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The learner demonstrates an understanding of the origin and existence of

CONTENT STANDARDS religion and belief systems

The learners acknowledge and adopt an open and critical attitude toward
different religion and belief system through observation and reflection;
demonstrate a holistic understanding of individual differences relative to their
faith and belief

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. Define the meaning of religion and belief system;
b. Recognize the differentiation of existing religions and examine the belief
systems practiced by people; and
a. Conduct participant observation (e.g. attend, describe, and reflect on a
religious ritual of a different group; observe political-social practices).
Religion and Belief Systems
REFERENCES and Reference: Balea, et al. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.
LEARNERS MATERIAL Quezon City: Educational Resources Corporation
USED Materials: Laptop, projector and pictures
1. Daily Routine:
Checking of Attendance
Checking of Assignment (if theres any)

2. Review: Review Questions:

a. How does education affect the lives of people in society?
b. In what way can you manifest/show the relevance of productivity
in your studies?
3. Motivation: Complete Me

The Learners will complete the correlated terms based on the given
1. _ I _ T _ = Emergence of young from mothers body
2. _ _ I _ I _ _ A L = Divine and religious
3. _ _ L _ E _ = Acceptance as true
4. _ _ A _ I _ _ O _ = Custom or opinion handed down to posterity
5. _ _ A _ _ _ _ H I _ = To direct actions or give guidance

Reflective Thinking on Religious Orientation

Learners will be grouped into five (5). Each group will be given five (5) minutes
to discuss their religious orientation and background within the family. They
shall be guided by the following questions:

ACTIVITY a. How does religion affect the social, moral and spiritual well-being of every
member of the family?

b. Why is violence promoted and committed in the name of religion?

Citing of specific problems which confronted their family will also be

underscored and valued.

After the collaborative reflection done by each group, the members of each
group will discuss in front what they have synthesized. Every group will be
given 3 minutes to present their output.

Religion is a social institution that answers questions and explains the

seemingly inexplicable.
- It provides explanations for why things happen and demystifies the
ideas of birth and death.
- Religions based on belief in a single deity are monotheistic. Those that
encompass many deities are polytheistic.
Animism refers to the belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with
human affairs and capable of helping or having interests. Animistic beliefs were
first completely surveyed by Sir Edward Burnett Tylor in his work Primitive
Culture (1887). The belief that all objects have spirits is animistic.

Importance of Animism in the Study of Culture and Religion

After the age of exploration, Europes best information on the newly
discovered peoples of the Americas, Africa and Asia often came from
Christian missionaries.
To the intellectuals of that time, affected by Charles Darwins new
biology, animism seemed a key to the so-called primitive mind.
Animistic emphases dominated the globe in the pre-historic era.
A closed-system of beliefs flourished than an open one.

Monotheism refers to the belief in the existence of one god, or in the

oneness of God, as such, it is distinguished from polytheism, the belief in the
existence of many gods, and from atheism, the belief that there is no god.
- Monotheist characterizes the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam, and elements of the belief are discernible in other religions.
ABSTRACTION - Monotheism and polytheism are often thought of in rather simple terms
its between one and the many.
- It is the not the oneness of god that counts in monotheism but his
uniqueness one god is not affirmed as the logical opposite of many gods
but as an expression of divine might and power.

Polytheism is belief in, or worship of, multiple gods or divinities.

- The word comes from the Greek words poly and Theoi , literally
meaning many gods.
- Most ancient religions were polytheistic accumulated over centuries of
cultural interchange and experience.
- A polytheist believes in one highest God (Supreme Being) with multiple
lesser gods (i.e. Henotheism).

Institutional Religion
- Created and controlled by an established organization.
- There are two forms of religion: Religion and the definition of it, and
Institutionalized Religion
Religion is limitless and open whereas institutionalized religion is
formed by sect and it is closed.
- Religion is something that exists as time exists, but when it is changed
or tampered with, separated and ripped in different directions, it simply
becomes an institution.
- Organized religion, also known as institutionalized religion, is a social
institution in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged
and formally established.
- Organized religion is typically characterized by an official doctrine (or
dogma), a hierarchical leadership structure, and codification of rules and

Examples of Religion
- Christianity is the most widespread world religion; Christianity was
derived from Judaism. It is based on the belief that Jesus Christ is the
son of God the redeemer of mankind.
- Islam. Followers of Islam are called Muslims and the true world of God
was revealed to the prophet Muhammad around 570 AD.
- Judaism. It is monotheistic religion that predates Christianity, built on
the belief that the Israelites are the chosen people of God.

Hinduism is the worlds oldest major religion, dominant in India. Hindus

do not worship a single person or deity but rather are guided by a set of ancient
cultural beliefs. They believe in the principle of Karma, which is the wisdom or
health of ones eternal soul.
- Karma can be strengthened with good acts and harmed by bad acts.
- Karma plays a role in reincarnation, a cycle of continuous rebirth and
spiritual perfection of the soul.

Buddhism. Most of Buddhist live in Japan, Thailand, Cambodia and Burma

and follow the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, a spiritual teacher of the 6th
century BCE. Buddhist abstain from materialism and can transcend the illusion
of life and achieve enlightenment.

Types of Religious Groups

1. The church is a religious group integrated with society.
- Ex. Roman Catholic Church is well integrated in the Philippine society.
2. The sect is a religious group that sets itself apart from society as a
- Ex. The Amish of Pennsylvania, USA. (Though Christians, they choose to
set themselves apart from the rest of society by their lifestyle, which
eschews many aspects of modernity.)
3. The cult is a religious group that is outside the standard cultural norms,
typically centered on charismatic leader.
- Ex. The Peoples Temple in the late 70s headed by Jim Jones of San
Francisco. Moved with his followers in Jonestown, Guyana and
committed mass suicide in 1978. Jones claimed that he was God.

Separation of Church and State

- The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines declares: The separation of
Church and State shall be inviolable. (Art. II, Sec. 6)
- No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
- The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship
without discrimination or preference shall forever be allowed. No
religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.
(Art. III, Sec. 5)
- Churches and religious institutions are tax-exempt.
- Religious organizations register with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) to apply for tax exemption.
Make a chart showing the similarities and differences in the beliefs and
practices found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Directions: What does this item refer to? Choose the answer from the terms
inside the box below and write it in the space provided.
_____1. A belief in the existence of God, or in the oneness of God.
_____2. It is social institution that answers questions and explains the
seemingly inexplicable.
_____3. Refers to the belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with
Human affairs and interests.
_____4. Refers to multiple lesser gods.
_____5. Formed by a sect and it is closed, controlled, and codified of rule and
_____6. Built on the belief that the Israelites are the Chosen People of God.
_____7. It is the worlds oldest major religion dominant in India.
ASSESSMENT _____8. It can be strengthened with good acts and harmed by bad acts and
Supported the belief in reincarnation.
_____9. Abstaining from materialism and can transcend the illusion of life
and enlightenment.
_____10. Religious group that is outside the standard cultural norms.

Buddhism Hedonism Religion Karma Judaism Tribe Cult

Monotheism Animism Henotheism Hinduism Institution Religion

1. What are the culture-specific syndromes and illnesses?

ASSIGNMENT 2. Write a reflection paper focusing on health as a human right.
3. Use one (1) whole sheet of paper in answering your assignment.







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