Ownage Rules and Regulations

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June 2007

Edited by Kitten August 2010

Dear Ownage Members:

In Ownage, we are committed to promoting, through our Members, the highest level of game play and
standards. Remember, Ownage always comes first.

We have established the ORaR to inform Ownage Members of their moral, ethical, and legal obligations.

The ORaR brings together guidance on many of the ethical issues that members may face on a day-to-day
basis. We hope that this serves as a helpful reference, but it is important to remember that by its nature, the
ORaR offers summary information on many of the topics it covers. As such, members should always refer
to the Senate if they need more detailed information.

It is critical that all members understand and comply with the ORaR. Compliance is a condition of
membership for all levels and Ownage is dedicated to its strict enforcement. If questions or concerns
relating to the ORaR arise, members are encouraged and empowered to resolve these issues through their
normal Chain Of Command.

Ownage’s reputation as leader and our passion for making our Vision and Mission a reality can only be
achieved through the honest and ethical efforts of our members. Remember that your everyday decisions
make all the difference in maintaining Ownage’s high ethical standards.

In Ownage, we are confident that with your dedicated commitment to compliant behavior, we will all do the
right thing for Ownage and the many ideals we serve.

Crimson Loner, Founder

Komic Kitten, Leader
Table of Contents

Code of Ethics

I. Introduction

II. Ownage Supergroup’s Vision, Strategy, and Value Proposition

III. Ownage Always Comes First, Our Members Make It Happen

IV. Dealing With Members and Non Members

 Ownage and Ownage Member Privacy
 Advertising Practices

V. Conduct During Play Time

 Harassment Policy
 Asset Protection

VI. Conflicts of Interest

 Acceptance of Gifts or Gratuities
 Non-Disparagement of Ownage
 Post Separation Responsibility


VII. Project Direction

VIII. "Perfected" Rank

IX. Inclusive/Exclusive

X. Influence and Prestige

XI. Powerleveling/Farming

XII. Uniform

XIII. The Website

XIV. The Base

XV. Recruiting

XVI. Non-Ownage Material

XVII. In Closing
I. Introduction

It is the policy of Ownage to conduct Game Play in accordance with a strict and specific Code of
Ethics. The Leader, Senate and all Ownage Members are expected to conduct game play while
adhering to high moral and ethical standards, and to avoid any actual impropriety, or appearance of
impropriety. To this end, all of Ownage is expected to conduct Game Play in full compliance with
all applicable rules and regulations and with Ownage’s Policies and Procedures including, but not
limited to, those discussed in this Code of Ethics. Ownage does not tolerate retaliation against
any other Member who raises concerns or questions regarding a potential violation of
Ownage’s Code of Ethics that the Member believes to have occurred.

II. Ownage’s Vision, Strategy, and Value Proposition

Ownage’s vision is to best promote, through our Members, the highest level of enjoyable game play
for everyone inside of Ownage as well as out.

Ownage’s strategy is to provide assistance, items, and money whenever requested so a high level of
satisfaction is kept at all times.

Ownage’s value proposition to the non-members is to provide a fun teaming experience while
offering friendly advice and assistance whenever the need arises.

III. Ownage Always Comes First

In Ownage, we believe it is better to recruit Heroes that really enjoy the game and that are willing to
learn, than to recruit Heroes with a closed, unwilling mind. This belief stems from Ownage’s
commitment to making sure that all Members are always comfortable and content no matter what
the situation. Everyday decisions make all the difference in achieving Ownage’s high ethical
standards regarding game play.
IV. Dealing With Members and Non Members

Ownage creates a fun and exciting gaming experience for all Members and non-members. Several
different styles of teams are created constantly to keep the level and quality of game play high at all
times. We strive to be the best no matter what the situation, while still maintaining an enjoyable,
comfortable environment.

Ownage and Ownage Member Privacy

If any information from Ownage is disclosed, responsibility to respect that information and its
confidentiality is of the utmost importance. This is to protect it from misuse or unauthorized
disclosure. In Ownage we take this responsibility seriously and expect all Members to do the same.
Disclosing any confidential information to non-members is strictly prohibited. Members are
required to immediately report any suspected or actual failure to protect Ownage information to a
Senator, Member, or to the Lead.

Advertising Practices
Ownage’s advertising practices show our extreme close-knit bonds within each other and our
endless willingness to assist Members and non-members alike. Any form of advertising should tell
the facts and not over exaggerate or boast in any form. We are here to be a down to earth, yet an
extremely organized, tactical Supergroup.

V. Conduct During Play Time

Ownage will not tolerate harassment of any level. Here is a list of several reasons for harassment:

 Power Leveling/Farming (the act being requested of the farmer in most cases)
 “Inferior” Builds
 New Player
 Conflict of IRL (In Real Life) Interests (Religion, Politics, etc)
 Etc…
Please keep in mind that although Ownage does have Rules and Regulations, we do not condone, by
any means, the belittlement of a fellow Ownage Member.

Asset Protection
Protecting Ownage’s assets is every Member’s responsibility. Each Member is 100% entitled to the
items that are located in the Base unless otherwise specified. A Member is obligated to report any
awareness of potential losses to Ownage.

VI. Conflict of Interest

The term “Conflict of Interest” refers to incidents that may occur during time of game play. There
are instances where a Member of Ownage may not agree with any one person of the SG
(Supergroup). This Conflict of Interest should be dealt with amongst the involved parties only. If
there are extenuating circumstances where either Member has broken an Ethical or Moral
Obligation, then this should be directed to the Ownage Chain of Command immediately. Ownage
strives to keep its environment as comfortable as possible, and to do this, communication needs to
be kept strong at all times.

Acceptance of Gifts or Gratuities

Ownage always stays fair with its dispersion of certain gifts or privileges offered. No one should
ever favor one Ownage Member over another, all are equal, and at that, should all receive equal
attention. Whether offered a gift, or even given a certain privilege, each of these are just that, and
should not be automatically expected to happen in the future.

Non-Disparagement of Ownage
It is inappropriate for Members to publicly make negative remarks about Ownage. Members are
therefore expected to refrain from making any negative comments about Ownage to any non-
members and must not otherwise disparage either Ownage’s reputation as a Supergroup or the
reputations of the Lead, Senate, or Ownage Members. Any grievance or concern should be taken up
with the Supergroup accordingly.

Post Separation Responsibility

Recruits and Members of Ownage agree to adhere to certain responsibilities. Members removed
from Ownage must agree to not interfere with Ownage’s game play by directly or indirectly, for
personal gain or for the gain of another Hero, attempt to sabotage any form of game play by
Ownage. An obligation to keep the secrets of Ownage in strict confidence continues both during
time as a Member and forever following separation from being a Member. Once released, joining
another Supergroup and competing with Ownage is permitted. However, using any of Ownage’s
confidential information to compete with Ownage or to engage in acts that would constitute unfair
competition is strictly prohibited.

VII. Project Direction

Within Ownage, group events will require specific builds, roles, powers, items, etc. Projects for
Ownage range in requirement from Optional to Mandatory:

 Optional
 Usage depends solely on the player. There are no restrictions or time
limits on this character.
 Recommended
 Not required to keep membership with Ownage though usage is advised to
increase activity and involvement in Ownage Events.
 Mandatory
 Must be created, played often, and criteria followed for the build (if

VIII. "Perfected" Rank

Within Ownage, we have a Rank named "Perfected". This Rank is saved for those who prove they
are able to play their characters at maximum capability. Having IOs and Maxing out Stats does not
immediately grant such status, nor does it make for a better candidate than someone who is not
"IO'd". Requirements for reaching the "Perfected" Rank are as follows:

 Shows an ultimate understanding of their role on the team

 Able to apply themselves to the maximum ability of their role
 Ability to learn quickly and adapt to a multitude of situations
 Understands and applies the speedy, yet intelligent, Ownage-style play

This Rank is highly regarded and difficult to obtain. Upon receiving this rank, the Ownage Member
will not only be recognized for having gained such a highly regarded status, but will also receive
100 million influence for their achievement.

VIX. Inclusive/Exclusive

Ownage is your primary vessel of training and every effort will be made to assure this remains fact.
Here are some very important factors to keep in mind once you become a true Ownage Member:

 All Characters are to be in Ownage.

 Memberships in other SGs are not allowed.
 Upon logging off/on a standard greeting must be stated, as well as answered.
 No Member is to be on hide or have another Member on ignore.
 There is a 14 day Inactive Removal Policy. A Member must inform Ownage of
an Absence to avoid this removal.
 When a team is created, Ownage members should make every attempt to
accommodate other Members in joining that team. Multiple Ownage online
should be on the same team when possible.
 When anything of significant value in Ownage is thought of, discussed, known,
taught, or learned, it should not be shared with anyone outside of Ownage. This
does not include general information or game knowledge; however, it does
include details such as special builds.

X. Influence and Prestige

Supergroup Mode (SG Mode) is required. Ownage will make efforts to fund anything you may need
for enhancements. Prestige is very important to maintaining and building an excellent Supergroup.
XI. Powerleveling/Farming

Power-leveling is a way to get Levels at an accelerated rate, as the name suggests- a “Power
Level”. Farming is a certain type of Power-leveling. Farming is when a person or person’s
run a specific mission over and over. This mission is chosen and “farmed” because it has
easy kills, good drops, or both.

 Farming Other Members:

 Continuous Requests for Farms in the Supergroup is in direct
violation with Section V, Paragraph 1 of the Ownage Code of Ethics.
 Farming Outside of Ownage
 Begging, Requesting, or Broadcasting for Farms is Prohibited.
 Paying for Farms is allowed.

XII. Uniform

Requirements of the Ownage Uniform:

 Required on all Characters

 When the Uniform is REQUIRED
 On Ownage Teams: Teams specifically run by an Ownage Member that
include 1 or more Non-Members.
 All Ownage Events
 When the Uniform is Not Required
 On a full Ownage Team, meaning every Member of the Team is Ownage.
 On Pick Up Groups

XIII. The Website

The Ownage Website is www.OwnageSG.com. Members are required to visit the Forums every day
to check for any new information and respond to forums posts when applicable.
XIV. The Base

Our base is a location where any and all members can do several things. Here is a list of all
the items available:

 All Teleports
 Inspiration Storage
 Enhancement Storage
 Salvage/Component Storage
 Invention Worktable
 Empowerment Buff Stations
 Rezzing Stations
 Auto-Doc

XV. Recruiting

Ownage looks for talent at any given time. There are many ways to find people. Teaming is an
excellent way of finding possible recruits. Another way is sending out Broadcasts/Requests. Note:
The best Ad for Broadcasts/Requests should be short, sweet, and to the point.

An Ownage member should always be on the lookout for other Ownage material Heroes. A
potential Ownage-worthy Hero should be referred to the Website to fill out the Application.

The Application Process is as follows:

 Go to www.OwnageSG.com and click “Apply for Membership”

 Read the ORaR
 Submit Application
 Interview with the Leader of Ownage - Komic Kitten
 Application will then be Reviewed and a Determination will be made
XVI. Non-Ownage Material

The Ownage Lead and Senate reserve the right to remove any Member they do not feel is ‘Ownage
Material’. In the same respect, the Lead and Senate also reserve the right to deny a Recruit entry
into Ownage based on the same terms. Not being ‘Ownage Material’ refers to people who are not
necessarily breaking the rules, but they simply do not fit in Ownage. This could be for a wide
variety of reasons, and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

XVII. In Closing

If you have any general questions, refer to these Rules and Regulations first. However, if your
questions are more specific or if you have a question on something not covered here, please contact
any of the Senators or the Lead in game.

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