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Data sheet 100A


Liquid mass water repellent for concrete

HYDROFUGE SIKA LIQUIDE is a white liquid additive that is mixed with concrete
simultaneously with water.

General characteristics
HYDROFUGE SIKA LIQUIDE combines with cement lime to form complementary crystals
that plug the mortar capillaries and make it impervious to water.
HYDROFUGE SIKA LIQUIDE is guaranteed to be chlorine-free. It does not noticeably affect
the concrete setting and mechanical strength.

Waterproof mass-concrete: foundations, sole plates, and reservoirs
Concrete resistant to attack of selenium water, sea water, industrial water or pure water.

Ph and Ch (and mechanical) characteristics

Aqueous solution
Density: 1,02 +/- 0,01
pH: 8 +/- 1,5
Chloride ion content: < 0,1 %
Na2O content equiv.: < 0,1 %

5-l can.

Storage and shelf-life

For the product to remain fluid and to ease its application using dosage devices, it is
recommended to store it at a temperature < 30C. Avoid direct exposure of packages to sun
The product stored in an unopened packaging has a one-year shelf-life.

Recommended operating range
From 0,7 to 2 % of cement by weight (i.e. 0,68 to 1,96 litre / 100 kg of cement).

Article No.
Concretes to be made mass-watertight shall be added with a HYDROFUGE SIKA LIQUIDE type liquid
water-repellent admixture. The product shall be used according to the manufacturers prescriptions.


Directions for use

HYDROFUGE SIKA LIQUIDE is added into the mixer simultaneously with the mixing water

Important considerations
Non-hazardous handling.
In case of contact with the skin, a simple washing will be sufficient.
Consult data sheet on Minitel 3613, code SIKASECUR or on Internet
(free service).

This english version is a translation of the reference french data sheet

Product for strictly professional use only. The information, and, in particular, the arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever,
The product described in this data sheet is covered recommandations relating to the application and can be inferred either from this information, or
under the manufacturers product liability policy.
end-use of SIKA products, are given in good from any written recommendations, or from any
faith based on SIKAs current knowledge and other advice offered. The proprietary rights of
experience of the products when properly stored, third parties must be observed. All orders are
handled and applied under normal conditions. accepted subject to our current terms of sale
In practice, the differences in materials, and delivery. Users should always refer to the
SIKA S.A. : Export Department substrates and actual site conditions are such most recent issue of the french version of the
1 0 1 , r u e d e T o l b i a c
75654 PARIS Cedex 13 - France that no warranty in respect of merchantability or Technical Data Sheet for the produt concerned,
Tl.: +33 1 53 79 79 60 - Fax : +33 1 53 79 79 69 of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability copies of which will be supplied on request.

Version 1 - April 2001. 2

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