Rwapnewsletter - Sept17 2

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The Monthly Newsletter of Riders With A Purpose

Chapter #1211 of the September,
Christian Motorcyclists Association 2017

Solanco Fair Pig Roast and Ride 9/11-Remembered
Its almost here! Our main I am a teacher. Most of you
event as far as Run For The Son
Supports Make-A-Wish probably know that. I was in my
goes, anyway! The Solanco Fair. If you went along on the ride classroom 16 years ago when our
Our volunteer list is looking good so this past spring to DuPont Hospital principal announced that there had
for Children in Wilmington, then you
far, but we can always use a few been a terrible tragedy in New York-
know what a great event it was. The
more. Many hands make light A plane had crashed into the World
ride was escorted by police officers,
work! If you are one of those Trade Center, and there were many,
and we cruised through inter-
volunteers, the best place to find us casualties. Several teachers had
sections without ever touching the
when you arrive for your shift is our gathered in the library to watch the
pavement. It was a great day for a
CMA tent, which will be set up by news broadcast. As we watched, we
ride, but most importantly, it was a
the back gate to the fair. Thats saw the second plan fly into the
great day for the kids and their second tower. At some point we
the entrance south of the
families as we shared ice cream with also heard about the crash into the
fairgrounds, accessible from route
them, as well as the funds raised by Pentagon, and the mysterious crash
472. Youll also find us at our booth
the ride. Well, Keith Wagner and his seemingly in the middle of
in Building 7. If you are not one of
the volunteers...why not? Hey, be family decided to add a fall event nowhereWestern PA. By that
sure to stop by and see us this year, to benefit the Make-A- evening, and in the weeks that
regardless! All of the funds raised Wish Foundation. Registration is 11 followed, our nation was united.
(after we pay for all the cool stuff AM-12:45 PM - Omas Campground, More importantly, we were united
well be giving out at the fair) will go just south of Quarryville on as a nation-UNDER GOD! Numerous
to Run For The Son. Those funds are Kirkwood Pike (472). Kickstands up politicians from both parties called
then distributed by the CMA to at 1:00 sharp. After a ride of about for prayer. Many of them prayed
three main charities: The Jesus Film 2 hours well return to Omas for a publicly and invoked the name of
Project, Open Doors (which Pig Roast, with all the fixins! Your God in their public comments. This
donation of $20 per bike pays for it
supports getting Bibles into the week was the anniversary of that
all, and will help support the Make-
hands of people who desperately terrible day. Most of my students
A-Wish Foundation even further. By
want them, but cant get them), and now were not even born when the
the way, congratulations to Keith!
Missionary Ventures (which towers went down. Once again, our
As a result of raising over $20,000
provides motor-cycles and other nation has fallen into disunity. Yes,
last year for Make-A-Wish, he has
modes of trans-portation to pastors the hurricanes have resulted in local
earned the lead spot in the 2018
so that they can better reach their calls of unity, but nothing like we
Truck Convoy! If you were there for saw 16 years ago. Sad that it takes
flocks.) So, in a very real way, the
the ride to Wilmington-you helped tragedy to bring us closer together.
impact of us parking cars at this
make that happen!!
little fair in the southern end is (Continued p. 2, column 3
felt world-wide!
Who are we? Riders With A Purpose-#1211

As a part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, we are a multi-denominational ministry to other
bikers. As with the CMA, our mission is changing the world, one heart at a time. We meet every 3rd

Saturday at RDs American Grill~1426 Lancaster Pike (Rt. 272) Quarryville, PA~South of the Buck, Join us!
President-Charles Bewley Vice President-Keith Wagner Treasurer- Carlos Castano
Secretary- Wendy Brant Road Captain Neil Howett Chaplain- John Zook
Newsletter-Kent Brusstar Webmaster-Dave Maldonado Prayer Chain-Janet Maldonado

Kickstands Up! Riders With A Purpose September, 2017
for fellowship) to out of the way local 911 Remembered (contd from p.1)
From The Saddle places and provided a meal and Sadder still that it takes a tragedy to
New Year, New Column, Same Old homemade ice cream. I want to bring us closer to God. I am
Road Captain encourage every chapter member to reminded again of that verse from 2
Greetings RWAP members, I attend. If you dont wanna ride come Chronicles: If my people who are
missed this opportunity to share with by car. (Text me, or catch me, Ill tell called by my name humble
you last month. I had just completed you where were going). themselves, pray, seek my face, and
2 weeks of camp meeting, if you can I also want to thank Tom Brant turn from their wicked ways, then I
imagine living in a community where for leading us last month, it was a will hear from heaven, and will
everyone is friendly, happy, and living nice ride to new places, and again forgive their sin, and heal their land.
for the Lord, that, and much more, is thanks to Jim Landis for taking you all -2 Chronicles 7:14. Amen!
camp meeting. out in June.
This year is going by so quickly, its Thats all for now
hard to believe next month is Woe Is Me, WOW Is HE!
October already and our planned Neil
rides will be replaced by things more
spontaneous. But lets get through
September first. Weve got three
days of parking and ministering at PLEASE CONTRIBUTE
Solanco Fair followed by an Ice Cream TO YOUR
Ride on Saturday and a Make a Wish
Ride with pig roast on Sunday. What NEWSLETTER
a crazy busy week!
For the past several years Ive Send your contributions
taken the opportunity to use the to
September Ice Cream Ride to play the
kid taking a birthday treat to school.
Weve taken short rides (more time

Riders With A Purpose-Ride and Event Calendar Find Us On The Web!

NOTE: Rides usually follow all regular meetings! Riders With A Purpose
^ Indicates events at which we will be setting up our tent and CMA Info booth. www.cmariderswithapurpose.
Like Us On Facebook: www.

Sept. 16 Breakfast/Regular Meeting 8:00 AM Drumore Diner
Sept. 20-22 Solanco Fair TBA Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville, PA
Sept. 23 Ice Cream Run 4:30 PM Meet at Fergies
Sept. 24 Little Hands-Big Plans Ride & Pigroast 11:00 AM Registration-Omas Campground, Kirkwood
Sept. 30 Multi-Chapter Picnic TBA Seyfert Camp, Birdsboro, PA

Looking Ahead:
Oct. 8 Biker Sunday at Living Stones TBA Living Stones, Wakefield, PA

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