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Linux Notes
: Chapter 1:
Q. What is Kernel in Linux ? B L O G A R C H I V E
Ans : The Kernel is the core program that runs programs and 2009 (1)
manages hardware devices, such as disks and May (1)
printers. It execute the commands which provide by Linux Notes
environment. Kernel provides an interface between shell
and hardware.
Q2. Define the features of Linux ?
Ans : 1. Multi-tasking : A B O U T M E
Linux supports true preemptive multi-tasking. All processes run N I K H I L
entirely independently of each other. No process needs
to be concerned with making processor time available
to other processes.
Multi-user access :
A multi-user system is a computer that is able to
concurrently and independently execute several
applications belonging to two or more users.
Multi-processing :
Linux also runs on multi-processor architectures. This
means that the O. S. can distribute several applications
across several processors.
Architecture independence (Portability) :
Linux runs on several hardware platforms, from the
Amiga to the PC to DEC Alpha workstations. Such
hardware independence is achieved by no other serious
O. S.
Demand load executables :
Only those parts of a program actually required for
execution are loaded into memory. When a new
process is created using fork(), memory is not
requested immediately, but instead the memory for the
parent process is used jointly by both processes.
Paging :
Linux provide a very important concept of paging.
Despite the best efforts to use physical memory
efficiently, it can happen that the available memory is
fully taken up.
Dynamic cache for hard disk :
Linux dynamically adjusts the size of cache memory in
use to suit the current memory usage situation.
Shared Libraries :
Libraries are collections of routines needed by a
program for processing data. There are a number of
standard libraries used by more than one process at the
same time.
Memory protected mode :
Linux uses the processors memory protection
mechanisms to prevent the process from accessing
memory allocated to the system kernel or other
Support for national keyboards and fonts :
Under Linux, a wide range of national keyboards and
character sets can be used : for example, the Latin1 set
defined by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) which also includes European
special characters.
Different file systems :
Linux supports a variety of file systems. The most
commonly used file system at present is the Second
Extended (Ext2) File system. This supports filenames
of up to 255 characters and has a number of features
making it more secure than conventional Unix file
Q. Define the file structure of Linux ?
Ans: The file structure of any O. S. is includes the arrangement
of files & folders. Linux organizes files into a
hierarchically connected set of directories. Each
directory may contain either files or other directories.
Because of the similarities to a tree, such a structure is
often referred to as a tree structure and also called
parent-child structure.
The Linux file structure branches into several directories
beginning with a root directory, /. Within the root
directory several system directories contain files and
programs that are features of the Linux system. These
system directories as follows :-
/ root : Begins the file system structure, called the root
/fs : The virtual file system interface in in the fs
directory. The
implementations of the various
file systems supported by LINUX are
held in the respective
/home : Contains users home directories
/bin : Holds all the standard commands and utility
/usr : Holds those files and commands used by the
system; this directory
breaks down into several sub-
/usr/bin : Holds user-oriented commands and utility
/usr/sbin : Holds system administration commands
/usr/lib : Holds libraries for programming languages
/usr/doc : Holds Linux documentation
/usr/man : Holds the online manual Man files
/usr/spool : Holds spooled files, such as those
generated for printing jobs and
network transfers
/sbin : Holds system administration commands for
booting the system
/var : Holds files that vary, such as mailbox files
/dev : Holds file interfaces for devices such as the
terminals and printers
/etc : Holds system configuration files and any other
system files.
/init : contains all the functions needed to start the
kernel. Like start_kernel().
/net : contains the implementations of various network
protocols and the
code for sockets to the UNIX and
Internet domains.
/arch : architecture -dependent code is held in the
subdirectories of arch/
/mm : contains Memory management sources for the kernel.
Q2. Define the Kernel Architecture ?
Ans : Most Unix kernels are monolithic : each kernel layer is
integrated into the whole kernel program and urns in
Kernel Mode on behalf of the current process.
Microkernel operating systems demand a very small set
of functions from the kernel, generally including a few
synchronization primitives, a simple scheduler, and an
interprocess communication mechanism. Although
Microkernels oriented O. S. are generally slower than
monolithic ones, since the explicit message passing
between the different layers of the O. S. might have
some theoretical advantages over monolithic ones.
Define the process and task_structure ?
Ans : The concept of a process is fundamental to any
multiprogramming operating system. A process is
usually defined as an instance of a program in
execution; thus, if 16 users are running vi at once, there
are 16 separate processes ( although they can share
the same executable code).
Each & every process have some unique information, which
store in task_struct type process descriptor, which is
the object of task_struct.
Struct task _struct
volatile long state;
long counter;
long priority;
unsigned long signal;
unsigned long blocked;
unsigned long flags;
int errno;
int debugreg[8];
struct task_struct *next_task;
struct task_struct *prev_task;
struct mm_struct mm;
int pid, uid,gid;
struct fs_struct fs;
long utime, stime, cutime, cstime, start_time;
state field of the task_struct describes what is currently
happening to the process. The following are the
possible process states :
TASK_RUNNING : The process is either executing on the
CPU or waiting to be executed.
TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE : The process is suspended
(sleeping) until some condition becomes true. Raising a
hardware interrupt, releasing a system resource the
process is waiting for, or delivering a signal are
examples of conditions that might wake up the process,
that is put its state back to TASK_RUNNING.
TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE: In this state process is
uninterruptible of any hardware interrupt, or any signal.
TASK_STOPPED: Process execution has been stopped : the
process enters this state after receiving a SIGSTOP,
TASK_ZOMBIE : Process execution is terminated, but the
parent process has not stopped. The kernel cannot
discard the data contained in the dead process
task_struct because the parent could need it.
The counter variable holds the time in ticks for which the
process can still run before a mandatory scheduling
action is carried out. The schedular uses the counter
value to select the next process.
The priority holds the priority of a process.
The signal variable contains a bit mask for signals received for
the process.
The bolcked contains a bit mask for all the signals the process
plans to handle later.
flags contains the system status flags.
errono contains the error code if generated.
debugreg[8] assigns the debugger to that err code.
*next_task and *prev_task all processes are entered
in a doubly linked list with the help of these two
mm_struct mm the data for each process needed for
memory management are collected, mm_struct store
those data.
Every process has its own process ID number , pid,
user ID, uid, goup ID, gid.
The file-system-specific data are stored in fs_struct fs.
The utime and stime variables hold the time the process has
spent in User Mode and System Mode, cutime and
cstime contain the totals of the corresponding times for
all child processes, start_time contains the time at
which the current process was generated.
Q. What is the output of command ps ?
Ans : ps command output which processes are running at any
instant. Linux assigns a unique number to every
process running in memory. This number is called
process ID or simply PID.
2269 tty01 0:05 sh
2396 tty01 0:00 ps
PID : Process ID
TTY : Terminal Id Which The Processes Were
TIME : The Time That Has Elapsed since the
Processes Were Launched
COMMAND : The Names Of The Processes.
Chapter 4 : Memory Management
Q Define the architecture - independent memory model in
Linux ?
Ans : Memory Management is primarily concerned with
allocation of main memory to requests processes. Two
important features of memory management function are
: Protection and Sharing. Memory management activity
in a Linux kernel. Some of main issues related to
memory management are :
Pages of Memory :
The physical memory is divided into pages. The size of a
memory page is defined by the PAGE_SIZE macro. For
the x86 processor, the size is set to 4 KB, while the
Alpha processor uses 8 KB.
Virtual address space :
A process is run in a virtual address space. In the
abstract memory model, the virtual address space is
structured as a kernel segment plus a user segment.
Code and data for the kernel can be accessed in the
kernel segment, and code and data for the process in
the user segment. A virtual address is given by
reference to a segment selector and the offset within
the segment. When code is being processed, the
segment selector is already set and only offsets are
used. In the kernel, however, access is needed not only
to data in the kernel segment but also to data in the user
segment, for the passing of parameters. For this
purpose, the put_user() and get_user() functions are
Programmers casually refer to a memory address as
the way to access the contents of a memory cell. In x86
Micro processors, we have three kind of address.
(i) Logical Addresses :
Included in the machine language instructions to
specify the address of an operand or of an
instruction. Each logical addresses consists of a
segment and an offset that denotes the distance
from the start of the segment to the actual
(ii) Linear Address :
A single 32 bit unsigned integer that can be used
to address upto 4 GB, that is upto 232 memory
cells. Linear addresses are usually represented
in hexa decimal notation; Their values ranges
from 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff.
(iii) Physical Address :
Physical address is used to address memory
cells included in memory chips. They
correspond to the electrical signals sent along
the address pins of the microprocessor to the
memory bus. Physical Address are represented
as 32 bit unsigned integer.
Converting the Linear address :
Linux adopted a three - level paging model so paging is
feasible on 64 bit architectures. The x86 processor only
supports a two - level conversion of the linear address.
While Alpha processor supports three-level conversion
because the Alpha processor supports linear
addresses with a width of 64 bits.
Three level paging model defines three types of paging
table :
Page (Global) directory
Page middle directory
Page Table
Page Global Directory :
Page Global Directory includes the addresses of
several page middle directory. It is of 12 bit length.
Different functions available for modification of Page
Global directory are :
(i) pgd_alloc () : Allocates a Page Directory and filles
with 0.
(ii) pgd_bad() : Can be used to test whether the entry
in Page Directory is valid. (iii) pgd_clear() : Delete the
entry in page directory.
(iv) pgd_fre e () : Releases the page of memory
allocate to page directory.
(v) pgd_none() : Tests whether the entry has been
Page Middle Directory :
It includes the address of several Page Tables. It is of
13 bit length. Functions used for handling Page Middle
directory are :
(i) pmd_alloc() : Allocates a Page Middle directory to
manage memory in
user area.
(ii) pmd_bad() : Test whether the entry in the Page Middle
directory is valid.
(iii) pmd_clear() : Deletes the entries in the page middle
directory is valid.
(iv) pmd_free() : Releases a Page Middle Directory for
memory in user segment. (v) pmd_offset(): Returns the
address of an entry in the page middle directory to
which the address in
argument is allocated.
(vi) pmd_none() : Tests whether the entry in the page middle
directory has been
Page Table :
Each Page Table entries points to page frames. It is of
25 bits length. The dirty attribute is set when the
contents of the memory page has been modified. A
page table entry contains a number of flags which
describe the legal access modes to the memory page
and their state :
PAG E _N O N E : No physical memory page is
referenced by page table entry.
PAGE_SHARE : All types of Access are permitted.
PAGE_COPY : This macro is historical & identical to
PAGE_READONLY: Only read and execute access is
allowed to this Page of
PAGE_KERNEL : Access to this page of memory is only
allowed in the kernel
Following are some functions have been defined to
mainpulate the page table entries and their attributes :
(i) mk_pte() : Returns a page table entry generated
from the memory address
of a page and a variable of
the pgprot_t type.
(ii) pte_alloc() : Allocates new page table.
(iii) pte_clear() : clears the page table entry.
(iv) pte_dirty() : checks whether dirty attributes is set.
(v) pte_free() : Releases the page table.

8B I: Y L1 3 A M

N O C O M M E N T S :


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