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RISK ASSESSMENT Blackburn High School

Precipitation Reactions
Written by: Natalia Commenced on: 4 Aug 2017 Expires: 4 Nov 2018

Classes for which experiment is required

Teacher: Endo, Kohei Year Group: 10 Chemis try Room Period Date
H11 2 Mon 7/8/17
Items to be prepared by laboratory technician
12 s ets

Procedure or reference, including variations

Refer to teacher notes

Equipment to be used
test tube stand
Potential hazards
Wooden tes t tube rack is ammable and may catch re if
too near buns en ame. Wooden tes t tube rack may
contain s plinters .

test tube, medium (~150 x 15 mm), borosilicate ("pyrex")

Potential hazards Standard handling procedures
Breakage of tes t tubes . Cuts from chipped tes t-tube Ins pect and dis card any damaged tes t tubes . Sweep up
rims . Small tes t tubes more likely to eject material broken glas s with brus h and dus tpan; do not us e
during exothermic reactions . ngers .

Chemicals to be used and produced

barium chloride >0.72 M (>15% wt/wt) BaCl2(aq)
Clas s : nc PG: none 7-12 Us ers : 1,2,5 CAS : 10326-27-9

GHS data:
Toxic if s wallowed
Harmful if inhaled

Potential hazards Standard handling procedures

Toxic. Solubility ~358 g/L at 20C.

lead(II) nitrate >0.45 M (>15% wt/wt) Pb(NO 3)2(aq)

Clas s : nc PG: none (Tch) Us ers : 1,2,5 CAS : 10099-74-8

GHS data:
Harmful if s wallowed
Caus es s erious eye damage
Harmful if inhaled
May damage fertility or the unborn child
May damage organs through prolonged or repeated expos ure
Very toxic to aquatic life

Potential hazards Standard handling procedures

HIGHLY TOXIC; CUMULATIVE POISON; MAY DAMAGE Solubility ~500 g/L at 20C. Was h hands thoroughly after
FERTILITY AND THE UNBORN CHILD. us ing lead s alts . Should not be handled by pregnant
women. Women of reproductive age s hould avoid
handling the chemical.

potassium iodide 0.06-0.36 M (1-6% wt/wt) KI(aq)

Clas s : nc PG: none 7-12 Us ers : 1,2,5 CAS : 7681-11-0

GHS data:
WARNING Caus es mild s kin irritation

Potential hazards
May irritate eyes and s kin.

sodium carbonate >0.94 M (>10% wt/wt) Na 2CO 3(aq)

Clas s : nc PG: none 7-12 Us ers : 1,2,3,4,5,6 CAS : 6132-02-1

GHS data:

WARNING Caus es s erious eye irritation

Potential hazards Standard handling procedures

Irritates eyes . Low toxicity. Solubility ~200 g/L at 20C.

sodium chloride, solution (s alt) NaCl(aq)

Clas s : nc PG: none K-12 Us ers : 1,2,3,4,5,6 CAS : 7647-14-5

GHS data: Not clas s ied as a hazardous chemical.

Potential hazards
Low toxicity.

sodium sulfate, solution Na 2SO 4(aq)

Clas s : nc PG: none K-12 Us ers : 1,2,3,4,5,6 CAS : 7727-73-3

GHS data: Not clas s ied as a hazardous chemical.

Potential hazards
Low toxicity.

I have read and unders tood the potential hazards and s tandard handling procedures of all the equipment, chemicals
and living organis ms .
I have read and unders tood the (Material) Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals us ed and produced.
I have copies of the (Material) Safety Data Sheets of all the chemicals available in or near the laboratory.

Risk assessment
I have cons idered the ris ks of:
re breakage of equipment electrical s hock radiation
explos ion cuts from equipment es cape of pathogens was te dis pos al
chemicals in eyes s harp objects heavy lifting inappropriate behaviour
inhalation of gas /dus t rotating equipment s lipping, tripping, falling allergies
chemicals on s kin vibration and nois e falling objects s pecial needs
runaway reaction pres s ure heat and cold other ris ks
Certication by Teacher
I have as s es s ed the ris ks as s ociated with performing this experiment in the clas s room on the bas is of likelihood and
cons equences us ing the School's ris k matrix, according to International Organization for Standardization Standard ISO
31000:2009 and the Ris k Management Guidelines , HB 436:2013.

I cons ider the inherent level of ris k (ris k level without control meas ures ) to be:
Low ris k Medium ris k High ris k Extreme ris k

Where the ris k level is "medium ris k", "high ris k" or "extreme ris k", the following control meas ures will be employed:

Control meas ures (attach further pages as required):

safety glasses gloves lab coat apron fume cupboard demonstration

With the s pecied control meas ures in place, I have found that all the ris ks are "low ris k". Ris ks will therefore be
managed by routine procedures in the clas s room, in combination with the s pecied control meas ures .
Name: Signature: Date:

Certication by Laboratory Technician

I have as s es s ed the ris ks as s ociated with preparing the equipment, chemicals and living organis ms for this experiment
and s ubs equently cleaning up after the experiment and dis pos ing of was tes , on the bas is of likelihood and cons equences
us ing the School's ris k matrix, according to International Organization for Standardization Standard ISO 31000:2009 and
the Ris k Management Guidelines , HB 436:2013.
I cons ider the inherent level of ris k (ris k level without control meas ures ) to be:
Low ris k Medium risk High ris k Extreme ris k

Control meas ures :

Additional meas ures : s afety glas s es , gloves , lab coat

With the s pecied control meas ures in place, I have found that all the ris ks are "low ris k". Ris ks will therefore be
managed by routine procedures in the laboratory, in combination with the s pecied control meas ures .
Electronic Signature: Natalia Helena Hernandes Date: 4 Aug 2017

You have provided an electronic s ignature which is the equivalent of s igning your name with a pen and as s uch will
cons titute a legally binding agreement between the relevant parties . We can give no warranty in res pect to fraud or
s ecurity breach res ulting from the us e of an electronic s ignature.

Approval by Authorized Person

(An authorized pers on, e.g. Head of Department or Principal, is required to approve the experiment when the inherent
level of ris k in the clas s room is "high" or "extreme")
I note that the inherent level of ris k for this experiment is "high" or "extreme". As an authorized pers on, I approve this
experiment, on the condition that the above control meas ures are put in place in the clas s room.
Name: Signature: Date:

Monitoring and review

This ris k as s es s ment will be monitored us ing comments below and will be reviewed within 15 months from the date of

Attach further pages as required

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