Great Expectations Test

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1 Read the text about Charles Dickens life. Find and circle 8 mistakes, then correct them.
Dickens was born in Scotland. He had a sad childhood until he was 12, when his father was imprisoned for
murder and Dickens was sent to work in a blacking factory. Dickens received a good education due to his
familys wealth. He never lived and worked in London. He got a job as a Parliamentary clerk. He visited many
countries, and in the USA he gave public readings of his novels, without great success.
score ........ /8

2 Choose the best answer: a, b or c.

1. Who is Pips tutor in London?
a. Mr Jaggers b. Estella c. Matthew Pocket
2. Whom does Pip suspect of being his secret benefactor?
a. Herbert Pocket b. Miss Havisham c. Drummle
3. Who is proud and beautiful?
a. Estella b. Miss Havisham c. Mrs Joe Gargery
4. Where does Pip first meet Magwitch?
a. At the theatre. b. In the churchyard. c. At the market.
5. Whom does Estella marry?
a. Matthew Pocket b. Mr Jaggers c. Drummle
6. Where does Estella live when she is abroad?
a. In France. b. In Germany. c. In Spain.
7. Who takes credit for Pips climb in social status?
a. Compeyson b. Magwitch c. Pemble Chook
8. At the end of the novel, what happens to Compeyson?
a. He goes to live in France.
b. He disappears and is thought to be drowned.
c. He opens a brewery.
score ......... /8

3 Answer the following questions.

1. Why does Abel Magwitch give his money to Pip?
2. What kind of life does the rich Pip lead in London?
3. How does Pip feel when he learns that his benefactor is the convict Magwitch?
4. What is Pips ambition in the novel?
5. What does Miss Havisham do before she dies?
score ......... /10

Materiale fotocopiabile 2017 Liberty 71

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4 Choose the best words to complete the following text about Great Expectations.
The novel deals with the themes of imprisonment and individual 1 resurrection / redemption. Pip grows up in
extremely difficult 2 conditions / problems, passing through negative experiences that often reflect Dickens
3novels / life. Pip would like to become a 4 lawyer / gentleman and make money but his ambition will not be
5performed / fulfilled. Pips life is marked by hopes and 6 failures / money, until he goes back to 7 paid / honest
work. The word expectations refers to Pips wishes for self-improvement, which was a typical Victorian 8 value/
score ........ /8

5 In the novel Dickens shows that possessions and wealth do not change who people are on the inside.
Write a personal comment about the story (max. 100 words).

score ......... /16

Materiale fotocopiabile 2017 Liberty 72 Total score ........./50

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