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This document provides an overview of the QuickBird Imagery Products and options currently
available from Hitachi Software. For complete details on QuickBird Imagery products, please see
the Product Guide or contact Hitachi Software Customer Service at

Commercial Order Types.

Standard Tasking For customers who require a new collection with a longer collection
window and more collection attempts than Priority Tasking. Hitachi Software suggests a 90
day collection window to ensure enough time to collect imagery which meets your
Priority Tasking For customers who require a competitive advantage over orders placed as
Standard Tasking order type and an accelerated delivery timeline
Rush Tasking For customers who need their imagery collected on short notice and
delivered very quickly. Rush Tasking has the highest order priority and fastest delivery
timelines among all the commercial tasking types. Customers will receive an image collected
via Rush Tasking even if it does not meet the cloud cover or image quality specifications.
Those images greater than 20% cloud cover or Marginal or Poor image quality will receive a
50% discount off of the originally quoted price.
ImageLibrary Orders Imagery to suit your needs may have already been collected.
ImageLibrary orders feature fast delivery timelines and a smaller minimum order size
(25km2) than tasked orders for Standard Imagery. Please contact Customer Service for
more information.

Note that different tasking order types imply differences in the collection window, the maximum
number of acquisition attempts, and the processing timelines.

Tasking Product Standard Priority Rush

Parameters Type Tasking Tasking Tasking
Basic 1scene 1scene 1scene 1scene
2 2 2 2
Minimum Order Standard 64km 64km 100km 25km
All Ortho 2 2 2
100km 100km N/A 100km
Basic 2 2 2,500 km 2
Maximum Order 10,000 km 10,000 km 10,000 km
Standard in a single pass
2 2 2
Orthorectified 10,000 km 10,000 km N/A 10,000 km
Start Collection 5days from 4 days from 48 hours from
All Products N/A
Date order placement order placement order placement
15 to 365 days
from start 7 to365 days from 1 to14 days from
End Collection
All Products collection date start collection start collection N/A
90 days date date
Maximum Cloud Basic and
0%-20% 0%-20% 0%-20% As collected
Cover Standard
All Ortho
0%-20%,0% 0%-20%,0% N/A As collected,0%
Basic 0 - 15; 0 - 15; 0 - 15; 0 - 15;
Standard 0 - 25 0 - 25 0 - 25 0 - 25
Ortho (1:5,000 N/A
Off-Nadir Angle 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
and 1:4,800)

All other orthos 0 - 25 0 - 25 N/A 0 - 25

Maximum Number
of Acquisition All Products 5 3 1 N/A
Sun Elevation All Products 15 15 15 as collected
Sun Azimuth All Products 0 - 360 0 - 360 0 - 360 as collected
Target Azimuth All Products 0 - 360 0 - 360 0 - 360 as collected

Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. 03/01/2004

Defining your Geographic Area of Interest
Each order is defined by an order polygon which delineates your area of interest. There are several
ways to specify your order polygon. We ask that you use Lat/Long coordinates in decimal degrees,
based on the WGS84 ellipsoid for all of these ways.

1. Specify the upper left and lower right coordinates if your area is rectangular.
2.Specify a center point and a height and width to define your area.
3.Email a shapefile to Hitachi Software Customer Service at
The .shp, shx,and .dbf files must be supplied. A shapefile must contain only one polygon.
4. Email the coordinates in an ASCII text file (.gen), ArcInfo generate file format to

The order polygon can be defined with a minimum of 4 vertices and a maximum of 1000 vertices.
Due to terrain distortion, off-nadir viewing angles, and uncertainties in polygon accuracy, we suggest
that you buffer your order polygon by 200 meters to ensure that you receive your entire area of

The minimum length for a side of an order polygon is 5km for Basic and Standard Imagery
and 10km for Orthorectified Imagery.

Imagery Products

Hitachi Software offers three types of products: Basic Imagery, Standard Imagery and
Orthorectified Imagery

Basic Imagery products are the least processed of the QuickBird Imagery Products and are
designed for customers having advanced image processing capabilities. Basic Imagery, together
with the supplied attitude, ephemeris, and camera model information, is suitable for advanced
photogrammetric processing (i.e., orthorectification). Basic Imagery products are radiometrically
corrected and sensor corrected, but not geometrically corrected nor mapped to a cartographic
projection and ellipsoid.

Standard Imagery products are georeferenced to a cartographic projection, making them suitable
for numerous applications. In addition, Standard Imagery products are radiometrically corrected,
sensor corrected, and geometrically corrected. Standard Imagery products have a coarse DEM
applied to minimize terrain distortions. This degree of correction is relatively small, so this product is
not considered orthorectified. Alternatively, customers may choose Ortho Ready Standard Imagery
which does not have any terrain corrections, making this product suitable for orthorectification by the

Orthorectified Imagery products are GIS-ready and are used as an image base map for a wide
variety of applications. Orthorectified Imagery products are an ideal base for creating and revising
mapping and GIS databases, or for registering existing feature layers. These products can also be
used for change detection and other analytical applications that require a high degree of absolute
accuracy. These products have radiometric corrections, sensor corrections, geometric corrections,
topographic corrections, and are mapped to a cartographic projection. For Orthorectified Imagery
products with a stated accuracy (1:4800,1:5,000,1:12,000 and 1:50,000 scale), it is Digitalglobes
responsibility to collect the support data required to make your product. In addition, Digitalglobe
offers a Custom Orthorectified Imagery product that uses customer provided support data to
orthorectify QuickBird Imagery.

Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. 03/01/2004


Basic Imagery Standard Imagery Orthorectified

Product framing Scene based Area based Area based
Radiometric correction Yes Yes Yes
Sensor correction Yes Yes Yes
Geometric correction No Yes Yes
Geolocation information
No Yes Yes
Topographic correction No Optional Yes

Product Accuracy
As shown in the following table, the product levels equate to different levels of processing and
geolocational accuracy.

Abusolute Accuracy Geographic

Product Level Processing
CE90% RMSE Availability

Basic Imagery Sensor Corrected 23-meters* 14-meters* Worldwide

Standard Imagery Georectified 23-meters** 14-meters** Worldwide
Ortho 1:50,000 Orthorectified 25.4-meters 15.4-meters Worldwide
Ortho 1:12,000 Orthorectified 10.2-meters 6.2-meters US and Canada
Ortho 1:5,000 Orthorectified 4.2-meters 2.6-meters Worldwide
Ortho 1:4,800 Orthorectified 4.1-meters 2.5-meters US and Canada
Custom Ortho Orthorectified Variable*** Variable*** Worldwide
*Attainable using supplied Image Support Data files, excluding sensor and a user supplied DEM , excluding sensor and viewing
geometry and topographic displacement
**Excluding viewing geometry and topographic displacement
***Accuracy of the Custom Ortho is determined by the accuracy and quality of customer supplied support data.

Product Options
Basic, Standard and Orthorectified Imagery is available as Black & White (Panchromatic),
Multispectral (Blue, Green, Red, and Near-Infrared), or Bundle (Black & White and Multispectral). In
addition, Standard and Orthorectified Imagery are available as Natural Color (Blue, Green, Red) and
Color Infrared (Green, Red, Near-Infrared), and Pan-sharpened (Blue, Green, Red and
Near-Infrared). The following table provides details about these Product Options in terms of spectral

Product Blue Green Red Near IR
450-900nm 450-520nm 520-600nm 630-690nm 760-900nm
Black & White X
Multispectral X X X X
Bundle X X X X X
Natural Color X X X X
Color-Infrared X X X X

The pixel resolution varies by Product Type and Product Option selected. For Basic Imagery
Products, pixel resolution can vary with off-nadir angle from 61-centimeters to 72-centimeters for
Black&White (panchromatic) products, and 2.44-meters to 2.88-meters for multispectral products.
The resolution of the final image is determined by the resolution of the image as collected, and is the
same across the entire scene. For Standard and Orthorectified Imagery products, customers may
choose between a 60 cm or 70 cm Ground Sample Distance (GSD) for Black&White products ,
and 2.4m or 2.8m Ground Sample Distance (GSD) for multispectral products. Currently, Color and
Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. 03/01/2004
pan-sharpened products are available at 70 cm only. All Basic, Standard, and Orthorectified
Imagery products have a uniform pixel spacing across the entire product. The relationship between
pixel resolution and product type is summarized in the following table.

Pixel Resolution by Product type

Product Option Basic Standard Orthorectified
(As Collected) (Customer Selected) (Customer Selected)
Black & White 61 to 72cm 60 or 70cm 60 or 70cm
Multispectral 2.44 to 2.88m 2.4 or 2.8m 2.4 or 2.8m
61 to 72cm Pan 60 or 70cm Pan 60 or 70cm Pan
2.44 to 2.88 m MS 2.4 or 2.8 m MS 2.4 or 2.8 m MS
Natural Color N/A 60cm or 70cm 60cm or 70cm
Color-Infrared N/A 60cm or 70cm 60cm or 70cm
N/A 60cm or 70cm 60cm or 70cm

Bit Depth
QuickBird collects data with an 11-bit dynamic range. The 11-bit data allows more shades of gray
than 8-bit data and allows details to be seen in areas such as shadows. Because computers
cannot read 11-bit data, Hitachi Software delivers data in the following 2 formats:

8-bit 11-bit data compressed into an 8-bit file

16-bit 11-bit data stored in a 16-bit file (no stretching)

Dynamic Range Adjustment Option

Dynamic Range Adjustment is a visual enhancement applied to QuickBird imagery. The DRA
enhancement consists of two parts: color correction and contrast enhancement. This enhancement
is strictly visual and does not affect the geographic location of the pixels. This product is
recommended for users who dont have the tools to apply visual enhancements to QuickBird imagery.
This product is not recommended for those users intending to perform scientific analysis or spectral
classification using QuickBird imagery data.

Additional Parameters:
Hitachi Software supports a variety of projection parameters, processing parameters, and media
parameters to fit the needs of your project.

Supported Projection Parameters

Map Projections Option Datums Ellipsoids

Geographic (lat/long) WGS84 WGS84 WGS84
State Plane Coordinate System GRS80 GRS80 GRS80
UTM NAD27 NAD27 Clarke1866
GDA 1994 GDA 1994 AFN
Tokyo Tokyo Bessel1841

Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. 03/01/2004


Processing Parameters

Resampling Kernel File Format

4x4 cubic convolution NITF 2.0
2x2 bilinear NITF 2.1
Nearest neighbor GeoTIFF 1.0
8-point sinc
MTF kernel

Media Parameters

Media Type Notes Maximum Size Suitable For

Basic Standard Orthorectified
Imagery Imagery Imagery
CD-ROM 640 MB X x
4mm Tape DDS 3 12 GB x X x
8mm Tape 8500 Density 7 GB x X x
DLT 7000 Density 35 GB x x x
DVD-R 4.7 GB x X x

Basic Imagery products are delivered as one or more full scenes.

Standard Imagery and Orthorectified Imagery products are delivered as one image file for each
scene the order polygon intersects. If the order polygon intersects more than one scene, the
imagery in each scene will be delivered as separate files, will not be mosaiced together to form a
single image, and will not be radiometrically balanced. If an order polygon is less than 14km x
14km, then the imagery will be collected in a single scene and will be delivered as one image file.

In some cases, when imagery is too large to fit on the selected media, imagery files will be tiled.
There are three options for tile sizes: 8k x 8k, 14k x 14k, and 16k x 16k.

Order Feasibility Assessment

Hitachi Software performs feasibility assessments before your order is accepted to ensure that we
can fulfill your order. Orders for all product types go through Physical Feasibility and Competitive
Feasibility. In addition, Orthorectified Imagery products must go through Production Feasibility.
During production feasibility, Hitachi Software must verify that we can obtain the DEMs and GCPs
required to make your product. All orders for orthorectified products are contingent upon the
availability of DEMs and GCPs in the appropriate accuracy levels, as determined by the scale of the
orthorectified product. Hitachi Software reserves the right to refuse an order if support data cannot
be acquired. Hitachi Software will accept customer provided DEMs and GCPs upon request. DEMs
and GCPs must conform to format requirements that are available through Hitachi Software
Customer Service.

Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. 03/01/2004


Delivery Timelines
Delivery timelines are a function of the product type and the product options that are ordered. The
following table provides average timelines for different product and tasking type combination.

Standard Prority Rush Rush

Tasking Tasking Tasking ImageLibrary
Basic 11 days 6 days 60 hours 6 days 24 hours
Standard 11 days 6 days 60 hours 6 days 24 hours
Standard Pan-sharpened 17 days 12 days 8.5 days 12 days 48 hours
Orthorectified 11 days 6 days N/A 6 days N/A
Orthomosaic less than 1500km 16 days 16 days N/A 16 days N/A
Orthomosaic more than 1500km 26 days 26 days N/A 26 days N/A
Processing assumes one image. Additional contiguous scenes in a single order will add a normal number of days.
Add 6 days to Orthorectified Timelines for Pan-sharpened orders.

Times shown are number of business days to shipment, after all of the necessary support data is
received. For Basic and Standard Imagery, this is after imagery acquisition. For Orthorectified
Imagery, this is after imagery acquisition, and the collection of appropriate DEMs and GCPs. For
ImageLibrary orders, this is after order confirmation. The timeframe to obtain DEMs and GCPs
depend on the geographic location of your area of interest. Large orders may require additional
processing time. Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service to check on the status and
progress of your order. Delivery can be expected 4 to 5 days after order shipment.

Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. 03/01/2004


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