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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents

Provide the following evidence to assist Saudi Aramco in evaluating the effectiveness of your
companys safety program. Evidence includes both: (1) written statements of what your
company intends to do (e.g., in your corporate safety program), and (2) samples of recent after-
the-fact actual records (at least 5 records over a time period of at least six months) to verify
proper implementation (e.g., signed attendance sheets, meeting minutes, training records,
certificates, completed checklists).

Written programs are to specify: (1) the responsibilities of involved personnel, (2) minimum
requirements/procedures for successful implementation of the program, (3) training on the
program to be provided to personnel responsible for implementing the program, and (4)
recordkeeping (documentation/forms to be maintained).

All submitted documents and records are to be in English and be submitted in the order listed
below, with tabs clearly separating each section.

WORK EXPERIENCE Submit your companys: (1) full name, (2) mail address, (3)
commercial registration number, (4) Saudi Aramco vendor number, and (5) list of
specific work disciplines/crafts for which your company is seeking to be approved to
perform contractual work within Saudi Aramco (e.g., civil, mechanical, HVAC, electrical),
including evidence of your companys past experience performing this type of work.


A. Line Accountability
Provide at least the following evidence of your company managements safety commitment,
safety reporting relationships within the company, and specific management and employee
responsibilities regarding safety:

1. Written statement of your company managements safety commitment (e.g., safety policy
statement) that is signed by your companys top management (e.g., CEO, Owner).
2. Organizational chart, etc., that clearly defines the safety reporting relationships (1) within
your company and (2) between your companys field operations and Saudi Aramco.
3. Clear and complete definition of safety responsibilities for your companys (1) senior
management, (2) project managers, (3) supervisors/foremen, and (4) employees.
4. Official written statement that every employee has the right to (1) stop his own work and
to (2) stop the work of others due to unsafe conditions or acts.

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents
B. Employee Safety Orientation
Provide evidence that your employees receive an appropriate company safety orientation:

1. Written new employee safety orientation program, which specifies the: (1)
responsibilities of involved personnel, (2) minimum requirements/procedures for
successful implementation of the program, (3) training on the program to be provided to
personnel responsible for implementing the program, and (4) recordkeeping
(documentation/forms to be maintained).
2. List of topics covered by your new employee safety orientation program, which are
applicable to the hazards of your companys operations and the employees type of work.
3. Recent records (at least 5) to verify proper implementation of your companys safety
orientation program (e.g., signed attendance sheets, employee training records).

C. Training/Certification
Provide at least the following evidence that your companys employees receive safety
training, job skills/craft competency training, and required certifications:

1. Written safety training program that includes: (1) a description of the basic safety
training courses (e.g., first aid, fire safety, hazard recognition, confined space safety, H2S
safety, driving safety) provided to your companys employees, (2) how these safety
training courses are delivered (e.g., in-house, third-party), and (3) which of these courses
are required for each type of job (e.g., documented in a safety training matrix or safety
training plan).
2. Recent records (at least 5) to verify proper implementation of your companys safety
training program (e.g., signed attendance sheets, employee training records).
3. Written job skills/craft competency training program that includes: (1) a description of
the specific job skills/craft training courses required for each type of job (e.g., HVAC
technician, plumber, pipefitter, scaffolder, welder) that are specific to their work for
Saudi Aramco, (2) how these job skills/craft training courses are delivered (e.g., in-house
and/or third-party), and (3) refresher training frequency.
4. Recent records (at least 5) to verify proper implementation of your companys job
skills/craft training program (e.g., signed attendance sheets, employee training records).
5. List of jobs performed by your companys employees that require Saudi Aramco-
approved certification (e.g., scaffold supervisor/inspector, crane/heavy equipment
operator, rigger, welder).
6. Sample copies of valid and current certificates earned by your companys personnel for
each type of job that requires certification.

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents

D. Behavioral Compliance
Provide at least the following evidence of how your employee compliance with safety rules
and regulations is achieved, including your companys performance appraisal, safety
incentive/recognition, and disciplinary action programs:

1. Written employee and supervisory performance appraisal program (specifying

responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and recordkeeping) that includes
safety performance.
2. Recent records to verify that employee and supervisory performance appraisals, which
include safety performance, are conducted.
3. Written safety incentive/recognition program to encourage and improve safe work
performance (e.g., a safety suggestion program).
4. Recent records to verify proper implementation of your safety incentive/recognition
5. Written employee disciplinary action program that includes safety issues.
6. Recent records to verify proper implementation of your employee disciplinary action
program, including safety-related disciplinary actions.

E. Safety Meetings
Provide at least the following evidence that periodic safety communication meetings (e.g.,
weekly safety meetings) are conducted, and that safety is an agenda item at regular internal
contractor management meetings:

1. Written program (specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and

recordkeeping) for periodic (e.g., weekly) safety communication meetings.
2. Recent records that periodic (e.g., weekly) safety communication meetings are held,
including safety topics discussed and meeting frequency.
3. Written program (specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and
recordkeeping) for brief pre-job (toolbox) craft safety meetings to address job-specific
safety issues prior to beginning a different work activity.
4. Recent records to verify that safety is an agenda item at your regular internal company
management meetings.

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents

F. Safety Inspections
Provide at least the following evidence that periodic safety inspections of job sites by
contractor site management, on-site supervisors, and employees are conducted, findings
documented, and corrective actions taken:

1. Written program (specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and

recordkeeping) for conducting planned and documented job site safety inspections by
contractor site management, on-site supervisors, and employees.
2. Recent records to verify that job site safety inspections are (1) conducted by contractor
site management, on-site supervisors, and employees (e.g., completed checklists), and (2)
corrective actions have been taken.
3. Written program (specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and
recordkeeping) for ongoing safety inspections of tools and equipment.
4. Recent records to verify that (1) ongoing safety inspections of tools and equipment are
conducted (e.g., completed checklists), and (2) corrective actions have been taken.

G. Incident Reporting & Investigation

Provide at least the following evidence (including actual completed incident report forms) of
established procedures for injury/incident/near-miss reporting, root cause analysis, and
follow-up of recommendations:

1. Written program (specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and

recordkeeping) for reporting and investigating incidents, as per Saudi Aramco General
Instructions (GIs) 6.001, 6.007, 6.024.
2. Written scope of your companys incident reporting program (e.g., does it include
reporting of injuries/illnesses, near-misses, and root cause analysis of incidents as
described in GI 6.003).
3. Recent records to verify that: (1) incidents are being reported in your company, (2)
specific and closed-ended recommendations (with estimated completion date and
responsible party identified) have been developed as a result of your companys incident
investigations, and (3) corrective actions have been taken.
4. Recent records to verify that your company provides a monthly incident/injury statistical
summary to your clients/customers (e.g., to Saudi Aramco proponent organizations as per
GI 6.007).

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents


Provide the following information to assist Saudi Aramco in evaluating your companys
procedures that specifically address the following for each separate job.

A. Hazards Understood
Provide at least the following evidence of your companys procedures to identify and
mitigate safety and health hazards your employees may encounter while performing
contracted work:

1. Written program (specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and

recordkeeping) for identifying, evaluating, and controlling workplace hazards (e.g.,
Hazard Identification Plan [HIP], Job Safety Analysis [JSA]).
2. Recent records from previous jobs to verify that your company has actually implemented
procedures to (1) identify, (2) evaluate, and (3) control workplace hazards.

B. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Provide at least the following evidence of your companys procedures for assessing PPE
needs, the specified quality/standards (e.g., ANSI) of each type of PPE purchased, and
employee training in the proper use of PPE:

1. Written personal protective equipment (PPE) program (specifying responsibilities,

requirements/procedures, training, and recordkeeping), as well as a list of the specified
standards (e.g., ANSI #) for each type of PPE purchased by your company.
2. Records (e.g., purchase orders/invoices, copies of PPE labels/markings, manufacturers
literature) that each type of PPE purchased by your company actually meets the above
specified standards (e.g., ANSI #).
3. Records that PPE needs assessments are conducted for non-standard issue PPE (e.g.,
other than hardhats, safety glasses, hearing protection, and safety shoes).
4. Recent records (e.g., signed attendance sheets with topics covered) that training is
provided for your employees on the proper use of PPE.

C. Emergency Response Procedures

Provide the following, including sample(s) of your companys Emergency Response Plan(s),
which identify and address credible emergencies, resources, and training/drills, as well as
emergency medical capabilities (e.g., clinic/hospital arrangements, certified nurse,
ambulance, first aid supplies).

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents
1. Samples of previously prepared Emergency Response Plan(s), which identify and address
all credible emergencies, emergency response resources, training/drills, etc.
2. Written emergency reporting procedure(s) for your company.
3. Written procedure(s) that specifies the first aid and/or medical supplies to be available
on-site for the type of work to be performed.
4. Sample records to verify that your company has certified First Aiders, Saudi Arab
Ministry of Health (MOH) certified medical personnel, and ambulance(s) available in
accordance with Saudi Arab Government requirements.
5. Copies of contractual agreements that your company has made with local health care
provider(s) to provide emergency and inpatient medical treatment for your companys
6. Copies of contractual agreements that your company has made to provide full, private,
medical insurance coverage (including emergency and in-patient medical treatment) for
your companys employees.
7. Recent records (e.g., signed attendance sheets with topics) showing that your companys
employees receive emergency response training.
8. Sample records that identify exit routes and assembly areas where head counts are to be
performed for contractor-occupied facilities.

D. Subcontractor Management
Provide evidence of your companys procedures for selecting subcontractors who have an
effective safety program, and for monitoring their job site performance to ensure compliance
with safety requirements.

1. If subcontractors are used or likely to be used, provide your companys written program
(specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and recordkeeping) for
selecting subcontractors that have an effective safety program.
2. If subcontractors are used or likely to be used, provide records to verify that your
company selects subcontractors that have an effective safety program.
3. If subcontractors are used or likely to be used, provide your companys written program
(specifying responsibilities, requirements/procedures, training, and recordkeeping) that
describes how your company monitors your subcontractors job site safety performance
to ensure compliance with safety requirements.
4. If subcontractors are used or likely to be used, provide records (e.g., site inspection
records, audits, checklists) from past jobs to verify that your company monitors your
subcontractors job site performance to ensure compliance with safety requirements.

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents


Provide the following information for your companys employees who have specific
management, supervisory, and/or safety responsibilities and authority.

A. Management/Supervision

1. Provide evidence (e.g., company statement/policy, CEO/Owner letter) that your companys
(1) management and (2) supervision are explicitly expected to perform an active role in
managing and promoting safety within your company.

2. Provide evidence (e.g., job descriptions, list of responsibilities) that each of the
management/supervisory positions shown on your companys organization chart (see item I-
A2 above) have clearly defined and specific safety responsibilities.

3. Provide sample records of continuing safety management/leadership training completed by

your companys (1) management and (2) supervision.

B. Safety Personnel

1. Provide job descriptions, which include defined responsibilities and minimum qualifications
(e.g., required safety experience, education, training, certifications), for your companys (1)
safety manager/professional(s) and (2) field/site safety officers/supervisors.

2. Provide evidence that your company has at least one designated safety manager or other
safety professional with the primary responsibility for administering your companys overall
safety program.

3. For your companys safety manager/professional(s), provide evidence (e.g., resume/CV)

detailing his:
number of years of safety-related experience,
number of years of oil and gas industry experience,
number of years of construction/maintenance project experience,
university/college degree(s), and
internationally recognized professional safety certification (e.g., copy of CSP, CHST,
OHST, IOSH certificate).

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation Guide December 7, 2010

Attachment A3
Contractor Pre-Qualification Safety Evaluation
Inquiry and Submittal Contents


Provide the following in-Kingdom employee on-job injury (including injuries from motor
vehicle accidents) and occupational illness data for the past three years and year-to-date
(also provide your companys official record from the Saudi Arab Government General
Organization for Social Insurance [GOSI], if applicable):

YTD 1st YR 2nd YR 3rd YR

Manhours Worked ___________ __________ __________ __________

First Aid Injury/Illness (FAI) Cases _____ _____ _____ _____

Medical Treatment Cases (MTC) _____ _____ _____ _____

Lost Time Injury/Illness (LTI) Cases _____ _____ _____ _____

On-Job Fatalities _____ _____ _____ _____

For definitions of FAI, MTC and LTI, see Saudi Aramco General Instruction (GI) 6.007,
Reporting of Contractor On-Job Injuries / Occupational Illnesses.

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