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Subordinating conjunctions

Complete the following sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions.

1. I make it a point to visit the Taj Mahal . I go to Agra.

2. This is the place .. I used to stay when I was studying at college.

3. .. you get the first rank, I will buy you a car.

4. .. you work hard, you cant pass the entrance test.

5. I am leaving tomorrow or not you give me the permission.

6. He could not get a seat, .. he came early.

7. The players delivered a splendid performance . they had rehearsed well.

8. Parents should give enough attention to children .. they will not feel neglected.

9. He is dishonest no one trusts him.

10. I will note it down I should forget.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions.

[when, while, where, though, although, till, before, unless, as, after, because, if, that, since]
1. We were happy . we received the first prize.
2. The people were listening eagerly .. the leader was speaking.
3. This is the place . we were attacked.
4. he worked hard, he failed.
5. . she is beautiful, she is not intelligent.
6. You wait here . I come.
7. She will not come .. we compel her.
. There was a silence .. the guests had gone.
9. She began to cry she had lost her golden chain.
10. you work hard, you will get the first prize.
11. She became angry . I had said anything.

Punctuation Practice Test

INSTRUCTIONS: For questions 1-18 below, correct all punctuation errors by writing in the
correct marks in their correct places. Some sentences only need basic punctuation, like
apostrophes and periods; others require more complex forms, such as dashes, hyphens,
colons, and ellipses.

1. The paper was clear pertinent and well written

2. Harry and Donnas honeymoon was just as frantic as their wedding

3. She won the race easily in fact she set a state record

4. I am recalling his story I believe as accurately as I can

5. The last year of the twentieth century is 2000 not 99

6. I expected a package this morning however I waited all day for it to arrive

7. Rainy days arent all that bad they provide the water crucial for all life

8. She witnessed a crime on her street she promptly locked her doors

9. We traveled to Rome Italy Athens Greece and Paris France

10. Shakespeare said it best Alls well that ends well

11. He is not well- liked although he says he is everyones friend

12. Sarah she had always loved animals took in the stray kitten

13. Certainly you may borrow my book Gary

The 1950s singer Patty Paige sang the novelty song How Much is That Doggi
e in the Window

15. Nearly all Americans own a Bible but few including scholars of literature
have read it

16. Hmmm its a tough decision but Ill take the red one

17. Tuesday July 25 1967 is my birthday

18. I do the laundry make dinner and pick up the kids I should receive a
medal for all of these chores
Punctuation exercise

a woman without her man is nothing

Challenge students to punctuate that sentences in two ways so that it will have two quite
different meanings.


a clever dog knows its master

i saw a man eating lobster

the butler stood in the doorway and called the guests names

at summer camp I missed my dog my little brother the odor of my dads pipe and my

my dear pat, the dinner we shared the other night -- it was absolutely lovely not
in my wildest dreams could i ever imagine anyone as perfect as you are could
you -- if only for a moment -- think of our being together forever what a cruel joke
to have you come into my life only to leave again it would be heaven denied the
possibility of seeing you again makes me giddy with joy i face the time we are
apart with great sadness john p.s.: i would like to tell you that i love you i can't
stop thinking that you are one of the prettiest women on earth

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