Caning Dictionary Jun 16

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David Abbi Alfira

Timothy Kuku Kafi
Hassan Kuwa Kaki
Ali Alaliim Hasan
Anjo Kuku Anjo
Dayan Kuku Jas
Sadik Kafi Sarukh


Tim Stirtz

This book is a list of some of the most common words spoken by the Caning. The meaning of each word
is given in English.

2016, Caning Language Committee and Sudan Workshop Program

Trial Edition October 2013

Trial Edition May 2016

Publisher: Sudan Workshop Program

Place of Publication: Juba


In the Caning language there are several different types of words: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives,
adverbs, connectors, and others. This dictionary lists many words and tells what kind of word each is. It
also gives the meaning of each word in English. Each word is listed according to the order of the
alphabet letters so that it is easier to find the words. This book also shows how each word should be
spelled. The lessons of the Caning Consonant and Vowel Book and the Caning Grammar Book should be
learned and used along with this dictionary.

It is especially important for those writing books and translating Scripture to check the spelling of words
using this book. If all writers spell the way that words are written in this dictionary, it will be easier for
readers to recognize each word when they read them. Any words in this book that are not spelled
correctly or have the wrong English meaning should be marked in pencil. You should then tell the
authors the correct spelling or meaning so that they can correct the next printing.

How to Read an Entry in this Dictionary

When you look in the dictionary, you will see many lines of words. Some look similar to the example

abad n stupid person abadiny /-iny

Heres what the words mean:

The word abad in bold is called the entry. All the words after it give information about this
word. All entries are listed according to the order of the Caning alphabet letters. See the Caning
Aphlabet Order below for the list of letters in order. Entries that are nouns or adjectives are the
singular (only one). Entries that are verbs are the incomplete form of the verb.
Next, the letter n in italics shows the word category (type of word) of the entry is a noun. See
the Word Category Abbreviations below for a list of all possible word category abbreviations.
Next, the words stupid person is the definition of the entry and shows its meaning in English.
The next word abadiny in bold is the plural of the entry. It is how to say more than one of the
noun. (Only entries that are nouns or adjectives have a plural.)
Next, /-iny shows the suffix (ending letters) of the plural. When the letters come after the slash
(/), it shows the suffix is attached to the plural, as /-iny in abadiny stupid people. When the
letters come before the slash, it shows the suffix is attached to the singular, as -ic/ in uxic
worm. Some nouns have suffixes before and after the slash, as -ic/-iny in winic vulture,
wininy bultures. See Suffixffixes of Singular and Plural Nouns below for a list of the most
common suffixes.

Now look at another example entry.

adi n 1) tradition, culture 2) taboo, unacceptable behaviour adidi /-di

adi is the entry and singular of the noun.

n shows the entry is a noun.
Next, we read 1) tradition, culture 2) taboo. These are two definitions (meanings) of the entry.
1) tradition, culture is the most common meaning. 2) taboo, unacceptable behaviour is a less
common meaning.
adidi is the plural of the entry.
/-di shows the suffix in the plural adidi.

Now look at another entry.

apadic Bw {Arabic} n duck (bird type) apadiny -ic/-iny

The words Bw {Arabic} show this entry abadic is borrowed from Arabic. Other entries may be
borrowed from English.

Now look at this entry.

amind apang n boyfriend, fianc (lit. friend of man) aminug apanginy

The words (lit. friend of man) show the literal meaning of amind apang.

Here are two other example entries.

me sed (ssed knot of rope) n weaver mengg sed m/m

sed knot of rope [me sed]

The words (sed knot of rope) show that sed is the root (original, simpler word), and that the
entry me sed comes from sed. It also shows you will find sed listed as another entry.
When you go to the entry sed, the word [me sed] is listed as a subentry between brackets [ ].
We dont know the meaning of [me sed] by looking at the entry sed. To learn this, we must go to
the entry me sed.

Here is another entry.

blede know bli, kable

blede is the entry. It is an incomplete verb. shows the part of speech of the entry is a transitive verb.
know is the definition.
bli is the command of the verb, used when giving orders.
kable is the completive form of the verb. This form represents changes in subject prefixes for
complete verbs. The prefix ka- on a complete verb in the dictionary shows there are the
following other complete prefixes for that verb: ma- he, ca- she,, nya- it,, ka- we (not you),,
sa- they. The prefix k- on a complete verb in the dictionary shows there are the following
other complete prefixes for that verb: mg- he, cg- she,, nyg- it,, wag- we (not you),,
sg- they. See Diffe
fferent complete verb prefix
fixes for more information.

Here is another entry.

paye desire, want, like, love paya, kpay {gi mpaye}

paye is the entry and an incomplete verb. shows it is a transitive verb.
desire, want, like, love is the definition.
paya is the command of the verb
kpay is the completive form of the verb.
{gi mpaye} is the incomplete verb form with subject pronoun gi you (sg). This verb
form represents changes that take place in the first consonant of the verb root for subject
pronouns ag I, gi you(sg) and anggayou(pl) in both incomplete and complete forms, and
for was we (not you) in the incomplete form. (p
p becomes mp in this verb). See First root
consonant changes for more information.

Here is one final entry.

lage1 wear laga, klaga

There is a small number 1 after the entry lage1. This means there is another word lage2 that has
the same letters but a completely different meaning. The word lage1 means wear and lage2
means hunt. The two words are not related, and just happen to have the same spelling.

Caning Alphabet Order

The words in this dictionary are listed according to the order of the Caning letters. Caning has 27 letters,
and they are in the following order.

Caning Alphabet
Aa [a] apang man
[] angxsic fly
Bb [] banyag warthog
Cc [c] cabr mountain
Dd [d] deny cow
D d [] dax stork
Ee [] eg giraffe
Ff [f] faranycal tomato
Gg [g] gax walking stick
Ii [i] is dog
Jj [] jengic pencil
Kk [k] kuppa hoe
Ll [l] lu hockey game
Mm [m] mgax buffalo
Nn [n] anapalic bow, arrow
Ng ng [] ngaluwec bell
Ny ny [] nyings rat
Oo [] osox lion
Pp [p] pipi baby
Rr [r] racca necklace
Ss [s] sicci planting stick
Tt [t] tumun ostrich
Uu [u] ux woman
Ww [w] winic vulture
Xx [x] xong sun
Yy [y] yog fish trap
Zz [z] zax roof of house

Word Category Abbreviations

Here is a list of all word category abbreviations in the dictionary, and what they mean:

adj adjective describes a noun; agrees with the noun in number
adv adverb describes a verb
con connector joins clauses or phrases
der.afx derivational affix a prefix, suffix, or noun phrase introducer that (unproductively) makes
a new word or phrase
exp expression a word that can be a sentence by itself
loc location shows the place of a following noun
n noun a person, animal, place, thing, or idea plural noun a grammatically plural noun that does not have a singular singular noun a grammatically singular noun that does not have a plural
num number tells the exact number of a noun
oth other shows the word category is not yet known
pos possessive takes the place of a possessed noun and its possessor pronoun
prep preposition introduces a noun or noun phrase
pron pronoun a substitute for a noun or noun phrase
quan quantity tells the approximate amount of a thing or person
ques question word asks a question
v.d verb derived an adjective or adverb used as a verb
v.t verb an action, motion, change that has an object
v.i intranstive verb an action, motion, change, state, or equal sign that has no object
v.n verbal noun a verb used as a noun

ffixes of Singular and Plural Nouns

There are three ways that nouns have singular and plural forms. They can add suffixes to the singular
form as in uxic worm. They can add suffixes to the plural form as in axiny hut. They can also add
suffixes in both singular and plural forms as in winic, wininy vulture.

Three ways of forming singular and plural nouns

Singular suffix Root Plural suffix
-ic/ uxiic ux worm
/-iny ax axiiny hut
-ic/-iny winiic win- winiiny vulture, bird type

The following are the most common singular suffixes.

Singular Suffixes
Singular Plural
-ic/ uxiic ux worm
-c/ bebecc bebe gourd
-dic, -tic/ glddic gl egg
-wec/ ngaluw wec ngalu bell
-wic/ kadasuw wic kadasu foundation

The following are the most common plural suffixes.

Plural Suffixes
Singular Plural
/-iny ax axiiny hut
/-u ux uxuu woman
/-da, -ta oxay oxayd da animal
/-di, -ti bul bulddi drum
/-de, -te jen jendde year
/-diny, -tiny ngas ngasttiny neck
/-ciny jenic jeniccciny season
/-dg ya yaddg meat
/-tudi sud suttudi mound, hump
/-nag ngole ngolen nag mothers brother

The following are the most common singular and plural suffix pairs.

Singular and Plural Suffixes

Singular Plural
-ic/-iny winiic winiiny vulture, bird type
-ic/-u banyiic banyuu light
-wan/-wan penwwan penggw wan son
-x/-ny osox
x oson
ny lion
-d/-nu dawud d dawunnu fish type

The m/m is for the words me, mengg and the p/e is for the words px, engg. These make noun
phrases from simpler nouns. The X/X is for nouns that have the same form for both the singular and the

Other Singular and Plural Abbreviations

Singular Plural
m/m me pelow mengg pelow farmer, person of the field
p/e px deny engg dg calf, young cow
X/X ayis ayis goat

fferent complete verb prefix

Nearly all verbs have subject prefixes that change with the subject pronoun before the verb. The subject
prefixes on incomplete verbs are different than on complete verbs.

Verb type 1
Incomplete Complete give back, return
Kig melee dog Kig kmeley dog Person . . . thing.
ag amelee ag kameley I
gi melee gi kmeley you (sg)
ma mmelee ma mgmeley he

ce cmelee ce cgmeley she
nya nymelee nya nygmeley it
was wameliig ? was wagmeleyiig we (not you)
kog meliig ? kog kmeleyiig we (and you)
angga meleeng ? angga kmeleyeeng you (pl)
sa smelee sa sgmeley they

All verbs have the same subject prefixes in incomplete forms, but not all verbs have the same subject
prefixes in complete forms. There are two sets (groups) of subject prefixes in complete forms of verbs.
Some verbs (type 1) have complete form subject prefixes like mele give back above. These include
mg-, cg-, nyg-, wag-, sg-. Other verbs (type 2) have complete form subject prefixes like mene
take below. These include ma-, ca-, nya-, ka-, sa-.

Verb type 2
Incomplete Complete take
Kig menee dog Kig kamen dog Person . . . thing.
ag amenee ag kamen I
gi menee gi kmen you (sg)
ma mmenee ma mamen he
ce cmenee ce camen she
nya nymenee nya nyamen it
was wameniig ? was kameniig we (not you)
kog meniig ? kog kmeniig we (and you)
angga meneeng ? angga kmeneeng you (pl)
sa smenee sa samen they

In the dictionary, you can tell the difference between type 1 and type 2 verbs from the complete form. In
the dictionary, complete forms are listed after the meaning in English and after the command form.

mele1 give back mele, kmeley

mene1 1) take, catch, hold, trap 2) care for mene/nang, kamen

The complete forms in the dictionary can be in the sentece Kig ____ (dog). The person ____ (thing). Type
1 complete verbs in this sentence have the prefix k- such as in kmeley gave back. Type 2 complete
verbs in this sentence have the prefix ka- such as in kamen took.

First root consonant changes

In some type 1 verbs, there are changes in the first consonant of the root. In the type 1 verb poko carry,
the first consonant p changes to mp for the subject pronouns ag I, gi you(sg) and anggayou(pl) in
both incomplete and complete forms, and for was we (not you) in the incomplete form.

Verb type 1
Incomplete Complete carry
Kig poko dog Kig kpok dog Person . . . thing.
ag ampokoo ag kampok I

gi mpokoo gi kmpok you (sg)
ma mpokoo ma mgpok he
ce cpoko
o ce cgpok she
nya nypokoo nya nygpok it
was wampokiig ? was wagpokiig we (not you)
kog pokiig ? kog kpokiig we (and you)
angga mpokaang ? angga kmpokaang you (pl)
sa spoko
o sa sgpok they

However, type 2 verbs do not have changes in consonants like type 1 verbs. In the type 2 verb paxe kill,
the first consonant p remains p with all subject prefixes.

Verb type 2
Incomplete Complete kill
Kig paxee dog Kig kapax dog Person . . . thing.
ag apaxee ag kapax I
gi paxee gi kpax you (sg)
ma mpaxee ma mapax he
ce cpaxee ce capax she
nya nypaxee nya nyapax it
was wapaxiig ? was kapaxiig we (not you)
kog paxiig ? kog kpaxiig we (and you)
angga paxaang ? angga kpaxaang you (pl)
sa spaxee sa sapax they

Instead, type 2 verbs have changes in other root consonants. In the type 2 verb saxe refuse, the first
consonant s becomes z for the pronouns gi you(sg) and anggayou(pl) in incomplete forms.

Verb type 2
a Incomplete Complete refuse
Kig saxee dog Kig kasax dog Person . . . thing.
ag asaxee ag kasax I
gi zaxee gi ksax you (sg)
ma msaxee ma masax he
ce csaxee ce casax she
nya nysaxee nya nyasax it
was wasaxiig ? was kasaxiig we (not you)
kog saxiig ? kog ksaxiig we (and you)
angga zaxaang ? angga ksaxaang you (pl)
sa ssaxee sa sasax they

In type 1 verbs, there are other first root consonants that change, as shown below next to C1. There are
also some first root consonants that do not change in type 1 verbs, as shown below next to . The
changes in consonant are in bold and can be seen by comparing one column to the next.

Consonant changes in type 1 verbs

Incomplete Complete
person . . . I... you (sg) . . person . . .
C1 p kig pase ag am
mpase gi mpase kig kp
pase meet
c kig cogo ag an
nycogo gi nycogo kig kccogu arrive
b kig bolo ag am
mbolo gi mbolo kig kb
bol make
d kig dele ag an
ndele gi ndele kig kd
del decorate
d kig doco ag an
ndoco gi ndoco kig kdoc go
g kig gawe ag an
nggawe gi nggawe kig kg
gaw throw
z kig zeke ag an
nzeke gi nzeke kig kzzek block, cover
V kig oxo ag an
noxo gi noxo kig ko
ox see
m kig mesede ag am
mesede gi mesede kig km
mes loose (sm)
n kig nanange ag an
nanange gi nanange kig kn
nanange trick
ny kig nyame ag an
nyame gi nyame kig kn
nyam check
ng kig ngawe ag an
ngawe gi ngawe kig kn
ngaw catch
l kig lage ag allage gi lage kig kllag wear
r kig rake ag arrake gi rake kig krrak surround
w kig waye ag aw
waye gi waye kig kw
way cultivate

In type 2 verbs, only the first root consonants t, k, s can change, as shown below next to C2. Other first
root consonants do not change in type 2 verbs, as shown below next to . Many of the same first root
consonants can be in type 1 or type 2 verbs, but t, k, s can only be in type 2 verbs.

Consonant changes in type 2 verbs

Incomplete Complete
person . . . I... you (sg) . . person . . .
C2 t kig teye ag ad
deye gi deye kig kad
dey create
k kig kre ag ag
gre gi gre kig kag
grt think
s kig saxe ag assaxe gi zaxe kig kassax refuse
p kig paxe ag ap
paxe gi paxe kig kap
pax kill
b kig bate ag ab
bate gi bate kig kab
bag take, get
d kig dse ag ad
dse gi dse kig kad
dst advise
d kig danye ag adanye gi danye kig kadany hide
c kig codo ag accodo gi codo kig kaccod drop, fall
y kig yaxse ag ay
yaxse gi yaxse kig kay
yaxs send
x kig xonyo ag ax
xonyo gi xonyo kig kax
xony rescue
m kig mene ag am
mene gi mene kig kam
men take
n kig niye ag an
niye gi niye kig kan
niy help, deliever
ny kig nyase ag an
nyase gi nyase kig kan
nyas rescue
ng kig ngade ag an
ngade gi ngade kig kan
ngad speak
l kig laley ag allaley gi laley kig kallaley look, see
w kig wanye ag aw
wanye gi wanye kig kaw
wany play (instrument)


abad n stupid person abadiny /-iny amin n friend aminu /-u

abisolo n sweet sorghum abisoloda /-da amind apang n boyfriend, fiance (lit. friend of
man) aminug apanginy
abogic n lower cheek near mouth abog -ic/
amind ux n girlfriend, fiance (lit. friend of
acaya n branch of tree acayada /-da
woman) aminug uxu
accang surely amkadad Bw (Arabic) n chisel for carving
adaka con so that wood amkadadiny /-iny
adi n 1) tradition, culture 2) taboo, unacceptable amo hey
behaviour adidi /-di amusu n debt to repay amusudi /-di
ag pron I anadaruwic n glassess, spectacles anadaru
agnang pron I -wic/
agwan 1) face 2) eyes anapalic1 n arrow anapaliny -ic/-iny

agega adv naming anapalic2 n bow anapalu -ic/-u

agwang name andwan n hand [px bonu andwan]

asnggwan -wan/-wan
ajis n bile, gall, bitter liquid from body ajisiny
angsic n flying termite angs -ic/
aka oth do not angxsic n fly (insect type) angx -sic/

akadoko n praying mantis (insect type) angg leke salt

akadoku /-u anggerepene n bed anggerepunu -ene/-unu
akalandi n gecko, lizard type akalandu /-u anggo pron you (pl) (not us)
ak not anya ques why, how
ak makala juwic n pumpkin aku makalaju apadic Bw {Arabic} n duck (bird type)
ak sog n path, road akngg sota apadiny -ic/-iny
ak sogal n doorway (lit. at door) akngg apang n man apanginy, apangas /-iny, -as
sogaliny apangg oth big
akudeka n turtle (in water) akudeku /-u apaxk agwan eyebrow (lit. hair of face)
alacca come alezi, kaleza {gi nalacca} apaxtic n hair apax -tic/
alax n shin [alaxtwan] alany -x/-ny aprnduwec n intestinal worm aprndu
alaxtwan (alax shin) n leg alanywan -wan/- -wec/
wan aprgenuwec n bat aprgenu -wec/
alkodos Bw {Arabic} n pipe alkodosiny /-iny apo adj good apoccu /-ccu
ama guy, hey, you apoco n hare, rabbit apocu /-u
amax n dwarf, uncommonly short person amany apoydg v.n goodness
appa n father appanag /-nag

apudonyo n small crocodile apudonyu /-u ax dog n hole [px ax dog] axngg
wek ?
aran num six
ax gayad n latrine, toilet axngg gayad
aroppolic n zebra aroppolu -ic/-u
ax iyed n womb axngg iyed
artamug n baboon (large monkey) artamuginy
/-iny ax mas n gun (lit. hut of fire) axngg masta
aru n marsh, wet land arudi /-di ax ngeyig place of spirit of dead person
(hut of mourning)
asac n tamarind tree asayda /-da
ax odsani same place
asarngadic n rainbow asarngadu -ic/-u
ax pdo n spring of water axngg pdoda
asaydic n hail, ice asayda -ic/
ax sng n bedroom (lit. place of sleeping)
asiny num ten
axngg sindi
asiny wang nuxu num eleven ax sus bladder
asiny wang ptax num twelve ax zg n hole (lit. hut of dirt) axngg zg
asmati dry food for journey axka n large bird type axku /-u
asmex n 1) moon 2) month 3) mentrual period axse tie (rope) axsa, kaxs {gi naxse}
asminy -ex/-iny
axsic n fish as -ic/
asug Bw {Arabic} n market asuginy /-iny
axungg duta bump, hump
atapige n spear type atapigu /-u
ayadog n everything
atogonow n jackal, wild dog atogonowiny /-iny
ayagig every person
atorndori n fox atorndoru /-u
ayda n relative by marriage aydag /-g
atoro n giant, uncommonly tall person atoru /-u
aydan apang n brother-in-law (lit. in-law of
awad n bird awiny -ad/-iny
man) aydak apanginy
awagic n chest awa -gic/ aydan ux n sister-in-law (lit. in-law of woman
awiny flock of birds aydak uxu
awunwan n eye agwan -wan/-wan ayis n goat, female goat [px ayis] ayis X/X

awune n kernel of maize age -/- azaf Bw {Arabic} n palm tree azafiny /-iny

ax n hut axiny /-iny xzg oth living

xse v.i die, be dead xse, kxs {gi nxse}

bac n upper arm [baccwan, bacu] bacu /-u bada n palm of hand [badanwan] badanda
baccwan, bacu (bac upper arm) n shoulder
bacugwan -wan/-wan badanwan (bada palm of hand) n foot
badada -wan/-da
bad v.n beat, hit
badnya exp stupid

bade decorate, make attractive bada, kabad bo colonggo (colonggo 1 lake, place of water)
n big river bong colongota
bagagi n snake type bagagu /-u
bocca adv usually, always
baleg n belly, stomach balegwan /-wan
bodo agree boda, kabod
bang n remainder banda -g/-da
bokada bring boti, kbota
bangacca v.i be called bandsi, kabandsa
bokng remove bokng, kabokng
bange 1) call to come 2) follow banda,
kaband bokosnag v.n usher
banyag n warthog banyagu /-u bolic n agreement bol -ic/
banyic n light banyu -ic/-u bolo make bola, kbol {gi mbolo}
barug n 1) fence 2) courtyard 3) cattle pen bonwan n mother bonggwan -wan/-wan
baruginy /-iny
bonog n friend, person boniginy, bony -iny
baruks turug n camp (lit. courtyard of army)
bonggon cengic n step mother (lit. your (pl)
baruginyg turug
mother of side) bongggog cengic
basa unless, except
botac n backbitting
batad (bate1) v.n marriage, wedding ceremony
box1 n likeness, resemblance
bate1 1) get, take, marry 2) use 3) carry
box2 badness, evil
baga, kabag, bakedig batad
boxene n old eyes boxngganag
bate2 v.i be stupid bata, kabate
boxux n grandmother boxunggxu
bdg n spear type bdgu /-u
budurug n sow, female pig [px budurug]
blax1 quan few blaxiny buduruginy /-iny
blax2 adj shallow blaxiny /-iny buga ? spoon
blede know, realize bli, kable bugan log n ladle, cooking spoon for asida (lit.
Brkili mountain name spoon of sauce) bugadag log

bxadic n fever (body warm from sickness) buguning n king buguninginy /-iny
bxadiny bul n drum (big) buldi /-di
bebec n gourd bebe -c/ bulda biye n small drum bulduga biyeniny
bede adj 1) difficult, trying, tough 2) intelligent bung n deaf person bunginy /-iny
bur n crack in dry ground burti
bedic n pain bedidg -c/-dg
bus silk, hair of maize
beged v.n gift
butug kingdom
bene wait for bende, kbend
bux wine, beer
bisko n friend biskoda /-da
buxu roast buxi, kbux
biyi adj small biyeng /-eng

cabr n 1) mountain, hill 2) land, world cabrta cid n eagle (bird type) cidu /-u
cigiyene n mane, hair on neck of lion, horse
cadigo n fog, mist, white air from ground cigidi yene/-di
cilx n slave cilxiny /-iny
cagwiyang n hernia, intestines coming out of
cilegs log n soup spoon cileginyg log
body cagwiyanginy /-iny
camiye v.i meet ciling n parrot (bird type) cilinginy

Canic n Caning person [px canic] Caning cilxaya n snail cilxayu /-u
-ic/-ing cobos, cobog n jaw cbony -s/-ny
cata v.i sit icca, kcca {gi nycata} cocolacca descend, go down cocolizi,
cate separate, differentiate, decide between kacocoleza
several choices caga, kcakda {gi nycate} codo1 make fall, overpower, defeat, over
cax n anus [caxse2] caxsiny /-siny turn, wrestle cotda, kacotd

caxswan1 n tribe, ethnic group caxsnggwan codo2 v.i fall, drop coda, kacod
-wan/-wan codo3 wrestle, fight coda, kacod
caxswan2 n descendant caxsiny -wan/-iny cog v.i reach, arrive
caxse1 adj handsome cogo arrive, reach coga, kcogu {gi nycogo}
caxse2 (cax anus) adv under colada pour coli, kcola
cpari thread, string colo v.i 1) serve 2) pour cola, kacol
ce pron she colonggo n 1) lake, place of water [bo
celuwec n side of body, body handle of fat celu colonggo] 2) dried up place of water, river
-wec/ colonggoda /-da
cengekxong adv afternoon (lit. side of sun) copo look at, visit copa, kcopo {gi nycopo}
cengiccwan n side of body cendegwan coxowa v.i hurry coxawa, kacoxowa
cukulug n ripe pumpkin cukuluginy /-iny
ceremegic n bird trap ceremeg -ic/
culudic n charcoal culu -dic/
ceri n basket to carry grain from fields ceridi /-di
curu n granary, grain storage place curudi /-di
cic n vagina of woman [px cic] cicciny /-ciny

dage chop (with axe) daga, kdag {gi dnd ma n leech (water insect sucking blood)
ndage} (lit. scorpion of water) dnug ma
daraga n shield daragu /-u dnge listen to dnge, kdng {gi ndnge}
dlwec n sand dlweciny /-iny dse advise dste, kadst {gi dse}
dn n scorpion dnu /-u dtax two, so that ?

dx 1) treat (sickness, wound) 2) n sick dox1 n mud [doxaded] [doxajul]
person ? dxi, kdx {gi ndx} [doxotonyad] doxta /-ta
del decoration dox2 n person
dele1 decorate dele, kdel {gi ndele} doxaded (dox1 mud) lump of clay
dele2 make fall teli, kadel doxajul (dox1 mud) clay
deny1 n cow, female cow [px deny] dg -/- doxotonyad (dox1 mud) mud block, brick
deny2 ignore duc n flour duciny /-iny
deny ma n hippo (lit. cow of water) dg ma dudulusic n flower dudulus -ic/
dibiri n lip ornament dibiru /-u dukutsa pour (grain), raise, overturn
dimidi complete, finish dimi, kdimi {gi dukusa, kdukusa {gi ndukutsa}
ndimini} dul ? n stump dulung ? /-ung
diniye n storm diniyu /-u duld ed n tree stump dulungg ewe
dobolog n ram, male sheep dobologiny /-iny dulubusic n tumor, cancer dulubus -ic/
dokolo stand, stop dokoli, kdokol {gi duric (duru) n gathering of traders, merchants
ndokolo} in the market duricciny /-ciny
dol n snake dolu /-u duru gather (people) duri, kduri {gi
dolezi v.i lead dolezi, kdoleza {gi ndolezi} nduru} duric
dolo line-up dola, kdole ? {gi ndolo} duwu soak, make wet duwi, kduw {gi
dong adv backward nduw}

D d

dami n fig tree damu /-u drg n brain in head drginy /-iny
danywan n palate, roof of mouth danyda dege ascend, climb dege, kadeg
degecce v.i ascend, go up desi, kadese
danye hide danya, kadany
derem n tree type dereminy /-iny
dawic n broom dawucu -ic/-ucu
dingi cut dingi, kading
dawud n mud fish dawunu -d/-nu
diy not know, forget diyi, kadiya
dax n stork, large bird type daxiny /-iny
diyada forget [ze kdiyasa] diy, kadiya
daye wash (clothes, body) daya, kaday
doco v.i go, move, separate from wede, kdoc
ddo tear, pull apart duta, kadd {gi ndoco}
dgane v.i hurry dgana, kadgane dog n thing weg -/-
dmd n heifer, young cow dmnu -d/-nu doga oth stupid
dngak xong adv sunset (lit. going down of doga sogowadng song adv never (lit. thing
sun) happening not)

donge care for, treat well doxti n person nycoki -/-
dosto pull dosta, kadoskd doskodig dugog puss of infection
doxo obtain, get, find doxa, kadox duwaduwasic n worm type duwaduwas -ic/

e oth yes endu you (sg)

ed n tree, wood [kaxsed] [me ewe] [ned] enge skin (animal) ende, kend {gi nenge}
[px ed] ewe -/- exenwan n leg [nyxt exene] [px bonu
edekeny adv tomorrow, next day exenwan] exenggwan -wan/-wan
eg n giraffe eginy /-iny exenggukal n yam, sweet potatoe

faranycal n tomato faranycaliny /-iny filindi n spear type filindu /-u

fatela n match box fatelu /-u

gal ?? gbo bury gba, kgb {gi nggbo}

ganang adv now gdang be before
gang now gldic n 1) egg 2) fetus gl -dic/
ganggaxuwic n gravel ganggaxu -wic/ gpca already
gany n weapon geldwic n wildcat geldwiny -ic/-iny
garabe v.i be near gele peel, shell (hard things) gele, kagel {gi
gaw n hawk (bird type) gawiny /-iny
gexte v.i limp gexkte, kgexkdu {gi nggexte}
gawe throw gawa, kgaw {gi nggawe}
gi pron you (singular)
gax n cane, walking stick gany -x/-ny
gidiki shake gidiki, kgidiki {gi
gaxs- der.afx gathering of . . .
gaxsngga middle gining pron you
gaxsiny nyaxic (nyaxic blade, piece of grass, gingang pron you (pl)
thatch) n grass gaxsinyg nyaxta

gisin n anteater gisininy /-iny gulumun n millipede gulumuniny /-iny
gol n water well, water hole golda /-da gunic n knuckle, bending gun
gom adv afterwards, later gunid hem of clothe, clothing
guguric n fish type guguru -ic/-u gurumadig n wasp (stinging insect)
gurumadiny -ig/-iny
guldwan n navel, belly button guliny -wan/-
iny gurumgurum oth down, darkness
gulonggulong n dung beetle gulonggulonginy gurwec n millet gurweciny /-iny
guzun n owl (bird type) guzini /-i
gulugulusic n bubble, foam, air in water
gulugulus -ic/

i con and, but ins con but if

ig n water ip n tail of animal iptiny /-tiny
ikang now is n dog [px is] isu /-u
ikwan n 1) mouth 2) language ikinggwan iyng produce iyng, kiyng {gi niyng}
iye v.i 1) give birth 2) produce iye, kiye {gi niye}
ila unless, until, except
iyex know yex, kalayex {gi yex}

jeded harvest season jesic Bw {Arabic} n soldier jesiny -ic/-iny

jen n year jende /-de jog oth click in mouth jojoge
jenic n season of year jenicciny /-ciny juldg blackness
jengic n pencil, pen jengcu /-u

kabasic n tattoo, facial marking kabas -ic/ kabug n spoon kabuginy /-iny
kaborne n horn, musical instrument type kacalubugic n intestine kacalubug -ic/
kabornu /-u
kacc n donkey kaccu /-u
kaboxtonic n frog kaboxtonu -ic/-u
kace adv that she

kacikay n rattle (musical instrument type) kaxs gal n compound, courtyard (lit. inside
kacikayiny /-iny compound) kaxsngg galda
kadasuwic n foundation kadasu -wic/ kaxspa (pa 1 homestead, compound) n town,
city kaxspadg /-dg
kada n fishing net kadada /-da
kaxse n stone, pit of fruit kaxsingge /-ingge
kag adv that me
kaxsed (kaxs inner part, side (of something),
kagi adv that you (sg)
ed tree, wood) n forest, bush [me kaxsed]
kagog adv that us (and you) kaxsinggewe -d/-inggewe
kal n room, hut of compound kalda /-da kayudic n rubbish kayu -dic/
kala con 1) so, then 2) like, as kbadic n shoe, sandal kbada -ic/
Kalg n God, god kalta -g/-ta kdataxowic n criket (insect type) kdataxo
kalg n charm, amulet, idol, thing with magical -wic/
power [me klg] kalta, kalkta /-ta kdbx n trap kdbxiny /-iny

kalumpoc n bamboo kalumpociny /-iny kday quan all [tota kday]

kalung others kdayge whole, all of something

kama adv that him kg escort

kamal Bw {English} n camel kamalu /-u kgl n calf of leg kgliny /-iny

kampng n leftover food kampnginy /-iny klad braid of hair

kamuga n boar, male pig kamugu /-u kn kday quan everyone, everybody (lit.
people all)
kanggo adv that you (pl)
kpgne n beach, sand at edge of body of
kanya adv that it water kpgnu /-u
kanyaguwec n fin of fish kanyagu -wec/ kre think krte, kagrt {gi gre}
kanyaxan n razor kanyaxanu /-u kredng remember krng, kagrng {gi
kapaldg 1) woman who has not yet given gredng}
birth 2) virgin ktandali n pelican (bird type) ktandalu /-u
kardeg n hoe scraper, cleaner kardeginy /-iny ktbxs adv limping
kasa adv that them ktos adv full, completely
kawa oth no (reject a request) kx n person kn
kawas adv that us (not you) kxa bu n white person kngga bawiny
kawi what kxa caka n different person kngga cakuwiny
kawing n fat person kawingi /-i kxa ngonde n master, important person
kawong adv yesterday knggga ngoniny
kxa semen n prisoner, captive kngga semen
kawuzi adv day before yesterday
kxa ze tas n mad, crazy person kngga
kax con 1) supposed to, ought to, must 2) if
zngga tasiny
kaxs n inner part, side (of something) [kaxsed]
kxa- der.afx person that is . . . kngga-

kxse adj dead kxseng ? kolar n 1) throat 2) voice box kolariny /-iny
ke ques how kolos1 n arm, elbow kolosiny /-iny
kedenwec n virgin, bride kedenewiny -wec/- kolos2 n edge of something kolosingge
kom n chair komda /-da
kee yes
kompa n axe kompu /-u
kelegele n monkey kelegelu /-u
korongic n pasture, grassy area for cows
kemis n leopard kemusu /-u korongo -ic/-o
kerekerec n spot (like on leopard) koxa rain
kerekereciny /-iny
koxic n palm tree koxiciny /-iny
keskow 1) n dawn 2) adv dawn, before sunrise
koying bring koying, kagoying
keyenggen n bush, small tree keyenggenu /-u
koyodng bring kowng, kagoyng {gi
kezic n day keziciny /-iny goyodng}
kidic n breast kidi -c/ kred n boundary marker of field krete /-te
kig n person kn -/- kreny ques how many krenyag
kijis n pounding stick kijisu /-u kubundic n bark of tree kubundu -ic/-u
kilingic n bracelet kilinginy -ic/iny kubunduwic n peel (of fruit) kubundu -wic/
kindarag n winnow, rake for gathering cut grass kuburic n bench for sitting on kuburu -ic/-u
kindaraginy /-iny
kubutic n wing kubug -tic/
kinggi others
kuc n sorghum kuny -c/-ny
kipin n civet cat kipinu /-u
kuc daba n maize kucungg dabu
kixi respond, answer kixi, kagixi {gi gixidi}
kudura n strength [me kudura] kudurada /-da
kiyaud collect, gather
kudutud n bird type kudutudu /-u
kobox gourd kobony -x/-ny
kudongic n stem, stalk (etc of dura) ku'dong
koboxs ma (ma1 water) n bucket, pail -ic/
kobonyg ma
kuku n first born male child kukudi /-di
kocogoric n hoof (of cow, horse) kocogor -ic/
kulic n sesame seed kuliciny /-iny
kodogol n large bird type kodogoliny /-iny
kulubic n mushroom kulubu -ic/-u
kodokodosic n ankle kodokodos -ic/
kulung quan some
kodos num three
kumagi n wall kumagidi /-di
kodoseneng third
kunun locust (insect type)
kodog n valley kodota /-ta
kuny1 n thorn kunyu /-u
kog pron we (and you)
kuppa n hoe, digging tool kuppu /-u
kogoldic n 1) shell (of nut, turtle, etc) 2) skin of
kupuppusic n lung kupuppus -ic/
fruit kogol -dic/
kogolge n peel kuric n dove kuru -ic/-u

kokomic n umbilical cord kokominy -ic/-iny

kuric tabaldi n dove with yellow breast (lit. kutunwan n abdomen, belly kutugwan
dove of Tabldi tree) kurug tabaldi
kuwagoga n bird type kuwagogu /-u

lage1 wear laga, klag lete v.i 1) dance 2) be happy

lage2 hunt [me lag] laga, klag leye refuse ley, kaley
laley look, see lala, kalaley leza v.i appear kleza
lang n basket langda /-da ligid n 1) shadow 2) spirit of dead person ligiti
lange sing langi, kalanga
ligita apo n soul, spirit (lit. spirit good) ligitiga
lare devide, distribute lara, klar
lasa remain kalasa lilim v.i be sweet
lawe v.i scream lawzi, klawza lilingicci bend over lilingzi, kalilingzi
laxng v.i pass by laxng, klaxng limicc xong adv sunrise (lit. rising of sun)
laye v.i be, remain kalay log n sauce lota, lokta /-ta
layis become, be, remain layizi, kalayis lorto n grasshopper (insect) lortu /-u
lg 1) dust 2) smoke lg loy1 adj tall
lgo smoke something lga, klgoy loy2 adv flat
lmosn collect, gather lu n local hockey garme with football and sticks
lpede tell lpi, kalpe ludi /-di
led n joy, happiness letede /-tede lugulogdi n inheritance

lede n owner letuge -de/-tuge luguwic n premolar tooth lugu -wic/

lege speak, say lege, kalege luku n pool of water lukudi /-di

legednic n story legedniny -ic/-iny lunguric n bird like duck lunguru -ic/-u

legeresic n gravel lunguric ba n turkey lungurug ba

legey speech, talking luw 1) cut 2) interfere with 3) respond,
answer luwi, kluw
lemic n root (edible) lemanyu -ic/-anyu
luwid circumcision
lenge oth open area [odalenge1]

ma1 water [koboxs ma] ma2 pron he

macudic n co-wife, second wife macudic X/X mnang adv like that
mada v.i be satisfied mnde adv again, also
madaga n glue for catching birds madagu /-u mne ask mne, kamn
mafara n cassava, manioc mafarada /-da msa n fist of hand msta -a/-ta
maga petecc current, moving water (lit mso close
water running)
mxem n antelope mxeminy /-iny
mag ya soup, broth (lit water of meat)
mxic n 1) root, bulb of plant [px mxic] 2)
magic n sap of tree mag -ic/ muscle mx -ic/
majwan n polygamy, marriage of more than mxo sink, dunk mxa, kamx
one wife majudi -wan/-di
me- der.afx person that . . . mengg-
malas n spear type malasu /-u
me br n thief mengg brata m/m
male domestic, farm animal maleda /-da
me cagad n sorcerer mengg cagad m/m
malezic n guinea fowl maleza -ic/
me celdug n liar, lying person mengg celdug
mandarna n snake type mandarnanginy m/m
me dabi n poor man mengg dabi m/m
mandur n widow, woman or man whose
me dany n brave person mengg dany m/m
husband or wife died manduriny /-iny
mange adj many, more mangecc /-cc me ded n blacksmith, iron worker mengg ded
mangecc very much
me dolic n guide mengg dolic m/m
manycal n sickle, grass cutter manycaliny /-iny
me enged n butcher mengg enged m/m
marany n scar maranyda /-da
me ewe (ed tree, wood) n medicine man,
maranyd mas n burn on body (lit. scar of fire) traditional healer mengg ewe m/m
maranydag mas
me golong n merchant, seller mengg golong
marnyang n dance type marnyanginy /-iny m/m
mas n fire masta /-ta me isid n jealous person mengg isid m/m
masak goxa drought, famine me kaxsed (kaxsed forest, bush) n bush
dweller mengg kaxsed m/m
mase dry, make dry masa, kamas
me klg (kalg charm, amulet, idol, thing
matadawic n fish type matadawiny -ic/-iny
with magical power) n witch, sorcerer, diviner
maya v.i be satisfied may, kamaya (man or woman) mengg klkta
mdg num five me kudura (kudura strength) n strong person
mengg kudura m/m
mdac n container, mould for shaping mettal or
me lag (lage2 hunt) n hunter mengg lag m/m
clay mdacciny /-ciny
mgacng adv long ago me marog n ghost mengg marota m/m

mgax1 n heart mgany -x/-ny me menekas (mene1 1 take, catch, hold, trap)
n fisherman mengg menekas m/m
mgax2 n buffalo mgany -x/-ny
me niyed n midwife mengg niy
mlage n fish type mlagu /-u

me nganyad n trader, buyer mengg nganyad menetsa use for trapping menesa,
m/m kamenesa
me nyxay n beggar mengg nyxay m/m menggpa (pa 1 homestead, compound) n
family menggpadg /-dg
me nyugatug n coward mengg nyugatug
m/m mes1 n penis of man mestiny /-tiny
me pa (pa 1 homestead, compound) n host mes2 n father meg
mengg badg
mese1 n stinger of insect mestiny -e/-tiny
me pelow (pelow field) n farmer mengg
mese2 v.i disappear, get lost kmese
pelow m/m
me pungud n stranger mengg punguti mese3 loose mese, kmes

me sed (sed knot of rope) n weaver mengg meske protect, keep, care for, raise up
sed m/m meskide, kameskd

me tekbetu n potter mengg tekbetu m/m mexes n crippled person mexesu /-u

me walang n wanderer, person walking around meyge n winter season meygede /-de
from place to place mengg walang m/m meyin n ant meyininy /-iny
me wanag n father mengg wanag m/m meza n creator, spirit mezada /-da
me wedg (wedg journey, trip) n traveler mezana n spirit
mengg wedg m/m
mezana tas n demon, evil spirit (lit. creator
me yaxis n messenger mengg yaxis m/m
bad) mezadaga tasiny
mec n mosquito meciny /-iny mid n fat, oil midi /-i
mege n 1) wind storm, wind [pen mege] 2) air mid tumox honey (lit. oil of bees)
megede /-de
mil n song mildi /-di
megen n orphan megenu /-u
mimacad v.n traitor
megetudi adv morning (lit. wind early/cold)
miy n skin, hide of animal miydi /-di
meld n 1) bellow for pumping air on fire 2)
bladder that holds urine meldu /-u mo adv just

meldnny n bladder modic n peace mode -ic/

meldic argument modolong n cock, rooster, male chicken

modolonginy /-iny
mele1 give back mele, kmeley
moladaswa v.i 1) be silent 2) remain moliwa,
mele2 v.i return meli ?, kmele
mem milk moliwa v.i remain moliwa, kamolaswa
menwan n father menggwan -wan/-wan morog n grave, cemetary morota /-ta
mene1 1) take, catch, hold, trap [me moso rot, decay mosa, kmose
menekas] 2) care for mene/nang, kamen
moxkol n kitchen moxkoliny /-iny
mene2 hold mende, kmend
moxsoc n vine moxso -c/
mene sog v.i begin a journey (lit. make a
moxta n horse moxtu /-u
journey?) mene sog, kamen sog
mudic nasal mucus

mumus n toad (reptile type) mumusu /-u munodang adv coming
munwan (mune point, tip of something) n mus n bowl, pot for pounding into mustudi
nose mudkwan -wan/-wan /-tudi
mune n point, tip of something [munwan] musku oth still
muso cause, make unsatisfied musi, kamsa

na1 prep with [ned] nce pos hers

na2 con and nma pos his
na and banic adv rightward (lit. with hand nnog pos ours (and yours)
nnggi pos yours (sg)
na and nyagol adv leftward (lit. with hand
nnggo pos yours (pl)
na canyicc xong adv towards the sun (lit. nnya pos its
with direction of sun) ns be, is, are, which, that
na dabi adv poorly, without money (with nsa pos theirs
nsko pos ours (not yours)
na zngnga adv truely (lit. with truth)
nstire adv truely (lit be true)
nace adv with her
ndakabuc n groundnut, peanut ndakabucciny
naga oth is for, about
nag adv with me ndak n so that not
nagi adv with you (sg) nd con and, then
nagog adv with us (and you) ndendengic n feather ndendenginy -ic/-iny
nama adv with him ndi ques where
nanange trick, deceive nananga, ndos n anus
ndukurudic n dust ndukurudi -c/
nani there
ned (na1 with, ed tree, wood) n rafter, beam in
nano very
ceiling newe -d/-we
nangg pos mine neng had, so
nanggo adv with you (pl) nimi scatter nimng, kanimng
nanya, nang adv with it nimic n vision (of angel , etc. while awake) nimi
napl adv quietly -c/

nasa adv with them niye help to deliver birth, produce niye,
nawas adv with us (not you)
no seem

nolo v.i go ngte2 (ngte1 near) v.der be near ngite,
noxsi raise (from dead), make alive noxsi, nge v.i cry, wail ngede, knged
nge ikwegong noise, sound
nunuxundi one by one
ngec n bone ngay
nung breath
ngecc awagic n rib (lit. bone of chest) ngayg
nuxu 1) num one 2) adv only [tax nuxu] awa
[taxnuxu] ngecc onggwan n spine, back bone (lit. bone
nuxu dokandng soxong quan nothing (lit. of back) ngayg onggwan
only there is a thing not) ngecc wanwan n bone of body (lit. bone of
nuxung kikandng song quan nobody, no body) ngayg wanwan
one (lit. only there is a person not) ngecc zwan n skull (lit. bone of head)
nuxus adv maybe, perhaps ngayg znggwan -wan/-wan

nga n voice, word nyadad -/- ngeyig crying, funeral, mourning ngeyig

ngad, ngadag 1) word [serek nga] 2) ngeyitede funeral, mourning
matter ngga n mother ngangganag /nga--nag
ngade speak, say ngada, kangad nggux n 1) tortoise 2) hunchback person ngguny
ngake n word, matter -x/-ny

ngaluwec n bell ngalu -wec/ ngojox n blind person ngojeny -ox/-eny

ngan sister nganag ngole n mother's brother ngolenag /-nag

nganwan n sister nganakwan -wan/-wan ngome n weed ngomeda /-da

nganye sell nganya, kangany ngonde adj big, important ngoniny -de/-iny

ngas n neck ngastiny /-tiny ngondow n elder, old person (man or woman)
ngondowiny /-iny
ngasacca1 n abscess, infection with puss
ngongoxosic n gill of fish ngongoxos -ic/
ngasaciny -ca/-iny
ngasacca2 n goiter, growth on face ngasayda ngotorobo n chief ngotoroboda /-da
-ca/-da ngunyangunyang n hedgehog
ngasang n myself ngastngwan ngunyangunyanginy /-iny

ngas andwan n wrist (lit. neck of hand) nya1 pron it

ngastinyg asnggwan -wan/-wan nya2 think
ngastnggog ourselves nyadada chaff, remains after dura is
ngawe catch ngawa, kngaw harvested

ngayic n small stone [px ngayic ngori] nyame check nyama, knyam
nganyu -yic/-nyu nyamusow n army ant, safari ant nyamusowiny
ngc n dung ngciny /-iny /-iny

ngsata stand ngsa, kangsa nyandng exists

ngso wake up, stand ngsa, kngsa nyang1 n crocodile nyanginy /-iny

ngte1 adv near [ngte2] nyang2 it be

nyara n cousin, son or daughter of mother's or nyxt exene (exenwan leg) n finger, toe
father's brother or sister nyaru nail nyxtngg exengga
nyase pull out from, destroy nyase, kanyas nyxte n side (of river) nyx -te/
nyatoga have, possess kagong ? nycamiye n meeting nycamiyu /-u
nyaw n udder of cow for giving milk nyawda nyenyewesic n star nyenyewes -ic/
nyigidi dew, water on ground
nyaxay request
nyimec n liver inside body nyimeciny /-iny
nyaxic n blade, piece of grass, thatch [gaxsiny
nyings rat nyings /-
nyaxic] nyaxta -ic/-ta nyaxiccaru
nyingsa jul n mouse (lit. rat that black)
nyaxiccaru (nyaxic) n reed nyaxiccarudi /-di nyingsga juliny
nyaxolow n hyena nyaxolowiny /-iny nyinyebed drizzle, light rain
nygate fear, be afraid of nygata, nyipr n tongue nyiprti /-ti
nyixtwan n tooth nyix -twan/
nypxkic n flame, flicker nypxki -c/
nyonggo n item of clothing nyonggu /-u

odalenge1 (ow place, lenge open area) n open oranyca Bw {English} n orange oranyca X/X
place, clearing odalengec /-c
oso n rainy season osoda /-da
odalenge2 adv daytime
osox n lion osony -x/-ny
od kayu n garbage dump (lit. place of rubbish)
ow n place [odalenge1] ota /-ta
otag kayu
od nganyed n market otag nganyed owanaskux n mother-in-law owanaskuxo /-o

odudi n morning odudiny /-iny owda ? n weather

odoccig must go onoci, kodoccig owda tudi n cold weather

oge ques when oxadi ques what

oloxti adv early oxay n animal oxayda /-da

olug saliva oxo see oxa, kox {gi noxo}

omo n leprosy omoda /-da oxsondug pregnancy

ongd n night ongdiny /-iny oxsong v.i be pregnant koxsonga {gi noxsong}

ongwan n back of body ondunggwan -wan/- oxsongada v.i become pregnant oxsongi,
wan koxsonga {gi noxsongada}

onge behind oxtic n fish trap oxticiny /-iny

op n young man opiny /-iny oyo run fast, escape oya, koy {gi noyo}


pa n 1) homestead, compound [kaxspa] [me pse fill (container) pse, kps {gi mpse}
pa] [menggpa] 2) inhabitant, resident ptax num two
padg /-dg
px n python (snake type) pxiny /-iny
pacce adv fast, a lot, very
px- der.afx young, small of . . . engg-
palangasic n guest, visitor palangas -ic/
px alkadis Bw {Arabic} n kitten, young cat
pale pray pala, kapale palic engg alkadisu p/e
palic (pale) n prayer paliciny /-iny px atu n grandchild engg atu p/e
pan n child px ax dog (ax dog hole) n ditch, trench
panggal n homestead, home panggalda /-da engg axngg dokta p/e

pappadasic n earring pappadas -ic/ px ayis (ayis goat, female goat) n kid, young
goat engg ayis p/e
parada arrive at, reach pari, kapara
px blec n nephew, son of brother or sister
paratic n bud of new tree leaf paraticiny /-iny engg bleg p/e
parnig n hat parniginy /-iny px bonu andwan (andwan hand) n
thumb of hand engg bonggu asnggwan
pasada v.i be met by pasi, kpasa {gi
px bonu exenwan (exenwan leg) n toe
pase v.i meet pasi, kpase {gi mpase}
of foot engg bonggu exenggwan p/e
pax miscarriage, pregnancy ends in death of px budurug (budurug sow, female pig) n
child piglet, young pig engg buduruginy p/e
paxatwan n waist paxatagwan -wan/-wan px canic (Canic Caning person) n human
paxe kill paxa, kapax being engg caning p/e

paxedic n diarrhea paxediciny /-iny px cic (cic vagina of woman) n clitoris engg
cicciny p/e
paxsec n garden paxseciny /-iny
px deny (deny1 cow, female cow) n calf,
paxtnding num seven young cow engg dg p/e
paye desire, want, like, love paya, kpay {gi px ed (ed tree, wood) n shoot, new plant
mpaye} starting to grow engg ewe p/e
paye nuxu num nine px is (is dog) n pup, young dog engg isu p/e
pkdng v.i come ptng, kptng {gi px kuwan n person with old eyes
px kuxug n chick, young chicken engg
pla n baldness plada /-da kuxuwiny p/e
plada 1) v.i be quiet 2) make quiet pli, px mxic (mxic 1 root, bulb of plant) n
kpla {gi mplada} vein engg mx p/e
ple steal ple, kapl px ngayic ngori (ngayic small stone) n
pngic n upper cheek near ear png -ic/ small, upper grinding stone engg nganyugu
ngori p/e
pri touch pri, kpr {gi mpri}

px oxay n insect engg oxayta p/e pes adv raw, uncooked
px pipi (pipi baby, child) n child engg pipu pese talk pese, kapes
pete v.i run pekde, kapekd
px ponwan n brother engg ponggwan
peten zx (zx food) n clay cooking pot
petug zx
px sad (sad bowl, calabash) n plate engg
pezngga adv truely
satu p/e
px sagun (sagn ewe, female sheep) n lamb, picca v.i lead picci, kapicca
young sheep engg sagunu p/e pidiny n heel of foot pidinydiny /-diny
px ux (ux woman) n girl, young woman piduwic n twin pidu -wic/
engg uxu p/e
pigi defend pigi, kpig {gi mpigi}
px uxic (uxic1 worm, catapillar) n maggot
(worm in rotten meat) engg ux p/e pipi n baby, child [px pipi] pipu /-u

px xong (xong1 sun) n dragonfly (insect pipin zlgic n first born child pipugu zlg
type) engg xong p/e piri v.i surprise piri, kapiri
pxkun ux (ux woman) sister nycok uxu
pisow n spider web pisowiny /-iny
peck ma wave of water
pixi n barren woman pixu /-u
peda v.i wait bende, kapada
podi n loincloth podu /-u
pele finish pele, kpel {gi mpele}
pogo fight poga, kapoge {gi pogo}
pelewa v.i is finished pelwa, kpelwa
pogud n war pogutada /-tada
pelow n field [me pelow] pelowde /-de
poko carry poka, kpok {gi mpoko}
pen n wound, sore pendu /-du
pologic n beam, rafter of house pologiny -ic/-
pen mege (mege 1 wind storm, wind) n iny
bastard, illegitimate child whose parents were poroga n mat porogu /-u
not married pengg mege
poxoja okra
pen ux (ux woman) n daughter pengg uxu
pugusic n buttock pugus -ic/
pen- der.afx child of . . . pengg-
pumpung n forest, bush pumpunginy /-iny
penwan n son penggwan -wan/-wan
purupuru n butterfly, moth purupuru X/X
peremperang n harp peremperanginy /-iny

rabsi v.i diverge, go around rabsi, krabsa rake surround raka, krak
racca n necklace raccu /-u rap n small bird type rapiny /-iny
raj n trick, deception rajta /-ta rejic n command reje -ic/


sa1 pron they sxd n yolk, yellow part of egg sxdiny /-iny
sa2 be, is, are sxong adv not
sad n bowl, calabash [px sad] satu /-tu sxt n rhino sxtu /-u
sagal n girl saliny -iny sye ??
sagaldg ceremony for girl becoming a sed knot of rope [me sed]
segu fresh milk
sagn n ewe, female sheep [px sagun]
sele surely
sagnu /-u
sage1 scatter, spread out saga, kasag {gi sepextic n piece of something sepeny -xtic/-ny
zage} serek nga (ngad, ngadag 1 word) n proverb
sage2 v.i come in together in numbers zagi, serek lege
kasag {gi zage} sicci n stick drill for planting sicciny /-iny
sagic n headpad for carrying sagicu /-u singgadicca tas (tas bad, brave) n adultery
salangic n stem, stock of dura salangicu /-u singga tasiny

sal n sword salu /-u siyad v.n food, eating

sane v.i fly, jump, be surprised sana, kasan {gi siyak odidi n breakfast siyak odidi X/X
zane} siyak waccid (waccid dusk, twilight, after
sangad oth rumor, talk of possible danger sunset) evening meal
sangadasa siye eat siye, kasiy {gi ziye}
sangang this soc n fruit soyda -da
sat ma n cup satug ma sog n road, path sota /-ta
saxad (saxe) v.n divorce sogig n way sotag
saxe 1) refuse 2) divorce saxa, kasax, {gi sogo make, do, happen soga, kasog {gi
zaxe} saxad zogo}
saye see, claim za, kasay sogowa v.i pretend sogowa, kasogowa {gi
slka n handle slku /-u
sol carry
slekey discuss
song adv not
sndwan n knee sndinginy -wan/-inginy
soru n book sorudi /-di
sng downness
soto transfer sokda, kasokd {gi zoto}
sngga v.n sleep, day
sud n mound (from termites), hump (of cow)
snggada v.i sleep sngga, kasngga {gi sutudi /-tudi
sug urine, pee
spr cobs of maize
sukiyad semen from man
sprtic n husk of maize (peel) spr -tic/

suxulum n lizard suxuluminy /-iny

taba n tobacco tabu /-u tastd v.n danger

tabax n prostitute tabany -x/-ny tastg problem, trouble
tabewa1 oth poorly tawage 1) n bottom of something 2) adv below,
under, down tawaga -e/
tabewa2 v.i suffer tabawa, kadabewa {gi
dabewa} tawiny adv westward
tag 1) adv to, for me 2) loc in front of, before tax nuxu (nuxu 2 only) n sometime
tagwan adv forward, in front of , before (lit. to
face) taxkic n thigh of leg taxkicu /-u
tage adv ahead, before, in front of taxnuxu (nuxu 2 only) adv once, one time
tagene front of something taxodi adv from there
tamic1 n blood tamicu /-u tayow n large bird type tayowiny /-iny
tamic2 n sacrifice tamiciny /-iny t prep to, for, at
Tampilig place name tbag bitter
tampililig adv forever tbange adv afterwards, following
tanda adv at tboxe adv under, below
tand n shirt, clothing tandu /-u tcaxs loc below, under
tanganic n 1) bull (male cow) 2) rich man tce adv to, for her
tcengic adv beside, next to (lit. to side)
tanggo adv to, for you (pl)
tcengicc loc next to, beside
tanyara n celebration, festival tanyarada /-da
tdx adj important tdxiny /-iny
tanye 1) v.i be brave 2) adj brave
tdxte adv importantly
tappa n rock (large) tappu /-u
tgaxs loc inside
tari surely
tgaxse adv inside
tarjange attack kadarjange
tgi adv to, for you (sg)
tarlostg ceremony for boy becoming a
tgog adv to, for us (and you)
tarupus mat tlng adj short

tas adj bad, brave [singgadicca tas] tma adv to, for him

[zkadasiny] tasiny /-iny tng adv from, at, there

tasan n young female goat (not yet producing tng, tnya adv to, for it
milk) tasanu /-u

tnggxsic n louse, lice (insect on human head) ti1 ques where
tnggx -sic/
ti2 there
tnya, tng adv to, for it
tibidi ? adv middle ?
tpeye v.i be hot laya tpey, ktpey
tidi adj 1) tasty 2) happy tidiny
tpox adv away
tidi song much
trpe adv following, after
timinggaruwec n cloud timinggaru -wec/
tsa adv to, for them
tipidi adv half, between
tsed v.n promise, duty, obligation
tire oth certain, sure
twas adv to, for us (not you)
tireneng adv really, truly
txande adv far (lit. to far)
tiriga n fishing line, hook tirigu /-u
txd v.n illness, disease
tisi n ladder tisiny /-iny
tyati 1) n heaven 2) adv up, over, above 3) adv
toc n forehead tocta /-ta
tzag adv southward todi adv there

tz loc over, above todong adv here

tzg1 n 1) floor 2) earth, land zg t-/ toga 1) put 2) has togi, kadoga {gi doga}

tzg2 adv down (lit. to soil, down) togada1 give togi, kadoga ? {gi dogada}

tzlg adv fast, first, early togada2 escort, go with togi, kadoga ? {gi
tze oth itself (reflexive ?) tzngga
togo carve (wood), make cabinets, furniture
te con until toga, katog {gi dogo}
tebezic n letter tebeziny -ic/-iny togodng bring tong, kadogng {gi
tec adj green teciny /-iny
tol only
tegede 1) defeat 2) exist tegi, kadege {gi
degede} tolang everyday
tegeriny ques how often, how many times tolojog v.i be loose ktolojog
telng v.i fall telng, kadelng telasng tondoc n termite tondocu /-u
telegu n shelter from rain and sun telgudi /-di tongang adv back
telgedng v.i beging to fall telng, kadelng tong loc behind, in back of
{gi delgedng}
tonge adv behind (lit. to back)
tene n dry season tenede /-de
tongge n back of something tondungge -ge/-
tesped num four dungge
tespedeneni fourth tonggoloxosic n bed bug tonggolox -osic/
tespetespe num eight tota kday (kday all) adv everywhere
tetex adv quickly totodosic n crop of rooster, cock under beak
totodos -ic/
teye create teya, kadey {gi deye}
totong here

towa adv inside tumox n bee tumony -x/-ny
toxkad n shrub, small tree toxkanu -d/-nu tumsagu n unfermented asida tumsagu X/X
toxo light, ignite toxa, kadox {gi doxo} tumun n ostrich tumunu /-u
tug n ebony tree tuginy /-iny tunyu adv outside
tugu share tugi (sg), dugi (pl), kadug {gi turay thunder of storm
turkas n quiver, bag for carrying arrows
tuluba Bw (Arabic) n tax tulubada /-da turkasiny /-iny
tumong n venom, poison of snake tumonginy turugic n army turug -ic/
tusic n testicle tus -ic/
tumos n elephant tumosu /-u
tux n porcupine tuxti /-ti

uccu v.i stay uccudi, kuccu {gi nycu} ux n woman [px ux] [pxkun ux] [pen
ud num twenty ux] uxu /-u

ud wang asiny num thirty uxa kapaksa n married wife uxuga kapaksa

udodng v.i coming ux apang n married wife (lit. woman of man)

uxug apanginy
urdug adv forever
ux penang n daughter-in-law (lit. woman of
uskic n ash uskuciny /-iny my son) uxug penggang
uuxu one uxic1 n worm, catapillar [px uxic] ux -ic/
uxic2 n tear of eye ux -ic/

waccid adv dusk, twilight, after sunset [siyak wane adv past time, long ago
waccid] wang 1) near 2) con and (for numbers)
wadi wrong wange leave, allow, let wanga, kawang
wala not yet, or wanys destory, spoil wanydesi,
walangic n journey, trip walang -ic/ kawanyds

-wan der.afx body part, relative, inherently wanye play wanya, kawany
possessed person or thing -wan wanyig game
wanagiwetu scabies, iching skin rash with war among
many small dots
warandi adv in new way
wanwan n body wadkwan -wan/-wan

warawara n spider warawaru /-u wi ques what
was pron we (not you) wiccisi v.i disappear wiccisi, kwiccisi ?
wasi gather wasi, kawasa wicid v.n bruise on body
watke alone windiwic n 1) cooking stone 2) place of fire
windu -wic/
wati fast
winic n vulture (bird type) wininy -ic/-iny
wawa n 1) ancestor 2) grandparent wawanag
/-nag wingidi v.i be fat wingi, kawing
wawansko apang n father-in-law (lit. our winy adv just
man parent) wawanaksko apanginy
wizi fed-up, discusted with wizi, kawiz
waxad v.n dowry, payment for bride
wolong n male goat wolonginy /-iny
wayag clan, group of people in tribe,
wucic n reed, strong grass type in water uwiciny
waywan n relative by blood wayag -wan/-ag
wude twist, tie wude, kawud
waye1 fail, not succeed waya, kaway
wulad n needle for sewing wuladu /-u
waye2 cultivate waya, kway
wulegic n weapon wuleg -ic/
waye3 v.i disappear waya, kaway
wund ed n leaf (lit. ear of tree) wungg ewe
wx tears
wundwan n ear wunggwan -wan/-wan
wedg journey, trip [me wedg]
wundung adv not exist, finished, absent
wede v.i walk, go wede, kwet
wunodng v.i come, arrive bo, kawung
wedik wanwan skin rash type (lit. rash
wung v.i go bo, kawung
of body?)
weg kday n everything (lit. things all) wuxed lightning in a storm

wejuwic n hip weju -wic/ wuxi drink wuxsi, kawuxsi

wele peel (soft fruits) wele, kaweley wuxid 1) alcohol 2) smoke
wuxika liliminy juice of fruit

xa con because xnang ques who xnanang

xagare undermind, be stronger than xagara, xs death
xidi n crowd xiditi
xanya ques why
xocad plastering, mudding
xapa n spear type xapu
xodo put, smear xoda, kaxode
xas hunger
xong1 sun [px xong]
xasa oth wanting, taking interest in
xong2 n day, time xongda /-da

xong tibidi adv noonday (lit. sun middle) xonyo rescue, save xonya, kaxony
xongondong adv today xoyi adv carefully
xongong adv today

ya n meat yadg /-dg yinyt finish

yawe collect yawa, kyaw yog n fish trap yota, yokta /-ta
yaxayi now yogo collect yoga, kyoge
yaxse send yaxsa, kayaxs yox n husband yu -ox/
yaxtic n horn of animal, anetenna of insect yaw yox penang n son-in-law (lit. husband of my
-xtic/-w daughter) yug penggang
yexic n meaning yex -ic/ yugic n seed of plant yug -ic/

zacca see, look at za, ksayza zx n food [peten zx] zxti /-ti
zalg n leading zxa kawacc fermented asida (lit. food
zane make jump, fly zana, ksane {gi
nzane} ze n 1) head 2) top of something zngge /-ngge
zax, z ax n roof of house zngg axiny ? ze gimzi n cliff zngg gimzi
zaye look, see za, ksay {gi nzaye} ze kdiyasa (diyada forget) n old senile
person who forgets (lit. head of forgeting)
z bedic n headache (lit. head pain) zngg
zngga kdiyasa
zeke obstruct, block, cover zeke, kzek {gi
z buxic n kidney (lit. head wine?) zngg bux
zbe plant, cultivate zbe, ksb {gi zi tighten zi, ksi {gi nzi}
zid n rope zi -d/
zg dirt, soil, ground, land [zkadasiny]
zika apoccu fertile soil (lit. soil good?)
zkadasiny (zg dirt, soil, ground, land, tas
bad, brave) barren land, bad soil zoto collect sokota, ksokd
zko report, tell zkey, kzkeyza {gi zugoxa sky
zure n horn from gourd, musical instrument type
zwan n head znggwan -wan/-wan zuru /-u


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