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DELMAR BINA King Anatomy and Physiology of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland ‘The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, i attached to the hypothalamus at the base of dhe brain by a slender stalk called the infundibulum, The pitu- itary gland consists of two major functional areas the anterior pituitary, or adenohypophysis, and th pituitary, or meurohypophysis. The ade~ nohypophysis consists of three portions: the pars distalis, pars intermedia, and pars tuberalis. The neurohypophysis contains the pars nervost and is directly connected to the hypothalamus by the ‘nfundibasiam. The shape of the pituitary gland and the degree of development ofits relative parts vary in domestic animals (Figure 13.1), The hypothalamus is an important regulatory center for the nervous system it regulates body tem: perature, this, hunger sexual bebavios, and. such reactionsas fear and rage. Despite its many functions, the hypothalamus isquite avall ht consistsof the optic Equine chiasm, infundibulum, tuber cinereum, Mammillary bods, and hypophysis (Figures 13.2 and 13.3), The hypothalamus is also a eruckl reguktor of the endocrine system and pituitary gland. The hormones produced by the neurons in the ventral hypothakumus are of wo types: releasing hormones, Which stimulate specific cells of the anterior pitui- tary ta produce certain hormones, and inhibitory hormones, witich have an inhibivory effect and sup= press production, Table 18.1 lists the hormones produced by the hypothalamus on the left, and hormonesof the anterior pituitary that are affected are listed on the right. ‘Two other hormones also are produced by the hypothalamus: antidiarctic hormone (ADH) and ‘oxytocin, ADH is produced primarily in the supraoptic rnuelei, and oxytocin primarily in the paraventricular rnvelei. These are special neurosecretory neurons that allow their product to side down an axon int the posterior pituitary gland, or newohypophysis, for release into the blood (Figure 13.4)

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