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# Eyesight

Attempt to improve my eyesight naturally

Yesterday I have stopped wearing glasses and ever since I am wandering around the Hamburg
area a little disoriented. Those who have an idea about what it means to have -3.25 dioptries on
both eyes will understand what I am talking about.

Here comes the exciting part: My goal is to regain full visual acuity. For that matter, the first step
will be to get along as good as possible without wearing glasses. Only if nothing else works, for
instance while watching TV or driving, will I wear glasses. Since I have no car and watch the
little TV this restriction does not represent a real problem.

The experiment has started yesterday with the spontaneous decision to go running without
glasses around Hamburgs Alster. I have already done this before, however without feeling very
well in the progress. This time it was completely different! It didnt bother me at all, which is
why I thought to myself that I am finally ready to give it another shot.

Today I had the brilliant idea to document the experiment in my blog, thus getting more
committed with the ambitious project. In the end I definitely will not want to lower my guard by
running around in my wiry glasses again, having announced everything to the public here.

Furthermore, as vision can be documented very precisely, disbelieving readers can be convinced
with simple and irrevocable facts. As far as I know, my opticians are keeping all of the
documents so that I can make copies of them. Of course, all my friends and relatives have been
knowing of my nearsightedness for years and can testify as well. Nevertheless, I still prefer
testifying with the help of documents.

The experiment is under its way allready. There have been many updates. Here you find all
articles on how to improve eyesight naturally in chronological order:

Part 1: From nearsighted to vision without glasses

Part 2: How to improve eyesight part 2
Part 3: How to improve eyesight part 3
Part 4: How to improve eyesight part 4
Part 5: How to improve eyesight part 5
Part 6: How to improve eyesight part 6
Part 7: How to improve eyesight part 7
Part 8: How to improve eyesight part 8
Part 9: How to improve eyesight part 9

As I started the experiment, I was only writing for my German audience. Now I do write in
English for all of you out there as well. For that reason, the dates of the updates are not
kongruent. But that is no problem, as I always mention the day of the experiment anyway.

Why I am convinced that it will work

I was encouraged to start the project once by my last success. My high blood pressure has been
at a constant 120/80 every day for about two weeks thanks to tapping according to MET/EFT
while it has been at 145/90 for years before! Only twice within this time did the blood pressure
exceed that number under great stress, being around 140/85.

blockquote Wow! I thought to myself. Why not just do it again and try to get rid of my
nearsightedness through my own healing powers?

My belief is that all illnesses are self created in our heads! They are therefore merely
symptoms of what is wrong in the head, meaning thoughts that are wrong or untrue. I have been
dealing with the subject of self-healing powers for some time now and not only have I
experienced many things on my own, but also seen a lot and read a lot. If you are interested in
the topic I have collected recommendations for you here .

How it all began

As it is often the case, I was not born with myopia. I came to this world being capable of seeing
completely normal and it continued to be this way for years. I can perfectly recall my first
experience that something was wrong I was 15 years old and sitting in biology class in the last
row and could not read what the teacher wrote on the blackboard. Since everyone else was
copying as usual I understood that something was wrong. As it was uncomfortable for me at that
time, I simply copied from my neighbor.

For the time being that was okay, but eventually it became too stressful and my classmates
started reacting increasingly annoyed. At the same time I was also at the driving school for my
moped license which led to my driver teacher criticizing me for always breaking too late. I soon
came to realize that I did not recognize the traffic signs in time.

My first pair of glasses had -0.5 dioptries and I hated them from the very beginning. The metal
rod annoyed me when I looked to the side. First of all, I couldnt see properly and to make
matters worse I forgot the damn thing constantly. So I literally wore my glasses out just as I did
with my braces I forgot them, they got lost, or driven over. When my mother got tired of
buying me new glasses all the time, we took a cheaper model. Of course this time I NEVER lost
the frame. Only the spectacle lenses had to be replaced from time to time. This was when I also
started to wear contact lenses. I must have been at 17 at that time.

During the two years of adaptation not a lot happened, except that the nearsightedness became
worse over the years, which is why I am currently at -3.25 dioptries on both eyes. I recently got a
cylinder for my contact lenses, which means that I now probably have a slight corneal

What has it cost me so far?

In addition to countless hours of fiddling about to get the stubborn lens into my eye and many
hours of searching my glasses I have also spent a neat sum of money for my hobby.
Initially, the insurance company had paid a little on top for the glasses, but they eventually
stopped doing that in the end. Today, I have to bear the costs for glasses and contact lenses

On average, I spend a yearly sum of 150 for my glasses, plus another 150 for my contact
lenses. This money includes costs for new spectacle lenses (always non-reflective plastic), new
models of frames and sunglasses as well as monthly lenses including detergent.

If I sum it up from the start it makes 14 years for 300 each which corresponds to a total of

Now, if I assume that I continue investing 300 each year without self healing my
nearsightedness, this means costs of 3,000 every 10 years! That is a little fortune, leaving aside
all the amenities like not having to rely on a pair of glasses! Accordingly, my budget for
necessary training or other investments is relatively large within my project.

What are the benefits?

Overall, the experiment is ideal for my personal endeavor:

Documentation of effectiveness: The development will be documented with written certificates

from the beginning until end. That way I can convince you and others of the amazing
effectiveness of the MET / EFT tapping technique and the power of the bodys self-healing
save money: let Every year you can save 300 and in the long run I will not only cover my costs
for glasses and contact lenses but I will save a lot of money, too
Improved quality of life: I hated glasses and contact lenses in the first place. This chapter will
finally be over
Proof: I will provide proof that, from my point of view, problems with vision are only a matter of
mind just as all other diseases
bigger chances of success: Due to the liability that anyone can read about my goal and progress
I am simultaneously increasing my chances of success
fun: Last but not least the entire project will make a lot of fun


First of all, I will walk around with neither glasses nor contact lenses and just see what feelings
that triggers in me. If unpleasant feelings associated with my myopia arise, I will dissolve them
instantly. As soon as I realize that something is happening, I will run to the optometrist and
document the changes in the visual acuity and post them here on the blog, of course with a more
accurate description of what has happened in the meantime.

Initially, I will try to pursue the project without any help, attempting to get rid of my
nearsightedness ALL ON MY OWN through mental work.

When I realize this is going too slow, I will take further trainings to work on the topic more
That is it for the moment. During the next weeks I will update as promised as soon as something
changes. I am always very curious about your feedback and I appreciate any kind of moral
support! Lets go!

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