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School of Education

Comprehensive Lesson Plan (Blackburn High School)

Title Chemistry Duration of lesson 70 mins Class Size 24
Topic and Focus Bonding Year Level 10
Learning Intention:
To learn about ionic bonding.
Success Criteria:
I can identify characteristics of ionic bonding.

Key Vocabulary List: physical properties, chemical properties, shiny, tarnished, rate, ion, cation, anion, charged, particle, lattice structure.
AusVELS Key elements of standards to which lesson is
Domains Dimensions
Level focused

Assessment Strategies: questioning, worksheet completion, observation of practicum
Resources and Materials:
Projector, Laptop, Whiteboard, Paper, Stationery
ICT Considerations:
Projector Power Point
Connecting to Student Background Knowledge: What chemical properties are
Periodic table trends for elements.
Stage of lesson Student Action /Tasks Time Differentiated Learning Teacher Action

Introduction Do Now Students reading through 5 mins Marking roll and handing out sheet if students have forgotten it.
Part C of Metal Properties (10:40) Question: What are we going to be doing today?What materials are we
experiment. using?What are we testing?What are we comparing?
School of Education

Body of lesson Students forming groups and 30 mins Ask students to provide their answers for the Do Now question, try to get
undertaking experiment. (10:45) 3 or 4 different explanations.

Students packing up experiment 5 mins Prompting students to pack up their experiment.


Students listening and writing notes. 15 mins Introduction of ionic bonding.

Asking/answering questions where (11:20) What were charged particles called? ions
prompted or necessary. What do you think an atom that has less protons than electrons will end
up as? What about the opposite?
What did I call the positively charged metal ions? cations
How do you think ionic compounds are held together? (Think about the
negative anion and positive cation)
Why do you think ionic bonding occurs between positive and negative
Similar to metals, ionic compounds form lattices. What might this tell you
about the boiling point? Or the strength of the bond?
But dissimilar to metals, ionic compounds cant conduct electricity when
solid. Why is that? What are they missing?

10 mins Circulating as students work on questions 2.1.2 and 2.3. Answering

(11:35) questions where necessary.

Conclusion Conduct leave pass students 5 mins Instruct students to complete leave pass question.
writing answer in their books (11:45)
School of Education


Post Lesson Reflection:

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