BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures For Sustainability Task2

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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371

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North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Assessment Task 2 Written Response & Case Study

Part A
1. Provide an example of compliance requirements that may apply to your organisation or
industry from each of the following categories:
a) Commonwealth or state and territory legislative requirements
example : Contour Systems Pty Ltd trading as Contour College
ensures that compliance with Commonwealth, State or Territory
legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its operations is
integrated into its policies and procedures and that compliance is
maintained. Contour Systems Pty Ltd identifies and complies with
relevant State or Territory laws including Commonwealth or
state/Territory legislation on:
o Work Health & Safety
o Workplace harassment, victimisation and
o Anti-discrimination, including equal
opportunity, racial vilification, disability discrimination;
o Privacy;
o Vocational education and training; and
o Apprenticeships and traineeships
b) Codes of practice

A code of practice provides detailed information on how you can achieve the standards
required under the work health and safety (WHS) laws.

These do not replace the WHS laws, but codes of practice can be issued to help make
understanding what you have to do a little easier.

An inspector can refer to a code of practice when issuing an improvement or prohibition

notice.Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, codes of practice are admissible in court
proceedings.Courts may regard a code of practice as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk
or control, and rely on it to determine what is 'reasonably practicable' in the circumstances to which
the code relates. It is recognised that equivalent or better ways of achieving the required work
health and safety outcomes may be possible. For that reason compliance with codes of practice is
not mandatory providing that any other method used provides an equivalent or higher standard of

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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

work health and safety than suggested by the code of practice. As well as codes of practice, Safe
Work Australia has guidance material that can also help you achieve the standards under WHS laws.

c) Local government requirements


Local Government Act 1993 occurred between mid January and mid March 2016, and
the Office of Local Government (OLG) has indicated its intention for the legislation to be into
(and perhaps through) Parliament by June.

The proposals were outlined in the OLG's Towards New Local Government Legislation
Explanatory Paper: proposed phase 1 amendments. The proposals aim to:

Clarify roles and responsibilities of councillors, mayors, administrators and general


Introduce new guiding principles for local government

Improve governance of councils and professional development for councillors

Expand on the framework for strategic business planning and reporting

Prioritise community engagement and financial accountability Streamline council

administrative processes.

d) External standards
Understanding risk and delivering quality are fundamental to the success of our
business, so we invest in continuous improvement of our internal systems and standards.
Over recent years, weve implemented a number of management systems which are certified
to recognised British and international standards, and are rigorously assessed by external
experts on a regular basis. They assess the strength of processes and controls related to
specific sustainability topics identified in ourmateriality matrix.

SO 9001 (held since 2011)

Our Ministry of Defence (MoD) account team achieved ISO 9001, the standard for quality
management systems, in 2011 to meet the client's requirements. This enhances the robust
risk and quality management processes we already have in place

2. How can continuous improvement be applied to sustainability policy? How does this
help achieve sustainability objectives?
The aim is to make all organisational functions and resources work better and more
efficiently over time. Having a continuous improvement process can also help to:

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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

o Encourage participation from staff and volunteers

o Improve communication between volunteers, staff and management
o Reinforce your commitment to creating a positive work environment
o Provide an objective basis for decision making
o Create a proactive and planned approach to improving how things are
o Collecting feedback

The first step is having processes in place to regularly capture feedback and
information about how your program is working. You could do this by:

Having regular surveys

Organising focus groups or more formal feedback sessions
Collating any feedback sent through your complaints or compliments systems
or if you dont have these systems think about making a form available through your
website or intranet
Completing a volunteer exit interview when a volunteer leaves, or a feedback
session when their probation period comes to an end
Making it a part of your performance management process
Holding a consultation phase and speaking to people in your organisation and
key clients
Conducting regular internal audits
Having an external agency conduct a full service audit for you.

Identifying improvements

When you have collected the information you need, think about how you can both
correct and prevent issues that have been identified. Sometimes it will be something simple
like fixing a step in a process map or assigning responsibility for a task; but sometimes you
might have to think more broadly about your resource availability or business requirements.

Continuous improvement is about improving the processes and procedures in the

workplace. And the best way to work out what isnt working well is to ask the people doing
the job! Having good communication with your volunteers will help the process enormously,
as will acting on the feedback that you receive.


The first step of being able to act on your feedback is deciding who is responsible for planning,
managing and coordinating improvement activities. You should also have some guidelines

How to work out the impact of change

How you will communicate the change
The time periods for implementing change
How you will evaluate the change.
Its also important to keep all the information the you collect and document changes that you
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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

make, the rationale behind them and the expected outcome of the change. Then when you do
your next review you can easily measure how effective the change really was.

Making changes

One approach that larger organisations might like to take is to implement changes on a
smaller scale first so for example, make the change in one team and see how it goes, before
spreading it across your whole organisation.

This follows a basic Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process. This is a cycle which tests change in the
real work setting by planning it, trying it, looking at the results, and acting on what is

Remember that all improvement requires making changes, but not all changes result in
improvement! That is why it is a continuous process.

The importance of communication

As with all your policies and procedures, its important to communicate with your volunteers.
This is particularly important with continuous improvement. Some volunteers might not like
all the change, or might think its because they are not doing a good job especially if you have
people volunteering part time or for projects, where they might not get to see the bigger

Make sure you let your volunteers know what continuous improvement is, why it is important
and how it is being used to make it a better place to work. And most importantly, let them
know that their feedback is integral to the success of the process.

3. When should you consult with stakeholders about sustainability policies? What are the
possible consequences of neglecting to consult with stakeholders? How might you resolve
any dissent with key stakeholders?
When faced with an almost inexhaustible list of possible programmatic options
you can pursue, knowing who your stakeholders are and what level of importance you
afford them is vital. This knowledge enables you to managing your time and ensuring
your efforts will produce the most value. For example, you might not want to spend a lot
of time developing a strategy to influence a trade association, if that association has no
real bearing on your business. On the other hand if you have a specific reporter, or a
particular customer that holds significant influence on your business or sustainability
efforts, then they might demand more time and effort when developing your
engagement plan.

4. What is a SWOT analysis? How might it be applied to sustainability policies?

Understanding your Strengths serves as the basis for your competitive advantage.
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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

Figure out what you do well and do more of it! Make sure you communicate your competitive
advantage to the world in all of your marketing materials. Sing your praises to your
employees. If your employees really dont know what you do well, how can they help your
business achieve its goals?

Identifying your Weaknesses gives you an idea of what you might want to work on.
The old adage is true, you are only as strong as your weakest link. In some cases, a weakness
may be something that you have purposely chosen not to focus on, say bricks and mortar if
you are an online operation. However, if you take an honest look at your operations, from all
angles, and within all departments, you may find areas that need to be improved in order for
you to be the best business that you can be, for example have you thoroughly reviewed your
supply chain? Do you really know the source of your suppliers materials?

Pinpointing Opportunities identifies areas for growth. Often business owners get so
focused on their day-to-day operations (and rightfully so) that they may not see future
opportunities. Being one of the first to take advantage of a new market trend provides you
with the greatest chance for success and profits. As gas prices continue to rise is there a way
to capitalize on local markets?

Considering Threats before they happen will allow you to create a good defense. There
is nothing worse for a business than being caught by surprise AND then not knowing what to
do. Chaos is definitely not good for business! Regulations seem to be multiplying faster than
rabbits these days, what are the potential impacts of state, federal, and global regulations?

Here is a simple 8 step process that will take your business to the next level
Step 1: Assemble a SWOT Team
Include members of your organization from all departments and all levels of the org chart. The
greater the variety in the perspectives, the more honest and accurate the picture of your business
will be.

Step 2: Pick a Meeting Time and Place

Pick a neutral location where all team members will be comfortable. And pick a time that is
convenient to the majority. Its hard to get people to focus on the task at hand if they are
continually feeling the pressure of time and looking at their watch!

Step 3: Set the Ground Rules

Everyone should be empowered to say what they really think without fear of retribution. There is
no wrong answer. You want honesty and realistic comments at all times. More answers are
better. You may get opposite responses from different departments talk out the discrepancy.
Find out why there is a difference of opinion or perspective.

Step 4: Strengths
Set a positive tone by starting with what you do well within your organization. Cover topics such
as your product line, marketing, unique selling proposition, resources, reputation, organizational
structure, culture, location, operations, personnel, knowledge and experience, qualifications and
certifications, financial resources, patents and intellectual property, mission and philosophy.

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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

Step 5: Weaknesses
Now its time to be honest. Open up the kimono and take a long, hard, honest look at the business
and ask yourself, What can we do better? Where are there gaps in what you do? Or in some
cases, a strength may be a weakness. For example, you may say that being small is a strength
because you can respond more quickly to customer demands. But being small may also be a
weakness if you cannot support large customer orders. Think about the disadvantages of your
value proposition, vulnerabilities, issues, and distractions, and anything that could be improved.

Step 6: Opportunities
Back to the positive side but this time from the perspective of what is going on outside your
company in the world at large. What is happening in your industry that you might be able to take
advantage of? What are the current trends in the world that might benefit your business? As
consumers demand more environmentally friendly products, how can you capitalize on the
markets desire to to use organic materials? Consider trends in technology, niche markets,
possible partnerships or joint ventures, new product development, lifestyle trends, competitor
weaknesses, and global influences.

Step 7: Threats
Changes outside of your organization can present a clear and present danger for your business.
Identifying a potential problem may give you the time to protect yourself from the impact.
Consider where you may be exposed from the regulatory, political, environmental, resource, and
financial perspectives. If the economy continues in a recession, how will it affect your donors
ability to make large contributions?

Step 8: Analysis
The last step is the most fun what does all this information mean? Its time to turn the data into
workable strategies for your business to pursue! Well mix up the acronym S-W-O-T to identify
new strategies for your company. After having developed the SWOT answers, give your team a
week to ponder what the information means to them and how it can be used to improve your
operations. Consider the following 4 approaches to overlap and analyze the data:

5. Think of an organisation that does not have a sustainability policy. This may be your workplace
or another organisation with which you are familiar, including community organisations.
Briefly describe this organisation then outline the steps you would take to scope and develop
a sustainability policy.
1. Understand sustainability and recognize what it means to the company

As a first step, it is important to define what sustainability means for every area in
the company and to identify its benefits. From investment decisions, developing new
products or services to changing procurement practices, sustainability has an increasingly
central role in these decisions. Coca-Cola is one of the companies centering its investment
decisions on sustainability. When considering the development and location of new
production plants, water sustainability has been now included as a key factor. Sanjay Guha,
president of Coca-Cola Great Britain says potential markets and ease of distribution were
once the only key factors. Now it is the long-term supply of water. In order to understand
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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

where sustainability efforts should be concentrated in a company, it is necessary to identify

those issues that have the biggest impact and are most relevant to the business and to

2. Engage with stakeholders

Depending on its line of business, a companys impact can vary among stakeholders.
Generally, companies engage with the most influential groups, keeping close ties and a
constant dialogue. However, engagement can happen on different levels and should
respond to expectations from both sides. Different levels and methods of engagement
bring benefits to both companies and stakeholders and can be translated into more
sustainable practices. Bonnie Nixon, Director of Environmental Sustainability at Hewlett
Packard explains, allowing stakeholders to honestly critique us pushes us to improve our
programs and helps us develop our thought leadership platforms. In the same way,
Procter and Gamble has benefitted through the engagement with local communities
around the world by finding alternative uses for its waste materials. Through employee
engagement, Kraft Foods has developed a model where employees contribute with ideas
and viable plans to reduce waste while helping to reach the companys waste reduction

3. Set goals and commitments

Once key environmental, social and governance issues have been identified and
engagement methods for each stakeholder group have been defined, efforts must focus on
reducing risks and seizing opportunities around these issues centered on sustainable
practices. Whether driven by cost reductions, innovation or improved financial
performance, sustainability commitments and goals need to be established.

For Wal-Mart, most of it commitments and goals on sustainability are focused around
the use of renewable energy and the adoption of energy efficiency. Initiatives in these areas
have resulted in the recognition of Wal-Mart as the largest on-site green electricity
generator in the U.S. and have led to cost savings of over $500m USD a year. Another
example is United Airlines. The airline aims to reduce its environmental impact through the
participation of all its suppliers in its Sustainable Supply Chain initiative.

While companies like Wal-Mart and United Airlines aim for a complete transformation
of their businesses, small companies are setting goals and commitments according to their
scope of action. Initiatives mainly focus on cost reductions from energy use, waste
management and commuting practices, as well as social actions in the community like local
development projects and volunteering campaigns.

4. Establish systems and processes

Once the goals are established, specific systems and detailed processes need to
guide the implementation of each initiative. Throughout the design, processes and policies
in place must be taken into consideration and collaboration among areas encouraged. At
this point, gaining executive commitment is crucial. The appointment of an internal
sustainability champion as the main driver of sustainability and the development of a
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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

successful employee engagement model are also good practice. According to the 2012
Report of Sustainability Leaders by VOX Global and Net Impact Berkeley, 78% of
respondents say top management was a key contributor to embracing sustainability.
However, 81% identified their colleagues across the company as primary drivers of success.

Unilevers Sustainable Living Plan was launched in 2010. Under the leadership of its
CEO Paul Polman, this ten-year sustainability plan has already accomplished considerable
progress in its first two years. Under the umbrella of its comprehensive overall
sustainability strategy, Unilever is utilizing its wide array of brands to target distinct social
issues, invest in sustainable technologies and change consumer behavior. Unilever has also
accomplished to fully embed sustainability across the company and to successfully engage
external actors. Besides the appointment of a Chief Sustainability Officer in 2012, the
companys management structure includes a Sustainable Living Plan Steering Team, a
group of external specialists in corporate responsibility and sustainability known as the
Sustainable Development Group and the launch of the Small Actions, Big Difference
Budget which finances employees ideas based on environmental benefit and financial

5. Track progress, communicate actions and meet expectations

Lastly, it is important to set a system that measures the performance towards each
goal. Defining key performance indicators to meet the identified goals will allow to detect
areas for improvement and will gather relevant data to track progress. Metrics and
indicators are also central for the reporting and communicating activities of the company.
Internally, the availability of data contributes to the prioritization of issues and initiatives
and to promote employee involvement around sustainability. Externally, collecting data is
fundamental for an accountability strategy, to respond to stakeholders expectations and
interests and to comply with reporting standards.

Companies reporting under the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines have already
embraced the development of indicators. In addition to these guidelines, the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board is currently preparing frameworks that will standardize
sustainability key indicators per sector. Alongside these efforts, companies are designing
their own systems to measure performance, like Wal-Marts Sustainability Scorecards,
which, among other criteria, ranks suppliers according to their environmental footprint and
contributes to Wal-Marts performance measurement.

In the end, corporate sustainability needs to adapt to the maturity of the business
and the companys willingness to treat sustainability as a strategic opportunity. These steps
are only the beginning of a process that can eventually transform a companys entire
business strategy into a sustainable business strategy.

6. Imagine you are responsible for an initiative targeted at reducing water use in your
a) Describe how you would decide between the following options for reducing water:
Installing rainwater tanks and plumbing them to supply toilets

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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

North Sydney Campus: 116 Pacifc Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 P 02 9955 0488 F 02 9955 3888

Replacing all toilets with dual-flush systems

Replacing all taps with low-flow alternatives
Installing a rainwater tank is an excellent way of making use of one of our most
important natural resources.

If you live in the country, rainwater is probably already an important source of your
water. If you live in an urban area, installing a rainwater tank gives you a personal water

You can use rainwater in place of tap water for watering your garden during water
restrictions. If your tank is plumbed into your house, you can also use rainwater in your
washing machine and for flushing the toilet.

Catch a free supply of water

Wash your car and water the garden during water restrictions
Help conserve Australia's scarcest natural resource

b) Outline what you would include in a report to management summarising your

If you are considering purchasing a rainwater tank, we recommend installing a
complete system to improve water quality and reduce tank maintenance. With a little
planning, you can design and install a system that will not only give you good quality
water, but will reduce your reliance on mains water. Rainwater that is captured and
stored correctly is a safe, economical and sustainable source of quality water that can
supply your complete requirements.

Rain Harvesting has developed a guide to Rainwater Harvesting and the

following diagram shows the components that form a part of a complete system.Rain
Harvesting Pty Ltd manufactures many of these components feel free to contact us
with any questions about our range and designing a system for you.
7. Imagine you are responsible for an initiative to improve the amount of paper, glass and
plastic that is recycled by your organisation. Three months after announcing the initiative,
you receive the following information:
Recyclable waste collections have increased by 5 per cent, versus the target of 15 per
General waste collections have largely remained static over the three-month period

BSBSUS501 Assessment Task 2 Written Response & Case Study v1.0 Page 9 of 3
General waste receptacles contained an average of 20 per cent recyclable waste at the
last audit
a) What actions would you take in response to this information?
Assess employees' interest and encourage their support about Think before you print
It is simply too easy to push the print-button. For example, much paper
is wasted by printing out single line emails or printing out unnecessary copies
of documents.
Departments should carefully assess their needs before ordering bulk
print copies of information materials, like annual reports or brochures. In
many cases hundreds if not thousands of un-used copies end up in storage
rooms clogging up storage space.
b) What communications would you plan to support these actions?
Involve and educate staff early in the process and theyll gain a clear, gradual
understanding about why changes need to be made and how its all going to happen.
And use staff feedback and experience to maintain and improve your systems.
Build staff knowledge
Good communication is essential for a successful reuse and recycling system. Consult with
staff about changes, provide up to date information and give them the opportunity to
provide feedback.

8. Why are recording and reporting systems an important part of implementing sustainability
policy? Describe the systems in place at your organisation and how they relate to the quality
assurance system of your organisation.
You will not know the results of your sustainability policy and procedures without
being able to track the actual results of those changes. Youve already established a baseline
for how your effective your companys sustainability was before implementation of
sustainability policies and procedures. Now you want to know the results of those policies
and procedures. That can only be accomplished by comparing your ongoing activities with
the baseline.
The organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a quality
management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the
requirements of this standard.
Organization has mechanisms which ensure its functioning in accordance with all
relevant laws and regulations (knowing all the laws and regulations applicable to work of
the organization; information on legal requirements and legislative changes timely and
adequately communicated to all employees and other stakeholders; changes in everyday
way of working are made in accordance with changes in legislative environment)
Organization has quality manual, a document which is main pillar of so called
quality documentation' it contain the scope of the quality management system,
procedures (or reference to them), and a description of interaction between processes of
the QMS. Its purpose is to outline the general policies and procedures for staff, customers,
accreditation bodies and/or legal bodies to provide an overview of the organizations
quality system. The manual can be the only thing needed, or it may be just a component of
documentation. Good quality manuals are very different. Information that is well designed
and clearly presented has measurable benefits. Quality manual has to be simple, practical
and flexible document, written in simple language, using the words that users know and

9. Why should you keep stakeholders informed of progress and final outcomes?
Describe three strategies for providing information to:
employees involved in implementing the initiative
management with oversight of the initiative.
As a project progresses, sometimes it's easy to forget the importance of keeping
stakeholders well informed. This article investigates some methods that you can use to make
sure stakeholders stay informed throughout the whole project.

When managing a project, it is vital to keep all participants up to date on what is

going on - especially the stakeholders. Keeping the stakeholders informed is an oft-neglected
but vital part of running a successful project. There are many ways to inform stakeholders -
from using collaborative software that informs clients of the project status, to creating status
reports, to having daily or weekly meetings. Below you will find some tips on how you can
keep project stakeholders up to date on what's going on - without sacrificing productivity.

1. Engagement
Strategic Planning is a process not an event. A key element in the process is the
engagement of all levels of staff throughout the organization. Staff engagement generates
additional input and helps build their commitment to the end plan. It is essential to involve
employees in the planning of strategy and direction for the organization. Employees input
Provide insight into issues, challenges, concerns, and opportunities
which may not have been known or fully understood.
Ensure their buy-in to help execute the strategies.The senior
management team will not execute the strategies staff will. Engage them
and your strategy execution success rate will increase dramatically.
2. Communication
Strategic Planning processes are successful when a bottom up and top down
communication approach is taken. It starts off with a communication to all levels of
employees informing them that a Strategic Planning process will be undertaken. It includes
how they will be involved in this process. This is the bottom up communication. Employees
will provide input to the strategic planning process through feedback surveys, focus groups,
meetings, etc. regarding their ideas for organizational direction, etc.
It is followed by the top down communication. Senior management will share the
strategic plan with employees. They will communicate to all employees how their
engagement will help ensure success in the execution of these strategies.
3. Innovation
Some strategic plans include strategies to develop a new product or deliver a new
service or re-structure a department, etc. They put teams of individuals together to work on
these major initiatives and give them investment money to ensure success. Yet over time it
becomes apparent that this team wont realize the strategic goal given to them and the
strategy itself will be deemed a failure. This is wrong!!
This is not a failure of execution. It is the lack of an Innovation Process to manage the
strategy that led to the failure. The senior management created strategies that required
innovation to achieve them. This is unfortunately, very common.
Many organizations tell their employees to be more innovative. They create strategies
for new products and services. But they fail to develop a strategy for Innovation which
includes reshaping the organizational culture to be innovative, implementing a process for
managing innovations, etc. Research in Motion is a classic case. Theyll tell you that theyre
very innovative. They market it and promote it. But look at their Strategic Plan. They lack a
clear strategy for innovation but they do have strategies for new product development. Yet
since the development of the Blackberry, they havent released a single innovative product.
They will of course disagree. The Playbook is an Ipad with less functionality. Its not an

Part B
Read the case study, and then answer the following questions that follow.
Case study
A large city library is aiming to reduce their energy use by improving the eficiency of their
lighting systems. As each of the existing globes in the office and community areas fail, they plan
to replace them with energy eficient lighting. They also plan to install movement sensitive
lighting in storage and archive areas. They hope to reduce their overall electricity costs by 10 per
cent once these initiatives are complete.
The Ofice Manager is responsible for the overall initiative. The maintenance staf will be used to
replace the existing light globes as required, and they have received approval to use the council
electrician to install the movement sensitive lighting.
There are 30 staf members at the library and they have hundreds of visitors each day.
1. Develop a policy statement for the library that demonstrates their commitment to
reducing energy consumption.
Comply with relevant Australian Government environmental legislation,
regulations and policies and other leading practice requirements to which the Library
Consider sustainability issues in the planning and management of the
National Library operations and activities including capital works projects;
Prevent pollution; minimise waste and greenhouse gas emissions; and
minimise our consumption of energy, water and natural resources; through both
technical and staff based initiatives;
Set, meet and periodically review environmental objectives and targets;
Implement procurement procedures that adhere to the principles of the
Environmental Policy;
Communicate this Environmental Policy and our Environmental
Management System to staff, contractors, consultants and volunteers;
Provide environmental awareness and training to ensure staff throughout
the Library are aware of their environmental roles and responsibilities;
Strive for continual improvement of environmental performance through
the monitoring of our achievements on a regular basis and reporting to relevant
stakeholders; and
Communicate this Policy to Library users and the public.
2. Can you identify any other initiatives that would allow the library to reduce
their energy consumption without significant expenditure?
Yes, Electric lighting in library buildings typically consumes about xx% of the energy
budget. Older buildings frequently allow plenty of daylight to enter through large window
openings; nevertheless, the electric lights are left on all day. Two basic strategies can combat
this waste of energy: The first, of course, is to use the most efficient lighting systems; the
second is to teach the library staff to switch on the electric lighting only when necessary or,
alternatively, to install occupancy sensors and a lighting control system that automatically
adjusts the amount of electric light to compensate for ambient daylight.
3. Write an implementation plan for the initiatives to reduce energy consumption;
including those you identified in question 2. This should include:
key activities
time lines
reporting requirements.

1. Measure/benchmark current energy consumption. Establishing a baseline against which

future reductions will be measured is an important first step in tracking progress. EPAs Energy
Star program has developed a tool called Portfolio Manager that can be used to benchmark
consumption against other buildings of a similar size, type, and function. Once a baseline has
been established, an organization can continue to track consumption on an ongoing basis and
quantify the savings from reduction efforts. Sub-metering can also be provided for discrete
building systems to further understand the performance of those systems and to help in
identifying reduction opportunities.
2. Develop an energy use profile. An energy use profile will demonstrate how energy use is
distributed among building systems (e.g., heating, water, lighting, office equipment,
refrigeration, and so on, as demonstrated in the figure below) as well as identify the energy
source for each system (natural gas, fuel oil, district heat/power, electricity). Submetering can
be provided for discrete building systems to further distinguish the performance of those
systems and to help identify further reduction opportunities. Breaking down energy
consumption data by discrete systems allows a more strategic approach to targeting
improvement efforts.
3. Build teams, get leadership support, assign dedicated resources. Create a multi-
stakeholder sustainability or green team with representatives from departments that share
responsibility for energy planning, usage, and management. An energy council subcommittee
may be necessary to provide focused energy management efforts.
4. Set targets/goals. It is important to set both short- and long-term reduction goals for
energy and emissions reductions and integrate them into a meaningful and achievable energy
management plan. Use the data gathered during baseline-setting, energy use-profiling, and
GHG inventory to help establish reasonable, SMART goals that are consistent with a basic,
intermediate or advance approach. Finally, the target goals will inform which performance
improvement measures to implement to achieve the goals.
5. Develop strategic action plans for improvement. The Roadmap performance improvement
measures are a comprehensive list of measures, or projects, designed to help you pick and
choose those that can help you meet your goals. Note the Green Light measures, which
represent the "low-hanging fruit."
6. Consider adopting a strategic energy management plan (SEMP), which is a written plan
that includes an integrated approach to ALL aspects of energy management, including short-
and long-term reduction strategies. For more resources
7. Implement projects. Execute performance improvement measures that will result in
energy and emissions reductions for your facility.
8. Track, measure, and report. It's important to begin to track your energy and GHG
reductions for several reasons: (1) to verify they are meeting the intended goal, (2) to track
cost and operational savings, (3) to monitor staff satisfaction, and (4) to report on all successes
or failures in order to inform your next steps and give you traction as you prepare for the next
project. Use newsletters, regular reports to leadership (a quarterly sustainability dashboard
report card works well), e-blasts, and other communication channels to keep staff and the
community informed of your commitments and progress.
9. Train, educate, and celebrate. Effectively communicating the need for energy management
and providing training and guidance on how to implement specific strategies can help an
organization achieve greater reductions and gain more support for initiatives. Success is easier
to achieve when users are educated on the reasons for any changes (what are the goals),
trained on work practice changes (how to engage), and regularly informed on how action plan
progress is matching up to goals (progress reports). Training and education is both formal,
with specific learning objectives (compliance or policy-related training should be
documented), and informal, with educational materials provided via posters, newsletters, e-
blasts, and other media. Informed staff are engaged staff. Recognizing individual and collective
efforts through awards or other recognition programs also provides opportunities to
celebrate and communicate the valuable work being accomplished. Don't let a success go
4. Develop a communication plan for the energy saving initiatives. This should include:

consulting with relevant stakeholders

promoting energy saving initiatives
reporting on progress and final outcomes.
The success of an energy efficiency program, and of maintaining ongoing interest in
energy management and performance, ultimately depends on the level of support, enthusiasm
and interest from stakeholders:

Different communication channels and engagement methods will be more or less

appropriate to different groups of employees. Potential tools to consider include:

Meetings - one-to-one or in small groups

Briefing notes
Newsletters - electronic or hard copy
Seminars or workshops
Public reports
Many EEMs (Energy Efficiency Measures) will only achieve their full potential if they
are implemented in conjunction with efforts to encourage behavior change:

o Employees need to understand what is in it for them. This will vary

according to their areas of activity
o The involvement of a broad range of employees is critical to ensuring
that different perspectives inform the energy efficiency program

5. Explain how you might monitor progress towards the energy reduction targets. What other
elements might you monitor as part of this initiative?
Identify and explain excessive energy use
Detect instances when consumption is unexpectedly higher or lower than
would usually have been the case
Visualize energy consumption trends (daily, weekly, seasonal,
Determine future energy use and costs when planning changes in the
Diagnose specific areas of wasted energy
Observe how changes to relevant driving factors impact energy efficiency
Develop performance targets for energy management programs
Manage energy consumption, rather than accept it as a fixed cost

6. Choose one of the additional initiatives you identified in question 2. Document a

procedure for employees to follow.
Teach the library staff to switch on the electric lighting only when necessary or,
alternatively, to install occupancy sensors and a lighting control system that automatically
adjusts the amount of electric light to compensate for ambient daylight.

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