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Radius of Circle : 5.0m

Radius of circular hole : 1.0m

1.Geometry Creation :

New Project Select Space Units: Length =meters; Force=KN;

File Name=Conical dome Next. Select c Add beam Finish.
Geometry Run structure WizardSelect Surface Plate Models from Truss
model Go to Circular Plate with a Hole and double click on it.
Plate : Radius of circle =5.0m
Division along periphery =36
Click Hole : Radius of circle =1m
Division along periphery = 18 Ok.
Go to top plan view Transfer ModelYes Ok
Select a Triangular plate Right click New view Plan view Right click
Right click Remove check plate orientation Apply Close.
Isometric view Top view.

Fig. 1 Geometry of Model created

Fig. 2 Isometric view Model

Fig. 3 Plate Orientation

2. Member Property :
Click General Property Define Thickness Plate 1,2,3&4=0.20m
Highlight thickness=0.20m & using plate cursor Select entire StructureAssign
to selected plate Assign Yes.
3. Supports :
Click Support Create Fixed Add. Highlight support 2 and select node cursor
and select nodes along periphery in top view Assign to selected nodes
Assign Yes Close De select the nodes and change to beam cursor.

Fig. 4 Assigning support as Fixed

4. Loading :
Click Loads & Definitions Click Load case Details Add.
Primary Number 1 Loading type: none Title: Load case 1 Add .
Click Load case 1 Add. Self weight Z Factor=-1 Add Close.
Plate loadsPressure on Full Plates W1=-3 KN/m2 Local Z Add.
Highlight Plate Load pressure on full plates W!=-3 KN/m 2 & Select Plate cursor &
choose entire structure Assign to selected plates Assign Yes.
Highlight selfweight Select geometry cursor & select entire structure Assign to
selected plates Assign Yes Close.
5. Analysis Type:
Click Analysis/print No print Add Close.
Click post print Define commands Click Analysis Results Add Close.
Note: Save the File before Run the Program.
6. Analysis:
From Main Menu ` Analysis Run Analysis Done.
7.Results :
Go to post processing mode.
See all in tabular column. Go to Top view Right click Remove the tick mark on
support Apply Close .
Click deflection Isometric view Animation - Deflection Apply Ok.
Displacement results from summary you can see that all horizontal displacement are
ve and max. displacement =-86.696mm. Maximise Go to Front view
Results Stress Plate contour Labels & Results Select Load case 1 Stress
Type: Max Von Mz Apply Close.

Fig. 5 Max Von Mx

Results Stress Plate contour Labels & Results Select Load case 1 Stress
Type: Mx (local) Apply Close.

Fig. 6 Mx (Local)

Results Stress Plate contour Labels & Results Select Load case 1 Stress
Type: My (Local)Apply Close.

Fig. 7 My (Local)

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