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Home Page Version Comparison

A comparison of features and functionality that is available in each version of the home page.

Home Page Tiles

The following table lists tiles that are available on each version of the SuccessFactors home page.

Table 1:

Tile Name V12 Home New Home Description

Page Page

Admin Alerts Y N On the v12 home page, you can use the Admin Alerts tile to
view stalled workflows, people issues, integration issues,
and HR data issues.

The new home page does not support the Admin Alerts tile.
Instead, this tile is now available only in the "next gen" Ad
min Center. Before you enable the new Home Page, you
should also enable Next Gen Admin in the Upgrade Center in
order to retain Admin Alerts functionality.

Admin Favorites Y Y You can view your list of admin tool favorites on both ver
sions of the SuccessFactors home page, as well as in the
Admin Center.

Analytics and Dashboards Y Y You can view Analytics and Dashboard tiles on both versions
of the SuccessFactors home page.

Currently, there is a known issue with displaying multiple
metrics in a single tile on the new home page.

Analytics Headlines Y Y You can view Analytics Headlines tiles on both versions of
the SuccessFactors home page.
Tile Name V12 Home New Home Description
Page Page

Apprentice Management N Y On the new home page, as an apprentice supervisor, you

can view the total number of apprentices assigned to you
and the number of groups you are charge of. As an on-site
supervisor, you can view the total number of apprentices as
signed to your department over the next three months. You
can click the tile to access the department apprenticeship

This tile is only available on the new home page.

This tile requires SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central,

with Apprentice Management enabled.

Birthday and Work Anniver N Y As a manager, you can see a tile on your home page remind
sary ing you of the upcoming birthday or work anniversary of one
of your reports.

This tile is only available on the new home page.

Calibration Summary N Y Managers who are participants in a new calibration session

can view a Calibration Summary tile on their home page. As
a manager, you can review summary information about the
session, such as the session name, template name, status,
date, number of subjects, number of participants, and
names of facilitators. You can also view information about
the performance history and performance distribution of
your team.

This tile is only available on the new home page and requires
Intelligent Services.

Careers Y Y You can view internal career opportunities on both versions

of the SuccessFactors home page.

Custom tiles Y Y You can create and add your own custom tiles to the home
page. You can make custom tiles visible to selected groups
within your organization, during a specified date range.

Goals Y Y You can view links to your goal plans on both versions of the
SuccessFactors home page.

2 CUSTOMER Home Page Version Comparison

Tile Name V12 Home New Home Description
Page Page

My Team Y Y Managers can view information about their team on both

versions of the SuccessFactors home page. On the new
home page, the tile is called Manage My Team and on the
v12 home page, it is called My Team.

Using this tile, you can track your team's progress and take
action when necessary. You can link to more information
about one of your reports, such as her profile, 1:1 page, per
formance review, goal plan, or career worksheet. On the v12
home page, you can also can nudge one of your reports to
complete a To-do.

Currently, the "nudge" functionality for pending Requisi
tions approval is not available on the new home page.

My Profile / My Info Y Y You can view information from your employee profile on
both versions of the SuccessFactors home page. On the
new home page, the tile is called My Profile and on the v12
home page, it is called My Info.

Navigation tiles N Y On the new home page, you can add a number of "naviga
tion" tiles that link to various parts of the SuccessFactors
application. These tiles may display one or two data points
but do not include any additional functionality. They are just
helpful links to various pages in the HCM Suite.

Onboarding Y Y SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding includes a number of tiles

which critical to the new-hire experience, including:

Welcome message from the hiring manager

To-dos for both the new hire and the hiring manager
Useful Links tile for the new hire
My Peers tile for the new hire
Useful Contacts and Recommended People for the new
hire to meet

Quick Links Y Y You can view and add "quick links" on both versions of the
SuccessFactors home page. You can add links to your favor
ite or most frequently-used pages in the application. You
can also add custom links that have been configured by
your administrator.

Home Page Version Comparison CUSTOMER 3

Tile Name V12 Home New Home Description
Page Page

Reports Y Y You can view links to your favorite reports on both versions
of the SuccessFactors home page. On the new home page,
you can use a new Reports tile. On the v12 home page, you
can see these links on the Quick Links tile.

When you upgrade to the new Home Page in the Upgrade
Center, your saved or favorite reports on the old Quick
Links tile are moved to the new Reports tile.

SAP Jam Y Y You can preview recent activity in SAP Jam your home page.

On the new home page, you can view the number of unread
Jam notifications.

On the v12 home page, you can view your most popular
groups and most recent at-mentions, replies and notifica

Team Summary N Y Managers can view a Team Summary tile on the new home
page. You can use the tile to view metrics about your team,
such as performance history, competency ratings, Perform
ance-Potential matrix, and Risk of Loss-Impact of Loss ma
trix, as well as other helpful information, such as employee
profiles and location.

This tile is only available on the new home page and requires
Intelligent Services.

Time Off N Y You can view information about your time off account on a
Time Off tile on the new home page. You can view the num
ber of days remaining in your account and the number of
days until your next vacation.

This tile is only available on the new home page. However,

on the v12 home page, similar information is included in the
My Info tile.

4 CUSTOMER Home Page Version Comparison

Tile Name V12 Home New Home Description
Page Page

To-Dos Y Y You can view your assigned and pending to-dos the home
page. You can see when a to-do is due and how many days
you have remaining to complete it. You can use the provided
link to complete the required action.

On the new home page, each to-do category is displayed on

a different tile, in a dedicated To Do section. For example,
you might see to-dos tiles for Review Performance, Take
Surveys, Approve Requests, or Provide Interview Feedback.

Only open to-dos are displayed on the new home page.
In-progress and completed to-dos are not displayed.

On the v12 home page, all of to-dos are shown on a single To

Do tile, along with their status and due date.

Advanced To-Dos N Y On the new home page, to-dos provide a more "advanced"
user experience, allowing more in-place actions. For exam
ple, you can navigate directly from your pending approval
to-dos to the new Workflow Request page in Employee Cen

Home Page Administration Options

The following table lists configuration options that are available to administrators for each version of the
SuccessFactors home page.

Home Page Version Comparison CUSTOMER 5

Table 2:

Option V12 Home New Home Description and Differences

Page Page

Manage home page permis Y Y You can use system permission to control who has adminis
sions trative permission to manage the home page in your in
stance and to manage and create to-dos.

No special permission is required to access the home page

itself or view individual tiles, but visibility of certain tiles may
depend on another permission, related to a specific Suc
cessFactors module or feature, such as the permission to
view goals or the employee profile.

On the new home page, you can control visibility of "sec

tions" on the home page, using role-based permissions. On
the v12 home page, there are no sections, so this option is
not available.

You can also control the visibility of custom tiles, but this
is done using the home page configuration tool, not sys
tem permissions.

Configure the default home Y Y You can configure the default home page available to new
page users of your system, using the Manage Home Page admin

Set tile status Y Y You can enable or disable any of the available home page
tiles and specify which tiles are visible by default and which
must be manually added by users. To do this, you set the
"tile status" of each tile to one of the following options:

Default means the tile is visible by default to new users.

Available means the tile can be added by users.
Not Used means the tile is not used in your system.

Set tile order Y Y You can configure the default order in which tiles appear on
the home page for new users. For the v12 home page, you
can do this by reordering the tiles in any order. For the new
home page, you can do this either by reordering the tiles
within a section or by reordering the sections themselves.

Edit home page sections N Y For the new home page, you can set up different "section"
on the home page. Each section contains a group of tiles.
You can rename and reorder sections. You can also create
new sections.

On the v12 home page, there are no sections, so this option

is not available.

6 CUSTOMER Home Page Version Comparison

Option V12 Home New Home Description and Differences
Page Page

Make tiles removable Y Y You can decide whether a "default" tile can be removed by
end-users. If a tile is not removable, it is displayed on the
home page for all users.

Set default tile size Y N For the v12 home page, you can select the default display
size of a tile for new users.

On the new home page, tiles are not resizable, so this option
is not available.

Preview changes Y Y You can preview your changes to the home page before sav
ing your configurations.

Reset all users Y Y You can reset the personal home page of all users to the de
fault settings.

Create custom tiles Y Y You can create custom tiles for the v12 home page only. You
can use a rich-text editor or by enter custom HTML. You can
configure the groups who can see a custom tile and the
dates on which it appears.

Manage to-do settings Y Y You can configure manage To-Do Settings used on the
home page. You can configure to-do category names and
how many days in advance to highlight pending to-dos. You
can also create and assign supplemental to-dos.

On the v12 home page, you can configure how many days to
continue displaying completed to-dos. Completed to-dos
are not shown on the new home page.

Configure quick links Y Y As an administrator, you can configure the quick links that
are available to users on the home page.

Configure Analytics tiles Y Y You can configure Analytics tiles and Dashboard tiles using
the Manage Standard Dashboards and YouCalc Files admin

Configure Goals tile Y N On the v12 home page, you can configure the number of
days for which goal modifications are displayed on the home
page. On the new home page, this tile is not configurable.

Create home page tours Y Y You can create home page tours on both versions of the
SuccessFactors home page.

On the v12 home page, tours are only available as part of

SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding. On the new home page,
tour functionality is available to administrators and is not
dependent on the use of any other product.

Home Page Version Comparison CUSTOMER 7

Option V12 Home New Home Description and Differences
Page Page

Apply theming to tiles Y Y You can use the Theme Manager to control the look-and-feel
of home page tiles, such as the text or background color.
There are different theme options for each version of the
home page.

Home Page Personalization Options

The following table lists personalization options that are available to end-users on each version of the
SuccessFactors home page.

Table 3:

Feature V12 Home New Home Description

Page Page

Add and remove tiles Y Y You can select which tiles you want to show on your per
sonal home page. For the new home page, you can use the
Personalize Homepage link to access the Tile Catalog. On
the v12 home page, you use the Tile Browser tile. You can
only choose from among tiles that have been enabled by
your administrator.

Reorder tiles Y Y You can reorder the tiles on your personal home page. On
the new home page, you can reorder tiles within sections,
but you cannot move tiles from one section to another. On
the v12 home page, there are no sections and you can place
tiles in any order.

Resize tiles Y N On the new home page, tiles cannot be resized. When more
space is required, you view more information in a dialog win
dow, so this option is not necessary.

On v12 home page, some tiles are available in multiple sizes.

You can select the tile size you want to use on your personal
home page.

Edit quick links Y Y You can select which "quick links" to display on your per
sonal home page.

Manage favorites Y Y As an administrator, you can add or remove your personal

"favorites" in the Admin Center. The Admin Favorites tile on
the home page displays favorites you have selected in the
Admin Center.

8 CUSTOMER Home Page Version Comparison

Feature V12 Home New Home Description
Page Page

View home page tours Y Y Home page tours can be viewed on both versions of the
SuccessFactors home page.

On the v12 home page, tours are only visible to new hires, as
part of SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding.

On the new home page, tours can be made available to any

target group, for any purpose.

Home Page Version Comparison CUSTOMER 9

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