Workshop ENIG Gabes

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In Collaboration with the DAAD,

the LRGPSI (Research Laboratory for Chemical Processes and Industrial Systems-
Uni.Gabes), the M2EM (Research Unit in Mechanical Modeling, Materials and
Energy-Uni.Gabes), the MEER (Materials Energy and Renewable Energy-Uni.Gafsa)
and the TCHES (Tunisian Chemical Engineering Society-Uni.Gabes)

Porous Materials & Energy

15-17 December 2017- Djerba Tunisia
The goal of this workshop is to explore the opportunities for
the characterization, treatments and applications of porous
materials for: chemical energy storage, catalytic uses and
adsorbents for environmental applications. Also, it's an
opportunity to present the recent research and numerical
studies in energy and environmental issues.
Several plenary sessions on relevant topics will be organized
and well known speakers will be invited.
Modeling and Simulations
Green synthesis of new materials
Porous materials characterization
Advanced materials for energy storage
Adsorption and Environmental engineering
Renewable energy and combustion
Payment Fees Important Dates
Most of the conference fees will be taken -Abstract submission : 15 September 2017
in charge by the DAAD, and only 150 TND -Acceptation notification : 01 October 2017
(LR/UR contribution) will be charged for -Full paper submission: 30 October 2017
each participant. -Registration : 01 December 2017
Pour plus de modles : Modles Powerpoint PPT gratuits

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National Engineering
School of Gabes, Tunisia

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