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Pentru admitere n clasa a IX-a cu program bilingv
Mai 2016

A. Complete the gaps with the correct tense of the verb. (10 x 1p =10 points)

Next week John (1) _______ (go) on holiday to the Bahamas. He (2) _______ (make up) his
mind two months ago when a friend of his who (3) _______ (live) there (4) _______(invite) him.
John is sure he (5) _______ (have) a good time there as he (6) _______ (always/want) to visit
such an exotic place. At the moment he (7) _______ (make) a list of things he (8) _______
(need). His friend (9) _______ (wait) for him at the airport; John only hopes hell recognize her
as he (10) _______ (not/see) her for seven years!

B. Circle the correct answer. (15x1p=15 points)

1. The doctor said the patient ______ to hospital a long time ago.
A) should be taken B) should take C) should have been taken D) should have taken
2. If I ______ so tired, I would have helped you.
A) wouldn't B) wouldn't have been C) wasn't D) hadn't been
3. Each of their sons has ______.
A) a room of his own B) a room of their own C) an own room D) own rooms
4. Dont touch anything until the police ______.
A) will arrive B) shall arrive C) arrive D) arrives
5. Would you mind if I joined you? ______
A) No, I don't. B) No, not at all. C) Yes, why not. D) Yes, please do.
6. Sorry to bother you. ______
A) So am I. B) Yes, of course. C) No, you can't. D) Thats all right.
7. The clock has just ______ eleven.
A) hit B) struck C) beaten D) knocked
8. The fish youre eating ______ only six hours ago.
A) was caught B) had been caught C) has been caught D) is been caught
9. Give me the dictionary for a moment, ______?
A) will you B) did you C) can't you D) don't you
10. The bomb might explode ______ moment.
A) every B) each C) all D) any
11. I didnt hear what he was ______.
A) speaking B) talking C) saying D) telling

12. The school is much ______ than I thought.

A) farther B) far C) farthest D) distant
13. She went home early because she ______ her work.
A) will finished B) has finished C) is finished D) had finished
14. He didnt take the flat because he couldnt afford the ______.
A) rent B) salary C) hire D) fare
15. If he ______ gone to the show, he would have liked it.
A) would have B) will have C) was D) had

C. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space: (10x1,5p=15 points)

1. Its ______ ! Ive won the lottery! BELIEVE

2. She faints at the ______ of blood. SEE
3. Most big cats hunt under the cover of ______ DARK
4. Tourists today enjoy travelling to ______ , isolated areas. EXPLORE
5. How long is the ______ from Paris to London? FLY
6. Which ______ should we go in left or right? DIRECT
7. Pick them up ______! Those boxes are full of glasses. CARE
8. My best friend has got a great______. PERSON
9. You need a lot of ______ to write a good science-fiction story. IMAGINE
10. Animals in zoos dont live in their______ environment. NATURE

D. There is one extra word in each sentence, find it and write it on the exam paper:

1. Tell him the news when you will see him.

2. I went for shopping with my sister yesterday.
3. The train to Brussels is faster than by the bus.
4. My mother told to me that I must help her with the housework.
5. I really like the vanilla ice cream, especially on top of apple pie.
6. Its not worth to worrying about unimportant things.
7. Your hair is much more longer than mine.
8. Ive never been visited to a foreign country.
9. Who did cut the roses in Grandmas garden?
10. Youll get wet unless you not take an umbrella.

NOT:Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timp de lucru: 60 minute
Pentru admitere n clasa a IX-a cu program bilingv
Mai 2016


A. (10 x 1p = 10 points) C. (10 x 1.5p = 15 points)

1. unbelievable
1. is going / will go 2. sight
2. made up 3. darkness
3. lives 4. unexplored
4. invited 5. flight
5. will have 6. direction
6. has always wanted 7. carefully
7. is making 8. personality
8. needs / is going to need 9. imagination
9. will wait / is going to wait 10. natural
10. hasnt seen

B. (15 x 1= 15 points) D. (10 x 2 p = 20 points)

1. C 1. will
2.D 2. for
3.A 3. by
4.C 4. to
5.B 5. the
6.D 6. to
7.B 7. more
8.A 8. visited
9.A 9. did
10.D 10. not

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