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Species Based Conservation to Defend the Sumatran Rhinos

A species-based conservation is a conservation activity undertaken on the basis of certain types of

considerations within the ecosystem. This activity is more focused on the rescue of certain animals
whose status is already critical or extinct locally.

Based on information from Diah R. Sulistiowati, Forest and Species Campaign Coordinator, WWF-
Indonesia this morning, Thursday (22/9) said Low Java rhino population due to some things such as low
reproduction rate, genetic quality decline, disease threat, , competition for feeding space with other
animals (bull), potential for natural disasters, and hunting.
Where Currently Javan Rhinoceros populations totaling 63 individuals with a population of male 36 and
27 females, and only located in Ujung Kulon National Park area.

In addition, Diah explained that the condition of Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorinus sumatranus) is not as
good as his brother who lives in Java. The Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) fared better,
although today it is also faced with the problem of limited habitat extent capable of accommodating
population growth. Another problem faced is the growth of Langkap (Arenga obsitulia) which is so fast
that it keeps the rate of growth of Javan Rhino feed in their only habitat in Ujung Kulon. Based on the
latest data released by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the number of Javan rhino in its
last habitat in the National Park Ujung Kulon (TNUK) as many as 63 individuals. Meanwhile, the
Sumatran rhino is estimated to be left with fewer than 100 individuals based on experts' conclusions in
the PHVA (Population and Habitat Viability Assessment) meeting in 2015.

"To save the critically endangered Sumatran Rhino, there needs to be a species-based conservation
approach such as those in the Javan Rhinoceros," said Yuyun Kurniawan, Program Coordinator of Ujung
Kulon Project WWF-Indonesia. Yuyun continued, "Although the estimated population of the Sumatran
Rhino is relatively larger than the Javan Rhinoceros population, but its presence is scattered in small sub-
sub populations. Thus, the growth opportunities of the Sumatran Rhino population is relatively lower
compared with the Javan Rhinoceros. If proactive efforts are not made to consolidate these small sub-
populations, then the threat of local extinction of the Sumatran Rhinos is very likely to occur. "

The number of Javan Rhinoceros population in 1970 has only 47 individuals based on WWF data, then
rose to 51 individuals in 1981. In 2014 dketahui number 57 individuals, and this year a total of 63
individuals. This increasing number of individuals proves that species-based conservation efforts need to
be done also to increase the Sumatran Rhino population.

Arnold Sitompul, Conservation Director of WWF Indonesia, "Sumatran Rhino conservation efforts in
Indonesia should be done by promoting new innovations that encourage more active semi-natural
breeding program. The condition of the population in nature has been very critical therefore, habitat
protection alone is not enough to save the Sumatran Rhino ". Arnold continued, "In the meantime, for
the Javan Rhinoceros, habitat management should be done more aggressively, through control
measures that are invasive species and are already very disturbing to the rhino's natural habitat."

The Government of Indonesia proclaims a population growth target of 10% for 25 protected animals in
the period 2015 - 2019, including the Sumatran Rhinos and the Javan Rhinoceros. For the Javan
Rhinoceros, this target is almost fulfilled, unfortunately not for the Sumatran Rhinoceros, whose
population is in 1974, estimated between 400-700 individuals but in the last 10 years the rate of
population loss has reached 50 percent. Even in one of the pockets of its population in Kerinci Seblat,
the Sumatran rhino has not been recovered since 2008.

In commemoration of World Rhino Day, which falls on 22 September, WWF Indonesia held a series of
events, such as in Ujung Kulon and in Aceh. In Aceh, will hold a Global March for Rhino, around Baitul
Rahman Great Mosque, Banda Aceh.

While in Ujung Kulon, WWF will participate in a series of events organized by Balai TNUK, with the
theme "Together We Can, Save the Javan Rhino" which is centered in Taman Jaya Village, Sumur District,
Pandeglang. The event will be attended by the Pandeglang Regent, and will also be signed the
declaration "Celebrating Biodiversity". The event is an education about rhino conservation in schools
around Ujung Kulon National Park, Pandeglang City and Cikepuh Wildlife Sanctuary, Sukabumi, which
was implemented in cooperation with Ujung Kulon National Park Office, Pandeglang Local Government,
Yayasan Badak Indonesia Foundation, Yukindo, Alam Lestari Student Association (HIMALA) Mathla'ul
Anwar University, ALABAMA, AKSI, Pagar Kulon.

Conservation based on species

In conservation efforts, various approaches are undertaken to achieve these conservation goals.
Common approaches are two, namely: area-based conservation and species-based conservation. In the
choice of location to be conserved (area based conservation) which areas will be conserved, also usually
based on what kind of considerations are there in the ecosystem. In a species-based conservation
approach, various terms are used by conservasionists to create icons in promoting conservation, the
umbrella species, the flagship species and the keystone species.

Umbrella species

generally defined:
species that have widespread deployment that require many other species
species that require large areas so that this type of protection also protects other animals that also
occupy the same area.
Other description:

umbrella species auto protection will extend protection to other types such as spotted-owl and old
umbrella species are traditionally used in relatively larger animals and high-end vertebrate animals
Flagship species

It is a species chosen as ambassador, icon or symbol to define a habitat, issue, campaign or

environmental impact. By focusing and working on this type of conservation, the status of other species
occupying the same habitat or being vulnerable to the same threat will also be better. Flagship species
are usually relatively large, and charismatic in western cultures such as pandas. Rafflesia, and other
types of symbols used in symbols and so on. Flagship species may be either a keystone species, or an
indicator of either species or none.

Keystone species

Keystone species play an important role in the structure, function or productivity of the habitat or
ecosystem (habitat, soil, and seed dispenser, etc.). If the loss of this type will result in significant changes
or faulty functions that could have an effect on a larger scale. Examples include elephant roles in
maintaining habitat structure, and bats and insects in pollination. By focusing on the keystone species,
the conservation action of these species helps to protect the habitat structure and vast functions
associated with this species during its lifecycle

Another definition of a keystone species is a species that, if lost to the ecosystem, will result in great
changes to other types of populations or ecosystem processes; and which has a vital function in the

International species-based conservation

Internationally, the conservation organization is IUCN with a Species Survival Commission commission
that specializes in species-based conservation with its programs and conservation actions.

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is an institution that helps the world to address
solutions to environmental stresses in development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages
field research projects worldwide and encourages governments, NGOs, UN agencies, companies and
local communities to jointly develop and implement policies, laws and best practices. The IUCN is the
oldest and largest global environmental network-with membership of over 1000 government
organizations and NGOs and nearly 11,000 volunteer scientists from more than 160 countries.

IUCN's vision is a world that respects and conserves nature, with mission to influence, invite and help
people around the world to conserve unity and natural diversity and ensure the equitable use of
resources and ecological sustainability.

The IUCN has six commissions from various disciplines. The six commissions are
Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Commission on Environmental Law (CEL)
Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
Species Survival Commission (SSC)
SSC is a commission that engages in species-based conservation. The SSC advises on the technical
aspects of species conservation and drives action for the species.

SSC members consist of:

government employees
employees of botanical institutions and zoologists
marine biologist
conservation area managers
experts in plants, birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates
SSC members are divided into more than 100 Specialist Groups and Task Forces. Some groups deal with
conservation issues related to plants or animals, while others focus on issues with topics such as
reintroduction of species back into habitat or wildlife health problems

The Specialist Group List and its Task Force can be viewed at

In this Specialist Group will gather scientists in the field of his taxa or field respectively. These
scientists will hold annual meetings for workshops and other scientific meetings aimed at
discussing the status and conditions of and discussing what the Action Plan will do. This action
plan will be used throughout the world as a benchmark in the conservation plan to be undertaken.
For example, the IUCN Otter Specialist Group (otter specialist) has created an Otter Action Plan
document. In addition to the action plan, other guides such as maintenance guidelines (minimum
husbandry), health guides, rehabilitation guides etc.

IUCN Red List

One form of program established by the IUCN SSC is the IUCN Red List. The IUCN Redlist is a
global approach and evaluates the conservation status of plant and animal species. this status is
now used and plays an important role in the form of conservation activities undertaken by
governments, NGOs and research institutions. The purpose of the IUCN Red List is to identify
and document the species of great concern and provide a global index of the forms of
biodiversity change.

In its assessment of the condition and status of species and animals, the Red List makes and
classifies them by their status of threats and conditions. The categories are Extinct (EX), Extinct
in the Wild (EW), Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU), Near
Threatened (NT) and Least Concern (LC). For species that lack information about the condition
of the population, grouped into Data Deficient (DD), and for the types that have not been
analyzed are included in the Not Evaluated (NE) category.

redlist category
redlist category
There is a Red List status writing rule, with the numbering symbols behind the status explaining
the meaning of the condition of the population, why put in that status. His explanation of the
criteria of the IUCN Red List status category can be found at:

Examples of writing IUCN Red List status:

EX CR A1cd EN B2ab (i, ii, iii)

EN B1ac (i, ii, iii) EN A2c; D VU D1 + 2

CR A2c + 3c; B1ab (iii) CR D VU D2

EN A1c; B1ab (iii); C2a (i) EN B2b (iii) c (ii)

This year, 2010 is designated as the year of International biodiversity. To raise awareness of the
variations in the overall life of the world as well as to display a threatened species profile, IUCN
Redlist launches the IUCN Red List 'Species of the Day program. Everyday in 2010, will be
displayed different types of threatened. A list of selected types can be found at

Conservation-based species in Indonesia

The basic law of conservation in Indonesia is Law no 5 th 1990 on the Conservation of

Biological Natural Resources and its Ecosystem. In 1990 it also made the flora and fauna of the
provincial mascot through Minister of Home Affairs Decree No. 522.4 / 1458 / SJ dated June 2,
1990 on the flora and fauna of the provincial mascot. There are 27 mascots for each province.
For example the mascot of West Sumatra province is andalas (Morus macroura) for the flora and
the kuau bird (Argusianus argus) for the fauna. At that time, each district and municipal level
was also urged to establish the mascot of flora and fauna.

The formation of flora and fauna of the mascot aims:

as an effort to recognize an area is viewed from the uniqueness of a kind of plants and animals
that are native / typical in the area so that it describes the characteristics of the region.
is expected to increase the sense of belonging and instilling pride in a kind of plants and animals,
raising public awareness to play an active role in preserving its existence
as well as a means of promoting the promotion of regional tourism.
In 1993, President Soeharto published Presidential Decree no. 4 of 1993 on wildlife and national
interest. Three species of animals, each representing the land, water, and air animals, are
declared as National Animals, and subsequently confirmed its mention as follows:

Komodo (Varanus komodoensis), as a national animal;

Red Silk Fish (Sclerophages formosus), as a charm animal; and
Javanese eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi), as a rare animal.
Three types of flowers are declared as national flowers, and subsequently confirmed the mention
of it as follows:

Jasmine (Jasminum sambac), as puspa nation;

Orchids of the moon (Palaenopsis amabilis), as puspa charm; and
Padma Giant (Rafflesia arnoldi), as a rare puspa.
In 1999, the government made PP no 7 on the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species and
made a list of protected biological species. This Regulation can be downloaded on the official
website of the Ministry of Forestry (or from the Downloads page on this blog)

In 2003, Indonesia made its long-term plans for dealing with biodiversity issues by drafting the
Indonesia Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2003-2020. With the completion of
this document, in 2007, Indonesia developed an Action Plan for some of the flagship species of
animals that often become symbols and references in conservation activities in Indonesia. The
animals are orangutans, tigers, rhinos, elephants, Javan hawks. This document is prepared as a
guideline for conservation activities in effect until 2017.

Usaha konservasi mahluk hidup

menggunakan berbagai pendekatan.
Salah satunya adalah konservasi
berbasis spesies. Spesies adalah
sekelompok individu yang berpotensi
untuk bereproduksi dalam satu kelompok
dan tidak mampu bereproduksi dengan
kelompok lain (definisi secara biologis).
Definisi lain spesies adalah sekelompok
individuyang mempunyai karakter
morfologi, fisiologi atau biokimia berbeda
dengan kelompok lain (definisi secara
Secara konseptual, biologis, dan
hukum, spesies merupakan fokus utama
dalam konservasi. Konservasi berbasis
spesies dapat dilakukan pada empat
kelompok fokus atau prioritas yaitu
umberella species, flagship species dan
keystone species dan foot print impacted
species. Konservasi berbasis spesies
diantaranya berupaya melindungi
spesies terancam punah dan spesies
yang berperan penting dalam rantai
makanan. Pendekatan spesies juga
dapat melindungi spesies yang
berkontribusi menjaga stabilitas
ekosistem dan regenerasi habitat;
spesies yang mewakili kebutuhan
konservasi dalam skala luas; dan spesies
bernilai penting bagi manusia. Dengan
memfokuskan pada kelompok spesies
tersebut, secara langsung melindungi
spesies penting lain, baik yang hidup
pada habitat yang sama maupun yang
mengalami ancaman serupa.

Conservation of living things

using various approaches.
One of them is conservation
based on species. Species are
a group of potential individuals
to reproduce in one group
and not able to reproduce with
other groups (biological definition).
Another definition of a species is a group
individuals who have characters
different morphology, physiology or biochemistry
with other groups (definition by
Conceptually, biologically, and
law, the species is the main focus
in conservation. Conservation-based
species can be done on four
focus groups or priorities ie
umberella species, flagship species and
keystone species and foot print impacted
species. Species-based conservation
such as trying to protect
endangered species and species
which plays an important role in the chain
food. The species approach as well
can protect that species
contribute to maintaining stability
ecosystem and habitat regeneration;
species that represent needs
conservation on a wide scale; and species
valuable to human beings. With
focusing on groups of species
it, directly protects
another important species, both living
in the same habitat as well as ones
experiencing similar threats.

IUCN SSC adalah lembaga

internasional yang bergerak dalam
k ons erv as i k hus usm ena ng a ni
konservasi spesies (International Union
for Conservation of Nature) (Species
Survival Commission). Lembaga ini
membantu dunia untuk menemukan
solusi terhadap tekanan lingkungan
dalam tantangan pembangunan. IUCN
mendukung penelitian ilmiah, mengelola
proyek penelitian lapangan di seluruh
dunia dan mengajak pemerinthan, LSM,
agensi PBB, perusahan dan komunitas
lokal bersama-sama mengembangkan
dan mengimplementasikan kebijakan,
hukum dan cara terbaik. Salah satu
bentuk program yang dibentuk oleh IUCN
SSC adalah IUCN Red List yaitu
pendekatan global dan mengevaluasi
status konservasi dari jenis tumbuhan
dan hewan. Status ini digunakan dan
berperan penting dalam bentuk aktifitas
konservasi yang dilakukan oleh
pemerintahan, LSM dan lembaga
penelitian. Tujuan dari IUCN Red List ini
adalah untuk mengidentifkasi dan
mendokumentasikan spesies yang
s angat butuh perhatian s erta
menyediakan indeks global dari bentuk
perubahan keanekaragaman hayati.
Dalam penilaiannya terhadap
kondisi dan status jenis hewan dan
tumbuhan, Red List membuat dan
mengelompokkan berdasarkan status
keterancaman dan kondisinya yaitu CR
(Critically Endangered) atau Kritis, EN
(Endangered) atau Genting, VU
(Vulnerable) atau Rentan, LR (Lower
Risk) atau Resiko Rendah, DD (Data
Deficient) atau Kurang Data dan Not
Evaluated (NE).
Secara nasional kita telah membuat
rencana jangka panjangnya dalam
menghadapi persoalan keanekaragaman
hayati yaitu dengan menyusun dokumen
Strategi dan Rencana Aksi
Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia/
IBSAP (Indonesia Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plan) 2003-2020. Melalui
dokumen ini, maka pada 2007 Indonesia
membuat Rencana Aksi (Action Plan)
untuk beberapa hewan flagship
species yang sering menjadi simbol dan
acuan di dalam kegiatan konservasi di
Indonesia. Indonesia juga menentukan
spesies prioritas konservasi berdasarkan
kriteria dan indikator tertentu.

IUCN SSC is an institution

internationally engaged
conservation special handle
conservation of species (International Union
for Conservation of Nature) (Species
Survival Commission). This institution
help the world to find
solution to environmental stress
in development challenges. IUCN
supporting scientific research, managing
field research projects around the world and invites government, NGOs,
UN agencies, companies and communities
locally jointly develop
and implementing policies,
laws and the best way. One of
form of program established by IUCN
SSC is the IUCN Red List ie
global approach and evaluate
conservation status of the plant species
and animals. This status is used and
play an important role in the form of activities
conservation done by
government, NGOs and institutions
research. The purpose of this IUCN Red List
is to identify and
documenting that species
s angat need attention s erta
provides a global index of the form
changes in biodiversity.
In his judgment against
condition and status of animal species and
plants, the Red List makes and
group by status
its vulnerability and its condition is CR
(Critically Endangered) or Critical, EN
(Endangered) or Genting, VU
(Vulnerable) or Vulnerable, LR (Lower
Risk) or Low Risk, DD (Data
Deficient) or Less Data and Not
Evaluated (NE).
Nationally we have made
long term plan within
facing the problem of diversity
biology is by compiling the document
Strategies and Action Plans
Indonesia's Biodiversity /
IBSAP (Indonesia Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plan) 2003-2020. Through
this document, then in 2007 Indonesia
create an Action Plan
for some flagship animals
species that often become symbols and
reference in conservation activities at
Indonesia. Indonesia also determines
based conservation priority species
certain criteria and indicators.

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