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STEP A - Wondering at the Creator

Key Understanding Learning Point

A1- Wondering at families A1.1 Explores the ways in which people can contribute to
family life

Catholic Teaching Focus for this lesson read the Teacher Background Material relating to the Learning
Point and state the key teaching for this lesson
(In creating man and woman, God instituted the human family and endowed it with its fundamental constitution.
Catechism 2203)

Students come from a variety of family backgrounds. The specifically Christian vision of family is presented
in this religious education programme this context reflects better the divine pedagogy of the family.

During this lesson students will come to understand the ways in which different family members contribute
to the family life by using their gifts.

The need to contribute to our family means using their gifts to help, keeping family rules, joining in family

Prior Knowledge

This is the introductory lesson for this RE Unit.

In previous years students:

Explored how each person belongs to a family
Family members;
o share together surnames, home, pets, food
o provide for each others needs health, love, discovering and learning the development of
personal gifts
o cooperate together sharing chores and work, helping with needs, encouraging and forgiving.

Catering for Learner Diversity

Extension For students who need extending, ask them to reflect on how they could contribute more to
their family during the reflection task rather than just stating how they contribute.
Engagement For students who struggle to engage in the Religious Education lesson, ask the EA to sit
with them while they write their response to the reflection question and allow them to use drawings rather
than words. Keep instructions short and only given small achievable goals to students who struggle to stay
on task.
Special Considerations For students who needs extra consideration such as dyslexia read out the
instructions as well as writing them on the board, allow students who struggle with writing complete their
response on the iPad or ask for extra assistance from the EA
Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

Students will create an Answer Garden of what people contribute to their family this will be monitored by the
teacher to ensure that all students are answering and are on the right track

Students are to respond to the reflection question In what ways do I contribute to my family?. This must be done on
the paper supplied by the teacher.
The responses will be pinned on the board with the heading Wondering at families the teacher can then
individually read each of the responses and complete a checklist stating, yes the student understood or no the
student did not understand in relation to the reflection question.

General Capabilities
Critical and Personal and
Ethical Intercultural
Literacy Numeracy ICT Creative social
Behaviour Competency Understanding

LESSON PROCEDURE - STEP A - Wondering at the Creator

Lesson Objectives state how the students will demonstrate their understanding of the learning point and the
skills they will use in doing this
1. Students will be able to brainstorm ways family members contribute to family life by using their gifts
2. Display their understanding of contributing to family life by creating a chart depicting family members and
their need to contribute to the home.
3. Students will be able to use ICT confidently throughout the lesson

Integration with other Learning Classroom management practices


English reading the book, brainstorm Brainstorm class must take turns to contribute ideas on the iPads. They
activity and creating a chart must all type at least one answer on the iPad
ICT answer garden on iPads Partner work students must both contribute ideas and work
Mat discussions students must only speak when they are asked a
question and respect the answers of other students.

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources


1. Gather the attention of the students as they transition Piggybook hard copy or
from the previous lesson. YouTube clip
2. Students are to quietly walk from their desk to the mat,
10 mins ensuring that they do not talk.
3. Once all the students are sitting quietly, the teacher reads /watch?v=Bnl5DLzoNgU
a book called Piggybook by Andrew Browne
4. After the book has been read students are to reflect on
what they notice about the book
How might the lives of those in the Piggott family
have been different if family members had used
their gifts to help each other?
What rules may have been helpful in this family?
How might the Piggotts have celebrated family
celebrations before Mrs. Piggott left?
How might the Piggotts have celebrated family
celebrations after her return?
5. When the booked has been finished, and discussed,
students are to return to their desk and listen for further

Religious Capability (Faith) explore childrens literature on

the theme of family relationships. Piggybook relates exactly
to the theme of family and allows students to compare and
contrast their family with the one in the book.

Spiritual Capability (Prudence) discuss the key choices

made my key characters in a childrens book.

20 mins Strategies for Learning and Teaching

6. Discuss with the students that God has provided us life

and without him we would not have our family. iPads
7. Once the above statement has been discussed, the group
leader of each desk must collect one iPad for their group.

They must log onto Answer Garden prior to the next step.
Students already know how to use the iPads, as they use
them in many lessons.
Answer Garden Link
8. Students are given time to brainstorm answers to the
following wonder questions:
I wonder how different life would be without a /553321
I wonder how we all contribute to our families
What are some of the best things about your
What do you enjoy about contributing to your
9. Students are given a block of time to brainstorm answers
to these questions and type onto their iPads. Interactive whiteboard to
10. Once the time is given, the teacher gathers the attention display answers
of the students and discusses the answers asking for
reasoning as to why different students chose their
11. After this activity, the teacher will have an understanding
as to what the students understand about family life.
12. The class then discusses what gifts we provide to our
family and how this helps them to contribute to their
Gifts caring, sharing, loving, respecting,
friendly, supporting etc
Contributing to family making and following the
rules, cleaning up after ourselves, keeping room
clean, supporting family in times of need etc

This part of the activity can be by the teacher putting the

different headings on the board and allowing students to
come up and write their answers in or the teacher getting
students to verbally tell the teacher what to write on the
board. The headings can include: what are our gifts, how to
we use these gifts in the family life and how to contribute to
family life.

13. Finally, students are to respond to the reflection question

In what ways do I contribute to my family?. This must be Reflection paper
done on the paper supplied by the teacher.

Students must use the information they learnt in the lesson

and provide drawings to support their writing.

10 mins Conclusion
14. When the given time is up, students must pack away their
writing materials and bring their piece of paper and
themselves to the mat.
15. The teacher asks a handful of randomly picked students
to read out their responses (either standing out the front
of the class or sitting in their spot on the mat)
16. Students are then to discuss, on the teachers prompt, all
the ways in which they can contribute to their family. It is
important to reflect on how they can contribute more now
that they have learnt this new information. Emphasise
that they should count themselves lucky to have a family
because of God. http://isingsundayschoolsongs.
17. To conclude the lesson, the teacher reads the Every
person is a gift of God prayer. person-is-gift-of-god.html

Religious Capability (Faith) practice prayers in a RE lesson.

In this particular lesson students are listening to the prayer,
but in future lessons students can recite the prayer with the

18. To finalise the lesson the teacher reinstates the learning

focus for the lesson - the ways in which people can
contribute to family life.
19. Students are to leave their piece of paper on the teachers
chair and go back to their desk and wait for further

Example of an Answer Garden how it would be set out in this lesson

Example of the response sheet how it would be set out in the lesson

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