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Jack Challoner Philip Parker Mary Gribbin

Science writer and communicator with a Historian and writer whose books include Science writer for young readers and a Visiting
background in physics. He contributed to DKsEyewitness Companion: World History,Timelines Fellow at the University of Sussex.
DKsScienceand has written more than 30 of History,andEngineers.
other books on science and technology, for
readers of all ages.
Marcus Weeks Richard Beatty
Writer on history, economics, and popular science. Edinburgh-based science writer, editor, and
Derek Harvey He has contributed to DKsScience,Engineers, scientic lexicographer.
Naturalist and science writer for titles including andHelp Your Kids with Math.
DKsScienceandThe Natural History Book.
Giles Sparrow
John Farndon Popular science writer, specializing in astronomy
Popular science writer, specializing in Earth and space science.
science and the history of ideas.


Smithsonian contributors include historians and
Professor Robert Winston John Gribbin museum specialists from:
Robert Winston is Professor of Science and Society Science writer, astrophysicist,and Visiting Fellow
and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial in Astronomy at the University of Sussex. He is the National Air and Space Museum
College London and runs a research program in the author ofScience: A History,published by Penguin. The Smithsonians National Air and Space Museum
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology. maintains the worlds largest collection of historic
He is an author and broadcaster and regularly writes aircraft and spacecraft, and its mission is to educate
Marty Jopson and inspire by preserving and displaying historically
and hosts popular science programs, many of which Science communicator and TV presenter, with a Ph.D.
have been shown around the world. Previous DK books signicant aeronautical and spaceight artifacts.
in plant cell biology.
include the award-winning What Makes Me Me?,
Science Experiments, and Human.
National Museum of American History
Jane McIntosh The Smithsonians National Museum of American
Senior Research Associate at the Faculty of Asian History dedicates its collections and scholarship to
and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge. inspiring a broader understanding of the American
CHIEF EDITORIAL nation and its many peoples.
CONSULTANT National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonians National Museum of Natural
Patricia Fara History is the most visited natural history museum
Patricia Fara is Senior Tutor of Clare College, University in the world and the most visited museum in the
of Cambridge. She has published a range of academic Smithsonian museum complex.
and popular books on the history of science, and is a
regular contributor to radio and TV programs.
National Museums of Asian Art
The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler
Gallery hold in trust the nations extraordinary
collections of Asian art and of American art of the late
19th century aesthetic movement, and are dedicated
to the acquisition, care, study, and exhibition of works
in their collections.
1 2 3
2.5 MYA799CE 8001542 15431788


Features Features Features
016 Early Metallurgy 054 Understanding Stars 078 The Story of Anatomy
020 The Story of The Wheel 062 The Story of Gears 084 Measuring Instruments
026 The Story of Geometry 090 Medicine
034 Understanding Simple 100 Understanding
Machines Planetary Orbits
108 The Story of
Measuring Time
114 Microscopes
120 Understanding Newtons
Laws of Motion
132 Navigational Tools
146 Meteorological

4 5 6 7
17891894 18951945 19462013


Features Features Features Categories

164 Fossils 234 Understanding 284 Understanding DNA 352 Measurements and Units
170 The Story of the Engine Radiation 292 The Story of 355 Physics
174 Understanding Compounds 358 Chemistry
240 Flying Machines
and Reactions 298 The Story of Space
244 Understanding Relativity Exploration 360 Biology
184 The Story of Calculating
Machines 250 Understanding Atomic 316 Communication 364 Astronomy and Space
194 Understanding Cells Structure 366 Earth Science
326 Understanding
204 Understanding Evolution 260 The Story of Plastics Global Warming
212 Surgery 266 Understanding 334 The Story of Robotics
218 The Story of Sound 344 Understanding
Recording Cosmology

368 Whos Who

375 Glossary
382 Index
398 Acknowledgments
Forewor d
The past is never dead. Its not even past. religious festivals, while scholars
William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun, 1950 attached to mosques and
monasteries deciphered Gods
Modern science carries multiple designs by interpreting the natural
traces of its historical origins: we world. Uneducated men and women
encounter its past every day. Even were building up the practical
the most sophisticated clocks mark expertise that later provided the
off time in sixties, a survival from foundation of scientic disciplines
Babylonian numbering systems how to distil medicines from herbs,
used many thousands of years ago. smelt ores to produce metals,
Scientic heroes are celebrated in navigate by the stars, detect the
units of measurementVolts, Curies, signs of bad weather, mix chemicals
Richtersand in parts of our body, to make soap.
such as the Eustachian tubes in our From the earliest attempts to make
ears. Discarded scientic theories res, pots, and tools, people have
live on in language: melancholic always experimented to nd out how
and sanguine originated in ancient the world works and how they can
Greek medicine, while mesmerizing make their lives more comfortable.
refers to an 18th-century French These twin goals of scientic research
therapy based on magnets. Plants were spelled out in the early 17th
and animals still bear the Latin century by philosopher Francis Bacon.
names of Carl Linnaeuss Knowledge is power, he declared,
classication system, introduced in and the rate of change accelerated as
Sweden long before Charles Darwins governments increasingly recognized
evolutionary theories made sense the advantages to be gained from
of lifes complicated varietyand investment in scientic projects.
rainbows have seven colors because Expanding exponentially, technological
Isaac Newton believed they should science rapidly came to dominate the
follow the mathematics of musical world, uniting it in an international
scales worked out by Pythagoras. web of instantaneous electronic
Technological science now communication.
permeates society, inseparable from Science has uncovered many of
political, commercial, military, and natures secrets, but it has also
industrial projects, yet the word unleashed some geniesatomic
scientist was invented only in 1833. energy, global warming, genetic
Despite that apparently late start, modicationthat may ultimately
science has ancient roots. Long destroy us. As citizens of a scientic
before universities and laboratories global community, we need to
were created, stargazers studied the understand the past in order
heavens to calculate the dates of to control our own future.

Chief Editorial Consultant

Extremophile habitat
Vivid colors in the Grand Prismatic Spring in
Yellowstone National Park, US, result from a
lm of pigmented bacteria around the edge of
the hot spring. Different species of microbes
ourish in specic temperatures and contain
pigments suited to their environments.
2.5 MYA799 CE
Starting with early experiments to make tools and use
fire, humans gradually learned how to control, explore, and
understand their surroundings by developing techniques
in astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.
2.5 MYA 8000 BCE

The paintings at El Castillo in Spain, dating from around 41,000 YA , are among the oldest known cave art. Made using natural
pigments, the paintings include depictions of horses and bison, although the very earliest are abstract disks and dots.

THE FIRST SIGNIFICANT Around 1.76 MYA, Upper Paleolithic leaf point
upper and lower
SCIENTIFIC ADVANCE was the more advanced stone This skillfully crafted tool was
SURFACE 1 blocks rubbed
made by aking small pieces
production of stone tools. Around together tools began to appear.
off a larger core using a
2.5 million years ago (MYA), early surface of both Unlike Oldowan tools,
SURFACE 2 sharp piece of bone or
blocks heat up
hominids (either Homo habilis Acheulian tools, antler to apply pressure.
or Australopithecus) began particularly the
to modify cobbles by striking GENERATING HEAT FROM FRICTION multipurpose handaxe,
them with another stone, thus were deliberately core (see panel,
removing akes of stone and Rubbing two surfaces together causes the kinetic movement shaped. Hard- opposite), and
creating a sharp edgea energy of the rubbing motion to be transferred to the atoms in hammer percussion a wide range of ake
method known as hard-hammer the surfaces. This process, known as friction, causes the atoms to (striking off akes toolssuch as knives,
percussion. These early pebble heat up. The smoother the surfaces, the more heat is generated; with a hammerstone) spear points, and
tools, or choppers, are known as in extreme cases this can cause nearby material to catch re. was used to rough out scrapersshaped for
Oldowan tools. They were used the tools shape. It different purposes.
for dismembering killed animals, was then rened by In the late Middle
cracking bones for the marrow, lit branches from these res decay and extends the range removing smaller and Upper Paleolithic
and scraping hides. Oldowan to use as weapons against of edible resources to include akes using a soft (c.35,00010,000 YA), a
technology spread throughout predators or to provide light and plants containing toxins that hammer of bone new technique, indirect
Africa, where it lasted until heat. There is possible evidence can be broken down by heat. or antler. percussion, allowed for
around 1.7 MYA. for sporadic controlled use The earliest evidence of Mousterian tools are many blades to be struck
Early hominids must have seen of re from around 1 MYA, with cooking comes from sites particularly associated with from a single core. The nal
and understood the power of re evidence of regular use from such as Gesher Benot Yaaqov Neanderthals and occurred stage of tool development
by observing wildres caused by around 400,000 YA. Finds at in Israel (790,000 YA), where from c.300,000 YA. They include rst appeared c.70,000 YA and
lightning strikes. They may have Gesher Benot Yaaqov in Israel concentrations of burnt seeds sharp-edged Levallois akes became widespread post-
(790,000 YA) show signs of the and wood were found. that were struck off a prepared glacially from about 10,000 YA.
active use of re. It involved microlithstiny
Early humans were able akes and blades for use in
to use devices such as re Making re composite tools.
plows or re drills to Early humans probably The earliest weapons were
made re using a re
produce their own re drill or re plow,
rocks or handaxes, but by about
with friction. Fire was which generates 400,000 BCE early people had
important for warmth heat by rubbing adapted sticks for use as
and protection, splitting two pieces of wood spears. At rst, these had
together. The heat
stones, hardening causes wood dust
sharpened wooden ends, but
the points of wooden to ignite and this by around 200,000 BCE stone
sharp edge where stone
ake struck off tools, and cooking. can then be points started being attached to
Heating food breaks used to light create more effective weapons.
Oldowan tool larger kindling.
down proteins, which The bow was probably rst
Choppers like this were the earliest
stone tools. They were suitable for makes it easier to digest. ame generated in developed around 64,000 BCE,
tasks such as cutting animal hides. It also protects food from kindling such as twigs but the earliest examples found

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Einkorn is the ancestor of modern wheat and still occurs naturally throughout southwest
Asia. It has a higher protein content than its domesticated descendent.

date from around 9000 BCE. Jomon pot

The arrows of this period This style of pottery
was produced in Japan
show evidence of etching for over 10,000 years.
attaching feathers to the shaft The earlier examples
to improve ight and accuracy. generally have pointed
The rst deliberate use of re bottoms. DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE
to harden clay dates from around
24,000 BCE, with the manufacture were red in pit-kilns, or The upland areas of the Fertile Crescent, an area of
of ceramic Venus gurines found bonre kilns, which were relatively fertile land in southwest Asia, were home to
at Dolni Vestonice in the Czech shallow pits dug in the wild cereals, sheep, and goats. Around 10,000 BCE the
Republic. Examples of the rst ground and lined with fuel. climate cooled, leading to a contraction of the range
pottery vessels, from around In western Asia, unbaked clay of wild cereals to areas with higher rainfall. Perhaps due to
18,000 BCE, were found in was initially used for making the greater difculty in gathering the seeds of these plants,
Xianrendong Cave in China, but vessels, bricks. The rst containers were communities began cultivating them next to their villages. Sheep
the earliest ceramic vessels to which were made from gypsum and lime and goats were also domesticated for their meat. More productive
have survived in any quantity are useful for plaster, which was made by sources of food led to increased population densities, while the
Jomon pots from Japan. These storing food and also for cooking. burning chalk. It was not until demand in time and labor needed for agriculture led to
date from about 14,000 BCE and Early pottery was generally around 6900 BCE that ceramic settlements becoming both larger and more sedentary.
were probably used for cooking formed by pinching (shaping the pottery appeared at sites such
food. The growing stability of wet clay by hand) or gradually as ayn in Turkey.
settlements probably played coiling rolls of clay up and into The earliest bone needles gatherers or foragers. The rst barley (Hordeum vulgare)
a role in the spread of pottery the shape of a pot. These pots date from around 30,000 BCE evidence of plant domestication were domesticated. Cultivation
and come from Europe. They (the deliberate selection and of these cereals was widely
stone tortoise core shape is may have been used to manipulation of plants for distributed in southwest Asia,
core gradually developed join skins together, using cultivation) is of wild rye particularly in a fertile crescent
threads of gut or sinew, and seeds that were sown and of land that stretched from
to thread pierced objects, harvested around the the Persian Gulf to the
akes are such as shells or beads. settlement of Abu Hureyra coastlands of the Near East.
detached Ancient clay impressions of in Iraq around 10,500 BCE. By 7000 BCE, barley had also
textiles date the rst woven About a thousand years later, been domesticated on the
akes are detached cloth to around 27,000 BCE. a group of wild cereals Indian subcontinent. In China,
from the face
Cordagethe twisting notably einkorn (Triticum however, a different set of
THE LEVALLOIS TECHNIQUE together of bers to increase boeoticum) and emmer plants, notably millet and rice,
the strength of the threads (Triticum dicoccoides), both was domesticated beginning
This technique involves shaping a tortoise core using hard and appeared around 18,000 BCE, varieties of wheat, and wild in the 8th millennium BCE.
soft percussion. Flakes are struck from the edges and one face when three-ply cord was in
to produce the desired shape of the nal ake, which is then use in the Lascaux caves of Bone shuttle
Needles and shuttles of bone
detached from the core. The resulting ake has a sharp edge southern France.
were the rst means of binding
on all sides and can be used without further modication. Until at least 13,000 YA, early materials together, using animal
humans were hunter- gut or vegetable bers such as ax.

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8000 3000 BCE


The Soay sheep is native to a small island off the west coast of Scotland. It is a primitive breed, very
similar to the rst domesticated sheep in Europe.

Farming hillsides storage. Terrace agriculture,

The use of terraces to allow hilly in which at, cultivable areas are
areas to be farmed began in Yemen
cut into a hillside and irrigated
in about 4000 BCE but was also
widely practiced in China and in by water channels, was
mountainous areas of Peru. developed in Yemen in around
4000 BCE. In China, networks
Where there was insufcient of banks and ditches were built
rainfall for agriculture, farmers to ood and drain wet-rice
developed irrigation to transport cultivation elds (paddies).
water to their elds. At Choga Cold-working (beating
Mami, in eastern Iraq, water or hammering) of naturally
channels from the Tigris River occurring metals, such as gold
were constructed from around and copper, was practiced as
6000 BCE, and by the 4th early as 8000 BCE. Smelting
millennium BCE, dams and heating metallic ores with a
dikes were used to store water reducing agent to extract the
in reservoirs in parts of western pure metal (see 1800700 BCE)
Asia. In Egypt, the annual appeared as early as 6500 BCE in
ONE OF THE FIRST ANIMALS at Gbekli Tepe in southeast throughout western Europe, ooding of the Nile River atal Hyk in Turkey. The
to be domesticated by humans, Anatolia (in modern Turkey). resulting in structures such as inundated elds naturally, but technique spread widely: it
around 30,000 BCE, was the It consisted of a number of the Carnac stones in Brittany, from at least as early as 3000 BCE, was being used from southeast
dog, which was selectively bred free-standing T-shaped pillars France (dating from around excess water was diverted for Europe to
from domesticated wolves and within a low circular enclosure 4500 BCE), Newgrange Passage
was used for hunting. Around wall. In around 8000 BCE the rst tomb in Ireland (around ALLOYS
8500 BCE, people in southwest settlement wall was built at 3400 BCE), and Stonehenge
Asia began to domesticate other Jericho in Palestine. Made of in England (from 2500 BCE). The combination of two or more metals
animals, beginning with sheep stone, the wall was about 16 ft By around 6500 BCE the people produces an alloy, which may have different
and goats. Cattle and pigs (5 m) high with a circumference of Mehrgarh (in modern Pakistan) characteristics from the original metals. In the
were domesticated around of 1,970 ft (600 m). Architectural were making bitumen, a sticky mid to late 5th millennium BCE, it was discovered
7000 BCE in many places across techniques became more liquid that seeps from crude oil that smelting a small amount of arsenic with
the world, and by 3000 BCE a sophisticated, with the use of deposits, to make reed baskets copper produced arsenical bronze, which is
number of other animals had corbelling (overlapping stone waterproof, and around 2600 BCE harder and stronger than copper alone. By
been domesticated including, to create a type of vaulted roof) the people of the Indus around 3200 BCE, true bronze was being produced
in the Americas, the guinea in northwest Europe by 4000 BCE, Civilization were using it to create in southwest Asia by using tin instead of arsenic
pig (around 5000 BCE) and the and buttresses to strengthen a watertight coating for brick- in the smelting process, and objects such as this
llama (about 4500 BCE). walls in Mesopotamia by around built basins. In Mesopotamia early 2nd century bronze gurine were being
The rst large-scale 3400 BCE. From about 5000 BCE, from the 4th millennium BCE, made. By the late 3rd millennium BCE, it had
construction of stone buildings the practice of building large bitumen was mixed with sand to also been discovered that copper could be
began around 9000 BCE, with the structures using massive create a mortar for building and alloyed with zinc, forming brass.
building of a ritual structure stonesmegalithsspread as a tar for caulking ships.

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M o
The Carnac stones in Brittany, France, are a series of more than 3,000 upright megaliths. The oldest
stones date from around 4500 BCE.

Spinning threads
Spindle whorls are often the rst evidence
BARLEY IS THRESHED FOR YOU, efcient harnesses for attaching
draft animals to wagons were
of spinningspun threads are wrapped
around a spindle shaft. Whorls are usually
light; if heavier than 5 oz (150 g), they tend
to break the thread.
developed in Mesopotamia,
allowing greater loads and
distances to be attained.
As commercial transactions
ARE MADE WITH IT. grew more complex, accurate
Ancient Egyptian pyramid text, c.24002300 BCE measurements of goods became
essential. Standardized weight
5000 BCE, the method of coiling Four-wheeled wagons appeared and length measures were
pots was improved by a simple in Poland and the Balkans around introduced in Mesopotamia,
turntable (tournette) beneath the 3500 BCE and soon afterward in Egypt, and the Indus Valley in
South Asia pot. By 3500 BCE, the tournette Mesopotamia. At rst, wheels the late 4th millennium BCE. The
by 5500 BCE; had been replaced in southern were solid disks connected to the earliest weights were often based
throughout Europe by Mesopotamia by a true potters wagon by a wooden axle, but on grains of wheat or barley,
3000 BCE; and as far as China wheel, consisting of a heavy around 2000 BCE, spoked wheels which have a uniform weight.
and Southeast Asia by 2000 BCE. During the early years of stone wheel that could be turned were developed, which made The standard unit of length, the
Casting metal objects with agriculture, ground for sowing rapidly and continuously. This lighter, more mobile vehicles cubit, was based on the length
a mold developed in the had to be cultivated using allowed the potter to throw the possible. Around 3100 BCE, of a mans forearm.
5th millennium BCE. The rst handheld digging sticks or pot by placing a lump in the
known cast metal object hoes. The use of cattle as draft center of the device and shaping handle of pot

comes from Mesopotamia and animals made the eventual use it as the wheel spun around.
dates from about 3200 BCE. of the ard, or scratch plow, For many
Spinning raw bers to make a possible. This primitive wooden millennia, all
thread may have begun as early plow, sometimes with a metal transportation on
as the 7th millennium BCE, which tip, cut shallow furrows. The land was by foot.
is the date of spindle whorls found earliest evidence of its use The rst articial
at atal Hyk, Turkey. Weaving comes from the 4th millennium aids were sleds,
may have arisen from the late BCE, and it spread widely in Egypt, which have been
Paleolithic skill of making nets West Asia, and Europe. found in Finland dating
and baskets. The looma frame The quality of ceramics was from 6800 BCE, and skis, in
or brace to keep one set of improved by the invention, in use in Russia around 6300 BCE.
threads (the warp) tense while around 6000 BCE, of kilns The invention of the wheel
another (the weft) is interwoven specially built chambers in revolutionized transportation.
with itappeared in the form of which pottery could be red.
warp beams (simple sticks) and Two-chamber, updraft kilns (in Wagon in clay
backstrap looms (the warp beams which the re is in the lower This clay pot in the shape of a wagon
dates from around 3000 BCE and
were held taut by a strap around chamber) appeared in the
shows the typical features of early
the users back) in West Asia and Hassuna culture of Mesopotamia wheeled vehicles from central and wheel in the form of
Egypt by the 4th millennium BCE. in about 6000 BCE. Around southern Europe. a solid disk

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0 B ion Ch c.3 whe ern c.3 are h ar Me draf o wa
00 vat in n
i ch t
is c.5 ome ut
h tin
e d c. 4 culti so att
2.5 MYA 7 9 9 CE B E FO R E S C I E N C E B E GA N

curved blade
adapted for
harvesting grain

Reaping hook Metal shears Cast-iron mold

Date unknown Date unknown c.300 BCE
By the Iron Age, metal harvesting sickles These iron shears from Italy are similar The Chinese had invented high-temperature furnaces
had replaced int-bladed ones since the to those used by later sheep-shearers. capable of melting iron as early as 500 BCE. This enabled
metal was readily available and easier They were found in Riva del Garda, in them to produce cast iron by pouring molten metal into
to sharpen and mend than int. the Italian province of Trento. molds such as this one, used to make agricultural tools.

sharp tip for piercing

Bronze sword
c.1200 BCE
Sword blades could be
created using bronze, an Iron sword
at pommel
alloy of copper and tin. c.500700
Bronze Age swords, such as The Anglo-Saxons used the pattern-welding technique to blade with
this one from France, were make swords, in which rods of iron were twisted together rounded tip
carried only by the rich. and forged to form the core. An edge was then added.


The development of metallurgy, from around 6500 BCE, Chariot decoration

c.100 BCE 100 CE
made possible the production of ornamental objects of Enameling, or the fusing of molten glass with
metal, was invented around 1200 BCE. The use
great beauty as well as tools and weapons that were of red glass in enameling became especially
more durable and effective than those made of wood. popular in the late Iron Age, as seen in this
Celtic chariot decoration.

The earliest metalworking was cold-hammeringthe beating of naturally

occurring metals. After smelting (heating ore to extract metal) was
developed, techniques became more sophisticated. Metal casting began
around 5000 BCE, and alloys were developed in the 5th millennium BCE. By
the end of the ancient period, techniques such as gilding and inlaying had
been developed and metalworking had spread across much of the world.
Bronze Celtic brooch
c.800 BCE
This ornate brooch was created by
Hallstatt craftsmen in Austria. The
spiral pattern was part of the Celtic
artistic repertoire for over 1,500 years.
red enamel

Bronze pin ligree work

Pins with attened
heads were a common
decorative item used for
fastening clothes in
Bronze-Age Europe.

Anglo-Saxon belt buckle
c.620 Gold Minoan pendant
This gold belt buckle features an c.17001550 BCE
intertwined pattern of snakes and beasts, This pendant, depicting bees depositing
birds head writhing snake highlighted in black nielloan enamel- honey on a honeycomb, exhibits granulation
in prole pattern like substance formed from an alloy of (minute balls of gold soldered onto the
silver, copper, lead, and sulfur. surface) and ligree (ne threads of metal).

iron cap

Corinthian helmet
c.700 BCE
This helmet is made from a single
piece of bronze, giving it extra strength.
Such helmets were popular in Greece
from the 8th to the 6th centuries BCE.

rigid face roundel
mask, riveted
to cap red glass inlay

Ceremonial shield cover

c.35050 BCE
Made from a bronze sheet, this shield
cover displays the repouss technique
of hammering the reverse side to
create a raised design on the front.


Silver plaque Lydian coins

c.300200 BCE c.700 BCE
This plaque depicts the gures of the The earliest coinage was produced
Greek goddess Aphrodite, her son Eros, in Lydia (now in Turkey). It was made
and a girl attendant, was made by from electruma naturally occurring
repouss. Other decorative incisions alloy of silver and gold, which was once
have been highlighted with gilding. believed to be a metal in its own right.

neck guard
Anglo-Saxon helmet (reconstruction)
Found in a ship burial at Sutton Hoo, UK,
the original helmet was made of iron and
covered with tinned bronze sheets. It was
decorated with silver wire and garnets.

leg shaped
as dragon

Bronze gure
c.1000 BCE
This statuette of a Canaanite Bronze Age vessel Copper mask
god was made with a technique c.800 BCE c.250
called cire-perdue casting, This animal-shaped ritual vessel, Found in the tomb of a nobleman from
which uses a single-use mold, known as yi, was used in Late the Peruvian Moche culture, this mask
and plated with silver using a Western Zhou China for washing shows mastery of metal sculpture. Both
direct application technique. hands before making a sacrice. eyes were originally inset with turquoise.

3000 1800 BCE
Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet I, c.2000 BCE

The ruins of Uruk, the worlds oldest city, are in present-day Iraq. The site of Uruk
was rst settled around 4800 BCE and became a town around 4000 BCE.

IRRIGATION TECHNIQUES Mohenjo Daro and Harappa, EARLY ASTRONOMY lime in a furnace, but initially
BECAME MORE COMPLEX during great cities of the Indus was suitable only for small
the 3rd millennium BCE. The Civilization, had been built. objects. In Egypt, faience
shadoof was developed in As towns and cities developed, Evidence of interest in became common from around
Mesopotamia in around 2400 BCE. the rst true writing emerged astronomical phenomena 3000 BCE. Consisting of a mixture
It consisted of an upright frame in Mesopotamia around 3300 BCE, dates from Neolithic times in of crushed quartz, calcite lime,
with a pole suspended from it; on probably prompted by the need Europe, when many megaliths and soda lime, which when
one end of the pole was a bucket to keep detailed records. were laid out in an orientation vitried produced a blue-
for scooping up water, while on Originally largely pictographic, that indicated particular lunar turquoise glaze, faience was
the other was a counterweight. with signs looking like the things or solar events. Some of the used by the Egyptians on small
By 1350 BCE, the shadoof had they represented, they were stones at Stonehenge (rst sculptures and beads.
spread to Egypt. There, devices written using a stylus that erected around 2500 BCE) were The early 3rd millennium BCE
called nilometers had already produced wedge-shaped marks. aligned to indicate the times of saw the spread of true bronze,
been developed to measure Cuneiform script developed year at which the winter and created by alloying copper with
the rise and fall of the river, as the curved outlines of these summer solstices occurred. tin, which became the most
which predicted how good early signs changed into a series Other features may have been commonly used metal in
the harvest would be. of wedge-shaped lines that connected with lunar events. Mesopotamia between 3000 and
In the period 40003000 BCE gradually became more stylized 2500 BCE. Clay crucible furnaces
farming communities in over time. These symbols were for smelting appeared there in
Mesopotamia had coalesced impressed into soft clay, which initially primarily pictographic. at least 1400 BCE, and in around 3000 BCE. Mesopotamian
to form the worlds rst cities, then hardened to create durable The earliest known examples Mesoamerica around 600 BCE. metallurgists also invented the
such as Uruk c.3400 BCE. By documents. At around the same are clay labels from Abydos, Soda-lime glass was rst technique of gold granulation
3100 BCE, cities had begun to time, another writing system c.3300 BCE. Writing also developed in Mesopotamia around 2500 BCE. This produced
appear in Egypt, beginning with developed in Egypt. Known as developed in the Indus Valley around 3500 BCE. It was made by tiny gold balls, which were used
Hierakonpolis. By 2600 BCE, hieroglyphic, this system was around 2600 BCE, in China by ring silica (sand), soda ash, and to decorate jewelry.

Egyptian boat of the dead

rack for holding A model of the boat buried near the
oars in place Great Pyramid of Khufu. The boat
was intended to ferry the dead
pharaohs soul across the heavens.

high, curved

f t
E o E bs so ed ea
BC nt t BC m pt tie d Gr are
00 egi gyp ay 00 a to Egy Ci an blish on E
0 b
c.3 ties r in
E Cl aces ar 9 b
c.2 sta ilt in B CE
r sta ati BC
72 Giz
CE n ppe 0 D z
C pea 0 B
u r Ma e bu 60 jo re e ivili 24 of
00 le f g a ia c.2 hen pa a s C 0 ids ypt
ap c.3 ucib eltin tam a r
o p u
25 ram Eg
M ra Ind
cr sm opo Ha the Py ilt in
for Mes by bu

f ns
eo tia s
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o t g
E ks
0 ec Egyp E
00 e b BC an St er
c.3 ienc on in 0 00 n-pl E
BC jos
fa m c.3 sew 5 pt
m 62 of D Egy
co lop c.2 id t in
ve m
de ra uil
Py is b

Cuneiform (wedge-shaped) script developed from the earliest writing, invented in Mesopotamia around 3300 BCE .
It was used for a wide range of ancient Near Eastern languages, including Sumerian and Akkadian.

Boat-building also developed had been developed in Egyptian faience of the sky into constellations the 3rd millennium BCE. The
signicantly around the Egypt, and by about This Middle Kingdom dates from Babylonian Akkadian Ga-Sur tablet (dating
(19751640 BCE) statue of
3rd millennium BCE. Early 2500 BCE, pairs of side manuscripts c.1595 BCE. from about 2500 BCE) shows
a woman with a tattooed
humans had probably been using oars and tillers had body shows the deep blue With the growing administrative the size and location of a plot
some form of boat from as long been introduced. color typical of much demands of cities in the 3rd of land between two hills and
ago as 50,000 BCE, although the Before 3000 BCE, Egyptian faience work. millennium BCE, the development was probably part of a land
earliest surviving water craft is few monumental of an accurate calendar became transaction. Fragments of a
a dugout canoe that dates from structures were modied by building vital. The rst known version is in statue of Gudea of Lagash, from
around 7200 BCE. In the Gulf residential. The six stepped platforms the Umma calendar of Shulgi, a around 2125 BCE, show a plan of
region, boats were being made practice of building to create a step Sumerian document dating from a temple. The rst real street
of bitumen-coated reeds as some temples on pyramid. By the about 2100 BCE that contains map discovered to date shows a
early as 5000 BCE. platforms began reigns of Khufu, 12 lunar months of either 29 scale plan of the Sumerian town
By around 3000 BCE, more before 4000 BCE, the Khafre, and or 30 days. When this 354-day of Nippur (in present-day Iraq)
sophisticated vessels made of platform rising with Menkaure in mid-3rd year became too out of phase and dates from about 1500 BCE.
wooden planks that were sewn each rebuilding. After millennium BCE, the with the real 365.25-day year, an The rst surviving attempt to
together were being built in 2900 BCE, temple creation of smooth- extra month was added by royal map the entire known world
Egypt. Early boats were powered platforms in Sumerian sided stone pyramids decree. The ancient Egyptians is the Babylonian world map
solely by oars. Sailing boats, cities such as Ur and had been perfected, and had a similar calendar, but ve from about 600 BCE, which shows
with square-rigged sails, Kish reached a each of these pharaohs days were added each year to the regions surrounding Babylon
appeared in Egypt in around considerable height, leading to erected a huge pyramid tomb give a 365-day year. (see 700400 BCE).
3100 BCE, supplementing muscle the development of ziggurats for himself at Giza. Collectively There have been claims
power with wind power. By initially three-tiered structures known as the Great Pyramids, that some prehistoric carvings Monumentally tall
Built around 2560 BCE, the Great
3000 BCE, large steering oars with a shrine on the top each was oriented and built with represent topographical maps,
Pyramid of Khufu was 482 ft (147 m)
platform. Largely made of mud great precision, which suggests but true cartography and real tall and remained the worlds tallest
bricks, with a baked-brick facing, that sophisticated surveying maps were not developed until building for nearly 4,000 years.
pair of these monumental structures techniques were in use.
steering 150
suggest growing sophistication An interest in observational
in structural engineering. astronomy arose early in
In Egypt, most Mesopotamia, culminating
architecture was in the Venus tablet of Ammi-

religious (temples) or Saduqa (dating from around
funerary (tombs). The 1650 BCE). It contained the
tombs of the nobility and rising and setting times of
rulers of the Early Dynastic the planet Venus over a period
Period (around 2900 BCE) were of 21 years. A carved piece
simple mud-brick rectangular of mammoth tusk found in
structures known as mastabas. Germany, dating from about
Between 2630 and 2611 BCE, 32,500 BCE, may possibly
leaf-shaped 0
during the reign of the pharaoh represent the constellation Great St. Peters Big Ben Statue of Taj Mahal Notre
Djoser, a huge mastaba was Orion, but systematic division Pyramid Cathedral Liberty Dame

irs t
t pa ats en
en ss nv
i nv oce u se n bo n s i vice
s pr s o CE a de
CE an ian lers 0 B mi
0 B mi ion pt 40 ota f, a er
2 50 pota ulat E gy d til c.2 sop adoo wat
c. so ran CE an Me e sh sing
Me ld g 0 B rs
50 e oa th rai
o 2
g .
c sid for

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20 ar am
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b a st E n al ed c.2 prod own
Ba e G e r p BC to
00 at S meg dica nd
t c.2 rats opot s kn ma
th th ma 5 a g u e s ian t i
uc et ue, . 2 s a
c gin d, at in lar nts zig in M er rlies e Um ulg
od tabl tr be glan t th t so eve
Su e ea r, th of S
pr s n n n r
ne E e rta na th nda dar
sto in num po lu le n
o im ca cale
m 19
2.5 MYA 7 9 9 CE B E FO R E S C I E N C E B E GA N

Faster armies
Lightweight war chariots enabled
legionary armies to maneuver much
faster than an infantry ever could.
A Bronze Age chariot (c.1200 BCE)
moved more than 10 times as fast
as the marching pace of a
Roman legionary.
0 10 20 30 40 50

Egyptian chariot
Around 1600 BCE, the Egyptians developed leather bindings
lightweight war chariots that had spoked wheels connect shaft to
and a thin wooden semicircular frame. The chariot body
platform could accommodate two people, one
to maneuver at high speed, and another
armed with a bow.

footboard made
of sycamore wood
wood bent
into V-shape to
make spokes



hub or nave

cattle intestines
fasten spokes
to hub


Homer, Greek poet, from Iliad Book XXIII, first description of chariot race, c.750 BCE

Neolithic period c.1323 BCE c.750 BCE

Logroller Spoked wheel Iron-rimmed wheel
Neolithic people place loads Wheels with spokes are lighter than The Celts add iron rims to the
on rollers made from logs. disk wheels, and allow a cart or war wooden wheels of chariots to
These logs, however, are chariot to be pulled by a lighter animal, improve their durability on rough
not always smooth and the such as a horse. First developed in the surfaces. They do so rst by nailing
difculties in keeping them steppes of central Asia a little after the metal to the rim and later, by
aligned make this an 2000 BCE, these wheels spread to applying strips of hot iron, which
inefcient method. Early logrollers Egypt by 1600 BCE. shrink to t as they cool. Celtic chariot

3500 BCE potter c.2500 BCE Egyptian c.300 BCE
Potters wheel Disk wheel potter Water wheel
In southern Mesopotamia, The rst true transportation The Greeks invent water wheels as
potters become the rst to wheelsdisks of wood connected a means of harnessing the power of
use wheels to mechanize an by axlesare developed in the running water. They use water wheels
industrial processthat of Balkans and Mesopotamia. either to raise water in buckets to a
making pottery. They use a The Sumerians higher level for irrigation, or to drive
heavy, rapidly turning stone used these on Disk wheels on around a shaft that operates
wheel to shape clay on. battle wagons. the Standard of Ur a milling machine.


yoke to attach
horses to shaft


One of the most important inventions in history, the wheel allowed the
transportation of loads over long distances, revolutionized early warfare,
and made the development of the first mechanized processes possible.
It opened up the globe to human exploration and revolutionized industry.

The earliest wheel, the logroller, Spoked wheel construction

box is easier was used by neolithic people to The spokes of a wheel distribute the
movement to move force applied to a vehicle evenly
transport heavy weights, such around its rim. As the wheel rotates,
as large stones used in the each spoke shortens slightly.
construction of megaliths.
outer rim
By 3500 BCE, the logroller of wheel
was adapted to create the
rst true wheelssolid spokes radiating
wheels from central hub
turn around disks of wood connected by
friction gives static axles small
outside edges contact area, an axle. These wheels, employed in Greece to harness
of wheels grip so friction however, were very heavy. the power of water, via a turbine,
on the road is less
Lighter, spoked wheels were for use in milling. By the time of the
WHEELS AND FRICTION invented around 1600 BCE. The more Industrial Revolution, the wheel appeared in
hard-wearing, iron-rimmed wheels came around one form or another in almost all industrial
The force needed to pull a load pressing down 800 years later, making for faster, more durable machinery. Gears (toothed wheels) and cogs
directly on the ground is increased by the friction vehicles suitable for battle and long-distance were used in the Antikythera mechanisman
or rolling resistance between the load and the transportation. Wheels steadily evolved, using astronomical calculating machine created in
ground. The use of wheels resolves this problem. materials such as iron and steel as they were Greece around 100 BCEbut it is possible they
Since only a small part of the wheel is in contact developed. Modern wheels use high-tech alloys were used earlier in China. Gears and cogs
with the ground at any one point in time, the rest of titanium or aluminum that are light and allow eventually became common components of
of it can rotate freely, without being impeded by
vehicles to move faster, using much less power. machines as diverse as clocks and automobiles.
friction. The little friction that remains allows the
Yet there were some cultures where the wheel
wheel to grip the ground without sliding. Wheels
THE WHEEL IN INDUSTRY did not feature as prominently. Some ancient
are mounted on sturdy shafts, called axles, which
facilitate the rolling motion.
Beginning with the potters wheel around civilizations of Central America and Peru did not
4500 BCE, the wheel was also adapted for use in develop wheels, or, as in the case of the Aztecs
industrial processes. By 300 BCE, watermills were of Mexico, used them only in childrens toys.

c.100 BCE 1848 1915

Wheelbarrow Mansell wheel Radial tire
The Chinese create a The quieter and more Patented by Arthur
wheelbarrow with a large resilient Mansell Savage, radial ply
central wheel, which railroad wheel has tires are made of
makes all the weight fall a steel central boss rubber-coated steel
on the axle. Easy to push, (hub), surrounded by or polyester cords. They
each wheelbarrow can a solid disk of 16 are now the standard tire
carry up to six men. Wooden ox wheelbarrow teak segments. Gazelle steam engine for almost all cars. 1960s Mini

c.1035 1845 1910 2010

Spinning wheel Vulcanized rubber tire Early automobile Modern wheel types
In China, a hand-crank- Robert Thomson uses spoked wheel Ultra-lightweight
operated driving wheel vulcanized rubber Earliest automobile racing bicycles use
is added to a hand- invented by Charles wheels have wooden composite carbon
spindle, automating it Goodyearto make spokes, which are spokes, while car
and allowing multiple pneumatic (air-lled) more suitable for wheels are made of
spindles to be operated tires, which are lighter narrow tires, but tend magnesium, titanium,
Chinese spinner simultaneously. and harder to wear out. to warp and crack. Ford Model T or aluminum alloys. High-tech racing bike

1800 700 BCE

The ancient Egyptian Rhind Papyrus is based on an original text written before 1795 BCE . It contains a series of mathematical
problems and their solutions, including calculations of the areas and volumes of geometrical gures.


BCE, the composite bow was Made by Marshall Islanders
developed, probably in the SUFFERING IN HALF THE HEAD. THE in Micronesia, this chart
uses sticks to represent
steppes of Central Asia. Unlike SKULL OF A CATFISH, FRIED IN OIL. currents and waves, a
self bows made of a single piece
of wood, the composite bow was
ANOINT THE HEAD THEREWITH. technique that may have
been passed down from
ancient Polynesians.
made of laminated strips of horn, Ebers Papyrus 250, Egyptian medical treatise, c.1555 BCE
wood, and sinew, which together
provided greater range and Steppes to China, where they depictions of surgery have been India, where the
penetration, and allowed the bow were used during the Shang found on temple walls, but most earliest evidence
to be smaller and easier to use on (17661126 BCE) and Zhou knowledge of ancient Egyptian of ironworking is
horseback. The bow was further (1126256 BCE) dynasties, and medicine comes from papyri thought to date from
modied to become recurved, west into Egypt and Mesopotamia. written around 1550 BCE. These around 1300 BCE.
with the ends curving forward, There is evidence that doctors show that medicine had moved Until medieval
which added even more strength. existed in Egypt during the Old beyond a belief that disease was times, smelting in
Composite bows spread from the Kingdom (c.27002200 BCE) and a divine punishment. The Edwin the West produced
Smith Papyrus (c.1600 BCE) only bloom that needed to be as the Rhind Papyrus. It is
air is blown in lime and crushed contains details of human hammered to remove impurities. based on a text written before
with bellows to clay lining iron ore and anatomy, shows awareness It was only in China that furnaces 1795 BCE and consists of a series
help raise the charcoal of the link between the pulse capable of melting iron were of problems and solutions. It
tuyres bowl-shaped and heartbeat, and also gives developed and iron could be shows the use of unit fractions
furnace instructions for the diagnosis cast. Evidence of cast iron (1n), solutions for linear
and treatment of a range of production in China dates from equations, and methods for
ailments and injuries. The the 9th century BCE. calculating the areas of triangles,
Ebers Papyrus (c.1555 BCE), In mathematics, the rectangles, and circles. It also
dating from about the same time, Babylonians had made major shows the volumes of cylinders
includes descriptions of diseases, advances by 1800 BCE, producing and pyramids.
tumors, and even of mental tables of reciprocals, squares, The earliest boats recovered
disorders such as depression. and cubes and using them to date from before 6000 BCE, but
SMELTING The earliest intentional solve algebraic problems, such early navigation was not
production of iron was in as quadratic equations. Several sophisticated. The most
Pure iron melts at 2800F (1540C), higher than early technology Anatolia in Turkey, which was tablets are thought to show an effective navigators of this
could achieve, so instead it was smelted by reducing iron ore exporting small quantities of awareness of Pythagorass period were the Lapita people
with charcoal at around 2200F (1200C). The ore was packed with iron by the 19th century BCE. theorem (see 700400 BCE). The of the Pacic (ancestors of the
charcoal in bowl furnaces, and tuyres (clay nozzles) were used At rst, iron was smelted only Babylonians also estimated pi Polynesians), who from 1200 BCE
to blow air in to raise the temperature. The resulting molten on a small scale, but by 700 BCE to be about 3.125, close to the expanded eastward to Vanuatu,
metal was cooled to form a bloom, a solid lump containing iron production was widespread in actual value of about 3.142. New Caledonia, Samoa, and Fiji.
and various impurities, which was then hammered repeatedly to Europe. Smelting also developed Most of what is known of ancient Their voyage to Fiji involved a
remove the impurities and extract the iron. independently in a number of Egyptian mathematics comes 530 miles (850 km) journey
places, including Africa and from mathematical texts such across open sea. To accomplish

ian l ns CE
ns s en
lon tica utio 00 of tia th ail ca pm ript La to
a b y a sol 16 ent nite g yp Smi det i e e n t lo c C E
B em e ns 00 pm aa ipt E in g n b ve s 0 B gi a
ath ud tio of 17 velo Can scr C E
ni n Sig rt to lopm De etic 20 be se s
00 e m incl qua BC
nt 0 B dw tai y E
BC sta ve E
ab c.1 ople long cros an
18 c t e 00 pme itic ipt De oto- etic 60 e E on om 0 e 0 BC
c. odu tha tic 8 pr hab c.1 oduc us, c anat 50 es e d
20 lp pe ke s a Oce
pr les adra c.1 velo Sina scr pr pyr an c.1 vanc in th ess 1 ic a a
m yage cic
De oto- etic alp ad de harn 00 arit
tab qu Pa hum a e 13 g vo e Pa
for pr hab of m th of
alp of

E s ns n s
0 e ian d BC
E tia s Iro s an d
80 th pt 0 yp ber , ae
gy Rhin s s lop ia
c.1 t of bow 60 as E g s BC en g an ys
en ite
E ru c.1 le gl gins E e E yru f 0
30 ev Ind
e c
My ellin inla
E e
uc py BC uc o
m s 95 rod l pa sc
a b the
e 55 rod Pap ion s c.1 ing d y in CE
lop o 7 e- on d 15 p t
ip ition t l 0 B nam nn
ve mp c.1 p ica
rg ucti t an Eas
t c. r el ent 2 0 e so
De co at a
L od p r
es ond sm end c.1 elop cloi
hem r E gy Nea a d al c e p ev ss
at p in
m ed
i c ind d la
An Assyrian bronze relief of the mid-9th century BCE shows war chariots carrying
soldiers to assault the city of Khazazu (present-day Azaz, in Syria).

this, the Lapitan sailors must The invention of the spoked 1700 Melting point
crouching 1539
have used knowledge of winds, lion cub wooden wheel around 2000 BCE, of metals
stars, and currents. They may poppy pods along with the domestication 1350 Iron melts at


in crown a far higher
also have created stick maps, of the horse, opened up new 1083 1064 temperature
like those later used by possibilities in land transport, 1000 950 than other metals
the Polynesians who permitting lighter vehicles used in early
settled as far as and eventually the use of 700 metallurgy.
China was rst
Easter Island, adaptable riding animals. to master the
Hawaii, and Although harnesses 350 232 technology to
(by 1000 were in use from the melt iron.
1200 CE) 3rd millennium 0
Iron Copper Gold Bronze Lead Tin
New BCE, signicant
Zealand. advances began METALS

In Egypt and the to be made from c.1500 BCE. preserving bodies in the desert sophistication around 1000 BCE.
Near East, glass began to be The halter yoke, with at straps sand. These corpses were Bodies were mummied by
clay gure
made in signicant amounts glazed with across the neck and chest of the wrapped in linen bandages removing the internal organs
from about 1600 BCE. In the late quartz and animal, made horses more dipped in resin, which also helped (apart from the heart), washing
2nd millennium BCE, the metal oxides efcient at pulling light chariots. to prevent the bodies from out the body cavity, and packing
technique of bonding glass to Weighing as little as 66 lb (30 kg), decaying. By around 2700 BCE, it with natron for 40 days to dry
ceramics to produce glazes these chariots could carry two the Egyptians had discovered it out. The natron was removed
was discovered. Glass cloisonn warriors and became crucial to that natron (a mixture of salts) and replaced with clean packets
inlays and enameling (fusing many Near Eastern armies. desiccated esh and could be of natron and linen soaked in
glass to metal surfaces) were The preservation of corpses used to mummify bodies. They resin to restore the bodys shape
developed by the Mycenaeans in had its origins in the natural gradually rened this process before being coated in resin and
Greece around 1200 BCE. Casting process of drying out and until it reached a peak of bandaged in linen.
glass (by pouring molten glass
into a mold) was discovered in EARLY SCRIPTS
Mesopotamia around 800 BCE.
Around 100 years later, the The transition from symbolic scripts to an alphabetic one, where Proto-Sinaitic
symbol for the
Phoenicians had developed each individual sign represents a sound in the language, seems to letter D
clear glass. have rst taken place among miners in the Sinai desert of Egypt
around 1800 BCE. The signs appear to derive from Egyptian hieratic
script (a cursive script that developed alongside the hieroglyphic Proto-Sinaitic
symbol for the
system), but there are few inscriptions in this proto-Sinaitic
Snake goddess letter H
Faience reached its peak in alphabet and it is not certain whether slightly later alphabets in
the Minoan civilization, with the region, such as proto-Canaanite (17th century BCE) and Ugaritic
works such as this goddess (13th century BCE), derived from it or developed separately. By Proto-Sinaitic
statuette (c.1700 BCE), but symbol for the
1050 BCE, proto-Canaanite had evolved into the Phoenician script letter K
with more available glass,
faience was replaced by that is the ancestor of Greek and other European scripts.
glass-glazed ceramics.

n s
e ian Iro ome
nc nic BC
ec e st ian
ra hoe Ca ced
pe P
00 ng
b th E h e e nic ss,
Ap ped c.1 elti on in BC du ft o a l
80 p ro E to Ph r gl ysta
elo ript en bet
0 BC
v sm mm ast 0 rst 0 BC
lea ck c
05 de sc co ar E 0 0 pm a 0 c
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c.7 velo ng r
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of hab de itati
alp in Gr im

pt n s s
gi e
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c he las in el urop
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00 um eac icati Ca rodu tam n s ss
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e his 0 B rst esop BC
d a
niqu sop c.8
0 M 00 rea
ch of c.7 esp
te eak d
p wi

700400 BCE

The School of Athens fresco by the 16th-century Italian artist Raphael contains idealized depictions
of a number of Greek thinkers, including Pythagoras (left, holding a book).

AS EARLY AS 2300 BCE, the around 250 BCE, but it was showed Earth surrounded cuneiform inscriptions
Babylonians had developed probably rst invented much by a great ocean. Hecataeus
a sexagesimal number system earlier, in the 7th century BCE of Miletus (c.550480 BCE) also
(based on writing numbers in under the rule of King drew a map to accompany
multiples of 60) and the principle Sennacherib of Assyria to water his Survey of the World
of position (where numbers his palace gardens at Nineveh. that showed three great
in different positions represent By the 1st millennium BCE, the continents, Libya (Africa),
different orders of magnitude). Babylonians had begun to make Asia, and Europe.
By 700 BCE they sometimes used maps of larger areas. By around The rst evidence of
a marker to indicate a null 600 BCE they had produced a scientic (as opposed
value (zero). world map, which showed to supernatural)
The screw pump (or Archimedes the city of Babylon in relation thinking about the
Screw) is a cylindrical pump with to eight surrounding regions. nature of the world
a central shaft surrounded by The rst known Chinese map, came from ancient
inner blades in the shape of a found on an engraved bronze Greek philosophers in
spiral and encased in wood. As plaque in the tomb of King Cuo the 6th and 5th centuries
the shaft is rotated, water is of Zhongshan, was a plan of the BCE. Thales of Miletus
pulled up the spiral, transferring kings proposed necropolis. (b. c.620 BCE) believed
it from a lower to a higher level. The ancient Greek cartographic that water was the
The invention of the pump is tradition began in Ionia in the fundamental material
traditionally ascribed to the 6th century BCE. Anaximander of the universe, and
ancient Greek mathematician (c.611546 BCE) is said to have that earthquakes
Archimedes (287212 BCE) in drawn the rst world map that happened when
the surface of Earth
Archimedes Screw rotation rocked on the watery
A hollow cylinder with rotors in the shape of shaft
surface on which it
of a spiral inside, the screw pump pulls
water upward. The original version
oated. In contrast,
would have been turned by foot. Anaximander, who
was also from Miletus,
believed that the prime
rotors move material of the universe
water up shaft was apeiron, a substance Salt Sea
that preceded air, re, and
water. He also put forward an
early evolutionary theory, Ancient map
water expelled
from top suggesting that humans had This Babylonian
developed from a type of sh. map from around
600 BCE shows the relationship
water collected The rst atomic theory was
between Babylon and other
from bottom also proposed by a Greek, the important places in West Asia,
philosopher Democritus of city of Babylon including Assyria and Urartu.

se t
su ta de
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ian sen nia ma an go rem of a kno
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Ar use er a
in at

The Tunnel of Eupalinos, built in the 6th century BCE, may have been excavated
accurately by surveying a series of right-angled triangles above ground.

Abdera (460370 BCE), who PLATO (424348 BCE) scriptures called the Vedas The Maya of Mesoamerica
postulated that matter was completed c.500 BCEcontain developed a complex calendrical
made up of an innite number references to using astronomical system based on a series of
of minute, indivisible particles. One of the most inuential of observations for calculating the cycles based on the number 20,
The most famous the ancient Greek philosophers, dates of religious ceremonies which may initially have been
mathematician of the ancient Plato proposed a type of ideal and identies 28 star patterns developed by the Olmecs (the
world was the Greek, Pythagoras society ruled by philosopher- in the night sky to help track rst major civilization in Mexico)
of Samos (c.580500 BCE). kings, and espoused the the movements of the Moon. before the 5th century BCE. The
He established a school that importance of ethics as a guide In the 5th century BCE, Greek Mayan Haab (year) had 18 months
promoted the mystical powers to a just life. In his many works, thinkers moved away from of 20 days plus one of vedays
of numbers and particularly of he set out a theory of ideal simple cosmological theories one of the two elements of the
the tetraktys, the perfect forms, of which the material toward more sophisticated Calendar Round cycle. Mayan
arrangement of 10 as a triangle world is only a reection. Most ideas about the nature of the astronomers also oriented
of four rows. He is best known of his books are cast in the universe. Heraclitus (c.535 monuments to sunset positions
for the theorem bearing his form of dialogues by his 475 BCE) sought to explain at the equinoxes and solstices,
name (see panel, below), but teacher Socrates. phenomena in terms of ux and and were able to predict eclipses.
he also rmly believed in the change. He also believed in the The cities of the Indus Valley
transmigration of souls and unity of opposites, saying the were laid out in a grid pattern
his followers lived by a strict set Zhou Bi Suan Jing (some parts earlier, Chinese mathematicians road is the same both up and around 2600 BCE, but the rst
of rules, including a prohibition of which date to as early as also invented magic squares down. Empedocles of Acragas person to theorize urban
on eating beans. 500 BCE), contain proof of square grids of numbers in (494434 BCE) believed that all planning was Hippodamus of
The oldest major Chinese Pythagorass theorem. At about which the numbers in all rows, matter consisted of varying Miletus (493408 BCE). He is said
mathematical treatise, the the same time, or possibly all columns, and both diagonals proportions of earth, air, re, to have devised an ideal city for
add up to the same total. and water. This theory 10,000 citizens, laid
PYTHAGORASS THEOREM By around 530 BCE, Greek of four elements out on a grid. Using
surveying expertise had advanced remained his Hippodamian
The theorem of Pythagoras a2 + b2 = c2 sufciently to allow the engineer inuential for grid, he also laid out
states that the sum of the 9 + 16 = 25 Eupalinos of Samos to excavate many centuries. Piraeus, the harbour
squares of the two short a water channel 0.65 miles town of Athens, and
sides of a right-angled (1.04 km) through a hillside Thurii in Italy.
triangle are equal to by digging tunnels from each
the square of the end. The two tunnels met almost
hypotenuse (the long perfectly in the middle. Eupalinos Mesoamerican
c b glyph for Zapotec
side). Although associated may have used Pythagorass year Four
a This Zapotec stele
with the Greek mathematician theorem to survey right-angled Serpent
from Monte Albn
Pythagoras, the theorem was b2 = 16 triangles above ground to in Mexico dates
known to the Babylonians around determine the path of the channel. from 500400 BCE
and contains some glyph for
1800 BCE and possibly also to the Indian astronomy is thought Zapotec day
of the earliest
Egyptians as early as 1900 BCE. a2 = 9 to have its roots in the Indus calendary glyphs Eight Water
Civilization. Ancient Hindu sacred from Mesoamerica.

en r ise nd
s at ed us
eu lem ajo tre duc Hi wn m rit he
a ce d s e s e
y n m al ro e nt kno d da id oc es t
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s es s
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d a ea les Em his en
00 he u ate 4 00 ecte o, b mp in CE
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. 5
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4 fo ou w
h n 50 elae n Me wn e da eric ts of f
e s t nsta st n i kno itten oam pu
e or a co b
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r s
th in o
2.5 MYA 7 9 9 CE B E FO R E S C I E N C E B E GA N

THE STORY OF 4 triangular

faces arranged

in same plane


The term geometry derives from ancient Greek words meaning Earth 6 edges

measurement, but this branch of mathematics encompasses more than

map-making. It is about relationships between size, shape, and dimension
and also about the nature of numbers and mathematics itself.
Geometry rst arose as a series of ad hoc rules BREAKTHROUGHS IN UNDERSTANDING
and formulas used in planning, construction, and Throughout medieval times, philosophers
mathematical problem-solving across the and mathematicians from various cultures
ancient world. Greek philosophers such as continued to use geometry in their models of
Thales, Pythagoras, and Plato were the rst to the Universe, but the next major breakthrough
recognize geometrys fundamental relationship did not come until the 17th century, with the
to the nature of space, and to establish it as a work of French mathematician and philosopher
eld of mathematics worthy of study in its Ren Descartes. His invention of coordinate
own right. Euclid, probably a student of Plato systems to describe the positions of points
and a teacher at Alexandria, summed up in two-dimensional and three-dimensional
early Greek geometry in his great work space gave rise to the eld of analytical
The Elements, written around 300 BCE, and geometry, which used the new tools of
established fundamental mathematical and mathematical algebra to describe and
scientic principles solve geometrical problems.
through complex Descartess work led to more exotic forms of
geometrical models geometry. Mathematicians had long known that
developed from a there were regions, such as the surface of a
handful of simple sphere, where the axioms of Euclidian geometry Octahedron
rules or axioms. did not hold. Investigation of such non-Euclidian
geometries revealed even more fundamental
12 edges
principles linking geometry and number, and in
1899 allowed German mathematician David
Axioms of geometry Hilbert to produce a new, more generalized,
Euclids approach to set of axioms. Throughout the 20th century,
geometry had a huge
and lasting inuence and into the 21st, these have been applied to
on later mathematicians. a huge variety of mathematical scenarios. 8 triangular faces

c.2500 BCE 360 BCE c.400 CE

Practical geometry Platonic solids Archimedean solids 1619
Early geometry is These ve regular, convex polyhedra Greek mathematician Keplers polyhedra
driven by the need to (solids with several sides) are long Pappus describes German
solve problems such known, but Plato now links them to 13 convex polyhedra, mathematician
as working out the ideas about the structure of matter. comprising regular Johannes Kepler
volume of material They comprise ve shapes that can be polygons of two or more discovers a new class
required to build formed by the joining together of types meeting in identical of polyhedra known
a pyramid. Pyramids at Giza identical faces along their edges. vertices or corners. as star polyhedra.

c.500 BCE 4th century BCE 9 th century

Pythagoras Geometric tools Islamic geometry
The Greek philosopher The hugely inuential philosopher Mathematicians and astronomers
lends his name to the Plato argues that the tools of a true of the Islamic world explore
formula for calculating geometrician should be restricted the possibilities of spherical
the hypotenuse (long to the compass and straight geometry; geometric patterns
side) of a right-angled edge, and so helps establish used in Islamic decoration at this
triangle from the lengths geometry as a science rather Pair of time show similarities to modern
of its other two sides. Theorem of Pythagoras than a practical craft. compasses fractal geometry. Mosaic at Alhambra


Platonic solids
There are only ve convex polyhedra
(solids having several sides) that can
be formed by joining identical polygons
(shapes with three or more sides). Known
as the Platonic solids, they are the cube
(hexahedron), tetrahedron, octahedron,
dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

6 square faces

12 edges
Hexahedron (cube)


So-called spherical geometry allows the

calculation of angles and areas on spherical
surfaces, such as points on a map or the
positions of stars and planets on the imaginary
celestial sphere used by astronomers. This
system does not follow all Euclidean rules.
In spherical geometry, the three angles in
a triangle sum to more than 180 degrees and
parallel lines eventually intersect.
Dodecahedron Icosahedron

12 pentagonal

20 triangular
30 edges 30 edges Plato, Greek philosopher and mathematician, c.427347 BCE

1637 20th century
Analytic geometry (x,y,z) Fractal geometry
Ren Descartess inuential work Computing power allows fractals
La Gometrie introduces the idea x z equations in which detailed
that points in space can be measured Y patterns repeat on varying scales
with coordinate systems, and that y to be illustrated in graphical
geometrical structures can be X form, producing iconic
described by equationsa eld Cartesian images such as the Mandelbrot
Keplers polyhedra known as analytic geometry. system famous Mandelbrot set. fractal

1858 1882 Present day

Topology Klein discovery Computerized proofs
Mathematicians become Investigating geometries Computer power solves
fascinated by topologyedges with more than three problems such as the
and surfaces, rather than dimensions, German four-color theorem
specic shapes. The iconic scholar Felix Klein (only four colors are
Mbius strip is an object with discovers a construct needed to distinguish
a single surface and a single with no surface Modern between regions of even
Mbius strip continuous edge. boundaries. Klein bottle complex maps). Four-color map

400335 BCE

Euclids Elements is one of the most important mathematical texts from the ancient world.
It consists of 13 books and was originally written in Greek.



Hippocrates, from On the Sacred Disease, 400 BCE

Healing hands began the study of dynamics by

A marble frieze theorizing that speed could be
directly proportional to the weight
treating a sick of the body, the force applied,
woman. He and the density of the medium
advocated careful in which the body moved.
examination to
determine the
The foundations of geometry
underlying were laid in the mid-4th century
disease. BCE by the Greek mathematician
and father of geometry, Euclid
ASTRONOMERS IN GREECE on this theory. He claimed that from a rival school, taught that and waterto include a fth of Alexandria (325265 BCE),
were interested in predicting Earth rotated on an axis, which diseases were caused by residues aitherwhich caused the stars in his 13-book work called
the location of celestial bodies. explained the changing seasons. building up in the body and and planets to move in a circular Elements. In it he puts forward
This led the Greek astronomer Greek medicine moved in a advised that these be neutralized. motion. Aristotle modied a set of ve geometrical
Eudoxus of Cnidus (c.408355 BCE) more scientic direction when The Greek polymath, Aristotle, Eudoxuss theory to explain postulates and nine common
to develop a geometrical model Alcmaeon of Croton began to rened the theory of the four anomalies, adding additional notions (or axioms). From these
of the heavens, in which the teach that health is achieved elementsearth, air, re, spheres to a total of 55. He also he deduced a set of theorems,
Sun, Moon, and planets moved by balancing the elements in including Pythagorass theorem,
in a series of 27 concentric the body. Hippocrates of Cos MOTION OF THE SPHERES and that the sum of angles in a
spheres. He also made an (460370 BCE), who valued clinical triangle is always 180 degrees.
accurate estimate of the length observation, including taking Greek astronomers explained irregularities in planetary motions Elements also included
of the year at 365.25 days. At the a patients pulse, applied this by theorizing that the Sun, Moon, and planets each sat in a series pioneering work on number
time, most Greek astronomers theory, teaching that imbalances of concentric spheres. The circular motion (at differing speeds) of theory, including an algorithm
believed Earth was stationary at in the body and impurities in each sphere generated the planets orbits. for the greatest common divisor.
the center of the Solar System, the air could cause disease. In the early 2nd century, the astronomer Ptolemy replaced the
but Heraclides of Pontus In the mid-5th century BCE, spheres with circles in his model of the Solar System.
(388312 BCE) offered a variation Euryphon of Cnidus, who was

tes ces s t
oc alan ato ry de
p Pl theo cli tha s
Hi imb BC
E ra es axi
t 0 the e
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0 B s tha can 35 rd BC
te on
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r . 3
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tea the dise pu idea of rth
in use o f Ea

s m e
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s n es CE e
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7 B cad at 3 ng in -bui 3 es th of s
BC elo n
3 eA 75 ev otio res 0
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th c.3 us d of m phe c.3 rtsp link r o
id y ls o
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Cn or tia
of the les e
28 c t h
334300 BCE


The acoustic properties of the theater at Epidaurus in Greece, built by Polycleitus the Younger in
the 4th century BCE , allowed the actors to be heard perfectly up to 197 ft (60 m) from the stage.

GREEK MEDICINE MADE engineering was used in the

SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES hydraulic machinery needed
in the 4th century BCE after to raise fuel to the re that
the dissection of human bodies burned on top by night. During
was pioneered by Diocles of the day, a mirror of polished
Carystus, who wrote the rst metal or glass reected the
book devoted to anatomy. The Sun to create a warning beacon
foundation of the Museum, a for ships.
scientic academy set up by Pythagoras had experimented
Ptolemy I of Egypt (367283 BCE), with acoustics in the 6th century
helped give rise to an Alexandrian BCE. Aristotle advanced his work
school of medicine. One further in the 4th century BCE by
member, Herophilus of Via Appia theorizing that sound consisted
Chalcedon (335280 BCE), The rst major Roman road, the Via In Europe, wooden trackways of contractions and expansions
Appia, originally ran from Rome
identied the brain as the seat to Capua. It was gravelled; paving
had been used to traverse wet in the air. The Greek theater at
of the nervous system and stones were added in 295 BCE. and marshy ground since Epidaurus used stepped rows of
made a distinction between Neolithic times, but proper seats to lter out low-frequency
arteries and veins. the force that pulls heavy roads needed a strong, background noise, which
Greek understanding of objects down. He argued for centralized political authority allowed actors to be heard
physics also progressed under the existence of a vacuum and to build and maintain them. In perfectly in the back row.
Strato of Lampsacus (c.335 showed that, because air can be 312 BCE, the Romans began to Compiled before 300 BCE,
269 BCE). He rejected the idea compressed, voids must exist construct a vast network of the Chinese text Huang Di Pharos of Alexandria
of a force pushing light objects, between the particles of which roads that bound their empire Nei Jing explains human The Pharos of Alexandria was one
of the Seven Wonders of the World.
such as air, upward to counter it is made up. together. The rst road they physiology and pathology in It was destroyed by an earthquake
built, which ran from Rome terms of the balancing forces in the 14th century.
ARISTOTLE (384322 BCE) to Capua, was called Via Appia. of the universe: the opposing,
Roman roads were 1026 ft but mutually dependent, thought to be caused by an
A founding gure in Western (38 m) wide and were laid principles of yin and yang; the imbalance of yin and yang, in
philosophy, Aristotle was a pupil out on solid clay beds or timber ve elements (earth, re, wood, the patients qi, and in the
at Platos Academy in Athens. frameworks, lled with loose water, and metal); and qi, the ve elements that had their
During his career he wrote int or gravel. Sometimes they essence of which everything is counterparts in the organs of
more than 150 treatises on were bound together with lime composed. Ill health was the body and the environment.

almost every aspect of Greek mortar and topped with paving
philosophy and science. He stones, or cobblestones in cities.
taught an empirical approach, The Pharos of Alexandria THE NUMBER OF
that knowledge is gained from was commissioned c.300 BCE
experience, and that all matter by the ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy I. PLATONIC SOLIDS
consists of a changeable form
and an unchangeable substance.
It was the tallest lighthouse in
the ancient world at 410492 ft
(125150 m) high. Innovative IN EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY
otl m CE y, sis an
a ist eu 0 B es or s
ilu s s e ba m a
E f xtr Ar Lyc ns 27 clud The ph ie y I haro E t h a s d e u i
0 us o ds e n
30 n i en t e ro ent at m BC s s ru ds ar s dr I
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ibe rie BC 0 B g es
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BC u e
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nt lcula ten er Ch by C B ist ed es a
m 20 scr rte 3 0 BC
u 30 Jin hin s c i
. re Nei of C dge en Re odu tepp l As
E f
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33 Ch incl l pl ps or c.3 se for c e ex num ing 0 0 u s o
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im f a p l co edic
o m 29
300250 BCE


Attributed to Archimedes, Greek inventor and philosopher c.287c.212 BCE
The Roman writer Vitruvius recorded that when Archimedes got into his bath he noticed that his
body displaced a certain amount of water. This gave him the idea for the Archimedes Principle.

MAGNETIC IRON LODESTONES compasses were iron ladles the best methods of cultivation Ctesibian pump pivot
were described in Chinese set on divining boards that for agriculture and companion The rocker arm pushes the
literature of the 3rd century BCE. pointed south. piston down on one side,
planting to combat pests.
creating pressure that water
By c.83 the Chinese text Lun- In Greece, Theophrastus of In astronomy, Aristarchus of closes the inlet valve and rocker arm forced up
heng (Discourses Weighed in Lesbos (c.370287 BCE), a pupil Samos (c.310230 BCE) rejected forces water through the moves pistons and out
the Balance) had mentioned of Aristotle and also his successor the prevailing view among early outow tube. Reduced
pressure on the opposite piston
the electrostatic qualities of as head of the Lyceum school in Greek astronomers that Earth goes up piston
side opens the valve to let
amber, which becomes charged Athens, extended Aristotles was at the center of the Solar more water in. goes down
when rubbed. work, particularly in botany. System. He believed that Earth
At around this time, Chinese He wrote Enquiry into Plants and rotated in orbit around the Sun; chamber lls pressure
diviners may also have discovered On the Causes of Plants, which whether he thought the other with water pushes
that iron, when rubbed against a classied plants into trees, planets also orbited the Sun is reduced pressure valve open
lodestone, becomes magnetized shrubs, and herbs. He also unclear. Aristarchus estimated opens inlet valve
and will point in a particular began the study of plant the comparative sizes of the
direction. The rst primitive reproduction and discussed Sun and Earth at a ratio of about
water sucked in reduced pressure pressure
20:1, and calculated shuts outlet valve forces inlet
the distance valve shut
between Earth and
the Sun to be 499 an adjustable-height mirror for circumference of a circle. He
times the radius his fathers barber shop that used also produced methods for
of Earth. air compressed by counterweights calculating the volumes of solids,
The science to move up and down. He proving that the volume of a
of pneumatics developed this idea to produce the sphere inside a circumscribed
was founded by Ctesibian device, a two-chamber cylinder is two-thirds that of
Ctesibius of force pump that used pistons the cylinder. Archimedes was the
Alexandria in the attached to a rocker to create founder of hydrostatics (the
early 3rd century pressure. With the chambers of science of uids at rest). He
BCE. It is said that the device immersed in water, the showed that objects placed in
one of his rst rocker was moved up and down, water will displace a quantity of
inventions was alternately sucking water into liquid equal to their buoyancy.
one chamber and forcing it out He also developed a systematic
of the other. theory of statics, showing how
Another inventor and two weights balance each other
Chinese compass
A Han-era compass philosopher, Archimedes at distances proportional to their
in the form of a (287212 BCE) was also one of relative magnitude. His aptitude
magnetized ladle the greatest mathematicians for practical applications led him
set on a bronze of Ancient Greece. In On the to develop the Archimedes screw
plate, featuring
a diviners Measurement of a Circle he (see 700400 BCE) to pump out
representation presented a method for the bilges of a huge ship he built
of the cosmos. calculating the area and for the ruler of Syracuse. During

es e
us ed g th a
i m n
ch ch ati are
i star ps Ar lcul nd
Ar velo ory a
E a
BC c e
CE e e 60 on enc
5 0 B os d ic th c.2 rks fer
c.2 Sam entr o
w cu cl m e
of lioc cir a ci
he of

00 of
c.3 stus to of
a s
hr art ts us s
e op s st plan s ibi lop
e e p
Th sbo ify Ct dev um
Le lass 0 BC
r ia an p
c 5 nd ibi
c.2 lexa tes
A eC
30 th
249100 BCE

Erasistratus is said to have cured Antiochus, the son of Seleucus I of Syria, who was gravely ill. He identied the disease
as love-sickness for his stepmother Stratonice, one of the rst diagnoses of a psychosomatic illness.

the Roman conquest of Sicily, in ANATOMY ADVANCED as the Sieve of Eratosthenes

214 BCE, he was employed by the CONSIDERABLY IN GREECE with (see panel, right). circled numbers crossed-out numbers
state to build various machines the work of Erasistratus of Cos Greek geometry advanced are primes are non-primes
to defend Syracuse from attack. (c.304250 BCE). He developed a further in the late 3rd century BCE
This included the Claw of theory of vascular circulation, with the work of Apollonius of 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Archimedesa type of crane in which he said that blood Perga (c.262190 BCE), whose
with a huge grappling hook that passed through the body in veins, major work was entitled On 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
could capsize enemy ships. while arteries distributed pneuma Conics. In it he described
(air) to vital organs. He also gave the properties of the three 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
volume of water displaced an accurate description of the fundamental types of conic
is equal to volume of object brain, including the cerebellum, sectionthe ellipse, parabola, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
and distinguished sensory from and hyperbola. He also developed
motor nerves. the theory of epicyclescircular
Eratosthenes of Cyrene orbits rotating around a larger
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
(c.275195 BCE) made the rst circumferenceto rene the
map of the world that featured theory of the motion of the SIEVE OF ERATOSTHENES
lines of longitude and latitude spheres (see 400335 BCE).
in around 240 BCE. He also The Romans found a way This is a simple algorithm for nding prime numbers. Starting at 2
calculated the dimensions of of bonding small stones to without striking it out, strike out all multiples of 2 to the end of the
upthrust equal Earth by comparing the angles produce concrete in the late 2nd series. Return to the next non-struck out number (3) and without
to weight of
water displaced
of shadows at noon at Alexandria century BCE. By adding pozzolana striking it out, strike out every multiple of 3 to the end. Repeat the
and Syene in Egypt, which are stone (ash from prehistoric process; eventually all the non-struck out numbers will be prime.
ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE on roughly the same longitude. volcanoes) to lime, they produced
He yielded a gure of 250,000 a strong binding mortar. This
This states that a solid object, stadesabout 29,870 miles enabled them to build stronger using concrete was the Porticus Hipparchus also calculated the
partly or wholly immersed in (48,070 km)which is within and cheaper monumental Aemilia in Rome in 193 BCE. length of the year to be 365.2467
a liquid, has a buoyant force one percent of the true gure. buildings. The rst structure built Observational astronomy was daysvery close to the true value.
acting on it that is equal to Eratosthenes revolutionized by Hipparchus of At this time, the Chinese were
the weight of the uid it also worked out Nicaea (c.190120 BCE), who made busy rening the production of
displaces. The relative density a simple method a new map of the heavens that paper. The process of soaking
of the object can be worked of nding prime catalogued 850 stars. He invented and pulping textile rags then
out by dividing the weight of numbers, known a new astronomical sighting tool drying them out on a screen to
the object by the weight of the and surveying instrument called produce a brous mat for writing
displaced liquid. The boat the dioptra that was in use until on, probably dates from the late
above can support a heavy Basilica it was replaced by the armillary 3rd century BCE. Although the
load because it displaces Maxentius sphere. Using the dioptra, he invention of paper is often
a lot of water; therefore, the This early 4th- discovered the phenomenon ascribed to Cai Lun (50121),
century concrete
buoyant force supporting it of precession, by which stars he probably just rened this
Basilica was the
is equally great. largest building in appear to move gradually in process and introduced new pulp
Rome at the time. relation to the equinoxes. materials, such as tree bark.

s es ve
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19 onc cus ilt
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100 BCE50 CE

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Roman architect and engineer, from
Ten Books on Architecture, c.15 BCE

A medieval depiction of a Vitruvian undershot waterwheel. Operated with a hand lever, the buckets ll with
water as the wheel rotates and the buckets dip into a water source. The water is deposited at the top.

THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM time cycles, such as the 19-year The Romans also advanced
IS A COMPLEX DEVICE that shows Metonic cyclethe basis for engineering in this period. The
the earliest understanding of the ancient Greek calendar. architect Vitruvius (c.8415 BCE)
gears. Dating from around By the 1st century BCE the Roman interest in veterinary was the rst to explain
80 BCE, it was recovered in 1900 Maya calendar had developed science sprang from the needs the use of siphons
from a shipwreck off the Greek a 5,125-year era known as the of farmers and also of the to lessen hydraulic
island of Antikythera. Made up Long Count. Twenty tun (years) army, which had large cavalry pressure in pumps.
of a series of bronze toothed made a katun, 20 katun were units. In the army, specialists He also described
dials and at least 30 gears, it a baktun, and 13 of these called mulomedicus cared for the Vitruvian turning
is thought to have been used completed the whole era. The military donkeys and horses. wheel. When the wheel was
to predict solar and lunar earliest known date inscribed Around 45 CE the Roman turned, buckets emptied water
eclipses and to track other in the Long Count system is writer Columella wrote into a channel at the top and
December 9, 36 BCE; this is found extensively on the care and early terracotta lled up from a water source
driven gear rotates on a stele at Chiapa de Corzo diseases of farm animals. horse head at the bottom. This type of
counterclockwise in Mexico. The Maya also used undershot waterwheel had
a 52-year Calendar Round, probably been invented earlier,
with two elements working in relating them to the phases were the practices of his follower but Vitruvius may have rened
combinationthe 260-day Tzolkin of the Moon. Themison of Laodicea, who was it to make it more effective.
calendar and the 365-day Haab. Around this time, the Greek the rst recorded physician to Glassblowing was developed
Around 90 BCE Posidonius of physician Asclepiades of Bithynia use leeches to bleed patients. around 50 BCE in Roman-
Apamea (c.13550 BCE) used (c.12940 BCE) put forward his The Roman writer Celsus controlled Syria. Glassmakers
the relative position of the star idea of the brain being the seat (c.25 BCE50 CE) produced one obtained a more even ow by
Canopus, seen from Alexandria of sensation. He developed a of the most important blowing molten glass through a
and Rhodes, to calculate the theory of disease based on the texts on medicine, tube (either freely or into
driver gear rotates
size of Earth. His calculation ow of atoms in the body, a De Medicina, an a mold), rather
was 240,000 stades, only slightly doctrine he derived from the encyclopedic than just pouring
GEARS smaller than the estimate of atomic theory of the 5th-century- summary of medical it. The higher-
Eratosthenes of Cyrene (see BCE philosopher Democritus. His knowledge of the quality glassware
Mentioned c.330 BCE by 250100 BCE). Posidonius also treatment methods were very time. In it, he gave that resulted led to
Aristotle, the Romans calculated the size of the Moon subtle, prescribing baths and accounts of the use the establishment
brought gears into common and made a study of tides, exercises. Perhaps less humane of opiates for calming of glassworks
use during this period in patients and laxatives throughout the

waterwheels and hoists. to purge them. He Roman Empire.

Gears are made up of sets of also detailed many
interlocking toothed wheels. surgical techniques,
They work when a larger including the removal Roman glass
wheel engages with a small THE DIAMETER OF THE of kidney stones The strong colors
of this 1st-century CE
wheel and alters the speed of
a driving mechanism.
SUN IN STADES, AS PER and how to operate
on cataracts (clouding
vase from Lebanon
are typical of the early
POSIDONIUS of the lens in the eye). Imperial period.

es ine
g hin st to y br g
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ide re niu tes d M lep elo ry olu tise dise c.1 ribe veyi educ 2 5 the Med
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t en
Dioscorides, Greek physician and botanist, from De Materia Medica, c.5070

An illustration of the common bilberry, traditionally used for circulatory problems, from
a 6th-century manuscript of Dioscoridess Materia Medica (Regarding Medical Materials).

Moche medicine Much of what is known about The Greek geometer and sphere is spun by steam forced through
This ceramic from medicine in ancient South inventor Hero of Alexandria steam power pipe and into sphere
the Moche culture
of Peru shows a
America comes from (c.1070 BCE) described a variety
doctor treating examination of the ceramics of of cranes including the barulkos,
a recumbent the Moche people from the late which operated using a toothed
patient. 1st century CE onward. These worm-gear that could not
depict a variety of injured patients, reverse and which prevented
bung blocks
including some with facial loads from slipping. He provided
steam from
paralysis, and also show the the rst description of a lathe exiting the
bent pipe allows
use of crutches, and primitive for the precision cutting of steam to escape, cauldron
prosthetic legs for amputees. screws, and was also the rst which pushes the
The rst pharmacopeia to describe the use of a wind sphere around
(compilation of medicinal wheel, in which the
plants) was compiled by rotating vanes
Dioscorides in Greece. In it operated pistons
he described over 600 plants, that made the
INDIAN MEDICINE HAD ITS including their physical pipes of a water
ROOTS IN THE VEDIC PERIOD properties and effects on organ sound. Hero is
before 1000 BCE, but in the period patients. Hugely inuential, perhaps most well known
100 BCE100 CE, the Caraka it was used by physicians for his studies into the
Samhit (Compendium of Caraka) throughout the Middle Ages. properties of steam. He used
appeared as one of the earliest The Huainanzi (Master Huainan) his knowledge to build an
Indian medical texts. The book is a compilation of Chinese aeolipile. This is a primitive cauldron
highlights the importance of knowledge composed before form of steam engine that uses lled with
clinical examination and the use 122 BCE. It touches on a range of steam to spin a hollow sphere. water
of careful regimens of drugs or subjects, including philosophy,
diets to cure illnesses. Traditional metaphysics, natural science, cauldron
Heros aeolipile
Indian, or ayurvedic, medicine and geography. It is notable for stand
The aeolipile is the only known
came to stress the importance its analysis of mathematical and ancient machine operated by
steam. It makes the sphere spin by
of balancing humors in the body musical harmonies, including
channeling steam from a cauldron fuel for re
and ensuring srotas (channels) in a description of the traditional into a hollow sphere and out of the
the body transport uids correctly. 12-tone Chinese scale. bent pipes that are attached to it.

f et s
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th dic t, is r Al ar-d co arm re the
m mhi ge ph in

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. 5 f h i n r 0 S itri ram fo eely we
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c .5 u e c .5 u gth t
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th en inv

2 . 5 M YA T O 7 9 9 C E B E FO R E S C I E N C E B E GA N


Mechanical devices are composed of different working parts. Among the INCLINED PLANE
most important are six basic components called simple machines, which People have used simple ramps (inclined planes)
to gain a mechanical advantage since prehistory.
mathematicians and engineers have studied since ancient times: the wheel A person raising an object by pushing it up a ramp
and axle, the inclined plane, the lever, the pulley, the wedge, and the screw. pushes with a lesser force than if the object were
being lifted directly; however, the object must be
Greek engineer Hero of Alexandria (1st century the pivot at which those forces act. So, to pushed along the ramps length, while the load
CE) was the rst person to bring together the gain a very large mechanical advantage moves, vertically, a much shorter distance.
simple machines, in his book Mechanica, (multiplication of force)and move a heavy
although the inclined plane was not included loada very long lever should be used, but
small effort force
in his account. Hero illustrated and explained the load needs to be close to the pivot point. can lift a heavy load
various devices for lifting heavy objects. Others What the ancient engineers didnt realize is that
before him had studied why these devices there is always a pay-off between force and the distance traveled
by the effort force
workmost notably, Archimedes of Syracuse distanceto gain a large mechanical advantage,
(3rd century BCE), who studied levers. Archimedes the long end of the lever moves through a large distance traveled
worked out that the ratio between the input force distance, while the load moves only a small way. by the load
(the effort) and the output force (the load) is Similarly, using pulleys to lift a heavy load, the
equal to the ratio between the distances from length of rope you must pull is much greater
than the distance the RAMP
HERO The simplest example of an inclined plane is a ramp.
Hero (or Heron) of load moves. The amount
A heavy load can be pushed up a ramp in a continuous
Alexandria was one of work done by the motion that requires a smaller force than would be
of the most prolic effort is the same as required to lift the load straight up.
engineers of ancient
Greece. He is seen here the amount of work
demonstrating his done by the load axe blade (load)
aeolipile, an early (neglecting friction).
example of the use effort force
of steam power.
wood splits apart

handle on wheel horizontal force

(crank) turns in a
larger circle than
the axle

Two inclined planes back to back make a wedge. An ax
WHEEL AND AXLE blade is a wedge, which, forced vertically into a block of wood,
produces a strong horizontal force. The force splits the
The wheel was invented in Mesopotamia around woodbut the two pieces move only a small distance apart.
3500 BCE. When a wheel is xed to an axle, the two
turn together; ancient engineers used wheels in axle
devices such as the windlass by winding ropes effort
rope lifts weight force
around the axle. The mechanical advantage of a the longer the inclined
plane (and the shallower
windlass is the ratio of the crank wheels radius the thread), the more
to the axles radiusif the crank wheel has weight moves turns it takes to drive
the screw home
twice the radius of the axle, the effort force will less distance
effort force than the handle
be doubled. Door handles and bicycle cranks inclined plane
equivalent to the
are modern examples screw thread
of the wheel and axle. TURNING FORCE
Gears are interlocking A rope is pulled by an axle
turned by a wheel. By making
wheels without axles; a wheel much larger than the
the mechanical axle, it is possible to gain a
advantage is the ratio large mechanical advantage A screw thread is equivalent to an inclined plane wrapped
but the handle moves around a shaft. Turning a screw inside a material pulls it
of diameters between through a much greater inward. Screws are also used to move water, grain, and other
one gear and the next. distance than the weight. load bulk materials in screw conveyors.


A simple pulleya rope passed over a free-moving wheel effort is The mechanical advantage of a lever is the ratio
half the
has no mechanical advantage, because the rope is continuous. load of distances from the fulcrum (pivot) to the effort
But by passing the rope underneath a pulley, the load is shared and the load. The ratio can be equal to one, or
between two sections of the rope, and the effort is reduced by greater than or less than one. There are three
half; in that case, the load moves half as far as the end of the types of lever, distinguished by the positions of
rope is pulled. By combining two or more pulley blocks, the the effort and load relative to the fulcrum.
mechanical advantage can be increased further.
xed pulley block
SINGLE PULLEY A class 1 lever has the fulcrum
A rope passed over one pulley can fulcrum between the effort and the
raise a weight attached to the load. A seesaw is a familiar
end of the rope. This set-up has movable examplenormally, the pivot
no mechanical advantage, but pulley block is in the center with the load
pulley wheel
it does change the direction and effort at an equal distance,
around which
of the forceand it can effort so there is no mechanical
the rope moves
be more convenient than advantage. However, an adult
simply lifting the weight. sitting close to the pivot can
be lifted by a child sitting
weight rises on the opposite end.

load is raised
half as far as
rope is pulled load effort

end of the rope

moves the HALF THE EFFORT fulcrum
same distance A single pulley block can be used to
as the weight create a mechanical advantage of
two. If the rope is slung under the fulcrum
load is the pulley wheel, the force is shared CLASS 2 LEVER
weight of between the two sections of load In a class 2 lever, the load is
effort is the object rope either side of the pulley.
equal to load
closer to the fulcrum than the
effort isso the mechanical
advantage is greater than one.
This can make it easy to lift heavy
weights, as in a wheelbarrow.
A block and tackle with more block with NUTCRACKER
An arrangement of two pulley
blocks, one xed and one pulley wheels gives an two wheels
moving, is called a block and increased mechanical
advantage. In this example, effort movement
tackle. The mechanical
advantage is still the job of lifting the load
two, because the load is shared between four
is pulled by two sections of rope, so
ropesbut pulling the the mechanical
rope downward is advantage is four. load
more convenient.
rope must be
xed pulled four
pulley times as far as fulcrum effort
block the weight rises

In a class 3 lever, the effort is
closer to the fulcrum than the load,
load so the mechanical advantage is
movable always less than one. The load
movable pulley block moves farther (and faster) than
pulley block with two wheels
the effort; a golf club benets
from this effect.

effort force is effort force is one

half the load quarter the load movement


load is the load is the

weight of weight of fulcrum effort
the object the object


Pliny the Elder, Roman historian and philosopher from Natural History, Book VIII, 77

Pliny the Elder holds a pair of surveyors dividers in this

medieval frontispiece of his book entitled Natural History.

THE ROMAN HISTORIAN AND stool and how to administer in China in the early 2nd century direction of one of eight dragons
PHILOSOPHER PLINY THE ELDER intrauterine injections, and included calculating a value heads, which opened and
(2379) compiled Natural explained the use of the for pi, the identication of 124 released a ball into the mouth
History, a 37-volume summary speculum mirror for internal constellations in the sky, and of a bronze frog below, indicating
of ancient knowledge, which examinations, as well as giving a the construction of an armillary the direction of the earthquake.
he completed in 77. It contains detailed description of specic sphere with moving parts to In 138, Zhang Heng used the
much of what we know about gynecological conditions. show the rotation of the planets. seismograph to successfully
Greek and Roman science, Soranus of Ephesus also He is best known for the detect an earthquake that
covering mineralogy, astronomy, pioneered the science of construction of the earliest had happened more than
mathematics, geography, pediatrics. His work contained seismograph, which he 400 miles (640 km) from the
and ethnography, as well as advice on the early care of completed in 132. It consisted of Chinese court, where he was
including detailed sections on infants, including the making demonstrating it.
3:10 a bronze urn with a pendulum
Infant mortality
botany and zoology. Natural rate in Rome of articial teats for feeding, and inside. When a tremor occurred, In the 3rd century BCE, the
Despite medical
History is also signicant accounts of childhood afictions the pendulum swung in the Romans discovered the principle
advances, in the 1st and 2nd
because it contains the only centuries, the infant mortality rate in such as tonsillitis, a variety of
references we have to the Rome was still roughly 30 percent. fevers, and heatstroke. Zhang Hengs seismograph
work of earlier scientists. Zhang Heng (78139) was Earths vibrations caused a pendulum in
the seismograph to move, which released
During this period three Greek and was the rst to identify a polymath whose work a ball from a dragons teeth into a frogs
physicians published notable the optic chiasma, where the mouth, indicating the direction
works on anatomy and diseases. optic nerves partially cross in of the earthquake.
In the late 1st century, Aretaeus the brain. He was also the rst
of Cappadocia wrote The Causes to name the pancreas and crank opens
and Signs of Acute and Chronic made a detailed study of dragons mouth
Diseases, describing a vast range melancholia (depression).
of diseases, their diagnosis, In the early 2nd century, the
causes, and treatment. He was Greek physician Soranus of
the rst physician to describe Ephesus produced On the
both diabetes and celiac ball
Diseases of Women. This was
disease. Among the other the most comprehensive work ball drops
conditions he dealt with were on the subject from the ancient into frogs
pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma, world. In it, he described mouth
cholera, and phthisis the appropriate training
(tuberculosis), for which he for midwives and
prescribed trips to the seaside. gave instructions
In 100, Greek physician for managing
Rufus of Ephesus wrote On the childbirth, such
Names of the Parts of the Human as the use of
Body, summarizing the Roman the obstetric
knowledge of anatomy. He gave chair or
a detailed description of the eye, birthing

es s, ian n
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a t htha Mi allp So oduc eco of rrel lier s
op sm pr gyn ba ear mn
on an colu

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ian Ep eati y A Me pro etr f
y f
A es fo
or r f
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r lo hin n ia e
h ist Elde s fu s a c.1 f Cap diab .1 Af dle in C ige er ls
an he s h y
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c an go pr
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e a d rch crit e pu
om iny t lete stor 0 ex tr g em es Tr ope A 10 th
10 w o rib Al on udin heor ngl
Pl mp l Hi sc rk incl s t tria ve
l wn ing
co ura de de do sur
wo s l
t lau ica ea
Na e ne pher m
36 M s
One of the most complete of the original Roman bridges, the Pons Aelius was built by Emperor Hadrian to provide a
processional route to his mausoleum (now the Castel SantAngelo). In its original form the bridge had eight arches.

Ptolemys map a gladiatorial school, where he through the Arabic world,

The coordinates and topographic gained valuable knowledge of acquiring the popular name
lists in Ptolemys Almagest enabled
human physiology and surgery. of Arabic numerals.
maps to be composed of his view of
the world. This map dates from 1492. He championed the theory Chinese mathematics had
that the body had four basic made signicant advances by
are on mathematical geography humors (see panel, below). the time Jiuzhang Suanshu (Nine
and astronomy. In Geography, he The Bakshali manuscript, Chapters on the Mathematical
gave a description of the known found in what is now Pakistan, Art) was in existence in 179.
world, including coordinates for dates from around 200 and It included rules for calculating
longitude and latitude (the latter contains instructions for the the area of arcs of circles and
derived from the length of the computation of square roots. the volume of solid gures such
longest day) and gave instructions It is probably the earliest as cones, and for the treatment
for the creation of a world map. document to use a specic sign of vulgar fractions (written in the
In Mathematical Compendium, for zero in the decimal system, form x/y). It contained instructions
also known as Almagest, Ptolemy making it the rst complete for the calculation of linear
presented a star catalog with decimal notation with a single equations, including the earliest
over 1,000 listed stars and 48 sign for each number value. appearance of equations with
of the weight-supporting arch, Trajans bridge was destroyed in constellations. He rened the This system spread westward negative numbers.
and used it in bridge-building. c.120 by his successor, Hadrian, theory of the celestial spheres,
In around 104, the engineer who himself had several great introducing additional epicycles THE FOUR HUMORS
Apollodorus of Damascus had bridges built, including the Pons to explain irregularities in the
constructed a great bridge Aelius in Rome in c.134. motion of the Sun and the Moon The theory of the four air
across the Danube to facilitate The best-known works of and the apparent retrograde humors stated that the body
the Emperor Trajans invasion GreekRoman astronomer motion of certain planets, when is composed of four substances:
of Dacia (modern Romania). Ptolemy of Alexandria (c.90168) they appear to orbit in a contrary blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and
direction to other bodies in the black bile. In blood, the four blood

CLAUDIUS GALEN (c.130c.210)

Solar System. He was the rst elements of the universe

astronomer to convert (re, air, earth, and
Born in the ancient Greek city observational data into a water) are mixed Chi





of Pergamum, Claudius Galen mathematical model to back equally, while yellow

consolidated the works of his up his theories, using spherical in the other

predecessors to create a single trigonometry to do so. His model humors, one Old age
scientic framework. His of the Solar System remained element predominates. Autumn
insistence on direct observation the basis of astronomical theory An excess of one humor



of the body cut across his view until the Renaissance. was believed to cause bile
that each of the bodys organs In 169, Claudius Galen became disease. Too much yellow bile
functioned according to a personal physician to the Roman led to jaundice, too much black
divinely ordained scheme. emperor Marcus Aurelius. Galen bile to leprosy, and too much
He wrote 350 medical works. specialized in anatomy and had phlegm to pneumonia. earth
earlier worked as a surgeon to

of dge y l
us ri on em ica es ro g
or a b cti tol om om n li ins ze tin
o d s tru elius ed P n ec icia s ha nta for ro
w nit yria
oll ild n s t 1
14 t ro i n n b s cu k s o ar K
00 in
Ap bu be Co s A ple 7 as ns ale ph ar
y Ba ipt c sign lb a
04 scus anu 34 Pon om 12 kes atio 0 e e r2 d
1 9 G al r M 0 cr c h hin te nte
c. ma e D c.1 the is c a rv ia
m se dr 16 rson ero c.2 anus eci ew C Af inve
Da er th of idge pe Emp s m st sp Th d in is
ob xan u 0
0 nt e
ov br Al
e to reli r c.2 inve
Au is

of ng by lry ks
da aper ha s va d un t
iuz tain r ion ed ca ope a e j tigh
a p n
J n fo lat vent ds y
av vel thi
ine er- an
ion of ai Lu e
es co ns st i l a He de ar Ch wat ts ds
dit n He is hin nshu utio tion
Di is i om
Tra ntio by C ng es h h C l 00 ing pe n 00 r is in P 00 ith men hea
5 e a a
Zh rat rap 7 9 ua so qua . 2 2
c. rmo r 2 w rt lk
10 inv hin 38 st og
1 S
c ee tep a te ar pa bu
C 1 mon ism ea fr y s Af ppe om
in 2 lin b a c
13 de se

250 500

This 15th-century painting depicts the seven liberal arts, core subjects such as arithmetic, music, astronomy, rhetoric, and grammar
that the 5th-century writer Martianus Capella established as the basis of early medieval European education.

DIOPHANTUS OF ALEXANDRIA Roman surgical instruments

(c.200c.284) founded the Ancient Roman physicians
used a wide variety of surgical
mathematical discipline of
instruments, including spatulas
algebra around 250 by and hooks (right), specula for
introducing a systematic notation internal examinations, and saws.
to indicate an unknown quantity
and its power; for example, In around 320, Pappus
in the equation x23 = 6, x2 of Alexandria
represents an unknown number (c.290c.350)
raised to the power of 2 (or compiled Collections,
squared). In his Arithmetica, an eight-volume work
Diophantus provided solutions that contained the In the 3rd century, Plotinus including divine beings, and that drink, and diets. Oribasius
for linear equations (in which no major results of the great (c.205270) created a modied numbers themselves had a form also described a sling to bind
variable in the equation is raised mathematicians who preceded form of Platos teachings (see of concrete existence. a fractured jaw, which he
to a power greater than 1as him and also introduced novel 700400 BCE) known as In line with the general trend attributes to the 1st-century
in ax + b = 0) and quadratic concepts. Among these new Neoplatonism, which remained in the 3rd and 4th centuries for physician Heraklas. Oribasius
equations (in which at least one ideas were work on the centers inuential into the Middle Ages. gathering together the work became personal physician
of the variables is squaredas of gravity and the volumes Plotinus taught that there is a of earlier scientists, Oribasius of to the Roman emperor
in ax2 + bx + c = 0). Diophantus created by plane gures transcendent being (the One), Pergamum (c.323400) produced Julian, but failed to save his
also made a particular study revolving. He also proposed what which cannot be described, Collections, a set of 70 volumes patron when he was struck
of indeterminate equations, is now known as Pappuss from which emanated a series that brought together the by a spear during a battle in
proposing a method of solving hexagon theorem, which states of other beings. These included works of Galen and other Persia in 363.
them that is now known as that the intersections of three the Divine Mind and the World earlier medical writers. Only In China, mathematicians
Diophantine analysis. Fermats collinear points (points along the Soul, from which human 20 of these volumes survive, continued to make advances.
Last Theorem (see 163537) same line) with three similar souls are derived. Plotinuss of which four, collectively titled Hai Tao Suan Ching, which dates
is probably the most famous points along a similar line will follower Iamblichus of Apamea Euporista, give advice on food, from 263, contains a discussion
example of such an equation. themselves be collinear. (c.245c.325) developed

these ideas, adding number
symbolism derived from
Pythagoras (see 700400 BCE).
Iamblichus believed that


mathematical theorems

applied to the whole universe,


ALL THINGS ARE BUILT. The Maya cut drainage channels
through swamps, heaping up the
fertile silt to create raised elds,
Diophantus of Alexandria, Greek mathematician, from Arithmetica, c.250 similar to the ones seen here.

s rm Zi un of es
ay el
d inu fo un he S us uc
0 M sed ill P lot ied S t a pp rod ne s
5 i 70 od no is
w m 00 les ing P p la se
c.2 e ra s, h and ls 2 a m s, ton c.3 mpi Ch 40 dria n p po em
us stem ing, ana 55 ops idea pla co Sua n c.3 xan rk o d pro eor
c. vel os Neo e
Al wo an n t h
sy rac ion c Zi o
ter igat de Plat as his ures xag
irr of own g e he
kn th

e m
es A pa ve a
us hin ians of s ha and
nt C c ao us r ly
ha aic 3 i
26 mat ai T ng
ch mbe tenc app e
i op ebr ns e e H hi l i
b nu is s ers
D lg io h m x
50 s a uat at c C Ia at e e rem iv
c.2 uce eq m odu uan 00 s th ret eo e un
d pr S c.3 ose onc al th ntir
ro op c ic
int pr at the
the to
38 m
Martianus Capella, from On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury, 410439

THE NUMBER heliocentric view of the solar
system (see 1543).
OF LIBERAL ARTS Mathematics progressed only

IDENTIFIED BY ROMAN slowly during the later Roman

empire. In about 450, the
WRITER CAPELLA Neoplatonist philosopher
Proclus (c.410485) produced
of right-angled triangles and in decimal places (see panel, below), his Commentary on Euclid, in
around 300, Sun Zi compiled the a gure that was not improved which he preserved the work
Sun Zi Suan Ching, which includes upon until the 16th century. of earlier mathematicians.
an analysis of indeterminate Martianus Capella, from Procluss contemporary,
equations. It also contains what Madaura in North Africa, Domninus of Larissa (c.410480)
is now known as the Chinese established the basic structure wrote Manual of Introductory
remainder theorem, which of early medieval European Arithmetic, which included a
provides a method of nding education. In his On the Marriage summary of number theory.
solutions to problems in of Philology and Mercury By the 5th century, the Maya
modular arithmetic (also called (410439), he presented a had devised a sophisticated
clock arithmetic, because compendium of knowledge, calendrical system and a
numbers are arranged in a circle, which he divided into the trivium notation system for numbers
rather than along the number (grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric) that could express any number
line). In the 5th century, Zu and the quadrivium (geometry, using only three symbols:
Chongzhi (429500) wrote Zhui arithmetic, astronomy, and a dot for 1, a bar for 5, and a
Shu (Method of Interpolation), in music). In this work, he stated shell for 0. Maya astronomers
which he calculated pi to be 355/113. that Mercury and Venus orbit were particularly concerned
He rened this to produce a value around the Sun, a view that with lunar cycles, the Sun,
for pi that was accurate to seven Copernicus used to support his eclipses, and movements
of the planet Venus.
THE VALUE OF PI There is also evidence that the
Maya were practicing raised-
Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle eld agriculture from as early
to its diameter, was estimated at 3.125 by as the mid-3rd century to utilize
the Babylonians. The Greeks discovered a fertile land that would otherwise
method of calculating it by using the sides have been too waterlogged for
of a polygon inside a circle to approximate agricultural use.
the circumference, and Archimedes used
this method to give a gure of 22/7. In
about 475, Zu Chongzhi calculated pi as Astronomical codex
A section from the Dresden Codex,
3.1415926accurate to seven decimal places. Computers have
a 9th-century Maya astronomical
now calculated this value to trillions of decimal places. work that includes detailed tables
for movements of the planet Venus.

ia r
dr he
an op
lex of s o s zh
i n
f A od ot hil ng eve
n o eth ro k p his lid ho to s
eo a m are ee ites Euc C
T s u r
G r n Zu pi s
00 ce g sq ion 5 0 s w ry o 75 tes ace
c. 4 rodu atin imat c. 4 oclu enta c. 4 lcula al pl
t l
in lcu rox r
P mm ca cim
ca app Co de

40 a
a te riss f ian
lla o l La l o Ind cian
of pe y - t s of anua etic 9 9 ti 0)
ius s Ca rcur it id
m ninu is M ithm c. 4 ema 55 pi
as rite s s 6 s
i b
Or m w etic nu e rb m h Ar t h 7 e
tia t M o n Do rites ory a 4
m ta ( mat 1416
60 mu iet ar tha enus e Su w uct a i .
c.3 rga on d 3
M s
9 ert d V d th d a bh est be 3
Pe 4 s an un ro Ar
0 as o Int
41 ar

Procopius, Byzantine scholar, from The Buildings Book, c.50065

The dome of Hagia Sophia was completed in 537 and collapsed in an earthquake in 558. It was rebuilt
by Isidore the Younger, who raised it by about 20 ft (6 m) to make it more stable.

MUCH ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE geometry and Ptolemaic

reached the Middle Ages through astronomy. Without his work,
the efforts of Roman nobleman much ancient knowledge might
Boethius (c.480c.524). He acted have been lost in western Europe. Pendentives, such as those employed domed top
as a link in the transmission Flavius Cassiodorus in the church of Hagia Sophia in section of
of Greek and Roman science (c.480c.575), who succeeded Constantinople, are curved, concave
to scholars of his time. He Boethius as the leading Roman sections of masonry that are used to supporting
translated sections of Aristotles nobleman at the court of the join a square lower section of a building pillars and concave
Logic, produced an adaption Ostrogothic kings of Italy, retired to the circular base of a domed top arches pendentive
at corner of
of GrecoRoman mathematician around 540 to a monastery he section. They allow the weight of the
the square
Nicomachuss (c.60c.120) founded at Vivarium in southern dome to be equally distributed onto section of
square lower
Arithmetike Eisagoge (Introduction Italy. There, he composed square supporting walls or piers, which section of the building
to Arithmetic), and compiled Institutiones Divinarum et allows far larger domes to be built. building
manuals of the liberal arts, Humanarum Lectionum (An
including accounts of Euclidean Introduction to Divine and Human
Readings). This treatises were collected. He stone oysters, or stone swallows; examples of problems involving
handbook on instituted the practice of copying they were said to emerge from arithmetical progressions
monastic life manuscripts, thus ensuring that the rock and y around during (where the difference between
included a important works survived into thunderstorms. By the mid-7th successive terms is constant).
compilation of the later Middle Ages. century, such fossils were being Around 53237, Byzantine
secular knowledge, Before the 6th century, scholars dissolved in vinegar for use as architects Anthemius of Tralles
divided according to had largely accepted Aristotles medicine in China. (c.474c.534) and Isidore of
the seven liberal view that motion was inherent in In early 6th century, Chinese Miletus succeeded in setting a
arts (see 250500). a body or caused by the medium mathematician Zhang Qiujian round dome over a square room
Cassiodorus also through which it traveled (such gave the rst example of the using pendentives. The dome of
established a as air). Greek philosopher John modern method of division Hagia Sophia (in Istanbul, Turkey)
library in which Philoponus (c.480c.570) inversing the divisor and remained the largest in the world
many ancient opposed this view, arguing that multiplying. He also gave for nearly a thousand years.
scientic and the medium actually resisted the
philosophical bodys movement. He proposed
that motion is caused
externally through energy
impressed upon it by the person
or thing moving it. This was the
Great minds
Boethius is shown rst expression of the theory of
here calculating impetus and inertia. Brachiopod
with written numbers Around 500, Li Tao-Yuan fossil
in a competition Resembling
recorded fossil animals in his birds wings,
against Pythagoras,
who is using a Commentary on the Waterways these became known as grooved, shell-like
counting board. Classic. He called these fossils stone swallows in China. birds wing

on se or ius t ,
ott rm t u ks f th es irs in rch s a
s oe on lat 7 F me chu er a ste tian
0 C h wo ed Fir loc ina ua
n B s
4 ok d ans 3 leu hris
0 00 n b Ch -Y 2 2 do hia ov p
c.5 wit g us c.5 ode g in ao il ina 0 bo an tr 53 und Sop set o
dic ia
gin arin a i T s Ch 51 ites etic and ic ro gia is m In ph
wo intin 0 L fos s in wr ithm try, Log as ogra
ge Indi pr
0 s d Ha rkey roo sm p
in c.5 cord opo ar ome les Tu uare Co To
re achi ge istot sq 40 oses
r 5
b Ar c. mp

an n o
uji so st s
Qi thod m oir l Art re
eti pose et
g g a r
an me in Me atic 79 us m
Zh the n us sor es 1 l or co rum um
0 0 s si o ivi rit them 53 cana a iod and ivina tion
c.5 cribe divi of d e w a i s
as m D Lec
s of cal Yu he M n rs 0 C riu nes
de Xu t wa Pe 54 Vivia utio arum
ro hra t in
cip Na buil tit an
re Ins Hum


The Madaba map is a mosaic showing Palestine and lower Egypt, with particular focus
on towns and other sites of Biblical importance. This part of the map shows Jerusalem.

THE FIRST DESCRIPTION of the One of the leading medical

bubonic plague was given by practitioners at the time of the
Roman historian Procopius Byzantine emperor Justinian was
(c.500c.565). He was present Alexander of Tralles (c.525c.605).
in Constantinople (now Istanbul) His Twelve Books on Medicine
when the disease struck the described a range of diseases
Byzantine empire in 542. He including those caused by
described the characteristic intestinal parasites. He was
swellings (or buboes) under the the rst physician to identify
arms and around the groin, and melancholy (depression) as
a type of delirium brought on by a cause of suicidal tendencies.

Bubonic plague
septicemia (blood poisoning) death toll Around 570, Chinese
that caused sufferers to run At its peak, mathematician Chen Luan
around screaming. the bubonic plague, which struck the mentioned the abacus for the
By the 6th century, the Byzantine empire in 542, killed 10,000 rst time in a commentary on an
people a day in Constantinople alone.
cartographic tradition inspired earlier work of the 2nd century.
by Ptolemy was waning, to be He described 14 methods of
replaced by a religiously inspired Christiana (Christian Topography), arithmetical calculation, one CHINESE BLOCK PRINTING
view of Earth. The Madaba map, which controversially presented of which he referred to as ball
thought to be the oldest surviving the world as a at space dividing arithmetic, in which a series Printing using wooden blocks was probably invented in China in the
map of Biblical cities, dates the heavens from the underworld, of wires were suspended on a 6th century, although the rst complete surviving printed book dates
back to this time. In around and in which Jerusalem occupied wooden frame, with four balls to 868. A manuscript was prepared on waxed paper, which was
550, Cosmas Indicopleustes, a central position. Cosmas strung on the lower half of each rubbed against a wooden block to transfer a mirror image of the
a merchant from Alexandria, located Paradise just beyond the wire representing a unit each, characters onto it. The block was then carved and used for printing.
composed the Topographia ocean that surrounded Earth. and a ball on the upper half
ve units. greatest project was the cutting Chinese engineer Li Chun
Although the of the Grand Canal from completed construction of the
Chinese had a long Changan to Loyang, under Anji Bridge in Hebei. The arch
tradition of canal the Sui dynasty, which joined up was attened by two smaller
building, their earlier, smaller canals. Its main arches in its spandrels (the
section, the Pien Chu canal, triangular area bounded by
which was 621 miles (1,000 km) the outer curve of an arch and
Rainbow bridge
long was completed in 605 adjacent wall), which spread the
This bridge over a side
section of the Grand and was said to have taken ve weight more evenly and meant
Canal at Wuxi, China, million laborers to build. that only one main arch was
arches in a dramatic By the early 7th century, needed to span the river.
fashion, which gave
Chinese engineers had worked
this type of construction
the nickname out that bridges did not need
rainbow bridge. semicircular arches. In 605,

de es s, ia he
ek us an rib on ag is er ft s
re eti a lex esc diti on e H me aft 558 n o ina i
0 G an A vul ps A d n i h m st e i o
5 i u 60 les c co ess 2 T d te
o d in
ka we cal t
uc Ch
c.5 ysic bes orce cer c.5 Tral atri epr 56 phia truc uake o ho uth e-s str l in
ph scri ng f can i
of ych ing d So cons thq H s arg rks
o on ana
r 00 of l o C
d ush east
e i ps lud re ea c.6 ople eate netw
5 C
60 and eted
cr d br inc an pe A cr ion Gr mpl
an US igat co

n us n s
sa on f tio el
ibe ague en cus dr a
c pl ple i lop rm o a m a p an Chin
es Ph fo rti aic st ab in f s in
s d onic ntin
hn rly ine os n Fir of ha e eo g
i u Jo n ea of m rda 70 nc g us ildin
p b
co f bu onst
a 0 a ory a o c.5 i ro brid an, t
o 5 ab J n n n irs -bu
2 P ak in
o C c.5 oses the ad d in 5 A sio un ina 5 F ge
54 tbre rop 6 5 M eate 59 pen in Y t Ch 60 brid
p 2 cr s l t s
o u
54 p is su bui hwe in
a ut
m so 41

This illustration from a 12th-century manuscript graphically depicts the use of Greek Fire. Flames
are being projected from a handheld tube onto a eet of invading soldiers.

IN CHINA, in the year 610 court

physician Chao Yuanfang
contemporary knowledge,
entitled Etymologiae, using the
(550630) compiled the rst work of earlier encyclopedists
comprehensive Chinese MAN OF KNOWLEDGE WILL ECLIPSE such as Roman author Marcus
treatise on diseases. One THE FAME OF OTHERS IN ASSEMBLIES Terentius Varro (11627 BCE). It

of the diseases he described helped disseminate classical
was smallpox; he explained OF THE PEOPLE IF HE PROPOSES knowledge in the Middle Ages.
that lesions with purple or black ALGEBRAIC PROBLEMS, AND STILL In the eld of surgery, Greek
coloration were far more deadly MORE IF HE SOLVES THEM. physician Paul of Aegina
than those that contained white (c.625c.690) compiled The
pus. He also recommended Brahmagupta, Indian mathematician, from Brahmasphutasiddhanta Epitome of Medicinea digest of
(The Revised System of Brahma), 628
brushing teeth daily and medical treatises by ancient
proposed a routine of rinsing authorities such as Galen. It ISIDORE OF SEVILLE
and gargling then gnashing Before 644, windmills had been which could be used to grind also contained descriptions of (C.560636)
the teeth seven times. developed in Persia. They used wheat. The earliest windmills had new surgical procedures, such
wind to drive wooden vanes set in vertical windshafts, unlike the as tracheotomy (surgery to the The Bishop of Seville for
a circle around a windshaft. This more familiar horizontal types that windpipe) and sterilizing wounds more than 30 years, Isidore
generated rotational energy, were later developed in Europe. through cauterization. wrote several important texts,
Spanish bishop Isidore of Chinese mathematician Wang including the encyclopedic
Seville was a prolic author who Xiaotong (c.580c.640) was the Etymologiae, a dictionary of
wrote books on cosmology and rst to provide solutions for synonyms, and a manual
arithmetic. In the 7th century, cubic equations (of the form of basic physics. He also
he compiled a 20-volume a3+ba2+ca=n). It was a technique established a system of
manuscript of that European mathematicians seminaries to promote
did not master until Fibonacci ecclesiastical education.
(see 122049) in the 13th century. He was canonized in 1598
In India, one of the greatest by Pope Clement VIII.
early mathematicians was
Brahmagupta (598c.668).
His Brahmasphutasiddhanta two negative numbers multiplied
(The Revised System of Brahma) together yield a positive number.
contained rules for using In the late 7th century, a new
negative numbers in arithmetic incendiary weapon was developed
and also rst stated the rule that in the Byzantine empire. Known
as Greek Fire, it was discharged
by tubes and burned even in
Vertical windmills contact with water. Its exact
Because the area around Nishtafun
composition is still unknown, but
in Persia (Iran) experienced high
winds, but had little water, windmills it was probably a compound of
were a very useful adaptation. naphtha (a hydrocarbon mixture).

s is
ng ain
a nfa e ng igh rcel ina gin
Yu as n oto 50 p
H o h ine s es Ae t
ao ise tio Xia tion s c.6 ality ed in
C nt lu rit o f s of y
Ch on d crip g
n lu n za phi s w y ul ea se er
1 e es Wa so atio qu ent
B eo iu g Pa s br he u surg
c.6 atis ns d x 25 ibes equ inv 50 Th har rolo 0
6 be t in
tre ntai llpo . 6
c sc bic r c.6 ctor pat on u c.6 scri and ion
co sma de cu
o s
d oto ise de ncer izat
of for Pr reat ca uter
at ca

eo t
or les rs
I sid mpi iae e s ) ire
0 co og us ill (Iran
3 l re an m k F in
15 ille mo e cu Indi ts ind rsia ree ped re
c.6 Sev Ety t s in ex l w Pe G lo pi
70 ve em
irs ro al t tica i n
8 F f ze atic er ned c.6 de ine
2 o m 4 V tio nt
c.6 he 64 en za
at m By
42 m

This image depicts Jabir ibn-Hayyan giving a lecture on alchemy in his home town, Edessa, modern Turkey. The town
played an important role in the transmission of Greek science into the Islamic world.

As knowledge of Greek a major Islamic center for the
MAJOR TREATISES on zoology astronomy spread to the Islamic
THE NUMBER OF study of science.
were produced by al-Asmai, a world, Ibrahim al-Fazari TEST SITES SET UP Jabir ibn-Hayyan (c.722804)
philologist from Basra, Iraq. His
Kitab al-Khail (Book of the
(d. c.796), an astronomer from
Baghdad, wrote the rst BY YI XING FOR HIS was an early Islamic alchemist
who has become known as the
Horse) and Kitab al-Ibil Islamic treatise on the ASTRONOMICAL father of Arab chemistry. He
(Book of the Camel) astrolabea device that invented the alembic, an
described in detail SURVEY enclosed ask for heating
the physiology of these liquids, established the
animals. He also wrote Astrolabe transferred observations of the of planetary movements, classication of substances
A Greek invention rened by
books on sheep and wild Arab astronomers, the astrolabe celestial sphere onto at plates conjunctions, and eclipses, into metals and nonmetals,
animals, as well as a helped perform complex and helped predict the location although he rejected the idea and identied the properties
book on human astronomical of celestial bodies. that Earth rotated. of acids and alkalis.
anatomy. calculations. In China, around 725, engineer A few years later, in 762, the Jurjish ibn Bakhtishu was
and astronomer Yi Xing city of Baghdad was founded the rst of a dynasty of Islamic
(683727) invented the rst by the caliph al-Mansur. The physicians who served the
escapement for a mechanical rst planned city in the Islamic Abbasid caliphs at Baghdad.
clock. The device was attached world, its perfectly round shape He rose to prominence when
to an armillary sphere (a model was laid out by al-Naubakht, he cured the caliph al-Mansur
of the celestial sphere) that was a Persian astrologer. His son, of a stomach complaint in 765.
pivoted powered by water. It used al-Fadl ibn Naubakht, founded His grandson Jibril founded
sighting rule a toothed gear to transfer the House of Wisdom in the rst hospital in Baghdad
energy to the moving parts Baghdad, which became some time after 805.
of the sphere and to
regulate their movement.
Yi Xing also carried out
a major astronomical
survey to help predict
climate plate with solar eclipses more AIR EARTH GOLD MERCURY TO PURIFY MAGNET
coordinates to locate
users latitude
accurately and reform
the calendar. ALCHEMY
In India, mathematician and
astrologer Lalla (c.720790) First developed in Hellenistic Egypt (4th1st century BCE) by scholars
became the rst to describe a such as Zosimos of Panopolis, alchemy was advanced further by
perpetuum mobile, a machine Arab practitioners such as ibn-Hayyan and al-Razi in the 8th9th
that once set in motion would centuries. It was concerned mainly with the transmutation of base
carry on moving forever. His metals, such as lead, into noble metals, such as gold, through the
Sisyadhivrddhidatantra (Treatise use of the philosophers stone. It led to the development of many
plate with for Increasing the Intelligence practical chemical processes, such as distillation and fermentation.
star map
of Students) also gave details

se a hu lla
er r u hin d bs n tis La l
e nt ts pe m C orl ra otto y kh after an ian ian tua
Le d ce ed on a en Pa o w 0 A sh c str a
B e yy d
In tic p e
70 a n s ax
-S ites epin
g inv 50 s f mi
r c 5 i u bn enc nsu
r Ha sed 75 ma per
u ips g c.7 tabl ind i -
B y ards are sh lo
g w r e in or c.7 read Isla sh min -Ma aint Ibn clo for c.7 athe bes vice
n k i X nt f ck es xtile in rji 75 en sk
bo ards nese A e e
5 Y me l clo sp the Ju pro ph a omp
l l m scri de
bo Chi 04 Bed tim 2 to
t Sp a
5 o i c .7 nts a ds
de tion
c.7 onk e on c.7 cape nica in 76 es t cal ch c e ic
inv mb g u
on m ati s es cha ris ring oma m
e ale atin
tre m u
c a st

d in n ai
olo lass ity dia s sm s
C d c rld lt , In se, i c l l -A tise y
00 d g th
se ar
i n e o i ta i i ria A a g
c.7 inte d in orld ine of az e an ic w is b u n t
ha rea rab pe n
m a Da t 00 tre olo
pl I c.8 rites n zo
pa te w Ch ge n l-F eatis e rst slam ad idd al t to A 5 i rs
r- rea ic 0
2 led tio A b i I S ic in 78 er J e na w o
ste is c lam c.7 now lina 50 a tr ola 2 F the ghd 1
77 nom ted h h i
lu Is c.7 ites astr 76 Ba ap tes t f Ch
t k dec r tro nsla r
g e o
hib tic
w th e s
a ra
t a rto mpl ap
ex gne on c co m
ma 43
Classical knowledge was revived and expanded by Islamic
scholars attached to the mosques and the courts. Subsequently
translated into Latin, their Arabic texts circulated through
Western Europe and formed the basis of modern science.
80020 82160

Al-Khwarizmi, Persian mathematician, c.780850

The House of Wisdom in Baghdad was a major center of Islamic scholarship,

attracting the foremost thinkers from across the Islamic world.


EMPIRES had a long tradition of
scholarship, and this continued
after the birth of the Islamic
to observe the position of stars.
Although not the rst to produce
a work on the astrolabe,
treatise on mathematics entitled
The Compendious Book on
ax 2 + bx + c = 0
religion. Islam encouraged al-Khwarizmis contribution Calculation by Completion and ALGEBRA
scientic and philosophical was signicant, especially in Balancing, published around 830.
pursuits, which were not seen the Islamic world, where the It contained a description of the Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses letters to represent
as incompatible with theology. astrolabe could be used to branch of mathematics now unknown quantities (called variables), and symbols for operations
Libraries and other centers calculate the time of daily prayers. known as algebra. Although he such as addition and subtraction. These can be combined in an
of learning were established The Chinese were pioneers drew on sources such as Greek algebraic statement known as an expression, such as a + 3.
in many Islamic cities during in the technology of printing, and Indian texts (see 250500), A mathematical statement, such as a + 3 = 7, is known as an
the Islamic Golden Age. largely due to their invention of he is considered to be the equation. Equations in which the highest power of an unknown
Perhaps the greatest of these paperpossibly as early as the inventor of algebra. In his book, quantity is two are known as quadratic equations (as above), and
was the House of Wisdom 2nd century BCEwhich lent al-Khwarizmi explained the those in which the highest power is three are called cubic equations.
(Bayt al-Hikma), founded in itself better to printing than the process of balancing both sides
Baghdad at the beginning of the papyrus and parchment used of an equation (al-jabr in Arabic,

hence the modern term algebra), of balancing an equation by as al-Kindi), who in the mid-9th

THOUSAND and gave a systematic way of

solving quadratic equations,
transposing terms from one side
to the other and canceling out
century wrote a large number of
treatises on various scientic
THE NUMBER which had been described terms that appear on both sides. subjects, ranging from
OF BOOKS IN almost 500 years earlier by Greek
mathematician Diophantus of
Another prominent scholar at
the House of Wisdom was the
mathematics, astronomy,
and optics, to medicine and
THE HOUSE Alexandria. Central to his polymath Abu Yusuf Yaqub geography. A scholar of theology
OF WISDOM method was the principle ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (also known and philosophy, he was also
responsible for the translation
9th century. As well as housing elsewhere. Developing a form of AL-KINDI (C.801873) of many classic Greek texts
thousands of books, the House woodblock printing on silk that and their incorporation into
of Wisdom encouraged had appeared around 200, they Born and educated in Kufa, near Islamic thinking. It is largely
research and the translation applied the technique to paper Baghdad, Al-Kindi was one of through al-Kindis translations
of mathematical, scientic, and used it for the mass the rst major scholars of the and commentaries on Indian
and philosophical texts from production of books. By the newly founded House of texts that Indian numerals
ancient Greece. 9th century, it was being used Wisdom. He translated Greek were introduced to the Islamic
Persian mathematician and to print promissory notes scientic and philosophical texts world, and subsequently
astronomer Muhammad ibn Musa that were in effect a form of into Arabic, and incorporated became the basis for the
al-Khwarizmi (c.780850) was paper money issued by the Hellenistic ideas into Islamic modern system of numbers,
one of the most important Chinese government. scholarship. He wrote treatises although zero was probably
scholars at the House of Wisdom, on many subjects, including discovered later (see 86199).
studying both Greek and Indian medicine, chemistry, astronomy, Al-Kindi was very sceptical
scientic treatises. In around and mathematics. about alchemy, refuting one
820, he described the use of the of its central ideasthe

i is se
ay se ed izm h ine
ar ra in n Ch ists e
e B Hou ound h w b o ion 5 h
T a( sf -K ge ok et 85 hem be t of
1 m )i Al s al s Bo mpl alc scri ery r
c.8 Hik dom d 0
3 be ou Co d co wde
e v
al- Wis hda c.8 scri ndi by
de mpe ation ing dis npo
of Bag gu
in C o l cu l l a n c
Ca d Ba

e es
rit ,
hin ent i i w ptics ,
he rnm o
f izm d
in o ine
ar labe
2 T gove form ney w
h ro l-K on dic hy
8 1
s a mo l-K ast 5 0 A tises , me grap
ue er 0 A the c.8 trea ctive ypto
iss pap 2
c.8 ibes pe cr
r rs and
sc pe

This statue of Al-Khwarizmi stands The Chinese edition of the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, printed using woodblocks
in Khiva, Uzbekistan, his birthplace. on a scroll of paper, is the earliest surviving printed book.

transmutation of metals. A CHINESE EDITION OF THE indicates that this was one
However, alchemy was at the BUDDHIST TEXT, Diamond Sutra, of a number of copies printed sealed ask cold water outlet
root of another discoverythis was discovered in 1907 in for distribution.
time in China. In the early Dunhuang, northwest China. An inscription on a stone cold water
9th century, Chinese alchemists Although it is probably not the in Gwalior, India, dated 876, inlet
one liquid
were experimenting with various rst example of a woodblock contains one of the earliest boils into
mixtures of substances to nd printed book, it is the earliest known uses of the symbol vapor cooling cooled
the elixir of life. One of the known one, and bears the for zero0. Prior to the water jacket vapor
by-products of this quest was date May 11, 868. The text appearance of a specic symbol, around condenses
condenser into droplets
the discovery, in about 855, of and illustrations of Diamond a space was used to indicate mixture of pure liquid
gunpowderthe rst man- Sutra exhibit a great deal of zero, which led to ambiguity and liquids collects
made explosive. It consisted of a sophistication, suggesting that prevented the development of a in ask
mixture of sulfur, carbon (in the the techniques of printing on place value system of numbers source
form of charcoal), and saltpeter paper were well known in China (a system in which the position
(potassium nitrate) all of which by this time. An inscription at of the numeral indicates its DISTILLATION
occur naturally as minerals. The the end of the manuscript value). The introduction of
mixtures explosive properties a symbol for Distillation is a method of separating the components of a liquid
meant that it was initially used in zero in Indian mixture. The liquid mixture is converted into vapor by heating. As
the manufacture of reworks, mathematics the components of the mixture have different boiling points, they
but gunpowder later came to fuel was a vital step in vaporize at different rates. The vapor is then cooled so that it
rockets, and was eventually used the development condenses back into a liquid, which can be collected separately.
in the development of rearms. of the decimal Distillation can be used to extract liquids such as alcohol and
system of notation gasoline, and also to purify liquids, such as salt water.
we use today. This
10% 15%
decimal system
came to Europe replaced the use of cumbersome the Arabic al kuhl, originally
through the Roman numerals. used to describe a powder
inuence of Islamic Toward the end of the century, extracted from a mineral,
mathematicians, Arab alchemists developed but which later came to
and eventually the process of distillation mean the essence or spirit
a method of separating the of a liquid. The apparatus
ingredients of a liquid mixture. developed by al-Razi for
Muhammad ibn Zakariya distillation has remained
Alchemist Jabir
al-Razi (c.854925/35), along fundamentally unchanged
ibn-Hayyan at work
Alchemy in the Islamic with other alchemists, perfected to the present day.
world involved much the technique and was
Composition of gunpowder experimentation, and successful in extracting a form
Sulfur, carbon, and saltpeter, while led to the development
of alcoholethanol or ethyl
quite innocuous individually, become of many processes
highly explosive when mixed in the that were later used alcoholby distilling wine.
correct proportions. in chemistry. The word alcohol derives from

a zi ine
-R w
Al om
8 90 ol fr
c oh

e ar ted
i n
he pr ond ian
8 T ng m d nd a
86 vivi Dia rinte a 76 I use o
r e n
su , th , is p Chi 8 ns zer
ok tra in cia or
b Su ati ol f
e m b
ath sy

Al-Razi, Arab physician, 10th century

Arab doctor and chemist al-Razis belief in practical experimentation on

substances led him to propose an early classication of elements.

MUHAMMAD IBN ZAKARIYA dismissed the idea that body melting and extraction. He overlapping plates for mathematics underlying
AL-RAZI (Rhazes) was one of temperature is automatically described the distillation of making astronomical the instrument. He
the greatest physicians of the raised or lowered when a patient kerosene and petroleum from observations. Although presented formulas in
Arab world. Around 900, he drinks warm or cold uids. His crude oil and gave recipes for al-Fazari was the rst spherical trigonometry,
wrote Al-Shukuk ala Jalinus clinical practices were advanced preparing hydrochloric and to describe it in the replacing Ptolemys
(Doubts About Galen), in which he for this time; he ran a psychiatric sulfuric acids. 8th century, al-Battani geometrical
criticized Galens theory of the ward, and he wrote a treatise Around 920, Arab astronomer worked out the methods.
four humors (see 75250). He attacking untrained physicians. and mathematician al-Battani
rejected the notion that a balance The Kitab al-Hawi (Comprehensive (c.858929) proffered greater
of these humors was necessary Book), a collection of his clinical insights into the working of
for the health of the patient, and notes, ran to 23 volumes, and the planispheric astrolabe
contained medical diagnoses, a device with a number of
including the rst description
of hay fever (or rose-cold). He
map of bodies
also wrote a monograph, Kitab
on the celestial
al-Judwar wal Hasba (Treatise on sphere
the Smallpox and Measles), which
was the rst work to detail the star pointer
symptoms of smallpox, although indicates
his explanationthat the disease position of
was caused by the impurities specic star

from menstrual blood that stay

in the fetus during pregnancy mater, or
main section
and then bubble up to the skin
into which
AL-RAZI (C.865925) in later lifebetrayed a belief latitude
in sympathetic magic. He was plates slot
Born in Rayy, Mesopotamia particularly concerned with
(now in Iran), al-Razi was a preventing blindness caused rotating bar
physician and philosopher, by smallpox pustules, and
as well as an alchemist. He advocated regularly bathing ecliptic ring
encouraged experimentation the eyes in rose-water. shows path of
as a means of discovery and An alchemist as well as Sun through sky
his clinical notes became a a physician, al-Razi devised a
key medieval medical text. He classication of elements into Astrolabe
headed a hospital in Rayy, and spirits and metals and minerals. The user of an
then two in Baghdad. Among He divided the latter into stones, astrolabe adjusted its
his innovations was the rst vitriols, boraces, salts, and other moveable parts to indicate
a specic date or time, and
recorded clinical trialon substances, and gave a detailed the markings on the plates
patients with meningitis. account of the behavior of each would then indicate the position
under various processes, such as of the various heavenly bodies.

m n ps ra
s az ic
I sla ticia velo lgeb a wr 0 Al alen
0 0 a de a s q s 3 G y
c.9 athe mil zmi owe
s r Lu nes 0 es or es
rit rap
ibn umb 90 iticiz the
m u Ka ari th p ta n r
c m o r
a b i w the
A Kh g w an 2
b i
Qu on hu ar usic
al- alin r th 12 ise -F
Al on m
de eate c.9 reat 5
2 e
gr at c.9 atis

30 rs
0 zi ve
90 -Ra s co les
Al ribe f dis ncip be ted
an ri ola da is
sc s o st abe ic
de tom pox att al p str i e
rl ol
p all A l-B atic he a Ea str sla lus
sy sm 20 em ng
9 27 ng a by I astu
c.9 ath rlyi .
c ivi uil r N t
m de rv b me
un su no
48 tro


A 14th-century manuscript shows two innovative surgical instruments introduced

by SpanishArab physician al-Zahrawi (Albucasis).

THE MODERN Abacus treatises by ancient scholars also known as Albucasis. He was
NUMERALS for This is a modern such as Boethius, studied the court surgeon to al-Hakam, the
example of an
expressing the work of Islamic mathematicians, Umayyad Caliph of Cordoba. His
abacus, a counting
decimal system rst device that appeared and introduced the abacus to Kitab al-Tasrif (The Method of
appeared in Europe in Mesopotamia Europe, giving instructions for its Medicine)containing detailed
in 976 in a treatise around 2700 BCE. use in multiplication and division. descriptions of human anatomy
It was introduced
written by the monk The greatest Arab surgeon of and the pathology of diseases
to medieval Europe
Vigila in the northern by Gerbert in medieval times was Abu al- became the main textbook for
Spanish convent of around 990 CE. Qasim al-Zahrawi (c.9361013), medieval European physicians.
Albelda (although
he included only the Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Modern
symbols for 1 to 9 and not zero). the astronomer Zhang Sixun out by mechanical jacks that Babylonian Egyptian Greek Roman Chinese Mayan HinduArabic
This number system, now known in 979. It was powered by a emerged to strike bells and
as HinduArabic, had originated waterwheel with scoops that drums, or to display the time on a
in the numerical notation of the deposited the liquid into a tablet. The clock also showed the
Brahmi script used in India in clepsydra (a device that measures position of the Sun, Moon, and
the mid-3rd century BCE, which time by the ow of liquid through ve planets on a celestial globe,
then spread westward after the a small hole) as it turned around, and was said to be so advanced
Arabs came in contact with India which in turn regulated the that after Sixuns death no one
in the early 8th century CE. measurement of the hours. In could keep it in working order.
Although mechanical order to avoid the liquid freezing In 984, Persian mathematician
armillary spheres and in wintera problem that had Ibn Sahl (c.9401000) wrote
mechanical escapements for aficted earlier such clocksYi On the Burning Instruments, a
clocks had been devised in Xing had substituted mercury for treatise in which he examined the
China by Zhang Heng in the water. Zhang Sixuns improved bending of light by lenses and
2nd century and Yi Xing in version made one complete curved mirrors. He was the rst
the 8th century, a superior revolution each day, with each to express a geometric theory of
version was constructed by quarter-hour and hour sounded refraction. He suggested that the


amount of light that is deected
when it enters another medium
(such as glass) varies, depending DEVELOPMENT OF NUMBERS

on the refractive index (see

HIMSELF TO SURGERY 162124) of the substance.

Christian monastic scholar
Many early number systems, such as the Egyptian, were additive
the value of the number symbol did not depend on its position; to

Gerbert (c.9431003), who make 20, the symbol for 10 would be written twice. Around 2000 BCE,
became Pope in 999, was one the Babylonians began to use a partly positional systemwhere the

of the rst Western European order of magnitude depends on the position in which the symbol
mathematicians of the Middle appears. Positional systems using 10 as the base developed in India,
Ages. He sought to recover and gradually evolved into the modern HinduArabic numerals.
Al-Zahrawi (Albucasis), in Kitab al-Tasrif, c.990 mathematical and astronomical

i n l l
n zin ixu ica ah of
ish be ha g S chan b n S aw
ew and aac s K n I l t
J s e al- r s ha e d 84 he igh er
32 ian r I rib bu s fo isk 9 Z a m ere 9 es t of l rb
c.9 ysic ophe esc 0 A able be d 97 ilds ow y 9 s
97 opo tion Ge es o
ph ilos on d ever 6 t la bu ck p rcur pr frac
9 c t pe
ph lom ial f 50 es tro clo me c.9 rodu acus uro
c.9 oduc g as re int e ab val E
So lar r
p kin by
a a th die
m e

az n
es aly
l-J es o d od ction
(H i,
bn ti
s an r le b as al ik ic er
9 I rea ics ers ip e Ab l-M ab om s
ijz tris ang on over lt
7 tes t iatr ord -S al- s A Ar oks r
5 ri r s Al the f an bn rite ain tbo t
as isc l ti g
c.9 w ge p di 9
96 k on
o i
w f m tex
e u
Ab as) ian i d xia in
sle r o l
80 Abb one dica rs jand s a eas
wo e h r
c .9 e 4 P hu rt ec
m 99 al-K t Ea is d

Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Arab polymath, from Canon of Medicine, c.1005

A page from Avicennas Canon of Medicine shows the heart and skull as part
of an illustration explaining the theory of the four humors.

AROUND 1005, THE ARAB The Persian astronomer and HOW LENSES WORK
MEDICAL SCHOLAR and polymath mathematician Abu Sahl al-Quhi
Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna (c.9401000) was head of the
in Europe) wrote the Canon of observatory founded by Sharaf A convex lens is thicker in the ray of light focal length
Medicine, a major compendium al-Dawla in Baghdad in 988, but middle than at the sides. When
that sought to provide a he was particularly noted for his light rays strike the lens they are principal axis
systematic understanding of work in solving equations of diffracted and converge behind principal
converging focus
medical knowledge of the time. greater than the second degree the lens at a single point called rays of light
Avicenna tried to reconcile (in which the highest power of a the principal focus. Convex CONVEX (CONVERGING) LENS
theories of four humors variable is more than two). He lenses are used to treat far-
(blood, yellow bile, black bile, employed a geometrical method sightedness because they bring
and phlegm; see 100250) with of intersecting curved lines to objects that are closer, into focus. principal focus focal length
Aristotles idea of three life achieve this. Around 1000, he A concave lens is thinner in the
forces (psychic, natural, and wrote On the Construction of an middle than at the sides. Light
human). Avicennas careful and Equilateral Pentagon in a Known rays diverge and seem to focus virtual ray

comprehensive account in ve Square, in which he demonstrated in front of the lens. These lenses
volumes of physiology, diagnosis, the solution by solving an address near-sightedness. CONCAVE (DIVERGING) LENS rays of light
therapy, the pathology of diseases, equation to the fourth degree.
and pharmacology made it an In 1005, the Fatimid caliph
extremely valuable medical al-Hakim founded the House from Islamic philosophy and and 1021. He proposed that the the eyes physiology, describing
handbook. It was commented of Knowledge (Dar al-ilm) law to physics and astronomy, blinding effect of bright light and it as being made up of various
on by many subsequent Arabic in Cairo. Equipped with a vast it became a center for the existence of after-images humors and separated into
physicians and was printed as library covering subjects ranging philosophers and theologians. proved that vision was caused sections by spherical sheaths.
Latin translations 36 times. At rst, the House of Knowledge by light coming into the eye. He
hosted a series of public also developed a new theory of
lectures, but these
ended in 1015 IBN SINA (9801037)
after fears
that religious Born near Bukhara, Uzbekistan,
dissidents were Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was a
establishing a medical prodigy. He claimed
presence there. to have successfully treated
The Arabic patients by age 16. He served
sage Abu Ali ibn the Samanid rulers of Bukhara,
al-Haytham but their overthrow in 999 led
(c.9651039), also to his exile. He ended up at the
Alhazens eye known as Alhazen, is court of Shams al-Dawla of
Shown here is a
best known for his Kitab Hamadan, where he wrote
diagrammatic eye from
a 1575 Latin translation of al-Munazir (Book of Optics), his great Canon of Medicine.
Alhazens Book of Optics. which he wrote between 1011

er an ind
i m
no rst a ici ar m
l-Q the kim ro v 15 hys l-M ge e
A s d Ha f t
as es rno
10 ab p jah a the ast ms
00 be f on al- se o m giv upe Ar swi ibes a p d ge olia
10 scri n o bey gree h o l i
s an s
de lutio ons de lip ou air Mu dw f a Ma escr ary oun nch
Ca e H n C pr ctu of gr ela
so uati cond 04 s th ge i 06 Ri n o
1 nd ed 10 i ibn ptio ele de re m
eq e se Al scri a
th fou owl m to cu
Kn de

nn f
v ice on o l
A a
a ( Can dic s
Sin he me ium se
I bn es t e, a end po n
ro visio s
05 os in p n p f ic
10 omp edic com ze y o Opt
c M
A lha eor k of
1 t h o
2 his n Bo
11 i

The earliest movable type in China was made of clay, and later of wood. Metal movable type such as these blocks
did not become common until the Ming dynasty in the 17th century.

IN THE EARLY 11TH CENTURY, carved for each individual page. weather using an iron sh. The Anatomy of a crossbow
SpanishArab astronomer Abu Around 1040, a commoner needle of this early compass This 16th-century German
crossbow could not be used without ight
Abdallah ibn Muadh al-Jayyani named Pi Sheng developed probably oated on top of a bowl
a crannequina toothed wheel
(9891079) carried out work a form of movable type by of water and the technique was attached to a crankwhich was
integrating trigonometry and creating thin strips of clay, later adapted for navigation at used to bend the crossbow.
optics. His Book of Unknown each impressed with a single sea. One document referring to
Arcs of a Sphere was the rst character, which he baked in a
comprehensive work on spherical re. He then placed these on an crannequin curved claws
trigonometry. Around 1030, iron tray to compose the page to grip bowstring
al-Jayyani used this work in his be printed. The clay letters could
Book on Twilight to calculate be rearranged as desired to
the angle of the Sun below the create a new page. The method toothed
horizon at the end of evening fell into disuse after Pi Shengs rack
twilight to be 18 degrees. By death until its revival in the cord loops
onto tiller pins rotating pin
taking this as the lowest angle mid-13th century. By then, far released by trigger
at which the Suns rays can more durable type made of iron
meet the upper edge
of the atmosphere,
he worked out the
height of Earths
atmosphere as 64 miles (103 km). steel pin to engage composite lathe of
Printing using carved wooden spanning mechanism bone, sinew, and wood
blocks had appeared in China
around the 6th century, but the had been invented in Korea, the period around 1086 tells of their power was limited by the
process was cumbersome, where it was rst used in 1234. a south-pointing needle used ability of the user to pull back
requiring a new block to be The Chinese had understood for nding bearings at night. the bowstring by hand. By the
the properties of magnetic In 1123, an account of a mid-11th century, a stirrup
12 lodestones in transferring diplomatic mission to South was placed at the end of the stirrup

polarity to a needle several Korea describes the sailors stock, so that the user could
10 centuries earlier (see 300 use of the compass. It would push against this with his legs
250 BCE), but no real application be another 67 years, however, while pulling the string back.
was made. In 1044, the rst before such knowledge spread Mechanical cranks were also
mention is made of a south- to Europe. invented that could be turned bolt
pointing carriage used to nd Crossbows had made an to tighten the string. By the
4 directions on land during gloomy appearance in China as early early 13th century, complex
as the 8th century BCE and are windlasses (contraptions
wooden tiller
The deadliest weapon? recorded in Greece in the early used to move heavy objects) veneered
Medieval crossbowmen red at as
0 3rd century BCE. Hand-held were devised, which imparted with bone
little as a tenth the rate of longbow
Longbow Crossbow crossbows came into use in high tensile strength to the
archers, although their bolts had
WEAPON more power. France in the 10th century, but crossbow bolt.

ian at ts g
rs th nd
Pe er ts u en
0 g es aro i
aw s s i nv intin
.1 03 nom sug tate he N as uclid ribe ng pr
he or
c tro un i o s - c
as -Bir may ut sa
y Al s E es ion P i S pe f s
t 30 arize nd d ract 0 t y ck
Al rth n, b ve i 0
c.1 mm nts a r ext 04 le blo
Ea e Su t pro c.1 ovab clay
su me d fo ots m ing
th nno Ele tho e ro
ca e us
m cub

zo f Bu ihha
ez f no b n s g
Ar ry o tio ss 0 I al- izin
d o d en mpa n, 05 im as ood
ido he an f t m o tio c.1 aqw mph of g ene
Gu w t tion m o irs ic c iga ina sT e ce gi
0 e
03 s n ota ste rd
s 4 F net nav n Ch ite tise an hy
c.1 vise al n s sy acho
10 mag for i wr trea ort and
c p p t
de usi elo hex ed im die
m dev us 51
From The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, describing the comet of 1066

mathematician Jia Xian described
a method of calculating square OF MONTHS THAT
and cubic roots using numbers THE SUPERNOVA
arranged in rows. Each row
contained one more number
than the row above it, to form a FROM 1054 TO 1055
triangle in which each number
is the sum of the two directly Nebula) was visible from Earth. by European astronomers.
above it. Known as the Jia It was observed by Arabic and Astrologers viewed the comet as
Xian triangle, it is also often Chinese astronomers, who an omen, and found it especially
referred to in the West as described it as a guest star, signicant in the year of the
Pascals triangle, after French but its signicance was not Norman invasion of England.
mathematician Blaise Pascal, realized by observers in Europe.
who described it 600 years later. In 1066, the comet now called The Bayeux tapestry
This embroidered record of the
In 1054, the massive explosion Halleys Comet made one of
events surrounding the Battle
of a supernova (which formed its regular 76-year periodic of Hastings in 1066 shows the
what we now know as the Crab appearances and was described appearance of Halleys Comet.

outward pressure inward pressure neutron

of gas and radiation of gravity balances compressed shock wave star or
supports star outward pressure core implodes blows star apart black hole
hydrogen creates exhausted neutrinos material
envelope iron core released thrown out
by explosion

form in
active outer
core CORE IMPLOSION layers


A supernova is an explosion of a massive supergiant Subatomic particles called neutrinos are released
star at the last stage of its life. Over a long period of as implosion occurs. Now out of control, the star
time, a star builds up a core of iron, which eventually explodes with a huge amount of energybillions
collapses in on itself as the star runs out of fuel for of times more than the Sun, which is also a star
fusion. This results in an implosion that rapidly shining brighter than other stars and scattering
reheats the star and restarts the process of fusion. debris in all directions, over vast distances.

s ea s va
Jia ibe n es mer erno
0 50 escr n C
h on up o
c.1 an d Xia ater s
54 str e
Xi e Jia le, l the 10 ab a e th the
th ang as ngle Ar serv rms la
tri own l tria ob at fo ebu
kn sca th ab N
Pa Cr

r kn hted
e g
lat si
et t is
com ome
e C
Th ys
66 lle
10 Ha

Omar Khayyam, from Treatise on Demonstration of Problems
of Algebra, 1070

This manuscript is one of the many treatises that Omar Khayyam wrote
on mathematics, astronomy, mechanics, and philosophy.

PERSIAN MATHEMATICIAN AND At Isfahan, he also worked on OMAR KHAYYAM (10481131)

ASTRONOMER Omar Khayyam his poetry, later collected in
began work on his Treatise on The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Demonstration of Problems of In 1079, he calculated the length Born in Persia (now Iran), Omar
Algebra in 1070, the year that he of a year as 365.24219858156 Khayyam showed a talent for
moved to Samarkand, Uzbekistan, daysa greater degree of astronomy and mathematics at
and devoted himself to study and precision than ever before, and an early age; he wrote many of
writing. In it, he gave a complete remarkably close to the modern his treatises before he was 25
classication of the types of measurement of 365.242190 years old. In 1073, he was invited
cubic equation (an equation days. This led to the introduction by Sultan Malik-Shah to set up
involving a term to the power of a new calendar in the Islamic an observatory in Isfahan. Here,
of three, such as x+y3=15) and world, which was more accurate he worked on calendar reform
described for the rst time a than the Julian calendar used and astronomical tables, before
general theory for solving them in Europe at the time. returning to his home town.
using geometry. The method he Meanwhile, in China, the
used involved the use of conic polymath Shen Kuo retired from
sections and curves. He realized a successful career as a civil Pool Essays, named after his used in navigation to determine
that some equations, such as servant and military leader in garden estate, were nished in the direction of North. He also
quadratic (involving a squared the court of the Song dynasty, 1088, and included an overview contributed to the elds of
term) and cubic equations, and devoted his time to study. of the sciences of the time, as paleontology and geology.
had more than one solution. He wrote an extraordinarily well as some innovative ideas. Describing the discovery of
Khayyam was also wide-ranging collection of For example, Shen was the rst the remains of marine
an accomplished essays on subjects as diverse to give a description of the creatures in the strata of a
astronomer: from 1073 he as politics, divination, music, magnetic compass needle. cliff hundreds of miles from
worked at the observatory and the sciences. The Dream He explained how it could be the coast, he suggested that
in Isfahan, Iran. Much of
his work was concerned
with the
of astronomical
these must have been covered
by silt over a long period of
timewhich would have been
later erodedand also proposed
that the cliff must have at
tables, but he
also helped improve
SHOOTS WAS REVEALED some time been a coastal area.
He described fossilized
the accuracy THESE WERE SEVERAL bamboo unearthed by a

of the calendar. landslide, in an area where
bamboo does not grow, and

Bamboo THE PRESENT SURFACE came to the conclusion that this

was the remains of an ancient
Shens discovery of fossilized bamboo
in a cool, dry area led him to conclude OF THE GROUND. forest from a time when the
climate of the area had been
that the region would have been warm
and humid in the past. Shen Kuo, from Dream Pool Essays, 1088 signicantly different.

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10 ayy Tre tion geb Om es th d en
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wr mon ms 10 lcula ar a efor
De oble ca a ye ar r
Pr of lend

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Our galaxy contains hundreds of billions of starsand there are hundreds

of billions of galaxies, each containing similar numbers of these huge balls
of plasma (hot, ionized gas). A star glows because it is hot, and most of the
heat is generated by nuclear reactions in the stars core.
Around 6,000 stars are visible to the naked eye LIFE CYCLES OF STARS In the 1930s, German-born physicist
in the night sky. Apart from the Sun, they are so Stars form in huge masses of gas and dust Hans Bethe (19062005) worked out
how nuclear fusion builds elements
far away that, despite their enormous size, they called molecular clouds. Gravity causes matter inside stars, for which he was awarded
appear only as tiny points of light, even through in denser regions of these clouds to clump the 1967 Nobel Prize in Physics.
powerful telescopes. together to form protostars. This gravitational
collapse produces heat, which causes atoms to nuclear fusion reaction releases energy,
THE SUN IS A STAR lose electrons, becoming ions, so the matter in which heats the protostar further: a star is
The Sun is by far the closest star: the light and the protostar becomes plasmaa mixture of born. When the hydrogen runs out, nuclear
other radiation it produces takes eight minutes to ions and electrons. At the protostars center, the fusion ends, and the star cools and collapses
reach Earth, compared with over four years from high temperature and pressure cause nuclei of under its own gravity. A stars nal destiny
the next nearest star. Like other stars, the Sun is hydrogen atoms to fuse together to form nuclei depends upon its mass; the most massive
composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with of helium and some heavier elements. This stars end up as black holes (see opposite).
small amounts of other elements. Its luminous
surface (photosphere) is white hot, with a
temperature of about 10,000F (5,500C), and its
outer atmosphere, the corona, is much hotter.
The Sun is about 5 billion years old, and is about
halfway through its life cycle.

The molecular cloud in the Carina Nebula (part of which
As stars of low to intermediate mass near the ends of their
DIAMETER IS COMPARED is shown in this image from the Hubble Space Telescope)
is one of the largest known regions of star birth in our
lives, they eject haloes of hot gas, forming objects known as
planetary nebulae. At the center of each such nebula is a small
WITH THE EARTHS galaxy, the Milky Way. remnant of the once much larger star, called a white dwarf.

STAR SIZES supergiant Sun

Stars come in a huge variety of sizes.
Supergiants, among the largest stars, large, hydrogen-
burning star white dwarf
can be over 1,500 times bigger than
the Sun. The Sun itself has a neutron
diameter of about 870,000 miles star
(about 1.4 million km)roughly
average for a star in the main part of black hole
its life. The smallest stars, neutron
red giant
stars, are only about 12.5 miles
(20 km) across. Large stars Small stars
The main types of large star include supergiants, red Sun Small stars result from the death of larger stars. Stars
giants, and large hydrogen-burning stars.The Sun is like the Sun become white dwarfs, while more massive
an average-sized hydrogen-burning star. stars become tiny neutron stars or even black holes.

solar prominence,
a loop of plasma

corona extends millions

radiative zone of miles into space

sunspot, convection
a cooler region of zone
core, at a temperature
the photosphere
outward pressure, of 27 million F
generated by reactions in (15 million C)
the core, counteracts the
inward pull of gravity

photosphere, the
Sun's luminous
visible surface

gravity pulls

INSIDE THE SUN chromosphere,

Nuclear reactions in a layer of
the core generate huge atmosphere
amounts of energy, which above the
passes out through a layered photosphere
internal structure and escapes into
space. The outward pressure exerted
by this radiation would blow the star
apart were it not for the force of
gravity acting in opposition.

NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES star, even this force cannot halt collapse and the
Toward the end of a stars life, nuclear fusion star continues to shrink, eventually becoming a
falters. The star starts to cool and collapse under black holea region of spacetime so dense that
its own gravity. Inside a star like the Sun, a force even light cannot escape from it. two-dimensional
representation of BLACK HOLE

160,00 0
called electron degeneracy pressure resists four-dimensional According to the general
further collapse and the star becomes a white spacetime theory of relativity, gravity
dwarf. However, in some more massive stars, is curvature of spacetime
due to mass (see 1916).
gravitational collapse overcomes this force and steep-sided A black hole is a region of
gravitational well
pushes electrons and protons together to form spacetime with a central
neutrons. The result is a neutron star, which is point of innite density
prevented from further collapse by a force called YEARS FROM EARTH TO a singularitythat
produces an innitely
neutron degeneracy pressure. In a very massive THE NEAREST BLACK HOLE singularity deep well in spacetime.

110049 115099
A 17th-century painting shows workers at Venices Arsenale. Innovative construction
techniques enabled the Venetians to dominate the seaways for centuries.

AROUND 1104, the city authorities the end of the Han Dynasty Raymond of Toledo INDIAN MATHEMATICIAN AND
in Venice ordered the construction (220 CE), but they began to Archbishop Raymond is ASTRONOMER Bhaskara II
seen standing before King
of the Arsenale, a state shipyard use multiple colors in the (111485) described a perpetual
Alfonso VII at his coronation
and armory, which would employ wooden block printing of in 1135, a demonstration motion machine, one that would,
16,000 workers by the 17th pictures c.1107. By 1340, the of the importance of royal once a force was imparted to it,
century. The Arsenale pioneered technique was applied to an patronage. continue to work indenitely.
new production techniques, edition of the Diamond Sutra Bhaskaras device was a wheel
producing prefabricated parts and (see 86199), in which the whose spokes were lled with
Around 1121, in the mercury. He theorized that
Persian city of Merv,
al-Khazini wrote Book of
the Balance of Wisdom in
mercury was sufciently heavy
so that as the wheels turned it
would ow to the edge of the

JUDGMENTS MAY BE REGARDED which he put forward a
theory of centers of
spokes and impel the machine
around another part-turn.
AS CERTAIN, EVEN WITHOUT OUR gravity. He suggested Bhaskara II was better known
KNOWING THE REASON. gravity varies according for his astronomical and
to the distance from the mathematical works, which
Abul Barakat al-Baghdadi, in Kitab al-Mutabar, early 12th century center of the world made him one of the most
the farther the objects respected Indian mathematicians
using a method of frame-building main text is in black, and the are, the heavier they seem. of the Middle Ages. In Lilavati
for ships that made it possible to prayers are in red. because of the mail (inclination, English philosopher Adelard (named after his daughter), his
construct a vessel in a day. In the 11th century, Avicenna or motive power) imparted to it of Bath (10801152) spent
The Chinese had started to had theorized that the motion by the projector, but said that seven years in Salerno and
print on silk using stencils before of a projectile continues only one such force could exist Sicily, where he learned Arabic.
in a body at any time. This was His extensive knowledge of
TRANSLATING ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS later conrmed by French priest Arabic culture and language
Jean Buridan (see 135062). led him in 1126 to translate
The works of many classical Around 1120, Baghdad al-Khwarizmis astronomical
philosophers had been lost in philosopher Abu lBarakat work, the Sindhind Zij,
the Christian West, but they (c.10801165) suggested that (Astronomical Tables of Sindhind)
were preserved through more than one mail could exist into Latin, bringing his work
translations made into Arabic in a projectile. As it fell, the mail to a wider audience.
in the 8th and 9th centuries. pushing it forward weakened, Raymond, Archbishop of Toledo
These manuscripts in turn and another mail took over, in Spain (112652), encouraged
became available in Europe causing it to accelerate the translation of books from
from the 12th century, where downward. These mail forces Arabic into Latin. The rst
they were translated into Latin caused acceleration. In this translators were succeeded In perpetual motion
This 13th century version of a
by scholars such as Gerard way, he expressed the idea of in 1167 by Gerard of Cremona
perpetual motion machine is an
of Cremona. the relationship between force (111487), who translated more overbalanced wheel with hinged
and acceleration. than 80 Arabic works. mallets around its rim.

ho th
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Ibn Rushd (Averros), from Commentaries on the Physics, late 12th century

The philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averros) is banished from the court of the Almohads, after their
overthrow of the Almoravids, whom he served as court physician.

Worlds rst striking clock restricted this analysis to celestial stone, which included grid lines
An illustration from al-Saatis treatise on the bodies. Its extension to bodies and an indication of the scale
water clock shows the two falcons at each end
who would nod forwards every 60 minutes and on Earth would be made only of the map.
release a pellet onto a cymbal to sound the hour. in the 13th century by Thomas While waterwheels had long
Aquinas (c.122474). been used in Europe for the
In 1154, Arab engineer grinding of grain, around 1180
al-Kaysarani constructed the the idea was adapted to the use
worlds rst striking clock, of windpower. Unlike earlier
near the Umayyad mosque Persian windmills, which were
in Damascus. It was horizontal, the European
powered by water and vertical mills used a post
was described by al- design, with sails mounted on
Kaysaranis son Ridwan al a vertical tower that itself was
Saati in his 1203 treatise free to rotate as the wind varied.
On the Construction of By the 1190s, windmills had
Clocks and their Use. become so commonplace that
Islamic water clocks Pope Celestine III imposed a
became so sophisticated tax on them.
that in 1235 one was

built in Baghdad that
told people the times
most comprehensive treatise, he scope than those of prayer, day and night.
discussed fractions, algebra and developed by Isaac The advanced state of both
algorithms, permutations and Newton or Gottfried cartography and printing in
combinations, and the geometry Leibniz ve China are indicated by the
of triangles and quadrilaterals. centuries later. rst printed map, which dates
He also introduced the idea of The Spanish-born philosopher from around 1155 (at least
negative quantities in geometry. Ibn Rushd (112698), known as three centuries before its rst
In his Bija-Ganita (Seed Counting),
he concluded that the division
THE NUMBER Averros in Europe, commented
extensively on Aristotles work
European counterpart, in 1475).
Contained in the Liu Ching
of a number by zero would OF SQUARE in the 4th century BCE, seeking Tu (Illustrations of Objects
produce innity. He also ROOTS OF to integrate his ideas with mentioned in the Six Classics), it
became the rst mathematician Islamic theology. Around 1154, depicted parts of western China
to realize that there are two ANY NUMBER in his work on Aristotles theory with rivers and provincial
square roots of a number, one of motion, Averros made a names given, and showed
positive and one negative. In his of motion that came close to distinction for the rst time the line of the Great Wall. Vane power
astronomical work of 1150, the an idea of differential calculus, between the motive force of A more grandiose cartographic This German windmill shows the
typical arrangement of four sails
Siddhanta-siromani (Head Jewel of which studies the rates at which an object (its weight) and the creation of the Chinese Sung
attached to a vertical post, but unlike
Accuracy), Bhaskara II performed quantities change. However, his inherent resistance of a body dynasty was the Yu Ji Tu, an 1137 earlier post-mills only the cap of the
calculations on small increments ideas were of much narrower to motion (its mass), although he map of the country carved in mill rotates to face the wind.

s) ch rry al lar s y
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Bu wo Ma pois

Donald Hill, from Studies in Medieval Islamic Technology, 1998

ITALIAN MATHEMATICIAN that were useful for the Pisan

Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci) merchants of his day, including a
published the Liber Abaci (Book method for multiplication using
of Calculations) in 1202, the rst a grid, advice on the barter of
major western European work goods, and the use of alloys
popularizing the use of Hindu to make coins. The Fibonacci
Arabic numerals and place sequence (below) is derived from
notation (see 86199). The book a problem that concerned the
also presented rules for growth of a rabbit population.
algebra, which he probably In 1206, Arab engineer Ibn
derived from al-Khwarizmi (see Ismail al-Jazari published the
82160), as well as solutions for Book of Knowledge of Ingenious
nding square and cube roots. and Mechanical Devices, detailing
Fibonacci described techniques 50 machines, including the rst
descriptions of crankshafts
Ingenious devices and camshafts. The most
This illustration of one of al-Jazaris spectacular of these was a 2 m-
mechanical devices shows an
(6.5 ft-) high water clock in the
automaton that pours water from
a pot, then returns to a chamber form of an elephant with a
where it is scooped back up again. phoenix that marked half-hours.

each number in sequence continues

sequence is sum of in same way
two numbers before it indenitely
starts with 1 1+1 1+2 2+3 3+5

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each

successive number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it.
Any number in the series is known as a Fibonacci number. These
occur surprisingly often in nature, with the number of petals of
many owers being Fibonacci numbers (daisies have 13, 21, or
34), while the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem is also
determined according to a ratio connected to this sequence.

i r
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us mer as d ob in in
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58 d w P


A 13th-century illustration shows the ow of blood through the body by

means of veins. The top of the heart can just be seen.

EARLY CHINESE GUNPOWDER Rockets in the making axiom that equal weights at
WEAPONRY had been relatively Shown here is an early equal distances from a fulcrum
Chinese rocket of the
low powered, in the form of are in equilibrium (see pp.3435),
kind used at the siege
hand-hurled grenades or of Kaifeng in 1232. The Jordanus introduced the idea
re-arrows, with a small charge soldier is about to light of virtual displacement
attached to the shaft. In 1231, the fuse on the bamboo (which looks at the effects
gunpowder container.
faced with a Mongol invasion, the of innitesimal changes on
Chinese defenders of Ho Chung a mechanical system) into the
deployed the Heaven-Shaking science of mechanics. His De
Thunder Crash Bomb, which Ratione Ponderis (On the Theory
contained gunpowder rich of Weight) also investigated the
enough in saltpeter to burst problem of downward forces
an iron casing. The resulting acting along the trajectory of a FIBONACCI (C.11701250)
explosion could be heard 31 miles moving body. He demonstrated
(50 km) away, and the shrapnel that the more oblique the objects Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci)
from the explosion was said to explosive charge. Another form of a key role in reconciling trajectory, the smaller the was born into a wealthy
have torn iron armor to pieces. the weapon was used as an early Aristotelian philosophy and downward forces (later merchant family in Pisa, Italy.
In 1232, the Chinese also used an form of amethrower, which scientic method with Christian understood as positional gravity). His father was in charge of
early form of rocket consisting of could shoot re up to 6.5 ft (2 m) thinking through his commentary Jordanus also developed proof to the Pisan trading colony in
a spear with a bamboo container towards an enemy, causing on Aristotles Posterior Analytics, show the point at which weights Bugia in Tunisia, and there
packed with gunpowder attached appalling injuries. published from 1220 to 1235. His supported by angled (or bent) Fibonacci came into contact
to it. When lit, these re-spears Robert Grosseteste (c.1168 logical method was rigorous, a levers on a fulcrum will be with Arabic mathematical
were propeled forward by the 1253), Bishop of Lincoln, played process he called resolution and in equilibrium (balanced). ideas. Aged 32, he published

composition, which involved the
testing, by experiment if possible,
of hypotheses, and the rejection of
any conclusions that were not
Syrian polymath and anatomist
Ibn al-Nas (121388) produced
a major medical compendium
the Sharh Tashrish al-Qanun
the Liber Abaci, which
brought him great fame and
he gave a mathematical
demonstration to King
based on observation. His theory (Commentary on Anatomy in Ibn Frederick II of Sicily.
FIGURES IS OF THE that all changes were caused by Sinas Canon). It contained a host

GREATEST UTILITY SINCE the action of forces acting

through a medium led him to
of anatomical discoveries, but
al-Nass major breakthrough to the left through pores in the
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR study optics and to write treatises was his discovery of how blood wall that separated the two

on rainbows and astronomy. circulated between the heart chambers. However, he did not
NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Around 1230, European and lungs. He showed that blood explain how the blood then

TO BE KNOWN WITHOUT mathematician Jordanus de

Nemore produced a new theory
circulates from the right-hand
side of the heart to the left
returned from the hearts left
ventricle to the right. A full theory
THEM. of levers in his Elementa Super
Demonstrationem Ponderum
through the lungs, in contrast to
the traditional view of Galen (see
of bloods circulation would not
be formulated until William
Robert Grosseteste, English philosopher and theologian, in On Lines, (Elements on the Demonstration 100250), who held that blood Harvey in the 17th century
Angles, and Figures, c.1235 of Weight). Building on Aristotles seeped in from the right ventricle (see 162830).

t ba ian e ple
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ob te f t y ica hy iles n Sim l
0 R tes Li ud ari em p
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Gr blis enta es y tics on istot sity 4 dia he he
d Isl tar e B u aco
30 ope ew t blis 8 y
24 Ba nsi st i rm
v n
pu mm totl nal Ar iver 2
c.1 cycl lom n pu c.1 al- ehe mo pha
co Aris ior A Un en rtho hma n r
Ib mp , th ra e b
on ster Ba glis Co ugs val A
Po En Dr die

c ian rces
de hs
at f
ys ou es ce
us y ue t o ph s S ass of du n
d an heor s eq en for i an ishe e Cl ory e ro rk o e
or s t er b r
y b l n i p o in
0 J op lev al ar shm ly in 6 S pu on
th ist ici
g C r w ic
23 evel of virtu nt hw li ive e, 4 ah ion rst me
h d on eve med
. 1
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- D e s 4 bi at , ic 47 rst nsic
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m ilib ide la 31 ey hoo of m Da i U f I nf o y si c A for
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1 o sc in g b
A o Ph
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r tea o

Roger Frugardi, Italian surgeon, from Chirurgia, late 12th century

Surgeon Roger Frugardis surgical treatise, Chirurgia (Surgery), was one of Europes earliest
books on surgery. This illustration shows a hernia operation in progress.


PHYSICIAN Gilbert the
(see 100029). He examined the
properties of differently shaped
Englishman completed the lenses, and described the use
Compendium Medicinae THE QUEEN OF and mathematics behind
(Compendium of Medicine). It SCIENCES AND magnifying lensesalthough he

became one of the most widely did not, as commonly supposed,
used medical works of the THE GOAL actually invent eye glasses.
Middle Ages and was translated OF ALL Italian surgeons Hugo
from Latin into German, Hebrew, SPECULATION. (c.11801258) and Teodorico
Catalan, and English. The work Borgognoni (120598) came
had separate volumes devoted Roger Bacon, in Opus Tertium, 1267 from a family of doctors who
to the head, heart, respiratory practiced in Bologna, a leading
organs, fevers, and womens convince the Church of the center of medicine. By the 1260s,
diseases. In the books, Gilbert virtues of new learning. It also Teodorico was advocating the
also wrote about the diagnosis contained the rst description of cleansing of wounds with wine
of leprosy by its numbing gunpowder in western Europe, and their rapid closing up. This
effect on skin. and ideas for ying machines practice was in contrast to
In 1266, English friar and scholar and steamships. The section on most contemporary medical
Roger Bacon completed his Opus optics was particularly important. practitioners who went along
Majus (Greater Work). Ostensibly In it, Bacon agreed with Arab with Greek physician Galens
a plea for church reform, the scholar Alhazens view that vision insistence that pus be allowed
work included large sections on is made possible when rays to form in wounds. The
experimental observation and emanating from the object Borgognonis also advocated
natural sciences, intended to viewed enter into the eye using dry bandaging for
woundsdiscarding the salves
ROGER BACON (122092) and poultices used at the time.
They also used an early form of
Educated at Oxford University, anesthesia by holding sponges
England, Roger Bacon soaked with narcotics such as
travelled to Paris, where he opium or hemlock near the
lectured on Aristotle. In 1247, noses of patients who were
he gave up his post to research about to undergo surgery.
privately. He joined the
Franciscan Order in 1257 in
order to continue his studies.
He was commissioned by Pope Opus Majus
Clement IV to produce a work This diagram from Roger Bacons
major work shows the structure
on church reform, which led to
of the eye, the curvature of its lens,
his Opus Majus in 1267. and how light rays striking the
lens produce vision.

m s
iu er be he s
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he mpe ico te ith ic 7 R de ure ope es
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er d
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ilb ns lud sy 0 T ni o n s B str th ng
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of gno cle ne a ics i of
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60 s t are ean
12 rite n
w r ra

126979 128099

Pierre de Maricourt, French scholar, describing the compass in Epistola
de Magnete, 1269

Figures wearing eyeglasses soon found their way into religious art, as is shown here

in this 1491 detail from the Betrayal by Judas in Notre Dame, Paris, France.


nally completed his calendar. SECONDS
According to his calculations, a THE DIFFERENCE
year had 365.2425 days.
The earliest surviving cannon
is from China and was made CALCULATION
c.1288. Before cannons were AND ACTUAL
strengthened by the use of cast
iron barrels, the Chinese had
probably used bronze tubes to
eject projectiles using gunpowder (c.12601310), who wrote that he damaged their eyes by viewing
explosives. Manuscripts of 1274 had seen them in 1286. Early the Sun directly. In order to
and 1277, however, refer to huo glasses were convex (curving prevent this, William used a
paoexplosive weapons used by out) to correct far-sightedness. camera obscuraa type of
Gaocheng observatory the Mongols to demolish the Concave lenses (curving in) for pinhole camera in which light
IN 1269, FRENCH SCHOLAR One of its two towers contained an ramparts of Chinese citiesso near-sightedness did not appear goes into a dark chamber and is
armillary sphere. Between them lay
PIERRE DE MARICOURT the invention may have occurred for more than a century. projected through a tiny aperture
a sky-measuring scale to measure
wrote Epistola de magnete (Letter the shadow of the 39-foot gnomon. a little earlier. In 1290, French astronomer onto another surface, such as
on the Magnet), the rst work Although the magnifying William of St. Cloud gave an a card, opposite it. The technique
to describe the properties of calibrated with a ring representing properties of glass lenses had account of a solar eclipse had been used by earlier
magnets. In it, he set out the equatorial coordinates, a system been studied by English bishop witnessed by him ve years astronomers, such as Alhazen in
laws of magnetic attraction and not used in Europe until the time Robert Grosseteste (11751253) earlier. Many of those who the 11th century, to prove that
repulsion, and explained how to of Tycho Brahe (see 156574) and Roger Bacon earlier in the had observed the eclipse had intersecting rays do not interfere
identify the poles of compasses. three centuries later. He then 13th century, the with each other. William,
Maricourts work led to the established astronomical rst description however, was the rst to explain
construction of better magnetic observatories at Peking (Beijing) of eyeglasses its use in solar observation.
compasses, which became and Gaocheng, near Loyang, was given by a He also calculated an accurate
invaluable aids in sea navigation. China, between 1279 and 1280. Dominican friar value by which the Earth tilts on
He also described the operation At the latter, a 39 ft- (12 m-) high Giordano da Pisa its axis, by observing the Suns
of a perpetual motion machine, gnomon (shaft on a sundial) sat position at the solstices. In
which worked using magnetism. on top of a pyramid, casting addition, he produced an
In 1276, the Mongol ruler of shadows, which were measured almanac with detailed positions
China, Kublai Khan, asked at the time of the Suns solstices Camera obscura of the Sun, Moon, and planets
This 16th-century
mathematician and engineer to help determine the length of at various dates between 1292
illustration of a
Guo Shoujing (12311316) to the year. Guo used advanced camera obscura and 1312.
reform the calendar. To perform trigonometry to calculate the shows how an image
this task, Guo rst had a series length of a year. of the Sun is reversed
after light passes
of astronomical instruments
through an aperture
constructed. This included a vast onto a surface in a
equatorial armillary sphere darkened room.

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coiled springs beneath

chassis store and
programmable gears can release energy tiller alters
be set to steer the car
direction of
in a particular direction
front wheel for
manual steering

like a childs toy

car, spinning the
wheels in reverse
stores energy in
the spring brake mechanism keeps
the car stationary
until released


c.230 BCE South-pointing chariot c.125 BCE 13th century

Early gears Zhang Hengs armillary sphere Mechanical clocks in Europe
The Chinese south-pointing Chinese scholar Zhang Heng builds The rst mechanical clocks
chariot probably uses a an armillary sphere driven by gears using gears to drive the rotation
gear arrangement that and water. His model, showing the of pointers and to control the
ensures the gure at the motions of the Sun, Moon, and stars, striking of chimes are invented.
front points to the would go on to inuence not only They are powered by the
south as the Chinese gear technology, but also controlled drop of a weight
wheels turn. later clockmakers (see 700799). Clock at Salisbury Cathedral attached to a drive chain.

c.200 BCE c.7th century 1206

Watermills Persian windmills Book of Ingenious Devices
Greek watermills that use gears to The rst functional Arab polymath al-Jazari
harness hydropower begin to spread windmills, developed writes a treatise describing the
throughout the GraecoRoman world. in Persia, have construction of 100 remarkable
The Chinese develop their own water horizontal sails that machinesincluding
wheel technology about 200 years drive the rotation the crankshaft
later, with gearing mechanisms to of a vertical shaft. many of which rely Al-Jazaris
Chinese watermill drive various motions. Windmill gear on gears. treatise



The ability to alter the direction of a force, transmit it from one

axis of rotation to another, or trade force with movement, is rack and pinion gear
converts linear motion to
a vital aspect of many modern machines. Yet, such mechanical rotary motion or vice versa
functions often rely on gearing techniques that are centuries old. bevel gears,
with their tilted
edge, transmit
A gear is a wheel mounted on a central In ancient Greece, gear technology reached rotation from
rotating axis, with a series of teeth or its apex with devices such as the Antikythera one axis to
cogs around its outer edge that can engage mechanisma complex astronomical calculator
with the cogs of another gear. The teeth allow recovered from a Mediterranean shipwreck screwlike
the gear to transmit its angular motion to its around 1900. helical gear
engages with a
neighbor, forming a pairing known as a worm gear spur gears, the
transmission. The ratio of teeth between the two PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS whose teeth simplest form
are arranged of straight-
wheels determines the speed and force with which More immediate practical applications of gears, at an angle toothed gears
the second gear rotates, providing a so-called such as their use in harnessing power from
mechanical advantage; a smaller secondary owing water and wind, gradually spread arrangement of spur
gears causes the gear
gear rotates more rapidly, but with less torque throughout the ancient world. Treadmills powered with fewer teeth to
or rotational force. by animalsor even humansbecame common. rotate more rapidly

The earliest specic devices known to Gears found various applications in mills bevel and spur
have used gears were the Chinese south- our mills are perhaps the most familiar, but transmissions change
direction of motion
pointing chariotsdirection-nding sawmills also used gears to turn rotating cutting
devices used in the 3rd century BCE. blades, and hammer mills used gearing to lift
and drop heavy hammers for beating metal TYPES OF GEARS
or minting coins.
Leonardo da Vincis vehicle New advances led to the development of Gears can be designed or arranged in a variety
This model of self-propelled traditional clockwork in Europe in around of ways to transmit motion from one direction
automobile was built from the 13th century, and the Industrial Revolution to another. Complex transmission assemblies
a Leonardo da Vinci sketch.
The force from the saw the development of further ingenious can take the motive power from a single rotating
expansion of two wound transmissions to harness the power of steam drive shaft and apply it to drive a range of linear
springs is transmitted engines. The use of gears has continued to the movements or to propel further rotating shafts
through ingenious
gearing to drive present day in modern machines ranging from at any speed required.
the rear wheels. automobiles to inkjet printers.

1781 1835 1990s

Murdochs gearing Gear hobbing proccess Nanotechnology
1480 Scottish engineer William British engineer Joseph Machines created on a
Leonardo da Vincis work on gears Murdochs sun and planet Whitworth invents nanoscale often rely on
Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci utilizes gear transmission converts hobbingthe rst the same gearing
complex gear assemblies in many of his vertical motion, such as process for the principles as larger
inventions, such as lens-grinding and that of a steam-driven production of high devices, except that the
metal-rolling devices, and shows a deep beam, into the rotational precision gears, on gear wheels are mere
theoretical understanding of their function. motion of a driveshaft. Sun and planet gearing an industrial scale. Plastic gear micrometers across.

18th century 19th century Safety 1950s

Industrial Revolution Development of bicycles bicycle Plastic gears
The rise of steam power during the Through the 19th century, Gears made from new
Industrial Revolution drives advances bicycles gradually develop from plastics materials are
in gear technology. The linear motion the scooterlike velocipedes introduced from the 1950s.
of steam pistons is applied to the that were invented around They lack the strength of
rotation of locomotive wheels. 1817 to pedal-powered properly machined metal
machines that use gears gears, but are far more easily
Steam locomotive and a drive chain. and cheaply manufactured.

130010 131116

The search for an explanation of the colors of the rainbow preoccupied medieval The title page of Mondino de Luzzis Anatomia shows a corpse on the
scholars, including Roger Bacon and Theodoric of Freiberg. dissecting table; it has already been opened up and had organs removed.

EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE USED supplementary weights The properties of the rainbow
A SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS based were added, including the had fascinated philosophers
on the Roman pound, which hundredweight (112 pounds), from Aristotle to Roger Bacon,
had 12 unciae (or ounces) and dened in an ordinance of 1309. who thought their color was due
was mainly used for weighing to the reection of light from
pharmaceuticals and coins. spherical raindrops in a cloud. EARLY SURGERY AND DISSECTION
A new set of measures suitable Around 1310, the Dominican
for bulky goods, such as wool, friar Theodoric of Freiberg Surgery took a long time to become established as a separate
was introduced in England (c.12501311) carried out discipline, but written records since 1170 indicate a growing medical
around 1303 (when it was scientic experiments to sophistication. By 1200, operations for bladder-stones, hernias, and
mentioned in a charter). It determine the origins of fractures were routine. By the 14th century, surgeons were aware of
was called avoirdupois, from rainbows by using glass balls the need to avoid infection, sometimes cleaning wounds with wine
the Norman French Habur de lled with water through which and closing them up as soon as possible.
Peyse meaning goods having he passed light, which was
weight and was based then projected onto a screen.
on a 16-ounce pounda He concluded that the THE EARLIEST WRITTEN clocks mechanism. The rst
measure that would be used rainbow was caused by light RECORDS OF WEIGHT-DRIVEN clock faces were probably divided
for the next 700 years, and striking spherical raindrops, CLOCKS feature in the Italian up according to the canonical
still is in parts of the world. which was rst refracted, writer Dante Alighieris book hours (seven regulated times of
The avoirdupois pound then reected internally on Paradiso (Paradise) (c.131321), prayer), which punctuated the
probably originated in the inner surface of the drop, although such clocks probably church day. Clocks showing
Florence, where an almost and then refracted again. rst appeared decades earlier. 12 equal hours were rst
identical unit was in use for Theodoric also properly Weight-driven clocks use recorded in 1330.
the weighing of wool. Soon described the color a weight to act as an energy Among the rst major surgical
spectrum. He discovered storage device so that the clock writers was Henri de Mondeville
that the light that projected can run for a certain period of (c.12601316). A former military
Weighty issues
This is one of a set of standard out of his glass balls time (such as a day or a week). surgeon who came to teach
avoirdupois weights that produced the same range Winding such clocks pulls on a medicine at Montpellier, de
were issued by Elizabeth I of colors as a rainbow, cord that lifts the weight, which is Mondeville had, by 1308, begun
of England in 1582. These
and in the same order affected by gravity and falls; the to use anatomical charts and a
weights were to remain
the standard measure (red, yellow, green, clock uses the potential energy model of a skull as aids to his
until the 1820s. and blue). as the weight falls to drive the teaching. Around 1312, he

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William of Ockham, Franciscan friar, from Summa Totius Logicae, c.1323


produced one of the greatest
works of logic of the Middle

AgesSumma Logicae (The Logic
WHEN HE MADE THE FIRST Handbook)in which he radically

MAN FROM MUD AND EVE diverged from traditional

Christian philosophy. Most
FROM ONE OF HIS RIBS. notable in Williams ideas is the
idea of economy, that if a cause
Henri de Mondeville, French surgeon, from Cyrurgia, c.1312 or factor is unnecessary to prove
an argument, then it should be
produced his Cyrurgia (Surgery), Dissections featured regularly discarded, a principle that came
a manual based in part on his in his teaching. In 1316, to be called Ockhams razor. He WILLIAM OF OCKHAM (C.12851349)
observations of dissected corpses, Mondino completed Anatomia, promoted the idea that individual
although his denitions were the rst textbook specically perception is the foundation of Franciscan friar William of Ockham studied at Oxford and by 1315
not always accurate. concerned with anatomy all knowledge about the world, he was lecturing on the Bible. His theories of logic were seen by
The practice of dissection (rather than surgery). attacking long-held metaphysical many as attacking Christian tenets, and he was summoned to the
was revived by Italian medical explanations for the order of the Papal court at Avignon to answer charges of erroneous teaching.
professor Mondino de Luzzi An atlas of the body Universe. He also advocated He ed before the enquiry was concluded and spent the rest of his
This anatomical drawing from Henri
(c.12751326), who taught at the separation of secular and life at the court of the Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV of Bavaria.
de Mondevilles Cyrurgia shows the
Bologna, and who performed lower part of the torso cut away, ecclesiastical power.

a public dissection in 1315. revealing the internal organs. Windmills had been used to
grind our since the 12th century analysis. Later, in 1377, he
in Europe, but in 1345 windmills proposed the idea in his Livre
are rst recorded as being used du Ciel et du Monde (Treatise of
to operate water-pumps to drain the Sky and the World) that the
land in the Netherlands. The Earth was not immobile at
resulting reclaimed land, or the center of the Universe, as
polders, ultimately came to
make up a fth of the country,
traditional cosmology held, but
that it rotated on its axis. He PERCENT
which is still protected from met objections from those
the sea by a system of dikes. who said birds would simply
Around 1349, the French y off it, by afrming that the PROPORTION
scholar Nicholas of Oresme oceans were included in OF THE
the rotation.
(c.132082) expounded a
system using graphs to
represent the growth of a THAT IS
function (such as the velocity
of an object), which was a
great aid to mathematical LAND
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Jean Buridan, French priest, in Questions on the Physics of Aristotle, c.1357

A catapult in the fortress of Edessa hurls a ball at a siege tower. According to

Jean Buridans theory, the catapult has imparted impetus to the projectile.

IN THE LATE 1340S, A NEW AND reached Constantinople in 1347 by humidity or rotting corpses. 200
TERRIBLE DISEASE STRUCK and spread by ship throughout Remedies included controlling

Europe, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean, arriving in the bodys heat by avoiding 150
North Africa. The Black Death France and England in 1348. The putrefying foods, such as meat
was an epidemic of bubonic disease began with swellings, or and sh, fumigating rooms, and 100
plague that infected humans via buboes, in the groin and armpit, wearing pomanders infused with
rat eas. It was discovered later followed by the spread of black spices close to the nose. 50
that the cause was a bacterium spots over the body and high Although doctors had failed to
called Yersinia pestis. The plague fever. It caused millions of deaths control the plague, after its end 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
across Europe. a renewed energy was given to
Plague victims Contemporary physicians, who medical science. By 1351, Padova DISTANCE (METERS)
This 15th-century Swiss manuscript
had no cure for the plague, had 12 medical professors (as also enacted. In 1377, the Free fall
shows victims of the plague with the
believed that it was caused by against three in 1349). Measures Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) The impetus provided by throwing an
characteristic swellings, or buboes,
object to a greater height means it
covering large parts of their bodies. putrefaction in the air brought on to promote public health were ordered a quarantine of 30 days
travels farther before downward
for anyone coming from plague- forces pulls it back to the ground.
infected areas, as did Marseilles
in 1383. By 1450 Milan would contact with the thrower. He
establish a permanent board theorized that the person throwing
of health, and health passports an object imparts a force to it,
were introduced in Italy in 1480. which he called impetus, and this
Aristotles explanation of causes it to continue to move, so
projectiles in motion had long long as the resistance of the air
puzzled scholars. In 1357, the does not stop it. He believed the
French priest Jean Buridan amount of impetus in an object
(c.130058) published Questions depended on the amount of matter
on the Physics of Aristotle. He in it, so that feathers would not
pointed out that a thrown stone move quickly when thrown,
continues to move even out of whereas heavier objects would.


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Guy de Chauliac, French physician, in Great Surgery, 1363

This illustration from Guy de Chauliacs Chirurgia Magna shows patients with a variety
of injuries, including a broken arm and an eye wound, visiting a surgeon.

FRENCH PHYSICIAN GUY DE In 1364, the Italian

CHAULIAC (c.130068) was clockmaker
personal surgeon to three Giovanni de
Popes. He remained in Avignon Dondi (131889)
during the outbreak of the published his
Black Death in 1348, an Planetarium, a
experience that led him to description of
distinguish for the rst the complex
time between pneumonic astronomical
(affecting the lungs) and clock (astrarium)
bubonic plague. that he had just
His Chirurgia Magna (Great completed after
Surgery, 1363), became one 16 years of work.
of the medieval worlds most This 1 m- (3.3 ft-) high,
important surgical textbooks. weight-driven clock
In its seven volumes, he gave with an escapement Making gunpowder
advice on the treatment of and balance wheel was the most German legend attributed the
invention of gunpowder to alchemist
fractures, advising extending advanced of its time. Its seven
Barthold Schwartz. This woodcut
broken limbs with pulleys and dials showed the celestial depicts him stirring together the
weights, and noting the loss of movements of the Sun, Moon, ingredients for gunpowder.
cerebrospinal uid in skull and ve calendars, and it acted
fractures. He outlined procedures as a perpetual calendar, unevenly and mostly at the
such as tracheotomies (cutting including showing the date of surface, military technologists
open the windpipe) and the Easter. The clock was regulated had to devise new techniques.
replacement of lost teeth by by a balance that swung 1,800 They left a conical hole in the
ox bone. But his over-reliance times an hour; and the addition centre of the tube, which
on the work of Galen (see or removal of small weights encouraged an even burn (and
100250 BCE) led him to some enabled corrections to be made sufcient thrust), and made the
retrograde steps, such as if the device ran too fast or slow. rocket airtight, except for a
abandoning antiseptic The rst recorded use of small opening at the rear. These
treatment of wounds and rockets in Europe as a military methods were discussed by the
encouraging pus to form as weapon came in 1380 at the German military engineer Konrad
part of the healing process. Battle of Chioggia, fought between Kyeser (1366after 1405) in his
the eets of Venice and Genoa. Bellifortis (War Fortications)
Rockets need an ignition that in 1405. Kyeser also advised
Accurate marking of time provides continued and regular the adding of feathers (like the
This reconstruction of de Dondis thrust as the projectile ies etching of an arrow) or weights
1364 astrarium shows three of
through the air (unlike cannon to the rear of the rocket to make
its seven dials, as well as the
balance wheel and weights that balls). Since gunpowder its trajectory more even and to
regulated its movement. packed into a tube burns enable more accurate aiming.

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140021 142249

Italian artist Masolino da Panicale was an early master of visual perspective. He made good use of the technique The dome of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, Florence, is 137.8 ft (42 m) in diameter
in St. Peter Curing a Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha, painted for the Brancacci Chapel , Florence. and 171 ft (54 m) high and took its architect, Brunelleschi, 16 years to complete.

THE PRINCIPLES OF LINEAR Brunelleschi may have been IN 1420, THE MONGOL RULER Zij-i-Sultani, a star catalog
PERSPECTIVE were known to taught the technique by ULUGH BEG (141149) had showing the position of 1,018
the ancient Greeks, particularly Florentine physician Paola established a scientic institute xed stars.
Euclid who wrote of it in his Toscanelli (13971482), but at Samarkand, Uzbekistan; in Between 1430 and 1440, Ibn

Elements, but knowledge of he did not publish his theories 1424, he started to build an Ali al-Qalasadi (141286), a
these was lost after the fall until 1460. The rst full account observatory there. It had a huge Spanish Muslim mathematician,
of the Roman Empire.
Although Italian artist Giotto THE WIDTH OF of the application of linear
perspective to painting,
sextant that had a radius of 131 ft
(40 m). Among the astronomers
published a work in which he
used a series of short words
(12661337) had attempted to THE DOME including the creation of a grid recruited was Jamshid al-Kashi and abbreviations to stand for
use algebraic formulas to create
perspective, he had only partially
OF FLORENCE to organize the placement of
objects in a picture and of the
(c.13801429), who produced a
mathematical encyclopedia
arithmetical operations in
algebraic equations. He was not
succeeded. Renewed efforts to CATHEDRAL principles of the vanishing point with a section on astronomical the rst to do sosuch Arabic
achieve true linear perspective and horizon line, was set out by calculations, calculated the abbreviations had appeared a
included works from 1377 to (13771446) demonstrated Leon Battista Alberti (140472), value of pi to 17 decimal places, century earlier in North Africa,
1397 by Italian mathematician in public for the rst time the another of Toscanellis pupils, and helped produce an extremely and Diophantus had devised a
Biagio Pelacani (c.13471416), use of mirrors, by reecting in his On Painting in 1436. accurate set of trigonometric form of algebraic notationbut
who showed how mirrors could an image of the Florence As well as being an innovator tables. In 1437, the astronomers al-Qalasadis widely diffused
be used as aids to view objects Baptistery onto a 12 in- in drawing, Brunelleschi devised at the observatory published the works were responsible for
at a distance. In 141516, Italian (30 cm-) canvas, which could advanced machinery for the popularizing the system.

architect Filippo Brunelleschi then be drawn in perspective. construction of his many building In 1436, Brunelleschi nally
projects in Florence. Among completed the dome of Florence
hole in artists mirror is moved up and down these was a colla grande (great Cathedral after 16 years work.
canvas sight line so artist can compare his crane), a massive barge-based The dome was the largest
work with original building

hoist that could lift weights of
more than one ton, had three
different lifting velocities, and
could operate in reverse without
unsupported structure yet
built, and Brunelleschi solved the
problem of its weight by building
a lighter inner shell, on which

artist looks
through small
hole in canvas
canvas is
reected in the mirror
unhitching the load. In 1421,
the authorities in Florence
granted him the rst recorded
monopoly patent. The Venetian
was built a tougher outer dome.
He used a ring and rib pattern
of stone and timber supports
between the two shells, and

Florence architect and artist Filippo Brunelleschi used mirrors to

recreate an accurate depiction of Florences Baptistry on canvas. He
government would go on to
regularize the process of
granting patents, giving inventors
10 years monopoly rights, as ARABIC
devised a herringbone pattern for
the bricks, both of which helped
diffuse the weight of the structure.
Nicholas of Cusa (140164),
realized that linear perspective could be used to give an accurate long as the invention was a German philosopher, wrote a
impression of a three-dimensional object on a two-dimensional properly registered. A new mathematical language number of treatises such as
The mathematician al-Qalasadi used
surface. Using a single perspective point (a hole in the canvas) and De Docta Ignorantia (On Learned
short Arabic words for algebraic
a mirror, he produced a painting that was identical to the original. operations, such as wa (and) for Ignorance), which included
addition and ala (over) for division. advanced astronomical and

c bu
eg ti nd s to d
h B ien ka rt an
l ug s sc mar sta ark
U e
Sa eg am
20 ish B S
14 tabl te in h
lug ry a
es titu 4 U vato
ins 2
14 ser

hi nt
sc te i
e lle e of d pa sch
un us ce de lle ce hi
Br he ren or une oren as e
16 tes t Flo ec l-K s th 7
st r o Br in Fl A
15 ra in Fir d t 5 te
42 ula i to s
14 onst tive 21 nte
m pec 14 gra c.1 calc of p lace
d rs e al p
pe lu
va ecim
68 d

Nicholas of Cusa, German philosopher, in De Docta Ignorantia, 1440

An early 16th-century woodcut shows Nicholas of Cusa caught between a group advocating church
reform (as Nicholas did) and conservative Papal supporters.

Printing for the masses

This replica of Gutenbergs
press shows the type of
machinery that he employed
Born in Mainz, Johannes in Mainz for the production
Gutenberg later moved to of his 42-line Bible, so called
Strasbourg where he engaged because of its 42-line columns.
in a mysterious venture he
called adventure and art
perhaps his rst experiments lever to tighten
in printing. By 1448, he was plates together
back in Mainz, where, by to impress ink

1450, his printing press was

in operation. The venture did
not prosper and by 1459 plate for laying
Gutenberg was bankrupt. plate for
movable type
in strips
placing paper

cosmological ideas. He held 1450, he had ink transferred

the radical view that Earth established to printing block
rotates on its own axis and a printing
orbits around the Sun, press that
preguring Copernicuss produced the earliest
theory 100 years later. extant printed work in
Around 1440, Johannes Europe, an edition of the
Gutenberg began experiments Ars Grammatica. Gutenbergs
with printing using movable printing techniques grew more
type. The blocks could be moved sophisticated and, in 1454, he
as required and later reused. By published an edition of the Bible.



Johannes Gutenberg, German printer, c.1450

ist g l ins
B att ntin atica ve eg ing
0 i
n Pa em cti s g b rint
4 adi rk r o e er r
30 as wo fo ns Le On th sp om be p
14 -Qal hes bols atio 36 is ma er on ten ith e
Al blis sym oper 14 bert bes of p A str kand Gu nts w e typ
Al scri les 0
pu ing aic 37 ar y g 4 4 me abl
de incip ting 14 Sam ator -i- talo c.1 peri mov
us ebr at serv h Zij r ca
alg pr pain ex ing
in ob blis i sta us
pu ltan

se e
p ro d th y
sa un ma
hi Cu aro rs ets
sc of ves sta lan
lle e of s r p
un m al ola mo the ed
Br do edr N ich rth at o abit
a h inh
4 36 s the ath 40 t E d t
1 te e C 14 tha , an ave
ple renc S u n h
co Flo 69
145067 146882

An illuminated page from Gutenbergs 42-line Bible. The 48 surviving copies

are among the most valuable books in the world.

completed his edition of the Bible
printed with 42 lines on each
page. It was the rst substantial
book printed in Europe and its
180 or so copies sold out almost
immediately. The Gutenberg
Bible was soon followed by THE ORIGINAL
hundreds of works by Gutenberg
and other printers, allowing the
much more rapid dissemination GUTENBERG
of scientic ideas. BIBLE
In 1464, German mathematician
Johannes Mller, also known as
Regiomontanus (143676), was that two triangles that have
completed his De Triangulis sides in similar proportions will
Omnimodis (On Triangles), a also have similar angles. He
systematic textbook for relied on the work of Arabic
trigonometry. One of his mathematicians.
fundamental propositions The rst work on cryptography
had been written in the 13th
century. By the 15th century,
4 A B C
3 cyphers were in widespread
gk l use for diplomatic

correspondence. Codes relied

V X Z 1

i h dba

on monoalphabetic
p r


substitution, in which each

letter is transformed into
t v z M

the same encoded letter.

In 1466, Italian painter and

x y philosopher Leon Battista

s om Alberti (140472) devised

N a cypher disk that made

polyalphabetic substitution
possible. Each new rotation of
Cracking the code the disk generated an entirely
Albertis disk operated by rotating
new alphabet for coding.
the inner ring so that an agreed
character (such as g) lined up
with the A of the outer ring.

an e
m es th
er er usa rit n of
ne s
58 oph f C ly s w book ti o c, ra
an int 14 ilos as o ear Law
tan ext ca eti ne
oh g pr ible on tic t try bli thm d ge ics
J ph chol ses the 64 u
P ri te at
54 er B Ni pres n of ity 14 giom ma me 78 o A in m
14 tenb -line Re yste ono 14 evis st pr athe
Gu 42 ex rsio tinu Tr e r n m
ve Con a s trig
his for th rk o
of wo

lia 72
Ita aolo 14 er
5 6 P s rti m s
14 er erve n be o
on he
Al bing
m s
no i ob know et m
ista i
cr isk a str ublis f the
tro ll ar n att des er d y
as ane later Com an h vo s ian h p s o el
m e n B e h str ac rie wid ed
sc s
To at i lley
s er nric rib s s
eo ati cyp Au eurb Theo rst rint rk
0 G ei sc nd 6 L s tre a d p wo
wh s Ha 4 6 on H t de wou 6 gP w e
a 1 e d 14 rite or Ne th late ical
rg un ot w Ge ts rcu om
su spe nsh e
an ci ron
ol gu Pl t
70 P f as

Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, architect, and engineer, in Notebooks

This woodcut shows Columbuss three ships, the Nia, Pinta, and Santa Maria, on their ve-week
crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, which ended in the discovery of the Americas.


saw the production of the rst
printed practical mathematical
subtraction, as well as division
and ve different ways of
performing multiplication,
progressed rapidly during the late

textbooks. The Treviso Arithmetic, including cross-multiplication 15th century. The Dresden
printed in 1478, demonstrated and a chessboard technique Manuscript (1461) gave special
techniques of addition and similar to modern practice. It
also dealt with the rule of
symbols for the rst four
powers of x, and, around 1489, PROCEED TILL I ARRIVED
mixtures (for instance, showing
the proportions of a precious
the German mathematician
Johannes Widman (146298)
metal in alloys) and methods of wrote the rst work to use the Christopher Columbus, from Journal of the First Voyage, 1492
calculating the Golden Number signs + and to represent
(see 172324). the operations of addition and he made the most detailed landed at San Salvador in the
In 1483, it was followed by subtraction. He also used a long anatomical drawings yet seen. Bahamas, the rst European to
a German counterpart, the line to represent equals. In 1490, Leonardo was the rst reach the Americas since the
Bamberger Rechenbuch Around 1489, Leonardo began person to describe capillary Vikings in the 11th century. His
(Bamberger Arithmetic), which, as a study of human anatomy, action, the ability of water in tiny voyage led to an exchange of
well as setting out ve procedures using dissections of animals and spaces to crawl upward, acting population, food crops, and
for multiplication, gave rules for human corpses (he claimed to contrary to other natural forces diseases as well as the discovery
LEONARDO DA VINCI the summing of geometrical have dissected 10). He recorded (such as gravity). of large numbers of hitherto
(14521519) and arithmetical progressions. his ndings in notebooks In October 1492, the Genoese unseen species, such as the
The prolic scientic interests between 1489 and 1507. In these, explorer Christopher Columbus llama and armadillo.
Born in Tuscany, Leonardo of the Italian painter, architect,
da Vinci was the most creative and engineer Leonardo da Vinci NAVIGATING AND MAPPING THE WORLD
mind of the Renaissance. led him to his studies on the
He became an apprentice mechanisms of ight. He The translation of Ptolemys Geography from
sculptor before moving to considered that the bird is an Greek to Latin in 1409 and the Portuguese
Milan to work for the ruling instrument operating through voyages down the west coast of Africa gave an
Sforza family. A talented mathematical laws and he impetus to map-making techniques.
artist, his paintings include worked on designs for ying Maps of the 15th century, such as this 1540
The Last Supper (149598) machines using birdlike wings. map (left) by Venetian monk and mapmaker Fra
and Mona Lisa (c.1503). His In 1481, he also devised a Mauro, combined a knowledge derived from
scientic interests were vast parachute, with a sealed linen Ptolemy with information sourced from
and he produced 13,000 cloth supported by wooden poles mariners charts, but did not use a projection
pages of notebooks. that made a pyramidal shape, that portrayed distances accurately. It wasnt
that would reduce the rate of until 1569 and Flemish geographer and
acceleration in a fall and cushion cartographer Gerardus Mercators world
Leonardo da Vincis notebooks the wearers impact. There map that maps really helped sailors
This page from Leonardos notebooks
is, however, no evidence that determine routes at sea more easily.
shows his sketches of ying machines.
He used mirror-writing to make notes, Leonardo actually built any
although it is uncertain why he did so. of these fantastic machines.

se es a
ati n ao ion n br e
tre es t to a lia mol igat s lia ician Alge nsiv
le I t r st t s ion I ta t s e
A n
89 an r
s o cip 92 r E Ca es ct r y 94 ma li eh t
14 Joh n is d rd rin 14 hola ros ugg orre isto 14 the acio mpr bjec
a o na e p on sc rba ae s of c r al H a
m ca st P co su
by dm an Le s th cti e
Wi e + 90 be y a Ba inian nds atu Lu e r n th
us ns 14 scri illar Pl ousa ys N th rk o ted
sig de cap th Plin wo prin
of to is

inc ins f
eo ,
a V sign eg s om hed
d c i b ing s i t
do de hute
ar a Vin raw tion he
r Ep lis ical
on ces arac da al d ec op in u ss pub om ble
L e u p rdo mic diss rist nds as s
tan t i ro ss
n i
81 prod r a na to n Ch la am on ges ast acce
14 fo eo na d o 92 us ah m a s
9 L of a ase 14 umb e B gio l m hi re
14 ries b l th Re s A ing mo
Co 496 emy mak ries
se 1 to l eo
P th 71
150016 151735

Charles Lyell, Scottish geologist,
from Principles of Geology, 183033

Martin Waldseemllers 1507 world map was the rst to name America, although
much of the coastline of North and South America remained unknown.


LANDS IN THE LATE 15TH (14851542) applied this system 13TH-CENTURY
CENTURY, and in particular, to portable clocks (watches). In SCHOLAR Albertus
Columbuss discovery of the
Americas in 1492 and Vasco
1512, Henlein was recorded as
having made a watch that went
Magnus had described
stones with the gures
da Gamas circumnavigation for 40 hours and could be of animals, but Arab
of Africa en route to India in OF A SWISS MILITARY carried in a pocket. and medieval scholars
149798, provided much new WATCH BATTERY In 1513, Polish astronomer believed they were
material for map-makers. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 produced by Earth itself
In 1504, a letter written by 1543) wrote his Commentariolus or were the remains of
Amerigo Vespucci (14541512) (Little Commentary), a preliminary animals drowned in the
40 hours The average lifespan of a
detailing his third voyage to 16th-century wind-up pocket watch outline of his revolutionary view Biblical ood. In a debate
America came into the hands that Earth revolved in orbit in 1517, Italian physician
of a group based in St.-Di in Batteries versus springs around the Sun. Feeling Girolamo Fracastoro
Henleins rst watch would have
Lorraine (in modern-day dissatised with the old planetary (14781553) was the rst
lasted less than two days before
France). One of them, Martin needing rewinding, but this was theory of Ptolemy, with its to publicly express the
Waldseemller (c.14701522), a major achievement at the time. multiplicity of celestial spheres, view that fossils are
produced a globe and world geocentric view, and its organic matter,
map in 1507 in which he In the late 15th century, anomalies (such as the apparent originally animals, Portrait of Paracelsus
suggested that the new-found clockmakers learned how to retrograde motion of some that has been ossied over time. Paracelsus was both physician
and chemist, and stressed the
continent be called America, construct spring-driven clocks planets), Copernicus explained In August 1522, the 18
importance of using chemical
the rst occurrence of the term. in which the gradual uncoiling how a planets periodicity varied survivors of Ferdinand Magellans techniques in the production
In 1508, Waldseemller wrote of the spring operates the in proportion to its distance from expedition arrived in Spain, of medicines.
a treatise on surveying, in which mechanism. The Nuremberg the Sun. Fearing the reaction of having completed the rst
he described the theodolite the Church, Copernicus kept his circumnavigation of Earth. The polygons and solids and their use
(which he called polimetrum) ndings to himself for 30 years. voyage had taken three years, and as an aid for artists in producing
for the rst time. Using a Around 1500, gunsmiths more than 230 crew (including scientically accurate images.
theodolite, surveyors and devised the wheel-lock Magellan) perished. However, it German chemist and physician
cartographers could now mechanism for rearms. did denitively prove the size of Theophrastus von Hohenheim
measure angles of up to It used a serrated metal Earths circumference to be (14931541), known as
360 degrees. wheel that rotated about 24,800 miles (40,000 km). Paracelsus, devised a new
rapidly, striking against In 1525, German artist Albrecht classication of chemical
a lump of the mineral Drer (14711528) published substances, rejecting Aristotle
pyrite, and creating his Instructions for Measuring and Galens four humors. In his
First pocket-watch
The compact workings sparks that lit the with Compass and Ruler, one De Mineralibus (On Minerals), he
of Peter Henleins portable gunpowder charge. of the rst works on applied divided them instead using the
clock (c.1512) were driven mathematics, which contained three principal units of sulfur,
by a slowly uncoiling spring.
detailed accounts of the mercury, and salt. Paracelsus
It was the rst timepiece
small enough to be carried properties of curves, spirals, spurned the study of anatomy
in the users pocket. and regular and semiregular and promoted the idea that the

s er
or n
tin r
ar lle viv itio s
n ur nd ped h t D ork atic
7 M eem rst en st ols
22 in
a ex ec w m
15 lds es ses rica H t r ist ny 15 Ferd lans rst ion l br rst the
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er lau is ro es
ll co ato uc l
e m the Ni tes h s, a sc view e rod nua
e e s te 13 ri lu Fr is er fp a rn
lds rib oli 15 s w ario f his 17 s h w ic olf c m de t
Wa esc od t
icu en e o ory 15 sse ssils rgan s ud brai s mo roo
08 d the r n m i n e e
pr fo o rm
h lg e e r e
15 pe m utl th em ex hat ally fe fo op uc ua
Co Co n o tric syst ist n a od sq
a en ar t gin li
r i C hr rma intr for
c l
lio so
l o 25 Ge and bo
he the 15 rst sy

72 of

Imperial charter describing Gerardus Mercators terrestrial globe, c.1535

Girolamo Fracastoro was one of the rst to believe that fossilized shells, such
as this fossil of the Archimedes species, had once been animals.

body (microcosm) must be in surveyed from an accurately Pictures of Herbs) with 260 De Historia Stirpium (The History
balance with nature (macrocosm). measured base line. He went on woodcuts of plants, whose of Plants), in which he described
His interest in distilling chemicals in 1547 to suggest a new way of accurate detail set an exacting around 550 plants (mainly
led him to use apparently noxious calculating longitude, by using a standard for botanical drawing. medicinal ones), providing their
substances such as sulfuric portable clock set to the time of In 1530, Gemma Frisius had names and therapeutic virtues.
acid (which he employed against the point of departure that could compiled a manual explaining Its drawings were so clear that it
gout), mercury, and arsenic as be compared with a clock how to construct a globe showing became the rst botanical work
medicines. Some time before showing the time at the point of Earths geography (a terrestrial to be widely used by laymen.
1529 he began to use a pain arrival. The imprecision of clocks, globe). In 1541, Flemish
reliever he called laudanum. however, rendered the technique cartographer Gerardus Mercator
In 1533, Flemish cartographer of limited practical value. produced what would become
Gemma Frisius (150855) gave In 1521 Italian surgeon the rst surviving
the rst full description of the Berengario da Carpi (c.1460 GERARDUS MERCATOR terrestrial globe. He also
method of triangulation, by 1530), who lectured on anatomy (151294) included a selection of
which a large area could be at the University of Bologna, stars superimposed on
wrote about the Born in Flanders, Gerardus the globe, as well as
importance of the Mercator embarked on a rhumb lines (which showed
anatomy of things career making mathematical the straightest course
that can be observed, instruments. He began between two points on the
which included the producing maps in 1537 and same latitude); both were
use of dissection of published his rst world map invaluable aids at sea.
human corpses. He in 1538. In 1569, he compiled In 1542, German
used this as the basis another map of the world, botanist Leonhard
for his Anatomia Carpi this time using a projection Fuchs (150166)
(The Anatomy of Carpi), that showed constant lines published his
which was the rst of course as straight lines,
anatomical work to which came to bear his name.
use printed gures
to illustrate the text.
RENAISSANCE had been provided
by the desire to illustrate plants
Attention to detail found in classical authors texts,
Drawings from
such as those of Roman naturalist
Anatomia Carpi show
the veins leading into the Pliny, and the possibilities
heart. These examples provided by printed illustrations. Botanical drawing
show how accurately Between 1530 and 1536, German Accurate and attractive
da Carpi derived his illustrations, such as this drawing
Carthusian monk Otto Brunfels
drawings from his of a borage, or starower, made
program of human (c.14881534) published his Fuchss De Historia Stirpium
corpse dissection. Herbarum Vivae Iconis (Living a valued botanical handbook.

ise ian fel
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an n Pe k in to
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15 w cl cal s 15 the es desc gle 15 blis cal M e
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Eu sca on

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c.1 es l ain- P a e
15 e H atel 550
us a p 33 D om int D ur
15 35 at r c
15 t an ith p ac
rs w 73
As international travel increased, greater emphasis was placed
on first-hand observations and accurate instruments. Instead
of relying on written authority, natural philosophers devised
experiments to construct testable theories about the Universe.
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer, from De Revolutionibus Orbium
Coelestium, 1543

Copernicuss idea that all the planets revolve around the Sun, rather than Earth being at the center of the
Universe, was a departure from conventional astronomy and challenged the authority of the Church.

THE FIRST PRINT RUN The heliocentric Universe
In De Revolutionibus Orbium
with the invention of movable OF COPERNICUSS Coelestium, Copernicus used
mathematics and astronomical
type (see 145067), scientists
were able to publish their work
DE REVOLUTIONIBUS observations to show how Earth
and the other ve planets move
for a mass readership, giving ORBIUM COELESTIUM in circular orbits around the Sun.
new ideas wider inuence. The
year 1543 was a milestone in
scientic publishing, when calculations to support his convention and went against the the rst book of human published his translation of
several important books rst argument. However, he was Church. He was persuaded to anatomy to be fully illustrated, Euclids Elements into Italian, the
appeared. Two books stood reluctant to publish his theory publish De Revolutionibus by showing in detail what Vesalius rst translation of that work into
outNicolaus Copernicuss because it challenged Georg Rheticus, an Austrian had discovered in his dissections a modern European language.
De Revolutionibus Orbium mathematician who had come of human bodies. Unlike Welsh mathematician Robert
Coelestium (On the Revolutions to study with him. It is said that Copernicuss work, De Humani Recorde published The Ground
of Celestial Bodies) and Andreas Copernicus was presented with sold well, and Vesalius published of Artes, the rst printed book on
Vesaliuss De Humani Corporis its rst edition on his deathbed. a single-volume summary of the mathematics in English. It was to
Fabrica (On the Structure of the An expensive book, De book later in 1543. remain a standard textbook for
Human Body). They are often Revolutionibus sold only a few This year saw groundbreaking more than a century.
seen as marking the hundred copies and did not have publications in the eld of
beginning of a new scientic an immediate impact. However, mathematics as well. Italian
age, as they called into Copernicuss mathematical engineer and mathematician
question the conventional arguments for a heliocentric Niccol Fontana Tartaglia
authorities on astronomy (sun-centered) Universe
and anatomy. were soon accepted by most NICOLAUS COPERNICUS (14731543)
Up to that time, most astronomers, leading to a rift
astronomers believed between them and the Church. Born in Torun, Poland, into
that Earth was In contrast, Vesalius a German family, Nicolaus
at the center of the was 28 years old when he Copernicus was brought
Universea view put published his comprehensive up by his uncle after his
forward by Ptolemy seven-volume study of fathers death. He studied law
in the 2nd century. human anatomy, De Humani in Bologna and medicine in
Copernicus, however, Corporis Fabrica. This was Padua. Copernicus lectured
calculated that Earth, in mathematics in Rome before
and all the planets, returning to Poland to work
De Humani Corporis Fabrica
revolved around the Vesaliuss treatise on human as a physician. He developed
Sun. He had been anatomy was lavishly illustrated the idea of a heliocentric
working on this idea with detailed drawings of Universe, but had only just
various stages of dissection.
since about 1510, and published his work when
The gures are drawn in poses
by the 1530s had put similar to the allegorical he died in 1543.
together mathematical paintings of the time.

ts r
s ges te us ani
lau sug cen ali
i co s e V es Hum , a
h s De ica n
y N nicu at t e ea r
Ma per n is ers dr hes ab k o
C e S Unu i v An blis is F boo y
u r
th the p rp rin atom
o g
of Co nee an
pio man

de ia
or pe e
ec he , a co ria to b
R T es m at ved ian
rt s r c
be hes Ar t ing tic ha M lie si
Ro blis d of reak ma A P d De , be phy tus,
pu oun ndb ath e an dica nish rve
Gr rou n m Me Spa el Se ed
a g ok o by cha blis
bo Mi e pu

nt is
Fo es h of
ol h n
cc lis io ts
Ni pub slat en
i a n em
gl tra s El
rta n
Ta talia uclid
I E 77
15 4 3 17 8 8

Anatomy of the shoulder

Leonardo da Vinci brought both
artistic aptitude and scientic
enquiry to his studies of anatomy.
He often worked in collaboration
with an anatomist to ensure the
accuracy of his work.

(shoulder muscle)

biceps brachii

(neckshoulder muscle)

scapula (shoulder blade)

connects the humerus
with the clavicle

clavicle (collarbone)

humerus (upper arm bone)

pectoralis (pectoral muscle)


sternum (breast bone)

1600 BCE
In ancient Egypt, bodies
are mummied; the 12th century Late 15th century
internal organs are Islamic physicians refute Galenic wisdom New observations
removed for religious There is no prohibition of human dissection in the medieval With physicians refuting Galen, Leonardo da Vinci
reasons and to help Islamic world, where physicians such as Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) begins his study of human anatomy. Italian
preservation, and are perform routine autopsies. Ibn Zuhr corrects some of Galens physician Jacopo da Carpis Anatomia Carpi
stored in canopic jars. Canopic jar human anatomymuch of it based on the Barbary ape. introduces a new age of original observation.

500 BCE 180 BCE 1300s

Early Greek anatomy Galenic circulation Mondino de Liuzzi
The Greek physician Greek-born physician Italian physician Mondino
Hippocrates promotes Galen concludes that blood de Liuzzi performs the rst
animal dissection as a is continually made in the public human dissections
way of learning about body, an idea not corrected c.1315, but his catalog of
the human body. until the 17th century. anatomy perpetuates many
erroneous ideas of antiquity.
Hippocrates Galens anatomy Liuzzis Anathomia



The exploration of biological structureanatomyis the basis for

understanding how bodies work. Early anatomists had to dissect cadavers
to find answers to even simple questions; later, technologies such as the
microscope helped physicians chart the body in greater detail.

In the ancient world, anatomists dissected the observation. By the Renaissance, artists such as
bodies of animals but were forbidden to open Leonardo da Vinci (see 146882) were illustrating
human cadavers, which were considered sacred. bodies with exquisite realism, and each new
As a result, Galen (129200 CE), Romes most anatomical publication charted and named new
celebrated physician, circulated erroneous ideas structures. Flemish-born anatomist Andreas
about the human body Vesalius (see 1543) dominated the scene with
that were based on his illustrated De Humani Corporis Fabrica.
animal anatomy. When
sanctioned, Galens With the invention of microscopes in the 1600s,
Dead body parts decay quickly. Preservation
ideas were corrected anatomists could see that organs were made up
in alcohol prolongs opportunities for study, but
through direct of cellular tissues. By the 1900s, the discovery
also dehydrates specimens, causing distortion.
of X-rays heralded new directions for anatomy.
Formalin is commonly used as a xative to avoid
Anatomical waxwork Today, powerful electron microscopes can probe
this. Some of the most sophisticated modern
Three-dimensional gures, the detailed structure of cells, and new imaging
such as this 19th-century wax methods preserve bodies in a dry state, for
fetus, were important tools for techniques reveal internal structures in 3-D

example, by replacing water and fat with plastic.
teaching medicine. without the need to cut the body open.


Leonardo da Vinci, Italian polymath, from his notebooks, 150818

Vesalius Microtome MRI scan

illustration 1770
1543 Microtome 1940s1950
Father of anatomy The microtome is invented for MRI scanning
Artists attend the dissections cutting tissue into extremely thin, In 1946, American physicists nd
of Flemish-born Andreas almost transparent sections. a way of detecting signals from
Vesalius to draw accurate This enables samples to be atoms that enable scientists to
illustrations for his De examined under high-power obtain images of the soft internal
Humani Corporis Fabrica. light microscopes. structures of living bodies.

1665 Mid-19th century 1895

Compound microscopes Comparative anatomy X-rays
Anatomists such as Marcello Directed by Charles Darwins German physicist Wilhelm
Malpighi, Jan Swammerdam, and evolutionary theory of 1859, Rntgen uses his newly
Robert Hooke use sophisticated many anatomists seek discovered X-rays to reveal the
microscopes to record the structure evidence of common descent bones of his wifes hand, and
of cells, capillaries, and tissues. among species. shows a way of examining
Chimpanzee internal bony structures X-ray
Hookes microscope skeleton without the need to dissect. of hand

154445 154650

Girolamo Fracastoro, Italian physician, poet, and geologist, 1546

The Orto Botanico di Padova (Padua Botanical Garden), the oldest existing botanical garden in Europe,
continues to be a major center for research in botany and pharmacology even today.

HARTMANN (14891564), was (14781553) published his most
the rst to notice and describe, Spanish scientist Miguel important work, On Contagion
in 1544, the phenomenon of Servet, also known as and Contagious Diseases, in Italy
magnetic inclination. Also known Michael Servetus, wrote in 1546. Best known at the time
as magnetic dip, this is the several treatises on medicine for his poem Syphilis, or the
phenomenon whereby the needle and human anatomy. He was French Disease in 1530, he BILLION
of a compass follows the line of the rst European to correctly covered his examination of
Earths magnetic eld, which explain pulmonary circulation diseases in greater depth in
curves around Earths surface. in Christianismi Restitutio (The On Contagion, offering an early
As a result, the north-pointing Restoration of Christianity). explanation of the mechanism THE AGE OF
end of a compass needle tends His theological works were by which diseases are spread. THE EARLIEST
to point slightly downward considered heretical, and he His theory was that each disease
in the Northern Hemisphere was burned at the stake in is caused by very small bodies,
and upward in the Southern Geneva for his views. or spores, which are carried SINGLE CELLS,
Hemisphere. Hartmanns in the body, skin, and clothing
discovery was not widely known of the person affected. These
until centuries later. In 1581, In 1545, Italian mathematician rst of its kind and a model for minute bodies, he believed, IN AUSTRALIA
English instrument-maker Girolamo Cardano (150176) subsequent botanical gardens, could multiply rapidly, and be
Robert Norman published his published Ars Magna (The Great it was established by the Senate transmitted from person to even through the air. Despite
own account of the phenomenon. Art), an important book on of the Venetian Republic. It was person by physical contact by being initially accepted by the

algebra. He presented solutions
to cubic and quartic equations,
involving unknown quantities
to the power of three and four
used for growing and studying
medicinal plants and
comprised a circular plot of
land, symbolizing the world,
handling unwashed clothes, or medical establishment, his ideas
had little effect on the treatment
and prevention of disease until
his theory was proven right
EXPLANATION respectively. He drew on his surrounded by water. The by Louis Pasteur (see

FOR THE own ideas as well as those of

compatriots such as Niccol
rst custodian of the
gardens was Luigi
185758) and others
centuries later.
RECOGNITION Fontana Tartaglia (14991557), Squalermo (151270), Fracastoro also took
THAT A FACT IS who translated works of Euclid also known as an interest in the

SO, IS THE CAUSE and Archimedes. Ars Magna Anguillara. He

made reference for the rst time cultivated around
UPON WHICH to imaginary numbersthose 1,800 species of
Ammonite fossil
Early scholars believed
WE BASE THE numbers that are a multiple of medicinal herbs, that fossils were the
PROOF. the square root of 1.
Italy was also becoming a
making a signicant
contribution to the
remains of animals
laid down in the
biblical ood. By the
center for botanical research, modern scientic studies
Gerolamo Cardano, Italian 16th century, people
mathematician, in De Vita with the opening of the botanical of botany, medicine, and were considering
Propria Liber garden in Padua, in 1545. The pharmacology. other theories.

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Konrad Von Gesner, German naturalist, 1550s

Fracastoro made major advances in Konrad von Gesner published several volumes of Historia Animalium, illustrated
understanding the spread of disease. with dramatic pictures and accurately detailed drawings.

emerging study of geology. After ENGLISH SURVEYOR LEONARD Animalium (The History of readers. Despite its popularity bodies of the same material fell
examining the fossils of marine DIGGES (152059) made Animals). This book attempted in northern Europe, the series at the same speed, no matter
creatures found by building measurement of distance more to present a comprehensive was banned by the Catholic what their weight, contradicting
workers who were excavating a accurate with the invention, in catalog of the real and mythical Church because of von Gesners the law proposed by Aristotle.
site in Verona, he expressed the 1551, of the theodolite. creatures of the world and Protestant beliefs. In a second edition of the work,
controversial idea that they In the same year, German included illustrations and The anatomical drawings of he modied his theory to account
may be the fossilized remains naturalist Konrad von Gesner engravings. More importantly, it Italian physician Bartolomeo for air resistance (friction), but
of animals that had lived there (151665) published the rst introduced exotic and recently Eustachi (c.152074) , completed maintained that different-sized
many years before. of ve volumes of his Historia discovered animals to European in 1552, were not published bodies would fall at the same
This, however, was not the view until 1714 because he feared speed in a vacuum.
held by other geologists of the elevation scale excommunication from the
time. German scholar Georg Catholic Church. He studied deoxygenated
Pawer, known as Georgius human teeth and was the rst lung blood

Agricola (14941555), to describe adrenal glands, but

dismissed the idea. telescope he is more commonly known for
He maintained that his research into the workings of
these were organic the ear, specically the tube now
shapes created by known as the Eustachian tube.
the action of heat on fatty Michael Servetus (see panel,
matter within the rocks. opposite) published his
Despite this erroneous opinion, Christianismi Restitutio
Agricola was among the rst to (The Restoration of
lay a scientic foundation for Christianity) in 1553, but fell heart blood
the study of geology. In his 1546 foul of both the Catholic and
publication De Veteribus et Novis Protestant authorities PULMONARY
Metallis, better known as De in doing so. In it, he included CIRCULATION
Natura Fossilium, he attempted the rst correct description of
to categorize various minerals pulmonary circulation. The heart pumps
and rocks according to their Also controversial was deoxygenated blood through
characteristics. This, along with the theory proposed by the pulmonary artery to
his earlier text De Re Metallica, Giambattista Benedetti small capillaries around the
provided a comprehensive (153090) concerning bodies lungs, where carbon dioxide
overview of mineralogy and (objects) in free fall. In his book is replaced with oxygen.
geology, and was a practical lower plate published in 1554, he stated that The pulmonary vein returns
guide to various mining this oxygen-rich blood to the
techniques and machinery used Theodolite heart. Michael Servetus was
at the time. It also showed the The theodolite is used to measure the rst to describe this
vertical and horizontal angles. This
inadequacy of contemporary system in 1553, but it had
levelling modern example is equipped with a
theories, which had not changed screw telescope, which enables surveying little inuence at the time.
since the time of the Romans. over even longer distances.

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155557 155859

Robert Recorde, Welsh physician and mathematician, 1557

Robert Recorde was the author of the rst Smoking became a fashionable habit
books on algebra in English. in 16th-century Europe.

De Re Metallica some German mathematicians. Although platinum had already FRENCH DIPLOMAT JEAN NICOT,
Georgius Agricolas It introduced a symbol he been used by the indigenous (15301600) while ambassador
lavishly illustrated book
invented: =, the equals sign. people of Central and South in Lisbon, Portugal, was
on mining techniques
describes the formation Best known for popularizing America to make jewelry and introduced to tobacco, brought
of ores in the ground, mathematics in Britain, Recorde ornaments, it was unknown in by Spanish explorers from
and how metal can be had originally studied medicine Europe until the 16th century. America. Native Americans
extracted from them.
and worked as a physician to the The rst written reference to the smoked it in religious rituals,
Royal family, and for a time was metal came in 1557 in the writings and ingested or made poultices
descriptions of the of Julius Caesar Scaliger with its leaves for medicinal

veins of ores found in (14841558), an Italian scholar. He purposes. Nicot sent tobacco
rock, and how metals described how Spanish explorers plants and snuff to the royal
could be extracted came across an unknown court in France, where smoking
from them, as well element, with an unusually high and snuff-taking soon became
as a comprehensive THE MELTING melting point and resistance to fashionable. The tobacco plant
catalog of the minerals
known at that time.
POINT OF corrosion. Originally known as
white gold, platinum was later
Nicotiana, and the chemical
nicotine, are named after him.
Sometimes referred to PLATINUM recognized as an element which In the same year, Italian
as the father of occurs naturally in both pure and anatomist and surgeon Realdo
mineralogy, Agricola controller of the Royal Mint alloy (combined with another Colombo (c.151659) published
made contributions to supervising the manufacture of element) forms in South America,
the emerging elds of coins. Despite fame and standing, Russia, and South Africa.
geology, metallurgy, he died in a debtors prison a year
and chemistry. after publishing The Whetstone.
After his books
The Ground of Artes
(1543) on arithmetic, Nugget of platinum
A rare metal, platinum
and The Pathway to
is one of the least
Knowledge (1551) on reactive
geometry, the Welsh elements.
GEORGIUS AGRICOLAS BOOK Robert Recorde published a
De Re Metallica (On the Nature companion volume, The
of Metals) was published Whetstone of Witte, in 1557,
posthumously in 1556. In it, he probably the rst book on
described various techniques algebra in English. As well as
for mining minerals, and the presenting the principles of
machines, especially water mills, algebra, this book established Title page of De Re Anatomica
Although Realdo Colombo published
used for raising them from the usage of the symbols + (plus) and
only one book on anatomy, his
mines. This classic text of (minus), which had previously discoveries rivaled those of Andreas
mining engineering included been used only occasionally by Vesalius and Gabriele Falloppio.

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Ambroise Par developed new surgical techniques while working as a battleeld

surgeon, and demonstrated his ideas to his students.

formal title was the Academia known by the Latinized form

Secretorum Naturae (Academy of his name, Fallopius, he made
of Secrets of Nature), considered valuable contributions to the
Born in Modena, Italy, Falloppio to be the rst scientic society. study of the ears, eyes, and
studied medicine in Ferrara, Its membership was open to nose, as well as human
and went on to teach anatomy anyone who could demonstrate reproduction and sexuality.
and surgery at the Universities having made a new discovery in A nerve canal in the face (the
of Ferrara and Padua. He also one of the natural sciences, and aquaeductus Fallopii) and
served as superintendent of meetings were held at della the Fallopian tube connecting
the botanical garden at Padua. Portas home until, thanks to the ovaries with the uterus are
He is credited with important his interest in occult philosophy, named after him. Falloppio was
discoveries in the anatomy Pope Paul V ordered the a respected physician and skillful
of the human head and Academy to disband in surgeon as well as an anatomist.
reproductive systems. He died, 1578. Della Porta went on He wrote a number of treatises
aged only 39, in Padua. to encourage the founding of on surgery, medication, and
another society, the Accademia treatments of various kinds,
dei Lincei (Academy of Lynxes) although only one, Anatomy, was
his treatise De Re Anatomica ITALIAN POLYMATH in 1603. published in his lifetime. His
(On Things Anatomical). Colombos PLAYWRIGHT GIAMBATTISTA Gabriele Falloppio, who had work complemented the writings
practical background in surgery DELLA PORTA (c.15351615), succeeded Realdo Colombo as of his compatriots Vesalius and
led to a sometimes acrimonious particularly interested in the chair of anatomy and surgery Colombo, and often quietly
rivalry with his more academic sciences, founded a group of at Padua University in 1551, corrected their misconceptions. Prosthetic hand by Par
Par designed sophisticated
contemporary Andreas Vesalius. like-minded thinkers in Naples, published his major work, Meanwhile, Frenchman
prostheses to replace missing
However, he is credited with nicknamed the Otiosi, or men of Observationes Anatomicae Ambroise Par (151090) limbs, such as the hand shown
advances in anatomy, including leisure, who met to uncover the (Anatomical Observations), in wrote one of the rst manuals in this 1585 drawing.
work on pulmonary circulation. secrets of nature. Their more 1561 at the height of what of modern surgery. His
in retrospect was a golden age Treatise, written in French rather amputated limbs with balms

fallopian tube of anatomical
than Latin, was based on his
experience as a surgeon on the
battleeld. As well as describing
and ointments rather than
cauterizing the wounds with
boiling oil, which often harmed
surgical procedures, some of the very tissues the surgeon
BUT TO CHOKE his own invention, Pars book was attempting to mend. Pars
A MAN, AND proposed the idea of surgery innovative scientic approach

as a restorative procedure, based on empirical observation
FILL HIM FULL Fallopian tube which should involve minimum did much to improve the status
OF SMOKE AND Also known as the suffering. It stated that pain of the barber-surgeon, which
oviducts or salpinges, relief, healing, and even was previously considered
uterus the tubes named after
Falloppio allow the
compassion were essential to inferior to the medical physician.
Ben Jonson, English playwright, eggs to pass from the successful surgery. This came
in Every Man in His Humor, 1598 ovaries to the uterus. from his experience of treating

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15 4 3 17 8 8 THE AGE OF DISCOVERY

Roman set square

c.1st century BCE Brass half-circle theodolite
This bronze instrument would have 19th century
complete circle
been important to Roman builders, A theodolite measures horizontal and vertical
scale or brass ring
helping them set construction angles and is an important tool in surveying. The
blocks exactly square. instruments telescope is focused on a distant
object, the position of which is determined with
respect to horizontal and vertical scales.
straight edges
set in a right
angle eye-piece
rotating base
xed on

Laser spirit level Circumferentor

21st century 1676
An instrument used Used by surveyors before the
in construction for invention of the theodolite,
measuring vertical the circumferentor measured
angles, this level denes angles and could be used
a level plane along the horizontally and vertically
beam of a laser. to calculate distances. vertical
into degrees


In everyday life, exact measurement is not always important.

A wooden cup can be adequate for delivering a fair share
of grain, but scientists who want to know the dimensions
of microscopic objects need to use precision instruments.

In scientic experiments or studies, measurements must be made

with an appropriate level of care and accuracy to ensure that results
and conclusions are reliable. Scientists require their measuring
instruments to give values within an acceptable margin of error,
using standard units that are recognized universally. Today, nearly
all countries use the Systme Internationale (SI)the modern
form of the metric systemwhich was introduced in the 1960s.

Grain measure Lead weight

Traditional c.250 BCE Jade weight
Fixed quantities of grains, Greek merchants Date unknown
such as wheat or used standard In early Chinese
barley, were once weightsusually made civilizations, precious minerals
used as standard from lead, and fashioned such as jade were used for
units of mass. into rectangles. standard weights.

kilogram Standard weights

19th century leveling
Conical glass ask Many countries today
21st century have replaced the pound
This ask is used as a with the kilogram.
holding container for
chemical reactions in
Graduated pipette experiments where Nesting cups
21st century total volume does not 19th century
Glass pipettes, graduated in have to be accurate. Cuplike standard weights used with
fractions of milliliters, can counterbalancing mechanical scales
measure liquid volumes milliliter could be nested together
precisely, drop by drop. graduations
in multiples.


measurement read measuring rod dial around movable screw 18th century
from point where The Imperial yard
screw touches scale (3 ft or 0.9 m) has long
been a popular unit
Brass micrometer of measurement for
Early 19th century construction work.
The rst micrometers Most yardsticks can
opened up the eld of Modern micrometer be used as rulers.
precision engineering; 21st century
these adjustable Most modern micrometers work
screwlike devices enable as calipers that move by tiny
telescope for
accurate measurement distances as they close around
of small distances. an object.

calipers for
measuring internal
sliding scale

Laser distance meter

Vernier calipers 21st century
20th century This shoots a laser
Spring balance calipers for In 1631, Paul Vernier invented a sliding scale pulse at a distant object
18th century measuring for taking small measurements with great and measures the time
Originating in the 18th century, external accuracy. The principle of the Vernier scale taken for the pulse to
spring balances rely on dimension remained in use for modern instruments. be reected back.
stretching a spring in
proportion to an
Cased balance
applied forcethe
pointer 18th century
weight. The dial
Beam-balances were used
can be calibrated
in science and medicine, but
in units of mass cross beam is small portable balances were
(for example, horizontal when also used for such purposes
kilograms) or weights are equal as measuring coins.
force (Newtons).

horizontal full
circle graduated
central pivot coin
into degrees with
Vernier scale

suspended weight

Surveyors chain
19th century
Land surveyors began using
chains in the 1600s. This
example is about 66 ft
(20 m) long, and is divided
into 100 links.

Analytical balance
21st century
The most sophisticated modern
digital balances can weigh minute
Weighing scales fractions of a gram, and are
18th century so sensitive that they must be
links at xed- Scales determine an unknown weight by counterbalancing protected from vibrations, dust,
distance intervals it with known weights until equilibrium is achieved. and air movements.

156569 157071

The Exeter Ship Canal reconnected the English inland port of Exeter to the sea, The rst modern world atlas, the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, showed the
bypassing the section of the Exe River that was no longer navigable. extent of voyages of discovery in the 16th century.


Ship Canal was completed
in 1566 or 1567. A man- MORE LINES THAN IS IN THE NEW or lens

made navigable channel, MAP WITH THE AUGMENTATION external

it reestablished the town OF THE INDIES.
of Exeter in England as a port
after centuries of blockages William Shakespeare, English playwright, Twelfth Night, c.1602
on the Exe River by weirs image
constructed to power watermills. Maps became increasingly curved surface of Earth when
Probably the UKs rst articial important during the 16th designing his paper map of CAMERA OBSCURA
waterway, the Exeter Canal century, as traders and the world. Now known as
was a forerunner of the prolic explorers made voyages around Mercators projection, this A camera obscura (Latin for dark chamber) is a simple room or
canal-building that came with the world. While cartographers method shows the lines of box with a small hole in one of its walls. Light from outside passes
the Industrial Revolution in the could make accurate globes longitude as equally spaced, through the hole and falls onto the inside of the opposite wall,
18th century. showing oceans and continents, parallel, vertical straight lines, projecting an image of the scene outside. The image, which
these were not and the lines of latitude as appears upside down, is sharper with a smaller pinhole, or
convenient for perpendicular to themas if brighter with a larger hole, and can be focused by adding a lens.
navigation. The they were projected onto a
problem was how cylinder enclosing a globe.
to represent the Although this projection ENCOURAGED BY HIS FRIEND Italian polymath Giambattista
three-dimensional distorted the shapes and sizes AND COLLEAGUE MERCATOR, della Porta (c.15351615) rst
Earth in two of large land masses and oceans, the Flemish cartographer published his book Magiae
dimensions. In it was particularly useful for Abraham Ortelius (1527-98) Naturalis (Natural Magic) with
1569, Flemish navigation, since compass published his Theatrum Orbis descriptions and observations
cartographer courses could be shown as Terrarum (Theater of the World) of all the sciences in 1558, but
Gerardus Mercator straight lines. in 1570. He had previously made it proved so popular that it was
(151294), already Although the GermanSwiss a large map of the world on revised and expanded in a
famous for his alchemist and physician eight sheets, and several separate

globes and maps Paracelsus (14931541) was maps of various parts of the
of Europe, devised a prolic writer and notorious world, but this collection of 53
a new way to self-publicist, few of his works maps and accompanying text
represent the were published during his in book form was the rst
lifetime. One of the most modern world atlasa term
Gerardus Mercator
inuential, Archidoxa, was suggested by Mercator. After its THE NUMBER
Mercators projection, published posthumously in original publication in Latin, it
a method of showing Krakw in 1569. This rejected was translated into several
the spherical world
as a two-dimensional
the magical elements of other languages, and in these IN THE
map, enabled accurate
nautical navigation and
alchemy and was important
in the development of modern
later editions Ortelius added
several more maps and
still remains in use. chemistry and medicine. corrected inaccuracies. ATLAS
al liu rn
Th Can
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A supernova is a massive exploding star that shines very brightly, giving the impression that a new star
has appeared. Tycho Brahe rst described the phenomenon in 1573.

number of editions, eventually COMPOSING A BOOK ON ,,IT WAS NOT JUST THE

becoming a 20-volume work. ALGEBRA that was both
In one of the later editions of comprehensive and intelligible CHURCH THAT RESISTED
around 1570, he included a to the nonmathematician,
description of the camera Rafael Bombelli (152672)
obscura. The principles of this
device date back to China and
published his treatise simply
titled Algebra shortly before his COPERNICUS.
Greece around 2,000 years death in 1572. He explained in
before, but della Porta was everyday language the algebra Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer, 1587

the rst to suggest the use known at that time and tackled
of a convex lens rather than a problem barely understood by of it, De Nova Stella (On the New as well as to other stars that
a pinhole to focus the image his contemporaries, imaginary Star). It was in fact a massive brighten abruptly. Brahe realized
on the screen inside, allowing numbers: numbers whose stellar explosion, not a new that his star was very distant
more light through the larger square is less than zero. star, but the Latin word nova from Earth, certainly beyond the TYCHO BRAHE
aperture without a subsequent These, he explained, cannot later came to be applied to what orbit of the Moon. Conventional (15461601)
loss of clarity. He also used this be dealt with in the same way is now known as a supernova, wisdom since the time of
camera obscura with a lens, as other numbers, but are Aristotle had maintained that Born in Scania, now in
an innovation that was of great essential in solving equations anything outside the immediate Sweden but then part of
value to Kepler in the following involving powers of two, three, vicinity of Earth was unchanging, Denmark, Tycho Brahe
century in his studies of the or four. Bombelli effectively laid gures including the stars of the became interested in
workings of the human eye down the rules for using these celestial realm, but Brahes astronomy while studying
(see 15981604). imaginary numbers for the rst observations contradicted the law in Copenhagen. Under
Although a successful time. Despite his pioneering idea of the immutability the patronage of King
attorney in Paris, Franois work, imaginary numbers staircase of the stars. Frederick II of Denmark he
Vite (15401603), also known were not accepted in One of the most elaborate established an observatory
as Franciscus Vieta, was a mathematics until almost astronomical clocks of the equipped with the nest
talented mathematician who 200 years later. period was built in the Cathedral astronomical instruments.
devoted much of his spare time Tycho Brahe had of Notre Dame in Strasbourg
to the subject. One of his rst observed what appeared to to replace the existing 200-year-
achievements in the eld be a bright new star in the old clock, which had stopped Conrad Dasypodius (1532
was a set of trigonometric constellation of Cassiopeia working. The new clock was 1600), took over the project.
tables to aid calculation, the in 1572, and the following designed by mathematician The clock was nally built by
Universalium Inspectionum ad year published his account Christian Herlin in the 1540s, Isaac and Josias Habrecht. It
Canonem Mathematicum Liber but only the preliminary building incorporated many of the latest
Singularis, which he started to Astronomical clock had been accomplished in 1547 ideas in mathematics and
publish in 1571. This astronomical clock, when work was interrupted by astronomyas well as
built between 1547 and Herlins death. Political clockmakinginto its design,
1574, stood in Strasbourg
problems further delayed which included a celestial globe,
Cathedral until the 19th
century. An 1840s replica work until the 1570s, when an astrolabe, a calendar dial,
now exists in its place. Herlins pupil, mathematician and automata.

es k
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157577 157881

Designed by Taqi al-Din, the observatory at Istanbul was equipped with the latest
technology and attracted the nest astronomers of the Ottoman Empire.


Greek mathematician and (15371619), professor of anatomy
astronomer Francesco Maurolico and surgery at the University of
(14941575) published several Padua, noticed in his dissections
treatises on mathematics. In folds of tissue on the inside of
Arithmeticorum Libri Duo (Two veins. He described these folds
Books on Arithmetic), published as valves, but did not propose
in 1575, he was the rst any function for them. It was
mathematician known to only later that they were found to
prove a mathematical statement prevent the backow of blood as
explicitly using mathematical it returns to the heart. Fabriciuss
induction. This is a method of treatise on the subject, De
proof using a series of successive Venarum Ostiolis (On the Valves of
logical steps. the Veins), particularly inuenced
To persuade astronomer one of his later students, William
Tycho Brahe (see 157274) to Harvey (see 162830).
return to his native Denmark, Although trained in medicine,
King Frederick II offered him Venetian physician Prospero
land and funding to establish Alpini (1553c.1616) was more
an observatory in Hven (an interested in botany. In 1580, he
island now belonging to Sweden). took up a post as physician to the
Work on the building, known Venetian consul in Cairo, Egypt,
as Uraniborg, began in 1576. where he studied the plant life.
However, the completed structure He also worked as the manager
was not considered steady enough of a date palm plantation in
for accurate observations. A Egypt. While there, he observed
second complex, Stjerneborg, that the pollination of owers
was built close by in 1584 to house Stjerneborg observatory was necessary to produce fruit,
the delicate equipment. Together, There were many advances to found the botanical garden The complex of buildings that and deduced that there were two
replaced Tycho Brahes Uraniborg
these two complexes formed a in botany in the second half at the University of Leiden in sexes of plants. Alpinis study of
observatory was equipped with the
major centre for astronomical of the 16th century. Emphasis Holland, where his work helped latest astronomical instruments. plants in Egypt inspired him to
and scientic research. moved from the study of plants lay the foundation of the Dutch write several books on exotic
Italian polymath Gerolamo for their medicinal properties tulip industry. in 1577, this was designed to plants, including De Plantis
Cardano trained in medicine to a more comprehensive study While Brahe was sponsored be the major observatory of Aegypti Liber (Book of Egyptian
and was a respected physician. and classication of plant life. by the King of Denmark, the the Islamic world. However, Plants), published in Venice in
He wrote several treatises, Botanist Charles de lcluse Ottoman Turkish engineer it existed only briey: after a 1592, and De Plantis Exoticis
including the rst description (15261609), also known as and astronomer Taqi al-Din mistaken astrological prediction (Of Exotic Plants), published
of typhoid fever in 1576. He Carolus Clusius, published the persuaded Sultan Murad III of Ottoman victories in battle, posthumously in 1629. He is also
was the rst to recognize the rst of his studies of the ora to fund an equally prestigious the Sultan had the observatory credited with introducing the
diseases distinctive symptoms. of Spain in 1576. He went on observatory in Istanbul. Built destroyed in 1580. banana and baobab to Europe.

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Felix Platter, Swiss physician, 1583

While managing date palm plantations in Egypt, Prospero Alpini

observed the difference between the sexes of plants.

CALENDAR, which had been
PROPERTY OF THE in use in Europe since Roman
times, had become out of step
PENDULUM IS THAT with the times of the equinoxes

IT MAKES ALL ITS by about ten days, so Pope
Gregory XIII issued a decree OF PLANTS IN
VIBRATIONS IN introducing a new calendar.
The Julian calendar had
EQUAL TIMES. approximated the year, the time HERBARIUM
between successive spring
Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer and physicist equinoxes, as 365.25 days. settlement of North America.
This led to a discrepancy of In his 1582 publication Divers
English explorer and navigator de Albacar. In 1581, about three days in 400 years. Voyages Touching the Discoverie
Steven Borough (152584) had Borough published The reformed calendar, which of America and other later books,
previously organized the English his own treatise, came to be known as the he pointed out the advantages of
translation of the standard dealing with the Gregorian calendar, worked colonization, citing the possibility
textbook on navigation of the properties of from a more accurate of establishing plantations for
time: Breve Compendio (Brief magnetism and its measurement of the foods and tobacco.
Summary) or Arte de Navigar effects on a compass Galileo and the pendulum time between the spring Italian physician and
(Art of Sailing) by Martn Corts needle. The treatise, reecting Galileo rst discovered the equinoxes. It was adopted botanist Andrea Cesalpino
constancy of a pendulum swing by
his experience as a seaman, rst by the Catholic (15191603), who had been
observing a swaying chandelier and
contributed considerably to the timing its motion against his pulse. countries and director of the botanical
understanding and practical use gradually elsewhere. garden connected to
of the magnetic compass in in Pisa Cathedral, he noted Colonization of the the University of Pisa,
navigation and cartography. that each swing took the same New World gained developed the rst
In 1581, on his fathers amount of time, regardless of pace towards the scientic method
insistence, Galileo Galilei how far it traveled. He then end of the 16th of botanical
(see 161113) was studying experimented with pendulums century. Writer classication
medicine at Pisa, Italy. However, and found that the rate of swing Richard Hakluyt in his De Plantis
he already had a fascination was constant, no matter how (15521616) helped to Libri XVI (The Book
for mathematics and physics. wide the swing, and that two promote the English of Plants XVI),
Observing a chandelier swaying pendulums of the same length published in 1583.
would swing in unison even if Cesalpino classied
Andrea Cesalpino
16th-century magnetic sundial their sweeps were different. One of the foremost owering plants
This portable sundial has a Galileo later published his botanists of the according to their
magnetic compass that is observations on the constancy 16th century, fruit, seeds, and
used to align it in different Cesalpino
of pendulum swing. roots, rather than
locations. The gnomon revolutionized the
(diagonal string) must classication by their medicinal
be set northsouth. of plants. properties.

es heir
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15 orde obs de se ob pen Pis To rica tlem u
be Am s
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15 4 3 17 8 8 T H E AG E O F D I S C OV E R Y

Book of herbs
16th century
Early texts called herbals
classied plants according to
their medicinal propertiesor
supposed magical powers.

Acupuncture needles
19th century
The earliest evidence of
acupuncture dates back mahogany
to 3000 BCE . Practitioners case for
produced maps of the body storing
to show where the needles needles
would be most effective.

Homeopathic pills
19th century
Homeopathic ideasthat small amounts of
a substance that cause symptoms in healthy
people can cure similar symptoms caused by

diseaseoriginated in Ancient Greece, but
German physician Samuel Hahnermann
started the formal practice in the 1790s.


The history of medicine is as old as humanity itself. For

thousands of years, breakthroughs in understanding
the human body and innovations in technology have
improved the way disease is diagnosed and treated.

Evolving from its origins in herbalism and shamanism,

medicine ourished in the ancient classical world
where the rst physicians assessed patients using
earpiece scientic judgment. The early study of anatomy,
physiology, and diseases, together with its drugs,
vaccines, and new instruments, turned medicine into pressure
a complex, multifaceted discipline.

Wooden stethoscope
Invented by French physician
Ren Laennec in 1816, the rst
stethoscope was made from wood.
The heart was heard through a
funnel, like an ear trumpet.
ear-trumpet bottle of
style amplier painkilling
gelatin capsule tablets

Early binaural
In 1850, American
physician George
Camman incorporated Military tablet tin
rubber into his binaural Pills c.1942
(two-earpiece) 20th century An armament of drugs was used on the
stethoscope to make Pills accurately deliver a small battleeld to help deal with injuries and
it easier to use. It was drug dose. They were rst made illness to hasten return to duty. Medical
the rst commercially by encasing the active ingredient ofcers had rst-aid tablet tins that contained
successful stethoscope. in hardened glucose syrup. painkillers, sedatives, and antiseptics.

hypodermic Disposable syringe
needle 21st century
The modern disposable
syringemade from
plasticreduces the
chance of cross-infection.
It was patented by New
Zealand pharmacist
Colin Murdoch in 1956.


funnel for Ophthalmoscope

candle concentrating c.1875
light The rst optical devices for
examining the back of the eye were
made in the 1840s and 1850s. Early
models came with a selection of
interchangeable lenses.


Brass endoscope viewing Mechanical syringe

lens hollow
19th century 18th century
Invented by German physician Phillip Piston-type syringes have been used needle
Bozzini in 1805, the rst rudimentary since antiquity, but metallic non-
endoscope was illuminated using plunger mechanical syringes were
a candle. An endoscope is used to developed in the 1600s and 1700s, casing
see inside a patient. and used for extracting uids.

Clinical glass thermometer

18th century
German physician Hermann
Boerhaave began using glass
thermometers in the 1700s. In
1866, British physician Thomas
Allbutt designed a portable,
6 in (15 cm) clinical model.

reservoir of digital
mercury temperature

Sphygmomanometer Digital thermometer

1883 21st century
The rst attempts to Invented in the 1950s,
measure blood pressure electronic thermometers
were inaccurate, until measure body
Austrian physician Samuel temperature with a Glass syringe
Ritter von Basch invented the far greater degree of 1940s
sphygmomanometer in 1876. accuracy and use The invention of ne
In early models, pressure an unambiguous needles in 1853 meant
was measured by a digital display. syringes could be used
water-lled bulb applied to inject drugs. The rst
to the skin, but later precision-bore glass
ones used an syringes in 1946 were
inatable cuff. easier to sterilize en
X-ray masse because barrels
20th century and plungers were
German physicist Wilhem interchangeable.
Rntgen produced the rst
X-ray photographof his
wifes handin 1895. Today, metal
rubber various scanning techniques plunger
tubing are used to examine the
interior of the body.

158589 159093

Simon Stevin, Flemish mathematician and engineer, from De Thiende (The Tenth), 1585

Simon Stevin wrote in Dutch, which he felt Galileo's thermoscope was an early
was better suited to technical subjects. device for measuring temperature.

FLEMISH MATHEMATICIAN Islamic mathematicians had Knitting machine DUTCH LENS-MAKER ZACHARIAS
AND ENGINEER SIMON STEVIN used decimal fractions centuries English inventor William Lee JANSEN (15801638) is believed
improved on his original knitting
(15481620) published the booklet before, Stevin presented a spring maintains to have invented the microscope,
machine with more needles per
De Thiende (The Tenth) in 1585. comprehensive case for their tension initially using a single magnifying
inch, which enabled production
It promoted the use of decimal use, citing ease of calculation. of ne silk fabrics as well as wool. lens. Around 1590, he combined
fractions and predicted the His notation was awkward and two lenses to form the rst
adoption of a decimal system of different from that used today. compound optical microscope,
weights and measures. While The following year, Stevin which was capable of magnifying
published two works on water images about nine times. Jansen
70 and "statics," in which he showed is also associated with the
that because of its weight, the development of the telescope,

pressure of water increases an invention credited to his rival

with depth. His ideas became needles Hans Lippershey in 1608.
the foundation for a eld of With the publication of the
engineering called hydrostatics. ten-part In Artem Analyticien
In 1588, Danish astronomer Isagoge (Introduction to the
Tycho Brahe published further knitted Art of Analysis) in 1591, French
0 material
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 works, including the second part mathematician Franois Vite,
PRESSURE (IN ATMOSPHERES) of his Astronomiae Instauratae also known as Vieta, laid the
Progymnasmata (Introduction to foundations for modern
Water pressure
New Astronomy). He described algebra. One of the key
Directly proportional to depth, water
pressure increases by 1 atmosphere the observation of comets and innovations of his system of
(atm) for every 10 m (33 ft) in depth. the instruments he used, and analysisknown as new
also included a catalog algebrawas the use of letters
WATER PRESSURE of stars, and described a of the alphabet for parameters
geo-heliocentric universe, and unknowns in equations.
As an object descends into in which most of the planets Vite thereby created a symbolic
water, the weight of the orbited the Sun, and the Sun algebra to replace the Classical
water above it exerts and Moon orbited the Earth. and Islamic rhetorical algebra,
pressure on it. As a result, In 1589, English inventor which relied on explanation
water pressure increases William Lee (15631614) rather than signs and symbols.
with depth. At a depth of designed the stocking frame In 1592, Italian mathematician
about 33 ft (10 m), water machine, which mimicked Galileo Galilei invented the
pressure is double the the action of hand-knitters. thermoscope, a tube in which
atmospheric pressure at the Although it had the potential liquid rises and falls with
surface. Water pressure at to revolutionize the textile changes in temperature.
ocean oors can be as much industry, fear of upsetting the This was the forerunner of
as 1,000 atmospheres;1 atm hand-knitters kept Lee from the liquid thermometer, which
equals 14 lb/in2 (1 kg/cm2). obtaining a patent in England, wool or silk was developed later by adding
and he moved to France. yarn a scale to the tube.

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159495 159697

Johannes Kepler, German astronomer

Designed by Hieronymus Fabricius, the dissection theater in Padua, Italy, An illustration of Keplers planetary model
offered public demonstrations of anatomical dissections. from Mysterium Cosmographicum.


had been at the forefront of the public dissections had been JOHANNES KEPLER (15711630)
golden age of anatomy since performed before, this was published his rst important
Andreas Vesalius became the rst permanent structure work on astronomy, Mysterium
professor of surgery and designed and built especially Cosmographicum (The
anatomy there in 1537. The for such demonstrations. He Cosmographic Mystery). As well
university attracted students was succeeded by his students, as defending the heliocentric
from all over Europe, and Julius Casserius, and later model of the universe proposed
the department was led by Adriaan van der Spiegel, who by Copernicus (see 1543), Kepler
a succession of distinguished continued the tradition of explained the orbits of the
surgeons and anatomists. public demonstrations of known planets around the Sun
Hieronymus Fabricius was anatomical dissections. in geometric terms in an attempt
appointed to the post in 1565, In the same year, Simon Stevin to unravel "Gods mysterious
and became well known for wrote his treatise, Arithmetic. plan of the universe." To do this,
demonstrating the dissection This book dealt with, among he drew upon the classical notion
of both humans and animals, other things, the solution of of the harmony of the spheres,
and instituting a new style of quadratic equationsequations which he linked to the ve Platonic Water closet
John Harington's Ajax, the
investigative anatomy. In order involving a squared quantity solidsoctahedron, icosahedron, upon a Stale Subject: The
prototype of the modern ush
to make these demonstrations and important concepts in the dodecahedron, tetrahedron, and Metamorphosis of Ajax. This text toilet, was invented with the aim
available to a wider audience, eld of number theory. cube. These, when inscribed in was part political satire and part of eliminating disease.
he designed a theater for spheres and nested inside one description of his invention, a
dissections. The theater was another in order, corresponded rudimentary ush toilet called One of the most important
built in 1594 with funds provided to the orbits of the planets Ajax. The name was a pun on textbooks of alchemy, Alchemia,
by the Senate of the Republic Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, a jakes, contemporary slang for was published in 1597 by
Jupiter, and Saturn. toilet. The invention was a major German metallurgist Andreas
HIERONYMUS FABRICIUS (15371619) In 1596, Flemish cartographer step toward modern sanitation. Libavius. Unlike previous books
Abraham Ortelius noted that on alchemy, Alchemia stressed
Born in Acquapendente, Italy, the coastlines on either side of the the importance of systematic
Hieronymus Fabricius studied Atlantic Ocean seemed to t like laboratory procedures. It also
at the University of Padua, pieces of a puzzle. He was the rst contained a catalog of various
where he eventually became to suggest that Africa, Europe, and medicaments and metals, and
Professor of Anatomy in 1562 the Americas may once have been included the rst description
and Professor of Surgery in connected. Although he attributed of the properties of zinc.
1565. Famous for his public their separation to a major
demonstrations of anatomical cataclysm, his ideas anticipated
dissections, he is best known the modern theory of continental Zinc
as a pioneer in the eld of drift (see 191415). Known in China and India
since the 14th century, zinc
embryology and for describing Also in 1596, English author
was rst described in Europe
the valves in veins. Sir John Harington (15611612) by 16th-century alchemist
published A New Discourse Andreas Libavius.

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1598 15991600


Giordano Bruno, arrested by the Roman Inquisition on charges of heresy,

was imprisoned from 1562 until his execution in 1600.

TYCHO BRAHE published the Holy Roman Emperor ALDROVANDI (15221605), who
Astronomiae Instauratae Rudolf II, and moved to Prague had founded the botanical
Mechanica (Instruments for
the Restoration of Astronomy)a
(now in the Czech Republic).
In September, Dutch sailors
garden of Bologna in 1568,
published the rst of three MILES / YEAR
star catalog listing the positions landed on the island of Mauritius volumes of Ornithologiaea THE SPEED AT
of more than a thousand stars in the Indian Ocean, claiming it treatise on birdsin 1599. As
he had observed. Brahe had for the Netherlands. They were well as designing and
recently left his observatories at the rst to describe the dodo, managing the botanical garden, MAGNETIC
Hven, Denmark, after falling out
with his patron, King Christian IV,
a ightless bird related to the
pigeon and unique to Mauritius.
Aldrovandi organized expeditions
to collect plants for his
who did not share his Within less than a century, the herbarium and established a IS MOVING
predecessors enthusiasm for bird had been driven to large collection of ora and
astronomy. Before leaving, extinction, hunted by the Extinct species fauna specimens. He also wrote Bodies, and the Great Magnet
Brahe wrote detailed settlers and preyed The dodo is one of the rst recorded many books covering all aspects of the Earth). In this treatise, he
examples of a species extinction due
descriptions with upon by imported of natural history, helping to lay described his experiments with
to human interference. Its last known
illustrations of the animals. sighting was in 1662. the foundations for the modern magnets, many of which used
instruments and study of botany and zoology. small magnetic spheres called
equipment he had used While much ship design was In 1600, English physician terrellae, to model Earths
at his observatories. geared toward voyages of and scientist William Gilbert behavior. He concluded that
He included these in mast discovery and trade, in 1598, (15441603) published De Earth behaves as a giant
Astronomiae as well. Admiral Yi Sun-sin of Korea Magnete, Magneticisque magnet, making compass
In the following year, rigging turned his attention to the Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete needles point north, and that the
design of warships. He Tellure (On the Magnet, Magnetic center of Earth is made of iron.
improved on the traditional
Korean turtle ship by adding EARTHS MAGNETIC POLES
spiked iron metal armor. These rst
plates magnetic geographic
iron-clad warships were The Earths corecomposed
north pole north pole
protected by iron of an iron alloybehaves
plates covered like a gigantic bar magnet.
with spikes. Magnetic compass needles
are attracted to the two poles S

of the Earths magnetic core,

Korean ship
also known as the magnetic
Admiral Yi N
Sun-sins redesign poles. These coincide roughly
of the Korean with the geographical north
turtle ship and south poles. Because the
was a precursor geographic magnetic
core is uid, the magnetic south south
of the iron-clad
steam warships poles can shift position. pole pole
of the 19th century.

he i t
ra he lY lis
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o B es t m lops atu di he ry
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dis o f M 16 lish ue C t de Tell
o b q e te
pu ticis e
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g M

Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer and
physicist, from The Authority of Scripture
in Philosophical Controversies

Galileo demonstrated his law of falling bodies by rolling a ball down an inclined
plane and measuring its rate of acceleration.

De Magnete also claimed that ENGLISH ASTRONOMER AND Accademia dei Lincei (Academy light is focused Human eye
magnetism and electricity are MATHEMATICIAN THOMAS of the Lynx-eyed) in Romea on the retina The eye sees by
allowing light in
two distinct kinds of force. To HARRIOT (15601621) was successor to the Academia light
through a lens near
show the properties of static fascinated by the behavior Secretorum Naturae (Academy the front. The lens
electricity, Gilbert created of light. In 1602, he studied of the Secrets of Nature), which projects the light
a versoriumthe rst the relationship between the had been founded in 1560 but onto the retina
at the back, and
electroscope, comprising a different angles produced as forced to disband. The Accademia
focuses it to give
freely rotating unmagnetized light is refracted, or bent, dei Lincei later became the a clear though
needle on a stand. The when passing from one medium national academy of Italy. lens inverted image.
versoriums needle was attracted to another, such as from air to The story of Galileo Galilei
to static-charged amber, as water. Now known as the law (see 161113) dropping balls of
if it were a compass needle of refraction, this phenomenon different weights from the top of that the heavier the object, pinhole camera. He examined
moved by magnetism. Gilbert had rst been discovered by the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, the faster it would fall. Galileo the optics of the human eye,
incorrectly inferred that gravity Persian mathematician Ibn Sahl to ascertain the rate of their fall published the nal version of his describing how the lens reverses
was a magnetic force, and that in 984. Unfortunately, Harriot did may or may not have been true; law of falling bodies in 1638. and inverts the image projected
Earths magnetism held the not publish his ndings, and the however, it is known that in 1604 Best known as an astronomer, onto the retina, and suggested
Moon in its orbit. principle is now known as Snells he hypothesized for the rst time Johannes Kepler was also a that this is corrected in the brain.
In the same year, Italian friar Law, after Willebrord Snellius that bodies made of the same pioneer in the eld of optics, In 1604, Italian surgeon
and astronomer Giordano Bruno (see 162124), who rediscovered material and falling through the publishing Astronomiae Pars and anatomist Hieronymus
(15481600) was burned at the the idea around 20 years later. same medium would fall at Optica (The Optical Part of Fabricius (see 159495)
stake by the Roman Inquisition The following year, naturalist the same speed, regardless of Astronomy) in 1604. In addition published the results of his
on charges of heresy. It is Federico Cesi (15851630) their mass. This idea contradicted to describing astronomical dissections of various animals
possible that he was originally founded a scientic society called the prevalent Aristotelian theory instruments, he devoted much fetuses, establishing embryology
arrested purely for his of the text to optical theory, as a new eld of study. He
unconventional theological JOHANNES KEPLER (15711630) including explanations of showed various stages of fetal
beliefs, but it is more likely that parallax (the apparent change in development, and combined
his scientic views were the Born in Germany, Johannes position of a heavenly body when these studies with his work
real reason for the Inquisitions Kepler studied at the viewed from different points), on the circulation of blood to
wrath. Brunos theory of the University of Tbingen, where reections in at and curved produce one of the rst studies
cosmos went a step further he encountered the ideas of mirrors, and the principle of the of embryonic circulation.
than Copernicuss (see 1543),
and was potentially more
threatening to the Churchs
Copernicus. He worked as
a teacher in Graz, Austria,
before moving to Prague to

authority: he believed that the study with Tycho Brahe in 1600.
Sun, far from being the center He remained there as Imperial
of the Universe, was just a star
like any other, and that it was
Astronomer after Brahes
death, until political and family
possible that Earth was not
the only world inhabited by
problems forced him to leave
12 years later.
intelligent life. Johannes Kepler, German astronomer, from De Fundamentis, 1601

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Francis Bacon, English philosopher, from The Advancement of Learning, 1605

Around 1,344 light-years away and situated in the constellation of Orion,

the Orion nebula is one of the brightest and closest nebulae to Earth.

AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 17TH Halley) in 1607, and noted its IN 1609, GERMAN ASTRONOMER
CENTURY, SCIENCE was still position and path across the night JOHANNES KEPLERS book
known as Natural Philosophy. sky. He realized that it was TELESCOPIC Astronomia Nova (New
In 1605, however, English traveling well outside the orbit of VISION Astronomy) was published,
philosopher Francis Bacon the Moon. His observations later describing his observations of
(15611626) published his rst inuenced his laws of planetary
3x the motion of the planet Mars.
work, The Advancement of motion (see pp.100101). His detailed measurements
Learning, setting out arguments The invention of the rst NORMAL
and calculations conrmed the THE NUMBER
for using inductiona process two-lens telescope is generally theory that the planets revolved
of drawing conclusions from data attributed to Dutch inventor Hans around the Sun, and went
accumulated by observationas Lippershey (c.15701619) in
Magnication of early telescopes
further in suggesting that they JUPITER
the basis for scientic knowledge. 1608. Unlike later reecting did so in elliptical, rather than
Later known as the Baconian telescopes that used mirrors,
The telescopes built by Lippershey
circular, orbits. He also pointed
and his contemporaries were
method, or scientic method, Lippersheys refracting telescope capable of magnifying an image out that the speed at which they BY GALILEO
induction became important in had a lens at each end. Although to about three times its size. orbited the Sun did not remain
modern experimental science. Lippershey could not obtain a constant but changed according to around 30 times magnication.
German astronomer Johannes patent for it, his invention earned Another invention that was to to their position on the orbit. English astronomer Thomas
Kepler observed the appearance him money and recognition for revolutionize military campaigns These principles formed the Herriot (15601621) had used
of a comet (now known as Comet its military and commercial uses. was the intlock mechanism for basis of the rst two of the three a telescope to study the Moon in
rearms. Probably the laws that are now known as 1609, and had produced the rst
work of gunsmith and Keplers laws of planetary drawings of its surface. The
violin-maker Marin le motion (see pp.100101). The following year, Galileo used his
Bourgeoys (c.15501634), rst law states that each planet superior telescope and artistic
the intlock appeared has an elliptical orbit with the Sun training to produce detailed
around 1608 in France. as one of the focuses; the second maps of the lunar landscape,
Quicker and more that the speed of a planet is clearly showing the irregularities
efcient than previous inversely proportional to its to be craters and mountains. So
mechanisms, the intlock distance from the Sunthat accurate were his maps that he
was also safer because is, a planet moves fastest when was even able to estimate the
it could be locked into it is closest to the Sun. height of the mountains on the
position during reloading. News of the invention of the surface of the Moon.
It remained in use for refracting telescope reached Italy Galileo was also able to
more than 200 years. in 1609, and Galileo Galilei set examine other planets, and
about building one for himself. in 1610 turned his attention
Lippershey in Galileos telescope allowed him to Jupiter. He noticed three
his workshop to make detailed astronomical
In creating his refracting observations. His early
telescope, Hans Lippershey
telescopes had a magnication of
may have used a combination
of concave and convex about eight times normal vision,
lenses, or two convex lenses. but he later improved the design

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Galileo Galilei, Italian mathematician and astronomer, 1632

previously undetected stars GALILEO CONTINUED HIS

close to Jupiter. However, their ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERIES
behavior indicated that in 1611, describing temporary
they were, in fact, not stars dark areas seen on the surface Born in Pisa, Italy, Galileo
but moons or satellites, of the Sunnow called Galilei studied medicine and
orbiting the planeta sunspots. Although he mathematics at university. In
theory conrmed when claimed to be the rst to have 1592, he took up professorship
one of them disappeared observed these, others may at Padua. His interests
behind Jupiter. In further have done so beforehand. The included astronomy and
observations, he importance of their discovery science of motion.
discovered a fourth lay in the fact that the periodic Galileos scientic views
satellite following a similar appearance of sunspots was were seen as heretical by the
orbit. These Galilean yet another challenge to the Catholic Church, and he was
satellites, as they were later Aristotelean notion of the perfect placed under house arrest
called, were the four largest immutability of the heavens. in 1633, where he remained
moons of Jupiter, now known In 1611, Kepler published until his death.
as Io, Europa, Ganymede, a treatise on optics, Dioptrice,
and Callisto, their names in which he explained the
being associated with workings of the microscope described a form of interplanetary the concept of motion, and put
classical myths. and the refracting telescope. travel, and attempted to explain forward his principle of inertia,
The telescope also He also explored the effects a model of the universe from a which states that a body moving
led to new discoveries of using lenses of different perspective that is not geocentric on a level surface will continue in
elsewhere: French shapes and focal lengths. He (Earth-centred). the same direction at constant
astronomer Nicolas- explained the workings of the Florentine priest and chemist, speed unless disturbed. It
Claude Fabri de Peiresc Galilean telescope, with its Antonio Neri (15761614) explained that moving objects
(15801637) acquired convex and concave lenses, devoted much of his time to the retain their velocity unless a force,
one in 1610 and saw the and also suggested a way of study of glassmaking. In 1612, he such as friction, acts upon them,
Galilean satellites for himself. improving Galileos design using published a comprehensive book a principle later important for
Later that year, he became the two convex lenses to achieve LArte Vetraria (The Art of Glass) Isaac Newtons First Law of
rst person to observe greater magnication. on the manufacture and uses of Motion (see pp.12021).
the Orion Nebula. Galileos moon map In the same year, Kepler also glass, which remained a standard
Although not the rst maps wrote an extraordinary thought textbook until the 19th century. Galileos telescope
of the Moon, Galileos detailed Based only on vague descriptions of
experiment entitled Somnium Galileo was interested not only
charts were the rst to show the Lippersheys telescope, Galileo made
distinctive craters and mountains (The Dream), which was in astronomy, but also in many a telescope with a combination of
on its surface. published posthumously. In it, he other elds. In 1613, he studied convex and concave lenses.

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161417 161820

Napiers Bones, a set of rods inscribed with numbers, provided a quick and simple This reconstruction of Drebbels submarine, the rst navigable underwater
way of multiplying, dividing, and nding square and cube roots. craft, is complete with ns, a rudder, and watertight portholes for oars.


a description of logarithms PROPOSE TO ESTABLISH PROGRESSIVE
(a logarithm is the power to which
a base, such as 10, must be raised point on wheel rim
to produce a given number), Francis Bacon, English philosopher, from Novum Organum, 1620
showing how they could resolve
the tedium of lengthy IN 1619, German astronomer he invented the rst navigable
multiplications and divisions, Johannes Kepler (see 160104) submarine, while in the
the nding of ratios, and the WHEEL ROLLING IN STRAIGHT LINE Cycloid published Harmonices Mundi employment of the British Royal
extraction of square and cube The curve described by a point on (The Harmony of the World). In Navy. It was based on a design
the rim of a circular wheel as it rolls
roots. The logarithm of the Measurement). Over 30 years, this book, he explained the suggested by British writer
on a at surface, known as a cycloid,
product of two numbers he maintained a record of his fascinated mathematicians in the structure and proportions of the
multiplied together is equal to the weight, and the weights of 17th century. universe in terms of geometric
sum of each numbers logarithms. everything he ate and drank, shapes and musical harmonies,
Using tables that Napier included and of all feces and urine that lecture series he expounded in much the same way as the
in his book, it was possible to he passed, and discovered a on his theory, but he did not ancient philosophers Pythagoras
nd the product of two numbers discrepancy that he attributed publish a full account until 1628. and Ptolemy had done before
by looking up their logarithms, to insensible perspiration. In 1617, Dutch astronomer him. Much of Keplers thesis
adding them, and then looking In 1615, French mathematician and mathematician Willebrord concerned the harmony of the
up the result in a table of and theologian, Marin Mersenne Snellius (15801626) published spheresthe idea that each
antilogarithms. (15881648), was the rst to his work Eratosthenes Batavus planet produces a unique sound
Santorio Santorio (15611636), properly dene the cycloid curve (The Dutch Eratosthenes), in which based on its orbit. It also
also known as Sanctorius, traced by a point on the rim of he described a new method for discussed the relationships of FRANCIS BACON
Professor of Anatomy in Padua, a wheel. He also made an measuring Earths radius, by astrological aspects (the angles (15611626)
Italy, described his experiments unsuccessful attempt to rst nding, using triangulation, between planets) and musical
in the study of metabolism in calculate the area under the the distance between two points tones. More inuentially, the Born into an aristocratic
De Statica Medicina (On Medical curve, and so posed a problem separated by just one degree of thesis contained in its nal family, Francis Bacon studied
that several 17th-century latitude. His work is seen as the section a statement of Keplers at Trinity College, Cambridge,

mathematicians tried to solve. foundation for modern geodesy third law of planetary motion, UK, from age 12. A lawyer
In April 1616, for the rst of surveying and measuring Earth. describing the relationship and Member of Parliament,
his annual lectures at the Royal This year, Napier presented between a planets distance he was knighted by James I,
College of Physicians in London, another aid to calculation in his from the Sun and the time who appointed him Attorney

MILES England, William Harvey

(15781657) spoke on the
book Rabdologiae (meaning
measuring rods). This was a set
taken to orbit around it, and the
speed of the planet at any time
General (1613) and Lord
Chancellor (1618). In 1621,
THE MEAN circulation of blood. He was the of rods inscribed with gures in that orbit (see pp.10001). Bacon was found guilty of

RADIUS OF rst to explain the way the heart

pumps oxygenated blood around
derived from multiplication
tables, which became known
Dutch inventor Cornelis
Drebbel (15721633) had moved
corruption. He devoted the
rest of his life to writing.
EARTH the body. During this seven-year as Napiers Bones. to England around 1604. In 1620,

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Robert Burton, English scholar, The Anatomy
of Melancholy, 1621

This engraving of the Greek philosopher Democritus is taken from the title
page of Robert Burtons book on mental illness, The Anatomy of Melancholy.

William Bourne (c.153582) in WITH HIS 1621 TREATISE 2.5

1578, and consisted of a wooden ON THE CIRCLE, Cyclometricus, 2.4
angle of 2
frame covered with leather and Dutchman Willibrord Snellius

powered by oars. Drebbel became the rst European to 1.5 1.5
glass 1.5
subsequently built two larger publish the law of refraction 1.3
submarines, capable of describing the relationship 1.0
carrying a number of between the angles of incidence incoming 1
angle of

passengers, which were and refraction of light passing incident ray

refraction glass is denser than

enters the glass

demonstrated on the Thames through two different transparent 0.5
air, so ray slows down

River in England. In tests, substances, such as air and glass. and bends inward
the nal version of Drebbels Although known as Snells Law 0
submarine managed to stay (see panel, right), this principle exiting refracted light ray
submerged for over three hours, had been mentioned by English returns to its speed in air Refractive indices
The refractive index of a substance
suggesting that it had some mathematician Thomas Harriot
compares the speed of light when it
means of providing oxygenated about 20 years earlier, and was SNELLS LAW passes through the substance to the
air for the occupantsalthough originally described by Persian speed of light in a vacuum.
there are no records to explain mathematician Ibn Sahl in 984. The law of refraction, or Snells Law, concerns the relationship
how Drebbel could have The best known book by English between the angle of incidence (the angle at which light approaches with several designs for his
achieved this. Despite the scholar Robert Burton (1577 the surface of a transparent medium) and the angle of refraction slide rule, starting with a circular
success of the submarine, 1640), The Anatomy of Melancholy, (the angle the light takes as it changes speed through the shape, but eventually settling on
the Royal Navy had no interest appeared in 1621. It attempted to medium). The relationship is constant for all angles of incidence the familiar straight ruler with
in using it. describe various forms of mental and refraction, but varies from substance to substance. a sliding middle section, which
In 1605, in the book The disorder and their symptoms, remained in use until the invention
Advancement of Learning, and suggested possible medical of the pocket calculator some
English philosopher Francis causes and remedies. Although Following from Napiers In 1622, English mathematician, 300 years later.
Bacon had advocated inductive the book was written in the style discovery of logarithms, English William Oughtred (15741660),
reasoning for scientic of a medical textbook, it was more mathematician Edmund Gunter discovered that multiplication
investigation. He wrote on the a literary work than a scientic (15811626) devised logarithmic and division could be done by
subject again in 1620, in a major one. Nonetheless, it was a scales that could be engraved sliding two of Gunters scales Modern slide rule
treatise on logic called Novum forerunner of later scientic on a ruler to help seamen make against each other and reading Complex calculations could be done
rapidly by lining up the different
Organum Scientiarum (New studies of the psychology and calculations for navigation using the resultthe principle of the
logarithmic scales inscribed on the
Instrument of Science). Bacon psychiatry of mental disorders. a pair of compasses or dividers. slide rule. Oughtred experimented rulers of the slide rule and reading
also advocated a process the result using the cursor.
cursor body/stock
of reduction, which involved
movable slide
explaining the nature of
things in terms of the
relationships of their parts.

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15 4 3 17 8 8 THE AGE OF DISCOVERY


The eight planets of the Solar System, as well as millions of smaller

bodies such as comets and asteroids, travel around the Sun in closed loops Neptune
called orbits. What keeps these objects on their curved trajectories is the
same force that makes things fall to the ground on Earth: gravity.

For centuries it was generally believed that the JOHANNES KEPLER Jupiter
Earth was the center of the Universe, with the Kepler was an
assistant to the great Mars
Sun, Moon, planets, and stars rotating around it. Danish astronomer
However, this geocentric model could not Tycho Brahe. He used Earth
satisfactorily account for planetary orbits, and in Brahe's observations
of the planets when Venus
1543 Danish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus formulating his laws
(14731543) proposed his heliocentric (Sun- of motion. Mercury
centered) model, with the planets moving around
0 10 20 30 40 50
the Sun in circular orbits (see 1543).
suggested that
KEPLERS LAWS the same force Orbital speeds
The closer a planet is to the Sun, the greater its average
In the early 1600s, German astronomer Johannes that makes orbital speed. The closest, Mercury, moves almost nine
Kepler (15711630) used observations of planetary objects fall to times faster than Neptune, the farthest.
movements to try to prove Copernicus right. the ground on
However, he could make the observations t a Earthgravitymight also be keeping the Moon
heliocentric system only if the orbits were not in orbit around our planet. Newton realized that the Moon, he was able to work out the Moons
circles but ellipses, with the Sun at one focus (see the force of gravity is weaker the further you are orbital period. This allowed him to formulate his
below left). This fact became the rst of Keplers from the center of the Earth, and he proposed universal law of gravitation (see 1687) and to
three laws of planetary motion. His second law that gravity weakened in direct proportion to the realize that gravity must also be responsible for
(see below right) relates to the way a planets square of the distance. When he applied this to keeping the planets in orbit around the Sun.
speed changes during its orbit, and his third law

92 , 955, 778
(see opposite) concerns the relationship between
a planets distance from the Sun and how long it
takes to complete each orbit (its orbital period).

Kepler had no idea why orbits should be elliptical.
The answer came after his death from English THE AVERAGE DISTANCE IN MILES
scientist Isaac Newton (16421727), who BETWEEN THE SUN AND THE EARTH
Keplers rst law states that every planets orbit is an ellipse The second of Keplers laws states that an imaginary line joining
with the Sun at one focus. An ellipse has two foci; they are the a planet to the Sun sweeps across equal areas in equal times.
planet moves
points from which two lines meeting any point on the ellipse This takes into account the fact that a planet moves faster when more slowly when
always have the same total length. total length it is closer to the Sun and slower when it is farther away.
of yellow lines Sun at one it is farther away
is equal to focus of the from the Sun
total length of planet moves faster elliptical
blue lines when it is nearer orbit
major to the Sun
both blue regions
have the same area,
with the planet
crossing both in
equal time
Minor axis

planet on direction of
Sun at second focus elliptical orbit planets orbit
one focus of ellipse


The Sun exerts a gravitational pull on a planet, and the
planet exerts an equal gravitational pull on the Sun. As
a result, both the planet and the Sun orbit around a
point called the center of mass. Without gravity, the
planet would y off in a straight line out into space; elliptical orbit Sun wobbles
gravity pulls it into an elliptical orbit around the center of planet slightly
of mass. The center of mass is located inside the Sun,
so the Sun's orbit is manifested as a small wobble.

gravity pulls the Sun

toward the planet


center of mass
gravity pulls the planet is inside the Sun
toward the Sun

planets actual direction of

movement constantly changes
due to gravity, resulting in an
elliptical orbit
without gravity planets motion
would be in a straight line

Mercury Earth Mars Saturn Neptune

ORBITAL PERIODS (1 year) (1.9 years) (29.5 years) (164.8 years)
(0.24 year)
Keplers third law gives a mathematical PLANETARY YEARS
relationship between a planets average distance The length of a planets year,
or orbital period, depends on its
from the Sun and its orbital period (the time to average distance from the Sun.
complete each orbit). Specically, it states that The innermost planet, Mercury,
the square of the orbital period is proportional has the shortest year at just 88
Earth days. Neptunes is the
to the cube of the semimajor axis (half the longest: 60,190 Earth days (164.8
diameter of an ellipse at its widest point). This Earth years). The diagram on
makes it possible to quantify the increase in the the right (which is not to scale),
shows the planets orbital
orbital period with increasing distance from the periods in Earth years.
Sun. Although Keplers third law is not as simple
as the second law, it enabled Newton to develop Venus Jupiter Uranus
his universal law of gravitation. Sun (0.6 year) (11.9 years) (84.3 years)

162527 162830

William Harvey, English physician, from An Anatomical Essay, 1628

Sodium sulfate crystals, known as Glaubers salt up to the late

18th century, are mostly sourced from natural minerals.

IN 1625, YOUNG DUTCHGERMAN up from empirical evidence arteries capillaries Harvey doubted this was true. coming from the heart, is
CHEMIST JOHANN GLAUBER acted on an impulse. He wanted His experiments had shown that distributed around the body
(160470) recovered from a to see if he could preserve meat so much blood was pumped by through arteries, while low
20% 10%
stomach bug after drinking from by stufng a chicken carcass the heart that continuous pressure blood returns through
a spring. The following year, he with snow. While the experiment production was improbable. veins. He also theorized about
succeeded in crystallizing sal was a success, Bacon contracted Instead, he deduced that the a specic circulation for
mirabile (miraculous salt) from pneumonia and never recovered. volume of blood is xed and this the lungs.
the springs water. This became In 1627, the most accurate is continuously circulated in the In 1629, Italian inventor
known as Glaubers salt and is catalog of astronomical body. High-pressure blood, Giovanni Branca published
in fact sodium sulfate, which measurements was published 70%
has laxative properties. For since Nicolaus Copernicus had veins
superior vena cava
nearly 300 years physicians suggested that the Sun was at
(main vein) returns HEAD the aorta (main
would use it as a purgative. the center of the Solar System Distribution of blood deoxygenated blood AND artery) sends
In 1626, while traveling through (see 1543). Much of the data Most blood in the systemic to the heart UPPER oxygenated blood
circulation is carried in the veins. BODY
icy London, English philosopher had been collected by Danish around the body
The blood in these thin-walled
Francis Baconchampion of the astronomer Tycho Brahe, but he vessels is at a very low pressure,
idea that theories must be built died before he could publish the so it effectively pools there. right left
work. It fell to his collaborator, lung lung
German astronomer Johannes IN 1628, ENGLISH PHYSICIAN
Kepler, to complete the WILLIAM HARVEY published capillaries
catalog, which was named his most celebrated work: An exchange
deoxygenated heart
Rudolphine Tables after the Anatomical Essay Concerning
blood for liver
Holy Roman Emperor the Movement of the Heart oxygenated
Rudolph II. This work and Blood in Animals. Harvey blood capillaries bring
oxygenated blood to
contains data on the was a great believer in the
the body, where it is
positions of nearly 1,500 stars, need for science to progress by KEY intestines
replaced with
and the planets known at the experimentation, and had closely deoxygenated blood
time. Kepler nanced the studied the blood systems of Systemic loop

books printing and dedicated animals. In the previous century, LOWER

it to Brahe. Italian physician Matteo Colombo Pulmonary loop BODY
had demonstrated that the heart
worked as a pump, and not by CIRCULATION OF BLOOD
suction, as the Ancient Greeks
Frontispiece of
had thought. But the traditional A double blood circulation system facilitates the exchange of
Rudolphine Tables
This depicts an imaginary view persistedoriginating oxygen and carbon dioxide, and ensures maximum pressure of
monument celebrating the with Ancient Greek surgeon, blood in the lungs and around the body. Blood that has been
achievement of generations and philosopher Galenthat oxygenated in the lungs (red) is pumped around the body by the
of astronomers, including
blood was continuously made left side of the heart. Deoxygenated blood from body tissues (blue)
Hipparchus, Ptolemy,
Nicolaus Copernicus, in the liver. After assessing the is pumped back to the lungs by the hearts right side.
and Tycho Brahe. pumping effect of the heart,

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16 the bo mo de e de hum C o th e i n A
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K m O m hat pr in ste
r o
fo Ar t

William Harvey demonstrated that one-way valves in veins Galileo Galilei was tried by the Inquisition and forced to retract his heliocentric
stop blood from owing back to the hand. views. He was placed under house arrest, where he remained till he died.


Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer, supposedly after his forced
Born in England, William recantation of the theory that Earth moves around the Sun, 1633
Harvey studied at the
universities of Cambridge and IN 1631, FRENCH World Systems. In
then Padua, in Italy, before a MATHEMATICIAN PIERRE it he defended the
career in England devoted to VERNIER (15801637) described heliocentric model of
studying blood and circulation; a device that assisted in the Copernicus that Earth orbited
later, he also investigated accurate measurement the Sun, against the classical
reproduction and development. of length. It was based on view of Ptolemy, who said that measuring
He served as physician to both an earlier idea by German Earth was at the center of the jaw
King James I and King Charles I, mathematician Christopher Solar System. As a result of this
and treated victims of the Clavius. The original instrument heresy, Galileo was tried by the
English Civil War. had a sliding scale along the Inquisition and convicted. He
edge of a quadrant, which meant was forced to recant his views.
the user could measure a In the early 1630s, Italy faced
a collection of machine designs Paradisebecame an important fractional part of the smallest a deadly natural threat. Malaria
that included an early steam text on the cultivation of plants, division on the scale. To this day, was spreading northward into
engine. The steam-blasting both for their esthetic and the Vernier scale remains one swampy, low-lying regions; it Vernier
vessel blew through a pipe that medicinal qualities. Although of the best mechanical devices had already claimed the lives scale
was directed at the vanes of a widely acknowledged as the for accurate measurement. of several popes and countless
paddle-wheel, causing the wheel rst gardening book, it made In the same year, English Roman citizens. Agostino
to revolve. Branca came up with limited impact on the scientic mathematician William Salumbrino (15611642) had
several uses for his machine: understanding of plants. Oughtredinventor of the worked as an apothecary in

lifting water, and grinding stone slide rulepublished a text that Peru, where the bark of the
or gunpowder. In reality, however, would have a lasting inuence cinchona tree was used to main
it would have limited practical on many other mathematicians, control the disease. He sent the scale
use. It was also entirely unrelated including Isaac Newton. bark to Europe, where demand
to later, more successful steam Oughtreds The Key of the for it escalated. Its active
engine designs. Mathematicks introduced some ingredient, quinine, would be
Englishman John Parkinson
THE fundamental algebraic symbols: used to treat malaria for more
(15671650) was a herbalist and APPROXIMATE the multiplication sign (x), and than 300 years.
apothecary to the king. He was NUMBER OF the proportion sign (:). For

also a plantsman caught years it was described as the
between the ancient herbalists most inuential mathematical Vernier scale
and a new generation of ILLUSTRATED publication in England. Two adjoining scales that slide
against one another are used to
botanists. His rst major Early in 1632, Italian astronomer
horticultural bookwryly
IN PARKINSONS Galileo Galilei published
make accurate measurements.
This device helps subdivide
entitled Park-in-Suns Terrestrial 1629 WORK Dialogue Concerning Two Chief the smallest of divisions.

no e-
sti in 2 es
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r ale A
ian ds om 2 , 1 ubli g the s
r nie r sc uv en o R y 2 i p in em
Ve ie er no s rk t ar lile ern st
re ern P
31 br
i a b r u Ga onc ld Sy
P ier a V 16 lum ning ria
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31 be
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de co at m D i o Ch
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an lis
h ge
lac e ng iam s ur shes
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re fte s 16 n W duc ls I tal o pu boo logy
29 hes gue ictim c int m o
i a o 32 ri n x t o
16 eve st te path
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1 lis pl s v a ati
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ath gh ra rc
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ten a
163537 163840

Ren Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician,
from Discourse on Method, 1637

Ren Descartes asserted that knowledge In 1639, Jeremiah Horrocks was the rst person known to record a transit
had to be distinct and precise. of Venus as the planet moved across the surface of the Sun.

IN 1636, THE FRENCH Truth in the Sciences, which apart, and each paired transit
MATHEMATICIAN MARIN included essays on astronomy, occurs more than 100 years
MERSENNE published a treatise geometry, and optics. In the apart. When the time came,
on the mathematical analysis books appendix, Geometry, Trained as a lawyer, Pierre de Horrocks focused the Suns image
of musical sound, in which Descartes explained how Fermat inuenced several onto paper and spotted the
he described laws to explain algebra and geometry were branches of mathematics. shadow of Venus only 15 minutes
a stretched strings frequency connected. Two quantities, While he considered himself an later than his prediction.
of vibration. He stated that the x and y, could be represented on amateur, and often refrained Horrocks went on to calculate
frequency was lower in longer two intersecting coordinate lines, from providing proof for his Venuss size and distance more
strings but increased with more the x and y axes, in a graph, discoveries, his work in accurately than ever before.
stretching force. and the relationship between geometry anticipated that of In 1640, sixteen-year-old
Following Italian physicist the two could be represented in Ren Descartes. In 1654, French prodigy Blaise Pascal
Galileo Galileis conviction an algebraic equation. Another Fermat corresponded with (162362) published Essay on
for heresy in 1633, French French mathematician, Blaise Pascal and helped Conics, in which he described
philosopher and mathematician Pierre de Fermat (160165), develop probability theory. the geometric relationship that
Ren Descartes delayed the had independently devised this occurs when a hexagon is drawn
release of TheWorlda bold method in 1629, but it was given within a circle. In doing so he
account of his scientic views, Descartes name, and was an + bn = cn, where n is greater IN 1638, GALILEO GALILEI completed a mathematical
including an agreement with called the Cartesian coordinate than 2. He wrote the theorem published his nal word on theorem so advanced that
Galileos theory of Earth revolving system (see panel, below). in the margin of an old textbook, physics: Discourses and at rst many, including Ren
around the Sun. Part of the text Fermat became better known claiming that he had proof for the Mathematical Demonstrations Descartes, refused to believe
appeared in 1637, in Discourse on for his Last Theorem, which theorem but no room to write it. Relating to Two New Sciences, that the young mathematician
the Method of Properly Conducting stated that no positive whole Independent proof for the theorem which dealt with the strength of had done it.
Ones Reason and of Seeking the numbers t the equation was not found until 1995. materials and kinematicsthe In 1640, English botanist
study of the motion of bodies John Parkinson (15661650)
CARTESIAN COORDINATE SYSTEM without reference to mass or published a plant catalog called
force. The Inquisition had banned Theatrum Botanicum (Theater of
When Descartes and Fermat coordinates of y axis coordinates publication of any work by Galileo Plants). This was the most
B are (4, 2) of A are (4, 4)
realized how coordinates link after his trial in 1633. However, comprehensive work of its kind
4 A
algebra and geometry, it was Discourses was published in at the time, and remained
a major breakthrough for Leiden, Netherlands, where the a popular guide for many years.
science. Coordinates consist of B 2 Inquisition had little inuence.
x axis

two intersecting axis linesx 1 English astronomer Jeremiah
(horizontal) and y (vertical). It is 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Horrocks (161841) had been
possible to dene the position 1 studying Venus and estimated
of any point within this that the planet would pass the
two-dimensional space by 3
Sun on December 4, 1639. His
stating the values of x and y, coordinates of
that is, the x and y coordinates. C are (3, 3)
of D are (2, 2)
prediction was based on the
understanding that transits of
Venus occur in pairs, eight years OF VENUS
n n
35 pa
ica s es 0 cia e on
64 mati es th hin ) ins
16 ci the re
er av
e er ou
m oma ab ora sh cs 1
15, prin en, h n Pi to h rem A u bli hysi r y he olv wit m a rk rum
y s rd is c 3 7 Th ites an ew p p ua mat al s m eore n P at er
Ma ance c ga Roi, is ren icia ims heo 16 thor wr ric he N leo on br c ra h oh The eat
F t ali ook Fe ench Pas xag ls t 0 J hes (Th
37 ma cl st au rton Ame in T n
Fr tani du Par a T G 4
bo rdin d in 16 the mat La Mo rth una naa 38 t b Fr aise c he sca 16 blis cum
a er is 16 las Bl ysti e (P
a pu tani ts)
Ja nde m F h No d fa h Ca his
fou de lved an gl is m ircl Bo Pl an
so a c of

ch nc es
e 39
Fr arin
re n
hin ong 16 s
6 3 7 F Re es C r 4 , rock it
M es 37 st
3 S sa
16 cian crib on 16 ician lish he be Hor ans s 40
at ub , t 16 pedi ishe dia, m r 16 t
a d s lati
t i e m s p hod and l f e ce iah he t Venu 8, rma f
em ne scil e clo pub lope s o D re m t f r 1 e oo
t h rte et s, tr y cy c
en xing ncy rkin ale
g d s o be e F pr e
ath rsen of o a
m sca on M ptric me Je erve to re d as ittl
m e
De rse Dio Geo
g e o v e s c
O ier e h L m
M aws Yin tic e W Re ob P s h his ore
l ou or s , ien Th ven
his sc
D i e te sc a im for The
104 M He cla
164142 164344


Although the symptoms of cholera were rst cataloged in the 1600s, the cholera bacterium,
seen here, was not isolated until the 19th century.

THE GRAND DUKE OF TUSCANY, calculating machine to published posthumously. This IN THE EARLY 1640S, Torricellian tube
Italy, Ferdinand II (161070) help his father with his work book contained some of the EVANGELISTA TORRICELLI Evangelista Torricellis
device consisted of an
invented the sealed glass in government taxes. Known earliest descriptions of tropical was investigating the practical
evacuated glass tube
thermometer in 1641. Working as the Pascaline, this device diseases, including beriberi problems associated with containing a mercury
with Italian physicist Evangelista worked by a system of wheels and cholera. pumping water from deep wells. columnthe height of
Torricelli, he improved on and gears and could perform Another Dutchman, explorer He imitated the action of a which was determined by
atmospheric pressure.
Galileos thermoscope (see routine arithmetic functions of and merchant Abel Tasman suction pump in a small tube
159093) by sealing the liquid addition, subtraction, division, (160359), became the rst and used a denser substance,
column in a glass capillary, and and multiplication. European to reach Van Diemans mercury, instead of water, to mercury up the tube,
using wine, which did not freeze Dutch physician Jacobus Land (now called Tasmania in study the effects. Torricelli and its height was
as easily as water. Bontius (15911631) had his honor). He went on to visit discovered that mercury would determined by the value
A year later, Blaise Pascal traveled to the tropical East New Zealand and islands of rise into the sealed tube to a of this pressure (see
invented a mechanical Indies for the Dutch East India the Southwest Pacic. On his xed height of 30 in (76 cm), p.106). Later, it was
Company in 1627. In 1642, his voyages, he recorded the earliest and leave a gap at the top, discovered that the
Pascals calculating machine medical treatiseDe Medicina European observations of which later became known pressure value varied
This rst Pascaline was primarily Indorum (Indian Medicine) was Australasian fauna and ora. as the Torricelli vacuum. He according to altitude
used by accountants, and its dials deduced that pressure from and weather, and small
were calibrated in accordance with display window shows number dial for
the French currency. input and answers to calculations inputting numbers the atmosphere was forcing the changes in atmospheric
pressure signaled
impending changes
in weather. Torricellis
instrument therefore
came to be adopted as
the rst barometer.
In 1644, Ren
Descartes published
Principles of Philosophy,
in which he proposed an
entirely mechanical basis
for the Universe. He proposed
that the Universe was lled with
small, unobservable particles of
matter that were set in motion
by God, and that all aspects of
science could ultimately be
explained in accordance with
this mechanical principle.

I es
dI ian sh
an d bli nd tes of
i n e er sic ps u
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l et al hy s ok ta elo he lli a s sc ples g
sc p bo 43 elis ev f t er ce ric aw
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ist an 42 cia er
nt s m 16 l ati asel om s
cie ribe s er eorg 4 , Abe e e m B fa on ribe e
s G 2 ath the ue o ies tr
42 n G th
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ch sc te be lor es ee
ut de ara in 16 an rs ct m e s a l er ian a d ar rst
2 , Joh cove c du
41 D vius sep bra h v em exp com to s w lia os e v r s tal iern ppe he life
16 Sy hat the
l rc ist dis at i
No utch n be ean d n ia
4 Ita oli p ecis be I
44 d c a t ic
us ft t of Ma tom ng ncre D ma rop lan an 4 ng pr um
16 Me the ar n 16 nni O copi ye in cop
isc cle bes a
an Wirs p
u a s u e m va cros ys e cros
n ep lo Ta st E th Tas e t ro m: icul
G mi a mi
Fr de r lle
d Pi obl part n
e a Pr the of ok o
th c
bo 105
164548 164951

Pierre Gassendi, French philosopher, from Syntagma
Philosophiae Epicuri, 1649

Florin Prier, Blaise Pascals brother-in-law, climbed Frances Puy-de-Dme volcano to measure
changes in atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes with a rudimentary barometer.

IN THE 1640S, FRENCH idea. Receiving proof, Pascal and soil, he had deduced that IN 1644, FRENCH PHILOSOPHER German physicist Otto von
MATHEMATICIAN BLAISE suggested that air would material for the trees growth had AND MATHMETICIAN REN Guericke (160286) performed
PASCAL started to investigate thin out into a vacuum at still come from water. More than a DESCARTES (15961650) had many experiments to prove that
hydraulicsthe mechanical greater altitudes. century later, experimenters described a mechanical universe the vacuum existed. Around
properties of liquids. He found Polish astronomer Johannes found that an even greater that was lled with particles of 1650, he invented a piston-
that unlike gas, liquid cannot be Heveliuss (161187) greatest quantity came from air, in matter, within which a vacuum operated vacuum pump with
compressed, so when a force is achievement came in 1647, when the form of carbon dioxide. (a space devoid of matter) was a valve system that could remove
applied, it is transmitted through he published Selenography an impossibility. In 1649, French the air from a container by
the liquid. Pascals studies led (Description of the Moon). The priest, experimenter, and
to the invention of the hydraulic rst atlas of the Moons philosopher Pierre Gassendi
press and the syringe. By 1646, surface, it became a standard (15921655) rejected the notion
Pascal had conrmed Italian reference for years to come. that everything could be
physicist Evangelista Torricellis In 1648, a collection of essays 848 explained in purely mechanical
observation that a uid would written by Flemish chemist Jan LB/FT terms, and proposed an
rise in a glass column because of Baptist van Helmont (15801644) 62.4 alternative. He suggested that
air pressure bearing downward was posthumously published by LB/FT the properties of matter were
(see 164344). Pascal also his son. Helmont had articulated determined by the shapes of
predicted that this pressure an early version of the law the atoms, and that atoms joined
would diminish at higher of conservation of matter Comparative densities together to make bigger
Nearly 14 times denser than water,
altitudes. He asked his brother- by describing a ve-year molecules. Gassendi accepted
mercury rises short measurable
in-law Florin Prier, who lived experiment in growing a willow distances in capillary tubes, making the existence of vacuums and
near a mountain, to test the tree. By weighing both the plant it useful in barometers. even proposed that most matter
consisted of void. Gassendis
MEASURING ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE views anticipated later ideas
concerning the bonding of Piston-operated vacuum pump
For centuries, it was believed that atomic elements and the idea Using an elaborate piston system,
at low atmospheric a higher Otto von Guericke created a vacuum
air had no weight. But in fact thin-walled
that an atoms mass is almost
pressure, mercury atmospheric inside two joined hemispheres, called
it exerts a measurable force glass tube entirely concentrated at its the hemispheres of Magdeburg, after
level rises a short pressure forces
per surface area of the Earth. height a greater nucleus (see 1911). his hometown in Germany.
Blaise Pascal demonstrated
atmospheric pressure by
inverting a mercury-lled glass
tube over a mercury reservoir.

amount of
mercury into
the tube
The tubes mercury falls to create pressure

an airless space (a vacuum),
but atmospheric pressure
pushes down on the reservoir to FEET AND ON ALL PARTS OF
maintain a column: the bigger the THE BODY FROM ALL DIRECTIONS.
Otto von Guericke, German physicist, from Experimenta Nova, 1672

h dle e us s an rge bes
lis t Du g th ard f du m di
n e hi r n r o c h ran k ph er Geo scri y en e
E b e t b c ra G t r ss ic ick
45 Ro lis g tio d 4 8 lis de to
G n u Is e
6 D ist rbro nog es es a er ump
16 ilor pub usin jec orl 16 tura rave l his G m u
4 nn sh on re ato r
sa gins tlas pro wn w 16 atom me mo ha ubli Mo na rcg tur a er nG p
ie a J o p the Pi s an atte vo uum
be st a tors kno an n D es 47 us Ma e na zil 4 9 e tto vac
16 veli s of
r rca ole va blish gue th Bra 16 scri of m O
50 s a
Me e wh pu pla He atla of de eory 16 vise
th on an th de

16 r
al 19, rie t tis
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sc r P a ap ts tes l nis sc
Pa hlet be rin s th re B n ar
sc inea s ota shes Pa the
em Flo rate ssu ht 0
e n o s b
s p al t Ja lm rk e h li e 5 s ss
lai am nic r p t 4 8 He wo nd D e p dy lis ub , th 16 velo pre
4 5 B s a p cha lato Se on
s pre eig
16 van ted ry a ed en th bo ter ng e p nica itish de ulic
16 ishe me lcu m ric h h c ist sh y 4 9 R ies the cen 50
ow tan Br ged
de phe wit lle 16 dent d as trol
bl his ca co hem pub ous
li l 16 am H Bri g of ran ally dr
os es i an on hy
pu on m vari c e m gl c illi ogia talo s ar atic
at on y ar sthu W tol ca nt m
y t pla ste
log po Ph rs sy

Pierre Gassendis atomic theory Otto von Guerickes evacuated copper hemispheres were sealed together by nothing more than
was ahead of its time. a smear of grease, yet two teams of eight horses were unable to pull them apart.

pumping, rather than suction. ENGLISH PHYSICIAN NICHOLAS In 1654, four years after problem. This collaboration
Von Guericke published CULPEPER (161654) combined creating a vacuum pump to resulted in the formalization
descriptions of his experiments interests in medicine and botany extract air from two sealed of the principles of probability.
in 1672 in Experimenta Nova to publish The English Physician hemispheres, Otto von Guericke After hearing about the Pascal
(New Experiments), which also in 1652a book that integrated staged one of the most dramatic Fermat exchange, Dutch scholar
contained illustrations of his herbal medicine with astrology public experiments of all time Christiaan Huygens published
vacuum pump design. followed by Complete Herbal in front of an audience at his the rst book on probability in
While physical investigators in 1653, which catalogued the hometown Magdeburg, Germany. 1657. Because of the widespread
debated the nature of matter, medicinal uses of plants. Many Guericke sealed two copper enthusiasm for gambling,
biologists questioned the of the plants he listed are still hemispheres with grease, probability theory became
origins of life. Many took the view in use in medicine todayfor evacuated them using the pump, popular among those who took
As the PascalFermat theory tells a
that life could arise spontaneously. example, foxglove (Digitalis) gambler, the probability of throwing and suspended them between the trouble to understand it.
In 1651, English physician William for heart conditions. Culpepers a double 6 with two dice is 1 in 36. two teams of eight horses. Such
Harvey, who had previously work included descriptions of was the strength of the air
described the circulation of blood many remedies that had been Liquids. This publication pressing in on the two copper
(see 162830), maintained that kept a secret up to that time. contained the idea that later hemispheres, that the horses
animals could only originate In 1653, Blaise Pascal published came to be known as Pascals could not pull them apart despite
from eggs. After studying the results of his exhaustive Law: an incompressible liquids their best efforts. This astounded
chickens, he set out to nd the studies in the physics of liquids pressure in a small closed the assembled audience, and
mammalian egg. As royal in Treatise on the Equilibrium of system is equal in all directions. helped Guericke prove the power
physician, Harvey was granted of the vacuum.
access to the kings fallow deer ,,THE HERBS OUGHT TO BE
Meanwhile, the gambling

for his studies. He examined habits of French nobleman
pregnant animals killed ever DISTILLED WHEN THEY ARE IN Antoine Gombaud (160784)
closer to the point of copulation
in the hope of tracing the source
THEIR GREATEST VIGOR SO were about to help open a new
eld of mathematics. Gombaud
of the egg. Harvey did not know OUGHT THE FLOWERS. questioned the protability of
that embryonic development in a certain strategy in a game Born in Clermont-Ferrand
deer is naturally delayed for up to Nicholas Culpeper, English botanist, from The English Physician, 1652 of dice, so he called upon the in France, Blaise Pascal
eight weeks after fertilizationso assistance of mathematician was a child prodigy who was
he wrongly concluded that the egg Blaise Pascal to explore the tutored by his tax-collector
arose spontaneously in the womb. subject. Pascal initiated father. While still in his teens,
Mammalian eggs were not found correspondence with his he solved a complex
until the 1800s, when ovaries were contemporary Pierre de Fermat mathematical problem and
examined with microscopes. (see 163537) to solve the invented a mechanical
calculating machine. He
Complete Herbal helped form the basis of
This illustration of medicinal plants
probability theory and the
is from an 1850 edition of English
physician Nicholas Culpepers physics of hydraulics.
Complete Herbal.

at 65
m th p r 1 ian on y
4 ke
65 ric e
i llia erts velo be ysic olin bes he
iss m , 1 Gue s th uum
W ss de m ph rth ri m bli
s Gl ato 8
51 a s ce sc e y n te ac
De nish s B de syst Ma to vo stra he v urg
a u s
16 rvey mal rp nc
i an
Ha ani ggs D oma and atic
a pe al ra the Ot mon of t deb
lpe erb 5 3 F bes r
all m e Th mes ph C u H 16 scri live de wer Mag tion
fro na e lym 53 ete po the str
th 16 mpl de the
in mon
Co of e

s 3 Pa tise l
ola s 5 ea a re
16 a tr etic n er
ich she l
es ithm now le
Pi cal
N li n ca en Pas ry
52 ub cia as es h
s ar r k ng m
16 er p hysi 3 P tudi cs bli e a ch ise the
5 pu n an , lat Tri en la
p P 16 es s ami cs Fr d B ility
lpe lish h n li
o gle ls
a 5 4 an bab
Cu Eng lis ody rau an sc
16 at
b tri Pa ly m pr
T h e pu ydr hyd as Ju Fer lop
h d
on an e
d de v e
15 4 3 17 8 8 THE AGE OF DISCOVERY


The modern conception of time of a standardized quantity is shared across

the world. It combines knowledge of astronomical calendars and clocks
based on the apparent motions of stars and planets with recent technologies
for measuring and recording relatively short intervals of time. zodiac ring shows
the constellations

Humans have probably been aware of the measured by tracking the dripping of water, or main hand
indicates local
passage of time from the dawn of consciousness, later the ow of sand, through a narrow aperture. solar time
but a proper understanding of the seasons and
changing length of days throughout the year CLOCK TIME the Sun moves
through the zodiac
only became important with the beginning of The earliest weight-driven mechanical clocks constellations over
settled agriculture around 8000 BCE. Prehistoric probably originated in Europe early in the 2nd the course of a year
monuments from around the world, including millennium CE. A single clock on a public building
Stonehenge in Britain, show a clear ability to track such as a church sufced for an entire community.
seasons from the rising and setting of the Sun. Mechanical clocks became portable with the
The need to measure smaller time intervals introduction of the spring drive around 1500, and
arose only with the advanced civilizations of their accuracy was greatly improved in the late
ancient Mesopotamia around 2000 BCE, probably 17th century. The Industrial Revolution, bringing
driven by religious, ritual, and administrative with it faster travel and telegraph communication,
requirements. Sundials were used to roughly track eventually forced a standardization of timekeeping
the time of day, while shorter time intervals were across widespread areas.

Astronomical clock, Prague, Old Town
Isaac Newton, from Principia, 1687 Square, Czech Republic

2000 BCE 520 CE

First calendars Time candles 800 CE
Ancient Babylonians develop the The rst reference to Hourglasses
earliest known calendars. The year time candlesslow- The rst denitive references to this
is split into 12 months based on the burning wax candles or sand-based equivalent of the water
lunar cycle and an extra month added sticks of incense, which clock date from the 14th century, but
to bring the lunar and solar cycles can roughly reveal the the sandglass was probably invented
back into line. Other civilizations Mayan time even at nightis in Europe, or at least introduced
develop similar calendars. calendar made in a Chinese poem. there, in the early 9th century.

1600 BCE 1500 BCE 1088

Water clocks Early sundials Su Songs
Although probably developed Developed in both Babylon clock tower
in Mesopotamia, water clocks and Egypt, the rst sundials Chinese scholar Su
(clepsydra) become popular in track time through the Song builds a water clock that Clock tower
Greece and Rome. Typically, a shadow cast by an upright uses a complex series of gears to
graduated marker is used to track rod called a gnomon. keep track of astronomical cycles,
the level of water in a container anticipating advances in European
Greek clepsydra with a small hole on the base. Ancient Egyptian sundial clockmaking technology.


the Moon circles the sky roughly

every 29.5 days; ball rotates to
represent the lunar phase

star, representing local

sidereal (star) time, moves
as the Sun shifts against
the background sky

24-hour dials in
ancient Czech,
Roman, and
Arabic numerals


Until the early 19th century, towns kept their own

start and end local time based on the Suns position at noon. The
of ancient
Czech day
advent of rail travelwhich reduced travel times
from days to hoursmade the time difference
between locations problematic. Railroad
companies drove the move to adopt agreed mean
shaded areas times that would be applicable across broad
separate day,
night, and regions or even countries. Near-instantaneous
twilight telegraph communication drove a similar
revolution later in the century, with many territories
Astronomical clockface in the British Empire adopting time zones that were
Installed in Pragues old City a set number of hours behind or ahead of
Hall in 1410, this clock combines a Greenwich Mean Time, as measured at Londons
24-hour clockface with mechanisms to
show the directions of the Sun and Moon Royal Greenwich Observatory. By 1929, this system
among the stars, and the lunar phases. was adopted almost universally.

13th century 1656 1927

Weight-driven mechanical clocks Huygens pendulum clock Quartz clock 1967
The earliest mechanical clocks, Dutch inventor Christiaan Huygens The rst electronic clock The second dened
known from English cathedrals harnesses the regular oscillations using the natural electricity A second is redened
such as Salisbury and Norwich, use of a weighted pendulum to build generated by a rapidly as the duration of
a falling weight on a chain to power clocks that keep time accurately vibrating quartz crystal is 9,192,631,770 cycles
the rotation of the gears, which is to within a built. It measures time with of transition between
regulated by an escapement-and- few seconds Huygens the accuracy of a fraction two energy levels in
oscillator mechanism. each day. pendulum clock of a second per day. Quartz clock a cesium atom.

1430 1759 1947 1970s

Spring-driven clock Marine chronometer Atomic clock Digital timekeeping
Harnessing the force from English clockmaker John These instruments use rapid The use of liquid
an uncoiling spring helps Harrison perfects a spring-driven transitions in the internal crystals to display
reduce the size of clocks timepiece that can keep time structure of elements such changing digits
and watches. German accurately over long periods as cesium to measure time in digital devices
clockmaker Peter Henlein at sea, permitting the exact with tremendous accuracy. revolutionizes
uses this technique to make calculation of longitude on the way time is Casio
the rst pocket watches. Henleins pocket watch board a ship for the rst time. Atomic clock represented. watch

165559 166061

Dutch mathematician Christiaan Huygens was the rst person to see Saturns Gresham College in London, England, was the original home of the Royal
rings, and he suggested they were composed of solid particles. Society; the college was founded by nancier Sir Thomas Gresham.

IN 1655, JOHN WALLIS, AN Johann Rahn would invent the THE ROYAL SOCIETY, one of A year later, Robert Boyle
ENGLISH MATHEMATICIAN, symbol for division: . the oldest learned scientic published The Sceptical Chymist,
helped develop a way of nding Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch societies, was founded in which established his reputation
the tangential lines to a curvea mathematician and instrument- London in November 1660. as the father of chemistry. In
white blood
fundamental aspect of the study maker, invented new kinds of cells and The rst meeting of 12 natural it, he criticized the old alchemy
of innitesimal changes known timepieces and telescopes. Early platelets philosophers took place at and described a new scientic
as calculus. He devised a new in 1655, he discovered Titan Gresham College and included way of studying chemistry that
mathematical symbol to denote Saturns biggest moonusing a English architect Christopher advanced by experimentation. He
innity (a quantity larger than telescope he had made with his Wren and Robert Boyle. The replaced old ideas about natures
any number): . Four years brother. By the end of 1656, society met weekly to discuss elements with the modern
45% 54%
later, Swiss mathematician he had noticed that Saturns red blood cells plasma natural knowledge and watch concept of an element as a
crescents cast a shadow experiments; the rst Curator of pure substance that cannot be
on the surface, suggesting Components of blood by volume Experiments was Robert Hooke. degraded into simpler forms.
The scarcity of white blood cells, along
that these rings were
with inadequate microscopy, meant
made of solid material that 17th-century microscopists were tough muscle layer elastic layer endothelium
not directly connected to able to record only red blood cells. brous layer
the planet. In the same
year, Huygens invented an attributed to English inventor
accurate pendulum clock. Robert Hooke, it allowed
Until the early 1600s, pendulum clocks to work with ARTERY tough
elastic layer valve
clocks could lose up to 15 smaller swings and longer brous layer
minutes a day. Huygens pendulums with heavier weights.
clock was a hundred times Later, in 1658, Hooke devised the
more accurate. By 1657, balance spring for watches as
he was back to mathematics, part of an improved escapement.
VEIN muscle endothelium
crutch collaborating with Pierre de In 1657, a new scientic society layer
Fermat and Blaise Pascal was established in Florence, endothelium
to publish the rst major Italy. Accademia del Cimento
textbook of probability (The Academy of Experiment)
theory. The mechanism of aimed to further enquiry by single cell
Huygens pendulum clock experimentation. Its prospectus
was further improved by became a popular laboratory TYPES OF BLOOD VESSELS
the invention of the anchor manual in the 1700s.
escapement in 1657. Widely Jan Swammerdam, a Dutch Thick-walled arteries have the most elastic bers to help sustain
biologist, spent much of his career the high pressure of blood from the heart. Thin-walled veins
Pendulum clock studying anatomy and insects transport low-pressure blood and have valves to stop backow
pendulum Huygens clock kept better using a microscope. In 1658 as the blood returns to the heart. Between them are microscopic
bob time because the period of
before his university traininghe capillaries composed of endothelium (a single-celled layer) only,
the pendulum remained
the same, regardless of was, purportedly, the rst person which facilitates the transfer of food and oxygen into tissues.
the amplitude of its swing. to observe red blood cells.

65 en
s m rt s
5 , 1 uyg er
da be he s
2 ke 0 Ro blis ent ical, ts
h H n,
rc iaa Tita on
n ns oo
m red 66 s 6 0 u im n en
ge t H chor ock
s am s , 1 ty i 16 yle xper echa rim
Ma rist ers t mo uy the f r Sw rve r 8 i e
be oc on
H e l an bse Bo w E o-M xpe p
Ch cov ges 56 be e
s o ob e an or c J m l S nd
dis e lar rn 16 scri atur ings R
57 s t nt
h f 58 ly s
ve oya n Lo Ne ysic ing e pum
e n r 16 ent me 16 ssib cell o
N eR d i Ph lud n air
th Satu d lid s
po od
of so turn inv cape Th nde inc th a
Sa es blo fou wi

llis 6 y
65 he
em ke
Wi es
Wa the e r 1 the lis on ad nt is oo e
h n s l b s e ub ok ry Ac e nce 5 8 H lanc s as am er
Jo uce bo m ke at p
bo eo e m 16 e ba tche om n v
55 trod sym ce ma cur ck ns Th eri ore Th and l fe
1 in ity De ens t ac clo ge rst th 57 Exp n Fl th wa 60 bes era
uy e ility 6
1 of d i ts r 6
1 cri erp
n yg rs lum H h en g fo
in Hu u 57 t ab e v s pu
16 ob d in rin
nd pr u n de
pe fo sp


Observed by Robert Hooke in 1664, Jupiters red spot is a giant storm,

large enough to engulf three Earths.

TWENTY YEARS after it was

proved that air pressure
decreases with height, English
meteorologist Richard Towneley English physicist and inventor,
noted that a xed amount of Robert Boyle was a pioneer of
trapped air expanded in volume chemistry as well. He pursued
at high altitude. Robert Hooke science through experiment
subsequently conrmed these and reasoning, and he was
observations by experimentation. inspired by Galileos work (see
Robert Boyle published what he 161113). Boyle made an air
called Towneleys hypothesis pump and used it to study the
in 1662, but later it became behaviour of gases. One of the
known as Boyles law. rst fellows of the Royal Society,
In the same year, at a time he came up with the modern
when an outbreak of the bubonic concept of chemical elements.
plague in London was imminent,
More than 30 years earlier, The Sceptical Chymist English shopkeeper John
in his great treatise on blood Robert Boyles book is a dialog Graunt published his analysis fellow. Today, Graunts life It incorporated mirrors as
between ctitious supporters of
circulation, English physician of Bills of Mortality. Although not tables mark the foundation a way of avoiding the color
alchemy and the voice of reason
William Harvey had suggested extolling a science based on atoms, a scholar, Graunt used these of the statistical study of aberrations that arose when
that the body contained minute denable elements, and experiments. records to work out population populations: demography. lenses refracted (bent) different
blood vessels that connected trends. Impressed with Graunts In 1663, Scottish astronomer wavelengths of light. However,
arteries with veinsand thereby devoted much of his career to the efforts, Charles II ordered the James Gregory proposed a it was Isaac Newton who was
completed the circuit. In 1661, microscopic study of anatomy. Royal Society to admit him as a design for a reecting telescope. able to get the rst reecting
Italian physician and biologist He would go on to make telescope made (see 166768).
Marcello Malpighi used his important discoveries about the BOYLES LAW Although astronomers had
microscope and discovered these kidneys, embryos, insects, and studied Jupiter earlier, they did
blood capillaries. Malpighi even plants. one weight produces
Unlike liquids, gases are not record its Great Red Spot


compressible. Physicist Robert
Boyle formalized a law
describing the relationship
between the pressure of a
pressure in the
spread evenly
until the 1660s. This may have
been because of inadequate
telescopes or because, until
then, it was not there at all. The

gas and its volume. As long as DIFFUSION spot, which is a giant storm,
PRIMITIVE OR SIMPLE, temperature stays the same,
two weights produce
double the pressure probably started only around

OR PERFECTLY the pressure and volume of a in the container 1600. Robert Hooke observed it
gas are inversely proportional. in 1664, but Italian astronomer
high pressure
In quantitative terms this means Giovanni Cassini may have seen
that if pressure is doubled, molecules into half it as early as 1655.
Robert Boyle, English scientist and inventor, from The Sceptical volume is halved and vice versa. PRESSURE the original volume
Chymist, 1661

66 hi on zo s s
ola zes
5 , 1 lpig tise its en be rs
1 Ma ea ng or scri of nt d ade ich ogni is t
er te
h L au l an M N ob Jupi
rc llo a tr rib nd i t
62 de y Gr ur a ions 63 rec ar le
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16 llini atom s n at t it y 16 eno e he usc 64 es
Ma blis g, d sac illa Be e an ney
Jo s N r va tal St at th of m 16 rv
62 he bse or 9, obse pot
pu e lun i (air f cap th e kid 16 blis al O of M th de y
Ma oke Red
th eol rk o th pu l itic ill s m
alv two Ho eat
Po o n B G r
ne Up

1 n rt ry
66 se t be go is
c h 1 akes t S ten duc t 2 Ro the G re n of ill
W he
r 6 s en g
es esi ope
Ma hi m e r s els he es as of t on
s e
Ni rs t arg he oy
le 16 crib twe re am e d sc m y i
g th u
uo to 61 ove the l nd, t nd t B he es p be ssu d 3 J s th tele ho om ipt d
a i g 6
1 isc of er es T ist d e 6 4 T n at e s cr s a n n s
16 ribe ting
i e
M b
m enc ells
gla d gl
a b yle sh pr all w 6
16 es a D er v ctio
A e
a d
ry i Ro ish ym Bo tion and ter c La sc ec
un efer d c va arot 61 bl Ch la e a s de re sh ith N un
r loo
l i
p 16 pu ical re lum as, l oyle a u bli n, w f the ir F
b t vo a g B p r ai o th e
Sc f B
166566 166768


Robert Hooke, English inventor, from
Micrographia, 1665

This image of a louse is from Micrographiaa record of observations

Robert Hooke made using a microscope.

HOOKE, Curator of Experiments Giovanni Cassini observed an ice cap TRANSFUSIONSdog to dog
on Mars, although it was centuries
at the Royal Society, London, had been demonstrated before horizontal
later that images such as this helped
had turned his attention to reveal its makeup. the Royal Society. In 1667, eyepiece
microscopy. In 1665, he animal-to-human therapeutic
published the Societys rst plague. One of its students, blood transfusions were
monograph, Micrographia, physicist and mathematician attempted; animal blood was Although the
with exquisite illustrations of Isaac Newton (16421727), regarded as less likely to be book Experiments
miniature life, including the rst used his freedom to make rendered impure by passion or on the Generation of
depiction of a microorganism extraordinary discoveries. Within vice. Independently of one Insects appeared as an
in this case, a mould. The book two years, he invented calculus, another, English physician obscure publication in 1668,
contained the rst published had his rst insight into gravity, He also calculated the planets Richard Lower (163191) and its author, Italian physician
reference to a biological cell, and used prisms to study the rotational period to be about French physician Jean-Baptiste Francesco Redi (162697), had
which Hooke named after colors of a rainbow. 24 hours, 40 minutes. In the Denis (16431704) transfused described potentially ground-
looking at cork tissue. In 1666, Italian astronomer previous two years, he had small quantities of lambs breaking experiments in it. Redi
In this year, Cambridge Giovanni Cassini (16251712) determined the rotational blood into their patients. Those was testing the idea that life
University, England, was closed was the rst to observe that the periods of the planets Jupiter patients lucky enough to survive specically maggotscould
as a precaution against the planet Mars had a polar cap. and Venus as well. doubtless did so because the form spontaneously, as was the
allergic reaction was minimal. prevailing wisdom. He placed

1 1
colors white light

white light
split screen TELESCOPE
rst prism second
However, the procedure was pieces of meat in jars, sealing
eventually banned in France some with gauze and leaving
following a number of fatalities. others open. Maggots appeared
NEWTONIAN PRISM EXPERIMENT In 1668, Isaac Newton built the only in the open jarsevidence
rst reecting telescope. By they could not form on their
Although other scientists had shone white light The rst prism splits white light into seven colors, using mirrors, the design avoided own. However, his
through a prism to produce a rainbow of colors, each made up of light with a different wavelength. the lens aberration associated debunking of
Isaac Newton had the novel idea that the colors Splitting happens because light with the longest with refracting telescopes. spontaneous
were constituents of white light, which were wavelength (red) bends less than light with the Scottish astronomer James generation had
separated by the prism. He proved this by placing shortest wavelength (violet). The second prism Gregory had described such an little impact on
a second prism upside-down in front of the rst. bends them againand so recombines them. instrument ve years earlier, but the progress of
had no means of producing it. biological thought

65 ns, r
16 va 65 he s 67 n ke
5, Sa c
16 osop hia ke rve g 16 ia ny oo n
ar es nti r y il ap oo se sin 15, ysic De t 7 H ctio n
nu l d ie s n ua h ph oke ogr 6 6 H as b
o y u
n e p h ste rs 6
16 fun tio
Ja urna st sc gin Pari
Ja glis t Ho Micr 6
, 1 vit
y ton n b nts i
Ju ench apt he an er rt a
Jo e r l, be in En ber hes 21 gra rce New ctio nve Fr an-B ms t um ion t ob hea n in
ch es ve fo
66 fr nd Oc ows ds o s
n a
h a
rn atio Ro blis r
16 ht re , a Je rfor ed h sfus
Ma scri acti
t b
jou blic pu g m pe cord tran sh pen lung
pu de attr li ris us
re od de the
an a p lcul of
ca blo

er nis
no ers 7 Da olas
tro cov ap 6 i c es
a s is e c 16 ist N duc st
ian ni d ic lo g p r o e
r i se
I tal assi olar bio teno e ea eati
66 C p th l tr
16 anni as a
i ov rs h gic
G a
M e olo

Richard Lower was part of a transfusion craze that spread across Europe. A 19th-century engraving depicts Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam being plagued
Here, he is seen transfusing blood from a lamb to a man. by a swarm of bees after removing their queen from the hive.

sliding focus Replica of Newtons telescope Joseph Wrights In 1672, Isaac Newton presented
composed With its horizontal eyepiece, The Alchymist a paper to the Royal Society on
of leather Newtons reecting telescope This highly dramatic
his observations of the rainbow
was easier to use than traditional painting of 1771 is a
instruments. Its 1 in (3 cm) mirror fanciful recreation, rather of colors that make up white
reduced the optical imperfections than a true portrait, of light (see panel, opposite). He
seen in refracting telescopes. Hennig Brands accidental was subsequently elected a
discovery of phosphorus.
fellow of the Society, but Curator
of Experiments Robert Hooke
mineralized remains of criticized Newtons paper,
extinct organisms triggering an ongoing dispute
found in these strata between the two men.
could be sorted by age. In 1673, German mathematician
The scientic study Gottfried Leibniz created a
of insects arguably had calculating machine and
its foundations in Jan presented it to the Royal Society.
Swammerdams 1669 In the same year, Dutch
book General History astronomer Christiaan Huygens,
of Insects. In this, the inventor of the pendulum clock,
Dutch microscopist published the mathematical
GERMAN ALCHEMIST HENNIG described the larval and pupal analysis of pendulum motion,
BRAND was searching for stages of insect life histories. showing how length and weight
the philosophers stone that In 1670, English chemist affect swing.
until the work of Louis Pasteur supposedly changed base metal Robert Boyle poured acid onto a
in the 19th century on the into gold and, in 1669, he thought metal and obtained inammable
introduction of organisms from he had found it. But the glowing air. Boyle had isolated hydrogen.


movable the environment (see 187071). substance Brand discovered Cassinis work on astronomical
mount In 1668, English chemist John was phosphorus. dimensions in 1671 included his
Mayow (164079) developed a That year, Danish biologist and computation of the EarthMars 90
combustion theory countering geologist Nicolas Steno (163886) distance, which gave the rst
earlier suggestions of burning explained that as sediment indications of the Solar Systems 60
occurring through the liberation layers accumulated, old rock size. His 1672 calculation of the
of phlogiston. He saw that strata were overlain by newer EarthSun distance is close to 30
burning antimonya metallic ones. This meant that fossils current estimates.
elementcaused a gain, rather
,, 0

Cassinis Actual
than a loss of weight. He
suggested this came from a

component of the air he called MEN TO LOSE HOURS LIKE SLAVES EarthSun distance
spiritus igneo-aereus. This idea IN THE LABOR OF CALCULATION. Cassinis religious faith made him
resist the idea of a Sun-centered
anticipated the discovery Universe, but his views changed as
of oxygen a century later. Gottfried Leibniz, German philosopher and mathematician, 1685 he computed astronomical distances.

t s
h s pis he h er
lis sh n ibe on co blis o lis rt om
ng hn ts nli ticia escr vati r
o pu ts ten the ock ng obe ron s
6 8 E st Jo gges E
68 ma s d er
i c
m am se
6 9 S bes of r y of 7 0 E st R tes t
as gen
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ch yow tain rit
m hn W of tum D ut me ry o de ma as a the ch yle en D ut n Hu the
69 am sto 3 iaa On ck
Ma con l spi Jo e law en 16 n Sw l Hi for ata ring Bo drog 7
16 rist hes Clo
air eria th mom Ja ner
a str mpa ils hy Ch blis lum
a of Ge co foss pu ndu
of Pe

an on an ini is
ici wt l m ss e sh an
ys oves Ne tica e
er nnig Ca s th e he ibing s m
p pr us G
69 He ew
2 is er cian
ian dis eo s 6 8 p 67 ine nc bl cr or G i
16 ist s a n ed
73 at ni
pu des col z
t 1 m sta
tal edi ntan ggot 16 rst esco 16 hem Leib ing
I el em ver nti us us eter n di ton ght, of
68 R o a e t h e r Au
g d Su w m at ied lat ne
16 esco of sp of m
s t ing alc isco r id pho 2 Ne on li ctru m fr lcu hi
c es on ild ct d te s rth 7 r e tt a c
a n i i bu ee nd t, la pho Ea 16 ape e sp Go a c ma
Fr eor erat r a
Br en as p th n s
th en m rst s ig
g ele de
15 4 3 17 8 8 T H E AG E O F D I S C OV E R Y

Robert Hookes microscope

British scientist Robert Hooke devised lens
a compound (two-lensed) microscope specimen lens
in which a water-lled sphere was holder
used to focus light from an oil lamp
onto the specimen. Van Musschenbroeks
lamp-oil water-lled
reservoir sphere The simple microscope of Dutch
instrument-maker Johan van
barrel Musschenbroek had ball-and-socket
joints to move small specimens, such
as insects, into focus.

socket joint
lens holder
Leeuwenhoeks microscope
Dutch merchant Antony van
Leeuwenhoek made a unique
kind of simple (one-lens) screw moves
microscope; his tiny spherical specimen up
lens helped him see or down
microscopic organisms.


By opening up a world in miniature, microscopes have

helped scientists to understand the building blocks of
the world around usfrom the cells of living things
down to individual molecules and even atoms.

In the early 1600s, Dutch eyeglass-makers made the

rst microscopes by xing two lenses together in a tube
to create a magnifying power greater than that of a focus
single lens used on its own. As lenses were rened, so
the quality of the magnied image improved. Then, in mirror to
focus light on stage (holds
the 20th century, breakthroughs in atomic physics led to specimen specimen)
the invention of the electron microscope, whichinstead
of light raysused electron beams with shorter
wavelengths to reveal even tinier particles. mirror
Tulley & Sons achromatic
Designed by British scientist Joseph
instruction Lister, this microscope was made
booklet with new achromatic lenses that
focused different colors accurately
interchangeable together, yielding better images.
objective lenses

Compound drum
microscope Culpeper compound
c.1850 microscope
The popular drum c.1740
microscope focused on British instrument-maker
a specimen mounted Edmund Culpeper produced
on a basal stage, using inexpensive tripod-style
a sliding body tube that microscopes; early models
contained the lenses. were made partly of wood.
This design made it However, the xed upright
easy to transport the design and crude focus
microscope and lenses. made them difcult and
uncomfortable to use.

stage holds
device containing
polarizing prisms binocular eyepiece



Petrological achromatic
compound microscope
c.1890 body
Designed by British geologist Allen containing
pivot Phase contrast phase
Dick, this microscope used polarized plate
light to study petrological specimens
(rocks and minerals), and could be
Invented in 1932, phase-
pivoted for comfortable use.
contrast techniques reveal
subtle differences that the eye
cannot seeso colorless Polarizing light microscope
living cells could be studied c.1980
without staining them. Polarizing lterswhich line up
light vibrations in one direction
are used in microscopes to study
the optical properties of crystal.

eyepiece lens

USB microscope
A Universal Serial Bus (USB)
microscope is a miniature device
that is connected to a computer
to generate on-screen images of
magnied specimens.

Multiocular electromagnet
microscope eyepiece
acts as lens
German instrument-
maker Carl Zeiss was
a leading manufacturer
of microscopes. His
work with German
physicist Ernst Abbe
meant that lens
design could be
radically improved
to produce superior


61/2 ft- (2 m-) high

body tube

Metropolitan Vickers adjustment

EM2 electron microscope screw
c.1946 eyepiece
The rst electron
microscope to be
mass produced in Britain, Atomic force microscope
this had the potential to c.2000 Scanning tunneling microscope
magnify to 50,000 times. Developed from the scanning 1986
An electron microscope tunneling microscope in 1986, Invented in 1981, this was the rst kind of
res a beam of electrons this scans objects with an microscope that allowed scientists to see
at a specimen contained atom-sized probe and is individual atoms. Objects could be viewed
in a vacuum and uses one of the most powerful to a resolution of a nanometer (one millionth
electromagnetic lenses. microscopes available today. of a millimeter).

1675 167678

Leeuwenhoeks animalcules were really single-celled organismssuch as
this Parameciummany of which reproduce rapidly in standing water.

ISAAC NEWTON PUBLISHED was built to improve ways of IN 1676, DUTCH ASTRONOMER
HIS HYPOTHESIS OF LIGHT in measuring longitude for sea OLE RMER (16441710) used
1675, suggesting that light was navigation: it marked what later astronomical measurements to
made up of particles that he became the prime meridian deduce that light has a xed Hooke originally applied his
called corpuscles. Physicists between east and west. Many speedsomething that was law of elasticity to a clock
had long debated the nature years later, through international not readily accepted until the spring, but it applies to any
of light: some, like Newton, agreement, it would mark an mid-1700s. elastic materiala solid that
favored particles, others ofcial starting point of each In 1668, Dutch textile merchant can change shape but then
the theory that light traveled dayat the stroke of midnight Antony van Leeuwenhoek return to its original form.
like waves. The corpuscular Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). (16321723) had traveled to As applied force (F) spring
theory prevailed until the 1800s, Italian microscopist Marcello London and been impressed increases, so does the stretch X
when British physicist Thomas Malpihgi (162894) published by Englishman Robert Hookes length (X): doubling the force
force (F) of the
Young proved that light was his principal work Anatome publication on microscopic life: stretches the elastic twice as small object
wavelike (see 1801). Plantarum (Anatomy of Plants) Micrographia. On his return much. The law applies up to stretches the spring
In March, Charles II appointed on the ne structure of plant home, Leeuwenhoek designed a certain elastic limit, beyond by a distance of X
British astronomer John tissues, naming the outer layer his own microscopeswith which the material does not
Flamsteed (16461719) as the of a leaf the epidermis and its small spherical lenses fashioned recover and may snap. F

rst Astronomer Royal for a tiny breathing pores, stomata. by drawing out a thread of glass,
new observatory at Greenwich, Another Italian, astronomer which was rounded off at the tip
London. The Royal Observatory Giovanni Cassini, noticed that (see p.114). The magnications he became the rst person to was possible to calculate the
Saturns distinctive ring was rivaled those of any microscopes see human spermatozoa and, distance between Earth and
Royal Greenwich Observatory divided. The dark gap became then in useand he set about as he persisted, Leeuwenhoeks the Sunlater known as the
Home of the prime meridian known as the Cassini division. exploring miniature worlds. scientic reputation improved. astronomical unitby making
and Greenwich Mean Time, the
Scientists now know that this When he saw the microscopic In 1677, English astronomer geometric measurements during
Royal Observatory was made
a World Heritage Site by gap comprises small taste buds on an oxs tongue, Edmond Halley suggested it a transit of Venus as the planet
UNESCO in 1997. particles at low density. he was curious to study taste. passed in front of the Sun. Halley
This led him to soak pepper could not test this theory in his
and spices in water. One of lifetime, but at the next transit,
his pepper infusions ended up in 1761, his technique was used
teeming with tiny living beings, to produce a value very close to
which Leeuwenhoek referred to modern estimates.
as animalcules. Many of these In England, Robert Hooke
organisms were likely to have had been turning his attention
been the microbes that were to the physics of elastic clock
later referred to as protozoans. springs. He formalized an
In 1676, Leeuwenhoek wrote everyday observationthat the
the rst of many letters to the Antony van Leeuwenhoek force applied is proportional to
This merchants experience of using
Royal Society describing what the amount of stretchinto what
a magnifying glass in the textile
he sawinitially provoking trade led him to make microscopes, became known as Hookes Law,
scepticism. The following year, and then microbiological discoveries. which he published in 1678.

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167981 168284

Giovanni Borelli, Italian physiologist, 1670s

Dione, one of Saturns moons, was discovered by Italian astronomer

Giovanni Cassini in 1684.

IN 1682, AS ENGLISH Giovanni Cassini had been

screw safety valve ASTRONOMER EDMOND HALLEY studying the planet Saturn, and
lever plotted the orbit of a comet, he by 1684 discovered four of its
realized that its characteristics moons. He called them Sidera
matched those of comets Lodoiceathe Stars of Louisin
recorded in 1531 and 1607. He honor of Louis XIV, patron of the
weight deduced that they were all the Paris Observatory. Individually,
same cometwhich today the moons are now named
bears his name. Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, and Tethys.
GERMAN MATHEMATICIAN Also this year, English botanist Robert Hooke and Edmond
Gottfried Leibniz had Nehemiah Grew (16411712) Halley had been collaborating
investigated a binary number published his book The Anatomy on trying to explain observed
system in which numbers of Plants, one of the earliest planetary motions based on
are represented by just two On the Motion of Animals comprehensive texts on plant mathematical laws that had
In this book, Giovanni Borelli applied
symbols: 0 and 1. In 1679, biology. Grew often collaborated been described by German
the physical principles of mechanics
he suggested using such to describe how the living body with the Italian Marcello astronomer Johannes Kepler
a system as the basis for a works and moves. Malpighi on microscopic at the start of the century. When
computing machine.
This year, French inventor his career studying the
Denis Papin (16471712) movements of animals. He ALL NATURE IS AS ONE
collaborated with his Anglo realized that muscle contraction
Irish counterpart Robert Boyle relied on chemical processes
on a steam digester. This
cooking device using high-
and nervous stimulation. His
pioneering work in this new eld
pressure steam made it of biomechanics was published Nehemiah Grew, English botanist, in The Anatomy of Plants, 1682
possible to extract fat in 1680, a year after his death.
from bones, and led to the
development of the steam 125 anatomyGrew concentrated they were unable to do so, in

engine and pressure cooker. 120 on plants, Malpighi on animals. 1684, Halley visited English
Italian physiologist and 115 Previously, Grew had extracted physician and mathematician
physicist Giovanni Borelli 110 the green plant pigmentcalled Isaac Newton in Cambridge to
(160879) spent much of 105 chlorophyll todayand may gauge his opinion, only to be told
100 have made some of the earliest that Newton had already resolved
95 observations on chloroplasts. the issue. Encouraged by Halley,
Papins steam digester 0 5 10 15 He also asserted that plants Newton went on to explain the
PRESSURE (IN PSI) reproduce sexually (in other
The safety valve that elliptical orbits of planets,
Papin invented for his Boiling points words, have male and female which he eventually incorporated
steam digester was an Water boils at higher temperatures
parts), and found that pollen in Principia (see 168789).
important technological as pressure is raised. As a result,
advance for the use of steam food cooks at higher temperatures grains had distinctive surface
as a motive power. in boiling water under pressure. sculpturing (see 191617).

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168586 168789

Charles Allen, British dental practitioner, from The
Operator for the Teeth, 1685

Painted by Dutch artist Gerrit von Honthorst, The Tooth Extractor illustrates Newton argued that the Moon is
the crudities of 17th-century dentistry. subject to the force of Earths gravity.

IN 1685, EARLY DENTAL diversity. Naturalists Historia Plantarum IN THE SUMMER OF 1687, THE
PRACTITIONER CHARLES ALLEN catalogued and classied John Rays three-volume treatise ROYAL SOCIETY IN LONDON
appeared from 1686 to 1704. He
published the rst book written animals and plants based AUTHORIZED PUBLICATION
classed plants as either herbs or
in English on dental procedures, on their structure, often trees, and distinguished between of Isaac Newtons Philosophiae
The Operator for the Teeth. performing painstaking spore- and seed-bearing plants. Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Dentistry had been attempted dissections of specimens to do (Mathematical Principles of
with varying degrees of success so. Prominent among them was breaking achievement in Natural Philosophy). In this
since the ancient civilizations, English naturalist John Ray natural history but sold poorly, celebrated book (usually referred
but specic operators for the (16271705), who published the which meant that its publisher, to simply as Principia), regarded
teeth emerged only in the 17th rst volume of his treatise The the Royal Society, could not by some as the most important
century. These early dentists History of Plants in 1686, a work afford to fund Isaac Newtons scientic work ever produced,
gave advice on dental hygiene, relying heavily on his travels in Principia a year later.
made articial teeth, and also Europe. Ray created a system English mathematician
performed extractions, without of classication to organize his Edmond Halley, already
anesthetic, using a pelican catalog and, signicantly, known for his astronomical
an instrument so-called formalized the idea of a discoveries, also studied
because of its resemblance species. He emphasized the the terrestrial atmosphere.
to the birds bill. importance of reproduction: that In 1686, he suggested that
This latter part of the 17th seeds sprouting from the same surface winds occurred
century saw important advances parent plant belong to the same because of a pattern of
in the classication of lifes species, even though they may classication. Following atmospheric circulation that was
exhibit accidental variations. Willughbys premature death in ultimately driven by heat from
Rays concept was to be adopted 1672, Ray published his studies the Sun. Tropical warmth at the ISAAC NEWTON
by generations of naturalists. posthumously. Willughbys equator makes air there rise, (16421727)
Another English naturalist, treatise Ornithology, which had causing more air to rush in to
Francis Willughby (163572), appeared in 1676, was the rst the region of low pressure. This Arguably the greatest of all
had studied at Cambridge book to take a scientic phenomenon provided the basis mathematicians, Newton
University, England, under John approach to the study of birds. for Halleys explanation of the founded classical mechanics,
Ray with whom he collaborated The History of Fishes, published behavior of trade winds and invented calculus, and made
in much of their work on in 1686, was another ground- monsoons. At this time he also breakthrough discoveries
revisited observations made by about gravity and light.
other researchers 40 years
earlier: that atmospheric
pressure decreases with
He studied at Cambridge
University, England, where
he became a professor

Edmond Halley
WE MUST DISCOVER CRITERIA altitude (see 164554). Halley
searched for the quantitative
of mathematics. After
reforming the coinage of the
Although perhaps best known for his FOR DISTINGUISHING WHAT ARE relationship between pressure Royal Mint, he was elected
work on astronomy, Halley was also
a mathematician and geophysicist, CALLED SPECIES. and altitude, and so established president of the Royal Society
and became professor of geometry routine use of the barometer in in 1703 and knighted in 1705.
at Oxford University in England. John Ray, from Historia Plantarum, 1686 practical surveying.

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Isaac Newton, English mathematician, from Principia, 1687

year, Newton immersed himself

gravitational force pulls equal gravitational force pulls
pulley in a study of physical laws, the pink ball toward green green ball toward pink
result of which was his three-
part masterpiece. In Principia,
Newton describes his three
and the universal law of doubling both masses
gravitation (see panel, right), quadruples the total force
known the basis of the branch of
weight physics dealing with forces
and motion: mechanics.
Just before his death, Polish
astronomer Johannes Hevelius
(161187) completed the most doubling the distance
comprehensive celestial atlas quarters the total force
and star catalog of the time,
First law of motion in which he identied several
Newton described the laws of According to Newton, these weights new constellations, including DOUBLING THE DISTANCE
stay still because no net force acts
motion and universal gravitation Triangulum Minus. His work
upon them. Unknown weight can
that became the foundation of be calculated if the forces acting to was published a few years later. UNIVERSAL LAW
physical science. The appearance keep it still are known. In 1688, German astronomer
of Principia was due in part to Gottfried Kirch (16391710), Newton applied the physics of planetary interactions to create
the efforts of Edmond Halley. on planetary motion; impressed, director of the Berlin a Universal Law of Gravitation. Gravity is the force of attraction
At a time when the Royal Society Halley asked Newton to prepare Observatory, described another between bodies: stronger for more massive objects, weaker for a
had already spent its annual a more exhaustive text for the new constellation, named bigger distance apart. But whereas force and mass have a simple
publishing budget, Halley Royal Society. For more than a Sceptrum Brandenburgicum relationship, that between force and distance follows an inverse-

stepped in to nance its in honor of the royal Prussian square ruledoubling the distance reduces force by a quarter.
production. He had even been province. Today, its stars
responsible for Newton starting are considered part of the
work on it in the rst place. constellation Eridanus. of plant groups. Both men remarkably, many of his plant
Three years earlier, three Naturalists continued to chart followed the principle of families are still recognized.
members of the Royal Society the diversity of the living world. classifying species according One of the earliest books on
Christopher Wren, Robert
Hooke, and Halleywere
NEWTONS In France, the botanist
Pierre Magnol (16381715)
to anatomical similarities.
Their work implied underlying
pediatric medicine appeared
in 1689, published by English
debating mathematical laws THE had just become curator of afnities within plant groups, physician Walter Harris
that govern the orbits of GRAVITATIONAL Frances biggest botanical although the evolutionary (16471732). This treatise on
planets, and Halley asked
Newton for help in resolving
FORCE PULLING garden at Montpellier. Magnol
corresponded with English
implications were not fully
recognized for nearly two
the diseases of children became
a standard text on the subject.
a technical matter. Newtons ON 1 LB MASS naturalist John Ray, who had centuries. Magnol published
response was a manuscript ON EARTH embarked on his own survey his work in 1689 and,

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15 4 3 17 8 8 THE AGE OF DISCOVERY

rocket remains
stationary until
a force acts on it

tanks contain
In the late 17th century, English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton fuel and oxygen
that will produce
established the science of mechanicsthe study of forces and motion a force when
with three simple but revolutionary scientific laws that are still used today.
liquid liquid oxygen
When Newton was a student, suggests that the force with which ROCKET AT REST
scholarly understanding of forces an object is thrown is stored in the A rocket stands on a launch pad.
Its enormous weight is the result
and motion was based on the object, and gradually runs out. of gravity pulling it downward
ideas of ancient Greek philosopher Italian mathematician and physicist toward Earth. The launch pad
Aristotle (384322 BCE), who believed Galileo Galilei (15641642) produces an upward reaction
force that exactly balances
that an object moves only as long as overturned these ideas, realizing the weight, and the rocket
a force acts on it. For example, that an object continues to move at does not move.
according to Aristotle, projectiles in the same speed and in the same
free motion are pushed along by direction unless a forcesuch as
rockets weight
following air currents. Thinkers in gravity or air resistanceacts upon is the force
the Middle Ages expanded on this it. Newton adopted this idea as the of gravity
idea with the "impetus" theory that rst of his three laws, which he
expressed in mathematical form in
his book Philosophiae Naturalis reaction force
Principia Mathematica (1687). rockets weight
Newtons laws accurately describe
and predict the motion of objects in
most situations. At very high speeds FIRST LAW
or in strong gravitational elds, they Newtons rst law states that an object remains at rest or continues moving
are not accurate because of effects in a straight line unless a force acts upon it. Most objects have many
explained by Einsteins theories of different forces acting on them at all times, but often the forces balance.
relativity (see pp.24445). A book lying on a table, for example, is being pulled downward by gravity
but the table pushes upward on the book with a force of exactly the
ISAAC NEWTON same magnitude (see third law). Since the forces balance, the book
Newton was the most inuential thinker remains stationary.
and experimentalist of the 17th and 18th
centuries. He made enormous contributions ball's motion boot exerts
to the study of gravity, light, astronomy, is changed force on ball
and mathematics.

ball remains


A ball remains stationary
Once the ball is in
A force, such as a kick from
WHICH THE VOYAGER 1 SPACECRAFT IS until a force acts upon it. motion, its velocityor a boot, alters the balls
LEAVING THE SOLAR SYSTEM. VOYAGER The ball's weight pulls it
downward, but the ground
particular combination
of speed and direction
velocity, a change termed
acceleration. The ball either
KEEPS MOVING THROUGH SPACE BECAUSE exerts an upward reaction
force of the same magnitude,
continues. In reality, friction
between the ball and the
slows down, speeds up, or
changes its direction with or
NO AIR RESISTANCE ACTS ON IT. so the net force is zero. surface would slow it down. without changing its speed.


liquid oxygen released

into combustion chamber

expanding gases
exert force on
chamber walls

walls exert equal

and opposite forces


Causing a rocket to accelerate upward combustion
requires enormous forces, not least to
overcome the gravity pulling the rocket
downward. The force is generated inside
the engine by expanding exhaust gases,
which escape through these nozzles.

weight of rocket

until lift off, launch pad large mass of

exerts a reaction force, expanding gases
supporting weight of rocket forced downward
at high speed

Hot gases expand, exerting forces on the walls
of the combustion chamber to lift the rocket. The
walls of the chamber produce a reaction force
that pushes back on the gases, which escape
at high speed through the bottom of the engine.
The Saturn V rocket, used during NASA's
Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s,
had a weight of 28 million newtons, and
an engine thrust of 34 million newtons.


Newtons second law involves momentum: an objects mass multiplied by Newtons third law states that forces exist in pairs. When one object exerts
its velocity. The law states that the change in momentum is proportional a force on another, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on
to the force exerted. So, a force doubled will accelerate an object twice as the rst. If one of the objects is immobile, then the other object will move;
much; but the same force applied to an object with twice the mass will push against a wall on a ice rink, and the wall pushes back on youwhich
produce only half the acceleration. The second law is often summarized makes you slide on the ice. If both objects can move, then the object with
with a simple equation: a = F/m, in which a is the acceleration, F is the less mass will accelerate more than the other; for example, a heavy gun
force, and m is the mass of the object. recoils slightly as the bullet shoots out at high speed.


An applied force causes an object small mass
to accelerate. The acceleration
change in velocity per second when
depends upon the size of the force, people
but also on the mass of the object. acceleration push
doubled force forces are
SMALL MASS, equal and
DOUBLE FORCE twice the
same mass opposite
Since a = F/m, doubling the acceleration
people move
force but keeping the same apart with the
mass will cause the object to same velocity
accelerate at twice the rate.

DOUBLE MASS, force doubled

DOUBLE FORCE again double
Doubling the force again the mass same acceleration Two people on skateboards pushing against If the two people have the same mass, they
(to four times the original as before one other will move apart. Even if only one will accelerate equally; but if one has much
value) but also doubling the person does the pushing, the other persons less mass, he or she will move away more
mass produces the same body will produce a reaction force of equal quickly, since the same force will produce
acceleration as before. strength in the opposite direction. a greater acceleration.

169091 169293
Christiaan Huygens, Dutch physicist, from Treatise on Light, 1690

The location of fossil sh and other marine creatures far inland gave rise
to conicting theories among naturalists and theologians.

IN 1690, a decade after making of wavessupporting a theory John Ray

mandible an early pressure cooker that Philosopher and theologian, John
proposed by French philosopher
(jawbone) Ray is also regarded as the
produced high-pressure steam, Ren Descartes in the 1630s and
founding father of English
French inventor Denis Papin English inventor Robert Hooke in natural history.
modied his original design the 1660s. But Isaac Newtons
by incorporating a piston, idea that light was made from
producing the rst particles (see 167584) was have created the specic
working atmospheric to predominate over the wave layers that could be
engine. Boiling water theory for more than 100 years. observed in geological
in a cylinder created Clopton Havers (16571702), deposits. He suggested
steam, which pushed an English physician, was the that in an ancient world
the piston up; as the rst to study the detailed covered by sea, land rose
steam condensed, it anatomy of bonesincluding by volcanic activitywhich
created a vacuum marrow and cartilage. He would explain the occurrence
vertebral in the cylinder and published his results in 1691, of fossilized marine animals on
atmospheric pressure describing the microscopic pores land. However, Rays theological
plunged the piston and cavities running through IN 1692, SCOTTISH PHYSICIAN leanings meant that he was
back down. This a bones structure. Havers JOHN ARBUTHNOT (16671735) reluctant to take the view that
invention marked the surmised that they carried oil, published Laws of Chance. This divinely created species could
beginning of steam but it is now known that these was a translation of Christiaan become extinct. He proposed
engine development. so-called Haversian canals Huygens 1657 classic work on
Papin received advice
on his designs from
Dutch astronomer
contain blood and lymphatic
vessels, and provide bone cells
with oxygen and nourishment.
probability theory, and the rst
publication in English devoted
to the subject.

70 ,,
Christiaan Huygens
(162995) who, also
English naturalist John Ray
had written extensively on
(thighbone) in 1690, made a the diversity of plants since the HISTORY OF
signicant contribution 1660s, but by the 1690s he QUADRUPEDS.
to other areas of was also active in paleontology
knowledge with his (the study of fossil organisms) John Ray, from Synopsis of
Treatise on Light. Based on and zoology. His accurate Quadruped Animals, 1693

the observation that light beams descriptions of fossils supported

could cross without bouncing, he the idea that they were the that organisms so far known only
deduced that light is composed remains of once-living species. as fossils would one day be found
Ray also tried to explain the living in remote areas.
THE AMOUNT locations of fossils. A popular In 1693, Ray published one of
Permeated bones
The bones of the body are
OF BONE MADE concept was that the Biblical his most important works of
(shinbone) permeated by tiny organic channels,
named after Clopton Havers, the
OF NONLIVING ood had been responsible for
the forming of fossils, but Ray
zoology, Synopsis of Quadruped
Animals and Serpents. Based on
physician who discovered them. MINERAL saw that a deluge would not anatomical features, it provided

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John Ray, English naturalist, from Three physico-theological discourses,
concerning the primitive Chaos, and creation of the world, 1713

By the end of the 17th century, the sexual function of owers was recognized.
Clematis marmoria, seen here, has separate male and female plants.

the rst scientic classication named for the Greek hero killed person to draw up life annuity BY THE END OF THE 17TH sexual organs, but that
of animals. He identied by an arrow wound in his heel. charts based on mortality tables. CENTURY THE WORK OF pollen was the agent of male
mammals as viviparous (giving Opportunistically, Verheyen had Thirty years earlier, a shopkeeper SEVERAL NATURALISTS had fertilization. Camerarius
birth to live young) quadrupeds, been able to dissect his own left called John Graunt had produced revealed some of the secrets of observed that female shoots
and placed them into groups leg, which had been amputated life-tables as part of a scheme owering plants. In 1694, French separated from male shoots
according to structures such because of illness nearly to monitor the advance of botanist Joseph Pitton de often failed to set seed, and that
as feet and teeth. 20 years before. Verheyen had bubonic plague, but Halley had Tournefort (16561708) when pollen-producing stamens
In the same year, Belgian insisted on preserving the limb the mathematical skills to carry published a classication system were removed, no seeds were
physician Philip Verheyen so he could study it. Based on out a more sophisticated that was based on the structure produced at all. But he was
(16481711) published his personal experience, he was one analysis. Using data on births of owers and fruits, as well as frustrated by the fact that he
illustrated Anatomy of the Human of the rst physicians to report and deaths from the European leaves and roots. Although could not probe deeper into
Body, which would become a phantom limb phenomenon: city of Breslau, he estimated Tourneforts conclusions the minute functions of
standard textbook on the subject the sensation that an amputated the citys population size and the were often misguided, his owers. It would not be until
in European universities. In this limb is still attached to the body. probabilities of its citizens work had a lasting inuence better microscopes opened
work, Verheyen introduced the Also in 1693, English surviving to particular ages. The because of the clarity of his up the world of cells more
term Achilles tendon for the astronomer and mathematician study became a model for future species-level accounts. He than a century later that the
structure at the back of the leg, Edmond Halley was the rst demographic investigations. was also one of the rst microscopic basis of plant
botanists to use the genus reproduction could be
as a taxonomic category that properly explored.
Animalium viviparorum quadrupeda included similar species: a English instrument maker
MAMMALS forerunner of the binomial Daniel Quare (16491724)
system of naming formalized is credited with a number of
by Linnaeus in the 1700s innovations in horology (the
(see 173339). study of time), including the
Ungulata Unguiculata
German botanist Rudolf invention of repeating watches
MAMMALS WITH HOOVES Camerarius (16651721) and the introduction of the
went much further in minute hand. By 1694, he
studying owers. His 1694 had also produced the rst
paper on the reproduction of portable barometer, which
Solidipeda Bifulca Ungulata anomala plants provided experimental he patented the following
evidence for the notion that year. Until then, the system
not only did plants have of tubes associated with a
barometer was not easily
moved, but a portable
Rays classication of mammals
John Ray grouped mammals according to Portable barometer instrument could allow
whether they had hooves, claws, or nails. The The construction of Daniel experimentalists to
Ruminantia Non ruminantia division he called Unguiculata is no longer Quares barometer ostensibly measure atmospheric
RUMINANTS NON-RUMINANTS valid, but his hoofed (ungulate) groups are allowed free movement of
pressure in places
partly supported by modern biology. He the instrument without
also recognized ruminants: cud-chewing letting air in or spilling such as mines
herbivores with multichambered stomachs. its mercury. or mountains.

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169597 169899

Dutchman Antony van Leeuwenhoek was one of the rst observers of microscopic The rst dissection of a chimpanzee,
organisms such as these mold spore capsules. in 1698, revealed a humanlike brain.


of miniature life (see 167584), Isaac Newton. sound moves as longitudinal
Dutch microscopist Antony van Whiston suggested compression waves, not by
Leeuwenhoek published a that the global main screw transverse waves (oscillation at
compilation of his work, Arcana catastrophe of the right angles to the direction of
Naturae (Secrets of Nature) in Biblical ood had travel), as previously thought. In
body plate
1695. As well as describing and been caused by a 1698, he went on to calculate
illustrating a range of biological comet. He would the speed of sound in air, which
curiositiesfrom tadpoles to red succeed Newton as he determined to be 979 ft
blood cellsthe book contained the third Lucasian Simple microscope (298 m) per second. (The modern
In his 1695 study Arcana Naturae,
descriptions of the techniques Professor of Mathematics phlogiston, which was given off value is 1,125 ft per second.)
Antony von Leeuwenhoek explained
Leeuwenhoek had used to carry at Cambridge University when something burned. Stahl the use of the microscope he had Dutch astronomer Christiaan
out his studies. Many of these, in England. thought that the amount of designed himself. Huygens died in 1695, but
including his microscope, were In 1697, many decades before phlogiston varied: there was his nal book, Cosmothereos,
his own inventions. the discovery of oxygen, a great deal in coal, which gravity. By studying the rates appeared in 1698. He had
In the same year, English German chemist Georg Stahl diminished to ashes during of movement along this curve, delayed publication because
theologian and mathematician (16601734), proposed a theory combustion, but very little in iron, Bernoullis work had important he feared offending religious
William Whiston (16671752) to explain combustion. which did little more than rust. implications for the development sensibilitieshe had conjectured
published his New Theory of the He suggested that metals The phlogiston theory had its of calculus: the mathematics of upon the possibility that life
Earth, which was a combination and minerals contained two roots with Stahls mentor, innitesimal changes. existed on other planets with
of religious and scientic componentsone being the German alchemist Johann Also in 1697, English explorer habitable conditions.
thought. He supported the idea calx (ashy residue), and the Becher, who conceived William Dampier (16511715) British physician Edward
of divine creation, and his work other being a substance called phlogiston as terra pinguis published an account of his rst Tyson (16501708) was governor
(oily matter), one of the classical voyage, A New Voyage Around the of the Bethlem Hospital for
JOHANN BERNOULLI (16671748) elements. Later, the French Worldcontaining descriptions psychiatric patients, in London.
chemist Antoine Lavoisier of the Americas and East Indies. He routinely performed

Bernoulli was born into a argued that combustion The British Admiralty granted
prominent mathematical family happened by oxidation: reaction him the command for another
and had professorships in of the substance with oxygen in trip, and Dampier eventually
Groningen, the Netherlands, the air. Stahls idea of the calx circumnavigated the globe three
and Basel, Switzerland. His was equivalent to the modern times. His work on navigation
work included studying the idea of oxide. inuenced explorer James
mathematical trajectories of In 1697, Swiss mathematician Cook, while his studies of natural
curves and investigating the Johann Bernoulli, prompted history would be used by FEET PER
reection and refraction of light. by a dispute with his brother biologists such as Alexander von
Together with his brother Jacob, (who was often his bitter rival), Humboldt and Charles Darwin
he helped Newton and Leibniz
develop calculus.
solved a trajectory problem.
He described the path followed
(see 1859).
by a particle moving under OF SOUND

n a
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yv Wh heo
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n m T 16 rno ory 9
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16 euw hes 5 Wi s N a
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Edward Tyson, British physician, in Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris (Orang-Outang, or
Man of the Woods), 1699

STEAM POWER maker and perfected cold water

thermometers and barometers shower

for measuring temperature and

When water is heated to boiling then generated when the pressure. He was also the rst
point it creates gaseous steam; atmosphere is let in to ll the experimenter to discuss the
if this steam is then trapped in void. The idea of harnessing idea of an absolute zero
a sealed container and cooled, this force in an atmosphere for temperature. In 1699,
it condenses back into water. engine originated in the 1690s Amontons turned to mechanics,
As the quantity of gas drops, and would be fully realized describing how friction force
so does its pressure, creating in the steam engines of the depended upon load. Amontons
a partial vacuum. Force is next century. friction law had a prestigious
history, being based on
experiments rst
autopsies in an effort to sequence was controlled by a performed by
understand the causes of mental system of taps. Savery claimed Leonardo da Vinci.
illness. But he dissected animals his pump could be used to pull
funnel for
too, so becoming the father of water up from mines, but it lling with
comparative anatomy. In 1699, had a working height limit of tap water
he published his study of the about 25 ft (7.5 m). It was also
chimpanzee (which he called an vulnerable to explosion.
orang-outang), concluding that Again in 1699, Welsh naturalist
vessel for
it had more in common with Edward Lhyud (16601709) steam
boiler trapping
humans than it did with monkeys. published a catalog of fossils. steam
That year, an English inventor This included one of the earliest
Thomas Savery (16501715) unambiguous specimensa
demonstrated his latest creation toothlater identied as that of
to the Royal Society: an engine a dinosaur. Lhyud had fanciful
to raise water by re. Patented notions about his specimens, suction
the year before, it exploited the suggesting that fossils grew in
recently discovered power of gas rocks from vaporous spawn that
pressure, which could generate came from the sea.
considerable force when gas French physicist Guillaume
rushed in to ll a vacuum. Amontons (16631705) was
Saverys steam pump consisted an accomplished instrument
of a boiler to produce steam that
was directed into a vessel below Saverys steam pump
a cold-water shower. This Having understood the
principles of atmospheric
created a vacuum in the vessel
force, Savery created a
as the steam condensed, which steam generator to pump
sucked up water from below. The water vertically.

n ton
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ar es e A on
wa s s dw blish sils m icti
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99 e z 99 pu fos i l
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Th nst m p
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1 d s

17001701 17021703

Edmond Halleys isogenic chart shows lines of magnetic Isaac Newton, here seen speaking at a meeting of the
variation from true magnetic north. Royal Society, was elected its president in 1703.

AS THE 18TH CENTURY ISAAC NEWTONS SCIENTIFIC By the 18th century, scholars
JETHRO TULL (16741741)
DAWNED, British astronomer ACHIEVEMENTS became were starting to consider natural
Edmond Halley sailed the increasingly well known in the events, such as earthquakes, as
Atlantic on his third voyage of Born in Berkshire, England, 18th century. A key moment in phenomena to be investigated
discovery. In January 1700, he Jethro Tull intended to enter the growth of his fame was the scientically rather than as
made the rst observation of the politics in London, but ill health 1702 publication of Astronomiae acts of God. In 1703, French
Antarctic convergence, where kept him at home, farming. Physicae et Geometricae Elementa priest and inventor Abb Jean
icy Antarctic waters come up Noticing that hand-sown seeds (Elements of Astronomy, Physics, de Hautefeuille (16471724)
against warmer Atlantic waters were scattered chaotically, he and Geometry) by Scottish described a seismometer
in a ring around Antarctica. On developed the mechanical drill mathematician David Gregory. for measuring the severity of
February 1, he made the rst to sow seeds in even rows. One of the rst popular accounts earthquakes. De Hautefeuilles
recorded sighting of tabular He became a key gure in the of Newtons theories, this work device, a simple balanced
icebergs, which have steep agricultural reforms that swept discussed his ideas on gravity pendulum whose swing
sides and a at top. Halley also through England in the 1700s and the movement of the responded to ground movement,
showed that Earths magnetism and then around the world. planets. Newton was elected was one of the earliest
uctuates too much for president of the Royal Society seismometers used in Europe.
compasses to be used to nd

longitude at sea. He conrmed caused by tiny microorganisms automatically planted seeds
that magnetic north does not or worms that he had seen in neat, evenly spaced rows.
correspond with true north, a through a microscope. The adoption of Tulls method
phenomenon known as magnetic In 1701, English agriculturalist increased crop yields by as
declination (see15981604). Jethro Tull helped modernize much as 900 percent.
Also in 1700, French physician farming practices when he THE NUMBER OF EARTHQUAKES
Nicolas Andry (16581742)
suggested that smallpox was
invented the mechanical
seed drilla machine that
in London in 1703, a post he held Botanists, meanwhile, were
Sowing seeds until his death in 1727. beginning to embark on voyages
Jethro Tulls 1701 seed drill planted In 1703, German chemist Georg of exploration to study the rich
seeds in uniform, equally spaced
Stahl developed Johann Bechers variety of unknown plants in
rows. By giving seeds enough space
to grow, it increased yields and 1667 idea that an element called newly discovered parts of the
reduced waste during sowing. terra pinguis is released from world. After three plant-hunting
substances such as wood voyages to the West Indies,
when they burn. Stahl called French botanist Charles Plumier
the element phlogiston, and the published Nova Plantarum
phlogiston theory of combustion Americanarum Genera, a huge
came to dominate 18th-century and groundbreaking work on
chemistry until nally disproved plant classication. In it, he
by Antoine Lavoisier (see 1789) described the plants fuchsia
later in the century. and magnolia for the rst time.

ian s 00 me
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Edmond Halley, from A Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets, 1705

Edmond Halley correctly surmised that comets seen at regular 76-year intervals
had been the same comet. It later became known as Comet Halley.


demonstrations at the Royal
Society in London on the
effects of static electricity.
BODIES, IS VERY CONFORMABLE In 1704, Hauksbee thrilled

TO THE COURSE OF NATURE, witnesses with a demonstration
of barometric lightthe
WHICH SEEMS DELIGHTED sparks of light that appear when
WITH TRANSMUTATIONS. mercury in the vacuum at the
top of a mercury barometer
Isaac Newton, from Opticks, 1704 is shaken. Two years later,
Hauksbee built the rst
ISAAC NEWTON PUBLISHED HIS separated when each color electrical machine, which he
SECOND GREAT SCIENTIFIC of light is bent, or refracted, called the inuence machine,
BOOK, entitled Opticks, in 1704. differently as it enters the prism in which a hand-turned spindle
The experiments he described and slows down slightly. He rubbed wool against amber
in this book proved that the also suggested that light is a inside a glass vacuum globe
spectrum of brilliant colors stream of tiny particles, or to generate a glowing static
produced when sunlight shines corpuscles, traveling at great charge. It was a forerunner
through a prism is not an effect speed. The theory ignited a of electric light.
of the glass (see 166566). debate that lasted more than In 1703, Dutch mathematician
Instead, as Newton showed, 200 years about whether light is and astronomer Christiaan
the colors are all contained in indeed formed of particles or, as Huygens had published details
white sunlight and are simply suggested by Newtons Dutch of the gearing needed to drive
rival Christiaan a clockwork model of the Solar
Huygens, waves. System that would precisely Earth and Moon
That same year, represent how the Sun and In 1705, English astronomer This orrery, made by George Graham
and Thomas Tompion, shows how
English instrument planets move in a year of Edmond Halley explained how
Earth and the Moon move around
maker and 365.242 days. By 1704, English comets are on a great elliptical the Sun. Later orries included the
experimenter clockmakers George Graham journey around the Sun, and movement of all the planets.
Francis Hauksbee (176451) and Thomas appear periodically when their
(16601713) began Tompion (16391713) had built journey brings them near to the to describe the ratio of the
a series of a clockwork mechanism, Sun and Earth. He argued that circumference of a circle to its
based on Huygens calculation, comets seen in 1456, 1531, 1607, diameterapproximately equal
to show how Earth and the Moon and 1682 were a single comet to the number 3.14159. Also this
Splitting light
Isaac Newtons move around the Sun. The pair now known as Halleys Comet year, English inventor Thomas
ndings, published were asked to make another and predicted, correctly, that it Newcomen (16631729) built
in Opticks in 1704, mechanism for English nobleman would return in 1758. a prototype for his steam
showed that white
Charles Boyle, 4th Duke of Orrery. In 1706, Welsh mathematician engine that was to kickstart the
sunlight contained
all the colors of Such devices subsequently William Jones (16751749) Industrial Revolution in Europe
the rainbow. became known as orreries. proposed the Greek letter pi () (see 171213).

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o S pub nt ie o n e in
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po ut ir wc rot m
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N st
170709 171011

It was in Coalbrookdale in Shropshire, England, that engineer Abraham Coral reefs may look like plants but
Darby built the rst coke-red blast furnace to cast iron. really they are colonies of animals.

THE HUMAN PULSE WAS Chinese had been making ne IN 1710, GERMAN PAINTER
HEALTH more than 2,500 years technology had eluded the west (16671741) found he could print
electrical elds
ago. But it was not until English until this time. keep the pictures in a range of colors with
physician John Floyer invented In 1709, English experimenter balloons apart just three different-colored inks.
his pulse watch in 1707 that Francis Hauksbee published Paint of almost any color could be
balloon is
western physicians began to Physico-Mechanical Experiments negatively created by mixing three primary
measure the pulse in terms of on Various Subjects, in which charged colors, but Le Blon realized that
heartbeats per minute. Floyers he described his celebrated the colors did not have to be
timepiece was a watch that ran experiments with static nearby part mixed. Instead, they could be
for exactly a minute while the electricity. Hauksbee discovered of the wall is printed one on top of the other
physician counted pulses. that by rubbing glass, he could positively charged in three layers. He started off in
The following year, Dutch create static electricity and OPPOSITE CHARGES ATTRACT LIKE CHARGES REPEL 1710 with three colors: red, blue,
botanist and physician produce astounding and yellow. Later, he discovered
Herman Boerhaave electrical effects, STATIC ELECTRICITY that even better results could be
developed a such as electric achieved with four colors: black
systematic approach light (the glow Static electricity is the build-up or deciency of electrons (particles (K) and the three primary colors
to diagnosis that inside a rotating contained in atoms). Surfaces charged with excess electrons are used in printingnow known
involved considering evacuated glass attracted to surfaces that have lost electrons. Experiments to create as cyan (C), magenta (M), and
the patients sphere when static electricity were widely practiced in the 18th century, often with yellow (Y), today called the
history, conducting rubbed), electric striking results. Some of the most important investigations were CMYK system.
a physical wind (the prickling carried out by English experimenter Francis Hauksbee. Also in this year, French
examination at the sensation when entomologist Ren de Raumur
bedside, taking the rubbed glass is (16831757) set out to investigate
pulse, and studying brought near the (16781717) revolutionized markings, and it was similar to whether spiders can make silk
excretions. face), and electric ironmaking in 1709 by producing todays devices. The Fahrenheit like silkworms. He showed that
Also in 1708, repulsion and cast iron in a coke-fueled blast temperature scale (see 1740

German physician, attraction. furnace at Coalbrookdale in 1742) was named after him.
mathematician, English engineer England. For the rst time, iron In Lisbon, meanwhile,
and experimenter Abraham Darby could be cast in very large Brazilian-born priest and
Ehrenfried Walther shapes, paving the way for the naturalist Bartholome de
von Tschirnhaus machines and engineering feats Gusmo (16851724) sent
(16511708) Alcohol thermometer of the Industrial Revolution. a ball to the roof using hot air
discovered that
Gabriel Fahrenheits
1709 thermometer
In Amsterdam, also in 1709, and designed a hot-air airship. CUBIC INCHES
he could make was the rst compact PolishDutch physicist Gabriel Although the rst recorded
porcelain with a device of its kind. It Daniel Fahrenheit (16861736) manned ight in a hot-air THE TOTAL
paste mixed from showed temperature
by the expansion of
constructed an alcohol-lled balloon would not happen for CAPACITY OF
clay, alabaster, and
calcium sulfate.
colored alcohol.
Later, versions using
thermometer. It was the rst
compact, modern-style
another 74 years, de Gusmos
experiment anticipated future
Although the mercury were popular. thermometer with graduated developments in aviation. HEART

hn es 09 ts
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b u
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co e pu
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Bo yste iag
128 s d

English astronomer John Flamsteeds meticulous observations of the night

sky formed the basis of the rst modern star catalog.

athough spiders do make silk, THE FIRST FULL-SCALE STEAM Steam power
it is much thinner thread, and ENGINE, built by English Increased demand
for coal to fuel iron
he argued that spiders were too engineer Thomas Savery in
production meant that
aggressive to use commercially. 1698, proved too dangerous mines needed to be
Mathematician John Keill for general use because high deeper. The Newcomen
(16711721) published a paper pressure in its boiler tended to engine was invaluable

for pumping out water
claiming that Gottfried Liebniz, cause explosions. But English
that seeped in.
a German mathematician, stole ironmonger Thomas Newcomen
the idea of calculus from British (16631729) overcame the THE AMOUNT
mathematician and physicist
Isaac Newton. It is now thought
danger in 1712 to create the
worlds rst practical steam
that both men independently engine. Newcomens solution PUMPED EACH condensing
developed the basis of calculus. was to boil water in an isolated
The following year in Italy, chamber and send the steam
MINUTE BY cylinder

Bolognese nobleman Luigi into a cylinder with a piston NEWCOMENS

Fernando Marsili asserted that at low pressure. When steam FIRST ENGINE beam
corals are plants, not animals. owed into the cylinder, it pushed moves up
His mistaken view prevailed at the piston up. A valve closed, cold publication that he gathered and down
the time, although others had water was sprayed in, and the and burned 300 of the 400
realized that corals are animals. steam condensed, creating a printed copies.
vacuum that pulled the piston Swiss mathematician Jacob
down, moving the engines beam. Bernoullis book Ars Conjectandi pump
Newcomens steam engine (The Art of Conjecture) was rod
was so successful that soon published seven years after
thousands of them were installed his death, in 1713. It introduced
in mines across Britain and the Law of Large Numbers,
Europe to pump out oodwater. which says that the more times
In London this year, Isaac you perform an experiment,
Newton and astronomer the closer the average result
Edmond Halley enraged British tends to be to the average of a
astronomer John Flamsteed by large number of experiments.
publishing a catalog of more than That year, Bernoullis nephew,
3,000 stars based on Flamsteeds Nicolas Bernoulli, devised the
observations made over 40 St. Petersburg paradox familiar
years at the Royal Greenwich to probability theorists today.
Spider web Observatory. Newton and Halley It is based on a theoretical
In 1710, Frenchman Ren de believed the data should be lottery game that seems to
Raumur showed that spiders
published, but Flamsteed felt allow an innite win, yet it is
produce silk. Spiders use the thread
to make webs to catch prey or as it was not thorough enough. one that nobody with any sense
cocoons for their young. He was so incensed by the would enter.

an rs sly
oh s A ou
ili ha
as nt
13 J ulli di is thum
i rs y, t m ve 17 rno tan pos
L uig Ma ectl T ho n in tical Be njec hed
12 m ac
11 nd or
o ts
17 rna , inc plan 17 wco st pr ine Co blis
Fe ists are Ne e r eng pu
ins rals th am
co ste

s ss
an ed e wi s
ym s
rg ure e ste ogu d 13 S cola e
7 Ni th
le s r am l e
h c mea ssu Fl ata ish r 9 ian ine do
s x
lis e hn tar c ubl be atic oul ara
ng ales d pr Jo s is p m em lli
E e p
11 H oo
17 pt th ou rg
17 phen al bl Se ma ern rsbu
e B te
St anim e
171415 1716


The Horsehead Nebula is a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Edmond Halley Giovanni Lancisi was rst to realize
was the rst to suggest that indistinct objects in space could be nebulae. that malaria is spread by mosquitos.

right-angled BY THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY, land. A good navigator could

corner North Pole
BRITAIN WAS SENDING OUT work out his latitudehow far
latitude 90N
thousands of ships over the north or south he wasfrom prime meridian
oceans to serve its growing the altitude angle of the Sun and longitude 0
latitude 30N
overseas empire. But every the North Star. The problem was longitude 30E
ships captain had the same to calculate longitudehow far Equator
latitude 0 vertical angle
problemof not knowing where east or west. The technique of
from plane of
the ship was when out of sight of dead reckoning, or estimating longitude 90W equator gives
how far he had sailed from his longitude 60W
latitude, here 30
17th-century quadrant average speed, gave a clue. But
latitude 30S horizontal angle
This quadrant, designed by miscalculation meant that many
from plane of prime
mathematician Edward ships were lost at sea. In 1714, longitude 30W meridian gives
Gunter in 1605, showed
the British parliament launched longitude, here 60
latitude. But there was
still no way to be a competition with a prize of
sure of longitude. 20,000a huge amount at the GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES
timefor the person who found
a way to determine longitude Solving the problem of how to nd longitude at seahow far east
accurately. Similar competitions or west a ship iswas a priority in the 1700s. Lines of longitude,
were held in France and Holland. or meridians, run north-south around the world, dividing it like
One reason why longitude the segments of an orange. Zero degrees longitude is the Prime
calculation was tricky was that Meridian which passes through Greenwich, London, and a
the clocks of the day were positions longitude is its angle east or west of this in degrees.
wildly inaccurate. So, in
1715, English inventor
George Grahams In 1715, English astronomer IN 1716, ITALIAN PHYSICIAN
development of Edmond Halley suggested that GIOVANNI MARIA LANCISI
the deadbeat the age of Earth could be (16541720) was the rst to
escapement determined by the salinity of the recognize the source of malaria.
was a great oceans, since the salt content This often fatal disease, then
breakthrough. would build up steadily as salt is common in Europe, was known
This mechanism washed in from the land. But his as ague or marsh fever
eliminated recoil when theory was impossible to prove, because it tended to occur near
a clocks time gear moved and, in fact, the salinity is too marshes, such as those around
around a notch, enabling clocks variable to be a measure of Rome. People believed it was
to keep time within a second per this. Halley was also the rst caused by fumes from the damp
daya huge improvement. astronomer to argue, correctly, groundmalaria is Italian for
Deadbeat escapement clocks that nebulae, which are seen as bad air. But Lancisi realized
scale in were preferred for scientic pale fuzzy shapes in the night that malaria was caused by
degrees observation for the next 200 sky, could comprise clouds of bites from swamp-inhabiting
years because of their accuracy. dust and gas. mosquitoes. Few listened to

e nt
ish rg tes me
rit rs of G eo rea ape
15 m esc
c an
4 B offe od ude ici i es
17 n t h
et ngit 17 aha eat h ys nsis uito ria
ly me m Gr adb cks p La sq la
Ju rlia or a ng lo
n o ma
de clo lia ni
Pa ize f ini Ita ovan es m s of
for Gi nti rier
pr term
de ide car

m es
5 Ed nti e
1 e la
17 y id ebu
l le n
Ha v


The 18th century saw the creation of the rst scientic collections of butteries, like this
collection of British butteries, rst named by English naturalist James Petiver.

him, but we now know the that air is compressed by water SMALLPOX WAS A DEADLY were exposed to the disease.
disease is caused by a parasite pressure at depth, which is why DISEASE IN THE 18TH CENTURY. Chinese physicians began
spread by female Anopheles a simple air tube to the surface Millions of people, many of them deliberately rubbing infected
mosquitoes (see 189394). did not work. Halleys ingenious children, died from the illness, material into a scratch on 17,500
In England, astronomer solution was to continually and even those who recovered healthy people. Some died WORLD
Edmond Halley made the rst replenish the air in the bell were left with faces permanently quickly from the infection this
safe and practical diving bella with air pressurized in weighted disgured by the scars. Yet long caused, but most survived, and
bell-shaped diving chamber that barrels lowered beside the bell. ago, the Chinese had noticed that seemed to gain immunity to the 3,700
enabled a person to go under He also added a weighted tray once people had survived disease. The practice of 56
water, breathing the air trapped to keep the bell upright, and smallpox, they never caught it variolation, as it became Britain
inside. The idea of the diving a glass window to let in light. again, no matter how much they known, spread across Asia to Buttery species
bell dated back to the age of Turkey, where it was noticed by James Petiver described 48 species
of British butteries. Now 56 are
Aristotle, and in the 1600s, less Greek physician Giacomo Pylari
known (out of 17, 500 around the
sophisticated bells were used bell continually (16591718), and then the young world), but species are vanishing
to recover goods from replenished with wife of the British ambassador with habitat loss.
shipwrecks. But Halley, pressurized air to Constantinople (Istanbul),
who studied the Lady Mary Wortley Montagu gun was a intlock rie mounted
problem over two (16891762). Montagu was so on a tripod with a revolving
decades, realized impressed that she wrote a cylinder holding 11 shots that
famous series of letters home could be turned by a handle
Halleys diving bell advocating its use. She had her to re 63 shots in 7 minutes
This engraving of own children inoculated, and three times as fast as the
Edmund Halleys
campaigned ardently to introduce best musketman.
diving bell illustrates
the weighted the practice to the British upper In 1720, English instrument-
platform at the base LADY MARY MONTAGU classes. Her pioneering efforts maker Jonathan Sisson
and the separate (16891762) led Edward Jenner to discover (16901747) added a telescopic
barrel that
vaccination (see 1796). sight to the theodolite, paving
replenished the
air to the side. Mary Montagus campaign In 1717, London apothecary the way for the rst accurate
to introduce smallpox James Petiver (16851718) regional surveys and maps. The
inoculation in Britain helped published Papilionum Brittaniae rst theodolite had been invented
to establish the idea that Icones (Images of British by Leonard Digges in 1554
disease could be prevented Butteries). It was one of the rst (see 155154) but theodolites
through immunity. She had great catalogs of butteries, equipped with a telescope could
had smallpox herself as a based on Petivers collection of be used to measure angles over
young woman. Besides her species, now in Londons Natural long distances. It meant that the
pioneering work on disease, History Museum. height and position of every
she was a celebrated writer, In 1718, English inventor James feature in the landscape could
much admired by some of Puckle (16671724) was working be surveyed by the method
the leading gures of the day. on the design of a forerunner of of triangulation, which uses
the machine gun. The Puckle simple trigonometry.

er ath s
tiv g J on vent c
on y al Pe atalo s 20 in pi
s ler
tic e s e 17 son esco
h a Hal rac m is c i Sis e tel lite
gl i s
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En mon rs
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Ed kes bel pu Brit
m ing of
di v

8 Ja the
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s un
y 1 inve le G
5 Ma kle uck
1 uc P

15 4 3 17 8 8 T H E AG E O F D I S C OV E R Y

alidade, for
sighting stars

star pointer
Portolan map Late 15th century
Date unknown Developed over 2,000 years ago to sight stars and
From the 13th century on, sailors relied on portolan chartsmaps showing line indicating make astronomical calculations, astrolabes were
compass bearingsto guide them between ports. This early chart of the compass bearing later simplied to nd latitude at sea by measuring
Mediterranean depicts the navigational lines between hundreds of ports. the height of the Sun and stars.


Ancient navigators relied on the position in the sky of the

Sun and the stars to determine their location and chart
their course. Later, a compass and an accurate timepiece
could be used to work out direction and location.

For much of history, sailors found their latitude with tools such as sextants,
astrolabes, and quadrants that indicated the angle of the Sun and stars
above the horizon. From about a thousand years ago, compasses gave them
a direction to sail ina bearing. And from the 1700s, chronometers nally
enabled them to work out their longitude. For most modern navigators, Navigators compass
these instruments have been replaced by satellite systems. From the 13th century onward,
magnetic navigators used a magnetic compass
mineral with a wire lozenge or metal needle,
mounted to swing freely, to nd north.
Binnacle compass
From the mid-18th
century, compasses were
mounted inside cases sliding cover for
viewing window
called binnacles on
gimbalspivots to
keep the needle level
however much the binnacle
ship pitched and rolled.

Lodestone Marine chronometer

c.15501600 c.1893
Chinese sailors used swinging iron sphere High-precision clocks, chronometers
lodestonesmagnetic stones that turn compensates for provided the accurate timekeeping
magnetism of
to align with Earths magnetic eldto necessary to keep track of longitude
ships iron hull
gauge direction in overcast conditions. (distance east or west) on a long voyage.


shadow cast
by shadow vane Backstaff
aligned with c.1700s
horizon vane By the 18th century,
navigators determined
latitude by using a
sight vane
backstaff, which
aligned with
horizon vane allowed them to
determine the angle
of the Sun without
having to gaze
directly at it.

vane aligns
with horizon

Date unknown graduated arc
The quadrant was a simple
way of determining
latitude from the Sextant
height of the Sun sight
Before GPS, the sextant was the ultimate
in the sky at noon.
navigation instrument. Its telescopic sights
However, the plumb
and mirrors for focusing the stars and Sun
line that was needed to
allowed for quick calculations of latitude.
show vertical stayed steady
only in still weather.

plumb line

enamel plate
with dials

Nautical log oat frame
Sailors would throw mechanical screw-driven
gauges, known as logs, overboard to
determine the distance traveled and the
speed of a ship.
Aireld radar dish
Radars locate objects by
bouncing radio waves off
them, which aids navigation
by giving aircraft accurate
altitude readings.

weight keeps

Gyroscope GPS
18801900 c.2012
Once set spinning, gyroscopes maintain The global positioning
their position however they are rocked system (GPS) of reference
and tilted. This makes them invaluable satellites provides an instant
sighting platforms onboard a rolling ship. and accurate x of position
The handle turns the cogs that on even a hand-held device
set this gyroscope spinning. like this smartphone.

172122 172324

The connection between aurorae and variations in Earths magnetism was The Russian Academy of Sciences was
discovered by English clockmaker George Graham in 1722. founded in St Petersburg in 1724.


MADE MOSTLY OF WOOD, astronomer Giacomo Filippo
re was a major hazard in Maraldi (16651729) noticed that
18th-century cities. In the 1600s, Born in La Rochelle, France, there was a bright spot in the
the Dutch had rushed water Ren Raumur was a naturalist center of the shadow of any disk.
pumps mounted on handcarts who made contributions to This phenomenon, later called
to res, but they delivered little many different elds of science, the Arago spot, is caused by
more than a trickle of water. from the study of insects to interference between waves of
The breakthrough came when ceramics and metallurgy. light coming around the edge of
London buttonmaker Richard Elected to the French Academie the object. Maraldis observation
Newsham (d.1743) patented a des Sciences (Academy of later became proof of the theory
pump in North America in 1721. Science) aged just 24, his that light travels in waves, not
Newshams re pump cart was greatest work was in natural particles, because only waves
the forerunner of todays re history, where he showed that can produce an interference
engines. It had a 169-gallon some crustaceans can pattern (see 1801).
(640-liter) watertank, and its regenerate lost limbs. Also in Paris that year,
pump operated by long handles naturalist Antoine de Jussieu
and foot treadles extending (16861758) compared stones
either side could squirt 100 as far south as London. Graham swing of a solid weight caused by called ceraunia, thought to be
gallons (380 liters) of water also improved the accuracy of expansion and contraction due to natural, to the stone tools of
per minute. pendulum clocks by replacing temperature change. Native Americans. The likeness
In 1722, clockmaker George the solid lead weight with a ask In France, polymath Ren proved that ceraunia were
Graham (16741751) noticed of liquid mercury. This eliminated Raumur (16831757) was ancient axes and arrowheads.
the link between aurorae the variations in the length and experimenting with iron and In 1724, Russian emperor Peter

(natural light displays in the sky) steel. He realized that the the Great (16721725) founded
and Earths magnetism. He difference between the metals the St. Petersburg
observed that magnetic storms was caused by their differing Academy of Sciences
that made a compass needle sulfur and salt contents. Steel, and installed Swiss
uctuate signicantly coincided produced by smelting iron, was mathematician
with sightings of the aurorae. more brittle than pure iron Daniel Bernoulli
Grahams discovery followed a because it contained sulfur, while
particularly dramatic display of
the aurora borealis, or northern MILES cast iron was even more brittle
because it contained still higher Prehistoric tool
Originally thought
lights, in 1716 that had fascinated THE HEIGHT levels of sulfur. Raumur
to be of natural
people at the time and was seen discovered that the brittleness of origin, ceraunia
OF SOME cast iron could be reduced by stones like this
Accurate timekeeping
The mercury pendulum helped
NORTHERN burying it in lime to draw sulfur arrowhead
came to be
eliminate inaccuracies in
timekeeping caused by temperature
LIGHT out. He believed this method was
too expensive to be practical but
as man-made
variations with solid weights. DISPLAYS it later became widely used. devices.

rd re m
ha es lum co e
on ic a a ge uc l ian Gia es th
nd er R nts eric or trod ndu Ita e r rv
23 om se
o e
L k te m G in pe
21 ma pa A 22 m ry 17 tron di ob t
17 tton am orth 17 aha rcu s
a ra spo l
u h
b ws in N r e
G em Ma ago
Ne mp th Ar

h Re he
Br orge ath ws t nt
2 2 e nk m o e
17 er G e li d oly sh ont el
h p ur ur c d ste
ak s th e an m en u
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m Fr Ra f su on a
ck how ora tis
clo m s aur agne 22 o
ce in i
a n 17 n
ah ee s m rta
Gr etw rth po
134 b Ea im

William Geds stereotype printing process involved making a copy of the typeset page
from a mold, so the copy could be used again and again for reprints.

(170082) as professor. That year,
Bernoulli linked two ancient
to the larger. In the Fibonacci
sequence, each number is the
Lyon in France had been the THOUSAND
concepts: the golden number, sum of the previous two numbers. center of European silkmaking. THE NUMBER OF
which the Ancient Greeks Bernoulli showed that the golden It was here in 1725 that
believed gave perfect artistic number is in fact the ratio of any silkmaker Basile Bouchon
proportions, and the Fibonacci Fibonacci number to the previous invented a system for setting GUJIN TUSHU
sequence (see 120019). The number in the sequence. up the cords on the silk loom. JICHENG
golden number (approximately Normally, this was a long and
1.618) is the ratio of a rectangle laborious job, but by arranging the winds direction was 800,000 pages, and 100 million
divided in two so that the ratio of for threading needles to be changing but because the boat Chinese characters.
the larger piece to the smaller raised or not according to was changing its course. In the In 1726, English clergyman
is the same as the ratio of holes on a moving roll of same way, Bradley surmized, Stephen Hales (16771761)
the whole rectangle paper, Bouchon could the mysterious change in the described how he made the
partially automate the direction of the stars, now known rst measurements of blood
nautilus machine. This reduced as stellar aberration, must be pressure by observing how far
mistakes, speeding up caused by the changing motion blood rose up a tube inserted
the process. Bouchons of Earth. In London this year, in the artery of a horse. He
paper roll paved the way Scottish printer William Ged measured the hearts capacity
for all programmable (16991749) invented the and output in various animals,
machines, including, stereotypea copy of an and the speed and resistance
ultimately, todays computers. original typeset page made using of blood ow in the arteries.
Although by 1700 it was widely a mold. This meant that limitless
accepted that Earth is not xed copies could be made from the
in position but moves around stereotype without the trouble of
the Sun, it was hard to laboriously resetting the type.
actually prove. Then, Meanwhile in China, the Gujin
in 1725, English Tushu Jicheng (Collection of
astronomer James Pictures and Writings) was
Bradley (16931762) being printed. It was a vast
observed the star encyclopedia overseen by the
Gamma Draconis Qing Dynasty emperors Kangxi
moving in the opposite and Yongzheng. Only 64 copies
direction to the way it were ever printed, but it
usually did. This was consisted of 10,000 volumes,
spiral difcult to explain, but it
In a nautilus is said that while sailing Blood pressure measurement
shell, the growth on the Thames River English clergyman Stephen Hales
factor by which inserted an 1112 ft- (3.5 m-) long
Bradley realized the weather
each spiral section glass tube into the neck artery of
increases in size is vane on the mast sometimes a horse, and held it vertically to see
the golden number. changed direction not because how far the blood rose up the tube.

er u
h ine m sh
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sil buil d m
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d e m u mb e
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7 m Be en n ci se o
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1 de ld ac m 1 ph st ea
a o
g on se e r m
Ac St he
Fib t 135
172728 172930

Stephen Gray, English experimenter, in A Letter to Cromwell Mortimer
Containing Several Experiments Concerning Electricity, 1731

The Cyclopaedia summarized human knowledge, reecting the growing belief

that people could learn about the world by studying it scientically.

IN 18TH CENTURY INDIA there FOR MUCH OF HIS LIFE, and mathematics when he was
was no better symbol of power ENGLISHMAN STEPHEN GRAY just 15 years of age, Bouguer
and enlightenment than worked in the family trade as a began to study how light is
knowledge of the heavens, which dyer, and appears to have been absorbed by transparent
may be why the Maharajah of largely self-educated. When he substances such as the
Amber Jai Singh II had ve retired in the 1720s he began atmosphere. He found that light
massive observatories built experimenting with electrical does not decrease in intensity
across his kingdom. The greatest effects. It was the simplicity arithmetically (uniformly ) as
of them was the Jantar Mantar of Grays experiments that it passes through the air but
at Jaipur, begun in 1727, which introduced many people to the geometrically (at an ever-
still stands today. Jantar phenomenon of electricity. Most increasing rate).
Mantar means calculation signicantly, he demonstrated It is not just the atmosphere
instrument and this site how an electric charge could be that distorts starlight. Telescopes
contains the worlds largest transmitted over distances by of the day suffered from
sundial, the Samrat Yantra, showing that it could be chromatic aberrationthe
which is accurate to within two Jaipurs Jantar Mantar conducted through a damp silk blurring and color fringing
seconds. Its signicance is as idea eventually leading to our The Samrat Yantra in the Jantar thread for hundreds of yards. caused by the fact that a simple,
Mantar is the worlds biggest
much astrological and religious understanding of photosynthesis In France, the prodigious conventional lens cannot focus
sundial, at over 88 ft (27 m), and the
as it is scientic. (see 178788). Suns shadow can be seen visibly mathematician and astronomer all the different wavelengths of
In the same year, English In 1728, English physicist moving over 12 in every 10 seconds. Pierre Bouguer was making light at the same point. British
clergyman and naturalist James Bradley looked at the key discoveries about the inventor Chester Moor Hall
Stephen Hales wrote about his stars to make one of the rst calculated the speed of light to transmission of light. Appointed a solved this problem by producing
experiments on plant physiology accurate measurements of the be 987,532,800 ft/s (301,000,000 professor and lecturer in physics the rst achromatic lenses.
in Vegetable Staticks. He noticed speed of light. He used stellar m/s), remarkably close to todays
how plants drew water up aberration, the apparent estimate of 983,571,056 ft/s metal (copper) ion electrons ow
through their stems due to root movement of stars caused by (299,792,458 m/s). held in place along wire
pressure and transpiration (the Earths motion, which he had In Paris, French physician
evaporation of water through discovered in 1722. Bradley Pierre Fauchard launched
the leaves). He also suggested measured the stellar aberration modern dentistry in his book Le
that plants absorb food from air of starlight from a star in the Chirurgien Dentiste (The Surgeon
using energy from sunlightan constellation of Draco and Dentist). He introduced llings
and advocated cutting down ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION

on sugar to avoid tooth decay.

FEET In London, English writer

Ephraim Chambers published
Electrical conduction is the movement of electrical charge. It is
essentially a relay race of electrons (discovered later, in 1897).
THE HEIGHT OF THE The Cyclopaedia or A Universal Electrons are normally attached to atoms, but can sometimes
SAMRAT YANTRA Dictionary of Arts and
Sciences, one of the rst great
break free. The more easily electrons can break free, the better
a substance can conduct electricity, which is why metals such as
SUNDIAL NEEDLE encyclopedias of knowledge copper are good conductors.
AT JANTAR MANTAR written in English.

aja s ar y s
ar gin nt h dle o er tor ts ibe a
ah II be f Ja ry nis g ra on t ht gu es en en
ar escr faun
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f li 29 y
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t En Ch pa 29 dies ond st ticia t di f 17 as Mo he
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8 Pi ers s A he ar m n a es op ens
2 n e Ep ishe at S co o k Sara Ch evel tic l
17 pio bl m e s 2 9 d a
th al met 17 Hall rom
Co ac

Stephen Gray transmitted electricity French engineer Henri Pitot devised the Pitot tube to measure the speed of ow
along damp silken thread. beneath the bridges crossing the Seine River in Paris, France.

SEVERAL INVENTIONS IN 1731 that crops could be sown every into the ow so that the height
highlighted the growing scientic year without a fallow period. of the water in the upright of the
interest in measuring the natural Dutch scientist and physician tube indicated the speed of ow.
world. Italian inventor Nicholas Herman Boerhaave put 18th Pitot tubes are now widely used to
Cirillo created the rst modern century chemistry on a rm measure airspeed on aircraft.
seismograph for measuring footing in his book Elementa
the intensity of earthquakes. Chemiae (Elements of
It consisted of a sensitively Chemistry), published in 1732. reector
balanced pendulum that drew He emphasized meticulous pivoting
lines on paper as it swung measurement and helped sight
with each tremor, so that the turn chemistry into a science LAURA BASSI (171178)
size of the swings recorded based on principles. Boerhaave
their intensity. also founded the science Born to a wealthy Bolognese
Englishman John Hadley of biochemistry with his family, Laura Bassi was
and American Thomas Godfrey brilliant demonstrations on patronized in her scientic
independently invented the the chemistry of natural work by Cardinal Lambertini,
octant to measure the angle substances such as urine the future Pope Benedict XIV.
Catesbys account of of the stars and Sun at sea by and milk. She was appointed professor
ora and fauna lining up their image in a mirror In 1732, French of anatomy at the University of
One bird described by Catesby was
with the horizon. The addition hydraulic engineer Bologna in 1731 and professor
the Ivory-billed Woodpecker: one
of the worlds largest woodpeckers of a telescope in 1759 was Henri Pitot created of philosophy in 1732. Her
and now probably extinct. important and the octant was the Pitot tube for work introduced Newtonian
widely used for navigation. measuring how fast physics to Italy and broke
These were fused lenses designed In that same year, agricultural a river owed. This the ground for many
to bring different wavelengths of changes gained impetus with rightangled tube women in science.
light to focus together. Jethro Tulls book on horse- could be immersed
In the same year, Joseph hoeing husbandry, which showed in a river, pointing
Foljambe developed a fast, light Octant used in navigation

plow that came to be the The octant enabled the angle
of the Sun and stars to be
standard for the next 180 years.
45 frame measured easily at sea by
It was called the Rotherham lining up their reection in
covering an
swing plow and could be driven eighth of a mirror with the horizon.
by just one man and two horses. a circle
The design became so popular it THE FLOW
was the rst plow ever to be
made in a factory.
In North America, British OF THE SEINE degree scale

naturalist Mark Catesby began

to publish the rst account of the
continents ora and fauna. PARIS

ist r he g
ss n nt h ee s t
wi icia r cie ave ork ur t
a nc ngin lop urin
3 1 S mat Eule as gs ch
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int se f B ma iver
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h 1 Ita las nd ail
nc 3 o s y a ey kh v
re an h
17 Nic eate n lis
h dle odfr nt Mi oro
0 F dje ws r r ng hro
a s d
ian yo ro
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H G ve t
s in n ss n F it f ka
o e il
inv Cer rst m ogra
p 31 Je on Jo oma ntly octa Ru Iva tra Alas
er chy re- un 17 list ook ing 1
3 T h e g 3 2 d S
o Fau gu e S es
m sm ra s b oe ry 17 d 17 v an ring ia t
n i u en tin
tro de the of th ellit se l t he -h d ep ec de e ss
as a, t r icu blis rse sban ind e re v oz he B Ru
m path d sa ag l pu ho hu th
G st
lem ight an Tu
l os
a cr
an e
173334 173536
Carl Linnaeus, Swedish botanist
John Kays ying shuttle was the rst of many devices that transformed
textile making and led to the Industrial Revolution.

THE MACHINE AGE HAD ITS At around the same time, another IN 1735, THE GREAT SCIENTIFIC rotation. French astronomer points of the same longitude)
TRUE BEGINNINGS IN 1733, French aristocrat, Ren Antoine QUESTION was determining the Jacques Cassini insisted it was near the equator and the North
when English inventor John Ferchault de Raumur (1683 dimensions of Earth. Isaac fatter from pole to pole. With Pole. The polar expedition, led
Kay (1704c.1779) designed 1757), was beginning his great Newton held that Earth is not national pride at stake, King by mathematician and biologist
a machine to weave cotton, a study of insects, Mmoires pour quite spherical: it is fatter around Louis XV of France sent off two Pierre Maupertuis (16981759),
material soon cheap enough servir lhistoire des insectes the equator than around the expeditions to measure an arc set off to Lapland while the
for the mass market. Kays (Memoirs Serving as a Natural poles, because of Earths (the distance between two equatorial team, led by naturalist
semiautomatic loom swiftly wove History of Insects). This work
an important new cloth called contained accurate descriptions
broadloom. The machine was of the life and habitats of nearly
christened the ying shuttle all insects then known, and laid
because of its operating speed. the groundwork for the science
In Paris that year, wealthy of entomology.
experimenter Charles Franois Philosophers across Europe
de Cisternay du Fay (16891739) were questioning established
was researching electricity theories. In 1734, English
by conducting a series of philosopher Bishop George
experiments. He observed the Berkeley (16851753) criticized
difference between substances calculus for the way it never
that conduct electricity or heat solved the problem of pinning
and those that insulate. He also down movement at a single
proposed that there are two instancepreferring to fudge it
kinds of electricityone created instead by calculating it over an
by rubbing glass (which he called innitely small distance, between
vitreous electricity) and the what are known as limits.
other by rubbing resin (resinous Swedish philosopher Emanuel
electricity). These terms were Swedenborg proposed the idea
replaced 15 years later with that the Solar System formed
positive and negative. from a cloud of gas and dust
Du Fay also found that like- that collapsed due to gravity,
charged objects repel and and then began spinning to
unlike-charged objects attract. conserve angular momentum.

ns dis rl es
ge io we t Ca lish
ay or est S
5 lis ub ae
uF l ds Ge y qu 3 ge alt
s d rica kin 3 4 le 17 tura us p atur an or b
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Ch el of t Be lcul Lin stem Ge gis ver
33 ers e 35 alo co
17 cov s ar ca Sy 17 ner t dis
dis arge m and
ch Br

l 17 y
ue 2 2 , adle e
s an ses y H th
ate m
E po is Ma rge ins nds
c re tle 34 ro es o a i
ay hu t 17 rg p oth Ge expl e w
nK s o yp d
J oh ying
en r h tra
33 w ed ula
17 the S neb

David Hume, Scottish philosopher, from A Treatise
on Human Nature, 1739

The botanical wallpaper in Carl Linnaeuss former home, now a museum, in Uppsala, Sweden,
is a modern replication of the original 18th-century wall covering.

and explorer Charles Marie de 1735, as the French exploratory had produced a fourth, pocket- LATE IN THE EVENING OF
La Condamine (170174), went teams set sail, English sized version known as H4 MAY 28, 1737, English physician
to Peru and Ecuador. When the meteorologist George Hadley that was of even greater and astronomer John Bevis
teams reported their ndings, (16851768) had a key insight accuracy (see 175964). (16951771) witnessed a
they proved that Newton, not into the trade winds that drive Three years before Maupertius rare event through a telescope
Cassini, was rightEarth is ships across the Atlantic: these and his team went to Lapland, at the Royal Greenwich
fatter at the equator. Also in winds blow east-west, not Swedish naturalist Carl Observatory in London: a
straight toward the equator Linnaeus had traveled there to planetary occultationin
because they are deected by collect plant and bird specimens. which one celestial body
Earths rotation. It was this trip that planted the passes in front of another,
This year, too, English seeds for his great scheme for temporarily hiding it from view.
clockmaker John Harrison classifying life, the Systema What Bevis watched was Venus
(16931776) completed the Naturae (System of Nature), passing in front of Mercury, CARL LINNAEUS
rst version of his marine rst published in 1735. Linnaeus the only planetary occultation (170778)
chronometer, a clock that could divided the natural world into ever recorded.
keep time accurately enough three kingdomsanimal, plant, In Switzerland, mathematician Born in Rashult, Sweden,
at sea to allow longitude to and mineraland subdivided Daniel Bernoulli (170082) Carl Linneaus was one of
be calculated. By 1759, Harrison each into class, order, genus, published Hydrodynamics, a the greatest naturalists
and species. He introduced the study of the ow of water, based of his time. A practicing
Linnaeuss animal kingdom now internationally recognized on his work in St. Petersburg, physician, he spent most of
In this table from Systema Naturae, Latin binomial (two-part name) Russia. Bernoulli noted that as his time classifying plants.
Carl Linnaeus sets out his six
classication system which the speed of moving uid His students traveled the
subdivisions of the animal kingdom:
mammals, birds, amphibians, sh, indicates rst the genus and increases, the pressure within it world, sending back samples
insects, and worms. then the species. decreasesa phenomenon now and spreading Linnaean
known as Bernoullis principle. theories. He became
HADLEY CELL Also in St. Petersburg, French Professor of Botany at the
astronomer Joseph-Nicolas University of Uppsala in 1741.
It is now known that there are direction of Earths Delisle (16881768) established
three great bands of vertical rotation a method for tracking sunspots
air circulation, or cells, on as they moved across the Sun. what is now recognized as
either side of the equator, In 1739, French explorer infrared radiation. In Anjou,
including the tropical cell Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet France, young Scottish
named after the meteorologist de Lozier (170586) found the philosopher David Hume
George Hadley. The east-west worlds most remote island, completed his A Treatise on
deection of these cells caused now called Bouvet Island, in the Human Nature, in which he
by Earths rotation creates South Atlantic Ocean. In France, tried to create a complete
a corkscrew pattern that physicist milie du Chtelet psychological prole of man.
accounts for prevailing winds (170649) published her 1739
at different latitudes. Hadley cell paper on combustion, in which
she predicted the existence of

ris e et 39
ar rin tel f 17
sh hn m
C h ce o y 1, te s
gli Jo rst ar pti ver
7 J the s du sten
En ker is 3
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3 5 a h 8, erv f Ve m he e tion Ja an-B t dis ater im
17 ckm etes ter y 2 obs n o
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clo mpl me a 39 ts
o M vis atio 17 edic d ra Bo isla aft
co ron Be cult pr rare an med
ch oc inf na

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m inn ene s
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s Ma ami er v id eati or G
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ha Co s ru 39 s A n E 7
1 pu ta of
6 C la ver 17 lete uma an
3 Pl
co m on H
dis co


Georg Steller, German zoologist, 1740

Stellers sea cow was a large sea mammal that fed on kelp. Discovered in 1740
by German naturalist Georg Steller, it was extinct by 1767.

CORROSION, STEEL is a practical
his name. Within 27 years of its
discovery, Stellers sea cow had
metal for construction and been hunted to extinction. OF SPECIES GEORG
machinery. But for thousands
of years it was so hard to make
Developed in the early 17th
century by innovators such as STELLER DISCOVERED
reliably in any quantity that it the physician Robert Fludd DURING THE 1740 VOYAGE
was used only for blades. Then, and astronomer Galileo Galilei,
in 1740, English clockmaker the thermometer displayed
Benjamin Huntsman (170476) temperature by showing the In 1742, French mathematician forces simpler by reducing them
perfected his crucible method level of liquid in a glass tube as Jean Le Rond DAlembert to static calculations. Also this
of making steel in Shefeld, it expanded or contracted. But (171783) found another way to year, American inventor and
England. It involved heating steel a century on, it had still not consider Newtons Second Law of statesman Benjamin Franklin
to 2912F (1600C) in a coke- ANDERS CELSIUS been agreed how to calibrate Motion, by introducing a ctitious designed a cast-iron stove
red furnace in clay pots or (170141) it. Among other suggestions, balancing or equilibrium force. that could be set in the middle
crucibles to make ingots of English physicist and Known as DAlemberts of a room to maximize its
tough steel large and pure Born in Uppsala in Sweden, mathematician Isaac Newton principle, this made calculations heating effect. Cast-iron stoves
enough to cast into many Anders Celsius succeeded proposed a scale with the about dynamic or changing soon became immensely popular.
shapes. Huntsmans crucible his father as professor of melting point of snow at one end
revolutionized steel making and astronomy at Uppsala and the boiling point of water at TEMPERATURE SCALES
over the next century, Shefelds University in 1730. He is most the other, with points divided by
steel production rose from 200 famous for devising the 33 degrees in between. In the In the 1700s, many KELVIN CELSIUS FAHRENHEIT
to 80,000 tons per year. This was temperature scale that now end, the winner turned out to be temperature scales
almost half of Europes steel. bears his name, but he also the temperature scale invented were used, including 373K 100C 212F
On June 4, 1740, Danish helped discover the link by Swedish astronomer Anders Raumurs. Now just
explorer Vitus Bering (1681 between magnetic storms Celsius (170144) in 1742, which three are common: the
1741) launched an expedition in the Sun and the aurora developed into the modern Kelvin (K, introduced in
to map the remote Arctic phenomenon on Earth. 300K 27C 81F
Celsius scale (known until 1948 1848), Celsius (C), and
coast of Siberia. He sailed from as Centigrade). In Celsiuss scale, Fahrenheit (F) scales. 273K 0C 32F
Kamchatka in eastern Russia the two end points were set 100 Each just shows 255K 18C 0F
aboard the St. Peter, while fellow a small boat and returned to degrees apart, with 100 degrees degrees between xed
explorer Aleksey Chirikov Russia with news of fur-trading signifying the freezing point of points. The Kelvin 200K 73C 99F
(170348) sailed aboard the possibilities that would make water, while 0 degrees signied scale starts at absolute
St. Paul. The ships became Russia rich. Among the survivors boiling point at standard zero. One Kelvin is
separated and Bering discovered was German naturalist Georg atmospheric pressure. Two years equal to one degree
the Alaskan Peninsula while Steller (170946), who had later, Swedish naturalist Carl Celsius, so 273.15 K is
100K 173C 279F
Chirikov found some of the collected specimens of hitherto Linnaeus adopted Celsiuss 0C, the melting point
Aleutian Islands. After Bering unknown species of wildlife scale for his greenhouse of water, and 373.15 K
fell ill with scurvy, his ship was during the expedition. Stellers thermometers, but reversed the is 100C, the boiling Absolute
sea cow, Stellers jay, Stellers sea zero 0K 273C 460F
wrecked on the Aleutians and he scale so that 100 degrees was point of water.
died there. Some of his crew built eagle, and Stellers eider all bear the boiling point of water.

h er
in n dis nd a
m sia we er A ses
h enja ps us ey S
42 om op
s R o
i B lo ng 1 s rs
Br ker eve aki 74 lek ve ds 17 tron s pr ca
40 a d m l y 1 er A isco slan as lsiu rade re s
17 ckm man eel Ju plor v d n I e g
C nti rat u
t o
clo nts le s ex irik utia ce mpe
Hu ucib Ch e Al te
cr th

exp s the an
d rm r
ish ap an
1 Ge telle a
an g m ska eria 4 S sk
1 D
ri n la ib 17 ge la
74 Be f A c S 0, eor n A
y 1 us t o cti l y 2 st G ds i
Ma Vit coas Ar Ju rali lan

174344 174546
Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, in Essai de cosmologie, 1750

In March 1744, six unusual tails were seen shooting above the horizon from French philosopher Pierre Maupertuiss ideas
the amazingly bright Great Comet of 1744. hinted at later evolutionary theory.


SKIES around the world CHARLES BONNET (172093)
were illuminated by one wrote a key study on insects, ABOUT ELECTRICITY THAT... I
of the brightest ever Trait dInsectologie (Treatise on UNDERSTAND NOTHING AND CAN
comets. It was spotted Insectology). In it he noted that EXPLAIN NOTHING.
through a telescope late caterpillars breathe through
in 1743 by German pores, and that aphids Pieter van Musschenbroek, Dutch physicist, 1746
astronomers Jan de reproduce by parthogenesis
Munck and Dirk (without the need for mating). another kind of map, showing all electrodes on the inside and
Klinkenberg, and In France that year, the the countrys surface minerals. It outside of a glass jar. It was
Swiss astronomer mathematician and philosopher was perhaps the rst ever major not a battery, because it did not
Jean-Philippe de Pierre Louis Maupertuis geological map. produce a charge itselfinstead
Chseauxit later (16981759) was writing Vnus In the city of Leyden in it stored a static charge built up
became known as the Cassinis map of France Physique, in which he hinted Holland, German cleric Ewald by friction generators. However,
Comet de Klinkenberg-Chseaux. In making the rst detailed, accurate at ideas that emerged later Georg von Kleist (170048) it was a compact way of storing
map of France, Cassini set out: To
By the next spring, this rare in evolutionary theory. He and Dutch physicist Pieter van electricity and provided a useful
measure distances by triangulation
Great Comet was so bright and thus establish the exact position suggested that only those Musschenbroek (16921761) and ready source of charge.
that it outshone Venus at night of the settlements. animals made in a way that best quite independently of one
and, for a few weeks in March met their needs would survive, anotherdeveloped the rst
1744, it could even be seen by day. triangulationa technique that while those lacking appropriate device for storing electricity.
Thanks to new surveying establishes positions through characteristics would not. The Leyden jar stored a static
equipment, it became possible measuring angles. In 1744, Maupertius also suggested electric charge between two non-
to make accurate maps using French mapmaker Csar- that all life descends from
Franois Cassini de Thury a common ancestor.
(171484), also known as Cassini Also this year, French
III, began a huge project to make mathematician, Csar-Franois
1 the rst accurate map of all Cassini de Thury developed the
TRILLION France at the scale of 1:84,600. Cassini map projection. All map electrode
ESTIMATED NUMBER The project was a landmark projections are accurate but
in mapmaking. they distort in various ways. The or wire
During this year, Swiss Cassini projection was accurate at
mathematician Leonhard Euler right angles to a central meridian,
80 (170783) was working in Berlin so was good for local grid-based
4,185 great
on optics. The clarity of his maps. For this reason, the Cassini metal
known comets comets coating
papers helped ensure that projection was used for the
Comets Huygens theory that light well-known Ordnance Survey Leyden jar
Great cometscomets that are travels in waves prevailed maps of the UK. The Leyden jar provided
exceptionally brightare seen less a way to store and build
over Isaac Newtons theory In 1746, French mineralogist
frequently than other comets. There up a charge of static
are trillions of comets that remain of light corpuscles or particles Jean-tienne Guettard electricity, ready to
undiscovered to this day. (see 1675). (171586) was pioneering be released.

rk lis
i ac
an Di ra h r m
er ers and ver nc cian Cas e a
ph thy
atu e
Fr ti ois th on
43 om nc isc
k o
ss ss
et ise 45 ma n es cti sh or
17 tron Mu rg d et
wi icia r wi onn eat 17 the Fra reat roje gli okw in in
nt n
E Co ol nd
as n de nbe om 4 4 S mat Eule orta 4 5 S s B a tr a r-
m sa ry c p p 46 ka la
Ja inke eat
C 17 the ard imp cs 17 arle hes logy C Thu i ma 17 illiam ers Eng
Kl e Gr m onh hes opti Ch blis ecto de ssin W cov all,
th Le blis on pu ins Ca dis rnw
pu pers on Co

ch is er
en ar ph
Fr ician i n j rate so rtuis
4 4 t in d e a g i lo is
17 ema ass ns ey sep eor ph upe ife
i e L wo ld G ieter ch Ma all l m a
ath ois C beg ce h
T yt a ek e n s o r
m y n 45 b Ew d ro
P Fr oui hat d fr sto
an hur Fra 17 ped rs, st an enb 45 L s t de ce
r-F de T ping lo to ei ch 17 erre ose cen n an
a ve en l s Pi rop des mo
ap de inv on K Mus p m
v n co
174748 174950

Bernhard Siegfried Albinuss Tabulae Sceleti et Musculorum Corporis Humani English astronomer Thomas Wright described
contained anatomical drawings of unprecedented accuracy. the Milky Way as being shaped like a disk.

AFTER ENGLISH PHYSICIST they are central to calculations 400 IN 1749, FRENCH NATURALIST attention to the stability of ships
ISAAC NEWTONS DISCOVERY about the movement of sound, GEORGES BUFFON (170788) in his book Scientia Navalis
of the law of gravitation (see heat, electricity, and uids. 270350 began the publication of his (Naval Science). He analysed their

168789) many others became Countless sailors were dying study Histoire Naturelle (Natural three-dimensional motion at
interested in the gravitational from scurvy on long voyages. 206 History), a 44-volume study of sea with such mathematical
effect of the Moon. In 1747, Nobody knew at the time that the 200 animals and minerals. He was precision that he had to add a
French mathematician Jean le illness was caused by a vitamin one of the rst to recognize that third axis to graphs to show
Rond dAlembert argued that C deciency, but some people the world is very ancient and
winds are caused by tides in the suspected it might be prevented that many species have come Buffons Natural History
atmosphere that are driven by by eating lemons and limes. and gone since it was formed. This turkey is one of the many
0 accurately observed drawings
the Moon, just like tides in the In 1747, British naval surgeon This laid the groundwork for
Newborn Adult in Georges Buffons important
sea. He was mistakenwinds James Lind (171694) carried Darwins theory of evolution a study, Histoire Naturelle, a work
are really driven by variations in out an experiment to test the Human bones century later (see pp.204205). translated into several languages.
Babies have more bones than adults,
the way the air is warmed by the effect of different dietary Also this year, Swiss
and some adult bones result from
sun, as warm air rises and cold supplements on six pairs of the fusion of bones that are separate mathematician Leonhard
air rushes in to take its place. sailors suffering from scurvy. in newborns. Euler turned his
However, his work did introduce Only the pair fed limes recovered,
partial differential equations and we now know that eating et Musculorum Corporis Humani
(PDEs), complex equations citrus fruit prevents scurvy (Drawings of the Skeleton and
involving several variables. Later because it contains vitamin C. Muscles of the Human Body). The
developed by Swiss mathematician In 1748, Dutch anatomist drawings were plotted on grids
Leonhard Euler, PDEs are now Bernhard Siegfried Albinus to ensure their accuracy.
used for calculating how fast (16971770) published an Also in 1748, English physicist
one variable changes when important study of human James Bradley explained an
others are held constant, and anatomy, entitled Tabulae Sceleti astronomical effect he had been
studying for 20 years. This was
nutationthe way Earths axis
nods slightly with a period
of 18.6 years. The Moons orbit
does not lie exactly in the plane
of the ecliptic (Earths orbit
around the Sun), so its changing
unsymmetrical gravitational pull
unbalances Earths rotation.

Treating scurvy
James Linds 1747 study proved that
citrus fruits prevented scurvy, but
it was many years before his ideas
were put into practice.

an ar
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es lan tion ar d o ry
am xp ta nh de es on to
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A p Eule mat rim
u p
g g c st
su fruit Fe
r p

Denis Diderot, French philosopher, in Encyclopdie, 1751

This illustration of a state-of-the-art scientic laboratory of the mid-18th

century is from Denis Diderots and Jean dAlemberts Encyclopdie.

variations in depth as well Lightning charge Future American statesman Also this year, physicist Thomas
as length and breadth. The In Philadelphia in June Benjamin Franklin (170690) Melvill (1726-53) discovered
1752, experimenter and
positions or coordinates on was intrigued by the similarity that when he set different
statesman Benjamin
these three axes, known as x, Franklin risked death as between lightning and the sparks substances aame, the ame
y, and z, are now central to he proved lightning is in his home demonstrations of gave differently colored
trigonometry (see 163537). electricity by ying a kite electrical phenomena. Franklin spectra when shone through
into a thundercloud to
Also this year, Euler proved became convinced that lightning a prism. Salt gave a spectra
draw down the charge.
French mathematician Pierre de is natural electricity and in dominated by bright yellow, for
Fermats theorem that certain Experiments and Observations in instance. This was the beginning
prime numbersnumbers that Electricity, published in London of spectroscopy, by which
are divisible only by themselves knowledge of the time, in 1751, he described an substances are identied by
and the number onecan be Encyclopdie. It was experiment to prove his theory. the color of light they emit.
expressed as the sum of two the rst encyclopedia This involved drawing lightning
square numbers. to include work from down to a spike on a sentry box.
Meanwhile, French a variety of named In May 1752, Frenchman
hydrographer Pierre Bouguer contributors, and it Jean-Francois dAlibard
(16981758) was embroiled in a aimed to collate the (1703-99) tried Franklins
dispute concerning the shape of worlds knowledge experiment in France and found
Earth. The French expedition to in one place. that it worked. The following
South America led by Bouguer In Edinburgh in 1751, month, Franklin, not yet aware of
and Charles de la Condamine Scottish physician dAlibards success, went out in
in the 1730s (see 173339) had FRENCH MATHEMATICIAN Robert Whytt (1714-1766) a summer storm in Philadelphia
helped prove that Earths PIERRE LOUIS MAUPERTUIS discovered how the pupil of the to y a kite under the clouds to
circumference is attened (16981759) wrote Systeme de la eye automatically opens or draw electrical charge down the
at the polesbut the pair Nature (The System of Nature) in closes in response to levels of line to a key, insulated from BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
disagreed bitterly on the exact 1751. In it he discussed how light. His pupil reex was the the experimenter by a silk ribbon. (170690)
results. Bouguer published his characteristics are passed on rst discovery of a bodily reex, As sparks streamed off the key,
claim in La gure de la terre from animals to their offspring, an automatic response Franklin, like dAlibard, could see Born in Boston, Franklin
(The Shape of the Earth), in 1749. later the basis of the science to a stimulus. that the cloud was electried. lived most of his life in
De la Condamine published his of genetics. His ideas also Philadelphia, where he ran
counterclaim two years later.
In 1750, English astronomer
foreshadowed naturalist Charles
Darwins once discredited ideas
a printing business. He was
one of the founding fathers

Thomas Wright (171186) began on pangenesis, an early theory of American independence
to think about the shape of the of heredity now receiving LIGHTNING FROM THE SKY and became famous for his
Milky Way, not then recognized
as a galaxy. Wright speculated
renewed attention.
Also in this year, French AND THE SCEPTER investigations into the nature
of electricity. He also invented
correctly that although we
cannot see it because we are in
philosophers Denis Diderot
(171384) and Jean dAlembert
FROM TYRANTS. the lightning rod and a type of
cast-iron stove, and he made
the middle of it, the Milky Way started work on their book that Anne-Robert Jacques Turgot, French economist and statesman, studies of the Gulf Stream.
is shaped like a at disk. attempted to summarize all on Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Samuel P. du Pont, 1778

as s t
m ibe tt ro t
ho scr y as k hy de er
T e Di mb r
50 t d a dis
W i s e i in
17 righ lky W e a be he en Al the jam es ic
W e Mi d lik o 1 D an d k on en prov ectr
R t 5 B l
th ape 51 ers x 17 d Je wor die 52 lin s e
17 cov ee an gin op 17 ank ng i
sh i s
d pil r r
F htn i
be cycl
pu En lig

is ist
rtu y m
u pe eor s c he eers
h i h n y
Ma e t es lis pio cop
re th en ng ille ros
P ier ests ang E
52 elv ec
51 gg of 17 s M sp
17 su a

175354 175556

Immanuel Kant, German philosopher in Universal Natural
History and Theory of the Heavens, 1755

Carl Linnaeuss classication of plants focused on their sexual organs, the pistils and stamens,
as illustrated here by botanical artist Georg Ehret, who worked with Linnaeus in the 1730s.

AMERICAN INVENTOR AND Lightning conductor life as known on Earth. But AROUND MIDMORNING ON
POLYMATH BENJAMIN Franklins lightning rod Bokovis almost-correct theory NOVEMBER 1, 1755, the city
initially met with worried
FRANKLIN (170590) had was a key step in the process of of Lisbon in Portugal was 15% of
opposition, but soon many
proved in 1751 that lightning is buildings were sprouting these understanding other worlds devastated by an earthquake buildings still
natural electricity. Some two property protectors. beside our own. now estimated at magnitude 8.5 standing
years later, he demonstrated Scottish chemist Joseph on the Richter scale (see 1935).
85% of buildings
with his new invention, the Swiss mathematician Black (172899) also found After studying the after-effects, destroyed
lightning rod, how buildings Leonhard Euler (170783) out something about Earths British geologist John Michell
could be protected against addressed the question of how atmosphere with his discovery (172493) correctly suggested
this hazard. The simple three heavenly bodies, of carbon dioxide, which he that earthquakes travel as
Great quake
device, still used today, such as the Sun, Moon, called xed air. Black learned seismic waves, which alternately
Many major buildings and around
comprised a metal rod and Earth, interact. He that this gas is heavier than compress and stretch the 12,000 dwellings were destroyed
placed on top of a building approached what is air, does not allow ames to ground. Michell worked out by Lisbons earthquake of 1755.
to draw down lightning known as the three- burn, can cause asphyxiation, that the quakes epicenter
and conduct it harmlessly body problem in his and is exhaled by animals the point where the waves that use of hydraulic lime, a cement
to the ground through a book Theoria Motus in breath. shook Lisbon originatedwas in that sets underwater and is
metal wire, saving the Lunae (A Theory of During this period, Swedish the eastern Atlantic between the resilient to deterioration when
building from damage. Lunar Motion), and naturalist Carl Linnaeus (see Azores and Gibraltar. wet. Smeaton used hydraulic
Although many argued eventually found a 173739) produced his work British engineer John Smeaton lime to build the third Eddystone
that drawing lightning solution in 1760. Euler on classifying plants, Species (172492) improved the stability lighthouse off the coast of
only increased the also pioneered studies Plantarum (The Species of of buildings with his pioneering southwest England.
likelihood of a strike, into how the gravitational Plants), which covered some
the idea caught on pull between the Moon 6,000 plants and gave each one
quickly. But Czech and Earth drives tides on a binomial (two-part) Latin name
inventor Prokop Earth. Understanding of indicating genus and species.
Divi (16981765) such forces was still in This system provides the basis
independently invented its infancy in 1754, when for plant nomenclature used
a similar device around Dutch dike supervisor by botanists today.
the same time, and it was Albert Brahms (16921758)

Divis design that became began the rst scientic
more widely used. recordings of tide levels.
British naval surgeon James Ruer Josip Bokovi
Lind published in 1753 the rst (171187) of Dubrovnik, who
edition of A Treatise of the made signicant contributions ESTIMATED
Scurvy, the result of six years to at least half a dozen scientic
research into the benets of elds, claimed that the Moon NUMBER OF
citrus fruit as a preventive of the has no atmosphere. In fact, we AMPS CARRIED
dread shipboard disease. It was
several decades before anyone
now know that the Moon does
have a sparse atmosphere,
acted fully on Linds theory. although not enough to support LIGHTNING
lin d
S, ank ro al ath eers l nu r
av d m a an ma ula
n U Fr ning l oly pion ysic ity rm Im eb
I ar es h n Lin ise p
53 in ht
3 C sh i s t
iss nne e ph ona
l Ge er s n tion
17 njam s lig it 55 soph elop ma m
s t
175 ubli lant Br me rea w o
4 S s B at t per
h s 7
1 ilo ev for ste
Be ent , p p 53 Ja A T 5
inv y 1 us of 17 cer hes vy 17 arle a th y to ph nt d for r Sy
Ma nae tem ion of blis Scur Ch e ide s ke Ka eory Sola
i n s t
L sy ca pu the th nd i th the
his ssi of m

ss e
dik s An
wi n 5 s
5 3 S ticia r tch ahm g 175 tate n
1, vas Joh y
17 ma ule e er D r in ist
e E h om s 54 rt B rd ls em s r
be e d pts eor
ath rd n t on laim o 17 lbe reco leve ch over e
m onha s o lem st r c n r A c e h
is isc id v em uak rom p th aves
Le wor pro
k b n a vi as re ee nti f tid ott d iox No rthq nd p velo ic w
y tia ko n h he gin cie o Sc lack on d ea n, a o de ism
d roa Bo oo osp en ts s 5 4 B b
bo C r M r 17 eph car bo ll t f se
e- 53 e the atm sta L s iche o
re 17 Ru Jo
144 M

Ruder Bokovic, Croatian scientist, in Theory of Natural Philosophy, 1758

Immanuel Kant believed, as do many scientists today, that the Solar System
originated as a cloud of dust between the stars.

In Russia, polymath Mikhail THE IDEA THAT THINGS Mayer (172362) and used
Lomonosov proved the law ARE MADE FROM ATOMS to calculate longitude at sea.
of conservation of matter by had been important since the Also working on longitude
showing that when lead plates Little known in the West, early 17th century. But Ruer calculations at about this
are heated inside a jar the Lomonosov was born a Bokovi, living in Venice at time was English clockmaker
collective weight of jar and peasant and went on to the time, went further and John Harrison (16931776),
contents stays the same, become a pioneer in physics, developed his own atomic whose H3 chronometer proved
although the materials have chemistry, and astronomy, a theory, which he explained in precise enough to be used
altered. His ndings predated by poet, and a key thinker in the his book Theoria Philosophiae for longitude calculations
nearly 30 years the similar law Russian Enlightenment. His (Theory of Natural Philosophy). under all conditions.
formulated by French chemist achievements include the Bokovi suggested that matter In Switzerland, the three
Antoine Lavoisier (see 178182). discovery of planet Venuss is built from pointlike particles engineering Grubenmann
German philosopher atmosphere, and devising interacting in pairs. brothersJakob (16941758),
Immanuel Kant (17241804) theories for light waves and In France, astronomer Alexis Johannes (170771), and Hans
developed the idea of the nebular iceberg formation. Claude Clairaut (171365), (170983)erected the worlds
hypothesis, rst suggested by who had earlier made a name longest road bridges, including
Swedish thinker and visionary for himself with his theory on a 220 ft- (67 m-) long bridge at
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 that collapsed inward Destruction of a city why Earth must be attened at Reichenau over a tributary of
Over 30,000 people were killed by the
1772) in the 1730s. This theory under its own gravity, the the poles, developed a theory the Rhine.
massive earthquake that rocked
postulates that the Solar System matter forming into the Portuguese city of Lisbon in about comets. He suggested
originated in a rotating gas cloud the Sun and planets. November 1755. that Halleys comet, due
to reappear in 1759, might
be subject to unknown
gravitational forces, such
as another comet. Clairaut
also compiled lunar
tables, but they were
not as important or
as accurate as those
made in Gttingen,
in Germany, by
astronomer Tobias

Moon map
German astronomer
Tobias Mayers close
study of the Moon resulted
in the rst maps to show
accurately the positions
of the craters on the
lunar surface.

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20th century
As the barometer reacts to air pressure,
by either expanding or contracting, the
movement causes the marker pen attached
to the lid of the barometer to
graph move over the graph paper
paper on on the revolving drum.

pen attached to lid

of barometer


vane veers to show

wind direction

rotors turn vane

into the wind


People have always sought ways to understand and

predict the changes to the weather around them, and reective surface
of glass ball
this led to the development of devices to investigate the focuses Suns rays
properties of air, such as its temperature and pressure.
focused rays
scorched onto
The rst meteorological instruments were made in 17th-century Italy. strip of card
At rst, tools were created simply to learn about the atmosphere. held here

Thermometers measured changes in temperature; barometers revealed

variations in air pressure; anemometers registered
wind strength; and hygrometers showed humidity. drum held paper on
Gradually, it was realized that these measurements which wind speed
Parheliometer was recorded
could be used to help predict the weather, and
now countless readings from weather stations all Hours of sunshine
around the world are fed into powerful computers can be recorded on
to build up weather forecasts. a parheliometer, in
which a glass ball
Aneroid barometer focuses the Suns
mercury 20th century rays onto card so
thermometer that the Suns
Air pressure changes,
shown on the dial of passage leaves
an aneroid barometer, a scorch trace.
are a good indicator
of weather to come.
Falling pressure Spinning-cup anemograph
suggests stormy 20th century
weather, and steady The spinning-cup anemometer was invented
high pressure heralds in 1846 by Irish astronomer John Robinson to
clear weather. measure wind speed. This anemograph records
wind speed continuously on a cylindrical chart.
air pressure in millibars

Aneroid barometer/thermometer
20th century
In the 19th century, before broadcast weather reports,
a combined thermometer and aneroid barometer,
typically housed in a case shaped like a banjo, helped
householders make their own weather predictions.


wind speed Weather calculator

indicated by how 1920s
fast cup spins British meteorologist Lewis
Soil thermometers Richardson helped develop
1990s numeric weather prediction by
Right-angled thermometers are used creating special calculators.
to measure soil temperature at varying
depths. This is done to see how deeply
frost has penetrated the ground.

Glass thermometer
This beautiful
thermometer was
made by Italian glass
blowers. It is lled
with alcohol that
expands and climbs
the spiral when the Thermometer
temperature rises. 1990s Cotton-reel thermometer
Maximum and c.185577
minimum temperatures This desk-top combination
reached each day are instrument features a
recorded on either arm mercury thermometer
collection funnel of a double-ended and a compass.

water runs down antenna propeller

funnel and collects
wind vane
in cylinder
speed and
Rain gauge Sea thermometer direction
1980s c.1870 of wind
Rainfall can be This thermometer for
recorded simply by measuring sea temperature
the depth of water was used on the HMS
funnelled down inside Challenger oceanographic
a rain gauge, typically expedition of 187276.
mounted 8 in (20 cm)
above the ground to
avoid splashes. sensor
wet cloth keeps measures air
dry bulb bulb moist temperature

Ocean weather
Since the 1970s,
scale shows
oating weather
buoys have been
used to monitor
Hair hygrometer weather conditions
c.1830 vane to at sea. They move
This simple way of orient buoy freely with ocean
measuring humidity into the wind currents and beam
depended on the ability back continual
of a human hair to measurements
stretch in moist air via satellite links.
and shrink in dry
air in a regular and
predictable way. sensor measures
temperature of
seas surface

strands of
human hair

Evaporation causes cooling, so the
temperature difference between two bulbs
of a thermometer, one kept wet, one dry,
can be compared to calculate humidity.


In 1760, the botanic gardens at Kew in London were enlarged to accommodate the many
exotic plants brought back from distant lands. This is Kews great Palm House of 1848.

H4 chronometer
The rst practical device for
calculating longitude at sea,
Harrisons H4 chronometer was like
solved in 1759 with a highly
accurate clock, or chronometer.

a large pocket watch, 5 in (13 cm)

across and weighing 3.2 lb (1.45 kg). Most people had assumed that
such a clock would be large and
complex. Between 1730 and
1759, English clockmaker John
Harrison had built three
chronometers, all very accurate
but not accurate enough. Then
Harrison realized the clock did Charles Bonnet, Swiss scientist, from Essai Analytique sur les Facults
not have to be big. In 1760, he de Lme (Analytical Essay on the Powers of the Soul), 1760
built a chronometer the size
of a pocket watch. Called H4, of Earths landscapes must be In 1760, Charles Bonnet
it worked astonishingly well, long and complex, not simply the described what came to be known
losing just 5.1 seconds in a result of a few brief catastrophes. as Charles Bonnet syndrome, a
two-month journey across One year previously, Italian condition in which people with
the Atlantic in 1761. geologist Giovanni Arduino poor eyesight are aficted with
As mariners sailed farther, (171495) suggested that the hallucinations. He observed the
they brought exotic plants geological history of Earth symptoms in his grandfather and
to Europe from across the could be divided into four periods: suggested that the visualizations
globe. These were planted Primitive, Secondary, Tertiary, and that the mind sees are generated
in newly created botanical Volcanic or Quaternary. by the physical brain.
gardens, such as Kew
Gardens in London, which CHARLES BONNET (172093)
was greatly enlarged in 1760
by Augusta of Saxe-Coburg, Born near Geneva, Charles
dowager Princess of Wales. Bonnet lived all his life in his
Mariners sailing through the hometown. His studies included
Southern Ocean brought back research on parthenogenesis
tales of giant icebergs. Russian in insects (reproduction
polymath Mikhail Lomonosov without sex) and the discovery
suggested that they must that caterpillars breathe
have formed on dry land, on a through pores. A naturalist
continent as yet undiscovered, as well as a philosopher, he
which later proved to be also pioneered the idea that
Antarctica. He also suggested the mind is the product of the
that some rocks were much older physical brain.
than others and that the history

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176162 176364

Joseph Black, Scottish chemist, from his
Lectures on Elements of Chemistry, 1960

Joseph Black became famous for his groundbreaking lectures Edward Stones discovery of the medicinal properties of willow bark
on the study of heat at Glasgow University, Scotland. was a great breakthrough in palliative medicine.

ONE OF THE MILESTONES on the IN 1763, BRITISH CLERGYMAN worker. The spinning jenny
road to the Industrial Revolution EDWARD STONE (170268) was hand-driven and required
was the establishment in 1761 discovered the medicinal some skill to operate, but it was
of the Soho Manufactory in Substances absorb or release properties of willow bark. a key step toward automatic,
Birmingham, England. The heat when their physical state Stone found, after careful testing, powered machines that could
brainchild of entrepreneur undergoes change. For a solid that willow bark dramatically turn out cloth in vast quantities.
Matthew Boulton, the Soho to melt to a liquid, it must boiling point reduced ague, a fever with In 1764, Italian-born French

factory pioneered the assembly absorb heat energy; and when gas symptoms similar to malaria. It mathematician Joseph Louis
line, with mass-production of a liquid freezes to a solid, it was later found that the active Lagrange (17361813) showed
cheap items, such as buttons, loses heat. This energy is called liquid ingredient in willow bark is why the Moon oscillates, or
buckles, and boxes for the latent heat. Much more heat salicylic acid, which forms the librates, continually. He also
general public. It was here that energy is needed to change solid
basis of aspirin (see 1897). explained why the same lunar
British engineer James Watts solids to liquids and liquids to melting One of the most inuential face is always turned toward
steam engines (see 176566) gases than to simply raise the inventions of 1764 was English Earth. This explanation later
were built a few years later. temperature of a substance. ENERGY INPUT carpenter and weaver James became the basis of his equations
An early patron of James Watt, Hargreaves (172178) spinning of motion, which provide a simple
Scottish chemist Joseph Black jenny, which could spin cotton way of calculating the movement
(172899) discovered one of the of this latent heat, highlighting condensera device to generate eight times faster than a manual within a system.
properties of heat. He found that the difference between heat and static electricity.
much more heat is needed to temperature, was fundamental In Switzerland, mathematician multiple
melt ice than to warm ice-cold to the modern understanding Johann Heinrich Lambert
water, just as it takes extra heat of energy. It also helped Watt (172877) published a treatise in
to evaporate water. The discovery turn the steam engine from an which he put forward his version
inefcient contraption to the of the nebular hypothesis,
powerhouse of the Industrial Age. the theory that the Solar System
In Sweden, chemist Johan developed from a cloud of
Gottschalk Wallerius (170985) interstellar dust. English
showed how science could be astronomer Thomas Wright
100+ applied to farming as well as and German philosopher
STARBURST to industry. His pioneering work Immanuel Kant independently
GALAXY on agricultural chemistry, proposed a similar theory.
Agriculturae Fundamenta Lambert also suggested rightly
Chemica (The Natural and that the Sun and nearby stars
Chemical Elements of travel together as a group
1 Agriculture), discussed the through the Milky Way.
An ordinary galaxy
chemical components most
Stars made by galaxies per year conducive to plant growth. Spinning jenny
The Milky Way, the only known galaxy Hargreaves spinning jenny horizontal wheel
Meanwhile, another Swede, to control spindles
in the 1760s, makes one new star a could power multiple spindles,
year, compared to hundreds in the Johan Carl Wilcke (173296) which enabled spinners to
starburst galaxies now recognized. designed a dissectible produce cotton much faster.

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Mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange calculated the motions of the four moons of
Jupiter known to 18th-century science: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

IN 1765, SECLUDED IN HIS small-scale use. In Newcomens wasted a great deal of heat, Boulton established the
WORKSHOP IN THE UNIVERSITY engine, steam was let into the so Watt added a separate Lunar Society of Birmingham,
OF GLASGOW, young Scottish cylinder to push the piston up, component to condense steam a small group of pioneering
engineer James Watt (1736 then cold water was sprayed outside the cylinder and avoid thinkers that included Erasmus
1819) was working on improving in and the steam condensed, continuous chilling. When Watt Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood, and
Thomas Newcomens steam creating a vacuum that pulled teamed up in the 1770s with Joseph Priestley (17331804).
engine, which was still only in the piston down. The cold water Birmingham industrialist Later Watt, too, joined them.
Matthew Boulton (17281809) Priestley and chemists Joseph
to put his improvements Black and Henry Cavendish
into practice, (17311810) became known as
Watts invention the pneumatic chemists for
transformed the their work on air and gases. In JAMES WATT
steam engine from 1765, Cavendish discovered that (17361819)
a pump of limited hydrogen, which he called
use to the source of inammable air, is an element, Born on January 19, 1736 in
power that drove the and can be made by dissolving Greenock, Scotland, engineer
cylinder Industrial Revolution. metals in acid. James Watt was one of the
In 1766, Swiss mathematician greatest-ever inventors. His
Leonhard Euler accepted a new improvements to the steam
post at the Academy of Sciences engine transformed it from
in St. Petersburg, where he erratic mine pump to factory
had spent much of his earlier powerhouse. His many
career. During this year he other inventions included
developed key equations a machine for duplicating
for the movement of rigid sculptures and the worlds
bodiesthat is, any rst copying machine.
objects that keep their
shape, such as a planet.
Italian-born French Louis Lagrange (17361813)
mathematician Joseph took over Eulers position at the
Prussian Academy of Sciences
Industrial power in Berlin, writing a paper on the
James Watts revolutionary motion of Jupiters moons, only
engine, incorporating a four of which were then known.
double-acting cylinder that
It was a century later that they
allowed steam to escape to
a separate condenser, was a were given the names Io, Europa,
key development for industry. Ganymede, and Callisto.
In Kurume, Japan, Arima
Yoriyuki (171483) calculated
pi to 29 decimal places.

er ch n
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176768 176970

Joseph Priestley, English clergyman and scientist, from
The History and Present State of Electricity, 1767

French engineer Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built his steam carriage to haul guns, but it was
far too heavy to be practical, and may have crashed into a wall as this old print shows.

WHILE A CLERGYMAN IN LEEDS, the credit for this discovery would Botany Bay
FROM 16671773, JOSEPH go to Louis Pasteur (see 185758), This 18th-century map
of Botany Bay was
PRIESTLEY experimented with who demonstrated the same thing
engraved from charts
chemistry and electricity, and a century later. made by James Cook
published a highly successful On a more theoretical level, THE NUMBER during his exploration
book, The History and Present Leonhard Euler made the OF PLANT of Australias east coast.
State of Electricity, in 1767. insightful suggestion that the
Priestley noticed that carbon color of light is determined
SPECIMENS harbor later called
dioxide, or xed air as it was by its wavelength. JOSEPH BANKS Botany Bay. On June
then called, was a by-product of
the fermenting beer vats of the
DISCOVERED IN 3, 1769, Cook and his
crew observed the
local brewery. Experimenting BOTANY BAY transit of Venusthe
with making xed air himself, passage of the planet
forced into
Priestley discovered that water upper THE YEAR 1769 SAW THE automatically spin strong cotton in front of the Sunfrom Tahiti.
impregnated with bubbles of vessel CREATION OF MACHINES that yarn from frail English thread. The event was also witnessed by
carbon dioxide was pleasantly would lead to the development of Arguably Arkwrights most astronomers all over the world.
tangy. He passed on his discovery two key technologies. One could inspired idea was to install That year, French astronomer
in the false hope that carbonated be called the forerunner of the scores of these machines in a Charles Messier (17301817)
water could be used medicinally automobile: the steam-carriage specially built factory, where they made the rst record of the vast
to prevent scurvy among sailors. carbon built by French military were driven not by manpower cosmic cloud known as the
In 1783, Swiss watchmaker dioxide engineer Nicolas-Joseph but by water wheelshence they Orion Nebula, a region in the
Johann Jacob Schweppe Cugnot (17251804). The second, were known as water frames. constellation of Orion where new
into water
(17401821) used the idea to in middle full-scale version of Cugnots Arkwrights revolutionary stars are formed.
launch the worlds carbonated vessel carriage, built in 1770, had three water-frame mill opened at
drinks industry. wheels and a large copper boiler Cromford on the Derwent River
Italian naturalist Lazzaro hanging over the front wheel. in Derbyshire, England, in 1771.
Spallanzani (172999), the rst This machine could run for only Across the other side of the
to suggest that food might be 20 minutes and was so heavy and world, British naval ofcer
preserved in airtight containers, so impossible to steer or stop Captain James Cook (172879) 861,030 miles
discovered in 1767 that microbes that it is said to have run out of was commanding HMS DIAMETER OF
are ever-present in the air and base holds control and demolished a wall. Endeavour on the rst of his
multiply naturally, instead of diluted acid, The other revolutionary great voyages of discovery. He
which gives
bursting into life spontaneously as breakthrough was the powered and his crew became the rst
off carbon
was commonly believed. Most of dioxide factory machine, developed by Europeans to encounter the
7,521 miles
Richard Arkwright (173292). eastern coastline of Australia. diameter of Venus
Nooths apparatus It is often said that Arkwrights On board was botanist Joseph
This apparatus was built by John spinning machine, which he Banks, who found 30,000 Comparative sizes
Mervyn Nooth (17371828) in 1774 Venus is tiny compared with the Sun,
commissioned clockmaker specimens of plant life, 1,600
to make carbonated water for so when it is observed in transit the
medicinal purposes in the way John Kay to build in 1769, was of them unknown to European planet appears as just a small dark
suggested by Priestley. his greatest invention. This could science, when they landed in a dot crossing the face of the Sun.

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177172 177374
Joseph Priestley, English chemist, on his discovery of nitrous oxide,
in Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air, 1775

Joseph Priestleys laboratory housed the experimental apparatus he used Swiss physicist Georges-Louis LeSage using
for the investigation of gases. his pioneering electric telegraph.

IN 1771, GERMAN NATURALIST had been discovered for over Lagrange, began SCIENCE HISTORY IS BESET
PETER SIMON PALLAS (1741 a century. The proof involved an important work WITH DISPUTES over who
1811) started sending reports 372 hand-calculated divisions. on mechanics, discovered things rst, and one
back from his six-year expedition Eulers fame across Europe entitled Mcanique of these disputes involves the
to eastern Russia and Siberia, was conrmed with the 1772 Analytique (Analytical discovery of oxygen. Because of
then almost as unknown to publication of his Letters to a Mechanics). From 1766 the part it played in combustion,
Europeans as South America. German Princess. Apparently onward, Lagrange also and in particular the widely
Pallas identied many new written at a rate of two per week produced a series of works held phlogiston theory of
species of plants and animals, between April 1760 and May on how astronomical combustion (see 170203),
including what is now known 1763, the letters were lessons movements could be many chemists were
as Pallass cat. in elementary science for the calculated using investigating it in the 1770s.
In 1772, Swiss physicist and young Prussian Princess Louise mathematics. In particular, The rst to announce its
mathematician Leonhard Euler Henriette Wilhelmine of Anhalt he looked at the three-body Wild cat discovery was Joseph Priestley,
showed that the number Dessau. This 800-page work problemhow three bodies Pallass cat is a small, now- who in 1775 described an
endangered wild cat that lives in the
2,147,483,647 is a Mersenne covered a wide range of scientic moving in space, such as the experiment he conducted on
mountains of central Asia. It was one
prime numbera number that topics including light, color, Sun, Earth, and Moon, affect of the species rst identied by August 1,1774 in which he
is one less than twice any prime gravity, astronomy, magnetism, each other gravitationally. German naturalist Peter Pallas. created oxygen gas (which he
number. It is named after Marin optics, and more. This was a problem that had called dephlogisticated air) by
Mersenne, a French monk who Also this year, Leonhard fascinated mathematicians for It was later used as a sedative, focusing sunlight on mercuric
had studied prime numbers in Eulers successor at the Berlin 90 years. Lagrange discovered and became known as laughing oxide inside a glass tube. But in
the 17th century. It was the Academy, Italian-born French that there are ve places where gas because of the euphoric 1777, Swedish pharmacist Carl
largest prime number that mathematician Joseph Louis a small body (such as the Moon) effects of inhaling it. The same Wilhelm Scheele (174286)
can remain in equilibrium with year, Scottish physician Daniel described how he had already
LEONHARD EULER (170783) respect to two larger bodies Rutherford (17491819) isolated produced oxygen gas by heating
(such as the Sun and Earth). nitrogen gas in air for the rst
Born in Basel in Switzerland, These are now known as time. He called it noxious air DISCOVERY OF OXYGEN
Leonhard Euler spent most Lagrangian points. because he found that mice could
of his life in St. Petersburg In England this year, chemist not survive when conned to a Oxygen is, with nitrogen,
and Berlin. He is credited Joseph Priestley discovered space lled with the gas. He one of two main parts of air,
with laying the basis of modern nitrous oxide, which he called also discovered that the gas vital for human life and for
mathematical notation and phlogisticated nitrous air. did not support combustion. combustion. Priestley showed
made great advances in
calculus and graph theory. ,, NOTHING AT ALL TAKES PLACE
that without oxygen candles
will not burn and mice cannot

His output in all areas of breathe. Later, in 1777,
science was prodigious. IN THE UNIVERSE IN WHICH SOME French chemist Antoine
Although in later life he was RULE OF MAXIMUM OR MINIMUM Lavoisier went on to prove
totally blind, he continued
to perform calculations
DOES NOT APPEAR. that it was oxygen involved in
combustion, not phlogiston
mentally. Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician, from Methodus Inveniendi as then widely thought.
Lineas Curvas (Method for Finding Curved Lines), 1744

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Scottish chemist James Keir realized that the strange columns of Northern
Irelands Giants Causeway are made from molten lava.

mercuric oxide and various vertical propeller BY 1775, ELECTRICITY was
for submerging
nitrates in 1772. French chemist the subject of numerous
Antoine Lavoisier (174394) ventilation experiments and this
later claimed to have rst pipe year Italian physicist
discovered oxygen and gave it its Alessandro Volta (17451827) THE NUMBER
namebut both Priestley and
developed the electrophorus. It OF BASALT
Scheele had already told him
about their discoveries.
consisted of a metal disk with an
insulating handle that could be
American inventor David given a static charge by holding THAT MAKE UP
Bushnell (17421824) built an
underwater explosive device
it against a disk of resin that had
already been given a charge by
in 1773 to help the American being rubbed with fur or wool. CAUSEWAY
Revolutionary War effort. It was a simple and effective way
In 1775, he held trials of of magnifying and accumulating however, believed that rocks were
the vessel intended to an electric charge. formed by volcanic processes.
deliver this device, the Also this year, Swedish Plutonist James Keir (1735
worlds rst working naturalist Peter 1820), a Scottish chemist,
submarine. Known as Forsskls (173263) realized that the interlocking
the Turtle, but shaped studies of Middle Eastern basalt columns of formations like
like a lemon, it had an fauna were published the Giants Causeway in Northern
airtight hatch at the top for posthumously; Forsskl had Ireland were formed by the
the submariner and was died of malaria while crystallization of molten lava.
maneuvered by hand-cranked specimen hunting in Yemen.
propellers and rudder. In France, future engineer
The following year, Pierre-Simon Girard
Carl Wilhelm Scheele (17651836), just ten years old, insulating
discovered a gas for which invented a water turbine. He handle
he is creditedchlorine. went on to complete important
He called his discovery work on uid mechanics.
dephlogisticated muriatic acid Another key area of research Electrophorus
air because it came from was investigating how Earths Alessandro Voltas
device was a simple
muriatic acid, now known as rocks and landscapes were
and convenient way to
hydrochloric acid. formed. In 1776, German magnify and accumulate
First submarine
In Geneva, Switzerland, in 1774, geologist Abraham Werner electric charge.
Bushnells Turtle
physicist Georges-Louis LeSage submarine (17501817) insisted,
(17241803) created an early (shown here as incorrectly, that all rocks metal disk
a model) had a wax or
form of electric telegraph. It had settled out of a ocean resin dish
trial run in 1775.
a separate wire for each of the 26 that once covered the
It successfully laid
letters of the alphabet and could explosives in the Eartha theory called
send messages between rooms. Hudson River. Neptunism. Plutonists,

ist e ra ist ts
sic ag atu sic en
n hy LeS h n
dle hy a inv
ica p
dis ls id
p t
er d n ss is
we ssk on M ian ol s
m avi ds a wi ou st S tal o V ru
3 or D u il e 74 S es-L e r aph 75 Fo ns ar
r e
7 5 I ndr pho
17 ent ell b evic 17 org s th legr 17 ter atio una 17 essa ctro
inv shn ive d Ge ate ic te
e Pe serv n fa Al e ele
Bu plos cr ctr ob ster hed th
ex ele Ea blis

m l
he eele , re el
c tu hn e
ish ch ine 74 fu on us s th e ist
ed m S lor m 17 t h m B m
75 let rin
c s e
Sw lhel s ch ariu 1, mis y en -S ar
i he ests
74 i r b s t e e Fr rre ye er 17 mp bma sh g
c g re
17 rl W cove and gu ch stl n 75 Pie d 10 wat ne co su tti su s a a
Ca dis se, Au glish Prie yge 7
1 er ge a i e co eir ock lav
e n h x e , a nts turb u rtl S
76 s K e zed
n E ep s o gin rd e T
17 ame som talli
Jo ola
te en ira , inv J s
G ld y
m is o cr
177778 177980

Samuel-Auguste Tissot, Swiss physician, record of a patients symptoms
from Treatise on the Nerves and Nervous Disorders, 1783

Designed by Thomas Pritchard and built by Abraham Derby III, the bridge at Ironbridge, which crosses
the Severn River in Shropshire, England, was fabricated entirely from precast pieces of iron.


LONG BEEN BAFFLED BY THE Tissot (172897) described IN 1779, Dutchborn physician
PROBLEM OF nding the roots of migraine. Although Tissot Jan Ingenhousz (173099)
negative numbers, calling them wrongly thought migraines discovered the essence
imaginary numbers. Then, in began in the stomach, he of photosynthesis, the
1777, Swiss mathematician described the symptoms very chemical reaction by
Leonhard Euler introduced the accuratelythe severity of which plants make
imaginary unit, the symbol i, the pain, its recurrence, the food from sunlight
which gives 1 when squared. suddenness of onset, the effect (see 178388). When
Eulers insight meant the square on vision, and vomiting. Ingenhousz set plants in inner
root of any negative number Scottish surgeon John Hunter under water in a glass chamber
could be included in equations (172893) wrote an important container, he saw gas
as i times the square root of study of teeth. He also advocated bubbles form on the
ice placed
the number. transplanting good teeth from undersides of leaves, which in outer
In 1777, London clockmaker donors to replace rotten ones, but he showed was oxygen. But chambers
John Arnold (173699) created transplanted teeth were rejected the bubbles formed only in
a watch of unprecedented by the recipients immune system. sunlight, not in darkness.
accuracy for calculating Ingenhousz found that demolished the theory
longitude at sea, improving Tooth transplant plants need sunlight for that burning materials
This cartoon satirizes John Hunters
on Harrisons H4 of 1759. respirationwhen they take lose a substance called
practice of buying healthy teeth from
Arnold named such the poor to implant in place of lost in gases from the air to make phlogiston. By meticulous
timepieces chronometers. teeth in the mouths of the rich. glucose for energyand oxygen weighing before and after
is released as a waste product. burning, Lavoisier showed
Factory production of cotton that substances can gain
was accelerated in 1779 when weight when they burn
English inventor Samuel by combining with oxygen
Crompton (17531827) created in the airnot lose it.
an ingenious hybrid, or mule, Together with Pierre-
combining a spinning machine Simon Laplace
with a weaving machine to outlet for (17491827), a French
produce nished cloth from raw meltwater mathematician, Lavoisier
thread. Also in 1779, large-scale invented the ice calorimeter
construction using iron began for measuring the heat
with the bridge at Ironbridge in produced by chemical changes.
England, designed by Thomas This was the beginning of the
Pritchard (c.172377) and built science of thermochemistry. With
by Abraham Derby III (175091). LavoisierLaplace calorimeter his ice calorimeter, Lavoisier
Heat produced by a mouse placed in
In 1780, in the memoir On demonstrated that animals
the inner chamber was measured
Combustion in General, French by the volume of water produced by produce heat without losing
chemist Antoine Lavoisier nally melted ice in the outer chambers. weight, so disproving the

d l-
ar s l
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L Sw eele m S T nh S n m av role
77 int ar 78 te 79 to
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77 es om ap
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17 duc ron o G 17 hes isto an T n
Co t al Iro Eng 17 e-Si calo
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ro ch h g ha rr bli
s H m 79 rs s at , in r ice
lis ell c s Cu 17 uel a pu Hu 17 gin ire
Pi the
g m cr
En nn lha S a 12 be psh nt
78 Re Agu ro e
17 mes S h inv
154 Ja
Macabre by todays standards, Galvanis experiments in generating movement in the
leg muscles of dead frogs were a key step in the understanding of electricity.

THE SCIENTIFIC SENSATION OF carrying out experiments showing In 1782, Lavoisier formulated
1781 WAS THE DISCOVERY OF A that static electricity could cause what is perhaps now regarded
SIXTH PLANET by German-born the muscles of dissected frogs as the most important law
British astronomer William
Herschel (17381822). When
1,788 legs to twitch. In April, he
connected the nerves of a dead
in chemistrythat of the
conservation of matter. This
Herschel rst saw the object frog to a metal wire pointed law shows that in any chemical
through the telescope in his skyward in a thunderstorm. In reaction no matternot even
garden in Bath in England on 93 this experiment, which inspired the smallest partis ever lost;
March 13, he assumed it was MILLION MILES Mary Shelleys novel Frankenstein, it is simply rearranged in
a comet. But its brightness the frogs legs jumped with each different combinations.
JAN INGENHOUSZ and elliptical orbit soon left ash of lightning. In September,

(173099) astronomers in no doubt. Earth the legs twitched when just hung
Herschel named the new planet Distance from the Sun on a brass hook over a metal rail.
Uranus orbits the Sun at a distance
Born in Breda in the Georges Star in honor of British A erce argument sprang up
of 1,788 million miles, almost 20
Netherlands, Ingenhousz King George III, but astronomers times the distance of Earth from the between Galvani and fellow
was a physician who had eventually decided on Uranus, Sun. Each orbit takes 84 Earth years. Italian experimenter Alessandro
wide-ranging interests in after Ouranos, the Greek god Volta over whether the electrical
other scientic elds, of the sky. of stars, later known as binaries, effect was intrinsic to muscles
including the study of French astronomer Charles
Messier (17301817) published
that John Michell had argued in
1767 revolve together and which
and life (animal electricity), as THE NUMBER OF
electricity. He was one of Galvani claimed, or whether it
the pioneers of vaccination the nal version of his Catalogue were observed by astronomers was a chemical reaction, as Volta ASTRONOMICAL
against smallpox and
successfully inoculated the
des Nbuleuses et des Amas
dtoiles (Catalog of Nebulae
such as Herschel.
The same year, Italian physician
believed. Animal and chemical
electricity were later shown to
Austrian Empress Maria and Star Clusters) in 1781. This Luigi Galvani (173798) began be the same. MESSIERS LIST
Theresa and her family. list, which Messier had been
compiling since the 1770s,
recorded 103 vague, distant
previously held theory that body objects in the night sky, all still
heat comes from phlogiston. known to modern astronomers
In fact, animals make heat by by the numbers Messier gave
combustion using oxygen. them. Also in 1781, another
Swiss physicist Alm Argand astronomer, the Czech Christian
(17501803) revolutionized home Mayer (171983), published
lighting with the Argand oil a catalog listing 80 pairs
lamp, 10 times brighter than a
candle. The lamp had a circular Messiers objects
wick and a tall glass chimney Many of the objects in Messiers list
have been revealed to be distant
to improve the airow.
galaxies far from our own Milky Way,
which in Messiers time was thought
to comprise the entire Universe.

igi nts s es iam

s Lu me rle ish e ill e
sh eat 7 81 eri C ha ubl ula
1 W rs th of
81 r
p eb rs
r h , 1 xp ty 7 8 ier law
26 s e ici 17 ssie t of n lust
e e e
isi ce , 1 ov ois e
vo du a r y egin ectr Me lis ar c 13 isc L av s th tion
0 La pro on nu i b el i s t r ch el d nus 82 lat va
8 ls
17 ima bus
ti Ja lvan tatic h ds
Ma rsc Ura
h 17 mu nser
Ga th s an for e co ter
an com He net
by wi pl a th mat

ts ye
r 81
Ma g of 17
d inv lamp n o 2 6, how e
ril ow s th
an il ia l s
rg d o ist ata ta
A rgan C hr a c ary s Ap i sh ate frog
m 81 he bin
s a n ctiv ad
Al e A 17 blis 80 lv a e
80 th Ga ing f a d
17 pu h tn s o
lig scl e
George Washington, first US president, from a letter to Thomas Jefferson demonstrating
the importance of the threshing machine, 1786

THE SENSATION OF 1783 a balloon lled with hydrogen star of sufcient mass would
was the rst manned ight, in a gas. They achieved much longer, have such a strong gravitational
hot-air balloon on November 21, more controlled ights than with eld that light could not escape.
in Paris. Piloted by Piltre de hot air (which quickly cooled). In London, inventor Joseph
Rozier (175485) and the Marquis Also in 1783, Spanish brothers Bramah (17481814) patented
dArlandes, the balloon was the Jos (175496) and Fausto his unpickable security lock,
invention of French papermakers Elhuyar (17551833) isolated which opened only when the key
the Montgoler brothers, moved a unique combination of

Joseph-Michel (17401810) sliders into grooves.
and tienne (174599). The The biggest question for
Montgolers had previously geologists in the 1780s was how
discovered that when hot air is marine fossils ended up in rocks
trapped inside a bag it causes the
bag to oat upward, since hot air FEET high in mountains. German
geologist Abraham Werner
is less dense than cold air. THE HEIGHT (17491817) believed that a
Ten days later, French physicist single catastrophe, such as an
Jacques Charles (17461823) REACHED BY almighty ood, had reshaped
and craftsman Nol Robert MONTGOLFIER the world dramatically (see
(17601820) ew over Paris in
BALLOON 177576). But Scottish geologist
James Hutton (172697) did not
IN 1783 agree. In his groundbreaking
Theory of the Earth, published
a new metal element by reacting in 1785, he suggested that
charcoal with tungstic acid. It landscapes are shaped slowly
was later named tungsten, one and continually over long periods
of the toughest of all metals. by repeating cycles of erosion,
In 1784, English chemist Henry sedimentation, and uplift. Huttons
Cavendish (17311810) showed theory (now proved correct) meant
that water is composed of two that Earth must be millions of
gases, hydrogen and oxygen. years oldnot just thousands,
expansion Astronomer John Michell as was thought at the time
chamber for
predicted the existence In France, physicist Charles
of black holes when de Coulomb (17361806)
brass he observed that a established an important law
First balloon ascent
Henry Cavendishs eudiometer inlet for In this early 19th-century print,
This eudiometer is a replica of one gas Piltre de Rozier and the Marquis
used by Cavendish to measure the dArlandes acknowledge spectators
volume of gases, such as oxygen, as they ascend in their Montgoler
in air, produced in a reaction. hot-air balloon in November 1783.

,1 h
3 he on 15 ndis r n
78 n t y
ar ve ate ge
tto th
, 1 ht i allo Hu y of ow
r 2 ig ir
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v em ann r ho Pari A
85 in ma
85 he ge dsc
No st m ole e in sh mpr yge 17 ikle ing 17 blis sug lan
Fir ntg lac co d ox Me resh pu rth, g of
Mo es
p an th Ea apin
tak sh

83 ph ar
17 a se s ch te
r 1, t in s 4 Jo s hi
k l an chu
78 en oc
be igh n ga s b n B ra d
m , 1 at y l lom f ea pa un
ce irst roge tak is
e t 21 ah p urit ou w o s 5 J the m ps
D F n ar us m se c C a 8 Ed elo m
17 ents
d de is L rge 5
hy lloo in P ug Bra 8 ev o
ba ce A les h ha
ar hes al c inv 17 ht d er lo
pla h
C li s ic rig pow
85 ab ctr r t w
17 est ele Ca th

Andrew Meikles threshing machine brought to an end the age-old practice Swiss naturalist Jean Senebier was one of the rst to realize that plants respire. Gases move in and
of separating grain from stalks and husks with a hand ail. out of leaves through tiny surface pores (stomata), seen here under an electron microscope.

about electrical charges,

showing that the force of

attraction or repulsion between HERSCHEL was the greatest

two charges varies in inverse CONSIDERED AS astronomer of his age. He Plants take carbon dioxide
sunlight oxygen

activates released
proportion to the square of the BRINGING ABOUT conducted many deep-sky from the air in the process chlorophyll though
distance between them. The surveys of objects in space with called photosynthesis.
SI unit of charge, the coulomb, THE GREATEST the powerful telescopes he Sunlight, which is absorbed
is named after him. CHANGES. designed himself, and made by chlorophyll, the green
Also in France in 1785, aviator many thousands of discoveries. pigment in leaves, fuels the
Jean Blanchard (17531809) James Hutton, Scottish geologist, On January 11, 1787, he reaction between carbon
from Theory of the Earth, 1795
invented the rst folded silk observed that Uranus, the dioxide and water in the leaves
parachute. Previous parachute planet he had discovered just to make glucose, the plants
designs usually had a heavy and most of their clothesto six years earlier (see 178182), energy food. Oxygen, a waste
wooden frame and failed to keep the balloon in the air. had two moons, which were byproduct, is exuded through
work. Blanchard used his In the same year, Scottish named Oberon and Titania, pores (stomata) on the water and minerals from air
parachute successfully to drop engineer Andrew Meikle after the fairy king and queen underside of leaves. sent from roots to cells enters leaf
a dog in a basket from a balloon (17191811) invented a threshing in Shakespeares A Midsummer
high in the air. With American machine, and English inventor Nights Dream.
John Jeffries (17441819), Edmund Cartwright (17431823) Swiss naturalist Jean American inventor John Fitch In 1788, French mathematician
Blanchard made the rst developed a steam-powered Senebier (17421809) built (174398) launched the Joseph Louis Lagrange
airborne crossing of the English loom. Both machines dramatically on the discoveries made Perseverance, a boat rowed by (17361813) published his
Channel, in a gas balloon. In reduced the need for manual about photosynthesis by Jan steam-driven oars, on the Mcanique Analytique (Analytic
danger of descending too early, labor, causing protests from Ingenhousz in 1779. Senebier Delaware River. Scottish engineer Mechanics), perhaps the greatest
the pair shed all of their ballast laid-off workers. showed that when plants are William Symington (17641831) work about mechanics (the
exposed to light, they take up built a paddle steamer, which science of forces and movement)
JAMES HUTTON (172697) carbon dioxide from the air and had its rst trial on Dalswinton since Isaac Newtons Principia
release oxygen (see panel, right). Loch in Scotland. In West Virginia, (see 168589). In this book,
After inheriting his fathers Silicon is the second most on the Potomac River, American Lagrange used his own new
farm in Berwickshire, Scotland, abundant element in Earths engineer James Rumsey method of calculus to reduce
in 1753, Edinburgh-born crust after oxygen, but it was (174392) experimented with a mechanics to a few basic
James Hutton became not identied until 1787. In that boat propelled by a jet of water formulas from which everything
fascinated by geology. He year, French chemist Antoine forced out by a steam pump. else could be calculated.

studied rock formations Lavoisier understood that


and noticed breaks in the sand is an oxide (a chemical
sequence, which suggested combination with oxygen) of
to him, correctly, that the a hitherto unknown element,
landscape is shaped in which he named silicon. THE SPEED OF
repeated cycles over an
immensely long time.
Also in this year, various
inventors were trying to harness
steam power to propel boats. STEAMER
n n m
ica ami ap llia ist
er i
m enj 0 m is 7W m 7 is
A B 7 78 rs he r 78 ou s
86 ist 17 ea S
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nc isi
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p i
y 1 sco s
l f
sc ank Gul in th re vo be Sym tes a r os pub lyt
u ar l di oon 8 7 F e La s the n to 8 8 J ge Ana
Fr the hed n e
17 toin ize lico Oc lliam stra ame 17 gran ique
of blis Ja rsch ss m
He anu An cogn nt si Wi mon ste La can
pu re me de ddle M
ele pa

ier 7
eb t 78
en bou s 3 , 1 out
S hn r s t
be trie boa
a i Jo s
an s es
Je erie nth 7 87 che d em sey lled
87 cov osy 1 n e c
De Rum ope
1 dis ot 2 , lau er t
ph t 2 ch ow oa r
ak lant g us Fit m-p ing b m
es t-p
m p Au a
te row Ja a j
While the drive for greater efficiency and power stimulated
technological invention and industrial growth, the search
to uncover natures secrets overturned older beliefs about
Earth and its inhabitants. Scientists came to understand
that life emerged after an extremely long process of
evolutionary development.


Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist, from Trait lmentaire de chimie (Elements of Chemistry), 1789


a scientic revolution was
underway in 1789. French
chemist Antoine Lavoisier
completed his Elements of
Chemistry, a book that laid
the foundations of chemistry
as a science. Lavoisier created
the rst table of elements,
which also included heat and
light. He introduced international ANTOINE LAVOISIER
chemical symbols and introduced (174394)
modern names, such as oxygen
and hydrogen for gases and Born in Paris, France,
sulphates for compounds. Antoine Lavoisier is
On 28 August, German-born sometimes said to be the
British astronomer William father of chemistryhe
Herschel looked through his proved the role of oxygen
largest telescope for the rst in combustion, which laid
time. He had already built the foundation for modern
several telescopes, but this chemistry. Lavoisier
40 ft (12 m) reecting telescope established that matter
was the biggest. That night, is neither created nor
Herschel discovered a new destroyed during chemical
moon of Saturn, Enceladus, changes. A target for
and three weeks later he spotted revolutionaries, he was
another, Mimas. guillotined on May 8, 1794.
French botanist Antoine
Laurent de Jussieu published a
system for classifying owering into classes according to the
plants. It used Linnaeuss two- number of stamens and pistils.
part Latin naming system (see This system is still used today.
1754) and divided owering plants In Canada, British explorer
Alexander Mackenzie (1764
Herschels telescope 1820) set out in his canoe,
Astronomer William Herschel following the uncharted 1,100
took four years to build this giant
mile (1,770 km) rivernow
telescope in his garden in Slough,
England. It was paid for by King known as Mackenzie River
George III, and dismantled in 1839. to the Arctic Ocean.

t h
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he mp mi
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e h 7
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179091 1792

The Armagh Observatory, the oldest scientic institution in Northern Ireland, was built A cartoon from 1807 shows the initial mixed reaction in London to the new
in 1790 and was one of the largest and most advanced observatories of its day. gas streetlighting, which would soon transform cities at night.

INVENTOR OLIVER EVANS masses of nerve bres, or THAT WOULD ONE DAY HELP pulley for swiveling
(17551819) developed an idea ganglia. British surgeon James technology transform cities telegraph arm
that would make powered Parkinson (17551824), who across the worldAlessandro
movable signaling
transport a reality. The low- lent his name to a devastating Voltas discovery of chemical panels
pressure Watt steam engines of disease of the nervous system, electricity. Previously, static
the day (see 176566) were too gave the rst medical description electricity had been generated
big and heavy for land vehicles. of injuries to people struck through friction. Volta found pivot
But Evans realized that if the by lightning. that by bringing metals into
steam is much hotter, the piston Stargazing continued to contact, he could create chemical
can be driven by steam pressure attract funding from wealthy reactions that generated current
Lightning injuries
aloneso the condensing Nine of every ten patrons, not just because of electricity. He went on to produce
process needed to create a people struck by peoples fascination with it the rst battery (see 1800).
lightning survive. James Parkinson
vacuum in low-pressure engines but also because of its potential Another notable development
proposed that survivors suffer
could be dispensed with. This from a form of muscle paralysis value to shipping. Archbishop of in the eld of communication was
revelation led to Evans invention and skin burns. Armagh, Richard Robinson, French inventor Claude Chappes receiving weight for
platform balancing
of high-pressure steam built an expensive observatory telegrapha line of towers that
engines, which could give the months later by German chemist in Armagh, Northern Ireland, could relay messages visually by
same power as Watt engines that Martin Klaproth (17431817), which continues to be one of showing panels at different
were 10 times larger. who named it titanium. the leading scientic research angles. It could send a message
In Warwickshire, England, There were several establishments today. across 137 miles (220 km)
inventor John Barber (1734 developments in the eld of pure from Lille to Parisin an hour.
1801) was developing an even science too. Swiss physicist Scottish engineer William
more revolutionary enginethe Pierre Prvost (17511839) titanium Murdoch (17541839) invented
gas turbine. His idea was to proved that all bodiesno gas lighting; his home in
compress gas made from wood matter how hot or coldradiate Cornwall, England, was the rst
or coal, then burn it explosively heat. German physiologist gas-lit house. Soon many houses,
to turn the vanes of a paddle Franz Joseph Gall factories, and city streets
wheel. Barber never built a (17581828) showed would be lit by gas.
prototype, but his ideas re- that the nervous The rst iron-cased
emerged centuries later when rocketsforerunners Chappe telegraph
This telegraph tower shows
the jet engine was developed. of modern missiles
Chappes semaphore system, with
Another discovery, which is now were used in India by its mechanism for changing the
vital for modern aircraft, was Tipu Sultan, ruler of panels angle to pass on messages.
titanium. The metal was isolated The metal titanium has Mysore, against the British.
from the mineral ilmenite in several ores, including One discovery that was little glow the same color when
Cornwall, England, by British ilmenite and rutile, and appreciated at the time was heated to the same temperature.
it also occurs in trace
geologist Reverend William British scientist Thomas For example, we know the Suns
amounts in rocks, water
Gregor (17611817). It was bodies, soils, and all Wedgwoods (17711805) surface is 5,800 K (9,980F)
independently discovered a few living things. observation that all materials because of its color.

ish e be
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s de g gin n
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en s
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itis ed eri e t ir u nd
90 or ten e 79 l H rst of an y r wi re P hat at rs are re, I
, 1 mue e hod on m Gall us s be 1 S ier ws t e he Br s W mat at th e
17 vent s pa sur e
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91 se
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1793 179495

Matthew Baillie, British physician, in Preface to The Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important
Parts of the Human Body, 1793

The limestone rocks of the Jura Mountains on the FrenchSwiss border

formed the basis of the identication of the Jurassic Age.

PARIS, the rst natural
history museum in YEARS
France, the Musum THE AGE
national dHistoire
naturelle (National
Museum of Natural MOUNTAINS
History), was founded on
June 10. It was built in IN 1794, AMERICAN INVENTOR The increase in cotton production
the former Jardin Royal ELI WHITNEY (17651825) was a massive boost to the
des Plantes Mdicinales devised a machine for separating growing factory towns
(Royal Garden of the seeds from cotton to obtain of northwest England, including
Medicinal Plants), clean bers for spinning into Manchester, where in 1794
created by King Louis Musum national cloth. His gin, and others like it, John Dalton presented his
XIII in 1635. It became the Jardin them and in 1793 British chemist dHistoire naturelle was soon in use throughout the pioneering studies on color
The worlds rst great natural
des Plantesa botanical garden Thomas Charles Hope (1766 American South, leading to a blindness. Dalton was blind to
history museum opened in Paris just
and home to one of the worlds 1844) named them strontites a few months after Louis XVI of huge increase in the production green, and he believed it was
rst public zoos, founded in 1795. after the village in the Scottish France was guillotined nearby. of raw cotton after 1800. blue uid in his
On July 22, British explorer highlands where the mine was
Alexander Mackenzie (1764 located. In 1808, British chemist atomic theory in 1803, published
1820) became the rst known Humphry Davy isolated a new Meteorological Observations
man to cross the continent of element from these ores, a and Essays in 1793. In it,
North America north of Mexico, soft metal called strontium. Dalton wrote on everything
when his Peace River Expedition John Dalton (17661844), the from barometers to cloud
nally reached the end of its British scientist who proposed an formation, explaining how
journey just west of Bella Coola moisture in the air turns

in British Columbia, Canada. to rain when air cools.
A lead mine near the British British physician Matthew
village Strontian became the Baillie (17611823) published
site of the discovery of a new The Morbid Anatomy of Some
element, strontium. In 1790, of the Most Important Parts of
Irish chemist Adair Crawford the Human Body. This was the

(174895) and his British rst modern scientic study
colleague, chemist William of disease, and showed how
Cruikshank (d. c.1810) noticed diseases could be better
that some local lead ores had an THE DISTANCE understood by studying their
unusual make-up. Various COVERED BY effect on organs after death.
scientists, such as German
chemist Martin Klaproth
(17431817), began investigating GLIDER
ist s ish de
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i 80 f bl

an de s n
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162 na

An image from the Spitzer space telescope reveals a distant star and planets forming from a
spinning gas cloud, in the same way that our Solar System was created billions of years ago.

eyes that was robbing him of that the Solar System began as a integer is representable as a
the ability to see green or red. giant gas cloud (nebula) spinning sum of, at most, three
He requested that his eyes be around the Sun. It cooled and triangular numbers.
examined after his death to Born in the German Duchy contracted to form planets. Since the 1720s, many had
prove this thesis, but the uid of Brunswick, Gauss was For 19-year-old German been protected against the deadly
was normal and clear. A DNA a mathematical genius who mathematician, Carl Gauss, 1796 disease smallpox by inoculation,
test on his preserved eyes in astonished people with his was a year of breakthroughs. On which involved deliberate infection
the 1990s showed that he had a brilliance at an early age. He March 30, he proved that it was with smallpox germs. But the
common genetic deciency that grew up to be one of the greatest possible to construct certain inoculation had risks and could
reduced his sensitivity to green, mathematicians ever, making regular polygons, including the kill. In 1796, British country
proving he did indeed have important contributions to the 17-sided heptadecagon, with just doctor Edward Jenner (1748
color blindness. theory of numbers, non- a compass and a rulera 1823) noticed that dairymaids
Up to this point in time, Euclidean geometry, planetary problem that had eluded often failed to contract smallpox
meteorites were thought to astronomy, probability, and the mathematicians since the time and began to wonder if they
come from volcanoes, but in theory of functions. of Pythagoras. On April 8, he gained their immunity through
1794, German physicist Ernst made key contributions to exposure to a similar, milder
Chladni (17561827) made the solving quadratic equations. On disease known as cowpox. He
suggestion that they came from Also in France, the naturalist FRENCH MATHEMATICIAN May 31, he created the prime thought it possible that
space. The following year a large George Cuvier (17691832) PIERRE-SIMON LAPLACE number theorem to show how vaccination with cowpox
meteorite fell to earth at Wold introduced the idea that Earths (17491827) published his prime numbers are spread. And, would be safer than inoculation
Newton in Yorkshire, England, past held many species of Exposition du Systme du July 10, he discovered with smallpox, and deliberately
which was far from any volcano animal now extinct. This was Monde (The System of the that every positive infected his gardeners son with
and backed up Chladnis theory. shocking for some, since many World), which included cowpox. Vaccination originally
In 1795, the French government people in Europe still believed all his theories on orbits meant inoculation with cowpox,
was championing a new decimal animals were created at the time and tides, and the rst but the term is now used for any
system of measures. They of the Creation. fully scientic inoculation by weak or killed
decreed that a gram was the Fossil hunters found more exposition of the nebular germs. A few weeks later he
absolute weight of a volume fossils in the Jurakalk rock hypothesis, rst suggested attempted to infect the
of water equal to the cube of formation in the French Jura by Immanuel Kant in boy with smallpox,
the hundredth part of the Mountains. Prussian geographer 1755, which proposes who proved to
meter, at the temperature Alexander von Humboldt be immune and
of melting ice. (17691859) identied the age of remained so all his
these limestone formations, thus Edward Jenner life. Vaccination using a
vaccinating his son
setting a basis for geologists harmless form of a dangerous
Many people remained
Daltons color to identify the Jurassic age unconvinced about disease is now one of the
blindness test the age of dinosaurs. vaccination, even after most effective methods of
Dalton used this book of it had been successfully disease prevention.
colored threads to test performed in 1796. In
his own color blindness. He 1797, Jenner vaccinated
suffered from inherited red-green his 11-month-old son to
color blindness. prove that it was safe.

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17 8 9 18 94 T H E AG E O F R E VO LU T I O N S

Clavilithes shell
Clavilithes is related to
Cyanobacteria are among
the modern whelk.
the oldest and simplest
Shell fossils may be
organisms alive today.
found far from the
Sediment has built up in
sea, leading
round clusters around a
Greeks to deduce
cyanobacteria nucleus.
that land was
once covered
by water.

Calymene trilobite
Stromatolites SILURIAN: 444416 MYA
PRECAMBRIAN: 4,000542 MYA Early scholars called Harpoceras ammonite Pentacrinites crinoid
Stromatolites are layers of sediment trilobite fossils petried LOWER JURASSIC: 199.6175.6 MYA PALEOGENE: 6523 MYA
that were deposited by microorganisms insects. They were The Roman naturalist Pliny named Delicate animals such as crinoids could be
in the coastal shallows of ancient seas. identied as arthropods in the ammonite fossil after the ram beautifully preserved when the soft mud in
Living stromatolites still exist today. the eighteenth century. horns of the Egyptian god Ammon. which they lived turned into rock.


Fossils have been known to man since

prehistory, but early Christian scholars
believed they were the remains of creatures that
died in the Biblical flood. We now know they are
evidence of evolution on a changing planet.
The scientic study of fossils has its roots in the Age of
the Enlightenment, when naturalists began to describe Halysites tabulate coral
and classify their nds. By the 1800s, geologists Honeycomb-like tabulate
recognized not only that rock layers built up over corals were fossilized in
time, but also that each layer had a distinctive set of Silurian rock layers. Tabulate
corals existed in colonies
fossil types. Supporting evidence was recovered from and were an important
this fossil record to support Charles Darwins theory component of Silurian
of evolution. Today, paleontology shallow-water fauna.

routinely uses technology that

can determine the age of Hydrophilus
fossils and even study water beetle
their DNA. 23 MYA
Wet mud is good for
preserving animals.
Temnocidaris sea urchin shell The rst fossilized beetle
CRETACEOUS: 14565 MYA specimenshard wing
Animals with hard parts cases were found in
such as spines or shells spine the 19th century. Later, entire
can leave abundant fossils. insects were found too.
By 1850, geologists could
assign rock layers to periods
of time, according to the
fossils they contained.
Dolomedes spider
Today, Dolomedes spiders inhabit wetlands,
but fossils in amber show they once lived
solidied on trees and were trapped in drops of resin
amber that hardened over time.


leaets joined
at central vein

In 1811, fossil hunter
Diplomystus dentatus
Mary Anning collected PALEOGENE: 6523 MYA
the rst complete Fossils of an early form of toothed
skeleton of an modern-day herring, from beak
ichthyosaur, a predatory Wyoming, were rst bony tail
marine reptile. Ten described in 1877 by Edward
years later, she found Drinker Cope, a pioneer of
the rst plesiosaur. American paleontology.
fossilized bark
Dinosaur footprints When Archaeopteryx was
JURASSIC: 200145 MYA rst discovered in 1861,
Pectopteris fern Fossilized wood Trace fossils, such as footprints, scientists were amazed to
CARBONIFEROUS: TRIASSIC: 251 can reveal aspects of animal see impressions of feathers
359299 MYA 200 MYA behavior. Here, prints next to sharp teeth and a bony
Before the evolution of Dead matter, such of the predatory tail. It was a missing link
owering plants, as wood, fossilizes Allosaurus record between reptiles and birds.
forests abounded with when it is changed into its pursuit prints
spore-bearing species, mineral. The 20th centurys of prey.
including ferns like radiometric dating allowed scientists to
Pectopteris. determine the age of fossil-bearing rock.
skull with
ducklike bill

thick skin

CRETACEOUS: 14565 MYA Young mammoth in permafrost
In the 1800s, dinosaur PLIOCENEHOLOCENE: 5.3 MYA 4,500 YA
fossils attracted highly Many mammoths lived comparatively
competitive dinosaur- recently in cold Siberian landscapes, so
hunters, especially in their bodies were sometimes mummied
North America. Othniel by permafrost. Modern biologists can
Charles Marsh extract DNA from such specimens.
strong hindlimbs discovered dozens of
for walking on new kinds, including
two legs Edmontosaurus, a plant- heavy brow
eating duck-billed ridge
dinosaur. Today this
animal is known from Neanderthal skull
numerous specimens.
12,000 YA
Although rst unearthed
in 1829, this kind of skull
was not seen as evidence
for another human
short toe bones species until others were
found in the Neander
Valley, Germany, in 1856.

1797 179899

A wood engraving of a magpie from the rst volume The Rosetta Stone is a decree passed on behalf of Egyptian King
of Thomas Bewicks History of British Birds. Ptolemy V in 196 BCE . It carries the same text in three scripts.

CARBON EXISTS IN THREE out a new approach to calculus. FRENCH PHARMACIST AND
FORMSas graphite, diamond, Although not widely appreciated CHEMIST LOUIS VAUQUELIN
and charcoal. It was only in the at the time, his ideas proved (17631829) discovered metal wire
late 18th century, however, that invaluable in 20th-century beryllium, a metal that melts
it was established that they are science, especially in the at 2,349F (1,287C), in 1798.
all the same substance. In study of quantum mechanics. He used a process of chemical wooden torsion rod,
6 ft (2 m) long
1772, French chemist Antoine Thomas Jefferson (17431826), extraction to obtain beryllium
Lavoisier had burned graphite in vice-president of the US at the from a variety of emerald
oxygen and proved that the only time, presented a paper to known as beryl. small lead sphere,
2 in (5 cm) wide
product was carbon dioxide. In the American Philosophical British economist and
1797, British chemist Smithson Society, Philadelphia, in which demographer Thomas Robert
Tennant (17611851) repeated he described the fossil remains Malthus (17661834), then telescope
the experiment, using diamond of a creature he named Megalonyx an Anglican priest in Surrey,
large lead sphere
instead of graphite. The product (giant claw). The fossil was that England, anonymously published weighing 350 lb
was carbon dioxide once again, of the extinct ground sloth, now the rst edition of An Essay (159 kg)
proving that diamond is an known as Megalonyx jeffersonii. on the Principle of Population. The
allotrope (form) of carbon. British artist and ornithologist book argued that population Cavendish torsion balance
In this year, amid the turmoil Thomas Bewick (17531828) growth would ultimately This model of Cavendishs torsion the small ball by weighing it. The
balance experiment shows the
of post-revolutionary France, published the rst volume of outstrip the carrying capacity ratio of these two forces allowed
arrangement of small and large lead
ItalianFrench mathematician his History of British Birds. He of Earth. It had a profound spheres attached to a wooden rod. him to calculate the mass and
Joseph Louis Lagrange illustrated these volumes using inuence on Charles Darwin density of Earth. He found the
(17361813) published Thorie the wood-engraving technique in his development of the idea One of the most important density to be 5.48 times that of
des Fonctions Analytiques (Theory an advancement in the printing of a struggle for survival experiments in the history of waterthe modern estimate is
of Analytic Functions), setting of illustrated books. (see pp.20405). science was completed in 1798 5.52 times. Cavendishs careful
by reclusive British physicist calculation of possible errors and
CRYSTALLINE CARBON Henry Cavendish (17311810). the painstaking detail of his work
He used a torsion balance arguably make this the rst
A crystalline form of carbon, carbon atom apparatus, designed by British modern physics experiment.
diamonds are formed at high geologist and astronomer John Meticulous experimentation
pressure within the Earth and Michell (172493), to measure was also a feature of the work of
brought to the surface by the mass of Earth. The apparatus American-born British physicist
tectonic activity. They are found had a wooden rod suspended Benjamin Thompson (1753
in up to 3-billion-year-old rock from a wire, with a lead sphere 1814). While working in Bavaria,
strata. Carbon atoms are attached to each end, and Germany, he investigated the way
arranged in a crystal structure two smaller lead spheres. heat was produced by friction
called a diamond lattice (a He measured the force or when cannons were being bored,
face-centered cube). This rigid gravitational attraction and disproved the idea that heat
structure is why diamonds are between the large and small was a kind of uid, called caloric.
hard and also transparent. UNCUT DIAMOND IN ROCK ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF DIAMOND lead spheres, and calculated the Thompson published these
gravitational force of Earth on ndings in a paper in 1798.

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The duck-billed, egg-laying, web-footed platypus, rst described by British zoologist

George Shaw, is amphibiouscapable of living both on land and in water.

A year later, a specially made THIS YEAR, ITALIAN SCIENTIST bizzare that, at rst, he thought engineer and inventor
platinum cylinder with a mass ALESSANDRO VOLTA (1745 it might be a hoax perpetrated Henry Maudslay (17711831)
equal to 1.000025 liters of water, 1827) wrote to the Royal Society, by an accomplished taxidermist. developed the rst practical
was legally declared the ofcial London, to report the battery Another surprise came when screw-cutting lathea
prototype of the kilogram. The he had made, which became BritishGerman astronomer machine for accurately cutting
modern kilogram is derived from known as a voltaic pile. His William Herschel studied screw threads.
this prototype. invention was actually a wet the heat associated with the In 1800, the Royal Institution
In July 1799, Pierre Bouchard cell battery. In 1799, Volta had different colors of sunlight, of Great Britainbased
(17721832), an ofcer in found that stacking disks of zinc, as split into a spectrum by in Londonwas granted its
Napoleons French army, found copper, and cardboard soaked a prism. Herschel placed charter. Its aim was to provide
a black granite stone at Rosetta, in brine in multiple layers could thermometers in different parts a more popular forum for
Egypt. The stone carried the generate an electric current. of the spectrum and found that science than the established
same text in three scripts Adding more disks increased the the temperatures of the colors Royal Society. Henry Cavendish
hieroglyphs, Egyptian demotic amount of electricity generated. increased from the violet part and Benjamin Thompson were
script, and ancient Greek. This The year also produced a of the spectrum to the red. He instrumental in founding this
provided the key to translating puzzle for scientists, when then placed a thermometer just institution, and Humphry Davy
hieroglyphs. The Rosetta Stone, British zoologist George Shaw beyond the red and observed soon became its director. It
was among the items captured (17511813) published the that this had the highest became a major research
by the British in 1801. rst scientic description of temperature of all. This invisible center and a center for the
In the same year, French a platypus (Ornithorhynchus radiation is now called infrared popularizing of science
astronomer Pierre-Simon anatinus Shaw), based on (see pp.23435). throughout the 19th and into
Laplace (17491827) published preserved samples and In industry, an important the 20th century.
the rst part of his ve-volume sketches sent from Australia. step toward the era of precision
Trait de Mcanique Cleste He considered the creature so engineering came when British
(Treatise on Celestial Mechanics).
porous cardboard
Described as an encyclopaedia of HOW BATTERIES WORK soaked in electrolyte
calculations about the six known
planets and their satellites, their Batteries contain one or more cathode zinc disk
shapes, and tides in Earths electrochemical cells. Chemical
oceans, it proved that the Solar reactions encourage electrons silver plate
copper disk
System is stable on timescales to move to the cathode end of
that are relevant to humankind. the battery, building up negative zinc plate Voltas battery
In 1799, physician Thomas charge there. Positive charge This wet cell battery, invented by
Italian scientist Alessandro Volta,
Beddoes (17601808), established collects at the anode. When the
blotting paper was made of alternating layers of
the Pneumatic Institution in cathode and anode are connected zinc and copper separated by
Bristol, UK, to research the by an external wire, the electrons individual cardboard disks soaked in
medical implications of newly ow along the wire to produce element salt water.
discovered gases. It was here that an electric current. This is a anode
British chemist Humphry Davy simple wet cell battery.
served his apprenticeship.

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Michael Williams, Member of Parliament for West Cornwall, 1853

Richard Trevithicks Pufng Devilthe worlds rst passenger-carrying

steam road locomotiveran on the road, not on rails.

year, German mathematician British scientist William Hyde
THOMAS YOUNG (17731829)
Johann Georg von Soldner Wollaston (17661828) showed
(17761833) predicted how that electricity produced by
A practicing physician and light traveling as a stream of friction (static electricity) and
polymath, Thomas Young particles would be deected by galvanic electricity produced
contributed to understanding gravity if it passed near the Sun. by what is now referred to as a
vision, light, mechanics, and According to his calculation, a battery, are exactly the same. MILES
energy, as well as language, light ray would bend by 0.84 French biologist Jean-Baptiste
music, and Egyptology. He seconds of arc (a unit of angular Lamarck (17441829) published THE DIAMETER
helped in deciphering the measurement). More than 100 his book Systme des Animaux OF CERES,
Rosetta Stone. Elected fellow
of the Royal Society in London
years later, German-American
physicist Albert Einstein
Sans Vertbres (System of
Invertebrate Animals), in which
at age 21, he became Professor (18791955) would make a he coined the term invertebrate KNOWN DWARF
of Natural Philosophy at the
Royal Institution in 1801.
different prediction using his
general theory of relativity
and developed a system of
classication for this group
(see pp.244245). of animals.
The eld of engineering was
AT THE START OF THE YEAR, pressuresthe pressure each different parts light diffracts screen with pattern developing rapidly. Designed by
Italian astronomer Giuseppe component gas would exert if it of light again, and waves of light and dark IrishAmerican engineer James
wavefront interfere with bands caused by
Piazzi (17461826) discovered occupied the same space alone. travel through each other interference
Finley (17561828), the rst
Ceres, a celestial body made of So, in a mixture of nitrogen and parallel slits suspension bridge hung from
rock and ice that orbits the Sun oxygen, the total pressure is light passes
wrought-iron chains was
every 1,679.819 days. Thought at equal to the partial pressure of through rst slit completed at Jacobs Creek,
the time to be a planet, it is now oxygen plus the partial pressure and diffracts Pennsylvania. It cost $600.
known to be the archetype of a of nitrogen. French inventor Joseph-Marie
class of smaller objects known as Since the time of English Jacquard (17521834) developed
dwarf planets. Ceres is sometimes physicist and mathematician a system of controlling textile
wrongly referred to as an asteroid Isaac Newton (see 168789), it looms using punched cards. This
because its orbit between Mars had been widely believed that was the beginning of the era of
and Jupiter roughly coincides light was a stream of particles. programmable machines.
with that of a band of rocky rubble In May 1801, British polymath On Christmas Eve, English
known as the asteroid belt. Thomas Young (17731829) engineer Richard Trevithick
The 19th century witnessed a performed the double slit (17711833) successfully tested
slit panel
growing understanding of atoms experiment (see right), the rst successful steam road
and molecules. In 1801, British which demonstrated the Double slit locomotive. It carried several
chemist John Dalton developed wavelike properties of light. experiment men up a hill in Camborne in
his law of partial pressures, It is now known that light British scientist Cornwall, UK, and traveled at
Thomas Young showed
which stated that the pressure of sometimes behaves like slit panel approximately 4 mph (6.4 kmph).
light that light can exhibit wavelike
a gas mixture is the sum of its waves and at other times properties of interference and
individual components partial like particles. The same diffraction, like ripples in a pond.

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This artists impression shows an unusual binary star system known as J0806, 1,600 light-years
away from Earth. In this rare example, two dense white dwarf stars orbit one another.

ON MARCH 28, GERMAN While carrying out experiments demonstrated by citing the
ASTRONOMER WILHELM with glass prisms, William example of the giraffe: a giraffe two weights produce
double the pressure
OLBERS (17581840) discovered Hyde Wollaston noticed dark that stretches its neck to reach one weight
in the beaker
the asteroid Pallas in an orbit lines in the spectrum of the high branches in the search produces
similar to that of Ceres (see Sun. Although it was not known for food will bear offspring hot molecules move
in the beaker
1801). He incorrectly thought at the time, these lines indicate that have a longer neck as faster, increasing
that Pallas, Ceres, and other the absence of particular colors a consequence (see 1809). cool particles the pressure while
move slowly maintaining
asteroids discovered later were in sunlight. They are usually Although incorrect, this
heat the volume
remnants of an exploded planet. called Fraunhofer lines, after concept was a step toward
German physicist Joseph von understanding evolution. THIRD GAS LAW
Fraunhofer (17871826), who British inventor Thomas
independently rediscovered Wedgwood (17711805) was Described by French chemist Joseph Gay-Lussac, this law
the lines and studied them responsible for an important states that for a particular mass of gas at a constant volume,
in more detail in 1814. In the development in the eld of the pressure and temperature are proportional to each other.
1860s, German scientists photography. Using silver nitrate, In the example shown here, when the pressure on the gas in
Gustave Robert Kirchhoff he made the rst permanent the beaker is doubled, the temperature reached by the gas as
(182487) and Robert Bunsen imagesphotographs in the form it holds up the weights increases proportionately.
(181199) showed how such recognized today. British chemist
lines functioned as ngerprints Humphry Davy (17781829)
of different elements. described Wedgwoods work is a system where two stars According to this law, the
The study of evolution in the Journal of the Royal referred to as binary starsorbit pressure of a xed amount of
continued at a steady pace. Institution in 1802. around each other. These types gas at a xed volume is directly
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck The term binary stars was of stars are distinct from double proportional to its temperature
JEAN-BAPTISTE became one of the rst to use coined by German-born British stars that, despite being very far (on the scale that is now known
LAMARCK (17441829) the word biology in its modern astronomer William Herschel apart, lie almost along the same as the Kelvin scale). At rst, this
sense. German naturalist and (17381822) in this year. A binary line of sight. law was named Gay-Lussacs
Originally a bank worker and botanist Gottfried Reinhold As investigations into Law, but because it follows
army ofcer, Jean-Baptiste Treviranus (17761837) also astronomy gathered pace, directly from earlier work by
Lamarck became interested used this term, independently French chemist Joseph French chemist Jacques Charles
in botany and published the of Lamarck, in Biologie oder Gay-Lussac (17781850) and AngloIrish chemist Robert
popular book French Flora Philosophie der Natur Lebenden described a law that Boyle, it is now called the Third
in 1773. He also wrote a (Biology or Philosophy of Natural concerned the Gas Law (see panel, above).
history and classication of Living). Both Lamarck and behavior of gases. Today, there is another, quite
invertebrates and became a Treviranus came up with the separate, law known as Gay-
highly regarded taxonomist. idea that evolution occurs Devils toenail Lussacs Law.
Lamarck is best known for through the inheritance of French biologist Jean-Baptiste
his theory that acquired acquired characteristics Lamarck named numerous
species in his lifetime. One
traits can be inherited a concept that came to be
of these was the Mesozoic
by future generations. known as Lamarckism. fossil oyster Gryphaea arcuata,
This concept was often commonly known as Devils Toenail.

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17 8 9 18 94 T H E A G E O F R E V O LU T I O N S


Engines burn fuel to create hot gases, which expand powerfully to create
the mechanical force needed to make things move. As they have developed
through the centuries, engines have taken on different forms, from steam
lever from
engines to rotary engines and gas turbines. crosshead piston rod

Greek thinkers noticed 2,400 years ago that heat vacuums. French inventor Denis Papin realized
could make things move. In the 1st century CE, they that if steam is trapped in a cylinder, it will
created the aeolipile, in which steam jetted out shrink dramatically as it condenses to create
from a metal sphere to make it spin on a pivot. It a partial vacuum powerful enough to move
was another 1,600 years before the rst practical things. In 1698, English inventor Thomas
steam engine was built. The breakthrough came Savery built the rst full-scale steam engine
in the 1670s, with the discovery of the power of using this principle.


For 150 years, engines all depended on steam.
They drove the Industrial Revolution, providing
crosshead links
power for everything from machines to ships piston and ywheel
and locomotives. In the mid-19th century,
engineers began to develop internal combustion connecting rod
joins crosshead
engines based on the rapid expansion of gases and crank
burning inside a cylinder. More compact, these
engines used gasolinea more concentrated
HYBRID VEHICLES source of fuel, which could be drawn in
automatically, unlike coal, which had to be
Heat engines burn a lot of fuel and produce waste manually added. Internal combustion engines
gases. Fuel shortage and environmental concerns were key to the development of automobiles,
have led to the development of hybrid vehicles that which transformed mobility in the 20th century.
combine different power sources, such as internal The development of jet and rocket engines
combustion engine and an electric motor, to provide helped ying machines achieve previously
a greener, more cost-effective compromise. unimaginable speeds, and eventually, propelled
spacecraft to the Moon and beyond.

1st century CE 1712 1791 1804

Aeolipile Newcomen engine Barber gas turbine Trevithick engine
Alexandrian scholar British inventor Thomas Newcomen English inventor John Barber Low-pressure vacuum-
Hero designs a device in builds a steam engine that avoids patents a gas turbine, intended based engines are big and
which a sphere is spun by the danger of explosion by boiling to propel a horseless heavy. English engineer
steam jets. A scientic water separately, and sending carriage. In this device, fuel Richard Trevithicks
curiosity, it has no steam at low pressure is mixed with air and ignited develops a compact and
apparent practical into a cylinder with Newcomen to produce hot gases, which powerful high-pressure
purpose. Aeolipile a piston. engine expand and spin a turbine. steam engine.

1679 1698 Savery 1774 Watt

Papins steam digester Savery engine engine Watt engine engine
French inventor Denis Papin Thomas Savery builds the Scottish engineer James Watt
invents the steam digester, rst steam engine, to pump produces an improved steam
which traps steam inside water out of mines. It is, engine, which has a separate
a cylinder. This creates a however, prone to exploding. condensation chamber, and is
powerful vacuum as the more efcient.
Steam steam cools, condenses,
digester and shrinks.


smokestack releases
exhaust gases


regulates speed
Richard Trevithick, English
engineer, on Watts perception
of the high-pressure engine
large cylindrical as potentially explosive, 1833
gearwheel boiler


connects driving
wheel and axle

First steam locomotive

Richard Trevithicks
Penydarren locomotive
exhibited the effectiveness
of his high-pressure steam
engine when it made its rst
journey on February 21, 1804
in Wales. The locomotives
engine could also be used
as a stationary engine.

driving wheel track

1860 1897 1937

Gas engine Diesel engine Diesel Turbojet engine
Invented by Belgian The rst diesel engine is built by engine English engineer Frank Whittle
engineer tienne Lenoir, FrenchGerman engineer Rudolf and German engineer Hans
the rst successful internal Diesel. Despite being heavier, von Ohain independently develop
combustion enginethe his invention is more efcient and test engines that burn
gas enginegenerates than gasoline engines, and uses fuel and use a fan to re out
power by burning gas and tienne Lenoirs the heat of compression, rather a continuous jet of hot air W2/700
air inside a cylinder. gas engine than a spark, to ignite fuel. to thrust a plane forward. Turbojet engine

1816 1876 1926 1956

Closed-cycle steam engine Four-stroke engine Liquid fuel rocket Rotary engine
Scottish engineer Robert Stirling German engineer Nikolaus American engineer Robert German engineer
invents a steam engine in which Ottos powerful, four-stroke Goddards invents the rocket Felix Wankel creates
gases remain within the system, cycle engine res four engine. Thrust is achieved for a rotary engine that
so there is no exhaust and little cylinders in turn, so fuel ight by burning liquid fuel. has a triangular rotor
noise from explosions. ignited in each pushes inside an oblong
down the piston on every Four-stroke cylinder instead
fourth stroke. Daimler motorcycle of pistons. Wankels rotary engine


Luke Howard, British meteorologist, describing
cumulus clouds in Essay on the Modifications, 1803

British pharmacist and meteorologist Luke Howard derived the term cumulus from the Latin word for heap.
As seen in this image, cumulus clouds appear cottonlike and tend to have at bases.

ON MARCH 28, 1803, THE that were the largest in the them into three simple Surgical breakthrough
CHARLOTTE DUNDAS, designed world at the time. categoriescirrus, cumulus, and Hanaoka Seish carried
out the rst successful
by British engineer William In October 1803, British stratusthat are still used.
surgery using general
Symington (17641831), became chemist John Dalton presented On February 21, 1804, 25 years anesthesia ona60-year-
the rst practical steamboat his atomic theory to an audience before Stephensons Rocket old woman who suffered
when it towed two laden barges in Manchester, UK. He suggested (see 1829), a steam locomotive from breast cancer.
through the Forth and Clyde that: all matter is composed designed by British engineer
Canal in Scotland. of atoms; atoms cannot be Richard Trevithick (17711833) mineral composition
The following year, another made or destroyed; all atoms of hauled 70 passengers, 11.2 tons differed from that of
British engineer, Thomas the same element are identical; (10 tonnes) of iron, and ve soil, indicating that
Telford (17571834), began and different elements have wagons from the ironworks at plants absorbed

work on the Caledonian Canal different types of atoms. Dalton nutrients selectively.
in Scotland. When completed in also stated that chemical German pharmacist
1822, this canal was 60 miles reactions occur when atoms are Friedrich Sertrner
(100 km) long and 101 ft (30.5 m) rearranged, and that compounds (17831841) became
wide, with 28 locksstretches are formed from atoms of the rst person to
of water enclosed by gates the constituent elements. isolate the active
Also in 1803, British ingredient of a

scientist William medicinal plant. In experiments Japanese surgeon Hanaoka
Hyde Wollaston starting in 1803 and published Seish (17601835) performed
added to the number in 1805, he isolated morphine the rst successful surgery using
of known elements by THE AMOUNT from opium. This substance general anesthesia in October.
discovering palladium OF MORPHINE would later become invaluable The anesthetic was an orally
and rhodium.
British pharmacist
THAT OPIUM in surgery. administered herbal concoction.

and meteorologist CAN CONTAIN JOHN DALTON (17661844)

Luke Howard
(17721864) published Penydarren to the Merthyr- A Quaker schoolteacher, John
a description of Cardiff Canal in Wales, a distance Dalton was secretary of the
clouds. He used Latin of 9 miles (14 km). It reached a Manchester Literary and
names to classify speed of nearly 5 mph (8 kmph). Philosophical Society, UK, from
Swiss chemist Nicolas- 1800. Best remembered for his
Thodore de Saussure (1767 theory of atoms, Dalton also
Daltons table
1845) outlined the process of contributed to meteorology and
of elements
John Dalton was the photosynthesis (see 178788) studied color blindness, from
rst to use symbols and proved that both water and which he suffered. He made
for elements, and to carbon dioxide are absorbed by meteorological observations
calculate their atomic
plants as they grow. Saussure and published scientic papers
weights. This table shows
his symbols and atomic later analyzed the ashes of well into his seventies.
weights for 20 elements. plants and showed that their

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180506 180708

Humphry Davy, British chemist, from On Some Chemical
Agencies of Electricity, 1806

A 1920 illustration of the American This engraving shows British chemist Humphry Davy conducting
Lewis and Clark Expedition. experiments with metals, such as magnesium and barium.

FRENCH CHEMISTS NICOLAS- IN 1807, THE NORTH RIVER First steamboat in the US paddle
LOUIS VAUQUELIN (17631829) STEAMBOAT, later renamed Robert Fultons paddle steamer, wheel
later named Clermont, was 133 ft
and Pierre-Jean Robiquet Clermont, carried passengers
(41 m) long and 12 ft (4 m) wide. piston chimney from
(17801840) isolated asparagine from New York City to Albany on It had two paddle wheels, each cylinder coal furnace of
from asparagus in 1805. This was the Hudson River in New York, 15 ft (5 m) in diameter. engine
the rst amino acid (the building making it the rst commercially
blocks of protein) to be identied. successful steamboat. Designed onto a drawing surface,
The next year, British inventor by American engineer Robert allowing the artist
Ralph Wedgwood (17661837) Fulton (17651815), the boat to trace it.
was granted a patent for a type of completed the 150 mile (240 km) Another patent
carbon paper. He had originally journey in just over 30 hours. was granted in
intended it to help visually In Britain, chemist Humphry the same year to
impaired people to write, but he Davy used electrolysis to isolate French inventors and
later realized it could be used to pure forms of many metals, brothers Nicphore
make duplicates of letters. including magnesium, sodium, (17651833) and Claude Nipce Swiss engineer Franois Isaac Unaware of earlier work in
In September, the Lewis and barium, and calcium. The rst (17631828) for their invention of de Rivaz (17521828) was also the eld in Europe, Irish-born
Clark Expedition, commanded metal separated in this way an internal combustion engine working on an engine design American mathematician Robert
by Captain Meriwether Lewis was potassium, in 1807. called the pyrolophore (from and received the patent for a Adrain (17751843) published
(17741809) and Lieutenant William Hyde Wollaston the Greek words for re, wind, hydrogen-powered internal his version of the method of
William Clark (17701838) of the patented the camera lucida and bearer). A boat powered by combustion engine in 1807. least squares in 1808. This
US military, reached the Pacic (light room), a drawing aid for the engine, which burned ne This early engine used only two statistical technique minimizes
Coast of North America. It had artists, in 1807. This device uses powders such as crushed coal strokes. The four-stroke engine the sum of the squares of errors
been commissioned by US a four-sided prism to project an dust, was tested on the Seine (see panel, below) was not made in a data set, and is used
President Thomas Jefferson to image of the scene to be drawn River in France. developed until 1876. to t curves (graphs) to data.
explore the Missouri River after
purchase of 828,000 sq miles
(2,100,000 sq km) of French Power is generated in an internal spark plug ignites
inlet valve inlet valve
territoryin 1803. The expedition combustion engine by burning opens; air, shuts mixture, pushing
discovered several new species of fuel within a cylinder. Four-stroke fuel enter piston down
airfuel motion of
plants and animals. engines operate on a four-stroke cylinder exhaust valve crankshaft
In November, British chemist cycle. First, a valve lets fuel and compressed opens, pushing makes
crankshaft wheels
waste out
Humphry Davy presented his air into the cylinder. A piston then moves crankshaft spin
work on the electrolysis of moves upward in the cylinder, clockwise crankshaft
rotates to
waterbreaking down water into compressing the airfuel mixture. move piston
hydrogen and oxygen by passing A spark plug ignites the mixture, movement of
an electric current through it making it explode and pushing piston into
(see 1834)at the Royal Society the piston down. The piston then rotary motion

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17 8 9 18 94 T H E A G E O F R E V O LU T I O N S


A chemical compound is a substance composed of two or more types of

atom held together by chemical bonds. Water, for example, is made of POTASSIUM IN WATER
hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. Chemical reactions involve the When potassium reacts with water,
hydrogen gas is released. The reaction also
breaking or forming of chemical bonds, resulting in new substances. produces heat, which ignites the hydrogen.

Most solids, liquids, and gases are mixtures COMPOUNDS MOLECULES

of compounds or elements (an element is a Any sample of a particular compound always The atoms that make up a molecule are joined
substance made of only one kind of atom). Air, has the same ratio of the elements of which together by one or more covalent bonds, rather
for example, is a mixture composed mainly of it is composed. For example, if the compound than the ionic bonds that hold atoms together
the elements nitrogen and oxygen, with most of methane was broken down into its constituent in nonmolecular compounds such as sodium
the rest consisting of the element argon and the atoms and the atoms were counted, the carbon chloride (common salt). The smallest molecules
compounds water, carbon dioxide, and methane. (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms would always be in are composed of just two atoms, but some are
In some compounds, the atoms bond by sharing the ratio of 1:4. As a result, every compound has much larger; proteins, for example, may consist
electrons to form molecules (see right). This a chemical formulamethane's is CH4. of tens of thousands of atoms. Some elements
kind of bond is called a covalent bond. In other can also exist as molecules. For instance, pure
types of compound, the atoms have lost or gained hydrogen oxygen hydrogen
hydrogen and oxygen are typically composed of
electrons and are in the form of electrically two-atom (diatomic) moleculesH2 and O2.
charged ions. These ions are held together by
the electrical forces between them: ionic bonds.
H O H covalent bond between

nitrogen atom and
hydrogen atom

When hydrogen and H Each molecule of the

MILLION MILLION oxygen atoms react compound ammonia

together to make the is made of one atom
MILLIONROUGHLY THE compound water, the of nitrogen bound to

elements always formula is made up NH3 each of three atoms of


H2O combine in the ratio 2:1,
so the chemical symbol
for water is is H2O.
of the symbols and
ratios of the
constituent atoms
hydrogen by a covalent
bond, so the formula
of ammonia is NH3.

The elements or compounds that take part in a
reaction are called reactants. During a reaction,
the bonds of the reactants break and new bonds bonds are
broken and
may form, producing one or more different new ones are energy
substancesknown as the products. For formed released
example, in the reaction shown on the right, the
atoms of two reactants combine to form a single
compound as the product. The atoms involved
in a reaction do not go out of or come into
existencethey are
just rearranged, so Two reactants may react
the total mass of the spontaneously when mixed,
products is the same forming a new compound. In
some reactions, energy may
as the total mass of be released, as when water
the reactants. and potassium react. REACTANT 1 REACTANT 2 REACTION PRODUCT


carbon dioxide
gas given off
calcium ion
There are many different types of reaction, calcium carbonate
decomposes into
including, for example, electrolysis (in which calcium oxide
an electric current splits a compound into its Ca Ca C carbon
constituent parts) and acidbase reactions
(in which an acid and base, or alkali, react
together). In general, however, reactions C O O
can be categorized into three main types
according to what happens to the substances covalent
involved: decomposition, synthesis, and oxygen ion double
displacement (or replacement) reactions. O bond

In a decomposition reaction, a compound

breaks up into smaller parts. Synthesis is the DECOMPOSITION REACTION
opposite: two or more compounds combine Heating the mineral limestone (calcium carbonate) causes
to form a single product. In a displacement
reaction, part of one compound breaks away
it to decompose into calcium, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
The calcium and oxygen are in the form of ions (charged
particles); they form the ionic solid calcium oxide. The carbon
and becomes part of another. dioxide is a gas composed of covalently bonded molecules. calcium carbonate calcium oxide carbon dioxide

PLAYED. THE heat generated
may make
water boil
calcium oxide water calcium hydroxide brackets
show that
there are two
(OH) for every
hydroxide in water Adding calcium oxide to water produces calcium atom
calcium hydroxide, which dissolves in the
Clemens Alexander Winkler, remaining water. This is a synthesis
German chemist, 1887 calcium reaction because the product is composed
of all the atoms of the two ingredients.

O Ca

O Ca O C C O
carbon dioxide
added by bubbling
it through the water


When carbon dioxide gas is
introduced into a solution of
calcium hydroxide, the carbon
calcium hydroxide carbon dioxide calcium carbonate water dioxide displaces the hydroxide
in the calcium hydroxide,
producing calcium carbonate
and water. The calcium
carbonate forms solid particles
in the solution.
solid calcium

1809 181011

Later commentators often depicted Lamarckian evolution with the idea that Mary Annings discovery of a fossil, later called ichthyosaur, conrmed that the oceans
giraffes acquired long necks by stretching to reach high branches. too once held strange creatures that are no longer alive today.

IN 1809, French biologist environment can alter genes BRITISH CHEMIST HUMPHRY ,, THE CEREBRUM

Jean de Monet, Chevalier de and their expressionthe study DAVY (17781829) amazed
Lamarck (17441829) came up
with one of the rst systematic
of this is know as epigenetics.
In Germany, mathematician
audiences at his London science
demonstrations with the glow
theories about the evolution Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 from the rst electric lamp, the ORGAN BY WHICH THE MIND
of life. Lamarck argued that
life evolved gradually, from the
1855) laid the foundations of
astronomical mathematics
arc lamp, in which high voltage
was shot across the gap between IS UNITED TO THE BODY.
simplest to the most complex. with his gravitational constant. two carbon electrodes. Although
Sir Charles Bell, from Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain, 1811
He suggested that a change in Newton had shown that there bright, the arc lamp was not
the environment can provoke is a single universal gure, practical to use for everyday
a change in an organism, and or constant, for the power of lighting. Everyday electric light In 1811, Italian chemist Amedeo together. From this, Avogadro
that these changes can also gravitational attraction. Gausss arrived only when American Avogadro (17761856) reconciled deduced his hypothesis
be inherited. According to him, insight was to devise a simple inventor Thomas Edison John Daltons atomic theory of that any gas at the same
useful characteristics develop set of three measurements for (18471931) and British physicist elements (see 180304) with temperature and pressure
further over the generations, calculating gravity's effects in Joseph Swan (18281914) Gay-Lussacs law of 1808, which always contains the same
and those that are not useful which masses are measured developed the incandescent lamp said that when two gases react, number of molecules.
fall into disuse and may in solar masses (the mass of (see 187879). Davy also proved the volumes of the reactants Another milestone in chemistry
disappear. Unlike Charles the Sun), distance is measured that chlorine is an element, and and products are in simple was the system of chemical
Darwin (see 1859), Lamarck in terms of the longest diameter that muriatic acid is a compound whole number ratios. Avogadro symbols and formulae proposed
had no mechanism to explain of Earths orbit, and time is of hydrogen and chlorine (now realized the difference between by Swedish chemist Jns Jacob
how these changes occur. measured in days. From known as hydrochloric acid), atoms and molecules. So, simple Berzelius (17791848) in 1811
One of his ideas was that an these measurements he disproving French chemist gases such as hydrogen and that is still used today. He
organism changes during found a constant for gravity of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisiers theory oxygen are made of molecules suggested that every element
its life to adapt to its 0.01720209895. This number that every acid contained oxygen. of two or more atoms joined be identied simply by its initial
environment, and these was fed into calculations letter as a capital. Where two
changes are then passed on to work out planetary orbits. MARY ANNING (17991847) elements begin with the same
to its offspring. This idea, called We now know that the letter, he added a second letter
Lamarckian inheritance, was measurements Gauss used The daughter of a poor cabinet or consonant of the name. To
largely ridiculed by followers were not as invariable as maker in the British coastal show the number of atoms of
of Darwin, but there has originally thought, but despite town of Lyme Regis, Mary an element in a compound, he
been renewed interest with this his work has been of great Anning became the greatest added a gure to the symbol.
recent discoveries that the value to astronomers. fossil hunter of the age. Among So the formula for water is
her key nds were the almost H2O, indicating there are two

complete skeletons of marine atoms of hydrogen for each
reptiles such as the ichthyosaur one of oxygen.
and the plesiosaur. At the time, Meanwhile, on the south coast
THE UNIVERSAL CONSTANT Anning was one of the foremost of England, 11-year-old Mary

FOR GRAVITY, ACCORDING experts on the anatomy of

these fossil creatures.
Anning made the rst of her
many key fossil nds. It was of an
TO CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS ichthyosaura marine reptile

ist cia
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176 pr

George Stephenson, British civil engineer, in a letter to Joseph Sandars,
December 1824

A coal train is hauled by steam locomotive Salamanca at the Middleton

Colliery Railway, UK, in 1814.

THE FRENCH trains successfully for

atomic atomic
REVOLUTIONS the rst time, on an
number weight
introduction of the metric adapted track initially
system in the 1790s built in the 1750s to The scale rates mineral
26 55.845
created chaos, as many enable horses to pull hardness from 1 to 10 in

Fe people insisted on
continuing to use the
local units of measure
wagons full of coal from
the Middleton mine.
In the 1790s,
terms of standard minerals.
Geologists use scratch tests
to identify a mineralfor
IRON that existed in different Frenchman Nicholas example, one that scratches
towns. So, in 1812, French Appert had developed apatite but is scratched by
name chemical emperor Napolon sealed glass jars to quartz is a 6 on the scale.
symbol Bonaparte introduced preserve food, but the
the mesures usuelles glass was breakable.
CHEMICAL SYMBOLS (standard measures),
which combined basic New metric system
Then in 1810, British
merchant Peter Durand

The system of symbols

devised by Berzelius is used
by chemists even today. Each
metric unitssuch as the meter
and kilogramand old familiar
measures. This system was
This engraving satirizes the
confusion French people had in
adopting the metric system, which
patented the tin can, which was
made of iron coated with tin to
prevent rusting. In 1812,

is why Napoleon introduced the

element is indicated by the
intitial letter or two of its
nally replaced in 1840 with
the full metric system.
compromisemesures usuelles. American engraver Thomas
Kensett (17861829) established 3 CALCITE

Latin namethe symbol In this year, German geologist four legs), in which he argued the rst food preservation
for iron, Fe, comes from its
Latin name, ferrum. The box
Friedrich Mohs (17731839)
devised a system to identify
that many more species lived on
Earth in the past and that every
factory in New York, for
preserving oysters, meat, fruit,

in the periodic table for each minerals. It was based on the rock bed contains fossils from and vegetables in glass jars. In
element shows its atomic
number, its atomic weight,
physical properties, such as
hardness, color, and shape. Mohs
a different time in Earths past.
In line with geologists who
1825, Kensett set up the rst
US canning factory.

and the number of protons noticed that hard minerals could believed that the landscapes James Barry (c.17921865)
in the nucleus of each atom. scratch softer ones. He
developed a scratch test to
of the world were shaped by a
series of catastrophes, Cuvier
born and raised as Margaret Ann
Bulkleychose to live as a man

shaped like a dolphinthat lived

at the time of the dinosaurs.
determine the hardness of
each mineral and a scale of 10
standard mineralsnow known
argued that the world had been
overcome by past catastrophes
or revolutions, which had swept
so she could be accepted into
university. In 1812, she became
the rst woman to qualify as

Also in Britain, anatomist

Charles Bell published Idea
as the Mohs scaleon which to
place each mineral. French
away a large number of species.
Meanwhile, the rst
a medical doctor, graduating
from the University of Edinburgh, 8 TOPAZ

of a New Anatomy of the Brain, paleontologist Georges Cuvier steamboat service in Europe Scotland. She went on to become
which distinguished between
the sensory and motor nerves
(17691832) published the
Discours Prliminaire
opened with the paddlesteamer
PS Comet plying on the River
a distinguished surgeon.

of the brain. (Preliminary Discourse), an Clyde in Scotland. In Middleton,

introduction to his essays on
fossil quadrupeds (animals with
West Yorkshire, UK, steam
locomotives were used to haul

t t nn me
t gis r 5 boa n t A Ja
ish ist n s ch ntolo vie cies t in s t1 re as mes to
olo s us team ns
rit om o
ee rve e l e n u e u e g
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1 B anat ell betw r ne ra Fr laeo es C t sp ed o oph n
Au st s op lyde
g h e
1 an Mo ne Ma lkle be oma ctor
18 uro s B es oto r m ich s mi e pa org tha wip astr r e
Fi rvic er C Bu rry st w a do
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Ge gue een ca t
se e Riv tland Ba e r as
Ch ting y an Fr ate ess ar ve b st by th Sco th alify ain
dis nsor e
cr rdn ha e pa in qu Brit
se ha th in

n ve
ist leo t ra p
em is po the irs e ng ts u d
ch urto e a s 2 F runs n se o
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s 1 ica tt t fo y
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Fr ard s io r gu ra let in Am Ke Ss n fa
11 ern over ua in t s u
Au am t Midd ine K
8 br te ure l as U tio
1 B isc Fe par es ste the iery ks,
U om the rva
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s t pr
181314 1815

Fraunhofer lines are dark lines in a light spectrum created by the absorption Mount Tambora on Sumbara Island in Indonesia was the site the largest volcanic events in recorded history.
of certain wavelengths by gases. The pattern reveals the identity of the gas. The eruption took 4,593 ft (1,400 m) in height off the cone of the volcano.

ON MARCH 13, 1813, BRITISH colors. When sunlight passed MOUNT TAMBORA ON THE became the model for all
ENGINEER William Hedley through the glass, Fraunhofer INDONESIAN ISLAND of geological maps.
(17791843) patented a design noticed dark lines (Fraunhofer Sumbawa erupted on April 5. It The canals Smith helped
for a steam locomotive known Lines) where color in the was the most powerful volcanic to build were essential to
as Pufng Billy. It began hauling light spectrum was missing. eruption in recorded history the accelerating Industrial
coal trucks in Northumberland, Fraunhofer was not the rst to the explosions could be heard as Revolution in Britain, as were the
England, in 1814 and is the notice these lines, but in 1814 he far away as 1,616 miles (2,600 km). mines that provided coal for res
worlds oldest surviving steam was the rst to start an extensive The role of fossils in studying and steam engines. Mining was
locomotive. The greatest pioneer study of them, and in doing so Earths history was revealed dangerous work, however, and
of steam railroads, George provided a basis for the science by British geologist William miners lived in constant fear of
Stephenson (17811848), also of spectroscopy (see 188485). Smith (17691839). hitting pockets of methane or

Working as
a surveyor,
overseeing the
digging of canals,
other ammable gases, known
as redamp, which could
explode if they reached the
naked ame of their
Smith noticed that candles. British scientist
OF NATURAL SELECTION widely separated Humphry Davy invented William Smiths geological map

outcrops of the same the miners safety lamp. This pioneering map of Britain
THIS IS THE FIRST rock strata could The lamps ame was
showed the geological make-up of
the country and set a precedent for
RECOGNITION BUT HE be identied by the
fossils they contain.
wrapped in wire mesh
that reduced the chance
geological maps in the future.

APPLIES IT ONLY TO MAN. He used this to create

the rst geological
of it igniting gases.
In chemistry, the atomic
Ernest Rutherford (18711937)
named the proton partly in
Charles Darwin, British naturalist, The Origin of Species by Means of map in 1799, and in theory of elements was honour of Prout.
Natural Selection, 4th edition, 1866 1815 he published gaining supporters. In France, scientist Jean-
a geological map of British scientist William Baptiste Biot (17741862) was
built his rst steam locomotive Elsewhere in 1814, news was Britain. His map Prout (17851850) experimenting with polarized
in the north of England; it rst delivered with the help of concluded from studying lightlight vibrating in just
ran on July 25, 1814. steam-powered presses at tables of atomic weights a single plane (see panel,
In London, in 1813, American The Times newspaper in London. wire mesh (see 180304) that every opposite). On October 23, he
prevents ame
physician William Wells (1757 In Connecticut, inventor Eli weight is a multiple of shone a beam of polarized light
from igniting
1817) read a paper to the Royal Terry (17721852) developed mine gasses the weight of a hydrogen through a tube of turpentine
Society in which he explained a groundbreaking design for a atom, and that the and noticed how the plane of
racial differences on the basis of mass-produced clock that could hydrogen atom is the polarization was rotated. Other
a process of evolution involving be made by machines instead Davy lamp only fundamental organic liquids, such as lemon
natural selection. of being hand-assembled by This miners safety particle from which juice, produced the same effect.
In Bavaria, German optician skilled clockmakers. This lamp consisted of all other elements This rotation is at the heart of
a cylinder of wire
Joseph von Fraunhofer was made clocks more affordable. are made up. He the Liquid Crystal Displays
gauze containing
making ne optical glass for a wick attached was not right, but a (LCD) now widely used in
separating light into different to an oil reservoir. century later, in 1920, display screens.

ys n s
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St Th is p pre on
178 lo c


Karl von Draiss Laufmaschine (running machine) was a forerunner of the bicycle
and the rst two-wheeled form of personal transportation.

each ring polarized light do not create

refracts light AUGUSTIN-JEAN FRESNEL (17881827)
interference fringes if they are
at a different
angle polarized in different planes.
Fresnel worked as an engineer In 1816, British physicist David
during the Napoleonic Wars of Brewster (17811868) calculated
1803 to 1815. Afterward, he Brewsters Anglethe angle at
began to research light and which light must strike an object
optics, making key contributions at for maximum polarization.
to understanding the nature of In 1817, three new elements
light waves, diffraction, and were discovered: cadmium
polarization. He is best known by German chemist Friedrich
for his invention of the stepped Stromeyer (17761835); lithium
glass Fresnel lens, which is by Swedish chemist Johann
commonly used in lighthouses. Arfwedson (17921841); and
selenium by Swedish chemist
Jns Berzelius (17791848).
THE THEORY THAT LIGHT 1817 Fresnel began to explore In Germany, Baron Karl von
TRAVELS IN WAVES (see 1801) polarization, which was then Drais (17851851) invented
was backed up in 1816 by a series thought irreconcilable with an early bicycle known as the
of precise experiments with wave theory. Polarized light Laufmaschinepropelled by feet
diffractionthe way light spills is reected in just one plane; rather than pedals. His rst public
around objects into shadows Fresnel found that beams of ride took place on June 12, 1817.
by French engineer Augustin-
Jean Fresnel. When Fresnel POLARIZATION
shone a light through slits, he
detected tiny fringes of light Augustin-Jean Fresnel worked Ordinary light vibrates at every
that could only be produced by out that light moves forward in angle or plane, but when it is
interference between waves. waves that vibrate transversely polarizedby passing through a
Fresnel backed this up with perpendicularly to the direction polarizing lterthe vibrations
detailed calculations of how in which they are traveling. are reduced to a single plane.
a light wave might move beam of ordinary polarizing light second lter blocks
and produce diffraction. light vibrating on vibrating in one plane polarized light
Working with French physicist numerous planes
Franois Arago (17861853), in
stepped lens
focuses the
beam Fresnel lighthouse lens
His experiments in light and optics led
Fresnel to create a special lens for use
in lighthouses; it was also sometimes used in polarizing lter
theater lights. It focuses the light using multiply
stepped glass, rather than a single thick lens.

er a -J ois ich
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16 Br Au nd the 17 eye cad
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pa t air p o

st us
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18 wir brid e at -J ce 7 B Dav ts n K st n se
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g ill, s 18 icist ten e a 1
18 isco
ns Br ylk s gu vi ry ys pa cop 7 B th on h ne
pe ider chu pen Au s e eo ion ph ster dos 81 es i d
su Sp of S ia, o 8 16 l nd e th ract 2 , 1 s tak ride sch
e h 1 ne v ff ew lei e 1 Drai ublic ufm
th alls elp es wa n di Br e ka n
F lad Fr r the ht i th Ju von p La
Ph i
fo l i g 179
1818 1819


To perform the rst successful blood transfusion, James Blundell took William Parrys ships HMS Hecla and
blood from the arm of his assistant and injected it into the patient. HMS Griper, trapped in the Arctic ice.

THE BRITISH PHYSICIST commercial, but they showed the Robert Stirling invented a heat Cuvier studied fossils in hole placed on
MICHAEL FARADAY (17911867), value of a scientic approach. engine that was intended as an the possession of the British patients body
later famous for his work on The demands of industry alternative. His engine worked by clergyman William Buckland,
electromagnetism, spent the accelerated progress in continually compressing and found near Stoneseld in Leaennecs
initial years of his career technology, and the increased expanding air or another gas England a few years earlier. stethoscope allowed
concentrating on chemistry. status of engineers was reected in a closed space. The Stirling Cuvier conrmed that these doctors to hear
Together with the utensil maker in the founding of the Institute of engine didnt catch on at the time fossils belonged to a gigantic murmurs inside
a patients chest.
James Stodart, Faraday began to Civil Engineers in London. Steam although recently it has excited extinct lizard.
experiment with different steel locomotives were becoming more interest as a simple and low This period also saw the
alloys to incorporate rare metals than curiosities, but they were maintenance power source for growing professionalism of
such as platinum. These new still expensive to run and liable everything from use in the Third surgeons and doctors. London
alloys were too expensive to be to explode. British engineer World to space exploration. doctor James Blundell saved a
At the same time, the natural mother from bleeding to death
Stirling hot air engine world continued to hold after giving birth with the rst
The Stirling engine fascination for many people. successful blood transfusion.
could alternately French naturalist Georges He used a syringe to extract
compress and expand
blood from the arm of a donor
hot air, making it a
gas is heated in the hot cylinder, and he injected it into the arm
far quieter and more
building pressure to move the piston of the patient. This was before ANOTHER MEDICAL ADVANCE
efcient machine.
doctors realized what caused was the simple stethoscope,
cool cylinder where the hot gas
is cooled, lowering its pressure blood to clot or knew about blood invented by Parisian physician
groups (see 1901). Ren Laennec (17811826) in
conducting pipe 1816 to listen to the heartbeart
carries heat to the
and breathing patterns. It was
hot cylinder
wheel is driven rst described in his 1819 book on
by piston diagnosis, De lAuscultation
cooling pipes
Mediate (On Mediate Auscultation).
draw heat from
gas in the cool His stethoscope allowed
power meter
cylinder physicians to diagnose diseases
sooner and far more accurately.
piston rod driven by Also in Paris, French physicists
pressure changes in the Alexis Petit (17911820) and
hot and cool cylinders Pierre Dulong (17851838)
found a way to verify the atomic
weights of elements. In 1803,
British chemist John Dalton had
put forward an atomic theory,
stating that each element is
made of atoms of a particular
weight, but establishing the

s en ibe
r nt ch an R scr the
ee ve e n i e f
n gin g in ne Fr ysic ec d on o De
n ph enn enti e in
h e irli engi
itis St L a v
in sco ion
Br bert rling
his tho ltat
Ro e Sti e
st usc e u
th lA dia

nt y
cie ada h
es h s
ar wit uis
Ja t the itis l F s Lo rd
to r u d Br hae ents lloy ist na n
oc s o loo n m e
i c im l a he Th og e
n d rrie ful b sio M er ee
p st h c es dr xid
nd ca ss sfu ex e nc acqu s hy ero
Lo dell cce ran Fr J ver p
un st su t co
B r dis

James Clerk Maxwell, British theoretical physicist, from A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 1873

revealed the link between
electricity and magnetism. At Born near Lyon in France,
THE LONGITUDE IN THE NORTHWEST a public lecture in Copenhagen, Andr-Marie Ampre was a
he astonished the audience by
PASSAGE REACHED BY HMS HECLA showing a compass needle
talented mathematician and
teacher. He laid the foundations
AND HMS GRIPER move as he brought it near a wire of electromagnetic theory and
conducting electricity. Inuenced discovered that the magnetic
weights proved to be a difcult through the Arctic was an by rsteds discovery, French interaction of two electrical
task. Petit and Dulong found that attractive proposition for physicist Andr-Marie wires is proportional to their
an elements specic heat (see commercial interests in Europe, Ampre created a theory of length and the strength of the
176162)the amount of heat because the routes to the south electromagnetism. This showed current owing through them.
required to raise the temperature were long and stormy. British that electric currents owing in This is known as Ampres Law.
by one degree Celsiusis naval ofcer William Parry led an opposite directions create
inversely proportional to its expedition to nd the Northwest magnetic elds that cause
atomic weight. By measuring the Passage in 1819 and succeeded. the wires to be attracted, while In Paris, French naturalist Also in Paris, chemists Pierre-
specic heat of an element, Petit He reached Melville Island in the currents owing the same way Georges Cuvier ridiculed Joseph Pelletier (17881842)
and Dulong were able to make an Arctic and won the prize offered lead to the wires being repelled. the ideas of fellow naturalist and Joseph Bienaim Caventou
estimate of its atomic weight. by Parliament for crossing a British physicist John Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, (17951877) worked on isolating
During this period, nding longitude of 110 West. Parrys Herapath (17901868) explained who argued that species medically active ingredients
a sailing route to the Pacic ships, HMS Hecla and HMS Griper, how temperature and pressure have transformed, or evolved, from plants. In 1820, they
were trapped by frozen sea until in gas are created by moving through time. This idea is now isolated quinine from cinchona
20% of the journey was the spring of 1820 when the ice molecules, an early version of an accepted part of the theory bark, which later became
steam powered nally melted. the kinetic theory of gases. of evolution. important in treating malaria.
Another ship, the SS Savannah,
became the rst ship to cross the ELECTROMAGNETS
Atlantic using steam engines,
strong magnetic eld created
sailing from Savannah in the An electric current creates its own current ows
around the wire by the current
80% of the USA on May 22 and arriving in magnetic eld, and this is the basis of through the
journey was coiled wire
sail powered
Liverpool in England 18 days an electromagnet. These are powerful
later. This feat was not repeated magnets that can be switched on and iron core
for over 20 years. Despite being off with an electric current. A solenoid
equipped with luxury cabins, (coil of wire) is a common form of
however, no passengers could electromagnet. The more coils of
electric current
Voyage of the SS Savannah be persuaded to join the wire, the stronger the magnetic eld. provided by the
While the SS Savannah was the rst voyage because of the ships Electromagnets are vital to the battery
ship to cross the Atlantic using
revolutionary design: a sailing operation of everything from the
steam power, the ship used its
steam engines for only 41 hours ship that also contained a steam speaker in a phone to electric motors.
during the 207-hour voyage. engine operated by paddle wheels.

is ip n H the g
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William Beaumont, US army surgeon, from Experiments and Observations
on the Gastric Juice, and the Physiology of Digestion, 1833

US army surgeon William Beaumont inserted a tube into the stomach of his
colleague Alexis St. Martin, who had been injured by a gunshot.

BUILDING ON DANISH PHYSICIST slightly different movement Faradays experiment the carboniferous (coal-bearing)
HANS CHRISTIAN RSTEDS of heat through each of the A replica of the apparatus Michael strata of northern England .
freely pivoting Faraday used to demonstrate the
discovery in 1820 that an electric two metals disturbs atoms to The same year, British computer
wire principle of electromagnetic rotation,
current makes a magnet move, generate an electric current, a which is the basis of electric motors. pioneer Charles Babbage
British scientist Michael phenomenom called the Seebeck (17911871) proposed his
Faraday (see 1837) showed or thermoelectric effect. magnet ingenious idea for a Difference
that a wire carrying an electric In the eld of geology, water completes
discovered ancient remains Engine: a calculating machine
current moved in a circle around Swiss geologist Ignatz Venetz the circuit of a hyenas den, with bones of built from cogs and rods that
a xed magnet, and that a (17881859) suggested that rhinoceroses, elephants, and would work automatically and
suspended magnet moved in in the past, during an ice age, lions, showing that wildlife in eliminate human error.
a circle around a xed wire the world was colder and the British Isles was once American army surgeon
carrying a current. He had Europe was covered in very different. William Beaumont (17851853)
discovered electromagnetic glaciers that shaped Geologists were starting was the rst person to observe
rotationthe principle of the much of its landscape. to identify the different ages human digestion in the stomach.
electric motor. On the English coast, in Earths past from fossils He performed experiments on a
German-Estonian scientist near Lyme Regis in Dorset, found in rocks. In 1822, British soldier who had been shot in the
Thomas Seebeck (17701831) fossil collector Mary Anning Mantell (17901852) found geologists William Phillips abdomen, and pioneered gastric
observed that a compass needle (see 181011) found the rst teeth of a huge reptile he called (17751828) and William endoscopyinserting a tube to
wavers when it is close to a loop fossil plesiosaura huge marine an iguanadon, which was later Conybeare (17871857) made look inside the stomach.
of two different metals that are reptile that lived 65195 million identied as a dinosaur. In the rst identication of a
cooled in one place and heated years ago. The following year, Yorkshire, British naturalist geological period. They named
in another. This is because the another fossil hunter, Gideon William Buckland (17841856) it the Carboniferous period after


Layers of rock form one on top

of the other, with the oldest at
the bottom, unless they have
been disturbed. The sequence
forms the geological column
and is the basis for dividing
Earths history into geological
periods, identied originally
by the fossils found in each
rock layer. The oldest, deepest
layer is the Cambrian Period
542488 million years ago
542 mya 488 mya 433 mya 416 mya 359 mya 299 mya 251 mya 199 mya 145 mya 65 mya 1.6 mya
the rst era when life left Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Tertiary Quaternary
enough fossils to date it. Period Period Period Period Period Period Period Period Period Period Period

nn sic el ry ll e- d
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dif ios
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pl W

K L M N O P Q R S T Louis Braille, French inventor of Braille writing

A simple invention by a blind French boy to help him read, Braille has become a window
into the world of books for millions of visually impaired people.

DURING 182324, SCIENTISTS description of a dinosaur Megalosaurus bones

WERE STUDYING THE NIGHT (although the term was not Drawings of megalosaurus
bones from William
sky as well as the history of coined until 1842)he identied
Bucklands 1824 paper,
Earth. Bavarian astronomer some fossils as a giant extinct which contained the rst
Franz von Gruithuisen lizard called megalosaurus. scientic description
(17741852) realized craters on French mathematician Joseph of a dinosaur.
the Moon were formed by past Fourier, calculated that Earth
meteorite impacts. Another is too far from the Sun to be suggested that heat
German astronomer, Heinrich warmed to the temperature it is trapped by Earths
Olbers (17581840), asked why is by solar radiation alone. He atmosphere. This was
the night sky is dark. Surely, if the rst identication
there is an innite number of of what later became
stars, then it should be possible known as the
to see a star in every direction greenhouse effect.
and, as a result, the night sky Hungarian
should be bright. Olbers was mathematician Jnos
not the rst scientist to ask this Bolyai (180260)
question, but it has become pioneered a new form
known as Olbers Paradox. of geometrynon-
Today, this paradox is known to Euclidean geometry.
be the result of space expanding, It breaks away from
which diminishes the apparent Euclids denition of
brightness of distant stars in parallel lines on a at,
many directions, causing the two-dimensional surface published Reections on the they lose heat every time hot
sky to appear dark. JOSEPH FOURIER (see 400335 BCE), and frees Motive Power of Fire and on gases are released before the
British naturalist William (17681830) mathematicians to contemplate Machines Fitted to Develop that next cycle. The Carnot cycle
Buckland made two momentous abstract multidimensional ideas, Power. This book contained the shows the maximum theoretical
contributions to the eld of Joseph Fourier was a brilliant such as the curved nature of rst successful theory of heat efciency for all engines. Carnot
geology. The rst was his mathematician who went with space, time, and the Universe, engines, which is now known laid the foundations for the
discovery, in a cave on the Napoleon to Egypt in 1798 and parallel lines as the Carnot cycle. All heat science of thermodynamics
coast of Wales, UK, of the rst to decode hieroglyphs. He that can actually cross. engines are inefcient because (see 184748).
fossilized human remains studied heat transfer and A blind 15-year-old French boy

ever found. Buckland wrongly identied the greenhouse called Louis Braille (180952)
identied them as being those of effect. His studies of waves invented the six-dot code later
a Roman woman. Carbon-dating led to Fourier analysis, the known as Braille. This writing
(see 1955) has since conrmed mathematical analysis of wave system enables blind or partially OF DINOSAUR
they are, in fact, of a 33,000-year- forms, now used in everything sighted people to read and is now SPECIES THAT
old man. Bucklands second from touch screens to used in virtually every country.
contribution, in 1824, was when understanding brain function. Also in France, engineer HAVE BEEN
he gave the rst scientic Nicolas Sadi Carnot (17961832) IDENTIFIED

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18 disc hu
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17 8 9 18 94 T H E A G E O F R E V O LU T I O N S

Blaise Pascal invents one of
Abacus 1617
the rst mechanical calculators Arithmometer
Napiers Bones
capable of simple arithmetic.
c.2700 BCE Invented by John Napier, 1820
First abacus this set of inscribed rods Arithmometer
The abacus is invented in or bones provides a Thomas de Colmar builds the
Sumer (present-day Iraq) quick way of multiplying rst commercially successful
and is soon widespread. or dividing large numbers. Napiers Bones Pascaline mechanical calculating machine.

c.100 BCE 1630 1801

Antikythera Slide rule Mechanical loom
mechanism Invented by English mathematician William Joseph Marie Jacquards
This early Greek Oughtred, the slide rule is used to multiply, loom is controlled by
device uses bronze divide, and calculate roots and logarithms. cards with punched holes,
gears to calculate a system later adopted by
astronomical Slide rule early computers.
Antikythera mechanism Jacquard loom


The word calculate is derived from the Latin calculus, or little stone,
referring to the ancient practice of using stones to perform calculations.
Since then, increasingly sophisticated devices have been invented to
perform the complex calculations demanded by advances in the sciences.

The rst calculating device, the abacus, evolved cards to control the working of his looms. The
when counting stones were arranged on a frame, idea of a calculating machine capable of carrying
and remained the most widely used means of out different programmable functions was
calculating until the 17th century. A breakthrough originated by British mathematician Ada BINARY NUMBERS
came with Scottish mathematician John Napiers Lovelace. The same idea was taken up by British
discovery of logarithms (see 161417), and his inventor Charles Babbage in his concept of an Unlike the decimal system, which uses the numbers
invention of the calculating device known as Analytical Engine. 0 to 9, the binary numeral system uses only two
Napiers Bones. The rst mechanical calculators The rst electrical computers began to appear symbols, 0 and 1. In this system, 1 is represented
also appeared in the 17th century, prompted by in the 1930s, and with the introduction of integrated by 1, 2 by 10, 3 by 11, 4 by 100, and so on. Because
the need for accurate astronomical tables. circuits, or chips, smaller and more powerful there are only two symbols, the binary system is
computers and calculators eventually became ideal for use in digital electronic computers, where
PROGRAMMABLE MACHINES viable. By the mid-1970s, entire processing units the two possible states of an electronic circuit, off
During the Industrial Revolution, a French on silicon chipsmicroprocessorsenabled the or on, correspond to the digits 0 and 1.
weaver, Joseph Marie Jacquard, used punched production of personal computers.

Charles Baudelaire, French poet (182167)


Hollerith tabulator 1960s 1970s
The electrical tabulating Electronic calculator Microprocessor chips
machine invented by Herman Electronic desktop Integrated circuits
Hollerith in the US is the rst calculators emerge in the containing thousands
device to use punched cards 1960s with the invention of transistors become
to store data rather than of the transistor. Pocket commercially available
Hollerith tabulator control a process. calculators soon follow. Pocket calculator for use in computers. Microchip

1822 1939 1980spresent

Babbages Difference Engine The Bombe Personal computers
Charles Babbage begins work on the design of Based on a Polish design, this electromechanical device The so-called microcomputer
a machine capable of complex calculations. is built in Britain during World War II to decipher codes. revolution takes off in the
1980s as personal computers
become smaller, more
powerful, and more affordable.

Early Apple computer

gear wheels

dial on nal
column shows
result of

on wheels


Babbages Difference Engine

Charles Babbage designed the
rst of his calculating machines
in the 1820s to overcome human
error in compiling numerical
tables. He improved on the design
with a second Difference Engine
in 184749. This demonstration
model of Babbages rst design
was built by his son Henry.

1825 182627


Marc Seguins bridge across the Rhne between Tournon-sur-Rhne and

Tain-lHermitage used a pioneering wire cable suspension system.

THE OPENING OF THE STOCKTON British scientist Michael Faraday,
AND DARLINGTON railway on who was another pioneer of
September 27 in the north of electromagnetism, discovered
England marked the beginning benzene in the oil residue that
of the railroad age. Smaller was created from making coal
steam railways had existed gas for gaslights. Benzene is a
before, but this project involved key ingredient of petroleum and
massive bridges and viaducts.
The railway was engineered by PERCENT is used to make plastic.
Meanwhile, French naturalist
George Stephenson, who also
designed its rst locomotive,
THE AMOUNT Georges Cuvier published his
idea (rst proposed in 1812) that
Locomotion No.1. OF ALUMINUM large groups of animals had been
One early passenger was PRESENT IN wiped out by past catastrophes,

French engineer Marc Seguin in the book Discourse on the BROWNIAN MOTION
(17861875), whose experience Revolutions of the Surface of
inspired him to create his own the Globe. German geologist In 1827, when Robert Brown observed pollen grains in water
steam railways in France. In more than its own weight. Christian von Buch (17741853) through a microscope, he noticed they moved around at random,
August, Seguin also opened Made by British electrical argued that natural variations but could offer no explanation for it. In 1905 Albert Einstein
Europes rst large wire cable engineer William Sturgeon between animals led to (18791955) showed that the pollen grains were being knocked
suspension bridge between (17831850), the 7 oz (200 g) separate species. by water molecules, which caused them to move. This map of
Tournon-sur-Rhne and Tain- magnet could lift 9 lb (4 kg). Brownian motion shows the random path of individual grains.
lHermitage, which spanned The Danish physicist who Stockton and Darlington railway
almost 298 ft (91 m). discovered electromagnetism The opening of George Stephensons
Stockton and Darlington Railway
Another technological rst in 1820, Hans rsted, created IN THE NATURAL WORLD, February 1826, involving
was a major event, attracting
was an electromagnet that aluminium in a chemical over 40,000 spectators and Russian naturalist Karl von Baer imaginary surfaces and lines.
was capable of supporting reaction in 1825. worldwide attention. (17921876) discovered in 1826 Two important developments
that mammals start life as eggs in engineering also occurred in
or ova, and Scottish biologist 1826. American inventor Samuel
Robert Grant (17931874), Morey (17621843) patented an
German naturalist August early version of the internal
Schweigger (17821821), and combustion engine.
German anatomist Friedrich In the summer of 1826, French
Tiedemann (17811861) all inventor Joseph Nicphore
argued that both plants and Nipce (17651833) used
animals have a common origin. a camera obscura to take
Another Russian, the worlds oldest-known
mathematician Nikolai photograph on a light-sensitive,
Lobachevsky (17921856), bitumen-coated, pewter plate.
presented his system of In nearby Montpellier, French
hyperbolic geometry in chemist Antoine Balard

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An illustration from Audubons book, Originally set up as a place for scientic study, the Gardens of the London Zoological
The Birds of America. Society (London Zoo) was eventually opened to the public in 1847.

(180276) discovered bromine AS THE WESTERN WORLD made by living things, as mineral discovered by the Nottingham, England, self-
in seawater. And in Tours, BECAME INCREASINGLY Whlers former tutor Swedish Norweigian geologist Morten taught mathematician George
French doctor Pierre URBANIZED, interest turned chemist Jn Jakob Berzelius Esmark (180182). Green (17931841) published an
Bretonneau (17781862) toward the natural world and (17791848) had insisted. The worlds rst electric essay in which he outlined the
identied diphtheria. botanic gardens and zoos were Berzelius also made a discovery motor was made in Budapest rst mathematical theory of
In 1827, English chemist opened to display exotic plants in 1828 when he isolated the by Hungarian inventor and electricity and magnetism. This
William Prout (17851850) and animals. The rst zoo for radioactive element thorium, Benedictine monk nyos was later built on by James Clerk
classied food into the three scientic study was London a dense metal found in a black Jedlik (180095), and in Maxwell (see 186164).
main divisions known today: Zoo in England, which opened
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. on April 27, 1828. wire coil turns
Scottish naturalist Robert The foundations of wire
magnetic clockwise as
Brown (17731858) observed embryology (the science of eld permanent magnet
the phenomenon now known embryo development) were laid repels wire coil
south pole
as Brownian motion (see panel, by Estonian naturalist Karl Ernst direction
opposite). FrenchAmerican von Baer (17921876), who north of current
naturalist John James Audubon showed that different animal (rotating commutator
(17851851) sold the rst prints species could appear similar electrical rotates with
switch) wire coil
of his book, The Birds of America, at early stages of development.
a 13-year project that culminated English fossil collector Mary STAGE 1 STAGE 2
in 1838 with a total of 435 plates. Anning (see 181011) had made
a number of important prehistoric
discoveries on the English coast, commutator reverses

but in 1828 she found the fossil
of a pterosaur, a huge ying
reptile. It was only the third such
connections, switching
the direction of the electric
current to the wire coil
wire coil
to rotate

fossil to be found and the rst to

ASTONISHING be identied. Annings pterosaur
brushes form
circuit connection
SHARPNESS was named Dimorphodon by with the

DOWN TO THE paleontologist Richard Owen commutator

(180492) in 1859.
In Berlin, German chemist
DETAILS... Friedrich Whler (180082) ELECTRIC MOTORS

THE EFFECT pioneered organic chemistry
the chemistry of living things Hungarian inventor nyos Jedlik showed how an to drive the motor. The coil is therefore connected
IS DOWNRIGHT with his discovery of what is electric motor could be driven by the repulsion to the circuit by contacts called commutators that
MAGICAL. now called Whler synthesis. between the poles of a permanent magnet and allow the circuit to swap direction as each half of
This is a chemical reaction that an electromagnetic coil. A half turn moves the the coil spins past. This swaps the coils polarity
Joseph Nicphore Nipce, French produces the organic chemical like poles of the coil away from each other, which too, so it continually presents like (repelling) poles
inventor, describing an earlier
photographic experiment to his urea. Its discovery showed that effectively means that there would be no repulsion to the permanent magnet.
brother, September 16, 1824 organic chemicals were not only

t es s
ou Zo
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2 7 W es ates 38 pub me 27 pr pro ic w e G at tri
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18 dub rds A p ens tion im atom o
Ge e r of e etis
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rt rs us lik ar
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18 obs oti b B late rium y e
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Fr hl ele

1829 1830

29 mph

Civil engineer Robert Stephenson designed the Rocket Metamorphic rocks, such as these,
steam locomotive, which gained worldwide fame. were rst identied by Charles Lyell.

IN NEW YORK, AMERICAN trials were a huge success. smokestack Stephensons Rocket IN THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY,
SCIENTIST JOSEPH HENRY Although only one of the ve The Rocket was the rst locomotive to GEOLOGISTS WERE DIVIDED into
have a multitube boiler, with 25 tubes
(17971878) was exploring the competing locomotives two groups. The catastrophists
to carry hot exhaust gas from the
power of electromagnetism completed the eventRobert rebox where fuel was burned. This claimed that the surface of Earth
(see 1820). He found that by Stephensons Rocketthe multitube helped generate more steam power. was shaped by a few huge and
carefully insulating the wires steam age had arrived. boiler brief catastrophes, such as
and winding them closely and As steam engines developed, oods and earthquakes (see
in several layers, he could make engineers became interested in 1812). The uniformitarians,
very strong electromagnets. extracting maximum efciency meanwhile, believed that Earths
In December 1830, Henry from them, and theoretical landscapes were shaped and
nally demonstrated the rst scientists began to explore reshaped gradually over very
powerful electromagnet, able to the concept of energy. French long periods of time by steady
hold up 750 lb (340 kg) of iron. scientist Gustave-Gaspard processes, such as river erosion.
In October, the directors of Coriolis (17921843) More evidence was being
the pioneering Liverpool and published Calcul de lEffet found conrming the
Manchester Railway (L&MR) held des Machines (Calculation of uniformitarian school of
locomotive trials at Rainhill in the Effect of Machines), in which thought. Scottish geologist
Lancashire, UK. The public was he looked at the relationship driving Charles Lyell (17971875)
yet to be convinced of the merits between energy and work summarized these ndings,
of steam locomotives, so the (the effect of energy), and The identication of geological term Quaternary to describe insisting that change was
competition was held to generate introduced the concept of periods gathered pace. While the most recent geological continuous and gradual, in his
publicity as well as to choose kinetic energyenergy that studying sediments in the Seine period, when loose material monumental book Principles
which experimental locomotive is produced when an object is valley in France, geologist Jules (gravel, sand, and clay deposits) of Geology, which was published
would pull L&MRs trains. The in motion (see 184748). Desnoyers (180087) coined the was laid down on top of in three parts between 1830
solid rocks. and 1833. Lyells text was so
ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION In a cave in Engis, Belgium, authoritative and convincing that
DutchBelgian prehistorian after its publication, few doubted
This demonstration of coil of magnetic ow is magnet moves Philippe-Charles Schmerling that the Earth had gone
electromagnetic induction conducting lines of force reversed out of the wire (17911836) found a fragment through many geological ages
involves moving a bar magnet wire of a small childs skull. This over millions of years. It was this
in and out of a coil of wire to was only the second discovery picture of Earths vast geological
produce an electric current. of a human fossil; British history that paved the way for
The magnets eld pulls the geologist William Buckland had Charles Darwins theory of
electrons in the wire and discovered the rst in 1823. evolution (see 1859), which was
produces a voltage. If the coil Schmerlings nd later proved partly inuenced by Lyells work.
is connected to a circuit, an to be 30,000 to 70,000 years The same year, German
electric current will ow. If the oldthe rst Neanderthal astronomer Johann von Mdler
magnet is moved in the other moves into remains ever discovered. (17941874) began to make
direction, the ow is reversed. MAGNET MOVES IN the wire MAGNET MOVES OUT drawings of the surface
of Mars. These were later

ell rs s nd
n rt Ly he ciple r a he
ica u le s t i n rt ket dle ke t
sc y er m B ter ar hes Pr be oc a
er rnar m
A llia ri Ch blis e of r Ro s R ll nM m
23 Wi pew pu lum logy be nso inhi ls
n vo er rs
no e nn Be f Ma
es uat ly or y to a a
sD mQ Ju ent s a t vo Geo Oc ephe e R tria h m
Jo lhel ap o
le inv tent of h
S ns t otive
Ju e ter Wi st m
th pa wi om r

ar a nn s
- Ch ers l ha e rm
pe cov tha Jo s th a n he
ilip is er nt n co of t be
rd Ph ing d and gme
i a i n ili ic i n tu
pa sic co ph m tio
as the l e
er d N l fra hy lein mo i A nc len
-G ins rgy p
an hn h
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ve o hm ilize kul a
iov th
sta s c en
e c
S ss s rm Sc term G
Gu rioli etic fo Ge kas
C ki n Lu
188 ter

British botanist Robert Brown was the rst to observe and appreciate the signicance of a plant cells
nucleus, orange in this modern colored scanning electron microscope image.

THE STUDY OF ELECTRICITY AND enabling advances such as heat of its constituents. This came Other scientists had seen the
anther stigma
MAGNETISM was proceeding at electric lighting. to be known as Neumanns Law. nucleus before, but Brown linked
such a speed in the early 1830s Less controversially, German Swedish chemist Jns Jacob it to reproduction. In Germany,
style that there were often disputes mineralogist Franz Ernst Berzelius had already published astronomer Heinrich Schwabe
ovary over who had made a particular Neumann (17981895) extended a list of atomic weights of 43 (17891875) made the rst
discovery rst. In 1831, British Pierre Dulong and Alexis Petits elements in 1825. In 1831, he detailed drawing of Jupiters
scientist Michael Faraday and discovery of the inverse introduced the term isomer Great Red Spot (see 166264).
his American counterpart Joseph relationship of specic heat for different compounds with In 1832, French instrument
Henry independently found that to the atomic weight of the same chemical composition. maker Hippolyte Pixii (180835)
moving a magnetic eld near a elements (see 1819) to include In the same year, British invented a magnet-electric
sepal wire induced an electric current, molecules. Building up the picture botanist Robert Brown used machine, which was the rst
thereby discovering the principle of the relationship between atoms the word nucleus for the rst direct current generator,
PLANT REPRODUCTION of electromagnetic induction. In and molecules and the energy time in biology, to describe the and British physician Thomas
time, this led to the development they carry, Neumann showed that central globule he saw through Hodgkin (17981866) described
Flowering plants reproduce of machines that could generate the molecular heat of a compound a microscope when he was Hodgkins Lymphoma for the
sexually, and have both male large quantities of electricity, is equal to the sum of the atomic observing the cells of orchids. rst time.
(a stamen, made up of an
anther and lament) and driving wheel
Faraday disk
female parts (a pistil, made up Also known as the homopolar copper disk belt
of a stigma, style, and ovary). generator, the Faraday disk was
developed by Michael Faraday
Fertilization begins when
in 1831. As the disk spins within
pollen from an anther lands the magnets eld, a weak
on the stigma. A tube grows current ows.
down the style to the ovary to
deliver the male sex cells
to the ovule (female sex cell).

regarded as the rst true maps disk drives

of the planet. horseshoe belt
Italian microscopist and magnet
astronomer Giovanni Battista
Amici (17861863) also studied contact
owers. He rst noticed the touching
rim of
pollen tubea single cell tube
copper disk
that transports male sex cells
to the plants ovulein 1824. In
1830, Amici used a microscope
to observe the process whereby
the pollen tube is formed.

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1833 1834

Louis Agassizs work on fossils gave One of the plan drawings for Charles Babbages Analytical Engine, which might have
impetus to the study of extinct life. been a mechanical forerunner of the computer if it had been completed.

BIOCHEMISTRY, THE STUDY BRITISH SCIENTIST MICHAEL began to formulate a third key energy available to make things law of thermodynamics
OF THE CHEMISTRY OF LIVING FARADAY had conducted scientic law. Clapeyron took the happen (potential energy) must (see 184951).
THINGS, can be said to have some brilliant work in 1833 work of fellow French physicist always gradually run down Also in 1834, after producing
begun in 1833 with the discovery on electrolysisthe chemical Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot unless more energy is put in. his mechanical calculator, or
and isolation of the enzyme reactions that occur when an (see 182324) on heat engines Burning fuel is an irreversible Difference Engine (see 1822),
diastase by French chemist electric current passes through and presented it in graphic form. process, which is why a car British inventor Charles Babbage
Anselme Payen (17951871). a liquid (see panel, opposite). It claried Carnots observation needs continual refueling. This (17911871) began to work on
Enzymes are produced by living In 1834, he published his two that in energy exchanges, the became the basis of the second plans for an Analytical Engine.
organisms and act as a catalyst laws relating to it. Faradays
to bring about biochemical rst law of electrolysis states
reactions (see 189394). Diastase that the amount of chemical memory racks
is the enzyme in beer mash that change varies in proportion
helps the starch in barley seed to the current. The second
change into soluble sugars. law states that the amount
The term scientist was also of material deposited on the
coined this year by the polymath electrodes by the reaction
William Whewell (17941866). is proportional to the mass
Until this time the only terms in of the material involved
use were natural philosopher in the reactions.
and man of science. Another law relating to
British physician and electricity was developed by
physiologist Marshall Hall Russian physicist Heinrich
(17901857) discovered the Lenz (180465). Lenzs law metal frame
reex arcthe primitive part stated that an electric current,
of the bodys nervous system. It induced by an electromagnetic
takes time for the brain to receive eld for example, always
sense signals, then process and creates a magnetic force
act on them. Reex arcs provide counter (opposite) to the
a rapid automatic response by force inducing it.
short-circuiting the brain. When French engineer mile
the hand, for example, touches Clapeyron (17991864)
something hot, the sense signal
only goes as far as the spinal calculating
cord before a message is sent
back to move the hand. Charles Babbages
German mathematician Carl Analytical Engine
Friedrich Gauss and physicist Charles Babbage simplied
the design of his Analytical
Wilhelm Weber (180491)
Engine and managed to have
developed the rst practical a small part of it built before
electromagnetic telegraph. he died in 1871.

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A description of the inhabitants of the moon in the New York Sun, 1835

The Great Moon Hoax in the New York Sun caused a sensation
and fooled many with illustrations of people on the Moon.

If it had been completed it would A POPULAR SCIENTIFIC STORY rotation of Earth Darwins notebook
have been a genuine forerunner OF 1835 TURNED OUT TO BE from west to east Darwin recorded his observations
on the Beagle voyage (183136) in
to the computer (see pp.18485), A HOAX. The Great Moon
notebooks. His records of this trip
because it would have been Hoax was a series helped him develop his theory of
programmable, had a memory, of stories in the New evolution over the next 20 years.
and could have been programmed York Sun newspaper
to perform many tasks besides that covered the presented their ndings the
simple calculation. discoveries same year in a joint paper.
of the famous On September 16, 1835,
twice as much hydrogen British astronomer Charles Darwin (180982)
gas as oxygen is produced John Herschel landed on the Galapagos
trapped bubbles of gas (17921871). The Islands for the rst time.
oxygen battery illustrated articles His visit to the islands had a
gas claimed there was life, signicant impact on his theory
and even civilizations, on of evolution (see 185758).
the Moon. It was several In England, inventor Henry Fox
weeks before the joke air moving toward air moving Talbot (180077) produced the
the equator is away from the
was revealed. worlds rst photographic
deected from equator is
In 1835, French engineer east to west deected from negative (dark and light reversed). from which many positive prints
Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis west to east Although French physicist Louis could be made.
(17921843) identied what Coriolis effect
Daguerre (17871851) went On the other side of the Atlantic,
is now known as the Coriolis Earths rotation is the cause of the public with his process known as in 1836, American inventor
effectthe effect of Earths Coriolis effect. One of the main daguerreotype rst (see 1837), Samuel Morse (17911872)
test tubes
rotation on both wind and water impacts of it is the deection of this process produced a one-off developed a code (later called
collect gas
winds and currents in the ocean.
moving across Earths surface. positive photograph. Talbots Morse code) for sending
ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER Winds do not follow a straight Cambrian period, naming it process, called the calotype, messages by telegraph, with
path, but veer to the east in after Cambria, the Latin name for produced a negative photograph each letter of the alphabet
Electrolysis splits water into the Northern Hemisphere and Wales, where Britains Cambrian represented by a unique
its component elements to the west in the Southern rocks are best exposed. Scottish combination of short pulses
(hydrogen and oxygen) by Hemisphere, sometimes geologist, Roderick Murchison (dots) and long pulses (dashes).
passing an electric current curling around in loops in (17921871), proposed the Another American, Samuel
through it. Hydrogen gas clockwise and counterclockwise Silurian period in the same year, Colt (181462), was granted a
gathers in the test tube circulations. The same is true naming it after an ancient Celtic US patent for the revolver. This
above the negatively charged of ocean currents. tribe, the Silures, and the two gun could re six shots in quick
electrode and oxygen gas Knowledge of the history of succession by using a revolving
gathers in the test tube Earth took a step forward when cylinder that automatically
above the positively charged two geological periods were Talbot exposes photo negatives moved a new bullet into the
Fox Talbots calotype process
electrode. Twice as much identied (see 182122). English ring position after each shot.
recorded a negative image, from
hydrogen is released. geologist Adam Sedgwick which a large number of positive
(17851873) proposed the prints could be made.

35 oa w r1
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Tr r oyal

Louis Agassiz, Swiss geologist, in Geological Sketches, 1866

The Marjerie Glacier in Glacier Bay, Alaska, USA, ows out from the
mountains to the sea and extends a distance of 21 miles (34 km).

THIS WAS THE YEAR in which Daguerreotyope camera

telecommunications really began. Dating from the 1840s, this is one of
the rst cameras made for taking
Three men had already been
photographs. The plate for each ice-fall, where glacier
working on the idea of an electric photo is slotted into the back. ows over steep gradient
telegraphSamuel Morse in the
US and William Cooke (180679) crevasse
and Charles Wheatstone His rst daguerreotype,
(180275) in England. In 1837, it taken in 1837, was blurry, but
became a reality. Cooke and within a few years daguerreotypes
Wheatstone were the rst to successful photographic were recording photographs of GLACIER
succeed with their 1.2 mile- process by French painter astonishing clarity.
(2 km-) long telegraph from Louis-Jacques-Mand The most extraordinary glacial lake
Euston to Camden in London. Daguerre (17871851). Daguerre scientic insight of this year was
In the end, the simplicity of the had long hunted for a means to understood by no one at the time hanging valley
Morse telegraphs single wire x the eeting images he saw but its creator, British scientist
U-shaped valley
system and dotdash code meant in his artists camera obscura. Michael Faraday. This was the
it was adopted as the standard idea of elds of forceregions river
He nally succeeded with his
telegraph and the Wheatstone- invention of the process known around magnets and electric moraine-
Cooke model was discarded. as daguerreotyping, which currents in which their effects dammed lake
An equally momentous involved capturing a one-off are felt. Faraday argued that in tarn (small lake
in scooped-out GLACIAL-ERODED
breakthrough was the photograph in chemicals coated these elds, electric charges are base of cirque) LANDSCAPE
development of the rst on a silver-plated copper sheet. pushed by the movement of
invisible lines of force, which GLACIATION
MICHAEL FARADAY (17911867) can be revealed by the pattern
iron lings make around a Glaciers accumulate such a weight of ice over the years that they
The son of a poor London magnet. This is why compasses possess an immense power to shape the landscape. They can
blacksmith, Michael swivel in magnetic elds and carve out vast U-shaped valleys, cut-off hillsides, and leave behind
Faraday was taken magnets move charged particles piles of rock debris. This process of modifying the landscape is
on as an assistant to to create electric currents. known as glaciation and the landscapes left behind by the glaciers
chemist Humphry French mathematician Simon of the ice age are unmistakable to geologists today.
Davy at Londons Denis Poisson (17811840)
Royal Institution in developed the valuable statistical
1813. His discoveries in idea of Poisson distribution: 1817, French physiologist Henri (180773) published tudes sur
electromagnetism gave us the probability of a given number Dutrochet (17761847) argued les Glaciers (Studies of Glaciers),
both the electric motor and the of events occurring in a that chlorophyll is the key to arguing that the Earth was once
generator. He was a visionary particular time if they occur at photosynthesis, by which plants subject to an ice age and that
theorist who saw the unity of an average rate. x oxygen from the air using traces of ice erosion and
natural forces and showed that In Paris, following the discovery sunlight (see 178788). deposition by vast glaciers
light is electromagnetic. of the green pigment Meanwhile, in Switzerland, and ice sheets are still evident
chlorophyll in plant leaves in geologist Louis Agassiz in the landscape today.

Co ins
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sta mm aph ele his ph
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ge rop aci hy aliz rop thes En bar ams tern tol e
iss siz p of gl p o
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Ag heo Fr roch o phot
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ne Gre ed i e n r
u h Fr mo rodu dist
nc Si int

Charles Goodyear, American inventor, in The Applications and Uses of Vulcanized Gum-Elastic, 1853

American inventor Charles Goodyears experiments demonstrated that heating rubber by the
right amount and adding sulfur could toughen or vulcanize it.

EARLY MICROSCOPES had been experimenting with heating made the rst accurate
plagued by color blurring, or albuminous substances, such as measurements of the solar WHITE PHOSPHORUS
chromatic aberration. By 1838, egg white, blood, milk solids, and constant (the amount of MOLECULE P
achromatic microscopessolving plant gluten with lye (a strong solar heat received at Earth).
this problemgave scientists a alkali solution), he always ended German astronomer Friedrich P
clearer view of living cells. As up with the same material. Bessel (17841846) made the P P P
German physiologist Theodor Mulder believed this material rst accurate estimate of the P
Schwann (181082) studied plant was composed of a single large distance to a star using the
and animal cells through his molecule common to all living parallax method, which RED PHOSPHORUS P
microscope, he realized that all things. It was the Swedish depends on slight shifts in the MOLECULE
living things are made of cells chemist Jns Jacob Berzelius stars apparent position due to
and cell products, and the cell (17791848) who suggested the the movement of the Earth. ALLOTROPY
is the basic unit of life. name protein for this substance. GermanSwiss chemist
Dutch chemist Gerardus It is now known there are Christian Friedrich Schnbein Some elements come in a number of different physical forms,
Mulder (180280) came to an numerous proteins and they (17991868) developed the idea called allotropes. Each form is made from the same type of atom,
equally important conclusion are the basic chemicals of life. of a fuel cell that converts but the atoms link up in different ways. Carbon has eight allotropes,
about the basic material that The same year, French physicist chemical energy from a fuel, including diamond, graphite, and fullerenes. Phosphorus has at
cells are made of. After Claude Pouillet (17911868) such as hydrogen, into electricity. least twelve, the most common of which are white and red solids.
In 1839, British physicist William
plate electrodes of
Grove (181196) made the rst
zinc and platinum
fuel cell. He knew electricity invented that same year, known different chemical and physical
could split water into as a Grove cell. properties. Also in 1840,
hydrogen and oxygen; American inventor Charles Christian Friedrich Schnbein
his fuel cell reversed this Goodyear (180060) developed discovered an allotrope of
process and made a technique for vulcanizing oxygen, which he gave the
electricity by rubber, a process that toughened name ozone.
combining the two it to make it suitable for use such
gases to produce as in tires. 2,000


water. At the time, In 1840, Jacob Berzelius 1952
though, Grove was suggested the word allotrope 1760
much better known to describe different forms of 1,500
for the battery he the same element. Allotropes 1,250
differ from each other as the
result of different bonding
between atoms results in 750

Grove cell Solar constant
In this battery invented Claude Pouillets 1839 estimate of 250
by William Grove, the charge is solar heat radiation, made using 0
cells lled generated on zinc and platinum a device called a pyrheliometer, Pouillets modern
with acid electrodes immersed in acid. was very close to todays value. estimate value

ts 39 m d
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Golgi apparatus

UNDERSTANDING used for sorting and

packaging substances,
including those for export


A plant or animal body contains more cells than people who THEODOR SCHWANN
German scientist Schwann,
have ever livedhundreds could fit on a pinhead. Within its a founding father of Cell
Theory, insisted that cells
outer structure, a cell has chemistry of unrivaled intricacy could be understood in
to manage its growth, reproduction, and nourishment. chemical terms with no
mysterious "life force.

The rst cells were seen in 1663 when English While some cells, such as those of rough endoplasmic
scientist Robert Hooke found cork cells with his bacteria, are structurally simple, those of mitochondrion reticulum
microscope. But it wasnt until the nineteenth animals and plants contain even smaller
century that their signicance was better compartments for specic roles. These
appreciated and German biologists developed a so-called organelles enclose the particular
Cell Theory. They suggested that cells were the mixture of chemicals needed
units of all organisms and could arise only from for a specic job. smooth
other cells. In other words, cellular life could not reticulum
form spontaneously. By 1900, scientists began to
see how this reproductive ability was linked to Most animal cells are smaller than
the cells nucleus and its chromosomes. This plant cells because they lack a rigid
work would culminate with the discovery that supporting cell wall. This also makes
animal cells less angular in shape.
a self-copying chemical inside the nucleus Many organelles found in plant cells
called DNAlay at the heart of the process. (right) are also found in animal cells.

OF CELLS THAT MAKE cell membrane nucleus

UP THE HUMAN BODY Golgi apparatus nucleolus ribosome


Today, scientists can reveal aspects of the
By the late 1800s, microscopes were good
cell that are invisible with conventional
enough to scrutinize dividing cells. Scientists microscopy by using uorescently dyed
saw threadlike chromosomes moving around antibodies that stick to specic structures.
Here, the antibodies illuminate the spindle
in precise wayschromosomes are bundles of
bers (green) that pull chromosomes (blue)
the DNA that carry the information for producing around during cell division.
new cells. Just before cell division, the cells DNA
doubles up by self-copyingso when body cells spindle bers shorten to cell splits in
divide during growth (mitosis), each daughter cell pull apart chromosomes two, each with
a full set of
ends up with a copied set of each chromosome, chromosomes
cell membrane
or DNA bundle. During sexual reproduction, forms across
a special kind of division (meiosis) halves the the cell
chromosome number to make sperm and eggs; are copies spindle bers
the normal number is restored when the egg chromosomes of the same grow out from
(four shown chromosome poles to attach
and sperm cells combine during fertilization. nucleus as examples) joined together to chromosomes

During growth, this multistage division keeps nucleus forms
around the
all cells genetically identical. A system of
protein cables called the spindle pulls in each cell
chromosomes in such a way that daughter
cells end up with the same chromosome


chloroplastthe site
of food-producing
reactions of Cells and their organelles are bound by oily
membranes that separate watery mixtures of
chemicals on either side. Small molecules, or
between the substances that can blend with oil, can penetrate
nucleus and the the membraneand tend to move from areas
cell membrane
of high to low concentration by diffusion. Other
particles can only get across by special molecular
cell membrane pumps in a process called active transport. The
controls what
enters and
cell has to use up energy to do this. The energy
leaves the cell comes from chemical processes of respiration
(see below). Cells take up oxygen and excrete
cell walla rigid
layer of cellulose
carbon dioxide by diffusion, but need active
bers that supports transport for moving salts and big molecules.
the cell
energy is needed to pump
molecules into cell molecules too
big to cross
high concentration
of molecules
outside cell

cell membrane

molecules inside
cell, present in
low concentration


This moves substances from Here, substances move from
high to low concentration. low to high concentration,
The bigger the difference giving a cell the means to
(concentration gradient), accumulate a substance in the
vacuolecontains the more they move. cytoplasm or in an organelle.
stored substances,
pigment, or poisons

vesiclea Cells are driven by energy, which comes from
uid-lled sac
that stores cellular food. Plants make their food by photosynthesis
substances during which carbon dioxide and water react
with light and chlorophyll. Almost all cells obtain
energy in the same way: by breaking down a
sugar called glucose. The process begins in the
generates energy
cells cytoplasm and nishes in organelles called
for the cell mitochondria. These powerhouses use oxygen
to extract energy in a particularly efcient way,
generating a great deal of an energy-rich
where proteins
compound called ATP, which powers cellular
are made activities involved in building or movement.

rough endoplasmic nucleus Chemical reactions that
reticulum (RER) stores genetic release most of the
has ribosomes material cells energy happen
for making and PLANT CELL on a mitochondrions
transporting proteins The cell membrane of a plant cell is overlain internal membranes;
nucleolusused for
producing ribosomes by a porous cell wall. Inside the cell are the most active of
smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane-bound organelles that package cells have the most
(SER) used for making and the chemicals needed for biological processes, membrane-packed
transporting lipids such as mitochondria for respiration. mitochondria.

1841 18421843

Swiss physiologist Albert von Klliker showed that, like every other living British engineer James Nasmyths steam hammer was able to forge large pieces of wrought iron and
cell, each sperm is a single cell with its own nucleus. was developed in response to the increased demands of 19th-century engineering.


PER MINUTE low-frequencyfewer high-frequencymore

The sound of a police siren
THE SPEED A approaching rises in pitch as
waves per second waves per second

SPERMATOZOAN the sound waves are squashed

CAN TRAVEL in front of the moving car. As
the car moves past and away
IN 1841, GERMAN PHYSICIAN In the UK, engineer Joseph from the listener, the pitch
listener behind driver of the car listener ahead
JULIUS VON MAYER (181478) Whitworth (180387) identied drops as sound waves stretch car hears hears a medium- of car hears a
rst proposed that energy could and solved a basic problem out in its wake. This occurs a low-pitched pitched sound high-pitched
never be created or destroyed. with assembling precision because, as the police car sound sound
This is now known as the rst machinesthe variation in approaches, each successive
law of thermodynamics (see screws. Whitworth devised a sound wave begins closer sound waves
emanating from
184748). Von Mayer also system of standardization for to the car. As the police car
the police cars
proposed that work and heat screw threads and pitches. moves away, each successive siren
are equivalenta certain amount When several railroad companies sound wave starts farther
of work will always produce decided to adopt it, other away from the car.
a certain amount of heat organizations quickly followed
as English physicist James suit. This system is now known
Joule (181889) discovered as the BSW (British Standard IN 1842, 25 YEARS AFTER THE Previously, iron foundries steam hammer meant that
independently two years later. Whitworth) system. FIRST RECOGNIZED FOSSIL was had shaped iron weakly and such things as railroad wheels
However, it was some time In Antarctica, British explorer found, British biologist Richard inaccurately with a pivoting and the rst steel hulls for
before either von Mayer or James Clark Ross (180062) Owen (180492) rst used the tilt-hammer that was lifted ships could be pounded out
Joules work was acknowledged. discovered and named the word dinosauria to describe mechanically then allowed to of solid steel for the rst
In contrast, improvements made Victoria Barrier, later known these terrible reptiles. drop. In contrast, Nasmyths time, thus revolutionizing
by Swiss physiologist Albert von as the Ross Ice Shelf. Ironically, Owen had been one vertical steam hammer was the manufacturing process.
Klliker (18171905) to of the rst people to wrongly pour forced down with great power, British inventors John
microscope techniques, Screw threads scorn on British geologist Gideon but could still stop short with Stringfellow (17991883)
Joseph Whitworth set
such as the staining of Mantells (17901852) idea that enough precision to crack an and William Henson
a standard for screw
samples, were soon threads with a xed angle the Iguanadon fossils he had egg in a wine glass. The power (181288) worked
acknowledged and of 55 for the thread. found belonged to an extinct and precision of Nasmyths together on ideas
adopted. Von Klliker giant reptile.
also conrmed that crest Meanwhile, a revolution Skeleton of an iguanodon
This species of dinosaur was discovered
each sperm and in manufacturing was taking
by British geologist Gideon Mantell in
egg is a cell with a place with the help of the steam 1822, although the term dinosaur was
nucleus, adding to the hammer, patented in June 1842 coined only in 1842.
emerging science by British engineer
of histologythe James Nasmyth
science of living cells. thread root (180890).

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The star Sirius A and its almost invisible companion, the white dwarf star
Sirius B, whose existence was deduced in 1844 by Bessel.

for powered ight and, in 1842,
they designed a large, steam-
Christian Doppler (180353)
suggested how the frequency of
powered, passenger plane. sound and light waves vary as UNITS
They received a patent for it in objects approach and move away
1843 and launched the Aerial from an observer (see panel,
Steam Transit Company, which opposite). This is known as the DISTANCE BETWEEN
they advertised as ying Doppler effect. It is these SIRIUS A AND SIRIUS B
to exotic locations such so-called Doppler
as the pyramids, but shifts that later
the idea was helped reveal IN 1844, GERMAN ASTRONOMER 10 yearslater, this cycle was
eventually that the Universe FRIEDRICH BESSEL (17841846) shown in fact to be 11 years.
abandoned. is expanding (see ADA LOVELACE (181552) spotted a wobble in the Meanwhile, on May 24,
In 1842, 19291930). movement of the stars Sirius American inventor Samuel
Austrian The worlds rst computer The daughter of poet Lord and Procyon. Isaac Newtons Morse sent the USs rst
scientist program was written in 1843 Byron, Ada Lovelace was a laws of gravity (see pp.12021) long-distance telegraph
by British mathematician Ada brilliant mathematician. In allow astronomers to calculate message down a new line
Lovelace, daughter of the poet 1843, she began to publicize the motions of distant stars with from Washington to Baltimore.
Lord Byron. Lovelace worked British inventor Charles such precision that discrepancies It was a Biblical message written
with British inventor Charles Babbages ideas for his can be revealed. Bessel deduced in his own Morse code, What
Babbage (17911871) on his Analytical Engine, and wrote that these stars have dark Hath God wrought?instant
Analytical Engine (see 1834), what is called the worlds companion stars, now known communication had arrived.
which would have been the rst computer program for it. as Sirius B and Procyon B.
worlds rst computer had it ever She foresaw that Babbages Another German astronomer,
been built. Between 1842 and machine would have uses far Heinrich Schwabe (17891875),
1843 she worked on translating beyond mere calculation. observed how sunspots vary
an article about the Analytical cyclically over a period of
Engine by Italian mathematician
Luigi Menabrea (180996). As she be processed by a machine. If Morse transmitter
ribs worked through the article the machine had been built, this This transmitter pivot
sends messages
she added a note that included an algorithm would have been the
using the dot-dash
encoded algorithm, designed to rst computer program. communication of
Morse code.


Richard Owen, British Biologist, in Report on British Fossil Reptiles, 1842

h ic
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an nt 4 3 e el an er erv ot
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Br Lo un 197
1845 1846

John Franklins doomed expedition to nd the elusive Northwest Passage through the Arctic Ocean. The planet Neptune rising over its moon Triton in an image constructed from
His two ships HMS Terror and HMS Erebus vanished after entering Bafn Bay. pictures taken by the Voyager space probes. Both were discovered in 1846.

SCIENCE TODAY is to discover as the Whirlpool Galaxyhad
the underlying unity of forces and a spiral structure. This was
matter. In 1845, British physicist the rst galaxy observed to The introduction of general

Michael Faraday made an early be spiral. anesthetics (substances used
contribution to this with a series Other astronomers questioned to render a person unconscious)
of experiments in which he
showed that a magnetic eld THE WEIGHT why Uranus kept appearing in
places that it should not appear
transformed surgery. It allowed
surgeons to perform all kinds
could alter the polarization of OF THE THREE- according to Keplers laws of operations painlessly. The
light as it traveled through heavy (pp.100101) and Newtons term anesthesia means loss
lead glass. This nding revealed
STORY-HIGH laws (pp.12021). British of sensation: anesthetics
a previously unsuspected link STEAM ENGINE mathematician John Couch work by blocking signals that
between light, magnetism, and
electricity, paving the way for
IN THE SS Adams (18191892) suggested pass along nerves to the brain.
that there was another planet The earliest anesthetics were
the discovery of the complete GREAT BRITAIN beyond Uranus disturbing its ether, laughing gas (nitrous
spectrum of electromagnetic orbit. French astronomer Urbain oxide), and chloroform.
radiation (see pp.23435). Rosse, constructed a huge Le Verrier (181177) observed
At the same time, astronomers reecting telescope in Ireland disturbances in Uranuss orbit to
were continuing to scrutinize dubbed the Leviathan of predict where this planet might be. ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1846, John Couch Adams, who had
the night sky. An English Parsonstown. Through its 6 ft Another mystery was the German astronomer Johann also predicted its existence the
astronomer, the 3rd Earl of (1.8 m) aperture, Rosse observed disappearance of British Gottfried Galle (18121910) previous year. Most authorities
explorer John Franklin and received a letter from French credit Le Verrier because he
his ships HMS Erebus and HMS astronomer Urbain Le Verrier. was the one who calculated its
Terror, in Bafn Bay during an It contained instructions telling position accurately enough for
expedition to nd the Northwest him where to look to nd the Galle to nd it immediately.
Passage in the Arctic. solar systems eighth planet, Within 17 days, English
The SS Great Britain successfully soon to be called Neptune. A astronomer William Lassell
sailed from Liverpool to New York, long dispute followed over who (17991880) found that Neptune
becoming the rst iron steamship deserved the credit for Neptunes had a moon. It was named Triton
driven by a screw-propeller rather discoveryUrbain Le Verrier or a century later.
than paddle wheels to make this
journey across the Atlantic. ,,THIS SIGNIFIES INSENSIBILITY

Lord Rosses reecting telescope THUS WE MIGHT SAY, THE STATE
The Leviathan of Parsonstown,
constructed in County Offaly, Ireland
in 1845, was the biggest telescope
in the world for more than 70 years. Oliver Wendell Holmes, US physician, in a letter to Dr. William Morton, 1846

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John Martyn Harlow, American physician, in Recovery
from the Passage of an Iron Bar through the Head, 1868

Following an iron bar penetrating Phineas Gages skull and brain, studies on how his
personality changed after this accident revealed much about brain function.

Advances in anesthesia were IN 1847 Hungarian or destroyed (now known as the astronomer William Bond
made by surgeons on both sides physician Ignaz rst law of thermodynamics). (17891859) discovered Saturns
of the Atlantic. On October 16, Semmelweis. The following year, Scottish eighth moon, Hyperion.
at the Massachusetts General made an physicist William Thomson (Lord English inventors John
Hospital in Boston, American important Kelvin) formulated the third law Stringfellow (17991883) and
surgeon William Morton discovery for outlet pipe to of thermodynamics with his idea William Henson (181288)
(181968) anesthetized his medicine. He patients face of absolute zero. He realized ew a model of their steam-
patient, Gilbert Young, sending realized that if there must be a temperature at powered aircraft, the Aerial
him to sleep with fumes from doctors washed their hands which all molecular movement Steam Carriage, for 33 ft (10 m).
ether while Morton cut out a this could reduce infection ceases and calculated it to be It was the rst ever powered
tumor from his neck. Half an by puerperal fever: a disease 459.67F (273.15C). Thomson ight, but attempts to y a larger
hour later Young woke up, responsible for the deaths used this as the starting point for model were unsuccessful.
unaware the operation had of many woman during a new temperature scalethe Vermont railroad worker
been done. Others had used childbirth. His procedures Kelvin scale (see 174042). Phineas Gage survived a 3.3 ft
anesthetics before, such as were not adapted until By 1848, increasingly powerful (1 m) iron rod being driven
American surgeon Crawford many years later. telescopes were revealing through his head, resulting
Long (see 184243) and Scottish surgeon James more about the solar system. in intellectual and personality
American dentist Horace Wells, Simpson realized that Astronomers discovered planets changes. This was the rst record
but it was Mortons demonstration neither ether nor laughing often had more than one moon. of how damage to the frontal lobe
that made an impact. Two gas could keep a patient William Lassell and American of the brain affected function.
months later, Scottish surgeon unconscious long enough
Robert Liston (17941847) for a long operation, and as it rolls down, the balls potential energy
performed a leg amputation introduced chloroform is not lost but converted to kinetic energy,
the energy of movement
under anesthetic in London. as an anesthetic.
Another important discovery German physicist Hermann at the top of a
hill, a ball has
was the production of kerosene, von Helmholtz outlined the
or parafn, from coal or oil, by law of the conservation of potential energy
Canadian geologist Abraham energy, which was rst put
Pineo Gesnar (17971864). In forward by Julius von Mayer
1846, Gesnar began experimenting (see 1841). This stated that POTENTIAL ENERGY KINETIC ENERGY
with methods for distilling energy cannot be created
coal and oil. By 1853, he had CONSERVATION OF ENERGY
perfected a process to produce
a new fuel he named kerosene chloroform holder The law of the conservation of energy states that the total amount
that was used in lamps. Up until of energy in the universe is constant. Energy cannot be created
this time most lamps were Chloroform inhaler nor destroyed, it can only change form. When any work occurs,
fuelled by whale oil, but kerosene The chloroform inhaler was energy is converted from one form to another or transferred from
developed in 1848. It enabled
was much cheaper, so people one object to another. For example, potential energy (in a static
surgeons to quickly anesthetize
could afford to burn lights patients with fumes of object) can be converted to kinetic energy (motion energy).
brighter and longer. vaporized chloroform.

low the
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In 1986, the Voyager 2 space probe took these close-ups of Uranuss ve largest moons, including Ariel and Umbriel,
discovered in 1851, and the smallest, called Miranda, which was discovered in 1948.

IN 1849, FRENCH ASTRONOMER Two other French scientists, mirror to the wheel, the two
EDOUARD ROCHE (182083) physicists Hippolyte Fizeau scientists could calculate the
explained why Saturn has rings (181996) and Jean Foucault speed of light.
as well as moons. If planets and (181968), measured the speed It was difcult to get
moons get too close to Saturn of light in 1849 by bouncing a an accurate gure for
they are ripped apart by tidal beam of light off a mirror, the speed of light using
forcesthe changing pull of through slots on a rapidly this method, so in 1850
gravity created as they all rotate. rotating wheel, and onto another Foucault replaced the
There is a limit to how close mirror approximately 22 miles spinning wheel with a
planets and moons can get (35 km) away. The beam was rotating mirror. As the
without being pulled apart; this reected through the wheel and mirror swiveled, it
became known as the Roche onto the rst mirror. By the time reected the returning
limit. If the planets and moons the beam reached the rotating beam to a slightly
have identical densities, the wheel again, the wheel had different position. This
Roche limit is 2.446 times the moved on to another slot. difference revealed
radius of the planet. If our Moon By measuring how fast the the speed clearly.
ever strayed closer to Earth than wheel was rotating, the spacing Foucault got
about 11,476 miles (18,470 km), it between the slots, and the a very close lens
too would be shredded into rings. distance from the more distant calculation for
the speed of light at
185,168 miles per second
light (298,000 km per second).
mirror Further advances in science
include the publication in bellows for camera front
Germany of physicist Rudolf adjusting focus
Clausiuss (182288) 1850 paper
outward beam on the movement of heat. He laid oil lamps. Scotch-born American Wet plate camera
Working in a portable darkroom, the
foundations for the science of inventor John Gorrie (180355)
photographer had under 10 minutes
thermodynamics with two basic also introduced refrigeration, to take a picture and process it
returning beam toothed laws. The rst is conservation when he created a machine for before the plate dried.
wheel of energyenergy is never lost, making ice using circulating liquid
wheel rotates as beam but simply redistributed. The to draw out heat (see 187273). a photographic plate with a
travels out and returns second is that heat can never In 1851, British astronomer sticky liquid called collodion in
move from a cold place to a William Lassell (17991880) darkness before each photo was
hot one, only the reverse. discovered two more moons of taken. It had the ne detail of
Fizeaus apparatus In 1850, British chemist James Uranus, Ariel and Umbriel, and daguerreotypes (see 1837) and
Fizeau measured the speed of Young (181183) patented a British sculptor Frederick Scott the repeatability of Fox Talbots
light by reecting a beam of light
method of distilling parafn Archer (181357) introduced calotype (see 1835).
through the slots in a toothed
wheel, onto a mirror 22 miles from coal, which gradually the wet plate photographic
(35 km) away, and back. half-silver beam to observer replaced whale oil in domestic process. This involved coating

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185253 1854

A replica of George Cayleys glider, which made the worlds rst xed-wing This color-enhanced micrograph shows the cholera bacterium, now known
ight in 1853 in Yorkshire, England. to be responsible for cholera.

,,I AM WELL CONVINCED THAT the pilot, while others say it was FOLLOWING A SUGGESTION distance between two points is

his footman. Nonetheless, it was a BY BRITISH PHYSICIST William a straight line, in Riemannian
AERIAL NAVIGATION WILL FORM A historic achievement. Thomson, German physicist geometry angles in a triangle
MOST PROMINENT FEATURE IN THE 1853 was also an important Hermann von Helmholtz add up to more than two right
PROGRESS OF CIVILIZATION. year for medicine and physiology. (182194) and British engineer angles and there is no such
French physiologist Claude William Rankine (182072) thing as a straight line along
George Cayley, British aeronautical engineer, 1804 Bernard (181378) discovered developed Rudolf Clausiuss a surface.
that glucose sugar, the bodys theory that heat never ows from The new algebra of British
GREAT AUKS HAD BEEN EASY In 1853 there was another aviation energy food, is stored a cold to a hot place. This implies mathematician George Boole
TARGETS FOR HUNTERS in areas rst, the rst ight in a full-sized temporarily in the liver in the that heat will ultimately spread (181564) was intended to
around the North Atlantic for aircrafta glider built by the form of a starchlike substance evenly through the Universe make logic mathematical, not

many years, and by the 1840s British engineer George Cayley called glycogen, ready to be and once this happens energy
they were practically extinct. (17731857), who had pioneered released into the blood as will not be able to move and the
The last bird was spotted off understanding of the theory of glucose when energy is needed. Universe will come to a stop
the coast of Newfoundland in ight. Details of the ight, across French physician Antoine in what is called heat death
Canada in 1852. Brompton Dale in Yorkshire, Desormeaux (181582) of the Universe.
British physicists James Joule England, are not clear; some developed the endoscope for British astronomer George Airy

(181889) and William Thomson reports say Cayleys butler was surgical operations. This was a (180192) calculated the density
(18241907) discovered the long metal tube that could be of Earth by measuring the swing
JouleThomson effect in 1852. Great Auk inserted into the body to of a pendulum on Earths surface
This explains the way that The last Great Auk, make examinations, and 1,257 ft (383 m) down a coal THE AVERAGE
one of the largest
gases and liquids cool and birds of the North
using light from a mine. Different measurements
expand after owing through
Atlantic at 31.5 in parafn-fueled lamp revealed slight variations in the
a restriction or throttle. The (80 cm) tall, was reected in a mirror. effects of gravity, from which he
JouleThompson effect is central last seen Another Frenchman, surgeon obtained the gure 3.795 oz/
in 1853.
to the way refrigerators and air Charles Pravaz (17911853), in3 (6.566 g/cm3 ). Todays accepted philosophical. Boole argued
conditioning systems work. and British physician Alexander gure is 3.19 oz/in3 (5.52 g/cm3). that any proposition could be
The age of aviation began Wood (181784) independently Two new types of mathematics reduced to just and, or, and
on September 24, 1852 when invented a practical were introduced in 1854. One not, and worked through to
French engineer Henri Giffard hypodermic syringe with a was the non-Euclidean geometry a conclusion. Today, Boolean
(182582) made the rst hollow metal needle that could of German mathematician logic combines with the binary
powered and controlled ght, be inserted into the body to Bernhard Riemann (182666). system of numbers to shape
ying 17 miles (27 km) from deliver drugs directly into veins Euclidean geometry applies only all computer programs.
Paris to Trappes in France. The for much faster effect than to at surfaces; Riemannian In August, there was an
ight was made in a powered taking the drugs by mouth. geometry is the geometry outbreak of cholera in Londons
airship, which consisted of a of curved surfaces, important Soho. British physician John
cigar-shaped, hydrogen-lled because the surface of Earth is Snow (181358) traced the
balloon that provided the lift, curved. In Euclidean geometry, source to a single water pump,
and a steam-driven propeller the angles in a triangle add up to thus validating his theory that
that moved it through the air. two right angles and the shortest cholera is water-borne.

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1855 1856

The Bessemer process revolutionized engineering by making Montgomerie surveyed the Karakoram range as part of the Great Trigonometric
steel production cheaper and more efcient. Survey of India. It includes K2, the second-highest mountain in the world.

AT THE FOREFRONT Geissler tube hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, THE SCIENCE OF GENETICS passed on from generation to
OF SCIENCE in 1855 These gas-lled water, or ammonia molecules. BEGAN WITH THE WORK of the generation through what he
tubes came in an
was the search for In 1855, English chemist William Austrian monk Gregor Mendel called factors, which later
assortment of
the relationship elaborate shapes Odling (18291921) added a fth (182284), but his work was not became known as genes, that
between atoms, and glowed in a type, based on methane. This led fully appreciated until years later. are inherited from both parents.
light, and variety of colors. German chemist Friedrich Kekul Mendel began to experiment Another discovery that was not
electromagnetism. (182996) and Scottish chemist with pea plants in his monastery fully appreciated until much
British spiral electric Archibald Couper (18311892) garden in 1856. He laid the later, was the discovery of the
mathematician discharge tube to begin developing a structural foundations of genetics as he rst recognized fossil of a
James Clerk theory of molecules. showed how characteristics are human ancestor. In August
Maxwell (183179)
began working on a
theory to unify
electricity, light, and
German physicist
Julius Plcker
yellow pea with
two dominant
alleles (YY)
green pea with two
recessive alleles (yy)


magnetism, while investigated spectra PLANTS
other scientists
conducted practical
by studying the glow
(undistorted by air)
GAMBOLLING the dominant allele
(Y) is expressed

experiments to nd from electric BEFORE MY the recessive

out how atoms sparks. To do this allele (y) is hidden
emitted light. They he commissioned
had already worked instrument maker FIRST
Frederich Kekul, German GENERATION
out that each kind Heinrich Geissler chemist, describing a daydream
of atom emits and (181479) to create that led to his structural theory, 1855
absorbs a particular a sealed glass tube, one in four peas
range of colors, or with a near-perfect The technological breakthrough inherit recessive
alleles from both
spectrum, with dark vacuum and electric of the year was the development
lines (gaps) at some terminals at either of a special furnace, developed
wavelengths and end. When by the British engineer Henry SECOND
bright lines (peaks) switched on, the Bessemer (181398), which GENERATION
at others. Swedish electric charge allowed steel to be made
physicist Anders traveled through cheaply and in quantity from DOMINANT AND RECESSIVE GENES
ngstrm (181474) the tube, between pig iron (a crude form of iron).
and American scientist the terminals, creating In Germany, an unusual fossil Mendels work on peas showed that inherited characteristics,
David Alter (180781) a bright glow. was found at Riedenburg. It was such as color, are determined by particles, later called genes.
independently described French chemist Charles thought to be a ying reptile until Genes come in different forms, called alleles, that combine in
the spectrum of hydrogen Gerhardt (181656) had 1970 when it was nally shown different ways in offspring. A dominant Y allele determines yellow
gas, which would prove suggested in 1853 that to have feathers, identifying it pea color and a single one of these being present is sufcient to
crucial in the understanding four basic types of organic as the rst Archeopteryx ever make a yellow pea. A recessive y allele determines green pea
of the link between light chemicals are created discovered. It is evidence that color and two of these must come together to make a green pea.
and atoms. by carbon linking with birds evolved from the dinosaurs.

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Workers inpecting the transatlantic telegraph cable. The rst message sent
was Glory to God in the highest; on earth, peace and good will toward men.

1856, quarry workers found IN FRANCE, IN 1857, CHEMIST developed a process known Grays Anatomy
some bones in a cave and local AND MICROBIOLOGIST LOUIS as pasteurization that The anatomy book now known
as Grays Anatomy was rst
teacher Johan Fuhlrott (180377) PASTEUR (182295) published involved killing the
published by British surgeon
identied them as humanlike. his seminal results on yeast microbes with Henry Gray in 1858. There
Named after the Neander Valley fermentation and yeast heat in order to have been over 40 editions.
in Germany where the bones multiplication in 1857. He found prolong the life
were found, this human ancestor that when beer and wine ferment of certain foods. argued that all species
is now known as Neanderthal it is not chemicals that are On February 13, on Earth had evolved
man (Homo neandethalis). responsible, but tiny microbes 1858, British gradually due to a
Neanderthal man is thought to known as yeast. Pasteur later explorers Richard process of change
have lived in Europe between Francis Burton known as natural
300,000 and 30,000 years ago, (182190) and John selectionmembers
but it was some time before Hanning Speke of the species less
many would accept that any (182764) became the well suited to the
other humanlike creatures rst Europeans to see environment either
had ever lived. Lake Tanganyika in Africa, fail to reproduce or
In America, meteorologist the second largest freshwater die early, thus failing to
William Ferrel (181791) lake in the world. Speke pass on their inferior traits.
explained how rising warm air continued alone to discover Wallace had written to Darwin
and Earths rotation creates Lake Victoria. Newfoundland in Canada, went from Indonesia in June 1858
spiralling circulations of air in In the cities, fast-rising into service in August 1858. with an outline of his idea, but,
the mid-latitudes, called Ferrel populations were putting new On July 1, 1858, a scientic unbeknown to him, Darwin had
cells. These cells drive the demands on engineers and paper was delivered to the already spent two decades
stormy, westerly winds that are builders. In New York, Elisha Linnean Society in London. developing the theory.
characteristic of these latitudes. ALFRED WALLACE Otis (181161), inventor of It combined the ideas of the The most widely used book in
In India, British surveyor (18231913) a special safety device that British naturalists Charles medical history was published
Thomas Montgomerie (183078) prevented lifts from falling if the Darwin and Alfred Russel in 1858. British surgeon Henry
began his survey of the Alfred Wallace is best known cables failed, installed his rst Wallace in a new theorythe Grays (182761) Anatomy:
Karakoram Range as part of for independently conceiving elevator at 488 Broadway on theory of evolution by natural Descriptive and Surgical has
the Great Trigonometric Survey a theory of evolution by March 23, 1857. In Germany, selection. The idea that species been in publication ever since
of India that had started in 1802. natural selection. He also Friedrich Hoffmann played his evolved through time was not and is now known simply as
British inventor Alexander pioneered biogeography, part in speeding up urbanization new, but Darwin and Wallace Grays Anatomy.

Parkes (183090) patented the the study of species in a by patenting the Hoffmann kiln
rst plastic, Parkesine, which
was made from cellulose treated
geographical area. His work
in Indonesia between 1854
in 1858, which was capable of
ring bricks non-stop. Cities
with acid and a solvent. and 1862 led to the Wallace also began to communicate THE LENGTH
Line, which divides Asian
and Australian species
across oceans. The rst
undersea transatlantic
(see pp.204205). telegraph cable, laid between TANGANYIKA
western Ireland and IN AFRICA

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Z n th 203
17 8 9 18 94 T H E A G E O F R E V O LU T I O N S


Fossils reveal how prehistoric life forms were different from those of today, and studies
of different species suggest that all life originated from a single, simple ancestor
that lived billions of years ago. Today, scientists understand the biological and genetic
processes behind the evolutionary changes that gave rise to the diversity of life.

In the early 1800s, the French naturalist Jean- ADAPTIVE RADIATION

Baptiste Lamarck suggested, erroneously, that When descendents of a common ancestor adapt For example, on newly formed islands there may
features acquired during an organism's lifetime to different circumstances and diversify, it is be few competitors and new food sources, so
could be passed on to its offspring. Later, Charles known as adaptive radiation. It tends to happen over many generations a pioneering population
Darwin (see 1859) proposed that individuals are most rapidly in habitats where there are many of one species can diverge to produce many new
born with variations that make some of them opportunities for exploiting new ways of life. species, each adapted to a slightly different role.
ttermore likely to survive and pass on their
ancestor may have
characteristics. This is called evolution by natural eaten seeds or insects hooked bill for
selection. It is now known that characteristics slicing into soft
fruits and buds
are determined by genes and that random gene
mutations cause variation (see pp.28485). But only
natural selection can explain how some variations probing bill for
are better adaptations to the environment and pulling soft seeds
from cactus owers
come to predominate in organisms. overbite is useful
for digging up grubs

Physical resemblance can indicate common
ancestry but sometimes completely unrelated On the Galapagos Islands,
species evolve independently to become alike. ancestral nches underwent
pointed bill for
Known as convergent evolution, this often adaptive radiationmost
pecking insects
from leaves woodpecker nch digs obviously in the shape of
happens when species have comparable roles out prey from under their billsto exploit new
in the same environment, so natural selection bark using a stick food sources.
works on them in similar ways.
dorsal n whale is a mammal
dark upper body prevents so breathes air SEXUAL SELECTION
camouages rolling through a blowhole
Not all adaptations increase
when seen
from above an individual's ability to
survive. Sometimes, the
selective advantage that
1ST GENERATION Male birds with a variety of tail lengths
drives evolution comes from Female selects male
being better able to attract a with the longest tail
mate. For instance, showy
plumage can make male birds
dark upper body camouages more vulnerable to predators
dorsal n when seen from above
prevents but it also makes them more
rolling successful at courting. As
a result, they father more 2ND GENERATION Male birds with a variety of tail lengths, on average
offspring and the genes for Female selects male longer than those of the previous generation
with the longest tail
shark is showy plumage are passed on.
a sh so
through gills PHEASANT'S TAIL
Male pheasants with longer tails
KILLER WHALES AND WHITE SHARKS are more attractive to females, so
These marine predators have both evolved a streamlined the genes for a long tail get passed 3RD GENERATION
shape for greater speed when chasing prey and have a darker on and male tail length increases Female selects male Male birds with a variety of tail lengths, on average
upper body and lighter lower body to provide camouage. with successive generations. with the longest tail even longer than those of the previous generation





A British naturalist and
explorer, Wallace traveled
extensively in Asia and
PHILIPPINES Australasia, noting patterns
of animal distribution. He
came up with the idea of
evolution by natural selection
MAINLAND independently of Darwin, and
SOUTHEAST ASIA Edge of Sunda shelf the two coauthored a paper on
This marks the eastern
the subject in 1858.
limit of many Asian
animals, such as apes
and rhinoceroses


Sunda shelf As a result of his observations, Wallace drew a line on a
ANDAMAN This was all dry land
ISLANDS map to show where he thought there was a boundary
during the ice ages, between Asian and Australasian regions of evolution.
when sea levels
were lower
The line roughly corresponds with edge of a continental
shelfthe Sunda shelfwhich marks the easternmost
limit of many Asian animal species. Another shelfthe
Sahul shelfdenes the Australasian region. The deep
water between the two shelves formed a barrier to
migration, even when sea levels were lower.

Edge of Sahul shelf


This marks the western

limit of many Australasian

animals, such as wallabies

Sahul shelf
This was all dry land

BORNEO during the ice ages, when


sea levels were lower



Two species may evolve in JAVA
tandem, each adapting to
changes in the other. For instance, a
predator may evolve greater speed and its prey
may, in turn, get faster to avoid being caught. Such
coevolutionary relationships may be highly specialized, Wallacea
such as those between some plants and pollinating insects. This region between the Sunda
and Sahul shelves contains
many islands that have
bee is attracted bee falls into never been linked by
to owers fragrance water inside plant land, so animals
have island-
hopped to get

uid in small exit

bucket orchid


A male bee uses the orchid's To escape, the bee must pass
fragrant oils to attract a mate sticky pollen, so he leaves
but in collecting them he with oil and with pollen to
falls into a water-lled bucket. pollinate the next ower.

Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands in 1835; the animals and plants he observed there are said to have contributed to his becoming
an evolutionist, but it wasnt until 1859 that Darwin consolidated his observations into a bookThe Origin of Species.

ON NOVEMBER 24, 1859, specic habitats. If habitats In April, two British CHARLES DARWIN (180982)
CHARLES DARWIN PUBLISHED change, however, these special archaeologists, John Evans
his epoch-making book On advantages may become (18231908) and Joseph
the Origin of Species. In it he weaknesses and as a result Prestwich (181296), made a Darwin trained as a doctor
explained in detail his theory of the species could die out. startling discovery that pushed before embarking, as a
evolution, rst introduced in What made Darwins theory human origins further back naturalist, on a round-the-world
1858. Darwins theory was that such a turning point was that the into prehistory. In St. Acheul voyage in 183136 aboard HMS
species change and develop mechanism he proposed worked in northern France, they found Beagle. The voyage sowed the
automatically through a process for all of life, and asserted that a stone ax in layers that also seeds for his theory of evolution
of natural selection; this idea every organism is descended contained fossils of extinct by natural selection, which he
was neatly summed up by the from a common ancestor. creatures, including mammoths. nally revealed in 1858. He
philosopher Herbert Spencer Although many people accepted If mammoths and humans had also applied his theory to
(18201903) as survival of the the force of Darwins arguments, existed together, then human humans in The Descent of Man,
ttest. In his book, Darwin some were bitterly critical and life must date back tens of published in 1871.
explained how, occasionally, a debate ared up. thousands of years.

eyepiece for viewing telescope


telescope with
eyepiece replaced
chance mutation at birth may by collimator
equip some organisms with a 9
trait that gives them a better 8
chance of survival, which means Earlier chemists had in the special gas burner
they are more likely to pass 7 already realized that devised by Bunsen in 1855.
diffraction grating to
the trait onto their offspring. 6 split light into the range of colors They found that every element
Different mutations will suit (or spectrum (spectrum) in the glow has its own unique spectrum,

not suit) particular conditions, 5 of light from heated and realized that spectra can be
so species gradually diversify chemicals could help used to show the presence of
4 spectroscope mount
and become adapted to suit identify them. In autumn even tiny traces of chemicals.
3 1859, German scientists By passing sunlight through a
Spectroscope Robert Bunsen (181199) sodium ame, Kirchhoff also
2 The rst instrument for and Gustav Robert found that the ame absorbed
Number of species on Earth analyzing spectra was built
1 Kirchhoff (182487) spectral lines in sunlight in a
Naturalists have identied 1.25 from old telescopes. This
specially built spectroscope began to study spectra mirror image to those emitted
million living species on Earth 0
today, and estimate there may Estimated Identied dates from slightly later. systematically, by sodiumshowing that the
be over 8.7 million in total. species species heating chemicals Sun contains sodium.

rt ff
be ho , hn st
Ro irch pe h Jo r
t s co itis ists ph he hip,
n tis tav K the t ros r
B og se r 4 T
ie s
sc d Gu icall
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sp hho the m Ap chae and disc tools be d ba nch
an t s g a Kirc hat odiu m
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ve ull , la
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pt ag ord ath r pr e of et,
c pro rok str velo the lky W Se om ec he No les D Orig s is
en a e i 8 t ge on r as t nt h m rrie enc lan in r cie ed
Fr noir o-st ian i d ut M 2 en
c e ist p la a e
Ch n th Spe lish
Le tw ss lsk k o he st es m n ve Fr Le V ex ered exp rbit
Ru owa wor of t gu arg tor now on E in the cov n, to ys o
K Au he l ar s k gt b a r
T so l
rr i n Ur dis lca cu
Ca un Vu Mer

Warren de la Rue, British Astronomer

Warren de la Rue developed a special camera that allowed him to photograph a total
eclipse of the sun as seen from Spain on July 18, 1860.

4 2 1
PUBLICATION OF DARWINS With its armor-plated iron hull,
HMS Warrior was the rst modern
Origin of Species came to a head
battleship. It was armed with 26
in erce public debate in June at muzzle-loading cannons that were
the Oxford House Museum in able to re 68 lb (31 kg) shot over
Oxford, UK. Opposing Darwin 8,858 ft (2,700 m).
from a religious perspective was

Bishop Samuel Wilberforce graphic. The recording has only
(180573); supporting Darwin recently been converted to sound
and science was the British using computer technology. THE WIDTH OF HMS
biologist Thomas Huxley
(182595). The debate focused
British scientist Joseph Wilson
Swan (18281914) demonstrated
on whether humans are the rst working incandescent OF WROUGHT IRON
descended from apes, even light bulb. The light was created
though Darwin had not actually by passing an electric current The launch of HMS Warrior on
suggested they were. Huxley is through a thin carbon lament December 29 on the Thames in
generally considered to steam engine iron armour inside a vacuum-lled glass London was a landmark in naval
have won the debate. plating bulb, which heated the lament technology. Warrior was only the
Following their until it glowed. With only a partial second armor-plated, iron-
breakthrough in 1859, water. Each was named after the of sunlight, discovering more vacuum in the bulb, however, the hulled warship to be built, after
Bunsen and Kirchhoff brightest colors in their spectra: than 16 different elements in it. lament quickly burned out. the French ship La Gloire of 1859,
made further progress in cesium, from the Latin for Photographs taken of a solar He made improvements and and it was on a vastly different
the eld of spectroscopy. Bunsen sky blue, and rubidium, eclipse by British astronomer patented it in 1878 (see 187879). scale from anything that had
discovered two new elements meaning dark red. Kirchhoff Warren de la Rue (181589) gone before, at over 417 ft
from the spectra of light learned more about the suns proved that the ames, now (127 m) long and weighing
absorbed by drops of mineral composition from the spectrum known as prominences, that almost 10,000 tons.
sometimes appear around the More peacefully, British
carbon-coated, horn for Moon during an eclipse come botanist Joseph Hooker
rotating cylinder collecting sound
from the Suns surface.
The oldest known recording 400,000THE APPROXIMATE
(18171911) concluded his
account of the many previously
of a human voice was made in unknown plants he had
Phonautograph April 1860 using a phonautograph PLANT SPECIES IN discovered on his voyages to
The phonautograph made by French bookseller THE WORLD Antarctica, between 1839 and
used a horn attached
douard-Lon Scott de 1843 aboard the naval ships
to a diaphragm that
vibrated a stiff Martinville (181779) that used Erebus and Terror.
bristle to inscribe sound vibrations to draw on a
an image on a carbon-coated cylinder. The 1,500 Number of plant species
lamp-black The number of plant species New species of plants are being
phonautograph was not designed
(carbon) coated, collected on the Antarctic identied all the time; 400,000 are
hand-cranked to play back sound, it was just voyages of Joseph Hooker now known. Joseph Hooker added
cylinder. used for turning sound into a aboard Erebus and Terror 1,500 on his Antarctic voyages.

ist s h
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c he en eme m se e Br gist ich n hi oya
an un s l
e idiu Jo s th cent 6 w o
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dis esiu heir
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r ht b So in ern mist
lig in int che

ks ville
ph o o in n er er Th
se s h b art now is ov m
t Jo s hi c nc M k h ate , UK o no vers r 29 HMS
is de ti Fre de est on ph eb ord st r co ces be p, ched
tan lu arc s 9 n d
il Lo e ol rdin togr
g a r d xf h a dis en se m hi
bo conc Ant ship r r ajo at O itis Rue min clip ce les un
s h
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iti 30 tio
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18 de l w p g an
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co ri us d u
ac cove reb Wa
i s E

The Yosemite Grant, signed by President Abraham Lincoln on June 30, 1864, preserved Red blood cells get their red color from the protein hemoglobin. Felix
the natural grandeur of the Yosemite region of California for the public. Hoppe-Seyler discovered its vital role in oxygen transport in 1864.

BRITISH PHYSICIST JAMES He began by explaining how an ndings in four equations, now
CLERK MAXWELL REVEALED electromagnetic eld is created known as Maxwells equations,
the pivotal advances he had made by waves that radiate outward. which underpin all calculations
in the science of electricity and He proved that these waves relating to electricity and Mixing three colors of light
magnetism in two books: On radiate at exactly the same speed magnetism, in the same way red, green, and bluein varying
the Lines of Physical Force (1861) as light, which showed that light that Isaac Newtons equations proportions makes every color
and A Dynamical Theory of the is also an electromagnetic wave. underpin all studies of motion. in the rainbow. Images can be
Electromagnetic Field (1864). Finally, he summed up his In 1861, Maxwell also took the reproduced in full color by
rst color photograph. registering and then displaying
He had already proved how much light there is of each
that we see colors of these three colors in each
as varying intensities part of the picture. Color was
of three colors (see created this way in everything
panel, right), but to from the rst color photograph
demonstrate this he to modern phone displays.
asked photographer
Thomas Sutton (181975)
to take three black and
white photographs of a
tartan ribbon, each one
through a different color
lterred, green, and UNDULATIONS OF THE SAME

blue. He then projected
all three images MEDIUM WHICH IS THE
together, through lters
of the same colors.
The three color images MAGNETIC PHENOMENA.
mixed to recreate the
picture in full color. James Clerk Maxwell, British physicist, January 1862
The colors found in the
spectrum of sunlight by (181474) in 1861, showed that autopsy that revealed damage to
the Swedish physicist the Sun contains hydrogen gas. a region of the brain now known
Anders ngstrm In the same year, French as Brocas area.
physician Paul Broca (182480) After fossils of the Glossopteris
The Berlin Archaeopteryx discovered a key area of the fern were found in Africa, India,
The Berlin fossil of brain for speech in a man who and South America, Austrian
Archaeopteryx, found in had suffered a brain injury that geologist Edward Suess
1874, is the most complete.
rendered him unable to talk but (18311914) theorized in 1861 that
It plainly shows the toothed,
dinosaur-like beak and able to understand. When the these three continents were once
feathered, birdlike wings. man died Broca performed an joined by land bridges to create

rs m
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208 ex


Joseph Listers introduction of antiseptic surgery with carbolic acid made

operations far safer because the acid killed the germs that spread infection.

one giant continent, which he

named Gondwanaland, before
the seas rose and they were
assertion about heat that was

separated. He was right about more signicant than most
the giant continent, but we now people appreciated at the time. THE ENTROPY OF THE
know that they separated through
continental drift (see 1915) and
Starting from the second law of
thermodynamics (heat ows only UNIVERSE TENDS TO
not because the seas rose.
At Langenaltheim in Germany,
from hot places to cold), he came
up with the concept of entropy.
the rst almost complete fossil Entropy is a mathematical Rudolf Clausius, German physicist, from On Various Forms of the
of Archaeopteryx was found. JAMES CLERK MAXWELL measure of the disorder in any Laws of Thermodynamics that are Convenient for Applications, 1865
This winged, feathered creature (183179) system. To create order, heat
with reptilian teeth, which lived needs to be concentrated, and on the input of energy from the series of branching treelike
150 million years ago, shows the Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, this requires energy. So in any Sun; once the Suns fuel has run bers (dendrites).
transition between dinosaurs and British physicist James Clerk system, whether it is the human out, this input will cease. In medicine, British surgeon
birds. The discovery was a major Maxwell laid the cornerstones body or the entire Universe, Another German, Otto Friedrich Joseph Lister (18271912)
piece of evidence supporting of electromagnetic theory. entropy and disorder will Karl Deiters (183463), observed pioneered the use of carbolic
Darwins theory that one species With his brilliant math, increase unless there is a the basic features of nerve acid as an antiseptic during
evolves gradually into another. But he showed that electricity, continuous input of energy cells for the rst time under a surgery, to clean instruments
Darwins theory received a major magnetism, and light are from outside to maintain the microscope. He noted that each and wounds in order to
setback in 1862 when British all forms of electromagnetic concentration of heat. For nerve cell has a main cell body, reduce the chance
physicist William Thomson elds. His four equations example, life on Earth depends a long tail ber (axon), and a of infection.
calculated the age of Earth from are the basis of all classical
how fast it probably cooled since electromagnetic science.
axon terminal
the time it was formed. The gure axon terminal from
he came up with was no more another neuron
than 400 million years, and during childbirth. Medicine was signal is
possibly as short as 20 million also advanced in 1864 when carried to the
next neuron
years ago. Even 400 million years German physiologist Felix
was not long enough for Darwins Hoppe-Seyler (182595)
of neuron
gradual evolution to happen. identied the role of the iron-
Earth is now known to be closer containing protein hemoglobin
to 4.5 billion years old. in binding oxygen to red blood myelin insulates
axon, making the
In 1862, French chemist Louis cells for transport through the signal travel faster
Pasteur (182295) came closer blood. This was also the year that cell body
to establishing that microbes US president Abraham Lincoln The structure of a nerve cell
are responsible for many signed the Yosemite Grant, which Nerve cells have a main body Schwann
(soma), from which sprout two sets cell
infectious diseases with his was the rst step in creating
of bers (an axon and dendrites) that
studies of puerperal fever, an Californias now famous National transmit and receive nerve signals
infection often caught by women Park in 1890. through contact with other cells. dendrite

l au he
64 a ite nt lf C s py t
18 Gr es do ce ro
0, ite osem m lat Ru rodu ent ers
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Ju e Yo ishe ark 64 on Ea ide e r e
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186667 186869

Ernst Haeckel identied one-celled protists as completely separate organisms, The Suez Canal was nally opened on November 17, 1869, after 10 years
although the exact denition is still being debated. of labor involving tens of thousands of men.

THE INITIAL RELIGIOUS DEBATE persist as they are passed on Also in 1866, German WHILE HE WAS Homo sapiens skull
OVER DARWINS THEORY OF through factors, now known as microscopist Max Schultze PREPARING This European Early
Modern Human
EVOLUTION died down (see 1860), genes. It was not until the early (1825-1974) undertook the A TEXTBOOK
skull is from Cro-
but scientic doubts persisted. 20th century that scientists fully most important early study on on chemistry in Magnon cave
One doubt was the question of appreciated the importance of the structure of the retinathe 1868, Russian in France. Its
how traits persist. In 1867, British this in relation to evolution. light-sensitive tissue on the chemist Dmitri discovery provided
evidence that
engineering professor Fleeming Another commentator on inside of the eye. He identied Mendeleyev
humans evolved.
Jenkin (183385) argued that evolution was German naturalist the layers of the retina and (18341907)
adaptations would eventually Ernst Haeckel (18341919), drew detailed illustrations of its began to wonder
blend in with the general who argued, wrongly, in 1866 cellular makeup, including the if chemical Mendeleyev could
population, getting lost over the that stages in embryonic individual structure of rods and elements could be use it to predict the
generations through what he development retell evolutionary conesthe two types of light- arranged in a table existence of three
called a swamping effect. history. He made drawings to receiving cells inside the back that linked their as-yet-undiscovered
Unknown to both Darwin and show similarities between sh of the eye that react to light atomic weights and elements to ll gaps
Jenkin, Austrian monk Gregor and human embryos. Haeckel and colors (see 1935). properties. Laying out the in the table. Over the following
Mendel (182284) answered this also proposed in 1866 that the In technology, British engineer 60 elements known at the time 16 years, all three missing
question with his work on peas single-celled organisms called Robert Whitehead (182344) in weight order, he saw that elementsgallium, scandium,
(see 1856), which he completed protists should have a kingdom developed the rst self- certain properties were repeated and germaniumwere found,
in 1866. Mendel showed that of their own, separate from propelled torpedo in 1866, periodically and realized he and since then more than 50
inherited characteristics plants and animals. a device that later proved could organize the elements further elements have been
devastatingly effective in both into eight groups or periods identied and discovered.
small steam iron bicycle World Wars. A year later, of elements. Tellingly, the Another new element was
engine frame
Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel elements that appear in discovered in 1868 using the
(183396), invented the particular positions in each knowledge that every substance
explosive dynamite. period have similar properties. glows with its own particular
In 1867 Parisian blacksmith Mendeleyev presented his spectrum, or light signature
Pierre Michaux (181383) idea, now known as the Periodic (see 188485). While studying the
developed one of the rst Table, to a meeting of the spectra of light from the edge of
practical bicycles, or Russian Chemical Society on the Sun during a total eclipse,
velocipedes, with pedals and March 6, 1869, and it has been a British astronomer Norman
a chain. He also invented one key reference ever since. What Lockyer (18361920) and French
of the earliest motorcycles, made it so powerful was that astronomer Jules Janssen

powered by a tiny steam engine.

Early motorcycle
Dating from between 1867 and THE DISTANCE
1871, Pierre Michauxs bicycle
was powered by a small steam GIFFARDS AIRSHIP
engine. It is thought to be the
worlds rst motorcycle. TRAVELED

r es h kin les h
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(18241907) both noticed a of light from the Sun,

bright yellow line at a wavelength identifying a thousand
that did not match any known spectral lines in units
substance. Lockyer and Janssen that became known as
suggested that this indicated an angstroms in his honor.
unknown element in the Sun, The debate about
which Lockyer called helium, evolution continued.
after the Greek helios for Darwin described how
Sun. That year, Swedish physicist traits might be passed
Anders ngstrm (181474) also on from generation
mapped the complete spectrum to generation through
a process called
pangenesis. He
proposed that in the
body there are countless
particles, or gemmules,
which are like seeds
that can reproduce
the whole organism.
Some claim this has
similarities with DNA,
the genetic material
found in every body cell,
DMITRI MENDELEEV which was coincidentally
(183407) identied in cell nuclei
the following year by
Born in 1834 in Tobolsk, Swiss biology student
Siberia, Dmitri Mendeleyev Friedrich Miescher Table of elements
hiked to St. Petersburg to (184495). It is now known that Eyzies in France where the Technological change gathered This Russian periodic table is based
enroll in the university. only DNA in the sex, or germ, remains were found. They are pace as British inventor John on Mendeleyevs original table. It
includes his predicted elements
Despite suffering from cells (eggs and sperm) is ever now more generally known as Peake Knight (182886) invented gallium, scandium, and germanium.
tuberculosis, he became used to make a new organism. European Early Modern Humans. trafc lights, and in the US
Russias leading chemist and In France, geologist Louis More controversially, in 1869 American engineer George
developed the Periodic Table, Lartet (184099) added weight Darwins half-cousin Francis Westinghouse (18461914) Mediterranean. When it rst
which earned him worldwide to the idea that humans also Galton (18221911) used invented air brakes. Another opened the canal was 102 miles
acclaim and enabled him to evolved, with his discovery Darwins theories to suggest American, inventor John Hyatt (164 km) long. It took 10 years of
predict the discovery of the of the rst identied skeletons a hereditary basis for human (18371920), developed celluloid. construction work to complete.
elements gallium, scandium, of what came to be known as intelligence, an idea that was The Suez Canal opened to
and germanium. Cro-Magnon man. They were to lead him to develop the shipping in November 1869,
named after the cave near Les science of eugenics. linking the Red Sea to the

68 er ce
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17 8 9 18 94 T H E AG E O F R E VO LU T I O N S

Bronze knife
c.600200 BCE
Surgical knives were used in
Ancient Egyptan early center
of medical excellence. These
knives might also have been
used to remove organs prior
to mummication. curved blade

supporting brace
Bone saw
16th century
In Europe, early amputation saws for cutting cutting
through bone were used without anesthetic. edge
Patients were given only alcohol to alleviate
pain. Many saws had ornate handles, which
served only to harbour more germs.

serrated cutting blade

Amputation knife
18th century
Before sawing through the bone, surgeons used

the inner edge of a curved knife blade to make
a round cut through the skin and muscle.

As the most invasive kind of medical procedure, Blood bag

surgery is often literally a matter of life or death. In the early 1900s, it was discovered that a
substance called citrate could stop blood
But operations that would have been considered from coagulating. This made possible
risky 100 years ago are today a matter of routine. the storing of blood and blood products
for routine surgery and emergencies.

Surgery is fraught with three risks: pain, blood loss, and infection. The
history of surgery is largely the story of how science has been able to label with
blade to be positioned blood type
mitigate these risks. In the 20th century, improved anesthetics and around head of baby information
storage and transfusion of compatible blood types meant
more people survived operations. Germ theory and
effective antiseptics led to a drop in infection rates.

Obstetric forceps
screw for c.1820
tightening Scottish physician William Smellie designed
a type of forceps to help during breech birth,
in which the baby enters the birth canal
buttocks or feet rst.


Tonsil guillotine
1850s button to
move blades
Removing tonsils was a popular way of treating
ongoing throat infections until the 1950s. It fell out
Petit tourniquet heated cutting blade of favor as knowledge of infection changed.
18th century bulb used
In 1718, French surgeon to cauterize Military cautery and hook
Louis Petit developed a skin surface 18th century
screw-type device known as Cauteriesused to staunch blood
a tourniquet to tighten a limb ow and seal damaged skin by
strap and stop blood ow. searing itwere widely used,
treating from bubonic plague
victims to wounded soldiers.

Carbolic steam spray

nozzle British surgeon Joseph Lister
developed a device to spray
carbolic acid in the operating Surgical sterilizing
room. The pungent chemical 1860s
acted as an antiseptic, On battleelds, a hot ame
reducing the chance of from a portable alcohol
wounds becoming scraping burner was used to sterilize
water infected. blade surgical instruments
supported on a brass stand.
reservoir of
carbolic acid

Late 1860s
The scraper and tongue
depressor shown here once
belonged to a member of
the Barber-Surgeons
Company (a guild created
by Henry VIII in 1540).
plate for tongue
dropping tube

sharp blade for

Esmarch cutting muscle
chloroform-ether dropper American Civil War surgical equipment
c.1890 1860s
English surgeon James blade for making incisions During the American Civil War, two soldiers died
Simpson used chloroform as from disease and infection for every one killed in
an alternative anesthetic to battle. Surgical instruments were used by medical
ether in 1847. Although attendees with limited training.
glass dropping bottles
delivered more cranial saw
precise doses,
the danger
of overdosing locking
persisted until catch
safer anesthetics
were developed in
the 1950s. Surgical suture
18th century
scalpel with
Catgutactually made from the
intestines of hoofed animalshas blade
been used for surgical suturing for
thousands of years. When used
internally, it is absorbed into the
system after the tissue is healed.

suture needle

graduations on surgical forceps

side of bottle

Stainless-steel instruments
20th century
Stainless steel surgical instruments became with blunt
available in 1930. They were corrosion-free hook
and easily sterilized surgical instruments
could be made. Additional modications
have helped make surgical stainless steel
especially smooth and scratch-resistant.


Lord Rayleigh, English scientist, from On the Light from the Sky,
its Polarization and Color, 1871

The sky appears blue because of Rayleigh scatteringthe scattering of sunlight

by molecules in the air.

AROUND 1870, ITALIAN parts of the body. For his work that an electric stimulus applied develop the theory further; his
PHYSICIAN CAMILLO GOLGI in this eld, Golgi was awarded to different parts of a dogs ideas resurfaced in German-born
(18431926) developed a the Nobel Prize in Physiology or brain would cause distinct physicist Albert Einsteins general
technique to stain brain and Medicine in 1906. muscular contractions. theory of relativity (see 191415).
other tissue to be able to observe In a related discovery, German The same year, English British astronomer Joseph
them under the microscope. scientists Gustav Theodor mathematician William Kingdon Norman Lockyer (18361920)
He used this method to identify Fritsch (18381927) and Eduard Clifford (184579) suggested that and his French colleague Pierre
neurons (nerve cells) which Hitzig (18391907) demonstrated energy and matter are caused by Jules Csar Janssen (18241907)
process and transmit information the link between electricity and the curvature of space. Clifford independently suggested that
between the brain and other brain function. They showed died young, and was unable to certain lines in the Suns
spectrum were produced by a
previously unknown element
(see 186869). In 1870, Lockyer

ARE SOON ELIMINATED WE CIVILIZED MEN, ON named this element helium,
after the Greek Sun godHelios. LOUIS PASTEUR
THE OTHER HAND, DO OUR UTMOST TO CHECK THE Also in 1870, French (182295)
PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. microbiologist Louis Pasteur
(182295) published a book While working at Lille
Charles Darwin, British naturalist, from The Descent of Man, 1871 documenting the mysterious University, France, Louis
disease killing silkworms, tracing Pasteur investigated the
it back to microbes. This, together problem of beer and wine
with the discovery of the anthrax (and later milk) going sour. He
bacterium (see 187677) led to found that this was caused by
the development of germ theory. bacteria, which could be killed
In 1871, English scientist Lord by boiling (pasteurization).
Rayleigh (18421919) discovered These studies helped Pasteur
that when light bounces off small develop the germ theory of
particles, it scattersnow called disease, and the prevention
Rayleigh scattering. He stated of disease by vaccination.
that for visible light to scatter, the
particles must be smaller than
400 to 700 nanometers, that is, This year, English naturalist
smaller than the wavelength of Charles Darwin published a
the light being scattered. book on human evolutionThe
Descent of Man, and Selection in
Ape and man Relation to Sex. He had been wary
This illustration from an 1863 book of publishing on the topic before,
by English biologist Thomas Henry
expecting the sort of furor that
Huxleyan advocate of Charles
Darwins theoriesshows similarities had accompanied the publication
between humans and living apes. of On the Origin of Species in 1859.

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Gerhard Hansen, Norwegian physician, from a letter to British
social reformer William Tebb, c.1889

This micrographic image shows rod-shaped cells of the leprosy bacterium Mycobacterium leprae
the rst bacterium to be identied as a cause of disease in humans.

IN 1872, AUSTRIAN PHYSICIST Pacic, where it took samples When the vanes are
LUDWIG EDUARD BOLTZMANN from the Challenger Deepa exposed to light, the
(18441906) developed an point near the deepest recorded light mill rotates,
equation that described the point on Earth. The expedition with the white side
behavior of a uid (gas or also catalogued approximately leading the way.
liquid) by applying probability 4,700 previously unknown This occurs because
distributions (see 165254) to the species of animals and plants. the dark side of the
interactions of large numbers The following year, Dutch paddle absorbs more
of atoms or molecules. This physicist Johannes Diderik van radiant energy and
equation gave a mathematical der Waals (18371923) derived gets hotter than the
foundation to the second law an equation of state, which white side; some
of thermodynamics, which described how the liquid and gas of the energy is
states that systems tend toward a states of a substance merge into transferred to the
state of equilibrium. each other. He assumed that molecules hitting
In December 1872, a Royal molecules exist, are of nite size, the surface, giving the
Society expedition set out on and attract each other by a weak paddle a kick. The HMS Challenger
board HMS Challenger from forcenow called a van der same thing happens on the white description of mitosisthe Launched on February 13, 1858,
HMS Challenger was primarily
Portsmouth, UK. Over the next Waals force. Together, these side, but to a lesser degree. process whereby a dividing cell
a sailing ship, but was also tted
four years, it discovered many ideas helped provide a better The understanding of disease provides identical copies of its with an auxiliary steam engine.
large features of the planet, understanding of atoms. took a step forward in 1873, when chromosomes (then known as
including the mid-Atlantic ridge In 1873, Scottish physicist Norwegian physician Gerhard nuclear laments) to each of the The rst modern refrigeration
in the Atlantic Ocean and the James Clerk Maxwell published Hansen (18411912) discovered daughter cells (see pp.19495). system was designed by German
Marianas Trench in the western A Treatise on Electricity and the leprosy bacterium engineer Carl von Linde
Magnetism, in which he described Mycobacterium leprae. It was (18421934) and built by
his theory of electromagnetism previously thought that leprosy the mechanical engineering
12 compressor evaporator
11 (see pp.23435). The theory was either inherited or spread by company Maschinenfabrik

predicted the existence of bad air known as miasmas. Augsburg for a brewery in
9 8.2
radio waves (see 1886), and Meanwhile, the mechanism Munich, Germany. Three years
was a major inuence on of heredity was starting to be later, Linde designed a more
20th-century science. understood, partly through reliable systemthe rst
William Crookes invented his the work of German zoologist practical compressed-
radiometer while investigating Anton Schneider (183190). ammonia refrigerator. The
the nature of light as a form of He gave the rst accurate huge commercial success of
lowest point lowest electromagnetic radiation. This this invention enabled von Linde
recordedby recorded device is a partially evacuated, to focus on research, becoming
Challenger point on Earth
airtight glass bulb that contains First practical refrigerator the rst person to liquify air,
Challenger Deep a set of vanes mounted on a Von Linde improved on his and separate oxygen and
HMS Challenger estimated the depth 1873 design by using glycerine
spindle, like a horizontal windmill. nitrogen from it.
of Earths lowest pointChallenger to seal the compressor
Deepat 5.1 miles (8.2 km). Recent One side of each vane is painted and using ammonia
estimates suggest 6.8 miles (11 km). white, while the other is black. as a refrigerant.

n n
an ian va is f am ts on
m tal ics ar tz e n 73 ik h illi ven r lv
ltz en am ng ori es th now 18 ider nts on o es ar nts rn tem
o m n
g B nda ody
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4 D e ti s 3 W s in ete C e
73 inv od ys
wi 7 2 H ian crib ow a n e 1 nes pres qua d ga 7
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MS er
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au yvin C) r
be r s s f K m s i Ha s th An s th mos ivisi
n Pol (PV m ge ng ion , U Ja bli ric d r
r ve ium 3
7 ve ro d
ge ce len -lo dit uth 73 pu ect tism ha
er isco cte
r 18 ser f ch cell
Eu vers ride De hal year xpe mo 18 ell n El gne ob o ng
7 2 o lo C r- e rts xw o a 7 3 G d y ba r i
18 disc ch fou Po Ma atise nd M 18
s du
re re a
187475 187677

Francis Galton, from English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture, 1874

British scientist Francis Galtons contributions to

science include studies of twins and meteorology.

GERMAN MATHEMATICIAN Science: A Treatise on Logic and Silvery white metal BRITISH NATURALIST Alfred
GEORG CANTOR (18451918) Scientic Method, which criticized Gallium is one of the few metals Russel Wallace (see 185558)
that occur in liquid form at
published On a Characteristic the method of induction as a published The Geographical
near-room temperatures.
Property of all Real Algebraic source of new scientic ideas Like water, this metal Distribution of Animals in 1876.
Numbers in 1874. This paper laid and instead recommended expands on solidifying. Co-founder of natural selection
the foundations of set theory, random hypotheses. theory with Charles Darwin (see
and introduced the idea of Austrian chemist Othmar Zeidler 185960), Wallace also made
different kinds of innity. (18491911) synthesized DDT the end of the year he contributions to biogeography,
The same year, Russian (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) had synthesized including the concept of warning
mathematician Soa Vasilyevna as a doctoral student at the pure gallium by coloration in animals and the
Kovalevskaya (185091) became University of Strasbourg, France, the electrolysis way barriers to hybridization,
the rst woman to be awarded in 1874. The importance of of a solution of such as mountains, contribute
a doctorate in mathematics, the substance as a powerful gallium hydroxide in to the evolution of new species.
which she received from the insecticide was not realized potassium hydroxide. Nurture. While he paved the way American inventors Elisha
University of Gttingen, Germany. until the late 1930s. Austrian geologist Eduard for further scientic enquiry into Gray (18351901) and
In 1889, she became the rst French chemist Paul-mile Suess (18311914) coined this subject, Galton was unaware Alexander Graham Bell (see
woman to be appointed Lecoq de Boisbaudran the term biosphere (see panel, of the distinction between panel, opposite) independently
professor of mathematics, at (18381912) plugged a gap left) in 1875, dening it as the monozygotic (identical) twins, came up with the design of a
Stockholm University, Sweden. in Mendeleyevs periodic table place on Earths surface where born from one fertilized egg, and working telephone. However,
Meanwhile, British economist of elements (see 186869) by life dwells. The concept dizygotic twins born from two. Bell won the race to patent the
William Stanley Jevons (1835 identifying the metal gallium was intended to complement These studies would only be device on March 7, 1876. Three
82) published The Principles of spectroscopically in 1875. Before the three geological zonesthe carried out in the 20th century. days later, he spoke the famous
lithosphere (the rocky outer layer sentence: Mr. Watson, come

BIOSPHERE of the planet), the hydrosphere here, I want to see you. into the
(the layer of water at Earths machine, summoning his
The term biosphere is used surface), and the atmosphere assistant from the next room.
to refer to the sum of all (the gas envelope surrounding Just about two months later,
ecosystems. A closed, ATMOSPHERE Earth). However, the theory made German inventor Nikolaus Otto
self-regulating system, little impact on the scientic (183291) completed building the
the biosphere shows community until it was developed rst practical four-stroke piston
that living things do not by Russian geochemist Vladimir internal combustion engine
exist in isolation from
the nonliving world.
ECOSPHERE Vernadsky (18631945) in his
1926 book, La Biosphere. PERCENT (see 180709).
In 1876, German neurologist
Devised by Eduard The scientic study of twins THE Karl Wernicke (18481905)
Suess in 1875, the idea began in 1875, when British found that damage to a specic
was developed by James HYDROSPHERE LITHOSPHERE scientist Francis Galton PROPORTION OF part of the brainnow called
Lovelock (b.1919) and (18221911) published his BABIES BORN Wernickes arearesulted in

Lynn Margulis (19382011) BIOSPHERE landmark paper The History language disorders. This area of
as Gaia theory (see 1979). of Twins, as a Criterion of the the brain is connected to Brocas
Relative Powers of Nature and TWINS area (see 186164) by a nerve

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English photographer Eadweard Muybridges pictures showed the exact position of a trotting horses legs for the
rst time. The original pictures shot in 1877 did not survive. The ones seen here are from 1878.

refers to large biological learning that his ancestors had
molecules that act as catalysts for centuries, and that each
and control the rate of chemical individual somehow retains
Alexander Graham Bell was reactions in the cells of living rudiments of the long
born in 1847 in Edinburgh, things (see 189394). evolutionary past.
Scotland. In 1870, he rst In 1877, German bacteriologist In 1877, English photographer
moved to Ontario, Canada, and Robert Koch (18431910) grew Eadweard Muybridge (1830 OF AMINO
then Boston, US, where he
began his career as an inventor.
Bacillus anthracisthe organism
that causes the infectious disease
1904) made a camera with a
shutter speed of only one-
Both Bells mother and wife anthraxin the laboratory and thousandth of a second. With TRYPSIN
suffered hearing impairments, injected it into animals to induce this and an ultrasensitive
inspiring his interest in speech the disease. This was the rst photographic plate he was American astronomer Asaph
and hearing. This interest led bacterium shown to be the cause able to freeze the motion of Hall (18291907) discovered the
him to invent the microphone of a disease. a trotting horse in a picture. two moons of Mars in 1877. He
and the telephone. In the world of psychology, The picture caused a sensation, spotted Deimos, the smaller
Charles Darwin published proving that all four of the horses moon, on August 12, and Phobos
Biographical Sketch of an Infant, legs left the ground at once. on August 18. Hall also worked
ber bundle called the arcuate German physiologist Wilhelm a 10-page book based on his out the mass of Mars, the orbits
fasciculus. Damage to these Khne (18371900) discovered observations of his newborn son, of moons, and measured the
bers can leave people able to and named the pancreatic from 37 years earlier. Darwin rotation of Saturn.
understand language, but with enzyme trypsin in 1876. He also speculated that his son went Italian astronomer Giovanni
speech that makes no sense. coined the term enzyme, which through the same stages of trumpetlike Schiaparelli (18351910)
mouthpiece was also studying Mars
horseshoe magnet diaphragm in 1877. He reported
seeing canali on the
planet. This word,
simply meaning
terminal for external
connection channels, was
mistranslated to
wire coil of
canals, giving rise to
copper wire a frenzy of speculation
that Mars was inhabited by
intelligent beings. It was later
discovered that these markings
were optical illusions.

Bells electric telephone

Used as both transmitter and
receiver, this early telephone
converted sound vibrations into
electrical signals (and vice versa).

s e idg ica
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2 4 , ger e U ient ns b er cau ax 7 7 C s th syc 7 7 S n Fo atoz trat gg i st ap o e n g
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1815 1888 Gramophone

Multicylinder music box Gramophone player
First produced in Switzerland Invented by Emile Berliner,
in 1815, these contain a rotating the gramophone uses disks
cylinder covered in spikes that of shellac. They can
pluck the teeth of a steel comb. be copied numerous
In 1862, a system that allows times from a brass
cylinders to be changed to play master without any
different melodies is invented. Multicylinder music box loss of quality.

1857 1876 1877

Phonautograph Player piano Edisons phonograph
douard-Lon The automatic-playing Thomas Edisons phonograph
Scott invents piano becomes popular is the rst device able to play
the rst device when it is shown at an sounds back as well as record
able to record exhibition. It operates them. The vibrations of sound
sound but it is by an electromagnet are funneled through a horn
unable to play and contains a paper and recorded on a cylinder
the sound back. music roll. Player piano covered in tin foil.

horn concentrates
sound for recording and
amplies it for playback


Little more than a century ago, the only music most people heard was
performed live. The advent of technology to record sound and play it back
has not only transformed the way we listen to music but has also had other
applications, including broadcasting, film-making, and sound archiving.

Frenchman douard-Lon Scotts phonautograph back. Early sound recording machines worked records that played back at 33 or 45 revolutions
of 1857 was the rst device capable of recording mechanicallythey captured sound by playing per minute (rpm) (early records played back at
sound, using a moving needle to trace a line on into a horn to make the sound vibrations move 78 rpm). Magnetic devices that recorded sound
a carbon-coated surface. In 1877, American a needle to engrave scratches on a disk or cylinder. as varying magnetic patterns on tape rather than
Thomas Edison invented the phonographthe In the 1920s, sound recording entered the physical grooves on a disk were also developed.
rst device that could record sound and play it electrical era with the invention of microphones.
Sound was soon being reproduced electrically DIGITAL
using electromagnet- The next big breakthrough was digital recording
Edison and his phonograph driven loudspeakers (see panel, right), which made for much more
The phonograph was invented
by Thomas Edison in 1877. with improved sound robust, practical systems. These include the rst
It recorded sounds in grooves quality and volume. compact disks, as well as digital audio formats
embossed in tin foil wrapped After 1945, sound such as MP3, which have made it possible to
around a cylinder. Later
recording of music store vast amounts of music on small devices,

cylinders were made from
wax-coated cardboard. took off with vinyl and download limitless music from the internet.


The first promotional message recorded on the Edison phonograph, 1877


1925 1931 1978 Sony

Microphone Reel-to-reel tape recorder Personal stereo Walkman
The horn is replaced by German Fritz Peumer invents the GermanBrazilian Andreas
electric microphones, in reel-to-reel tape recorder, in which Pavels Stereobelt of 1972
which vibrations move the uctuations in the electrical signal plays cassette tapes through
electromagnets to create are recorded in the magnetic coating ear phones on a tiny, portable,
a varying electrical signal of moving tape. The AEG company battery-driven player. In 1978,
that moves the needle develops it into the Sony launches a portable music
Microphone to make the grooves. Magnetophone. Magnetophone playerthe Sony Walkman.

1898 1948 1982 1999

Telegraphone Record player Compact disks MP3 players
Danish engineer Valdemar Long-playing vinyl records, playing CDs digitally store These use digital
Poulsens telegraphone is the at 33 and 45 revolutions per minute large amounts of recordings stored Ipod nano
rst device to record and play (rpm) instead of 78 rpm, are sound data that can as computer data,
back sound magnetically, using a introduced. They give be read by a laser. enabling music to be
wire wrapped around a cylinder to much longer playing 1950s They quickly replace downloaded, or swapped
record the varying magnetic elds times and the sound record large, easily scratched from computer to
created by sound vibrations. Telegraphone quality is better. player vinyl records. personal player instantly.

original sound analog sound wave digital sound

wave rises and follows original wave samples
falls continuously sound wave the original
apparatus support

original sound wave analog sound wave digital sound wave


Sound is created by vibrations in the air down continuously with the wave. Digital
that create a rise and fall of air pressure. sound waves are made by repeatedly
recording It can be plotted as a simple wave. taking samples of the original wave at
stylus, or
An analog sound wave follows this a very high rate and converting them
original sound wave form exactly, with into a series of numbers. They are not
the intensity of the signal going up and continuous and have a staircase shape.

diaphragm turns sound

wax cylinder with
waves into physical
grooves for recording cylinder shaft
vibrations (and vice versa)

recording box

shaft crank

Edison Fireside
phonograph, 1909
By 1909, Edison phonographs
such as this one were a
feature of many homes, and crank handle
there was a wide range of
professional wax-cylinder
recordings that could be
inserted in the machine and
played by turning the handle.
Unfortunately, wax-cylinders
could only be played a few
times before the playback
quality started to deteriorate.



This photograph shows people traveling on carriages pulled by the WernerSiemens locomotive, which was
demonstrated at the Berlin Trade Fair in 1879. This locomotive was the rst to be powered by electricity.


high-resistance In this Crookes tube,
WILSON SWAN received a
carbon lament electrons stream past
patent for his electric light
a cross-shaped object
carbonized bulb in 1878, which he had to cast a shadow on
ber lament demonstrated in 1860. This the uorescent
early version of the modern glass beyond.
light bulb consisted of a cathode
carbonized lament running
through an evacuated anode
glass tube. Passing an Now known as the Hall effect,
electric current through this phenomenon is important
the lament made it glow in semiconductor technology
white-hot. The keys to its and magnetic sensors.
long life was an improved Austrian physicist Josef
vacuum in the glass tube and the Stefan (18351893) formulated
wire carbon lament. In November the equation now known as the
1879, American inventor StefanBoltzmann law, which
Thomas Alva Edison applied concerned the calculation of
for a patent for a light bulb that accidentally discovered a natural radiation emitted from black
glass tube used similar technology. sweetener, later called saccharin, bodiessurfaces that absorb all
In 1878, British chemist while working with coal tar in the electromagnetic radiation
evacuated and physicist William Crookes the US. Saccharin is about that strikes them. In 1884,
glass tube invented the Crookes tube, a 200 times sweeter than sugar. Stefans colleague Ludwig
device that helped show that German engineer Karl Benz Boltzmann (18441906) explained
connecting electrons travel in straight lines. (18441929) developed a the law using thermodynamics.
It later on became the basis of one-cylinder two-stroke gas American scientist Albert
television and other displays. engine, demonstrated for the Abraham Michelson (18521931)
In 1878, German chemist rst time on December 31, 1879. measured the speed of light
Constantin Fahlberg (18501910) In his 1879 book, Cartography
of Russian Soils, Russian
geologist Vasily Dokuchaev
(18461905) introduced the
Early light bulbs concept of pedology, the

The lamps developed
scientic study of soil.
by Swan and Edison
were almost identical. American physicist Edwin Hall ONLY THE RICH
After a legal battle (18551938) discovered that a WILL BURN
over rights, the two magnetic eld created at a right
inventors formed
angle to the ow of electric
the EdisonSwan
company to jointly current would create a voltage Thomas Edison, American
SWANS LAMP EDISONS LAMP market the bulbs. difference across the conductor. inventor, 1879

h es
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oo ok
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r v ct
Cr Cro 8 L she e o oun 79 79 he R Jo me olt
78 r wo form draz 7 18 tro
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Emile Duclaux, French chemist and microbiologist, from
Pasteur: The History of a Mind, 1896

This engraving depicts French bacteriologist Louis Pasteur vaccinating sheep against
anthrax at Pouilly-le-Fort, France, in 1881.

in air to be 186,327 miles per IN 1880, BRITISH LOGICIAN Seismograph the rst modern cesarian
second (299,864 kmps). This AND PHILOSOPHER John Venn This seismographdesigned in section operation. Both mother
conjunction with John Milne
estimate matched the prediction (18341923) developed the and baby survived.
was made by James White in
of British physicist James Clerk concept of the Venn diagram, metal wire 1885. It records earthquake French microbiologist Louis
Maxwell (see 187273). which represents sets of things bears pendulum vibrations on a roll of paper. Pasteur made a vaccine for
German engineer Werner von as circles, with overlapping anthrax by using the oxidizing
Siemens (181692) demonstrated circles indicating the subsets seismographan instrument agent potassium dichromate to
metal coil roll of paper
the rst electric locomotive they have in common. Venn used to measure earthquakes. weaken its bacteria. He began
using an external power source wrote about this concept in The instrument, developed using British surgeon Edward
at the 1879 Berlin trade fair. Symbolic Logic, which was in collaboration with British Jenners term vaccine to refer
published in 1881. engineer Thomas Gray to all such articially weakened
In February 1880, Thomas (18501908) and properly disease organisms. Jenner had
Alva Edison rediscovered a known as the Milne-Gray coined the term in reference to
phenomenon that had previously instrument, was based on a smallpox (see 1796).
been observed by others. He horizontal pendulum design. German scientist Paul Ehrlich
noticed that electricity would The year 1881 saw two (18541915)whose cousin,
ow from a hot lament to a cool key advances in the pathologist Karl Weigert,
metal plate in an evacuated bulb. application of electricity. (18451904) had been the rst
Edison patented this concept, In May, the rst person to stain bacteria with
which came to be known as electric dyes in the 1870sfound a more
the Edison effect. The tramway effective dye, methylene blue.
electricity could ow only one was opened This made it easier to identify
way, so the setup acted like in a suburb in Berlin, and investigate bacteria, and
THOMAS ALVA EDISON a valve to control the ow of Germany. Later, Godalming, UK, was used by German physician
(18471931) current in the same way that became the rst town to have Heinrich Koch to discover
a valve in a pipeline controls Conversely, applying an electric its streets lit by electricity. the bacteria that causes
American inventor Thomas the ow of water. This concept potential to crystals can make In September 1881, German tuberculosis (see 188283).
Edison is credited with many became the basis of the valves them vibrate at a very precise gynecologist Ferdinand Adolf
inventions, particularly in the used to amplify electrical signals frequency. This effect has many Kehrer (18371914) carried out
eld of telecommunications. in television and radio before the applications, including driving
He led more than a thousand invention of the transistor. the vibrating crystals in quartz
patents in the US, and others The understanding of clocks and watches.
around the world. Edison electricity was also aided by the Known as the father of modern First electric
applied the idea of mass discovery of the piezoelectric seismology, British geologist
Developer of the
production and teamwork effect by French scientists John Milne (18501913), rst electric train,
to science and developed Pierre Curie (18591906) and was teaching science and Werner von
the worlds rst industrial Paul-Jacques Curie (18561941). engineering in Japan when Siemens also
worked on the rst
research laboratoryhis They discovered that voltage he became interested in
electric tramthe
greatest invention. can be produced by applying earthquakes. In 1880 he was Gross-Lichterfelde
pressure to a suitable material. instrumental in inventing the in Germany.

as lne 3, 81 st
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The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River between Brooklyn and the island of Manhattan in New York City.
It was the longest bridge in the world when it was built.

BUILDING ON the work of British Another medical landmark was German botanist Eduard
surgeon Joseph Lister and French achieved when Russian biologist Strasburger (18441912) also
microbiologist Louis Pasteur lie Metchnikoff (18451916) contributed to the understanding
(see 187071), German physician discovered phagocytosisthe of how cells work. He coined the
Robert Koch (18431910) process used by the immune terms cytoplasm for the jellylike
isolated the organism that system to remove bacterial outer region of a cell, and
causes tuberculosis (TB) in invaders. In phagocytosis, one nucleoplasm for the compact
1882. He discovered that TB was cell engulfs another and, in material of the cell nucleus.
transmitted in water droplets effect, eats it. This discovery led In 1882, Italian volcanologist
and could quickly spread in to an improved understanding and meteorologist Luigi A close relative
overcrowded slums. of the immune system. Palmieri (180796) made of the zebra,
the rst observation of the the quagga
element helium on Earth by
conducting spectral analysis
(see panel, opposite) of lava
had distinctive
stripes only
on the front
of its body.

TUBERCULOUS DISORDERS, AND THAT during an eruption at Mount
Vesuvius, Italy. Previously, the breeding, and was later misused studied uids. In 1883, he came
THEY ARE DISTINGUISHABLE FROM element had only been identied by the Nazis as an excuse for up with what is now known as
ALL OTHER MICROORGANISMS. by analysis of light from the Sun. their attempted extermination of the Reynolds number, which
The following year, English the Jews. The scientic basis for characterizes the way uids
Robert Koch, German physician, from The Etiology of Tuberculosis, 1882 polymath Francis Galton came eugenics drew in part on the ow. Today, Reynolds work is
up with the germ line theory developed by important in the designing of
controversial August Weismann (18341914), pipes to carry different uids,
concept of which stated that characteristics and in shipbuilding, where the
eugenics. His were only passed on by egg and behavior of full-size vessels
theory aimed sperm cells, and were not must be estimated from models
to improve the affected by other cells of the tested in water tanks.
human race body (somatic cells). So, for On May 24, 1883, the longest
by selective example, a bodybuilder who bridge of its time, the Brooklyn
develops muscles through Bridge, was opened in New York
exercise will not pass on the City. It was the worlds rst steel
muscles to his children. This suspension bridge.
marked the end of Lamarckism, A female quagga, the last
according to which acquired surviving member of its species,
In this color-
enhanced characteristics could be passed died in a zoo in Amsterdam in
micrograph, a on to children (see 1809). 1883. This southern African
lymphocyte (white A more practical contribution species had been extinct in the
blood cell) engulfs
to human society was made by wild since the late 1870s.
a yeast cell in the
process known Osborne Reynolds (18421912),
as phagocytosis. an Irish-born engineer who

18 s 88
3 an elm t
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E a 18
Eduard Strasburger, PolishGerman botanist, from ber Zellbildung und
Zelltheilung (On Cell Formation and Cell Division), 1880

A human sperm fertilizes an egg by delivering a package of its own genetic

material (germ line DNA) to combine with the genes of the egg.

FRENCH CHEMIST HILAIRE DE 1884, when German physicist and Swiss anatomist Rudolf Rabies vaccine
CHARDONNET (18391924) Friedrich Lfer (18521915), von Klliker (18171905) each This 1885 engraving
shows Louis Pasteur
received a patent for articial Robert Kochs colleague, isolated separately identied the cell
watching as his assistant
silk in 1884. He discovered the the diptheria-causing bacterium nucleus as the origin of heredity. inoculates Joseph
substance accidentally in 1878, Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Hertwig stated that, from the Meister, a shepherd boy
when he knocked over a bottle Koch and Lfer also biological point of view, sex who had been bitten by
a rabid dog.
of nitrocellulosea highly formulated Kochs postulates in is merely a union of two cells
ammable compound. When he 1884, which set out the criteria (strictly speaking, two nuclei).
started to clean it up, strands for establishing whether an Austrian ophthalmologist Carl the positions of lines
of nitrocellulose stuck to his organism is responsible for a Koller (18571944) ushered in the in the spectrum
cleaning cloth in thin, silklike disease. Koch published their era of local anesthesia when of hydrogenthe
bers. It was not until the 20th ndings in 1890, and in doing he used cocaine as a surface Balmer series.
century that this substance was so he dramatically rened the anesthetic in an eye operation Using his formula,
developed in the form of the science of microbiology. in 1884 (see 1846). While looking Balmer predicted
material known as rayon. Starting in 1884, Eduard into whether cocaine could the wavelengths
The 19th-century understanding Strasburger, German zoologist be used to wean patients off of lines that were
of disease developed further in Wilhelm Hertwig (18491922), morphineat the request of his discovered later.
colleague at Vienna General In the eld of
Hospital, Sigmund FreudKoller Milky Way, and that Hartwigs psychology, German psychologist
discovered the tissue-numbing star is a supernova, much Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850
properties of cocaine. brighter than a nova. 1909) pioneered the experimental
On July 6, 1885, French chemist In a key discovery in the elds study of memory and developed
Louis Pasteur used the rabies of astronomy and atomic physics, the concept of the Forgetting
vaccine for the rst time on a Swiss mathematician Johann Curve. He published Memory:
9-year-old boy who had been Balmer (182598), developed a A Contribution to Experimental
bitten by a rabid dog. The success mathematical formula to describe Psychology in 1885.
of the treatment paved the way for
the widespread use of vaccines. 100
On August 20, 1885, German 90

EMISSION SPECTRUM OF MERCURY astronomer Ernst Hartwig 80

(18511923) observed a bright 70
SPECTROSCOPY new star in the Andromeda 60 20 minutes Forgetting Curve
nebula. A belief that this object Ebbinghaus gave
people a list of
When hot, each chemical element produces a distinctive set of was similar to the novas seen in 40 60 minutes
nonsense 3-letter
bright spectral lines, like a barcode, that can identify the element. the Milky Way encouraged the 30 words and
Cold gases absorb light in exactly the same wavelengths, idea that the nebula, too, was 20 measured how
producing dark spectral lines. Analyzing spectra makes it part of the Milky Way. In the long they could
remember them.
possible to determine the composition of substances in the 20th century, it was discovered 0 This gave him
laboratory and also to measure the composition of stars. that the Andromeda nebula is a 4 8 12 16 20
the data for his
galaxy (see 1924), far beyond the TIME (HOURS) Forgetting Curve.

de ents an n
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Ex 223
1886 1887 88

Heinrich Hertz, German physicist, 1887

Lick Observatory, on Mount Hamilton, near San Jose, in California, was the rst
permanently occupied mountain-top observatory in the world.

IN 1886, AMERICAN CHEMIST panel, below), thanks to American THE STUDY OF LIGHT continued
CHARLES MARTIN HALL physicist William Stanley Jr in 1887 as American scientists
(18631914) and French scientist (18581916). He demonstrated the Albert Abraham Michelson
Paul-Louis-Toussaint Hroult rst full AC power generating (18521931) and Edward Morley German physicist Heinrich Hertz
(18631914) independently system on March 20, using (18381923) carried out an is best known for the series
developed a technique for it to light the town of Great experiment that showed that the of experiments he carried out
converting aluminathe powdery Barrington, Massachusetts. speed of light is not affected by to test James Clerk Maxwells
white oxide of aluminuminto Meanwhile, German physicist the motion of Earth through theories of electromagnetism.
aluminum using electrolysis. Heinrich Hertz conrmed the space. As predicted by James These included transmission
The same year, German-born existence of long-wave Clerk Maxwells equations (see and detection of radio waves
American inventor Ottmar electromagnetic radiation (see 1867), the measured speed of and proving that light is a form
Mergenthaler (185499) pp.23435)a kind of invisible light relative to an object always of electromagnetic vibration.
revolutionized the world of light now referred to as radio remains the same, irrespective The unit of frequencycycles
publishing when he developed the wavesthat had been predicted of whether the object moves per secondis called the hertz
linotype line casting machine. by Scottish physicist James Clerk head-on into a light beam, is (Hz) in his honor.
This device could set an entire Maxwell in 1867. overtaken by it, or is at any other
line of type at a time, reducing American physicist Henry angle from it. The Michelson
the costs and production time Augustus Rowland (18481901) Morley experiment would later observations of the phenomenon was a forerunner of the
of printed material. He was analysed sunlight using be taken as conrmation of in the journal Annalen der Physik electronic computer.
dubbed the second Gutenberg diffraction gratingsglass Germanborn American physicist (Annals of Physics) in 1887. On the last day of the year,
(see 1450) for his invention. plates or mirrors with a number Albert Einsteins special theory The same year, American a refracting telescope with a
The linotype and other machines of parallel lines etched onto the of relativity (see 191415). At the inventor Herman Hollerith 36-in (91-cm) diameter lens was
would soon run on alternating surface to diffract lightthat he time, it was seen by Michelson (18601929) received a patent completed at Lick Observatory in
current or AC electricty (see had made himself. and Morley as a failure: they had for his punched card tabulating California. It was rst used on
unsuccessfully attempted to machine, which helped tabulate January 3, 1888. At the time,
ALTERNATING CURRENT conrm the motion through the census statistics. This machine it was the biggest in the world.
aether (the substance presumed
When a loop of wire is rotated magnetic
to ll all of space, enabling light to xed
eld lines wire coil movable mirror
between the poles of a magnet, travel through a vacuum). mirror
north pole of
alternating electrical current is magnet
Heinrich Hertzs work with light incoming light
generated. The current owing radio waves led him to discover light beam
in the wire reverses repeatedly light the photoelectric effect. He
(alternates) as it turns. Main, or observed that a transmitters MichelsonMorley
three-phase electricity, is radio waves generated sparks
Michelson and Morley built
generated using three coils south pole between two small metal spheres beam a device consisting of a light
oriented at 120 degrees to each slip rings that were almost touching. splitter source, two mirrors, and a
other. Domestic power supplies We now know that this occurs detector. They used it to
crank turns shaft study interference between
most commonly alternate 50 because electromagnetic
holding coil beams of light moving with
or 60 times a second. brushes radiation knocks electrons out of a detector Earth and at right angles
metal surface. Hertz published his to Earths motion.

s- an rd is 88
tin ui m e or ge m ha n sh , rn
ar l-Lo lt er llia s th f lta er Ric s : h ne Hele d tz n the nt ine r 8 -bo r 7,
M u u ov a Wi uild stem -vo G i s r
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a h 2 r. b s str atr Eb pat 87 er hin b h rk an ith m ve er inv is nt ar ona d
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M an le p n e ps Kra Psy Fore hed 3, tea s te af a e ein his effe oll lati 8 eri erl S p on Ja e Na aph foun
m io rr h n e e H s c H u 1 h h r
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vin xua cal- blis rc can gi t d gr 87 he tri an tab B U
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87 ed gr the So the
alt Su ller, to ph dio w 18 nch in
int St Ke rson ra u for

ha e ica
n tz
er f am ist k
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nt s th e er ork ah d og t
rg ent lin m Y e ght i c h H ce o s A br war e s iol ntac e T he cop l
i y
M inv pe ine 3 A New s th e nl s r n
ein iste wav ll
e rt Ed t th n ph co y th e 88 les na
ar y
ot ach ly su ting be d a an s a b 18 te tio la
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sti ne ibun rst d s cti m rm ma b
1 he ug f l on
c s 8 nu refr ome 8
y 1 ate mo
ca lan iffra o ve on tro cted Mi rley ed ute
o c 18 lf Fi t is Ja c Ma sla p tion
Tr ow d N c le ed c i e l o a be
y R ng e pr Mo sp bso Ad ns th Te duc
nr usi a le in
224 He


The Eiffel Tower, Paris, was the tallest man-made structure in the world

until the Chrysler Building was erected in New York in 1930.

Applications of alternating current

electricity were being developed
by the Westinghouse Electric
Company and used to develop
The patent was later declared
invalid because the priniciple had
by SerbianAmerican inventor motors, which were widely used been patented earlier by another THE LENGTH OF
Nikola Tesla (18561943). In in industry and household Scotsman, Robert Thomson THE FIRST LONG-
1888, he patented the induction
motor. This is a two-phase
appliances around the world.
Scottish inventor John Boyd
(182273), in France in 1846 and
the US in 1847. However, Dunlops
machine that uses two alternating Dunlop (18401921) developed were the rst practical TRANSMISSION
currents to produce the rotating a pneumatic bicycle tire (a tire pneumatic tires. LINE IN THE US
magnetic eld that makes the lled with air) in 1887 and
rotor turn. The patent was bought patented it in England in1888.
GERMAN PHYSIOLOGIST Oskar line in the US was completed. It
xed coil (stator)
Minkowski (18581931) and was installed in Oregon, between
Teslas induction motor
In this motor, alternating current German physician Joseph von a string of lights in Portland and
supplied to a xed coil creates Mering (18491908) showed that a generator at Willamette Falls.
a rotating magnetic eld, the pancreas produces a Russian physiologist Ivan
making another coil substance (later identied as Petrovich Pavlov (18491936)
rotate to turn an
attached shaft. insulin) that regulates sugar began studying conditioning in
glucose in the body, and that dogs in 1889. He had noticed that
diabetes occurs when this dogs would begin salivating when
organ malfunctions. they saw the lab technician who
English chemist Frederick Abel fed them. Pavlov began to signal
(18271902) and Scottish chemist their feeding with the sound of a
James Dewar (18421923) metronome; soon, the dogs began
patented corditean explosive to salivate each time they heard
designed to burn vigorously and the metronome (see 1907).
produce high-pressure gases that Irish physicist George
could propel bullets and shells. FitzGerald (18511901) published
Designed by French engineer a paper suggesting that if all
Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel moving objects shrank in the
Tower in Paris, direction of their motion, the
France, was results of the MichelsonMorley
opened on March experiment could be explained.
31. At 984 ft This speculation was based on the
shaft (300 m), the tower idea that electromagnetic forces
attached was the tallest would squeeze the moving objects.
to rotor
building in the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz
world at the time. (18531928) came up with a
On June 3, the similar idea as well; this shrinking
rst long-distance emerges naturally from special
power transmission theory of relativity (see 1905).

i ng
ist sk eri e
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E Oc O an
gr te stu 225


Clment Aders ying machine was the rst piloted, heavier-than-air machine
to take off, literally under its own steam, on October 9, 1890.

ON OCTOBER 1, THE US Robert Koch (18421910), was published in this feat 13 years before the
CONGRESS PASSED AN ACT that This lithographcopied from an 1890. Comprising two volumes Wrights. His machinethe
1890s photographshows the
founded the Yosemite National and 1,200 pages, the book took Ader olehad a batlike design
German bacteriologist working
Park in California. This brought on the Rinderpest virus in his James 12 years to write and and a wingspan of 46 ft (14 m).
the park, which had existed since laboratory. covered everything in the eld It was powered by a lightweight,
1872, under federal control. known at the time. four-cylinder steam engine with
The process of meiosisa
stage in cell division responsible
for the production of gametes
tetanus, into an animal caused
its blood to produce antibodies
that gave immunity against the

had rst been described by disease. This provided a practical
German biologist Oscar Hertwig counterpoint to German physician
(18491922) during his study of
sea urchin eggs in 1876. The
Robert Kochs (18431910)
theories about the relationship
full signicance of meiosis in
reproduction and inheritance
between microbes and disease,
which were published in the
was appreciated only with the number of chromosomes same year. German bacteriologist Clment Ader, French inventor, fromLAviation Militaire, 1909
the work of German biologist (see panel, below). Friedrich Lfer (18521915) had
August Weismann (18341914) German bacteriologist Emil worked with Koch to develop Contrary to popular belief, the 20 horsepowerthat weighed
in 1890. He realized that two von Behring (18541917) and his these ideas. Wright brothers did not make only 112 pounds (51 kg).
cell divisions are necessary to Japanese counterpart Kitasato Arguably, the most important the rst manned ight of On October 9, the aircraft took
transform one diploid cell (with Shibasabur (18531931) book in the history of psychology, a heavier-than-air ying offwith Ader on boardand
two sets of chromosomes) into discovered that injecting dead The Principles of Psychology, machine. This accolade goes reached a height of 8 in (20 cm).
four haploid cells (with one set of or weakened disease-causing by American philosopher and to the French inventor Clment It ew uncontrolled for roughly
chromosomes each) to maintain bacteria, such as diptheria or psychologist William James Ader (18411926), who achieved 165 ft (50 m).


Meiosis, the division of cells for each of the two daughter

set of chromosomes chromosomes duplicate, microtubules form microtubules pull
sexual reproduction, produces (new) cells has a unique
from mother (blue) forming chromatid at the cells poles and chromosome pairs to
genetic make-up, different
gametes, such as sperm and and father (red); four pairs, and some of their attach to the pairs either end of the cell
from each other and the
egg cells. Chromosomes shown for example genes are mixed up
parent cells
from two parents undergo
recombination, which
shufes the genes to produce
a different genetic combination
in each gamete. Meiosis nucleus
produces four genetically
pairs line up in middle cell membrane further divisions known
unique cells, each with a of cell, after nuclear forms across the cell as meiosis II result in four
single set of chromosomes. membrane dissolves separate daughter cells MEIOSIS II

es es d
sh ov de r 1 s to te
an s u bli pr are n
h 1 ia l un of llia
be es t i
ism iosi hp n lto n s rc son ica fo les y Wi ed to ngr ac em
e e oc he ee e Ga prin
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st s m r t K out t betw eas is r Sm trop vato rin gy, blis S s
U sse the ark
gu be be b ip dis a nc nge As ser e P lo pu pa ate al P
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de ide latio es a th ique Ob Ps mes cr tion
re crob un Ja Na

to d au t
sa an d re d en e
ita elop ri Bu car y lm s th -
K v s ove nan g s C
nd de ue g
r B Gui d eg er su ed b r 9 ake han t
g a ur hniq do e en nch ped ith be m -t h
i n
hr ab ec h eo ouis tiliz umb m U S C pu velo oller c to der vier ig
Be ibas n t T n L er n ro g de H O A ea ned
a a f me es f rent ne in h n
von Sh zatio e
J at sa om pa Ju s us hine man st a
il i t h he in ac er r ir m
Em un h t o s c h
g m H a
m lis es om ea
tab eiv hr
226 es rec of c


This color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph shows a roughly triangular neuron cell body
from the human cerebral cortexthe outer gray matter of the brain.

IN 1891, SOME KITCHEN SINK French inventor Amdee Bolle of atoms, and that atoms are
DISCOVERIES were reported in (18441917) had, however, used not indivisible.
the journal Nature. In Germany, the same layout for steam- British scientist James
Agnes Pockels (18621935), powered cars in 1878. Dewar (18421921) invented the
who had not been able to go to In 1892, FrenchGerman vacuum ask, or Dewar ask;
university because she was a engineer Rudolf Diesel and French engineer Franois
woman, had been investigating (18581913) received a patent Hennebique (18421921)
the effect of different substances for a forerunner of the engine patented the reinforced concrete
on water surface tensiona named after him. The actual technique, which transformed
result of observations she had diesel engine itself was building technology.
made while washing up. Pockels patented two years later.
sent a letter to the British Science was also using new
physicist Lord Rayleigh (1842 technology in 1891. For the rst
1919) describing her discoveries time, German astronomer Max
and he had her letter translated Wolf (18631932) used a
and published in Nature. Pockels photographic machinethe
went on to publish another 15 Bruce double-astrograph, a
scientic papers. device for comparing two star
Around this time, the Dutch elds to see if objects have
paleoanthropologist Eugene movedto nd an asteroid. He
Dubois (18581940) made named the asteroid 323 Brucia,
a profound discovery in East Panhard car after American philanthropist
Java, Indonesia. He found is now known as Homo erectus. The 1891 Panhard car ushered in Catherine Bruce, who paid for
the era of the modern automobile. HENRI POINCAR
fragments of what he called His interpretation of the nds the astrograph.
Panhard cars went on to win several
a species in between humans was controversial, but is now races and established many records. In 1892, French mathematician (18441912)
and apes, and gave it the name recognized as a step toward Henri Poincar (18541912)
Pithecanthropus erectus, understanding human evolution. (18591940) patented the published the rst volume of Known for not always
meaning upright ape-man. It In the same year, German removable pneumatic tire. New Methods of Celestial following through with his
anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm Their tires were used the same Mechanics, which introduced many bright ideas, Henri
Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz year to win the worlds rst the many techniques used in Poincar did complete
(18361921) introduced the term long-distance cycle race, from calculating orbits. the three-volume epic New
neuron to describe cells that Paris to Brest and back. Dutch physicist Hendrik Methods of Celestial
transmit nerve impulses. The rst front-engine, Lorentz (18531928) applied new Mechanics. In this work,
In France, the brothers Andr rear-wheel-drive car was ideas on electromagnetism to he elaborated on celestial
(18591940) and douard Michelin produced by Panhard et a theory of the electron as a mechanicsa branch of
Levassor, a French car charged particle. The name astronomy that deals with
Water walker manufacturing company. This electron had been proposed by orbits and other motions,
This insect does not sink in water
car design, known as Systme Irish physicist George Johnstone especially under the
because its low weight is supported
by surface tensiona phenomenon Panhard, became the standard Stoney (18261911). Lorentz inuence of gravity.
studied by Agnes Pockels. layout for cars for decades. implied that electrons are part

es n lm ik hes
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c te
pa 227

Mary Kingsley, British anthropologist, in a letter to anthropologist E.B. Teylor

Mary Kingsleyshown here traveling on the Ogowe River in Africawrote

extensively about the African continent and its people.

DECADES AFTER ESPOUSING THE team completed the rst studio in Sierra Leone on her rst
mosquito bites infected person,
IDEA that there had once been a for the production of movies. trip to Africa. She drew on
taking in gametocytes
great continent in the Southern Ofcially called the Kinetographic her experiences of living with
Hemisphere, which he dubbed Theater, it was also known as the indigenous people to give
Gondwana (see 186164), Austrian The Black Mariaa slang term lectures and write books that
geologist Eduard Suess came for police wagonsbecause both helped debunk the stereotype
up with a new theory. In 1893, were small, cramped, and dark. of Africans being savages, and mosquito bites
uninfected person and
he suggested that this southern The rst Ferris wheel, raised questions on the benets
injects sporozoites into
continent had been separated designed by American engineer of colonialism. the blood stream
from its northern counterpart, George Washington Gale In 1891, German neurologist
merozoites mature to
Laurasia, by an inland sea he Ferris, Jr. (185996) opened Arnold Pick (18511924) had form gametocytes
named Tethys, after the Greek in Chicago, Illinois, on June 1, introduced the term dementia
goddess of the sea. A modern 1893, and it operated until praecox (premature dementia) merozoites burst
approach based on plate tectonics November 6, the same year. to refer to a psychotic disorder out, infecting more
blood cells
suggests the existence of a In July this year in Japan, beginning in the late teens. In
larger version of this, the Tethys inventor Kokichi Mikimoto 1893, German psychiatrist Emil sporozoites
invade liver cells
Ocean, in the Mesozoic era, (18581954) produced the rst Kraepelin (18561926) gave a
from the blood
25165.5 million years ago. perfect pearl at his farm. Although detailed textbook description of
On February 1, 1893, American Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus this condition, later reinterpreted
inventor Thomas Edison and his had cultivated freshwater pearls and renamed schizophrenia. merozoites
in Europe in the 18th century, This was also the year in invade red
blood cells and sporozoites multiply
First motion picture studio Mikimoto was the rst person to which Austrian psychoanalyst
multiply further to form merozoites
The Black Maria, as Thomas cultivate pearls commercially. Sigmund Freud (18561939)
Edisons rst motion picture studio
On August 17, 1893, pioneering and Austrian physician Josef
was called, operated in West Orange,
New Jersey, from December English anthropologist Mary Breuer (18421925) published MALARIA LIFE CYCLE
1893 to 1901. Kingsley (18621900) arrived their paper ber Den Psychischen
Mechanismus Hysterischer A malaria-carrying female Anopheles mosquito feeds on a
Phnomene (On the Psychical human and injects parasites in the form of sporozoites into
Mechanism of Hysterical the bloodstream. These multiply in the liver cells and produce
Phenomena), which marked the merozoites, which reproduce in the red blood cells. Some of the
beginning of psychoanalysis. infected cells produce gametocytes that are ingested by other
The paper was based on Breuers feeding mosquitoes, which then become carriers of the disease.
work with the patient, Anna O.
Freud and Breuer also elaborated
their ideas in a book, Studien ber manufacture the industrial carborundum in the list of
Hysterie (Studies on Hysteria), abrasive carborundum, essential 22 patents most responsible
rst published in 1895. in the manufacture of precision- for the industrial age.
American inventor Edward ground, interchangeable metal In 1893, using the technique of
Goodrich Acheson (18561931) parts, in 1893. In 1926, the US interferometry, Albert Abraham
patented a process to Patent Ofce would include Michelson, an American scientist,

93 re
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oc du ca pe aro nife - ry rra o wa
pr e in Ma Sie
228 th k
This lamp containing argonrst isolated in 1894produces a violet discharge when placed in an electric
eld produced from a high voltage transformer to produce neon lighting.

In November, Manson mentioned as the father of modern
RAMN Y CAJAL (18521934)
the hypothesis to British doctor neuroscience, theorized that
Ronald Ross (18571932), memories do not involve growing
Spanish pathologist and who received the Nobel Prize new neurons (nerve cells),
histologist, Ramn y Cajal, was in 1902 for working out the but making new connections
responsible for identifying a details of the process. THE between existing neurons. The
type of cell that controls the In 1784, British physicist Henry PERCENTAGE connections between neurons
slow waves of contraction that
move food along the intestine.
Cavendish had discovered that
air contains a small proportion
OF ARGON came to be known as synapses.
Also in 1894, British physiologist
He was also a neuroscientist of a substance less reactive than IN THE Edward Sharpey-Schafer (1850
and an expert in hypnotism, nitrogen, but he was unable to ATMOSPHERE 1935) and English physician
which he used to help his wife isolate it. In August 1894, following George Oliver (18411915) found
during labor. In 1906, he was a suggestion by British scientist that an extract from the adrenal
awarded the Nobel Prize in Lord Rayleigh, British chemist Royal Institution, London, British gland caused a rise in blood
recognition of his work on William Ramsay (18521916) physicist Oliver Lodge (1851 pressure. This led them to
the nervous system. reported that he had isolated this 1940) dubbed this the coherer. identify the hormone epineprine.
gas, which he named argon. It Lodge used this invention in German chemist Emil Fischer
was the rst of the so-called his work, which became an (18521919) in 1894 came
and J.R. Benot, Director of the in London, was investigating the noble gases to be isolated. important part of Italian physicist up with the lock and key theory
International Bureau of Weights historical records of sunspots in French engineer douard Guglielmo Marconis system that explains how enzymes
and Measures, decided to use 1893 when he discovered that Branly (18441940) had of wireless telegraphy. target specic molecules
wavelengths of light to redene very few spots had been observed developed an early radio signal In 1894, Spanish histologist and function so efciently.
a standard of distance. They between 1645 and 1715. This detector at the beginning of the (histology is the study of tissues
measured the metera interval, now known as the 1890s. In 1894, in lectures at the and cells) Ramn y Cajal, known
prototype platinumiridium Maunder Minimum, coincided
bar of which was kept in Paris, with the coldest part of the Little HOW ENZYMES WORK
Francein terms of the Ice Age (c.15001800), a time
wavelength of the red light when Earth cooled considerably. Enzymes are proteins that act
bonds in products
emitted by heated cadmium. In 1894, British parasitologist as catalysts to increase the rate substrate are leave the
Edward Maunder (18511928), Patrick Manson (18441922) of specic chemical reactions. weakened active site
a British astronomer working at developed the idea that malaria They fold into complex shapes
the Royal Greenwich Observatory is spread by mosquitoes. that allow smaller molecules


to t into them. The active site
where these molecules t may
or reactant

[WITH] A NUMBER OF UNEXPLORED either encourage molecules
to join together or split apart.
CONTINENTS AND STRETCHES However, the enzyme remains
OF UNKNOWN TERRITORY. unchanged and can repeat active site on enzyme
Ramn y Cajal, Spanish pathologist and histologist, 1906

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The unanticipated discovery of radioactivity revealed that
massive amounts of energy are hidden inside atoms, available
to be unleashed. New and surprising theories of relativity and
quantum mechanics described a Universe of four-dimensional
space-time containing interchangeable waves and particles
that, at the subatomic level, can never be pinned down with
absolute certainty.
189596 1897
Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor

20th-century botanists classied plant formations, such as vegetation on

crumbling sand dunes (shown here), by their ecological characteristics.

antibodies leave antibody
reached a milestone when Dutch was different from that of pure J.J. THOMSON (18561940) was
white blood cell antigen cluster
botanist Eugenius Warming nitrogen made in a laboratory. He studying cathode rays. These and bind to antigen engulfed by
(18411924) and German botanist found that atmospheric nitrogen rays are produced by the negative macrophage
Andreas Schimper (18561901) contained traces of argonand electrode (cathode) of an antibodies for
different antigens
published their books on the other unreactive elements later electrically charged vacuum tube,
subject at the end of the century. dubbed noble gases. and are attracted to the positive
Together, they showed how In November, German physicist electrode (anode). They cause the
vegetation could be classied Wilhelm Rntgen (18451923) glass at the far end of the tube to
into different formations based discovered that electrically glow. Thomson demonstrated
on climate and soil conditions. charged vacuum tubes emitted that the rays were composed of
In Britain, physicists Lord rays that made a uorescent particles much lighter than the white activated white blood
Rayleigh (18421919) and William screen glow; he called them smallest atoms. He concluded antigen blood cell cell makes more blue macrophage
Ramsay (18521916) discovered X-rays. He found that they went that these corpuscles, as he antibodies
the gas argon. Rayleigh realized through human skin and exposed called them, were negatively
that air must contain an unknown photographic plates. This led to charged components present in all ANTIGENANTIBODY INTERACTION
chemical component, since the the development of medical atoms; Thomson had discovered

radiography. By 1896, scientists the rst subatomic particles. Paul Ehrlich explained how the immune system could be mobilized
knew that X-rays could ionize
(charge up) air. Some physicians
even tried ring X-rays at
They were later called electrons.
In May of the same year, the
rst radio communication over
to destroy infection. White blood cells carry side-chain antibodies,
which bind themselves to foreign particles called antigens. As they
are bound together, the white cells are prompted to produce more
tumorsradiotherapy water was made across Britains antibodies. These then cluster around the antigens and enable
Anna Rntgen, wife of Wilhelm, to try to cure cancer. Bristol Channel. Italian inventor macrophagesother immune system cellsto destroy them.
on seeing her hand X-ray, 1895 Inspired by Rntgen, French Guglielmo Marconi (18741937)
physicist Henri Becquerel had been experimenting with
(18521908) studied whether wireless technology, and in broadcasting range. Marconi and images. Brauns tube was the
phosphorescent substances, 1897, his team of scientists Braun went on to share the Nobel rst oscilloscopea device that
such as uranium salts, produced succeeded in sending a Morse Prize 12 years later for their work made graphical presentations of
X-rays. He expected radiation to code signal from Flat Holm on wireless radio. electrical signals. It paved the
be emitted only after exposure Island to a receiver on the Welsh In 1897, Braun was also working way for the invention of the
to sunlight, but found that the coast. Later, German physicist on vacuum tubes. He modied television and the development
salts could fog a photographic Karl Braun (18501918) improved cathode ray tubes so that the rays that reach
plate even in darkness. He the technology to increase rays struck a surface to produce here are deected
had discovered a new anode attracts by electromagnets
phenomenon: radioactivity. the rays

X-ray of Anna Rntgens hand

Rntgens X-ray of his wifes hand
shows that the rays penetrated her
skin and muscle, but were impeded cathode produces
by denser bonesand her ring. cathode rays

il s an ard ate st ch ,
96 Em ng ibe ar
l rm du str ea n rli is ry
5 18 cian eati ys cr e 5 K un Ge ist E on ng y the ica ds Eh es h theo
,1 n 1
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a Ja eri e de cer Ma . Th -ray ) ga Fe rdin bes pe d Bu me te of e Ma tron build lesc sid ich f th spo
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cla Be cov c 3 G the ra ver
ch ma d, l a
dis m
a by ra ne y 1 ds o i
M se n ac

Marconi formed his Wireless Malaria oocysts (blue) in the mosquito stomach lining, rst observed by Ronald Ross,
Telegraph and Signal company in 1897. burst into cells that infect the insects salivary glandsand thereby, its bite.

of medical technology, such as AFTER HENRI BECQUEREL His work demonstrated that the particles). Wien invented a way of
the electrocardiogram used for DISCOVERED RADIOACTIVITY, life cycles of the malaria parasite separating the different kinds
monitoring heartbeat. PolishFrench physicist Marie (see 189394) and certain kinds of ions in electromagnetic elds
In August, German chemist Curie and her husband, French of mosquitoes were linked. according to their mass and
Felix Hoffmann (18681946), physicist Pierre Curie (1859 1,000 nm Meanwhile, Dutch biologist charge. The accuracy of mass
working at the Bayer 1906), embarked on a lifelong BACTERIUM Martinus Beijerinck (18511931) spectrometry has resulted in
pharmaceutical laboratories, career studying radioactivity made another breakthrough. He it being used in elds as diverse
produced a painkilling substance at the Becquerel Laboratory. found that a plant disease called as the medical testing of
called acetylsalicylic acid. It was Becquerel had found that pure tobacco mosaic could be spread blood and urine to analyzing
modeled on a related ingredient uranium emissions could cause even when infected plant extract atmospheric samples in
Virus 2040 nm
derived from certain medicinal air to conduct electricity. The was passed through a lter that space exploration.
plants, such as willow and Curies discovered that a uranium Size differential between virus held back bacteria. He deduced
meadowsweet, which had been orecalled pitchblendewas and bacterium that the contagious particles
Viruses are measured in nanometers
known since Ancient Greece. 300 times stronger in this were smaller than bacteria, and
(nm). They lack the cellular structure
The new painkiller was later respect, and deduced that a new of bacteria, being just particles of called them viruses. Beijerinks
marketed as aspirin (see 1899). element present in the ore must protein and genetic material. tobacco mosaic virus would not
Another medical breakthrough be responsible. They named the be isolated until the 1930s.
was made by German physician element polonium, after Maries on key discoveries about a deadly In Germany, physicist Wilhelm
Paul Ehrlich. He developed the native country Poland, and coined diseasemalaria. British Wien (18641928),
side-chain theory, which the term radioactive at the same physician Ronald Ross (1857 experimenting with the positively
explained how the immune time. Later that year, the Curies 1932), working in India, had charged rays produced in certain
system could attack specic discovered another radioactive proved that mosquitoes spread types of vacuum tubes, laid the
infections. It remains the basis of element, radium, and managed the malaria parasite through foundations of a new area
immunological theory to this day. to purify quantities of both for their bite. The previous year of analytical science, mass
further study. after painstakingly dissecting spectrometry. This was a
Cathode ray tube By the 1890s, scientists had mosquito gutshe had found technique used to determine MARIE CURIE (18671934)
Glass vacuum tubes proved useful to discovered two unreactive malaria parasites lodged in the the make-up of molecules by
scientists in the discovery of X-rays noble gases, helium and argon, stomach walls of these insects. vaporizing them into ions (charged Born in Poland, Marie married
and electrons. Rays pass along the
but William Ramsay suggested Pierre Curie in France in 1895.
tube and the pattern formed at the
end shows they are negatively
charged particles (electrons).

rays cause
that gaps in the periodic table
and laboratory analysis of air
pointed to the existence of other
elements. In 1898, working with
The couple shared the Nobel
Prize in 1903 with Henri
Becquerel for their work on
radioactivity. Marie received a

deection pattern
British chemist Morris Travers second Nobel Prize in 1911 for
(18721961), he discovered the discovery of polonium and
three more noble gases:
krypton, xenon, and neon.
TIME TO UNDERSTAND MORE, radium. She donated all her
medals to the World War II
In July, the Annual SO WE... FEAR LESS effort. She died of leukemia
Meeting of the British caused by radiation exposure.
Medical Association reported Marie Curie, PolishFrench physicist

an ium re rie
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18 9 5 194 5 T H E ATO M I C AG E


Light, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, microwaves, JAMES CLERK
and radio waves all propagate through space at extremely high speed. As well as theorizing
the existence of
They are all different forms of electromagnetic radiation, which can be electromagnetic
understood as waves, but also as particles called photons. waves, James Clerk
Maxwell played a key
role in interpreting
By the 19th century, evidence suggested that oscillating the emerging science
electric eld of thermodynamics,
light travels as waves and that wavelength direction of and took the rst
determines the light waves color. Two invisible movement color photograph
forms of lightlonger-wavelength infrared (see 1861).
radiation (IR) and shorter-wavelength ultraviolet
radiation (UV)had also been discovered. oscillating
magnetic eld
In the 1860s, British physicist James Clerk ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE

2,050 miles
In these self-propagating waves, oscillating
Maxwell formulated a set of equations that electric and magnetic elds travel in the same
describes how electric elds produce magnetic direction but in perpendicular planes.
elds and how magnetic elds produce electric
elds. Maxwell realized that his formula was a and went on to predict the existence of other as THE DISTANCE COVERED
wave equation," describing wave motion. The yet unknown forms of radiation. Within 20 years, BY GUGLIEMO MARCONIS
speed of the waves described by the equation German physicist Heinrich Hertz had produced
exactly matched the speed of light. Maxwell radio waveselectromagnetic waves with much FIRST TRANSATLANTIC
concluded that light is an electromagnetic wave," longer wavelengths than light (see 1887). RADIO SIGNAL IN 1901




1km (0.6 miles) 100m (330 ft) 10m (33 ft) 1m (3 ft 3 in) 10cm (4 in) 1cm (2.5 in) 1mm 100m 10m

Electromagnetic spectrum Radio telescope Microwave oven Remote controller

Visible light represents a tiny part of Large dish Produced by Most remote
the whole spectrum of electromagnetic telescopes that magnetrons, controllers use
radiation. Every part of the spectrum detect radio waves short-wavelength coded infrared
features in some way in the modern provide essential radio waves called radiation to send
world; a few representative examples information about microwaves are instructions to
are shown here. distant space. used to heat food. electrical devices.



Scientists had long debated whether light travels
through space as streams of particles or as
waves. The wave theory was in favor in the 19th
century, even before Maxwells discovery. However,
there were phenomena the wave theory could
not explain, including the photoelectric effect."
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), British physicist, 1899


radiation source In addition to ultraviolet, infrared, and radio
waves, scientists discovered two new forms of
opaque electromagnetic radiation in the 1890s, both
with very short wavelengths (or high-energy
photons): X-rays and gamma rays.
Devices that can produce or detect the various
refract forms of electromagnetic radiation have many,
and varied, applications. For example, different
types of radio waves are used to carry television,
particles travel radio, and telephone signals. In medicine,
in straight lines INFARED RADIATION
penetrating X-rays are used to produce images
Cameras sensitive to infrared radiation can produce color-
of the inside of the body, while gamma rays coded images that reveal temperature differencesallowing
All waves diffract or spread out as they pass the edges are used in radiation therapy. engineers to detect heat loss from houses, for example.
of stationary objects. Water waves do this as they enter
harbors, for example. The diffraction of light is hard to
explain if light is understood to be a stream of particles. RADIO MAP OF THE SKY
Nonvisible electromagnetic
radiation provides new
In 1887, Hertz attached two electrodes to a windows through which to
study the Universe. Normally
battery and set them a small distance apart invisible interstellar dust
in a vacuum tube. When he shone light onto them, emits radio waves, so it
an electric current red between them, but shows up in this radio map
of the sky.
above a certain wavelength it stopped, however
intense the light. Albert Einstein explained this
effect by proving that electromagnetic radiation
plane of the Milky
exists as particles (photons), and that different Way
colors of light, and different forms of radiation,
differ in the amount of energy their photons carry.


1m 100nm 10nm 1nm 0.1nm 0.01nm 0.001nm 0.0001nm 0.00001nm

Human eye Sunglasses Dental X-ray Power plant

Humans only see Most sunglasses X-rays penetrate Nuclear power
radiationlight have lenses that soft tissue, but are stations have thick
within a certain block ultraviolet blocked by bones shielding to block
range. Some radiation, which and teeth, making gamma radiation,
animals can see can damage the them useful for which can be
outside this range. eyes' retinas. medical imaging. harmful to health.

1899 1900


This car from the 1920s advertises Bayers drug bearing a Dutch slogan, Zeppelin LZ1 had its maiden ight
which translates as Overcomes all sufferings. over southern Germany in 1900.

ERNEST RUTHERFORD (1871 paper stops metal) stops thick lead stops
alpha particle alpha particle beta particle gamma ray
1937) was studying the radiation

given off by uranium saltsrst
discovered by Henri Becquerel
(see 1896). Rutherford was
interested in the way radioactivity THE QUANTITY beta particle

caused gases to be able to OF ASPIRIN

conduct electricity. This happens
because the gas becomes
ionized: radiation knocks out GLOBALLY gamma ray
one or more electrons (negative
particles), leaving positive
EACH YEAR THE FRENCH CHEMIST PAUL July saw the rst ight of the
Penetration of radiation
Alpha particles cannot penetrate
paper, unlike smaller beta particles.
charges behind. Rutherford also new drug for Bayer, a German VILLARD (18601934) announced rigid airship named after the
Gamma radiation is not made up of
discovered that uranium emitted pharmaceutical company. The that he had found a third type of German Count Ferdinand von particles and its high-energy rays
two types of radiation, which drug was aspirin, a painkiller radiation only a year after the Zeppelin (18381917). Its are stopped only by lead.
he named alpha and beta. His that had been developed by discovery of alpha- and beta- light-alloy frameworkbuoyed
alpha rays were later identied Bayers scientists two years radiation. Villards rays, emitted by an internal system of In October, German physicist Max
as particles that are the nuclei of earlier. Aspirin would become by radium salts, were far more hydrogen balloonsproved Planck had a theory that
helium atoms, while beta rays the worlds best-selling drug. penetrating: they were similar difcult to control. It hailed the proposed a new way of looking
were found to be streams of to X-rays but had shorter start of a period of commercial at physics. He was interested in
electrons. Both were the Effect of ionization wavelengths and high energy. airship success. The program the science behind an everyday
Ionizing radiation (alpha and beta
by-products of radioactive decay. Rutherford later called them was scrapped after the fatal phenomenondarker objects
particles, gamma rays, and X-rays)
In March, the Imperial Patent carries enough energy to create ions gamma rays. Hindenburg crash of 1937. are warmed more by light than
Ofce in Berlin trademarked a (charged particles) from atoms. paler ones. The theoretically
MAX PLANCK (18581947) darkest object, a so-called black
ionizing radiations there are now electron is ejected from
radiation energy excites more positive the atom, carying its body, absorbs all electromagnetic
strikes an electron protons than negative charge Physicist Max Planck studied radiation, including visible
atom negative in Munich and Berlin, and lightand then is a perfect
became a professor at Kiel, emitter of this radiation. Planck
then Berlin. He helped reasoned that there were
organize the rst Solvay discrete vibrations of atoms in
Conference for Physics in a body, equivalent to packages
1911, when scientists met to of energywhich when added
discuss quantum theory. He together give the total amount
was awarded the Nobel Prize of energy emitted. The idea that
in 1918. Unlike many scientists, radiation, such as light, comes in
Planck remained in Germany packages of energy later called
during the Nazi government. quanta was the foundation of
ATOM POSITIVE ION quantum physics.

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Ernest Rutherford, Philosphical Magazine, 1902

Radium salt left on photographic plate shows strong radioactivity

after developmentthe yellow tracks are emitting alpha particles.

This year also saw the origins of Radioactive decay longer than the estimated age (18641915) examined a woman
The half-life of a radioactive element
a revolution in biology: several
biologists rediscovered the laws
100% is the time taken for a particular
of the Universe.
In biology, Karl Landsteiner
exhibiting signs of a severe form
of dementiaand described
element to decay into another form.
of inheritance that had been elaborated on his theory of symptoms of the disease that
established by Gregor Mendel 50% Thorium-232 has a half-life of 14
billion years. blood compatibility. On eventually carried his name.
(see 1866). Dutch botanist Hugo November 14, he announced that Following her death in 1906,
de Vries (18481935) found that happened in the same way: for he had identied three different Alzeimer examined her brain and
the inheritance of characteristics 25% instance, thorium changes into blood groups, A, B, and O, on observed the abnormal plaques
in plants followed rules dictated radium. Rutherford identied the basis of compatibility that are characteristic of
by particles he called pangenes the time it takes for half the patterns. Another rarer blood Alzheimers disease.
(later changed to genes). radioactive material to decay group, AB, was discovered later. On December 12, Italian
Thorium-232 Thorium-232
Austrian biologist Karl after 14 after 28 into another form, which he A meeting of the Zoological inventor Guglielmo Marconi was
Landsteiner (18681943) billion years billion years later named its half-life. Soddy Society of London reported on reported to have sent the rst
proposed a theory about blood went on to demonstrate that the discovery of a spectacular radio signal across the Atlantic
group compatibility in a IN FEBRUARY AND AUGUST, some elements had variants, new large mammal from the Oceanfrom Porthcurno, the
footnote of a scientic paper. He BRITISH ENGINEER Hubert Cecil known as isotopes, which may or forests of Africa. The okapi had most southwesterly tip of
had found that if the serum (the Booth (18711955) led patents may not be radioactive. Half-lives been discovered by explorer England, to Newfoundland, in
liquid part of blood) from one for a device that sucked air of elements and their isotopes Harry Johnston (18581927) and North America. Although some
person was mixed with anothers through a lter system. His vary: for some isotopes of was described on the basis of people suggested that it was
entire blood, it could cause invention was the rst powered beryllium it is a fraction of a examination of its skin and skull. nothing more than interference,
clumping of the red blood cells. vacuum cleaner. In November, second, but for the element In November, German others described it as a
This explained why some blood American electrical engineer bismuth-209, it is a billion times psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer deliberate Morse code signal.
transfusions were fatal. Miller Reese Hutchinson,
(18761944), inspired by a friend BLOOD GROUPS
rendered deaf by scarlet fever,
A antigen anti-A
patented the rst electrical Red blood cells from some Anti-B
hearing aid. In a modication of people carry surface antibody does
does not
not react
Alexander Bells telephone components called antigens. react
technology, Reese Hutchinsons Karl Landsteiner identied two
device transmitted sound from typesA and Bwhich can
B antigen
a microphone to the ear via a trigger the fatal clumping
set of headphones. (agglutination) if blood is given BLOOD GROUP A BLOOD GROUP B
Ernest Rutherford and British to someone with appropriately anti-B antibody
physicist Frederick Soddy sensitive antibodies. Blood B antigen does not react
(18771956) found that group O has no antigens so it
De Vries in his garden radioactive elements changed can be donated to anyone. anti-A
Hugo de Vries experimented with into other forms when they Blood from group AB has both antibody does
A antigen
breeding plantsas Gregor Mendel not react
emitted radioactivity. This antigens, and can only be given
had done years before. Although he
retired in 1918, he continued his transmutation, as they later to a person with AB blood. BLOOD GROUP AB BLOOD GROUP O
research until his death. called it (see 1916), always

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1902 1903

Close to the Earths surface is the orange-red glow of the troposphere, which contains breathable air and our weather The Wright brothers 1903 Flyer rst
systems. The brownish layer, the tropopause, marks the transition to the gray-blue stratosphere beyond. ew in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

rather than radio signals, and of the atmosphere. Over a period THE FIRST DESCRIPTION OF
was vulnerable to interference. of 10 years he had sent up more A PROCEDURE that would
American and German 621 than 200 specially equipped eventually become known as
biologists Walter Sutton MILES: hydrogen balloons. He found that chromatography was presented
(18771916) and Theodor Boveri THERMOSPHERE weather systems occurred in a at the Proceedings of the
(18621915) independently layer that extended at least 6 Warsaw Society of Naturalists in
identied chromosomes as the miles (9 km) above the Earths 1903. Russian botanist Mikhail
carriers of genetic material. up to 53 miles: surface. Beyond this layer the air Tsvet (18721919) had managed
Nearly 40 years earlier, Gregor up to 31 miles: mesosphere was thinner and conditions to separate the chemical
Mendel had shown that inherited stratosphere up to 10 miles: calmer. Later, de Bort called the components of plant pigments.
characteristics were the result of troposphere lower layer the troposphere, and He rst let the mixture dissolve
sea level
particles (see 1866). Sutton the upper one, the stratosphere. in petroleum ether and then ran
Micrograph showing cell division Layers of Earths atmosphere
As a cell divides, chromosomes are looked at sperm-forming cells On February 17, the Stanley it through a column of nely
The atmosphere is made up of four
pulled apart, and the genes they of grasshoppers and saw that layers. The gases are concentrated Motor Carriage Company was ground calcium carbonate.
carry are passed on to the two moving chromosomes mirrored in the thin troposphere. founded in the US for the The orange, yellow, and green
new cells formed. Mendels particles of inheritance. production of a steam-driven pigments separated into
Boveri saw that sea urchin In April, meteorologist Lon car rst built in 1897; the factory different bands: the ones that
ON JANUARY 1, NATHAN embryos needed an intact Teisserenc de Bort (18551913) closed in 1924. dissolved better in the solvent
STUBBLEFIELD (18601928), a chromosome set to reported to the French Academy travelled faster and further.
Kentucky farmer and inventor, develop properly. of Sciences on his investigation The Stanley Steamer Tsvets technique would later
showed off an electrical device Early Stanley cars had boilers under be adopted as an important
the seats that generated steam.
that could send voice and music analytical tool for separating
Known as Stanley Steamers, they
wirelessly over a distance of half were fuelled by a gasoline burner mixtures of substances.
a mile. Although it provoked and started by a crank. Humankinds attempts at
scientic discussion, this powered ight reached an
wireless technology did not important breakthrough on
survive because it relied on December 17, when American
disturbances generated by inventor brothers Orville
electromagnetic induction, (18711948) and Wilbur Wright

(18671912) achieved the rst
controlled man-carrying
ight powered by an

engine. For many
POSSESS years pioneers

DIFFERENT of aviation had

tried hot-air
QUALITIES. balloons and
Theodor Boveri, On Multipolar
Mitosis as a Means of the Cell varying degrees
Analysis, February 17, 1902 of success. The

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Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor, in Messages without Wires, 1901

The equipment at the Marconi wireless station in Massachusetts,

US, which transmitted across the Atlantic to Cornwall, England.

Wright brothers experimented AFTER THREE YEARS of sending In July, Piero Conti (18651939), American astronomer Charles
with glider design to maximize transatlantic radio signals an Italian businessman from the Dillon Perrine (18671951)
lift and added a lightweight including coherent messages volcanic region of Larderello, discovered a moon of Jupiter
aluminium gasoline engine to Italian inventor Guglielmo Tuscany, demonstrated a steam that was later named Himalia
provide the power. Orville made Marconi (18741937) set up the engine that ran on geothermal after a mythical Greek nymph. It
the rst 12-second ight in rst commercial transatlantic power. Conti succeeded in is the sixth largest of Jupiters
their aircraft, the 1903 Flyer, and radio service. By 1907 it had producing enough electricity moons and is thought to have
ew 40 yd (37 m). The same day, become a regular service. from a dynamo to illuminate been formed from an asteroid
The March issue of the ve light bulbs. Contis legacy captured in the planets orbit.
science journal the Philosophical is that the Larderello region now
Magazine contained a piece produces 10 percent of the positive plate
written by British physicist worlds geothermal electricity. (anode)
J.J. Thomson (18561940) In November, British physicist
in which he described a new static electron, cloudlike body John Ambrose Fleming
or plum the pudding
way of looking at the atom (18491945) led a patent
that accommodated the newly The plum pudding model for the rst vacuum
Thomsons model for atomic
discovered electron, known diodedesigned
structure was an early attempt at
as the plum pudding model. suggesting how charged particles by adding a positive
Thomson thought of an atom as could coexist in a neutral atom. electrode (anode) to
a pudding of positive charge, an Edison light bulb.
in which the negatively charged His model had a large positive Electrons from the hot
electron plums were core, which was orbited by lament bulb owed
embedded. Later in the year, the negative electrons, rather like through the bulbs vacuum
Orville and Wilbur Wright Japanese physicist Hantaro the rings around planet Saturn. to the cold anodeconverting
The Wright brothers ran a bicycle Nagaoka (18651950) rejected Within a few years, experiments alternating current (AC) signals
shop, but were inspired by early the idea that positive and in the UK would show that atoms to direct current (DC). This
attempts at aviation. By 1908, they
had managed an hour-long ight,
negative charges could have a dense positive nucleus marked the start of an era of
and carried a passenger. intermingle in this way, and with encircling electronsmore electronics, and for decades
suggested his Saturnian model. like Nagaokas model. improved versions of Flemings
Wilbur managed 284 yd (260 m) diodes were used in many
in 59 seconds. devices, from radios to the

The Wright brothers rst rst computers.
aircraft was designed to In early December at the
minimize load and maximize Lick Observatory in California,
exibility. It had a spruce ash

wooden frame covered in muslin. Flemings vacuum diode
The engine gave it enough speed The design features a metal plate
that acts as an anode (positively
for the wings to generate more
lift than the weight of the
THE DISTANCE OF charged electrode) to attract
electrons from the bulb lament,
machine: the principle of ight. HIMALIA FROM JUPITER thereby creating direct current.

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15th century
Although Italian polymath Leonardo da
netting support for Vincis ornithopteran aircraft with apping
covering of feathers
wingscould never have own, it may be the
pedal provides strong
hand lever provides rst design for a ying machine.
downstroke of wings
weak upstroke of wings

Aerial carriage
waxed 1848
paper wing British inventors John
Stringfellow and William Wright Flyer
Henson achieved the rst 1903 exible wing helps control
powered ight with this Orville and Wilbur Wright, American inventors, achieved the height and direction
model aircraft, driven rst manned, powered, controlled take-off and ight with
by a tiny steam engine. their Flyer in North Carolina on December 17, 1903.


The dream of flight dates back to the Ancient Greek myth of tailn 63 ft
(19.3 m) high
Daedalus, who flew with wings of feather and wax. It was not
until the 18th century that flight became a reality,
paving the way for a range of flying machines.

Humans rst took to the air in 1783, in a hot-air balloon

developed by the Montgoler brothers in France. For a
century, aircraft used gas for liftrst in the form of
balloons and then steerable airships. Winged aircraft
took off under their own power for the rst time with
the Wright brothers historic ight in 1903.

envelope lled
with helium main rotor blades
provide power and lift

Skyship 500 HL
Airships were the luxury gondola carries
crew and
liners of the 1920s, despite
their slow speed and the
inammability of their
lifting gashydrogen.
Today, smaller airships
serve as airborne
platforms for cameras
Hot-air balloon covering major events.
Date unknown
Balloons gain lift because
they contain a gassuch as tail rotor allows Schweizer 300C helicopter
helium or heated airthat steering and 1970
stability Small helicopters such as this one can hover, take
is less dense than the air
surrounding the balloon. off and land vertically, and turn on the spotmaking
them perfect for urban ying.


Vought F4U Corsair

Fast and highly maneuverable,
single-engine ghterbomber
planes such as the Corsair
were in great demand
Supermarine Walrus
during World War II.
Used for survey missions during World War II,
the Walrus could be catapulted into the air
from the deck of a ship. It could also land
on water and be lifted back aboard.
foldable wings

fully retractable
landing gear
light aluminum body

metal body
Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk
Stealth aircraft such as the Nighthawk
are designed to avoid detection by
enemy radar. They are shaped and
colored to diffract and reect radar
waves indistinctly.

wing oat

body shape Concorde
A BritishFrench engineering collaboration
and powered by turbojet engines, the Concorde
was one of two supersonic airliners to enter
narrow, streamlined fuselage commercial service. It could y from New York,
US, to London, UK, in under three hours.

drooping nose cone

allows runway visibility
Boeing 747
triangular wings, roundly
tapered at the ends Until it was surpassed by the A380 in 2007, the
Boeing 747 was the worlds biggest airliner, with
wide body the capacity to carry up to 680 passengers.

high-power, tailn provides

low-fuel-consumption directional stability
turbofan engine US Space Shuttle
hold can be Although it had to be launched by rockets,
Schleicher ASK13 opened in space the US Space Shuttle was the rst spacecraft
1966 to release to land on a runway and to be used for
payload further ights like a conventional aircraft.
long, thin wing Made using strong,
reduces drag ultralight modern
materials, gliders can y
far and high, using rising
air currents for lift.

main engine

1905 1906

Albert Einstein, on Brownian motion, July 18, 1905

Albert Calmette (center) studied animal toxins and developed some of the rst
antivenoms. Later he collaborated with Camille Gurin to make BCG vaccine.

ALBERT EINSTEIN PUBLISHED time and space to show that it BRITISH GEOLOGIST RICHARD waves travel much more
FOUR REVOLUTIONARY PAPERS was compatible. Finally in OLDHAM (18581936) studied slowlyand S-waves stop
in what became known as his November, he published a the seismic shocks that went altogether. In February, Oldham
Annus Mirabilis (Miracle Year). conclusion that arose from his through Earth following suggested this phenomenon
His rst expanded Max Plancks work on relativity. He suggested earthquakes. At the end of the could be explained by the
idea from 1900 that energy that when an object emitted previous century Oldham had presence of a core inside
existed in minute packets of
energy. Einstein proposed that
MILLION energy, it lost mass too, so
energy and mass were
identied two kinds of waves:
fast-moving, longitudinal,
Earth that was composed of
a different kind of material.
packets of light energy could THE SPEED interchangeable. This primary P-waves and slower, Later studies would show that
help explain the photoelectric
effect, in which wavelength (not
OF LIGHT relationship was expressed in
a simple equation: E = mc2.
transverse, secondary S-waves.
He found that below a certain
Earth has a core located at a
depth of 1,802 miles (2,900 km),
intensity) of light provides the IN MILES British biologist William depth within Earth, seismic and conrmed that the outer
energy needed to eject electrons PER HOUR Bateson (18611926) was among core is uid.
from a metal surfacelater a number of scientists interested On Christmas Eve, a Canadian
proven experimentally (see 1921). in the study of inheritance. In a inventor, working at the US
Einsteins second theory he reconciled the constancy of letter of April this year he called Weather Bureau, broadcast the
explained how the random the speed of light with the it genetics. rst radio program. Reginald
movement of tiny particles in principle of relativity: the idea Growing populations needed Fessenden (18661932), a rival of
gas or water was caused by the that mechanical processes more food, so the demand for Guglielmo Marconi, transmitted
motion of molecules bombarding happened in the same way crop fertilizer increased. German his program from Brant Rock,
the particlesBrownian motion. whether at rest or moving. Light chemists devised a way to make Massachusetts. It included a
In September, Einstein had previously been regarded as ammonia, the compound that voice message and music was
published his theory of special an exception to this principle provided nitrogen for plant directed to ships in the Atlantic
relativity (see pp.24445). In it but Einstein used an analysis of growth. Ammonia is formed Ocean more used to receiving
from hydrogen and nitrogen. TUBERCULOSIS (TB) messages in Morse code.
ALBERT EINSTEIN (18791955) Fritz Haber (18681934) At the Institut Pasteur, France,
described a key reaction between German physician Robert work began on a program that
Born in Germany, Einstein took atmospheric nitrogen and Koch (18431910) identied led to the development of a new
Swiss citizenship before nding hydrogen. During World War I, the bacteria that caused TB, vaccine that would protect
work at the Bern patent ofce when natural sources of nitrate and was awarded the Nobel millions of peoples from a
in 1903. Here he wrote his came under Allied control, Carl Prize in 1905. Formerly deadly disease: tuberculosis
ground-breaking papers and Bosch (18741940) used Habers called consumption, TB was (TB). French scientists Albert
was awarded a doctorate by principle to produce industrial often fatal. It infects the Calmette (18631933) and
the University of Zurich. He quantities of ammonia. lungscausing lesions, or Camille Gurin (18721961) had
completed his general theory German chemist Alfred tuberclesand is spread been inspired by the historical
of relativity in 1915 and was Einhorn (18561917) succeeded through droplets dispersed uses of the harmless cowpox as
awarded the Nobel Prize in in making the local anesthetic by coughs and sneezes. The a way to vaccinate humans
1922. In later years, Einstein procaine, later traded as BCG vaccine was the rst against dangerous smallpox (see
became a US citizen. Novocaine. The drug would protection against TB. 1796). They thought that a
become a standard painkiller. similar process could be tried

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By 1907, Nobel laureate Ivan Pavlov, shown here with his staff and one of the dogs, had
received much acclaim for his experiments with reex responses in animals.

site of
extent of earth core inferred
by path of P-waves
,, THE later taken up by British geologist
Arthur Holmes (see 1913).


shadow which could be used to amplify The German chemist Emil
zone electrical signals and act as a Fischer (18521919) succeeded

OF 1,000
switch. Until the invention of the in linking together the building
transistor years later (see 1947), blocks of proteins. These
diode and triode valves were unitscalled amino acids
used in circuits in radios,
televisions, and computers.
USES. came in a variety of types.
Fischer identied many of them
The Belgian-born chemist Leo Baekeland, on Bakelite and showed how they bonded in
Leo Baekeland (18631944) protein chains. His work was the
produced the rst plastic foundation of protein chemistry.
made from synthetic oil was always a multiple of a tiny Russian physiologist Ivan
materials. Baekelands new value: the charge on a single Pavlov (18491936) converted
product, later named Bakelite, electron. Millikan published his his laboratory so that he could
was heat-resistant and non- rst results in 1910. concentrate on his study of
conductive. It was used for Following the discovery that animal behavior. Using dogs,
electrical insulation as well as radioactive materials decay at Pavlov had shown that animals
to make domestic utensils and xed rates (see 1901), American could be taught to salivate when
childrens toys. scientist Bertram Boltwood they heard a ringing bell, known
An earthquake French lmmakers Auguste (18491936) used this to calculate as the conditioned, or learned,
some P-waves are
produces fast-moving (18621954) and Louis Lumire the age of rocks. He found reex (see 1889).
refracted by the core
waves that slow down and bend (18641948) began marketing that ores of uranium
as they pass through Earths core,
had been soaked with ox gall the rst commercial color (uraninite) contained a
creating a shadow zone where a
seismograph cannot detect them. (obtained from cows liver) and photographic method. This proportion of lead, and
set out to continue the culture autochrome (self-coloring) the older the rock, the
out for TB. Calmette and Guerin line until it was safe to use. It process involved using a negative more lead it contained.
wanted to use a bovine (cattle- was 10 years before their BCG plate that was coated with Lead was a product of a
borne) form of TB to develop a (Bacille Calmette Gurin) transparent grains of dye- known rate of uranium
vaccine against the human form vaccine was ready for use on colored starch, which ltered decay, so it accumulated
of TB. They set up cultures of animalsit was not tried on light before it hit a layer of over time. The study of
bovine TB on potato slices that humans until 1921. photographic emulsion. radiometric dating was
Following J.J. Thomsons

demonstration that electrons
were particles (see 1896), Early color photoraph
American physicist Robert This autochrome image
Millikan (18681953) began shows Doug, niece of the
Lumire brothers, out in
THE TEMPERATURE OF experiments to calculate their
electrical charge. He found that
her pram with her nurse.
It was taken between
EARTHS INNER CORE the charge on falling droplets of 1906 and 1912.

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18 9 5 194 5 T H E ATO M I C AG E


In the early 20th century, German-born physicist Albert Einstein published

two theories that revolutionized our understanding of space, time, energy,
and gravity. The first, known as the special theory of relativity, only applies
in certain circumstances; the second is the general theory of relativity.

In the 19th century, physicists thought that both measuring the distance between the same
empty space was actually lled with a two points in space, or the time between the
substance, which they called ether, and that light same two events, would come up with different
travels through the ether at a xed speed. Since answers. Einsteins relativity also did away with
our planet is moving, they predicted that the the stationary ether and showed that there ALBERT EINSTEIN
When Einstein published his theory of special
measured speed of light would differ from its is no absolute reference point in space or time. relativity, he was working as a clerk at the
actual speedjust as a passing car appears to patent ofce in Bern, Switzerland.
move faster or slower than its actual speed if OBSERVER WITHIN OBSERVER OUTSIDE
you are also moving. To test this ideaand in REFERENCE FRAME REFERENCE FRAME
an attempt to determine Earth's actual, or light beam
absolute speed through spacethey measured mirror

the speed of light in different directions and at

different times of the year. But in every case, the
speed of light was always exactly the same.

SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY astronaut light beam light takes longer to

bounce between mirrors
The fact that the speed of light is constant was
perplexing, and it challenged common-sense A beam of light bounces between mirrors inside a spacecraft observer
assumptions about the nature of time and space. that is moving past Earth. An astronaut inside the craft on Earth

In his theory of special relativity Einstein showed perceives only vertical movement in the light. Viewed from
Earth, it appears that the light travels farther between the
that time and space are indeed relative mirrors, and takes longer to make the same journey.
quantities: that two observers in relative motion

So, time runs slowly in the moving frame of reference.


Albert Einstein, in the film Atomic Physics, 1948


In working through the mathematical equations
in his theory of relativity, Einstein encountered a
surprising result: the mass of an object increases
as it gets faster, and at the speed of light an
object would have innite mass. Einstein realized
e=mc energy mass speed of light
that the speed of light must therefore be the
Universes ultimate speed limit. His equations
suggested that mass and energy are equivalent
to each other, and he dened a new quantity: PARTICLE ACCELERATOR
mass-energy." The equivalence of mass and Physicists working with particle accelerators
energy is expressed in Einsteins most famous routinely use Einsteins theory to predict the
increase in mass of high-speed particles, and to
equation, E = mc, in which E stands for energy, work out how much longer it takes for them to
m for mass, and c for the speed of light squared. decay as a result of time dilation (see above).



The Sun is massive enough to bend
apparent position
of star
the surrounding spacetime to such an
extent that starlight passing close by
is deected enough to make the star
appear in a position slightly different
from its actual position. British
physicist Arthur Eddington conrmed
this prediction of the general theory of
actual position
relativity in 1919, during a solar eclipse.
of star

light from a distant star is

effectively bent by warped
spacetime as it passes
close to the Sun

two-dimensional rubber
sheet represents four-
dimensional spacetime; dents
in the sheet represent
distortion of spacetime by the
presence of massive objects

Einsteins special theory only applies
to objects moving in a straight line at
unchanging speeds and does not take into
account gravity. In trying to incorporate gravity
and acceleration, Einstein made use of a concept
devised by German mathematician Hermann
Minkowski. In 1907, Minkowski suggested considering
time as a fourth dimension and dened the four
intertwined dimensions as spacetime." In the 1910s, spacetime around the
Einstein worked out a set of equations that describe gravity as Sun is distorted, creating
a gravitational well
the curvature of spacetime. The equations were the basis of his
new general theory of relativity, published in 1916. The general
theory accurately predicts how gravity affects time and bends light.



spaceship spaceship spaceship

accelerating oating falling freely
in space in space toward Earth
ball drops ball ball
to ground does not does not
move move
drops to
the foor
gravity of Earth FALLING TO EARTH
canceled out by Inside a spaceship in
thrust acceleration freefall, an object will
ON EARTH accelerate downward
A key part of the general theory is the ACCELERATING IN SPACE FLOATING IN SPACE at the same rate as
equivalence principle: that there is no Inside an accelerating spaceship, a If the spaceship is moving at a constant the spaceship. There
difference between accelerated motion dropped object would behave in exactly speed, then a dropped object will not is no difference
and gravity. To us, gravity is a force that the same way as an object dropped in fall, but instead will remain stationary between accelerated
makes things accelerate downward. Earths gravitational eld." relative to the hand that releases it. motion and gravity.

1908 1909

According to some, the inspiration for cellophane came after its inventor, Jacques Brandenberger, saw wine A remarkable repository of some of the oldest animal fossils, Canadas
spilled on a tablecloth. But the lm proved more useful in waterproof packaging than for stain protection. Burgess Shale is a record of Cambrian ocean life half a billion years ago.


BRANDENBERGER (18721954) Bayerpioneer of aspirinwas substances according to whether
invented a way of producing INCREDIBLE EVENT THAT granted a patent on a sulfur- they were acid (16), alkaline


sheets of thin waterproof lm based drug. The drug was a (814), or neutral (7).
made from wood cellulose. derivative of sulfonamides, a The previous year, Louis
The lm came to be called
cellophane (for cellulose ME IN MY LIFE. class of bacterial agents that
would rise to prominence in 1932
Blriot (18721936), a French
engineer, had witnessed the
and diaphane, French for Ernest Rutherford, New Zealand-born physicist, from his lecture
and dominate the preantibiotic public manned ights of Wilbur
transparent). Brandenbergers The Development of the Theory of Atomic Structure, 1936 period. Sulfonamides marked a Wright. Inspired into action, he
original idea was to spray signicant step in chemotherapy set his sights on the English
liqueed cellulose onto fabric as measuring radioactivity by foils on a stream of alpha the scientic development of Channel. French inventor Jean
a stain-repellent, but he found scintillationcounting the particles. Marsdens work using drugs that cured disease using Piere Blanchard had crossed it in
that he could pull away a dry lm ashes of light when the rays gold foil threw up unexpected sound pharmaceutical a balloon (see 1785) but in July,
that was far more useful. struck a zinc sulde screen. They results. According to the atomic principlesbut Bayer was Bleriot became the rst person
New Zealand-born physicist carried out experiments ring structure theory of the time (the unaware of their importance. to cross the English Channel in
Ernest Rutherfords half-life radiation through barriers, plum pudding model, see 1904) At the same time, German a manned, powered plane. The
explanation of radioactivity still enlisting the help of a student alpha particles should have physician Paul Ehrlich and Blriot XI left Calais at sunrise on
commanded attention. He and called Ernest Marsden (1889 passed straight through the gold, Japanese biologist Sahachiro July 25 and landed in Dover
German physicist Hans Geiger 1970). Geiger and Marsden but instead a few bounced back. Hata (18731978) were working 36 minutes later. As well as
(18821945) had devised a way of studied the effects of metallic Rutherford later said it was, as on their own custom-made drug receiving international acclaim,
though you red a bullet at tissue to treat the sexually transmitted Blriot won a 1,000 prize from
paper and it bounced back. His bacterial disease syphilis. Londons Daily Mail newspaper.
most alpha particles
pass straight analysis of Marsdens results Sren Srenson (18791963), In America, paleontologist
through the foil suggested that the deected a Danish chemist, was studying Charles Walcott (18501927)
particles were striking a very proteina substance that is made an important discovery.
foil dense nucleus at the core of sensitive to the
a few particles each atom. effects of acids and
hit gold nucleus In August, ve years after their alkali. Srenson
and rebound
historic maiden ights, the worked on a way of
Wright brothers were in the air quantifying acidity
again, but this time they had an and alkalinity and,
zinc sulde
screen audience. In an atmosphere of as a result, devised
slit in lead scepticism, Wilbur had traveled
alpha sheet to ensure
beam narrow beam gold to France to show off their Measuring pH value
atom manned, powered aircraft. Over Indicator paper
Marsdens gold leaf experiment nucleus several days he demonstrated contains a chemical
A beam of alpha particles was red that reacts with acid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
his mastery of ying and the
at a piece of gold foil. When some most particles pass or alkali to produce a
particles bounced back from the foil, assembled crowds grew daily: colour to match a
straight through
physicists saw this as evidence that the Wright brothers became scale according to the
atoms had very dense nuclei. DETAIL OF GOLD FOIL aviation celebrities. subjects strength. strong acid neutral strong alkali

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The distinctive corkscrew shaped bacteria that cause syphilis were nally
conquered by an arsenic-based drug initially known as 606.

ON MAY 20, HALLEYS COMET American physicist Robert W.

motor cortex controls somatosensory cortex receives came closer to Earth than Wood (18681955)an expert in
coordinated muscle and analyses nerve impulses
movements from touch receptors
at any time since 1835. The New opticswas the rst to use
York Times had warned of an infrared (IR) and ultraviolet
premotor cortex creates sensory cortex processes imminent apocalypse as (UV) radiation to produce
the intention to move sensory information
astronomers had described the photographs, and published the
prefrontal cortex is visual cortex integrates comets poisonous cyanide- rst examples. Wood pioneered
involved in determining visual data with memories containing tail. However, the this type of photography and the
personality and thought. and other senses event passed without disaster. technology would lead to the
Brocas area is associated primary visual cortex The Danish and American modern-day black lights that
with the production of language receives and analyses nerve astronomers, Ejnar Hertzsprung emit UV radiation and minimal
auditory cortex impulses from the eyes (18731967) and Henry Russell visible light.
primary auditory cortex integrates auditory
(18771957), published the
receives and analyzes nerve data with memories the Wernickes area is
impulses from the ears and other senses associated with language HertzsprungRussell, or H-R,
diagram they devised to
BRAIN FUNCTIONS classify star types. The H-R
diagram is a scatter graph that
This map of the most complex part of the brain Sensory areas receive signals from the rest of plots the relationship between
came out of the painstaking work of Korbinian the body and motor areas control the dispatch of temperature, luminosity, and
Brodmann. The surface of the cerebral signals to muscles. Association areas are those size of stars and distinguishes
hemispherescalled the cerebral cortexis involved in complicated, higher processing, such types of stars as clusters within
divided into sensory, motor, and association areas. as decision-making and language. the chartwhite dwarfs, main
sequence, super-giants, and red
giants. It remains a standard
Coming to the end of eldwork at oldest and best-preserved (18681918) had been working astronomical tool today. PAUL ERLICH (18541915)
Burgess Shale in the Canadian fossil sites, with specimens that on the ne structure of the part In April, Paul Ehrlich
Rocky Mountains, Walcott found dated back 500 million years. of the brain called the cerebral announced the completion of Starting his career in the
a large deposit of fossils. Walcott attempted to classify the cortex, which controls higher his arsenic-based drug, 606, to medical study of blood, Paul
Subsequent investigation animals into known groups, but functionsfor example, treat syphilis. By November, the Ehrlich developed stains for
revealed it to be one of the scientists have since discovered decision-making and emotion. German drug company Hoeschst revealing cellsincluding
that many of them belonged to Using microscopic studies, AG had begun marketing it as bacteria. From these studies,
ancient evolutionary dead ends. Brodmann managed to identify Salvarsan. Demand for this he pursued the magic
German neuroscientist the different functional regions new drug grew quickly as the bulleta drug that could
Korbinian Brodmann of this part of the brain that treatment was more effective target a specic infectious
could be linked to processes than any previous medication. organisminitiating the
demonstrated experimentally However, the toxic dangers of its concept of chemotherapy. He
1 Comparing pH value by other scientists. Brodmanns arsenic component remained a also worked on immunization
HYDROCHLORIC ACID hydrogen Acidity is determined by hydrogen
cerebral map formed the basis concern and, 30 years later, and proposed a theory that
ion in ions. The concentration of hydrogen
water ions in hydrochloric acid is million for modern understanding of Salvarsan would be replaced by explained immune response.
times greater than that of water. higher brain function. antibiotics (see 1940).

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Walther Nernst, Principal instigator of the Solvay Conference, 1911

The delegate list of the rst Solvay Conference included many important scientists including
Ernest Rutherford, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Marie Curie.

NEW ZEALAND-BORN PHYSICIST contained a central dense mass electrons Rutherfords rookery of Emperor Penguins
circle round atomic model
Ernest Rutherford was gathering with a positive charge that was in midwinter. But in December, a
the central Rutherford
evidence for a new theory of surrounded by electrons. In nucleus proposed that an
Norwegian expedition, led by
atomic structure. Experiments 1912, he called this central area atom had a dense Roald Amundsen (18721928),
dense nucleus
had indicated that atoms had a the nucleus, and noted that the with a positive
nucleus and that reached the South Pole rst.
dense core, so the plum pudding value of its charge was related charge
the electrons The British Polar party all died
orbited the space
model was wrong (see 1904). to its atomic mass. Dutch around it.
on their return journey.
Rutherford proposed that atoms physicist Antonius Van den German chemist Philip
Broek (18701926) suggested were on the chromosomes Monnartz described a way
that the charge value was equal that determined sex. of producing steel to improve
to an elements atomic number, In Antarctica, Robert Scotts its corrosion resistance. The
or position in the periodic table. (18661912) British Terra Nova resultstainless steelwould
Henry Moseley (see 1913) later expedition set out for the South be patented in 1912 and in 1913,
proved Van den Broek right. obvious characteristics, such as Pole. In what was later British engineer Harry Brearley
In 1908, Danish physicist Heike eye color, to help him trace described as the worst journey (18711948) would cast the rst
Kamerlingh Onnes (18531926) patterns of inheritance. In 1911, in the world, they succeeded in commercial stainless steel in
had liquied helium and was Morgan discovered that the genes part of their mission and found a Shefeld, England.
now using it as a coolant to study
the electrical properties of MORGANS FRUIT FLY EXPERIMENT
frozen mercury. Onnes found
that at 452F (269C) Thomas Hunt Morgans FEMALE MALE
mercurys electrical resistance breeding experiments revealed WITH RED white-eye WITH RED
EYES allele EYES
ERNEST RUTHERFORD dropped to zerohe had that the inheritance of a
(18711937) discovered superconductivity. characteristic is linked to
red-eye red-eye non-carrier
In October, physicists gender because its gene allele allele allele
Born in New Zealand, Ernest gathered at the rst Solvay occurs on one of the sex
Rutherford worked at McGill Conference, founded by Belgian chromosomesusually the X.
University, Canada, moving to industrialist Ernest Solvay. This can be seen in the eye
the University of Manchester, This was the rst opportunity color of fruit ies because the
England, in 1907. In 1919, to debate the new eld of red-eye variant (allele), is
he was appointed director quantum physics. dominant. As a result, in the
of Cambridges Cavendish At Columbia University, rst generation, a red-eyed
Laboratory. Rutherford American biologist Thomas female and a white-eyed male
established the eld of Hunt Morgan (18661945) was would produce only red-eyed
nuclear physics with his experimenting with heredity offspring, but some will carry
model of the atom, and in fruit ies. Following on from the white-eye allele. In the
explained that radioactivity the work of Gregor Mendel (see next generation, if a red-eyed
was caused by atoms 1866) and Hugo de Vries (see female has a white-eye trait
decaying into different forms. 1900), Morgan studied mutations it will show up in her sons. FEMALE FEMALE MALE MALE
in the insects that caused

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1912 1913

Arthur Holmes, British geologist, from The Age of the Earth, 1913

The archaeologist Charles Dawson (left) convinced paleontologist Arthur

Smith-Woodward (center) that he had found the apehuman missing link.

ON FEBRUARY 14, British proteins, and fats, a healthy diet BRITISH PHYSICIST FREDERICK chemical process rst described
archaeologist Charles Dawson needed accessory food factors. SODDY had worked with Ernest by Fritz Haber (see 1905)now electron proton
(18641916) uncovered primate Polish-born biochemist Casimir Rutherford on the nature of known as the HaberBosch
skull fragments and a jaw at Funk (18841967) proposed a radioactivity and identication process. The factory would
the Piltdown gravel pit, England. name for themvitamines, from of decay products. He found that reach full production capacity
They were reported to be the vital and amine. He thought these products had different in 1914.
missing link between humans that they belonged to a class of atomic masses, but held In December, British physicist
and apes and attracted much chemicals called amines, but positions in the periodic table Henry Moseley (18871915) neutron
interest from experts at the when it was shown that this was that appeared to be occupied found that elements emit HELIUM ATOM
British Museum of Natural not the case, the name was by known elements. Soddy characteristic X-rays of
History. More than 40 years later, changed to vitamin. concluded that they must be wavelengths determined by ATOMIC NUMBER

in 1953, Piltdown Man was varieties of the elements, and the numbered position in the
shown to be a hoaxit was in in 1913 he called them isotopes. periodic table. His discovery Henry Moseley proved that
fact fragments of a modern Danish physicist Niels Bohr supported Van den Broeks idea the vaguely dened concept
human and an orang-utan. (18851962) modied that the position had physical of atomic number related
This year also saw the dawn of Rutherfords nuclear model meaning in the form of the to a measurable physical
a new way of analyzing chemical of the atom to take into account number of positive charges property of the atomic
structures. German physicists new ideas from quantum in an elements atomic nucleus, later found to be
Walter Friedrich (18741958)
and Paul Knipping (18831935)
MILES/SEC physics. Bohr proposed that
electrons orbiting the atoms
nucleusits atomic number.
British geologist Arthur
the number of protons. For
a neutral atom, this equals
showed that when X-rays were THE SPEED THE nucleus occupied various shells Holmes (18901965) had the number of encircling
scattered through a crystal, the
resulting diffraction pattern
ANDROMEDA or energy levels called orbitals.
The electrons in the outer shell
electrons. The nucleus is
made up of protons and
recorded on a photographic plate determined the way elements neutrons (neutral particles).
nucleus rst shell
could be used to identify the reacted chemically.
positions of the crystals atoms.
MOVES AWAY At the BASF (Badische
Later, German physicist Max von FROM THE SUN Anilinund Soda-Fabrik) adopted a radiometric technique
Laue (18791960) explained the chemical plant in Germany, for calculating the age of rocks
theory for this scattering American astronomer Vesto chemist Carl Bosch pioneered by Bertram
behavior and used it to show Slipher (18751969), using a oversaw the rst Boltwood (see 1907). Holmes
that X-rays were not particles, technique of light analysis industrial production published his results in The
but waves with very short called spectroscopy (see 1860), of ammonia for use in Age of the Earth, butat
wavelengths. X-ray diffraction observed a shift toward red agricultural fertilizers. 1.6 million yearshis
would be developed as a wavelengths for light coming Bosch had modied a calculation was still more
mainstay of analytical chemistry. from the Andromeda galaxy. than 4,000 times shorter
British biochemist Frederick This redshift indicated that the Bohrs atomic model than modern results.
Hopkins (18611947) was galaxy was moving away. Bohrs model suggested
electron shells around the
experimenting with the diets of Sliphers studies provided early
nucleus. As electrons move
animals and announced that, evidence for the idea that the between the shells, the atom emits second,
along with carbohydrates, Universe was expanding. or absorbs electromagnetic radiation. outer shell

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Solids, liquids, and gasesthe three main types of matterare made up

of particles called atoms, each so small that several million would fit side
by side on the period at the end of this sentence. All atoms are composed
of just three types of particlesprotons, neutrons, and electrons.

In the 19th century scientists became certain of the by an attractive force called the strong nuclear
existence of atoms. The assumption was that atoms force. Different elements have different numbers
were the smallest parts of matterthe word atom of protons in the nucleus (see below). Negatively
means indivisible. However, in 1897 the discovery charged electrons orbit the nucleus and are
of the electron suggested that atoms have inner prevented from escaping by electric attraction to
structure. Electrons carry negative electric charge, protons. There are equal numbers of protons and ERNEST RUTHERFORD
New Zealand-born physicist Ernest
but atoms are neutral overall so a positive charge electrons, so atoms have no overall charge. Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus
also had to exist. Scientists used alpha particles, in 1911 and the proton in 1920.
one orbiting electron
which are produced by radioactive substances, to one proton seven neutrons
probe the atom more deeply. In 1911, Ernest in nucleus in nucleus
Rutherford found that some of the positively
charged alpha particles he red at a thin metal foil
bounced back, and proved that this could happen
only if each atom has a positive charge concentrated
at its centerhe had discovered the atomic nucleus.


Except in hydrogen (see right), an atoms nucleus seven seven
orbiting protons in
consists of protons, which are positively charged, electrons nucleus
and neutrons, which have no charge, held together HYDROGEN ATOM NITROGEN ATOM

orbital is a region
ATOMIC SIZES distances from the nucleus, and only certain where there is a
The nucleus accounts for nearly all the mass numbers of electrons can occupy each orbit. high probability of
nding electrons
of an atom but only a tiny proportion of its As a result, atoms with more electrons have
volumeit is an atoms electrons that dene
this. Electrons occupy orbits at specic

25 picometers
(trillionths of
a meter)
more orbits, at increasing distances from the
nucleus, producing a larger atomic radius.

One atom of
hydrogen-1 has
One atom of

298 picometers one proton and
has 92 no neutrons

protons and
146 neutrons
1 electron ELECTRONS


American author Bill Bryson,
ATOMIC RADIUS ATOMIC MASS A Short History of Nearly Everything, 2003
Hydrogen, the lightest element, has only one electron Protons and neutrons have identical mass; electrons have
orbiting its nucleus, so it has the smallest atoms. negligible mass. So the atomic mass is simply the total
A cesium atom has 55 electrons orbiting its nucleus number of protons and neutrons. Different versions
and is about 12 times wider than a hydrogen atom. (isotopes) of an element vary in the number of neutrons.


one end of dumbell- ELECTRON ORBITALS

shaped p-orbital Quantum physics has revealed
some key facts about the orbits
of electrons around the nucleus.
First, electrons can only occupy
outer s-orbital
certain "allowed" orbits, and
contains two electrons nowhere in between. Second,
an electrons exact position
cannot be determined, only
its probability of existing in a
particular place. As a result,
electrons actually exist in
"orbitals," which can be thought
of as three-dimensional clouds of
probability. There are four main
types of orbital: s-orbitals, which
are spherical; p-orbitals, which
are dumbbell-shaped; and d- and
f-orbitals, which have more
complex shapes. Each orbital
can hold up to two electrons.

inner s-orbital
contains two


An atom of the element uorine has
nine protons in its nucleus and nine
orbiting electrons arranged in two
s-orbitals and three p-orbitals. The
most common version of uorine has
10 neutrons, so it has an atomic mass
nucleus containing
protons and neutrons of 19nine protons plus 10 neutrons.


There are two ways in which matter emits light: Luminescence energy
incandescence and luminescence. Incandescence is triggered by a
is the production of light from hot matterthings particle carrying
orbiting electron
energy colliding
glow red hot or white hot, for example. In with the atom. lower-energy
contrast, luminescence does not require heat. orbit
Fluorescence, glowing when illuminated by
ultraviolet radiation, and phosphorescence, 3 ENERGY RELEASE
The electron falls back down to a
glowing in the dark after being illuminated, lower orbit and releases its extra
are two familiar examples. Light produced by 2 ELECTRON JUMPS energy as a photon of light. The
luminescence is the result of energy lost by An orbiting electron is lights color depends on the
given a boost of energy amount of energy released: for
electrons "falling" to a lower energy level, and moves into a example, a blue photon has more
closer to an atoms nucleus. higher-energy orbit. photon energy than a red one.


George Claude, Vacuum discharge-tube for
lighting purposes, US Patent Office, 1915

A gas-discharge light tube works by applying voltage across the low-pressure gas to create ions
(charged particles), which causes a colored, neon, light to be emitted.

IN 1914, BELGIAN PHYSICIAN Blood transfusion kit

ALBERT HUSTIN (18821967) The rst anticoagulant-treated blood bank
kitsused on the frontline during World War I
found he could stop blood
relied on the knowledge that blood group
clotting by adding a reagent Born in Germany, Alfred O could be used as a universal donor.
called sodium citrate. Previously, Wegener began his career
the danger of coagulation meant as a meteorologist, and he glass blood
that transfusions had to be participated in several Arctic storage jar
performed directly from donor expeditions to investigate
to recipient. In March, Hustin climate. He is best known for equivalent to gravity and
performed the rst safe his theory of continental drift. an outcome was that the
nondirect transfusion using Wegener collected geological effect of gravity was to
citrate-treated blood from storage. evidence but could not explain bend light. Furthermore,
In 1915, two German scientists how the movement occurred; he argued that strong
would change the way we viewed during his lifetime the theory gravitational elds
our world. Geologist Alfred was not taken seriously. should distort time and
Wegener expanded on a theory appearance; in other tubing for
of continental drift that he rst words, they would warp carrying blood
proposed in 1912 (see below). distances and time change for making the measurements were a spacetime continuum.
Physicist Albert Einsteins different frames of reference, moving at different xed speeds. Physicists consider space and In the same year, French
theory of general relativity was even though the speed of light Einsteins new theory of general time to be related: space makes engineer George Claude
more radical still. His special stays constant everywhere. The relativity accommodated up the three (everyday) received his patent for a new
relativity theory (see 1905) had frames of reference referred to acceleration and deceleration dimensions, and time is the type of lighting: the neon
asserted that measurements of situations where the observers effects too. Acceleration is fourth dimension. discharge tube.


Alfred Wegener collected Pathalassic Pangaea North America India breaks Antartica and South America Australia drifts into
evidence for his theory that Ocean landmass breaks away away Australia are the separates from Africa the Pacic Ocean
from Eurasia same continent
modern landmasses originated
from a prehistoric super-
continent that fragmented
millions of years ago. He saw
not only that transatlantic
coastlines seemed to match, Tethys
but also that geological
formations (including fossils) 200 million years ago 130 million years ago 70 million years ago Present day
A single supercontinent called Pangaea By this era, there were several For millions of years, South India collided with Asia, creating
were similar on either side.
was formed when ancient landmasses separated continents, including America was isolated as the the Himalayas. South America was
This suggested that the came together. As tectonic plates India (drifting northward) and Atlantic Ocean opened up to joined to North America across a
coastlines were once joined. continued to move, it began to fragment. an Australia-Antarctic landmass. separate it from Africa. narrow Central American land bridge.

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American astronomer Harlow Shapleys rst measurement of the Milky Way galaxy was an
overestimate. It is 100,000 light-years across and contains more than 100 billion stars.

In 1917, at the Mount Wilson atoms into a form of oxygen, by the war. Treating blood with
alpha particle (2 protons nitrogen atom nitrogen nucleus absorbs Observatory in California, the ring them with alpha particles. anticoagulant made blood
and 2 neutrons) red with 7 protons a proton and 2 neutrons
into nitrogen atom and 7 neutrons to produce heavy oxygen assembly of the Hooker When the US entered transfusions faster and
reecting telescopethe World War I in April 1917, safer. British physician Arthur
largest in the world at thetime British-born medical ofcer Cushny (18661926) published
was nished. To this day, its Oswald Robertson (18861966) the rst major study of kidney
100 in (254 cm) mirror is the introduced a blood bank system physiology. He correctly deduced
extra largest solid-glass mirror ever to the frontline. The Royal Army that the organ ltered blood and
proton is made. The telescope was used Medical Corps called it the most reabsorbed nutrients to produced
to make the rst measurements important medical advance of waste urine.
THE FIRST TRANSMUTATION of stars other than the Sun.
550 ton dome
In November, New-Zealand made of thin-sheet
British physicist Ernest Rutherford was the rst person to cause born British physicist Ernest steel with a 100 ft
one element to change into anothera phenomenon called Rutherford achieved a (30 m) diameter
transmutation. He showed that it was possible to change the size signicant breakthrough in
of an atoms nucleus by bombarding it with other particles. Later atomic physics: the rst
scientists exploited this process to release huge amounts of energy. ever man-made
transmutation of
elements. He
IN 1916, AMERICAN CHEMIST the historic vegetation of peat succeeded in
GILBERT LEWIS (18751946) beds. The study of pollen turning within rigid
suggested that when atoms (palynology) is still an important nitrogen steel cradle
bonded together to make bigger analytical study used for example
molecules, they shared their in forensics.
outer electrons. In 1919, his American astronomer Harlow
colleague Irving Langmuir Shapley (18851972) started a
(18811957) would expand the photographic survey of star
idea and call them covalent bonds. clusters. His systematic
Swedish geologist Lennart von measurements would show
Post (18841951) explained a that clusters surround our
new way of studying galaxy like a halo, and
geological deposits. are not centered
Different plant on Earth. Hooker
species produce
This telescope
distinctly shaped Pollen grain was used to
pollen grains, The distinctive make the rst
and von Post was sculpturing of measurements of
pollen grains makes star sizes, and to
able to identify
it possible to identify develop the theory
pollen to make the source plant of an expanding
conclusions about species by microscopy. universe.

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There were so many victims of the Spanish u epidemic that several makeshift hospitals
such as this gymnasium in the UShad to be created.

Enigma cipher
These machines
were used during
In his theory of general relativity, Einstein had predicted that the strong World War II for
gravitational eld of the Sun would warp space-time. This distortion decrypting and
would deect light coming from the stars, causing their apparent encrypting
position to differ from their real position. Independent observations
by Arthur Eddington and Andrew Crommelin conrmed this theory.
During a solar eclipse, they accurately measured the positions of stars
close to the Sun. They compared their results with the stars apparent
positions and noticed a slight difference between the two.

IN THE WAKE OF WORLD WAR I, and many people lacked the nitrogen atoms yielded small cover to
a natural global disaster killed immunity to ght it. elementary particles. He realized t over
more people than the great In February 1918, French that these were equivalent to
plague of the 1300s. Spanish physicist Paul Langevin (1872 positive hydrogen ions and later
u spread to all the continents, 1946) demonstrated a system to called them protons. It would be
and medical science seemed detect the sound of underwater shown that they are responsible
powerless to stop it. Modern submarinesa technology that for the positive charge in the
research suggests that it would have important implications nucleus of atoms.
originated as a mutated virus in wartime. Called the ASDICS During a solar eclipse in
device (Aided Sonar Detection 1919, British astronomer Arthur
seven seven Integration and Classication Eddington (18821944) and
protons electrons
System), it was the forerunner French astronomer Andrew
to sonar (see pp.29293). Crommelin (18651939)
In Germany, electrical engineer observed that rays of
Albert Scherbius (18781929) starlight were bent
invented a cipher machine, as they passed
which he called Enigma. It close to the
worked by a series of rotating Sun. This proved
wheels. In 1918, Scherbius Einsteins general
offered it to the German Navy. theory of relativity
most nitrogen atoms They began using it in February (see pp.24445).
keys to type
have seven neutrons too 1926, and the German Army messages
Balanced charge followed shortly afterward.
The number of protons in a In 1917, New Zealand-born
non-ionized atom equals the number
of electrons; this means that an atom,
physicist Ernest Rutherford had plugboard setting
found that ring alpha particles altered regularly to
overall, has no charge. Neutrons are
change cipher
particles that have no charge. from radioactive elements at

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254 Am ens co


These clusters of cells, called Islets of Langerhans, are the source of the hormone
insulin in the pancreas.

AMERICAN PHYSICIST ROBERT BCG vaccine material that becomes visible

Consisting of a red light photon is low
GODDARD (18821945) had during cell division) to coin a new
harmless strain of energy, however bright it is
recently published a treatise scientic termgenome. He
bovine TB bacteria blue light
promoting the idea of rocket (orange), the BCG used it in his book on biological
photons have
space travel. On January 13, vaccine stimulates reproduction to refer to a single more energy
1920, the New York Times the bodys immune set of genetic material.
ridiculed Goddards views. In July 1921, the BCG (Bacille
A few years later he successfully CalmetteGurin) vaccine
launched a liquid-fueled rocket Later research against tuberculosis (TB) was
(see 1926). revealed that ready for its rst human trial15
as blue light hits the metal
In 1920, British physician exposure to years after Albert Calmette and surface, electrons are released
Edward Mellanby (18841955) the Suns rays Camille Gurin started developing
showed that a plain oatmeal stimulates the it (see 1906). French physicians PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT
diet caused a bone-softening formation of Benjamin Weill-Hall (18751958)
deformity called rickets. He Vitamin D in the body naturally. Payne-Gaposchkin (190079), and Raymond Turpin (18951988) The emission of electrons
also found that the effects were In the same year, Arthur who showed that these elements administered the vaccine orally to from a metallic surface when
eliminated by supplementing Eddington suggested that a predominated in a star. a newborn infant whose mother light shines on it is called the
the diet with cod-liver oil. He stars energy comes from the In Germany, botanist Hans had died of TB. It was the start of a photoelectric effect. Albert
deduced that cod liver must conversion of hydrogen to helium Winkler (18771945) combined successful vaccination program Einstein explained it in terms
contain a factor that was needed by nuclear fusion. This was later the terms gene (the particle of that would extend worldwide. of light particles with distinct
for essential growth. In 1922, this supported by the ndings of inheritance) and chromosome In August, Canadian biologists quantities of energy called
factor was identied as Vitamin D. British astronomer Cecilia (solidied thread of genetic Frederick Banting (18911941) photons. He said that photons
and Charles Best (18991978) of red light (long wavelength)
BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION isolated insulin. It was known do not have enough energy to
that the pancreas produced a allow electrons to be emitted,
high blood sugar
The pancreas releases insulin blood sugar secretion that regulated sugar but photons of blue light
when blood sugar concentration raised levels in the body; the active (short wavelength) do.
rises, such as after a meal. This GLUCAGON ingredient had been called
prompts the liver to convert adds sugar insulin release insuline. However, the
to the blood
sugar to stored carbohydrate, pancreas also produced digestive criteria, and carried it over to the
causing the blood sugar to drop. enzymes, and the destructive next year. In 1922, Albert Einstein
When this happens, another LIVER PANCREAS inuence of these had always received the Nobel Prize for
hormone, glucagon, is released, interfered with the extraction 1921, nearly two decades after
prompting the liver to break of insulin. Banting developed a his miracle year, 1905, when he
down stored carbohydrate removes sugar promotes way of tying off the digestive had published several ground-
and release more sugar. The from the blood glucagon release ducts so that insulin could breaking theories. Einstein was
combined effect of the two BLOOD CELLS be retrieved. awarded the prize for his services
hormones regulates the level blood sugar low blood sugar In 1921, the Nobel Committee to Theoretical Physics and
of sugar in the blood. lowered for Physics decided that none of especially for his discovery of the
the nominations satised the prize law of the photoelectric effect.

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H 255
1922 1923 1924


Edwin Hubble, American astronomer, from The Realm
of the Nebulae, 1936
A. Oparin, from Origin of Life, 1924

Edwin Hubble observes the stars through the

enormous Hooker Telescope in California.

RUSSIAN BIOCHEMIST IN OCTOBER, EDWIN HUBBLE Lewis (18751946) and Merle amounts of chemical energy THE YEAR BEGAN with another
ALEXANDER OPARIN (18941980) suggested that certain stars Randall (18881950) published associated with them depending important development in the
proposed a theory regarding the of the Andromeda nebula Thermodynamics and the Free on their chemical composition; eld of astronomy. In 1920,
origins of life. He claimed that were much farther away than Energy of Chemical Substances, this affects their tendency to react. British astronomer Arthur
the rst living things had evolved previously supposedeven which explained chemical When a chemical reaction occurs, Eddington had proposed that
from nonliving matter. He also beyond the Milky Way. His ndings reactions in terms of energy. substances change from one form a stars energy came from the
suggested that Earths earliest were revolutionary, because at the In the 19th century, American to anotherand so does their nuclear fusion of hydrogen to
atmosphere was highly reduced time scientists thought that physicist Willard Gibbs (1839 chemical energy. According to form helium, a theory later
that is, gases had an abundance the Milky Way was the extent 1903) had shown how the energy the laws of thermodynamics, supported by fellow British
of bonded hydrogen atoms, just of the entire universe. associated with chemical the total energy stays the same.
like molecules in organisms. The At about the same time, reactions could be quantied. So if products have less chemical
diversity of these gases provided American chemists Gilbert Different substances have varied energy than reactants, then
the other elements needed some energy, such as heat, must
as building blocks for these be released. In their book, Lewis
molecules: methane as a source and Merle introduced free
of carbon, ammonia for nitrogen, chlorine oxygen sodium energy values for different
and water vapor for oxygen. atom atom atom substances, which would enable
Cl O
Oparin suggested that the gases scientists to calculate energy
hydrogen hydrogen H Na
reacted to form a soup of H changes associated with reactions.
atom atom
organic molecules, from which the Chemists also redened acids
rst living cells evolved. In 1953, and bases. In 1884, 19th-century
American chemist Stanley Miller hydrogen Swedish chemist Svante
(19302007) would show that ion hydroxyl ion
O Arrhenius had shown that acids
organic molecules could be made Cl H Na
+ and bases could be recognized
+ H
from nonorganic ones. by a prevalence of hydrogen
Russian physicist Alexander (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions
Friedmann (18881925) was O respectively. Now, Danish
hydrogen ion from the hydroxyl ion
studying the curvature of space. from sodium chemist Johannes Brnsted
hydrochloric acid H H
One of his models suggested acts as an electron hydroxide acts as (18791947) and British chemist
that the radius of the universe accepter WATER MOLECULE an electron donor Martin Lowry (18741936)
was constantly increasing with independently dened them in
time. The idea of an expanding ACIDBASE THEORY terms of hydrogen ions alone:
universe would be independently an acid donates hydrogen ions
proposed by Belgian astronomer This theory denes acids and bases in terms of electrons. Acids are and a base accepts them. Gilbert
Georges Lematre (see 1927); electron acceptors: that is, they release positively charged hydrogen Lewis took this one step further
and a few years later, the ions (protons), which readily combine with negative electrons. Bases and explained them in terms
American astronomer Edwin are electron donorsthey provide the electrons that the hydrogen of electronsthe negative
Hubble would collect evidence ions accept. Many basescalled alkalisrelease electron-rich subatomic particles that
to suggest that galaxies were hydroxyl ions, which then react with hydrogen ions to form water. determine the chemical
indeed receding (see 192930). properties of all substances.

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Andromeda lies far beyond our own Milky Way. It has long arms
spiraling out from a bulging center.

astronomer Cecilia Payne, later, not a simple one, because bigger stars, as the more massive stars
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin stars have disproportionately have shorter lifespans.
(190079). In March, Eddington greater luminosities. However, In November, French physicist
published his analysis of the with Eddingtons mathematical Louis de Broglie (18921987) Electrons red through a thin sheet concentric rings on
luminescent screen
relationship between a stars equation, it became possible to published an idea that would of graphite onto a luminescent
mass and its luminosity calculate a stars mass from its revolutionize scientists screen form a pattern of rings.
(brightness). Although a stars measured luminosity. This had perception of atoms. He These kinds of rings ordinarily arise
brightness increases with its important implications for suggested that matterlike when diffracted (scattered) waves,
mass, the link between the two is understanding the life cycle of lightcould have both particle- such as those of light, interfere with
and wavelike properties. He one another. This indicates that
devised a way to calculate the electrons, conventionally regarded
theoretical wavelength of a as subatomic particles, must have
particle, such as an electron. wavelike properties too.
He found that the wavelength
values diminished to almost
negligible levels for particles equivalent to Milky Way. Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis
above the size of an atom, but Andromeda stars can be more (18721942). Shapley had argued
for subatomic particles they than 20 times the distance of the that the Milky Way dened the
were more signicant. A few farthest stars of the Milky Way. extent of the universe, but
years later, experimental The revelation settled the Great Eddingtons results supported
evidence would suggest that Debate of 1920held at the Curtiss view that a multigalactic
de Broglies idea was right: Smithsonian Museum of Natural universe was much bigger.
electrons diffracted in wavelike History, Washington, DC,
ways, just like light. between American astronomers
At the end of 1924, more than
a year after he had observed that ARTHUR EDDINGTON (18821944)
certain stars were farther away
than the other stars in the Milky Born into a Quaker family,
Way, Edwin Hubble announced Arthur Eddington studied at
that Andromeda was not a Cambridge University, UK,
spiral nebula, as was previously before pursuing a career in
thought, but an entire galaxy, astronomy. He tested Albert
Einsteins general theory of
relativity during a solar eclipse
Luminous star
As a star slowly expodes, nuclear in West Africa, and formulated
reactions at its core release energy theories concerning the life
as light. Eddingtons equation made of stars. He was awarded a
it possible to determine a stars
knighthood in 1930, followed
mass based on its luminosityin
general, the brighter a star burns, by the Order of Merit in 1938.
the greater its mass.

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1925 1926

Wolfgang Pauli, Austrian physicist, in a letter to Jagdish Mehra in
Berkeley, California, 1958

Two ventriloquists dolls became the rst TV personalities when John Logie Baird demonstrated
his television system to scientists of the Royal Institution and members of the press.

SCOTTISH ENGINEER JOHN In May, John Scopes (190070), IN JANUARY, JOHN LOGIE BAIRD The rst rocket
LOGIE BAIRD (18881946) had of Tennessee, was arrested for was back showing off his Robert Goddard launched
the rst liquid-fuel rocket
been experimenting with teaching Darwins theory of improved television. This time it
on his aunts farm in
transmitting moving images and evolution, which was prohibited was to members of the Royal Massachusetts. Three
now, using a semimechanical in the states schools. He was Institution in London, UK. He now people witnessed the event:
device, he achieved it. In March, tried, found guilty, and ned $100. achieved clearer images with his wife, his machinist, and
a fellow physicist.
television was demonstrated in Quantum physics had shown tonal gradation of grays.
a London department store. At how the electrons of an atom Although the images were still
rst images were silhouettes, but existed in xed energy levels, but blurred, Baird had increased the of the enzyme urease.
by October, he was transmitting Austrian physicist Wolfgang picture frequency, so the Enzymes are substances
pictures with grayscale made Pauli (190058) went further movements were smoother. found in living tissues
up of 30 vertical lines running at with his Exclusion Principle Austrian physicist Erwin that speed up the
ve pictures per second. saying that no two particles Schrodinger (18871961) chemical reactions of
could occupy the same examined earlier suggestions metabolism. When
quantum state at the that matter was both particle- Sumner analyzed his
same time. Later, two like and wavelike in nature. crystals, he found that
categories of particles Schrodinger calculated a they were protein.
would be distinguished particles distribution of energy In this way, he had
matter-associated in spaceits wave functionand demonstrated that
particles (fermions) that urged that the wave idea alone biological enzymes
obeyed Paulis principle, was critical to understanding were proteins.
and force-associated reality. His work would be the developed liquid fuel, Goddards In December, another American
particles (bosons) that basis for quantum mechanics. rocket reached a height of 40 ft chemist, Gilbert Lewis (1875
did not (see 1974). Six years after the New York (12 m) in less than three seconds. 1946), coined the term photon
The German Atlantic Times had ridiculed his In August, American chemist for a unit of radiant energy. It
Meteor Expedition began suggestion that a rocket was a James Sumner (18871955) came to be used to describe a
to survey the oceans possibility, American physicist made a breakthrough in particle of light energy.
oor and discovered an Robert Goddard (18821945) biochemistry. By grinding up jack PVC, polyvinyl chloride (often
unbroken ridge running launched one. Using his specially beans, he had isolated crystals called vinyl), made its rst
from north to south.

Atlantic Ridge The introduction of quantum theory was a pivotal absorbed or emitted by atoms. This is realized as
point in early 20th century physics that began with specic wavelengths of radiation, each associated
Mid-Atlantic ridge Max Plancks explanation of black body radiation with particular quanta of energy: red light
The complementary shapes (see 1900). The theory is based on the idea that wavelength is transmitted by low-energy parcels
of Atlantic coastlines energy exists in discrete parcels, or quanta (from and blue light by high-energy ones. Danish physicist
suggest that they were once
the Latin quantus, meaning how much). These Niels Bohr explained this in terms of the atoms
joined together. This ridge
shows where new seaoor parcels equate to the xed quantities of energy electrons moving between energy levels, or orbits.
has pushed them part.

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John Logie Baird, Scottish engineer, in The Times, January 28, 1926

A computer-generated simulated image of a particle collision shows matter

thought to have been produced microseconds after the Big Bang.

THE YEAR STARTED WITH A the more accurately a particles When Lematre presented his
green plants take carbon dioxide in MILESTONE in communication position is measured, the less conclusions to the British
in carbon dioxide the atmosphere
in photosynthesis,
technology. On January 7, accurately it is possible to Association for the Advancement
and release it in a collaboration between the determine its movement, and of Science in 1931, he elaborated
respiration American Telephone and vice versa. Later, the Copenhagen upon his theory, suggesting
animals take in carbon
with food, and release
Telegraph Company and Britains Interpretation stated that it is the Universe had originated
bacteria, worms, General Post Ofce opened the impossible to experimentally from a primeval atom. His
it in breathing and
and fungi give out
carbon dioxide
their dung rst transatlantic telephone measure wavelike and particle- exploding cosmic egg model
as they feed service. On its rst day 31 calls like properties at the same time. anticipated the work of American
and respire were made between London While Baird worked in London astronomer Edwin Hubble (see
and New York. on his television, the American 1929) and was the forerunner of
fossil fuels
(coal, oil, and
A further development came Bell Telephone Company was the Big Bang theory.
bodies of dead
gas) store carbon plants and
in the eld of quantum physics. also developing the technology.
until burned animals add Erwin Schrodinger had laid In April, Bell had a breakthrough
carbon to the soil the foundations of quantum when the company sent the rst
mechanics with his description long-distance TV transmission
THE CARBON CYCLE of the wavelike characteristics using the semimechanical
of particles. Now, German television from Washington to
At the heart of Vladimir Vernadskys book The Biosphere are physicist Werner Heisenberg New York. Five months later,
his ideas about natures constant recycling of matter. Elemental (190176) reasoned that the American inventor Philo
atoms react and recombine in different ways. Carbon atoms in wave function of a particle Farnsworth (190671)
complex organic materials of living thingsanimals, plants, and could not be localized to a introduced a way of scanning
soil bacteriaare respired into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, specic point in space and and transmitting electronically.
before reacting to make plant sugars in photosynthesis. have a denable wavelength. Russian-American inventor
Heisenberg developed this as his Vladimir Zworykin (18881982) WERNER HEISENBERG
Uncertainty Principle. Its was working on similar technology (190176)
appearance in its modern form. Biosphere. In it he described consequences are extraordinary: at the same time, but it was
Chemists had been making this some of the main ideas behind a Farnsworth who made it a reality. Heisenberg studied physics
chemical polymer since the concept today referred to as the In April, Belgian astronomer at the universities of Munich
1800s, but American chemist ecosystem: a system where Georges Lematre (18941966) and Gttingen, where he met
Waldo Semon (18981999) found living things interact with published a scientic paper Niels Bohr in 1922. In 1925,
a way of making it malleable and nonliving matter. Verdansky containing a revolutionary theory: he developed a mathematical
less brittle. It would become one recognized that all life on Earth that the Universe is expanding. way of understanding
of the most widely used plastics. relies upon solar energy, and quantum physics called
Russian geochemist Vladimir that particles of matter undergo Electron clouds matrix mechanics. He
Vernadsky (18631945) had a process of recycling. Modern quantum physics has derived his Uncertainty
been working on theories that revised the idea that atomssuch Principle before working on
as this helium atomhave electrons
unied geology and biology, the German nuclear energy
in xed orbits. A more realistic
Earth and life. He published his interpretation sees electrons project in World War II.
thoughts in a book called The existing as clouds of probability.

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hard molded
single loudspeaker bakelite shell
Bakelite radio
Bakelite is a good insulator, which is why
it is used for electrical appliances such
as this 1950s Tesla Talisman radio. It is
also tough and shiny, and can be dyed
and molded into domestic appliances,
including telephones and kitchenware.

1887 1909
Celluloid Bakelite
1862 American John Hyatt and Englishman American chemist Leo Baekeland
Parkesine Daniel Spill both develop a material rst develops bakelite by treating
Alexander Parkes called celluloid that is similar to phenol resin made from coal tar with
develops the rst parkesine. It is used to make exible formaldehyde. It is the rst entirely
plasticparkesine. lm for photographs to replace synthetic plastic. Not only can it
It is used to make the Parkesine glass plates. This is a crucial step be molded, like earlier plastics, but
rst cheap buttons. buttons for movie-making. Celluloid lm once it sets it is hard and heatproof.

1872 1894 1912

PVC Viscose rayon Cellophane
This extemely tough Two English chemists Cellophane, a thin,
plastic is rst produce a synthetic material transparent sheet made
developed in 1872 called viscose (rayon) by of processed cellulose,
by German chemist reconstituting wood bers is rst developed.
Eugen Baumann. in sodium hydroxide It provides an airtight
It is thought to be Viscose and spinning them wrapping and is useful
Golf ball useless until the 1920s. bers into thread. Sweet wrappers for packaging food.



Plastic is one of the most remarkable of all manmade materials, used in

everything from spaceships and computers to bottles and artificial body
parts. What gives plastic its special quality is the shape of its molecules.
Most plastics are made from long organic molecules known as polymers.

In the mid-19th century, people knew that 32

cellulose (the woody substance in plants) 28 KEY
could be made into a brittle substance called
24 Recycling
cellulose nitrate. In 1862, British chemist

Alexander Parkes added camphor to it,
producing a tough but moldable plastic 16

called parkesine. In 1869, American 12

inventor John Hyatt created a similar 8
substance called celluloid, which was used
to make photographic lm by Kodak in
1889. Today there are thousands of synthetic 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
plastics, each with their own properties and YEAR
uses. Many are still based on hydrocarbons Production and recycling of plastics
(oil or natural gas), but in recent decades In recent years, there have been concerted attempts to RECYCLING
carbon bers and other materials have been recycle plastics, made easier by the establishment of
recycling centers and collection services. However, the
added to create superlight, superstrong slight rise in recycled plastic lags far behind the soaring Plastics are widely used because they are durable
plastics such as Kevlar and CNRP. production of new plastics, as this graph clearly shows. and tough, but they are not biodegradable. Once
disposed of, they linger in the environment for
a very long time. The vast amount of waste plastic
now in the oceansmaybe hundreds of millions
I THOUGHT I SHOULD MAKE SOMETHING of tonsis damaging marine wildlife. It is

REALLY SOFT INSTEAD THAT COULD BE important to reduce plastic use and recycle as
much as possible. Not all plastics can be recycled
MOLDED INTO DIFFERENT SHAPES. easily, and it takes energy to heat the plastic
to reform it, so recycling rates are low.
Leo Baekeland, Belgian chemist, on inventing bakelite

1926 1935 1937 1966

Vinyl Nylon Teon Kevlar
American chemist Waldo American chemist Wallace PTFE, or Teon, is invented American chemist
Semon exposes PVC Carothers invents nylon, the rst by American chemist Stephanie Kwolek spins
to heat and a range of thermoplasticit is liquid when Roy Plunket. It is not heat-resistant bers
chemicals to produce hot and sets hard when it cools. made from hydrocarbons from liquid hydrocarbons.
vinyl. It is used to make Best known for its use in but from uorine joined These bers can be
objects ranging from stockings, it has Nylon to carbon, and is often used woven together to make
shoes to shampoo bottles. many other uses. toothbrush in frying pans. Teon frying pan materials such as Kevlar. Bulletproof Kevlar

1933 1936 1954 1991

Polyethylene Polystyrene Polypropylene CNRP
British chemists Eric Fawcett and Styrol is the oily This rugged plastic Japanese physicist
Reginald Gibson create practical substance in the resin resists many solvents Sumio Iijima rolls
polyethylene in 1933, although it of Turkish sweetgum and acids. It has carbon molecules
was rst made in 1898. It is tough, trees. In 1936 German uses ranging from into nanotubes.
soft, and exible, and chemical company wrapping to bottles These can reinforce
now the most widely Polyethylene I G Farben use it to for medical Polyproylene plastic to make Carbon nanotube
used of all plastics. crop tunnel produce polystyrene. chemicals. rope strong, light CNRP. molecule


Alexander Fleming, Scottish biologist, address to the
University of Edinburgh, 1952

The Penicillium mold is a common fungus, spread by spores from the capsules
seen here; some species produce the penicillin seen by Fleming.

THE YEAR BEGAN WITH 1926). Now British physicist Paul system so far: a transatlantic were often ineffective for serious
EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATION Dirac described a new form of transmission. After several false wounds. As part of his research,
that characteristics and Schrdingers wave equation starts, success came at Fleming had been growing
inheritance were determined by for electrons. As a result, he midnight, London time, on cultures of infectious bacteria.
a chemical substance. British predicted a new class of matter February 8, 1928. Baird himself On September 3, in his
physician Frederick Grifth called anti-electrons, which had briey appeared as a fuzzy image laboratory at St. Marys Hospital,
(18791941) studied strains of positive, instead of negative, on screen in America. London, Fleming noticed that
pneumonia bacteria, some of charges. Diracs work was In the wake of World War I, one of his cultures had become
which could cause disease, the rst modern theory of Scottish biologist Alexander contaminated: a mold had
while others were harmless. antimatter. The anti-electrons Fleming (18811955) was spread on the culture dish.
Grifths work indicated that a would later be discovered and developing ways of ghting But signicantly, just around the
transforming factor could move renamed positrons (see 193233). infections that went beyond the spreading mold there was a
from the harmful bacteria to It would also become evident routine use of antiseptics, which region that was clear of bacteria.
others and make them harmful that corresponding antimatter
too (see panel, below). This particles existed for most PAUL DIRAC (190284)
factor would later be identied subatomic particles.
as DNA (see 194344).
Another advance came in
In September the previous year,
Britains John Logie Baird had
AND HUMBLE, MATHEMATICS British physicist Paul Dirac
held the Lucasian Chair of
physics. Austrian physicist Erwin sent his technical assistant to WILL LEAD YOU Mathematics at Cambridge
Schrdinger had described the New York to prepare for the University, UK, from 1932 to
wave function of a particle (see biggest test of his television Paul Dirac, British physicist, November 27, 1975 1969. He advanced quantum
physics by applying it to
BACTERIAL TRANSFORMATION Clearly, the mold was producing Einsteins theory of relativity
something that had killed the (see pp.24445). His work on
Pneumococcus bacteria exist rough harmless smooth deadly heat-killed heat-killed bacteria. Fleming took samples the quantum wave equations
bacteria bacteria smooth deadly smooth deadly
in harmless (rough) and (strain S) (strain S) (strain S
of the mold, cultivated it, and predicted the existence of
(strain R)
harmful (smooth) forms. identied it as Penicillium. The antimatter. In 1993 he shared
Frederick Grifth found that following year he called the the Nobel Prize for Physics
bacteria can exchange a active ingredient of his anti- with Erwin Schrdinger.
chemical that changes these rough bacterial mold juice penicillin.
characteristics. Heat-killed harmless Despite his efforts, Fleming was
harmful bacteria fail to cause (strain R) A medical breakthrough of a
unable to isolate penicillin in its
an infection on their own, but raw chemical form, but he did different kind came in Sydney,
if mixed with living harmless preserve his culture of mold. In Australia. In 1926, physicians
bacteria, a substance moves MOUSE HEALTHY MOUSE DIES MOUSE HEALTHY MOUSE DIES the following decades penicillin Mark Lidwell (18781969) and
from dead bacteria to living would not only be puried then Edgar Booth (18931963) had
ones, changing them into manufactured, but also lauded devised a portable plug-in
harmful forms that kill the live strain S bacteria in blood as one of the rst effective articial heart pacemaker.
mouse and appear in its blood. sample from dead mouse antibiotic cures of bacterial In 1928 they used it to revive
infection (see 194041). a stillborn infant.

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This image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope reveals some of the most distant galaxies
in the Universe. They are billions of light-years beyond the foreground stars.

BY 1920 ASTRONOMERS HAD other words, the Universe is

REALIZED that the Universe was expanding. In 1929, US
not centered on our Milky Way, astronomer Edwin Hubble
object recedes wavelength
but rather that the Milky Way (18891953) explained this The movement of a light-
is stretched
was a single galaxy among relationship and noted that the emitting object, such as a
many others. As the decade most distant galaxies were galaxy, affects its visible light
passed, another still more receding at the fastest rate. spectrum. If an object is
extraordinary revelation came This later became known as moving away, its wavelengths object appears redder
to light. It appeared that the Hubbles Law. appear stretched out. As light leaves the object REDSHIFT
Universe did not have a xed Television technology took longer wavelengths belong to wavelength
nite size. Astronomers had another step forward in June red light, this is described as a object approaches is squashed
discovered that the light 1929 when the Bell Laboratory redshift. Movement toward the
spectrum of stars carried in the US demonstrated the rst observer squashes up the
wavelengths that were color image transmission. The wavelengths, giving a blueshift.
stretching out toward the red subjects they used were chosen Galaxies exhibit a redshift, so object appears bluer
end of the spectrumwhich they for maximum impact: a woman they are moving away. light leaves the object BLUESHIFT
called redshift (see panel, with owers and the US ag.
right). This redshift indicated that In April 1930, US chemist
these stars were moving away. In Elmer Bolton (18861968) made such as for hoses and re- used its ltrate to treat
one of the rst synthetic rubbers. resistant coatings. eye infections.
First color television A derivative of acetylene, it was Photographs taken at the Paul Dirac (see panel,
demonstration later called neoprene. More Lowell Observatory in Arizona opposite) used quantum
Open doors reveal the working
corrosion-resistant than natural in March 1917 had recorded the physics theory to
parts. Light is directed at the
operator through a scanning disk rubber, neoprene was suitable faint image of a body that correctly predict the
(center) onto photoelectric cells (left). for use in extreme conditions, became known as X. In existence of antimatter.
February 1930, American In 1930, he published
astronomer Clyde Tombaugh Principles of Quantum
(190697) conrmed that X was a Mechanics, which for
planet, and in May, it was given decades would be the
its name: Pluto. standard textbook.
Two years after Alexander
Fleming made his accidental
discovery of penicillin, this new Existence of Pluto
These two photographs of
antibiotic had its rst curative
the sky taken in 1930 on
use. British physician Cecil different nights show a
George Paine (190594), a body (arrowed) that has
former student of Fleming, had changed position, which
indicates that it is closer
taken samples of the mold to his
than surrounding stars.
workplace in Shefeld, UK. In The body was a planet and
August 1930, he successfully was given the name Pluto.

29 n- Carl e 8, 5, e
19 ia ib to ll es r ew y1 s r 2 org
r y ovak ists escr ed e Be trat be rica dr s a od s ar de nr
m be l Ge the
nu hosl hem ri d hang rcis 29 ons c em me r An ribe eth site b
r ly co f m i
ve ec rts g
J ec io c Co c exe 9
,1 m De 29 A ome desc g m ical Fe 30 C ugh ce o No 30 C repo sin
Cz rn b rty se is ing 27 y de ion 19 tron ass atin olog 19 mba isten 19 ine re
o e
b d G uc du o r ne all is d
as ugl ing hae To e ex X Pa st cu llin
Ju blic elev c
an w gl acid pu lor t Do e-r t ar th anet r nici
ho tic e
tr ed a Pl pe
lac u s

Br cists ul 30
n 2 9 s i itz Pa n 19 n
Ed bes 19 hy Fr n 30 ctro d 7, olto c an
2 9 r i e r 1, rn p and plai 9
, 1 le lle
ril r B et
i tri i
19 esc vers g be -bo on s ex from y 1 s e ca ns A p lme ynth ber A us aul
5, d i in em tch ins n y om ar ribe ater itro E a s rub 0 P ce
h 1 bble e Un and w) pt Du Atk rma erg s fr ion n u c l s 93 ng en s
r c u h p a e
S nd rt ute en me us Ja des les, po es , 1 lfga xist ino
Ma H at t s ex es L a be o ow co r f c ho ak r 4 o e tr
h l H h i ra m be ist W oses neu
bb Ro rs lea D m f
n c
u sta nuc ce ysic prop o
ide e
D ph
ev 263
1931 193233

Ernst Ruska, Nobel lecture on electron microscopy, December 8, 1986

Ernst Ruska worked with the German company Siemens and Halske Between these bright galaxies lies
to produce the rst commercial electron microscope in 1939. invisible dark matter.

THE 1930S WITNESSED THE hollow semicircular protons The rst working cyclotron Meanwhile, chemistry was ERNEST RUTHERFORD HAD
BIRTH OF TECHNOLOGIES that electrode nish path Protons enter the cyclotron making advances. German PREDICTED the existence of a
here and, as voltage
would help reveal the secrets lament chemist Eric Hckel (18961980) second proton-sized subatomic
switches between
of the microscopic world. creates protons electrodes, they are was using quantum physics (the particle (see 1919). In 1932,
Physicists had devised ways from hydrogen drawn from one to the physics of ultra-small particles) British physicist James
of ring charged particles at other, speeding up each to build more realistic ideas Chadwick (18911974) examined
time they cross over.
very high speeds so that they about the nature of chemical a type of radiation that could
could study resulting collision hydrogen bonds and proposed a theory knock protons from atoms and
products. They did this with gas intake that described them in terms found Rutherfords missing
hollow semicircular
accelerators that shot particle electrode of the behavior of electrons particle: the neutron. Atomic
beams through evacuated tubes within molecules. capabilities advanced in April,
and used electric elds to keep problem using radiation with a In November, American when British and Irish physicists
them going. In 1931, American smaller wavelength than that chemist Harold Clayton Urey John Cockcroft (18971967) and
physicist Ernest Lawrence protons enter at
of visible lightbeams of (18931981) made a discovery Ernest Walton (190395) split
(190158) invented a new kind center and spiral electrons. He used powerful about hydrogen atomsthe lithium atoms into helium
of particle accelerator with a outward electromagnetic elds instead smallest and lightest of all atoms (see panel, opposite).
spiral center called a cyclotron, of glass lenses to bend the elements. He found a heavier British physicist Paul Dirac
designed to shoot hydrogen tube connected radiationthe stronger the eld, variety (isotope) of hydrogen. had predicted the existence of
ions. His rst model had a to power source the greater the magnication A hydrogen nucleus contains a anti-particles of electrons (see
diameter of 5 in (12.5 cm) and that could be achieved. Ruskas single proton, but this heavier 1928). Conrmation came in
energized ions with 80,000 electron microscope allowed isotope (later called deuterium) August 1932 when American
electron volts (energy acquired had built a 173 in- (440 cm-) extremely large magnications, had a nucleus with an extra new physicist Carl Anderson
by an electron as it accelerates device powered by 100 million and scientists could examine tiny subatomic particle that would (190591) studied trails of
through the potential of one electron volts. molecules, possibly even atoms. not be identied until 1932. charged particles in a detector
volt). Lawrences team went The particles targeted by called a cloud chamber and
on to make ever more powerful physicists are billions of times DEUTERIUM, OR HEAVY HYDROGEN found that some electron-like
cyclotrons. By 1946, his smaller than the smallest particles were positive instead
laboratory at Berkeley, California, objects that can be seen with Heavy hydrogen (deuterium) of negatively charged.
light microscopes. Until 1930, all accounts for fewer than one
,, electron

microscopes magnied images in 6,000 of Earths hydrogen
IT MAY using conventional optics that atoms. All hydrogen atoms
BRING TO LIGHT... refract (bend) light rays using have a single proton (positively single

A DEEPER lenses. However, the wavelength charged particle), so have an HYDROGEN proton

of light, which is measured in atomic number of 1 (see panel, single
1913). Normal hydrogen has
10 thousandths of a millimeter,
THE STRUCTURE restricts the amount of detail only one particle in its nucleus.
OF MATTER. that can be seen in objects that Deuterium has an additional proton and NEEDED TO
approach this size. German
physicist Ernst Ruska (190688)
particlea neutron (particle
with no charge)in its nucleus.
Ernest Lawrence, Nobel Prize
speech, November 29, 1940 found a radical way to solve this

st an s
e rn rm ll ron ist nd ne te
s ick
2 enc an n a 1, n e f
ry r 3 E d Ge Kno lect with t 1 bot hto ck g t Ir stra s is adw ry a er s th el o
ua t Law rst h
rc an ax st e on
gu can eig into in i s o n k h ua erm ern gin od t to
Ja nes he Ma ska er M e r cati e Au eri t Cr cCl ic shuf ents sic m hin s C s n
Ja 32 G ist W g be on m es i
hy de e t me ron
Er es t on Ru gine e th gni of th pe e t
Am rri ra M ene by gm c h p urie t sh t Ja eut 19 ysic ber eutr d us
r en C ha n
us clot en hiev l ma ype sco Ha rba s g tion e fra Fr liot- on t ys, b to be
u ph isen - n s an s
cy ac tica otot icro Ba plain bina som Jo diati a ra s it He oton cleu tope
op e pr on m ex com mo ra mm how pr e nu iso
th ctr re chro ga er s th plain
ele of lat ex

n ld 32
ica e ro 19 st
er Ha vers r y logi ts
A m Guth rs 6 r a
st rl o nu bio es
ve r 2 sc ate
gu Ka sco ing be y di n, l ium Ja an ugg s an
Au icist y di com ilky m e e ic s a r
ys sk es M xy ve Ur og ter er iel ter e fo s
ph Jan wav the ala No yton hydr deu - Am n N wa urc esi
a d tch s va se so nth
i o o m ay g C avy alle
Du eliu nts u tron osy
d fr W he c
ra r n pla lec hot
Co hat e p
264 t

lithium helium atom with

nucleus 2 protons and
(3 protons, 2 neutrons
proton 4 neutrons)

proton fuses with

proton lithium and the helium atom
collides with reaction splits it into with 2 protons
lithium atom helium atoms and 2 neutrons


Transmutation of elements was rst achieved by changing

nitrogen to oxygen (see 1917). In 1932, John Cockcroft and Ernest
Walton used a similar technique to split lithium. Lithium atoms
are the lightest of any metal and contain just three protons. When
an extra proton collides with an atom, a nuclear reaction occurs:
the four-neutron, four-proton total splits into two helium atoms.

In 1932, Hans Krebs (190081), suggested. This indicated the

a German-born biochemist, existence of a type of matter not
was looking at how the body previously detected. It became
processes waste nitrogen. known as dark matter
Excess amino acids (the building because it neither emits nor
blocks of protein) are recycled absorbs light.
into carbohydrate. Krebs In July 1933, Polish-born
discovered the cycle of chemical chemist Tadeus Reichstein
reactions used by liver cells to (18971996) became the rst
process the nitrogen content person to make a vitamin by
into a compound called urea, articial means when he made
which is excreted by the body. ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
Dutch and Swiss astronomers
Jan Oort (190081) and Fritz Positronelectron tracks
Zwicky (18981974) discovered Charged particles appear to shoot
upwards and shower down, forming
an anomaly in galaxies: they
tracks. In a magnetic eld, negative
were much larger than the electrons coil one way and positive
quantity of star material particles (positrons) the other.

7, 2 h 6, ky or ist
y2 es 93 e itis n ics y 1 ic e f 33 sic
ar es scrib n ,1 n itiv s Br t Joh e of net ar z Zw enc 33 19 phy
r am de e tro t 2 erso pos ticle 3 gis an uses g ge ry
2 u
br rit vid
19 f 1, ys
b eu s 9
1 lo ald Ca yin eo 4 , kin es o n
r 1 or sa in
Fe 32 J ick or th e n g u nd he ar ns
t Fe 33 F es e er 2 y
y or ipl y be -b d e
19 adw ce f of th Au rl A ers ike p sitro bio S. H hes unif ry th 19 ovid att
ua Zw nc op e m land rfor utur
Ch iden nce Ca cov on-l d po B. blis ion, iona pr rk m br ir pri sc pt ea the f
i s
d ct alle r pu olut olut Fe dim bes icro Se w Z Ru is no y
ev iste da a
V scri on m
l Ne nest ere erg
ex ele er c Ev d ev
lat an de ctr Er at th r en
ele th clea

hn er ives i
Jo st 33 33 G r
32 rne ic 19 r 19 n 33 ar Naz s
9 4 , ome s 1, stei g 19 in
,1 E m an 1 1 7, nste eing ache r
14 and ato um 2J e r y on art ly ch in 1 i e be
ril roft the lithi 93 enc f ua str st ck Ju Rei mak ally r e
be rt E er e r cto
A kc lit of , 1 id o br ch a gon clo ice us rts ici em lbe aft ny; h in O
c p 17 ev ce r e
F en lan ing rv d e t t A
Co on s leus st es en te Fr Esc talk e se Ta repo C ar p K a
Se icist he U erm erica
l t c gu giv xist mat in
Wa n
u u
A ort r e rk t t n ys in t G Am
O fo da n es rs pho a m p h
Er tel
e vit
18 9 5 194 5 T H E ATO M I C AG E


In 1896, French physicist Henri Becquerel found that compounds containing

uranium produce invisible radiation. Within months, Polish scientist Marie
Curie showed that the rays emanate from the uranium atoms themselves,
and in 1898 she coined a term to describe the phenomenon: radioactivity.

beta particle
atom of
uranium-238 atomic mass (total number alpha particle
of protons and neutrons) (two protons and
unchanged after beta decay two neutrons)

atomic mass
after alpha Husband and wife team Pierre and Marie Curie carried
decay out pioneering work in radioactivity, and discovered two
previously unknown elements: radium and polonium.

The most

U-238 is
isotope o mmon
f uranium
234 Protactin
and unde ioactive, The result
alpha dec
nuclide is g
radioactive lso
234 Uranium
4.5 billion undergoe and Beta deca
decay. Ha
24 days.
s beta
lf-life: to 91. The
the proto changes
n numbe
234 Thorium
nuclide u sulting The proto
beta deca ergoes
7 hours. Half-life:
is back to number
uranium-2 2, and
230 Radium-
undergoe 4 Thorium-2
decay. Ha alpha
250,000 ye ife:
is unstab 0
decays by and
226 Radon-
decay, los lpha The result
protons a g two
neutrons two
thorium-2 f
decay is a
30s alpha
222 Polonium
Marie Curie showed that the rays produced by .H
75,000 ye alf-life: radionuc ther Accumula -
uranium could cause air to become electrically
ars. lid
radium-2 e,
life: 1,600 . Half-
radon ga ons of
s re
from radio leased
charged (ionized). With her husband Pierre, she years. rocks can ctive Radon-22
create 2s
found that this ionizing radiation was also a health h daughter
a nucleus
produced by other elements. The source of the Half-life: zard. is the sho
4 days. rt
(highly ra -lived
rays is the atomic nucleus. radionuc active)
proton large separation creates polonium e
THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS small repulsive force Half-life: 18.
3 minute
The nucleus is composed of two types of nucleon
large repulsive force
particles: protons and neutrons. Protons carry created by close proximity
positive charge, so they repel each other, but proton

the strong nuclear force binds the nucleons

together. The number of protons in the nucleus
indicates the element to which an atom belongs. BALANCE OF FORCES
strong nuclear The repulsive (electrostatic) force between
There are different versions (isotopes) of each force binds protons is stronger the closer the protons
element, which differ in their number of together protons are to each other. The strong nuclear force
and neutrons binds protons and neutrons tightly together,
neutrons. A particular combination of protons
strong nuclear but it only acts over an incredibly short
and neutrons is called a nuclideor, if unstable, force is stronger range. This is the main reason why larger
a radionuclide. than repulsion nuclei tend to be unstable.




At some point, an unstable nucleus will Radioactivity generates heat, and this is
disintegrate, or decay." The two most common 70
after eight days, 50 percent harnessed by the radioisotope thermal
types of decay are called alpha decay and beta of the sample is left generators that power unmanned space
decay (see below). In each case, the nucleus 50 after 16 days, 25 percent of satellites and probes. Radioactive substances
always has excess energy to lose, and that energy 40 the sample remains pose a threat to health because their ionizing
is carried away by very short-wavelength, high- 30 effect can damage chemical bonds in compounds
energy gamma radiation. The probability that a 20 essential to life. This can cause a general
particular atom will decay is xed, but there is 10 malaise, called radiation sickness. Damage to
no way of telling when it will happen. However, DNA inside cells can cause mutations that can
8 16 24 32 40
in a sample containing a large number of atoms result in cancers. Ironically perhaps, radioactive
of the same radioactive element, it always substances are also used in medicine
takes exactly the same amount of time for half HALF-LIFE particularly in radiation therapy to treat cancer.
This graph shows the decay curve of a sample of a
the atoms to decay; that period is known as the radionuclide with an eight-day half-life. Every eight days,
element's half-life. the number of atoms of that radionuclide halves.

nucleus (protons neutron has become

and neutrons) a proton

electron electron

alpha particle
(two protons
and two
beta particle


An unstable nucleus jettisons a particle made up of two Inside some unstable nuclei, a neutron may spontaneously During radiation therapy, radiation is used to kill cancer cells.
protons and two neutrons: an alpha particle. This makes the become a proton, emitting an electron at the same time. The radiation must be carefully controlled because it
nucleus smaller, which sometimes results in greater stability. In this case, the electron is known as a beta particle. can damage healthy cells as well as cancerous ones.

Elements are dened by the number of protons in the
nuclei of their atoms. Decay changes the proton number, so
the daughter nucleus is of a different element. Often the
daughter nucleus is also radioactive, and sometimes the
process continues in a decay chain like the one shown here.


- stable nuclide

its daugh
an alpha 18 emits
particle, a
214 Polonium
lead-214 r nucleus, The result
is also
27 minute Half-life:
lead-214s f
decay, bis eta
214 Lead-
s. also unde uth-214, Polonium

20 minute
decay.Ha oes beta
lf-life: unstable,
is extrem 14
210 Bismuth
s. very short has a The radio
Half-life: alf-life.
seconds. 002 by alpha d
lead-210 clide
210 Polonium
polonium cay of Bismuth-2 -
itself uns 14 is
Half-life: ble.
undergoe 0
decay to p beta
210 Lead-
22 years. polonium duce This subs
5 days.
been use nce has
d as a
in assass poison The end o
f th
Half-life: ations. decay cha e long
138 days. a stable n is
lead-206. lide,
1934 1935

The husband-and-wife team Irne and Frdric Joliot-Curie continued the In the rain forest's ecosystem, the living organismsvegetation and animalsinteract with the nonliving air
work of Marie CurieIrnes motherafter she died in 1934. and soil through the release and absorption of carbon dioxide and the exchange of nutrients.

FRENCH CHEMISTS Irne elements captured the neutrons. INSTRUMENTS TO MEASURE
(18971956) and Frdric At the time nobody thought that EARTHQUAKES date back to
Joliot-Curie (190058) neutrons would have enough antiquity, but by the early 1900s
demonstrated that it was energy to split a heavier atom. seismometers were being used
possible to induce articial But then, in January 1934, Fermi to detect movements in Earth's
radioactivity. They created succeeded in splitting uranium crust. A sophisticated system THE ENERGY RELEASED IN
nuclear reactions by making
high-energy particles collide with
by bombarding it with neutrons.
Fermi thought he had made
of levers generated a paper
trace showing the magnitude
the nuclei of atoms. In February, the rst transuranium element of an earthquake. Working in 9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE
they published their ndings on (an elements with an atomic earthquake-prone California,
making radioactive isotopes number above 92, uranium), but American physicist Charles scale that would make it easier DuPont chemical laboratories
(variants) of phosphorus and he had in fact achieved atomic Richter (190085) developed a to compare the amount of energy in the development of new
nitrogen by ring alpha particles ssion (see 1938). released by different earthquakes. polymerslong molecules made
at nonradioactive targets. German astronomer Walter 10 Initially devised just for local use, by bonding smaller molecular
Meanwhile, Italian physicist Baade (18931960) and his the Richter scale was soon building blocks into chains. The
causes devastation
Enrico Fermi (190154) decided to Swiss counterpart Fritz Zwicky 9
applied throughout the world. team had already manufactured
over several hundred
use recently discovered subatomic suggested that the smallest, miles/kilometers In February, German an articial silk called polyester,
particles called neutrons (see densest stars that could be bacteriologist Gerhard Domagk but was now working with a
193233), instead of alpha detected were made of neutrons. causes severe damage (18951964), described a different kind of building block.
particles, in nuclear reactions. He It was later conrmed that a over larger areas chemical dye with powerful The resulting polymer, called
worked his way up the periodic neutron star is the remnant of causes severe damage antibacterial properties. He polyamide 6-6, could be drawn
table to see how different a star that has exploded and is up to a range of 62.5 miles reported on clinical trials out into tough laments. It was
6 (100 km)
toward the end of its life. suggesting that the dyelater later called nylon (see 1937).
causes slight damage
Pistol shrimp While experimenting with sold under the name Prontosil In July, a scientic paper in
The snapping sound of this shrimp's ultrasound, German scientists 5 could be used as a drug to cure the journal Ecology introduced the
enlarged pincer produces enough felt by many, but
H. Frenzel and H. Schultes causes little or common, dangerous infections. concept of an ecosystem. Its
energy in a fraction of a second to
release heat and light as well as noticed that high-frequency 4 no damage Later in the year, Italian author, British botanist Arthur
stun its prey. sound affected photographic pharmacologist Daniel Bovet Tansley (18711955), combined
platesindicating light 3
(190792) discovered the two key themes: American
production. Known as chemical basis for Prontosils botanist Frederic Clementss
sonoluminescence, this effectiveness. He found its active 1916 concept of vegetation as a
2 recordable, but not
occurs when sound ingredient to be a sulfur-based community of different species
generally felt
creates underwater compound called sulfonamide. that changes over time, and
bubbles that focus its Sulfonamides were the most Russian scientist Vladimir
energy a trillion times, important antibacterial drugs Vernadskys treatise on cycles
creating ashes of light 0 until the introduction of penicillin of matter (see 1926). Tansleys
and heat. In the natural Richter scale (see 194041). ecosystem was an ecological
By linking measurable earthquake
world, pistol shrimps During 1935, American chemist structure in which living
movements to environmental
use this process to stun effects, Richter created a scale that Wallace Carothers (18961937) organisms interacted with
their prey. could be understood by everybody. led a team of scientists at each other as well as with the

ric ly ion a ce
En ting ss at e a l les
te for lla am
r wi t ic s th n rd f r y ich Wa is te -6, ley pt
a m It i ted e ar rma rs i a ua s R cale of 8 6 ns ce
nu un to y s a o a ar la s o in n y2 dh e Ta con
Ja rmi es a Ma gge nov of n n st ng Sz an ha mb Ja arle s a s tude ar s an amid r
Fe hiev su per ion utro Hu Le me ar c r bo Ch ent gni es
br er ly lo n u
th the em
ly ist the cl lea
e Fe roth e po d ny Ar s t
ac su nsit o ne Ju ysic for a nu nuc inv e ma uak ly duce sys
tra rs t h t th rthq Ca oduc alle u
J ro eco
p ten ing the pr er c int the
sta pa oduc n ea
lat of
pr actio

ha er
r er ibes f
0 ive t d G r im c
y1 f n d lis an 15 sc t o he topi e
ar n o ica tura ive el be r y de en rst e n
br ti iono r nz scri ce ua agk opm e ug ho iso lyz
Fe scrip uct ity
e a
Am d n ebe 28 f
d t e
Fr e n r
b m el th r Sc of ana ism
d v 15 n an Be 3,0 g a H. tes d esce Fe Do dev il ial d d olf use s to bol
De al in acti hed t in e ul min e s r Ru the el eta
ci dio blis
s o s
gu art rle cor ) us er
d h th onto acte 16 es lab m
t i a Au is B Cha a re 3 m ysph Sc lu Pr ntib st crib
ar of r is pu H. ono u
Ot to (92 ath s a g
Au de

Arthur Tansley, from Ecology Journal, 1935

At the impressionable stage immediately after hatching, a brood of goslings assumed

Konrad Lorenz to be their surrogate mother and followed him everywhere.

Retina rods and cones

Cells on the retina contain
pigments for light-absorption;

88) met Austrian biologist
rods (sepia) have one kind,
but cones (green) collectively Konrad Lorenz (190389) at a SCIENTIST TO DISCARD A PET
have three kinds of pigment
for detecting different colors.
symposium, and the two men HYPOTHESIS EVERY DAY BEFORE
spent many months discussing
aspects of animal behavior. BREAKFAST. IT KEEPS HIM YOUNG.
method for studying Their collaboration marked the
Konrad Lorenz, from On Aggression, 1966
the biochemistry foundation of ethology
of metabolism. the modern science of animal
Danish ophthalmologist behavior. They distinguished a steady state by processes of extreme weather conditions when
Gustav sterberg between innate behavior that was internal regulation. By the early a keeper inadvertently left it out
published a study on the inherited and learned behavior 1900s it was understood how of its shelter one night. Commonly
cellular makeup of the that became modied through aspects of the nervous system known as the Tasmanian wolf
retina at the back of the experience. Lorenz famously could make the body respond to or tiger, the thylacine was the
eye. In the 19th century, demonstrated how goslings can changes in circumstancesfor largest carnivorous marsupial.
nonliving environment that German anatomist Max Schultze become attached (imprinted) example, initiating the ght or Relentless hunting had driven
surrounded them. had identied the layers of the to humans just after hatching; ight response to danger. Selye the wild population to extinction
Rudolf Schoenheimer (1898 retina and drawn detailed Tinbergen studied the innate further explained how hormonal some years earlier.
1941) was a German biochemist illustrations of structures later courtship behavior of the changes were associated with
studying metabolismthe called rods and cones (see 1866). stickleback sh. stress, and that these changes
complex pattern of chemical sterberg recorded the rst The worlds rst practical could affect the function of the The last thylacine
reactions in the body. In order accurate count of the rods and helicopterthe Focke-Wulf bodys immune system. Named Benjamin, this was the last
thylacine in existence. A predator
to understand these patterns, cones. It was later shown that Fw61took its maiden ight In September, the last surviving
of kangaroos and wallabies, the
he found a way of tagging, or cones have high sensitivity in low in June. Built by German aviator thylacine died in Hobart Zoo in species earned an exaggerated
marking, substances in the light intensity, but cannot detect Heinrich Focke (18901979), Tasmania, after being exposed to reputation for attacking livestock.
body with detectable isotopes color. Color-sensitive cones only it ew using twin rotary blades
(variants) of elements. By tracing work in high light intensity and extending to the left and right
the pathways of the isotopes, are concentrated in an area of of the fuselage. Its rst ight
he was able to work out the the retina called the fovea, which lasted just 28 secondsbut it
sequences of chemical reactions collects light from a point of was far easier to control than
taking place. Isotopic labeling focus at the center of the eld of previous versions.
would become the standard vision to form an image. In July, Hungarian biologist
Hans Selye (190782) was the

rst person to describe
the scientic basis for
CONES IN THE HUMAN EYE physiological stress. In the

19th century, French physiologist
Claude Bernard had proposed
RODS IN THE HUMAN EYE that the living body maintained

an s 3 e e n sts arl or
de the s, r2 t ica er lm g ici s r7
be vet y L th en er om bble Rea visin n ys nd C ce f uon be e
en y is viru ctiou ar ives pat lty Am tron Hu The , re atio s
h n m n, th e,
ica t
W le a fe m
ve Bo tha
t the r u g b ira a n p er a vide d m pt
e i
er mis tan lize ll in b m s e
a win hes ul a si axic e c ey r e all e in y
No niel ers de is ent Fe lard bo dm er
i Se njam ylac tivit
Am che ith S stal sti a
D cov am pon i Sz mic ish A Ed blis Neb clas gal m erm ove s c Be t th cap
bi red cry t it i s o it pu the axy disk e A edd disc ticle
dis lfon com il t
a Br n
Ju th N son par las s in
Me st to tha su tive tos to of gal ude die
r ows n his incl Se der mic
ac Pro An bato
sh of to

e nz ar
gu niz
h re m a h
u itis Lo rgen alo rni itis
r t o t Br ters d
ra be on lye P o e Br tion
Po s M rs 2 s n Se ss he alif th 2 r lar
12 Ega the omy r 1 gi ai on Tin ing al ns tre al r T C ing pe r
be po u
r t ot be e re r ch for h K aas orat nim or a s be ry in erat esco m Cor t reg ition
be is
m log rm lob
em Ofc clea tion ard
r ol b a vi 4 H zes edic on em to p l v e g ce
ve uro erfo
De ent nu eac Szl Ma Nik olla y of eha ly i m ti pt va s o t te
No stin s r de ervi
o e p d c ud b Ju cogn s a ndi Se bser egin mid ca che gh- n s
N n
t r
Le an egin e st re a co b c h d i
O oa n h sio
b th S Br lau lev
1937 1938

German-born, Professor Hans Krebs emigrated to England in 1933. He is shown at work in the laboratory The coelacanth lives in the deep ocean waters and although it was known
at Shefeld University where he was based from 1935 to 1954 and carried out much of his research. to local shermen, paleontologists knew it only as a fossil.

Carlo Perrier (18661948) and
GRIFFIN (19152003) was
experimenting with chemical
transmutationhow one
Emilio Sgre (190589) reported
on a new articial element
IN PROGRESS, NOT A studying the migratory behavior element could change into

of bats, but could not understand another through a nuclear
formed by atomic reaction. They how they managed to navigate in reaction. Transmutation had
had made technetium in a the dark. In the 18th century, been rst demonstrated 20 years
radioactive-contaminated part Theodosius Dobzhansky, in Genetics and the Origin of Species, 1937 Italian biologist Lazzaro earlier by New Zealand-born
of a cyclotron (see 1931). Spallanzani (17291799) had physicist Ernest Rutherford
In February, American chemist using it commercially to make crude oil using a silica-alumina demonstrated that bats could y (see 191617). But scientists
Wallace Carothers patented toothbrush bristles. based catalyst. Sun Oil started up around objects when deprived of believed that there were limits to
his new chemical polymer In 1927, FrenchAmerican the rst petroleum cracking unit sightbut not if their ears were what could be achieved, and that
polyamide 6-6. By 1938, the engineer Eugene Houdry using the invention in March 1937. blocked. Working with the smashing the heaviest atoms,
DuPont Company had called (18921937) had invented a way In September, American American neurologist Robert such as those of uranium, could
this polymer nylon and was of cracking petroleum from electrical engineer Grote Reber Galambos (19142010), Grifn not make much lighter atoms.
(19112002) built the rst radio used a special ultrasound However, toward the end of the
telescope. microphone to discover that bats year, Hahn reported that he had
German-born biochemist Hans emit high-pitched sounds that achieved just thathe split
Krebs found that citric acid are beyond the range of human uranium to produce barium,
could keep cells alive and hearing. Grifns theory was that a process known as nuclear
showed that it was a key the animals were using a form of ssion. The Italian physicist
intermediary in a process that sonar, listening for echoes of Enrico Fermi had achieved a
provided cells with energy. The their sounds as they bounced off similar processalthough he
process became known as the obstacles or prey. At rst, his thought he had synthesized a
citric acid, or Krebs, cycle. theory was derided, but by 1944 new element (see 1934). Later,
Ukrainian biologist Theodosius the accepted phenomenon was Fermi would oversee the rst
Dobzhansky (190075) published called echolocation. ssion chain reaction (see 1942).
Genetics and the Origin of Species. The German chemist Otto In December, Marjorie
In it he showed how Darwins Hahn (18791968) was Courtenay-Latimer
natural selection (see 1859) could
be explained in terms of the 20 Echolocation
genetic makeup of populations

in bats
and helped lay the foundations of 17m
15 Bats hunt for food by
modern evolutionary biology. listening for echoes of
their high-pitched calls
10 bouncing off their prey.
The larger the prey, the
5 greater is the maximum
The rst radio telescope detection distance.
American Grote Reber built his radio 4m
telescope in his back yard. He used it 0
to conrm that radio signals could mealworm small moth big moth
be detected from space. PREY

r ist
er ake nt, ns tha
t nt oot st
cie owf ) and ibe 8 ici ylo
P m e Ha ws ps s r y phys a
rlo re m h o e h Cr kin scr a A n sh is
Ca Seg l ele rc sh ke itis y g e nu n its 4 l
ar lio ci a Ma ebs cid ve Br roth Hod al d f Ja ssia Kap y 2 bru cia
nu mi ti Kr ric a s ali D ter, ern re o -ra
o y
Ru otr bes f ar th er e
Ja d E st ar r u too mm ad
cit sue (la hn B uctu ng X y Py scri ery o ity b
Fe istle st co be m
a e r tium
tis Jo e str usi raph de cov uid
th chne br e r t to yarn
th rols llog dis per th oduc ylon
te ste ysta su pr th n
cr wi

16 an
ry e rm ip te
ua Ofc s Ge irsh s ro s iam e n
6 a me r G lete ill if
b t
Fe ten gist -6
Ma burg o a ship t b e p the t W s th n d Gr egin
m om f i s e
c ctio , l b s
Pa re de 6 ce e n t r
in d ai men
pt r c n o op
e og du na s bat
U S i
m alla at nd ts i Se ebe ctio lesc b iol pro iffra DNA a Do mbo on rate
lya W rs Hi urs rig elop R tru te h ry y d of as 3 8 la ts st n
po for the ont b ing ev
ns io itis bu ra n h re 19 t Ga en on atio
ro DuP
d d co rad Br Ast t X- atter ng it ctu r ly ber erim dem oloc
,en s p wi tru a
Ca rst r o s E Ro xp ld ch
sh ular d t e ou e
g an rs at w
re e h
270 th t

Made by German company Heinkel in 1939, the rst jet aircraftthe He178was the prototype
for later models built for combat at the end of World War II.

IN APRIL, GROTE REBER the atomic bomb. Einstein had described the behavior of
uranium-235 nucleus smaller product
nucleus (barium) DISCOVERED a new kind of prompted what would become electrons in forming ionic bonds
astronomical object with his the Manhattan Project: the (different atoms bonding by
radio telescopea radio galaxy Allied program of research and gaining and losing electrons)
called Cygnus A. This object development that would and covalent bonds (atoms
neutron remains one of the strongest eventually unleash the only bonding by sharing electrons). In
sources of radio signals that has nuclear weapons so far used particular, Pauling developed the
nucleus splits into
two fragments ever been detected. in wartime combat. idea that shared electrons are
(ssion) Six years after Hungarian-born Although many scientists left not in a xed position, but orbit
physicist Lo Szilrd (18981964) Germany in the months leading around both nuclei associated
burst of energy from conceived the idea of releasing up to World War II, others stayed with the bond.
ssion releases more uranium-235
smaller product
nucleus and neutrons


shower of
excess neutrons
undergo ssion in
chain reaction ,,SCIENCE IS THE SEARCH

Nuclear ssion releases atomic energywhich is maximized
when the process is done in a way that initiates a chain reaction. HIS OPPONENT OR DO HARM
Uranium-235 is favored as it is the most abundant ssionable TO OTHERS.
isotope and has plenty of critical neutrons. When the uranium
nucleus (ssionable nucleus) is bombarded with an external Linus Pauling, American chemist and peace activist, in Liberation, 1958
source of neutrons, the uranium nuclei split into smaller
fragments. More neutrons are emitted as by-products, which in energy in a nuclear chain behind to continue their work in
turn split other uranium nuclei in the chain reaction. reaction, there was growing advancing science and
concern among scientists that technology. The rst jet engine LINUS PAULING
Nazi Germany would develop an was designed and patented by (190194)
(19072004), curator at a with the dinosaurs. The atomic bomb. Italian physicist German physicist Hans von
museum in East London, South coelacanth belongs to an ancient Enrico Fermi and German Ohain (191198). On August 27, American chemist and peace
Africa, was asked to collect a group of lobe-nned shes chemist Otto Hahn had already the rst aircraft to y under activist, Linus Pauling is the
specimen from the local shing related to the ancestors of the demonstrated that controlled turbojet powerthe Heinkel only person to have received
docks. There she found an rst vertebrates that evolved to nuclear ssion by a chain He178had its maiden ight. two unshared Nobel Prizes.
unusual sh that she could not live on land. Initially, the modern reaction was possible. In August, After the war, von Ohain was His work spanned quantum
identify and, in the absence of coelacanth was known only in German-born physicist Albert one of many German scientists mechanics in chemistry and
any technical support, reluctantly deep waters of the western Einstein, by now in exile in recruited to help advance the structures of complex
had it stuffed. South African Indian Ocean, but a second America and working at scientic research in America as biological molecules, such
zoologist James Smith (1897 species was found in Indonesian Princeton University, wrote to part of Operation Paperclip. as proteins. After World
1968) later identied it as a waters in 1997. President Roosevelt expressing American chemist Linus War II he campaigned
coelacantha sh until then the scientists concerns. He later Pauling published his most against the further use
known only from fossils and urged the US president to enter celebrated book: The Nature of of nuclear weapons.
thought to have become extinct the race to be the rst to make the Chemical Bond. In it he

an r s es
r 1 icist ker hn 1 rm ne ist m
be Ha y 1 Ge Meit lain e r og Ja ay e
c -
m phys zs ergy tion
s r be biol and w d min
e tto t ua nd e xp th r
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pt n ei en ac 7 O ou br h a Lis h e of ed Re gal ce can er n h ete
Se rma on W the n re ar r 1 ng Fe edis ists risc asis ort te dio De eri amn plai th d
Ge rl v bes usio a st be rryi n Sw ysic to F c b re
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de leas ppe De port r s an e sc r s hn Ap cov s A Bo d ni ing iodis
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e th clea Ha dis gnu an wer per
th nu nu Otto Cy o oto
by (ph

t ica ts
on 3A er to er
u P ces r 2 is A m icis er n es , ll e
7 D u n -6 be nth st s
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be y an mid ylo De coe the fric e br dia pen Volk per rt s n ste eve deve mb
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93 at D act nsec
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an d it o tro e
uld Au e a to sid th he a co as t
wo lim neu os ur atom Oc Pre ing t dis sed
Ro u rg u


The production method of the glowing radioactive element plutonium was initially
kept secret because it was key to the manufacture of early atomic bombs.

IN THE FIRST PART OF THE Earths core. He stated that a breakthrough in understanding
20TH CENTURY, geologists used rigid but brittle envelope overlaid normal cell wall the way living cells process their
bacterium swells
bacterium weakens
data from studying seismic a much thicker semisolid layer, and bursts as cell energy. In 1941, he reported that
waves to conclude that Earth which was hotter toward the wall breaks down a phosphate-rich substance
had a distinct core (see 1906). core. Today, it is now known that called adenosine triphosphate
By studying the way waves were Earths layers differ chemically (ATP) was the chemical key to
transmitted during earthquakes, and physically, with a silicon- the process. While ATP had been
they deduced that the core was rich rocky surround and a core discovered more than 10 years
made up of different materials that is roughly 80 percent iron earlier, biologists were only now
from the rest of the planet. In (see below). The rigid surround able to recognize its function. By
1940, Canadian geologist includes a low-density surface penicillin penicillin enters bacterium burning caloric nutrients, such
molecule and inhibits enzyme that
Reginald Aldworth Daly crust, with a mantle layer as carbohydrates and fats, living
builds cell wall
(18711957) published Strength made up of higher-density rock cells harness their energy in the
and Structure of the Earth, beneath it. HOW PENICILLIN WORKS phosphate bonds of a pool of
in which he identied a multi- In 1940, at University of ATP molecules. When energy
layered arrangement around California, Berkeley, scientists Penicillin is an antibiotica member of a group of chemicals is requiredsuch as for growth
successfully made the rst that either prevent the growth of bacteria or kill them altogether. or movementATP is broken
Layers of outer Earth transuranium elementsthose These chemicals attack targets that are present only in bacterial down, unlocking the energy of its
Earths iron core is surrounded by with an atomic number higher cells and not in infected tissue. Penicillin inhibits the process that phosphate bonds to do the work
a thick mantle covered in crust. The
than that of uranium (92). By many bacteria use to build their cell walls. As a result, the cell (see panel, opposite).
hard rock of the uppermost mantle
and crust forms the movable plates using a particle accelerator, walls weaken, making the bacteria absorb water and burst. While working at the Dow
that account for drifting continents. scientists successfully made Chemical Company, American
elements 93 and 94. These engineer Ray McIntire (191896)
solid inner
core new elements were named respectively, after Neptune and Heatley (19112004) not only had been asked to develop an
neptunium and plutonium, Plutothe two outer planets of demonstrated that its antibiotic insulating material as part
liquid outer the Solar System. Publication secretion, penicillin, could be

continental crust
of the discovery of these
elements was delayed until after
World War II as it was found that
plutonium had the potential to be
used to cure infection (see
panel, above), but that it could be
produced and isolated in useful
amounts as well. Medical trials
,, I WAS A
lithosphere is rigid used as fuel for an atomic bomb. began in January 1941, and
surface rock composed

More than 30 years after techniques for the mass
of low-density crust
oating on a surface Scottish bacteriologist Alexander production of the antibiotic
layer of high-density Fleming had identied the would be developed by the time
mantle antibacterial properties of the World War II was at its height. TO RUMINATE
rigid lower Penicillium mold (see 1928), At the same time, German-
mantle called semiuid upper Australian biologist Howard born American biochemist Fritz
the mesosphere mantle called the
asthenosphere on
Walter Florey (18981968) and Albert Lipmann (18991986)
Glenn Theodore Seaborg, American
oceanic which the lithospheres British biochemists Ernst Boris had been studying the chemistry scientist, on being part of the team
crust rigid plates move Chain (190679) and Norman of metabolism and made a that discovered plutonium, 1947

ld , . ain in 4,
ina h 24 rd W . Ch ey icill n r1 n . .
eg Daly engt t a
s w t B at l n tio be rica in M nn T l rt s
0 rth Str of u o e c m
e m Edw Gle e a
e ica
4 g s e
Au 40 H , Ern an H ed infe
p c ed egin lbe ibe
19 dwo hes ure i De 40 A ists nd esiz M b z A scr ATP
Al blis ruct 19 rey rm pur rial 19 ysic lan a nth later 41 in i t
Fr de of
o o
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pu d St rth ph Mil rg s nt, ium r y eni 19 ma ctio
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nu f p p
e sh n cu l Ja als o L e fun
th S w e plu
ca ne med tri

40 ica
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19 n er llan 19 h m
no kes tir
2 7, me n m i 2 8, ritis ro a cIn ake
A M ce t e
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be d
B ham f as ar m pac e M
ay to m ne
ua tin Ru ive 19 M. nno ry o m an ra o ian ell ep s tur
br Mar uel act 14 , ce ain d Ab ence nce d 1 R ay tyre lled
F ts am dio n- 8 in a ve
ne w on co niu
m e
D Ch ar vid ta ia na cK de pera 4 w s
19 s a oly r ca am
is a o Ju ts Ed bels dis ptu . is Ca w M of
e m nd S he r arb e e
w e
t B Ed ibe res acte
9 41 dre tes tem e p te
vis ed la tyro
Ch a rt ec tis ip A th n ns st r c 1 An ma e
d oam
ve nc ien il Er emi esc ioti in b ti s
co ta sc d Ph ch d tib es f
dis subs n bio an
272 a

SINCE 1940

In the 1940s, aircraft were used to spray DDT over the widest
possible areas. Its polluting effects lasted for many years.

of the war effort. He used a IN 1939, SWISS CHEMIST PAUL 8% 1% Chicago pile-1built beneath a Manhattan Projectthe US
material called polystyrene HERMANN MLLER (18991965) uranium oxide uranium football stand at the University government-led Allied research
a type of plastic originally made had discovered that a chlorine- of Chicago. The reactor and development initiative that
from tree resinand chemically containing chemical called DDT bombarded a sample of uranium produced the rst atomic bombs
treated it to produce countless (dichlorodiphenyltrichloethane) with neutrons to trigger a chain during World War II.
bubbles in the manufacturing was lethal when it came in reaction, which was controlled
process. The resulting foam contact with insects, and could with neutron-absorbing cadmium Enrico Fermi
polystyrene, trademarked as possibly be used to control insect rods. It ran successfully for four In 1938, Enrico Fermi moved to the
US with his Jewish wife to escape
styrofoam, was inexpensive pests. In September, the US and a half minutes before Fermi
Italys anti-Semitic policies. He
and lightweight. received the rst stocks of DDT stopped the process. This event
to begin using it on a wide 91%GRAPHITE
marked a critical step in the
received the Nobel Prize for Physics
the same year.
scale. During World War II,
DDT was used widely to control
Enrico Fermis nuclear reactor
lice-born typhus as well as
Neutron-releasing uranium pellets
malaria-carrying mosquitos. were at the heart of the nuclear chain
In the post-war years, DDT reaction in Fermis reactor. Graphite
application increased further as blocks slowed the neutrons.
agriculturalists began using it to
kill crop-eating pests. However, kill bacteria. They investigated the
by the 1960s, the world had process whereby some bacteria
realized that DDT poisoned the mutate to become genetically
environment by accumulating in resistant to infection, and in 1943,
food chains (see 1962), and the explained that this happened
chemical that had earlier earned spontaneously, and was not
THE ROLE OF ATP Mller a Noble Prize was induced by the environment.
IN METABOLISM banned from most countries. Scientists had already
Two American biologists, demonstrated the practical
Plant and animal cells contain German-born Max Delbrck possibility of a self-sustained
powerhouses called (190681) and Italian-born nuclear reaction in a controlled
mitochondria (sepia). They are Salvador Luria (191291), setting (see 1938). In December,
packed with membrane folds embarked on a collaborative study ItalianAmerican physicist Enrico
that carry the molecular of bacteriophages (also known as Fermi oversaw the operation of
machinery needed to make a phages)viruses that infect and the worlds rst nuclear reactor

chemical called adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) from
high-energy foods. Energy
from ATP is released to order
to drive cellular activity, such
as building DNA and protein. Arthur Compton, Director of the Metallurgical Laboratory, University of
Chicago, in a coded message referring to Enrico Fermis success, 1942

5, ic es
r1 n
m 7 t ist et se d
be rica rge d Ta uce y 2 icis Hey s 3 sic gn 2 ver aine in
ar ys er phy n oma be
r i o st ion r
m e o r
ve m Ge wa rod ting b r u h ph nley ave b
to sh fv tr m rm su ct to
No 41 A ists d Ed es p ula Fe glis Sta dio w Oc edi s Al elec s e ce o Fe elf- rea reac
d s ain ar
19 ient an gen reg s En mes s ra un Sw nne bes iqui c
D ri st
sc adle hat ts by yme Ja tect he S Ha scri in l En e r r ch cle
Be ow t ffec enz de m t de ves th cle st nu
sh eir e lar fro wa nu e r
th rticu th

an or
ad t
er von S alv tha s
G e
eiv r 3 e r er nd rat ion
ec T fo l er nh alt k a st tat sly
SA DD tro t ob Wer d W form l r c mon mu eou ria
r U of con ice Oc ers n an per ssfu elb de tic tan cte
be ples , to om l e u r e fa x D ria ene on ba
em m use s fr n gin Bra erge succ ch o et Ma Lu g e sp in
pt sa e n b st un
k is
Se rst cale yphu r r
Do he st l V2 r
a ar
-s t
de t te
194344 1945

These are the control panels of the rst electronic programmable computer
Colossuswhich was used to decode German messages during World War II.

that if proteins and their enzymes

proteins and carbohydrates are harmless bacterium
passed to harmless bacterium bacterium unchanged were removed from bacteria,
another chemical present
harmful DNAcould still cause
bacterium is
transformation. This showed that
broken down,
and its DNA genes are made of DNA, not
separated from protein, as was previously thought.
proteins and bacterium Quinine, a naturally occurring
carbohydrates DNA is passed to harmless becomes
harmless bacterium bacterium harmful
substance found in the the bark
of the South American cinchona
DISCOVERING THE NATURE OF DNA tree, had long been valued for its
antimalarial properties. Supply
Oswald Avery sought to identify the chemical substance that could had become difcult during
transform harmless bacteria into harmful bacteria. Avery killed World War II, but in May 1944,
harmful bacteria and broke them down into their various chemical American chemists Robert
components (protein and carbohydrates and DNA). He added Woodward (191779) and
each component in turn to harmless bacteria, and he found that William Doering (19172011)
only the bacterias DNA could cause a change. announced that they had
successfully manufactured it.
Austrian physician Hans
DURING WORLD WAR II, the and inheritance was made in Asperger (190680) had been
pioneering code-breaking work 1944. Canadian-born physician studying mental disorders in
of British mathematician Alan Oswald Avery (187779) wanted children and formalized the
Turing (191254) triggered an to identify the transforming diagnosis of autism. He
outburst of computer technology. principle rst identied by examined a group of autistic
One of the earliest electronic
digital computers was built in
Britain in 1943: Colossus.

French engineer mile Gagnan NOBEL PRIZE? BECAUSE MOST
(190079) modied a gas-
regulator valve for a new use.
Working with French biologist SERIOUSLY.
Jacques Cousteau (191097),
he adapted the device so that it James Watson, American geneticist, from Nature, April 1983
could be used to control the air
supply in an aqualung. This Frederick Grifth (see 1928). children who, because of the
invention would revolutionize Avery performed similar nature of their way of learning,
underwater exploration. experiments to Grifth, but he he called little professors. Their
A major step forward in analyzed the genetic factor in condition later became known as
unlocking the science of genes more detail. He demonstrated Aspergers syndrome.

y s
ts , er n l ist d
43 of ter es y 1 Av d oli y kin tra m an
19 on u 3 ut ar ald an sts C ns a uld ar odg cen re c he ky, nin, te a
r ch ucti omp hley 194 tea -air u
br sw ian nti lyn Ha es o u
br y H the tu
rc can ins de ola ium
Ma nstr us c letc er us d Fe 4 4 O nad scie Mac hat DNA 9 4 4 crib at w as Fe roth bes truc Ma eri Mar Glen ll is eth
m s Co esse , 1 des m th wn
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Co gins K Su cque mp an eri od a onr e fr ne er tis no m de emi icill Ja wre s Co nt
Ja w co ng Ju perg f au me k ndro
be rk, U Am cLe ty c mad s o
A m eco s sy ch pen La arle eme
Pa ne ualu Ma Car are of Ch w el
aq for er b ger'
Mc nes lat per ne
ge As

rt ica n
tem be er n
ys ts Ro liam m rif n ica
A s cryp ne 4 l e A G o er d L.
3 n o ) 94 Wi rib 4 4 ld ati d m n a
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1, tha tele GSA ed Ma rd a g de the ine r r s
be ist D e o bat term n y 1 ay rib ng
il ar n R esc iveri th
r tic ( S I
h wa rin syn in m h f
ce log s t r o the tio u
br icia y d el ou
lan ls au od Doe the f qu De zoo ribe avio ins loca Fe hys ibb of d y m
sat gna is l Wo o L od n b
n si c
s be h c cho
o p
tra de e eth ill
m enic
274 p
This polarized light micrograph shows crystals of the vitamin folic acid (folacin), which is needed
during pregnancy for normal development of the baby in the womb.


ITS SIXTH YEAR, so did the
Manhattan Projectthe Allies IS TECHNICALLY SWEET, YOU GO
atomic bomb research project AHEAD AND DO IT. THAT IS THE WAY
(see 1939). The idea of an IT WAS WITH THE ATOMIC BOMB.
articial nuclear chain reaction
had been developed by J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist, testifying in court, 1954
Hungarian-born physicist Lo
Szilrd (18981964), but it did them). Both release energy, but the neutrons emitted by the
not become a reality until 1942. only ssion could be achieved radioactivity trigger instantaneous
Nuclear reactions are processes articially. Fission happens decay and release massive
that change the nuclei of atoms, naturally when radioactive amounts of energy. On July 16, DOROTHY HODGKIN
either through ssion (splitting elements decay, but it can be the US Army exploded the (191094)
them) or fusion (combining induced by bombarding Manhatten Projects rst
elements with neutrons (see atomic bomb in the New Mexico Born in Egypt, Dorothy
The worlds rst atomic bomb 1938). If elements capable of desertthe Trinity Test Hodgkin studied chemistry
The rst bomb was exploded by the sustaining a nuclear ssion chain witnessed by fewer than 300 at Oxford University, UK, and
US Army in the early hours of July
reaction (ssile material), such people. Three weeks later, two earned a PhD in the study of
16, 1945, at Alamogordo, in the New
Mexico desert. It had the energy as uranium or plutonium, are atomic bomb attacks on Japan biological substances called
equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT. condensed to a critical mass, (on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki), sterols. She studied the
helped bring World War II to an three-dimensional structure
high-explosive lens conventional end, but hundreds of thousands of complex molecules such
chemical explosive of lives were lost. as cholesterol, penicillin, and
sub-critical pieces Scientists had already insulin. She was awarded the
of uranium-235
developed X-ray crystallography, 1964 Nobel Prize for her
pushed together
plutonium a technique that could be used to research into vitamin B12.
core work out positions of a crystals
atoms (see 1912), and it proved
especially useful for studying British writer Arthur C. Clarke
structures of complex biological (19172008) was looking to the
molecules. By July, British future. Among his many
BUILDING ATOMIC BOMBS chemist Dorothy Hodgkin had predictions was the idea that
helped resolve the complex geostationary satellites,
Two methods have been used. In the implosion method (used for structures of both penicillin (satellites that would sit at a
the Trinity Test and the Nagasaki bomb), explosives compress a and cholesterol. xed point in space relative to
central core of ssile material. In the gun-type assembly (used on In August, chemical company Earths position and rotation
Hiroshima), elements were pushed together. The naturally emitted American Cyanamid announced period) could be used for
neutrons strike neighboring atoms, causing a chain reaction of that it had made folic acid telecommunications. This
ssion events (see 1938), which releases huge amounts of energy. the vitamin needed for healthy became a reality less than
growth in the developing fetus. 20 years later.

S 29
ity A U B- e id 3 ts and e
rin co, ial t 6 ing th an
m s
1 yana it ha ed r 1 is h
e T exi tic s 3 be hem gham te t
h gu Boe ess ops ly ed st C at i m c a
T M r Au AF fortr dr emb enam a gu can th pur id te can nin isol
16 ew rst a ion Au eri nces nd ic ac
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As electronic devices repeatedly shrank in size and cost,
digital power expanded exponentially, ushering in a new
era of information technology, global communication, and
exploration into the remotest parts of the Universe.
1946 1947
The distance between Earth and the Moon was The Bell X-1 manned airplane was launched from the bomb bay of a Boeing
measured by bouncing a radar signal off the Moon. B-29 to reach a record-breaking altitude and break the sound barrier.

THE VERY FIRST CONTACT Moon, it demonstrated that within the sample resonate at
WITH A SPACE BODY was made signals made on Earth could be characteristic frequencies. This beam splitter mirror
on January 10, when the US used to communicate in space. technique was subsequently
Army Signal Corps successfully The same month saw the used to study the structures
detected the echo of radar publication of studies of a of molecules, and was later laser subject
reected from the Moonjust phenomenon that would modied to produce images of beam
2.5 seconds after it was sent. revolutionize medical imaging: bigger internal structures, such
Project Diana was initially nuclear magnetic resonance as those of the living body in MRI
established to examine whether (NMR). Swiss physicists Felix (magnetic resonance imaging).
long-range radar could detect Bloch (190583) and American American biologists Edward
incoming missiles, but it marked physicist Edward Purcell Tatum (190975) and Joshua
the start of the US space (191297) showed that when a Lederberg (19252008) found mirror
program as well. In addition to sample is exposed to an intense that bacteria had a sexual process
determining the distance to the magnetic eld, certain nuclei similar to that of more complex
organisms. When they combined HOLOGRAMS
tube containing control console different strains, a few bacteria
magnet sample measures developed new abilities that the Hologram technology involves directing a laser beam onto a
creates resonance original strains were incapable of photographic plate using mirrors. The beam is split so that part of
magnetic doing individually. They discovered it bounces off the subject before hitting the plate, while the other
that bacterial cells were binding part hits the plate directly. This produces an interference pattern,
together and exchanging which is photographed. A 3-D image is made by shining a laser
genetic material in a process onto the negative at the same angle as the original beam.
known as conjugation, thereby
sharing chemical capabilities.
This process has important IN 1947, AMERICAN PHYSICIST Marinsky (19182005) announced
implications, such as the spread LUIS ALVAREZ (see 1980) the discovery of radioactive
of antibiotic resistance. oversaw the construction of the element number 61, named
In July, the US undertook the rst proton linear accelerator promethium after the Greek god
radio frequency
signal in rst post-war nuclear test in Berkley, California. In the same Prometheus. Promethium is a
trace recorder using the same sort of bomb year, American physicist William rare earth element, which closed
as dropped on Nagasaki in Hansen (190949) produced the the gap in the periodic table.
NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE 1945. Called Test Able, it was rst electron linear accelerator In October, US Air Force pilot
conducted on the Bikini Atoll in at Stanford University, California. Charles Chuck Yeager (b.1923)
The magnetic resonance of atomic nuclei can be used to detect the the Pacic Ocean, and was Particle acceleration is used became the rst person to break
chemical components of a substance. The atomic nuclei in a test designed to see the effects on to study the building blocks the sound barrier. He ew Bell
sample that has been placed in a strong magnetic eld absorb 78 experimental ships anchored of matter, and it has practical X-1 and achieved a speed of Mach
and emit electromagnetic radiation at characteristic frequencies. in the lagoonsome carrying applications, such as in the 1.07 or 815 mph (1,311 kmph).
Scientists can use this to establish the kinds of atoms present in living test animals. More than treatment of cancer. HungarianBritish physicist
the sample and determine its chemical structure. 60 nuclear tests would later be In September at the American Dennis Gabor (190079) led
carried out in the Bikini Atoll. Chemical Society, Jacob a patent in December for a

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For 45 years, the Hale telescope was the worlds biggest effective telescope.
It is still in use today, collecting data on around 290 nights every year.

IN MARCH, American physicists Observatory was

Julian Schwinger (191894) and completed. Its dome
Richard Feynman (191888) houses the Hale
introduced a new eld of science: telescope, named after
quantum electrodynamics. It American astronomer
described how electrically George Hale. This
charged particles interacted with telescoperst used
packets of electromagnetic by astronomer Edwin
radiation, called photons. The Hubblehas aided in the
conference included the rst discovery of quasars and
Proton linear accelerator presentations of Feynman Takahe stars of distant galaxies.
The rst device to accelerate protons diagrams to show interactions Since their rediscovery in 1948, In the same month, Albert 1
in a straight line was a 40 ft (12 m) the New Zealand takahe have been
between subatomic particles, became the rst monkey
construction. It helped advance moved to predator-free islands as
research and understanding of with time along one axis and part of a conservation program. astronaut to leave for space
fundamental particles of matter. space along another. onboard a V2 rocket. However, ERWIN CHARGAFF
In April, Russian physicist pp.34445) occurred in xed he died of suffocation 39 miles (19052002)
theoretical technique for George Gamow (190468) and proportions. Hydrogen and helium (63 km) into the ascent, before
producing 3D-style images, American cosmologist Ralph are still the most abundant reaching the Karman line that In studying the chemistry
or holograms. He described Alpher (19212007) proposed elements in the Universe today. marks the beginning of space at of biological molecules,
how to produce an image of an that elements produced when In June, Caltechs (California 62 miles (100 km). Austrian-born chemist Erwin
object that changed orientation the Universe formed (see Institute of Technology) Palomar AustrianAmerican chemist Chargaff made breakthroughs
depending on the viewing angle. Erwin Chargaff reported on a in a range of topics, such as
traces of 0.1%
However, practical application of 0.1% traces of other study of the makeup of DNAa how blood clots. He moved to
24% lithium
his theory became possible only 0.5% elements substance that had recently been the USA when Nazi inuence
with the development of the rst 1% shown to be the chemical of spread through Europe.
working lasers in 1960. 23% heredity. Five years before DNA Chargaff discovered that
American engineer Percy structure was revealed as a DNA varied between species,
Spencer (18941970) was double helix, Chargaffs analysis but the proportions of key
involved in radar design with TODAY, AFTER MANY showed that DNA components components were xed.
a company called Raytheon. He THE UNIVERSE FORMED
CYCLES OF STAR BIRTH called bases occurred in xed
accidentally discovered that proportions. The proportions of
the microwaves produced 76% 74% base adenine matched that of On November 20, English
by a vacuum tube called a thymine, while the proportion of ornithologist Geoffrey Orbell
magnetrona core component guanine matched cytosine. The (19082007) made a remarkable
of radarheated food. By double helix model would show discovery when he saw takahes
conning the food target in a Composition of the Universe KEY that these matches were due to in the mountains of South Island,
metal box, Spencer invented the The rst elements formed after the the bases pairing up. Later work New Zealand. These ightless
Hydrogen Helium
Universe formed were the lightest.
rst microwave ovenpatented Lithium Oxygen revealed that the base sequence relatives of rails and moorhens
Cosmologists theorize that the
in 1945. Raytheon sold the rst heavier elements were formed Carbon Neon along the double helix was the had been thought to be extinct for
commercial model in 1947. inside stars by fusion of atoms. Iron Nitrogen basis for inherited information. the previous 50 years.

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1949 1950

EDSAC was one of the rst recognizably modern computers in terms of design, but it nearly lled Deployment of the myxoma virus was the rst biological control method used
a room and needed 60 in- (152 cm-) long tubes of mercury to help with memory storage. for a mammal pest, dramatically reducing the number of rabbits in Australia.

ON MARCH 28, BRITISH he unwittingly gave the name THE YEAR 1950 SAW RAPID And Computer), which became
ASTRONOMER FRED HOYLE to an idea that would later gain ADVANCEMENT in nuclear the rst computer to be used in
coined the term Big Bang on almost universal acceptance. technology. On January 31, US predicting weather. It started
BBC radio, while explaining the DutchAmerican astronomer President Harry Truman the rst 24-hour weather
Steady State Theoryhis view Gerald Kuiper had established announcedlargely in response forecast service on March 5.
that the Universe had an innite that the atmosphere of Mars to the Soviet Unions detonation of In October, British computer
past and an innite future. He was made of carbon dioxide and an atomic bomb in August scientist Alan Turing proposed
disagreed with the theory that Saturns rings were made of ice. 1949that he had authorized a test for articial intelligence.
all matter was created in one In May, he discovered Nereid the development of a hydrogen Rabbits had become a national
big bang at a particular time in the outermost moon of Neptune. bomb. Its design would form the problem for Australia. A century
the remote past. In doing so, Kuiper later attributed Nereids basis for all future thermonuclear and a half before, European
eccentric orbit to its origin in an
hypothesized ring of icy bodies
beyond Neptune. The existence
of this ringcalled the Kuiper
FRED HOYLE (19152001)

British astronomer Fred

Beltwas conrmed in 1992. Hoyle was one of the great
On May 6, EDSAC (Electronic scientic thinkers of the INTELLIGENT IF IT COULD

Delay Storage Automatic
Calculator), a new computer
20th century, and stimulated
widespread interest in DECEIVE A HUMAN INTO
at Cambridge University, UK,
ran its rst program. EDSAC
cosmology with his support
of the Steady State Theory.
could work through around This idea has been supplanted WAS HUMAN.
700 operations per second. It by the Big Bang Theory (see
became the rst computer to pp.34445). However, Hoyles Alan M. Turing, British computer scientist, 1950
routinely help scientists with Stellar Nucleosynthesis
complex calculations. Theory prevails. weapons. A month later, at the settlers had brought rabbits
In the US, rocket scientists University of California, nuclear with them for food. But in a land
successfully launched the rst chemist Stanley Thompson without predators, the rabbit
mammal into space (see 1948). height of 81 miles (130.6 km). (191276) and his team created population exploded, wreaking
Albert IIa rhesus monkeywent Albert II survived the ight, californiumthe 98th element havoc on crops and native
beyond the Earths atmosphere but he died on return to Earth of the periodic table. Despite its wildlife. When shooting,
when his V2 rocket reached a due to parachute failure. instability, californium is still the poisoning, and containment with

heaviest element that does not fences failed to control them,

quickly decayand unlike most Frank Fenner (19142010), a
other ultraheavy elements, it can microbiologist at the Australian
be made in quantities visible to National University, oversaw the
Monkey astronaut THE NUMBER OF the naked eye. release of myxomaa deadly
The V2 rocket carrying a rhesus
monkey went beyond the Karman VACUUM TUBES USED Computing science was racing
forward too. The US had ENIAC
virus that caused myxomatosis.
It curbed the rabbit plague, and
Linethe boundary between the
Earths atmosphere and outer space. IN EDSAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator although rabbits were not

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Science inuenced fashion at the 1951 Festival of Britain, where fabric and wallpaper
designs based on X-ray crystallography (see 1945) were exhibited.

Sun orbit of Oort IN 1951, the Lancet, a medical Early transistors

Oort Cloud Cloud comet journal, published an article Transistors revolutionized
the world of electronic devices
by British physician Richard
and circuitry. Their ability to act as
Asher (191269) about a new switches also proved to be especially
mental disorder in which valuable in the growing eld of POINT-CONTACT
sufferers sought attention by computer technology. TRANSISTOR

fabricating medical ailments.

Asher called it the Mnchhausen genes in the DNA hold the
syndromeafter the 18th- instructions for assembling
century German baron who particular proteins by linking
invented wild stories about his amino acids together in the
life that he claimed were true. correct order. rst transistor in 1947, but it was
The same year also saw an On July 4, American inventor the improved design of 1951 that
important breakthrough in William Shockley (191089), would become the standard
the eld of molecular biology. working at Bell Telephone component of electronic devices
Unraveling the molecular Laboratories in New Jersey, for the next 30 years.
structure of complex biological announced the invention of the
substances such as proteins had junction transistor. Shockley
been one of the challenges of and his team had made their
Kuiper planetary analytical chemistry. British
Belt orbit biochemist Fred Sanger (b.1918)
studied one particular protein,
Oort Cloud bond
insulin, which consisted of
Made up of billions of comets, the Oort Cloud marks the hypothetical outer
boundary of the Solar System. Orbits of Oort Cloud comets are more than interlocked chains of smaller
a thousand times bigger than planetary orbits. variable components called
amino acids. By chemically
eradicated, their numbers never Heezen (192477) had used splitting these chains, Sanger
recovered to pre-1950s levels. photographic methods to locate was able to determine the types amino
In the 1970s, Fenner went on to sunken aircraft from World of amino acids, and even the acid
use his skills in disease control WarII. They went on to map sequence in which they were
and played a crucial role in the the underwater seascape linked together. Sanger was the AMINO ACID CHAINS
World Health Organizations discovering submerged rst scientist to show that this
successful global elimination mountain ranges along the way. sequence was the same for all Protein molecules perform critical roles in the bodies of living
of human smallpox. In this year, Dutch astronomer insulin molecules, and that things, such as driving metabolism and helping cells absorb
The start of a new decade and physicist Jan Oort (190092) different kinds of proteins have nutrients. In 1951, Fred Sanger found that the chainlike molecule
also saw an effort to bring into suggested that comets came unique amino acid sequences. of a certain kind of proteininsulinconsisted of a unique
focus the most mysterious part from a cloudlike reservoir at It would take scientists more than sequence of amino acids. He also found that different kinds
of Earths surface: the ocean the edge of the Solar System. a decade to fully appreciate the of proteins have different sequencesthis determines how
oor. Geologists such as Marie Modern astronomers believe that implications of Sangers ndings: each chain folds into a shape for a particular purpose.
Tharp (19202006) and Bruce Oort was right. that in the living body, individual

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1952 1953

The hydrogen bomb test on the Enewetak Islands in the Pacic was the rst thermonuclear explosion The polio vaccine, developed in the early 1950s against a virus that attacked
that combined atomic fusion and ssion. Its mushroom cloud rose 10 miles (17 km) into the air. the central nervous system, saved thousands from a lifetime of paralysis.

THE YEAR 1952 saw some of highly specic wavelengths. correct a congenital heart defect. IN 1953, SCIENTISTS gained
important breakthroughs. Walsh developed the atomic Just over a week later, American insight into how inheritance
American microbiologist Alfred absorption spectrometer, surgeon Charles Hufnagel and reproduction worked at
Hershey and geneticist Martha which measured this radiation implanted the rst articial heart a chemical level. English
Chase worked together at New and detected the tiniest levels valve in a patient with rheumatic scientists James Watson and
Yorks Cold Spring Harbor of elements in a mixture. The fever, prolonging her life by nearly Francis Crick (see pp.28485)
Laboratory to tackle a key spectrometer, patented the a decade. Plans were also made believed that DNA was the key.
question in biology: was lifes following year, later became for the rst separation of While the chemical makeup
genetic material made from a standard tool in forensic conjoined twins. The Brodie of DNA was partially known,
protein or DNA? Some scientists science and other elds that brothers, fused at the head, had the physical arrangement of

been born the year before. Oscar its components had until then
Sugar and his team separated the been a mystery.
MEGATONS twins and saved one of them. By 1953, a new technique

On November 1, the rst X-ray crystallographywas
hydrogen bomb test being used to produce 3-D images that DNA was shaped like a helix.
THE SIZE OF THE codenamed Ivy Mikewas
conducted by the US on the
of the structure of complicated
biological molecules. At Kings
In spite of Franklins reluctance
to draw premature conclusions,
1952 IVY MIKE Enewetak Islands in the northwest College, London, a team that Watson and Crick began building
EXPLOSION Pacic. It produced a 3 mile (5 km) included Rosalind Franklin and a helical model of DNA based on
reball and obliterated a small Maurice Wilkins used it to study the evidence, and published their
island. Previous thermonuclear DNA. Franklin perfected a results in the science journal
thought only protein was demanded high-precision bombs had used atomic ssion technique of preparing samples of Nature. They depicted DNA as
sufciently complex to suit the chemical analysis. (see 1938), but Ivy Mike showed DNA that yielded especially clear two molecular chains entwined
task. Hershey and Chase In the US, Walton Lillehei and that an explosion could come, results. The early indications were around one another in a double
examined the genetic material John Lewis performed the rst at least in part, from fusion (see helix. This model of DNA was
that phagesviruses that infect open-heart surgery in 198889) too. ground-breaking, suggesting a
bacteriainject into host cells. September. They way living things could reproduce
They discovered that the injected induced hypothermia their genetic material.
cells contained phosphorusan (cooling below normal A month later, another
element found in DNA, but not in body temperature) in journal, Science, reported on an
protein. This indicated that genes their patient, giving experiment conducted the year
were made of DNA. them 10 minutes to before. American researchers
On the other side of the world, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey
Alan Walsh, a British physicist had tried to re-create the origin
Articial heart valve
living in Australia, pioneered a The rst articial heart of life in a laboratory. They had
technique that revolutionized valve was a caged-ball heated a mixture of ammonia,
analytical chemistry. He explored design. Blood leaves the X-ray diffraction image of DNA water, methane, and hydrogen in
heart as the ball is pushed Franklins remarkable, distinct X-ray
the practical applications of the a sealed ask, and sparked it with
against the cage. When the diffraction image with its striking X
fact that atoms of different heart relaxes, the ball falls pattern clearly indicated that DNA electrodes to simulate lightning.
elements absorb radiation back to seal the valve. was shaped like a double helix. Within two weeks the mixture was

ed ll ick t rt
11 eon st test rsha Cr tha ea ing
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The Boeing 367-80the prototype for the Boeing 707, which was the most successful of the early passenger jetliners
was donated to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. after being used to test design innovations.

273.16 K
Life in a ask that had previously been tried ENCOURAGED BY EARLY damaged
Stanley Miller and Harold and found unsuccessful earlier. RESULTS, the US conducted kidneys
Urey recreated the dawn
Just as one discovery was being a nationwide eld trialthe
of life in a ask: their transplanted
primordial soup championed, another was being largest medical eld trial THE kidney
produced amino acids demolished. A hominoid skull everof Salks polio vaccine. On
within two weeks. in the Natural History Museum, February 23, a mass vaccination
TEMPERATURE transplanted
London, supposedly excavated in program involving 1.8 million AT WHICH ureter
found to contain amino
acidsthe building
Piltdown, East Sussex, in 1912
and acclaimed as a valuable link
schoolchildren began. In 1955, a
license was issued for its routine
blocks of proteins. in the story of human evolution, use. Salks vaccine went on to AND VAPOR bladder
This showed that the was exposed as a hoax. The protect children from polio CAN COEXIST
building blocks of life anatomists and paleontologists across the world and heralded
could be made from the Kenneth Oakley, Wilfred Le Gros the World Health Organizations Kidney transplant
simplest of substances. Clark, and Joseph Weiner international campaign to at the USSR Academy of Sciences In a kidney transplant, the failed
kidney is usually left in place. The
In November, Jonas Salk, an declared that the skull actually eradicate polio. published their description of
donated kidney is implanted lower
American virologist, announced consisted of a medieval human In May, the American aerospace maser (microwave amplication down the body and connected to a
a breakthrough of a more cranium, the teeth of a fossil company Boeing rolled out a by stimulated emission of different part of the blood system.
humanitarian nature. He chimpanzee, and the jaw of an new type of jet aircraft. The radiation)a system for
developed a vaccine against orangutan. To this day, no one 367-80 was the prototype for the concentrating beams of radiation. potential for other uses, such
poliomyelitis based on a dead knows who perpetrated the hoax 707 passenger aircraft that came Maser came to be used in atomic as in medical body scanners.
form of the polio virus. It was a and duped the academic world into use in the 1960s and 1970s. clocks and helped amplify The year ended with the rst
far safer version of a live vaccine for so long. Until then, civil aviation had tiny signals in long-distance successful kidney transplant,
mostly been centered on aircraft television broadcasts. Since then, carried out by Joseph Murray
ROSALIND FRANKLIN (192058) that were propeller-driven, but researchers have explored its in Boston, Massachusetts.
the 367-80 demonstrated that jet
Trained in chemistry, Rosalind propulsion was the way forward. 60
Franklin applied her skills to From 1954, scientists worldwide

study the structure of biological were able to apply a standard unit

molecules. She produced an of measurement for temperature,
X-ray diffraction image of following the General Conference

DNAPhotograph 51that Polio

on Weight and Measures held in
35,592 vaccinations
showed a cross pattern. This France. The conference had been

30 The use of Salks

suggested that DNA was helical established to oversee what would

polio vaccine for

in shape. It became a key piece be known as the International 20 mass vaccination
of evidence in Watson and System of Units (SI). In 1954, of children across
the US brought
Cricks double helix model. kelvin (named after British 10 down the number
Franklin died in 1958, and she physicist Lord Kelvin) was deemed of polio cases by
did not share the Nobel Prize to be the SI unit for temperature. 0 the thousands.
awarded for this achievement. At the same time, Nikolay 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956
Basov and Alexander Prokhorov YEAR

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194 6 2 013 T H E I N FO R M AT I O N AG E


The characteristics of living things are produced by chemical processes that

happen in every cell. Twentieth-century science traced these processes to
their sourcea molecule that not only carries genetic information but also
has the remarkable capacity to copy itself. It is called DNA.

By the turn of the 20th century, scientists had By the 1950s, advances in analytical techniques
discovered that inherited characteristics come meant that the best-known form of nucleic acid,
from particles passed down through DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), could be examined
generations. However, they did not in ways never before possible. A method called
understand the composition of these X-ray crystallography even promised to reveal
units of genetic material, which we its three-dimensional shape.
now know as genes. In 1919, Lithuanian
biochemist Phoebus Levene dismissed BASE PAIRS JAMES WATSON AND FRANCIS CRICK
nucleic acida material present in the In 1953, results from these new methods To test their double helix theory, Watson and
Crick built a model of the structure to check
nucleus of every cellas too simple to convinced American biologist James Watson and that the chemical pieces would t.
be involved directly in inheritance. But in British biophysicist Francis Crick that DNA had a
the decades that followed, experiments helical structure. Evidence indicated two coiled was because they were bonded in xed ways:
proved that a form of nucleic acid is, in fact, chains (a double helix) with variable components adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine.
the substance of genes. (bases) that hold the chains together. Four This would be key to understanding not only
varieties of bases were always present in certain how DNA carried inherited information but also
proportions. Watson and Crick deduced that this how this information replicated at reproduction.

DNA molecule coiled

into a double helix
double helix
wrapped around
packaging proteins
called histones


chromatid Jack
When a cell divides, to prevent short arm jumper ant
entanglement each DNA Kangaroo
molecule is bundled into
Pill millipede
condensed structures called
chromosomes. The number Human
of chromosomes per cell
varies from species to species.
Chromosome micrograph
Because DNA replication happens before 0 20 40 60 80 100 1000 1500
long arm DNA backbone,
cell division, every chromosome appears
consisting of
with duplicated chromatids." NUMBER OF CHROMOSOMES deoxyribose (a form of
sugar) and phosphates



coding strand
Just before a cell divides, it replicates its A gene is a section of DNA containing
entire DNA. Each DNA molecule unzips," instructions to assemble a protein 1 strands of
DNA separate
and the paired bases separate. Because molecule to carry out a specic task,
2 bases complementary
of the strict base-pair ruling, the base such as making a pigment. In this to those on DNA template
sequence along one strand determines way, genes determine an organism's strand create mRNA strand

the sequence along the other: they are characteristics. Before a protein is
complementary. Free DNA building blocks assembled, the gene's base sequence
are linked to make new complementary must be copied in the cell nucleus, 3 DNA strands
strands along each existing strand a process called transcription. This rejoin
template." This creates material for two copy is then sent to the cytoplasm. In instead of thymine, RNA mRNA strand
new, genetically identical double helices. another process, called translation, template strand has a base called uracil under construction
At cell division, one double helix goes to the base sequence information is
one cell, and one goes to the other. used to assemble the protein. Inside the nucleus, part of a DNA double
helix unravels to expose the coding region
2 tRNA 3 tRNA molecule 4 amino acids are of a gene, ready for copying." This involves
parent molecule recognizes bonded together
complementary codon in the ribosome
making a strand of nucleic acid called RNA
double helix brings in an
amino acid (ribonucleic acid) by bonding together free
RNA building blocks.

5 amino acid detaches

free DNA from the tRNA molecule
building block

DNA double 6 tRNA molecule

helix unzips old DNA leaves ribosome
old DNA strand
template 1 ribosome The so-called messenger RNA (mRNA)
strand moves along
new DNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm,
mRNA strand
strand where it settles on a protein-making granule
new DNA called a ribosome. The ribosome moves
strand along the mRNA, reading its base sequence
and building the correct protein. Specic
mRNA strand base triplets (codons) dictate specic protein
set of three bases
on the mRNA is building blockscalled amino acids
called a codon collected by transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules.

guanine always forms a
double helix
base pair with cytosine

thymine and adenine

always form base
pairs together



A DNA molecule can be inches long and
consists of two entwined chains held
together by breakable glue in a hydrogen
bond. The outer backbones consist of
alternating units of sugar and phosphoric
acid. The linear sequence of the inner linked
bases determines the genetic information.

1955 1956

The rst radiometric dating of rock layers, such as these in Bryce Canyon, USA, put estimates
of Earth's age at only about 2 billion years, far below the actual age of the planet.

studied the atoms of rocks to YEARS nitrogen
estimate the age of Earth.
He focused his analysis on THE AGE
meteorites, which are considered OF EARTH carbon
remnants of an age when the
Solar Systemand therefore which build up over time. cesium metal. It would make
Earthwas rst made. Patterson Patterson calculated Earth's age time measurement more
isolated lead from samples as 4.55 billion yearsolder, and precise than everthe new
of rock and studied the relative more accurate than prevailing atomic clock would gain or lose
proportions of lead isotopes estimates. This changed the way only a second in 300 years. Modern
variants of the metal. Radioactive scientists viewed our world. atomic clocks are accurate to
atoms, such as those of uranium, British physicist Louis Essen 1 second in 6 million years.
decay at a known rate (see p.267), (190897), working at the UKs In December, in the laboratory
and thereby provide information National Physics Laboratory, of Swedish geneticist Albert hydrogen
about the age of samples (see designed the rst atomic clock. Levan at the Institute of atom

below). Some of these atoms Its time-keeping was based on Genetics in Lund, Sweden,
decay into specic lead isotopes, radiation emitted by atoms of visiting Javanese-born American
biologist Joe Hin Tjio (19192001)
atom of radioactive atom of new made a discovery that corrected
material, uranium-235 radioactive a 50-year error in the eld of
product, lead-207
genetics: that human cells
contained 48 chromosomes.
He showed that there are in fact
46 chromosomes in a normal
human body cell. Tjio used an
improved microscopic technique oxygen atom cobalt atom
original radioactive
atom remaining
to squash cells into single layers,
rather than relying on slicing thin
sections of tissue. He also used Structure of vitamin B12
RADIOMETRIC DATING a technique to spread out the A NEW DISEASE affecting a A model of a vitamin B12 molecule
reveals the complexity of it structure.
tiny chromosomes in a sample, shing community in Minamata,
This was rst revealed by Dorothy
Radiometric dating is a technique used to date rocks, minerals, so that they separated easily and Japan, was described in May 1956. Hodgkin, through a method called
or fossils using natural rates of radioactive decay. Its origins are clearly, without fragmenting. Tjio Called Minamata disease, it was X-ray crystallography (see 1945).
in the work done by physicists in the early 1900s. Radioactive continued his career in the US, characterized by progressive
material decays at a known rate. By working out the ratio of a where he became a signicant paralysis reminiscent of many metal poisoning. In the years
radioactive material (for example, uranium) to its decay products gure in developing the new nervous system disorders. It was that followed, the disease was
(lead), the age of the rock can be calculated. branch of biology called not until November that the linked specically to mercury
cytogenetics (cell genetics). disease was traced to heavy that had been leaking into the

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Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS), published
in Pravda newspaper, October 5, 1957

The transatlantic telephone cable was Bleeping signals from Sputnik 1the worlds rst articial satellitewere

laid from a ship in coiled batches. heard by people on their radio sets around the world.

shing waters from a chemical THE HAMILTON ELECTRIC 500, an impulse (see panel, below) The device emits electrons
factory. The mercury had launched in January, was the when stimulated. (negatively charged particles),
accumulated in sh and rst ever wristwatch that On October 4, Russia launched which are then absorbed by
shellsh, and had poisoned the did not need winding. Although Sputnik 1the rst articial certain gases to produce a signal.
people who ate them. This its battery life was relatively satellite to orbit Earth. It helped environmentalists detect
incident was one of the rst short, the innovation proved to At the start of the nuclear tiny quantities of atmospheric
well-documented cases of the be very popular. arms race, and prompted by pollutants, such as the pesticide
effects of toxic chemicals Danish chemist Jens Skou US President Eisenhowers DDT and chlorouorocarbons
polluting food chains. (b.1918) published the basis of "atoms for peace" speech in (CFCs)ozone-depleting (see
In July, British chemist Dorothy THE NUMBER how the nervous system works. 1953, the United Nations set 1973) compounds used in
Hodgkin (see 1945) published a OF DAYS THAT He discovered molecules in the up the International Atomic refrigeration and as propellants

study of the structure of vitamin cell membranes of crab nerves Energy Agency (IAEA) in July in aerosol cans.
B12a vitamin needed to prevent that pump ions to "charge up" 1957 to control and develop
pernicious anemia. Using X-ray TRANSMITTED membrane surfaces, using up atomic energy. Thirteen years
crystallography, she found that
the vitamin contained a ringlike
SIGNALS BACK cellular energy in the process.
This makes the molecules
later, the IAEA would oversee the
Treaty on Non-Proliferation of
structure, porphyrin, that TO EARTH excitable so that they can carry Nuclear Weapons.
surrounded a central atom In the same year, aviation
of the element cobalt. region of negative company Boeing launched the
The worlds rst underwater resting potential charge negative charge rst commercial jet airliner,
telephone cable became the 707. It marked the dawn of
operational on September 25. It a new age of air travel powered
ran between the US and Europe by turbine engines that made
under the Atlantic Ocean. In the aeroplanes y higher and faster
rst 24 hours of operation, than before.
the service hosted 588 London In November, American
to US telephone calls, which physicist Gordon Gould (1920
nerve cell region of action positive charge
were clearer than any previous 2005) suggested a method of
membrane potential
transatlantic communication. amplifying light into an intense
In September, IBM launched CREATING A NERVE IMPULSE beam and coined the term for
the 305 RAMAC (Random Access it as laser (Light Amplication
Memory Accounting Machine) Membranes around nerve bres are electrically charged because by Stimulated Emission of
the rst computer with a hard they contain protein "pumps" that push ions (charged particles) of Radiation). An operational laser,
disk drive and random access sodium out and pull potassium ions in. This makes positive charge however, would not be produced
memory. RAMAC weighed over accumulate on the outer surface: a so-called resting potential. until 1960.
a ton and stored 5 MB of data When stimulated, protein channels open in the membrane, British scientist James James Lovelock holds ECD
on a stack of 50 large disks. making positive charge leak in. This reverses the resting potential Lovelock (b.1919) invented The electron capture detector (ECD)
picked up the tiniest amounts of
to create an action potential. The region of action potential res the electron capture detector
electron-binding chemicals in the
down the nerve ber membrane as a nerve impulse. (ECD) as an ultrasensitive atmosphere, such as the chlorine
way of analyzing gas mixtures. in pesticides and other compouds.

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Ja pu 287
1958 1959

New satellite technology helped explain how Earths magnetic eld channels energetic solar particles Hidden from the gaze of astronomers since antiquity, the far side of the Moon
into a collision course with the atmosphere to produce the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights. was nally revealed when USSRs Luna 3 probe photographed it from orbit.

THE SOVIET UNIONS SPUTNIK1 Sputnik 1 measured the density biology. They traced what TWO MONKEYS, ABLE AND hemoglobinthe red oxygen-
the rst articial satellite of the upper atmosphere, happened to components of DNA BAKER, went up in the US missile carrying pigment of bloodusing
burned up on January 4, after and Explorer 1 found how when it replicated, and found Jupiter AM-18, and became the techniques that had cracked the
spending three months in orbit. Earths magnetosphere (see that a double helix molecule rst primates to survive a space structure of DNA. He found that
The US joined the space race panel, below) could deect unravelled into two strands, ight. Meanwhile, the USSR it had four protein chains, each
with the launch of Explorer 1 harmful radiation before it each of which was a genetic launched three lunar probes with oxygen-grabbing iron.
later that month. For the month reached the ground. template for making more Luna 1 and 3 achieved yby.
or so of their battery-powered In California, Matthew DNA. After replication, each new Luna 3 also took the rst
lives, these satellites sent back Meselson (b.1930) and Franklin double helix contained one old photograph of the Moons far side. Australopithecine skull
Dated at 1.75 million years old, this
important information about Stahl (b.1929) were unlocking strand and one new one. This In Cambridge University, UK,
skull belongs to an australopithecine,
airspacea term that refers to the secrets of DNA in what would method of semiconservative molecular biologist Max Perutz also known as nutcracker man
the realm of the atmosphere come to be described as the replication had been proposed (19142002) was studying because of his large cheek teeth.
and the accessible space above it. most beautiful experiment in by Watson and Crick in 1953,
large eye
when they developed the double socket
helix model of DNA.
In the same year, a practical
bow shock Earth
expression of this replication
came with the work of British
botanists Frederick Steward
(190493) and John Gurdon
(b.1933). Both teased cells from
mature organismsGurdon
from a tadpole and Steward
from a carrotand grew
clones from them
as new genetically
identical plants. It
solar wind was the rst cloning
using material from
magnetopause differentiated body tissues.
The year also saw a
THE MAGNETOSPHERE breakthrough in electronic
engineering. American electrical
Earth is enveloped by the magnetosphere, a magnetic blanket that engineers Jack Kilby (19232005)
results from magnetism deep inside the planet. The magnetosphere and Robert Noyce (192790) thick tooth
deects harmful high-energy particles from the Sun through a bow simultaneously came up with enamel
shock, or shock wave created at the magnetopausean abrupt the idea of condensing all the
boundary between incoming solar wind and the magnetosphere. components of an electronic
Without the bow shock, the solar wind would destroy life on Earth. circuit into a single plate of silicon,
thereby inventing the microchip.

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The submersible Trieste was designed to withstand the immense pressures of the deepest
part of the Marianas Trench. Until 2012, it was the only manned vessel to get there.

JUST AFTER MIDDAY ON seaoor pushes lava cools and Seaoor spreading
JANUARY 23, the US Navy away from solidies to form Lava eruptions create
central ridge new seaoor new mantle along the
submersible Trieste touched
length of the mid-
down at the deepest spot of Atlantic Ridge, pushing
the worlds oceans: Challenger out the seaoor on
Deep in the Marianas Trench of either side.
the western Pacic Ocean. The
submersibles onboard team of oceanic crust
Don Walsh (b.1931) and Jacques
Piccard (19222008) spent 20
minutes there, and saw that some
lava erupts along
animals were adapted to survive continental
mid-Atlantic ridge
even at these great depths. crust
LOUIS LEAKEY (190372) Harry Hess (190669), a
geologist with the US Navy, of images of cloud cover and His method involved using a rod of succeeded in articially
British anthropologist Louis had studied the ocean depths other aspects of atmospheric synthetic ruby to produce a series creating chlorophyll IIone
Leakey was instrumental in during World War II. In 1960, conditions from aerospace. of laser pulses. This technology of the main components of the
advancing the understanding he suggested that the entire In August, American physicist was later modied to produce a green plant pigment that traps
of human evolution. Together seaoor was moving. He later Theodore Maiman (19272007) continuous beam that today has light energy for photosynthesis.
with his wife, Mary, he spent stated that the molten magma demonstrated a new way of applications ranging from eye In October, the 11th General
much of his career studying spewing out of Earths crust from producing a concentratedpencil- surgery to compact disc players Conference on Weights and
fossils in East Africa. He underwater ridges was cooling, beam of light known as a laser and supermarket scanners. Measures published a series
showed that humankind expanding, and pushing the (Light Amplication by Stimulated American chemist Robert of unit standards. Known as Le
originated in Africa, and later oceanic plates on either side. Emission of Radiation, see 1957). Woodward (191779) had spent Systme International dUnits
in his career helped inspire Today, Hesss theory is accepted the last decade studying (SI units), these were adopted
the work of primatologists by geologists. It is believed that the chemical structures by scientists and technologists.
such as Jane Goodall and as new mantle forms at a ridge, of complex biological Also in October, British surgeon
Dian Fossey. old mantle plunges back into substances, such as Michael Woodruff (19112001)
Earth elsewhere. This process cholesterol and quinine. performed the UKs rst kidney
is responsible for continental He showed that the rules transplant operation. It was
Anthropologists Louis and Mary drift, a theory rst suggested by of structural chemistry performed between identical
Leakey had been excavating Alfred Wegener (see 191415) could be used to produce twins to minimize the risk of
prehistoric stone tools at Olduvai nearly 50 years before. these substances in the rejection. Both donor and
Gorge in East Africa for two In April, NASA launched laboratory. In 1960, he recipient survived the operation
decades. In July 1959, Mary found the rst successful weather and went on to live many years.
a prehistoric skull. It belonged to satellite, TIROS-1 (Television First weather satellite
an australopithecine, an Infrared Observation Satellite TIROS-1 carried television
cameras and photographed
ancestor of modern humans who Program-1). For 78 days,
Earths weather patterns
was later thought to be the rst television cameras aboard from a height of at least
apeman to use stone tools. the satellite took thousands 435 miles (700 km).

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1961 1962


Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin was selected from DDT was developed as a contact poison to control insect pests and was
20 candidates to be the rst man in space. claimed to be harmless to people and the environment.

IN FEBRUARY, PHYSICISTS at (100,000 km) of Venus. It was the organization for wildlife IN JUNE, The New Yorker In July, the multinational
the University of California rst man-made object to y by conservation. They created the magazine began to serialize communications satellite
Berkeley succeeded in producing another planet. International Secretariat of a book by American marine Telstar was sent into space
atoms of a new heavy element In April, prompted by the the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) biologist Rachel Carson, titled aboard a NASA rocket. The rst of
by bombarding a sample of the plight of wildlife in Africa and now known as the World Wide Silent Spring. It proclaimed that its kind, Telstar made it possible
element californium with nuclei elsewhere, a team including Fund for Naturein Switzerland. human activity, particularly the for live television signals to be
of boron atoms. They called the biologist Julian Huxley (1887 The WWF went on to set up use of pesticides such as DDT transmitted across the Atlantic.
element lawrencium, after 1975) and ornithologist Peter ofces worldwide and harnessed (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), The rst pictures were seen on
American physicist Ernest Scott (1909-89) proposed the the expertise of scientists to threatened the environment with television screens on July 10.
Lawrence, the inventor of establishment of an international protect endangered species. damage and destruction. Carson Telstar became the prototype
the cyclotrona particle explained how the intensive for later, more efcient, models.
accelerator. With an toughened body techniques used to satisfy
atomic number of antenna to withstand humankinds demand for food and
103, lawrencium its drive to eliminate pests were
was the lastand affecting the environment on an
the heaviestof unprecedented scale. Widespread
a group of radioactive metals use of pesticides was harming
called actinides. wildlife, and would ultimately
On April 12, Soviet pilot Yuri harm humans too. Carson was
Gagarin (193468) became concerned about DDT. Developed
the rst cosmonaut when as a contact poison to control
he traveled to outer space the spread of insect-borne
aboard Vostok 1. He orbited diseases during World
Earth once before returning WarII, DDT was later
safely and was awarded his adopted as an agricultural RACHEL CARSON
countrys highest honor pesticide. However, it (190764)
the title of Hero of the Soviet accumulated in food chains,
Union. He went on to train killing wildlife. Carsons Trained in marine biology,
new cosmonauts in Russia. book, coming a year after Rachel Carson achieved
The USSR launched its the inauguration acclaim as a writer of popular
Venera program to gather of the WWF, natural history books before
information about Venus. The served as an she became famous for her
rst probe, Venera 1, is thought to alarm call. It book, Silent Spring. Her work
have passed within 62,137 miles created a new led to the establishment
environmental of the US Environmental
awareness, especially in the US, Protection Agency. She was
Soviet Venera space probe where environmental concerns posthumously awarded the
The Venera probes were among the more
ultimately precipitated a national Presidential Medal of
sophisticated of the rst interplanetary
space probes. Over the years, Russia would ban on DDT and other highly Freedom in 1980.
succeed in landing 10 probes on Venus. potent pesticides.

4 f re 0
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Rachel Carson, marine biologist,
from Silent Spring, 1962

Surtsey emerged in a volcanic eruption in 1963. Subsequent eruptions over the next four years
built up the island, whichin spite of erosionboasts more than 60 plant species.

Telstar THE BELL COMPANY conventional

The worlds rst communications developed the rst push- subatomic particles,
satellite, Telstar transmitted
button telephone for public such as protons
its signals intermittently from
1962 to early 1963. Although it use. Scientists also saw and neutrons, could
has ceased to communicate, breakthroughs in science explode to create even
it remains in orbit to this day. on a grander and more smaller fundamental
fundamental scale. entities. However, no
American biologist Gerald Soviet cosmonaut one could be sure
Edelman (b.1929) and Valentina Tereshkova what these were.
English biochemist (b.1937) became the rst In 1963, American
Rodney Porter (191785) womanand the rstcivilian physicists Murray
independently made a to y into space. An amateur Gell-Mann (b.1929)
breakthrough that would parachutist, she became an and George Zweig
eventually win them the Nobel honorary inductee into the Soviet (b.1937) independently
Prize. They were working on Air Force before she trained to proposed a quark
antibodiesnatural secretions them into smaller constituents. pilot Vostok 6. The mission model of matter,
that help the immune system They found that each Y-shaped helped Russian scientists suggesting that a
ght infection by targeting and antibody molecule was made understand how the female variety of different The buttery effect
neutralizing harmful foreign up of protein chains. Their work body reacted to time in space. entities called quarks come A Lorenz attractor is a
buttery-shaped graphical
particles called antigens. helped unravel the chemical Scientists also reached a together in combinations to
plot based on mathematical
Edelman and Porter analyzed structure of antibodies. Later fundamental turning point in make subatomic particles. equations that describe a
antibodies by chemically splitting work would show how the understanding the nature of Over the next few years, chaotic system.
human body produces different matter. Experiments conducted experiments in particle physics
The structure of antibodies kinds of antibodies to target in the 1950s had shown that indicated that this quark model In November, change on a
An antibody molecule is made up of

different kinds of antigens, so was essentially correct. massive scale was seen in the
two light and two heavy protein
chains, held together by tight bonds that the immune system can American mathematician geographic realm, when an
in a Y-shaped structure. attack specic infections. Edward Lorenz (19172008) island was born near Iceland.
was revising the way we look An underwater volcano on the
at systems, such as weather, on a mid-Atlantic ridge erupted to
much larger scale. He suggested push Surtsey out of the water.
that a small, seemingly This gave scientists a rare chance
insignicant change in one place to study Earths active geology
can have major repercussions rst-hand. In subsequent years,
THE NUMBER in the long term. By alluding to scientists were able to see how
the effect of tiny apping wings life colonized the island in a
OF TIMES leading to hurricane-scale process of biological succession
TERESHKOVA devastation, he came up with an to form a new ecosystem.

ORBITED evocative name for his idea: the

buttery effect. With this, he laid
EARTH the foundation for chaos theory.

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Ha sea 291
194 6 2 013 T H E I N FO R M AT I O N AG E

sonar equipment

For a long time, oceans have been the least understood features on Earth.
titanium hull
However, knowledge of marine life and the topography of the ocean floor protects passengers

has gradually accumulated and, in recent years, new exploration

techniques have led to several discoveries.

The earliest records of sea exploration date back Ferdinand Magellans circumnavigation, which
3,000 years to the Phoenicians, who made charts nally revealed the extent of the worlds oceans
to navigate and used weights to plumb the oceans and allowed mapmakers to chart their shapes.
depths. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was Scientic attempts to study beneath the surface
one of the rst to speculate about marine life, and of the oceans began in the 19th century. Early
other Greeks developed instruments to help ships surveys were conducted using sounding chains
locate their position when far from shore. and sample nets. The introduction of sonar after
However, the open oceans remained unexplored World War II helped in mapping the ocean oor.
by Westerners until the 1400s, when Christopher Recently, improved sonar, satellite techniques,
Columbus sailed westward into the Atlantic in the and an array of submersibles have helped add
hope of nding land on the far side. This paved to our knowledge of marine life and ocean
the way for further voyages of exploration, such as currents as well as the oceans geography.

lights for
video camera
manipulator arm for picking
The rst maps of the ocean oor objects off seaoor
were produced by sonar, a technology sonar emitted
from base of boat
developed during World War II to detect Nautile
submarines by picking up reections of transmitted French miniature submarine
sound Nautile is only 26 ft (8 m)
sound waves from underwater objects.
long. However, its tough
It can also be used to detect schools of sound wave
hull allows it to reach a
reected from
sh. Nowadays, new systems, such as school depth of 3 3/4miles (6 km),
side-scan sonar, are being used together and external robotic
school of sh arms, video cameras,
with GPS to survey vast areas quickly. and oodlights enable
detailed exploration.

1200250 BCE c.80 BCE 151922 1842

Phoenician traders Antikythera mechanism Strait of Magellan Matthew Maury
The rst seafarers, The Greeks develop Portuguese explorer Considered to
the Phoenicians instruments, such Ferdinand Magellan is be the father of
plumb the seabed as the clockwork the rst to sail from oceanography,
to nd channels. Antikythera mechanism, the Atlantic to the US naval ofcer
They develop the Ancient to plot the movement Pacic Ocean, and Maury compiles
rst coins to Phoenician of the heavens and to discovers the Strait of sea charts of the
facilitate trade. coin navigate at sea. Magellan on the way. Map of the Strait of Magellan worlds oceans.

500200 BCE 1492 176971

Greek marine science Columbus voyage Captain Cooks Endeavour
Aristotle identies many Italian navigator British naval captain James
marine species, such as Christopher Columbuss Cook makes voyages to the
crustaceans, mollusks, voyage to the Americas Southern Oceans and is the
echinoderms, and sh. shows that it is possible rst European to reach New
to cross the Atlantic Zealand and Australia.
Ancient Grecian bowl and even sail around
showing a sailing boat the world. Christopher Columbus Endeavour


Arthur C. Clarke, British writer, 19172008

main thruster
propellor provides power
for forward



1956 1984 Dumbo

Mid-ocean ridge Nautile octopod
Marie Tharp and Bruce Trieste The bathyscaphe Nautile is 200010
Heezen, American 1960 used to lm the wreck of the Marine census
oceanographers, Descent to the bottom RMS Titanic and search for A Census of Marine Life that
discover the mid-ocean The bathyscaphe (diving vessel) Trieste the ight data recorder from catalogued the diversity of life in
ridgean undersea dives 35,797 ft (10,911 m) down the Pacics Air France Flight 447, which oceans worldwide is completed
ridge running down the Marianas Trench, to make the rst descent crashed into the Atlantic in 2010. This octopod is one of the
Atlantic seabed. to the deepest part of the ocean. Ocean in 2009. many strange discoveries.

187276 1968 1977 2012

HMS Challenger Deep sea drilling Ocean oor Deepsea Challenger
On its voyage Rock samples taken Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen Canadian lmmaker
around the world, the from the mid-ocean make the rst accurate relief James Cameron goes
HMSChallenger collects ridge show map of all the worlds ocean to the bottom of the
a huge amount of data magnetic striping oors, mainly using data Marianas Trench in the
about the oceans. conrming that the recorded by sonar. submersible Deepsea
ocean oor is Challenger and makes
Samples from ocean oor actively spreading. Map of ocean oor a lm about life there.

1964 1965
Robert Dicke, American physicist, on the accidental detection
of microwave radiation by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, 1965
A map of microwave radiation emitted after the Big Bang denes Alexey Leonovs historical spacewalk
an expanding universe that is 13.7 billion years old. lasted for 12 minutes and 9 seconds.

AMERICAN PHYSICISTS Arno existence of astronomical objects showed how proteins solidied American chemist Jerome IN MARCH, SOVIET COSMONAUT
Penzias (b.1933) and Robert with such compacted mass that in blood when exposed to air Horwitz (19192012) made a ALEXEY LEONOV (b.1934) became
Wilson (b.1936) were studying not even light could escape from due to chemical reactions that drug called azidothymidine (AZT) the rst person to walk in space.
radio waves from satellites. them. In 1964, these massive involved different clotting factors. that was a modied component of Tethered to his spacecraft,
Despite removing all known objects got a name: black holes. American physiologist Judith Pool DNA. By injecting it into tumors, Voskhod 2, Leonov spent over
sources of interference, their In June, a rocket discovered the (191975) isolated the chemical he hoped it would confuse cancer 10 minutes in extravehicular
antenna continued to pick up strongest source of X-rays near factor that was eventually used in cells and stop them from dividing. activity (EVA). He nearly failed to
background noise. What they Earth, Cygnus X-1later shown treating hemophiliacs, people AZT became an effective antiviral get back inside the spacecraft
were hearing, by accident, to be a black hole. These holes with impaired blood clotting. treatment for AIDS. because his suit had swelled up
was the cosmic microwave are now known to be formed in the vacuum of space.
background radiation (CMB) when massive stars collapse. rotating wheel for aluminum In the late 1950s, astronomers
left over from the formation of British physician Robert positioning aperture earlike aperture found a celestial object that gave
the universeevidence of the Macfarlane (190787), and off brilliant light. First detected
Big Bang (see p.344). American scientists Oscar by their radio waves, these
For more than a century, Ratnoff (19162008) and Earl objects were called quasars
physicists had hypothesized the Davie (b.1927) independently (for quasi-stellar radio sources).
In 1965, however, American
astronomer Allan Sandage
(19262010) found the rst
radio-quiet quasar, which had
weak radio emissions, but could
emit other types of radiation.
It took another 20 years for
astronomers to identify a
quasar as the core of
a galaxy with a black
hole at its center.
Until 1965, biologists
thought that human cells
could divide continuously.
But in March, American
biologist Leonard Hayick
(b.1928) published evidence that
cultures of human cells only
cab containing Holmdel Horn Antenna went through about 50 rounds
receiver to Classied as a National Historic of division before stopping
measure Landmark, this radio telescope altogether. Ten years later, it
incoming at the Bell Laboratories in New
was found that this happened
signals Jersey, US, was the rst
detector of background radiation because each division corroded
left over from the Big Bang. the ends of chromosomes

S ch t
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294 m

Alexey Leonov, Soviet cosmonaut, 1965

The endosymbiosis theory proposes that cellular organellessuch as the nucleus and chloroplasts shown hereonce
lived as independent organisms. Evidence for this comes in the form of their own functioning DNA.

Dividing cancer cells IN JUNE, after being rejected

Cancer cells have a genetic histamine released
by more than a dozen scientic
abnormality that makes them from vesicles
journals, a young scientist nally mast cell
divide uncontrollably, deviating from (tiny sacs)
the normal cellular aging process. managed to publish a theory that
would eventually revolutionize
In the 1960s, scientists cracked our understanding of the early allergen
the genetic code. By 1961 it was history of life on Earth. American
known that DNA is a two-chain biologist Lynn Margulis (then IgE antibody
double helix that carries married to Carl Sagan, see 1970)
information for building proteins. proposed that components of
The sequence of DNA chain cellssuch as the nucleus and
building-blocks, called bases, chloroplastsoriginally had
determines the sequence of independent lives. She suggested ALLERGIC RESPONSE
protein chain units, called amino that millions of years ago
until the cells were no longer acids. Between 1961 and 1966, bacteria-like life forms engulfed IgE antibodies are the basis for allergic responses. When rst
viable. Hayicks discovery had cell biologists worked out the one another to form the rst exposed to an allergen (allergy-causing particle, such as pollen),
important implications in the triplet combinations of bases complex cells, called white blood cells release IgE antibodies, which then bind to mast
biology of cancer. Cancer cells that are encoded for all 20 eukaryotes. Today, all animals, cells. When these IgE molecules bind to a second exposure of the
are abnormal in that their cell different kinds of amino acids. plants, and many microbes are same allergens, it makes the mast cell release histamine. This
division is uncheckedso The nal link came in 1965, when made up of eukaryotic cells. triggers the bodys allergic response symptoms.
continuous division produces American biochemist Robert Her endosymbiotic theory
a tumor. A modern strategy Holley (192293) unraveled the was initially resisted by most
in cancer treatment involves structure of tRNA (transfer other scientists. oversensitive to certain triggers inammation associated with
exposing the affected cells to RNA)the molecule that provided In July, Japanese husband called allergens. Although they allergic reactions.
drugs that encourage the natural a physical link between DNA base and wife biologists Kimishige help in defending the body Meanwhile, in a Mt. Hotham
corrosion of chromosomes. code and assembling protein. (b.1925) and Teruko Ishizaka against certain kinds of Resort ski hut in Victoria,
(b.1926), working in the eld of parasites, IgE antibodies Australia, the discovery of
immunology, reported that they can also make it overproduce a mouse-sized animal was
had discovered a new class of chemicals such as histamine, causing a sensation among
50 antibodies. These substances, which triggers the massive zoologists. This mountain

Hayicks graph called immunoglobulin pygmy possumthe only

of cell E (IgE), play a central marsupial adapted to the
proliferation role in making people snow-capped habitats of the
Normal cells
Australian Alpswas previously
nurtured in the
20 laboratory soon known only from fossils and
divide to produce Mountain pygmy possum thought to be extinct for more
10 a living culture The mouse-sized alpine than half a century. In 1966, the
but after about 50 possum was discovered
0 rst living specimen was found.
rounds of division, as a fossil in 1896, but a
10 50 90 130 170 210 250 290 330
reproduction living animal was found
DAYS IN CULTURE stops. in Australia in 1966.

pt tic ll ist
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1967 1968

First detected by their radio signals, pulsars are now known to emit other This image shows tracks made by neutrinosthe most abundant subatomic
forms of radiation, such as visible light and, as shown here, X-rays. particles in the universecaught in a nanosecond inside a bubble chamber.

IGNORED at the time, American ACCELERATOR CENTER in been estimated. Italian physicist
physicist Steven Weinbergs California houses the longest Bruno Pontecorvo (19131993)
(b.1933) 1967 study of the forces of linear accelerator2 miles accounted for this discrepancy
nature eventually became one (3.2 km) long. In 1968, it provided by proposing that neutrinos had
of the most quoted scientic the rst evidence for the appreciable mass, which allowed
papers. In it, Weinberg explained existence of fundamental them to change types. Many went
how electromagnetism and weak particles called quarks (see undetected by neutrino detectors,
nuclear force were just different 1963) by bombarding and which monitored only one type.
aspects of a single unied set shattering subatomic particles. American physician Henry
of electroweak forces. He A solution to the solar neutrino Nadler (b.1936) reported on
also proposed that breaking the problem was proposed in 1968. the rst prenatal diagnosis
symmetry of these forces provided Neutrinossubatomic particles of Down syndrome using
particles with a fundamental with no charge and negligible amniocentesis (see panel,
propertytheir mass. For his First heart transplant massare generated by atomic below). His observations were
work, Weinberg went on to win the observed pulses of radio signals South African surgeon Christiaan reactions in the Sun. However, conrmed by direct diagnosis
Barnard shows a chest X-ray image
1979 Nobel Prize in Physics, with coming from a xed position in the fewer neutrinos were on the fetus.
of 54-year-old Louis Washansky, the
Pakistani nuclear physicist Abdus sky. They whimsically called them rst person to undergo a successful
Salam (192696) and American LGM-1 (Little Green Men-1). It heart transplant.
hypodermic needle ultrasound
theoretical physicist Sheldon was later found that the signals probe monitors
extracts uid
Glashow (b.1932). were coming from the radiation and each pulse corresponded to procedure
In November, British beam of a rotating neutron star a single rotation. In 1968, these
astronomers Antony Hewish (a dense, compact star thought to stars were termed pulsars. amniotic
(b.1924) and Jocelyn Bell Burnell be composed mainly of neutrons), In December, surgeon uid
Christiaan Barnard (19222001)
JOCELYN BELL BURNELL (b.1943) performed the worlds rst amniotic sac
successful heart transplant at
British astrophysicist Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape
Jocelyn Bell Burnell came to Town, South Africa. The patient,
prominence as a postgraduate, with diabetes and incurable heart
when she discovered radio disease, received a heart from
pulsars with her thesis a young road-accident victim. AMNIOCENTESIS
supervisor, Antony Hewish. The recipient survived for just
Controversially, Bell did not over two weeks, ultimately dying The amniotic uid, which surrounds a fetus, contains cells that
share Hewishs 1974 Nobel of pneumonia. Barnard was come from the unborn child. Amniocentesis is a method by which
Prize for this work. More nonetheless celebrated for his a sample of this uid is extracted to test for abnormality. In 1952,
recently, she served for two achievement, and went on to British obstetrician Douglas Bevis (191994) discovered how it could
years as president of Londons perform other similar operations. be used as a diagnostic tool. By the 1960s, scientists could use it to
Institute of Physics. His longest-surviving recipient detect chromosome abnormalities, including Down syndrome.
went on to live for 23 years.

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296 Mo pr
Neil Armstrong, American astronaut, 1969

IN THE WAKE OF Christiaan First man on the Moon

Barnards ground-breaking heart Neil Armstrong was the rst person
to step on the Moon, followed soon
transplant (see 1967), American
afterward by Buzz Aldrin. Television
surgeon Denton Cooley (b.1920) images of the event were sent back to
implanted the rst articial at least 600 million people on Earth.
heart on April 4. At times when
natural hearts were unavailable a large plain, the day before.
and surgical intervention urgent, Armstrong and Aldrin spent two
early articial hearts could give and a half hours on the surface
the patient time until a donor of the Moon, collecting samples
could be found. The rst patient to of lunar rock. They left behind
receive an articial heart survived instruments, including a series
long enough to get a donor. of reectors for laser-ranging
In an event that was televised experiments, which would help
live across the world, American determine the distance between
astronauts Neil Armstrong Earth and the Moon to a degree
(19302012) and Buzz Aldrin of accuracy never before possible.
(b.1930) became the rst The astronauts returned to Earth
humans to set foot on the Moon on July 24, splashing down in
on July 21 Coordinated Universal a module in the Pacic Ocean.
Time (UTC). Their spacecraft, The entire mission took just over
Apollo 11, had touched down on eight days to complete.
the Moons Sea of Tranquillity, British biochemist Dorothy
Hodgkin (see 1945) specialized
in working out the structures of
complex biological molecules.
After her success with
steroids, penicillin, and
vitamins, she moved on to
a much more complicated
substanceinsulin, a
protein hormone. Fred
Sanger had determined the
sequential building blocks of
insulin in 1951. Ten years later,
Hodgkin worked out the 3-D
Structure of insulin structure of insulin by using
Dorothy Hodgkin showed how
X-ray diffraction techniques that
the building blocks of insulin were
spatially arranged to form a xed had earlier been applied to DNA
complex shape. and other complex structures.

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194 6 2 013 T H E I N FO R M AT I O N AG E

1957 1959 1962 1963 1966

Man-made satellite Luna 2 and 3 Mission to Venus First female cosmonaut Landing on the Moon
On October 4, USSR The Soviet lunar On December 14, On June 7, Soviet cosmonaut On February 3, Soviet
launches the rst probes Luna 2 and 3 the Mariner 2 Valentina Tereshkova becomes probe Luna 9 becomes
satellite into orbit are the rst craft to becomes the rst the rst woman in space. A the rst spacecraft to
around Earth, successfully reach the spacecraft to y crater on the far side of the successfully land on the
Sputnik 1. Today Moon. Luna 3 captures past another planet, Moon is named after her. The Moon. On May 30, the US
there are over 500 the rst images of the revealing Venus as rst US female astronaut was Surveyor 1, made the
working satellites. far side of the Moon. Luna 2 a hothouse planet. Sally Ride, 20 years later. Tereshkova second soft landing.

1949 1961 1965

Animals in space First person in space First spacewalks
The rst astronauts were On April 12, Soviet cosmonaut On March 18, Soviet
animals. American rocket Yuri Gagarin becomes the rst Aleksei Leonov becomes
scientists send Rhesus person in space. He completes the rst astronaut to
monkey Albert II into space one orbit of the Earth in Vostok 1. venture outside his craft.
in 1949. Soviet dog Laika In May, Alan Shephard (192398) American astronaut
became the rst animal to becomes the rst American Edward White completes
orbit Earth in 1957. Laika in space. Yuri Gargarin a spacewalk in June.

THE STORY OF Edward White


The launch of the Soviet Unions Sputnik 1 in October 1957 is usually taken
to mark the start of space exploration, even though some earlier flights
had left Earths atmosphere. It was the beginning of a series of adventures
that has taken astronauts to the Moon and probes to distant planets.

Sputnik 1 was followed a month later by the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
voyage of the Soviet dog Laika, which became set foot on the Moon. Their rst moments there
the rst animal to orbit Earth. The rst human were broadcast live to people around the world.
to travel in space was Yuri Gagarin, who orbited Astronauts returned to the Moon several times in VOYAGER 1 AND 2
Earth in the Soviet spacecraft Vostok 1 in the 1970s, but most voyages of exploration
April 1961. These Soviet successes since have been by robot craft, which When the two Voyager probes were launched in
threw down the challenge to the US have now traveled to every planet in the 1977, they were expected to send back useful data
to step up its space exploration Solar System and some even beyond from as far as Jupiter and Saturn. However, they
programme. In 1965, the that (see panel, right). have continued to return data as they traveled
American Mariner 4 sent back through the heliosheaththe very edge of the Solar
the rst close-up pictures of hatch through which astronauts Systemand will soon be in interstellar space.
another planet, Mars. In entered and exited module Voyager 1 may well have left the Solar System in
1966, a Soviet probe, Luna 9, October 2012. It is the most distant human-made
made a soft-landing on the Apollo 11 command module object, nearly 11,495 billion miles (18.5 billion km)
Moon and sent back the rst This was part of the spacecraft that away in March 2013. Voyager 2 is not far behind,
carried Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin,
pictures from the surface. and Michael Collins on their historic over 9,320 billion miles (15 billion km) away.
Three years later, American mission to the Moon in 1969.

The main hatch on the Apollo
WE HAVE A BASIC RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR Command Module had to provide a
perfect seal to protect the crew. It
SPECIES TO VENTURE TO OTHER WORLDS. was redesigned to open outward
after an accident in 1967 in which
astronauts were trapped inside
Carl Sagan, American cosmologist, 193496 the capsule as it caught re.


1973 1990 1998

Missions to Mars Space telescope ISS
In 1973, Soviet probe Mars 2 Orbiting telescopes The International
1971 reaches Marsone part of it give astronomers a view Space Station is a
First Lunar Roving Vehicle sent back pictures from orbit, the of space not inuenced by collaboration between
American astronauts on the Apollo other crashed while attempting Earths atmosphere. Launched 16 countries. It is
15, 16, and 17 missions explore the to land. In 1975, the American in 1990, the Hubble Space launched in 1998 and
Moon with an electric car called Viking 1 successfully landed and Telescope (HST) is the most assembled bit by bit
the Lunar Roving Vehicle. sent back data for six years. well-known space telescope. Hubble Space Telescope over 14 years. ISS

1969 1971 1981 Space Shuttle 1995 2012

Man on the Moon First space station Space Shuttle Challenger Galileo Mars Curiosity
On July 21, Neil Armstrong On April 19, the rst The rst spacecraft were NASAs Galileo probe becomes NASAs Curiosity Rover, a car-
becomes the rst human space station, the designed to be used only once. the rst spacecraft to orbit the sized robot exploration vehicle,
to set foot on the Moon. As Salyut1, is launched by The Space Shuttle is the rst Solar Systems largest planet, lands in Gale Crater on Mars on
he steps on to the Moons the Soviet Union. Later reusable craft, able to land after Jupiter. It beams back many August 6. The latest in a series of
surface, he says, One in the year, the rst crew a mission like an aeroplane. The images of Jupiters moons and similar missions, it studies rocks
small step for (a) man, one of three stays on board USSR built the similar, though also the impact of comet and climate, and searches for
giant leap for mankind. for 23 days. much less successful, Buran. Shoemaker Levy 9. signs of water and microbial life.

11 in (27 cm)



The rst Boeing 747-100Clipper Victorwent into commercial service on January 22,
on a PanAm ight from New York to London.

THE AGE OF WIDE-BODY its national space development lift offmore than 200,000 miles
LYNN MARGULIS (19382011)
PASSENGER JET TRAVEL began agency (NASDA) launched the (320,000 km) from Earthone
when the rst Boeing 747 jumbo experimental satellite called of the spacecrafts two oxygen
jet made its maiden commercial sumi. China became the fth cylinders exploded. Oxygen was American biologist Lynn
voyage in January of 1970. The country to do so, in April, with crucial not only to make the air Margulis is best known for her
idea of the airliner was conceived the successful launch of its in the spacecraft breathable, but theory of complex cell evolution,
in the mid-1960s, partly to ease experimental satellite, Dong also to generate electrical power which she rst published in
congestion at busy airports. By Fang Hong 1. and to make drinking water in 1966 when working at Boston
2013, more than 1,500 Boeing After the successes of its the fuel cells. The mission was University. Origin of Eukaryotic
747s had been built. rst three manned missions aborted, and the drama of the Cells (1970), expanded on her
In February, Japan became to the Moon, NASAs Apollo journey back to Earth was played endosymbiotic theory, but
the fourth countryafter the program suffered a setback in out on radio and television. The earned criticism within the
USSR, the US, and Franceto April 1970, during the Apollo 13 spacecraft splashed down in scientic community. It took 30
send a rocket into space, when mission. Around 55 hours after the South Pacic Ocean, ve years before sufcient evidence
days after the incident. led to the theorys acceptance.
Later this year, NASA
successfully launched Uhuru, the
rst dedicated orbiting X-ray took place on April 22, and organelles, with specic functions
observatory. X-ray astronomy is seen as a major event in the (see pp.19495); for example,
is only possible at high altitude history of environmentalism. It plant cells contain organelles
ideally, in orbitbecause the was celebrated with events across called chloroplasts, in which
atmosphere absorbs most of the US, but since 1990, Earth Day photosynthesis (see 178788)
the X-ray radiation from space. events have been held worldwide. takes place. Margulis idea was
The rst Earth Dayan annual In May, American biologist that organelles were once simple
celebration of the worlds natural Lynn Margulis (see panel, above) cells in their own right, and that
environment and a call to action published a book expanding on eukaryotic cells evolved as a
for environmentalists to protect her endosymbiotic theory of the symbiosis of these subunits.
itwas observed this year. It origin of eukaryotic cells (cells It was a year of important
was rst proposed in 1969 by with complex structures contained breakthroughs in genetics too.
American peace activist John within a membrane), which she Genetic information is carried
McConnell (19152012), as an rst proposed in 1966. Eukaryotic in two similar compounds
event that would take place on cells contain structures called inside cells: DNA and RNA
the spring equinox (Northern (see pp.28485). DNA stores
Hemisphere) each yeararound genetic information, while RNA
March 21. The rst Earth Day HOUSTON, transfers this information and
WEVE HAD is involved in building protein
Rescue mission molecules. Until 1970, biologists
Three Apollo 13 astronauts are lifted
aboard a helicopter in a rescue net,
believed that information could
after their Lunar Module returned John L. Jack Swigert, US ow in only one direction: from
them safely to Earth on April 17. astronaut, Apollo 13 mission, 1970 DNA to RNA. In June, American

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Professor Barry Commoner, American biologist, Earth Day, 1970

Earth Day protests like this one in New York appealed for changes
in government policy that would promote a sustainable way of life.

geneticist Howard Temin virus (HIV), which causes AIDS points were discovered. 25 Space missions
(193494) and American (see 1982). The enzyme involved Restriction enzymes play a 17 days Endurance records for


17 hours manned space ight
biologist David Baltimore in the process is called reverse central role in modern genetic 20
steadily improved
(b.1938) independently transcriptase. For their work, technologies, including DNA 13 days
18 hours between 1963 and
discovered that some viruses Temin and Baltimore jointly proling (see 1984), which is 15 1970. The Soyuz 9
carry information in won the 1975 Nobel Prize used in elds such as paternity 7 days record was broken
23 hours in 1971, when
RNA, which is then in Physiology or Medicine. testing, criminal investigation, 10 4 days cosmonauts on board
passed to DNA. These In July, Type II restriction and ecological studies. American 23 hours
Soyuz 11 remained in
retroviruses include the enzymes that cut DNA into microbiologists Hamilton Smith 5 orbit for 24 days.
human immunodeciency fragments at specic (b.1931) and Daniel Nathans
(192899), along with Swiss 0
microbiologist Werner Arber Vostok 5 Gemini 5 Gemini 7 Soyuz 9
Lunokhod 1
The rst lunar (b.1929), all shared the 1978
rover landed on directional Nobel Prize in Physiology or exploration. In June, two of its unmanned lunar probe Luna 16
the Moons surface antenna Medicine for this discovery. cosmonauts set an endurance drilled into the Moons surface
on November 17,
The USSR had a particularly record for space ight. Their and returned samples to Earth.
aboard the USSRs
Luna 17 spacecraft. successful year in space Soyuz 9 mission lasted 17 days, In November, the unmanned
omnidirectional 16 hours, and 59 minutes. Luna 17 mission put the rst
antenna In September, the roverthe Lunakhodon the
lunar surface. The Lunokhod,
spent nearly 11 months
analyzing the lunar soil and
sending back photographs. In
December, Venera 7 became
the rst spacecraft to make a
soft landing on another planet,
when it touched down on Venus.
Engineers back on
Earth detected
television camera
no signals from the probe after
its landing and assumed it had
been destroyed. Later analysis
drive wheels of their recordings revealed
23 minutes of data, which
indicated that the surface
temperature was extremely
hot at 887F (475C).

ion iet s 5
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la rs o


NASAs Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) is driven on the surface of the Moon. During the Apollo 15
mission in July, the rst LRV traveled a total of nearly 17 miles (28 km).

THE FIRST ALL-ELECTRONIC about a decade, different users was releasedand the rst scans
CALCULATORS appeared in the logged into the same computer of the human brain produced.
1950s, but they were large and were able to leave messages for American inventor Raymond
expensive. In the 1960s, each other. With the creation of Damadian published the results
calculators became smaller and the US militarys ARPANET of his experiments into magnetic
cheaper, thanks to the use of network in 1969, organizations resonance imaging (MRI, see
integrated circuits, or chips could send information across 1977). British pharmacologist
tiny but complex electronic large distances. American John Vane published his
circuits etched onto a single COLORED CT SCANS OF THE HUMAN BRAIN computer programmer Ray research that explained how
piece of semiconductor material. Tomlinson designed an e-mail the painkiller aspirin works
In 1968, adding-machine company CT SCANNING system for ARPANET and sent by blocking the production of
Busicom was designing a portable the rst true e-mail. prostaglandins, compounds
calculator, and approached two In computed tomography (CT), an X-ray source and a detector are In space, the USSRs Salyut 1 that play a central role in
chip manufacturers: Intel and placed on opposite sides of a rotating drum. A person lies inside the became the rst ever orbiting the mechanism of pain and the
Mostek. Intel developed a chip drum and an X-ray beam passes through him or her. The signal in space station, remaining in orbit bodys inammatory response.
with the entire central processing the detector depends on the average density of the material through for 175 days. The cosmonauts of
unit of a computer in its tiny which the beam passes. As the drum rotates, a computer combines the Soyuz 11 mission were the protective cover
circuits. It was the worlds rst multiple scans, to produce a 2-D slice through the person. rst to enter the craft, in June.
commercially available They spent three weeks inside,
microprocessor (see panel, but all three were killed as they
right), the Intel 4004. Busicom simpler chip, made by Mostek. through the mail. Floppy disks were leaving; they remain the
chose not to use the Intel 4004, The rst truly pocket-sized were thin plastic disks coated only people to have died outside
because it would have made the calculator, the LE-120A HANDY, with magnetic particles, and Earths atmosphere.
pins connect
cost of producing the calculator went on sale in January 1971. were attached to a spindle inside In July, astronauts from NASAs to circuit board
prohibitively high. It chose a In May, US computer company a rigid plastic housing. The rst Apollo 15 mission drove around
IBM announced a new convenient oppy disks were 8 in (20.3 cm) in the lunar surface in the rst FIRST MICROPROCESSOR
data storage devicethe oppy diameter, and held 80 kB Lunar Roving Vehicle, or Rover.
disk. The oppy played a key role (kilobytes) of information. In medical science, the rst A microprocessor is a
in enabling the development and Another important rst in 1971 commercially available CT single-chip central processing
popularity of personal computers was e-mail (electronic mail). For (computed tomography) scanner unit (CPU). Beneath the cover
because users could store is a single at crystal of
electronic documents, carry
them from computer to
silicon onto which thousands,
millions, or, more recently,

computer, and send them billions of transistors and
SYMBOLS, BUT @ DIDNT other components are
First pocket calculator
Busicoms HANDY LE, had a red APPEAR IN ANY NAMES, etched. Microprocessors
are one of the dening
LED display. It featured a xed
decimal point, with a choice of components of the
four, two, or no decimal places. microelectronics industry.
It cost $395. Ray Tomlinson, US computer programmer and inventor of e-mail, 1998

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Apollo 17 astronauts captured this imagethe celebrated Blue Marble photographon December 7.
Seeing our planet from space helped raise concern for the environment.

THE LIMITS TO GROWTH genethe rst time this had ,,IT WAS JUST A EUREKA. YOU

been accomplished. Also in May,
Japanese-born evolutionary KNOW, I LOOK AT THE TV SET AND
A simple graph (right) illustrates KEY
biologist Susumu Ohno SAY TO MYSELF, WHAT CAN I DO
that while population grows Food supply introduced the term junk WITH THIS?
geometricallythe more people Population DNA. Geneticists knew that

there are, the faster it growsa Crisis mutations introduced when Ralph Baer, inventor of Magnavox Odyssey video game console, 2007
nite resource, such as food DNA replicates inside cells
supply, can only increase at a impose a limit on the number of In October, a team of American from spaceproviding data on
steady rate. This inevitably leads genes a genome can carry. That molecular biochemists led by land use, geology, oceans, lakes
to crisis at some point, showing upper limit is around 30,000. Paul Berg reported that they and rivers, and pollution. The last
that continued growth cannot Since the amount of DNA in each had combined sequences of two Apollo missions, 16 and 17,
be sustained indenitely. TIME human cell could carry 3 million DNA from different organisms. took another six astronauts to the
genes, the great majority of This process of making Moon. Three further Apollo
our genome must have no recombinant DNA is central missions had been planned, but
THE MICROELECTRONICS In January, the international functionhence the term junk to genetic engineering. were canceled, partly because
INDUSTRY produced a number think tank The Club of Rome DNA. Most geneticists prefer to In July, NASA launched the the budget was cut and partly so
of advances in 1972. American published The Limits to Growth. It use the term noncoding DNA: Earth Resources Technology that NASA could concentrate on
company Magnavox introduced set out the results of a computer the DNA in genes carry codes Satellitethe rst of the USAs developing an orbiting space
the Odyssey, the worlds rst simulation investigating the used to build proteins inside Landsat satellites. NASA station. In March, NASA launched
home video game console, possible effects of unbridled cells, but other DNA may yet be launched seven satellites to its Pioneer 10 probe, bound for
which plugged into televisions. industrial development and found to have other functions. gather information about Earth Jupiter (which it ew past in 1974).
The popular Pong video game population growth. The report
a two-dimensional on-screen had many critics at the time, but

version of table tenniswas was nonetheless very important
released by Atari in November. for raising public awareness of
The rst digital watch, the environmental concerns, such
Hamilton Watch Companys as the affects of economic growth
Pulsar, went on sale in the fall. on nite natural resources.
The company had announced the In May, a team led by American
watchs development in 1970 and geneticist Walter Fiers revealed
begun producing it in 1971.
Computer users had been
that they had worked out the
sequence of nucleotide bases POUNDS
able to send information across along the entire length of a THE WEIGHT
the telephone network since the
mid-1960s, but in December, Information plaque about Earth
Vadic Corporation introduced Pioneer 10 carries this plaque,
which aimed to give extraterrestrials
the rst practical modem, the
VA3400. It could send data at
an idea of the human form
and planet Earths place in
1,200 bits per second. the Solar System. ASTRONAUTS
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THIS YEAR SAW THE LAUNCH Computer touch screen

of the USSRs second space Danish electronics engineer Bent
Stumpe holds one of the rst touch
station, Salyut 2, in April, while
screens, which he developed with
a month later the US launched British engineer Frank Beck.
Skylab. This space station
remained in orbit until 1977. scientists produced the Alto
In April, in New York, Motorola the rst computer to have a
researcher Martin Cooper graphical user interface (GUI)
(b.1928) made the rst telephone and a mouse.
call from a truly mobile, In November, American
handheld phonealbeit one geneticists Herbert Boyer (b.1936)
that weighed 2.5 lb (1.1 kg). and Stanley Cohen (b.1935)
Around the same time, engineers announced that they had created
at the European Organization for the rst-ever transgenic
Nuclear Research (CERN), on organism, heralding the dawn alternative energy device, known
the SwissFrench border, were of genetic engineering. Boyer as Salters duck, which could
developing the worlds rst touch and Cohen inserted an antibiotic- extract energy from water
screen, which was put to use resistant gene from one waves. This device could be
on computers in a sophisticated bacterium into the genome of used to generate electricity.
control room. another, endowing the recipient
Later in the year, American bacterium with the donors Salters duck
computer scientists Vint Cerf resistance against antibiotics. A prototype of the duck generates
electric power from waves in a
(b.1943) and Robert Kahn (b.1938) Also in November, British
laboratory test. The water behind
drafted the internet protocol inventor Stephen Salter (b.1938) the duck is at because its energy
suitea set of networking applied for a patent for an has been extracted.
standards that enable different
interconnected computer
networks to communicate. The
most important components,
Transfer Control Protocol and the
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), are
the basis of nearly all trafc
across the internet today. At
Xeroxs Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC) in California, computer

Skylab in orbit
Skylab housed a laboratory, in which
astronauts carried out scientic and
medical experiments, and carried a
telescope for studying the Sun.

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The rst extreme-loving organisms were discovered in Colorado, in Yellowstone National Parks
sulfur-rich hot springs. In 1974, such organisms were classied as extremophiles.

STEPHEN HAWKING (b.1942) in the Afar Triangle, Ethiopia. The annihilating each Lucy
fossils were from a 3.2 million other. Hawking A reconstructed
skull of an
year-old Australopithecus uncovered
Perhaps best known to the afarensisa species of bipedal a strange afarensis, a
public for A Brief History of (walked on two legs) hominid. possibility: species of early
Time (1988), British theoretical The nd was named Lucy for any virtual bipedal apes.
physicist Stephen Hawking has after the Beatles song Lucy in pairs created
made pioneering contributions the Sky with Diamonds, which at the event
to our understanding of black was often played at the camp horizon (boundary) succession of
holes, cosmology, and quantum where the bones were found of a black hole, one discoveries known
physics. He is almost completely and was by far the oldest such member would as the November
paralyzed, a result of the nd at the time. disappear inside, while Revolutionwhich
degenerative condition known British theoretical physicist the other would travel included the discoveries
as motor neuron disease, with Stephen Hawking published a out into space, the result of the charm quark and the
which he was diagnosed when revolutionary idea about black being that black holes radiate particle called J or psigave an
he was just 21. holes. One of the ndings of particles. At rst controversial, enormous boost to the emerging
quantum physics is that empty Hawking radiation is now part understanding of subatomic
space is constantly thronging of mainstream physics, and particles, known as the
IN JULY, AMERICAN development in genetics caused with pairs of virtual particles, the search is on to detect it. Standard Model of particle
MICROBIOLOGIST Robert concern in the general public and which exist only eetingly, before Also in physics, a rapid physics (see panel, below).
MacElroy coined the term the scientic community about
extremophiles to refer to the possible environmental STANDARD MODEL OF PARTICLE PHYSICS
organisms that thrive in effects of genetic engineering.
extremesof acidity, pressure, or More concern about the The Standard Model, developed in the particles that carry force
temperature, for example. This environmental effects of scientic 1960s and 1970s, is still the best-t of matter Fermions Bosons
classication sparked interest progress arose after scientists explanation of fundamental particlesthe
from astrobiologists, since such published their ndings about the most basic building blocks of matter and form u c t
composite up charm top photon

organisms might be found in dangers of chlorouorocarbons force. The models success rests largely on
hostile environments on other (CFCs). These man-made its predictions of the existence of particles such as
d s b z

Force carriers
planets, and from evolutionary compounds were widely used as that have since been observed, including the protons and down strange bottom Z boson
biologists, as extremophiles are refrigerants and propellents in charm quark in 1974. According to the theory, neutrons
mostly primitive organisms that aerosol cans. The researchers there are two families of fundamental ve v vt w

evolved early in Earths history. warned that CFCs could deplete particles: the fermions, which make matter, exist in electron muon tau W boson
neutrino neutrino neutrino
isolation, not
German geneticist Rudolf the ozone layer, which protects and the bosons, which carry force. The
Jaenisch (b.1942) and American the planet from harmful fermions are further divided into quarks
in composite
t g
muon tau gluon
embryologist Beatrice Mintz ultraviolet radiation. which normally occur in tightly bound twos
(b.1921) reported that they had In November, American or threes to make composite particles such
gives mass to H0
created the rst transgenic anthropologist Donald Johanson as the proton and the neutronand leptons, other particles Higgs
animal, by introducing virus DNA (b.1943) discovered fossil which occur singly and include the electron. boson

into a mouse embryo. The pace of fragments of a hominid skeleton

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The Mandelbrot set is a simple mathematical formula that, when visualized using
computer graphics, reveals intricate beauty at different scales.

IN JUNE 1975, Japanese
electronics company Sony
released the rst home video
recorder format, Betamax.
Video cassette recorders VENERA 9 LANDER OPERATED helical
(VCRs) allowed people to record
television programs and watch ON THE SURFACE OF VENUS antenna

prerecorded lms rented or

bought from video stores. home use. The following year, VCRs and cassettes
Although VCRs had been available another Japanese company, JVC, represented only about
since the 1960s, they were came out with a rival format 5 percent of the home video
expensive and very few VHS (Video Home System). Over market, although they
households owned one. Betamax the next decade, the two systems remained the standard for air brake
was inexpensive enough to be competed in a format war; by broadcasters and professional
purchased by many families for the end of the 1980s, Betamax video editors until the rise of Venera 9
digital video production. lander
This is a model
In July, millions of people
of the Venera 9
around the world watched a lander probe
historic moment live on their that carried out
televisions: the docking of a tests and sent
Russian Soyuz spacecraft with
an American Apollo module. The from Venus.
two craft were together in orbit
for more than 40 hours, during
which the crews carried out joint
experiments, exchanged gifts,
and un-docked and re-docked
their craft several times.
COLLABORATION IN SPACE Farther out in space, the
Russian unmanned space
Since the 1950s, the US and USSR had been engaged in a space probe Venera 9 became the
race, each superpower trying to assert its technological superiority. rst spacecraft to orbit Venus. between Venus and astronomers et Dimension (Fractals: Form,
The Russians were the rst to put a satellite into orbit, launch a A spherical entry pod detached on Earth. The lander relayed data Probability, and Dimension). The
person into space, and send probes to the Moon. Not far behind, from the orbiter and opened to and images for 53 minutes, after mathematics of fractals provided
the Americans achieved perhaps the biggest coup, by landing release a lander probe, which which radio contact was lost. a way of bringing apparently
astronauts on the Moons surface. The docking of the two nations descended to the planets In November, PolishFrench rough, irregular, and chaotic
craft in orbitthe ApolloSoyuz Test Projectwas an important surface. It was the rst probe mathematician Benoit phenomena into the domain
statement of peace and collaboration between the US and USSR, to send images back from the Mandelbrot (19242010) coined of mathematics. It allowed
a reection of the easing of tensions between them. surface of another planet; the word fractal in his book Les mathematicians to understand
the orbiter acted as a relay station Objets Fractals: Forme, Hasard, and model intricate natural forms

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Concorde could travel at more

than twice the speed of sound.

such as mountains, clouds, Apple 1 In July and September, NASAs

snowakes, plants, and lightning The rst Apple computer came as a single unmanned space probes Viking 1
circuit board to which customers would
bolts as simple repeating patterns connect a keyboard and a video display, and Viking 2 orbited Mars and
on different scales. Mandelbrots and a cassette player to load programs. dropped lander probes on its
work also fed into the emerging surface. The landers sent back
eld of computer graphics, motherboard high resolution images, and also
enabling computer game carried out chemical analyses
designers and artists to create cassette board of the soil, partly with the aim of
stunning virtual worlds with connector nding clues that life had once
realism. With its strong links existed on the planet; however,
to another emerging discipline, and Steve Wozniak (b.1950), no such evidence was found.
chaos theory, fractal mathematics and electronics expert Ronald
helped scientists understand Wayne (b.1934) founded a new
unpredictable systems, such as THE YEAR DAWNED with the certain behaviors that are company called Apple Computers.
stock markets and earthquakes. maiden ight of Concorde, otherwise hard to explain; for Their rst product, simply called
In December, US engineer the rst supersonic jet airliner. example, the altruism that the Apple Computer (later known
Steven Sasson (b.1950) took It was developed jointly by British organisms show toward those as Apple 1), came as a single
the rst digital photograph Aerospace (formerly British most closely related (and therefore circuit board. It had 8 kilobytes
with a device he had invented, Aircraft Corporation) and the likely to carry many of the same of RAM, and sold for $666.66.
which proved to be a prototype French company Arospatiale. genes). Dawkins use of the word A few months later, US
of the digital camera. Sassons After more than 10 years of selsh, although gurative, computer company Cray
images had a resolution of just development and testing, captured the imagination of the Research delivered a ground-
0.01 megapixels, and took Concordes rst commercial general public and scientists breaking supercomputer, Cray-1,
23 seconds to be stored on ights took place on January 21, alike. Many consider it to be a to the Los Alamos National RICHARD DAWKINS
magnetic tape. one from London to Bahrain landmark in the development Laboratory in New Mexico. Cray-1 (b.1941)
Also in December, US and the other from Paris to Rio. of evolutionary biology. was the brainchild of Seymour
physicist Martin Concorde remained in service In April, American computer Cray (192596), who had been British evolutionary biologist
Perl (b.1927) until 2003. Only one other scientists Steve Jobs (19552011) working since the mid-1960s on Richard Dawkins was born
announced the supersonic airliner has ever gone making processing in Kenya, and graduated with
discovery of a into service: the Russian Tupolev units work in a degree in zoology from
subatomic Tu-144, in 1977. However, it was parallel, to increase Oxford University in 1962. For
detector particle that he grounded in 1978 after a crash. computer power. most of the 1960s, he was a
called tau In March, British evolutionary researcher in ethology (the
lepton. It was further evidence biologist Richard Dawkins study of animal behavior).
in favor of the Standard Model of published The Selsh Gene. In it, Surface of Mars He has written a number of
fundamental particles (see he suggested that evolution was The Viking landers, inuential and hugely popular
1974). In 1995, Perl was awarded best understood at the level of which spent a combined books explaining evolution,
total of 10 years
the Nobel Prize in Physics for genes, and not whole organisms. studying the Martian
criticizing creationism, and
his discovery. The gene-centric theory developed surface, sent back many promoting atheism.
in the 1960s, and it accounts for color pictures to Earth.

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1977 1978
TO WIN THE KREMER PRIZE Louise Brown, first baby conceived through IVF, 1998

The Gossamer Condor was the rst human-

powered aircraft to achieve sustained ight.

IN FEBRUARY, a team of in South Africa. Their nd pushed Sanger method remained the Earth. A receiver worked out its
oceanographers and geologists back the date of the earliest basis of genome sequencing until exact location by triangulating
set out to explore the Galpagos known life by several hundred automated techniques became the signals from the satellites.
Ridge in the East Pacic Ocean, million years. available in the early 2000s. In 1983, US President Ronald
searching for hydrothermal In the same year, the science In August, Jerry Ehman, an Reagan announced that the
ventscracks in the ocean oor of genomicsanalysis of the American astronomer, detected system would be available for
where seawater meets hot sequence of nucleotide bases a remarkably strong and public use once the rst group
magma. They found that the (genetic material) along the consistent radio signal that of satellites was complete.
mineral-rich water gushing out of length of an organisms DNA seemed to have come from an A second group of satellites, the
the hydrothermal vents supported took two major steps forward. extraterrestrial source. The rst of which was launched in
a rich and diverse community of First, in February, British signals strength, frequency, and MARY LEAKEY (191396) 1989, enhanced accuracy.
organisms never seen before. biochemist Frederick Sanger consistency suggested that it Also in February, a team led
Later in the year, American determined the sequence of the was broadcast on purpose by Born in London, Mary Nicol by British paleontologist Mary
paleobotanist Elso Barghoorn 5,000 or so bases in the genome intelligent extraterrestrial married archaeologist and Leakey revealed a set of
(191584) and his Ph.D. student of a simple virus. Then, in beings. Ehman used Ohio State anthropologist Louis Leakey. prehistoric footprints that
Andrew Knoll discovered 3.4 December, Sanger published Universitys Big Ear radio The couple spent many years were made by bipedal hominids
billion-year-old fossils of simple details of a new, rapid method telescope as part of the Search in Africa, inspired by the idea an estimated 3.4 million years
single-celled organisms in rocks of genome sequencing. The for Extraterrestrial Intelligence that human origins lay in that ago. The 80 ft- (24 m-) long set of
(SETI) project. The signal has continent. In 1959, Mary found footprints, discovered at Laetoli,
never been detected again. the 1.75 million-year-old in Tanzania, were made by three
Also in August, the Gossamer remains of a hominid in individuals walking in volcanic
Condor became the rst Tanzania. Her nd contributed ash. Light rainfall soon cemented
human-powered aircraft to to later understanding of the footprints, which were then
achieve sustained, controlled human evolution. covered in another layer of ash
ight, completing a gure of and preserved until erosion
eight around two markers set revealed them to Leakey and her
0.4 mile (0.8 km) apart, at THE US AIR FORCE LAUNCHED team. The oldest hominid
Minter Field, California. It had the rst of 24 NAVSTAR footprints known before the
a mass of just 70 lb (32 kg) and (Navigation System using Timing discovery at Laetoli were made
was driven by pedal power. And Ranging) satellites for its by Neanderthals just 80,000
The aircrafts designer, Paul Global Positioning System years ago.
MacCready, was awarded the (GPS) in February. The satellites In July, the rst human baby
HYDROTHERMAL VENTS Kremer Prize (50,000), which acted as orbiting radio beacons. conceived outside a womans
was set up in 1959 by British Each one carried an accurate body was born. Louise Brown
A common feature around mid-ocean ridges, hydrothermal vents industrialist Henry Kremer to atomic clock and broadcast was conceived through in vitro
are ssures in the ocean oor from which chemically rich water reward innovations in human- constant signals announcing fertilization (IVF)a technique
emerges. They can either be hot black smokers, which form powered ight. its position and the exact time. that was the result of nearly a
rocky, chimneylike structures, or cool white smokers. Some Ground-based receivers could decade of work by British
biologists believe white smokers to be the site of the origin of life. detect signals from at least four embryologist Robert Edwards
satellites from any point on and surgeon Patrick Steptoe.

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Louise Brown, the rst baby conceived through IVF, holds her fathers
hand shortly after her birth at Oldham General Hospital, UK.

Newspaper reports of the birth of Ancient footprints

the rst test tube baby caused The footprints at Laetoli, preserved
in hardened volcanic ash, were made
a urry of both praise for the
by three individuals apparently on
achievement and condemnation their way to a watering hole.
for meddling with nature.
Since the birth of Louise Brown, (Type I) cannot produce enough
several million babies have been of this hormone, and at the time,
conceived through IVF. their only source of life-saving
In another technological supplementary insulin was from
substitute for a natural process, pigs and cattle. The US Food
US company Genetech announced and Drug Administration (FDA)
that it had managed to genetically approved Genetechs product
engineer E.coli bacteria to in 1982, making it the rst
produce the hormone insulin. genetically engineered product
People suffering from diabetes to gain approval.

fallopian tube


ultrasound tube
guides needle
hollow needle into ovary
extracts eggs


In this assisted fertilization technique, a womans ovaries are

stimulated (using drugs) to produce several eggs. The eggs are
extracted, and combined with sperm in the laboratory. One or two of
the embryos produced are then implanted into the womans womb to
develop into fetuses. Since rst introduced, IVF has become more
sophisticated and there are many ways to achieve egg fertilization.

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An aerial view of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
which is considered the site of the USs worst nuclear accident.

A CLOSE, progress in space
FOR EACH OF OUR ssion in nuclear control rods slide steam used to


fuel heats water down between fuel spin turbines and
exploration continued. NASAs lling reactor rods to slow down the drive electricity

two Voyager space probes rate of ssion generators
reached their rst target, Jupiter,
two years after leaving Earth.
Voyager 1 made its closest James Lovelock, British biologist, in Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, 1979
approach in March; Voyager 2
in July. The probes sent back September, NASAs Pioneer 11 year, the European Space Agency hot water
exceptionally clear photographs became the rst space probe launched the rst of its highly nuclear produces steam
and data to reveal new to y past Saturn, another gas successful Ariane rockets, fuel rods in the steam
information about Jupiter giant. Pioneer 11 came as close from French Guyana.
and its moons, including the as 13,000 miles (21,000 km) to In May, astronomers based at concrete steam is
discovery of volcanoes on the tops of the planets deep, Kitt Peak National Observatory, dome condensed
to water and
the innermost moon, Io. In dense clouds. At the end of the Arizona, discovered two quasars
returned to
close to each other in the sky; steam
a quasar (quasi-stellar radio generator
actual position and galaxy cluster as
shape of galaxy gravitational lens source) is the energetic centre of
a distant galaxy. The two quasars
light path without
gravitational appeared so similar that the
lensing astronomers concluded they
coolant pump circulates
were two views of the same water around reactor
object. This was the rst
example of gravitational NUCLEAR REACTOR
Earth lensing (see panel, left): the light
from the quasar was bent, as if A nuclear reactor generates electric power by using nuclear
by a lens, due to the distortion of ssion to heat water. This in turn produces steam, which is used
apparent position light bent by space-time by a massive galaxy to drive huge turbines. A reactor core contains fuel rods made
of distorted galaxy cluster
cluster that lies between the of radioactive material, and control rods, which limit the rate of
quasar and Earth. ssion. There are two separate cooling circuits, in which water
GRAVITATIONAL LENSING On March 28, the US suffered circulates to carry heat away from the reactor core.
its worst-ever nuclear power
The gravitational eld of matter present in space acts as a plant accident. In the early
lens, causing light to be deected. As a result, people viewing hours of the morning, one of the reactor core then leaked out women within an 5 mile- (8 km-)
a celestial object from Earth may see multiple distorted images the reactors at the Three Mile into a containment building. radius to evacuate; two days after
of it. This phenomenon, known as gravitational lensing, was rst Island nuclear power plant, Although the reactor was the accident, the radius was
proposed in 1936 by GermanAmerican physicist Albert Einstein. Pennsylvania, went into partial stabilized by the evening, extended to 20 miles (32 km).
The rst example of gravitational lensing was discovered in 1979, meltdown after a valve failed to concern over rising radiation Radiation levels around the
when astronomers observed two views of the same quasar. operate correctly. A large amount levels caused local ofcials to power plant did not rise
of pressurized water circulating advise children and pregnant signicantly, and nuclear

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pr pu gra io
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310 t

Erosion has revealed the 65-million-year-old CretaceousPaleogene boundarywhich corresponds to the extinction
of the dinosaursin these rocks in the Hoodoo Formation, Alberta, Canada.

scientists concluded that neither in an incredibly tiny, hot, dense Mushroom

people nor the environment had state several billion years ago, The cholesterol-reducing
compound lovastatin
come to any harm. and has been expanding ever
accounts for around
Sony, a Japanese company, since. He suggested that the 2 percent of the dry
introduced a revolutionary new universe underwent cosmic weight of edible oyster
product in July: the Walkman. ination, expanding by a factor mushrooms (Pleurotus
ostreatus), shown here.
It was the rst truly personal of a trillion trillion trillion trillion
portable audio device, allowing trillion trillion trillion trillion
people to carry their music with (1 followed by 72 zeroes) in a hit Earth, throwing up
them on audio cassettes and tiny fraction of a second. Guths dust that blocked out
listen to it on headphones. LUIS ALVAREZ (191188) proposition solved many existing the Sun for thousands
Earlier in the year, the US problems with the Big Bang of years, and leaving a still-visible name Mevacor. Lovastatin has
company Bell Laboratories American physicist Luis theory. Evidence in support of crater. His hypothesis remained since been discovered in other
released the seventh, and most Walter Alvarezs hypothesis Guths theory has since come controversial until 1990, when a fungi, such as oyster mushrooms.
important, version of UNIXa about the cause of the from astronomers and particle huge 65-million-year-old crater Earlier in the year, the thirty-
computer operating system that extinction of dinosaurs came physicists, and although some was discovered off the Yucatn third World Health Assembly
is the direct ancestor of the near the end of a long and mysteries remain, it is now peninsula, Mexico. declared that smallpox had
popular modern operating illustrious career in physics. almost certain that cosmic In the following month, been eradicated globally.
systems Mac OS X and Linux. He made many contributions ination did occur. pharmacologists announced the Space probe Voyager 1 made
In October, British biologist to radar technology during In June, Luis Alvarez (see isolation of a compound called its closest approach to Saturn
James Lovelock published Gaia: World War II, but his panel, left) put forward a theory mevinolin from the mold in November, ying within 77,000
A New Look at Life on Earth. The speciality was subatomic to explain the extinction of (fungus) Aspergillus terreus. miles (124,000 km) of the planets
book set out the Gaia hypothesis. particles. In 1968, he won dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Mevinolin was shown to inhibit cloud tops.
This states that Earth can be the Nobel Prize in Physics. Geologists had already noticed a the production of cholesterol,
survivors fatalities
considered a single, self- distinct transition in rock layers which is associated with
regulating, living organism. dated to the time of extinction. increased risk of heart disease.
Lovelock asserted that Earths IN JANUARY, AMERICAN Alvarez analyzed the rocks at this It was renamed lovastatin, and
living things interact with the THEORETICAL PHYSICIST CretaceousPaleogene (KPg) became the rst cholesterol-
physical environment, keeping Alan Guth (b.1947) proposed boundary and found high levels reducing statin drug ever 30%
the oceans and atmosphere a renement to the Big Bang of iridium, an element more sold. In 1987, the US Food and
favorable for life to continue. theory (see pp.34445), which common in asteroids. He Drug Administration (FDA)
Lovelock had been developing states that the Universe began suggested that an asteroid approved it, under the brand

the idea and gathering relevant
evidence since the early 1960s.
The hypothesis inuenced how
many people tend to think
about the environment, and THE TIME IT TOOK VOYAGERS Deaths from smallpox
Until its global eradication in 1980,
the interconnectedness and
interdependence of all living
RADIO SIGNALS FROM SATURN TO smallpox had claimed millions of
human lives, killing about one-third
things in the world. REACH ASTRONOMERS ON EARTH of all those aficted by it.

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John Burke, American trauma surgeon, in New York Times, 1981

Articial human skin, shown here, can be created by culturing human skin cells and growing
them around a collagen matrix.

IN APRIL, NASAS REUSABLE IBM-PC system had to be licensed from formed a scaffold onto which
SPACECRAFT, the Space Shuttle, One conguration of Microsoftmaking that company the body could generate its own
the IBM 5150 had two
made its rst full, orbital test extremely successful. collagen, and build up new
disk drives. There was
ight. It was the rst of 28 ights no mouse, because the In April, Swiss physicist Heinrich skinand the silicone layer
made by Space Shuttle Columbia, only interaction with Rohrer and German physicist could then be removed.
which tragically broke up on the operating system Gerd Binnig succeeded in Two separate teams, one in the
was through typed
reentry in 2003. The Shuttles building the rst scanning UK and one in the US, developed
main engines lifted the craft into tunneling microscope (STM, see the technology to isolate and
orbit, with extra fuel provided panel below)an instrument culture embryonic stem (ES)
by an external fuel tank; with which scientists can produce cells from mouse embryos.
solid-fuel booster rockets referred to accurate images of the atoms ES cells are pluripotentthey
provided extra thrust. Once as the IBM-PC. that make up solid surfaces. have the potential to develop into
empty, the boosters and the The computers Also in April, American trauma any kind of cell. They can also
fuel tank detached from the operating system surgeon John Burke and replicate indenitely. Human ES
Shuttle. The boosters were was PC-DOS, a Greek-born American chemical cellsrst cultured in 1998
recovered and reused in version of MS-DOS engineer Ioannis Yanas hold great promise for future
future missions. NASA (Microsoft Disk developed the rst successful medical treatments. For
used ve space Operating System). articial skin for patients with example, ES cells could be used
shuttles, which made a Microsofts enormously severe burns. Their skin was to generate tissues for transplant,
total of 135 successful missions, successful Windows made with collagen from sharks or implanted into the body, could
lifting into orbit satellites as batteries. Xerox launched the 8010 software (see 1985) was built and cows, sealed with a layer of help repair damage done by
well as components for the Information System (Star), a around MS-DOS. The IBM-PC silicone rubber. The collagen disease, injury, or aging.
International Space Station. workstation computer signicant had a huge inuence on the
American company Osborne as the rst commercially development of the personal SCANNING TUNNELING MICROSCOPE
Computer Corporation released available computer with les computer. Its success led other
the rst successful portable displayed graphically as icons companies to make clones At the heart of a scanning
computer, the Osborne 1. This inside window folders, and an called IBM compatibles, which tunneling microscope (STM)
was followed by Japanese on-screen pointer controlled by have dominated the personal is an extremely sharp metal tip
company Epsons rst laptop a mouse. The most important computer market ever since. that scans across a surface at
computer, the HX-20, which development in computer Companies could make IBM very close range, measuring
weighed just 3.5 lb (1.6 kg) and technology this year was the compatibles using off-the-shelf the electric current created by
worked on rechargeable release of the IBM 5150, usually hardware, but the operating electrons tunneling across

the gap between the surface
and the tip of the probe. The
Preparing for launch THE MAXIMUM color-enhanced STM image
NASAs Space Shuttle Columbia NUMBER OF to the right shows a clump of
sits on the launch pad at Kennedy
Space Center in Florida, US. It KILOBYTES OF gold atoms (yellow and brown)
on a graphite surface (carbon
is attached to the huge external RAM MEMORY
liquid fuel tank and two slimmer atoms, green).
solid-fuel boosters. IN THE IBM-PC
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IN 198283

In 1982, El Nio caused sustained high rainfall, resulting in the raised water level in the
San Lorenzo River, California.

AN IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT 1,000 In May, Taiwanese biologist


IN DIGITAL SOUND reproduction, free HIV infected CD4 Chiaho Shih (b.1950) and
the compact disk (CD), became particle lymphocyte 800 American biologist Robert
available in October this year. Weinberg (b.1942) reported
binding and cell DNA
The CD, developed jointly 600 that they had isolated a human
cell nucleus
by Philips and Sony, is a oncogene, which is a genetic
polycarbonate disk with a thin cytoplasm 400 cause of cancer.
layer of aluminum inside. The insertion of viral DNA
In December, American
200 180
aluminum is pitted with millions surgeon William DeVries (b.1943)
of tiny indentations, arranged performed surgery on retired
creation of proteins infected
as a spiral track more than 3 0 dentist Barney Clark to implant
new HIV created CD4 1982 1992 2002
miles (5 km) long. The pits lymphocyte the rst permanent articial
represent binary digits, which in free oating human heart, the Jarvik-7.
turn represent the original mature HIV mature HIV Living with AIDS The articial heart, designed
particle particle This graph shows the number of
sound. A laser inside the CD by American inventor Robert
people living with AIDS in the USA.
player reects light off the pits Worldwide, 30 million people were Jarvik (b.1946), kept Clark alive
as the disk spins, and a HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) living with the disease by 2002. for 112 days.
microprocessor reconstructs the
original sound wave from the The cause of AIDS was identied as a virus in 1984, and that virus winds (the prevailing easterly
pattern of reected light. Within was given the name human immunodeciency virus (HIV) in 1986. winds found in the tropics). El
a few years, CDs became the HIV is transmitted in bodily uids and infects cells crucial to the Nio events happen occasionally,
most popular format for buying bodys immune systemin particular, CD4 cellsand uses them and typically last for several
recorded music. The compact to reproduce. The cells may die as a result or be destroyed by months. This years El Nio,
disk was adapted as a medium other immune system cells. one of the most devastating
for read-only computer data on record, began in July
storage (CD-ROM), and later, as and lasted into the next
writeable data disks (CDRs). samples, giving musicians conned to the gay community. year. It decimated sh
Also in October, American great exibility in composition, The rapid spread of the disease stocks in Peru, brought
synthesizer pioneer Robert recording, and performance. led to major health campaigns, drought and bush res
Moog announced the Musical In July, a recently identied encouraging people to use to Australia and parts
Instrument Digital Interface disease was given its name: condoms during intercourse, of Africa, and extreme
(MIDI), a new way of recording acquired immunodeciency and intravenous drug users to rainfall in California
and playing back musical syndrome (AIDS). The disease avoid sharing needles. and Perucausing an
performances. MIDI consists of had claimed many lives in the Widespread extreme weather estimated 2,000 deaths.
simple messages that relate to gay community in New York alerted the general public to
the notes played; the messages and California. However, it had the existence of the El Nio
can be produced by playing MIDI become clear that, while the phenomenonin which the Articial heart
A Jarvik-7 articial heart like this
instruments such as keyboards, disease spread easily among Pacic Ocean remains warmer
was given to Barney Clark at the
or by manipulating software. homosexual men via sexual for longer than usual because University of Utah. Clark lived for
MIDI messages trigger sound contact, it was by no means of a change in the worlds trade 112 days after the operation.

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Barry Marshall, Australian physician, from Nobel
Lecture, December 8, 2005

Rod-shaped, helical bacteria, known as Helicobacter pylori, attached

to the stomach lining. These bacteria cause stomach ulcers.

THIS YEAR, THREE Apple Lisa stomach and the duodenum (part
IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS The Apple Lisa, the rst of the small intestine), leading to
personal computer
in consumer electronics inammation and causing the
with a graphical user
reected advances made interface, and the team ulcers. Marshall realized he
exactly 10 years earlier. The rst that designed it. needed to carry out a denitive
day of the year was the deadline test of the hypothesis on a
for all computers connected to human subjectand he decided
the worldwide network known as to use himself as the subject.
ARPANET to be using the internet After making sure the bacteria
protocol, TCP/IP (see 1973). Many were not present in his stomach,
computer historians consider he prepared a culture, mixed it
that day as the switching on Physicists at the European Measures dened the meter as with chicken broth, and drank it.
of the modern internet. Until Organization for Nuclear equal to the length of the path Marshalls stomach lining became
then, some computers were Research (CERN) discovered traveled by light in a vacuum inamed, and the hypothesis was
still using a different protocol to three particles whose existence during a time interval of one soon proven. The link between the
Full orchestra communicate, but TCP/IP has gave more weight to the Standard 299,792,458ths of a second. new species of bacterialater
A MIDI controller keyboard came
formed the basis of all internet Model (see 1974). The W+, W, At the University of Western named Helicobacter pyloriand
with a standard set of MIDI
instruments, but MIDI messages trafc ever since. The rst and Z bosons carry the "weak Australia, in Perth, physician stomach ulcers meant that most
can play any sounds. computer to have a graphical interaction," which is involved in Barry Marshall (b.1951) and ulcers can be treated using
user interface (GUI) was the Alto, radioactive decay (see pp.26667). pathologist Robin Warren antibiotics, saving hundreds
openings connect to developed at Xeroxs research The existence of these particles (b.1937) identied the most of thousands of lives. In
major arteries and veins center in California (see 1973). had been predicted in 1968, common cause of stomach recognition of their discovery,
Ten years later, Apple Computer as a result of a unied theory ulcersa common condition Marshall and Warren were
polyester shell Inc. launched the rst personal of the weak interaction and the that can lead to death by awarded the 2005 Nobel
computer with a GUI. electromagnetic force. Their gastrointestinal bleeding or Prize in Physiology
In October, American discovery was only possible stomach cancer. Their work or Medicine.
businessman David Meilahn because of CERNs powerful new began when Warren became
made the rst commercial particle accelerator, the Super curious about large numbers
mobile phone call, over a Proton Synchrotron, which had of a new species of bacteria
cell-based wireless network been operational since 1976. he had found in patients
10 years after the rst call on In October, the 17th General stomachs. At the time, no

a prototype device (see 1973). Conference on Weights and one expected bacteria to be
present inside the stomach,
THE NUMBER because of the strong acid
there. After nding the
Mobile phone

OF TIMES LIGHT bacteria in patients with

The worlds rst
commercially available
CAN TRAVEL stomach ulcers, Warren and mobile phone, Motorolas
DynaTAC 8000x. Early
AROUND EARTH Marshall hypothesized that
these organisms were
mobile phones like this
were affectionately
IN A SECOND infecting the lining of the known as "bricks."

of ts ll
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194 6 2 013 T H E I N FO R M AT I O N AG E

Early mail
For centuries,
messages were sent
either through traders
or by special courier.
In 1635, King CharlesI
of Great Britain
opened up his postal
service to the public
for the rst time.


Message carrier Semaphore ags

Early 20th century 1792
The idea of using The rst semaphore system
Cuneiform inscription specially trained pigeons (visual signaling using ags)
c.3200 BCE to carry mail originated in was developed by French
The earliest written language Persia. Messages would engineer Claude Chappe.
was cuneiforma set of be placed inside metal Signals could be sent across
symbols inscribed on wet carriers and attached a network of towers but were
clay with a stylus. to pigeons legs. limited by the weather.


The ability to communicate complex ideas through Bells electric telephone

language is a key trait separating humans from animals. Alexander Graham Bells
telephone transmitted sound
In recent years, technological advances have enabled us using electrical signals. As the
signal reached the receiver, a
to send messages faster than a person can travel. metallic disk would vibrate,
producing soundwaves.
Most prehistoric cultures communicated solely through the spoken word,
relying on an oral tradition to pass on or record important information.
The appearance of writing in the 4th century BCE transformed human
society forever. However, written messages still had to be delivered by
hand. It was only in the 19th century that the harnessing of electricity
paved the way for modern forms of instantaneous communication. winding the handle
sends a high-
tickertape key to send Cooke and Wheatstone telegraph voltage signal to
records electrical 1837 display shows the exchange
received pulses This telegraph used electricity 20 most widely
messages for used letters
to send signals. Messages were
composed using the ve needles Early payphone
across the middle of the grid; 1905
deecting any two would point By the 20th century,
to specic letters. payphones were
installed in public
places. Several phones
would be connected,
with calls being
directed by operators
at a single exchange.

Morse telegraph
American inventor Samuel Morse
designed a telegraph that could send
signals over long distances along a
single wire. His colleague Alfred Vail
devised a code that used short and
long pulses (dots and dashes)
to represent letters of the alphabet.


The development
of webcams has
enabled video
calling over
iPhone the Internet,
2012 and much
Digital technology has communication
changed cellphones has now been
beyond all recognition. transferred to
The Apple iPhone, computers.
launched in 2007,
brought together
computer and
phone technology.
Mobile telephone
Cellphones use radio
waves to make wireless
speaker and telephone calls via local
mouthpiece unit antennae that form a
cellular telephone
Ericsson table phone network. The Motorola
1890 DynaTAC 8000x was the
This design was one of the rst to rst truly hand-held
have an integrated speaker and cellular phone.
mouthpiece unit. Winding the handle
alerted the operator at a telephone
exchange to open the line for a call. photoelectric sensors
convert image on paper
into electric signals

Facsimilie telegraph
bell rings to indicate
Pictures were transmitted via
incoming signal the telegraph system as early
from exchange as 1865, but the rst device to
use telephone lines for this was
patented by Xerox in 1964. Once
popular, faxes have now largely
been superseded by e-mail.

Rotary dial phone

1931 Walkie talkie
Popular during the 1940
mid-20th century, Compact short-distance
rotary telephones used wireless telephones
a numbered dial to send a developed rapidly during
series of electrical pulses World War II. Signals were
along the line. Switches at typically sent using AM
the exchange connected (amplitude modulated)
calls automatically. radio waves.


512342 PIXELS

A worker on Apples assembly line in Fremont, California checks

and cleans a Macintosh computer.

FOLLOWING ON FROM THEIR a graphical user interface, ventured nearly 328 ft (100 m) ,,BEGINNING WITH A SINGLE

SUCCESS with the Apple Lisa strengthening that dominance. away from the spacecraft.
computer the previous year, In February, American US secretary of Health and MOLECULE OF DNA, THE PCR CAN
Apple Computer Inc. launched a astronauts Bruce McCandless Human Services, Margaret GENERATE 100 BILLION SIMILAR
groundbreaking new personal and Robert Stewart made Heckler, announced that MOLECULES IN AN AFTERNOON.
computer: the Macintosh. Easy to the rst ever untethered American virologist
use, with a modern design, and a spacewalk. They were strapped Robert Gallo (b.1937) Kary Mullis, American biochemist, in Scientific American, 1990
high-prole advertising campaign, into Manned Maneuvering Units had discovered the
the Macintosh was aimed at (MMUs), which could move and probable cause of AIDS (see 1982). Gallo had been announced that the two new
breaking the growing dominance orient in space thanks to collaborating with a team in viruses were one and the same;
of IBM-compatible computers 24 small retro France, led by French virologist the virus eventually gained its
(see 1981). The following year, rockets that Luc Montagnier (b.1932), who had name, human immunodeciency
Microsoft would launch the emitted jets of also discovered a new virus that virus (HIV), in 1986.
Windows operating system, which nitrogen gas. seemed to be related to AIDS. This year, two independent
gave users of IBM-compatibles McCandless In June, Gallo and Montagnier teams of geneticists reported
the same discoverythe genetic
code in the DNA of the fruit y
(Drosophila melanogaster) that
control the development of
the insects major anatomical
features. These so-called
homeobox sequences code for
proteins that switch other genes
on or off during the insects
embryonic stage. Homeobox
genes have since been found in
nearly all types of living organism,
from yeasts to humans.
In September, British geneticist
Alec Jeffreys (b.1950) developed
DNA prolinga tool that can
be used to identify individuals
from samples containing their

Untethered space walk

American astronaut Bruce
McCandless II became the worlds
rst human satellite, when he
performed the untethered
spacewalk, in February.

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An image, constructed from satellite data, shows the

ozone hole over Antarctica, in October 1985.

UNTIL THE 1980S, scientists Alzheimers protein at Sussex University, UK, and
had made very little progress A beta-amyloid protein Rice University, Texas, found
molecule shows how
in understanding Alzheimers evidence of a stable allotrope
the twisted structure of
diseasean age-related disorder these molecules helps of carbon consisting of
affecting nerve cells in the brain make them clump molecules with 60 atoms.
rst described in 1906 by German together, forming The scientists quickly worked
psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer. One twisted out the molecules structure:
phenomenon that seemed to be structure the carbon atoms are joined
common in sufferers brains was in hexagons and pentagons.
the build-up of proteins that The structure is similar
DNA PROFILING form plaques in the spaces used in refrigerators and as to that of a geodesic dome
between neurons. This year, a propellants in aerosol cans designed by American architect
Although DNA differs team headed by Australian (see 198687). Richard Buckminster Fuller, so
minimally between any two neuropathologist Colin The element carbon is the new allotrope was named
individuals, some sections Masters (b.1947) extremely versatile, forming buckminsterfullerene. The new
of the genome do vary. In published the rst clear chains and rings in countless allotrope had been predicted by
DNA proling, these sections analysis of the protein present compounds. Even when pure, this other chemists, and it has since
can be cut and then be in these plaques. The protein, versatility is apparent: two of its been found occurring naturally. It
arranged, in a gel, according called A-Beta amyloid, had rst best known allotropes (forms) are spawned interest in an important
to length. Photographs of been described by American ozone is found in a layer between diamond, in which carbon atoms new class of materials, called
these fragments resemble pathologist George Glenner 12 and 18 miles (20 and 30 km) are arranged in tetrahedrons (see fullerenes (see 199091).
barcodes and can be used to (192795) just a year earlier. above ground, and is greatest 1797), and graphite, in which they
identify an individual with a Within two years, another protein, above the poles. The ozone layer form at planes of hexagons. In
high degree of certainty. called tubulin associated unit plays a vital role in protecting September of this year, chemists
(tau), would also be implicated life on Earth, blocking out
in the disease (see 198687). potentially harmful ultraviolet
DNA, such as blood or saliva. He In May, scientists from the radiation. Within two years, the A buckminsterfullerene,
later improved the sensitivity of British Antarctic Survey (BAS) main cause of the depletion also known as a buckyball,
his new procedure, by employing a announced they had discovered of atmospheric ozone was has a structure of
alternating pentagons
technique called the polymerase a downward trend in the conrmed: synthetic compounds
and hexagons, like
chain reaction (PCR), which was concentration of ozone above called chlorouorocarbons the sections of a
rst reported in June by American the Antarctic. Most atmospheric (CFCs), which were widely soccer ball.

biochemist Kary Mullis (b.1944).
This process enables molecular
biochemists to multiply small THE NUMBER OF
sections of DNA almost
indenitely. PCR is a crucial CARBON ATOMS IN
element in many important
DNA technologies, including DNA
sequencing, cloning, and proling. BUCKMINSTERFULLERENE
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Satya Das, Canadian author, in speech at the University of Alberta, 1986

Repairs are carried out on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, after what
most consider as the worlds worst ever nuclear accident.

TWO DISASTERS DOMINATED later, the Chernobyl nuclear

technology news in 1986. In reactor in Ukraine, USSR,
January, NASAs Space Shuttle exploded after a power surge
Challenger broke apart as a result during a routine test. Two
of a catastrophic explosion soon workers died immediately, and a
after lift-off. All seven astronauts further 28 in the following few
on board were killedincluding a weeks. The area around the
civilian, schoolteacher Christine reactor was highly contaminated
McAuliffeand the Space Shuttle by radioactive material. Around
program was halted for more ve percent of the obliterated
than two years. Three months reactor core was carried high
into the air after the explosion

and the resulting res spread
contamination over a wide area
far beyond Ukraine. The accident
was attributed to design aws and
inadequate personnel training.
Above Earths atmosphere, a
THE NUMBER Russian Proton-K rocket lifted
OF SECONDS the rst element of the USSRs
AFTER LIFT modular space station Mir into

orbit. Over the next decade,
another six modules were
SPACE SHUTTLE attached, and a wide range of
scientic experiments were
CHALLENGER conducted in themincluding
EXPLODED research into the effects of long
periods spent in space.
Mir was more or less
permanently inhabited,
by successive crews
of astronauts and

Space shuttle tragedy

NASAs space shuttle
Challenger disintegrates
after an explosion shortly
after lift-off. All seven
astronauts on board the
shuttle died.

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This image shows a eld of rapeseed that has been genetically modied to be resistant to herbicides.
In some countries, as much as 90 percent of all rapeseed is genetically modied.

Mir Space Station Laser eye surgery
The Soviet space station Mir in orbit An ophthalmologist prepares to
about 223 miles (360 km) above carry out laser eye surgery by rst
the Pacic Ocean. This photograph measuring the curvature of the
was taken in 1995, from NASAs patients eye.
space shuttle Discovery.

cosmonauts from 12 different

MPH explosive death throes of a giant
starand was labeled SN1987a.
countries, for most of its THE AVERAGE The explosion happened in a
15-year lifetime. nearby galaxy, the Large
Also up in space, ve probes
SPEED OF THE Magellanic Cloud, nearly 170,000
ew close to Halleys comet, SUNRAYCER light-years away. It was the rst
which was venturing in toward
the inner Solar System. The
SOLAR CAR naked-eye supernova for more
than 300 years.
European Space Agencys Giotto The discovery of the ozone hole
probe passed within 373 miles that gave them resistance to over Antarctica (see 1985) led to
(600 km) of the centre of the herbicides. Since 1986, many more research into the effects of Corrective eye surgery began in (PRK), that Seiler was using.
comet, capturing the rst ever GM crops have been produced, chlorouorocarbons (CFCs) on the the 1970s, with the introduction of A more sophisticated procedure,
images of a comets nucleus. including cotton, potatoes, and ozone layer. The United Nations radial keratotomy, in which radial called LASIK (laser in-situ
Researchers attempting to rapeseed. From the outset, the proposed an international treaty to lines are cut into the cornea, keratomileusis) was patented in
unravel the mystery of production of GM crops has been limit the production of CFCs, and changing its shape. In 1983, 1989 and available commercially
Alzheimers disease discovered controversial, with concerns the Montreal Protocol was opened American ophthalmologist from 1991.
the nature of the neurobrillary about the unpredictable for signature in September 1987, Stephen Trokel (b.1934) In November, the rst World
tangles (NFTs) found inside consequences of GM organisms and came into force in 1989. developed a way of changing the Solar Challengea race held
neurones in the brains of people on the environment and some In Berlin, German ophthalmic corneas shape by burning away to promote research into solar
with the disease. They found that people simply opposed to surgeon Theo Seiler (b.1949) corneal tissue with an ultraviolet technology for carswas held
NFTs are made of Tau (tubule tampering with nature. carried out the rst laser eye laser. It was this method, called in Australia. The race was won
associated unit) proteins, which In February 1987, astronomers surgery on a human patient. photo-refractive keratectomy by General Motors Sunraycer.
stabilize microtubulesvital for in the Southern Hemisphere
maintaining cell structure. This observed a new source of light
was the second major in the sky, as bright as many of
breakthrough in understanding the stars visible to the naked
Alzheimers disease since the eye. It turned out to be
characterization of beta-amyloid a supernovathe
protein (see 1985) that makes up
plaques between neurons in
Alzheimers sufferers. Solar car
The rst eld trials of General Motors car Sunraycer
beat the competition in the rst
genetically modied (GM) plants
ever Solar Challenge, a race for
began in France and the USA: solar powered vehicles across
tobacco plants with altered DNA Australia at the height of summer.

3, a
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gin pe hum
o zhe fe n
A l de e

A culture of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which produces the botulinum toxin.
The toxin was approved for medical use in the USA in 1988.


(b.1941) the director of NASAs
Goddard Institute for Space
being enhanced by the enormous
amounts of carbon dioxide
released into the atmosphere

Studies, in New York, reported to by the burning of fossil fuels.
the US Senate Committee on Climate scientists were already A CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP
Energy and Natural Resources
that the average global
well aware of global warming,
and the possible challenges the BETWEEN THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT
temperature was increasing
above what would be expected
world might face if the warming
continued. In 1986, the World
by normal climate variation. Meteorological Organization and James Hansen, American climate scientist, testifying before the US Senate Committee
He noted that the worlds the United Nations Environment on Energy and Natural Resources, 1988
temperature was greater than it Program had set up a body to
had ever been since systematic examine the phenomenon: the In November, Dutch computer organizations in the Netherlands initially a US military enterprise,
recording had begun about a Advisory Group on Greenhouse scientist Piet Beertema (b.1943) and across Europe became access to highly accurate GPS
hundred years earlier. He said Gases. This small group was initiated a connection to the US connected soon afterward. signals was restricted to the
raised temperatures would superseded by the UNs National Science Foundation Fortunately for computer armed servicesmainly to
probably cause an increase in Intergovernmental Panel on Network (NSFnet). The scientists in the Netherlands, ensure that military enemies
heat waves and other extreme Climate Change (IPCC), which NSFnet was a nationwide set their connection to NSFnet was would not be able to benet.
weather events. Importantly, he was formed in late 1988. The of interconnected computer made two weeks after the rst By the end of the 1990s, this
suggested that the main cause of IPCCs rst assessment report networks for academics. It internet worm was released. restriction was lifted, and the
the warming was the greenhouse would be published two years formed the backbone of The Morris wormwritten by general public was given access
effect (see pp.32627), which was later (see 1990). the early Internet. Other student Robert Morris at Cornell to the full service, opening up
University, Ithaca, New York a new market in navigational
HOW SATELLITE NAVIGATION WORKS infected several thousand devicesincluding in-car
computers across NSFnet, satellite navigation devices
Satellite navigation (sat-nav) sat-nav satellite slowing them down. The cost in and GPS-enabled mobile phones.
devices pick up signals sent receiver transmits terms of downtime and the effort Russia has a similar satellite
out by satellites in orbit around signals to
involved in removing the worm navigation systemthe
Earth. Each satellite carries from infected computers is not Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya
a very accurate atomic clock. known, but is estimated to be Sputnikovaya Sistema
From the difference between the around $1 million. Morris was (GLONASS), whose roots also
time signals that are received convicted under the US Computer lie in the 1970s. It became fully
from three or more satellites, Fraud and Abuse Act. operational in 1993. Since the
a sat-nav device can calculate In February 1989, the rst in late 2000s, many satellite
how far it is from each satellite. a new phase of satellites was navigation devices use both
Using those distances, the launched to modernize the GPS and GLONASS.
receiver calculates signal to
device can work out its its position in Global Positioning System In December, botulinum toxin,
receiver is
geographic position with relation to satellites delayed by (GPS, see 1978). Over the next better known as botox, was
great accuracy. distance decade, 18 new satellites were approved in the US for problems
placed in orbit. Since GPS was associated with eye muscles. The

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A single cell is removed from an embryo, the rst stage of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. The embryo
can continue to develop unharmedthe removed cell is subjected to genetic testing.

(see 1978), the technology of chemical reactions alone. In August, NASAs Voyager 2
2 hydrogen nuclei fuse to form a
helium nucleus (2 protons, assisted reproduction advanced They claimed that the extra made its closest approach to
2 neutrons) fusion greatly. The fact that embryos are energy had come from nuclear Neptune, capturing the rst
deuterium releases
(hydrogen created outside the body (and fusionnormally only possible at detailed images of the planet.
isotope, typically implanted after three extremely high temperatures It was Voyager 2s last visit to
1 proton, days growth) opened up the and pressures (see panel, left). any planet or moon before
1 neutron)
possibility of genetic testing on There was great interest in this it headed toward the outer
excess neutron embryos from parents with cold fusion, but many scientists reaches of the Solar System.
is released and certain genetic diseases. Since were sceptical, and no one could
may react with
isotope, a cycle of IVF creates several repeat the experiment with
other nuclei
1 proton, Neptune
embryos, any that carried the the same resultleading the
2 neutrons) NASAs Voyager 2 spacecraft
genes giving rise to the disease scientic community to conclude
captured images of the gas giant
would be discarded. A team Pons and Fleischmanns claim Neptunes clouds, whose blue color
NUCLEAR FUSION headed by British IVF doctors Alan was almost certainly incorrect. is due to the presence of methane.
Handyside (b.1951) and Robert
Fusion is the process of joining together atomic nuclei, most Winston (b.1940) carried out the
commonly deuterium and tritium (heavy hydrogen) nuclei fusing rst human preimplantation
to form a nucleus of helium. This releases a burst of energy and is genetic diagnosis (PGD). The
the power source deep inside stars. Fusion has been achieved in procedure was controversial,
experiments but, so far, the amount of energy input to create the with some disability rights groups
heat and pressure is much greater than the energy released. claiming it was a high-tech
version of eugenics.
There was also controversy
toxin, produced by bacteria in Some began receiving the surrounding a claim made by
the genus Clostridium, can be treatment for cosmetic reasons American physicist Stanley
lethal even in tiny amounts. Upon only, illegally at rst; botox Pons (b.1943) and British physicist
injection, it causes paralysis injections were approved for Martin Fleischmann (19272012),
of facial muscles for around cosmetic use in the US in who were at the University of
three months. In the same 2002, and shortly afterward Utah. The pair announced they
year, American plastic surgeon in other countries. had conducted an experiment in
Richard Clark reported that In the 11 years since the birth which more energy was produced
injections of botox had removed of the rst baby conceived by IVF than could be explained by

unwanted wrinkling above one

eye in a patient who had paralysis
in the facial nerve on one side.
The fact that botox injections
can reduce wrinklesone of THE TIME VOYAGER 2
the most visible signs of aging
was of great interest to many
customers of cosmetic surgeons. PLANET NEPTUNE
89 gi
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This radar image shows a small portion of the Chicxulub crater, Mexico. The crater was rst discovered nearly 20 years
before geologists realized it was caused by the object that probably contributed to the demise of the dinosaurs.

THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL It set out some of the potential 180 Rise in number of websites
PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE impacts of global warming, 160 The number of websites rose


140 steeply after the internet became
(see 1988) published its rst such as rising sea levels and
commonplace among businesses
assessment report in 1990. threats to biodiversity. Further 120 and home users.
The report suggested that the assessment reports have 100
average global temperature maintained and rened the 80 could differentiate between
was increasing by about 32F scientic conclusions. 60 oxygenated and deoxygenated
(0.3C) per year due largely British computer scientist 40 blood. Ogawa realized that this
to man-made emissions of Tim Berners-Lee created the 20 could reveal which regions of
greenhouse gases, such as worlds rst Web browser 0 a brain are most active. His







carbon dioxide (see pp.32627). called WorldWideWeb. At the technique forms the basis of
time, the internet was growing functional MRI (fMRI), which
rapidly, but was mainly used by YEARS is used to measure brain activity.
academics, communicating via He produced fMRI images of rats
typed commands on bulletin In April 1990, NASAs Space Space Telescope has produced in 1990; the rst human fMRI
boardssystems that allowed Shuttle Discovery carried the stunning images of a wide range imaging was carried out in 1992.
users to exchange software and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) of objects in space, and has In June 1990, researchers
post messages. There were into a low-Earth orbit. The provided huge amounts of in the US began the worlds
several different operating telescope, named after the information for astronomers, rst clinical trial to use gene
systems in use, and few common American astronomer Edwin astrophysicists, and cosmologists. therapy. A gene was inserted
programs or document formats. Hubble (see 1923), carries a Japanese biological physicist into white blood cells, and the
Berners-Lee devised a computer range of instruments that can Seiji Ogawa (b.1934) developed resulting transgenic cells were
languagehypertext markup detect infrared, ultraviolet, an extension of magnetic injected into a girl suffering from
language (html)that could be and visible light. The Hubble resonance imaging (MRI) that a severe immune disorder.
TIM BERNERS-LEE used on any computer, to create
(b.1955) pages of information. Crucially, Hydrogen fueled car
these pages could contain links In 1991, the Japanese rm Mazda
revealed its rst HR-X concept
British computer scientist to pages on other, specially
car, which has an internal
Tim Berners-Lee earned a programmed, internet-linked combustion engine that
physics degree from Oxford computers called servers. The burns hydrogen.
University. While working at result would be a web of
the European Organization informationhence the
for Nuclear Research (CERN) name of the software,
he developed the concept of and eventually the
the Web. In 1994, Berners- World Wide Web itself.
Lee founded the World Wide Berners-Lee created
Web Consortium (W3C), the the rst web server at
international organization CERN, in Switzerland,
that develops Web standards. where he was working
at the time.

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In 1991, Canadian geophysicist
Alan Hildebrand (b.1955)
announced that the Chicxulub
crater, centered on the coast of
the Yucatn Peninsula, Mexico,
was almost certainly created
by the impact that American
physicist Luis Alvarez had
hypothesized as the cause of the
extinction of the dinosaurs (see
1980). The ages of the rocks and
the size of the object that would
have made the crater tallied well
with Alvarezs hypothesis.
In November, Japanese
physicist Sumio Iijima (b.1939)
published his research into
nanoscale tubes of pure carbon,
known as carbon nanotubes.
Although these tubes had been
observed before, Iijimas work
was inspired by the growing
interest in carbon allotropes
called fullerenes (see 1985)
and helped develop it further.
American inventor Roger
Billings (b.1948) revealed the
rst electric vehicle powered
by a hydrogen fuel cell. In the
same year, Japanese rm Mazda
announced a concept hydrogen
car with an internal combustion
engine that burns hydrogen.

Global connections
This image represents a map of
computer networks in the early 2000s.
The World Wide Web is the sum of
interconnected information that is
stored on servers throughout this
complex interconnected network.

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194 6 2 013 T H E I N FO R M AT I O N AG E


Over the past 200 years, Earths average temperature has risen rapidly
against a prevailing trend of cooling. Evidence suggests that this global
warming is not the result of natural climate variation but is due largely
to human activityand it could have disastrous consequences.

Energy from the Sun reaches Earth in the form the surface below. As a result, the equilibrium
of electromagnetic radiationmostly visible light temperature is higheraround 59F (14C). This
and infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Some of phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect,
the energy is absorbed, with the rest reected since a greenhouse also traps heat, making it
back into space. The absorbed energy heats warmer than it would otherwise be.
the planetand since any warm object emits
infrared radiation, Earth also loses heat to space. GREENHOUSE GASES
At a certain temperature, the planet radiates The rst experimental evidence for the JOHN TYNDALL
energy at the same rate as it absorbs it. greenhouse effect came from Irish physicist Irish physicist John Tyndall
(182093) studied magnetism
John Tyndall. In the 1850s, Tyndall measured and atmospheric physics. He was
GREENHOUSE EFFECT how much infrared radiation various gases a great popularizer of science.
With no atmosphere, Earths equilibrium absorb. The strongest greenhouse gas is water
temperature would be around 1F (18C). vapor, but methane, carbon dioxide, and ozone
total of 30 percent 4 percent of
However, the atmosphere absorbs some of the also contribute signicantly. In the 20th century, of incoming energy energy reected
incoming and outgoing radiation, and it warms climate scientists found that the concentration (52 PW) reected by atmosphere
without being absorbed
up. The warmed atmosphere produces its own of carbon dioxide is increasing, enhancing the
infrared radiation, some of which is absorbed by greenhouse effect and raising the equilibrium


Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary General, 2009
390 F-gases carbon dioxide
nitrous oxide 1% (fossil fuels)

8% 57% 20 percent of 6 percent of

370 energy reected energy reected

annual methane by clouds from Earth's surface

360 14%
amount of reection
340 depends on land
carbon dioxide coveringsnow reects
mean carbon dioxide
330 (other) 3% more than soil
carbon dioxide
320 (deforestation,
biomass decay) atmosphere
17% and clouds
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Keeling curve Emissions by greenhouse gases
In 1958, American scientist Charles Keeling began a program to monitor These gases are released as a result
atmospheric carbon dioxide. The concentration has now reached 400 of human activity. Carbon dioxide
parts per million, compared with 280 before the Industrial Revolution. contributes most to global warming.


temperature. The increase in carbon dioxide

concentration is largely the result of burning
fossil fuels in vehicles and power stations.
There is consensus among climate scientists
that global warming is anthropogenic (caused by END OF THE CENTURY
human activity). International agreements such
as the Kyoto Protocol represent efforts to curb EXTREME WEATHER
greenhouse gas emissions. Rising temperatures Global warming appears to be
will have drastic consequencesmeltwater will increasing the frequency and severity
of hurricanes, as the warmer atmosphere
raise the sea level and increase ooding, while injects more energy and moisture
extreme weather events are likely to increase. into the climate system.
overall, 122 PW radiated to space
from the atmosphere and surface
EARTHS ENERGY BUDGET (equal to the total absorbed)
Earth receives 174 PW (petawatts), which means it receives
total of 112 PW radiated
energy at 174 trillion joules per second. About 30 percent
by warmed atmosphere
reects back into space. The rest warms the surface and
atmosphere, which produce energy as infrared radiation.
Overall, the system is balancedbut the balance shifts
as the concentration of greenhouse gases increases.

Earth receives 174 PW

(174 trillion joules of
energy per second) atmosphere radiates

ING incoming energy (incident atmosphere

energy lost from surface
is trapped, warming
the atmosphere
trapped energysome
of it escapes to space

energy) is electromagnetic absorbs 33 PW,
radiation from the Sun
about 20 percent
of incident energy

surface and
atmosphere absorb
a total of 122 PW
(about 70 percent
trapped energy
of incident energy)
ultimately makes
it out to space

surface loses energy radiates trapped
surface absorbs as infrared radiation, by energysome of it
89 PW, about warming the air directly warms the surface
50 percent of (convection), and through
incident energy the evaporation of water

10 PW radiates
atmosphere acts directly out to space
as a secondary heat from the surface
source for the surface

radiation heats
the surface


During intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ISCI), a single sperm cell is placed

directly inside an ovum via an extremely ne glass needle.

ASTRONOMERS HAD ASSUMED signicant development in sperm injection (ICSI)was

for decades that there existed cosmology since the discovery developed mainly to address
extrasolar planetsplanets of cosmic background radiation male infertility. This revolutionary
outside our Solar System. They (CMB, see 1964). COBE carried technique involves injecting a
had found several possible out an extremely sensitive single sperm into an ovum (egg
candidates, but no denitive all-sky survey of the CMB, and cell) to overcome problems arising
proof. Conrmation came at last detected slight variations in the from low sperm count or low
in 1992, with the detection of a radiation, which correspond to sperm motility (ability to move

planet orbiting a pulsarwhich slight variations in temperature toward the ovum). It was
is a rotating neutron star that in the early Universe. These developed by Italian fertility

Neil Papworth, British engineer, first SMS, 1992
specialist Gianpiero Palermo
and Belgian doctor Andr van
Steirteghem at the Vrije
Universiteit Brussel in Belgium.
The rst births resulting from the
The cosmic background radiation (CMB) is the heat radiation that technique were conrmed in 1992.
emits beams of radio waves. temperature variations in turn lled the Universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang (see pp.34243), Small, simple liquid crystal
Within three years, astronomers represent variations in density. and it provides a record of the temperature of the Universe at that displays (LCDs) had been
had detected a planet in orbit The density variations are time. The CMB is remarkably isotropicthe same in every direction. available since the 1970s and
around an ordinary starone importantif the density had Slight variations, or anisotropies, in the CMB are shown in the were incorporated into consumer
that is in the main part of its been perfectly uniform, matter false-colour map abovered areas are slightly warmer than blue. electronics devices such as
lifetime (see 1995). would never have clumped calculators, digital watches,
Data collected by the Cosmic together to form stars, galaxies, and video cassette
Background Explorer satellite and galaxy clusters. Environment and Development (UNFCCC). An ambitious initiative recorders. In
(COBE) led to the most In June 1992, representatives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aimed at combatting climate 1992, the
of governments and non- commonly referred to as the changecalled the Kyoto
governmental organizations Earth Summit. The main goal of Protocol (see 1997)arose from
(NGOs) attended the the conference was to discuss the UNFCCC, and came into
UN Conference on issues concerning the force in 2005.
sustainable use of Earths At the end of September 1992, hydraulic
hole in ozone above natural resources in an atmospheric scientists reported
Antarctica increasingly industrialized and that the ozone hole over the
highly populated world. Two Antarctic (see 1985) had grown by carbon ber
major conventions came out of 15 percent in a single yearand lower leg
Ozone hole
At the end of the summit. The rst was the was the size of North America.
September 1992, Convention on Biological In vitro fertilization (see 1978) Prosthetic knee
atmospheric scientists Diversity in 1993 (see opposite); had been developed mainly to This microprocessor-
reported that the ozone controlled knee
the second convention was the overcome female infertility; in the
hole over the Antarctic prosthesis
(see 1985) had grown by United Nations Framework early 1990s, an extension of the automatically adjusts
15 percent in a single year. Convention on Climate Change technologyintracytoplasmic to the wearers gait.

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These fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 were photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope two months before their collisions
with Jupiter. Shoemaker-Levy 9 was the rst comet ever observed in orbit around anything other than the Sun.

298,000 611,000 EIGHT YEARS AFTER THE FIRST of the planet. The comet had with appetite and therefore with discovered in 1950. Injecting
fungi plant FIELD TRIALS of genetically been captured by Jupiters obesity. The hormone, named leptin into the blood of the obese
species species
modied crops (see 1986), the gravitational inuence, and leptin from the Greek word mice caused the mice to eat
rst commercially available had probably been in orbit around leptos, meaning thin, acts on much less and lose weight
genetically modied food the planet for more than 20 years. the brains hunger center in the rapidly. Medical researchers
became available this year, when It was discovered in 1993, by hypothalamus (see panel, below). hoped that leptin might form
American company Calgenes American astronomers Eugene The discovery was made after the basis of a cure for morbid
Flavr Savr tomato was approved Shoemaker (192897), Friedmans team studied mice obesity in humans, but it remains
7,700,000 for sale by the US Food and Carolyn Shoemaker (b.1929), with a mutant gene that gave an elusive hope.
ANIMAL SPECIES Drug Administration. Calgene and Canadian astronomer David them a voracious appetite. The
had inserted a gene into the Levy (b.1948). The comet had mutant obese mice were rst
genome of the tomato that broken into fragments after
hindered the production of an passing close to the huge planet
More than eight million plant, animal, FOOD INTAKE UP FOOD INTAKE DOWN
and fungal species are known enzyme normally involved in some time in 1992, and the pieces AND ENERGY AND ENERGY
there are many more undiscovered. breaking down of cell walls and formed a chain about 6,000 miles EXPENDITURE DOWN EXPENDITURE UP
softening of the fruit. The result (10,000 km) long. The impacts
Japanese company Hitachi was a tomato that could stay produced explosions that left
developed a new technology, rm and fresh for longer. The scars in the atmosphere. The
which was called in-plane Flavr Savr was discontinued in Galileo space probe (see 1995), BRAIN
switching, making it possible 1997, after initial commercial en route to Jupiter, was well
to use large LCDs as television success waned. placed to gather data and images
screens. By 2007, LCD televisions Astronomers around the of the collisions. hypothalamus
were outselling those with world had their telescopes In December, a team led by
cathode ray tube screens. xed on Jupiter in July, when American medical researcher
In 1993, the UN Convention 21 mountain-sized fragments Jeffrey Friedman (b.1954) fat cell

on Biological Diversity came of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 reported the discovery of a

into force. This treaty, which plunged into the atmosphere hormone that is closely involved
opened for signatures at the
Earth Summit, aims to conserve GM food WEIGHT LOSS WEIGHT GAIN
biodiversity and encourage the Firm, fresh-looking leptin level falls leptin level rises
genetically modied
sharing of prots made utilizing
Flavr Savr tomatoes
traditional knowledge. (right) and three LEPTIN AND APPETITE
The British company Blatchford ordinary tomatoes,
unveiled their rst prosthesis which have begun The energy-regulating hormone leptin is produced by adipocytes (fat
softening. All six are at the
that was controlled by cells). Leptin levels are controlled by an area of the brain called the
same stage of ripening.
a microchip. This knee hypothalamus. A person gains weight when the adipocytes in their
prosthesis could genetically body fat store more fat. In this state, adipocytes produce more leptin,
automatically adjust to the modied and the hypothalamus reduces appetite, leading to weight loss. If
wearers gait and became persons weight reduces, leptin level falls, and appetite increases.
commercially available in 1993.

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IN APRIL 1995, NASA Pillars of Creation

AMALGAMATED 32 individual In this dramatic composite image,
areas of star birth in the Eagle
Hubble Space Telescope
Nebula can be seen in the tiny
photographs to produce an globules at the tops of the pillars.
image known as The Pillars of
Creation. It shows immense In October 1995, astronomers
clouds of interstellar gas and detected a planet orbiting the
dust several light-years long, star 51 Pegasi, by measuring
shaped by intense ultraviolet the wobble in the stars motion
radiation from nearby stars, in caused by the planets presence.
which new stars are forming. It was the rst conrmed planet
Also in space, NASAs Galileo around an ordinary star other
spacecraft dropped a probe into than the Sun.
Jupiters atmosphere. Analysis Israeli inventor Gavriel Iddan
of meteorite ALH84001, which patented the PillCam in 1995. It
originated from Mars and was is a small capsule that a patient
discovered in Antarctica in 1984, swallows, and which then passes
revealed tiny structures that through the digestive tract taking
resembled fossilized bacteria. The pictures and sending them
discovery prompted speculation wirelessly to a receiver. The
that these were the rst denitive PillCam gave gastroenterologists
signs of extraterrestrial life. a new, safe, low-cost window on
However, further analysis has processes and problems in the
since shown that the structures large section of the digestive
are almost certainly not of system where endoscopes
biological origin. cannot reach.
There were three important
advances in modern physics in
1995. At the time, theoretical
physicists had developed ve
separate superstring theories,
which propose that the particles
of matter and force are actually
tiny vibrating one-dimensional
objects (strings). Each theory
assumed the existence of several
Wireless endoscopy dimensions in addition to the
The PillCam is a swallowable capsule
three space dimensions with
that contains a tiny camera, a
ashing light, and a radio transmitter which we are familiar in everyday
to send images to a receiver. life. The extra dimensions are

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Delegates at the United Nations observe the result of their voting on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treatyan outright ban on all nuclear explosions.

rolled up tightly and cannot

be perceived directly. All the
theories had inconsistencies, but
at a conference at the University The process that created donor of skin cell containing
skin cells genetic material of nucleus donor egg combined embryo
of Southern California, American Dolly the sheep began with taken from with nucleus from skin implanted in
donor sheep
theoretical physicist Ed Witten the removal of the nucleus skin cell cell of genetic parent a foster sheep
(b.1951) proposed a way of (enucleation) of a cell taken
combining them into a single, from an adult sheep. The
super-theory, which became nucleus, containing the nucleus
known as M-theory. To date, it animals DNA, was inserted into
is the most complete theory an enucleated egg cell from
of everything, explaining the another sheep. The egg was
articial cell division of zygote lamb, a
existence of the particles in the fertilized and then grew into a
donor eggs zygote creates embryo, clone of
Standard Model (see 1974), but sheep with a genome identical egg from from nucleus created genetically identical its genetic
it is hard to test its validity. to that of the original sheep. egg-donor sheep donor sheep removed and grown to skin-cell nucleus parent
In June 1995, physicists at
the University of Colorado
created an unusual state of In 1995, molecular biologists at organism whose cells have a commercial DVD players became wavelength than the red light
matter called a BoseEinstein the The Institute for Genomic nucleus). Another signicant available in Japan. In November used in DVD players, Nakamuras
condensate (BEC), predicted Research in Maryland breakthrough in genome science 1996, Japanese inventor Shuji invention allows much more
in the 1920s, in which several completed the rst genome and technology was the creation Nakamura (b.1954) invented a information to be carried on
particles at a temperature just sequence of a bacterium. of a cloned sheep, which was continuous, low-power blue light DVD-like disks.
above absolute zero (see 184748) In 1996, a global collaboration named Dolly, at the Roslin LED (light emitting diode) laser.
attain exactly the same quantum among biologists around the Institute, Scotland. Clones Since blue light has a shorter
state, and act as a single system. world resulted in the rst of many animals, including
In September, physicists at complete sequencing of the mammals, had been carried out SHUJI NAKAMURA (b.1954)
the European Organization for genome of a eukaryote (an before, but Dolly was the result
Nuclear Research (CERN), on of transferring DNA from a cell Born in Ikata, Japan, Shuji
the border of Switzerland and
France, created antiatoms
composed of antiprotons and
taken from an adult sheep into
an egga procedure known as
somatic cell nuclear transfer
Nakamura studied electronic
engineering at the University of
Tokushima. He made the rst
positrons (antielectrons). (see panel, above). practical LEDs (light emitting
Antimatter particles are WITH A NEWLY In September, the UN adopted diodes) to use gallium nitride,
created naturally, in cosmic ray UNCOVERED the Comprehensive Nuclear- resulting in brighter LEDs,

collisions, for example, but when STAR PLAYING Test-Ban Treaty, which places and the rst LEDs to produce
an antiparticle meets a particle, a ban on all nuclear explosions. blue light. Nakamuras
both are annihilated. Modern THE CHERRY It has still not been fully ratied. development of the blue LED
physics has not explained why ON TOP. In technology, the Universal laser represents a milestone
matter, rather than antimatter, Serial Bus (USB) connection was in consumer electronics.
dominates the Universe. Jeff Hester, US physicist, 1995 launched in 1996, and the rst

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Journalists in Hong Kong wear face masks to reduce the risk of airborne infection
by the H5N1 virus, commonly known as bird u.

PROGRAMS rst appeared
their emissions of greenhouse
gasesmost importantly, carbon
in the late 1950s. Increases in dioxide released by burning fossil
computing power led to more fuels (see pp.32627). Each PROGRAMMABLE ALARM CLOCK

powerful programs. In 1997, for participating nation had a target: IS INTELLIGENT. NOT THAT LOSING
the rst time, a computer won a its emissions for the period
match against the reigning world 200812 had to be reduced by TO A $10 MILLION ALARM CLOCK
chess champion. IBMs Deep a certain percentage compared MADE ME FEEL ANY BETTER.
Blue computer won two of the six with the emissions in a base
games of the match, with three year (in most cases, 1990). The Garry Kasparov, Russian chess grandmaster, 1997
draws, while its human opponent, targets did not take into account
Russian grandmaster Garry Green uorescent protein emissions from aviation and produce a green glow under into a part of the genomes of
Kasparov, won only one game. A micrograph shows a cell taken international shipping. At a ultraviolet light. The glow is other organisms, researchers
from a mouses brain. The cell is
The popular Internet search conference at Doha, Qatar, in produced by a compound called can tell when and whether that
producing green uorescent protein
engine Googleoriginally called (GFP), a substance used to track December 2012, parties to the green uorescent protein (GFP), part of the genome is being
BackRubgot its name this year. gene expression. UNFCCC agreed to new targets which exists naturally in certain activated. Okabe injected the
This new name was derived from for the second assessment jellysh. The gene that codes for gene into mouse embryos with
the word googola mathematical travelers and to people working in period2013 to 2020. GFP was rst sequenced in 1994, the hope of tracking the
term for the number represented the poultry trade. Although other A team led by Japanese and the protein is now an development of the mices sperm
by 1 followed by one hundred bird u outbreaks have occurred geneticist Masaru Okabe hit the important tool in molecular cells, but instead, the protein
zeroes. The creators of Google since then, fears of a pandemic headlines when they produced biology. By inserting the GFP- was produced in nearly every
American computer scientist have not been realized. genetically modied mice that coding gene from the jellysh type of cell in the mices bodies.
Larry Page (b.1973) and At a conference in December in
Russian-born computer scientist Kyoto, Japan, the United Nations 10
Sergey Brin (b.1973)were still reached an agreement called the 10

developing the search engine at Kyoto Protocol that relates to 8 KEY
Stanford University, California. the UN Framework Convention Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech
6 Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
They incorporated the company, on Climate Change (UNFCCC, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland,
Google Inc., in 1998. see 1992). The countries that 4 Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco,
A particularly virulent inuenza signed and ratied the agreement Netherlands, Portugal, Romania,
virus known as H5N1, which had were committed to reducing 1 Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
0 Sweden, Switzerland, United
affected birds since the 1950s, 0 Kingdom of Great Britain and
crossed the species barrier Northern Ireland
into humans. An outbreak of the 2 United States of America
Kyoto Protocol emission targets Canada, Hungary, Japan, Poland
disease it causes, nicknamed Emissions targets are shown for the 4 Croatia
bird u, killed six people in Hong rst assessment period (200812) of
the Kyoto Protocol. Most countries 5 New Zealand, Russian Federation,
Kong. Health authorities were 6 Ukraine
had to reduce their emissions by the 6
concerned that the disease could 7 Norway
end of this period; some had leeway 8
become a pandemic and issued to increase them. The US signed the 8 Australia
hygiene advice to international protocol but did not ratify it. 10 Iceland

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aw c fr e hu w

Terry Oswalt, National Science Foundation program manager
for Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998

This color-enhanced X-ray image shows the region around Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at
the galactic center that produces regular X-ray ares as a result of vaporizing asteroids and other matter.

INTERNET USE BEGAN TO Thomson later managed to

GROW steeply this year. A new, create induced stem cells
high speed internet connection similar to hESCs, but created
through telephone lines became from reprogrammed adult
available in 1998. With cells, not taken from embryos
asymmetric digital subscriber (see 2007).
line (ADSL), users could receive In another milestone in
information from the internet genomics (see 1977 and 1995),
at 8 megabits (8 million bits) a nematode worm became the
per second. The previous year, rst multicellular organism
another broadband technology to have its genome sequenced.
had its debut for home users: the Within two years, the draft
cable modem, which connected sequence of the human genome
to the internet via existing coaxial was complete (see 2000).
cables that also delivered In May, German surgeon
television signals. These new Friedrich-Wilhelm Mohr (b.1951)
technologies allowed users to performed the rst robotically
easily download larger les, assisted heart surgery. In
such as mp3 music les, more robotic surgery, the surgeon
easily. The worlds rst portable benets from the assistance of
mp3 player, the MPMan F10, computer-controlled instruments,
was released this year, by which do not suffer from vibration
SaeHan Information Systems or fatigue. With information and
from South Korean. Robotic surgery images relayed via the internet,
In September, American The da Vinci Surgical System Station (ISS), into orbit. The ISS harvested from human an expert surgeon can carry out
has four robot arms, which are
astronomer Andrea Ghez (b.1965) has been inhabited continuously embryosa fact that raised operations in distant locations
controlled by the surgeon. One of
reported that she had detected the arms carries a high denition, since November 2000. The signicant ethical concerns, using surgical robots remotely.
the presence of a supermassive 3-D vision system. project involves ve space since the technique led to the
black hole at the center of our agencies representing a total destruction of human embryos.
galaxy. Astronomers have since some kind of repulsive agent, of 16 countries.
found evidence that supermassive also known as dark energy A team led by American cell Worm genome
black holes are present in most, (see pp.34445), that drives the biologist James Thomson Caenorhabditis
if not all, galactic centers. expansion of space-time ever (b.1958) created a culture of elegans was the
rst multicellular
Astrophysicists studying faster. Dark energy probably human embryonic stem cells
organism to have
supernovas in distant galaxies accounts for around three- (hESCs). These cells can develop its genome
came to the conclusion that the quarters of the mass-energy into any kind of tissue, and sequenced. This
expansion of the Universe is in the Universe. have the potential of creating nematode worm
lives in soil and
accelerating; this was the rst In November, a Russian Proton donor-matched organs for
grows to about
concrete evidence of the existence rocket launched the rst module transplantation. The cultures, 1
32 in (1 mm)
of a cosmological constant of the International Space or lines, began with cells in length.

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Robots are built in a wide range of forms, and there is no single definition of a
robotic device that encompasses all its aspects. However, the vast majority
are electromechanical machines that can perform tasks and manipulate
their environment in accordance with a set of preestablished instructions.

Robots vary hugely in form and function. R.U.R. (Rossums Universal Robots), and derives
Physically, they range from a jointed arm with from the Czech term for forced laborindeed,
tools at the end to the human-shaped android most robots do perform their tasks by obeying
beloved of science ction enthusiasts. instructions either embedded in their design, or
Operationally, they are just as diverse and include passed on to them by a governing computerized
machines whose function is dened by their controller in the form of software. Such robots ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
formsuch as ancient Egyptian water clocks, excel at carrying out repetitive, complex, or
or clepsydra, and Jacquard looms that could detailed tasks at high speed and without fatigue. For many robotics enthusiasts, the ultimate goal
weave textile patterns based on instructions More versatile robots, such as the da Vinci of computing is to develop a form of intelligence
stored on punched cards. There are also robots surgical robot, often function under the direct capable of mimicking human behavior. Most forms
that are versatile devices capable of performing command of a human operatora technique of articial intelligence (AI) used in robots so far
a wide range of tasks and reacting to external known as telepresence, which may use cameras have involved the machine recognizing and reacting
stimuli, such as robot space probes. or more complex technology to relay the robots to scenarios according to a set of preprogrammed
view of a hostile, dangerous, or complex rules that its computer can understand. AI research
MODERN ROBOTS environment. Increasing numbers of robots are has made its greatest advances in applications such
The word robot was rst used by Czech writer being equipped with articial intelligence, which as chess computers.
Karel apek in his 1920 science ction play allows them to make decisions of their own.


Isaac Asimov, US writer, from Counting the Eons, 1983

c.250 BCE 1801 1942 1949
Early robotics Programmable loom Asimovs laws Educational robot
Automated machinery, The Jacquard loom, a In his book I, Robot, US writer The highly popular Turtle
such as Egyptian water programmable device Isaac Asimov devises three laws design developed by William
clocks, are considered that can weave textile to govern his ctional robots. Grey Walter is equipped with a
by some to be an early patterns automatically, These go on to inuence variety of sensors that allow it
form of robotics. Clesibiuss clepsydra is developed. Jacquard loom real-life robot builders. to react to its environment.

c.1206 19th century 1961

Al-Jazaris automata Mechanical toy Industrial robot
One of Arabic inventor From the European The rst commercial
al-Jazaris many Renaissance onward, manufacturing robot, a
achievements is a band robotic gures, called robotic arm called
of automata that can automata, are collected Unimate, enters service
be commanded to play as playthings and curios at a General Motors
different pieces of music. by the wealthy. plant in the US.

Al-Jazaris band Drum automaton Robotic arm


hands mimic
human hands, with 180
four ngers and

a thumb











face plate conceals Annual supply of robots
stereo cameras for There has been a steady increase in the annual supply
object recognition and of robots worldwide. Experts predict this will rise
distance calculation exponentially in the future.

Launched in 2000, this
4 ft- (130 cm-) tall humanoid
robot is capable of
performing a variety
of complex tasks, such
as walking over uneven
surfaces and recognizing
and picking up objects.

on-board computers
allow ASIMO to
recognize and
interpret movement
and gestures

1966 1970 Humanoid robot
Articially intelligent Moon rover Japanese
Designed at Stanford USSRs remote-controlled engineering
Research Institute, Lunokhod 1 becomes the company Honda
Califonia, Shakey is the rst robot to operate on unveils ASIMO,
rst robot to use articial the surface of the Moon, the worlds most
intelligence to make paving the way for later advanced humanoid
independent decisions. Shakey Mars rovers. Lunokhod I robot to date.

Aibo 1999 2000 2010

Robot dog Telepresence Robonaut II
Aibo, a doglike toy robot The da Vinci robot surgeon This humanoid robot, carried
developed by the Sony is a telepresence device that aboard the International
Corporation, is capable of uses robotic technology Space Station, tests the
responding to a range (with a skilled human controller) potential for the use
of stimuli, displaying to operate on a ner level than of telepresence on future
articial intelligence and can be achieved by human hands. space missions.
developing a personality. Da Vinci robot

1999 2000

Tom Duxbury, Project Manager, Stardust project, 2004

NASAs Stardust probe ew past comet Wild 2 and a retractable aerogel panel
collected the dust from the comets coma (dust cloud).

IN FEBRUARY, NASAS blood clotting factor that could 1.0 Hockey-stick IN THE MONTHS LEADING UP TO
STARDUST PROBE BEGAN be harvested from their milk and graph THE TURN OF THE MILLENNIUM,


A simplied
an unprecedented mission: to used in human medicines. 0.5 people were warned of the
version (without
collect samples from the dust The increasing number of error bars) of the possibility that electronic
cloud (coma) surrounding a digital gadgets around the home controversial devices and systems could fail,
0.0 graph that shows
comets nucleus. As it traveled, encouraged the development of as computer operating systems
it also collected interstellar dust. wireless data connections. The used two digits to represent
average global
When Stardust ew past Earth in most widely used wireless -0.5 temperature years and internal clocks would
2006, it released a sample-return networking protocolIEEE 802.11 over the past revert to the year 1900. In a world
capsule, which returned to Earth. (see 1997)was given a user- thousand years. in which peoples livelihoods and
Scientists created three friendly name this year: Wi-Fi. 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 even their safety increasingly
identical goats by transferring For one-to-one connections rely upon computerized systems,
the contents of embryo cells into between various types of device, this possibilityknown as the
empty egg cells. The embryonic a new protocol was released: most popular use for Bluetooth reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Y2K problem or the Millennium
cells had an extra gene, which Bluetooth. Developed by Swedish is sending digital audio signals to However, many who were opposed Bugled to widespread panic.
caused the goats to produce a company Ericsson in 1994, the wireless headphones or speakers. to the idea that human activity is Software engineers worked hard

American climatologists Michael causing global warming disputed to ensure that the fears would
Mann (b.1965) and Raymond the accuracy of the graph. turn out to be unfounded, and
THE NUMBER OF Bradley (b.1948) and American Researchers studying growth indeed only a small number of

IDENTICAL GOATS dendrochronologist (studies tree

rings) Malcolm Hughes (b.1943)
hormones discovered a protein,
which they called ghrelin, that is
systems were affected.

PRODUCED BY CLONING constructed a graph of the secreted by cells in the stomach

estimated average global lining. Ghrelin acts on the
AN ADULT ANIMAL temperature over the past appetite center in the brain (see
thousand years. The data were leptin, 1994). The release of
METAMATERIALS derived from meteorological ghrelin into the bloodstream is
readings, with older estimates determined by stretch receptors in
Metamaterials are man-made based on historical records and the stomach lining: when the
materials that have properties tree rings. The graphs showed a stomach is full, less ghrelin is
not found in naturally occurring gradual cooling, with a rapid rise produced, but as the stomach
materials. One example (right) in temperature corresponding to empties between meals, more
is this material with tiny metal the rise in global population and ghrelin is produced, leading to
coils embedded within it, which industrialization. The graphs the sensation of hunger.
can divert microwaves around shape reminded American Also this year, British physicist
itself. This makes the material climate scientist Jerry Mahlman John Pendry (b.1943) described
invisible to the microwaves. (19402012) of a hockey stick. To a new class of materials with
A metamaterial that does the climate scientists, the graph is a unusual properties, called Fruit y
The fruit y has been used as a model
same to visible light could act symbol of the effect of human metamaterials. One metamaterial
organism in genetic research since
as an invisibility cloak. activity on the climateand a in particular held the promise of 1910, and so was a natural choice to
stark reminder of the need to invisibility (see panel, left). have its genome sequenced.

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Seeds are shown after they have been collected and sorted as part of the Millennium Seed Bank
Partnership. The project aims to store seeds of 25 percent of the worlds plants by 2020.

The cells inside a developing color of the beta carotene. underground freezers. Climate
embryo have the potential to Biotechnology companies agreed change and changes in land use
develop into any kind of cell to give the rice seeds free to could put many plant species at
(see 1981). There are similar farmers who made less than risk of extinction, and protecting
stem cells in other tissues, but $10,000 per year, and the project the seeds means that extinct
they only differentiate (develop) was supported by various species could be reintroduced.
into a limited number of different humanitarian organizations. In November, engineers at the
cell types. In 1999, a team led by However, the project has Japanese car manufacturer
Italian researcher Angelo Vescovi attracted resistance from Honda revealed the rst model
(b.1962) took stem cells from anti-GM protesters (and of their humanoid robot ASIMO
mouse brains, injected them into anti-capitalists), who fear that (Advanced Step in Innovative
mouse blood, and found they multinational food companies Mobility), a popular humanlike
developed into various types of HUMAN GENOME PROJECT will have an economic hold on robot that can talk, walk, and run.
blood cell. This year, the same poor farmers. Controversy
team took stem cells from Ofcially launched in 1990, the human genome project was an delayed eld trials and approval,
mouse brains and found they international effort to determine all 3 billion DNA base pairs along but in 2013, golden rice seeds
developed into muscle cells just the length of the human genome and identify all the 25,000 or so were given to farmers in the
by being in contact with muscle genes the genome contains. This knowledge holds great benets Philippineswith several
cells in laboratory glassware. for medical science as well as studies of human evolution and other nations considering
These experiments proved that genetics in general. The project was declared complete in 2003. following suit.
non-embryonic stem cells In November, plant
are more exible than was conservationists at the Royal
believeda boon to stem cell the draft sequence of the entire melanogaster), was also Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK,
research since it avoids the human genome. Thale cress sequenced this year. launched the Millennium
harvesting of embryonic stem (Arabidopsis thaliana), a model German biotechnologist Ingo Seed Bank Partnership
cells, which involves the organism widely used in genetic Potrykus (b.1933) and German a project involving more
destruction of the embryo. experiments, became the cell biologist Peter Beyer (b.1952) than 50 countries that
After a huge international rst plant to have its genome announced that they had created aims to collect and
effort, scientists involved in the sequence completed. The a genetically modied (GM) preserve the seeds of
Human Genome Project genome of another model variety of rice. The new rice tens of thousands
announced the completion of organism, the fruit y (Drosophila plant produced beta carotene, of plants. Seeds are sorted,
the precursor to vitamin A, in the cleaned and dried, then stored
edible grain. Vitamin A deciency
is commonplace in many
in cold, dry conditions in large

CELEBRATE A MILESTONE ALONG A developing countries, causing
an estimated two million deaths ASIMO
TRULY UNPRECEDENTED VOYAGE, every year, and is a major, The rst version of Japanese
THIS ONE INTO OURSELVES. preventable cause of blindness.
car manufacturer Hondas
humanoid ASIMO robot was
The rice earned the nickname just 4 ft (1.2 m) tall and weighed
Francis Collins, American geneticist, June 26, 2000 golden rice, because of the 106 lb (48 kg).

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The third IPCC report contained detailed analysis of the shrinking of glaciers and icecaps
over the past hundred yearsa clear sign of global warming.

THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL One of the early indications of the SARS virus

PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE emerging Web 2.0in which This electron microscope image
shows the corona virusthe virus
or IPCC (see 1988) published its users create content on the
found to be the cause of the
third major report into climate world wide webwas the launch mysterious respiratory illness
change in 2001. The document of the online encyclopedia known as SARS.
supported and extended the Wikipedia. Supported by the
conclusions of the organizations non-prot-making Wikimedia illness that gave people trouble
previous reports (see 1990, 1995) Foundation, Wikipedia can be breathing and, in some cases,
and provided more detailed written and edited by anyone. led to their death. Treatment with
projections of climate change for In 2007, it became the largest antibiotics was ineffective, and
the decades ahead. The report encyclopedia ever written, with researchers found none of the
included the hockey stick graph, more than two million articles. bacteria or viruses known to
produced by climate scientists In October, Apple Inc. launched cause pneumonia. The number
two years earlier (see 1999). its portable digital music player, of cases increased rapidly and it
the iPod. Similar products already became clear that SARS (severe
Water on Mars existed, but sleek design and an Researchers at the Sudbury In 2002, NASAs Mars Odyssey acute respiratory syndrome)
This polar icecap is made of water intuitive user interface, coupled Neutrino Observatory, Canada, space probe detected huge was highly infective. The disease
ice covered with a layer of carbon
with Apples music library and detected denitive evidence of amounts of water on Mars, just began to spread and risked
dioxide ice. NASAs Mars Odyssey
also found evidence of huge iTunes software, made the iPod neutrino oscillation. Neutrinos below the surface in the planets becoming a major pandemic.
amounts of underground water. a landmark consumer product. are fundamental particles Arctic region. Much of the water A combination of quarantines
produced in nuclear reactions. was locked in claylike minerals. and the screening of airline
There are three types, or avors, NASAs Phoenix lander probe passengers curbed the spread of
of neutrino: muon, tau, and visited that region in 2008 and the disease, and the last known
electron. According to the conrmed Odysseys observations. case occurred in May 2004. In all,
Standard Model (see 1974), In Guandong Province, China, there were 8,273 reported cases,
neutrinos should have no mass. doctors became aware of an with 775 deathsmost of them
In the 1960s, American physicist outbreak of a pneumonialike in China and Hong Kong.
Raymond Davis had studied
solar neutrinos (see 1968), but
detected one-third as many as
was predicted. Davis experiment
could only detect electron
neutrinos. One way to explain the PERSON IS GIVEN FREE

decit was that neutrinos change
avor, or oscillate, and this is what ACCESS TO ALL HUMAN
the Sudbury experiment found.
Neutrino oscillation is only
possible if neutrinos have mass WERE DOING.
something the Standard Model
has yet to account for. Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, 2004

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This super computer simulation of the structure of the Universe from 2005, created at the Max Planck
Institute in Germany, shows the distribution of dark matter in part of the Universe.

IN THIS YEAR, THE CHINESE as long as the gap in the background radiation (CMB) model of the Universe, the 22.5% 4.5%
NATIONAL SPACE administration program caused by the loss reect variations in the density of Lambda-Cold Dark Matter model dark matter matter

launched its rst manned space of the Challenger (see 1986). the early Universe, which in turn (see p.345). The lambda part is
mission, Shenzhou 5. Astronaut The same month, cosmologists caused matter to clump together, the cosmological constant
Yang Liwei spent 21 hours and and astrophysicists published forming galaxies and galaxy a repulsive force that is
23 minutes in space, orbiting the rst years observations clusters. The map produced by accelerating the Universes
Earth 14 times. of the Wilkinson Microwave WMAP also rened an emerging expansion. Evidence for the
In February, the US space Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). One existence of the cosmological
shuttle Columbia disintegrated of the aims of the program was to Yang Lewei in space constantor dark energycame
while it was reentering Earths provide a more detailed map of Chinese astronaut, Yang Liwei, is from studies of supernovas in 73%
shown aboard the Shenzhou 5 DARK ENERGY
atmosphere. The incident resulted the cosmic background radiation other galaxies (see 1998). Cold
capsule. China became only the
in the halting of the space shuttle than the COBE satellite did (see third nation to send humans into dark matter is matter that neither
program for two yearsalmost 1992). Variations in the cosmic space, joining the US and Russia. produces nor interacts with Composition of the Universe
According to WMAP observations,
electromagnetic radiation. The
ordinary matter accounts for only
presence of cold dark matter can a small percentage of the Universes
be inferred only by its gravitational total mass-energy.
interaction with ordinary matter.
WMAPs observations also billion DNA base pairs that
enabled scientists to put the make up the human genome. A
Universes age, with a high draft of the chimpanzee genome,
degree of accuracy, at 13.7 billion which is nearly 99 percent
years (it has since been updated identical to the human genome,
to closer to 13.82 billion years). was also published in 2003.
Three years after the draft The chimpanzee is the closest
version of the human genome living relative to humans, and
was published, the International comparisons between the two
Human Genome Sequencing genomes give biologists an
Consortium nally completed unprecedented opportunity to
the full sequencing of all 3 study primate evolution.


Yang Liwei, Chinese astronaut, on the telephone to his
wife from space, 2003

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Part of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, showing some of the farthest galaxies ever seen. The entire image contains
about 10,000 individual galaxies, some of which are seen by light that left them 13 billion years ago.

IN MARCH, NASA RELEASED A time of nearly 280 hours ago, when the Universe was very
REMARKABLE IMAGE of a tiny captured by an instrument called young. Astronomers are still
part of the sky taken by the the Advanced Camera for studying the image, which
Hubble Space Telescope (HST): Surveys, which was installed provides new information about Graphene takes its name from
the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, a on the HST in 2002. The image galaxy formation. In 2012, the graphite, which is composed
follow-up to the Hubble Deep showed thousands of faint HST produced an even more of layers of carbon atoms. In
Field of 1995. This new image galaxies, many of which are so detailed view of the same part of graphite, the layers move over
was the result of 800 long far away that their light would the sky. Called the eXtreme Deep each other easily, which is why
exposureswith a total exposure have left them billions of years Field, the 2012 image revealed it is slippery, but they are
about 5,500 galaxies more than extremely robust because the
cranium has a volume
about a quarter that of shown in the Ultra Deep Field. atoms form strong hexagonal
a modern human In October, Australian bonds, as shown in this
palaeoanthropologists unveiled color-enhanced electron
the partial remains of an micrograph; graphene is simply
unusual humanlike a single layer of graphite.
skeleton: a 3 ft- (1 m-)
tall adult with
a small skull that Island of Flores, east of Bali, Remains of a total of seven
would have housed Indonesia, together with individuals were found
a very small brain. sophisticated tools and the altogether. The indigenous
Australian and remains of animals. The skeletal people of Flores have ancient
Indonesian remains were around 18,000 but detailed legends about
archaeologists years old, and the researchers a race of small, hairy people
discovered the conrmed them as being from a who murmured in their own
specimen in new species in the genus Homo, language, and so it is likely that
a cave on the which includes our closest Homo oriensis lived side-by-
ancestors, such as Homo side with modern humans.
erectus, as well as our own Also in October, scientists at
maxilla species, Homo sapiens. The Manchester University, UK,
(upper jaw) researchers called the new succeeded in producing samples
species Homo oriensis. of graphene (see panel, above),

a form of pure carbon not
previously produced in bulk.

The new material was just one
Homo oriensis skull
BE A PECULIAR atom thick but remarkably
This skull of the recently extinct, newly MODERN strong, transparent, and was
discovered species of human, Homo
oriensis, is from a female who would HUMAN. later found to conduct electricity
at room temperature.
have been about 3 ft (1 m) tall. The
small, human features led to this mandible Chris Stringer, British
species being nicknamed the Hobbit. (lower jaw) anthropologist, 2004

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Jacques Chirac, French politician, 2005

The Airbus A380 takes off from its production site in Toulouse, France, on its maiden ight on 27 April 2005.
The worlds largest passenger airliner, the A380 can carry up to 853 people.

IN THE FIRST-EVER LANDING OF astronomers on Earth. Titan In the following month, are completely mineralized.
A SPACECRAFT in the outer had long been of interest to an international team of However, with this specimen the
Solar Systemand only the astrobiologists, as its astronomers released their process revealed a soft, elastic
second landing on any moon atmosphere was known to analysis of a huge, galaxy-sized bone matrix made mostly of what
the European Space Agencys contain organic compounds mass of hydrogen known as seemed like collagen. Viewing
(ESAs) Huygens probe carbon-rich compounds that VIRGOHI21, which lies about 50 this matrix under a microscope,
parachuted on to the surface of could form the basis of life (see million light years away and had Schweitzer found what appeared
Saturns largest moon, Titan, in panel, below). The Huygens been discovered by radio to be blood vessels and bone
January. The probe was part of probe captured more than 300 astronomers in 2004. The motion cells. She saw similar structures
the joint NASAESA Cassini- images of Titans surface during of the galaxy suggests that it in soft tissue extracted from the
Huygens mission, and the its descent. Images of the may be composed mostly of femur of a modern ostrich, a
spacecraft that carried Huygens surface taken after landing show cold, dark mattera strange close relative of T. rex. Repeating Facing the press
to Titan, Cassini, remained in rock-shaped objects on sandy form of matter that does not the procedure on other dinosaur The rst person to receive a partial
face transplant, Isabelle Dinoire
orbit around Titan, gathering groundalthough these objects interact with light or other types fossils, Schweitzer found two
gave a press conference in February
data and images and relaying and the sand are both probably of electromagnetic radiation but other samples of soft tissue. 2006, only three months after her
signals from Huygens back to mostly frozen water. does have a gravitational effect Many scientists were sceptical of pioneering operation.
(see 2003). Current astrophysical the analysis, suggesting that the
theories suggest that all galaxies organic matter was the result of (see 1970) as the worlds
contain dark matterit is the contamination, but more detailed largest commercial passenger
only way to account for the examination in 2008 and 2011 aircraft. Designed and built by
motion and distribution of seemed to support Schweitzers European corporation Airbus,
the galaxies stars. However, interpretation. the wide-bodied A380 has two
VIRGOHI21 was the rst strong In April, a new aircraft made its decks and is 239 ft (73 m)
candidate for a dark matter maiden ight: the Airbus A380, long. It began commercial
galaxy, a galaxy dominated by which replaced the Boeing 747 service in 2007.
dark matter. Toward the end of the year,
In March, US paleontologist in November, 38-year-old

Mary Schweitzer reported Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire
nding 68-million-year-old soft became the rst person to
tissue, which she had extracted have a partial face transplant.
from the fossilized femur (thigh She received skin, blood vessels,
LIFE ON TITAN? bone) of a Tyrannosaurus rex and muscles after her face had

Titans atmosphere has clouds that produce rain of the carbon

dinosaur by dissolving away the
mineral parts of the fossil. This
MILES been badly damaged when she
was mauled by a dog six months
compound methane, and the space probe Cassini found lakes of method is commonly used on THE DIAMETER earlier. The rst full face
methane and ethane (the blue areas in this color-enhanced radar living bone as a way of extracting transplant was performed in
image) around Titans poles. In 2012, NASA also found evidence of soft tissue. The same procedure OF TITAN, Spain in 2010.
a huge subsurface ocean of water, which led to speculation that
simple life forms may exist on this seemingly inhospitable world.
carried out on a fossil would
normally dissolve the whole
specimen, since most fossils LARGEST MOON
s y
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This carrot-shaped track in Stardusts aerogel collector panel was made by the tiny comet particlethe black speck
to the right of this imagewhich entered the aerogel at a relative speed of several miles per second.

AT THE BEGINNING OF 2006, the Plutos orbit is inclined at a fairly in doubt. In 2005, astronomers matter, making them very this format war, largely because
Solar System ofcially had nine steep angle to it; Plutos orbit is detected a rocky object outside difcult to detect. Every so often, it garnered more support, but
planets. The outermost, Pluto, also very eccentric and passes the orbit of Neptune with a mass one will interact with the nucleus also partly as a result of the
stood out as being different from inside Neptunes. When, in greater than Plutos. After much of an atom, resulting in a tiny inclusion of a BluRay player in
the others. For example, while the 1970s, an object similar to deliberation, the International ash of light. The observatory Sonys popular PlayStation 3
all the other planets orbits lie Pluto was discovered, Plutos Astronomical Union decided in has strings of detectors in the games console, which was
more or less in the same plane, classication as a planet was 2006 to designate Pluto as a dwarf rock and ice under the ground released in November 2006.
planet, one of many similar in Antarctica that pick up the tiny In August, doctors in Australia
asteroid-like objects in ashes of light. Neutrinos administered for the rst time
the Kuiper Belt originating from high-energy a vaccine for the human
164 ft (see 1949). phenomena, such as supernovas papilloma virus (HPV). There
(50 m) After seven years in and mysterious gamma-ray are many different strains
space, NASAs Stardust probe bursts, provide astrophysicists of HPV; several types are
released its sample return with a unique window on the transmitted during sexual
IceCube lab
capsule, which parachuted to Universe. Construction of the contact, and are the most
Earth and landed safely in the observatory began in 2005, common cause of genital warts
desert in Utah. The capsule and was completed in 2010. and cervical cancer. Medical
contained about a million Just 10 years after the launch researchers suggested that the

specks of dust collected from
each detector string
Stardusts encounter with Comet
has 60 sensors
Wild 2 (see 1999). THE NUMBER OF
In January, shortly after it
became the worlds largest
sensors pick up light neutrino observatory, the SOLAR SYSTEM AFTER
AUGUST 24, 2006
ashes produced by IceCube Neutrino Observatory
neutrinos interacting
detected its rst neutrino.
with atomic nuclei
Trillions of neutrinos pass
through the detector every of DVDs (see 199596), this year vaccine should be given to girls
8,038 ft
second, but these elusive saw the introduction of two and boys routinely, in an effort
(2,450 m) particles interact only rival formats for video disks to reduce incidence of cervical
below very weakly with designed to carry high denition and other cancers. This idea was
surface video. HD DVD and BluRay can controversial, with some groups
carry around 10 times as much claiming it would encourage
data as DVDs. Each had different underage sex. Nevertheless, the
9,252 ft electronics and entertainment vaccine is now routinely given in
Neutrino observatory
(2,820 m)
The IceCube Neutrino companies bent on promoting it. many countries.
Observatory consists of deep Japanese company Toshiba was In the journal Nature, a team
holes drilled into the Antarctic
rock and ice. Strings of detectors
the main protagonist for HD of paleoanthropologists (who
pick up tiny ashes as neutrinos DVDs, Sony for BluRay. Within study hominid history through
interact with atomic nuclei. just two years, BluRay had won fossil evidence) described an

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The IPCC stressed the need to increase the proportion of electricity generated
by renewable sources, such as wind power, to mitigate climate change.

IN ITS FOURTH ASSESSMENT messages. American company Apple iPhone

REPORT, the Intergovernmental Apple Inc. revolutionized the The iPhone from Apple introduced
a convenient touch interface, with
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) mobile phone industry with the
gestures such as swiping and
further rened and extended its introduction of the iPhone. In pinching, to mobile phones.
analysis of global climate change addition to calling and texting,
presented in its earlier reports users could browse the web, the UK grew heart tissue from
(see 1990, 1995, 2001), while download and use a huge range bone marrow stem cells in 2007.
reiterating the same conclusions of apps (applications), listen to One stumbling block in stem cell
with still more certainty: that music, watch and record videos, research was the fact that only
human activitiesparticularly and take pictures. The iPhone embryos contain cells that can
carbon dioxide emissions from was an enormous success, and develop into any kind of cell.
burning fossil fuelsare other manufacturers soon Many people found that idea
producing a greenhouse effect created smartphones with objectionable, because the
(see pp.32627), causing a rise similar capabilities. embryos were destroyed in
in average global temperature. Stem cell research promises the process. However, in 2007
While mobile phones were many benets in medicine two teams of scientists
Skull of Selam becoming commonplace in for example, stem cells could independently managed to achieved with cells taken from
This well-preserved skull is that of
developed nations, most devices regenerate brain cells to cure reprogram ordinary cells (see mice. Also this year, a team used
a human ancestor nicknamed Lucys
Child, who would have walked could do little more than make dementia. In an example of this panel, below) to make them into DNA bases to synthesize a copy
upright on two legs. calls and send SMS (text) kind of potential, researchers in stem cellsa feat previously of a bacterial chromosome.

important nd: a partial skeleton CELL PROGRAMMING

of a bipedal human ancestor who
lived and died around 3.3 million A major breakthrough in stem ADULT FIBROBLAST reprogramming factor
years ago. The fossilized remains cell research involves cells heart muscle is added to adult cell
were of a young female about called broblasts, which are
three years of age, and had been found in skin and connective skeletal skin cells
discovered in 2000, in Dikika, tissue. Fibroblasts are muscle cells of epidermis
Ethiopiaclose to where the responsible for producing
skeleton nicknamed Lucy was collagen and other proteins tubule cell
neuron cell
found (see 1974). The individual, that repair the skin. Turning of the kidney
from the same species as Lucy these cells into pluripotent
pluripotent stem
(Australopithicus afarensis), stem cells, which have the red blood
pigment cell
cell can become
earned the nickname Lucys potential to develop into any cells
any body cell
Childalthough she predates kind of cell, involves adding
Lucy by around 120,000 years. compounds that switch on smooth
muscle (in gut)
certain genes. This causes the
cells to revert to the state in lung cell thyroid pancreatic
which all cells begin. (alveolar cell) cell cell

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Cosmology is the scientific study of the Universe as a wholethe term is

derived from the Greek word for Universe, cosmos. Cosmologists are
interested in how the Universe began, how it works (particularly on the
largest scales), how it will develop in the future, and if and how it will end.

It was only in the 1920s that astronomers IN THE BEGINNING

discovered other galaxies outside our own. Belgian In 1929, American astronomer Edwin Hubble
astronomer and priest Georges Lematre (1894 discovered that galaxies are moving away in every
1966) applied the equations of Einstein's General direction, suggesting that the Universe is indeed
Relativity to the Universe as a whole; the results expandingand that Lematres theory might be
suggested that the Universe might be expanding. correct. British astronomer Fred Hoyle rejected
He proposed that if that were true, it must long these ideas, but coined the term Big Bang in 1950 GEORGES LEMAITRE
After a strict Jesuit upbringing, Lematre studied
ago have been very small, very dense, and very to help explain them. Big Bang theory remains a civil engineering, then physics and mathematics.
hota state he called the primordial atom. very likely explanation of how the Universe began. He was ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1923.


As the Universe expanded after the Big Bang,
it also cooled. Some of its energy turned into
fundamental particles, and the basic forces
of nature came into existence.

DIAMETER 3x10-26ft/10-26m 33ft/10m 62miles (105m/100km)

27 27
TEMPERATURE 10 k (1,800 trillion trillionF/100 trillion trillionC) 10 k (1,800 trillion trillionF/100 trillion trillionC) 1022k (18 billionF/100 billion billionC)

Cosmic ination Particle soup Separation of forces

At the moment of the the Big Bang, the When cosmic ination ended, still well within Originally, what we know as electromagnetism,
entire Universe was much smaller than an the rst second, the Universe was tiny and gravity, and the weak and strong nuclear forces
atomic nucleus. Within a tiny fraction of a hot. Energy created pairs of particles and were unied as a single force. After cosmic
second, it underwent an inconceivably rapid antiparticles, which pop into existence ination, the unied force separated, giving
expansion called cosmic ination. eetingly before annihilating each other. rise to the laws of nature we know today.

TIME A hundred-billionth of a yoctosecond A hundred-millionth of a yoctosecond 1 yoctosecond

-35 -32
(10 k seconds) (10 k seconds) (10-24 k seconds)

all time,
space, and
energy begins
as a point of

cosmic inationa early Universe contains a soup of protons and neutronscompound particles
dramatic expansion fundamental particles, such as quarks, made of quarks held together by gluon
of the Universe gluons, and force-carrying bosons eldsformed nuclei of the lightest elements



The rst compelling piece of evidence in favour Edwin Hubble found that the The Universe appears to be dominated by dark Three possible scenarios
further away a galaxy is, the for the fate of the Universe
of the Big Bang theory was the discovery of the faster it is receding. The matter and dark energyforms of matter and are shown here. The
cosmic background radiation. This radiation was mathematical relationship energy that have not been directly observed but gravitational inuence of
produced around 300,000 years after the Big Bang, between a galaxys distance whose existence is inferred from their gravitational matter and dark matter
and its speed is called could slow the expansion of
and shows that the Universe was much smaller Hubbles Law. It is best inuence and effect on the Universe's rate of the Universe, until it reaches
and hotter than it is now. The Universe's expansion explained by the fact that expansion. If this is indeed the case, the fate of a maximum. It is more likely
has stretched the radiation, so that it is now mostly space itself is expanding. the Universe depends on whether the mutual that expansion will reverse
or continue forever.
long-wavelength microwave radiation. Expanding gravitational attraction of observable and dark
space represented by
3-D space is best visualized as the growing surface surface of sphere
matter in the Universe is enough to slow and
expansion accelerates
of an inating sphere. The relatively recent even reverse the expansion driven by dark energy.
increase in the rate of expansion is caused by a
galaxies far
poorly understood form of mass-energy called apart Universe expansion
dark energy (see right and 1998). Measurements of expands slows and
and then stops
the expansion and other key parameters suggest contracts Universe
that the Big Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago. dark matter cools, and
drives energy density
expansion dwindles
galaxies close space between present towards zero
together in early galaxies expanding day
Universe present
present day day

Big Big Big

Bang Bang Bang


60 billion miles (100 billion km) 1,000 light-years 100 million light-years
13 8
10 k (18 trillionF/ 10 trillionC) 10 k (180 millionF/100 millionC) 3,000k (4,900F/2,700C)

Protons and neutrons Opaque era Matter era

The Universe continued to expand and cool, though For the next 300,000 years, the temperature was As the Universe cooled, electrons began
more slowly, and fundamental particles called too high for atoms to form. Charged particles such settling down into orbits around the atomic
quarks combined into compound particles called as protons and electrons constantly produced and nuclei. The cosmic background radiation (see
baryons. The most important are protons and absorbed photons (particles of electromagnetic above) dates from this time. The Universe
neutronsthese later formed the nuclei of atoms. radiation), making the Universe opaque. has continued to expand ever since.

1 microsecond 200 seconds 300,000 years

10 seconds (1 millionth of a second)

helium-4 nucleus photons produced by Universe is opaque, as the

has two protons charged particles such movement of photons is electrons become bound to atoms will eventually clump
and two neutrons as protons and electrons constantly restricted nuclei, forming atoms together to form stars



The ATLAS detector in the Large Hadron Collider is surrounded by eight huge electromagnets, which deect
the particles produced during collisions to that their mass and charge can be determined.

IN FEBRUARY 2008, A SECURE The worlds largest and most Darwinius masillae
SEED BANK WAS OPENED ON powerful particle accelerator, the Nicknamed Ida, this fossil of a
female is the only known example
the island of Spitsbergen in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
of Darwinius masillae, quite
Norwegian archipelago of was turned on for the rst time possibly a direct human ancestor
Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean. Seed in September 2008. The LHC that lived 47 million years ago.
banks (see 2000) store seeds that is situated in a huge, circular,
could boost the populations of underground tunnel that which, according to theory, is
important plant species should straddles the border between responsible for giving particles
climate change, wars, or natural France and Switzerland, at the mass. Scientists have since
disasters threaten their survival. European Organization for revealed convincing evidence
However, seed banks themselves Nuclear Research (CERN). for the existence of the Higgs
can also be vulnerable: in 2004, When the LHC is in operation, boson, and therefore the Higgs
war claimed a seed bank at beams of protons (or for some eld (see 201112).
Abu Ghraib in Iraq, while oods experiments, ions) circle at Several hundred extrasolar
destroyed one in the Philippines extremely high speeds and are planets (planets outside our
in 2006 after a typhoon hit. The made to collide inside detectors. Solar System) had been found
Svalbard Global Seed Vault The energy of the collision since the rst example was
has the capacity to hold up creates new particles, and the detected (see 199293). In March
to 4.5 million seeds and is detectors record the tracks of 2009, NASA launched the Kepler
embedded in an icy mountain these particles as they hurtle out space observatory to nd
in a remote location, providing in all directions. These tracks are Earth-sized planets around
more secure storage. then analyzed by a network of relatively nearby stars and to
powerful computers to look for help astronomers estimate what
Icy seed storage evidence of specic types of proportion of stars have Earth-
Situated on the Norwegian island of
particlein particular, the like planets. By 2012 it had
Spitsbergen, the Svalbard Global
Seed Vault can hold up to 4.5 million Higgs boson. This particle is discovered over 2,000 candidates.
seeds at freezing 0F (18C). associated with the Higgs eld, In May 2009, Norwegian
palaeontologist Jrn Hurum
(b.1967) unveiled a remarkable
specimen: an almost complete,
fossilized skeleton of a
previously unknown species
of lemur-like animal that lived
47 million years ago. The
specimen was claimed to be a
transitional fossila missing
link between lower primates,
such as lemurs, and higher
primates such as monkeys, apes,
and humans. The fossil was

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Bertrand Piccard, Swiss co-founder of the Solar
Impulse project, 2010

The Solar Impulse used 2,200 sq ft (200 sq m) of solar panels to generate electricity
to power the electric motors that drove its propellers.

originally found in 1983, in a IN 2010, IBM AND INTEL BEGAN There is a limit to how small
disused quarry in Germany; MANUFACTURING CHIPS with conventional transistors can be,
Hurum came across it in 2006 32-nanometer transistors. so researchers were looking for
and was intrigued by features Semiconductor manufacturers alternatives to silicon as the US biologist Craig Venter is a
that made it stand apart from the had been cramming ever more basis of future electronics. In pioneer in genome studies and
lower primatesincluding transistors on to a single chip February 2010, IBM researchers synthetic biology. In 1998, he
humanlike nails and opposable since the invention of integrated created the rst reliable, helped form Celera Genomics,
big toes. The species was named circuits (see 1958). Advances fast-switching transistor from a private company that helped
Darwinius masillae, in honor of like these helped increase the material graphene (see speed up sequencing of the
British naturalist and pioneer of the power and portability and 2004). In July 2009, scientists human genome (see 2000). In
the theory of evolution Charles decrease the cost of various at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, had 2006, he founded the J. Craig
Darwin (see 1859). Later that electronic devices, and the rst created a transistor made from a Venter Institute in California, a
year, in October, scientists commercially successful tablet single molecule, and in May 2010 centre of expertise in genomics
announced that the bones of a a team at the University of New that produced the rst
4.4-million-year-old hominid South Wales, Australia, made a synthetic life form.
fossil, Ardipithecus ramidus, transistor with just seven atoms,
were the oldest hominid using phosphorus.
remains ever discovered. In May, a team led by US few changes (including adding for example, by helping clean
Meanwhile, two projects began biologist Craig Venter (see a kind of watermark), then up oil spills or produce biofuels.
to increase knowledge of our panel, right) created the rst inserted it into another bacterial In July, a solar-powered aircraft
own species. In October 2008, synthetic life form. Using a cell that had had its DNA called Solar Impulse made a
the Human Microbiome Project technique called oligonucleotide removed. The new genome continuous 26-hour ight.
was launched. Spearheaded by synthesisin which DNA functioned as required, Electricity generated by solar
the US National Institutes of sequences stored in a computer manufacturing proteins and panels was stored in batteries
Health, this was an initiative to Synthetic mycoplasma bacteria are pieced together to order causing the cell to reproduce. during the day, allowing the
investigate the microbes that This colored micrograph shows the Venter and his co-workers had Biologists hope to learn a great aircraft to y through the night.
rst organisms with a synthetic
colonize different parts of the already created a complete virus deal about living systems by The project was the brainchild of
genome. Nicknamed Synthia, the
body and establish the roles new species is ofcially called genome (2003) and a synthetic building them themselves, rather Swiss balloonist Bertrand Piccard
of these organisms in health Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0. chromosome (2007). In 2010, than just taking them apart. (b.1958) and Swiss entrepreneur
and disease. A year later, the they synthesized a copy of the Synthetic life also holds the Andr Borschberg (b.1958), and
Human Epigenome Project, computer, Apples iPad, was genome of a bacterium called promise of designing new life it aimed to encourage
an international project to map released in 2010. It was soon Mycoplasma mycoides, made a forms that could be benecial development of renewable

the epigenome (factors that followed by tablet computers energy. Later in the year, US
affect which genes are switched
on and when) published its rst
running the Android operating
system, which had been MILLION company SpaceX launched
Dragon, the rst commercially
map of the human epigenome. developed by a consortium THE NUMBER OF DNA BASE owned spacecraft to go into
headed by Google, and had its
rst release in 2008. Android
PAIRS USED TO MAKE THE orbit. In 2012, it completed the
rst of a number of scheduled
was already a popular operating FIRST ORGANISM WITH A missions delivering supplies to
system for smartphones. SYNTHETIC GENOME the International Space Station.

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This image shows the Rocknest, an area of the Martian surface where Curiosity found mysterious
bright objects and where it carried out its rst X-ray diffraction experiments.

IN MAY 2011, NASA ANNOUNCED antenna sends digital camera Roving over Mars Soon after landing, the rover
RESULTS FROM ITS GRAVITY data back to Earth takes NASAs Curiosity rover is about the began transmitting stunning,
high-resolution size of a family car. It carries an
PROBE B, which was designed high-resolution panoramas
color images array of instruments, including
to test Albert Einsteins general ones designed to detect chemical and close-ups from Mars. As
theory of relativity, originally compounds that could support life. well as cameras, Curiosity also
published in 1916. Since carries a number of instruments
its launch in 2004, the probe particles, such as quarks and to collect and analyze regolith
had been measuring the leptons, their mass. (soil) and rock samples. A laser
curvature of space-time In August 2012, NASAs vaporizes any rock samples of
in the vicinity of Earth (see Curiosity rover landed in a interest and a spectroscope
pp.24445), and the extent large crater (the Gale crater) records the spectrum of the
to which Earths rotation on Mars, beginning the most light emitted by the vapor to
drags space-time around comprehensive mission to the determine the rocks makeup.
with it. The results of both planet so far. The landing took Other instruments work out the
tests provided the best place autonomously, during a crystal structure of minerals
conrmation to date radio black-out that NASA using X-ray diffraction, and an
of Einsteins general engineers called seven minutes environmental monitoring station
theory of relativity. of terror. In the last stage of records temperature, wind
In June, a team of formation, which began about result of experiments at the descent, four rockets red to speed, atmospheric pressure,
geophysicists presented the 30 million years ago. In August, Large Hadron Collider (LHC, see slow the craft to almost a hover and humidity. By the end of 2012,
rst map of the terrain beneath a team of Australian and British 2008). The LHC aims to recreate and the rover itself was lowered Curiosity had traveled more
the Antarctic ice sheet. Part of scientists found microfossils energies and conditions that to the surface on cables to than 1,650 ft (500 m) and had
a long-term project to examine in rocks 3.4 billion years old, existed a tiny fraction of a second prevent kicking up dust that analyzed regolith from more
the geology of Antarctica, the pushing back the date of the after the Big Bang (see pp.344 could damage its instruments. than 30 different locations.
map was produced from data earliest known life on Earth by a 45), when the Universe formed.
provided by several instruments, few million years. The primitive On July 4, 2012, physicists at PETER HIGGS (b.1929)
including ice-penetrating radar. cells metabolisms were based CERN announced that they had
It revealed various geological on sulfur rather than oxygen. found compelling evidence for Theoretical physicist Peter
features in glacial landscapes The following year, 2012, was the existence of the Higgs Higgs was born in Newcastle-
and also gave valuable a momentous one for science as boson. This particle is a upon-Tyne, UK. In the early
information about the icecaps physicists at CERN announced a mainstay of the Standard Model 1960s, he developed a
of particle physics (see 1974) and theoretical mechanism (which

1,982 lb THE MASS is associated with the Higgs eld. was also proposed by several
According to a theory developed other physicists at around the
by British physicist Peter Higgs same time) to explain why


and others in the 1960s, the
Higgs eld exists throughout
space, and interaction with
particles have mass. In 1964,
he predicted the existence of
a particle associated with that


the Higgs eld is responsible
for giving fundamental
mechanism: the Higgs boson.

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Rolf Heuer, CERN Director
General, announcing the discovery
of the Higgs boson, July 4, 2012

In September 2012, NASA

published the eXtreme Deep
Field, the most detailed image of
deep space obtained to date (see
2004). Back on Mars, in February
2013, Curiosity had moved on to
analyze subsurface rocks after
drilling a 2.5 in (6.4 cm) hole in the
Martian surface.
Regenerative medicine took
two important steps forward in
early 2013: scientists in the US
successfully implanted a fully
functioning laboratory-grown
kidney into a rat, while a team in
Bolivia injected stem cells into
rats brains soon after the rats
had strokes and restored full
brain function.
In China, a new strain of bird
u (see 1997) , called H7N9,
infected humans for the rst time,
causing concern of an epidemic.
Meanwhile, new calculations of
the age of the Universe were being
made. In March, data from the
European Space Agencys Planck
satellite rened cosmologists
estimate of the age of the Universe
to 13.82 billion years oldabout
100 million years older than
previously thought.

Searching for the Higgs boson

This computer-generated image
shows tracks from particle collisions
inside the Large Hadron Collider.
Analysis of such tracks provided
evidence for the Higgs boson.

NA 13 lls
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pt ishe lesc ep F Un u Plan
S b l Te De

352 Base SI Units 360 Taxonomic Ranks
352 SI Prefixes 360 Domains and Kingdoms
352 Supplementary and Derived SI Units 361 Fungi
353 Common Physical Properties 361 Plants
354 SI Conversion Factors 362 Animals
362 Human Ancestors
355 Newtons Laws 364 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE
355 Mechanics of Forces 364 The Planets of the Solar System
355 Laws of Thermodynamics 364 Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion
355 Temperature Scales 364 Spectral Classification of Stars
356 Gas Laws 365 The Magnitudes of Stars
356 Pressure and Density 365 The HertzsprungRussell Diagram
356 Einsteins Theories of Relativity
356 Maxwells Equations 366 EARTH SCIENCE
357 Electricity and Circuit Laws 366 The Geological Timescale
357 Subatomic Particles 366 Mineral Classification
357 The Four Fundamental Forces 366 Earths Rock Types
357 Common Equations 367 Tectonic Plates

358 The Periodic Table
359 The Elements



The SI (Systme International dUnits) is the modern form of the metric system The SI is an evolving system in which units are created and denitions are
of measurements, and it is used by most countries. It consists of series of units of modied as the technology and precision of measurement improves. In
measurement built around seven interdependant base units of individual physical addition to the seven base SI units, there are two supplementary units and
qualities. All other physical qualities are obtained from these units. many other units derived from the SI base units.


Meter m This unit is the length of a path traveled by light Radian rad The unit of measurement of angle;
in a vacuum during a time interval of 1299,729,458 of it is the angle subtended at the center
a second. of a circle by an arc equal in length
to the circles radius.
Kilogram kg The unit of mass, equal to the mass of the
international prototype kilogram. Steradian sr The unit of measurement of solid
angle; it is the solid angle subtended
Second s The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods at the center of a circle by a spherical
of the radiation corresponding to the transition cap equal in area to the square of the
between the two hyperne levels of the ground circles radius.
state of the cesium-133 atom.

Ampere A The constant electric current which, if maintained

in two straight parallel conductors of innite length
and negligible cross section, and placed 1 meter Hertz Hz The unit of frequency; 1 hertz has
apart in a vacuum, would produce between these a periodic interval of 1 second.
conductors a force equal to 2 10-7 newtons per
meter. Newton N A unit of force equal to the force that
imparts an acceleration of 1 m/sec/sec
Kelvin K The unit of thermodynamic temperature, this to a mass of 1 kilogram.
is the fraction 1273.16 of the thermodynamic
temperature of the triple point of water. Pascal Pa A unit of pressure equal to 1 newton
per square meter.
Candela cd The luminous intensity, in a given direction, of
a source that emits monochromatic radiation Joule J A unit of energy exerted by a force of
of frequency 540 1012 hertz and that has a 1 newton acting to move an object
radiant intensity in that direction of 1683 watt through a distance of 1 meter.
per steradian.
Watt W A unit of power equal to 1 joule per
Mole mol The mole amount of substance that contains as second; it is also the power dissipated
many elementary units as there are carbon atoms by a current of 1 ampere owing across
in 0.012 kilograms of carbon-12. a resistance of 1 ohm.

Coulomb C A unit of electrical charge equal to

SI PREFIXES the amount of charge transferred by
a current of 1 ampere in 1 second.
SI prexes and symbols are used to indicate decimal multiples and submultiples
of SI units to avoid having to write either very large or extremely small numeric Volt V A unit of potential equal to the potential
values, from 1018 to 10-18. When the number is written, the prex attaches directly difference between two points on
to the name of the unitfor example nanosecond. Similarly, a prex symbol can a conductor carrying a current of
also be attached to the symbol for the unitfor example ns. 1 ampere when the power dissipated
between the two points is 1 watt; it is
equivalent to the potential difference
across a resistance of 1 ohm when
18 -1
10 exa- E 10 deci- d 1 ampere of current ows through it.

1015 peta- P 10-2 centi- c Farad F A unit of capacitance of a capacitor that

has an equal and opposite charge of
1012 tera- T 10-3 milli- m 1 coulomb on each plate and a voltage
difference of 1 volt between the plates.
109 giga- G 10-6 micro-
Ohm A unit of electrical resistance equal to
106 mega- M 10-9 nano- n the resistance between two points on
a conductor when a potential difference
103 kilo- k 10-12 pico- p of 1 volt between them produces a
current of 1 ampere.
102 hecto- h 10-15 femto- f
Siemens S A unit of electrical conductance, the
101 deca- da 10-18 atto- a reciprocal of 1 ohm: 1 divided by 1 ohm.


Weber Wb A unit of magnetic ux that produces Electrical energy megajoule MJ
an electromagnetic force of 1 volt when kilowatt-hour kWh
the ux is reduced to zero at a uniform
rate of 1 second. Electrical power P watt (joule/second) W (J s1)

Tesla T A unit of magnetic ux density, the Electromotive force E volt (watt/ampere) V (W A1)
equivalent of 1 weber of magnetic ux (EMF)
per meter squared.
Electrical conductance S siemen (ohm1) A V1
Henry H A unit of inductance in which an
induced electromotive force of 1 volt is Electrical resistance R ohm (volt/ampere) (V A1)
produced when the current is varied at
the rate of 1 ampere per second. Frequency hertz (cycles/second) Hz (s1)

Degree Celsius C A unit of temperature on the centigrade Force F newton (kilogram meter/ N
scale, with the ice point at 0C and second2) (kg m s2)
boiling point at 100C.
Gravitational newton/kilogram N kg1
Lumen lm A unit of luminous ux equal to the intensity, eld
amount of light given out through a strength
solid angle of 1 steradian by a point
source of 1 candela intensity radiating Magnetic eld strength H ampere/meter A m1
uniformly in all directions.
Magnetic ux weber Wb
Lux lx A unit of illumination that describes the
illumination given by 1 lumen over an Magnetic ux density B tesla (weber/meter2) T (Wb m2)
area of 1 square meter.
Mass m kilogram kg
Becquerel Bq A unit of radioactivity. One becquerel
descibes the activity of radioactive Mechanical power P watt W
material in which one nucleus decays (joule/second) (J s1)
per second.
Moment of inertia I kilogram meter2 kg m2
Gray Gy A unit of an absorbed dose of ionizing
radiation and the energy it gives off. It Momentum p kilogram meter/second kg m s1
is equal to the absorption of 1 joule per
kilogram of irradiated material. Pressure P pascal (newton/meter2) Pa (N m2)

Sievert Sv A unit of the dose equivalent needed for Quantity of substance n mole mol
protection against ionizing radiation.
Specic heat capacity C or c joule/kilogram/kelvin J kg1 K1
Katal kat A unit that measures the activity, or
property, of catalysts such as enzymes. Specic latent heats L joule/kilogram J kg1
For example, 1 katal of trypsin is the of fusion, vaporization
amount needed to break a mole of
peptide bonds in 1 second. Torque newton meter Nm

Velocity, speed u, v meter/second m s1

kilometer/hour km h1
Volume V meter3 m3
Scientists use a number of symbols when dening processes using milliliter ml
mathematical formulae. The following table shows some of the most
common physical properties and the symbols that are used to represent Wavelength meter m
them. The units by which the different properties are measured are
indicated by their SI units together with the relevant symbols. Weight W newton N

Work, energy W joule (newton meter) J (N m)

Acceleration, a meter/second2 m s2
deceleration kilometer/hour/second km h1 s1

Angular velocity radian/second rad s1

Density kilogram/meter3 kg m3
kilogram/milliliter kg ml1

Electric charge Q, q coulomb C

Electric current I, i ampere (coulomb/ A (C s1)




This table lists units of measurements from non-SI systems and the factors needed Knot kn velocity 9.461 1015 km h-1 0.540
to convert them to SI units. The conversion factor in the column headed SI equivalent
can be used to convert from the non-SI unit to the SI unit named. The reverse Light-year ly length 1 m 1.057 10-16
conversion can be made using the conversion factor in the column headed reciprocal.
Liter l volume 1,193.3 dm 1
Mach number Ma velocity 10 km h-1 8.380 10-4
Acre area 0.405 hm 2.471
Maxwell Mx magnetic ux 1 nWb 0.1
ngstrm length 0.1 nm 10
Micron length 1.852 m 1
Astronomical AU length 0.150 Tm 6.684
unit Mile (nautical) length 1.609 km 0.540

Atomic amu mass 1.661 10-27 kg 6.022 1026 Mile (statute) length 1.609 km 0.621
mass unit
Miles per hour mile h-1 velocity 2.91 x 10-4 km h-1 0.621
Bar bar pressure 0.1 MPa 10 (mph)

Barrel (US) = bbl volume 0.159 m 6.290 Ounce oz mass 31.103 g 0.035
42 US gal (avoirdupois)

Calorie cal energy 4.187 J 0.239 Ounce (troy) = mass 30,857 g 0.032
480 gr
Cubic foot cu ft volume 0.028 m 35.315
Parsec pc length 10 Tm 0.0000324
Cubic inch cu in volume 16.387 cm 0.061
Pint (UK) pt volume 0.1 dm3 1.760
Cubic yard cu yd volume 0.765 m 1.308
Pound lb mass 4.448 kg 2.205
Curie Ci activity of 37 GBq 0.027
radionuclide Pound force lbf force 6.895 N 0.225

Degree C temperature 1 K 1 Pound force/in pressure 0.138 kPa 0.145

Pounds per psi pressure 0.01 kPa 0.145
Degree F temperature 0.556 K 1.8 square inch
Rntgen R exposure 0.258 mC kg-1 3.876
Electronvolt eV energy 0.160 aJ 6.241
Second = plane angle 4.85 x 10-6 mrad 2.063 x 105
Erg erg energy 0.1 J 10 (1/60)

Fathom (6 ft) length 1.829 m 0.547 Solar mass M mass 1.989 1030 kg 5.028 10-31

Fermi fm length 1 fm 1 Square foot sq ft area 9.290 dm 0.108

Foot ft length 30.48 cm 0.033 Square inch sq in area 6.452 cm 0.155

Foot per ft s-1 velocity 0.305 m s-1 3.281 Square mile sq mi area 2.590 km 0.386
second 1.097 km h-1 0.911 (statute)

Gallon (UK) gal volume 4.546 dm3 0.220 Square yard sq yd area 0.836 m 1.196

Gallon (US) = gal volume 3.785 dm3 0.264 Stere st volume 1 m 1

231 cu in
Therm = 105 energy 0.105 GJ 9.478
Gauss Gs, G magnetic ux 100 T 0.01 btu
Ton = 2240 lb mass 1.016 Mg 0.984
Grain gr mass 1 g 15.432
Ton-force tonf force 9.964 kN 0.100
Hectare ha area 0.746 hm 1
Horsepower hp power 2.54 kW 1.341 sq in pressure 15.444 MPa 0.065

Inch in length 9.807 cm 0.394 Tonne t mass 1 Mg 1

Kilogram- kgf force 1.852 N 0.102




British physicist Isaac Newton proposed a series of laws of motion, which he Fs = force of spring
published in his masterpiece Principia (see 169899). Newtons laws describe
how objects move, remain at rest, or interact with other objects and forces.
Fs = -kx k = spring constant (indication
of springs stiffness)
Newton also formulated the law of universal gravity to describe the force of x = extension
attraction that acts between physical bodies.


First Unless disturbed by a
law of force, an object will Moment The equivalent of I = mr I = moment of inertia
motion either stay still or travel Gm1m2 of inertia mass for an object m = mass
r2 = square of distance from axis
at a constant speed in a
straight line.
F= rotating about an axis

r2 Angular The velocity of an

= angular velocity
Second The force acting on a velocity object rotating about t = angular displacement
law of body is equal to its rate F = force an axis t = change in time
motion of change of momentum, G = universal
which is the product gravitational constant Angular The momentum of L = I L = angular momentum
of its mass and its m1, m2 = masses momentum an object rotating I = moment of inertia
acceleration. r2 = square of distances about an axis = angular velocity
between masses
Third For every action there is
law of an equal and opposite LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS
motion reaction.
Thermodynamics is the study of the interrelationship between heat, work, and
internal energy. The laws of thermodynamics describe what happens when a
MECHANICS OF FORCES thermodynamic system goes though an energy change. Energy cannot be created
or destroyed (as stated in the rst law), but it can be converted into other forms.
A force is a push or pull that makes an object move in a straight line or turn.
Forces can act alone or together, and they can be harnessed to make machines
work more effectively. The relationship between the properties of moving objects
such as time, distance, direction and speedcan be described using equations. First law Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.

MOTION FORMULAE Second law The total entropy of an isolated system increases over time.
Third law There is a theoretical minimum temperature at which the
Speed distance d motion of the particles of matter would cease.
time t
Zeroth law If two bodies (distinct systems) are each in thermal
Time distance d equilibrium with a third body, these two bodies will also
speed S be in thermal equilibrium with each other.

Distance speed time d = St

Velocity displacement (distance in a given direction)

time t
Heat is a form of kinetic energy. KELVIN CELSIUS FAHRENHEIT
Acceleration change in velocity (vu) The amount of energy contained in
time taken for change t an objectits temperaturecan be 373 K 100C 212F
measured using one of three scales:
Resultant mass acceleration F = ma kelvin (one of the SI base units),
force Celsius (an SI derived scale), and
Fahrenheit (rst proposed by the 300 K 27C 81F
Momentum mass velocity p = mv DutchGermanPolish physicist
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (see 1724). 273 K 0C 32F
Absolute 0 kelvin is the point at which 255 K 18C 0F
atoms in a substance have no heat
These four equations are used to express energy and do not vibrate at all. 200 K 73C 99F
constant acceleration in different ways:

v = u + at s = displacement
u = original velocity
(u + v)t v2 = u2 + 2as v = nal velocity 100 K 173C 279F
s= a = acceleration
t = time taken
2 s = ut + at2 Absolute
zero 0K 273C 460F


Gas is a state of matter with relatively low density and viscosity, variable pressure molecules within a gas to its volume, pressure, and temperature, and state how
and temperature, and the ability to diffuse readily and distribute uniformly each measure responds when the others change. Most of the laws are named
throughout any container. The gas laws described below relate movements of after the person who discovered them.


Avogadros law At a constant temperature and pressure, volume is Vn V = volume
proportional to the number of molecules. Equal volumes of n = number of molecules
different gases, in identical conditions of temperature and = proportional to
pressure, will contain equal numbers of molecules.

Boyles law For a given mass of gas at a constant temperature, volume is P V = constant P = pressure
inversely proportional to pressure. So, for example, if volume V = volume
doubles, pressure halves.

Charless law For a given mass of gas at a constant pressure, volume V = volume
is directly proportional to absolute temperature V constant T = (absolute) temperature
(measured in kelvin). T

Gay-Lussacs law For a given mass of gas at a constant volume, pressure P = pressure
is directly proportional to absolute temperature P constant T = (absolute) temperature
(measured in kelvin). T

Ideal gas law An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas in which particles may P = total pressure
collide but do not have attractive forces between them. PV=nRT n = number of moles
The ideal gas law is a good approximation of the behavior R = universal gas constant
of many gases in various conditions. T = absolute temperature

Daltons law of partial This law describes mixtures of two or more gases. It states P = p or P = total pressure
pressures that the total pressure of a gaseous mixture equals sum of P total = p1 + p2 + p3 p = sum of individual
the partial pressures of individual component gases. The law partial pressures
is used to work out gas mixtures breathed by scuba divers.


Pressure is the force applied to an object divided by the area over which the This is a series of equations, or laws, formulated by Scottish physicist James
force is applied, and it varies according to the density of the body exerting Clerk Maxwell (see 1855) that provide a full description of how electromagnetic
the force. Pressure and density can be described using a series of equations. waves behave. The equations show how electromagnetic elds are produced
and how the rates of change in the elds are related to their sources.
Pressure force F
area A Gausss law The electric ux through any Used to calculate electric
for electricity closed surface is proportional elds around charged
Density mass m to the total charge contained objects.
volume V within that surface.

Volume mass m Gausss law For a magnetic dipole (one of Describes sources of
density for magnetism a pair of equal and oppositely magnetic elds and shows
magnetized poles) with any that they will always be
Mass volume density m=V closed surface, the magnetic closed loops.
ux drawn inward toward the
south pole will equal the ux
directed outward from the
EINSTEINS THEORIES OF RELATIVITY north pole; the net ux will
always be zero.
In 1905 and 1915, German physicist Albert Einstein published his ground-breaking
theories that challenged the previously accepted theory of gravitation. Faradays law The induced electromotive Describes how a changing
of induction force (EMF) around any closed magnetic eld can generate
loop equals the negative of the an electric eld; this is
rate of change of the magnetic the operating principle
Special theory of 1) All physical laws are the same in all frames of reference ux through the area enclosed for electric generators,
relativity in uniform motion with respect to one another. by the loop. inductors, and transformers.
2) The speed of light is a constant, regardless of the motions
of the light source and the observer. Ampres law In static electric eld, the line Used to calculate magnetic
with Maxwells integral of the magnetic eld elds. Shows that magnetic
General theory Spacetime is curved; strong gravity causes distortions of time correction around any closed loop is current can be generated
of relativity and mass, and large objects (such as stars) warp spacetime proportional to the electric by electric current and by
around them. current owing through it. changing electric elds.



Electricty can be made to travel in a ow, or current. Electric current can be two main ways in which ow is driven around a circuit: an alternating current
generated by a source of electromotive force (EMF), such as a battery cell, and (AC), which ows to and fro; and direct current, which ows in one direction
directed around wire loops called circuits to power electrical devices. There are only. Particular laws govern the way that a current ows around a circuit.


Coulombs law The force of attraction or repulsion between two charged k = Coulombs constant
particles is directly proportional to the product of the charges F = k q1q2 q1 and q2 = electric (point) charges
and inversely proportional to the distance between them. r2 r2 = square of distance

Ohms law This law expresses the relationships between voltage, V V R = resistance
I= R=
resistance, and current, which can be expressed in R I I = current
several ways. V=IR V = potential difference (voltage)

Kirchhoffs current law The sum of the electric currents entering any junction in I = 0 = summation symbol
a circuit is equal to the sum of those leaving the junction. I = current

Kirchhoffs voltage law The sum of the voltage changes around the path of any V = 0 = summation symbol
closed loop is zero. V = potential difference (voltage)


These are the basic building blocks of matter. Physicists distinguish between The following equations are commonly used in physics.
elementary particles (with no substructure) and composite particles (composed
of smaller structures). Elementary particles are the fundamental constituents
of everything in the Universe. Scientists think that every particle is twinned with
an opposing antiparticle, which if paired can annihilate each other, producing Kinetic energy mass velocity 2
Ek = mv2
packages of light (photons).
Weight mass gravitational eld strength W = mg
Power work done or energy transferred P =W
Quarks Particles that make Baryons Particles made up of time taken time taken t
protons and neutrons. There are three quarks. The best known are
six avors: up, down, charm, the proton (two up and one down Speed distance moved d
strange, top, and bottom. quarks) and the neutron (one up time taken t
and two down quarks)
Leptons A group of six particles, Velocity displacement s
comprising electron, muon, and time taken t
tau particles and their associated
neutrinos (the electron-neutrino, Acceleration change in velocity (vu)
muon-neutrino, and tau-neutrino). time taken for this change t

Gauge bosons Particles Mesons Particles made from a Resultant force mass acceleration F = ma
associated with the four quark with an antiquark. There
fundamental forces (see below). are many types, including the Momentum mass velocity mv
No gauge boson has yet been positive pion (up quark with
found for gravity, although the down antiquark) and the negative Refractive index speed of light in a vacuum c
existence of a graviton has kaon (strange quark with up speed of light in a medium v
been hypothesized. antiquark).
Wave speed frequency wavelength v=

Electric charge current time taken q=It

Potential current resistance or energy transferred V=IR
All matter in the Universe is subject to four basic forces: gravity, electromagnetism, difference charge W
and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Each one is associated with a subatomic (voltage) q
messenger particle. Physicists theorize that the forces were once unied in a
single force that split in the rst fraction of a second after the Big Bang. Matter Resistance voltage
particles affected by a particular force produce and absorb specic force carriers. current I

PARTICLE FORCE RELATIVE STRENGTH RANGE IN (M) Electrical energy potential difference (or voltage) E=VIt
current time taken
Graviton Gravity 10-41 Innite
Work done force distance moved in the direction W = Fs
Photon Electromagnetic 1 Innite force of the force

Gluon Strong nuclear force 25 10-15 Efciency work output Wo

100% 100%
work input Wi
W, Z bosons Weak nuclear force 0.8 10-18


The modern periodic table contains 118 known elements, of which 90 occur number of protons in an elements nucleus) and grouped within the chart
naturally on Earth. The elements are grouped according to their atomic structure. according to the arrangement of the outer electrons. This way a chemist can
They are positioned on the chart in ascending order of their atomic number (the predict the likely characteristics of an element from its position on the table.

1 18
1 1 2 4

1 H Alkali metals Metalloids
Hydrogen 2 13 14 15 16 17 Helium
Transition metals Other nonmetals
3 7 4 9 5 11 6 12 7 14 8 16 9 19 10 20
Other metals Halogens
2 Li Be Alkali earth metals Noble gases B C N O F Ne
Lithium Beryllium Rare earth metals Unknown Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon

11 23 12 24 13 27 14 28 15 31 16 32 17 35 18 40
3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Sodium Magnesium 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon

19 39 20 40 21 45 22 48 23 51 24 52 25 55 26 56 27 59 28 59 29 64 30 65 31 70 32 73 33 75 34 79 35 80 36 84

4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton

37 85 38 88 39 89 40 91 41 93 42 96 43 98 44 101 45 103 46 106 47 108 48 112 49 115 50 119 51 122 52 128 53 127 54 131

5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon

55 133 56 137 72 178 73 181 74 184 75 186 76 190 77 192 78 195 79 197 80 201 81 204 82 207 83 209 84 209 85 210 86 220

6 Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Cesium Barium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon

87 223 88 226 104 261 105 262 106 263 107 264 108 265 109 268 110 281 111 273 112 285 113 284 114 289 115 288 116 292 117 292 118 294

7 Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Fl Uup Lv Uus Uuo

Francium Radium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Ununtrium Flerovium Ununpentium Livermorium Ununseptium Ununoctium

57 139 58 140 59 141 60 144 61 145 62 150 63 152 64 157 65 159 66 163 67 165 68 167 69 169 70 173 71 175

LANTHANOIDS La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium

89 227 90 232 91 231 92 238 93 237 94 244 95 243 96 247 97 247 98 251 99 252 100 257 101 258 102 259 103 262

ACTINOIDS Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium


Each block on the table describes The periodic table is divided in three
an individual element. The relative different directions: groups form
atomic mass is the average number the vertical columns; periods, the 7
of protons and neutrons in the nucleus horizontal rows; and series are
Periods 1
and is given in the table above as a indicated by blocks of color. Elements that have the same
rounded gure. The overall groupings put number of electron shells are 2 Groups
elements that demonstrate close grouped horizontally in rows. The elements in each of the
family resemblances together. 3 vertical columns all have
relative Periods 6 and 7 are too long
atomic atomic Reactive metallic elements are to t on the table so are the same number of electrons
number mass on the left, progressing across the positioned below the chart. in their outer shells.
chart through less reactive metals,
26 56
metalloids, and non metals, to barely
transition mainly
reactive gases on the far right.
Fe symbol
elements nonmetals

The table is divided into four
series: reactive metals, transition
elements, rare earth metals, and
mainly nonmetals. The elements
in each of these groups react in a rare earth
similar way. The different types of metals
elements are further subdivided
by color; see key above.


The chart below lays out essential information for each of the known elements. symbol, the relative atomic mass (in this chart given to the nearest two decimal
It is arranged by atomic numberthe number of protons in the nucleus of an places), and the valency (the number of chemical bonds formed by the atoms)
elements atoms. For each element, the table includes the commonly used for each given element.

1 Hydrogen H 1.00 -259 -434 -253 -423 1 64 Gadolinium Gd 157.25 1,313 2,395 3,266 5,911 3
2 Helium He 4.00 -272 -458 -269 -452 0 65 Terbium Tb 158.93 1,356 2,473 3,123 5,653 3
3 Lithium Li 6.94 179 354 1,340 2,440 1 66 Dysprosium Dy 162.50 1,412 2,574 2,562 4,644 3
4 Beryllium Be 9.01 1,283 2,341 2,990 5,400 2 67 Holmium Ho 164.93 1,474 2,685 2,695 4,883 3
5 Boron B 10.81 2,300 4,170 3,660 6,620 3 68 Erbium Er 167.26 1,529 2,784 2,863 5,185 3
6 Carbon C 12.01 3,500 6,332 4,827 8,721 2,4 69 Thulium Tm 168.93 1,545 2,813 1,947 3,537 2,3
7 Nitrogen N 14.01 -210 -346 -196 -321 3,5 70 Ytterbium Yb 173.04 819 1,506 1,194 2,181 2,3
8 Oxygen O 16.00 -219 -362 -183 -297 2 71 Lutetium Lu 174.97 1,663 3,025 3,395 6,143 3
9 Fluorine F 19.00 -220 -364 -188 -306 1 72 Hafnium Hf 178.49 2,227 4,041 4,602 8,316 4
10 Neon Ne 20.18 -249 -416 -246 -410 0 73 Tantalum Ta 180.95 2,996 5,425 5,427 9,801 3,5
11 Sodium Na 22.99 98 208 890 1,634 1 74 Tungsten W 183.84 3,410 6,170 5,660 10,220 2,4,5,6
12 Magnesium Mg 24.31 650 1,202 1,105 2,021 2 75 Rhenium Re 186.21 3,180 5,756 5,627 10,161 1,4,7
13 Aluminum Al 26.98 660 1,220 2,467 4,473 3 76 Osmium Os 190.23 3,045 5,510 5,090 9,190 2,3,4,6,8
14 Silicon Si 28.09 1,420 2,588 2,355 4,271 4 77 Iridium Ir 192.22 2,410 4,370 4,130 7,466 3,4
15 Phosphorus P 30.97 44 111 280 536 3,5 78 Platinum Pt 195.08 1,772 3,222 3,827 6,921 2,4
16 Sulfur S 32.07 113 235 445 832 2,4,6 79 Gold Au 196.97 1,064 1,947 2,807 5,080 1,3
17 Chlorine Cl 35.45 -101 -150 -34 -29 1,3,5,7 80 Mercury Hg 200.59 -39 -38 357 675 1,2
18 Argon Ar 39.95 -189 -308 -186 -303 0 81 Thallium Tl 204.38 303 577 1,457 2,655 1,3
19 Potassium K 39.10 64 147 754 1,389 1 82 Lead Pb 207.20 328 622 1,744 3,171 2,4
20 Calcium Ca 40.08 848 1,558 1,487 2,709 2 83 Bismuth Bi 208.98 271 520 1,560 2,840 3,5
21 Scandium Sc 44.96 1,541 2,806 2,831 5,128 3 84 Polonium Po 208.98 254 489 962 1,764 2,3,4
22 Titanium Ti 47.87 1,677 3,051 3,277 5,931 3,4 85 Astatine At 209.99 300 572 370 698 1,3,5,7
23 Vanadium V 50.94 1,917 3,483 3,377 6,111 2,3,4,5 86 Radon Rn 222.02 -71 -96 -62 -80 0
24 Chromium Cr 52.00 1,903 3,457 2,642 4,788 2,3,6 87 Francium Fr 223.02 27 81 677 1,251 1
25 Manganese Mn 54.94 1,244 2,271 2,041 3,706 2,3,4,6,7 88 Radium Ra 226.02 700 1,292 1,200 2,190 2
26 Iron Fe 55.85 1,539 2,802 2,750 4,980 2,3 89 Actinium Ac 227.03 1,050 1,922 3,200 5,792 3
27 Cobalt Co 58.93 1,495 2,723 2,877 5,211 2,3 90 Thorium Th 232.04 1,750 3,182 4,787 8,649 4
28 Nickel Ni 58.69 1,455 2,651 2,730 4,950 2,3 91 Protactinium Pa 231.04 1,597 2,907 4,027 7,281 4,5
29 Copper Cu 63.55 1,083 1,981 2,582 4,680 1,2 92 Uranium U 238.03 1,132 2,070 3,818 6,904 3,4,5,6
30 Zinc Zn 65.41 420 788 907 1,665 2 93 Neptunium Np 237.05 637 1,179 4,090 7,394 2,3,4,5,6
31 Gallium Ga 69.72 30 86 2,403 4,357 2,3 94 Plutonium Pu 244.06 640 1,184 3,230 5,850 2,3,4,5,6
32 Germanium Ge 72.63 937 1,719 2,355 4,271 4 95 Americium Am 243.06 994 1,821 2,607 4,724 2,3,4,5,6
33 Arsenic As 74.92 817 1,503 613 1,135 3,5 96 Curium Cm 247.07 1,340 2,444 3,190 5,774 2,3,4
34 Selenium Se 78.96 217 423 685 1,265 2,4,6 97 Berkelium Bk 247.07 1,050 1,922 710 1,310 2,3,4
35 Bromine Br 79.90 -7 19 59 138 1,3,5,7 98 Californium Cf 251.08 900 1,652 1,470 2,678 2,3,4
36 Krypton Kr 83.80 -157 -251 -152 -242 0 99 Einsteinium Es 252.08 860 1,580 996 1,825 2,3
37 Rubidium Rb 85.47 39 102 688 1,270 1 100 Fermium Fm 257.10 unknown unknown 2,3
38 Strontium Sr 87.62 769 1,416 1,384 2,523 2 101 Mendelevium Md 258.10 unknown unknown 2,3
39 Yttrium Y 88.91 1,522 2,772 3,338 6,040 3 102 Nobelium No 259.10 unknown unknown 2,3
40 Zirconium Zr 91.22 1,852 3,366 4,377 7,911 4 103 Lawrencium Lr 262.11 unknown unknown 3
41 Niobium Nb 92.91 2,467 4,473 4,742 8,568 3,5 104 Rutherfordium Rf 261.11 unknown unknown unknown
42 Molybdenum Mo 95.96 2,610 4,730 5,560 10,040 2,3,4,5,6 105 Dubnium Db 262.11 unknown unknown unknown
43 Technetium Tc 97.91 2,172 3,942 4,877 8,811 2,3,4,6,7 106 Seaborgium Sg 263.12 unknown unknown unknown
44 Ruthenium Ru 101.07 2,310 4,190 3,900 7,052 3,4,6,8 107 Bohrium Bh 264.13 unknown unknown unknown
45 Rhodium Rh 102.91 1,966 3,571 3,727 6,741 3,4 108 Hassium Hs 265.13. unknown unknown unknown
46 Palladium Pd 106.42 1,554 2,829 2,970 5,378 2,4 109 Meitnerium Mt 268.14 unknown unknown unknown
47 Silver Ag 107.87 962 1,764 2,212 4,014 1 110 Darmstadtium Ds 281.16 unknown unknown unknown
48 Cadmium Cd 112.41 321 610 767 1,413 2 111 Roentgenium Rg 273.15 unknown unknown unknown
49 Indium In 114.82 156 313 2,028 3680 1,3 112 Copernicium Cn [285] unknown unknown unknown
50 Tin Sn 118.71 232 450 2,270 4118 2,4 113 Ununtrium Uut [284] unknown unknown unknown
51 Antimony Sb 121.76 631 1,168 1,635 2975 3,5 114 Flerovium Fl [289] unknown unknown unknown
52 Tellurium Te 127.60 450 842 990 1814 2,4,6 115 Ununpentium Uup [288] unknown unknown unknown
53 Iodine I 126.90 114 237 184 363 1,3,5,7 116 Livermorium Lv [293] unknown unknown unknown
54 Xenon Xe 131.29 -112 -170 -107 -161 0 117 Ununseptium Uus [292] unknown unknown unknown
55 Cesium Cs 132.91 29 84 671 1,240 1 118 Ununoctium Uuo [294] unknown unknown unknown
56 Barium Ba 137.33 725 1,337 1,640 2,984 2
57 Lanthanum La 138.91 921 1,690 3,457 6,255 3
58 Cerium Ce 140.12 799 1,470 3,426 6,199 3,4
59 Praseodymium Pr 140.91 931 1,708 3,512 6,354 3
60 Neodymium Nd 144.24 1,021 1,870 3,068 5,554 3
61 Promethium Pm 144.91 1,168 2,134 2,700 4,892 3
62 Samarium Sm 150.36 1,077 1,971 1,791 3,256 2,3
63 Europium Eu 151.96 822 1,512 1,597 2,907 2,3


Biologists classify organisms into groups according to their characteristics as a way biologists strive to dene groups that are monophyletic: ones that contain all
of illustrating their evolutionary relationships. All life has descended from a single organisms descended from a single point of ancestry. At the lowest rank, species,
common ancestor, which lived billions of years ago, and has diversied through organisms are so closely related that they can usually interbreed. In the charts
evolution. The most distantly related organisms belong to groups that are ranked as opposite and on pp.36263, dotted lines are used to dene informal assemblages
domains. These are subdivided into groups of successively lower ranks to contain of taxonomic ranks. Although these are not natural evolutionary groups, they often
organisms that are progressively more closely related. At any rank, modern provide a convenient and useful way to refer to collections of organisms.


Introduced in the Domains are divided Kingdoms are divided Phyla are divided into Classes are divided into Orders are divided into Families are divided into The species group is
1990s in response to into different kingdoms into phyla (singular: classes. Organisms orders. Animal orders families. Names of genera (singular: the only taxonomic rank
discoveries that were that include familiar phylum). Organisms within a class are are based largely on plant, algal, and fungal genus). The name of that can be dened in
made in cellular biology, groups of organisms united in a phylum dened by body body structure, but plant families conventionally each genus is the rst biological terms. It is
the domain rank denes (animals, plants, and share a particular structure and life orders are also dened end in aceae (for part of the scientic often taken to be a
groups that represent fungi)as well as body plan; for animals history. For example, by the chemicals made example, Liliaceae for name of a species. For group of organisms
the most ancient other groups (including and plants, this includes land vertebrates are in their tissues. For the lily family); names example, big cats are that can interbreed.
divisions of life on a range of single-celled groups that originated split into classes that example, the mammals of animal families end united in the genus But in practice, most
Earth. These emerged organisms and algae) 0.51 billion years ago, include amphibians, are split into orders in idae (for example, Panthera and include speciesincluding
as distinct groups that evolved around a when the seas were reptiles, birds, and that include primates, Sciuridae for the the species Panthera leo those that cannot
around 4 billion years billion years ago. teeming with life and mammals. Plant rodents, and bats. squirrel family). (lion) and Panthera tigris reproduce sexually or
ago and include bacteria land was being classes include Plant orders include (tiger). The generic and where reproductive
and the more complex colonized for the monocotyledon Ranunculales species names are biology is unknownare
multicelled life forms. rst time. and dicotyledon (buttercups and always given in italics. dened by their physical
owering plants. relatives) and Lamiales characteristics.
(mints and relatives).


Biologists used to divide all life into plants and
animals, but the roots of biological diversity are
now known to be far more complex. The earliest life
diversied as single-celled organisms. Two lineages
of these organisms, out of countless others, later BACTERIA ARCHAEA EUKARYOTES
gave rise to plants and animals. This means that BACTERIA ARCHAEA EUKARYA
most groups at the ranks of domain and kingdom These are single-celled organisms, most These are single-celled organisms These are single- or multicelled
include single-celled organisms. The most basic of which have a cell wall made from a with genetic material (DNA) reinforced organisms whose genetic material is
differences evolved when the earliest life split into tough material called murein. Their by packaging proteins called histones, packaged into a nucleus and reinforced
genetic material (DNA) is not packaged but they do not have a nucleus or other with histones. During cell division, this
three domains: simple single-celled Bacteria and
into a nucleus. Other cellular organelles organelles. Many are adapted to survive material solidies into structures called
Archaeae; and the more complex Eukaryotes, whose (membrane-bound structures, such as in harsh environments, such as hot, chromosomes. The cells also have
genetic material became packaged into a cellular mitochondria) are also absent. acidic pools. other organelles, such as mitochondria
nucleus. Many groups of eukaryotic organisms and chloroplasts.
retained their single-celled nature, but others
formed the multicelled bodies that became fungi,
plants, and animals. 8,000+ SPECIES 2,000+ SPECIES SPECIES



Single- or multicelled organisms, fungi Multicelled organisms that make food These are multicelled organisms that The remaining eukaryotes were formerly classied as a single
reproduce by spores and absorb food by through the light-absorbing process obtain food by eating other organisms or kingdom (called Protoctista). It is now known that they do not
decomposing dead material or behaving of photosynthesis, plants grow into a dead material. Fast response times and form a natural evolutionary group, but instead comprise at least
as parasites. Multicelled forms are branching, often leafy, body. The most movement are possible because animals seven different kingdoms and include a wide range of single-
usually made up of a network of primitive forms reproduce by free- have a nervous system that transmits and multicelled organisms. Many, such as algae and seaweeds,
microscopic bers called a mycelium. swimming sperm and drifting spores; electrical signals to contracting muscles. photosynthesize like plants. Some are animal-like predators
so-called higher plants form seeds. or parasites, such as amoebas. Others, including slime molds,
grow like fungi.

70,000+ SPECIES 290,000+ SPECIES SPECIES 70,000+ SPECIES


A distinction can be made between simple fungi (the water moldsis that they produce spores that swim by FUNGI
microsporidians and chytrids) and higher fungi, which beating agella (microscopic hairs). Some kinds of sac or
have an extensive mycelium (a network of microscopic club fungi form lichens: partnerships with certain algae 70,000+ SPECIES
laments). The common feature of chytridsalso called or bacteria to supplement nutrition by photosynthesis.


Decomposers in soil and water, or Fungi that inhabit gut of herbivorous Fungi with threads of mycelium with Fungi with spores forming in minute
parasites in animals (including one vertebrates (for example, cows) and no cross-walls between adjacent pods. Includes forms with mycelium
that infects amphibians). help digest plant ber. cellular nuclei. and single-celled yeasts.


Tiny, single-celled microbes that live Decomposers in soil, or parasites Soil-living fungi found on roots of Mushrooms and toadstools whose
as parasites inside cells of animals. of plants or invertebrate animals. simple plants, where they exchange spores form on tiny, clublike
Many infect insects. nutrients. structures, often in fruiting bodies.
1,200+ SPECIES 180+ SPECIES 230+ SPECIES 32,000+ SPECIES


Plant classication is based largely on their reproduction and need moist habitats to thrive, while in seed plants both PLANTAE

life cycle, which alternates between sperm- and egg-producing generation stages happen inside reproductive shoots
generations (gametophyte) and spore-producing generations (such as cones or owers), so that the life cycle can 290,000+ SPECIES
(sporophyte). Gametophytes of simple plants, such as mosses, succeed in drier conditions.



Simple at or leafy body produces Flat body produces eggs and Fronds (ferns) or bottle- Palmlike trees, conned to the Mostly tropical woody plants
eggs and free-swimming sperm. free-swimming sperm. Spores brushlike whorls (horsetails) tropics, that produce seeds producing seeds in cones.
Spores on umbrella-like shoots. on erect, hornlike structures. produce spores. Tiny egg- in cones. Transport vessels more open
producing stage. than in conifers.



Leafy or tufted body produces Leafy, upright body producing Mostly trees that produce cones. Tree that produces seeds Plants that produce seeds in
eggs and free-swimming sperm. spores. The egg-producing Many are needle-leaved to cope without cones or true fruit. fruit that develops from a ower;
Spores in upright capsules. stage may be underground. with cold or drought. Naturally conned to China. includes tiny herbs and big trees.

12,000+ SPECIES 1,200+ SPECIES 630+ SPECIES 1 SPECIES 260,000+ SPECIES



Soft-bodied aquatic plants, growing Plants with mostly straplike leaves

either submerged or with oating with parallel veins. Pollen grains have
leaves. one opening and a single seed-leaf.
100+ SPECIES 58,000+ SPECIES


Shrubs with tiny owers and Trees, shrubs, and climbing plants Mostly woody plants, supercially Plants with variable leaves and net-
without open transport vessels. that produce berrylike fruit. From like dicotyledons, but pollen grains like vein pattern. Pollen grains have
Conned to New Caledonia. North America and Indo-Pacic. have a single opening. three openings and two seed-leaves.



Animals are grouped into phyla according to the internal arrangement of their reproduce sexually by producing eggs and swimming sperm, but some are
organs and body cavities. The simplest bodies have a single opening to the gut asexual. More than 90 percent of animals in over 30 phyla are invertebrates
and even lack blood circulatory systems. In more advanced animals, the body has animals that lack a backbone. All vertebrates (including humans) belong to the
organs for respiration and excretion, as well as a sophisticated brain. Most animals single phylum Chordata, but even this phylum includes some invertebrates.



Filter-feeding, mostly marine, Radial predators with stinging Microscopic aquatic animals Microscopic aquatic animals Caterpillar-like predators with a
aquatic colonies of closely knit tentacles; life cycle alternates with wheel organtwo whorls with four pairs of short, clawed soft body and unjointed, clawed
cells, but lacking true tissues between swimming form of microscopic hairs (cilia) for legs; a cuticle enables them to legs. Head glands squirt slime
and organs. Silica- or calcareous (medusa) and attached form swimming or feeding. Males survive dehydration. Many live to immobilize prey. Conned to
skeleton often present. (polyp). Includes jellysh. are unknown in many species. in damp moss. warm, wet forests.
10,000+ SPECIES 11,000+ SPECIES 2,000+ SPECIES 1,000+ SPECIES 180+ SPECIES



Free-swimming marine Flattened worms that lack Cylindrical worms with two Highly diverse animals with Predatory marine animals that
predators with sticky tentacles circulatory systems or gills. Gut openings to each end of gut, segmented body and jointed immobilize prey using spines
that beat using comblike plates absent or with single opening. muscle-lined body cavity, and legs; a tough exoskeleton around the mouth and by
of microscopic hairs (cilia). Mostly aquatic (planarians) or tough outer cuticle. Live in must be molted (shed) to allow injecting poision.
parasitic (tapeworms). many habitats. for growth.



Spindly marine Mostly land-living Elongated, multi- Tiny, eyeless, Elongated, multi- Tiny, eyeless, Arthropod with head,
predators with three predators with four segmented, mostly multisegmented segmented, mostly multisegmented soil thorax, and abdomen.
or four pairs of legs. pairs of legs, clawlike herbivorous animals animals. Live in soil, carnivorous animals animals that feed on Thorax has three pairs
Body is fused head, mouthparts, and fused with two pairs of legs feeding on decaying with one pair of legs plants and decaying of legs. Often winged.
thorax, and abdomen. head and thorax. per body segment. matter. per body segment. matter.


mouthparts, and body
with hard carapace. Small swimming or Small, elongated Diverse group of
crawling crustaceans Copepods are free- crustaceans that multilimbed Small, elongated Small, mostly
4 SPECIES freshwater
enclosed by hinged, swimming; hard- swim on their backs crustaceans enclosed marine crustaceans
two-piece carapace. shelled barnacles and immobilize prey by carapace, often with horseshoe- crustaceans with
CHELICERATES attach to surfaces. by injecting poison. hardened by minerals. shaped head. leafy limbs.


Humansmembers of the genus
Homoappeared on Earth within the
last 2 million years, having descended
from a group of apelike ancestors that
included the genera Paranthropus and
Australopithecus. Several different
species of Homo, such as Homo AUSTRALOPITHECUS ANAMENSIS (4.23.9 MYA )
neanderthalensis, have lived in recent
times, but only a single species
Homo sapienssurvives today. ARDIPITHECUS KADABBA (5.85.2 MYA )
All humans and apes belong to the ORRORIN TUGENENSIS (6.25.6 MYA ) ARDIPITHECUS RAMIDUS (4.54.3 MYA )
family Hominidae in the mammal
order Primates.




Animals with segmented body, Diverse animals with a soft Around half of animal phyla include fewer
Colonial, lter-feeding marine an internal body cavity, blood body carried on a muscular Burrowing, marine lter- than a hundred species. Some of these
animals, similar to ectoprocts, vessels, and sets of muscles foot and overhung by a eshy feeders. Like vertebrates, minor phylaalmost all known only
but with both mouth and anus for swimming and burrowing. mantle that makes a shell. these animals have a dorsal from the marine habitathave been
of gut within tentacle crown. Includes earthworms. Includes mussels and snails. nerve cord. discovered within the last two decades.
150+ SPECIES 21,000+ SPECIES 110,000+ SPECIES 130+ SPECIES 1,000+ SPECIES


Predatory marine animals with Marine animals supercially Five-part radial marine animals Animals with body supported
Colonial, lter-feeding, mostly muscular, barbed proboscis for similar to molluscs. A two- with spiny skin and numerous by a stiff rod (notochord) that
marine animals with tiny harpooning prey and injecting valved shell attaches to rock. tiny tube feet. Transport develops into a spine in adult
crowns of tentacles. Anus poison. Includes some of the Filter-feeds using tentacles system relies on circulating vertebrates becoming part of a
emerges outside the crown. longest animals. with beating cilia. water. Includes starshes. cartilaginous or bony skeleton.
6,000+ SPECIES 1,400+ SPECIES 400+ SPECIES 7,000+ SPECIES 70,000+ SPECIES


Fishes with a simple Mostly four-legged Two-legged
Drifting lter-feeders skull and incomplete Marine shes with vertebrates (caecilians vertebrates with
that siphon water cartilaginous spine. bony skeletons; ns are legless) that wings and feathered
through their body. Suckerlike mouth are supported by breathe using lungs skin. All lay hard-
Can form big colonies. ringed by teeth. jointed rods. and moist skin. shelled eggs.


Saclike lter feeders Small lter-feeders Mostly four-limbed Four-limbed, warm-
attached to rocks that that resemble larvae Mostly predatory Fishes with ns (snakes and some blooded vertebrates
siphon water through of sh. Have gill slits shes with a skeleton supported by a strong lizards are legless) with hairy skin.
their body. Larval and body muscle made from cartilage. muscular base; some with scaly skin. Most Most give birth to
form has notochord. blocks for swimming. Includes sharks. can shufe on land. lay hard-shelled eggs. live young.









The Solar System consists of our local star, the Sun, and a large number of
objects that orbit around it, including eight planets. In the inner region, nearest
the Sun, there are four rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The four
outer planets are known as the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


Distance from Sun 57.9 108.2 149.6 227.9 778.3 1,427 2,870 4,497
millions of km (miles) (36.0) (67.2) (93) (141.5) (483.3) (886) (1,782) (2,774)

Diameter at equator 4,879 12,104 12,756 6,786 142,984 120,536 51,118 49,528
km (miles) (3,033) (7,523) (7,928) (4,222) (88,784) (74,914) (31,770) (30,757)

Mass (Earth = 1) 0.06 0.82 1 0.11 317.83 95.16 14.54 17.15

Volume (Earth = 1) 0.056 0.86 1 0.15 1,319 744 67 57

Surface temperature 180 to +430 +480 70 to +55 120 to +25 150 180 214 220
C (F) (356 to +800) (+896) (158 to +133) (248 to +77) (238) (292) (353) (364)

Surface gravity (Earth = 1) 0.38 0.91 1 0.38 2.64 0.92 0.79 1.12

Time to orbit Sun (year) 87.9 days 224.7 days 365.3 days 687.0 days 11.9 years 29.5 years 84.0 years 164.8 years

Time to turn 360 (day) 58.6 days 243.0 days 23.9 hours 24 .6 hours 9 .9 hours 10 .7 hours 17.2 hours 16.1 hours

Orbital speed 47.9 35.0 29.8 24.1 13.1 9.6 6.8 5.4
km/s (miles/s) (29.7) (21.7) (18.5) (15) (8.1) (6) (4.2) (3.4)

Number of 0 0 1 2 64 62 27 13
observed moons


These laws, rst formulated by 17th-century astronomer Johannes Kepler Light from a star can be split into a band of its component wavelengths called a
(15711630), show how the planets move around the Sun. The laws demonstrate spectrum. The positions of dark absorption lines and bright emission lines on
that the planets travel in eliptical, not circular, orbits (see pp.100101) and that the this spectrum indicate the chemical components in the stars atmosphere. Based
farther they are from the Sun, the slower the orbiting speed. on their spectra, stars are divided into seven main classesO, B, A, F, G, K, M.


First law This law, sometimes called the law of ellipses, states that
planets move around the Sun in a regular oval-shaped O Blue He+, He, H, O2+, N2+, 45,000C Regor
path, known as an ellipse, with the Sun at one focus. C2+, Si3+ (80,000F)
An ellipse has two focuses along its major axis. On any
particular ellipse, the total distance from one focus B Blueish He, H, C+, O+, N+ 30,000C Rigel
to any point on the ellipse and back to the other focus white Fe2+, Mg2+ (55,000F)
is always the same.
A White H, ionized metals 12,000C Sirius
Second law Also known as the law of equal areas, this law describes (22,000F)
how the speed of a planet changes as it orbits the Sun.
A line drawn from the center of the Sun to the center of a F Yellowish H, Ca+, Ti+, Fe+ 8,000C Procyon
planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of white (14,000F)
time. Therefore, a planet moves faster when it is near
the Sun and slower when it is farther away from it. G Yellow H, Ca+, Ti+, Mg, H, 6,500C The Sun
some molecular bands (12,000F)
Third law Also known as the law of harmonies, the third law
describes the mathematical relationship between the K Orange Ca+, H, molecular 5,000C Aldebaran
distances of the planets from the Sun and their orbital bands (9,000F)
periods. It states that the square of each planets orbital
period (the time it takes to travel one orbit of the Sun) is M Red TiO, Ca, molecular 3,500C Betelgeuse
directly proportional to the cube of its average distance bands (6,500F)
from the Sun. This law allows orbital period and distance
to be calculated for each of the planets.



Astronomers measure the luminosity, or brightness, of stars in units called 2.5 times, so ve magnitude steps correspond to an increase or decrease in
magnitudes. The chart below is a modern scale that describes stars in terms of brightness by a factor of about 100. Astronomers can now measure differences
intensities of brightness as seen from Earth. The smaller the magnitude number, in brightness as small as one-hundredth of a magnitude. For the purposes of
the brighter the star. The very brightest stars have negative magnitude values. comparison, the scale shown here includes the planet Venus, which sometimes
Each step in the scale represents an increase or decrease in brightness of appears in the sky as a far brighter object than any star.


-4 -3 -2 -1 -0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21 +22

Venus Sirius (brightest Polaris, faintest star visible faintest star visible faintest star visible on
star in the sky), magnitude 2.0 to the naked eye with binoculars sky survey photographs
magnitude -1.46


The HertzsprungRussell (HR)
30 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
diagram, devised by Swedish and
American astronomers Ejnar -10
Hertsprung and Henry Norris Russell
(see 1910), plots stars on a chart
according to their intrinsic values: SUPERGIANT STARS
luminosity, surface temperature, 100,000 Deneb
Rigel Mu Cephei
magnitude, and spectral type. The
chart shows that most stars obey Alnilam
a simple relationship between Canopus Betelgeuse
luminosity and temperature (brighter 10,000 -5
at higher temperatures) and it is one Mirfak
the most useful diagrams in Spica BLUE GIANT STARS Polaris
astronomy. It also reveals that the RED GIANT STARS
1,000 Achernar
majority of stars lie on a diagonal
called the main sequence that links
faint red dwarf stars with the rarer Alnath
and very bright blue giants. Stars Regulus Alioth Arcturus
can only be seen at one stage in 100
Aldebaran Gacrux 0
their incredibly long lives, and so Vega Castor
during a human life any star will Sirius

appear at only one point on the

diagram. However, as hydrogen fuel 10 Fomalhaut

Altair Procyon A
in their cores is exhausted and they
near the end of their lives, most
stars move off the main sequence Alpha Centauri A
band, shifting to a new position 1 Sun +5
on the diagram that is dictated MAIN SEQUENCE
Alpha Centauri B
by their mass. Tau Ceti

0.1 61 Cygni A
61 Cygni B

0.01 +10

40 Eridani B
Sirius B
ZZ Ceti
Procyon B Barnards Star


0.0001 +15
Proxima Centuari




This timescale provides scientists with an
internationally recognized chronology of Earths P R E C A M B R I A N
history over 4 billion years. The history of Earth is
divided into a hierarchical system of named units: the
largest are called eons, followed in order of size by EON A R C H E A N P R O T E R O Z O I C
eras, periods, epochs, and ages (the latter are not
included on the chart below). The timescale allows



geologists to go anywhere in the world, examine the



rock strata, identify the fossils within them, and give
them an approximate age as they know that they are
all referring to the same events, strata, and time periods. ERA
The timescale has been developed by examining the
history of global changes in ocean and atmospheric
chemistry preserved in sedimentary rocks, as well
as several other lines of evidence. Lithostratigraphy
looks at sedimentary rock types and sequences.



Biostratigraphy examines fossilsfossils in the millions of
same layer can be matched up across the world. years ago
Chronostratigraphy, or radiometric dating, calculates (MYA)
when certain minerals were crystalized, while
magnetostratigraphy is a tool that uses the record
of the changing polarity of Earths magnetic eld.



PERIOD Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic

Mississippian Pennsylvanian



















millions of
years ago


Most minerals are solid, naturally occurring inorganic materials with well-dened Rocks are naturally occurring assemblages of minerals. All of Earths rocks
chemical compositions and characteristic crystal structures. More than 4,000 are can be categorized as one of the three main types: igneous, sedimentary, and
known, although only about 100 are abundant. Minerals are classied according to metamorphic. Within each type, geologists recognize many different rocks.
their chemical composition, and are commonly divided into the groups listed below. Much of this rocky materials is also recycled over geological time.


Igneous Rocks formed by cooling and crystallizing lava or magma.
Suldes 600 Pyrite, galena They range from quick-cooled, ned-grained volcanic lava
Silicates 500 Olivine, quartz, feldspar, garnet to coarse-grained rocks that have cooled more slowly.
Oxides and hydroxides 400 Chromite, aematite
Phosphates and vanadates 400 Apatite, carnotite Sedimentary Rocks formed by the deposition of material on Earths
Sulfates 300 Anhydrite, barite, gypsum surface. Weathering and erosion of rock transports sediment
Carbonates 200 Calcite, aragonite, dolomite to inland areas, where it is laid down in layers. Plant and
Halides 140 Fluorite, halite, sylvite animal fossils are found in sedimentary rock.
Borates and nitrates 125 Borax, colemanite, kernite, nitratine
Molybdates and tungstates 42 Wulfenite, wolframite Metamorphic When igneous or sedimentary rock is subjected to high
Native elements 20 Gold, platinum, copper, sulfur, temperature and pressure, it is pushed into Earths crust,
carbon which causes it to ow and recrystallize as metamorphic rock.




Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian PERIOD



Series 2

Series 3

















millions of
years ago



Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene Quaternary











Earths lithosphere (its crust and MAJOR TECTONIC PLATES
uppermost mantle) is divided into 1 North American Plate
nine major tectonic plates, about six 2 Pacic Plate
or seven medium-sized plates, and
3 Nazca Plate
numerous much smaller plates NORTH AMERICA EUROPE 4 South American Plate
called microplates. 7 5 African Plate
The boundaries between the plates 1 6 Arabian Plate
are of three different types: divergent, 7 Eurasian Plate
where the plates have moved apart; 6 8 Antarctic Plate
convergent, where they have moved AFRICA 9 Indo-Australian Plate
together; and transform, where plates 2
slide past one another along fault 5
planes. The movement of divergent SOUTH
and convergent plates has shifted
continents, open and closed oceans, 4 9 KEY
and formed mountains. 8 Convergent


The selection of people included in this enabled the automated spinning of cotton in medical advances such as MRI (magnetic Bessemer, Henry (181398) English engineer
Whos Who reects the main experimenters, threads. Arkwright installed his water frames resonance imaging). Bardeen was professor who introduced the Bessemer process for
philosophers, and scientists represented in specially built factories, an early example of of electrical engineering and physics at Illinois creating the rst inexpensive steel by blowing
in the book. Cross references have been mass production and the Industrial Revolution. University from 1951 to 1975. air through molten iron. The son of a
included for scientists with biography panels metallurgist, Bessemer manufactured gold
within the main timeline pages. Arrhenius, Svante August (18591927) Barnard, Christiaan Neethling (19222001) paint powder, invented a sugarcane crushing
Swedish physicist and chemist who was South African surgeon who performed the rst machine, and developed a cast-iron cannon
Alhazen (9651040) Arab mathematician, awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his human heart transplant. Barnard introduced for the Crimean War.
astronomer, and physicist widely considered electrolytic theory of dissociation. He was also open heart surgery, performing heart
to be the father of modern optics. Arguing that the rst to recognize that carbon dioxide in the transplants on dogs and designing an articial Biot, Jean-Baptiste (17741862) French
light enters the eye rather than being emitted atmosphere could create a greenhouse effect heart valve. In 1967 he performed the worlds physicist who established the existence of
from it, his inuential treatise Optics described on Earths surface. The lunar crater Arrhenius rst human heart transplant on grocer Louis meteorites and made the rst scientic balloon
the laws of reection and refraction, as well is named after him. Washkansky, who later died from pneumonia. ight for scientic purposes. He won a Royal
as the anatomy of the human eye. He also tried Society award for his study of light polarization
to develop realistic cosmological models. Avicenna (see Ibn Sina) Bassi, Laura, Italian physicist (171178) and helped develop saccharimetry, a technique
See p.137 for analyzing sugar solutions. Working with
Al-Khwarizmi (c.780c.850) Persian Avogadro, Amedeo (17761856) Italian fellow physicist Flix Savart, he formulated the
mathematician, geographer, and astronomer mathematical physicist whose law states that Becquerel, Antoine-Henri (18521908) BiotSavart law, a fundamental component of
responsible for introducing HinduArabic equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers French physicist who shared the 1903 Nobel modern electromagnetic theory.
numerals and algebra to the West. Working of molecules when at the same temperature Prize in Physics with Marie and Pierre Curie
in Baghdads translation and research center, and pressure. As a tribute, the number of for discovering radioactivity. He discovered Bjerknes, Vilhelm (18621951) Norwegian
the House of Wisdom, he produced two elementary particles in a mole was called radioactivity accidentally by experimenting meteorologist and physicist who helped found
mathematical textbooks and updated Avogadros constant. with phosphorescence and uranium salts. modern weather forecasting. As a professor at
Ptolemys Geography, presenting coordinates This led to the isolation of radium and paved Stockholm University, Sweden, Bjerknes studied
for places around the world. The word Babbage, Charles (17911871) English the way for modern nuclear physics. hydrodynamics and thermodynamics and their
algorithm is derived from the Latin mathematician and inventor regarded in Britain relation to atmospheric motion. This led to the
pronunciation of Al-Khwarizmis name. as the pioneer of modern computers. Babbage Bell, Alexander Graham, American inventor theory of air masses, an essential component
devoted his life to building two mechanical (18471922) See p.217 of modern-day weather forecasting. He later
Al-Kindi (Abu Yusuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaqal-Kindi), calculating machines, including his Analytical founded the Geophysical Institute and Weather
Arab philosopher (c.801c.873) See p.46 Engine, designed to perform arithmetic using Bell Burnell, Jocelyn, British astrophysicist Service of Bergen in Norway.
punched cards as its memory source. Neither (1943) See p.296
Al-Razi (Rhazes), Arab philosopher machine was successfully completed. Black, Joseph (172899) Scottish chemist and
(c.865c.925) See p.48 Benz, Karl (18441929) German inventor physician famous for discovering that xed air
Bacon, Francis, English philosopher who, together with Gottlieb Daimler, created (carbon dioxide) is present as a distinct gas in
Alvarez, Luis Walter, American physicist (15611626) See p.98 the rst gasoline-powered motor vehicle. the atmosphere. He also discovered latent heat
(191188) See p.311 Benz patented his three-wheeled, four-stroke by showing that when ice melts, it takes up
Bacon, Roger, English scholar (c.122092) cylinder Motorwagen in 1886 and produced heat without changing temperature.
Ampre, Andr-Marie, French mathematician See p.60 the rst four-wheel automobile in 1893. This
and physicist (17751836) See p.181 laid the foundation for the motor industry Bode, Johann Elert (17471826) German
Baekeland, Leo Hendrik (18631944) and in 1899 Benz & Co. began producing astronomer responsible for Bodes law
ngstrm, Anders Jonas (181474) Swedish Belgium-born American chemist who invented the worlds rst racing cars. (TitusBode rule) predicting the relative
physicist and father of spectroscopy who Velox, the rst photographic paper that could spacing between the Sun and its planets.
discovered that hot gas emits and absorbs light be developed under articial light. In 1899, Berg, Paul (1926) American biochemist
at the same wavelengths at which it absorbs Baekeland sold his Velox rights to American and cowinner of the 1980 Nobel Prize in Bohr, Niels (18851962) Danish physicist
light when cooler. ngstrm wrote on heat, innovator George Eastman for $1 million and Chemistry for developing recombinant DNA awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics
magnetism, optics, and the solar spectrum and used the proceeds to develop his most famous techniques for splicing and recombining for using quantum theory to explain atomic
was the rst to examine the spectrum of the invention, Bakelitethe rst synthetic plastic DNA from different organisms, which led structure. Bohrs 1913 model of the atom
aurora borealis. The ngstrm unit () for that could be poured into molds to harden in to modern genetic engineering. describes a central atomic nucleus with
measuring atomic distances is 10-10 m. different shapes. electrons in orbit around it. Bohr joined
Berners-Lee, Tim, British computer scientist the Manhattan Project during World War II,
Anning, Mary, British fossil hunter Baird, John Logie (18881946) Scottish (1955) See p.324 but later advocated the peaceful use of
(17991847) See p.176 engineer, inventor, and television pioneer. nuclear energy.
Baird rst televised objects in 1924, moving Bernoulli, Daniel (170082) Swiss physicist
Archimedes (c.290c.212 BCE) Greek inventor, objects in 1926, and produced the rst color and mathematician, who proposed that the Bonnet, Charles, Swiss naturalist and
philosopher, and mathematician, who stated transmission in 1928. When the BBC began pressure in a uid decreases as the speed philosopher (172093) See p.148
that any object immersed in a liquid will broadcasting in 1936, Bairds mechanical of its ow increasesBernoullis principle.
experience an upward force equal to the weight scanning system competed with Guglielmo Bernoullis 1738 work Hydrodynamica was Boole, George (181564) English
of the liquid displaced. Archimedes wrote works Marconis EMI electronic system, which the very important for kinetic theory of gases mathematician who pioneered Boolean
on arithmetic, geometry, and mechanics, and corporation adopted exclusively from 1937. and uids, and proposed practical applications algebrasymbolic logic and the rules that
constructed siege machines to defend Syracuse of watermills, water propellers, and water govern it. His ideas proved vital for modern
against the Romans. He is also credited with the Banks, Joseph (17431820) English botanist, pumps. Bernoulli also investigated medicine, computer science.
creation of the Archimedes screw water pump. naturalist, president of the Royal Society, and biology, astronomy, and oceanography.
often called Australias rst scientist. Banks Bosch, Carl (18741940) German chemist
Aristarchus of Samos (c.310230 BCE) Greek traveled around the world on Captain Cooks Bernoulli, Johann, Swiss mathematician whose HaberBosch process for the high
astronomer who rst suggested that Earth HMS Endeavour and introduced many new (16671748) See p.124 pressure synthesis of ammonia won him
revolves around the Sun. Aristarchuss treatise plants to the West. Geographical features the 1931 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and
On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon and plants have been named after him. He Berzelius, Jns Jakob (17791848) Swedish is today the standard industrial procedure
incorrectly calculated the Sun as 20 times as helped establish the Royal Botanic Gardens at chemist considered to be the founding father for nitrogen xation.
far from Earth as the Moon, and 20 times the Kew, London, and persuaded the government of modern chemistry. Berzelius is noted for
size of the Moon, but his pioneering methods to invest in scientic exploration. formulating his electrochemical theory, Bose, Satyendranath (18941974) Indian
paved the way for future astronomical studies. producing a list of atomic weights, and mathematician and physicist who collaborated
Bardeen, John (190891) American physicist developing modern chemical symbols. A with Albert Einstein in the study of quantum
Aristotle, Greek philosopher (384322 BCE) awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics twice: in professor of medicine and member of the mechanics. Together, they developed Bose
See p.29 1956 for coinventing the transistor; and in 1972 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Berzelius Einstein statistics for studying the behavior
for developing the theory of superconductivity. discovered and isolated several elements, of bosons (particles with integral spin values
Arkwright, Richard (173292) English textile The transistor paved the way for modern developed analytical techniques, and named after Bose), important for lasers and
industrialist whose water frame invention electronics, while superconductivity was used investigated isomerism and catalysis. superuid helium.


Boyle, Robert, English chemist, physicist, and study of inammable air (hydrogen). A in the bone wars to discover the greatest on chemistry after eeing Nazi Germany for
inventor (162791) See p.111 wealthy recluse, Cavendish devoted his life number of fossils, damaging the reputation America in 1937. He was awarded the 1969
to conducting scientic experiments on and nances of both men. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with
Brahe, Tycho, Danish astronomer (15461601) a wide range of topics, including chemistry, Alfred Day Hershey and Salvador Luria for
See p.87 electricity, and a celebrated experiment to Copernicus, Nicolaus, Polish astronomer their work on bacteriophagesviruses that
calculate the weight of Earth. (14731543) See p.76 infect bacteria and then replicate.
Bramah, Joseph (17481814) English
locksmith noted for inventing the hydraulic Celsius, Anders, Swedish astronomer Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de (17921843) Descartes, Ren (15961650) French
press, an improved water closet, a machine (170144) See p.140 French engineer and mathematician best mathematician known as the father of modern
for printing bank notes, and a wood planing known for the Coriolis force, which affects philosophy. His principle I think, therefore I
machine. He also built a pick-proof locka Chadwick, James (18911974) English movement across a rotating body, such as air am summarizes his determination to build
model of which was left as a challenge in his physicist awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in masses around Earth. Coriolis dedicated his only on knowledge that is certain. He also
store window and remained unpicked for 67 Physics for discovering the neutron, a particle life to studying applied mechanics, friction, and founded Cartesian geometry and contributed
years, despite numerous attempts. without electric charge in the nucleus of an hydraulics, and introduced the terms work to optics.
atom. He joined the Manhattan Project and and kinetic energy into scientic parlance.
Brewster, David (17811868) Scottish was knighted in 1945. Diesel, Rudolf (18581913) German engineer
physicist best known for his work in optics, Crick, Francis (19162004) British famous for inventing the diesel engine, a
including polarization, reection, refraction, Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (191095) biophysicist and neuroscientist who four-stroke, vertical cylinder compression
and light absorption. The invention of the Indian-born American astrophysicist awarded determined the structure of deoxyribonucleic engine that made him rich. Later, he
kaleidoscope and an improved stereoscope the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics for showing acid, or DNA, with colleague James Watson. disappeared from the deck of a channel
popularized Brewsters name and his portrait that white dwarf stars can exist only up to a Their discovery conrmed that DNA contained steamer, and was presumed drowned.
was displayed on cigar boxes. maximum mass, the Chandrasekhar limit, lifes hereditary information and earned Crick,
of about 1.44 times that of the Sun. Initially Watson, and biophysicist Maurice Wilkins the Diophantus of Alexandria (c.200c.284)
Broca, Paul (182480) French surgeon rejected, this later helped the understanding 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Greek mathematician based in Alexandria
who discovered the part of the frontal lobe of neutron stars, supernovas, and black holes. and reputed as a founding father of algebra.
responsible for articulate speechnow known Crookes, William (18321919) British chemist His only surviving work is Arithmetica, the
as Brocas area. Broca found that lesions in Chambers, Robert (180271) Scottish and physicist noted for pioneering vacuum earliest known treatise on algebra, which
this area of the brain caused aphasia, which publisher and anonymous writer of the tubes and discovering the element thallium. greatly inuenced Islamic scholars and also
impairs the ability to form articulate words. enormously controversial Vestiges of the Natural After inheriting a fortune, he devoted himself to the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat,
His studies of the brain helped establish History of Creation (1844). Only acknowledged scientic research, inventing the Crookes tube who helped found modern number theory.
physical anthropology. posthumously as the books author, Chambers to investigate cathode rays, founding the journal
wrote several other historical, literary, and Chemical News, and inventing the radiometer to Dirac, Paul, British theoretical physicist
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom (180659) geological titles and published the Edinburgh convert light radiation into rotary motion. (190284) See p.262
English engineer whose bridges, railroad Journal and Chambers Encyclopaedia.
lines, and steamships revolutionized modern Curie, Marie, PolishFrench physicist and Dollond, John (170661) English optician and
engineering. Brunel helped his father build the Chappe, Claude (17631805) French engineer chemist (18671934) See p.233 manufacturer of astronomical instruments.
rst tunnel under the Thames River, designed who invented a mechanical semaphore system Born to Huguenot silk weavers, Dollond is
the Clifton Suspension Bridge across the Avon to connect the French mainland and bring Cuvier, Georges (17691832) French zoologist best known for reducing color distortion
River, and constructed the Great Western news of Napoleon Bonapartes campaign. In who established comparative anatomy and with achromatic lenses. He also invented the
Railroad from London to Cornwall. He also built 1772, Chappe and his brother Ince successfully paleontology by comparing fossils with living heliometer, a telescope used to measure
three steamships, including theGreatWestern delivered their rst message between Paris animals. His studies proved that whole species the distances between stars.
the rst regular transatlantic passenger ship. and Lille. By 1774, 513 semaphore towers of creatures had become extinct. He attributed
spanned France and parts of Europe. Chappes mass extinctions to extreme catastrophic Doppler, Christian Johann (180353)
Buffon, Georges (170788) French naturalist system was superseded by the electric events, a theory known as catastrophism. Austrian mathematician and physicist best
and mathematician best known for his telegraph in 1846. known for the Doppler effect, which describes
36-volume Natural History (17491788). After Da Vinci, Leonardo, Italian artist, architect, how the perceived frequency of light and
studying law, medicine, and mathematics, Chargaff, Erwin, Austrian biochemist botanist, mathematician, and engineer sound waves produced by a moving source
Buffon devoted himself to the study of natural (19052002) See p.279 (14521519) See p.71 depends on the position of the observer. In
history and was an early proponent of evolution. 1850, he became professor of experimental
Chtelet, milie du (170649) French physicist Daguerre, Louis (17871851) French painter physics at the University of Vienna.
Carnot, Nicolas Leonard Sadi (17961832) and mathematician noted for her translation and physicist who perfected a process of
French physicist and military engineer often of Isaac Newtons Principia Mathematica, still creating permanent photographs on thin Duchenne, Guillaume (180675) French
considered the father of thermodynamics. the only complete one. Living with her lover copper sheets, called daguerreotypes. neurologist who studied nervous and
Carnots 1824 Reections on the Driving Power Voltaire, she wrote several important books muscular disorders and developed
of Fire presented the Carnot cycle, which is on science, philosophy, and religion. Dalton, John, British chemist and physicist electrotherapy to treat diseased nerves
now considered the most efcient heat engine (17661844) See p.172 and atrophied muscles. Duchenne became
allowed by physical laws. Carnots work was Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich (190490) the rst to use deep tissue biopsy, clinical
largely ignored until after his death, when he Russian physicist who shared the 1958 Nobel Darwin, Charles, British naturalist (180982) photography, and nerve conduction tests.
was credited with introducing the second law Prize in Physics with Igor Tamm and Ilya Frank See p.206
of thermodynamics. for discovering Cherenkov radiation. Cherenkov Eddington, Arthur, British astronomer,
observed that electrons emit a blue glow when Darwin, Erasmus (17311802) English mathematician, and astrophysicist
Carson, Rachel Louise, American marine traveling through a medium such as water at physician, poet, and inventor, and grandfather (18821944) See p.257
biologist (190764) See p.290 speeds faster than light in that medium. Based of naturalist Charles Darwin. Darwin was a
on this effect, the Cherenkov detector is used prominent gure best known for his scientic Edison, Thomas Alva, American inventor
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (16251712) in experimental nuclear and particle physics. poetry, freethinking ideas, and mechanical (18471931) See p.221
Italian-born French astronomer who discovered inventions. His Zoonomia outlined his radical
a dark gap between two of Saturns rings, now Cohen, Stanley Norman (1935) American theories on evolution. Ehrlich, Paul, German bacteriologist
called Cassinis division. He also discovered geneticist, microbiologist, and early pioneer (18541915) See p.247
four of Saturns moons and Jupiters Great of genetic engineering. From 1972, Cohen Davy, Humphry (17781829) English chemist
Red Spot. Cassini was the rst to regard collaborated with Stanford University colleagues and pioneer of electrochemistry, noted for Einstein, Albert, German-born American
zodiacal light as a cosmic rather than a Herbert Boyer and Paul Berg to combine and using electrolysis to isolate and discover physicist (18791955) See p.242
meteorological phenomenon. transplant genes. This led to the rst genetic several chemical elements, including sodium,
engineering experiment, which transferred potassium, barium, and magnesium. He also Eratosthenes (c.276c.194 BCE) Greek
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, Baron (17891857) frog ribosomal RNA into bacteria cells. invented the Davy gas safety lamp for miners mathematician and astronomer who rst
French mathematician, writer, and a pioneer of and was made a baronet in 1818. calculated the circumference of Earth. He was
analysis. In ve textbooks and over 800 research Cope, Edward Drinker (184097) Pioneering chief librarian at Alexandria in Egypt, where he
articles, he presented innovative research on American paleontologist whose discovery of Dawkins, Richard, British zoologist and measured the tilt of Earths axis and calculated
innitesimal calculus, probability, mathematical over 1,000 extinct Tertiary Period vertebrates evolutionary biologist (1941) See p.307 its circumference to be 250,000 stadia. Although
physics, and other subjects. helped dene modern paleontology. Cope the value of stadia is uncertain, his estimate
wrote over 1,200 papers on his nds, which Delbrck, Max (190681) German-born US was within the current range. He also created
Cavendish, Henry (17311810) English included extinct sh and dinosaurs. From biophysicist and pioneer of molecular biology. a calendar that included leap years, and
physicist and chemist and noted for his 1877, Cope competed with rival Othniel Marsh Trained in physics, Delbrck began working created a system of latitude and longitude.


Euclid (c.330c.260 BCE) Prominent Greek Fossey, Dian (193285) American zoologist Gamow authored popular science books, Gould, Stephen Jay (19412002) American
mathematician, often considered the father famous for her 18-year-long study of mountain including the notable Mr. Tompkins series. paleontologist and evolutionary biologist best
of geometry. A teacher at the mathematical gorillas in Rwanda. Anthropologist Louis Leakey known for creating the theory of punctuated
school in Alexandria, Euclid is best known convinced Fossey to undertake the study, which Gassendi, Pierre (15921655) French priest, equilibrium with Niles Eldredge. This theory
for his 13-volume treatise on geometry, she began in 1967. She lived reclusively among mathematician, and philosopher who tried to proposes that evolution undergoes periods of
Elements. It is considered the most important gorillas and became a leading authority on their reconcile an atomic theory of matter based relative stability, punctuated by short bursts
mathematical textbook of antiquity and was behavior. Fossey was murdered in 1985, after on Epicureanism with Christian doctrine. of change. A Harvard University professor and
still in general use until the 19th century. ensuring worldwide media coverage of the issue Gassendi took the harmony of nature as proof popularizer of evolutionary theory, Gould
of gorilla poaching. of the existence of God and is noted for his campaigned against creationism and argued
Euler, Leonhard, Swiss mathematician 1642 Objections to Descartes Meditations. He that science and religion be kept as two
(170383) See p.152 Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon (181968) was the rst to observe the planetary transit distinct elds.
French physicist famous for measuring the of Mercury in 1631.
Fabricius, Hieronymus, Italian surgeon speed of light and showing that it travels more Greene, Brian (1963) American physicist,
(15371619) See p.93 slowly through water than air. Foucault is also Gauss, Carl Friedrich, German mathematician mathematician, and advocate of string theory,
noted for inventing the gyroscope and using a and physicist (17771855) See p.163 which tries to reconcile relativity and quantum
Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel (16861736) giant pendulum to demonstrate that Earth theory, and proposes that minuscule strands
German physicist and engineer who invented rotates on its axis. Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Louis (17781850) of energy are responsible for creating every
alcohol and mercury thermometers. French chemist and physicist noted for his particle and force in the Universe. A well-
Fahrenheit worked as a glassblower and Fourier, Joseph, French mathematician investigations into gases. An assistant to known popularizer of science, his best-selling
chemistry lecturer in the Netherlands, where (17681830) See p.183 chemist Berthollet, Gay-Lussac conducted books include Pulitzer Prize nalist The
he also manufactured barometers, altimeters, experiments on gases, vapors, temperature, Elegant Universe.
and thermometers. In addition to developing Franklin, Benjamin, American inventor and and terrestrial magnetism, sometimes from
the Fahrenheit scale, he discovered that water scientist (170690) See p.143 an ascending hot-air balloon. He discovered Guericke, Otto von (160286) German
can remain a liquid below its freezing point. the law of combining volumes of gases as well physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mayor
Franklin, Rosalind, British chemist and as the element boron. of Magdeburg. Guericke invented the air
Falloppio, Gabriele, Italian anatomist biophysicist (192058) See p.283 pump, with which he was able to investigate
(152362) See p.83 Geiger, Hans (18821945) German physicist atmospheric pressure and the properties of
Fraunhofer, Joseph von (17871826) who developed the Geiger counter for detecting the vacuum, which he demonstrated to
Faraday, Michael, English chemist and German physicist who discovered the dark and measuring radioactivity. Working under Emperor Ferdinand III. In 1663, Guericke
physicist (17911867) See p.192 lines of the Suns spectrum, now known as Ernest Rutherford at Manchester University, produced static electricity by rubbing a
Fraunhofer lines, which later helped reveal Geiger and Ernest Marsden undertook an spinning sulfur globe.
Fermat, Pierre de, French mathematician the chemical composition of the Suns experiment to show that an atom has a nucleus.
(160165) See p.104 atmosphere. To observe the lines, Fraunhofer He later worked with his student Walther Mller Gutenberg, Johannes, German inventor
designed and constructed achromatic lenses to improve the sensitivity of his Geiger counter. (c.1395c.1468) See p.69
Fermi, Enrico (190154) Italian physicist best of high magnitude. He is considered the
known for developing atomic energy. A professor founder of the German optical industry. Gilbert, William (15441603) English Guth, Alan (1947) American theoretical
of theoretical physics at the University of Rome, physicist and royal physician often regarded physicist, cosmologist, and creator of the
Fermi was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Fresnel, Augustin Jean, French engineer as the father of magnetic studies. Held in high inationary universe theory, which states that
Physics for his work in induced radioactivity. A (17881827) See p.179 esteem by his contemporaries, Gilbert was the a rapid period of ination during the Big Bang
leading gure in the USs Manhattan Project to rst to establish the magnetic nature of Earth, caused the Universe to expand exponentially
build an atomic bomb, he later designed the Freud, Sigmund (18561939) Austrian and to use the terms: electric attraction, from microscopic to cosmic.
countrys rst nuclear reactor. neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis. electric force, and magnetic pole.
Freuds methods advocated dialogue and free Haber, Fritz (18681934) German chemist
Feynman, Richard (191888) American association to interpret childhood dreams, Goddard, Robert H. (18821945) American awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
physicist and co-winner of the 1965 Nobel recollections, and infantile sexuality. Always physicist and inventor who created the rst for synthesizing ammoniaan essential
Prize in Physics for developing quantum controversial, Freuds ideas gained importance liquid-fueled rocket. A professor at Clark component of explosives and fertilizers.
electrodynamicsthe theory of the interaction after World War I, especially in the US, but in University, Goddard wrote A Method of Reaching Together with Carl Bosch, Haber developed a
between light and matter. He also created 1933, Hitler banned psychoanalysis and Freud Extreme Altitudes (1919)considered a classic process for the mass production of ammonia
pictorial representations (Feynman diagrams) ed to England. treatise on 20th-century rocket science. He for use in fertilizer, a method still widely used
of interacting particles, provided an developed three-axis control, gyroscopes, and today. Known as the father of chemical warfare,
explanation of the physics of supercooled Gabor, Dennis (190079) HungarianBritish steerable thrust for rockets, and successfully Haber also developed poisonous gases for use
liquid helium, and contributed to the engineer and physicist, awarded the 1971 launched 34 rockets between 1926 and 1941. in World War I.
Manhattan Project. Nobel Prize in Physics for inventing holography,
a method of 3-D photography. Originally a Goeppert-Mayer, Marie (190672) Hadley, George (16851768) English
Fibonacci, Leonardo, Italian mathematician research engineer in Berlin, Gabor moved to German-born American theoretical physicist physicist and meteorologist whose theory
(c.1170c.1250) See p.59 London in 1933, where he worked on optics, awarded the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics for of the trade winds explained why Northern
oscilloscopes, and television. Holograms could proposing the shell theory of nuclear structure. Hemisphere winds blow from the north, and
Flamsteed, John (16461719) The rst not be produced until lasers were invented. Goeppert-Mayer is also noted for her work in Southern Hemisphere winds blow from the
Astronomer Royal of England and who helped quantum electrodynamics and spectroscopy, southeast. Now known as Hadleys principle,
establish the Greenwich Observatory in London. Galen, Claudius, Roman physician, surgeon, and for researching organic molecules with her it remained unacknowledged from 1735 until
Educated at Cambridge University and ordained and philosopher (c.130c.210) See p.37 husband, American chemist Joseph Mayer. She its rediscovery by John Dalton in 1793.
a clergyman, Flamsteed is noted for his 1725 also worked on the separation of uranium
Historia Coelestis Britannica, which cataloged Galilei, Galileo, Italian natural philosopher, isotopes for the Manhattan Project. Haeckel, Ernst (18341919) German
3,000 stars. His observational data helped Isaac astronomer, and mathematician (15641642) zoologist and Darwinist who was the rst to
Newton verify his gravitational theory. See p.97 Golgi, Camillo (18431926) Italian biologist, map a genealogical tree relating all forms of
pathologist, and co-winner of the 1906 life. A professor at Jena University, Germany,
Fleming, Alexander (18811955) Scottish Galvani, Luigi (173798) Italian physiologist Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for Haeckel studied marine organisms, described
bacteriologist and co-winner of the 1945 Nobel who discovered that he could make the his investigations into the central nervous and named thousands of new animal species,
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering muscles of a dead frog twitch by applying system. Golgis development of a silver nitrate and created the now discarded recapitulation
penicillin. He is also noted for discovering the two pieces of metal to nerve endings in its nerve-tissue staining technique called the theory, summarized as ontogeny recapitulates
antiseptic properties of the enzyme lysozyme, leg. This showed that nervous messages black reaction, allowed him to discover a phylogeny (evolution can be seen in
and for being the rst to use antityphoid are carried by what was called animal connecting nerve cell, known as the Golgi cell. embryonic development).
vaccines on humans. electricity, later shown to be the same
as the electricity produced by a battery. Goodall, Jane (1934) English ethologist Hahn, Otto (18791968) German chemist and
Florey, Howard Walter (18981968) Galvanization, or rust prevention, is named best known for her 45-year study on the pioneer of radioactivity and radiochemistry.
Australian pathologist who collaborated after Galvani. chimpanzees of Gombe Stream National Hahns rst great breakthrough came in 1917
with Ernst Boris Chain to purify, isolate, Park, Tanzania. A one-time assistant to when he and colleague Lise Meitner discovered
and produce penicillin for medical use, for Gamow, George (190468) Russian-born anthropologist Louis Leakey, Goodall the radioactive element protactinium. This was
which both scientists were awarded the 1945 American nuclear physicist and cosmologist established her Gombe Stream camp in followed by the discovery of nuclear ssion in
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The who helped develop the Big Bang theory of 1960. She discovered that chimpanzees are 1938, for which he won the 1944 Nobel Prize
manufacture of penicillin began in 1943, and creation. He also correctly proposed that omnivores, capable tool-makers, and have in Chemistry. Hahn later became an outspoken
saved the lives of countless war casualties. patterns within DNA form a genetic code. highly complex social behaviors. opponent of nuclear weapons.


Hales, Stephen (16771761) English botanist surface. A city councillor of Gdansk, Hevelius Huxley, Thomas Henry (182595) English Koch, Robert (18431910) German physician
and clergyman whose pioneering research on built an observatory on top of his house to biologist, surgeon, and champion of Darwinism. awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Physiology
plant and animal physiology was described in investigate the night sky. He cataloged over His studies on comparative anatomy led him to or Medicine for isolating the tuberculosis
his Vegetable Staticks. The rst to note the 1,500 stars, discovered several constellations, conclude that birds evolved from dinosaurs. He bacillus. Considered one of the founders
upward ow of sap and measure vapor and named many lunar features. debated evolutionary theory against Samuel of microbiology and bacteriology, Koch
emission in plants, he also measured blood Wilberforce in 1860, earning him the nickname also discovered the bacteria responsible for
pressure and blood output from the heart. Higgs, Peter, British physicist (1929) Darwins bulldog. Huxley also declared anthrax and cholera. His postulates establish
His inventions included an articial ventilator See p.348 himself agnostica term he coined. four criteria for investigating the relationship
and pneumatic trough. between a causative microbe and a disease.
Hipparchus (c.170c.120 BCE) Greek astronomer Huygens, Christiaan (162995) Dutch physicist,
Halley, Edmond (16561742) English and mathematician often considered the founder mathematician, and astronomer known for the Krebs, Hans (190081) GermanBritish
astronomer and mathematician who of trigonometry. Hipparchuss contributions to HuygensFresnel principle, which states that physician and biochemist who discovered
calculated the orbit of the eponymous Halleys astronomy include a study of solar eclipses, light is made up of waves. Huygens discovered the citric acid cycle in living organisms. The
Comet and its subsequent 1758 date of return discovery of the precession of the equinoxes, the rings of Saturn and its fourth moon Titan, discovery of this metabolic cycle, also known as
to Earth. Later Astronomer Royal, Halley and a description of the Sun and Moons and also invented the pendulum clock and other the Krebs cycle, won him and Fritz Lipmann the
published inuential papers on magnetic orbits and their distances from Earth. time-keeping innovations. 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
variation, the trade winds and monsoons. He Krebs also discovered the urea cycle, during
was also responsible for the publication of Hippocrates (c.460c.377 BCE) Greek physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Persian physician which mammals convert ammonia into urea.
Isaac Newtons Principia. widely regarded as the father of medicine. (9801037) See p.50
A medical pragmatist, Hippocrates based Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, French biologist
Harrison, John (16931776) English carpenter his practice on studies of the body and the Ingenhousz, Jan, Dutch physician (173099) (17441829) See p.169
and clockmaker who invented the marine symptoms and treatments of illness. He was See p.155
chronometer, which enabled sailors to establish the rst to describe many diseases and coin Laplace, Pierre-Simon (17491827) French
their position at sea. Harrison designed and terms such as acute, chronic, and Isidore of Seville, Saint, Spanish theologian astronomer and mathematician noted for his
built four chronometers in response to a relapse. Hippocrates code of ethics for his (c.560636 CE) See p.42 research into the stability of the Solar System
20,000 government prize offered in 1714 for medical students is today known as the and often called the French Newton. Using
a way of accurately nding longitude at sea. Hippocratic oath sworn by all doctors. Jeans, James (18771946) English physicist, calculus, Laplace reformed astronomical
Despite the great accuracy of his chronometers, mathematician, and astronomer. A great mathematics in his ve-volume Celestial
Harrison was not paid in full until 1773. Hodgkin, Dorothy, British chemist (191094) popularizer of astronomy, Jeans investigated Mechanics, and introduced determinism into
See p.275 spiral nebulae, multiple star systems, and Newtonianism. Several operators and
Harvey, William, English physician giant and dwarf stars. He was also the rst to transforms are named after him.
(15781657) See p.103 Hooke, Robert (16351703) English inventor hypothesize a continuous creation of matter
and natural philosopher who, after being throughout the Universe. Among his best-known Laue, Max von (18791960) German physicist
Hawking, Stephen, British theoretical Robert Boyles assistant, became Curator of books is the 1929 The Universe Around Us. awarded the 1914 Nobel Prize in Physics for
physicist (1942) See p.305 Experiments at the newly established Royal studying the diffraction of X-rays in crystals.
Society in London. He worked on theoretical Jenner, Edward (17491823) English This proved important for X-ray crystallography,
Heisenberg, Werner, German physicist astronomy, as well as inventing a compound physician who developed a vaccine for solid-state physics, and modern electronics.
(190176) See p.259 (two-lens) microscope to study microscopic smallpox. Learning from dairymaids, Director of the Max Planck Institute and the
lifeproducing the Royal Societys rst Jenner observed that a person infected with Institute for Theoretical Physics, Laue also
Henry, Joseph (17971878) American publication: Micrographia. He was also the rst the cowpox disease would not succumb to the researched into superconductivity, quantum
physicist who discovered the phenomenon to record biological cells. Given the range of deadly smallpox virus. Within ve years, his theory, and optics.
of self-inductancea dening principle of his scientic contribution, he is widely hailed cowpox inoculation was in widespread use.
electronic circuitry. His many contributions as Englands Leonardo. Smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, French chemist
included constructing the rst electromagnetic (174394) See p.160
motor, developing the telegraph with Samuel Hopper, Grace (190692) American Joule, James Prescott (181889) English
Morse, and introducing an early weather mathematician and pioneer of computer physicist who provided the foundation for Lawrence, Ernest O. (190158) American
forecasting system. programming and technology. A rear admiral the theory of conservation of energy, which physicist awarded the 1939 Nobel Prize in
in the US Navy, Hopper was one of the rst states that energy can change form, but Physics for inventing the cyclotron, which
Herschel, Caroline (17501848) German- programmers of the Harvard Mark I and helped cannot be created or destroyed. Joule showed accelerates particles to study subatomic
born British astronomer who had a long develop UNIVAC I, the rst commercial that heat is energy and helped establish interactions. Lawrence used his cyclotron to
collaboration with her brother, William electronic computer. She also contributed to the the mechanical equivalent of heat. produce radioactive iodine, phosphorus, and
Herschel. Planning to be an opera singer, she COBOL computer language, and introduced the other isotopes for medical use. A professor at
moved to her brothers house in England at term bug. US Navys missile-destroyer, Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike (18531926) University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence
age 22, and is noted for discovering three the Hopper, is named after her. Dutch physicist awarded the 1913 Nobel later contributed to the Manhattan Project.
nebulae and eight comets, as well as for Prize in Physics for his research on low- The element lawrencium is named after him.
completing their star catalog. Hoyle, Fred, British mathematician and temperature physics and for discovering
astronomer (19152001) See p.280 liquid helium. His work in cryogenics led Leakey, Louis, British archaeologist and
Herschel, William (17381822) German-born him to discover superconductivity. anthropologist (190372) See p.289
British astronomer noted for discovering Hubble, Edwin (18891953) American
Uranus in 1781. Originally a music teacher, astronomer considered the founder of Kant, Immanuel (17241804) German Leakey, Mary, British archaeologist and
Herschel took up astronomy and specialized in extragalactic astronomy for discovering that philosopher whose theories on knowledge, paleontologist (191396) See p.308
making very large telescopes. He developed a the Universe is expanding. While working at the ethics, and esthetics profoundly inuenced
theory of nebulae and star evolution, observed Mount Wilson Observatory, California, Hubble subsequent philosophical thought. Kant Leavitt, Henrietta Swan (18681921)
and cataloged many stars, and showed that established that previously thought nebulae of attempted to reconcile the theories of American astronomer who discovered the
the Solar System moves through space. the Milky Way were in fact different galaxies rationalism (we know only what our minds relationship between the brightness and
receding away from our own. The rate at which can construct) and empiricism (we know time span of Cepheid variable stars. Leavitt
Hertz, Heinrich, German physicist (185794) the Universe is expanding is known as the only what our senses reveal) by asking worked at the Harvard College Observatory,
See p.224 Hubble constant. what can we know? where she examined the luminosity of stars
from photographic plates, and observed that
Hertzsprung, Ejnar (18731967) Danish Humboldt, Alexander von (17691859) Kekul, Friedrich August (182996) German Cepheid variable stars showed a regular
astronomer best known for his 1913 German naturalist, explorer, and pioneer of chemist and founder of structural theory in pattern of brightness. Her work proved crucial
HertzsprungRussell diagram, a star biogeography best known for investigating organic chemistry. A professor at Ghent and for measuring the distance between Earth and
classication system still used today. The the geography and ora and fauna of Latin Bonn universities, Kekul showed that carbon other galaxies.
diagram, developed with Henry Norris Russell, America with French botanist Aim Bonpland. atoms can link together to form chains, which
plotted the brightness of stars against their An enthusiastic popularizer of science, led to his later discovery of benzenes Lee, Tsung-Dao (1926) Chinese-born
spectral types. He also researched open star Humbolt spent 25 years writing Cosmos, six-carbon cyclical structure. American physicist and co-winner of the 1957
clusters and variable stars, and developed an account of the structure of the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering violations
a method for positioning double-stars. Universefour volumes of which Kepler, Johannes, German astronomer of the law of parity conservation, which led to
were published during his lifetime. (15711630) See p.95 important developments in particle physics.
Hevelius, Johannes (161187) Polish Lee created a solvable model of quantum eld
astronomer and early lunar topographer, Hutton, James, British geologist (172697) Khayyam, Omar, Persian mathematician and theory, called the Lee model, and helped study
best known for his detailed map of the Moons See p.157 astronomer (10481131) See p.53 the violations of time-reversal invariance.


Leeuwenhoek, Anton van (16321723) Lomonosov, Mikhail, Russian chemist, coastline, seem equally rough or jagged Morgan, Thomas Hunt (18661945) American
Dutch microscopist often considered the physicist, geographer, and astronomer however close or far away you get. geneticist and biologist whose research on the
father of microbiology. Originally employed (171165) See p.145 Drosophila fruit y helped establish genetics.
in the textile trade, Leeuwenhoek built and Marconi, Guglielmo (18741937) Italian Morgans experiments showed that genes are
used microscopes, becoming the rst to Lonsdale, Kathleen (190371) Irish physicist and inventor of the wireless telegraph. arranged on chromosomes and are responsible
observe single-celled organisms, including crystallographer who developed X-ray Marconi sent the rst wireless signal across the for hereditary traits. He received the Nobel
bacteria and protozoa, as well as muscle techniques to investigate chemical structures. English channel in 1896 and across the Atlantic Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933.
bres and blood ow in capillaries. Lonsdale established the hexagonal shape Ocean in 1902. He shared the 1909 Nobel Prize
of carbon atoms in benzene, and determined in Physics with Ferdinand Braun and helped Moseley, Henry (18871915) English physicist
Leibniz, Gottfried von (16461716) German the structure of hexachlorobenzene. In 1945, develop shortwave wireless communication. who used X-ray spectroscopy to prove the
philosopher and mathematician who made Lonsdale became the rst woman to be elected theory of atomic numbers. Working under
major contributions to physics, metaphysics, a Royal Society fellow. Margulis, Lynn, American biologist Ernest Rutherford at Manchester University,
optics, logic, statistics, mechanics, and (19382011) See p.300 Moseley conrmed physically the atomic
technology. Leibniz developed calculus Lord Kelvin (see Thomson, William) numbers for elements that had been derived
independently of Isaac Newton, built a Maudslay, Henry (17711831) English chemically. Like Mendeleev, his research
calculating machine, and rened the binary Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (18531928) Dutch inventor and engineer considered a founding enabled him to predict elements for gaps in the
system, which forms the foundation of physicist who shared the 1902 Nobel Prize in father of the machine-tool industry. Originally periodic table. Moseley was killed in World War I.
digital technology. He published no major Physics with Pieter Zeeman for their work a locksmiths apprentice, Maudslay invented
philosophical treatises. on electromagnetic radiation. The rst to many important machines during the Murchison, Roderick Impey (17921871)
describe the force of charged particles within Industrial Revolution, such as the metal lathe, Scottish geologist best known for establishing
Lenard, Philipp (18621947) German an electromagnetic eld, Lorentzs analyzed marine engines, and methods for desalinating the Silurian, Permian, and Devonian geological
physicist awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in how events may be perceived at different seawater and printing calico cloth. time periods. Murchisons ndings were
Physics for his research on cathode rays. A times in different frames of reference, and regarded as the crowning achievement of
professor at four German universities, Lenard developed the transformation equations that Maxwell, James Clerk, British physicist 19th-century geology and saw him elected
supported Nazi doctrine and denounced underpinned Einsteins theory of relativity. (183179) See p.209 president of the Geological Society in 1831.
Jewish science, including Einsteins theory
of relativity. Lorenz, Konrad (190389) Austrian founder Mayer, Julius Robert von (181478) German Muybridge, Eadweard (18301904) English
of ethology and co-winner of the 1973 Nobel physicist, physician, and early founder of photographer known for his pioneering work
Liebig, Justus von (180373) German Prize in Physiology or Medicine for research thermodynamics. Mayer was the rst to in photographing motion. An establishd
chemist whose pioneering work in the elds on animal behavior. Lorenz is noted for determine the mechanical equivalent of heat, landscape photographer, Muybridge captured
of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and studying imprinting in birds, and also animal although this was credited to James Joule. images of horses in full gallop by using up
agriculture contributed to the establishment aggression, which he argued is motivated He also described oxidation as the primary to 24 cameras and fast shutter speeds. He
of the fertilizer industry. Appointed professor purely by survival. energy source for living creatures. presented apparently moving images of
at Giessen University at 21 years old, Liebig animals using his zoopraxiscope.
was the rst to establish the laboratory-based Lovelace, Ada, British mathematician Mendel, Gregor (182284) Austrian monk and
teaching methodology that spread to the US (181552) See p.197 botanist whose plant experiments laid the Nakamura, Shuji, Japanese electronic
and the rest of Europe. foundation for modern genetics. Experimenting engineer and inventor (1954) See p.331
Lovelock, James (1919) English chemist best with garden peas, Mendel discovered that the
Lind, James (171694) Scottish physician known for his 1979 Gaia hypothesis, which characteristics of an individual are controlled Napier, John (15501617) Scottish
who tried to eradicate scurvy from the British proposes that Earth is a living organism by hereditary factors, now called genes. The mathematician who invented logarithms. The
navy by introducing citrus juice to the maintained and regulated by life on the signicance of Mendels ndings was not 8th Laird of Merchistoun, Napier introduced
shipboard diet. Although the Navy was slow to surface. An ardent environmentalist, Lovelock recognized until the early 20th century. the use of the decimal point in fractions,
adopt his ideas, he also introduced fumigation invented the electron capture detector to developed logarithms for mathematical
below decks, better hygiene for sailors, and reveal chlorouorocarbons in the atmosphere. Mendeleev, Dmitri, Russian chemist calculations, and devised a set of calculating
the distillation of seawater into drinking water. (18341907) See p.211 rods called Napiers bones. He also designed
Lyell, Charles (17971875) Scottish geologist secret weapons to defend Scotland against
Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linn), Swedish who proposed that the geological features of Mercator, Gerardus, Flemish cartographer a perceived Catholic attack.
naturalist (170778) See p.139 Earths surface were shaped by processes (151294) See p.73
still operating at the same rate as in the past. Newcomen, Thomas (16631729) English
Lippershey, Hans (c.1570c.1619) Dutch His theory of uniformitarianism, presented Michell, John (172493) English clergyman, engineer and inventor of the rst practical
eyeglass-maker commonly credited with in Principles of Geology (183033), was vital astronomer, and pioneer of seismology. In 1760, steam engine. Developed in conjunction with
inventing the telescope. In 1608, Lippershey for Charles Darwins theories because it Michell proposed that earthquakes were wave Thomas Savery, the Newcomen engine was
sold his invention to the Dutch government for provided a greatly expanded time frame motions in Earths crust, and in 1790, he created originally used to pump water from a coal mine
use in warfare. Later astronomers, notably for Earths history. a torsion balance to measure Earths density. in Dudley, Staffordshire. Over the next 75 years,
Galileo, recognized the telescopes importance hundreds of Newcomen engines greatly
for science. A planet and lunar crater were Malpighi, Marcello (162894) Italian physician Michelson, Albert Abraham (18521931) increased coal production in England and
named after Lippershey. and biologist who founded the science of PolishAmerican physicist who accurately contributed signicantly to industrialization.
microscopic anatomy through his study of plant measured the speed of light. His experiments
Lister, Joseph (18271912) British surgeon and animal tissue. Personal physician to Pope with Edward Morley to detect the drift of an Newton, Isaac, English physicist and
and founder of antiseptic medicine. A Innocent XII and a pioneer of brain anatomy, ether were important for the understanding of mathematician (16421727) See p.118
professor and president of the Royal Society, Malpighi named capillaries, contributed to Einsteins relativity theory. He was awarded
Lister pioneered the principle of bacteria embryology, discovered taste buds, and the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1907, the rst Nightingale, Florence (18201910) English
prevention during surgery, using carbolic acid investigated the anatomy of frog lungs. American to receive a scientic Nobel prize. nurse who reformed hospitals and founded
to sterilize surgical instruments, and keeping modern nursing. Dubbed the lady with the
postoperative wounds clean. Malthus, Thomas Robert (17661834) English Millikan, Robert (18681953) American lamp for her nursing work during the Crimean
economist, clergyman, and philosopher who physicist awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in War, Nightingale founded the nurses training
Lockyer, Joseph (18361920) English argued that natural growth in human Physics for measuring the electrical charge school at Londons St Thomas Hospital in 1861.
astronomer known for discovering the population will always outstrip the food of the electron with his oil-drop experiments. She also helped improve public health in India
element helium in the Suns atmosphere and supply. To preserve humanity, Malthus Millikan also conrmed Einsteins photoelectric and introduced new statistical techniques.
naming it. Originally a civil servant, Lockyer proposed strict limits on reproduction or that equation and conducted studies on the nature of
observed solar prominences in the Suns overpopulation be left to be checked by war or cosmic rays, X-rays, and electric constants. Nobel, Alfred (183396) Swedish chemist
chromosphere, devised the spectroscopic famine. His theory, known as Malthusianism, who invented dynamite, a less sensitive form
observation of sunspots, and founded the greatly inuenced social, political, and Mitchell, Maria (181889) First American of nitroglycerine, and founded the Nobel
periodical Nature. economic thought. woman to work as a professional astronomer, Prizes. He willed the majority of his fortune to
and discoverer of a comet named after her. creating the Nobel Prize, an annual award for
Lodge, Oliver (18511940) English physicist Mandelbrot, Benoit (19242010) Polish-born Mitchell became director of the Vassar Female achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine,
noted for his pioneering work in wireless French-American mathematician who Colleges Observatory in 1865, and she also literature, and peace.
telegraphy. Lodge is best known for improving introduced the Mandelbrot set and fractal founded the Association for the Advancement
detector devices for transcribing Morse code geometry, which shows how visual complexity of Women. Noether, Emmy (18821935) German
radio waves onto paper. A keen promoter of can be created from simple shapes. A mathematician and pioneering leader of
spiritualism, Lodge also received patents for professor at Yale University, he examined Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, English writer abstract algebra. Appointed a lecturer at
several wireless inventions. many phenomena which, like a rocky (16891762) See p.131 Gttingen University in 1919, she won acclaim


for her research on noncommutative algebras Pasteur, Louis, French chemist, biologist, and numbers, and greatly inuenced Plato and atmospheresnow considered a fundamental
and the general theory of ideals in rings. She microbiologist (182295) See p.214 Aristotle. He is credited with discovering the tenet of modern cosmology.
emigrated to the US to escape the Nazis. chief musical intervals and the Pythagorean
Pauli, Wolfgang (190058) Austrian-born theorem of geometry. Rutherford, Ernest, New Zealand-born
Ockham, William of, German philosopher American theoretical physicist awarded the chemist and physicist (18711937) See p.248
(c.1285c.1349) See p.65 1945 Nobel Prize in Physics for his Pauli Raman, Chandrasekhara Venkata
exclusion principle, which states that no two (18881970) Indian physicist awarded the Salam, Abdus (192696) Pakistani nuclear
rsted, Hans Christian (17771851) Danish electrons in an atom can exist in the same 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for work on physicist and co-winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize
chemist and physicist who showed that quantum state simultaneously. Pauli also the scattering of light, called the Raman in Physics for formulating the electroweak
electricity and magnetism are related by devised an atomic model of the thermal effect. This shows that when light passes theory, which unies the weak nuclear force
observing the needle of a magnetic compass properties of metal, and was the rst to through transparent material, a small and electromagnetic interactions of elementary
move when close to a wire carrying an electric propose the existence of neutrinos. proportion of the deected light changes particles. Salam was a professor of theoretical
current. The unit of magnetic induction was in wavelength (that is, in energy). physics in London, and the rst Muslim
named after rsted. Pauling, Linus Carl, American chemist scientist to win a Nobel prize.
(190194) See p.271 Ramn y Cajal, Santiago, Spanish histologist
Ohm, Georg Simon (17891854) German and neuroscientist (18521934) See p.229 Salk, Jonas Edward (191495) American
physicist and discoverer of Ohms law, which Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (18491936) Russian physician and medical researcher who
uses the concept of resistance to formulate physiologist whose experiments on dogs led Ramsay, William (18521916) Scottish discovered the rst effective vaccine for
the relationship of current and voltage. Ohms to his discovery of the conditioned reex. chemist awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize in polio. After working on an inuenza vaccine
law was so badly received at the time that Pavlov showed that dogs salivate in Chemistry for discovering the inert gases at Michigan University, Salk began human
he resigned as professor. Its value was anticipation of food, not just at the sight of it. argon, neon, xenon, and krypton. He also trials of his polio vaccine in 1952. In 1955, the
recognized later. He was awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize in discovered the rare gas radon and isolated vaccine was released for use in America,
Physiology or Medicine and summarized his helium from liquid air. virtually eradicating polio.
Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm (17581840) work on behaviorism in the 1926 book,
German astronomer and physician who carried Lectures on Conditioned Reexes. Ray, John (16271705) English naturalist and Sanger, Frederick (1918) English biochemist
out theoretical work on comets, and discovered botanist whose contributions helped found and the only person to be awarded the Nobel
two asteroids and ve comets. Olbers paradox, Perkin, William (18381907) English chemist modern taxonomy. A fellow of Cambridges Prize in Chemistry twice. Sangers 1958 Prize
which asks why the sky is dark at night, celebrated for creating the rst synthetic Trinity College, Ray lost his position during was for his research on the structure of
remained unanswered during his lifetime. dye, aniline purple, which became extremely the Restoration and began studying botany proteins, in particular insulin. His 1980 Prize
fashionable. While synthesizing quinine, and zoology across Europe. He set out his was for his method of sequencing DNA
Oppenheimer, Robert (190467) American Perkin came across a bluish dye now called classication of plants in Historia Plantarum, molecules, which was used to develop the
physicist best known as the father of the aniline purple, which he patented and which established the species as the basic rst fully sequenced DNA-based genome.
atomic bomb. Oppenheimer investigated manufactured, enabling him to retire at 35. unit of taxonomy.
subatomic particles, before becoming Schrdinger, Erwin (18871961) Austrian
director of the Manhattan Project in 1941 Petit, Alexis Therese (17911820) French Raumur, Ren, French physicist and theoretical physicist and co-recipient of the
under General Groves. Although he won physicist who discovered the DulongPetit entomologist (16831757) See p.134 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions
the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1946, Law with Pierre Dulong. This states that for all to quantum mechanics. Schrdinger is best
Oppenheimer was accused of communism in solid elements, the specic heat multiplied Rhazes (see Al-Razi) known for his equations of wave mechanics, but
1953. He received the Enrico Fermi Award by the atomic weight is a constant. He also his book What is Life? (1948) greatly inuenced
in 1963 as a gesture of reconciliation. designed a thermometer to measure the Richter, Charles (190085) American molecular biology.
dilation coefcients of metals. physicist, seismologist, and developer of the
Otto, Nikolaus August (183291) German logarithmic Richter scale, which records Schwann, Theodor (181082) German
engineer who invented the four-stroke internal Planck, Max, German physicist (18581947) the magnitude of an earthquake at its physiologist who founded histology by
combustion engine. Ottos prize-winning See p.236 epicenter. Richter also devised a map of the proposing that all organisms are composed
engines offered a practical alternative to steam most earthquake-prone areas in America. of cells. He discovered the digestive enzyme
power. Described theoretically by the Otto cycle, Plato, Greek philosopher(424 BCE348 BCE) pepsin and the cells that surround nerve
four-stroke engines were used by Karl Benz See p.25 Rmer, Ole Christensen (16441710) Danish axons. He helped disprove the theory of
and Gottlieb Daimler in the rst motorcars. astronomer who established that light travels spontaneous generation, and coined the
Poincar, Henri, French mathematician at a nite speed. Rmer calculated the speed term metabolism.
Oughtred, William (15741660) English (18541912) See p.227 of light to be 140,000 miles (225,000 km) per
mathematician and teacher who invented the second, around 47,000 miles (75,000 km) Semmelweis, Ignaz (181865) Hungarian
slide rule. His popular and inuential textbook Priestley, Joseph (17331804) English per second slower than modern estimates. physician who pioneered the use of antisepsis
The Key to Mathematics (1631), introduced chemist and clergyman who discovered Rmer also invented a temperature scale and to prevent deaths caused by puerperal fever.
symbols such as x for multiplication. several gases including the one later identied introduced the rst Danish system for weights Although he showed that the high mortality
as oxygen. Learning the theories of electricity and measures. rates associated with childbirth could be
Owen, Richard (180492) English anatomist from Benjamin Franklin, Priestley began his reduced by physicians washing their hands
and paleontologist who coined the word own electrical experiments and presented Rntgen, Wilhelm (18451923) German in chlorinated lime, this practice was not
Dinosauria or terrible reptile. Owen published his ndings in the popular 1767 work The physicist and recipient of the rst Nobel Prize introduced until many years later.
several texts on dinosaurs, classifying them History and Present State of Electricity. He then in Physics in 1901 for discovering X-rays. A
differently from other reptiles. Owen helped experimented with gases and made important professor of physics, Rntgen researched Servetus, Michael, Spanish physician
establish Londons Museum of Natural History, discoveries, although he believed in the elasticity, capillarity, polarized light, and the (c.151153) See p.80
and although he believed in evolution, was an phlogiston theory that was later discarded. specic heat of gases. His 1895 discovery
outspoken opponent of Darwins theory. of X-rays was enormously important for Shen Kuo (103195) Polymathic Chinese
Proust, Joseph-Louis (17541826) French medicine and modern physics. scholar who discovered magnetic declination
Papin, Denis (1647c.1712) French physicist chemist best known for formulating the law and described the rst magnetic needle
and inventor whose steam digester led to the of denite proportions (Prousts law), which Rumford, Benjamin Thompson (17531814) compass. Shens nding is one of the many
development of steam engines. Papin also states that in any compound, the elements American-born British physicist, inventor, recorded in his famous book, Brush Talks from
invented a steam safety valve, a condensing are present in a xed proportion by weight. soldier, and administrator, best known for his Dream Brook. He also described movable type,
pump, and a paddle-wheel boat. work on heat. Rumford correctly theorized formulated a geological hypothesis about
Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) that heat was produced by the motion of fossils, and undertook an ambitious project
Paracelsus (14931541) Swiss physician (c.100c.170 CE) Greek astronomer and particles, rather than being a liquid form of of mapping the stars.
and alchemist who established the use of geographer whose Ptolemaic system placed matter as thought previously. He helped to
chemistry in medicine. Traveling and practicing Earth at the center of the Universe and found the Royal Institution of London in 1799. Shockley, William Bradford (191089)
medicine across Europe, Paracelsus introduced incorporated complex epicycles. Based in American physicist who shared the 1956
laudanum, sulfur, lead, and mercury as Alexandria, Ptolemy also made a map of the Russell, Henry Norris (18771957) American Nobel Prize in Physics with John Bardeen and
medicinal remedies and gave a clinical world and wrote the encyclopedia Almagest. astronomer who helped establish the modern Walter Brattain for inventing the transistor.
description of syphilis. An outspoken opponent science of theoretical astrophysics. Russell Professor of Engineering at Stanford
of university medicine, he gained huge Pythagoras (580500 BCE) Greek philosopher is known for discovering the relationship University, Shockley commercialized his
inuence by writing and speaking in German. and mathematician whose teachings between a stars magnitude and its spectral transistor, which led to the development of
contributed to mathematics and rational type, which he presented in the 1910 Californias Silicon Valley. He later caused
Pascal, Blaise, French mathematician and philosophy. Pythagoras taught that nature HertzsprungRussell diagram. He also controversy by advocating eugenics and
physicist (162362) See p.107 and the world could be interpreted through theorized an abundance of hydrogen in stellar proposing sterilization for those with low IQs.


Shoujing, Guo (12311316) Chinese engineer Although later discarded, this theory was Tull, Jethro, English agronomist and inventor Watson, James Dewey (1928) American
astronomer, and mathematician, known for his accepted for decades because it was very (16741741) See p.126 geneticist and co-discoverer of the double
Shoushi Calendar, which accurately presented useful, especially in the mining industry. helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid
365 days in a year. Shoujing also invented an Turing, Alan (191254) English mathematician (DNA). Watson shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in
astrological compass, built hydraulic clocks, Swammerdam, Jan (163780) Dutch widely regarded as the father of computer Physiology or Medicine with Francis Crick and
engineered the Kunming Lake reservoir in microscopist who helped found the elds science. During World War II, Turing developed Maurice Wilkins for the discovery. Watson
Beijing and developed spherical trigonometry. of comparative anatomy and entomology. the Bombe, a prototype for electronic became Director of the Cold Spring Harbor
After designing a dissecting microscope, he computers, which helped to crack the German Laboratory, and took a leading role in the
Siemens, Werner von (181692) German recorded his observations of the structure, enigma code. His development of the Human Genome Project.
electrical engineer remembered for his role classication of insects, and metamorphosis. theoretical Turing machine, the Automatic
in developing the telegraph industry. Inventor The rst to describe red blood cells, he also Computing Engine, and the Ferranti Mark I Watt, James, British engineer and inventor
of the electric dynamo and an electroplating discovered Swammerdam valves in the paved the way for modern computing. (17361819) See p.150
process, Siemens laid the rst telegraph line lymphatic vessels.
in Germany and co-founded the telegraph Venter, Craig, American biologist (1946) Wegener, Alfred, German geophysicist and
company that is now called Siemens AG. The Swan, Joseph (18281914) English physicist See p.347 meteorologist (18801930) See p.252
unit of electrical conductance bears his name. and chemist whose early incandescent light
bulb predated that of Thomas Edison. While Vesalius, Andreas (151464) Flemish Weinberg, Steven (1933) American physicist
Smith, William (17691839) English geologist an assistant at a chemical manufacturing physician and founder of modern anatomy and co-recipient of the 1979 Nobel Prize
and engineer who founded the science of rm, Swan made important contributions to at Padua University. Vesaliuss dissections of in Physics for his work in formulating the
stratigraphy. While working as a canal-site photography, and later legal disputes between human cadavers informed his The Seven Books electroweak theory. Weinbergs theory,
surveyor across Britain, Smith studied regional Swan and Edison over the light bulb led to on the Structure of the Human Body, which published in his 1967 article A Model of Leptons
rock strata and the fossils within each layer, the Edison & Swan United Electric Light included many detailed illustrations of internal explains that electromagnetic and weak forces
which enabled him to establish geological time Company partnership. human anatomy. He revolutionized anatomical are indistinguishable at extremely high
periods. Smith produced the rst geological teaching by insisting on the importance temperatures, such as those occurring
map of England and Wales, in 1815. Talbot, William Henry Fox (180077) English of close observation and the use of during the Big Bang.
chemist and photography pioneer. Talbot is human cadavers.
Snell, Willebrord (15801626) Dutch physicist best known for his calotype photographic Weismann, August (18341914) German
and mathematician credited with discovering process that produced negatives from which Villasante, Manuel Losada (1929) Spanish biologist and founder of the modern science
the law of refraction. In 1617, he presented a prints could be taken. Talbot had 12 patents biologist and biochemist noted for his research of genetics. Weismann is known for his germ
method of measuring Earth by triangulation, to his name and published over 50 articles on the photosynthetic assimilation of nitrogen. plasm theory, which states that all living
and in 1621, developed his law of refraction. on mathematics, astronomy, and physics. His Losadas work focuses on biochemical and things are born with a special and stable
book, The Pencil of Nature, was the rst to biological systems that can transform solar hereditary substance. A supporter of Darwin,
Snow, John (181358) English physician and feature photographic illustrations. energy into chemical energy. Weismann opposed the idea of the inheritance
pioneer of modern epidemiology. Snow is best of acquired characters.
known for showing cholera to be a waterborne Tansley, Arthur (18711955) English Virchow, Rudolf Carl (18211902) German
diseasea theory he published in 1839 and ecologist and conservationist who coined the physician and founding gure of modern White, Gilbert (172093) English naturalist,
conrmed in 1854 through his investigation of term ecosystem. Tansley advocated the study pathology. Virchow popularized the expression clergyman and author of The Natural History
Londons Broad Street pump outbreak. He of plants within their natural communities every cell is derived from a cell and showed and Antiquities of Selborne. Whites observation
also promoted gaseous anesthesia after an approach central to modern ecology. that disease occurs as a result of changes in journals on his garden have attained English
administering chloroform to Queen Victoria. Tansleys best-known book was the 1939 normal cells. A pioneer of social medicine, he classic status.
The British Islands and their Vegetation. advocated the advancement of public health.
Somerville, Mary (17801872) Scottish Whler, Friedrich (180082) German chemist
astronomer, geographer, and popularizer Tesla, Nikola (18561943) Serbian engineer Volta, Alessandro (17451827) Italian who became the rst to synthesize an organic
of science. With little formal education, and pioneering inventor in the elds of physicist and inventor of the voltaic pilethe compound, urea, from an inorganic substance,
Somerville won acclaim for her 1831 electricity and radio transmission. Tesla rst electric battery to produce an electric ammonium cyanate. Professor of chemistry at
translation of Pierre-Simon Laplaces emigrated to America in 1884 where he current. A professor of physics at Pavia Gttingen University, Germany, Whler also
The Mechanism of the Heavens. Celebrated as worked with Thomas Edison and sold patents University, Italy, Volta also invented the discovered calcium carbide, isolated the
the Queen of the Sciences for her numerous to George Westinghouse. He invented the electrophorusa device that produced a static elements silicon and beryllium, and developed
and wide-ranging books, in 1835, she and Tesla coil transformer, the induction motor, electric charge, and was the rst to isolate a way of preparing metallic aluminum.
Caroline Herschel became the rst women and discovered the rotating magnetic eld. methane gas. The unit of electrical potential
members of the Royal Astronomical Society. The unit of magnetic induction bears his name. the voltbears his name. Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman (19212011)
American medical physicist and co-recipient of
Srensen, Sren Peder Lauritz (18681939) Thomson, Joseph John (18561940) Vries, Hugo de (18481935) Dutch botanist the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Danish biochemist famed for introducing the pH English physicist who discovered the known for his research into the nature of for developing radioimmunoassay. This is a
scale for expressing hydrogen ion concentration electron. A professor of experimental physics mutations in plant breeding. While a professor method of measuring minute substances in
as a measure of acidity. Srensen also at Cambridge University, Thomson also at Amsterdam University, Vries coined the the blood, such as hormones, enzymes, and
contributed to the chemical technology of developed the mathematical theory of terms mutation, isotonic, and pangene vitamins. Director of the Berson Research
Denmarks spirits and explosives industries. electricity and magnetism, discovered the (later shortened to gene), and rediscovered Laboratory, Yalow was the second woman to
natural radioactivity of potassium, and Gregor Mendels laws of heredity, while being win a Nobel Prize in this eld.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro (172999) Italian invented the mass spectrometer. He received unaware of Mendels work at the time.
biologist and physiologist noted for his the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for his study Yukawa, Hideki (190781) Japanese physicist
experimental research on animal reproduction of conduction of electricity through gases. Waals, Johannes Diderik van der (18371923) awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize in Physics for
and bodily functions. Spallanzani discredited Dutch physicist awarded the 1910 Nobel Prize his theory of elementary particles. Yukawas
the theory of spontaneous generation and Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) (18241907) in Physics for his equation of state for gases prediction of the existence of the meson, a
showed that living cells use oxygen and give Scottish physicist and thermodynamic pioneer and liquids. The equation explained why real subatomic particle hundred times heavier than
off carbon dioxide. He also proved that mammal known for determining the correct value of uids do not obey the ideal gas laws at high the electron, would inform later research on
reproduction requires semen and an ovum, and absolute zero. Appointed a professor at pressures. His work led to the liquefaction nuclear and high-energy physics. He joined
was the rst to articially inseminate a dog. Glasgow University at 22, Thomson developed of hydrogen and helium, and the study of other scientists in signing the RussellEinstein
the second law of thermodynamics and the temperatures near absolute zero. Manifesto for nuclear disarmament in 1955.
Spitzer, Lyman (191497) American theoretical electromagnetic theory of light, determined
physicist and astronomer who made signicant the value of absolute zero, and helped lay the Wallace, Alfred Russel, British naturalist Zhang Heng (78139) Chinese geographer,
contributions to the study of interstellar rst transatlantic telegraph cables. Deeply (18231913) See p.203 mathematician, and astronomer who invented
matter, plasma physics, and the dynamics religious, he used his estimate of Earths age a device to record any earthquake within 310
of star clusters. Spitzers 1946 proposal of to argue against evolution by natural selection. Warburg, Otto Heinrich (18831970) German miles (500 km) by causing a ball to drop from a
a space telescope led to the development biochemist and physician awarded the 1931 model dragon into a frogs mouth below, thus
of the Hubble telescope, and he helped design Trevithick, Richard (17711833) English Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for making a sound. Zhang also calculated the
the ultraviolet astronomy satellite, Copernicus. engineer and inventor of the rst successful his research on cancerous tumors and the value of pi, created a comprehensive star map,
steam-powered railroad locomotive. respiration of cells. Director of the Kaiser and explained solar and lunar eclipses.
Stahl, Georg (16601734) German physician Trevithicks engines were rst used to power Wilhelm Institute, Warburg discovered the
and chemist who founded the phlogiston theory stationary mill and mine machinery, but he nature and mode of action of the respiratory
of combustion, which states that all substances invented the rst self-propelled road vehicle yellow enzyme, outlining his research in
that burn contain a substance called phlogiston. in 1801, and the railroad locomotive in 1803. The Metabolism of Tumors (1931).

Terms dened elsewhere in the glossary are passing a hollow needle through the atom The smallest part of an element that biomass (1) The amount of living material of a
in italics. mothers body wall under anesthetic. has the chemical properties of that element. specic kind or in a given area. (2) Non-fossil
An atom consists of a nucleus of protons and plant material, such as wood, usable as fuel.
aberration Any of various defects that may amp (ampere) The SI unit of electric current.
neutrons surrounded by orbiting electrons.
occur in an image formed by a lens or mirror. biosphere The surface regions of Earth
amplitude The size of a vibration or the
atomic mass Also called atomic weight, a where living things are found.
absolute scale Also called Kelvin scale, a height of a wave.
measure of the relative amount of material
temperature scale starting at absolute zero. bit In computing, a fundamental unit of
anaphase The stage of mitosis or meiosis in different kinds of atoms. (Hydrogen atoms
information having just two possible values,
absolute zero The lowest possible where chromosomes or chromatids separate have the smallest atomic mass.)
as either of the binary digits 0 or 1.
temperature (0 K, 459.67F, or 273.15C), from one another.
atomic number The number of protons
when there is no random energy of black body A theoretical object that can
anatomy The study of the internal structure in the nucleus of an atom. All atoms of the
movement in atoms and molecules. absorb all electromagnetic radiation, and
of living things. same element have the same atomic number.
can also emit radiation of all wavelengths,
absorption (1) The taking up of one
anesthesia The production of pain relief by atomic theory Any theory that states that dependent only on its temperature.
substance by another. (2) The capture of
loss of sensation or consciousness. Drugs matter is made up of atoms.
electromagnetic radiation by matter. black hole A super-dense body of matter
that achieve this are called anesthetics.
atomic weight See atomic mass. with gravity so intense that not even light
acceleration The rate of change of velocity.
angle of incidence The angle between a can escape from it.
ATP Adenosine triphosphate, an important
acid A compound containing hydrogen light ray hitting a surface and an imaginary
energy-carrying molecule in all living cells. blastocyst A hollow ball of cells that is an
that splits up in water to give reactive line perpendicular to that surface.
early stage in the formation of an embryo.
hydrogen ions. aurora borealis A display of lights in the
angle of reection The angle between a
night sky in Arctic regions, caused by the blood type Also called blood group, any
acoustics (1) The study of sound. (2) The light ray reected from a surface and an
impact of electrically charged particles from of several categories into which blood can
properties of a particular space, such as a imaginary line perpendicular to that surface.
the Sun with Earths atmosphere. be classied, dened by differences in the
concert hall, in terms of how sound travels
anion A negatively charged ion. surface chemistry of red blood cells.
around it. axis (1) The imaginary line about which
anode A positive electrode. a body, such as a planet, rotates. blood vessel An artery, vein, or capillary.
active transport In biology, any transport of
(2) A reference line on a graph. See also vascular circulation.
substances across cell membranes that anther A pollen-producing structure of a
requires energy input. ower, which together with its supporting axle A structural rod upon which a wheel or boiling point The temperature at which a
stalk (lament) makes up a stamen. wheels revolve, or a rod which revolves particular liquid changes into a gas.
acupuncture A medical treatment originating
along with the wheels.
in China, which involves ne needles being antibiotic A drug used to kill or inhibit the bond A binding connection between atoms.
inserted into the skin at particular points. growth of bacteria that cause infections. background radiation See cosmic background
botany The study of plants.
adaptation Any inherited aspect of an antibodies Proteins produced by the body
Brownian motion The random movement
organisms structure or behavior that helps that identify and attack foreign particles, bacteriophage A virus that attacks bacteria,
of tiny particles in a liquid or a gas, caused
t it to its environment; also, the evolutionary such as invading bacteria. called phage for short.
by molecules colliding with them.
process giving rise to such features.
antigen Anything that stimulates the body to bacterium (plural: bacteria) A member of a
buoyancy The tendency of an object to rise
ADP Adenosine diphosphate, a compound produce antibodies, such as the outer coat of kingdom of single-celled microscopic life
upward in a uid (liquid or gas) when the
formed when ATP releases energy. an invading microorganism. forms whose cells lack nuclei. See also
object is less dense than the uid.
prokaryotic cell.
adrenal gland Either of two glands situated antiparticle A version of a subatomic
byte A unit of information storage
one on top of each kidney. particle that is opposite in electrical charge barometer An instrument for measuring
and transmission in computing and
to the normal version. air pressure.
alchemy A medieval science that tried, telecommunications. A kilobyte is a
among other things, to change different aphasia The inability to produce and/or base (1) A substance that reacts with an acid thousand bytes, a megabyte is a million
metals into gold. understand speech. to form a salt. (Soluble bases are called bytes, and a gigabyte is a billion bytes.
alkalis.) (2) Any of the four similar molecules
algae (singular: alga) Simple water-living area The size of a two-dimensional surface. calculus (1) A branch of mathematics based
found repeatedly in molecules of DNA,
organisms that produce their food by on calculations involving tiny innitesimal
arithmetical progression A sequence of whose order spells out the genes of living
photosynthesis. They include single-celled changes. It comprises differential calculus,
numbers each differing from the previous things. (3) In mathematics, the specic
forms as well as large seaweeds. which is concerned with rates of change, and
one by the same amount. number that forms the basis of how
integral calculus, which can be used to
algebra A branch of mathematics that numbers are conventionally written down.
armillary sphere A metal model in the form calculate areas, volumes, etc. (2) A medical
involves performing calculations using For example, in everyday life 10 means ten
of an open sphere, representing the name for a hard mass formed in the body,
letters and other general symbols. (= one ten and no units) but in the binary
apparent movements of the Sun, stars, such as a kidney stone.
system 10 means two (= one two and no units);
algorithm Set of rules by which calculations planets, etc. as seen from Earth.
this latter system is also called base 2. calendar round cycle In the Maya
can be performed automatically, especially
artery A blood vessel leading away from the civilization, a cycle of 52 years after which
by a machine, to get a particular result. base pair A matching pair of complementary
heart. See also vascular circulation. the two separate Mayan calendar systems
bases opposite each other on the strands of
alkali A base that dissolves in water. become aligned with one other.
asteroid A small rocky body orbiting the a DNA molecule.
alkaline A solution with a pH greater than 7. Sun. See also meteoroid. calx A powdery or crumbly substance left
battery Originally, two or more voltaic cells
when a mineral or metal has been burnt.
allotropes Different forms of the same asthenosphere The relatively soft upper connected together; now often just means a
element. For example, graphite and diamond layer of Earths mantle, below the lithosphere. single voltaic cell. capacitor A device used to store electric
are allotropes of carbon. charge temporarily.
astrolabe A historical astronomical beta decay A form of radioactive decay in
alloy A metal that is a mixture of more than instrument used by astronomers and sailors which beta particles (fast-moving electrons capillaries The tiny blood vessels that supply
one element, either all metallic elements or for locating the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars. or positrons) are given out. tissues and connect the arteries and veins.
with non-metals mixed in. See also vascular circulation.
astronomical unit A unit of distance used in Big Bang The moment, estimated at about
alternating current An electric current astronomy equal to the distance between 13.8 billion years ago, when the present carbon A chemical element (symbol C,
whose direction reverses at regular intervals. Earth and the Moon. Universe is thought to have begun by atomic number 6) which forms more
explosion and expansion from a tiny point. compounds than any other element,
alternator An electric generator that astronomy The scientic study of space and
including the important chemicals of life.
produces an alternating current. the Universe beyond Earths atmosphere. binomial system The standard system of
giving a two-part scientic name to each carbon cycle The cycling of carbon through
amino acid Any of a group of small molecules atmosphere (1) The gases that surround
biological species. For example, the human the living and non-living parts of Earth and
that are the building blocks of proteins. They the Sun, Earth, and some planets. (2) A
species is named Homo sapiens. its atmosphere.
also have various other roles in the body. measurement of pressure.
biodegradable Able to be broken down by cartography The science and practice of
amniocentesis Obtaining a sample of the atmospheric pressure The normal pressure
natural biological processes. mapmaking.
uid surrounding a baby in the womb by of the air, especially near the ground.

catalyst A substance that speeds up a descendants of a given cell; an animal bred describing how this ratio varies when the discrete units, such as the 0 and 1 values
chemical reaction without being changed articially using the cell nucleus of an adult. angle changes as the hypotenuse sweeps of the binary system.
itself at the end of the reaction. round a circle.
cloud chamber An early form of apparatus digital sound Sound recorded digitally.
cathode A negative electrode, from which for detecting subatomic particles. cosmic background radiation Microwave
diode An electronic component that lets
electrons ow or are emitted. radiation coming from all directions of outer
codon A sequence of three adjacent bases that electricity ow in one direction only.
space that represents a relic of the Big Bang.
cathode ray tube A kind of vacuum tube forms part of the genetic code. Most codons
dioptre A unit of refractive power of a lens.
incorporating a uorescent screen, best represent the code for adding a specic amino cosmic rays High-energy particles
See refraction.
known from its use in televisions and acid to a protein being synthesized in the cell. bombarding Earth from space.
monitors before the era of at screens. diploid cell A cell containing two copies of
cohesion The force of attraction between cosmological principle The principle that
each chromosome.
cauterization Destroying tissues by applying two particles of the same substance. the Solar System and Earth are not positioned
heat: used in medicine, especially in the past, in any special or central place in the Universe. DNA Short for deoxyribonucleic acid,
coke A solid fuel, mostly carbon, obtained
to remove small growths or stop bleeding. the large molecule that carries the genetic
by heating coal in the absence of air. cosmology The study of the Universe on the
information in all living things, except for
celestial body A natural body in space, such largest scale.
combustion A chemical reaction (burning) some viruses which use RNA.
as a planet or star.
in which a substance combines with oxygen, coulomb The SI unit of electric charge.
double helix A double spiral: the term
celestial sphere Imaginary sphere on which producing heat energy.
covalent bond A chemical bond formed by is used particularly to refer to the two
the stars seem to lie when seen from Earth.
comet Any of millions of bodies in the outer atoms sharing one or more electrons. intertwining strands of a DNA molecule.
cell (1) The unit of life: a tiny structure Solar System consisting of a mixture of rocky
cross-fertilization Fertilization of a plant by driving mechanism A mechanism that
composed of genes, surrounding uid that particles and ice. A comet becomes apparent
a different member of the same species (in transmits mechanical movement and power.
carries out chemical reactions, and an when it orbits close to the Sun, its evaporating
contrast to self-fertilization).
enclosing membrane. See also eukaryotic ice and dust particles producing a visible tail. dwarf planet An astronomical object (which
cell, prokaryotic cell. (2) See voltaic cell. crystal A solid whose constituent atoms, includes the former planet Pluto) that is big
companion planting Growing plants of
ions, or molecules are arranged in a regular, enough to have become rounded by its own
cell division The process by which one cell different crops together for mutual benet.
repeating geometrical pattern. gravity, but not big enough to have cleared
splits to produce two daughter cells.
compass Any of various devices to indicate surrounding space of objects.
cubic equation A mathematical equation
Celsius scale The temperature scale in the direction of north and south.
containing at least one variable number dye A substance that colors a material.
which, under normal conditions, water
compound A molecule or chemical multiplied by itself twice (for example,
freezes at 0 and boils at 100. dynamics Branch of physics, which studies
substance made up of atoms of two or xxx, also written x 3 ), but no variables
the movement of objects when under the
centrifuge A device used to separate more elements bonded together. multiplied more times than this.
inuence of forces.
substances of different densities by spinning
concave Curving or projecting inward. cumulus clouds Rounded uffy clouds that
them at high speed. dynamo A generator that produces direct
form when moisture-containing air rises.
concentric spheres Hollow spheres, arranged current.
cerebellum Part of the brain near the back
one outside the other, with the same center. cuneiform A form of writing using
of the skull. Its primary role is to control the eclipse The temporary hiding of one
wedge-shaped impressions made in clay,
detailed coordination of movements. conductor A structure or material that astronomical object behind another,
characteristic of some ancient civilizations.
conducts electricity and/or heat easily. especially the Sun behind the Moon when
cerebrum The largest part of the brain in
curvature of space The idea derived seen from Earth (a solar eclipse), or Earth
mammals, and in humans responsible for cones Light-sensitive cells in the retina of
from relativity that, viewed on a large scale, between the Moon and the Sun, when Earths
most conscious thought and activity. the eye of humans and some other animals
space itself is curved, not in three straight shadow falls on the Moon (a lunar eclipse).
that make it possible to see colors.
chain reaction A chemical or nuclear dimensions as common sense would suggest.
ecliptic The curved path, representing
reaction in which the product of one step conic section Any of several mathematically
curve In mathematics, a plot on a graph of the plane of the Solar System, through
triggers the next step, which in turn triggers important curves and shapes, produced by
one quantity against another, or a line that which the Sun and planets appear to move
the next step, and so on. intersecting a cone with a plane surface.
represents a particular geometrical shape. through the skies over the course of a year.
chaos theory A mathematical theory for conjugation In bacteria, the transfer of
dark energy A little-understood theoretical ecology The study of the relationships
analyzing complex systems whose behavior genetic material by direct cell-to-cell contact.
phenomenon proposed to explain why the between organisms and their environment.
is very dependent on initial conditions, for
conjunctiva Mucous membrane covering the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.
example weather systems. ecosystem A community of living things
inside of the eyelids and the front of the eye.
dark matter Matter that cannot be detected considered together with the interactions
charged particle A small particle which has
conservation of energy The principle that by conventional means but which must exist between them and their physical environment.
a net positive or negative electrical charge.
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, in galaxies to explain their gravitational
egg (1) A female sex cell (gamete), also called
chlorophyll The green pigment found in but only changed from one form to another. properties. Its properties mean that it cannot
an ovum. (2) A structure that protects the
plants that absorbs light to provide the be made of atoms as we understand them.
constellation A named pattern of stars that growing embryo in birds and other animals.
energy for photosynthesis.
astronomers use when referring to different dead reckoning Navigating by estimating
elasticity The tendency of a substance to
chloroplasts The chlorophyll-containing regions of the sky. speed and direction only, without using other
bounce back to its original shape or
structures in the cells of plants and algae checks such as astronomical observations.
continental drift The moving of Earths volume when an applied force is removed.
where photosynthesis occurs.
continents with respect to each other over decibel The standard unit for measuring
electric charge A basic property of many
chromatid One of two identical strands of a millions of years, resulting from plate sound intensity.
subatomic particles that makes them
chromosome. During cell division, the strands tectonic activity.
decomposition (1) The decay of organic interact electromagnetically. Charge can
part and become separate chromosomes.
convection The transfer of heat through a material. (2) In chemistry, a reaction that be either positive or negative.
chromosomes Structures within living cells uid by currents within the uid. breaks a larger molecule into smaller ones.
electric circuit A complete loop of
that contain copies of the genes of an
convergent boundary The line along which detector In electronics, the circuit in a radio conducting material that carries an electric
organism. Each chromosome consists of a
two tectonic plates that are moving toward receiver that separates out the sound signal current and connects electrical devices such
single long DNA molecule combined with
each other meet. See plate tectonics. from a radio wave. as switches and light bulbs.
various proteins. For example, humans have
23 pairs of chromosomes, with a complete convergent evolution The phenomenon differential calculus See calculus. electric current The ow of electrical energy.
set present in nearly every cell of the body. by which unrelated species evolve similar
differentiation The type of calculation electric motor A device in which electrical
features as a result of adaptation to
circuit See electric circuit. carried out in differential calculus. power is converted into rotational
similar environments or ecological niches.
mechanical power.
circulation See vascular circulation. diffraction The bending of waves around
convex Curving or projecting outward.
obstacles or the spreading out of waves electrical resistance Resistance to the ow
circumference The distance round the
Coriolis effect The deection of winds and when they pass through a narrow aperture. of electricity, usually resulting in heat being
perimeter of an object or shape.
ocean currents by the rotation of Earth. given off.
diffusion The spreading of one substance
climate The average weather conditions of
corona The outer atmosphere of the Sun or through another by random motions of its electrode An electrical terminal, which can
a region over a long period.
another star. atoms or molecules. conduct electricity into or out of a system.
clone An identical copy or set of copies.
cosine (cos) The ratio of the adjacent side of digital A term referring to the storage and electrolysis Chemical change or breakdown
Depending on the context, it can refer to:
an angle to the hypotenuse in a right-angled transmission of information (such as sound in an electrolyte caused by electrical current
a copied DNA molecule; a set of identical
triangle. Also, the mathematical function or video information) using patterns of being passed through it.

electrolyte A substance that conducts dene fully but can be regarded as the agent formula (plural: formulas or formulae) genome The complete set of genes for
electricity when molten or in solution. that can produce change in the Universe. (1) In chemistry, a set of symbols that an organism.
represent the makeup of a substance. (2) A set
electromagnetic induction See induction, entanglement In quantum physics, the genotype The genetic makeup of an
of mathematical symbols expressing a rule,
senses 2 and 3. linking of two particles as one, so that when organism.
principle, or method for nding an answer.
the particles move apart, a change in one
electromagnetic radiation Waves of energy geological period One of the time divisions
instantly causes a change in the other. fossil The long-preserved remains of a
that are in the form of electric and magnetic (such as the Jurassic period) into which
living thing, especially when it has been
elds vibrating at right angles to each other. environment The surroundings of living Earths history is divided.
mineralized (turned to stone).
things, sometimes including the living things
electromagnetic rotation Mechanical geostationary Term applied to a satellite
themselves. Fraunhofer lines Dark lines in the spectrum
rotation produced by electromagnetic means. orbiting Earth at the same rate as Earth
of the Sun and other stars. They show where
enzyme A catalyst in living things that rotates, so staying above one particular
electromagnetic spectrum The complete particular chemical elements in a stars outer
increases the speed of a particular point on the surface.
range of electromagnetic radiation, layers are absorbing light from the stars.
biochemical reaction. There are thousands
including (from the highest to the lowest geothermal Relating to the internal heat
of different kinds, nearly all of them proteins. freezing point The temperature at which a
frequency and energy): gamma rays, X-rays, of Earth, or energy obtained from it.
given liquid freezes. Freezing point also
ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared equinox Either of the twice-yearly moments
depends on pressure. germ theory The theory that infectious
radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. when the Sun crosses the celestial equator
living agents (germs) cause many diseases.
and the day-length of the Northern and friction A force that resists or stops the
electromagnetism The physics of
Southern Hemispheres is momentarily equal. movement of objects in contact with each glaciation Coverage of land areas by
the electromagnetic eld created by the
other. The friction between an object and a glaciers and ice caps.
interaction of electricity and magnetism. escapement Mechanism in a clock or watch
uid, such as air or water, is known as drag.
that allows its motive power to be released gluons Particles within protons and neutrons
electromotive force (emf) The potential
in a way that provides exactly timed motion. fundamental particle Also called an that hold their component quarks together.
difference of a battery or generator, which
elementary particle, any subatomic particle
pushes an electric current around a circuit. eukaryotic cell The typical cell of an animal gravitational force The force of gravity. It is
such as electrons, which it is believed does
or plant, in which the genes are contained in regarded as one of the four fundamental
electron A tiny subatomic particle with a not consist of simpler particles. Electrons
a nucleus. See also prokaryotic cell. forces in the Universe.
negative electric charge. Electrons are are an example, but not protons or neutrons
leptons, with about a thousandth of the mass evolution The gradual process by which since they are made of quarks. gravitational lensing Phenomenon where
of a proton or neutron. They orbit the nuclei living things develop and change over a long the gravity of a large astronomical object
fuse (1) A safety device used in electrical
of atoms in a cloud, and their movement is period of time. can bend light coming from another behind
circuits, such as a thin wire which melts if
responsible for electric currents in circuits. it, sometimes resulting in several images of
evolutionary biology The study of evolution too much current passes through it. (2) A
the more distant object being visible.
electron micrograph Permanent magnied and its related areas of biology. cord or other device that can be ignited or
image of an object obtained using an activated and used to set off an explosive. gravity The tendency of every body
exoplanet A planet that orbits a star
electron microscope. possessing mass to attract every
other than the Sun; also known as an Gaia hypothesis The concept that all the
other body.
electron microscope A microscope that extrasolar planet. living things and physical components of
uses a beam of electrons instead of light to Earth interact to form a complex self- greenhouse effect Heating effect due to
exothermic Of a chemical reaction, resulting
obtain a magnied image of an object. regulating system, like a huge organism. heat rays from the ground being absorbed
in the release of heat.
by some of the gases in the atmosphere.
electron shell One of the layers in which galaxy A huge grouping of stars, dust, and
Fahrenheit scale The temperature scale
electrons orbit around the nucleus of an atom. gas, all loosely held together by gravity. Our greenhouse gases Gases that lead to the
named after Gabriel Fahrenheit, in which,
galaxy is called the Milky Way. greenhouse effect, including water vapor,
electron volt A small unit of energy, under normal conditions, water freezes at
carbon dioxide, and methane.
convenient when discussing the energies 32 and boils at 212. gamete A sex cell, such as a sperm or
of subatomic particles. egg cell. Gametes have half the number habitat The environment where a particular
faience Pottery decorated with glazes.
of chromosomes of most other cells (see living thing occurs naturally.
electrophoresis A technique for analyzing
fermion Any of the group of subatomic haploid cell) so that, when they join together
and separating large molecules and small Hadley cell The circulation pattern of the
particles associated with matter, such as in fertilization, the normal number of
particles by using the different speeds at atmosphere in the tropics, which brings
electrons, quarks, and protons, rather than chromosomes is restored.
which they move through a medium when north- and southeasterly trade winds toward
those that carry force, such as bosons.
electricity is supplied. gametocytes Cells that represent an early the equator at surface level and returns
Ferrel cell The circulation of the stage in the production of gametes. westerly winds at high level.
electroscope An instrument demonstrating
atmosphere in midlatitudes that brings
the presence of electric charge. ganglion Concentration of nerve cell bodies, half-life (1) The time taken for the radioactive
westerly winds at surface level and
more so outside the central nervous system. emission of any particular radioactive
electrostatic Relating to stationary electric returning easterly winds at high level.
material to drop to half of its initial value. (2)
charges. Geiger counter An instrument used to
fertilization The joining of two gametes as The time taken for a drug in the body to reduce
detect and measure radioactivity.
electrostatic eld The eld of force the rst stage of producing a new organism. to half of its original concentration.
surrounding a stationary electrically gene The basic unit of inheritance in living
fetus The unborn, developing offspring of a haploid cell A cell containing only one copy
charged object. things, a segment of DNA (or RNA in some
mammal. In humans, it covers pregnancy of each chromosome.
viruses) that typically codes for making a
element In chemistry, a substance whose after the rst eight weeks.
particular protein and also incorporates hemoglobin An iron-containing protein that
atoms are all of the same kind (that is, all have
eld of force A condition produced in the features allowing it to be switched on and off. is the carrier of oxygen in the blood.
the same number of protons in their nuclei).
space around (for example) a magnet
gene map A plot of the sequence of genes heredity The passing on of characteristics
ellipse A at symmetrical oval shape or (magnetic eld) or an electric charge
along an entire strand of DNA. from one generation to the next.
outline, like a attened circle. (electric eld), which can be diagrammed as
curved lines showing the direction in which gene sequencing Finding out the order of hertz (Hz) The SI unit of frequency. One
embryo An early stage in the development
any nearby object inuenced by these forces bases in the DNA of particular genes. hertz is one cycle per second.
of a new individual (animal or plant). In
will tend to be moved.
humans, an embryo more than eight weeks generator A device that converts histology The study of tissues of the body.
old is called a fetus. lament See anther. mechanical energy into electrical energy.
homeobox A sequence of DNA that is part of
emission lines Bright lines in the spectrum ssile A term referring to certain atomic genetic code The code by which sequences the genes controlling body development in
of light emitted by a body, usually indicating nuclei, such as one type of uranium, which of DNA spell out the recipe for making a animals, plants, and other organisms.
the presence of particular elements. are capable of being split into two roughly particular protein. See also codon.
hominid Any member of the primate family
equal parts when bombarded with neutrons.
endangered species A species of living genetic drift Change in the overall genetic Hominoidea, including humans.
thing that is at risk of becoming extinct. intlock mechanism A mechanism for composition of a population as a result of
horology The science of clockmaking and of
discharging a gun by using the spark random events rather than natural selection.
endocrinology The study of hormones and measuring time.
obtained from a int striking metal.
of the endocrine glands that produce them. genetic engineering Techniques of articially
H-R diagram HertzsprungRussell diagram.
uid A substance that can ow, including modifying an organisms characteristics by
endoscope Any of various instruments for A chart showing how stars evolve from one
solids, liquids, or plasmas. manipulating its genetic material.
directly viewing inside the body. type to another over time.
FM Frequency modulation. The transmission genetic ngerprinting The analysis of a
energy Traditionally described as the html Hypertext markup language. The main
of a signal by changing the frequency of the DNA sample to identify who it belongs to.
capacity to do work, energy is difcult to computer language used on websites.
carrier wave, such as a radio wave.

http Hypertext transfer protocol. The call integrated circuit A tiny electric circuit made by the strong nuclear force, unlike quarks takes place in two stages, and in which
and response system used to link websites of components built into the surface of a and particles made up of quarks. haploid sex cells are produced.
to the Internet. silicon chip.
leucocyte A white blood cell. Mercators projection A way of representing
Hubbles law This law states that a galaxys interference The disturbance of signals the Earths surface on a at map so that
Leyden jar Capacitor, invented in the 18th
distance is proportional to the speed at where two or more waves meet. longitude and latitude lines are at right
century, capable of delivering electric shocks.
which it is moving away from us; the more angles to each other.
interferometry Techniques for analyzing
distant the galaxy, the faster it is receding. line of force One of the imaginary lines in a
the interference patterns of waves. merozoite A stage in the life cycle of some
This shows that the Universe is expanding. eld of force.
microscopic parasites.
Internet The electronic information network
Human Genome Project The worldwide linear equation A mathematical equation
linking computers around the world. mesopause The boundary between the
science project completed in 2003 to map that contains no variable number multiplied
mesosphere and the thermosphere, about
the entire sequence of genes in human DNA. interstellar space The space between stars, by itself (for example, there is no x 2 , x 3 , etc.).
50 miles (80 km) above Earths surface.
where density of matter is typically very low. Linear equations result in straight lines
hydraulic pressure The pressure created
when plotted out on graphs. mesosphere (1) The layer of the atmosphere
by a uid, for example, when pushed through ion An atom or molecule that has lost or
above the stratosphere. (2) The layer of the
a pipe. gained one or more electrons to become lithosphere The rigid outer layer of Earth,
Earths mantle below the asthenosphere.
electrically charged. consisting of the crust and the uppermost
hydraulics The study and phenomena of
layer of the underlying mantle. metabolism The sum total of all the
liquids owing through pipes, especially ionic bond A chemical bond formed when
chemical reactions taking place in a
when used as a source of power. one or more electrons have been transferred lock and key Term applied to a situation (for
living organism.
from one atom to another, creating two ions of example involving biological molecules)
hydrocarbon A chemical compound made
opposite charge that attract each other. where two parts have to match and interact metal A substance typically having a
up of carbon and hydrogen only.
like a lock and key to effect a change. combination of properties including shiny
ionosphere The part of Earths atmosphere
hydrogen The lightest, most abundant appearance, ability to be bent into shape,
that reects radio waves. It lies within the lodestone A naturally magnetic piece of the
chemical, which makes up about 75 percent and high conductivity to heat and electricity.
thermosphere. iron-containing mineral magnetite.
of the total mass of elements in the Universe. Most chemical elements are metals, and
irrational number Any number that cannot logarithm In mathematics, the power to there are also thousands of metallic alloys.
hydrostatics The branch of physics that
be expressed as one whole number divided which a base, such as 10, must be raised
studies the pressure and equilibrium of metaphase The stage of mitosis and
by another. to yield a given number.
liquids at rest. meiosis preceding anaphase, during which
isomer A chemical compound with the same long count An indenitely long calendar with the chromosomes are aligned along the
imaginary number Any number that is a
formula but a different structure to another a starting point of several thousand years ago, middle of the cell.
multiple of the square root of 1, which does
compound. used by the Maya and other Mesoamericans.
not exist as a normal number. meteoroid Any rocky body, smaller than an
isotope A version of a chemical element in longitude A measure of position on Earth, asteroid, moving freely through space in the
imaging Any method of producing images,
which the atoms have different numbers of measured by degrees east or west from an Solar System. If one falls to Earth and is not
especially when done indirectly by analyzing
neutrons in their nuclei compared with other imaginary line (the prime meridian) running completely burnt up, it is called a meteorite.
X-rays, magnetic responses of materials, etc.
atoms of that element. from the north to the south pole via Greenwich
microorganism A tiny organism which can
immune system The bodys natural defense in London. All other lines of longitude also
IVF In-vitro fertilization. The techniques be seen only with the aid of a microscope.
mechanisms, which react to foreign material run from the north to the south pole.
(informally called the test-tube baby
such as microorganisms, with effects such microscope An instrument that produces
method) of arranging for a sperm to fertilize longitudinal wave A wave whose to-and-fro
as inammation and antibody production. magnied images of very small objects.
an egg outside the body before implanting movement takes place along the line that the
immunization The priming of the bodys the early embryo back in the womb. wave is traveling, not at right angles to it. mid-ocean ridge A ridge down the middle of
immune system, by inoculation, to ght Sound waves are an example. the ocean oor, created by volcanic material
joule The SI unit of work or energy.
against future infection. erupting from the gap between oceanic
low frequency Involving a relatively small
karyotype Chromosomal characterization of plates. See also plate tectonics.
indeterminate equation A mathematical number of vibrations in a given time period.
a species or individual in terms of the number,
equation which has more than one solution. mitosis The division of the nucleus during
size, and structure of each chromosome; also, luminosity The amount of light given out by
normal cell division, in which each daughter
induction Any of the processes by which (1) a diagram that shows this. an object, such as a star.
nucleus has the same number of
an object becomes electrically charged
Kelvin scale See absolute scale. lunar eclipse See eclipse. chromosomes as the parent cell.
when near another charged object; (2) a
magnetizable object becomes magnetized kinetic energy The energy an object has lymphatic system A network of tubes and mode (1) A particular pattern of vibrations.
when in the presence of an electric eld, because of its movement. small organs that drains a uid called lymph (2) In statistics, the value that occurs most
including one produced by an electric from the bodys tissues into the bloodstream. frequently in a set of data.
Kyoto Protocol An international agreement
current; (3) an electric current is produced
on climate change that sets industrialized lymphocytes Types of white blood cell that model organism A specimen studied by
in a circuit by a varying magnetic eld.
countries binding targets for reducing play specialist roles in the immune system. scientists with a view to developing
inertia The tendency of an object to remain greenhouse gas emissions. knowledge that can be applied more
magnetic dip The downward-pointing angle
at rest or to keep moving in a straight line generally for understanding other organisms.
Lamarckism The theory that evolution at which a freely moving compass points,
until a force acts on it.
depends on inheritance of characteristics representing the fact that Earths magnetic modular arithmetic Sometimes called
infrared radiation A type of electromagnetic acquired during an organisms life. poles lie below the surface. clock arithmetic, a method of counting
radiation with a wavelength just longer than where one starts again at the beginning
laser A device used to produce an intense magnetic poles (1) The two regions of a
that of visible light but shorter than that of after a set point is reached.
narrow beam of light in which the light rays magnet where magnetic effect is strongest.
microwaves. It is often experienced as heat.
are parallel. (2) The two variable points on Earth where modulation Transmitting information by
inheritance The pattern or manner in which Earths magnetic eld is strongest and superimposing an extra pattern upon a radio
latent heat The heat absorbed or given out,
genetic characteristics are passed on. toward which a compass needle points. wave (called a carrier wave) or other waves.
without change of temperature, when a
inhibitor In chemistry and biology, a substance substance changes between a liquid and magnetism The invisible force of attraction molecule Smallest free unit of an element
that prevents or hinders a reaction or a gas, or between a solid and a liquid. or repulsion produced by a magnetic eld. or compound, made up of at least two atoms.
physiological response.
lathe A machine designed to spin objects magnetosphere The magnetic eld around momentum A quantity equal to an objects
inoculation The deliberate introduction of around while cutting them into shape. a star or planet. mass multiplied by its velocity.
disease-causing organisms into the body in
latitude A measure of distance from the mass The amount of matter in an object. Monocotyledons (Monocots) A major
a mild or harmless form to stimulate the
equator (the poles are at 90 latitude and subgroup of owering plants (including
production of antibodies that will provide matter Anything that has mass and
the equator is at 0). Lines of latitude are grasses, orchids, spring bulbs, palms, etc.)
future protection against the disease. occupies space.
imaginary lines drawn around Earth, originally identied because they have only
inorganic chemistry Branch of chemistry parallel with the equator. megabyte See byte. one cotyledon (seed-leaf) in their seeds.
that deals with all chemicals except the
lens A transparent object shaped to refract megalith A large stone, especially one motor nerve A nerve that transmits
large number of organic compounds (those
light so that it produces or causes to be deliberately set in position as a marker or impulses from the central nervous system
that contain carbonhydrogen bonds).
produced a sharp image. monument in prehistoric times. to operate a muscle or control a gland.
insulator A material that stops or reduces
lepton A family of fundamental particles, meiosis A specialized type of cell division MRI Magnetic resonance imaging. A
the ow of electricity, heat, or sound.
including the electron, that are not affected (strictly speaking, of nuclear division) that noninvasive form of medical imaging.

multiple A number is described as a observatory A building or institution where position, such as nearby trees against distant Planck constant Symbol h, the ratio of the
multiple of x when x is multiplied by 2, 3, 4, astronomers study space. hills. Astronomers use the same principle to energy in one photon of electromagnetic
or any other whole number. measure the distance to nearby stars. radiation to its frequency. It is a fundamental
ohm The SI unit of electrical resistance.
constant in quantum physics.
mutation A random change in a chromosome parallel circuit A circuit in which there are
Oort cloud Huge spherical region containing
of a cell, either to a particular gene or on a at least two independent paths to get back plane gure A two-dimensional shape.
comets that is thought to exist toward the
larger scale. to the source.
outer boundary of the Solar System. planet A large spherical or almost spherical
myelin Fatty material wrapped around some particle In physics, usually short for body that orbits a star. See also dwarf planet.
opiates Drugs related to opium. They are
neurons, which speeds up the transmission subatomic particle.
strong painkillers but have many side-effects. plankton Plants, animals, or other life
of signals.
particle accelerator A giant machine in forms living in open water that cannot swim
optical bers Thin glass bers along which
myobril Any of the tiny structures in a which subatomic particles are accelerated strongly and so drift with the currents. Most
light travels, used in communication.
muscle that enable it to contract. along or around a tunnel by electromagnets, are small or microscopic.
optics The study of the behavior of light and and smashed together at very high speeds.
nano- A prex meaning a billionth plant A member of one of the major
how it is affected by devices such as lenses,
(thousand-millionth). particle physics The branch of physics that kingdoms of living things, making their own
mirrors, etc.
deals with subatomic particles. food using photosynthesis. They include
nanometer A billionth of a meter.
orbit The path of any body that is circling everything from trees and owers to ferns
pasteurization The heating of food to
natural selection The process whereby the around another one. and mosses, but not most algae (see alga).
destroy disease-causing bacteria.
inheritable characteristics that increase
orbital period The time a celestial body plasmid A normally circular strand of DNA
ones chances of survival and reproduction pathogen A disease-causing microorganism.
takes to complete one orbit around another. in bacteria or protozoa.
are passed on to the next generation.
peptide A molecule similar to a protein in
organ A group of tissues, usually grouped plate tectonics The theory and phenomena
Neanderthal A member of an extinct structure but typically smaller.
together in a discrete structure, that has a of Earths lithosphere being divided into huge
species closely related to modern humans.
special function, such as the brain. pericardium A tough double-layered rigid plates that move with respect to each
nebula Originally, a term for any distant membrane surrounding the heart. other. Some plates include continents or
organic Adjective that can refer to (1) Any
cloudlike object visible beyond Earths parts of continents, while others comprise
compound containing carbon, with the periodic table A table of the chemical
atmosphere. It now applies specically to only deep ocean oor.
exception of some simple molecules such as elements in order of their atomic numbers,
huge clouds of dust and gas which are often
carbon dioxide, (2) Food produced without whose vertical columns bring together platelets Irregular disk-shaped microscopic
the locations for new stars to be formed.
the use of articial fertilizers or pesticides. elements with similar properties. structures in the blood which function to
negative number A number less than zero. coagulate the blood and stop bleeding.
Orrery A mechanical model of the Solar perpetuum mobile Also called perpetual
nephron One of the million or so purication System, showing the relative positions and motion, the theoretically impossible notion pluripotent Term applied to a stem cell that
and ltration units in the kidney. orbits of the planets and their moons. that a machine can be made to run forever can give rise to any of several other cell types.
without energy input although work is
nerve A cablelike structure transmitting oscillation A regular movement back pneumatics Branch of physics studying the
extracted from it.
information and control instructions in the and forth. mechanical properties of air and other gases.
body. A typical nerve consists of strands of petal One of a set of structures surrounding
oscillator A circuit or instrument that polarized light Light in which the wave
many separate nerve cells (neurons) running the sexual organs of most owers, usually
produces an alternating current of vibrations occur only in one plane.
parallel to, but insulated from each other. shaped and colored for attracting pollinating
known frequency.
animals. pollen tube The tube that a germinating
nervous system The network of nerve cells
oscilloscope An instrument that shows pollen grain forms as it grows down the
(including the brain) that controls the body. pH A measure of acidity or alkalinity of a
electrical signals on a screen. female part of a ower to fertilize an ovule.
solution. A pH of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acid,
neuron A nerve cell.
osmosis The movement of water through and above 7 is alkaline. pollination The deposition of pollen on a
neutrino A tiny, almost massless, uncharged a semipermeable membrane from a weak ower so that its ovules can be fertilized
pharmacology The study of drugs and how
subatomic particle abundant in the Universe solution to a more concentrated one. and it can set seed.
they act in the body.
but rarely interacting with other matter.
ovary (1) The structure in animals that polymer A long, thin molecule made of many
phlogiston theory A now-disproved
neutron A subatomic particle found in all produces female sex cells (gametes). identical or very similar small molecules
18th-century theory that all burning involved
atomic nuclei except the normal form of (2) A specialized region of the female part joined together; also, a substance made of
giving off a substance called phlogiston.
hydrogen. It is similar in size to a proton but of a ower that contains the ovules. such molecules.
has no electric charge. photoelectric effect The emission of
ovule A structure within a ower that population In biology, a group of individuals
electrons from the surfaces of some objects
neutron star A small but extremely dense develops into a seed after fertilization. of the same species, especially when able to
when light hits them.
star made mostly of neutrons, formed by the interbreed with each other.
ovum An egg cell.
gravitational collapse of a giant star. photon The particle that makes up light and
positron Positively charged counterpart of
oxidation Originally, a reaction where a other electromagnetic radiation.
newton The SI unit of force. an electron, sometimes called antielectron.
substance combines with oxygen; now used
photoperiodism Any situation where
nitrogen A chemical element that as a gas for any reaction where a substance loses potential difference The electrical
life-processes in living things are affected
makes up most of Earths atmosphere, and electrons. Its opposite is reduction. equivalent of pressure. A high potential
by the length of daylight they are exposed to.
combined into compounds is essential to difference is like a high pressure forcing
oxide A compound of oxygen with one
living things. photosynthesis The process by which electricity round a circuit. Also called voltage.
other element.
plants and algae make food from water and
noble gases Gases such as helium and neon potential energy Stored energy that a body
oxidizing agent A compound that can carbon dioxide, using energy from the Sun.
that have a complete complement of electrons has because of its position or internal state.
cause oxidation.
in their outer shell and are very unreactive. physiology The study of body processes.
power (1) The rate of change of energy. (2)
oxygen A reactive gas that makes up Also a term for the body processes.
nomenclature A body or system of names. The number of times a number is multiplied
21 percent of Earths atmosphere and
pi The ratio of the circumference of a circle by itself: for example, xxx, or x 3 , is also
nuclear ssion See ssion. is essential to life.
to its diameter, approximately 22 divided by called x to the power of 3.
nuclear fusion A reaction in which the ozone A very reactive form of oxygen that 7, or about 3.14159.
precipitate Tiny solid particles formed in
nuclei of light atoms such as hydrogen fuse has three atoms in each molecule instead
piezoelectric effect The production of a liquid as a result of a chemical reaction.
to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy. of two.
electricity by applying mechanical stress
predator An animal that feeds by attacking
nuclear reaction A change in the nucleus of P wave Primary wave. A fast-moving to certain crystals, such as quartz.
and eating other animals (its prey),
an atom. earthquake wave that alternately stretches
pistil A female organ of a ower. especially those that are relatively large
and squeezes rocks as it moves.
nucleolus A small, dense, round body inside in relation to its own size.
piston A close-tting sliding disk or short
the nucleus of a cell. palynology The study of living and fossil
solid cylinder attached to a rod that is preservation The process of keeping
pollen grains and spores.
nucleus (1) Central part of an atom, made up pushed up and down in the cylinder of something in its original state, or free from
of protons and neutrons. (2) The structure in pancreas A gland close to the stomach an engine to provide power. harm, erosion, or decay.
eukaryote cells that contains chromosomes. that secretes digestive enzymes and also
pitch (1) The property of a sound that makes pressure Continual physical force pushing
hormones that regulate glucose levels.
nutrients Substances that are used by it high or low. (2) The angle of an aeroplane against an object, especially considered as
living organisms for growth, maintenance, parallax The apparent movement of objects wing, propeller blade, etc. force per unit area.
and reproduction. against each other when an observer moves

prey See predator. radioactivity Phenomena involving Richter scale A scale for measuring the size sine (sin) The ratio of the opposite side of an
radioactive decay. of an earthquake in terms of the amount of angle to the hypotenuse in a right-angled
prime number Any positive whole number
energy released. triangle. Also, the mathematical function
that cannot be divided to give another whole radiometric dating The process of nding
describing how this ratio varies when the
number except by dividing by itself and 1. a rocks absolute age by detecting the right angle An angle created by lines
angle changes as the hypotenuse sweeps
stage of radioactive decay of particular meeting perpendicularly, forming an equal
prism (1) Any solid geometric form with round a circle.
isotopes in it. angle on either side.
sides that form a parallelogram. (2) A prism-
skeleton The frame of bone and cartilage in
shaped block of glass, especially one with RAM Random access memory. Computer RNA Ribonucleic acid. A molecule similar
vertebrates that supports the body and
triangular sides, that is used to split white memory chips where information can be to DNA with various roles in cells, including
protects its organs, or any structure in other
light into the colors of the spectrum. stored and retrieved. acting as an intermediary between DNA and
animals that serves similar functions.
the rest of the cell.
probability The likelihood of an event rarefaction The opposite of compression,
slide rule A ruler with a central sliding bar
happening, normally expressed as a value especially in a gas, where the density robot (1) An intelligent humanlike machine
designed to make quick calculations using
between 0 and 1. becomes lowered. (mainly in ctional contexts). (2) A machine,
especially a programmable one, that can
product In mathematics, the result of one ratio The proportional relation between two
carry out a complex series of movements. smelting Extracting a metal from its ore.
number being multiplied by another. numbers.
ruminant An animal such as a cow or deer software The programs used by a computer.
prokaryotic cell The cell of microscopic reactant A substance taking part in a
that chews the cud.
organisms such as bacteria: it is smaller chemical reaction. solar constant The amount of heat energy
than a eukaryotic cell and does not have a S wave Secondary wave. An earthquake from the Sun received per unit area of
reaction (1) A force same in magnitude, but
separate nucleus. wave that travels through the ground as Earths surface.
opposite in direction, to another force. Every
lateral or horizontal waves.
prosthetic An articial body part. force has a reaction. (2) Any change that solar eclipse See eclipse.
alters the chemical properties of a satellite An object that orbits a planet.
protein Any of thousands of different types solar are A sudden burst of radiation from
substance or forms a new substance. There are natural satellites, such as a moon,
of large molecules made by the body and the Sun.
and articial satellites, such as a craft used
coded for by genes. See also amino acid. red giant A star that is nearing the end of its
to retransmit radio signals. Solar System The system consisting of the
life and has expanded to a giant size and
proton A particle in the nucleus of an atom Sun, the planets, and other objects orbiting
become reddish in color. secretion The release of specic
that has a positive electric charge. the Sun, and the surrounding regions of space
substances by the cells of living things.
red shift The tendency for wavelengths of in which the Suns inuence is discernable.
pulsar A neutron star which can be detected
light to be shifted toward the red end of the sedimentary rock Formed when fragments
because its rapid rotation causes pulses of solenoid A cylindrical coil of wire that
spectrum when their source is receding of material settle on the oor of a sea or lake
radiation to be beamed outward. becomes a magnet when an electric current
rapidly from the observer. The effect also and are cemented together over time.
is passed through it.
quadrant A navigational instrument. occurs with other wavelengths of
sedimentation The geological process in
electromagnetic radiation. solstice Each of the two times in the year,
quadratic equation Mathematical equation which loose material is laid down on ocean
one at midsummer and one at midwinter,
containing at least one variable number that reduction Originally, a reaction where a and river beds, and by wind and moving ice.
when the Sun reaches its highest or lowest
is multiplied by itself once (for example xx, substance loses oxygen; now used more
seismic wave A wave that travels through point in the sky at noon.
also written x 2 ), but none which have been generally for any reaction where a substance
the ground, such as from an earthquake.
multiplied more times than this. gains electrons. Its opposite is oxidation. solubility The ability of a solute to dissolve.
seismograph A device for measuring and
quantum electrodynamics The quantum reex An automatic reaction to something. solute The substance that dissolves in a
recording earthquake waves.
physics theory that deals with the interactions solvent to form a solution.
refraction The bending of light rays as they
between electrons, positrons, and photons. seismology The study of earthquakes.
enter a different medium at an angle, such solution A liquid in which individual atoms,
quantum physics The branch of science that as from air to water. seismometer A device for measuring molecules, or ions of another substance (as
deals with subatomic particles and energy earthquake waves. The term is now distinct from small solid particles) are
refractive index The ratio of the speed of
interactions in terms of minute discrete interchangeable with seismograph, since evenly dispersed.
light in one medium to the speed of light in
energy packets called quanta. modern seismometers record their
a second medium. solvent A substance, especially a liquid, that
measurements as well.
quantum theory The theory that light and can dissolve other substances.
relativity The description of space and time,
other electromagnetic radiation is made up selective breeding The process of choosing
energy and matter according to the theories somatic nuclear transfer A laboratory
of a stream of photons, each carrying a particular domestic animals for breeding to
of Albert Einstein, which depend on the technique for creating a fertilized ovum
certain amount of energy. encourage the development of desired traits
constancy of the speed of light in a vacuum. using a somatic cell (ordinary body cell) to
over the generations.
quark One of a group of fundamental create a clone of the organism.
repouss The ancient art of decorating
particles that do not exist separately but semiconductor A substance whose
metal by hammering on the back of sonar A means of detecting objects and
make up protons, neutrons, and some other resistance is intermediate between a
the piece. navigating under water by sending out sound
subatomic particles. conductor and an insulator. The properties
waves and receiving their echoes.
reproduction Process of creating offspring. of semiconductor devices can be controlled
quasar An immensely powerful source of
and altered very exactly, making them vital space probe An unpiloted vehicle (other
radiation occurring beyond our own galaxy. resistance See electrical resistance.
in modern electronics. than an Earth satellite) that is designed to
Quasars are thought to be the central regions
resistor An electrical device or component explore space.
of other galaxies that are producing far more sensory nerve A nerve that transmits
that resists current ow.
radiation than the Milky Ways center does. information about the environment (touch, space station A human-occupied orbiting
resonance Situation when the vibrations of taste, etc.) to the central nervous system. structure for the purposes of carrying out
radar A way of detecting objects by sending
an object become large because it is being experiments, observations, etc.
out radio waves and collecting their sepal One of a set of petal-like or leaike
made to vibrate at its natural frequency.
returning echoes. structures usually found around the rim or space-time The three dimensions of space
respiration (1) Breathing. (2) Also called base of a ower outside the petals. combined with time in a single continuum.
radiation Any stream of fast-moving
cellular respiration, the biochemical
particles or waves. sex cell See gamete. species A particular kind of living thing,
processes within cells that break down food
often dened in terms of the ability of
radio waves Invisible waves at the molecules to provide energy, usually by sextant A navigational instrument designed
individuals of that species to mate and
low-frequency end of the electromagnetic combining the food molecules with oxygen. to measure the altitude of an object, such as
produce fully fertile offspring (although this
spectrum, whose wavelength can range from the Sun above the horizon at noon.
retrograde motion Motion that is the denition does not work for all cases).
kilometers to centimeters (microwaves).
opposite of another motion, such as a sexual reproduction Reproduction that
specic heat capacity The quantity of heat
radioactive Emitting high-energy satellite orbiting a planet in the opposite involves the fusion of two gametes (sex
required to raise the temperature of a unit
subatomic particles or radiation as part direction to the planets own rotation. cells) to produce a new individual.
mass of a given substance by one degree.
of radioactive decay. Retrograde motion can only be apparent
SI unit A unit in the international system of
as when a planet seems to move backward spectroscope A machine that measures and
radioactive decay The process whereby measure based on the meter, kilogram,
against the stars because Earth is analyses spectra.
unstable nuclei emit high-energy particles, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole.
overtaking it on its orbit round the Sun.
or radiation, as they break up or transform. spectroscopy The study and measurement
silicon A semi-metallic element related to
retrovirus An RNA virussuch as HIV of spectra.
radioactive tracers Substances that contain carbon, which is a constituent of many of
which reproduces itself by inserting a DNA
radioactive atoms to allow easier detection Earths rocks. spectrum (plural: spectra) Originally, light
copy of its genes into the host cell.
and measurement. separated by refraction so that its different

wavelengths (colors) are spread out in supernova An enormous explosion taking transmission The conveying of something valency The number of chemical bonds that
sequence. The term is now also applied to place at the end of the life of a very large star. from one place to another. an atom can make with another atom.
other electromagnetic radiation, and also to
supersonic Faster than the speed of sound. transmutation (1) The evolutionary valve A device or structure that restricts
refer to characteristic patterns of radiation
change of one species into another. (2) The the ow of uid or electricity to one
given off by particular sources. surface tension The effect that makes a
conversion of one kind of atom to another direction. In electrical contexts it refers
liquid seem as though it has an elastic
speed The rate at which something is through a nuclear reaction. to a kind of vacuum tube.
skin, caused by cohesion between the
moving. See also velocity.
surface molecules. transparent Allowing light or other Van der Waals bond A relatively weak kind
sperm A male sex cell (gamete) that can radiation to pass through. of chemical bond.
suspension A mixture of tiny solid particles
move to locate a female cell. All animals
or globules of liquid in a surrounding medium. transpiration The loss of water from vascular circulation The circulation of
and some lower plants produce sperm.
the surfaces of a plant, especially from blood through blood vessels (arteries,
switch A device that turns an electric
spherical trigonometry Trigonometry its leaves. capillaries, and veins) and back to the heart.
current on or off, or more generally changes
modied to apply to the surface of a sphere
something from one state to another. transplant A tissue or organ taken from one vein A blood vessel leading back toward the
rather than a at surface.
part of the body to be placed in another part, heart. See also vascular circulation.
synapse A junction between two nerve
sporozoite A stage in the life cycle of some or in another individual.
cells, or between a nerve cell and a muscle velocity Speed in a particular direction.
microscopic parasites.
or gland cell. transverse wave A wave whose to-and-fro
Vernier scale A small movable, graduated
square root A number which when movement takes place at right angles to the
synthesis The combining of separate parts scale added to a larger scale for increased
multiplied by itself yields a given number. line that the wave is traveling. Light waves
or different theories to make a whole. accuracy in precision measuring
are an example.
stade (1) An ancient Greek unit of instruments, named after Pierre Vernier.
taxonomy The classication of living things,
measurement. (2) A period of geological triangulation A method of surveying by
and also the principles behind classication. virus (1) Tiny parasitic noncellular life
time when glaciers have stopped retreating. measuring angles and distances using the
forms consisting mainly of genes with a
tectonic Relating to the structure of Earths mathematical properties of triangles.
stamen The male organ of a ower. See also protective coat that are able to hijack living
crust and its movements. See also plate
anther. trigonometry The branch of mathematics cells to make copies of themselves. (2) A
dealing with calculations involving the sides piece of computer software that can spread
standard model The principle theoretical
telophase The nal stage of mitosis and and angles of triangles. itself through computer systems in a
framework of particle physics, combining
of each part of meiosis, in which a nuclear manner similar to a biological virus.
theories on how three of the four fundamental tropical Relating to the warm regions of
membrane forms around each set of
forces interact (electromagnetism and the Earth that lie between the Tropic of Cancer visible light Electromagnetic radiation with
separated chromosomes.
strong and weak nuclear forces) with 12 basic (23.5 north of the equator) and the Tropic of wavelengths that can be detected as light by
particles (six quarks and six leptons). temperature A measure of how hot or cold Capricorn (23.5 south of the equator), or to the eye.
something is. climates typical of those regions.
star A huge luminous ball of ionized gas vitamin Any of various organic compounds
(plasma) whose energy emissions are theodolite A surveying instrument that tropopause In Earths atmosphere, needed in small amounts in the diet to
powered by nuclear reactions in its core. measures angles using a rotating telescope. the boundary between the troposphere preserve health.
and stratosphere.
static electricity Phenomena involving theorem A mathematical rule or statement, viviparous Giving birth to live young as
nonmoving electric charges on objects. especially a truth that is not self-evident but troposphere The lowest layer of Earths distinct from eggs.
which can be proved by reasoning. atmosphere, starting from ground level,
stem cell A type of cell in the body that is voltage See potential difference.
where most weather events take place.
able to divide and grow into other more thermal (1) Relating to heat (adjective). (2) A
voltaic cell A device that converts the energy
specialized cells. current of rising hot air in the atmosphere. tsunami A water wave, sometimes of huge
of a chemical reaction directly into electricity;
size, generated by an earthquake, underwater
sterilization (1) Giving special treatment to thermodynamics The branch of physics colloquially, a battery. See also battery.
landslide, or other major disturbance.
equipment to kill life forms such as harmful dealing with the relationship between heat
volume (1) The amount of space something
bacteria. (2) Rendering an animal infertile by and other forms of energy. turbine A rotating wheel driven by water, or
takes up. (2) The loudness of a sound.
performing an operation, using radiation, etc. moving gas or air, in order to provide power.
thermoelectric effect Any of various effects
vulgar fraction A fraction expressed as one
stethoscope A diagnostic instrument used that can occur when there are temperature ultrasound Sound with a frequency above
number divided by another rather than using
to listen to sounds within the body, especially differences in an electric circuit. that which the human ear can detect.
decimal points.
the chest.
thermosphere The layer of Earths ultraviolet A type of electromagnetic
wave A regular oscillation in intensity or
stigma The top of the female part of a ower atmosphere above the mesosphere. radiation with wavelengths shorter than
concentration. Waves typically travel in a
(pistil). It is usually sticky to receive pollen. visible light.
three dimensions (3-D) Length, breadth, particular direction or directions and
stratigraphy The study of rock layers. and depth. uncertainty principle The quantum physics transmit energy in that direction.
principle that it is impossible to measure
stratopause The boundary between the tissue Living material made up of broadly wavelength The distance between each
both the position and momentum of objects
stratosphere and mesosphere. similar kinds of cells and performing a successive peak or crest of a series of waves.
at the subatomic level exactly, because the
particular function: for example, nerve
stratosphere The part of Earths atmosphere observation of one changes the other. weak force The force in atomic nuclei
tissue, muscle tissue.
between the troposphere and mesosphere. responsible for beta decay. It is so called in
Universe Traditionally, a term for the
topography The study of landforms. comparison with the strong force.
stratus cloud Usually low cloud and in the totality of everything that exists. Now often
form of at sheets, often bringing light rain. torque A twisting force. used for everything created as a result of the weak interaction Another name for the
Big Bang, which leaves open the possibility weak force.
style The stalk that supports a stigma. trace elements Elements that are needed
of other universes existing.
in only minute amounts by living things. white dwarf A small, faint, very dense star,
subatomic particle A particle smaller than
urine A uid that most animals discharge to thought to represent the nal stage of
an atom or its nucleus, such as a proton, trade wind A wind that blows from the
get rid of waste products and excess water. evolution of stars below a certain mass.
neutron, or electron. southeast or northeast all the year round
in equatorial regions. vaccine A special preparation of substances World Wide Web A vast network on the
subduction boundary A boundary between
that stimulate an immune response, used Internet for gathering and exchanging data
two tectonic plates in the deep ocean where transformer A device that increases voltage
for inoculation. and documents through hypertext links.
one plate is being pushed beneath the other. while decreasing current, or vice versa. It
works only with alternating currents. vacuum A space in which there is no matter. worm gear A gear arrangement in which
submersible A usually small vessel for
(In real-life examples a vacuum is only one of the gears is a cylinder with grooves
underwater exploration. transfusion The transfer of blood from a
approximate.) cut in it.
donor to a recipient.
substance Any kind of matter.
vacuum tube A sealed tube, usually glass, X-ray diffraction A technique of beaming
transistor A semiconductor electronic device
sunspot A region of the Suns surface whose from which most air has been removed and X-rays at materials to obtain information
that acts as a switch, amplier, or rectier.
temperature is temporarily lowered and which contains electrodes. Application of about their internal structure by analyzing
which therefore appears darker than its translocation (1) A situation where part electricity causes a beam of electrons to the diffraction patterns produced; also
surroundings in images. of one chromosome has moved to another be emitted from the negative electrode called X-ray crystallography.
location, either on the same chromosome (cathode). It is a general term and includes
superconductivity Phenomenon in which X-rays A type of high-energy, high-
or a different one. (2) Movement of materials various devices used or formerly used in
some substances lose all electrical frequency electromagnetic radiation.
through a plant. electronics. Also called an electron tube.
resistance close to absolute zero.

Page numbers in bold indicate main Aguilera, Diego Marin 163 Noether 372 Verheyen 123 Apple
treatements of a topic. Agulhas Current 154 symbols 103 Vesalius 76, 374 name of computer 185
AI 334, 335 Algebra, first general work 71 Anaximander 24 Apple Computer Inc. 307, 318
Aibo 335 algebraic symbols, introduction anchor escapement 110 see also iPad, iPhone
AIDS 301, 318 103 Anderson, Carl 264, 269 applied mathematics 72

A Brief History of Time 304, 322
A Treatise on Electricity and
naming 314
airbrakes 210, 211
Airbus A380 241, 300, 341
Ader ole 226
ALH8400 meteorite 330, 331
Alhazen 50, 60, 61
biography 368
Alighieri, Dante 64
Allbutt, Thomas 91
Android operating system 346, 347
android robot 334
Andromeda nebula/galaxy 256,
Andry, Nicolas 126
aqualung 274
aqueducts 32
Aquinas, St. Thomas 57
Arab medicine 59
Arabic numerals 58
Magnetism 215 Stringfelows 196, 199 alleles 202, 248 anemograph 146 Arabidopsis genome sequence 337
A380 Airbus 241, 300, 341 types 24041 Allen, Charles 118 anemometer 146 Arago spot 134
AB blood group 238 Wright Brothers 238, 239 allergy 295 aneroid barometer 146 Arago, Franois 179
abacus 184 airfield radar 133 allotropy 193 angles, units of measurement 352, Arber, Werner 301
first mention 41 airship 240 alloys 14, 180 354 Arbuthnot, John 122
in Europe 49 first 201 Almagest, Ptolemy 37 ngstrm, Anders Jonas 202, 208, arch, in architecture 37
Abbe, Ernst 115 hot-air 128 alpha decay 267 210 Archaea, classification 360
Abel, Frederick 225 Zeppelin 236 alpha particles (rays) 246, 250, biography 368 Archaeopteryx 202
Abel, John 233 Airy, George 201 253, 266, 267 Anguillara 80 Berlin 208, 209
Abelson, Philip 272 aither 28 as helium nuclei 246 animal behavior 269, 307 fossils 165
Able, monkey 288 Ajax 93ali naming 236 Lorenz 269, 372 Archean eon 366
ABO blood groups 237 al-Abbas, Abu ibn 49 Alpher, Ralph 279 Tinbergen 269, 281, 292 Archer, Frederick Scott 200
Abraham, Edward 272 al-Asmai 43 Alpini, Prospero 88 see also ethology Archigenes 36
absolute zero 125, 199 al-Battani 48 Alter, David 202 animal domestication 13, 14 Archimedes 30, 31, 34
Abu Kamil 48 al-Baytar, Ibn 59 alternating current 224 animalcules 116 biography 368
Abu Yusuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaqal- al-Biruni 51 aluminum 186, 359 animals Archimedean solids 26
Kindi see Al-Kindi al-Bitruji 58 from electrolysis 224 classification 360, 36263 Archimedes Claw 31
Academia Secretorum Naturae 83 al-Dakhwar 59 Whler 374 in space 298 Archimedes Principle 31
Accademia dei Lincei 95 al-Din, Taqi 81, 88 Alvarez, Luis 278, 311, 325 Rays classification 123 Archimedes screw 24, 30
Accademia del Cimento 110 al-Farabi 48 biography 368 Anning, Mary 165, 176, 182, 187 architecture, arch in 37
acceleration 56, 353 al-Fazari Ibrahim 43, 48 Alzheimer, Alois 237, 319 biography 368 Arderne, John 67
and gravity 245, 252 al-Haytham, Abu Ali ibn 50 Alzheimer, report on 243 anode, vacuum diode 239 Ardipithecus ramidus 347
and laws of motion 121 al-Jayyani, Abu Abdallah ibn Alzheimers disease 237, 319, 320, Anopheles mosquito 131, 228, 229 Arduino, Giovanni 148
equations 355, 357 Muadh 51 321 Antarctica 148 Aretaeus of Cappadocia 36
acetylcholine 252, 255 al-Jazari, Ibn Ismail 58, 62 AM, amplitude modulation 317 Amundsen and Scott 248 Argand, Alm 155
acetylene 191 automata 334 America, naming of continent 72 first sightings 181 argon 229, 232, 359
acetylsalicylic acid 232, 233 al-Kashi, Jamshid 68 americium 275, 359 terrain under the ice 348 Ramsey 373
Acheson, Edward Goodrich 228 al-Kaysarani 57 Amici, Giovanni 188, 189 Anthemius of Tralles 40 Ariane rocket 310, 311
Acheulian tools 12 al-Khazini, Abu 49, 56 amino acids 285 anthracite 173 Ariel 200
Achilles tendon 123 al-Khujandi 49 and genetic code 295 anthrax 217, 221 Aristarchus of Samos 28, 30
achromatic lens 136 al-Khwarizmi 46, 56, 58, 368 and proteins 243 antiatoms 330, 331 biography 368
achromatic microscope 114, 115 al-Kindi 46, 368 chains 281 antibiotics 272 Aristotle 28, 29
acid-base al-Marindi, Maswijah 50 isolation 173 pills 90 banned works 58, 59
reaction 175 al-Nafis, Ibn 59 ammonia 80, 242, 249 resistance 272, 278 biography 368
theory 256 al-Nasawi 51 ammonites 80, 164 penicillin 262 marine life 292
acidity, Srenson 374 al-Qalasadi, Ali 68, 69 amniocentesis 296 antibodies 226, 291, 295 projectiles in motion 120
acoustics, early 29 al-Quhi, Abu Sahl 50 Amontons, Guillaume 125 antigen-antibody interaction 232 arithmetical progression 40
acquired characteristics, al-Razi (Rhazes) 43, 47, 48, 368, Amontons friction law 125 Antikythera mechanism arithmometer 184
inheritance 169 373 Ampre, Andre-Marie 181 astronomical calculator 21 Arkwright, Richard 151
acquired immunodeficiency al-Saati 57 biography 368 bronze gearing 184 biography 368
syndrome see AIDS al-Shatir, ibn 67 law 356 gear wheels 62 Armagh Observatory 161
action-reaction 121 al-Sijzi 49 ampere, definition 352 navigation at sea 292 armillary sphere
active transport 195 al-Zahrawi 49 Amundsen, Roald 248 predicting eclipses 32 attached to clock 43
acupuncture 32, 90 Alberti, Friedrich 191 anesthesia recovered from shipwreck 63 Guo Shoujing 61, 374
Adams, John Couch 198 Alberti, Leon Battista 68, 70 chloroform 199 antimatter 262, 264, 331 Zhang Heng 36, 62
adaptive radiation 204, 236 Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried 142 early 60 antisepsis 58 Zhang Sixun 49
Adelard of Bath 56 Albucasis 49 first general 172 Lister 209 Armstrong, Neil 297, 298, 299
adenine 284, 285 alchemy 43, 46, 48, 86, 93 first local 223 Semmelweis 373 Arnold, John 154
adenosine triphosphate 272 Alcmaeon of Croton 28 general 172, 198, 199 surgery 210 ARPANET 302
Ader, Clment 226 alcohol 47, 79 Long 196, 199 antiseptic medicine, Lister 372 Arrhenius, Svante 256
Ader ole 226 Aldrin, Buzz 297, 298 Snow 374 Apain, Peter 73 biography 368
adrenal glands 81 Aldrovandi, Ulisse 94 analemma 137 apeiron 24 arrows 13
adrenaline see epinephrine alembic 43 analog sound 219 Apollo program 290, 29899 Ars Magna 80
ADSL 333 Aleutian Islands 140 analytic geometry 26, 27 Apollo 11 297 Arsenale 56
Advisory Group on Greenhouse Alexander of Tralles 41 analytical balance 85 Apollo 13 300 arsenic 14, 359
Gases 322 Alfonsine tables 61 Analytical Engine 184, 190, 191, Apollo 17 303 in Salvarsan 247
aeolipile 33, 170 Alfvn, Hannes 273 197 final missions 303 arthropods, classification 362
aerial carriage 240 algebra 58, 68, 72, 80 Anatomia 64, 65 Apollo-Soyuz Test Project artificial heart 297, 314, 315, 331
Aetius 41 Al-Khwarizmi 368 anatomy 43 306 artificial intelligence 280, 281,
Afrwedson, Johann 179 Bombelis book 87 Albinus 142 Apollodorus 37 334, 335
Agassiz, Louis 192 Boole 368 ancient Greece 31 Apollonius of Perga 31 artificial skin 312
Agricola, Georgius 80, 82 Diophantus 369 Arabic 49 Appert, Nicholas 163, 177 Aryabhata 39, 306
agricultural chemistry 149 first book in English 82 Colombo 82 appetite Asclepiades of Bithynia 32
agricultural revolution, early founding 38 Egypt 22 ghrelin 336 ASDICS 254
stages 137 invention 46 Malpighi 372 hormone 329 Asher, Richard 281
agriculture 13 new 92 story of 7879 see also hunger ASIMO 335, 337

Asimov, Isaac 334 atomic clock 109, 286 methane-producing 243 Beddoes, Thomas 167 microwave background 294
Asimovs laws 334 atomic fission 268 bacteriology Bede 43 see also Universe, origin
Asperger, Hans 274 atomic force microscope 115, 320 Delbrck 369 Beebe, Charles 268 Big Chill, Universe 345
Aspergillus 311 atomic mass 250, 251, 266 Koch 371 beer 167 Big Crunch, Universe 345
aspirin 149, 232, 233 table of elements 359 bacteriophage 253, 273 Beer, Wilhelm 188 Bikini Atoll 278, 283
how it works 302 atomic nuclear forces Baekeland, Leo 243, 260 Beertema, Piet 322 Billings, Roger 325
trademarked 236 Salam 373 biography 368 Beijerinck, Martinus 233 binary numbers 117, 184
assembly line 149 Weinberg 374 patent application 247 Bel Burnel, Jocelyn 296 binary stars 155, 169
Astbury, William 270 atomic number 249 Baer, Ralph 303 biography 368 binnacle compass 132
asteroid 323 table of elements 359 Baillie, Matthew 162 Bel X-1 278 Binnig, Gerd 313
Brucia 227 atomic radius 250 Baird, John Logie 258, 259, 262 Bel, Alexander Graham 216, 217, binomial classification 139
extinction of dinosaurs 311, 324, atomic structure 25051 biography 368 316 biochemistry 190
325 Bohr 368 Bakelite 243, 260, 368 biography 368 founding 137
Trojan 242 Chadwick 369 patent 247 Bel, Charles 177 biodiversity 328, 329
astrarium 67 Goeppert-Mayer 370 Baker, monkey 288 Belingshausen, Fabien 181 biogeography 216
astrolabe 43, 46, 48, 87, 132 Pauli 373 Bakhtishu, Jurjish ibn 43 Belini, Lorenzo 111 biology 169
astronauts atomic theory Bakshali manuscript 37 Benda, Carl 233 biomechanics 117
Armstrong 297, 298, 299 Bokovi 145 balance spring 110 Benedetti, Giambattista 81 biosphere 216, 259
Aldrin 297, 298 Dalton 172 balance, weighing 85 Benot, J. B. 229 Biot, Jean-Baptiste 178
first Chinese 339 early 24 Balard, Antoine 186, 187 Benz, Karl 220 biography 368
Gagarin 290 Gassendi 106, 107 balloon and automobile 223 bird flu 332, 349
Shephard 298 see also atoms, structure hot-air 128, 156, 240 biography 368 Birkhoff, George 256
see also Apollo, Gemini, Vostok atomic weights 187 hydrogen 156 benzene 186, 209 bismuth 267, 359
astronomical clock 87, 108, 109 verification 180 Montgolfier Brothers 156, 240 Berg, Paul 303 bitumen 14, 19
astronomical unit 116 ATP 195, 272, 273 ballpoint pen 225 biography 368 Bjerknes, Jacob 297
astronomy 36465 Audubon, John James 186, 187 Balmer, Johann 223 beriberi 233 biography 368
ancient 18 Augusta of Saxe-Coburg 148 Baltimore, David 300, 301 Bering, Vitus 136, 140 black body 236
ancient Greece 28, 31 aurora borealis 288 Banks, Joseph 151 Bering Strait 137 radiation 220, 228
Aristarchus 368 link with magnetism 134 biography 368 Berkley, Bishop George 138 Black Death 66
Bode 368 Australopithecine, nutcracker Banting, Frederick 255 Berliner, Emile 218 black hole 54, 55, 296
C. & W. Herschel 371 skull 288, 289 Barbaro, Ermolao 71 and gramophone 224 Cygnus X-1 303
Cassini 369 Australopithecus 12 barber-surgeons 83 Bernal, John 259 Hawking 304
Chandrasekhar 369 A. afarensis 304, 343 instruments, surgical 213 Bernard of Verdun 61 naming 294
Copernicus 76 see also Lucy, Selam Barber, John 161, 170 Bernard, Claude 201, 269 prediction 156
Halley 371 autism 274 Bardeen, John 368 Berners-Lee, Tim 323, 324, supermassive 333
Hertzsprung 371 autochrome 243 Barghoorn, Elso 308 368 black nielo 16
Hevelius 371 automata 58, 87, 334 barium 359 Bernoulli, Daniel 134 black smokers 308
Hipparchus 371 automobile Davy 369 biography 368 Black, James 291
Hubble 371 Benz 368 discovery 153 Hydrodynamics 139 Black, Joseph 144, 149, 150
Huygens 371 da Vincis 6263 barley 13, 15 Bernoulli, Jacob 129 biography 368
Jeans 371 first 223 Barnard, Christiaan 296, 297 Bernoulli, Johann 124, 368 Blanchard, Jean 156, 157, 246
Leavitt 371 see also car biography 368 Bernoulli, Nicolas 129 Blriot, Louis 246, 247
Lockyer 372 auxins 262 barograph 146 Bernoullis principle 139, 368 Bloch, Felix 278
Mayan 39 Avenzoar 78 barometer 106, 118 beryllium 166, 359 block and tackle 35
Mitchel 372 Averros 57 first 105 Whler 374 blocks, pulley 35
Olbers 373 Avery, Oswald 274 portable 123 Berzelius, Jns Jakob 176, 179, blood
Spitzer 374 Avicenna 50, 56 types 146 187, 189 bag, surgical 212
see also Hubble Space Telescope Avicenna see Ibn Sina Barry, James 177 allotrope 193 banks 253
astrophysics, Russel 373 Avogadro, Amedeo 176 Bartholin, Thomas 107 biography 368 cells and vessels 110, 111
asymmetric digital subscriber line biography 368 Bartholomew the Englishman proteins 193 circulation 59, 98, 102
333 Avogadros Law 356 59 Bessel, Friedrich 193, 197 clotting 294
Atkinson, Robert 263 avoirdupois weights 64 Barton, Otis 268 Bessemer, Henry 202 groups 236, 237
Atlantic convergence 126 axes 12 baryons, and cosmology 344 biography 368 blood pressure 91
atmosphere axle 21 base pairs, in DNA 284, 285 Best, Charles 255 first measurement 135
and global warming 32627 simple machine 34 Basel Problem 105 beta blood transfusion 112, 113, 252
height 51 ayurvedic medicine 33 baskets 14 decay 267 first 180
layers 238 azidothymidine 294 Basov, Nikolay 283 particle 266, 267 blood sugar regulation 255
see also CFCs, climate change, AZT 294 Bassi, Laura 137 radiation, naming 236 Bloor, Walter 258
global warming for AIDS 321 biography 368 beta-amyloid 319, 321 Blucher 178
atmosphere engine 122, 125 Aztecs 21 Bateson, William 242 beta-blockers 291 blue ray laser 331
atmospheric chlorofluorocarbons bathysphere 268 Betamax video 306 blueshift 263
see CFCs bats, echolocation 270, 274 Bether, Hans 54 Bluetooth 336
atmospheric pressure
and altitude 118
Guericke 370
measuring 106
Baade, Walter 268
Babbage, Charles 182, 184
batteries 167
NiMH 323
Volta 374
wet cell 167
bevel gears 63
Bevis, Douglas 296
Bevis, John 139
Bewick, Thomas 166
Beyer, Peter 337
Blundel, James 180
BluRay 342
boats 19, 22
Bode, Johann Elert 368
Boeing 367-80/707 283
and compounds 174 Analytical Engine 190, 191 Baumann, Eugen 215, 260 Bharke, Rudolphine Tables 102 Boeing 707 287
and cosmology 345 biography 368 Bayeux tapestry 52 Bhaskara II 56 Boeing 747 241, 300, 341
Bohrs quantum model 249 and Lovelace 197 Bayt al-Hikma 46 Bible, Gutenberg 70 Boerhaave, Hermann 91, 128
plum pudding model 239 concept of calculator 185 BCG vaccine 242, 243 bicycle 179 chemistry book 137
Saturnian model 239 Bacille Calmette Gurin (BCG) 243 first trials 255 first pedal 193 Boethius 40
splitting 265 BackRub 332 Beadle, George 273 first practical 210 Bohlin, Anders 259
structure of 25051 backstaff 133 Beagle 191, 206 gearing 63 Bohr, Niels 249
see also atomic structure, atomic Bacon, Francis 368 beam-balance 85 Big Bang biography 368
theory Bacon, Francis 96, 98, 99, 102 Beaumont, William 182 COBE 328 quantum theory 258
atomic absorption spectrometer biography 368 BEC 33, 331 coining name 280, 344 Bolle, Amdee 227
282 Bacon, Roger 60 Becher, Johann 124 cosmic inflation 311 Bolton, Elmer 263
atomic bomb 271, 275 biography 368 Becquerel, Antoine-Henri 232, early mention 259 Boltwood, Bertram 243
Fermi 370 Baconian method 96 233, 236, 266 elements of 279 Boltzmann, Ludwig 210, 215, 220,
Oppenheimer 373 bacteria biography 368 Gamow 370 223
test, postwar 278 classification 360 becquerel, definition 353 Guth 370 Bolyai, Jnos 183

bomb Branca, Giovanni 102, 103 pure forms 166 cell programming 343
atomic 271, 275
hydrogen 280
nuclear 268
test 282, 283
thermonuclear 281
Brand, Hennig 113
Brandenburger, Jacques E. 246
Brandt, George 138
Bransfield, Edward 181
brass 14
Cade, John 280
cadmium 179, 359
carbon-14 272
carbon chemistry, Kekul 371
carbon cycle 259
carbon dioxide
and global warming 324, 32627
Cell Theory 194
cell wall 195
cellophane 246, 260
cellphone 317
see also mobile phone
weapons 59 Braun, Karl 232 Caenorhabditis worm 333 Black 368 celluloid 211, 260, 261
Bombe 185 breast cancer 42 Cajal, Ramn y 229, 373 discovery of 144 cellulose 261
Bombeli, Rafael 87 Bretonneau, Pierre 186, 187 calcium 359 emissions 332 Celsius scale 140
Bond, William 199 Breuer, Josef 228 compounds 175 fixed air 151 Celsius, Anders 140, 369
bonds, chemical 106, 174, 271 Brewster, David 179 calculating machines respiration 195 Celsus 32
bone anatomy 122 biography 369 Babbage 185 carbon nanotubes 325 Celts 20
bone marrow transplant 288 Brewsters Angle 179 Leibniz 113 carbon paper 173 Census of Marine Life 293
Bonner, James 271 bridges story of 18485 carbonated drinks 151 center of gravity 38, 56
Bonnet, Charles 141, 144, 148, 368 Brooklyn 222 calculators Carboniferous period 366 center of mass 101
Bontius, Jacobus 105 early 37 Leibniz 113 carborundum 228 Centigrade 140
Book of Ingenious Devices 62 early Chinese 41 mechanical, Pascal 105 Cardano, Gerolamo 80, 88 central processing unit (CPU) 302
Book of Optics 50 Ironbridge 154 pocket 302 Carina Nebula 54 centrosome 194
Boole, George 201 suspension 168, 179, 186 story of 18485 Carlisle, Anthony 167 ceramics 13
biography 368 briks 13 calculus Carlisle, Harry 275 and glass 23
Boolean logic 201 Brin, Sergey 332 criticism 138 Carnot, Nicholas Leonard Sadi ceraunia 134, 135
Booth, Edgar 262 British Antarctic Survey 319 dispute over priority 129 183, 190 cereals 13
Booth, Hubert Cecil 237 broadband internet 332, 333 early form 57 biography 369 Ceres 168, 169
Boreli, Giovanni 117 Broca, Paul 208 Lagrange 157, 166 Carnot cycle 183, 369 Cerf, Vint 303
Borgognoni, Hugo and Teodorico biography 369 Leibniz 129 Carothers, Wallace 261, 268, 270 Cesalpino, Andrea 89
60 Brock, Thomas 297 Newton 112, 129 cars see automobile, car cesarian section 221
Borough, Steven 89 Brodmann, Korbinian 247 calendar 108 Carson, Rachel Louise 290, 291, Cesi, Federico 95
Borschberg, Andr 347 Broecker, Wallace 306 first 19 369 cesium 359
Bosch, Carl 242, 248, 249 bromine 186, 187, 359 Gregorian 89 Cartesian atom 250
biography 368 Brnsted, Johannes 256 Islamic 53 coordinates 104 discovery 207
Bose, Satyendranath 257, 368 bronze 14, 15 Julian 89 geometry 369 measuring time 109
Bose-Einstein Condensate 330, early 16, 17 Maya 25, 32, 39 system 27 CFCs 287, 304, 319
331 spread of 18 reform of 61 cartography 71 limiting 321
Bose-Einstein statistics 369 Brooklyn Bridge 222 Shoujing 374 Corts 89 measuring 287
Bokovi, Ruder Josip 144, 145 Brown, Barnum 238 californium 280, 359 Mercator 86 Lovelock 372
bosons 257, 304, 357 Brown, Louise 308, 309 calipers 85 see also maps and mapmaking Montreal Protocol 321
and cosmology 344 Brown, Robert 186, 187, 189 Callisto 97, 150 Cartwright, Edmund 156, 157 Chadwick, James 264, 265
early mention 258 Brownian motion 186, 187, 242, Calmette, Albert 242 Caruthers, Marvin 319 biography 369
Higgs 346 243 first BCG trials 255 Casserius, Julius 93 chain reaction 268, 270, 271, 273,
W 315 Bruce double-astrograph 227 caloric 166 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 111, 275
Z 315 Bruce, David 239 calorimeter, ice 154 112, 113, 116, 117 Chain, Ernst Boris 272
botany 88, 94 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom calotype 191 biography 369 chain, surveying 85
Botany Bay 151 Great Britain 197 Calvin, Melvin 280 Cassini, spacecraft 341 Challenger Deep 289
botany, Banks 368 Great Western 192, 193 calx 124 Cassini III 141 Challenger, ship 147, 215, 217, 293
botox 322 biography 369 calymene, fossils 164 Cassini division 116, 369 Challenger, Shuttle disaster 320
botulinum toxin, botox 322 Brunel, Marc Isambard 197 Cambrian period 367 Cassini map projection 141 Chambers, Ephraim 136
Bouchard, Pierre 166, 167 Bruneleschi, Filippo 68, 69 camera Cassini-Huygens mission 341 Chambers, Robert 369
Bouchon, Basil 135 Brunfels, Otto 73 first 192 Cassini, Jacques, size of Earth 138 Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan
Bouguer, Pierre 136, 142, 143 Bruno, Giordano 94, 95 Kodak 225 Cassiodorus, Flavius 40 369
Boulton, Matthew 149, 150 Bryson, Bill 250 see also photography Cassiopeia 87 Chandrasekhar limit 369
Bouvet Island 139 BSE 314 camera lucida 173 cast iron 22, 128 chaos theory 291
Boveri, Theodor 226, 238 buboes 66 camera obscura 61, 86, 87, 186 cast-iron mold 16 Chappe, Claude 161, 316
Bovet, Daniel 268 bubonic plague 41, 66, 67 Camerarius, Rudolf 123 casting metal 15, 16 biography 369
bovine spongiform encephalitis Buchner, Eduard 232 Cameron, James 293 catapult 66 Chargaff, Erwin 279, 369
314 bucket orchid 205 Camman, George 90 catastrophe theory 186, 188, 369 chariots 20, 23, 62, 63
bows 1213, 51 Buckland, William 180, 182, 183 camshaft 58 catastrophism, Cuvier 369 Charles, Jacques 156, 169
composite 22 Buckminster Fuller, Richard canals, China 41 Catesby, Mark 136, 137 Charless Law 356
Boyer, Herbert 303 319 cancer cathode ray tube 233, 248 Charlotte Dundas 172
Boyle, Robert 110, 111, 369 buckminsterfullerene 319 cells 295 cathode rays 232 charts, portolan 132
isolates hydrogen 113 buckyballs 319 oncogenes 314 Crookes 369 Chase, Martha 282
gas laws 169 Buffon, Georges 142 radiation therapy 267 cathode, vacuum diode 239 Chtelet, milie du 369
Boyles Law 111, 356 biography 369 therapy, targeted 338 Cauchy, Baron Augustin-Louis 369 chemical compounds 17475
Bozzini, Philip 91 bulb, electric light 176, 220 Warburg 374 caulking 14 chemical reactions 17475
brachiopod 40 Edison 176 candela, definition 352 cautery, surgical 212 chemical symbols 160
Bradley, James 135, 136, 142 first 207 cannon Cavendish, Henry 150, 166, 229 established 176
Bradley, Raymond 336 incandescent 176, 207 earliest surviving 61 and water 156 chemistry
Bragg, William Lawrence 249 Swan 374 in Europe 65, 67 biography 369 Arab 43
Brahe, Tycho 87, 88, 92, 94, 369 bulkhead 37 Canon of Medicine 50 Caventou, Joseph 181 as a science 160
Brahmagupta 42 Bunsen, Robert 169, 202, 206, canopic jar 78 Cayley, George 201 Berzelius 368
Brahmasphutasiddhanta 42 207 Cantor, Georg 216 CD (compact disk) 219, 314 Cavendish 369
Brahms, Albert 144 buoyancy 3031 apek, Karel 334 Cecil, Jack 255 Liebig 372
Braille, Louis 183 Buran 299 Capela, Martianus 38, 39 Celera Genomics 347 organic 187
brain Burgess Shale 246, 247 capillaries 110, 111 cells, biological 112, 19495 periodic table of the elements
and electricity 214 Buridan, Jean 56, 66 capillary action 71 as the unit of life 193 358
Broca 369 Burke, John F. 313 car embryonic stem 313 Whler 374
functional areas 247 Burroughs I, William 225 hydrogen-fueled 324, 325 eukaryote 295, 300 chemotherapy 246
role of 32 Burt, William 188 steam-driven 238 pluripotent 312, 313, 343 Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich
brain scan 302 Burton, Richard Francis 203 see also automobile Schwann 373 369
brain-computer interface 340 Burton, Robert 99 Caraka Samhita 32, 33 see also meiosis, mitosis Chernobyl explosion 320
Bramah, Joseph 156 Bushnel, David 152, 153 carbolic acid 209 cell division 194, 285 chess, computer 332
biography 369 butterflies, catalog 131 carbolic spray, surgical 213 see also meiosos, mitosis Chicago pile-1 273
hydraulics 163 butterfly effect 291 carbon 359 cell membrane 194, 195 Chicxulub Crater 324, 325

chimpanzee clocks 108109 early 51 Coriolis force 369 cytogenetics 286
genome 339 astronomical 67, 87 first 30 Cormick, Cyrus 190 cytoplasm 195, 222
first dissection 124, 125 atomic 286 lodestone 132 corn reaper 190 cytosine 284, 285
China chronometer 148 types 132 Corning Glass 301
first manned space mission 339 Huygens 371 Shen Kuo 373 corona, Sun 54, 55
space program 300
Chinese remainder theorem 39
Chirikov, Aleksey 140
Chirurgia magna 67
Chladni, Ernst 163
mass-produced 178
mechanical 62
quartz 259
Shoujing 374
Sixuns mercury 49
Shoujing 374
Compendium of Medicine 60
Complete Herbal 107
composite carbon 21
compound microscopes 114
Corts, Martin 89
Coryel, Charles 274
Cosmic Background Explorer 328
cosmic background microwave
radiation 294, 328, 339, 345
d-orbital 251
dAlembert, Jean Le Rond 140,
chlorine 359 striking 57 compounds cosmic inflation 311, 344 142, 143
as an element 176 weight-driven 64, 67 chemical 17475 cosmological constant 339 dAlibard, Thomas 143
discovery 153 clockwork 63 Proust 373 cosmology 304, 344 dArezzo, Guido 51
chlorofluorocarbons see CFCs model of solar system 127 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban cotton gin 162 dArlandes, Marquis 156
chloroform cloning 288, 319, 331 Treaty 331 cotton spinning 368 dHrele, Felix 253
anesthesia 199 goat 336 computers and computing cotton textiles 43 da Carpi, Berengario (Jacopo) 73,
chloroform-ether dropper, closed-cycle steam engine 171 Babbage 368 coulomb, definition 352 78
surgical 213 Clostridium botulinum, botox 322 Colossus 274 Coulombs Law 357 da Carpi, Jacopo 78
chlorophyll 117, 157, 192 cloth 13 Hopper 371 Couper, Archibald 202 da Gama, Vasco 72
artificial 289 clouds, types 172 laptop 313 Courtenay-Latimer, Marjorie 270 da Pisa, Giordano 61
chloroplast 117, 195 Clusius, Carolus 88 personal 302 Courtois, Bernard 177 da Vinci, Leonardo 63, 71, 369
cholera 105, 201 CMB 294, 328, 339 tablet 347 courtship behavior 269 anatomy 78, 79
cholesterol 275 see also cosmic background Turing 374 Cousteau, Jacques 274 automobile 6263
statins 311 radiation computer chess 332 covalent bond 174, 253, 254 ornithopter 240
Chongzhi, Zu 39 CNRP 261 computer graphics 307 cowpox 163 da Vinci robot surgery 333, 334,
chordates, classification 363 co-evolution 205 computer program, first 197 Cox, Richard 186 335
chromatid 284 cobalt 138, 359 concave lens 50 CPU (central processing unit) 302 Daedalus 240
chromatin 221 COBE satelite 328 Concorde 241, 307 Crab Nebula 52 Daguerre, Louis 191, 192
chromatography 238 cocaine 223 concrete 31 cracking petroleum 270 biography 369
chromium 166, 359 Cockcroft, John 264, 265 reinforced 227 cranes, ancient Greece 33 daguerreotypes 191, 192, 369
chromosomes 194, 215, 222, 226, codex 39 water-setting 144, 145 crankshaft 58, 62 Dale, Henry 252
284 codon 285 conditioned reflex 243 crannequin 51 Dalton, John 168, 172, 369
artificial 343 coelacanth 271 conduction, electrical 136 Crawford, Adair 162 color blindness 162, 163
as genetic material 238 coeliac disease 36 cone cells 210, 269 Cray-1 307 meteorology 162
human number 286 cogs 21 conic sections 31 Cray, Seymour 307 Daltons Law of Partial Pressure
naming 225 gear 63 con

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