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Technology and Operations Management

Week 1 SWOT Analysis of Lockheed Martin Corporation

Internal External
Strengths Opportunities
Depends vigorously on cooperation, May be too extensive an organization
genuineness, and dependability. to recall what may should be done in
financial harsh circumstances.
Can depend on different nations for
monetary advantage. Not a substantial customer, other than
Have the budgetary resources that
more current organisations don't need Manages low value spending plans.
to fall back on.

Is as of now an outstanding and trusted

organization it is set up

Government backing, 82% of LM's

agreements originated from the US

Has an immense portfolio including 4

unique areas e.g., Defence, Space,
Radar & Technology.

Weaknesses Threats
Has more open doors because of the Global choices on exchange
way that they have a wide customer boundaries.
Decrease of barrier spending in 2015
Rising barrier requirements for nations
from psychological militants dangers, Competition for other driving makers
and so forth.
Government directing innovation and
Barrier spending for nations. security.

2012 Laureate Education, Inc. 1

Strength: As the world's biggest defence organization, Lockheed Martin has the size
and expansiveness to be a to a great degree solid contender. Its ability in frameworks
joining, space, data innovation and air ship additionally give it impressive potential in
uniting the frameworks of frameworks capacities to which major U.S. prime contractual
workers now yearn. Lockheed Martin has a solid notoriety for innovative mastery. The
organization likewise has enormous quality as the U.S. government's biggest data
innovation supplier. Lockheed Martin has an unrivaled position in battle flying machine,
giving the possibility to rule future contender generation around the world. As the prime
contractual worker for the F-16 contender, the F-22 warrior and the F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter Lockheed Martin has the head arrangement of contender programs.

Weaknesses: Lockheed Martin is intensely dependent on US government deals, which

will be underweight in coming a very long time because of the US monetary deficiency.
Also, it is dependent on huge, high esteem projects, for example, the F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter, like other space organizations, Lockheed Martin's business dispatch and
satellite operations are enduring, however its military space business has additionally
been hit by weight on unpredictable, expensive projects.

Opportunities: Lockheed Martin can forcefully diminish the cost of the F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter, it could have an item that would command world contender markets. Global
deals are developing, achieving 20% of offers in 2014, up from 14% of every 2009. The
organization has solid request abroad for items in air transportation and rocket
protection deals to 25% of its aggregate incomes inside the following quite a long while.
Lockheed Martin is very much situated in the government data innovation division,
which should profit by various patterns including the war on dread, more noteworthy
outsourcing, and a statistic move in the elected workforce.

Threats: Lockheed Martin confronts a harder US acquirement condition that guarantees

to hurt overall revenues in coming years. Specifically, endeavors to move more hazard
to temporary workers could hurt, especially in the F-35 program.

Should the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter not meet weight, execution and cost objectives, this
could represent a major issue for the enterprise by under-mining US and global help for
the program. Rivalry in the barrier advertise is exceptional e.g. Raytheon Corp.

In space, Lockheed Martin confronts new rivalry in space dispatch from SpaceX, which
is putting forth dispatches at a small amount of the value Lockheed Martin's United
Launch Alliance joint wander with Boeing offers.

2012 Laureate Education, Inc. 2

Strategy of Lockheed Martin Corporation: It is attempting to guard extensive warrior
and transport flying machine projects, for example, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the
C-130 transport by performing admirably on its agreements while winning major new
projects, for example, the cutting edge aircraft (collaborated with Boeing) and the Joint
Light Tactical Vehicle.

Acquisitions will be little, specially acquisitions, and in data innovation and frameworks
joining while the organization looks to build money come back to investors through
higher profits and stock repurchases.

Its inheritance goes back to the 1909 making of an organization by Glenn Martin that
fabricated flying machine for the U.S. military and business clients. Allan and Malcolm
Lockheed started constructing flying machine in 1913, in this manner making a
partnership with the marginally modified name of Lockheed. Altogether, the cutting-edge
Lockheed Martin united many diverse organizations to make what is presently the
world's biggest safeguard organization.

- Rohan Chandra

- Aerospace + Avionics (3rd Year)

- R890215040

- 500045515

2012 Laureate Education, Inc. 3

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