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STEP B - The promise of Christian Salvation

Key Understanding Learning Point

B2 Jesus draws family closer as they pray for each B2.1 Illustrates what family life would be like if family
other members drew closer together through prayer

Catholic Teaching Focus for this lesson read the Teacher Background Material relating to the Learning
Point and state the key teaching for this lesson

(The Son of God who became Son of the Virgin also learned to pray according to his human heart. He learned to
pray from his mother .... Catechism 2599)

The family of Jesus was close. There would have been another way that he showed he belonged to the family of
Mary and Joseph. This was by praying with them.

During this lesson students will come to understand what family life would be like if family members drew closer
together through prayer.

Key teaching for this lesson - families are drawn closer together as each member prays. Fights, jealousies, lack of
cooperation and other causes of family unhappiness may decline.

Prior Knowledge

In previous years:
- Students learnt that prayer makes it possible for followers of Jesus to talk to God and ask God for anything
that is good

In previous lessons:
- Students focused on what a family is
- What gifts we provide to our family
- How to contribute to family life

Catering for Learner Diversity

Extension Students who need extension can include a brief explanation of the similarities and differences between
their family and Jesus family. They need to include why they think prayer has brought Jesus family closer and how
prayer could make their own family closer. This means they can reflect on those statements on the mat at the end of
the lesson.
Engagement For students who struggle with engaging in the lesson, the EA, can sit with particular students and
help them while they create their Flap Book. The EA can also help brainstorm ideas of what they like to do with their
family. Keep instructions short and only given small achievable goals to students who struggle to stay on task.
Special Considerations Read out all instructions and write down instructions so students can see and read.
Students who struggle with writing can have help from an EA or the teacher. To assist students who struggle with fine
motor skills, have the flip books already cut out to save time and assist students.
Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

Students are creating a brainstorm in their individual groups, which then gets put on the board. This activity acts as
an assessment because the teacher can see immediately which students are contributing to their group and who is
understanding the topic before moving onto the application of the learning material

The Flap Book acts as a summative assessment as it shows how students can differ from the activities that they do
with their family and what Jesus did with his family. The discussion also marks as a summative assessment as well,
as it shows the teacher whether the student can think about the similarities and differences in what we do with our
family for fun and what Jesus did with his family.
General Capabilities
Critical and Personal and
Ethical Intercultural
Literacy Numeracy ICT creative Social
understanding Understanding
thinking Competency


Lesson Objectives state how the students will demonstrate their understanding of the learning point and the
skills they will use in doing this
1. Students will be able to brainstorm how prayer draws family members closer
2. Students will be able to illustrate what they enjoy doing with their family and compare it to what Jesus did
with his family

Integration with other Learning Areas Classroom management practices

English the writing on their Flap Book Brainstorm class must take turns to contribute ideas on
the scrap piece of paper. One person must be scribe,
Art The creative drawing and making the Flap Book
but must also contribute answers
Flap Book - during the main part of the activity, it is quiet
reflection work and students do not need to be talking
Mat discussions students must only speak when they
are asked a question and respect the answers of other

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources


1. Gather the attention of the students as they transition from the

previous lesson into Religious Education.
10 mins 2. When all students have sat quietly at their seat, the teacher
begins a discussion about prayer by asking the student How did
Jesus show that he belonged to his family?

This is a very open ended question, so students in the class will

reply with varying answers. The correct answer is through prayer
which should be noted if no one says the answer.

3. The teacher then leads onto explain that Jesus would have
prayed not only with his family but also for his family and for
other intentions.
4. In small groups the class then goes onto discuss what prayer
allows us to do. Ideal answers include the list below
To talk to God
Ask God for anything
Draw closer within families
5. Once students have been given time to discuss what prayer lets
us do. It is important to link this knowledge with how family life
would be like if family members drew closer together through
6. On a piece of scrap paper, provided by teacher, the students in Scrap paper
their groups are to brainstorm how prayer draws family members
closer together.
7. After the given time is complete, students are to tell the teacher
their answers, when asked, while the teacher creates a
brainstorm on the board.

Spiritual Capability (Prudence)- identify wonder question that

people ask
20 mins
Strategies for Learning and Teaching

8. The teacher explains to the students that the main activity of this Flap book template
lesson is to create a Flap Book to show the activities they enjoy for each student
doing with their family and then on the flip side draw activities
Jesus did to show he was part of the Holy Family. Colouring and
9. The teacher must first demonstrate how to create a Flap Book writing materials

The instructions for the Flap Book is placed below

10. During the given time, the students must think of activities they
enjoy doing with their family and how it makes them a closer
family. They can draw the activity or they can write what the
activity is.
11. The opposite side needs to be about Jesus, students can use
the iPad to search up stories about Jesus and his family.
12. As the students are working individually, the teacher must walk
around and question certain students to assess their knowledge
about the task.

This allows the teacher to distinguish those who need extending

and those who need extra assistance.

13. Once the given time is complete, students are to pack away their
writing and drawing materials. When instructed they must go sit
on the mat at the front of the class, with their Flap Book

10 mins
14. The teacher picks a few students to explain their favourite
activities with their family.
15. The teacher picks a few other students to explain what Jesus did
to show he was part of the Holy Family. Some examples include
Worshipped Mary and Joseph
Obeyed his family and observed family rules
Provided support when his mum was in need
16. The teacher asks the students to think about the similarities and
differences in what we do with our family for fun and what Jesus
did with his family.
17. It is important to point out how prayer brought Jesus family
together and how it can bring our families closer together in our

Spiritual Capability (Temperance) explain that prayer is part of life

and not just for RE

18. To conclude the lesson the teacher reinstates the learning points
for the lesson - what family life would be like if family members
drew closer together through prayer
19. Students are to leave their Flap Book on the teachers chair and
go back to their desk and wait for further instructions.
Flap Book instructions

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