or submerged pipeline because of


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192.485 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

external corrosion must have a prop- pipe wall, subject to the limitations
erly prepared surface and must be pro- prescribed in the procedures.
vided with an external protective coat- [Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
ing that meets the requirements of amended by Amdt. 19233, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
192.461. 5, 1978; Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996;
(b) Each segment of metallic pipe Amdt. 19288, 64 FR 69664, Dec. 14, 1999]
that replaces pipe removed from a bur-
192.487 Remedial measures: Distribu-
ied or submerged pipeline because of tion lines other than cast iron or
external corrosion must be cathodi- ductile iron lines.
cally protected in accordance with this (a) General corrosion. Except for cast
subpart. iron or ductile iron pipe, each segment
(c) Except for cast iron or ductile of generally corroded distribution line
iron pipe, each segment of buried or pipe with a remaining wall thickness
submerged pipe that is required to be less than that required for the MAOP
repaired because of external corrosion of the pipeline, or a remaining wall
must be cathodically protected in ac- thickness less than 30 percent of the
cordance with this subpart. nominal wall thickness, must be re-
placed. However, corroded pipe may be
192.485 Remedial measures: Trans- repaired by a method that reliable en-
mission lines. gineering tests and analyses show can
(a) General corrosion. Each segment of permanently restore the serviceability
transmission line with general corro- of the pipe. Corrosion pitting so closely
sion and with a remaining wall thick- grouped as to affect the overall
ness less than that required for the strength of the pipe is considered gen-
MAOP of the pipeline must be replaced eral corrosion for the purpose of this
or the operating pressure reduced com- paragraph.
(b) Localized corrosion pitting. Except
mensurate with the strength of the
for cast iron or ductile iron pipe, each
pipe based on actual remaining wall
segment of distribution line pipe with
thickness. However, corroded pipe may localized corrosion pitting to a degree
be repaired by a method that reliable where leakage might result must be re-
engineering tests and analyses show placed or repaired.
can permanently restore the service-
ability of the pipe. Corrosion pitting so [Amdt. 1924, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
amended by Amdt. 19288, 64 FR 69665, Dec.
closely grouped as to affect the overall 14, 1999]
strength of the pipe is considered gen-
eral corrosion for the purpose of this 192.489 Remedial measures: Cast
paragraph. iron and ductile iron pipelines.
(b) Localized corrosion pitting. Each (a) General graphitization. Each seg-
segment of transmission line pipe with ment of cast iron or ductile iron pipe
localized corrosion pitting to a degree on which general graphitization is
where leakage might result must be re- found to a degree where a fracture or
placed or repaired, or the operating any leakage might result, must be re-
pressure must be reduced commensu- placed.
rate with the strength of the pipe, (b) Localized graphitization. Each seg-
based on the actual remaining wall ment of cast iron or ductile iron pipe
thickness in the pits. on which localized graphitization is
(c) Under paragraphs (a) and (b) of found to a degree where any leakage
this section, the strength of pipe based might result, must be replaced or re-
on actual remaining wall thickness paired, or sealed by internal sealing
methods adequate to prevent or arrest
may be determined by the procedure in
any leakage.
ASME/ANSI B31G or the procedure in
AGA Pipeline Research Committee 192.490 Direct assessment.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Project PR 3805 (with RSTRENG

Each operator that uses direct as-
disk). Both procedures apply to cor- sessment as defined in 192.903 on an
roded regions that do not penetrate the onshore transmission line made pri-
marily of steel or iron to evaluate the


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.505

effects of a threat in the first column 192.503 General requirements.

must carry out the direct assessment (a) No person may operate a new seg-
according to the standard listed in the ment of pipeline, or return to service a
second column. These standards do not segment of pipeline that has been relo-
apply to methods associated with di- cated or replaced, until
rect assessment, such as close interval (1) It has been tested in accordance
surveys, voltage gradient surveys, or with this subpart and 192.619 to sub-
examination of exposed pipelines, when stantiate the maximum allowable oper-
used separately from the direct assess- ating pressure; and
ment process. (2) Each potentially hazardous leak
Threat Standard 1 has been located and eliminated.
(b) The test medium must be liquid,
External corrosion ..................................... 192.925 2 air, natural gas, or inert gas that is
Internal corrosion in pipelines that trans- 192.927 (1) Compatible with the material of
port dry gas.
Stress corrosion cracking ......................... 192.929
which the pipeline is constructed;
(2) Relatively free of sedimentary
1 For lines not subject to subpart O of this part, the terms
covered segment and covered pipeline segment in materials; and
192.925, 192.927, and 192.929 refer to the pipeline seg- (3) Except for natural gas, nonflam-
ment on which direct assessment is performed. mable.
2 In 192.925(b), the provision regarding detection of coat-
ing damage applies only to pipelines subject to subpart O of (c) Except as provided in 192.505(a),
this part. if air, natural gas, or inert gas is used
as the test medium, the following max-
[Amdt. 192101, 70 FR 61575, Oct. 25, 2005] imum hoop stress limitations apply:
192.491 Corrosion control records. Maximum hoop stress allowed as per-
centage of SMYS
(a) Each operator shall maintain Class location
records or maps to show the location of Natural gas Air or inert gas
cathodically protected piping, cathodic 1 ......................... 80 80
protection facilities, galvanic anodes, 2 ......................... 30 75
and neighboring structures bonded to 3 ......................... 30 50
4 ......................... 30 40
the cathodic protection system.
Records or maps showing a stated num- (d) Each joint used to tie in a test
ber of anodes, installed in a stated segment of pipeline is excepted from
manner or spacing, need not show spe- the specific test requirements of this
cific distances to each buried anode. subpart, but each non-welded joint
(b) Each record or map required by must be leak tested at not less than its
paragraph (a) of this section must be operating pressure.
retained for as long as the pipeline re-
mains in service. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt.
(c) Each operator shall maintain a 19260, 53 FR 36029, Sept. 16, 1988; Amdt. 192
record of each test, survey, or inspec- 60A, 54 FR 5485, Feb. 3, 1989]
tion required by this subpart in suffi-
cient detail to demonstrate the ade- 192.505 Strength test requirements
quacy of corrosion control measures or for steel pipeline to operate at a
that a corrosive condition does not hoop stress of 30 percent or more of
exist. These records must be retained SMYS.
for at least 5 years, except that records (a) Except for service lines, each seg-
related to 192.465 (a) and (e) and ment of a steel pipeline that is to oper-
192.475(b) must be retained for as long ate at a hoop stress of 30 percent or
as the pipeline remains in service. more of SMYS must be strength tested
in accordance with this section to sub-
[Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996]
stantiate the proposed maximum al-
lowable operating pressure. In addi-
Subpart JTest Requirements tion, in a Class 1 or Class 2 location, if
there is a building intended for human
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.501 Scope. occupancy within 300 feet (91 meters) of

This subpart prescribes minimum a pipeline, a hydrostatic test must be
leak-test and strength-test require- conducted to a test pressure of at least
ments for pipelines. 125 percent of maximum operating


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192.507 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

pressure on that segment of the pipe- 192.507 Test requirements for pipe-
line within 300 feet (91 meters) of such lines to operate at a hoop stress less
a building, but in no event may the than 30 percent of SMYS and at or
test section be less than 600 feet (183 above 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage.
meters) unless the length of the newly Except for service lines and plastic
installed or relocated pipe is less than pipelines, each segment of a pipeline
600 feet (183 meters). However, if the that is to be operated at a hoop stress
buildings are evacuated while the hoop less than 30 percent of SMYS and at or
stress exceeds 50 percent of SMYS, air above 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage must be
or inert gas may be used as the test tested in accordance with the fol-
medium. lowing:
(b) In a Class 1 or Class 2 location, (a) The pipeline operator must use a
each compressor station regulator sta- test procedure that will ensure dis-
tion, and measuring station, must be covery of all potentially hazardous
tested to at least Class 3 location test leaks in the segment being tested.
requirements. (b) If, during the test, the segment is
(c) Except as provided in paragraph to be stressed to 20 percent or more of
(e) of this section, the strength test SMYS and natural gas, inert gas, or air
must be conducted by maintaining the is the test medium
pressure at or above the test pressure (1) A leak test must be made at a
for at least 8 hours. pressure between 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa)
(d) If a component other than pipe is gage and the pressure required to
the only item being replaced or added produce a hoop stress of 20 percent of
to a pipeline, a strength test after in- SMYS; or
stallation is not required, if the manu- (2) The line must be walked to check
facturer of the component certifies for leaks while the hoop stress is held
that at approximately 20 percent of SMYS.
(1) The component was tested to at (c) The pressure must be maintained
least the pressure required for the pipe- at or above the test pressure for at
line to which it is being added; least 1 hour.
(2) The component was manufactured
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
under a quality control system that en- Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt.
sures that each item manufactured is 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
at least equal in strength to a proto-
type and that the prototype was tested 192.509 Test requirements for pipe-
to at least the pressure required for the lines to operate below 100 p.s.i. (689
pipeline to which it is being added; or kPa) gage.
(3) The component carries a pressure Except for service lines and plastic
rating established through applicable pipelines, each segment of a pipeline
ASME/ANSI, MSS specifications, or by that is to be operated below 100 p.s.i.
unit strength calculations as described (689 kPa) gage must be leak tested in
in 192.143. accordance with the following:
(e) For fabricated units and short (a) The test procedure used must en-
sections of pipe, for which a post in- sure discovery of all potentially haz-
stallation test is impractical, a pre- ardous leaks in the segment being test-
installation strength test must be con- ed.
ducted by maintaining the pressure at (b) Each main that is to be operated
or above the test pressure for at least at less than 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage must
4 hours. be tested to at least 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa)
gage and each main to be operated at
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998; or above 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage must be
Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 32895, June 14, 2004; tested to at least 90 p.s.i. (621 kPa)
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Amdt. 19594, 69 FR 54592, Sept. 9, 2004] gage.

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19258, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt.
19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.551

192.511 Test requirements for service 192.515 Environmental protection

lines. and safety requirements.
(a) Each segment of a service line (a) In conducting tests under this
(other than plastic) must be leak test- subpart, each operator shall insure
ed in accordance with this section be- that every reasonable precaution is
fore being placed in service. If feasible, taken to protect its employees and the
the service line connection to the main general public during the testing.
must be included in the test; if not fea- Whenever the hoop stress of the seg-
sible, it must be given a leakage test at
ment of the pipeline being tested will
the operating pressure when placed in
service. exceed 50 percent of SMYS, the oper-
(b) Each segment of a service line ator shall take all practicable steps to
(other than plastic) intended to be op- keep persons not working on the test-
erated at a pressure of at least 1 p.s.i. ing operation outside of the testing
(6.9 kPa) gage but not more than 40 area until the pressure is reduced to or
p.s.i. (276 kPa) gage must be given a below the proposed maximum allow-
leak test at a pressure of not less than able operating pressure.
50 p.s.i. (345 kPa) gage. (b) The operator shall insure that the
(c) Each segment of a service line test medium is disposed of in a manner
(other than plastic) intended to be op- that will minimize damage to the envi-
erated at pressures of more than 40 ronment.
p.s.i. (276 kPa) gage must be tested to
at least 90 p.s.i. (621 kPa) gage, except 192.517 Records.
that each segment of a steel service
(a) Each operator shall make, and re-
line stressed to 20 percent or more of
SMYS must be tested in accordance tain for the useful life of the pipeline,
with 192.507 of this subpart. a record of each test performed under
192.505 and 192.507. The record must
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by contain at least the following informa-
Amdt. 19274, 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt.
19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
(1) The operators name, the name of
192.513 Test requirements for plastic the operators employee responsible for
pipelines. making the test, and the name of any
(a) Each segment of a plastic pipeline test company used.
must be tested in accordance with this (2) Test medium used.
section. (3) Test pressure.
(b) The test procedure must insure (4) Test duration.
discovery of all potentially hazardous (5) Pressure recording charts, or
leaks in the segment being tested. other record of pressure readings.
(c) The test pressure must be at least
(6) Elevation variations, whenever
150 percent of the maximum operating
significant for the particular test.
pressure or 50 p.s.i. (345 kPa) gage,
whichever is greater. However, the (7) Leaks and failures noted and their
maximum test pressure may not be disposition.
more than three times the pressure de- (b) Each operator must maintain a
termined under 192.121, at a tempera- record of each test required by
ture not less than the pipe temperature 192.509, 192.511, and 192.513 for at least
during the test. 5 years.
(d) During the test, the temperature
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
of thermoplastic material may not be Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003]
more than 100 F (38 C), or the tem-
perature at which the materials long-
term hydrostatic strength has been de- Subpart KUprating
termined under the listed specification,
whichever is greater. 192.551 Scope.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by

This subpart prescribes minimum re-
Amdt. 19277, 61 FR 27793, June 3, 1996; 61 FR quirements for increasing maximum
45905, Aug. 30, 1996; Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, allowable operating pressures
July 13, 1998] (uprating) for pipelines.


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192.553 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

192.553 General requirements. to an operating pressure that will

(a) Pressure increases. Whenever the produce a hoop stress of 30 percent or
requirements of this subpart require more of SMYS and that is above the es-
that an increase in operating pressure tablished maximum allowable oper-
be made in increments, the pressure ating pressure.
must be increased gradually, at a rate (b) Before increasing operating pres-
that can be controlled, and in accord- sure above the previously established
ance with the following: maximum allowable operating pressure
(1) At the end of each incremental in- the operator shall:
crease, the pressure must be held con- (1) Review the design, operating, and
stant while the entire segment of pipe- maintenance history and previous test-
line that is affected is checked for ing of the segment of pipeline and de-
leaks. termine whether the proposed increase
(2) Each leak detected must be re- is safe and consistent with the require-
paired before a further pressure in- ments of this part; and
crease is made, except that a leak de- (2) Make any repairs, replacements,
termined not to be potentially haz- or alterations in the segment of pipe-
ardous need not be repaired, if it is line that are necessary for safe oper-
monitored during the pressure increase ation at the increased pressure.
and it does not become potentially haz- (c) After complying with paragraph
ardous. (b) of this section, an operator may in-
(b) Records. Each operator who crease the maximum allowable oper-
uprates a segment of pipeline shall re- ating pressure of a segment of pipeline
tain for the life of the segment a record constructed before September 12, 1970,
of each investigation required by this to the highest pressure that is per-
subpart, of all work performed, and of mitted under 192.619, using as test
each pressure test conducted, in con- pressure the highest pressure to which
nection with the uprating. the segment of pipeline was previously
(c) Written plan. Each operator who subjected (either in a strength test or
uprates a segment of pipeline shall es- in actual operation).
tablish a written procedure that will (d) After complying with paragraph
ensure that each applicable require- (b) of this section, an operator that
ment of this subpart is complied with. does not qualify under paragraph (c) of
(d) Limitation on increase in maximum this section may increase the pre-
allowable operating pressure. Except as viously established maximum allow-
provided in 192.555(c), a new maximum able operating pressure if at least one
allowable operating pressure estab- of the following requirements is met:
lished under this subpart may not ex- (1) The segment of pipeline is suc-
ceed the maximum that would be al- cessfully tested in accordance with the
lowed under 192.619 and 192.621 for a requirements of this part for a new line
new segment of pipeline constructed of of the same material in the same loca-
the same materials in the same loca- tion.
tion. However, when uprating a steel (2) An increased maximum allowable
pipeline, if any variable necessary to operating pressure may be established
determine the design pressure under for a segment of pipeline in a Class 1
the design formula ( 192.105) is un- location if the line has not previously
known, the MAOP may be increased as been tested, and if:
provided in 192.619(a)(1). (i) It is impractical to test it in ac-
cordance with the requirements of this
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 10, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996; Amdt. part;
19293, 68 FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003] (ii) The new maximum operating
pressure does not exceed 80 percent of
192.555 Uprating to a pressure that that allowed for a new line of the same
will produce a hoop stress of 30 per- design in the same location; and
cent or more of SMYS in steel pipe- (iii) The operator determines that
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

lines. the new maximum allowable operating

(a) Unless the requirements of this pressure is consistent with the condi-
section have been met, no person may tion of the segment of pipeline and the
subject any segment of a steel pipeline design requirements of this part.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.557

(e) Where a segment of pipeline is continue to be operated at a lower

uprated in accordance with paragraph pressure; and
(c) or (d)(2) of this section, the increase (6) If the pressure in mains or service
in pressure must be made in incre- lines, or both, is to be higher than the
ments that are equal to: pressure delivered to the customer, in-
(1) 10 percent of the pressure before stall a service regulator on each serv-
the uprating; or ice line and test each regulator to de-
(2) 25 percent of the total pressure in- termine that it is functioning. Pressure
crease, may be increased as necessary to test
whichever produces the fewer number each regulator, after a regulator has
of increments. been installed on each pipeline subject
to the increased pressure.
192.557 Uprating: Steel pipelines to a (c) After complying with paragraph
pressure that will produce a hoop
stress less than 30 percent of SMYS: (b) of this section, the increase in max-
plastic, cast iron, and ductile iron imum allowable operating pressure
pipelines. must be made in increments that are
equal to 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage or 25 per-
(a) Unless the requirements of this
cent of the total pressure increase,
section have been met, no person may
whichever produces the fewer number
of increments. Whenever the require-
(1) A segment of steel pipeline to an
operating pressure that will produce a ments of paragraph (b)(6) of this sec-
hoop stress less than 30 percent of tion apply, there must be at least two
SMYS and that is above the previously approximately equal incremental in-
established maximum allowable oper- creases.
ating pressure; or (d) If records for cast iron or ductile
(2) A plastic, cast iron, or ductile iron pipeline facilities are not com-
iron pipeline segment to an operating plete enough to determine stresses pro-
pressure that is above the previously duced by internal pressure, trench
established maximum allowable oper- loading, rolling loads, beam stresses,
ating pressure. and other bending loads, in evaluating
(b) Before increasing operating pres- the level of safety of the pipeline when
sure above the previously established operating at the proposed increased
maximum allowable operating pres- pressure, the following procedures
sure, the operator shall: must be followed:
(1) Review the design, operating, and (1) In estimating the stresses, if the
maintenance history of the segment of original laying conditions cannot be
pipeline; ascertained, the operator shall assume
(2) Make a leakage survey (if it has that cast iron pipe was supported on
been more than 1 year since the last blocks with tamped backfill and that
survey) and repair any leaks that are ductile iron pipe was laid without
found, except that a leak determined blocks with tamped backfill.
not to be potentially hazardous need (2) Unless the actual maximum cover
not be repaired, if it is monitored dur- depth is known, the operator shall
ing the pressure increase and it does measure the actual cover in at least
not become potentially hazardous; three places where the cover is most
(3) Make any repairs, replacements, likely to be greatest and shall use the
or alterations in the segment of pipe- greatest cover measured.
line that are necessary for safe oper- (3) Unless the actual nominal wall
ation at the increased pressure; thickness is known, the operator shall
(4) Reinforce or anchor offsets, bends determine the wall thickness by cut-
and dead ends in pipe joined by com- ting and measuring coupons from at
pression couplings or bell and spigot least three separate pipe lengths. The
joints to prevent failure of the pipe coupons must be cut from pipe lengths
joint, if the offset, bend, or dead end is in areas where the cover depth is most
exposed in an excavation; likely to be the greatest. The average
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(5) Isolate the segment of pipeline in of all measurements taken must be in-
which the pressure is to be increased creased by the allowance indicated in
from any adjacent segment that will the following table:


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192.601 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

Allowance inches (millimeters)

Cast iron pipe

Pipe size inches (millimeters)
Ductile iron pipe
Centrifugally cast
Pit cast pipe pipe

3 to 8 (76 to 203) ............................................................................ 0.075 (1.91) 0.065 (1.65) 0.065 (1.65)

10 to 12 (254 to 305) ...................................................................... 0.08 (2.03) 0.07 (1.78) 0.07 (1.78)
14 to 24 (356 to 610) ...................................................................... 0.08 (2.03) 0.08 (2.03) 0.075 (1.91)
30 to 42 (762 to 1067) .................................................................... 0.09 (2.29) 0.09 (2.29) 0.075 (1.91)
48 (1219) ......................................................................................... 0.09 (2.29) 0.09 (2.29) 0.08 (2.03)
54 to 60 (1372 to 1524) .................................................................. 0.09 (2.29) .............................. ..............................

(4) For cast iron pipe, unless the pipe 192.605 Procedural manual for oper-
manufacturing process is known, the ations, maintenance, and emer-
operator shall assume that the pipe is gencies.
pit cast pipe with a bursting tensile (a) General. Each operator shall pre-
strength of 11,000 p.s.i. (76 MPa) gage pare and follow for each pipeline, a
and a modulus of rupture of 31,000 p.s.i. manual of written procedures for con-
(214 MPa) gage. ducting operations and maintenance
activities and for emergency response.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19237, 46 FR 10160, Feb. 2, 1981; Amdt. For transmission lines, the manual
19262, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt. 19585, must also include procedures for han-
63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] dling abnormal operations. This man-
ual must be reviewed and updated by
the operator at intervals not exceeding
Subpart LOperations 15 months, but at least once each cal-
192.601 Scope. endar year. This manual must be pre-
pared before operations of a pipeline
This subpart prescribes minimum re- system commence. Appropriate parts
quirements for the operation of pipe- of the manual must be kept at loca-
line facilities. tions where operations and mainte-
nance activities are conducted.
192.603 General provisions. (b) Maintenance and normal oper-
(a) No person may operate a segment ations. The manual required by para-
of pipeline unless it is operated in ac- graph (a) of this section must include
cordance with this subpart. procedures for the following, if applica-
(b) Each operator shall keep records ble, to provide safety during mainte-
necessary to administer the procedures nance and operations.
established under 192.605. (1) Operating, maintaining, and re-
(c) The Associate Administrator or pairing the pipeline in accordance with
each of the requirements of this sub-
the State Agency that has submitted a
part and subpart M of this part.
current certification under the pipeline
(2) Controlling corrosion in accord-
safety laws, (49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.) with
ance with the operations and mainte-
respect to the pipeline facility gov-
nance requirements of subpart I of this
erned by an operators plans and proce-
dures may, after notice and oppor-
(3) Making construction records,
tunity for hearing as provided in 49
maps, and operating history available
CFR 190.206 or the relevant State pro- to appropriate operating personnel.
cedures, require the operator to amend
(4) Gathering of data needed for re-
its plans and procedures as necessary porting incidents under Part 191 of this
to provide a reasonable level of safety. chapter in a timely and effective man-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by ner.
Amdt. 19266, 56 FR 31090, July 9, 1991; Amdt. (5) Starting up and shutting down
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

19271, 59 FR 6584, Feb. 11, 1994; Amdt. 19275, any part of the pipeline in a manner
61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt. 192118, 78 designed to assure operation within the
FR 58915, Sept. 25, 2013] MAOP limits prescribed by this part,
plus the build-up allowed for operation


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.609

of pressure-limiting and control de- (ii) Increase or decrease in pressure

vices. or flow rate outside normal operating
(6) Maintaining compressor stations, limits;
including provisions for isolating units (iii) Loss of communications;
or sections of pipe and for purging be- (iv) Operation of any safety device;
fore returning to service. and
(7) Starting, operating and shutting (v) Any other foreseeable malfunc-
down gas compressor units. tion of a component, deviation from
(8) Periodically reviewing the work normal operation, or personnel error,
done by operator personnel to deter- which may result in a hazard to per-
mine the effectiveness, and adequacy of sons or property.
the procedures used in normal oper- (2) Checking variations from normal
ation and maintenance and modifying operation after abnormal operation has
the procedures when deficiencies are ended at sufficient critical locations in
the system to determine continued in-
tegrity and safe operation.
(9) Taking adequate precautions in
(3) Notifying responsible operator
excavated trenches to protect per- personnel when notice of an abnormal
sonnel from the hazards of unsafe accu- operation is received.
mulations of vapor or gas, and making (4) Periodically reviewing the re-
available when needed at the exca- sponse of operator personnel to deter-
vation, emergency rescue equipment, mine the effectiveness of the proce-
including a breathing apparatus and, a dures controlling abnormal operation
rescue harness and line. and taking corrective action where de-
(10) Systematic and routine testing ficiencies are found.
and inspection of pipe-type or bottle- (5) The requirements of this para-
type holders including graph (c) do not apply to natural gas
(i) Provision for detecting external distribution operators that are oper-
corrosion before the strength of the ating transmission lines in connection
container has been impaired; with their distribution system.
(ii) Periodic sampling and testing of (d) Safety-related condition reports.
gas in storage to determine the dew The manual required by paragraph (a)
point of vapors contained in the stored of this section must include instruc-
gas which, if condensed, might cause tions enabling personnel who perform
internal corrosion or interfere with the operation and maintenance activities
safe operation of the storage plant; and to recognize conditions that poten-
(iii) Periodic inspection and testing tially may be safety-related conditions
of pressure limiting equipment to de- that are subject to the reporting re-
termine that it is in safe operating quirements of 191.23 of this sub-
condition and has adequate capacity. chapter.
(11) Responding promptly to a report (e) Surveillance, emergency response,
of a gas odor inside or near a building, and accident investigation. The proce-
unless the operators emergency proce- dures required by 192.613(a), 192.615,
dures under 192.615(a)(3) specifically and 192.617 must be included in the
apply to these reports. manual required by paragraph (a) of
this section.
(12) Implementing the applicable con-
trol room management procedures re- [Amdt. 19271, 59 FR 6584, Feb. 11, 1994, as
quired by 192.631. amended by Amdt. 19271A, 60 FR 14381, Mar.
17, 1995; Amdt. 19293, 68 FR 53901, Sept. 15,
(c) Abnormal operation. For trans-
2003; Amdt. 192112, 74 FR 63327, Dec. 3, 2009]
mission lines, the manual required by
paragraph (a) of this section must in- 192.607 [Reserved]
clude procedures for the following to
provide safety when operating design 192.609 Change in class location: Re-
limits have been exceeded: quired study.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(1) Responding to, investigating, and Whenever an increase in population

correcting the cause of: density indicates a change in class lo-
(i) Unintended closure of valves or cation for a segment of an existing
shutdowns; steel pipeline operating at hoop stress


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192.611 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

that is more than 40 percent of SMYS, (ii) The alternative maximum allow-
or indicates that the hoop stress cor- able operating pressure is 0.8 times the
responding to the established max- test pressure in Class 2 locations and
imum allowable operating pressure for 0.667 times the test pressure in Class 3
a segment of existing pipeline is not locations. For pipelines operating at
commensurate with the present class alternative maximum allowable pres-
location, the operator shall imme- sure per 192.620, the corresponding
diately make a study to determine: hoop stress may not exceed 80 percent
(a) The present class location for the of the SMYS of the pipe in Class 2 loca-
segment involved. tions and 67 percent of SMYS in Class
(b) The design, construction, and 3 locations.
testing procedures followed in the (2) The maximum allowable oper-
original construction, and a compari- ating pressure of the segment involved
son of these procedures with those re- must be reduced so that the cor-
quired for the present class location by responding hoop stress is not more
the applicable provisions of this part. than that allowed by this part for new
(c) The physical condition of the seg- segments of pipelines in the existing
ment to the extent it can be class location.
ascertained from available records; (3) The segment involved must be
(d) The operating and maintenance tested in accordance with the applica-
history of the segment; ble requirements of subpart J of this
(e) The maximum actual operating part, and its maximum allowable oper-
pressure and the corresponding oper- ating pressure must then be estab-
ating hoop stress, taking pressure gra- lished according to the following cri-
dient into account, for the segment of teria:
pipeline involved; and (i) The maximum allowable operating
(f) The actual area affected by the pressure after the requalification test
population density increase, and phys- is 0.8 times the test pressure for Class
ical barriers or other factors which 2 locations, 0.667 times the test pres-
may limit further expansion of the sure for Class 3 locations, and 0.555
more densely populated area. times the test pressure for Class 4 loca-
192.611 Change in class location: (ii) The corresponding hoop stress
Confirmation or revision of max- may not exceed 72 percent of the SMYS
imum allowable operating pressure. of the pipe in Class 2 locations, 60 per-
(a) If the hoop stress corresponding cent of SMYS in Class 3 locations, or 50
to the established maximum allowable percent of SMYS in Class 4 locations.
operating pressure of a segment of (iii) For pipeline operating at an al-
pipeline is not commensurate with the ternative maximum allowable oper-
present class location, and the segment ating pressure per 192.620, the alter-
is in satisfactory physical condition, native maximum allowable operating
the maximum allowable operating pressure after the requalification test
pressure of that segment of pipeline is 0.8 times the test pressure for Class
must be confirmed or revised according 2 locations and 0.667 times the test
to one of the following requirements: pressure for Class 3 locations. The cor-
(1) If the segment involved has been responding hoop stress may not exceed
previously tested in place for a period 80 percent of the SMYS of the pipe in
of not less than 8 hours: Class 2 locations and 67 percent of
(i) The maximum allowable operating SMYS in Class 3 locations.
pressure is 0.8 times the test pressure (b) The maximum allowable oper-
in Class 2 locations, 0.667 times the test ating pressure confirmed or revised in
pressure in Class 3 locations, or 0.555 accordance with this section, may not
times the test pressure in Class 4 loca- exceed the maximum allowable oper-
tions. The corresponding hoop stress ating pressure established before the
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

may not exceed 72 percent of the SMYS confirmation or revision.

of the pipe in Class 2 locations, 60 per- (c) Confirmation or revision of the
cent of SMYS in Class 3 locations, or 50 maximum allowable operating pressure
percent of SMYS in Class 4 locations. of a segment of pipeline in accordance


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.614

with this section does not preclude the lowing year if the 6 month period is
application of 192.553 and 192.555. later than November 1 of the year of
(d) Confirmation or revision of the discovery, bury the pipeline so that the
maximum allowable operating pressure top of the pipe is 36 inches (914 milli-
that is required as a result of a study meters) below the underwater natural
under 192.609 must be completed with- bottom (as determined by recognized
in 24 months of the change in class lo- and generally accepted practices) for
cation. Pressure reduction under para- normal excavation or 18 inches (457
graph (a) (1) or (2) of this section with- millimeters) for rock excavation.
in the 24-month period does not pre- (i) An operator may employ engi-
clude establishing a maximum allow- neered alternatives to burial that meet
able operating pressure under para- or exceed the level of protection pro-
graph (a)(3) of this section at a later vided by burial.
date. (ii) If an operator cannot obtain re-
quired state or Federal permits in time
[Amdt. 19263A, 54 FR 24174, June 6, 1989 as to comply with this section, it must
amended by Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June
6, 1996; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR 32895, June 14,
notify OPS; specify whether the re-
2004; 73 FR 62177, Oct. 17, 2008] quired permit is State or Federal; and,
justify the delay.
192.612 Underwater inspection and [Amdt. 19298, 69 FR 48406, Aug. 10, 2004]
reburial of pipelines in the Gulf of
Mexico and its inlets. 192.613 Continuing surveillance.
(a) Each operator shall prepare and (a) Each operator shall have a proce-
follow a procedure to identify its pipe- dure for continuing surveillance of its
lines in the Gulf of Mexico and its in- facilities to determine and take appro-
lets in waters less than 15 feet (4.6 me- priate action concerning changes in
ters) deep as measured from mean low class location, failures, leakage his-
water that are at risk of being an ex- tory, corrosion, substantial changes in
posed underwater pipeline or a hazard cathodic protection requirements, and
to navigation. The procedures must be other unusual operating and mainte-
in effect August 10, 2005. nance conditions.
(b) Each operator shall conduct ap- (b) If a segment of pipeline is deter-
propriate periodic underwater inspec- mined to be in unsatisfactory condition
tions of its pipelines in the Gulf of but no immediate hazard exists, the op-
Mexico and its inlets in waters less erator shall initiate a program to re-
than 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep as meas- condition or phase out the segment in-
ured from mean low water based on the volved, or, if the segment cannot be re-
identified risk. conditioned or phased out, reduce the
(c) If an operator discovers that its maximum allowable operating pressure
pipeline is an exposed underwater pipe- in accordance with 192.619 (a) and (b).
line or poses a hazard to navigation,
the operator shall 192.614 Damage prevention program.
(1) Promptly, but not later than 24 (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
hours after discovery, notify the Na- (d) and (e) of this section, each oper-
tional Response Center, telephone: 1 ator of a buried pipeline must carry
8004248802, of the location and, if out, in accordance with this section, a
available, the geographic coordinates written program to prevent damage to
of that pipeline. that pipeline from excavation activi-
(2) Promptly, but not later than 7 ties. For the purposes of this section,
days after discovery, mark the location the term excavation activities in-
of the pipeline in accordance with 33 cludes excavation, blasting, boring,
CFR part 64 at the ends of the pipeline tunneling, backfilling, the removal of
segment and at intervals of not over aboveground structures by either ex-
500 yards (457 meters) long, except that plosive or mechanical means, and other
a pipeline segment less than 200 yards earthmoving operations.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(183 meters) long need only be marked (b) An operator may comply with any
at the center; and of the requirements of paragraph (c) of
(3) Within 6 months after discovery, this section through participation in a
or not later than November 1 of the fol- public service program, such as a one-


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192.615 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

call system, but such participation (4) If the operator has buried pipe-
does not relieve the operator of respon- lines in the area of excavation activity,
sibility for compliance with this sec- provide for actual notification of per-
tion. However, an operator must per- sons who give notice of their intent to
form the duties of paragraph (c)(3) of excavate of the type of temporary
this section through participation in a marking to be provided and how to
one-call system, if that one-call system identify the markings.
is a qualified one-call system. In areas (5) Provide for temporary marking of
that are covered by more than one buried pipelines in the area of exca-
qualified one-call system, an operator vation activity before, as far as prac-
need only join one of the qualified one- tical, the activity begins.
call systems if there is a central tele- (6) Provide as follows for inspection
phone number for excavators to call for of pipelines that an operator has rea-
excavation activities, or if the one-call son to believe could be damaged by ex-
systems in those areas communicate cavation activities:
with one another. An operators pipe- (i) The inspection must be done as
line system must be covered by a quali- frequently as necessary during and
fied one-call system where there is one after the activities to verify the integ-
in place. For the purpose of this sec- rity of the pipeline; and
tion, a one-call system is considered a (ii) In the case of blasting, any in-
qualified one-call system if it meets spection must include leakage surveys.
the requirements of section (b)(1) or (d) A damage prevention program
(b)(2) of this section. under this section is not required for
(1) The state has adopted a one-call the following pipelines:
damage prevention program under (1) Pipelines located offshore.
198.37 of this chapter; or
(2) Pipelines, other than those lo-
(2) The one-call system:
cated offshore, in Class 1 or 2 locations
(i) Is operated in accordance with
until September 20, 1995.
198.39 of this chapter;
(3) Pipelines to which access is phys-
(ii) Provides a pipeline operator an
ically controlled by the operator.
opportunity similar to a voluntary par-
ticipant to have a part in management (e) Pipelines operated by persons
responsibilities; and other than municipalities (including
(iii) Assesses a participating pipeline operators of master meters) whose pri-
operator a fee that is proportionate to mary activity does not include the
the costs of the one-call systems cov- transportation of gas need not comply
erage of the operators pipeline. with the following:
(c) The damage prevention program (1) The requirement of paragraph (a)
required by paragraph (a) of this sec- of this section that the damage preven-
tion must, at a minimum: tion program be written; and
(1) Include the identity, on a current (2) The requirements of paragraphs
basis, of persons who normally engage (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
in excavation activities in the area in [Amdt. 19240, 47 FR 13824, Apr. 1, 1982, as
which the pipeline is located. amended by Amdt. 19257, 52 FR 32800, Aug.
(2) Provides for notification of the 31, 1987; Amdt. 19273, 60 FR 14650, Mar. 20,
public in the vicinity of the pipeline 1995; Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996;
and actual notification of the persons Amdt.19282, 62 FR 61699, Nov. 19, 1997; Amdt.
identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this 19284, 63 FR 38758, July 20, 1998]
section of the following as often as
192.615 Emergency plans.
needed to make them aware of the
damage prevention program: (a) Each operator shall establish
(i) The programs existence and pur- written procedures to minimize the
pose; and hazard resulting from a gas pipeline
(ii) How to learn the location of un- emergency. At a minimum, the proce-
derground pipelines before excavation dures must provide for the following:
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

activities are begun. (1) Receiving, identifying, and

(3) Provide a means of receiving and classifying notices of events which re-
recording notification of planned exca- quire immediate response by the oper-
vation activities. ator.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.616

(2) Establishing and maintaining ade- tion that may respond to a gas pipeline
quate means of communication with emergency;
appropriate fire, police, and other pub- (2) Acquaint the officials with the op-
lic officials. erators ability in responding to a gas
(3) Prompt and effective response to a pipeline emergency;
notice of each type of emergency, in- (3) Identify the types of gas pipeline
cluding the following: emergencies of which the operator no-
(i) Gas detected inside or near a tifies the officials; and
building. (4) Plan how the operator and offi-
(ii) Fire located near or directly in- cials can engage in mutual assistance
volving a pipeline facility. to minimize hazards to life or property.
(iii) Explosion occurring near or di- [Amdt. 19224, 41 FR 13587, Mar. 31, 1976, as
rectly involving a pipeline facility. amended by Amdt. 19271, 59 FR 6585, Feb. 11,
(iv) Natural disaster. 1994; Amdt. 192112, 74 FR 63327, Dec. 3, 2009]
(4) The availability of personnel,
equipment, tools, and materials, as 192.616 Public awareness.
needed at the scene of an emergency. (a) Except for an operator of a master
(5) Actions directed toward pro- meter or petroleum gas system covered
tecting people first and then property. under paragraph (j) of this section,
(6) Emergency shutdown and pressure each pipeline operator must develop
reduction in any section of the opera- and implement a written continuing
tors pipeline system necessary to min- public education program that follows
imize hazards to life or property. the guidance provided in the American
(7) Making safe any actual or poten- Petroleum Institutes (API) Rec-
tial hazard to life or property. ommended Practice (RP) 1162 (incor-
(8) Notifying appropriate fire, police, porated by reference, see 192.7).
and other public officials of gas pipe- (b) The operators program must fol-
line emergencies and coordinating with low the general program recommenda-
them both planned responses and ac- tions of API RP 1162 and assess the
tual responses during an emergency. unique attributes and characteristics
(9) Safely restoring any service out- of the operators pipeline and facilities.
age. (c) The operator must follow the gen-
(10) Beginning action under 192.617, eral program recommendations, includ-
if applicable, as soon after the end of ing baseline and supplemental require-
the emergency as possible. ments of API RP 1162, unless the oper-
(11) Actions required to be taken by a ator provides justification in its pro-
controller during an emergency in ac- gram or procedural manual as to why
cordance with 192.631. compliance with all or certain provi-
(b) Each operator shall: sions of the recommended practice is
(1) Furnish its supervisors who are not practicable and not necessary for
responsible for emergency action a safety.
copy of that portion of the latest edi- (d) The operators program must spe-
tion of the emergency procedures es- cifically include provisions to educate
tablished under paragraph (a) of this the public, appropriate government or-
section as necessary for compliance ganizations, and persons engaged in ex-
with those procedures. cavation related activities on:
(2) Train the appropriate operating (1) Use of a one-call notification sys-
personnel to assure that they are tem prior to excavation and other dam-
knowledgeable of the emergency proce- age prevention activities;
dures and verify that the training is ef- (2) Possible hazards associated with
fective. unintended releases from a gas pipeline
(3) Review employee activities to de- facility;
termine whether the procedures were (3) Physical indications that such a
effectively followed in each emergency. release may have occurred;
(c) Each operator shall establish and (4) Steps that should be taken for
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

maintain liaison with appropriate fire, public safety in the event of a gas pipe-
police, and other public officials to: line release; and
(1) Learn the responsibility and re- (5) Procedures for reporting such an
sources of each government organiza- event.


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192.617 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(e) The program must include activi- (5) How to get additional informa-
ties to advise affected municipalities, tion.
school districts, businesses, and resi-
[Amdt. 192100, 70 FR 28842, May 19, 2005; 70
dents of pipeline facility locations. FR 35041, June 16, 2005; 72 FR 70810, Dec. 13,
(f) The program and the media used 2007]
must be as comprehensive as necessary
to reach all areas in which the operator 192.617 Investigation of failures.
transports gas. Each operator shall establish proce-
(g) The program must be conducted dures for analyzing accidents and fail-
in English and in other languages com- ures, including the selection of samples
monly understood by a significant of the failed facility or equipment for
number and concentration of the non- laboratory examination, where appro-
English speaking population in the op- priate, for the purpose of determining
erators area. the causes of the failure and mini-
(h) Operators in existence on June 20, mizing the possibility of a recurrence.
2005, must have completed their writ-
ten programs no later than June 20, 192.619 Maximum allowable oper-
2006. The operator of a master meter or ating pressure: Steel or plastic pipe-
petroleum gas system covered under lines.
paragraph (j) of this section must com- (a) No person may operate a segment
plete development of its written proce- of steel or plastic pipeline at a pressure
dure by June 13, 2008. Upon request, op- that exceeds a maximum allowable op-
erators must submit their completed erating pressure determined under
programs to PHMSA or, in the case of paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, or
an intrastate pipeline facility operator, the lowest of the following:
the appropriate State agency. (1) The design pressure of the weak-
(i) The operators program docu- est element in the segment, deter-
mentation and evaluation results must mined in accordance with subparts C
be available for periodic review by ap- and D of this part. However, for steel
propriate regulatory agencies. pipe in pipelines being converted under
(j) Unless the operator transports gas 192.14 or uprated under subpart K of
as a primary activity, the operator of a this part, if any variable necessary to
master meter or petroleum gas system determine the design pressure under
is not required to develop a public the design formula ( 192.105) is un-
awareness program as prescribed in known, one of the following pressures
paragraphs (a) through (g) of this sec- is to be used as design pressure:
tion. Instead the operator must develop (i) Eighty percent of the first test
and implement a written procedure to pressure that produces yield under sec-
provide its customers public awareness tion N5 of Appendix N of ASME B31.8
(incorporated by reference, see 192.7),
messages twice annually. If the master
reduced by the appropriate factor in
meter or petroleum gas system is lo-
paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section; or
cated on property the operator does
(ii) If the pipe is 1234 inches (324 mm)
not control, the operator must provide
or less in outside diameter and is not
similar messages twice annually to
tested to yield under this paragraph,
persons controlling the property. The
200 p.s.i. (1379 kPa).
public awareness message must in-
(2) The pressure obtained by dividing
the pressure to which the segment was
(1) A description of the purpose and tested after construction as follows:
reliability of the pipeline; (i) For plastic pipe in all locations,
(2) An overview of the hazards of the the test pressure is divided by a factor
pipeline and prevention measures used; of 1.5.
(3) Information about damage preven- (ii) For steel pipe operated at 100
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion; p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage or more, the test

(4) How to recognize and respond to a pressure is divided by a factor deter-
leak; and mined in accordance with the following


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.620

Factors 1, segment (3) The highest actual operating pres-

Installed sure to which the segment was sub-
Class location Installed Converted
before after (Nov. under jected during the 5 years preceding the
(Nov. 12,
1970) 11, 1970) 192.14 applicable date in the second column.
This pressure restriction applies unless
1 ............................... 1.1 1.1 1.25
2 ............................... 1.25 1.25 1.25
the segment was tested according to
3 ............................... 1.4 1.5 1.5 the requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of
4 ............................... 1.4 1.5 1.5 this section after the applicable date in
1 For offshore segments installed, uprated or converted after the third column or the segment was
July 31, 1977, that are not located on an offshore platform,
the factor is 1.25. For segments installed, uprated or con- uprated according to the requirements
verted after July 31, 1977, that are located on an offshore in subpart K of this part:
platform or on a platform in inland navigable waters, including
a pipe riser, the factor is 1.5.

Pipeline segment Pressure date Test date

Onshore gathering line that first be- March 15, 2006, or date line becomes 5 years preceding applicable date in sec-
came subject to this part (other than subject to this part, whichever is later. ond column.
192.612) after April 13, 2006.
Onshore transmission line that was a
gathering line not subject to this part
before March 15, 2006.
Offshore gathering lines ........................... July 1, 1976 ............................................. July 1, 1971.
All other pipelines ..................................... July 1, 1970 ............................................. July 1, 1965.

(4) The pressure determined by the Sections Affected, which appears in the
operator to be the maximum safe pres- Finding Aids section of the printed volume
sure after considering the history of and at
the segment, particularly known corro-
192.620 Alternative maximum allow-
sion and the actual operating pressure. able operating pressure for certain
(b) No person may operate a segment steel pipelines.
to which paragraph (a)(4) of this sec-
tion is applicable, unless over-pressure (a) How does an operator calculate the
protective devices are installed on the alternative maximum allowable operating
segment in a manner that will prevent pressure? An operator calculates the al-
the maximum allowable operating ternative maximum allowable oper-
pressure from being exceeded, in ac- ating pressure by using different fac-
cordance with 192.195. tors in the same formulas used for cal-
(c) The requirements on pressure re- culating maximum allowable operating
strictions in this section do not apply pressure under 192.619(a) as follows:
in the following instance. An operator (1) In determining the alternative de-
may operate a segment of pipeline sign pressure under 192.105, use a de-
found to be in satisfactory condition, sign factor determined in accordance
considering its operating and mainte- with 192.111(b), (c), or (d) or, if none of
nance history, at the highest actual op- these paragraphs apply, in accordance
erating pressure to which the segment with the following table:
was subjected during the 5 years pre-
Alternative de-
ceding the applicable date in the sec- Class location sign factor (F)
ond column of the table in paragraph
(a)(3) of this section. An operator must 1 ..................................................................... 0.80
still comply with 192.611. 2 ..................................................................... 0.67
3 ..................................................................... 0.56
(d) The operator of a pipeline seg-
ment of steel pipeline meeting the con-
(i) For facilities installed prior to De-
ditions prescribed in 192.620(b) may
cember 22, 2008, for which 192.111(b),
elect to operate the segment at a max-
(c), or (d) applies, use the following de-
imum allowable operating pressure de-
sign factors as alternatives for the fac-
termined under 192.620(a).
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tors specified in those paragraphs:

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970] 192.111(b)0.67 or less; 192.111(c) and
tations affecting 192.619, see the List of CFR (ii) [Reserved]


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192.620 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(2) The alternative maximum allow- 60 days prior to operation at the alter-
able operating pressure is the lower of native MAOP. An operator must also
the following: notify a State pipeline safety authority
(i) The design pressure of the weakest when the pipeline is located in a State
element in the pipeline segment, deter- where PHMSA has an interstate agent
mined under subparts C and D of this agreement, or an intrastate pipeline is
part. regulated by that State; and
(ii) The pressure obtained by dividing (7) At least 95 percent of girth welds
the pressure to which the pipeline seg- on a segment that was constructed
ment was tested after construction by prior to December 22, 2008, must have
a factor determined in the following been non-destructively examined in ac-
table: cordance with 192.243(b) and (c).
(c) What is an operator electing to use
Alternative test
Class location the alternative maximum allowable oper-
ating pressure required to do? If an oper-
1 ..................................................................... 1.25
2 ..................................................................... 1 1.50 ator elects to use the alternative max-
3 ..................................................................... 1.50 imum allowable operating pressure cal-
1 For Class 2 alternative maximum allowable operating
culated under paragraph (a) of this sec-
pressure segments installed prior to December 22, 2008 the tion for a pipeline segment, the oper-
alternative test factor is 1.25. ator must do each of the following:
(b) When may an operator use the alter- (1) Notify each PHMSA pipeline safe-
native maximum allowable operating pres- ty regional office where the pipeline is
sure calculated under paragraph (a) of in service of its election with respect
this section? An operator may use an al- to a segment at least 180 days before
ternative maximum allowable oper- operating at the alternative maximum
ating pressure calculated under para- allowable operating pressure. An oper-
graph (a) of this section if the fol- ator must also notify a State pipeline
lowing conditions are met: safety authority when the pipeline is
(1) The pipeline segment is in a Class located in a State where PHMSA has
1, 2, or 3 location; an interstate agent agreement, or an
(2) The pipeline segment is con- intrastate pipeline is regulated by that
structed of steel pipe meeting the addi- State.
tional design requirements in 192.112; (2) Certify, by signature of a senior
(3) A supervisory control and data ac- executive officer of the company, as
quisition system provides remote mon- follows:
itoring and control of the pipeline seg- (i) The pipeline segment meets the
ment. The control provided must in- conditions described in paragraph (b) of
clude monitoring of pressures and this section; and
flows, monitoring compressor start-ups (ii) The operating and maintenance
and shut-downs, and remote closure of procedures include the additional oper-
valves per paragraph (d)(3) of this sec- ating and maintenance requirements of
tion; paragraph (d) of this section; and
(4) The pipeline segment meets the (iii) The review and any needed pro-
additional construction requirements gram upgrade of the damage preven-
described in 192.328; tion program required by paragraph
(5) The pipeline segment does not (d)(4)(v) of this section has been com-
contain any mechanical couplings used pleted.
in place of girth welds; (3) Send a copy of the certification
(6) If a pipeline segment has been pre- required by paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
viously operated, the segment has not tion to each PHMSA pipeline safety re-
experienced any failure during normal gional office where the pipeline is in
operations indicative of a systemic service 30 days prior to operating at
fault in material as determined by a the alternative MAOP. An operator
root cause analysis, including met- must also send a copy to a State pipe-
allurgical examination of the failed line safety authority when the pipeline
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

pipe. The results of this root cause is located in a State where PHMSA has
analysis must be reported to each an interstate agent agreement, or an
PHMSA pipeline safety regional office intrastate pipeline is regulated by that
where the pipeline is in service at least State.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.620

(4) For each pipeline segment, do one (7) Maintain, for the useful life of the
of the following: pipeline, records demonstrating com-
(i) Perform a strength test as de- pliance with paragraphs (b), (c)(6), and
scribed in 192.505 at a test pressure (d) of this section.
calculated under paragraph (a) of this (8) A Class 1 and Class 2 pipeline loca-
section or tion can be upgraded one class due to
(ii) For a pipeline segment in exist- class changes per 192.611(a)(3)(i). All
ence prior to December 22, 2008, certify, class location changes from Class 1 to
under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, Class 2 and from Class 2 to Class 3 must
that the strength test performed under have all anomalies evaluated and reme-
diated per: The original pipeline class
192.505 was conducted at test pressure
grade 192.620(d)(11) anomaly repair
calculated under paragraph (a) of this
requirements; and all anomalies with a
section, or conduct a new strength test
wall loss equal to or greater than 40
in accordance with paragraph (c)(4)(i)
percent must be excavated and remedi-
of this section. ated. Pipelines in Class 4 may not oper-
(5) Comply with the additional oper- ate at an alternative MAOP.
ation and maintenance requirements (d) What additional operation and
described in paragraph (d) of this sec- maintenance requirements apply to oper-
tion. ation at the alternative maximum allow-
(6) If the performance of a construc- able operating pressure? In addition to
tion task associated with imple- compliance with other applicable safe-
menting alternative MAOP that occurs ty standards in this part, if an operator
after December 22, 2008, can affect the establishes a maximum allowable oper-
integrity of the pipeline segment, treat ating pressure for a pipeline segment
that task as a covered task, notwith- under paragraph (a) of this section, an
standing the definition in 192.801(b) operator must comply with the addi-
and implement the requirements of tional operation and maintenance re-
subpart N as appropriate. quirements as follows:
To address increased risk of a
maximum allowable operating
pressure based on higher Take the following additional step:
stress levels in the following

(1) Identifying and evaluating Develop a threat matrix consistent with 192.917 to do the following:
threats. (i) Identify and compare the increased risk of operating the pipeline at the increased stress
level under this section with conventional operation; and
(ii) Describe and implement procedures used to mitigate the risk.
(2) Notifying the public ............. (i) Recalculate the potential impact circle as defined in 192.903 to reflect use of the alter-
native maximum operating pressure calculated under paragraph (a) of this section and pipe-
line operating conditions; and
(ii) In implementing the public education program required under 192.616, perform the fol-
(A) Include persons occupying property within 220 yards of the centerline and within the po-
tential impact circle within the targeted audience; and
(B) Include information about the integrity management activities performed under this section
within the message provided to the audience.
(3) Responding to an emer- (i) Ensure that the identification of high consequence areas reflects the larger potential impact
gency in an area defined as circle recalculated under paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section.
a high consequence area in
(ii) If personnel response time to mainline valves on either side of the high consequence area
exceeds one hour (under normal driving conditions and speed limits) from the time the event
is identified in the control room, provide remote valve control through a supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA) system, other leak detection system, or an alternative method
of control.
(iii) Remote valve control must include the ability to close and monitor the valve position (open
or closed), and monitor pressure upstream and downstream.
(iv) A line break valve control system using differential pressure, rate of pressure drop or other
widely-accepted method is an acceptable alternative to remote valve control.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(4) Protecting the right-of-way .. (i) Patrol the right-of-way at intervals not exceeding 45 days, but at least 12 times each cal-
endar year, to inspect for excavation activities, ground movement, wash outs, leakage, or
other activities or conditions affecting the safety operation of the pipeline.
(ii) Develop and implement a plan to monitor for and mitigate occurrences of unstable soil and
ground movement.


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192.620 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

To address increased risk of a

maximum allowable operating
pressure based on higher Take the following additional step:
stress levels in the following

(iii) If observed conditions indicate the possible loss of cover, perform a depth of cover study
and replace cover as necessary to restore the depth of cover or apply alternative means to
provide protection equivalent to the originally-required depth of cover.
(iv) Use line-of-sight line markers satisfying the requirements of 192.707(d) except in agricul-
tural areas, large water crossings or swamp, steep terrain, or where prohibited by Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission orders, permits, or local law.
(v) Review the damage prevention program under 192.614(a) in light of national consensus
practices, to ensure the program provides adequate protection of the right-of-way. Identify
the standards or practices considered in the review, and meet or exceed those standards or
practices by incorporating appropriate changes into the program.
(vi) Develop and implement a right-of-way management plan to protect the pipeline segment
from damage due to excavation activities.
(5) Controlling internal corro- (i) Develop and implement a program to monitor for and mitigate the presence of, deleterious
sion. gas stream constituents.
(ii) At points where gas with potentially deleterious contaminants enters the pipeline, use filter
separators or separators and gas quality monitoring equipment.
(iii) Use gas quality monitoring equipment that includes a moisture analyzer, chromatograph,
and periodic hydrogen sulfide sampling.
(iv) Use cleaning pigs and sample accumulated liquids. Use inhibitors when corrosive gas or
liquids are present.
(v) Address deleterious gas stream constituents as follows:
(A) Limit carbon dioxide to 3 percent by volume;
(B) Allow no free water and otherwise limit water to seven pounds per million cubic feet of
gas; and
(C) Limit hydrogen sulfide to 1.0 grain per hundred cubic feet (16 ppm) of gas, where the hy-
drogen sulfide is greater than 0.5 grain per hundred cubic feet (8 ppm) of gas, implement a
pigging and inhibitor injection program to address deleterious gas stream constituents, in-
cluding follow-up sampling and quality testing of liquids at receipt points.
(vi) Review the program at least quarterly based on the gas stream experience and implement
adjustments to monitor for, and mitigate the presence of, deleterious gas stream constitu-
(6) Controlling interference that (i) Prior to operating an existing pipeline segment at an alternate maximum allowable oper-
can impact external corrosion. ating pressure calculated under this section, or within six months after placing a new pipe-
line segment in service at an alternate maximum allowable operating pressure calculated
under this section, address any interference currents on the pipeline segment.
(ii) To address interference currents, perform the following:
(A) Conduct an interference survey to detect the presence and level of any electrical current
that could impact external corrosion where interference is suspected;
(B) Analyze the results of the survey; and
(C) Take any remedial action needed within 6 months after completing the survey to protect
the pipeline segment from deleterious current.
(7) Confirming external corro- (i) Within six months after placing the cathodic protection of a new pipeline segment in oper-
sion control through indirect ation, or within six months after certifying a segment under 192.620(c)(1) of an existing
assessment. pipeline segment under this section, assess the adequacy of the cathodic protection through
an indirect method such as close-interval survey, and the integrity of the coating using direct
current voltage gradient (DCVG) or alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG).
(ii) Remediate any construction damaged coating with a voltage drop classified as moderate or
severe (IR drop greater than 35% for DCVG or 50 dBv for ACVG) under section 4 of
NACE RP05022002 (incorporated by reference, see 192.7).
(iii) Within six months after completing the baseline internal inspection required under para-
graph (d)(9) of this section, integrate the results of the indirect assessment required under
paragraph (d)(7)(i) of this section with the results of the baseline internal inspection and take
any needed remedial actions.
(iv) For all pipeline segments in high consequence areas, perform periodic assessments as
(A) Conduct periodic close interval surveys with current interrupted to confirm voltage drops in
association with periodic assessments under subpart O of this part.
(B) Locate pipe-to-soil test stations at half-mile intervals within each high consequence area
ensuring at least one station is within each high consequence area, if practicable.
(C) Integrate the results with those of the baseline and periodic assessments for integrity done
under paragraphs (d)(9) and (d)(10) of this section.
(8) Controlling external corro- (i) If an annual test station reading indicates cathodic protection below the level of protection
sion through cathodic protec- required in subpart I of this part, complete remedial action within six months of the failed
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion. reading or notify each PHMSA pipeline safety regional office where the pipeline is in service
demonstrating that the integrity of the pipeline is not compromised if the repair takes longer
than 6 months. An operator must also notify a State pipeline safety authority when the pipe-
line is located in a State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate
pipeline is regulated by that State; and


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.620

To address increased risk of a

maximum allowable operating
pressure based on higher Take the following additional step:
stress levels in the following

(ii) After remedial action to address a failed reading, confirm restoration of adequate corrosion
control by a close interval survey on either side of the affected test station to the next test
station unless the reason for the failed reading is determined to be a rectifier connection or
power input problem that can be remediated and otherwise verified.
(iii) If the pipeline segment has been in operation, the cathodic protection system on the pipe-
line segment must have been operational within 12 months of the completion of construc-
(9) Conducting a baseline as- (i) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(9)(iii) of this section, for a new pipeline segment oper-
sessment of integrity. ating at the new alternative maximum allowable operating pressure, perform a baseline in-
ternal inspection of the entire pipeline segment as follows:
(A) Assess using a geometry tool after the initial hydrostatic test and backfill and within six
months after placing the new pipeline segment in service; and
(B) Assess using a high resolution magnetic flux tool within three years after placing the new
pipeline segment in service at the alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(9)(iii) of this section, for an existing pipeline segment,
perform a baseline internal assessment using a geometry tool and a high resolution mag-
netic flux tool before, but within two years prior to, raising pressure to the alternative max-
imum allowable operating pressure as allowed under this section.
(iii) If headers, mainline valve by-passes, compressor station piping, meter station piping, or
other short portion of a pipeline segment operating at alternative maximum allowable oper-
ating pressure cannot accommodate a geometry tool and a high resolution magnetic flux
tool, use direct assessment (per 192.925, 192.927 and/or 192.929) or pressure testing
(per subpart J of this part) to assess that portion.
(10) Conducting periodic as- (i) Determine a frequency for subsequent periodic integrity assessments as if all the alternative
sessments of integrity. maximum allowable operating pressure pipeline segments were covered by subpart O of
this part and
(ii) Conduct periodic internal inspections using a high resolution magnetic flux tool on the fre-
quency determined under paragraph (d)(10)(i) of this section, or
(iii) Use direct assessment (per 192.925, 192.927 and/or 192.929) or pressure testing
(per subpart J of this part) for periodic assessment of a portion of a segment to the extent
permitted for a baseline assessment under paragraph (d)(9)(iii) of this section.
(11) Making repairs .................. (i) Perform the following when evaluating an anomaly:
(A) Use the most conservative calculation for determining remaining strength or an alternative
validated calculation based on pipe diameter, wall thickness, grade, operating pressure, op-
erating stress level, and operating temperature: and
(B) Take into account the tolerances of the tools used for the inspection.
(ii) Repair a defect immediately if any of the following apply:
(A) The defect is a dent discovered during the baseline assessment for integrity under para-
graph (d)(9) of this section and the defect meets the criteria for immediate repair in
(B) The defect meets the criteria for immediate repair in 192.933(d).
(C) The alternative maximum allowable operating pressure was based on a design factor of
0.67 under paragraph (a) of this section and the failure pressure is less than 1.25 times the
alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.
(D) The alternative maximum allowable operating pressure was based on a design factor of
0.56 under paragraph (a) of this section and the failure pressure is less than or equal to 1.4
times the alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.
(iii) If paragraph (d)(11)(ii) of this section does not require immediate repair, repair a defect
within one year if any of the following apply:
(A) The defect meets the criteria for repair within one year in 192.933(d).
(B) The alternative maximum allowable operating pressure was based on a design factor of
0.80 under paragraph (a) of this section and the failure pressure is less than 1.25 times the
alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.
(C) The alternative maximum allowable operating pressure was based on a design factor of
0.67 under paragraph (a) of this section and the failure pressure is less than 1.50 times the
alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.
(D) The alternative maximum allowable operating pressure was based on a design factor of
0.56 under paragraph (a) of this section and the failure pressure is less than or equal to
1.80 times the alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.
(iv) Evaluate any defect not required to be repaired under paragraph (d)(11)(ii) or (iii) of this
section to determine its growth rate, set the maximum interval for repair or re-inspection,
and repair or re-inspect within that interval.
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(e) Is there any change in overpressure quired capacity of pressure relieving

protection associated with operating at and limiting stations otherwise re-
the alternative maximum allowable oper- quired by 192.201, if an operator estab-
ating pressure? Notwithstanding the re- lishes a maximum allowable operating


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192.621 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

pressure for a pipeline segment in ac- 192.623 Maximum and minimum al-
cordance with paragraph (a) of this sec- lowable operating pressure; Low-
tion, an operator must: pressure distribution systems.
(1) Provide overpressure protection (a) No person may operate a low-pres-
that limits mainline pressure to a max- sure distribution system at a pressure
imum of 104 percent of the maximum high enough to make unsafe the oper-
allowable operating pressure; and ation of any connected and properly
(2) Develop and follow a procedure for adjusted low-pressure gas burning
establishing and maintaining accurate equipment.
set points for the supervisory control (b) No person may operate a low pres-
and data acquisition system. sure distribution system at a pressure
lower than the minimum pressure at
[73 FR 62177, Oct. 17, 2008, as amended by
which the safe and continuing oper-
Amdt. 192111, 74 FR 62505, Nov. 30, 2009]
ation of any connected and properly
192.621 Maximum allowable oper- adjusted low-pressure gas burning
ating pressure: High-pressure dis- equipment can be assured.
tribution systems.
192.625 Odorization of gas.
(a) No person may operate a segment
of a high pressure distribution system (a) A combustible gas in a distribu-
at a pressure that exceeds the lowest of tion line must contain a natural odor-
the following pressures, as applicable: ant or be odorized so that at a con-
centration in air of one-fifth of the
(1) The design pressure of the weak-
lower explosive limit, the gas is readily
est element in the segment, deter-
detectable by a person with a normal
mined in accordance with subparts C sense of smell.
and D of this part.
(b) After December 31, 1976, a com-
(2) 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, for a seg- bustible gas in a transmission line in a
ment of a distribution system other- Class 3 or Class 4 location must comply
wise designed to operate at over 60 with the requirements of paragraph (a)
p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, unless the service of this section unless:
lines in the segment are equipped with (1) At least 50 percent of the length of
service regulators or other pressure the line downstream from that location
limiting devices in series that meet the is in a Class 1 or Class 2 location;
requirements of 192.197(c). (2) The line transports gas to any of
(3) 25 p.s.i. (172 kPa) gage in segments the following facilities which received
of cast iron pipe in which there are gas without an odorant from that line
unreinforced bell and spigot joints. before May 5, 1975;
(4) The pressure limits to which a (i) An underground storage field;
joint could be subjected without the (ii) A gas processing plant;
possibility of its parting. (iii) A gas dehydration plant; or
(5) The pressure determined by the (iv) An industrial plant using gas in a
operator to be the maximum safe pres- process where the presence of an odor-
sure after considering the history of ant:
the segment, particularly known corro- (A) Makes the end product unfit for
sion and the actual operating pres- the purpose for which it is intended;
sures. (B) Reduces the activity of a cata-
(b) No person may operate a segment lyst; or
of pipeline to which paragraph (a)(5) of (C) Reduces the percentage comple-
this section applies, unless over- tion of a chemical reaction;
pressure protective devices are in- (3) In the case of a lateral line which
stalled on the segment in a manner transports gas to a distribution center,
that will prevent the maximum allow- at least 50 percent of the length of that
able operating pressure from being ex- line is in a Class 1 or Class 2 location;
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ceeded, in accordance with 192.195. or

(4) The combustible gas is hydrogen
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
intended for use as a feedstock in a
manufacturing process.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.631

(c) In the concentrations in which it leased into one end of the line in a
is used, the odorant in combustible moderately rapid and continuous flow.
gases must comply with the following: If air cannot be supplied in sufficient
(1) The odorant may not be delete- quantity to prevent the formation of a
rious to persons, materials, or pipe. hazardous mixture of gas and air, a
(2) The products of combustion from slug of inert gas must be released into
the odorant may not be toxic when the line before the air.
breathed nor may they be corrosive or
harmful to those materials to which 192.631 Control room management.
the products of combustion will be ex-
(a) General.
(d) The odorant may not be soluble in (1) This section applies to each oper-
water to an extent greater than 2.5 ator of a pipeline facility with a con-
parts to 100 parts by weight. troller working in a control room who
(e) Equipment for odorization must monitors and controls all or part of a
introduce the odorant without wide pipeline facility through a SCADA sys-
variations in the level of odorant. tem. Each operator must have and fol-
(f) To assure the proper concentra- low written control room management
tion of odorant in accordance with this procedures that implement the require-
section, each operator must conduct ments of this section, except that for
periodic sampling of combustible gases each control room where an operators
using an instrument capable of deter- activities are limited to either or both
mining the percentage of gas in air at of:
which the odor becomes readily detect- (i) Distribution with less than 250,000
able. Operators of master meter sys- services, or
tems may comply with this require- (ii) Transmission without a com-
ment by pressor station, the operator must have
(1) Receiving written verification and follow written procedures that im-
from their gas source that the gas has plement only paragraphs (d) (regarding
the proper concentration of odorant; fatigue), (i) (regarding compliance vali-
and dation), and (j) (regarding compliance
(2) Conducting periodic sniff tests and deviations) of this section.
at the extremities of the system to (2) The procedures required by this
confirm that the gas contains odorant. section must be integrated, as appro-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970] priate, with operating and emergency
procedures required by 192.605 and
tations affecting 192.625, see the List of CFR
192.615. An operator must develop the
Sections Affected, which appears in the procedures no later than August 1, 2011,
Finding Aids section of the printed volume and must implement the procedures ac-
and at cording to the following schedule. The
procedures required by paragraphs (b),
192.627 Tapping pipelines under (c)(5), (d)(2) and (d)(3), (f) and (g) of this
pressure. section must be implemented no later
Each tap made on a pipeline under than October 1, 2011. The procedures re-
pressure must be performed by a crew quired by paragraphs (c)(1) through (4),
qualified to make hot taps. (d)(1), (d)(4), and (e) must be imple-
mented no later than August 1, 2012.
192.629 Purging of pipelines. The training procedures required by
(a) When a pipeline is being purged of paragraph (h) must be implemented no
air by use of gas, the gas must be re- later than August 1, 2012, except that
leased into one end of the line in a any training required by another para-
moderately rapid and continuous flow. graph of this section must be imple-
If gas cannot be supplied in sufficient mented no later than the deadline for
quantity to prevent the formation of a that paragraph.
hazardous mixture of gas and air, a (b) Roles and responsibilities. Each op-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

slug of inert gas must be released into erator must define the roles and re-
the line before the gas. sponsibilities of a controller during
(b) When a pipeline is being purged of normal, abnormal, and emergency op-
gas by use of air, the air must be re- erating conditions. To provide for a


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192.631 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

controllers prompt and appropriate re- content of information to be ex-

sponse to operating conditions, an op- changed.
erator must define each of the fol- (d) Fatigue mitigation. Each operator
lowing: must implement the following methods
(1) A controllers authority and re- to reduce the risk associated with con-
sponsibility to make decisions and troller fatigue that could inhibit a con-
take actions during normal operations; trollers ability to carry out the roles
(2) A controllers role when an abnor- and responsibilities the operator has
mal operating condition is detected, defined:
even if the controller is not the first to (1) Establish shift lengths and sched-
detect the condition, including the con- ule rotations that provide controllers
trollers responsibility to take specific off-duty time sufficient to achieve
actions and to communicate with oth- eight hours of continuous sleep;
ers; (2) Educate controllers and super-
(3) A controllers role during an visors in fatigue mitigation strategies
emergency, even if the controller is not and how off-duty activities contribute
the first to detect the emergency, in- to fatigue;
cluding the controllers responsibility (3) Train controllers and supervisors
to take specific actions and to commu- to recognize the effects of fatigue; and
nicate with others; and (4) Establish a maximum limit on
controller hours-of-service, which may
(4) A method of recording controller
provide for an emergency deviation
shift-changes and any hand-over of re-
from the maximum limit if necessary
sponsibility between controllers.
for the safe operation of a pipeline fa-
(c) Provide adequate information. Each cility.
operator must provide its controllers (e) Alarm management. Each operator
with the information, tools, processes using a SCADA system must have a
and procedures necessary for the con- written alarm management plan to
trollers to carry out the roles and re- provide for effective controller re-
sponsibilities the operator has defined sponse to alarms. An operators plan
by performing each of the following: must include provisions to:
(1) Implement sections 1, 4, 8, 9, 11.1, (1) Review SCADA safety-related
and 11.3 of API RP 1165 (incorporated alarm operations using a process that
by reference, see 192.7) whenever a ensures alarms are accurate and sup-
SCADA system is added, expanded or port safe pipeline operations;
replaced, unless the operator dem- (2) Identify at least once each cal-
onstrates that certain provisions of endar month points affecting safety
sections 1, 4, 8, 9, 11.1, and 11.3 of API that have been taken off scan in the
RP 1165 are not practical for the SCADA host, have had alarms inhib-
SCADA system used; ited, generated false alarms, or that
(2) Conduct a point-to-point have had forced or manual values for
verification between SCADA displays periods of time exceeding that required
and related field equipment when field for associated maintenance or oper-
equipment is added or moved and when ating activities;
other changes that affect pipeline safe- (3) Verify the correct safety-related
ty are made to field equipment or alarm set-point values and alarm de-
SCADA displays; scriptions at least once each calendar
(3) Test and verify an internal com- year, but at intervals not to exceed 15
munication plan to provide adequate months;
means for manual operation of the (4) Review the alarm management
pipeline safely, at least once each cal- plan required by this paragraph at
endar year, but at intervals not to ex- least once each calendar year, but at
ceed 15 months; intervals not exceeding 15 months, to
(4) Test any backup SCADA systems determine the effectiveness of the plan;
at least once each calendar year, but at (5) Monitor the content and volume
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

intervals not to exceed 15 months; and of general activity being directed to

(5) Establish and implement proce- and required of each controller at least
dures for when a different controller once each calendar year, but at inter-
assumes responsibility, including the vals not to exceed 15 months, that will


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.703

assure controllers have sufficient time carry out the roles and responsibilities
to analyze and react to incoming defined by the operator. In addition,
alarms; and the training program must include the
(6) Address deficiencies identified following elements:
through the implementation of para- (1) Responding to abnormal operating
graphs (e)(1) through (e)(5) of this sec- conditions likely to occur simulta-
tion. neously or in sequence;
(f) Change management. Each operator (2) Use of a computerized simulator
must assure that changes that could or non-computerized (tabletop) method
affect control room operations are co- for training controllers to recognize
ordinated with the control room per- abnormal operating conditions;
sonnel by performing each of the fol- (3) Training controllers on their re-
lowing: sponsibilities for communication under
(1) Establish communications be- the operators emergency response pro-
tween control room representatives, cedures;
operators management, and associated (4) Training that will provide a con-
field personnel when planning and im- troller a working knowledge of the
plementing physical changes to pipe- pipeline system, especially during the
line equipment or configuration; development of abnormal operating
(2) Require its field personnel to con- conditions; and
tact the control room when emergency (5) For pipeline operating setups that
conditions exist and when making field are periodically, but infrequently used,
changes that affect control room oper- providing an opportunity for control-
ations; and lers to review relevant procedures in
(3) Seek control room or control advance of their application.
room management participation in
(i) Compliance validation. Upon re-
planning prior to implementation of
quest, operators must submit their pro-
significant pipeline hydraulic or con-
cedures to PHMSA or, in the case of an
figuration changes.
intrastate pipeline facility regulated
(g) Operating experience. Each oper-
by a State, to the appropriate State
ator must assure that lessons learned
from its operating experience are in-
corporated, as appropriate, into its (j) Compliance and deviations. An oper-
control room management procedures ator must maintain for review during
by performing each of the following: inspection:
(1) Review incidents that must be re- (1) Records that demonstrate compli-
ported pursuant to 49 CFR part 191 to ance with the requirements of this sec-
determine if control room actions con- tion; and
tributed to the event and, if so, cor- (2) Documentation to demonstrate
rect, where necessary, deficiencies re- that any deviation from the procedures
lated to: required by this section was necessary
(i) Controller fatigue; for the safe operation of a pipeline fa-
(ii) Field equipment; cility.
(iii) The operation of any relief de- [Amdt. 192112, 74 FR 63327, Dec. 3, 2009, as
vice; amended at 75 FR 5537, Feb. 3, 2010; 76 FR
(iv) Procedures; 35135, June 16, 2011]
(v) SCADA system configuration; and
(vi) SCADA system performance. Subpart MMaintenance
(2) Include lessons learned from the
operators experience in the training 192.701 Scope.
program required by this section.
(h) Training. Each operator must es- This subpart prescribes minimum re-
tablish a controller training program quirements for maintenance of pipeline
and review the training program con- facilities.
tent to identify potential improve-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ments at least once each calendar year, 192.703 General.

but at intervals not to exceed 15 (a) No person may operate a segment
months. An operators program must of pipeline, unless it is maintained in
provide for training each controller to accordance with this subpart.


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192.705 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

(b) Each segment of pipeline that be- (b) In Class 4 locations, at intervals
comes unsafe must be replaced, re- not exceeding 412 months, but at least
paired, or removed from service. four times each calendar year.
(c) Hazardous leaks must be repaired [Amdt. 19221, 40 FR 20283, May 9, 1975, as
promptly. amended by Amdt. 19243, 47 FR 46851, Oct.
21, 1982; Amdt. 19271, 59 FR 6585, Feb. 11,
192.705 Transmission lines: Patrol- 1994]
(a) Each operator shall have a patrol 192.707 Line markers for mains and
program to observe surface conditions transmission lines.
on and adjacent to the transmission (a) Buried pipelines. Except as pro-
line right-of-way for indications of vided in paragraph (b) of this section, a
leaks, construction activity, and other line marker must be placed and main-
factors affecting safety and operation. tained as close as practical over each
(b) The frequency of patrols is deter- buried main and transmission line:
mined by the size of the line, the oper- (1) At each crossing of a public road
ating pressures, the class location, ter- and railroad; and
rain, weather, and other relevant fac- (2) Wherever necessary to identify
tors, but intervals between patrols may the location of the transmission line or
not be longer than prescribed in the main to reduce the possibility of dam-
following table: age or interference.
Maximum interval between patrols
(b) Exceptions for buried pipelines. Line
markers are not required for the fol-
Class loca- At highway and rail-
tion of line road crossings At all other places lowing pipelines:
(1) Mains and transmission lines lo-
1, 2 ........... 712 months; but at 15 months; but at cated offshore, or at crossings of or
least twice each cal- least once each cal-
endar year. endar year. under waterways and other bodies of
3 ................ 412 months; but at 712 months; but at water.
least four times least twice each cal- (2) Mains in Class 3 or Class 4 loca-
each calendar year. endar year.
4 ................ 412 months; but at 412 months; but at
tions where a damage prevention pro-
least four times least four times gram is in effect under 192.614.
each calendar year. each calendar year. (3) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4
locations until March 20, 1996.
(c) Methods of patrolling include (4) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4
walking, driving, flying or other appro- locations where placement of a line
priate means of traversing the right-of- marker is impractical.
way. (c) Pipelines aboveground. Line mark-
[Amdt. 19221, 40 FR 20283, May 9, 1975, as ers must be placed and maintained
amended by Amdt. 19243, 47 FR 46851, Oct. along each section of a main and trans-
21, 1982; Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28786, June 6, mission line that is located above-
1996] ground in an area accessible to the
192.706 Transmission lines: Leakage
(d) Marker warning. The following
must be written legibly on a back-
Leakage surveys of a transmission ground of sharply contrasting color on
line must be conducted at intervals not each line marker:
exceeding 15 months, but at least once (1) The word Warning, Caution,
each calendar year. However, in the or Danger followed by the words
case of a transmission line which Gas (or name of gas transported)
transports gas in conformity with Pipeline all of which, except for
192.625 without an odor or odorant, markers in heavily developed urban
leakage surveys using leak detector areas, must be in letters at least 1 inch
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

equipment must be conducted (25 millimeters) high with 14 inch (6.4

(a) In Class 3 locations, at intervals millimeters) stroke.
not exceeding 712 months, but at least (2) The name of the operator and the
twice each calendar year; and telephone number (including area code)


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.715

where the operator can be reached at Management, the operator must reme-
all times. diate the condition as prescribed by
[Amdt. 19220, 40 FR 13505, Mar. 27, 1975; 192.933(d).
Amdt. 19227, 41 FR 39752, Sept. 16, 1976, as (c) Welded patch. Except as provided
amended by Amdt. 19220A, 41 FR 56808, Dec. in 192.717(b)(3), no operator may use a
30, 1976; Amdt. 19244, 48 FR 25208, June 6, welded patch as a means of repair.
1983; Amdt. 19273, 60 FR 14650, Mar. 20, 1995;
Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] [Amdt. 192114, 75 FR 48604, Aug. 11, 2010]

192.709 Transmission lines: Record 192.713 Transmission lines: Perma-

keeping. nent field repair of imperfections
Each operator shall maintain the fol- and damages.
lowing records for transmission lines (a) Each imperfection or damage that
for the periods specified: impairs the serviceability of pipe in a
(a) The date, location, and descrip- steel transmission line operating at or
tion of each repair made to pipe (in- above 40 percent of SMYS must be
cluding pipe-to-pipe connections) must (1) Removed by cutting out and re-
be retained for as long as the pipe re- placing a cylindrical piece of pipe; or
mains in service.
(b) The date, location, and descrip- (2) Repaired by a method that reli-
tion of each repair made to parts of the able engineering tests and analyses
pipeline system other than pipe must show can permanently restore the serv-
be retained for at least 5 years. How- iceability of the pipe.
ever, repairs generated by patrols, sur- (b) Operating pressure must be at a
veys, inspections, or tests required by safe level during repair operations.
subparts L and M of this part must be [Amdt. 19288, 64 FR 69665, Dec. 14, 1999]
retained in accordance with paragraph
(c) of this section. 192.715 Transmission lines: Perma-
(c) A record of each patrol, survey, nent field repair of welds.
inspection, and test required by sub-
parts L and M of this part must be re- Each weld that is unacceptable under
tained for at least 5 years or until the 192.241(c) must be repaired as follows:
next patrol, survey, inspection, or test (a) If it is feasible to take the seg-
is completed, whichever is longer. ment of transmission line out of serv-
ice, the weld must be repaired in ac-
[Amdt. 19278, 61 FR 28786, June 6, 1996]
cordance with the applicable require-
192.711 Transmission lines: General ments of 192.245.
requirements for repair procedures. (b) A weld may be repaired in accord-
(a) Temporary repairs. Each operator ance with 192.245 while the segment of
must take immediate temporary meas- transmission line is in service if:
ures to protect the public whenever: (1) The weld is not leaking;
(1) A leak, imperfection, or damage (2) The pressure in the segment is re-
that impairs its serviceability is found duced so that it does not produce a
in a segment of steel transmission line stress that is more than 20 percent of
operating at or above 40 percent of the the SMYS of the pipe; and
SMYS; and (3) Grinding of the defective area can
(2) It is not feasible to make a perma- be limited so that at least 18-inch (3.2
nent repair at the time of discovery. millimeters) thickness in the pipe weld
(b) Permanent repairs. An operator remains.
must make permanent repairs on its (c) A defective weld which cannot be
pipeline system according to the fol- repaired in accordance with paragraph
(a) or (b) of this section must be re-
(1) Non integrity management re-
paired by installing a full encirclement
pairs: The operator must make perma-
nent repairs as soon as feasible. welded split sleeve of appropriate de-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) Integrity management repairs: sign.

When an operator discovers a condition [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
on a pipeline covered under Subpart O Amdt. 19285, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity


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192.717 49 CFR Ch. I (10114 Edition)

192.717 Transmission lines: Perma- 192.721 Distribution systems: Patrol-

nent field repair of leaks. ling.
Each permanent field repair of a leak (a) The frequency of patrolling mains
on a transmission line must be made must be determined by the severity of
by the conditions which could cause fail-
(a) Removing the leak by cutting out ure or leakage, and the consequent haz-
and replacing a cylindrical piece of ards to public safety.
pipe; or (b) Mains in places or on structures
(b) Repairing the leak by one of the where anticipated physical movement
following methods: or external loading could cause failure
(1) Install a full encirclement welded or leakage must be patrolled
split sleeve of appropriate design, un- (1) In business districts, at intervals
less the transmission line is joined by not exceeding 412 months, but at least
mechanical couplings and operates at four times each calendar year; and
less than 40 percent of SMYS. (2) Outside business districts, at in-
(2) If the leak is due to a corrosion tervals not exceeding 712 months, but
pit, install a properly designed bolt-on- at least twice each calendar year.
leak clamp. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(3) If the leak is due to a corrosion Amdt. 19243, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt.
pit and on pipe of not more than 40,000 19278, 61 FR 28786, June 6, 1996]
psi (267 Mpa) SMYS, fillet weld over
the pitted area a steel plate patch with 192.723 Distribution systems: Leak-
rounded corners, of the same or greater age surveys.
thickness than the pipe, and not more (a) Each operator of a distribution
than one-half of the diameter of the system shall conduct periodic leakage
pipe in size. surveys in accordance with this sec-
(4) If the leak is on a submerged off- tion.
shore pipeline or submerged pipeline in (b) The type and scope of the leakage
inland navigable waters, mechanically control program must be determined
apply a full encirclement split sleeve of by the nature of the operations and the
appropriate design. local conditions, but it must meet the
(5) Apply a method that reliable engi- following minimum requirements:
neering tests and analyses show can (1) A leakage survey with leak detec-
permanently restore the serviceability tor equipment must be conducted in
of the pipe. business districts, including tests of
[Amdt. 19288, 64 FR 69665, Dec. 14, 1999] the atmosphere in gas, electric, tele-
phone, sewer, and water system man-
192.719 Transmission lines: Testing holes, at cracks in pavement and side-
of repairs. walks, and at other locations providing
(a) Testing of replacement pipe. If a an opportunity for finding gas leaks, at
segment of transmission line is re- intervals not exceeding 15 months, but
paired by cutting out the damaged por- at least once each calendar year.
tion of the pipe as a cylinder, the re- (2) A leakage survey with leak detec-
placement pipe must be tested to the tor equipment must be conducted out-
pressure required for a new line in- side business districts as frequently as
stalled in the same location. This test necessary, but at least once every 5
may be made on the pipe before it is in- calendar years at intervals not exceed-
stalled. ing 63 months. However, for cathodi-
(b) Testing of repairs made by welding. cally unprotected distribution lines
Each repair made by welding in accord- subject to 192.465(e) on which elec-
ance with 192.713, 192.715, and 192.717 trical surveys for corrosion are imprac-
must be examined in accordance with tical, a leakage survey must be con-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

192.241. ducted at least once every 3 calendar

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by

Amdt. 19254, 51 FR 41635, Nov. 18, 1986]


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, DOT 192.727

years at intervals not exceeding 39 means designed to prevent the opening

months. of the valve by persons other than
those authorized by the operator.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 19243, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt. (2) A mechanical device or fitting
19270, 58 FR 54528, 54529, Oct. 22, 1993; Amdt. that will prevent the flow of gas must
19271, 59 FR 6585, Feb. 11, 1994; Amdt. 19294, be installed in the service line or in the
69 FR 32895, June 14, 2004; Amdt. 19294, 69 FR meter assembly.
54592, Sept. 9, 2004] (3) The customers piping must be
physically disconnected from the gas
192.725 Test requirements for rein- supply and the open pipe ends sealed.
stating service lines. (e) If air is used for purging, the oper-
(a) Except as provided in paragraph ator shall insure that a combustible
(b) of this section, each disconnected mixture is not present after purging.
service line must be tested in the same (f) Each abandoned vault must be
manner as a new service line, before filled with a suitable compacted mate-
being reinstated. rial.
(b) Each service line temporarily dis- (g) For each abandoned offshore pipe-
connected from the main must be test- line facility or each abandoned onshore
ed from the point of disconnection to pipeline facility that crosses over,
the service line valve in the same man- under or through a commercially navi-
ner as a new service line, before recon- gable waterway, the last operator of
necting. However, if provisions are that facility must file a report upon
made to maintain continuous service, abandonment of that facility.
such as by installation of a bypass, any (1) The preferred method to submit
part of the original service line used to data on pipeline facilities abandoned
maintain continuous service need not after October 10, 2000 is to the National
be tested. Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) in
accordance with the NPMS Standards
192.727 Abandonment or deactiva- for Pipeline and Liquefied Natural Gas
tion of facilities. Operator Submissions. To obtain a
(a) Each operator shall conduct aban- copy of the NPMS Standards, please
donment or deactivation of pipelines in refer to the NPMS homepage at http://
accordance with the requirements of or contact the
this section. NPMS National Repository at 703317
(b) Each pipeline abandoned in place 3073. A digital data format is preferred,
must be disconnected from all sources but hard copy submissions are accept-
and supplies of gas; purged of gas; in able if they comply with the NPMS
the case of offshore pipelines, filled Standards. In addition to the NPMS-re-
with water or inert materials; and quired attributes, operators must sub-
sealed at the ends. However, the pipe- mit the date of abandonment, diame-
line need not be purged when the vol- ter, method of abandonment, and cer-
ume of gas is so small that there is no tification that, to the best of the oper-
potential hazard. ators knowledge, all of the reasonably
(c) Except for service lines, each in- available information requested was
active pipeline that is not being main- provided and, to the best of the opera-
tained under this part must be discon- tors knowledge, the abandonment was
nected from all sources and supplies of completed in accordance with applica-
gas; purged of gas; in the case of off- ble laws. Refer to the NPMS Standards
shore pipelines, filled with water or for details in preparing your data for
inert materials; and sealed at the ends. submission. The NPMS Standards also
However, the pipeline need not be include details of how to submit data.
purged when the volume of gas is so Alternatively, operators may submit
small that there is no potential hazard. reports by mail, fax or e-mail to the Of-
(d) Whenever service to a customer is fice of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and
discontinued, one of the following must Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis-
wreier-aviles on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with CFR

be complied with: tration, U.S. Department of Transpor-

(1) The valve that is closed to prevent tation, Information Resources Man-
the flow of gas to the customer must be ager, PHP10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue,
provided with a locking device or other SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001; fax


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(202) 3664566; e-mail detection and alarm system, unless the

InformationResourcesManager@phmsa. building is The information in the report (1) Constructed so that at least 50
must contain all reasonably available percent of its upright side area is per-
information related to the facility, in- manently open; or
cluding information in the possession (2) Located in an unattended field

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